HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090901 Ver 1_Restoration Plan_20090820 RESTORATION PLAN SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE HENDERSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA FRENCH BROAD RIVER BASIN CATALOGING UNIT 06010105 Prepared for: ?U G `.'.0 2G0'J OEN?l9STG? Qo'AL The Cliffs at High Carolina 3598 Highway 11 Travelers Rest, SC 29690 Prepared by: Restoration Systems, LLC 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 211 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 And 0 1 ?fr e. e NKM Wolf Creek Engineering, PLLC 30 Ben Lippen School Road, Suite 203 Asheville, North Carolina 828-505-2186 April 3, 2009 RESTORATION PLAN SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE HENDERSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA v Wolf Creek Engineering, pllc 30 Ben Lippen School Road, Suite 203 homes Asheville, North Carolina r 828-505-2186 S. Grant Ginn, P.E. SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Restoration Systems, LLC proposes to restore, enhance, and preserve reaches of Shoal Creek, Crab Creek, and four (4) of their tributaries at a site located in southwestern Henderson County. A portion of the Shoal Falls Farm Restoration Site (the Site) is under contract to The Cliffs at High Carolina (the Cliffs) to provide compensatory mitigation for stream and wetland impacts as described elsewhere in the Cliffs' 401/404 permit application. The Site has the potential to provide a total of 5,704 Stream Mitigation Units (SMUs) and 0.66 Wetland Mitigation Units (WMUs). General Site Conditions The Shoal Falls Farm Restoration Site encompasses approximately 24.2 acres of predominantly agricultural and forested land located less than one mile east of the Henderson/Transylvania County line and approximately eight miles southwest of the Town of Hendersonville. The Site is located within the French Broad River Basin (Cataloguing Unit 06010105). The Site includes approximately 4,873 linear feet of degraded channels proposed for restoration and enhancement, approximately 3,375 linear feet of stable channels designated as preservation, approximately 0.84 acres of degraded wetlands, and 11.3 acres of impacted riparian buffers. Crab Creek is classified as trout waters and brook trout have been identified on the upper reaches of Shoal Creek. Historic land use at the Site has consisted primarily of agriculture and livestock grazing. Streams within the Site were historically accessible to livestock, resulting in local disturbances to stream banks and wetland soil surfaces. Additional land use practices, including the maintenance and removal of riparian vegetation, and relocating, dredging, and straightening of on-site streams have contributed to the degraded water quality and unstable channel characteristics. Restoration Concept Restoration and enhancement practices proposed for this project have been designed with the intent to minimize unnecessary disturbance to adjacent land and to protect mature riparian vegetation where it exists. Professional judgment has been used to determine which channel reaches could potentially benefit most from preservation or enhancement over full restoration. Where restoration was determined to be warranted, consideration was given to which reaches could best be served by maintaining as much of the existing channel pattern as possible. Proposed Crab Creek is designed as a Type C4 stream. This channel configuration provides stable and natural form in the terraced, gently sloping alluvial valley (Valley Type VIII) in which the existing stream is found. Proposed Shoal Creek and Wyatt Branch are designed as Type B4 and Type B4c streams. These channel configurations provide the most stable and natural form for these slightly entrenched channels flowing through moderately sloped colluvial valleys (Valley Type II). The proposed channel dimensions, patterns, and profiles are based on hydraulic relationships and morphologic dimensionless ratios of the reference reaches. The installation of brush, rock, and wood structures will be utilized throughout the restored reaches of the Site. Brush toe structures will be installed along the channel toes to provide RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC. i April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN roughness and bank stability on outer meander bends. Rock cross vanes will be used for grade control to prevent headcut formation. Log vanes with rootwads will be installed in meander bends to direct the flow away from the outside of the bend and provide toe and bank protection. On-site material including brush, boulders, logs, and bed material will be used to the maximum extent possible and in-stream structures will be designed to improve trout habitat. Proposed wetland restoration areas were previously impacted by agricultural grading activities that have buried the hydric soils and diminished the hydroperiod. Soils that have been compacted due to historic agricultural activities will be scarified, overburden material will be excavated, and surface drainage features will be backfilled to provide improved groundwater retention. Areas where jurisdictional wetlands presently occur will be enhanced by the planting of appropriate woody and herbaceous plantings. Each wetland restoration and enhancement area will be planted with species appropriate to the ecoregion and will promote the functionality of the wetlands as integral parts of the riparian corridor. Restoration Activities Specific restoration, enhancement, and preservation activities will include the following: • Restore approximately 4,967 linear feet of stream through Priority 1 and 2 restoration strategies (4,967 SMUs at a ratio of 1:1), • Enhance approximately 375 linear feet of stream (250 SMUs at a ratio of 1.5:1), • Preserve approximately 2,434 linear feet of stream (487 SMUs at a ratio of 5:1), • Restore approximately 0.49 acres of wetlands (0.49 WMUs at a ratio of 1:1), • Enhance approximately 0.35 acres of wetlands (0.17 WMUs at a ratio of 2:1), • Preserve approximately 0.03 acres of wetlands (0.006 WMUs at a ratio of 5:1), • Restore approximately 11.3 acres of riparian buffers, and • Preserve approximately 8.3 acres of riparian buffers. RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC ii April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................i 1.0 SITE IDENTIFICATION AND LOCATION ...............................................................1 1.1 DIRECTIONS TO SITE ......................................................................................................1 1.2 USGS HYDROLOGIC UNIT CODE AND NCDWQ RIVER BASIN DESIGNATION ...............1 2.0 WATERSHED CHARACTERIZATION ......................................................................1 2.1 DRAINAGE AREAS .........................................................................................................1 2.2 SURFACE WATER CLASSIFICATION / WATER QUALITY .................................................2 2.3 PHYSIOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY, AND SOILS .........................................................................2 2.4 HISTORIC LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT TRENDS .......................................................2 2.5 PLANT COMMUNITIES .....................................................................................................2 2.6 THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES ....................................................................3 2.61 Summary of Listed Species ................................................................................. 3 2.62 Summary of Anticipated Effects .......................................................................... 4 2.7 CULTURAL RESOURCES .................................................................................................4 2.8 POTENTIAL CONSTRAINTS .............................................................................................5 3.0 SITE STREAMS ..............................................................................................................5 3.1 CHANNEL MORPHOLOGY AND CLASSIFICATION ............................................................5 3.2 FISH SURVEY .................................................................................................................6 3.3 DISCHARGE AND BANKFULL VERIFICATION ..................................................................6 3.4 CHANNEL STABILITY ASSESSMENT ...............................................................................6 4.0 REFERENCE STREAMS ...............................................................................................7 4.1 WATERSHED CHARACTERIZATION ................................................................................7 4.2 CHANNEL MORPHOLOGY AND CLASSIFICATION ............................................................7 4.3 DISCHARGE AND BANKFULL VERIFICATION ..................................................................8 4.4 CHANNEL STABILITY ASSESSMENT ............................................................................... 8 4.5 VEGETATION .................................................................................................................8 5.0 SITE WETLANDS ...........................................................................................................8 5.1 JURISDICTIONAL WETLANDS .........................................................................................8 5.2 HYDROLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION ........................................................................... 9 5.3 SOIL CHARACTERISTICS ..............................................................................................10 5.4 PLANT COMMUNITY CHARACTERIZATION ...................................................................10 6.0 SITE RESTORATION PLAN ......................................................................................10 6.1 RESTORATION GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ............................. 6.2 PROPOSED CHANNEL DESIGN AND CLASSIFICATION .......... 6.2.1 Proposed Crab Creek ................................................... 62.2 Proposed Shoal Creek .................................................. 62.3 Proposed Wyatt Branch ................................................ 6.3 SEDIMENT TRANSPORT ANALYSIS ...................................... 6.4 HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS ....................................................... 6.5 PROPOSED WETLAND RESTORATION .................................. 6.6 NATURAL PLANT COMMUNITY RESTORATION ................... 661 On-Site Invasive Species Management ......................................10 ......................................11 .................................11 .................................12 .................................13 ......................................13 ......................................14 ......................................14 ......................................14 ............................. 15 RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC iii April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN 7.0 MONITORING AND EVALUATION ........................................................................15 7.1 STREAMS AND WETLANDS ..........................................................................................15 7.2 VEGETATION ...............................................................................................................16 7.3 SCHEDULE / REPORTING ..............................................................................................16 8.0 REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................17 TABLES Table I. Restoration Structure and Objectives Table II. Drainage Areas Table III. Valley Slopes Table IV. Mapped Soils Table V. Land Use of Watershed Table VI. Morphologic Table Table VII. Sediment Transport Analysis Table VIII. Wetland Impacts Table IX. Designated Vegetative Communities FIGURES Figure 1. Site Vicinity Map Figure 2. Watershed Map Figure 3. Soil Survey Map Figure 4. Existing Hydrologic Features Map Figure 5. Proposed Hydrologic Features Map APPENDICES Appendix A. Site Photographs Appendix B. Existing Site Stream Data Appendix C. NCDWQ Stream Forms Appendix D. Reference Reach Photographs Appendix E. Reference Reach Data Appendix F. Design Calculations Appendix G. Biological Surveys Appendix H. Existing Wetland Data Appendix I. Design Sheets RESTORA TION SYSTEMS, LLC. iv April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN 1.0 SITE IDENTIFICATION AND LOCATION 1.1 Directions to Site The Shoal Falls Farm Restoration Site (the Site) is located in southwest Henderson County, approximately eight (8) miles south of the town of Hendersonville (see Figure 1). To reach the Site from Asheville, take I-26 east approximately twelve (12) miles to the Asheville Regional Airport exit (Exit 40). Turn right onto Airport Road and proceed approximately 4.8 miles to Haywood Road and turn left. After approximately 0.4 miles, turn right onto Banner Farm Road and follow for approximately 3.6 miles. At the intersection with US-64 turn right and proceed approximately 7.4 miles to Crab Creek Road. Turn left onto Crab Creek Road and follow for approximately 4.5 miles to Shoal Falls Road. The first bridge on Shoal Falls Road is the westernmost end of the site located at a latitude/longitude of 35.235994° N and 82.597417° W. 1.2 USGS Hydrologic Unit Code and NCDWQ River Basin Designation The Site is located in the French Broad River Basin, United States Geological Survey (USGS) 14-digit Hydrologic Unit 06010105010080, within the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) sub basin 04-03-02. This is not a Targeted Local Watershed; however, it is within a Priority Subbasin (NCWRP 2001). Site tributaries are not listed on the NCDWQ draft 2004 or 2006 303(d) lists (NCDWQ 2004, 2006a). Shoal Creek drains to Crab Creek approximately 600 feet downstream of the project. Crab Creek flows into the Little River approximately 2.4 miles downstream which in turn drains into the French Broad River another 2.5 miles downstream. Shoal Creek and Crab Creek have been assigned the Stream Index Numbers 6-38-23-4 and 6-38-23 by DWQ, respectively. Site tributaries drain to the section of the French Broad River that has been assigned the Stream Index Number 6-(27). 2.0 WATERSHED CHARACTERIZATION The Site is located in the Blue Ridge hydrophysiographic region of North Carolina (see Figure 2). The Site watershed is characteristic of the Mountain region with moderate rainfall and steep valley walls. Annual precipitation within Henderson County averages 56.6 inches and elevations within the Site range from 2400 ft. on upper slopes above Shoal Creek Falls to 2120 ft. at the site outfall (NGVD). The Site encompasses approximately 8,250 linear feet of streams including Crab Creek, Shoal Creek and five tributaries named for the purposes of this project as Wyatt Branch, Pace Branch, Little Pace Branch, Hubbard Branch, and Sky Valley Branch. 2.1 Drainage Areas The drainage area of Crab Creek is 6.19 mil (3,962 ac) at the upstream end of the Site and 6.40 mil (4,096 ac) at the downstream end. At its confluence with Crab Creek, the drainage area of Wyatt Branch is 0.067 mil (43 ac). The drainage area of Shoal Creek at the upstream end of the project is 2.27 mil (1,453 ac) and 2.34 mil (1501 ac) at the downstream end of the Site. At their respective confluences with Shoal Creek, the drainage areas of the tributaries are: Hubbard Branch, 0.047 mil (30 ac); and Pace Branch, 0.04 mil (25 ac). See Table II for a complete listing of the drainage areas. RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC. 1 April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN 2.2 Surface Water Classification / Water Quality According to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), Division of Water Quality (DWQ) website, Crab Creek has been assigned a Best Usage Classification of C, Tr, and HQW. Shoal Creek has been assigned a Best Usage Classification of C. The section of the French Broad River that Site tributaries drain to has been assigned the Best Usage Classification of B, and is Fully Supporting its intended uses (NCDWQ 2001b, NCDWQ 2005). Class B waters are suitable for primary recreation activities and all other Class C uses. Class C waters are suitable for aquatic life propagation and survival, fishing, wildlife, secondary recreation, and agriculture. The designation Tr (Trout Waters) includes areas protected for natural trout propagation and survival of stocked trout. The designation HQW (High Quality Waters) includes areas possessing special qualities including excellent water quality, Native or special Native Trout Waters, Critical Habitat areas, or WS-1 and WS-11 water supplies. 2.3 Physiography, Geology, and Soils The Site is located in the Southern Crystalline Ridges and Mountains ecoregion of North Carolina. Regional physiography is characterized by gently rounded to steep slopes and narrow valleys with high gradient, clear streams over bedrock and boulder substrate. The underlying geology consists of primarily metamorphic rocks composed of gneiss and schist covered by mostly acidic, loamy soils. The valleys associated with Shoal Creek are moderately sloped colluvial valleys (Valley Type II) with cross-slopes ranging from 1% to 85% and longitudinal slopes typically ranging from 0.8% to 3.8%. The Crab Creek valley is a gently sloping, broad alluvial valley (Valley Type VIII) with cross-slopes ranging from 1% to 4% and longitudinal slopes ranging from 0.3% to 0.4%. See Table III for a listing of the valley slopes within the Site. The Site lies in the low mountains of North Carolina, just east of the Little River, in rolling topography underlain by metamorphic gneisses and schists. The side slopes and steep escarpments in the area are well drained, moderately permeable, and generally have brown, sandy-loamy sub-soils (Evard, Ashe, Tusquitee Soil Series). The alluvial soils along the stream systems in the area are generally underlain by yellowish-brown, loamy sub-soils belonging to the Codorus series. These moderately to somewhat poorly drained soils are moderately permeable and are non-hydric. 2.4 Historic Land Use and Development Trends The watershed upstream of the Site is characterized mainly by agricultural and forested land (see Table V). Residential land use accounts for only a marginal percentage of the watershed. Currently rural residential land use makes up approximately 3 percent of the watershed and impervious area covers less than 1 percent of the total watershed. On-site land uses include pastureland for beef cattle, hay production, and mature forest stands. Grazing livestock have historically had access to most on-site stream reaches and the adjacent terraces. Although the landowner has recently erected fencing adjacent to the stream in some portions of the Site, the lack of deep-rooted vegetation and unstable channel characteristics appears to have contributed to the degradation of stream banks. 2.5 Plant Communities The Site is characterized by pastureland, forested slopes, and poorly developed/disturbed riparian buffers. Pastureland is comprised of planted grassy species with various herbaceous RESTORATIONSYSTEMS, LLC 2 April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN invasive species interspersed throughout. Invasive species include clover (Trifolium sp.), Queen Anne's-lace (Daucus carota), ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), milkweed (Asclepias sp.), goldenrod (Solidago sp.), nightshade (Solanum carolinense), and dock (Rumex sp.). Pastureland is heavily grazed and/or regularly maintained, thereby reducing sapling establishment. The margins of Crab Creek have recently been fenced to exclude livestock from the stream banks. Riparian vegetation is predominantly characterized by herbaceous species due to the recent establishment of livestock exclusionary barriers; however, a few hearty herbaceous and shrub/sapling species are interspersed along the stream banks consisting of rose (Rosa sp.), blackberry (Rubus sp.), joe-pyeweed (Eutrochium sp.), tag alder (Alnus serrulata), black willow (Salix nigra), pecan (Carya illinoinensis), and dogwood (Corpus florida). Fallow fields and native forest occur in the upper reaches of Shoal Creek. Fallow fields appear to have been utilized for grazing or hay production in the past, with cessation of maintenance occurring approximately two (2) years prior to the site visit. The fields are characterized by similar species associated with pastureland and riparian vegetation, with more mature development. Native forest vegetation occurs along the margins of Shoal Creek and its tributaries, and is primarily characterized by riparian species such as tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), various elms (Ulmus spp.), red maple (Acer rubrum), and hemlock (Tsuga sp.) with a dense understory of doghobble (Leucothoe fontanesiana), spice bush (Lindera benzoin), and mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia). 2.6 Threatened and Endangered Species A preliminary analysis of potential conflicts with federally listed threatened and endangered species was performed for the areas that will be affected by restoration efforts. 2.6.1 Summary of Listed Species There are eight (8) federally listed species with at least historical record of occurrence in Henderson County as identified through the US Fish & Wildlife Service website. The listed species as well as their designation are as follows: bog turtle, threatened - similarity of appearance (T S/A); Appalachian elktoe, endangered (E); oyster mussel, endangered (E); bunched arrowhead, endangered (E); mountain sweet pitcherplant, endangered (E); small- whorled pogonia, threatened (T); swamp pink, threatened (T); and white irisette, endangered (E)• Note: The designation "T (S/A) " refers to a taxon which is threatened due to a similarity of appearance with other rare species. In this instance, the listed bog turtle is designated T (S/A) as a means of protecting the rare northern subspecies of bog turtle. The preliminary analysis of potential conflicts with federally listed species concluded that two species (Appalachian elktoe and oyster mussel) need further field assessment in order to determine if restoration activities will have an impact on them. Appalachian elktoe (Alasmidonta raveneliana): A small, subovate- to kidney-shaped freshwater mussel that grows to approximately 3.1 inches in length, 1.4 inches in height, and 1.0 inches in width. Juveniles are yellowish brown, but the periostracum RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC. 3 April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN (outer shell surface) is thicker and dark brown in adults. Individuals may be variably marked with prominent to obscure greenish rays. Endemic to the upper Tennessee River system in the mountains of western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee, a new population has been found in the Little River near the Henderson-Transylvania County Line (personal communication, Mark Cantrell, USFWS, July 11, 2001). Suitable habitat is comprised of well-oxygenated riffle areas with sand and gravel substrate among cobbles and boulders. Oyster mussel (Epioblasma capsaeformis): A small, freshwater mussel reaching approximately 2.1 inches in length. The shell is dull to sub-shiny and yellowish to green with numerous dark green rays. This species is endemic to the Cumberland and Tennessee River drainages in Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, and North Carolina. All known populations are small and vulnerable to disturbance. This species is now considered to have been "formerly spotted" in the French Broad River (LeGrand and Hall 2004). Suitable habitat is comprised of shallow flowing streams over gravel and cobble substrate. 2.6.2 Summary of Anticipated Effects Based on the scope of proposed work involved in implementing the restoration activities, land disturbing activities will occur only in a narrow band (+/- 100 feet wide) along portions of both riparian corridors. A review of the habitat requirements for each of the listed species confirms that the project activities will not disturb habitats for the bog turtle, bunched arrowhead, mountain sweet pitcherplant, small-whorled pogonia, swamp pink, or white irisette. Best Management Practies (BMPs) for the protection of surface waters and HQW guidelines (Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds) will be strictly enforced during implementation of the project. Appalachian elktoe and oyster mussel: As suitable habitat for these two species exists within the proposed project area, a freshwater mussel survey was conducted by aquatic biologists from The Catena Group on March 18, 2009. The results of this investigation indicate that freshwater mussels are likely not present within the Site and therefore restoration activities are "Not Likely to Adversely Affect" these species. (See Appendix G, Biological Surveys for full report.) 2.7 Cultural Resources Field visits were conducted on July 28, 2006 to ascertain the presence of structures or features that may be eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. One structure occurs within the proposed easement; a log cabin with several associated out-structures. Based on conversations with the landowner, the cabin and out-structures were constructed in the 1940s. Implementation of this project is expected to be limited to pastureland and fallow fields. The structure is contained within mature forest located at the base of Shoal Creek Falls in an area outside of the conservation easement. This area is not proposed to be disturbed during the project implementation. No other structures or features are present within the easement; therefore, no impacts are anticipated to known structures that are eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places. RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC 4 April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN 2.8 Potential Constraints Three bridges and three culvert crossings bound the streams within the Site: (1) Crab Creek by a bridge at the upstream and downstream ends, (2) Shoal Creek by a culvert crossing at the upstream end and a bridge at the downstream end, (3) Wyatt Branch by a culvert at the upstream end, and (4) Sky Valley Branch by a culvert at the upstream end. An existing 1940s-era dam and approximately 150-ft waterfall are located between the upper Shoal Creek restoration reach and the lower preservation reach of Shoal Creek. Bedrock was identified in several locations protruding from within the stream bed and banks along Shoal Creek. While bedrock is not believed to be prolific throughout the site, field adjustments may be required during construction to resolve any potential conflicts. Several ford crossings exist on Crab Creek and Shoal Creek. These crossings will remain or be replaced to preserve access to agricultural fields by the landowner. Hydraulic modeling is required to ensure there is no hydrologic trespass upstream of Crab Creek or Shoal Creek due to project implementation. Additionally, several select reaches of fencing that are located within the proposed construction area will be removed. Buried utilities require identification which includes specific location and marking by the construction contractor prior to commencement of restoration activities. The classification of Crab Creek as HQW and Trout Waters necessitate limiting construction activities to comply with the trout moratorium. Although Shoal Creek does not carry the trout waters classification, due to the presence of trout and especially brook trout in the upper reaches, in-stream construction activities will not take place during the trout moratorium in order to protect these populations. 3.0 SITE STREAMS On-site streams have been characterized based on fluvial geomorphic principles (Rosgen 1996a). A topographic survey was conducted of the entire Site to provide information for the development of construction plans and to provide sufficient detail to assess existing geomorphic conditions throughout the Site. 3.1 Channel Morphology and Classification Crab Creek has been realigned and dredged throughout the project reach, resulting in a channel form that is incised with low sinuosity. The channel classifies as a Type E4/G4 stream under the Rosgen classification system throughout the majority of the on-site length (Appendix B). The existing entrenchment and bank height ratios are approximately 9 and 1.4, respectively, and the width-depth ratio is 6.6. The high bank-height ratios and low width/depth ratios result in increasing the stress on the stream banks. The profile appears vertically stable due to the low channel gradient, although the riffle-pool form is poorly developed and often misaligned with the pattern, further contributing to near bank stress. Movable bed material consists mainly of gravel with lesser constituents of cobble and sand (See Appendix A, Site Photographs 1 - 9). The reach of Shoal Creek upstream of the waterfall is classified as a Type G4 stream and has an entrenchment ratio of approximately 1.8. The bank height and width-depth ratios are approximately 2.0 and 12, respectively. The low width/depth ratio combined with the RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC 5 April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN relatively steep channel slope of 0.01 ft/ft creates an unstable channel form displayed in the multiple headcuts and eroding banks (See Appendix A, Site Photographs 13 - 17). The portion of Shoal Creek designated for restoration downstream of the dam is classified as a Type G4 stream and has an entrenchment ratio of approximately 1.6. The bank height and width-depth ratios are approximately 1.6 and 11.3, respectively. The low width/depth ratio combined with the relatively steep channel slope of 0.03 ft/ft creates an unstable channel form displayed in the multiple head-cuts and eroding banks (See Appendix A, Site Photographs 22 -26). Wyatt Branch was historically straightened and channelized to accommodate the construction of a farm road that runs parallel to the existing channel. This Type G5 channel lacks any pattern and has no buffer between the horse pasture and the drainage course. The channel is generally stable, but provides very little habitat in its present state which constitutes little more than a roadside ditch (See Appendix A, Site Photographs 10 - 12). 3.2 Fish Survey Fish surveys were conducted at the Site on April 14, 2008 by The Catena Group. The survey identified several populations of trout. Brook trout were found in the section of Shoal Creek upstream of the falls with the highest concentration located in the wooded reach immediately upstream of the falls and only sparse numbers in the more degraded reaches. Several rainbow trout and one brown trout were identified in the lower reaches of Shoal Creek and in Crab Creek. Most of these were found in the reach of Shoal Creek immediately downstream of the fall and only infrequent accounts in the degraded reaches of these streams. 3.3 Discharge and Bankfull Verification Identification of bankfull elevation on degraded reaches is subject to a significant amount of interpretation since the features can often be difficult to distinguish and even misleading. Verification of bankfull was accomplished by plotting the bankfull cross sectional area for each reach against the regional curve data (see Appendix F). Also included in this plot are the bankfull cross sectional areas for the reference reach. The graph indicates that the bankfull elevation identified in the surveyed reaches is consistent with the regional curve data. After verification of bankfull cross sectional area, bankfull discharge was calculated for each surveyed reach using a single-section analysis. Manning's `n' was estimated from relative roughness calculations of the bed material and from observation of the channel flow conditions. Water surface slope was assumed to be consistent with the slope of the bed profile. Discharges were then plotted against a graph of the regional curve data and bankfull discharges from the reference reach. These data confirm that the calculated bankfull discharges were consistent with the regional curve data. 3.4 Channel Stability Assessment The existing channel stability was analyzed by evaluating existing width-depth ratios, bank height ratios, and sediment transport. Width-depth ratios within the Site vary from approximately 6 to 13 on reaches classified as Type G streams. The width-depth ratios for the reference reach were from 14 to 16 for the Type B4 stream. The lower width-depth ratios found within the Site on Type G reaches will result in a higher mean depth during bankfull events and subsequent increased shear stress on the bed. Bank height ratios for stream RESTORATION SYSTEMS. LLC. 6 April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN reaches within the Site range from 1.4 to 2.0 with a typical value of 1.7. The bank height ratios for the reference reach were typically 1.0 to 1.2. The higher ratios found within the Site result in significantly increased shear stress during greater-than-bankfull flow events. 4.0 REFERENCE STREAMS Reference reaches were sought to provide analogues for design of the proposed Type C4 and Type B4 streams on the Site. Searches were conducted first upstream and downstream of the Site and then into surrounding watersheds to find suitable references that contained comparable slope, bed material, and valley type. Consideration was given to use of the preservation reaches for the B4 reference reach. However, further investigation indicated that these reaches were likely Type B3 streams with a considerably larger bed material and with significant influence of bedrock on the channel form. Measurements were taken to assist in calibration of the local geomorphic curves, but ultimately a suitable reference was located off- site. The Type B4 reference is located on Cold Springs Creek, a tributary to the Pigeon River in Haywood County. Reference reach search efforts were not able to identify a suitable Type C4 reference. Type C4 streams would typically be found in alluvial valleys which are less prevalent in the mountain region than in other regions of the state and have been heavily impacted by agricultural and development activities for centuries. Contacts were made to aditional resources in the stream restoration industry including Natural Resource Conservation Service (MRCS), North Carolina State University (NCSU), North Carolina Arboretum, and other consultants in an effort to locate a suitable reference. All Type C steams in the mountains that were offered as potential references were determined to be either low gradient Type B streams (B4c) or high gradient Type C streams (C3b). Given the difficulty encountered in identifying a suitable reference, a composite approach was pursued for development of appropriate design parameters. In this approach upstream stable reaches are surveyed to calibrate bankfull cross sectional area dimensions, while on-site evolutionary trends are studied to develop ratios related to sinuosity, belt-width, and pool spacing. Additionally, typical ranges for dimensionless ratios on Type C streams are used in conjunction with sediment transport calculations to establish such elements as appropriate width/depth ratio, mean depth, and maximum depth. 4.1 Watershed Characterization The Cold Springs Creek reference reach is located in the Blue Ridge hydrophysiographic region of North Carolina. The watershed is similar in many ways to the character of the Site watershed including average annual rainfall, elevation changes, and valley type. The reference watershed is rural and consists predominantly of forest stands with some grassy fields although there are no livestock on the adjacent land. The drainage area for the Cold Springs Creek reference is 2.77 mil. 4.2 Channel Morphology and Classification The reference reach was selected to represent the probable configurations for the proposed stream restoration. Detailed geomorphic survey and Level II Rosgen classification were conducted on the reference reach (See Appendix E and Table VI). RESTORATION SYSTEMS LLC 7 April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN The Cold Springs reach is representative of a B4 channel in a moderately sloped valley with a narrow, constrained floodplain. Bed material, channel slope, and valley form of this stream are consistent with the Site and provide reasonable analogues for the potential channel forms that can be expected at the Site. The Cold Springs reference reach has a D50 of 45mm, D84 of 130mm, channel slope of 0.024 ft/ft, width/depth ratio of 16, and a Type Il valley. 4.3 Discharge and Bankfull Verification Bankfull was readily identified on the stream as it exhibited consistent indicators throughout the reach. Verification of bankfull was accomplished by plotting the bankfull cross sectional area against the regional curve data. The graph indicates that the bankfull identified in the surveyed reach is consistent with the regional curve data. After verification of bankfull cross sectional area, bankfull discharge was calculated for the surveyed reach using a single-section analysis. Manning's `n' was estimated from relative roughness calculations of the bed material and from observation of the channel flow conditions. Water surface slope was assumed to be consistent with the slope of the bed profile. Discharge was then plotted against a graph of the regional curve data. The graphing of this data indicated that the calculated bankfull discharges were consistent with the regional curve data. 4.4 Channel Stability Assessment A detailed channel stability assessment was not performed for this reach since the bank and bed stability was obvious from observation. Subsequent review of the surveyed dimensions confirmed that width-depth ratios and bank height ratios were within the appropriate range for stable, self maintaining streams. Additional observations included significant upstream and downstream reconnaissance to identify any past, present, or future signs or sources of degradation. 4.5 Vegetation The plant community survey was performed at Cold Spring Creek on November 9, 2007. This small stream plant community, common to the Appalachian Mountains, is located within a mesic hardwood forest cove. The riparian plant community most closely resembles a Montane Alluvial Forest as described by Schafale and Weakley (1990). Canopy species observed included American beech (Fagus grandifolia), black birch (Betula lenta), Eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), red oak (Quercus rubra), sugar maple (Acer saccharum), and tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera). Subcanopy species included American holly (Ilex opaca), iron wood (Carpinus caroliniana), and rosebay rhododendron (Rhododendron maximum). Herbaceous species included American alumroot (Heuchera americana), Aster sp., Christmas fern (Polystichum acrostichoides), dog hobble (Leucothoe fontanesiana), golden ragwort (Senecio aureus), lady fern (Athyrium asplenioides), sphagnum moss (Sphagnum spp.), woodland stonecrop (Sedum ternatum), and Viola spp. 5.0 SITE WETLANDS 5.1 Jurisdictional Wetlands Jurisdictional wetland limits were defined using criteria set forth in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory 1987). As stipulated in this RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC 8 April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN manual, the presence of three clearly defined parameters (hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and evidence of wetland hydrology) are required for a wetland jurisdictional determination. Hydric soil limits were mapped in the field during September 2008. Extensive field surveys confirm the presence of five (5) jurisdictional wetland areas within or adjacent to the conservation easement of the project (Figure 4). Two of these jurisdictional wetlands, Wetlands A and B, are degraded wetlands that are proposed for enhancement while another three, Wetlands C, D, and E display natural, undisturbed characteristics and are proposed for preservation. Areas R1 and R2 are non jurisdictional hydric soils proposed for restoration which are adjacent to degraded wetlands A and B. Additionally, Area R3 is an area of non- jurisdictional hydric soils which is proposed for restoration. Wetland A is a low gradient alluvial fan that has formed where Hubbard Branch transitions from a high gradient, gravel-bed channel to the moderately sloped alluvial floodplain of Shoal Creek. Hydrology is supplied by shallow groundwater input from Hubbard Branch and possibly by additional toe-of-slope seeps. Wetland impacts have occurred due to unrestricted livestock access, the installation of a timber ford used for agricultural vehicle access, and overburden/fill encroachment. These impacts have affected soil structure and decreased the effect of the available groundwater. The wetlands are bordered by hydric soils that are non- jurisdictional due to overburden and diminished hydroperiod. Wetland B is a seep fed wetland that begins upslope from the Crab Creek floodplain and continues down onto the terrace where toe-of-slope seeps provide additional hydrology. The hydrology for the lower portions of this wetland was historically supplemented by overbank flooding from Crab Creek, but as the stream has incised, this effect has become more limited. Additional impacts were the result of unrestricted livestock access, overburden/backfill for vehicular access, and ditching. Adjacent to jurisdictional wetlands, where hydrology is diminished, areas of non jurisdictional hydric soils exist. Proposed Wetland R3 historically supported a wetland with hydrology supplied by a toe-of- slope seep and supplemented by Crab Creek overbank flooding. Impacts include livestock access, partial filling for a vehicle path, grading, and ditching. Additionally, a perforated pipe was installed to drain the wetland area into Crab Creek. The result of these impacts was a loss of hydrology and ability to maintain functioning wetlands. Remnant hydric soils remain in this area. 5.2 Hydrological Characterization Due to channel incision and manipulation of channel/floodplain by land managers over the years, overbank flooding regimes provide less frequent inundation of adjacent terraces. However, hydrologic input from overbank flow would not have been a major source of hydrology for these wetland areas. Seeps, either from up-slope regions or from the toe-of slope are the primary source of hydrology for each of these wetland areas with the exception of Wetland A which derives its primary source for shallow groundwater inputs from Hubbard Branch. RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC 9 April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN 5.3 Soil Characteristics Though none of the individual soil units shown on the Soil Survey of Henderson Coutny are classified as hydric, the Codorus series is described as having inclusions of hydric Toxaway soils. Historic and ongoing agricultural practices have impacted soils throughout the project area. Soils within the wetland areas described above exhibit characteristics of hydric soils, including low-chroma colors and redoxomorphic features, within the first 10 inches of the soil profile. 5.4 Plant Community Characterization The existing vegetation in the three wetland preservation areas (C, D and E) most closely resemble the plant community found in Southern Appalachian Seepage Wetlands (NatureServe, 2009) and are dominated by herbaceous species such as jewel weed (Impatiens spp.) and moss (Sphagnum spp.). Woody vegetation is sparse in these areas. Wetland areas A and B are proposed for enhancement and have a mix of predominantly herbaceous and shrub species, such as rush (Juncus spp.), alder (Alnus serrulata) and rhododendron that are common to Appalachian wetland systems. Tree species such as white pine (Pinus strobus) and red maple (Acer rubrum) are also found in these areas. The remaining wetland areas (R1, R2 and R3) have been heavily impacted by agricultural practices and are currently dominated by pasture grasses such as fescue. 6.0 SITE RESTORATION PLAN 6.1 Restoration Goals and Objectives The following goals are established to guide the restoration process for the project: 1.) Improve local water quality within the restored channel reaches as well as the downstream watercourses through: (a) the reduction of current channel and off-site sediment loads by restoring appropriately sized channels with stable beds and banks, (b) the reduction of nutrient loads from adjacent agricultural fields with restored riparian wetlands and a restored riparian buffer, and (c) the reduction of water temperatures provided through shading of the channel by canopy species along with the resultant increase in oxygen content. 2.) Improve local aquatic and terrestrial habitat and diversity within the restored channels and their vicinity through: (a) the restoration of appropriate bed form to provide habitat for fish, amphibian, and benthic species, (b) the restoration of riparian wetlands along the stream corridor to provide additional landscape and habitat diversity, (c) the restoration of a suitable riparian buffer corridor in order to provide both vertical and horizontal structure and connectivity with adjacent upland areas, and (d) the restoration of understory and canopy species in order to provide forage, cover, and nesting for a variety of mammals, reptiles, and avian species. 3.) Preclude the construction of additional infrastructure and agricultural practices including cattle grazing and the application of pesticides and fertilizer within the riparian buffer area by providing a permanent conservation easement. Through the proposed restoration activities, the following objectives will be accomplished: RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC. 10 April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN 1.) Provide approximately 5,704 stream mitigation units (SMU's) through Priority I and II restoration of approximately 4,967 linear feet of stream, enhancement of approximately 375 linear feet of stream, and preservation of approximately 2,434 linear feet of stream. 2.) Restore natural stable channel morphology and proper sediment transport capacity. 3.) Create and/or improve bed form diversity and improve aquatic and benthic macroinvertebrate habitat. 4.) Construct a floodplain (or local bankfull bench) that is accessible at the proposed bankfull channel elevation. 5.) Improve channel and stream bank stabilization by integrating in-stream structures and native bank vegetation. 6.) Provide approximately 0.66 wetland mitigation units (WMU's) through restoration of approximately 0.49 acres of wetlands and enhancement of 0.35 acres of wetlands. 7.) Provide approximately 11.3 acres of riparian buffer restoration by establishing a native forested and herbaceous riparian buffer plant community within a minimum width of 30 feet from the edge of the restored channels. This new community will be established in conjunction with the eradication of any existing exotic and/or undesirable plant species. 8.) Improve water quality within the subject channels and the downstream receiving waters. 6.2 Proposed Channel Design and Classification Restoration and enhancement practices proposed for this project have been designed with the intent to minimize unnecessary disturbance to adjacent land and to protect mature riparian vegetation where it exists. Consideration was given to the potential functional lift provided by restoration activities in comparison to the functional lift that could be realized through the natural process of channel evolution. Included in this consideration was an attempt to determine the disturbance and sedimentation that could occur as a result of this natural process. In the absence of established methodology, best professional judgment has been used to determine which channel reaches could potentially benefit most from preservation or enhancement over full restoration. Where restoration was determined to be warranted, consideration was given to which reaches could best be served by maintaining as much of the existing channel pattern as possible. The proposed channel dimensions, patterns, and profiles are based on hydraulic relationships and morphologic dimensionless ratios of the reference reaches (See Table VI). The proposed typical sections and channel alignments are shown in the design sheets (Appendix I). The installation of brush, rock, and wood structures will be utilized throughout the restored reaches of the Site. Brush toes will be installed along the channel toes to provide roughness and bank stability to the outer meander bends. Rock cross vanes will be used for grade control to prevent headcut formation. Log vanes with rootwads will be installed in meander bends to direct the flow away from the outside of the bend and provide toe and bank protection. On-site material including bed material, boulders, and logs will be used to the maximum extent possible. 6.2.1 Proposed Crab Creek The existing incised and unstable condition of Crab Creek provided justification for consideration of full re-construction and restoration of the stream. Consideration was given to RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC 11 April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN pursuing a passive approach and allowing the channel to evolve towards its preferred natural state, however, on-site conditions dissuaded this approach. Observations of the existing channel provide analogues of the natural evolutionary process that suggest that, due to the low width/depth ratio and high bank stress, the stream will continue to migrate laterally. Lateral migration will increase bank erosion and in turn sediment delivery into the stream, compounding the tendency towards lateral migration further downstream. The process of eroding banks and building a new lower floodplain will continue until a sufficient beltwidth has been established to support a wider, stable Type C channel. As vegetation establishes on the new floodplain, the channel will again narrow and form a stable Type E stream. The prospects of this process, which will involve a considerable length of time with detrimental volumes of sediment, along with an existing riparian zone of limited mature vegetation provide justification for full restoration. The proposed design concept for Crab Creek is Priority II restoration of a Type C4 channel. Although the final stable disposition of Crab Creek may be a Type E channel, construction of the Type C channel will provide for a more stable initial form and allow for a stable transition to a narrower channel. The pattern will be constructed offline in some locations but will reconnect with the existing channel where possible to make use of established vegetation for increased stability. Crab Creek consists of a broad alluvial valley with a relatively low gradient, allowing for the relocation of the channel where appropriate to position the channel in the lower portion of the valley. 6.2.2 Proposed Shoal Creek Shoal Creek is comprised of four (4) distinctive reaches based on existing stream stability and terrain (See Figure 5). Reach 1, which is the most upstream section of Shoal Creek, flows through an open field and is proposed for restoration. Reach 2 is a stable, forested reach proposed for preservation. Reach 3 is the partially forested reach proposed for enhancement due to minor vertical and lateral instabilities. Reach 4 is the most downstream reach and is proposed for restoration. Reach 1 is an unstable Type G4 stream with instabilities that are evidenced by the vertical eroding banks, erratic channel pattern, and lack of riparian vegetation throughout most of the reach. Priority I restoration of a Type B4c stream is proposed for this reach. This channel configuration provides the appropriate morphological form to fit the gentle to moderately sloping confined valley associated with this reach. The restored channel will be constructed primarily offline in order to reposition the channel in the low point of the valley, but the pattern is designed to take advantage of mature vegetation and stable banks where they exist. Efforts will be made to save or use mature trees and vegetation on stable banks and bankfull benches to provide shade and temperature regulation within the stream. Where suitable vegetation exists along unstable banks, efforts will be made to transplant it onto the constructed floodplain bench. Reach 2 begins where Shoal Creek passes into a stable forested reach. Bedrock control and mature riparian vegetation has maintained this area in near reference quality. Reach 2 is proposed for preservation of a Type B3 stream. Reach 3 begins where Shoal Creek passes into a somewhat impacted riparian buffer and begins to display minor instabilities. This reach includes a mature riparian buffer on the right RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC 12 April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN bank and a degraded buffer on the left bank. Several minor instances of bank erosion occur and several migrating head-cuts have been arrested through bedrock and large boulder control. Reach 3 is proposed for Level I enhancement of a Type B4 stream. Enhancement activities will include the selective laying back of eroding banks, installation of in-stream structures to stabilize the channel profile, replanting of a native riparian buffer, the removal of exotic invasive species, and protection of existing mature vegetation. Reach 4 begins at the upstream ford crossing, as Shoal Creek begins to exhibit evidence significant instability. Stream banks on both sides display unstable, vertical eroding banks, tendencies toward meander migration, and upstream migration of head-cuts. This stream flows through an open, maintained field and completely lacks a riparian buffer. Reach 4 is proposed for Priority II restoration of a Type B4 channel. This channel configuration provides a stable and natural form suited to the moderately sloping colluvial valley associated with this portion of Shoal Creek. Construction of the restored channel will primarily occur online within the existing stream. The existing channel pattern and bed will utilized to the maximum extent possible. The pattern will be adjusted to conform to the current trend by slightly extending the meander bends to allow for proper pool form development. Head-cuts will be stabilized with in-stream structures and select riffles will lengthened to restore appropriate riffle/pool features. 6.2.3 Proposed Wyatt Branch The existing channelized and straightened condition of Wyatt Branch provided justification for consideration of re-construction and restoration of the stream. Wyatt Branch was straightened and dredged during the construction of the farm road which it parallels. No riparian buffer exists to filter the nutrient-rich stormwater inputs entering from the adjacent horse pasture. The proposed design concept for Wyatt Branch is Priority I restoration of a Type B4c channel. The pattern will be constructed entirely offline through the abandoned terrace of Crab Creek. The proposed bankfull profile is designed to follow the terrace profile, allowing the channel to access the floodplain during greater-than-bankfull flows. A higher gradient, armored transition reach will be constructed at the downstream end to tie the bed profile of Wyatt Branch to Crab Creek. 6.3 Sediment Transport Analysis The design sections were evaluated for their competency to transport the sediment supplied by the watershed. Critical shear stress was calculated for each design section and related to particle sizes expected to be mobilized. These predicted particle sizes were compared to the caliber of the bed material found in the existing channels. The material composing the bed of existing Crab Creek consists of particles with a D50 of 19 mm and a D84 of 33 mm. The proposed channel was designed to mobilize particles in the 14 mm to 65 mm range and the target critical shear stress was 0.31 lb/ft2. Sediment data from the existing reaches of Shoal Creek resulted in a D50 of 24 mm and a D84 of 79 mm on Reach 1 and a D50 of 50 mm and a D84 of 180 mm on Reach 4. The proposed channel was designed to mobilize the 68 mm particles on Reach 1 and the 170 mm particles on reach 4 with the target critical shear stress of 0.74 to 1.81 lb/ft2, respectively. Bed material in existing Wyatt Branch is composed of primarily of sand and silt particles. Proposed Wyatt Branch was designed to mobilize RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC 13 April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN particles in the 11 mm to 47 mm range and the target critical shear stress was 0.28 lb/ft 2 with a range of 0.24 to 0.31 lb/ft2 (See Table VIII for complete sediment transport data). 6.4 Hydraulic Analysis The proposed channel sections were evaluated for their ability to convey the bankfull flows and the flood flows of the watershed by performing a hydraulic analysis. The analysis consisted of first modeling the existing conditions with the HEC-RAS water surface profile model. Cross sections were taken through the channel and the adjacent valley at representative locations throughout the project reach. Existing hydraulic conditions were evaluated and the model calibrated based on available site data. Proposed conditions were analyzed by revising the existing sections based on the proposed channel geometry and by revising the model to reflect proposed pattern conditions and anticipated future roughness coefficients. Comparison of the existing and proposed HEC-RAS models provided assistance in the analysis of the sediment transport, bankfull flow capacity, and confirmation that there will be no hydraulic trespass onto adjacent properties. 6.5 Proposed Wetland Restoration Three areas exist on-site which are proposed for wetland enhancement and/or restoration, Wetland A and the adjacent Area R1, Wetland B and the adjacent Area R2, and Area R3. These areas either currently support or historically supported jurisdictional wetlands but have been sufficiently impacted as to have lost significant wetland functions. Additionally, there are three jurisdictional wetlands, Wetlands C, D, and E which will be protected within the conservation easement and are proposed for preservation. Restoration activities proposed for Area R1 will consist of the removal of a timber ford and overburden material followed by scarification of the soils. A low berm will be constructed at the downstream end of the sloped floodplain to assist in surface water detention. Hubbard Branch, which reforms at the outfall of the wetlands will be stabilized through installation of boulder structure to prevent a head-cut from migrating into the wetlands. The replanting of native wetland vegetation and the establishment of a buffer will complete activities for the enhancement of Wetland A and restoration of the adjacent Area R1. Area R2 is proposed for restoration through the removal of overburden material. The ditch excavated to drain the area will be re-graded and plugged to retain hydrology. Areas of hydric soils that have been exposed or that had been compacted by livestock will be scarified. Enhancement activities for Wetland B and the adjacent Area R2 include the planting of native, wetland vegetation. Restoration activities for Area R3 will include the removal of the overburden material which has compacted the underlain hydric soils. In addition, the drainage ditch will be plugged and filled, and the drain pipes will be removed. The remaining hydric soils will be scarified and native wetland vegetation will be planted. 6.6 Natural Plant Community Restoration Buffer restoration activities will provide surface water storage, nutrient cycling, removal of imported elements and compounds, and will create a variety and abundance of wildlife habitat. Riparian vegetation will be restored within approximately 11.3 acres of the Site. Planting vegetation on the stream banks is proposed to re-establish vegetation community RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC 14 April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN patterns within the stream corridor, associated side slopes, and transition areas. Replanting the floodplain and stream banks is expected to provide stream bank stability, cooler surface waters through shading, filter pollutants from adjacent runoff, and provide habitat for area wildlife. The vegetated stream buffer will extend a minimum of 30 feet on both sides of the stream with the typical buffer being more than 50 feet. Throughout the majority of the Site the target community will be a Montane Alluvial Forest (Schafale and Weakley 1990). Bare root tree seedlings will be planted within specified areas at a density of 681 stems per acre. To provide structural diversity, native shrubs will also be incorporated in the buffers at a density of 681 stems per acre. Shrubs will be installed in small groups of 2 to 3 individuals with random placement of groups to establish a more natural appearance. Proposed wetland areas on the terrace and floodplain will be restored as Low Elevation Seeps (Schafale and Weakley 1990). These wetland areas will be seeded and planted with appropriate native, wetland tolerant species. This ecosystem will provide a food source and habitat for various insect, amphibian, mammalian, and avian species, as well as a natural filter for stormwater inputs. On the stream banks, live stakes and/or bare root stock will be used along with native herbaceous seed mix. Live stakes and/or seedlings will be placed at a density of 2 to 4 stakes per square yard. Species composition will mimic reference forest measurements of undisturbed floodplains up or downstream of the Site and offsite reference forests. See Table IX for the list of plant species according to planting zones. 6.6.1 On-Site Invasive Species Management Prior to re-vegetation of the Site, non-native invasive species will be removed from the Site within the conservation easement boundary. Invasive species management will continue through the 5-year monitoring period. Management procedures will conform to the recommendation in the Southeast Exotic Pest Plant Council Invasive Plant Manual. Non- native invasive species currently present on the Site include multiflora rose, blackberry, and Chinese privet. 7.0 MONITORING AND EVALUATION The stream restoration monitoring will be in accordance with the EEP Site Specific Mitigation Plan and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Stream Mitigation Guidelines. Monitoring will consist of collection and analysis of stream stability and vegetation survival data on an annual basis for at least five years. Monitoring will include measurement of channel dimension and bed material, evaluation of photographs, vegetation sampling, and monitoring of bankfull occurrences. 7.1 Streams and Wetlands Data collected for monitoring will be evaluated to determine whether significant deviation from the as-built condition has occurred and if the channel adjustments are trending toward greater stability. Data collection will consist of detailed dimension and pattern measurements, longitudinal profile, and bed material samples. Data evaluation will include calculation and comparison of dimensionless ratios. Bed material should indicate a reduction in the percentage of fine sediments and a particle distribution in the target range. Permanent photo station will be established to provide a visual record of channel development. RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC 15 April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN Continuous-recording hydrological monitoring stations (piezometers) will be installed at target locations within wetland restoration zones. Data from these gauges will be retrieved monthly. 7.2 Vegetation Quantitative sampling plots for vegetation will be established in the riparian buffer restoration areas. Vegetation plots will be inventoried following the first growing season after installation. Permanent photo stations will be established for each sampling plot to provide a visual record of vegetation development. 7.3 Schedule / Reporting As-built plans will be submitted within 90 days following the completion of construction. Monitoring will occur annually following the growing season for at least five consecutive years. The monitoring period will also include the occurrence of at least two bankfull events. A monitoring report will be prepared annually and will include tabulation of the collected data, comparisons to previously collected data, and an evaluation of the stability and success of the project. Each report will be submitted no later than December 31St of each monitoring year. RESTORATION SYSTEMS. LLC 16 April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN 8.0 REFERENCES Cowardin LM, Carter V, Golet FC, and LaRoe ET. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. Division of Water Quality. 2005. Identification Methods for the Origins of Intermittent and Perennial Streams. Version 3.1. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Division of Water Quality, Planning Section, Classification and Standards Unit. July 2006. NC Stream Classification Schedules. http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/bims/reports/rgortsWB.html North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Harmon, W.H. et al. 1999. Bankfull Hydraulic Geometry Relationships for North Carolina Streams. AWRA Wildland Hydrology Symposium Proceedings. Edited by: D.S. Olsen and J.P. Potyondy. AWRA Summer Symposium. Boxeman, MT. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. May 2006. Guide to Federally Listed Endangered and Threatened Species of North Carolina. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Rosgen, D. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology. Schafale MP and Weakley AS. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina: Third Approximation. North Carolina Department of Environmental Management, Division of Parks and Recreation, Natural Heritage Program. Southeast Regional Climate Center (SERCC). 2006. Historical Climate Summaries for North Carolina. http://www.sercc.com/climateinfo/historicaUhistorical nc html U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service in Cooperation with the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station. Soil Survey of Henderson County, Nort h Carolina. http://websoilsurvey.nres.usda.gov/app/ RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC 17 April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN TABLES RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN Table I. Restoration Structures and Objectives Restoration Reach/Area Station Range/Location Mitigation Type Priority Approach Existing LF or AC Designed LF or AC Note Crab Creek 100+00 - 123+43 Restoration II 2,239 2,2176 Wyatt Branch 200+00 - 204+87 Restoration 1 293 561 Shoal Creek - Reach 1 300+00 - 311+13 Restoration 1 1,130 1,152 Shoal Creek - Reach 2 400+00 - 405+63 Preservation N/A 324 324 Shoal Creek - Reach 3 405+63 - 410+65 Enhancement 1 375 375 Shoal Creek - Reach 4 410+65 - 416+99 Restoration II 929 929 Pace Branch 500+00 - 505+00 Preservation N/A 1,042 1,042 Little Pace Branch 600+00 - 602+30 Preservation N/A 327 327 Hubbard Branch 700+00 - 707+20 Preservation N/A 741 741 Hubbard Branch 500+00 - 500+49 Restoration 1 63 49 Wetland A Shoal Creek Enhancement N/A 0.299 0.299 Wetland B Crab Creek Enhancement N/A 0.048 0.048 Wetland C Shoal Creek Preservation N/A 0.010 0.010 Wetland D Shoal Creek Preservation N/A 0.008 0.008 Wetland E Little Pace Branch Preservation N/A 0.010 0.010 Wetland R1 Shoal Creek Restoration N/A 0.000 0.146 Wetland R2 Crab Creek Restoration N/A 0.000 0.112 Wetland R3 Crab Creek Restoration N/A 0.000 0.228 Table IL Drainage Areas Stream Name Description Drainage Area (mil) Crab Creek Midnight Rd bridge to Wyatt Branch 6.19 Crab Creek Wyatt Branch to Wetland B 6.29 Crab Creek Wetland B to Shoal Falls Rd. bridge 6.35 Wyatt Branch U/s end to Crab Creek 0.060 Shoal Creek U/s end to preservation 2.12 Shoal Creek Preservation to Pace Branch 2.26 Shoal Creek Pace Branch to D/s ford crossing 2.32 Shoal Creek D/s ford crossing to Shoal Falls Rd. bridge 2.36 Pace Branch U/s end to Little Pace 0.018 Pace Branch Little Pace to Lower Shoal Creek 0.035 Little Pace Branch U/s end to Pace 0.017 Hubbard Branch U/s end to Upper Shoal Creek 0.047 RCSI'URA7/ON SYSTEMS, INC. April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN Table III. Valley Slopes Stream Reach Valley Longitudinal Slope (%) Valley Cross Slope (°io) Crab Creek 0.3 to 0.4 1 to 4 Wyatt Branch 0.8 to 1.0 2 to 15 Shoal Creek - Reach 1 0.9 1 to 60 Shoal Creek - Reach 2 3.8 5 to 35 Shoal Creek - Reach 3 2.5 4 to 85 Shoal Creek - Reach 4 2.0 to 3.2 2 to 3 Pace Branch 5.0 20 to 60 Little Pace Branch 5.0 20 to 60 Hubbard Branch 2.0 to 7.0 20 to 60 Table IV. Mapped Soils Soil Name Map Symbol Percent Slope Drainage Class Hydric Class Ashe AhG 2 to 95 Somewhat Excessively Drained Non-l-Iydric Codorus Co 0 to 3 Moderate to Somewhat Poorly Drained Non-Hydric Evard EwF 25 to 45 Well Drained Non-Hydric Tusquitee TsC,TsE 7 to 25 Well Drained Non-Hydric Table V. Land Use of Watershed Land Use Acres Percent of Total Area Agricultural 324 $ Forested 3,566 88 Residential 121 3 Roadway 41 1 Total 4,052 100.0 RESTORAT/ON SYSTEMS, INC. April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RE.STORAT/ON SITE RE.STOR; I T/ON PLAN Table Via. Morphologic Table Existing Conditions Reference Reach Design Stream Reach Crab Creek Composite Crab Creek Stream Type E4/G4 C4 C4 Drainage Area (mi') 6.33 - 6.331 Bankfull Width (ft) 21 - 31.9 Mean Depth (ft) 3.2 - 2.13 Bankfull XSAREA (ft-) 66 - 67.9 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 223 - 223 Bkf Mean Velocity (ft/s) 3.4 - 3.5 Width/Depth Ratio 6.6 14 - 28 15 Max. Riffle Depth (ft) 4.2 - 2.8 Riffle Depth Ratio 1.3 1.2- 1.5 1.31 Max. Pool Depth (ft) 4.6 - 4.2 Pool Depth Ratio 1.5 1.5-2.5 1.5 Flood Prone Width (ft) 200 - 200 Entrenchment Ratio 9.5 2.2- 10 6.3 Bank Height Ratio 1.4 1.0 1.0 Meander Length (ft) 200 - 300 - 273 Meander Length Ratio 9.5- 14 6- 8 8.5 Radius of Curvature (ft) 35 - 75 - 50 - 95 RcRatio 1.6-3.6 1.7-3.0 1.8-3.2 Belt Width (ft) 40 - 90 - 90 Meander Width Ratio 1.9-4.3 2-5 2.8 Sinuosity 1.07 1.2-2.0 1.4 Channel Slope (ft/ft) 0.0033 0.001 - 0.007 0.0025 Valley Slope (ft/ft) 0.0035 - 0.0035 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.0104 0.001 -0.007 0.0025 Riffle Slope Ratio 3.6 1.0-2.0 1.0 Pool Slope (ft/ft) 0.0015 - 0.001 Pool Slope Ratio 0.5 0.0-0.1 0.4 Pool Width (ft) 19 - 31.9 Pool Width Ratio 0.9 0-9- 1.2 1.0 Pool Spacing (ft) 135 - 182 - 124- 173 Pool Spacing Ratio 6.4-8.6 4-7 3.9-5.4 D50 (MM) 19 - 19 D84 (mm) 33 - 33 KP31 UKA7/UN SES'/L'MS. /NC April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN Table VIb. Morphologic Table Existing Conditions Reference Reach Design Stream Reach Shoal Creek Reach 1 Cold Springs Creek Wyatt Branch Shoal Creek Reach 1 Stream Type G4 B4 B4c B4c Drainage Area (mi') 2.12 2.77 0.06 2.123 Bankfull Width (ft) 16.3 23.4 6.5 22.0 Mean Depth (ft) 1.4 1.48 .43 1.46 Bankfull XSAREA (ft-) 22.1 34.6 2.8 32.2 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 97 210 12 178.3 Bkf Mean Velocity (ft/s) 4.3 6.1 4.3 5.5 Width/Depth Ratio 12 15.8 15 15 Max. Riffle Depth (ft) 1.7 2.2 0.57 1.92 Riffle Depth Ratio 1.3 1.5 1.33 1.32 Max. Pool Depth (ft) 2.3 2.3 0.9 2.9 Pool Depth Ratio 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.5 Flood Prone Width (ft) 30 48 14 48 Entrenchment Ratio 1.8 2.1 2.2 2.2 Bank Height Ratio 2.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 Meander Length (ft) 116 100 51 136-172 Meander Length Ratio 7.1 4.3 7.8 6.18-7.82 Radius of Curvature (ft) 25 - 41 44-103 10 - 20 35-65 Re Ratio 1.5-2.5 1.9-4.4 1.8-3.3 1.59-2.95 Belt Width (ft) 40 43 24 40-53 Meander Width Ratio 2.5 1.8 3.7 1.8-2.4 Sinuosity 1.1 1.1 1.137 1.05 Channel Slope (ft/ft) 0.0086 0.0238 0.008 0.0086 Valley Slope (ft/ft) 0.007 - 0.010 0.025 0.008 0.0086 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.025 0.025 0.008 0.0086 Riffle Slope Ratio 2.9 1.1 1.0 1.0 Pool Slope (ft/ft) 0.0003 0.0025 0.001 0.001 Pool Slope Ratio 0.0 0.1 0.125 0.116 Pool Width (ft) 14.1 29.6 6.5 22 Pool Width Ratio 0.9 1.3 1.0 1.0 Pool Spacing (ft) 60 51-113 25 - 35 68-86 Pool Spacing Ratio 3.7 2.2-4.8 3.9-5.4 3.11-3.9 D50 (mm) 24 31 24 D84 (mm) 79 120 79 RESTORATION SYSTEMS, INC. April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN Table VIc. Morphologic Table Existing Conditions Reference Reach Design Stream Reach Shoal Creek Reach 4 Cold Springs Creek Shoal Creek Reach 3 Shoal Creek Reach 4 Stream Type G4 B4 B4 B4 Drainage Area (mi') 2.32 2.77 2.262 2.321 Bankfull Width (ft) 19.6 23.4 22.5 22.7 Mean Depth (ft) 1.7 1.48 1.50 1.52 Bankfull XSAREA (ft) 33.9 34.6 33.78 34.4 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 186 210 187.2 190.9 Bkf Mean Velocity (ft/s) 5.5 6.1 5.5 5.5 Width/Depth Ratio 11.3 15.8 15 15 Max. Riffle Depth (ft) 2.5 2.2 1.97 1.99 Riffle Depth Ratio 1.4 1.5 1.31 1.31 Max. Pool Depth (ft) 2.8 2.3 3.0 3.0 Pool Depth Ratio 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.5 Flood Prone Width (ft) 32 48 38 39 Entrenchment Ratio 1.6 2.1 1.7 1.7 Bank Height Ratio 1.6 1.5 1.0 1.0 Meander Length (ft) 200 100 104-140 106-142 Meander Length Ratio 10 4.3 4.6-6.25 4.67-6.26 Radius of Curvature (ft) 110 44-103 35-67 35-67 Rc Ratio 5.6 1.9-4.4 1.57-2.97 1.57-2.97 Belt Width (ft) 40 43 30-36 30-36 Meander Width Ratio 2 1.8 1.33-1.6 1.32-1.58 Sinuosity 1.01 1.1 1.02 1.02 Channel Slope (ft/ft) 0.023 0.0238 0.0317 0.0277 Valley Slope (ft/ft) 0.024 0.025 0.038 0.024 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.031-0.054 0.025 0.032 0.025 Riffle Slope Ratio 1.3-2.3 1.1 1.0 1.0 Pool Slope (ft/ft) 0.011 0.0025 0.0032 0.0025 Pool Slope Ratio 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 Pool Width (ft) 21.2 29.6 22.5 22.7 Pool Width Ratio 1.1 1.3 1.0 1.0 Pool Spacing (ft) 85 51-113 52-70 53-71 Pool Spacing Ratio 4.3 2.2-4.8 2.33-3.11 2.33-3.11 D50 (mm) ' 50 31 50 50 584 (MM) 180 120 180 180 RESTORATION SYSTEMS. INC. April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN Table VII. Sediment Transport Analysis Location Wetted Perimeter (ft) Hydraulic Radius (ft) Channel Slope (ft/ft) Shear Stress (lb/ft') Predicted Particle Range (mm) Crab Creek 34.2 1.99 0.0025 0.31 14-65 Wyatt Branch 7 0.4 0.00944 0.024 11-47 Shoal Creek - Reach 1 23.6 1.36 0.00865 0.74 34-170 Shoal Creek - Reach 2 24 1.39 0.038 3.3 121-1079 Shoal Creek - Reach 3 24.2 1.4 0.0253 2.21 70-692 Shoal Creek - Reach 4 24.4 1.41 0.0206 1.81 85-553 Pace Branch 6 0.35 0.05 1.08 50-293 Little Pace Branch 4.6 0.26 0.05 0.8 37-193 Hubbard Branch 6.3 0.37 0.0697 1.6 74-475 Table VIII. Wetland Impacts Wetland Label Wetland Area (Ac) Area Inside Easement (Ac) Area of Impact (Ac) Impact Type A 0.299 0.299 B 0.048 0.048 C 0.010 0.010 D 0.008 0.008 E 0.010 0.010 Total 0.375 0.375 RESTORATION SYSTEMS, INC April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN Table IX. Designed Vegetative Communities (by zone) Streamside Shrubs Herbs/Seed Mixture Black Willow (Sala nigra) Ironweed (Vernonia noveboraeensis ) Tag Alder (Alnus serrulata) Joe-pye-weed (Eupatorium fistulosum ) Silky Willow (Salix sericea) Broomstraw (Andropogon virginicus ) Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) Deertongue (Panicum clandestinum ) Switcligrass (Panicum virgatuni ) Buffer Trees Shrubs Herbs/Seed Mixture Basswood (Tilia americana) Wild Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens) Ironweed (Vernonia noveboraeensis ) Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) Spicebush (Lindera benzoin ) Indian grass (Sorghastrutn nutans ) Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum ) Sweet-shrub (Calycanthus.floridus) Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum ) Tulip Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) Eastern Gama Grass (Tripsacum dactyloides ) American Beech (Fagus grandifolia) Joe-pye-weed (Eupatorium /istulosum ) Northern Red Oak (Quercus rubra ) Ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana ) Staghorn Sumac (Rhus typhina ) Smooth Serviceberry (Amelanchier laevis ) Common Silverbell (Halesia tetraptera ) Sassafras (Sassafras albidum ) Chestnut Oak (()acrcus prinus ) Wetland Trees Shrubs Herbs/Seed Mixture Yellow Birch (Betula alleghaniensis) Chokebetry (Aronia arbutiijblia) Virginia Wild Rye (Elvmus virginicus ) Bitternut Hickory (Carya cordiformis) Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) Fox Sedge (Carex vulpinoidea ) Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis ) Silky Dogwood (Cornus amomum) Smartweed (Polygonum pennsylvanicum ) Tulip Poplar (Liriodendron tulipiyera) Mountain Doghobble (Leueothoe. fontanesiana) Bladder Sedge (Carex intumescens ) River Birch (Betula nigra) Soft Stein Rush (Juncus effusus ) Black Willow (Salix nigra) Woolgrass (Scirpus cyperinus ) Ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana) New York Ironweed (Vernonia noveboraeensis ) Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) Joe-Pye-Weed (Eupatoriadelphus maculatus ) Pawpaw (Asimina triloba) Great Blue Lobelia (Lobelia siphilitica ) RESTORATION SYSTEMS. INC. April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN FIGURES RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC April 2009 -- r.,, Gep 1345 - ,t to ?L ,.?• s (?? .? \ i 134 zI 3 1338 in ar. -5342 Uninc a K-h v ?_- rile: Win. \•?? , /R _ -.? l ? v '1 -e. ? - - _ - - - .`a.? _ ?( ltd ? ? , t % ENDERSON , - - Pop 11,532 T.W. •BkFOUR s `l PopZ7?2 RNER ^ o orsq ?? \ 136 137 m HaaeMoes ?o ' F? \ \ I3 •/ ° 1567 ?• E,owoh Mm' HENDERSONVILLE BRpAD 1`n 41 rl ... 0 1527 F Ibwship oBLhy f V ?' \ J ° US-64 1526 ° 1577 Ir ` \ VV Boil Mtn 11, ..? ?,p S, 1528 ?`?.•? 1201 , y ;i l? ?-? 153 I ° 1133 ° 1529 yR• - 534 .1561 - ? - \\ J ; -? 153 SHOAL FALLS FARM 12A BR 531 " „ , 12 241 RESTORATION SITE 140 A:, s 1562 . i . , 1127 1132' ?1 7 15 8 creek 1238 ° 125 \ ° 1234 , 153 z j Soloman Cn 11 6 1125 ' / ?, ° r' 164`- cnopel ' ° n , Mtn s e?? 1536 - doe The Pinner!. 123j: Ann 1 l`J ' ;} _ ".? u I 59 0 JA 1128 N. 2 0 14 ;,?± 'I 1532 1114 -? 1115 a_ y Casc ( e s Lake g 591 °•?s,Y a 1570"' 1113 „ t 1255 23 1609 1536 ,I a e 1128 ?-? 1287 ?t 7a t ",? a 1616-?C?i 1109 1it>, 1537 ¢, I 1108 1114, 1706 0 1 U cf tiYina. ?a?Ce - \?M _ ?oe.k , I t.•-ti'= r ?J r ?/ Chopell_." - l s s. Z ?s 1107 - {Lang Q,v 4& Mtn j Grassy Mtn r x r t'7 _ _ _ ,/ J 1268 .1106 ~ N N a Z 1105 `i nns Pr cnk _ 153j` TEE NAB GREEN G, "}II- / 1538 / Bluy6 RlapeBlu 06 U 0 / p I _ Js iv S0 o ?• / 1 Cedar) NCreek Bdot Ch 1107 x1584` Mountoir, Bap?Ch 1560 •Y / lo _ a Nova Center •? ' ` C ?• ba<0 of trio BrIuaae Llant Carson , Lille 1578 ` , ` J' n v Creek Ch l Folfh ? ?yg - ?/? (/?? Bapi emorlalCh _`^- SOUTH AROLINA w9 1 0 Yi -7 Stangstane "0' Mtn ebbs uo-to ln 7. /•' 1559 Cj PREPARED FOR: PREPARED BY: SCALE SITE VICINITY MAP ^°'V V O) r roe SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE ?- ?... HENDERSON COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA MILES FIGURE 1 , sy 4wt' 51. ?.?" t? /' '. ?, + ,^p` v? yf«`+• ???.. i f ,?? Fr??• 1'-r ? ?3?m..r x'+ ? A's ?" `'IA.\$Si.N M1 ?r tS•dN'` i ?,.'A ° 'S i f- f,,.` ti, 1 ? ` - z •? i CRABACREE K r ° _ WATERSHED AREA r" y? Y F //?? p f ? ? ?.. FFy l Ylpp 14p0?? ,y? t t ? °i 7#*,y S ? r ? ? ? mow-. teW?. 3.Y,X ». r `fti ti "'Q ?? q41 ., dd r C` v ?, _ ? , •`'' t k ?? ? C, Jr I 7 ? ? +bc• " ? yr• ? w.'[ ?,}L 1 (a° 3 y g§ie - t }Y ' t ',a { ?1F }GwrKa6 i jZ4 0..,. .l"t?. 4. ?„ ? a Tans ?.» t PROJECT SITE l !v €? . _ .r.. Y a - Pafi.+r ?u.+ _ uv• . a 1 ? [ A l _ r h r D.A... 6.4 sq ?i +C • 1 ' . ( l 3 P ?r^ DA - 23 ?mi. ,''-?, SHOAL CREEK tar ?? ', N4 {' _? WATERSHED AREA y , l t a , , T?'L ny bfa " rn r' ?«°'«'-.... ,??..+' ?s ? 4 ? ? ? f.-J a -.w ?` a'' "? `• r ' t 1 1 ?y? -*?. { + -?.. ? to w?c'?'"u?? n •«wrw:w ..r - ?? ?? : ? it ?? r ti?F 'xM,T t t _ t Y L f' C R k t ? r c _ Ft rv t tom' + :fl?4` Ea+A i ?''?.?y'? ......? ? MeunLN t ?; f•f' tom. r } ? ? ? -, ,? +?r w l yf ? ?a i ?_•-?? •,, < ? { ? ? ? ? -. Cawr' - 1 `'i, r ?e?i ...: 4 r if • Y 1! 1? PREPARED FOR: PREPARED BY: SCALE WATERSHED MAP 000 2000 6000 SHOAL. FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE ,. , -V olf roe 0 HENDERSON COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA FEET FIGURE 2 rc E ° N ? a g°KIN O O ?(Z¢ ?c `-?I o ,\??'°a ? - m av^L i? OZfI vZi ? m asa U`W1 ? ? O? . -EE ? M < U w H r a a ?? / I J L? Uw < U W H r far sf ?°''aw Fhb o A A ?QQs wo A ?p O w O w 2 o \? o - ??f ? a? a3 aW 03 5° ?W w •\?'4? w rL KW 0Z 0K ?K 2 tW RNO ? < a¢ aw as 3a 3w 3¢ a5m K w Q W? 4 -:3:I S?k J I ??' ??' dE IMF '? at ?? ?µ •{ ? +? ? "_ .?- Y a SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN Appendix A Site Photographs RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC April 2009 Crab Creek, Bridge at U/s End Photo No. 1 Crab Creek facing D/s - existing STA 109+55 Photo No. 2 Crab Creek Photo No. 4 Crab Creek facing U/s - existing STA 110+45 Photo No. 3 Crab Creek facing U/s - existing STA 111+90 Photo No. 5 Crab Creek facing U/s - existing STA 113+56 Photo No. 6 Photo No. 7 Crab Creek facing U/s - existing STA 115+95 Crab Creek facing U/s - existing STA 121+95 Photo No. 9 Wyatt Branch facing U/s Photo No. 10 Wyatt Branch facing D/s Photo No. 11 Wyatt Branch, U/s of Site Photo No. 12 Shoal Creek Reach 1, U/s End Photo No. 13 Shoal Creek Reach 1, Sta 301+00 facing D/s Photo No. 14 Shoal Creek Reach 1, Sta 301+00 facing D/s Photo No. 15 Shoal Creek Reach 1, Sta 309+00 facing U/s Photo No. 16 Shoal Creek Reach 1, Sta 310+00 facing D/s Photo No. 17 Dam, footbridge, and cabin - Shoal Creek Reach 2 Photo No. 18 Shoal Creek Reach 2, D/s of Dam Photo No. 19 Shoal Creek Reach 3 upper end Photo No. 20 Shoal Creek Reach 3, U/s of Pace Branch Photo No. 21 Shoal Creek Reach 4, D/s of upper ford Photo No. 22 Shoal Creek Reach 4, Sta 411+00 facing D/s Photo No. 23 Shoal Creek Reach 4, Sta 413+00 facing D/s Photo No. 24 Shoal Creek Reach 4, Sta 417+00 facing U/s Photo No. 25 Shoal Creek Reach 4, facing D/s at bridge Photo No. 26 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN Appendix B Existing Site Stream Data RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC April 2009 Stream Watershed - Location = p Latitude =; Longitude County : Date: Observers: « Channel Type: Drainage Area (sq mi): Notes Dimension typical min max Size: x-area bankfull 66.0 65.0 67.1 width bankfull 20.9 20.9 21.7 mean depth 3.2 3.1 3.1 Ratios: Width/Depth Ratio 6.6 6.7 7.0 Entrenchment Ratio 9.6 9.2 9.6 Riffle Max Depth Ratio 1.3 1.3 1.5 Pool Area Ratio 1.0 --- --- Pool Width Ratio 0.9 --- --- Pool Max Depth Ratio 1.5 --- --- Bank Height Ratio 1.4 Run Area Ratio -- --- --- Run Width Ratio --- --- --- Run Max Depth Ratio --- --- --- Glide Area Ratio --- --- --- Glide Width Ratio --- --- --- Glide Max Depth Ratio --- --- Hydraulics: ri gi pool run discharge rate, Q (cfs) 223.0 223.0 223.0 velocity (ft/sec) 3.4 3.3 --- shear stress @ max depth (Ibs/ft sq) 0.66 0.72 -- shear stress (Ibs/ft sq) 0.41 0.45 --- shear velocity (ft/sec) 0.46 0.48 -- unit stream power (Ibs/ft/sec) 1.664 1.664 1.66 relative roughness 29.5 33.5 --- friction factor u/u* 7.4 6.8 - threshold grain size @ max depth (mm) 41.4 45.8 --- threshold rain size mm 24 27 Pattern typical min max Sinuosity 1.1 Meander Width Ratio 3.3 1.9 3.8 Amplitude Ratio 1.7 1.0 1.9 Meander Length Ratio 11.3 10.7 11.9 Straight Length Ratio 2.7 -- --- Radius Ratio 4.3 33 9.1 are angle (degrees)I I 78.0 28.0 810 Profile typical min max channel slope (%) 0.330 --- --- measured valley slope (%) 0.340 --- --- valley slope 0.357 Riffle Slope Ratio 3.2 --- --- Pool Slope Ratio 0.5 --- --- Run Slope Ratio 1.6 --- --- Glide Slope Ratio 0.2 --- -- Pool Spacing Ratio 7.9 7.9 8.7 Riffle Crab Creek c O m N W -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Width from River Left to Right (ft) 50 60 70 height of instrument omit distance FS Riffle Crab Creek Little River 'In" 95.99 dimensions 95.21 65.0 x-section area 3.1 d mean 94.97 20.9 width 24.8 wet P 92.87 4.2 d max 2.6 h yd radi 92.33 5.1 bank ht 6.7 w/d ratic 91.4 200.0 W flood prone area 9.6 ent ratio 90.97 3.4 velocity ft/sec 91.03 218.9 discharge rate, Q (cfs 91.02 0.41 shear stress Ibs/ft sc 91.11 0.46 shear velocity ft/sec 91.37 1.631 unit stream power IbE 91.95 0.11 Froude number 93.45 7.3 friction factor u/u" 94.36 95.18 24.6 threshold rain size n check from channel material 33 measured D84 mm 29.1 relative rou hness 11.2 fric. factor 0.028 Mannin 's n from channel material Riffle Crab Creek 105 103 101 _ 99 97 c cc °- 95 A2 93 w 91 89 87 85 0 10 20 30 Width from River Left to Right (ft) Crab Creek ht of instrument of 94.15 93.93 79 89.35 91.27 91.9 92.7 40 50 cnan slope .,n,. 60 dimensions 671 x-section area 3.1 d mean 21.7 width 25.2 wet P 4.6 d max 2.7 h yd radi 6.1 bank ht 7.0 w/d ratio 200.0 W flood prone area 9.2 ent ratio hydraulics 3.4 velocity ft/sec 227.9 discharge rate, Q cfs 0.41 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.46 shear velocity ft/sec 1 .638 unit stream power Ibs/ft/sec 0.12 Froude number 7.3 L friction factor u/u" 24.9 threshold rain size mm check from channel material 33 measured D84 mm 28.9 relative roughness 11.2 fric. factor 0.028 Mannin 's n from channel material Pool Crab Creek E 0 .> a? w -20 - -- -443 _ _ - -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Width from River Left to Right (ft) HOOT Crab Creek Little River t description: 1, M height of instrument (ft):: omit distance FS FS FS channel notes pt. (ft) (ft) elevation bankfull top of bank Slone (%1 94.69 0O.u x-section area 3.6 19.1 width 23.4 4.6 d max 2.9 5.9 bank ht 89.22 89.93 91.39 91.85 93.44 0.45 shear stress 0.48 shear velocit 27.5 threshold are n 0 e of e ? " w c F J M W n 3 x' w i J ? d W i, N LL o ? N C h LL O U N ti N aR v 3 m; N LLL `m d 0 K d d U d A U O N O N 1 I J 1 .1 1 1 r ? u? a r? N ? o m rn rn or rn m m rn m m m (y) uogensl3 X x 0 Y O o Q E Y O o 0 ? F ? ? I - - - - - - -- -- -- - I - - -- - - - _ - _ - -_ - ID ? J a o ? o ? - -- -- - --- -- -- -- 0 a 0 a .0 s v -- -- -- I -- - ? m d o m o a M - - - - - - -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - 7 - . {- - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ (D N - _ _ _ - - - _ J m N ? ? 0 ? N t>`0 ? ? o J E N N n _ - _ _ - - -- - s 0 - -- --? - - -- _ ° U s r _ E c ?- -? - I aci m - - ! - V _ ? o m ? A I O a U! 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Watershed: Location: " Latitude: Longitude: County: Date: x + Observers: Channel Type: Drainage Area (sq mi): Notes: Dimension typical min max Size: x-area bankfull 22.1 21.6 22.9 width bankfull 16.3 13.7 16.3 mean depth 1.4 --- Ratios: Width/Depth Ratio 12.0 8.2 12.2 Entrenchment Ratio 1.8 1.8 2.2 Riffle Max Depth Ratio 1.3 1.3 1.8 Pool Area Ratio 1.0 --- - Pool Width Ratio 0.9 --- Pool Max Depth Rati 1.7 --- --- Bank Height Ratio 2.0 Run Area Ratio -- --- --- Run Width Ratio --- --- --- Run Max Depth Ratio - - Glide Area Ratio --- --- --- Glide Width Ratio --- --- --- Glide Max Depth Ratio --- --- Hydraulics: riffle pool discharge rate, Q (cfs) 87.0 87.0 87.0 velocity (ft/sec 3.9 4.0 -- shear stress @ max depth (Ibs/ft sq) 0.91 1.23 -- shear stress (Ibs/ft sq) 0.64 0.75 --- shear velocity (ft/sec) 0.58 0.62 --- unit stream power (Ibs/ft/sec) 2.864 2.864 2.86 relative roughness 5.3 5.9 -- friction factor u/u` 6.8 6.5 --- threshold grain size @ max depth (mm) 60.6 109.3 --- threshold rain size mm 41 48 --- Paftern typical min max J, Sinuosity 1.4 Meander Width Ratio 2.5 --- --- Amplitude Ratio 1.2 - -- Meander Length Ratio 7.1 -- - Straight Length Ratio 1.2 1.2 1.8 Radius Ratio 2.0 1.5 2.5 arc angle (degrees)II 75.0 53.0 88.0 Profile typical min max channel slope (%) 0.860 --- --- measured valley slope (%) 0.850 --- valley slope 1.215 Riffle Slope Ratio 2.9 --- --- Pool Slope Ratio 0.0 -- --- Run Slope Ratio 1.2 1.0 3.4 Glide Slope Ratio 0.9 0.2 1.1 Pool Spacing Ratio 3.7 3.6 5.6 Station 10+15 Riffle Shoal Creek - Reach 1 2378.5 2378 2377.5 2377 0 2376.5 70- 2376 a? w 2375.5 2375 2374.5 2374 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Width from River Left to Right (ft) section: '7 7 r Riffle Shoal Creek - Reach 1 description: height of instrument (ft): r. 2377.19 2377.46 2377.42 2377.07 2376.6 2375.99 2375.89 2375.18 2374.71 2374.44 2374.43 2374.52 2374.39 2374.41 2374.38 2374.33 2374.66 2376.07 2376.74 2377.54 2377.92 2378.1 ,.n„ dimensions 22.1 x-section area 1.4 d mean 16.3 width 17.9 wet P 1.7 d max 1.2 h yd radi 3.2 bank ht 12.0 w/d ratio 35.0 W flood prone area 2.2 ent ratio 3.8 velocity ft/sec 83.3 discharge rate, Q cfs 0.66 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.58 shear velocity ft/sec 2.749 unit stream power Ibs/ft/sec 0.33 Froude number 6.5 friction factor uV 41.9 threshold rain size mm check from channel material 79 measured D84 mm 5.3 relative roughness 6.9 fric. factor 0.039 Mannin 's n from channel material Station 12+56 Riffle Shoal Creek - Reach 1 2376.5 2376 2375.5 2375 C 2374.5 > 2374 a? w 2373.5 2373 2372.5 2372 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Width from River Left to Right (ft) Creek - Reach 1 height of instrument (ft):'?'Y ; omit distance FS FS FS W fpa channel Manning's notes pt. (ft) (ft) elevation bankfull top of bank (ft) slope M "n" I I 2375.8 2375.96 2375.84 2372.52 2372.47 2372.47 2372.65 2372.78 dimensions 21.6 x-section area 1.3 d mean 16.3 width 17.6 wet P 1.9 d max 1.2 h yd radi 3.4 bank ht 12.2 w/d ratio 30.0 W flood prone area 1.8 ent ratio 'ta ics 3.8 velocity ft/sec 81.4 discharge rate, Q cfs 0.66 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.58 shear velocity ft/sec 2.684 unit stream power (lbs/ft/sec) 0.33 Froude number 6.5 friction factor u/u` 41.6 threshold rain size mm check from channel material 79 measured D84 mm 5.2 relative rou hness 6.9 fric. factor 0.039 Mannin 's n from channel material Station 12+98 Riffle Shoal Creek - Reach 1 2377 2376 2375 c 2374 m a? U' 2373 2372 2371 0 10 20 30 40 Width from River Left to Right (ft) Shoal Creek - Reach 1 height of instrument (ft): omit distance I FS FS notes pt. (ft) (ft) elevation bankfull 2375.42 2375.46 2372.45 2371.93 2371.53 2371.57 2371.41 2371.39 2371.46 2371.46 2373.77 2374.05 2374.67 2375.08 2375.42 2375.5 50 60 dimensions 22.9 x-section area 1.7 d mean 13.7 width 15.5 wet P 2.4 d max 1.5 h yd radi 4.2 bank ht 8.2 w/d ratio 25.0 W flood prone area 1.8 ent ratio hydraulics 4.3 velocity ft/sec 97.4 discharge rate, Q cfs 0.79 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.64 shear velocity ft/sec 3.822 unit stream power (lbs/ft/sec) 0.34 Froude number 6.7 friction factor u/u* 51.2 threshold rain size mm check from channel material 79 measured D84 mm 6.5 relative roughness 7.5 fric. factor O M8 Mannin 's n from channel material 2377 2376 2375 c •-° 2374 io _m U1 2373 2372 2371 Station 12+26 Pool Shoal Creek - Reach 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Width from River Left to Right (ft) Shoal Creek - Reach 1 of instrument (ft) elevation bankfull top of bank sl ope (%) ;: • 2376.25 2376.19 2374.16 2375.87 = 2376.07 2376.18 dimension s 2376.34 21.5 x-section area 1.5 d mean 2375.87 14.1 width 15.8 wet P 2374.96 2.3 d max 1.4 h yd radi 2374.14 4.0 bank ht 2373.46 2373.17 2372.81 hydraulics 2372.57 2371.92 2371.83 0.73 shear stress Ibs/ft s 2372.02 0.61 shear velocity ft/sec 2372.16 x 2372.8 2374.02 2374.68 46.9 threshold rain size mm 2375.1 d' 2375.64 2376.03 2376.39 2376.52 N V) c 0 N m LL N (6 0 L L U N N Y N N U i0 0 L c > O W p U J M Q1 W N Q w w ? 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Location: tLLL?LA_k__I-iL Latitude: Longitude: County: Date: Observers: Channel Type: Drainage Area (sq mi): Notes: Dimensi on typical min max Size: x-area bankful l 33.9 33.9 39.8 width bankful l 19.6 19.4 21.5 mean depth 1.7 1.6 2.1 Ratios: Width/Depth Ratio 11.3 9.4 13.5 Entrenchment Ratio 1.6 1.5 5.0 Riffle Max Depth Ratio 1.4 1.2 1.6 Pool Area Ratio 1.1 1.0 1.1 Pool Width Ratio 1.1 0.7 1.1 Pool Max Depth Ratio 1.6 1.6 1.9 Bank Height Ratio 1.6 Run Area Ratio --- --- --- Run Width Ratio --- --- --- Run Max Depth Rati --- --- --- Glide Area Ratio --- --- --- Glide Width Ratio --- --- --- Glide Max Depth Ratio --- --- Hydraulic s: raffle h' -Pool run discharge rate, Q (cfs) 186.0 186.0 186.0 velocity (ft/sec) 5.5 4.8 -- shear stress @ max depth (Ibs/ft sq) 3.59 4.02 --- shear stress (Ibs/ft sq) 2.30 2.30 --- shear velocity (ft/sec) 1.09 1.09 --- unit stream power (Ibs/ft/sec) 13.620 13.620 13.62 relative roughness 2.9 3.1 --- friction factor uV 5.0 4.4 --- threshold grain size @ max depth (mm) 875.6 1092.1 --- threshold rain size mm #N/A #N/A --- Pattern typical min max Sinuosit --- Meander Width Ratio --- --- Amplitude Ratio --- - Meander Length Ratio - -- Straight Length Ratio --- Radius Ratio --- --- --- arc angle (degrees)ll --- Profile typical min max channel slope (%) 2.300 --- --- measured valley slope (%) --- --- valley slope -- Riffle Slope Ratio --- --- --- Pool Slope Ratio --- - Run Slope Ratio -- --- --- Glide Slope Ratio Pool S acin Ratio --- --- --- --- --- ___ Station 11+64.5 Riffle Shoal Creek Reach 4 2452 2451 2450 2449 c 2448 ?a w 2447 2446 2445 2444 0 10 20 30 40 Width from River Left to Right (ft) Shoal Creek Reach 4 heiqht of instrument notes 2445.8 .23 1 2445.79 2445.82 2448 2448.71 50 60 anni dimensions 39.8 x-section area 2.1 d mean 19.4 width 21.9 wet P 2.8 d max 1.8 h yd radi 3.6 bank ht 9.4 w/d ratio 100.0 W flood prone area 5.2 ent ratio hydraulics 6.3 velocity ft/sec 252.5 discharge rate, Q cfs 2.61 shear stress Ibs/ft s 1.16 shear velocity ft/sec 18.717 unit stream power (lbs/ft/sec) 0.61 Froude number 5.5 friction factor u/u' 4722.4 threshold rain size mm check from channel material 180 measured D84 mm 3.5 relative roughness 5.9 fric. factor 0.049 Mannin 's n from channel material Station 11+13.5 Pool Shoal Creek Reach 4 iR c 0 .6 d w -20 -10 0 height of instrument omit distance FS notes ID (ft) (ft) 10 20 30 40 Width from River Left to Right (ft) Pool Shoal Creek Reach 4 2151.42 2151.14 2150.62 2150.03 2149.27 2148.52 2146.39 2146.13 2145.53 2146.38 2148.1 2149.62 2150.31 2150.06 50 60 70 n i2 2150.3 dimensions 32.3 x-section area 2.4 d mean 13.3 width 17.0 wet P 3.2 d max 1.9 h yd radi 5.0 bank ht IL-- 11 2.73 shear stress 1.19 shear velocil . Station 14+52.3 Riffle Shoal Creek Reach 4 2141 2140 2139 c 2138 0 2137 w 2136 2135 2134 0 10 20 30 40 Width from River Left to Right (ft) Shoal Creek Reach 4 50 60 70 height of instrument (ft): omit distance FS FS FS W fpa channel, I Manning's notes W. (ft) (ft) PlPvatinn hankfi ill tnn of hank M c1- roi 2139.53 2139.45 2139.49 2139.36 2139.11 2138.89 2137.29 2136.44 2135.14 2134.97 2134.89 2134.99 2135.08 2135.31 2135.21 2135.17 2135.41 2135.28 2135.5 2135.97 2136.53 2137.41 2137.84 2138.57 2138.8 2138.57 2138.43 dimensions 33.9 x-section area 1.7 d mean 19.6 width 21.2 wet P 2.5 d max 1.6 h yd radi 4.6 bank ht 11.4 w/d ratio 32.0 W flood prone area 1.6 ent ratio hydraulics 5.8 velocity (ft/sec) 196.9 discharge rate, Q cfs 2.29 shear stress Ibs/ft s 1.09 shear velocity ft/sec 14.391 unit stream power (lbs/ft/sec) 0.61 Froude number 5.3 friction factor u/u" 0 threshold rain size mm check rom channel material 180 measured D84 mm 2.9 relative roughness 5.5 fric. factor 0.052 Mannin 's n from channel material Station 15+97 Riffle Shoal Creek Reach 4 2147 2146 iR 2145 C °- 2144 m _m W 2143 2142 2141 0 10 20 30 40 Width from River Left to Right (ft) Shoal Creek Reach 4 50 60 70 height of instrument (ft): omit distance FS FS FS W fpa channel Manning's notes Dt. (ft) fft) alavatinn hanIefi II f- of k-L- /#\ 'I--- ioi , _ 2146.16 2145.88 2145.47 2145.31 2144.96 2143.99 2141.74 2141.5 2141.47 2141.64 2141.43 2141.45 2141.44 2141.76 2142.78 2144.68 2145.08 2145.24 2144.98 2145.19 dimensions 34.0 x-section area 1.6 d mean 21.5 width 23.2 wet P 2.0 d max 1.5 h yd radi 3.8 bank ht _ 13.5 w/d ratio 33.0 W flood rone area 1.5 ent ratio check from channel material 180 measured D84 mm 2.7 relative roughness 5.3 fric. factor 0.053 Mannin 's n from channel material Station 16+67 Pool Shoal Creek Reach 4 2146 2145 2144 2143 c °- 2142 m w 2141 2140 2139 2138 2143.24 2142.03 2141.69 2141.12 2140.75 dimensions 38.6 x-section area 1.8 d mean 21.2 width 23.6 wet P 2.8 d max 1.6 h yd radi 4.8 bank ht IL- 11 2139.28 hydraulics _ 2139.18 2139.32 2139.5 2.35 shear stress 2139.7 1.10 shear velocii 2139.82 2139.99 2140.16 2140.566 threshojdr 2141.04 2142.7 2143.2 2143.7 2143.9F 2144.3 u I co C, En LL Q1 M (D �71'� �'l n (DM m O n (O c0 N� ,2L2 L2 � V V V V N V V��� N N N N N N N N N N N N N N �n � m m 'o eo v� r,, - o m ao n cD N 7 R 0 a0 O N O v1 r C N O N O Q> O O oD O w O m O n w n n ©GI�IGI�IGIGIGIGIGIGIGIGIGIii cD f0 tO fD (D (O (O 10 10 f0 f0 fD f0 f0 fD (O !O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N x co mm m mmcocomromcomm:r��r� r�ri:r�nr�n�r� n n ren n N N N N N tff N i[1 N N an N N p � N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O N , O O 1 1 O OO U) O N O _ _ V 7 M M N N N N N N N (g) UOgenel3 N 0 OW J I p U O � W W I J W 1 O > U O LL rn Y W J N m W N w i' Y J 21 +' W O d W in N F- W m L2 3 N N N N N N N N N N N N N x 00 NR n tD n > .0 V V Y1 O N OD O M M V t0 rn n n V� f- O H W B O N J ` N N 2L,2 L2 W N 2�2 �2 u1 N 0 3 a ¢ m u I co C, En LL Q1 M (D �71'� �'l n (DM m O n (O c0 N� ,2L2 L2 � V V V V N V V��� N N N N N N N N N N N N N N �n � m m 'o eo v� r,, - o m ao n cD N 7 R 0 a0 O N O v1 r C N O N O Q> O O oD O w O m O n w n n ©GI�IGI�IGIGIGIGIGIGIGIGIGIii cD f0 tO fD (D (O (O 10 10 f0 f0 fD f0 f0 fD (O !O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N x co mm m mmcocomromcomm:r��r� r�ri:r�nr�n�r� n n ren n N N N N N tff N i[1 N N an N N p � N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O N , O O 1 1 O OO U) O N O _ _ V 7 M M N N N N N N N (g) UOgenel3 N 0 ?_ 04 N O N (D N (D (A N N ( V? n V K v M 00 (D 00 V r n 0 t 0 h d' M (D N W N O ll? v N 7 N N N (- 00 (O (D ? v N r V OD M 0 N M O p Qf 10 N O Q) OD I? 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I ION m m m m d a m a v o 0 0 w w w N w m (0 m m m M> m M> -0 -0 9 O 7 7 >> 0 0 0 0 0 0 N a) a) a) 0 6O) O) 6 6) 01 U U U U °L5 5"m a)mEEa)CDa)m , a) maa '? m m c?C- C O 7 ?) 2 m 2) 21 - E O m > > a) a) E Q) E > > > > > SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE Appendix C NCDWQ Stream Forms RESTORATION PLAN RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC April 2009 Crab Creek NCDWO Stream Classification Form Project Name: Shoal Falls River Basin: French Broad County: Henderson Evaluator: SGG DWQ Project Number: Nearest Named Stream: Latitude: Signature: Date: 3/24/09 USGSQUAD: Longitude: Location/Directions: *PLEASE NOTE: lfevaluator and landowner agree that the feature is a man-made ditch, then use of this form is not necessary. Also, if in the best professional judgement of the evaluator, the feature is a man-made ditch and not a modified natural stream-this rating system should not be used* Primary Field Indicators: (Circle One Number Per Line) 1. Geomor holo Absent Weak Moderate S 1) Is There A Riffle-Pool Sequence? 0 1 2 3 2) Is The USDA Texture In Streambed 5) Is There An Active (Or Relic) 9) Is A Continuous Bed & Bank Present? 0 T 2 V (+NOTE: "Bed & Bank Caused By Ditching And WLTHOUT Sinuosity Then Score=O+1 10) I, A 2"d Order Or Greater Channel (As Indicated On Tooo Map And/Or In Field) Present? Yen3 1 No=O PRIMARY GEOMORPHOLOGY INDICATOR POINTS: 92 Secondary Field Indicators: (Circle One Number Per Line) 3) Does Topography Indicate A v Natural Drainage Way? 0 5 l 1.55 SECONDARY GEOMORPHOLOGY INDICATOR POINTS. 2.5 of II. Hydrology Absent Weak Moderate Strome 1) Is This Year's (Or Last's) Leaflitter 4) Is Water In Channel And >48 Hrs. Since 0 .5 Y 1. Last Known Rain? WOTE: 1 Ditch Indicated In 99 Above Skip This Step And #5 Below*) 5) Is There Water In Channel During Dry 0 .5 1 1. Conditions Or In Growing Season)? 6) Are Hvdric Soils Present In Sides Of Channel (Or In Headcut)? _ Yes=1.5 No=0 SECONDARY HYDROLOGY INDICATOR POINTS. 6.5 8) Are Welland Plants In Streambed? SAV Mostly OBL Mostly FACW Mostly FAC Mostly FACU Mostly UPL (+ NOTE: If Total Absence OjAll Plants In Streambed 2 1 .75 .5 0 0 .As bated Above Skit) This Step UNLESS SA V PresenNl Total Score 46 II. Hydrology Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is There A Groundwater Flow/Discharge Present? 0 1 2 3 PRIMARY HYDROLOGY INDICATOR POINTS. 3 Shoal Creek NCDWQ Stream Classification Form Project Name: Shoal Falls River Basin: French Broad County: Henderson Evaluator: SGG DWQ Project Number: Nearest Named Stream: Latitude: Signature: Date: 3/24/09 USGS QUAD: Longitude: Location/Directions: *PLEASE NOTE: If evaluator and landowner agree that the feature is a man-made ditch, then use of this form is not necessary. Also, if in the best professional judgement of the evaluator, the feature is a man-made ditch and not a modified natural stream-this rating system should not be used* Primary Field Indicators: (Circle One Number Per Line) 1. Geomor holo Absent Weak Moderate St 1) Is There A Riffle-Pool Sequence? 0 1 2 M3) 2) Is The USDA Texture In Streambed _ 5) Is There An Active (Or Relic) 9) Is A Continuous Bed & Bank Present? 0 T 2 U (*NOTE: I(Bed & Bank Caused By Ditching 4nd WITHOUT Sinuosity Then Score=0') 10) Is A 2°d Order Or Greater Channel (As Indicated //?? On Tono May And/Or In Field) Present? Yes?31 No=O PRIMARY GEOMORPHOLOGY INDICATOR POINTS: 19 II. Hydroloey Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is There A Groundwater Flow/Discharge Present? 0 1 2 n PRIMARY HYDROLOGY INDICATOR POINTS. 3 PRIMARY BIOLOGY INDICATOR POINTS. Secondary Field Indicators: (Circle One Number Per Line) 3) Does Topography Indicate A Natural Drainage Way? 0 5 1 SECONDARY GEOMORPHOLOGYINDICATOR POINTS. 4 II. Hvdroloev Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is This Year's (Or Last's) Leaflitter _ 4) Is Water In Channel And >48 Hrs. Since 0 .5 Y 1. Last Known Rain? 'NOTE: I Ditch indicated In #9 Above Skip This Step And #5 Below*) 5) Is There Water In Channel During Dry 0 .5 1 1. Conditions Or In Growing Season)? 6) Are Hydric Soils Present In Sides Of Channel (Or In Headcut)? Yes=1 No=O SECONDARY HYDROLOGY INDICATOR POINTS: 6.5 8) Are Wetland Plants In Streambed? SAV Mostly OBL ostly FACW Mostly FAC Mostly FACU Mostly UPL (*,VOTE: If Total Absence Of All Plants In Streambed 2 1 .75 .5 0 0 As Noted Above Skip This Step UNLESS SAV Present*) Biology Indicator Points 5.5 Total Score 46 NCDWQ Stream Classification Form Project Name: Shoal Falls River Basin: French Broad DWQ Project Number: Nearest Named Stream: Wyatt Branch (Upstream of Site) County: Henderson Evaluator: SGG Latitude: Signature: Date: 3/24/09 USGSQUAD: Longitude: Location/Directions: *PLEASE NOTE: If evaluator and landowner agree that the feature is a man-made ditch, then use of this form is not necessary. Also, if in the best pr»fessionai judgement of the evaluator, the feature is a man-made ditch and not a modified natural stream-this rating system should not be used* Primary Field Indicators: (Circle One Number Per Line) I. Geomo holo Absent Weak Moderate St 1) Is There A Riffle-Pool Sequence? 0 1 2 3 2) Is The USDA Texture In Streambed 5) Is There An Active (Or Relic) 9) Is A Continuous Bed & Bank Present? 0 T 2 V ('NOTE: If Bed & Bank Caused By Ditchine And WITHOUT Sinuosity Then Score=0") 10) Is A 2 I Order Or Greater Channel (As Indicated /? On Topo Map And/Or In Field) Present? Yes=3 Nat=O 1 PRIMARY GEOMORPHOLOGY INDICATOR POINTS: 16 Secondary Field Indicators: (Circle One Number Per Line) 3) Does Topography Indicate A /v Natural Drainage Way? 0 5 1 p 51 SECONDARY GEOMORPHOLOGY INDICATOR POINTS. 4 0 II. Hvdroloev Absent Weak Moderate Strone 1) Is This Year's (Or Last's) LeaElitter 4) Is Water In Channel And >48 Hrs. Since 0 7 1 1 Last Know Rain? (*NOTE: I Di h Indicated In #9 Above Ski T' Ste And #5 B l 5) Is There Water In Channel During Dry 0 .5 1 1.5 Conditions Or In Growin Season)? 6) Are Hvdric Soils Present In Sides Of Channel (Or In Headcut)? Yes=1.5 No=0 SECONDARY HYDROLOGY INDICATOR POINTS. 4 Biology Indicator Points 2.25 Total Score 30 II. Hvdroloev Absent Weak Moderate Strone 1) Is There A Groundwater /? Flow/Discharge Present? 0 ( t D 3 PRIMARY HYDROLOGY INDICATOR POINTS. 3 v .., , -1 ...,..u,,., . m,uo w OUVauwcu: JAv mostly vtn, moss1FACW Mostly P'AC Mostly NACU Mostly UPL (' NOTE: If Total Absence Of All Plants In Streambed 2 1t 751 .5 0 0 As Noted Above Skip This Step UNLESS SAV Present*). b SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN Appendix D Reference Reach Photographs RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN RESTORATION SYSTEMS, INC November 2007 Cold Springs Creek Cross Section 1 - Riffle cold 5pnngs Creek Cross Section 2 - Pool SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN RESTORATION SYSTEMS, INC. November 2007 1-01a springs Ureek Cross Section 3 - Riffle wiu apnngs t-reex Cross Section 4 - Pool SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN Appendix E Reference Reach Data RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN RESTORATION SYSTEMS. LLC April 2009 Stream: Cold Springs Creek Watershed: Pigeon River Location: Pisgah National Forest, Harmon Den, 1-40 Exit 7 Latitude: 35.76352 Longitude: 82.97678 State: North Carolina County: Date: Haywood October 25, 2007 Observers: SGG & CME Channel type: B4 Drainage area (sq.mi.): 2.77 notes: --- Dimension bankfull channel typical min max floodplain: width flood prone area (ft) 48.0 43.0 52.0 low bank height (ft) 3.3 3.1 3.5 riffle-run: x-area bankfull (sq.ft.) 34.6 33.4 34.6 width bankfull (ft) 23.4 23.4 24.7 mean depth (ft) 1.48 1.3 1.5 max depth (ft) 2.2 1.8 2.2 hydraulic radius (ft) 1.3 pool: x-area pool (sq.ft.) 33.4 30.0 33.4 width pool (ft) 29.6 25.2 29.6 max depth pool (ft) 2.3 2.3 2.3 hydraulic radius (ft) 1.1 dimensionless ratios: , 4101 width depth ratio 15.8 15.8 18.4 entrenchment ratio 2.1 1.8 2.2 riffle max depth ratio 1.5 1.2 1.5 bank height ratio 1.5 1.4 1.6 pool area ratio 1.0 0.9 1.0 pool width ratio 1.3 1.1 1.3 pool max depth ratio 1.6 1.5 1.6 hydraulics: typical fYll fc discharge rate (cfs) 210.0 202.1 218.6 _ _ - . channel slope %) _2.4 ri ffle-run min max pool velocity (ft/s) 6.1 6.1 6.3 6.3 Froude number 0.94 0.94 0.95 1.12 shear stress (Ibs/sq.ft.) 1.947 1.920 2.043 1.647 shear velocity (ft/s) 1.002 0.995 1.027 0.922 stream power (lb/s) 314.5 302.7 327.4 unit stream power (lb/ft/s) 13.440 12.131 13.866 relative roughness 10.0 --- - friction factor u/u' 6.1 5.9 6.2 threshold grain size (t'=0.06) (mm) 100.4 94.3 100.4 Shield's parameter 0 128 Pattern typical min max meander length (ft) 100.0 - -- belt width (ft) 43.0 - - amplitude (ft) - radius (ft) 75.0 44.0 103.0 arc angle (degrees) - - - stream length (ft) 400.0 valley length ft 380.0 Sinuosity 1.1 Meander Length Ratio 4.3 - - Meander Width Ratio 1.8 - - Radius Ratio 3.2 1.9 44 Profile typical min max pool -pool spacing (ft) 87.0 51.0 113.0 riffle length (ft) 28.0 20.0 40.0 pool length (ft) 18.0 6.0 42.0 run length (ft) 9.7 5.0 14.0 glide length (ft) 10.7 5.0 20.0 channel slope (%) 2.38 riffle slope (%) 2.5 1.5 4.3 pool slope (%) 0.25 0.083 0.4 run slope (%) 5.1 1.4 8.1 glide slope 0) 0.81 0.2 2.3 measured valley slope (%) - valley slope from Sinuosity 2.5 Riffle Length Ratio 1.2 0.9 1.7 Pool Length Ratio 0.8 0.3 1.8 Run Length Ratio 0.4 0.2 0.6 Glide Length Ratio 0.5 0.2 0.9 Riffle Slope Ratio 1.1 0.6 1.8 Pool Slope Ratio 0.1 0 0.2 Run Slope Ratio 2.1 0.6 3.4 Glide Slope Ratio 0.3 0.1 1 Pool S acin Ratio 37 2.2 4.8 Channel Materials Riffle Point BkF Surface Bar Channel D16 (mm) 5.2 --- 30 3.3 D35 (mm) 22 --- 71 15 D50 (mm) 45 --- 79 31 D65 (mm) 75 87 62 D84 (mm) 130 --- 99 120 -D95 mm) 190 110 170 mean (mm) 26.0 - 19.9 dispersion 5.8 6.6 skewness -0.2 -0.2 Shape Factor -- SilUClay 2% % Sand 10% - 100% 9% • Gravel 48% --- 0% 53% • Cobble 41% -- 0% 33% % Boulder 0% --- 0% 0% % Bedrock 1% --- 4% % Clay Hardpan --- % Detritus/Wood - % Artificial --- Lar est Mobile (mm) 91 _ o O v r ry N_ I I ^ I a J O Y � M m � C_ ° A a i I S I I CD (Do °a d 'C O/ )( r c0 O m O O O 01 M N N C O O O O . .. M C 0 0 0 r N N L 3 O C C N N U ? N O � v N C 'MoO i O O O 1. f— C O C O UO m a O U O Mo N C � p� C CC G fXTI O O M L � Q o� U G o X } 4 � N t�1 IyT 0 ' O <D U) 7 y� O O N O Y/ N O V � M a � M oo N O < N e v 0 v 0 Cl CL dp N U) r x O th N N N c0 N N O O O O O a 4) ) o� o ° oho x: 0 0 0 0 N 0 o rn rn rn oCOO (u) U0118AO13 E E N a N Q u ) O N O N 1 v •L CNI E E.5 E E m N y N 3 I a) oN. 0 CL N > L w L N f0 f6 C N O LO co O D .?.• . m N N 0 V N N 7 a. N otS N O U) 00 v Cl) rn N Cl) O O (2 N N I I •' O 00 LL ,._ O O N O 2 N . O m U Z5 N p Y N j ? L L N C ,Q1 O) 7 7 .D V L 2 2 N j E -C CL Y 1 (n? V O N C C 0 C U C U +?.• to r 0 N d ???33 o o ? C L N ' Mcc Q'v0 o m m - 1 o o a? a? ?; 5 N N U '?I .. O N IT C4 i i N N LO o D 0 r ? 0 o ot m 3 0 0 LO + o LL LL O C) 171 O U • o V c0 N (0 m E N m - ' ^+ N N NEE at , L o a O N 7 a) a? _ N.2 -o ?? m c O .C co X N L N "O ' = U t z O O N -p a) co X 3 E E 3 s 3 N O 0> =a LL. o Cl? LL co ,t Lo NN,T co Y 'R M N 0 75 MO? Y co O) C m CN N m C N O m O co co co O r O O O 6Oi ? Ori OOi r r r ? 6?i ' u0gena13 0 N E N .? Q N " O E E .? E E N d ? r O rn O 0 U O O a N O U N N M > E N C m f0 Y o r O v 3 N N N oow CL ° O co N 06 LO v 14- m 00 v) CO q N M r O) 0 N 0 LL O CD O O a Y N N U N O) C CL O U co ti t O T O N Z- (n (j_7 C C O r t C 0) D7 L N L 0) m$ c L m L O a V-- 0) -0 Ln D L ` L L fn C' L Y Y L N > N 0> U O N O U C V B> O c N Z - N N N O N> b N E 0 (n N LO O NU') 0 "t N 0) co C) c m c) O . L6 N C) O 0 LL U- 0 O 171 6 N O (0 4t N N L E ? ? E L (0 Q -C M ? 0 C C m N O_ •N O •p a) -Q U C N w O CU U O C -C N N -O CU X N, -O L O Q O E X 3 E E 3 z 3 " o >'a LL LL w O N CV M- N Y O Cn w (D O Y tD C Cl) N N N N C O m m m m O co 00 ? O ? V M N ? ? O) Q? O) O O) O O O) Uoljenal3 0 v E N c E E.S °??Y 3 aN E E T (CL m m ? O O N > E S' ova 0 LO OD j W (n 00 C14 0 L v- co O O N V O U (0 0 N '- ( LL 00 O (n U « O (n _7 O w O ? ? ? 03 C N L U p N Y L L m (0 C N C m O) O L U L U) CD O O `> U y 4) a) N N O L 2 L L >O O O fn LYY En U (n rn C Q C 'O U C C C O N > m> O C (0 iv c U C U O a 0 0) cn= 33 Mm<'F U) n c N > 0) N o U E N N O D O r- LO 0 V N 0) N N 0 V c M- D O 0 Lo m O N i O N L E L N° E ? 7 (0 'CS p C N Q d N cm C C x N L U L C U L N : Co X O U C) m a? ca 3 o > `i' ? X 3 E E 3 L 3 0 >-o U_ LL co co 00 M V w '.. 00 Y N O) Y co C M N N C (O O C) m m N (D W LO 0 LO IT U) M N N L O 6 O V m M O N O _ O O rn rn rn rn Uogenal3 O O m Y N CU U N 01 c Q U) v 0 U co Lr) M t f qqP I i i O E E rn 4) N c CS iA cn v\ 4' v E E .S E E L O O 0)) U 0 CL CO E N > O L ?' ?-• C ` CLO 000 3 m 0 0 .? w a U to to C 06 N N v ? (1) CO f- O N Cl) cn 0) . CC) `(14- O LO c0 LL _ 0 0 p .t' CO N.` 7 N w. 7 N CO ` ` L L c C C QI O Co U -0 -C ) O y w .L-1 N L L Q L Y Y s N ?> V O U C U C C O N u C C N > C U (D a? ? ?o m M - N M? r 00 ? CV O O 0 Lo N O O LL LL O N to w ? ? O U M N 0 N L L E t v is 0 L ` 7 o a°i a ° a._ rn c o cn -° m ` C Y m a) m L U L j a? x 4) To 3-6 u) E E is 3 E E 3 L 3 0 >-0 LL U- :3 co 0? 0 Y?rn YMO M c Cl) N N M N c O (a M m m O Uol;enel3 2) Weighted Pebble Count Feature Percent of Reach Riffle 29 % Run 21 % Riffle, Pool, Run, Glide IV I - - - Pool 29 % Glide 21 % Weighted pebble count by bed features Material Size Range (mm) weighted silt/clay 0 - 0.062 2.1 very fine sand 0.062 -0.125 0.0 fine sand 0.125 -0.25 0.5 medium sand 0.25 -0.5 3.8 coarse sand 0.5 - 1 3.2 very coarse sand 1 - 2 1.6 very fine gravel 2 -4 6.8 fine gravel 4 - 6 3.8 fine gravel 6 - 8 2.1 medium gravel 8 - 11 4.2 medium gravel 11 - 16 8.5 coarse gravel 16 - 22 5.4 coarse gravel 22 - 32 9.1 very coarse gravel 32 - 45 5.8 ve coarse ravel 45 - 64 9.0 small cobble 64 - 90 9.6 medium cobble 90 - 128 117 large cobble 128 - 180 9.0 very large cobble 180 -256 3.8 small boulder 256 - 362 0.0 small boulder 362 - 512 0.0 medium boulder 512 - 1024 0.0 large boulder 1024 - 2048 0.0 very large boulder 2048 -4096 0.0 total particle weighted count: 100 bedrock --------- 3.8 clay hardpan ------------ 0.0 detritus/wood ----------- 0.0 artificial -------- 0.0 total weighted count: 103.8 11 Note: Riffle Material Size Range (mm) Count silt/clay 0 -0.062 2 very fine sand 0.062 - 0.125 fine sand 0.125 -0.25 medium sand 0.25 -0.5 1 coarse sand 0.5 - 1 1 very coarse sand 1 - 2 1 very fine gravel 2 -4 4 fine gravel 4 -6 2 fine gravel 6 - 8 3 medium gravel 8 - 11 3 medium gravel 11 - 16 3 coarse gravel 16 - 22 2 coarse gravel 22 - 32 4 very coarse gravel 32 - 45 2 very coarse ravel 45 - 64 2 small cobble 64 - 90 6 medium cobble 90 - 128 8 large cobble 128 - 180 8 very large cobble 180 - 256 3 small boulder 256 - 362 small boulder 362 - 512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 ve large boulder 2048 -4096 total particle count: bedrock ----------- -- clay hardpan ---------- detritus/wood --------- artificial ------------ total count: Note: 55 1 6 Weighted pebble count by bed features Cold Springs Creek 29% r ffie 29 % pool 21 % run 21 % glide weighted percent - Riffle - Pool -+-Run -Glide -#ofparticles 1 100% 90% 80% 70% L u 60% C 50% v U d 40% a 30% 20% 10% 0% 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Size (mm) D16 3.3 D35 15 D50 31 D65 62 D84 120 D95 170 Riffle Cold Springs Creek 100% 90% 80% 70% 5 60% d w 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% sand 9% gravel 53% cobble 33% boulder 0% particle size (mm) Size Distribution mean 19.9 dispersion 6.6 skewness -0.15 14% 12% m 10% m v 8% m m 6"/ o a m 4% m N 2% 0% u ro 4°/ -d-cumulative % -# of particles sans ---{--------- ---------- _.?. --------- TI 9 8 7 6 Do c 5 M 4 a m 3 y 2 1 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 3.9 mean 23.4 silt/clay 4% bedrock 2% D35 15 dispersion 7.0 sand 5% D50 41 skewness -0.20 gravel 45% D65 89 cobble 45% D84 140 boulder 0% D95 190 Pool Material Size Range (mm) Count silt/clay 0 - 0.062 1 very fine sand 0.062 -0.125 fine sand 0.125 -0.25 1 medium sand 0.25 -0.5 1 coarse sand 0.5 - 1 2 very coarse sand 1 -2 1 very fine gravel 2 -4 8 fine gravel 4 -6 1 fine gravel 6 -8 1 medium gravel 8 - 11 2 medium gravel 11 - 16 6 coarse gravel 16 - 22 2 coarse gravel 22 - 32 5 very coarse gravel 32 - 45 6 very coarse ravel 45 - 64 7 small cobble 64 - 90 4 medium cobble 90 - 128 6 large cobble 128 - 180 2 very large cobble 180 -256 small boulder 256 - 362 small boulder 362 - 512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 very large boulder 2048 - 4096 total particle count: bedrock ---------- clay hardpan ---------- detritus/wood ------------ artificial ------- 56 1 Note: total count: 57 Pool Cold Springs Creek I silt clay sand gravel _ -0--cumulaGve % -# of particles cobbl boulder 9 ) 100% - 90% 8 80% 7 70% _ 6 3 E d 5 I 4 N 30% I 1 ll 20% I 2 I I 10% 1 1 I , 0% 0 0.01 0-1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 2.6 mean 14.7 silt/clay 2% bedrock 2% D35 12 dispersion 6.6 sand 9% D50 26 skewness -0.20 gravel 67% D65 43 cobble 21% D84 83 boulder 0% D95 120 Run Cold Springs Creek 100% silt/clay sand gravel -e-cumulative /o -# of particles cobble boulder 7 -- - --- - --- --- 6 80% - - - ... -. . _... .- -?._ 70% 5 3 5 60% 1 4 m -- 40% 3 4 30% 2 I I ? 10% I 0% 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 12 mean 41.0 silt/clay 0% bedrock 7% D35 26 dispersion 3.6 sand 7% D50 56 skewness -0.13 gravel 43% D65 86 cobble 43% D84 140 boulder 0% D95 180 Glide Material Size Range (mm) Count silt/clay 0 -0.062 1 very fine sand 0.062 -0.125 fine sand 0.125 -0.25 medium sand 0.25 -0.5 4 coarse sand 0.5 - 1 1 very coarse sand 1 -2 1 very fine gravel 2 -4 1 fine gravel 4 - 6 4 fine gravel 6 - 8 medium gravel 8 - 11 1 medium gravel 11 - 16 3 coarse gravel 16 - 22 3 coarse gravel 22 - 32 4 very coarse gravel 32 - 45 2 very coarse ravel 45 - 64 4 small cobble 64 - 90 3 medium cobble 90 - 128 3 large cobble 128 - 180 1 very large cobble 180 -256 2 small boulder 256 - 362 small boulder 362 - 512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 very large boulder 2048 - 4096 total particle count: 38 bedrock - --------- --- 2 clay hardpan - ------- detritus/wood - --------- artificial -- ----------- Note: total count: 40 Glide Cold Springs Creek t cumulative % -# of particles -? silt/clay sand ravel boulder 100% 4.5 90% 4 ------ -------- ------------- 80% j 3.5 r 70% c 3 3 d 60% 2.5 , c c 40% 2 c a 30% 1.5 N 20% _ 1 10% 0.5 0% 0 0. 01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 1.1 mean 9.9 silt/clay 3% bedrock 5% D35 11 dispersion 12.0 sand 15% D50 22 skewness -0.25 gravel 55% D65 43 cobble 23% D84 89 boulder 0% D95 180 III) Individual Pebble Count 11 Two individual samples may be entered below. Select sample type for each. Riffle Surface Pebble Count, Cold Springs Creek 100% silt/clay sand gravel -cumulative % -# of particles cobble boulder 14 90% ---- --- ------ --------- 12 80% C 70% 10 c w - 60% 8 C c m 50% ---- --- ------ ------- n 40% 6 ?. 30% 4 m 20% 2 10% 0% 0 0. 01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 5.2 mean 26.0 silt/clay 1% bedrock 1% D35 22 dispersion 5.8 sand 10% D50 45 skewness -0.20 gravel 48% D65 75 cobble 41% D84 130 boulder 0% D95 190 3) Bulk Sample Sieve Analysis Two samples may be entered below. Select sample type for each. Pont Bar Sieve 8 Sieve Sieve Sample Retained Passing Size Weight Weight on Sieve Sieve mm 2 682 728 46 2% --- --- 4 739 779 40 2% 2% 2% 8 739 814 75 4% 2% 4% 16 811 983 172 9% 4% 8% 31.5 820 820 0 0% 9% 17% 63 706 2383 1677 83% 01% 17% 110 0 0% 83% 100% 0 0% 0% 100% 0 0% o% 100% 0 0% 0% 100% 0 0% 0% 100% 0 0% 0% 100% 0 0% 0% 100% 0 0% 0% 100% 0 0% 0% 100% 0 0% 0% 100% 0 0% 0% 100% tota l wt retaine d in sieves: 2010 Note- Pavement Largest Particles: 95 and 110 mm Pant Bar._ 1 Sieve 8 Sieve Sieve Sample Retained Passing Size Weight Weight on Sieve Sieve mm ) 2 682 1097 415 7% -- -- 4 739 1346 607 10% 7% 7% 8 739 1520 781 13% 10% 17% 16 811 1835 1024 17% 13% 30% 31.5 820 2883 2063 34% 17% 47% 63 706 1807 1101 18% 34% 82% 90 0 0% 18% 100% 0 0% 0% 100% 0 0% 0% 100% 0 0% 0% 100% 0 0% 0% 100% 0 0% 0% 100% 0 0% 0% 100% 0 0% 0% 100% 0 0% 0% 100% 0 0% 0% 100% 0 0% 0% 100% total: 5991 Point Bar Cold Springs Creek 100% 90% ao% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% -0-cumulative % -wt of particles passing sieve f-------------- ---------------- f- 1 I 1 -------------- ________________ I 1 1 I I I I l ? 0.1 1 10 100 1000 particle size (mm) 0 Size (mm) 9 D16 30 D65 87 sand 100% 9 D35 71 D84 99 1 D50 79 D95 110 1 0 Point Bar Cold Springs Creek -f-cumulative % -wt of particles passing sievel 1 1800 1600 1400 1200 f 1000 e 800 n 600 „ 400 200 0 2500 2000 f 1500 m 1000 500 0 1 1 10 100 1000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) D16 7.4 D65 45 D35 19 D84 66 D50 33 D95 82 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN Appendix F Design Calculations RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC April 2009 Project: Shoal Falls Farm Restoration Site Henderson County, NC Project No: 1034-SHLF Mountain Regional Curves (Rural) Location Hec-Ras Station D.A. (mi) Areabkf (ft) Wldthbkf (ft) Depthbkf (ft) Qbkf (cfs) Crab Creek Reach 1 Sta 100+00 to 123+43 6.285 75.44 37.61 1.96 406.90 Wyatt Branch Reach I Sta 200+00 to 204+32 0.061 3.18 6.77 0.47 12.01 Wyatt Branch Reach 2 Sta 204+32 to 205+49 0.063 3.25 6.85 0.47 12.31 Shoal Creek Reach 1 2.123 35.94 25.17 1.40 178.34 Shoal Creek Reach 2 2.225 37.11 25.61 1.42 184.82 Shoal Creek Reach 3 2.262 37.53 25.77 1.43 187.15 Shoal Creek Reach 4 2.321 38.19 26.01 1.44 190.85 Pace Branch 0.039 2.34 5.74 0.41 8.55 Lower Pace Branch 0.017 1.33 4.22 0.31 4.55 Hubbard Branch 0.047 2.66 6.15 0.43 9.85 Local Curves Location Hec-Ras Station D.A. (mil) Areabkf (ft) Widthbkf (ft) Depthbkf (ft) Qbkf (cfs) Crab Creek Reach 1 Sta 100+00 to 123+43 6.285 58.56 Wyatt Branch Reach I Sta 200+00 to 204+32 0.061 2.87 Wyatt Branch Reach 2 Sta 204+32 to 205+49 0.063 2.93 Shoal Creek Reach l 2.123 28.89 Shoal Creek Reach 2 2.225 29.78 Shoal Creek Reach 3 2.262 30.11 Shoal Creek Reach 4 2.262 30.11 Pace Branch 0.039 2.14 Lower Pace Branch 0.017 1.25 Hubbard Branch 0.047 2.42 USGS Re gression Equations (Mountain) Location Hec-Ras Station D.A. (min) Q5 (cfs) Qio (cfs) Q5o (cfs) QIoO cfs) Crab Creek Reach I Sta 100+00 to 123+43 6.285 840 l 128 1934 2350 Wyatt Branch Reach I Sta 200+00 to 204+32 0.061 36 52 102 130 Wyatt Branch Reach 2 Sta 204+32 to 205+49 0.063 37 54 104 132 Shoal Creek Reach 1 2.123 403 550 971 1193 Shoal Creek Reach 2 2.225 416 567 1000 1228 Shoal Creek Reach 3 2.262 421 573 1011 1241 Shoal Creek Reach 4 2.321 428 583 1028 1261 Pace Branch 0.039 27 39 77 98 Lower Pace Branch 0.017 15 23 45 58 Hubbard Branch 0.047 31 44 86 110 W ? 01 ?? M 7 7 l? M? ?' M R¢ ? CJ N M M tM+t tM+t M N N F 3 O R [1. ? 00 M M^ N N N N M N M vi O O M N M M M 0 0 0 O ..1 .? 3 R 0 In 0 0 0 ^ 0 0 0 0 - O z w M ^ M M T cF M n Or ? O Vi N ?n r M o0 N U M N O O ^ - 0 0 0 Q X N N M M M M M O - ry a O .-. V) M x O oo O -. - x - N M X o0 7 'S F ? p L ' O? ? V1 Vt O` M D\ O 7 ? K f 1 ? P 00 O O .p K 7 M N M ?w L y ? O .? N r 7 O r 7 O N ^ ?/1 0 N IO ?O - !v O O1 D ^ O, M 0 10 N 0 N 7 0 Q F, L w .?. F ? M M M M M ^ y ?4.. O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U o Q F Z b o N 7 ? ?( cR L ? ?l1 V1 P M O? O, O\ 7 M v'1 N O O ^ N - ^ 6 0 0 U O M CL '^ O ' v a v, oo - R r a N N N N N N N N N N N C [ . R O L G) ti 3 L L T N N - 7 - - - N N N F 3 Q L Q\. h vt ry '_' ? in n ? N Q\ O+ N N N 3 M N M T of + O O M N N N - O O ? O O O N M O ? O + O + O N + O N ^ R R V) R V) O .-7 V7 - N R ,_„ L ? L y L ^ L N L M L 7 t C u R ? Q; v v v y v ` L C4 ,U. L V tX 1 ? 1 a 1 z 1 x 1 L m C R ?? m U U U U U ? n' U > > o 0 0 0 0 ? V" 3 22 v , 3 , 3 v n ° 7 V) ?n Cl) a. , x Q y N N N LO 00 (4 U ti b ^ O O O v O N N N N u (n 0 (D (D v c 4 () o6 N o6 N o6 (n o6 C Ei cL0 vi d' 0 N 0 N 0 ? -- O O O? M O? M ?? 04 0 co U') co Lo (D N 2 M 00 c4 00 C'4 p ct U y U o U 4. r? v c N °i m ao ? z L O y G ? ? x cLS ? ?? [? M ? M ? M M ?D O N ? l? 7 l? U (/? Qn 0 0 0 0 0 r- G rn Gy ? O L 'O cc ? O. O O O N 0 N 0 N O O O N O N O y ?x R 6? o 0 o 0 o o o 0 0 O N ? a? o? a o o o o _z o ? b N N N N O O N CV % 7 M 7 M 7 M N N 3 v d N 00 N N + d p p 0 V'1 0 y QO T ? O + O O O + O f O U? ± C - O O «? c3 c3 N ro p ^- N 2 M Ul Vl _ L L' U U V y y (vy . CG ci CL? CG v U Z C..U v ? v ? y se .x ? L .n L y L y L U v CU v U U U U U L L U U J ? ? s Q F- L) c Z C J H Q co N C Z) C J Q .o U c 2 2 .rn Z U U (1) ::) rn c C J Z Z 0 O 0rn z O U Z O d d a ? s x I m U c O C a.+ C 7 O U Z SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN Appendix G Biological Surveys RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC April 2009 Freshwater Mussel Survey Report Shoal Falls Farm Mitigation Bank Crab and Shoal Creeks Henderson County, North Carolina Restoration Systems, LLC 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 211 Raleigh, NC 27604 Prepared by: Ble TCONPOThe Catena Group, Inc. 410-B Millstone Drive Hillsborough, NC 27278 March 26, 2009 Thomas E. Dickinson TCG Shoal Falls Farm Mussel Survey Report TCG Job #3233 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 1 2.0 SPECIES DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................... 1 2.1 Characteristics .......................................................................................................... 1 2.2 Distribution and Habitat Requirements .................................................................. 3 2.3 Threats to Species ..................................................................................................... 3 3.0 SURVEY EFFORTS ................................................................................................... 6 3.1 Survey Methodology ................................................................................................. 6 4.0 RESULTS .................................................................................................................... 6 4.1 Reach 1 (Crab Creek): ............................................................................................. 6 4.2 Reach 2 (Shoal Creek): ............................................................................................ 8 5.0 DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................ 8 6.0 LITERATURE CITED .............................................................................................. 9 TCG Shoal Falls Farm Mussel Survey Report i1 TCG Job #3233 1.0 INTRODUCTION Restoration Systems proposes the establishment of a stream mitigation bank at the Shoal Falls Farm Site, in southwestern Henderson County, North Carolina. The Site encompasses approximately 24 acres that is used for livestock grazing, hay production, and relatively undisturbed forest and falls within the Little River Subbasin of the French Broad River Basin. Within the Site, approximately 7,465 linear feet of stream associated with Crab Creek, Shoal Creek, and an unnamed tributary (UT) to Shoal Creek exhibit mitigation potential. The goals of this stream restoration project are to improve water quality, enhancing flood attenuation, and restore aquatic and riparian habitat. During the design phase, it was determined that potentially suitable habitat for the Federally Endangered Appalachian elktoe (Alasmidonta raveneliana), a freshwater mussel species known to occur downstream of the project area in the Little River, is present on the Site. The Catena Group (TCG) was thus retained to conduct a mussel survey. 2.0 SPECIES DESCRIPTION A detailed description of characteristics and habitat requirements for the Appalachian elktoe is provided below. Appalachian elktoe (Alasmidonta raveneliana) (I. Lea 1834) p Status: Endangered Family: Unionidae Listed: September 3, 1993 flit _ y...?... 2.1 Characteristics Isaac Lea (1834) described the Appalachian elktoe from the French Broad River system in North Carolina. Its shell is thin but not fragile, oblong and somewhat kidney-shaped, with a sharply rounded anterior margin and a broadly rounded posterior margin. Parmalee and Bogan (1998) site a maximum length of 3.1 inches (80 mm). However, individuals from the Little River (French Broad River Basin) in Transylvania County and West Fork Pigeon River (French Broad River Basin) in Haywood County measured in excess of 3.9 inches (100 mm) in length (personal observations). The periostracum (outer shell) of the Appalachian elktoe varies in color from dark brown to yellowish- brown in color. Rays may be prominent in some individuals, usually on the posterior slope, and nearly obscure in other specimens. The nacre (inside shell surface) is a shiny bluish white, changing to salmon color in the beak cavity portion of the shell. A detailed description of the shell characteristics is contained in Clarke (1981). Ortmann (1921) provides descriptions of the soft anatomy. TCG Shoal Falls Farm Mussel Survey Report TCG Job #3233 Until recently, little was known about the reproductive biology of the Appalachian elktoe. However nearly all freshwater mussel species have similar reproductive strategies, which involves a larval stage (glochidium) that becomes a temporary obligate parasite on a fish. Many mussel species have specific fish hosts that must be present to complete their life cycle. Based upon laboratory infestation experiments, Watters (1994) lists the banded sculpin (Cottus carolinae) as the potential fish host for the Appalachian elktoe; however, the ranges of these species rarely overlap. Keller documented transformation of Appalachian elktoe glochidia on the mottled sculpin (Cottus bairdi) in 1999 (USFWS 2002), and ongoing research at Tennessee Technical University (TTU) identified 10 fish species with encysted Appalachian elktoe glochidia from the Little Tennessee River in North Carolina (Jim Layzer, TTU Personal Communication; Table 1). Table 1. Fish species collected from the Little Tennessee River (NC) that contained encysted Alasmidonta raveneliana glochidia. Common Name Scientific Name Banded darter Etheostoma zonale Wounded darter Etheostoma vulneratum Greenfin darter Etheostoma chlorobranchium Tangerine darter Mottled sculpin Black redhorse Percina aurantiaca Cottus bairdi Moxostoma duquesnei River redhorse Moxostoma carinatum Sicklefin redhorse Moxostoma sp. Northern hog sucker Hypentelium nigricans Warpaint shiner Luxilus coccogenis Additionally, nine species shown in Table 2 were shown to successfully transform Appalachian elktoe glochidia in laboratory induced infestations (Jim Layzer, TTU, personal communication. Based on over two years of monitoring of the Appalachian elktoe population in the Little Tennessee River by the NCWRC, it is apparent that the Appalachian elktoe is a bradytictic (long-term) breeder, with the females retaining glochidia in their gills from late August to mid-June (Steve Fraley, NCWRC, personal communication). Glochidia are released in mid-June attaching to either the gills, or fins of a suitable fish host species, and encysting within 2-36 hours. Transformation time (time until encystment) for the Appalachian elktoe occurs within 18-22 days, at a mean temperature of 18° C (Jim Layzer, TTU, personal communication). Encystment time for freshwater mussels is reduced at higher temperatures (Zale and Neves 1982). McMahon and Bogan (2001) and Pennak (1989) should be consulted for a general overview of freshwater mussel reproductive biology. Table 2. Fish species collected from the Tuckasegee River (NC) on April 21, 2004, and used for laboratory induced infestations. Common Name Scientific Name Number Gilt darter Percina evides 6 Banded darter Etheostoma zonale 8 Wounded darter * Etheostoma vulneratum 17 Greenfin darter * Etheostoma chlorobranchium 32 TCG Shoal Falls Farm Mussel Survey Report TCG Job #3233 Common Name Scientific Name Number Greenside darter * Etheostoma blennioides 3 Olive darter Percina squamata 1 Mottled sculpin * Cottus bairdi 19 Rock bass Ambloplites rupestris 1 River chub * Nocomis micropogon 20 Northern hogsucker * Hypentelium nigricans 3 Central stoneroller * Campostoma anomalum 6 Longnose dace * Rhinichthys cataractae 9 Rosyside dace * Clinostomus funduloides 1 Mirror shiner Notropis spectrunculus 3 Tennessee shiner Notropis leuciodus 2 Total 15 131 * Species that successfully transformed Alasmidonta raveneliana glochidia. 2.2 Distribution and Habitat Requirements At the time of listing, two known populations of the Appalachian elktoe existed in North Carolina: the Nolichucky River including its tributaries the Cane River and the North Toe River, and the Little Tennessee River and its tributaries. The record in the Cane River was represented by one specimen found just above the confluence with the North Toe River (USFWS 1996). Since listing, the Appalachian elktoe has been found in additional areas. These occurrences include extensions of the known ranges in the Nolichucky River (North Toe River, South Toe River and Cane River) and Little Tennessee River (Tuckasegee River and Cheoah River) as well as a rediscovery in the French Broad River Basin (Pigeon River, Little River and Mills River). Many of these populations discovered after listing are relatively small in size and range. The Appalachian elktoe has been observed in gravelly substrates often mixed with cobble and boulders, in cracks of bedrock, and in relatively silt-free, coarse sandy substrates (USFWS 1996). 2.3 Threats to Species The decline of the Appalachian elktoe throughout its historic range has been attributed to a variety of factors, including sedimentation, point and non-point source pollution, and habitat modification (impoundments, channelization etc.). With the exception of the Nolichucky River populations, the other populations are generally small in numbers and restricted to short reaches of isolated streams. The low numbers of individuals and the restricted range of many of the surviving populations make them extremely vulnerable to extirpation from a single catastrophic event or activity. Catastrophic events may consist of natural events such as flooding or drought, as well as human influenced events such as toxic spills associated with highways or railroads. In 1998, a toxic spill resulting from a tanker truck accident that was carrying Octocure 554 (a chemical liquid used in the rubber making process), killed several miles of mussel populations in the Clinch River near Cedar Bluff, Virginia. The spill killed thousands of fish and mussels, including three federally protected species. The Clinch River contains one of the most diverse mussel faunas in the United States. The stretch of the river TCG Shoal Falls Farm Mussel Survey Report TCG Job #3233 affected by the spill was one of the few remaining areas that contained a reproducing population of the Endangered tan riffleshell (Epioblasma florentina walkeri). The toxic spill is believed to have eliminated this population (Richmond Times Dispatch 1998). Biologists in Virginia feel that it could take more than 20 years before mussel populations in this area recover, if they recover at all (Bristol Herald Courier 1998). Siltation resulting from improper erosion control of various types of land usage, including agricultural, forestry, and development, has been recognized as a major contributing factor to degradation of mussel populations (USFWS 1996). Siltation has been documented to be extremely detrimental to mussel populations by degrading substrate and water quality, increasing potential exposure to other pollutants, and direct smothering of mussels (Ellis 1936, Marking and Bills 1979). Sediment accumulations of less than 1 inch (2.54 centimeters) have been shown to cause high mortality in most mussel species (Ellis 1936). In Massachusetts, a bridge construction project decimated a population of the endangered dwarf wedgemussel (Alasmidonta heterodon) because of accelerated sedimentation and erosion (Smith 1981). The abrasive action of sediment on mussel shells has been shown to cause erosion of the outer shell, which allows acids to reach and corrode underlying layers (Harman 1974). The impact of impoundments on freshwater mussels has been well-documented (USFWS 1992a, Neves 1993). Construction of dams transforms lotic habitats into lentic habitats, which results in changes within aquatic community composition. These changes associated with inundation adversely affect both adult and juvenile mussels as well as fish community structure, which could eliminate possible fish hosts for glochidia (Fuller 1974). In addition the construction of dams often results in fragmentation of mussel populations by effectively blocking upstream expansion and recruitment of mussel and fish species. Muscle Shoals on the Tennessee River in northern Alabama, once the richest site for naiads (mussels) in the world, is now at the bottom of Wilson Reservoir and covered with 19 feet (5.8 meters) of muck (USFWS 1992b). The population of the Appalachian elktoe in the Little Tennessee River is believed to have been reduced by the Fontana Lake and Lake Emory impoundments (USFWS 1996). In addition to modification of habitat, the construction of dams can indirectly impact freshwater mussel species by posing a barrier to fish migration. The construction of the Petitcodiac River Causeway in Canada in 1968, resulted in the extirpation of the dwarf wedgemussel, because the causeway restricted the migration of the diadromous Inner Bay of Fundy stock of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), which serves as the fish host for the dwarf wedgemussel in this region (Locke et al. 2003). Sewage treatment effluent has been documented to significantly affect the diversity and abundance of mussel fauna (Goudreau et al. 1988). Goudreau et al. (1988) found that recovery of mussel populations might not occur for up to 2 miles (3.2 kilometers) below points of chlorinated sewage effluent. Most of the water bodies where Appalachian elktoe still exist have relatively few point source discharges within the watershed and are rated as having good to excellent water quality (NCDENR 2003, USFWS 1996). A recent example of the negative impact of sewage treatment effluent on freshwater mussels, TCG Shoal Falls Farm Mussel Survey Report TCG Job #3233 including the Appalachian elktoe, occurred on the Cane River of the Nolichucky River Subbasin. In 2008, repeated toxic inputs of unknown origin into the Burnsville Wastewater Treatment Plant resulted in failure of the plant's digesters and the subsequent release of untreated effluent into the Cane River. Subsequent surveys in the river indicate significant declines in range and numbers of the mussel fauna have occurred within the river since the documented failure. The introduction of exotic species such as the Asiatic clam (Corbicula fluminea) and zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) has also been shown to pose significant threats to native freshwater mussels. The Asiatic clam is now established in most of the major river systems in the United States (Fuller and Powell 1973), including the Nolichucky Basin, where it is abundant in some areas (Tim Savidge, TCG personal observations). Concern has been raised over competitive interactions for space, food, and oxygen between this species and native mussels, possibly at the juvenile stages (Neves and Widlak 1987, Alderman 1997). When the Appalachian elktoe was listed, it was speculated that due to its restricted distribution, it "may not be able to withstand vigorous competition" (USFWS 1996). The zebra mussel, native to the Black, Caspian and Aral Seas, is an exotic freshwater mussel that was introduced into the Great Lakes in the 1980s. Since its introduction, this species has rapidly expanded its range into the surrounding river basins, including those of the South Atlantic slope (O'Neill and MacNeill 1991). This species competes for food resources and space with native mussels and is expected to contribute to the extinction of at least 20 freshwater mussel species if it becomes established throughout most of the eastern United States (USFWS 1996). The zebra mussel is not currently known from any river supporting Appalachian elktoe populations. Another exotic species that has the potential to adversely impact aquatic species, including the Appalachian elktoe, is Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica). The plant is considered to be an invasive species that can reproduce from its seed or from its long stout rhizomes. It can tolerate a variety of conditions such as full shade, high temperatures, high salinity, and drought. It can be spread by wind, water, and soil movement to an area where it quickly forms dense thickets that excludes native vegetation and greatly alters the natural ecosystem. This species has become established in riparian habitats throughout western North Carolina. The species has a very shallow root system, and because of this shallow root system, and its preclusion of other vegetation, areas where this species has been established may be susceptible to erosion during flood events. Several areas where dense mats had been established were severely scoured during the flood events of 2004 discussed earlier. Although not measured, the severity of scour in these areas appeared to be comparatively greater than in areas that had established native vegetation (Marella Buncick, USFWS personal communication). TCG Shoal Falls Farm Mussel Survey Report TCG Job #3233 3.0 SURVEY EFFORTS A freshwater mussel survey was conducted in two reaches on the Shoal Falls Farm Site; in Crab Creek and in Shoal Creek, where potential habitat was noted during the development of the site design. Figure 1 shows these highlighted survey reaches as labeled. 3.1 Survey Methodology All habitat types (runs, pools, root mats, slack water, etc.) within the survey reaches were sampled. A two-person survey team was used, with the team moving upstream through the survey reach. Visual surveys using bathyscopes (glass-bottom buckets) and tactile methodology were employed where appropriate. A hand-held Garmin e-trex vista GPS unit was used to record the starting and ending points of each of the survey reaches. Each reach was segmented into survey lanes (from each bank top to the channel center) to provide adequate coverage of the habitats present. The speed at which team proceeded upstream depended on stream width, survey conditions (depth, clarity, etc.), and habitat characteristics. A timed search was employed in each survey reach. All surveys were conducted by Tom Dickinson and Jonathan Hartsell on March 18, 2009. 4.0 RESULTS Based on field observations and mussel survey results, it is unlikely that the Shoal Falls Farm Site contains a mussel fauna, although potentially suitable habitat is present in Crab Creek throughout the site and in Shoal Creek below the falls. Survey results for each site are further described below. 4.1 Reach 1 (Crab Creek): Within the surveyed reach, Crab Creek consisted of a shallow riffle, run, and pool habitat sequence. The stream channel ranged from 3-6 meters wide with approximately 1 meter high stream banks that exhibited some erosion and undercutting. In order of dominance, substrate consisted of sand, gravel, silt, and cobble. A narrow shrub to moderately-wide forested buffer was present to surrounding active pasture and rural residential land uses. No bivalves were located during the 3.7 person-hours of survey time in Crab Creek. The only mollusk found was the sprite elimia (Elimia proxima), an aquatic snail, which was common with a patchy distribution, found primarily in gravel/cobble riffles. TCG Shoal Falls Farm Mussel Survey Report TCG Job #3233 TCG Shoal Falls Farm Mussel Survey Report TCG Job #3233 7 4.2 Reach 2 (Shoal Creek): Surveys were conducted in Shoal Creek from its confluence with Crab Creek through the level II enhancement reach to just below the dam and falls area. Due to these physical and geological barriers, it was determined potential mussel habitat is not present upstream from this point. Shoal Creek consisted of a very shallow riffle, run, and pool habitat sequence. The stream channel ranged from 2-5 meters wide with approximately 1 meter high stream banks that exhibited some erosion and undercutting. In order of dominance, substrate consisted of cobble, gravel, sand, and silt. A moderately wide forested buffer was present on the lower portion of this reach and no buffer was present on the upper portion to surrounding active pasture and rural residential land uses. No bivalves were located during the 1.5 person-hours of survey time in Shoal Creek. The only mollusk found was the sprite elimia, which was common with a patchy distribution, found primarily in gravel/cobble riffles. 5.0 DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS The survey results indicate that freshwater mussels are likely not present within the Site. Crab Creek and Shoal Creek below the falls provide potentially suitable habitat for the Appalachian elktoe, but are of a smaller size than water bodies where the species is typically found. It is important to note that a viable population of and designated critical habitat for the Appalachian elktoe is present in the receiving water body of Crab Creek, the Little River, approximately 2 miles downstream of the Site. A cursory habitat evaluation of Crab Creek from below the Site downstream to the Little River revealed a high level of channel degradation and sedimentation, which may inhibit colonization of this reach and habitat within the Site. Planned restoration activities should improve water quality of Crab and Shoal Creeks on the Site and downstream to Little River, which in turn may be beneficial to the Appalachian elktoe and other mussel species populations in the Little River. Considering the survey results and these factors, the restoration activities planned for the Shoal Falls Farms Mitigation Bank are "Not Likely to Adversely Affect" the Appalachian elktoe. TCG Shoal Falls Farm Mussel Survey Report TCG Job #3233 6.0 LITERATURE CITED Alderman, J.M. 1997. Monitoring the Swift Creek freshwater mussel community. Pages 98-107 in K.S. Cummings, A.C. Buchanan, C.A. Mayer, and T.J. Naimo, eds. 1997. Conservation and Management of Freshwater Mussels II: Initiatives for the future. Proceedings of a UMRCC symposium, 16-18 October 1995, St. Louis, Missouri. Upper Mississippi River Conservation Committee, Rock Island Illinois. 293 pp. Bristol Herald Courier, 1998. The Spill Kill. Friday September 4, 1998, Bristol Virginia. Clarke, A. H. 1981. The tribe Alasmidontini (Unionidae: Anodontinae), Part 1: Pegias, Alasmidonta, and Arcidens. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, (326), 101 pp. Ellis, M.M. 1936. Erosion silt as a factor in aquatic environments. Ecology. 17:29-42. Fuller, S.H. 1974. Clams and mussels (Molluska: Bivalva). Pp 215-273 in J.W. Hart and S.H. Fuller, eds. Pollution Ecology of Freshwater Invertebrates. Academic Press, New York City, NY. Fuller, S.L.H. and C.E. Powell. 1973. Range extensions of Corbicula manilensis (Philippi) in the Atlantic drainage of the United States. Natilus. 87(2):59. Harman, W.N. 1974. The effects of reservoir construction and channelization on the mollusks of the upper Delaware watershed. Bull. Am. Malac. Union 1973:12-14. Lea, I. 1834. Observations on the naiads and descriptions of new species of that and other families. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 5: 23-119, plates 1- 19. Locke, A., J.M. Hanson, G.J. Klassen, S.M. Richardson, and C.I. Aube. 2003. The Damming of the Petitcodiac River: Species, populations, and habitats lost. Northeastern Naturalist: 10 (No. 1), pp. 39-54. Marking, L.L., and T.D. Bills. 1979. Acute effects of silt and sand sedimentation on freshwater mussels. Pp. 204-211 in J.L. Rasmussen, ed. Proc. of the UMRCC symposium on the Upper Mississippi River bivalve mollusks. UMRCC. Rock Island IL. 270 pp. McMahon, R.F. and A.E. Bogan. 2001. Mollusca: Bivalva. Pp. 331-429. In: J.H. Thorpe and A.P. Covich. Ecology and Classification of North American freshwater invertebrates. 2nd edition. Academic Press. NCDENR-BIMS. 2003. http://h2o.enr.state.nc.usibims Neves, R.J. 1993. A state of the Unionids address. Pp. 1-10 in K.S. Cummings, A.C. Buchanan, and L.M. Kooch, eds. Proc. of the UMRCC Symposium on the Conservation and Management of Freshwater Mussels. UMRCC. Rock Island IL. 189 pp. Neves, R.J., and J.C. Widlak. 1987. Habitat ecology of juvenile freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in a headwater stream in Virginia. Amer. Malacol. Bull. 1(5):1-7. TCG Shoal Falls Farm Mussel Survey Report TCG Job #3233 9 O'Neill, C.R., Jr., and D.B. MacNeill. 1991. The zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha): an unwelcome North American invader. Sea Grant, Coastal Resources Fact Sheet. New York Sea Grant Extension. 12 pp. Ortmann, A. E. 1921. The anatomy of certain mussels from the Upper Tennessee. The Nautilus 34(3):81-91. Parmalee, P.W. and A.E. Bogan. 1998. Freshwater Mussels of Tennessee. University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville. Pennak, R.W. 1989. Fresh-water invertebrates of the United States, Protozoa to Mollusca Third Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, 628 pp. Richmond Times-Dispatch, 1998. Spill poses a danger to mussel/Tan riffleshell eliminated from Clinch, professor says. Wednesday, September 2, 1998, Richmond Virginia. Smith, D. 1981. Selected freshwater invertebrates proposed for special concern status in Massachussetts (Mollusca, Annelida, Arthropoda). MA Dept. of Env. Qual. Engineering, Div. of Water Pollution Control. 26 pp. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1992a. Special report on the status of freshwater mussels. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1992b. Endangered and Threatened species of the southeast United States (The red book). Prepared by Ecological Services, Div. of Endangered Species, Southeast Region. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 1,070 pp. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1996. Appalachian Elktoe (Alasmidonta raveneliana) Recovery Plan. Atlanta, Georgia, 30 pp U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2002. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants: Designation of Critical Habitat for the Appalachian Elktoe. CFR, Vol. 67, No. 188. Watters, G.T. 1994. An annotated bibliography of the reproduction and propagation of the Unionidae (Primarily of North America). Ohio Biological Survey Miscellaneous Contributions(1): 158. Zale, A.V. and R.J. Neves. 1982. Reproductive biology of four freshwater mussel species (Mollusca: Unionidae) in Virginia. Freshwater Invertebrate Biology. 1: 17-28. TCG Shoal Falls Farm Mussel Survey Report TCG Job #3233 10 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN Appendix H Wetland Data RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC April 2009 Comments to be added to Shoal Falls Farm Miti!ation Plan: Restoration Systems also proposes 3087 linear feet of streams for preservation. All of these stream lengths will be preserved with 60 foot easements on each side, which will add up to 8.5 acres of protected riparian buffers. Approximately 0.42 acres of wetland restoration potential also exists on this site. Vegetation and proper topography will be restored to wetlands that have been historically filled or impacted for roads, cattle or other farming practices. Hydrology will be restored to some of the riparian wetlands by reconnecting entrenched streams to their flood plains. Wetland Area 1: This area is located at the north end of an existing horse pasture along Shoal Creek at the southern end of the property. There is currently a 0.3 acre existing and functioning wetland at this location. Soil samples taken around the edges of the existing wetland revealed that some of the original wetland was filled in at some point in time, most likely to increase the useful area of a field or pasture. The restoration potential at this location is for 0.10 acre. Plans for this area include paning or sloping back the later added topsoil to reach the elevation of the historically hydric soils. There is a horse crossing at the lower end of this wetland consisting of several logs and an 8 inch culvert which will all be removed. Wetland seeds and livestakes will be planted, and measures (fencing) will be installed to protect the restored wetland from horse traffic and grazing. Wetland Area 2: This 0.21 acre of wetland restoration potential is located along Crab Creek towards the north end of the property. This relic wetland most certainly used to be connected to the now heavily entrenched Crab Creek and has become less active due to infrequent foodplain access. The soil tests revealed another possible groundwater source of hydrology at the top end of the wetland which could be restored by removing fill that was added for a truck/tractor path. Another similar crossing is located at the other end of the wetland adding to the disconnect from Crab Creek. This wetland is currently in an actively used cow pasture, so fencing and revegetation with a seed mix and livestakes will be important to the success of this restoration. Wetland Area 3: This area is located just upstream from Wetland Area 2. A spring in the hillside just above the pasture already sustains a 0.09 ac. wetland and will provide a much more significant and reliable source of hydrology to this wetland restoration. Floodplain connections with crab creek will also be important. There is 0.08 acre of restoration potential here. The same two truck/tractor paths that cross and fill Wetland Area 2 also impact Area 3, one of which includes a 15' culvert, so the same regrading will be executed. Similar to Area 2, fencing and revegetation with a seed mix and livestakes will also be necessary. Wetland Area 4: A small creek drains under Crab Creek road and enters the northwest corner of the Shoal Falls Farm property. As it spills out into a flat field, it turns into a narrow linear wetland that has been ditched for farming purposes. It continues in this 2' wide ditch for 540' until it reaches crab creek. Wetland Area 5: Two small riparian wetlands totaling 0.028 acres sit on the river right of Shoal Creek, approximately 150 meters below the small pond and dam. These two wetlands will be preserved within the 60 buffer of the proposed Level II Enhancement. There is a UT to Shoal Creek that enters Shoal Creek just below these two riparian wetlands. At the top end of the north fork of this tributary is a 0.01 acre linear wetland which will be preserved. Shoal Falls Farm Mitigation Plan Type Length Ratio Credit Stream Preservation 3087 1:2.5 617 3087 617 Location Type Area Ratio Credit Wetland Area 1 Restoration 0.10 1:1 0.10 Wetland Area 1 Preservation 0.30 1:2.5 0.12 Wetland Area 2 Restoration 0.21 1:1 0.21 Wetland Area 3 Restoration 0.08 1:1 0.08 Wetland Area 3 Preservation 0.09 1:2.5 0.036 Wetland Area 4 Restoration 0.025 1:1 0.025 Wetland Area 5 Preservation 0.01 1:2.5 0.004 Wetland Area 5 Preservation 0.028 NA 0 0.843 0.575 .OS=.,i :ale:)S :eaay puellaM I!ela(j deW I - 0 z C: 4-J O U) 4-J Q L > Q a. D :. m L a + M 0) ? i _ L Q -, 4-J L ' a..? _ ? 00 zftz 'Q _ X N 4-0 ?X V Q 0) ,.? (Q , O O ,. M O O Lr) Q..' c L --? Q? ru / ' / I • Lr) (/) V _ _ ?L 1 O z Area 1: a. _scZ y, Area 1 (continued): Soil: Sampling Point: #5 Depth Matrix Redox Features (inches) Color (moist) % Color (moist) % Type' Loc2 Texture Remarks 0-10 lOYR3/3 100 C M Clay Lown 10-24 1OYR 4/I 80 2.5YR 3/6 20 C M/PL Clay Low 1 t1Mpe: CaConcerOation, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sarni Grains. 2Locatiow PL=Pore Chung, WMatrix Hvdric Soil Indicators: Reaion Code: vat-westem Mm AWAW west GP-c oat ways: Aga Gulf Coo" Plain; M-M st Hiat+ssol A h h (All) Po vatue Below Surface S8 (A&G LRR S, T, U Histic Foiriedw A2) (All Thin Dark Surface S9 (A&G LRR S T T1) Black Flinic (A1 (All) Lorry Macky Mineral (F1) (WM except MLRA 1; A; GP, K A&G LRR 0) Hytirom SultV A4) (Ail) Loam Gafeyed Matrix 0) (All) Stratified A5) A&G M. AW LRR C, GP LRR F' leted Matrix FT 1AIl) ie Bodies (A6 (A&G LRR P, T, U Redox Bark Surface Fbl All 5 cm,13udr Mneral A7 (A&G LRR P. T, U Dark Surface ,F7 -All) Muck Presence A8 (A&G LRR U) Lied. I)Wcssiomi 9j Ail I cm Muck IA9 LRR D, F, G H P T: Problem C. 1,1.0 Vernal Pooh (F9) .Arid 2 cat h4uek Alt? M• Problem WM AW LRR B, UO LRR Sl Mad FIO (A&G LRR U) DeWvftd Below: Dark Surface A11 All letedOchric Flt A&GMLRA151" Thick Dark Surface Alt All hort-Manganese Masses FI2 (A&G L.RRI) P T Problem in M) Cow Prairie Redox (A 16) (A&G MLRA 150A: Frobtam GP LRR F, a, H: M Problem) [Jmimc Surface (F 0 (A&G LRR P, T, U Sand Muck • iv Vaal (,$I) (All -cePt A&G LRRs0&S only) High Pdtias Depressions (FI6)(GP MLRA 72, 73; Problem in rest of LRR H) 2.,5 cm Muck Pear or Pent 82) GP LRR G, H) Deka Ochric t F 171 (A&G MLRA 1511 5 cm Mucky Peat or Peat 53 (GP LRR Rcxtuced vertic (FI8I (A&G MLRA ISOA. ISQFI (AW GP, A&£f Sandy Gleyed Mater S4) (All' Piedmont F"pi a3rSods (F14) tA&Cy- NR,RA 149A. Problem in LRR P. S, r) Sandra Radnx 65) (All) Anomalaos Bright Loamy Soils (F?0) (A&G MLRAi 149x4 1530, 153D: Problem in l4il.RA 153B1 Stripped Matrix (S6) (All) Red Parent Material MID (Problem in All but M) Dark SurNze IS? (A&G LRR P, S T, U. Gil Problem in LRR f Other F lain in Remarks) Restrictive Layer (if observed): Depth Onches); _ Type: Problematic Hydric Solt? Yes_X_ No (indicators ofhydrophytic vegetation and wettand h droto must be resent) Remarks: Chroma I exists 12-24" below surface/ Apparent fill of wetland in the past. Sail: Sampling Point: #7 Depth Matrix Redos Features (inches) Color (moist) % Color (moist) ? % Tywt Loe Texture Remarks 0-18 10YR 5/4 80 10YR 7/4 1 20 C M t, Sandy depositional layers . rY)M. 4?aNriw a;OLN Ir, c -uc( icuW1, rNM-`Ncuttc:Ct1 ntauuc, t103t.QVWe:a w l QaWU Qeru CsW113. Llt)C&UOn: i-,L-yore untng, m=mat1?t. HVdrtr- Soil Mdicaters_ Reninn Crtelp' wU-IAI-ft n AMn dW-ArAW-t- M)J -? Ohio. ear ewe m.,:., - er„w.- Histosol (AU (All) Pblvvalue Below Surface S&" (A&G LRR S, T, Ui Hostic E pi tA_') f A it Thin Dark Surface (S9) i A&G LRR 5 T. I-T Stack Hism 6A3) (All Loamy Mucky Mineral (FI )1 WM except MLRAt: A. Of, AJ, A&C, LRR O) Hvdroeen Sulfide i A;) ( All! Loamy Gleved Mattix (F?) tAll ) StratifiedLayers (AS)IIA&G._M.AWLRRC,GPLRR lewdMumc F3) All) Organic Bodies (A6) (A&G LRR P, T. U Rednos Dark Surface -'F6) (Ali) 5 %in Murk. Mineral A7) i A&G I.RR P. T, Ut Depleted Dark Surface F7) ( . Muck Presenter (A8) (A&G LRR C) Redox Depressots (fib) Wit 1 cm Mack (A9) (1,RR D, F. G H. P, T, Pr(-bem C. I J, O) Veinal Pools (F9) (Arid 2 c in Muck WO) (M: Problem W NI, AW LRR B. AAG LRR S1 Mari F 10) 1 A&G LRR U) Depleted Below Dark Snrfare f.A11) t.A11) Depleted Ochric (F11) 'A&G MLRA 151) Tlbck Dark Surface 1 A12 All) horn-Mat ese Muses (F32 4A &U LRR (? P. 1, Problem in M, Comr Prairie Rodox (A I b) (A&G %ILR.A I ;al.A; problem of LRR F, G, H. M Problem Umbric Surface (F 13 (A& G LRR P_ T, U) SaadrMuck TvwraltSU(AllexxtA&GLRRs0&Sonly) High Maim Depressions (Fl6) (GP MLRA 7?. ? f jtp rest of [,RR Hl 2:5 arts Mucky Peat or Peat (52) (GP LRR G. H) Delta Ochnc fFl7) iA&G MLRA 111) 3.om Mucky Peat or Peat ? S3) (GP LRR F) Reduced Verde (F 18 AYCG MLRA 150A. 150B) 0, W, Gip. A&G Sandy Gleyeel Matrix (U Ail) Piedmont Fkx*lwn Soils f F 191(.A&G: MLRA 149A. Problem to LRR P, S. T i Redoxl55jIAIt1 Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils (F20) (A&G MUA t49.A, 153C- 153 D: Problem in MIRA f 538) Sinii,ried Mamx (56) t Ali) Red Parrot Material (TF3) (Problem in All but M*i Dark Surface <K,; {A&C, LRR P_ S, T. U: GP Problem in LRR G) Other (Explain in Remarks) E Restrictive Layer (if observed): Depth (inches): T I Problematic Hydric Soil:' Yes No (indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and wetwad hydrology must be resent.) w'c.wacma. aunaay ucpu5iti na[ tayeriag. wiinin Iiaoa plain o2 spoal falls creek. Soil: Sampling Point: #8 Depth Matrix Redox Features (inches) Cdr (moist) % Color (mast) % Type' Loc2 Texture Remarks 1-10 10 YR 3/3 too C M Clay Loam 10-24 I OYR 411 80 25 Y'R 316 15 C M/PL Clay Lmn tType: C=Concentration, [=Depletion, RM-Reduced Matrt)t, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Graft. 20cadw: PL=Posse Unku , MmMatAx. Mvdric Sall Indicators: Realan Code: wwwestem Mtn; AW-Arid VY GP-Gr86tt Pi9ttts: A&G AH& Gulf cmtel' Piero M-M kkest Histosot AI Alf Pat Below &.f. (S8) (A&G LRR S,.T; III Histic bLie!ft A2 All Thin Dark Surface S9 A&G LRR T U Black Hildc A?) (All) Loamy Mucky Mineral (F l) (W M except MLRA k A, GP. M. A&G I.RR 0) H Sulfide A4) (All Loamy Gloved Malrix (All Str tt AS A&G M. AW IXR C,GP LRR n E)cvfeted Matrix fF3 ,AU ok i HodlestAN (A&G L.RR P T _U Redox Dark Surface fF6 (AD 5 am Much Mineral, A7) A&G Lott P j, U) fk*W Dark Surface (F7 Ail! Muck, Presence AS A&Gr LRR U) Reda. nS - Alt I em Muck A91 LRR D, F G Il P. T Problem C t 10) 4 ernal Pools Arm 2 em Its (A1(1 M; Problem A-W LRR B A&G LRR S Mqt(FJO)(A&GLRRtF) D*PWW Bek w Dark Surface (Al 1 All tered Ocluic l l (A&G MLRA 151' Thick Dark Surface (.fit?' (AM Iron-Manganese Massa F1.. A&G LRR 0, P. T; Problem in M) Coast Prairie Rem (A 16) (A& G MLRA I5OA; Problem UP U t R F, G. K M Problem) Umbric Surface if 13) i A&G.I.n P, U) Sandv Mucky, Mineral SI) (Ali exc 4&G LM Q&S onfv ) high Plains Np eswons (FIG) (GP MLRA 72, 73, Problem ut tent' LRR H1 ?.S cm Muck Pear or Peet S« °GP LRR G H Delta Odme Fl7 (A&G MLRA 151 5 cra Mucky Peat or Peat S3 GP LRR F Redu"d Verde I M &G MLRA I50A I%B) AW, GP A&G) San ed !Matrix (S41 Ali Piedmont Flood*n Soils (FI9) (A&G: MLRA 149A; Problem m LRR P, S, F) Sandy, Redo%(S5 (All) Anomalous Wight Loamy Soils (F20) (A&G MLRA 149A. 1530, iDD; Problemi* MLRA 1538) stripped Matrix (Sf+ (Alt) Red Parent Material TF2' (Problem in All but M Dark Surface (571 (A& u LRR P S, T U; GP Problem in LRR G) r<)ider (Explain in Remarks Restrictive gayer (if observedY Depth (inches): Type: Problematic 1=t}+dric Soil? Yes No (Indicators of Iaydrophytit: vegetation and wetland hydrology must be present.) Remarks: CHroma I Soils 10-24" Below surface. Apparent fill. 0?=..T :wens Z :eaay puepaM Ie4aQ dew -T T 0- 0 E z ro Q (n M E •O _6 Ln V) a-=+ V 'p LO -0 O u _ O- 'i i O Q ?O Z M L O 4- Ln u _ -0 v N N O J N f? V) O cn r ? i Area 2: Soil; Sampling Point: #I Depth Matrix Redox Features (inches) Color (moist) % Color (moist) % Type' Loc2 Texture Remarks 0-6 14YR 3/2 100 C* Loom 6-8 2.5 8/4 100 ' Sandy clay i oarq 8-16 1 0YR 5/2 85 10YR 4/6 15 Clay Loam 1Type: G ntratlon, CIs!?apleticn. RM=RtItHH W MaM, GS-COV W of (:caW UW Grains. 2LOCeWw. PL=Pore Unmg, mwmanw. Kvdric Soil lndlcators: Reallon Code: wwwastem Utn: aw AAn wear GPI- rreat Pram: A&G U& Qnf Contal Plain: WM( vest Hiseosol A1' (AJI" Pol"21w Belm Surtaee SS (A&G LRR S T. U) Hidit Spipedou A2 (All Thin Dark Surface S5 (6&0 LRR S, T. L"i Black Kobe (A-,) rAM Loamy Mucky Mineral (FI) (`tirM ex"Vi MLRA(: A, GP. M. AAG LRR tai Sulfi is (A4) (AIl Luamv Gleved Matrix F2 AI() Stratified ta4trs (AS A&G M, AW LRR C GP LRR F) I leW Matrix F3 All Organic Bodies A6) (A&G LRR P T. U Redox Dark Surfacc ( (All) S an Mucky Ninerat 87 A&Cr LRR P T, U) leted Dark SutFsce F7 . A Mick Presence (A$ A&GLRR Redox: ions FS Ali I om muck A9 LRR D F, G P T Problem. C. L J O Vernal Pools K Arid 3 tan Muck Att} (M.Problem W AW LRR B A&G LRR S) Maui. Pt0 (A&G LRR.U Depleftid Behnv Dark Steface AI I tAIi : eted Ochnc (F 11) (A&G MLRA 151) Thick Dark Surface A12 AEI tM Massa (FM (W LRR 0P: T Problem in M Coast Ptairie Ralim (A16) (A&G MLRA 150A; Problem GP LRR F; G. It M P'robkm) Ilmbric Surface F13) (,k&G LRR P T U) uck Mineral (S 1) (AR exe Ak.G LRRs O&S only) Sandy High PIOU Depressions in 61(GP MLRA 72,73; Pmbkm in ran of LRR H) 23ono Mack Pau or Pcss (S2) GP LRR G_ H Doha Ochrie.(F17) (A&G MLRA 151 i an Muckv Peat or Pear (S3) `GP LRR F) Reduced Vatic F18A&G MLRA 150A, 1508 AW GP. ARG Sandy edMatnxtS4) (All) Piedmow Fkxidplain UlstF19)(A&G: MI..RA 149A; Problem in LRR P, S, T) Saadv Red- (85 (All Anomalous Bright Loamy Sulks (t :0) (A&G MLRA 149A, 153C, I SM, Problem in MLRA 1530) 'limped mix S6i (All) Red P. Mawral (M) (Problem in All bur M) Dark Surface (S7) (A&G LRR P, S, T. U; GF Ptnbtem in LRR G) Odrer (Fx Lein in Remarks Restrictive Layer (if observed): Depth (inches): Problematic Hydric Soil? Yes _X-No (Indicators of bydrophytic vegetation and wetland h drolo must be present.) Remarks: Soil: Sampling Point: ##2 Depth Matrix Redox Features (inches} Color (moist) % Color (moist) % Type' Loco Texture Remarks 0-16 14YR 4/4 100 Clay loam r T type: LxQoncenvatlon, umuepletlon, (iM K6MCed Matrix, G5=Govered or Goated Sarxf Grains. 21-ocatlm PL=Pore lining, MwMatrix. HVd& Sol! 1!!ldicattom: Region Code: wM-wesmm Mtn: AtatandWaat GP-Clear Rama- AA&AtI9 nLdf cam( nrmi,v ru: w iistosnl Al (All) Poi ue Below 5 EkA S8' A&G LRR S, T. U) Histio n AU That Dark Surface (S9 (A&G LRR S, T, U BlackHatic (A-1) (All) Loamy Mucky Mureral (Fit (WV. except MLRA,1: A, GP, K A&G LRR Q) Hv Sulrstc A4 .(AU Loam Matrix F2 (All) Slrmifced I:UM AS A&G A W LRR C, GP LRR fwd Matrix All Onpok Bodice (A (A&G LRR P, T, U Re &% flask surli ee ft Alt) 3 an Mu*,v Mineral A (A&G L RR P, T U) Depleted [lark Surface `F 'Ally Muck PteseW A8 (A&G LRR Redox loos FRi 'All I cm Muck A . LRR EI F, G H, P, T. Problem C, L 10) Vemal Pools 69) Arid 2 au Much LAIO) 2& Problem WM. AW LRR B A&G LRR SI Marl FLO A&G LRR. U) Depleted Below Dario Surface Al t) (All) Ochric (F11 (A&G MLRA 151 i Thick Lark Srafam At2 Alf) kon-Mart Mawtes Ft2 A&G LRR q P, T, problem inn Caw Praux Ro&,t (A16) (A&G MLRA t50A; Problem GP LRR F. G. H, M Problem) Urabne Surface (FIJI _.A&G LRR P, T. U} Santly Mineral SI All ex A&G LRRsG&S only) High Phone Depmssitms (F16) (GF MLRA 72, 73; Problent in test Of LO i-1) 2.5 cm .Nbck Pest or Pear S2 } GP LRR G H) D tha Ochric (F17 (A&G MLRA 15 t S cm Muck Peat or Pea 63 (GP LAR Fl Reduced Vatic FIS A&G MLRA 150A [SOB) AW, GP, A&G) Sandy Glayed Matrix 1S4A#E _ Pwdmcm Flocx(plaw Surfs (F19) (A&G, MLRA t49X ProM m in LRR P, S, T) Sandy Rely (SS) Alt) Anomalous Brisk[ Loamy Soils (:F2U) (A&G MLRA 149A, tW3 153p; problem to MLRA t981 Stnopad Matrix (Sb -Aft? Red Parent Materret TT2) Problem in All but. M Dark Surface S7). A&G LRR P S. T U: GP Aebiem in LRR G) Otba (Explain in Remarks Restrictive Layer (if observed): Depth (inches): __ ___ T = Problematic Hydric Soil? Yes No X? (Indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and wetland hydrology must be present) 1%cluuilrX3.1 Soil: Sampling Point: #3 Depth Matrix Redox Features (inches) Color (moist) % Color (moist) % Type' Goc" Texture Remarks { -6 1 OYR 3,f2 100 ! Clay loam 10YR 5-2 85 1 OYR 416 150 RM M ' Clay, loam 1Type: G---COnClCfi UOn, iFrk7"Wn, KM*KeOUCea MaU17F. C,JzG(3Yt3rt?U w -.oattm "M v(aata. f,LQVOWt, F1.-rwa wtl-j, n-Mol- ihrd.lw a-it {w?lIn 44nra• aAi tL-.n L owca- %AA. u? SA? AW_Arvi W-h r_D_r:raat Cit.- Akt'-A."P MJIF `naatAi PttAin' M-k&rhhN + Hauosoi (Al) t Affi Fill value Below Surface f W t A&G tRR S.1. Vi Histic Fpipedoin W) (All Thin Dark Surface (W) (A&-(j LRR S, V, U) i uckHwv? (A.' )(All) Loamy Mucky Mmeml i61 i , WM, exerpt MLRA f: A, , 41, A&G I.RR 0) Hvdr nSulfide (AA) 1V1) LoamN Gleyed.Matrix (FY) (All SvanfedLa^ars A5)(A&G .AAW LRR C, GPLRRF vWAvrx £3) (AO Or is Bodies (A6) (A&G LRR P, F, U Redax I7uk Surface (F6? Alti 5 cm Mucky hhaeral W') i-ktG LRR P, T, LT), lewd Link Surface (F71 ( Alp Muck Presence AIIi (A&G LRR Ui RCdox Depre,,,skxts (FS) (All) i cm, W" (A (LRR D, F. G IL P_ T. Problem C, f I.O Venal Pools (F9 fArid 2 em Muck (A10' (M; Problem WNC AW LRR B_ A&G iRR S) Mart tF101(Ad:G LIAR U Depk%ed Below Dark Surface €.A I l ) (All) ed Cichnc tF l 1 i (A&(; LAURA 151 Thick Dark surface (Al2)(Aq) -Man eu hsss %(F13XA&GLRR0 P `;Probkmin troo Coast Pt-awe Redttx (A 16) (A&G A1LR \ I SQrt, Problem GP LRR- F. G, H: M Problem) l Gmhric Suttace (TI 3-p (.00W LRR P. T. I I ) Saadv MUky Mmersl (S1! (All ettc A&G LMQ&S ontvi Him Plains Depremicus ( F16) {GP MLRA '2.73. r^robim in ' rest of AR Hl 15 Cm Mwkv Peat or Peat 621!QP LRR G. H} Delta Ochric (F17) (A&G MLRA 15P 5 cm Mtxdcv Peat or Pcat (S31 (G? LRR Fl Rcxfuccd Venic (F t8)fA.?Ci bILRA tSGA, IS6I3y (AR`, GP, .4&L,i Sandti Gl 'ed A4atnx (S4) (A1I) Piedmont M1 R,4' lA4-k;Prt*eru in LRR P. S. F) Sandv Rsclnx S 5,?) (All) Anomalous Bntrht Loamy Soih, (F2W i A&cj (riLRA 149A 15-,C, 153D; Pmhiem in S+iLXA tSp) . Stipped Matrix ( S6) f AI{ i Red Parent `viatc rial (T T) (Prabi= to All lieu Dark Surface (Si) (A&G l_RR P, S T, U, GP Problem Lu LRR c i Other iEx iajn in Remarks Restrictive Layer (if observed: Depth (inches}; Type: j Problematic Hydric Soil? Yes-X- No (Indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and wettand hydrology trust be resent. Remarks: M-J :aleaS ?MMA\ £ :eaay puepaM Iie4aa dew 4 ? 0 z Q O fo Q cn E ' (n 0 On V V = ? j L I V) -0 C: C: Z O Z -1--? Q ? 0- V . M o - fmo + M 0) zj Q > O i ? ? L 4-5 O v Q V c -0 4-J 4-J m fu a) .? .? \ a) 00 ? •- Ln ? ? Cn OE 0 Area 3: Area 3 (continued): Soil: Sampling Point: #4 Depth Matrix Redox Features (inches) Color (moist) % Color (moist) % Type; LO& Texture Remarks 0-6 10YR 312 100 1 Clay loam I OYR 5-2 85 10YR 4/6 150 R-M 1v1 Clay- loam i r r7}e?c. a.-vw wa+nrauen ?. v-a,esFr,euu, ?, n?v,-*?uU+ecx t iiC C; Esv?!'F vvarvu Ut l.UiikCGl Jdi7R UiE$Ifk?. d1,4G8E¢71? t'L=s -ore Lnling, Ni. Hvdrtc Seit Indicator3_ Realinn r.MA" vtu-w&dtam pMe- AAALA,;H tl -f r.0-1-- ot,i- ear_ A110 HJSWsnl r.AI t ; Al ( Polti?alue Below Surface (S8);-A&G LRR S. T. U) Hislic E + " (A2) (All , Thm Dark Surfecc (S9) (A&G LRR S. r, U) Bktck Histi< iA3) tAlll Loamy Mucky Mineral t F I ) (Wht except MLR A ! ; .A. GP, M, A&G LRR O! Hvdroeen Sulfide (.A4) i Alli Loamv Gleved Marna f FY)"All l Stratified LaNvn (AS) t AkG, M. AW LRR C. GP 1-RR FDepl eted Matnx (F31 iAll) C)rtiantc &xies (AGI (A &G I AR P. 1, {: Redox Dark Surface lFol (Alli 5 etn Mucky Sf nerd (.'l7) (A&G LRR P j, Depleted Dark S nfdce tF?) (.411) Muck Prewswe iA4)1A46 LRR U) Redox Depmssims fY8 [Al) I cm Muck t A9) i LRR D, F. G H. P, T; Problem C,1, 3, 01 Veal Prom; (FT) Arid 2 cm 'Ruck t.A l O) 'M, Prnbkvl %Nf. A W [,RR B. AACs LRR S A9ad (F 14) ? t A&G LRR U Depleted Below Dark Surface (A 11) {All) DtWeW Ochric (Fl l) (A&G MLRA 151) Thick Lark Surface f:At'i LAi1? hon-N1 aztuanese Masscs (FI_KA&G f-RR 0, P, T, Problem mm) Crast Prairie Redox (A I5) (AEG hi3_tvA ISQAE;;Prublelu t?Pl.RR F. G, If, M Problem! 17mbric Stut'ace kF13) (A&(ILRR P_ T, i:) Sandy 141eeky Mincr l (S I i iAll exce A&G LRRs O&S Ort1u} High Plains Depmssicos (Fib) iCP MLRA 72, '73, Problem io rest of LRR H! 15 em Muck-, Peat or Peat (S2) (GP LRR G, H Deha(?uhrnc F I') t.A&C MLRA 151 ; 5 cm 'Aakv Peat of Peat (511 UP LRR F) ( Reduced Vetlic tF18) (A&G MLRA 150A, 15013) (Art', GP. A&G Sandi Gl,: rod Matrix (S41 iAll I Prcdmonr F4xAplain Soils (F 19) (A&G MLRA 149A, ProbLl m in LRR R S, T) SmKI ttedox (Sj) I Nt) Anomalous Bright 1, amv Soils (F30) (.A&G Mi:R A t401 i ±C_ 1931}, PrYN-m in LILRA t 53 B} Stri " Mamx (Sri i r AIT) Red Parent Mataial t "CF?) f_Rmblem in All tart .M t bark Surface t S7) (A&G LRR P, s. T, U, GP Probkn, to LRR; G? Otter (Fe lain in Remarks Restrictive Layer (if observed): Depth (inches): ??'` = Probtematic Hydric Soil" Yes-X- NO (Indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and wetland hydrology must be resent.) Soil. Sampling Point: 45 Depth Matrix Redox Features (inches) Color (moist) % Color (moist) % Type' to& Texture Remarks 0-16 10YR 414 too Clay loam i TType: CuConcenfttkin, E)-Oe etion, RWReduced Matrix, CS*Covered or Coated Sand GrWns. 2Locatlon: PL*Pom UnhV, M=Matrix Hvdtic Soft httficaWm: Reston. Code: w,tw-w n Mtn. AW,Add West GP-Gnat Pions: A&G Att& Guff CasaW Ram: Pistosol (Al) (AH' Pol vslue Below Surface (S8) (A&G LRR S, T, U) 13isttc P ' n A2)'(All :thin Dark Sw#stro 'Sq) A&C, LRR S T, If Black Histic (A-3) (AM Loamy Mucky ktinaral (171) (W.M mwept MLRAI. A, GP, M, A&G LRR O) Hydrogen Sulfide A3) FAH G toMO a 2) (All) SmNiftcd La A5) i A&G Af, AW LRR ' GP LRR F) D*ved Matrix (F Otonk Hodges. (A6 i A&G LRR P T, U Radon Dark Surtame 0AD S cm M!Aj M: wW A , A&G LRR P T i3 Dark Swfue F7 Alt Muck Presence A8 A&G MR, U) ledox Depressions (ft) Alll I cam buck Art LRR tT F G P. T, Problem C LT, O) Vernal Pools 'F9} Arid a cm Muck At© M; Pmbiem) AW LRR B. A&G LRR S" Marl Flo) (AA G LIA peoewd Below Dark Surface (Al l (An) Ocbric (fIIj (W ° MLRA,151) Thick, Dark Surface fA t 2 t) I Itwa-Alan A,f FIIIA&G LRR ©. P T: Problem in M) CO" Prairie Redox (A 16"t (A G Mt.RA 15GA; Problem GP LRR F, G, F; M Problem) tlmbric Surface F A&G LRR P, T. U Sandy Muck Mineral Sl) (All e=qg A&G LRRs O&S anon lfr8h PlIalm Deoressiw (F16) (GP `II-RA 72, 71 Problem in rest of LRR E3) 2.5 cm Muck Pent or Peat S2) (UP, LRR G HI Delta Ochnc (Fl7 A&G MIIA 1511 5 cm Mucky P or Pam S3 GP LRR . Reduced Vertic FIB A&G MLRA I IO 13" AW GP A&G - Sandy GUyedMiarm 34 (All) Piedmont FlnadptamSoil$(FI9)(A&G MIA1049A;Problemin LRR P, S, T) I Sandy Redox 3) "All Anomalous Bright Lawny Soils(F211)(A& MLKA 149A, 1530, I53D; Problem m MLRA 153B) Stripm? Matrix (S61(AR Red Part Malarial Problem in All butt M) Dark Surface (S ; A&G LRR P 3 T U; GP Problem in LRR G Other (% lain in Rdmarks Restrictive Layer (if observed): Depth (inches): T Problematic Hydric Soil? Yes NO X„? (Indicators of hydrophytie vegetation and wetland h dr must be present.) Remarks:. $6 goo Wetland Area 4: 0.025 ac. existing wetland 1,231' existing channel 20' existing culvert NORTH I Map Detail I Area: 4 1 ?? L/SM I Scale: 1"=80' 1 1 Area 4: Area 4 (continued): SOOT=,.T :ale:)S ?L= S :eaay I1e4aa dew j 4z ,. i _ 00 0 i SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN Appendix I Design Sheets RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC April 2009 SHOAL FALLS FARM RESTORATION SITE RESTORATION PLAN RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC April 2009 9 S S ? ? U V U M r C. R R R ?O ?O ? Vt T`O = V O M M 4 ? C C € E ? ouno un a? x ?? G ?ZZ zz < CL v W V U = E S S z0QQ Q OFa n h a Z x a w< p z w w a z F ° zLuOwQ z °w E, z u W a > U O F ° eG vOO w OO x 1A o v wino 3 ii LLI ? ? O 4 U a O cacl a a: 0 a a: a x "r ym _ U o Cc 3 0 V ?= 0 3 r--i ? 3 m M W O r?, W wx L M 0 N ul Cid O z a F vi 0 i G J 4 s j Z X U a zL a i a a F" a U ?'' D GD a, 7 W a xZa Z ? aEr '¢ ZO ? FE-o.w.l ?Qj ?W? z? ypQ? ?UUaaNa F'xY? ,Qj F W Caa?? ,ZO?sZz LCO?z w ? ?"? Q FvIF a o ?a:gc'v z?NvJ, aQ0?5d 5-> CL? J Q C VIN QM W U W z V1. Q°?? W QM C! L? Z ¢ ?_OVIUF, m? LLu W m D ?FwZF;a OwaLd p F;? n<2`n F;M a W z M o "? xu U u ?Qao? 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