HomeMy WebLinkAbout210013_ENFORCEMENT_20171231NUH I H UAHULINA Department of Environmental Qual ENFORCEMENT ENFORCEMENT ENFORCEMENT Jv State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources A LT.KMAI • Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary p E H N F-1 A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director January 6, 1995 CERTIRED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUE5TTED Mr. Claude Small Claude Small Swine Operation Route 1, Box 209-A Edenton, NC 27932 Subject: LOSS OF DEEMED PERMITTED STATUS NOTICE OF VIOLATION As Per 15A NCAC 2H .0217(a)(1) CIaude Small Swine Operation (Chow ount-y_ Dear Mr. Small: RECEIVED WASHINGTON OFFICE JAN 12 1995 Animal Operations in the State have been deemed permitted by the Division of Environmental Management in accordance with Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, 2H, Rule .0217. An individual non discharge permit is not required if certain criteria are met. A major requirement to be deemed permitted is that there must not be a discharge of WY wastewater from the operation to the waters of the State. This letter transmits a Notice of Violation and notification that your animal operation has been found discharging wastewater to the surface waters of the State and is therefore no longer deemed permitted as a nondischarge facility under 15A NCAC 2H ,0217. Therefore the existing wastewater treatment system serving your animal operation is currently being operated without a permit as required by North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1. On October 21, 1994, wastewater was observed in an unnamed tributary adjacent to your facility. This tributary flows to Pollock Swamp, which is classified C NSW within the Chowan River basin. DEM Water Quality staff initially observed wastewater from a lagoon at your swine operation overflowing a dike wall and ultimately flowing to waters of the State. No other animal operations are located within the immediate area of this tributary. Photographs were taken indicating that a discharge event had occurred. If you wish to be reconsidered for coverage by the deemed permitted provision of the Rule, you must: 1)immediately eliminate the discharge of wastewater; 2)make any modifications needed to ensure there will be no future discharges; 3)send in an approved animal waste management plan by completing the attached certification form. This form and a copy of your plan must be returned to: P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section Planning Branch P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Your approved animal waste management plan must explain how you will collect, store, treat and land apply your animal waste to the land in an environmentally acceptable manner. To assist you in the development of this plan and to provide the required certification that the plan is acceptable, you should contact your local agricultural agencies such as the Soil and Water Conservation District, the USDA Soil Conservation Service, or the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. If we have not received the requested certification within 60 days of receipt of this letter or if there are additional discharges to the surface water, a civil penalty of up to $10,000 may be assessed and you may be required to apply for an individual non discharge permit from the Division. This permit, if issued, will contain monitoring and reporting requirements determined to be necessary by the Division. If you have any questions concerning this matter please do not hesitate to contact either Roger Thorpe, Water Quality Regional Supervisor for our Washington Regional Office at (919) 946-6481 or Dianne Williams Wilburn of our Central Office staff at (919) 733-5083, ext. 232. Sincerely, A. Preston Howard, Jr., cc:�Region Water�Quality Supervisor Jeff Raifsnider - Chowan County Soil and Water Conservation District Howard B. Campbell - Chowan County Health Department Pat Hooper - NC Division of Soil and Water Conservation Planning Branch Operations Branch DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT December 6, 1994 MEMORANDUM TO: Dianne Williams Wilburn Facility Assessment Unit THROUGH: Jim Mulligan, Regional Supervisor Washington Regional Office THROUGH: Roger K. Thorpe, "Water Quality Supervisor Washington Regional Office FROM: Scott Jones, Environmental Technicia Water Quality Section, WARO SUBJECT: Loss of Deemed Permitted Status NOV As Per 15A NCAC 2H .0217 (a) (1) Claude Small Swine Operation Chowan County The purpose of this memo is to request that the Claude Small Swine Operation be issued a Notice of Violation for the loss of deemed permitted status as a result of a discharge of animal waste to waters of the State. A summary of the investigation conducted on October 21, 1994, by Scott Jones, DEM staff, is attached. December 6, 1994 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Claude Small Claude Small Swine Operation Route 1 Box 209-A Edenton, NC 27932 SUBJECT: LOSS OF DEEMED PERMITTED STATUS NOTICE OF VIOLATION As Per 15A NCAC 2H .0217(a) (1) Claude Small Swine Operation Chowan County Dear Mr. Small: Animal Operations in the State have been deemed permitted by the Division of Environmental Management in accordance with Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, 2H, Rule .0217. An individual non -discharge permit is not required if certain criteria are met. A major requirement to be deemed permitted is that there must not be a discharge of any. wastewater from the operation to the waters of the State. This letter transmits a Notice of Violation and notification that your animal operation has been found discharging wastewater to the surface waters of the State and is therefore no longer deemed permitted as a non -discharge facility under 15A NCAC 2H .0217. Therefore the existing wastewater treatment system serving your animal operation is currently being operated without a permit as required by North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1. On October 21, 1994, wastewater was observed in an unnamed tributary adjacent to your facility. This tributary flows to Pollock Swamp which is classified C NSW within the Chowan River Basin. DEM Water Quality Staff initially observed wastewater from a lagoon at your swine operation overflowing a dike wall and ultimately flowing to waters of the State. No other animal operations are located within the immediate area of this tributary. Photographs were taken indicating that a discharge event had occurred. If you wish to be reconsidered for coverage by the deemed permitted provision of the Rule, you must: 1) immediately eliminate the discharge of wastewater; 2) make any modifications needed to ensure there will be no future discharges; 3) send in an approved animal waste management plan by completing the attached certification form. This form and a copy of your plan must be returned to: Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section Planning Branch Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Your approved animal waste management plan must explain how you will collect, store, treat and land apply your animal waste to the land in an environmentally acceptable manner. To assist you in the development of this plan and to provide the required certification that the plan is acceptable, you should contact your local agricultural agencies such as the Soil and Water Conservation District, the USDA Soil Conservation Service, or the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. If we have not received the requested certification within 60 days of receipt of this letter or if there are additional discharges to the surface water, a civil penalty of up to $10,000 may be assessed and you may be required to apply for an individual non -discharge permit from the Division. This permit, if issued, will contain monitoring and reporting requirements determined to be necessary by the Division. If you have any questions concerning this matter please do not hesitate to contact either Roger Thorpe, Water Quality Regional Supervisor for the Washington Regional Office at (919) 946-6481 or Dianne Williams Wilburn at (919) 733-5083, ext. 233. Sincerely; A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. cc: Roger Thorpe, Regional Water Quality Supervisor Dwane Hinson, Chowan County Soil and Water Conservation District Pat Hooper, NC Division of Soil and Water Conservation Planning Branch Operations Branch Central Files 2 Animal Operations Inspection Form Date of Inspection: October 21, 1994 2. Regional Office: Washington 3. Name of Property Owner: Mr. Claude Small 4. Name of Operator: Mr. Carlton Perry, Lessee S. Address: Route 1 Box 209-A Edenton, NC 27932 6. Phone Number: (919) 482-4623 7. Description of facility location: The facility is located on the south side of NCSR 1208 approximately 0.8 miles east of the intersection with N.C. Highway 32 in Chowan County. a. Date the facility began operation: 720101 9. Date of last expansion: December 1991 Explain: A secondary lagoon was completed. Lagoon designed (180 day storage; 120 day pump cycle) and partially funded by Soil Conservation Service. 10. Has the facility registered with DEM? Yes If yes, date registered? 931206 11. Does the facility have an approved animal waste management plan? No Is one required? Yes, 970101 Date approved? NA 12. Has the facility received a CAFO Designation? No If yes, date issued? 13. Type of operation (Examples: swine, farrow to finish, topping, dairy, beef, cattle, poultry, breeders, layers, broilers, turkey production, etc.): This facility is a swine feeder to finish operation incorporating two flush gutter style houses. 14. Number and type of animals: At the time of inspection, the operation housed approximately 600 swine. 15. Length of time animals have been, are, or will be stabled or confined and fed or maintained In any 12 month period: Swine are housed at the facility the entire year. 16. Are crops, pasture, or post -harvest residues sustained In the normal growing season over any portion of the lot or facility? Various crops are grown on a 12.0 acre tract adjacent to the operation. This area is equipped with a walker type irrigation system. 17. Type of waste management (Examples: 1. type of confinement: free stall barns, sheltered or limited shelter dirt lots, paved or dirt open lots, houses, or pasture; 2. type of waste handling: direct spreading In solid form, slotted floor with lagoon or pit, single or multl-cell lagoon, aerated lagoon, land application of .liquid manure, spray Irrigation, stockpiling, contractor disposal, etc.)? Swine are housed in flush gutter buildings. Waste gravity flows to two -stage lagoon system. According to Mr. Small the new lagoon has never needed to be pumped down. Irrigation acreage is available. 18. Description of other animal operations In Immediate vicinity and proximity to same or other surface waters: No other operations are known to be in the immediate area. 19. Proximity of facility to neighboring houses, wells, etc.: The closest dwelling is located approximately 500 feet north of the operation along NCSR 1208. 20. Approximate depth of groundwater table in the area of the facility or discharge: Seasonal high wetness condition and/or groundwater condition was estimated to vary between 12 and 60 inches over the entire site. 21. Proximity of facility to surface waters (provide name and class of surface waters): Facility is adjacent to Pollock Swamp which is classified C NSW within the Chowan River Basin. 22. Animal waste discharge Including photos and witness' names, addresses, telephone numbers, and statements of fact): Please note the attached photographs for your reference. Scott Jones, DEM staff, of the Washington Regional Office, (919) 946-6481, were present at the facility and observed the discharge. 23. Are pollutants discharged into the waters of the state? If so, How? (directly or by man- made ditch, flushing system, or other similar man-made device): The first stage lagoon at the operation was overflowing the eastern dike wall. Waste was flowing overland to an unnamed tributary which flows to Pollock Swamp, 24. Do or have discharges occurred In response to a storm event of less than a 25-year, 24-hour Intensity (if yes, Include a brief listing of incidents and suspected causes): have occurred regardless of storm events. However a storm event would have added to a discharge. 2s. What Is the degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State, to the public health, or to private property resulting from the violation? Animal waste was discharged into Pollock Swamp which is classified C NSW within the Chowan River Basin. Wastewater of this nature has the potential to deplete dissolved oxygen in the affected water body to a point which is harmful to aquatic life. 26. What Is the duration and gravity of the violation? Based on erosion and vegetation at the point of overflow, the discharge had occurred for some time. 27. Water Quality Assessment: (Include description of sampling, field measurements, visual observations and slope and vegetative cover of land adjacent to water, extent of rainfall and other factors relative to the likelihood or frequency of discharge of animal wastes and process wastewaters ). The effect on ground or surface water quality or quantity or on air quality. Samples or field measurements were not taken. Wastewater was observed overflowing the dike wall into Pollock Swamp. There were no significant rainfall events associated with this discharge. 28. What Is the cost of rectifying the damage? Unknown. 29. What Is the amount of money saved by noncompliance? The cost associated with proper operation of equipment and personnel time has been saved. 30. Was the violation committed willfully or Intentionally? No. Explain: The overflow is a direct result of negligent operation of the waste system at the facility. 31. What Is the prior record of the violator In complying or falling to comply with programs over which Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority? This violation is the first offense charged against the Claude Small Operation. 32. What Is the cost to the State for the enforcement procedures? NA Staff Time (WARO): $ Staff Time (Central Office): $ Travel: $ Total Cost of Investigation: $ 33. Type or general nature of business? The Claude Small Operation is a swine production operation. 34. What Is the violator's degree of cooperation (including efforts to prevent or restore) or recalcitrance (stubbornness)? Mr. Small was cooperative regarding the investigation. 35. Are there mitigating circumstances? No 3e. Assessment Factors: a. IWC: b. Receiving Stream: c. Damage (YIN - If yes, Include report from WRC) 37. Include a copy of any Designation letter signed by the Director. 38. Recommendations made to owner/operator: Mr. Small was informed by phone following the inspection that the discharge was to be eliminated immediately. Additionally, he was informed that the facility would receive an NOV for the incident which would require him to obtain a certified waste management plan. 39. Recommendations for further DEM action (Re -Inspect, NOV, Enforcement Action, Designate, etc.): The Washington Regional Office recommends that the Claude Small Operation receive an NOV as a result of said discharge. This NOV will include a deadline by which the operation will obtain and begin operating in accordance with a certified waste management plan. Follow-up inspections will occur as needed. 40. Other Comments: Mr. Small -indicated during the phone conversation subsequent to the investigation that the discharge had been eliminated. 7-+, L Z t�' •FCfl�7 r CLA-'-�---- 4-54ALL- CG,-oa--'a'a Co. Jm� sCAI-5 l f �yy� ,I• -•'Jr :r 1t�r r •�4y1t Claude Small Swine Operation Chowan County October 21, 1994 Scott Jones 1. Claude Small Swine Operation located off NCSF 1208 in Chowan County. Claude Small Chowan County October 21, 1994 Scott Jones Swine Operation 2. Primary stage lagoon at the facility is located behinc both swine houses. Note vegetative growth alone dike walls. Pollock Swamp (Class C NSW within the Chowan River Basin) is located less than 250 feet through the trees. Claude Small Swine Operation Chowan County October 21, 1994 Scott Jones 3. Close up of eastern dike wall where overflow wa° occurring at the time of inspection. Miscellaneous debris not associated with swine waste was observe( in the lagoon. Claude Small Swine Operation Chowan County October 21, 1994 Scott Jones 1. Claude Small Swine Operation located off NCSF 1208 in Chowan County. Claude Small Chowan County October 21, 1994 Scott Jones Swine Operation 2. Primary stage lagoon at the facility is located behinc both swine houses. Note vegetative growth alone dike walls. Pollock Swamp (Class C NSW within the Chowan River Basin) is located less than 250 feet through the trees. Claude Small Swine Operation Chowan County October 21, 1994 Scott Jones 3. Close up of eastern dike wall where overflow wa° occurring at the time of inspection. Miscellaneous debris not associated with swine waste was observe( in the lagoon. Claude Small Swine Operation Chowan County October 21, 1994 Scott Jones 4. Overflow was occurring at several points along the dike as seen in this picture. Severe erosion and "burned out" vegetation indicated that the discharge had occurred for some time. Claude Small Swine Operation Chowan County October 21, 1994 Scott Jones Acreage adjacent to the facility is available for application of wastewater. 3e•ur;al Cqm 1200• g J p�`� 31 10 Cem 1 ' ` .i • oar, � �' � _ � § � �fit"� � ��- —� ` ° 870 000 FEET ��' 1 5 .�'' % • late1207 `fir.' •1 to Pt 3097 16, .i \\Macedonia' a Claude Small Swine Operation `4am _ • Chowan County 3996 A. Wgdcat Ch n Cem 3995 Fi °�� • • •r.: 1 —G 15 11-11-dn — ~ a ° ./, + . • �� �� 1�Chapel� is 14 5.5 Y Sandpit -'�► ter. i �1 s°r .4� �' - Ce ,� =: a.a:' 1201 � �"' � `\� I �'.-! • �,� i •`�.- �"� _ _ ter.. � —""- � \ f ���' ' • i . 'sea. ^'* i -- - I -- �� �`�"` — i%- i �'f!'��•�/�. I A 1l 100 3993 901 1 i,•- _ \ ` .I �. ,.,,�"} �,Ll� .• ..... .. •.vim . � �' so Jr Animal Operations Inspection Form 1. Date of Inspection: 2. Regional Office: Washington 3. Name of Property Owner: IfLIQuA-_ 5MALL. 4. Name of Operator: t4so- : C1F Ln*) WMZi S. Address: Zr- I 6. Phone Number: yaj qGZ3 7. Description of facility location: rits2 «S (L_),,aC47-kZ1) (o 8. Date the facility began operation: of jar J7Z Date of last expansion: �lNk�N Explain: 10. Has the facility registered with DEM? If yes, date registered? 11. Does the facility have an approved animal waste management plan? 40 Is one required? VES Date approved? -<*Ws 12. Has the facility received a CAFO Designation? !dD If yes, date Issued? 13. Type of operation (Examples: swine, farrow to finish, topping, dairy, beef, cattle, poultry, breeders, layers, broilers, turkey production, etc.): Sv�t+4IL-� 14. Number and type of animals: 15. Length of time animals have been, are, or will be stabled or confined and fed or maintained In any 12 month period: #fitMA4 0 Rt.L 1164L, 16. Are crops, pasture, or post -harvest residues sustained In the normal growing season over any portion of the lot or facility? J';.v AC. 09LAfCABL6 4,5L 72A47- /4 40')4ru _'� 4.�a946r ,41 lz�i�.9�0�1 C rc 17. Type of waste management (Examples: 1. type of confinement: free stall barns, sheltered or limited shelter dirt lots, paved or dirt open lots, houses, or pasture; 2. type of waste handling: direct spreading in solid form, slotted floor with lagoon or pit, single or multi -cell lagoon, aerated lagoon, land application of liquid manure, spray Irrigation, stockpiling, contractor disposal, etc.)? oI FcW_y5 S�NCnC-- GACvDdAI �d_ "467215 WA"NC. r 18. Description of other animal operations In Immediate vicinity and proximity to same or other surface waters: LXk-,')a'.4 19. Proximity of facility to neighboring houses, wells, etc.: 20. Approximate depth of groundwater table In the area of the facility or discharge: (,�Z62) 4/;t - -4 ,N 21. Proximity of facility to surface waters (provide name and class of surface waters): •F�}cawy �?IA�I?' �r., r�rx.r 5�,.�A�� 22. Animal waste discharge Including photos and witness' names, addresses, telephone numbers, and statements of fact): / AA • 23. Are pollutants discharged Into the waters of the state? If so, how? (directly or by man- made ditch, flushing system, or other similar man-made device): 5WA-+,P, 24. Do or have discharges occurred In response to a storm event of less than a 25-year, 24-hour Intensity (if yes, Include a brief listing of incidents and suspected causes): 12;3�42L�_� , r � _;k5252m a L-�' 25. What Is the degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State, to the public health, or to private property resulting from the violation? r, �� u�Z' T� 5'� uaA7� • �svR-?L L� F£ �r4'%���i �G, 26. What Is the duration and gravity of the violation? �csZ LZC�r7 � =11SIVA .a, ( vk- ��k per-_ 27. Water Quality Assessment: (Include description of sampling, field measurements, visual observations and slope and vegetative cover of land adjacent to water, extent of rainfall and other factors relative to the likelihood or frequency of discharge of animal wastes and process wastewaters ). The effect on ground or surface water quality or quantity or on air quality. f-Nimpn- „J,%7L- 'Deee- W A4.4- 75 CJT = rhoC c d�� D I tE �t u- , rcp,�ac v' 3 �FFEz a /r L•oa�3 uT Lt 28. What Is the cost of rectifying the damage? unlK-AJ1!:0,J 29. What Is the amount of money saved by noncompliance? ,JoRurt�L, C; 30. Was the violation committed willfully or Intentionally? Explain: 31. What Is the prior record of the violator In complying or failing to comply with programs over which Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority? 32. What Is the cost to the State for the enforcement procedures? Staff Time (WARD): $ Staff Time (Central Office): $ Travel: $ Total Cost of Investigation: $ 33. Type or general nature of business?r,�G� aw) i�t 34. What Is the violator's degree of cooperation (Including efforts to prevent or restore) or recalcitrance (stubbornness)? 35. Are there mitigating circumstances? r•1 Jer 36. Assessment Factors: ►-1A a. IWC: b. Receiving Stream: c. Damage (Y/N - If yes, Include report from WRC) 37. hiclude a copy of any Designation letter signed by the Director. /iA 38. Recommendations made -to owner/operator: ; x}�,�1 PLAAJ 4 � 39. Recommendations for further DEM action (Re -Inspect, NOV, Enforcement Action, Designate, etc.): nb / raZ C�aS.s at J'��2N► r k�UL�T ;2 7f 40. Other Comments: 1\ latz,5 iJ f,F J S Sll� Report received by S Jor•� 17 a t e QLA 160"7 Time 0 I. Reporting Source a. Name 2o6 Ch NA CtAA1 b. Address C. County Oil&t_t�, Phone q Iq [z7_1 20 1 o 2. Nature of Complaint a. Description Pm npmaOv. 'N-r'� a hnL,4L— Qr). CV1ov Z4-r - C�S.J� � �__ AaAht, U'lo- _ 6VeA(o;—mcrJ b . Location C LW l GC�` i o ^�3 l` ?yam c. Name of Contact Address Phone 3. Comments U. Investigated by Date Reporting Source Notified Yes No Date Observations/Comments a 1 ~ ^I If7G w f i f r wlhrb f 4 d n un r _ vluh LIA 114 ul) Z U� 77 !T71 I.I am ' Int LM llti ilk A �e R au cc I lid. 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