HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0036196_NOV-2019-PC-0262 Response_20190508Mr. Wes Bell North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Subject: Notice of Violation PAR Review City of Newton NPDES Permit No. NC0036196 Catawba County Tracking #: NOV-2019-PC-0262 Mr. Bell WOWS: In response to Notice of Violation 2019-PC-0262, the Pretreatment Coordinator has gone back and corrected the Significant Non Compliance (SNC) for Special Metals Welding Products Company (IUP #1015). They have also posted it in the newspaper as required. This is their first real PAR that they have worked on by their self. They have been in contact with different staff members at the Division of Water Quality when they had questions. They attended the PAR and HWA workshops and is going to Pretreatment 2 School this month. It was a basic over site and has corrected it as noted. I have enclosed a copy of the newspaper article. We feel that this was a learning mistake and in the future will make sure that the TRC violations are checked and double checked for accuracy to make sure that this doesn't happen again. If you have any other questions, please contact me at 828-695-4370 or by email ejones is newtonnc.�wv. We were wondering if we could appeal this NOV or have it abated. The Pretreatment Coordinator is new and learning the job, they were asking for help from the PERCS unit for guidance and feel that it was an oversight. This won't happen again and would like to have it abated or lessened to possible a Notice of Deficiency. We look forward to working with you on this and any other issues in the future. Si Eric Jone: WWTP-S Clark Creek WWTP City of Newton sviedng phona, ma, kv in ten• ants.. For more in- formation call 828-464.9077 MECHANIC AND BODY SHOP PERSON Full time Positions with Exoetent Benefits Including - Hf"ntYLffe 'insurance Nec/Hoy401K _`'Eorius Pay 'r Includes: Safety, Attend- ance, Jury 4th, . Christmas, Training, and Job Bonuses salary Based .( EXRerfer: Apply in Person (Mahn Office) 7,30.4RT-F LAKE ELECTRIC CO.,-INC. 4362 Providence Mill Road .Maiden, NC 28650 828-970-6200 704-M-4006 82M24-8500 •.:�� tots For Bak with Sailer Financing 0.39 acres Build- ing Lot in nice neighborhood. Owner finance with dowrh pay- merit:iCali Larry 803g131-2857 Legal Notices NORTH CAROLINA CATAWBA COUNTY File No. -18 � 853 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix , of. the estate of Bry- an E. Brooks, deceased, late of Catawba County, North., Carolina, this is o.notify all •persons, firths 'and oorporatlons having claims against the estate oP said deceased to present them to the under- sigDed within three (3) months from: March 16, 2010, or this no- tice will be plead- ed in bar of their recovery. All per- sons, fines 'and corporations. in- debted to seid es - tale please make immediate signed' wffhin three (3) months CAR LANIJO n CATAWBA RICHARDSON, Havin g qualffied �� 28609 v� as Executor of ADMINISTRA- - or tnev recovery. TOR-EXECU- All persons, firms vv nee w execuror CREDITORS 214d Hopewell from March 16, or this no- COUNTY Defendants. File the estate of Let. Estate of: and corporations TOR'S NOTICE indebted to said Church Road Having qualified ShehurcrrIlls Ford, NO lice tics will be, plead- in bar 28 79E285 AMENDED ry F Sigmon, tie- Margaret S coased, late of Isenhour estate please Having qqualifiep- make immediate as Administrator 28650 of the estate of ed of their recovery. All per- firms NOTICE OF NOTICE TO SERVICE OF CREDITORS Catawba County, North Carolina, Publish: March on Marcb 20. payment to the 2019, as Execu• ned. undersi g Stacy Eugene Estate of: Anderson de-. Wendell Wilkie sons, and ations In- PROCESS BY this is to notify all 16, 23, 30 & April persons, , . firths 6, 2019. Paid for of the Estate of Patsy Jean This the 30th day ceased, late of Gabriel Catawba County, erpto said tate please make Having g qualified PUBLICATION as Administrator- - and corporations Kaylor aka Pat. of March, 2019 sy J. Kaylor North Carolina, Publish: April 6, immediate pay- ment to the un- of the estate of TO: John Bruce liar- Dennis Peter hating claims - against the estate of said deceased aka Palsy Jean Gregory Kenneth Hutchinson Ka this Is to notify all 13, 20 & 27, persons, firms 2019. Paid' dersigned. ' rets0n, - de- Neumann to present them for, deceased, Simmons 6secutor and corporations having claim. NORTH This the 16th day ceased, tots of (ADDRESS Catawba 'County, UNKNOWN) to the under- NORTH signed within CAROUNA late of Catawba County, North 3128 Lim Blvd against the estate CAROLINA . of March, 2019 North Carolina, Lent Jo three (3) months IN THE Carolina. this is'ta Newton, NC 28658 of said deceased CATAWBA to present them COUNTY this Is to•notily all Richardaon from March t6, GENERAL notify all parsons, the under- N Richard Howard persona, - firms (ADDRESS 2019, or this no- CQURT OF firms antl cep. Estate of: , 19 signed signetl within 19 E 56 6 Hudson. and corporations UNKNOWN) havingcsims Uce will be plead- JUSTICE rations having Ruby (3) Months Executor 609E Hwy 150 E against the estate TAKE NOTICE ed in bar of their DISTRICT recovery. Ail per- COURT palms. against the deceased to MYaen°X'Jones Norm 6s NOTICE TO Denver, NC of said deceased that a pleating sons; firms and DIVISION exhibit the same Fox 2019, or this no- CREDITORS lice will be lead- p 28037 to present them seeking relief to the corporatons in- BURKE to the under. Publish; March ed o bar of their Having qualified _ Estate of: under- against. you has signed within .bean }fied , debed to said es- COUNTY , fate FILE: signed on or tie• tore June. 24, 30, April 6, 13 & recovery, All per as Adminstraox Clarence Howard on three IS)' months Fibre ary9, 20'49, please make Immediate 19 CVD 191 Pay- 2019, Or this no- �• 2019. Paid sons, firms and of the estate of corporations in- Vernon Laster Hudson from March fl the above -shim mast to the un- lice will be plead• debtedto said es- Taylor deceased, Publish: March no- 2de or this no- had ethos. This tide will be plead- an action dereignad. IN Nancy Han Louise re n bar of their NORTH recovery.per.NORTH All r• fate please make !ate of Catawba 16,23, 30 & April ed In. Nor of their whereby She ma- w This the 16th day Hughes, 'corporations sons, CAROLINA sons, CATAWBA immediate pay. County. North ment to, the un- Carolina, this is to 6, 2019. Paid recovery: All per- temat rand sons, firms and g being the of March, 2019 Plaintiff in. dented to the es- COUNTY dersigned. notify a0 persons, - Cosa in• corporems,plai, are F Christine vs. tale File No. make 18 E 300 . firms and corpo- This the thin day rations having dented seeking seeking . custody . debed to said Make too please may- .of hie minor Hradek Executor John Harry immediate meat foie pay, rent o the un• of April, 2019 claims a nst NORTH immexffate •pay- Lantlon Water alter ment to the un-' Scoff Neumann, 1051 Shire St Yates, Nokomis, Fl Defendant dersfgned, NOTICE TO - CREDITORS the estate sad said Joyce L deceased to CATAWBA CATAWBA derslgned. born May 6, Y 2075. 34275 NOTICE OF James Eugene gene Kaylor, ExecuHavin tor 9 qualified Administrator present them to Administrator 838601iver the undersigned COUNTY This the 16th day of March, 2018 NOTICE - Estate of: PROCESS SY "You are required Larry FSigmon PUBLICATION Estate of as Executor of Childers Rd within three (3) Patsy Jean tie estate of Ru. Connelly Springs, months from April Elrod NO 28612 . John Bruce The undex,mail to -make defense o .such pleadingPublish: - ' March TAKE NOTICE Kaylor Robinsonl clow noffoe78�wilr be aka Patsy J. late of Estate Of:pleaded in bar of ,t;�7arfelson Jr .ha4ng _ijhiaTdieq.., .-Administrator as Administratrix 28 3M She Y nitE't'ater then th 9th day of May;: 2018, sent date t8,.23, 30 &April thab a pieatkn9 6; 2019 Paid - f� 'a nj *" ,,: : Kaylor.... .ceased,, „@ Pa Jean LataV.'bg t:ou°$C Eugelha dtteturecovery. All l r ,, �b tart ,� ri`s r , firrBs of the Estate .id OrNE SUGAR '' Hickory, NC baytrsig-at.ieast 40 first •-� ry :a:li3 v i NaS-..^' filed in y'o`r this is to tali , s �3 xwipkxatbhe ii 'said .4218PAb athy &rim a, E JRv 28601 o4 hf Pu61'roro n ofi ins aNan lice 20 estaoIndebtad-o .ydd corporations .P3 plaasa having2019 Paid make immediate ea Cadetawbad,Coun '- County, Estate of, notice; and -upbn your fature, 10 do l EXECUTRIX'S icon The right - of the relief being Harrisburg, NO 28075 g osi the estamte Payment to the North Carolina, John Bruce so, the parties NOTICE TO sought is as fol- of said deceased undeisigned. hereby notifies ail Flairel5on seeking service CREDITORS Iowa: David L. 4o present them This persons having - - claims against you will A Custody Com- isenhower to the under- NORTH the Sth day of April, 2018 said Estate, two • 166, 23, Publish, March 30 &April -them 90 toCie Court re,aP as Executrix of Sr ram alaird�orGm Estate 210.A First Ave• tit aed(3) months CATAWBA , COUNTY Peggy Ann Taylor present the 6, 2019, Paid undersigned on 50 hq. . the of Un- nor child Katei do J- Hale, aka Nicele Yates born hue south from .April 6, PO Box 1452Z 2019, or this no; File No. ' Atlministmtrix or before JULY, 1, This the 28 day of y Linda Lee John- June 28, 2002. Conover, NG writ Pkad- 19 E 277 PO Box 113 2019, or this No- March, 2019. son Hots, de- You are required 28613 ed in. bar of their Maiden, NO tics will be plead- ceased, late of to make defense . recovery. All per- NOTICE TO 28650 ad In bar.of their jOHN F. Catawba County, to such pleading Publish: sons, .firms and CREDITORS recovery. All per- STATE -OF CUT -CHIN, P.A. North Carolina, not later than, -March 23, March corporations in- Estate of: sons d to NORTH By: John F. pesIs to n0 fiYmtsi May. 44� -2078, 30, Apnl 6, April steted to raid as- viAdn qualifiedYemen Lester said Estatee. will* CAROLINA Cutehn rsons, said data being 13; 2019: please make as Taylor please make Ira- COUNTY OF Attorney at taw and .corporations forty (40) days immediate pay- of the estate of' Publish: mediate payment CATAWBA post Ofioe hating claims from the first pub- ment to the un- Sue So" May- April H, o the under- Box 173 against the estate Ifdatiom of this No- No - diets g ced. field, deceased, 13, 20 & , 27, signed. NOTICE Newton N C of said decadent. toe .. and upon late of Catawba, 2019. Paid :ak 286�8• to. present them your failure .to do, -: This the 6th day County, North ' This fine 29th day The�ndersigned, (828(at-5879 the partySw PuNGo Potic€ dAF:il; 2019 the u3909 this is to of March, 2019. having SurIng signed at- ner,°lyli dii persons, as Executrix of No. 6576 Darrell Wayne Mill Run Road, against you Vdfl The City of Now firms and cerpo- Le3lfe M. Yount, the Estate of 'T4herehta Terrell,, NC apply o the COPrt tor. in acconfance Robinson rations :having STATE OF Admnistratriz 248 Ninth Ave Nancy f'UBUSH Was Turbytll DA-fES. 28682, on or be for the relief with Federal and Executor fore the 34th, daysought• 22046th Ave NW State, Regulations claims against NORTH the estate of said Or NE Hickory, NO Preload, late o4 Catawba County, March 6 01919 of June, 2019 or Hickory, VC this notice will be This, the 61h day Is hereby 'giving 28609 deceased to CAROLINA. Present them' to COUNTY OF CATAWBA 28601 North Carolina; This Is o notify all ARnI 73, 2019 pleaded in. bar of y public notice their recovery of April; 2018. listed below is Estate of: the undersigned _ within three (3) Leslie M. Yount, persons, ' firms icant . All persons, firths , gy_ Daniel R, frolushealthe nR Ruby Jewel Elrod NOTICE TO . months from CREDITORS Attorney 248 Ninth Ave and corporations having claims and corporations Green, Jr. that was in Ste- Robinson - indebted to said or this notice019, Or NE ' Hickory, NO against said Es- Attomey at Law - nitoard Non. estate please 1331 N. Center Compliant, Publish: April ;6, make immediate ' 20 & Ail persons, firms be pleaded in bar ant ce ratiorhs of their racoyery, 28601 tate .to present them* to ills un- : Street (SNC) with Na- 19, 27, payment o the 2079. Paid Hickory All persons, firms having�daims n tional Pretreat. undersigned. and ons eiMay= rid 82V324-1722 beforeTok Junes 23r thisNORTH ' mast Reguletions 828.212.4588 40 CFR part 403 Indebted •o toniLand snst estateplease er deceased, of PUBLISH: MARCH 30, -tics will pled n CAROLINA bar of their recev- CATAWBA of March 2019.ay and State Pre. PUBLISH: April 6, treatment - Regu- Immediate Catawba County, payment to 81e NO* Carolina, payment to APRIL 6, 13,. cry. At persons COUNTY FileNo. Stephanie April i3; and itpdF latfons, 18 NCAC 16, 20t9:• . ZH .0900and Lo• are. thereby .noU- fled tor Present AND APRIL 20, 2019 indebted o said Estate will ease 2017 E 1208 it Michelle,Hata, Executrix of the cat I Pretreatment NORTH °state of Linda) . FlrQustions. for CAROLINA Thk the t6th da them to Vernon of March 2019 y Rush Moyer as mein to the pun- the and rs ned.o g • NOTICE TO yaie, aka Unda CREDITORS Lee Johnson the Period of CATAWBA AWBA July 1, 2016 :COUNTY Leanne Ma ieid - Personal Repro. P sentative of the ' This G'he 23rd of ' - Hale - through_ Decent- File No. Yf bar3T, 2016. 93E27f Mahaffey. decedents estate in Catawba This the 16th day Of March, 2019 NOP.TR March, 2019: Having qualtied as Administrator Patrick, Harps, & STATE OF Administrator - 4002 Pfrecrest County File No. OAR000A CATAWBA 'Sharon Turbyfill of the estate of NORTH °Special- Metals ` NOTICE TO JOhnm Wash- Dixon L.L.P. ' ORROUNA ' ' -Welding Products CREDITORS Drive NE y 19 E 000262, on or caters :June Bryanna Brooks. -ExecutrixlMksi COUNTY Maynor, PO Box 2i8 1 Christo• ' COUNTY OF nieOn Hickory, NO " h Hickory, NO Company was in 28609 18, 2019 in care Bit Mocksvlile Flle'No. 18 E 258 ESTATE OF STATE O Flier, deceased; CATAWBA 28603 _ late of Catawba � 8NC for exceed- Having qualified COD limit ' Executor of of the under - signed attorney a4 Hwv Statesville,. NC N�ANCY THERESA MAE County, ' North- Publish: March NOTICE - t;ashe Estate 0f: Sp Special Metals is estate of Sue Saint this address, or 28625'' TURBYFILL '23, 30, April 6, Fred Mayfietd this adedce will be CREDITORS PROPST notify all arsons The undersigned, MY R and 13, 2019 ' to corrcurrentect the s� hgeu,i tlde- n bar of ' Esats of:. Having • 1126 Shannon- having firms and anrpo- 9 . quaifi f having as Executrix 'of sue and theta ceased, late of publish• March was no Impact to Catawba Couny, their recovery. All firms B ryaih E. brooks qualified as Executrix of • brook Drive rations claims - 'against the Estate of Os ,the City of New• North Carolina, 16 23, 30 & April 6, 2019. Paid persons, and corporations Publish: March the estete.of Hei• Newton, NO 28658 the estate of said Jaen F elder, We, ton's W WTP or iNs is to notify all indebted to the 16, 30 April of too North' wba the environmentend state will 01 6,20.19.Paid i caned to Catawba County, SusarlOah L. preceased sent them NORTH County, the undersigned CAROLINA Carolina, corporations Edb Jones-. having claims. NORTH pleadseemake im- mediate payment North • Carolina, Brown' within three 3 CATAWBA . -This is o not' aft O fi` C .01 Newton against the estate CAROLINA tY to • the above this is to notit� all Attorney ESTATE OF months from COUNTY - -' persons, firms Wastewater of said deceased CATAWBA to present COUNTY narked Personal parsons, fitms NAY' March 23 2019, File No. and corporations ` Treatment Plant them Jo- the File No. Representative. • and corporations THERESA MAE •or this notice will. )9E238. having claim Superintendent under- sgmid 19 E 381 - ' HEYV - having Claims agalh"at the gates TURBYFlCL ' be pleaded in tree against said Es- .. within of their recovery. NOTICE TO late to present Publish; ttxee (3) months NOTICE TO This the 14st day of March, 2079. MR. ADYERTISER .of said deceased .430PRO st QTNW .All persons firms CREDITORS them,4o the urn• April 6. 2019 from. March 16, 20i9, S va,redcaitockiae tmeo raw to resent them p Hickory NC and corporations 'On" ed on or • or this no- tie be Vernon Rush �l�ne Ithe under- signed .within .. 28601, , indebted to said Having qualified- before Jun. 30, estate. please. as Executor of. 2019 or this No- will pls;ad• ad, in : bar of their Having qualBied .Moyer Garry W. Johnson, onenubnmora amkn by acing me three (3) months LISH,233, make immediate the estate of Mar- .lice will be pled in recovery. All per. asExecutor of Attorney we cm MAKE horn . Match 16; Mar k, r. AR payment to the Garet S Isen. bar of their recov- hour, deceased, All NORTH sons, tans and the estate leW11W� CAROLINA corporations In. P:O. Box 2222 YGUReC.s: vouRate 2019, or this no- 6, 13, 2019 undersigned. ery. persons said debed to Gabriel de- Hickory, NO BIG lice will be plead- ed in bar of their late of Catawba indebted to This the 23rd day County, North Estate will please CATAWBA said es- .COUNTY lzte please make ceased, late of gory, tea recovery. All per, of March, 2019 Carolina, this is to make payment to File No. immediate pay- Catawba County, PUBLISH: March sons, firths and i nothy all persons, the undersigned. 19 E 311 ment to the un- 'North Carolina, 16, '23,. 30 and c gtLea a��i v Ceq}Ordti0n3 in- Eddy Christopher fines and cOgho- dorsigned. this is to notify all APtii 6, 2079. debedosaides- rations :.having This the 30th of NOTICE TO persons, firms. late please make .Administrator, 1681 Bottom claims against March, 2019. .' This the 16th day and' corporations