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20050913 Ver 4_Triage Comments_20061201
DW(~i~•~ ~-~ S ~'~~`\3 i ~~'C Date ~ ~- 1 _ o. ~, Who Reviewed: `~r~~ /J r'. . ~ Plan Detail Incomplete ' - ^ Please provide a location map for the project. ' Please show all stream impacts including all fill elopes, dissipaters, and bank stabilization on the site plan. :~ ^. Please show etl wetland impacts including fill slopes on the site plan. ~ ,, ~ - ~ ~'~G, ~ ~ ~. ^ Please indicate all buffer impacts on the site plan. . ~'~'~s-~ -E'er ^ Please indicate proposed lot layout as overlays on the site plea. ~y Please indicate the location of the iotected ~buffera as overla oa the site lan.~~~~m~ ~ S ~ ~ ~"~ ~~'~' ~~~~~ . ^ P Ys P ^ Please locate all isolated or non-isolated wetlands,streams and other orators of the State as overlays on the site plan. ^ Please provido cross section details showing tho provisions for aquatic life passages ' ^ Please locate any planned•aeWer lines on tho sife plan. ^ Please provide the location of say proposed stormwatar management practices ea required by C3C ^ Please provide detail for the etormwatar~ management practices as required by C3C ~ • ^ Ploase specify the percent of project imperviousness area based on tho osdmated built-out conditions: . ^ Ploase indicate all stormwat ~oytfalla on the site p1a~. ^ Ploase indicato tho diflbso flow provision messuros do tho site plan. ^ Please indicate whothor or not the proposed impacts already bears conducted Avoidance and/or Minimisation Not Provided ~ ~ ~ .. ^ ' Tho labeled as on the plane does not appear to be necessary. Pleaso oliminate the . or provide additional information as to why it is necessary for this p%{ect.. • ^ This Office beliovea that the labelod on the plans as can be moved, or reconfigured to avoid tho impacts to the • . Please revise the pleas to avoid thQ impacts. ^. This~Offico believes that tho labeled on tho plena as ~ can be moved or rec©nfigurod to.;minimize the impacts to'tho . Pleaso rouses tho pleas to mininmizo the impacts. ^ The atormwata discharges at the location on the plans labeled will. not provide diflpse flow through the buffx because . Please Fev}se the plans and providq calculations toshow that diiltmse flow will be achieved through the ontirebuffer. If it is not possible to achieve. diffimae flow through. the entire buffar~ then it may bo necessary to' provide stormwata managem~t practices that mrmove nutrients before the stormwater can be discharged through the. buffer. ~ . Other i . ^~. The application foe was insufficiont~becauso over 150 feet of stream and/or over i sate of wetland'impacts wero requested. Plcaso provides .This additional fee must bo received before your application eau be reviewed. . ^ Please compere Section(s) on theapplication. - .. ^ Please provide a signed copy of the application. ^ Please provide . copies of the application, . copies of the site pleas and other aupportiag information: _ ^ ~ Pleasesubmit electronic CAD files showing ~ ; vie email to ian.mcmillan(tt~ncmail.net and CD: ~ ~. iVlitigation . ^ of compensatory mitigation is required for this project.' Please provid'e's compensatory mitigation plan.. The plan must conform to tharequim~ements in 15 A NCAC 2H .0500 snd must be appropriate to the type•of impacts proposed. ~ • ^ Please indicate which 404 Permit the USACE would use to authorize this project.