HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190733 Ver 1_SR 1222 Will Mitchiner Franklin courtesy_20190604Road: SR 1222 (Will Mitchiner Road) County: Franklin River Basin: Tar -Pamlico Stream Name: UT to Cedar Creek Lat, Long: N36.09074, W78.39313 HUC: 030201010401 NCDENR-DWQ Index Number, Stream Classification: 28-29-(2); C;NSW Existing structure: 24" reinforced concrete pipe that is 66ft long that has deteriorated. Proposed structure: Replace with a 42" reinforced concrete pipe consisting of nine 8ft concrete joints. This new structure is 72ft long. Rip rap will be installed underlined with geotextile for long term stability surrounding the tie-ins to existing banks. Riparian Buffers: Equipment used and work performed will be from the existing transportation facility. Foot traffic access for installation of temporary dewatering measures will be limited just upstream and downstream of the pipe replacement to maintain a dry work area. No trees will be cut and no grading within riparian areas is proposed. Therefore, no Tar -Pamlico River Buffer impacts are proposed. Temporary impacts: +/-10ft dewatering (5ft below pipe outlet and 5ft above pipe inlet). This small stream may or may not require water management. If necessary, impervious dikes will be installed in the streambed upstream and downstream of the work site for containment and to maintain a dry work area. A clean water pump around will be used to maintain a dry work area. Impervious dike materials will be removed once the work is complete. Permanent impacts: 6ft of fill in surface water is proposed with the longer pipe in addition to +/-5ft of rip rap on stream banks upstream and 5ft downstream. Wetland Information: Although this crossing is mapped as having hydric soils (HeB- Worsham,undrained), there are no wetlands within the construction footprint. Wetlands surrounding the pond upstream of this crossing will not be impacted by this pipe replacement. Cultural Resources: Review of the SHPO GIS mapping reveals no cultural resources, no historic structures nor properties at this crossing. Division Five —2612 North Duke Street, Durham, North Carolina 27704 Telephone: 919-220-4600 Fax: 919-560-3371 Protected species information: Carolina Madtom: A US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) proposal for listing the Carolina Madtom (Noturusfuriosus) as a threatened species was published in the Federal Register in May 22, 2019. The listing will likely become effective by May 22, 2020. Furthermore, this species is included in USFWS' current list of protected species for Franklin County. It is anticipated that this project will be completed before this species becomes officially listed. However if not, consultation with the USFWS regarding Carolina Madtom will be addressed when this species becomes listed. Neuse River Waterdog: A US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) proposal for listing the Neuse River Waterdog (Necturus lewisi) as a threatened species was published in the Federal Register in May 22, 2019. The listing will likely become effective by May 22, 2020. Furthermore, this species is included in USFWS' current list of protected species for Franklin County. It is anticipated that this project will be completed before this species becomes officially listed. However if not, consultation with the USFWS regarding Neuse River Waterdog will be addressed when this species becomes listed. Michaux's sumac: Biological Conclusion of No Effect was rendered based on survey of suitable habitat of highly maintained roadway shoulders and fill slopes. No specimens were observed during the onsite visit and plant by plant survey conducted April 04, 2019. Dwarf wedgemussel: Use of the Programmatic Biological Opinion for Culvert Replacementsand Extensions in Eastern North Carolina, NCDOT Divisions 1-8 (June 13, 2018) provides a Biological Conclusion of May Affect -Not Likely to Adversely Affect for this species. Tar River spinymussel: Use of the Programmatic Biological Opinion for Culvert Replacements and Extensions in Eastern North Carolina, NCDOT Divisions 1-8 (June 13, 2018) provides a Biological Conclusion of May Affect -Not Likely to Adversely Affect for this species. Yellow lance: Use of the Programmatic Biological Opinion for Culvert Replacements and Extensions in Eastern North Carolina, NCDOT Divisions 1-8 (June 13, 2018) provides a Biological Conclusion of No Effect for this species. Atlantic pigtoe: Use of the Programmatic Biological Opinion for Culvert Replacements and Extensions in Eastern North Carolina, NCDOT Divisions 1-8 (June 13, 2018) provides a Biological Conclusion of May Affect -Not Likely to Adversely Affect for this species. Division Five — 2612 North Duke Street, Durham, North Carolina 27704 Telephone: 919-220-4600 Fax: 919-560-3371 -- �i +r `�► s; Y+iw'- ,ter 9;°.+ r'�`� �'��� fir,• F.�.. 1' -� - � _ t� _ u f , :,rt ' „•s4, i �+--•fir � �"1y _ � r f -;. '� . - - W.- �.� `-•�� � b t die �+: i '4,f� a. y ` '�l i � ,y .. ..- 4 yi t� 3 ,� "11 A? k h- ' ? y�rr4 •`u'.la 1 K- ��'y�.,� outlet downstream of outlet SR 1222 (Will Mitchiner Road) in Franklin County 9 1� A 6�Y ' .vr.' �,� ,p Kip my A6 kk mod. 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