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HomeMy WebLinkAbout970038_ENFORCEMENT_20171231■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1 _ Article Addressed to: Mr. Artie Hank Walker 2616 Dehart Community Center Road Hays, NC 29635 A, X © Agent . R eivep by ( nnie N. C. Date of Delivery 1� D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑ Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No i 3. :;Ka Type DT Certi led Mail ❑ Registered 1. + i ^ M ❑ Insured Mail 7012 '2920 0000' 3656 1691 ❑ Express Mail ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ❑ Yes PS Form 3811. February 20D4 Domestic Return Receipt 102595 02-M-1540 UNITED STATES p&fztA§NbRO First -Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid .: LISPS CA .AIP"14 Permit No. G-10!`, • Sender: I McLprint your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • F_ � NCDENR - Division of Water R sbuffes PC= d u! e V W r- U� o C7 m 4c . p a 585 Waughtown Street LU Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Illlll�lnlll�lll�Ill�ljll IIIIIII�II�IIn111E1111FEl1lil�lrrlllli NCDAE" R North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor April 1, 2014 CERTIFIED MAID No. 7012 2920 0000 3656 1691 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Artie Hank Walker 2616 Dehart Community Center Road Hays, NC 28635 SUBJECT: Notice of Violation (NOV-2014-OP-0085) Facility #97-38, Permit Number AWD970038 Wilkes County Dear Mr. Walker: John E. Skvarla, III Secretary On February 27, 2014, staff from the Division of Water Resources (DWR) Winston-Salem Regional Office investigated a complaint asserting that animal waste from your poultry operation was improperly applied onto land located at 320 Cabin Creek Road'(Parcel ID 2100539). The complainant also alleged that poultry litter was discharged into waters of the State. This Notice is to summarize the findings of our investigation. Observations: As documented by the attached report and photographs, poultry litter was found to be present in the yard, and on both sides of the stream located on property at 320 Cabin Creek Road. Per Wilkes County GIS, the referenced parcel is not under your ownership or control. Of particular concern, was evidence of poultry litter that was observed within three (3) feet of surface waters and less than 50 feet from a drinking water well. Poultry litter was also observed within 50 feet of a residence. It was noted, . however, that the density of litter on the application field (owned by you) was much greater than that on the parcel indicated above. Violations: North Carolina General Statute (NCGS) 143-215.10C(0 states that "Any owner or operator of a dry litter poultry facility... that involves 30,000 or more birds shall develop an animal waste management plan that complies with the testing and record-keeping.requirements... and that these records shall be maintained on -site for three years. " The application of animal waste onto the neighboring property constitutes a failure to abide by the management practices outlined in the waste management plan, and is therefore a violation of NCGS 143-215.6A. Because poultry litter was found on both sides of the stream flowing through the property at 320 Cabin Creek Road, it is probable that animal waste also reached waters of the State. Please be advised that an 585 Waughtown Street, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27107 Phone: 336-771-50001 Internet: • • An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Acfion Employer — Made in part by recycled paper Artie Walker NOV April 1, 2014 Page 2 unpermitted discharge violates NCGS 143-215.1 (a) which reads "Activities for Which Permits Required -- No person shall do any of the fallowing things or carry out any of the following activities unless that person has received a permit from the Commission and has complied with all conditions set forth in the permit: (I) Make any outlets into the waters of the State. " As you may recall, a Notice of Deficiency (NOD) was issued by the Division in November 2012 for applying waste too close to a well and for stockpiling litter within 100 feet of a perennial stream. A copy of the animal waste rules and regulations was also made available at that time. Reguiired Response: NCGS143-215.10C(e)(8) states in part "...completion and maintenance of records on forms developed by the Department.... including the dates and rates that waste products are applied to soils at crop sites shall be made available upon request by the Department." In order to complete our investigation the records listed below should be submitted to our office within thirty (30) days of receipt of this Notice: • Dates of all 2014 applications of poultry litter on fields located adjacent to 320. Cabin Creek Road. • Amount of litter spread on the application fields adjacent to 320 Cabin Creek Road. • Documentation that the litter was applied at agronomic rates utilizing the acreage for each field and a waste analysis obtained within 60 days of application. • Nitrogen requirements for the receiving crop. • Soil test results from the application fields, including the measurement of zinc and copper levels. The appropriate forms are enclosed for your use. Waste and soil test results, along with completed application form Solid-3, should be sent to my attention at the address contained in the letterhead. If you need assistance completing the required forms, you may wish to contact the Wilkes County SWCD/NRCS office, at (336) 838-3622. Thank you for your prompt attention to these matters. Please note that these and any future violations are subject to a civil penalty assessment of up to $25,000 per day for each violation. Should you have questions regarding this Notice, you may contact Melissa Rosebrock or me at (336) 771-5000. Sincerely, W. Corey Basinger, Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section, Winston-Salem Division of Water Resources, NCDENR Attachments Cc: Wilkes County SWCD/NRCS Animal Feeding Operations Branch/Division of Water Resources WSRO Facility Files Division of Water Quality Division of Soil and Water Conservation ❑ Other Agency II ---II Facility Number: 970038_ Facility Status: 6Zive Permit: 6WD970038 0 Denied Access Inspection Type: Compliance inspection Inactive or Closed Date: Reason for Visit: Complaint County: Wilkes Region: Winston-Salem Date of Visit: 02L2712014 Entry Time: 02:10 PM Exit Time: 03:00 PM Incident #: Farm Name: Walker Poultry Farm Owner Email: Owner: Artie Hank Walker Phone: Mailing Address: 2616 Dehart Community Center Rd Hays NC 28635 Physical Address: 2616 Dehart Community Center Rd Hays NO 28635 Facility Status: ❑ Compliant jo Not Compliant Integrator: Location of Farm: Latitude: Longitude: US 421 north from WSRO. North on 1-77 and exit onto US-21 north. left on Traphill Road. Right onto Shumate Mountain Road. Right onto Dehart Community Center Road. Question Areas: 0 Dischrge & Stream impacts Waste Application Other Issues Certified Operator: Operator Certification Number: Secondary OIC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Name Title Phone 24 hour contact name Artie Walker Phone: Primary Inspector: Patrick Mitchell Phone: � 3 6 1 - s000 / Inspector Signature: ,/ Date: L� 7 1 -2- 0 ! Secondary Inspector(s): Inspection Summary: On February 27, 2014 WSRO staff conducted a site visit to property adjacent to one of the subject facility's land application fields, located at 320 Cabin Creek Road, Hays, NC. This site visit was made as result of a complaint related to improper land application of poultry litter. Specifically, the complainant indicated that poultry litter was applied across the property line onto the adjacent property, hitting the buildings on the neighboring property and into the adjacent creek. The subsequent site visit revealed the following; - Poultry litter was found to be present on the property adjacent to the land application field; in the edge of the lawn and in a wooded area. - A minor amount of poultry litter was observed to be as close as three (3) feet to surface waters. - A minor amount of poultry litter was observed to be less than 50 feet from a well located in the wooded area adjacent to the application field. Page: 1 Permit: AWD970038 Owner - Facility: Artie Hank Walker Facility Number: 970038 Inspection Date: 02/27/2014 , Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Complaint Regulated Operations Design Capacity Current Population Dry Poultry Dry Poultry - Nan Laying Chickens 130,000 Total Design Capacity: Total 55LW: 130,000 520,000 Page: 2 Permit: AWD970038 Owner. Facility: Artie Hank Walker Facility Number: 970038 inspection Date: 0212712014 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Complaint Discharges & Stream Impacts Yes No NA NE 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Discharge originated at: Structure ❑ Application Field ■ Other ❑ a. Was conveyance man-made? ❑ ❑ ❑ b. Did discharge reach Waters of the State? (if yes, notify DWQ) ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ c. What is the estimated volume that reached waters of the State (gallons)? d. Does discharge bypass the waste management system? (if yes, notify DWQ) ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 2. Is there evidence of a past discharge from any part of the operation? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 3. Were there any observable adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to Waters of the State other than ❑ 0130 from a discharge? Waste Application Yes No NA NE 10. Are there any required buffers, setbacks, or compliance alternatives that need maintenance or ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ improvement? 11. Is there evidence of incorrect application? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Excessive Ponding? ❑ Hydraulic Overload? ❑ Frozen Ground? ❑ Heavy metals (Cu, Zn, etc)? ❑ PAN? ❑ Is PAN > 10%/10 lbs.? ❑ Total Phosphorus? ❑ Failure to incorporate manure/sludge into bare soil? ❑ Outside of acceptable crop window? ❑ Evidence of wind drift? ❑ Application outside of application area? ■ Crop Type 1 Fescue (Hay, Pasture) Crop Type 2 Page: 3 Permit: AWD970038 Owner - Facility: Artie Hank Walker Facility Number: 970038 Inspection Dale: 02/27/2014 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Complaint Waste Application Yes No NA NE Crop Type 3 Crop Type 4 Crop Type 5 Crop Type 6 Soil Type 1 Soil Type 2 Soil Type 3 Soil Type 4 Soil Type 5 Soil Type 6 14. Do the receiving crops differ from those designated in the Certified Animal Waste Management ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Plan(CAWMP)? 15. Does the receiving crop and/or land application site need improvement? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 16. Did the facility fail to secure and/or operate per the irrigation design or wettable acre determination? 1111011 17. Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application? ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ 18. Is there a lack of properly operating waste application equipment? ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Other Issues Yes No NA NE 28. Did the facility fall to properly dispose of dead animals within 24 hours and/or document and report ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ mortality rates that exceed normal rates? 29. At the time of the inspection did the facility pose an odor or air quality concern? If yes, contact a regional ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Air Quality representative immediately. 30. Did the facility fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by Permit? (i.e., discharge, ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ freeboard problems, over -application) 31. Do subsurface tile drains exist at the facility? ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Application Field Lagoon 1 Storage Pond Other If Other, please specify 32. Were any additional problems noted which cause non-compliance of the Permit or CAWMP? 33. Did the Reviewer/Inspector fail to discuss review/inspection with on -site representative? 34. Does the facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? E Page: 4 ! t PIN: 3973-15-6197 TOTAL ACRE: 36.10 LAND VAL: 158480.00 BLDG VAL: 699580.00 TOTAL VAL: 858060.00 COSTTOT VA: 858060.00 BOOK: PAGE: BK PG: 1067/099 OLD NEIGH: 104 NEIGHBORHD: 409.00 SALE PRICE: 0.00 DEED -DATE: SALE DATE: PIN: 3973-16-2005 TOTAL ACRE: 11.23 LAND VAL: 64940.00 BLDG VAL: 0.00 TOTAL VAL: 64940.00 COSTTOT VA: 64940.00 BOOK: PAGE: BK PG: 1141/333 OLD NEIGH: 104 NEIGHBORHD: 409.00 SALE PRICE: 0.00 DEED DATE: SALE DATE: FORM SOLID-3 Tract # Field Size (Acres) = (A) Farm Owner Owner's Address Manure Solids Application Field Records One Form for Each Field per Crop Cycle Field # Facility Number Spreader Operator and Address Owner's Phone # j I Operator's Phone # From Animal Waste Management Plan Crop Type Recommended PAN Loading (lb/acre) = (B) (1) (2l 13) (4) (5) (6) (7) Is) ­Nutrient Source Weather Code Date (mm/dd/yr) Number of Loads per Field Weight of each Load' (tons) Total Weight (tons) (2) x (3) Weight per Acre (tons/acre) (4) / (A) Waste Analysis PAN" (Ib/ton) PAN Applied (lb/acre) (6) x (5) Nitrogen Balance— (lb/acre) (B) - (7) 8= 0.00 Crop Cycle Totals: 10-00 Owners Signature Certified Operator (print) Spreader Operator's Signature Can be found in operators manual for the spreader. Contact a local dealer If you do not have your owners manual. See your waste management plan for sampling frequency. At a minimum, waste analysis is required within 60 days of land application events. —Eater the value received by subtracting column (7) from (B). Continue subtracting column (7) from column (6) following each application event. Enter nutrient source (ie. Lagoon/Storage Pond ID, commerical fertilizer, dry litter, etc.) . .,..�...,.__.....�.`._,,......<......w-Y:..�.,..� w....-m.w•-^-.^�-y-.�.....r...�,...,._.._.._,..-.�-.gym. Operator Certification No. I 0,00 I 12120/2006 FORM SOLID-3 Tract # Field Size (Acres) _ (A) Farm Owner Owner's Address Manure Solids Application Field Records One Form for Each Field per Crop Cycle Field # Facility Number Spreader Operator and Address Owner's Phone # I Operator's Phone # From Animal Waste Management Plan Crop Type Recommended PAN Loading (lb/acre) _ (B) !11 r21 f31 rat ISI (8) f71 (81 —Nutrient Source Weather Code Date (mmlddlyr) Number of Loads per Field Weight of each Load' (tons) Total Weight (tons) (2) x (3) Weight per Acre (tons/acre) (4)1(A) Waste Analysis PAN— (Iblton) PAN Applied (Ib/acre) (6) x (5) Nitrogen Balance" (lb/acre) (B) - (7) �= 0.00 Crop Cycle Totals: 0.00 I 0.00 Owners Signature Spreader Operator's Signature Certified Operator (print) Operator Certification No. Can be found in operators manual for the spreader. Contact a local dealer if you do not have your owners manual. See your waste management plan for sampling frequency, At a minimum, waste analysis is required within 60 days of land application events. —Enter the value received by subtracting column (7) from (B). Continue subtracting column (7) from column (8) following each application event. —Enter nutrient source lie. Lagoon/Storage Pond ID, commerical fer. U[Izer, dry litter, etc.) 12/2W006 Form AD-1 (November 2013) ROUTINE SAMPLES -April=November: �:no Ease ��` December=March::''$41 sample, ri�r�mrrrr� SAMPLE INFORMATION PAYMENT SOIL SAMPLE INFORMATION —mc. soil onjy NCDA&CS Agronomic Division Soil Testing Section Mailing Address: 1040 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1040 Physical Address (UPS1FedEx). 4300 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh NC 27607 Phone: (919) 733 2655 Website: GROWER INFORMATION a tease pow ilegoisr) CONSULTANVOTHER RECIPIENT FARM ID (aptiana!) FEE TOTAL LAST NAME FIRST NAME LAST NAME FIRST NAME METHOD OF PAYMENT ESCROW ACCOUNT ONLY (ate aceonat seams blow) ADDRESS (to KC;*here*nmp[@S WrA 6DReGtBd) ADDRESS SAMPLE DATE (optiouat) To pay wltn credit card. you MUST use online sample submission. CITY STATE ZIP NC CITY STATE ZIP NC COUNTY (.re. eotteet d) X*ii RliQ1l � #J1+e HC>QACS PHONE PHONE La�ass aaslji Fiiij .to red ,, F �.....---- NUMBER OF SAMPLES enopE*1 list esn bigirle of form. E-MAIL ADDRESS ❑ Do Not notify me when report is available. E-MAIL ADDRESS ❑ Do Not notify me when report is available. S- W snbMi t 9 this form ft tilo NCD'1&CS Oro-ta]la ir_ DW9on,11attest t)tat tlNe accompanying sampleswere collected in North Carofts. LAB NUMBER blank) SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION LIME APPLIED WITHIN PAST 12 MONTHS(Leave TonslAcre Month Year You must specify a crop CODE to receive a recommendation (see reverse side of form) FIRST CROP CODE SECOND CROP CODE 1 2 3 4 5 B 7 8 9 10 Thank you for using agronomic services to manage nutrients and safeguard environmental quality. —Steve Troxler, Commissioner ofAgriculture Taking a Soil Sample .A Soit test iS 0Khj aS 9ood as fRe S01 Sampt Use iron or stainiess steel tools. Sample dry soil in areas of 10 acres or fewer. Avoid combining soils of different types and/or treatment histories. Avoid fertilizer bands and corners or end -turn areas. For each sample, collect 15-20 cores at the appropriate depth (0-8" for plowed soils; 0-A" for no -till, sod & lawns), Mix cores in a plastic bucket, then fill the sample box. DO NOT PUT SOIL IN PLASTIC BAGS. REQUIRED INFORMATION The lab MUST have this information. Filling out the Sample Information Form LIME APPLIED WITHIN LAB NUMBER (Leave Wank) SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION PAST 12 MONTHS FIRST CROP CODE SECOND CROP CODE 7onslAcrc Month Year I 1 1 9 2012 Coitk 001 SKA Gkoiu 004 2 s 1 2 9 2012 CP.o11u Gilass, M 050 CP.ouex / Gitass, M 050 3 s 2 0 Bealnttda INQ , 2 043 ga,,uda d a, M 044 SAMPLE & GROWER INFORMATION — Provide as much information as possible. Print neatly. CONSULTANTIOTHER RECIPIENT — List name & contact information for anyone else who needs to know about the report. SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION — Print an identifier (use numbers and/or letters) for each sample on a separate line. The identifier should help remind you where the sample came from (Example: 31, S 1). Make sure the sample identifers on the boxes and on the information form are the same. Use pencil or waterproof markers. FIRST CROP — List the crop for which you want lime and fertilizer recommendations. Be sure to include the appropriate CODE from the list below (e.g., Bermuda hay or pasture establishment, 043). A. Use Lawn (code 026) for all lawn grasses except Centipede. Use one of the Fine TO codes only for golf and athletic field turf. B. Use Shrubs (code 029) for all shrubs, except azalea, camellia, rhododendron and mountain laurel, C. For all home garden vegetables, use code 024. LIME APPLIED WITHIN PAST 12 MONTHS — Provide the amount of lime applied in tons/acre, as well as the year and month of the last DESIRABLE INFORMATION application, if made during the past 12 months. (50M = 50 Ib/1000 ftz, which is equivalent to one ton per acre.) The lab can make better suggestions SECOND CROP —List the name of the crop that will follow the one listed as FIRST CROP. Include its CODE from the list below. This if this information is provided. will enable us to make suggestions for this crop, assuming that the field is treated as suggested the first year. List the second crop even if it will be grown the same year as FIRST CROP. CROP CODES E = establishment (1st year) M = maintenance SG = small grain Field Crops 001 Corn, grain 002 Corn, silage 003 Cotton 604 Small Grain 005 Millet, pearl 006 Milo (Grain Sorghum) 007 Peanut 008 Rice 009 Sorghum, syrup 010 Soybean 011 Sunflower 012 Tobacco, burley 013 Tobacco, flue -cured 014 Tobacco, greenhouse 015 SG silage/ Soybean 016 SG silage/ Corn silage 017 Kenaf, fiber 018 SG/ Soybean (double crop) Home Lawn & Garden 020 Azalea/ Camellia 022 Lawn, centipede 023 Flower garden 024 Vegetable garden 025 Mtn. Laurel/ Rhodod. 026 Lawn (not centipede) 028 Rose 029 Shrubs 030 Berries/Fruit/Nuts 031 Tree, shade 032 Blueberries, home Christmas Trees 034 Leyland Cypress 035 Line-out/ Seed beds 036 Fir/N. Spruce/Hem, E 037 Fir/N. Spruce/Hem, M 038 Pine, white or Va. 039 BI. Spruce/Red Cedar Forage & Pasture 040 Alfalfa, E 041 Alfalfa, M 042 Corn. Bermuda/Bahia FFoEpae & Pasture (cont) 043 Bermuda hayfpast., E 044 Bermuda hay/past., M 047 Bluegrass pasture 048 BluegrassMfi. Clover 049 Clover/Grass, E 050 Clover/Grass, M 051 Gamagrass 053 Legumes, misc. 054 Fescue/OGrassmm, E 055 Fescue/OGrassRm, M 056 Pralriegrass 057 Switchgrass 059 SudanlSorghum past 060 SudanfSorghum silage Roadside Areas 061 Critical area 062 Grass, roadside, E 063 Grass, roadside, M 066 Deer/Turkey 067 Upland Game 068 Waterfowl 069 Fish Pond Commercial Hon crops -ONLY [024 = all Home Vegetables] 070 Asparagus, E 071 Asparagus, M 072 Beans/Peas 073 Beans, pole 074 Beet 075 Blueberry, E 076 Blueberry, M 077 Brocc/ BSprout/Caulif 079 Cabbage 080 Cantaloupe/Melons 084 Corn, sweet 085 Cucumber 088 Grape, E 089 Grape, M 090 Kale/ Mustard/ Spinach 093 Okra 095 Pea, southern 096 Pepper/Sage 097 Plant bed, vegetable 098 Potato, Irish 099 Sweetpotato 100 Radish 101 Canola/Rape Commercial Ho>tCrop_s (con;.] 102 Black/Raspberry, E 103 Black/Raspberry, M 107 Squash/Pumpkin 108 Strawberry, E 109 Strawberry, M 110 Tomato 111 Tomato, greenhouse 115 Turnip 116 Vegetables, other 118 Strawberry, plastic 119 Hops Commercial Nursery & Flowers 120 Dahlia 121 Gladiolus 122 Greenhouse 123 Gypsophila (baby's breath) 124 Flower, bulbs 125 Flower, roots 126 Container nursery 132.Rhod/Ginseng/NaVves 136 Tree nursery Orchard. Frult & Nut 130 Apple, E 131 Apple, M 138 Pesch,E 139 Peach,M 140 Pecan,E 141 Pecan, M Fgjest Tress & Seed 133 Hardwood, E 134 Hardwood, M 137 Pine nursery 142 Pine, E 143 Pine, M 144 Hardwood, seed 145 Fir/Spruce, seed 146 Pine, seed Fine Turf. 150 Fairway/Athl. turf 151 Tee 152 Greens Stormwater 200 Bloretention cell Form AD-8 (November 2013) SAMPLE TYPE [drele desfpna OWs) I — h-w+etlasal Predictive Diagnostic Research Out of State SAMPLE INFORMATION PAYMENT WASTE SAMPLE INFORMATION NCDA&CS Agronomic Division PlantlWaste(SolutionIMedia Section Mailing Address: 1040 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1040 Physical Address (UPS/FedEx): 4300 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh NC 27607 Phone: (919) 733-2655 Web Address: GROWER INFORMATION (please fwnt) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY REPORT # DATE REC'D INITIAL CONSULTANTIOTHER RECIPIENT FARM ID FEE TOTAL LAST NAME FIRST NAME LAST NAME FIRST NAME AMT PAID METHOD OF PAYMENT SAMPLED BY ADDRESS ADDRESS ❑ Grower ❑NCDA&CSAWonwvst ( ) CASH ❑ Advisor ❑ Coop. Ext. Agent ( ) CHECK (payable to NCDA&CS) SAMPLE DATE CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP ( )MONEY ORDER ( ) ESCROW (prautde aom mmmiebelow) COUNTY (where collected) PHONE PHONE NUMBER OF SAMPLES E-MAIL ADDRESS ❑ Do Not notify me when report is available. E-MAIL ADDRESS ❑ Do Not notify me when report is available. NUMBER WASTE APPLICATION CORRESPONDING SAMPLE ID SPECIAL TESTS ($10) LAB USE ONLY SAMPLE ID SAMPLE DESCRIPTION I COMMENTS NO, Heavy e blank) F,(Ieal) CODE METHODS SOIL PLANT SOLUTION NH, metals CCE PF'i C 4aEM S ''` - .�• ;lN ram, •, :.a .,: _ .... .. ..:. . ... 'r s} ire .:w•, "' _- _, "_} 3 E zl� 7 .. �}_. pia 5[• ! ^ f ` ' INSTRUCTIONS (provide all information requested in shaded areas) APPLICATION METHODS SAMPLE TYPE— Predictive samples are analyzed for nutrient content. The report provides interpretation & general recommendations. An agronomist reviews results of diagnostic samples, identifies potential nutritional problems & makes suggestions for management. BR = Waste broadcast on soil surface Research designates samples submitted in connection with an approved research contract agreement. & left uncovered more than 2 days Out of state is the correct designation for samples submitted from outside North Carolina. Si = Waste broadcast on soil surface & SAMPLE INFORMATION — Provide all requested information, especially payment details (refer to WASTE ANALYSIS FEES on the back of this form). soil incorporated within 2 days GRowER INFORMATION — Provide accurate contact information (phone with area code, address, e-mail). SAMPLE lD — Provide sample identification (no more than six digits or letters). Put the same ID on the sample container. IN = Waste in' ed directly into the YI►ASTI=. WDE — Identify the type of waste in the sample by using codes (see back of this form). soil SAMPLE DESCRIPTION I COMMENTS— Briefly describe problem or reason for sampling (necessary for diagnostic samples). IR = Waste broadcast through irrigation APPLICATION METHODS — Select one or two application methods from the list at the right for estimation of nutrient availability. system & left uncovered more CORRESPONDING SAMPLE ID — List the IDS of any matching soil, plant or solution samples submitted. than 2 days SPECIAL TESTS — Indicate nonstandard tests desired: nitrogen breakout (nitrate & ammonium), heavy metals, calcium carbonate equivalence. Thank you for using agronomic services to manage nutrients and safeguard environmental quality. — Steve Troxler, Commissioner ofAgriculture WASTE ANALYSIS FEES: Cost persample—Base fee j$$.for,N.Q. residents; $25, out -of state samples; $12, research samples] f $10 for each optional special test requested. Special tests include the following: calcium carbonate equivalence (CCE), heavy metals, and inorganic nitrogen (NO3 N and NH4-N). If you want additional tests, you must check the appropriate box on thefront of this form and include sufficient payment FARM WASTE SAMPLE CODES § MUNICIPAL I INDUSTRIAL WASTE SAMPLE CODES § Industrial — Stack Dust l Ash Lagoon Liauid — # Industrial -„Miscellaneous Sttrface Scraped SAR Raw ALS Shrine (except farrow to wean) _QrStoGkoiled FCB Beef IOC Composted # IOR Raw SAC Composted # ALF Swine (farrow to wean) FCC Crop residue IOE Aerobic IOX Chem ox (Cl) SAO Other ALP Poultry SSB Beef FCD Dairy [ON Anaerobic 100 Other ALO Other * SSD Dairy FCE Sheep IOL Lime stabilized Industrial — Textile SSH Horse FCG Goat SSS Swine FCH Horse TXR Raw Lagoon Sludge SSO Other * FCP Poultry Industrial -- Pharmaceutical TAE Aerobic FCS Swine TAN Anaerobic ASP Poultry FCV Vegetable residue PHC Composted # PHR Raw TLS Lime stabilized ASS Swine FCW Other * PHA Aerobic PHX Chem ox (CI) TOX Chem ox (Cl) ASO Other * FPM - Poultry mortality PHN Anaerobic PHO Other * TCW Composted # HBS Broiler breeder FSM' Swine mortality PHL time stabilized TXO Other an M — Li uid Slipay HBP Broiler pullet MUnIcioal LSB Beef HLB Broiler HLL Layer Waste — Noncomnosted # Industrial — PoU toc LSD Dairy (storage pond) HLP Layer pullet NBS Bark 1 Sawdust PCW Composted # PLR MAE Aerobic Raw MAN Anaerobic LSS LSO Swine* Other HLT 'Turkey NCR Crop Residue PAE Aerobic PDX Chem ox (Cl) MLS Lime stabilized HLO Other * NVR Vegetable residue PAN Anaerobic PLO Other * MOX Chem ox (CI) NCW Other* PLS Lime stabilized MCY Composted yard waste # MCS Composted sludge # MWO Other § The NCDA&CS Agronomic Division laboratory is certified by the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources to perform environmental analyses far animal waste operations only. NCDA&CS is not certified to analyze industrial or domestic (municipal) wastes for regulatory compliance. * Indicate type of waste in the SAMPLE DESCRIPTION / COMMENTS section. # These codes include routine analyses of pH and EC. if the material is solid, carbon is also measured. I TIPS ON SAMPLING FARM MANURES [For detailed sampling instructions, visit] Caution: Submit samples that are representative of the waste material being evaluated. Analytical results from waste materials are only as good as the sample submitted. Keep the samples cool. If samples I are stored for more than one day, they should be refrigerated. Do not put this sample information form or payment inside sample containers. I LAGOON LIQUID Construct a 10- to 15-foot pole with a 1/2-pint container attached to one end. Use this tool to collect liquid from at least 8 to 12 representative locations in the lagoon. Always take the sample approximately 10 feet from the edge of the lagoon and one foot under surface. Do not include floating scum or debris. Mix thoroughly. Fill a one -pint, plastic container about three -fourths full, and tighten the cap securely. POULTRY LIJIER Stockpiled (Dry Stack): Collect representative core samples at least 18 inches deep from several locations on the pile. Mix samples thoroughly in a plastic bucket. Place approximately one quart of material in a clean plastic bag and send in a suitable container to the laboratory. In -House: Inspect house and estimate percentage of floor space used in different activities (feeding, watering, etc.). Take core sections of litter in these areas to represent the proportionate makeup of the house. Mix samples thoroughly in a plastic bucket. Place approximately one quart of material in a clean plastic bag and send in a suitable container to the laboratory. MANURE -- LIQUID SLURRY Pit under Slotted Floor: Use a length of W-inch conduit or similar device to collect the sample. With both ends of the conduit open, extend it into the manure pit floor. Place thumb over the end of the conduit, and remove the core sample. Do this at 8 to 12 locations in the pit. After taking the samples, mix thoroughly and send approximately one pint of material in a clean plastic container to the laboratory. Exterior Storage Basin: After the slurry has been well mixed, take samples from approximately five locations in the pit. Place material in a plastic bucket and mix thoroughly. Send approximately one pint of slurry to the laboratory in a clean plastic container. MANURE -- SURFACE SCRAPED After manure has been piled, collect a representative sample from several locations. Place in a plastic bucket and mix thoroughly. Send approximately one quart of material to the laboratory in a clean, sealable, plastic container. PIN: 3973-16-2005 TOTAL ACRE: 11.23 LAND VAL: 64940.00 BLDG VAL: 0.00 TOTAL VAL: 64940.00 COSTTOT VA: 64940.00 BOOK: PAGE: BK PG: 1141/333 OLD NEIGH: 104 NEIGHBORHD: 409.00 SALE PRICE: 0.00 DEED DATE: SALE DATE: PIN: 3973-15-6197 TOTAL ACRE: 36.10 LAND VAL: 158480.00 BLDG VAL: 699580.00 TOTAL VAL: 858060.00 COSTTOT VA: 858060.00 BOOK: PAGE: BK PG: 1067/099 OLD NEIGH: 104 NEIGHBORHD: 409.00 SALE PRICE: 0.00 DEED DATE: SALE DATE: Division of Water Quality Division of Soil and Water Conservation ❑ Other Agency Facility Number: 970038 Facility Status: Active Permit: AWQ970038 ❑ Denied Access Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Inactive or Closed Date: Reason for Visit: Complaint County: Wilkes Region: Winston-Salem Date of Visit: Q2/2712014 Entry Time: 02:10 PM Exit Time: 03:00 PM Incident #: Farm Name: Walker PaultLy Farm Owner Email: Owner: Artie Hank Walker Phone: Mailing Address: 2616 Dehart Community Center Rd Hays NC 28635 Physical Address: 2616 Dehart Community Center Rd Hays NC 28635 Facility Status: ❑ Compliant N Not Compliant Integrator: Location of Farm: Latitude: Longitude: US 421 north from WSRO. North on 1-77 and exit onto US-21 north. left on Traphill Road. Right onto Shumate Mountain Road. Right onto Dehart Community Center Road, Question Areas: Dischrge & Stream Impacts Waste Application Other Issues Certified Operator: Operator Certification Number: Secondary OIC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Name Title Phone 24 hour contact name Artie Walker Phone: Primary Inspector: Patrick Mitchell Phone: Inspector Signature: �"�� Date: Secondary Inspector(s): Inspection Summary: On February 27, 2014 WSRO staff conducted a site visit to property adjacent to one of the subject facility's land application fields, located at 320 Cabin Creek Road, Hays, NC. This site visit was made as result of a complaint related to improper land application of poultry litter, Specifically, the complainant indicated that poultry litter was applied across the property line onto the adjacent property, hitting the buildings on the neighboring property and into the adjacent creek. The subsequent site visit revealed the following: - Poultry litter was found to be present on the property adjacent to the land application field; in the edge of the lawn and in a wooded area. - A minor amount of poultry litter was observed to be as close as three (3) feet to surface waters. - A minor amount of poultry litter was observed to be less than 50 feet from a well located in the wooded area adjacent to the application field. Nov-.,-aLq--pC_ 00'�; S_ Page: 1 .,a Permit: AWD970038 Owner - Facility: Artie Hank Walker Facility Number: 970038 Inspection Date: 0212712014 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Complaint Regulated Operations Design Capacity Current Population Dry Poultry ❑ Dry Poultry - Non Laying Chickens 130,000 K� Total Design Capacity: 130,000 Total SSLW: 520,000 Page: 2 Permit: AWD970038 Owner - Facility: Artie Hank Walker Facility Number: 970038 Inspection Date: 02127/2014 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason far Visit: Complaint Discharges & Stream Impacts Yes No NA NE 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Discharge originated at: Structure ❑ Application Field ■ Other ❑ a. Was conveyance man-made? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ b. Did discharge reach Waters of the State? (if yes, notify DWQ) ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ c. What is the estimated volume that reached waters of the State (gallons)? d. Does discharge bypass the waste management system? (if yes, notify DWQ) ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 2. Is there evidence of a past discharge from any part of the operation? ❑ ❑ ❑ 3. Were there any observable adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to Waters of the State other than ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ from a discharge? Waste Application Yes No NA NE 10. Are there any required buffers, setbacks, or compliance alternatives that need maintenance or ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ improvement? 11. Is there evidence of incorrect application? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Excessive Ponding? ❑ Hydraulic Overload? ❑ Frozen Ground? ❑ Heavy metals (Cu, Zn, etc)? ❑ PAN? ❑ Is PAN > 10%110 lbs.? ❑ Total Phosphorus? ❑ Failure to incorporate manure/sludge into bare soil? Cl Outside of acceptable crop window? ❑ Evidence of wind drift? ❑ Application outside of application area? Crop Type 1 Crop Type 2 ■ Fescue (Hay, Pasture) Page: 3 Permit: AWD970038 Owner - Facility: Artie Hank Walker Facility Number: 970038 Inspection Date: 02l27/2014 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Complaint Waste Annlir_atinn Yes No NA NE Crop Type 3 Crop Type 4 Crop Type 5 Crop Type 6 Soil Type 1 Soil Type 2 Soil Type 3 Soil Type 4 Soil Type 5 Soil Type 6 14. Do the receiving crops differ from those designated in the Certified Animal Waste Management ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Plan(CAWMP)? 15. Does the receiving crop and/or land application site need improvement? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 16. Did the facility fail to secure and/or operate per the irrigation design or wettable acre determination? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ 17. Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application? ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ 18. Is there a lack of properly operating waste application equipment? ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Other issues Yes No NA NE 28. Did the facility fail to properly dispose of dead animals within 24 hours and/or document and report ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ mortality rates that exceed normal rates? 29. At the time of the inspection did the facility pose an odor or air quality concern? If yes, contact a regional Cl ■ ❑ ❑ Air Quality representative immediately. 30. Did the facility fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by Permit? (i.e., discharge, ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ freeboard problems, over -application) 31. Do subsurface tile drains exist at the facility? ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Application Field ❑ Lagoon / Storage Pond ❑ Other ❑ If Other, please specify 32. Were any additional problems noted which cause non-compliance of the Permit or CAWMP? ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ 33. Did the Reviewer/Inspector fail to discuss review/inspection with on -site representative? ❑ ❑ in ❑ 34. Does the facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Page: 4 R t ,85 Waughtown St, Winston-Salem, NC 27107 to Cabin Creek Rd, Hays, NC 28635 - Go... Page 1 of 2 -A.rf'el Google Directions to Cabin Creek Rd, Hays, NC 28635 65.1 mi - about 1 hour 17 mins r m 1 ,Iri� rod `j� 6-JAI Lorne o , r jrr ! P rs,� w �T 6,/ kv � h � ;Ov 44 a) 5 'I PIKM111 A 585 Waughtown St, Winston-Salem, NC 27107 to Cabin Creek Rd, Hays, NC 28635 - Go Page 2 of 2 ` 585 Waughtown St, Winston-Salem, NC 27107 1. Head south toward Old Lexington Rd SE go 344 ft total 344 ft P 2. Turn right onto Old Lexington Rd.SE go 0.1 m About t min total 0.2 m 3. Take the 2nd right onto E Sprague St go 0.1 mi total 0.3 mi 4. Turn left onto Glendale St go 79 fl total 0.4 mi 5. Take the N Carolina 8 SIUS-52 SIUS-311 S ramp on the left go 0.2 mi total 0.5 mi E6. Merge onto US-311 SIUS-52 S go 256 ft total 0.6 mi 7. Take the exit onto 1-40 W toward Statesville go 5.1 mi • About 5 mins I total 5.7 mi 421 8. Take exit 188 to merge onto US421 N toward'YadkinvillelWiikesboro go 39.1 mi About 34 mins total 44.8'mi 9. Take exit 276 for Red White and Blue Rd/Mathis Farm Rd toward N Carolina 268 10. Turn right onto'State Rd 23241Red White and Blue Rd About 4 mins. ry )a.11. Continue onto State Rd 2327IRoaring River Rd Continue to follow State Rd 2327 �$ (� About 1 min \.�Vli Z +% go 0.3 mi total 45.1 mi go 3.3 mi total 48.4 mi go 0.7 mi total 49.1 mi ],® 12. Turn"leftonto NC-268 W/Elkin Hwy, go 3.0 mi About 4 `mins total 52.1 mi 13. Turn right onto State Rd 1957IRock Creek Rd go 5.1 mi About 7 mins total 57.2 mi 14. Continue onto Traphlll Rd go 1.9 mi About 3 mins total 59.1 mi 41 15. Turn left onto State Rd 1730IDehart Community Center Rd go 2.6 mi About 7 mins total 61.6 mi r 16. Turn right to stay on State Rd 1730IDehart Community Center Rd go 3.5 mi Continue to follow State Rd 1730 total 65.1 mi About 9 mins Cabin Creek Rd, Hays, NC 28635 These directions are for planning purposes only. You may find that construction projects, traffic, weather, or other events may cause conditions to differ from the map results, and you should plan your route accordingly, You must obey all signs or notices regarding your route. Map data 02014 Google PINB aloos3� ✓�'��C 11 3 Zo C 85+Waughtown+Street,+Winsto... 2/26/2014 " ALIT NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Charles Wakild. RE pee Freeman Governor Director Secretary November 8, 2012 Mr. Artie Hank Walker 2616 Dehart Community Center Road Hays, NC 28635 SUBJECT: Notice of Deficiency - NOD-2012-OP-0002 Facility #97-38, Permit Number AWD970038 Parcel ID: 2100496, Wilkes County Dear Mr. Walker: On September 10, 2012 representatives from the State's Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Winston- Salem Regional Office (WSRO) investigated a complaint alleging that poultry litter had been applied too close to surface waters flowing through the parcel identified above. North Carolina Administrative Code 15A 02T . 13 03 states that a vegetative buffer of at,least 25 feet must be maintained between the application of animal waste and a perennial stream. DWQ staff did not observe there to be any violation of this rule. However, as outlined in the attached inspection report, poultry litter is currently being stockpiled too close to the stream and that litter had been applied too close to a water supply well. Additionally, staff documented that your waste plan needed to be updated and that the application records were incomplete. Therefore, please submit the following to our office within 30 days of receipt of this Notice: • A waste analysis report for all litter applied September 2012 through present. • A current soil fertility test for all fields receiving litter in 201,2. • Documentation of the PAN balance for all fields receiving litter September 2012 through present. Forms are attached for your use. • Documentation that the waste utilization plan is in the process of being updated. Per you request, copies of the State's current animal waste rules and regulations is attached. If you have any questions concerning this correspondence or the attached information please feel free to contact me, or Ms. Melissa Rosebrock, at (336) 771-5000. Sincerely, 5, �' ' Sherri V. Knight, P. . Regional Supervisor, Aquifer Protection Section Attachments cc: AP5 - Animal Feeding Operations Unit Wilkes CountyNRCS/SWCD Winston-Salem Regional Office 585 WMhtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Phone_ 336-i tt 1-50001 FAX: 336-771-46311 Customer Senrice: 1-8i r-623-6i48 One Intemet: NorthCarolina Division of Water Quality Division of Soil and Water Conservation ❑ Other Agency Facility Number: 970038 Facility Status: Aflive Permit: 6WD970038 ❑ Denied Access Inspection Type: Compliance Inspecti0gInactive or Closed Date: Reason for Visit: Complaint County: Wilkes Region: Venston-Salem Date of Visit: 10/12/2012 Entry Time: 11:00 AM Exit Time: 1.Z920 PM Incident #: Farm Name: Walker Poultry Farm Owner Email: Owner: Aug Hank Walker Mailing Address: Physical Address: ZQ16 Dehart Community Center Rd _ Facility Status: ❑ Compliant 0 Not Compliant integrator: Phone: Location of Farm: Latitude: Longitude: US 421 north from WSRO. North on 1-77 and exit onto US-21 north, left on Traphill Road. Right onto Shumate Mountain Road. Right onto Dehart Community Center Road. Question Areas: Dischrge & Stream impacts Records and Documents a Waste Col, Stor, & Treat Waste Application Certified Operator: Operator Certification Number: Secondary OIC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Name Title Phone 24 hour contact name Artie Walker Phone: On -site representative Artie Walker Phone: Primary Inspector: M 'ssa Rosebrock Phone: Inspector Signature:LIUILI! l Date: Secondary Inspector(s): Inspection Summary: 9. Operator is to build a new dry stack to store poultry litter. Stockpiled litter is currently only 85 feet from the stream (UT to Roaring River) and should be at least 100 feet. 10.and 11. Waste was applied within 36 feet of an active water supply well. Need to increase buffer to 50 feet from the well or properly abandon the well (see County Health Dept.for procedures). 14. and 20. Per Mr. Walker, Mr. Clayton Porter currently maintains records for this farm. The waste plan needs to be revised to include the new fields that are now receiving animal waste. Need to also update the receiving crop(s) for each receiving field. Mr. Walker most recently applied animal waste onto fescue/rye grass. Page: 1 • • Permit: AWD970038 Owner -Facility: Artie Nank Walker Facility Number; 970038 Inspection hate: 10/12=12 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Complaint Regulated Operations Design Capacity Current Population Dry Poultry Dry Poultry - Non Laying Chickens 130,000 130,000 Total Design Capacity: 130,000 Total SSLW: 520,000 Page: 2 i Permit: AWD970038 Owner - Facility: Arlie Hank Walker FacilityNumber : 970038 Inspection Date: 1011212012 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Complaint Discharges & Stream Impacts Yes No NA NE 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Discharge originated at: Structure ❑ Application Field ❑ Other ❑ a. Was conveyance man-made? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ b. Did discharge reach Waters of the State? (if yes, notify DWQ) ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ c. What is the estimated volume that reached waters of the State (gallons)? d. Does discharge bypass the waste management system? (if yes, notify DWQ) ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 2. Is there evidence of a past discharge from any part of the operation? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 3. Were there any observable adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to Waters of the State other than ❑ ■ Q ❑ from a discharge? Waste Collection, Storage & Treatment Yes No NA NE 4. Is storage capacity less than adequate? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ If yes, is waste level into structural freeboard? ❑ 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed (l.e.l large trees, severe ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ erosion, seepage, etc.)? 6. Are there structures on -site that are not properly addressed and/or managed through a waste management ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ or closure plan? 7. Do any of the structures need maintenance or improvement? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ 8. Do any of the structures lack adequate markers as required by the permit? (Not applicable to roofed pits, . ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ dry stacks and/or wet stacks) 9. Does any part of the waste management system other than the waste structures require maintenance or ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ improvement? Waste Application Yes No NA NE 10. Are there any required buffers, setbacks, or compliance alternatives that need maintenance or ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ improvement? 11. Is there evidence of incorrect application? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Excessive Ponding? ❑ Hydraulic Overload? ❑ Frozen Ground? ❑ Heavy metals (Cu, Zn, etc)? ❑ Page: 3 Permit: AWD970038 Owner - Facility: Artie Hank Walker Facility Number : 970038 Inspection Date: 10112l2012 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Complaint Waste Application Yes No NA NE PAN? ❑ Is PAN > 10%/10 lbs.? ❑ Total Phosphorus? ❑ Failure to incorporate manurelsludge into bare soil? ❑ Outside of acceptable crop window? ❑ Evidence of wind drift? ❑ Application outside of application area? ■ Crop Type 1 Fescue (Hay, Pasture) Crop Type 2 Crop Type 3 Crop Type 4 Crop Type 5 Crop Type 6 Soil Type 1 Soil Type 2 Soil Type 3 Soil Type 4 Soil Type 5 Soil Type 6 14. Do the receiving crops differ from those designated in the Certified Animal Waste Management ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Plan(CAWMP)? 15. Does the receiving crop and/or land application site need improvement? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 16. Did the facility fail to secure and/or operate per the irrigation design or wettable acre determination? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ 17. Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application? ❑ ❑ ❑ N 18. Is there a lack of properly operating waste application equipment? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Records and Documents Yes No NA NE 19. Did the facility fail to have Certificate of Coverage and Permit readily available? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ 20. Does the facility fail to have all components of the CAWMP readily available? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. WUP? Page: 4 Permit: AWD970038 Owner - Facility: Artie Hank Welker Facility Number : 970038 Inspection Date: 1011212012 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Complaint Records and Documents Yes No NA NE Checklists? ❑ Design? ❑ Maps? ❑ Lease Agreements? ❑ Other?• ■ If Other, please specify New fields 21. Does record keeping need improvement? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Waste Application? ■ Weekly Freeboard? ❑ Waste Analysis? ■ Soil analysis? ■ Waste Transfers? ❑ Weather code? ❑ Rainfall? ❑ Stocking? ❑ Crop yields? ❑ 120 Minute inspections? ❑ Monthly and 1"Rainfall Inspections ❑ Sludge Survey ❑ 22. Did the facility fail to install and maintain a rain gauge? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ 23. If selected, did the facility fail to install and maintain a rainbreaker on irrigation equipment (NPDES only)? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ 24. Did the facility fail to calibrate waste application equipment as required by the permit? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ 25. Is the facility out of compliance with permit conditions related to sludge? If yes, check the appropriate ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ box(es) below: Failure to complete annual sludge survey ❑ Failure to develop a POA for sludge levels ❑ Non -compliant sludge levels in any lagoon ❑ List structure(s) and date of first survey indicating non-compliance: 26. Did the facility fail to provide documentation of an actively certified operator in charge? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Page: 5 L Permit: AWD970038 Owner - Facility: Artie Hank Walker Facility Number: 970038 Inspection Date. 10/12/2012 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Complaint Records and Documents 27. Did the facility fail to secure a phosphorous loss assessment (PLAT) certification? Yes No NA NE ❑0mD Page: 6 COMPLAINT REPORT VMsion of Dater Qusiity 0 1Viliston-Salem Regional Office Did caller ask to remain anonymous? 'es o - (If YES, skip to directions section NANIE- OF CALLER: DATE: � - To E: 'mli COUNTY: ADDRESS: _ Z 6 /6 'z EIn > TELI"sPHONE: 0313 [ Reg �� G%�/%� Al- CA E/d C/zE&/ C" - &P• 2) . SOURCE OF POLLUTION: — (��T/Cl,,lEA/ " NATURE OF COMPLAINT:-VREA-hrn16' / CLoiC- Fd' REFERRED TO:"ZAd co .,0-k lifsX- ACTION TAKEN: RECEI' 7ED BY: ��a'L►—doid&l _ INVESTIGATOR: 6 {00c Srn c N Y471u, Notes • mapquest' Trip to: 2616 Dehart-Community Center Rd Hays, NC 28635-9450 68.39 miles 11 hour 21 minutes Q 585 Waughtown St, Winston Salem, NC 27107-2275 05. Go west on I-40 W. Map 5.1 Mi 5.6 Mi Total T its W 6. Merge onto US-421 N via EXIT 188 toward Yadkinville 1 Wilkesboro. Map 28.2 Mi ® 33.9 Mi Total ® 7. Merge onto 1-77 N via EXIT 265A toward Elkin. Map 10.1 Mi ® 44.0 Mi Total ® ® 8. Merge onto US-2I-BYP N via EXIT 83 on the left toward Roaring Gap 1 Sparta. Map 2.9 Mi 46.8 Mi Total 9. Merge onto US-21. Map 8.0 Mi 54.8 Mi Total 10. Turn left onto Traphill Rd. Map 10.9 Mi `t Traphill Rd is 0.1 miles past E Roaring Gap Church Rd 65.7 Mi Total If you mach Old Railroad Grade Rd you`ve gone about 0.8 miles too far ro 11. Turn right onto Shumate Mountain Rd. Map 2.6 Mi Shumate Mountain Rd is 0.7 miles past Jettie Joines Ave 68.3 Mi Total If you mach Hawkins Hollow Rd you've gone about 0.3 miles too far IF 12. Turn slight right onto Dehart Community Ctr Rd. Map 0.09 Mi Dehart Community Ctr Rd is 0.4 miles past Pine Ridge Rd 68.4 Mi Total . 13.2616 DEHART COMMUNITY CENTER RD. Map If you reach Dehart Church Rd you've gone a little too far Q 2616 Dehart Community Center Rd, Hays, NC 28635-9450 Site: 6 DEHART COMM CTR RD i MLAUT,.;(I ^ r+ 9A) f + f r J. Property Details: START 11149 UNIQUEID 1117175 PARCEL ID 2100496 I ACCOUNT 38457 OWNERI I WALKER, ARTIE iiMK 0WNER2 IF MAIL-)IDDRI 1 2616 DEHARTCOMM" CENTER R MWL ADDR2 IF CITY -_ HAYS STATEINC IMP -CODE 28635 CLASS i R1 FlRE_DIST FlRE NAME TOWNSHIP WA_Nur GROVE PROP_M R 112616 DENART COMM CTR RD ORTHO_NUM 1 3973 PIN i 3973 14 0838 TOTAL J4ICRE 1.9 LAND_VAI. 1112700 AGLAND VAL 10 I BLDG_VAL i 262040 TOT14k._VA. 274740 COSTTOT_VA _. 274740 BOOK 912 PAGE 11122 BK_PG °I 9121122 ! DE£D_DATE ; 05I0812003 OLD NEIGH 104 NEIGHBORHD 1140900 SALE_DATE 05J0812003 I SALE PRICE 110 (21.1A) 4186 DEHART-WALNUT., GROVE COM t9A) CENT -0 J" r I I Ir t cy SF r Er iri is 4.1