HomeMy WebLinkAbout20011102 Ver 1_Mitigation Bank Information_20000825 DRAFT MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING DRAFT between the U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, and the UNITED STATES FOREST SERVICE .for the DISPOSITION AND MANAGEMENT OF THE CROATAN WETLAND . MITIGATION BANK CRAVEN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Agreement No. 00-CO-110811 XX-XXX The purpose of this Memorandum is to establish and record agreed-upon policies and procedures between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (hereinafter the "Corps of Engineers"), the State of North Carolina, Department of Transportation (hereinafter the "Department of Transportation"), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Forest Service (hereinafter the "Forest Service") to govern the implementation, monitoring and management of the Croatan Wetland Mitigation Bank (CWMB) located in Craven County, North Carolina upon final disposition of the land to the United States of America, Forest Service. The Department of Transportation, in fulfilling its public service mission of roadway and transportation construction, has developed the CWMB, in cooperation with the Corps of Engineers, to provide in-kind compensatory mitigation for unavoidable wetland impacts on Department of Transportation projects for which no on-site, in-kind mitigation is available. This 4,035 acre tract was identified as suitable for development as a wetland mitigation bank and will be developed in accordance with the Mitigation Plan (hereinafter the "Plan"), attached to and made part of this agreement. This agreement is intended to implement and facilitate achievement of the plan, establish the responsibility of each party and provide for the long-term management objectives of the tract and will be subject to the following overall policies: 1. The Corps of Engineers, Department of Transportation and the Forest Service will cooperatively plan the development, use and management of the CWMB as they relate to wetlands resources. Such cooperative planning will begin with the approval of the final Miti ation Plan and con inue throu h ion monitorin and and management staaes. This planning will be pointed toward inclusion and management of the tract as part of the Croatan National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan. 2. Long-term management of the CWMB will include land uses and practices that are compatible with the mitigation objectives of wetland restoration, enhancement and preservation incorporating restoration of natural vegetation community structure. This includes, but is not limited to, the protection of the East Prong Brice Creek watershed; restoring hydrologic function and sustaining aquatic systems; restoration, enhancement, and preservation of the natural wetlands communities (including hardwood/cypress wetlands); providing RCW habitat linkage; enhancing black bear habitat; providing un- fragmented hardwood wetlands for interior Neo-tropical migratory bird habitat and restoring hardwoods on suitable sites. 3. The Forest Service will take the necessary steps to designate the CWMB property under Management Area 7 and an appropriate management prescription as defined in the Croatan National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan (hereinafter the "Forest Plan") as developed in accordance with the National Forest Management Act of 1976 (P.L. 94-579, 90 Stat. 2743). 4. Management of land and development of resources will be phased in according to the following schedule: a. Upon consent from the Forest Service to grant the Department of Transportation a Public Road Easement for the construction, operation and maintenance of the U.S. 70 By-pass (TIP No. R-1015), the Department of Transportation will initiate the process to transfer a fee simple title to the CWMB property to the United States of America. Such title shall be free from all encumbrances with exception to a deed reservation that allows the Department of Transportation to implement and monitor the restoration of the wetlands as agreed to in the Plan. b. The transfer of title shall occur in two parts: the first being the prescribed mitigation tracts for the environmental and social impacts to National Forest System lands as described in the Environmental Assessment for US 70, Havelock Bypass (TIP No. R-1015); and the second being a land donation to the United States of America. c. The Department of Transportation will transfer title in accordance with the regulations contained 36 CFR 254, Forest Service Manual 5400 and the Uniform Appraisal Standards For Federal Land Acquisitions. All expenses to transfer lands to include National Forest Exchange tracts will be born by the Department of Transportation. d. Upon final transfer of title, the Department of Transportation shall have full authority under the deed reservation [as noted in section 4(a)] to implement the restoration of the wetlands. During this period, the Forest Service will not initiate management activities prescribed under the Forest Plan, notwithstanding those activities necessary for the protection of the site for administrative, fire and access needs. The implementation phase of the project is expected to be completed by the fall of 2002. e. During the five-year monitoring phase of the project, beginning in the spring of 2003, the Forest Service will work with the Department of Transportation and the Corps of Engineers to move the CWMB toward the reference conditions contained in the Forest Plan. Any proposed management activities shall not interfere with the implementation and monitoring of the CWMB and shall have full approval by the Department of Transportation and Corps of Engineers before implementation. f. During the implementation and monitoring phases of the project, the Department of Transportation will hold annual meetings with the Forest Service regarding the status of the work being conducted. This will ensure a proper transition and provide the necessary information for long-term management and maintenance of the CWMB. g. Upon final certification of the CWMB by the Corps of Engineers in the fall of 2008, the CWMB will be fully managed in accordance with the Forest Plan. 5. The Department of Transportation will be responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the CWMB in accordance with the plan. All restoration and monitoring costs are the responsibility of the Department of Transportation. 6. During the restoration and monitoring period, the Department of Transportation will take all reasonable precautions to prevent and suppress forest fires on and prevent any unnecessary damage to lands and resources associated with the project implementation and to this end will collaborate with the Forest Service in formulation of fire prevention and control plans and programs, location of access roads and relocation of transportation facilities, land clearing standards, and other matters essential to the protection of resources and conservation of wetlands 7. Changes within the scope of this instrument shall be made by the issuance of a bilaterally executed modification. 8. Any information furnished to the Forest Service under this instrument is subject to the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). 9. Either party(s), in writing, may terminate the instrument in whole, or in part, at any time before the date of expiration. 10. This instrument in no way restricts the Forest Service or the Cooperator(s) from participating in similar activities with other public or private agencies, organizations, and individuals. 11. This instrument is executed as of the date of last signature and, unless sooner terminated, is effective through December 31, 2008 at which time it will expire unless renewed. 12. The principal contacts for this instrument are: ¦ U. S. Forest Service: Lauren Hillman District Ranger Croatan Ranger District 141 East Fisher Avenue New Bern, North Carolina, 28560 252-638-5628 ¦ North Carolina Department of Transportation: ¦ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Name Title Address City, State Zip Code Telephone Name Title Address City, State Zip Code Telephone 13. This instrument is neither a fiscal nor a funds obligation document. Any endeavor or transfer of anything of value involving reimbursement or contribution of funds between the parties to this instrument will be handled in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and procedures including those for Government procurement and printing. Such endeavors will be outlined in separate agreements that shall be made in writing by representatives of the parties and shall be independently authorized by appropriate statutory authority. This instrument does not provide such authority. Specifically, this instrument does not establish authority for noncompetitive award to the cooperator of any contract or other agreement. Any contract or agreement for training or other services must fully comply with all applicable requirements for competition. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Memorandum of Understanding as of the last written date below: JOHN F. RAMEY Forest Supervisor National Forests In North Carolina NAME Title State of North Carolina Department of Transportation NAME Date Date Date Title United States Army Corps of Engineers 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT, CROATAN WETLAND MITIGATION BANK CRAVEN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared for: Mr. Kevin Markham Environmental Services, Inc. 1100 Wake Forest Road, Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27604 March 31, 2000 Project 98014-2 Revised July 17, 2000 August 25, 2000 EDDY ENGINEERING, P.C. 4428 Louisburg Road, Suite 209 Raleigh, North Carolina 27616 (919) 954-1802 Fax (919) 954-1804 \1t %J1011811"', 0\A CARq c . ?. L 04 ?•,,.... E. 1G ,ito e No. 17604 ).J ,, IS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report presents surface water hydrologic and hydraulic analyses and conceptual designs for the Croatan Wetland Mitigation Bank (CWMB), an approximately 4,100 acre tract owned by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). The site is located in southern Craven County, North Carolina, adjacent to Croatan National Forest. Restoration and enhancement of wetland function will provide mitigation credits for NCDOT projects in the lower Neuse Basin. Environmental Services, Inc. (ESI) is assessing current site conditions, including geohydrologic, soil, and biologic function, and is preparing recommendations for site modifications to restore and enhance wetland function. Eddy Engineering, P.C., in combination with ESI, is performing analyses of surface water hydrology and preparing conceptual design plans for implementation. ' Data used in the analysis came from public record documents and data collected on-site by ESI, NCDOT, as well as Eddy Engineering, P.C. Public record data included topographic maps, soils maps, stream flow records, and rainfall and evaporation data. On-site data included stream gauge ' and velocity data, rainfall data, and topographic data. On-site data collection efforts captured rainfall events from the middle of 1998 to the beginning of 2000, including several hurricanes. ' Hydrologic and hydraulic analyses were conducted to model surface water runoff potential and estimate flows for watersheds and flow networks on and around the entire site. Several independent methods were employed and reasonable agreement was obtained between the ' methods. In order to better understand and predict the existing and future hydrologic conditions of the site, a water balance was developed utilizing the theory of mass conservation, evaluating losses consisting of runoff, evaporation, and evapotranspiration, as well as system input through rainfall. ' Findings and conclusions of this study include: 1. Determination of the area contributing runoff to the project site. Long Lake does ' appear to drain predominantly through the site. 2. Development of a means to predict flood flows within and around the site. 3. Selection of locations and types of site modifications to the existing road and ditch system needed to enhance or restore wetland hydrology. These will be developed into construction plans as part of the Final Design Phase. T4-) Determination that increased peak flood flows are likely after site modifications, because of the increase in soil moisture and the large percentage of the drainage area that will be wetlands. The proposed site modifications include elimination of virtually all prominent site ditches, including those paralleling the existing road network, improved crossings at select locations where remaining roads cross natural drainage features, and removal of multiple site roads and culverts. Conceptual designs based on these analyses are proposed to support restoration and enhancement of wetland function. 1 1 I I TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF APPENDICES 1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................... - 1 - 1.1 Purpose .......................................................... -1- 1.2 Background ...................................................... -1- 1.3 Authorization ..................................................... - 1 - 1.4 Scope of Services .................................................. - 2- 1.5 Project Personnel .................................................. - 3 - 2.0 PROJECT AND SITE DATA ........................ . . . . .. - 5 2.1 Project Location ................................................... - 5 - 2.2 Project Description ................................................. - 5 - 2.3 Site Visits and Visual Observations .................................... - 5- 2.3.1 Channels and Streams ..................................... - 6- 2.3.2 Long Lake .............................................. .6- 2.3.3 Additional Site Data Collection ............... - 7- 2.4 Survey Data ...................................................... - 7- 2.5 On-Site Rainfall and Surface Water Gauge Data .......................... - 7- 2.6 Off-Site Rainfall Data .............. - 8- 2.7 Evaporation ...................................................... .8- 2.8 Evapotranspiration ................................................. - 8- 2.9 Analysis Period ................................................... - 8- 2.10 Focal Locations of Analysis ....................................... - 9- .3.0 SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY PHASE I ANALYSES ....................... - 10- 3.1 Synthetic Hydrologic Models ....................................... - 10- 3.1.1 Estimation of Runoff Potential ............................. - 10- 3.1.2 Rainfall Data ........................................... - 11 - 3.1.3 Stage-Discharge Curve Development ........................ - 11 - 3.1.4 Model Calibration ....................................... - 11 - 3.2 Site Specific Unit Hydrograph Development ........................... - 12- 3.2.1 Base Flow Separation ..................................... - 12- 3.2.2 Estimation of Direct Runoff ................................ - 12- 3.2.3 Unit Hydrograph Deconvolution ............................ - 12- 3.3 Flood Frequency Analysis .......................................... - 13 - 3.4 Preliminary Conclusions and Recommendations ........................ - 13 - 4.0 WATER BALANCE ANALYSES ......................................... - 15 - 4.1 Numerical Integration of Runoff Data ................................. - 15- 4.1.1 Measured Discharge ...................................... - 15 - ' 4.1.2 Hydraulic Model Estimates ................................ - 16- 4.1.3 Composite Stage-Discharge Relation ........................ - 16- 4.2 Watershed Delineation ............................................. 4.3 Rainfall Versus Runoff Comparison for Six Specific Storms = 16- 17- 4.4 Comprehensive Site Model Development .............................. - 18- 4.4.1 Rainfall Volumes :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4.4.2 Runoff = 18- 19- 4.4.3 Infiltration ............................................. - 19- 4.4.4 Evaporation ............................................ 4.4.5 Evapotranspiration - 20- - 20- 4.4.6 Cumulative Water Volume Comparison ...................... - 21 - ' 5.0 FLOOD HYDROLOGY ................................................. - 22- 5.1 Observed Flood Recurrence Intervals ................................. - 22- 5.2 Flood Flow Prediction Using Synthetic Hydrology ....................... - 25 - 5.2.1 The Unit Hydrograph Method .............................. - 26- 5.2.2 Development of a Site Specific Unit Hydrograph ............... - 26- 5.2.3 Pattern Unit Hydrographs ................................. - 26- Base Flow Separation ..................................... - 27- Rainfall-Runoff Estimation ................................ - 28- Model Calibration ....................................... - 29- Model Validation ........................................ - 30 - ' 5.2.4 Application of the Unit Hydrograph Method ................... 5.2.5 Design Storm Rainfall Data ................................ - 30 - - 31 - 5.3 Flood Flow Prediction using USGS Regression Equations ................. - 32 - ' 5.4 Flood Flow Prediction using Regional Flood Frequency Analysis ........... 5.5 Comparison of Predicted Floods with Observed Floods .......... - 33 - - 33 - ' 6.0 PROPOSED SITE TREATMENTS ........................................ 6.1 Existing Conditions - 35 - - 35 - 6.1.1 Existing Ditch and Road Network ........................... - 35 - ' 6.1.2 Relic Channels and Natural Drainage Features ................. 6.2 Proposed Site Treatments - 36 - - 36- 6.2.1 Site Ditch Removal and Modifications ....................... - 36- 6.2. 1.1 Ditch Plugs ............ - 37- Surface Water Diversions . ................................ - 38- Scarification of Consolidated Soils .......................... - . 18- Removal of Existing Conveyance Structures ................... - 38- 6.2.2 Site Road Modifications .................................. - 39 - Improving Road Surface Course ............................ Surface Water Conveyance Measures ........................ - 39- - 39- Subsurface Aggregate Drains ............................... - 41- ii 6.3 Locating Site Treatments ........................................... - 41 - 7.0 WATER SURFACE PROFILE MODELS ................................... - 42- 7.1 Hydraulic Models ................................................. - 42- 7.1.1 Existing Conditions Model ................................ - 42- 7.1.2 Proposed Conditions Model ................................ - 42- 7.2 Comparison of Water Surface Elevations .............................. - 43 - 7.2.1 Development of Discharge Estimates ........................ - 43 - 7.2.2 Estimated Water Surface Elevations ......................... - 46- 7.2.3 Travel Time ............................................ - 46- 7.3 Discussion of Results .............................................. - 47- 8.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................. - 48- 8.1 Watershed Characteristics .......................................... - 48- 8.2 Flood Flow Prediction ............................................. - 48- 8.3 Recommended Site Modifications .................................... . 48- 8.4 Effect of Site Modifications ......................................... - 49- 8.5 Future Data Collection ............................................. - 50- 9.0 LIMITATIONS ........................................................ .51- FIGURES APPENDICES iii i LIST OF FIGURES 1. VICINITY MAP 2. SITE SCHEMATIC 3. DOMINANT CHANNEL REACHES & NATURAL DRAINAGE FEATURES 4. VOLUME COMPARISON, RAINFALL VS. RUNOFF WITH LONG LAKE 5. VOLUME COMPARISON, RAINFALL VS. RUNOFF WITHOUT LONG LAKE 6. MONTHLY WATER BALANCE, INFLOW VS. OUTFLOW 7. COMPARISON OF SYNTHESIZED HYDROGRAPH VS. OBSERVED HYDROGRAPH FOR STORM 3 8. COMPARISON OF SYNTHESIZED HYDROGRAPH VS. OBSERVED HYDROGRAPH FOR STORMS 4 & 5 9. TYPICAL EXISTING DITCH CROSS-SECTION 10. TYPICAL EXISTING ROAD PROFILE 11. PROPOSED SITE LAYOUT - ROAD REMOVALS 12. PROPOSED SITE LAYOUT - PERMANENT ROAD CROSSING LOCATIONS 13. PROPOSED SITE LAYOUT - POINT & REACH DITCH PLUG AND SURFACE WATER DIVERSIONS 14. ROAD REMOVAL AT NATURAL DRAINAGE FEATURE, PROFILE VIEW 15. ROAD REMOVAL AT NATURAL DRAINAGE FEATURE, SECTION VIEW 16. TYPICAL DITCH FILLING AND ROAD REMOVAL 17. LOWER ROAD ELEVATION AND STABILIZE ROAD SURFACE AT NATURAL DRAINAGE FEATURE, PROFILE VIEW 18. LOWER ROAD ELEVATION AND STABILIZE ROAD SURFACE AT NATURAL DRAINAGE FEATURE, SECTION VIEW 19. TYPICAL DITCH FILLING AND ROAD STABILIZATION iv 20. PROPOSED POINT DITCH PLUGS & SURFACE WATER DIVERSIONS ' 21. PROPOSED REACH DITCH PLUGS & SURFACE WATER DIVERSIONS 22. PROPOSED TREATMENT FLOW CHART 23. EVALUATION OF WATER SURFACE ELEVATIONS AT KEY LOCATIONS v i i i i i i LIST OF APPENDICES A. PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS - PHASE I B. MONTHLY SITE DATA C. STAGE-DISCHARGE RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENT D. NUMERICAL INTEGRATION OF RUNOFF E. COMPREHENSIVE SITE WATER BALANCE F. STORM EVENT ANALYSIS G. DESIGN STORM DEVELOPMENT H. SITE STRUCTURES PRELIMINARY DESIGN 1. HEC-RAS ANALYSIS vi fi I 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents surface water hydrologic and hydraulic analyses and conceptual designs for the Croatan Wetland Mitigation Bank (CWMB). The CWMB is proposed for an approximately 4,100 acre tract owned by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) where restoration and enhancement of wetland function will provide mitigation credits. This section of our report presents the purpose of these services, project background, authorization, scope of services, and project personnel. 1.1 Purpose Hydrologic and hydraulic analyses were conducted to model surface water runoff potential and estimate flows for watersheds and flow networks on and around the proiec-ct si e`Tfie purpose was to analyze and evaluate "tlhe surfaceTydro ogic ari V raulic conditions, both present and future, within and around the CWMB. Conceptual designs based on these analyses are proposed to support restoration and enhancement of wetland function. 1.2 Background The proposed CWMB is to provide wetland mitigation credits for NCDOT projects in the lower Neuse Basin. Environmental Services, Inc., (ESI) is assessing current site conditions including geohydrologic, soil, and biologic function and is preparing recommendations for site modifications to restore and enhance wetland function. Eddy Engineering, P.C., in combination with ESI, is performing analyses of surface water hydrology and preparing conceptual design plans for implementation. We (Eddy Engineering, P.C.) performed a preliminary study on the Phase I portion of this site, approximately 1,500 acres, in December 1998. Our preliminary study is entitled "Preliminary Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis, Croatan Wetland Mitigation Bank Phase I," and is included in its entirety in Appendix A of this report. Section 3 of our current report summarizes the findings of our preliminary study. On March 31, 2000, we submitted our final report on the project; however, based on review comments and recommended changes provided by NCDOT, minor changes were required. The changes made were primarily grammatical and format related, no changes were made in the project analyses previously reported. This revised report incorporates those changes and supercedes all previous versions of the Conceptual Design Report for the Croatan Wetland Mitigation Bank as prepared by EDDY ENGINEERING, P.C. 1.3 Authorization These services were authorized by acceptance of Eddy Engineering, P.C., Proposal 98014- CDR02, dated May 19, 1999, by Mr. Richard G. Harmon of ESI. ESI has been retained by the NCDOT as consultant for restoration of wetlands for the CWMB project. 1 -2- 1.4 Scope of Services Eddy Engineering, P.C., provided the following services: ' 1. We visited the site for site characterization purposes and took specific measurements of stream flow and other site features. 2. We visited the site to observe characteristics of the site and surrounding area, verify surface and channel flow conditions, and observe water conveyance structures. 3. Drainage catchments were initially delineated using topographic data from USGS maps. This delineation was confirmed by visual observation during site visits. ' 4. Aerial topographic survey data was used in watershed delineation where feasible. We developed a conceptual connectivity diagram of the ditch/stream/lake network based on site data. This network was confirmed by visual observation during site visits. This information was later used in both hydrologic and hydraulic modeling -" -« ' 5. of site conditions. ? Soils, cover, and land use data were used to assign Soil Conservation Serv'Ee_ t? (SCS) runoff Curve Numbers (CN) to the various watershed elements. 6. We measured velocities at select channel locations after rainfall events for use-in developing stage-discharge relationships. We then used this stage-discharge ' relationships at key site locations to allow for the conversion of water surface elevations to estimate channel discharges during the collection period. 7. We collected site data, reduced data to a useable format, and selected portions to be used in model calibration and verification. 8. Using rainfall data from each of the three site rain gauges, we used an: areal' averaging`technique to determine probable average rainfall over specific ' watershed elements. 9. To develop a hydrologic model of the contributing watersheds, we evaluated ' several options for modeling. Both "existing and future developed conditions were analyzed. In this process we developed a model for estimating Base Flow Recession during specific storm events. 10. We developed a hydraulic model of the existing and future ditch/stream channel network. Models were later calibrated to more closely match site conditions based on site observations. 11. Site features were selected and evaluated in an attempt to attain site restoration goals. These included increases in hydro periods for soils in select locations rather than over the entire site. We located select water control structures in and around existing channels to meet wetland hydrology goals. 12. To attain site hydrology goals based on our discussions with ESI, we located roadway cuts and culverts under roadways to restore surface water flow ' conditions. I 1 I I -3- 13. After proposed conceptual designs for restoring wetland hydrology were identified, we evaluated their effects on surrounding properties and other areas of the site. 14. Evaluation of site flood levels before and after recommended hydraulic modifications was important to reduce the possibility of undesirable effects on surrounding properties and on the site itself. We evaluated potential for flooding of off-site properties due to the proposed site modifications. 15. Upon completion of our analysis and development of conceptual designs, we prepared conceptual site plans and a report documenting our findings and recommendations. 16. We attended various project coordination meetings with ESI and NCDOT during the course of the project. 17. We prepared this report of our findings, evaluations, and recommendations. This report is suitable for review by interested agencies and presents the basis for our proposed conceptual designs. 1.5 Project Personnel Analyses and report preparation were performed by John L. Eddy, P.E., Project Manager, Patrick K. Smith, P.E., Project Engineer, and Christopher G. Ply, E.I.T., Staff Engineer. John L. Eddy, P.E. (NC License No. 17604) has a Master of Science in Geotechnical and Water Resources Engineering from North Carolina State University and is licensed to practice engineering in North Carolina, Virginia, and Florida. Mr. Eddy is a civil engineer experienced in geotechnical engineering, hydrologic engineering, hydraulic engineering, and dam engineering. He has performed engineering investigations, analyses, design, or evaluations on building, roadway, dam, pipeline, airport, harbor, stream, wetland, and landfill projects. He has over 12 years of experience on projects representing a wide range of locations including coastal plain, piedmont, and mountain physiographic areas in several states. Patrick K. Smith, P.E. (NC License No. 25525) has a Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering with a concentration in Environmental and Hydrologic Engineering from Clarkson University and is licensed to practice engineering in North Carolina. Mr. Smith is a civil engineer experienced in hydrologic engineering, hydraulic engineering, and dam engineering. He has performed engineering analyses and design on streams, wetlands, open and closed stormwater systems, dams, and sediment and erosion control projects. He has over 13 years of design and construction management experience on projects representing a wide range of domestic and ' overseas locations. Christopher G. Ply, E.I.T. has a Master of Science in Structural Engineering from North Carolina State University. Mr. Ply is a civil engineer experienced in foundation engineering, structural concrete design, and hydrologic engineering. He has performed engineering analyses and design -4- on wetlands, dams, and concrete structures to include foundations, retaining walls, headwalls, and dam spillways. I 1 1 1 -5- 2.0 PROJECT AND SITE DATA This section presents our understanding of the project, as planned, and site data that was available to us at the time of this report. Numerous data sources were used during our analyses, including site topographic data, on-site rainfall and surface water gauge data, various regional weather data, as well as various data collected from a series of site visits. 2.1 Project Location The CWMB project site is located in southern Craven County, NC, adjacent to the Croatan National Forest. The project location is shown in Figure 1. The site appears on the USGS 7.5- minute series quadrangle maps, "Catfish Lake," "Hadnot Creek," "Havelock," and "Masontown," portions of which were used in the preparation of this report. The project site is within an area bounded roughly by SR 1100 (Catfish Lake Road) in the northwest, US 70 in the east, and Great Lake and Little Lake in the south. The project site drains generally into East Prong Brice Creek to the North. Approximate project site boundaries, as well as key site features and locations referred to herein, are presented on Figure 2. 2.2 Project Description In an effort to provide wetland mitigation credits for highway-related impacts in Lower Neuse River Basin, the NCDOT is considering the development of a wetlands mitigation bank. The parcel will serve to mitigate wetlands related to the Havelock Bypass, as well as future NCDOT projects. The tract being considered for the CWMB consists of approximately 4100 acres, which has been divided into three parcels or "phases." Phases I, II and III consist of areas of 1500, 1600 and 1000 acres respectively. Our analyses, conceptual designs, and this report address all three phases. Mitigation is possible because the site was extensively ditched and drained. Hydric soils are present over large portions of the site, although wetland function has been lost or inhibited in many areas because of the drainage. t 2.3 Site Visits and Visual Observations ' We visited the project site numerous times over the period of January 1998 to the present to observe characteristics of the site and surrounding area, verify surface, lake, and channel conditions, and to observe both natural and man-made water control structures. For ease of ' explanation and orientation, existing channel sections discussed in this report have been identified as Channels (CH) 1 through 22. Locations of these channels are depicted in Figure 2. Select points of interest (POI) have also been identified in the same figure. 1 -6- 2.3.1 Channels and Streams During our visits to the site we observed that various channels within the project site frequently show limited evidence of flow. Portions of some channels appeared stagnant, and as such, no discernible direction of flow can be observed. Additionally, the observation of relic stream channels, combined with limited changes in relief and localized depressions, indicate large potential storage capacity of select portions of the site. ' Strong flow or physical evidence of previous flow has typically been observed along CH 3 flowing from the intersection with CH 1, CH 2, and CH 7 southeast toward the intersection with CH 4. This evidence included consistent orientation of vegetation and debris in the downstream direction and debris collection upstream of obstructions. Such evidence may indicate increased velocities along these portions of the channel. Similar evidence of flow was typically noted in CH 4 and CH 5 as they flow northeast along the eastern edge of the site to their intersections with CH 5, and CH 9 and CH 12 respectively. From here, flow ' indicators reveal prevailing flow along CH 12, CH 13, CH 14, CH 17, CH 19, and CH 22, generally trending north. ' Al h h l ong ot er c anne s within the site network (CH 1, CH 6, CH 7, CH 8, CH 9, CH 10, CH 11, CH 15, CH 16, CH 20, and CH21), little or no evidence of previous flow was observed. ' Although surface water gauges clearly indicate increases in water depth at these locations., the lack of physical flow indicators suggest that relatively low flow velocities occurred in these portions of the site channel network. ' Based on observed evidence of flow, we have concluded that the dominant channel reach within the site channel network is along the path shown in Figure 3. For this reason, our ' channel and contributing watershed modeling efforts for existing conditions were focused on these portions of the site. Significant flow has also been observed, recorded, and evidenced along the northernmost sections of the natural reaches in the vicinity of the intersection of channels 17, 18, and 19. In this vicinity, during periods of high water, significant discharge can be observed to leave the channel banks and follow the more natural path overland toward the site outlet beneath the bridge at Catfish Lake Road (POI 3). 2.3.2 Long Lake During various site visits, we observed surface water conditions in the vicinity of Long ' Lake. The outlet control device along the northeast side of Long Lake (POI 1) appears to be in poor, if not unusable, condition. For that reason, operation of the device was not attempted. The corrugated metal outlet barrel was in poor condition, with severe corrosion ' noticeable on exposed portions. Only limited evidence of overtopping or surface flow was observed in the vicinity of the outlet control structure. -7- We also conducted a reconnaissance of the shoreline of Long Lake by boat with emphasis on the vicinity of the project site. Shoreline observations revealed a fairly consistent sand rim or bank elevation around the lake perimeter. Low points were observed in the rim at ' several locations along the northeast portion of the lake. These locations revealed evidence of water flow indicating potential lake discharge locations. Due to thick vegetative cover, weather, and associated water conditions, it was not possible to obtain t locations and dimensions of all flow locations. However, no single location was identifiable as a predominant contributor to surface water flow within the project site. The many relic shorelines and flotsam windrows make consistent discharge at point locations unlikely. Rather, it is judged that discharge occurs over a relatively large portion of the lake rim adjacent to the site when the water surface of the lake is elevated. 2.3.3 Additional Site Data Collection During site visits we also collected data necessary for the development of stage-discharge relationships in the vicinity of SG 7 and SG 16. This data included the measurement of flow depth and velocity at established intervals across the flow paths. These data would ' later be used in our analyses of site hydrology. Select portions of our collected data used in site analyses are presented in Appendix C. 2.4 Survey Data ESI provided us with aerial topographic mapping data prepared by NCDOT, supplemented with ground survey data. A finished aerial topographic map was not available prior to completion of this report. In some cases, significant differences exist between aerial topographic and ground survey data. Cross-section data used in our analysis was based on provided ground survey data and, in some instances, the aerial topographic map. Watershed delineation was performed using data from the USGS 7.5-minute quadrangle maps, including "Catfish Lake," "Hadnot Creek," "Havelock," and "Masontown," and site observations. 2.5 On-Site Rainfall and Surface Water Gauge Data ESI also provided us with rainfall and surface water gauge data collected on the project site between the period June 2, 1998, through February 4, 2000. Gauge readings were taken on an hourly basis from a single rain gauge (RG), an RDS-brand rain gauge and a series of seven surface water gauges (SG) located across the site including six channel surface water gauges and one lake level gauge (LG) positioned at various locations on the project site until February 1999. On February 3, 1999, three additional rain gauges, all Infinity-brand gauges, were added to the site. One of the new gauges was placed next to the original rain gauge for data comparison purposes. On February 25, 1999, eight additional channel surface water gauges were added across the site. On March 25, 1999, two additional channel surface water gauges were added for a total of 16 channel surface water gauges, four rain gauges, and one lake level gauge. Approximate locations of the rain, lake, and surface water gauges are shown in Figure 2. -8- During the period of data collection, gauge malfunction or limitation in gauge data memory caused gaps in the data. Unfortunately, in numerous instances, these gaps occurred during significant rainfall events which otherwise could have been used in model development or verification. In some cases, based on a review of recorded data, individual surface water gauges experienced overtopping, and as such, peak water surface elevations were not accurately recorded. Rainfall data collection before the installation of the Infinity rain gauges in February 1999 is not an accurate representation of the actual rainfall. Two significant storms, which occurred during the collection period, were Hurricanes Dennis and Floyd. Hurricane Dennis occurred September 3-4, 1999 and consisted of two major rainfall events dropping an estimated total of 16.9 inches of rainfall over the project site. Hurricane Floyd occurred September 15, 1999 dropping an estimated total of 6.9 inches of rainfall. ' 2.6 Off-Site Rainfall Data Additional rainfall data from neighboring locations were used to supplement the on-site rainfall ' data. ESI additionally provided supplemental daily rainfall data from the Weather Service of the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station at Cherry Point, NC, for the months of August and September 1998. We obtained additional daily data from the State Climate Office of North Carolina at ' North Carolina State University. Additional sites included Trenton, New Bern Airport, and Morehead City. ' 2.7 Evaporation Monthly evaporation data used in our analyses was collected from the State Climate Office of ' North Carolina, for the nearest station in Aurora, NC. Aurora is located approximately 32 miles north-northwest of the site. This was the best available data that could be obtained for the site. ' Because onsite rainfall data was available, rainfall data from Aurora was not used in our analyses. t 2.8 Evapotranspiration Potential evapotranspiration (ET) values used were generated from a worksheet created by ' WxSystems for estimating potential ET from the heat index and latitude of the site. Another estimation of potential ET was generated by the Drain Mod program run by ESI in their analysis of the site. 2.9 Analysis Period ' Much of our analyses for this report focused on the one year period from mid February 1999, to mid February 2000, enabling us to evaluate a full year of data, as well as monthly data segments. -9- This period was selected, in part, due to the date on which the additional surface water gauges were installed. ' 2.10 Focal Locations of Analysis Our initial analysis focused on two key site locations for evaluating surface water characteristics ' of the site. The first of these locations was at the corrugated metal pipe culvert in Channel 12 located immediately downstream of SG 7 along the eastern edge of the site. This location is ' identified as POI 2 in Figure 2. The second key location was at the bridge crossing at Catfish Lake Road (POI 3) at the northern end of the site, immediately downstream from SG 16. These locations were selected for two important reasons, first as described in our previous report, these ' points are located along the dominant channel reach within the site channel network. Second, because both locations incorporate a flow control structure, through the collection of various field data, we have the ability to develop a stage-discharge relationships at these locations. These ' relationships were later used to estimate discharge at a given point in time based on measured water surface elevation. Development of the stage-discharge relationships is discussed later in this report. ' We elected to focus our attempt to model surface water flows on the watershed outlet at the bridge on Catfish Lake Road. Accordingly, future discussions focus on this location. Graphical ' representation of measured data from rain gauges (on-site only) and water surface elevation (at SG 16), during the period February 1999, to February 2000, is provided in Appendix B of this report. I -10- 3.0 SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY PHASE I ANALYSES Preliminary hydrologic and hydraulic analyses were conducted to model surface water runoff potential and estimate flows for watersheds and flow networks on and around the Phase I portion of the project site. In December 1998, Eddy Engineering, P.C. submitted a Preliminary Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis Report for Phase I of the CWMB project. This section presents a summary of our preliminary analyses and findings for Phase I of the CWMB project. For more detailed information the interested reader is referred to Appendix A, which contains a complete copy of our report. As described in the sections below, the preliminary hydrologic and hydraulic analyses completed for Phase I were beneficial in understanding the overall scope of services needed to extend the analyses to the remainder of the site and complete conceptual designs. All preliminary analyses centered on the watersheds that contribute flow to the dominant channel reach (CH 3, CH 4, and CH 5) which terminates in the vicinity of SG 4. 3.1 Synthetic Hydrologic Models A synthetic hydrologic analysis was attempted for the Phase 1 portion of the site, including delineation of the watershed, soil and soil moisture conditions, land use, stream channel and cross-section location and size, rainfall depth-duration-frequency, stage-storage and stage-discharge. The watershed was analyzed as a distributed element model with two separate model element configurations. The first model divided the watershed into several sub- watersheds considered to be hydrologically similar. In the second model, the watershed was analyzed as one catchment for the entire drainage area contributing flow to the outlet of CH 5 in the vicinity of SG 4. The combined watershed size was estimated at 2.48 square miles. Because of the difficulty encountered in model calibration, the second, less complex, distributed element model was used for all preliminary calibration and modeling. 3.1.1 Estimation of Runoff Potential Soils, cover, and land use data were used to assign Soil Conservation Service (SCS) runoff Curve Numbers (CN) to the various watershed elements. Initial evaluation of site soils and coverage yielded a weighted SCS CN of 68 for the sub-watersheds in and around the Phase I, when Antecedent Moisture Conditions I (AMC I) is assumed. This CN is indicative of a relatively low, direct runoff potential. Normally, AMC II (normal conditions) and the resulting higher CN of 84 would be used for design. An important point noted was that many of the soils within the contributing watersheds may be categorized into two Hydrologic Soil Groups (HSG), depending on drainage conditions. The HSG's of D, A/D and B/D are the most prevalent on the site, with paired groups representing "drained" / "undrained" conditions. Because the site is drained by ditching and conditions preceding our calibration storm were relatively dry, the argument could be made that the use of HSG's with the higher infiltration capacity, or the "drained" condition, may be appropriate for -11- ' calibration. For future site evaluations, the "undrained" CN or some other means of adjustment are needed. ' 3.1.2 Rainfall Data Rainfall data used during model calibration attempts were obtained from gauge data t collected on-site. Later findings that the on-site rain gauge provided erroneous readings precludes direct use of the preliminary report results. ' 3.1.3 Stage-Discharge Curve Development ' A preliminary U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center - River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) computer model was constructed to obtain a preliminary estimate of water surface elevations within selected existing channels for a range of ' discharge values. From this water surface profile model, stage-discharge curves were developed to estimate channel discharge at select cross-sections for comparison with surface water gauge data. As with our later analyses, these relationships were used to ' estimate discharge values from measured channel water surface elevations (from surface water gauges). I I I I I 3.1.4 Model Calibration As discussed above, the simplified distributed element model was used in an attempt to model the watershed contributing flow to the outlet of CH 5 in the vicinity of SG 4. This model was recreated for two different types of dimensionless unit hydrographs. The dimensionless unit hydrographs used in our U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center - Flood Hydrograph Package (HEC-1) computer models were the Snyder Unit Graph method and the Clark Unit Graph method. In each case trial solutions were conducted to find unit hydrograph parameters which would produce an outflow hydrograph similar to outflow data measured in surface water gauges. We were unable to develop a dimensionless unit hydrograph model that could reasonably reproduce the observed hydrograph at SG 4. Peak flow values were generally higher than observed, with peaks occurring later in time than observed. We concluded that possible reasons for this may include a nonlinear runoff response, large watershed storage capacity, increased infiltration capacity, inaccurate rainfall data, and/or incorrect watershed delineation. The effect of storage in particular, may not be linear, especially for the drier periods, thus making unit hydrograph models potentially inappropriate. Continuous simulation models may be more appropriate, but calibration will require substantially more data. -12- ' 3.2 Site Specific Unit Hydrograph Development Since synthetic hydrologic models using standard dimensionless unit hydrographs did not agree ' with gauge data, we attempted to develop a site specific unit hydrograph for the same point of interest. 3.2.1 Base Flow Separation ' Development of a direct runoff unit hydrograph from stream gauge data required that base flow be separated from the direct runoff hydrograph. We chose the straight line method of base flow separation, which assumes a linear return of base flow. ' 3.2.2 Estimation of Direct Runoff We attempted to estimate the direct runoff by two independent means. First, having ' developed a SCS CN representative of the soils and land use in the watershed, direct runoff was computed based on the CN. The second method used to estimate direct runoff was ' numerical integration of the discharge hydrograph. We found a significant difference between direct runoff computed by these independent means. We concluded that the difference can be attributed to one or more of the following possibilities: 1. There is much greater storage within the watershed than assumed in the SCS CN Method. ' 2. Infiltration capacity is greater than assumed in the SCS CN Method. 3. The rain gauge data is incorrect. 4. The rain gauge data is not representative of the entire watershed. ' 5. The estimated drainage area of the watershed is greater than the actual area, due to errors in connectivity and/or delineation from available topographic data. 6. The stage-discharge curve, used to convert stream gauge stage readings to discharge, ' is incorrect due to data limitations or errors, or due to channel roughness assumptions. Without more data to confirm or revise direct runoff, we opted at the time to use the direct ' runoff computed by numerical integration for derivation of site specific unit hydrographs. Our future calibration also used this method. ' 3.2.3 Unit Hydrograph Deconvolution ' A description of the deconvolution method and unit hydrograph synthesis is presented in Appendix A. Unit hydrograph deconvolution is the inverse operation of unit hydrograph synthesis, also known as convolution. We accomplished deconvolution for the direct ' runoff hydrograph at SG 4 by use of a spreadsheet program developed by us for this purpose. Upon deconvolution of the unit hydrograph, we performed a unit hydrograph synthesis on the same excess rainfall to check the validity of the unit hydrograph. By trial, 1 1 13- we found that a least squares optimized unit hydrograph, forced to positive ordinates, was able to reproduce the observed hydrograph fairly well. Another significant rainfall event was still needed for further calibration and validation. Again, problems with the single ' rainfall gauge at the site rendered this work useless for predicting flood flows, but invaluable for the insight gained for future model development and calibration. ' 3.3 Flood Frequency Analysis ' A regional flood frequency analysis was performed during our Phase I study. This analysis was conducted to develop an independent estimate of peak flows for 2-, 10- , and 100-year flood flows in and around the project site. To perform this analysis, we gathered stream flow and ' watershed area data for nine streams and watersheds in southeastern North Carolina. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center - Flood Frequency Analysis (HEC- FFA) program was used to statistically determine the peak discharges of the selected watersheds ' for several return periods of interest. From the peak discharges estimated for each gauged watershed by the HEC-FFA program, we determined the specific discharge in cubic feet per second per square mile (cfs/mil) for each return period of interest. A regional curve was ' established that can be used to interpolate and extrapolate the specific discharge of watersheds within and around the project site. Accurate watershed delineation was deemed critical to appropriate use of these curves. ' 3.4 Preliminary Conclusions and Recommendations ' Based on our analyses, we drew preliminary conclusions about certain aspects of the hydrology of the project site. We concluded that: 1. The runoff potential from watersheds at this site are very dependent on antecedent soil conditions, recency of rainfall, and groundwater conditions. ' 2. The percentage of rainfall that is translated to direct surface runoff may be relatively small. 3. A larger percentage of rainfall than would be predicted by typical hydrologic models may be lost to evaporation, evapotranspiration, depression storage, or infiltration with the site. 4. Some of the infiltrated rainfall may also eventually reach the ditch system as base ' flow, depending on hydrogeologic conditions. 5. After closing of the ditches that drain the site, runoff potential would likely increase with a much higher percentage of rainfall being translated into direct runoff and as ' such, there would be a significant increase in the frequency and severity of surface water flows. 6. Modeling results, site observations, and water balance evaluations indicated that Long Lake did not contribute significant direct surface water runoff into the site during or after Hurricane Bonnie. 1 11 -14- 7. Significant direct surface water discharge did appear possible, if the lake level was relatively high at the beginning of a storm event. Such discharge might become more frequent if groundwater levels were increased and lake levels generally remain higher because of reduced groundwater gradients in the vicinity of the lake. 8. Closing of the ditches could effectively increase the watershed area contributing direct surface runoff draining through the site. This, too, would significantly increase the potential severity and possibly the frequency of surface water flows. 9. Since on-site rainfall and resulting peak water surface elevations were only captured for one significant storm, Hurricane Bonnie, another significant rainfall event would be needed to independently confirm model calibration. 10. There are inconsistencies identified in the rainfall data when compared to the daily rainfall totals of nearby gauge locations, and other on-site indicators. 11. Flood frequency analysis results could be used to conservatively estimate peak flows for design of water control structures at this site, assuming that direct runoff from Long Lake does not occur and that accurate estimates of watershed area are used. 12. The main limitation at the time of our preliminary report was the lack of complete and consistent topographic data for watershed delineation. We recommended data collection efforts be continued on this Phase and extended into future ' Phases of the site in order to confirm or improve existing models, and to calibrate and confirm future model extensions, or entirely new models. To extend the rainfall and stream flow gauging, additional stream flow recording gauges and at least two rainfall recording gauges were ' proposed. We recommended using a recording rain gauge similar to those used by the National Weather Service. Additional survey data was also recommended. 1 1 -15- 4.0 WATER BALANCE ANALYSES In order to better predict the existing and future hydrologic conditions, it is essential to understand the gains and losses of water to and from the project site. One way to understand this relationship is through the development of a site water balance utilizing the theory of mass conservation, water in equals water out. During our preliminary analysis, one question which remained unanswered was what, if any, role Long Lake plays in the contribution of surface water to the project site. In order to draw more specific conclusion to this end we elected to perform a water balance on the watershed containing the CWMB. In this analysis we first developed a stage-discharge relationship which allowed for the conversion of measured water surface elevation data to volumetric discharges through numerical integration. Then, using this relationship, we evaluated six specific measured storm events during the analysis period. We also developed a comprehensive water balance model for the evaluation of water gains and losses over the project watershed. This section presents our analyses of water processes on the project site. Monthly water balance data can be found in Appendix E. 4.1 Numerical Integration of Runoff Data To convert measured water surface elevation data to volumetric discharges through numerical integration, we needed to developed a stage-discharge relationship. This relationship could then be used to estimate discharges from surface water gauge stage versus time data in a spreadsheet computer program. Because discharge multiplied by time yields volume, we were able to numerically integrate the data into runoff volumes for any time period of interest. Gaps in collected data existed in various instances, so the mean monthly discharge was used in determining monthly volumes where gaps were present. Additionally, based on field observations, we estimated an "effective flow" water surface elevation at each location below which flow was observed to be negligible. In cases where the measured water surface elevation lower than this "effective flow" elevation, the discharge was considered to be zero. Summary data from the numerical integration of runoff are shown in Appendix D. Unless identified as being developed by other means, all runoff volumes used in our analyses were developed from numerical integration of runoff. 4.1.1 Measured Discharge Using measured velocities and cross-sectional flow areas over a range of water surface elevations, we estimated a channel discharge at the bridge on Catfish Lake Road using the continuity equation. Then, plotting these discharges against depth of flow (or head), we developed a stage-discharge curve. Next, using linear regression techniques, we determined an equation for each curve. These equations could then be used to calculate discharge for any given water surface elevation. These curves and their equations are shown in Appendix C. 11 ' -16- 4.1.2 Hydraulic Model Estimates In order to check the validity of the stage-discharge regression equations, we developed a simple HEC-RAS model to approximate water surface elevations within the existing channel near the bridge for a range of discharge values. Channel cross-section data used in our analysis were based on the provided ground survey data. Manning's n-values for channel and overbank flow were selected based on site observations, standard references, and experience. r 4.1.3 Composite Stage-Discharge Relation ' When comparing the two stage-discharge curves described above, we found that our original equation estimated discharges quite well for the lower range of water surface elevations, those within the range of measured values. However, at higher elevations where extrapolation beyond the measured data was required, discharges appeared to be overestimated. In order to correct this, we used the stage-discharge equation from the HEC-RAS model output to develop a composite stage-discharge curve. By overlapping the two equations over the same scale and range, a composite, two-stage curve was developed to more accurately predict discharge over the range of possible water surface elevations. The original equation developed from measured stream data was used over the lower portion of the curve, and the equation developed from the HEC-RAS model was used over the upper portion of the curve. The composite curve and the equations of each segment are shown in Appendix C. ' 4.2 Watershed Delineation ' The watershed water balance was analyzed at the entire watershed outlet at the bridge at Catfish Lake Road, near SG 16. The drainage area was approximated using the assumed ridge line boundary. Drainage catchments were initially delineated using topographic data from USGS maps, and then confirmed by visual observation during site visits. Aerial topographic survey data was not used in watershed delineation, because of the discrepancies between it and field ' survey data and because coverage was not complete. Watershed delineation is difficult on this site because elevations vary as little as five feet over horizontal distances of up to 10,000 feet. As such, minor differences in elevation could result in significant differences in watershed area. ' At the bridge at Catfish Lake Road, the contributing watershed was estimated at approximately 10,000 acres (15.63 square miles), not including Long Lake and its surrounding area. The ' surface area of Long Lake is approximately 1,200 acres (1.87 square miles). The area surrounding Long Lake, which may contribute runoff to the lake, is estimated at approximately 900 acres (1.40 square miles). With the addition of this approximately 2,100 acres (3.28 square ' miles), the entire watershed consisted of approximately 12,100 acres or 18.9 square miles at SG 16. In our preliminary analyses (see Section 3 and Appendix A), one unknown was what, if any, u - 17- role Long Lake played in peak runoff from the site. For this reason the site water balance was conducted both including and excluding the lake and its surrounding area. ' 4.3 Rainfall Versus Runoff Comparison for Six Specific Storms In reviewing collected rainfall data, we found that an estimated 59 inches of rainfall fell over the project site during our analysis period, the one year period from mid February 1999, to mid February 2000. During this period, well over 50 rainfall events occurred, ranging from a few tenths of an inch up to almost 7 inches of rainfall. Unfortunately, many of these events occurred so close in time to each other that the resulting outflow hydrographs overlapped greatly, making a rainfall to runoff correlation for individual storms difficult. I I I We found that six storm events, labeled Storm 1 through Storm 6, were separated by enough time to be considered discrete events. Details of these rainfall events are shown in Appendix B. The six events occurred as follows: Storm Event Number Date Total Rainfall (in.) 1 April 15, 1999 1.33 2 May 12, 1999 0.18 3 September 6, 1999 4.08 4 September 15 & 16, 1999 (Hurricane Floyd) 6.91 5 October 16-18, 1999 6.32 6 April 28-May 2, 1999 2.21 Because of our interest in determining whether Long Lake contributes surface water to the project site, we analyzed the six storms on a rainfall to runoff basis. In evaluating these six events, we compared rainfall volumes (see Section 4.4.1), both with and without Long Lake and its surrounding drainage area, with estimated runoff volumes by numerical integration of outflow. A plot of rainfall volume versus runoff volume for all six storms for both cases (with and without Long Lake and its surrounding area) can be seen in Figures 4 and 5 respectively. Both plots appear to reflect two distinct line segments. The first segment, comprised of Storms 1, 2, and 6, has a very slight slope indicating a significantly smaller runoff volume than rainfall volume. This may be due to initial abstractions (infiltration and localized or depression storage), evaporation (E) or evapotranspiration (ET), or some combination of these or other factors. Because these three storm events are of a smaller magnitude than the other storms, we would I -18- ' expect that a larger fraction of these storms would be lost to initial abstractions. The second segment, comprised of Storms 3, 4, and 5, indicates an increase in runoff more typical of conditions where the initial rainfall abstractions are met and a larger percentage of rainfall is ' converted into runoff. Here again, with these storm events of a larger magnitude, we would expect that a smaller fraction of these storms would be lost to initial abstractions. When the additional drainage area for Long Lake and its surrounding watershed is included (Figure 4), in all but one case, the volume of rainfall exceeds the volume of runoff. This is what we would expect because some rainfall will be lost to evaporation, evapotranspiration, and possibly groundwater infiltration. In the one instance where runoff volume exceeds rainfall volume, the difference is not quite 100 acre-feet, a relatively insignificant volume over a site this size and well below a value considered to be hydrologically significant. We find that when the additional drainage area for Long Lake is not included (Figure 5), runoff volumes are almost equal to or greater than the rainfall volume. This would not be possible without an additional source of water entering the system. Based on these findings, we concluded that Long Lake and its surrounding drainage area does provide direct runoff to the drainage system. Additionally, as concluded in the preliminary analyses, infiltration, and local or depression storage likely play a significant role in the site hydrology as evidenced by the two distinct line segment in the plots. With this understanding of ' site hydrology and the contribution of Long Lake, we have included the drainage area for Long Lake in all future analyses. 4.4 Comprehensive Site Model Development A comprehensive site water balance model was also developed to estimate water gains and losses over the entire contributing drainage area. Our modeling of the site water balance considered site water losses to consist of runoff (RO), infiltration (INF), evaporation (E), and evapotranspiration (ET). Site water gains consisted solely of rainfall (RF). Comparisons of measured and estimated site volume data were made using the basic equation: Rainfall (RF) = Runoff (RO) + Infiltration (INF) + Evaporation (E) + Evapotranspiration (ET) For comparison purposes, all volume quantities were estimated in units of acre-feet. A spread ' sheet computer program used for comparison of monthly and annual site water balance calculations can be found in Appendix E. t 4.4.1 Rainfall Volumes Measured data from rain gauges (on-site only) and water surface elevation (at SG 16), ' during the analysis period February 1999 to February 2000, provided in Appendix B, were used in our analyses. Because a three gauge network was used on site to collect rainfall (RF) data, we elected to use the Thiessen method to estimate watershed average Rainfall 11 -19- ' depths. This method calculates the average rainfall by weighting gauge measurements by the area of the assumed watershed for each gauge. In this method the total watershed area is divided into subareas, with each subarea using a rain gauge as a hub of a polygon. If we ' connect two adjacent gauges with straight line, and then by drawing a second line which bisects the first line we can determine the subarea polygon for which each particular gauge data applies. Although typically used when a large number of gauges are used for data ' collection, the Thiessen method is still applicable for use on our site. The subarea boundaries used in weighting rainfall data are depicted in Figure 2. Each of the subareas are used to determine subarea to total area ratios. These ratios are then multiplied by the Rainfall on the particular subarea, and summed to get the average watershed Rainfall depth over the contributing watershed. I I u For months where the only available on-site Rainfall data came from the RDS rain gauge (RG 1), supplemental data was gathered from surrounding sites and used in conjunction with the RDS gauge to normalize the Rainfall. This was done due to apparent anomalies in Rainfall data from the RDS gauge. For months with information available from the Infinity rain gauges (RG2, RG3, and RG4), only the Infinity gauge data was included in the Rainfall averaging. During the majority of the analysis period, all of the infinity gauges were functional. Accordingly, the Thiessen method was used to estimate average Rainfall depths. To determine the volume of water falling as rain over the site each month in acre- feet, the average monthly Rainfall was multiplied by the total site acreage. 4.4.2 Runoff Using the numerical integration methods described previously, monthly runoff (RO) volumes (in acre-feet) were estimated using surface water elevation data collected during the analysis period. Gaps in collected water surface elevation data existed in various instances. During these periods, the mean monthly discharge was used in determining monthly RO volumes. Significant data gaps were present during the months of November 1999 through January 2000, including no measured water surface elevations for the month of December 1999. Since Rainfall data was available for the month of December, we found that an approximately equal volume of rain fell in the month of February 1999. As such, we assumed that December's RO volume would have been approximately equal to that of February. 4.4.3 Infiltration The term infiltration (INF), as used herein, is surface water which passes into the soil and does not return later as surface flow or escape via evapotranspiration (ET). Water does enter the soils at this site, but does not appear to be lost to or gained from deeper aquifers. Water entering the soils on this site appear to be translated into subsurface and groundwater flows, eventually becoming surface flow in a stream, ditch, or spring on the site. Based on our discussions with ESI, it is our understanding that infiltration varies over the site and Ci -20- over the year. Surface waters are sometimes lost, through infiltration, into deeper aquifers at some locations within site ditches. During periods of drier weather, these same locations may provide water as exfiltration from deeper aquifers. However, these volumes are typically a small portion of the water balance equation. Because data collected and analyzed by ESI indicates that infiltration, as defined herein, is not significant, we elected to ignore its role in the overall site water balance. 4.4.4 Evaporation The monthly evaporation data used in the site water balance was for the nearest station in Aurora, NC. The evaporation data is a pan evaporation value, thus meaning it is essentially a potential evaporation. Each pan evaporation value is then multiplied by a correction factor, in this case 0.7, to convert it to actual evaporation. To create a volume of evaporated water from the site in acre-feet, the actual evaporation data was multiplied by an assumed acreage of land covered by surface water. For the existing site condition, we assumed this to be approximately two percent of the total drainage area, not including Long Lake. 4.4.5 Evapotranspiration Actual ET data was not available for the project site. For this reason three alternative methods of estimating potential ET were used. The first set of potential ET values used were generated from a worksheet created by WxSystems for estimating potential ET from the heat index and latitude of the site. Another estimation of potential ET was generated by the Drain Mod program run by ESI in their analysis of the site. This estimation takes into account differing soil types, rooting depth, and site temperatures. This estimated ET is then multiplied by a correction factor based on the month of the year and typical variations associated with monthly readings. These correction factors varied monthly and ranged from 0.91 to 2.11. We also considered the use of an average of the ET values generated by the other two methods. ' In all cases the estimated ET value was then multiplied by a second correction factor which considered the effect of cloud cover on site ET. These factors ranged from 0.37 to 0.65. A comparison of the resulting ET values estimated by each method is provided in ' Appendix E. For our modeling purposes we elected to use the ET values estimated by the WxSystems method. These corrected or actual monthly ET values are then converted to a water volume in acre-feet by multiplying by the watershed area, less the two percent of area assumed to be covered by water. -21 - 1 4.4.6 Cumulative Water Volume Comparison For the one year analysis period, we performed a cumulative water volume comparison. A cumulative comparison was made in order to smooth the monthly comparisons which are complicated by the relatively long time of concentration of the watershed. Rainfall might occur in one month, but the runoff from that rainfall could occur in the next month. Cumulative comparison eliminated this potential problem. By summing site water losses consisting of RO, E, and ET by month and then performing a cumulative plot over the analysis period, we can compare volumes to that of cumulative site water gains, specifically rainfall (RF). A comparison of the cumulative water gains, or "Inflow", versus cumulative water losses, or "Outflow", is shown in Figure 6. In reviewing Figure 6 we see a close correlation between the inflow and outflow curves. The largest disparity occurred during the three month period, August through October 1999, in which the most rainfall was measured on the site. This cumulative plot also provides an independent check on our previous conclusion that the contributing watershed drainage area includes Long Lake. If the additional acreage of the lake and its surrounding area were not included, we would see a more apparent monthly ' and annual gap in the curves, with the two lines diverging. 11 H -22- 5.0 FLOOD HYDROLOGY This section presents our analyses of collected site data and the development of methods used in predicting peak flows on the project site. More detailed information on our analysis can be found in Appendices F and G. It is necessary to estimate peak flows for sizing of structures in and around the site. We evaluated probable peak flows for existing site conditions by several means, compared observed peak flows to peak discharge estimates, compared observed rainfall with regional frequency data, and evaluated probable changes in peak flows for proposed site conditions. 5.1 Observed Flood Recurrence Intervals Estimates of observed flood recurrence intervals from recorded rainfall data are possible because rainfall data can be compared to published rainfall depth-duration-frequency data and because we have developed a relationship between stage and flow. The underlying premise is the same as that used in all of synthetic hydrology. Namely, that a rainfall of a given recurrence interval will produce a flood of the same recurrence interval. This requires that the antecedent moisture conditions be accounted for when performing synthetic hydrologic analysis or estimating flood recurrence intervals from observed rainfall. As discussed in Section 4, only six storm events, labeled Storm 1 through Storm 6, captured by on-site gauges proved to be separated by enough time to be considered discrete storms. These are the same six storms considered in Section 4. Again, more detail on these storms is available in Appendices B and F. The six events occurred as follows: Storm Event Number Total Rainfall (in.) Storm Duration (hrs.) 1 1.33 8 2 0.18 7 3 4.08 11 4 (Hurricane Floyd) 6.91 36 5 6.32 30 6 2.21 118 To estimate the recurrence interval or frequency of these six storms we calculated a moving average of rainfall over a series of standard time durations. Durations, or moving average bin -23- sizes, were selected to coincide with standard storm durations reported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the HYDRO-35 report and the National Weather Service (NWS) in the TP-40 report. Durations of 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, and 96-hour durations ' were evaluated. Because the duration of the six evaluated storms varied from 7 to 118 hours, the durations over which each of the storms was evaluated varied. From the rainfall data for each applicable duration, a rainfall intensity (inches per hour) and a rainfall depth (inches) were ' calculated using the moving average method. Calculated depth values were then compared to depth values from NOAA HYDRO-35 and NWS TP-40 reports from Craven County for the applicable storm durations to approximate the storm recurrence interval or recurrence range of each of the six evaluated storms. The following tables present analyses results for each storm. n Storm 1 -April 15, 1999 16:00-23:00 Duration Intensity (in./hr.) Depth (in.) Frequency 1-hour 0.437 0.437 < 2-Year 2-hour 0.407 0.814 < 2-Year 3-hour 0.310 0.930 < 2-Year 6-hour 0.221 1.326 < 2-Year Storm 2 - May 12,1999 09:00 - 15:00 Duration Intensity (in./hr.) Depth (in.) Frequency 1-hour 0.073 0.073 < 2-Year 2-hour 0.062 0.124 < 2-Year 3-hour 0.053 0.159 < 2-Year 6-hour 0.029 0.174 < 2-Year Storm 3 -September 6, 1999 05:00-15:00 Duration Intensity (in./hr.) Depth (in.) Frequency 1-hour 1.717 1.717 < 2-Year 2-hour 1.340 2.680 2-Year to 5-Year 3-hour 0.981 2.943 2-Year to 5-Year 6-hour 0.638 3.828 2-Year to 5-Year 1 P u -24- Storm 4 -September 15,1999 05:00- September 16, 1999 11:00 (Hurricane Floyd) Duration Intensity (in./hr.) Depth (in.) Frequency 1-hour 1.490 1.490 < 2-Year 2-hour 0.967 1.934 < 2-Year 3-hour 0.931 2.793 2-Year to 5-Year 6-hour 0.648 3.888 2-Year to 5-Year 12-hour 0.431 5.172 5-Year to 10-Year 24-hour 0.275 6.600 10-Year 48-hour 0.147 7.056 5-Year Storm 5 -October 16, 1999 22:00 -October 18, 1999 03:00 Duration Intensity (in./hr.) Depth (in.) Frequency 1-hour 1.207 1.207 < 2-Year 2-hour 0.982 1.964 < 2-Year 3-hour 0.748 2.244 < 2-Year 6-hour 0.502 3.012 < 2-Year 12-hour 0.396 4.752 2-Year to 5-Year 24-hour 0.258 6.192 5-Year to 10-Year 48-hour 0.138 6.624 2-Year to 5-Year I u -25- Storm 6 -April 28,1999 02:00 - May 2, 1999 23:00 Duration Intensity (in./hr.) Depth (in.) Frequency 1-hour 0.153 0.153 < 2-Year 2-hour 0.148 0.296 < 2-Year 3-hour 0.121 0.363 < 2-Year 6-hour 0.074 0.444 < 2-Year 12-hour 0.048 0.576 < 2-Year 24-hour 0.038 0.912 < 2-year 48-hour 0.030 1.440 < 2-Year 96-hour 0.024 2.304 < 2-Year The tables above show that although some of the evaluated storm events, including Hurricane Floyd, exhibited significant total rainfall when compared to predicted rainfall depths for various recurrence intervals, they would be considered relatively high frequency events. Based on collected rainfall data, most would be considered in the range of two to five-year storms. Storms 4 and 5 did, however, fall into the range of five to ten- year events, but only in longer durations. 5.2 Flood Flow Prediction Using Synthetic Hydrology Synthetic hydrology is a process in which rainfall depth, duration, and frequency data are used in combination with soil, land use, and other data to predict flood hydrographs. It is typically employed where adequate stream gauge data are not available for statistical analysis and when hydrographs, rather than just peak flows, are needed for design. The basis of synthetic hydrology is that a rainfall of a given recurrence interval will produce flows of the same recurrence interval, if factors such as previous rainfall and infiltration are included. While we have collected on-site stream gauge data, its duration is not long enough for reliable statistical prediction of peak flows. As such, we must either use synthetic hydrology or regional statistical analyses. We were hesitant to apply regional statistical relationships to this watershed without confirmation by synthetic hydrologic analyses verified by measured site rainfall to runoff response. As described in our preliminary report, we experienced difficulty using synthetic hydrologic models using standard dimensionless unit hydrographs such as the SCS Unit Hydrograph. For this reason, we again attempted to develop a site specific unit hydrograph. As with the previous analysis, outflow at the point of interest was computed from the stage discharge relationship estimated with our two-stage curve combining results of our measured field data and our HEC- RAS analysis. I ' -26- 5.2.1 The Unit Hydrograph Method A unit hydrograph is a simple linear model which can be used to estimate watershed flows from excess rainfall runoff. The unit hydrograph for a given watershed represents the direct runoff of some unit (typically taken as one inch) of runoff uniformly distributed over the entire watershed at a constant rate for some duration of time. Once a unit hydrograph has ' been developed for a given watershed, we can then use this unit hydrograph to synthesize the direct runoff hydrograph for any rainfall upon that watershed that produces runoff. The ' use of a unit hydrograph for synthesizing subsequent runoff hydrographs assumes that all storm segments have the same duration, the distribution of rainfall and its losses are uniform over the entire watershed, and only the total amount of runoff varies from segment ' to segment. A unit hydrograph can be developed by deconvolution from rainfall and stream gauge data. Standard unit hydrographs are also available which can be fitted to individual watersheds ' by analysis of watershed characteristics and storage. 5.2.2 Development of a Site Specific Unit Hydrograph We initially attempted to use the process of deconvolution of the direct runoff hydrograph ' to develop a site specific unit hydrograph. Upon deconvolution of the unit hydrograph, we performed a unit hydrograph synthesis (or convolution) on the same excess rainfall to check the validity of the unit hydrograph. Spreadsheet computer programs were developed by us ' to perform deconvolution and unit hydrograph synthesis. For a detailed explanation of the deconvolution-synthesis process the interested reader is referred to Appendix A (Section 4.3 of our previous report). Because results of the deconvolution-synthesis process were ' inconsistent and difficult to validate using other storm events, we opted to pursue an alternative method using a pattern unit hydrograph. Some of the steps in our attempt to develop a site specific unit hydrograph are the same as those in our pattern unit hydrograph ' analyses. To prevent repetition, these steps are described in the following sections. Additional information on the deconvolution method and associated analyses can be found t in Appendix A. 5.2.3 Pattern Unit Hydrographs ' Based on analysis results to this point, we adopted the use of a step-function pattern unit hydrograph. The step-function was developed at North Carolina State University (NCSU) ' by H. Rooney Malcom, Ph.D., P.E., et al. The step-function unit hydrograph is scalable, unlike the SCS Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph as implemented in the HEC-1 Computer Program. We used the Snyder's watershed timing coefficient Ct, the known relationship ' between the time to peak, the peak flow, and the volume of the step-function, and the observed rainfall and surface flow records to scale the step-function unit hydrograph for our analysis. t H 1 -27- To perform our analyses, a spreadsheet model was developed to analyze watershed runoff for existing conditions. Again, we chose to use a spreadsheet model because the less complex data manipulation facilitates more trial solutions and graphing than a similar analysis using HEC-1. This model required input of rainfall data, main channel length, centroid location, Snyder's C,, watershed areas, and SCS curve numbers (CN). We also allowed for input of the percentage of the watershed which was to be considered impervious. Of six discrete storm events analyzed and described in the previous section, we selected Storm 3 for development of a step-function pattern unit hydrograph. Storm 3 was a significant rainfall event with a total of 4.08 inches of rainfall over a nine-hour period. The peak intensity of Storm 3 was approximately 1.7 inches per hour, and although not ideal in its distribution, the storm did produced a more "typical" runoff hydrograph than some of the other five storms. As described in the previous section, Storm 3 fell between the two- year and five-year frequency for almost all of the evaluated durations. Secondly, Storm 3 was preceded by a fairly dry period, and although almost 6.5 inches of rainfall was measured during the month prior, flow depths, and subsequent estimated discharges were insignificant, as such base flow was minimal. This allowed for a good starting condition for analysis of watershed runoff, in this case Antecedent Moisture Condition (AMC) I (dry). Finally, shortly after Storm 3 occurred, two other rain events also occurred which were seen to effect the overall runoff hydrograph. Storm 3, identified as Event 1 in our analyses, consisting of 4.08 inches of rainfall, was followed by two smaller rainfall events, Events 2 and 3, of depths of 0.78 inches and 0.60 inches respectively. These smaller subsequent events, although disruptive to analysis of the primary runoff hydrograph from Event 1 (Storm 3), allowed for the analysis of changing watershed conditions, such as increased percent impervious area and a transition in Antecedent Moisture Conditions. Although variations in soil type and land cover do exist over the site, the effect of their distribution on the modeling of the site is relatively insignificant. For this reason we elected to focus our analyses on the site watershed outlet at the bridge on Catfish Lake Road. The development of our step-function pattern unit hydrograph model focused on this ' location with the assumption that modeling of other site locations, with smaller contributing drainage areas, would be similar enough hydrologically that the developed model would apply anywhere on the project site. Base Flow Separation Development of a direct runoff unit hydrograph from stream gauge data required that base flow be separated from the direct runoff hydrograph. Although several methods for base flow separation are available, we chose the simpler straight line method, 1 I t 1 i -28- which assumes a linear return of base flow. A linear interpolation was used for points between the first rise and the inflection point of the hydrograph. Subtraction of the base flow ordinates from the observed hydrograph ordinates yielded the direct runoff hydrograph used in scaling of the step-function pattern unit hydrograph. The observed hydrograph, base flow hydrograph, and resulting direct runoff hydrograph are graphically depicted for Storm 1 through Storm 6 in Appendix F. Rainfall-Runoff Estimation Soils, cover, and land use data were used to assign Soil Conservation Service (SCS) runoff Curve Numbers (CN) to the various watershed elements. Soils data were obtained from the 1989 U.S. Department of Agriculture Soils Survey for Craven County, NC, as provided by ESI. Cover and land use data were taken from USGS topographic maps, vegetation maps provided by ESI (compiled from 1997 NCDOT Photogrammetry), and visual observation from site visits. The SCS CN is used to account for initial abstractions and infiltration when converting rainfall to direct runoff. The higher the curve number, the larger the portion of rainfall that appears as direct runoff. Direct runoff is considered to be that portion of rainfall that flows overland to a watershed outlet. It does not include stored surface water or infiltrated surface water, even though these may reach the point of watershed discharge as later base flow. From our preliminary report, our evaluation of site soils and coverage yielded a weighted SCS CN of 84 for the site watershed for Antecedent Moisture Condition (AMC) II (normal conditions). For the site in a "dry soil condition," AMC I, a CN of 68, indicative of a relatively low direct runoff potential, was selected. As previously noted, many of the soils within the contributing watersheds may be categorized into two Hydrologic Soil Groups, depending on drainage conditions. Hydrologic Soil Groups are used in combination with cover conditions to estimate CN. The HSG's of D, A/D and B/D are the most prevalent on the site, with paired groups representing "drained" / "undrained" conditions. Because the site is drained by ditching, and conditions preceding Storm 3 (the storm used in our step-function pattern unit hydrograph scaling) were relatively dry, the argument could be made that the use of HSG's with the higher infiltration capacity, or the "drained" condition, may be appropriate for model development and validation depending on site conditions. The use of these soil groups would result in significantly lower Curve Numbers of 47 and 68 for AMC I and AMC II, respectively. Lower Curve Numbers would reduce predicted peak runoff values; however, experience has shown that relatively low Curves Numbers may not be appropriate for hydrologic design. For future site evaluations, the "undrained" Curve Numbers would be most appropriate. I ' -29- Model Calibration Using the spreadsheet model described above we attempted to synthesize a ' hydrograph similar in shape and magnitude to the observed runoff hydrograph. The model allows variation of Snyder's C„ CN, and the percentage of impervious area. The Snyder's watershed timing coefficient, C, was varied within the model ranging from 4.0 to 12.0 based on experience with watersheds in eastern North Carolina and Virginia. Rainfall data from Events 1, 2, and 3 for Storm 3 were input, as well as other required data discussed above. The resulting hydrograph was graphically compared to the estimated runoff hydrograph from actual gauged channel water surface elevations, and adjustments to C, were made to match observed hydrograph ' timing. By varying C, we were able to obtain a hydrograph similar in shape to the observed hydrograph. After various trials, we selected a Ct of 5.50. ' Then varying CN and the percent impervious area within the watershed, peak discharges were made to be similar in magnitude to those of the observed hydrograph. ' Through this trial process we found that an AMC I CN of 63 (equivalent to an AMC II CN of 80) with an initial impervious percentage of approximately 12 percent (including Long Lake), would produce an outflow hydrograph very similar to the L observed hydrograph for Event 1 of Storm 3. The period preceding Storm 3 was a fairly dry period, so the lower CN appears to be justified. By modifying both CN and impervious percentage based on estimated changes in site conditions, we could ' reproduce hydrographs similar to those observed for Events 2 and 3 of the same storm. 1 As discussed earlier, the observed hydrograph for Storm 3 was a result of not only the original rainfall event, Event 1, but two additional rainfalls as well, Events 2 and 3. Using the theory of superposition, these storm events were similarly analyzed with overlapping synthesized hydrographs offset to coincide with the beginning of the subsequent rainfall events. By varying CN's and percent impervious area to estimate watershed conditions at the onset of each event, we were able to obtain a composite hydrograph similar to the observed hydrograph. Based on our model calibration efforts, the following estimates of percent impervious area and curve number were used for modeling of site conditions. AMC I AMC II AMC III (Dry) (Normal) (Wet) Percent 12 23 35 Impervious Curve Number 63 80 90 1 -30- In cases where site conditions preceding a modeled event were estimated to be between two Antecedent Moisture Conditions, an average of percent impervious and curve number were applied. A comparison of the synthesized hydrograph and the observed hydrograph from Storm 3 is shown in Figure 7. Detailed results of our analysis are presented in Appendix F. t Model Validation To validate the unit hydrograph model we produced, we used the model to predict a ' runoff hydrograph for other storms occurring over the watershed for comparison with the observed hydrographs. Using the spreadsheet model described above, we attempted to synthesize an outflow hydrograph for two other rainfall events, Storm 4 and Storm 5. Rainfall data from these two storms were individually entered into the model spreadsheet. Judgement of watershed conditions was necessary to match model parameters to conditions preceding the storms. Accordingly, Storm 4, based on estimated preceding watershed conditions mid-way ' between AMC I and AMC II, was modeled with a CN of 72 and an impervious area of 17.5 percent. Similarly, Storm 5 was modeled with a CN of 63 and an impervious area of 12 percent based on preceding site conditions of AMC I. Both of these ' validating storms had smaller rainfall events occurring some time into the primary runoff hydrograph, which influenced the observed runoff hydrograph. These later events, however, were considered minor in comparison to the primary event, occurred ' at a point well past the observed hydrograph peak, and were judged not to be significant for validation of the model. ' A comparison of the synthesized hydrograph and the observed hydrograph from Storms 4 and 5 is shown in Figure 8. For Storm 4 an estimate of peak discharge must be made because during the recording of water surface elevations following Storm 4. ' the surface water gauge overtopped, consequently, no peak water surface elevation was recorded. By extrapolating the rising and falling limbs of the observed ' hydrograph, we can conservatively estimate a peak discharge. In doing so, we see that the predicted peak discharge for Storm 4 would is similar to the observed peak discharge. The predicted peak discharge for Storm 5 is also similar to the observed peak discharge. While the predicted and the observed hydrographs do not match exactly, they can be considered hydrologically similar. That is, they match within the precision expected from hydrologic analyses and would be reasonable for hydraulic ' design. Detailed results of our model calibration efforts are presented in Appendix F. 5.2.4 Application of the Unit Hydrograph Method ' Once we were able to validate our hydrograph model, peak discharges from our model output could then be used to size required water control structures. Since the model ' -31 - ' requires input of main channel length, centroid location, and watershed area the model could then be used for any location around the project site. The Snyder's watershed timing coefficient, Ct, remains the same without regard to location on-site. Because we are designing structures for "Normal" site conditions, we use the SCS curve number (CN) associated with AMC II (Normal) conditions, in this case 80. Additionally, we use a percent impervious of 23 for "Normal" site conditions. Rainfall input, the key to predicting flood flows for given recurrence intervals using our synthetic hydrologic model, is presented in the next section. 5.2.5 Design Storm Rainfall Data Typically, NCDOT requires structures at road crossings on secondary roads, open for public access, to be sized to allow for passage of the 25-year discharge. Crossing sites on less trafficked roads, such as those on the project site, are commonly designed for the ten- year peak discharge through a culvert or culverts, without erosion in the vicinity of the structure. As is often the case in coastal areas, limited topographic relief restricts structure size, crossings may be designed to meet the capacity of the upstream channel or ditch, rather than a particular event frequency. According to the North Carolina Sediment Pollution Control Act of 1973, Erosion and Sediment Control measures must be designed to provide protection from a rainfall event equivalent in magnitude to the ten-year peak ' runoff. Accordingly, we selected the ten-year design event for the sizing of crossing culverts. At the project site, however, not only do we want to allow for safe passage of the ten-year peak discharge, but we also want to safely pass the 100-year discharge over the road, again without erosion. As such, in addition to the development of a ten-year design discharge, the 100-year design storm discharge was also required. For comparison purposes we used two different methods to develop the a design storm hyetograph, or distribution pattern in which the rain would fall over the project watershed. Details of this work can be found in ' Appendix G. Based on our watershed time of concentration, we selected the use of a 12-hour design ' storm duration for developing the required design rainfall. Predicted precipitation depths for the 10- and 100-year design storms were developed from Depth Duration Frequency (DDF) values. These values were obtained from DDF data developed using the NOAA HYDRO-35 and the NWS TP-40 reports. The 12-hour design storm depths for the 10-year and 100-year storms are 5.77 inches and 8.55 inches of rainfall respectively. ' We first used the "Alternating Block" Method to develop our design storms. In this method we separated our rainfall into "n" successive blocks of rainfall each of a set ' duration "t", resulting in a total storm duration, Td, equaling the product of "n" and "t". In our design storm, "n" equals 12, since we considered a 12-hour design storm, and "t" equals one hour, since we analyzed the event in one hour segments. Using available DDF I -32- information we developed a DDF curve for each design storm from which a total depth of rainfall at each successive increment, t, 2t, 3t, .... can be read. Then by taking the differences between successive rainfall depths, we found the design depth of rainfall for each increment of time "t." These incremental depths were then rank-ordered from largest depth to smallest depth, and then reordered with the largest depth occurring at the center of the total storm duration, Td. The remaining increments were then arranged in descending order by alternating their placement to the left and right of the storm center. The resulting storm event hyetographs can be used as design storms. I Alternately, we also used a modified Soil Conservation Service (SCS) 24-hour storm distribution for developing our design storm hyetograph. These distributions were based on collected storm data for various geographic regions within the United States. In our analyses, we considered a Type III distribution since the project site falls in the Atlantic coastal area. Using this distribution, we considered only the center portion of the curve for analysis of our 12-hour design event by readjusting the distribution scale so that the cumulative fraction of the rainfall event remained equal to one. From the modified distribution and available DDF information, we developed a cumulative design rainfall distribution and in turn an incremental design rainfall distribution. A comparison of the resulting hyetographs is provided in Appendix G. Both of these rainfall distributions were then used in estimating peak design discharges for the site watershed. Although the rainfall hyetographs differed in shape, the differences in resulting estimated peak discharges, for both the 10- and 100-year design storms were relatively small. Since the modified SCS Type III distribution hyetograph appeared to more closely match the general shape of those storms observed on site, all subsequent estimates if peak discharge were made using this distribution. Using our previously validated synthetic hydrologic spreadsheet model, the appropriate watershed characteristics, and this rainfall distribution, we estimated peak discharges for both the 10- and 100-year design storms. These discharges were later compared with predicted peak discharges from two alternate synthetic methods of estimating peak discharge to confirm their validity. 5.3 Flood Flow Prediction using USGS Regression Equations For comparison of estimated peak discharges we used the regression equations for the North Carolina Coastal Plain hydrologic region. These equations can be found in the US Geological Service (USGS) Water Resources Investigations Report 87-4096, Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Rural and Urban Basins of North Carolina, dated 1987. These equations were developed from a statewide study of gauged and ungauged streams in both rural and urban watersheds. Rural watersheds in the study ranged from 0.14 to 8671.0 square miles in size. Concurrent rainfall and runoff data were used to develop and calibrate computer models of each region. From these models estimation equations were developed by relating flood-frequency ' - 33 - ' characteristics to basin characteristics in a generalized least-squares regression analysis. Using a watershed area of 18.9 square miles at the site outlet at the bridge at Catfish Lake Road in the regression equations, we calculated the peak discharges for various recurrence intervals. ' 5.4 Flood Flow Prediction using Regional Flood Frequency Analysis ' The second method used for comparison of peak discharge estimates were the regional curves developed from the Flood Frequency Analysis (HEC-FFA) program in our preliminary report analyses. Using HEC-FFA we determined the specific discharge in cubic feet per second per ' square mile (cfs/mil) for each return period of interest. Using a watershed area of 18.9 square miles at the site outlet at the bridge at Catfish Lake Road, multiplied by the specific discharge, we calculated the peak discharge for various recurrence intervals. A more detailed explanation of this method and background data can be found in Appendix A. 5.5 Comparison of Predicted Floods with Observed Floods As described previously, each of the six analyzed storm events was roughly classified into a ' particular storm frequency or recurrence interval (based on measured depth when compared to expected depth values from NOAA HYDRO-35 and NWS TP-40 reports from Craven County, NC). We then compared observed peak discharges for each of the six evaluated storms with ' estimated peaks from both the USGS Regression Equations and the HEC-FFA Specific Discharge curves, for the applicable recurrence intervals. Again, it should be emphasized that accurate watershed delineation is critical to appropriate use of all methods of flood flow ' prediction. Results of our analyses are shown below: Recurrence Synthetic Hydrologic USGS Flood Measured Storm Interval Model Regression Frequency Events Equations Analysis Existing Proposed (Drained) 2-Year 129 cfs 1520 cfs 445 cfs 470 cfs Storml - 13 cfs Storm 2 - 20 cfs Storm 6 - 28 cfs 5-Year 1189 cfs 2144 cfs 824 cfs 865 cfs Storm 3 - 815 cfs Storm 5 - 1070 cfs 10-Year 1520 cfs 2584 cfs 1163 cfs 1598 cfs Storm 4 - 1085 cfs (Gauge Overtopped) 100-Year 2857 cfs 4249 cfs 2813 cfs 6390 cfs N/A -34- The results above show a fairly close correlation in resulting peak discharges for lower frequency storms to included ten-year and 100-year design storms. The table results also show that high frequency flows, such as the two-year storm, are significantly affected by existing site drainage ' conditions. Frequent storm events (less than the 2-year event) currently produce smaller peaks at the ' watershed outlet than would be predicted by any of the methods considered. However, with the projected changes in site conditions, peaks experienced as a result of more frequent storms may be more typical of those predicted by synthetic methods. Because the predicted results of our ' synthetic hydrologic model are considered reasonable, when compared with those predicted by the USGS Regression Equations and the Flood Frequency Analysis, and have been validated ' against on-site rainfall and runoff observations, we recommend their use in the prediction of peak discharges at this and other locations on the project site. 1 1 1 -35- 6.0 PROPOSED SITE TREATMENTS Our design goal is to return the site to a more natural hydrologic condition, similar to site conditions prior to disturbance. This section presents a description of existing features and their effect on site hydrology, as well as site modifications and proposed constructed features which will assist in achieving restoration goals. Details on the design of proposed site treatments is provided in Appendix H. 6.1 Existing Conditions As described previously, an extensive ditch network covers the project site. Relic channels are present in the northern portion of the site. 6.1.1 Existing Ditch and Road Network 0 Based on site observations and our understanding of construction practices previously used on the site, the existing ditches were excavated with the spoil material placed off to one side creating the roads which currently exist parallel to the ditches. Depths of on-site ditches vary from one to over six feet, with a typical width being about 12 to 15 feet. In areas of higher ground elevation, the ditches are smaller, as is the case along the ridge line which extends from the south end of CH 7 to just north of the intersection of CH's 8, 9, and 10. Much of CH 6 is similarly small in dimension. A typical cross-section of an existing ditch is shown in Figure 9. Site ditches appear to influence site hydrology in three main ways. First, they serve to collect surface runoff and allow for transport off-site. Second, some of these ditches serve to intercept groundwater movement on site, allowing its transport from the site. Third, according to ESI's soils data, a confining layer exists over portions of the site, striating the groundwater into shallow and deep layers. Areas where the confining layer has been penetrated during excavation of ditches may serve as a two-directional drain depending on groundwater conditions. During dry periods, these drains allow shallow groundwater to move downward beneath the confining layer. During wetter periods deep groundwater is allowed to move upward through the confining layer into the ditches and eventually off- site. This third effect of site ditching is thought to be the least significant and may balance over long time periods to result in no net loss or gain. Roads also have influenced site hydrology. Although not directly confirmed by site ' investigation, we would expect that a zone of consolidated soils exists beneath the road fill based on soil mechanics theory. This consolidated zone is created by the weight of fill materials on top of the original ground. Consolidated soils will have a lower permeability ' than the surrounding relatively undisturbed soils. As such, the roads serve to act as water bars or dams, which divert the natural flow of both surface and groundwater across the site. -36- ' This diversion may result in either the redirection of water into the ditch network or the retention of water behind the road, or both. Although typically earth surface, some sections have been repaired or patched with gravel where standing water and vehicular traffic have created difficult passage. Numerous culverts exist on the site allowing for conveyance of channel flow under existing roads. A variety of materials have been used on site to include, corrugated metal pipe (CMP), reinforced concrete pipe (RCP), and corrugated plastic pipe. Many of the existing pipes are in poor condition, allowing for a condition of changing flow regime on the site. A typical ' existing road cross-section and road profile are shown in Figures 9 and 10. ' 6.1.2 Relic Channels and Natural Drainage Features From a review of the USGS 7.5-minute series quadrangle maps, "Catfish Lake," "Hadnol ' Creek," "Havelock," and "Masontown," three prominent natural drainage features can be seen on the project site. Two of these features appear to start near the property boundary with Long Lake, running roughly parallel to each other on either side of the ridge line described above. These two features appear to join near the point where they intersect CH13. From here the feature travels northward leaving the project property and then turning northwest towards the bridge at Catfish Lake Road, becoming East Prong Brice Creek. The third feature begins off-site near the northwest edge of the site, and travels north paralleling CH's 17 and 18, and eventually joining East Prong Brice Creek near the bridge. These natural drainage features are roughly depicted in Figure 3. 6.2 Proposed Site Treatments ' In order to assist in a return of site hydrology to a more natural condition, sections of the existing road and ditch network will require removal or modification. However, to allow continued access to a large portion of the project site, some site roads must remain in place. As such, various "treatments" or methods must be applied across the site to meet hydrologic goals. These various "treatments" are described below. 6.2.1 Site Ditch Removal and Modifications Existing roads and ditches must allow for conveyance of both surface and groundwater along the desired "natural" flow path. At first glance, one obvious solution might be to return existing road materials into the ditches with the hope that historic hydrology would ' return. Unfortunately, although some benefits might be realized through this method, some problems exist in this approach. First, existing zones of compressed soil and the fill material returned to the ditch will serve to restrict groundwater movement perpendicular to ' the road/ditch axis. Second, it is likely that a significant volume of soil was lost due to erosion, oxidation, and consolidation. It is therefore unlikely that sufficient local soil materials exist to completely fill the ditches, and as such the potential exists for surface ' -37- water to eventually become concentrated such that ditches are reformed. More significant to restoration success is the potential for the ditches to reform through erosion. This is particularly true where post restoration flow will parallel the alignment of the existing ditches. Another problem of simply returning the road fill to the ditches is that the site would no longer have road access. Thus additional work is required to restore and enhance hydrologic function while avoiding these problems. The additional work is discussed in the following sections. Ditch Plugs In order to eliminate flow in the existing ditch network, earth plugs could be installed ' in selected site ditches. Two types or sizes are proposed. The first is a "Point" ditch plug, serving to stop longitudinal flow of water in an existing ditch while limiting the volume of fill required. These plugs would be constructed from compacted fill ' material placed to the top of bank elevation over a discrete segment of the ditch. Details for proposed "Point" ditch plugs are shown in Figure 20. The second type of plug is a "Reach" ditch plug again serving to stop longitudinal flow of water in an ' existing ditch, but requiring significantly more fill. Fill requirements could exceed that available from the adjacent road. These plugs would be constructed similarly to "Point" plugs except that they would extend over an substantial ditch lengths, ' possibly hundreds or even thousand of feet. Details for proposed "Reach" ditch plugs are shown in Figure 21. Placement of "Point" plugs would typically occur at locations where the surface water gradient is generally perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the ditch. Placement of "Reach" plugs would typically occur at locations where the surface water gradient is generally parallel to the longitudinal axis of the ditch. These plugs are placed along such reaches since, due to their orientation, a greater potential exists for surface waters to become concentrated leading to ditch reformation. Locations of "Point" and "Reach" plugs should be selected based on a localized ' assessment of surface conditions and local topography. An initial estimate of plug location, based on guidance by ESI and reaches deemed critical to the restoration of natural hydrology by Eddy Engineering, P.C., is identified on Figure 13. ESI has identified locations where the confining clay layer, previously discussed, has been penetrated causing it to be desirable from a groundwater control standpoint to plug these ditch locations or reaches. These reaches to be plugged include all of CH's 14, t 16, 20, and 21, as well as portions of CH's 13 and 18. Similarly, we have identified sections which will also require "Reach" plugs along select portions of the other reaches deemed critical to the restoration of natural hydrology. These reaches to be ' plugged include the remaining portion of CH 18, as well as CH's 2, 4, 5, and a portion of CH 12. Other "Reach" plug locations may be identified during final t Ci I 1 -38- design. "Point" plug locations, occurring in many of the remaining channels, will be evaluated and identified during final design. Surface Water Diversions To assist in the return of more natural surface water movement across the site, particularly along ditches where the potential exists for surface waters to become concentrated, surface water diversions are proposed. These earthen berms, approximately 2 feet in height would be constructed perpendicular to, or at a slight angle to, the longitudinal axis of the ditch. Diversions could be as single entities, or as groups, and although they would be constructed to a standard height and depth, their length would be allowed to vary such that they could be tied to local topography to better serve their intended purpose. These diversions should be placed based on a localized assessment of surface conditions and local topography and may be field adjusted during construction. Details for proposed surface water diversions are shown in Figures 20 and 21. Scarification of Consolidated Soils Due to road construction, zones of consolidated, and therefore less pervious, soils are present beneath existing road segments. With ditch filling, fill materials may also be less permeable than surrounding soils. To what extent these zones limit the flow of groundwater is unknown and will likely vary across the project site. However, scarification (ripping) of all such areas perpendicular to the expected flow will create a greater horizontal permeability. This will aid in returning groundwater conveyance to a more natural condition. Where roads are to be completely removed, scarification will be the least costly means of increasing horizontal groundwater conveyance. Scarification depth should be controlled to reduce the potential for penetrating confining layers. Unfortunately, for roads to remain in service, scarification is not a good alternative. Removal of Existing Conveyance Structures To assist in the achievement of site hydrology goals and better reduce the potential of surface flow returning to the existing channel network, select existing conveyance structures should be remove. Each existing structure should be evaluated on a case by case basis from a localized assessment of surface conditions and local topography and removed if it is deemed detrimental to site hydrologic goals. This assessment would occur during final design. As described in our preliminary report an outlet control device does exist along the northeast side of Long Lake (POI 1). The structure appears to be in poor, if not unusable, condition, with the corrugated metal outlet barrel showing severe corrosion -39- on exposed portions. Although no evidence of overtopping or surface flow was observed in the vicinity of the structure we recommend that this structure should be removed, or preferably grouted, to ensure it does not serve as an outlet for Long Lake. 6.2.2 Site Road Modifications ' To allow continued access to a large portion of the project site, some roads or road sections must remain in place, and as such steps must be taken to allow for conveyance of both surface and groundwater along the desired "natural" flow path. Details of which roads are ' to remain and which roads are to be removed are shown in Figure 11. L Improving Road Surface Course Because virtually all of the ditches on site will be experiencing some type of modification. At some locations on the project site it is desired to completely remove the existing road. In these cases, road material would be used to fill ditches and the entire cross-section would be scarified. A typical cross-section where the ditch is filled and the road removed is provided in Figure 16. As a result of proposed site modifications, conditions where surface water exists within close vertical proximity of the remaining road surface, are likely to occur more frequently. One result of this increased local water surface elevation is the degradation of existing subsurface conditions beneath the road, and in turn destabilization of the road surface itself. Accordingly, sections of road which are to remain open will require improvements for stability under these new conditions. We propose the placement of a new compacted aggregate surface course. Details of an improved road cross-section are shown in Figure 19. Surface Water Conveyance Measures Using our synthetic hydrologic model, we developed peak discharges to be used to size required surface water conveyance structures. Since the model requires input of main channel length, centroid location, and watershed area the model could then be used for any locations around the project site. The Snyder's watershed gauge coefficient, Ct, remains the same regardless of the location on site. Because we are designing required structures for "Normal" site conditions, we use the SCS curve number (CN) associated with AMC II (Normal) conditions, in this case 80. Additionally, we use a percent impervious of 23 for "Normal" site conditions. As described previously, structures at road crossings, such as those at the project site, are sized to allow for passage of the 10-Year peak discharge through a culvert or culverts, without erosion in the vicinity of the structure. In this case, at select natural drainage features, not only do we want to allow for safe passage of the 10-Year peak discharge, but we also would like to be able to safely pass the 100-Year discharge -40- over the road, again without erosion. Accordingly we used the developed 12-hour design storm depths for the 10-Year and 100-Year storms of 5.77 inches and 8.55 inches of rainfall respectively. The resulting storm event hyetographs from our ' modified SCS Type III Distribution were used. Details of locations for permanent road crossings at natural drainage features which ' were evaluated for conveyance structure requirements are shown in Figure 12. Results of our peak discharge analyses at specific locations are shown below: C 0 Road Crossing Number Recurrence Interval RC1 RC2 RC3 RC4 10-Year 750 cfs 1085 cfs 670 cfs 815 cfs 100-Year F 1230 cfs 1780 cfs 1090 cfs 1335 cfs Each road crossing was then evaluated to determine alternative conveyance measures suitable for passing predicted peak discharges. We considered two likely alternatives for construction at locations where roads to be maintained cross existing natural drainage features. At these crossings, differences in existing top of road elevation and existing natural ground elevation at the crossings site ranged from approximately 1 to 3 feet. Because of the limited elevation change at the crossings, constraints are encountered on the maximum diameter of pipes which can be used. If we consider our ability to meet conveyance requirements critical such that the potential for water to backup at crossings is small, then sufficient culvert capacity may necessitate an increased road elevation to obtain sufficient pipe cover. Typically, minimum pipe cover is considered 1 foot. We evaluated reinforced concrete pipe culverts ranging in size from 12- to 36-inches in diameter in various configurations, with various combinations of pipe diameters. These pipes could be installed in conjunction with subsurface conveyance measures such as aggregate drains, if needed. Culvert analyses were conducted for the 10-year peak discharge only. We found that even using 30- and 36-inch diameter culverts, the number of pipes required was large and would require an increase in road elevations to meet minimum cover requirements. Additionally, the use of culverts of smaller diameter would require the installation of too many culverts to be practical. Even with the larger culverts, crossings would still require design for overtopping of the existing road surface to safely pass the 100-year discharge. The second alternative for such road crossings is the installation of one or more smaller culverts at topographically low points along the road crossing to allow for the passage of daily discharges. These culverts would be located such that they coincided -41- with the apparent low points in local topography to reduce the potential for standing water in the vicinity of the crossing. The crossing itself would consist of an improved and hardened road surface which would allow for vehicular traffic, while ' simultaneously allowing for the passage of peak discharges over the road surface. An example of such a crossing configuration alternative is shown in Figures 17 and 18. ' Preliminary analyses on conditions where allowable depth of head over road surface is varied between 6 inches up to as much as two feet indicate weir or ford lengths ' ranging from a around 150 feet to many hundreds of feet. These crossing sites can be constructed in conjunction with subsurface conveyance measures such as aggregate drains, if needed. Improvements and armoring of the road surface at these locations ' may be required depending on design velocities. Subsurface Aggregate Drains ' As described previously, due to road construction significant consolidation of subsurface soils is likely beneath the existing road network. This has the effect of ' reducing horizontal conveyance of groundwater. Scarification is not compatible with roads that are to remain in service. For cases where groundwater conveyance is needed and the road must remain in service, aggregate drains would be a better ' choice. The aggregate drains can be sized and spaced such that the effective conveyance of the combined fill and drain section can be made equal to or greater than the undisturbed soils. Aggregates such as open graded sands and gravels have a much higher permeability than on-site soils so only a small area of aggregate drain would be needed to dramatically increase effective conveyance. These drains would be installed in conjunction with surface conveyance measures such as culverts and ' lowered road crossings or ford sites as would be the case where roads are to remain as shown in Figures 17 and 18. ' 6.3 Locating Site Treatments ' As shown in Figures 11, 12, and 13, approximate locations have already been identified for some specific site treatments. The type of treatment for roads and ditches is dependent on many factors. Because of the size of the site and the small variation in elevations over the entire site, ' the locating of all site treatments as described above should be conducted through localized on- site evaluation during final design to be followed by confirmation during construction. Such evaluation includes, but is not limited to, local surface topography, existing road or ditch conditions, and expected future drainage conditions. In order to assure consistency in application of treatments and to estimate what features are likely to be applied at a given location on the project site the flow chart provided in Figure 22 can be used. i 1 -42- 7.0 WATER SURFACE PROFILE MODELS Hydraulic computer models were developed to describe existing and post-construction conditions ' and to quantify the effects of filling in the ditches. This section presents a summary of our findings and conclusions with regard to site water surface elevations. Detailed results of our water surface profile analysis are presented in Appendix I of this report. To prevent repetition, the interested reader is referred there for more detailed information. Li 7.1 Hydraulic Models Two computer models were constructed to evaluate migration of water from the southern end of the site near Long Lake to the watershed outlet at the bridge on Catfish Lake Road. Models were developed using the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) computer program. The first model was developed for existing conditions, the second for revised or post-restoration conditions. Flow data was obtained from the Step-Function Pattern Unit Hydrograph synthesis model previously discussed for various return periods. Manning's n- values for channel and overbank flow were selected based on site observations and standard references. 7.1.1 Existing Conditions Model As described previously, an extensive ditch network covers the project site. Various channels within the project site regularly show strong flow or physical evidence of previous flow, while portions of other channels appeared stagnant, and no discernible direction of flow can be observed. Channel geometry for the existing conditions model was based on existing site cross-sections taken from topographic survey data provided by NCDOT. Available site data on culverts, roads, and the bridge at Catfish Lake Road were incorporated into the model. Locations of cross-sections used in our analyses are presented on a schematic of the existing conditions model provided in Appendix I. At locations where limited or no topographic data were available, cross-sections were simulated by copying cross-sections from either upstream or downstream and adjusting inverts and bank elevations based on reach slopes. From a combination of stage and discharge data collected during site visits and from ' surface water gauges, we were able to calibrate the existing conditions model to measured site conditions. The model was then validated using a series of measured discharges at discrete times and locations, producing water surface elevations similar to those measured for the estimated discharge. 7.1.2 Proposed Conditions Model ' As a part of restoration and enhancement efforts to return the project site to more natural hydrology, the majority of the existing site ditches will be filled or plugged. In so doing, -43- natural drainage features and relic stream channels on-site will serve to transport surface water from the site. This model incorporated survey data provided by NCDOT for various site transects which cross the natural drainage features being modeled. In some cases, because of the limited variation in elevation over the length of a given transect, identification of the natural drainage feature was difficult. In such instances, information provided by USGS topographic data, as well as site observations, were used to assist in the identification of the "channel" section. This was particularly the case at the south end of the site where elevation differences were slight over the length of the transect. Cross- sections used in the proposed conditions model were typically much longer than those used in the existing conditions model. A less defined channel tends to distribute flows over a wider cross-section. Additionally, because no definition exists between the channel proper, and left and right overbank sections, a constant Manning's coefficient was applied over the entire cross-section. 7.2 Comparison of Water Surface Elevations A series of key locations (KL) were selected for comparison of generated existing and post- restoration water surface elevations. Locations of these six points are identified in Figure 23. These locations were selected for two important reasons. First, both of the models described above incorporated these six locations, along existing channels in the existing conditions model, and along natural drainage features in the post-restoration model. Therefore, a direct comparison of modeled water surface elevations can be made between existing and future conditions under some flow conditions. Second, based on their distribution across the site, these six locations allowed for a comparison of overall site water surface elevations, both before and after restoration, for some flows. ' 7.2.1 Development of Discharge Estimates The flow regime across the site will change dramatically between the existing and future ' conditions. After site restoration treatments are complete, not only will the "channel" in which surface runoff is being conveyed past each of the key locations change, but the area ' which drains to each of these key locations may change as well. Resulting differences in contributing drainage area, L, and L. , are reflected in changes to peak discharges between existing and future site conditions. ' Using the modified SCS Type III rainfall distribution and synthetic hydrologic model, we estimated peak discharges at each of our key locations for the 2-, 5-, 10-, and 100-Year rainfall events, as well as for a one-inch rainfall. Flow data from our analyses is provided in the following tables. Ll -44- KL 1 - Estimated Peak Discharges Storm Event Existing Conditions (cfs) Future Conditions (cfs) 1-inch 8 53 2-Year 68 444 5-Year 97 629 10-Year 116 752 100-Year 191 1230 KL 2 - Estimated Peak Discharges Storm Event Existing Conditions (cfs) Future Conditions (cfs) 1-inch 19 78 2-Year 166 638 5-Year 236 906 10-Year 283 1085 100-Year 468 1781 KL 3 - Estimated Peak Discharges Storm Event Existing Conditions (cfs) Future Conditions (cfs) 1-inch 15 48 2-Year 121 393 5-Year 172 557 10-Year 206 667 100-Year 339 1089 11 u - 45 - KL 4 - Estimated Peak Discharges Storm Event Existing Conditions (cfs) Future Conditions (cfs) 1-inch 117 59 2-Year 939 479 5-Year 1334 681 10-Year 1593 814 100-Year 2606 1334 KL 5 - Estimated Peak Discharges Storm Event Existing Conditions (cfs) Future Conditions (cfs) 1-inch 16 126 2-Year 128 1021 5-Year 183 1451 10-Year 219 1734 100-Year 359 2841 KL 6 - Estimated Peak Discharges Storm Event Existing Conditions (cfs) Future Conditions (cfs) 1-inch 186 191 2-Year 1496 1538 5-Year 2124 2185 10-Year 2537 2610 100-Year 4151 4276 The peak discharges tabulated above were developed considering CN of 80 and percent impervious area of 23 associated with AMC II. Accordingly, at KL 6, peak discharge values may differ from those previously presented in Section 5.5. 1 - 46 - 7.2.2 Estimated Water Surface Elevations When using the developed discharge data, our modeling indicated that overtopping of the ' channel banks occurred in all storm events, with the exception of the one-inch rainfall, in turn making water surface elevation comparisons difficult. Because the predicted discharges associated with the one-inch rainfall did not overtop the channel banks, these ' predicted water surface elevations are used for comparison purposes. At the six key locations across the site, the resulting water surface elevations predicted by ' the existing and future conditions models using a one-inch rainfall event are presented in the table below. I I 11 11 1-inch Rainfall Event Location Existing Conditions Model WSE (ft.) Future Conditions Model WSE (ft.) KL 1 36.97 35.33 KL 2 31.82 31.00 KL 3 33.05 32.10 KL 4 20.80 19.08 KL 5 28.33 27.51 KL 6 17.34 17.37 7.2.3 Travel Time By evaluating expected velocities, resulting from a one-inch storm event, for existing and proposed conditions models, over reach lengths we can develop approximate travel times, Tt. Travel time is estimated by the average velocity from the upstream end of the watershed to the watershed outlet at the bridge, assuming instant translation of flow through the lake. A comparison of estimated travel times from the one-inch storm is shown in the following table. Existing Conditions Restored Conditions Storm Event Travel Time Travel Time (hrs.) (hrs.) 1-inch 11.7 hrs. 8.9 hrs. 1 -47- 7.3 Discussion of Results In reviewing the predicted discharge results above, we see that in all locations except KL 6, ' significant changes in predicted peaks occur. These changes are primarily a result of changes to the contributing watershed area draining to each of these key locations. Since the channel network will be removed, the area contributing drainage to all locations except KL4 and KL 6 is ' increased. At KL 4 the contributing drainage area actually decreases, resulting in decreased peak discharges. At KL 6, the watershed outlet at Catfish Lake Road, since the drainage area remained the same, only minor increases were predicted. These increases at KL 6 can be ' attributed to changes in L and Lc between existing and future site drainage conditions. ' Predicted water surface elevations from the future or post-restoration conditions model are lower, although not significantly lower, than water surface elevations in the existing conditions model. This may be explained in part, by examining the effect of the road and ditch systems on the relatively large flood flows. The roads act like dams and the ditches are completely inundated in larger flood flows. After the site modifications, surface waters will be able to flow over a significantly larger cross-sectional area. There is more shallow flow across a larger portion of ' the site than in the existing conditions model where roads, acting as dams, and low capacity culverts tend to keep water surface elevations somewhat high for the larger flows. We can conclude that while the existing ditch system is effective at draining near surface groundwater from a large portion of the site, it does not have adequate capacity for larger flood flows. This is confirmed by our previous results discussion in which we found that, except for the one-inch rainfall, larger storm events typically experienced overbank flow. ' In comparing the estimated travel times in the restored condition, we can draw the following conclusions. First, for high-frequency storms, more frequent than the two-year storm event, the ' existing ditch network serves to elongate the outflow hydrograph to some extent, since significant surface runoff is being forced to travel a circuitous route through the site. In relative terms, the decrease in travel time, and the associated time of concentration, due to the change in ' site conditions will not likely be evidenced as any significant increase in the peak discharge resulting at the watershed outlet. There will only be an earlier peak relative to the beginning of ' the rainfall. Both pre- and post-restoration condition peaks are only a few hundred cubic feet per second, a relatively small discharge difference. ' In general, direct comparison of the results of a site modification as drastic as those proposed for the project site is difficult, at best. Because existing channel banks are overtopped for storm events of lower frequency (2-, 5-, 10-, 100-year events), model validity is in question and water ' surface elevations are imprecise. However, in future conditions, because water is being conveyed over a larger cross-section, one in which the flow is greatly disrupted by trees, brush, and variations in local topography, the application of higher Manning's coefficients would be ' appropriate. Higher Manning's n-values tend to increase flood elevations and decrease velocities, which will partially offset the drop in water surface elevations expected from road removal. -48- 8.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on our analyses, we have drawn conclusions about certain aspects of the hydrology of the ' project site in both existing and future conditions. This section provides as summary of those conclusions, as well as recommendations for final design, and future data collection and site monitoring. ' 8.1 Watershed Characteristics ' We found that Long Lake and the surrounding area does appear to drain predominantly through the site. A comparison of the cumulative water gains versus cumulative water losses over the analysis period revealed that Long Lake and its surrounding area contribute direct surface water ' runoff to the site in larger, less frequent storm events. Similar to depression storage in its effect, Long Lake will store initial rainfall if the lake level is at normal or lower level before the storm event. If the lake level is relatively high at the beginning of a storm event, direct discharge equivalent to impervious area is to be expected. Because proposed site modifications will likely increase lake levels, discharge from the lake will be come more frequent, thus increasing apparent flood discharges through the site. This again reinforces our conclusion that proposed site modifications could significantly increase the severity and frequency of surface water flows. 8.2 Flood Flow Prediction We developed a means to predict flood flows within and around the site for both existing conditions and after the proposed modifications. In our analysis we developed a synthetic hydrologic model to serve as a means of estimating peak discharges at various locations on the project site. With the validation the model's ability to reproduce other storm events on the watershed, we recommend that this model be used for hydraulic design within the watershed. 8.3 Recommended Site Modifications Locations and types of site modifications to the existing road and ditch system needed to enhance or restore wetland hydrology are proposed. These will be developed into construction plans as part of the Final Design Phase. The proposed site modifications include elimination of virtually all prominent site ditches, including those paralleling the existing road network, improved crossings at select locations where remaining roads cross natural drainage features, and removal of multiple site roads and culverts. Conceptual designs based on these analyses are proposed to support restoration and enhancement of wetland function. Because continued access to a large portion of the project site is required for project monitoring, some site roads must remain in place and, as such various "treatments" or methods must be applied across the site to meet hydrologic goals which allow for conveyance of both surface and groundwater along the desired "natural" flow path. Treatment methods include ditch plugs, surface water diversions, disruption of existing zones of compressed soil along existing road I I I -49- beds, removal of existing conveyance structures, installation of conveyance measures for both surface and sub-surface flow, and the improvement of select site roads and natural drainage feature crossing points. Select locations have already been identified for specific site treatments, but because of the size of the site and the small variation elevation over the entire site, the locating of all site treatments should be conducted through localized on-site evaluation during project final design. In general, it appears that construction of the proposed modifications can be most expediently accomplished on an upstream to downstream basis. This should keep the work area as well drained as is possible. 8.4 Effect of Site Modifications Our analyses show that increased peak flood flows are likely after site modifications, because of the increase in soil moisture and the large percentage of the drainage area that will be wetlands. This watershed, as it currently exists in a drained condition, exhibits significant storage effect along channels, in soils, and in depressions. After the proposed site modifications, channels will be filled, soils will be more nearly saturated, and depressions may be partially filled with water before the onset of a rainfall event, resulting in more of the rainfall being translated to direct runoff. As such, we expect peak flows to increase after the proposed modifications are completed. In reviewing modeled water surface elevations for various recurrence intervals we find that while ' the existing ditch system is effective at draining small rainfall events and near surface groundwater from a large portion of the site, it does not have adequate capacity for larger flood flows as evidenced by ditch bank overtopping. For smaller storm events water surface elevations ' from the future or post-restoration conditions model are slightly lower than those predicted by the existing conditions model, even though flows are greater. For relatively large flood flows, the existing roads act like dams, ditches are completely inundated, and existing low capacity culverts tend to keep water surface elevations somewhat higher than they will be in the future. ' When the existing ditch network is removed, it is likely that groundwater levels will increase. Additionally, this in combination with more natural overland flow patterns is likely to create conditions where local depression storage is seen to collect and pond water more frequently, and for longer duration than is currently being experienced on site. In turn, this decrease in available soil and surface storage will likely result in a higher percentage of rainfall being translated into direct runoff. ' Roads that remain may not be passable at all times. Roads will be designed to be inundated during periods of higher flow. As presented earlier, the frequency of significant flood flows is ' likely to increase. 1 1 F u -50- Because groundwater levels outside the lake are expected to rise, less lake water will be lost to groundwater which now finds its way into the ditch system. Additionally, smaller, more frequent rainfall events will produce surface flow, a portion of which may flow to the lake. The effect of these conditions may be that the normal level of Long Lake rises. Potential off-site effects to the west of the site are unknown because of the lack of topographic data in this area; however, we do not expect a large increase in flood levels at any location within the site. In fact, as mentioned previously, flood elevations may decrease. Groundwater levels and soil moisture are expected to increase in all areas of the site. 8.5 Future Data Collection Additional survey data will be collected as part of the construction effort and development of record Drawings to establish the location and elevation of various site treatments. Complete and consistent topographic data is not available at this time and it may not be practical to obtain additional data before construction. The size of the site combined with the dense vegetation and limited land slopes make topographic data collection and depiction difficult. At this point, it may be most feasible to focus only on those areas where construction will be performed. We recommend that hydrologic data collection efforts be continued on the project site. From a surface water hydrology perspective, future data collection for surface water and rain gauges should continue with collection readings changed to a daily basis. Although this will not be detailed enough for analyses similar to those included herein, it will be adequate to confirm the function and response of the proposed modifications. Data collection frequency needs for other purposes may be more demanding than those for surface water hydrology and the most demanding should govern. -51 - t 9.0 LIMITATIONS This report was prepared subject to acceptance of our proposal, which includes our "Standard ' Terms for Engagement." Our evaluations, conclusions, and recommendations are based on project and site information available to us at the time of this report and may require modification, if there are any changes in the project or site conditions, or if additional data about ' the project or site becomes available in the future. Our professional services for this project have been performed in accordance with generally accepted engineering practices; no warranty, expressed or implied, is made. This report is intended for use by ESI and NCDOT, on this project. These findings are not intended or recommended to be suitable for reuse on extensions of the project or on any other project. Reuse on extensions of the project or on any other project ' shall be done only after written verification or adaptation by EDDY ENGINEERING, P.C., for the specific purpose intended. i i i i 0 1 Ji_ ll aihamr\ + Jacks-0 Hawi ?? nn a cam. No at v $ixytf? ?_R Dav )0, {»,e n a C'. _,. 5 li to" - -" . PROJECT SITE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. CROATAN WETLAND Raleigh, North Carolina MITIGATION BANK VICINITY MAP EDDY ENGINEERING, P.C. Craven County, NC 40 MINXW 11010 a ¦=IC =9 aNa-M Maq a-= Project No. 98014-2 August 2000 Figure 1 (Pair?pn Lakr j - _ - ?J A//i0aio h 1 Lake one ?''.+• Kdkrn l5 i n iea0 . H • LereMdle d N L Q 7 C/-) N 0 C L 0 0 U) ? C N ? I- m N O N W U 9 L v 0 L a D r 5 U N O 00 G\ CD Ln Cf) cD CH 17 CH 15 N 6 N / W p ( N U Q c? cr) r- U cn U d 4-1 d d O S O X X U :3 0 S D d .p O) ? ? 0 Q? U i C 4 p ? L 0) 0) . q C C m d _ _ +' +' N Y ? d 3 Ul Ut _ (/7 (,I C2 J W U LL W W ? U U 0 o = T I I ' v? ? J Q. U j L-Li z W U ? g NC G? G j U CH 3 O J N a) U J C 0 J N 41 U ` Q ? W W = O U p cn p W N ? N rn Q CO ? co N U ? Z ? c .? 0 U 0 p ? Z 0 ? i > U N U 0 a U c Q., s a c o C? U p ?-? 3E o w ? c ? c 'v 00 W w? N I 0 n C 0 z w W J .-?CH 76 3 0 U ? ? p L 3 u + d 3 (n (n L? i Li U LL- i o 0 0) wow / C -- ?? ?--? C: C7) i ` wow / g ,.r \ CN 3 / CH 17 150 C\A CN Q) 8L HC / a)Qv o ?,/• , cg X C) Q) U W p ?` 8000 -r - 6000 N U c? O ? 4000 0 2000 2 0 -® 0 4 Storm 3: September 6, 1999 Storm 4: September 15-16, 1999 - - Storm 5: October 16-18, 1999 3 Storm 1: April 15, 1999 6 Storm 2: May 12, 1999 1 Storm 6: April 28 - May 2, 1999 2000 4000 6000 Volume of Rainfall (acre-ft) Volume Comparison (with Lake Area) 1 .3 g ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. CROATAN WETLAND e Raleigh, North Carolina MITIGATION BANK EDDY ENGINEERING, P.C. Craven Co., North Carolina «samn" curta am it M1 IN" *4-M WagIN-M Project No. 98014-2 8000 VOLUME COMPARISON RAINFALL VS. RUNOFF WITH LONG LAKE August 2000 Figure 4 8000 - 6000 N U c? O 4000 - P4 0 0 2000 2 1 0 P P Storm 3: September 6, 1999 Storm 4: September 15-16, 1999 Storm 5: October 16-18, 1999 Storm 1: April 15, 1999 6 Storm 2: May 12, 1999 Sto m 6: A il 28 M 2 1999 r pr - ay , 20 00 4000 Volume of Rainfall (acre-ft) 4 6000 Volume Comparison (w/o Lake Area) ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. CROATAN WETLAND Raleigh, North Carolina MITIGATION BANK EDDY ENGINEERING, p.C Craven Co., North Carolina Nsa?aoan ams woaR:Ia, a»aN-ae raayaw-rM Project No. 98014-2 8000 VOLUME COMPARISON RAINFALL VS. RUNOFF WITHOUT LONG LAKE August 2000 Figure 5 ?1 WETLAND MONTHLY WATER BALANCE Raleigh, North Carolina MITIGATION BANK INFLOW VS. OUTFLOW EDDY ENGINEERING, P. CCraven Co., North Carolina C. 40WUs„?W SM W &=KK M hhO,_= „aOROp,_,p, Project No. 98014-2 August 2000 Figure 6 Monthly Water Balance Cumulative Flow w/ WxSys. ET 70000 60000 - - - - - - - --- '? 50000 - ------- -- ---- -- -- - - - - --- L 40000 -- ------- v E 30000 j - - -- --- - - --- M 20000 -- 10000 -- -- o - ----- - Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Month ® Inflow . Outflow ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC CROATAN = = = = M = = = = M iii• ? M i «iiiiiiiii• ? ? STORM 3 ALL EVENTS HYDROGRAPH Storm Event #3 - 6 September 1999 1000 800 600 a) 2) L M 400 0 200 0 Synthesized Hydrograph Q, cfs 150 Observed Storm Hydrograph Q, cfs 200 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. CROATAN WETLAND COMPARISON OF SYNTHESIZED o Raleigh, North Carolina MITIGATION BANK HYDROGRAPH VS. OBSERVED EDDY ENGINEERING P C Craven Co., North Carolina HYDROGRAPH FOR STORM 3 , MR= MW me Ems ana-M w ana-M Project No. 98014-2 August 2000 Figure 7 0 50 100 Reading (hourly) \199E\014\dro.ings\eoneeptuol design ligures.deg JLE m d z ? d 0 O ? LTJ ip' ? a ? z D ischarge (cfs) Discharge (cfs) o r o 00 0 0 00 0 00 0 N O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O m n? 0 0 ID i o N C O N I -1 ' ° 0 ? O o v - z N N 7) i 5 n N CL a -,I 0 CL a P., O t>- 3: CL a O -? n 0 =r n ? 00 ooo 'm n ? > p ( p '1 O O z o Z Z O y CD? CD aO D CL fn ;u y CD CD 0) O Q a N 0 O Z M I C0 0 T N V (=Q• 0 Cr 0 S D m= I n Z O 0 O 0 0 Co O a 0 0 Co U) O m _ ^ n `/ N - (D Z ? O `G ` O 5' m Cl. 0 8 Cn 3: 9 D -? D 0 0 C) O n O to C 0 > o C) a (a F5 a a V) w C) C)C) Z c'1 O Z N O > Z = 0 N) 0 N p O 0 O _ TI 0 ? r^ m N -- T1 -1 O Z A t0 X O (n 2 O CD N < N 00 M N 0 0 Ln Existing Road Surface Approximate Original Ground Surface y Zone of Disturbed Soils Zone of Compressed Soils e TYPICAL EXISTING Q DITCH CROSS-SECTION g ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. CROATAN WETLAND TYPICAL EXISTING Raleigh, North Carolina MITIGATION BANK Craven County, NC DITCH CROSS-SECTION EDDY ENGINEERING, P.C. w ao aorta w=ic m, p„li,-m ra milou-, Project No. 98014-2 August 2000 Figure 9 M M M M M M M M M M ? 1=11 ? I• I• Existing Road Surface /- Existing Road Culvert Fill to Soil Interface FILL Zone of Compressed and Disturbed Soils TYPICAL EXISTING ROAD PROFILE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. CROATAN WETLAND TYPICAL EXISTING Raleigh, North Carolina MITIGATION BANK EDDY ENGINEERING, p.C . Craven County, NC ROAD PROFILE «s d ¦Ina UmK nN t«nIN-= M04W-1w Project No. 98014-2 August 2000 Figure 10 n u 0 k L ri F 0 1 C n n C L f ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Existing Fill to Soil Interface Former Road Surface Fill to be Removed PROFILE VIEW ?I ROAD REMOVAL AT NATURAL DRAINAGE FEATURE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. CROATAN WETLAND Raleigh, North Carolina MITIGATION BANK EDDY ENGINEERING, P. C. Craven County, NC wstasuc AD aorta Y1=K VW pp w-= Mpill 64- , Project No. 98014-2 ROAD REMOVAL AT NATURAL DRAINAGE FEATURE August 2000 Figure 14 Zone of Compressed and Disturbed Soils Approximate Original Ground Surface Fill Material Existing Channel Bed Zone of Disturbed Soils Scarification ?I tj SECTION VIEW Zone of Compressed Soils ROAD REMOVAL AT NATURAL DRAINAGE FEATURE g ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. CROATAN WETLAND ROAD REMOVAL AT e Raleigh, North Carolina MITIGATION BANK NATURAL DRAINAGE 0 EDDY ENGINEERING P C Craven County, NC FEATURE . . . «sMM w a= om Ic nab P14 W-10 NoilIN-M Project No. 98014-2 August 2000 Figure 15 Former Road Surface Fill to be Removed 31 TYPICAL DITCH FILLING AND ROAD REMOVAL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. CROATAN WETLAND TYPICAL DITCH FILLING Raleigh, North Carolina MITIGATION BANK C. EDDY ENGINEERING, P. C Craven County, NC AND ROAD REMOVAL ?? ? •?• w" Ic vw a"Im-m moil Im-,w Project No. 98014-2 August 2000 Figure 16 i i i i i i i i i Former Road Surface New Road Surface Exi S1 New Smaller Road Culvert Fill to be Removed Drains Zone of Compressed and Disturbed Soils PROFILE VIEW LOWER ROAD ELEVATION AND a STABILIZE ROAD SURFACE AT NATURAL DRAINAGE FEATURE a ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. CROATAN WETLAND LOWER ROAD ELEV. AND D Raleigh, North Carolina MITIGATION BANK STABILIZE ROAD SURFACE AT Craven County, NC NATURAL DRAINAGE FEATURE EDDY ENGINEERING, P. C. 44zolowy99?ROwo SUItE209-9A1E10N,NC n61e (919)959-18M FAX(919)VA-1801 Project No. 98014-2 August 22000000 Figure 1177 SECTION VIEW 41 LOWER ROAD ELEVATION AND STABILIZE ROAD SURFACE AT NATURAL DRAINAGE FEATURE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. CROATAN WETLAND LOWER ROAD ELEV. AND e Raleigh, North Carolina MITIGATION BANK STABILIZE ROAD SURFACE AT 0 EDDY ENGINEERING P C Craven County, NC NATURAL DRAINAGE FEATURE , . . «s?? 3UM = ,,,= K V„ p,pw_M wp,hIM_,M, Project No. 98014-2 August 2000 Figure 18 Existing Rood Surface Approximate Original Ground Surface New Improved Road Surface Fill Material, Ditch Plugs y? Zone of Disturbed Soils Zone of Compressed Soils TYPICAL DITCH FILLING AND ROAD STABILIZATION ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. CROATAN WETLAND TYPICAL DITCH FILLING Raleigh, North Carolina MITIGATION BANK EDDY ENGINEERING, P.C Craven County, NC AND ROAD STABILIZATION . NO Lamm IN am= W=K MG 04 a-= Man rm-M Project No. 98014-2 August 2000 Figure 19 Tie to Existing Topography Tie to Existing Topography E;..__.., Channel Compacted Fill r..-1--- 1u_i Compacted Fill Compacted Ditch Plug, Fill to Top of Bank Profile View it 0 v P Section View Existing Channel Banks Existing Channel Bed, Excavate to Firm Base Material Compacted Fill Ditch Plug, Fill Top of Bank PROPOSED POINT DITCH PUGS 8c SURFACE WATER DIVERSION Tie Spacing to b during Fin Plan View Tie to Existing Topograph, Compacted Fill Surface Water Diversion Berm, Orientation Varies by Location Compacted Fill Ditch Plug, Fill to Top of Bank Profile View PROPOSED REACH DITCH PLUGS & SURFACE WATER DIVERSIONS 2' Min. Existing Channel Banks Compacted Fill Compacted Fill Section View Compacted Fill Existinq Channel u 0 i 0 4 N e a n 01 PROPOSED TREATMENT FLOW CHART E 1A See Figures 14 and 15 1A1. Fill in Ditches with Road Material. 1A2. Remove Fill Material to Allow for Natural Surface Water Flow Along Drainage Feature. 1A3. Scarify with Deep Rippers in Direction Transverse to Ditch/Road or Parallel to Proposed Flow. 1A4. Install Surface Water Diversions Depending on Site Conditions. 1B See Figure 16 1131. Fill in Ditches with Road Material. 1 B2. Scarify with Deep Rippers in Direction Transverse to Ditch/Road or Parallel to Proposed Flow. 1 B3. Install Surface Water Diversions Depending on Site Conditions. Note: In Cases Where Surface Flow is Perpendicular to Existing Channel Flow, Point Filling to be Used. 2A See Figures 17 and 18 2A1. Lower Road Elevation and Stabilize Road Surface Course, 2A2. Fill Ditches. 2A3. Install Conveyance Measures, Pipes, and Fords. 2A4. Install Aggregate Subsurface Drains. 2B See Figure 19 2131, Stabilize Road Surface Course and Raise Road Elevation. 2132. Fill Ditches. 0 d b cn m L A s a m v 0 0 Of 0 0 J .C 0 U a 0 N Y ?0) N Ln C 0 L. J Q) i •-s / Y C 00 X L- Q) 0 wC? LL. N 0 E N ct? N O z o LLJ rn V) v ? W 0 _I Cif / I N 0 Q E 0 Y N 0 0 C N N N m N m 0w [ ?L0 0:3 cn 0 Cn 0 0 (n '? m c 7 J d -11 ? 0 0 0 Ln 0 >, ? ? o w Q Ul Q? ( r- Wl YO U Y N Y C- cy) v XC) a w L v c0 / /' J / Y ? C)) a? U1 C. X C) N w L L? Y? v? 1 0 J c 0 J n Q (N W Q) H Q Z (n 1? 3 0 Z T 0 li 0 >Q> J U O Z 0 w O 0 J 0 Q W >- N LLJ >J . Y N U) Q Z N Y c N m 00 c r) 0 v 0 0 p Z .0 .? 0 N > u V? o V 0` a U c ?a p [ 7 o i U p ? ? `V ?a W? 0 oZ ? c E? W 00 cl? ? w W ?, J i i APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS CROATAN WETLAND MITIGATION BANK, PHASE I CRAVEN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared for: Mr. Kevin Markham Environmental Services, Inc. 1100 Wake Forest Road, Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27604 December 18, 1998 Project 98014 EDDY ENGINEERING, P.C. Post Office Box 61367 Raleigh, North Carolina 27661 (919) 518-1662 Fax (919) 518-1673 HN11?;o1" oplii;•7'r l'.i;?C1. CAR 04. q o ° A ! I''A4 APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I ' APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I t EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ' This report resents the findings of our preliminary hydrologic and hydraulic analysis presents for the Croatan Wetland Mitigation Bank (CWMB) project. The project site is located in southern Craven County, North Carolina, adjacent to Croatan National Forest. The area being considered for the CWMB consists of approximately 4100 acres. Our preliminary analysis and this report ' address only the first portion (Phase I) of the project site, approximately 1500 acres. Preliminary hydrologic and hydraulic analyses were conducted to model surface water runoff potential and estimate flows for watersheds and flow networks on and around the Phase I portion of the project site. The ability to predict surface water runoff potential is necessary for future design of water control and other features at this site in addition to understanding site hydrology. Data used in the analysis came from public record documents and data collected on-site by Environmental Services, Inc., and the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). Public record data included topographic maps, soils maps, stream flow records, and rainfall data. ' On-site data included stream gauge data, topographic data, and rainfall data. On-site data collection efforts captured one significant storm, Hurricane Bonnie. Rainfall and peak water surface elevations resulting from Bonnie were the primary means for developing a rainfall-runoff ' relationship and for the calibration of our hydrologic models. Some gaps in the data do exist, and there are questions about the accuracy of some instruments. Another significant rainfall event is needed to perform model calibration. As such, we recommend that data collection efforts be ' continued and extended into future portions of the site. This data is critical for the success and economy of future water control structures and a complete understanding of site hydrology. ' Hydrologic and hydraulic analyses were conducted using the US Army Corps of Engineers Flood Hydrograph Package (HEC-1), River Analysis System (HEC-RAS), and Flood Frequency Analysis (HEC-FFA) computer programs and in-house spreadsheet programs. Comparisons between the various models and predictions of flow are made. ' Conclusions are drawn regarding watershed characteristics, model validity, and the preliminary status of the results of this study. Most significantly, we conclude that with the site in its current condition, the percentage of rainfall that is translated to direct surface runoff is relatively small. ' Runoff potential will increase, if the existing ditch system is closed. It does not appear that Long Lake contributed much direct surface runoff into the site for the period of data collection. This may change with ditch closing. Lake water levels may remain higher if groundwater levels rise on the perimeter. Recommendations are made for future data collection. Data collection efforts should extend over the entire future site (all Phases) rather than just the next Phase. Long-term data collection will provide more useful data for model calibration. 1 We consider this work to be preliminary because calibration with another storm event is needed. Additionally, complete topographic data is needed to confirm assumptions that were made ' necessary by the current lack of complete topographic data. We recommend that the models APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I presented in this report not be used without calibration with additional data. These models should be considered work in progress. Additional data will result in modification to the models ' or development of new models. I I 11 ES-2 APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I 11 1 1-1 u APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF APPENDICES 1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................... 1- 1.1 Purpose .......................................................... -1- 1.2 Authorization ..................................................... - 1 - 1.3 Scope of Services .................................................. - 1 - 1.3.1 Preliminary Data Collection ................................. - 1 - 1.3.2 Project Coordination ...................................... - 2- 1.4 Project Personnel .................................................. - 2- 2.0 PROJECT AND SITE DATA ............................................. - 3 - 2.1 Project Location ................................................... - 3 - 2.2 Project Description ................................................. - 3 - 2.3 Survey Data ...................................................... .3- 2.4 Rainfall and Surface Water Gauge Data ................................ - 3 - 2.5 Site Visits and Visual Observations .................................... - 4- 2.5.1 Channels and Streams ..................................... - 5- 2.5.2 Long Lake .............................................. .6- 3.0 SYNTHETIC HYDROLOGIC MODELS ..................................... - 7- 3.1 Watershed Elements ............................................... -7- 3.2 Estimation of Runoff Potential ....................................... - 8- 3.3 Rainfall Data ..................................................... - 9- 3.4 Stage-Discharge Curve Development .................................. - 9- 3.5 Model Calibration ................................................. - 9- 3.6 Calibration Results ................................................ - 10- 4.0 SITE SPECIFIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH DEVELOPMENT ..................... - 11 - 4.1 Base Flow Separation .............................................. - 11 - 4.2 Estimation of Direct Runoff ......................................... - 11 - 4.3 Unit Hydrograph Deconvolution ..................................... - 12- 4.4 Unit Hydrograph by Least Squares ................................... - 13- 5.0 FLOOD FREQUENCY ANALYSES ....................................... - 15- 5.1 Gauged Streams .................................................. - 15- 5.2 Statistical Analysis ................................................ - 15- 5.3 Regional Discharge Curves ......................................... - 16- APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................. - 17- 6.1 Watershed Characteristics .......................................... - 17- 6.2 Model Validity ................................................... - 18- 6.3 Preliminary Status of Results ........................................ - 18- 6.4 Future Hydrologic Data Collection ................................... - 19- 6.5 Future Topographic Data Collection .................................. - 19- 7.0 LIMITATIONS ........................................................ .21- FIGURES APPENDICES ii APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I LIST OF FIGURES 1. VICINITY MAP 2. SURFACE WATER, LAKE, & RAIN GAUGE LOCATIONS 3. CHANNEL LOCATIONS & POINTS OF INTEREST 4. FLOOD FREQUENCY ANALYSIS STREAM GAUGES LIST OF APPENDICES A. GAUGE DATA B. SYNTHETIC HYDROLOGIC MODELS C. UNIT HYDROGRAPH DEVELOPMENT D. FLOOD FREQUENCY ANALYSIS iii APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I I I APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents our preliminary hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of Phase I of the Croatan Wetland Mitigation Bank (CWMB) project. This section presents the purpose of these services, authorization, scope, and project personnel. 1.1 Purpose Preliminary hydrologic and hydraulic analyses were conducted to model surface water runoff potential and estimate peak flows for the contributing watersheds and flow networks on and around the Phase I portion of the project site. The ability to predict surface water runoff potential is necessary for future design of water control and other features at this site and for a complete understanding of site hydrology. 1.2 Authorization These services were authorized by acceptance of Eddy Engineering, P.C. Proposal 98014-R2 , dated May 4, 1998, by Mr. Richard G. Harmon of Environmental Services, Inc. (ESI). ESI has been retained by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) as a consultant for restoration of wetlands for the CWMB project. 1.3 Scope of Services Eddy Engineering, P.C., assisted ESI with the analysis of the CWMB site by providing the following professional services: 1.3.1 Preliminary Data Collection 1. We visited the site to observe characteristics of the site and surrounding area, verify surface, lake, and channel flow conditions, and observe both natural and man-made water control structures. 2. We estimated from available mapping, areas contributing surface water to the site. I I 3. We estimated soil, cover, and usage conditions for existing conditions. 4. We assisted in the development of a conceptual connectivity diagram of the ditch/stream/lake network. 5. We evaluated similar regional historic rainfall and stream flow conditions for use in hydrologic analysis. 6. Using available topographic data we developed typical cross-sections for channels within the project site. APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I 1 -2- ' 7. A regional flood frequency analysis was performed to estimate peak flood flows for a range of flood frequencies. We used the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers HEC-FFA program and USGS stream flow records to perform this analysis. 8. Using the channel cross-sections, we developed a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers t HEC-RAS computer model to estimate water surface profiles for selected channels on the site . 9. We developed a series of preliminary hydrologic models of the contributing watershed using U.S. Army Corps of Engineers computer software and in-house spreadsheet programs. The Flood Hydrograph Package (HEC-1) was used to model runoff potential and peak flow estimates for the watershed/stream/ditch/lake network based on the watershed soils, ground cover, and usage characteristics. In-house spreadsheet programs were used for unit hydrograph derivation, unit hydrograph synthesis, and runoff volume comparisons. 10. We used these hydrologic models to draw conclusions about site conditions and ¦ evaluate the need for additional field data. 1.3.2 Project Coordination ' 1. We attended three meetings at your office and one on-site meeting to discuss project details and our analysis. 2. We prepared this report containing our analysis, conclusions, and recommendations. t Our scope of services did not include evaluation or identification of drainage easements, local drainage ordinances, or,other issues not specifically described above. 1.4 Project Personnel Analyses and report preparation were performed by John L. Eddy, P.E., Project Manager, and Patrick K. Smith, E.I., Project Engineer. APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I ' APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I ' -3- 2.0 PROJECT AND SITE DATA This section presents our understanding of the project, as planned, and site data that was ' available to us at the time of this report. 2.1 Project Location ' The Croatan Wetlands Mitigation Bank (CWMB) project site is located in southern Craven ' County, NC, adjacent to the Croatan National Forest. The project location is shown in Figure 1. The site appears on the USGS 7.5-minute series quadrangle maps, "Catfish Lake," "Hadnot Creek," "Havelock," and "Masontown," portions of which were used in the preparation of this ' report. The project site is bounded roughly by Secondary Road 1100 (Catfish Lake Road) in the northwest, State Highway 70 in the east, and Great Lake and Little Lake in the south. The project site drains generally into East Prong Brice Creek in the north. Approximate project site ' boundaries are presented on Figure 2. 2.2 Project Description t In an effort to provide wetland mitigation options for highway related impacts in southeastern, North Carolina, the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is considering the ' development of a wetlands mitigation bank. The parcel will serve to mitigate wetlands related to the Havelock Bypass, as well as other future NCDOT projects. The area being considered for the CWMB consists of approximately 4100 acres, which has been divided into three parcels or "phases." Phases I, II and III consist of areas of 1500, 1600 and 1000 acres respectively. Our analysis and this report address only the first parcel (Phase I) of the project site. 1 2.3 Survey Data Environmental Services, Inc. (ESI) provided us with aerial topographic mapping data prepared by t NCDOT, supplemented with ground survey data, on-site surface water gauge locations and data, and rainfall gauge data. A finished topographic map was not available prior to completion of this report. In some cases, significant differences exist between aerial topographic and ground survey data. Cross-section data used in our analysis was based on provided ground survey data. Watershed delineation was performed using data from the USGS 7.5-minute quadrangle maps, ' including "Catfish Lake," "Hadnot Creek," "Havelock," and "Masontown," and site observations. 2.4 Rainfall and Surface Water Gauge Data ESI provided us with rainfall and surface water gauge data collected on the project site between the period June 2, 1998 through November 11, 1998. Gauge readings were taken on an hourly basis from a single rain gauge (RN) and a series of seven surface water gauges, including six channel surface water gauges (SG) and one lake level gauge (LG) positioned at various locations APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT PHASE I APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I I-4- on the project site. Approximate locations of the rain gauge, and surface water gauges are shown in Figure 2. ' In select instances, surface water and rainfall data were unavailable due to gauge malfunction or limitations in gauge data memory. In particular, SG 1 provided inconsistent data collection. The on-site rainfall gauge (RN) ceased data collection during Hurricane Bonnie, subsequently, ' portions of the storm event went unrecorded. Rainfall data may not be representative of actual rainfall because of gauge configuration. Rainfall was collected through a PVC pipe and channeled to a storage chamber where water levels were recorded. The collection entrance of the ' PVC pipe had a blunt end rather than one sharpened to an edge at the inside diameter. Even though extensive calibration efforts were made to correlate the rainfall entering the pipe with t storage chamber water level, the blunt pipe end has an unknown effect on the accuracy of the data. Based on the configuration of the pipe end, all rainfall entering the gauge was assumed to be applied over an area calculated from the outside diameter of the collection pipe. ' ESI additionally provided supplemental daily rainfall data from the Weather Service of the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station at Cherry Point, NC, for the months of August and September 1998. We obtained additional daily data from the State Climate Office of North Carolina at North Carolina State University. Additional sites included Trenton, New Bern Airport, and Morehead City. Only the Trenton data was complete during Bonnie. Unlike the hourly rainfall data ' provided by the on-site rain gauge, the rainfall data from other stations was collected on a daily interval often ending at different times. ' Graphical representation of measured data from both rain gauges (on-site and Cherry Point) and all surface water gauges, including the lake level gauge, during the period August 20, 1998 through November 11, 1998 is presented in Appendix A. Total rainfall for Bonnie from the on- site gauge was about 16.7 inches before gauge malfunction. Trenton received only 6.4 inches. However, Morehead City recorded 10.5 inches after an initial unavailable reading. It therefore seems possible, but unlikely, that the on-site gauge accurately recorded actual rainfall. Because ' Hurricane Bonnie represented the only significant storm event collected and no better data source is available, the on-site rain gauge data were used in our analysis and the preparation of this ' report. 2.5 Site Visits and Visual Observations ' We visited the project site on May 19, 1998, and again on November 11, 1998, to observe characteristics of the site and surrounding area, verify surface, lake, and channel flow conditions, and observe both natural and man-made water control structures. For ease of explanation, channel sections discussed in this section have been identified as Channels (CH) 1 through 12. Locations of these channels are depicted in Figure 3. Select Points of Interest (POI) have also been identified in the same figure. 1 APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT PHASE I 11 APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I -5- 2.5.1 Channels and Streams During our first visit, channels within the project site showed limited evidence of flow. Portions of some channels appeared stagnant, and as such, no discernible direction of flow was observed. The outlet control device along the northeast side of Long Lake (POI 1) appeared to be in poor, if not unusable, condition, and for that reason, operation of the device was not attempted. The corrugated metal outlet barrel was in poor condition, with severe corrosion noticeable on exposed portions. No evidence of overtopping or surface flow was observed in the vicinity of the outlet control structure. During our second visit, after Hurricane Bonnie, strong evidence of previous flow was observed along CH 3 flowing from the intersection with CH 1, CH 2, and CH 7 southeast toward the intersection with CH 4. Similar evidence of flow was noted in CH 4 and CH 5 as they flow northeast from their intersections with CH 3 and CH 6, to their intersections with CH 6, and CH 9 and CH 12 respectively. This evidence included consistent orientation of vegetation and debris in the downstream direction and debris collection upstream of obstructions. Such evidence may indicate increased velocities along these portions of the channel. Some evidence of flow was also observed in CH 9; however, this was primarily along its northern section in the vicinity of the intersection with CH 5 and CH 12. Along other channels within the site network (CH 1, CH 6, CH 7, CH 8, CH 10, and CH 11), little or no evidence of previous flow was observed. Although surface water gauges (SG's 5 and 6) clearly indicate increases in water depth at these locations, the lack of physical flow indicators suggest that relatively low flow velocities occurred in these portions of the site channel network. Due to apparent, operational difficulties with SG 1, it is impossible to draw conclusions about water levels within CH 2 (downstream from the outlet device on Long Lake). However, since evidence of only minor flows were observed, it does not appear to perform as a significant conduit in transporting discharges from Long Lake. Some spring flow was observed at two points along the western bank of CH 3 and eastern bank of CH 4 in the vicinity of SG 2. This flow may be subsurface water seepage coming from Long Lake; however, without evaluation of groundwater conditions in the area, the source cannot be confirmed. Based on observed evidence of flow, we have concluded that the dominant channel reach within the site channel network is along CH 3, CH 4, and CH 5. For this reason, our channel and contributing watershed modeling efforts were focused on this portion of the site. Additionally, the observation of relic stream channels, combined with limited changes in relief and localized depressions, indicate large potential storage capacity of select portions of the site. APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I -6- 2.5.2 Long Lake We also conducted a reconnaissance of the shoreline of Long Lake by boat with emphasis in the vicinity of the project site. Shoreline observations revealed a fairly consistent sand rim or bank elevation around the lake perimeter. Low points were observed in the rim in several locations along the northeast portion of the lake. These locations revealed evidence of water flow indicating potential lake discharge locations. Due to thick vegetative cover, weather and associated water conditions, locations and dimensions of all flow locations were not obtained. No location was identified as a major contributor to surface water flow within the project site. APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I ' -7- 3.0 SYNTHETIC HYDROLOGIC MODELS A synthetic hydrologic analysis of the contributing watershed was attempted, including delineation of the watershed, soil and soil conditions, land use, stream channel and cross-section location and size, rainfall depth-duration-frequency, stage-storage and stage-discharge, to develop computer models of the watershed using the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers HEC-1 ' computer program. Based on observations made during site visits, we have concluded that the dominant channel reach within the site channel network is along CH 3, CH 4, and CH 5. For this reason our channel and contributing watershed modeling efforts were focused on this portion of the site. All analyses centered on the watersheds which contribute flow to the channel reach (CH 3, CH 4, and CH 5) which terminates in the vicinity of Stream Gauge 4. ' 3.1 Watershed Elements ' The watershed was analyzed as a distributed element model with two separate model element configurations. Drainage catchments were initially delineated using topographic data from USGS maps. This delineation was then confirmed by visual observation during site visits. Aerial topographic survey data was not used in watershed delineation, because of the discrepancies between it and field survey data and because coverage was not complete. Watershed delineation is difficult on this site because elevations vary as little as five feet over horizontal distances of up t to 10,000 feet. As such, minor differences in elevation could result in significant differences in watershed area. ' The first model divided the watershed into several sub-watersheds considered to be hydrologically similar. In some cases, divisions were made based on stream gauge locations. Channel and reservoir elements were included to connect the catchment elements and route their ' outflow to the appropriate points downstream. The terminal point was the downstream end of CH 5 in the vicinity of SG 4. Sub-watersheds (or catchments) ranged in size from 0.17 to 1.87 square miles. Individual sections of stream channel ranged between approximately 3,000 and r 8,000 feet in length with average longitudinal slopes of approximately 0.00055 ft./ft. This model included the surface area of Long Lake as a catchment and the area immediately surrounding the ' lake as a separate catchment. The surface area of Long Lake is approximately 1,200 acres (1.87 square miles). The area surrounding Long Lake, which could contribute runoff to the lake, is estimated at approximately 885 acres (1.38 square miles). The model indicated significant ' storage capacity within Long Lake. Although the contribution from these two catchments is significant in terms of potential runoff, the majority of the runoff is likely stored, thus attenuating peak runoff to the downstream channel network. The lake itself was modeled as a reservoir, with ' an assumed normal water surface elevation at 38.0 feet. This assumption was generally confirmed by readings from the lake gauge. A weir outlet for the reservoir was incorporated into the model using an approximate weir length of 100 feet at an estimated elevation of 38.5 feet. A ' weir coefficient, C,, of 2.63 was used, which is a typical value for broad-crested weirs. APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I 1 a ' In the second model, the watershed was analyzed as one catchment for the entire drainage area contributing flow to the outlet of Channel 5 in the vicinity of SG 4. The combined watershed size was estimated at 2.48 square miles. In this model, however, the contribution of runoff from ' Long Lake and the immediately surrounding area were discounted based on results of the first model and site observations. Because of the difficulty encountered in model calibration, the second, less complex, distributed element model was used for all calibration and modeling. ' 3.2 Estimation of Runoff Potential t Soils, cover, and land use data were used to assign Soil Conservation Service (SCS) runoff Curve Numbers (CN) to the various watershed elements. Soils data were obtained from the 1989 U.S. t Department of Agriculture Soils Survey for Craven County, NC, as provided by ESI. Cover and land use data were taken from USGS topographic maps, vegetation maps provided by ESI (compiled from 1997 NCDOT Photogrammetry), and visual observation from site visits. ' The SCS CN is used to account for initial abstractions and infiltration when converting rainfall to direct runoff. The higher the curve number, the larger the portion of rainfall that appears as ' direct runoff. Direct runoff is considered to be that portion of rainfall that flows overland to a watershed outlet. It does not include stored surface water or infiltrated surface water, even though these may reach the point of watershed discharge as later base flow. Antecedent Moisture ' Condition (AMC) I (dry soil conditions) was selected because there was no rainfall in the five days prior to Hurricane Bonnie, the storm used in model calibration. Soils within the project site are distributed among all four Hydrologic Soils Groups (HSG), A, B, C, and D. Initial evaluation of site soils and coverage yielded a weighted SCS CN of 68 for the sub-watersheds in and around the site, when AMC I is assumed. This CN is indicative of a relatively low, direct runoff potential. Normally, AMC II (normal conditions) and the resulting higher CN of 84 would be ' used for design. It is important to note that many of the soils within the contributing watersheds may be categorized into two Hydrologic Soil Groups, depending on drainage conditions. The HSG's of D, A/D and B/D are the most prevalent on the site, with paired groups representing "drained" / ' "undrained" conditions. Because the site is drained by ditching and conditions preceding our calibration storm were relatively dry, the argument could be made that the use of HSG's with the higher infiltration capacity, or the "drained" condition may be appropriate for calibration. The use of these soil groups would result in significantly lower Curve Numbers of 47 and 68 for AMC I and AMC II, respectively. Lower Curve Numbers such as these would most certainly lower predicted peak runoff values; however, experience has shown that relatively low Curves Numbers may not be appropriate for hydrologic design. For future site evaluations, the "undrained" Curve Numbers would be most appropriate. APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT PHASE I APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I 1 -9- 3.3 Rainfall Data Rainfall data used during modeling were obtained from gauge data collected on-site. Predicted ' precipitation for the 2-, 10- and 100-year design storms were developed from Depth Duration Frequency (DDF) values. DDF values were taken from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) HYDRO-35 and the National Weather Service (NWS) TP-40 reports. ' 3.4 Stage-Discharge Curve Development ' A preliminary HEC-RAS model was constructed to obtain a preliminary estimate of water surface elevations within selected existing channels for a range of discharge values. Channel ' cross-section data used in our analysis were based on the provided ground survey data. Manning's n-values for channel and overbank flow were selected based on site observations, standard references, and experience. From this water surface profile model, stage-discharge curves were developed to estimate channel discharge at select cross-sections for comparison with surface water gauge data. A Stage-Discharge Curve for the channel in the vicinity of SG 4 is presented in Appendix C. The Stage-Discharge Curve was then used to estimate discharge values from measured channel water surface elevations (from surface water gauges). 3.5 Model Calibration ' As discussed above, the simplified distributed element model was used in an attempt to model the watershed contributing flow to the outlet of CH 5 in the vicinity of SG 4. This model was recreated for two different types of dimensionless unit hydrographs. The dimensionless unit ' hydrographs used in our HEC-1 models were the Snyder Unit Graph method and the Clark Unit Graph method. In each, case trial solutions were conducted to find unit hydrograph parameters which would produce an outflow hydrograph similar to outflow data measured in surface water gauges. Six-hour time increments were used for HEC-1 models. The first type of HEC-1 input file was constructed to model the watershed based on Snyder's Unit Graph method. Snyder's unit hydrograph is based on two key parameters/coefficients: the standard basin lag coefficient, tp, and the storage coefficient, Cp. The Snyder method relates basin lag time and peak watershed discharge to various physiographic watershed characteristics to include basin slopes, basin storage, main channel length, and the location of the basin centroid with respect to the main channel. The model was developed to analyze watershed runoff for ' existing conditions. These models required input of rainfall data, channel length, slope and cross-section data, Snyder parameters, as well as sub-basin drainage areas and SCS curve numbers. Snyder parameters were varied within the model ranging from 4.69 to 6.31 for tp, and ' 0.4 to 0.8 for Cp, based on experience with watersheds in eastern North Carolina and Virginia. Rainfall data from Hurricane Bonnie were used to allow for the comparison of model runoff APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I 1 APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I -10- estimates with actual runoff values estimated from channel water surface elevations (from surface water gauges). The second type of HEC-1 input file was constructed to model the watershed based on Clark's unit hydrograph method. Clark's unit hydrograph is based on two key parameters: the time of concentration, T, and the storage coefficient, R. The Clark time of concentration is the time ' from the end of a rainfall segment to the inflection point on the receding or downward portion of the outflow hydrograph. An R value can be estimated by taking the discharge at the same ' inflection point and dividing it by the slope of the curve at that point. Clark parameters were varied within the model ranging from 60 to 70 hours for T, and 45 to 60 for R. These results were also compared with actual runoff values obtained from surface water gauges. 1 3.6 Calibration Results Using the dimensionless unit hydrograph models described above, we were not able to develop a model that could reasonably reproduce the observed hydrograph at SG 4. Peak flow values were generally higher than observed with peaks occurring later in time than observed. Possible ' reasons for this may include a nonlinear runoff response, large watershed storage capacity, increased infiltration capacity, inaccurate rainfall data, incorrect watershed delineation, and/or incorrect drainage connectivity. The effect of storage in particular, may not be linear, especially for the dryer periods, thus making unit hydrograph models potentially inappropriate. Continuous simulation models may be ' more appropriate, but calibration will require substantially more data. Conclusions about modeling efforts are discussed in detail later in this report. I 1 APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I I -11- t 4.0 SITE SPECIFIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH DEVELOPMENT Upon finding that the synthetic hydrologic models using standard dimensionless unit hydrographs did not agree with gauge data, we attempted to develop a site specific unit hydrograph. As with the previous analysis, outflow at the point of interest was computed from the stage discharge relationship estimated with HEC-RAS. In this case a three-hour duration was used, whereas six-hour unit dimensionless hydrographs were used in the preceding calibration attempt. More detailed information about our site specific unit hydrograph development attempts can be found in Appendix C. 4.1 Base Flow Separation ' Development of a direct runoff unit hydrograph from stream gauge data required that base flow be separated from the direct runoff hydrograph. Several methods for base flow separation are ' available. We chose the straight line method, which assumes a linear return of base flow. A linear interpolation was used for points between the first rise and the inflection point of the hydrograph. Subtraction of the base flow ordinates from the observed hydrograph ordinates ' yielded the direct runoff hydrograph used in development of the site specific unit hydrograph. The observed hydrograph, base flow hydrograph, and resulting direct runoff hydrograph are graphically depicted on Page 7 of Appendix C. 4.2 Estimation of Direct Runoff ' Derivation of a site specific unit hydrograph requires an estimate of direct runoff for the subject watershed so that the unit hydrograph can be normalized to one unit of runoff. We attempted to estimate the direct runoff by two independent means. First, having developed a SCS CN representative of the soils and land use in the watershed, direct runoff was computed based on the CN. For the portion of Bonnie captured by the on-site rain gauge (about 16.7 inches), and a SCS CN of 68, about 12.1 inches of direct runoff would be expected. For an SCS CN of 47, about 8.1 inches of direct runoff would be expected. Again, we have concern that the rainfall amounts recorded by this gauge are greater than the actual rainfall, but no other suitable rainfall data was available. The second method used to estimate direct runoff was numerical integration of the discharge ' hydrograph. Assuming that the watershed area contributing direct runoff to SG 4 is about 1600 acres, the direct runoff from the first peak of the hydrograph after separation of base flow is estimated to be about 2.1 inches. The discrepancy between the direct runoff computed by the two methods above can be attributed to one or more of the following possibilities: ' 1. There is much greater storage within the watershed than assumed in the SCS CN Method. APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I -12- 2. Infiltration capacity is greater than assumed in the SCS CN Method. 3. The rain gauge data is incorrect. 4. The rain gauge data is not representative of the entire watershed. 5. The estimated drainage area of the watershed is greater than the actual area, due to errors in connectivity and/or delineation from available topographic data. 6. The stage-discharge curve used to convert stream gauge stage readings to discharge is incorrect due to data limitations"or errors, or due to channel roughness assumptions. ' Without more data to confirm or revise direct runoff, we opted to use the direct runoff computed by numerical integration for derivation of site specific unit hydrographs. ' 4.3 Unit Hydrograph Deconvolution A unit hydrograph is a simple linear model which can be used to estimate excess rainfall runoff. ' The unit hydrograph for a given watershed represents the direct runoff of some unit (typically taken as one inch) of excess rainfall uniformly distributed over the entire watershed at a constant rate for some duration of time. Once a unit hydrograph has been developed for a given watershed, we can then use this unit hydrograph to synthesize the direct runoff hydrograph for any excess rainfall upon that watershed. The use of a unit hydrograph for synthesizing subsequent runoff hydrographs assumes that all storm segments have the same duration, the distribution of rainfall and its losses are uniform over the entire watershed, and only the total amount of runoff varies from segment to segment. Unit hydrograph deconvolution is the inverse operation of unit hydrograph synthesis, also known as convolution. To understand deconvolution, synthesis must be understood. To develop or synthesize a direct runoff hydrograph from a unit hydrograph and excess rainfall, each excess rainfall segment is multiplied by each ordinate of the unit hydrograph. A time delay, equal to the duration of the excess rainfall segment (also called the unit hydrograph duration) multiplied by the number of prior excess rainfall segments, is applied to each set of products. The resulting t sets of products, so delayed, are summed by time increment. The resulting time series of sums is the direct runoff hydrograph. To obtain the complete hydrograph, base flow must be added to the direct runoff hydrograph. Unit hydrograph synthesis is the method HEC-1 uses to develop runoff hydrographs from excess rainfall and unit hydrographs. In the case of our previously described HEC-1 models, the unit hydrographs are standard dimensionless unit hydrographs that have specific shape assumptions. The difference here is that by deconvolution, we are attempting to find what the unit hydrograph must be in order to obtain the observed direct runoff hydrograph. ' Therefore, deconvolution is the separation of the observed direct runoff hydrograph into unit pulses. Deconvolution can be accomplished by writing equations for convolution, then isolating unknown variables and successively solving for them. This works because there are more ' equations than unknowns. t APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT PHASE I 1 APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I -13- ' We accomplished deconvolution for the direct runoff hydrograph at SG 4 by use of a spreadsheet program developed by us for this purpose. Optimization could be performed within HEC-1, but we chose to use the spreadsheet. The less complex data manipulation within the spreadsheet facilitated more trial solutions and graphing. Printouts of the spreadsheet program tabulations with results is presented in Appendix C. Because the resulting unit hydrograph exhibited erratic variations and negative ordinates on the first trial, we forced all ordinates to be positive. The resulting unit hydrograph is presented in tabular form on Page 9 of Appendix C. Upon deconvolution of the unit hydrograph, we performed a unit hydrograph synthesis on the ' same excess rainfall to check the validity of the unit hydrograph. A spreadsheet program was developed to perform unit hydrograph synthesis. As expected, this synthesis produced a direct ' runoff hydrograph with a peak much greater than the observed hydrograph. Forcing all the ordinates to be positive increased the area under the unit hydrograph and made it no longer equal to one inch of runoff. We then performed another deconvolution, this time allowing negative ordinates. A printout of the spreadsheet program tabulation with results is presented on Page 10 of Appendix C. As can be seen on the synthesized direct runoff hydrographs presented on Pages 13 and 14 of Appendix C, this unit hydrograph reproduces the direct runoff hydrograph very well. Due to the erratic nature of the unit hydrograph, it is unlikely that it would be applicable to other storm events. ' However, the fact that the hydrograph is reproduced does validate the spreadsheet programs, which are independent except for rainfall data. 4.4 Unit Hydrograph by Least Squares Derivation of a unit hydrograph that would be less erratic, but still closely reproduce the direct runoff hydrograph, was attempted by a least squares approach. We used the same spreadsheet synthesis program used to validate the deconvolution unit hydrographs. Squares of the difference between the computed (synthesized) direct runoff hydrograph and the observed direct runoff hydrograph were summed. An internal optimization routine within the spreadsheet program was used to find a minimum of the sum of the squared differences by varying the unit hydrograph ordinates. This least squares approach yields a best fit between the observed and computed direct runoff hydrographs. A printout of the spreadsheet program tabulation with results is presented on Page 11 of Appendix C. The least squares synthesized runoff hydrograph is presented on Page 12 of Appendix C. The least squares unit hydrograph is less erratic than the deconvolution unit hydrograph. ' As can be seen in the synthesized direct runoff hydrograph presented on Page 12 of Appendix C, the least squares unit hydrograph does reproduce the direct runoff hydrograph better than those obtained by deconvolution. Had we allowed negative unit hydrograph ordinates in either the ' deconvolution or least squares approach, a closer approximation of the direct runoff hydrograph would be obtained; however, the unit hydrographs may not be compatible with some hydrologic programs. The least squares unit hydrograph forced to positive ordinate does not have the same APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT PHASE I APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I -14- problem with volume that was observed with the deconvolution, positive ordinate only unit hydrograph. ' Observation of the direct runoff hydrograph synthesized by the least squares unit hydrograph reveals a prominent peak following the initial peak (see Page 12, Appendix Q. Upon tracing the source of this peak back through the various operations, we see that it is a direct result of a later rainfall spike in the rainfall hyetograph (see Page 3, Appendix C). Whether this second peak is a local or gauge anomaly is not clear. What is clear, however, is that the observed hydrograph shows no evidence of a second peak corresponding to the time of the second rainfall peak. This r can be clearly seen by observation of peak times for graphs on Pages 3 and 6 of Appendix C. The hydrograph predicted by our least squares unit hydrograph clearly shows that the second peak at around reading 180 should be higher than the first peak at around reading 160 (see Page 12, Appendix C). The second peak would be higher, because the rainfall is nearly the same and the hydrograph from the first rainfall peak has not yet diminished back to base flow. In any event, the rainfall captured at the on-site rain gauge is clearly not representative of the entire watershed, even if the recorded values are accurate for the gauge location. ' Assuming that the second rainfall peak around reading 180 is spurious, we cropped the rainfall hyetograph with a linear decay eliminating the second peak. While realizing that this is speculative data manipulation, it does serve to demonstrate a point. With the altered hyetograph, ' we were able to produce a least squares unit hydrograph that was not erratic and could reproduce the observed hydrograph fairly well (see Pages 15 and 16 of Appendix Q. Another significant rainfall event is still needed for further calibration and validation. APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I I L 1 1 1 -15- 5.0 FLOOD FREQUENCY ANALYSES Because long-term stream/channel flow data for the project site is not available, a regional flood frequency analysis was conducted. This analysis was conducted to develop an independent estimate of peak flows for 2-, 10- , and 100-year flood flows in and around the project site. A summary of these analyses is presented in this section. 5.1 Gauged Streams We gathered stream flow and watershed area data for the nine streams and watersheds in southeastern North Carolina listed below. The locations of these stream gauges are shown in Figure 4. 1. Browns Creek near Elizabethtown 2. Big Swamp near Roseboro 3. Buckhead Creek near Owens 4. Hood Creek near Leland 5. Mill Branch near Tabor City 6. Reese Creek near Fayetteville 7. Tenmile Swamp near Lumberton 8. Turnbull Creek near Elizabethtown 9. Wet Ash Swamp near Ash The above watersheds range in size from 2.62 to 60.10 square miles with a median of 16.00 square miles and a mean of 19.38 square miles. Project site watersheds analyzed as part of this project range from 0.08 to 5.65 square miles in area. The selected gauged watersheds are considered conservative for use in predicting flood flows in and around the project site because the gauged watersheds are similar in terms of location, size, slope, land use, and geology to the project site watersheds, but exhibit somewhat less storage and slope. 5.2 Statistical Analysis The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Flood Frequency Analysis (HEC-FFA) program was used to statistically determine the peak discharges of the selected watersheds for several return periods of interest. This program uses the Log Pearson III distribution with regional skew correction to estimate flood flows for a range of exceedence probabilities. Each set of stream gauge data was entered into the HEC-FFA program with the same regional skew coefficient of 0.35. The regional skew coefficient varies significantly over this area of North Carolina and would be different for each of the watersheds. However, for this analysis, the regional skew coefficient was selected based on the location of the project site. APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I ' -16- 5.3 Regional Discharge Curves From the peak discharges estimated for each gauged watershed by the HEC-FFA program, we determined the specific discharge in cubic feet per second per square mile (cfs/mil) for each return period of interest. These were plotted against watershed area on a log-log scale, with a separate plot for each return period. A regional curve was established that can be used to ' interpolate and extrapolate the specific discharge of watersheds within and around the project site assuming that direct runoff from Long Lake does not occur. Future conditions and low frequency storm events with high antecedent rainfall could result in higher flows than would be predicted ' by the regional curves. Accurate watershed delineation will be critical to appropriate use of these curves. The regional discharge curves are presented in Appendix D. I APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I I APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I -17- 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on our analyses, we have drawn conclusions about certain aspects of the hydrology of the ' project site. Specific areas of concern are addressed, and recommendations for site data collection modifications and monitoring are presented. 6.1 Watershed Characteristics Generally, watersheds similar to those found on this site will exhibit significant storage effect ' along channels and in depressions depending on recent rainfall history and available storage. For a significant portion of the year, depressions may be partially filled with water before the onset of a rainfall event, resulting in more of the rainfall being translated to direct runoff than at drier times. However, at the other extreme, during periods of little to no rainfall in the recent past, as was the case prior to the onset of Hurricane Bonnie, storage and infiltration have the potential to ' play a large role in attenuation of discharge peaks and total direct runoff volume. Therefore, we can conclude that the runoff potential from watersheds at this site are very dependent on antecedent soil conditions, recency of rainfall, and groundwater conditions. The effect of storage ' in particular may not be linear, especially for the drier periods, thus making unit hydrograph models potentially inappropriate. Continuous simulation models may be more appropriate, but calibration will require substantially more data that may not become available during the conceptual design period. We can also conclude that with the site in its current condition, the percentage of rainfall that is ' translated to direct surface runoff is relatively small. A larger percentage of rainfall than would be predicted by typical hydrologic models will be lost to evaporation, evapotranspiration, depression storage, or infiltration, with the site in its existing condition. Some of the infiltrated t rainfall may also eventually reach the ditch system as base flow, depending on hydrogeologic conditions. After closing of the ditches that drain the site, runoff potential will likely increase with a much higher percentage of rainfall being translated into direct runoff. The percentage could increase to approach values predicted by typical hydrologic models. As such, there would be a significant increase in the frequency and severity of surface water flows. t Modeling results, site observations, and water balance evaluations indicate that Long Lake did not contribute significant direct surface water runoff into the site during or after Hurricane Bonnie. Significant direct surface water discharge appears possible, if the lake level is relatively high at the beginning of a storm event. Such discharge may become more frequent if groundwater levels are increased and lake levels generally remain higher because of reduced ' groundwater gradients in the vicinity of the lake. Therefore, closing of the ditches could effectively increase the watershed area contributing direct surface runoff draining through the site. This too would significantly increase the potential severity and possibly the frequency of surface water flows. APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I I APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I -18- ' 6.2 Model Validity Based on the comparison of results from our synthetic hydrologic and storage HEC-1 model ' hydrographs with the outflow hydrographs developed from surface water gauges, a significant quantity of precipitation appears to be removed from direct runoff into infiltration and basin storage. A portion of the infiltrated and stored water returns as base flow into the ditch system with the remainder lost to evaporation, evapotranspiration, and groundwater recharge. Our HEC-1 model results, when compared to the outflow hydrographs developed from surface ' water gauges, lead us to conclude that storage effects within these models do not adequately represent the storage and infiltration losses experienced within the watershed during Hurricane Bonnie. Peak flow estimates from the flood frequency analysis curves also do not accurately represent probable peak flows for this site because of the storage and infiltration losses experienced within the watershed. On-site data collection efforts only captured one significant storm, Hurricane Bonnie. Rainfall and peak water surface elevations resulting from Bonnie were the primary means for developing ' a rainfall-runoff relationship and for the calibration of our modeling technique. Another significant rainfall event is needed to independently confirm model calibration. ' There are inconsistencies in the rainfall data when compared to the daily rainfall totals of nearby gauge locations, and other on-site indicators. The on-site rain gauge recorded more than twice the rainfall that was recorded at nearby gauge locations, even though the on-site rain gauge ceased data collection before the end of rainfall recorded other sites. Also, the level of Long Lake did not rise as high as would be expected from the rain gauge data. The surface of the lake would be expected to rise nearly the same as the total rainfall over a short duration. This would hold true even considering possible seepage losses and direct surface water discharge of relatively large magnitude. If there are areas contributing runoff to the lake, the water surface would be expected to rise to a height greater than the rainfall. Estimates of stage-discharge relationships were made using the HEC-RAS model, estimated ' channel roughness, and available channel cross-section data. Velocity measurements during a significant storm event could be used to calibrate channel roughness. The need for topographic data is discussed in a later section of this report. ' 6.3 Preliminary Status of Results ' We consider this work to be preliminary because confirmation of model calibration by another storm event is needed. Models only apply to SG 4. We recommend that the hydrologic models presented in this report not be used without such calibration with additional data. These models should be considered work in progress. The additional data will result in modification to the models. APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I 1 I I APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I -19- The flood frequency analysis results could be used to conservatively estimate peak flows for design of water control structures at this site assuming that direct runoff from Long Lake does not occur. It would be necessary to have accurate estimates of watershed area for the regional curves to be of use. The main limitation currently is the lack of complete and consistent topographic data for watershed delineation. It should be noted that if groundwater levels rise, more direct surface water runoff can be expected, and the curves may become somewhat less conservative. Also, as noted above, increased groundwater levels could effectively increase the watershed area contributing direct runoff to the site by increasing lake levels. If surface runoff from Long Lake occurs, the flood frequency regional curves would not be appropriate for estimating peak flows. 6.4 Future Hydrologic Data Collection We recommend that data collection efforts be continued on this Phase and extended into future Phases of the site. The purposes would be to confirm or improve existing models, and to calibrate and confirm future model extensions or entirely new models. To extend the rainfall and stream flow gauging, additional stream flow recording gauges and at least two rainfall recording gauges are needed. We recommend using a recording rain gauge similar to those used by the National Weather Service. A larger opening and sharp opening edge are critical to accurate measurements. Velocity measurements during a flood event would also be helpful in calibrating the stage discharge relations at gauge locations. Additionally, temperature and pan evaporation data would be useful for continuous simulation modeling. Base flow measurement should be made with the aid of a V-notch weir below SG 4 and by detailed cross-section at the Catfish Road Bridge. A stream gauge should be placed immediately upstream of each of these locations. The weir below SG 4 should be placed so as to not influence readings at SG 4. Future data collection should continue with collection readings on an hourly basis. Although more time consuming during the collection phase, continuous hourly monitoring of channel water gauges and rainfall gauges allow for a more thorough evaluation of project site hydrology. 6.5 Future Topographic Data Collection Complete and consistent topographic data is needed to confirm assumptions that were made necessary by the current lack of complete and consistent topographic data. Such topographic data will also be necessary to determine the extent of areas influenced by future site modifications for wetland restoration, or enhancement. While aerial topographic mapping is suitable on many sites for large scale site mapping efforts, aerial topographic survey methods may not be suitable for use for these specific purposes on this site. APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I ' APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I 1 O R 4 1 4 a CC0 i A a t a 4 )r -?r ? `l ? t t 1 40, L G LONG % A-;? X11 ?_ . SG 4 SG 5 x 39 I Lt i.. > O?=ti a n_-?, it • •„_? Phas I ` e o SG 1 7? '?• ,_?: -? a i LAKE yam:' S G 2 Environmental Services, Inc. Raleigh, North Carolina EDDY ENGINEERING, P.C. P.1 ear ex? w= Uc = MO 5ee-10 M MI) see-is" ? r Property Boundary .? Phase Boundary SG 1 Surface Water Gauge LG Lake Level Gauge RN Rain Gauge Croaton Wetland Mitigation Bank Craven County, NC Project No. 98014 SURFACE WATER, LAKE, & RAIN GAUGE LOCATIONS December 1998 Figure 2 - J a•• t 1 APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I s a t N F 0 APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I /f iIkl 0 ?a//lellnP`,?\ sin Lak like 1 _N 5 + Jacksonvil 16 y'? H t?ssal ;;,.?. stm Fr9 em o-i `od'. at #OUSE PROJECT SITE Environmental Services, Inc. Croatan Wetland Raleigh, North Carolina Mitigation Bank VICINITY MAP EDDY ENGINEERING, P. C. Craven County, NC PA IX 93R ounce, W UN pnq 511-IM M (NO III-IM Project No. 98014 December 1998 Figure 1 APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I ?f A11ioalo 1 Lake _ +w? !S Milken II teeo? . H leeennlle /I i + na APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I EDDY ENGINEERING, P.C. APPENDIX A GAUGE DATA Post Office Box 61367 Raleigh, North Carolina 27661 (919) 518-1662 Fax (919) 518-1673 APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I ro e? H ro r H H x K d 0 0 H f'1 x k d r H n ?c En H N N O h? H x L=J H 7 6 -15 ?4 a? 0 ?3 ?2 1 0 1- 0 Cherry Point MCAS Rainfall Data 20 Aug 98 thru 11 Nov 98 500 1000 1500 Daily Rainfall Reading 2000 ro H ro r H x k 0 0 0 O H n r H K H V1 ro O H ro N t¦1 H ro H ro 0 H H ?t, x k 1 0 L-4 0 0 H A x k U r H 0 K N H N ro hod H ro H Long Lake Water Surface Elevations 20 Aug 98 thru 11 Nov 98 39.8 ., 39.6 0 3 w 39.2 a? ,t 39 U) -38.8 3: 38.6 38.4 0 500 1000 1500 Hourly Gauge Reading 2000 gro a H ro r H 0 0 a H 0 d H A N H N N ro H H s 0 1 APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I KK R1 KM Long Lake as a RESERVOIR (AT SAND RIM) KM R1 = RESERVOIR 1 * RESERVOIR 1 RS 1,ELEV,38.0 KM Following SV & SE Cards models storage capacity of Long Lake at various elevations SA 0,1194,1194 SE 33.5,38,100 KM Following SQ & SE Cards model discharge over edge of Long Lake at various KM elevations, Q-values from weir equations with Cw=2.63 and Lw=100 SS 38.6,10,2.63,1.5 KM KK A3+A6 KM A3 = Narrow strip of land parallel to and south of Channel 3 (56 acres) KM A6 = Narrow strip of land west of channel 2 (51 acres) * AREA 3&6 BA 0.17„1 LS 0,68,5 US 5.18,0.35 KM KK JX2 KM Combine flow from R1 and A3 * JUNCTION 2 HC 2 KK CH4 KM Channel from near Stream Gauge #2 to split Channel 5 & 6 * CHANNEL 4 RS 1,FLOW,-1, RC 0.05,0.035,0.05,3000,0.0006, RX 0,59.06,59.12,66.90,81.27,93.57,104.86,114.84,156.83 RY 37.47,37.04,32.51,31.99,40.03,40.19,39.80,36.94,37.80 KM KK A4 KM A4 = Land parallel to and east of Channels 4 & 5 (793 acres) * AREA 4 BA 1.24„1 LS 0,68,0 US 6.31,0.25 KM KK A5 KM A5 = Land parallel to and west of Channel 5 (493 acres) * AREA 5 BA 1.07„1 LS 0, 68, 0 US 4.69,0.25 KM KK JX3 KM Combine flow from A4, A5 and C4 * JUNCTION 3 HC 3 KK CH5 KM Channel from split Channel 4 & 6 to near Stream Gauge #4 * CHANNEL 5 APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I RS 1,FLOW,-1, RC 0.05,0.035,0.05,7800,0.00055, RX 0,50.99,52.56,63.55,69.20,75.53,87.54,100.46,107.32,158.51 RY 33.24,32.61,28.87,29.43,33.11,34.94,35.01,34.19,32.88,33.04 KM ZZ APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I 1 1 1 APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I CROATAN WETLANDS MITIGATION BANK Project 98014 HEC-1 Model, Second Model Typical Example, using Clark's Unit Hydrograph Method ID CROATAN WETLAND MITIGATION BANK PROJECT 98014 ID Phase I - Flow from Northeast Edge of Long Lake, North to ID Stream Gauge ##4 (Eastern Model) ID ID JOHN EDDY AND PATRICK SMITH ID EDDY ENGINEERING, P.C. ID P.O. BOX 61367 ID RALEIGH, NC 27661 ID (919) 518-1662 ID --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID FILE: E03.DAT (EXISTING 03) ID PURPOSE: EVALUATION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS w/ Flow from Bonnie ID 12-98 ID --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID EVENT Hurricane Bonnie ID --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID *FREE *DIAGRAM * PROVIDE 10*300/60=50 HOURS SIMULATION TIME IT 360 IO 0,2 KK Al KM AT = DRAINAGE AREA combined 3,6,5,4 * AREA 1 IN 360,26AUG98,0600 PI 0,0,0,0,0.28,1.96,3.85,2.66,2.73,4.83,0, BA 2.48„1 LS 0,68,5 UC 65,60 KM ZZ APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I APPENDIX C PAGE 9 46 om a ' tt . p'J gl co , O ? + ?.L a Q zI ?NM Y O totem m 0;????t?O ?OeD rII K C ? } Vr' f? O? 0 0 0 h O 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 = WZ ODOOCC?OOCOOCOIOOOCOO 0 fV F Z z O LL M p if z0 u c + D N U) f I Cn( Z U) f0 O V O O N 0 0 0 O O I a O? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N v CO 0 O 01T O m O O M 0 0 0 O OI _ 7 C - O V O O 'N 0 0 0 0 0 m O N f O N 10 0 0 0 0 0 N O O O O O O I C C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O N N O O O O X 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 r W v -6 d N 0 00) O O O C G O 0 0 n l m v v a zO W f.OO)OON000OO01? OI O H w V M O O t O O O O O 0 0 0 G a? W Q 7 M I? W _ W !-9 cb lrM1 t00 V OO N0000000100 I ? 0 0 0 0 O C O 0 0 0 0 O Q O J c' Y Y J w LL W = Z ?N_^ AOto OOQ1000000?0000 O 0 I ? V- ? r O? ? 0 0 ? 000 00 00 OO O O Z Z N I? rf O? x ?O LL LL U MOIt^ fno?o or?ooooooMOOOo I {L J ? ??"O N OO C C? OCOOOOO000 O OLL N v Y Z o 2 F- ?v oo qoo mooooo0qoooool C G G O '? M O n O C O O 0 0 C 0 0 N O OUZ WF = W N QO Um 1 z ? z U) en ? - N P -: r.- W 01010 W - M W W Mm0 - (OP V , ' W W _= X00 l00)M 00 W cd 04 OC ?-OI N{O MNM (00 N IS p Na7 l0ppn V 00N W MN ? U)F- F V wt tO tO t0 i0 i0 ?0 V V MMco NNN U S2 Z Z W M M QD gj (D U) Z Kw U) 0 N l0 0 = J ; z O U W Z Q VI < r V) ? ? ? Z W > W J m> Q J J Q ? ?- V Vw C] O V V M M <0 O N M N 0) f 0 O?yy V 1? Ol fD V O fG OI fD NfG I'? Of MOtD 0. 0 U N10 f0 f?Phnl?h f0 i0 ?0 ?0 V V M MMN z OQ Q Q W F LL. ! y W X W W OOoO'WW W Z W U rn a 4 z ? w F-F-0111 w !-f0J ZU XO C? a ???W C) rnCOao Va^ornmmmooo^ '- N NN N z Z W W Q z J 0 U O ?+ L CL W APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I ' APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I APPENDIX C PAGE 13 ' ? ?? ......ee.e........ears:q:?8z4$441l4$!$$44$Q4$§444!$444 ° ..........eee.e.e. ai13.1?1Siff 1111111111111111111111111 SYp R:iiCAA:Rtt77i77aRAFYWY4?? will fill ....................11 1 R ................. . ?444444444444444444444444444 3 s7ott_eeciago7apAp??$AAAA2AAa1RAiiI#R$IE?ERAA14AAa3f$$cc° S ..........°. L - ?- Y^ O > R ...........• .. p o g .......... .......... x. g ee,.eeeeee°. :a? pe CIA j j j e °.°e°eeeee .a aa.w*w A° °eeseoaooa°°. A. seeee.. pe s.....eee io .......... pe ....eee.. ?7?A ? s %HIM 11' HER HMO 3 - 3 - " 8i8A8RA9c3 ?? ? 't RARAAAt7tA t 7? A ?? fg7aseez_5sg74aaAAA?:.:AAAA7AAz?AA?2AANAA???$AA$AAAwAa$:$: 6$?;"s 3 tl aggam° Y J v b a APPENDIX A -PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS REPORT, PHASE I ?? ?? ?? M ? M M M M M A M M A M M H X I r H H ?C x d 0 r O H x U r H 0 k N H N ro ')Od H ro H Specific Discharge vs. Drainage Area 100-year Expected Discharge 1000 E Cn Cn a) Cu 100 - - - .U ^W (n 10 0 1 10 100 Drainage Area, sq. mi. 1000 10000 ?d ro H I r H ?C 0 r O 0 H n r H n k H N N O H ro Vj H ? b Opp ,Q ? O k O W q A x-71 L N v j.,.r l ? q ti 1 v A uu V . x b r ? ? d d ? -Y Z b b b t,., to A A 00 00 ? N d d K z z b 110 00 0 N On-Site Rainfall 1 February to 28 Febri x x x )w x x , 200 4( Hourly Gau RG 1 (RDS) o RG 2 Y b b a b F-+ m m m m m m m m m m ? m m m m i ? m m d tv t? r? r? z c? b n 00 - 0 O-A A i N 3 "2 0 a? 0 0 11, 0 On-Site Rainfall Gauge: 1 March to 31 March 1999 x x x x x x x x 200 400 Hourly Gauge Reading X RG 1 (RDS) o RG 2 o RG 3 b b C a ro ara f9 N m C7 d t17 z t? b 110 00 0 N On-Site Rainfall Gauges 1 April to 30 April 1999 IIi i x x. 0 ? xx xaK x >0<X>:13 00< x ?cc xx x x x x x x x x>ooc - &---1 x 400 Hourly Gauge Reading x RG 1 (RDS) o RG 2 600 800 RG 3 RG 4 b b a a td b W m m m m m m` ? m ? A ? ? ? m ? ? ? ? ? m C7 C7 C17 z z z b n bd 00 0 A N 3 2 ?a o! 0 a? 0 0 0 On-Site Rainfall Gauges 1 May to 31 May 1999 xjmrx x -- x x x x ---?` ° - x x x xx x RG 1 (RDS) o RG 2 o RG 3 RG 4 200 400 600 Hourly Gauge Reading 800 b V C a to ro QQ fD A m m m m r m m m m m m? m m m ? m m ¦¦. d d z r? t? z ?.d n On-Site Rainfall G 1 June to 30 June 199 c "2 c 0 -` 1 Q a? 0 0 n 0 N x x x -tx x >0< x x x >oc x x C x x x x Q x x , 0 200 400 Hourly Gauge f x RG 1 (RDS) o RG 2 v b b C7 a tA CrJ d d z z G? b n n 00 0 N On-Site Rainfall Gauges 1 July to 31 July 1999 x >#C X x x ? ti- X--_ ?)dkC OXX X X x 200 400 600 800 Hourly Gauge Reading (RDS) o RG 2 o RG 3 y RG 4 b b b ?= m r MI r m m r= m m m m m m m m? m d z z r? r? z b 110 00 0 N Rainfall Gauges just to 30 August 1999 c x xx x x x x ? x me c x x; o o 400 600 Hourly Gauge Reading RG 2 o RG 3 1 b b k7 00 b J d K z r? z b c? a 00 0 N 3 `. 2 42 0 a? 0 0 On-Site Rainfall Gauges 1 September to 31 September 1999 x - - - - 0 ----- --- -- 0 x x x 0 x >38K --- x °x I x x 29 x 4Y _ x AK x x x x x x o x >0< x x x >< » Ab< 4 AK >J8 K & x x x >OK10<7w 2 iw--., .?. x i , x x ja, E3 xo 0 200 400 600 Hourly Gauge Reading 800 x RG 1 (RDS) o RG 2 o RG 3 RG 4 b b C a k to b 00 m d hC tr1 z r? ro n ?Iz 00 0 N On-Site Rainfall Gauges 1 October to 30 October 1999 x x x o xx x x x x >"Kx ?xx x x -?- >93K >)K ? 4-???? xxxxF6,4 C x w x x x xx x x x x x x 3 c 2 c? c 4- 0 L1 a? 0 0 0 200 400 600 800 Hourly Gauge Reading x RG 1 (RDS) o RG 2 RG 3 1 RG 4 b b C7 k b ?O M C7 C7 z z b n n ?d 00 0 N On-Site Rainfall Gauges 1 November to 31 November 1999 x x? x x x x ?« x x x ? x x x x 200 400 600 Hourly Gauge Reading 800 L RG 1 (RDS) o RG 2 o RG 3 t RG 4 b b C p. bd b 0 M d d K z t? z ?b n n 110 00 0 N in-Site Rainfall Gauges 1 December to 31 December 1999 x >xc x x hoc x x}O< x x x ACxX x x >0<.>< x x x x x x x x x x W x 200 400 600 Hourly Gauge Reading )S) o RG 2 o RG 3 I RG 4 800 b b fD 0 CL o? ro ua c? d d z z b n n bd 00 0 N 400 Hourly Gauge Reading x RG 1 (RDS) o RG 2 On-Site Rainfall Gauges 1 January to 31 January 2000 RG 3 -t- RG 4 800 PC b C7 a tz b N d d K z z G? b n 00 0 N 400 Hourly Gauge Reading x RG 1 (RDS) o RG 2 On-Site Rainfall Gauges 1 February to 29 February 2000 RG 3 RG 4 800 b C Q b?7 b W d V K z z z b 00 0 N Stream Gauge #16 Water Surface Elev. 1 February to 28 February 1999 20 C °18 a? w a? U N u)16 a) m 14 0 b b tz ro 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Hourly Gauge Reading M C7 C7 z z r? z c? b 00 2 t6 N Stream Gauge #16 Water Surface Elev. 1 March to 31 March 1999 20 C °18 a? w a? U (Q v? 16 ALA W -F+ 14 0 b b a k ro 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Hourly Gauge Reading M d K z c? b n 00 2 2 fl? N Stream Gauge #16 Water Surface Elev. 1 April to 30 April 1999 20 C 018 a? w a) U tQ 05 16 ^L` W CU 14 0 b b C7 b CD O? 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Hourly Gauge Reading ril C7 d z c? b n 110 0 N Stream Gauge #16 Water Surface Elev. 1 May to 31 May 1999 20 C °18 a) w a? U 05 16 a) CU 14 0 b b C b J 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Hourly Gauge Reading M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M ? ? ? M C7 d z r? z c? b 0 N Stream Gauge #16 Water Surface Elev. 1 June to 30 June 1999 20 C °18 a? w a) U c? 16 L -F+ CU 14 b b a b 00 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Hourly Gauge Reading M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M ? M d d z b 00 2 A N Stream Gauge #16 Water Surface Elev. 1 July to 31 July 1999 20 c X18 a? w a) U co 16 ALA W CU 14 b b C x ro aQ ?D 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Hourly Gauge Reading tyl C z b °18 a? w a) U Rf co a16 L- a) CU n 00 0 N Stream Gauge #16 Water Surface Elev. 1 August to 30 August 1999 20 14 0 b b b ro Qq N O 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Hourly Gauge Reading M M M M M M M M M M M? M M M ? ? ? ? M d K r? z b 00 0 A N Stream Gauge #16 Water Surface Elev. 1 September to 31 September 1999 20 C ?° 18 a) w a? 4! a16 L 14 0 b b b N 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Hourly Gauge Reading M M M M M M s r M M M M M M M me. ? ? M C-1 z r? z c? b 00 0 N Stream Gauge #16 Water Surface Elev. 1 October to 30 October 1999 20 C °18 a? w a) U n16 a) CU 14 0 b b b UQ A N N 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Hourly Gauge Reading M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M d d z z c? b n 00 0 N Stream Gauge #16 Water Surface Elev. 1 November to 31 November 1999 20 C °18 a? w a) U tQ w16 ALA W CU 14 0 b b C to b N W 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 .800 Hourly Gauge Reading M d d K z b n 00 0 N Stream Gauge #16 Water Surface Elev. 1 December to 31 December 1999 20 C °18 a) w a) U 4! cn 16 L 14 0 b b CD C b CD N 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Hourly Gauge Reading Cri d d z b Stream Gauge #16 Water Surface Elev. 1 January to 31 January 2000 20 I 3? C °18 a) w a? U ([S cn 16 a? CU n \?O I 00 0 N 14 0 b b A a bd b N 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Hourly Gauge Reading M d d r? z c? b Stream Gauge #16 Water Surface Elev. 1 February to 29 February 2000 20 18 a? w a) U 5 16 a) CU 14 to 110 00 0 A N v b ro u?a N 01 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Hourly Gauge Reading i STAGE-DISCHARGE DEVELOPMENT - FIELD DATA acer ecnnorwcar.c srwvcas..rc...coor reoa:cr cewrwr wcrtwrn rrw.roe e.rer +o wu t rat ce s.M1?o.c..N Cross-Section Survey Data Collected By Eddy Ergneenng. P.C. Collected on 04102/99 Locator: Cross-section at Catfish Road Bridge. Lookahg downstream. Zero point on entrance side of bridge. Note: Determine Enact /Height and Location of Obstruction In Stream. Original %-Section Bottom Actuaf Pant Way Elev. Distance Depth Average Measured Avers" at from Bottom from Way Pant Top of Top of Pant Bottom Surface Depth Between Section S ti Way Seedon Awage Dist Rall Rail Elevation of Channel Elevation Pants ec on Way Width Area Velocity at Pant Way Velocity Section Discharge (A.) (ft) (ftl lftl (h) (K) /h) (ft) (sg•ftl (fps) (b (da) Site Entrance 0.00 1.90 2.00 4.00 6.00 8 00 10 00 12.00 14 00 16.00 18.00 2000 22.00 24.00 26.00 26.00 30 00 3200 .3400 36.00 38.00 40.00 42.00 44.00 44 80 45.00 25.71 2.80 22.91 0.00 N/A 25.71 4.10 2161 0.00 N/A 25.71 7.70 18.01 0.00 WA 0.00 ,00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00 25.72 7.90 17.82 0.00 N/A 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 . 0 00 . 0 00 25.72 8.30 17.42 0.00 N/A 0.00 .00 0.00 0.00 . 0 00 . 0 00 25.72 9.60 15.92 0.60 76.62 0.30 2.00 0.80 0.00 . 0 00 . 0 00 25.72 10.90 ta.82 1.70 16.62 1.15 2.00 2.30 0.00 . 0 00 . 0 00 25.73 72.20 13.53 3.00 18.62 2.35 2.00 4.70 0.00 . 0 00 . 0 00 25.73 ' 12.90 12.83 3.70 16.62 3.35 2.00 6.70 0.28 . 13 0 . 0 87 25.73 12.90 12.83 3.70 16.62 3.70 2.00 7.40 0.50 . 0 38 . 81 25.13 12.90 1 12.83 3.70 16.62 3.70 2.00 7.40 0.95 . 73 0 . 37 5 25.74 11.50 14.24 2.30 16.62 3.00 2.00 6.00 1.08 . 1 02 . 6 09 25.74 t 1.20 74.58 2.00 18.62 2.15 2.00 4.30 0.83 . 0 96 . 411 25.78 72.20 13.58 3.00 18.62 2.50 2.00 5.00 0.78 . 0 81 4 03 25 7a 12.80 13.38 3.20 16.62 3.10 2.00 6.20 0.50 . 0 64 . 97 3 25.75 12.30 13.85 1 3.10 16.82 3.15 2.110 6.30 0.24 . 0 37 . 2 33 25 75 12.10 13.65 2.90 16.62 3.00 2.00 6.00 0.00 . 0 12 . 0 72 25 75 12.00 13.75 2.80 16.62 2.85 2.00 5.70 0.00 . 0 00 . 0 00 25.75 10.00 15.15 0.80 16.62 1.80 2.00 3.60 0.00 . 0 00 . 0 00 25.76 9.30 1 16.46 0.10 16.62 0.45 2.00 0.90 0.00 . 0 00 . 0 00 25.76 8.70 17.06 0.00 NIA I 0.05 2.00 0.10 0.00 . 0 00 . 0 00 25.76 1 8.30 17 46 0.00 N/A 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 . 0 00 . 0 00 25.76 8.00 17 76 0.00 N/A 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 . 0 00 . 0 00 25.77 4.20 21.57 0.00 N/A 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 . 0 00 . 0 00 25.77 4.10 21.67 0.00 N/A . . 25.77 2.90 ! 22.87 0.00 NIA i 11 Highway Direction ddldonal TOW Cross-Section Area: 72.20 Points f Interest Total Cmss-Section Discharge: 70.29 Appendix C Page 1 Water Surface Distance horn Water Top of Surface Rail Elevation (R.) M.) 9.20 18.62 Notes: Site Entrance Channel Cross-Section 25 Bridge at Catfish Lake Road 04/02/99 Highway Entrance w 20 I c i o 15 W K"j 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Distance (feet) EDDY ENGINEERING, P.C. CWMB 98014-2 Appendix C Page 2 STAGE-OISCHARGE DEVELOPMENT • FIELD DATA CLIENT eNVno.eorra aervices. «cn.coor wrORCT CeO.TAN wCnNK1 YlI1WTpN eMIR Ne her. .. .t Ile: !2 a..w Or.wt Cross•Sectton Survey Data Con . By Eddy Engineering. P.C. Convicted on 0&31M Location Goss-season at Catfish Road Bridge. Looking downstream, ZMo pout on ervance side of bridge. Note: Determine Esact Height and Locetlon of Obstruction in Stream. Onglnal X•Sectlon Bottom Actual point water Elev. 01stanevi Depth Avenge aleaaund Average at from Bottom from water Depth Section Walter Section Average Point Top of rod of point Bottom surface Between Section Wafer Velocity Water Section Dist Rail Rail "don of Channel Elo"don Point, W/dth Ana at point Velocity Discharpe A) (ft) (ft) (K) (R) (It) (/t) ptJ (sg-11t) (Ass) pip (cis) Site Entrance 0.00 1.90 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 2000 .22.00 24.00 26.00 28 00 3000 32 00 34 00 3600 38.00 40.00 42.00 44.00 44.80 45.00 25.71 2.80 22.91 0.00 N/A 25.71 4.10 27.61 0.00 N/A 25.71 7.70 18.01 - 0.00 NIA 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 25.72 1 7.90 7 82 f 0.00 N/A 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 --yo-0 . 0 00 25.72 8.30 77.42 0.00 N/A 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 100 . 0 00 25.72 i 9.80 15.92 0.00 N/A 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 . 0 00 25.72 70.90 14.82 0.85 75.77 0.43 2.00 0.85 0.00 0.00 . 0 00 25.73 12.20 13.53 2.15 15.77 1.50 2.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 . 0 00 25.73 72.90 12.83 2.85 15.77 2.50 2.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 . 0 00 25.73 12.90 12.83 2.85 15.77 2.85 2.00 5.70 0.00 0.00 . 0 00 25.73 12.90 12.83 215 15.77 2.85 2.00 5.70 0.30 0.15 . 0 86 25.74 11.50 14.24 1.45 15.77 2.15 2.00 4.30 0.50 0.40 . 1 72 25.74 11.20 14.54 1.15 15.77 130 2.00 2.60 0.40 0.45 . 1 17 25.74 12.20 13.54 2.15 15.77 1.65 100 3.30 640 0.40 . 1 32 25.74 12.40 13.34 2.35 15.77 2.25 2.00 4.50 0.50 0.45 . 03 25.75 12.30 13.45 2.25 15.77 2.30 2.00 4.60 0.30 0.40 . 1 84 25.75 - 12.10 13.65 2.05 15.77 2.15 2.00 4.30 0.00 0.15 . 0 65 25 75 12.00 13.75 1.95 15.77 2.00 2.00 4.00 0.00 . 0 00 25 75 10.00 15.75 0.00 15.77 0.98 2.00 1.95 0.00 . 0 00 25.76 9.30 16.46 0.00 N/A 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 . 0 00 25.76 8.70 17.06 0.00 N/A 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 . 0 00 25.76 8.30 - 17.46 0.00 N/A 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 N 0 . 0 00 M76 8.00 776 0.00 0 00 200 0.00 0.00 . 0 00 25.77 4.20 21.57 0.00 N/A 000 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 10 . 0 00 25.77 4.10 21.67 0.00 N/A . 25.77 2.90 22.87 0.00 NIA Highway Direction ddldonal Total Cmss-Section Area: 49.80 Points f interest Total Cmss-Section Discharge: 9.58 Site Entrance 25 IV 20 C 0 15 w 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Distance (feet) EDDY ENGINEERING, P.C. Water Surface Distance horn Water lop of Surface Rail Elevadon (fL) (n.) 10.05 15.77 Notes: Channel Cross-Section Bridge at Catfish Lake Road 08/31/99 Highway Entrance CWMB 98014-2 i STAGE-DISCHARGE DEVELOPMENT • FlELO DATA star ewrwow.rterr sear,ccs .c n.coor .eorecr cewr.a ?wnN.o.rna.rw sera +o roe. r rat: to s....or..a C.Sectlon Sully Data Co#Wed By Eddy Engineering. P.C. Coseded on 0V07/99 Loceuon: Cross-sewon at Cadish Road Bnoge. Looking downstream. Zero point on entrance side of bridge. Note: DetemtlM Exact Height and Loc4bon of Obamcinon in Straam. Original %•Sectlon Sottom Actual Point Water Eler. Distance Depth Averate Measured Avenge at hom Son" bore Water Point Top of Top of Point Sotto. S f Depth B Section water SOCUOn Average ur ace Dist Ray Ran ENvadon of Chanrul Elevation ehreen Points Section Water Width A Velocity p water Section (hl (h) A) (ft) (ft) (h) (R1 rea R at oint Velocity Discharge ( ) (siodt) (hu) (ro (ch) Ste Entrance 0.00 1.90 2.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18 00 2000 2200 .24 00 26.00 28.00 30 00 3200 .34 00 36 00 38.00 40.00 42.00 44.00 44.80 45 00 5.71 .91 22 . N/A 25.71 4.10 21.61 D N/A 25.71 7.70 18.01 111 0.45 18.57 0.23 00 2. .45 0 0.00 0 00 0 00 25.72 7.90 17.82 0.85 18.57 0.55 2.00 1.10 0.00 . 0 00 . 0 00 25.7 8.30 U 17.42 1.05 18.57 0.85 2.00 1.70 0.00 . 0 00 . 0 00 5.7 9. 15.9 2.55 1 .57 1.80 2.00 0.00 . 0.00 . 25.72 10.90 14.82 3.65 1x.57 3.10 2.00 6.20 0.00 0.00 0 00 5.7 1 .20 13.5 4.95 1 .57 a.3 1.6 1 . 8 97 25.7 12.90 12.83 5.65 18.57 5.30 2.00 10.60 2.89 26 . 23 25.73 12.90 12.83 5.65 18.57 5.65 2.00 11.30 7.25 . 5 07 . 57 29 5.7 i I Z90 1 .8 i 5.65 18.57 5.65 0 11,30 7.68 . 7 47 . 5 25.74 1150 14.24 4.25 18.57 4.95 2.00 9.90 6.00 . 84 6 67 7 25. 14 11.0 14.54 .95 18.57 4.10 .0 . 6 . 49 25.74 12.20 1 .54 4.95 18.57 4.45 2.00 8.90 6.00 . 6 00 . 53 40 25.74 12.40 13.34 5.15 18.57 5.05 .2.00 10.10 5.24 . 5 62 . 56 76 25.75 12.30 13.45 5.05 18.57 5.10 2.00 10.20 6.20 . 5 72 . 58 34 25.75 12.10 13.65 4.85 18.57 - - 4.95 2.00 9.90 6.99 . 8 60 . 65 29 5.75 1 .00 13.75 4.75 I F. 57 4.80 9.6 9 . 6 . 25.75 10.00 15.75 2.75 18.57 3.75 2.00 7.50 . 4.60 . 5.77 43 24 5.78 9. 0 16.4 2.05 18.57 .4 2. 0 4.80 5.62 5 11 . 4 53 25.76 8.70 17.06 1.45 18.57 1.75 2.00 3.50 0.00 . 81 2 . 9 84 25.76 8.30 17.46 1.05 18.57 1.25 2.00 2.50 0.00 . 0.00 . 0 00 25.76 8. 0 17.7 0.75 1 .57 .90 .0 1.8 .00 .00 . 0 0 25.77 4.20 21.57 0.00 N/A 0.38 2.00 0.75 0.00 0 00 . 0 00 25.77 4.10 21.67 0.0 N/A . . 25.77 2.90 22.87 0.00 N!A Highway Direction ddldional Total Cross-Section Area: 142.50 Points t Intsnst Total CmssSection Discharge: 687.64 Appendix C Page 3 Water Surface Distance hen water Top Of surface Rail Elevation YQ (8.) 7.25 18.57 Notes: Channel Cross-Section Site Entrance Bridge at Catfish Lake Road 09/07/99 Highway Entrance 25 20 o 15 W 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Distance (feet) EDDY ENGINEERING, P.C. CWMB 98014-2 STAGE-DISCHARGE DEVELOPMENT - FIELD DATA C fM'.IONrreeTK Serrvcey...cwrcooT AcT .eo,lCT CaWT.w Wt1LAW YTq.1W eNM we r . us Ill- CL _ e.>•wl Crofa-Section Survey Data Collected By Eddy Engineering. P.C. Collected on 12/22199 Location: Goss-section at Catfnn Road Bridge. Looking dOwrutream. Zero Pont on entrance side of bridge. Note: Determine Exact Height and Location of Obstructlon in Stream. Original X•Sectlon Bottom Actual Point Water Elw. Ofs.. Depth Average Measured Awage at hewn Bottom fMDI Water Depth section water Section Average Point Top of Top of Point Bottom Suffice aenveen Section, Water Velocity Water Section D/st Ran Rau Elevation of Channel Elevation Points Wfdth AM at Point Velocity Discharge (R.) (it) (1t) A) (h) (ft) (it) (f L) (SVE) (fps) (M (cfs) Site Entrance 0.00 1.90 2.DO 4.00 6.00 8.00 10 00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18 00 20 00 22.00 24 00 2600 2800 30.00 32.00 34 00 36.00 38.00 40.00 42.00 44.00 44.80 45.00 25.71 2.80 22.91 .00 WA 25.71 4.10 21.61 0.00 WA 25.71 7.70 18.01 0.00 WA 0.00 .00 0.00 0.00 25.72 7. 17.82 0.00 N/A 0.00 .00 0.00 0.00 25.72 8.30 17.42 0.00 WA 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 j E 25.72 9.80 15.92 0.78 16.80 0.39 2.00 0.78 0.00 25.72 70.90 14.82 1.88 16.80 1.33 2.00 2.66 0.00 25.73 12.20 73.53 3.78 16.80 2.53 2.00 5.06 0.00 25.73 12.90 12.83 3.88 16.80 3.53 2.00 7.06 0.26 0.00 25.73 72.90 12.83 3.88 76.80 3.88 .00 7.76 0.50 0.32 48 2 25.73 12.90 12.83 3.88 16.80 3.88 .00 7.76 0.95 0.54 . 4 19 25]4 11.50 14.24 2.48 16.80 3.18 .00 6.36 7.08 0.39 . 2.48 25.74 11.20 14.54 2.18 16.80 2.33 2.00 4.66 0.83 0.56 61 2 25.74 72.20 13.54 3.18 16.80 2.68 2.00 5.36 0.78 0.54 . 2 89 25.74 12.40 73.34 3.38 16.80 3.28 2.00 6.56 0.50 0.35 . 2 30 25.75 12.30 13.45 3.28 16.80 3.33 2.00 6.66 0.24 0.00 . 0 00 25.75 72.70 13.65 3.08 76.80 3.18 2.00 6.38 0.00 0.00 . 0 00 25.75 12.00 13.75 798 16.80 3.03 2.00 8.06 0.00 0.00 . 0 00 25.75 1000 15.75 0.98 16.80 1.98 2.00 3.96 0.00 0.00 . 0 00- 25.76 9.30 16.46 0.28 16.80 0.63 2.00 1.28 6.00 0.00 . 0 00 25.76 8.70 17.06 0.00 WA 0.74 2.00 0.28 0.00 0.00 . 0 00 25.76 8.30 17.46 0.00 N/A 0.00 700 0.00 0.00 0.00 . 0 00 25.76 8.00 17.76 0.00 WA 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 . 0 00 25.77 4.20 21.57 0.00 WA 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 . 0.00 25.77 4.10 21.67 0.00 N/A 25.77 2.90 22.87 0.00 N/A Highway Direction Additional Total Cross-Section Area: 78.80 Points of interest Total Cross-Section Discharge: 16.95 i Channel Cross-Section Site Entrance Bridge at Catfish Lake Road 12/22/99 Highway Entrance i 25 -IT _77 1 1.111 I 12 20 c 0 15 W 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Distance (feet) EDDY ENGINEERING, P.C. Appendix C Page 4 WeM Suffice Distance honn Wafer Top of Surface Rail Ele"dor, (ft.) (R) 9.02 16.80 Notes: CWMB 98014-2 ' STAGE-DISCHARGE DEVELOPMENT • FIELD DATA aaNT ENrwWa!Ertµ gNyQ; ,r,C NmOT .EEO?ECi C .I.N w?t??Ip EytGip ?w Eu Ee..... o..? Ctoe&-3-de Swvay Data CaNctW 8y Eddy En9rr m. P. C. Cotiactad an 01/17/00 LncMatn: Gosawon M Calton Road Sma". L-Wq dPwWt - ZAn pow on wr asta of W". Nob: Dw ina Exact Hs19W and LwAda of Obttwdan in SRaam. On91nM ABaedon Bottom Actual P.1m IV~ 97- Olat- OsptR Ava.pa 44saswsd Avan96 M Rom Bottom Rom Wt- point TaP cy Top of Pblm am DspR Sadden WNr S"tfa A--" - SE f_ Olst. Ram RsR f9aradon of ch ..N 99-ad- BataraalE Saet/on P.W. Width W~ V.1"ry W~ Saatbn (R') (R.) (R•) (R) (R.) (R ) R (ft) Ana M pw t V*I"tY Dbenatpa . I •) (ap.R.) (teal (Rl (N J S4a Ewa 0.00 1.90 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 ;1810000 22.00 24.00 26.00 28.00 30.00 32.00 34.00 36.00 38.00 40.00 42.00 44.00 44.80 45.00 0.00 1 N/A 4.1 21.68 1 0.00 A 18.08 0.00 A 1 WA 17.49 N/A 1 2.1 1 1 1 1 0 00 1 0 00 1 9. 1 1.1 ! 7 & . . 1 14.90 1 .1 4 .1 1 1 1.1 .1 - 6.25 1 0 00 0 00 1 0 00 1 . 1 .81 2.82 1 1 121 1 1 12.91 i 4.2 4.3 4.1 1 .1 ___17_1T- 1.1 4.08 4.28 4.20 2. 1 2.00 00 8.15 8.55 4 . 1 0.26 . 0.13 .033 . 1 1. 1 3.25 1 2 .82 . .83 2583 25 84 1 2584 84 84 11. 11,20 1 12.20 12.40 12.30 12.10 12.00 1 14.32 16.63 13.63 1344 13.54 13.74-- 13,84 1.90 - 1. 4. ___17-1T- 1 .1 1 .1 1 .1 7 .1 1 .1 1 1 3. W3.60 - 1 2.. 2.00 , 6.00 33.115 i 1. 1 .83 1 0. . 4 .00 1.0 0.96 1 .81 0.3 1 3.68 1 3.18 1 .84 1000 15.85 2?05 1 .1 2.55 2.00 1 2545 .3 16.55 0. 1 .1 1. . 2 8. 1 .1 0.7 1 1 . 1. 1755 1 .00 N/A 0. .86 8. d. 3.1 - 17.86 1 21 66 1 21.6 0. 00.0c - 0.00 00 N/A N/A N/A U.W 2.65 .00 0. 1 1 0. . .00 ?86 790 22.9 .00 N/A Hgnway Dvsclgn AddltlanN TMM C-Sedan Ana: 85.80 Points 'rIW-0 Toth Ctess-Saclwn 0,c wgs 70.82 Channel Cross-Section Fin ntrance 25 Bridge at Catfish Lake Road 01/11/00 Highway Entrance -- ' ? ! I 'III ? I ,220 i? l l l i I I co i 15 ED l i ' ! i l i t;; I ' 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Distance (feet) I EDDY ENGINEERING, P.C. Appendix C Page 5 WNSY S-f- O/Nancv Rom W~ Top o/ Swboa RN/ E2awtlon (R) (R.) e65 1717 Npba•. CWMB 98014-2 M d d z ?I z I?1 ^^z b l 1 STAGE-DISCHARGE CURVE DEVELOPMENT Location: At Bridge on Catfish Lake Road CLIENT: ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC./NCDOT PROJECT: CROATAN WETLAND MITIGATION BANK NO.: 98014 .2 DATE: 02/14/00 BY: JLE FILE: JLE CFIT CROATAN SQ.wb3 a- 0.10137 b= 1.49777 r^2= 0.93664 Computed WSE Head Discharge Discharge (ft.) (ft.) (cfs) (cfs) H D Base Point 12.9 0 0 0.00 08/31/99 15.77 2.87 9.58 7.46 04/02/99 16.62 3.72 30.29 26.65 12/22/99 16.80 3.90 16.95 34.89 01/11/00 17.17 4.27 30.82 60.73 09/07/99 18.57 5.67 667.64 494.42 Stage-Discharge Low Discharge Curve at Bridge 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Water Surface Elev. ft. L__W_ Measured -n-- D=0.10137exp(H'1.49777) 700 600 500 U 400 2) l6 300 200 100 0 n C tz 110 00 0 A N V ?C fD C a ?e n b t'D Q\ M d d ^z^ 41 1?1 z ^^z b n 03/23/00 STAGE-DISCHARGE RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENT CLIENT: ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC./NCDOT PROJECT: CROATAN WETLAND MITIGATION BANK NO: 98014 -2 DATE: 02/16100 BY: CGP FILE: Design Storm Development Developed Using HEC-RAS (Not Valid for Discharges greater than 1800 cis) WSE Head Discharge (h) (n) (ds) 19.09 6.19 900 19.4 6.5 1000 19.7 6.8 1100 19.98 7.08 1200 20.26 7.36 1300 20.52 7.62 1400 20.78 7.88 1500 21.04 8.14 1600 21.28 8.38 - 1700 21.52 8.62 1800 24.74 11.84 1900 25.07 12.17 2000 25.4 12.5 2100 2512 12.82 2200 26.06 13.16 2300 n bd Invert (h) 12.9 In(x) In(y) Discharge 1.82294 6.80239 Regression Output: 903.4 1.8718 6.90776 Constant 2.99262 1000.6 1.91692 7.00307 Std Err of Y Est 0.00265 1099.7 1.95727 7.09008 R Squared 0.99988 1196.5 1.99606 7.17012 No. of Observations 10 1297.6 2.03078 7.24423 Degrees of Freedom 8 1395.4 2.06433 7.31322 1496.9 2.09679 7.37776 X Coefficient(s) 2.09196 1602.0 2.12585 7.43838 Std Err of Coef. 0.00799 1702.4 2.15409 7.49554 1806.0 2.47148 754961 3508.3 2.49897 7.6009 3715.9 2.52573 7.64969 y=Cx^b 3929.9 2.55101 7.69621 4143.3 2.57718 7.74066 C= 1.99E+01 4376.5 b= 2.0919641 4500 Mir 3500 U m Q 2500 a ,Nr LI 1500 500 77-7 - 1 - - 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Stage (ft.) o Hec-Ras Output . 0-1.99E+01'H^2.0919641 00 1 E:\0-projectY19981014-2ConceptuallSpreadsheetslStage-Discharge DevelopmenhStage-Discharge Update for Large Qs wb3 N V fD Cy a b ?U QQ fD J Stage-Discharge High Discharge at Bridge Iw w Iw w Iwl? w Iw w iw w iw Ilw w w w w w Iw w d d z G? z 131 z b n 03/30/00 STAGE-DISCHARGE RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENT At Bridge on Catfish Lake Road CLIENT: ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC./NCDOT PROJECT: CROATAN WETLAND MITIGATION BANK NO.: 98014 -2 DATE: 02116/00 BY: CGP FILE: Design Storm Development Composite Curve Stage-Discharge Curve Low High Composite WSE Head Discharge Discharge Discharge (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) 13 0.1 0.12 0.16 0.12 13.4 0.5 0.21 4.67 0.21 13.8 0.9 0.39 15.96 0.39 14.2 1.3 0.71 34.45 0.71 14.6 1.7 1.29 60.39 1.29 15 2.1 2.35 93.96 2.35 15.4 2.5 4.29 135.31 4.29 15.8 2.9 7.80 184.58 7.80 16.2 3.3 14.21 241.86 14.21 16.6 3.7 25.86 307.26 25.86 17 4.1 47.08 380.87 47.08 17.4 4.5 85.71 462.75 85.71 17.8 4.9 156.04 552.99 156.04 18.2 5.3 284.06 651.65 284.06 18.6 5.7 517.14 758.78 517.14 18.935 6.035 854.11 855.07 855.07 19.335 6.435 1554.91 977.93 977.93 19.735 6.835 2830.70 1109.42 1109.42 20.135 7.235 5153.28 1249.59 1249.59 20.535 7.635 9381.51 1398.49 1398.49 20.935 8.035 17078.98 1556.15 1556.15 Invert (ft) 3000 2500 2000 U a? 211500 t U 1000 500 0 1 12.9 Stage-Discharge Composite Curve 21.335 8.435 31092.19 1722.62 1722.62 A I I ? -Low Discharge a High Discharge - j Composite Curve ?O 00 O A N E:\0-project\1998\014-2Conceptual\Spreadsheets\Stage-Discharge Development\Stage-Discharge Update for Large os.wb3 00 b CD b k n b >y (IQ M 00 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Stage (ft.) ? b M ly o ? A 41 A V ~ ? N M q v - n b O 7d O b b v ?. 00 Cko O O A tv d d z z z C n tz 110 00 0 N 8000 I-N c= 6000 N U O 4000 s? 0 0 2000 0 0 4 Storm 3: September 6, 1999 Storm 4: September 15-16, 1999 Storm 5: October 16-18, 1999 . 3 Storm 1: April 15, 1999 Storm 2: May 12, 1999 6 Storm 6: April 28 - May 2, 1999 2 1 - 2000 4000 6000 Volume of Rainfall (acre-ft) Volume Comparison (with Lake Area) 8000 b b C a d b M C7 d K z z r? z G? 0 00 0 N 4 Storm 3: September 6, 1999 Storm 4: September 15-16, 1999 Storm 5: October 16-18, 1999 --- 5 - . 3 Storm 1: April 15, 1999 Storm 2: May 12, 1999 6 Storm 6: April 28 - May 2, 1999 2 1 _ 8000 /-1 6000 U cd 4i O 04000 4-a O 0 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 Volume of Rainfall (acre-ft) Volume Comparison (w/o Lake Area) 8000 b C a IV N I C7 M M M M M M M M M M ? 1 ? M ? A ?? ? M d C7 z z z c? b n 60 50 ,40 4w- L) a) 30 co E 20 10 0 0 tz 110 00 0 N 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time (hours) February 1999 - Discharge at Bridge 1 0.8 0.6 c 0.4 0.2 700 b b a a d b QQ CD W M r d z c? z c b 60 50 v 40 30 CO 0 20 10 0 0 10 00 0 N 200 400 600 Time (hours) April 1999 -Discharge at Bridge 1 0.8 0.6 '- 0.4 CU 0.2 0 800 00 00 b a d ro 0Q CD U1 d d z z b n 00 0 N 40 35 30 4 25 2120 ccs s 0 15 10 5 0 ll Storm #6 - Rainfall and Storm #2 - Rainfall and - - 1. l - - Ai 0 200 400 600 Time (hours) May 1999 - Discharge at Bridge 1 0.8 0.6 1V c 0.4 w 0.2 0 800 b C a d b M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M ?. ?. M t7 d z z z c? b n 60 200 400 600 Time (hours) June 1999 - Discharge at Bridge 1 50 40 U a) 1030 CU s U Q 20 10 0 0 00 0 N 0.8 0.6 •c c 0.4 w 0.2 0 800 b a a d b J wr w w w? ww w ?w wr ww ww w? ww ww w w w ?¦. w .?. d d z z r? r? z G? b n 60 50 40 .12 U N °) 30 Ca C- 0 CO 0 20 10 0 0 110 00 2 fl, N 200 400 600 Time (hours) July 1999 - Discharge at Bridge 1 0.8 0.6 4--- c 0.4 CU 0.2 800 b b CD a d b QrQ M 00 ?r ?r r ?r r r? r r? r? r r ? ? ? ? ?¦r . ? ar. d d z c? z r? z b n a 0 N 60 50 40 v L 30 CU U Cn 0 20 10 0 0 200 400 600 Time (hours) August 1999 - Discharge at Bridge 1 0.8 0.6 c 0.4 0.2 0 800 Y b b C d ?D m d d K z z r? z b n td 1?c 00 0 N IC b b C7 a d b 00 O M t7 t7 z z z G? b n 1200 1000 200 400 600 Time (hours) October 1999 - Discharge at Bridge 2 800 Co U N 600 U N_ E 400 2,00 0 0 00 0 N 1.5 C 1 C CU 0.5 800 b b a as' d b M tv d z z z b n 00 0 N 1400 1200 1000 U 800 N CU 600 Cn E 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (hours) November 1999 - Discharge at Bridge 2 1.5 171 C 1 C 0.5 800 Y V b d a d b N M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M ? ? C?1 d d 60 r? z z 50 z G7 b 140 n U N 2" 30 M Cn 0 20 10 0 0 n td 110 00 2 N 200 400 600 Time (hours) December 1999 - Discharge at Bridge 1 0.8 0.6 c cc 4-- 0.4 w 0.2 800 Y b b C a d QtQ W M M M M M M M M i M M M M M M i M M M d d r? z G? z t? z G? b n n Cd 00 0 A N 1400 1200 1000 U 800 U CU v 600 CO 0 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (hours) January 2000 - Discharge at Bridge 2 1.5 C 1 c Q! 0.5 800 Y It b a d ro oa A M M i M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M d d z z z ro n 1400 1200 1000 800 N L 600 Cn 0 400 2 1.5 171 c 1 LOT o? D.5 200 0 0 Gd 0 N February 2000 - Discharge at Bridge 200 b b p k d b 50 100 150 Time (hours) DO , Q S O ? a i w O ,a S? N v ?. u G z n A A . 00 Qo O O M M M M M M M M M M ? ? ? M M A??? M? 03/22/00 V d CROATAN WETLAND WATER BALANCE CLIENT: ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC./NCDOT PROJECT: CROATAN WETLAND MITIGATION BANK NO.: 98014 -2 z DATE: 02129/00 ^ : CGP 4 J FILE: Water Balance.wb3 1-1 z Drainage Area for Stream Gauge 16 (@ Bridge) Consider Equation: RF(rainlalf) = RO(run-ofl) + INF(inffltratlon) + ET(evapotranspiration) + E(evaporation) z P Ib Analysis of Site using Theissen Polygon Method: Site Entire Drainage Area Lake Area Rainfall percentage percentage Thessien Polygon Areas: square miles acres of whale square miles acres of whole Ste (acres) Entire Area (acres) RG2 • RDS 2.21 1414.00 0.35 3.78 2408.00 0.24 2100 2100 RG3 2.40 1534.00 0.38 5.80 3711.00 0.37 (rainfall) RG4 1.72 1103.00 0.27 6.06 3881.00 0 39 Total 6.33 4051.00 15.63 10000.00 Monthly Rainfall Totals Croatan Nat. Forest New Bern Cnery Point Kinston Trenton Gages Rainfall Rainfall Rainfall Rainfall Rainfall Month RDS RG2 RG3 RG4 (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) Jura - 98 181 -• - - 4.03 - July • 98 10.68 541 5.16 - 4.78 - August - 98 25.20 10 - 13.48 6.03 6.60 September • 98 1.29 2 3.40 6.64 145 - October - 98 0.77 0 006 - 0.51 - November • 98 1.63 1.65 1.64 - 2.24 - December - 98 0.00 8.1 5.03 - 5.07 - January - 99 8.26 3,89 2.69 - 5.50 - February • 99 3.27 0.91 1.23 1.49 IS 1.79 - 2.59 - March - 99 8.08 3.13 3.37 3.29 2.31 2.68 - 2.09 - ApAl - 99 3.53 4.27 3.98 3.61 3 3.31 - 3.55 - May - 99 0.52 2.02 2.67 2.38 - 2.84 - 2.73 - June .99 4.90 3.33 2.71 3.11 - 2.15 - 4.91 - July - 99 3.70 2.62 3.27 2.66 1.75 4.62 - 3.68 - August - 99 11.52 5.24 7.36 6.81 - 7.67 - 3.24 - September - 99 13.33 18.85 20.91 18.84 - - - - - October-99 732 7.55 7.93 A November - 99 2.18 2.28 2.31 - - - - - December - 99 04 0.97 0.99 January. 00 5.12 596 5.77 - - - - - 7 F February - 00 0.10 0.00 0.00 - - - - - ? Total 55.07 61.65 58.44 Averages for 2nd Half of Feb '99 to 1st Half of Feb '00 ?D 00 Notes: 1. New Bern Rainfall Data Inaccurate for August 1998 due to gaps in information. Nearly all of June 1908 is missing from New Bern Data. N Unable to kxate Data for December 1998 for RDS raftage. Also missing last two weeks of November 1998 and one Week from and of April to beginning of May 1999. 2 A . 1 N Monthly Rainfall Data for Site ONLY Weighed Average Weighed Volume of Rainfall Rainfal Average Rainfall per Morin (in) (in) (aae•rt) 3.61 3.61 1851.45 8.63 8.63 3397.66 12.86 12.66 6488.07 3.10 310 1588.98 0.33 0.33 170.95 1.79 1.79 918.04 5.40 5.40 2767.95 5.08 5.05 2805.97 1.21 1.19 580.87 3.28 3.26 1649.77 3.95 3.98 2090.99 2.38 2.36 1151.60 3.05 3.04 1607.42 2.05 2.88 1429.74 6.47 6.47 3101.25 19.53 19.63 9924.61 7.73 7.71 3954.71 2.28 2.25 1142.18 1.00 1.00 519.54 5.62 5.62 2791.55 0.03 0.03 29.28 58.72 58.83 29672.98 PC b fD Cy y4 b fv 7Q i--t M r = = = = M ? ? ? ? ? ? . ? ? ? ? M 03122/00 r d r? z z r? z b Pan Evaporation Data Factor 0.70 % Site Covered by Water 2.00 % (Not Including Lore Lake) Monthly Rainfall Data for TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA Weighted Average Weighted Volume of Rainfall Rainfall Average Rainfall per Month (in) (in) (acre'rt) 3.61 3.61 3642.10 6.63 6.63 6683.74 12.66 12.66 12763.08 3.10 3.10 3121.80 0.33 0.33 33628 1.79 1.79 1805.93 5.40 5.40 5445.00 5.08 5.08 5126.37 Half of the Month 1.21 1.25 1204.13 602.06 3.26 3.28 3282.05 3.95 3.91 4002.45 2.36 2.40 2354.28 3.05 3.01 3094.86 ? 2.85 2.88 2855.78 t 6.47 6.64 6447.04 19 53 19.61 19640.90 . 7.73 7.74 7799.68 2.26 2.27 2271.14 1.00 0.99 1010.85 110 5 62 5.68 5632.66 00 . 03 0 0.02 37.57 O . Fr 58.72 59.06 59031.31 N1 Evaporation Data SCONC Pan Percentage Drainage Area Aurora Correction Corrected of Drainage Evaporation Data Facter From Data Area Controlled Long Lake Drainage Area Combined (in) Chow, et at. (in) by Evaporation (aae'8) (acre'ff) (acne'ft) June 809 0.7 5.66 0.02 991.03 94.38 1085.41 July 8.08 0.7 5.66 0.02 989.80 94.27 1084.07 August 6.84 0.7 4.79 0.02 837.90 79.80 917.70 Sept 6.15 04 4.31 0.02 753.38 71.75 825.13 October 434 0.7 3.04 0.02 531.85 50.63 582.26 Nov 2.72 0.7 1.90 0.02 333.20 31.73 364.93 Dec 2.00 0.7 1.40 0.02 245.00 23.33 268.33 Jan 2.68 01 1.88 0.02 32810 31.27 359.57 Feb 2.96 0.7 2.07 0.02 362,60 34.53 397.13 Mar 4.42 0.7 3.09 0.02 541.45 51.57 59102 Apr 6.65 0.7 4.66 0.02 814.63 77.58 892.21 May 6.45 0.7 4.52 002 790.13 75.25 865.38 June 6.79 0.7 4.75 0.02 831.78 79.22 910.99 July 7.60 0.7 5.32 0.02 931.00 88.67 1019.67 August 5.30 0.7 3.71 0.02 649.25 61.83 711.08 Sept 3.53 0.7 2.47 0.02 432.43 41.18 473.61 October 4.03 01 2.82 0.02 493.68 47.02 540.69 Nov 2.85 0.7 2.00 0.02 349.13 33.25 382.38 Dec 1.28 0.7 0.88 0.02 154.35 14.70 169.05 Jan 1.15 0.7 0.81 0.02 140.87 1342 154.29 Feb 1.23 0.7 0.86 002 150.68 14.35 165.03 Yearly sum 6460.65 615.30 7075.95 Had of the Montt 196.57 V b C7 b A7 CrQ l9 N M M M M i M M M ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?.yJ 03/22100 V d z 0-4 z r? r? z b Max. Percentage of Month ET Applies 0.70 Evapotranspiration Data bd NIo Do 0 lv t e S Drain Mod Average Drain Mod Average Drain Mod wxsystems t P Average Drainage Area Mod Drain rain Area ea WaSys"M Dra4lapa Area in ea em Wx ys Potential ET Potential ET Correction Potential ET Potential ET Potential ET Potential ET Potential ET Potential ET t ercen age of Orainage Evapobanspiration ation Evapobanapr Evap anapir Data From Data From fader From Corrected Corrected to Actual Actual ET to to Actual ET ET o Aqu E o9od Area , (+de•8) WaSyctems Drain Mod Drain Mod Data Data i io Correction (in) (irt) (in) as C ) D (tee B) I B) lbl (am) lbl ( n) 32 08 6 80 5 011 3.69 3.57 3.16 0.98 3013.12 292915.69 15 0 2826. 2872.13 June 5.71 6 71 5.35 16 5 1.1 0. 95 . S.81 . 5.19 0.52 3.02 2.69 3.52 0.98 0 98 2161.27 1791 13 . 1809.01 1918.83 July A t . 1 80 . 4.9 0 LIt 1.16 0.50 2.19 2.22 2.39 10 2 . 0 98 . 1976.77 2054.22 11758.07 ugus Se t . 3.66 3.96 0.97 370 3.81 0.65 2.12 71 1 2.52 1 95 . 1.34 . 098 1]99.26 1591 .19 1091.81 93 627 p October 2.05 2.71 1.1 262 2.98 0.65 0 63 . 25 1 . U6 0 0.77 77 0.96 101707 1192.11 . 289 68 Nov 1.22 1.73 134 155 198 12 1 2.32 1.19 . OA7 . 0.68 0.80 0.35 0.98 551.6/ 12 599 Hag month 651.27 689.36 Hag more . 261.50 Dec 0.75 0 71 1.09 98 0 111, . 1.18 1.70 0.50 0.73 0.81 0.35 0.88 98 0 . 22 11N 570.81 1561.62 700'81 .62 3 / Jan Feb . 67 0. . 1.15 2.11 2.21 3.06 0.63 140 1.91 19 7 0.12 0 51 . 0.98 . 1121.50 ? ? j j7. 6 Mar 0.1 9 2.81 2.01 3.73 5.65 0.66 58 0 2.11 50 3 . 1.62 . 1.35 0.98 2860.28 : 110857 1125 80 Apr 2.32 4.5 1.76 6 7.92 77 6 . 54 0 . 2,98 3.67 1.75 0.98 2431.60 299747 . 1908.56 May 3.23 5.17 1.31 1 1 5150 5 21 . 5.89 . 0.56 2.93 3.30 231 098 2395.41 2691.41 32 2391 3121.58 June 4.17 8 77 5.35 5 46 . 0.95 . S.Bt 5.19 0.56 3.26 2.93 3.52 0.98 0 98 2678.55 61 2153 . 2220.15 2223.18 July August . 1.61 . 4.9 0.91 1.33 4 0.61 2.61 2.72 43 1 2.81 1 22 . 0.98 . 1067.61 1171.11 997 ? 93.69 Sept 3.26 3.96 0.97 360 3.84 0.31 0 61 1.31 68 1 . 1 62 . 1.10 0.98 1369.60 1181.25 1 69140 * 85 80 8 October 2.29 2.71 1.1 2.75 2.98 32 2 . 63 0 . 1.30 . 1.46 0.65 0.98 1063.22 e92.? . ]59.81 Nov 1.35 73 1.31 2.07 38 1 . 69 1 . 0.63 0.88 1.07 0.11 0.98 715.01 192.10 Dec 0.70 1.09 1.55 1 77 . 2D 1 . 1.70 0 .47 0.61 0.81 0.21 0.98 499.0] , 192.10 Jan 0.50 0.96 725 0 . 11 2 . 1.29 1.53 0.17 0.61 0.73 021 ew /88'87 Yearly Yearly Feb 0.50 . . 31 96 Y SUM 20027.92 SUM 23428.95 SUM 14023.15 sums 56.91 66.98 7243 81.05 40.91 45.70 . Ha/ Monty 170.81 b b b a ?e ?b tic W 03/22/00 d d z c? z r? z c? b Runoff Data Monthly Discharge (ac(e'h) June 0.00 July 0.00 August 0.00 Sept 0.00 October 000 Nov 0 Dec 000 Jan 000 Feb 491.02 Mar 1238.75 Apr 825.58 May 1170.48 June 238.57 July 72.38 August 17.32 Sept 15443.09 October 11076.45 1??..r1 Nov 4141.46 W Dec 500.00 1?0 Jan 3843.65 00 Feb 1978.76 O I? ? 41037.52 r N Note: Due to limited discharge data available for Decemeber 1999. the shown discharge Is estimated based on similar rainfall data collected for the month of February 1999. 00 10 P9 b a W Oq fD m m m m m m ! m ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 51..?1 d d L.,?yyy l? ^^z ?z..I l ? rM? /z 1441 V n l l try 110 00 0 1 N 012700 CROATAN WETLAND WATER BALANCE CLIENT. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC.IN000T PROJECT' CRGATAN WETLAND MITIGATION BANK NO.' 90014 -2 DATE: 02rA= BY: COP FILE: W««B.Ir¢•.r.b3 a•1«w.w• C-A w R•6V.9 ET E R-." Tar O? 091Or Q46Or Av«•9. 0. nMOC W.S9.WO. A-." D.. MOO W.S'.W Av«p• •n M.O W.37.Wn. 60206 57061 70001 17001 19651 49102 126019 111039 66039 602.06 12W Is ••••• 06039 3202 05 172150 2503 90 417 K 593 02 1236 75 355326 035 65 224923 3004 Ill 2520 30 310962 4002 45 2660.20 3773.00 1106 51 592 21 025 50 457000 5490 79 2624 37 7006 56 607364 593390 2354 20 2434 60 299717 020 00 665.30 100.46 4470 46 503333 346466 10240 63 10651 72 9396 as 3091.66 239541 .'41 190656 910.99 23057 35097 3610.91 305612 1333570 IS122.18 12456.77 2655 70 2616.55 2391.32 312110 10967 72.36 377060 3"3 37 421393 15191.46 10661.15 1667069 6017.04 2153 61 2220.15 229349 71100 1732 255202 2910 56 3021.90 22610.52 22431 75 19602 59 1964090 106761 1171.14 99309 47361 1544309 1690130 1700703 1691050 4227942 2531977 36603.16 7799 66 1369.60 1401.25 114066 510 69 11076 45 17906 75 1310140 12750 01 50079.10 42301.07 19361.10 2271 14 106322 1192.71 69660 39230 414146 5507 05 571655 5220 64 52350 24 55790 62 51501.62 101065 715.04 612.36 359 61 169 05 50000 136409 1541 41 102006 53361.09 6007/.67 ••••. 55610.69 5632 fib 4" 03 656.03 192.10 154 29 3643 65 "96 97 465597 419005 50993 74 67161.96 50000.74 37.57 49007 592.11 19210 16503 1976.76 264266 2736.19 2335.09 59031.31 6675093 6213562 skims 20027.92 2312095 1402315 707595 41037.52 6014139 1151242 6213662 390074.10 30MO44 366216.92 SUM CHECK 20027.92 23420.95 14023 15 b a x t? b c? u0 co CrJ d d z r? z b Monthly Water Balance Cumulative Flow w/ WxSys. ET 70000 60000 50000 d L 40000 4) E 30000 _n O 20000 10000 0 bd 00 0 A N Inflow Outflow b b a X M b s? va CD rep mar Apr may Jun Dui Aug Sep Uct Nov Dec Jan Feb Month ? 1' ? ? ? !? ? !' !? ? ? I? ? ? ? !? ? III ? M Cv z c? CrJ z b n 7A 7 110 00 O r-+ N UYlONO 70000 60000 50000 m 40000 E 30000 0 20000 10000 0 Dec Jan b Monthly Water Balance Cumulative Flow w/ WxSys. ET 70000 - ----- -- -- 60000 - ------ - ---- ---- - 50000 40000 - - ------ ---'-- E 30000 - - ---------------- 20000 - ---- ------- ------------ 10000 0 -- f-+---{---F---+---1--f----?+-----+-----F---f----+-- Fab Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aup Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Month •- Inflow .- Outflow Monthly Water Balance Cumulative Flow w/ Avg. ET Monthly Water Balance Cumulative Flow w/ Drain Mod. ET 70006 60000 50000 A 40000 - ---- - - m 30600 . --. ---- > 20000 - - - - - ? 10000 - ----- ---------- 0 --+- i?-f-i---+---f Apr May Jun Jul Aup sip Month -•- Inflow .- Outflow b b b b UU !D J -•- Inflow Outflow r? d d k z z b 00 0 .A N ------------ Comparison of Monthly ET Estimates WxSy. ET N/s. Drain Mod. ET vs. Avg. ET 6 -____-__5._...._. oowm% 4 L V E ? 2 `? 0 Feb ar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov D"a"b Month --s-- WxSystems -a.-- Drain Mod by ESI --o-- Average b b a b aCD 00 o `° ?'? k n W ? O /1 N ?? FBI N q a ti ? n V 1 C ro Z z y C7 a ? y r ?C b b b b ? v OO Op .N m m m m w m m w m m m? A? m ? ? ? . m d - d z G? z r? z b 25 20 015 N rn L 0 10 Q 5 041 350 110 00 0 N 400 450 500 550 Reading (hourly) STORM EVENT ANALYSIS 600 650 b b C Q b s r== m=== m m m ? m m m ? ? IMI m d d z z r? z b n 35 30 25 N a-- 20 a) rn L v 15 U) 0 10 5 ?0 00 0 N 0 300 OBSERVED - BASE DIRECT Storm Event #2 - 13 May 1999 Total Event Rainfall = 0.18 inches 350 400 450 500 550 Reading (hourly) STORM EVENT ANALYSIS 600 b b b k b tv CD N m m m r it = = = m m m = = m ?. ? h t t M r . G r . F 1000 800 G /1 N v 600 a? v? L N 400 0 200 0 100 ?z , 00 .. 0 N b b b ?D W 150 200 250 300 350 Reading (hourly) STORM EVENT ANALYSIS m t7 d K Cri z G? z z G? ro n 1400 1200 1000 800 rn L - cu 600 ch 0 400 200 0 300 00 0 N 350 400 450 500 550 Reading (hourly) STORM EVENT ANALYSIS 600 650 Y b b C a b A m r m m m m' m m m m m m = m m m ¦¦s ? m d d z G7 z z b n 1400 1200 1000 800 a) rn cm v 600 ch 400 200 0 350 00 0 A N b C Q b CD LA 400 450 500 550 600 650 Reading (hourly) STORM EVENT ANALYSIS = m m = r m = r w m m m m m m m m m IIM d d K z trJ z b 00 0 N Stor Tota m Event #6 - 27 April - 2 May 1999 l Event Rainfall =2.21 inches OBSERVED - - - BASE .?? DIRECT 750 800 850 900 Reading (hourly) STORM EVENT ANALYSIS 950 1000 b b b a b GT m m m m m r m== m m? m m m ? ? s m d K z G') z z G) ro n 20 15 U a? 10 ca s U CA 0 5 0.4 0.3 42 4- c 0.2 If 0.1 0 353 ?c l 00 2 fl, N 4U4 455 506 Reading (hourly) DIRECT RUNOFF HYDROGRAPH 0.5 557 b b b a b J m d z 20 - G1 z t? - z n ? I a) °' 10 w s U cn 0 5 0-0 274 00 0 N 25 376 427 Reading (hourly) DIRECT RUNOFF HYDROGRAPH 0.04 c b b CD p a Oil b 00 m m i i m== m m ? ? m m ? ? ?? m d d r? z z z c? b 1000 -, - ---- - -- - - - 800 r\ 600 a) rn m U) 400 0 c 1 9 c 200 ,Nc 00 0 A i N 0 126 147 168 189 210 231 252 273 294 0 Reading (hourly) DIRECT RUNOFF HYDROGRAPH b b b fD ?D ¦r = s m m m m m m m ? ? . m. . . ?? m d d z 0 F-1 z z G? ?ti n 1200 1000 800 U (D °) 600 cu s U U 0 400 200 0 337 n o? 00 O A N 388 439 490 541 Reading (hourly) DIRECT RUNOFF HYDROGRAPH 592 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 ?. C 0.8 w-- c cu 0.6 W- 0.4 0.2 0 b b Cy a b O m d d z t? z b n 1200 1000 800 U am L2) 600 m U M 10 400 200 n 00 0 N 0 36 DIRECT 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 C 0.6 0! 0.4 0.2 n b b C a tDIRECT RUNOFF HYDROGRAPH 434 485 536 587 Reading (hourly) 3 b m = = = S = = = = = m m ? m m ? ? i ? m d d G? z z b n 30 25 20 U N 2) 15 cu s U _M 0 10 5 A 00 0 .p N 0 651 /U1 753 804 855 906 Reading (hourly) DIRECT RUNOFF HYDROGRAPH 957 0.16 . 0.14 0.12 0.1 C 0.08 w- c cc 0.06 W 0.04 0.02 0 b b b i! ro aro N = m = = = = i = m ? ? m ? ? ? ? ? J 1rr?lrrl (A?11 p1^U t l W 10 W Hn? T N ao:Nr EINYID1uEN1K SeNYN:f{ wtllECr plw,r)n fvElwtlwawirw Ww 1 a f)AiE mRON 4Y AI ptn&(D PN4 /lE Wlvr11?1vavrlgr ad r01f1 Vrwn .01 r.M>•Y'[I ornt WO p f .n1 o1n NW ar upn nY+o?•a N.a avl n....n • 1. w Ynano.l..lan Y1 r nn1 n .Ip.a rorn.•1.f 1. cl- fl nu.rr v. • iV'• .anao. of rww 11 n a ?? uN W I al u' Nalo . f•lp It. v1 n - iva 1.111'n •Tpl vol. 1a 1 rncn al.....r.?.n.i .?.. • 1 Inarin. wno11 as Nr?I nil a. !•t Incn.. Oalnl.l 1. In.n.. "m ntr 4131 4A4 I.Tu •o1n1.11. IMn.. s. )f 1.10 x.N a ). ;MM o.n ]wr rota nwwt Incn.t e.10 e.01 e.•f e.e] O.fi 11.1 0.1 1.f }ff. l.J e.1 r1.> 1.f If:l ff.i Il.t 3.1 of .1 IT.f I)1.! t.l )O.a 1f .• i.! IN.e fn.f !.I ilo.1 E.> t•.I If 1.1 uo na; a;:; n.1 tu.o itl.l 1.1 alr.f t]I.v If.] }1l. 0.1 It].> o:f n.l 1xx.1 o.f e.l w n f.l fl.l I.f i.} It.! I.S 0.t a.f 1.1 la.a )1.1 l>.e I.1 1.{ a{.1 }1.f e.i 1.I }I.1 if .1 e.l 1.1 ,0.1 l1.1 l ).f e.l 1.1 1.0 11.1 If.f ll.t O.t 0.1 I.f 0.1 If.l 11.r n.• 1.1 u.l a.1 e.l 1.1 .:, ;I:; Ua 1.0 e.{ n.l s:; r 1.f ;;:t u 1d u:e ll.' 0 t e.f f.f t.l 0.1 I.` I,I ff.t t f {.1 1.f 1.1 •.t i.t O.t I.f 0.1 e.0 1.I •.1 }.1 ].. .11 t 1 1. r?..?a.•... OOmf OJr1 I 1 Il• 4an 1 11 1 1 4iPf Irlllf Op' OONo 11 la 1 If 00tl f It II If 41Wf 41nf OWe Iel I.....r 1....r It W 1 OW f OW f 1 Irf 40W 1 040 004 ? 00tl 4m if If If 1.0 U. 4m 1 v. r1 ..rw.•r. •n.?1 a..,.r •Oma 4013 4mr1 01.1 OOp• 01. 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PI(S F6E IAN Srn6»taa win Snplr .nO HAM Pe6r "3 N YOruyra pl. i laia ualny Sr.yOar'a Nalnw •no NFN'a Pattern Hy.Jtcyrapn AI[ar CC JB) 941, Y•Elew.nt• cf UrLan 3torw•[ar D•a1Vn,• •nE vleraman e[. •1. UN Ynln••to .Itl. anYO•r •n0 ores patlarn.vU) .11 Prun9 Brr.e Cre•k IY.IB r ad A— 11.91 a9. wl. . L INalna[•w. outl•al r10y1 I.i ml. Lc• INatnal•m, ou[l at to canlrolol T.l wl. Eatlmat as cl 6.60 CTI 13 tl CtILLC•I'0.) I).5) noura t al/5.5 - 3.16 noura TR Oaslra0 1 noura TIUaa1ra01R t110.251tN-[rl 13.16 noura Tp 1).66 noura 1.25.762 1).0. noura Op IVOI./I1.39-Tp1 61)1.1 cfa .69 Incnaa I nlal•1 •n•tra<llona 0.1•a 0.11 Inc!»a Patle Of Runoff to R•Inf•11 0.109 12100 acr of - l.21E, 46 aV. (t. 10000 (•al / 1260 feat/wl.- 11000 lent / 5260 fast/m1.• cl. c1 run411 t -1 of L.. Percent lapar.l?ua 1.atar co vara Jl II.S 1 FaaultlnV Percent Parv1 ,.> e. 1 t•nt •r ul runul( tc P••1 of uH. 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IS 011, 324 16 11317 11 1401 M M M M M M M M M M M M i M M M . ?. M e z z b n 110 00 0 N 1000 E a' U N 10? U 4- . 6 a) a Co + 10 Specific Discharge vs. Drainage Area 10-year Expected Discharge 1 10 100 100 urainage Area, sq. mi. b a 0 b N 00 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M ?. ? ? d z r? b n bd 00 0 N Specific Discharge vs. Drainage Area 100-year Expected Discharge 1000 ?E Cn (n cis 5°I. r?ir . U - a) 100 U N U) 10-.- 0 1 10 100 Drainage Area, sq. mi. ton = C-??V Cn `°la ctS 1000 Y b b CD Cy a P, ITI 10000 N ?D = = = = = = M M M ? ? w ? ? dt.y V 100 1 I r i 1 I 1 I r I 1 ? r 1 ?-- ? - ' I I 1- -I 1- 1 1 11 I I I I 1 I . r , ? ? i ?. I 1- J. .1 I I _' I I I I I 1 I I I I r r ? I I I....- I I 1 I- I I i I- 111 I 1 1 --??- 11 1 _ _. I 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 I ?Hy I 1 I I I I I I I - ,? ? ? ? I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I , I I C?7 Max. Depth from Site Storm Events I i 1 1 I I I I , 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 I 1 v I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 r I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I ? I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I /? - -- f. - -- - '" 1- - - r - -,- - 1 1- I "I • j I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 -25 yI, I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I -_??-}-? ` I I I I I 1 I ??11 I I I I I I I 50 Yr 1 I I I I - I 1 I 1 1 I I '~ 1 I I I I I I I 1 -? I I I 1 I I 1 • I I I I I 100 yr I I I I' ?_ I i ' `? I I I I 1 I 1 iX-?? 1 I = ? 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 10 _?-- I I - I- - ---;- ; --- ? - ? ? ? - ? - (/\? I I I 1 _ ._? ?- 1 I 1 I ?? I ' I 1 I 1 1 1 1 5 yr I 1 1 yr I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 ?? 1 I I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 -- _ IT _- ? /' i ? I I I I t I I I 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I _ ?? _...? 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I ? I I I I I 1 I --. .. .. _ !-' -_ I I I 1 1 I .. I I I I I ? I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 ?- 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 ? I I I I I 1 ? I ? I I I I 1 I I I I I I ? I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I 1 r I I 1 I ? 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 ? I 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 -- - - I -- } - { - -}---A }--l I ------- }--- - } . } { - { --h - I i {------- }-- - -- } - I --}-} { 1 10 100 1000 Duration (hr) 7 Depth - Duration - Frequency 00 0 A i 10 b C7 b W O i i i i i ! i i i ? ? ? ? ? i• ? lip 11• lip Maximum Rainfall Depth Analysis M d Period: February 1999 to January 2000 CLIENT: ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC./NCDOT z PROJECT: CROATAN WETLAND MITIGATION BANK NO.: 98014 -2 ?.y DATE: 02/22/00 z BY: CGP FILE: Site Monthly Rainfall Data Feb 99 through Feb OO wb3 . z 2 Hour 3 Hour 6 Hour 12 Hour 24 Hour 2 day 4 day 7 day 10 day b Max. Intensity (in/hr) 1.340 0.981 0.648 0.431 0.275 0.153 0.098 0.061 0.058 Total Depth (in) 2.680 2.943 3.890 5.173 6.597 7.337 9.427 10.672 13.923 From 9:00:00 AM 8:00:00 AM 2:00:00 PM 12:00:00 PM 7:00:00 AM 11:00:00 AM 7:00:00 AM 7.00:00 AM 3:00:00 PM 06-Sep-99 06-Sep-99 15-Sep-99 15-Sep-99 15-Sep-99 04-Sep-99 03-Sep-99 03-Sep-99 27-Aug-99 To 10:00:00 AM 10:00:00 AM 7.00:00 PM 11:00:00 PM 6:00:00 AM 10:00:00 AM 6:00:00 AM 6:00:00 AM 2:00:00 PM 06-Sep-99 06-Sep-99 15-Sep-99 15-Sep-99 16-Sep-99 06-Sep-99 07-Sep-99 10-Sep-99 06-Sep-99 "O rd n C r ? 0 0 0 'U O IN A W N r-+ 0 ?o i a W O Q ' V A N V Q Q b b b b ,A Ja 4. O O A N ? \ ¦ m DESIGN STORM DEVELOPMENT tV CLIENT: ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES. INC./NCDOT U' PROJECT: CROATAN WETLAND MITIGATION BANK - NO.: 9W14 .2 DATE: 03/09100 BY: PKS ? FILE: Design Som Develo ment ^^ 41 Consider Alternating Block Method as shown on p. 466, Applied Hydrology, Chow. l Storm Duration 12 hours Rainfall Increment 1 hours Frequency of concern 10 year ' - y f rr Depth by IDF Function / ma ly l 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 Duration Intensity Cumulative Incremental Rank Rearranged Precipitation Cumulative Time b 10-Year Depth Depth Order Order Depth J Design Storrs Depth (in.)= 5.77 (lours) (in /hr.) (in.) (in) (N) (N) (in.) (in.) (fours) 1 2.93 2.93 2.93 1 11 0.10 0.10 1 2 1.67 3 34 0.41 3 9 0.20 0 30 2 3 1.25 3.75 0.41 4 7 0.30 0.60 3 4 1.05 4.20 0.45 2 5 0.31 0.91 4 5 0.90 4.50 0.30 8 3 0.41 1.32 5 B 0.80 4.80 0 30 7 1 2.93 4.25 6 7 0.70 4.90 0.10 11 2 0.45 4.70 7 6 0.65 5 20 0.30 8 4 0.41 5.11 6 9 0.60 5.40 0.20 9 8 0.30 5.41 9 10 0.53 5.30 -0.10 12 6 0.30 5.71 10 11 0.51 561 0.31 5 10 0.15 5.86 11 12 0.48 5.76 0.15 10 12 0.00 5.86 12 Depth by DDF Function 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Duration Depth Incremental Rank Rearranged Precipitation CumWalive Time 10-Year Depth Order Oder Depth Design Storm Depth (In.)= 5.77 (hours) (In.) (in) (N) (N) (in.) (in.) (hours) 1 2.93 2.93 1 11 0.10 0.10 1 2 3.34 0.41 4 9 0.20 0.30 2 3 3.76 0.42 3 7 0.23 0.53 3 4 4.20 0.44 2 5 0.30 0.83 4 5 4.50 0.30 6 3 0.42 1.25 5 6 4.82 0.32 5 1 2.93 4.16 e 7 5.05 0.23 7 2 0.44 4.62 7 6 5.25 0.20 a 4 0.41 5.03 8 9 5.45 0.20 9 6 0.30 5.33 9 10 5.55 0.10 11 6 0.20 5.53 10 11 5.65 0.10 12 10 0 12 565 11 12 5.77 0.12 10 12 0.10 5.75 12 n 140 00 0 L N b b rb CS k Il, f ro av ao eD 0? IM DESIGN STORM DEVELOPMENT tvy CLIENT: ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INCJNCDOT v PROJECT: CROATAN WETLAND MITIGATION BANK NO.: 98014 •2 y?y DATE: 03/09/00 L BY: PKS ^Z^ FILE: Design Storm Development 1?1 Z Consider Alternating Block Method as shown on p. 466, Applied Hydrology, Chow. Storm Duration 12 hours yy Rainfall Increment 1 hours M/??+1 Frequency of concern 10 year Depth by IDF Function 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 b Duration Intensity Cumulative Incremental Rank Rearranged Precipitation Cumulative Time 100-Year Depth Depth Order Order Depth Design Storm Depth (in.) = 8.55 (hours) (in./hr.) (in.) (in.) (N) (0) (iii) (in) (hours) 1 4.20 4.20 420 1 11 0.25 0.25 1 2 2.42 4.84 0.64 4 9 0.27 0.52 2 3 1.83 5.49 0.65 3 7 0.33 085 3 4 1.55 6.20 0.71 2 5 0.55 140 4 5 1.35 6.75 0.55 5 3 065 2.05 5 6 1.18 7.08 0.33 7 1 4.20 6 25 6 7 1.05 7.35 0.27 8 2 071 696 7 8 0.95 7.60 0.25 10 4 0.64 760 8 9 0.85 7.65 0.05 12 6 0.35 795 9 10 0.80 8.00 0.35 6 8 0.27 8.22 10 11 0.75 8.25 0.25 11 10 025 847 11 12 0.71 6.52 0.27 9 12 0.05 8.52 12 Depth by DDF Function 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Duration Depth Incremental Rank Rearranged Precipitation Cumulative Time 100-Year Depth Order Order Depth Design Storm Depth (inJ= 855 (hours) (in.) (in.) (0) (0) (in.) (in.) (hours) 1 4.20 4.20 1 11 0.20 0.20 1 2 4.84 0.64 2 9 0.25 0.45 2 3 5.48 0.64 3 7 0.35 0.80 3 4 6.05 0.57 4 5 0.55 1.35 4 5 6.60 0.55 5 3 0.64 1.99 5 6 7.10 0.50 6 1 4.20 6.19 6 7 7.45 0.35 7 2 0.64 6.83 7 8 7.70 0.25 8 4 0.57 7.40 8 9 7.95 025 9 6 0.50 7.90 9 10 8 20 0.25 10 8 0.25 8.15 10 11 8.40 0.20 11 10 0.25 8.40 11 12 8.55 0.15 12 12 015 8.55 12 n tad 00 0 O-A N 100-Year Design Storm Hyetograph Craven County, NC 4 -3. s 12 1 2 3 4 5 It 9 10 It 12 Dspih by DDF Funam 0 D.pth by OF Funcim b b (9 C a w ar0 N DESIGN STORM DEVELOPMENT M tV CLIENT: ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC/NCDOT (J" PROJECT: CROATAN WETLAND MITIGATION BANK NO.: 98014 -2 DATE: 03/09/00 BY: PKS ?y FILE: Design Storm Devebpment I-I IDF-DDF Information based on: NOAH Hydro 35 USWB TP 40 L?J ? f?.rN .y1 iy IDF Information 10 yr 25 yr 100 yr 4 l Duration liruty) (nmr) (am) 1 min 213 3.43 4.20 V 2 111 1.67 1.96 2.42 3 hr 1.25 1.46 1.83 • 8 hr 0.80 0.95 1.18 12 hr 0.48 0.57 0.71 DDF Information 10 yr 25 yr 100 In Duration (in) (in ) (in.) 1 min 2.93 3.43 4.20 2 hr 3.34 3.93 4.64 3 hr 3.76 4.43 5.48 6 hr 4.82 5.72 7.10 12 M 5.77 6.86 8.55 1 1 a bd 140 w O Ira A 1 N Depth-Duration-Frequency Functions Craven County, NC ------ ------ 0 2 4 6 0 10 12 T-dD.-(h) 100 250 0 1000 WWI wks 2-68, Tabtualed Chris G. Ply 02722100 TABLE 1 INPUT Location. Craven County (Cioatan National Forest). NC Owauon 2 yr 100 yr Sowce (n) (in) 5 min 0.49 079 NOM Hydro 35 15 min 1.00 1.79 NOM Hydro 35 60 min 2.1 4 2 NOM Hydra, 35 24 hr 45 10 USWB TP 40 TABLE2 DEPTH - DURATION - FREQUENCY Duration 2 yr 5 yf to In 25 In 50 in 100 yr Yearly Max H-/' (n) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) 5 min' 0.49 0.55 0.60 0.67 0.73 0.79 10 min 0.84 0.95 1.04 1.17 1.27 1.38 15 min' 1.08 1.23 1.34 1.54 1.65 1.79 30 min 1.58 1.89 2.12 2.45 2.71 217 60 nut 2.10 2.55 2.93 3.43 3.01 4.20 2 M ' 2.36 2.94 3.34 3.93 4.38 4.64 3 N ' 2.63 3.29 3.76 4.43 4.95 5.46 If N ' 3.30 420 4.62 572 6.41 7.10 12 M ' 3.90 5.01 5.77 6.86 7.71 8.55 24 N ' 4.50 5 81 8.72 0.01 9.01 10.00 2 day 5.50 7.00 7.90 9.50 10.50 12.00 4 day 6.20 8.00 9.50 11.50 13.80 15.00 7 day 7.00 9.50 10.50 13.00 14.00 16.00 10 oar 8.00 10.00 1200 . 14.00 15.50 17.00 From Eqs. III-( .3), p.IIH4.5), Storm«ater Management Vol I Urban Hydrobgy. B.H.Bradford, N.S.GM. L.S. Tucker TABLE 3- INTENSITY - DURATION - FREQUENCY Duration 2 N 5 yr 10 yr 25 y/ 50 yr 100 in l ir) (nrte) (nmr) (int) WWI (trlmr) 5 min 5.88 6.60 7.17 6.06 8.77 9.48 10 in 5.03 5.69 6.21 7.01 7.65 628 IS in 4.32 4.90 5.36 6.06 6.61 THI, 30 mn 3.16 3.78 4.24 4.90 5.42 5.94 60 min 2.10 2.58 2.93 3.43 3.81 4 20 2 hr 1.18 1.47 1.67 1.96 2.19 2.42 3 far 0.68 1.10 1.25 1.48 1.65 IIA3 61r 0.55 0.70 0.60 0.95 1.07 1.16 12 IV 0.33 0.42 0.46 0.57 0.64 0.71 24 hr 0.19 0.24 0.28 0.33 0.36 0.42 2 day 0.115 0.146 0.165 0.198 0.219 0.250 4 day 0065 0083 0,099 0.120 0.144 0.156 7 day 0.042 0.057 0.063 0.077 0.063 0.095 10 day 0.033 0.042 0.050 0.058 0.065 0.071 kdensay • Depth / Time b 00 p k b A7 QrQ t9 W 2 4 6 a 1a, 12 T dD_(N) -?- ley, .r?- 25y p IWr d t7 z z z 0 b n Intensity-Duration-Frequency Functions Craven County, NC 5 4 171 ?3 c Cn c2 -1 c 1 0 0 by 110 00 0 N 2 4 6 8 Time of Duration (hr.) o 10 yr w 100 yr ' ol 0 ?, D, 1 Q.41 0111 10 12 b b a b 7Q A M d d z z y? V n Depth-Duration-Frequency Functions Craven County, NC 1... v Q - ---- ---- q A a) 5 - -- -- --- - - ? ?10 3 -- --- - 2 -E---- I --- -- --? 0 2 n to 110 00 0 .A N - -- H ?I.SD 0.-10 I 4 6 8 Time of Duration (hr.) 10 yr w 100 yr n .tip g.qt) 515 _ 10 S.SS 5.77 12 b b b a ?e G7 ara N DESIGN STORM DEVELOPMENT M tZI CLIENT: ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INCJNCDOT ?.y CI PROJECT: CROATAN WETLAND MITIGA TION BANK hC NO.: 98014 4 DATE: 03109100 BY: PKS 1.wI l FILE: Design Storm Development z c? Z SCS Rainfall Distributions 1. ` J ,4? ? y?? From Table 14.3.1. SCS Rain all Distributions l?J p. 461463, Applied Hydrology. Chow ?y 2 ow Storm P. I Prt Act-I How U24 Type 1 Type 1A Type U Type 111 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.00 0.083 0.035 0.020 ' 4.00 0.161 0.076 0.043 6.00 0.250 0.125 0.072 7.00 0.290 0.156 0.089 8.00 0.333 0.194 01115 8.50 0.354 0.219 0.130 9.00 0.375 0.254 0.148 9.50 0.396 0.303 0.167 915 0.406 0.362 0.178 10.00 0.417 0.515 0.189 10.50 0.438 0.583 0.216 11.00 0.459 0.624 0.250 11.50 0.479 0.654 0.296 11.75 0.489 0.669 0.339 12.00 0.500 0.682 0.500 12.50 0.521 0.706 0.702 13.00 0.542 0.727 0.751 13.50 0.563 0.748 0.785 14.00 0.583 0167 0.811 18.00 0.667 0.830 0.886 20.00 0.833 0.926 0.957 24.00 1.000 1.000 1.000 n y? a ?O 00 O i-+ A 1 N tOYear 100-year Design Design Storm Storm 5.77 ir. 8 55 A. 10Year 10-Yew 100-year 100-Year Type III Type III Type W Type 01 Cumulative twerneraal Cumulative Inuemeraal Hour Interpolated Depot Depot Depot Depot Type 111 Ile.) (in.) (in.) (in.) 0.00 0 000 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 1.00 0 010 0.06 0.06 0 09 0.09 200 0 020 0.12 0.06 0.17 0.09 300 0032 0.18 0.07 0.27 0.10 4.00 0 043 025 0.07 0 37 0.10 500 0.058 0.33 0.08 0.49 0.12 6.00 0 072 0 42 0.06 0.62 0.12 1.00 0089 051 0.10 0.76 0.15 8.00 0.115 0.66 0.15 048 0.22 9.00 0.148 0.85 0.19 1'27 0.26 1000 0.189 1.09 0.24 162 0.35 11 00 0 250 1.44 035 2.14 0.52 1200 . 0.500 2.89 1.44 4.28 2.14 13.00 0.751 4.33 1.45 8.42 2.15 14.00 0.811 4.68 0.35 6.93 0.51 15.00 0.849 4.90 0.22 7.25 0.32 16.00 0 886 5.11 0.22 7.58 0.32 17.00 0.904 521 0.10 7.73 0.15 18.00 0.922 5.32 0.10 7.88 0.15 1900 . 0.939 5.42 0.10 8 03 0.15 20.00 0957 5.52 0.10 8.18 0.15 21.00 0.968 5.58 0.06 8.27 009 2200 . 0 979 5.65 006 8.37 0.09 23.00 0.989 5.71 0.06 8.46 0.08 24.00 1.000 5.77 0.06 8.55 0.09 t t 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.6 o 5 0.4 0.4 LL LL 0.2 0.2 o 0 03691215182124 Time (MS.) 10-Year & 100-Year Design Storm Type 11124-Hour Storm Distribution 25 0.6 .... 0 . ru ai r r / li.ati.?p..) e e tar.. ¦ 1aaY.. 1 1 011 08 t 1 0.6 0.6 0i0, 0.4 LL LL 02 02 0 o 03691215182124 Time (has.) b b fD b Q it b lv UQ tT SCS 24-Hour Rainfall Distribution Actual SCS 24-Hour Rainfall Distribution Hourly Interpolated m m m m m m ' m m m m m ? ? m m m m m m d d ?C z z r? r? z c? b n 00 O .A tJ PC I pc IA pe ll pe III v o e a FIGURE 14.3.3 Location within the United States for application of the SCS 24-hour rainfall hyetographs. (Source: U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1986). b b r9 10 R. Kb A? ?Q lD J M M M M M M M M M M M M M ? M M t M t M Cl CrJ z z z bd 00 0 .p N 1 1L , USt ?IYf1 Lo?IdLUtSQ?' IJ ?5?1 qL(1 . 1.0- Lo s 0 N o_`5 ?-a y O o - •r u 0, o 0.04 U 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 Time (d6urs) 9 FIGURE 14.3.2 I-?---- U 51 Cv o P e, ?C S?r bu??. Soil Conservation Service 24-hour rainfall hyetographs. (Source: U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1986.) 24 V b a k G? b w oa 00 M M M = M M i M M M M M M M i ? A M r DESIGN STORM DEVELOPMENT M tV CLIENT: ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INCJNCDOT Mai PROJECT. CROATAN WETLAND MITIGATION BANK NO.: 98011 -2 DATE: 03109/00 ??y BY: PKS , z FILE: Design Storm Devebpment ^ 0 ICI SCS Rainfall Distributions From Table 11.3.1, SCS Rainfall Disuibutions p. 161-163, Applied Hydrology, Chow z 112-Hour ,orrn v POP. Actual A How Y12 Type I Type 1A Type It Type III • 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.900 0.000 0 000 1.00 0.083 0.020 2.00 0.167 0.050 3.00 0.250 0 080 1.00 0.333 0.130 5.00 0.117 0.200 6.00 0.500 0.590 7.00 0.583 0.790 6.00 0.667 0.860 9.00 0.750 0.920 10.00 0.833 0 950 11.00 0.917 0.980 12.00 1.000 1.000 Moddied SCS Type III Distribution l 1 bd ?z 00 0 A L N 10-Year 100-Year - Design Design Storm Sturm 5.77 in 8.55 in. Cropped Condensed Cropped Condensed 10-Year 10-Year 10-Year 10-Year /04Yex IMYSar 100-Year to0-Yw Cropped Condensed Type 10 Type W Type 10 Type In Type W Type III Type W Type e W DIWOX On 0,1416 "n Cum laWe Inrremeraal Cunwlatrve Incremental Cum la" Incremental Crurarlau" Incremental Hour Interpolated Interpolated Depth Depth Deign Dept Depth Depth Depth Depth Type 10 Type W (In.) (tat.) (in.) (in.) (in.) lilt ) (in.) (in) 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 020 0.020 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 2.00 0050 0 013 0.29 0.17 0.25 0.13 0.13 036 0.37 0.20 3.00 0.080 0.072 0.16 0.17 012 0.17 0.68 0.26 0112 0.25 1.00 0.130 0.115 0.75 0.29 0.66 0.25 1.11 0.13 0.98 0.37 5.00 0.200 0.189 1.15 0.10 1.09 0.13 1.71 0.50 1.62 0.63 6.00 0.590 0.500 3.10 235 289 1.79 5.01 3.33 1.28 2.66 7.00 0.790 0.811 1.56 1.15 166 1.79 6.75 1.71 6.93 2.68 6.09 0.860 0.886 1.95 9.10 5.11 0.13 7.35 0.60 7.58 0.61 9.00 0.920 0.922 5.31 0.35 5.32 0.20 7.87 0.51 7.66 0.30 10.00 0.950 0.957 546 0.17 5.52 0.20 8.12 0.26 8.18 0.30 11.00 0.980 0.979 545 0.17 5.65 0.12 8.38 0.28 8.37 0.18 12.00 1.000 1.000 5,77 0.12 577 0.12 8.55 0.17 8.55 0.18 SCS 12-Hour Rainfall Distribution Cropped vs. Condensed ill r a0.6 o 0.6 ' ;04 ?l _. o .0.1 U. 0.2 _. / _.. .__.._. -.... _..-_. _. __ 0.2 Q -? _ __._ _? _ -- __ t o 0 3 6 9 12 T. IMt.) -•- Cropped Condensed b b rb C3 a 0 b >v (IQ fb M M iii M M M Ml fig iiiiiiii• iiii• M M M fiii• M wf M M iMI M C7 C ?C Mr? 1?1 l 1 10-Year & 100-Year Design Storm Type III 12-Hour Cropped Distribution 3.5 3 2.5 c 2 .. . --- - -' - - 5 i 1.5 - 0.5 o AAvfin 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 Time of Duration (hr.) 10-Year ¦ 100-Year 100-Year Design Storm Cropped vs. Condensed Distribution 77? F? to 00 O t? A ttJ 3.5 - 3 2.5 c 2 5 0 1.5 1 0.5 o 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.W 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 Time of Duration (hr.) ¦ Cropped ¦ Condensed 0.5 10-Year & 100-Year Design Storm Type III 12-Hour Condensed Distrib. 2.5 I I --- -- 2 c L 1.5 Q 0 .-,s r it7 11 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.56'10.66'11.00 12.00 Time of Duration (hr.) ¦ 10-Year ¦ 100-Year 10-Year Design Storm Cropped vs. Condensed Distribution 2.5 2 1.5 c S n O 1 - 0.5 o i- 0. Time of Duration (hr.) Cropped ¦ Condensed It ? ¦ ?. ? - ? --- ? 00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.0012.00 "t7 lD b M` b A? Q1a fD t? O M M M A i M M M M M M M M M M M ? ? ? DESIGN STORM DEVELOPMENT M tv CLIENT: ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES. INC.7NCDOT f.y PROJECT: CROATAN WETLAND MITIGATION BANK NO.: 98011 -2 DATE: 03109100 ???,,,...III BY: PKS FILE. Design Storm Development ^^ Mf Z SCS Rainfall Distributions From Table 11.3.1, SCS Rainfall Distributions p. 481.163, Applied Hydrology, Claw ^ our Storm v b P. 7 P. Actual A Hour t712 Type, Type 1A Type It Type 111 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.00 0.003 0.020 2.00 0.167 0.050 3.00 0.250 0.080 1.00 0.333 0.130 5.00 0.117 0200 8.00 0.500 0.590 7.00 0.583 0.790 0.00 0.887 0.860 9.00 0.750 0.920 10.00 0.633 0.950 11.00 0.917 0.900 12.00 1.000 1.000 2-Year Design Storm 390 in Cropped Condensed 2-Year 2-Year 2-Year 2-Year Cropped Condensed Type 111 Type III Type III Type III Distribution Distribution Cumulative Incremental Cumulative Incremental Hour Interpolated Interpolated Depth Depth Depth Depth Type 111 Type 111 (n.) (n.) (n) (n l 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.020 0.020 008 0.08 0.08 0.08 2.00 0.050 0.013 0.20 0.12 0.17 0.09 3.00 0.080 0.072 0.31 0.12 0.28 0.11 1.00 0.130 0115 0.51 0.20 0.15 0.17 5.00 0.200 0.189 0.78 0.27 0.71 0.29 600 0.590 0.500 2.30 1.52 1.95 1.21 7.00 0390 0.811 308 0.78 3.16 1.21 8.00 0.860 0.8w 3.35 0.27 3.16 0.29 9.00 0,920 0.922 3.59 0.23 3.59 0.11 10.00 0.950 0.957 3.71 0.12 3.73 0.11 11.00 0.980 0 979 3.82 0.12 3.92 0.08 12.00 1.000 1.000 3.90 0.08 190 0.09 $-Year Design Storm 5.01 N. Cropped Condensed 5-Year 5-Year 5-Year 5-Year Type 01 Type gl Type III Type III Cumulative Incremeral Cumlauvs Incremental Depth Depth Depth Depth (in) (in ) In ) (In ) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.15 0.22 0.12 0.10 0.15 0.36 0.15 0.65 0.25 0.58 0.22 1.00 0.35 0.95 0.37 2.96 1.95 2.51 1.56 3.96 1.00 1.06 1.56 1.31 0.35 IAI 0.38 1.81 0.30 1.62 0.18 1.76 0.15 119 0.18 1.91 0.15 1.90 0.11 5.01 0.10 5.01 0.11 n 7 W ?-D 00 O .P 1 N b b C? Q b >v lYQ CD 1? m m ! m i m m m m m m m m m m m m m ? DESIGN STORM DEVELOPMENT m CLIENT: ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC./NCDOT ty PROJECT: CROATAN WETLAND MITIGATION BANK NO: 98014 -2 tv DATE: 03/09/00 ???wwwrrr By: PKS FILE: Design Storrs Development ^^ 41 ~ x SCS Rainfall Distributions 11. ,,..11 y From Table 14.3.1, SCS Rainlan Distributions 1?1 P. 461-463. Applied Hydrology, Chow our form v ?i Pr/Pn Actual A Hour V12 Type 1 Type to Type 11 Type 111 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.00 0.0113 0.020 2.00 0.167 0.050 3.00 0.250 0,080 4.00 0.333 0.130 5.00 0.417 0.200 6.00 0.500 0.590 7.00 0.583 0390 8.00 0.887 0.860 9.00 0.750 0.920 10.00 0.833 0.950 11.00 0.917 09W 12.00 1.000 1.000 1-Inch Design Storm 100 n Cropped Condensed I-Inch 1-Inch 1-inch 1-Inch Cropped Condensed Type III Type 111 Type 19 Type 91 Distribution Distribution Cumulative Incremental Ctaratalive Incremenal N Interpolated Interpolated oun Depth Depth Depth Depth Type III Type 111 (n) (n I (n.) (n ) 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.020 0.020 0.02 0.02 0 02 0.02 2.00 0.050 0.043 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.02 3.00 0 080 0.072 0.09 0.03 0.07 0.03 4.00 0.130 0.115 0.13 0 05 0.12 0.04 5.00 0.200 0.189 0.20 0 07 0.19 0.07 6.00 0.590 0.500 0.59 0.39 0.50 0.31 7.00 0.790 0.811 0.79 0 20 0.81 0.31 8.00 0.890 0.898 0.86 0.01 0.89 0.07 9.00 0.920 0.922 0.92 0 06 0.92 0.04 10.00 0.950 0.957 0.95 0.03 0.98 0.04 11.00 0.980 0.979 0.99 0.03 0.98 0.02 12.00 1.000 1000 1.00 0.02 1.00 0.02 n a ?O 00 O ,Q. 4 N b ,10 CD C t3. k 0 b W ?Q ?-4 N m m m m m r m m m i m m m m m m m m m tv 10-Year Event d K DESIGN RAINFALL DISTRIBUTIONS t? Alternating Block Method 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 m 0.10 0.20 0.23 0.30 0.42 2.93 0.44 0.41 0.30 0.20 0.12 0.10 SCS Condensed Distribution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 b 0.12 0.13 0.17 0.25 0.43 1.79 1.79 0.43 0.20 0.20 0.12 0.12 f? SCS Cropped Distribution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0.12 0.17 0.17 0.29 0.40 2.25 1.15 0.40 0.35 0.17 0.17 Q.12 n tad 00 0 N b b b a 'v vo fD W m?..I V 1[[?II[I rIAJ) 11 11rYY??1 l , I1?+ ^v \ l ?11I? w \ W ?J 6 N CLIENT ENVIRCY•NENTAL SERVICES, INN /NNGOT PROJECT CROA NWETLAND bYTIGA TION BANK HO OW 4 000 1 1 -/,Y( 71 .?•?7?.1 U 1 1 - )1eJ6160 A Yr11 a DATE 02f2aoo BY REVISED. F1(B 10-Year H Rainfall r I •?/ " 1( ? /? 1 AR FILE UH UM SYnMw wilh 5nYdlY .m HRM P11W nw0] DESIGN DISCHARGE DEVEIgPIdENT . I jj Jan In 111 ,.. ?1 ?lln 1 Y In 1 •l?•11. sy.- st• u my 9n YJYI'a nr u.. s Y.Ilet/. NNtuyt•yn At- ?;LI lb, LuS, 'Clea.eritaacf U n ble: n.u.[9r D6rt4h.t- •nJ vtaarm•?. Yt. al Ux aY?J . tr rlln Y [ •nJ brnry[Iltn.uL] C•>t It..ni bit.. LrIbY n11k J Ar1? 11.91 ay. ml. 13104 . 5.: ?1.•n' 1 t?. •i.. .. .?na lle Jyul 1.1. 10400 1 r... I. . IHatnsl ua, .u11r ..1J1 l 1. 11000 Iret / S; sn lure/v.l. • ... .1 . • rll to ?.. .aa V latlm•teJ 6 5 50 ...n.. I,mrtlc. , l l nl6 It •lh .?. a. .. • LN 6U Ut IIa/en . .. a r, :n a [ ( 1.. t.•ul F/4 641.. lI1CCK YUI.GHli •• 1 ll - CI II.LC•1'U.J !1/1 1 - t • I). SJ In.u•u Ib l 3 l..J ul lunar! l.: )6•k .1 UII. . TR OISItIJ - .:,uta . 3 bcuta ya: cVnt In1 a:.t ..e i•. i .. .a?rrl 3J 1 T ID1•IrIJIN - ll•V.ISITF-lvl ? IJ.16 In.u?a Ty - 1)..6 'i..nta ,"tnt .t 4f tunull lu y.1 ). 41 uH. h....lt,:.l Iv. .?. 1•. •I,..r 1, ! - 1.35•Ty - I). Ub ?.. l VY IVOI./I1.19•Tyl - 612.1 ctr 1 10 1 V.1. la 1 Incl. ltmea ul6etaneJ •i e.. Inl[1.1 • c e o . O.SU In.l?er Nat lu u[ Ru?.4fl tu X•l 2.11 0.I16 term 66ye1nt IP/r •[IUn of TRI 1 2 1 1 fi Y 9 11 11 13 1 1 15 1{ 11 11 19 20 21 22 13 31 N•Inf•11, tncUea O.IO 0.21 6.21 1,11 0.12 2.11 u.11 U. 11 Y.)0 U.: . 0.12 011. 11 5 4'unul•[W t II?f•ll, 1ncN1a A` • 0.10 0.)V 0.1] 1 1.25 I.IY 1.61 S.VJ 5.)i .Sl 1.65 1.11 5 13 5 11 13 5 5 11 5 t! 5 13 5 13 5 1 1 1 . Tul •1 i e ACCUnu!•lIJ hunel f. IncN1a O.00 0.04 O. OV U.UJ 4.1J 1.69 1. 9) 3.11 .IS ! .39 3.61 2.11 . . : 11 3.11 . . . . . . 5 1. 3 5. 1 2.11 3.11 2.11 1.11 3. ,t 1.11 )1 11 Inf.II ua Ar1a OIr1?t Runef t, IncA1a 0.01 0.01 0.05 U.OI 4.10 c.61 0.14 0.49 1 0.0) .41 0. 0) ,. u O.J u.J" .? 4.04 0.00 .• 0.00 O. JU 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.VO 0.00 Incrllrntal Runofl, 1-1- 0.02 0.01 U.OS 0.14 U.$0 3.3] U. J9 O.i1 J.11 •i . Ib 0.11 0.49 0.u• u .,... L.JJ 4.00 0.00 4.44 0.00 0.00 O.OD 0.40 0.00 O.OU 1.46 10-YEAR DESIGN STORM HYDROGRAPH T Tlme, ur .. .I. 25110 2GDD srn11.16 IaW Nryruyr 11h 0. curt! •t Ara. Ir1 val., vJlluY, • a-In • •-In 0.00 0.01 0.13 0 1 2 0.0 0.1 1).3 0.0 0.0 0.1 V O:U U p{ v 15W 0.0 0.0 c61a 611 0 0 0. 0. 0.31 ) 1J.1 0.1 V.1 U:1 u.0 0.1 0 .1 0 .1 4 29 1 116 1 0 1 U ] I Y U Y o 0 a 0.) . 0.)) 5 . Itl 9.1 . 0.1 . 0.3 . ).9 . l.] . 1.1 0.0 1000 ).1 1.9 3.1 0.11 0.51 6 l $19.9 )]].1 0.5 0.6 0.1 1.U 6.1 10.1 1 1 13.1 6.> Ib.B 11.1 lt.) U U ).1 u.0 0 10.1 11,0 lJ., 0.59 Y 106.3 O.B 1.) Il.d li.l 25.1 16J.5 11.9 ].1 5DD Ilf.l 11.9 III.Y 1 0.66 9 111.5 V.9 1.6 11.1 .1.6 36.0 Idl.) 16.5 12.) <.1 0.0 311.1 1 b.1 21Y.u 0.,J 10 111.6 1.0 I.B 21.6 2.tl 52.1 111.1 19.1 V 9.1 5 1 0 J 1J6.5 121.1 109.2 O.BI 11 56).1 1.1 2.0 31.2 10.0 66.8 Sl9.l 1>.) 16.5 140 . . 6 1 . 0 9 0, {11.6 501.1 1111.! O.IY I: 619.1 1.2 3.1 :v.1 16.1 B1.) ll $.d IUU.9 65.1 )4 .1 . 1) 4 . 1 1 V ti ` D 1(1.1 1J).1 I13I.I 0.95 I J 618.6 1.2 2.4 )l.V 11.6 95.4 905.0 1:9.1 91 c 11 6 . 31 1 . d l 1 ) 4 J D 20 40 80 BD 100 120 1? o IISS.S 163.3 I1]l.i 1.02 11 641.5 1.1 3.4 )2.Y 51.1 141,1 105,.1 151.1 . . 1U 1 . )1 6 . 11 9 . . RBadlrg (hourty) 1)91.0 1151.1 4Uif.0 1.10 IS 631.5 1.1 1.5 11.0 60.9 116.9 1191.5 Ib1.1 119.1 1 90 . l 5 . 20 9 11 6 4 V 4 4 If64.5 1511.1 l6U I.i 1.1) 16 591.5 1.1 1.1 34.1 62.6 111.0 IJUO.1 101,1 111 1 . 114 5 , 60 9 . fi fi 2 . 1 1 . . . u 1 1111.0 111),0 11i0.f 1.21 11 15:.9 I.l 3.3 ll.l b].I 121,9 1]19.2 214.1 . ISe.4 . I:S.1 . 1.2 . l Jfi 1l.) . . G.u U 4 ?\Yn1.1111M 14161r•IA G.d N31.{ 3001.1 9361.) 1.12 1{ 503.4 1.0 1.1 JI.t 61.1 1$6.5 1111.6 1 0.) 211.6 111 ] e 6 . 1 14 4 . 2291.9 2111.0 1131:,1 1.19 19 151.J 0.9 1.! 19.1 58.6 125.1 1119.1 II1.Y . 11tl .6 . 91.6 5 .? . 31.J J.J O.J 0.0 0?0 0?0 0?0 0.0 2110.2 14{1.) 2)12.( 1)901.) 3 111. 1 6]2). 9 1 1 . 6 0 3 1lS.d 1.1 $6.1 51.1 119.6 1)96.1 :.1 1 9 166.1 106.6 Si.h .1. 1 J.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 u.0 0.0 OU . 11[3 { . 11\. 1 11.1 1 1 ! j 1.31 I I ]11.1 0 1.6 21.] 19.5 110.1 11)1.1 3 21 .6 )S.6 1,1.1 11).0 61.1 19.1 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0 .0 2)91 .1 3110.0 21111.4 1.61 21 111.1 0.1 I.t 11.1 IS.U 140.1 12)1.9 211.0 111.5 116.6 bi.l Slb 0 0 .0 0.0 0.4 u.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 2211,1 2116 0 IJ191 1 1.66 2l ]13.6 O.f 1.J 10.1 IJ.9 91.1 1110.6 111.6 :19.e 1/4.1 111.1 ,0.1 54.9 v.V u ' : O,0 0.0 U.V u 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.4 1111.2 . . 2161.5 ISf 11,1 1.16 21 211.2 0.5 1.1 1..3 11.2 1).J 101\.9 195.) 2J).: 161.5 111.6 11.5 11./ 4.v 0.4 1.o 0,0 4.0 O.V 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 .0 0.0 1111.1 3011.1 21101.1 1- 1.9J 35 16 251.1 3)1.9 0.5 0.5 1.1 I.U 16.6 15.1 li.B 10.1 15.1 936.1 6Y.tl YII.J 111.5 161.1 IYI.Y 161 1 154.1 1)e B IDY.1 IJU 9 69.4 1 61 S6.v 1 51 J.1 0 0 0.0 L.0 0 0 0 I, 4.u 0.0 0.0 O.p 0.0 4.0 0.0 I101.1 1111.5 20,1.1 1.96 1 II).fi 0.1 0.9 I].1 16.4 61.6 165.9 116.6 . 15:.6 . 121.4 . Y1 .i . 64.0 . S4.1 . 1.V J.0 . .0 0.0 1.0 - 4.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 J.. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 O.o 0.0 0.0 O.u It19.1 150).0 1112.3 llla{.Y 15(1.0 ]3111.\ 2.U! 3.12 1/ 39 IY1.1 116.6 0.1 0.] 0.1 O.l ' 1:.5 11.1 :5.1 31.1 56.9 116.1 11.1 61).1 IJl.1 III.I 119.4 1:4.1 it >.1 101.1 11.1 15.9 15.) 50 ) Su.1 16 1 U.0 4.J 4 J 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 J 0.0 D.4 0 .0 0.0 1](l.! 11:1.1 11:11.2 2.20 JO 1(0.1 1.) o , IU.J 21.4 I1.D 515.1 110.] III.Y 9) 5 69 4 . I5 ) . I; u . O G V 0 . 0 0 0 0 D 4 .p 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' 111).1 II /1.{ )!]11,1 2.31 JI 116.0 0.1 0.6 9.1 9 . 1 1 2. 6 51].1 I4u.) u1.1 1 . 65.0 . 63.e . 41.6 . 16.: . . O.U U . . 0.0 0.0 . U.0 4 0.0 0.0 O.U L.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 .0 0 o .0 4 .0 . o . 0 0.0 .0 0 11]0.! IOI1,9 111).2 ]{111.0 1010.1 )>YI S.J I. 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INC/NCDOT PROJECT CROAT ANWEILANDMITIOATION53WK NO. 9/014 -2 DATE 02/29,90 Sy 'LE REVISED PKS FILE. l1R S,n - MN Snydal and HRM PM.. wb3 Unit Ily,I""'yl. ?yr:t Lasts u ruy Snytl.r•a 11.11icJ anJ NWt'a tattai ?. ilyu t,.yr apn Aft., CE Al L4'•, •E I. maLlsacl IlrLan S::--t- Dasi4n, ., Vl,.aam ar. a1. al. UM sYntnaals v1tL snyJ.? anJ I.r s, pa t.:ornva- Eaa ,cony bl r.• .r..1. cwI N6d.1.d Nlnfall Bvwnto 10-Ycar Design Rainfall DESIGN DISCHARGE DEVELOPMENT Hat wr h.J Ara. - 18.91 a4. m1. 11100 .cr• 5.21L4a ay. 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No. 30 Special Riser Basin 2 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Storm frequency = 1 yrs Inflow hyd. No. = 29 ' Reservoir name = Special Riser Basin 2 Storage Indication method used. ' Q (cfs) 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0 00 Special Riser Basin 2 Hyd. No. 30 --1 Yr Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:43 PM Peak discharge = 3.01 cfs Time interval = 6 min Max. Elevation = 847.43 ft Max. Storage = 45,468 cuft Hydrograph Volume = 103,506 cuft 1 1 2 4 6 8 10 Hyd No. 30 Hyd No. 29 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Q (cfs) 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 -1 0.00 26 Time (hrs) 41 i Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve ' Hyd. No. 37 BC-7 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 1 yrs ' Drainage area Basin Slope = 53.000 ac = 0.0% Tc method = USER Total precip. = 2.80 in ' Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 60 00 50.00 40 00 . 30.00 20 00 . 10 00 . Q (cfs) 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 n nn 0 2 4 6 8 Hyd No. 37 Wednesday, Mar 15 2006,4:43 PM Peak discharge = 58.84 cfs Time interval = 6 min Curve number = 86 Hydraulic length = Oft Time of conc. (Tc) = 35.00 min Distribution = Type II Shape factor = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 296,116 cuft BC-7 Hyd. No. 37 --1 Yr 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) 49 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 42 Combine BC-4 to BC-7, BC-16, BC-17 Hydrograph type = Combine Storm frequency = 1 yrs Inflow hyds. = 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 41 Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:44 PM Peak discharge = 151.77 cfs Time interval = 6 min Combine BC-4 to BC-7, BC-16, BC-17 ' Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 42 -- 1 Yr Hydrograph Volume = 709,448 cuft 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 Q (cfs) 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 nnn 000 0 2 4 6 8 10 Hyd No. 42 Hyd No. 34 Hyd No. 37 12 14 16 18 20 -- Hyd No. 35 - Hyd No. 38 - 22 24 Hyd No. 36 Hyd No. 41 26 Time (hrs) 54 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 13 WS-6 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 2 yrs ' Drainage area = Basin Slope = 349.830 ac 0.0% Tc method = USER Total precip. = 3.50 in Storm duration = 24 hrs ' Q (cfs) 60.00 i 50.00 ' 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 ' 0 00 Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:44 PM Peak discharge = 52.04 cfs Time interval = 6 min Curve number = 60 Hydraulic length = Oft Time of conc. (Tc) = 81.00 min Distribution = Type II Shape factor = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 673,202 cuft WS-6 Hyd. No. 13 -- 2 Yr 0 3 6 9 Hyd No. 13 12 15 18 21 24 Q (cfs) 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 --L 0.00 27 Time (hrs) 73 Hydrograph Plot 93 Hydrograph Plot 106 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve ' Hyd. No. 23 COMBINE WS-8 Hydrograph type = Combine Storm frequency = 5 yrs Inflow hyds. = 3, 5, 8, 9 Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:44 PM Peak discharge = 242.83 cfs Time interval = 6 min 1 COMBINE WS-8 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 23 -- 5 Yr 280.00 240.00 200.00 160.00 ' 120.00 80.00 40.00 0 00 Hydrograph Volume = 3,433,954 cuft 0 3 6 9 Hyd No. 23 - Q (cfs) 280.00 240.00 200.00 160.00 120.00 80.00 40.00 12 15 18 21 Hyd No. 3 Hyd No. 5 Hyd No. 9 24 27 30 Hyd No. 8 0.00 33 Time (hrs) 139 1 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 24 BC-2 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 5 yrs Drainage area = 53.000 ac Basin Slope = 0.0% Tc method = USER Total precip. = 4.50 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:44 PM Peak discharge = 91.05 cfs Time interval = 6 min Curve number = 83 Hydraulic length = Oft Time of conc. (Tc) = 40.00 min Distribution = Type 11 Shape factor = 484 BC-2 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 24 -- 5 Yr 100.00 ' 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 ' 30.00 20.00 10.00 n nn Hydrograph Volume = 511,263 cuft 0 2 4 6 8 Hyd No. 24 Q (cfs) 100.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) 140 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 25 BC-3 ' Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 5 yrs ' Drainage area Basin Slope = 56.000 ac = 0.0% Tc method = USER Total precip. = 4.50 in ' Storm duration = 24 hrs Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:44 PM Peak discharge = 84.60 cfs Time interval = 6 min Curve number = 75 Hydraulic length = Oft Time of conc. (Tc) = 35.00 min Distribution = Type II Shape factor = 484 BC-3 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 25 -- 5 Yr 90.00 ' 80.00 70.00 ' 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 ' 10.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 ' Hyd No. 25 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Hydrograph Volume = 429,826 cuft Q (cfs) 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 26 Time (hrs) 141 ' Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:44 PM Hyd. No. 26 Combine WS-8 - WS-12, BC-2, BC-3, and upstream ' Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 493.13 cfs Storm frequency = 5 yrs Time interval = 6 min Inflow hyds. = 22, 23, 24, 25 Hydrograph Volume = 5,483,279 cult Combine WS-8 - WS-12, BC-2, BC-3, and upstream Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 26 -- 5 Yr Q (cfs) 0 00 560 00 56 . . 490 00 I f 490 00 . i . 420 00 420 00 . . 350 00 350 0 . .0 280 00 280 00 . . 210 00 . 210.00 140 00 140 0 . . 0 70 00 . 7 . 0.00 n nn 0 00 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 Hyd No. 26 Hyd No. 22 Hyd No. 23 Hyd No. 25 21 24 Hyd No. 24 27 Time (hrs) 142 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 32 Wetlands Hydrograph type = Combine Storm frequency = 5 yrs Inflow hyds. = 13, 15, 17, 28, 30 Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:44 PM Peak discharge = 151.71 cfs Time interval = 6 min 1 1 Wetlands ' Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 32 -- 5 Yr 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 1 80.00 60.00 40.00 1 - 20.00 ¦ 0 00 Hydrograph Volume = 2,270,254 cuft 0 3 6 9 12 Hyd No. 32 Hyd No. 13 Hyd No. 28 Q (cfs) 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 15 18 21 24 27 30 Hyd No. 15 Hyd No. 17 Time (hrs) Hyd No. 30 150 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 33 Combine WS-6 Hydrograph type = Combine Storm frequency = 5 yrs Inflow hyds. = 19, 32 Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:44 PM Peak discharge = 155.23 cfs Time interval = 6 min Combine WS-6 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 33 -- 5 Yr 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 - 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 n nn 1 Hydrograph Volume = 2,342,183 cuft Q (cfs) 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0 00 0 3 6 ' Hyd No. 33 - 9 12 15 18 21 - Hyd No. 19 Hyd No. 32 24 27 30 Time (hrs) 151 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve i Hyd. No. 34 BC-4 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 5 yrs Drainage area Basin Slope = 18.000 ac = 0.0% Tc method = USER Total precip. = 4.50 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:44 PM Peak discharge = 31.03 cfs Time interval = 6 min Curve number = 74 Hydraulic length = Oft Time of conc. (Tc) = 20.00 min Distribution = Type II Shape factor = 484 BC-4 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 34 -- 5 Yr 35.00 30.00 25.00 1 20.00 1 15.00 10.00 5.00 n nn Hydrograph Volume = 128,873 cuft Q (cfs) 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Hyd No. 34 Time (hrs) 1 152 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve i Hyd. No. 35 BC-5 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 5 yrs Drainage area = 13.000 ac Basin Slope = 0.0% Tc method = USER Total precip. = 4.50 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:44 PM Peak discharge = 51.33 cfs Time interval = 6 min Curve number = 93 Hydraulic length = Oft Time of conc. (Tc) = 15.00 min Distribution = Type II Shape factor = 484 BC-5 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 35 -- 5 Yr 60.00 50.00 ' 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0 00 Hydrograph Volume = 164,036 cuft I'Illl 11 Q (cfs) 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0 2 4 6 8 Hyd No. 35 i ' ' ' 0.00 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) 153 ' Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 36 BC-6 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 5 yrs Drainage area Basin Slope = 27.000 ac = 0.0% Tc method = USER Total precip. Storm duration = 4.50 in = 24 hrs ' Q (cfs) 90.00 00 80 . 70.00 60.00 ' 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 Q (cfs) 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 00 0 2 4 6 8 Hyd No. 36 Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:44 PM Peak discharge = 81.01 cfs Time interval = 6 min Curve number = 90 Hydraulic length = Oft Time of conc. (Tc) = 20.00 min Distribution = Type II Shape factor = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 332,819 cuft BC-6 Hyd. No. 36 -- 5 Yr 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) 154 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:44 PM Hyd. No. 37 BC-7 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 118.53 cfs Storm frequency = 5 yrs Time interval = 6 min Drainage area = 53.000 ac Curve number = 86 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = Oft Tc method = USER Time of conc. (Tc) = 35.00 min Total precip. = 4.50 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 595,848 cuft BC-7 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 37 -- 5 Yr Q (cfs) 120.00 100.00 ' 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 ' 0 00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Hyd No. 37 Time (hrs) 155 156 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:44 PM Hyd. No. 38 BC-16 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 35.40 cfs Storm frequency = 5 yrs Time interval = 6 min Drainage area Basin Slope = 11.000 ac = 0.0% Curve number = 85 Hydraulic length = Oft Tc method = USER Time of conc. (Tc) = 12.00 min Total precip. = 4.50 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 108,902 cuft BC-16 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 38 -- 5 Yr Q (cfs) 40.00 30.00 ' 20.00 10.00 0 00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Hyd No. 38 Time (hrs) 163 jHydrograph Summary Report Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to peak (min) Volume (cuft) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Maximum storage (cuft) Hydrograph description 31 Reach 670.27 6 756 7,689,355 26 ------ ------ To WS-6 32 Combine 241.86 6 768 3,234,042 13, 15, 17, 28,30 ..... ------ Wetlands 33 Combine 246.86 6 768 3,341,701 19,32 ------ ------ Combine WS-6 34 SCS Runoff 42.67 6 726 175,586 ---- ------ ------ BC-4 35 SCS Runoff 62.88 6 720 203,116 ---- ------ ----- BC-5 36 SCS Runoff 100.86 6 726 417,814 - ------ ------ BC-6 37 SCS Runoff 151.14 6 732 762,242 ---- ------ ------ BC-7 38 SCS Runoff 45.29 6 720 139,987 ---- ------ ------ BC-16 39 SCS Runoff 9.59 6 732 39,881 ---- ------ ------ New Wetlands 40 SCS Runoff 22.51 6 738 114,511 ---- ------ ----- Remainder of Area (w/Wetlands) 41 Combine 31.68 6 732 154,392 39,40 ------ ------ Combine new wetland area 42 Combine 399.15 6 726 1,853,137 34, 35, 36, 37, 38; 44 ------ Combine BC-4 to BC-7, BC-16, BC-1 43 Combine 1076.88 i I 6 750 12,884,20 31, 33, 42 ------ ------ Combine From WS-5 Upstream Prop-South-Final-Pond Rev Wetlan s9ovn Period: 10 Year Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM ' Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intellsolve ' Hyd. No. 1 BASIN 5 ' Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs Drainage area Basin Slope = 106.950 ac = 0.0% Tc method = USER Total precip. Storm duration = 5.40 in = 24 hrs Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Peak discharge = 136.62 cfs Time interval = 6 min Curve number = 70 Hydraulic length = Oft Time of conc. (Tc) = 51.60 min Distribution = Type II Shape factor = 484 BASIN 5 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 1 -- 10 Yr 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 ' 20.00 ' 0 00 Hydrograph Volume = 907,515 cuft 1 I n Q (cfs) 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 ' Hyd No. 1 Time (hrs) 164 ' Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve ' Hyd. No. 2 BASIN 6 ' Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs Drainage area Basin Slope = 5.030 ac = 0.0% Tc method = USER Total precip. = 5.40 in ' Storm duration = 24 hrs Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Peak discharge = 11.92 cfs Time interval = 6 min Curve number = 74 Hydraulic length = Oft Time of conc. (Tc) = 21.00 min Distribution = Type II Shape factor = 484 BASIN 6 ' Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 2 -- 10 Yr 12.00 10.00 8.00 ' 6.00 4.00 ' 2.00 n nn Hydrograph Volume = 49,066 cuft Q (cfs) 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0 2 4 6 8 Hyd No. 2 0.00 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) 165 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 3 BMP 5 ' Hydrograph type = Reservoir Storm frequency = 10 yrs Inflow hyd. No. = 1 Reservoir name = BMP 5 Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Peak discharge = 11.82 cfs Time interval = 6 min Max. Elevation = 849.11 ft Max. Storage = 543,567 cuft Storage Indication method used. n nn Hydrograph Volume = 907,566 cuft BMP 5 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 3 -- 10 Yr 140.00 120.00 i 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 Q (cfs) 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 Hyd No. 3 Hyd No. 1 Time (hrs) 166 I Pond Report ' Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM P A N 4 BMP 5 on o. - I Pond Data Pond storage is based on known contour areas. Average end area method used. ' Stage / Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sgft) Incr. Storage (cuft) Total storage (cuft) 0.00 839.82 100 0 0 0.18 840.00 1,490 143 143 1.18 841.00 47,590 24,540 24,683 2.18 842.00 51,307 49,449 74,132 3.18 843.00 55,145 53,226 127,358 3.78 843.60 57,421 33,770 161,127 4.18 844.00 59,105 23,305 184,433 5.18 845.00 63,186 61,146 245,578 6.18 846.00 67,388 65,287 310,865 7.18 847.00 71,712 69,550 380,415 7.68 847.50 76,934 37,162 417,577 8.18 848.00 76,157 38,273 455,849 9.18 849.00 80,723 78,440 534,289 10.18 850.00 85,411 83,067 617,356 10.68 850.50 87,816 43,307 660,663 ' 11.18 851.00 90,220 44,509 705,172 11.68 851.50 92,686 45,727 750,899 12.18 852.00 95,151 46,959 797,858 ' Culvert / Ori fice Structures [A] IB] [C] [D] Rise (in) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Span (in) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels Invert El. (ft) = 0 = 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Length (ft) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N-Value = .013 .013 .000 .000 Orif. Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.00 0.00 Multi-Stage = n/a No No 13.18 853.00 100,203 97,677 895,535 No Stage (ft) 14.00 12.00 10.00 ' 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0 00 Weir Structures [A] [B] [C] [D] Crest Len (ft) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Crest El. (ft) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 2.60 3.33 0.00 Weir Type = --- -- --- --- Multi-Stage = No No No No Exfiltration = 0.000 in/hr (Contour) Tailwater Elev. = 0.00 ft Note: Culvert/Orifice outflows have been analyzed under inlet and outlet control. Weir riser checked for orifice conditions. Stage / Discharge Stage (ft) 14.00 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0 00 167 0.00 30.00 60.00 90.00 120.00 150.00 180.00 210.00 240.00 270.00 Total Q Discharge (cfs) Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Wednesda y, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Hyd. No. 4 BMP 6 ' Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 1.28 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 6 min Inflow hyd. No. = 2 Max. Elevation = 867.11 ft Reservoir name = BMP 6 Max. Storage = 23,442 cuft ' Storage Indication method used. Hydrograph Volume = 49,066 cuft i 1 BMP 6 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 4 -- 10 Yr Q (cfs) 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 ' 0 00 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 Hyd No. 4 Hyd No. 2 Time (hrs) 168 I Pond Report ' Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM P A N 5 BMP 6 on o. - Pond Data Pond storage is based on known contour areas. Average end area method used. Stage / Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sqft) Incr. Storage (cuft) Total storage (cult) 0.00 864.64 100 0 0 0.36 865.00 803 163 163 1.36 866.00 8,779 4,791 4,954 2.36 867.00 22,311 15,545 20,499 3.36 868.00 29,693 26,002 46,501 4.36 869.00 32,928 31,311 77,811 5.36 870.00 36,155 34,541 112,353 6.36 871.00 39,493 37,824 150,177 7.36 872.00 42,943 41,218 191,395 8.36 873.00 46,512 44,728 236,122 Culvert / Orifice Structures Weir Structures [A] [B] [C] [D] [A] [B] [C] [D] Rise (in) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Crest Len (ft) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Span (in) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Crest El. (ft) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 0 0 0 0 Weir Coeff. = 3 33 3 33 2.60 0.00 Invert El. (ft) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Weir Type - Length (ft) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Multi-Stage = No No No No Slope (%) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N-Value = .013 .013 .000 .000 Orif. Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.00 0.00 Multi-Stage = n/a No No No Exfiltration = 0.000 in/hr (Contour) Tailwater Elev. = 0.00 ft Note: Culvert/Orifice outflows have been analyzed under inlet and outlet control. Weir riser checked for orifice conditions. Stage (ft) 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0 00 Stage / Discharge Stage (ft) 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0 00 169 0.00 30.00 60.00 90.00 120.00 150.00 180.00 210.00 240.00 270.00 300.00 Total Q Discharge (cfs) 170 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Hyd. No. 5 WS-10 (Post) Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 57.31 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 6 min ' Drainage area Basin Slope = 26.860 ac = 0.0% Curve number = 76 Hydraulic length = Oft Tc method = USER Time of conc. (Tc) = 39.00 min t Total precip. Storm duration = 5.40 in = 24 hrs Distribution = Type II Shape factor = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 288,439 cuft WS-10 (Post) ' Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 5 -- 10 Yr Q (cfs) 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 i o00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0 00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Hyd No. 5 Time (hrs) Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 6 WS-12 (Post) Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs ' Drainage area Basin Slope = 566.550 ac = 0.0% Tc method = USER Total precip. = 5.40 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Peak discharge = 351.80 cfs Time interval = 6 min Curve number = 63 Hydraulic length = Oft Time of conc. (Tc) = 93.60 min Distribution = Type II Shape factor = 484 WS-12 (Post) Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 6 --10 Yr 400.00 350.00 300.00 250.00 200.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 0 00 Hydrograph Volume = 3,681,418 cult 0 3 6 Hyd No. 6 Q (cfs) 400.00 350.00 300.00 250.00 200.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 0.00 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 Time (hrs) 171 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 7 WS-11 (Post) Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs ' Drainage area Basin Slope = 4.870 ac = 0.0% Tc method = USER Total precip. = 5.40 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Peak discharge = 5.41 cfs Time interval = 6 min Curve number = 58 Hydraulic length = Oft Time of conc. (Tc) = 29.40 min Distribution = Type II Shape factor = 484 WS-11 (Post) Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 7 -- 10 Yr 6.00 5.00 ' 4.00 ' 3.00 2.00 1.00 0 00 Hydrograph Volume = 24,663 cuft 0 2 4 6 8 Hyd No. 7 Q (cfs) 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) 172 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 8 PROPOSED CULVERT Hydrograph type = Combine Storm frequency = 10 yrs Inflow hyds. = 4, 6, 7 Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Peak discharge = 354.14 cfs Time interval = 6 min Q (cfs) 400.00 350.00 300.00 ' 250.00 200.00 1 150.00 100.00 50.00 n nn Hydrograph Volume = 3,755,149 cuft PROPOSED CULVERT Hyd. No. 8 -- 10 Yr Q (cfs) 400.00 0 3 6 Hyd No. 8 - 350.00 300.00 250.00 200.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 1 .1 '? 0.00 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 Hyd No. 4 Hyd No. 6 Hyd No. 7 Time (hrs) 173 174 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM ' Hyd. No. 9 WS-9 (Post) Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 6.56 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 6 min ' Drainage area Basin Slope = 3.790 ac = 0.0% Curve number = 62 Hydraulic length = Oft Tc method = USER Time of conc. (Tc) = 18.60 min Total precip. = 5.40 in Distribution = Type II i Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 21,812 cuft WS-9 (Post) Q (cfs) Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 9 --10 Yr 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 ' 3.00 2.00 i 1.00 0 00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Hyd No. 9 Time (hrs) i 175 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM ' Hyd. No. 10 BASIN 7 i Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 40.65 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 6 min ' Drainage area Basin Slope = 15.450 ac = 0.0% Curve number = 71 Hydraulic length = Oft Tc method = USER Time of conc. (Tc) = 10.80 min Total precip. = 5.40 in Distribution = Type II i Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 127,416 cuft BASIN 7 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 10 -- 10 Yr Q (cfs) 50.00 1 i 40.00 30.00 i 20.00 i 10.00 1 i 0 00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Hyd No. 10 Time (hrs) ' Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve ' Hyd. No. 11 BMP 7 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Storm frequency = 10 yrs ' Inflow hyd. No. = 10 Reservoir name = BMP 7 ' Storage Indication method used. ' Q (cfs) 50.00 40.00 I 30.00 ' 20.00 i 10.00 ' Ann BMP 7 Hyd. No. 11 -- 10 Yr Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Peak discharge = 0.15 cfs Time interval = 6 min Max. Elevation = 874.13 ft Max. Storage = 119,676 cuft Hydrograph Volume = 127,410 cuft Q (cfs) 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 Hyd No. 11 Hyd No. 10 Time (hrs) 176 Pond Report 177 Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Pond No 6 - BMP 7 ' Pond Data Pond storage is based on known contour areas. Average end area method used. Stage / Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sqft) Incr. Storage (cuft) Total storage (cult) 0.00 869.30 100 0 0 0.70 870.00 2,378 867 867 ' 1.70 871.00 13,784 8,081 8,948 2.70 872.00 29,719 21,752 30,700 3.70 873.00 43,456 36,588 67,287 4.70 874.00 48,452 45,954 113,241 5.70 875.00 52,212 50,332 163,573 6.70 876.00 56,074 54,143 217,716 7.70 877.00 60,039 58,057 275,773 8.70 878.00 64,105 62,072 337,845 9.70 879.00 68,274 66,190 404,034 10.70 880.00 72,545 70,410 474,444 11.70 881.00 76,918 74,732 549,175 12.70 882.00 81,394 79,156 628,331 ' 13.70 883.00 85,971 83,683 712,014 Culvert / Orifice Structures Weir Structures ' [A] [B] [C] [D] [A] [B] [C] [D] Rise (in) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Crest Len (ft) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Span (in) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Crest El. (ft) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 0 0 0 0 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 2.60 3.33 0.00 ' Invert El. (ft) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Weir Type Length (ft) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Multi-Stage = No No No No Slope (%) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N-Value = .013 .013 .000 .000 Orif. Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.00 0.00 Multi-Stage = n/a No No No Exfiltration = 0. 000 in/hr (Contour) Tailwater Elev. = 0.00 ft ' Note: Culvert/Orifice outflows have been analyzed under inlet and outlet control. Weir riser checked for orifice conditions. ' Stage (ft) Stage / Discharge Stage (ft) 14.00 ' 12.00 10.00 ' 8.00 ' 6.00 4.00 2.00 0 00 14.00 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0 00 0.00 30.00 60.00 90.00 120.00 150.00 180.00 210.00 240.00 270.00 Total Q Discharge (cfs) I Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 12 WS-13-EAST (Post) Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs Drainage area = 37.500 ac Basin Slope = 0.0% Tc method = USER Total precip. = 5.40 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Peak discharge = 158.17 cfs Time interval = 6 min Curve number = 86 Hydraulic length = Oft Time of conc. (Tc) = 19.20 min Distribution = Type II Shape factor = 484 WS-13-EAST (Post) Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 12 --10 Yr 160.00 ' 140.00 120.00 i ' 100.00 80.00 ' 60.00 40.00 20.00 0 00 Hydrograph Volume = 490,293 cuft 0 2 4 6 8 Hyd No. 12 Q (cfs) 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) 178 ' Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve ' Hyd. No. 13 WS-6 ' Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs ' Drainage area Basin Slope = 349.830 ac = 0.0% Tc method = USER Total precip. = 5.40 in ' Storm duration = 24 hrs Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Peak discharge = 196.77 cfs Time interval = 6 min Curve number = 60 Hydraulic length = Oft Time of conc. (Tc) = 81.00 min Distribution = Type II Shape factor = 484 WS-6 ' Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 13 -- 10 Yr 210.00 180.00 150.00 ' 120.00 90.00 60.00 ' 30.00 n nn Hydrograph Volume = 1,956,519 cult 0 3 6 Hyd No. 13 9 12 15 18 21 Q (cfs) 210.00 180.00 150.00 120.00 90.00 60.00 30.00 0.00 24 27 Time (hrs) 179 ' Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 14 BASIN 4B ' Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs Drainage area = 46.180 ac ' Basin Slope = 0.0% Tc method = USER Total precip. = 5.40 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Peak discharge = 108.27 cfs Time interval = 6 min Curve number = 79 Hydraulic length = Oft Time of conc. (Tc) = 36.60 min Distribution = Type II Shape factor = 484 BASIN 413 ' Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 14 -- 10 Yr 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 f 40.00 ' 20.00 0 00 Hydrograph Volume = 544,366 cuft Q (cfs) 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0 2 4 6 8 Hyd No. 14 - I I I I I I I I" 1 0.00 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) 180 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 15 BMP 4B Hydrograph type = Reservoir Storm frequency = 10 yrs Inflow hyd. No. = 14 Reservoir name = BMP 4B ' Storage Indication method used. 1 Q (cfs) 120 00 100.00 80.00 ' 60.00 40 00 . 20.00 Q (cfs) 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 0 3 6 Hyd No. 15 1 Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Peak discharge = 16.84 cfs Time interval = 6 min Max. Elevation = 838.16 ft Max. Storage = 251,111 cuft Hydrograph Volume = 544,365 cuft BMP 4B Hyd. No. 15 -- 10 Yr 9 12 15 18 21 24 Hyd No. 14 0.00 27 Time (hrs) 181 Pond Report ' Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM A N 13 BMP 4B Pon U. - Pond Data Pond storage is based on known contour areas. Average end area method used. ' Stage / Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sgft) Incr. Storage (cuft) Total storage (cult) 0.00 832.36 100 0 0 0.64 833.00 4,847 1,583 1,583 1.64 834.00 20,382 12,615 14,198 2.64 835.00 37,546 28,964 43,162 3.14 835.50 45,972 20,880 64,041 3.64 836.00 54,935 25,227 89,268 4.64 837.00 73,085 64,010 153,278 4.74 837.10 75,032 7,406 160,684 5.59 837.95 91,588 70,814 231,497 5.84 838.20 96,740 23,541 255,038 5.94 838.30 98,830 9,778 264,817 6.64 839.00 113,458 74,301 339,117 7.14 839.50 124,567 59,506 398,624 7.64 840.00 135,675 65,061 463,684 Culvert / Orifice Structures [A] [B] [C] [D] Rise (in) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Span (in) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 0 0 0 0 Invert El. (ft) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 Length (ft) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N-Value = .013 .013 .000 .000 ' Orif. Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.00 0.00 Multi-Stage = n/a No No No ' Stage (ft) 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0 00 Weir Structures [A] IB] [C] [D] Crest Len (ft) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Crest El. (ft) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 3.33 2.60 0.00 Weir Type = --- --- -- -- Multi-Stage = No No No No Exfiltration = 0.000 in/hr (Contour) Tailwater Elev. = 0.00 ft Note: Culvert/Orifice outflows have been analyzed under inlet and outlet control. Weir riser checked for orifice conditions. Stage / Discharge Stage (ft) 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0 00 182 10.00 30.00 60.00 90.00 120.00 150.00 180.00 210.00 240.00 270.00 300.00 Total Q Discharge (cfs) 183 j Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Hyd. No. 16 BASIN 4A Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 82.18 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 6 min Drainage area = 26.710 ac Curve number = 82 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = Oft Tc method = USER Time of conc. (Tc) = 24.00 min Total precip. = 5.40 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 333,456 cuft BASIN 4A ' Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 16 -- 10 Yr Q (cfs) 90.00 ' 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 ' 0 00 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Hyd No. 16 Time (hrs) Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 17 BMP 4A Hydrograph type = Reservoir Storm frequency = 10 yrs 1 Inflow hyd. No. = 16 Reservoir name = BMP 4A Storage Indication method used. Q (cfs) 90.00 80.00 t 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0 00 Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Peak discharge = 15.65 cfs Time interval = 6 min Max. Elevation = 837.31 ft Max. Storage = 159,896 cuft Hydrograph Volume = 333,453 cuft BMP 4A Hyd. No. 17 -- 10 Yr 0 3 6 9 Hyd No. 17 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 Hyd No. 16 Q (cfs) 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 33 Time (hrs) 184 I Pond Report Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Pond No. 12 - BMP 4A Pond Data Pond storage is based on known contour areas. Average end area method used. Stage / Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sgft) Incr. Storage (cuft) Total storage (cuft) 0.00 1.00 832.00 833.00 283 15,703 0 7,993 0 7,993 2.00 834.00 31,994 23,849 31,842 2.75 834.75 35,625 25,357 57,199 3.00 835.00 36,835 9,058 66,256 3.50 835.50 38,421 18,814 85,070 4.00 836.00 40,007 19,607 104,677 4.50 836.50 41,653 20,415 125,092 5.00 837.00 43,298 21,238 146,330 5.25 5.35 837.25 837.35 43,385 46,919 10,835 4,515 157,165 161,681 6.50 838.50 48,472 54,850 216,530 7.00 839.00 50,237 24,677 241,208 Culvert / Orifice Structures [A] [B] Rise (in) = 0.00 0.00 Span (in) = 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 0 0 Invert El. (ft) = 0.00 0.00 Length (ft) = 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) = 0.00 0.00 N-Value = .013 .013 Orif. Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 Multi-Stage = n/a No Stage (ft) 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0 00 [D] 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 .000 0.00 No [C] 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 .013 0.60 No Weir Structures [A] Crest Len (ft) = 0.00 Crest El. (ft) = 0.00 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 Weir Type = --- Multi-Stage = No Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM [B] ICI [D] 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.33 2.60 0.00 No No No Exfiltration = 0.000 in/hr (Contour) Tailwater Elev. = 0.00 ft Note: Culvert/Orifice outflows have been analyzed under inlet and outlet control. Weir riser checked for orifice conditions. Stage / Discharge Stage (ft) 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0 00 185 0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 140.00 160.00 180.00 200.00 220.00 240.00 260.00 Total Q Discharge (cfs) 186 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Hyd. No. 18 TW-BANK Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 24.53 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 6 min Drainage area Basin Slope = 18.360 ac = 0.0% Curve number = 61 Hydraulic length = Oft Tc method = USER Time of conc. (Tc) = 21.00 min Total precip. = 5.40 in Distribution = Type 11 ' Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 107,658 cuft TW-BAN K Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 18 --10 Yr Q (cfs) 28.00 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 8.00 4.00 0 00 28.00 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 8.00 4.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Hyd No. 18 Time (hrs) i 187 i Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Hyd. No. 19 WETLANDS Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 24.76 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 6 min Inflow hyd. No. = 18 Max. Elevation = 811.16 ft Reservoir name = WETLANDS Max. Storage = 251 cuft Storage Indication method used. Hydrograph Volume = 107,659 cuft WETLANDS Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 19 --10 Yr Q (cfs) 28.00 24.00 20.00 16.00 1 12.00 8.00 4.00 0 00 28.00 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 8.00 4.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) Hyd No. 19 Hyd No. 18 I Pond Report Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Pond No. 14 - WETLANDS Pond Data Pond storage is based on known contour areas. Average end area method used. Stage / Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sqft) Incr. Storage (cult) Total storage (cult) 0.00 0.87 810.13 811.00 16 98 0 50 0 50 1.87 812.00 2,401 1,250 1,299 2.87 813.00 8,705 5,553 6,852 3.87 814.00 31,610 20,158 27,010 4.87 815.00 69,650 50,630 77,640 5.87 816.00 118,151 93,901 171,540 6.87 817.00 148,510 133,331 304,871 7.87 818.00 174,893 161,702 466,572 8.87 819.00 198,976 186,935 653,507 9.87 820.00 223,344 211,160 864,667 10.87 821.00 240,000 231,672 1,096,339 Culvert / Orifice Structures [A] [B] [C] [D] Rise (in) = 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Span (in) = 96.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 1 0 0 0 Invert El. (ft) = 810.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length (ft) = 260.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) = 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 N-Value = .020 .000 .000 .000 Orif. Coeff. = 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 Multi-Stage = n/a No No No I Stage (ft) 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 1 4.00 2.00 0 00 Weir Structures [A] [B] [C] [D] Crest Len (ft) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Crest El. (ft) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Weir Coeff. = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Weir Type = --- --- --- --- Multi-Stage = No No No No Exfiltration = 0.000 in/hr (Contour) Tailwater Elev. = 0.00 ft Note: Culvert/Orifice outflows have been analyzed under inlet and outlet control. Stage / Discharge Stage (ft) 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0 00 188 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 Total Q Discharge (cfs) Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 20 BC-1 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs Drainage area = 84.000 ac Basin Slope = 0.0% Tc method = USER Total precip. = 5.40 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Peak discharge = 151.29 cfs Time interval = 6 min Curve number = 76 Hydraulic length = Oft Time of conc. (Tc) = 40.00 min Distribution = Type II Shape factor = 484 BC-1 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 20 -- 10 Yr 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0 00 Hydrograph Volume = 852,840 cuft 0 2 4 6 8 Hyd No. 20 Q (cfs) 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 -r i i i 1 1 1 1? 1 0.00 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) 189 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intellsolve Hyd. No. 21 WS-13, BC-1, AND BMP 7 Hydrograph type = Combine Storm frequency = 10 yrs Inflow hyds. = 11, 12, 20 Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Peak discharge = 249.76 cfs Time interval = 6 min Q (cfs) 280.00 240.00 200.00 160.00 120.00 80.00 40.00 i n nn Hydrograph Volume = 1,470,544 cuft WS-13, BC-1, AND BMP 7 Hyd. No. 21 -- 10 Yr Q (cfs) 280.00 240.00 200.00 160.00 120.00 80.00 40.00 0 00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 ' Hyd No. 21 Hyd No. 11 Hyd No. 12 Hyd No. 20 Time (hrs) 190 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 22 TO WS-9 Hydrograph type = Reach Storm frequency = 10 yrs Inflow hyd. No. = 21 Reach length = 2800.0 ft Manning's n = 0.050 Side slope = 3.0:1 Rating curve x = 1.441 Ave. velocity = 0.00 ft/s Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Peak discharge = 231.39 cfs Time interval = 6 min Section type = Trapezoidal Channel slope = 2.0% Bottom width = 5.0 ft Max. depth = 10.0 ft Rating curve m = 1.353 Routing coeff. = 0.6490 Modified Att-Kin routing method used. TO WS-9 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 22 --10 Yr 280.00 240.00 200.00 160.00 120.00 80.00 40.00 n nn Hydrograph Volume = 1,470,492 cuft 0 2 4 6 Hyd No. 22 - Q (cfs) 280.00 240.00 200.00 160.00 120.00 80.00 40.00 0.00 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Hyd No. 21 Time (hrs) 191 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 23 COMBINE WS-8 Hydrograph type = Combine Storm frequency = 10 yrs Inflow hyds. = 3, 5, 8, 9 Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Peak discharge = 378.67 cfs Time interval = 6 min ' Q (cfs) 420.00 360.00 300.00 1 24 0.00 - 180 00 . 120 00 . 60 00 . Q (cfs) 420.00 360.00 300.00 240.00 180.00 120.00 60.00 0.00 n nn 0 3 6 9 Hyd No. 23 - COMBINE WS-8 Hyd. No. 23 --10 Yr Hydrograph Volume = 4,972,964 cuft 12 Hyd No. 3 Hyd No. 9 15 18 21 - Hyd No. 5 24 27 30 33 Hyd No. 8 Time (hrs) 192 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 24 BC-2 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs Drainage area = 53.000 ac Basin Slope = 0.0% Tc method = USER Total precip. = 5.40 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Peak discharge = 118.29 cfs Time interval = 6 min Curve number = 83 Hydraulic length = Oft Time of conc. (Tc) = 40.00 min Distribution = Type II Shape factor = 484 BC-2 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 24 --10 Yr 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0 00 Hydrograph Volume = 663,693 cuft 0 2 4 6 8 Hyd No. 24 Q (cfs) 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) 193 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve i Hyd. No. 25 BC-3 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs Drainage area = 56.000 ac Basin Slope = 0.0% Tc method = USER Total precip. = 5.40 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40 00 . 20 .00 Q (cfs) 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 ' Hyd No. 25 i BC-3 Hyd. No. 25 --10 Yr Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Peak discharge = 115.54 cfs Time interval = 6 min Curve number = 75 Hydraulic length = Oft Time of conc. (Tc) = 35.00 min Distribution = Type II Shape factor = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 582,233 cuft 10 12 14 16 0.00 18 20 22 24 26 Time (hrs) 194 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve ' Hyd. No. 26 Combine WS-8 - WS-12, BC-2, BC-3, and upstream ' Hydrograph type = Combine Storm frequency = 10 yrs Inflow hyds. = 22, 23, 24, 25 Hydrograph Volume = 7,689,366 cuft Combine WS-8 - WS-12, BC-2, BC-3, and upstream Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 26 -- 10 Yr Q (cfs) 700 00 700.00 . 600 00 600.00 . 500 00 500.00 . 400 00 400.00 _ . 300 00 300.00 . 2 0 200 00 .00 0 . 100 00 100.00 J Q . n nn n nn 0 3 6 9 12 15 i Hyd No. 26 Hyd No. 22 - Hyd No. 25 Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM 195 Peak discharge = 692.61 cfs Time interval = 6 min 18 21 Hyd No. 23 24 27 - Hyd No. 24 30 Time (hrs) 196 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Hyd. No. 27 Special Riser Basin 1 DA ' Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 42.06 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 6 min Drainage area = 19.100 ac Curve number = 72 ' Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = Oft Tc method = USER Time of conc. (Tc) = 28.00 min Total precip. = 5.40 in Distribution = Type II ' Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Hydrograp h Volume = 174,043 cuft Special Riser Basin 1 DA Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 27 -- 10 Yr Q (cfs) 50.00 ' 40.00 30.00 20.00 ' 10.00 0 00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Hyd No. 27 Time (hrs) Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve ' Hyd. No. 28 Special Riser Basin 1 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Storm frequency = 10 yrs Inflow hyd. No. = 27 Reservoir name = Special Riser Basin 1 Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Peak discharge = 3.71 cfs Time interval = 6 min Max. Elevation = 845.01 ft Max. Storage = 102,798 cuft ' Storage Indication method used. Special Riser Basin 1 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 28 --10 Yr 50.00 ' 40.00 30.00 ' 20.00 10.00 _ 0 00 Hydrograph Volume = 174,038 cuft 0 6 12 18 24 Hyd No. 28 Hyd No. 27 30 36 42 48 54 Q (cfs) 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 -L 0.00 60 Time (hrs) 197 1 Pond Report h I li l H d fl H d b t Wednesda Mar 15 2006 4:45 PM n so ve y ra ow y rograp s y e y, , Pond No. 15 - Special Riser Basin 1 Pond Data Bottom LxW = 150.0 x 75.0 ft Side slope = 2.0:1 Bottom elev. = 838.00 ft Depth = 9.20 ft Stage / Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sgft) Incr. Storage (cult) Total storage (cuft) 0.00 838.00 0.46 838.46 11,250 11,667 0 5,271 0 5,271 0.92 838.92 12,092 5,464 10,735 1.38 839.38 12,522 5,661 16,396 1.84 839.84 12,960 5,861 22,257 2.30 840.30 13,405 6,064 28,320 2.76 840.76 13,856 6,270 34,590 3.22 841.22 14,314 6,479 41,069 3.68 841.68 14,779 6,691 47,760 4.14 842.14 4.60 842.60 15,250 15,729 6,906 7,125 54,666 61,791 5.06 843.06 16,214 7,346 69,138 5.52 843.52 16,706 7,571 76,709 5.98 843.98 17,204 7,799 84,508 6.44 844.44 17,710 8,030 92,538 6.90 844.90 18,222 8,264 100,802 7.36 845.36 18,741 8,501 109,303 7.82 845.82 19,266 8,741 118,044 8.28 846.28 8.74 846.74 19,799 20,338 8,985 9,231 127,029 136,260 9.20 847.20 20,884 9,481 145,741 Culvert / Orifice Structures Weir Structures ' [A] [B] [C] [D] [A] [B] [C] [D] Rise (in) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Crest Len (ft) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Span (in) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Crest El. (ft) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 0 0 0 0 Weir Coeff. = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Invert El. (ft) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Weir Type = -- --- --- --- Length (ft) Slope (%) = 0.00 = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Multi-Stage = No No No No N-Value = .000 .000 .000 .000 Orif. Coeff. = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Multi-Stage = n/a No No No Exfiltration = 0.000 in/hr (Wet area) Tailwater E lev. = 0.00 ft u Note: Culvert/Orifice outflows have been analyzed under inlet and outlet control. I Stage (ft) Stage / Discharge Stage (ft) 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0 00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 I0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 140.00 160.00 Total Q Discharge (cfs) 198 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve ' Hyd. No. 29 Special Riser Bas in 2 - DA ' Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs Drainage area = 14.100 ac Basin Slope = 0.0% Tc method = USER Total precip. = 5.40 in ' Storm duration = 24 hrs Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Peak discharge = 69.18 cfs Time interval = 6 min Curve number = 94 Hydraulic length = Oft Time of conc. (Tc) = 14.00 min Distribution = Type II Shape factor = 484 ' Q (cfs) 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 1 30.00 20.00 ' 10.00 0 00 Hydrograph Volume = 225,667 cult Special Riser Basin 2 - DA Hyd. No. 29 --10 Yr Q (cfs) 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Hyd No. 29 Time (hrs) 199 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 30 Special Riser Basin 2 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Storm frequency = 10 yrs ' Inflow hyd. No. = 29 Reservoir name = Special Riser Basin 2 Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Peak discharge = 28.30 cfs Time interval = 6 min Max. Elevation = 850.27 ft Max. Storage = 83,086 cuft Storage Indication method used. Special Riser Basin 2 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 30 -- 10 Yr 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 i i F 30.00 20.00 10.00 I Ann Hydrograph Volume = 225,666 cuft a (cfs) 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 o.oo 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Hyd No. 30 Hyd No. 29 Time (hrs) 200 1 Pond Report H d fl H d li h b I t l d esda Mar 15 2006 4:45 PM W ve y ra ow y rograp s y n e so n y, , e Pond No. 16 - Special Riser Basin 2 ' Pond Data Bottom LxW = 110.0 x 75.0 ft Side slo pe = 2.0:1 Bottom elev. = 842.90 ft Depth = 9.10 ft Stage / Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sgft) Incr. Storage (cult) Total storage (c ult) 0.00 0.46 842.90 843.36 8,250 8,590 0 3,831 0 3,831 0.91 843.81 8,937 3,987 7,818 1.37 844.27 9,290 4,146 11,964 1.82 844.72 9,650 4,309 16,273 2.28 845.18 10,016 4,474 20,747 ' 2.73 845.63 10,389 4,642 25,389 3.19 846.09 10,769 4,813 30,202 3.64 846.54 11,156 4,988 35,190 4.10 847.00 11,549 5,165 40,355 ' 4.55 847.45 11,948 5,345 45,700 5.01 847.91 12,355 5,529 51,228 5.46 848.36 12,767 5,715 56,943 5.91 848.82 13,187 5,904 62,848 6.37 849.27 13,613 6,097 68,944 ' 6.82 849.73 14,046 6,292 75,237 7.28 850.18 14,485 6,491 81,727 7.73 850.64 14,931 6,692 88,419 8.19 8.65 851.09 851.55 15,384 15,843 6,896 7,104 95,315 102,419 9.10 852.00 16,309 7,314 109,734 Culvert / Orifice Structures Weir Structures [A] [B] [C] [D] [A] [B] [C] [D] Rise (in) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Crest Len (ft) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Span (in) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Crest El. (ft) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 0 0 0 0 Weir Coeff. = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Invert El. (ft) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Weir Type = --- --- --- --- Length (ft) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Multi-Stage = No No No No Slope (%) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N-Value = .000 .000 .000 .000 Orif. Coeff. = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ' Multi-Stage = n/a No No No Exfiltration = 0.000 in/hr (Wet area) Tailwater Elev. = 0.00 ft Stage (ft) 10.00 ' 8.00 6.00 ' 4.00 2.00 0 00 Note: Culvert/Orifice outflows have been analyzed under inlet and outlet control. Stage / Discharge Stage (ft) ' 0.00 30.00 Total Q 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 60.00 90.00 120.00 150.00 180.00 210.00 240.00 270.00 Discharge (cfs) 201 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve 1 Hyd. No. 31 To WS-6 1 Hydrograph type = Reach Storm frequency = 10 yrs Inflow hyd. No. = 26 1 Reach length = 3600.0 ft Manning's n = 0.050 1 Side slope Rating curve x = 2.0:1 = 0.490 Ave. velocity = 0.00 ft/s Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Peak discharge = 670.27 cfs Time interval = 6 min Section type = Trapezoidal Channel slope = 1.0% Bottom width = 15.0 ft Max. depth = 10.0 ft Rating curve m = 1.479 Routing coeff. = 0.5499 Modified Att-Kin routing method used. 1 To WS-6 1 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 31 -- 10 Yr 700.00 1 600.00 1 500.00 1 1 400.00 j 1 300.00 200.00 i 100.00 ' 1 1 n nn Hydrograph Volume = 7,689,355 cuft 0 3 6 1 Hyd No. 31 - 1 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 - Hyd No. 26 Q (cfs) 700.00 600.00 500.00 400.00 300.00 200.00 100.00 ?- 0.00 30 Time (hrs) 202 ' Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve ' Hyd. No. 32 Wetlands Hydrograph type = Combine Storm frequency = 10 yrs Inflow hyds. = 13, 15, 17, 28, 30 Wednesday, Mar 15 2006,4:45 PM Peak discharge = 241.86 cfs Time interval = 6 min w Wetlands Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 32 --10 Yr 280.00 240.00 200.00 ' 160.00 ' 120.00 ' 80.00 ' 40.00 0 00 ?^ Hydrograph Volume = 3,234,042 cuft 0 3 6 9 12 Hyd No. 32 Hyd No. 13 Hyd No. 28 Q (cfs) 280.00 240.00 200.00 160.00 120.00 80.00 40.00 0.00 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 Hyd No. 15 Hyd No. 17 Time (hrs) Hyd No. 30 203 I Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve ' Hyd. No. 33 Combine WS-6 Hydrograph type = Combine Storm frequency = 10 yrs ' Inflow hyds. = 19, 32 Wednesday, Mar 15 2006,4:45 PM Peak discharge = 246.86 cfs Time interval = 6 min Combine WS-6 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 33 --10 Yr 280.00 240.00 200.00 ' 160.00 ' 120.00 i ' 80.00 40.00 Ann Hydrograph Volume = 3,341,701 cuft Q (cfs) 280.00 0 3 6 Hyd No. 33 - 240.00 200.00 160.00 120.00 80.00 40.00 9 12 15 18 21 - Hyd No. 19 Hyd No. 32 ?- 0.00 24 27 30 Time (hrs) 204 205 r Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Wednesday, Mar 15 2006, 4:45 PM Hyd. No. 34 BC-4 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 42.67 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 6 min Drainage area = 18.000 ac Curve number = 74 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = Oft Tc method = USER Time of conc. (Tc) = 20.00 min Total precip. = 5.40 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 175,586 cult BC-4 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 34 -- 10 Yr Q (cfs) 50.00 ' 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 ' 0 00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Hyd No. 34 Time (hrs)