HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190700 Ver 1_Arch and Hist Arch Forms_20190530Project Trackuag No.: 17-09-0034 ,a NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REQUIRED FORM s: This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not 4; valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the 4 Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group. IWN911ID[#Jr1►11)[03U0IM0(01►1 Project No: WBS No: W-5706 C 44852.1.3 F.A. No: HSIP-0041(110) Federal Permit Required? County: Bladen Document: C E Funding. ❑ State ® Federal ❑ Yes ❑ No Permit Type: unknown Project Description: NCDOT proposes to improve the intersection of NC 41 and NC 410 in west -central Bladen County a short distance southwest of Dublin. A new roundabout intersection would be constructed on a similar alignment, though new ROW and easements are likely required to accommodate the traffic circle and shifts in the approaching roadways. This is a federally funded project throughFHwA, therefore, this is a federal undertaking and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act applies for archaeological review. The proposed designs will include a 150-foot diameter central roundabout with a 10-foot apron, located generally over the existing intersection. The two approaching roads may shift the distance similar to the width of a travel lane, about 12 feet, and will taper into the existing alignment about 500-700 feet from the intersection. This description is subject to change, but establishes the general location and scale of the overlapping new design. Most of the construction work will take place within existing ROW, though some new, limited ROW and easements may be expected. All construction areas associated with the new roundabout and approaches are considered within and part of the APE. A broader, more general and generous archaeological Area of Potential Effects (APE) is depicted on this form, however, the description above and likely impacts will be the focus of the review. The setting is generally agricultural with areas of active, plowed fields adjacent to the current ROW. The maj onty of the APE has already been modified by the modern construction of the existing NC 41 and NC 410. Underground utilities are present along the ROW. SUMMARY OF CULTURAL RESOURCES REVIEW Brief description ofreview activities, results ofreview, and conclusions: USGS mapping (Dublin) and aerial photography was studied (see Figures 1 and 2). The project area along NC 41 and NC 410 passes through a level, agricultural portion of the county, though a few residences and a modern gas station are nearby. Fields are actively farmed or otherwise incorporated into maintained lawns. A swath of of poorly drained soil, roughly diagonal from NW to SE, passes by the intersection as a natural, wooded area. USGS mapping shows Carolina Bays or pocosins in the nearby vicinity. Some utilities are buried within the APE along the ROW and aerial wires are present for other utility lines. At least one manhole is present on the shoulder of NC 410. Several ditches parallel the APE, though driveways are less common. These ground disturbances, decades of plowing, and the modem highways, ditches and the installation of utilities, have impacted the soil stratigraphy within the APE, typically disturbing any archaeological sites that might be present. The intersection sits at the transition from Norfolk loamy fine sand (NoA) just before lowering into Pantego loam (Pe), which is usually poorly drained and shows up here as the diagonal woods serving no agricultural use. A small amount of Goldsboro sandy loam (GbA) may be encountered to the west and south of the intersection, a soil considered well drained. While the NoA and GbAlandform is suitable for many human activities that might leave anidentifiable archaeological site, the poorly drained Pe soil is less desirable and 'No ARCHAEOLOGYSURYEY REQUIRED"form for tl. A—,,*d Ivhe Trarasporiab- Projects as adafaed an t6, 2015 Programmanc AgreemeW 1 of 5 13 Project Tracking No.: 17-09-0034 unlikely to contain typical archaeological remains. Roughly, about 60-70 of the APE is considered inhabitable. Virtual drive -by was available using Bing Maps. Conditions at the street -level shows drainage ditches, utilities (including at least one manhole) at the roadway shoulders. The ROW has been modified and graded during the creation of the current roadway configuration and includes broad areas of pavement for two tight turns. Plowing extends close to the existing ditches. No cemeteries were noted during the aerial viewing or on the U SGS mapping at the proj act location. County soils maps are available for most of the NC's 100 counties and can be relied on for accuracy of roads and cultural features like dams, cemeteries, schools and structures (see Figure 3). The 1914 soils map for Bladen County (MC.011.1914h) was examined and does not show roads or structures in the immediate area near the APE. North Carolina. highways 41 and 410 did not exist as we know them today. It wasn't until 1930s (Bladen County 1938, MC.011.1938n) that NC 410 appears on county highway mapping. Further, NC 41 isn't depicted in its present location until around 1963 (Bladen County 1963, MC.011.1963n) having been absent from the 1955 USGS mapping (Dublin). The absence of roads, especially a crossroad, passing near the project area suggests alower probability for historic archaeological sites which are often strongly associated with older roadways. The Office of State Archaeology was visited on October 3, 2017, to review archaeological mapping and to reference any known archaeological surveys and sites. No major environmental review for archaeological resources was noted on mapping in the immediate vicinity, nor were there any documented archaeological sites. GIS-based cemetery data maintained by NCDOT archaeologist, Paul Mohler, showed no cemeteries in the nearby vicinity, supporting that cemeteries were not noted onUSGS mapping or obvious fromvirtual street views and aerial inspection. For this undertaking, the proposed reconfiguration of an existing intersection to a new roundabout at NC 41 and NC 410, the construction footprint will have limited expansion, and may requiring some new ROW and/or easements. Much of the existing APE has been modified for the current roadway, ditches, plowing, and buried utilities throughout the APE and have low expectations for encountering newly discovered archaeological sites, especially any which maybe intact and significant. Soils mapping suggests some area might be suitable for habitation while one portion is undesirable. A review of historic mapping shows little obvious development in the early to mid -twentieth century, with only residences present near the intersection after construction in the 1960s. Because any archaeological sites that might be present are likely to have been disturbed by the modern highway construction and many decades of plowing, intact and significant resources are unlikely. No archaeological survey is recommended for this undertaking as currently proposed. Brief Explanation of why the available information provides a reliable basis for reasonably predicting that there are no unidentified historic properties in the APE. A combination of moderate new impacts, infrastructure and other disturbances and the presence of certain soil categories suggests a low probability for encountering archaeological sites, especially ones that might be eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Further, no known archaeological sites will be affected by the project. No archaeological survey is recommended. Therefore, this federally permitted undertaking should be considered compliant with Section 106. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: ® Map(s) ❑ Previous Survey Info ❑ Photos ❑Correspondence ❑ Photocopy of County Survey Notes Other: FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST OLOGIST 10/18/2017 Date 'No ARCHAEOLOGYSURUEY REQUIRED" form for tl. Amended Mh Transportation Projects as C alhfied in Idre 2015 Programmatic Agreement 2of5 14 Project Tracking No.: 1 e-09-0034 Figure 2. Aerial map of PA 17-09AO34 (TIP W-57060 the intersection of NC 41 at NC 410 in Rladen County. A generous APE for the roundabout is shown in yellow, though the actual new impacts are expected to be less than shown. ",%,4RCUASDiOGYSEaZTEi.YRE(3(IIRED"fa kiforthe,4urnded ME Yhwmpvrfalon Plnjedsu QmAfiedindm 2015 hvgr aryaficAgrre d. 4oi5 15 Project Tracking No.: 17-09-0034 PS / PI PIS t- 31 N sl'' {,- -�`' NS ° GIs! PSNNI IN,•'� Ls • f 1 Figure 3. Detail of Bladen County Soil Survey 1914 map (MC.001.1914h), with modern roads overlaid with dashed black lines. The approximate current crossroad is highlighted. /40 Dri ` Theat f I40 AL r �5p • 'r • �;, fa ems' /'k5 • r /4 — _ — La Figure 4. Excerpt of USGS mapping from 1955, Elizabethtown, showing the presence of NC 410 leaving southwest out of Dublin. NC 41 was present, off this map on the other side of Bear Ford Swamp. Here, a dashed black line represents the future, relocated NC 41 that would eventually cross NC 410 at the APE intersection, and can be seen by 1963 county mapping. The approximate current crossroad is highlighted. `W AROHAEO!OG YSUR VEY REQUIRED"Jrmj°r the Am ended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programm ats,*reement. 5 of 5 16 Project Tracking No- (lnternai U-) 17-09-0034 EG�►' #° i, HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES _it .' NO SURVEY REQUIRED FORM This form only pertains to Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project. It if is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: W-5706C County: Bladen WBS No.: 44852.1.3 Document T e: Fed. Aid No: HSIP-0041(l10) Funding: State X Federal Federal Permits : X Yes No Permit Typ e(s): USACE Project Description: Construct a roundabout at the NC 410/NC 41 intersection near Dublin (no off -site detour specified in review request). SUMMARY OF HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES REVIEW Description of review activities, results, and conclusions: HPOWeb reviewed on 11 October 2017 and yielded no NR, SL, LD, DE, or SS properties in the Area of Potential Effects (APE). Bladen County current GIs mapping, aerial photography, and tax information indicated an APE of cultivated fields and woodland with several residential resources constructed during the 1940s-1970s and a commercial building and community college both dating to the 2000s (viewed 11 October 2017). None of the pre- 1970s resources are exceptional examples of their types. Google Maps "Street View" confirmed the absence of critical architectural and landscape resources in the APE (viewed li October 2017). No architectural survey is required for the projectas currently defined. Why the available information Provides a reliable basis for reasonably predicting that there are no unidenti red si ni scant historic architectural or landsca a resources in the project area: APE equates with the study area provided in the review request. No comprehensive historic architectural survey of Bladen County exists, but other surrey efforts and county GIS/tax materials and other visuals clearly illustrate the absence of significant architectural and landscape resources in the APE. No National Register -listed or —eligible properties are located within the APE. Should any aspect of the design change, please notify NCDOT Historic Architecture as additional review may be necessary. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION X Map(s) ❑Previous Survey Info. ❑Photos []Correspondence ❑Design Plans I, FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN Architecture and Landscapes -- NO SURVEY REQUIRED NCDOT Architectural Historian Date ,;?6 NI3101'i[ Artt7flPd ta'e and Land egpe.r NO SURVEY RiDUHUM form for Minor ! ansportnlimr Proie it - Qn irf ed in the 2007 Prognunwi is Agreement. 17 im j,7 Legend W-5706C Study Area VOL ' ` 1 41 k. " � �j � a5 a .• Y r . Si ,t ;, 0 250 500 1,000 Feet , .4 STUDY AREA MAP N County: BLADEN NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT NC 410 AND NC 41 Figure OF TRANSPORTATION ROUNDABOUT Div: 6 STIP# W-5706C g DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS NEAR ELIZABETHTOWN ^ PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND WBS: XXX,X.X.XX L ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS UNIT 8L.ADEN COUNTY TOf'n. NORTH CAROLINA Date: SEPT 2017 `jl cNnNo, t-4-DR•-003'q 19