HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0003417_Application_20190607 (3)�•� DUKE ENERGY. PROGRESS March 11, 2015 Mr. Jeff Poupart North Carolina Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: Duke Energy Progress, Inc. H.F. Lee Energy Complex Updated Form 2C data submittal NC0003417 Wayne County Dear Mr. Poupart: H. F. Lee Energy Complex Duke Energy Progress 1199 Black Jack Church Road Goldsboro, NC 27530 RECEIVEDIDENR/DWR MAR 16 2015 Water Quality Permitting Section In response to the request from the North Carolina Division of Water Resources, please find attached an updated EPA Form 2C for the H. F. Lee Energy Complex. The pending application for renewal of the subject permit was made on November 20, 2012. An update to that application was submitted on October 31, 2014. A check for $1,030 is also enclosed. There has been no discharge from outfall 001 (ash basin) since October, 2012. No wastewater flows are being sent to the ash basin. Chemical characterization of the water remaining in the ash basin previously requested by your office is being sent under separate cover. As such no 2C sample results are included. There has been no discharge from outfall 002 (cooling pond) since 1998. The discharge from outfall 002 in 1998 was associated with a tropical system. While there has been no discharge from outfall 002 since 1998, all wastewaters generated at the facility are currently directed to the sites 550+ acre wastewater cooling pond until treatment modifications associated with outfall 003 can be completed. Therefore, a process control sample from the sites cooling pond taken in close proximity to outfall 002 is enclosed. There has been no discharge from outfall 003 since January 2013. Outfall 003 first discharged in January 2013 but the discharge was discontinued after one month due to operational concerns with TSS. All wastewaters generated at the facility are currently directed to the sites 550+ acre cooling pond until additional treatment evaluation and modifications can be completed for outfall 003. Since there is no discharge from outfall 003, no sample results are included for this outfall. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Shannon Langley at (919) 546-2439. I certifv, under penaltv of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility offnes and imprisonment for knowing violations. Sincerely, 9�—k� Rick Grant — Plant Manager H. F. Lee Energy Complex Enclosure EPA I D. NUMBER (copy (romItem 1 ofhorm f) Form Approved N00003417 OMB No. 2040-0086. Please print or type in the unshaded areas only. I ADproval expires 3-31-98 FORMU S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY WASTEWATER 2C �d" EPA EXISTING MANUFACTURING, COMMERCIAL, MINI GAPPLICATION FOR PERMIT TORGE AND SILVICULTURE OPERATIONS NPDES Consolidated Permits Program I. OUTFALL LOCATION For each outfall, list the latitude and longitude of its location to the nearest 15 seconds and the name of the receiving water A. OUTFALL NUMBER (list) B. LATITUDE C. LONGITUDE D. RECEIVING WATER (nante) 1. DEG 2 MIN. 3. SEC t. DEG 2 MIN. 3, SEC, 001 35.00 22.00 45.30 78.00 4.00 6.46 Neuse River 002 35.00 22.00 51.74 78.00 5.00 5.93 Neuse River 003 35.00 22.00 1.74 78.00 4.00 59.59 Neuse River II. FLOWS, SOURCES OF POLLUTION, AND TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES A. Attach a line drawing showing the water flow through the facility. Indicate sources of intake water, operations contributing wastewater to the effluent, and treatment units labeled to correspond to the more detailed descriptions in Item B. Construct a water balance on the line drawing by showing average flows between intakes, operations, treatment units, and outfalls. If a water balance cannot be determined (e.g., for certain mining activities), provide a pictorial description of the nature and amount of any sources of water and any collection or treatment measures. B. For each outfall, provide a description of: (1) All operations contributing wastewater to the effluent, including process wastewater, sanitary wastewater, coding water, and storm water runoff, (2) The average flow contributed by each operation; and (3) The treatment received by the wastewater. Continue on additional sheets if necessary. 1 OUT- 2. OPERATION(S) CONTRIBUTING FLOW 3. TREATMENT FALL NO. (list) b. AVERAGE FLOW b. LIST CODES FROM a. OPERATION (list) (include units) a. DESCRIPTION TABLE 2C-1 ()O1 Ash pond Discharge Neutra-ization, sedimentation, nitrificationf See attachment 3 2-K 4-A (including low volume waste, plant submitted in October 2014 discharge to surface waters 1 drainage systems, water treatment 3-D wastewaters, ash sluice water and ash pond dewatering. 002 Condenser cooling water, septic tank Evaporation See attachment 3 1-P 4-A sand filter domestic wastewater submitted in October 2014 Discharge to surface waters HRSG slowdown, combined cycle plant wastewaters (including wastewaters that can be directed to outfall 003) 003 Water purification process Gravity thickening, Filter press See attachment 3 5-L 4-A wastewaters, sump drainage, Neutralization 5-R 5-G submitted in October 2014 Wet surface air cooler blowdowr- 2-R OFFICIAL USE ONLY (ejjfuentguidelrnes sub -categories) EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE 1 of 4 CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT C Except for storm runoff, leaks, or spills. are any of the discharges described in Items II -A or B intermittent or seasonal? ❑ YES (complete dee ji)llou rni� wblo) Z NO (go IoSection 111) 3 FREQUENCY 4 FLOW a DAYS PER 8 TOTAL VOLUME 2 OPERATION(s) WEEK b MONTHS a FLOW RATE On myJ) ('No.,i ah—f') 1 OUTFALL CONTRIBUTING FLOW (,N"A PER YEAR 1 LONGTERM 2 MAXIMUM 1 LONGTERM 2 MAXIMUM C DURATION NUMBER(irsr) (i:;r) mrro) (rprnriasv�nrgr) AVERAGE DAILY AVERAGE DAILY III PRODUCTION I � A Does an effluent guideline limitation promulgated by EPA under Section 304 of the Clean Water Act apply to your facility-, ❑ YES (complete hem 111-B) ❑ NO (go to Seaton 11) B Are the limitations in the applicable effluent guideline expressed in terms of production (or other measure of operation)? ❑ YES (<wnplele Item III -C) ❑ NO (go to S'ecnun 11) C If you answered "yes" to Item III -B, list the quantity which represents an actual measurement of your level of production, expressed in the terms and units used in the applicable effluent guideline, and indicate the affected outfalls 1. AVERAGE DAILY PRODUCTION 2. AFFECTED OUTFALLS (hsr nutJall nnmbers) a QUANTITY PER DAY b UNITS OF MEASURE c OPERATION, PRODUCT, MATERIAL, ETC. (spec{Ji) U CEIVED/DEW/DWR MAR 16 2015 Water Quality Permitting Section IV IMPROVEMENTS A Are you now required by any Federal, State or local authority to meet any implementation schedule for the construction, upgrading or operations of wastewater treatment equipment or practices or any other environmental programs which may affect the discharges described in this application? This includes, but is not limited to, permit conditions, administrative or enforcement orders, enforcement compliance schedule letters, stipulations, court orders, and grant or loan conditions ® YES (complete the fidlovmg table) ❑ NO (,en ar Item IF -B) 1 IDENTIFICATION OF CONDITION, 2 AFFECTED OUTFALLS 3 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT 4 FINAL COMPLIANCE DATE AGREEMENT, ETC. a NO b SOURCE OF DISCHARGE a REQUIRED b PROJECTED North Carolina Coal Ash 001 ash sluice prohibition of CCR's in ash basin 10/1/2014 10/1/2014 Management Act of 2014 B OPTIONAL You may attach additional sheets describing any additional water pollution control programs (or other environmental projects which may affect your discharges) you now have underway or which you plan Indicate whether each program is now underway or planned, and indicate your actual or planned schedules for construction. ❑ MARK "X" IF DESCRIPTION OF ADDITIONAL CONTROL PROGRAMS IS ATTACHED EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE 2 of 4 CONTINUE ON PAGE 3 EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE 3 of 4 CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT VII BIOLOGICAL TOXICITY TESTING DATA Do you have any knowledge or reason to believe that any biological test for acute or chronic toxicity has been made on any of your discharges or on a receiving water in relation to your discharge within the last 3 years? © YES (+dentin the tesus/ and describe theirpurposes below) ❑ NO (go to Section 1711) Quarterly toxicity testing on outfall 001 was conducted while the outfall was discharging in accordance with the requirements of the existing NPDES permit. All tests performed by the facility have "passed". Toxicity testing is required to be performed on outfall 002. There has been no discharge from outfall 002 during this permit cycle so no tests have been performed. Toxicity testing is required to be performed on outfall 003 upon startup of the combined cycle unit. Startup of the combined cycle unit occurred in early 2013 but no toxicity tests have been performed as the discharge to the river was ceased in February 2013. Upon completion of modifications and commencement of discharge to the river, toxicity tests will be conducted as required. VIII CONTRACT ANALYSIS INFORMATION Were any of the analyses reported in Item V performed by a contract laboratory or consulting firm? ® YES (list the name, address, and telephone number of, and pollutants anal}aed by, ❑ NO (go to Sec hon Lt) each such laboraton or firm below) A. NAME B. ADDRESS C TELEPHONE D POLLUTANTS ANALYZED (area cotle 8 no) (list) Duke Energy Analytical Lab 13339 Hagers Ferry Road 930-875-5245 Metals, COD, TKN, NO2/1403, NC # 248 Huntersville, NC 28078 Total Phosphorus, Oil and Grease, TSS, TOC, Bromide, Sulfate, Fluoride Shealy Lab 106 Vantage Point Drive 803-791-9700 BOD, Color, Sulfide, NC # 329 West Columbia, SC 29172 Sulfite, Fecal, Surfactants, Cyanide, Phenol, Volatiles, Semi -volatile acid compounds, PCB's, Mercury GEL Lab 2040 Savage Road 843-556-8171 Radiological NC # 233 Charleston, SC 29417 IX. CERTIFICATION I certify under penalty of lase that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel property gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and impnsonment for knowing violations. A. NAME & OFFICIAL TITLE (iqv or prim) B PHONE NO (area axle & no) Rick Grant, Plant Manager (919) 722-6450 C SIGNATURE D DATE SIGNED EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE 4 of 4 PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE IN THE UNSHADED AREAS ONLY. You may report some or all of EPA I.D. NUMBER (copy from Item 1 of Form 1) this information on separate sheets (use the same format) instead of completing these pages. EPA Facility Name. SEE INSTRUCTIONS NC0003417 H.F. Lee Energy Complex OUTFALL NO. V. INTAKE AND EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS (continued from page 3 of Form 2-C) 002 PART A - You must provide the results of at least one analysis for every pollutant in this table. Complete one table for each outfall. See instructions for additional details. 2. EFFLUENT 3. UNITS 4. INTAKE (optional) a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c. LONG TERM AVG. VALUE a. LONG TERM AVG. VALUE 1. POLLUTANT (if available) (If available) d. NO. OF a. Concert- b. Mass b. NO. OF (1) Concentration (2) mass (1) Concentration (2)Mass (1)Concentratim (2)Mass ANALYSES tration 1) Concentration 1(2) mass ANALYSES . Biochemical Oxygen a 2 mg/I lb/Day —.A Demand (BOD) Chemical Oxygen 31 -. mg/I lb/Day 4 emand (COD) . Total Organic >y-, 8.8 mg/I lb/Day . arbon (TOC) J. Total Suspended 12 mg/l Ib/Day Solids (TSS) . Ammonia (as N) 0.08 mg/l Ib/Day-a f. Flow VALUE N/A VALUE VALUE VALUE MGD NIA 3. Temperature VALUE VALUE VALUE VALUE winter) DEGREES CELSIUS h. Temperature VALUE VALUE VALUE VALUE (summer) DEGREES CELSIUS pH MINIMUM MAXIMUM IMINIMUM IMAXIMUM STANDARD UNITS PART B - Mark "X" in column 2a for each pollutant you know or have reason to believe is present. Mark "X" in column 2b for each pollutant you believe to be absent. If you mark column 2a for any pollutant which is limited either directly or indirectly but expressly in an effluent limitations guideline, you must provide the results of at least one analysis for that pollutant. For other pollutants for which you mark column 2a, you must provide quantitative data or an explanation of their presence in your discharge. Complete one table for each outfall. See the instructions for additional details and requirements. 1. POLLUTANT 2. MARK "x" 3. EFFLUENT 4. UNITS 5. INTAKE (optional) AND CAS NO. Believed a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c. LONG TERM AVG. VALUE a. LONG TERM AVG. VALUE A available) (if available) (it available) d. NO. OF a. Concern b. Mass b. NO. OF a.pre• b.ab- (1) Concentration (2)Mass (1) Concentration (2)Mass (1) Concentration (2)Mass sent sent ANALYSES tration (21 Mass ANALYSES a. Bromide X 0.38 mg/l lb/Day24959-67.9) ;,Omamraw . Chlorine, X mg/I IWDay otal ResidualColor X ;.:,. 15.00 N/A NIA N/A Std. Units N/A N/A J. Fecal X - NIA N/A N/A Colonies N/A _ N/A olMwm 1100 ml t. Fluoride X 0.20 -- mg/I lb/Day, 169844") Nitrate- X 0.01 < mg/I lb/Day Itrlte (as N) EPA Form 3510.2C (Rev. 2-85) PAGE V-1 CONTINUE ON PAGE V-2 EPA I.D. NUMBER (copy from Item 1 of Form 1) IOUTFALL NUMBER ITFM V -R (1(-)NTINI IFI-) FROM FR(1NT I Kl(`nnn4n 17 1 nrr» I u c t __ c____.. n EPA Form 3510.2C (Rev PAGE V-2 CONTINUE ON PAGE V-3 2. MARK "X" 3.EFFLUENT 4 ITS S. (optional) AND CAS NO Believeo a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c. LONG TERM AVG. VALUE a. LONG TERM AVG. VALUE a pre- th b- It available) (if available) (If available) d. NO. OF a. Concen- b. Mass b NO. OF sent sent ANALYSES tration ANALYSES (1) Concentrator, IC)mass (1) Concentration (2) mass (1)concentlabon (Z)Mass 1)Caicenbauon (2)Mass trogen, Total Organic X 0.95 mg![ lb/Uay as NIT h Oil an Grease X < 5, OU < mgrl lbUay Phosphor as P),Total X U95Z nlgl —1y 7723-14-1) 1. IVI Y Alpha. owl X < 5.00 N/A NIA WA puill NIA NIA eta, otal X 10.70 N/A N/A N!A P( -;Ill NIA N1A Radium. otal X < 1.00 NIA NIA NIA pCl1I NIA N;A Radium 226. Total X < 1.00 N/A N/A NIA pCI'I NIA N'A Sulfate as SO4) X 35. 00 mc ;I IblDay 14808-79-81 ole as S) A < 1 OU < mgll Ib/Dav n Sulfite as S03) X < 2-00 < mgll IbrUay 14265-453) Surfactaribi X 005 mgll IbNay o Aluminum. Total X U.1bb mgll IbNay 7429-90-5) Barium. Total X 0-055 mgll IbNay 7440-39-3) aon, Total X 0.(Xi mg!I IblUay 7441}42-8) Cobalt. Total X < 1 00 < mg�l Ill 7440-48-4) ron, T ota 7439-89-6) X 0217 mq;I Ib/Day agneswm. Total X 4.28 mg'l Ib/Day 7439-95-4) Molybdenum. Total X 3.87 mg'l Ib/Uay 7439-98-7) Manganese Total X 0.025 r l IbNay 7439-96-5) Tin. Total 7440-31-5) X < 0.01 < mgll Ib/Day Titanium. Total X < 0.005 < Ingn IblUay 44U-JLb) EPA Form 3510.2C (Rev PAGE V-2 CONTINUE ON PAGE V-3 EPA I.D. NUMBER (copy from Item 1 of Form 1) OUTFALL NUMBER CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 OF FORM 2-C NCnnn'1417 nm I u F t — P—r— r,,., mi— PART C - If you are a primary industry and this outfall contains process wastewater, refer to Table 2c-2 In the instructions to determine which of the GC/MS fractions you must test for. Mark "X" In column 2-a for all such GC/MS fractions that apply to your industry and for ALL toxic metals, cyanides, and total phenols. If you are not required to mark column 2-a (secondary industries, nonprocess wastewater outfalls, and nonrequired GC/MS fractions), mark "X" in column 2-b for each pollutant you know or have reason to believe is present. Mark "X" in column 2-c for each pollutant you believe is absent. If you mark column 2a for any pollutant, you must provide the results of at least one analysis for that pollutant. If you mark column 2b for any pollutant, you must provide the results of at least one analysis for that pollutant if you know or have reason to believe it will be discharged in concentrations of 10 ppb or greater. If you mark column 2b for acrolem, acrylonitrile, 2, 4 dinitrophenol, or 2 -methyl -4, 6 dinitrophenol, you must provide the results of at least one analysis for each of these pollutants which you know or have reason to believe that you discharge in concentrations of 100 ppb or greater. Otherwise, for pollutants for which you mark column 2b, you must either submit at least one analysis or briefly describe the reasons the pollutant is expected to be discharged. Note that there are 7 pages to this part. please review each carefully. Complete one table (all 7 pages) for each outfall. See instructions for additional details and requirements. 1. POLLUTANT 2. MARK "X" 3. EFFLUENT 4. UNITS 5. INTAKE (optional) AND CAS NO. a re- Believed a, MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE=LONG TERM AVG. VALUE a. LONG TERM AVG. VALUE b.pre- c.ab- if available) qwr- (II available) available) J. NO. OF a. Concern- b. Mass d. NO. OF ed sent sent ANALYSES tration ANALYSES (1) Concentration 12) Mass 1, 1) Concentration (21 Mass ll) Concentration Iz)Mass !11Concentrahon ([)Mass METALS, CYANIDE, AND TOTAL PHENOLS 1M. Anhmony, X < 1 < ug/1 Ib/Day Total (7440-36-0) M. Arsenic, Total X 1 06 ug/I IblDay 7440.38-2) 3M. Beryllium, X < 1 ug/1 Ib/Da Y Total (7440-41-7) M. Cadmium, X < 01 ug/I lb/Day otal(7440.43-9) 5M. Chromium, X < i < ug/I Ib/Day Total (7440-47-3) W. Copper, Total X < 0 005 < mg/I Ib/Day T440-50.8) M. Lead, Total X < 1 ug/I IblDay 7439.92-1) M. Mercury, Total X 0000847 ug/I IblDay 7439-97.6) M. Nickel, Total X 1 01 ug/I Ib/Day 7440-02-0) 10M. Selenium. X < 1 < ug/I Ib/Day Total (778249-2) 11 M. Silver. Total X < 1 < ug/I lb/Day 7440-22-4) 12M. Thaleum. X < 0.0002 < mg/1 Ib/Day Total (7440-28-01 13M. Zinc. Total X 0,008 mg/I Ib/Day 7440-66-6) 14M. Cyanide. X < 0.010 < rng/I Ib/Day Total (57-12-51 15M. Phenols, X 0.0079 mg/1 Ib/Day otal DIOXIN 2,3.7.8 Tetra DESCRIBE RESULTS hlorodibenzo P X Do— (17(14-01-6) EPA Form 3510-2C (Rev. 2-85) PAGIf. V I CONTINUE ON PAGE V-4 EPA I.D. NUMBER (copy from Item 1 of Form 1) OUTFALL NUMBER CONTINUED FROM PAGE V-3 NC0003417 002 H.F. Lee Energy Complex 1 POLLUTANT 2 MARK "X" 3. EFFLUENT 4. UNITS 5. INTAKE (optional) AND CAS NO. lase- I Believed la MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE lb. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE lc. LONG TERM AVG. VALUE I Ia. LONGTERM AVG VALUE d available) guir- bpre- Ic.ab- I I (if available) I (if available)d. NO. OF a. Concen- b. Mass d. NO. OF ed sent ANALYSES tration ANALYSES sent (1)Concentrauon (2)Mass (t) Concentration (2)Mass (1)Concentrabon 11)ntass (1) Concentration 1(2) Mass GC/MS FRACTION - VOLATILE COMPOUNDS 1V. Acrolem X < 5 < ug/l Ib/Day 107-0"2-8) V. Acrylonitrile X < 5 < ug/l Ib/Day 107-13-1) 3V. Benzene X < 2 < u9d Ib/Day 71-43-2) V. Bis (Chloro - ethyl) Ether X :512-88-1) V. Bromotorm X < 2 < uyR IblDay 7525-2) V. Carbon etrachlonde X < 2 < uy(1 Ib/Day 56-23.5) V. Chlorobenzene X < 2 < u(3il Ib/Day 108-90-7) V. Chlorod, romomethane X < 2 < ugil Ib/Day 124-48-1) V. Chloroethane X < 2 ug, l Ib/Day 7500-3) 1 OV. 2-Chloro- thylvinyl Ether X < 5 < u9/1 Ib/Day vo-75a) 11V. Chloroform X < 2 < u 1;1 Ib/Day 67-66-3) 12V. Dichloro- romomelhane X < 2 < u(J'I Ib/Day 7527.4) 13V. Dichloro- ifluoromelhane X < 2 < ugil Ib/Day 7571.8) 14V. 1.1-1)ichloro- X < 2 < ug/I Ib/Day Mane (7534-3) 15V. 1,2-Dichloro- X < 2 < ugil Ib/Day thane (107-06-2) 16V. 1,1-Dichloro- X < 2 < ugll Ib/Day ethylene (75354) 17V. 1.2-Dichloro- X < 2 ugrl Ib/Day propane (78-87-5) 18V. 1.3D,chloro- X < 2 < ug/I Ib/Day ropylene (542-756) 19V. Ethylbenzene X < 2 ug/l Ib/Day 100-41-4) uv. Methyl X < 2 ug/I Ib/Day romide (74-839) 1V. Methyl X < 2 < ugll Ib/Day hlonde (74-87-3) _ _— EPA Form 3510-ZC (Rev. 2-85) PA13F V -a CONTINUE ON PAGE V-5 EPA I D. NUMBER (copy trom Item lot Form 1) (OUTFALL NUMBER CONTINUED FROM PAGE V-4 I N00003417 1 002 1 H.F. Lee Enerav Complex 1. POLLUTANT 2. MARK "X" 3. EFFLUENT 4- UNITS 5. INTAKE (optional) AND CAS NO. a re Believed a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE C. LONG TERM AVG. VALUE a LONGTERM AVG. VALUE A avadable) qui,- (it available) (rt available) d. NO. OF a Concen- b Mass d. NO. OF b.pre- c.ao- ed sent sent (1)Concentranon l2)R1ass ll) Concentration (2)Mass ll)Concentratuon 12)Mass ANALYSES tration 11)Conenntrauon 12)Mass ANALYSES GC/MS FRACTION - VOLATILE COMPOUNDS (continued) .2V. Methylene X < 2 < Ug11 Ib/Day hlonde(75-09-2) 3V. 1,1.2,2-Tetra- hloroethane X < 2 < ugil Ib/Day 79-34-5) 4V. Tetrachloro- X < < < ugll Ib/Day thylene (127-18-4 I 25V. Toluene .X < 2 < Ug/l IbiDay 108 -BB -3) 6V. 1.2-Trans- ichloroethylene X < 2 < ug'I VDay 156-6(Y5) 7V. 1,1,1-Tn- hloroethane X < 2 < ugrl Ib/Day 71-55-6) 8V 1.1.2-Trl- hlorcethane X < 2 < ug�l Ib/Day 79-00.5) 21V. Tnchloro- X < 2 < U911 Ib/Day thyiene (79-Ot-8) SUV. Tnchloro- luoromethane X < 2 < ug/1 Ib/Day (7",69-4) 31V. Vinyl X < 2 < Uyil Ib/Day -hlonde (75-01-4) GC/MS FRACTION - ACID COMPOUNDS IA.2-Chlaophenol X < 10 uo,I Ib,Day 95.57-8) A. 2 4-Dichloro- X < 10 < Ug'I IbiDay phenol (120-83-2) 3A.24 -Dimethyl- X < 10 < Ug'I Ib/Day henol (105-67-9) A. 4.6-Dinitro-0- X < 10 < uyrl IbiDay 'resol(534-52-1) 'A. 2,4-0indro- X < 50 < ug/1 Ib/Day henol (51.28-5) ,A. 2-Nitrophenol X < 10 < Ug/i Ib/Day 88-75-5) A 4-Nitrophenol X < 10 °- uy!I Ib/Day 100-02-7) A. P -Chloro -M- X < 10 ug/l Ib/Day Cresol (59-50-7 ) 9A. Pentachloro- X < 10 < ugil Ib/Day phenol (87-86-5) t OA. Phenol X < 10 < ug/1 IbiDay 108-95-2) 4,6-l" 1 1 A. "t Norophenol X < 10 < ugll Ib/Day 88 -OF; -21 EPA Form 3510-2C (Rev. 2-85) NA,%l= V CONTINUE ON PAGE V-6 EPA I.D. NUMBER (copy from Item 1 of Form 1) OUTFALL NUMBER CONTINUED FROM PAGE V-5 N00003417 002 H.F_ Lee Fnernv CmmnleY 1. POLLUTANT 2. MARK "X" 3. EFFLUENT 4. UNITS 5. INTAKE (optional) AND CAS NO a re- Believed a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c. LONG TERM AVG. VALUE a. LONG TERM AVG. VALUE d avallable) qwr- b.pre- c.ab- lit available) (if available) Id. NO. OF a. Conten- b Mass d. NO. OF ed sent sent (1) Concentration 12) Riess ANALYSES lralion ANALYSES (t) Concentrabon i2) Mass (I 1 Concentrenon (21 Mass l I concentra6w� (z) Mase GC/MS FRACTION - BASE NEUTRAL COMPOUNDS 16. Acenaphthene X ug -1 Ib/Day 83-32-9) B. Acenaphtylene X uyii Ib/Day 208-96-8) 313. Anthracene X Ug/I IWDay 20.12-7) e. Benzidine X ug/I Ib/Day 92.87-5) 55. Benzo (a) Anthracene X uq/1 Ib/Day 56-55.3) 13.Benzo(a) X uy,l Ib/Day yrene(50.32.0) 7B. 3.4.13enzo- luoranthene X will Ib/Day 205.99.2) 8. Benzo (gh0 X ugil IWDay erylene (191.24.2) JB. Benzo (k) Fluoranthene X uq'I Ib/Day 207-08-9) 10B. Eis (Z-Chloro- thoxyl)methane X ugil IbiDay 11-91.1) 118. Bis (2 -Chloro- ethyl) Ether X - uq;l Ib/Day 111.44.4) 12B.Bis (2-Chlorolso- ropyl)Ether X uq/I Ib/Day 108.60-1) 130. Bis (2 -Ethyl - hexyl) Phthalate X ugll Ib/Day 117.81-7) 148. 4-Broma- henyl Phenyl X uq11 IWDay Ether (101-55-:4) 15B. Butyl Benzyl X uy; l Ib/Day Phthalate (85-68-7) 168. 2-Chloro- aphthalene X ug!I Ib/Day 91-5&7) .4 -Chloro Reny!Phenyl X ug9 Ib/pay Ether (7005-72-3) 18B. Chrysene X ugll Ib1Day (218-01-9) 198. Dibenzd (a.h) nthracene X ugrl Ib/Day 53-70-3) UB, 1,2-0rchlono- X Ugll IWDay enzene(95-50-1) 1B.1.3Dichlo X Ugil Ib/Day enzene (541-731) EPA Form 3510-2C (Rev. 2-85) PAGE V-6 CONTINUE ON PAGE V-7 EPA I.D. NUMBER (copy from Item 1 of Form 1) OUTFALL NUMBER GUN INUtU FRUM PAGE V-6 I INUUUU,54I / I OW I M r It ee rnernv t.mmnipr 1. POLLUTANT 2. MARK "X" 3. EFFLUENT 4. UNITS 5. INTAKE (optional) AND CAS NO. are- Believed a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c. LONG TERM AVG. VALUE a LONGTERM A . VALUE if available) pwr- (it available) (if available) d. NO. OF a. Collcen- b. Mass Id. NO. OF bpre- c. ab- ed sent sent ANALYSES tratlon 1 l wnrontrahon z) ntas> ANALYSES (1 I Concentrabot 2) Mass 11) Concentration 12) Mass 11) Concentiabwi (2) Mass GC/MS FRACTION - BASE/NEUTRAL COMPOUNDS (continued) 2B 1.4-Dichlwo- X ugil Ib Day enzene (106-46-7) 3B. 3,3Dlchlwo- enzidme X uqd Ilb, Day 91-94-1) 413. Diethyl hthalate X uq,l Ib,'Day 84-66.2) 58. Dimethyl hthalate X uq.l - Ib/Day 131-11-3) ''68. l o -N -Butyl hthalate X ug/1 Ib/Day 84-74-2) 76, 2,4-0,initro- X ug/I Ib/Day toluene (121.14-2 ) . BB. 2,6-DinitrP X ug/I Ib/Day oluene (60620-2) 913. Di-N-Octyl Phthalate, X ugll Ib.,Day 117-84-0) 3U8. 1,2-13lphenyl- ydrazine las Azo- X ug/1 Ib/Day (12W-66-7II .i1B. Fwwanthene X ugll Ib/Day 206-44-U) 328. Fluorene X ug/l Ib/Day (86-73-7) 3313. Hexachloro- X ug/I Ib/Day enzene (118-741) 341. Hexa- hlorobutadiene X ug/l Ib/Day 87.68-3) 56. Hexachloo, yclopentadiene X ugll Ib/Day 77-47-4) 388. Hexachlwo- X ug/I Ib/Day ethane (67-72-1 37B. Indeno 1.2.3cd) Pyrene X ug/I Ib/Day 19339.5) B. Isophwwre X ug/1 Ib/Day 78-59-1) 3913. Naphthalene X ug/I Ib/Day 9t-20.3) UB. Nitrobenzene X ug/l Ib/Day 98-95-3) 1B. N -Nitro- odimethylamme X ugll tb/Day 62-759) 2B. N-Ndrosod�- -PropYlamine X uyrl Ib/Day 621-64-7) EPA Form 3510.2C (Rev. 2-85f PAGE V-7 CONTINUE ON PAGE V-8 EPA I.D. NUMBER (copy from Item 1 of Form 1) (OUTFALL NUMBER CONTINUED FROM PAGE V-7 I NCO003417 1 002 1 H.F. Lee Enerav Complex 1. POLLUTANT 2. MARK "X" 1 3. EFFLUENT 4. UNITS 5. INTAKE (optional) AND CAS NO. a re- Believed a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c. LONG TERM AVG. VALUE a. LONG TERM AVG. VALUE i1 available) qwr- b pr�re (M available) (d available) d. NO. OF a. Concen- b. Mass d. NO. OF ed senticoncentrauon 2)Mass (1) Concentration (2) Mass mConcentrabon (2) Mass ANALYSES tratlon Conceniratiun 1(2) Klass ANALYSES GC/MS FRACTION - BASE/NEUTRAL COMPOUNDS (continued) 38. N -Nitro- odlphenylamine X u IJ Ib/Day tl6-30.6) 4B. Phenanthrene X uyrl Ib/Day 115-01-8) 56. Pyrane X uyH Ib/Day 129.00.0) tiB. 1,44-Tn- hlorobenzene X uq, I to/Day 120-82-1) GUMS FRACTION - PESTICIDES 1P. Aldnn X 309-00-2) P. alpha-8HC X 319-84-6) 3P. beta -BHC X 315.847) P. gemma -BHC X 58-89-9) 5P. deha-BHC X 319-86-11) ;P. Chlordane X 57-74.9) 7P. 4.4' -DDT X 542'13) P. 4.4' -DDE X 72-55.9) P 4,4' -DDD X 72.54-81 1 OP. Dieldnn X 6457-1) 11P.alpha-Endosudan X 715.29.7) up beta-Endosultan X 11:x29.7) 13P. Endosutfan utfale X 1031-07-8) 14P. Endrin X 72-248) 15P. Endnn dehyde X 7421-93-4) 16P, Heptachlor X 76-44-8) EPA Form 3510-2C (Rev. 2-85) PAGE V -l'. CONTINUE ON PAGE V-9 EPA I.D. NUMBER (copy from Item 1 of Form 1) OUTFALL NUMBER CONTINUED FROM PAGE V-8 I NC0003417 I nm 1 14 F I m Fnmrnv f mmnlar I.POLLUTANTred MARK W 3. EFFLUENT INTAKE (optional) 4. UNITS 5=TERM D CAS NO. eewevad a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE NG TERM AVG. VALUE La.LONGVG. VALUE w evadable) b.pro a ab (if avawama) avawable) :f!CW d. NO. OF a. Concern b. Mass d. NO. OF cart sant (1)Corsesn"U n (2)Mass (1)Car wfttion 1(2) Maw (t)Concantrewon (2)Msss ANALYSES (ration (t)Concerrtratlon (2)Masa ANALYSES CIMS FRACTION - PESTICIDES (continued) TP. M.preNa X ,024.57.3) 8P. PCB -1242 X < 0.25 < 53469 21.9) 9P. PC13-1254 X < 0.25 < 11097-69-1) . PCS -1221 X < 0.25 < 11104-28.2) iP. PCB -1232 X < 0.25 < 11141.165) . PCB -1248 X < 0.25 < 12672-29.6) 3P. PCB -1260 X < 0.25 < 11096.82-5) 4P. PC&tots X < 0.25 < 12674-71-2) 5P. Taa omm X 8001-35.2) EPA Form 3510.2C (Rev. 2-85) PAGE V-9