HomeMy WebLinkAbout20042007 Ver 1_Complete File_20041216?0? W AT 490 v > r_ Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources February 1, 2005 Mr. Jeff Jurek NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC, 27699-1652 Subject Property: Charles Creek Park Waiver of 401 Water Quality Certification Dear Mr. Jurek: Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality DWQ Project # 04-2007 Pasquotank County Your application for a 401 Water Quality Certification to restore and/or enhance up to 1.9 acres of wetlands at the subject property was received in the Division of Water Quality's Central Office on December 16, 2004. According to General Certification 3495, if final action is not taken within 30 days, the Certification is waived unless DWQ has objected in writing to your application. Therefore, DWQ has waived the requirement for a 401 Water Quality Certification for your plans to impact waters as described in your December 16, 2004 application materials. However, if additional impact occurs or your development plans change, this waiver is no longer valid and a 401 Water Quality Certification will be required. If you have any questions, please telephone Cyndi Karoly at 919-733-1786. Sincerely, .Alan W. Klimek, P.E. AWKIcbk cc: USACE Washington Regulatory Field Office Wilmington District, USACE DWQ Washington Regional Office DLR Washington Regional Office File Copy Central Files Filename: 042007CharlesCreek(Pasquotank)Waive 401 Wetlands Certification Unit 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733-17861 FAX 919-733-66931 Internet: htt[)://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetiands No ethCarolina AR11 nii; An Equal OpportunitylAffirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper WETLAND RESTORATION PLAN FOR CHARLES CREEK PARK Pasquotank County, North Carolina t 3+ .F ( ? >y Y a.. g, ? ?y Prepared for S&EC Project No. 7281.D2 December 7, 2004 R12@129WRI DEC 1 6 2004 DE IR -WATER QUALITY WETLANDS AND STORAf WATER BRANCH Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Road • Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 • Phone: (919) 846-5900 • Fax: (919) 846-9467 www.SandEC.com TABLE OF CONTENTS COVER SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1 2.0 PROJECT GOALS ...................................................................................................... 2 3.0 PROJECT LOCATION ............................................................................................... 3 4.0 WATERSHED INFORMATION ................................................................................. 4 4.1 Drainage Area .......................................................................................................... 4 4.2 Land Usage & Distribution ...................................................................................... 4 4.3 Future Land Use ....................................................................................................... 4 5.0 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS ................................................................................. 5 5.1 Existing Hydraulic Features ..................................................................................... 5 5.2 Site Soils .................................................................................................................. 5 5.3 Existing Plant Community ....................................................................................... 6 5.4 Threatened and Endangered Species ....................................................................... 6 5.5 Nearby Areas of Historical Significance ................................................................. 7 6.0 WETLAND EVALUATION ........................................................................................ 8 6.1 Reference Wetlands ................................................................................................. 8 6.1.1 Reference Wetland 1 ......................................................................................... 8 6.1.2 Reference Wetland 2 ......................................................................................... 8 6.2 Site Wetland Delineation ......................................................................................... 9 6.3 Site Groundwater Data ............................................................................................. 9 6.4 Site Rainfall Data ................................................................................................... 10 i 7.0 WETLAND RESTORATION PLAN ......................................................................... 11 7.1 Demolition Plan ..................................................................................................... 11 7.2 Planned Hydrologic Modifications ........................................................................ 11 7.3 Vegetative Community Restoration ....................................................................... 12 7.3.1 Planting Units .................................................................................................. 12 7.3.2 Marsh Fringe ................................................................................................... 14 7.3.3 Retention of Large Bald Cypress Trees .......................................................... 14 7.4 Soil Restoration ...................................................................................................... 15 7.5 Removal of Invasive or Undesirable Species ........................................................ 15 7.6 Erosion & Sediment Control .................................................................................. 15 7.7 Construction Sequence ........................................................................................... 16 8.0 WETLAND SUCCESS CRITERIA & MONITORING PLAN ................................. 18 8.1 Hydrologic Success Criteria .................................................................................. 18 8.2 Vegetative Success Criteria ................................................................................... 18 8.3 Physical Success .................................................................................................... 19 8.4 Monitoring Schedule .............................................................................................. 19 LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF APPENDICES LIST OF PLAN SHEETS 11 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1 Site Location Map FIGURE 2 USGS Topographic Map FIGURE 3 Pasquotank County Soils Survey Map FIGURE 4 Reference Wetland Location Map FIGURE 5 Site Wetland Delineation (PRELIMINARY) LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A Site Photographs APPENDIX B Reference Wetland Photographs APPENDIX C APPENDIX D Groundwater Data Rainfall Data iii LIST OF PLAN SHEETS SHEET 1 Cover, Contents, and Vicinity Map SHEET 2 Construction Site Boundary SHEET 3 Existing Site Layout SHEET 4 Demolition Plan SHEET 5 Grading Plan SHEET 6 Wetland Planting Plan SHEET 7 Construction Sequence & Planting Details I SHEET 8 Planting Details II SHEET 9 Planting Schedule - Unit A SHEET 10 Planting Schedule - Unit B SHEET 11 Planting Schedule - Marsh Fringe & Sloughs SHEET 12 Sediment & Erosion Control Plan SHEET 13 Sediment & Erosion Control Details I SHEET 14 Sediment & Erosion Control Details II iv 1.0 INTRODUCTION Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA (S&EC) has been contracted by the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) (formerly the Wetlands Restoration Program,WRP) to restore and/or enhance approximately 1.9 acres of riparian (stream- side) wetlands on the Charles Creek Park site in Elizabeth City, Pasquotank County, NC See Figure 1 for a site vicinity map. In August 2003, S&EC prepared a Conceptual Restoration Plan to gain concurrence from then WRP, on our concept for the restoration and enhancement of these wetlands. At that time we solicited additional comment and input from then WRP for incorporation into this Restoration Plan. ® This report presents our design rationale and documentation for our proposed Restoration Plan. Proposed site restoration includes the removal of fill, localized grading, and planting the site to restore its wetland hydrology and vegetation, and the resultant habitat. The interested reader is referred to the attached figures, appendices, and construction plan sheets for additional information. Additional effort will be needed for the preparation of construction specifications, bid documents, construction and planting observation, preparation of record drawings, and first year monitoring requirements. S&EC is currently under contract to provide these services. r 1 ILI 2.0 PROJECT GOALS The specific goals of the Charles Creek Park wetland restoration effort are to: 1) Restore and/or create wetland function, vegetative structure, and wildlife habitat to approximately 1.9 acres of lower coastal plain bald cypress-gum swamp, 2) Incorporate the restoration effort into the site's surrounding areas in an aesthetically pleasing manner that does not mark a significant departure from similar nearby cypress-gum swampland, 3) Retain valuable natural onsite assets (i.e., large existing bald cypress individuals) and incorporate them into the site restoration, and 4) Incorporate the site into the Elizabeth City community in a manner that is conducive to fostering public interest in wetland restoration. 2 3.0 PROJECT LOCATION The Charles Creek Park Wetland Restoration site is located in the Pasquotank River Basin, Hydrologic Cataloging Unit 03010205, along the southeast bank of Charles Creek near its confluence with the Pasquotank River in Pasquotank County, NC. The site is situated immediately northeast of the intersection of Southern Avenue and Dawson Street in downtown Elizabeth City, NC. See the attached Site Location Map (Figure 1) and the attached 7.5 minute series USGS Topographic Map, Elizabeth City, NC (Figure 2) for specifics on directions to the site and its surrounding vicinity. According to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), Division of Water Quality (DWQ) website, Charles Creek (Stream Index Number 30-3-11) is classified as a Class C and Sw watercourse. The following definitions apply: Class C - freshwaters protected for secondary recreation, fishing, aquatic life including propagation and survival , and wildlife Class Sw - swamp waters which have low velocities and other natural characteristics which are different from adjacent streams The site consists of a single tract, is currently owned by Elizabeth City, NC and functions as a City Park (see attached Sheet 3 - Existing Site Plan), and is comprised of approximately 1.9 acres. 0 11 n F u n n C n H u 0 n s 4.0 WATERSHED INFORMATION During our analyses we observe characteristics of the site and surrounding area, verify surface and channel flow conditions, and observe existing water conveyance structures. This section describes our evaluation of the project watershed. 4.1 Drainage Area The watershed area for the project site is confined to the immediate project vicinity bounded by Southern Avenue to the west, Dawson Street to the south, Hunter Street to the east, and Tuscarora Avenue and Charles Creek itself to the north. These roads serve as the watershed boundary due to their elevation relative to the remainder of the site. Existing surface drainage swales and two existing culverts (one under Dawson Street and one under Hunter Street) intercept or collect off-site runoff and direct it to two unnamed tributaries of Charles Creek which run through the project site. 4.2 Land Usage & Distribution Approximately one-third of the parcel is maintained, mown lawn and landscaped, area. Notable site amenities include a small asphalt paved basketball court, a swing set and playground area, and a small dock/boardwalk structure along Charles Creek, all located on the west side of the tract. Immediately to the east of the basketball court, there is a large, open maintained grassed area enclosed by Dawson Street to the south, Charles Creek to the north, and one of the tributaries of Charles Creek to the east. The remaining two-thirds of the property is predominately forested, with a narrow grassed area adjacent to Dawson Street until its intersection with Hunter St. This area has naturalized and primarily consists of multiple large diameter bald cypress with varying understory species located along Charles Creek and the two previously noted unnamed tributaries to the creek. Topographically, the site is generally flat, sloped slightly near the Charles Creek waterline (see attached Existing Site Plan). Topographic abnormalities include landscaped/planted areas within the larger tract. Please refer to Appendix A for site photos. Land usage surrounding the project site consists of single family residential lots with intermixed commercial development. 4.3 Future Land Use The project site is separated topographically, and in turn hydraulically from the surrounding vicinity and watershed. Surface and channel flow from the surrounding area is intercepted and routed through the site (described later in this report). Accordingly it is our opinion that future changes in surrounding land usage and resultant hydrologic changes are not likely to effect the site or the proposed restoration efforts. 4 C n H u 1 5.0 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS Existing site hydraulic features consist of maintained grass-lined surface drainage swales, boundary culverts (transporting discharges from off-site), and Charles Creek and the two previously noted unnamed tributaries of Charles Creek. This section describes currently existing site conditions at Charles Creek Park. See attached Existing Site Plan. 5.1 Existing Hydraulic Features Based on their size (ranging from roughly 6-inches to 18-inches in depth) and location, the existing swales were constructed to collect and remove local surface runoff from select portions of the site and the surrounding area. The first of these swales is located immediately to the east of the playground and basketball court and flows generally northward to its outfall into Charles Creek. The second swale parallels Dawson Street, immediately to the north, and flows generally eastward to its outfall into one of the unnamed tributaries of Charles Creek. The two unnamed tributaries both enter the site from culverts beneath boundary streets. The first, culverted under Dawson Street through a 30-inch diameter corrugated metal pipe (CMP), runs generally northward bisecting the property. This channel, ranging from approximately 2.5 to 4.0 feet in depth (at top of bank) appears fairly stable with select points exhibiting localized erosion. The channel width varies from approximately 10 feet in width at the upstream culvert outfall to approximately 30 feet in width at its confluence with Charles Creek. The second channel, while less defined at its upper end is culverted under Hunter Street through a small pipe of undetermined size. During our site visits we observed excessive sedimentation within the pipe partially burying the downstream end of the culvert. This channel runs generally westward paralleling Tuscarora Street. The channel, ranging from approximately 0.5 to 4.0 feet in depth (at top of bank) also appears fairly stable. Select points along the channel banks do exhibit localized erosion. The channel width varies from approximately 2 feet in width at the upstream culvert outfall to approximately 30 feet in width at its confluence with Charles Creek. Charles Creek proper serves as a portion of the northern property boundary varying in width from roughly 50 feet to over 100 feet. The channel is tidally influenced with depths along this boundary, while not verified, estimated at roughly 4 to 6 feet at mean high water. 5.2 Site Soils In the Pasquotank County Soil survey, on-site soils are mapped Mattapex fine sandy loam in upland areas, predominately in the grassed areas to the east of the basketball court (see Figure 3 - Site Soils Survey attached). Lower areas immediately adjacent to the stream feature entering the tract from the south are mapped "swamp." The area in the vicinity of the drain entering the site from the east at Hunter Street is mapped Bibb soils. Hand auger borings and visual site assessment indicate that several inches of fill material overlays the residual site soils. The USDA's taxonomic class for Mattapex is fine-silty, mixed, active, mesic Aquic Hapludults. Mattapex soils are moderately well drained and have moderately slow to moderate permeability. They are formed in silty eolian sediments that are underlain by coarser fluvial or marine sediments, and generally occur on gentle slopes bordering drainageways. r u The USDA classification for Bibb soils is coarse-loamy, siliceous, active, acid thermic Typic Fluvaquents. Bibb soils are poorly drained and are moderately permeable, and are formed in stratified loamy and sandy alluvium. They generally occur along floodplains, and are frequently flooded, and are on the State and Federal hydric soils lists. 5.3 Existing Plant Community In open areas onsite, crabgrass (Digitaria spp.) and fescue (Festuca spp.) predominate. In open areas east of the tributary dividing the property, few ornamental trees have been planted, including pecan (Carya illinoensis). There are several large bald cypress (Taxodium distichutan) trees along the Charles Creek waterline, which are also present in vegetated areas in the eastern portion of the site. East of the tributary that enters Charles Creek from the south, there is a larger, contiguous forested area along the Charles Creek waterline. The canopy of this area is dominated by larger bald cypress trees. The shrub stratum, though not very dense, is composed of younger bald cypress individuals, Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), black willow (Salix nigra), wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera), few individuals of eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana), and red maple (Ater rubrum). Blackberry (Rubes spp.) and swamp rose (Rosa palustris) are also common. The herbaceous stratum is sparse, and primarily includes giant cane (Arundinaria gigantean) and needle rush (Juncus spp.). Just west of Hunter St. on the eastern edge of the property along the drainage feature, there is a small pocket of common reed (Phragmites australis). 5.4 Threatened and Endangered Species In order to assess potential impacts to any federal and state threatened and/or endangered species the proposed restoration effort may pose, a review was conducted at the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NHP) office. A two-mile radius of the site was evaluated for known Elements of Occurrence (E.O.O.'s) of threatened/endangered animals, and a five-mile radius was evaluated for threatened/endangered plants. No Elements of Occurrence of threatened or endangered federal and state species were located within the radii specified above. The closest Element of Occurrence of a threatened/endangered animal to the site is an active bald eagle (Haliaectus leucocephalus) nest approximately 3.5 miles east of the site across the Pasquotank River 6 in a marsh area. We believe that the proposed restoration work will have no adverse effect on bald eagle nesting habitat, and will likely help to enhance local habitat quality. 5.5 Nearby Areas of Historical Significance In order to determine potential impacts as a result of the proposed restoration effort at Charles Creek Park to any nearby areas of historical significance, The State Historical Preservation Office (SHPO) was contacted. According to Renee Gledhill-Earley at SHPO, there are no nearby areas of historical significance that would be impacted by the proposed work. 7 n r_ 6.0 WETLAND EVALUATION In order to facilitate restoration plan development as well as support project goals, two off-site reference wetland areas were characterized. The reference wetland areas were qualitatively assessed, and species lists for each vegetative stratum (trees, shrubs, herbaceous, and vines) were recorded. This section describes our evaluation to date of reference wetlands, our on site jurisdictional waters delineation, and existing groundwater conditions. 6.1 Reference Wetlands Both reference wetland areas occupy similar landscape positions to that of the Charles Creek Park site. Both references are situated adjacent to Charles Creek and located upstream of the restoration site. 6.1.1 Reference Wetland 1 Reference Wetland 1 is located east of Peartree Road behind Hollywood Cemetery near the intersection of Peartree Road and South Road Street near the Charles Creek Park site in Elizabeth City, NC. See Figure 4. This area appears to flood with a very high frequency, as several large areas of standing water (sloughs) were observed. In the Pasquotank County Soil survey, reference site soils are mapped as "swamp." In areas of no standing water, soils were typically saturated to the ground surface. The canopy was dominated by bald cypress and few individuals of water tupelo (Nyssa aquatica), with larger trees nearing 48-inch diameter at breast height (dbh). Lower in the tree stratum, red maple and green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) were co-dominates. The shrub stratum was very sparse, and was occupied primarily by arrow-wood (Viburnum dentatum) and highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum), as well as saplings from species in the tree stratum. Due to obvious frequent flooding, the herbaceous stratum was severely underdeveloped, and only sparse upland grass species sprouts from the adjacent cemetery were present. Vines included poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans), greenbrier (Smilax rotundifolia), laurel-leaved greenbrier (Smilax laurifolia), and trumpet creeper (Campsis radicans). Exotic/invasive species included Chinese privet in the shrub stratum and Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica). 6.1.2 Reference Wetland 2 Reference Wetland 2 is also located east of Peartree Road behind Oak Grove Cemetery approximately 2000 ft. north of SR 1152 (Halstead Boulevard). See Figure 4. This area appears to flood much less frequently than Reference Wetland 1, and although no areas of standing water were observed, soils were saturated to the ground surface. In the Pasquotank County Soil survey, reference site soils are mapped as "swamp." Bald cypress and green ash shared co-dominance in the tree stratum, with individuals sized approximately 18-24 inches dbli on average. Lower in the tree stratum, green ash shared co-dominance with American elm (Ulmus americana) and red maple. The shrub stratum was occupied primarily by saplings from tree stratum species and highbush blueberry. Lizard's tail (Saururus cernuus) was dense in the herbaceous stratum, with broad-leaf arrow-head (Saggitaria latifolia) occurring to a lesser extent. Vines included poison ivy, trumpet creeper, greenbrier, and laurel-leaved greenbrier. Exotic/invasive species included Chinese privet and Japanese honeysuckle. It should be noted that hydrologic reference conditions were identified on the Charles Creek Park site. Accordingly, as this data was immediately available on site, no monitoring of wetland hydrology was performed on either of the reference sites. 6.2 Site Wetland Delineation On July 8, 2004, Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA, performed the jurisdictional waters delineation at the project site. Later that day we met with Ms. Tracey Wheeler of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District to confirm our boundaries and provide input. Based on that discussion we have prepared a sealed Wetland Delineation Map, dated August 2, 2004. This map has been forwarded to Ms. Wheeler for signature. A copy of this map is provided in Figure 5. 6.3 Site Groundwater Data Our evaluation of site groundwater included the purchase, siting, and installation of a series; of 40-inch groundwater monitoring gauges with data loggers. Gauge data was downloaded for design use and incorporation into our Restoration Plan. t A total of four (4) Infinities USA, Inc., data loggers (numbered PS 1 through PS 4) were originally installed on the project site on February 27, 2003. Of these gauges, three were installed to the east of Southern Avenue and one was installed to the west of Southern ' Avenue. The gauge to the west (PS 2) was subsequently removed when this parcel was removed from the area proposed for work by EEP. The location for each of the remaining installed gauges is shown on Sheet 3 - Existing Site Layout. Of the three remaining gauges, two were installed in upland upland (presumed filled) portions of the site (PSI and PS4). The third gauge, PS3, was installed as a local reference gauge based on the results of our site investigation. This gauge was later used in our determination of appropriate restoration activities (removal of fill and local grading) described later in this report. Since their installation, these gauges have been downloaded on a quarterly basis. To date all gauges have remained functional. Data collected from these gauges is provided in Appendix C. 6.4 Site Rainfall Data t Our site work also included the purchase, siting, and installation of one (1) 6.5-inch diameter, 0.01-inch, self-emptying tipping bucket rain gauge data logger on site. The location of the installed rain gauge is shown on Sheet 3 - Existing Site Layout. Data collected from the rain gauge, also collected on a quarterly basis, is provided in Appendix D. L r u 1 10 7.0 WETLAND RESTORATION PLAN Restoration and enhancement of the site will be accomplished by re-grading previously filled wetland areas to their pre-disturbance grade and planting these and other denuded wetland areas with native vegetation, using the two reference wetland areas identified as a guideline. The interested reader is referred to Sheets 1 through 14 of the Restoration Plan. 7.1 Demolition Plan ' Along the Charles Creek waterline, there are several areas of concrete, rubble, refuse, and other similar debris. Similar areas were also observed just within the normal high water line in eastern portions of the property, as well as along the stream bed of the tributary entering the site from the south. These areas of debris will be cleared and removed from the site. The fence posts demarcating the central area of the main tract as well as the landscaped/gravel area in the middle of the main tract will also be removed during the ' site preparation phase of the restoration effort. All removed concrete rubble and other material should be disposed of properly. Please refer to Sheet 4 - Demolition Plan sheet for details. 7.2 Planned Hydrologic Modifications ' Site grading will proceed in accordance with the attached Grading Plan sheet. Grading will be performed in a manner to restore wetland hydrology by lowering existing site grade in selected areas closer to the existing water table, simultaneously enabling lateral surface flow into the site from Charles Creek. Two general grades are proposed. The first will occupy an elevation approximately 0.5- ' 1.0 ft (see Proposed Grading Plan sheet) which will be established adjacent to the Charles Creek waterline, and maintained adjacent to the draw entering the site from the east at Hunter Street. Planting unit A (see below and Planting Plan sheets) will occupy this grade. The second grade will be established at an elevation ranging from 1.0-2.0 ft., which will be occupied by planting unit B. ' Some areas onsite already meet jurisdictional criteria (both hydrologic and vegetative) as described on the Wetland Delineation Map previously described. These areas include the area in the vicinity of the reference well (PS 3) and along the draw entering the site from the east. These areas will be demarcated with tree protection fencing (see attached Wetland Planting Plan and Grading Plan sheets) and will not be disturbed by grading activities. The proposed grading activities are described on Sheet 5 - Grading Plan. The currently 1 installed upland groundwater monitoring gauges and the rain gauge will be temporarily removed during construction operations. The reference groundwater gauge will remain 11 in place. The rain gauge will be temporarily relocated to allow for the collection of data throughout construction operations. 7.3 Vegetative Community Restoration As proposed in the Restoration Plan previously submitted to NC-WRP, the site will be planted in a manner to reconstruct the vegetative community and structure similar to cypress-gum swamps described by Schafale and Weakley (1990) 1. Two planting units (Unit A and Unit B) will be established on site. Additionally, a marsh fringe will also be planted along the Charles Creek waterline to aid in stabilizing the site following grading and enhance habitat by providing a transitional zone between the deepwater habitat in Charles Creek and the cypress-gum swamp onsite. Each of the units are discussed in further detail below. 7.3.1 Planting Units LI v The first planting unit will be established adjacent to the Charles Creek waterline on a contour approximately 0.5-1.0 ft. above the mean waterline. Several large existing bald cypress trees will be retained within the first planting unit. The second planting unit will be established on a contour approximately 0.5-1.0 ft. in elevation higher than the first planting unit, and thus, will flood less frequently. Planting Unit A Planting Unit A will be established along the Charles Creek waterline and carried along the backwater areas towards the eastern portions of the tract along the drainage feature entering the site from the east at Hunter Street (see Proposed Planting Plan). This unit will occupy the lower elevation established onsite via grading, and inundation is anticipated to occur frequently. Reference Wetland 1 (previously described) was used as a template when developing this planting unit, as bald cypress and water tupelo are the desired dominate species in the tree stratum. Table 1 displays the tree and shrub species that will be incorporated into Planting Unit A. Micro-topographic complexity will be emphasized within this planting unit in order to maximize habitat diversity. Small, shallow backwater sloughs will be dug during grading, and later planted with the following floating and rooted aquatic species: White Water Lily (Nymphaea odorata), Broad-Leaf Arrow-Head (Sagittaria latifolia), Lizard's Tail (Saururus cernuus), Pickerel Weed (Pontedaria cordata), Yellow Cow- Lily (Nuphar Luteum), and Stiff Arrow-Head (Sagittaria Rigida). Schafale, M. P., Weakley, A. S. 1990. Classification of the natural communities or North Carolina. N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 12 Trees Common Name Scientific Name Bald Cypress Taxodium distichuum Water Tupelo Nyssa aquatica Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica Water Oak Quercus nigra Water Hickory Carya a uatica Shrubs Buttonbush Cephalanthus occidentalis Fetterbush Lyonia lucida Highbush Blueberry Vacciniunt coryntbosunt Red Bay Persea borbonia Possumhaw Viburnum nudum Pepper Bush Clethra abdfolia Table 1: Tree and shrub species to be incorporated into planting unit A Please refer to the attached Planting Plan, Planting Details, and Planting Schedules regarding quantities and other details for Planting Unit A and the slough areas. PlantinIj Unit B This unit will be established on a topographic contour approximately 0.5- 1.0 ft. higher in elevation than Planting Unit A, thereby likely decreasing flood frequency. Planted species will reflect the expected decreased frequency of inundation, and thus, the shrub stratum will be planted with a greater density than in Planting Unit A. Table 2 displays the tree and shrub species that will be incorporated into Planting Unit B. F 1 Trees Common Name Scientific Name Bald Cypress Taxodium distichuum Water Tupelo Nyssa aquatica Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica Willow Oak Quercus phellos Sweetbay Magnolia Magnolia virginiana 13 Shrubs Buttonbush Cephalanthus occidentalis Fetterbush Lyonia lucida Red Bay Persea borbonia Pepper Bush Clethra alnifolia Highbush Blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum Arrow-Wood Viburnum dentatun: Possumhaw Viburnum nudum Ti-Ti C rilla racend ora Table 2: Tree and shrub species to be incorporated into planting unit B 1 C H u Please refer to the attached Planting Plan, Planting Details, and Planting Schedule regarding quantities and other details for Planting Unit B. NOTE: All plantings performed on site will adhere to the NC4VRP planting specifications. 7.3.2 Marsh Fringe An approximately 10 to 15 ft. wide marsh fringe is proposed along the waterline of Charles Creek adjacent to planting unit A (see Proposed Planting Plan sheet). This area will be planted with live propagules and bare-root seedlings of Uptight Sedge (Carex stricta), Soft Rush (Juncus effusus), Olney's Bulrush (Scirpus americanus), Wool-Grass (Scirpus Cyperinus), and Soft-Stem Bulrush (Scirpus Validus). Please refer to the marsh fringe Planting Schedule shown in the plan sheets for additional details. 7.3.3 Retention of Large Bald Cypress Trees Retaining as many of the larger bald cypress trees onsite is a priority of the restoration effort. In order to assess the feasibility of performing grading work near the root systems of these trees without increasing the risk of mortality and/or disease, Dr. William Conner, a bald cypress silvics expert from Clemson University, was contacted. Dr. Conner recommended retaining as much root mass as possible in the vicinity of the retained trees, and limiting grading activity within the immediate vicinity. As shown in the Planting Plan, an approximate 40- foot radius around each of the bald cypress individuals to be retained along the Charles Creek waterline in the restoration plan has been established where grading work will be severely limited. These areas will effectively become cypress "islands" and will help to enhance microhabitat and micro-topographical complexity within the site. There are also several large bald cypress individuals in the eastern portion of the site that will be 14 retained to the maximum extent possible, although many of the larger existing trees may not be shown on the Proposed Planting Plan. Larger individual cypress trees to be retained as part of the restoration effort will be identified on site prior to construction. Tree protection fencing will be installed around the individuals to be retained as well as the larger areas of established cypress and other desirable native species in the eastern and northern portions of the site. Details of the proposed restoration planting plan are included on Sheets 6, 8, 9, 10, and 11 of the attached plans. 7.4 Soil Restoration During grading of site, topsoil will be removed and stockpiled. Topsoil is to be redistributed across planting areas during final grading. Topsoil will be stored in an appropriate manner by contractor to avoid erosion and off site sedimentation. Based on existing site uses and our understanding of previous site modifications we have no indication that underlying site soils are overly compacted. Accordingly current plans do not call for specific modification or soil restoration efforts (amendments and/or scarification) of the existing site soils once grading operations are complete. If however, upon completion of grading operations, areas of compacted soils are observed, localized restoration efforts may be employed i.e.: scarification, addition of topsoil, mulch, or other organics. Amendments will not be added to areas where inundation may occur and transport this material off site. Extreme care will be necessary so as not to disturb the root structure of the retained cypress trees described above. 7.5 Removal of Invasive or Undesirable Species During site preparation, an effort will be made to remove existing exotic/invasive vegetation within project boundaries. Site-specific species targeted for removal primarily include common reed (Phragmites spp.), Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinelzse), and Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica). Invasive species will be field-identified by S&EC staff and mechanically removed and/or treated locally with a glyphosate-based herbicide (such as Rodeo(V). Subsequent site visits should be performed following construction to evaluate Phragmites regrowth and perform spot treatments as needed. 7.6 Erosion & Sediment Control Since the total disturbed/denuded area as a result of restoration plan implementation will exceed one (1.0) acre, a Erosion and Sediment (E&S) Control Permit will be required. Sediment and erosion control measures will be installed by the Contractor prior to commencing site grading activities. Due to the proximity of grading operations to Charles Creek, extra care should be employed by the contractor to check all E&S control measures at the end of each day and make necessary repairs or additions. Contractor should also inspect all E&S control measures after periods of extended rainfall or 15 significant rainfall events (>0.5 inches). Contractor should repair and stabilize exposed surfaces immediately, and remove and properly dispose of accumulated sediment in turbidity curtain, silt fence, etc. after these events. Site E&S control measures will include turbidity curtains, silt fence, rock check dams, matting, and temporary and permanent seeding. The contractor shall employ the following E&S control sequence prior to grading: Erosion and Sedimentation Control Sequence 1. Establish staging area as directed by the Owner. Contractor will be responsible for installing necessary E&S control measures at staging area (parking area stabilization, silt fence, or other measures as contractor deems necessary). Establish temporary construction entrances to site. 2. Install sediment and erosion control measures including silt fencing and turbidity / silt curtain as shown on Sheet 12. Once tidal sloughs have been graded, silt fence crossing tidal sloughs will be contoured across the channel, and rock check dams will be hand placed by contractor as shown on Sheet 13. 3. Remove concrete debris, refuse, and other materials as specified in the site's demolition plan. Clear and grub in required areas for wetland area grading and planting. 4. Temporary seeding will be applied to areas that are not at final grade and will be exposed for greater than two (2) weeks. 5. After final grading is complete, permanent seeding will be applied to all exposed areas. Erosion control matting will be applied to all final graded sloped steeper than 2H:1 V. Permanent seeding and matting will be installed incrementally as soon as an area reaches final grade. 6. Remove temporary sediment and erosion control measures. The contractor shall remove accumulated sediment prior to removal of turbidity curtain, silt fence, or other measures. ' This E&S control sequence is also reflected in the plan sheets. Also refer to the Construction Sequence, Sediment and Erosion Control Plan, and Sediment and Erosion Control Details sheets attached. 7.7 Construction Sequence All aspects of site construction and planting operations will be supervised by a qualified representative of Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA (S&EC). The daily sequence of events shall be determined and approved by S&EC professional staff. It will be the Contractor's responsibility to have the appropriate equipment and personnel on site to 16 perform the tasks based on the project schedule. If potential conflicts arise, the Contractor shall notify the Designer immediately so that adjustments can be made. The following construction sequence shall be used during construction: Construction Sequence 1. Obtain local authority approval for construction. 2. Contact NC One Call to locate and mark existing utilities on site. 3. Establish staging area as directed by the Owner. Contractor will be responsible for installing necessary E&S control measures at staging area (parking area stabilization, silt fence, or other measures as contractor deems necessary). Mobilize equipment and materials to the staging area. Establish temporary construction entrances to site. 4. Install sediment and erosion control measures including silt fencing and turbidity/silt curtain. Install tree protection fencing as directed by Designer. 5. Remove concrete debris, refuse, and other materials as specified in the site's Demolition Plan. Clear and grub in required areas for wetland area grading and planting. Remove trees as well as exotic and invasive species as directed by the Designer. 6. Verify grading depths and extents. Initiate grading of wetland areas starting along the Charles Creek waterline, working back towards Dawson and Hunter Streets. Extreme caution shall be used when working near existing bald cypress trees. 7. Apply temporary sediment and erosion control seeding measures. 8. Perform wetland planting. Apply permanent seeding measures. 9. Remove temporary sediment and erosion control measures after groundcover is established and site is stabilized. 10. Conduct final site inspection with the Contractor, Owner, and Designer. ' 7.8 Future Site Maintenance A site tour should be performed after the completion of construction and permanent seeding and planting. Representatives from the design firm, EEP, and Elizabeth City should attend this tour to see the boundaries of site planting and discuss future site maintenance operations that will ensure the protection of trees, shrubs, and plants installed as part of this project. 1 17 8.0 WETLAND SUCCESS CRITERIA & MONITORING PLAN This section includes information concerning hydrologic and vegetative success criteria, physical evaluation of the site, and the proposed monitoring schedule. 8.1 Hydrologic Success Criteria In order to ensure hydrologic success, groundwater elevation monitoring will be conducted annually on site for a 5-year period. The monitoring period will commence immediately upon the completion of site construction and planting efforts. As previously noted, the Infinities groundwater monitoring gages will remain in place or be re-installed immediately following the completion of site grading and planting operations. Three (3) gages will be installed on site, two (2) in the vicinity of their pre- monitoring period locations, and one (1) to be installed at a location determined after the completion of construction. One (1) gauge (PS 3) will remain in the hydrologic reference area already established on-site. The existing site rain gauge will be relocated and remain on site during the monitoring period. In order to meet wetland hydrology, the groundwater table will need to be within the upper twelve (12) inches of the ground surface for a period of consecutive days equal to 8.5% of the growing season. According to the Pasquotank County Soil Survey, the average growing season (number of frost-free days) is approximately 208 days long, lasting from April 7`h to November I". Accordingly, a groundwater monitoring gauge will be considered to meet hydrologic success criteria if hydrology is met for a period of 18 straight days (rounded up from 17.7 days) during the growing season. 8.2 Vegetative Success Criteria In order to ensure vegetative success, vegetative monitoring will be conducted annually on site for a 5-year period. The monitoring period will commence immediately upon the completion of site construction and planting efforts. Three (3) 10-meter square sample plots will be established on site, each plot offset 2 meters from each gauge positioned within the restoration area. A single 10-meter square reference sample plot will be established on site coincident with the reference gauge. Typically in order for the site to be considered a success, survivability of planted vegetation must exceed 260 stems per acre with no one species comprising more than 20% of the total stem count. However, it is our opinion that owing to the inherent lack of diversity within natural cypress-gum swamp wetlands, the traditional vegetative success criteria is not an appropriate metric by which to evaluate site criteria. We recommend that vegetative success be quantified differently for the project, such that vegetation still 18 must exceed 260 stems per acre, but that no one species should comprise more than 60% of the entire stem count. A vegetative success criteria of 75% coverage will be required at the end of the 5-year period for the fringe marsh species. This coverage will be based on observation of the planted fringe zones. During monitoring site visits an evaluation of Phragmites and other invasive or undesirable species will be performed and recommendations made regarding necessary removal or treatments. 8.3 Physical Success An as-built engineering survey of the site will be conducted upon completion of the site restoration work to ensure that site grading and planting work was performed in a manner consistent with the approved Restoration Plan. During site monitoring visits, the site will be walked and all graded areas will be inspected for stability. If areas of instability are observed, they will be noted and repair recommendations prepared. A photographic record of the site will be collected during each site visit. Photo points at key locations on site and at the corners of our vegetative monitoring plots. ¦ 8.4 Monitoring Schedule As previously described, to ensure hydrologic and vegetative success, success monitoring will be conducted annually on site for a period of five (5) years from the implementation of the restoration plan. The site will be visited on a quarterly basis. During each of these site visits groundwater monitoring gauges and the rain gauge will be downloaded and gauges evaluated to ensure proper function. A plant survivability survey will be performed at the end of each year on each of the three plots (2 restoration plots, 1 reference plot, and marsh fringe). During site visits a general evaluation (by observation) of the site will be performed and record photographs will be taken. An Annual Monitoring Report will be prepared at the end of each year of monitoring. This report will be submitted to EEP for review. The monitoring report will summarize the general site conditions, the results of hydrologic and vegetative monitoring, and recommendations for necessary maintenance. e 1 ' 19 ' N 118 0 rn O 3 O U U D a S u n ii 11 11 71 A b `- p `G 3 ` - \ rtr J? c.l.n ` .',C \ 5 c. F w ? G O? ? b ' S ! I 1 e .. 'll I. b„r \ `sl ? ??Yb 1?`. ? 1 ' ? f I ??\J I .ICI ^ \- !w \ -?. » 4 f Y', vLr ?. 41 ? _ ?7 § =` _ i =+ R - E ?..!'R•e bq -`>< C - ? 1. 1 t ? - I ?` ` y ?f h...h r°cc Ju IS1N{?Md e w b 1 _ a ? I? 156 /_ 1 1 ? I i--t- '- -t - i-- _ -- '- I I _- i-_ `«b ,y?d?? l?!'-?. .c^. '`j1? .u. _?`? _ - ?G ___?.,. / I 1 ?--- ___ -Y-__ ,_•P ??? ??_ ?!rr o? ,e l?i r? ?x? - ?`X°?-I?Ch. I P fr •'?. 1 . 1 w f ?/'j ?Il - .. ` -,,,,,? ? b?^+ R 7+'e.;., .`It ---?-_r » `. R e?ex I ' -? 1 __ ' 1. 1 '•? ' 343 t B I `? 11," 1 f - _ _ `s(P ,'0 r ?l 1'Y?1`AeM J, 11 r - 4 TTT 1 t 1 + C J ,rJ - "} 4.-1 f ?- ?-?. '4? ?- _ y s-., Jenxc *' i I _..,.- fJ iabeth- ish?..x r• . 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'y . cy / 2000 1000 0 2000 NORTH CONTOUR INTERVAL = 10' 726102 U5G57.5MIN. QUAD. FIGURE 2 - U5G5 MAP FROJ. PMT: Elizabeth City, NC PROJECT: oRAwN: scALE: CHARLE5 CREEK PARK EGT 1"= 2000' WETLANDS RE5TORATION Figure No.: LU(,A 110 : CUENT: 2 OF 5 ELIZABETH MY, NC ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Road • Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 Phone: (919) 846-5900 • Fax: (919) 846-9467 www.SandEC.coml U R iS ,. t.. Md 3.) ti. r 1VIt1/.y\ j MC BB..t v j/` 1> ?'F 8 y s hs,,g7 , ,. Kl ! ?• •.• .! Qh M. I 74 ' f / ?w r+ l r k l+ a ig, 4$, Mc ?i 1 1111 _ 1 , \ f1?? t i M?f s. i/' {?tMa 04 MC,' Sa we I l., PAIMI .M Na r", c / C a [)h . bb.. il-p a) "?'`, ,', ,?(: - r? ?: -per `F . tm f, ax f , ?? ?> >\ . QI r /1\ Il a V?>? /;? t Ij k'- ?? ti ? 111 / lb l? F:i W 4 I? 1. 1 ?? s F 4 "A , I St rry r Ka ti C:- "Qm _ A f <i Vill D c, Fa +? S6 _ +I f" ??1<Tu AB E ?, ^11 03 1'?)i, .? 1 ?F r 1 I ? T •'?? ? \ W '\ \~0 1 `;'`i i?F ?I ??;`: ,\_'l ? 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W QlWN n C Wr<r?O ON N 70 -} A O -r = ° ° rn D -n D w (0 (D A rn0 D K r<il p { 0 -DC Project: -( Project No.: 7281.[)2 CHARLES CREEK PARK Flagged: Drawn: • WETLAND RESTORATION JMO EGT Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Location: Client: Scale: 5urveycd: 11010 Raven Ridge Road • RaleiANorth Carolina 27614 • Phone: (919) 846-5900 • Fu(919)946.9467 PA5QUOTANK CO., NC NORTH CAROLINA ECOSYSTEM I.. = GO' EGT www.S=dFC.com ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM eet Ite: WETLAND DELINEATION FIGURE: RLV. rMCRPTION CAT? APFPOV!D SURVEY 5 of 5 R:V15;ON5 Photo 1. View from Dawson Street towards the northwest at the main tract. Groundwater monitoring gage PS1 and the rain gage can be seen in the distance. F+ ?y.?/y?' ..... yr / Photo 2. View of the main tract of Charles Creek Park as viewed from Southern Ave. north of Charles Creek. Note large bald cypress trees along waterline. Photo 3. Southeastern corner of the main tract as viewed from the corner of Hunter and Dawson Streets. Groundwater monitoring gage PS4 is visible just to the left of the street marker. Photo 4. Small area of Phragmttes at the eastern border of the tract along the drain at Hunter Street. Photo 5. View of the eastern portion of the main tract taken at the north side of Dawson St. where the tributary from the south enters the property. View is towards the ENE. �• �f� � {j��yA`'•`4 I- a�-t�{W I11 r� � .� '' .�. �i7 �_i, y�; �tl/i r i •Lr��"' ` pry. � � .. } Vc,, ,N�..iu `� ``Ir j� � sr' f ,i t � pix'% �• � 0 � i.� �, • i j , � ,P,� .... '�•y : '� �r.�" . �.'� y ��'�.'��' ter`. � j .�, � . � , a - 1 n UO -^r �r*r ,�r• N} _7�1 4 � � �. iJ ,�1,. 171 ,� .. � 'J � 1 � 1 1 • 111//1/ 4 a! rIY i Ir 1 h ( "`s�K•,,•--��+....�f�f���``....�.. )' t •..v {� / - .,. ,4 -ice.: 7 - ea moi•>`.. � � : ��+c". •' � �` � �'_ ��� � Photo 2. Large backwater slough in Reference Wetland 1. ' Similar areas will be replicated at Charles Creek Park. i Photo 3. Reference Wetland 1, Large bald cypress individual with green ash present as a co- dominate lower in the canopy. Note green ash saplings in front of the bald cypress. 4 Photo 4. Reference Wetland 2, Note the slightly denser shrub and herbaceous strata than in Reference Wetland 1. A large bald cypress trunk is on the right, while lizard's tail blanketsground. Photo 5. Reference Wetland 2, Denser shrub stratum in relative to Reference Wetland 1. ® ® ® ® ® ® M = = fib ® = ® M Charles Creek Park Wetland Restoration Site Monitoring Gauge Data Comparison January 2003 to June 2003 20 10 d V 0 L 10 _ - O L 0 = 3 20 *, 0 Q. - Q? -30 -40 CO CO CO CO M M M M M O O O O O O O O O M M M M M M M M CO M M M M CO CO CO M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C C C C C .D .D .0 Co m w CO m a) CU N N 7 7 7 7 LL LL LL LL T T T >. C C C C CO C4 m CO d d CS Q. CL f4 W m C9 7 =3 7 7 2 2 :E n Q Q Q Q Q ? -? 7 7 7 e- r N N LO Q1 (O N Cf) C? Q? CD N CD CO N CO tb N N N N Day of Monitoring Period ?- PS1 -e,- PS3 - Reference --- PS4 Charles Creek Park Wetland Restoration Site Monitoring Gauge Data Comparison July 2003 to December 2003 30 N ? d v 01, V _ ,z r N r -10 cc = ? O L 0 0) s 3 Q. O mz ... -50 M M M M M M M M M M M co M M M M M M CO M M M M M M M M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 3 S m m m m h h h h h t i? '6 > > > > b 0 0 0 a) W a) m 0 0 0 0 () a) N d a) w ui N m Q Q Q Q u? fn fn N f0 O O O O Z Z Z 2 ? ? ? ? ? ?-- N N In CA N N m t2 N M O N V N N m f0 N M N Day of Monitoring Period -f-PSI " PS3 - Reference PS4 20 10 ? Z? 20 30 40 - Charles Creek Park Wetland Restoration Site Monitoring Gauge Data Comparison January 2004 to June 2004 10 5 0 l 11 -5 o s 10 ? 2 - f i 4 ._ y ILI i W -15 CIO C L. L? -20 O L 0 -25 s 3 Q. o -30 Q v N A IV 35 V A - -40 -45 v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v v v v v v v v v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C C C C C .d .o -0 (4 (a (a m m N d d 0 W (a m m n. CL 0. d 7 7 7 7 LL LL LL LL 2 :E 2 2 Q Q Q Q >. a >. T C C C C a w (0 (9 (0 > > 7 7 Q 2 2 2 2 7 ? -? -? r 00 In N N In N (O '7 r W (n r'- CO - N r- r r N r r N ? N (D A O O f- N r N N r- ? Day of Monitoring Period -PSI -;,!,-PS3 - Reference -PS4 M ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® M Charles Creek Parr Wetland Restoration Site Monitoring Gauge Data Comparison July 2004 to December 2004 20 15 10 ? N s 3 w L .2 0 5 0 . v - 10 - -15 v v v v v v v v v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m m m o v v v v v v v v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a a v v a v v 0 0 0 0 0 v v v v v 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 , > > > > 5 > > > > 00 N d Q Q ¢ a a a a) a? m 0 a) to cn cn U) to O O O > > > > 0 0 0 0 O z z z z U b a) a? m a) 0 o v o 0 0 N N O) (D v N CD f0 CO ^ N CO v ` m N N N Cn (O N CO Day of Monitoring Period -?-PS1 --,:-PS3-Reference -+--PS4 ® m ® ® m m ! m m dells m ® ® m ® ® ® ® m Charles Creek Park Wetland Restoration Site Site Rainfall Data January 2003 to June 2003 5 4.5 4 3.5 N d .= 3 V C ? 2.5 ca 2 c? = 1.5 ca >, 1 'c 0.5 I. . oil 0 c) M c) Cr) M M M M c) M c) M c") C7 f`') c7 c7 m CO c) c`) ce) M M M co 0 0 0 0 0 o q o o q q q o q q q q q q q q q q q o 0 c c c c c a n n >' >' >, >, _ = j L m m m m co N d d m m ca `m c z z n n. CL n u 7 7 7 7 ? u. u. lL LL 2 2 2 n Q ¢ Q Q Q ?-- co N N r N r N N to N M h .a. co N N N Day of Monitoring Period Charles Creek Park Wetland Restoration Site Site Rainfall Data July 2003 to December 2003 5 4.5- 4- 3.5 N 3- v C ? 2.5 c? 2 w S 1.5 ?+ 1 0 i 0.5- 0- M M M M CO M M M CO CO CO M CO M CO M M M CO CO co M M CO M M M q q q q q q q q q o q o 0 o q q q q q o q o 0 o q o > > > 0 3 0) 0) 0) (M h 0- h h 6 > > > > 0 b v b 7 -? ' ? -> > > > > a) a) a) a) a) 0 0 0 0 Q a) a) Q 0 CZ . Q Q Q Q 0? 0? 0 C? C? O O O O Z Z Z Z p p p p p r CO N N LO .N- M N N M 0 N o o v ? W 6 N 6 6 M O N N N N M Day of Monitoring Period ® ® ® m ® ® m ® ® ® m m ® ® ® ® ® ® m Charles Creek Park Wetland Restoration Site Site Rainfall Data January 2004 to June 2004 5 4.5 4 3.5 N N 3 s c 2.5 y-. ctt 2 i0 = 1.5 >+ 1 0.5 - 0 ]IFF 11] 11 Id 1 .1, ,It v v v V. V. IT v v V. V. V. v v 8 v v 8 v v v q o 0 0 8 8 0 o q q o q q o o q q q o 0 0 C C C C C d 0 T T T T C C C co CC c0 f0 c4 (O N d ? N c9 co co c6 d d d d d f6 (9 W cu 7 7 7 7 r w m N N 0 N N r N N L LO m N N O m 0 .^- .a. N N N Day of Monitoring Period M ® M M M M ® M M M ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® M Charles Creek Park Wetland Restoration Site Site Rainfall Data July 2004 to December 2004 5 4.5- 4- 3.5 N 3 s ? 2.5 c? 2 w = 1.5 1 D 0.5 0 1 11 11 1111 j 111,11 1 1. ?I ..III o 4 o o ? o 0 0 z o o 1 ? o 4 4 75 j > > > C" rn m 0) a a a a a 0 0 t > > > > b u ci -? -7 7 7 D 0 0 a) d 0 d O O O 0 0 0 0 0 am 0 a? Q ¢ Q q O z Z z z 0 O 0 0 r CA N N eN-- to N N 6 N 6 n r N N v w N N Cn cD CO O N C7 Day of Monitoring Period D n s e u n n C 51 EHR?t1GHPU5E A OUST o a ELIZABETH C 5S- 51?r '?, rn OP ACINITY MAP NOT TO SCAM PaSQUOTA?JK RrVpR CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS FOR N ta- o F J ?J N O _ n ? 0 z < o U Z u m o 00 u u u Z l N N Z SITE S C oA.bu WETLAND RE5TORATION NG? W ST. v v ?} a 11-1 (n LLJ cr) PASQUOTANK CO rf' W o UNTY, N O? I- Q w CONTENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL DE51GN FIRM: . COVER, CONTENTS, AND VICINITY MAP 501L 4? ENVIRONMENTAL 2. CONSTRUCTION SITE BOUNDARY C0N5ULTANT5, PA 3• EXISTING 51TE PLAN 1010 Raven Ridge Road 4. DEMOLITION PLAN Raleigh, NC 276 14 5. GRADING PLAN (919) 84G-5900 G. WETLAND PLANTING P LAN N 7. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 4? PLANTING DETAILS 8. PLANTING DETAILS II 0 PREPARED FOR: 9. PLANTING SCHEDULE - UNIT A 10. PLANTING SCHEDULE - UNIT B z NORTH CAROLINA ECOSYSTEM 1 1. PLANTING SCHEDULE - MAR511 FRINGE SLOUGHS 3 a ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM 12. SEDIMENT t- ER0510N CONTROL PLAN 2728 Capital Blvd. 13. SEDIMENT 4? EROSION CONTROL DETAILS 5uite I H 103 14. SEDIMENT ? EROSION CONTROL DETAILS II a Raleigh, NC 27GOG (919) 715-1952 3 0 V o November 2004 Soil # Environmental Consultants, PA. All nghts reserved. zeep ,a. ? ? ty,yo- e_ y. µ??u.wuuuu "'4 CARS 0 %0 e`jPN SOgA.,' 9 ,,'66111111 .? o % CA a w N N 0 U W Q z 0 Q Q K 0 Z U Z 0 Z 0 D C3 ?P qw Vq ?vU cS o? hq7 ' E ?a n_ z > 0 Z Q Z W r Z 0 oz w 0 0 0 0 S ? a N 9?z 2i')= 8 0 a e 0 0 6 e a. fii: u Y o 4 r a r er i u n 51TE BOUNDARY \\m /S 0 o?. ,?aa CHARLES CREEK (OPEN WATER) , pOG'? .? PK NAIL in FCP 1 ?j 1O? V , 0 ON q. pa Fq I_ 31 1 1 \ I 30" CM 1-srY. PJC BLDG: (I;eft 50tion) NOTES: 1) TH15 MAP 15 NOT A CERTIFIED SURVEY 4 HA5 NOT BEEN REVIEWED BY A LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ANY APPLICABLE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. THI515 NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. SCALE 50 25 0 50 CONSTRUCTION SITE BOUNDARY ' ® November 2004 5o l 4 Environmental Consultants, PA. All rights reserved. N ? C9 V N n D L4- o u V 3-, 6? ? j ! N d D N N ~ Ul LLl 0 W Q CLI 0 ° Z Q ?- Z I c 0 Q ? m QZ U LL W v W O U O w ?Ko ?/ LL u 1 o Z 0 Jz w Qg ? U _ ? D W U Q 0 T) Z 0 .. 0 U IL W J r J ? n wq w V N _ a o o as o ark ? u o a ? 0 40 e? c? a 0 %0,1122111 fit, ' e Q p s i 544444 ?. eee?eea+o?°??' 1 1 9 B 0 D 0 D D D 1 9 e e a t 3G' CYPRESS m AVCHARLES CREEK (OPEN WATER) C rrugat?d Met31 PIpe5 i-Istmg GG" -4.02 4.00 34G - 3.2 8 0 CYF -3.4 5 - PKNAImfOP 3. ELCv=2.38 7 BASKETBALL COURT CQJ G . Q 1 2 V ?I LEGEND j,171? 24' O P,E55•;Q J O. N N? m 20' '=? 3 2Cr MT 4' .' o CWRE S 3.0 •1 1 Z 1 gp O w O ?RG 1 N 3.5 1 N 1 1 G't I DCM 30' Buffer o RH 0 s POSTS 1 _9 5 / 5QN pP ? n POWER POLE n NOTES: -GW- GUY WIRE 1) ELEVATION DATUM BASED ON NC GRID MONUMENT 'WATER'. a -55- SANITARY 5EWER ELEVATION = G.17 FEET(NGVD 29). - -MW- - EDGE OF WATER 2) ALL TOPOGRAPHIC DATA 15 APPROXIMATE. DATA COLLECTED EXISTING TREE USING LIMITED ENGINEERING SURVEY BY TOTAL STATION ON TO BE REMOVED MARCH 13, 2003. DATA SHOULD NOT BE RELIED UPON FOR LEGAL BOUNDARY IDENTIFICATION AND TOPOGRAPHIC ACCURACY EXISTING TO REMAIN j o -X-X- FENCELNE ebb \ O+ . Oar' , 48' a?\ :'(PRES5 . c U55 S\'.0 EXISTING CULVERT 51ZE UNKNOWN IQ ?I T1JSQ '4Ro a \0 k, 'q (/F N C7 C PESS I" 1 24\ S 37 CWPE55 0) 1 ? I 6'424' ? I ? CWRES C W RE55 ?? 0 l A. CWlES . ?.. 0 \' ') M 40, 55 Mw 1.5 ?(A I2' TG' 155 d I G' } (? CIPUU5 I ?_I r PESS G. •s; CYPRESS T Y ( 20- --5 5S? EX15trng 30" CMP J I \ INV. ELEV.= -1.2G(INLET) -1 .45(OUTLET) BM -5TEP I-5TY• EEV=4.40 BPJCK BLDG. (lift Station) ?PECAr?2? \, DCM 30' uffe J w 0 \ 30 V J• III ?W J r EXISTING SEWER LINE (EXACT LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CONTRACTOR) SCALE 50 25 0 50 CONTOUR INTERVAL = 112' > OP52 MONITORING GAGE EX15TING 51Tf LAYOUT ? RG RAIN GAGE n @ November 2004 Sod d Environmental Con5ultant5, PA. All rights reserved. c \ Q? ? F o ?. P < • CC N o ?g 0? Ve u U ? q es a e 02 w 2 o ,`,0ee11edfEllllllldd ' / s e nrt? N F r} m N n ? -- n 0 Y y- O Z 4? n o m ? N N oo z ? ? ?0 ?W 0 Q ?- o? >- a au Q UQ J w o =_ Y W LL_I w^ l? W u o U oz WC) u Z 0 Q Q O =W Q U? 0 W Y IL 1 L+J uIr E CONCRETE, TRA5H, REFUSE, AND OTHER RUBBLE TO BE REMOVED 01- CHARLES CREEK PRE4. ° (OPEN WATER) Isting 66" C rrugated Metal PIFC5 /A 4.oz / o -4.00 , RE 3.4G -3.38 PK U0.= .n EL-,V= 3n 2.32 7Q. 64 s 0 BASKETBALL COURT c? \ 9pA \ °± . A!? X 12'412'! cYPCESS -A DSCAPED AREA 7° Q BENCH TO BE - f EXISTING CULVERT T 51ZE UNKNOWN \ USCIA OVED` y k 24* C PRf55 _ V WOOD POSTS IN i CONSTRUCTION AREA - J < I 12'41 G' TO BE REMOVED AND K CYFRE55 cmRESs RETAINED FOR 2'4 1 G'\ ? ?CO J ,G• - CYPRESS REINSTALLATION AS CYPRESS '.? za DETERMINED BY ENGINEER AT Tt1E TIME OF' CONSTRUCTION. W50N 5-? . /P Existing 30" CMP INV. ELEV.= -1.2G(INI-M _ 14Rrnimrn 55 \S ?- SUSPECTED s CONCRETE MASSES \ TO BE REMOVED IF THEY CONFLICT WITH FINAL SITE GRADE 1 ° (PECAN L BM - 5TEP I-5TY. ELEV=4,40 BRICK BLDG. Qift 5tat on) LEGEND cn3 POWER POLE -GW- GUY WIRE -55- SANITARY SEWER -MW- EDGE OF WATER EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED NOTES: 1) UTILITIES HAVE NOT BEEN LOCATED ON-SITE. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION WORK. 2) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANIES AND ELIZABETH CITY IF ANY EXCAVATIONS MAY INTERFERE WITH ON SITE UTILITIES. 0 EXISTING TREE n TO REMAIN a -XX- FENCELINE v © November 2004 Sod 4 Environmental Consultants, PA. All nght5 reserved. SCALE 40' CY'PRE55 SS EXISTING SEWER LINE (EXACT LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CONTRACTOR) 50 25 0 50 DEMOLITION PLAN ? ?a k Mw W 2 L I ° N F O J °o o a p ?0 I? w0 Uw IL/ W C? J QJz =r UW v 0 V &4- b Z d_ r ; LLI F- } M 0 U W Q Z Q L 10 , Z U z 0 Z Q 0 i) C3 Q 1L wP a? 1? • as V? a? c ?a z_ Z 0 J 0 W 0 n 0 ? Q N ° 6 3 n m 3 a° s?? qb p0 i of Marsh Frince. 0.0 <o a? P o ; d \ \ APPROXIMATE AREA5 NOT TO BE DISTURBED (EXACT }, LOACATION TO BE MARKED O o - AT TIME OF CONSTRUCTION) CHARLES CREEK 05 (OPEN WATER) EXISTING CULVERT 9 SIZE UNKNOWN 15tmcg GG.. o T U C rru at?d Metal PI es = `SC 9 r' qR0,p? o I j / os 0 'o? I `? s W 1.0 0 0? £ o -?.0 o .5-?- PR NAIAm EOP °. '., 1. \ ?? ` .. I :b' Y+' •? ELEV=2.38 f; 7?- DCM 30' Buffer., h U? BA5KETBALL S - I ?_ 15 - - - - - d U? COURT 4, (0 N - Y ut 0 .0 -0' DCM 30' Buffer 0 - 2° w ?. l /z' 15 55 2.5 -- 3 Z caj O?A EXISTING SEWER LINE ss EX15tIng 30 CMP (EXACT LOCATION TO } BE DETERMINED BY POWER POLE5, GUY THE CONTRACTOR) WIRES, OTHER UTILITIES z LEGEND 3 POWER POLE NOTES: 1) CONTOURS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. MODIFICATIONS -GW GUY WIRE MAY BE NECESSARY BASED ON 51TE CONDITIONS AT TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. 55 5ANITARYSEWER 2) OLDER SELECT TREES TO REMAIN TO BE DETERMINED BY 3 } ' LVIGTIAI/ TDCG THE DFSIGNER AT TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. 3) MARSH FRINGE AREA TO BE GRADUALLY SLOPED TOWARDS a WATERLINE %MTH EXCAVATED FILL MATERIAL TO IMPROVE TIDAL CHANNEL PLANTING CONDITIONS. SLOUGH v ® November 2004 Soil t- Enoronmental Con5ultant5, PA. All nght5 reserved. TO BE AVOIDED DURING I "5TY. CONSTRUCTION BRICK BLDG. (lift station) SCALE ... 50 25 0 50 CONTOUR INTERVAL = 112' GRADING PLAN ```5puuiurr? r4 si K IV. N T z ? l U a D N N Lu w? } 00 W ZZ -1 z ? Q 1i 0 W U Q ?l UQ __j NL (L Lu Lu ?- KW 00 n / L ? (D U Z r , IL/ z Uj ? Z o Q = W Q U > 0 C? N 1 o (L U u V 0 n /? A °i pp 2 I N V ° a N v F m 1 gT Y p a V loL 0 UI ? - .13 wd ?a A / OLDER SELECT TREES TO \ SLOUGHS, EXACT SIZE, REMAIN, LOCALIZED GRADING TO ALLOW FOR \ LOCATION t DEPTH TO BE m o - TIDAL CHANNELS, EXACT qb DETERMINED BY DESIGNER y- TIDAL CHANNEL FLOW a \ AT TIME OF CONSTRUCTION ?2 .. 0 SIZE $ LOCATION TO BE °± o Z N o DETERMINED BY DESIGNER f Marsh Frin e ids 9 ." v / AT TIME OF CONSTRUCTION 01. o N N (` Y W W .Y W a?\ CC 00 Q1 Aa y ? y/ / y z Wd J \ ° P IMETER PLANTING, cz 0 QZ BAL RESS, B$B, - W CHARLE5 CREEK 2 (OPEN WATER) / / / / / Ws5 \ APPROX. CENTERS ~ ?u z sting 66" w 0 W ~ y y TCJ w I- o z C rru ?at?d Metal Pipes cz (s) u z CA 0 133 w ? •.'D: , / / / 444 y ? y y W ? / / / ? ? ?? U 1 w I ^ ? z / / / / / y •Y 0' W - J ?pG / y W W W W / / / Q J Z J PKNAIL FOP j )` y W W .Y ` 0 LLl ? /// D 0`ob G?p(n? ? i4 1? ?J w ? Q CIO I ?' PWSp S SS 0 O Existing 30" CMP I \ u.:,,w„N,, U • ?h PERIMETER PLANTING, ?•• ?, t "113i,1,NN' ?r?? O Qt N BALD CYPRESS, B$B, t' > ?DSO N, U a APPROX. 30' CENTERS I-sTY.,.. 9A BPJCK BLDG. ' (lift station) ! z _ EN PLANTING AREAS: TIDAL CHANNELS MARSH FRINGE 9,775 SF (0.22 ACRE) PLANTING UNIT A 25,954 SF (0.59 ACRE) SCALE'a?<'? s MARSH FRINGE PLANTING UNIT B 33,424 SF (0.77 ACRE) / PLANTING UNIT A F/ M PLANTING UNIT B Q) SLOUGH mNovember 2004 Sod 4 Environmental Consultants, PA. All rights reserved. 50 25 0 50 WETLAND PLANTING PLAN 0 L e C' L F n CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: 1. Obtain local authority approval for construction. 2. Contact NC One Call to locate 4 mark existing utilities on site. 3. Establish staging area as directed by the Owner. Contractor will be responsible for mstalhng necessary E6 control measures at staging area (parking area stabilization, sift fence, or other measures as contractor deems necessary). Mobilize equipment and materials to the staging area. Establish temporary construction entrances to site. 4. Install sediment and erosion control measures including silt fencing and turbidity I silt curtain. Install tree protection fencing as directed by Designer. 5. Remove concrete debris, refuse, and other materials as speufied in the site's demolition plan. Clear and grvb in required areas for wetland area grading and planting. Remove trees as well as exotic and invaswe species as directed by the Designer. G. Verify grading depths and extents. Initiate grading of wetland areas starting along the Charles Creek waterline, working back towards Dawson and Hunter Streets. Extreme caution shall be used when working near existing bald cypress trees. 7. Apply temporary sediment and erosion control seeding measures. 8. Perform wetland planting. Apply permanent seeding measures. 9. Remove temporary sediment and erosion control measures. 10. Conduct final site mspection with the Owner and Designer. ER0510N AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL SEQUENCE: 1. Establish staging area as directed by the Owner. Contractor will be responsible for installing necessary E6 control measures at staging area (parking area stablvation, silt fence, or other measures as contractor deems necessary). Establish temporary construction entrances to site. 2. Install sediment and erosion control measures including silt fencing and turbidity I silt curtain as shown on Sheet 12. Once tidal sloughs have been graded, silt fence crossing tidal sloughs will be contoured across the channel, and rock check dams will be hand placed by contractor as shown on Sheet 13. 3. Remove concrete debris, refuse, and other materials as specified in the site's demolition plan. Clear and grub in required areas for wetland area grading and planting. 4. Temporary seeding will be applied to areas that are not at final grade and will be exposed for greater than two (2) weeks. 5. After final grading is complete, permanent seeding will be applied to all exposed areas. Erosion control matting will be applied to all final graded sloped steeper than 2H: I V. Permanent seeding and matting will be installed incrementally as soon as an area reaches final grade. G. Remove temporary sediment and erosion control measures. The contractor shall remove accumulated sediment prior to removal of turtmdity curtain, silt fence, or other measures. • Due to the proximity of grading operations to Charles Creek, extra care should be employed by the contractor to check all E6 control measures at the end of each day and make necessary repairs. Contractor should also inspect all Et5 control measures after periods of extended rainfall or significant rainfall events (>0.5 Inches). Contractor should repair and stable exposed surfaces immediately, and remove and properly dispose of accumulated sediment turbidity curtain, silt fence, etc. after these events. 6 November 2004 Sol S Environmental Consultants, PA. All nghts reserved. FENCE TIED TO STEEL POSTS OR, 2X4 WOODEN POSTS G 11- TREE PROTECTION FENCE OF EXTRUDED POLYPROPYLENE OR OTHER SIMILAR MATERIAL FRONT VIEW TREE PROTECTION FENCE NOT TO SCALE V TREE SHELTER DETAIL TO BE IN5TALLED ON ALL BARE-ROOT AND CONTAINERIZED PLANTED TREE5 NOT TO SCALE STEEL POST OR 11 2X4 WOODEN POST RfE PROTECTION ?ENCE SIDE VIEW ``enMill/ s = trlfe esi1x0% CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE ? PLANTING DETAILS N n F ?}. v 2 ? N n ? Z ? u a o o = ? N o Z ? m 5 ? ? u d N N ?0 O L UW N? W C? J z =g UW 0 w 0 U LLJ Q z a U i2 0 z U z 0 U Z Q 0 c? 0 Q (.. a" 0y 1z ?a 0s rj) 2 - 94-W W CQ 0W Z In OU Z U ?_ Cz g 0 U nl 0 `a v s 3 'on s TIE`_ TREE5HELTER WBA5E APPROX. I" INTO GROUND WOODEN 5TAM e e B D D D D 0 0 0 0 a a s e TREE TAPE (3), AVOID TIGHT TAPING AS IT PREVENTS NATURAL SWAY CROWN OF ROOT BALL SHALL BE SET SLIGHTLY ABOVE GRADE. MULCH: (3? AVG. THICKNESS STAKES (3) WIRE OR ROPES AT TOP OF BALL SHALL BE CUT. REMOVE TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP. PREPARED ADMIXTURE BACKFlLL OR NATIVE SOIL TAMPED ADMIXTURE BACKFlLL DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING - BALL do BURLAP CROWN OF ROOT BALL SHALL BE SET SLIGHTLY ABOVE GRADE MULCH: (3) AVG. THICKNESS PREPARED ADMIXTURE BACKFlLL OR NATIVE SOIL TAMPED ADMIXTURE BACKFILL nDECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING - CONTAINERIZED I 2 3 OPEN PLANTING PLACE BARE-ROOT CLOSE HOLE WITH HOLE WITH SEEDLING IN HOLE - SHOVEL OR AUGER - SHOVEL OR AUGER ROOT COLLAR AT NO AIR SPACE SURFACE AROUND ROOTS BARE-ROOT SEEDLING PLANTING DETAIL (NOT TO SCALE) MULCH 80mm (3') AVG. THICKNESS. NON-BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE TOTALLY REMOVED. r?puuuuuwyGENTLY COMPACTED TOPSOIL MIXTURf•1} TAMPED ADMIXTURE BACKFlLL ?J'{^a,?A jCAF? ? :; /rt?Al / ?rsh/ SHRUB PLANTING - CONTAINERIZED PLANTING DETAILS II I c November 2004 Soil 4 Environmental Consultants, PA. All rights reserved. ee`°°°°°1u ? N 1 uTZf,?? ? i ?e ?J? eee % N D r ? t? ?J ? N rv D r Z 4- O 0 Z >C .. u a? ?o m = 0 u N Z V 0 ? ? ' ? (n V u. D N Q N lu F- ?Q } lL' 0 F CL/ Q _j w J- O QU UZ W W n == aKw F- W u ° Q U j ? WC) U z z LL 4 O Z Q =W Z U? o D C5 o D_ o ? v QI a y N ? T ?nu i N ?U 01 Lo V N y? S u w C°j e ?a 0= 0 V1, o 3 t D J J U n L n n 5pecle5 Common Name Total # Remark5 Carya aquatlca Water Hickory 22 IOx10 ft. spacing; 5 gal. container Cephalanthu5 occidenta115 Buttonbu5h 1 42 6x6 ft. spacing and/or clumps of 3-4 trees; 3 gal. container Clethra alnlfolla Pepper Bush 134 6x6 ft. spacing and/or clumps of 3-4 trees; 3 gal. container Fraxlnu5 penn5ylvanlca Green Ash 22 1Ox10 ft. spacing; 5 gal. container Lyonla luclda Fetterbu5h 142 6x6 ft. spacing and/or clumps of 3-4 trees; 3 gal. container Ny55a a6[1Jat1Ca Water Tupelo 91 1 Ox 10 ft. spacing; 5 gal. container Per5ea borbonla Red Bay 134 6x6 ft. spacing and/or clumps of 3-4 trees; 3 gal. container Quercu5 nigra Water Oak 19 IOx10 ft. spacing; 5 gal. container Taxodium dl5tlchum Bald Cypre55 1(52 I Ox 10 ft. spacing; 5 gal. container AND 2-3" caliper B*B (see notes) Vacclnium corymb05UM Hl6jhbu5h Blueberry 142 6x6 ft. spacing and/or clumps of 3-4 trees; 3 gal. container Viburnum nudum P055umhaw 1 42 6x6 ft. spacing and/or clumps of 3-4 trees; 3 gal. container ? i1111UW1.N1114...4 ?^'1 4 NOTE5: 1) 5UB5TITUTION5 MAY BE NECE55ARY BA5ED ON AVAILABILITY. 2) TOTAL # FOR TAXODIUM D15TICHUM INCLUDES 31 BALL ? BURLAP INDIVIDUAL5 FOR PERIMETER PLANTING, PLANTING SCHEDULE -UNIT A pzv GARp? D So 1 ? v `,, 11%J11111111/t/1 $??re?? 5iosr,°'? N F 1 e} v ? N n ? n L41-- EL ? N S N Q W? z v oo WQ z ?0 Q? Z t. Q 1 z C JL ? n- ? Q? w \?/ L 0 Ua J LU v I, lL' V 1 6Z w w ?n wo Z U ?z o (S) U UI Z UW < 0 ~ z C3 g Q ? ( ? n o a k N 0 02 ?+ s ?n a 0 IL n o 'Y ? U U NN O CE o ? © November 2004 Soil i Enoronmental Consultants, PA. All rights reserved. ?j nl Species Common Name Total # Remarks Cephalanthu5 occidentali5 Buttonbush 204 5X5 ft. Spacing; 3 gal. container Clethra alnifolia Pepper Bush 188 5X5 ft. Spacing; 3 gal. container Cyrilla racemiflora Ti-Ti 188 5X5 ft. Spacing; 3 gal. container Fraxinu5 penn5ylvanica Green Ash 71 I Ox 1 0 ft. Spacing; 5 gal. container Lyonia lucida Fetterbu51-i 188 5X5 ft. Spacing; 3 gal. container Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay Magnolia 71 1 Ox 1 0 ft. Spacing; 5 gal. container Ny55a aCluatica Water Tupelo 79 1 Ox 1 0 ft. Spacing; 5 gal. container PerSea borbonia Red Bay 204 5X5 ft. Spacing; 3 gal. container Quercu5 phello5 Willow Oak 75 1 Ox 1 0 ft. Spacing; 5 gal. container Taxodium d15tichum Bald Cypre55 98 1 Ox 1 0 ft. Spacing; 5 gal. container Vaccinium corymb05um hi ghbu5h Blueberry 204 5X5 ft. Spacing; 3 gal. container Viburnum dentatum Arrow-Wood 188 5X5 ft. Spacing; 3 gal. container Viburnum nudum P055umhaw 204 5X5 ft. 5pacing;a3. °N?h container V PLANTING SCHEDULE -UNIT m oNovember 2004 Sod t Environmental Consultants, PA. All rights reserved. ts?i. l4i 19 I?. ??\ `osa ??PP/11161111?, N V _ H 3 J N N r i ? L}.. O 2 d Q 0 O U O N Z l 0 Z ° ? O N N W F z oo z ?0 Wn- CZ Q~ ZZ Lu o CL p- a ? W ?0 UQ J w ?z U 'Kw o C) ? L z W° CLI g U U I z Z U w z U Q ?_ D Z V 0 0' ? U a o? q? ak w s< R1 N ? oa U?e r ? 0 N ^' o L O 0 z V O (yS o a• w? CUE 47 MARSH FRINGE Species Common Name Total # Remarks Carex stricta Uptight Sedge 450 dormant propagules Juncus effusus Soft Rush 450 bare-root seedlings Scirpus americanus Olney's Bulrush 450 dormant propagules Sarpus Cyperinus Wool-Grass 450 dormant propagules Scirpus Validus Soft-Stem Bulrush 450 dormant propagules SLOUGHS S a Q Z U 5pecie5 Common Name Total # Remarks Nymphaea odorata White Water Lily 90 dormant propagule5 Pontedaria cordata Pickerel Weed 90 dormant propa6jule5 5agittaria latifolia Broad-Leaf Arrow-Head 90 dormant propagule5 5aururu5 cernuu5 Lizard's Tail 90 dormant propagule5 Nuphar Luteum Yellow Cow-Lily 90 dormant propagules 5agittaria Rigida Stiff Arrow-Head 90 rnruwuur ropa°° ?0 NtNNNrtr.rryw \ V \ NUTS: 1) SLOUGH PLANTING SCHEDULE BASED ON AN ESTIMATED TOTAL AREA OF 2800 5Q. FT. ?I PLANTING SCHEDULE -MARSH FRINGE !° 1% eso 161 GH5 i r ? N V O H U. N n fJ-- O z° u c W a o _ Z u v 0 m U) _ Q n Z V O N N : z 0 o ( ) ? (s) ?o - Q Z Q ?- Q -' 0 J o o UQ = o? LLJ = ?t2W w = UJ uo U V/u w z (-D I z z tL Q o z g W .Z = g? ? n- o a n- o a ? n 5 w ? o 00 Ua ? JX p x o S - O awl ay v N ® Novcmbcr 2004 Sod # Environmental Consultants, PA. All nghts reserved. LEGEND SILT FENCE W/ NCDOT SP #57 STONE ANCHORING TURBIDITY/ SILT CURTAIN DENUDED OR EXPOSED AREA APPROX. 1.8 ACRES NOTES: 1) TEMPORARY STOCKPILE AREA LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED BY ThE OWNER. 2) TEMPORARY STOCK FILE AREA TO BE SURROUNDED BY SILT FENCE. APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS OF TURBIDITY/ SILT CURTAINS 1/ APPROXIMATE AREAS NOT TO BE DISTURBED (EXACT LOACATION TO BE MARKED AT TIME OF CONSTRUCTION) FVI?iTIN(; (-1 11 1/FRT SCALE 50 25 0 50 SEDIMENT * EROSION CONTROL PLAN ,111111tltllllr?? ```,e, /?/ 4 :?` t?0 OFD '?: N V o H 5 m N n D y_ Q 0 2 z v ? ? o N ' ? O N Ql 00 ? O w? a? Z Z z -- :J w OU - Z O UZ V Q Q =_ W CL/ u ? U-i J U W 4+ 0 OZ u z w z o W Q ? ° ?0 0 = w Q U > 0 N C3 In .. Q fL - QMI' m a ? w? a M w ? a • N 0 0P •s ?r? s Z o k u, o 0 cu ?a W) o z o November 2004 Soil t. Environmental Con51Jltant5, PA. All nght5 reserved. t t 0 e 0 B 0 9 B 1 e D 1 1 1 COATED 5TEEL CABLE CROW NOT TO 5CALE NOT TO SCALE ,all 3 0 D iI ED D n A Vin. 10 Gauge Line Zm I-8' Max.-I Yin. 12-1/2 Gauge intermediate rnm 3'-0' 2,!2• on Control Matting eel post Woven It'ee Fabric Sit Fence Fabric 2'-O V. Cover Over Skrt Anchor %kt as Dkeded by Engineer Side View COIR MATTING DETAIL (NOT TO SCALE) 3' Both Directions EROSION CONTROL MATTING ANCHORING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE Min. 10 Gauge line Wires No. I I I' Min. Gauge Steel 6' Mm. a-s NCDOT #57 Stone Side View STANDARD TEMPORARY SILT FENCE DETAIL NOT TO SCAIF 51LT FENCE WJ ROCK CHECK DAM @ TIDAL CH NOT TO SCALE I M ENT ER05ION CONTROL DETAIL5 5ED ®November 2004 Soil 4 Environmental Consultants, PA. All nght5 reserved. ??/1? 11161\?\\\ N V o r t3 ` N o v- 0 ? Z m 0 ? l ? In U ? ? Ul Q N w z OO Z _ Dz O zW 0 Q ~ (L Q 0 w Q z 0 [Y ? O U_ _ L IW C) Z ^ W IJ U Q) uj _j 7 NQ Z O Z Z 0 LLJ .5; -j g z - u o 0 L W h LU (j U o tt? c? Q ? s °I V 0 d ? ? n e a? ° o g w a a y(((???? v xx u w ? o . N - o 0 U a? a rig .? o t m 0 s d ?? o 0 b ?a o 'EINEORCED (INn FABRJC OR )THEP 5IMIIAR AATERIAL WITH 'ILTER 5CRffN CHAIN BAUA5T t LOAD LINE WIRE STAPLE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 'Class B Rip Rap and A57 Stone to be Placed by Hand Steel Post 2-112 Gauge ediate Wires Woven Wire Fabric 5dt Fence Fabric 1 Class B Pip Er05IOn Control Matting, Anchor in Trench @ Both Top and Bottom Edges FROM VIEW TURBIDITY / SILT CURTAIN I--8' Max.-] BOTTOM t'LU MENI TURBIDITY/ SILT CURTAIN ANCHORING DETAIL tront view L u n a 50' MIN. BUT SUFFICIENT TO KEEP TEMPORARY SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS SEDIMENT ON SITE Areas where no substantial or Significant progress 15 made for more than 15 days should be temporarily seeded as Shown - '=;'' 2"-3' STONE TO BE USED `` "`; 25' OR WIDTH OF below. All area should be seeded and mulched. EXISTING (SURGE STONE OR RAILROAa°:,: PROPOSED STREET, nificant shall not constitute substantial or si radin Incidental ROADWAY ; BALLAST),''- :":;,:•:; <"• WHICHEVER IS GREATER g g g progress In construction activity. 5eeding and mulching shall be done immediately following construction. All dlsturbed °' - areas Shall be dressed to a depth of 8 Inches. The top 3 Inches shall be pulverized to provide a uniform seedbed. PLAN VIEW EXISTING ROADWA 35' MIN. i 15' MIN. I G. MIN. k s . FABRIC UNDER5TONE CR055-5ECTION VIEW Seeding Dates April 15 - Aug. 15 Aug. 15 - May 30 Seeding 5pecie5 German Millet Rye (grain) Pate (IbS/acre) 40 120 5oll Amendments follow recommendations of soil tests or apply 2,000 Ibs/acre NEW CONSTRUCTION ground agricultural limestone and 750 Ibslacre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch t- Matting 12' MIN. Mulching shall consist of small grain straw applied at a rate of 70 Ib5./ 1000 sq.ft. Use lute, excelsior matting or Similar channel lining material to cover exposed bottoms of ditches, channels, graded slopes, and areas of concentrated flow. Maintenance Inspect and repair mulch frequently. Refertilize and reseed a5 required to maintain vigorous temporary vegetative cover during construction. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NOT TO SCALE NOTE5: I. PUT SILT FENCE OR TREE PROTECTION FENCE UP 3. IF A PROJECT CONTINUES TO PULL MUD AND DEBRIS TO ENSURE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE IS USED. ON TO THE PUBLIC ROAD, THE CONTRACTOR WILL 2. IF CONSTRUCTION ON THE 51TE5 ARE SUCH THAT WILL CLEAN THE AREA. THE MUD IS NOT REMOVED BY THE VEHICLE TRAVEL- ING OVER THE STONE, THEN THE TIRES OF THE VEHICLES MUST BE WASHED BEFORE ENTERING THE PUBLIC ROAD. PERMANENT SEEDING 5PECIFICATION5 All exposed areas at final grade should have permanent seeding and mulch applied. _j Species Rate (Ibslacre) 5eeding Dates 5eedin6 Dec. I - March 15 Panicum Virgatum 25 Dec. I - March 15 JU Wetland 5eed Mix 2 (To be Mixed w/ Carrier) Soil Amendments Same as Temporary 5eeding Mulch 4? Matting Same as Temporary 5eeding 5EDIMENT ER0510N CONTROL DETAIL5 11 3 ? ® November 2004 Sod t Environmental Consultants, PA. All rights reserved. ,,`,,II?Ulfllll t 'f+K'N N ? J V N n O C4.-. O o u m i2 ? u 3 N .. u '- ? ? N N 'Z 0 Q I- ? L? LU 0 ?w Urv N? LUZ Qg =w U? ii w H in 0 u W Q Z 0 Q u 0 Z U z 0 U z 0 c? Q a? w ., ?w p 0 V? oA W? e ?a 0= V1 0- (n J LU Uj D J W 0 ?z o0 wU 0 $ o a N ? v m s?? Office Use Only: Form Version October 2001 USACE Action ID No. DWQ rQ Jr 2 0 0 71 If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A" rather than leaving the space blank. I. Processing UE-1 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: ? Section 404 Permit o ? Section 10 Permit DEC ? 6 2004 ® 401 Water Quality Certification DENR - WATER QUAUTY ? Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules VMUNGSMDSTORl.IWATERCsRA1.01 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: Nationwide 27 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: ? 4. If payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts (see section VIII - Mitigation), check here: ? II. Applicant Information 1. Owner/Applicant Information Name: NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program Mailing Address: 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1-(49- Telephone Number: 919-715-1157 Fax Number: 919-715-2219 E-mail Address: jeffjurek@ncmail.net 2. Agent Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Company Affiliation: Mailing Address: Telephone Number: E-mail Address: Fax Number: Page 5 of 13 III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: Charles Creek Park 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): - 4. Location County: Pasquotank Nearest Town: Elizabeth City Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): Directions to site (include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): The site is located immediately northeast of the intersection of Southern Avenue and Dawson Street in downtown Elizabeth City, NC. 5. Site coordinates, if available (UTM or Lat/Long): (Note - If project is linear, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) 6. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application: Agriculture-livestock 7. Property size (acres): 1.9 acres. 8. Nearest body of water (stream/river/sound/ocean/lake): Charles Creek 9. River Basin: Pasquotank (Note - this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/maps/.) Page 6 of 13 10. Describe the purpose of the proposed work: fVetland Restoration and Erihaitcenient 11. List the type of equipment to be used to construct the project: Track Hoes, loaders 12. Describe the land use in the vicinity of this project: Residential IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application: VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII below. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) must be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream Page 7 of 13 mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. 1. Wetland Impacts Wetland Impact Site Number indicate on ma Type of Impact* Area of Impact acres Located within 100-year Floodplain** es/no Distance to Nearest Stream linear feet Type of Wetland*** * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding. ** 100-Year floodplains are identified through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), or FEMA-approved local floodplain maps. Maps are available through the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616, or online at http://www.fema.?,Tov. *** List a wetland type that best describes wetland to be impacted (e.g., freshwater/saltwater marsh, forested wetland, beaver pond, Carolina Bay, bog, etc.) List the total acreage (estimated) of existing wetlands on the property: 1.9 acres Total area of wetland impact proposed: 0.0 acres 2. Stream Impacts, including all intermittent and perennial streams (SEE PLANS) Stream Impact Site Number indicate on ma Type of Impact* Length of Impact linear feet Stream Name** Average Width of Stream Before Impact Perennial or Intermittent? leasespecify) * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: culverts and associated rip-rap, dams (separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding), relocation (include linear feet before and after, and net loss/gain), stabilization activities (cement wall, rip-rap, crib wall, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. ** Stream names can be found on USGS topographic maps. If a stream has no name, list as UT (unnamed tributary) to the nearest downstream named stream into which it flows. USGS maps are available through the USGS at 1-800-358-9616, or online at www.usas.5"ov. Several intcmct sites also allow direct download and printing of USGS maps (e.g., www.topozone.com, www.mapquest.coin, etc.). Cumulative impacts (linear distance in feet) to all streams on site: 0.0 LF Page 8 of 13 Open Water Impacts, including Lakes, Ponds, Estuaries, Sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other Water of the U.S. Open Water Impact Site Number indicate on ma Type of Impact* Area of Impact acres Name Waterbody ) (if applicable) Type of Waterbody (lake, pond, estuary, sound, bay, ocean, etc. * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: fill, excavation, dredging, flooding, drainage, bulkheads, etc. 4. Pond Creation If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ? uplands ? stream ? wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): Size of watershed draining to pond: Expected pond surface area: VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. _SEE PLAN VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to Page 9 of 13 freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on March 9, 2000, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCWRP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/strmgide.html. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. SEE PLAN 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) with the NCWRP's written agreement. Check the box indicating that you would like to pay into the NCWRP. Please note that payment into the NCWRP must be reviewed and approved before it can be used to satisfy mitigation requirements. Applicants will be notified early in the review process by the 401/Wetlands Unit if payment into the NCWRP is available as an option. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCWRP, check the NCWRP website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wrp/index.htm. If use of the NCWRP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page three and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): Page 10 of 13 Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): IX. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Only) Does the project involve an expenditure of public funds or the use of public (federal/state/local) land? Yes ® No ? If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ? No If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ? No ? X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (DWQ Only) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Meuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify )? Yes ? No ® If you answered "yes", provide the following information: Identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Zone* Impact (square feet Multiplier Required Mitigation 1 3 2 1.5 Total * Zone 1 extends out 30 feet perpendicular from near bank of channel; Lone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. Page 11 of 13 If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Conservation Easement, Riparian Buffer Restoration / Enhancement, Preservation or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 213.0242 or.0260. XI. Stormwater (DWQ Only) Describe impervious acreage (both existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. XII. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Only) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. XIII. Violations (DWQ Only) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ? No Is this an after-the-fact permit application? Yes ? No XIV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). Page 12 of 13 0 -/? Applicant/Ag nt i ture Date (Agent's si e s alid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 13 of 13 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERSWILMINGTON DISTRICT C(Opy Action Id. 200411819 County: Pasguotank U.S.G.S. Quad: Elizabeth City Property Owner/Agent: Address: Telephone No.: Property description: NOTIFICATION OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATIONRECE IVE D City of Elizabeth Citv Mr. Richard Olsen City Manager c/o Mr. Mike Ortosky, S&EC SEP 3 0 2004 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 NC ECOSYSTEM (919) 846-5900 ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Size (acres) 1.93 acres Nearest Town Elizabeth Citv Nearest Waterway Charles Creek River Basin Albemarle Sound USGS HUC 03010205 Coordinates N 36.294121 W -76.215589 Location description Property is located on the east bank of Charles Creek at the Charles Creek Park on Dawson Street at the intersection with Southern Avenue in Elizabeth City, Pas uotank Count North Carolina. Indicate Which of the Followin Apply: _ Based on preliminary information, there may be wetlands on the above described property. We strongly suggest you have this property inspected to determine the extent of Department of the Army (DA) jurisdiction. To be considered final, a jurisdictional determination must be verified by the Corps. This preliminary determination is not an appealable action under the Regulatory Program Administrative Appeal Process (Reference 33 CFR Part 331). _ There are Navigable Waters of the United States within the above described property subject to the permit requirements of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. X There are wetlands on the above described property subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. _ We strongly suggest you have the wetlands on your property delineated. Due to the size of your property and/or our present workload, the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner. For a more timely delineation, you may wish to obtain a consultant. To be considered final, any delineation must be verified by the Corps. _ The wetland on your property have been delineated and the delineation has been verified by the Corps. We strongly suggest you have this delineation surveyed. Upon completion, this survey should be reviewed and verified by the Corps. Once verified, this survey will provide an accurate depiction of all areas subject to CWA jurisdiction on your property which, provided there is no change in the law or our published regulations, may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years. X The wetlands have been delineated and surveyed and are accurately depicted on the plat signed by the Corps Regulatory Official identified below on 9/29/2004. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. There are no waters of the U.S., to include wetlands, present on the above described property which are subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon fora period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. _ The property is located in one of the 20 Coastal Counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). You should contact the Division of Coastal Management in Elizabeth City, NC, at (252) 264-3901 to determine their requirements. Page 1 of 2 Action Id. 200411819 Placement of dredged or fill material within waters of the US and/or wetlands without a Department of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC § 1311). If you have any questions regarding this determination and/or the Corps regulatory program, please contact Tracey L. Wheeler at (252) 975-1616 ex 24. Basis For Determination: Described tract contains wetlands as defined by 1987 USACE Wetland Delineation Manual. Site is adiacent toCharles Creek a tributary to the Pasquotank River which flows into Albemarle Sound. Remarks: Corps Regulatory Date 09/29/2004 Corps Regulatory Official (Initial)1- -W Expiration Date 09/29/2009 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: • A plat or sketch of the property and the wetland data form must be attached to the file copy of this form. • A copy of the "Notification Of Administrative Appeal Options And Process And Request For Appeal" form must be transmitted with the property owner/agent copy of this form. • If the property contains isolated wetlands/waters, please indicate in "Remarks" section and attach the "Isolated Determination Information Sheet" to the file copy of this form. Page 2 of 2 JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Revised 8/13/04 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers DISTRICT OFFICE: CESAW-RO-W FILE NUMBER: 200411819 PROJECT LOCATION INFORMATION: State: North Carolina County:. Pasquotank Center coordinates of site (latitude/longitude): 36.294121 -76.215589 Approximate size of area (parcel) reviewed, including uplands: 1.93 acres. Name of nearest waterway: Charles Creek Name of watershed: Albemarle Sound JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Completed: Desktop determination Date: Site visit(s) Date(s): 07/08/2004 Jurisdictional Determination (JD): Preliminary JD -Based on available information,[] there appear to be (or) ? there appear to be no "waters of the United States" and/or "navigable waters of the United States" on the project site. A preliminary JD is not appealable (Reference 33 CFR part 331). Approved JD -An approved JD is an appealable action (Reference 33 CFR part 331). Check all that apply: 91 There are "navigable waters of the United States" (as defined by 33 CFR part 329 and associated guidance) within the reviewed area. Approximate size of jurisdictional area: 0.15 acres. ($ There are "waters of the United States" (as defined by 33 CFR part 328 and associated guidance) within the reviewed area. Approximate size of jurisdictional area: 0.77 acres. There are "isolated, non-navigable, intro-state waters or wetlands" within the reviewed area. Decision supported by SWANCC/Migratory Bird Rule Information Sheet for Determination of No Jurisdiction. BASIS OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: A. Waters defined under 33 CFR part 329 as "navigable waters of the United States": The presence of waters that are subject to the ebb and flow of the tide and/or are presently used, or have been used in the past, or may be susceptible for use to transport interstate or foreign commerce. B. Waters defined under 33 CFR part 328.3(a) as "waters of the United States": (1) The presence of waters, which are currently used, or were used in the past, or may be susceptible to use in interstate or foreign commerce, including all waters which are subject to the ebb and flow of the tide. [] (2) The presence of interstate waters including interstate wetlands. (3) The presence of other waters such as intrastate lakes, rivers, streams (including intermittent streams), mudflats, sandflats, wetlands, sloughs, prairie potholes, wet meadows, playa lakes, or natural ponds, the use, degradation or destruction of which could affect interstate commerce including any such waters (check all that apply): ? (i) which are or could be used by interstate or foreign travelers for recreational or other purposes. ? (ii) from which fish or shellfish are or could be taken and sold in interstate or foreign commerce. ? (iii) which are or could be used for industrial purposes by industries in interstate commerce. Q (4) Impoundments of waters otherwise defined as waters of the US. (5) The presence of a tributary to a water identified in (1) - (4) above. (6) The presence of territorial seas. (7) The presence of wetlands adjacentZ to other waters of the US, except for those wetlands adjacent to other wetlands. Rationale for the Basis of Jurisdictional Determination (applies to any boxes checked above). If the jurisdictional water or wetland is not itself a navigable water of the United States, describe connection(s) to the downstream navigable waters. IfB(1) or B(3) is used as the Basis of Jurisdiction, document navigability and/or interstate commerce connection (i.e., discuss site conditions, including why the waterbody is navigable and/or how the destruction of the waterbody could affect interstate or foreign commerce). IJB(2, 4, 5 or 6) is used as the Basis of Jurisdiction, document the rationale used to make the determination. If B(7) is used as the Basis of Jurisdiction, document the rationale used to make adjacency determination: Wetland is adjacent to Charles Creek, a tributary to the Pasquotan River which flows into the Albemarle Sound. Lateral Extent of Jurisdiction: (Reference: 33 C;FR parts 328 and 329) Ordinary High Water Mark indicated by: ? High Tide Line indicated by: ? clear, natural line impressed on the bank ? oil or scum line along shore objects ? the presence of litter and debris ? fine shell or debris deposits (foreshore) ? changes in the character of soil ? physical markings/characteristics ? destruction of terrestrial vegetation ? tidal gages ? shelving ? other: ? other: ? Mean High Water Mark indicated by: ? survey to available datum; ? physical markings; ? vegetation lines/changes in vegetation types. V1 Wetland boundaries, as shown on the attached wetland delineation map and/or in a delineation report prepared by: Mike Ortosky Basis For Not Asserting Jurisdiction: ? The reviewed area consists entirely of uplands. [} Unable to confirm the presence of waters in 33 CFR part 328(a)(1, 2, or 4-7). Headquarters declined to approve jurisdiction on the basis of 33 CFR part 328.3(a)(3). The Corps has made a case-specific determination that the following waters present on the site are not Waters of the tlnited States: ? Waste treatment systems, including treatment ponds or lagoons, pursuant to 33 CFR part 328.3. ? Artificially irrigated areas, which would revert to upland if the irrigation ceased. ? Artificial lakes and ponds created by excavating and/or diking dry land to collect and retain water and which are used exclusively for such purposes as stock watering, irrigation, settling basins, or rice growing. ? Artificial reflecting or swimming pools or other small ornamental bodies of water created by excavating and/or diking dry land to retain water for primarily aesthetic reasons. ? Water-filled depressions created in dry land incidental to construction activity and pits excavated in dry land for the purpose of obtaining fill, sand, or gravel unless and until the construction or excavation operation is abandoned and the resulting body of water meets the definition of waters of the United States found at 33 CFR 328.3(a). ? Isolated, intrastate wetland with no nexus to interstate commerce. Prior converted cropland, as determined by the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Explain rationale: ? Non-tidal drainage or irrigation ditches excavated on dry land. Explain rationale: ? Other (explain): DATA REVIEWED FOR JURSIDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (mark all that apply): Maps, plans, plots or plat submitted by or on behalf of the applicant. Data sheets prepared/submitted by or on behalf of the applicant. ® This office concurs with the delineation report, dated 07/08/2004, prepared by (company): Soil and Environmental Consultants, PA ? This office does not concur with the delineation report, dated , prepared by (company): Data sheets prepared by the Corps. Corps' navigable waters' studies: Q U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Atlas: U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 Minute Topographic maps: -Elizabeth City Quad U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 Minute Historic quadrangles: U.S. Geological Survey 15 Minute Historic quadrangles: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey: Pasquotank County National wetlands inventory maps: ?; State/Local wetland inventory maps: ? FEMA/FIRM maps (Map Name & Date): 100-year Floodplain Elevation is: (NGVD) Aerial Photographs (Name & Date): . Other photographs (Date): Advanced Identification Wetland maps: Site visit/determination conducted on: 07/08/2004 Applicable/supporting case law: Other information (please specify): 'Wetlands are identified and delineated using the methods and criteria established in the Corps Wetland Delineation Manual (87 Manual) (i.e., occurrence of hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils and wetland hydrology). 2The term "adjacent" means bordering, contiguous, or neighboring. Wetlands separated from other waters of the U.S. by man-made dikes or bal-riers, natural river berms, beach dunes, and the like are also adjacent