HomeMy WebLinkAbout19991055 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_20000114i k MAY 1 5 2000 Employee Owned May 11, 2000 Linwood A. Watson, Jr., Acting Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, N.E., Room 1 A Washington, D.C. 20426 RE: Nantahala Power and Light Queens Creek Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 2964-002) Dear Secretary Watson: W a `a 0 w U Z 0 W 4 As a member of the public of the State of North Carolina, representing both my own interests and that of the Nantahala Outdoor Center, I request the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission include the following comments in the official file of the aforementioned project and to give them full consideration when determining the operational constraints under which Nantahala Power and Light will be ordered to operate this project during the term of its new license. I am the president of Nantahala Outdoor Center (NOC), which is an outdoor education and recreation business located in Swain County, NC. I serve the county and my community on the Economic Development Commission for Swain County, on the Work Force Development Board of the Western Region of NC (Region A), and as a member of the Nantahala Gorge Association, a group of outfitters and related businesses that operate in and around the Nantahala River area. I have a PhD in Plant Physiology and, before joining NOC, I taught and did research at North Carolina State University. Here are my comments at the present time: 1. I am concerned about the possible loss of recreational opportunity through the release of "minimum flows" into the by-pass area below the dam. First, these "minimum flows" could cause the lake to drop too low to be effective for recreation on Queens Lake. We utilize the lake for canoe and kayak instruction and it is a popular place for local residents as well. Also, any changes in the point of release or in the amount of flow released could eliminate or reduce the boost in river flow in the Nantahala River that occurs in the afternoon when NP&L is using this water for peaking power. While it is small, it does enhance the recreational experience of the river user at that time. 2. I am concerned about the expense of relicensing and would like to urge that mitigation projects for the lake itself and the county and region be considered and prioritized before a lot of possibly superfluous studies and payments of huge sums of money in litigation over these studies. There is no end to the number and 13077 Highway 19 West, Bryson City, N.C. 28713-9114 • (828) 488-2175 • FAX (828) 488-2498 www.noe.com extent of studies that could be done and each one of them will have a cost. Western North Carolina in general, and Swain County in particular, is considered economically depressed. Money could be used far more effectively for mitigation in this area such as enhancements for local communities. 3. I believe that habitat has been a concern for some folks. According to NP&L, the fish population in this creek from the road to the Nantahala River is equal to or better than numerous unregulated streams inside and outside the National Park_ 4. I ask that as much time and energy be spent working cooperatively among the stakeholders to resolve issues in a productive and efficient way so that money is spent on projects of use to the region and not on a myriad of studies and litigation. 5. I am also enclosing a paper on the `Economic Impacts of Rafting on the Nantahala River" which will provide some information on the economic implications of this tourism attraction to this area of western North Carolina. Thank you for this opportunity to comment on this project. Sincerely, Elizabeth B. Johns President Service Distribution Mailing List Nantahala Power and Light - Queens Creek Project No. 2694 Area Director, MS260-ARLSQ US Bureau of Indian Affairs Eastern Area Office M.S. 260-VASQ Arlington, VA 22201 Regional Engineer Federal Energy Regulatory Comm. Atlanta Regional Office 3125 Presidential Parkway, Suite 30 Atlanta, GA 30340-3700 Attorney General North Carolin Office of Attorney Dept. of Justice PO Box 629 Raleigh, NC 27602 Mr. Bill Anderson NC DWQ 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Mr. Jim Blose NC Division of Water Quality 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604 Ms. Sally Browning US Forest Service 90 Sloan Road Franklin, NC 28734 Director North Carolina Recreation Division Dept. of Natural Resources and Comm. P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 Director North Carolina Forest Resources Dept. of Natural Resouces & Comm. PO Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 Mr. Harry Abercrombie 160 Gold Creek Topton, NC 28781 Mr. Ted Blisterfield USEPA, Region 4 Office of Environmental Assessment Atlanta Federal Center 100 Alabama Street Atlanta, GA 30303-3104 Ms. Cynthia Brown US Fish and Wildlife Service Ecological Services 1875 Century Boulevard, Suite 200 Atlanta, GA 30345 Mr. Brian Cole Supervisor US Fish and Wildlife Service 160 Zillicoa Street Asheville, NC 22801 Mr. Mark Davis Habitat Conservation Program NC Wildlife Resources Commission 20830 Great Smoky Mtn. Expressway Waynesville, NC 28786 Mr. John Dorney NC DENR 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Mr. John Ellis US Fish and Wildlife Service Raleigh Field Office P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Mr. Edwin L. Gavin, 11 Esquire NC Dept. of Justice P.O. Box 629 Raleigh, NC 27602-0629 Mr. Chris Goudreau Coordinator NC Wildlife Resources Commission Route 6, Box 685 Marion, NC 28752 Mr. George Hemingway Coordinator US Forest Service Southern Region 1720 Peachtree Road, N.W. Atlanta, GA 30367 Dr. Elizabeth Johns President Nantahala Outdoor Center 13077 Hwy 19 West Bryson City, NC 28713 Ms. Molly Diggins Sierra Club, NC Chapter 1024 Washington Street Raleigh, NC 27605 Dr. Gary Duven Director Wesser Institute of Ecology P.O. Box 177 Almond, NC 28708 Mr. John Flaig 102 Sunset Drive Topton, NC 28781 Ms. Renee Gledhill-Earley NC Dept. of Cultural Resources 109 East Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27611 Mr. John H. Harrington Regional Solicitor US Dept. of the Interior 75 Spring Street S. W. Suite 1328 Atlanta, GA 30303 Dr. Donley Hill US Forest Service P.O. Box 2750 Asheville, NC 28802 Mr. Ray Johns Hydroelectric Coordinator US Forest Service 160A Zillicia Street Asheville, NC 28802 Mr. Scott Loftis NC Wildlife Resources Commission 20830 Great Smoky Mtn Expressway Waynesville, NC 28786 Mr. Chuck McGrady Sierra Club, NC Chapter 104 Sunningdale Drive Flat Rock, NC 28731-9567 Mr. Jim Mead Dept. of Environmental and Natural Resources P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 Mr. Steve Reed Division of Water Resources 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 Mr. John Wagner 3494 Winding Stairs Road Topton, NC 28781 Mr. John Wishon Nantahala Relicensing Project Manager Nantahal Power & Light 301 NP&L Loop Franklin, NC 28734 Mr. Franklin T. McBride Manager NC Widlife Resources Commission Habitat Conservation Program 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604-1188 Mr. Daniel McLawhorn General Counsel NC Dept. of Environment 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 Mr. Bobby Queen P.O. Box 1042 Andrews, NC 28901 Mr. Fred Traver Aquatic Ecology Branch NC Division of Water Resources 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 Mr. Michael L. Wilkins District Ranger, USFS Wayah Ranger District 90 Sloan Road Franklin, NC 28734 Economic Impacts of Raft;.ng on the Nantahai.,i River- Donald S.K. English, Ph.D. Southern Research Station Athens, GA 14 -Decentber 1995 This report presents preliminary findings of the e-c.,otlor'nic impacts of guided and nonguided rafting on the N'antaha la River to tile combined eeonorly of Macon, Cherokee, and Swain Counties, North Carolina. Results at-e derived from expenditure surveys returned from 590 nonlocal (nonresidents of the two counties) visitors who ran the Nantahala River during 1994. he-pondents were divided into four groups: those in rented rafts with guide, in the boats (N=103), those in rented rafts or inflar3ble kayaks without guides in them (N=288), those in privately owned hardboats (canoes or ayaks) (N=108), and a residual other category 'N=-91). ;Separate analyses were conducted for the guided, unguided, and private groups. No analysis was performed for the residual group. Survey respondents were asked to report the amount of money they spent. in Macon County during their trip. Since the region of interest, included Swain County 3s well, reoults presented here. should be conservative estimates of the total impact t?f visitation to the Nantahala to the combined economy. Total expenditures were divided by the number of people for whom the respondent paid expenses, yielding expenditures per person per trip. Ot, average, people on guided trips spent $46,04 pcr person in Macon County (Table 1) People on nangui.ded triFs :;pent $47.33 pff ..- person, and pri.vat.(_ haidboaters spent $5`! .15 per. I-)ersorf in Macon County. These on guided tries spent. -.tle most- o: hot".NIs ?',+?i:?Urdllt ZIIK! C-)Ut'f).?tel fees. `jlw.-,!z,! on ;.I "jlllc?r?{7 i,.t:'1L ::pent the r;c?st on equipment rentals alld souve'lli.rs, a.-i thr- on hotels. People using their own canoes and kayaks :-;pent the most on campground fees, on all locging expenditures, and on clothing, but comparatively little on outfitters or r<rlipme.lt rentals. The IMPLAN system was used to estimate economic impacts. Per person expenditures were allocated to IMPLAN secl.ors following the algorithm outlined in English, et al., (:1995) This analysis used 1992 base year data and commodity prices. Table 2 shows the economic impacts per 1000 visitors. $ecause IMPLAN is linear system, multiplying these impa<:ts by current nonlocal ute figures yield:; estimates of the c:ontributinn of current visitait.on to the economy of the two counties. Similarly, if a po'.icy change under consideration is F-!xpected Co result in Z thousand increase (decrease) in nonlocal visitation , then multiplying the values in Table 2 by Z yields t..he economic increase (decrease) of the policy change as it affects use of the Nantahala River. Dirrc_t impacts are the value of inputs used by the businesses frequented by the visitors to produce the final goods and services purchased by those visitors. Indirect impacts are the v,31ue of the production used in serving t.-.he businesses directly affected by recreational spending. Induce(? impacts are caused by workers and proprietors speriding the incom- they g i s a result of the visitor :,pending guides -spending thQ wag's:, they recii.-ved from taking people ,!own the river) . 'n)t.al impacts .ire simply the surf of these three type,, (_;f impactti. Fotlr types of economic indicators are used. `oUa1 industrial output (TIO) measures the value of produced goods and services. Total income (TI) is the sum of income accruing to business, proprietors and wages paid to employees. Value added (VA) mca sores the difference between the value of inputs purchased and the value of products sold. Employment is the number of full-time equivalent jobs. For all economic indicators, differences in impacts per 1000 visitors are nearly identical. For guided visitors, impacts per 1000 visitors on TIO and TI are $61,900 and $36,400 respectively. For 100o unguided visitors, the impacts to TIO and TI are $63,500 and $36,700. The impacts of 1000 private hardboaters is slightly higher for both TIO {$67,E300) and TI ($40.0). Moneys spent by 1000 visitors produce between 1.7 and 1.8 full.-time jobs in the three counties. The relatively low indirect: impacts indicates that many businesses in these counti.e."', purchase, a good deal of their inputs from outside this small economy (perhaps from businesses; located in Asheville, Greenville, or Knoxville). 'table 3 shows the six economic sectors that are primarily affected by visitor spending, for industrial output. and empl oym??rit . About seventy percent of all employment impacts caused ?)y recreation visitation occur in these sip: 13ec t<_?r;:;. Irl addit. i ()n, these six :,ectors account for about 50 percent. of al.t `i'IO. Impacts from guided visit;->x'5 are most.. concent.rat..ed in sector-:;, and impacts from private hardboaters, arf: l.east c_onc(=r,trat.ed in there sectors. fable 1-- Spending pat tE rns, by boater t fT'•_ Item Hotel Camping Food at SC(--,res Restaurants Car rental Gasoline Car repaid.; Fishing Permits Fishing Bait Outfitter Fees Equipment rental Film purchase Film development Footwear Clothing Souvenirs Other GUIDED UNG_ 'U_IDEp PP TvATE r - *- - ?- - - pet person per _ trip) --?_. 14.61 8.00 _ 11 1, 0.85 2,19 7 05 3.71 4.64 . 5 39 7.89 5.91 . "1.34 0.10 0.01 0.x,0 2.19 2.91 3.06 0.00 0.04 0.43 0.00 0.19 0.23 0.00 0.05 0.00 6,95 i.?:. 2.56 0.50 0.44 0..34 0.25 0.05 0.00 0.03 0.42 0.75 1.34 2.39 7.15 1.91 3.99 0.95 1.43 2.40 3 .111 Total I'able 2-- Industrial output and employment per 1000 vioitors, for selected economic: sector;; SECTOR DESCRIPTION Guided Unguided Private INDUSTRIAL, OUTPUT Hotels and other lodging Amusement/recreation services Eating and drinking places Service stations Miscellaneous retail stores Food Stores °s of total impacts EMPLOYMENT Hotels and other lodging Amusement/recreation services Eating and drinking places Service stations Food stores Misc ellaneouo retail stores °s of total impacts (thousands of 1992 dollars) 12.1 8.2 14.3 7.6 10.8 3.7 9.2 7.4 8.7 1.7 2.1 2.6 1.9 2.3 2.4 1.5 1.7 1.8 53.7 50-5 48.5 (# of Full-time equivalents) .50 .34 .59 .32 .45 .16 .34 .28 .33 .04 .05 .05 06 .07 .08 .06 .07 .019 72.9 69.6 68.3 Tabl 2 -- Economic impacts to Macon, Swain, and Cherokee counties per 1000 visitors eo the Nantahala River. Total Industrial Total Value Output Income Added Jobs (-- Thousands of 1992 dollars (4pTE) GUIDED: Direct. _10.6 18.1 20.6 1.14 Indirec:!t 4.1 2.3 2.4 0.07 Induced 27.3 16.1 18,1 0.52 TOTAL 61.9 36.4 4111 1.72 UNGUIDED: Direct_ 31.4 18.0 20.2 1.13 1ndirec:c 4.7 2.6 2.8 0.08 Induc(2d 27.3 16.1 18.1 0.52 TOTAL 63.5 36.7 41.1 1.73 PRIVATE Direct_ 34.6 20.6 23.7 .1.20 1ndir.-,_ct; 7.07 TO't'A;J 0 ?.o yv..a State -of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director 1•• 1 NC ENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF E.NvIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES November 30. 2000 Mr. John Wishon Nantahala Relicensing Project Manager Nantahala Power & Light 301 NP&L Loop Road Franklin, NC 28734 Dear Mr. Wishon: Re: Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act, Proposed Queens Creek Hydroelectric Plant-FERC License Renewal WQC Project # 991055; FERC# 2694 Macon County Attached hereto is a copy of Certification No.3244 (revised) issued to the Nantahala Power & Light, a Division of Duke Energy Corporation dated November 30, 2000. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Attachments cc: Asheville DWQ Regional Office File Copy Central Files Fred Tarver; NC Division of Water Resources Chris Goudreau, NC Wildlife Resources Commission Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. Division of Water Quality • Wetlands/401 Unit 1621 Mail Service Center • Raleigh NC 27669-1621 • Telephone 919-733-1786 • FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper '• . # 2 NORTH CAROLINA 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section .0500. It is issued to Nantahala Power and Light Company, a Division of Duke Energy Corporation in Macon County pursuant to an application filed on the ls` day of October, 1999 to relicense the Queens Creek hydroelectric project and a Settlement Agreement dated October 26, 2000 (received November 6, 2000). The application provides adequate assurance that the. discharge of fill material into the waters of Queens Creek in conjunction with the proposed development will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate the applicable portions of Sections 301, 302. 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you submitted in your application. as described in the Public Notice. If you change your project, you must notify us and send us a new application for a new certification. If the property is sold. the new owner must be given a copy of the Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre or total perennial stream impact exceeds 150 feet, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in'15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed below. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before 'vou Qo ahead with your project including. (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-discharge and Water Supply watershed regulations. Condition(s) of Certification: 1) 'Appropriate sediment and erosion control practices. which equal or exceed those outlined in the most recent version of two manuals, either the "North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual" or the "North Carolina Surface Mining Manual" (available from the Division of. Land Resources in the DEIL\TR Regional or Central Offices). The control practices shall be utilized to prevent exceedances of the appropriate turbidity water quality standard (50 NTUs in all fresh water streams and rivers not designated-as trout waters; 25 N-'Us in all lakes and reservoirs, and all saltwater classes; and. 10 NTUs in trout waters); 2) All sediment and erosion control measures placed in wetlands or waters shall be removed and the natural grade restored after the Division of Land Resources has released the project; 3) Measures shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact with waters of the state until the concrete has hardened; 4) Reservoir Level Limitations-The Licensee shall maintain the elevation of the project reservoir within one foot above and two feet below the reservoir's normal full operating pool level of 2,895.0 feet Mean Sea Level (MSL) (i.e., in the range of 2,896.0 feet MSL and 2,893.0 feet MSL) for the period May 1 through October 31 and within one foot above and seven feet below the reservoir's normal full operating pool level (i.e., in the range of 2,896.0 feet MSL and 2,888.0 feet MSL) for the winter drawdown period of November 1 through April 30. In.order to facilitate gradual raising and lowering of the reservoir during the winter drawdown period, the Licensee shall operate the project so as to attempt to have the reservoir elevation at 2,891.0 feet MSL on April 1 and 1 December 1. The Licensee shall use the existing float-operated gage on the reservoir to determine reservoir elevation. The reservoir elevation limits specified herein may be temporarily modified if required by operating emergencies beyond the control of the Licensee, during periods of excessive inflow, for planned drawdowns for maintenance or inspection purposes, for short periods upon mutual agreement of the Licensee, the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC), and during low inflow periods as specified in Condition 5 of this Certification. The licensee shall notify in writing DENR, DWQ-Central Office, Division of Water Resources (DWR) and the WRC at least 15 days prior to commencing planned drawdowns for maintenance or inspection purposes that will require a temporary modification of the reservoir elevation limits. The Licensee shall notify in writing the DE\R; DWQ-Central Office, DWR and the WRC of any temporary modification of the reservoir elevation limits required by an operating emergency beyond the control of the Licensee as soon as practical, either before, during, or immediately following such emergency, but no later than ten days after each such incident. 5) Minimum Flow In Queens Creek Bypass-The Licensee, except during low inflow periods as defined herein, shall release from a minimum flow release valve required to be installed at the base of the project's dam, as calibrated and metered at the valve, a continuous minimum flow of 2.0 cubic-feet per second (cfs) during the period December 1 through May 31 and 1.0 cfs during the period June 1 through November 30 for the protection of fishery and other aquatic resources in the reach of Queens Creek bypassed by the project. During low inflow periods as defined herein, the Licensee shall follow in sequential fashion the protocol set forth below regarding adjustments to minimum flow releases, reservoir elevations, and generation levels and shall make the adjustments set forth below on a weekly basis so as to equitably allocate the impacts of reduced water availability: a. The Licensee shall reduce the normal minimum generation volume by 20% to 29.2 acre-feet per calendar week; . b. Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the limits specified for the relevant time period in Condition 4. of this Certification hereof even with implementation of the measure specified in a) hereof, the Licensee shall reduce the continuous minimum flow releases specified above for the relevant time period by 20% (i.e., down to 1.6 cfs for the period December 1 through May 31 and 0.8 cfs for the period June 1 through November 30); c. Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the limits specified for the relevant time period in Condition 4 of this Certification hereof even with implementation of the measures specified in a) and b) hereof, the Licensee may reduce the reservoir's elevation one additional foot below the lower reservoir elevation limit specified for the relevant time period in Condition 4 of this Certification hereof for the duration of the low inflow period (herein after the "first modified reservoir level band„); 4 d. Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the first modified reservoir level band, the Licensee shall reduce the minimum generation volume by an additional 15% (down to approximately 23.7 acre-feet per calendar week); e. Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the first. modified reservoir level band even with implementation of the measure specified in d) hereof; the Licensee shall reduce the continuous minimum flow release specified herein for the relevant time period by an additional 15% (i.e., down to 1.3 cfs for the period December 1 through May 31 and 0.65 cfs for the period June 1 through November 30); f. Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the first modified reservoir level band even with implementation of the measures specified in d) and e) hereof, the Licensee may reduce the reservoir's elevation one additional foot below the lower limit of the first modified reservoir level band for the duration of the low inflow period (hereinafter the "second modified reservoir level band"); g. Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the second modified reservoir level band, the protocol preceding establishment of the first and second modified reservoir level bands as specified above shall be repeated, with the Licensee first reducing minimum generation volumes in increments of 10%, and subsequently reducing continuous minimum flow releases in increments of 10%, followed by one foot incremental reductions in. the lower limit of the second modified reservoir level band, until inflow has increased to a point where the reservoir level has been restored to within the reservoir elevation limits for the relevant time period specified in Condition 4 of this Certification hereof. For purposes of this Article: the term "normal minimum generation volume" means 36.5 acre-feet of water used per calendar week to generate electricity at the project; the term "low inflow period" means any period when weekly inflow to the reservoir cannot maintain the reservoir's elevation above elevation 2,893.0 feet MSL for the period May 1 through October 31 or elevation 2;888.0 feet MSL for the period November 1 through April 30 if the Licensee provides the continuous minimum flow release for the relevant time period specified herein and uses the normal minimum generation volume. Whenever the Licensee at any time during the period May 1 through October 31 reduces the elevation of the reservoir to below elevation 2,888.0 feet MSL after following the above specified protocol and not because of planned drawdowns for maintenance or inspection purposes or operating emergencies beyond the control of Licensee, it shall notify (in writing) the North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources , DWQ - Central Office and DWR and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) as soon as possible, but no later than ten days after each such incident, and shall attend any meeting convened thereafter to discuss reasonable and desirable options for addressing the low inflow conditions that caused the reservoir elevation to be reduced below elevation 2,888.0 feet MSL; provided, however, that no changes in the low inflow protocol provided for herein may be made without the prior approval of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). 6) Reporting Requirements-No later than March 31 of each calendar year beginning the first calendar year after the calendar year in which the FERC license is issued, the Licensee shall provide the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural 5 Resources, Division of Water Resources and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and file with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, a report containing a table of the elevation of the reservoir on a daily basis during the previous. calendar year, a certification by the Licensee that the minimum flow release requirements of Condition 5 of this Certification were met during the previous calendar year and a discussion of each incident during the previous calendar year where the elevation of the reservoir was above or below the level specified in Condition 4 of this Certification, together with information sufficient to demonstrate that for each incident where the elevation of the reservoir was below the levels specified in Condition 4 of this Certification the requirements of the low inflow protocol of Condition 5 of this Certification were met. 7) The above-described low inflow protocol and reporting requirements shall be implemented during the Spring of 2001, but not later than May 31, 2001. NP&L will install a minimum flow release valve and associated flow meter required to provide and measure the minimum flow as soon as practicjily achievable following receipt of any necessary approvals by the FERC under the procedures of the existing license. The minimum flow release valve will be calibrated to provide the range of minimum flows under the range of reservoir levels identified in this Certification. Since NP&L cannot begin construction until any necessary approvals for installation of the minimum flow release valve and flow meter are received from the FERC, the Division of Water Quality hereby agrees that failure to implement the subject minimum flows by May 31, 2001 due to delays in receiving any required FERC approvals does not constitute a default under this Certification. y 8) After five years of operations under the provisions of this Certification, NP&L will confer with the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DWQ- Central Office and DWR) and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission to consider holding an informational meeting, to review the operational history of the Certification to determine if any operational changes are needed an d agreeable to all the Parties. Any such meeting shall be scheduled and held no later than September 30 of the appropriate year. Violations of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of this Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. This Certification shall become null and void finless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal 404 and/or coastal Area Management Act Permit. This Certification shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA permit. If this Certification is unacceptable, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of this Certification. This request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. If modifications are made to an original Certification, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing on the modifications upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of the Certification. Unless such demands are made, this Certification shall be final and binding. This the 30th of November 2000 LITY DIVISI Fteve WQC# 3244 (revised) DWQ Project No.: County: Applicant: Project Name: Certificate of Completion 6 Upon completion of all work approved within the 401 Water Quality Certification, and any subsequent modifications, the applicant is required to return this certificate to the 401/Wetlands Unit, North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 1621 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699- 1621.This form may be returned to DWQ by the applicant, the applicant's authorized agent, or the project engineer. It is not necessary to send certificates from all of these. y Applicant's Certification I, , hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality. Certification, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. - Signature: Date: Agent's Certification I, , hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature: Date: If this project was designed by a Certified Professional I, , as _ a duly registered Professional (i.e., Engineer, Landscape Architect, Surveyor, etc.) in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodicallv, weekly, full time) the construction of the project, for the Permittee hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature Registration No. Date K2 North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission® 312 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director 645 Fish Hatchery Road Marion, NC 28752-9229 -- October 27, 2000 IN ?i The Secretary I n Federal Energy Regulatory Commission OCT ' 0 2000 888 First Strcct, N.E. Washington, DC 20426 Subject: RECOMMENDATIONS - New Minor License Application Nantahala Power and Light Queens Creek Hydropower Project, FERC No. 2694-002 Dear Secretary: Submitted are an original and eight copies in response to the August 31, 2000 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission notice of Application Ready for Environmental Analysis for the referenced project. The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission provides the following comments regarding wildlife and fisheries resources in accordance with provisions of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 791a et seq.) and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661 et seq.). We signed a settlement agreement (copy enclosed) with Nantahala Power and Light and the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources that addresses our concerns and issues for this project. We recommend that the FERC adopt the proposed license articles as written in the settlement agreement. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this project. If you have any questions concerning these comments, please contact me at 828-652-4360. Sincerely, Christopher Goudreau Hydropower Relicensing Coordinator Attachment c:\mydata\word\hydro\npl\queens\ferc application.doc QUEENS CREEK PROJECT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MECKLENBURG IN THE OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS 00 EHR 0043 DUKE ENERGY CORPORATION Petitioner, V. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION, and its Delegate The DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES, Respondent SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT THIS SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement"), made and entered into as of the 25th day of October, 2000, by and between DUKE ENERGY CORPORATION, a corporation organized and existing pursuant to the laws of the State of North Carolina, with a place of business in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ("Duke"), on behalf of NANTAHALA POWER & LIGHT ("NP&L"), a division of Duke, the NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES ("DENR"), and the NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION ("WRC") (collectively "State Agencies"), (all referenced agencies and Duke collectively "Parties"), provides as follows: WITNESSETH WHEREAS, NP&L operates a hydroelectric power project on Queens Creek in Macon County, NC known as the Queens Creek Project (the "Project") pursuant to a license issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") (FERC Project No. 2694) and consisting primarily of: a) A 37-acre reservoir (the "Reservoir") located approximately 1.5 miles upstream of Queens Creek's confluence with the Nantahala River; and b) An earth and rock fill dam (the "Dam") impounding the water in Queens Creek and including a spill valve; and 1 QUEENS CREEK PROJECT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT c) A powerhouse (the "Station") located approximately 3 miles upstream from Queens Creek's confluence with the Nantahala River and being supplied with water from the Reservoir by a steel penstock extending from the Dam; WHEREAS, construction of the Dam and creation of the Reservoir have created reduced stream flow in the approximately 1.5 - mile long section of Queens Creek between the Dam and Queens Creek's confluence with the Nantahala River (the "Bypass"); WHEREAS, on September 27, 1999, NP&L filed an application with FERC for renewal of its license for the Project (the "New License"); WHEREAS, on October 1, 1999, NP&L filed an application with the DENR for Water Quality Certification pertaining to the New License pursuant to §401 of the Clean Water Act, as amended; WHEREAS, on November 16, 1999, the DENR issued Water Quality Certification Number 3244 (the "401 Certification") for continued operation of the Project under the New License; WHEREAS, the 401 Certification contains conditions and limitations on the operation of the Project that the DENR had determined necessary pursuant to its statutory responsibilities to support the protection and maintenance of water quality; WHEREAS, issuance or waiver of 401 Certification is a prerequisite to the issuance of the New License; WHEREAS, NP&L's application for the New License includes proposed facilities to enhance day-use recreational opportunities at the Project's reservoir, including (a) picnic tables, (b) a fishing pier for disabled users, and (c) a "tote and float" launch area; WHEREAS, the Parties agree that generating power at the Station, as well as providing for minimum stream flows in the Bypass and managing the Reservoir's levels for fish habitat enhancements are all important uses of the limited waters of Queens Creek. Under low inflow conditions to the Reservoir above the Station, the Modified 401 Certification as identified within this Agreement provides for expansion of targeted Reservoir level bands, reductions in generation volumes and reductions in minimum flow releases at the Dam into the Bypass; WHEREAS, on January 13, 2000, Duke, on behalf of NP&L, filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings ("OAH") a Petition For A Contested Case Hearing challenging the limitations and conditions contained in the 401 Certification, with said case assigned OAH Case Number 00 EHR 0043; WHEREAS, the State Agencies are interested in environmental impacts by operation of 2 QUEENS CREEK PROJECT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT the Project under the New License; WHEREAS, the Parties have participated in informal discussions to explore potential settlement of all matters at issue in the 401 Certification and the New License; WHEREAS, the Parties have now reached full agreement on the resolution of all of the resource matters at issue in the 401 Certification and the New License, specifically including reservoir level limitations, public recreational facilities, minimum flow requirements, and reporting requirements; WHEREAS, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service of the U.S. Department of the Interior (the "USFWS") and the United States Forest Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (the "USFS") fully participated in the informal discussions leading to this Agreement, but the two federal agencies opted not to sign the Agreement. The USFS and USFWS therefore are not Parties to this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of all other actions and undertakings as set forth hereinbelow, the Parties contract, settle and agree as follows: Reservoir Level Limitations 1. The Parties agree to the following reservoir level limitations, written in the form of an Article 401 that the FERC should place in the New License for the Project: The Licensee shall maintain the elevation of the project reservoir within one foot above and two feet below the reservoir's normal full operating pool level of 2,895.0 feet Mean Sea Level (MSL) (i.e., in the range of 2,896.0 feet MSL and 2,893.0 feet MSL) for the period May 1 through October 31 and within one foot above and seven feet below the reservoir's normal full operating pool level (i.e., in the range of 2,896.0 feet MSL and 2,888.0 feet MSL) for the winter drawdown period of November 1 through April 30. In order to facilitate gradual raising and lowering of the reservoir during the winter drawdown period, the Licensee shall operate the project so as to attempt to have the reservoir elevation at 2,891.0 feet MSL on April 1 and December 1. The Licensee shall use the existing float-operated gage on the reservoir to determine reservoir elevation. The reservoir elevation limits specified herein may be temporarily modified if required by operating emergencies beyond the control of the Licensee, during periods of excessive inflow, for planned drawdowns for maintenance or inspection purposes, for short periods Upon mutual agreement of the Licensee, the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC), and during low inflow periods as specified in License Article 402 hereof [Paragraph 5 of this Agreement]. 3 QUEENS CREEK PROJECT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT The Licensee shall notify the DENR and the WRC at least 15 days prior to commencing planned drawdowns for maintenance or inspection purposes that will require a temporary modification of the reservoir elevation limits. The Licensee shall notify the DENR and the WRC of any temporary modification of the reservoir elevation limits required by an operating emergency beyond the control of the Licensee as soon as practical, either before, during, or immediately following such emergency, but no later than ten days after each such incident. 2. The Parties agree that the foregoing agreements on reservoir level limitations ("Reservoir Level Agreements") will be incorporated into the amendment of application for the New License that NP&L will file with the FERC as provided in Paragraph 10 hereof, and that the Reservoir Level Agreements shall be incorporated in the terms of the Modified 401 Certification. Public Recreation Facility Improvements 3. The Parties agree that the day-use recreational facilities proposed by NP&L in its September 27, 1999 application for the New License will be consolidated at a single location within the existing FERC project boundary and thereafter maintained by the WRC. The construction of the consolidated facilities will be completed in 2001 or as soon as practically achievable following receipt of any necessary approvals by the FERC under the procedures of the existing license. The recreational facilities in the FERC application include (a) picnic tables, (b) disabled-persons fishing pier, and (c) "tote and float" launch area. 4. The Parties agree that the foregoing agreements on Public Recreation Facility Improvements ("Recreation Facility Agreements") will be incorporated into the amendment of application for the New License that NP&L will file with the FERC as provided in Paragraph 10 hereof, and that the Recreation Facility Agreements shall not be incorporated in the terms of the Modified 401 Certification. Minimum Flow in Queens Creek Bypass 5. The Parties agree to the following minimum flow requirements, written in the form of an Article 402 that the FERC should place in the New License for the Project: The Licensee, except during low inflow periods as defined herein, shall release from a minimum flow release valve required to be installed at the base of the project's dam, as calibrated and metered at the valve, a continuous minimum flow of 2.0 cubic-feet-per-second (cfs) during the period December 1 through May 31 and 1.0 cfs during the period June 1 through November 30 for the protection of fishery and other aquatic resources in the reach of Queens Creek bypassed by the project. During low inflow periods as defined herein, the Licensee shall follow in sequential fashion the protocol set forth below regarding adjustments to minimum flow releases, reservoir 4 QUEENS CREEK PROJECT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT elevations, and generation levels and shall make the adjustments set forth below on a weekly basis so as to equitably allocate the impacts of reduced water availability: a) The Licensee shall reduce the normal minimum generation volume by 20% to 29.2 acre-feet per calendar week; b) Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the limits specified for the relevant time period in Article 401 [Paragraph 1 of this Agreement] hereof even with implementation of the measure specified in a) hereof, the Licensee shall reduce the continuous minimum flow releases specified above for the relevant time period by 20% (i.e., down to 1.6 cfs for the period December 1 through May 31 and 0.8 cfs for the period June 1 through November 30); c) Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the limits specified for the relevant time period in Article 401 [Paragraph 1 of this Agreement] hereof even with implementation of the measures specified in a) and b) hereof, the Licensee may reduce the reservoir's elevation one additional foot below the lower reservoir elevation limit specified for the relevant time period in Article 401 [Paragraph 1 of this Agreement] hereof for the duration of the low inflow period (hereinafter the "first modified reservoir level band"); d) Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the first modified reservoir level band, the Licensee shall reduce the minimum generation volume by an additional 15% (down to approximately 23.7 acre-feet per calendar week); c) Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the first modified reservoir level band even with implementation of the measure specified in d) hereof, the Licensee shall reduce the continuous minimum flow release specified herein for the relevant time period by an additional 15% (i.e., down to 1.3 cfs for the period December 1 through May 31 and 0.65 cfs for the period June 1 through November 30); f) Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the first modified reservoir level band even with implementation of the measures specified in d) and e) hereof, the Licensee may reduce the reservoir's elevation one additional foot below the lower limit of the first modified reservoir level band for the duration of the low inflow period (hereinafter the "second modified reservoir level band"); g) Upon determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the second modified reservoir level band, the protocol preceding establishment of the first and second modified reservoir level bands as specified above shall be repeated, with the Licensee first reducing minimum generation volumes in increments of 10% and subsequently reducing continuous minimum flow releases in increments of 10%, 5 QUEENS CREEK PROJECT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT followed by one foot incremental reductions in the lower limit of the second modified reservoir level band, until inflow has increased to a point where the reservoir level has been restored to within the reservoir elevation limits for the relevant time period specified in Article 401 [Paragraph 1 of this Agreement] hereof. For purposes of this Article: the term "normal minimum generation volume" means 36.5 acre-feet of water used per calendar week to generate electricity at the project; the term "low inflow period" means any period when weekly inflow to the reservoir cannot maintain the reservoir's elevation above elevation 2,893.0 feet MSL for the period May 1 through October 31 or elevation 2,888.0 feet MSL for the period November 1 through April 30 if the Licensee provides the continuous minimum flow release for the relevant time period specified herein and uses the normal minimum generation volume. Whenever the Licensee at any time during the period May 1 through October 31 reduces the elevation of the reservoir to below elevation 2,888.0 feet MSL after following the above- specified protocol and not because of planned drawdowns for maintenance or inspection purposes or operating emergencies beyond the control of the Licensee, it shall notify the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) as soon as possible, but no later than ten days after each such incident, and shall attend any meeting convened thereafter to discuss reasonable and desirable options for addressing the low inflow conditions that caused the reservoir elevation to be reduced below elevation 2,888.0 feet MSL; provided, however, that no changes in the low inflow protocol provided for herein may be made without the prior approval of the Commission. Reporting Requirements 6. The Parties agree to the following reporting requirements, written in the form of an Article 403 that the FERC should place in the New License for the Project: No later than March 31 of each calendar year beginning the first calendar year after the calendar year in which this license is issued, the Licensee shall provide to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and file with the Commission a report containing a table of the elevation of the reservoir on a daily basis during the previous calendar year, a certification by the Licensee that the minimum flow release requirements of Article 402 [Paragraph 5 of this Agreement] were met during the previous calendar year, and a discussion of each incident during the previous calendar year where the elevation of the reservoir was above or below the levels specified in Article 401 [Paragraph 1 of this Agreement], together with information sufficient to demonstrate that for each incident where the elevation of the reservoir was below the levels specified in Article 401 [Paragraph 1 of this Agreement] the requirements of the low inflow protocol of Article 402 [Paragraph 5 of this Agreement] were met. 7. The Partics agree that the above-described low inflow protocol and reporting requirements shall be implemented during the Spring of 2001, but not later than May 31, 2001. NP&L will install a minimum flow release valve and associated flow meter required to provide 6 QUEENS CREEK PROJECT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT and measure the minimum flow as soon as practically achievable following receipt of any necessary approvals by the FERC under the procedures of the existing license. The minimum flow release valve will be calibrated to provide the range of minimum flows under the range of reservoir levels identified in this Agreement. Since NP&L cannot begin construction until any necessary approvals for installation of the minimum flow release valve and flow meter are received from the FERC, the Parties agree that failure to implement the subject minimum flows by May 31, 2001 due to delays in receiving any required FERC approvals does not constitute a default under this Agreement. 8. After five years of operations under the provisions of this Agreement, NP&L will confer with the Parties to consider holding an informational meeting, to review the operational history of the Agreement to determine if any operational changes are needed and agreeable to all the Parties. Any such meeting shall be scheduled and held no later than September 30 of the appropriate year. 9. The Parties agree that the foregoing provisions pertaining to minimum flow rclcascs, normal minimum generation volume, low inllow protocol and reporting requirements will be incorporated into the amendment of application for the New License that NP&L will file with FERC as provided in Paragraph 10 hereof, and shall be incorporated in the terms of the Modified 401 Certification. Amendment to FERC Application 10. NP&L shall file with the FERC an amendment to its September 27, 1999 application for the New License for the Project incorporating the agreements described in Paragraphs 1, 3, 5, and 6 no later than 60 days following issuance by DENR of the final Modified 401 Certification. Miscellaneous 11. Within 30 days following the date of the last signature affixed to this Agreement, DENR will issue a draft Modified 401 Certification with terms as required by the terms of this Agreement, to be followed by a final Modified 401 Certification within the timelines specified by the DENR for such issuance. 12. Duke shall file a notice of withdrawal, with prejudice, of its contested case petition with OAH Case No. 00 EHR 0043. The notice of withdrawal shall be filed in OAH within 5 days of receipt by NP&L of the final Modified 401 Certification as specified in Paragraph 11 of this Agreement. Each Party shall bear its own costs and, contingent upon execution of all the terms of this Agreement, each Party expressly waives any right to collect attorney fees from any other Party to this Agreement. 13. The State Agencies agree that the terms of this Agreement resolve their concerns regarding continued operation of the Project under the New License and therefore that they (a) will support issuance of the New License that is consistent with the terms of this Agreement and 7 QUEENS CREEK PROJECT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT (b) will not during the current license renewal proceedings communicate to the FERC or to any other federal or state resource agency any comments, conditions, recommendations or prescriptions that are inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement or that if followed or adopted by the FERC as part of the New License would reduce the economic value of the Project to NP&L. 14. In the event that the New License does not incorporate, approve, or allow implementation of the provisions referenced in Paragraphs 1, 3, 5 and 6 hereof, the Parties agree to promptly confer to determine what, if any, modifications to this Agreement should be made to address the failure of the New License to incorporate or approve such agreements. 15. This Agreement is a compromise of disputed claims. The actions taken hereunder are not to be construed as any admission of liability on the part of any settling party, including its agents, representatives, attorneys or employees, as to all of whom liability is expressly denied. 16. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the Parties. The terms of this Agreement are contractual and not mere recitals. 17. This Agreement shall not be modified or amended except by an instrument in writing signed by all of the Parties or their successors in interest. 18. This Agreement may be executed in separate counterparts, with each counterpart deemed to be an original having the full force and effect thereof. 8 QUEENS CREEK PROJECT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT NANTAHALA POWER & LIGHT, a Division of DUKE ENERGY CORPORATION N.C. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES By: w- N.E. X ck , Jr. President Date: u?p By: William . Holman Secretary Date: L Z 5 b a N.C. WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION By: a4wK /! Charles R. Fullwood Executive Director Date: /0, 2-jr- 00 9 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that I served the foregoing document on each person on FERC's official service list for this proceeding and the following persons by prepaid first class mail. John Ellis U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Mr. John Dorney DENR-DWQ, Wetlands/401Unit 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 6411- 1U d?[r Christopher . Go eau Hydropower Relicensing Coordinator North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 645 Fish Hatchery Road Marion, NC 28752-9229 42 71-16-0 Date 401 = f?u?7ce'C o;m nents Subject: 401- Duke Comments Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 15:36:36 -0500 From: Fred Tarver <Fred. Tarver @ncmail.net> To: "goudrecj @wnclink.com" <goudrecj @wnclink.com;? Jim Mead <Jim.Mead @ncmail.net> john.dorney@ncmail.net I am forwarding Duke's comments. Good luck! - Fred Subject: Re: Queens Creek Draft 401 Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 15:29:14 -0500 From: jglinebe@duke-energy.com To: Fred Tarver <Fred.Tarver@ncmail.net> CC: jcwishon@duke-energy.coni rdharrel@duke-energy.con, srjohnso@duke-energy.com, edbruce@duke-ene.rgy.com Fred, I did a quick review and the document looks pretty good. I think it's fine to send this out as the draft Modified 401. Comments: on the 1st page, change "Nantahala Power and Light Company" to "Nantahala Power and Light, a Division of Duke Energy Corporation". L/ Delete the apostrophe from "Queen's" in the subject line and lead ? paragraph. Also, the correct date for the Settlement Agreement is 10/26, since per the agreement, it becomes effective with the date of the last signature (Ed Tucker signed last on 10/26). P. 2, Condition 4, last paragraph - 2 places here it appears to require notification of 3 different entities at DENR. Would really appreciate having a single point of contact within DENR, rather than having to ensure 3 different areas get notified. Can't DWR serve as the contact for DENR? This is also a problem on P. 4, last paragraph of Condition 5 and Condition 8. ? P. 3, Condition 5 - Subparagraph #'s need to end with parentheses instead of periods to match way they're referenced. Blank line needs to be added before Conditions 6, 7 and 8 to make it an easier read. P. 5, 1st sentence of last paragraph - Put comma after unacceptable and delete "to". Fred Tarver <Fred.Tarver@n cmail.net> 11/22/00 02:25 PM To: jglinebe@duke-energy.com CC: bcc: Subject: Queens Creek Draft 401 Jeff, Sorry, here it is as an attachment. Fred (See attached file: 991055-Queens Creeknew.doc) (See attached file: Fred.Tarver.vcf) 1 of 2 11/25/00 10:31 AM 401 -'15u'ce ?-Ilmments Name: 991055-Queens Creeknew.doc Type: Microsoft Word Document (application/msN t MIN- 991055?Qucei7s Creekuew---- Encoding: base64 Description: Microsoft Word 4 Download Status: Not downloaded with message Fred R. Tarver, III <fred.tarver@ncmail.neb Environmental Specialist I Division of Water Resources N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources 2 of 2 11/25/00 10:31 AN 401 comments from Jim Mead Subject:' 401 comments from Jim Mead Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 14:12:08 -0500 From: Fred Tarver <Fred. Tarver @ ncmail.net> To: john.dorney@ncmail.net Subject: Re: Urgent! [Fwd: revised draft of Queen Creek Certification] Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 14:04:04 -0500 From: Jim Mead <Jim.Mead@ncmail.net> To: Fred Tarver <Fred. Tarver@ncmail. net> Fred, 2 comments: 1. page 3, line 5 - should be "metered at the valve" instead of "metered at the value" 2. page 4, line 19 - drop "(DENR)" and put parentheses around "DWQ - Central Office an DWR" Fred Tarver wrote: > Please review and send your comments ASAP to John Dorney via e-mail at: > john.dorney@ncmail.net > so that we can get the draft 401 out today. Thanks. > Please e-mail if you have questions or trouble receiving. > Fred Tarver > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Subject: revised draft of Queen Creek Certification > Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 12:59:32 -0500 > From: John Dorney <john.dorney@ncmail.net> > To: fred.tarver@ncmail.net > fred - please see attachment. i have made your suggested changes. > Please forward to NP&L and get their edits so i can finalize this > thing! thankx > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Name: 991055-Queens Creek.doc > 991055-Queens Creek.doc Type: Microsoft Word Document (applicationlmswor > Encoding: base64 > Download Status: Not downloaded with message > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > Fred R. Tarver, III <fred.tarver@ncmail.net> > Environmental Specialist I > Division of Water Resources > N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources > Fred R. Tarver, III > Environmental Specialist I <fred.tarver@ncmail.net> > Division of Water Resources > N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1 of 2 11/22/00 2:27 PM 401 comments from Jinn Mead > 1611 Mail Service Center > ' Raleigh > NC > 27699-1611 > USA > Additional Information: > Last Name Tarver, III > First Name Fred > Version 2.1 .................................................................. .......................................... ............................................................................................................... Fred R. Tarver, III <fred.tarver@ncnlail.neb Environmental Specialist I Division of Water Resources N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources >.... . _ _ ...< 2of2 Fax: 919-733-3558 or -3.555 Work: 919-715-5442 11/22/00 2:27 PM r State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director Mr. John Wilson (Wilhon) Nantahala Relicensing Project Manager Natahala Power & Light 301 NP&L Loop Road Franklin, NC 28734 Dear Mr. Wilson (Wilhon): IT 1 11kT?W,J • NC ENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES November 16, 2000 DRAFT Re: Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act, Proposed Queen's Creek Hydroelectric Plant-FERC License Renewal WQC Project # 991055 FERC# 2694 Macon County Attached hereto is a copy of Certification No.3244 (revised) issued to the Nantahala Power & Light dated November 14, 2000. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Attachments Sincerely, Kerr T. Stevens cc: Asheville DWQ Regional Office File Copy Central Files Fred Tarver; FERC NC Division of Water Resources Division of Water Quality • Wetlands/401 Unit 1621 Mail Service Center • Raleigh NC 27669-1621 • Telephone 919-733-1786 • FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper 2 NORTH CAROLINA 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section .0500. It is issued to Na.tahal.a Power and Light Company in Macon County pursuant to an application filed on the 1ST day of October, 1999 to relicense the Queen's Creek hydroelectric project and a Settlement Agreement dated October 25, 2000 (received November 6, 2000). The application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of Queens Creek in conjunction with the proposed development will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate the applicable portions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you submitted in your application, as described in the Public Notice. If you change your project, you must notify us and send us a new application for a new certification. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of the Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre or total perennial stream impact exceeds 150 feet, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed below. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-discharge and Water Supply watershed regulations. Condition(s) of Certification: Appropriate sediment and erosion control practices which equal or exceed those outlined in the most recent version of two manuals, either the "North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual" or the "North Carolina Surface Mining Manual" (available from the Division of Land Resources in the DEH.NR Regional or Central Offices). The control practices shall be utilized to prevent exceedances of the appropriate turbidity water quality standard (50 NTUs in all fresh water streams and rivers not designated as trout waters; 25 NTUs in all lakes and reservoirs, and all saltwater classes; and 10 NTUs in trout waters); 2. All sediment and erosion control measures placed in wetlands or waters shall be removed and the natural grade restored after the Division of Land Resources has released the project; 3. Measures shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact with waters of the state until the concrete has hardened; 4. Reservoir Level Limitations-The Licensee shall maintain the elevation of the project reservoir within one feet-foot above and two feet below the reservoir's normal €i-full operating pool level of 2,895.0 feet Mean Sea Level (MSL) (i.e., in the range of 2,896.0 feet MSL and 2,893.0 feet MSL) for the period May 1 through October 31 and within one feet-foot above and seven feet below the reservoir's normal full operating pool level (i.e., in the range of 2,896.0 feet MSL and 2,888.0 feet MSL) for the winter drawdown period of November 1 through April 30. In order to facilitate gradual raising and lowering of the reservoir during the winter drawdown period, the Licensee shall operate the project so as to attempt to have the reservoir elevation at 2,891.0 feet MSL on April 3 I and December 1. The Licensee shall use the existing float-operated gage' on the reservoir to determine reservoir elevation. The reservoir elevation limits specified herein may be temporarily modified if required by operating emergencies beyond the control of the Licensee, during periods of excessive inflow, for planned drawdowns for maintenance or inspection purposes, for short periods upon mutual agreement of the Licensee, the North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (DENR) and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC), and during low inflow periods as specified in Condition 5 of this Certification. The licensee shall notify in writing DENR, DWQ-Central Office, Division of Water Resources (DWR) and the WRC at least 15 days prior to commencing planned drawdowns for maintenance or inspection purposes that will require a temporary modification of the reservoir elevation limits. The Licensee shall notify in writing the DENR, DWQ-Central Offices aid-DWR and the WRC of any temporary modification of the reservoir elevation limits required by an operating emergency beyond the control of the Licensee as soon as practical, either before, during, or immediately following such emergency, but no later tht-,than ten days after each such incident. Minimum Flow In Queens Creek Bypass-The Licensee, except during low inflow periods as defined herein, shall release from a minimum flow release.valve required to be installed at the base of the project's dam, as calibrated and metered at the value, a continuous minimum flow of 2.0 cubic-feet per second (cfs) during the period December 1 through May 31 and 1.0 cfs during the period June 1 through November 30 for the protection of fishery and other aquatic resources in the reach of Queens Creek bypassed by the project. During low inflow periods as defined herein, the Licensee shall follow in sequential fashion the protocol set forth below regarding adjustments to minimum flow releases, reservoir elevations, and generation levels and shall make the adjustments set forth below on a weekly basis so as to equitably allocate the impacts of reduced water availability: a. The Licensee shall reduce the normal minimum generation volume by 20% to 29.2 acre-feet per calendar week; b. Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the limits specified for the relevant time period in Condition 4 of this Certification hereof even with implementation of the measure specified in a) hereof, the Licensee shall reduce the continuous minimum flow releases specified above for the relevant time period by 20% (i.e., down to 1.6 cfs for the period December 1 through May 31 and 0.8 cfs for the period June 1 through November 3.30); c. Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the limits specified for the relevant time period in Condition 4 of this Certification hereof even with implementation of the measures specified in a) and b) hereof, the Licensee may reduce the reservoir's evolutionrelevation one additional foot below the lower reservoir elevation limit specified for the relevant time period in Condition 4 of this Certification hereof for the duration of the low inflow period (herein after the "first modified reservoir level band"); 4 d. Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the first modified reservoir level band, the Licensee shall reduce the minimum generation volume by an additional 15% (down to approximately 23.7 acre-feet per calendar week); e. Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the first modified reservoir level band even with implementation of the measure specified in d) hereof, the Licensee shall reduce the continuous minimum flow release specified herein for the relevant time period by an additional 15% (i.e., down to 1.3 cfs for the period December 1 through May 31 and 0.65 cfs for the period June 1 through November 30); f. Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the first modified reservoir level band even with implementation of the measures specified in d) and e) hereof, the Licensee may reduce the reservoir's elevation one additional foot below the lower limit of the first modified reservoir level band for the duration of the low inflow period (hereinafter the "second modified reservoir level band"); g. Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the second modified reservoir level band, the protocol preceding establishment of the first and second modified reservoir level bands as specified above shall be repeated, with the Licensee first reducing minimum generation volumes in increments of 10%, and subsequently reducing continuous minimum flow releases in increments of 10%, followed by one foot incremental reductions in the lower limit of the second modified reservoir level band, until inflow has increased to a point where the reservoir level has been restored to within the reservoir elevation limits for the relevant time period specified in Condition 4 of this Certification hereof. (Check margins and indentation for next 2 para rag hphs)For purposes of this Article: the term "normal minimum generation volume" means 36.5 acre-feet of water used per calendar week to generate electricity at the project; the term "low inflow period" means any period when weekly inflow to the reservoir cannot maintain the reservoir's elevation above elevation 2,893.0 feet MSL for the period May 1 through October 31 or elevation 2,888.0 feet MSL for the period November 1 through April 30 if the Licensee provides the continuous minimum flow release for the relevant time period specified herein and uses the normal minimum generation volume. Whenever the Licensee at any time during the period May 1 through October 31 reduces the elevation of the reservoir to below elevation 2,888.0 feet MSL after following the above specified protocol and not because of planned drawdowns for maintenance or inspection purposes or operating emergencies beyond the control of Licensee, it shall notify (in writing) the North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (DENR) DWQ - Central Office and DWR and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) as soon as possible, but no later than ten days after each such incident, and shall attend any meeting emceed convened thereafter to discuss reasonable and desirable options for addressing the low inflow conditions that caused the reservoir elevation to be reduced below elevation 2,888.0 feet MSL; provided, however, that no changes in the low inflow protocol provided for herein may be made without the prior approval of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission_(URC). 6. Reporting Requirements-No later than March 31 of each calendar year beginning the first calendar year after the calendar year in which the FERC license is issued, the Licensee shall provide the (you changed font size from 11 to 12) North Carolina 5 Department of Environmental and Natural Resources, Division of Water Resources and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and file with the Federal Energy Re ug latory Commission, a report containing a table of the elevation of the reservoir on a daily basis during the previous calendar year, a certification by the Licensee that the minimum flow release requirements of Condition 5 of this Certification were met during the previous calendar year, and a discussion of each incident during the previous calendar year where the elevation of the reservoir was above or below the level specified in Condition 4 of this Certification, together with information sufficient to demonstrate that for each incident where the elevation of the reservoir was below the levels specified in Condition 4 of this Certification the requirements of the low inflow protocol of Condition 5 of this Certification were met. 7. (again, check margins) The Pafties agree that the above-described low inflow protocol and reporting requirements shall be implemented during the Spring of 2001, but not later than May 31, 2001. NP&L will install a minimum flow inerease-release valve and associated flow meter required to provide and measure the minimum flow as soon as practically achievable following receipt of any necessary approvals by the FERC under the procedures of the existing license. The minimum flow release valve will be calibrated to provide the range of minimum flows under the range of reservoir levels identified in this Certification. Since NP&L eati no cannot begin construction until any necessary approvals for installation of the minimum flow release valve and flow meter are received from the FERC, the Division of Water Quality hereby agrees that failure to implement the subject minimum flows by May 31, 2001 due to delays in receiving any required FERC approvals does not constitute a default under this Agreetnen Certification. 8. After five years of operations under the provisions of this Agreetten Certification, NP&L will confer with the lies North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DWQ - Central Office and DWR) and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission to consider holding an informational meeting, to review the operational history of the Certification to determine if any operational changes are needed and agreeable to all the Parties. Any such meeting shall be scheduled and held no later than September 3C of the appropriate year. Violations of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of this Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal 404 and/or coastal Area Management . Act Permit. This Certification shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA permit. If this Certification is unacceptable to you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of this Certification. This request must be in. the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. If modifications are made to an original Certification, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing on the modifications upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of the Certification. Unless such demands are made, this Certification shall be final and binding. This the 16 day of November 2000 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY 6 Kerr T. Stevens WQC# 3244 (revised) DWQ Project No.: Applicant: Project Name: Date of Issuance of 401 Water Quality Certification: Certificate of Completion County: Upon completion of all work approved within the 401 Water Quality Certification, and any subsequent modifications, the applicant is required to return this certificate to the 401/Wetlands Unit, North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 1621 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1621.This form may be returned to DWQ by the applicant, the applicant's authorized agent, or the project engineer. It is not necessary to send certificates from all of these. Applicant's Certification I, , hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature: Date: Agent's Certification I, , hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature: Date: If this project was designed by a Certified Professional I, , as a duly registered Professional (i.e., Engineer, Landscape Architect, Surveyor, ect.) in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically, weekly, full time) the construction of the project, for the Permittee hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature Registration No. Date State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director Mr. John Wilson Nantahala Relicensing Project Manager Natahala Power & Light 301 NP&L Loop Road Franklin, NC 28734 Dear Mr. Wilson: 609MR? 1 • T NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES November 16, 2000 DRAFT Re: Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act, Proposed Queen's Creek Hydroelectric Plant-FERC License Renewal WQC Project # 991055 FERC# 2694 Macon County Attached hereto is a copy of Certification No.3244 (revised) issued to the Nantahala Power & Light dated November 14, 2000. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Attachments Kerr T. Stevens cc: Asheville DWQ Regional Office File Copy Central Files Fred Tarver; FERC NC Division of Water Resources Division of Water Quality • Wetlands/401 Unit 1621 Mail Service Center • Raleigh NC 27669-1621 • Telephone 919-733-1786 • FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper 2 NORTH CAROLINA 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section .0500. It is issued to Natahala Power and Light Company in Macon County pursuant to an application filed on the 1ST day of October, 1999 to relicense the Queen's Creek hydroelectric project and a Settlement Agreement dated October 25, 2000 (received November 6, 2000). The application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of Queens Creek in conjunction with the proposed development will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate the applicable portions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you submitted in your application, as described in the Public Notice. If you change your project, you must notify us and send us a new application for a new certification. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of the Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre or total perennial stream impact exceeds 150 feet, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed below. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-discharge and Water Supply watershed regulations. Condition(s) of Certification: 1. Appropriate sediment and erosion control practices which equal or exceed those outlined in the most recent version of two manuals, either the "North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual" or the "North Carolina Surface Mining Manual" (available from the Division of Land Resources in the DEHNR Regional or Central Offices). The control practices shall be utilized to prevent exceedances of the appropriate turbidity water quality standard (50 NTUs in all fresh water streams and rivers not designated as trout waters; 25 NTUs in all lakes and reservoirs, and all saltwater classes; and 10 NTUs in trout waters); 2. All sediment and erosion control measures placed in wetlands or waters shall be removed and the natural grade restored after the Division of Land Resources has released the project; 3. Measures shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact with waters of the state until the concrete has hardened; 4. Reservoir Level Limitations-The Licensee shall maintain the elevation of the project reservoir within one feet above and two feet below the reservoir's normal fill operating pool level of 2,895.0 feet Mean Sea Level (MSL) (i.e., in the range of 2,896.0 feet MSL and 2,893.0 feet MSL) for the period May 1 through October 31 and within one feet above and seven feet below the reservoir's normal full operating pool level (i.e., in the range of 2,896.0 feet MSL and 2,888.0 feet MSL) for the winter drawdown period of November 1 through April 30. In order to facilitate gradual raising and lowering of the reservoir during the winter drawdown period, the Licensee shall operate the project so as to attempt to have the reservoir elevation at 2,891 feet MSL on April 1 and 3 December 1. The Licensee shall use the existing float-operated gage on the reservoir to determine reservoir elevation. The reservoir elevation limits specified herein may be temporarily modified if required by operating emergencies beyond the control of the Licensee, during periods of excessive inflow, for planned drawdowns for maintenance or inspection purposes, for short periods upon mutual agreement of the Licensee, the North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (DENR) and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC), and during low inflow periods as in Condition 5 of this Certification. The licensee shall notify in writing DENR, DWQ-Central Office, Division of Water Resources (DWR) and the WRC at least 15 days prior to commencing planned drawdowns for maintenance or inspection purposes that will require a temporary modification of the reservoir elevation limits. The Licensee shall notify in writing the DENR, DWQ-Central Office and DWR and the WRC of any temporary modification of the reservoir elevation limits required by a operating emergency beyond the control of the Licensee as soon as practical, either before, during, or immediately following such emergency, but no later the ten days after each such incident. 5. Minimum Flow In Queens Creek Bypass-The Licensee, except during low inflow periods as defined herein, shall release from a minimum flow release valve required to be installed at the base of the project's dam, as calibrated and metered at the value, a continuous minimum flow of 2.0 cubic-feet per second (cfs) during the period December 1 through May 31 and 1.0 cfs during the period June 1 through November 30 for the protection of fishery and other aquatic resources in the reach of Queens Creek bypassed by the project. During low inflow periods as defined herein, the Licensee shall follow in sequential fashion the protocol set forth below regarding adjustments to minimum flow releases, reservoir elevations, and generation levels and shall make the adjustments set forth below on a weekly basis so as to equitably allocate the impacts of reduced water availability: a. The Licensee shall reduce the normal minimum generation volume by 20% to 29.2 acre-feet per calendar week; b. Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the limits specified for the relevant time period in Condition 4 of this Certification hereof even with implementation of the measure specified in a) hereof, the Licensee shall reduce the continuous minimum flow releases specified above for the relevant time period by 20% (i.e., down to 1.6 cfs for the period December 1 through May 31 and 0.8 cfs for the period June 1 through November 31); c. Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the limits specified for the relevant time period in Condition 4 of this Certification hereof even with implementation of the measures specified in a) and b) hereof, the Licensee may reduce the reservoir evolution one additional foot below the lower reservoir elevation limit specified for the relevant time period in Condition 4 of this Certification hereof for the duration of the low inflow period (herein after the "first modified reservoir level band"); d. Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the first modified reservoir level band, the 4 Licensee shall reduce the minimum generation volume by an additional 15% (down to approximately 23.7 acre-feet per calendar week); e. Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the first modified reservoir level band even with implementation of the measure specified in d) hereof, the Licensee shall reduce the continuous minimum flow release specified herein for the relevant time period by an additional 15% (i.e., down to 1.3 cfs for the period December 1 through May 31 and 0.65 cfs for the period June 1 through November 30); f. Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the first modified reservoir level band even with implementation of the measures specified in d) and e) hereof, the Licensee may reduce the reservoir's elevation one additional foot below the lower limit of the first modified reservoir level band for the duration of the low inflow period (hereinafter the "second modified reservoir level band"); g. Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the second modified reservoir level band, the protocol preceding establishment of the first and second modified reservoir level bands as specified above shall be repeated, with the Licensee first reducing minimum generation volumes in increments of 10%, and subsequently reducing continuous minimum flow releases in increments of 10%, followed by one foot incremental reductions in the lower limit of the second modified reservoir level band, until inflow has increased to a point where the reservoir level has been restored to within the reservoir elevation limits for the relevant time period specified in Condition 4 of this Certification hereof. For purposes of this Article: the term "normal minimum generation volume" means 36.5 acre-feet of water used per calendar week to generate electricity at the project; the term "low inflow period" means any period when weekly inflow to the reservoir cannot maintain the reservoir's elevation above elevation 2,893.0 feet MSL for the period May 1 through October 31 or elevation 2,888.0 feet MSL for the period November 1 through April 30 if the Licensee provides the continuous minimum flow release for the relevant time period specified herein and uses the normal minimum generation volume. Whenever the Licensee at any time during the period May 1 through October 31 reduces the elevation of the reservoir to below elevation 2,888.0 feet MSL after following the above specified protocol and not because of planned drawdowns for maintenance or inspection purposes or operating emergencies beyond the control of Licensee, it shall notify (in writing) the North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (DENR) DWQ - Central Office and DWR and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) as soon as possible, but no later than ten days after each such incident, and shall attend any meeting convinced thereafter to discuss reasonable and desirable options for addressing the low inflow conditions that caused the reservoir elevation to be reduced below elevation 2,888.0 feet MSL; provided, however, that no changes in the low inflow protocol provided for herein may be made without the prior approval of the Commission. 6. Reporting Requirements-No later than March 31 of each calendar year beginning the first calendar year after the calendar year in which the license is issued, the Licensee shall provide the North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources, Division of Water Resources and the North Carolina Wildlife 5 Resources Commission and file with the Commission, a report containing a table of the elevation of the reservoir on a daily basis during the previous calendar year, a certification by the Licensee that the minimum flow release requirements of Condition 5 of this Certification were met during the previous calendar year where the elevation of the reservoir was above or below the level specified in Condition 4 of this Certification, together with information sufficient to demonstrate that for each incident where the elevation of the reservoir was below the levels specified in Condition 4 of this Certification the requirements of the low inflow protocol of Condition 5 of this Certification were met. The Parties agree that the above-described low inflow protocol and reporting requirements shall be implemented during the Spring of 2001, but not later than May 31, 2001. NP&L will install a minimum flow increase valve and associated flow meter required to provide and measure the minimum flow as soon as practically achievable following receipt of any necessary approvals by the FERC under the procedures of the existing license. The minimum flow release valve will be calibrated to provide the range of minimum flows under the range of reservoir levels identified in this Certification. Since NP&L can not begin construction until any necessary approvals for installation of the minimum flow release valve and flow meter are received from the FERC, the Division of Water Quality hereby agrees that failure to implement the subject minimum flows by May 31, 2001 due to delays in receiving any required FERC approvals does not constitute a default under this Agreement. After five years of operations under the provisions of this Agreement, NP&L will confer with the Parties to consider holding an informational meeting, to review the operational history of the Certification to determine if any operational changes are needed and agreeable to all the Parties. Any such meeting shall be scheduled and held no later than September 30 H of the appropriate year. Violations of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of this Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal 404 and/or coastal Area Management Act Permit. This Certification shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA permit. If this Certification is unacceptable to you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of this Certification. This request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 276 1 1-7447. If modifications are made to an original Certification, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing on the modifications upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of the Certification. Unless such demands are made, this Certification shall be final and binding. This the 16 day of November 2000 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Kerr T. Stevens 6 WQC# 3244 (revised) DWQ Project No.: Applicant: Project Name: Date of Issuance of 401 Water Quality Certification: Certificate of Completion County: Upon completion of all work approved within the 401 Water Quality Certification, and any subsequent modifications, the applicant is required to return this certificate to the 401/Wetlands Unit, North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 1621 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1621.This form may be returned to DWQ by the applicant, the applicant's authorized agent, or the project engineer. It is not necessary to send certificates from all of these. Applicant's Certification I, , hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature: Date: Agent's Certification I, , hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature: Date: If this project was designed by a Certified Professional I, , as a duly registered Professional (i.e., Engineer, Landscape Architect, Surveyor, ect.) in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically, weekly, full time) the construction of the project, for the Permittee hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature Registration No. Date sue' State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources • Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor NCDENR Bill Holman, Secretary NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF Kerr T. Stevens, Director ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES PrW4", w ka VJ'Vr L_N?- 11"Jor A C? ?t?c? ?? G n??'13 ,,,c p P laJ - Dea rpp C ?FC Re: Certification Pur ant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act, Proposed W C Project # 9 0 Fzi2C -4-- a6,71 QC&` County Attached hereto is a copy of Certification No. ?ja"' -l issued to the dated ?? Qy49-.,`___1_q_, 2000. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Kerr T. Stevens Q-? U Attachments /. t r llict r f"r? ?f . 1 llllll?i Cvi TISI In0 CC DWQ Regional Office File Copy b , t Central Files S R4e U Division of Water Quality • Non-Discharge Branch . 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27669-1621 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer • 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper P ,a ?i NORTH CAROLINA 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of S Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Caro of Water Quality (DWQ) Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section .0500. It is issued o? ion 401 t Division 2?1 12071 }-react in n 'r?'t? County pursuant to an a%*-e'an's ation filed on the ?day of d dblt?.. 24980 oa IV rely r? ` 6 QAk cQ ,el dyjcr^e--- M1 The applic tion provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of Creek in conjunction with the proposed development will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate the applicable portions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you submitted in your application, as described in the Public Notice. If you change your project, you must notify us and send us a new application for a new certification. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of the Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre or total perennial stream impact exceeds 150 feet, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed below. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-discharge and Water Supply watershed regulations. Condition(s) of Certification: Appropriate sediment and erosion control practices which equal or exceed those outlined in the most recent version of two manuals, either the "North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual" or the "North Carolina Surface Mining Manual" (available from the Division of Land Resources in the DEHNR Regional or Central Offices). The control practices shall be utilized to prevent exceedances of the appropriate turbidity water quality standard (50 NTUs in all fresh water streams and rivers not designated as trout waters; 25 NTUs in all lakes and reservoirs, and all saltwater classes; and 10 NTUs in trout waters); 2. All sediment and erosion control measures placed in wetlands or waters shall be removed and the natural grade restored after the Division of Land Resources has released the project; 3. Measures shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact with waters of the state until the concrete has hardened; /T4_ Should waste or borrow sites be located in wetlands or other waters, compensatory mitigation will be required since it is a direct impact from road construction activities; Compensatory mitigation shall be done. C 6Y-, N6O (a) zvva , ,iwwwl QUEENS CREEK PROJECT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT the Project under the New License; WHEREAS, the Parties have participated in informal discussions to explore potential settlement of all matters at issue in the 401 Certification and the New License; WHEREAS, the Parties have now reached full agreement on the resolution of all of the resource matters at issue in the 401 Certification and the New License, specifically including reservoir level limitations, public recreational facilities, minimum flow requirements, and reporting requirements; WHEREAS, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service of the U.S. Department of the Interior (the "USFWS") and the United States Forest Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (the "US>~S") fully participated in the informal discussions leading to this Agreement, but the two federal agencies opted not to sign the Agreement. The USFS and USFWS therefore are not Parties to this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, N CONSIDERATION of all other actions and undertakings as set forth hereinbelow, the Parties contract, settle and agree as follows: servos ns 51*N el at t??C rshodl??a?c the i6IeGLicenthe projel'C.r" The Licensee shall maintain the elevation of the project reservoir within one foot above and two feet below the reservoir's normal full operating pool level of 2,895.0 feet Mean Sea Level (MSL) i.e., in the range of 2,896.0 feet MSL and 2,893.0 feet MSL) for the period May 1 through October 31 and within one foot above and seven feet below the reservoir's normal full operating pool level i.e., in the range of 2,896.0 feet MSL and 2,888.0 feet MSL) for the winter drawdown period of November 1 through April 30. In order to facilitate gradual raising and lowering of the reservoir during the winter drawdown period, the Licensee shall operate the project so as to attempt to have the reservoir elevation at 2,891.0 feet MSL on April I and December 1. The Licensee shall use the existing float-operated gage on the reservoir to determine reservoir elevation. The reservoir elevation limits specified herein may be temporarily modified if required by operating emergencies beyond the control of the Licensee, during periods of excessive inflow, for planned drawdowns for maintenance or inspection purposes, for short periods upon mutual agreement of the Licensee, the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC), and during low inflow periods specified in License Article 402 hereof (Paragraph 5 of this Agreement]. QUEENS CREEK PROJEC SE LEMENT AGREEMENT ior to coCencing planned s pr The Licensee shall notify` 1e DENR;and the Cat least 15 /d, drawdowns for maintenance or inspection purposes that will ire a tempgrary modification of the reservoir elevation limits. The Licensee shall notify the DENR) and the WRC of any temporary modification of the reservoir elevation limits required by an operating emergency beyond the control of the Licensee as soon as practical, either before, during, or immediately following such emergency, but no later than ten days after each such incident. 2. that t he - re ing agra Its on re oir level limitations it will tz?co rated ' o th ;;7igrh ent of appli on r the se wit he PER as ovided 1 ap0 h of, and a the La incorporated in the terms of the Modified 401 Cer tification. . Public Recreation Facility Improvements 3. The Parties agree that the day-use recreations cilities proposed by NP&L in its Septe er 27, 1999 application for the ZLe be consolidated at a single location within existing FERC project boufter maintained by the WRC. The construction f the consolidated facilitieed in 2001 or as soon as practically achievable fol ving receipt of any necey the FERC under the procedures of the existing license. Th e recreational faci application include (a) picnic tables, (b) disabled-persons f! ' g pier, and "tote and float" launch area. 4. The Parties agre that the foregoing agreements on Public Recreation Facility Improvements ("Recreation acili greements") will be incorporated into the amendment of application for the New ' ense that N L 711 file with the FERC as provided in Paragraph 10 s shall not be incorporated in the terms'of the hereof, and that the creation Facility Ag ment Modified 401 Certification, rJ , The Licensee, except during low inflow periods as defined herein, shall release from a minimum flow release valve required to be installed at the base of the project's dam, as calibrated and metered at the valve, a continuous minimum flow of 2.0 cubic-feet-per-second (cfs) during the period December 1 through May 31 and 1.0 cfs during the period June 1 through November 30 for the protection of fishery and other aquatic resources in the reach of Queens Creek bypassed by the project. During low inflow periods as defined herein, the Licensee shall follow in sequential fashion the protocol set forth below regarding adjustments to minimum flow releases, reservoir 4 QUEENS CREEK PROJECT SETTLEMENT AGREEMEN'T' elevations, and generation levels and shall make the adjustments set forth below on a weekly basis so as to equitably allocate the impacts of reduced water availability: a) The Licensee shall reduce the normal minimum generation volume by 20% to 29.2 acre-feet per calendar week; b) Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the limits specified for the relevant time period in Article 401 [Paragraph 1 of this Agreement] hereof even with implementation of the measure specified in a) hereof, the Licensee shall reduce the continuous minimum flow releases specified above for the relevant time period by 20% (i.e., down to 1.6 efs for the period December 1 through May 31 and 0.8 cfs for the period June 1 through November 30); c) Upon a determination by the Licensee. that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the limits specified for the relevant time period in Article 401 [Paragraph 1 of this Agreement] hereof even with implementation of the measures specified in a) and b) hereof, the Licensee may reduce the reservoir's elevation one additional foot below the lower reservoir elevation limit specified for the relevant time period in Article 401 (Paragraph I of this Agreement) hereof for the duration of the low inflow period (hereinafter the "first modified reservoir level band"); d) Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the first modified reservoir level band, the Licensee shall reduce the minimum generation volume by an additional 15% (down to approximately 23.7 acre-feet per calendar week); e) Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevatibn cannot be maintained within the first modified reservoir level band even with implementation of the measure specified in d) hereof, the Licensee shall reduce the continuous minimum flow release specified herein for the relevant time period by an additional 15% (i.e., down to 1.3 cfs for the period December 1 through May 31 and 0.65 cfs for the period June 1 through November 30); _ f) Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the first modified reservoir level band even with implementation of the measures specified in d) and e) hereof, the Licensee may reduce the reservoir's elevation one additional foot below the lower limit of the first modified reservoir level band for the duration of the low inflow period (hereinafter the "second modified reservoir level band"); g) Upon determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the second modified reservoir level band, the protocol preceding establishment of the first and second modified reservoir level bands as specified above shall be repeated, with the Licensee first reducing minimum generation volumes in iaicrGiiiuatti of 10% and subsequently reducing continuous minimum flow releases in increments of 10%, 5 F• k QUEENS CREEK PROJECT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT followed by one foot incremental reductions in the lower limit of the second modified reservoir level band, until inflow has increased to a point where the reservoir level has been restored to within the reservoir elevation limits for the relevant time period specified in Article 401 [Paragraph 1 of this Agreement] hereof For purposes of this Article; the term "normal minimum generation volume" means 36,5 acre-feet of water used per calendar week to generate electricity at the project; the term "low inflow period" means any period when weekly inflow to the reservoir cannot maintain the reservoir's elevation above elevation 2,893.0 feet MSL for the period May 1 through October 31 or elevation 2,888.0 feet MSL for the period November 1 through April 30 if the Licensee provides the continuous minimum flow release for the relevant time period specified herein and uses the normal minimum generation volume. Whenever the Licensee at any time during the period May 1 through October 31 educes the elevation of the reservoir to below elevation 2,888.0 feet MSL after following above- specified protocol and not because of planned drawdowns for maintenance or ' spection purposes or operating emergencies beyond the control of the Licensee, it shall notify-the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) as soon as possible, but no late than ten days after each such incident, and shall attend any meeting convened thereafter to iscuss reasonable and desirable options for addressing the low inflow conditions that caused the reservoir elevation to be reduced below elevation 2,888.0 feet MSL; provided, however, that no changes in the love inflow protocol provided for herein may be made without the prior appro al of the Commission. Re -N Partid agredo the low4 reportiyrltequipdhents,,,,writt!;Rin term of anc a tat t R t uld a e Ne i ns o th r?j< `? 0 1 ter than Mar31 of each calendar year beginning the first calendar year after the calendar year in which this license is issued, the Licensee shall provide to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resourcesf and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and file with the Commission a report containing a table of the elevation of the reservoir on a daily basis during the previous caleIr year, a certification by the Licensee that the minimum flow release requirements of Article 4 2 [Paragraph 5 of this Agreement] were met during the previous calendar year, and a discussio of each incident during the previous calendar year where the elevation of the reservoir was abo a or below the levels specified in Article 401 [Paragraph 1 of this Agreement], together with nformation sufficient to demonstrate that for each incident where the elevation of the reservoir was below the levels specified in Article 401 [Paragraph 1 of this Agreement] the requirements of the low inflow protocol of Article 402 [Paragraph 5 of this Agreement] were met. Of, The Parties agree that the ab eve-described low inflow protocol and reporting requirements shall be implemented during th Spring of 2001, but not later than May 31, 2001, NP&L will install a minimum flow release v lve and associated :flow meter required to provide S T y,e-' QUEENS CREEK PROJECT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT and measure the minimutti flow as soon as practically achievable following receipt of any necessary approvals by the FERC under the procedures of the existing license. The minimum flow release valve will be calibrated to provide the range of minimum flows under the range of reservoir levels identified in this Agreement. Since NP&L cannot begin construction until any necessary approvals for installation of the minimum flow release valve and flow meter are received from the FERC, the Parties agree that failure to implement the subject minimum flows by May 31, 2001 due to delays in receiving any required FERC approvals does not constitute a. default under this Agreement. After five years of operations under the provisions of this Agreement, NP&L will confer with the Parties to consider holding an informational meeting, to review the operational history of the Agreement to determine if any operational changes are needed and agreeable to all the parties. Any such meeting shall be scheduled and held no later than September 30 of the appropriate year. 9. a Parties agree that the foregoin rovisions pertaining to minimum flow rel ases, n al minimum ene ation volum , ow 'nflow protoc reporting require is wi 1 be i orpo ed into , e anie drae. a1 pIieati n for the ew Lice se that NP will le wi h F C as p ovid in Para aph hereof, an sha a incorpora d in t terms of the Mo ified 401 Ce i ation. d 10. I?iP shall file Ai the FERC an amendment to its September 27, 1999 application for the Ne ice or the Project incorporating the agreements described in Paragraphs 1, 3, 5, an d 6 r than 60 days following issuance by DENR of the final Modified 401 Certificatio ? Miscellaneous 11. Wi in 30 days following the date of the las ignature affixed to this Agreement, DENR will issue a ft Modified 401 Certification -witl terms as required by the terms of this Agreement, to be follo MI, by a final Modified 401`C (cation within the timelines specified by the DENR for such ce. 12. Duke shall file a ctice of petition with OAH Case No. 00 ET 0 N 043. within 5 days of receipt by NP&L o he Paragraph 11 of this Agreement. Each P execution of all the terms of this Agreez ni attorney fees from any other Party to this Am 13. The State Agencies regarding continued operation of t will support issuance of the New I ?drawal, with prejudice, of its contested case 'he notice of withdrawal shall be filed in OAK tal Modified 401 Certification as specified in shall bear its own costs and, contingent upon ;?h Party expressly waives any right to collect that the terms o his Agreement resolve their concerns ject }under the Ne icense and therefore that they (a) that is consistent with the terms of this Agreement and 7 6. Deed notifications or similar mechanisms shall be placed on all remaining jurisdictional wetlands and waters or areas within 50 feet of all streams and ponds to notify the state in order to assure compliance for future wetland and/or water impact. These mechanisms shall be put in place within 30 days of the date of this letter or the issuance of the 404 Permit (whichever is later). Violations of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of this Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal 404 and/or coastal Area Management Act Permit. This Certification shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA permit. If this Certification is unacceptable to you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of this Certification. This request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. If modifications are made to an original Certification, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing on the modifications upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of the Certification. Unless such demands are made, this Certification shall be final and binding. t ????J'__'" This the 4day of 2000 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Kerr T. Stevens WQc # tJ?-! 1 wld?`^1 NANTAHALA POWER AND LIGHT ar :. November 1, 2000 Mr. John Dorney NC Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources 4401 Reedy Creek Rd Raleigh, NC 27607 6M tt t`??? J?V.? i RE: The Settlement Agreement for the Queens Creek Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 2694-NC) Dear Mr. Dorney: Please find enclosed a copy of the Queens Creek Project Settlement Agreement entered on October 25, 2000 by and between Duke Energy Corporation on behalf of Nantahala Power and Light (NP&L), the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. NP&L will file an amendment to its September 27, 1999 Queens Creek license renewal application as agreed upon in the Queens Creek Settlement Agreement. If there are any questions, please contact me at (828) 396-4604. Sincerely, John C. Wishon Nantahala Relicensing Project Manager cc: See attached list Mr. Bill Anderson Ms. Sally Browning NC DWQ USDA Forest Service 59 Woodfin Place 90 Sloan Road Asheville, NC 28801 Franklin, NC 28734 Mr. Mark Cantrell Mr. Dannie Childers US Fish and Wildlife Service Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians 160 Zillicoa St. P.O. Box 455 Asheville, NC 28801 Cherokee, NC 28719 Mr. John Dorney Mr. John Ellis NC Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources US Fish and Wildlife Service 4401 Reedy Creek Rd P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27607 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Ms. Renee Gledhill-Earley Mr. Christopher Goudreau Hydropower NC Dept. of Cultural Resources Relicensing Coordinator 109 East Jones Street NC Wildlife Resources Commission Raleigh, NC 27601-2807 645 Fish Hatchery Road Marion, NC 28752-9229 Mr. Clay Griffith Ms. Nam Guthrie Senior Field Officer NC SHPO DEHNR 1 Village Lane, Suite 3 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Asheville, NC 28801 Mr. John Hefner Dr. Donley Hill U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Forest Service P.O. Box 33726 160 Zillicoa Street Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Asheville, NC 28802 Mr. Chris Hoberg Mr. Bob Johnson U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Region 4 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 61 Forsyth St., SW Atlanta Federal Center - 13th 151 Patton Avenue Room 143 Floor Asheville, NC 28801-5006 Atlanta, GA 30303 f* Mr. Steve Kartalia FERC HL 11.1 888 1st St. NE Washington, DC 20426 Mr. Jim Mead DENR 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 Ms. Malka Pattison US Dept. of Interior, BIA 1849 C Street, NW Mail Stop 4513 - MIB Washington, DC 20240 Ms. Gloria Putnam Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Ms. Mary Roundtree Hydropower Compliance National Park Service 100 Alabama Street, SW Atlanta, GA 30303 Ms. Amy Wales Tennessee Valley Authority 1101 Market Street CST 17D Chattanooga, TN 37402 Mr. Scott Loftis NC Wildlife Resources Commission 20830 Great Smoky Mtn. Exp. Waynesville, NC 28786 Mr. David Moore NC SHPO 1 Village Lane Suite 3 Asheville, NC 28803-2677 Ms. Martha Peterson Office of Rep. Charles H. Tayler 22 South Pack Square Suite 330 Asheville, NC 28801 Mr. Steven Reed NC Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27611 Mr. Dwayne Stuztman NC Division of Parks & Recreation 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Mr. J. Curtis Weaver USGS WRD 3916 Sunset Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27607 QUEENS CREEK PROJECT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MECKLENBURG IN THE OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS 00 EHR 0043 DUKE ENERGY CORPORATION Petitioner, V. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION, and its Delegate The DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES, Respondent SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT THIS SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement"), made and entered into as of the 25th day of October, 2000, by and between DUKE ENERGY CORPORATION, a corporation organized and existing pursuant to the laws of the State of North Carolina, with a place of business in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ("Duke"), on behalf of NANTAFIAL,A POWER & LIGHT ("NP&L"), a division of Duke, the NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES ("DENR"), and the NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION ("WRC") (collectively "State Agencies"), (all referenced agencies and DLA e collectively "Parties"), provides as follows; WITNESSETH WHEREAS, NP&L operates a hydroelectric power project on Queens Cheek in Macon County, NC known as the Queens Creek Project (the "Project") pursuant to a license issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") (FERC Project No. 2694) and consisting primarily of a) A 37-acre reservoir (the "Reservoir'") located approximately 1.5 miles upstream of Queens Creek's confluence with the Nantahala River; and b) An earth and rock fill dam (tbi?e "Dam") impounding the water in Queens Creek and including a spill valve; and QUEENS CREEK PROJECT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT c) A powerhouse (the "Station") located approximately 3 miles upstream front Queens Creek's confluence with the Nantahala River and being supplied with water from the Reservoir by a steel penstock extending from the Dana; WHEREAS, construction of the Dam and creation of the Reservoir have created reduced stream flow in the approximately 1.5 - mile long section of Queens Creek between the Dam and Queens Creek's confluence with the Nantahala River (the "Bypass"); WHEREAS, on September 27, 1999, NP&L filed an application with FERC for renewal of its license for the Project (the "New License"); WHEREAS, on October 1, 1999, NP&L filed an application with the DE NR for Water Quality Certification pertaining to the New License pursuant to §401 of the Clean Water Act, as amended; WHEREAS, on November 16, 1999, the DENR issued Water Quality Certification Number 3244 (the "401 Certification") for continued operation of the Project under the New License; WHEREAS, the 401 Certification contains conditions and limitations on the operation of the Project that the DENR had determined necessary pursuant to its statutory responsibilities to support the protection and maintenance of water quality; WHEREAS, issuance or waiver of 401 Certification is a prerequisite to the issuance of the New License; WHEREAS, NP&L's application for the New License includes proposed facilities to enhance day-use recreational opportunities at the Project's reservoir, including (a) picnic tables, (b) a fishing pier for disabled users, and (c) a "tote and float" launch area; WHEREAS, the Parties agree that generating power at the Station, as well as providing for minimum stream flows in the Bypass and managing the Reservoir's levels for fish habitat enhancements are all important uses of the limited waters of Queens Creek. Under low inflow conditions to the Reservoir above the Station, the Modified 401 Certification as identified within this Agreement provides for expansion of targeted Reservoir level bands, reductions in generation volumes and reductions in minimum flow releases at the Dam into the Bypass; WHEREAS, on January 13, 2000, Duke, on behalf of. NP&L, filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings ("OAH'') a Petition For A Contested Case Hearing challenging the limitations and conditions contained in the 401 Certification, with said case assigned OAH Case Number 00 EHR 0043; WHEREAS, the State Agencies are interested in environmental impacts by operation of 2 QUEENS CREEK PROJECT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT the Project under the New License; WHEREAS, the Parties have participated in informal discussions to explore potential settlement of all matters at issue in the 401 Certification and the New License; WHEREAS, the Parties have now reached full agreement on the resolution of all of the resource matters at issue in the 401 Certification and the New License, specifically including reservoir level limitations, public recreational facilities, minimum flow requirements, and reporting requirements; WHEREAS, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service of the U.S. Department of the Interior (the "USFWS") and the United States Forest Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (the "US>~S") fully participated in the informal discussions leading to this Agreement, but the two federal agencies opted not to sign the Agreement. The USFS and USIw WS therefore are not Parties to this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of all other actions and undertakings as set forth hereinbelow, the Parkes contract, settle and agree as follows: Reservoir Level Limitations 1. The Parties agree to the following reservoir level limitations, written in the form of an Article 401 that the FERC should place in the New License for the Project: The Licensee shall maintain the elevation of the project reservoir within one foot above and two feet below the reservoir's normal full operating pool level of 2,895.0 feet Mean Sea Level (MSL) (i.e., in the range of 2,896.0 feet MSL and 2,893.0 feet MSL) for the period May 1 through October 31 and within one foot above and seven feet below the reservoir's normal full operating pool level i.e., in the range of 2,896.0 feet MSL, and 2,888.0 feet MSL) for the winter drawdown period of November 1 through April 30. In order to facilitate gradual raising and lowering of the reservoir during the winter drawdown period, the Licensee shall operate the project so as to attempt to have the reservoir elevation at 2,891,0 feet MSL on April 1 and December 1. The Licensee shall use the existing float-operated gage on the. reservoir to determine reservoir elevation. The reservoir elevation limits specified herein may be temporarily modified if required by operating emergencies beyond the control of the Licensee, during periods of excessive inflow, for planned drawdowns for maintenance or inspection purposes, for short periods upon mutual agreement of the Licensee, the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the North Carolina VJt ildlife Resources Commission (WRC), and during; low inflow periods s specified in License Article 402 hereof (Paragraph 5 of this Agreement]. 3 6k QUEENS CREEK PROJEC SE?LEMENT AGREEMENT The Licensee shall notify` he DENRkand the Cat least 15 d ys prior tjp encing planned drawdowns for maintenance or inspection purposes that will r quire a temary modification of the reservoir elevation limits. The Licensee shall notify the DENR) and the WRC of any temporary modification of the reservoir elevation limits required by an operating emergency beyond the control of the Licensee as soon as practical, either before, during, or immediately following such emergency, but no later than ten days after each such incident. 2. The Parties agree that the foregoing agreements on reservoir level limitations ("Reservoir Level Agreements") will be incorporated into the amendment of application for the New License that NP&L will file with the Fri.RC as provided in Paragraph 10 hereof, and that the Reservoir Level Agreements shall be incorporated in the terms of the Modified 401 Certification. Public Recreation Facility improvements 3. The Parties agree that the day-use recreational facilities proposed by NP&L in its September 27, 1999 application for the New License will be consolidated at a single location within the existing FERC project boundary and thereafter maintained by the 1irRC. The construction of the consolidated facilities will be completed in 2001 or as soon as practically achievable following receipt of any necessary approvals by the FERC under the procedures of the existing license. The recreational facilities in the FERC application include (a) picnic tables, (b) disabled-persons fishing pier, and (c) "tote and float" launch area. 4. The Parties agree that the foregoing agreements on Public Recreation Facility Improvements ("Recreation Facility Agreements") will be incorporated into the amendment of application for the New License that NP&L will file with the FERC as provided in Paragraph 10 hereof, and that the Recreation Facility Agreements shall not be incorporated in the terms'of the Modified 401 Certification. Minimum Flow in Queens Creek &Xpass 5. The Parties agree to the following minimum flow requirements, written in the form of an Article 402 that the FERC should place in the New License for the Project: The Licensee, except during low inflow periods as defined herein, shall release from a mininnum flow release valve required to be installed at the base of the project's dam, as calibrated and metered at the valve, a continuous minimum flow of 2.0 cubic-feet-per-second (cfs) during the period December 1 through May 31 and 1.0 cfs during the period June I through November 30 for the protection of fishery and other aquatic resources in the reach of Queens Creek bypassed by the project. During low inflow periods as defined herein, the Licensee shall follow in sequential fashion the protocol set forth below regarding adjustments to minimum flow releases, reservoir 4 QUEENS CREEK PROJECT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT elevations, and generation levels and shall make the adjustments set forth below on a weekly basis so as to equitably allocate the impacts of reduced water availability: a) The Licensee shall reduce the normal minimrun generation volume by 20% to 29.2 acre-feet per calendar week; b) Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the limits specified for the relevant time period in Article 401 [Paragraph 1 of this Agreement] hereof even with implementation of the measure specified in a) hereof, the Licensee shall reduce the continuous minimum flow releases specified above for the relevant time period by 20% (i.e., down to 1.6 cfs for the period December 1 through May 31 and 0.8 cfs for the period June 1 through November 30); c) Upon a determination by the Licensee, that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the limits specified for the relevant time period is Article 401 [Paragraph 1 of this Agreement] hereof even with implementation of the measures specified in a) and b) hereof, the Licensee may reduce the reservoir's elevation one additional foot below the lower reservoir elevation limit specified for the relevant time period in Article 401 [Paragraph 1 of this Agreement] hereof for the duration of the low inflow period (hereinafter the "first modified reservoir level band"); d) Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the first modified reservoir level band, the Licensee shall reduce the minimum generation volume by an additional 15% (down to approximately 23.7 acre-feet per calendar week); e) Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevatibn canfiot be maintained within the first modified reservoir level band even with implementation of the measure specified in d) hereof, the Licensee shall reduce the continuous minimum flow release specified herein for the relevant time period by an additional 15% (i.e., down to 1.3 cfs for the period December 1 through May 31 and 0.65 cfs for the period June 1 through November 30); f) Upon a determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the first modified reservoir level band even with, implementation of the measures specified in d) and e) hereof, the Licensee may reduce the reservoir's elevation one additional foot below the lower limit of the first modified reservoir level band for the duration of the low inflow period (hereinafter the "second modified reservoir level band"); g) Upon determination by the Licensee that the reservoir elevation cannot be maintained within the second modified reservoir level band, the protocol preceding establishment of the first and second modified reservoir level bands as specified above shall be repeated, with the Licensee trot reducing ininiipum generation volumes in iiwsr i cnb of 10% and subsequently reducing continuous minimum flow releases in increments of 10%, 5 QUEENS CREEK PROJECT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT followed by one foot incremental reductions in the lower limit of the second modified reservoir level band, until inflow has increased to a point where the reservoir level has been restored to within the reservoir elevation limits for the relevant time period specified in Article 401 [Paragraph I of this Agreement] hereof. For purposes of this Article; the term "normal minimum generation volume" means 36,5 acre-feet of water used per calendar week to generate electricity at the project; the term "low inflow period" means any period when weekly inflow to the reservoir cannot maintain the reservoir's elevation above elevation 2,893.0 feet MSL for the period May 1 through October 31 or elevation 2,888.0 feet MSL for the period November 1 through April 30 if the Licensee provides the continuous minimum flow release for the relevant time period specified herein and uses the normal minimum generation volume. (ice w-t'A? vl? Whenever the Licensee at any time during the period May 1 through October 31 educes the elevation of the reservoir to below elevation 2,888.0 feet MSL after following tl above- specified protocol and not because of planned drawdowns for maintenance or ' spection purposes or operating emergencies beyond the control of the Licensee, it shall notify the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) as soon as possible, but no late than ten days after each such incident, and shall attend any meeting convened thereafter to iscuss reasonable and desirable options for addressing the low inflow conditions that caused t e reservoir elevation to be reduced below elevation 2,888.0 feet MSL; provided, however, that no changes in the low inflow protocol provided for herein may be made without the prior appro al of the Commission. Reporting Requirements \? U? 40?1 Vy 6. The parties agree to the following reporting requirements, written in the form of an Article 403 that the FERC should place in the New License for the Project; No later than March, 31 of each calendar year beginning the first calendar year after the calendar year in which this license is issued, the Licensee shall provide to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and file with the Commission a repo containing a table of the elevation of the reservoir on a daily basis during the previous Galen ar year, a certification by the Licensee that the minimum flow release requirements of Article 4 2 [Paragraph 5 of this Agreement] were met during the previous calendar year, and a diseussio of each incident during the previous calendar year where the elevation of the reservoir was abo a or below the levels specified in Article 401 (Paragraph 1 of this Agreement], together with nformation sufficient to demonstrate that for each incident where the elevation of the reservoi was below the levels specified in Article 401 [Paragraph 1 of this Agreement] the requirem nts of the low inflow protocol of Article 402 [Paragraph 5 of this Agreement] were met. 7. The Parties agree that the ab e-described low inflow protocol and reporting requirements shall be implemented during th Spring of 2001, but not later than May 31, 2001, NP&L will install a minimurn flow release v lve and associated flow meter required to provide S QUEENS CREEK PROJECT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT and measure the rninimum flow as soon as practically achievable following receipt of any necessary approvals by the FERC under the procedures of the existing license. The minimum flow release valve will be calibrated to provide the range of minimum flows under the range of reservoir levels identified in this Agreement. Since NP&L cannot begin construction until any necessary approvals for installation of the minimum flow release valve and flow ineter are received from the FERC, the Parties agree that failure to implement the subject minimum flows by May 31, 2001 due to delays in receiving any required FERC approvals does not constitute a default under this Agreement. 8. After five years of operations under the provisions of this Agreement, NP&L will confer with the Parties to consider holding an informational meeting, to review the operational history of the Agreement to determine if any operational changes are needed and agreeable to all the Parties. Any such meeting shall be scheduled and held no later than September 30 of the appropriate year. 9. The Parties agree that the foregoing provisions pertaining to minimum flow releases, normal minimum generation volume, low inflow protocol and reporting requirements will be incorporated into the amendment of application for the New License that NP&L will file with FERC as provided in Paragraph 10 hereof, mid shall be incorporated in the terms of the Modified 401 Certification. Amendment to FERC Application 10, NP&L shall file with the FERC an amendment to its September 27, 1999 application for the New License for the Project incorporating the agreements described in Paragraphs 1, 3, 5, and 6 no later than 60 days following issuance by DENR of the final Modified 401 Certification. P Miscellaneous 11. Within 30 days following the date of the last signature affixed to this Agreement, DENR will issue a draft Modified 401 Certification with terms as required by the terms of this Agreement, to be followed by a final Modified 401 Certification within the timelines specified by the DENR for such issuance. 12. Duke shall file a notice of withdrawal, with prejudice, of its contested case petition with OAH Case No. 00 EHR 0043. The notice of withdrawal shall be filed in OAF T within 5 days of receipt by NP&L of the final Modified 401 Certification as specified in Paragraph 11 of this Agreement. Each Party shall bear its own costs and, contingent upon execution of all the terms of this Agreement, each Party expressly waives any right to collect attorney fees froze any other Party to this Agreement. 13, The State Agencies agree that the terms of this Agreement resolve their concerns regarding continued operation of the Project under the New License and therefore that they (a) will support issuance of the New License that is consistent with the terms of this Agreement and 7 QUEENS CREEK PROJECT SETTLEMENT AGREtMENT (b) will not during the cuixent license renewal proceedings communicate to the FERC or to any other federal or state resource agency any comments, conditions, recommendations or prescriptions that are inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement or that if followed or adopted by the FERC as part of the New License would reduce the economic value of the Project to NP&L. 14. In the event that the New License does not incorporate, approve, or allow implementation of the provisions referenced in Paragraphs 1, 3, 5 and 6 hereof, the Parties agree to promptly confer to determine what, if any, modifications to this Agreement should be made to address the failure of the New License to incorporate or approve such agreements. 15. This Agreement is a compromise of disputed claims. The actions taken hereunder are not to be construed as any admission of liability on the part of any settling party, including its agents, representatives, attorneys or employees, as to all of whom liability is expressly denied. 16. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the Parties. The terms of this Agreement are contractual and not mere recitals. 17. This Agreement shall not be modified or amended except by an instrument in writing signed by all of the Parties or their successors in interest. 18. This Agreement may be executed in separate counterparts, with each counterpart deemed to be an original having the full force and effect thereof. 8 QUEENS CREEK PROJECT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT NANTAHALA POWER & LIGHT, a Division of DUKE ENERGY CORPORATION By; t?'r N.E. cl: -, Jr, President Date: /pz"- N.C. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES By: -L4 0 William E. Holman Secretary Date: L 0 2 5 v o N.C. WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION By:4&v4x ' Charles R. Fullwood Executive Director Date: /0, 2.S. cso 9 a 0° NANTAHALAPOWER AND LIGHT E iLT"AAY 0 r?r? i May 8, 2000 WETLANDS ; !ALTER C3(lA I ?IJ FT, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Dockets-Room A 888 First St., NE Washington, DC 20426 RE: Nantahala Power and Light Project No. 2694 - NC (Queens Creek) Dear Secretary: As a result of a question that arose in the Queens Creek Scoping meeting, the following information is to clarify the definition of full pool elevation and full pool operating elevation. The elevation of 2895.00 is considered full pool operating elevation. The elevation of 2903.00 is full pool elevation for the reservoir, at this elevation water would go through the open spillway. All elevations given based on Nantahala datum; correction to get USGS datum: add 122.00 feet. Enclosed please find an original and eight (8) copies of the above document. If you have any questions, please contact me at (828) 369-4604. Sincerely, o c• - v`) 'J--". John C. Wishon Hydro-relicensing Project Manager cc: See attached list Service List for P-2694, Queens Creek Project Nantahala Power and Light Area Director, MS260-ARLSQ Director US Bureau of Indian Affairs North Carolina Recreation Division Eastern Area Office Dept. of Natural Resources and Comm. M. S. 260-VASQ P.O. Box 27687 Arlington, VA 22201 Raleigh, NC 27611 Regional Engineer Director Federal Energy Regulatory Comm. North Carolina Forest Resources Atlanta Regional Office Dept. of Natural Resouces & Comm. 3125 Presidential Parkway, Suite 30 PO Box 27687 Atlanta, GA 30340-3700 Raleigh, NC 27611 Attorney General Mr. Harry Abercrombie North Carolin Office of Attorney 160 Gold Creek Dept. of Justice Topton, NC 28781 PO Box 629 Raleigh, NC 27602 Mr. Bill Anderson Mr. Ted Blisterfield USEPA, Region 4 NC DWQ Office of Environmental Assessment 59 Woodfin Place Atlanta Federal Center Asheville, NC 28801 100 Alabama Street Atlanta, GA 30303-3104 Mr. Jim Blose Ms. Cynthia Brown NC Division of Water Quality US Fish and Wildlife Service 512 N. Salisbury Street Ecological Services Raleigh, NC 27604 1875 Century Boulevard, Suite 200 Atlanta, GA 30345 Ms. Sally Browning Mr. Brian Cole Supervisor US Forest Service US Fish and Wildlife Service 90 Sloan Road 160 Zillicoa Street Franklin, NC 28734 Asheville, NC 22801 Mr. Mark Davis Habitat Conservation Program NC Wildlife Resources Commission 20830 Great Smoky Mtn. Expressway Waynesville, NC 28786 Mr. John Dorney NC DENR 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Mr. John Ellis US Fish and Wildlife Service Raleigh Field Office P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Mr. Edwin L. Gavin, H Esquire NC Dept. of Justice P.O. Box 629 Raleigh, NC 27602-0629 Mr. Chris Goudreau Coordinator NC Wildlife Resources Commission Route 6, Box 685 Marion, NC 28752 Mr. George Hemingway Coordinator US Forest Service Southern Region 1720 Peachtree Road, N.W. Atlanta, GA 30367 Dr. Elizabeth Johns President Nantahala Outdoor Center 13077 Hwy 19 West Bryson City, NC 28713 Ms. Molly Diggins Sierra Club, NC Chapter 1024 Washington Street Raleigh, NC 27605 Dr. Gary Duven Director Wesser Institute of Ecology P.O. Box 177 Almond, NC 28708 Mr. John Flaig 102 Sunset Drive Topton, NC 28781 Ms. Renee Gledhill-Earley NC Dept. of Cultural Resources 109 East Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27611 Mr. John H. Harrington Regional Solicitor US Dept. of the Interior 75 Spring Street S.W. Suite 1328 Atlanta, GA 30303 Dr. Donley Hill US Forest Service P.O. Box 2750 Asheville, NC 28802 Mr. Ray Johns Hydroelectric Coordinator US Forest Service 160A Zillicia Street Asheville, NC 28802 Mr. Scott Loftis NC Wildlife Resources Commission 20830 Great Smoky Mtn Expressway Waynesville, NC 28786 Mr. Chuck McGrady Sierra Club, NC Chapter 104 Sunningdale Drive Flat Rock, NC 28731-9567 Mr. Jim Mead Dept. of Environmental and Natural Resources P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 Mr. Steve Reed Division of Water Resources 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 Mr. John Wagner 3494 Winding Stairs Road Topton, NC 28781 Mr. John Wishon Nantahala Relicensing Project Manager Nantahal Power & Light 301 NP&L Loop Franklin, NC 28734 Mr. Franklin T. McBride Manager NC Widlife Resources Commission Habitat Conservation Program 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604-1188 Mr. Daniel McLawhorn General Counsel NC Dept. of Environment 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 Mr. Bobby Queen P.O. Box 1042 Andrews, NC 28901 Mr. Fred Traver Aquatic Ecology Branch NC Division of Water Resources 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 Mr. Michael L. Wilkins District Ranger, USFS Wayah Ranger District 90 Sloan Road Franklin, NC 28734 .'?t " '-* .. . . er?. ® North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission® 312 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director The Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20426 Route 6. Box 685 Marion. NC 28752-9229 May 9, 2000 k) Subject: COMMENTS - Scoping Document 1 Nantahala Power and Light Queens Creek Hydropower Project, FERC No. 2694-002 Dear Secretary: Submitted are an original and eight copies in response to the March 9, 2000 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission notice of Scoping Document 1 for the referenced project. The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) provides the following comments regarding wildlife and fisheries resources in accordance with provisions of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 79 la et seq.) and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661 et seq.). Queens Creek Reservoir contains a warmwater fish assemblage. The NCWRC also stocks catchable trout during the spring and early summer when temperature conditions are favorable. Therefore, the reservoir is designated as a Public Mountain Trout Water according to our Trout Management Plan (attached) and managed under Hatchery Supported regulations. We have no specific management plan for the reservoir at this time, but have indicated our preferences to manage the lake as a multi-species fishery in a March 21, 2000 letter and report submitted to Nantahala Power and Light (contained in Section 3 of NP&L's April 21, 2000 Additional Information Package). Portions of Queens Creek on U.S. Forest Service property upstream and downstream of the reservoir also are designated by the NCWRC as Public Mountain Trout Water and managed under Wild regulations. However, the remaining, undesignated sections of stream on private property also contain wild trout populations. At this time we have no specific wildlife management plans for the project vicinity other than to work with the U. S. Forest Service to meet their Forest Management Plan goals. During the consultation process with NP&L, the NCWRC raised the following specific environmental and recreational issues: adequate flows in the bypass reach for aquatic organisms, providing boat and bank recreational access to the lake, lake level management to benefit aquatic organisms, determining the potential for impingement and entrainment of reservoir fish, determining temperature and dissolved oxygen conditions in the reservoir, and protecting riparian and terrestrial habitat around the lake. We are continuing to negotiate with NP&L regarding bypass flows. Comments Page 2 May 9, 2000 FERC No. 2694-002 Many of these issues are listed in the FERC scoping notice and are discussed in NP&L's September 1999 License Application. However, as we have gained insight into the environmental resources and operations of the project during the course of the application process, we believe that certain resource issues require additional data to fully analyze the impacts of project. Reservoir Resources The rule curve for Queens Creek Reservoir calls for a 15-foot annual fluctuation in lake levels. Also, peaking operations have resulted in daily fluctuations of up to 4 feet. The upper portions of the lake are quite shallow and contain the majority of the aquatic vegetation found in the lake and along the shoreline. Our March 21, 2000 report (cited above) suggests that these fluctuations may be having an impact on the limited fishery resources of the lake. Information contained in the License Application (summarized below) makes it difficult to determine how the rule curve elevations (and others) actually relate to environmental conditions in the lake. Description Elevation (NPL datum) Source Dam Crest 2915' Exhibit F, sheet 2 Spillway 2911' Exhibit F, sheet 2 Maximum Normal 2903' Exhibit F, sheet 2; Table A-1 (pg. 4) Upper Rule Curve 2895' Figure A-1 (pg. 5) Lower Rule Curve 2880' Figure A-1 (pg. 5) Intake 2844.5' Exhibit F, sheet 3 NP&L uses the term "full pool" to refer to both the Maximum Normal and Upper Rule Curve elevations in various places in the application and other documents. Based on reports from landowners who live near the lake, it is not clear whether the Upper Rule Curve elevation actually inundates the shallow habitat in the upper sections of the lake that would be beneficial to fish and aquatic species. This may amount to several acres of habitat. We support NP&L's proposal to reduce the annual fluctuation and maintain higher lake levels during the summer. However, due to the uncertainty just mentioned, we recommend analyzing the relationship between lake level elevation and habitat availability in Queens Creek Reservoir in order to determine the effects of existing and proposed project operations on lake resources. Bvaass Resources There appear to be vernal pools near the base of the dam that may be altered by providing a minimum flow. Analysis of a bypass flow regime should also consider the location and type of release structure. Terrestrial Resources The confusion of lake level elevation terminology also has implications on the 10-foot (vertical) buffer zone. If it is from the Maximum Normal elevation (John Wishon, personal communication, 11/19/99), it is still 2 feet lower than the dam crest. The 10-foot buffer zone should be defined in relation to a fixed elevation, such as the spillway or dam crest. Protection of the terrestrial resources and preventing private access to the lake may not be insured if the buffer is set too low. Recreational Resources Public access facilities at Queens Creek Reservoir should be useable over the range of lake levels agreed to in the new license. More information is needed to determine if the proposed locations are suitable for small boat access and bank fishing facilities. $ w , OR Comments Page 3 May 9, 2000 FERC No. 2694-002 Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this project. If you have any questions concerning these comments, please contact me at 828-652-4360. Sincerely, Christopher Goudreau Hydropower Relicensing Coordinator Enclosure cc: John Wishon (NP&L) Frank McBride (NCWRC) Steve Reed (NCDWR) John Dorney (NCDWQ) Dwayne Stutzman (NCDPR) John Ellis (USFWS) Ray Johns (USFS) c:\mydata\word\hydro\npl\queens\ferc scoping.doc A % REVIEW DRAFT for August 16, 2000 Meeting STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS COUNTY OF MECKLENBURG 00 EHR 0043 DUKE ENERGY CORPORATION Petitioner, V. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION, and its Delegate The DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES, Respondent SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT THIS SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement"), made and entered into as of the day of August, 2000, by and between DUKE ENERGY CORPORATION, a corporation organized and existing pursuant to the laws of the State of North Carolina, with a place of business in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ("Duke"), on behalf of NANTAHALA POWER & LIGHT ("NP&L"), a division of Duke, the NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES, DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY ("DWQ"), the NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES, DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ("DWR"), the NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION ("EMC"), and the NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION ("WRC") (collectively "State Agencies"), the UNITED STATES FOREST SERVICE of the U.S. Department of Agriculture ("USFS") and the UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE of the U.S. Department of the Interior ("USFWS") (collectively "Federal Agencies"), provides as follows: WITNESSETH WHEREAS, NP&L operates a hydroelectric power project on Queens Creek in Macon County, NC known as the Queens Creek Project (the "Project") pursuant to a license issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") and consisting primarily of: a) A 37-acre reservoir (the "Lake") located approximately 1 mile upstream of Queens Creek's confluence with the Nantahala River; -1- REVIEW DRAFT for August 16, 2000 Meeting -2- REVIEW DRAFT for August 16, 2000 Meeting b) An earth and rock fill dam (the "Dam") impounding the water in Queens Creek and including a spill valve; and c) A powerhouse (the "Station") located near Queens Creek's confluence with the Nantahala River and being supplied with water from the Lake by a steel penstock extending from the Dam; WHEREAS, construction of the Dam and creation of the Lake have created reduced stream flow in the approximately 1.5 - mile- long section of Queens Creek between the Dam and Queens Creek's confluence with the Nantahala River ("the Bypass"); WHEREAS, on September 27, 1999, NP&L filed an application with FERC for renewal of its license for the Project (the "New FERC License"); WHEREAS, on October 1, 1999, NP&L filed an application with DWQ for Water Quality Certification pertaining to the New FERC License pursuant to §401 of the Clean Water Act, as amended; WHEREAS, on November 16, 1999, the DWQ issued Water Quality Certification Number 3244 (the "401 Certification") for continued operation of the Station under the New FERC License; WHEREAS, the 401 Certification contains conditions and limitations on the operation of the Project that DWQ believes necessary to support the protection and maintenance of water quality standards during operation of the Project under the New FERC License, including requirements for minimum stream flows in the Bypass; WHEREAS, issuance or waiver of 401 Certification is a prerequisite to the issuance of the New FERC License; WHEREAS, NP&L's application for the New FERC License includes proposed facilities to enhance day-use recreational opportunities at the Project's reservoir, including (a) picnic tables, (b) a fishing pier for disabled users, and (c) a "tote and float" launch area; WHEREAS, the Parties agree that generating power at the Station, as well as providing for minimum stream flows in the Bypass and managing the Lake's levels for fish habitat enhancements are all important uses of the limited waters of Queens Creek, such that, under low inflow conditions to the Lake above the Station, the 401 Certification may provide for reductions in minimum flow releases at the Dam into the Bypass, in conjunction with reductions in generation volumes and expansion of targeted lake level bands; WHEREAS, on January 13, 2000, Duke, on behalf of NP&L, filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings ("OAH") a Petition For A Contested Case Hearing challenging the limitations and conditions contained in the 401 Certification, with said case assigned OAH Case Number 00 EHR 0043; WHEREAS, the State Agencies and Federal Agencies are interested in how -3- REVIEW DRAFT for August 16, 2000 Meeting environmental resources will be affected by operation of the Project under the New FERC License; WHEREAS, representatives of Duke/NP&L, the State Agencies, and the Federal Agencies have participated in informal discussions to explore potential settlement of all matters at issue in the 401 Certification and the New FERC License; WHEREAS, Duke/NP&L, the State Agencies, and the Federal Agencies now have reached full agreement on the resolution of all of the matters at issue in the 401 Certification and the New FERC License. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of all other actions and undertakings as set forth hereinbelow, Duke on behalf of NP&L, the State Agencies, and the Federal Agencies (collectively, hereinafter, the "Parties") contract, settle and agree as follows: Lake Level Limitations 1. The Parties agree that the level of the Project Lake (hereinafter "lake level") at full pool is elev. 2895.0 ft. above MSL and that, except in the case of drawdowns for emergencies and maintenance, periods of excessive inflow or low inflow periods as described in Paragraph 11 hereof, the lake level will be maintained within one foot (plus or minus) of the full pool level for the period May 1 through July 31 and within two feet (plus or minus) of the full pool level for the period August 1 through October 31. 2. Except in the case of drawdowns for emergencies and maintenance, the Parties agree that the winter drawdown of the lake level (November 1 through April 30) will be no more than 7 ft. below full pool (i.e., no lower than elev. 2888.0 above MSL). 3. The Parties agree that the lake levels specified in Paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof will be implemented as the normal target lake level band effective November 1, 2000. 4. NP&L agrees to advise the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources ("DENR") and the WRC at least 15 days prior to commencing planned maintenance drawdowns i. e., the deliberate scheduled lowering of lake level outside of the normal target lake level band to support Lake or Dam maintenance or inspections). 5. NP&L agrees to advise DENR and WRC of any emergency drawdowns (e.g., drawdowns necessitated by concerns of dam safety, preparation for tropical storms, etc.), as soon as practical immediately following, the emergency event. 6. The Parties agree that the foregoing agreements on Lake Level Limitations ("Lake Level Agreements") will be incorporated into the amendment of application for the New FERC License NP&L will file with FERC as provided in Paragraph 17 hereof, and that the Lake Level Agreements shall not be incorporated in the terms of the Modified 401 Certification. -4- REVIEW DRAFT for August 16, 2000 Meeting Public Recreation Facility improvements 7. The Parties agree that the day-use recreational facilities proposed to be constructed by NP&L in its September 27, 1999 application for the New FERC License will be consolidated at a single location within the existing FERC project boundary and thereafter maintained by the WRC, provided that construction of the consolidated facilities is completed in 2001. The recreational facilities in the FERC application include (a) picnic tables; (b) disabled- persons fishing pier, and (c) "tote and float" launch area. 8. The Parties agree that the foregoing agreements on Public Recreation Facility Improvements ("Recreation Facility Agreements") will be incorporated into the amendment of application for the New FERC License NP&L will file with FERC as provided in Paragraph 17 hereof, and that the Recreation Facility Agreements shall not be incorporated in the terms of the Modified 401 Certification. Minimum Flow in Queens Creek Bypass 9. The Parties agree that the term normal minimum required generation volume shall be defined to be 36.5 ac-ft per calendar week. 10. The Parties agree that the term low inflow period shall be defined as any period when weekly inflow to the reservoir is at a level that cannot maintain lake level within the normal target lake level band, while maintaining the agreed-upon minimum flow release in the Bypass plus providing the normal minimum required generation volume. 11. Except during low inflow periods as provided below, NP&L agrees to release water from the spill valve at the Dam at a continuous minimum rate of 2.0 cfs for the period December 1 through May 31 and 1.0 cfs for the period June 1 through November 30. 12. The Parties agree that during low inflow periods, the following protocol will be used in sequential fashion, with allowable adjustments made weekly to equitably allocate the impacts of reduced water availability: a. The minimum required generation volume will be reduced by 20% to 29.2 ac-ft per calendar week; b. Upon a determination by NP&L that lake level cannot be maintained within the normal target lake level band even with implementation of the measure in a., NP&L shall reduce minimum flow releases by 20% i.e., down to 1.6 cfs for the period December 1 through May 31 and 0.8 cfs for the period June 1 through November 30); C. Upon a determination by NP&L that lake level cannot be maintained within the normal target lake level band even with implementation of the measures in a. and b., the lower limit of the normal target lake level band may be lowered by NP&L one additional foot for the duration of the low inflow period (the "first modified lake level band"); d. Upon a determination by NP&L that lake level cannot be maintained within the -5- REVIEW DRAFT for August 16, 2000 Meeting first modified lake level band, NP&L shall reduce by an additional 15% the minimum required generation volume (down to approximately 23.7 ac-ft per calendar week); e. Upon a determination by NP&L that lake level cannot be maintained within the first modified lake level band even with implementation of the measure in d., NP&L shall reduce minimum flow releases by an additional 15% i.e., down to 1.3 cfs for the period December 1 through May 31 and 0.65 cfs for the period June 1 through November 30); f. Upon a determination by NP&L that lake level cannot be maintained within the first modified lake level band even with implementation of the measure in d. and e., the lower limit of the first modified lake level band may be lowered by NP&L one additional foot for the duration of the low inflow period (the "second modified lake level band"); g. Upon a determination by NP&L that lake level cannot be maintained within the second modified lake level band, the protocol preceding establishment of the first and second modified lake level bands as specified above shall be repeated, with NP&L first reducing minimum required generation volumes in increments of 10% and subsequently reducing minimum flow releases in increments of 10%, followed by one foot incremental reductions in the lower limit of the second modified lake level band, until inflow has increased to a point at which lake level has been restored to the normal target lake level band. 13. NP&L agrees that upon its determination that lake level has, during the period May 1 through October 31, fallen below elev. 2888.0 ft. above MSL for reasons other than a maintenance or emergency drawdown, NP&L shall promptly report that determination to DWR. DWR may then choose to convene a meeting with the WRC and NP&L to discuss any reasonable and desirable options to avoid further reduction of lake level. 14. NP&L agrees, by no later than of every calendar year during the life of the FERC License, beginning on , 2002, to provide to DWR an annual report of measured lake levels during the previous calendar year, including a certification by NP&L that required minimum flow releases were met and explanation of any deviations from normal target lake level band with detail adequate to demonstrate compliance with the terms of this Agreement. 15. The Parties agree that the above-described low inflow protocol and reporting requirements shall be implemented during the Spring of 2001, but not later than May 31, 2001. 16. The Parties agree that the foregoing provisions pertaining to minimum flow releases, normal minimum required generation volume, and low inflow protocol shall be incorporated as terms of a Modified 401 Certification. Amendment To FERC Application 17. NP&L will file with FERC an amendment to its September 27, 1999 application for the New FERC License for the Project incorporating the agreements described in Paragraphs 6 and 8 hereof no later than -6- REVIEW DRAFT for August 16, 2000 Meeting Miscellaneous 18. Within 30 days of the date of this Agreement, DENR will issue a Modified 401 Certification with terms as required by the terms of this Agreement. 19. Duke shall withdraw, with prejudice, its contested case petition in OAH Case No. 00 EHR 0043. The notice of withdrawal shall be filed in OAH within 5 days of receipt by NP&L of the Modified 401 Certification as specified in Paragraph 18 of this Agreement. Each party shall bear its own costs and, contingent upon execution of all the terms of this Agreement, each party expressly waives any right to collect attorney fees from any other party to this Agreement. 20. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent, or be construed to prevent, NP&L from making any future application(s) for modification of any license or permit related to operation of the Project, and the State Agencies and Federal Agencies expressly agree and represent that they will not use any of the terms of this Agreement as a basis for denying any future application(s). 21. The State Agencies and Federal Agencies agree that the terms of this Agreement resolve their concerns regarding continued operation of the Project under the New FERC License and therefore that they (1) will support issuance of the New FERC License that is consistent with the terms of this Agreement and (2) will not propose or otherwise communicate to FERC or to any other federal or state resource agency any comments, conditions, recommendations or prescriptions that are inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement or that if followed or adopted by FERC as part of the New FERC License would reduce the economic value of the Project to NP&L. 22. In the event that the New FERC License does not incorporate, approve, or allow implementation of the Lake Level Agreements and Recreation Facility Agreements referenced in Paragraphs 6 and 8 hereof, the Parties agree to promptly confer to determine what, if any, modifications to this Agreement should be made to address the failure of the New FERC License to incorporate or approve such agreements. 23. This settlement is a compromise of disputed claims. The actions taken hereunder are not to be construed as any admission of liability on the part of any settling party, including its agents, representatives, attorneys or employees, as to all of whom liability is expressly denied. 24. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties. The terms of this Agreement are contractual and not mere recitals. 25. This Agreement shall not be modified or amended except by an instrument in writing signed by all of the Parties or their successors in interest. However, no amendment of this Agreement is needed in order for NP&L to apply for or obtain future amendments to the New FERC License on or after the date of issuance of the Modified 401 Certification. 26. This Agreement may be executed in separate counterparts, with each counterpart deemed to be an original having the full force and effect thereof. -7- ` REVIEW DRAFT for August 16, 2000 Meeting Read, reviewed and agreed to this the day of August, 2000. NANTAHALA POWER & LIGHT, a Division of DUKE ENERGY CORPORATION Bv: N.E. Tucker, Jr. President N.C. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES By: William E. Holman Secretary N.C. WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION By: Charles R. Fullwood Executive Director U.S. FOREST SERVICE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE By: John F. Ramey Forest Supervisor National Forest in NC U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR By: -8- Garland B. Pardue, Ph.D. Field Supervisor . ? . ? REVIEW DRAFT for August 16, 2000 Meeting CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT has been delivered by hand to the Office of Administrative Hearings and by first class mail to opposing counsel addressed as follows: The Honorable Julian Mann, III Chief Administrative Law Judge Office of Administrative Hearings Capehart-Crocker House 424 North Blount Street P. O. Drawer 27447 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7447 Assistant Attorney General N.C. Department of Justice 114 West Edenton Street Education Building P.O. Box 629 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602-0629 Attorney for Respondent This the day of August, 2000. 183938.2 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director Mr. John Wishon Nantahala Power and Light 301 NP&L Loop Road Franklin, NC 28734 Dear Mr. Wishon: 41 ,& 1* A-% 0Vft% 00111. NCDENR Division of Water Quality April 10, 2000 Subject: Queens Creek Hydroelectric Plant DWQ Project No. 991055 FERC No. 2694 Macon County In response to your letter Dated April 3, 2000, we are willing to meet to discuss the subject 401 Water Quality Certification No. 3244 issued November 16, 1999. However, no one from this Office who is familiar with this project will be able to attend the meeting scheduled for April 24, 2000. Please call me at (919) 733-9714 or Mr. Todd St. John of this Office at (919) 733-9584 to schedule a meeting. Attachments cc: ,_W6 St. John, Wetlands/401. Unit Asheville Regional Office Fred Tarver, DWR Mary Penny Thompson, Attorney General's Office File 4401 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX 919-733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director Mr. John Wishon Nantahala Power and Light 301 NP&L Loop Road Franklin, NC 28734 bear Mr. Wishon: e?? NCDENR Division of Water Quality April 10, 2000 Subject: Queens Creek Hydroelectric Plant DWQ Project No. 991055 FERC No. 2694 Macon County In response to your letter Dated April 3, 2000, we are willing to meet to discuss the subject 401 Water Quality Certification No. 3244 issued November 16, 1999. However, no one from this Office who is familiar with this project will be able to attend the meeting scheduled for April 24, 2000. Please call me at (919) 733-9714 or Mr. Todd St. John of this Office at (919) 733-9584 to schedule a meeting. Joh . Dorney W lands/401 Unit Attachments cc: .Todd St. John, Wetlands/401 Unit Asheville Regional Office Fred Tarver, DWR Mary Penny Thompson, Attorney General's Office File 4401 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX 919-733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Empiover 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper NANTAHALA POWER AND LIGHT / 1j" May 1, 2000 RE: Additional Information Package for the Queens Creek Hydroelectric Project (Project No. 2694-NC) Dear (See attached list): Please find attached comments from the United States Geological Survey that were received after the Additional Information Package was submitted. Please add them to our additional information package. If you have any questions, please contract me at (828) 369-4604. Sincerely, John C. Wishon, Nantahala Relicensing Project Manager iu -a? DS GRUQ UALl?t.`,q„?s ., Mailing List for Queens Creek Additional Information W. E. Anderson NC DWQ 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Mr. Joffrey Brooks NC WRC P.O. Box 972 Waynesville, NC 28786 Mr. Mark Cantrell US Fish and Wildlife Service 160 Zillicoa St. Asheville, NC 28801 Mr. Mark Davis NC WRC 20830 Great Smoky Mountain Expressway Waynesville, NC 28786 Mr. John Ellis US Fish and Wildlife Service P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Mr. Christopher Goudreau NC Wildlife Resources Commission Rt. 6, Box 685 Marion, NC 28752-9229 Mr. Jim Borawa NC Wildlife Resources Commission 37 Newcross North Asheville, NC 28805 Ms. Sally Browning Nantahala National Forest Service 90 Sloan Road Franklin, NC 28734 'Mr. Dannie Childers Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians P.O. Box 455 Cherokee, NC 28719 Mr. John Dorney NC Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources 4401 Reedy Creek Rd Raleigh, NC 27607 Ms. Renee Gledhill-Earley NC Dept. of Cultural Resources 109 East Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27601-2807 Mr. Clay Griffith NC SHPO Archieves and History Western Office 1 Village Asheville, NC 28801 Ms. Nann Guthrie DEHNR 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Dr. Donley Hill U. S. Dept, of Agriculture Forest Service 190 Zillicoa Street Asheville, NC 28802 Mr. Bob Johnson U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 151 Patton Avenue Room 143 Asheville, NC 28801-5006 Mr. Scott Loftis NC Wildlife Resources Commission 20830 Great Smoky Mtn. Exp. Waynesville, NC 28786 Mr. Jim Mead DENR 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 Ms. Malka Pattison US Dept. of Interior, BIA 1849 C Street, NW Mail Stop 4513 - MIB Washington, DC 20240 Ms. Gloria Putnam Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Mr. John Hefner U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Mr. Chris Hoberg U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Region 4 61 Forsyth St., SW Atlanta Federal Center - 13th Atlanta, GA 30303 Mr. Steve Kartalia FERC HL 11.1 888 1 st St. NE Washington, DC 20426 Mr. Frank McBride NC Wildlife Resources Commission 512 N. Salisbury St. Archdale Bldg. Raleigh, NC 27604 Mr. David Moore NC SHPO 1 Village Lane Suite 3 Asheville, NC 28803-2677 Ms. Martha Peterson Office of Rep. Charles H. Tayler 22 South Pack Square Suite 330 Asheville, NC 28801 Mr. Steven Reed NC Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27611 Ms. Jeanne Riley U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Forest Service Rt. 1, Box 16A Robbinsville, NC 28771 Mr. Dwayne Stuzzman NC Division of Parks & Recreation 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Mr. J. Curtis Weaver USGS WRD 3916 Sunset Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Ms. Mary Roundtree National Park Service 100 Alabama Street, SW Atlanta, GA 30303 Ms. Amy Wales Tennessee Valley Authority 1101 Market Street CST 17D Chattanooga, TN 37402 Mr. David Yow NC Wildlife Resources Commission 57 Hilltop Road Asheville, NC 28803-3122 United States Department of the Interi( U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 3916 Sunset Ridge Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 April 18, 2000 Mr. John Boaze, Senior Biologist Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 241 Whittier, North Carolina 28789 Dear Mr. Boaze: The purpose of this letter is to respond to your letter dated March 9, 2000, in which you sought comments concerning the determination of a 7-day, 10-year (7Q10) low-flow discharge for a site on Queens Creek in Macon County, North Carolina. Your letter was received by this office on March 20, 2000. Based on the procedures you utilized to determine an estimate for the 7Q10 discharge, the USGS offers the following comments: (1) The methods that you used to determine the 7Q10 discharge are not consistent with the methods used by the USGS to determine 7Q10 discharges. The values listed as 7Q10 discharges in your letter are not 7Q10 dis- charges, rather these values are the lowest average flows for a 7-day period occurring in the 10-year segments of your records (1950-59, 1960-69, etc.). Such values are minimums based on descriptive statistics, similar to the lowest 7-day averages reported for various periods in the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) annual water data reports. By correct definition, the 7Q10 discharge is a predictive statistic that represents the lowest flow for a 7-day period that would be expected to occur, on average, one time in 10 years, two times in 20 years, etc. In any given year, the probability of occurrence is the reciprocal of the recurrence interval. Thus, for a 10-year recurrence interval, the annual probability of occurrence is 10 percent. The USGS's determina- tion of a 7Q10 discharge is dependent on the type of discharge records available at a particular stream location. Sites are generally one of three types: continuous-record gaging station (daily discharges), partial-record sta- tion (miscellaneous measurements), or ungaged site (no data). Detailed information concerning the methods of low-flow analyses used by the USGS is available in USGS Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations report (Book 4, Chapter B1) titled Low flow Investigations (Riggs, 1972). (2) The record of streamflow you used to determine a 7Q10 discharge is based on flows released through the tur- bines during power generation. While flows released through turbines can be measured to determine the amount of water used in such operations, these flows cannot be regarded as representative of "natural" and/ or total flows that could be properly analyzed for determination of streamflow statistics. By way of the exam- ple you provided in your letter, you acknowledge the operation of the turbines during the week with no power generation occurring on some weekends. To designate those days in which the turbines did not operate as "zero-flow" days does not represent the actual flows that may have occurred over a spillway or via seepage around and below the dam. Such designations would bias your estimates on the low side. Even if the turbines were operated each day, the data would have to be considered suspect due to the recognition that such flow patterns are reflective of the power generation requirements and not naturally occurring streamflows. (3) Information that describes how the USGS determined 7Q10 discharge for Queens Creek at the dam has been provided to Mr. John Wishon of the Nantahala Power and Light Company. Because no site-specific stream- flow data is available for Queens Creek at the dam (drainage area 3.6 miz), the 7Q 10 discharge has been deter- mined using several techniques: (a) The 7Q10 yield (flow per square mile drainage basin, ft3/s/mi2 ) determined at an upstream partial-record measuring station on Queens Creek near Nantahala (station id 03505266, drainage area 2.79 mil) was applied to the drainage area at the dam. The 7Q10 discharge at the partial-record station is 1.3 ft3/s, or 0.47 ft3/s/mil expressed as a yield. At the dam, the 7Q10 discharge is thus estimated as 1.7 ft3/s. Because only three discharge measurements were used in the low-flow analysis at the partial-record station, other means of assessing the low-flow characteristics are necessary to confirm or clarify the estimates (described below sub-sections b and c). (b) A statistical relation is available for determining 7Q10 discharges in the mountains region of North Carolina. The relation was developed by the USGS as part of statewide investigation of low-flow characteristics (919) 571-4000 • FAX (919) 571-4041 Mr. John Boaze April 18, 2000 Page 2 conducted in the late 80's/early 90's and published in USGS Water-Supply Paper 2403, Low-flow char- acteristics of streams in North Carolina (Giese and Mason, 1993). The relation for determining 7Q10 discharges at sites in the mountains and western Piedmont (Hydrologic Area 10) is as follows: 7Q10 = 0.155 • (DA x MAR)"01 where 7Q10 = 7Q10 discharge, in ft3/s, DA = drainage area, in mil MAR = mean annual runoff (or average discharge yield), in ft3/s/mil In the Macon County area, the mean annual runoff is typically between 3 and 3.5 ft3/s/mil for streams in the higher elevations. The mean annual runoff was determined by examining the average annual dis- charges at nearby streamflow stations where the USGS has continuous records of discharge. Applying the relation to the location at the dam on Queens Creek, the 7Q10 discharge is estimated as: 7Q10 = 0.155 • (3.6 x 3.0) 1.01 7Q10 = 0.155 • (10.8)1.01 7Q10 = 0.155. 11.1 7Q10 = 1.71 ft3/s, or 0.48 ft3/s/mil The 7Q10 yield of 0.48 ft3/s/mil is consistent with that determined at the upstream partial-record station. At one point in your letter, you made use of the statistical relation to compute an estimate of the 7Q10 discharge. However, the drainage area used is 4.24 mil which is the drainage area of Queens Creek at its mouth. Given the explanations which refer to flow determinations at the dam, it is unclear why the drain- age area at the mouth was being used in the computations. (c) An additional method for determining low-flow characteristics for ungaged locations is to examine the known low-flow discharges at nearby continuous-record gaging stations in order to identify a range of 7Q10 discharge yields that can be averaged to determine a representative 7Q10 yield at the ungaged loca- tion. An enclosed table of 7Q10 and average discharges at selected stations in vicinity of Queens Creek provides a basis for determining 7Q10 yield and average discharge, expressed in ft3/s/mil, that can be applied to locations on Queens Creek. While statistics are listed in the table for 12 sites, use of the 7Q10 yields at four closest sites (Prentiss, Franklin, Cullasaja, Rainbow Springs) results in an average 7Q10 yield of about 0.5 ft3/s/mil, comparable to the yields (0.47, 0.48) determined from use of the upstream partial-record station or statistical relation. Based on the above methods that have been utilized to determine 7Q10 discharges, the USGS estimates the 7Q10 discharge for Queens Creek at the dam (drainage area 3.6 mil) to be 1.7 ft3/s (or 0.48 ft3/s/mi2). This value was provided to Mr. John Wishon of the Nantahala Power and Light Company. Be aware that this esti- mate is considered reflective of "natural" flow conditions and does not account for any adjustments to the flow characteristics caused by the operation of the dam. Given the lack of streamflow information for Queens Creek downstream of the dam, the only effective means of determining the low-flow characteristics would be to establish a stream gage to collect streamflow records. (4) As stated above (3b), the mean annual runoff (or, average discharge yield) estimated for Queens Creek is 3.0 ft3/s/miz. Your letter indicates that an average discharge of 8.3 ft3/s (or, 2.3 ft3/s/mil) was computed from historical streamflow records collected at the dam. You did not specifically state how your estimate of the average annual discharge was determined. The information in your letter has been interpreted to mean that your estimate was computed from the flows recorded during the power generation. Consistent with the com- ment made in section 2, this estimate of average annual discharge cannot be considered representative of the total flow that may have occurred during the weekly periods during which the turbines did not operate each day. Based on the computation algorithm you used in which days of no power generation are considered "zero-flow" days, the estimate of average discharge would thus be biased on the low side. Mr. John Boaze April 18, 2000 Page 3 The enclosed table indicates a variable range in average discharges at the nearby stations. While the table indicates a variable range, the higher average discharges tend to occur on streams in the higher elevations (Rosman, Rainbow Springs, Bryson City) where more rainfall typically occurs. The average annual discharge determined at a discontinued gaging station Nantahala River at Nantahala (station id 03505500, drainage area 144 mil, period of record 1942-81) is 3.5 ft3/s/mil. Thus for Queens Creek, an estimate of 3.0 ft3/s/miz (for use in the statistical relation) is considered more representative of the average discharge in this basin. If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact us at (919) 571-4000. Enclosure Sincerely, 1 J. Curtis Weaver Hydrologist Table 1: -Low-flow 7Q10 discharges and average discharges at selected long-term gaging stations in vicinity of Queens Creek, Macon County, North Carolina USGS Station name Period of Drainage 7Q10 discharge Average discharge Station analyses" area, mil ft3/s ft3/s/mi2 ft3/s ft3/s/mi2 03439000 French Broad River at Rosman 1908,1936-94 67.9 03440000 Catheys Creek near Brevard 1945-54, 11.7 1987-94 03446000 Mills River near Mills River 1925-94 66.7 03500000 Little Tennessee River near Prentiss 1944-97 140 03500240, Cartoogechaye Creek near Franklin 1962-93 57.1 03500500 Cullasaja River at Cullasaja 1932-70 86.5 03504000 Nantahala River near Rainbow Springs 1941-96 51.9 03509000 Scott Creek above Sylva 1943-75 51.0 03510500 Tuckasegee River at Dillsboro 1935-81 347 03512000 Oconaluftee River at Birdtown 1949-95 184 03513500 Noland Creek near Bryson Creek 1937-71 13.8 03550000 Valley River at Tomotla 1905-08, 104 1914-16, 1919-95 55 0.81 243 3.6 7.7 0.66 37.2 3.2 31 0.46 170 2.5 83 0.45 393 2.8 28 0.49 144 2.5 40 0.46 223 2.6 41 0.79 207 4.0 28 0.55 117 2.3 198 0.57 796 2.3 103 0.56 522 2.8 6.4 0.46 44 3.2 30 0.29 257 2.5 Averages 0.55 2.9 a. Period of analysis is expressed in climatic years which are defined as annual periods April 1 through March 31 and designated by the year in which the period begins. Climatic years are used in low-flow analyses and, for most of the sites listed in the table, are equiva- lent to the period of records available at these sites. State of North Carolina -Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director Mr. John Wishon Nantahala Power and Light 301 NP&L Loop Road Franklin, NC 28734 bear Mr. Wishon: ffl?.?VA IT 0 A&?j 0 NCDENR Division of Water Quality April 10, 2000 Subject: Queens Creek Hydroelectric Plant DWQ Project No. 991055 FERC No. 2694 Macon County In response to your letter Dated April 3, 2000, we are willing to meet to discuss the subject 401 Water Quality Certification No. 3244 issued November 16, 1999. However, no one from this Office who is familiar with this project will be able to attend the meeting scheduled for April 24, 2000. Please call me at (919) 733-9714 or Mr. Todd St. John of this Office at (919) 733-9584 to schedule a meeting. Y, Attachments Joh . Dorney W lands/401 Unit cc: Todd St. John, Wetlands/401 Unit Asheville Regional Office Fred Tarver, DWR .J ry Penny Thompson, Attorney General's Office ,File 4401 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX 919-733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ i 0% post-consumer paper NANTAHALA POWER AND LIGHT April 3, 2000 Mr. John Dorney NC DENR 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Re: Queens Creek Hydroelectric Project Nantahala Power and Light FERC # 2694-NC Dear Mr. Dorney: nttl:ITV' ?C:c In an effort to reach a settlement agreement on the conditions of the 401 Certification relating to the relicensing of the Queens Creek Hydroelectric Project, Nantahala Power and Light officials would like to meet with all interested parties on April 24, 2000 at 1:00 PM in the conference room at NP&L's office, 301 NP&L Loop, Franklin, NC. The purpose of the meeting is to review the basis for the instream flow conditions that were placed on the 401 Certification by the Division of Water Quality and try to resolve any differences between the parties. A copy of the 401 Certification is attached for your review. If you have any questions, please contract me at (828) 369-4604, Sincerely, John Wishon, Nantahala Relicensing Project Manager 60" soro .0V NNn N? av^'J Mailing List for Queens Creek 401 Certificat Mr. John Ellis Mr. Franklin T. McBride, Manager U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Habitat Conservation Program Raleigh Field Office NC Wildlife Resources Commission P.O. Box 33726 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Raleigh, NC 27604-1188 Mr. Mark Davis Mr. Fred Tarver Habitat Conservation Program Aquatic Ecology Branch NC Wildlife Resources Commission NC Division of Water Resources 20830 Great Smoky Mtn. Expressway 1611 Mail Service Center Waynesville, NC 28786 Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 Mr. Michael L. Wilkins District Ranger, USFS Wayah Ranger District 90 Sloan Road Franklin, NC 28734 Mr. Jim Blose NC DENR Division of Water Quality 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604 Dr. Gary Duven, Director Wesser Institute of Ecology P.O. Box 177 Almond, NC 28708 Mr. Jim Mead Dept. of Environmental and Natural Resources P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 Karen McKay 3801 Winding Stairs Road Andrews, NC 28901 John Flaig 102 Sunset Dr. Topton, NC 28781 Mr. John Dorney NC DENR 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Donley Hill US Forest Service P.O. Box 2750 Asheville, NC 28802 Mr. Scott Loftis NC Wildlife Resource Commission 20830 Great Smoky Mountain Expy Waynesville, NC 28786 John Wagner 3494 Winding Stairs Rd. Topton, NC 28781 Sally Browning US Forest Service 90 Sloan Road Franklin, NC 28734 Mr. Bill Anderson NC DWQ 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 ion Negotiations Mr. Chris Goudreau NC Wildlife Resources Commission Route 6, Box 685 Marion, NC 28752 Mr. Ted Blisterfield USEPA, Region 4 Office of Environmental Assessment Atlanta Federal Center 100 Alabama Street, S.W. Atlanta, GA 30303-3104 Dr. Bunny Johns Nantahala Outdoor Center 13077 Hwy 19 West Bryson City, NC 28713 Mr. Steve Reed Division of Water Resources 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 Bobby Queen P.O. Box 1042 Andrews, NC 28901 Harry Abercrombie 160 Gold Creek Topton, NC 28781 Ray Johns US Forest Service 160A Zillicia St. Asheville, NC 28802 ''NET[ANU GR0U i Er' OUALETY SEGTi' . 0C - w:51W?i State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director ` 0 • A;12 woo NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES November 16, 1999 Mr. Tom Smitherman Nantahula Power and Light Company 301 NP&L Loop Road Franklin, North Carolina 28734 Re: Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act Proposed Relicensing of Queen's Creek Hydroelectric Plant DWQ Project #: 991055 FERC Project #: 2694 Macon County Attached hereto is a copy of Certification No. 3244 issued to the Nantahula Power and Light Company dated November 16, 1999. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. S' rel T. tevens z cc: Asheville DWQ Reg=onal Office Mr. John Dorney Fred Tarter, DWR Frank McBride, WRC John Boa, Fish and Wildlife Associates Ted Bisterfield, US EPA Secretary, FERC Central Files sN-ULAICS uRUt1r Wetlands/401 Unit 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post consumer paper NORTH CAROLINA 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section .0500. It is issued to Nantahula Power and light Company in Macon County pursuant to an application filed on the 151 day of October 1999 to relicense the Queens Creek hydroelectric project. The application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of Queens Creek in conjunction with the proposed development will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate the applicable portions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you submitted in your application, as described in the Public Notice. If you change your project, you must notify us and send us a new application for a new certification. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of the Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed below. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-discharge and Water Supply watershed regulations. Condition(s) of Certification: Appropriate sediment and erosion control practices which equal or exceed those outlined in the most recent version of two manuals. Either the "North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual" or the "North Carolina Surface Mining Manual" (available from the Division of Land Resources in the DEHNR Regional or Central Offices). The control practices shall be utilized to prevent exceedances of the appropriate turbidity water quality standard (50 NTUs in all fresh water streams and rivers not designated as trout waters; 25 NTUs in all lakes and reservoirs, and all saltwater classes; and 10 NTT Ts in trout waters); 2. All sediment and erosion control measures placed in wetlands or waters shall be removed and the natural grade restored after the Division of Land Resources has released the project; 3. Measures shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact with waters of the state until the concrete has hardened; 4. Minimal flows shall be released from the dam as follows in order to protect downstream aquatic life: January-3.5 cfs; February to May-4.0 cfs; June-3.5 cfs; July-3.0 cfs; August-2.5 cfs; September and October-2.0 cfs; November-2.5 cfs and December -3.5 cfs. y?4 • • Violations of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of this Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal 404 and/or coastal Area Management Act Permit. This Certification shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA permit. If this Certification is unacceptable to you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of this Certification. This request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. If modifications are made to an original Certification, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing on the modifications upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of the Certification. Unless such demands are made, this Certification shall be final and binding. This the 16'' day of November 1999 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Steve WQC#: 3244 Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. P.O.Box241 Whittier, NC 28789 (828) 497-6505 January 5, 2000 Mr. John Dorney NC Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 4401 Reedy Creek Rd Raleigh, NC 27607 s c b?Wav Jr r Re: Queens Creek Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 2694-002-NC) license application deficiencies and request for additional information. Dear Mr. Dorney: Enclosed is a copy of the letter and attached schedules indicating deficiencies and additional information being requested by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regarding the application for re-license of the Queens Creek Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 2694-002-NC). In accordance with the FERC, we will soon be consulting with your agency to rectify these deficiencies and discrepancies. If there are any questions concerning this matter, please contact me at (828) 497-6505. Sincerely, John L. Boaze Senior Biologist Cc: Mr. J. Curtis Weaver, USGS WRD Mr. David Brook, Historic Preservation Office Mr. Steven Reed, NC Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Ms. Linda B. Oxendine, Tennessee Valley Authority Mr. Christopher Goudreau, NC Wildlife Resources Commission Mr. Jim Mead, DENR FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D. C. 24426 Project No. 2694-002-North Carolina Queens Creek Hydroelectric Project OFFICE OF HYDROPOWER LICENSING Nantahala Power and Light Company Mr. Thomas D'. Smitherman Vice President Production, Transmission, and Distribution 301 NP&L Loop Road Franklin, NC 28743 Dear Mr. Smitherman: Your license application filed on September 27, 1999, fails to conform to the requirements of the Commission's regulations. A list of deficiencies is enclosed as Schedule A. Under section 16.9(b)(2), and 4.32(e)(1) of the regulations you have 90 days from the date of this letter to correct the deficiencies in your application. Further, under Section 4.32(g), you have 120 days from the date of this letter to provide additional information needed by the staff to complete its evaluation of your application (see Schedule B). If the correction of any deficiency or the submission of additional information causes any other part of the application to be inaccurate, that part must also be revised and refiled by the due date. Also, please be aware that further requests for additional information may be sent to you at any time before final action on your application. No resource agency, Indian Tribe, or interested person requested additional scientific studies during public notice of the tendering of your application, which ended November 26, 1999. Within 5 days of receipt, provide a copy of this letter and the attached schedules to all agencies you will consult in response to this deficiency and additional information request. Then, when you file the requested information with the Commission, you must provide a complete copy of the information to each agency consulted under section 16.8 of the regulations, and all parties on the service list. In accordance with section 4.32(b) of the regulations, please file the original and 8 copies of the information requested with the Secretary of the Commission. 2 Please call Kevin Whalen at (202) 219-2790 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Thomas E. DeWitt Chief Licensing East Branch Enclosures: Schedule A Schedule B Schedule A Project No.2694 NEW LICENSE MINOR OR MAJOR, LESS THAN 5 MW, CONSTRUCTED HYDRO EXHIBITS A,F-H REGULATIONS (4.61) SUBJECT DEFICIENT COMMENTS I. Initial Statement §4.61(b) Project Name Project Location Address Federal, state, local political entities and facilities identified §4.32(a)(2) U.S. Lands Occupied II. Exhibit,A - Proj. Desc. No. generating units, capacity, future? Turbine type Describe prof. operation Annual generation Reservoir surface area Head Hydraulic capacity Flow duration curve Drainage area Sizes, capacities, & constr. materials of structures Project cost Proiect Duroose III. Exhibit F-Drawings of Project Works §4.61(e) Elevation, profile, section of dam and powerhouse Drawings of other structures North Arrow IV. Exhibit G - Map §4.61(f) Shows location of all facilities and relationship to stream and nearest town Correct scale Project boundary See III below. Exhibit F contains illegible drawings. Please provide legible copies of the exhibit. Drawing F-1 shows a cofferdam at the upstream heel of the dam, that is not described anywhere and isn't shown on any other drawing. Please amend Exhibit A to describe the cofferdam and revise Drawing F-2, Cross Sections of the Dam, to show the cofferdam. Exhibit G contains illegible maps. Please provide legible copies of the exhibit. Schedule A SUBJECT DEFICIENT Project No.2694 COMMENTS Lists owners of property on which project is located VIII. Exhibit H, §16.10 (all applicants) Plans, abilities to operate and maintain reliable service i.e. Increase capacity Coordinate w/ upstream & downstream projects Coordinate w/ electrical systems to min. costs Short & long term need by the applic. for proj. power, i.e. reasonable costs & avail. of alternative sources of power if license denied Cost increases incurred for alternate power, if license denied The effect of each alternate source of power on applicant's customers, load operating characteristics, & communities served Data showing need, cost & avail. of alternate power sources, i.e. Annual cost of proj. power, including basis for calculation Resources req. by applicant to meet applicant's capacity & energy needs over short/tong term; including energy and capacity resources, a resource analysis, & Load management measures For alternate sources of power incl. new cap. at exist. units, new construction, off-system power purchases, & load mgmt. measures - show annual cost of alternative, basis of cost, discussion of relative merit of each alternative, effect on direct provider Effect of losing power on applicant's own industrial facilities If Indian tribe, statement tribe's need for power 2 Schedule A SUBJECT DEFI Project No.2694 COMMENTS Impact on applicant's transmission system of receiving/not receiving license, i.e. Analysis of effects of redistributing flows, line losses, new lines, w/costs Analysis of advantages of applicant's transmission system in dist. power Detailed single-Line diagrams If there are plans to modify, statement of need to modify prof. & conformance:w/ comp. plans If no modify plans, statement of conform- ity w/ comet. plans Applicant's financial & personnel resources to meet obligations under new license Notification by cert. of land owners, if expansion Applicant's electricity consumption efficiency improvement program w/record of assisting customers to conserve power & does program comply w/ regulations Names/addresses of Indian tribes if prof. Information to be Drovided applicant who is an existing Licensee statement of measures by licensee to ensure safe mgmt, operation, & maintenance of proj. w/ descriptions of proj. operation during flood, any warning devices to ensure downstream safety, discussion of any changes that may aff. EAP under Part 12, exist. or planned structural monitoring devices, & employee & public safety record Current operation of proj. and constraints History of proj. oiler. & maintenance Discussion of power losses over last 5 years Licensee's compliance record Expenses that would be reduced if project is transferred Annual fees paid under the FPA Information to be provided by an applicant who is not an existing licensee Applicant's plans to manage, operate, and maintain the project safely w/; Differences between applicant's plans & the existing licensee's plans Measures to implement the exist. EAP 3 Schedule A SUBJECT DEFICIENT Applicant's plans to continue safety monitoring Applicant's request to licensee to provide transmission services Project No.2694 COMMENTS ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: SCHEDULE B Project No. 2694-002 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION You have 120 days from the date of this letter to provide the following additional information. When you file this additional information with the Commission, you should at the same time, serve exact copies of the filings on the agencies that you consulted during the preparation of the Exhibit E. In some of the items below, you are asked to provide agency comments. You should make written requests for the comments, and must allow a minimum of 30 days, or as otherwise stated, for agency response before filing the information. If the agencies do not reply, you should provide the Commission with dated copies of the letters of request. 1. On page 64 of your license application, you note the rule curve for the Queens Creek reservoir was set by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) in the early 1950s. Your application includes a proposal to change the reservoir rule curve, by reducing the extent of winter drawdown. However, you have not documented any consultation with TVA specific to how your proposed impoundment elevation rule curve would be rectified with the rule curve set by TVA, primarily for flood control. Therefore, please consult with TVA and provide documentation of that consultation to include: (a) a discussion of the effects of your proposed changes in the rule curve on flood control and other reservoir purposes (e.g., water supply); (b) TVA's comments on your proposed rule curve elevation for the Queens Creek impoundment, including potential effects on dam safety; and (c) if possible, a letter of comment from TVA regarding bounds within which you may operate or alter the existing Queens Creek reservoir rule curve without further consulting TVA. 2. On page 78 of your license application you note that flows for the instream flow study were released through the existing "wye valve" at the base of Queens Creek dam. Please: (a) confirm that proposed minimum flows ranging from 0.7 to 4 cfs could be released through this valve or, if not, provide capital and installation costs for a new valve capable of handling 0.7 to 4 cfs releases; and (b) describe how you propose to gage minimum flows from the outlet valve. 3. On pages 54 and 55 of your license application you note that water temperature and dissolved oxygen studies as well as surveys of fish populations in Queens Creek reservoir are ongoing through October, 1999. After consultation with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) and other agencies consulted in the preparation of these studies, please: (a) file a summary of the results of these studies; and (b) provide comments from the above-stated agencies on your results and how their comments are addressed. 4. On page 6 of your application, a discrepancy is noted between your calculated mean annual flow for Queens Creek versus the mean annual flow reported by the agencies through consultation with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). With the project operating intermittently in a peaking mode, it is unclear how you quantified flow using operations data and reservoir elevation and storage information. Further, on page 225 of your application a discrepancy is noted between your calculated 7Q10 flow for Queens Creek and that provided by the resource agencies through consultation with the USGS. It is unclear how you calculated a 7Q10 flow for Queens Creek when, as indicated on page 23 of your application, you calculated streamflow only once per week. Therefore, after consulting with the USGS, NCWRC, North Carolina Divisions of Water Resources and Water Quality, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), and the U.S. Forest Service, please: (a) provide a brief summary of how you quantified Queens Creek flow and provide comments from the above-stated agencies on your approach; and (b) summarize your calculations for the 7Q 10 flow for Queens Creek and provide comments from the above-stated agencies on your input data and calculations and, if possible, provide the USGS's derivation of the 7Q10 flow for Queens Creek. 5. On page 46 and 47, you provide a summary of lost generation for the Queens Creek Project based on your proposed minimum flows and those proposed by the resource agencies. Please provide an overview of your assumptions, calculations, and values used to determine: (a) the loss in yearly generation and revenue provided in Table E-6 on page 46 of your application; and 2 (b) the percentage of weeks with insufficient water to operate, spill, and maintain the lake elevation provided in Table E-7 on page 47 of your application. 6. In Appendix VII of your license application, you list six federally listed threatened and endangered (T&E) species known to occur in Macon County, including the bog turtle (Clemmvs muhlenberp-ii), the spotfin chub (Cyprinella monacha), the Appalachian elktoe (Alasmidonta raveneliana), Virginia spiraea (SSpiraea `: ? iniana), the small whorled pogonia (Isotria medeoloides), and the rock gnome lichen (Gymnoderma lineare). However, you do not provide sufficient evidence, or a supporting statement from the FWS, to conclude that these or other listed species do not occur in the project area or would not be adversely affected by project operations. We must evaluate the potential effects of the project on T&E species prior to a license decisio-.. Therefore, you must consult with the FWS and determine whether the project may affect any T&E species. If so, please engage a biologist(s) who is knowledgeable in the identification and biology of these species to survey all areas of potentially suitable habitat within the project area and adjacent or downstream areas affected by project operations. You must file the following information: (a) documentation of consultation with the FWS; (b) a description of the methods and results of any surveys deemed necessary; (c) a description of the effects of project operations on T&E species found in the surveyed areas; (d) detailed plans to protect T&E species found in the surveyed areas; and (e) the comments of the FWS regarding your response to this request. 7. In section E.7.3 of your license application, you write that the Queens Creek Hydroelectric Project i? consistent with the U.S. Forest Service's Nantahala and Pisgah National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan (1994) and the North Carolina Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (1995); however, no information is provided on how the project is consistent with the two plans. You also do not address the project's consistency with the FWS's "Fisheries USA: the recreational fisheries policy of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service," undated, Washington, DC. Please describe how the Queens Creek Hydroelectric Project is consistent with the three plans. 8. It is not clear which of the recreation facilities identified in section E.7.1, including a car-top boat launch with parking, day-use area with picnic tables and 3 handicapped-accessible pier(s), will be provided at the two areas listed as impoundment- access points for boats in Figure E-7 on page 33 of your license application. In section E.7.1 there is no mention of restroom facilities at impoundment access points, including toilet facilities accessible -to persons with disabilities. Please provide the following: (a) the type of recreational and restroom facilities to be provided at each access area, or for restrooms, reasons why they are not planned; and (b) a budget, including capital, operating, and maintenance costs, and a construction schedule for both the existing and proposed recreational facilities, including restroom facilities. 9. At section E.5.; Cultural Resources, the application states in part, "since no changes are proposed to the facilities, relicensing will not affect the historic property located off site at the Nantahala Substation Complex." An historic property that is a hydropower project, or part of one, can be affected in many different ways during the term of a 30-year license, including through neglect of the historic property. Therefore, please consult with the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources and provide us descriptions, including appropri ate maps, drawings, photographs, and narrative of: (a) the characteristics of the historic property located off-site at the Nantahala Substation Complex that make this historic property eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places; (b) the historic property's location with respect to other project features (e.g., project reservoir, dam, powerhouse, and boundary); and (c) the historic property's project-specific function. 10. To address the potential effects of license denial, please provide: (a) the probable source or sources of replacement capacity and energy to Nantahala Power & Light; and (b) the financial impact to it's customers if replacement power must be obtained from alternative sources. 11. Please provide a one-line diagram of the project's electrical system, including a written description of the following: 4 (a) identification of the point at which the primary line begins and terminates and the type of termination - such as breaker station, substation, and other appurtenant facilities; (b) length, voltage, and types (overhead, underground, wood-pole, number of circuit, etc.) of the primary line; and (c) transformers - type (bank of 3 single-phased or three-phase), rating in kilovolt- ampere (WA), and primary and secondary voltages. 12. Safe and efficient project operation throughout an entire license period may require rehabilitation or replacement of project structures an generation. facilities that would not be considered routine operation and maintenance activities. In our economic analysis, we consider the capital costs of known rehabilitation or replacement of project facilities; therefore please provide the following: (a) a schedule of known rehabilitation or replacement of project facilities; (b) a cost estimate of each activity, when the activity is projected to occur (for example, if your schedule shows that an activity will occur in 2000, provide the cost estimate in 2000 dollars); and (c) the present worth (and costs) of the known rehabilitation or replacement of project facilities in 1999 dollars. 13. For our economic analysis we need to know the remaining undepreciated and/or unamortized net investment, or book value, for the project as of December 31, 1999. Please provide this information with a concise derivation. The derivation of the present net investment should show the original cost of the project facilities, plus any similar cost of additions to and improvements of the project facilities, minus any accumulated depreciation and amortization. If this information is not available, provide supplementary information that would reasonably represent the remaining net inves-anent of the project, or the future carrying charges related to the project investment cost. 14. Also, we need to know the total cost of licensing because, according to the Commission's Office of the Chief Accountant, the licensing costs are legitimate project expenses which are capitalized and amortized over the license period. For cost accounting purposes in licensing existing projects, such costs are equivalent to capital construction costs for unobstructed projects or expansions of existing projects. The capitalized licensing costs are part of the costs of generating power. 5 @ A It NANTAHALA POWER AND LIGHT a division of Duke Power January 3, 2001 To: Individuals and organizations interested in Duke Power relicensing I JAN 1 9 2001 From: John Wishon, Duke Power-Nantahala Area Relicensing Project Manager, 301 NP&L Loop, Franklin, NC 28734, 828-369-4604, FAX 828-321-3535, jcwishon@duke-energy.com RE: DUKE POWER NANTAHALA AREA HYDRO RELICENSING UPDATE #2: study plan development 1. Background. Duke Power has finished its internal review of the comments on the First Stage Consultation Packages for Duke Power's Bryson, Dillsboro, Franklin, Mission, West Fork Tuckasegee River, East Fork Tuckasegee River and Nantahala hydroelectric projects. The next step in the relicensing process is to develop detailed study/action plans for the items listed on the attached Duke Power I' Stage Study-Action List. Duke Power intends to go beyond existing regulatory requirements to make the studies as participatory as desired by stakeholders. Realities of completing the studies and incorporating conclusions within the defined, regulatory schedules mandate some practical limitations however. It's very important that we finalize the detailed study plans early this Spring (by April 2, 2001) to allow completion of all the studies in time to incorporate results in the license applications. Please continue working with us as we complete the necessary studies and incorporate results between now and the end of 2002. In December 2000 Nantahala Power & Light transitioned from a division of Duke Energy to a part of Duke Power identified as Duke Power -.Nantahala Area. This organization change was made to further prepare the Nantahala Area for electric deregulation, which is now being studied by. state officials. Therefore, all further references to NP&L hydro projects will reflect this new Duke identity. 2. Reficensing Open House. On January 12, 2001, Duke Power will host a Relicensing Open House from 10 am until 2 pm at our office in Franklin. This is a time for stakeholders (Agencies, NGO's, general public, etc.) to meet with Duke Power Leads to discuss Study Plan development. A. Role of Duke Power Leads. In plain English, the Duke Power Lead is the assigned foreman for each study. Duke Power Leads will ensure the study plans are developed and the studies are conducted as outlined in the Final Study Plans. Duke Power Leads will also ensure that stakeholder input is considered during drafting of the study plans and following release of any interim or final study reports. Once the studies are completed, the Duke Power Leads will also ensure that study conclusions are addressed in the applicable license applications. B. Come Talk to us at the Open House. The 8 Duke Power Leads will be positioned around the conference room with supporting materials for their studies. Stakeholders are encouraged to drop by and get to know the Duke Power Leads, share your ideas for their particular studies and ask them questions. Comment forms will also be available for stakeholders to submit written suggestions, and light refreshments will be provided. -i C. Additional Input Opportunities. For those that cannot attend the Relicensing Open House, a comment form will be placed under a hydro relicensing tab on Duke Power's Nantahala Area website (http:\\www.nantahalapower.com) as a "Virtual Open House". If you do not have access to the Internet and cannot attend the Open House on the 126i, a notebook with study plan outlines and drafts and comment forms will be located at the receptionist's desk at our Franklin office (301 NP&L Loop). Comments received at our office or via the web will be forwarded to the appropriate Duke Power Lead for his/her consideration. 3. Technical Leadership Teams. Small Technical Leadership Teams (TLTs) will be formed for most of the studies and will be coordinated by the applicable Duke Power Lead. Members of a TLT will work closely together as the study plan drafts, interim reports and final reports are completed and some TLT members may also physically participate in data collection activities. TLT participation will require a substantial time commitment for each team member and most TLTs will exist for the duration of the study. Any stakeholder that completes a TLT membership request form and returns it to the Duke Power Office in Franklin by January 13, 2001 will be considered for TLT participation. Duke Power Leads will review the request forms and the requesters will be contacted by the end of the week of January 15, 2001. Since the Duke Power Leads are tagged with the responsibility to deliver their study plans as noted on the attached Duke Power Study Plan Development Schedule, they are also given the latitude to determine the make-up of their TLTs. If large numbers of requests are received for membership on a particular TLT, the Duke Power Lead will select members based on factors such as statutory authority, directly related technical expertise and ability to help conduct studies. Stakeholders are asked to limit their requests for TLT membership to studies of the highest importance to them. 4. Study. Plan Format. The attached Generic Duke Power Study Plan Format will be used for study plan development and it also describes the levels of stakeholder participation. We are looking forward to seeing you on January 12, 2001. 2 VII, V 'COO U' a? O r--4 cu N Q V1 a? 0 a? Q O U 3 N i.., co co -N ? U i? 3 O a o OD A ? OA (D Cd M U W ? cd O -14 O O yy • ^t? aN ? a ? ca w ?a 0 U O O N i O v .-i Ai I i 0 N N . 0 4-a ~ O rA U. ?y cg 0 (D P-4 N ° N N 4 C "O ?, U a 0 tON N cd 't7 to 0 Q, U w ? N E O O M U 1=4 OO -4 U Q+ (Yi Q 1fj e-s ?" U ?"" ? := O D O O r? ? ?A 3 „_, N dp - A O U Cc N COO c) El +-? ? N N a? rn N o O o U N 00 t+-+ 40 Q a b q N 002 O N o' O N O "O cd o U t O O 4-4 u P4 P-4 ti O O N t N O -is cd t-a Action #: NPL Prerequisite Action #'s: NPL Action Description: (From Duke Power lgt Stage Study-Action List) Applicable Hydro Projects/Developments: 1. Obiective The study objective should be clearly and concisely defined and tied to specified requirements of license application and resource management goals. H. Basis The basis for a study should be tied to the objective and potential hydro project effects. The basis is the justification statement for why it's necessary to conduct the study in the hydro licensing process. If the study is being done to gather basic information required by the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) to be included in a hydro licensing application, then the specific CFR sub-sections should be identified. (Note: 18CFR4.61 provides the requirements for completing a license application for hydro projects less than 5 MW ---- Bryson, Dillsboro, Franklin and Mission. 18CFR4.51 provides the applicable requirements for all other Duke Power-Nantahala Area hydro projects). If the study is being done to address a problem that is related to the hydro project or its operation, then enough information should be included to clearly show that a problem does exist and to show how that problem relates to the hydro project or its operation. M. Geographic and Temporal Scope The study area should be delineated and should be the potential area of effect. It should be focused on the area primarily affected but not necessarily limited to the project boundary. The temporal scope should consider the period for which the new license will apply. IV. Approach and Analysis The study plan should describe the approach in sufficient detail to enable the participants to understand the methodology, equipment to be used, sampling locations, sampling frequency, etc. Sampling protocols should be included as appropriate along with accuracy requirements. The study plan detail should be commensurate with the importance of the issue and level of impact. Impacts may be direct, indirect, and cumulative. The level of analysis should be dependent upon the degree of effect. Qualitative or quantitative studies should be identified. V. Schedules and Required Conditions Schedules and necessary operational, environmental or other preparatory conditions for conducting the study should be identified. Time lines for field measurements, report preparations, and participant review should also be identified. Particular consideration needs to be given for completion of any prerequisite studies and also ensuring that the study results can be finalized in sufficient time to include the results in Duke Power Draft Study Plan Fozmat.doc Page 1 of 3 Rev Date: 01102101 the FERC license application. The suggested Years of Activity from Duke Power's Study Plan List should be used as the starting point for determining study scheduling. VI. Results It is important to forecast how the results are expected to be used to make management decisions regarding protection, mitigation and enhancement measures, NEPA alternatives development or mandatory conditions. VII. Participants Organization Name Phone # E-Mail Duke Power Lead Agency Contacts Duke Power Supporting Consultant Other Participants The Duke Power Lead is the individual primarily responsible to ensure the study plan is developed and conducted as agreed upon and that study conclusions are addressed in the applicable license applications. The Duke Power Lead is also primarily responsible for ensuring input from the Agency Lead and Other Participants, for giving direction to the Supporting Consultant and for resolving any disputes (with help as needed from the Duke Power-Nantahala Area Licensing Project Manager). The Duke Power Lead is also responsible to ensure the study plan, interim progress reports and draft results/conclusions are made available to all licensing stakeholders through mechanisms that will be established by the Duke Power Licensing Project Team. The Agency Contacts are the individuals responsible for coordinating input and participation from their federaUstate/local resource agency that has statutory authority relative to the specific issues being studied at the specified hydro projects/developments. The Supporting Consultant is the individual representing any consulting or contracting company that Duke Power may need to hire to help with the study. Duke Power welcomes input from agencies and other participants concerning consultant qualifications and previous experiences. However, Duke Power reserves final decision-making authority on all aspects of consultant selection, contracting, etc. whenever Duke Power is absorbing the cost of the services. Other Participants may include any other licensing stakeholder that has a particular and defined interest in the subject study at the specified hydro projects/developments and can add substantially to the study plan development process or to achieving buy-in for study results. Duke Power intends to make the studies as participatory as desired by stakeholders. Realities of completing the studies and incorporating conclusions within the defined, regulatory schedules mandate some practical limitations however. A small Technical Leadership Team (TLT) will be formed for each study with the Duke Power Lead as its chairperson. TLT participation requires a substantial time commitment from each team member and most TLTs will stay in place for the duration of the study. Stakeholders (both public and private, agency and non-agency) are asked to limit their participation on Technical Leadership Teams to those studies that are of highest importance to them. The Duke Power Licensing Project Team will develop a mechanism to ensure study plans, interim progress reports and draft study conclusions are made available to all interested stakeholders to afford meaningful input opportunities prior to incorporation into the license application. Duke Power Draft Study Plan Format. doc Page 2 of 3 Rev Date: 01102101 VIII. Expected Study Cost Year Duke Power Labor Duke Power Other Duke Power Total Duke Power Cost $ Consultant Cost $ Non-Labor Cost $ Cost $ 2001 2002 IX. Expected Benefits The study plan should describe the benefits that are expected from conducting the study. Benefits will typically include protection, mitigation or enhancement of the hydro project's environmental, public recreational, cultural or electric generation resource values. X. List of Attachments XL List of References Duke Power Draft Study Plan Format. doc Page 3 of 3 Rev Date: 01102101 Duke Power-Nantahala Area 1 st Stage Study-Action List PROJECT YEARS O F ACTIVITY' Thorpe` Tuckaseegee Cedar Bear Wolf ACTION Duke Power Lead Nantahala (Glenville- (L. Glenville- Cliff Creek Tennessee Creek Bryson Dlllsboro Franklin Mission NUMBER ACTION DESCRIPTION Duke Power Lggd Phpne No. (2682) 2686) 2686) (2698) (2698) Creek, 2668) (2688) (2601) (2602) (2603( (2619) 2001 2002 Assess the current visual conditions of the project NPLAES1 facilities and their operations. Jennifer Huff 704378.4392 + + + + + X Conduct a Phase I archeological survey of the lake's shoreline, including assessing impacts of shoreline erosion and assessing potential for sites in flood pool and plans for future surveys during NPLCULT1 drawdowns. Jennifer Huff 704373.4392 + + + + + X Evaluate National Historic Register eligibility for NPLCULT2 project structures. Jennifer Huff 704373.4392 + + + + + + + + + + + X Develop a cultural resources management plan for projects with significant archeological and National NPLCULT3 Historic Register Sites. Jennifer Huff 704373.4392 + + + X Fish passage feasibility study - Phase 1: determination of need for fish passage, Phase 2: determination of feasibility of fish passage relative to cost/benefit, at any stations with a substantiated NPLFPASS1 need from Phase 1. Duane Harrell 7048755453 + + + + + + + + + + + X Inventory, classify and map riparian habitat in the NPLGWB1 project boundary. Duane Harrell 7048755453 + + + + + + + + + + + X Characterize fishery and aquatic invertebrate community upstream and downstream of dam, in NPLGWB2 the reservoir and in applicable bypasses. Duane Harrell 7048755453 + + + + + + + + + + + X Determine if any shoreline management policy changes are needed to adequately protect riparian wildlife corridors, focusing on undeveloped NPLGWB3 shoreline only. Joe Hall 704382-8576 + + + + + X Rerun IFIM analysis using existing physical habitat models and additional preference curves (i.e., NPLFLOWF1 mottled scut in and macroinvertebrates). Duane Harrell 7048755453 + + + + + + + X Conduct new streamflow studies in three specific reaches (Tennessee Creek bypass, downstream of Nantahala Powerhouse, and West Fork NPLFLOWF2 Tuckas ee River below Little Glenville Dam). Duane Harrell 704.8755453 + + + + + + + X X Conduct a mussel survey upstream and NPLFLOWF3 downstream of the pro ect dam. Duane Harrell 7048755453 + + + X X Conduct recreational nstream flow study at the Nantahala River bypass between White Oak Creek confluence and powerhouse, in East Fork Tuckasegee River below Cedar Cliff Powerhouse, in West Fork Tuckasegee River below Tuckasegee Powerhouse, and the Tuckasegee River below NPLFLOWR1 Dillsboro. Chuck Borawa 704382-8587 + + X Conduct survey of shoreline habitat to determine NPLLLM1 impacts, if any, of drawdowns on aquatic habitats. Duane Harrell 7048755453 + + + + + + X Determine method to inform public/lake homeowners of changing lake levels at Lake NPLLLM2 Glenville. Fred Alexander 828369.4543 + X Propose revised rule curves for Nantahala and Glenville Reservoirs and maintain current minimal NPLLLM3 fluctuations on East Fork Projects. John WLchon 828-369.4604 + + + + + + + X Conduct a study to determine zone of peaking NPLOOP1 influence. Ed Bruce 704382.5239 + + + X Determine current flow regime in bypass, including NPLOOP2 high, low, 7010, mean and median flows. John Wishon 828369-4604 + + + + + X Determine any changes needed to maintain and comply with run-of-river operation, especially during NPLOOP3 low flow conditions. Gary Morgan 828.369.4561 + + + + X Revised 113101 Duke Power-Nantahala Area 1st Stage Study-Action List Pi2OJECT' - YEAR(S) O F ACTIVITY' Thorpe Tuckaseee Cedar Bear Wolf ACTION Duke Power Lead `Nardahala (Glenville, '(L. Qlenv1lie• Cliff . Creek Tennessee Creek Bryson Dlilaboro Franklin Mission NUMBER..: ACTION` DESCRIPTION D,U,IceP4w@rLo _ad PJ?o, (2( 1 $?) ` 2) (?I) (1 Creek,! e) (2698) ) I2.01 0602) ( (2618) 2001 24p2 Develop a system to provide information to the public disclosing instream flows and generation NPL00P4 schedules for Tucka ee sub-basin. Fred Alexander 828369.4543 + + + + + + + X Provide basic project and resource information per attachments A (Project Information Form) and B (Resource Information Checklist) of NCWRC's letter requesting generic information for all Duke NPLOTHI Power projects, Nantahala Area. John Wishon 828-3694604 + + + + + + + + + + + X Develop Trash Removal Plan for general litter and NPL0TH2 trashrack debris. Gary Morgan 828365.4561 + + + + X Establish Internet site to provide public with NPL0TH3 relioensin information. Fred Alexander 828.369.4543 + + + + + + + + + + + X Review present record of energy conservation measures and alternatives for new conservation NPL0TH4 programs. Fred Alexander 828.369.4543 + + + + + + + + + + + X Rename Lake Thorpe: Change all references to NPL0TH6 reservoir to lake Glenville. Fred Alexander 828369.4543 + X Develop economic information to describe relative revenue impacts to the generating assets of various NPL0TH6 operating schemes. Ed Bruce 7043825239 + + + + + + X Develop a GIB-based mapping system to support cataloging and data presentation and analysis for NPL0TH7 several other studies. Jennifer Huff 704373.4392 + + + + + + + + + + + X Conduct fish and wildlife PETS surveys upstream, in reservoir, downstream, and on project lands and NPLPETSI determine project effects, if any, on those species. Duane Harrell 704.875.5453 + + + + + + + + + + + X X Conduct inventories of all PETS and FS Concern plant species that could be affected by the project. Have specialist identify and evaluate rare NPLPETS2 bryophytes. Duane Harrell 704375.5453 + + + + + X X Evaluate wetlands and floodplains as potential habitat for bog turtles, blue-winged warblers, longtail salamanders and other species of concern. Inventory wetlands and floodplains as appropriate to NPLPETS3 determine the current status of thesespecies. Duane Harrell 704.875.5453 + + + + + + + + + + + X X Conduct a recreation needs study to determine present and projected future recreational demand NPLREC1 and an additional public access needs. Chuck Borawa 704382.8587 + + + + + + + + + + + X X Evaluate the effect of varying water release levels and schedules on recreational uses both on the NPLREC2 reservoirs and downstream of the reservoirs. Chuck Borawa 704382.8587 + + + + + + X X Determine Impact of peaking flow on Angling NPLREC3 Opportunities. Duane Harrell 704.8755453 + + + + X Provide project-related data for recreational NPLREC4 opportunity determination. Chuck Borawa 704-382.8587 + + + + + + + + + + + X Evaluate ability to provide weekend recreational flow NPLREC6 releases during higher flow periods. Chuck Borawa 704382.8587 + + + X Development a sediment management plan to include rate of sediment accumulation in reservoir, project effects on bed-load transport and NPLSEDI determination of downstream bank stability. Duane Harrell 704-875.5453 + + + + + + + + + + + X Monitor and characterize Water Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen above and within reservoir, NPLWQI tailrace, and downstream. Duane Harrell 7048755453 + + + + + + + + + + + X Inventory point source discharges upstream, NPLWQ2 downstream and within project waters. Duane Harrell 704-8755453 + + + + + + + + + + + X Revised 113101 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director T mm'MMA • mom NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT. OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES December 17, 1999 Mr. John L. Boaze, Senior Biologist Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. Post Office box 241 Whittier, North Carolina 28789 Re: Queen's Order Hydroelectric Plant relicensing DWQ #: 991055 FERC Project #: 2694 Macon County Thank you for your 13 December 1999 letter concerning information in our 401 Water Quality Certification files for this project. You asked three questions in your letter and these are addressed below. 1) Environmental Assessment Requirement: Based on recent discussions with the North Carolina Attorney General's staff mainly revolving around a contested case for the Randleman Project, our understanding of this requirement has changed. It is clear that environmental documents prepared under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) preclude the issuance of 401 Water Quality Certifications until final approval of the document. However it appears that documents prepared for the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) do not trigger this rule and thereby do not necessarily preclude issuance of a 401 Water Quality Certification. Therefore we now believe that we can issue a 401 water Quality Certification when a NEPA document is required. I apologize for the confusion this issue raised last fall. This recent legal interpretation occurred after that time. 2) Public Hearin: Indeed you did request a hearing in your 24 September 1999 letter. However no water quality related reasons were expressed in this letter and therefore DWQ staff do not believe a hearing for the 401 Certification is warranted. However if you submit specific water quality related reasons in support of a hearing, I will be glad to discuss the matter of a hearing with DWQ decision makers. If a decision is made (based on this new information) to have a hearing, we would then withdraw Certification 3244 until the hearing is held. 3) Minutes for Meeting of 18 August 1999: We are not aware that DWQ staff attended that meeting. Perhaps Mr. Fred Tarver, DWR could provide meeting minutes and a list of attendees. Please call me at 919-733-9646 if you have any questions. Si ce Joh R. Domey Cc: Fred Tarver, DWR Mike Parker, Asheville DWQ Regional Office Frank McBride, WRC Central Files File copy Secretary, FERC Wetlands/401 Unit 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 241 Whittier, NC 28789 (828) 497-6505 December 13, 1999 . 0FC Mr. John Dorney 6 N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Re: Section 401 Certification Proposed Relicensing of Queens Creek Hydroelectric Plant DWQ Project #991055 FERC Project # 2694 Macon County Dear Mr. Dorney: Thank you for the copies of the above referenced file that your staff provided to me. However, I reviewing the file, I was unable to locate the Environmental Assessment that was needed before the 401 certification of November 16, 1999 (No. 3244) was issued. As you recall, we had to withdraw our application of October 1, 1998 for this certification because you had notified us that unless we withdrew the application by October 1, 1999, the certification would be denied. There was a reference to a meeting (see the attached letter of 9-24-99) between Mr. Todd St. John and yourself with regard to the Nantahala Power and Light request for a public hearing to solicit public input on this permit. However, I could not locate neither a written record of this meeting nor any explanation as to why this request for a public meeting was not addressed by your office. Also, a copy of a FAX dated 8-5-99 to your staff from Fred Tarver indicated that a meeting on this subject was to be held on 8-19-99. However, there was no record of neither this meeting, persons in attendance, nor the content of the meeting. I would appreciate clarification of these points. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, la e, 'Y J' John L. Boaze, Sr. Biologist cc: Richard Conley, Coordinator, NP&L Hydro Regulatory Affairs .:. NANTAHALA 5 ?-? POWER AND LIGHT 1 6'L September 24, 1999 Mr. John Dorney N. C. Division of Water Quality Non-Discharge Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27669-1621 RE: Public Notice for Water Quality Certification of Queens Creek Hydroelectric Project Dear Mr. Dorney: Nantahala Power and Light has reviewed the draft 401 water quality certification for Queens Creek reservoir and would like to go on record as being opposed to the releases requested in Condition 4. During the negotiation process between Nantahala Power and Light and the resource agencies, NP&L performed an analysis of the impacts resulting from the proposed release. This release represents a 39% loss of generation annually and could ultimately result in shutting down the Queens Creek project. The loss of generation will, necessitate the purchasing of replacement power which will probably be generated from a non renewable source of energy. Purchase of power from an external service source will result in an increase in rates to Nantahala's customers. Due to the potential adverse impacts to area recreation and in the interest of Nantahala's 59,000 rate payers, we would like to request that a public hearing be held to solicit comments from all interested parties in the Nantahala service area. Enclosed you will find a summary of the negotiations amongst Nantahala Power and Light, the resource aaenc:es, --nd other interested parties. Sincerely, Thomas D. Smitherman Vice President - Production, Transmission and Distribution TDS/ckb Enclosure State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources James B. Hunt, Jr., Govemor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary John N Morris, Director l ACDENR Nonni CAROLINA DMARTM[NY or \ ENmRONMENT Aso N,c URAL RESOURCES FAX TRANSMISSION TO: FAX NUMBER: FROM: - 7ilol? ?. , K) E? FAX NUMBERS: (919) 733-3558 or (919) 733-3555 Total Number of Pages Seat Including This Cover Sheet: :2. If you do not receive all pages or if the transmission is not legible, please call (919) 733-4064. MESSAGE: \ L Cam;?E? S CV-ZE U c { I CFL-T-t ?=Lo wS )r- q C? 't-o t- ?t . T LAS , Z?? l ELA) ?? [- ?cJ? ? ?^? ? rzpa t 19) `S X??- 12/13/1999 15:50 8284976213 FISH & WILDLIFE PAGE 01 Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 241 Whittier, NC 28789 (828) 497-6505 December 13,1999 Mr. John Domey N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 4401 Reedy Creek Road 1 Raleigh, NC 27607 Re: Section 401 Certification Proposed Relicensing of Queens Creek Hydroelectric Plant DWQ project #991055 FERC Project # 2694 Macon County Dear Mr. Dorney: "lb„ ` Co4 Thank you for the copies of the above referenced file that your staff provided to me. However, I reviewing the file, I was unable to locate the Environmental Assessment that was needed before the 401 certification ofNovember 16, 1999 (No. 3244) was issued. As you recall, we had to withdraw our application of October 1, 1998 for this certification because you had notified us that unless we withdrew the application by October 1, 1999, the certification would be denied. There was a reference to a meeting (see the attached Letter of 9-24-99) between Mr. Todd St. Johns and yourself with regard to the Nantahala Power and bight request for a public hearing to solicit public input on this permit. However, I could not locate neither a written record of this meeting nor any explanation as to why this request for a public meeting was not addressed by your office. Also, a copy of a FAX dated 8-5-99 to your staff fron this subject was to be held on 8-19-99. However, the persons in attendance, nor the content of the meeting. ever indicated that a meeting on record of neither this meeting, I would appreciate clarification, of these points. If you have any SJohn L. Boaze, Sr. Biologist 91, please contact me. tp y? e ? cc: Richard Conley, Coordinator, Np&L Hydro Regulatory Affairs 12/13/1999 15:50 8284976213 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources James S. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary John N Morris, Director FISH & WILDLIFE j? FAX TRANSMISSION PAGE 02 TO:a? o lazAel l.?rJ?S C'? FAX NUMBER: .rr?rr?r r FROM: FAX NUMBERS: (919) 733-3558 or (919) 733-3555 Total Number of Pales Scent Wadi ft Tbb Cover Sheet: -2.- If you do not roodve all pages or if the Ui=Wssion is not legNe, plow calf (919) 733-4064. MESSAGE: . OJ L , fe-?)GZAS Cl?zc v-- M'Pzo '1- . 44D l C ..fi`r' i 1?1- fJl?r ?AcV -R-c uxcf ., ?Lov?3S ? ? ?? ?? aC? 'l~fl t' 1?C... Livers vl Eo) ? yaks tea". "CR M CaRx" owmf? eF dr pyp,Off AM NW{MAkL PUMkAOM . 12/13/1999 15:50 8284976213 FISH & WILDLIFE PAGE 03 0 NANTAHALA POWER AND LIGHT September 24, 1999 Mr. John Dorney N. C. Division of Water Quality Non-Discharge Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27669-1621 RE: Public Notice for Water Quality Certification of Queens Creek Hydroelectric Project Dear Mr. Dorney: Nantahala Power and Light has reviewed the draft 401 water quality certification for Queens Creek reservoir and would like to go on record as being opposed to the releases requested in Condition 4. During the negotiation process between Nantahala Power and Light and the resource agencies, NP&L performed an analysis of the impacts resulting from the proposed release. This release represents a 39% loss of generation annually and could ultimately result in shutting down the Queens Creek project. The loss of generation will, necessitate the purchasing of replacement power which will probably be generated from a non renewable source of energy. Purchase of power from an external service source will result in an increase in rates to Nantahala's customers. Due to the potential adverse impacts to area recreation and in the interest of Nantahala's ! 59,000 rate payers, we would like to request that a public hearing be held to solicit comments from all interested parties in the Nazttahala service area. Enclosed you will find a summary of the negotiations amongst Nantahala Power and Light, the resource agencies, and other interested parties. Sincerely, Thomas D. Smitherman Vice President - Production, Transmission and Distribution TDS/ckb Enclosure '/24/1999 15:57 8284976213 FISH & WILDLIFE PAGE 01 Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 241 Whittier, NC 28789 (828) 497-6505 November 24, 1999 Mr. John T. Dorney, Director Water Quality Certification Program NC DENR 4401 Reedy Creek Rd. Raleigh, NC 27607 Re: Section 401 Certification Proposed Relicensing of Queens Creek Hydroelectric Plant DWQ Project #991055 FERC Project # 2694 Macon County Dear Mr. Dorney: On behalf of Nantahala Power and Light, please provide me with copies of all correspondence, including reports, memos, letters, etc. relating to the above referenced Section 401 Certification. If there is a charge for this service, please bill me. Sincerely, A-1W John L. Boaze, Sr. Biologist cc: Richard Conley, Coordinator, Hydro Regulatory Affairs P. 01 TRANSACTION REPORT NOV-24-1999 WED 02:50 PM ?K ?K RECEIVE DATE START SENDER RX TIME PAGES TYPE NOTE M# DP NOV-24 02:49 PM 8284976213 59" 1 RECEIVE COME-5 Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. P.O.Box241 Whittier, NC 28789 (828) 497-6505- November 24, 1999 Mr. John T. Dorney, Director Water Quality Certification Program NC DENR 4401 Reedy Creek Rd. Raleigh, NC 27607 Re: Section 401 Certification Proposed Relicensing of Queens Creek Hydroelectric Plant DWQ Project #991055 FERC Project # 2694 Macon County Dear Mr. Dorney: 3 lI. 1 On behalf of Nantahala Power and Light, please provide me with copies of all correspondence, including reports, memos, letters, etc. relating to the above referenced Section 401 Certification. If there is a charge for this service, please bill me. Sincerely, 4?//? e" eov, John L. Boaze, Sr. Biologist cc: Richard Conley, Coordinator, Hydro Regulatory Affairs State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director 1 ? • NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES r November 16, 1999 Mr. Tom Smitherman Nantahula Power and Light Company 301 NP&L Loop Road Franklin, North Carolina 28734 Re: Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act Proposed Relicensing of Queen's Creek Hydroelectric Plant DWQ Project #: 991055 FERC Project #: 2694 Macon County Attached hereto is a copy of Certification No. 3244 issued to the Nantahula Power and Light Company dated November 16, 1999. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Rrell .. " r scc: Asheville DWQ Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Fred Tarter, DWR Frank McBride, WRC John Boa, Fish and Wildlife Associates Ted Bisterfield, US EPA Secretary, FERC Central Files Wetlands/401 Unit 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper r NORTH CAROLINA 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section .0500. It is issued to Nantahula Power and light Company in Macon County pursuant to an application filed on the In day of October 1999 to relicense the Queens Creek hydroelectric project. The application provides adequate assurance thatxhe discharge of fill material into the waters of Queens Creek in conjunction with the proposed development will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate the applicable portions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you submitted in your application, as described in the Public Notice. If you change your project, you must notify us and send us a new application for a new certification. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of the Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H.0506 (h) (6) and (7). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed below. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-discharge and Water Supply watershed regulations. Condition(s) of Certification: 1. Appropriate sediment and erosion control practices which equal or exceed those outlined in the most recent version of two manuals. Either the "North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual" or the "North Carolina Surface Mining Manual" (available from the Division of Land Resources in the DEHNR Regional or Central Offices). The control practices shall be utilized to prevent exceedances of the appropriate turbidity water quality standard (50 NTUs in all fresh water streams and rivers not designated as trout waters; 25 NTUs in all lakes and reservoirs, and all saltwater classes; and 10 NTUs in trout waters); 2. All sediment and erosion control measures placed in wetlands or waters shall be removed and the natural grade restored after the Division of Land Resources has released the project; 3. Measures shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact with waters of the state until the concrete has hardened; 4. Minimal flows shall be released from the dam as follows in order to protect downstream aquatic life: January-3.5 cfs; February to May-4.0 cfs; June-3.5 cfs; July-3.0 cfs; August-2.5 cfs; September and October-2.0 cfs; November-2.5 cfs and December -3.5 cfs. r Violations of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of this Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penalties.. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal 404 and/or coastal Area Management Act Permit. This Certification shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA permit. If this Certification is unacceptable to you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of this Certification. This request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. If modifications are made to an origin4 Certification, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing on the modifications upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of the Certification. Unless such demands are made, this Certification shall be final and binding. This the 16`h day of November 1999 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Steve WQC#: 3244 ing List - NP&L Queens Creek Meeting Mr. John Ellis U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Raleigh Field Office P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Mr. Franklin T. McBride, Manager Program. ,Habitat Conservation Wildlife Resources NC, Commission NC 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh., NC 27604-1188 Mr. Chris Goudreau NC Wildlife Resources Commission 320 South Garden Street Marion, NC 28752 Mr. Mark Davis Habitat Conservation Program NC Wildlife Resources Commission 20830 Great Smoky Mtn. Expressway Waynesville, NC 28786 Mr. Fred Tarver Branch Aquatic Ecology NC Division of Water Resources P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, `-C / 611-7687 Mr. Ted Blisterfield USED A, Region 4 office of Environmental Center Assessment AtlantaFederal S.W. 100 Alabama Street, Atlanta, GA 3 03 03 104 Mr. Michael L. Wilkins District Ranger, USFS Wayah Ranger District sioan Road 'Franklin, NC 29734 Federal Energy Regulatory commission office of the Secretary Dockets - Room lA 888 First StreDC 20426 Washington, Dr. Gary Duven, Director Wesser Institute of Ecology P,O. BoxN177 C 28708 Almond, Donley Dill US Forest Service P.O. Box 2750 Asheville, NC 28802 Mr. Steve Reed Dept. Of Environmental and Natural Resources P.O. BoxNC 27687 27611 Raleigh, Mr. Jim Mead Dept. of Environmental and Natural Resources P.O. BOX NC 27611 Raleigh, Mr. Scott Lois commission NC Wildlife Resource at'ns Expressway 208;0 Great Smoky Waynesville, NC 28786 Bobby Queen p .O. Box 1042 2g901 Andrews, NC Karen McKay Stairs Road 3801 winding Andrews, NC 28901 Mr. Tim Blose 223 NC DENR Division of Water Street 512 N. Salisbury NC 27604 Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 241 Whittier, NC 28789 (828) 497-6505 September 30, 1999 Mr. John Dorney N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Dear Mr. Dorney: rn it I have enclosed a completed Pre-construction Notification Form (PCN) as part of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) relicensing process for the Queens Creek Project operated by Nantahala Power & Light. The effective date of the original (minor) license was May 1, 1965 and the expiration of this license is effective October 20, 2001. On February 28, 1997, a First Stage Consultation package was completed and distributed for review from the pertinent agencies. In July 1998, a Draft License Application was distributed for review. On September 27, 1999, the License Application was submitted to FERC and distributed to all interested parties. The original application for the 401 Certification was filed on October 1, 1998. However, as advised by your office, it has been withdrawn as of September 30, 1999 due to the need for an Environmental Assessment (EA). This document will be prepared by the FERC at a later date. I have enclosed seven (7) copies of the PCN which you said you would distribute to the appropriate departments within the state. Also enclosed is the $475 application fee. If you should need any further information, please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, is c? 11 , PLC, r " , John L. Boaze Senior Biologist cc: Attached List Mr. John Hefner U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Raleigh Field Office P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Asheville Regulatory Field Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 151 Patton Avenue Room 143 Asheville, NC 28801-5006 Mr. Brian Cole U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Asheville Field Office 160 Zillicoa Street Asheville, NC 28801 Mr. John Dorney NC DENR Division of Environmental Management 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 NANTAHALA POWER AND LIGHT October 11, 1999 Mr. David P. Boegers, Secretary FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Dockets Room A 888 First Street, NE Washington, D.C. 20426 RE: 401 Certification for Licensing of the Queens Creek Project No.2694 (NATDAM No. NC00333) Dear Secretary Boegers, On September 27, 1999, Nantahala Power and Light filed with the commission an application for the licensing of the Queens Creek Project No. 2694. As part of the licensing application, Nantahala included their application to the State of North Carolina for the required 401 Water Quality Certification. Also, on September 27, 1999, Fish and Wildlife Associates (Nantahala's licensing consultant) received a call from the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Water Quality Section, stating that an environmental assessment would be necessary before they could issue the 401 Certification. Since some action had to be taken no later than October 01,1999, it was suggested that Nantahala withdraw their application, otherwise the State would have no choice but to deny the 401 Certification. This occurred three days after Nantahala filed their comments on a Draft Certification as issued by the NCDENR on September 3, 1999. A copy of the Draft Certification and Nantahala's comments are attached. Although it appears that requiring an environmental assessment prior to issuing a 401 Certification is unusual, the State chose to do so in this case. However, through conversations with NCDENR personnel, it is not clear if the State is responsible for compiling an EA, or if it will be necessary to wait for the FERC to complete theirs before the 401 Certification can be issued. In order not to be in default on our licensing application to the FERC, we felt that the only reasonable solution to the problem would be to withdraw the 401 application and immediately refile. By letter dated September 30, 1999 Nantahala formally withdrew the 401 application, which was part of the FERC licensing application. In addition on September 30, Nantahala formally applied for a new 401 Certification for the October 11, 1999 Mr. David P Boegers Page 2 Queens Creek project. Copies of both the withdrawal and the new application letters are attached. Nantahala respectfully requests that the license application for the Queens Creek Project No 2694 (NC003333), filed with the Commission on September 27, 1999, be amended to show the current status of the 401 Certification for that project. If you have any questions regarding this matter or if I can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me at any time. Sincerely, Thomas D. Smitherman Vice President, Production, Transmission and Distribution Attachments cc: Mr. Richard Conley Mr. John Boaze Mr. John Dorney Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. Mr. John Dorney P.O. Box 241 Whittier, NC 28789 (828) 497-6505 September 30, 1999 N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Res Division of Environmental Management 4401 Reedy Creek Road. Raleigh, NC 27607f,` Dear Mr. Dorney: 66r -1190 I have enclosed a completed Pre-construction Notification Form (PC" ar & the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) relicensing process for the Quee reek Project operated by Nantahala Power & Light. The effective date of the original (minor) license was May 1, 1965 and the expiration of this license is effective October 20, 2001. On February 28, 1997, a First Stage Consultation package was completed and distributed for review from the pertinent agencies. In July 1998, a Draft License Application was distributed for review. On September 27, 1999, the License Application was submitted to FERC and distributed to all interested parties. The original application for the 401 Certification was filed on October 1, 1998. However, as advised by your office, it has been withdrawn as of September 30, 1999 due to the need for an Environmental Assessment (EA). This document will be prepared by the FERC at a later date. I have enclosed seven (7) copies of the PCN which you said you would distribute to the appropriate departments within the state. Also enclosed is the $475 application fee. If you should need any further information, please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, "?' -4 e • J v John L. Boaze ?l Senior Biologist cc: Attached List Zlr__CN?x__.- EvA Ii:??;C3vT??E nr H'I'S ?^:y'T RF.QG= ?.: 1) :IC':'= _C?=CN C:,R?S C5' YG=T?='?S n':F 2) 139====c'S ?CR r G?=CrI 4aI Gti== -?'=-C C) CCCF? =_C:I n NC II_Y_5_CY cr CvP`: Cr " C__R2S CF ZNG=S-MxS Z-4 (5=.. AC-_`+C: AZLI-, (7) E SWI- TO .. T':N. N Cc AGMTCII? ?. Nantahala Power and Light Companv 301 NP&L Loop Road 28734 C_TV: Franklin NC Z_? c or) u=__u_tic 7,7 -4 1 T==C_ c= N?-C_. (:_?u=) . (;?c_.:) . (7041 369-4514 77 _- = Jj-C__;C. ?G?V?' S N?:?? CP. r.C.?CaS=PLC CCP.=C?=--C C7---= : ?C:.C? :CND KUl'i-Bc-: Tom Smitherman Vice President of Transmission, nistrihnt-inn. -rd Operations 301 NP&L Loco Road, Franklin NC (704) 369-4514 LCC: "=C?1 O? ?r7CEt:: (?PiCG_]E ? ?!?_ ° ???_' a COQ`! GE C1SGS T_OFOG?_? .=C C^GN-' f . Macon TOWN OR C__" . Beechertown Hewitt Ouadranale (USGS 1.24000) Map Attached l S;_r.=.=C =,CC _=CDT (=y'C??Dc RC: 1 7 miles WNW of Franklin NC county road 1412 aporoximately 1 mile west of the intersection with road 1414 Project location at Queens Creek river mile 1 5 Queens Creek Nantahala/Little Tennessee rc. C*, ...C'" _CC_.__:) N?_.:? rN?-__.. C_a5C-___J z? '_' CG':, __JY'?. Cl-•_IY ?T?t (-,jZZ_7 CC (?_-) r =_.-.. ?G=---'r rN:__-?¢ (;?';?w) ? CG='?-?= VD=?TG :=t.==CG?C= r?+'---- ? (C?;v' w=----• - - - n----> - - Cx I N L i -- Y-- =?___:T . Pro; P?-t is located on stream with P trout pnpul at i nn ?tiata; nab by sto k; ng IX ] 7C. 77 7?Z :. 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ATTACHMENT A: Nantahala Power and Light Company is in the process of relicensing its Queens Creek hydroelectric project with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC Project Number 2964). Queens Creek is a small project located in Macon County; 17 miles WNW of Franklin, North Carolina. Dam construction was completed in 1948 and power generation began in 1949; continuing to the present. The project consists of an earth and rock-fill dam, a 37-acre reservoir, a side-channel spillway, a penstock and reservoir drain, a powerhouse containing one 1440AW generator, and associated facilities. The power generated at this project is used by the power company for public utility purposes. The reservoir created by the dam inundated approximately 4000 feet of stream channel. The reservoir and stream currently have trout populations supported by state hatchery operations. During initial construction, no wetland areas were affected and the continued operation of this facility will not impact any wetlands. O r-' o p \ 1 .? ?^X:? ?'. x= s v i ' Bra7fc ??_.-? ,? ?;___'....LLL , ?! ? ? L -' Vti,'\,' `•???' _H.. ?•c^`?o+i-!',`.- lira ?h C 9.4.j Z? CIC" J n? ?°. l J 4 - rn ICZ7 J1./ /I j L C r;j _ ?' j j :-'-??-v \. sob e;•?_?,Iit d? /?.oo //m ?\,---??, •?'?\?\ ?''?'"??m{ 1 ---^-• 1 ?-, r> j' ? ?t ?; _-? -°==-?o/rV.aa'! 3?xvxoadce r`-`xA`a e k \-\73NNJ1 V7VWvV.L V - - ?, / /••? ^ `\\?"? ` _- _ .. C. ?S `-`III ? i /?w ..\ \`,_? i .-= "?? i - ?, • `\`-\?- ??.?! ij ?'~ ? _? ,'?- ? ..; ? ??..? ?.,.? \ CO 71