HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051571 Ver 1_Complete File_20050816 AVA MCDENR , North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality /' ~p '0 ) Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Alan W, Klimek, P.E., Director October 31, 2005 DWQ Project # 05-1571 Beaufort County Mr. Mickey Purcell 235 Hatteras Ln. Aurora, NC 27806 CERTIFIED MAIL: #7005 1820000246304600 Subject Property: Bond Creek Estates Lot # 12 Tar-Pamlico Basin Approval of Tar-Pamlico River Riparian Buffer Protection Rules Minor Variance [15A NCAC 2B .0259 (9)(b)] Dear Mr. Purcell: You have our approval, in accordance with the conditions listed below, to impact 165 square feet (fe) of Zone 2 of the protected buffers to construct a residence on the subject property as described within your variance request dated August 13, 2005 and received by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) on August 16,2005. These impacts must be in accordance with the plot plan submitted with your application. This letter shall act as your Minor Variance approval as described within 15A NCAC 2B .0259(9)(b). In addition to this approval, you should obtain or otherwise comply with any other required federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Erosion and Sediment Control and Division of Coastal Management regulations. This approval is for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner(s) must be given a copy of this variance approval and plot plan and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. This approval requires you to follow any conditions listed below. N. C. Di.ision of Water Quality 943 Washington Square Mall ,&:r'j\ -,-1' NCOEN:{ Washington, N.C. 27889 Telephone (252) 946-6481 FAX (252) 946-9215 The Additional Conditions of the Certification are: 1. No Zone 1 Impacts No impacts (except for proposed and "exempt" uses as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0259) shall occur to Zone 1 of the protected riparian buffers unless otherwise approved by the DWQ. No impervious surfaces shall be added to Zone 1, unless otherwise approved by the DWQ. 2. Buffer Mitigation (EEP) Option 1: Yon are required to mitigate for impacts to the protected riparian butTers. The required area of mitigation to compensate for impacts to the protected riparian buffers is 248 square feet as required under this variance approval and 15A NCAC 2B .0259. You have the option to make a payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund administered by the NC Ecological Enhancement Program (EEP) to meet this mitigation requirement. This has been determined by the DWQ to be a suitable method to meet the mitigation requirement. In accordance with 15A NCAC 2B .0259, this contribution will satisfy our compensatory mitigation requirements under 15A NCAC 2B .0259(9)(C). Until the EEP receives and clears your check (made payable to: DENR -Ecological Enhancement Program Office), no impacts specified in this variance approval shall occur. The EEP should be contacted at (919) 715-0476 if you have any questions concerning payment into the EEP. For accounting purposes, this variance approval authorizes payment into the Riparian ButTer Restoration Fund to compensate for 248 fe of required riparian butTer mitigation for impacts to 165 fe of protected riparian butTers; 30-04-10,27- 129-(1) river and subbasin." Option 2: The DWQ will accept an alternative method of mitigation (including but not limited to Buffer Restoration or Enhancement) pursuant to the Buffer Mitigation Rule (15A NCAC 02B .0259) to satisfy this mitigation requirement. If you choose to pursue this option, then you are required to submit in writing a mitigation plan to the DWQ Wetlands/401 Unit/ Washington Regional Office for review and approval. This plan should include a proposal to plant at least two (2) native species of trees with in the riparian buffer area. For more information, please contact this office. No impacts shall occur to the protected butTers until the mitigation plan is approved by the DWQ. 3. Diffuse Flow An additional condition is that all stormwater shall be directed as diffuse flow at non- erosive velocities through the protected stream buffers and will not re-concentrate before discharging into the stream as identified within 15A NCAC i ~~~ DW~ ~ NOV 1 0 2005 DENR - WATER QUALITY WETLANDS Nm STORMV1ATER BRANCH 4. Certificate of Completion Upon completion of all work approved within the 401 Water Quality Certification or applicable Buffer Rules, and any subsequent modifications, the applicant is required to return the attached certificate of completion to the 401/Wetlands Unit, North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1650. Requests for appeals of this decision shall be made to the Office of Administrative Hearings. If you do riot accept any of the conditions of this approval, you may ask for and adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714. This approval and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This Minor Variance Approval shall expire five (5) years from the date of this letter. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under the Tar-Pamlico River Riparian Buffer Protection Rules [15A NCAC 2B .0259(9)(b)]. Please call Kyle Barnes at 252- 948-3917 if you have any questions or require copies of our rules or procedural materials. Sincerely, jL~'J:Gr_ Al Hodge/Supervisor Division of Water Quality Surface Water Protection Washington Regional Office Enclosures: Certificate of Completion Project Plan cc: DWQ WaRO Regional Office ~WQ Central Office, Cyndi Karoly Central Files Beaufort Co~ Dept. of Building Inspections ':8.D['1 : IlEI,J BEP~ I ~ - /' / "./ ,.. / ,.. / W~\ l1\tJOS FH:<< I'll]. : ::'52 6"3"3 2965 HI_I~. 10 2CID5 CC: 30Ff'! F'2 ~..... _oJ_.-:- _ BOND CREE.K ~I --- ----- -- ,,- -- ZON f: -... , -- ,...-- ..--..-' Z DtJE 2 - -.... -- ....- "..- r ,. ".- "" ..". ------ ----~} ~ ~ -- ~ -'It ~-.v ~ ~, \; .v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~ \.-\aJt:. \'\0.&\ .} ~ ~ oJ,> V ~ ~ I ~ W .v v _ \.~. .v ~,lr ~ ~ ~ ' ~, ~ ~ . ,-- LOT l~ BON D CREEK r.:S-rI1TE:S 1.35 HFtTTrRl\S LM ~ ~. '*' .v i' vi ~ ~ m ~ . c- o '" '" -.- ./"-.. /. ........ ~ -- ~ ?-6"~~ " - ,._r "'" ..., ...,. '........., HOV S E SEPTIC 103.81 '" "- " ........ ... '" "- "-.. .... .... .... - - - , ...- ~ seA LE '('1:: 40 rT Certification of Completion DWQ Project No.: County: Applicant: Project Name: Date oflssuance oflsolated Wetland Permit: Certificate of Completion Upon completion of all 'work approved within the 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Rules, and any subsequent modifications, the applicant is required to return this certificate to the 401/Wetlands Unit, North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1650. This form may be returned to DWQ by the applicant, the applicant's authorized agent, or the project engineer. It is not necessary to send certificates from all of these. Applicant's Certification I, , hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Watcr Quality Ccrtification and Buffcr Rules, the approved plans and specifications. and other supporting materials. Signature: Date: Agent's Certification L . hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Watcr Quality Ccrtification and Buffcr Rulcs, the approved plans and specifications. and other supporting materials. Signature: Date: If this project was designed by a Certified Professional I. , as a duly registered Professional (i.e., Engineer, Landscape Architect, Surveyor, etc.) in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically, weekly, full time) the construction of the project, for the Permittee hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Watcr Quality Certification and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications. and other supporting materials. Signature: Registration No. Date ~~ .i;E,:!c,:9sy~~ew ~ O-....\t= ~ DS-IS11 -./ PROGRAM ~~@~uw~ @ NOV 2 9 2005 RECEIPT '_ D,~NR - WATER QUALITY \. CTUw iDS NiD STORIll'~TER BRANCH Novcmber 22, 2005 DWQ #: 05-1571 COE #: N/A Mickcy Purccll 235 Hattcras Lanc Aurora, NC 27805 TD.J\D7 Projcct: Bond Crcck Estatcs, Lot 12 County: Bcaufort Thc North Carolina Ecosystcm Enhanecment Program (NC EEP) has rcceivcd a chcck in thc amount of $238.08, check numbcr 78244725. as payment for thc compcnsatory mitigation rcquircmcnts of thc 401 Water Quality Ccrtification/Scction 404 Pcrmit issued for thc above rcfcrcnccd projcct. This rcccipt scrves as notification that thc compcnsatory mitigation rcquircrncnts for this project have bcen satisficd. You must also comply with all other conditions of this ecrtification and any othcr state, federal or local govcrnrnent pcrmits or authorization associatcd with this activity. The NC EEP, by acccptanec of this payment, acknowlcdges that the NC EEP is rcsponsiblc for thc compcnsatory mitigation rcquircmcnts assoeiatcd with thc projcct pcrmit and agrecs to provide thc compcnsatory mitigation as specified in thc permit. Thc rnitigation will be performed in accordanec with thc Memorandum of Undcrstanding bctwccn thc NC Department of Environmcnt and Natural Rcsources and the US Army Corps of Enginccrs datcd Novcmbcr 4, 1998, as indicated in the table bclow. Rivcr Basin Wetlands Strcam Buffcr Buffcr Cataloging (Acrcs) (Lincar Fcct) Zonc 1 Zonc 2 Unit (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Riparian Non-Riparian Coastal Marsh Cold Cool Warm Tar-Pamlico 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 248 03020104 Plcasc notc that a payment made to thc Ecosystcm Enhanccmcnt Program is not rcimbursable unless a request for rcimbursemcnt is rcccivcd within 12 months of the datc of thc rcceipt. Any such rcqucst must also bc accompanicd by Icttcrs from thc pcrmitting agencies stating that the pcrmit and/or authorization have been rcscindcd. If you have any questions or necd additional information, plcasc contact Carol Shaw at (919) 733-5205. Sinccrcly. a::D~"h~J~ Dircctor ce: Cyndi Karoly, Wctlands/401 Unit Doug Huggctt, Division of Coastal Managcment Scott Jones, USACE - Washington Kyle Barncs, DWQ Rcgional Officc - Washington File RMtoYinj... E~... pyotectinj Our Stat~ A7A NCDENR North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 / 919-715-0476/ www.nceep.net NA ~CDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality O-T F ~~ Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Scptcmbcr 21,2005 DWQ Projcct # 2005-1571 Beaufort County CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED #70033110000206086979 Mr. Mickey Purcell 1 000 Yacht Ct. New Bern, NC 28563 REQUEST FOR ADDITlONAL INFORMATION '@~~~~o~ ~ R QuN-\n' DE~R - W~~~.w~1tR BRNlCH '1','e1\.JJms N~O s Subject Property: Lot # 12 Bond Creek Estates Dear Mr. Purcell: On August 15,2005, the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Wetlands/401 Unit received your variance request. The DWQ has determined that your project is eligible for the use of the Minor Variance From the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico Riparian Buffer Rulesfor residential structures. However, the DWQ needs additional information in order to complete the approval process of your variance. Therefore, unless additional information is provided as described below, we will have to move toward denial of your request per 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (9) and will place this project on hold as incomplete until we receive this additional information. Specifically: Additional Information Requested: In Part 2: Section (1) the square footage of buffer impacts is requested. Your response was, "build single family home on pilings". The square footage of impacts is needed to complete your application. Please submit information indicating the number of square feet of impacts in Zone 2 ofthe Riparian Buffer. N. C. Division of Water Quality 943 Washington Square Mall &~A ---1' NCOOO Washington, N.C. 27889 Telephone (252) 946-6481 F A..X (252) 946-9215 variance letters Subject: variance letters From: Kyle Barnes <Kyle.Barnes@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 31 Oct 200515:31:47 -0500 To: Ian McMillan <ian.mcmillan@ncmail.net> These were written today: 05-1571 Bond Creek Estates Lot #12 Beaufort 08/16/05 09/21/05 request for sq. footage on application tp/gmv Hold: letter sent 9/21/05, Issued normal conditions 05-1751 Oriental Plantation lot #56 pamlico 09/14/05 10/31/05 NBR/GMV Hold for more information KB 1 of 1 10/31/20053:42 PM AVA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Michael F. Easley, Governor September 21,2005 DWQ Project # 2005-1571 Beaufort County CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED #70033110000206086979 Mr. Mickey Purcell 1 000 Yacht Ct. New Bern, NC 28563 Subject Property: Lot # 12 Bond Creek Estates REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMA TlON Dear Mr. Purcell: On August 15,2005, the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Wetlands/401 Unit received your variance request. The DWQ has determined that your project is eligible for the use of the Minor Variance From the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico Riparian Buffer Rulesfor residential structures, However, the DWQ needs additional information in order to complete the approval process of your variance. Therefore, unless additional information is provided as described below, we will have to move toward denial of your request per 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (9) and will place this project on hold as incomplete until we receive this additional information. Specifically: Additional Information Requested: In Part 2: Section (1) the square footage of buffer impacts is requested. Your response was, "build single family home on pilings". The square footage of impacts is needed to complete your application. Please submit information indicating the number of square feet of impacts in Zone 2 of the Riparian Buffer. ~~@[~WW~@ OCT 1 3 2005 ,S,VA --t NCDW N. C. Division of Water Quality 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, N.C. 27889 Telephone (252) 946-6481. F A..X (252) 946-9215 DENR - WATER QUALITY WETl..NIDS NID STORI.IWA TER BRANCH Please respond in writing within three weeks of the date of this letter by sending a copy of this information to Kyle Barnes of the DWQ Washington Regional Office at 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington, NC 27889. Ifwe do not hear from you in three weeks, we will assume that you no longer want to pursue this project and we will consider the project as withdrawn. Please call Kyle Barnes of this office at (252) 948-3917 if you have any questions. ~ncer~l' . .L- I-\J- 1- AI Ho ge Supervisor Division of Water Quality Washington Regional Office -" C\/o1 Central Office Variance Triage Sheet DATE: 8/22/05 PROJECT NAME: Bond Creek Estates, lot 12 DWQ #: 20051571 COUNTY: Beaufort TO: Kyle Barnes, Washington Regional Office FROM: Debbie Edwards TELEPHONE: (919) 733-9502 The file attached is being forwarded to you for your evaluation. Please call if you need assistance. D ~ "General" Major Variance Minor Variance COMMENTS: As per the discussion regarding revision of the triage and delegation processes, please review the attached file. Note that you are the first reviewer, so this file will need to be reviewed for administrative as well as technical details. If you elect to place this project on hole, please ask the applicant to provide your requested information to both the Central Office in Raleigh as well as the Washington Regional Office. As discussed, this is an experimental, interim procedure. Please let the Central Office know of any complications you encounter, whether related to workload, processing times, or lack of a "second reviewer" as the triage process in Central Office had previously provided. o \'( \(~;. I ,.J f\ L I OFFICE USE ONLY: Date Received Request # State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Variance Request Form - for Minor Variances Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rules NOTE: This form may be photocopied for use as an original. Please identify which Riparian Area (Buffer) Protection Rule applies. o Neuse River Basin: Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rule (15A NCAC 02B .0233) l:( Tar-Pamlico River Basin: Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rule (15A NCAC 02B .0259) o Catawba River Basin: Protection and Maintenance of Existing Riparian Buffers (15A NCAC 02B .0243) Part 1: General Information (Please include attachments if the room provided is insufficient.) @&@&DW&@ AUG 1 6 Z005 l}1:n ~ENR W. ~ 'VV/DS Nm sYER QUALITY ORMWATtRBo" 'vv/CH 1. ~plicant's name (the corporation, individual, etc. who owns the property): 'Kfi'f A m,'e-fUNd v- C1~(J I WIJ//;~c.<. ?4A.f'O- U 2. Print Owner/Signing Official (person legally responsible for the property and its compliance) N.ame: . 1?tJ If~ /71. Pura /1 Title: Ow n -i-r Street address: ~ 3 r J/~7l< r RS 1/:;" ~ City, State, Zip: ,4ot ra rl'1, AI. c... . ~? fa (., T etephone: O?S~ '" 1 0 - ? 99 cr Fax: ofS"~ (,.,33..;'.9 t,,S" 3. Contact person who can answer questions about the proposed project: Name: ~/p~ //l. 'Pc.trce/I Telephone: ~S-Z-. ~ 7() -?199 Fax: dlS:J.-. G, 3 3 ~ 7(,S Email: /17 /C.. f C/ r ~ CAIt.-7J. I,' nIt. , AI eT 4. Project Name (Subdivision, facility, or establishment name - consistent with project name on plans, sppcifications, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): 15dn d Cree. /( ~ STAteJ Version 2: November 2002 5. Project Location: '6 dnd CreeK- [.s7R"'l"es Ld! tt' I;' Street address: d 3 S- II;:; JJe.r/'1 J Lrl/1 ~ City, State, Zip: fltA.rarA J c.... t?< 7J'tJ ~ County: ?eR"",.fVr I , Latitude/longitude: AI & 'I ., <II ' () S' C - /lI.z 9 6 '/1 .t.s oJ 6. Directions to site from nearest major intersection (Also, attach an 8 Y2 x 11 copy of the USGS J ~ a ~ ' topographic map indicating the location of the site): iliA. f"cr'1 ilw1 s.3 -r;; Sfr,'n;; Crt.-t..-K:. f?- \!r h/.1 (!)dn S;r};'J Cr~tt.- 0J}l/~t Td g07J Cret.-~ c.t7iJ7es ({) o?-l Oc rd Fl,k.~ Lr1l1 (., /lfl'rcr-./d()/r 7:1l1ll7nr~s4M(.,,-;.Jffr~ 7/d //1,'/(.. -,&,<Je:I cletJ..J~Js )/110 froptrTcr 7. Stream to be impacted by the proposed activity: "Bdn j &.~.e"i< Stream name (for unnamed streams label as "UT" to the nearest named stream): Stream classification [as identified within the Schedule of Classifications 15A NCAC 28 .0315 (Neuse) or .0316 (Tar-Pamlico)]:,O 3/ ~ 8. Which of the following permits/approvals will be required or have been received already for this project? Required: Received: Date received: Permit Type: CAMA Major CAMA Minor 401 Certification/404 Permit On-site Wastewater Permit NPDES Permit (including stormwater) Non-discharge Permit Water Supply Watershed Variance Others (specify) Part 2: Proposed Activity (Please include attachments if the room provided is insufficient.) 1. Description of proposed activity [Also, please attach a map of sufficient detail (such as a plat map or site plan) to accurately delineate the boundaries of the land to be utilized in carrying out the activity, the location and dimension of any disturbance in the riparian buffers associated with the activity, and the extent of riparian buffers on the land. Include the area of buffer impact in ft2.]: '])(!..$cr::pllan d~pR."fa.Jr,clfiC.:r;y/~ '- }td/J s,'nfj/<' ~I'h:/., jPmt.- OYlp'/)n!J's 2. State reasons why this plan for the proposed activity cannot be practically accomplished, reduced or reconfigured to better minimize or eliminate disturbance to the riparian buffers: ])(..{. e.- ~ ~t.p' -r;.c., ~ () /rJ7/C17's . /'7()T U"J(Jt(.5L ~V'rn 7d tv/ /J w/a ,'n .f'r"n~,\n6 ~ sJo' sr.'" ~C4c..k, fUA//!,. Variance Request Form, page 2 Version 2: November 2000 3. Description of any best management practices to be used to control impacts associated with the proposed activity (Le., control of runoff from impervious surfaces to provide diffuse flow, re-planting vegetation or enhancement of existing vegetation, etc.): ~ Cc/rJTr,/ IJn'1 R.uf\.o-t:"-F f'1 s.'tr-A--nc.-<.- wIll J!- l-'..JeJ ctr/n:; (!,p].,.fT ~c /:' ~ 4. Please provide an explanation of the following: (1) The practical difficulties or hardships that would result from the strict application of this Rule. 0/ -rl {/W/ ~ JN7Il-i~i1c,c..- w :/1 /ld/ /;<. /16/!- ;; tv,'/J'rme dJl /tlr. (2) How these difficulties or hardships result from conditions that are unique to the property involved. 1JL{!- 76 S~'{;'c &,,/,o'l/0->S 'I" Set 6a-c./t. tt.-vlu :tZ&r-c.. ,os /JilT ~o&<-OJ.... ~Vrn ~ f /}3 C (., j-lt7'PJ c- (3) If economic hardship is the major consideration, then include a specific explanation of the economic hardships and the proportion of the hardship to the entire value of the project. & rli 11 f,A.":T vf7ll/~n"(., /&n j V/vv II i" C1.n uSfiJi/<.- An j .we- WtllA.--/J 6-<. tUJptlt.. % bv,le! OlNr ~&I'lne. - 7Z4J /"tJ.r"nJ a"'-'r /'/JJ/~/r/m"nr ,'/1 frQP~rT'r 4/~ IV,'St... 7d 1h1Jb.. 4vm-<--. Part 3: Deed Restrictions By your signature in Part 5 of this application, you certify that all structural stormwater best management practices required by this variance shall be located in recorded stormwater easements, that the easements will run with the land, that the easements cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that the easements will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. Part 4: Agent Authorization If you wish to designate submittal authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf, please complete this section: Designated agent (individual or firm): Mailing address: City, State, Zip: Telephone: Fax: Email: Part 5: Applicant's Certification Variance Request Form, page 3 Version 2: November 2000 I, ~II'^ IJJJc.hIJ~ I ?urc. ell (print or type name of person listed in Part I, Item 2), certify that the information included on this permit application form is correct, that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans and that the deed restrictions in accordance with Part 5 of this form will be recorded with all required permit conditions. Signature: Date: Title: i?~h~u-9 'P~ o u.J rJ (:. (L. Variance Request Form, page 4 Version 2: November 2000 TopoZone - The Web's Topographic Map, and more! Page 1 of2 .. . " . r J ~~..... lA"',.....;r. k' J... ., h' . ~.: --'~;C.: .~... ~.' ,,~>t"j\t!S mCjlp &.-~..J:i.~ /'"S,..,.:1.~. ~ "., III o.lt 0' I \:-. ", F O.rJl,r~E'.",.~,,",T r,',<l!'(.,. .r";!; ," '""l'\' :,~ ~'\ .",i3':! J . . t:U '1": .... ~ ~~\.. "lq.'" i',,,,,,,,,E9 '/'1i o!"l --..,.. '\ ;;\J'I .."'.... _m--,.. ~ --"'W.................. _ _ ..;..'---~........ ......~ - UTM 18 345000E 3909964N (WGS84 USGS South Creek Quad -rCpOA?onc prc.~ aer:31 photos, shadcl(j r(~!!ef, street rnaps, interact ~opozon~ VIEW MAPS Map/Photo Info Topo Download Photo Download USGS Topo Maps (i 1: 24K12SK Series r 1:100K Series r 1: 2S0K Series Map Size r Small r Medium (i Large View Scale 11: 24,000 ~ Update Map J Coordinate Format I UTM ..:1 Coordinate Datum I WGS84/NAD83 ...::I J7 Show target Email this map Bookmark this map Print this map . My J opoZ Ot4E ,A.BOUT Us WEB SERVICES I I \/ie\v -. tODozone. ~1~a.im""!lI~ ~ ~ ......: , , . ., ...... ... .:. '....... .." ~ "';~ ". it: . l.~.. l'J! 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ESTf\TC::S 235 HATTr~1\5 LM 10'3.8 { seA LE [II;:, 40 fl ---.------------- ...-- ..... ~~~~~~~~~--~----------~---- ~ew Construction o Repair Environmental Health Section Beaufort County Health Department 220 N. Market St. Washington, North Carolina 27889 (252) 946-6048/ Fax (252) 946-2074 IMPROVEMENTS PERMIT Improvements permits are subject to revocation if the site plans or intended use changes or site alterations occur. ~ate: 7-12 -2 ooG wner: -r:..I'''rf....~_ ~ L c.. Phone: ("33'C) 5"ctJ -7ZOfj, ddress: c;:.r 0.. " .' /1.. If/. C . Subdivision: 1:10/1"'/ Cr-.,;>€'/c . LotNumber: /Z'l5'8c...-"w, State Road Number: Iq 12 Directions !&,j ("t.... /: <;k L:.J p 1/"7 -of ~/"? "..",,,.J.:,'/1t.'~/' 10-DIGITPIN____-__-____ Property Size: / 1t:f'7r + . S'1 c c.. Type StructUre: fI., / ,'" p No. Bedrooms: ?: No. People: ~ Water Supply: ('" -"/11 " , ., . I :/..;/ (Maintain minimum...&.- feet ~eparation from any part of septic system and repair area.) Classification: 0 Suitable J;:a>rovisionally Suitable 0 PS with fill Additional Drainage: /1'7 1~":'1,' " -::-*h", c?r." ~ h -;-/'.--/0, r C:>:# t'.~ Seasonal Wetness Condition: I :29~' Soil Type . 7Jl:: Septie Tank: / /V' r' , ~al. Pump Tank: gal, Nitrification Field: 9uo.?l (I;r..~./e.., fr"" c/1 square feet trench bottom Trench Depth: / ";? II FlI Depth: C:" "7/" -;-;:. .; Cow r Comments: 4- /- II (' - - -;? / /7-5 / t? h" . /" I: ~,' Ir~ .,r, -, ~~ - p;.,- ,." :1..;:/ ':"I/':"tf.... ;:;;-v:;r /7r-t-, '.... ~/. /,.,1- 51? "/~,~h ,..// t'~')J, r~ ~-,qD'/"..; ;" /~~/{7/1 ~ Additional for all systems: Landscape system area for surface water runoff and grass, Do not place drive or any building over the system area or repair area. Observe all proper setbaeks (10 NCAC lOA .1950), Do not work soil or install system in wet conditions, This permit must be on site during installation and inspection. (/' L ... /",/ . <'.,- Environmental Health Specialist' ~/,.. -. /~ ---:' . ~ . ,{" oJ , White ow~ontractor Yellow - Health Department #- ~ Elf A r771c/fC'lJ .JJRAt1/J?IIC- f- /It ,lIer :-c.,f:" Ie ~, ,-;/r.,cf 11/./11 f;..c.. ,'. s-::'/I::,-I /..).:..1' .' (j) ;?-co r CJ r cr.S'0"'''/ fo o(~.'~ rrrt:;'- ~::: c..-II! 1/2/ : ., ,1158 (j) (j) sd:~It:/lc1 t:"'~ ~/rma / 0 (' (J"r:! ~./~ ?0.1 4-/ ,..tt.tr '5"e.lkcl: ~"." ~hf}l /:,!,r! r/{(ve...~1 j. y cAII;9' f/.&da , Site Plan Date: 72- ,- -/ -L'PO-, Pink Building Inspections . , ~ .. \'q '1 Il tt '~ 1 . t ~ ;. 'p . 'l . \ ~. 1.. '" II '.\ ,;f 11,1 . ~I 1 \~-:. A~u ~ 1. · ~ ~ f~ "i .............. \ l - .. \ ~ I? f't""'!. ""'-..... q n J "'''-~7:i;: ~ ....... . . '~ . ~..;:- ..............-. ~\ ,~ ~ ......n." ........,.'1 .t ~~ 1 . "1i~ \. t.JA"'- . 0 ;, S 63". *"' ,. ,. Ui7tep~----. -- \ ~. '\ 1<'5,J/~ "ViS ""'--... \. ~Q 4,3 ~ -e: I ~A.K --- 'i <r't. ~, --.JIB ~'I.'(ie -~ ~o '\ ~ '~ ~\ ~~ ~~,\ \-. '\ ~ .. - -;. '7 '/. It'.-' ~:A.~\ REPAIR AREA FOR LOT #12 ~/ ~, ~ l ". Q \ !~ ~', \ '\ 1I'J. l Q .. 1 ~ , 11 '\ \ .jL" :~ " ~ ~ \ ~ ; .. / / I . ~ - , , " f ~ '\ I .q ....,. . '-./ 60.00 feet . , '" '11.,;_ ,~: :-::; ..... J ~ '\. . ~ '" 1:720 , \ ~ ~ '\ . 7. ',1, ~ f I~ '; ~ lA jll, i'4. 4 \ . ij . " ~ . , ~ If ':1 . ~ " i "~ .!_ 'J. ~.j\ @ ,1. ~: ij Lor. .... Ii'._ 'l. il. .~ \ 1. R \~, \ -;!.\', ~ ......,i' '~~ 'J. ;I lJl~ 7t~ A. 1, .... ',C;i1I 'l~..-:Iio ... ~.ll t,.~ fOR un \ '.[,fSJ:..". ..r.\ . 'l'l.....1 - '! ..-.It' .?- ~ 'il - 19'\ /. 'l.i4 '~..A P" ,,/ ~ ll~ 4,' ~ 062 ACRES n '\' -1' -'"'- '~~l'" . '7t ~ oj. II II.... I ~ q ~' - 'I'" ~'11 ''I, .'"f'" \;_,'" s~ _~~~- - "i\'" .~\ \', ~ ~t;. " ..r'\ " . "..;1- , . ~ " -:;.~. .1\ ~"';;" 1, ",. " -.1'"", ,.,~ _ ' . If':.u;}. n :3 gg' ~, . \ ,zO..'tJ' ~ . 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L . ' /' Swner Address(2):Greenville, N.C. ~ V' ~ ..', ~ owner Phone #:(336) 504-7208 ~ 1t:t.A . property ~dres~:.8ond Creek SUbdivision,~ot # 12 & ~8 combination PIN:1921 ~ ....,i"" ~, Q . ~~IV- "'~:;:"%~menlType:Home 0.,; ,"""t Type of Well:Public Well V ~r. Design Flow (GPD):360 ~ "- Initial Site ~rt ,.... ~ ~ n, ;: Wastewater System:Chambered System Long Term Acceptance ~ate(GPD/SQFT):0.3 f! Trench Width:3 FT .~_~ _ ~ . Trench Spacing (OC):9 FT~, :. ".;II; ,6 l Trend> Botlom F. rom.. NG.L:-12/N\' V,". Q}J... '.. '. '. ~' '5' Septic Tank vO;U~~O~O~~L, .:". /'1 "'~ ~ t ~, ~ ~ l.. .' . ,. ~ .; '\.i~ .....~ 14 :4~:.'.,- "~o1f; .. i:. . ~~, ~ ~ (t'l' . '"'- ~ l r. . ""... .. .W.'a:d~... ....-......... .:tl'~ '- ....... _ ~ ~ ' . '.~, ~.' \Y. I ~, .\~ - ~ ~ ,. \JV. i q;Jl .. ~ .. -'{'~ 01, ,_ y~. '" ". ...... Ct _ ~, Jf-"" ~\;;, s 64/41' ~~: ~ 154.'~ - E '""';~""i, ----< '. . W -----~.~r- '~-' "~:4--;;-'1' ~- 5"; ..~'. N~ . "6."4':I1li.~ - 6~1IL . .t'~ ,,' ~ 'b '" ';',', "'l; ...., " .-.d1io ..,. . _ "..' ,i.' ,I ,'; _:. ;', :', '_ ...... . ,:;':'" '::... : ~., ~. . . ":-'-'~"":'-::"'4":;-::':':""""\'~"::':'O" . -'~-~~~ ~ ~' , "-:""'" " '" ":U'..L~ - . .' ,-;>- '. _ ::.). ,.<~",,", . ~ ~~ \!i1' ~? :;t~.,;,:, "\;,")~2__~ "" l:c..... \.'" \-,~ tfi: ~l~~_,. ~'. p,'!.; ';,.' ~ .Ar"Ii' i \\~ ..' \" .; . ~ .' -Ii" t r~, '\ ';; ~ ' "W""""d d.'nla'on. on ma " .' ".:!...-, . . " '1. :rnof of PO"""u", .....m.nt.:: = ha.. ,hang.d "no,,- map .,,"" "'!',"""d and "'",""'_be dz;n!2!'- -"'0' to oil. plan ~PP".al,- 'o~~'r Groa Is lo~~t d e repair area must be provided befoe:authorization to Construct is issued. ~., ~.~.(J..' " ......_ ' ...... ~ e on Jot 58 who h' IIll I fim - 'ifi. ~~ 't;.. \ !i;1 7 uthortzation to Construct Will bo ~ IS part of this prop~rty. ~ ~ ~:i ~ ~. ,~ .' . ,'. ''f.',\ '~j1., ' 1d ~PProvOd byth13 offico. Ued When CAMA appr~. ved ~it~.!an~. Ubl2l.ittedJ:!-.. '_ ~. . ~':A' . ".'. '.. ~ .t1. . . . " 0, ~-, "...J, ~. ~ . ..~ f..ol;c"... ' . ~, ~ .:.. .'P '"" ~' . . .~. ~ .:' . _ n,'ti. '1, . ~~ ~ ~ ~~, --. ~.;.." ~i>~, .i:r-L ~~ ~. \io;t~ ~ - - ~ ~~ t;: ... CP: Ji. Ii, ~ ~~ ~ictf.,. :Jl ~ ,~. J/tfB ~~, ~ ~" ~tfJ' ',-J Q~t J?r- Authorized Agent: ~:~~. .~ '.6 CP'-':t, . / /";. ,.;). ~Date 7/1212005_ _ T;.~ ",ou_"'Pm32_",_",~c~~ ',' f_ "\. -~" "g.t $- r '.olj '"..17 ~. @' . ~. ."."~ t' J "1~ i~ - -: -. \{J) ~20.Jfj - oJ, U 'l C~'" , '" .~ ~8 '. 'i ... . ; . - ~ 75' .& ,... ~ ~ ..'.:: ~'::':;:'.: ~: . , . ':~')c,..,': :'., I;;, _~. , ::,'. ~'. '< ~'~~,>.,.:'_~ '-..~'.'.,r , , ~S ~ "" I OFFICE USE ONLY: Date Received Request # State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Variance Request Form - for Minor Variances Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rules NOTE: This form may be photocopied for use as an original. Please identify which Riparian Area (Buffer) Protection Rule applies. [J Neuse River Basin: Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rule (15A NCAC 02B .0233) 2.( Tar-Pamlico River Basin: Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rule (15A NCAC 02B .0259) [J Catawba River Basin: Protection and Maintenance of Existing Riparian Buffers (15A NCAC 02B .0243) Part 1: General Information (Please include attachments if the room provided is insufficient.) m~@~D\YJ~@ AUG 1 6 2005 1. ~plicant's name (the corporation, individual, etc. who owns the property): 'Kf1lf j., m..c.J1IU./ v- Cue" I WIJ/!t~c.<.. ?lA.r-C& U 2. Print Owner/Signing Official (person legally responsible for the property and it~~~-~~~~~~Ir N.ame: . 1(/1 I f ~ /71. Rr rc ( II RNJCH Title: OGU n-L-r Street address: ~" r- NrJ71i If'" RS 1.8"" City, State, Zip: /l/.f. rd r-t'1 I AI. C- . 0< ? P () t, Telephone: OlS:L ~ 10 - J' 99 'i' Fax: ofS:l- <;.33 -.;'.9 (PS 3. Contact person who can answer questions about the proposed project: Name: ~ Ip ~ /J7. "At rc e. /1 Telephone: ~S-:L 4> 7tJ -~1'19 Fax: cXS'- ~ 3 3 ~ 7r,S Email: Pllc-fvrtaJE~/t.:TJ.I..nl( , #eT 4. Project Name (Subdivision, facility, or establishment name - consistent with project name on plans, sp~cifications, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): 15dn d Cree.. k. ~ sTA7eJ Version 2: November 2002 5. Project Location: 6 ern J Cre,~ K. [.s 7R-re J Ld r d /)- Street address: &13S- 1I;:i7Te;/'1J Lrl/1~ City, State, Zip: FllA.rarA J e..,. p< 7?tJ '=' County: '6c...At,IL,-fVrl , Latitude/longitude: AI tJJ 'I 4 <II . ~ S' C - ;1/.,z q 6 'II .t.s u.J 6. Directions to site from nearest major intersection (Also, attach an 8 Y:z x 11 copy of the USGS I/: 0 " topographic map indicating the location of the site): iliA. /"~rA 1I~1 $.3 -ro Sfr)n;j Cret.../c. f?,cJ\p- hlJ.-) (!)l1J1 Sip'h!JCr~tJ:., 011J/et Jd -g~)J Cre~,t C.f71/7Es(!) o?'l Ocr" ,:I/(.~ L,q,;{, /ifl'rdK-. /tJo/r r;, lI~r~.! LAn ~ -;Qffr~ 7/d IJ7 ,'It.. ~ RolJr:I cle-it,} ~J: JI170 fraptr/tr 7. Stream to be impacted by the proposed activity: "Bdn j C'UJ,e.-J< Stream name (for unnamed streams label as 'UT" to the nearest named stream): Stream classification [as identified within the Schedule of Classifications 15A NCAC 28 .0315 (Neuse) or .0316 (Tar-Pamlico)]:,O 3/ ~ 8. Which of the following penn its/approvals will be required or have been received already for this project? Required: Received: Date received: Permit Type: CAMA Major CAMA Minor 401 Certification/404 Penn it On-site Wastewater Pennit NPDES Pennit (including stonnwater) Non-discharge Pennit Water Supply Watershed Variance Others (specify) Part 2: Proposed Activity (Please include attachments if the room provided is insufficient.) 1. Description of proposed activity [Also, please attach a map of sufficient detail (such as a plat map or site plan) to accurately delineate the boundaries of the land to be utilized in carrying out the activity, the location and dimension of any disturbance in the riparian buffers associated with the activity, and the extent of riparian buffers on the land. Include the area of buffer impact in fe.]: J)eSc.r::fl/or. d~ffl()fo.rr.cllt~r;j/,'t'~ .- jUJ/J S,'n&/~ rfPlh:/~ Annt..- on f' I) n!J .s 2. State reasons why this plan for the proposed activity cannot be practically accomplished, reduced or reconfigured to better minimize or eliminate disturbance to the riparian buffers: '1>"<..e- ~ 5't.-f.t:.c- ~i.J/~7l~.s ./'7{JT f-ntJU5L,LAVin;; Iv,'l} VI/O ,'n /;-Jn~"nb ~ sJo' sr,'! ht;..c./C. ;Uv/{.. Variance Request Form, page 2 Version 2: November 2000 3. Description of any best management practices to be used to control impacts associated with the proposed activity (Le., control of runoff from impervious surfaces to provide diffuse flow, re-planting vegetation or enhancement of existing vegetation, etc.): j / "7d C</rJrr, I IJn'1 i!a". o~E F1 ,r,' tr A-r}c..~ w/I/ J!. ~e (f~r"nJ ~.i7/Wct:.~ 4. Please provide an explanation of the following: (1) The practical difficulties or hardships that would result from the strict application of this Rule.. / / I I J tu!"I{/~c... v;:;{l..MJ1c,~ w:/I/JaT.6<... /Jo/t..;; /.)v,',cI /"/ne ~ /~r. (2) How these difficulties or hardships result from conditions that are unique to the property involved. ],hu..76 Sef7)c ~v/,(}7/0-0-S If' Se/6a.cJt. Ilv/u :tZ'~c- ;,I /lilT U10/<'VJ.... /!pvrn ~ f/tJc. C- ~d")7] c- (3) If economic hardship is the major consideration, then include a specific explanation of the economic hardships and the proportion of the hardship to the entire value of the project. w,trf.(/~-r vIJ/lAivnt.-t- /fJnj (#Qv/j ic- ~/lus/J'/<' Anj.we- wtJ,,-/J 6<. tU7Pt/-c.. 70 iv;tel O{Nr 4vme.. - ~&W /"t1S,'i1J awr ,"/}vt'r/murT ,'n fr"P<-f77., w<- IV,ISJ... 7d thlJK.t- 4'gm~. Part 3: Deed Restrictions By your signature in Part 5 of this application, you certify that all structural stormwater best management practices required by this variance shall be located in recorded stonnwater easements, that the easements will run with the land, that the easements cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that the easements will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. Part 4: Agent Authorization If you wish to designate submittal authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf, please complete this section: Designated agent (individual or firm): Mailing address: City, State, Zip: Telephone: Fax: Email: Part 5: Applicant's Certification Variance Request Form, page 3 Version 2: November 2000 I, ~/p^ ll7icl]/J~ I ~rc ell (print or type name of person listed in Part I, Item 2), certify that the infonnation included on this pennit application form is correct, that the project will be constructed in confonnance with the approved plans and that the deed restrictions in accordance with Part 5 of this fonn will be recorded with all required pennit conditions. Signature: Date: Title: ~L1~fh~u-9 V~~~ ]':113 -oS OwrJt:= (L Variance Request Form, page 4 Version 2: November 2000 ~opoZone - The Web's Topographic Map, and more! Page I 01:.! t2RQ~()_ne . - ...... \"~'\ - - ;';.J FOR ES -; T .. 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LotNumber: /.z'l5'&o;,,,~. State~Number: It} 12 Directions !e"j /i,..1: <;,t.. L:.I .P /? ~ .;;:; R /",.".j.:'v'Jf.:~I' 100DIGITPIN____-__-____ PropatySize: /I{/.--;r + . ?1cc. 1)tpeStructure: Hnl'-P No. Bedrooms: ? No. People: ,,:; Water Supply: (/1/",.." ,,/ ,AI (Maintainminimum~feet I sep;uation from any part of septie system and repair nrea.) Classification: Q Suitable Ja:t>rovisionally Suitable a PS with fill Additional Drainage: 1r,.Ac'.,,~p ':;-sk;~", C:>r~~ A, -;;-/'--In.,.r;;('~/.A~h Seasonal Wetness Conditio~: / 21" , Soil Type . 7'TZ: Septic Tank: /,r)I"1 C ,~al. Pump Tank: gal Nitrification Field: <700 /-1 f fh, ,r/: "Ie.. fr r' " c/1 square feet trench bottom Trench Depth: 1'7 It Fi Depth: r:::" r;-r' 0;-;. '/ CO//,-- ,- Comments: 4- /-1/ e - - -;:::' I /7~ I p .~.".,I: v," fl., "/,,, /, -, ~A: . hr " II: :1":/ ~1/--;"t7>..,. K!:~" r c,.,~.... 1":'1, /r f- i? ~/;(~h " ./1 I'~"I""~ ~ -'?C- '/;,u; ;" /",ff'/ [:7/1 " Additional for all systems: Landscape system area for surface water runoff and grass Do not place drive or any building over the system area or repair area. Observe all proper setbacks (10 NCAC lOA .1950). Do not work soil or install system in wet conditions, This permit must be on site during installation and inspection. c/L ~-~/ . --.~ Environmental Health Specia1L~t. ~-..,/ -, ./' ~ /' . ~ .' .f' ..J. ~ White Owner/Contractor Yellow - Health Department #- ~E;: Ar771c/fElJ JJRAt~-rlllC- ;. /t,/-kr.'Z:,f:;." Ie Lc,..,!r..::.fh.'11 t<- :. ~~,~.-I /,.;{:t./' : @ /?-cc r tJ r er.:>iJJM"f ~ o(~:fc. rrrc: r- c.:::. c..I/:"i?/:" . 11s8 (i) (j) .:;;dl11;/lc1 t:'",/ A/preo / 0 (' n/c/ ~..,{ f?01 4-' ,..t'~& -)( .4?c l ~ ~~ ,., ~ hI> l/.',;,r( r/r!'~-e!'ll fry C/t/I# f/j)uJeQ. I Site Plan Date: 7-12 -Zpo5 Pink Building Inspections H\ \.1. 'l.~ Io'H 'I. . ~ ~;.. '11, ; ~q 'l. "11. .1 ; ~ $'[1 ~ · ..1 \ '11 i _ ll'lq I?t~... ---... ~ · 0\ '"-'7.ir. , ... '-- -:. \ '!. ~~l!", ----...-~' \ ~ i-W' 4 f., '1 1" i \ S 61r - lt41t~f?4s~-, "-, -- "~~'~ ,,\\ <5"'~ ,1 '- '\ 1 ' o,J?~ ' l4 - - 1- 4,3 ,. e "Iu, --- '1. .,...,.. ~, --w15 ::rtl2 '-...z:. ...... ~ '., %\ ~ \ ~\ ~J 'i-" '\ ~ " '/, ~ " ~ ~ ; 1,\, ,I' " '~ \ . ~ . . ~ . , . . ~ \ " ,~ . " a - II. '\'i\ ) " 4 ",\;, ~\\ .-.- !I,~ !l. .0' ~.~ ~? ' - \ \~ t?1l ~ R1R LOT ,,\\-$1 ~.\, t!.4 - I}.Q .:;> ~ if - 19'\ II ~~ ~.-A ''I. 4.0;,',/ '1, llf!:..:! ~~l \ \ 0..62. ACRES ~ '\. " \ \ \ '\ "\# ~'11 ';. '\ Ji'" . --~ ~ Il .'~ c::f:\~ " ..". . , 'I. " .~ ~ - ~ c\< ~. \'\~ '-;;~~ \" \ . II .., '~ ,~ ..,......~...ID-~ "f' ..)0 "f'-.;l ::. 1,. ~ !f;,ntf ~ ~ ~ .. .~.., " ~ ~ 01 ,If. '4 ~, ___ '-.... "'i.. S ~ -~ ------ "",,,,,,{"!,1e ____ t...~_v'~ .J" / , .. , Lor@ ----- -- 2,00 ~ "... .... .. ; +~..~ . ....~ . ~ ... - -:. ?: I/. , -" ~ ~ ~ REPAiR AREA FOR LOT #12 ~./ ~. ~ \ \ Qi, \. ~ ~' \ ,. ~'l. ~ 1,Q .. 1. ~ '\ \ ~ " :~ ?: ~ :l:. '\ Prepared with QuikPlatp ro32 softwaro by Beaufort County -- -- ~ 10 S~, ---- 1 " . ~ , , ~ -- , . " ( \. i ...-1 J -r; '-./ 60.00 feet , ", :-;;-;:-:1..:-:-:-.;.;-;.. ' \ \ ~ \ 1:720 .> .> ~ 0 on 0 ~ -;.. i '\ .. ~, '; ~ ::::: '0 ~ ~_. ~ __lJl~ 1: . (l) ~ ~ 0.. -' ,.- . ,-;.t'..r~ t. -TO <.A: '..O;SiS- '\ 9 '\ 2- S.R. _Of-~p..'( -- - '-0' tt\Gr\\ -----.-- o -- -~ . ". , . , t ~.;....-r - REFERENCE: ~ 'R 9'1l..,. -n j::;,j;.._"',5 I..-;..j. ~:.,.... - - .~ EGlEND: ,:~} ,'\.i;Ei;,~l ~j.r'l:!l,~ D'~;::;~ .t"".r..~" ~iC=.r. """ iL: Wolli ~'... v..U',,'ii J. 101" ftr~~\.;tt'~:. h "i1.V-~- e fCUll'~D nRONI FUPE.. CON TKOL o iP{):~~l, COf.~ffi01. !" :;;. J,:. IiI D'n i-, 7"'. ~~'~:;.{ -; ;""'0l"-~ ;,;:::;:,,-,,> -..;..L ..-M:.I..........\':.ww.t(""CI'.~ ..,;..,f~ ;........,~ -:....r"_..~ ")!,,v'~ l \ '\ ~ ~ ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ J- -- ! u;;';cr Address: ~ r · ~ ~ \"--:- -.'. , . ~ fitJ< '""! J g,."cr Addrcss(2):Greenville. N.C.... ~. ,..$' ~ .... ", h .."'" _ ~. . I owner Phone #:(336) 504-7208 ro t iA II property Address:8ond Creek Subdivision lot # 12 & 58 combination _ Jil, ,{!: . PIN:1921- ~ ....,ff' 'f,jO,." '0 ~;~ v- . .' 't~ 't ~~} Record # ....... '.."J ;. .,..~ iIii-. \ \,,,, ....Establlshme~lTY~e:Home "" \t. -... ",. _. . ~ ;;i.", y. ._~~: ~ Type of WelLPubllc Well l;ll........1 ~ 4. vV' Design Flow (GPD):360 _ ,Iii-' _~, ,~: 0:1;,"~. ... ~~. - m1!r~ 'bii" . _ .,;r ~ t ~ Initial Site V'" .. ....hi' ~ . . ",Ol ~"!r~O:~fect, '" Wastewater System:Chambered System f.iJ.-~'" if.1 'ii k, 1:600 v "". J Long TefT!lAcceptance ~at.e(GPD/SQFT):O..3~; 1, ,l\~t:- '~.~ . (1;..... .. ~ Trench Wldth:3 FT Il~ -~ - ~ . ~ ~'~. ~ ~Qi'" <;;, ....9'" Trench Spacing (OC):9 FT~1 -=, t\." .6 1t.. . J. otif~~.' Trench 8ottom From NGL:-12INt . V'" .. .~I I J Septic Tank VOlume:10.0 0 ~Al i ~"'f/}J:", '.' """k..- it" ~~... ~. '. .."P" 'Ii ,,~: ' f. n . "~.~ 1.14 ~.'- ~/ J~ ~~<: ,. , .Ili: ~ .. .p~. v....,. ",,"'" -b ~ ~ i(i~'. .-- ' \,'fi 1> " , ~ ~ $,. ~..... " PCDj. t. V I ~. i! _ 1IL" It I ~g, 1\;1j. ~;$' ~ ~ ~ -..:; ~ ~~~'! -.,'; . ., s 64~ 41 ~ 1;.64~l ~. .,~:..i., . . ~1', ':;i;~'.: '. i'::~.:;~<::'" ". .... '; ..... ..' " '. . ~ '.';- '-. - '~, ,_::;- ~; . ':; . :," "''8' .',', . . '. , t.:,'-.' .;; ,', '. ". .~, ,., . . . . '. ~ ,~j ;1 .... ~ :~ ...~' " i'l ~.i. .. ~ ;,~ rr'.~ "p'~~ .~t _.i<~;l. .;r~ ~_r~~ ;'ii:.,~,.",,:., ~~:.;y ,"",-. ,if..... J1l ..,g: ..:...~....'~~. ,i,'.".'.j' :,:/.~... ;n~~::: ~l~!, : ; ~~,~.i< ;~~f':L~-~ \~;l"n :.'.#. -';.;, ,;~,,'--,':i.'. :.!t -, ~ ~Ti-,::~ ;6/,1 it.:;.!; f....,........ ~-.~.'. .'~. I..'~ ". Ie.' ! ! : "<~: r .. ~: