HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171527 Ver 1_USACE Request for More Info_20190521i DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 69 DARLINGTON AVENUE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403-1343 ,. NC Department of May 21, 2019 Environmental Quality Received Regulatory Division *" MAY 2 8 2019 j _44_ Action ID No. SAW -2016-02542 - Winston-Salem _ Regional Office Mr. David Newell Person County Post Office Box Roxboro, North Carolina 27573 Dear Mr. Newell: Please reference your application of January 8, 2019, for individual Department of the Army (DA) permit authorization to construct a semiconductor chip manufacturing plant and associated infrastructure within the area identified as the Person County Mega Park. The application was for the discharge of fill material into 10,529 linear feet of stream and 1.94 acres of wetlands subject to our regulatory authority pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. The requested impacts are associated with the proposed development of a semiconductor chip manufacturing plant, including a fill pad and transportation and utility infrastructure. The proposed project site is located south of Edwin Robertson Road and is bisected by Country Club Road, north of the City of Roxboro, in northern Person County, North Carolina. The associated infrastructure projects for the semiconductor chip manufacturing plant include water and gas utility lines that extend south from the project along Country Club Road and transportation improvements that extend east from the project along Edwin Robertson Road and Shiloh Church Road to US Highway 501. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District (Corps) advertised your proposal by public notice dated January 23, 2019, with a comment deadline date of February 22, 2019. A total of six (6) written comments were received in response to the notice from the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR), North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC), North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office (NCSHPO), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the Cherokee Nation, and one local resident. The comments received are enclosed for your information and to provide you with the opportunity to address any of the stated concerns. In particular, please provide a written response to comments from the NCSHPO. Note that the Cherokee Nation and the USFWS both indicated that they had no comments or objections in their respective letters. Reference also the Request for Additional Information sent by the NCDWR dated February 19, 2019 (copy enclosed). -2 - Please be aware that Section 404(b)(1), of the Clean Water Act, states that no discharge of dredged or fill material shall be permitted if there is a practicable alternative to the proposed discharge which would have less adverse impact on the aquatic ecosystem, so long as the alternative does not have other significant adverse environmental consequences. As such, please elaborate on or provide additional information regarding alternatives as follows: Please clarify if there will be any co -applicants for this project. 2. Additional site specific information regarding the alternatives analysis is required to ensure compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Section 404(b)(1) guidelines. This includes the following items: a. Provide additional discussion/analysis for the Overall Layout Plan (Sheet 1). Specifically, please clearly label each feature (building, parking lot, component of the facility, etc.) and provide details regarding the purpose of each feature (i.e., what the use of that feature would be, reason for the size, etc.). i. Note that the second sentence of the second paragraph of the Executive Summary for the Person County Mega Park Individual Permit Request states that "The proposed Project layout is comprised of an approximate 3.5 million square feet central operations facility to house the clean room, manufacturing spaces, office spaces, mechanical yard, vehicular load deck areas and associated parking." Please clearly identify the above -referenced project components on the site plans and provide a written explanation describing the need for and arrangement of the specific buildings and components within the framework of the overall project. ii. Clearly describe the capacity of the proposed parking lot layout for each of the alternatives. Is the proposed parking layout sufficient to meet the needs of the estimated labor force (4,000 employees) at the proposed facility? iii. The on-site alternatives do not include an analysis for impacts associated with the proposed utility lines and transportation improvements. Please explain how the preferred alternatives for the utility lines and transportation improvements would affect the total impacts for the on-site alternatives. iv. Please provide additional information and a detailed discussion regarding the methods used to determine the layout of the Overall Layout Plan (Sheet 1). Please indicate if other current or former semiconductor chip manufacturing plants were used to determine the number, size, use of each building and surface lot (and if so, which facilities?) and methods used to arrive at the current proposed configuration. Please explain how this was determined to be a requirement of all semiconductor chip manufacturing plants. V. Please provide additional discussion regarding the Overall Layout Plan (Sheet 1). As this plan appears to be a typical semiconductor chip manufacturing plant site plan, please provide additional details/discussion regarding the mechanism and methods the applicant would take to ensure that any potential end user would not request to re -design the proposed campus to their own specifications and would ultimately build the proposed design as indicated. We believe it is important to reiterate that in the event a permit is issued for this project, it must be built exactly as depicted in the plans you have submitted and for the purpose and need expressed in your application, unless a modification to the proposed project is authorized by the District Engineer. b. Provide an alternatives analysis for each of the utility line and transportation improvement projects associated with the proposed project. Specifically explain how and why the preferred alternative was chosen for the following: i. The proposed water utility line that extends south from the proposed semiconductor chip manufacturing facility; ii. The proposed gas utility line that extends south from the proposed semiconductor chip manufacturing facility; and iii. The proposed transportation improvements along Edwin Robertson Road and Shiloh Church Road. c. The Person County Megasite Traffic Impact Analysis, dated September 20, 2017, was written with the assumption that the proposed project was a "six (6) million square foot (SF) plus semi- n conductor facility along with ancillary, supporting land uses." However, the current application only considers an approximately 3.5 million square feet semiconductor ship manufacturing plant. Please explain how the Traffic Impact Analysis mentioned above still applies to the proposed project in light of the reduction in size and scope of the proposed project? If the Traffic Impact Analysis no longer applies due to changes in the scope of the proposed project, please revise the analysis accordingly to match the currently proposed scope of the project. d. The project is proposed to be constructed in two phases. It appears that Phase 1 would effectively disconnect Country Club Road from Edwin Robertson Road. Is there a plan to route traffic through or around the site during and following the implementation of Phase 1 of the proposed project? e. There is no accounting for any temporary impacts associated with the transportation component of this project. Typically, temporary impacts are necessary for dewatering activities associated with culvert installation. Please provide and/or distinguish between temporary and permanent impacts associated with the transportation portion of this project. Additionally, please itemize permanent impacts by type of fill (e.g. culvert fill versus outlet stabilization via rip rap dissipater pad). f. The Preliminary Jurisdictional Waters of the U.S. Impacts Maps (Sheets 5 and 6) do not accurately show the limits of waters within the project corridor. Therefore, the impact totals to streams and wetlands are not accurate on the above referenced impacts maps and in the permit application. Please reference the revised delineation maps entitled "Figure 6: Waters of the U.S. Delineation Map" (Sheets 2 and 3 of 3) that were submitted to the Corps on September 24, 2018, as part of the Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Request; these features were field verified by Mr. Ross Sullivan with the Corps on May 3, 2018. Please revise the permit application to correctly account for all impacts to Waters of the U.S. -5- g. The permit application and supporting documentation highlights the proposed project's needs for redundant power supplies and highlights the availability of multiple 230 kV lines and 115 kV lines that currently cross the property. However, the plans do not clearly identify the location of these utility lines or show how they would tie into each of the proposed project alternatives. Please clearly display and explain how the proposed project alternatives would connect to the existing utility lines and indicate whether or not any impacts to waters of the U.S. would occur as a result of these utility connections. 3. Provide additional discussion/analysis for the Overall Layout Plan (Sheet 1). Specifically, please clearly label each feature (building, parking lot, component of the facility, etc.) and provide details regarding the purpose of each feature (i.e., what the use of that feature would be, reason for the size, etc.). 4. Your offsite alternatives analysis should also include the transportation and utility components when assessing the environmental impacts in order to compare it to the preferred alternative. 5. Provide the Corps with a copy of your responses to Items 2-7 listed in the Request for Additional Information from the NCDWR, dated February 19, 2019. 6. A more detailed compensatory mitigation proposal is needed once you have a final site plan. Note that any impacts where the proposed mitigation is not located within the same 8 -digit HUC may be subject to higher compensatory mitigation ratios. 7. Please provide a more detailed indirect impacts analysis with regards to streams and wetlands that exist just outside of the fill footprint for the proposed project. In particular, Will any streams lose their watershed through rerouting of stormwater? Will any wetlands lose their recharge area due to fill/rerouting of stormwater? If so, please quantify these indirect impacts and include them in the compensatory mitigation proposal? Your response to the comments must be given full consideration before we can make a final decision on your application. You may submit additional information, revise your plans to help resolve the issues, rebut the issues made or request a decision based on the existing record. Please be aware that, depending upon the level of detailed information you provide, we may still have concerns and/or questions that will need to be addressed. Finally, if a permit is issued for your proposed project, it is our intention to condition the permit such that no fill could be placed in waters of the U.S. until a specific end user has been identified and all additional steps have been taken to avoid and minimize impacts to waters of the U.S. for that particular end user. If W you need additional assistance regarding any issues mentioned in or information requested in this letter, please call Mr. Ross Sullivan at telephone (919) 554-4884 ext. 25 or contact him at email address roscoe.l.sullivan@usace.army.mil. Sincerely, kLn WyOL Henry Wicker Deputy Chief, Regulatory Division Wilmington District Copy Furnished: Mr. Todd Bowers Permit Review Specialist Wetlands Regulatory Section U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Region IV Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center 61 Forsyth Street, SW Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Ms. Sue Homewood Division of Water Resources, Winston Salem Regional Office Department of Environmental Quality 450 West Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 Winston Salem, North Carolina 27105 Mr. Brian Breissinger Timmons Group 1001 Boulders Parkway, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23225