HomeMy WebLinkAboutBaseline Monitoring PlanScarbraugh, Anthony From: Barnes, Kyle W CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Kyle.W.Barnes@usace.army.mil> Sent: Monday, April 16, 2018 11:46 AM To: Johnston, Charlie; Kelly Hoyt; Hayes, Tim Cc: Wes Fryar; Scarbraugh, Anthony Subject: [External] Bethel Solar follow up CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spa m.<mailto:repo rt.spam@nc.gov> Gentlemen, I am writing this as a follow up to our site visit to the Bethel Solar Restoration Project last Friday. I reviewed the file and meeting notes regarding the Bethel Solar Restoration Project and Plan submitted in June of 2017 for Duke Energy Renewables by Carolina Ecosystems. The following two bullets will hopefully pull together the information we discussed last week. - On June 30, 2017 we did discuss hydrology monitoring but did not set a methodology of where or how it would be accomplished. By not requiring a modification at the end of that meeting I will drop my request from the site visit last week to install wells or monitor hydrology. - On July 19, 2017 1 sent Charlie an email indicating that I would move forward with approval of the restoration plan as agreed upon during our June 30, 2017 meeting and site prep could move forward prior to that approval if needed. The Corps didn't receive a modified plan that resulted from the June 30, 2017 meeting other than the planting information submitted by Land Management Group (LMG). At this point I think we became sidetracked with the Windsor Solar Site restoration because I didn't follow up with the status of the revised Bethel Plan and I didn't receive anything indicating the revisions. At this point after reviewing the site conditions last week and to keep the progress that has already been made I will agree to the Bethel Solar Wetland Restoration Plan June 2017 as is including the Bethel Solar Restoration Project Baseline Monitoring Report submitted by LMG on April 12, 2018. Hopefully this site will have favorable growing conditions and we will see positive results in September. Kyle Barnes Regulatory Project Manager US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District Washington Field Office 910-251-4584 We at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch are committed to improving service to our customers. We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located at: http:Hcorpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_apex/f?p=136:4:0 <http:Hcorpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_apex/f?p=136:4:0> Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and complete the survey. Scarbraugh, Anthony From: Scarbraugh, Anthony Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2018 9:08 AM To: 'Barnes, Kyle W CIV USARMY CESAW (US)'; Wes Fryar Subject: RE: [External] RE: Bethel Solar Restoration - Planting & Baseline Completion Wes, I concur with Kyle on both scheduling a baseline inspection and personal schedule. Thanks, Anthony Scarbraugh Environmental Senior Specialist Division of Water Resources— Water Quality Regional Operations Department of Environmental Quality 252 948 3924 office anthony.scarbraugh@ncdenr.gov 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records law and may be disclosed to third parties. -----Original Message ----- From: Barnes, Kyle W CIV USARMY CESAW (US) [mailto:Kyle.W.Barnes@usace.army.mil] Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2018 9:05 AM To: Wes Fryar <wfryar@lmgroup.net>; Scarbraugh, Anthony <anthony.scarbraugh@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] RE: Bethel Solar Restoration - Planting & Baseline Completion CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam.<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> Thanks Wes. We should probably do a quick site visit for a baseline. I'll leave that to you to set up a date. Please keep in mind that my schedule is about 4-5weeks out right now. Kyle Barnes Regulatory Project Manager US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District Washington Field Office 910-251-4584 -We at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch are committed to improving service to our customers. We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located at: http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_apex/f?p=136:4:0 <http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_apex/f?p=136:4:0> Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and complete the survey. -----Original Message ----- From: Wes Fryar (mailto:wfryar@lmgroup.net] Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 12:30 PM To: Scarbraugh, Anthony<anthony.scarbraugh@ncdenr.gov>; Barnes, Kyle W CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Kyle. W.Barnes@usace.army.mil> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Bethel Solar Restoration - Planting & Baseline Completion Hey guys, Bethel is planted and baseline has been performed with five, 50x50 plots in the wetland areas (see attached kmz). Site looks good and the planters did an excellent job. A picture is also attached showing the planters in action. I expect to have the report out in a couple of weeks. Thank you both and let me know if you have any questions, Wes Fryar Environmental Scientist - Project Manager Land Management Group, Inc. 3805 Wrightsville Ave, Suite 15, 28403 910-452-0001 Scarbraugh, Anthony From: Barnes, Kyle W SAW <Kyle.W.Barnes@usace.army.mil> Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 12:13 PM To: brian.smith@carolinaeco.com; Eric Schudt Cc: Biddlecome, William J SAW; Scarbraugh, Anthony Subject: Bethel Solar Gentlemen, I hope that everything has gone well for you and your families during the hurricane event. I am sure that there are things associated with work that have been affected but hopefully it can be resolved quickly and safely. The primary reason I am contacting you is to discuss the status of the Bethel Solar Site and where we stand with finalizing the JD associated with the Notice of Non -Compliance (notice). On June 30, 2016 we met at the Bethel site to confirm the jurisdictional resources that were identified as requested in the notice. During the site review we discussed a tributary that was removed on the western end of the property. My notes reflected that the feature should be identified as jurisdictional from the point where it turned west downstream to the tributary labelled as "SA". The plat that was revised and submitted to the Corps on August 8, 2016 indicating jurisdictional features subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) on did not indicate that tributary. During our site visit to the Windsor Solar Site on September 14, 2016 we discussed the Bethel site plat revision and how it would be needed to allow the Corps to move forward with resolving the issues at the Bethel site. Can you please provide me with a timeline as to when you will be providing the plat revision indicating all the jurisdictional resources on the Bethel Solar Site? If you have any questions please contact me by email or at the number listed below. Kyle Kyle Barnes Regulatory Specialist US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District Washington Field Office 910-251-4584 We at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch are committed to improving service to our customers. We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located at: http:Hcorpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_apex/f?p=136:4:0 <http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_apex/f?p=136:4:0> Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and complete the survey. Scarbraugh, Anthony From: Wes Fryar <wfryar@lmgroup.net> Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2018 12:02 PM To: Scarbraugh, Anthony; Kyle.W.Barnes Cc: Kelly Hoyt Subject: [External] Bethel Solar - Baseline Monitoring Report Attachments: Bethel Solar -Baseline Monitoring Report.pdf Hey guys, I have attached a copy of the Baseline report for the Bethel Solar Restoration Project. I will bring a hard copy to the meeting tomorrow for reference. Please let me know of you have any questions. Thank you! Wes Fryar Environmental Scientist - Project Manager Land Management Group, Inc. 3805 Wrightsville Ave, Suite 15, 28403 910-452-0001 Bethel Solar Restoration Project Baseline Monitoring Report Pitt County, NC Tar -Pamlico River Basin (Cataloging Unit #03020103) Prepared for.. SunEnergyl 192 Raceway Drive Mooresville, NC28117 Prepared by: LMG LAhTNAXAGfNEMI G0.011V m� l nruanrnrnrortamu imus Wilmington, N.C. April 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................1 2.0. PROJECT OVERVIEW...............................................................................................................1 3.0 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................2 A. WETLAND RESTORATION SUCCESS CRITERIA.....................................................................2 4.0 MONITORING RESULTS (Baseline)....................................................................................3 A. VEGETATION MONITORING.......................................................................................................3 5.0 CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................4 LIST OF FIGURES, TABLES, AND APPENDICES Figure1.........................................................................................................................................Impact Map Figure2...................................................................................................................... Planting Area/Plot Map Table 1.......................................................................... Annual Monitoring Data Sheets, Baseline — Planted Table 1A...................................................................... Annual Monitoring Data Sheets, Baseline — Volunteer AppendixA.......................................................................................................................... Site Photographs Appendix B.............................................................................................................. Agency Correspondence 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On behalf of SunEnergy1, Land Management Group (LMG) has completed baseline monitoring of the Bethel Solar Site (-9.5 acres) located at/near NC Highway 11 and Cemetery Road, in the town of Bethel, Pitt County, NC. The Bethel Solar Site restoration project consists of 9.5 acres of land consisting of a wet hardwood flat wetland system in the Tar -Pamlico River Basin (USGS 8 -digit Hydrologic Unit 03020103; DWQ Subbasins 03-03.03; 03-03-05; 03-03-06). The following Baseline Monitoring Report (AMR) is specific to the 9.5 acres that were impacted via mechanized land clearing. Planting of these areas was completed on February 28th, 2018. Restoration work included planting of characteristic non -riparian wet hardwood flat tree seedlings. Per the approved restoration plan and correspondence with the NC Division of Water Resources (DWR) and the US Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE), monitoring of the site includes the assessment of vegetative conditions over the course of a three year monitoring period. Following the completion of the site planting, a total of five (5) permanent 0.05 acre (50' x 50') plots were established throughout the planted 9.5 acre restoration areas. Baseline monitoring was conducted on February 28th, 2018 at each of the five (5) plots. A total of 160 individuals of the planted species were counted throughout the five (5) plots, which correlates to an average of 640 stems/acre within the project area (Table 1). Site photographs documenting the site planting and baseline monitoring are included in Appendix A. 2.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW In 2017, SunEnergy1 received a Notice of Violation and Recommendation for Enforcement (NOV- 2015-PC-0155) from the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (DWR) for a Wetland Standard Violation and failure to secure a 401 Water Quality Certification. Unauthorized activities included the excavation, grading, grubbing, and clearing of jurisdictional wetlands during the on- site land clearing for the installation of a solar facility. In June, 2017, a written response and Restoration Plan was submitted to NCDWR as a follow-up to address unauthorized impacts to jurisdictional wetlands. On July 18(h, 2017, NCDWR issued a letter approving the Restoration Plan Bethel Solar Restoration Project Baseline -Monitoring Report and set a date of March 1, 2018 as the deadline for restoration completion. To hedge against bad weather, and lack of acceptable tree stock, the completion date was granted an extension until March 15th, 2018. Site planting of the 9.5 acre restoration area was initiated on February 28th, 2018. Refer to Figure 1 for a depiction of the restoration areas. Restoration activities included planting of characteristic non -riparian wet hardwood flat trees. Planting was completed on February 28th, 2018. Relevant agency correspondence is included in Appendix B. 3.0 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Annual monitoring is being conducted near the end of each growing season for a period of three years. This monitoring includes only a vegetative component per the approved restoration plan. The vegetative component for the Bethel Solar site includes an assessment of the conditions within each of the five (5) permanent monitoring plots that have been established throughout the project area (Figure 2). A. Wetland Restoration Success Criteria The wetland restoration effort is evaluated based upon performance criteria related to vegetative density. As is typical for restoration sites, stems of non -planted species tend to volunteer within a restored site. Volunteers of characteristic wetland species (i.e. "suitable" or "desirable" species) serve as indicators of appropriate hydrologic regimes and provide increased diversity. This diversity in plant species enhances niche microhabitat and is an important aspect of wetland restoration. Per the restoration plan, suitable volunteers and volunteers including native successional species such as red maple, tulip poplar, and sweet gum may be counted towards the established success criteria. The proposed success criteria for the restored areas of the Bethel Solar project area are: 1. Demonstrated density of planted species to meet or exceed 260 trees per acre at the end of three years (post -planting). The agencies may allow for the counting of volunteer species toward the 260 -tree per acre density. Bethel Solar Restoration Project 2 Baseline -Monitoring Report As stated in the restoration plan, a mixture of hardwood species were planted as part of the restoration effort. Planted trees include species of: (1) swamp chestnut oak (Quercus michauxii), (2) water oak (Quercus nigra), (3) willow oak (Quercus phellos) and (4) green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica). 4.0 MONITORING RESULTS (Baseline) A. Vegetation Monitoring A total of 160 individuals of the planted species were counted throughout the five (5) plots, which correlated to an average of 640-stems/acre within the project area (Table 1). The observed number for Baseline monitoring is well above the required 260-stems/acre at the end of the third year (post - planting). Willow oak (Quercus phellos) was the most abundant woody species, with a total of 67 individuals. Other planted species such as green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), and water oak (Quercus nigra) were also prevalent within the monitored plots. In addition to the planted species, volunteers were also observed within each plot. Table 1 and Table 1A provide species composition by plot for both planted and volunteer species, respectively. Overall, the vegetative composition (including planted and observed volunteers) is characteristic of the target wet hardwood flat wetland community. Of particular note during Baseline monitoring was the sustained densities of facultative wet (FACW) and obligate (OBL) herbaceous vegetation within the plots. Herbaceous species composition was dominated by characteristic wetland species such as soft rush (Juncus effusus), sedge (Carex spp.), bulrush (Scirpus cyperinus), and bushy bluestem (Andropogon glomeratus). Refer to Appendix A for site photos of the restoration area and site planting. Bethel Solar Restoration Project 3 Baseline -Monitoring Report TABLE 1. ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET (BASELINE) • PLANTED SPECIES PLOT 1 PLOT 2 PLOT 3 PLOT 4 PLOT 5 TOTAL Fraxinus pennsylvanica 7 9 14 13 4 47 Green Ash Selixnigra 4 0 Quercus phellos 14 10 12 14 17 67 Willow Oak Quercus nigra 6 8 1 2 10 27 Water Oak Quercus michauxii Swam Chestnut Oak1 5 5 3 3 3 19 TOTAL 32 130' ,i, . 2 a< 5, TABLE 1A. ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET (BASELINE)- VOLUNTEERS' SPECIES PLOT 1 1 PLOT 2 PLOT 3 1 PLOT 4 1 PLOT 5 1 TOTAL Sambucus nigra 0 1 0 0 0 1 Black Elderberry) Selixnigra 4 0 0 0 1 5 BIacA t111ow "- grey squares represent acceptable volunteer species I white squares represent unacceptable volunteer species. Acceptable species will be included when determining if the minimum density success criteria has been mel on an annual basis The combination of planted species and acceptable volunteers suggest that the site is posed well for successful restoration of the target community. During the Baseline monitoring event, each of the five (5) plots readily exceeded the minimum density success criterion (i.e. equal to 260 stems after three years). The overall density and composition of planted and desirable volunteer species is consistent with the target wetland community type. This diversity of species will likely continue through the duration of the project due to the abundant native seed source and natural dispersal patterns. 5.0 CONCLUSION Based on the data collected in conjunction with the Baseline monitoring event, the site appears to be progressing well towards the target wet hardwood flat community. Average stem densities on all of the plots are sufficient to meet the applicable success criteria. The vegetative component of the project appears to be progressing well as evidenced by the enumerated number of planted species and the recruitment of characteristic volunteer species. Each of the five (5) plots exceeded the minimum success criteria during the Baseline monitoring event. Bethel Solar Restoration Project Baseline -Monitoring Report FIGURES O- Restoration Site -Approximate Wetlands ® - Plot Location (5 -(0.05 ac) Plots) -Approximate Tributary Boundaries are approximate and are not meant to be absolute. Map Source: 2014 NAPP Imagery Bethel Solar Pitt County, NC April 2018 LMG # 40-17-349 LMG I.�_VII.IAAAI[iUl Vf(�P(I,il-. www.lmgroup.net 3805 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone: 910.452.0001 Fax: 910.452.0060 RCI F 1" = 9nn' Figure 2 Plot Location Map APPENDIX A - SITE PHOTOS ew sy � Y s7�x�i sw•J: ' . �'e�. ��� View of pre -planting site conditions View of planting crew planting trees Bethel Solar LMG Restoration Project (Z Appendix A: Pitt County, NC www.LMGroup.net Site Photographs 40-17-349 Phone: 910A52.0001 • Fax: 910.452.0060 April 2018 3805 Wrightsville Ave Wilmington, NC 28403 View of planting crew planting trees View of planting crew planting trees Bethel Solar LMG Restoration Project Pitt County, NC Appendix A: 40-17-349 www.LMGroup.net Site Photographs Phone: 910.452.0001 • Fax: 910.452.0060 April 2018 3805 Wrightsville Ave Wilmington, NC 28403 e View of planting crew planting trees Baseline monotoring: Plot 2 Bethel Solar LMG Restoration Project Pitt County, NC www.LMGroup.net Appendix A: Site Photographs 40-17-349 Phone: 910.452.0001 • Fax: 910.452.0060 April 2018 3805 Wrightsville Ave Wilmington, NC 28403 Baseline Monitoring "�tlM View of swamp chestnut oak in Plot 4 Bethel Solar LMG Restoration Project 4 1 1 11 � ! '.' Pitt County, NC www.LMGroup.net Appendix A: 40-17-349 Phone: 910.452.0001 • Fax 910.452.0060 Site Photographs April 2018 3805 Wrightsville Ave Wilmington, NC 23403 APPENDIX B - AGENCY CORRESPONDENCE Water Resources EnvironmMel Quality March 20, 2017 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Director CERTIFIED MAIL #70161370 0002 2184 6190 CERTIFIED MAIL #70161370 0002 2184 6206 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Duke Energy Renewables NC Solar, LLC SunEnergyl, LLC Attn: Mr. Tom McNay, Vice -President Attn: Mr. Kenny Habul, President 550 South Tyron Street 192 Raceway Drive Charlotte, NC 28202 Mooresville, NC 28117 Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION and RECOMMENDATION FOR ENFORCEMENT NOV-2017-PC-0155 Bethel Solar Site Pitt County Dear Messrs. McNay and Habul: On March 9, 2016, Anthony Scarbraugh, Robert Tankard and Don Burke of Division of Water Resources (DWR) Washington Regional Office and Kyle Barnes of the US Army Corps of Engineers (US ACE) conducted a site inspection of the constructed Bethel Solar Site, located at 155 Lewis Street in Town of Bethel, Pitt County, NC. Eric Schudt, formerly of SunEnergy 1, LLC, (SE3)was also present during the inspection. On June 30, 2016, a follow up inspection was conducted by Messrs. Scarbraugh and Barnes. During the inspection, DWR staff meet with Mr. Schudt, Charles Johnston of Duke Energy Renewables NC Solar, LLC (Duke Renewables) and Brian Smith of Carolina Ecosystem, Inc. (CEI) to discuss the site conditions and review the wetland delineation performed by CEI. Please note, the DWR and US ACE has been working with SEl and/or Duke Renewables over the past year to quantify the unauthorized impacts onsite. During the DWR Inspections, the investigators observed grading, grubbing and filling resulting in approximately 9.5 acres of unauthorized wetlands impacts and RII and rerouting of approximately 800 linear feet of unnamed tributaries to Grindle Creek resulting from the development of the onsite solar array along the southeastern portion of the property. These impacts have occurred without the Issuance of a 401 Water Quality Certification. As a result of the site inspections and file review, the following violations, detailed below, are noted: (1) Failure to Secure a 401 Water Quality Certification (2) Wetland Standard Violation 1) Failure to Secure 401 Water Quality Certification (Title 15A NCAC 02H .0500) The impacts to the wetlands and/or stream require permits from both the Army Corps of Engineers and the Division of Water Resources. DWR �4situ g lPomparcs6�lrmed that impacts occurred without smic or North Camlina I Envnunmenlal Quality I Water Resomca-Water Qualily Regiocal Opentrorn SsliorvWashingron Regional Office 943 Wmhingim Square Mall, Washington, North Carolina 27889 252.946.64BI a 404 Permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. A file review indicates that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) has not authorized use of a 404 Permit for this activity nor has notification been provided to the COE for this activity. The file review confirmed that the Division of Water Resources has not issued 401 Water Quality Certification for the subject site. A 401 Water Quality Certification is required prior to the above-mentioned impacts pursuant to 15A NCAC 02H .0500. 2) Wetland Standard Violation (15A NCAC 026 .0231) The wetland impacts from clearing, grading, earthen fill, the installation of solar panels, associated Infrastructure, and road improvements represents violations of 15A NCAC 02B.0231(b) (1) Liquids, fill or other solids or dissolved gases may not be present in amounts which may cause adverse impacts on existing wetland uses; (5) Hydrological conditions necessary to support the biological and physical characteristics naturally present in wetlands shall be protected to prevent adverse impacts on: (C) The chemical, nutrient and dissolved oxygen regime of the wetland; (D) The movement of aquatic fauna; (F) Water levels or elevations. Requested Response This Office requests that you respond to this letter in writing within 15 calendar days of receipt of this Notice. Your response should be sent to this Office at the letterhead address. Your response should address the following: 1. Within 15 calendar days of receipt of this Notice, please provide a plan of action with specific time frames and dates to accomplish the below items. 2. Please explain when construction (clearing, grading, earthen fill, the installation of solar panels, associated infrastructure, and road improvements) began at the site and how these impacts occurred. 3. Please clearly explain why appropriate 401 Water Quality Certification and a 404 Permit were not secured. 4. Please provide documentation (including a detailed site map/survey) depicting all jurisdictional water features (e.g. streams, wetlands and/or waters) on the site. This documentation should describe and quantify the impacts to those jurisdictional features, and should include plans to avoid further unauthorized impacts on the site. 5. Please submit a Restoration Plan to this Office for review and approval. You are encouraged to secure a consultant to assist you with your plan development and with obtaining any permit, certification, and/ or authorization necessary to achieve compliance. This plan should include the following: a.) Permit Application — If you wish for any impacts to remain In place, you must contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) for information on the type(s) of permit required. Depending on the type of permits USACOE requires, application for a 401 Water Quality Certification to DWR will also be required. b.) Wetland Restoration Plan (Wetland impacts) — The restoration plan must detail how the unauthorized impacts to wetlands that cannot be permitted will be removed and how the wetlands will be restored. This information must be clearly depicted on a map that you provide as a part of this response. This map should also indicate all of the wetlands locations on the tract as well as the wetland areas that have been impacted. Satisfactory wetland restoration requires the replanting of atleast 2 native hardwood wetland species and the maintenance of a stem density/survivorship of at least 260 trees per acre at the end of 3 years. c.) Please indicate in your response a schedule with dates detailing when the restoration will be accomplished. This schedule should include a three-year monitoring plan to ensure that the wetlands are restored. It Is the expectation of this Office that the restoration will be completed by December 1, 2017. 6. Finally, you should include in your response an explanation of how you propose to prevent these problems from reoccurring on this project and on future projects. ""You are encouraged to secure a consultant to assist you with your plan development, permit certification, and authorization necessary to achieve compliance.**** Thank you for your attention to this matter. DWR requires that the violations, as detailed above, be abated immediately and properly resolved. This Office isconsidering arecommendation for civil penalty assessment to the Director of the Division of Water Resources and/or an injunction request to the Attorney General's Office regarding the ongoing violations on your site. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A, the above mentioned violations and any future violations are subject to a civil penalty assessment of up to a maximum of $25,000.00 per day for each violation. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6C, OWR can request injunctive relief through the courts to obtain compliance on the site. Your above-mentioned response to this correspondence will be considered In any further process that may occur. This Office appreciates your attention to this matter and efforts to resolve the above noted concerns. Should you have any questions regarding these matters, please contact Anthony Scarbraugh at (252) 948- 3924 or myself at (252) 948-3921. Sincerely, U4 ­2�4- Robert Tankard, Assistant Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources, NCDENR cc: Shelton Sullivan -401 & Buffer Permitting Branch WaRO Files Kyle Barnes— US ACOE- Washington Office (via e-mail) Samir Dumpor—DELNIR WaRO (via e-mail) Jay Keller— Keller Environmental, LLC (via e-mail: jay@kellerenvironmental.com) Chris Hooper, Carolina Ecosystems, Inc. (via e-mail: chris.hopper@carolinaeco.com) U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT ORM 1D. SAW -2016-00653 County: Pitt NOTIFICATION OF UNAUTHORIZED ACTIVITY PERMIT NONCOMPLIANCE Responsible Party: SUNENERGYI c/o Eric Schudt Address: 192 Raceway Drive Mooresville, North Carolina 28117 Telephone Number: (704) 662-0375 Size and location of property (include waterbody, road name/number, town, etc.): The subject property identified as Bethel Solar is a 50 acre Parcel located west of Main Street and south of W Lewis Sirect in the town of Bethel in Pitt County, North Carolina. Description of Unauthorized Activity/Permit Noncompliance: Unauthorized clearing and filling of jurisdictional wetlands to facilitate the construction of a solar farm. Indicate which of the following apply: X Unauthorized Activity _ Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10 (33 USC 403) _ Permit Noncompliance X Clean Water Act, Section 301 (33 USC 1311) Unless you have a valid Department of the Army permit for the above described activity, it may be a violation of federal law as specified above. We are currently working with your consultant to determine the extent of the unauthorized work and to pursue options to bring your project into compliance. We recommend that you immediately cease activities within jurisdictional areas until the existing work can be brought into compliance with federal law. As you have been notified that the prior work is potentially a violation of federal law, any further unauthorized work in waters or wetlands may be considered an intentional violation of federal law. If you continue to work in waters and wetlands without the required authorization, and/or fail to perform the requested remedial action, the Corps may take further administrative action and may request the U.S. Attorney to file suit against you. If you have an questions regarding this action or would like further information on the Corps of Engineers Regulatory Program, please contact Kyle Barnes at (910) 251-4584. Remedial Action Requested On March 9.2016 you met with a US Army Corps of Engineers (Corns representative as well as renresentatives from the North Carolina Denartment of Eavronmental Ounlity to reveview areas within the recently installed Bethel Solar farm for potential unauthorized impacts to iurisdictional wetlands and waters. During that inspection an area in the south east portion of the property exhibited wetland characteristics. The exact acreage of the wetland was not identified but appeared to be larger than an acre. Additionally approximately 850 linear feet of iurisdictional waters had been filled during the development of this site. Please submit a plan to this office within 30 days of the receipt of this letter that reestablishes the wetland boundary and the alignment of the waters that were removed. This plan should also include the existine solar panel alignment within those iurisdictional areas. Once you have submitted the requested information a Corns Protect Manager will schedule a site visit to confirm your findings and discuss remedial actions. Your signature acknowledges receipt of this notification Property Owner/ Responsible Party BARNES.KYLE.WIL Date April 5.2016 Corps Regulatory Official LIAMJ388035397 „.,;t„ From: Barnes. Kyle W CIV USARMY CESAW (USI To: Scarbrauah. Anthony; Wes Frvar Subject: RE: [External] Bethel Solar Tree Swap Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 7:58:58 AM Works for me as well Kyle Bames Regulatory Project Manager US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District Washington Field Office 910-251-4584 We at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch are committed to improving service to our customers. We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located at: <hnrr//cnrnsmaminsacenrmvmll/em nnex/Y/n=14fi-4•0> Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and complete the survey. -----Original Message ----- From: Scarbraugh, Anthony fmailto:anthony.scarbraugh@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2017 7:50 AM To: Wes Fryar <wfryar@lmgroup.net>; Barnes, Kyle W CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Kyle. W.Barnes@usace.army.mil> Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: [External] Bethel Solar Tree Swap Mr. Fryar, This Office will except the change from laurel oak to willow oak due to the lack of availability. Thanks, Anthony Scarbraugh Environmental Senior Specialist Division of Water Resources - Water Quality Regional Operations Department of Environmental Quality 252 948 3924 office anthony.scarbraugh@ncdenr.gov 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Wes Fryar [mailto:wfryar .Imnroup.net] Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 1:14 PM To: Scarbraugh, Anthony <amhony.scarbraugh@ncdenngov>; Kyle.W.Bames@usace.army.mil Subject: [External] Bethel Solar Tree Swap CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov <mailto:renort.snam4nc.¢ov> . Hi Guys, I am having no luck finding laurel oaks as specified in the Bethel Solar restoration plan. Apparently, no nursery carries laurel oak for some reason. Instead, I would like to swap out the laurel oaks for willow oaks. Please let me know if this is acceptable with you guys and I will go ahead and secure the tree order. Thank you - Wes Fryar I Environmental Scientist - Project Manager Direct: 452-0001 x 1927 1 Cell: 910.471.0018 1 Fax: 910.452.0060 Email: wfryar@lmgroup.net <mailto:wfryar Imgroun.net> I Website: Blockedwww.lmgroup.net <Blockedhttp://www.lmgroup.net/> Land Management Group, Inc I Environmental Consultants 3805 Wrightsville Ave I Suite 151 Wilmington, NC 28403 From: Scarbraugh, Anthony To: Wes Frvar; Kyle.W.BarnesColusace army mil Subject: Re: [External] Bethel Solar Restoration Project Date: Monday, November 06, 2017 7:50:25 PM Attachments: imaae001.toc Wes, The Division of Water Resource will grant the extension per your request. Regards, Anthony Scarbraugh From: Wes Fryar<wfryar@lmgroup.net> Sent: Monday, November 6, 2017 5:21:04 PM To: Scarbraugh, Anthony; Kyle.W.Barnes@usace.army.mil Subject: [External] Bethel Solar Restoration Project CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov. Hi Guys, I just wanted to let you know that we have been awarded the job to perform site planting and baseline monitoring for the Bethel Solar Project for SunEnergyl. I plan on getting some trees ordered this week and will get a date locked in for planting. Per the restoration plan it calls for the site to be planted in December -February. We have done a lot of planting over the years and have found that planting in the first or second week in March can hedge against tree death from late winter frosts. I wanted to run it by you to see if we can get an extension to have the site planted by March 15, 2018, similar to what we did for Kelford. We would just feel a lot better about waiting until early March to plant if we end up having a cold end -of -winter. It's good to have the option. What do you think? If not, we can always just plan on the end of February. Thanks and talk to you soon on this once I have some trees ordered - Wes Fryar I Environmental Scientist — Project Manager Direct: 452-0001 x 1927 1 Cell: 910.471.0018 1 Fax: 910.452.0060 Email: ziftar({j�lmgrotlp net I Website: www.lmarouo.net Land Management Group, Inc I Environmental Consultants 3805 Wrightsville Ave I Suite 151 Wilmington NC 28403 Imglogo3 _ .. u From: Barnes. Kyle W CIV USARMY CESAW (US) To: Wes Frvar; "Scarbrauoh, Anthony" Subject: RE: Bethel Solar Restoration Project Date: Tuesday, November 07, 2017 10:13:08 AM Wes, Your proposal to move your planting date is fine with the Corps. Kyle Barnes Regulatory Project Manager US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District Washington Field Office 910-251.4584 We at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch are committed to improving service to our customers. We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located at: h, ttp:Heorpsmapu usace armv mil/cm ape /Yrn=136.4.0<http://corpsmanp:.usace.army.mil/cm anex/ftp=13kA:0> Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and complete the survey. -----Original Message ----- From: Wes Fryar [mailto:wfrvarQlmgroun.net] Sent: Monday, November 06, 2017 5:21 PM To:'Scarbraugh, Anthony' <anthony.scarbraugh@ncdenr.gov>; Barnes, Kyle W CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Kyle. W.Barnes@usace.army.mil> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Bethel Solar Restoration Project Hi Guys, I just wanted to let you know that we have been awarded the job to perform site planting and baseline monitoring for the Bethel Solar Project for SunEnergy1. I plan on getting some trees ordered this week and will get a date locked in for planting. Per the restoration plan it calls for the site to be planted in December -February. We have done a lot of planting over the years and have found that planting in the first or second week in March can hedge against tree death from late winter frosts. I wanted to run it by you to see if we can get an extension to have the site planted by March 15, 2018, similar to what we did for Kelford. We would just feel a lot better about waiting until early March to plant if we end up having a cold end -of -winter. IVs good to have the option. What do you think? If not, we can always just plan on the end of February. Thanks and talk to you soon on this once I have some trees ordered - Wes Fryar I Environmental Scientist - Project Manager Direct: 452-0001 x 1927 1 Cell: 910.471.0018 1 Fax: 910.452.0060 Email: wfryar@lmgroup.net <mailto•wfryar Imgrooup.net> I Website: Blockedwww.lmgroup.net <Biockedhttp://www.lmgroup.net/> Land Management Group, Inc I Environmental Consultants Scarbraugh, Anthony From: Wes Fryar <wfryar@lmgroup.net> Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2018 9:45 AM To: Barnes, Kyle W CIV USARMY CESAW (US); Scarbraugh, Anthony Subject: [External] RE: Bethel Solar Restoration - Planting & Baseline Completion Attachments: DSCN1775.JPG; DSCN1791.1PG; DA 0015.1PG CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam.<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> That works! I have confirmed with SunEnergy and we are all set. I'm not sure if you got the pic that I inserted into the email yesterday (from my phone) so I have attached a couple more of the planters in action for your file. I also attached a pic of a typical plot. Thanks, Wes Fryar I Environmental Scientist - Project Manager Direct: 452-0001 x 1927 1 Cell: 910.471.0018 1 Fax: 910.452.0060 Email: wfryar@lmgroup.net I Website: www.lmgroup.net land Management Group, Inc I Environmental Consultants 3805 Wrightsville Ave I Suite 15 1 Wilmington, NC 28403 -----Original Message ----- From: Barnes, Kyle W CIV USARMY CESAW (US) [mailto:Kyle.W.Barnes@usace.army.mil] Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2018 9:16 AM To: Wes Fryar <wfryar@lmgroup.net>; Scarbraugh, Anthony <anthony.scarbraugh@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: Bethel Solar Restoration - Planting & Baseline Completion Wes, Anthony and I can do April the 11th. How does 10am work? Kyle Barnes Regulatory Project Manager US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District Washington Field Office 910-251-4584 We at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch are committed to improving service to our customers. We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located at: http:Hcorpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_apex/f?p=136:4:0 <httP:Hcorpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_apex/f?p=136:4:0> Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and complete the survey. -----Original Message ----- From: Wes Fryar [mailto:wfryar@lmgroup.net] Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2018 9:09 AM To: Barnes, Kyle W CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Kyle.W.Barnes@usace.army.mil>; Scarbraugh, Anthony <anthony.sca rbraugh @ncdenr.gov> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] RE: Bethel Solar Restoration - Planting & Baseline Completion Hi Kyle, I meant to mention that in my email yesterday. If you guys could get together on a date that suits you both I can accommodate your schedule -just let me know. I will need to coordinate with SunEnergy and Duke Power for entry. Wes Fryar I Environmental Scientist - Project Manager Direct: 452-0001 x 1927 1 Cell: 910.471.0018 1 Fax: 910.452.0060 Email: wfryar@lmgroup.net I Website: Blockedwww.lmgroup.net Land Management Group, Inc I Environmental Consultants 3805 Wrightsville Ave I Suite 15 1 Wilmington, NC 28403 -----Original Message ----- From: Barnes, Kyle W CIV USARMY CESAW (US)[mai Ito: Kyle.W.Barnes@usace.army.mi1] Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2018 9:05 AM To: Wes Fryar <wfryar@lmgroup.net>; Scarbraugh, Anthony <anthony.scarbraugh@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: Bethel Solar Restoration - Planting & Baseline Completion Thanks Wes. We should probably do a quick site visit for a baseline. I'll leave that to you to set up a date. Please keep in mind that my schedule is about 4-Sweeks out right now. Kyle Barnes Regulatory Project Manager US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District Washington Field Office 910-251-4584 We at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch are committed to improving service to our customers. We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located at: Blocked http:Hco rpsma pu. usace.a rmy.m i I/cm_a pex/f?p=136:4:0 <Blockedhttp://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_apex/f?p=136:4:0> Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and complete the survey. -----Original Message ----- From: Wes Fryar [mailto:wfryar@lmgroup.net] Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 12:30 PM To: Scarbraugh, Anthony<anthony.scarbraugh@ncdenr.gov>; Barnes, Kyle W CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Kyle.W.Barnes@usace.army.mil> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Bethel Solar Restoration - Planting & Baseline Completion Hey guys, Bethel is planted and baseline has been performed with five, 50x50 plots in the wetland areas (see attached kmz). Site looks good and the planters did an excellent job. A picture is also attached showing the planters in action. I expect to have the report out in a couple of weeks. Thank you both and let me know if you have any questions, Wes Fryar Environmental Scientist - Project Manager Land Management Group, Inc. 3805 Wrightsville Ave, Suite 15, 28403 910-452-0001 i i� I� �, .. G� :.� �'i ,�, �. ", t' � ``� ', r i� �f� i i�