HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051216 Ver 4_Request to ReIssue 401_20190604Staff Review Does this application have all the attachments needed to accept it into the review process? r Yes r No ID#* 20051216 Version* 4 Is this project a public transportation project?* r Yes r No Reviewer List:* Andrew Moore:eads\awmoore3 Select Reviewing Office:* Asheville Regional Office - (828) 296-4500 Submittal Type:* 401 Application Does this project require a request for payment to be sent?* r Yes r No How much is r $240.00 * owed? r $570.00 Project Submittal Form Please note: fields marked with a red asterisk below are required. You will not be able to submit the form until all mandatory questions are answered. Project Type: r New Project r Pre -Application Submittal r More Information Response r Other Agency Comments r For the Record Only (Courtesy Copy) New Project - Please check the new project type if you are trying to submit a new project that needs an official approval decision. Pre -Application Submittal - Please check the pre -application submittal if you just want feedback on your submittal and do not have the expectation that your submittal will be considered a complete application requiring a formal decision. More Information Response - Please check this type if you are responding to a request for information from staff and you have and ID# and version for this response. Other Agency Comments - Please check this if you are submitting comments on an existing project. Is this supplemental information that needs to be sent to the Corps?* r Yes r No Project Contact Information Name: Jacob Gray Who is subrritting the information? Email Address: jgray@Wthersravenel.com Project Information Existing ID #: Existing Version: 20051216 3 20170001 (no dashes) Project Name: East Yancey Water and Sewer District - Sewer System Improvements Is this a public transportation project? r Yes r No Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? r Yes r No r Unknown County (ies) Yancey Please upload all files that need to be submited. Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurnant 401 - Remaining Impacts.pdf 256.18KB DWR Response 6-3.pdf 60.9KB USACE-USFWS Response 5-3.pdf 1.44MB East Yancy Design Drawings- Remaining Work.pdf 8.46MB 20051216 Ver 3 - EYWSD Impacts Location Map on 3.67MB Quad - 6252014.pdf Only pdf or lore files are accepted. Describe the attachments: Andrew, Per our discussion, please find attached documents concerning the East Yancey Water and Sewer District Sewer System Improvements project. We are seeking a re -issued 401 water quality certification for the previously designed and approved project. If you have any questions about the attached documents, do not hesitate to give me a call. We understand that the Corps has reissued their permit, but we have not seen a copy as of yet. Based on our coordination with them, I don't anticipate this, but if any conditions within the permit changes the project scope/design, we will let you know immediately. FYI - most of the comments in the USACE correspondence cover previously completed portions of the project; only comment #1 will apply to the remaining balance of the work. Thanks, Jacob Gray, PE WithersRavenel V By checking the box and signing box below, I certify that: o I have given true, accurate, and complete information on this form; o I agree that submission of this form is a "transaction" subject to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act") • I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); • I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature; AND o I intend to electronically sign and submit the online form." Signature: "XVf "l Submittal Date: 06/04/2019 Is filled in automatically. -4■ WithersRavenel ■ ■ Our People. Your Success. June 3, 2019 Mr. Andrew Moore Asheville Regional Office NCDEQ-Water Quality Regional Operations Section 2090 US Highway 70 Swannanoa, North Carolina 28778 RE: East Yancey Water and Sewer District - Sewer System Improvements Dear Mr. Moore, As previously discussed, WithersRavenel is working with the East Yancey Water and Sewer District to complete the unfinished Sewer System Improvements project. This project was previously permitted through DWR (first applied for in 2005 under project number 1216) and construction of a majority of the improvements associated with this project have been completed. However, a funding shortfall has resulted in portions of the sewer collection system remaining incomplete. Approximately 4,800 LF of 12 -inch gravity sewer remains to be installed. We have recently secured additional funding which will allow for the completion of this project. However, given the duration of this process, we understand that the permit issued by DWR for this work has expired. Our goal is to utilize the existing drawings (developed by others) to complete the balance of the work without change. Therefore, there are no changes in construction techniques or proposed impacts. The USACE Nationwide 12 permit has also expired since the completion of the last phase. Through coordination with the Corps and the US Fish and Wildlife Service, we have identified the scope of the remaining work, responded to their comments, and they have indicated that they will reissue the permit. I hope that a similar process can be used to reissue the approval of the 401 Water Quality Certification. To that end, I've attached the following documents for your review: • Project Plans • Impacts to the South Toe River and Its Tributaries • Creek Crossings Location Map ■ Correspondence with USACE and USFWS We look forward to continuing our work with the Water Quality Section to finish this important project. Please contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns. Sincerely WithersRavenel ....... ;45 Randy Hintz Senior Project Manager, Utilities 84 Coxe Avenue, Suite 260 1 Asheville, NC 28801 t: 828.255.0313 1 f: 828.348.5354 1 www.withersravenel.com I License No. C-0832 Asheville I Cary I Greensboro I Pittsboro I Raleigh I Wilmington A0 WithersRavenel 10 Our People. Your Success. May 3, 2019 Ms. Amanda Fuemmeler Asheville Regulatory Field Office US Army Corps of Engineers 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, North Carolina 28801 RE: East Yancey Water and Sewer District - Sewer System Improvements Dear Ms. Fuemmeler, As part of our effort to renew/reissue the previously issued Nationwide Permit No. 12 for the East Yancey Water and Sewer District Sewer System Improvements project, US Fish and Wildlife Service was contacted for comment. On April 12, 2019, USFWS responded, requesting additional information and documentation regarding compliance to the original Biological Opinion. WithersRavenel's primary role in the project going forward is to provide construction observation services for the remaining sewer segments installation to finish the project and will require the contractor to adhere to the measures in the Biological Opinion when the Corps reissues the permit. Below is a comment -for -comment response. 1) Seeding and mulching shall be performed on the areas disturbed by construction within 24 hours following final grade establishment. A native seed mix will be used for revegetation of cleared areas. Nearly all disturbed areas we have observed have been planted with non-native fescue mixes. Please provide information to correct our observations or ensure that only native seed mixes are used in stabilizing activities. Response: The original project specifications, dated August 2015 (prepared by others), called for Johnson Grass, Nutgrass, Sandbur, Wild Onion, Wild Garlic, and Burmuda Grass. However, it appears that during construction, fescue mixes were used. We will issue an amended "Turf and Grasses" specification that allows for a Right -of -Way Native Woods Mix with Annual Ryegrass. Our role as construction observers will be to ensure that the items specified are used for all improvements going forward. 2) Boulders will be placed at the outfall area of the culvert located at the intersection of Wyatt Town Road and the WWTP access road. The culvert discharges flow directly onto the streambank of the South Toe River. The boulders will be used to create a splash pad and plunge pool to minimize the potential for erosion of the streambank. The boulder splash pad has not been created at the discharge site. If this measure has not been implemented, we request information explaining that decision. Response: No records were available to explain deviations from the design. The following pictures show the current state of the culvert and discharge area: 84 Coxe Avenue, Suite 260 1 Asheville, NC 28801 t: 828.255.0313 f: 828.348.5354 1 www.withersravenel.com License No. C-0832 Asheville Cary I Greensboro I Pittsboro I Raleigh Wilmington ;fir. y,�-,� ,.�. yi-3�•�- -,iq+ - dif .`. m+ ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. Cascade of water through rocks from culvert to stream A rock face was constructed at the culvert discharge leading down the streambank to the South Toe River which appears to continue to dissipate the energy of the flowing water and prevent the erosion of the streambank. 3) Any existing private septic systems that are identified as failing within reasonable proximity to the proposed project will be required to connect to the public sewer as a matter of public health and safety. No new permits will be issued for on-site systems for any development within reasonable proximity to the proposed system. We are aware of permits being issued in the recent past for private septic systems that are in close proximity to the EYWSD system. We request information regarding the issuance of any permits for private septic systems when public sewer is available. During consultation, we were informed that there was a high number of failing septic systems within the EYWSD and that those septic systems were contributing to the E.coli levels in Little Crabtree Creek. For this reason, we were told, the primary Need of the system was to get failing septic systems onto public sewer to eliminate discharges to streams. Have those failing septic systems continued to discharge since the project has been constructed? Have any of those failing systems been required to connect to the public sewer service as agreed upon and included in the BO? Given the seriousness of that situation, and need for this public service, we hope that EYWSD has taken the proper steps to eliminate those failing septic systems from the watershed. Any information as to issuance of septic permits and elimination of failing septic systems within the service area is requested. Response: The primary objective for the project was and is to provide sewer service to areas with failing septic systems. The project has started and stopped several times since the beginning of construction as a result of budgetary shortfalls, resulting in a disjointed sewer system with independent, unconnected segments. Because the system is not connected, it is not functional and the septic systems continue to operate. Yancey County has recently secured additional funding to allow for the completion of the project as originally designed and permitted. The completion of this work will complete the sewer system and allow Page 3 of 6 ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. it to function as originally intended, which is to allow for the elimination of the failing septic systems by providing an alternate source of wastewater disposal. 4) Monitor and photo -document the stream channel, 50 feet upstream to 150 feet downstream of the outfall location for any stream -channel destabilization, such as bed scour, head -cut, pipe exposure, etc. Additional monitoring will consist of conducting a longitudinal profile of the reach specified above and a minimum of three monumented cross sections. Cross sections should be set at the outfall location, and at areas >50 feet above and below the outfall location. This monitoring program should be conducted prior to construction of the outfall (for baseline data) and 1, 3, and 7 years after construction. Data gathered from each monitoring event will be compiled and provided to the Corps and the Service. If stream channel destabilization occurs, the applicant will contact the Corps and the Service immediately. Because the destabilization of the stream channel could adversely modify occupied critical habitat for the Appalachian elktoe, the reinitiation of section 7 consultation will be required. We are not aware of any information that has been provided regarding this measure. Please provide information demonstrating that this measure is being implemented. Response: The County informed WithersRavenel that there has not been any documented monitoring of the stream channel nor have any cross sections been measured. Upon realization of this situation the County has asked WithersRavenel to assess the current stability of the stream to observe if there are any signs of stream bank or bed instability that may have been caused by the construction or existence of the outfall. WithersRavenel conducted a site visit on April 29, 2019 to examine the outfall and the surrounding stream channel. The following pictures show the current state of the stream channel. Photo looking upstream along path of WWTP discharge piping Page 4 of 6 ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. Photo looki downstream from WWTP discharge QTS�Is" Tom- —Q2kgVV x � � r; F jr Photo looking immediately upstream from the WWTP discharge Page 5 of 6 -%0 WithersRaven NoOur People. Your Success. The discharge point and diffuser are covered within the stream, and the precise location of the outfall pipe could not be located. However, a visual assessment of the bed and banks several hundred feet both up and downstream of the of the general outfall location did not indicate any of the typical signs of erosion resulting in downstream sedimentation. The outfall location is on a point bar on the inside of a meander bend. The point bar appears to be depositional and the associated pool at the outside of the bend appear to be typical for the stream and valley type. In other words, there are no indications observed to suggest the stream profile is changing significantly. Additionally, there were no visible signs of bank erosion including actively eroding banks or leaning trees, except for one in an aggrading area of the point bar. Finally, no indications were observed to suggest that the stream is significantly incised or was in the process of incising. However, fine sedimentation was observed within the stream bed and on the point bar. No significant onsite sources of fine sediments were observed in the immediate vicinity such as eroding stream bank or land features, and the conditions seemed to be the same up and downstream of the construction suggesting other sources within the watershed. We look forward to continuing our work with USACE and USFWS to finish this important project. Please contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns. Sincerely, WithersRclven t Randy Hint , .E. Senior Project Manager, U 'li Page 6 of 6 5g BOXED IMPACTS ARE REMAINING, ALL OTHERS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED Table 5.1- Impacts to the South Toe River and Its Tributaries Page 38 Biological Assessment East Yancey Water and Sewer District January 17, 2014 i Distance Average Length of Length of Stream Station Number Plan Sheet Latitude Longitude Type of Impact * from Stream Temporary Permanent Name ** Line Segment Critical Width Impact Impact Habitat (feet) (feet) (feet) Culvert UT to South 1 C17 Sta. 16+58 N 35.916360 W 82.211313 replacement & 70 feet 3 30 10 Toe River (WWTP) Force Main extension UT to South C18 Sta. 23+56915891 N 35. W 82.211990 Culvert 85 feet 3 20 0 Toe River (WWTP) Force Main re lacement Culvert UT to South C18 Sta. 31+22 N 35.915127 W 82.213347 replacement & 20 feet 2 27 7 Toe River (WWTP) Force Main extension UT to South C19 Sta. 36+00 N 35.913907 W 82.212901 Sub aqueous feet 2 ]0 0 Toe River (WWTP) Force Main pipeline crossing50 UT Little C20 Sta. 54+50 N 35.910450 W 82.212693 Sub aqueous 0.35 2 10 6 Crabtree (WWTP) Force Main pipeline crossing miles Sub aqueous 0.79 3 10 0 UT Little C2 Sta 79+52 N 35.908030 W 82.219105 Crabtree (Collection) Line 1 i eline crossing Sub aqueous pipeline crossingmiles Underground miles 0.97 20 10 0 __ _ 1.01 Little Crabtree C3 Collection Sta. 87+40 Line 1 N 35.908273 W 82.221303 C3 Sta. 87+55 to N/A Sta. 91+50 N 35.908831 W 82.221869 wetland pipeline N/A 960 Sq Ft 0 (Collection) Line 1 Sta. 94+40 N 35.909084 crossing miles UT Little C4 W 82.223298 Culvert 1.11 2 18 0 Crabtree (Collection) Line 1 re lacement miles . UT Little C4 Sta. 98+25 1'19 2 18 0 N 35.909767 W 82.224285 Culvert Removal Crabtree (Collection) Line 1 miles UT Little C4 Sta. 106+25 N35.910130 W 82.226880 Ditch Stabilization 1.40 2 120 36 Crabtree Collection Line 1 miles UT Little C6 Sta. 122+25 N 35.910316 W 82.231636 Sub aqueous 1.67 2 10 0 Crabtree Collection Line 1 pipeline crossing miles UT Little C6 Sta 127+46 N 35.910959 W 82.233282 Sub aqueous 1.77 2 10 0 n c it Little Crabtree C9 Sta 174+77 N 35.915690 W 82.246872 Sub aqueous ipeline 2.67 miles 22 ] 0 , 0 (Collection)_Line ] crossin Page 38 Biological Assessment East Yancey Water and Sewer District January 17, 2014 5, .5 10 5 It '511. 513 514 615 Slb Page 39 Biological Assessment East Yancey Water and Sewer District January 17, 2014 Distance Average Length of Length of Stream Plan Sheet Station Number Latitude Longitude g T of Impact* Type p from Stream Temporary Permanent Name" Line Segment Critical Width Impact Impact I+ Habitat (feet) (feet) (feet) Shoal Creek C10 Sta 179+47 N 35.915729 W 82248543 Sub aqueous 2.77 12 10 0 ! (Collection) Line 1 pipeline crossing miles C10 Sta. 183+72 Sub aqueous 2.84 20 10 0 Little Crabtree Collection Line 1 N 35.915529 W 82.249806 pipeline crossing miles Little Crabtree C10 Sta. 190+05 N 35.916180 W 82.250911 Sub aqueous 2.92 24 10 0 Collection Line 1 i eline crossin miles UT Little Cl 1 Sta. 204+47 N 35.918231 W 82.255097 Sub aqueous 3.22 2 10 0 Crabtree (Collection) Line 1 i eline crossin miles UT Little C12 Sta. 212+40 N 35918484 W 82.257718 Sub aqueous 3.38 2 10 0 Crabtree (Collection) Line 1 . pipeline crossing miles UT Little C14 Sta. 237+83 N 35915144 W 82.262973 Sub aqueous 3.85 2 l0 0 Crabtree (Collection Line 1 . ^pipeline crossing_miles Sub aqueous UT Little C15 Sta. 258+32 N 35.915105 W 82.269209 4.25 2 10 0 Crabtree (Collection) Line 1 i eline crossing miles 4.43 UT Little C16 Sta. 267+45 N 35915976 W 82.272000 Sub aqueous 8 10 0 Crabtree (Collection) Line 1 . pipeline crossing miles Little Crabtree C18 (Collection) Sta. 10+48 Line 2 N 35.907864 W 82.216586 Sub aqueous i line crossing 0.64 miles 21 10 0 Ayles C19 Sta. 26+00 N 35.904283 W 82.214910 Sub aqueous 0.87 17 10 0 (Collection) Line.2 -_pipeline W 82.213537 crossin _miles 1.00 miles UT Ayles C19 (Collection) Sta. 33+75 Line 2 N 35.902877 Culvert replacement _ 2 20 0 Ayles C19 Sta. 35+85 N 35.902265 W 82.213570 Aerial pipeline 1.05 ! 30 8 8 (Collection) Line 2 crossing miles 1.07 20 Ayles C19 Sta. 37+15 . N 35901982 W 82213567 Aerial pipeline . 8 8 Collection Line 2 crossingmiles Ayles C20 Sta. 41+00 . N 35.900846 W 82.213831 Aerial pipeline 1.17 13 8 8 (Collection) Line 2 crossing miles _ Sta. 55+90 to Underground 1.55 N/A Sta. 60+74 N 35.897289 W 82.215618 wetland pipeline n/a 4840 Sq Ft 0 (Collection) Line 2 miles crossing i UT Ayles � C21 Sta. 61+20 N 35.896797 2 W 82.2 ] 5828 Sub aqueous 1.59 5 crossingmiles 10 i 0 i (Collection) Line pipeline Page 39 Biological Assessment East Yancey Water and Sewer District January 17, 2014 Page 40 Biological Assessment East Yancey Water and Sewer District January 17, 2014 Distance Average j Length of Length of Stream Plan Sheet Station Number Latitude Longitude Lona Type of Impact* from Stream Temporary Permanent Name** Line Segment Critical Width Impact Impact Habitat (feet) (feet) (feet) Ayles C24 Sta. 95+60 N 35.888499 W 82.216667 Sub aqueous 2.18 21 10 0 (Collection) Line 2 ipeline crossing ` miles UT Ayles C24 (Collection) Sta. 101+50 Line 2 N 35.886425 W 82.216820 Sub aqueous i eline crossingmiles 2.35 6 10 — 0 0 Ayles C25 Sta; 111+00 Sub aqueous N 35.884118 W 82.217926 2.55 18 10 (Collection) Line 2 pipeline crossing miles _ u South Toe C2 & C11 75 20 6 WWTP Outfall N 35.917508 W 82.207933 Effluent diffuser 0 feet River (WV Line installation Page 40 Biological Assessment East Yancey Water and Sewer District January 17, 2014 0%0%'m mEmm" ULE OF DRAWINGS H U G1 ... COVER SHEET C12.. PROPOSED GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER LINE 1 PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 206+00 - STA. 220+00 G2 ... PROJECT LOCATION MAP, LEGEND AND NOTES C13.. PROPOSED GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER LINE 1 G3 ... SHEET INDEX MAP PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 220+00 - STA. 233+00 C1A .. PROPOSED OUTFALL LINE PLAN AND PROFILE C14.. PROPOSED GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER LINE 1 PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 233+00 - STA. 246+00 Cl ... PROPOSED GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER LINE 1 PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 59+13.12 - STA. 66+00 C15.. PROPOSED GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER LINE 1 PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 246+00 - STA. 260+00 - C2 ... PROPOSED GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER LINE 1 PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 66+00 - STA. 80+00 C16.. PROPOSED GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER LINE 1 PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 260+00 - STA. 274+00 C3A. PROPOSED GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER LINE 1 vPLAN AND PROFILE STA. 80+00 - STA. 89+05 C17.. PROPOSED GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER LINE 1 �v PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 274+00 - STA. 286+35 c� C313.. PROPOSED GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER LINE 1 PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 87+00 - STA. 87+57 C18.. PROPOSED GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER LINE 2 PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 10+00 - STA. 24+00 o C4 ... PROPOSED GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER LINE 1 N i PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 94+00 - STA. 106+50 C19.. PROPOSED GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER LINE 2 PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 24+00 -STA. 38+00 C5 ... PROPOSED GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER LINE 1 O PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 106+50 - STA. 122+00 C20.. PROPOSED GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER LINE 2 `j PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 38+00 - STA. 52+00 C6 . PROPOSED GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER LINE 1 PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 122+00 - STA. 136+00 C21 .. PROPOSED GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER LINE 2 0 PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 52+00 - STA. 66+00 o C7 ... PROPOSED GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER LINE 1 o PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 136+00 - STA. 150+00 D1 ... MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS C8... PROPOSED GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER LINE 1 D2 ... MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 150+00 -STA. 164+00 00 oa` D3 ... MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS C9 ... PROPOSED GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER LINE 1 PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 164+00 -STA. 178+00 D4 ... MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS C10 .. PROPOSED GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER LINE 1 D5 ... MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 178+00 -STA. 192+00 � a D6 ... MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS ani {�c I � � �; k � C11. PROPOSED GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER LINE 1 b�YP1� PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 192+00 - STA. 206+00 c A S S D� A E2 co NCS ®LANNIN • FIN Al�TC 0 55 BROAD STREET AS EVILLE, NC 28801 PH. (828) 252-0575 FIRI LICENSE # C-0459 JANUARY 2015 0 N N O N C� Y. I , d I BUILDINGS, THE SEWER LINE SHALL BE INSTALLED PER 083004936144000 I P ® CTION FOR RES IC D EAS E T ACCESS EAS. BDONE OLLIS RE173 ALLEN DEANS I 3° 1F EXCAVATED MATERIAL I REQUIRE TO E STOCKPILED, T ' 487I EXCAVATED MATERIAL STOCKPILE DETAIL SHALL BE UTILIZED,I ' I 083004833158000 / ' PROPOSED .MANHOLE PROPOSED MANHOLE--, PROPOSE E APPROPRIATE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. ROSSY ALEXA & KAY HARRIS TRUSTEES ,/.� WITH STANDARD LID +01 STA POSED MA LINE 1 I GRAVEL DRI . 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STA 1 + °7 LI 1 LI INSTALLATION 1036733°930 TIRESTORE SHALL BE �N 603777®7 j/�� IImL LOCATED.�\103.-- CONTRACTOR NOTE: LARGE 083004935575000 SE BOULDER INFRONT YARD JOE PATE 268 5�0 1 PERMANENTEASE T-7 55SHALL NOT BE DISTURBED CONTRACTOR NOTE: FIELDVERIFY ==-_ \`®: \�r'-`-:r.\r. . ` —-- \\`\\\ \\.®"<...m� ffi.:.�. ___—�\—___\\ �_t-\�--..\. _ mr•�\.\`. • s\r_\�yA � CO E`R` \RU.:\ \ � •-"° �%t' '.p -. -\ -_• _- — —_5 i_ -- _A— te_— .;-: _m- ,`- —r• , — —'_.Jv—_ti—_ :.__ —._: 2--5-23—. .- •a:--:— —_'. •_ ,-:g / \. DOWN �RoPROPOSED 084000 0 1416000S EA MANHOLE INVERT rIPETTY EAFA1 aT AYE T �®/ 95/ •/ � �®® / // 0 PRIOR T LI INSTALLATION O& BOXWOOD NURSE 9 _ H25EDGE\OF COC. `R � % PLANTER 6R &WOODS0 � C / O( C / / SP/M`�LT /�NCH14 2oo9b080 TREE FARMc ARDEN MB's0830049375000 PAROA / /RPROPOSED P /S E -GRASS- 7 7 Rj ASPHALT DRI E — PROPOSEDREPAIR CREEK CROSS C®G PER HOR �CEAN2572_ MEDIU CREEK ' AXC PROPOSED - = �`�� m \�`�= = = _ =_ Jf `\�\� - _ __ '_�_= =TROtf CROSSING DETAIL SUPERSILT C INSIDE _-=_--- _ h , _ � __=_ _ __ _- _ -_-®_- T —GRAVEL — _N6 0>= _ CREEK --�— ARRIS �USIE�S— \ Cv TROUT BUFFER( ) _ - MARKER — — — — — — _ _ = _ _ �—_— — _ — _ - — —_ y;_ _ _ _ _— — — — - LITTLE CRA TREE — — — — — i //��i'%; % ` `'S13 PROPOSED MANHOLE zzzSTA 175+15 LINE 1 TBM: DOT BL -96 U.S. 1 _ a` _ _2-= _ — _ = �= — — — — = _ = = _ _ = = _ _ =— \\ �i // si _ _ — \\ EL=2520.32 _ - - \ - - °_ - _ AN DR 803968.5013 / \ +17 ll C N TR ACT T m C D I TE I Y -B .3� — — _ _ — — — — —ReEK E x\ 252 _ — \\ PROPOSED 6® Ferrous Metal Spike II FRE C D E EC IC POA Y \ z-1 ;903.689 — — — — — _` ` �\ _ CONTRACTOR 1036710°2649 IP PCH CK CONNECTED TO YA80 69668 H L O UTILI POLE IL SE - - _ _ _--__COO IaX=1039647.27, _ P SE _ — �\— ` E V L F G 6 6/14- VW REVISE SEINER LINE AT TIRE STORE AND ADD NOTE ABOUT WATER SERVICE ILT FEC 0 RVALS ( )° z=2520.99 NGVD 29 I I E I INSTALLS U GUY I - _ _ _ - _- - - _ - T P A Y SILT - - _- \\ L T I PROPER 5 4/13 VW REVISIONS FOR AS-BUILTS ND REBIDDING SEE TILS® OL O O EAN NECSSA Y ® \CON ACTOR NO a MEASURES TO PREVENT SOIL CONTATO INSTALL SE RLI HE E GUY F C P TAIL TBM: DOT BL -95 \\ WNE -IN TALL 6 9/10 VWV ADD REVISED TROUT BU FER NOTE O EXISTING GRA L O PA OPER SHALL UTILE IS LOCA AT O D ITIO L W Ferrous Met®, Spike EL=2522.45 AT SAME LOCATION. 5 6/15/10 VW ADDITIONAL REVISIONS ON TE PROPERTY ALL DISTURBED GRAVEL DRIVEWAY AREAS SHALL RECEIVE " F NAD83/86 COST TO ®TIS IS FULL Y=8033978.970. 430 4 5/24/10 VIN ADDITIONAL REVISIONS ON TE PROPERTY X=1036990.235 PROPOSED MANHOLE CA6C PER DETAILS. MAINTAIN OWNERS ACCESS TO PROPER RESPONSIEILI O CONTRACTOR. z=2520.01 NGVD 29 STANDARD LID 3 2/05/10 VW REVISIONS ON PATE OPERTY COORDINATE T PROPERTY OWNER BEFORE TEMPORARY— WITH CLOSURE O DRIVEWAY. ST 172+88.78 3927.3241 2 2/02/06 VW ADDED 100 YEAR FLOOD LEVATIONS NOTE: LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 1 7/1/05 VW REVISIONS TO AVOID FUTURE NC OT IMPROVEMENTS EXACT LOCATIONS ARE TO BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD BY THE CONTRACTOR. °5292 r1ATC ION 040 ae 'i r minwil SCALE: HORIZ. VI 50' VERT. EXISTING I GROUND m I r ® W U I I LLJ 0 V)I Iw.n..».«mmau ,vww.wvw yy Mum. I I& ( ® I' 12" PVC 2% U by+ r � � I w Z Q 0 } W QC " VC ° d�wz�z� L 6 J o M W I- J < 1 " PVC 0 0° 2% V) o z O 12" PVC 0.122% 0 to W< 0 0 W 0 0 cV 0 12 PVC --O 0.22% w✓ ®LL -12 YEERIE REAM AHO Z_ 0 LO Cq LO 04 0 CID w ®® Cn Edd®CID-11�--�,�y-/- (n ® W ® �yg�e 1[p—®1/ �— ®A CID u.. add co ®d) � 0.V A® 0 eY l p®� / ppg (L (n I- z z CLP I- K K (L (f) K K 5- 3'. U) �-KK I 165+00 166+00 167+00 168+00 169+00 170+00 171+00 172+00 173+00 174+00 I NOTE: ALL MANHOLES SHALL HAVE WATERTIGHT LID-'" UNLESS OTHERWISE It 177+00 0 2520 r ® W U I I LLJ 0 V)I Iw.n..».«mmau ,vww.wvw yy Mum. I I& < ® I' � w � U by+ r � � I w Z Q 0 } W QC rn U NOTE: ALL MANHOLES SHALL HAVE WATERTIGHT LID-'" UNLESS OTHERWISE It 177+00 0 2520 €..-.. ® W U I I LLJ 0 V)I Iw.n..».«mmau ,vww.wvw yy Mum. I ® < ® � w � U u r � m w Z Q 0 } W QC rn U 2515 d�wz�z� NOTE: ALL MANHOLES SHALL HAVE WATERTIGHT LID-'" UNLESS OTHERWISE It 177+00 0 2520 €..-.. ® W U I I LLJ 0 V)I Iw.n..».«mmau ,vww.wvw yy Mum. I ® < ® LL w w U 0 m w Z Q 0 } W QC rn U 2515 d�wz�z� L 6 J o M W I- J < 0® Fn 0 0 U) V) o z O p< � 0 0 to W< 0 0 W 0 0 cV 0 €..-.. LLJ Iw.n..».«mmau ,vww.wvw yy Mum. c > -j -j LL <WO U CO w I L 6 J 'gym•dll, + n—<o z III' w✓ N 803966.6602 /:� //�%���i-, ,,�- /�� �� Ot MARKER -1� Y' \�/�� - �- EEE R IT �rAS///c.o. 60 1.6131 /j / �� ��/ 1038095.3141 _ . _ r!/ %/ 1 /;�;/i/ ri//�% 8 ®I �' _=- D GENERAL EXCAVATION. r ��t �lrrl �� 5L � � � � E 10374 75m 1 4• --•-----•-- ----.®-•- i j�j�,�/ // /// i // ' i d� /�/ // I ® IR RELIEF V �rr 1 �� ' -�� / /�/,� �\ / / co U.P.TEL. / VI AGREEMENT IN ani/ri // ® °� PROPOSED �\ REPAIRF GRAVEL LOT T 2 UT /- ,,,, /, J� l3CAN0 - �� ITING. �� TEMPORARY SILT ;, ROP®SED MANHOLE 'P �,� -' //i'i�'/ .��%- . � � r• �2 aaV'EL// /// slcN �c. - � J 'ylr 11 � � � .\ BUFFER (T _ B PAID UNDER CABG LINE TA 179+65 LINE 1 ,- - / / i SIGN - _� \`� ' B" F M� ®. 803970.99 %��% '% /�/�' j /Z® 's zZ ° .. / / // / / / / / �1j�/vSw1 �`� \ \ \ 253 \` NAD oaa /� r J J �' \ FENCE PER DETAIL a s ITEM: 3 x25 x.5 = 211 T 1038260.51 0 '� = _ %'!� '/�'/%' ® °„Z ° MB IPS GPS STS - - _ �� 00L �o�®\ \ s�` , \ ,®3a9°� 2 3 ' l / P OPOSED MANHULE /// �i �/ j / j / / / N: 8040 / 12" VALVES\\ _ _ % - % \\ ,' ----- Sd- E.A9 < \ \\ STA 189+59.82 LINE 1 BACK® PROPOSE 20 \\ \ �\ ST 189+35 LINE 1 AREA _ - / / SIGH, - _ _ _ - .� _navE �:, - , = = - \\ \ 5 04172.9150 083004744118000 SUPE SILL C - - _ _ , _ - , / e . , / - _ __ _= ��, , \ °• �\ \� 0\ t Z , EVANS NORMAN \\ MBQ , PROPOSED L IT STA LI - =�� \ �\\�\�\ V 362 PER TAIL - -- - _'_ 'L �/ ,` , ' - - _ \\\ , 1037533.8836 230 Gk! GUIDE -ID CONCRE ,;; ,� /' ,' , TA 185+94.37 LI 1 �/ /�� /� ,,,, \, \ \�\\\�� \ \ \\�\\\\\ I �' - - /'� __ -� ®®• - PROPOSED N 803 0.57 -� 1037 71.9 CREEK CROSSINGSSI G PER NY=6°4076.727 MEDIUM CREEK_ .671 LZ=25322 V29AY RRSS _ 0. CROSSING DETAIL lev�EL=2520.64 25 TROUT CONTRACTOR To COORDINATE ITH FRENCH RKER' / A ELECTRIC C P A Y HOLD UTILITY UFFER r 1 ' `GPOLE SEWER LI INSTALLATION O NV '4 e\ THISTHE FULL \�\ AIOL CST TO . O�, A- � RESPONSIBILITY THE CONTRACTOR. 63/66 Y=604029.677 \ N24GVD 9 z 527.91 \ DOT MON BL91 ►� i( D i / -PRO OSD MANHOL 10 P Y A T / �\ \�;\\\��\\` \\\ \ \`\\\�\\� \ e ®®® TEL\� / N: 803994.26 / STA 179+90 LINE 1\\ \\ / E: 1038350.70 / I / / / i \\ \\ \ NiTARYS NHOL s - - EL 2523.21 cl� III IIS Ill /ri N 803979.50 \ \` \\\ \ \ c 9 083004840279000 \ \ \ \ \ 55.00 `® t Pte\ SIGN / / rll�lll RABEK NORMAN &JOY BOOTHS PROPOSED I! III � \ EL=2518.1 / % E 1038237.00 439 PVC 1".E.:2519.83' cN'Ilf lel/ /rj�jlll \ 122 1 PERMANENT EASEMENT / / \��\\\\��\`� \ \ \ v PVC OUT l.E.:2519.53' \\ 1 i 11111 I(l lel PROPOSE , / / 1 \�\�\\�\\\`�� \ \\\��� e \ \\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ X3004742473000\ % e CREEK CROSSING PER \���\\\\\\\\ \\\ `\ u`�\ . Ysoz5�ND vJENDY BABA® ®® a \\ \ MEDIUMCREEK RPS C NN C \`\\ �\\ \ \\ 392 _ \�\ ,, CROSSING DETAIL TO EXISTING MANHOL \�\\o\`�\�\ `\\\ a �I 4NDSCAP€�AREAS / ��� �� SHOAL CREEK Ro ® STA 190+5 LINE 1 \\��\�\� SR 1323 PROPOSED MANHOLE N 804292.7325 ` \ STA 178+95 LINE 1 E 10 27.9541 A�Z 03972.67 NQMS--EOR SEKS LINE INSTALLATION IN THE AREAS DESIGNATED. NOTE: LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. \ FVArT I nrATInkIC ARF Tn RF \/FI?IFIFn 11\1 THF' FIR n RY THF rnN1TRAC TnR \ I m r I I C:) m ^.t I I 2515 I ® 3 - w w ± tp cV b xr�1 O � j I Z Q I N 803966.6602 /:� //�%���i-, ,,�- /�� �� Ot MARKER -1� Y' \�/�� - �- EEE R IT �rAS///c.o. 60 1.6131 /j / �� ��/ 1038095.3141 _ . _ r!/ %/ 1 /;�;/i/ ri//�% 8 ®I �' _=- D GENERAL EXCAVATION. r ��t �lrrl �� 5L � � � � E 10374 75m 1 4• --•-----•-- ----.®-•- i j�j�,�/ // /// i // ' i d� /�/ // I ® IR RELIEF V �rr 1 �� ' -�� / /�/,� �\ / / co U.P.TEL. / VI AGREEMENT IN ani/ri // ® °� PROPOSED �\ REPAIRF GRAVEL LOT T 2 UT /- ,,,, /, J� l3CAN0 - �� ITING. �� TEMPORARY SILT ;, ROP®SED MANHOLE 'P �,� -' //i'i�'/ .��%- . � � r• �2 aaV'EL// /// slcN �c. - � J 'ylr 11 � � � .\ BUFFER (T _ B PAID UNDER CABG LINE TA 179+65 LINE 1 ,- - / / i SIGN - _� \`� ' B" F M� ®. 803970.99 %��% '% /�/�' j /Z® 's zZ ° .. / / // / / / / / �1j�/vSw1 �`� \ \ \ 253 \` NAD oaa /� r J J �' \ FENCE PER DETAIL a s ITEM: 3 x25 x.5 = 211 T 1038260.51 0 '� = _ %'!� '/�'/%' ® °„Z ° MB IPS GPS STS - - _ �� 00L �o�®\ \ s�` , \ ,®3a9°� 2 3 ' l / P OPOSED MANHULE /// �i �/ j / j / / / N: 8040 / 12" VALVES\\ _ _ % - % \\ ,' ----- Sd- E.A9 < \ \\ STA 189+59.82 LINE 1 BACK® PROPOSE 20 \\ \ �\ ST 189+35 LINE 1 AREA _ - / / SIGH, - _ _ _ - .� _navE �:, - , = = - \\ \ 5 04172.9150 083004744118000 SUPE SILL C - - _ _ , _ - , / e . , / - _ __ _= ��, , \ °• �\ \� 0\ t Z , EVANS NORMAN \\ MBQ , PROPOSED L IT STA LI - =�� \ �\\�\�\ V 362 PER TAIL - -- - _'_ 'L �/ ,` , ' - - _ \\\ , 1037533.8836 230 Gk! GUIDE -ID CONCRE ,;; ,� /' ,' , TA 185+94.37 LI 1 �/ /�� /� ,,,, \, \ \�\\\�� \ \ \\�\\\\\ I �' - - /'� __ -� ®®• - PROPOSED N 803 0.57 -� 1037 71.9 CREEK CROSSINGSSI G PER NY=6°4076.727 MEDIUM CREEK_ .671 LZ=25322 V29AY RRSS _ 0. CROSSING DETAIL lev�EL=2520.64 25 TROUT CONTRACTOR To COORDINATE ITH FRENCH RKER' / A ELECTRIC C P A Y HOLD UTILITY UFFER r 1 ' `GPOLE SEWER LI INSTALLATION O NV '4 e\ THISTHE FULL \�\ AIOL CST TO . O�, A- � RESPONSIBILITY THE CONTRACTOR. 63/66 Y=604029.677 \ N24GVD 9 z 527.91 \ DOT MON BL91 ►� i( D i / -PRO OSD MANHOL 10 P Y A T / �\ \�;\\\��\\` \\\ \ \`\\\�\\� \ e ®®® TEL\� / N: 803994.26 / STA 179+90 LINE 1\\ \\ / E: 1038350.70 / I / / / i \\ \\ \ NiTARYS NHOL s - - EL 2523.21 cl� III IIS Ill /ri N 803979.50 \ \` \\\ \ \ c 9 083004840279000 \ \ \ \ \ 55.00 `® t Pte\ SIGN / / rll�lll RABEK NORMAN &JOY BOOTHS PROPOSED I! III � \ EL=2518.1 / % E 1038237.00 439 PVC 1".E.:2519.83' cN'Ilf lel/ /rj�jlll \ 122 1 PERMANENT EASEMENT / / \��\\\\��\`� \ \ \ v PVC OUT l.E.:2519.53' \\ 1 i 11111 I(l lel PROPOSE , / / 1 \�\�\\�\\\`�� \ \\\��� e \ \\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ X3004742473000\ % e CREEK CROSSING PER \���\\\\\\\\ \\\ `\ u`�\ . Ysoz5�ND vJENDY BABA® ®® a \\ \ MEDIUMCREEK RPS C NN C \`\\ �\\ \ \\ 392 _ \�\ ,, CROSSING DETAIL TO EXISTING MANHOL \�\\o\`�\�\ `\\\ a �I 4NDSCAP€�AREAS / ��� �� SHOAL CREEK Ro ® STA 190+5 LINE 1 \\��\�\� SR 1323 PROPOSED MANHOLE N 804292.7325 ` \ STA 178+95 LINE 1 E 10 27.9541 A�Z 03972.67 NQMS--EOR SEKS LINE INSTALLATION IN THE AREAS DESIGNATED. NOTE: LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. \ FVArT I nrATInkIC ARF Tn RF \/FI?IFIFn 11\1 THF' FIR n RY THF rnN1TRAC TnR \ 1" Tip 0 0. 2505 0L+1121 2' I L I I C:) ^.t I I 2515 I ® 3 - w w ± tp cV b xr�1 O � j I Z Q I , MP CULVERT Ink I y® 1 , u ,n7 2505 1 Z ul r t � s i D l t fi Y � 1 ? .. 1, . J• . . . 1 2500 i O w L My Z m - , ,- 0.22 24" MIN. 12" D1 0 I� 0 ' o 6 r c ff A PROPOSED 50 EF 24 IA. 0.250" WAL 1" DIP 0 0.51 -/THICKNESS THICK ESS T NCAS - DN JACKE I i �j u x U M1 pSb ( 4 1 I 1 1" Tip 0 0. 2505 0L+1121 2' �1911�1�J1'. " CMP 19" DIP 0 0.5 VERT. R �- i~_ a i FUTURE 5" IMP 6''m6''(�i >14;F NOTE: ALL MANHOLES SHALL HAVE WATERTIGHT LIDS C 1/t } OTHERWISEUNLESS NOTED. I L I I C:) I I 2515 ® O w w ± tp cV b xr�1 O � (D Z Q I , MP CULVERT Ink I y® 1 , u ,n7 2505 Z co D l 0 2500 i O w My Z �1911�1�J1'. " CMP 19" DIP 0 0.5 VERT. R �- i~_ a i FUTURE 5" IMP 6''m6''(�i >14;F NOTE: ALL MANHOLES SHALL HAVE WATERTIGHT LIDS C 1/t } OTHERWISEUNLESS NOTED. 1i r` R f1sm, I L I I C:) I I 2515 ® O w w ± tp cV b xr�1 O � (D Z Q I 0 MP CULVERT Ink I y® 1 ( u ,n7 2505 Z co D l 0 2500 i O w My Z , ,- 0.22 24" MIN. 12" D1 0 I 0 ' 6 PROPOSED 50 EF 24 IA. 0.250" WAL 1" DIP 0 0.51 -/THICKNESS THICK ESS T NCAS - DN JACKE 1i r` R f1sm, s R. En .- L y I L I I C:) I I 2515 ® O w w ± tp cV b xr�1 O � III W O (D Z Q n 0 U) Ink I < :) 1 ( u ,n7 2505 Z co l 0 2500 i s R. En .- L y 2530 Ig I L I I C:) I I 2515 ® O w w ± tp cV b xr�1 O � III W O (D Z Q W ® rw U 0 U) Ink I < :) 1 ( u ,n7 2505 Z co l 0 2500 i My Z , ,- ' 6 2530 Ig Ld I I C:) I I 2515 ® O w w cV O � III W O (D Z Q W ® rw U 2525 c; Ld M � o Lit -1 o M E- Q In N O O U I.,.I Q W O ® (n ® 00 U - 12" DIP 0 0.22%CD Ii • 178+00 179+00 180+00 , 2515 LL (D 3: CL U) 2510 1 2505 Z co 2500 Ii • 178+00 179+00 180+00 , J U v U I 0 q- 0 O CV O N I O N i c 0 I 0 v a> ry O 0 O N_ 0) c 0 L N 3 c rn cl / O O O N N O N �J A i iilv i . ' �'F PLAN SCALE: 1 50" PROPOSED CONNECT I TO EXISTING MANHOLE STA 265+35.11 LINE 1 804135.7875_ 1031458.1649 �� - -.PROPOSED = _-___ S SILT NCE _-_- __--_-=-_- �PER DETAIL 00 \ ll \\ \ ��\\ \ 1 P S _ / iPROPOSEDCONNECT 15'PERMANENT 20 T"EXISTING AOL S T ,o \ _ \ \ - - STA -1-06.67 LINE 1 N8043401706 _. __ \. \��\\\\ 1031279.05 1. E CRA / � \ \ 2\\ _ 6TREE CREEK // %�%�/ j�/-�/-`///i_i� �,�� 11/////C_/c �/--.��_.-_� mac_ �--� �='�-�__.—�i� �(��\\'� \�. \\ \ �� � �� ® •_®/ ♦ Imo_ _ — _ - _\ CON ACTOR NOTE® FILL® _ / ��\___�\�� _ VERIFY INVERT ELEVATION J_RQ® EXISTING MANHOLE /® /� \v\\\\\\\\ I %/� l' `�/ act,/// jp�� �/�� Ci \ sem/ e\ _ _-�®__ � II• - \ �? \® \\\ \\\\ \\ ---- 0 =- � ��%==—�''T. \ `'PROPOSED 1 TEMPORARY / \\ \\, S / J SANITARY SEWER MANHOLEI\ \ I ( \\ / ®EASEMENT Cj I \ 17ARY SEWER HO �/� \ I i + i sra ass+lo.n s STA 265+35.11 \ i I f + I 70P EL: 2593. \ \ / / / — — /ii // /%i/% / / ' / \ \' ✓ \ / / TOP EL: 2589.92' � 1 (I \ BOTTOM 6.25' `. \ 083003144284000 v I �I \ \ \\ / ®, 120 PVC IN I.E.:2583.97' BLACK, TYRONE D. & BARBARA E. I:I I\ \ / \ \ \ \ \ / " \ \ I I I \\ \ / —� / �5 \ \ \ 120 PVC OUT LE.:2583.82' 456 704 l�(/iii/® /' ('®D����\\� _ Iii I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ �\ _ -- /' �%gi ✓ ® '// /" \_�f�i/�' l 5 NOTE: CREEK CROSSING �/2� /� ✓ / // ji / /� //// jj / \ I I \ �\\ \ PSMALL CREEK i CATALANO FAMILY LIMITED IMITED PARTNERSHI083003141568000 CROSSING TAIL ® / /// /// \ \ \ I \ 332 �j Sala / \ \ 23 / EXISTING MANHOLE � I 08 003149015000 _ ' \ RAY, MARK /A. &ROGER F. PENLAND 484 682 EXISTING MANHOLE —•--•--•--•-- 6 4/13 VW REVISIONS FOR AS-BUILTS AND REBIDDING 5 10/12 VW REVISION FOR NEW WALL CONFLICT 4 9/10 VW ADD REVISED TROUT BUFFER NOTE 3 4/09 VW REVISIONS ON MELTON PROPERTY 2 2/02/06 VW ADDED 100 YEAR FLOOD ELEVATIONS NOTE: LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 1 6/27/05 VW GRADE REVISIONS EXACT LOCATIONS ARE TO BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD BY THE CONTRACTOR. NO. DATE I BY I REVISION DESCRIPTION VERT. R rn s NOTE: C 26000 i PER d. LJ �...• � k ' 12" - VC IIWAO VET ELEVATI6N 2596.OT _--t --T -- - , Ln- -I- - - 274+00 26000 ® W I I w w af I I W w 0 U ® W \ J 2595 z�w��m�� w J o V)o O 2590 ma-<V®F,z 0 Q U O w0 o r - _ z z Q Q 2555 CD LL N CD z 3: z 1= CL i=- Go 2580 X X W W 269+00 270+00 271+00 272+00 273+00 274+00 26000 ® w 0 0 Q ® Z 0 I I w w af I I W w 0 U ® \ 2595 z�w��m�� w o o V)o 2590 ma-<V®F,z 0 Q U w< w0 o r - _ 2555 LL N 3: CL 2580 2575 < 257® < 274+00