HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190827 Ver 1_Southdock Project Special Provisions_20190619Southdock Seawall Hyde County Project Special Provisions Structures Table of Contents Special Provision Scope of Work Page 2 Securing of Vessels (10-12-01) 2 Falsework and Formwork (04-05-12) 3 Submittal of Working Drawings (06-12-17) 9 Crane Safety (08/15/05) 15 Grout for Structures (09-30-11) 16 Partial Removal of Existing Structure (SPECIAL) 17 Reinforced Concrete Seawall Cap (SPECIAL) 17 Galvanized Steel Tie Rods (SPECIAL) 18 1 SCOPE OF WORK The work shall consist of furnishing all labor, equipment, and materials to install approximately 1000 linear feet of anchored steel sheet pile seawall and reinforced concrete seawall cap. The steel sheet piles will be procured and provided by the NCDOT to include the specified protective coating. Work will be performed at the following location: • NC 12 (Irvin Garrish Hwy) on Ocracoke Island, Northwest corner of the Southdock Ferry Terminal site. The northern shoreline of the Southdock Ferry Terminal site is actively scouring and requires stabilizing before the paved stacking lanes and protective dunes are destroyed. The seawall will be installed in front of an existing steel sheet pile seawall on the south side of the site within the active Ferry Basin and then wrap around to the north side running parallel to Hatteras Inlet. The Basin and Inlet seawalls will be anchored together with galvanized tie rods and reinforced concrete caps that serve as wales. The site will require excavation and earthwork to install the tie rods and reinforced concrete seawall cap. The existing seawall on the Basin side requires partial demolition to allow installation of the new seawall. A grout closure column shall be installed at the south intersection of the new and existing seawalls to provide positive closure and prevent loss of fill material. Sand fill shall be placed between the new and existing steel sheet piles. The Inlet seawall will extend along the north side of the Ferry Terminal peninsula and partially extend around the north end of the vehicular stacking lanes. The seawall at the stacking lanes will be anchored back to a buried steel sheet pile deadman with a galvanized double steel channel wale assembly. After complete installation of the seawall the site shall be filled and regraded with sand to match the existing dune elevations. SECURING OF VESSELS (10-12-01) Secure vessels in accordance with Section 107 of the Standard Specifications and the following provision. When utilizing barges, tugboats or other vessels, take all necessary precautions to ensure that such vessels are securely anchored or moored when not in active operation. Take all necessary measures to ensure that the vessels are operated in a manner that avoids damage to or unnecessary contact with bridges and other highway structures and attachments. If severe Pa weather conditions are anticipated, or should be anticipated through reasonable monitoring of weather forecasts, take additional measures to protect bridges and other highway structures and attachments from extreme conditions. The Contractor is strictly liable for damages to any bridge or other highway structure or attachment caused by a vessel owned or controlled by the Contractor. The Contractor is also liable to third parties for property damages and loss of revenue caused by vessels under the Contractor's control. FALSEWORK AND FORMWORK 1.0 DESCRIPTION (4-5-12) Use this Special Provision as a guide to develop temporary works submittals required by the Standard Specifications or other provisions; no additional submittals are required herein. Such temporary works include, but are not limited to, falsework and formwork. Falsework is any temporary construction used to support the permanent structure until it becomes self-supporting. Formwork is the temporary structure or mold used to retain plastic or fluid concrete in its designated shape until it hardens. Access scaffolding is a temporary structure that functions as a work platform that supports construction personnel, materials, and tools, but is not intended to support the structure. Scaffolding systems that are used to temporarily support permanent structures (as opposed to functioning as work platforms) are considered to be falsework under the definitions given. Shoring is a component of falsework such as horizontal, vertical, or inclined support members. Where the term "temporary works" is used, it includes all of the temporary facilities used in bridge construction that do not become part of the permanent structure. Design and construct safe and adequate temporary works that will support all loads imposed and provide the necessary rigidity to achieve the lines and grades shown on the plans in the final structure. 2.0 MATERIALS Select materials suitable for temporary works; however, select materials that also ensure the safety and quality required by the design assumptions. The Engineer has authority to reject material on the basis of its condition, inappropriate use, safety, or nonconformance with the plans. Clearly identify allowable loads or stresses for all materials or manufactured devices on the plans. Revise the plan and notify the Engineer if any change to materials or material strengths is required. 3.0 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. Working Drawings Provide working drawings for items as specified in the contract, or as required by the Engineer, with design calculations and supporting data in sufficient detail to permit a structural and safety review of the proposed design of the temporary work. 3 On the drawings, show all information necessary to allow the design of any component to be checked independently as determined by the Engineer. When concrete placement is involved, include data such as the drawings of proposed sequence, rate of placement, direction of placement, and location of all construction joints. Submit the number of copies as called for by the contract. When required, have the drawings and calculations prepared under the guidance of, and sealed by, a North Carolina Registered Professional Engineer who is knowledgeable in temporary works design. If requested by the Engineer, submit with the working drawings manufacturer's catalog data listing the weight of all construction equipment that will be supported on the temporary work. Show anticipated total settlements and/or deflections of falsework and forms on the working drawings. Include falsework footing settlements, joint take- up, and deflection of beams or girders. As an option for the Contractor, overhang falsework hangers may be uniformly spaced, at a maximum of 36 inches, provided the following conditions are met: Member Member Max. Overhang Max. Slab Edge Max. Screed Bracket Min. Vertical Leg Type Depth, Width, Thickness, Wheel Weight, Extension, (PCG) (inches) (inches) (inches) (lbs.) inches II 36 39 14 2000 26 III 45 42 14 2000 35 IV 54 45 14 2000 44 MBT 63 51 12 2000 50 MBT 72 55 12 1700 48 Overhang width is measured from the centerline of the girder to the edge of the deck slab. For Type II, III & IV prestressed concrete girders (PCG), 45-degree cast -in -place half hangers and rods must have a minimum safe working load of 6,000 lbs. For MBT prestressed concrete girders, 45-degree angle holes for falsework hanger rods shall be cast through the girder top flange and located, measuring along the top of the member, V-2 1/z" from the edge of the top flange. Hanger hardware and rods must have a minimum safe working load of 6,000 lbs. The overhang bracket provided for the diagonal leg shall have a minimum safe working load of 3,750 lbs. The vertical leg of the bracket shall extend to the point that the heel bears on the girder bottom flange, no closer than 4 inches from the bottom of the member. However, for 72-inch members, the heel of the bracket shall bear on the web, near the bottom flange transition. Provide adequate overhang falsework and determine the appropriate adjustments for deck geometry, equipment, casting procedures and casting conditions. C! If the optional overhang falsework spacing is used, indicate this on the falsework submittal and advise the girder producer of the proposed details. Failure to notify the Engineer of hanger type and hanger spacing on prestressed concrete girder casting drawings may delay the approval of those drawings. Falsework hangers that support concentrated loads and are installed at the edge of thin top flange concrete girders (such as bulb tee girders) shall be spaced so as not to exceed 75% of the manufacturer's stated safe working load. Use of dual leg hangers (such as Meadow Burke HF-42 and HF-43) are not allowed on concrete girders with thin top flanges. Design the falsework and forms supporting deck slabs and overhangs on girder bridges so that there will be no differential settlement between the girders and the deck forms during placement of deck concrete. When staged construction of the bridge deck is required, detail falsework and forms for screed and fluid concrete loads to be independent of any previous deck pour components when the mid -span girder deflection due to deck weight is greater than 3/4". Note on the working drawings any anchorages, connectors, inserts, steel sleeves or other such devices used as part of the falsework or formwork that remains in the permanent structure. If the plan notes indicate that the structure contains the necessary corrosion protection required for a Corrosive Site, epoxy coat, galvanize or metalize these devices. Electroplating will not be allowed. Any coating required by the Engineer will be considered incidental to the various pay items requiring temporary works. Wi Design falsework and formwork requiring submittals in accordance with the 1995 AASHTO Guide Design Specifications for Bridge Temporary Works except as noted herein. 1. Wind Loads Table 2.2 of Article is modified to include wind velocities up to 110 mph. In addition, Table 2.2A is included to provide the maximum wind speeds by county in North Carolina. Table 2.2 - Wind Pressure Values Height Zone feet above ground Pressure, lb/ft2 for Indicated Wind Velocity, mph 70 80 90 100 110 0 to 30 15 20 25 30 35 30 to 50 20 25 30 35 40 50 to 100 25 30 35 40 45 over 100 30 35 40 45 50 2. Time of Removal The following requirements replace those of Article Do not remove forms until the concrete has attained strengths required in Article 420-16 of the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions. Do not remove forms until the concrete has sufficient strength to prevent damage to the surface. Cel Table 2.2A - Steady State Maximum Wind Speeds by Counties in North Carolina COUNTY 25 YR (mph) COUNTY 25 YR (mph) COUNTY 25 YR (mph) Alamance 70 Franklin 70 Pamlico 100 Alexander 70 Gaston 70 Pasquotank 100 Alleghany 70 Gates 90 Pender 100 Anson 70 Graham 80 Perquimans 100 Ashe 70 Granville 70 Person 70 Avery 70 Greene 80 Pitt 90 Beaufort 100 Guilford 70 Polk 80 Bertie 90 Halifax 80 Randolph 70 Bladen 90 Harnett 70 Richmond 70 Brunswick 100 Haywood 80 Robeson 80 Buncombe 80 Henderson 80 Rockingham 70 Burke 70 Hertford 90 Rowan 70 Cabarrus 70 Hoke 70 Rutherford 70 Caldwell 70 Hyde 110 Sampson 90 Camden 100 Iredell 70 Scotland 70 Carteret 110 Jackson 80 Stanley 70 Caswell 70 Johnston 80 Stokes 70 Catawba 70 Jones 100 Surry 70 Cherokee 80 Lee 70 Swain 80 Chatham 70 Lenoir 90 Transylvania 80 Chowan 90 Lincoln 70 Tyrell 100 Clay 80 Macon 80 Union 70 Cleveland 70 Madison 80 Vance 70 Columbus 90 Martin 90 Wake 70 Craven 100 McDowell 70 Warren 70 Cumberland 80 Mecklenburg 70 Washington 100 Currituck 100 Mitchell 70 Watauga 70 Dare 110 Montgomery 70 Wayne 80 Davidson 70 Moore 70 Wilkes 70 Davie 70 Nash 80 Wilson 80 Duplin 90 New Hanover 100 Yadkin 70 Durham 70 Northampton 80 Yancey 70 Edgecombe 80 Onslow 100 Forsyth 70 Orange 70 B. Review and Approval The Engineer is responsible for the review and approval of temporary works' drawings. Submit the working drawings sufficiently in advance of proposed use to allow for their review, revision (if needed), and approval without delay to the work. The time period for review of the working drawings does not begin until complete drawings and design calculations, when required, are received by the Engineer. Do not start construction of any temporary work for which working drawings are required until the drawings have been approved. Such approval does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for the accuracy and adequacy of the working drawings. 4.0 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS All requirements of Section 420 of the Standard Specifications apply. Construct temporary works in conformance with the approved working drawings. Ensure that the quality of materials and workmanship employed is consistent with that assumed in the design of the temporary works. Do not weld falsework members to any portion of the permanent structure unless approved. Show any welding to the permanent structure on the approved construction drawings. Provide tell -tales attached to the forms and extending to the ground, or other means, for accurate measurement of falsework settlement. Make sure that the anticipated compressive settlement and/or deflection of falsework does not exceed 1 inch. For cast -in -place concrete structures, make sure that the calculated deflection of falsework flexural members does not exceed 1/240 of their span regardless of whether or not the deflection is compensated by camber strips. A. Maintenance and Inspection Inspect and maintain the temporary work in an acceptable condition throughout the period of its use. Certify that the manufactured devices have been maintained in a condition to allow them to safely carry their rated loads. Clearly mark each piece so that its capacity can be readily determined at the job site. Perform an in-depth inspection of an applicable portion(s) of the temporary works, in the presence of the Engineer, not more than 24 hours prior to the beginning of each concrete placement. Inspect other temporary works at least once a month to ensure that they are functioning properly. Have a North Carolina Registered Professional Engineer inspect the cofferdams, shoring, sheathing, support of excavation structures, and support systems for load tests prior to loading. r-i B. Foundations Determine the safe bearing capacity of the foundation material on which the supports for temporary works rest. If required by the Engineer, conduct load tests to verify proposed bearing capacity values that are marginal or in other high -risk situations. The use of the foundation support values shown on the contract plans of the permanent structure is permitted if the foundations are on the same level and on the same soil as those of the permanent structure. Allow for adequate site drainage or soil protection to prevent soil saturation and washout of the soil supporting the temporary works supports. If piles are used, the estimation of capacities and later confirmation during construction using standard procedures based on the driving characteristics of the pile is permitted. If preferred, use load tests to confirm the estimated capacities; or, if required by the Engineer conduct load tests to verify bearing capacity values that are marginal or in other high risk situations. The Engineer reviews and approves the proposed pile and soil bearing capacities. 5.0 REMOVAL Unless otherwise permitted, remove and keep all temporary works upon completion of the work. Do not disturb or otherwise damage the finished work. Remove temporary works in conformance with the contract documents. Remove them in such a manner as to permit the structure to uniformly and gradually take the stresses due to its own weight. 6.0 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT Unless otherwise specified, temporary works will not be directly measured. 7.0 BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment at the contract unit prices for the various pay items requiring temporary works will be full compensation for the above falsework and formwork. SUBMITTAL OF WORKING DRAWINGS 8.0 GENERAL (6-28-17) Submit working drawings in accordance with Article 105-2 of the Standard Specifications and this provision. For this provision, "submittals" refers to only those listed in this provision. The list of submittals contained herein does not represent a list of required submittals for the project. Submittals are only necessary for those items as required by the contract. Make submittals that are not specifically noted in this provision directly to the E Engineer. Either the Structures Management Unit or the Geotechnical Engineering Unit or both units will jointly review submittals. If a submittal contains variations from plan details or specifications or significantly affects project cost, field construction or operations, discuss the submittal with and submit all copies to the Engineer. State the reason for the proposed variation in the submittal. To minimize review time, make sure all submittals are complete when initially submitted. Provide a contact name and information with each submittal. Direct any questions regarding submittal requirements to the Engineer, Structures Management Unit contacts or the Geotechnical Engineering Unit contacts noted below. In order to facilitate in -plant inspection by NCDOT and approval of working drawings, provide the name, address and telephone number of the facility where fabrication will actually be done if different than shown on the title block of the submitted working drawings. This includes, but is not limited to, precast concrete items, prestressed concrete items and fabricated steel or aluminum items. 9.0 ADDRESSES AND CONTACTS For submittals to the Structures Management Unit, use the following addresses: Via US mail: Mr. B. C. Hanks, P. E. State Structures Engineer North Carolina Department of Transportation Structures Management Unit 1581 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1581 Attention: Mr. J. L. Bolden, P. E. Submittals may also be made via email. Send submittals to: jlbolden(&,,ncdot.gov (James Bolden) Via other delivery service: Mr. B. C. Hanks, P. E. State Structures Engineer North Carolina Department of Transportation Structures Management Unit 1000 Birch Ridge Drive Raleigh, NC 27610 Attention: Mr. J. L. Bolden, P. E. Send an additional e-copy of the submittal to the following address: eomile(a�ncdot. gov mrorienncdot. gov (Emmanuel Omile) (Madonna Rorie) For submittals to the Geotechnical Engineering Unit, use the following addresses: For projects in Divisions 1-7, use the following Eastern Regional Office address: Via US mail: Mr. Chris Kreider, P. E. Eastern Regional Geotechnical Manager North Carolina Department [0] Via other delivery service: Mr. Chris Kreider, P. E. Eastern Regional Geotechnical Manager North Carolina Department of Transportation Geotechnical Engineering Unit Eastern Regional Office 1570 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1570 of Transportation Geotechnical Engineering Unit Eastern Regional Office 3301 Jones Sausage Road, Suite 100 Garner, NC 27529 Via Email: EastGeotechnicalSubmittalnncdot.gov For projects in Divisions 8-14, use the following Western Regional Office address: Via US mail or other delivery service: Mr. Eric Williams, P. E. Western Regional Geotechnical Manager North Carolina Department of Transportation Geotechnical Engineering Unit Western Regional Office 5253 Z Max Boulevard Harrisburg, NC 28075 Via Email: WestGeotechnicalSubmittal(a=,ncdot.gov The status of the review of structure -related submittals sent to the Structures Management Unit can be viewed from the Unit's website, via the "Drawing Submittal Status" link. The status of the review of geotechnical-related submittals sent to the Geotechnical Engineering Unit can be viewed from the Unit's website, via the "Geotechnical Construction Submittals" link. Direct any questions concerning submittal review status, review comments or drawing markups to the following contacts: Primary Structures Contact: James Bolden (919) 707 — 6408 (919) 250 — 4082 facsimile i lboldennncdot. Gov Secondary Structures Contacts: Emmanuel Omile (919) 707 — 6451 Madonna Rorie (919) 707 — 6508 Eastern Regional Geotechnical Contact (Divisions 1-7): Chris Kreider (919) 662 — 4710 ckreiderAncdot. gov 11 Western Regional Geotechnical Contact (Divisions 8-14): Eric Williams (704) 455 — 8902 ewilliams3 kncdot. gov 10.0 SUBMITTAL COPIES Furnish one complete copy of each submittal, including all attachments, to the Engineer. At the same time, submit the number of hard copies shown below of the same complete submittal directly to the Structures Management Unit and/or the Geotechnical Engineering Unit. The first table below covers "Structure Submittals". The Engineer will receive review comments and drawing markups for these submittals from the Structures Management Unit. The second table in this section covers "Geotechnical Submittals". The Engineer will receive review comments and drawing markups for these submittals from the Geotechnical Engineering Unit. Unless otherwise required, submit one set of supporting calculations to either the Structures Management Unit or the Geotechnical Engineering Unit unless both units require submittal copies in which case submit a set of supporting calculations to each unit. Provide additional copies of any submittal as directed. STRUCTURE SUBMITTALS Copies Copies Required by Required by Structures Geotechnical Management Engineering Contract Reference Submittal Unit Unit Requiring Submittal 1 Arch Culvert Falsework 5 0 Plan Note, SN Sheet & "Falsework and Formwork" Box Culvert Falsework 7 5 0 Plan Note, SN Sheet & "Falsework and Formwork" Cofferdams 6 2 Article 410-4 Foam Joint Seals 6 9 0 "Foam Joint Seals" Expansion Joint Seals (hold down plate type with base 9 0 "Expansion Joint Seals" angle) Expansion Joint Seals 2 then 9 0 "Modular Expansion Joint (modular) Seals" 12 Expansion Joint Seals 9 0 "Strip Seals" (strip seals) Falsework & Forms 2 Article 420-3 & "Falsework (substructure) 8 0 and Formwork" Falsework & Forms 8 0 Article 420-3 & "Falsework (superstructure) and Formwork" Girder Erection over Railroad 5 0 Railroad Provisions Maintenance and Protection of "Maintenance and Traffic Beneath Proposed g 0 Protection of Traffic Structure Beneath Proposed Structure at Station „ Metal Bridge Railing 8 0 Plan Note Metal Stay -in -Place Forms 8 0 Article 420-3 Metalwork for Elastomeric Bearings 4,5 7 0 Article 1072-8 Miscellaneous Metalwork 4,5 7 0 Article 1072-8 Disc Bearings 4 8 0 "Disc Bearings" Overhead and Digital Message Signs (DMS) (metalwork and 13 0 Applicable Provisions foundations) Placement of Equipment on 7 0 Article 420-20 Structures (cranes, etc.) 2 then "Optional Precast Precast Concrete Box Culverts 1 reproducible 0 Reinforced Concrete Box " Culvert at Station Prestressed Concrete Cored Slab (detensioning sequences) 3 6 0 Article 1078-11 Prestressed Concrete Deck Panels 6 and 1 reproducible 0 Article 420-3 Prestressed Concrete Girder Articles 1078-8 and 1078- (strand elongation and 6 0 11 detensioning sequences) Removal of Existing Structure 5 0 Railroad Provisions over Railroad 13 Revised Bridge Deck Plans 2, then 0 Article 420-3 (adaptation to prestressed deck 1 reproducible panels) Revised Bridge Deck Plans 2 then "Modular Expansion Joint (adaptation to modular 1 reproducible 0 Seals" expansion joint seals) Sound Barrier Wall (precast 10 0 Article 1077-2 & items) "Sound Barrier Wall" Sound Barrier Wall Steel Article 1072-8 & Fabrication Plans 5 7 0 "Sound Barrier Wall" Structural Steel 4 2, then 7 0 Article 1072-8 Article 400-3 & "Construction, Temporary Detour Structures 10 2 Maintenance and Removal of Temporary Structure at Station " TFE Expansion Bearings 4 8 0 Article 1072-8 FOOTNOTES 1. References are provided to help locate the part of the contract where the submittals are required. References in quotes refer to the provision by that name. Articles refer to the Standard Specifications. 2. Submittals for these items are necessary only when required by a note on plans. 3. Submittals for these items may not be required. A list of pre -approved sequences is available from the producer or the Materials & Tests Unit. 4. The fabricator may submit these items directly to the Structures Management Unit. 5. The two sets of preliminary submittals required by Article 1072-8 of the Standard Specifications are not required for these items. 6. Submittals for Fabrication Drawings are not required. Submittals for Catalogue Cuts of Proposed Material are required. See Section 5.A of the referenced provision. 7. Submittals are necessary only when the top slab thickness is 18" or greater. GEOTECHNICAL SUBMITTALS Copies Copies Required by Required by Geotechnical Structures Engineering Management Contract Reference Submittal Unit Unit Requiring Submittal 1 Drilled Pier Construction Plans 2 1 0 Subarticle 411-3(A) 14 Crosshole Sonic Logging (CSL) Reports 2 Pile Driving Equipment Data Forms 2'3 Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA) Reports 2 Retaining Walls 4 Temporary Shoring 4 FOOTNOTES 1 0 Subarticle 411-5(A)(2) 1 0 Subarticle 450-3(D)(2) 1 0 Subarticle 450-3(F)(3) 1 drawings, 2 drawings Applicable Provisions 1 calculations "Temporary Shoring" & 1 drawings, 2 drawings "Temporary Soil Nail 1 calculations Walls" 1. References are provided to help locate the part of the contract where the submittals are required. References in quotes refer to the provision by that name. Subarticles refer to the Standard Specifications. 2. Submit one hard copy of submittal to the Engineer. Submit a second copy of submittal electronically (PDF via email), US mail or other delivery service to the appropriate Geotechnical Engineering Unit regional office. Electronic submission is preferred. 3. The Pile Driving Equipment Data Form is available from: hLtps:Hconnect.ncdot.gov/resources/Geological/Pages/Geotech Forms Details.aspx See second page of form for submittal instructions. 4. Electronic copy of submittal is required. See referenced provision. CRANE SAFETY (8-15-05) Comply with the manufacturer specifications and limitations applicable to the operation of any and all cranes and derricks. Prime contractors, sub -contractors, and fully operated rental companies shall comply with the current Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations (OSHA). Submit all items listed below to the Engineer prior to beginning crane operations involving critical lifts. A critical lift is defined as any lift that exceeds 75 percent of the manufacturer's crane chart capacity for the radius at which the load will be lifted or requires the use of more than one crane. Changes in personnel or equipment must be reported to the Engineer and all applicable items listed below must be updated and submitted prior to continuing with crane operations. 15 CRANE SAFETY SUBMITTAL LIST A. Competent Person: Provide the name and qualifications of the "Competent Person" responsible for crane safety and lifting operations. The named competent person will have the responsibility and authority to stop any work activity due to safety concerns. B. Riggers: Provide the qualifications and experience of the persons responsible for rigging operations. Qualifications and experience should include, but not be limited to, weight calculations, center of gravity determinations, selection and inspection of sling and rigging equipment, and safe rigging practices. C. Crane Inspections: Inspection records for all cranes shall be current and readily accessible for review upon request. D. Certifications: By July 1, 2006, crane operators performing critical lifts shall be certified by NC CCO (National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators), or satisfactorily complete the Carolinas AGC's Professional Crane Operator's Proficiency Program. Other approved nationally accredited programs will be considered upon request. All crane operators shall also have a current CDL medical card. Submit a list of anticipated critical lifts and corresponding crane operator(s). Include current certification for the type of crane operated (small hydraulic, large hydraulic, small lattice, large lattice) and medical evaluations for each operator. GROUT FOR STRUCTURES 1.0 DESCRIPTION (12-1-17) This special provision addresses grout for use in pile blockouts, grout pockets, shear keys, dowel holes and recesses for structures. This provision does not apply to grout placed in post -tensioning ducts for bridge beams, girders, decks, end bent caps, or bent caps. Mix and place grout in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, the applicable sections of the Standard Specifications and this provision. 2.0 MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS Unless otherwise noted on the plans, use a Type 3 Grout in accordance with Section 1003 of the Standard Specifications. Initial setting time shall not be less than 10 minutes when tested in accordance with ASTM C266. Construction loading and traffic loading shall not be allowed until the 3 day compressive strength is achieved. 3.0 SAMPLING AND PLACEMENT Place and maintain components in final position until grout placement is complete and accepted. Concrete surfaces to receive grout shall be free of defective concrete, laitance, 101 oil, grease and other foreign matter. Saturate concrete surfaces with clean water and remove excess water prior to placing grout. 4.0 BASIS OF PAYMENT No separate payment will be made for "Grout for Structures". The cost of the material, equipment, labor, placement, and any incidentals necessary to complete the work shall be considered incidental to the structure item requiring grout. PARTIAL REMOVAL OF EXISTING STRUCTURE 1.0 DESCRIPTION (SPECIAL) Remove the existing steel sheet pile seawall cap, existing reinforced concrete steel sheet pile cap, and existing steel channel cap to the limits indicated on the plans and in accordance with Section 402 of the Standard Specifications. 2.0 CONSTRUCTION METHODS Care shall be taken not to damage the existing seawall that is to be remain. If the existing structure is damaged during removal it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to submit to the Engineer for review a repair procedure for all damaged areas. Repairs will be at the expense of the Contractor. 3.0 BASIS OF PAYMENT Partial Removal of Existing Structure will be paid for at the lump sum price bid which will be the full compensation for all items required to partially remove the existing structures including, but not limited to, those items contained in Article 402-1 of the Standard Specifications. Payment will be made under: Pay Item Pay Unit Partial Removal of Existing Seawall Lump Sum REINFORCED CONCRETE SEAWALL CAP (SPECIAL) 1.0 DESCRIPTION The Contractor shall provide Reinforced Concrete Seawall Cap (coping) as required in accordance with Article 452-4(B) of the Standard Specifications except as modified herein. 2.0 MATERIALS Refer to Division 10 17 Item Sections Calcium Nitrite Corrosion Inhibitor 1000-4(K) Curing Agents 1026 Portland Cement Concrete, Class AA 1000 Epoxy Coated Reinforcing Steel 1070 3.0 CONSTRUCTION METHODS The reinforced concrete seawall concrete cap (coping) is the structural wale for the sheet pile anchorage, therefore do not provide expansion joints in the coping as indicated in Article 452- 4(13) of the Standard Specifications. Construction joints can be placed at a maximum spacing of 40 feet. Do not backfill sheet pile walls until concrete attains a compressive strength of at least 4,000 psi. Backfill for sheet pile walls in accordance with Article 410-8. 4.0 CURING CONCRETE Cure Concrete in accordance with Article 420-15. Only the Water Method in accordance with Article 420-15(B) is permitted for curing the concrete cap. 5.0 BASIS OF PAYMENT Reinforced Concrete Seawall Cap will be measured and paid in linear feet of cap installed. The contract unit price for Reinforced Concrete Seawall Cap will be full compensation for providing reinforcing shop drawings, submittals, labor, tools, equipment, and any incidentals necessary to construct the concrete cap. No separate payment will be made for furnishing and incorporating reinforcing and calcium nitrite corrosion inhibitor. Payment will be made under: Pay Item Reinforced Concrete Seawall Cap GALVANIZED STEEL TIE RODS 1.0 DESCRIPTION Pay Unit Linear Feet (SPECIAL) The Contractor shall provide and install 2%2" diameter galvanized steel all -thread bar and galvanized accessories for the tie rods used to anchor the seawalls. Accessories for each tie rod include bearing plates (plain and dished), anchor nuts, washers (plain and spherical), and couplers. 2.0 MATERIALS 18 Item Threaded Rebar Bearing Plates Spherical Washers Hardened Plain Washers Hex Nuts Coupling Reference ASTM A615 Grade 75 ASTM A572 Grade 50 ASTM A536 ASTM F436 ASTM A108 or A576 ASTM A108 All accessories shall be from the same manufacturer of the tie rods. 3.0 CONSTRUCTION METHODS The contractor shall install the tie rods at the elevation indicated on the drawings. Each end of the tie rod shall penetrate through the steel sheet pile and anchored with a bearing plate, washer and hex nut. The type of bearing plate and washer is indicated on the drawings. The tie rods shall be connected to form the longer sections using compatible couplers. Tie rods that will be cut to fit the length of the run shall be cut at the ends that will be embedded in the concrete cap. Do not cut ends of tie rods that are buried. The tie rods shall be tightened to remove all sag from the tie rods prior to backfilling. This will require temporary supports along the length of the tie rod to eliminate deflection due to catenary action and prevent deflection during backfilling. 4.0 BASIS OF PAYMENT Galvanized Steel Tie Rods will be measured and paid as the actual number of complete tie rod assemblies on a per foot basis. Payment will be made under: Pay Item Galvanized Steel Tie Rods 19 Pay Unit Linear Foot