HomeMy WebLinkAboutRone Creek Subdivision - Endangered species studyWetlands and Environmental Planning Group Leonard S. Rindner, PLLC. Threatened / Endangered / Protected Species Evaluation Charlotte Office: 10612-D Providence Rd. PMB 550 Charlotte, NC 28277 (704) 904-2277 I en. ri nd ner@wet Ian ds -epg. co m For: Rone Creek Union County, North Carolina By: Lisa R. Gaffney December 10, 2018 www.wetiands-epg.com Asheville Office: 1070 Tunnel Rd., Bldg. I Suite 10, PMB 283 Asheville, NC 28805 Rone Creek - Threatened /Endangered /Protected Species Evaluation GENERAL LANDSCAPE DESCRIPTION: The Rone Creek site is approximately 55 acres located just south of Hwy 75 — Waxhaw Highway, and just west of the town of Waxhaw, in Union County North Carolina. It can be found on the Catawba NE USGS Topographic Quadrangle Map; latitude is 34.9200 N, longitude is-80.7626 W. The site is primarily wooded, with four private home sites with lawns and landscaping, small outbuildings, and gravel driveways and access roads. The topography is moderately sloped with the elevation ranging from 550 to 650 ft. (Figure 1). Figure 1: r _ 1� ■ R Project Boundary + �� y Limits of Study 650 t bawl � - 0' +• • ;� � � Ili r I ` to Rone Branch LOCATION _ ' , ■ Late 34-92004 °N Long:-80.76267 °W HUC: 03050103 (Lowe rCatawba) Acres: [LONE CREEL( STATION Pre pared for IWEPG - 55 Union County, NC FIGURE 1 RLH3avis Lnginc ring, YLLC USGS Location Map SO/U.3�]R C nwi SC-MC4 ad rw%,g 1-W& Suyma tv uS+CF/i+tCAER ve�Fwtiv1. Wetlands and Environmental Planning Group Leonard S. Rindner, PLLC. Rone Creek - Threatened /Endangered /Protected Species Evaluation METHODOLOGY: The US Fish and Wildlife Service website https://www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/cntVIist/union.htmI was referenced to determine the occurrence of Threatened, Endangered and Protected species for Union County North Carolina, the results of which are listed below (Table 1). Maps and aerial photographs were assembled, and the site was investigated during the week of December 2, 2018. Table 1: Threatened / Endangered / Protected Species listed for Union County County: Union, NC *Source: US Fish & Wildlife Service **Data search on December 2, 2018 Group Name Status Lead Office Clams Carolina heelsplitter Endangered Asheville (Lasmigona Ecological decorata) Services Field Office Flowering Schweinitz's Endangered Asheville Plants sunflower Ecological (Helianthus Services Field schweinitzii) Office Flowering Michaux's sumac Endangered Raleigh Plants (Rhus michauxii) Ecological Services Field Office Birds Bald Eagle Protected under the Great Lakes- (Haliaeetus Bald and Golden Big Rivers leucocephalus) Eagle Protection Act Region (Region 3) Wetlands and Environmental Planning Group Leonard S. Rindner, PLLC. Rone Creek - Threatened /Endangered /Protected Species Evaluation Two plant species with federal protection are listed as potentially occurring in Union County: • Schweinitz's Sunflower (Helianthus schweinitzii), listed as Federally Endangered, is typically found in open habitats which historically have been maintained by wildfires and grazing bison and elk herds. Now most occurrences are limited to roadsides, woodland and field edges, and utility rights -of -way (ROW). • Michaux's Sumac (Rhus michauxii), listed as Federally Endangered, requires habitat of sandy forests and woodland edges. This species requires periodic fire as a part of its ecology. Two animal species with federal protection are listed as potentially occurring in Union County: • Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), protected by the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, typically inhabits forested areas near large bodies of open water such as lakes, marshes, seacoasts and rivers, where there are suitable fish populations and tall trees for nesting and roosting. • Carolina Heelsplitter (Lasmigona decorata), listed as Federally Endangered, is restricted to cool, clean, well -oxygenated water. Stable, silt- free stream beds are required for this species. Typically, stable areas occur where the stream banks are well -vegetated with trees and shrubs. RESULTS: The site is primarily wooded, with four private home sites near Hwy 75. The home sites have lawns and landscaping, small outbuildings, and gravel driveways and access roads. The remainder of the site is wooded. There are Loblolly Pines (Pinus taeda) growing on the upland slopes. The mid and lower slopes are covered by a mixed pine and hardwood forest. The roadside along Hwy 75 has an overhead power line and is maintained by periodic mowing. There is semi -open habitat and weedy vegetation along the tree lines. At the time of evaluation, the transitional area underneath the power line had been sprayed with herbicide and all the vegetation was dead. Vegetation composition includes Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda) saplings, Broomsedge (Andropogon virginicus), Plume Grass (Erianthus contortus), St. John's Wort (Hypericum gentianoides), Blackberry (Rubus sp.), Multiflora Rose (Rosa multif/ora), and Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica). WEPG 4 Wetlands and Environmental Planning Group Leonard S. Rindner, PLLC. Rone Creek - Threatened /Endangered /Protected Species Evaluation The wooded slopes are dominated by Loblolly Pine, Shortleaf Pine (P. echinata), Virginia Pine (P. virginiana), and mixed hardwood trees including Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), Tulip Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), White Oak (Quercus a/ba), Post Oak (Q. stellata), Black Cherry (Prunus serotina), Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana), and Black Gum (Nyssa sy/vatica). Trees present on the lower slopes and stream buffers include Red Oak (Q. rubra), Southern Red Oak (Q. fa/cata), Willow Oak (Q. phellos), Mockernut Hickory (Carya tomentosa), Shagbark Hickory (C. ovata), Hackberry (Ce/tis /aevigata), White Ash (Fraxinus americana), American Elm (U/mus americans), and Cottonwood (Populus deltoides). Semi -open fields, interior dirt and gravel roads, and transitional fringe along the edges of the woods are dominated by common and weedy species including Groundsel Tree (Baccharis haliminifolia), Johnson grass (Sorghum ha/epense), Sericea Lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata), Brazilian Vervain (Verbena brasiliense), Sourgrass (Rumex acetose//a), Cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium), Ragwort (Packera sp.), Ragweed (Ambrosia sp.), Wingstem (Verbesina a/ternifolia), Goldenrod (Solidago sp.), and Dogfennel (Eupatorium capillifolium). Threatened & Endangered/Protected Species Results All potential habitats for Schweinitz's Sunflower and Michaux's Sumac along the wood lines, roadsides, and field edges were closely examined. No individuals of Schweinitz's Sunflower or Michaux's Sumac were observed. • There is no Bald Eagle habitat on site, and no eagles or eagle's nests were observed. There is no suitable habitat on site for Carolina Heelsplitter. No mussels were observed during the survey nor would any be expected on -site. WEPG Wetlands and Environmental Planning Group Rone Creek - Threatened /Endangered /Protected Species Evaluation RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on the site investigation and the review of available data, WEPG did not identify any protected species occurring on the subject property. No further investigation of the presence of protected species on this site is recommended at this time. Respectfully submitted, Lisa R. Gaffney Biologist December 10, 2018 Wetlands and Environmental Planning Group Leonard S. Rindner, PLLC. Rone Creek - Threatened /Endangered /Protected Species Evaluation Curriculum Vitae for: Lisa R. Gaffney Biologist/ Botanist B.S. Biology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Ms. Gaffney is a classically trained botanist and natural resource biologist, and has conducted field work and investigative studies covering thousands of cumulative acres in both North and South Carolina since 1996, including: • Cabarrus County NC Natural Heritage Inventory 1997-1998. Organized, directed, and worked in field survey of natural areas in Cabarrus County for the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. • Lincoln County NC Natural Heritage Inventory 2000-2001. Organized, directed, and worked in field survey of natural areas in Lincoln County for the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. • Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys and Natural Communities Evaluation for over 45,000 acres in North and South Carolina, 1996 - present. • Located and identified at least six previously unreported populations of Federally Endangered Schweinitz's Sunflower (Helianthus schweinitzii). • Located and identified four previously unreported populations of Threatened Dwarf Heartleaf (Hexastylis nanif/ora). • Located a previously unknown population of Federally Endangered Schweinitz's Sunflower at Redlair Farm in Gaston County, NC. This discovery led (in part) to the purchase of the site by the State of North Carolina Plant Conservation Program, now called Redlair Preserve. This population has become a Recovery Site for the species. Participated in numerous Piedmont Prairie restoration projects in Mecklenburg, Union, Cabarrus and Gaston Counties, North Carolina. WEPG 7 Wetlands and Environmental Planning Group Leonard S. Rindner, PLLC. Rone Creek - Threatened /Endangered /Protected Species Evaluation Figure 2: VICINTIY MAP VICINITY MAP [Not to scale] LOCATION — Lat:34.92004'N Lang:-80.762672W HUC: 03050103 (Lower Catawba) 16 9 Q .i yqq �n 0 Waxhaw 75 I w&xttaw HWY Site 9 O 6% RQ'S bin9 2JtE M�.r ak CorParalan @ 2018 HERE SParnsh 0o0� To Charlotte a McCall Rd oC 4a ndate0 44o 3 [YrL1 �atpb µamilRidgepr yd 3QY.*Y United States 4c ,� �2 Mill Rd 58rlth[liff Dr r ze r152 Sc, �,,lttse L O Wp n7are Cr v Maywood Farms z � Project as z IS: Boundary Ptjce 54 v y� Price St S Howie Mine Rd , Mc na � a ? E Non Mil" n �i1h Nain St N Moxwell's " Emmels 5xial table �F Rippmglun's rererra ��r p;<,aH°r Waxhavf, WaxhawH"y rs s Givens 5t � e'P S C Mills 5t 75 Suulh Providence 3 s} St a C` 10 g Lynn `� o u"ran Cau�ey M[ oPahGc M q Museum o� the _ � � elhrary zb we,news " 43r' _� IN a145 Etem Stanton D S< S o Shoe 1ppm e" 250m l> Bing 02018 HERE, C OpenStreeMAap Acres: RONE CREEK STATION Prepared for: FIGURE 2 — 55 Union County, NC RDDavis Engineering, PLLC VicinityMap 10�09�18 Approximate Location t. 90 4-2277 Su6jact to VSAC£/NCOfq—fication Wetlands and Environmental Planning Group Leonard S. Rindner, PLLC. Rone Creek - Threatened /Endangered /Protected Species Evaluation Figure 3: USGS MAP Project Boundary Y' L Limits of Study U1111amed Tr1 -I ary to Ro11e 11oh B1 Ron.E Branch + 7 LOCATION �- rl Lat: 34.92004 9N .�v �� Long.-80.76267 `-' W HUC: C3050103 (Lower Catawba) nc•esRONE CREEL[ STATION Prepared far. EPG 55 Union County, INC FIGURE 3 HL7UaviS Engineering, F'LLC It3/03/IS USGS Location Map Catawba SC - NC 4uar raNlr 1968 &4j to uSAWjYCVj-O _rifi a[jon Wetlands and Environmental Planning Group Leonard S. Rindner, PLLC. Rone Creek - Threatened /Endangered /Protected Species Evaluation Figure 4: AERIAL MAP AERIAL LOCATION MAP Project Boundary Limits of Study LOCATION - Lat: 34.92004 9N Long:-80.76267 °W HUC: 03050103 (Lower Catawba) Acres: RONE CREEK STATION - 55 anion County, NC FIGURE 4 Aerial Location Map 10/09/Z8 Approximate Location Subject to 115nCEMLOfu VeHl rn[ron Prepared for: RDDavis Engineering, PLLC Wetlands and Environmental Planning Group Leonard S. Rindner, PLLC. Rone Creek - Threatened /Endangered /Protected Species Evaluation Figure 5: PUBLISHED SOIL MAP PUBLISHED SOIL MAP T:*0_ f .ICE UN k-. Project Boundar Limits of Study i I `I11+ I' 1 ' iielEft , -i"! I { it Sheet31 Cl: Li1��' t rrhlfii lt'7 • _ I LIIln1�4l'.� f+ t LOCATION United states Deportment of Agriculture, Natural Lat: 34.92004 °N - li Resources Conservation Service. Lon 80.762672W Soil survey Union County, North Carolino. Sheet 26,31 g HUC: 03050103 ( Lower Catawba) Acres: RONE CREEK STATION Prepared for: - 55 Union County, NC RDDavisEngineering, PLLC FIGURE 5 10/09/18 Published NRCSSolis Map e (Union County, Sheet 26, 31) Subject to USACE verifi cati on Wetlands and Environmental Planning Group 11 Leonard S. Rindner, PLLC.