HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051290 Ver 1_Restoration Information_20050706• • • • McCain Site Randolph County, North Carolina Stream Restoration Plan • • Contract No. EW-02040S 2 0 0 5 1 2 0 0 State Project No. 020594001 North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program • • • June 2005 • • Stream Restoration Report McCain Site, Randolph County, NC • EXECUTIVE SUMMARY i The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) initiated the McCain Property Stream . Restoration Feasibility Study in April 2003 to evaluate the feasibility of restoring a degraded section of an unnamed tributary to Back Creek (UTBC). The purpose of this mitigation project would be to compensate for unavoidable stream and buffer impacts in the Upper Yadkin River Basin resulting . from planned NCDOT Transportation Improvement Projects. With the creation of the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP), this project was shifted to this new agency for completion. . The project site is part of a 71.54-acre parcel owned by Ms. Sigrid N. McCain that is located approximately one mile southeast of the intersection of Lake Lucas Road (SR 1518) and Spero Road (SR 1504) in Sophia, Randolph County, North Carolina. The property is an active livestock farm, . with a portion of the property dedicated to pasture and livestock grazing. The primary land uses on the property include rangeland, agriculture (small grain), and hardwood forest. UTBC is a second- order, perennial stream that drains in a southerly direction across the subject property before joining Back Creek. The 2,475-foot project reach is located within USGS Hydrologic Unit 03040103050050 (Lower Yadkin watershed), in a non-targeted portion of the NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) Sub-basin 03-07-09. - A significant portion of UTBC within the project site has been degraded due to poor grazing management and the removal of riparian vegetation. The stream channel in several locations was - historically relocated hard against the valley walls to open of the valley bottom for farming. Coordination with the landowner was conducted to identify current and planned land use • requirements associated with the project site. A Rosgen Level III assessment and qualitative stream - stability evaluations were conducted to characterize existing stream conditions and determine the potential for restoration. Further, the presence of conditions or characteristics that have the potential - to constrain restoration activities on the project site was evaluated. a A reference reach study of Richland Creek in a nearby watershed and an upstream reach of UTBC were conducted. A rain gage, stream gages and scour chains were installed on the UTBC in the - project site to evaluate flows and sediment transport. From sediment transport modeling, a design shear stress was established for the anticipated gradation of the relocated streambed. Based on the reference reach surveys and sound geomorphic principles, the proposed mitigation stream alignment, - profile and typical cross sections were developed. The proposed stream restoration plan is to build a 2,445-foot long meandering stream that falls within - the Rosgen stream types Bc4 and C4. Two stream types are necessary because the valley slope changes through the project site. The proposed stream will be relocated off of the existing valley walls into the bottom of the valley. This relocation stream channel was adjusted in profile such that • the channel bed will be located in an alluvial gravel layer that has been observed in the valley. The • stream channel cross sections were designed to be hydraulically stable with a gravel stream bed. A minimum width 50-foot buffer will be provided on both sides of the proposed channel. This buffer - will have 3660-feet of exclusion fence, three stable stream crossings, and a re-vegetation plan. This re-vegetation of the 8.4-acre conservation easement will consist of shrubs on the stream channel banks and woody plantings on the floodplain within the exclusion fencing. w i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i Stream Restoration Report McCain Site, Randolph County, NC TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................................1 1.1 General Description ............................................................................................................1 1.2 USGS and NCDWQ River Basin Designations .................................................................. l 2.0 Project Site Location ..................................................................................................................1 2.1 General Description ............................................................................................................ 1 2.2 USGS and NCDWQ River Basin Designations .................................................................. 1 2.3 NCDWQ Surface Water Classification .............................................................................. 3 3.0 Watershed Characterization ......................................................................................................3 3.1 General Description ............................................................................................................ 3 3.2 Drainage Area ..................................................................................................................... 3 3.3 Land Use and Development Potential ................................................................................. 3 3.4 Historic Resources .............................................................................................................. 3 3.5 Cultural and Archaeological Resources ............................................................................. 4 3.6 Effect on Natural Resources ............................................................................................... 4 4.0 Existing Site Conditions Survey ................................................................................................8 4.1 General Site Description ..................................................................................................... 8 4.2 Geology and Soils .............................................................................................................. . 8 4.3 Existing Riparian Buffer and Natural Communities ......................................................... 10 4.4 Existing Stream Characterization ..................................................................................... 10 4.4.1 Morphological Description .................................................................................. 10 4.4.2 Channel Evolution Stage ..................................................................................... 10 4.4.3 Stability Assessment ............................................................................................ 11 4.5 Constraints Evaluation ...................................................................................................... 13 4.5.1 Hazardous Materials ............................................................................................ 13 4.5.2 Utilities and Easements ........................................................................................ 13 4.5.3 Hydrologic Trespass ............................................................................................ 13 5.0 Reference Reach Analysis ........................................................................................................15 6.0 Restoration Design ...................................................................................................................15 6.1 Stream ...............................................................................................................................15 6.2 Riparian Buffers ................................................................................................................16 7.0 Sediment Transport Analysis ..................................................................................................30 7.1 Competency ...................................................................................................................... 30 7.2 Capacity ............................................................................................................................ 31 8.0 Flooding Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 31 9.0 Monitoring and Evaluation ..................................................................................................... 32 9.1 Duration ............................................................................................................................ 32 9.2 Reporting .......................................................................................................................... 32 9.3 Stream Stability ................................................................................................................. 32 9.3.1 Dimension ............................................................................................................32 9.3.2 Pattern ..................................................................................................................33 ii i 0 Stream Restoration Report McCain Site, Randolph County, NC 9.3.3 Profile .................................................................................................................. 33 9.3.4 Bed Materials ...................................................................................................... 33 9.4 Photographic Reference Points .........................................................................................33 9.4.1 Cross Section Reference Points ........................................................................... 33 9.4.2 Longitudinal Photograph Reference Points ......................................................... 33 9.4.3 Additional Photograph Locations ........................................................................ 33 9.5 Bank and Riparian Vegetation Monitoring ....................................................................... 33 References .................................................................................................................................. 34 FIGURES Figure 1. Vicinity Map ................................................................................................................ 2 Figure 2. Project Drainage ......................................................................................................... .. 5 Figure 3. Soils .............................................................................................................................. 6 Figure 4. Land Use/Land Cover ................................................................................................ .. 7 Figure 5. Existing Conditions ..................................................................................................... 9 Figure 6. Aggradation - Degradation Stream Evolution Sequence ........................................... 11 Figure 7. Stream Profile ............................................................................................................. 19 Figure 8. Constrictor Cross-section .......................................................................................... 19 Figure 9. Proposed Cross-sections ............................................................................................. 20 Figure 10. Proposed Cross-sections ...................................... Figure 11. Proposed Cross-sections ............................................................................................. 21 Figure 12. Proposed Cross-sections ............................................................................................. 21 Figure 13. Project Location and Plan Layout .............................................................................. 22 Figure 14. Details: Typical In-Stream Structures ........................................................................ 23 Figure 15. Restoration Plan ......................................................................................................... 24 Figure 16. Restoration Plan ......................................................................................................... 25 Figure 17. Restoration Plan ......................................................................................................... 26 Figure 18. Planting Plan .............................................................................................................. 27 Figure 19. Planting Plan .............................................................................................................. 28 Figure 20. Planting Plan .............................................................................................................. 29 TABLES Table 1. Summary of Existing Channel Morphology ............................................................... 10 Table 2. Summary of Design Constraints ...................................................... Table 3. Property Ownership History ....................................................................................... 14 Table 4. Priority Levels of Incised River Restoration .............................................................. 17 Table 5. Morphological Design Criteria ................................................................................... 18 APPENDICES . Appendix A. SHPO Documentation Appendix B. Natural Heritage Program Findings Letter Appendix C. Project Site Existing Conditions Data Appendix D. Stream Design & Sprea " x -ets . Appendix E. Reference Reach Data Appendix F. Sediment Transport Data iii L Stream Restoration Plan McCain Property. Randolph. Co.. NC - 1.0 INTRODUCTION • The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) initiated the McCain Property Stream - Restoration Feasibility Study in April 2003 to evaluate the feasibility of restoring a degraded section of an unnamed tributary to Back Creek (UTBC). The purpose of this mitigation project would be to compensate for unavoidable stream and buffer impacts in the Yadkin River Basin resulting from planned NCDOT - Transportation Improvement Projects. With the creation of the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) this project was shifted to this new agency for completion. - 1.1 Project Description The EEP intends on utilizing the McCain Site in Randolph County for a comprehensive restoration of the - stream and its woody corridor across an active cattle-rearing pasture. This restoration plan presents detailed information regarding the existing site and watershed conditions, the morphological design criteria developed from a selected reference reach, and the project design parameters based upon natural channel restoration - methodologies. a 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives • The goals and objectives of the McCain Site Mitigation Project are to: ¦ Restore stable channel morphology that is capable of moving the flows and sediment provided by its . watershed; . ¦ Reduce sediment-related water quality impacts resulting from lateral bank erosion and bed degradation on the downstream Back Creek and reservoir; - ¦ Improve aquatic habitat diversity through the enhancement of riffle-pool bed variability and the use of in- stream structures; ¦ Restore vegetative riparian buffers and vegetated channel banks utilizing native plant species; and, ¦ Provide a fenced corridor with stabilized access for cattle watering. 2.0 PROJECT SITE LOCATION - 2.1 General Description The project site is a 2,475-foot section of perennial stream that is situated on part of a 71.54-acre parcel . owned by Ms. Sigrid N. McCain that is located approximately one mile southeast of the intersection of Lake Lucas Road (SR 1518) and Spero Road (SR 1504) in Sophia, Randolph County, North Carolina (Figure 1. Vicinity Map). UTBC is a second-order, perennial stream that drains in a southerly direction across the . subject property before joining Back Creek. The property is an active livestock farm, with a portion of the property dedicated to pasture and livestock i grazing. The primary land uses on the property include rangeland, agriculture (small grain), and hardwood forest. There is a large pole barn for storing livestock feed and agricultural machinery. A private residence . and two small storage sheds are located in the southwestern portion of the subject property. UTBC and its . associated riparian area run along the eastern property boundary. 2.2 USGS and NCDWQ River Basin Designations . The project reach is located within USGS Hydrologic Unit 03040103050050 (Yadkin River Basin), in a non- targeted portion of the NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) Sub-basin 03-07-09. . 1 C2?ow v Usk City of Asheboro Randolph County 1. Vicinitv Man McCain Site ' Y I COS Stem ar ement PROGRAM Project Reach N Streams Roads 4000 0 4000 Feet Railroads W Stream Restoration Plan McCain Property, Randolph, Co., NC - 2.3 NCDWQ Surface Water Classification - The NCDWQ assigns surface waters a classification in order to help protect, maintain, and preserve water quality. The unnamed tributary to Back Creek has not been rated by the NCDWQ. However, Back Creek (NCDWQ Stream Index Number 13-2-3-3-(0.3)) from its source to a point one mile downstream of Randolph . County SR 1504 is designated a "WS-II HQW" usage classification (NCDENR, 2002). WS-II indicates waters protected as water supplies, which are usually in predominantly undeveloped watersheds and only general permits for discharges are allowed. WS-II waters are also protected for Class C uses, which include - fishing, wildlife, fish and aquatic life propagation and survival, agriculture, and secondary recreation that involve human body contact with the water. The "HQW" is a supplemental classification intended to protect water bodies with water quality higher than state standards. WS-1I waters are HQW by definition. 3.0 WATERSHED CHARACTERIZATION . 3.1 General Description The project site is located in a rural setting within the Carolina Slate Belt ecoregion of the Piedmont physiographic province. Site topography is characterized as rolling to hilly with elevations ranging from 670 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) near the McCain residence to 530 feet AMSL at the downstream project limits on UTBC. The elevation change along UTBC falls from approximately 550 feet at the upper part of the . site to approximately 530 feet at the lower end of the project, a longitudinal valley distance of 1,988 feet . (1.0% mean slope). 3.2 Drainage Area The drainage area contributing to the most downstream extent of the project reach is 0.88 square miles (Figure 2. Project Drainage). The soils types of the watershed are presented in Figure 3 (Soils). 3.3 Land Use and Development Potential . An Anderson Level I classification indicates that the contributing drainage area consists of. forest (67%), agriculture (16%), rangeland (12%), and urban (4%) land use / land cover (Figure 4. Land Use /Land Cover). Due to the rural nature of the area, the potential exists for future development. However, development . pressures are currently considered low, and there are currently no obvious signs of development. 3.4 Historical Resources Historic aerial photographs were obtained from the Randolph County Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) office in order to enhance the assessment of existing site conditions. The intent of the review . was to understand the chronology of land disturbance and aid in the evaluation of the site and the development of an appropriate restoration strategy. Aerial photographs of the site were obtained from 1937, 1957, and 1966. • In 1937, the subject property looked very similar to current conditions; no significant differences are discernable at the scale and quality of the photo. The stream valley was cleared at that time, and presumably used for agriculture or pasture. The stream channel appeared to follow the p%i.:?;rn observable today. No changes in either the stream valley or stream channel within the project area were observed in the 1957 or 1966 aerial photographs. Therefore, any alterations to the stream channel occurred before 1937, and there have been no significant changes to the project area since then. . 3 Stream Restoration Plan McCain Property. Randolph, Co., NC 3.5 Cultural and Archaeological Resources To evaluate the presence of significant cultural resources on the subject property and the potential that the proposed project would impact them, KCI requested a formal review at the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). No historic preservation sites nor sites of archeological importance were noted on the McCain Property (See Appendix A). 3.6 Effect on Natural Resources Rare, Threatened, or Endangered Species (RTE) KCI conducted an informal file review at the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program's (NHP) office in order to identify the potential for the presence of rare, threatened, or endangered species within a one-mile radius of the project site. This review did not reveal the presence of any known rare, threatened, or endangered species. Appendix B includes the NHP list of Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species and Critical Habitats in Randolph County and the state and federal status for each species. Additionally, KCI requested a formal review by the NHP to identify the presence of rare species, critical habitats, and priority natural areas on the project site and to determine the potential impact of the proposed project on these resources. In a letter dated May 21, 2003, the NHP indicated that there are no records of such resources either at the site or within one mile of the project area. Wetlands A review of the Randleman, North Carolina National Wetland Inventory (NWI) Map identified no wetlands within the project study area. Further, no wetlands were identified in the project study area during the field investigation (April 2003). 4 f l I (,J o ?. -4?? Figure 2. Pro'ect Drainage McCain Site Y Project Reach Streams { , Ya eme Q Drainage Area 1 ?d1tl.elllellt 900 0 900 Feet PROGRAM 0.88 sq. miles Source: Randleman USGS 7.5'Topographic Quadrmgle Figure 3. Soils McCain Site .r Soil Types Goldston Very Channery Silt Loam /V Streams ?; Georgeville Silty Clay Loam h1f pVeni Q image Area E11 llellt Georgeville Silt Loam Do a Sandy Loam 500 0 500 Feet Badin-Tatum Complex • Stream Restoration Plan McCain Property. Randolph Co. NC - 4.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS ASSESSMENT A site field assessment was conducted in April 2003 to document existing conditions and evaluate the - potential for stream and riparian buffer restoration. Observations and collected data are described below, illustrated in Figure 5 Existing Conditions and documented in the site photographs (Appendix Q. The site was revisited from April to December 2004 several times to take further measurements, to install a rain gage - and stream gages, to sample the stream bed, to survey the immediate upstream reach to compare with a reference reach, and several times to download data and take more sediment samples. 4.1 General Site Description As the project location can be seen on the Figure 5; the valley has four natural bends, in which the stream • channel flows near the low spot in the valley. It appears that in the two western bends of the valley that the stream may have been relocated hard against the valley wall to allow the valley bottom to be actively farmed, then pastured. Such an active relocation was undisputedly found on the upstream adjacent property. . In the two western valley bends, the channel is incised, with this incision extending through the Dogue loamy soil and into soils and sediment deposits, which are over 300 years old and predate the Dogue's depositional event. The upstream western bend in the valley appears to have eroded through a channery deposit and eroded down to bedrock in places. The downstream western bend in the valley is adjacent to some severe gully erosion caused by cattle taking short cuts to the stream channel. The two eastern bends of the valley are in better condition partly due to fences on the east bank preventing the cattle from climbing the far banks. In the upstream eastern valley bend, the stream does not strike the valley wall but, is never the less, heavily impacted by cattle movement because its low banks allow easy access. The lower eastern valley bend has the only true meandering stretch of stream channel that has exposed some bedrock. This meandering has caused . some outer bends to consist of severely eroded valley wall cuts. The unlimited access to the stream channel by rearing cattle (weaned calves to heifers and young bulls) has resulted in stream banks that have little vegetation and a channel bottom that has been thoroughly mixed and in some places compacted. The three tributaries on the project site also have some erosion problems, partly due to the down cutting of the main valley channel over the last century. The project ends where this meandering valley confluences with the much larger floodplain in the Back Creek valley. The project site is the only place on this un-named tributary to Back Creek where the creek is not bordered by forest. A mile downstream on Back Creek is a small water supply reservoir. • 4.2 Geology and Soils Local geology consists of metamorphic rocks of the Charlotte and Milton Belts overlying metamorphic rocks . within the Carolina Slate Belt. These include metamorphosed volcanic rock, metamudstone, meta-sandstone, and metaconglomerates. These metamorphic rocks date from the Cambrian Period to the Late Proterozoic Era (500 to 900 million years ago). Predominant soil types located within the project site include Dogue . sandy loam and Goldston very channery silt clay loam in the stream valley, and Badin-Tatum complex in the upland pasture. The predominant soil types within the project watershed include Badin-Tatum complex and Georgeville silty clay loam. Dogue sandy loam (DoB) is nearly level, very deep, somewhat poorly drained soil found on floodplains, formed in alluvia; deposits. Dogue soils are subject to frequent flooding, and have inclusions of hydric soils . or wet spots. Badin-Tatum complex (B,JB2, BfC2, BtB2, BtC2, and BaD) soils consist of strongly sloping Badin soils and Tatum soils on uplands. These soils formed in residuum from Carolina slates and other fine- grained rocks, and are moderately deep to deep and well-drained. Georgeville silty clay loam (GeB2) soils are 8 P ?.7 McCain Site Mitigation Plan t'rn ° Fleure 5. Existine Conditions Project Reach Debris Jam /Drainage Swale • Bedrock Outcrop `Fence 4 Tree Cattle Crossing Sink Hole [?] Parcel Boundaries Utility Easement 100 0 100 Feet S.dr 1:11K r- Ifr Stream Restoration Plan McCain Property, Randolph. Co.. NC gently sloping, very deep, well-drained, eroded soils found on uplands. Goldston very channery silt clay loam (GoE) is moderately steep to steep, shallow, well-drained to excessively drained soils found on uplands. These soils formed in residuum from Carolina slates. 4.3 Existing Riparian Buffer and Natural Communities The existing riparian buffer is a rural cattle rearing pasture, which is largely devoid of natural habitat communities within the fence line. At one location on the project, the east side of the floodplain is fenced and a herbaceous community exists with a mix of wetland and upland species. Trees along the stream are limited to top of bank, interspersed with open areas, with only a few good connections to the woods on the valley slopes. The valley on the upstream adjacent property is entirely forested with good understory and ground level strata. 4.4 Existing Stream Characteristics 4.4.1 Morphological Description A Rosgen Level III assessment was conducted to gather existing stream dimension, pattern, and profile data and determine the potential for restoration. Channel cross-sections and bed materials were surveyed at four representative locations along UTBC. Data developed from these surveys are summarized below (Table 1) with detailed data provided in Appendix D. Tahle 1. Summarv of F,xistinu Channel Mnrnholoov_ Parameter UTBC XS-1 UTBC XS-2 UTBC XS-3 UTBC XS-4 Abkf S ft 21.30 26.00 25.70 29.30 Wbkf ft 19.36 21.17 14.63 19.41 Wf a ft 34.0 NA 125.0 125.0 dmbkf ft 1.72 2.34 3.48 3.34 Dbkf ft 1.10 1.23 1.76 1.51 W/D ratio 17.6 17.2 8.3 12.9 Entrenchment Ratio 1.76 NA 8.54 6.44 Bank Height Ratio 1.03 1.69 0.99 1.06 Local W. S. Slope ft/ft 0.011 0.0002 0.0014 0.0025 Discharge cfs 83.93 NA 61.44 87.76 D50 mm 22 9 0.34 0.2 Stream Type 134c --- ES C5 4.4.2 Channel Evolution Stage Conceptual channel evolution models are used to describe the sequential changes a stream undergoes after disturbance and predict its most probable stable endpoint (stream type). The Simon Channel Evolution Model (Simon, 1989), commonly used in sand or strongly alluvial systems, cannot be used at the McCain site for two reasons. The un-named tributary to Back Creek is relatively steep and functions primarily as a sediment transport reach with some bedrock control. The floodplain soil, Dogue, is a loam soil that primarily becomes wash load when eroded. These two situations prevent the Simon's Stage IV/V f:;)rn developing. The Simon model is based on the degradation to aggregation stream evolution sequence. However, on the lower UTBC, the backwater conditions from Back Creek have created a transitional reach into the Back Creek floodplain that from all indications appears to be Stage IVN, however the depositional processes are completely different from that in the Simon Channel Evolution Model. 10 W Stream Restoration Plan McCain Property. Randolph Co. NC . The stream on the McCain site follows an aggregation to degradation stream evolution model (Schlindwein, 2004). In the late 1700s or early 1800s, the watershed was largely clear of the climax forest and the land . utilized for row crops for decades. The steep slopes of the watershed lost their topsoil due to rainfall and erosion quickly. This eroded topsoil ended up being deposited on the original floodplain. The original floodplain may have been gravely and poorly suited to agriculture. The marginal fields of the watershed were - abandoned and allowed to reforest. The deposition of eroded topsoil on the floodplain slowed down to the point that the newly deposited Dogue soil became attractive bottomland for agriculture. With every spring flood, a new layer of soil deposited on this floodplain (called "made land") that did not need to be fertilized i each year to be productive. However, as the thick topsoil was lost from most of the watershed and forest re- established on steep slopes, the sediment delivery to the stream system reduced significantly sometime after the Civil War. This was the end of the aggregation phase of the stream evolution for most watersheds in the . Piedmont. With less sediment from these watersheds, the stream flow became "hungry water" and it gullied through the . Dogue soil deposits. In any cases this gulling was in direct conflict with the farmer's efforts to crop these . bottomlands, the streams were relocated hard against valley walls so that the fertile bottomlands could be utilized. However with the end of "made land", these Dogue soils with low levels of organics and clay . quickly became unproductive. In many cases these bottomlands were abandoned to reforest or converted to pasturing. The steam types during this evolutionary phase went from being gullies to a wider eroded stream type and possibly stabilized as a meandering stream type. Gc ? F C Figure 6. Aggradation -Degradation Stream Evolution Sequence (D. Rosgen) The sequence of stream types using the Rosgen (1996) classification system is E-C-D-G-F-C, shown in Figure 6. The E-C-D is the aggregation sequence and the G-F-C is the degradation sequence. The E channel . ! type is a low sediment load meandering stream. The C channel type is a meandering riffle and pool sequence with a good sediment load. The D channel type is a shallow braided channel that is choked with sediment. The F channel type is a broad incised channel with long runs and short pools that can be stable in the humid . east with woody vegetation on its banks. The C channel type may not develop on bedrock or higher gradient reaches, in this case a Be channel type that has balanced runs and pools and is not incised can develop. On the McCain site, the existing stream channel waivers in between the F, C and Be stream types. All of . these stream types can be stable if their banks were allowed to re-vegetate with woody growth. A simple fencing of the stream channel with reforestation would produce a significant improvement in the condition of . this stream channel. However, because long sections of this channel have been thrown up against the valley . walls, full stabilization would remain elusive. As a consequence, the preferred stable condition of this stream would be a mix of C and Be stream channel types, relocated away from the valley walls. i 4.4.3 Stability Assessment From an overall site perspective, a number of factors have contributed to the 3egra,?-::tic-ri of the project reach. . Certain sources of disturbance have occurred historically while others are more recent and ongoing. Historic aerial photography dating to 1937 shows that both the site and the watershed have undergone relatively minor changes in land use over the last 68 years. Therefore, instability created by logging within the watershed or . the initial clearing of the site has most likely moved through the stream network and may not be causing 11 W i Stream Restoration Plan McCain Property, Randolph Co NC • significant adjustments in channel geomorphology at the present time. In addition, decreases in the base elevation of Back Creek in response to historical changes in land use or the installation of dams and culverts, i may have influenced or be influencing channel morphology of UTBC. However, it is probable that vertical . grade control exists between the location of the site and the confluence of UTBC and Back Creek that would prevent a headcut from advancing upstream to the site. i . The most significant factors contributing to stream degradation on site, both in the past and present, are the impacts associated with cattle access to the stream and the absence of riparian and bank vegetation. The resulting bank instability has allowed a majority of the project stream to incise, overwiden and straighten to i varying degrees and other stream sections to experience overwidening and possibly meander migration. The presence of shallow bedrock contacts on site has prevented the stream from incising further. i To better understand the existing and possible future condition of the project stream, qualitative stability assessments of distinct stream sections were developed based on both the dimensionless ratios (i.e., entrenchment ratio, bank height ratio) calculated from the cross-section data and visual observations. Section 1 from Station 10+00 to -14+90 is a transitioning reach. This Type 134c reach is the steepest and most entrenched section of the project stream with a bank height ratio of 1.21, entrenchment ratio of 1.76 and w a slope of 0.011. Past disturbance of the stream caused this section to incise to bedrock elevation, overwiden and straighten. At the present time, this section has begun to form a Type C channel within the older, overwidened channel. The overall rate and extent of bank failure for the reach has declined and bar formation . is active in a few locations where a meander planform is developing. Bank erosion potential is high in localized areas of meander formation (e.g., the location of XS2), but sediment input from this section is expected to be relatively low. Section 1 also experiences the least disturbance due to cattle access. A combination of the high left bank heights with the proximity of the hill slope to the right bank greatly reduce . the amount of physical damage directly caused by the cattle due to hoof shear and trampling. In addition, approximately 145 feet of the upper portion of Section 1 is fenced out of the pasture area. . Towards the downstream end of Section 1, the stream valley widens, channel entrenchment decreases and water surface slope decreases. In contrast to Section 1, the stream in Section 2 is heavily impacted by cattle access and exhibits large variations in width and degree of bank failure, resulting in high sediment input to the . stream. In general, Section 2 from Station -14+90 to 20+05 is experiencing both aggradation and widening. Historically, the channel was probably a Type C4, or possibly a Type C5 at the higher base elevation, that downcut to become slightly entrenched, but not to a sufficient degree to classify as a Type G or Type F . stream, and is now becoming significantly wider. The large amount of sediment contributed by the eroding banks is causing channel aggradation that only exacerbates the need for the hydraulically inefficient, overwidened channel to increase bankfull width. It is important to consider this process of channel evolution where downcutting, widening and aggrading has occurred when evaluating the bed material size distribution of the existing degraded channel in both Sections . 1 and 2. The large amount of cobble and boulder-sized material is predominantly due to materials already present in the soil column and weathered bedrock becoming exposed and worked into the bed of the active channel. The presence of these larger size classes is not an indication of the bankfull sediment transport . capacity of the existing stream. Section 3 from Station 20+05 to - 34+45 is significantly different from Sections 1 and 2 in that the channel r narrows considerate'; -end retains some original meander pattern. The bank height ratio decreases to 1.0 as the . stream approaches the location of XS3. Section 3 is widening to a greater degree at the upstream end and experiencing only minor degradation. The downstream reach of Section 3 is only moderately unstable with almost no bed degradation, near vertical outside meander banks and inside meander banks that appear to be . aggrading. This reach may be experiencing a slow meander migration as a result of the outside meander . 12 W • Stream Restoration Plan McCain Property, Randolph Co NC • banks being destabilized by lack of vegetation. This lower reach of Section 3 also exhibits relatively minor riffle and pool morphology and low water surface slope. 0 - Cross sections 3 and 4 were classified as Type E5 and Type C5, respectively. This section may have been a stable Type E5 that is undergoing moderate bank failure and will stabilize as a Type C5 stream. At the present time, Section 3 seems to be undergoing the least amount of erosion and change in dimension, plan and - profile of all the sections of the project stream. • 4.5 Constraints The presence of conditions or characteristics that have the potential to hinder restoration activities on the project site was evaluated. The evaluation focused primarily on the presence of hazardous materials, utilities - and restrictive easements, rare/threatened/endangered species (RTE) or critical habitats, cultural resources, and the potential for hydrologic trespass. Existing information regarding project site constraints was acquired and reviewed. In addition, any site conditions that have the potential to restrict the restoration design and implementation were documented during the field investigation. Table 2 summarizes the identified constraints that may hinder the implementation of site restoration activities. • 4.5.1 Hazardous Materials The presence or likely presence of hazardous substances on the subject property and surrounding area under - conditions that indicate a past, present or potential release into the ground, groundwater, or surface water was • evaluated. The evaluation included a review of public record environmental database information and a • visual site inspection. • A report meeting ASTM E1527-00 Standards for records search requirements was obtained summarizing . existing federal and state database information regarding known environmental conditions for the subject property and surrounding area. No conditions of environmental concern were identified on the McCain • Property or within the specified search radii. The visual site inspection was conducted in April 2003, and • there were no potential environmental concerns to the project site or hazardous materials identified. The findings were documented on an Environmental Screening Inspection Form with corresponding photographs. • 0 4.5.2 Utilities and Easements KCI obtained copies of the property deed dating back to 1936 from the Randolph County Tax Office in April • 2003 (Table 3). A power line easement transects the subject property in a southwest-northeast orientation, - crossing UTBC at Station 19+70. The documentation for the power line easement was not found in the records at the Randolph County Tax Office. KCI determined that Randolph Electric is the power company • that owns the easement (Contact: Ron Gunnell at (336) 625-0981 ext. 342). • • • • • • • 0 0 • • • • • Trees will be planted outside of the utility easement. A fall zone will, by default, extend to the edge of the utility easement. The power company will likely retain the rights to maintain "dangerous" trees immediately adjacent to the utility easement, following coordination with the holder of the conservation easement. There will be no management agreement with the power company. The utility easement will be excluded from the conservation easement for the McCain Mitigation Site. 4.5.3 Hydrologic Trespass The proposed project reach is entirely contained within the McCain property. The restorat .,_; -f the project reach is not anticipated to produce hydrologic trespass conditions on any adjacent properties. 13 Stream Restoration Plan McCain Prooer&. Randolph, Co., NC Table 2_ Snmmarv of Desinn Constraints Fatal Flaw/Constraint Nature of Constraint Proposed Resolution Current Land Use (specify) Livestock grazing, grain agriculture, forest Adjacent Property Land Use Forest, agriculture, low-density residential development Landowner Concerns Cattle access to water Incorporate stable cattle stream crossings into proposed design to allow access to water and pasture Deed Restrictions/Easements Utility easement crosses project Exclude utility easement from site the conservation easement. Project contractibility/access Steep wooded hill slopes around Access along utility easement. project site Verify whether improvements can be made within the easement (overhead). Utilities Overhead power lines cross Preserve access to utility project site easement for utility maintenance needs Structures N/A Cultural SHPO Review - No occurrences (historical/archaeological) (Appendix A). Rare, Threatened, and Natural Heritage Program Endangered Species Findings Letter (Appendix B) indicated no record of occurrences within one-mile radius of the project site. Natural Features (soils, bedrock) Bedrock outcrops in streambed Accommodate bedrock presence and banks into prop osed design FEMA Regulated Area Project area within Zone C (area of minimal flooding, with no detailed modeling required) Table 3. Pronertv Ownershin Historv Book Page Grantee (buyer) Grantor seller Date 813 1 234 Terry W. and Sigrid Nissen McCain Glenn M. and Mary E. Surratt 10/2/62 584 556 Glenn M. and Ma E. Surratt Edgar G. and Odelia C. Lineberry 9/19/55 584 555 Edgar G. and Odelia C. Lineberry T.R. and Kathleen Lineberry 9/17/55 276 259 T.R. Lineberry Edgar G. Linebe 3/14/36 14 Stream Restoration Plan McCain Property, Randolph, Co.. NC s 5.0 REFERENCE REACH ANALYSIS A reference reach is a channel with a stable dimension, pattern, and profile within the particular valley . morphology. The reference reach is used to develop dimensionless morphological ratios (based on bankfull stage) that can be extrapolated to disturbed/unstable streams to restore a stream of the same type and disposition as the reference stream (Rosgen, 1998). The selection criteria included a stable reach occurring r under similar hydrophysiographic, landform, and watershed land use conditions. S The project site occurs in rolling to hilly terrain of the Carolina Slate Belt ecoregion of the Piedmont . physiographic province. The project stream runs through a gently sloping valley (average slope of approximately 0.8%) with alternating toe slopes. The project watershed is a small (0.88 square miles), primarily forested watershed with a small percentage of agriculture, pasture, and rural, low-density residential . land uses. A reference reach with similar site and watershed conditions was desired. It was determined that the restored stream will contain sections of two Rosgen stream types - "C3" and "C4." . The NCDOT reference reach database was used to select potential reference reaches with similar stream type S and slope. The database did not contain any Rosgen "C3" type steams in the piedmont physiographic province, however four potential "C4" reference reaches were visited to determine their use for this project. . The reaches are listed below: - UT to South Fork Cane Creek, Chatham County . - Morgan Creek, Orange County . - Spencer Branch, Montgomery County Richland Creek, Moore County s s 0 a Richland Creek was selected as a reference reach for the McCain Site. In addition, a second suitable reference reach site was located on the project stream (UT to Back Creek), immediately upstream of the project site. Each reference reach is described in Appendix E with the location, description, photographs, and surveyed data. 6.0 RESTORATION DESIGN The restoration design of the Un-named Tributary to Back Creek (UTBC) is based on a Priority Level 2 approach, as described in "A Geomorphological Approach to Restoration of Incised Rivers", (Rosgen, 1997). For clarity and convenience, definitions of the four restoration priorities are provided in Table 4. 6.1 Stream The design proposes constructing 2,445 linear feet of meandering channel. The restoration will establish a bankfull channel with a new floodplain, a channel bed at its existing level in an existing gravel layer, and the cross section dimensions necessary to provide stable flow maintenance and sediment transport. The design bankfull stage will equal the floodplain elevation in the new channel (bank height ratio = 1.0). The proposed stream dimension, pattern, and profile will be based on the detailed morphological criteria and hydraulic geometry relationships developed from the reference stream, see Table 5. The establishment of a stable bedform (i.e., riffle-pool sequence, pool spacing) will be addressed in the profiling of the design channel. Refer to Figures 7 through 20 for the proposed channel dimension, pattern and profile. In-stream structures will be incorporated to reduce the burden of energy dissipation on the channel geometry. J-Vanes (Figure 14: Details) will be used to stabilize the restored channel. These structures are designed to 15 s i s i Stream Restoration Plan McCain Property, Randolph, Co., NC reduce bank erosion and the influence of secondary circulation in the near-bank region of stream bends. The structures further promote efficient sediment transport and produce/enhance in-stream habitat. Coir fiber matting will be used to provide temporary stabilization on the newly graded streambanks. The confluence of tributaries with the restored stream will be stabilized with grade control structures and step sequences where necessary to match the proposed grade of the restored main channel. Excavated materials from the design channel will be used to partially backfill the abandoned channel sections. The restoration project will also include other non-stream related components: • Cattle exclusion fencing will be installed along the outer boundary of the restored riparian buffers and a permanent conservation easement will be recorded to protect the site in perpetuity. • A gate will be provided in the cattle-exclusion fencing and a stabilized stream crossing provided for machinery access to the utility easement. • Two stabilized stream crossings will be installed to provide cattle and machinery access to isolated pasture areas. Rock fords, fenced on either side to exclude cattle from further accessing the waterway, are recommended measures for these crossings. • Offline watering devices will be installed at a two locations. 6.2 Riparian Buffers Native woody and herbaceous species will be used to establish fifty (50) foot wide riparian buffers on both sides of the restored reach. Four hundred thirty-six (436) trees per acre (based on an average 10' x 10' spacing) will be planted to achieve a mature survivability of three hundred twenty (320) trees per acre in the riparian zone (DENR, 2001). Plant placement and groupings will be randomized during installation in order to develop a more naturalized appearance in the buffer. Woody vegetation planting will be conducted during dormancy. Tree and shrub species to be planted may consist of the following: Trees American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) Tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) Green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) River birch (Betula nigra) Cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda) Willow oak (Quercus phellos) Water oak (Quercus nigra) Herbaceous vegetation within the buffer shall consist of a native grass mix that may include: big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii), purple love grass (Eragrostis spectabilis), deertongue (Panicum clandestinum), gama grass (Tripsacum dactyloides), orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata), river oats (Chasmanthium latifolium), and Virginia wildrye (Elymus virginicus). Rye grain (Secale cereale) or brown top millet (Pennisetum glaucum) will be used for temporary stabilization, depending upon the construction schedule. On the restored stream banks, live stakes will be used in conjunction with the native herbaceous seed mix to provide natural stabilization. Appropriate species identified for live staking include elderberry (Sambucus canadensis), silky willow (Salix sericea), silky dogwood (Corpus amomum), and black willow (Salix nigra). 16 Stream Restoration Plan McCain Property Randolph Co NC Table 4. Priority Levels of Incised River Restoration- Description Methods Advantages Disadvantages Priori 1 Convert G and/or F stream Re-establish channel on Re-establishment of 1) Floodplain re- types to C or E at previous previous floodplain using floodplain and stable establishment could cause elevation with floodplain. relic channel or construction channel: flood damage to urban, of new bankfull discharge 1) reduces bank height and agricultural, and industrial channel. Design new streambank erosion, development. channel for dimension, 2) reduces land loss, 2) Downstream end of pattern, and profile 3) raises water table, project could require grade characteristic of stable form. 4) decreases sediment, control from new to previous Fill in existing incised 5) improves aquatic and channel to prevent head- channel or with terrestrial habitats, cutting. discontinuous oxbow lakes 6) improves land level with new floodplain productivity, and elevation. 7) improves aesthetics. Priority 2 Convert F and/or G stream If belt width provides for the 1) Decreases bank height and 1) Does not raise water table types to C or E. minimum meander width streambank erosion, back to previous elevation. Re-establishment of ratio for C or E stream types, 2) Allows for riparian 2) Shear stress and velocity floodplain at existing level construct channel in bed of vegetation to help stabilize higher during flood due to or higher, but not at original existing channel, convert banks, narrower floodplain. level. existing bed to new 3) Establishes floodplain to 3) Upper banks need to be floodplain. If belt width is help take stress off of sloped and stabilized to too narrow, excavate channel during flood, reduce erosion during flood. streambank walls. End-haul 4) Improves aquatic habitat, material or place in 5) Prevents wide-scale streambed to raise bed flooding of original land elevation and create new surface, floodplain in the deposition. 6) Reduces sediment, 7) Downstream grade transition for grade control is easier. Priority 3 Convert to a new stream Excavation of channel to 1) Reduces the amount of 1) High cost of materials for type without an active change stream type involves land needed to return the bed and streambank floodplain, but containing a establishing proper river to a stable form. stabilization. floodprone area. Convert G dimension, pattern, and 2) Developments next to 2) Does not create the to B stream type, or F to profile. To convert a G to B river need not be relocated diversity of aquatic habitat. Be. stream involves an increase due to flooding potential. 3) Does not raise water table in width/depth and 3) Decreases flood stage for to previous levels. entrenchment ratio, shaping same magnitude flood. upper slopes and stabilizing 4) Improves aquatic habitat. both bed and banks. A conversion from F to Be stream type involves a decrease in width/depth ratio and an increase in entrenchment ratio. Priority 4 Stabilize channel in place. A long list of stabilization 1) Excavation volumes are 1) High cost for stabilization. materials and methods have reduced. 2) High risk due to excessive been used to decrease 2) Land needed for shear stress and velocity. streambed and streambank restoration is minimal. 3) Limited aquatic habitat erosion, including concrete. depending on nature of gabions, boulders, and stabilization methods used. bioengineering methods. Jource: tcosgen, iyY/, -a Geomorphoiogicai approach to tcestorat:on oftncisea Kivers 17 Stream Restoration Plan McCain Property, Randolph, Co.. NC Table 5. Morphological Design Criteria McCain Property Stream Restoration Design Ranges or Target Values Upstream Reach 10+00 to 12+85 Middle Reach 12+85 to 20+21 Transition Reach 20+21 to 25+51 Lower Reach 25+51 to 34+45 Average Values Stream Type B3cJC4 * Wbkf ft 18.8 18 24 20 18 20 Dbkf ft 1.1 1.367 1.042 1.. 8 1.417 1.277 * Abkf - (sq ft) 21.0 24.6 25 25.6 25.5 25.18 * Wbkf/Dbkf /D ft/ft 17.0 13.17 23.04 15.63 12.71 - 16.14 Dmax (ft) 2.0 2 ' 1.3 1.7 2 1.75 a Wf a (ft g Wf a/VYbkf ER ft/ft N Save - ft/ft 0.0060 0.006767 0.010447 0.007965 0.006788 0.005246 * K 1.5 1.254 * D50 mm 26.0 D84 mm 48.0 Vbkf fUsec 4.8 3.865 3.949 3.918 3.949 3.920 * Qbkf (cfs) 100.0 95 99 100 101 Wbkf (ft) 18.8 18 24 20 18 20 Dbkf (ft) 1.1 1.367 1.042 1.28 1.417 1.277 Abkf s ft) 21.0 24.6 25 25.6 25.5 25.2 Dmax (ft) 2.0 2 1.3 1.7 2 1.75 W Wf a (ft) U. Dtob ft LL Vbkf (ft/sec) 4.8 3.865 3.949 3.918 3.949 3.920 p Qbkf (cfs) 100.0 95 99 100 101 rn Wbkf/Dbkf (W/D) ft/ft 17.0 13.17 23.04 15.63 12.71 16.14 w o Dmax/Dbkf fVft 1.6 1.463 1.248 1.328 1.411 1.363 FS Dtob/Dmax ft/ft Wfp-aMbkf (ER) (ft/ft) Wpool (ft) 28.2 20 24 20 20 21 D pool ft 2.2-2.75 3 2.33 2.8 3.33 2.87 p Apool (sq ft) 62-78 39.5 35.88 36.67 41.64 38.42 0 a co WpooVWbkf (ft/ft) 1.5 1.111 1.000 1.000 1.111 1.056 DpooVDbkf ft/ft 2.0-2.5 2.195 2.236 2.188 2.350 2.242 oo (ft2/ft2) 2.9-3.6 1.606 1.435 1.432 1.633 1.527 Lm ft 130-280 190.62 294.34 212 236.34 233.325 z Re (ft) 30-60 30-35 50-60 35-40 35-55 30-60 Wblt (ft) 100-250 W K 1.45 1.165 1.201 1.218 1.232 1.254 Q V) LmNVb ft/ft 10 to 14 _ 10.6 12.3 10.6 13.1 11.6 RcJWbkf ft/ft 1.6-3.2 1.7 to 1.9 2.1 to 2.5 1.8 to 2 1.9 to 3.1 2.16 I VVbn/VVbKt (ft/ft) 5-13 Sval (ft/ft) 0.0080 0.0061116 0.0100368 0.007699 0.0063411 0.0065785 Save (fuft) 0.0060 0.005246 0.008357 0.006321 0.005147 0.005246 Sriffle (ft/ft) .01-.014 0.006767 0.010447 0.007965 0.006768 Spool (ft/ft) 0.002899 0.005208 0.004226 0.002757 W Lriffle (ft) 28-75 57.83 88.48 59.4 66.57 68.8 LL L pool (ft) 56-94 37.48 58.7 46.59 51.6 50 0 P to P (ft) 56-188 95.31 147.17 106 118.17 116.66 IL Stiffle/Save ftfft 2.4-2.8 1.290 1.250 1.260 1.315 mm 1.279 - SpooVSave (ft/ft) 0.553 0.623 0.669 0.536` 0.595 Lriffle/Wbkf ftlft 1.5-4.0 3.213 3.687 2.970 3.698 3.392 ad LpooVWbkf ft/ft 3-5 --2.082 2.44E - 2.330 2.867 2.431 to (ft/ft) 5-7` 5.295 6.131 W 5.300 6.565 5.823- 18 Stream Restoration Plan McCain Property, Randolph, Co., NC Proposed Channel Profile -o-Proposed Channel Bed - - Bankfull Elevation - - • Existing Channel Bed e 0 m w ro 545 544 543 542 541 \ 540 539 ` 8 53 537 J \ ? 536 535 534 533 532 ` 531 530 29 ` 5 - - 528 527 526 525 524 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 Station Figure 7. Stream Profile. Constrictor Configuration Centerline Offset (ft) -15 -10 -5 0 5 A 14 /,. -D, Figure 8. Constrictor Cross Section at Station 12+86 to 13+16. 0 x - -1 w CL a, 0 d c -2 V - -3 - -4 ---0 Extended Riffle Bed mmp 'Constrictor - - tr - -Upstream Pool -0 - Tailwater Elevation 10 15 1 19 s s Stream Restoration Plan McCain Property, Randolph, Co.. NC Upper Reach Centerline Offset (ft) -15 -10 -5 0 5 Figure 9. Proposed Cross-sections: Sta. 10+00 to12+86. Middle Reach Centerline Offset (ft) -15 -10 -5 0 5 _0 Figure 10. Proposed Cross-sections: Sta. 12+86 to 20+22. 20 0 Riffle Bed - 43 - Pool Bed 10 15 1 0 x -1 r a d D CD c -2 t V -3 -4 -O -Riffle Bed - U - Pool Bed 10 15 1 0 -1 r a m m -2 R r -3 -4 r r r r r r r r r r r M r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r Stream Restoration Plan McCain Property. Randolph. Co.. NC -15 i Figure 11. Proposed Cross-sections: Sta. 20+22 to 25+52. Lower Reach - Centerline Offset (ft) -15 -10 -5 0 5 Transition Reach Centerline Offset (ft) -10 -5 0 5 \ '3 Figure 12. Proposed Cross-sections: Sta. 25+52 to 34+46. 21 - 0 Riffle Bed - U - Pool Bed 10 15 1 0 -1 L a d 0 CD C -2 N L V -3 -0 Riffle Bed - -13 - Pool Bed 10 15 1 0 -1 r CL d 0 d c -2 R L v -3 -4 i 11 it it ?I it ?I Ile n?II it ?I ti II? II I II . II, dl , i.. 1 STATE OF NORT:H CAROLINA ECOSYSTEM ENFIANCEMi N PROGRAM RANDOLPH CO UNTY LOCATION: McCAIN PROPERTY UN NAMED TRIBUTARY TO BACK CREEK SOPHIA, NORTH CAROLINA TYPE OF WORK STREAM RESTORATION Vl? ?I ?I ?I ?I ?I a Q man non waerr xuwv? C. 020594001 1 8n -------------- -------------- - HEVIS'ONS SEMI-FINAL DESIGN PLANS PROJECT LENGTH GRAPHIC SCALES -40 -20 0 40 80 "trh"** t PLANS -40 -20 0 40 80 PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) -4 -2 0 4 8 PROFILE (VERTICAL) STREAM RESTORATION LENGTH = 2,445 FEET ShttlS'?, 4&8 PROJECT EYGLSTU Prepared In Ile Of(Ice Of, KCI Associates of North Carolina, P.A. mmmmmj&? SUITE 220 LANDMARK CENTER 11,4601 SIX FORKS RD.. RALEIGH NO ENGINEERS -PLANNERS • ECOLOGISTS PROJECT START DATE. f UN COMPACTED BACKFILL 1/3 OF PROPOSED CHANNEL WIDTH 1/3 OF PROPOSED 1/3 OF PRCPDSED . CH NFL WIO1H CHANNEL WIDTH 1/3 OF PROPOSED OF PROPOSED I 1/3 OF N R o 1.B• COMPACTED FLOW ' . C 4V NEL CHANNEL WIDTH FINISH GRADE ,^5•MIN? BACKFILL FLOW FLOW COMPACTED C? ^- u MN 10'TN CK r ?•/ CHANNEL SEDIMENT CONTO STONE / INVERT I , ' ---- STONE FOR EROSION CONTROL, %'• -'- V CLASS I •' 20..30. aeae' • C CHANNEL BLOCK SCALE, NTS POOL 20'.30• 20•.39• O V) i? t POOL `•ti 1/3 OF PROPOSED 1/3 OF PROPOSED 1/3 OF PROPOSED CHANNEL WIDTH CHANNEL WIDTH CHANNEL YIOTH P\ FLOW PLAN VIEW - a 20..30. 20-- / \-2. \- v" PoDI POOL - PLAN VIEW ., 4J^; -...... P\ / PI AN VIEW v } f::Jf Wit:: 3ASEFLOW :.. ... . - r. , , ------- FLOW F- PROPOSED STREAHBED ELEV FL 4 FOOTER FOOTER ROCKS K' -r h_j ?I I ?f ? ROCKS PROFILE VIEW FLOW . Rra EtEVi 1 L l T POOL 1 I I E?ISTIN -I I TREABES ' V EASEFLCW FDfH ff I f?l l I I ?J - ? ? _7 N PROPOSED GRACE TOP CF VANE ELEVATION 1 ELEVATION I - I- POOL F0 C7 ER J i ,n IBANKFULLI -11 II-III III ROCKS u a a III III II III= II k I?-i II_II? III l ' ! = - o N ?_ Vt2 BANKFULL ELEVATION BT l l -I III 11-L ?I III ?I: 1 ?_ III ll 111 I l - ,-j 1-III-I?-,1I ?r- ? ?H III I pPLFJLL V IE?,Y '?c O LEY s<oPF ? ? i .. _ PROFILE VIEW a? o - o __ FOOTER ROCKS- '?° ? ???? '?IT w Z SECTION A -A BED -n EL DOUBLE STE P POOL - CROSS VANE SINGLE STEP POOL CROSS VANE U C CROSS VANE SCALE- NTS - SCALE- NTS SCALE- NTS W ... NOTE- ALL ROCKS OR STONES ARE STONE BOULDERS OR CLASS IT ••. NOTE- ALL ROCKS OR STONES ARE ST ON= BOULDERS OR CLASS Il Lli Z ' ... NOTE- ALL ROCKS OR STONES ARE STONE, BOULDERS ? J U LLJ O N + U0 l a H - m it z 0 0 Z ° PROPOSED GRADE z 0 H 1/3 TO 112 WIDTH OF \ TOP OF VANE ELEVATION ?- N \ PROPOSED D CHANNEL \ (BANKFULL) D Q Z 0 / 23-33' 0 0 U 00 BANKFULL ELEVATION ?. N 2 0 ROCK SILL - • -Ir=l??.ul ', 5 TO 107. SLOP D a d W 1 + 0 POOL -' HOOK ROCKS E " O 2 P m z 0 v FOOTER ROCKSc Z = y STREAM BED J-VANE ELEVATICN U 0 U) PLAN VIEW SCALE- NTS SECTION A-A 2 DATE. FEBRUARY, 2t u 1'=40 •.. NOTE- ALL ROCKS OR STONES IN THE VANE STRUCTURE ARE STONE, BOULDERS •.. NOTE- GAPS SHOULD BE PLACED ONLY BETWEEN THE HOOK ROCKS DETAILS FIGURE 14 SHEET 2 OF B i O P h I -------------------- ------- --- EXISTING THALWEG TOP OF CHANNEL BANKS STEP POOL STRUCTURE AT PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE o TOP OF PROJECT LIMITS EXISTING PASTURE FENCE N r? & x p 0 1 • 1 1 ` 1" I O 1, , , • 11 I i r1 A, ?D I ° , i 1 1- 1 ` m c 'I; F6 S •? o I i- O I I ?- 2 ' O , I '• l 1 I n 1 I ?' I 1 I p \ „I AA '4 ?. I o Oti C O G 2?,\ 9 W o? N SV P ?- ?+bl ?' •6 ? 1 ? ? S 9 ? a ?o q?, ? Qp, , ? Till 5 \ ?qC w RF w [{ 5 y W ? 4? w z .i •r; r ??J A -.,-- N 0 zi V W O !r?? , is{? b !1 ?? STREAM FORD U o + (' ? o :,, m m a w o ? y . n 0z o 1 n: x ct) 0 z x ?Q z 0 I 1 Y. p ?, ' i ' ` f9 . o m S V) CL + 1 a- or- 0 ? 0? z z 0 ? 0 Q ? ? a I?li;•??', u ' ? '' ? ?Ib cl) m 40 -10 0 40 80 F?- z , I ri;i 1 ,d .?yIF U) CL V n;, 1 GRAPHIC SCALE lir 1 ,-" Sto oau FEBRUARY, xDS , MATCHLINE A-A MATCHLINEA-A GRADING PLAN 1 FIGURE 15 SHEET OF -ul MATCHLINE A-A 1 1 •lil?fv I I I II ;, I I '. I I , , I I I I, ;I I' I it 1 '. 1 1 ICI I 1'. 1 II', 1v , 1. 1., 1 ll' 1'' 1 :v 1 I I ; I r ;r II I QQ- p• la} 2? %pZ St ?o II •,`, •?V? , DIPCOV'rSTRgCj? 1 I 11 1 1 ` I? ? I I I % ,? i PT 5 t(1: 2l* 19, 6 1 I: 'III ' I II: i 54-.- ??t' 1 I I I I I I II II II / I 'I'?' 0. 1 S 11 , I I ? i II I I I yp ,' , ?. \,1 1\ ,, II ? 11 I . ? ? 11 iD, 'II II ; I ? . ? ? / W 1 o 11 !i 'j,l 'll -, :i x 9 1 0.:I I ':I 1' I I"?,'r r I I,1 \\ t II 1 ., ? I I I I, I I I I I I I I 1 I 11 I 1. I I 1 I I I ?? ' ? I I I I Y ' 1 I I ? 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I' 1 1 I I I I I --- ------- ---- ---- -------- MATCHLINE B-B '... . it i ! j m of 1; r m F'•.?%!'' l MATCHLINEA-A 1N lZY)771 I ? W STREAM FORD € . a 0 1 or. _ _ o ! o? 1 TRIBUTARY TO BE CONNECTED TO THE PROPOSED CHANNEL TOP OF CHANNEL BANKS // PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE / Y.J. ri o , CHANNEL BANK PLANTINGS 4- 1 ''G:'•i oo'. ?f-.- -:? I op.a .•o?.e .o0•a ?? rl of \ ?\?? 1\ 1'1 /'// Rl i . o . o o . o r I I I I n'I ? . y: WOODED FLOODPLAIN PLANTINGS 1 1 I 1 L\\\L\\\?\l U oz ? a ,• \ \ l 111. II '.I I ';? ? . ¢? '`o ?\\ \\ \ 1 \1\ ? o ?•, ? , ". I?? ' fem.-. ... :..•.... ..-? L ,o w ya ,c V?,A v 1 , GRASSED FLOODPLAINPLANTINGS /e /o i s _ \ , 1r I '? I I I c I I 1' ? .I I '.I 11 11 1 I I : I I ; I W ? \ 11 I ? ? ? I ', I 1 .,o \ 11 \,,,, 1\ I ? 1 1 s -40 -20 0 40 80 W Q a_u F- - I 1 U 0 r 4 U r GRAPHIC SCALE Y ? a + n 0 o°O 0 0 0 •?} N _ LL Q F Z m (L T'. .o .. t?\ 0 a P O z F N / Sys ?, \\ ?\\I,,, J O / Z !1 -- ----- --- --- v'• } 0 0 ------------- .I t v, I 1 • 1 ' .. .. ..... ............ fib 1 CL < Hwy \ \ Z mL Q I V/ .1 I ol, I I'. I I ?I \ t a • / .. Qom. , Z I I II ', I \ : '. \ '`•, •, \ orrz FEBRUARY, 2005 b??.. ?n„? vv ?dQ'•t `v ut 1•=401 I 4 b d :,', ll '. 1' a 01-? I I I .. ', 1 I I I I A •. A •. A ti I ,MA7L? NLIN? $-8 LANDSCAPE o s 11 \? o,?o-??,.?'b ', 'I 'I ,l'I, ; ",?i \\ \\``,,•'•\\`• \ •. PLAN 2 TRIBUTARY TO BE CONNECTED TO THE PROPOSED CHANNEL STREAM FORD FIGURE 19 T-7 T I f I MI I M MATCHLINEB-13 ATCHLINE B-B ------------ --- - ---------- ------ -- - ------------------- ------------------- -- fill; t: 0 00\\ \ \ 1. ff 0 i 11 f if it it: to if i I If I LL, f f 0 iII 1AN :117// / ..111 ........ 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Competency is the channel's ability to move particles of a certain size, expressed as units of Pascals (Pa) or lbs/ft2. Capacity is the channel's ability to move a specific volume of sediment (sediment discharge). Sediment discharge is the amount of sediment moving through a cross section over a specified period of time, expressed in dimensionless parameters or as . mass or weight units of kg/sec or lbs/sec. 7.1 Competency • Whenever there is any stream flow, there will always be sediment movement. However, there is a threshold level of bedload sediment movement that will result in a noticeable change in the channel bed. The flow associated with this threshold movement is the reference condition that all sediment transport models are . based upon. In natural streambeds there are particles of a wide range of sizes. At low, but significant flow levels, only the smallest particles will be moving, with the larger particles resisting the flow of the stream. This is the condition of partial sediment transport. As the stream flow increases, eventually every particle on . the streambed will show threshold movement, this is the condition of full sediment transport. Some streams will routinely reach full sediment transport, such as sand streams, and models such as Ackers & White (1973) are used for these conditions. Some streams will rarely move even the median size particle on the bed (D50), such as cobble-boulder streams, and models such as Andrews (1983, 1994) are used for these conditions. There is a wide range of sand-gravel-cobble streams that have the flow conditions necessary to . significantly move particles greater than the D50, but do not reach the full sediment transport condition. This condition is present at the stream channel on the McCain property, and the model used was Wilcock-Crowe (2003), which is actually a "sediment capacity" model (see next section). However, a capacity model must - contain an entrainment predictor. Entrainment is the condition that initiates the movement of a selected particle size in the presence of a mix S grade channel bed. If the largest particle that moves during a bankfull event can be identified, then the flow conditions that produced this movement can be determined and this flow condition (the channel competency) is used in the design of the restored stream channel. The preferred method of determining this particle size - and flow condition is by direct measurement. However, to stand in a stream channel at bankfull flow with both a flow meter and a sediment sampler is both difficult and extremely unlikely in remote locations. However, a rain gage and stream gages can be installed to measure the stream channel's response to rain - events and, in the channel bed, scour chains installed to measure the depth of scour during these events. The - bed material above the scour chain can be collected and sieved to determine the material sizes in transport for a known recorded flow event. s • The indirect scour chain method was attempted at the McCain site. In addition, the channel was sampled by the pebble count method at several sites for trend analysis and at one scour chain site, the surface and subsurface sediment samples were sieved to compare to the scour chain data. However, the UTBC stream bed - has been compacted by cattle and after months of observations, the scour chains never recorded a sediment transport event. Another four sites were sampled for surface and subsurface sediment gradation, including the second scour chain site. Two bar locations were also sampled with the intent of conducting detailed analysis - of the sediment data to determine if a design shear stress could be calculat, "_om the Wilcock-Crowe (2003) models. s - There are two ways to model streams; first to consider only the largest particle observed in motion (Andrews, 1983) and second to consider all of the bed material observed to be in motion (Andrews, 1994). If the stream - 30 • Stream Restoration Plan McCain Property. Randolph, Co., NC channel has a bed of sediment in balance with its flow, then there should be a natural armour layer on the surface, with the subsurface an indication on the annual bedload. An attempt to find a sediment transport balance between the entire surface and subsurface samples was futile. The surface and subsurface had been mixed by the cattle too much to have this balance condition represented in the samples. There was also an attempt to determine if the subsurface could predict the surface D50 (and vice versa), which produced encouraging results at two locations. The largest particles found in the surface and subsurface samples were compared to the gradation of the surface samples. This did not produce useful results as the mixing by the cattle had driven large particles into the subsurface (and small particles into the surface that washed away). • The assumption that the subsurface could be an indicator of annual sediment transport was not viable, however a second assumption of balanced streams is that a point bar sample at the so called "1/3, 1/3" location could be an indicator of annual sediment transport. The upstream bar proved to be the wrong kind . and the downstream point bar at scour chain site #2 showed a good result when compared to the surface sample at that location. This result compared well to the best of the subsurface modeling. The location of . this sediment sample was also well placed for use in the stream restoration design. Scour chain site #2 was . well away from the channery deposit at the top end of the site. The surface material in the channel could then represent the gravel layer where the relocated stream channel would be placed. . This model produced an average shear stress condition that would be used in stream design to move the largest particles expected to be in the sediment transport over the expected gradation of the stream channel. This shear stress can be used for the design riffle cross-sections and channel gradient in the various project . reaches using the equation: ti = yRs • Where: T = shear stress (lbs/ft2) y = specific gravity of water (62.41bs/ft) . R = hydraulic radius (ft) s = average water slope (ft/ft) The target shear stress value (converted to a shear-velocity) for the design cross-sections is u* = 0.156 m/s. Supporting sediment transport calculations and rating curves are provided in Appendix F. . 7.2 Capacity A sediment transport capacity analysis was not conducted because the reach on the McCain property is a transport reach. Transport reaches are supply limited and will flush their beds at the end of storms. A realistic sediment transport model cannot be based on a flushed channel bed. The flushed bed cannot predict the movement of the fine materials that make up the bulk of the bedload sediment transport. 8.0 FLOODING ANALYSIS The Un-named Tributary to Back Creek (UTBC) in Randolph County is not located in a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Detailed Flood Study Zone. It is the intent of the restoration design to maintain the 100-r.:c, 1ood elevation at or below the current stages following restoration. The conversion of an existing, incised stream system to a more open and natural meandering stream will normally reduce flood stages along the project reach. At the downstream end of the project, the stream 31 Stream Restoration Plan McCain Property, Randolph, Co., NC encounters the floodplain of Back Creek approximately a mile above the Back Creek Lake reservoir. It is not likely that the existing UTBC has any effect on the 100-yr flood stage at this location. 9.0 MONITORING AND EVALUATION • Monitoring shall consist of the collection and analysis of stream stability and riparian/stream bank vegetation survivability data to support the evaluation of the project in meeting established restoration objectives. . Specifically, project success will be assessed utilizing measurements of stream dimension, pattern, and . profile, site photographs, and vegetation sampling. . 9.1 Duration The first scheduled monitoring will be conducted at the end of the first full growing following project . completion. Monitoring shall subsequently be conducted annually for a total period of five (5) years. 9.2 Reporting i Monitoring reports will be prepared and submitted after all monitoring tasks for each monitoring event are completed. Each report will provide the new monitoring data and compare the new data against previous findings. Data tables, cross sections, profiles, photographs and other graphics will be included in the report as . necessary. Each report will include a discussion of any significant deviations from the as-built survey and previous annual measurements, as well as evaluations as to whether the changes indicate a stabilizing or de- stabilizing condition. e 9.3 Stream Stability • - The purpose of monitoring is to evaluate the stability of the restored stream. Following the procedures established in the USDA Forest Service Manual, Stream Channel Reference Sites (Harrelson, et.al, 1994) and • the methodologies utilized in the Rosgen stream assessment and classification system (Rosgen, 1994 and . 1996), data collected will consist of detailed dimension and pattern measurements, a longitudinal profile, and bed materials sampling. Width/depth ratio, entrenchment ratio, low bank height ratio, sinuosity, meander • width ratio, radius of curvature (on newly constructed meanders during 1st year monitoring only), pool-to- pool spacing as well as the average, riffle and pool water slopes will be calculated from the collected data. • Pebble count data will be plotted by size distribution in order to assess the D50 and D84 size class. • 9.3.1 Dimension • Four permanent cross-sections, two riffle and two pool, will be established and used to evaluate stream dimension. At least one riffle and one pool cross-section will be located within the area also surveyed as part • of the longitudinal profile. Permanent monuments will be established by either conventional survey or GPS. • The cross-section surveys shall provide a detailed measurement of the stream and banks, to include points on the adjacent floodplain, at the top of bank, bankfull, at all breaks in slope, the edge of water, and thalweg. • Subsequently, width/depth ratios, entrenchment ratios and bank height ratios will be calculated for each cross- section. • Cross-section measurements should show little change from the as-built cross-sections. If changes do occur, • they will be evaluated to determine whether they are minor adjustments associated with settlin _.J increased stability or whether they indicate movement toward an unstable condition. • • e • 32 • Stream Restoration Plan McCain Property. Randolph. Co.. NC 9.3.2 Pattern Measurements associated with the restored channel pattern will include belt width, meander length, and radius of curvature (on newly constructed meanders only for the first year). Subsequently, sinuosity, meander width ratio and radius of curvature and meander length/bankfull width ratios will be calculated. 9.3.3 Profile A longitudinal profile of a representative reach of the restored channel will be surveyed. The profile will extend a minimum of 20 bankfull widths. Measurements will include slopes (average, pool, riffle), as well as calculations of pool-to-pool spacing. Annual measurements should indicate stable bedform features with little change from the as-built survey. The pools should maintain their depth with lower water surface slopes, while the riffles should remain shallower and steeper. 9.3.4 Bed Materials Pebble counts will be conducted at each riffle cross-section, as well as across the overall study reach (based upon percentage of riffles and pools) for the purpose of classification and to evaluate sediment transport. 9.4 Photograph Reference Points Photograph reference points (PRP's) will be established to assist in characterizing the site and to allow qualitative evaluation of the site conditions. The location of each photo point will be permanently marked in the field and the bearing/orientation documented to allow for repeated use. 9.4.1 Cross-section Photograph Reference Points Four (4) photographs will be taken at each permanent cross section, as follows: 1) from the left bank permanent monument/pin showing the right bank, 2) from the right bank permanent monument/pin showing the left bank, 3) from downstream of the cross-section looking upstream, and 4) from upstream of the cross- section looking downstream. The survey tape will be centered in each photograph and the water line will be located near the lower edge. Effort will be made to consistently show the same area in each photograph. 9.4.2 Longitudinal Photograph Reference Points Ten (10) permanent points will be established longitudinally throughout the project site to allow further photo-documentation of the restored stream channel condition. 9.4.3 Additional Photograph Locations Additional PRP's will be located, as needed, to document the condition of specific in-stream structures such as J-vanes and cross vanes, as well as infrastructure associated with the stream such as utility and road crossings. 9.5 Bank and Riparian Vegetation Monitoring Bank and Riparian Vegetation monitoring shall follow the EEP Vegetation Monitoring Protocol, which will be accepted and approved before construction of this project begins. 33 Stream Restoration Plan McCain Property, Randolph. Co.. NC REFERENCES Ackers, P. and W.R. White. 1973. Sediment transport: new approach and analysis. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, ASCE, Volume 99, Number HY11, pp. 2041-2060. Andrews, E.D. (1983) "Entrainment of Gravel from Natural Sorted Riverbed Material," Geological Society of America Bulletin 94, 1225-1231. Andrews, E.D. (1994) "Marginal Bedload Transport in a Gravel-Bed Stream Channel, Sagehen Creek, California," Water Resources Research, 30 Q 2241-2250. Doll, B.A., D.E. Wise-Frederick, C.M. Buckner, S.D. Wilkerson, W.A. Harman, R.E. Smith, and J. Spooner. 2002. Hydraulic Geometry Relationships for Urban Streams throughout the Piedmont of North Carolina. JAWRA, Volume 38, Number 3, pp. 641-651. Harrelson, C.C., C.L. Rawlins, and J.P. Potyondy. 1994. Stream Channel Reference Sites: An Illustrated Guide to Field Technique. General Technical Report RM-245. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, CO. NCDENR. 2001. "Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration." Division of Water Quality, Wetlands Restoration Program, Raleigh, NC. NCDENR. 2001. "Interim, Internal Technical Guide: Benthic Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Protocols for Compensatory Stream Restoration Projects." Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Unit, Raleigh, NC. NCDENR. "Water Quality Stream Classification for Streams in North Carolina." Water Quality Section (http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/bims/reports/basinsandwaterbodies). September 2002. NCGS. 1985. Geologic Map of North Carolina Rosgen, D.L. 1994. A classification of natural rivers. Catena 22: 169-199. Rosgen, D.L. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology Books, Pagosa Springs, CO. Rosgen, D.L. 1997. A geomorphological approach to restoration of incised rivers. In: Wang, S.S.Y., E.J. Langendoen, and F.D. Shields, Jr. (Eds.). Proceedings of the Conference on Management of Landscapes Disturbed by Channel Incision. pp. 12-22. Rosgen, D.L. 1998. The Reference Reach - a Blueprint for Natural Channel Design. Proceedings of the Wetland Engineering and River Restoration Conference, Denver, CO, ASCE. Rosgen, D.L. 2001. "Natural Channel Design Methodology (40 Steps)." Natural Channel Design and River Restoration Short Course, Pagosa Springs, CO - October 2001. Schafale, M.P. and A.S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina, 3`a Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, NCDEHNR, Division of Parks and Recreation. Raleigh, NC. Schlindwein, P.A. (2004) "Evolution of Piedmont Floodplains and Stream Channels: Implication for Urban Stream Restoration," Proceeding of the World Water Resources Congress, Salt Lake City, UT, EWRI/ASCE Simon, A. 1989. A model of channel response in distributed alluvial channels. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 14(1): 11-26. USDA. 1971. Soil Survey for Durham County, North Carolina. Natural Resource Conservation Service. Wilcock, P.R. and Crowe, J.C. (2003). "Surface-Based Transport Model for Mixed-Size Sediment", Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 129(2), pp 120-128. 34 1. Applicant Information: Preparer/C'o/mpany l(?? /Address: y?0/ S?>< toc/cs R?l. sfe. ZZJr;,??NC z76oq Phon Fax/E-mail: 9/9-X83~q2/?( II. Site Information: (Attach copy of USGS map or photocopy of quad on reverse: include I and 2 mile radius around site) Wetland Restoration Stream Restoration, Applicant's Identification # Other. Address: Z5r1Z 14ke- Lvices JU. 5,pLk?A1C_ 7.7350 County: x-.6121 e k Quad Name: 1 4.,xe-Man 111. Identification of Historic Properties: List sites by site number and Status: NR = National Register listed; SL = Study List; DOE = Determination of Eligibility; LID = Local Designation; UA = Unassessed Archeology # of recorded sites in immediate area of site: 0 IV. Additional Information or investigation needed: , Pj-?vr`d' urft roil, lam '? ?urvev Testing of sites -Photo Reconnaissance -Balloon Test Recommended by or on: ALL{ ??,z +?- Recommended by or on: (Office of State Archaeology) (Survey & Planning Branch) V. Recommendations/Final Determination: -Recommendations for additional work are shown above. I `- The proposed restoration site wflt"" affect historic properties in the area of potential effect. Date Renee Gledhill-Earley, Environmental Review Coo i for Review Form Potential Restoration Sites Architecture # of recorded sites within 1 mile radius 'Mp OP December 2001 • A • ; NCD ENR • North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources • Division of Parks and Recreation i Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Philip K- McK,-ielly, Director i May 21, 2003 • i Ms. Kimberly A. Nimmer • KCI Engineers • Landmark Center I, Suite 200 4601 Six Forks Road i Raleigh, NC 27609 • • Subject: Stream Restoration Site in Randolph County KCI Job r: 1202084E • Dear Ms. Nimmer: i The Natural Heritage Program has no record of rare species, significant natural communities. or • priority natural areas at the site nor within a mile of the project area. Although our maps do not i show records of such natural heritage elements in the project area,- it does not necessarily mean that they are not present. It may simply mean that the area has not been surveyed. The use of i Natural Heritage Program data should not be substituted for actual field surveys, particularly if i the project area contains suitable habitat for rare species, significant natural communities, or i priority natural areas. • j You may wish to check-the Natural Heritage Program database website at • <www.ncsparks.neinhp/search.html> for a listing of rare plants and animals and significant natural communities in the county and on the topographic quad map. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 919--7-1-5-S687 if you have questions or need further information. i • Sincerely, i Harry E. LeGrand, Jr., Zoologist • Natural Heritage Program e . HEL/hel e e e ! e _ MU;' Nor-.., e e Appendix B McCain Site, Randolph Co Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species and Critical Habitats in Randolph County, NC NCDENR-Natural Heritage Program Major Group Scientific Name Common Name State Federal State Global Status Status Rank Rank Mammal Condylura cristata Star-nosed Mole Sc NA S2 G5T2Q popl - Coastal Plain population Reptile Crotalus horridus Timber SC NA S3 G4 Rattlesnake Amphibian Hemidactylium Four-toed Sc NA S3 G5 scutatum salamander Fish Notropis Cape Fear E E S1 G1 Mekistocholas Shiner Mollusk Alasmidonta undulata Triangle Floater T NA S2 G4 Mollusk Alasmidonta varicose Brook Floater E FSC S l G3 Mollusk Fusconaia masom Atlantic Pi toe E FSC S I G2 Mollusk Lampsilis cariosa Yellow E FSC S1 G3G4 Lam mussel Mollusk Lampsilis radiata Carolina T NA S1? G5T2Q cons icua Fatmucket Mollusk Stro hitus undulates S uawfoot T NA S2S3 G5 Mollusk Toxolasma pullus Savannah E FSC S I G2 Lilli ut Mollusk Villosa constricta Notched SC NA S3 G3 Rainbow Mollusk Villosa delumbis Eastern SR NA S3 G4 Creekshell Mollusk Villosa vaughaniana Carolina E FSC S2 G2 Creekshell Crustacean Cambarus catagius Greensboro SC NA S2 G3 Burrowing Crayfish Insect Gomphus abbreviatus Spine-crowned SR NA S3? G3G4 Clubtail Vascular Plant Amorpha schwerinii Piedmont SR-T NA S3 G3 Indigo-bush Vascular Plant Aster eor ianus Georgia Aster T C S2 G2G3 Vascular Plant Berberis canadensis American SR-T NA S2 G3 Barberry Vascular Plant Cardamine dissecta Dissected SR-P NA S2 G4? Toothwort Vascular Plant Helianthus Schweinitz's E E S2 G2 schweinitzii Sunflower Vascular Plant Hexalectris spicata Crested SR-P NA S2 G5 Coralroot Vascular Plant Ruellia purshiana Pursh's Wild- SR-0 NA S2 G3? petunia 3 Appendix B McCain Site, Randolph Co Vascular Plant Schoenoplectus Canby's SR-P NA S3 G3G4 etuberculatus Bulrush Natural Basic Mesic Forest NA NA NA S2 G5T3 Community Piedmont Subtype) Natural Basic Oak-Hickory NA NA NA S3 G4 Community Forest Natural Dry Oak-Hickory NA NA NA S4 G5 Community Forest Natural Dry-Mesic Oak- NA NA NA S5 G5 Community Hickory Forest Natural Floodplain Pool NA NA NA S2 G3? Community Natural Low Elevation Seep NA NA NA S3 G4? Community Natural Mesic Mixed NA NA NA S4 G5T5 Community Hardwood Forest Piedmont Subtype) Natural Piedmont Monadnock NA NA NA S4 G5 Community Natural Piedmont/Coastal NA NA NA S2? G4 Community Plain Acidic Cliff Natural Piedmont/Coastal NA NA NA S3 G4? Community Plan Heath Bluff Natural Piedmont/Low NA NA NA S5 G5 Community Mountain Alluvial Forest Natural Rocky Bar and Shore NA NA NA S5 G5 Community Natural Upland Depression NA NA NA S2 G3 Community Swam Forest Natural Upland Pool NA NA NA Sl G1 Community Natural Xeric Hardpan Forest NA NA NA S3 G3G4 Communi State Status: SC- Special Concern E - Endangered T - Threatened SR- Significantly Rare -T - Throughout -P - Peripheral -0- Other Federal Status: E - Endangered FSC - Federal "Species of Concern" C - Candidate 4 Appendix B McCain Site, Randolph Co State Rank: S 1 - Critically imperiled in North Carolina because of extreme rarity or otherwise very vulnerable to extirpation in the state. S2- Imperiled in North Carolina because of rarity or otherwise vulnerable to extirpation in the state. S3- Rare or uncommon in North Carolina. S4- Apparently secure in North Carolina, with many occurrences. S5- Demonstrably secure in North Carolina and essentially ineradicable under present conditions. S? - Unranked, or rank uncertain. Global Rank: G1 - Critically imperiled globally because of extreme rarity or otherwise very vulnerable to extinction throughout its range. G2 - Imperiled globally because of rarity or otherwise vulnerable to extinction throughout its range. G3 - Either very rare and local throughout its range, or found locally in a restricted area. G4 - Apparently secure globally, although it may be quite rare in parts of its range (especially at the periphery). G5 - Demonstrably secure globally, although it may be quite rare in parts of its range (especially at the periphery). G? - Unranked, or rank uncertain. G_T_ - Status of subspecies or variety; the G-rank refers to the species as a whole, the T-rank to the subspecies. 5 W e 0 0 e • • • • s s Appendix C McCain Site, Randolph County 4 3°s-- :+L ?` , -ri F T` ?i f e ? T--a. \+ _ _ ? }..?? -i 1 ?t ' ? tM fir 4 _ _ _ Yi.. Photograph 1 - View of UTBC prior to entering project site, looking upstream from Station 10+00 across the McCain property boundary. t , A?W Photograph 2 - View looking upstream at top of project site. Logs in stream in upper right of photo mark station 10+00. Scour along the right bank is predominantly into weathered bedrock. 2 i i i • i i i i • • i i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • Appendix C McCain Site, Randolph County Photograph 4 - View downstream at Cross-section 1. 3 Photograph 3 - Weathered bedrock along right bank and in UTBC streambed (Station 10+20 to 10+35). Appendix C McCain Site, Randolph County mod'. 4 F t '"4 5 - Barbed wire fence crossing stream that has caused a debris jam. ? I - WNF-i?_ t Q.a 1 J 1 f ? w? zJr ? fi e _ a! __ - ? - _. _ i?? ?!r ? Try Phoio-taph 6 - View downstream at Cross-section 2. 4 0 s Appendix C McCain Site, Randolph County .?„ apm i4l w?- t Photograph 7 - Undercut left bank at Cross-section 2, top of bank overhangs -2.3 feet. rnotograpn Z5 - view looking aownstream of commence witn small unnamea trtnutary, entering from tower right in photo (Station 13+25 - 13+50). 5 Appendix C McCain Site, Randolph County 6 Photograph 9 - View looking downstream below confluence of tributary with UTBC. Bedrock along right bank and in stream, steep bank above bedrock on right bank (Station 13+50 to 14+00). Photograph 10 - View looking downstream, meander pattern of UTBC is visible in the lower right of the photo, moving to the left. Steep, eroding banks occur on the outside meander bank with bar formation on the inside bank • • • • • • i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Appendix C McCain Site, Randolph County Photograph 11 - Looking downstream at debris jam across UTBC channel, right bank undercut with exposed roots upstream of jam (Station -15+50). -s .L.r?^+ ..-fir.-e.,?'_' '..{?. I??•rr Loins T5, 06- AA, Photograph 12 - High-traffic cattle crossing, with boulders along the left bank and in the stream channel (Station -16+15). 7 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w • w w w • • Appendix C McCain Site, Randolph County 44 Photograph 13 - Boulder/cobble bar along steep right bank, cattle access in right foreground; small sod island with two small trees near left bank. 3, E rig 1 NQ1 ` •* _ d _ a..?7'' r? , •?? s ..? sl -M 7- Photograph 14 - View downstream toward power line easement, upstream of bend to the right in. U 1 BC:. 8 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w • w w • w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w Appendix C McCain Site, Randolph County > _ ?fr? p p ?. .4 + 'k _ ? . a ILI % MW 4?z Z _ . " a mss: _`` r? - PIIOtOl _'I llh?) 15 - 01111UCMI C OI TT-I V? Ith I TB(' Lilo , icti h?ui (Station -19+50). Note trallsversc boulder/cobble bar extending across channel upstream of confluence. Fence marking property boundary is visible along top of photo. rnotograpn 1 o - Heaacut along 1 no z at property uounaary, approximately --)u teet upstream trom commence with UTBC. 9 Appendix C McCain Site, Randolph County Tom. 41+_4 ? 3 4 }ei ?t +F'yc. ? .54 Photograph 17 - View upstream from Station 20+25. Note large gravel and cobble bar along Lett banK. steep right bank in foreground-, further upstream right bank has been worn down from cattle access. 10 Photograph 18 - Cattle crossing at near Station 20+50. Cobbles and boulders in stream channel, possibly placed to help stabilize crossing. Banks flattened from cattle access, increasing channel width/depth ratio. Appendix C McCain Site, Randolph County a 71 Photograph 20 -Sinkholes in right bank extending approximately 30 feet from top of bank, possibly associated w`th dr......,e tile (Station -21+00). Photograph 19 - Ceramic drainage tile about four inches in diameter at base of right bank (Station -21+00). • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Appendix C McCain Site, Randolph County ?rz Photograph 21 - Manmade cattle watering hole, set back approximately 40 feet from right bank (Stati( -22+00). 12 Photograph 22 - View downstream, gravel and cobble bar with grass along left bank. Both 1- arks ..c relatively steep, though the right bank has more hoof shear. Right floodplain extends approximately 20 feet back from the top of right bank to the toe of slope. s s • • • • s • • i Appendix C McCain Site, Randolph County ? i ILL s _ ItO Photograph 23 - View downstream; right bank has sigmtcant erosion trom cattle access. Large overhanging tree on left bank with roots exposed from undercutting. 13 Photograph 24 - Confluence of UT3 with UTBC along right bank, significant erosion due to cattle ac( -ss. w w w w w w w w • w w • • • • • • • • • • w • • • • • • • • • • • • • Appendix C McCain Site, Randolph County Photograph 25 - Headcut along UT3, approximately 50 feet upstream of confluence with UTBC. 14 Photograph 26 - Concrete pipe along UT3, above headcut. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • w • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Appendix C McCain Site, Randolph County Photograph 27 - A portion of the flow in UT3 crosses a field towards the right bank of UTBC. The channel appears to be newly formed, either due to overbank flow or was excavated to redirect flow. 15 Photograph 28 - View downstream of fallen tree and large debris jam across UTBC. i Appendix C McCain Site, Randolph County r?- E Photograph 29 - View downstream of lett bank bench and gravel bar, erosion of rlgnt bank Irom cattle access. 16 un0orcutting has left roots exposed. Appendix C Photograph 31 - f tree on each bank. McCain Site, Randolph County cattle crossing. Note meander bend downstream of cattle crossing, with large 17 Photograpn 32 - Bedrock in streambed at cattle crossing. Appendix C McCain Site, Randolph County Photograph 33 - Sinkholes in riparian area approximately 30 feet from right bank of UTBC. Maximum depth is approximately two feet. Photograph 34 - View downstream of series of debris jams. The disruption of flow has cau ;ed lc,,aitzed bank erosion and the formation of plunge pools. Fence line approximately 20 feet from left top of bank marks property boundary. 18 w • Appendix C McCain Site, Randolph County Photograph 35 - Downstream view. Left bank is nearly vertical; right bank is sloped back due to cattle access. v4 - - - -? h '_ P_n-, x1 3 x'.? 'AS -x Photograph 36 - Downstream view at Cross-section 3, located at crossover point between two sharp meander bends. Near-vertical right bank and sloping left bank are an indication of down-valley meander migration. 19 Appendix C McCain Site, Randolph County ? _;? `,?'y` _. ,'' •-+[ - .`iLi?'°' +f'??P ?.?. .:ter; 4-,• ZF_ Sw' , It Photograph 37 - Downstream view of Cross-section 4, located on meander with bed morphology that has been significantly disturbed. Channel flow has both run and pool characteristics. 20 Photograph 38 - Downstream view of UTBC. Jnstaoie banks, undercutting around large tree on right bank has left roots exposed. Further downstream, a large uprooted tree on the right bank has fallen away from stream into riparian area. Appendix C McCain Site, Randolph County Photograph 39 - Debris jam at downstream end of project, caused by barbed wire fence crossing stream at the property boundary. 21 Photograph 40 - Concrete slab crossing stream channel approximately 20 feet downstream of project boundary. W Appendix C f ?J!•T r ?Jl McCain Site, Randolph County i ?f sue, Photograph 41 - View upstream from right bank riparian area at downstream end of project. Overall stream pattern influenced by alternating toe slopes as the stream progresses down valley. 22 McCain Site Restoration Plan Existing Conditions River Ba.:1: Lower Yadkin Watershed: UT to Back Creek XS ID XS-1 (Riffle) Drainage :: *a s mi : 0.74 Date: Aril 25, 2003 Field Crew.- KN, DR, KB 4.9 4.39 100.16 5.3 4.56 99.99 6 4.6 99.95 8.6 5.01 99.54 10 5.24 99.31 12.9 6.52 98.03 13.2 6.89 97.66 14.1 7.04 97.51 14.3 7.19 97.36 15 7.28 97.27 15.7 7.55 97 16.7 7.62 96.93 17.5 7.58 96.97 17.9 7.67 96.88 18.9 7.59 96.96 20.5 7.77 96.78 21.7 7.82 96.73 22.5 7.75 96.8 30 7.42 97.13 30.3 7.86 96.69 30.8 7.69 96.86 31.2 7.91 96.64 11 32.3 6.49 98.06 32.6 6.21 98.34 SUMMARY DATA Bankfull Elevation: 98.29 Bankfuil Cross-Sectional Area: 21.30 Bankfull Width: 19.36 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 100.01 Flood Prone Width: 34.00 Max Depth at Bankfull: 1.72 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 1.10 W / D Ratio: 17.6 Entrenchment Ratio: 1.76 Bank Height Ratio: 1.03 slope fVft : 0.011 Discharge cfs 83.93 Dss XSl 22 D `Profile 1 35 Lower Yadkin River Basin, UT to Back Creek, XS-1 (Riffle) 110 105 w a? tot. 100 C 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a? di 95 - - Bankfull - - Flood Prone Area 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 Station (feet) 40 5.57 42 5.07 Stream Type: B4c s e • McCain Site Restoration Plan Existing Conditions Stream: UT to Back Creek Location: Cross-section #1 Sta 1+33) Date: 4/25/2003 Particle ize Range mm 791-7 ota Item o a um. S/C Silt/Clay < . Very Fine Sand 0.062 < 0. 125 2 4 .b Fine Sand 0.125 < 0.25 2 4 12 9 Medium Sand 0.25 < 0.50 0 0 12 rn Coarse Sand 0.50 < 1.0 1 2 14 Very Coarse an 1 < 2 1 Very Fine rave < 0 0 18 Fine Gravel 4<6 1 2 20 Fine Gravel 6<8 1 2 22 Medium Gravel 8 < 11 4 8 29 Medium Gravel 11 < 16 5 10 39 Coarse Gravel 16 < 22 6 12 51 Coarse Gravel 22 < 32 9 18 69 Ve Coarse Gravel 32 < 45 2 4 73 Very Coarse rave 5 < 64 5 1 82 Small Cobble 64 < 90 6 8 Z Medium Cobble 90 < 128 1 2 90 U Large Cobble 128 < 180 4 8 [ 98 Very are Cobble 18 < 5 1 2 1 Small Boulder 5 < 362 0 0 100 Small Boulder 362 < 512 0 0 100 Medium Boulder 512 < 1024 0 0 100 Large Boulder 1024 <2048 0 0 100 Very Large Boulder 2048 <4096 0 0 100 r Bedrock Bedrock 51 100 1 100 SdflClay ( Sands Gravels Cobbles Bnalders Bedrock 50 100 I! I,,II' i'' 0 I '. , I 45 9 I 40 80 \ 0 I( 35 7 1 y 30 G t 25 o, 50 ' O 3 I I I d 20 40 V 30 I I 15 Z ? I I I I 20 !? ! l0 ¦ 5 10 - 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Size (mm) -*-% Cumulative (Finer Than) ¦ Number of Particles Sze percent less than mm D16 D35 D50 D84 D95 1. 14 2 7 1 Percent by substrate type o SildCla Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock 14 5 18 1 0 0 McCain Site Restoration Plan Existing Conditions Drainage Area s ml): 0 .74 April 0 2.08 100.00 Bankfull Elevation: 4 1.71 100.37 -• a??_ 8 1.27 100.81 'dr; -°' 9.5 11 1.22 1.46 100.86 100.62 Flood Prone Area Elevation: Flood Prone 12 1.86 100.22 ^ 12.3 8.38 93.70 Mean Depth 12.8 8.48 93.60 W ! D Ratio: NA ? 14 8.68 93.40 7'1* 14.7 8.67 93.41 Bank Height r ..,?` a ?t, 15 8.91 93.17 16.6 8.92 93.16 Discharge cfs Stream Type: 134c 17 9.24 92.84 17.8 9.16 92.92 D 19.9 9.05 93.03 20.6 8.95 93.13 22.2 8.55 93.53 23.2 8.34 93.74 Lower 24 7.75 94.33 24.3 7.56 94.52 25.7 7.34 94.74 26.2 7.45 94.63 32 7.19 94.89 33.4 6.9 95.18 105 34.8 6.63 95.45 36.3 6.12 95.96 37 5.95 96.13 100 37.4 5.89 96.19 38.5 5.59 96.49 40.3 5.29 96.79 95 43 5.27 96.81 47 5.04 97.04 Flood Prone Area d 56.2 4.8 97.28 1 i . 59.3 't1 97.67 61.4 7 97.81 62.5 4.24 97.84 65.3 4.02 98.06 69.5 3.89 98.19 71 3.7 98.38 River Basin: : Lower Yadkin Watershed: UT to Back Creek XS ID XS-2 Pool Date: 24, 2003 Field Crew: KN, DR, KB Station Rod Ht. Elevation SUMMARY DATA 95.18 Bankfnll Cross-Sectional Area: 26.00 Bankfull Width: 21.17 NA Width: NA Max Depth at Bankfull: 2.34 at Bankfull: 1.23 Entrenchment Ratio: NA Ratio: NA Slo a tuft: 0.0002 NA D? XS2 9 ? Profile 1 35 Yadkin River Basin, UT to Back Creek, XS-2 (Pool) 110 - w m 0 -- m a? W . - - Bank - - 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Station (feet) i McCain Site Restoration Plan Existing Conditions Stream: UT to Back Creek Location: Cross-section #2 (Sta 2+68 Date: Particle Ize Range mm ota Item o o um. S/C Silt/Clay < Very the Sand 0.062 < 0. 125 0 v Fine Sand 0.125 < 0.25 0 0 0 Medium Sand 0.25 < 0.50 7 14 14 to Coarse Sand 0.50 < 1.0 1 2 16 Very Coarse an I < 10 36 Very Fine rave 2<4 4 8 44 Fine Gravel 4<6 1 2 46 Fine Gravel 6 < 8 1 2 48 Medium Gravel 8 < 11 3 6 54 L Medium Gravel 11 < 16 1 2 56 Coarse Gravel 16 < 22 5 10 66 Coarse Gravel 22 < 32 4 8 74 Ve Coarse Gravel 32 < 45 5 10 84 Very Coarse rave 5 < 64 5 It) 94 Small Cobble 64 < 90 0 0 94 :S Medium Cobble 90 < 128 1 2 96 U Lar e Cobble 128 < 180 2 4 100 Very are Cobble 180 < 256 0 0 100 Small Boulder 5 < 362 0 0 100 Small Boulder 362 < 512 0 0 100 '° Medium Boulder 512 < 1024 0 0 100 Large Boulder 1024 <2048 0 0 100 Very Large Boulder 2048 <4096 0 0 r Bedrock Be roc t ? Tml? - 1 50 IUO I 0 SilNClay Sands Gra rls Cobbles 1 Boulders Bedrock 50 10 I. 90 I 45 I I I i; I 80 I u; I 40 c 0 35 7 v d 60 I I I I I I • ( I N 30 t d 50 25 - c a 4 20 m F 0 30 20 l0 I 10 mi It 5 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Size (mm) -? % Cumulative (Finer Than) ¦ Number of Particles Size percent lev than .9 1.9 5 110 Percent by substrate type o Silt/Cla Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock 0 1 36 58 0 McCain Site Restoration Plan Existing Conditions ... Drainage Area s mi : 0.87 T ~ y- 4 _ -? ?? i14W ? 4, ? ? 4 w ? w v - i l 7 s -,fit o _ a ?',r ES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - River Basin: Lower Yadkin Watershed: UT to Back Creek XS ID XS-3 Riffle/Run Date: Aril 24, 2003 Field Crew: KN, DR, KB Station Rod Ht. Elevation 0 5.11 100.00 4 5.32 99.79 6.5 5.5 99.61 8 5.62 99.49 9.8 6 99.11 10.8 6.31 98.80 11.6 6.44 98.67 12.4 6.69 98.42 13 7.05 98.06 13.8 7.53 97.58 14.5 7.97 97.14 15 8.19 96.92 15.5 8.39 96.72 16.2 ?'s 62 96.49 .; j2 96.49 18.5 8.95 96.16 19.5 8.76 9635 19.8 8.63 96.48 19.9 8.37 96.74 20.3 7.91 97.20 21 6.25 98.86 21.2 5.1 100.01 21.5 4.86 100.25 22.5 4.82 100.29 25 4.81 1003 7 7 SUMMARY DATA Bankfull Elevation: 99.64 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area: 25.70 Bankfull Width: 14.63 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 103.12 Flood Prone Width: 125.00 Max Depth at Bankfull: 3.48 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 1.76 W / D Ratio: 83 Entrenchment Ratio: 8.54 Bank Height Ratio: 0.99 Slope tt/ft : 0.0014 Discharge cfs 61.44 Stream Type: D Profile 105 100.24 - D? XS3 0.34 le 2 0.2 Lower Yadkin River Basin, UT to Back Creek, XS-3 (Riffle/Run) 110 w 0100 --- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- W 95 Bankfull -Flood ProneArea 90 0 10 20 30 Station (feet) i • i • i McCain Site Restoration Plan Existing Conditions Stream: UT to Back Creek Location: Cross-section #3 ta 21+42) S Date: 4/MOO Particle 1ze ange mm ota Item o o um. Silt/Clay < , Very Fine Sand 0.062 < 0. 125 0 0 1 .b Fine Sand 0.125 < 0.25 12 24 40 13 Medium Sand 0.25 < 0.50 12 24 64 rn Coarse Sand 0.50 < 1.0 4 8 72 Very Coarse an 1 < 1 Very Fine rave < 3 6 80 Fine Gravel 4<6 2 4 84 Fine Gravel 6<8 2 4 88 Medium Gravel 8 < 11 5 10 98 Medium Gravel 11 < 16 0 0 98 c7 Coarse Gravel 16 < 22 1 2 100 Coarse Gravel 22 < 32 0 0 100 Very Coarse Gravel 32 < 45 0 0 100 Very Coarse rave 45 < 4 0 0 100 Small Cobble 64 < 90 0 100 n Medium Cobble 90 < 128 0 0 100 U Large Cobble 128 < 180 0 0 100 Very Large Cobble 180 < 256 0 0 100 Small Boulder 256 < 362 0 0 100 Small Boulder 362 < 512 0 0 100 Medium Boulder 512 < 1024 0 0 100 Large Boulder 1024 <2048 0 0 100 Very Large Boulder 2048 < 409 0 0 100 r Bedrock Bedrock sdecky Sands ? G-I Cobbles 1 Boulders ? Bedrock 100 50 90 i 4 5 so 40 70 Ii ( ! ! I 35 60 ' 30 4i I I III , ( ti 50 25 c z 40 I I'' 20 ° a U l l Z 30 15 I' I ¦ ¦ I I 20 10 10 I' i I _ I 5 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Size (mm) -? % Cumulative (Finer Than) ¦ Number of Particles Size percent less than (mm) i D16 D35 D50 D84 l 0 2 0.22 1 U.34 1 6 Percent O by substrate type o Silt/Cla Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock 16 1 58 26 0 0 McCain Site Restoration Plan Existing Conditions River Basin: Lower Yadkin Watershed: UT to Back Creek XS ID XS-4 Run/Pool Drainage Areas mi : 0.87 Date: Aril 24.2003 Field Crew: KN, DR, KB Station Rod Ht. Elevation 0 5.33 100.00 7 5.49 99.84 8.3 5.6 99.73 14 5.72 99.61 17 6 99.33 20.1 6.47 98.86 21.1 6.68 98.65 22.4 6.87 98.46 23.5 7.03 98.30 25.4 7.64 97.69 26.3 7.72 97.61 28 8.19 97.14 28.5 8.64 96.69 28.8 8.67 96.66 29 8.79 96.54 29.5 0 8.84 96.49 30 8.97 96.36 30.3 8.99 96.34 30.8 9.17 96.16 31.2 9.25 96.08 31.5 9.15 96.18 32.1 8.76 96.57 32.2 8.66 96.67 32.4 8.27 97.06 32.9 7.06 98.27 33.3 5.79 99.54 33.7 5.54 99.79 34.6 5.46 99.87 34.9 5.57 99.76 39 5.5 99.83 SUMMARY DATA Bankfull Elevation: 99.42 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area: 29.30 Bankfull Width: 19.41 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 102.76 Flood Prone Width: 125.00 Max Depth at Bankfull: 3.34 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 1.51 W / D Ratio: 12.9 Entrenchment Ratio: 6.44 Bank Height Ratio: 1.06 Slope ft/ft : 0.0025 Dischar a cfs 87.76 D, XS4 0.2 D Profile 2 0.2 Lower Yadkin River Basin, UT to Back Creek, XS4 (Run/Pool) 110 105 a 1 -------------------------------------------------- 100 - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ m W 95 - - Bankfull - - Flood Prone Area 90 0 10 20 30 40 Station (feet) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e e • e e e e McCain Site Restoration Plan Existing Conditions Stream: UT to Back Creek Location: Cross-section #4 Sta 22+85 Date: Particle Size Range mm ota Item o o um. S/C Silt/Clay < Very the Sand 0.062 < . 125 3 6 33' D Fine Sand 0.125 < 0.25 10 20 56 Medium Sand 0.25 < 0.50 10 20 76 r" Coarse Sand 0.50 < 1.0 10 20 96 Very Coarse Sand I < 2 2 ___T_ too Very Fine rave 2<4 0 0 100 Fine Gravel 4<6 0 0 100 Fine Gravel 6<8 0 0 100 Medium Gravel 8 < 11 0 0 100 Medium Gravel 11 < 16 0 0 100 Coarse Gravel 16 < 22 0 0 100 Coarse Gravel 22 < 32 0 0 100 Very Coarse Gravel 32 < 45 0 0 100 Very Coarse 6ravel 45 < Small Cobble 64 < 90 0 100 a Medium Cobble 90 < 128 0 0 100 V Lar e Cobble 128 < 180 0 0 100 Very are Cobble 180 < 256 0 0 Small Boulder 5 < 6 0 0 100 Small Boulder 362 < 512 0 0 100 ° Medium Boulder 512 < 1024 0 0 100 Large Boulder 1024 <2048 0 0 100 Very Large Boulder 2048 <4096 0 0 100 B(Irk Bedrock a roc -) u 100 100 S'IVClay Sands Grovels Cobbles Boulden Bedrock l00 I 50 90 I 45 80 40 I, a 70 I 35 I d 60 . 30 50 - 25 c z 40 j 20 V Z 0 3 I i 15 20 10 10 5 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Size (mm) -+-% Cumulative (Finer Than) ¦ Number of Particles Sze ercent 11 ess than mm D16 D35 D50 D84 D95 0.062 11 0. 5 .9 Percent by substrate type o Silt/Cla Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock 3U 1 70 0 0 • • • • • • • • Appendix D Stream Design Strategy McCain Site, Randolph Co In the layout of the relocated stream design, the natural stability of the planform was of great concern. The two natural ranges for Rc/Wbkf and PP/Wbkf were targeted. However it was only after the second design iteration that these values were attained. • The allocation of the stream drop across the proposed profile had to match the three general reach . gradients of the existing profile. After the first design iteration, it became obvious that there was going to be a hydraulic drop issue at the upstream gradient increase and a slope transition would be • required at the downstream reduction in stream gradient. Because of concerns over a reduction in bed roughness along the steeper portion of the relocated alignment, the Sriffle/Save ratio was kept • low and the Lriffle/Lpool ratio kept high. These two values are expected to adjust as the relocated channel sorts its bed over time. Also the Dpool/Dbkf ratio was held within a natural range, which • results in the WpooVWbkf ratio being very low and out of range. • • In cross section, the concern over the proposed channel bed roughness resulted to a reduction in both Dbkf and the W/D ratio. As a consequence the Abkf was higher and Vbkf lower than the target • values. . The combination of planform, profile and dimension adjustments met the design shear velocity target value, which is an indication that the channel would remain stable once it is taken away from • the valley walls and place back into an existing alluvial layer in the bottom of the valley. • At the upstream channel gradient transition, a hydraulic drop will result from the differences in the • stream channel W/D ratios. To remedy this drop and prevent a headcut from proceeding upstream, a flow constrictor was designed to manage the energy of this water surface drop. The flow . environment at the top of the project site is obviously energetic, such that a few step-pool structures - may be required at the property line in-lieu-of the first riffle-pool sequence. Tributaries where possible will be turned into the abandoned stream channel and connections • provided to link the abandoned channel to the proposed channel. This will retain the natural bottom • of the existing stream channel and provide even greater variety in rearing and refugia habitat. Where the exiting channel alignment and the proposed channel alignment crosses, the abandoned channel will be plugged at its upstream end and partially filled to prevent chute cutoffs from forming. There • will also be a couple of very good opportunities to create off-channel oxbow habitat. Where the . abandoned channel strikes the valley walls, a bench should be installed of soil such that vegetation can stabilize the exposed high banks. • • • • • • • • • • • The design spreadsheets are included on the following pages. - O-4 ),16$., ib9•cYLmtl M•n9. M%rpe Ma•pe ber•9e by.as.a. ow,n oolp? PdM 31•tlarl R••d1 Rs•a? RMa Flwb Bed IOM Pad Myb•u4 Iryd•Jk Gr•O• C0%v%I .•6 Told RMb Tda Pod Clrmsl 1Hquptla M%r•8• R$.• pad Sutlon 0.81b 0.tl0p Ree• Pod PaY• Paa1 Pod F1ol Dw18n NDq %Td [bdp n pwgn T T la Ebvaean V 4 LIM EbMNYI Ebvaldl Le O Ls l 3 Sb S FI L F L B N1 PP]I M PPMt Lm q LOVMq R. Ra02q N) 101 101 (01 101 101 Inml OMI ml (01 011 011 101 I0m1 IMII ONO 101 (•1 In) 1.1 (0) 1 (0) (0) (Ip In) IBI % 11U 1000.00 3i 3 3.]0 11319 11215 85.. I. 0.009p OOOfi)fi O.W2BW 1000.00 3]10JJ3 95. 13]1 130.8] 1908 1.8 t BOA .30 1.- rpll• 16.19 26.]9 0NO., 0 PL 1o1..A pool 19.n 000 2 0.00288- .1. .3.w U^PERBIM120RREALM l.1. n o 0 0 1 >0 10] PT 1036.07 2 515.5] 513.53 10N07 0 0 YAI• To. 70.88 0.006].] Vduy Ln9111, x15.11 0 PL 1106.96 2 515.05 .305 9vw9PH: 1.165 110890 0 0 IT pool 1152 ..1 45.M ON x 000289- SH.92 .292 0 L1981 D 1 0 E 1.91 mn• es..1 .SOl oO- 0 PL t-02 4]]2 2 SN.N .2.31 12b BT 0 0 1 35 1.. c M1a .22 2 .x20 IT 1x05. MA• 108 11 108 11 1.3 o OtOM] .x.20 M33Y 293AB JS B] 15 OWW57 0.01.17 00052 .0 1% I_ .2% 1285 1 88.218 129% 0 6 58.858.8x 0 117% '.1]1 ?BI?Tv 2 .432102 ?? 1N% 3 1126 PL 13".05 . . 1.] . .23> .1.0) . 139106 0 0 IT pd8 -OT Mat 0.00 1 3 0.005A8 .2 11 .0 . 118101E 114IOR REACH 0 113801 1 0 80 2. 968] 98.6] . 00-7 . . V•gL?g10'. $1219 1 O PC 15N. 1.3 .1.11 6]8..1 9oluulry'. 11111 153.. 0 0 pod 1-.11 o00 o.- o 1 B0 2. IT 158855 13 -0.S 99w 1588.55 0 0 0Re 8015 BOAS OOl-, o Pc 16)].00 1.3 Sw.91 538.61 181].00 0 IT pod 1186.11 99.11 o. T9 )0. 1 3 0.005A9 O O ] 533 N S 8.11 0 1>m.1. 0 1 90 2.. PC t.5n MB• .. 13 . tON SN Bt 53].31 1 INS.A 0 0 0 IT pool 11nAB 30.11 000 1 3 0.005206 9825 5 17 15 0 18)BA9 0 1 0 w 208 PC MM 1.101 .5.12 85.32 . 1 3 6910.1 . . 97 7T 538 1 0 8000 000 . 000520. . 1 1.101 0 0 0 9 2,08 I. MIl• 13]1 p11 0.00]805 1 1.1 580% M.0% 1A% 11% 1. 1 1 e0% 0 93% 1 1 9B% PC x005.32 IT 9700 95N 2085.52 0 0 pad .01 ON 6.O.TA Tr•mutlon 0 1 p 2.00 IT xf 195$ 1] SNT] 5150) 2119.w 0 0 MM )O.w TO. 0.001885 Vdby LedPe: 135.x$ 0 Pc 2190.15 IT SN 31 531..51 99wwry: 1218 2tp.15 0 0 pad 33$1 000 00.216 0 1 35 1.15 IT 21A 98 Mee 81 11 83 71 1) 000]9.5 5380] SN.31 2223.88 0 0 0 PC xxeTe/ . . 'T SJS.. 5]3.08 AB741 0 0 IT pod x310]0 9eJ 000 IT 000122. 635." 93.. 0 23p J0 0 0 ]6 1.15 PC • 210]." . W ..N IT 0.00]985 SN Bt 533.11 1 NOT" 0 0 0 pad 3301 000 00.22$ 0 35 1.15 PT 2"0.21 e 52 05 5105 13 000]$85 SN 61 532.8) x11o.n 0 o o PL N92.3x . 1.1 531.x5 92.55 x182.32 0 0 59p 000 OW13A 0 1 p 200 IT 2551.]8 533 2 92.00 532. 121 9J. Ap 00511] 0.008]86 0002]5 355118 0 B fib. IS 0 S1.B.A t 36.31 236 16.86 tB t % B t 1 .5 13,13 M • T6N Te.3- OOO.J. 69.8% pA% 132% .% 1 91% 0 103% w% PC 2810.11 2 533 AJ 91A] A30.1I 0 0 pod 18,19 000 0002]5] 0 1 65 BOB IT 26n.N MM 82 A bIA T 00067. 533.31 9131 l0%ER YAIOR REACN An.N 0 0 K 3)$0.65 , : 532.n 530.]9 V n elwgN Jn&1 T)p.85 0 0 pod 15.82 000 O.OOn. s11uuIH: 1232 o 1 p 2TT IT 2808.5) ]Sla . . bB N 2 0008)86 532.8.5 90.85 x$08.5] 0 0 0 PC AIM . . 2 531.A SJO.A 2913.11 0 0 pod 1881 Op OOO2751 o 1 IS 2.50 IT Awn 2 91 p SA A ASO.n 0 0 MA• 11.87 77,67 0.006]88 o PL 302799 pod ]].JI 000 T 0002is) SatM 6A.b 30P BB 0 0 0 1 35 t9I IT 3081 8] MAa 80 80 p A 2 0008186 91,37 5A3] -11 0 1 0 0 PC 31n.10 . . 2 SJO.BB 9889 31u.19 o 0 pod 929 000 0002151 0 1 35 tw IT 31n.2e mn. w to 9 10 2 0aa67ee 530.. 52981 31)..A 0 1 0 B Pc 32N.N . . z 530.12 6xe.I2 32N.N o 0 IT pm a11e.6J ..19 ON z 0m2757 s3o.16 ss6ae o 9m s] 0 1 0 ss 3. n9• .ez ee a2 oooe]w 1 0 PL 3N] w 2 SA n 63112 3w]A 0 0 pad few ao9 oao2757 a 1 35 1.N IT NO5.9. MN 395] 38.9 2 0000]88 MIT 9)81 NOSH 0 1 0 0 P "1555 521 10 2 _.... 52]p ' N4555 - 1a 5721=13 " Ti7555 16M C-48 58.1% 21 21 "8 11. .14 •pe: 218 vllry L•np0: 1950.81 . Taul suluo•.y. 1.YA Aw. R••d 1-y 1.201302 susl..m Ia131 MRq R.q A.erpe Vrv.. Y,01 0038 b F..pen B3 rnxn Nw ndngl 0038 bX..e.n B3pwn Hw oolow) rr , iJ A ?I A gnx sww oam]eI Dmu 2 A 10 R aoI 1.23 Drw 1000 Wdo n nx N.b n 1.011x11 R 1.12 DmMin 21.1 Rx e-0e 1 M 1.918911 A 1.52 Dn.YRh xs.ls Aaq tAt OxWeh b awwox b. .q0h 11012- 1p. 3.ex veq 98.).1505 d. 95.0]SBD d. t2B0W t w3 Saw WgWdd 35 DxwDOFI 1 1 b) t tat) Wol69Y.1 i b Dm.uDW 1 ]e DmumYq . -mu O.w2M8 IY.R12 . nnv 0.BUN1 lMlt . . rVr Om12B M 0 1011118 5 3 ml. Sh..r Vr o6BO155M 0.1012.119 m1 1.x01{ mh Pod Pool x.12 DOOd xt.m Wpool iry'. 0050 b pod q..a. mND'. o Om0 bqW Sn.a. 0.005308 x.31 A i 2w OwoSDbq O.IA1 Dpod 3 a n 210 OpaoYDYFI ]B. Mod DpmADYq 1. x1 n ±. wwdmNq p.d m R 1.11 wpwvwXa t.m wwwvu9 m.BB AZ 1.M Ap- 38.5 nt 1.81 Al-A 1.53 MooRAW 21.91 A 1 A36811 A 21.10 1 1..3221 R dy 2)1]5x5 b. 0X5812 d. rwh 2.ase52 1w .03111 d. 2.m Vwd mVpmWEq npb d?xM Gogh M p?wi mlb tNnM 0o x r ? tl?.xi.l ? I tnl 13 0 t3 0 lXl IXI 0 0 X 10 0 0 as a.33 a -1 s s rluw -1.3 0 - .2x -10 M o 3 o 2. .52 -0 3 11 0 -12 0 -D 0 -10 0 1 lFl N lX) r 134 0 10 -1.2 S 2 r YM 0 -1.9 -1x1 a X1 Olnln 131 0 t0.s d] 5 Z 0 -tzJ o.sn Yxfx On QnM.OYxu 1g1.nn 0.9 M 000 2a 180 10x1 V ] w9 LAW; WWrxd.gh o hetlrwb6egh 2.Om b LxpW Wwn mepri.rM 3 8 R..O rX..SMw1.pM . xpx L.pN qul Raw 02. ]2M W.+ me0r a0B LxpW 11..1 Ipwllo? 21.500 r Awrx eagh O.Im Y.)e] awlfv.0 ?txyn Fe.1 z1.5. rsa xrx a,pm 0.2. qul bw ]Bwl Flex m.u1 rSL46.:dai.Wnd 1xx, -. wag ?? N n: 003n OOm168 z n 1a n bRop.n W Wwm Nw M Vogcly 25.5 M 1e.)s t.m A 3.818918 M 1.11 dw.IRh 13oq t..emt 14 )1 WX9?bq 12 Dqd SMx+?m 6Aev V. n . O.eMwt OM1 I 018010 N1 . 1.11 Pwg00q 0.1013]8)8 M. q.xiY4 Pod 0.050 bpml b.... Sbw 0..215] _ Dppol 3.33 A 2J5 ovooenelo wwd n . vn wwwweq Rn 4 1 A 1031 It9N p 1,8] Mm9ArC V-y 2118895 b OYq 1..2811 W rXM W ^ ? W cxMr bi Inl IXI 9 0 8 . -1.5 2 -0 .1.5 -0 0 X t0 0 -2: 35 1 d Z -to 0 M.nninDl 0099 bRw9.n BJ.Imm type e .Mpww D... ?a n WLI 20 X 2X1 M x08. A M 123895. A 1.32 Dmonin Vgodly 0w831a Iw Ceq 1..J088 4. 15.83 WMWd! OW 1.280 D.AD 1.77 DnI.riDW SIm,Vq 016021 M 0.201302)92 M. ]bd ndn0'. oos bppXlla.e. 5'Yy. 0.1328 Dpod 2R 2.11 Dpm4Dd9 Wwd 30 A 1.. wpmVWDq An. .12 n3 1.43 Mw6Ad1 11.3 1 Po 1.231588 A Vegdly x.11Y2111w 0811 100.5508 d. N.x.r1 ? tlunr4 6.qn mcnr 'IMI 1X1 •1X1^ (XI t0 0 10 0 e 1: se ae urM W 0 -1.2 0 -2.1m J -1.2 -01 -17 m o -19 0 Appendix E McCain Site, Randolph Co From the survey of the two reference reach locations, the following geometry and flow conditions were calculated. The site location information of these two reference reaches follows: Stream UTBC US of McCain Site Reach Reference Reach Station 0+00 to 7+12 Location Descri don Composite - 2 Riffle XS and 3 Pool XS Stream Type - Wbld ft 10.4 16.1 13.3 Dbkf ft 0.90 1.20 1.05 Abkf ft 12.5 14.4 13.5 Wbkf/Dbkf /D fUft 11.6 13.4 12.6 Dmax ft 1.40 1.70 1.55 a Wf ft 150.0 150.0 150.0 Wf a/Wbkf (ER) (M) 1 14.4 9.3 11.3 U) Save ft/ft 0.0068 0.0072 0.0070 K 1.70 1.70 D50 mm D84 mm Vbkf fUsec 4.4 5.0 4.7 Qbkf cfs 63.1 63.2 63.2 Wbkf ft 10.4 16.1 13.3 Dbkf ft 0.90 1.20 1.05 Abld s ft) 12.5 14.4 13.5 Dmax ft 1.40 1.70 1.55 w Wf a ft 150.0 150.0 150.0 u Dtob ft 2.2 3.6 2.9 _ LL Vbkf ft/sec 4.4 5.0 4.7 p Qbkf (cfs) 63.1 63.2 63.2 Wbkf/Dbkf (W/D ft/ft 11.6 13.4 12.6 Uj o Dmax/Dbkf fUft 1.56 1.42 1.48 o DtobfDmax ff/ft 1.57 2.12 1.87 ft/ft) 14.4 9.3 11.3 W pool ft 10.1 16.0 14.0 D pool ft 1.80 2.50 2.17 J Apool (sq ft) 10.4 19.3 15.9 a c WpooUYWM ft/ft 0.97 0.99 1.06 ? Dpool/Dbkf- ft/ft 2.00 2.08 2.07 CE I APOOUADKT ft2fft2 0.81 1.11 1.04 Lm ft 70.0 120.0 97.5 z Re ft 14.5 25.9 18.6 w Wblt ft 135.0 135.0 K 1.70 1.70 LmNYbkf ft/ft 6.73 7.45 7.36 RrlWbkf ft/ft 1.39 1.61 1.41 (ft/ft) 12.98 10.19 Sval ft/ft 0.0070 0.0075 0.0073 Save fUft 0.0068 0.0072 0.0070 Sriffle fUft 0.0100 0.0410 0.0199 Spool ft/ft 0.0000 0.0013 0.0003 Lriffle ft 9.0 108.0 40.7 J LL L pool ft 31.0 108.0 53.4 0 P to P (ft) 43.5 181.0 80.3 CL Sriffle/Save ftlft 2.8429 q Spool/Save fUft 0.0000 0.1806 0.0429 LrifflefWbkf fVft) 0.87 6.71 3.07 `? LpooUWbkf ft/ft 2.98 6.71 4.03 to fUft) 4.18 11.24 6.06 U) D50-reach mm 23 54 39 Q D84-reach mm 84 114 99 D50-riffle (mm) F D84-riffle mm a D50-pool mm D84-pool (mm) Richland Creek Reference Ramble/Min Mar M- 14.8 27.1 21.0 0.80 1.50 1.15 21.2 22.3 21.8 18.5 18.1 18.2 1.90 2.00 1.95 200.0 200.0 200.0 13.5 7.4 9.5 0.0120 0.0120 1.46 1.46 70.0 168.0 5.8 6.8 6.3 122.6 151.4 137.0 14.8 27.1 21.0 0.80 1.50 1.15 21.2 22.3 21.8 1.90 2.00 1.95 200.0 200.0 200.0 3.4 3.7 3.6 5.8 6.8 6.3 122.6 151.4 137.0 18.5 18.1 18.2 2.38 1.33 1.70 1.79 1.85 1.82 13.5 7.4 9.5 15.2 3.10 36.5 0.73 2.09 1.70 148.0 108.0 128.0 16.3 26.8 22.8 75.0 75.0 1.46 1.46 10.00 3.99 6.11 1.10 0.99 1.09 5.07 3.58 0.0126 0.0126 0.0120 0.0120 0.0030 0.0756 0.0289 0.0009 0.0074 0.0027 16.0 103.0 46.0 28.0 89.0 47.6 38.0 147.0 92.3 2.4122 0.0758 0.2290 1.08 3.80 2.20 1.89 3.28 2.27 2.57 5.42 4.40 70 168 79 155 60 181 2 Memorandum Re: McCain Mitigation Site Reference Reaches Date: May 21, 2004 Introduction/Overview As part of the Mitigation Planning effort for the McCain Site in Randolph County, North Carolina, a suitable reference reach was needed to develop dimensionless geomorphic ratios for use in the stream restoration design. The selection criteria included a stable reach occurring under similar hydrophysiographic, landform, and watershed land use conditions. The project site occurs in rolling to hilly terrain of the Carolina Slate Belt ecoregion of the Piedmont physiographic province. The project stream runs through a gently sloping valley (average slope of approximately 0.8%) with alternating toe slopes. The project watershed is a small (0.88 square miles), primarily forested watershed with a small percentage of agriculture, pasture, and rural, low-density residential land uses. A reference reach with similar site and watershed conditions was desired. It was determined that the restored stream will contain sections of two Rosgen stream types - "C3" and "C4." The NCDOT reference reach database was used to select potential reference reaches with similar stream type and slope. The database did not contain any Rosgen "C3" type steams in the piedmont physiographic province, however four potential "C4" reference reaches were visited to determine their use for this project. The reaches are listed below: - UT to South Fork Cane Creek, Chatham County - Morgan Creek, Orange County - Spencer Branch, Montgomery County - Richland Creek, Moore County Richland Creek was selected as a reference reach for the McCain Site. In addition, a second suitable reference reach site was located on the project stream (UT to Back Creek), immediately upstream of the project site. Each reference reach is described below with the location, description, and surveyed data. i i Stream UTBC US of McCain Site Reach Reference Reach Station 0+00 to 7+12 Location _ Description om site - 2 Riffle XS and 3 Pool Sample/Min Max Mean Wbkf (ft) Dbkf (ft) Abkf s ft Dmax ft w Wf a ft LL Dtob ft Vbkf ft/sec p Dbkf (cfs) H z Wbkf/DbM W/D Twit) G DmaxlObkf ftm Dtob/Dmax ftmt Wfpa/Wbkf (ER) fdft W pool (fl) O pool (ft) p Apool i!2-ft) /Wbkf F IiDbM Apod/Abkf Wft) ft2flt2 Lm (ft) I Rc ft C Wblt ft K IL o LMWbkf- tut F RdWbkf ' WbIU_ Wbkf ON fl/ft Sval ft/ft Save ft ft Sr'rffle ft/ft Spool ft/ft J Lrifne ft u L pool ft D cc P to P (ft) a Sri81e/Save v ltlft -. c USave ft/ft LritOelWbkf mm) IMlbkf fvft ;. P to PMIbM ft/ft D50-reach mm rn ach mm -y iffle mm f iffle K mm 2 mm D84-pDol (mm) 10.4 16.1 133 0.9 1.2 1.1 12.5 14.4 13.5 1.4 1.7 1.6 150.0 150.0 150.0 2.2 3.6 2.9 4.7 63.2 11.6 13.4 1216 1.6 1.4 1.5 1.6 2.1 1.9 14.4 - 9.3 11.3 10.1 16.0 14.0 1.0 1.5 1.3 1064 19.3 15.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.2 0.8 1.1 1.0 70.0 120.0 97.5 14.5 25.9 18.6 135.0 135.0 1.7 1.7 6.7 7.5 7.4 1.4 1.6 1.4 13.0 10.2 0.0070 0.0075 0.0073 040068 0.0072 0.0070 0.0100 0.0410 0.0199 0.0000 0.0013 0.0003 9.0 108.0 40.7 31.0 10810 53.4 43.5 181.0 80.3 2.8429 040000 0.1806 0.0429 0.9 6.7 3.1 3.0 6.7 4.0 4.2 11.2 6.1 23 54 39 84 114 99 Curve (8-32) 95% Confidence Interve 45-67 (22-200) 95% Confidence Interve 14.8 27.1 21.0 0.8 1.5 1.2 21.2 22.3 21.8 1.9 2.0 2.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 3.4 3.7 3.6 5.8 6.8 6.3 122.6 151.4 137.0 18.5 18.1 18.2 2.4 1.3 1.7 1.8- 1.9 1.8 13.5 7.4 9.5 15.2 2.4 3.1 0.7 2.1 0.7 148.0 108.0 128.0 16.3 26.8 22.8 75.0 75.0 1.5 1.5 10.0 4.0 6.1 1.1 1.0 1.1 5.1 3.6 0.0126 0.0126 - 0.0120 0.0120 0.0030 0.0756 0.0289 0.0009 0.0074 0.0027 16.0 103.0 46.0 28.0 89.0 47.6 38.0 147.0 92.3 2.4122 0.0758 0.2290 1.1 3.8 22 1.9 3.3 2.3 -'2.6- 5.4 4.4 70 168 79 155 60 181 Curve 18.8 1.1 Curve 20.0-20.5 21.0 19.7-20.2 (10-00)95% (1040)95% Confidence Interval 2.0 Confidence Interval 4.8 61-85 100.0 59-84 (28-250) 95% (28-250) 95% Confidence Interval 17.0 oxfiden-c-e-fn-t-eiva-ll 1.6 28.2 2.2-2.75 62-78 .- - 1.5 -- ^ ^ 2.0-2.5 -- Richland Creek Desi n Reference Ratios 133c Unknown rC4 WAKE US of Project Reach SF Cane Creek RA OLPH Unknown OWAN _ CHATHAM Spencer Creek LEE C4/E4 1.3% STANLY Richland Creek MONTGOMER C4 1.3% L MOORE HARNETT PION CUMBERLAND UT to Back Creek (UTBC), Randolph County The UTBC reference site is located in Randolph County, northwest of the City of Asheboro. The reference reach is located off of Lake Lucas Road, upstream of the McCain property on a parcel owned by Mr. Ray Thomas of Climax, NC. This 712-foot reach is a moderate to high sinuosity channel within a mature forested tract. UTBC, through the reference reach, has an average slope of 0.7% and was classified as a Rosgen "E4/C4" stream type. Maps showing the vicinity and site, as well as the reference reach survey summary is shown on the following pages. The UT to Back Creek reference reach is located northwest of Asheboro in Randolph County. The 712-foot reach is located upstream of the project site. W • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • r ? ? ??l E C1 OGS Quad map showing the UTBC reference reach drainage area. UT to Back Creek, cross-section 3, riffle, looking downstream UT to Back Creek, cross-section 4, pool, looking downstream v UT to Back Creek, cross-section 5, pool, looking downstream i i i i 98 97.5 97 96.5 a 96 > 95.5 m W 95 94.5 94 93.5 XS 1 Riffle UTBC 0 10 20 30 40 50 Width from River Left to Right (ft) Riffle stream: 't = location: description: height of instrument (ft): ? of bank (ft) slo -. a7.4 i 96.47 95 93.99 93.85 94.13 94.47 94.77 95.72 97.4 97.59 97.34 96.95 96.58 97.52 97.36 97.43 I.W. 60 dimensions 12.5 x-section area 1.2 d mean 10.4 width 12.7 wet P 1.7 d max 1.0 h yd radi 3.6 bank ht 8.7 w/d ratio 150.0 W flood prone area 14.4 ent ratio hydraulics 5.0 velocity ft/sec 63.1 discharge rate, Q (cfs) 0.89 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.68 shear velocity ft/sec 5.433 unit stream power (lbs/ft/sec) 0.66 Froude number 7.5 friction factor u/u' 57.3 threshold rain size mm check from channel material measured D84 mm 0.0 relative roughness 0.6 fric. factor 0.000 Mannin 's n from channel material i 98 97 96 c 95 a? w 94 93 92 XS 2 Pool UTBC I 0 5 10 15 location: description: height of instrument (ft): omit distance FS notes ot. (ft) (ft) ankfull top of bank s 4 T_' 94.15 95.45 dimensions 10.4 x-section area 1.0 d mean 10.1 width 11.2 wet P 1.8 d max 0.9 hyd radi 3.1 bank ht hydraulics 0.03 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.12 shear velocity ft/sec 0.000 unit stream power (lbs/ft/sec) 2.3 threshold rain size mm 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Width from River Left to Right (ft) • • • • • w • • • • • • • • • • • • • w • • • • • w • • • • • • • • • • • • • • XS 3 Riffle UTBC 98 97 96 c 95 76 w 94 93 92 0 0 10 20 30 40 Width from River Left to Right (ft) stream: location: description: of instrument (ft): 3nce I FS 50 60 70 slope M) I "n" 94.75 94.32 93.13 93.44 95.47 95.41 95.22 ankfull top of be 94.3 95.16 dimensions 14.4 x-section area 0.9 d mean 16.1 width 18.0 wet P 1.4 d max 0.8 h d radi 2.2 bank ht 17.9 w/d ratio 150.0 W flood prone area 9.3 ent ratio 94.36 93.23 92.94 93.22 93.35 93.4 94.03 94.24 94.73 95.16 94.85 95.12 J hydraulics 4.4 velocity ft/sec) 63.2 discharge rate, Q (cfs) 0.72 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.61 shear velocity ft/sec 3.534 unit stream power (lbs/ft/sec) 0.67 Froude number 7.2 friction factor u/u* 45.9 threshold rain size mm 96.1 measured D84 mm 96.55 1 0.0 relative roughness 0.0 Eric. factor 96.3 0.000 Mannin 's n from channel material 99 98 97 i 0 96 95 w 94 93 92 XS 4 Pool UTBC 0 10 20 30 40 Width from River Left to Right (ft) secuur" Po o! stream: _ location: description: height of instrument (ft) = F notes omit distance pt. (ft) FS (ft) elevation FS bankfull FS top of ban _ _ x 98.67 _: 98.15 95.14 96.03 • : t 96.17 96.03 95.48 94 93.15 92.94 94.68 95.14 95.17 95.03 96.37 96.36 96.21 50 60 dimensions 19.3 x-section area 1.5 d mean 13.0 width 15.5 wet P 2.2 d max 1.2 h yd radi 3.1 bank ht hydraulics 0.04 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.14 shear velocity ft/sec 0.000 unit stream power (lbs/ft/sec) 3.0 threshold rain size mm 96 95.5 95 94.5 94 -° 93.5 i4 93 W 92.5 92 91.5 91 XS 5 Pool UTBC 0 10 20 30 40 Width from River Left to Right (ft) description: height of instrument (ft): = notes omit pt. distance (ft) FS (ft) elevation _ 95.08 ? 95.16 95.03 ? 93.5 92.5 ? 91.5 ? 92.18 ? 92.43 I ] 92.85 ? 94.04 ? 94.14 ? 95.14 1 95.31 ? = 95.31 ^ ? 95.20 n 50 60 dimensions 18.0 x-section area 1.4 d mean 13.0 width 15.0 wet P 2.5 d max 1.2 h yd radi 3.5 bank ht hydraulics 0.00 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.00 shear velocity ft/sec 0.000 unit stream power (lbs/ft/sec) 9 9 threshold rain size mm PONINUCHMI Pm ft . H Phift Stream: UT fo Back Creek Location: US f Project Sit. Date: WONEWYMMOM Bxck Creek UT to Back Creek 100 98 ++ 96 XXX X)?0( X X 94 =- .. r X _ _ ?_ X XX jKX I { } _ g2 w X X qp 88 i 86 0 84 n 200 400 600 B00 1000 1200 l:i hNa -r 5H < BKF LTO3 Vis i-nB ?s :Elevation BM cross BS HI FS FS depth FS FS FS FS AZ ELEV ELEV ELEV ELEV ELEV ELEV notes sect?o? stal..,n - 100 TP 6ed water - - az?-th bed water sr( WS BKF LTOB RTOB 100 94.79 94.97 97 1, - - 100 94.25 94.52 95.66 97,68 100 93.69 94 47 -- 100 - - - 100 94.14 94.42 95.19 97.51 97.35 100 94.04 94 35 95.36 97.12 96.75 100 100 93.85 94.17 95.19 96 89 96.77 '0057 '00 57 100.57 93 51 93 08 93 76 93.76 94 44 94.63 96 19 96.26 9617 96.22 100.57 93 94.59 100.57 100.57 92.96 92.92 93.76 94.72 94.76 96.02 96.37 100.57 92.8 93.75 95.68 96.18 100.57 99.32 _ _ 99.32 99.32 93.33 92.85 93 71 93.07 94.65 94.26 95071 95.14 95 46 95.23 = 99 32 92.88 93 07 93.85 99.32 92.8 9289 9187 94.98 95.01 99.32 92.55 92.74 93.67 - 99.32 92.26 92.67 93.62 94.54 94 48 - - - - 99.32 92.33 92.51 93.61 94.6 94.38 - - - - 99.32 91.66 92.16 - - 99.32 91.41 92.16 93.04 99.32 - 91.92 92.16 92.96 93.94 94.43 99 32 9745 97,45 ----- 91.04 91.35 97.45 97.45 90.43 90.02 91 34 92.71 93.73 --- -- 9745- 91.1 91.33 92.93 9397 97.45 90.65 92.47 93.34 93.85 9745 90.39 91.32 92.59 9348 93.82 9745 9 91.31 93.28 9367 97 45 90.82 --- 97.45 90.81 97.45 90.78 97.45 90.66 9337 97.45 1 982 -i 98.2 98.2 1 _ 89.95 90.7 91 .6 9 91.93 93.49 93 48 98.2 69.7 90.7 92.24 93.23 93.34 98 2 6 90.7 92.13 93.49 93.42 _ 98.2 90.7 98.2 90.49 98.2 98.2 90.48 90.48 92.57 92.72 92.15 98.2 90.13 98.2 90.13 91.16 92.35 92 35 98.2 91.29 92.13 92.77 98.2- - -- ------ ---- 90.13 98.2 - - -- 7H3 85.53 - El 98.39 1 t very fine sand 0.062 fine sand 0.13 medium sand 0.25 coarse sand 0.5 very coarse sand 1 very fine gravel 2 fine gravel 4 fine gravel 6 medium gravel 8 medium gravel 11 coarse gravel 16 coarse gravel 22 very coarse gravel 32 very coarse ravel 45 small cobble 64 medium cobble 90 large cobble 128 very large cobble 180 small boulder 256 small boulder 362 medium boulder 512 large boulder 1024 clay 0.13 0.25 0.5 1 # 2 100% 4 1 90% 6 3 # 8 1 80% 11 8 c 16 7 # 70% 22 7 c 60% 32 2 45 13 v 50% 64 10 0 40% 90 15 128 18 30% 180 5 256 4 20% 362 10% 512 1024 0% Profile Note: Comp to 1+32 - 70% Riffle; 30% Pool Pebble Count. UTBC 20 18 16 14 =3 C 12 Q (D 10 ° 8 m 6 N 4 2 0 2048 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 4096 particle size (mm) tcle count: 94 M--cumulative % # of particles 6 based on size percent less than (mm) particle size distribution sediment D16 D35 D50 D65 D84 D95 gradation geo mean std dev articles only 12.269 35.45 53.7 79 114 172 3.2 37.4 3.0 based on percent by substrate type total count: 100 total count silt/clay sand gravel cobble boulder bedrock hardpan wood/det artificial 0% 0% 52% 42% 0% 6% 0% 0% 0% •••?••••••••••••••••••••iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii••1 Pebble Count of Channel Reach Pebble Count, Material Size Range (mm) Count UTBC silt/clay 0 0.062 1 very fine sand 0.062 0.13 Profile Station 1+92 to 7+12 fine sand 0.13 0.25 Note: Composite Sample - 50% Riffle; 50% Pool medium sand 0.25 0.5 coarse sand 0.5 1 Pebble Count, UTBC very coarse sand 1 2 100°/° 16 very fine gravel 2 4 90% 14 fine gravel 4 6 3 fine gravel 6 8 5 80% medium gravel 8 11 14 co ° _ 12 medium gravel 11 16 12 70 /o :S c- coarse giuvel 16 22 13 # 60°jo 10 Q coarse gravel 22 32 8 ` m very coarse gr, vel 32 45 9 a 50% ---- - 8 very coarse r :I 45 64 10 m ° small coL-,e 64 90 9 n 40% - 6 medium cobble 90 128 8 30% large cobble 128 180 4 1 4 very large cobble 180 256 2 20% -- small boulder 256 362 10% 2 small boulder 362 512 medium boulder 512 1024 0% - - 0 large boulder 1024 2048 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 very large boulder 2048 4096 particle size (mm) total particle count: 98 ?CUmulative % # of particles bedrock 2 based on size percent less than (mm) particle size distribution clay hardpan sediment D16 D35 D50 D65 D84 D95 gradation geo mean std dev detritus/wood articles only 9.313 15.65 23.1 43 84 141 3.1 28.0 3.0 artificial based on percent by substrate type total count: 100 total count silt/clay sand gravel cobble boulder bedrock hardpan wood/det artificial 1% 0% 74% 23% 0% 2% 0% 0% 0% i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ti t r - C? b .t ?i 1 r? a Richland Creek, Moore County The Richland Creek reference reach is located in Moore County, west of the town of Carthage and upstream (west) of Mount Carmel Road on the Occoneechee Scout Reservation. This 525-foot reach is a moderate sinuosity channel occurring within a late- stage successional forested tract. Richland Creek, through the reference reach, has an average slope of 1.2% and was classified as a Rosgen "C3/C4" stream type. Maps showing the vicinity and site, as well as the reference reach survey summary is shown on the following pages. The Richland Creek reference reach is west of Carthage in Moore County. `fy ?S4sl-4?#?Y The 525-foot reach is located upstream of Mount Carmel Road in a forested tract on the Occoneechee Scout Reservation. USGS Quad map showing the Richland Creek reference reach drainage area. Richland Creek, cross-section 1, riffle, looking downstream Richland Creek, cross-section 2, pool, looking downstream Richland Creek, cross-section 3, riffle, looking downstream XS 1 Riffle Richland Creek 101 100.5 100 99.5 99 0 98.5 > 98 w 97.5 97 96.5 96 95.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 Width from River Left to Right (ft) 60 70 80 Riffle stream: ' location: description: ' height of instrument (ft): omit distance FS FS FS W fpa channel Manning S notes t. (ft) ft) elevation Lbankfull to of bank ft sloe (%) I "n" LBKP 0 1 1.75 100.45 4.23 2.46 200.0 2.69 0.035 • : 100.01 97:-97 99.74 14 3.54 98.66 98.44 98.47 97.69 97 96.05 96.25 dimensions 21.2 x-section area 0.8 d mean 27.1 width 28.1 wet P 1.9 d max 0.8 h yd radi 3.7 bank ht 34.5 w/d ratio 200.0 W flood prone area 7.4 ent ratio hydraulics 5.8 velocity ft/sec 122.6 dischar a rate, Q cfs 1.27 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.81 shear velocity ft/sec 7.598 unit stream power (lbs/fUsec) 1.32 Froude number 7.1 friction factor u/u* 115.0 threshold rain size mm 98.33 98.48 check from channel material 99.74 measured D84 mm 99.82 0.0 relative roughness 0.0 fric. factor 0.000 Mannin 's n from channel material 96.45 96.58 96.59 96.55 97.08 97.47 97.97 97.84 97.97 96.42 XS 2 Pool Richland Creek 101 100 99 98 97 w 96 95 94 i 93 0 10 20 30 40 50 Width from River Left to Right (ft) 60 70 80 section: " Pool stream: - • location: i description: height of instrument ft: omit distance FS FS FS channel notes t. [ft) ft) elevation bankfull top of bank slo e % 5.44 4.27 ' Terrace 0 0 2.59 99.61 6 2.75 - 99.45 96776 97.93- - - 99.06 12 3.14 98.96 98.06 96.61 95.61 94.61 94.07 dimensions 35.6 x-section area 2.4 d mean 15.2 width 19.1 wet P 3.1 d max 1.9 h yd radi 4.3 bank ht &.4 .,'d 40 0-0 93.67 94.15 95.36 96.76 97.25 97.93 97.56 97.38 97.65 98.62 hydraulics 0.0 99 0.10 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.23 shear velocity ft/sec 0.000 unit stream power (lbs/ft/sec) 0-.-G 6.8 threshold rain size mm 99.72 - _ (?8 8-9 fr(? . fr.ricr i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ¦ i ¦ i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 101 100 99 98 c 97 0 96 W 95 94 93 92 91 XS 3 Riffle Richland Creek 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Width from River Left to Right (ft) section: Riffle stream: - location: description: height of instrument ft: omit distance FS ;FS F; notes pt. ft) (ft elevation baull to of 96.51 T-- - 4T 71113 01 0R - -. 01 01 or 96.06 94.53 94.09 93.91 93.21 92.03 92.06 91.95 92.16 92.35 93.19 94.59 95.34 95.99 96.29 97.11 100.38 70 80 90 «n» dimensions 22.3 x-section area 1.5 d mean 14.8 width 16.6 wet P 2.0 d max 1.3 h yd radi 3.4 bank ht 9.8 w/d ratio 150.0 W flood prone area 10.1 ent ratio hydraulics 6.8 velocity fUsec 151.4 discharge rate, Q cfs 1.45 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.86 shear velocity fUsec 11.053 unit stream power (lbs/fUsec) 0.95 Froude number 7.9 friction factor u/u* 449:8 threshold rain size mm check from channel material measured D84 mm 0relative rou hness 00 fric. factor Mannin 's n from channel material Richland Creek IU4 102 I f 100 t - I I I 98 - a X X 96 X x yp X + } w •-' X ' - 94 - X X I I X + ! j I X X ',. 92 I el i l e? I i I e? 90 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Channel Distance (ft) -f md watersd X BKF + LTOB -A-WS - RT08 A z-ae ion levation -- cross BS HI FS F3 depth PS ;;_ ;, FS..._ =_. ...ES... _. AZ ELE V ELEV ELEV ELEV ELEV ELEV rates - section ste0on 105.28 TP (fed 1va0er TO •: R•: bed aamutlf ureter er/ WS BKF LT08 RTOB -NOR- 0 105.28 97.95 98.16 99.42 101.47 HOP 16 105.28 8.6 8.33 96.68 96.95 MP 105.28 9.35 8.33 95.93 96.95 -- 33 105.28 7.56 97.72 : 105.28 71 :- 8.37 96.57 96.91 G lde 52 105.28 111 8.37 7A7 96.17 96.91 97.81 NOR 68.5 105.28 8:95 IIA2 7.49 3.68 6.58 96.33 96.88 97.79 101.8 99.7 Hop 74 105.28 9.00 8.44 96.2 96.84 Pool 94 105.28 9 .54 " 7.36 95.74 96.84 97.42 105.28 : 96.68 96.83 P-1 122 105.28 1 3. 51 94.89 96.77 Pool 139 105.28 10.16 8.55 7.59 3.88 95.12 96.73 97.69 99.4 NOR 151 105.28 8.73 8.54 96.55 96.74 105.28 TIR 16 105.28 9.41 9.1 95.67 96.18 - 105.28 95.79 96.16 97.19 99.35 HOP 200 105.28 10.24 9.86 3.68 95.04 95.42 96.8 - • 105.28 9.54 6.46 102.2 Run 208 102.2 7.3 6.8 SAS 3.71 94.9 95.4 96.75 98.49 HOP 222 102.2 7.26 11 4,6 :- 7 94.94 95.4 96.09 97.44 MP XS 2 233 102.2 8.53 44 4.14 4. 27 93.67 95.4 86.76 98.06 97.93 - Glide 245 102.2 7.66 6.9 5,59 5.26 94.54 95.4 96.61 96.94 NOR 255 102.2 7.04 6.93 5.51 95.16 95.37 96.69 Riffle 268 102.2 7.68 7.36 6.03 94.52 94.84 96.17 284 102.2 7.94 7.54 6.26 94.3fi 94.66 95.94 Run 290 102.2 7.94 7 ' ST 5.93 94.26 94.63 95.27 300 102.2 8 .3 7-- 93.9 94.34 TP2 102.2 7.2 4-66 99.66 - Riffle 301 99.66 94.08 94.36 pool 318 99.66 6.59 5.93 4.96 2.95 93.07 93.73 94.7 96.71 iffle/RunISR 358 99.66 7.07 6.54 5.06 92.59 93.12 94.6 pool 380 99.66 7.55 5,7 92.1 92.98 -Rffft-- 400 99.6fi 7A6 6.85 5.65 92.2 92.81 94 HOP 430 99.66 7.94 6.94 91.72 92.72 Pool 453 99.66 7.92 6.92 5.43 2.95 4.32 91.74 92.74 94.23 96.71 95.34 NOR 458 99.66 7.53 7 92.13 92.66 RUH* X3 3 471 99.66 Riffla 480 9MUME 7.82 7.34 91.84 92.32 Rifft 495 99.66 7.95 7.49 6.22 4.41 91.71 92.17 93.44 95.25 TIR 514 99.66 8.42 7 , 97 6.6 5.21 91.24 91.69 93.06 94.45 ,-mail Bend 525 NEW 9.71 .99 90.95 91.67 99.66 6.81 101.28 8.43 ... ...<. .:._._ 101.28 -------------- silt/claN 0 0.062 very fine sand 0.062 0.13 fine sand 0.13 0.25 medium sand 0.25 0.5 coarse sand 0.5 1 very coarse sand 1 2 very fine gravel 2 4 fine gravel 4 6 fine gravel 6 8 medium gravel 8 11 medium gravel 11 16 1 coarse gravel 16 22 1 coarse gravel 22 32 4 very coarse gravel 32 45 11 very coarse ravel 45 64 15 small cobble 64 90 14 medium cobble 90 128 28 large cobble 128 180 16 very large cobble 180 256 9 small boulder 256 362 1 small boulder 362 512 medium boulder 512 1024 large boulder 1024 2048 ve lar a boulder 2048 4096 total particle count: 100 Pebble Note: Richland Creek XS 1 100% I I !' 90% 80% t 70% -? - i c 60% - 1 - y 50% _ 20% _._ ; _.... _. 0% 0.01 bedrock based on clay, hardpan sediment Jetritus/wood articles on artificial based on total count: 100 total count 30 25 20 c Cr 15 ° v 10 m N 5 0 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) ?-Cumulative % - # of particles size percent less than (mm) particle size distribution D16 D35 D50 065 D84 D95 gradation geo mean std dev 43.627 68.85 94.6 114 158 219 1.9 83.1 1.9 percent by substrate type silt/clay sand gravel cobble boulder bedrock hardpan wood/det artificial 0% 0% 32% 67% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% ------------ -- ----------- silt/clay 0 0.062 very fine sand 0.062 0.13 fine sand 0.13 0.25 medium sand 0.25 0.5 coarse sand 0.5 1 3 very coarse sand 1 2 4 very fine gravel 2 4 5 fine gravel 4 6 5 fine gravel 6 8 4 medium gravel 8 11 5 medium gravel 11 16 3 coarse gravel 16 22 3 coarse gravel 22 32 7 very coarse gravel 32 45 1 very coarse ravel 45 64 8 small cobble 64 90 7 medium cobble 90 128 14 large cobble 128 180 9 very large cobble 180 256 11 small boulder 256 362 3 small boulder 362 512 1 medium boulder 512 1024 large boulder 1024 2048 very large boulder 2048 4096 total particle count: 93 clay total count: 103 Pebble 100% 90% 80% r 70% c 60% w 50% U n 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 16 14 12 C 10 Q N 1 8 OR V d 6 8 lV N 4 2 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) --*-cumulative % • # of particles based on size percent less than (mm) particle size distribution sediment D16 D35 D50 D65 D84 D95 gradation geo mean std dev articles only 5.052 22.66 59.9 103 181 251 7.4 30.2 6.0 based on percent by substrate type total count silt/clay sand gravel cobble boulder bedrock hardpan wood/det artificial 0% 7% 40% 40% 4% 10% 0% 0% 0% ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -------------- Pebble Count of Channel Reach Material Size Range (mm) Cour silt/clay 0 0.062 very fine sand 0.062 0.13 fine sand 0.13 0.25 medium sand 0.25 0.5 coarse sand 0.5 1 very coarse sand 1 2 very fine gravel 2 4 2 fine gravel 4 6 1 fine gravel 6 8 3 medium gravel 8 11 8 medium gravel 11 16 2 coarse gravel 16 22 4 coarse gravel 22 32 5 very coarse gravel 32 45 15 very coarse ravel 45 64 10 small cobble 64 90 16 medium cobble 90 128 15 large cobble 128 180 6 very large cobble 180 256 13 small boulder 256 362 small boulder 362 512 medium boulder 512 1024 large boulder 1024 2048 very larae boulder 2048 4096 total particle count: 100 clay total count: 100 100% 90% 80% c t 70% c 60% w 50% 0 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Note: I Richland Creek XS 3 18 16 14 12 3 Cr 10 `I 0 8 m 6 m 4 2 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) '*-cumulative % • # of particles ed on size percent less than (mm) particle size distribution iment D16 D35 D50 D65 D84 D95 gradation geo mean std dev icles only 16.000 40.17 64.0 88 152 224 3.2 49.3 3.1 ed on percent by substrate type I count silt/clay sand gravel cobble boulder bedrock hardpan wood/det artificial 0% 0% 50% 50% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% n man( _'``._ '?,. - - --------?? _' ._-ram- •f? I tJ ' r l _ _ t s.. let: ..?77 ,141 ! }` i. v .14 I 4 z V b V__ Appendix F McCain Site, Randolph Co Sediment Sampling and Entrainment at the Un-named Tributary to Back Creek Four pebble counts were taken in the project reaches and two pebble counts taken in the upstream . reference reach. Five bed samples were taken in the project reaches, both surface & subsurface at each location. Two bar samples were taken; one side and one point. Two scour chains, a rain gage and two flow gages were installed. Observations From the pebble counts, there are variations in the channel bed, with a noticeable trend to finer beds . in the downstream direction. This would make sense for a watershed and geological point of view. . The upper reaches are dominated by channery deposits from tributaries that the existing channel has cut through. The lower reach is close to the Back Creek confluence and would be dominated by backwater effects from the main channel, as the Back Creek Lake reservoir is just downstream. i Of the channel bed samples, the one at XS3 (SC2) does not follow the trend of downstream fining in the subsurface sample. XS3 has all the indications of a cattle trod streambed. The armour ratio between the surface and subsurface sample is very low. This occurs when the cattle hooves mix the channel bed, which leads to the loss of fines from the subsurface. There are insignificant differences between these two samples, and these samples do not fall within the trend of the other three bed samples or the four pebble counts. The channel samples from SC 1 also show sign of being heavily trodded. Having only two sample immediately showing significant cattle damage is actually quite amazing considering the heard at the project site. The bed samples have several significant trends. First there is a downstream fining. Second, the D84 of the subsurface sample is close to the D50 of the surface sample indicating that the D50 of the channel bed should be mobilized during bankfull events. The armour ratio of the three bed samples range from 2.1 to 2.8 (increasing downsteam) which is another indication that the channel bed surface is active at bankfull flows. An active bed is one where the subsurface is a good indication of the bedload sediment transport in the stream system. Third, while there are decent amounts of sand in the subsurface, ranging from 11% to 25%, there is no indication in the pebble counts or bed surface bulk samples of any sand at all. However, all of the bar samples have high sand content, ranging from 29% to 66%. Therefore the channel bed does not record the sand transport that is obvious in the system. There are two broad methods of sediment transport analysis developed by Gilbert in 1914, first to look at the entire channel bed in sediment transport modeling, or to look at the competency of the channel to move the largest observed in sediment transport. When four of the channel bed samples are subjected to entire bed sediment transport modeling, there are several indicators that the surface and subsurface are not in balance. Such widespread inconsistencies point to the fact that all of the sample locations are effected by cattle trodding. The two scour chain sites, looked the most alluvial and en _:st to install a chain. However by being the most alluvial, the cattle trodding had the highcst impacts. The less alluvial sites were more armoured and less likely to be mixed. However, the mixing that did occur was enough to unbalance the surface and subsurface samples. This natural balance was examined in two ways, first: could the Appendix F McCain Site, Randolph Co surface and subsurface samples cross predict sediment transport rates with shear stress, and second: could the surface and subsurface samples predict the other's D50 with shear stress. - When the channel samples were modeled for the sediment transport rates, only two spots show reasonable results that however had shallower flow depths than had been expected. When the w modeling was examined for the D50 balance most results were absurdly high or low and the best results were at the same two spots as before and they produced deeper flow depths than the previous • analysis. The sediment transport analysis based on the entrainment of the largest particles thought to be in motion was attempted in three ways. First scour chains were installed at two sites, however the channel beds seem to have mixed and then compacted by the cattle. After several bankfull events, there still had not been any scour and redeposit at these two locations. No sampling could be performed this way. - When the channel bed samples were examined directly, the largest particles in the channel were all outside of the valid range of any of Andrew's (1983, 1994) equations. When the Wilcock-Crowe (2003) equation was used, it consistently produced shear result indicating that out of bank flow • events are required to move these particle sizes. Finally when the bar samples were compared to the channel beds, only the point bar sample had ! reasonable results. Upstream at XS 1, the bar sample was 2/3rds sand and the channel bed was - extremely narrowly sorted. This is an indication of extreme local turbulence washing the channel - bed into a narrow gradation range and suspending the sand into the flow. The side bar sample would then be more representative of the local wash load and not the bed load, so it could not be used. Downstream at XS3, the point bar sample was somewhat unique in the channel system because there • were very few well-developed point bars. When the D84 of the point bar was compared to the channel bed D50 it produced a flow depth that matched the reference reach and regional curve expectation. . Conclusions Because of the trampled condition of SCI & XS3, these sampled subsurfaces cannot be used in any meaningful way in a sediment transport analysis. Because of the absence of sand in the surface bulk samples, a full range sediment transport analysis is not possible from these samples. These samples may be used in an entrainment type calculation of the largest particle in motion. However, the recent methods of Dave Rosgen (to perform these . calculations using Andrews equations) do not fit the data set from the McCain property very well. w The fact that sand is missing in the streambed is an indication that this tributary primarily acts as a a transport reach. It is likely that this project site is supply limited for the sand fraction. Meaning that . th ? -pstream supply of sand will cut off before the project's reaches' capability of transport this sand. As a consequence, the channel bed will wash clean of sand and store this last of the sand transport in the shallow pool locations as the stream flow recedes after each bankfull flow event. a Because this stream acts so much like a transport channel, the channel bed does not truly represent a Appendix F McCain Site, Randolph Co regime channel, therefore it's not surprising that the sediment transport parameters will fall outside of normal alluvial stream channel characteristics. The entrainment calculation is based on assessing the largest particle known to be transported during bankfull events. However these particle sizes are much larger than the D50 of the channel bed. Therefore, the use of "near equal mobility" functions, like Andrew's (1983, 1994) equations, are not possible because the data exceeds the 1.3 x D50 upper size limitation of these equations. Only XS 1 comes close to the published valid range for Andrew's equation and this location sowed signs of extreme turbulence. For the data range of the McCain site, a "near no-hiding" function, like the Wilcock-Crowe (2003) equations, are appropriate. The "near no-hiding" reference shear stress for mobility from the Wilcock-Crowe function is: 0.67 DI Zri - zrs50 (Ds50) where: r* = 0.036 for a gravel bed. Zrs5o = Zrm (ps - P)gDsso Based on the bar samples at XS3, a point shear velocity of 0.201 m/s (0.66 fps)was selected for the channel design. When this shear velocity was combined with a design Q of around 2.834 m3/s (100 cfs), four reaches with differing channel gradients produced cross sectional geometry that fit well with the range of geometry observed in the reference reach. When the hydraulic radius and average channel gradient from the two steepest reaches was examined, the design point shear stress was converted back to an average shear stress of 0.1565 m/s. This agreed amazing well with the average shear stress of 0.1566 m/s from the entrainment calculations, shown below. Andrews, E.D. (1983). "Entrainment of Gravel from Natural Sorted Riverbed Material," Geologic Society of America Bulletin 94, 1225-1231. Andrews, E.D. (1994). "Marginal Bedload in a Gravel-Bed Stream, Sage Hen Creek, California," Water Resources Research, 30, 2241-2250 Wilcock, P.R. and Crowe, J.C. (2003). "Surface-Based Transpo?. Model for Mixed-Size Sediment", Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 129(2), pp 120-128. 4 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w ¦ Appendix F McCain Sediment Entrainment Calculations Reach 1 Riffle/Bar D50= 45.9 D84= 90.0 D^50= 23.1 Di= 63.5 Di2= 38.1 Pavement/Sub pavement D50= 40.6 D84= 49.3 D^50= 19.3 Di= 57.2 Di2= 47.6 Riffle D50 Riffle D84 Bar D50 Bar Largest Bar 2nd Largest Pavement D50 Pavement D84 Subpavement D50 Subpavement Largest Subpavement 2nd Largest McCain Site, Randolph Co Reach 2 D50= 25.9 Riffle D50 D84= 83.0 Riffle D84 D^50= Bar D50 Di= Bar Largest Di2= Bar 2nd Largest Paveme nt/Su bpavem ent D50= 25.2 Pavement D50 D84= 43.4 Pavement D84 D^50= 10.5 Subpavement D50 Di= 57.2 Subpavement Largest Di2= 44.5 Subpavement 2nd Lar Ratio of largest to surface D50 Ratio of largest to surface D50 1.38 Bar Largest 0.00 Bar Largest 0.83 Bar 2nd Largest 0.00 -- Bar 2nd Largest 1.25 Subpavement Largest 2.21 Subpavement Largest 1.04 Subpavement 2nd Largest 1.72 Subpavement 2nd Largest 0.0360 Tc*, 50 0.0360 Tc*, 50 Pa 42.9566 Tc,50 Pa 24.2391 Tc,50 Shear Stress Levels Shear Stress Levels Pa 47.7343 Bar Largest Pa 0.0000 Bar Largest Pa 41.1279 Bar 2nd Largest Pa 0.0000 Bar 2nd Largest Pa 45.8893 Subpavement Largest Pa 34.9408 Subpavement Largest Pa 43.3812 Subpavement 2nd Largest Pa 29.7961 Subpavement 2nd Largest Ibs/ft2 1.00 Bar Largest Ibs/ft2 0.00 Bar Largest Ibs/ft2 0.86 Bar 2nd Largest Ibs/ft2 0.00 Bar 2nd Largest Ibs/ft2 0.96 Subpavement Largest Ibs/ft2 0.73 Subpavement Largest Ibs/ft2 0.91 Sub pavement 2nd Largest Ibs/ft2 0.62 Sub pavement 2nd Largest 5 Appendix F McCain Sediment Entrainment Calculations McCain Site, Randolph Co Reach 3 Reach 4 Riffle/Bar Riffle/Bar D50= 25.4 Riffle D50 D50= 11.6 Riffle D50 D84= 47.9 Riffle D84 D84= 43.0 Riffle D84 D^50= 9.2 Bar D50 D^50= Bar D50 Di= 63.5 Bar Largest Di= Bar Largest Di2= 38.1 Bar 2nd Largest Di2= Bar 2nd Largest Pavement/Subpavement Pavement/Subpavement D50= 25.4 Pavement D50 D50= 17.4 Pavement D50 D84= 47.9 Pavement D84 D84= 26.3 Pavement D84 D^50= 19.6 Subpavement D50 D^50= 6.1 Subpavement D50 Di= 50.8 Subpavement Largest Di= 38.1 Subpavement Largest Di2= 38.1 Subpavement 2nd Largest Di2= 38.1 Subpavement 2nd Largest Ratio of largest to surface D50 Ratio of largest to surface D50 2.50 Bar Largest 0.00 Bar Largest 1.50 Bar 2nd Largest 0.00 Bar 2nd Largest 2.00 Subpavement Largest 3.28 Subpavement Largest 1.50 Subpavement 2nd Largest 3.28 Subpavement 2nd Largest 0.0360 Tc*, 50 0.0360 Tc*, 50 Pa 23.7712 Tc,50 Pa 10.8561 Tc,50 Shear Stress Levels Shear Stress Levels Pa 37.7385 Bar Largest Pa 0.0000 Bar Largest Pa 27.3403 Bar 2nd Largest Pa 0.0000 Bar 2nd Largest Pa 32.0142 Subpavement Largest Pa 21.9185 Subpavement Largest Pa 27.3403 Subpavement 2nd Largest Pa 21.9185 Subpavement 2nd Largest Ibs/ft2 0.79 Bar Largest Ibs/ft2 0.00 Bar Largest Ibs/ft2 0.57 Bar 2nd Largest Ibs/ft2 0.00 Bar 2nd Largest Ibs/ft2 0.67 Subpavement Largest Ibs/ft2 0.46 Subpavement Largest Ibs/ft2 0.57 Sub pavement 2nd Lar est Ibs/ft2 0.46 Sub pavement 2nd Lar est 6 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Appendix F McCain Sediment Entrainment Calculations Reach 3 Riffle/Bar D50= 25.4 D84= 47.9 D^50= 9.2 Di= 63.5 Di2= 38.1 Pavement/Subpavement D50= 25.4 D84= 47.9 D^50= 19.6 Di= 50.8 Di2= 38.1 Riffle D50 Riffle D84 Bar D50 Bar Largest Bar 2nd Largest Pavement D50 Pavement D84 Subpavement D50 Subpavement Largest Subpavement 2nd Lar Point Bar Comparison - - 28.4 D84 point bar mm 28.4 Pa 24.5258 lbs/ft2 0.512 m/s 0.1566 u* ft/s 0.5137 slope 0.38% average m 0.66 depth ft 2.16 McCain Site, Randolph Co 7 s r Gauge 1 Riffle UT to Back Creek 105 104 103- 102- 101 = 100 ) 99 w 98 97 96 95 __ - - __ - - - - - - - - - -__ - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --- - - - - - - - - ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ----- r ---- -1--- --- - - - - --- - - --- ---- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - ---- - -- -- - -- -- ---- - ----- --- --- -L i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Iiiii L: _. - F- --' 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Width from River Left to Right (ft) ---_-• Riffle stream: location:. description: = height of instrument (ft : 1 omit distance FS notes nt_ fftl i (ft) alev 99.56 99.72 99.7 99.47 99.41 99.4 99.44 99.33 99.61 100.14 100.54 99.87 96.59 96.15 95.79 95.85 95.91 96.23 98.2 99.56 99.85 100.54 101.37 bankfull to of ba 98.55 99.56 70 80 90 "n" dimensions 24.5 x-section area 2.2 d mean 11.0 width 13.8 wet P 2.8 d max 1.8 h yd radi 3.8 bank ht 4.9 w/d ratio 100.0 W flood prone area 9.1 ent ratio hydraulics 5.1 velocity ft/sec 125.8 discharge rate, Q cfs 0.55 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.53 shear velocity ft/sec 3.576 unit stream power (lbs/ft/sec) 0.37 Froude number 9.6 friction factor u/u* 34.4 threshold rain size (mm_ 11check from channel matenal measured D84 mm 7.60rou hness 0.0 Eric. factor G Mannin 's n from channel material 98 97.5 97 `o M 96.5 96 95.5 0 UTBC 50 100 150 200 250 300 Channel Distance (R) —.—hee watersrl X Terrace WS • BKF p x -section TMS i 105 104 103 102 101 5 100 io 99 j w 98 97 96 95 Gauge 2 Riffle LIT to Back Creek ---- -- -- - ---- -, - --- --- ---- ------- -- ---- ----- - ___ = - - - - - - - - - t= __-_- -__ - - - --- - -- - = r --- -- - -- _-- -- -- -- -- --- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ___+- --_ t 7711 ----- --------- ------- -- ----- r------ ; --------: --- -- - _ ?_ -_-- - -- - 7 7 --- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- ---- - -- -- - - -?- ? - - -- - -- ------ -- - - -- --- ---, ---- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Width from River Left to Right (ft) stream: location: description: of instrument (ft): I omit notes pt. elevation 98.99 98.97 99.05 98.89 99.16 99.35 99.35 95.2 95.27 95.35 95.3 95.16 95.53 98.29 99.52 100.92 100.81 100.33 100.51 100.92 bankfull to of bank ft 8.3 6.6 200 .0 97.65 99.35 . 70 80 .n. 11 dimensions 24.4 x-section area 2.2 d mean 11.2 width 14.4 wet P 2.5 d max 1.7 h yd radi 4.2 bank ht 5.1 w/d ratio 200.0 W flood prone area 17.9 ent ratio hydraulics 5.4 velocity ft/sec 133.0 discharge rate, Q cfs 0.63 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.57 shear velocity ft/sec 4.463 unit stream power (lbs/ft/sec) 0.42 Froude number 9.5 friction factor u/u* 39.9 threshold rain size mm check rom channel material measured D84 mm 0.0 relative rou hness 0.0 fric. factor 0.000 Mannin 's n from channel material +f.("'1,ti SVeam: Location: Watershed: Back Date: UTBC 96.5 96 95.5 0 95 l0 ? f - I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 ' W I 1 1 ; 1 1 I 1 94 5- . 94 ?.- 93.5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Channel Distance (ft) F- -bed water srf X Terrace WS a BKF - - p x.section + ? :Elevation BM cross BS HI FS depth FS FS FS FS AZ ELEV ELEV ELEV ELEV ELEV ELEV notes section station 105.95 TP bad water BKIF Terrace WS azimuth bed water srf BKF Terrace WS -- + 105.95 10.18 9.84 95.77 96.11 20 105.95 10.52 10.01 95.43 95.94 • 0 105.95 10J9 9.99 95.16 95.96 105.95 • + 1 105.95 10.43 + 95.52 95.8 79 105.95 10.71 10.28 95.24 95.67 XS Tape 81 105.95 Gauge 2 $1.7 105.95 ++ 105.95 10.79 + 95.16 95.58 ,I We Crossing + 105.95 12 + 105.95 11.36 10.89 94.59 95.06 A Jam Debris 125 105.95 Debris Jam 135 105.95 140 105.95 11.91 1111.25 94.04 94.7 155 105.95 11.38 1111.28 94.57 94.67 McCain 3.5 3 2.5 2 a? 1.5 in - - - - Gauge 1 -----Rainfall Gauge 2 1 0.5 0 -0.5 ' T ; 5/13/2004 6/2/2004 0:00 6/22/2004 7/12/2004 8/1/2004 0:00 8/21/2004 9/10/2004 9/30/2004 10/20/2004 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 Date Time ?••s•••••s•••••••v•vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv•••???•??? McCain 3.5 3 2.5 2 v 1.5 M U) 1 0.5 0 -0.5 5/23/2004 5/25/2004 5/27/2004 5/29/2004 5/31/2004 6/2/2004 6/4/2004 6/6/2004 6/8/2004 6/10/2004 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 Date Time - • - - Gauge 1 Gauge 2 • - - Rainfall --------- --------- -------- McCain Site 4 3.5 3 2.5 $ 2 d a? U) 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 i 9/20/2004 9/30/2004 10/10/200 10/20/200 10/30/200 11/9/2004 11/19/200 11/29/200 12/9/2004 12/19/200 12/29/200 0:00 0:00 4 0:00 4 0:00 4 0:00 0:00 4 0:00 4 0:00 0:00 4 0:00 4 0:00 Date Time Gauge 1 - - - - Gauge 2 - - - - Rainfall • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • s • • • • • • • • • • • Scour Chain 1 Riffle LIT to Back Creek 104 102 100 0 98 m i 96 w 94 92 90 - ,-- - - ----? - -- - - - - -- ---- -- - -- --- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- ? --- ---- -- - - -- - _ ;; _= _ ___ _;_ ---- ------------ ------------- ------------ ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- 0 5 10 15 20 Width from River Left to Right (ft) 25 30 section: Scour Chain 1 Riffle stream: Relevati location: dscription: height of instrument (ft : omit distance F;F;s; FS W fpa channel Manning's notes . ft ft of bank ft s loe % n1LBKPTop: • = 3.5 654 9.33 LEW 5.6 9.77 96.18 95.74 96.21 96.6 96.37 95.68 96.33 99.33 dimensions 25.4 x-section area 1.6 d mean 15.9 width 18.1 wet P 2.3 d max 1.4 h yd radi 3.7 bank ht 10.0 w/d ratio 0.0 W flood prone area 0.0 ent ratio hydraulics 0.0 velocity ft/sec 0.0 discharge rate, Q cfs 0.00 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.00 shear velocity ft/sec 0.000 unit stream power (lbs/ft/sec) 0.00 Froude number 0.0 friction factor u/u* 9 9 threshold rain size mm check rom channel material measured D84 mm 0.0 relative rough ess 0.0 fric. factor 0.000 Mannin 's n from channel material W I i • • • • • • • • • • I i • i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • IMJ(01---t-•0-0iD n Scour Chain 2 Riffle LIT to Back Creek 104 102 --- --- --- ---:-- -- --- --------- --- -- ----------- ------------ --- --- ---- 100 --- --- --- -- -- - -- - -_-- --- - -- - --- -- --- ----------- ------ o 98 - ----_- --- --- --- - ----- -------- - 96 - w --------- --------- ---------- -- --- 94 - - ------------------ -------------- 92 ---------------------- 90 0 5 10 15 Width from River Left to Right (ft) section: Riffle stream: = . location: = description: height of instrument ft : omit distance FS notes t. ft ft elevation • • 0 7.39 -BKP 95.93 -TOB 7.54 95.78 4.2 • 92.62 10.97 92.35 • ' 77 92.64 -hain 8.6 92.88 = = 12 10.05 93.27 18 8.42 94.9 XBKP • • 95.37 bankfull to of ba 94.82 95.78 20 25 W fpa channel Manning's (ft) slooe (%) - "n" dimensions 21.1 x-section area 1.5 14.3 width 16.2 2.5 d max 1.3 E 3.4 bank ht 9.8 0.0 W flood prone area 0.0 enL[a2j!2?1 hydraulics 0.0 velocity ft/sec 0.0 discharge rate, Q cfs 0.00 shear stress Ibs/ft s 0.00 shear velocity ft/sec 0.000 unit stream power (lbs/ft/sec) 0.00 Froude number 0.0 friction factor u/u* 9 8 threshold rain size mm check from channel material measured D84 mm 0.0 relative roughness 0.0 fric. factor 0.000 0 Mannin 's n from channel material _.._ I I? 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