HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051925 Ver 1_Complete File_20051019 --'--"-"'~'~'-""---:'';:'--'"""""r~-'-<~,~_:--:-_-=>,,?,,-~!>'"f~'''~ Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality October 25, 2005 Johnston County Neal Floyd 7908 Audubon Drive Rialeigh, NC, 27615 S~bject Property: Adams Pointe Commercial Park On-Site Determination for Applicability to. the Neuse River Riparian Area Protection Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0233)-EXPRESS REVIEW PROGRAM Dear Mr. Floyd: On. October 24, 2005, at your request I conducted an on-site determination to review feature "A" located on the subject property for applicability to the Neuse Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0233). The feature is labeled as "A" on the attached maps initialed by me on October 24,2005. The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) has determined thaUhe feature labeled as "A" on your site plan is an ephemeral feature and therefore not subject to the Neuse Buffer Rule. This on-site determination shall expire five (5) years from the date of this letter. Landowners or affected parties that dispute a determination made by the DWO or Delegated Local Authori that a surface water exists and that it is sub' ect to the buffer rule ma r uest a determination by, e Director. A request for a determinationbv the Director shall be referred to tbe DireCtor in writing c/o] Cyndi Karoly. DWO 401 OversightJExpress Review Permitting Unit 2321 Crabtree Blvd.. Raleigh. Nd 27604-2260. Individuals that dispute a determination bv theDWQ orDele~ated Local Authority that "exempts" a surface water from the buffer rule may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that vou receive this letter. Applicants are hereby notified that the 60-day statutory appeal time does not start until the affected party (including downstream and adjacent landowners) is notified of this decision. DWQ recommends that the applicant conduct this notification in order to be certain that third party appeals are made in a timely manner. To ask for a hearing. send a written petition. whiph conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings. 6714 Mail Service Center. Raleigh. N.C. 27699-6714. This determination is final and binding unless you ask for a hearing within 60 days. This letter only addresses the applicability to the buffer rules and does not approve any activity within the buffers. Nor does this letter approve any activity within Waters of the United States.or Waters of the Sta~. If you have any additional questions or require additional information please call me at (919) 733- 9721. Sincerely, ~ka~ r AlanW.Klime~P.E. *~>>;a 401 Ov~ight / ~ress Review Permitting Unit 1650 M~I Servic~ Center, Raleigh, North Carolipa 27699-1650 2321 ~btree B~levard. Suite 250. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733-1786/ FAX 919-733-6893 / Internet: hltp:l/h2o.enr.state.nc.usincwetlands An Equal ~ity/ Affirmative Action Employer - 500/0 Recyc1ed1l00/o Post Consumer Paper A WK/cbk cc: Eric Kulz, DWQ Raleigh Regional Office File Copy Central Files Dalton Engineering, 446 East Main Street, Clayton, NC, 27520 ~ Adams'Pointe Page. 2 of 2 October 25, 2005 Filename Adams_Point . ~~...,....., -- "l~ ., . , c" \ . AB~~$ POINTE COMMERCIAL PARK SCALE: I" = 1000' /' . SOILS SURVEY OF JOHNSTON COUNTY, N.C. t. 1. , It ) .1 i I .:-i \ o o C'") '- .ADM~S POINTE COMMERCIAL PARK SCALE:I I" = 1000' / U.S.G.S~ QUADRANGLE: EDMONDSON, N.C. Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality Division of Water Quality Department of Environmental and Natural Resources 401 Oversight/Express Review, Program Development and Transportation Permitting Units Street Address: 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 Mailing Address: 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Contact Information: Phone #: Fax#: 919-733-1786 919-733-6893 11!J))rfj Fax #: To: (II ec. I-F!cr,( Company: Date: From: Number of pages including cover sheet: J Notes or special instructions: DivisionlofWaterQwwty, WetIands and Stonnwater Branch 1650Maj.1 Service!Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 2321 C~ Bo*"ard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733-17861 FAX 919-733-68931 Internet: httD:/lb2o,enr.state.nc.uslncwetlands An Equal OpportuDityl Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper ~CaroP.na /VlllllrnllV ,--'-::-'1-..-.-.,..--:-----,------ "--,".'~"~_'t'...c-f" '''','.~'. .:'S..-j',,,:~"fi<:-'l":r'-~:"'.~!~O::.-~"f""....''';-'''"--,.).,,~.''l<,...'-~~<,"'.-:'"."'~~-.'.,.,~9<."'_~-'~'~i""'.,.";',:'f_"!_~..":~~,..".'~"~'ti"....;:;"~~~"<;'l Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Ir., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P .E. Director Division of Water Quality October 2S, 200S Johnston County Neal Floyd 7908 Audubon Drive ~eigh, NC, 27615 Subject Property: Adams Pointe Commercial Park On-Site Determination for Appllcabilityto the Neue River Riparian Area Protection Rules (15A N~AC 2B .0233)-EXPRESS REVIEW PROGRAM D~ar Mr. Floyd: 0JtI. October 24, 2OOS, at your request I conducted an on-site determination to review feature "A" located on the subject property for applicability to the Neuse Buffer Rules (ISA NCAC 2B .0233). The feature is labeled as "A" on the attached maps initialed by me on October 24, 2005. ' ~e Division of Water Quality (DWQ) has determined that the feature labeled as "A" on your site pIan is an' ephemeral feature and therefore Dot subject to the Neue Buffer Rule. This on-site determination shall eJqrire five (S)vears from the date of this letter. Lapdowners or affected parties that dispute a c,ietermination made bv the DWO or Dele2ated Local Aqthoritv that a surface water exists and that it is subject to the buffer rule may request a determination by the Director. A request for a detennination bv the Director shall be referred to the Director in Writing c/o Cyndi Karoly. DWO 401 OversightJExpress Review Permitting Unit 2321 Crabtree Blvd.. Ralei~ NC 27604-2260. Individuals that diSDute a determination by the DWQ or Delegated Local Authority that "e~eII\Pts" a surface water from the buffer rule may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. Applicants are hereby notified that the 60-day statutory appeal time does not start until the affected party (including downstream and adjacent landowners) is notified of this decision. DWQ recommends that the applicant conduct this notification in order to.be certain that third party appeals are made in a timely manner. To ask for a hearing. send a written l'etition. which conforms to Chat>ter IS0B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative . Hearings. 6714 Mail Service Center. Ralei2h. N.C. 27699-6714. This determination is final and binding unless you ask for a hearing within 60 days. Thi$ letter only addresses the applicability to the buffer rules and does not approve any activity within the buffers. Nor does this letter approve any activity within Waters of the United states or Waters 6fthe . state. If you have any additional questions or require additional information please call me at (919) 733- 9721. 401 Oversight / ~ Review Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolipa 27699-1650 2321 Crabtree B,ulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733.1786/ FAX 919-733-6893 / Internet: httu:/ 1h2o.enr.state .nc. uslncvv-etJands Sincerely, ~.Aa~. r Alan W. Klimek, P.R ~Carolina /Vohtmllll An Equal Opportunity/ Affinnative Action Employer - 50% RecycledllO"A. Post Consumer Paper ,1 1 1 < ---. "1" - c- - '" ;:""--"~_""?'-'~--~-~f''''''':'~':r'-''''-'~'''-€'-''''~~~~~~S'<;~-''.,~<~~ ':!I'!.,.~, - ~.:"A!: '-:.,,-:r"~ -7-,' _'_,,:~.~~~";':._~.<~~~~'"':'=irY"-~~~:~~"wr"~;- AIj>plicant Name: Applicant Address: , J,. .. INITIAL INTEafiST IN PARTICIPATION IN THE EXPRESS PERMITTING PROGRAM ~. FOR THE 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION, ISOLATED WETLAND PERMITI1NG OR STREAM ORIGIN DETERMINATION PROGRAMS February 25, 2004 Version 2 EXP 05 t 9 25 50\'1 - \..OJI\ I)Jz..v. Co - T't'\ C . 5\ho NC42\AJ Go.r foJ2.f'. ~. c:... 2. 7520 Applicant's phone number: 173- 003e Applicant's email address: Fax number: COll1sultant Name (if applicable): ~ eo..\ .,t: \ ""i cl COIJsultant address (if applicable): 7Cl DB. AluJ ~ Dr; \J e ~ Q~~ ~.~ 21/DI6 -422.-b745 Consultant's phone number: , i Co~u1tant' s email address: Fax number: '=>7fo-83QS Type of action requested under the Express Review Program (check all that apply): " o 401 Water Quality Certification o Isolated Wetland Pennit o Riparian Buffer Approval }if Stream Origin Det~rmination -L # of Determinations Requested m&@&OW&@ OCT 1 9 2005 ~1,;~~~UALlTY ~7ER8RANcH Name of Project: A~s p~ ~~U~. {)OC' 'L Prope~y size (acres) W~cu:r~ County: --::ro ,^i\S~. Neare$t named stremn (from USGS topo map): 'Bu.\W 0 ~ (&.l~av'\ Quod.) I ' Please',provide a brief descnption of this project (attach site plan if available): wcd:JRr ~ seu>er GO Mn\e~"'cJ~ p'or )l.. ' I ~ Please attach a map of site location using USGS 1 :24,000 map and county soil survey. ...,. ~4' "l.i"~ 1 1 ., 'r' i =,e_~~,'",:.,_~'::~./'-:;,'_-"~"~"<'[_"";>-'_''''~'~'<''--~';:<~~~~::::"r-----;".?-~~~~>: ~'--:_-'~-''!"=>Y'" -,'- - ~"'_ ,.-_."7.::" --- ~ 'cLoektion of project site -.please include reference to the county, nearest name town and highway number: ~~~~,%;'~~~(~"~~~ $~ . " ~ ~\J\.& I/-z..- ....iLL ~ "i~1.l , ',..' \..1.... ~', , 1...1' J , . ,'f ',{ , \' Pro~~ed impacts~" ~Offl)f?O~ \ t['\ f a.c.is, j " '( \ \ Acres ~f ~etl~ds '~ ') Acres of isolated wetlands Linear feet of streams Linear feet of isolated streams Square feet of protected stream buffers Has consultant or applic~t Ittended any DWQ-sponsored training sessions in the past two years? If so, please list which ones. ~ , Whic~ other environmental pemri~ wil~ be needed for this project? Please list them below: ; -, j lo.NL ~~, 'I DWcrfor se.~ \\N2- ~c;;iO't\ " -:r~,~ ~ _f\.o.Ar\i ~ s: ~ +brtv.Ulmr . I ;' pees tiVs project require approval undt!r the State Enviro~ntal Policy Act or National Environmental folicy ~ct? '-I fA . I Does this project require approval of a Variance from the NC Environmental Management Commission" V\0 Are you aware of any local controversy concerning this project? If so, please describe the controversy and any measures that have been taken with respect to' public involvement. ..)\ 01 . This form must be submitted via email (c/o 4OIexpress@ncmail.net). fax (919-733-6893) or hand-deJivered (Parkview Building, 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604) within the first three (3) working days of the ffiQnth for the first three months of the Express liteview Program (until January I, 2004). Application prqced~ ,after that time will be provided at a la&er date. Applicants who are selected to participate in the Express Review Program will be notified via emaiJ or fax with one additional working day. Successful applicants! will then be instructed regarding detailed procedures for full application. Unsuccessful applicants will be q~ried to determine if they want to be in the foilowing month's selection process or whether they want to follow the normal application process. Please contact John Dorney at 919-733-9646 if you have any questions regarding this form. Iff <f.:'. 2 ADAMShPOINTE COMMERCIAL PARK SCALE: I" = 1000' /. . SOILS SURVEY OF JOHNSTON COUNTY, N.C. ADAMS .POINTE COMMERCIAL PARK SCALE: 1" = 1 000' " U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE: EDMONDSON, N.C. ,.' ...-.-."-I'-.-"'~.- ~. ~),ra 13l18/2005 10: 50 '3 ) , DAL TH Et~G H1EER IHG PAGE 01 Dalton Engineering' and Associates. P.A. EXp Os 1925 Facsimile TO ~'Y\dj tpsoli (f ~~"'- \J. @Fax#: 733- bBq ~ From:--.11 <2 ~ F 64 ~ Date: IO~1 Subject M~~ Pt. ~~ . G-tL -:t ~I ,I ~ l~ . \ " Co- ~ .::1 uv-....... Comments: c4 OA..~ J--e:f- I~ ~ t I r~\~ I -n,.;~ \, OI'~ '\:.~k'o....'j\.d- ~..Joa.rJ . <;..\.r. ~f\o.: ~ t\- ~ "'::: ~\\-- c... - :l~ f'sS I ~~ J:w~~ -io~~\, +r ---+fNL'>~ , Number of pages including this one:~ ~<<; (hM 446 Eost "/Iain Street- Po. Box 426 --Clayton. NC 27520 --(919) 550-4740/Fox (919) 550-4741 OCT -1 7 - 2005 MOI'I 22: 50 TEL: 9197335893 NRME: DWQ-l-<JETLRtlDS P. 1 l0/18/2005 10:50 9 J OCT -'1l~-~"''''~ 11: .j~ t' l<UI"; V~'Wl: I LHI......~ ....n .............,J.... DAL TN ENG I NEER HiG F'AGE 02 A.ppUcal'lt Name: AWl jcant Address: INITIAL INTEREST IN PARTlClP'AT10N IN THE :EXPIt.'ESS REVlEW 'PROG1U.M WITHIN mE 401 OVERSJTElEXPRE.~ rnRMln1NG UNIT $eptl:.cn-r 1.1004 V.,51,o 3 5(W\'" ~t'\-DP u. Co. pc... ~~~~~, ...--- _ Fax number: ~~ - Fax number: ~ t Co - B.s'l S Cort~\JI'at\t's etn*il :Jddress: _ Type of action requested under the E~p'e5s Review Propsdl (check: all that apply); )( Cl 40l Water Quality Certification o l~olated WetlaDd Pennit o Riparian aufler Appro'Yl\l CI Storm water Management Plan o Mitigation Pl.n o $tre:\m 0 wetland 0 buffers (check alllppropliac.) Stream OriJin Determination LM of Determinations Requet.ted IntermittentIPercnni ill OttermllUltion o _tI of Determinations RequeSted Name of Project; ~ Po.,...:t Co.,.,...,...e.rc,j.. \ ~L County: ~ W'"\ S~ Total prO.feet acruse: ~ (acres) TOUt] built out imperviou5 .rea: Nearest named lltfCam (fmU1 USGS topo map): ~ Plcl~ provide a brief de4cl'iption of this project (IlUACh site plan if avallable): -*-fIo.-DJ tAw..~,i~c:f IL (acres) Plea~e attach a map of site )(K:ation using USGS J :24.000 map "nd eOW'l''1 soil survey, OCT -1 7 - 2005 ~lmj 22: 50 TEL: 9197335893 ~iAME : DVJQ -1,JETLAHDS F'. 2 1D!18/2005 10:50 9 . OCT~10-~005 11:34 FROMtDWV-W~IL~~~ ~!~I~jOO~~ ~, DAL TN Et--1GIHEERHIG PAGE 03 t.OCl1tiOl'l of projecl !:he . please include refereDCC to the county, neart5t munc tOWn and hlt;hwey n\lmber: 2g,,\S~J2f4 ~<. ~ ') ::r6\o...""-S\-r.--~. G-IN.C. ~ ~ - ~ i. ALW ~J(2...\S'~?::'" k~ IV'-- SY2.,o;;42... ptb)~ ~Lt.-- ~ (" J, Proposed impacts: Acres of 404 wetlands V\.O f~O~ ~~~ Acreli of l!\olatcd wetlands Linear feet of sttclUN lineAr feet of t~Qlatcd streams Square feet of "rotec~d stream bUffcn 1Ia~ .on'''-'~.J;li=lt a...- ,",y DWQ..pn'''oted ,,,,Jnm~ ....Ion, ;. rbc 1"'" ,w<> yea..? whIch Ol'lC.S. 04.- ~$ any DWQ .'air V1S\ted tht stte 1~. .f yes, plea.o;c provide DWQ staff n.~, ~ date of ...illit: II .'iO, pie. lie list and Whlel'l other cl'lvifOOmentlll permits from other agencics will be needed for this project? please list the perrnit~ and i$Sulng qcncics below; ~q~.\...~ l-Jc....];)6\ . -:::Ie. ~(.,..,..>~ ~ ...x.- P',Il. 0\- :b' ~tt . I ~l' project !<<Jul'" approval undet ,he S...., Eovu",,,,,,",,,!l'oIicy AJ;t or National Env.........nUIJ Policy Ac'? Is this pro;cct an AfteMhe-fact applieation or b.'\5 this project received a pf1)viOUll Notice of Violation {Tom OWQ'? ~ DCX$ this projcct reQum: ..pproval of a VuiMce from the Ne E(lvirOfU]JClrtal M:masement Conunission7 Y'- 0 A.te you ilWlU'e of any local contrQ~rsy coo<<rmne th.~ pro~t'! If 50, p1et!le ~ribe the controversy atwt any roet,$UrC$ that have been taken with re$~t to pubHc involvetnmt. v\o -~....,-- Thl~ form mU!l:t be Ilubmitted via cmai1 (c/o .Olemrc~.fKJOlitn~th f.;!teet (919-733.6893) or hanlt--delivcted to ,he Padc.vi.ew Buildin&. 2321 CrablJec Blvd., Raleigh. NC 27604. Applicants wbQ ~re selected to participate in the B'lq)re~ Rtvic~ Program will be ftOtifted Vill email 0( m within 2 days. S~ces&ftll applicants willlhcn be instructed reprdmg dctil\lcd proccdures for fUll application (Please Note: Subminaltl of tho review packages on Friday after 12:00 pm will l'Ic stamped ;6S received on the oex.t business day). Please COD~M:\ Debbie: Edwaldl'l at 919.73 3-95W if yOIl have .ftY question~ mgarding this fOTm. 2 OCT -1 7 - 2005 tvl0tl 22: 51 TEL: 91'37335893 tlRf1E: DWQ -l~ETLRt'-1D'3 P. -:7 .,j 10/18/2005 10:50 9 DAL TH EHGIHEERII'-IG PAGE 04 , ADAMS POINTE COMMERCIAL PARK SCALE: 1" == 1000' SOILS SU'RVEY OF JOHNSTON COUNTY, N.C. P. 4 .",',?,..,,,,!,, - - ; ~. '~-,:r._ .:_, . :'~. ,~ ~.~. . .1'.'''- -'" ,".'~ . -~ ''''--,'- , 10f18/2005 10:50 9 DALTN ENGINEERING PAGE 05 6 o (") '-- , ADAMS POINTE COMMERCIAL PARK SCALE: 1" = 1 000' U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE: EDMONDSON, N.C. , , == :::::::::- --. -~~- . -~::::;::::::"y -----.---./ \ .________f' /-:;;::;;:~'V;;~;': .::----< '\\/%>~- ~I/ ,{/',...-- P. 5 '\':... ~''T~'"''-'',""""",,!,,~_~-,,,,-O"''P,'Y''''~!i'',-;''.''-::::~;;.'f'~''~~' -, Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North CaroIiDa Department of&vironment and Natural Resources Alan W, Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality DivisioDOf Water Quality Department of Environmental and Natural Resources 401 OversightlExpress Review, Program Development and Transportation Permitting Units Street Address: 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 Mailing Address: 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Contact Information: Phone #: Fax#: .919-733-1786 919-733-6893 Fa~~'I) '))0 ~ L 7 Cj! Date: ld/.t6/tr (lI ~ (F t'7t/ 'f) at +r/~ /(ord l~ . / Number of pages including cover sheet: Tp: Company: From: .') ()~ ~! fA J fl.? (/'1-... 'Ic)c/~ / ~!y~1- -t- L, I,'; C"-1~ ~ 'IdJ _H ~7 ,/;)-y, Division of Water Quality, Wetlands and StoJDlwatel' Branch 1650 Mail Scpvicc Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 2321 c~ Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604- Phone: 919-V33-1786/ FAX 919-733-6893 /Internet: httD://h2o.enr.state.nc.uslncwetland.. i *~ . AniEqual ~/ Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled/loeA. Post Consumer Paper i -"., 1 ""'-"'-:;':"""~i'- '-'.""'~-""""':-'""~"'<~-'-~"'.;.;-"--"~-'--"'1'""".....~+,..,.~~,,-.-...-~':-4.~"",,:N~-:.-o-~~~, Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality October 18, 2005 Johnston County EXPRESS REVIEW ACCEPTANCE LETTER Nea;l Floyd 7908 Audubon Drive Ral~igh, NC, 27615 Fax #: 550-4741 Subject Property: Adams Point Commercial Park On.october 18,2005, the 401. Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit of the Division of Water Qu4ility received a Fax/email request from you regarding a stream origin call for a project known as "Adams Point Commercial Park" for acceptance into the Express Review Program. This letter advises you that your project will be accepted into the Express Review Program once the following items are received 1) a fee of $200.00 made payable to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 2) four complete and collated copies of the most recent versions of the NRCS Soil Survey map and the 1:24,000 USGS Topographic map for the site, both with the property boundaries located.,. and 3) a vicinity map clearly marking the location of the site. Thank you for your attention to this matter. PI~ase keep in mind that the clock for this project will not start until receipt of the completed application patkage and required fee are received. If you have any questions or wish to discusst4ese matters further please do not hesitate to call Cyndi K4foly at 919-733-9721. AWK/cbk Sincerely, .. ~(t'0 t Alan W. Klimek, P.E. cc: DWQ Raleigh Regional Office File copy Central Files ~Carolina /VlllrimllU 401 Ovl1f5ight I ~ Review Permitting Unit 1650 M~I Service Center, Raleigh. North Carolina 27699-1650 2321 CrilbtT!:e Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733-1786/ FAX 919-733-6893 I Internet: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.usincwetlands An Equal Opp~nityl Affinnative Action Employer - 50% Recyc1ed1l001o POst Consumer Paper -r ',''''''f--:~ ..'~~c...,~:"":;;;>__'__,:'_""_ - -',,'-',-=':'1!"'"':?" "~~'-"-~-'-""'~":~_''C'''''?;l'~4'~~~~'1''n~:':",~~:~_>,~_,'_',"'_ _->' '~k-"'IW'''''~!'"':-,/?",,'''':'!'<:~_,":,,'~, '0"':',' <"n .;e~ \,,;:~-lt~.III,:S, '. .-!"~-~' ~_ Neal C. Floyd Ie Associates, Inc. J . 7908 AUDUBON DR. / RAlEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27615 / 919-870-7865 ""-- "" ~ ~ .....' ~ \. . ADAMS POINTE COMMERCIAL PARK SCALE: I" = 1000' /. SOILS SURVEY OF JOHNSTON COUNTY, N.C. ~:"""""'-c: I ,: ~ -~... \ o o C'"l "- ADAMS POINTE COMMERCIAL PARK SCALEr 1" = 1000' I / U.S.G.S~ QUADRANGLE: EDMONDSON, N.C. ADANfS POINTE COMMERCIAL PARK SCALE: I" = 1000' /. . SOILS SURVEY OF JOHNSTON COUNTY, N.C. ADAMS POINTE COMMERCIAL PARK \ o o C") "- SCALE: 1" = 1 000' " U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE: EDMONDSON, N.C. - - -- - ---- ------ 1.-J11I1OIIIIIIIR~___ :T,~ "-'>< ~~ _1:_- .i'"~~~~~ll.~:i:~~~l;l9Im~A~~_~~~~~"""IliIfiiIIII!llI~lr}-:-::t:~~~~fII'lOn~I~~~~.~~~~~~~_~~'=;~~~Ui.=:;;~iI!:li~,;i~~~5i~~.1':~",i&:,*~~a'Q!fISi~~~~~~~r..~~~~lP-""'"ft-..-__~~,,"!5ftI::-~ii\;~lllf~~e~~~&:~~~_~f'"..ocs ~ --- c../ 11": ~" PER FT. ~.__.-----------35~0'~/B6:I\~~ GUmR ~~---~. ---- -------1 ------------'-r---------------- 34' G--G 12.25' ~--- -=slope~/4"/ft, I Slcpe 1/4'/('=--- -=-~=~ ~::!!!!J~Jr:-~'!!_<m~,'!!!Wi!~J~r!!!'F~ '^''' ~1'-6" CURB 1-1/2" S9,5A SUPERPAVE 1'-6" CUF1B / & GUTTER ASPHALT MIX & GUTTER ~ 8" AGGREGATE BASE COURSE CN COMPACTED GRADE-- 12,25' TO CLAYTON /~. \1-f'.'i-.. \ \ COLLECTOR STREET SECTION ------------ NOT TO SCAlE ......... VICINITY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) -?(5' o \ \ \ --'-.. 11~1~~N --~1Ii -~-...- ,., -.",,~--- ,/" ~I~l~!~ '<:. ,,~~ $----- --~.:. -; -. - -,---. ~--. --=~;- .....;.:;, '-- /' ~. --:- -- - ~:ONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE - PIPE #3 (54" R.C,P.) F'IPE #3 SHALL BE INSTAlLED AS FOLLOWS: INSTALL THE DOWNSTREAM CHECK DAM/WEIR. ? INSTALL THE UPSTREAM COFFER DAM. ~;. SET PUMP AND PLACE BYPASS LINE TO DISCHARGE BELOW DOWNSTREAM CHECK DAM/WEIR. Il INSTALL THE PIPE. b. BACKFILL OVER THE PIPE. 13. PLACE SILT FENCE ON THE LOWi:.R PORTION OF THE FILL SLOPES, ALONG BOTH SIDES OF THE ROADWAY, AT THE DRAINAGEWAY. ~'. REMOVE THE COFFER DAM. E\. REMOVE THE CHECK DAM/WEIR AND TIE INTO THE RIPRAP DISSIPATOR. FUTURE STREET RIW ~_..' I --~ 50' R/W -------------------- ~ I --------- 2S:~~TO GUTTER "I 22' PAVE\lENT r 12.50' _-Slope 1/4"/ft, ~L Slope 1/4'/((.- 'll -===~ ~~~'f,.~~~:~~'-;S~~A' ~::~j' 1'-6'~< "'~ . & GUHER ASPHA:...T M,X & GUTrER 8" AGGREGA' E BASE COURSE ON COMPACTED GRADE-- L'::GE,\JD ---.... ,r"" SEDIHEN-- TRAP T':::MPORARY DIVERSION PIPE OUTLET PROTECTION ROCk Df\M CON::,TRUCTION ENTRANCE STONE ARC FILTER SEDIMENT FENCE LE:VEL SPREADER 1~ILE1 PROTECTION GRASS-LINED CHANNEL f.~-/",;..c>l _c~_'-' 'It ,~- ,;-?-- L ---.... [;3J 1........,.'..."1 ~ . ~ ~ I I '- ) ) ) "- ......... 12.50' ADAMS POINTE SUBDIVISION (FUTURE PHASE) - ,,~ ~ ~" PER FT. --- ....... " ~ ~ fQ] LOCAL STREET SECTION NOT TO SCALE PERMANENT LEVEL SPREADER SIZr:: "A" r.>.,..:<':.l ROCK RIPRAP-L1NED CHANNEL I' ~"1 ....... ') 1..(8 ~t1)Lq ~. - )~ ROCK CHECK DAM liMIT OF D'STUR8A~~CE ~ .... " . i " ~- '<{ ....- '- .CHANNEL #3 - LINED t"..- \ ' PIPE #6 18" R.C.P. DA = 1.14 ACRES /,,{3 -, \ \ 5: CATCH BASIN. # 16 t) W/ INlET PROTECTION .' Cl'I ~(/l .,,-1 c~ ~~ o : . -;0 C1. ~- ......~-. -..... 'j i .I , I \ / , '/ , I ; i / ,. CATCH BASIN 1!1r;; , : .' ~. / W/ lNLa PROTECTION '/:~ --- '- . ..- S.s.M.~\ #7. i . . ~~:\"W- ~~ S27,:26~~~9.0 '< -. ~'. " \" \ , ". ADAMS POINTE SUBDIVISION (FUTURE PHASE) CATCH BASIN ,#12 W! INLET P~OTECTION S.S.M.H. "- '. ~ S.S.M.K #'2 \ , CATCH. BASIN #9. ~~ W / INLEr PROTECTION "- ......... -.... TEMPORARY CHECK DAM PUMP WITH BYPASS UNE . . ._~_. -- ~. -~. . ,,AREA RESERvtD ~ FUTURE 6~V~LOPMENT \ \ .---, . " ,_. _ __ / /.....,ho- ....- ", \ ",- -- -- CATCH BASIN 111 , \ ,W"/INLET PROTECTld~t ./ tr5 ..... "') ~ AHEA RESERVED FOR Fl.ITURE DEVELOPMENl" -- ------ ----- -~ - ~~_.- - - --- -- --- ....... -', '", #5 CATCH BASIN #13 W/ INCET PROTECTION CATCH BASIN #15 wi INLET\ PROTECTION ----- -- - '-, "- , \ \ - . .-_.. ------... ~~ c~;:~=-:~=~~_/~,:~: ::C__~=-. ~~~f.-..--~c~~~f~;7!i~=:~~~ __~_--_-=----"-~~--'=--~~-cc~~-=-~~~ _ ' ~~/ .....----\-- i // ---- -- --- ------------ - -------- PIPE #3 54" R.C.P. DA = 51.39 ACRE',- NOTE: SEE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE ON SHEET 13 OF 14 ',!I '. , ...... ..., . SEDIMENT ~CATCH BASIN #6 , ........ T~ #1 \ '. wI INLET PROTECtlO~ ' .'--... ....... _ " \ ..' , RuCK CHECK DAMS~'-"'_ CATCH BAsiN #7, 'u'Q ~ .. _ ,i . ~t",.,.;, './ WI! INLETPROTE~~ION '. -- ~--_-__--- -'..:--~~.:: ,-_--~~:, I , ... -'_ ~ ->. :,S.S.M.H. #1 '. . _ __ -- - -"___-- / .-/ I (j\ SEDIMENT /' ~ - -' ___r____/-------- TSMPORARY r I, '-\ TRAP ,JJr; i..--<: ,- --~.: <_---------- -- ,'... ___~--o,.---- COFFER DAM ~ II I'" ,<,~:> __-;::-- _--- --.---- ---_-----=;:;.- ':._ ;~ ~~G~ ~~\.__ - . ::>~;----=:----=-::::.>~~~-~------:~-----~~;--:-- / ---;~IPE 'OUTL~ EASENEN~:.:~-c~::.:~/~ :._/;:':.~~.- ~_-~ ,_ / '_.1 _. PROTECTION ,/?-: >:::,/ .. ::.~:::_/-~,-, CATCH BASIN #1, .~>.:-- /..:~j_~'y-- .~ \ W/ INLET PROTEG.;-ION ....---."7/ .J \ CONSTRUCTION- -- __ ' - ,________ ENTRANCE ------- "" \ -~~~:.: \ , ... \ \ - . ---~--::-~- ~--.~~'-:-:-~..::<:: .:---:- -=-~:-. - .=.~:---- -.:,.,: -:.- -~~-----_:~;~~ ~ ---- -- ~- - . ," ---------~~::. ~ ;..~~-;.- . - ------ ------- -~ ---- - - - - --- ...., -----------------;-~-----~~..-- _. ~--=-=~--c-----lIG~STORE~ROAD .60' PUBLIC R/W, ~R 1524. OLD Of{ , .'- r /' ! \ '--CATCH BASiN #2 W/ INLET PROTECTION PIPE #1 18" R.C.P. DA = 2.76 ACRES '-. STAGE AT 100-YR STORM: 296,00 & EMERGENCY WEIR: 296.00 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE - SEDIMENT TRAP #6 SCALE: 1" = 100' ~ -~--. o 50 100 200 300 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED S'.ORI\I1WA TEI~ MANAGEMENT AND SEDIMENT AND ERC)SIOI\J C;ONTRC)L PLAN FOR ADAMS POINTE COMMIEFlCIAL PARK \. TOP OF BERM EL. 296.50 2.25' .n~ gy~~ - -r - ,---- -- - ---- ----4.75'-:18" C.M.P. (RISi:R PIPE) TOP OF RISER=EL. 293.75 1. EXCAvt,TE BASIN TO DIMENSIONS SHOWN. SEE DETAILS ON SHEET 13 OF 14_ 2. TRANSPORT EXCESS EXCAVATED MATERIAL TO DESIGNATED STOCKPILE AREA. 3. INSTALL PERMANENT LEVEL SPREADER AND ROCK-RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION APRON FOR 12" C.M.P. OUTLET PIPE. 4. INSTALL 12" C.M.P. OUTLET PIPE. CLEVELAND TOWNSHIp. JOHNSTON COUNTY, N.C. .......... ~~UA:,'~~~~"=siI.a.Q~.~:i~ito__~~:.....--:Ci~~~~IIiT~~~~B!C SON-LAN, SHIPWASH, L.L.C. 96 SHIPWASH DRIVE GARNER, NC 27529 (919) 772-1177 \\ 14; ,-,\\ AR IIII "9: I lill/IIIII 0(-: ~ ::::- 0.' '\'C.SS/efl" ~ ~ " /1/~y~ SEAL 1-% ~ 16282 :: ~ , - L/' ~ 0'. <,~q- $' ~ ~ 0' III I\1CI Nt:. ,/ \," 0 ...... .r, III 11'.<'...... 'l T.f> 1111/ 11\\11 '\..> '" / IIII Y T D~>\:t? 1// III" \ 1'1\\t(;\O !)al~nE..ngine,?ring ___~ _,~~~_ and Associates, P. A. ... t';:E~;:~~7o~OTTO" 54'-12" C.M.P, WITH l-F.E.S. AND TEMPORARY INLET PROTECTION POND BOTTOM=EL. 289.00 'ANTI FLOATATION BLOCK. '---=-~-!' n,n ~' i' (3'L, 3'W, 1.5'0) . 207.00' 5, PLACE TEMPORARY INLET PROTECTION ON INLET INvERT OF 12" C.M.P. 6. TIE OUTLET OF CHANNEL #2 INTO SIDE OF BASIN. 7. FERTILIZE, SEED, AND MULCH ALL SLOPES AND DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN AND ADJACENT TO THE BASIN TO PROMOTE ESTABLISHMENT, 8. ONCE THE DISTURBED AREAS UPSTREAM OF THE BASIN HAVE AN ESTABLISHED VEGETATIVE COVER, REMOVE THE TEMPORARY INLET PROTECTION FROM THE 12" C.M.P. OUTLET PIPE. ATTACH THE 18" C.M,P. RISER PIPE TO THE 12~ C.M.P. OWNER 8.. DEVELOPER _I'"Ji.... ~_IZ~m~~ ---".:ro'I'>~ ,~m<4'~,Q!ftll~ -- __RI~l~__- ..j:s:au~~~~~~~~~~- -~~- ~tl;.","'1llMik~"mi"'~~ JIIifIII':i:~m~~:I!n~ -----.-H.~-> ~tm:m>>~i!!t~~~~~11ii~..-.~~lL~~~~~~:!!~......~:ti.~_~;;r.L~~&"" --- lIO_~~~tl~.:~~~m~~_[- R~~.i~"~~~~ 446 East Main Street (919)550-A740 P.O, Box 426 Fax (919) 550-4741 Clayton, NC 27'520 ~~::~~;~~;~~~1~~~~~J:~J TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP #6/ PERMANENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DRY POND ~ECTION A-A) NOT TO SCALE REVISION 001: ADDRESSED N.C,D.E.N.F~. COMMENTS - 7/18/05