HomeMy WebLinkAbout20052055 Ver 1_Complete File_20051116 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E, Director Division of Water Quality November 23, 2005 DWQ EXP Project # 20052055 Wake County Page 1 of2 S&EC, P A Attn: Mr. Kevin Martin 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27614 Subject Property: SAS East Campus Raleigh, N C On-Site Determination for Applicability to the Neuse River Riparian Area Protection Rules (lSA NCAC 2B .0233) Dear Mr. Martin: On November 22, 2005, at your request Amy Chapman and Periann Russell conducted an on-site determination to review a previously drained pond and associated stream located on the subject property for applicability to the Neuse Buffer Rules (l5A NCAC 2B .0233). The channel that flows from the previously drained pond and continues to flow into an adjacent stream is labeled as "A" on the attached map signed by Ian McMillan and Amy Chapman on November 23,2005. This letter replaces the previous on-site determination letter dated June 7, 2001 for the above referenced area of this property only, The Division of Water Quality (D\VQ) has determined that the channel that flows from the previously drained pond denoted at the site with a flag marked "A", is intermittent and is subject to the Neuse Buffer Rule. During our site inspection, you had hung a flag at the location where we determined the intermittent portionofthis stream segment began, labeled, "A", and therefore where the Neuse Buffer would start on this property. Please note that the stream does not extend into the adjacent grassed field. This stream and its associated buffers should be identified on any future plans for this property. The owner (or future owners) should notify the DWQ (and other relevant agencies) of this decision in any future correspondences concerning this property. This on-site determination shall expire five (5) years from the date of this letter. Landowners or affected parties that dispute a determination made by the DWQ or Delegated Local Authority that a surface water exists and that it is subject to the buffer rule may request a determination by the Director. A request for a determination by the Director shall be referred to A7A NCDENR 401 OversighVExpress Review Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733.1786/ FAX 919-733-6893/lntemet: http://h2o.enr,state,nc.us/ncwetlands An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% RecyclecVl0% Post Consumer Paper S&EC Page 2 of2 November 23,200.) the Director in writing c/o Cyndi Karoly, DWQ, 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit, 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Suite 250, Raleigh, NC 27604-2260. Individuals that dispute a determination by the DWQ or Delegated Local Authority that "exempts" a surface water from the buffer rule may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. Applicants are hereby notified that the 60-day statutory appeal time does not start until the affected party (including downstream and adjacent landowners) is notified of this decision, DWQ recommends that the applicant conduct this notification in order to be certain that third party appeals are made in a timely manner. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition, which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N,C. 27699-6714, This determination is final and binding unless you ask for a hearing within 60 days, This letter only addresses the applicability to the buffer rules and does not approve any activity within the buffers, Nor does this letter approve any activity within Waters of the United States or Waters of the State. If you have any additional questions or require additional information please call Amy Chapman at (919) 733-9502. [U{l CBK/asc ^- Cyndi Karoly, 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit Enclosures: USGS map cc: Eric Kulz, DWQ Raleigh Regional Office File Copy Central Files Filename: OS20SSSASEastCampus(Wakc)EXP + DET r 1;"- ~ 0 o , . ___-0..-..-- (i . ~ 0 ,e:A - rJ!(( ~ I ((( SENDING CONFIRHATION DATE NAME TEL NOV-22-2005 TUE 22: 24 Dh'Q-l-lETLANDS 9197336893 PHONE P AG ES START TIME ELAPSED Tll1E l-lODE RESULTS 98469467 4/4 NOV-22 22:23 00'52" ECM OK FIRST PAGE OF RECENT DOCUMENT TRANSMITTED... f~' OP'I~~l~~~ ,. -; c ., '(;..WI,JF. [!uk":i,C"-'~;J1k'l' WilhEDU r,..-k.Sc.;r.\:t".) ....m:ILan,lil.~"f"'"1~~tNolol\lrU;ttw'aT.. .....1.. w. ~l"".jr. r E.l'\n\-t... Ll.v...."."rW.._nO'''.''Y Division of Water Quality Department of Environmcntal and Natllral Resources 401 OHrslghl!Express Rcv'lew. Program DCHlopment and Tramportatlon Permitting Units Street Addren: 2321 OahUee B~~t<..,d. Suite 250 R.1lcir,h, :>Ie 27604-2260 :l1~ Addu": 1650 ~1cil SC1\iccCentl.. R!l.I<ish, I'C 2j699-16~O CODbctlnfurmalkm: Phone #: 919-733-1786 FiIX #: 919-733-6;;9] To: -.1(....,.),:."1"1\0-0.-0---- Fu#: :1lCj.~4~7 Company: 0 ~ 1C. C --~-~ Number of pages Including cov.r sheel: L___ Date: \\-;:;l.3~o:' From: Notes or .pec.ial instrUctions: k.o U:~ l d I'f'.Q , ~~i. -Wu- (14.,. ~ c..""'b ',..,...... ('l ~,..,l,'o..:> 1Ll'vn ~ '..( \.~ou. ~!l..J ,,(', -1;\... ~\ ') ;-",'htarobn.J. ";o.,,U/lifJ//:/f C,....;.-'(".un-Qu.lIllY.wrJJf>JIi.."jS~8:m:.lI I'>SO"lwS~c:(;~kT,~\c:!"l*-r\t.Ufl'tu.l'tl... :tI)o) :..1:1 QoIl.o'-""""I: ~l~-N. ~...:.J~, ~.a..-" ~'l('"...orIlllII :;S04 P"l,,,,. 91lp.....,".\ ;~#ol' AX <,I19-'UJ-ioUJ;h1tna-t,"~ "~.r>..... ;!:3"-llIf w.)X,,'.,;-lIIIr,t, .\11 ~-.I orro"'''"'>-"t'Yi~1"i: A&tl.- ilmplrJ)n'. "''% it.<<,...kO jQ% 1'~ C~.,,_... '1lS'H State of North Carolina Degartment of Environment anCJ Natural Resources . Raleigh Regional Office AWA ..--NCDENR . . . - '-, " , . ,'" NORll-t CAROUNA ~MCNT OF ENviRONMENT AND N.anJRAL RESOURCES Kevin Martin S & E C, Inc. 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, N. C. 27?14 Michael Fr Easley, Governor r.::~~ ..-_ .,. William G. Ross, Jr~, Secretary I': :': ') I II, .' June 7, 2001 1: : ,',: I Ii i; \ JuN I 3 2001 , , 'I j", .:; ! ;, \ i 1//)' /1..; U '-_...._.. _'_h_, ' : . / .._.._~~---- ..""'" .-----..-----------..--.. Subject: Neuse River Basin Riparian Buffer Rules NBRRO 01-151 SAS East Campus S & E C Project # 00-4341 Wake County Dear Mr. Martin: This letter will serve as confirmation of the buffer determinations made by S & E C at the subject property referenced by the Raleigh Regional Office. as NBRRO 01-151. The features represented on the Wake County Soils and the USGS Cary Quad maps were evaluated on November 28, 2000 to determine their subjectivity to the Neuse Buffer Rule. Several different stream features are present on this property. Those features that are and are subject to protection under the Neuse River Basin: Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy; Protection and Maintenance of Existing Riparian Areas, Administrative Code T15A:02B.0233 (NCAC 0233) are depicted on the plat maps received by this Office on April 9, 2001. This letter only addresses the applicability of the Neuse Buffer Rules. For information relevant to wetland and other impacts, please contact the Central Office at 733-1786. Thank you for your attention to this matter and if this Office can be of any assistance or if you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, . ~ Steve Mitchell Environmental Scientist cc: RRO/Jolm Dorney Wake County H:\nbrlet.for\neuse.buf\bufO 1 \saseast.151 1626 Mail Service Conter, Raleigh, HC 27699-1628 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Telephone (919)571-4700 FAX (919)571-4716 50.;' recyclod/10% post-consumer paper ~. ~. ^- (.. \-c.'I\ ",e \ o -. -s:."'~~ (".,~.l x- .. , , l ~\ r :~ II, ~' ~ ': : ~ : ,. ...., , , \ '..' "', :. , , I ' ,4 \ \1 /\ "........ \,~f: # \! \~~ ~: :., '.!~ ",\.;/ \. ~t: \! \ lH /"\'.J{'\ ::\ \: \ l""'V i" \ . ',,' '... \ l \\ " .. \' , \W,. : I \:: \ 'f ../\tfr.....\! :! '.~ ....,\:r... i , .~, ' ! \! '\ /"\Vr\ ffi\ \ j \~~ ,......." '.#,'~"\ t. , ,.' '.: ~:f i' .\ ~ \ , /'~\ : l \'1 ,", ~ J ~~O\W , , : , ~ ~~ ~ *~3~\~~& tCP c.~ . . ~o.~tev ~ ".~, <J J ~}::> ".">, "~ ~ ,~?t'~~~~". . +., ~ ~r \\ . ~ W~~~ ~ ~ --H-~) t:::. "-.L. I J J...... 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'.. v r-.._" - , \",1 ' ~ ~..'~~I~ 0 .,~ _\ ~..~ .:-.~ : · 'f(/~:;~~:l\~.~ :r,::E~ \ I_T1", :\ SENDING CONFIRMATION DATE NAl1E TEL NOV-15-2005 TUE 21:09 DWQ- WETLANDS 9197336893 RESULTS 98469467 2/2 NOV-15 21:08 00'20" ECM OK PHONE PAGES START Tll1E ELAPSED TIME BODE FIRST PAGE OF RECENT DOCUMENT TRANSMITTED... .?~'Cf''/Art~O(:. 2; r.. ;> - - -. o '\' M"'t.l:Jf.t.nI"),I....,~'2 .... 1l.'d-I.\.,.r..Il.....:,."i;.:r:ur'}' .......I'PI L~,..,L'" o.rL"tmuY:...fl.tl~..:. ~..,.w 't1"Ct:es "l.,W.~i'*'..'i!.Lr.r.:c1Dr 0;V:1lI'.":.J!'*":'>'1:}>.1.i1, Dhisioll of Water Quality Department of Eu\'ironmental and :'\'atural Resources 401 OycrsighUExpress Review, Program Dc\'Clopmcnt llIld TraIlsportalioIll'ermitting l.:nits $Crel'l Address: 2321 Crabtree Boulev.ud. ~Ultc :'::.'>0 RaJcie)1. NC 27604-2Z()(J ~bilin~ Add,...: 1650 ~lail Scrvie< Center R.1ciCh. NC 27699-1650 Contatt 19(ormution: Phone: #: 919.733-1756 r... #; 919-733-6893 Cuml'any: \0uY.~~"l\.,rl~ " 51tC..C. Fu#: 9tq-~41,.9~17 To: Date: 1,- "-0' From: 1'\ rn.., ~,.,.....,." l'umbcr of pUJ:C3 IndudluJ: eO\'er shed: cJ_ l'oles or special in.tructiOlu: B~).. 0,.(1 ') i ~ ~ -f"""u..~ :" "t4..- rv-~ t. _._-~ p..;''fJ,c."\l"VIa .\.llJin,,'i.'fI ~""'-''OfII.'I''''',""Q.'J:ri. WflJ..\adlL-.I.:::I1ll.wc.~ 8,_h 1'';( ""..: ~.c(.....~. ,..'.::1-". '\;,",",lIu~Ii...2;(;i'9.1G'!oO ~;l c......- 1'..,'........1. ';i\llA'~.:-.l '-_Jh.>l~"'.bC.~2""t.:" r.'lC"!OC'" ~ 9-ID.I";\u,; lAX ~1I1 inN-\}\ :w..... h'1" .~,,:. ""!,~""''::'':,\'''I.'':",'d~.~J ,.... ~.I\l(~I,>'Amr1'.'': ACIlCIlI r;...p\.l')"':'f- j)'"',. P:<<)'t.1ooo!10"\ P'.... 1.......,.;_ "4'" Michael F. Easley, Governor William G, Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W, Klimek, P.E, Director Division of Water Quality November 16, 2005 Project Name: SAS East Campus Wake County EXPRESS REVIEW ACCEPTANCE LETTER S&EC, P A Attn: Mr, Kevin Martin 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27614 Fax #: 919-846-9467 Subject Property: SAS East Campus On November 15, 2005, the Wetlands/401 Unit of the Division of Water Quality received a Fax/email request from Soil and Environmental Consultants, P A regarding a stream origin call for a proj ect known as "SAS East Campus" for acceptance into the Express Review Program, This letter advises you that your project will be accepted into the Express Review Program once the following items are received 1) a fee of $200,00 made payable to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality, and 2) four complete and collated copies of the most recent versions of the NRCS Soil Survey map and the 1 :24,000 USGS Topographic map for the site, both with the property boundaries located, Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please keep in mind that the clock for this project will not start until receipt of the completed application package and required fee are received, If you have any questions or wish to discuss these matters further please do not hesitate to call Cyndi Karoly at 919-733-9721 or Amy Chapman at 919-733-9502, Sincerely, ~\ ~ ~: Alan W. Klimek, P,E, CBKldae cc: Eric Kulz, Raleigh Regional Office File copy Central Files George Finch Boney & Associates, 309 N. Boylan Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27603 N-p~Carolina /\1Iltllm//!I 401 Wetlands Certification Unit 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919.733.1786/ FAX 919.733-6893/lnternet: httn://112o.cnrstate.ne.us1newl'llands An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled/1 0% Post Consumer Paper , E}{P 05 2055 INITIAL INTEREST IN PARTICIPATION IN THE EXPRESS REVIEW PROGRAM WITHIN THE 401 OVERSITE/EXPRESS PERMITTING UNIT September 1, 2004 Version 3 ~~@~ow~ W NOV 1 5 2005 Applicant Nnme: SAS E8St Campus clo Georqe Finch Boney & Associales Applicant Address: 309 N, Boylan Avenue Raleiqh, NC 27603 Applicant's phone number: 919-833-1212 Fax number: 919-834-3203 Applicant's email address: NIA DENH - WAlEn QUALITY WEjl.NiI~S M:n ST(")If/J.\TFr/ pt'lf"Cfi Consultant Name (if applicable): S&EC,PA Consultant address (if applicable): 11010 Raven Ridqc Road Raleinl1, NC 27614 Consultant's phone number: 919-846-5900 ~,,>d', 3 II Fax number: 919-846-9467 Consultant's email address: kmcHtin(il)s,mdeccom Type of action requested under the Express Review Program (check all that apply): o 401 Water Quality CertificJtion ~ Stream Origin Determination o Isolated Wetland Permit # of Determinations Requested o RipJrian Buffer Approval 0 IntermitlenUPerennial Determination o Stormwater Management Plan # of Determinations Requested o Mitigation Plan o Stream 0 Wetland 0 Buffers (cheCk all appropriate) NJme of Project: SAS East Campus County: Wake Total project acreage: 175 (acres) Total built out impervious area: unknown (ocres) Nearest nomed stre<Jm (from USGS topo map): Reedy Creek Please provide a brief description of this project (3tlach site plan if available): Previously DWQ made buffer calls on the entire site (NBRRO #01-151), copy attached). Since that time a pond has been drained and we wish to determine the current location of buffers in that area. Please attach a map of site location using USGS 1 :24,000 m3p and county soil survey. , Location of project site - please include reference to the county, nearest name town and highway number: West of Trenton Road, south of SAS Camnus Drive and 1~40, East of Reedy Creek and North of NCSU Research Unit. Proposed impacts: Acres of 404 wetlands: N/A Acres of isolated wetlands: N/A Linear feel of streams: NJA Linear feet of isolated streams: N/A Square feet of protected stream buffers: N/A Has consultant or ilpplicant attended any DWQ-sponsored training sessions in the past two yems? If so, please list which Ones. Yes. 10131103, McKimmon Center Has any DWQ staff visited the site? Yes, if yes, please provide DWQ staff name, Steve Mitchell and date of visit: 11/28/00 Which other environmental permits from other agencies will be needed for this project? Please list the permits and issuing agencies below: Unknown at this time. just in planninq staqe, Docs this project require approval under ttle State Environmental Policy Act or National Environmental Policy Act? NO Is this project an After-the-fact application or hiJS this project received a previous Notice of Violation from DWQ? NO Does this project require approval of a Variance from the NC Environmental Management Commission? NO Are you aware of any local controversy concerning this project? If so, please describe the controversy and any measures that have been taken with respeclto public involvement. No This form musl be submitted via email (cJo 401 express[i'i\ncmailnel>. faxed (919-733-6893) or h.:md-delivcred to the Parkview Building. 2321 Crabtree Blvd.. Raleigh, NC 27604, Applicants WIlo are selected to participate in the Express Review Program Will be notlriod via em ail or fax Within 2 days, Successful appllcant5 '10'111 then be instructed reg;;ndln9 det;:lilcd procedures fOr full application (Please Note: Submittals of the review PClckages on Friday alter 12:00 pm 1'o~1I be stilmped <1S received on the next business d<1Y), Please contact CynthlJ Van Ocr Wiele ot919-715-3473 If you have any questions rqjJrding this form. 2 State of North Carolina Degartment of Environment ana Natural Resources Raleigh Regional Office .~~~ ~.. ,-_--=--r: ~ - .....:..:-' NCDENR Michaol F. Easloy, Govomor William G. Ross, Jr., Socrotary . June 7. 2001 NORTH CAROUNA D~TMCNT OF' u.v,nOHMEt<T AHO Ni'nJRAI.. RcsounCC3 I .. I ::; ~GOl Kevin Martin S & E C, Inc. I J 0 I 0 Raven Ridge RO:ld Raleigh. N. C. 27614 Subject: Ncuse River Basin Riparian Buffer Rules NBRRO 01-15] SAS East Campus S & E C Project it 00-4341 W:1ke COUllly Dear ~Ir, Martin: This lcttcr will serve as confinnalion of tile buffer dctcnninatiolls made by S & E C at the subject property referenced by the Raleigh Regional Oflice. as NBRRO 01 -151. The features rc:presentcd on tllt: Wake County Soils and the USGS C.uy Quad maps were cvaluated on November 28,2000 to dctem1ine their subjcctivity to the Neusc Buffer Rule. Several Jiffercnt stre:lll1 features arc present on this property. Those features that arc and are subject to protection under the NCllSC River Basin: Nutrient Scnsiti\'c Waters Ma/wgcIllent Strategy; Protection and Maintenance of Existing Riparian Areas, Administrative Code T l5A:02B.0233 (NCAC (233) arc depicted on the plat maps received by this Offiee Oll Aplil 9, 2001. This letter only addresscs thc applicability of the Neu:;c Buffer Rules. For information relevant to wetland and olhcr impacts. please contact the Central Office at 733-1786. Thank you for your attention 10 this malter and if this Officc em be of any assistance or if you havc additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. ~M--- Ste\'c Mitehcll Environmcntal Scientist cc: RRO/Jolm Dome)' Wake County H:\nbrlct.for\ncuse. buflbufO! \sascast.!5! 1628 M;Ji' Servico Canter. R,1'eigh, NC 276S9..1628 An Equ,11 Opportunity Affirm3livc Action Employer Telephono (919)571--4700 FAX (919)571--4718 60"1. rccyclod/10.;' post-<:onsumcr pOlpcr I "'-. "- (.. \... Otf\ .,.,. ~ \ o - -s:."'~~ c..~t'..c x- ( . " :1 IJ Ih. -: " " " " . , ,,--', \ ....- , , , " ~.'~ '~ -......... ; D c} -S~~G ~"\~lt\ 8 U'J.;.l'S. o"od tivtooO'~It' Of.. ~,...\A.c. ",I("'''J''~ t:IJj'+'\~t'j by 'o\JllIQ,J'J. \JO.....fl'lT.....,\ D;!P"C.,~s. 1". (:1.Jlhof O,\J/(,r 'l..\~r ,,( It... ~l>\\..r...~ ~rul1l()rn rr. ." "0 "'Jy rOl~;IO",,.,b'- Of I.Gb',. lcr \hl" ;nIC,"''''Jr''jf1 d~'~,'lfd "'..'",.n 104"" ;,~ (:0""("'1'0"'1/ H. d<)tQ :lot,(.'vd t.. J.r('l,;lt'4 to I,.... o.>~,rt"....(')\p Qtl~t-rr,",..r\ O;f"'(Y - ~a~V~,~ ."~~~"\Te~~,,mj G ---'----'-_-'_---] i ,":.co1l" i~ rf"! ~'~,.,~,'J..w"".l-"" ' ~. ./t"''':~I\:) ;" .'- .J:..,:~ '~' "roe""\ \ " .,. ~ ". \J \\ 'w - '. ) " I ~ [ '::; , \.,' NC Division of Water Quality SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA Tran # Invoice Type Invoice 8974 111605 Date Reference Cheet: :;:.1r.J)er: 671 Date: 11/16/05 Check AIT;t: $200.00 Balance Discount Fay Arnount $200.00 $0.00 $200.00 11/16/054341.\,;0 H::l/,'yua 1J:H\I;v'J"I"'l c (;"1 ~" ' AlIlVriO l:J3~L\,~)"~ ':\j;\,"'~; " ,J.\ SOOZ 9 1 AflN @51R\nSlGl",r:-,,:,\}\!j t=J LffiU ~ ~ fill ~