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20051206 Ver 1_Complete File_20050630
0 ?6 WA.Ts Michael F. Easley, Governor ? ?? G William G. Ross Jr., Secretary C r North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources © -? Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality August 24, 2005 Mr. Carl R. Dawson, Jr., PE, Public Works Director City of Raleigh Public Works Department P.O. Box 590 Raleigh, NC 27602-0590 Re: City of Raleigh Northshore and Brentwood Today Dam and Lake Rehabilitation, Wake County DWQ #05-1206; USACE Action ID. No. 200421569 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification and Neuse River Buffer Rules Dear Mr. Dawson: Attached hereto is a copy of Certification No. 3529 issued to Carl R. Dawson, Jr. of City of Raleigh Public Works Department, dated August 24, 2005. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Solid Waste, Sediment and Erosion Control, Stormwater, Dam Safety, Non-discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, AWK/cbk Klimek, P.E. Attachments: Certificate of Completion cc: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Wilmington District, USACOE Mike Horan, DWQ, Raleigh Regional Office DLR Raleigh Regional Office File Copy Central Files Jim Leumas, Senior Project Engineer, City of Raleigh, P.O. Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602 Filename: 051206CORNorthshoreBrentwoodDamLakeRehab(Wa ke)401_IC 401 Oversight/Express Review Permits Unit 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733-1786/ FAX 919-733-6893/ Internet: htto://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetiands None Caro na aturaA An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled/l0% Post Consumer Paper City of Raleigh Public Works Department Page 2 of 4 August 24, 2005 i NORTH CAROLINA 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION AND NEUSE RIVER BUFFER RULES THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92- 500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Regulations in 15 NCAC 21-1, Section .0500 and 15A NCAC 2N.0233 to Mr. Carl R. Dawson, Jr. of City of Raleigh Public Works Department to fill or otherwise impact 0.56 acres of jurisdictional wetlands, 0.63 acres of open waters, 390 linear feet of stream and 84,942 square feet of buffers in the Neilse River Basin, associated with the reconstruction of the dams and spillways, and excavation and reshaping of lake beds for the Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes in Wake County, North Carolina, pursuant to an application filed on the 28t" day of June of 2005, and in additional correspondence received July 20, 2005. The application and supporting documentation provides adequate assurance that the proposed work will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate the applicable portions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application, the supporting documentation, and conditions hereinafter set forth. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design submitted in the application materials and as described in the Public Notice. If the project is changed, prior to notification a new application for a new Certification is required. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of the Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions of this Certification. Any new owner must notify the Division and request the Certification be issued in their name. Should wetland or stream fill be requested in the future, additional compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 21-1.0506 (h) (6) and (7). If any plan revisions from the approved site plan result in a change in stream or wetland impact or an increase in impervious surfaces, the DWQ shall be notified in writing and a new application for 401 Certification may be required. For this approval to be valid, compliance with the conditions listed below is required. Conditions of Certification: 1. Impacts Approved The following impacts are hereby approved as long as all of the other specific and general conditions of this Certification (or Isolated Wetland Permit) are met. No other impacts are approved including incidental impacts: Amount A roved Units Plan Location or Reference Stream 390 feet Permit Narrative, page 4 404/CAMA Wetlands 0.56 acres Permit Narrative, page 4 Waters 0.63 acres Permit Narrative, page 4 Buffers 84,942 (square ft. Permit Narrative, page 11 Sediment and Erosion Control: 2. Erosion and sediment control practices must be in full compliance with all specifications governing the proper design, installation and operation and maintenance of such Best Management Practices in order to protect surface waters standards: .. City of Raleigh Public Works Department Page 3 of 4 August 24, 2005 a. The erosion and sediment control measures for the project must be designed, installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the most recent version of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual. b. The design, installation, operation, and maintenance of the sediment and erosion control measures must be such that they equal, or exceed, the requirements specified in the most recent version of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Manual. The devices shall be maintained on all construction sites, borrow sites, and waste pile (spoil) projects, including contractor-owned or leased borrow pits associated with the project. c. For borrow pit sites, the erosion and sediment control measures must be designed, installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the most recent version of the North Carolina Surface Mining Manual. d. The reclamation measures and implementation must comply with the reclamation in accordance with the requirements of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act. 3. No waste, spoil, solids, or fill of any kind shall occur in wetlands, waters, or riparian areas beyond the footprint of the impacts depicted in the 404/401 Permit Application. All construction activities, including the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of sediment and erosion control Best Management Practices, shall be performed so that no violations of state water quality standards, statutes, or rules occur; 4. Sediment and erosion control measures shall not be placed in wetlands or waters to the maximum extent practicable. If placement of sediment and erosion control devices in wetlands and waters is unavoidable, they shall be removed and the natural grade restored within six months of the date that the Division of Land Resources has released the project; 5. The NC Wildlife Resources Commission (Ms. Shari Bryant) must be contacted before any lowering of the water level occurs to get their concurrence with respect to impacts on fishery resources. 6. All spoil must be disposed on in upland sites and outside the protected riparian buffer zones. Continuing Compliance: Mr. Carl R. Dawson, Jr. and City of Raleigh Public Works Department, shall conduct construction activities in a manner consistent with State water quality standards (including any requirements resulting from compliance with section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act) and any other appropriate requirements of State law and federal law. If the Division determines that such standards or laws are not being met (including the failure to sustain a designated or achieved use) or that State or federal law is being violated, or that further conditions are necessary to assure compliance, the Division may reevaluate and modify this Certification to include conditions appropriate to assure compliance with such standards and requirements in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H.0507(d). Before modifying the Certification, the Division shall notify Mr. Carl R. Dawson, Jr. and/or City of Raleigh Public Works Department and the US Army Corps of Engineers, provide public notice in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H.0503 and provide opportunity for public hearing in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H.0504. Any new or revised conditions shall be provided to Mr. Carl R. Dawson, Jr. and/or City of Raleigh Public Works Department in writing, shall be provided to the United States Army Corps of Engineers for reference in any Permit issued pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and shall also become conditions of the 404 Permit for the project; 8. Certificate of Completion Upon completion of all work approved within the 401 Water Quality Certification or applicable Buffer Rules, and any subsequent modifications, the applicant is required to return the attached certificate of completion to the 401/Wetlands Unit, North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1650. City of Raleigh Public Works Department ... Page 4 of 4 August 24, 2005 9. Live or fresh concrete shall not be allowed to contact waters of the State until it has dried to prevent violations of DWQ's pH water quality standard and aquatic toxicity. Neuse River Basin Impacts: 10. Impacts to the riparian buffer around these lakes and tributary streams are also hereby approved. Any buffer area impacted for construction access must be stabilized and revegetated within 60 days of the completion of the project. Any trees that must be removed for this work (except for trees that need to be removed for dam stability concerns) must be replanted by the end of the next fall-winter planting season Also, this approval to proceed with your proposed impacts or to conduct impacts to waters as depicted in your application shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA Permit. If this Certification is unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of this Certification. This request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-6714. If modifications are made to an original Certification, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing on the modifications upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of the Certification. Unless such demands are made, this Certification shall be final and binding. This is the 20' day of August 2005. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY AWK/cbk 1.. 01 imek, oS_ ?20(t M US Army Corps Of Engineers Wilmington District JR@[RoyR D PUBLIC NOTICE 1U1 2 1 2005 DENR -WATER QUgLITy WRZ8 AND 3TORMWATER BRANCH Issue Date: July 15, 2005 Comment Deadline: August 15, 2005 Corps Action ID #: 200421569 All interested parties are hereby advised that the Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers (Corps) has received an application for work within jurisdictional waters of the United States. Specific plans and location information are described below and shown on the attached plans. This Public Notice and all attached plans are also available on the Wilmington District Web Site at www.saw.usace.army.mil/wetlands Applicant: City of Raleigh Attn: Mr. Carl R. Dawson Jr. Public Works Department Post Office Box 590 City of Raleigh, NC 27602-0590 Authority The Corps will evaluate this application and decide whether to issue, conditionally issue, or deny the proposed work pursuant to the applicable procedures of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Location The project, Northshore and Brentwood Today Dam and Lake Rehabilitation, is located on the north and south of New Hope Church Road, approximately 0.5 miles west of Capital Boulevard (U.S. Highway 1), in Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina. Coordinates (in decimal degrees) for the site are 35.8370°North, 78.5875 ° West. The project site contains an unnamed tributary to Marsh Creek, and adjacent wetlands, in the Neuse River Basin (8-Digit Cataloging Unit 03020201). Existing Site Conditions Northshore and Brentwood Today are the second and third lakes in a series of four lakes that occurs along a 2-mile stretch of an unnamed tributary to Marsh Creek. Northshore Lake is approximately 7.68 acres in size and Brentwood Today Lake is approximately 4.4 acres in size. Both lakes were originally constructed more than 50 years ago as amenities to the surrounding residential developments. Below the lowest lake in the series, the tributary flows into Marsh Creek, which in turn flows into Crabtree Creek about two miles downstream. The land use in the area immediately adjacent to the lakes is primarily medium to high-density residential subdivisions. A substantial portion of the watershed that drains into the lakes also consists of commercial and industrial areas located along the Capital Boulevard corridor. Both Northshore Lake and Brentwood Today Lake have been experiencing significant sediment deposition over the last several decades, due in large part to development activities that have occurred in the drainage basin. The deepest portions of both lakes have an estimated 3-5 feet of sediment buildup, and the upper ends of the fakes have become very shallow. The accumulation of sediment has also led to the development of wetland areas in the headwater regions of both lakes. Additionally, both lakes have received increasing amounts of stormwater runoff as the extent of impervious surface has increased in their watershed. Spillways for both lakes have also significantly eroded and are in poor condition. The City has stated that both dams have been a safety concern for more than 20 years. Applicant's Stated Purpose As stated by the applicant, the project has three primary objectives: 1) to address NC Dam Safety concerns for long-term stability and downstream protection; 2) to identify opportunities for water quality enhancement of the watershed supplemental to ongoing City efforts; and 3) to preserve property value for the neighborhoods surrounding the lakes. Project Description The project involves the reconstruction of the dam and spillway structures for Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes, as well as excavation and reshaping activities within both lakebeds. For Northshore Lake, the dam is proposed to be improved to meet dam safety requirements. The primary spillway structure would be enlarged and protrude into the lakebed. A 150-foot weir at elevation 265.9 would be constructed along the front edge of the spillway in order to pass expected high flows. The spillway would be notched for 25 feet down to an elevation of 263 feet, and 2-inch water-quality drawdown holes Would be placed at elevation 262. The drawdown holes would pass the normal daily flows' and establish the new normal pool of the lake at 262 feet, a drop of 2.5 feet from the existing normal pool of the lake. The work would result in a 1.5-foot increase in the flood storage capacity of the structure. Approximately 1.5 acres of the lakebed would be dredged to remove accumulated sediment. Most of the dredging would occur in upper portions of the lakebed and around the perimeter of the lake. The dredging would allow the overall surface area of the lake to remain approximately equal to current conditions. Plans also call for the construction of a 0.8-acre sediment pool at the upper end of the lake just south of Comstock Road. The pool would be constructed in a spot that currently contains a house that would have to be removed. The sediment pool would be constructed to allow periodic maintenance dredging to remove sediment build-up. Additionally, a 0.7-acre headwater wetland 2 would be constructed just downstream of the sediment pool to help filter nutrients and contaminants. Small plunge pool structures are also proposed at the outlets of existing outfalls and channels to provide treatment for sediment and contaminant runoff. Impacts to Waters of the U.S. associated with the rehabilitation to Northshore Lake include the temporary disturbance of 1.5 acres of lakebed for dredging, and the permanent loss of 0.08 acre of open water for construction of the spillway device. The reduction of the normal pool of the lake and construction of the sediment pool would also lead to the loss of 0.46 acre of riparian forested wetland, 0.03 acre of fringe wetland, 0.51 acre of open water, and 260 linear feet of perennial stream channel that is currently inundated by the lake. For Brentwood Today Lake the dam would be upgraded with a new spillway. The spillway would have a 100-foot weir at elevation 245.2, with a 20-foot notch cut down to 242 feet. No change in water level is proposed to the lake. Approximately 3 acres of lakebed would be dredged to remove accumulated sediment, and a 0.4-acre sediment pool would be created where a primary tributary enters the lake along the eastern side. A smaller sediment pool is also proposed just downstream of New Hope Church Road, and a plunge pool would be constructed on the western side of the lake. The majority of existing wetlands within the lake would be preserved. Impacts to Waters of the U.S. associated with the rehabilitation to Brentwood Today Lake include the temporary disturbance of 3 acres of lakebed for dredging, and the permanent loss of 0.04 acre of open water for construction of the spillway. Spillway construction will also impact 50 linear feet of unstable perennial stream channel that has developed in the location of the eroded spillway. The construction of the sediment pool at the tributary draining into the eastern side of the lake would also lead to the loss of 0.07 acre of forested wetlands and 80 linear feet of perennial stream channel. The impact to jurisdictional areas resulting from the rehabilitation of both lakes totals 4.5 acres of temporary disturbance due to dredging, the loss of 0.63 acre of open waters, 0.53 acre of forested wetlands, 0.03 acre of fringe wetlands, and 390 linear feet of stream channel. Plans included with this notice that show the project details as well as the details for impacted streams and wetlands. The applicant does not propose specific mitigation for impacts resulting from the project because one of the primary purposes of the project is to improve water quality. Additionally, as part of the project, a 0.7-acre forested wetland is proposed to be created at the upper end of Northshore Lake, and it is expected that more than 0.5 acres of wetlands will develop in portions of the exposed lakebed once the water level is lowered. Other Required Authorizations This notice and all applicable application materials are being forwarded to the appropriate State agencies for review. The Corps will generally not make a final permit decision until the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) issues, denies, or waives 3 State certification required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (PL 92-500). The receipt of the application and this public notice in the NCDWQ Central Office in Raleigh serves as application to the NCDWQ for certification. A waiver will be deemed to occur if the NCDWQ fails to act on this request for certification within sixty days ',of the date of the receipt of this notice in the NCDWQ Central Office. Additional information regarding the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the NCDWQ Central Office, 401 Oversight and Express Permits Unit, 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-2260. All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ), 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina, 27699-1650 Attention: Ms Cyndi karoly by August 8, 2005. Essential Fish Habitat This notice initiates the Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) consultation requirements of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. The Corps' initial determination is that the proposed project will not adversely impact EFH or associated fisheries managed by the South Atlantic or Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Councils or the National Marine Fisheries Service. Cultural Resources The Corps has consulted the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places and is not aware that any registered properties, or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein are located along the project corridor or will be affected by the proposed work. Presently, unknown archeological, scientific, prehistoric, or historical data may be located within the project area and/or could be affected by' the proposed work. Endangered Species The Corps has reviewed the project area, examined all information provided by the applicant and consulted the latest North Carolina Natural Heritage Database. Based on available information, the Corps has determined pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973, that the proposed project will have no effect on federally listed endangered or threatened species or their formally designated critical habitat. Evaluation The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be considered including the cumulative effects 4 thereof; among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, historic properties, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, flood plain values (in accordance with Executive Order 11988), land use, navigation, shoreline erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the discharge of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States, the evaluation of the impact of the activity on the public interest will include application of the Environmental Protection Agency's 404(b)(1) guidelines. Commenting Information The Corps is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials, including any consolidate State Viewpoint or written position of the Governor; Indian Tribes and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and/or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. Any person may request, in writing, within the comment period specified in this notice, that a public hearing be held to consider the application. Requests for public hearings shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. Requests for a public hearing shall be granted, unless the District Engineer determines that the issues raised are insubstantial or there is otherwise no valid interest to be served by a hearing. Written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received by the Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, until 5pm, August 15, 2005. Continents should be submitted to Todd Tugwell, Raleigh Regulatory Field Office, 6508 Falls of the Neuse Road, Suite 120, Raleigh, NC 27615. 5 Figure 1 Project Vicinity Map February2005 ONE cohirnNYlhrany soturlvnr- A 6 r 0 = o. o:_ M n:3 tj (a as ?R m= to i O C = 0 Q" -0 o CD CD 0 2 0 CD , . ? O 'o C CD 0 V = 0 .? CD 2 cD ?2) o C = = = C rt CD N 0 ? 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PROPOSED LAKE EDGE 239 q . a•. • ..?j--• / _ _ =?0?3, \ ?: ? •-. d:. • / Ir^l \ . ?` ?'`'.? "'???. 245-? VARIABLE HEIGHT "r 246- 'Z f WALL TO MATCH L PROPOSED GRADE 246 u ?ZOC I /r • G° !! Fi .a J / CHANN SIDES OF CHANN ci ° r / EL). l- l f L ° •d .° 0 cli m 1 ° R6 OSED SPILLWAY 1 ffl\\ o / / , ` /; ?'( ? .d ,fin • ? Lr) PROPOSED CONTOUR mob' 7I( o ?I ? J f r •? • ? o 236r 0 / ? /S W / S EN GSI ATOR/ a < DROPS UCT RE TO Or / f B C.4TED A END N r ? r ? ?Lq U. 1tisyC' ?oFS11?I WAY C?WFINEI SCALE: 1 = 20r 0 ;•, BRENTWOOD TODAY LAKE DATE U L 02/2005 PRELIMINARY SPILLWAY IMPROVEMENTS IZ y FIGURE U Noa?ru..+p.or_ FINAL REPORT FIGURE 3.2 • +a rr.r-ae..ts.r wlcr?+a sc mm. ,'?..'N Page 2 15 August 2005 Northshore and Brentwood Today Action ID No. 200421569 ... o F f-A ?.. dnnd in the nnner end of Northshore Lake and it is expected that more than 0.5 acres of oS- North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission C Richard B. Hamilton, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Tugwell, Raleigh Regulatory Field Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers FROM: Shari L. Bryant, Pied ont Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program DATE: 15 August 2005 V@[Ruw4b AUG 1 9 2005 A? 1],QDEN, R - WATER QUALITY y l Ode CJJ?STO= P.hv4 ??CH SUBJECT: Public Notice for City of Raleigh, Northshore and Brentwoo ay am ahc???? Rehabilitation, Wake County, North Carolina. Action ID No. 200421569 Biologists with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) have reviewed the subject document and are familiar with the habitat values of the area. Our comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (as amended), Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661-667d), and North Carolina General Statutes (G.S. 113-131 et seq.). The applicant proposes to reconstruct the dam and spillway and to excavate and reshape the lake beds for Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes. These lakes are located on an unnamed tributary to Marsh Creek which is a tributary to Crabtree Creek in the Neuse River basin There are records for the federal species of concern and state endangered Atlantic pigtoe (Fusconaia madom), the federal species of concern and state significantly rare Carolina madtom (Noturus f iriosus), the state threatened creeper (Strophilus undulatus) and triangle floater (Alasmidonta undulata), and the state special concern notched rainbow (Villosa constricta) in Crabtree Creek. The Northshore Lake dam will be improved to meet dam safety requirements and the primary spillway structure would be enlarged. Normal pool would be established 2.5 feet below the existing normal pool to create a 1.5 foot increase in flood storage. Approximately 1.5 acres would be dredged in the upper portions and perimeter of the lake. A 0.8 acre sediment pool would be constructed in the upper end of the lake and a 0.7 acre headwater wetland would be constructed downstream of the sediment pool. The Brentwood Today Lake dam would be upgraded with a new spillway. Approximately 3 acres of lake would be dredged and a 0.4 acre sediment pool would be created where a primary tributary enters the lake. The project will result in temporary disturbance of 4.5 acres due to dredging, and the loss of 0.63 acre of open water, 0.53 acre of forested wetlands, 0.03 acre of fringe wetlands and 390 linear feet of stream channel. The project is expected to improve water quality. The applicant proposes to create a 0.7 Mailing Address: Division of Inland Fisheries - 1721 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1721 Telephone: (919) 733-3633 - Fax: (919) 715-7643 Page 2 15 August 2005 Northsliore and Brentwood Today Action ID No. 200421569 acre forested wetland in the upper end of Northshore Lake and it is expected that more than 0.5 acres of wetlands will develop in the exposed lake bed once the water level is lowered. The applicant does not propose specific mitigation. One of the primary purposes for the project is to improve water quality and the project will result in the creation of wetland habitats. It is unclear whether the sediment pools will be constructed in areas that are already impounded or whether freo-flowing stream channels will be impounded or excavated to create the sediment pools. We would prefer the sediment pools be constructed in areas of the lake that are currently impounded. If the applicant proposes to impound or excavate free-flowing stream channel to create these sediment pools this will remove the natural functionality of the stream and we feel that mitigation for impact to stream channels should be performed according to the Stream Mitigation Guidelines (April 2003). We will not object to the project provided the following conditions are incorporated into the permit to reduce impacts to fish and wildlife resources. 1. We recommend that all remaining wetlands and streams on the site should be protected from additional impacts by placing them in a permanent conservation easement to prohibit filling, draining, flooding, and excavation. 2. Should water levels in the lakes need to be lowered to perform the dam construction and dredging, we request that the lakes be lowered and the work completed, if possible, between 15 October and 15 March to minimize fish stress and the chance of a fish kill within the lakes. 3. Should the lakes remain at normal pool during the dredging, we request that dredging not occur between 15 March and 15 July. Fish spawn in spring and young fish occupy near shore habitats in early summer. Prohibiting dredging during this time period will minimize impacts to the fish population within the lakes. 4. All sediment removed is deposited in upland areas or is disposed of at an approved facility. 5. Specialized efforts and techniques are implemented to reduce sediment runoff from construction activities. Excessive silt and sediment loads can have numerous detrimental effects on aquatic resources including destruction of spawning habitat, suffocation of eggs, and clogging of gills of aquatic species. 6. Concrete is toxic to aquatic life and should not be allowed to come in contact with surface waters until cured. 7. Should free-flowing stream channels be impacted by construction of the sediment pools, a mitigation plan should be submitted and approved before impacts occur Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this project. If we can provide further assistance, please contact our office at (336) 449--7625. cc: Cyndi Karoly, DWQ Triage Check List Ci} t d P?1 e i h- N cif 'rl? S0Y ?- 7 I ProJ'cEt Name: e?? ??? o n 1o cwt, Clam .? ?a ?e r4ak Dale, . DWQ#: O G l ZO County: WM-e To: ? ARO Kevin Barnett ? WaRO Tom Steffens and Kyle Barnes ? FRO Ken Averitte ? WiRO Noelle Lutheran ?, MRO Alan Johnson ? WSRO Daryl Lamb Lf/ RRO Mike Horan From: Telephone : (919)7 1 ; - a 72 The file attached is being forwardedto dour for your evaluation. Please call if you need asst}stance. ? Stream length impacted ? Stream determination ? Wetland determination and distance to blue-line surface,waters on USFW topo maps ? Minimization/avoidance issues ? Buffer Rules (Meuse, Tar-Pamlico, Catawba, Randleman) ? Pond fill ? Mitigation Ratios ? Ditching ? Are the stream and or wetland mitigation sites available and viable? ? Check drawings for accuracy ? Is the application consistent with pre-application meetings? ? Cumulative impact concern Comments: (-)S- ?'rA 4 s?,? it June 29, 2005 Ms. Cyndi Karoly NCDENR Division of Water Quality 401/Wetlands Certification Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 RE: Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes Rehabilitation Project Raleigh, North Carolina Dear Ms. Karoly: Enclosed are two (2) copies of an individual permit application, under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA), for the Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes Rehabilitation Project. The City of Raleigh contracted HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas (HDR) to perform a study of these lakes, prepare alternative recommendations, and coordinate public input on the rehabilitation of these facilities. This permit application includes this cover letter, ENG Form 4345, associated attachments, permit impact sheets, and a list of property owners as specified in the application requirements. The application is being submitted for CWA Section 404 permit approval, CWA Section 401 certification, and Neuse Buffer certification under the Neuse River Riparian Buffer Rules. Although this plan and design are conceptual in nature, the impacts are primarily related to the repair and rehabilitation of the spillways and dams, and the reduction of water level in Northshore Lake. The design of the spillway structures and the reduction of water levels have reached the point where an impact estimate can be made. Therefore, the City is submitting this permit application for your review and feedback in order to gain input and comments that will be incorporated into the final design and, if needed, permit re-application. Additional design will be occurring as the project continues, but should not significantly change the impacts discussed below. OFFICES • 222 WEST HARGETT STREET • POST OFFICE BOX 590 • RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27602 RECYCLLD PAPER Ms. Cyndi Karoly June 29, 2005 Page Two Please contact me at telephone number 890-3931 if I may answer any questions concerning this application or be of further assistance. Sincerely, James K. Leumas, P. E. Senior Project Engineer JKL/ Enclosures cc: Mr. Carl R. Dawson, Jr., P. E. Mr. H. Daniel Bowden, P. E. Ms. Veronica L. High, E. I. Mr. Todd Tugwell Mr. Ronald A. Geiger, P. E. June 29, 2005 Mr. "Todd Tugwell, Project Manager U.S. Army Corps of l;ngineers Raleigh Regulatory Office 6508 Falls of Neuse Road - Suite 120 Raleigh, NC 27615 RE: Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes Rehabilitation Project Raleigh, North Carolina Dear Mr. Tugwell: Enclosed is an individual permit application, under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA), for the Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes Rehabilitation Project. The City of Raleigh contracted HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas (HDR) to perform a study of these lakes, prepare alternative recommendations, and coordinate public input on the rehabilitation of these facilities. This permit application includes this cover letter, ENG Form 4345, associated attachments, permit impact sheets, and a list of property owners as specified in the application requirements. The application is being submitted for CWA Section 404 permit approval, CWA Section 401 certification, and Neuse Buffer certification under the Neuse River Riparian Buffer Rules. Although this plan and design are conceptual in nature, the impacts are primarily related to the repair and rehabilitation of the spillways and dams, and the reduction of water level in Northshore Lake. The design of the spillway structures and the reduction of water levels have reached the point where an impact estimate can be made. Therefore, the City is submitting this permit application for your review and feedback in order to gain input and comments that will be incorporated into the final design and, if needed, permit re-application. Additional design will be occurring as the project continues, but should not significantly change the impacts discussed below. li I II I III II Mr. 1 odd I ugwell June 29, 2005 Page "Two Please contact me at telephone number 890-3931 if 1 may answer any questions concerning this application or be of further assistance. Sincerely, Ll, . James K. Leumas, P. E. Senior Project Engineer ;II III II II I I II II II ; III I? ill JKL/ Enclosures cc: Mr. Carl R. Dawson, Jr., P. E. Mr. H. Daniel Bowden, P. E. Ms. Veronica L. High, E. L Ms. Cyndi Karoly Mr. Ronald A. Geiger, P. E. I APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT ( OMB APPROVAL NO. 0710-0003 /33 CFR 3251 Expires December 31, 2004 The Public burden for this collection of information is sestimated to average 10 hours per response, although the majority of applications should require 5 hours or less. This includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Service Directorate of Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710-0003), Washington, DC 20503. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of those addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authorities: Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10, 33 USC 403; Clean Water Act, Section 404, 33 USC 1344; Marine Protection , Research and Sanctuaries Act, 33 USC 1413, Section 103. Principal Purpose: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Routine Uses: This information may be shared with the Department of Justice and other federal, state, and local government agencies. Submission of requested information is voluntary, however, if information is not provided the permit application cannot be evaluated nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is not completed in full will be returned. 1. APPLICATION NO. 12. FIELD OFFICE CODE 13. DATE RECEIVED 14. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETED 11TEMS BELOW TO BE FILLED BY APPLICANT) 5. APPLICANT'S NAME S. AUTHORIZED AGENT'S NAME AND TITLE tnn ngenr a not tequitedl Carl R. Dawson Jr., PE, Public Works Director City of Raleigh, Public Works Department 6. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS 9. AGENT'S ADDRESS City of Raleigh, Public Works Department PC Box 590 Raleigh, NC 27602-0590 7. APPLICANT'S PHONE NOS. WIAREA CODE 10. AGENT'S PHONE NOS. W/AREA CODE a. Residence a. Residence b. Business 919-890-3030 I b. Business 1 1 . STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION I hereby authorize, to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to rurnish, upon request, supplemental information in support of this permit application. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE NAME. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE tsc msit-oons. Northshore and Brentwood Today Dam and Lake Rehabilitation 13. NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN otnppl,cbivcl 114. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS titnppbcnble) Northshore Lake and Brentwood Today Lake, both on the New Hope to Marsh Creek 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT Wake County COUNTY North Carolina STATE 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN, tserinstrucoonsl Northshore Lake Dam coordinates: Latitude 35 deg. 50 min. 13 sec. / Longitude 78 deg. 35 min. 16 sec.; Brentwood Today Lake Dam coordinates: Latitude 35 deg. 49 min. 56 sec. / Longitude 78 deg. 35 min. 24 sec. 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE Take 1-440 Beltline to Capital Boulevard, proceed north on Capital approximately 2 miles to New Hope Church Road, turn left on New Hope Church, after -1/4-mile you will pass Deana Lane on the right, Northshore Lake is then immediately to your north (right) and Brentwood Today Lake is to your south (left) NG FORM 4345, Jul 97 EDITION OF FEB 94 IS OBSOLETE. (Proponent: CECW-OR) 18. Nature of Activity (DescriFwion of pro;ecl, include all fcvtures) This activity includes repair and rehabilitation of Northshore and Brentwood Today dams and spillways, dredging of both lakes, and lowering of the water level in Northshore Lake for flood control. [See attachment] 19. Project Purpose (Describe the rarson or purpose of the project, sce instructions) These two lakes are privately-owned earthen dams with a recent history of overtopping during high flood events. Both dams and spillways are in need of repair. The lakes are surrounded by residential homes and apartments that are subject to flooding. New Hope Church Road, just downstream of Northshore Lake, could wash out due to an overtopping event. Both lakes have filled in with sediment over the past several decades, thereby decreasing water quality. [See attachment] USE BLOCKS 20-22 IF DREDGED AND/OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s) for Discharge Discharges are mainly related to the repair and rehabilitation of the dams and spillways. Some additional discharges will be associated with the sediment pool construction and establishment of fringe wetlands around the lakes. [See attachment] 21. Type(s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards [See attachment] 22. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled (see instructions) [See attachment] 23. Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? Yes No X IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK 24. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody (If more than can be entered here, please attach a supplemental list). See attached list 25. List of Other Certifications or Approvals/Denials Received from other Federal, State or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL' IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED .N ould include but is not restricted to zoning, building and flood plain permits 26. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that the information in this application is complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly authorized e o the applicant. -,75/61' SIGNATURE OF APPL ANT DATE SIGNATURE OF AGENT DATE The application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. Northshore and Brentwood Today Dam and Lake Rehabilitation List of Permit Application Attachments Permit Narrative (with Photographs) Figures 1-7 (includes Project Vicinity Map) Preliminary Spillway Drawings Q figures) Email Communication with Becky Fox of the USEPA Technical Memorandum No. 4 (Water Quality Evaluation of Conceptual Plans) List of Adjacent Property Owners Northshore and Brentwood Today Dam and Lake Rehabilitation Project Section 404 Permit and Section 401/Neuse Buffer Certification Narrative The narrative below is a thorough description of the project. Under each heading, the corresponding item from ENG Form 4345 is listed in parentheses if applicable. For continuity and readability reasons, the items are not necessarily in the order they occur in the permit, and additional items are included for justification of the project. Project Background and Purpose (Item 19) There are a series of four lakes along the New Hope tributary to Marsh Creek and Crabtree Creek: an unnamed lake, Northshore Lake, Brentwood Today Lake, and Beaman Lake. The dam at Beaman Lake was breached several years ago and reconstruction was recently completed to restore the dam embankment and install features to improve water quality, including constructed wetlands. This Project includes Northshore Lake and Brentwood Today Lake, which are located in the City of Raleigh (City) near New Hope Church Road and west of U.S. Highway 1 (Capital Blvd.) as shown in Figure 1. The dams at both Lakes were identified as small, high hazard dams in a report by Titan Atlantic dated July 20, 2004. Furthermore, the spillways at both Lakes have been a safety concern for over 20 years. The dams have been overtopped several times in recent years, causing flooding in the surrounding residential area. There is also concern that New Hope Church Road, located just downstream of Northshore Dam, has the potential to wash out during an overtopping event. In addition to safety concerns, development in the drainage basin over the last several decades has created a significant amount of runoff and sedimentation entering these lakes. Both Northshore and Brentwood Today have an estimated 3-5 feet of sediment in their lower, deeper areas, and are very shallow in the upper ends with less than a foot of water in some areas. Peninsula wetlands have been created in the headwater regions of both lakes through accumulation of sediment. Algae and other noxious plants are present throughout the lakes, but are concentrated in these shallow upper-headwater areas. In 2004, the City of Raleigh (City) made a commitment to evaluate the potential of rehabilitating the Northshore Lake and the Brentwood Today Lake dams and spillways to minimize and/or prevent flooding to the neighboring property owners as well as improve public safety downstream. The analysis of these two lakes was driven by three primary objectives: 1) Address NC Dam Safety concerns for long-term stability and downstream protection 2) Identify opportunities for water quality enhancement of the watershed supplemental to ongoing City efforts 3) Preserve property value for the neighborhoods surrounding these lakes. Northshore do Brentwood Today Lakes Page 2 of 15 4041401 Permit Application Narrative The underlying goal for this effort is to provide a project that addresses these objectives while achieving public support and meeting the goals of the City of Raleigh's Storm Water Program. The planning process provided the basis for conceptual layouts for rehabilitating the dam structures while also increasing water storage capacities and water quality benefits. The conceptual layouts, discussed in the alternatives analysis section, were produced with City input and presented for public comment. This planning process provided a recommended plan comprising dam safety and water quality benefits. Both lakes are located within the Marsh Creek watershed, which exhibits serious nutrient- loading problems. This concept would help to reduce some of this nutrient loading as discussed below. Project Description (Item 18) Although two separate lakes, the recommended improvements to these facilities are being proposed in conjunction due to the overall purpose of this project. The analysis of alternatives and development of a recommended plan were performed using a watershed approach to the water quality issues, while looking individually at the project components such as each dam and spillway. This plan development included incorporation of the available flood control capacity of Northshore Lake, and the water quality improvements of Beaman Lake to yield an overall approach for the New Hope tributary watershed. Northshore Lake (Figure 2) The Northshore Lake recommended plan is focused on long-term aquatic habitat and nutrient-removal improvements, in addition to the required dam safety improvements. An approximate 0.8-acre sediment pool is proposed to be located just south of Comstock Road within the old Northshore Marina lot and an adjacent parcel that currently contains a residential structure. The house is located within the 100-year floodplain and is considered a hazard for flooding. The sediment pool would require periodic maintenance in order to remove the sediment build-up. Upland areas around the sediment pool would be set aside for maintenance access and storage. The pool will serve the same function that the lake has been providing by trapping sediment, but this will limit the area requiring maintenance and increase accessibility. Normal pool elevation would be dropped 2.5 feet to a normal pool elevation of 262 feet in order to provide additional flood storage without raising the dam and impacting adjacent landowners. The proposed spillway structure is a notched drop-chute spillway that would incorporate a 25-foot-wide weir at an elevation of 263'. In order to pass high flows, a 150-foot weir length would be constructed at an elevation of 265.9'. To minimize impacts to the dam, the structure will protrude into the lake. The hardened channel below the weir would slope from an invert elevation of 261' down to 256', where it would then tie into the existing channel below the dam. In addition, several 2" water-quality drawdown holes using orifice plates at an elevation of 262' will be included in the spillway. These holes will reduce clogging and will pass the daily flow in addition to any floodwaters stored between 262' and 263'. Flood storage capacity would be Northshore do Brentwood Today lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Page 3of15 increased by 1.5 vertical feet with an additional 1-foot drawdown for water quality improvement purposes. Approximately 1.5 acres of the lake would be dredged to remove much of the depositional sediment that has accumulated over the 50+-year life of the lake. Using existing bathymetry as a guide, the dredging would occur in the upper portions of the lake and around parts of the lake perimeter. The dredging would also be performed in order to keep the lake surface area approximately equal to current conditions. Since some of the existing wetlands may be drained due to the drop in water elevation, planting of created headwater wetland areas may occur to enhance their development. An approximate 0.7-acre headwater wetland would be created below the sediment pool to help filter out nutrients and contaminants prior to reaching the lake. This headwater wetland will be planted with trees and constructed such that shallow channels braid through the system. Small plunge pools are proposed where existing point-source pipes and channels discharge directly into the lake. These would provide some treatment for sediment and contaminant runoff from the stormwater outfalls. Brentwood Today Lake (Figure 3) The Brentwood plan would provide primarily for spillway replacement and lake bathymetry restoration. The existing spillway structure has been progressively failing over a period of years and needs to be addressed relatively soon in order to prevent a complete failure of the spillway (a failure of this magnitude may result in an outflow that could adversely impact downstream lives and property in addition to the aforementioned Beaman Lake reconstruction project). The proposed structure would have a 100-foot weir length at an elevation of 245.2' with a 20-foot notch cut down to 242'. The channel invert below the weir would be 238', sloping down on a 1-percent grade to an energy-dissipating structure at the confluence with the existing stream channel. No change in water level is proposed for this lake since it would add only a minor amount of additional flood storage. Approximately 3 acres of lakebed would be dredged. A 0.4-acre sediment pool would be created where an eastern tributary enters the lake. A plunge pool along the western shoreline and a sediment pool below New Hope Church Road are also proposed in this plan. Other than the minor wetland impact from the eastern sediment pool, the wetlands on-site are to be preserved in order to provide water quality and habitat benefits. Alternatives Analysis The attached technical memoranda describe the Concept Plans shown in Figures 2 through 3, along with the analysis used in the evaluation of these alternatives. In general, three alternatives were evaluated for each lake: ¦ Dam safety and flood attenuation, Nonlhslmre & Brentwood Today Lakes Page 4 of 15 4041401 Permit Appliration Narrative ¦ Water quality improvements, and ¦ A composite plan integrating dam safety and water quality (Recommended Plan). The dam safety recommendations were integrated into all three alternative scenarios, since exclusion of these recommendations was not practical due to public safety concerns. Therefore, a "no action alternative" was not considered for permitting purposes for this project. The analysis, fully documented in the attached technical memoranda, resulted in the recommendation of the plan described above. This plan included the required elements for dam safety and flood attenuation, and incorporated both water quality elements and public interests. The resulting project yields an increase in water quality efficiency of the facilities, while satisfying to the greatest practical extent the needs and interests of the adjacent landowners. Project Impacts, Minimization, and Avoidance (Items 20, 21, 22) The impacts of the proposed project on each type of jurisdictional area are presented in Table 1 and discussed by site below. Along with each impact description is a discussion of the minimization and avoidance performed at each site. Overall, impacts are mostly limited to the original footprint of the lakes and spillways prior to the sedimentation and infilling that has occurred over their 50+-year existence. Stream and wetland delineation was performed in April-May 2004, and field-verified by Ms. Jennifer Burdette on July 13, 2004 (existing conditions are shown in Figures 4a, 4b, 5a, and 5b; proposed conditions with impacts in Figures 6a, 6b, 7a, and 7b). Table 1: Impact Summarv Site Number Lake Open Water ac Forested Wetland Impact ac Fringe Wetlands ac Stream Channel U. 1 Northshore 0.51 0.46 - 260 2 Northshore - - 0.03 - 3 Northshore 0.08 - - - 4 BrenMood Today - 0.07 - 80 5 Brenhvood Today 0.04 - - 50 Totals 0.63 0.53 0.03 390 Site 1 - Northshore Headwaters: 0.46 acres of riparian forested wetlands will be impacted in this area due to the drop in the normal pool elevation of the lake (Figure 6a). This will eliminate the hydrologic conditions necessary for the survival and propagation of the wetland species currently present. In addition, over time the hydric soil characteristics of this area will be eliminated and the area will likely revert to an upland riparian system. 0.51 acres of pond will be converted to wetland due to the reduction in water levels. This area will be planted with riparian wetland vegetation in order to enhance the water quality benefits of the project and replace the habitat lost in the draining of the current wetland areas. Approximately 0.18 acres of the 0.46 Northshore do Brennvood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Page 5 of 15 acres of wetlands will also be excavated to allow for the construction of a 0.8 acre sediment pool or forebay within the original footprint of the lake. This forebay will be used to minimize the amount of maintenance required in the future and limit this activity to an easily accessible area. The forebay construction will impact an additional 260 linear feet of perennial stream channel that is currently inundated by the lake. Avoidance of this impact was not practical due to the heavy historical and current sediment load that has led to the conditions described above. An off-line sediment pool or forebay was considered for this location in order to avoid impacting the current stream channel and wetlands. This would have divided the forebay into two sections on either side of the stream and greatly reduced the volume of water controlled. In addition, normal base flows would have been passed by the stream without contact with the sediment pools. Since the entire lake is currently acting as a sediment pool for the upstream drainage, it was determined that an in-line forebay was the most practical option. Draining of the current wetland areas was examined to determine if there were options to avoid this impact. However, since flood control is a primary concern below the dam, the water level has been decreased in the Recommended Plan to provide additional flood storage and spillway capacity, which brings the dam's spillway capacity into compliance with the NC Dam Safety Act. Since the flood control storage drop of 1.5 feet is necessary and would drain the wetlands at the site, it was determined that an additional 1 foot of water drop would be beneficial for water quality purposes and would not cause additional impacts to the wetlands. Alternative flood control strategies, such as raising the existing dam elevation, were considered but found to not be practical due to the potential impacts on adjacent landowners. Site 2 - Northshore Fringe Wetlands 0.03 acres of current fringe wetlands are located around Northshore Lake as shown in Figures 4a and 4b. These wetlands have formed in the flatter portions of the lake margin where water is shallow enough to allow colonization by hydrophytic plants. Lowering the water level will impact all of these wetlands. The dredging of the lake will maintain the current lake margins by creating a shallow shelf along the edge of the lake. Fringe wetlands are likely to reform in areas that supply suitable depth. As stated above, avoidance of the water level decrease was examined but deemed not practical due to flood control and spillway capacity issues necessary to comply with the NC Dam Safety Act. Therefore, the impacts to the fringe wetlands are necessary. Minimization of these impacts is being achieved through the dredging of adjacent shallow waters to maintain the current lake banks and create shelves along the shore. This will allow for the natural reestablishment of fringe wetlands in suitable locations around the perimeter of the lake. Northshore & Brentwood Today lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Site 3 - Northshore Dam and Spillway Page 6 of 15 The construction of the Northshore spillway device, shown in Figure 6b, will impact approximately 0.08 acres of open waters. No additional stream channel will be impacted by the rehabilitation of the existing spillway downstream of the dam. This stream channel is currently concrete and rock lined. This material will be removed and replaced with proper materials. During construction, the stream will be diverted around the current channel through pipes, preferably via gravity flow. Avoidance of this impact was deemed impractical due to the high flood hazard conditions, the current state of the spillway, and lack of compliance with the NC Dam Safety Act. The enlarged weir will remove some open water, but is necessary to control the flows entering the spillway and reduce downstream velocities and flooding potential. The current spillway is cracked and a portion of the base flow is bypassing the spillway through voids underneath. This would eventually lead to the failure of the spillway and degradation of the downstream channel. The spillway length has been limited to not cause additional impacts to the stream channel. The leveling of the dam will not impact the stream or open water. Site 4 - Brentwood Today Eastern Tributarv Although sediment is being controlled along the main stem lakes and stream through the sediment pool on Northshore Lake, there is a significant amount of the overall watershed (31%) that enters Brentwood Today Lake through an eastern tributary that is piped under the Mini-City area along Capital Boulevard. The sediment load in this tributary has created headwater wetlands similar to those at the upper end of both lakes. In order to reduce this sediment load and minimize further filling of the Brentwood Today Lake, a sediment pool is proposed on this tributary. Construction of this pool will impact 0.07 acres of this wetland area. The remaining wetland and the wetlands at the upper end of the lake will not be impacted. In addition, 80 feet of perennial stream channel of the eastern tributary will be impacted by construction of the sediment pool (Figure 7b). Avoidance of this impact was considered, but it was not deemed practical due to the sediment load currently produced from the watershed to the east of Brentwood Today. As discussed above, an offline forebay would not control base flow sediment load and would be greatly reduced in size. In addition, it would likely involve additional taking of properties. Site - Brentwood Today Dam and Spillway The 50 feet of remaining spillway at the Brentwood Today Lake is progressively collapsing and the banks of the stream channel are sloughing in. The original spillway length below the dam was approximately 200 feet. The proposed spillway length is 100 feet, which yields an additional impact of 50 linear feet of Nonluhore & Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Page 7 of 15 perennial stream channel when compared to current conditions, but is within the original footprint of the 200' spillway. The current conditions of this stream channel, and the impending failure of the remaining 50 feet of the spillway, prevent any other alternative solution besides draining the lake. The inlet structure will impact an additional 0.04 acres of open waters. Avoidance of the spillway improvements was unavoidable due to the state of the current structure. Of the original 200 foot spillway, only 50 feet remain (and sections are continuing to collapse). The proposed length of the spillway is enough to pass the required flows (based on Dam Safety Act requirements) and tie into the existing stream channel while reducing velocities of the outflow so as to minimize potential for downstream degradation. Mitigation The original concept for compensatory mitigation for this project was to use the enhanced wetlands associated with the Northshore Lake (Figures 6a and 6b) to offset the unavoidable wetland losses. In an October 5, 2004 pre-application meeting with the USACE, it was determined that these wetlands could not be used as compensatory mitigation since they are a component of a stormwater facility. This was concurred by the EPA in email correspondence on February 7, 2005. It was agreed in the pre- application meeting with the USACE that a proposal would be considered to not require mitigation for impacts if functional replacement could be proven for the project. DWQ 401 Certification Unit staff tentatively agreed to a similar approach in an October 22, 2004 pre-application meeting. Therefore, the following mitigation section is designed to justify the waving of compensatory mitigation for the proposed impacts due to the functional replacement of the project components. Wetland Functions The impacted wetlands are discussed below by category of wetland functions as described in the "Guidance for Rating the Values of Wetlands in North Carolina" published by NCDENR. Dater Stora.ee The current wetland areas consist of bars of sediment transported downstream and deposited at the inlet of the lakes. Little microtopographic relief is present in these wetlands and therefore their water storage capacity during flood events is low. As these wetlands have formed above the normal pool elevation of the lakes, they have actually decreased the amount of flood storage provided by the freeboard of the lakes. The increase in flood storage capacity created by the drop in water level of Northshore Lake will greatly increase flood storage capacity of the entire system and therefore offset any loss of flood storage retention in the wetland areas. Nortluhore & Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative BanUShoreline Stabilization Page 8of15 The current wetlands consist of fine silts and sands deposited in the upper end of the lakes. These areas are constantly shifting and provide little stabilization of the stream banks. Vegetation in much of these areas is limited to herbaceous species such as Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) that provide little stabilization. Reduction of the water level in Northshore, along with the dredging of sediments in both lakes, will remove most of these sediments. The creation of the sediment pools prior to these wetland areas will help to reduce the erosive velocities and scour potential of the streams and therefore will not decrease the bank stabilization of the system. Currently, the stream channels immediately upstream of the open water are pooled, channelized, and relatively incised. The channel below the Brentwood Today dam is currently caving in and causing additional water quality problems. Overall, the project will reduce downstream erosion potential by controlling flooding and reducing velocities downstream of the spillways. This reduction in erosion and stabilization of the currently eroding banks adjacent to the spillway will help mitigate the minor stream impacts associated with the project. The current conditions of the streams, specifically the stream below Brentwood Today, would more than mitigate for the loss of this function. Pollutant Removal The current wetlands do provide some pollutant removal for the incoming flows. However, as described in the following text and supported in the attached technical memoranda, pollutant removal efficiencies will be increased throughout the watershed as a result of this project. This was one of the primary purposes of this project. Examination of the New Hope Tributary (including Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes) as the system of treatment facilities for the entire watershed provides a comprehensive assessment of water quality. Table 2 integrates the combined loadings from all five sub-watersheds studied (attached as Technical Memorandum No. 4) and the trapping capacity of both lakes to yield a composite load and overall removal efficiency from the system. These results are presented in the last three columns of Table 2. The system is operating in the mid-range of the removal efficiency for wet ponds, based on the initial assumptions of poor removal capacity for the individual lakes. However, the main function of this system simply operates to detain pollutants and does not facilitate the expedition of these pollutants entirely out of the system. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and TSS would be available for reintroduction into the system's downstream conveyance. Northshore & Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Page 10 of 15 inundated most of the time. Based on interviews with local residents, fish populations in both lakes have seriously declined in the last several decades. The aquatic benches created by the dredging operations will add aquatic habitat by providing shallow water refuge adjacent to deeper water habitat. The construction of the spillways will not change the current impediments to fish passage. The overall project will improve the quality of the aquatic habitat in both the lakes. Recreation and Education Recreation opportunities, which were originally quite high for these lakes, have drastically decreased over the last several decades. Fishing has declined due to the decrease in fish populations associated with the poor water quality and sedimentation. Boating opportunities have also declined as significant portions of these lakes have become inaccessible by watercraft. Several docks are currently surrounded by wetlands or water less than 1 foot deep. The project will increase both these functions to a great extent. Fish habitat will be increased, and over time fishing opportunities should likewise increase. Boat access will be enhanced through the dredging of the lakes. While some areas without current open water access will not change (such as the upper portion of Brentwood Today), landowners with access to open water will have that access enhanced through the dredging of channels and deepening of the lakes. Stream Mitigation Stream impacts associated with this project are limited to 390 linear feet of perennial stream. Current stream channel degradation along the old spillway of Brentwood Today Lake will be repaired during the construction of the spillway, and downstream impacts from sedimentation and erosive velocities will be reduced by the proposed enhancements and rehabilitation. Since the stream channels along the spillways of these lakes have already been impacted, only additional stream channel impacts have been included in these calculations. Any channel impacts occurring at the upper reaches of each lake are impacting open water that falls within the streambanks - these channels are not functioning as streams but as open water conveyances. Some grade control points may be established in the exposed stream channels to prevent head cutting as needed. Therefore, no stream mitigation is being proposed for this project. The overall watershed and water quality improvements associated with this project provide sufficient mitigation for the minor amounts of stream impacts. Based on the overall assessment of the functions described above, each wetland function is at minimum replaced and, more frequently, enhanced by the project. Stream impacts and enhancements are largely offset by the primary goal of water quality improvements and the rehabilitation of the dams. The overall goals of flood control and water quality, along with the current severely degraded state of these lakes, provides mitigation for these functions through an alternative delivery process rather than traditional compensatory mitigation. It is therefore proposed that no formal compensatory mitigation be required for the impacts associated with this project. Northshore & Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Neuse Buffer Impacts and Mitigation Requirements Page II (/f 15 Figures 6a, 6b, 7a, and 7b present the current riparian buffers within the project area under jurisdiction of the Neuse River Riparian Buffer Rules. The proposed plan will impact 1.95 acres of the total 12 acres of buffers currently surrounding the lakes. These impacts stem primarily from spillway improvements and sediment pool construction. The impacts related to the rehabilitation of the dams and spillways are exempt under the current rules. Since the dredging operation will retain the current lake limits by creating benches along the shores, no permanent loss of riparian buffers are associated with this activity. The construction of the sediment pools will require impacts to 0.84 acres of riparian buffers. These impacts do not create new impervious surfaces. Protected Species Plants and animals classified as Endangered or Threatened by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) are protected under provisions of Section 7 and Section 9 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. Table 9 presents USFWS list of federally protected species for Wake County, North Carolina as of February 25, 2003. Table 3: Federal Listed Protected Species for Wake Countv. NC Scientific Name Common Name Federal Status Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald eagle Threatened-Proposed for Delistin Picoides borealis Red-cockaded woodpecker (RCW) Endangered Alasmidonta heterodon Dwarf wed emussel Endangered Rhus michauxii Michaux's sumac Endangered Limited potential habitat exists on-site for each species (Bald eagle - open water; RCW - mature pines; Dwarf wedgemussel - perennial streams; Michaux's sumac - regularly maintained edge habitat). Prior to construction, surveys will be performed for each species as requested by the permitting agencies. Northshore & Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Table 2: Comparative Loading Analvsis Page 9 of 15 Loadings to Total Loadings to Trapped Load from Loadings out of Overall Constituent Beaman Brentwood & the System Brentwood Removal Lake' Northshore Efficienc Total Nitrogen 3,872 13,320 4,124 9,196 31% Total Phosphorus 1,215 1,400 787 613 56% TSS 284,712 285,050 226,648 58,402 80% Fecal Coliform N/A 4,540 850 3,690 19% NOTES: Loadings are presented in Ibs/year except for fecal coliform, which are presented in colony forming units x 101iyear: '- Data from Beaman Lake Embankment Rehabilitation report. The initial assessment of total nitrogen removed by Northshore and Brentwood appears to meet the 30 percent reduction requirement in nitrogen specified in the Neuse River Rules. However, the City of Raleigh's Stormwater Management Design Manual requires that the nitrogen load from new development not exceed 3.6 lbs/acre/year. This equates to approximately 2,700 lbs/year, which would theoretically be the target loading out of Brentwood Lake if the two watersheds were not already mostly built-out. This is a much smaller loading as compared to the present loading of approximately 9,200 lbs/year out of Brentwood Today. While the 2,700 lbs/year may not be a reasonable goal, it still emphasizes the need for maximizing nitrogen control where possible. Iildlife Habitat The current wetlands are relatively small and provide little wildlife habitat. The vegetation primarily consists of herbaceous species, with some younger saplings, shrubs, and trees. The surrounding land use is almost completely built out and provides little refuge for populations of wildlife. Potential cover is adequate only in spotty areas, and is periodically cleared out by adjacent landowners. Mast producing trees and other food sources are limited by this disturbance. The project will remove some of the thin riparian buffer along the streams and lakes in the area of the sediment pools. This will be mitigated by the replacement of similar vegetation types and cover in the enhanced wetlands created by the exposure of additional land surface when the Northshore Lake level is dropped. Additional open water created by the dredging operations, along with the establishment of littoral shelves and benches around the perimeter of Northshore Lake will increase waterfowl habitat. Aquatic Life Currently, the aquatic habitat of the two lakes and connecting streams is in poor condition. As described above, the lakes have gradually filled in with sediment and therefore removed most of the deepwater habitat in these systems. Approximately 30% of Northshore Lake and 50% of Brentwood Today are less than 1 foot deep. This has created conditions that promote the growth of algae and invasive aquatic plants that are currently choking the system. The dredging of the lakes and control of the sediment load coming downstream will greatly enhance the aquatic habitat of the lakes. The lowering of the Northshore water level will allow the stream below Comstock Road to flow rather than be Northshore & Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Photographs { %j Page 12 of 15 Upstream end of Northshore Lake, looking upstream near Comstock Road x? Upper end of Northshore Lake Northshore & Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Page 13 of 15 Northshore Lake, looking upstream from the dam . +i+ A Top of Northshore Lake spillway Northshore & Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Page 14 of 15 Brentwood Today dam spillway, looking downstream from the top of the spillway (as of September 2004) Brentwood Today Lake, looking upstream from the dam Northshore & Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Page 15 of 15 Post-storm destruction below Brentwood Today spillway due to bank erosion and sloughing (April 2004, along the eastern streambank and -20' downstream of existing spillway) Approximate former location of Brentwood Today spillway, now -150 feet downstream of the progressively collapsing end of the spillway seen above O\X\broC* Ca/vary N A song F-rea1 ,o J\aa1c9 New Hopa 4 n ?y T n Today Ob Bufla?° Bu%eloa ? I m Z GaQ 0 1,00 2,000 Feet Figure 1 Project Vicinity Map February 2005 T- t W Z Y Qa LLj J p W W p OZ = W O Z w r` Wf L O fC O C c c Y c E m O O cv gU Y co ca ? m c? ? v m O : a? C c rn c y° s m .5 c C-0 yO cc a) $ ?E '? 3v t ? .- ? t o? N (O Z T N ' r- vj N O C ?. L y t 0 v .: O t C (n y> L v C_ (A fA 01 C ^y wy, V w U t3 c m 'oW rr N L a cs c U cC y a0 3 m N? a y O O O L O 0 o > 4) ? C O c? O m 8 y m3° C 0 30 a9 c - 0') rn C: of ? a? `f co m CVN- E t N 3 Orm 4) cm 0 o c w N N O N 4)LO o o.X o m$ m 2? 0 0 dm UU 0 m UL U 3 U ?i a?mi 2 cn ? 3 a? m ?- " a O y .- 3 C L C >? U m D1 U IV Cm 3 v uai M N M? m c 7a 0 w 0) m 3 EDE E E I 19 MLJ y Q c O U U) c O 0 4W A v ?c ?Q L Q a Q W o° 0w CI 0Q0 w W Y M L OJf LL c O m N 3 4) C) C O L v O z 0) m ?a ov 0 M c m; o o M N _ CD rn a '> 0•X 0 o.. «, O m M c m O ? u? 0 M 0 N 3 c c c o .= 42 t O $ U m z N c9 R_ E? z ? E 4) c' L E? `>% c S o o = a= (D E d d '° 3 +'• 3 z ? 3 4) N m 4) 3 U U- 'u? O fl O Ew o _ 8 > a E 4) a U L E (A (D c *1 R C C 0-0 'D c_ov'? N i E m? v0 N rno 3 y E o c o z -9 I- B 0 ?? co 'a 2 m 2- N ) E^ mv? OL 2= . C .0.. N .O+ C .0. ` O O 0 7 E c ? o a?0iv , m - a?0i cn$°?n UE; 03 UU c m U D N >. ,?8 ca 3 .a ? Vf ; O y c, U ? O a L c,«.a U c Q O 2? N CD a CL U 0 m 1 O ti m N Q m C 0 CL U C Y c O C U U G s bdgrx i/ --- 7 _-77:*?-, - I ?i v i -r + I ; i J? Legend N Building Footprint / / - Road ROW Topography I Adjacent Property Boundary Stream, Lake / \ , - - Wetlands l i \\ 0 50 100 150eet Joins Figure 4b Figure 4a Existing Conditions February 2005 Northshore Lake Joins Figure 4a y?I i / y? i i V i r, X e ?e Legend N ® Building Footprint Road ROW Topography Adjacent Property Boundary ® stream, Lake - Wetlands 0 50 100 150 Feet Figure 4b Existing Conditions February 2005 w _L?1% Northshore Lake . N \ i / I %, Legend Building Footprint A Road ROW \ y -X? ?Oad / - - Topography I_ _I Adjacent Property Boundary i 0 Gru - \ I ® stream, Lake - M Wetlands x 0 50 100 150 Feet - \ X,_1 I l I I ; X I X \ I I / 1 1 --X) Pe' pertree P ac6 J I ~ / I X Joins Figure 5b Figure 5a Existing Conditions February 2005 Brentwood Today Lake \ 1 Joins Figure 5a - ------------------------- I I X l 17 Legend ®Building Footprint A Road ROW i Topography Adjacent Property Boundary I ? stream, Lake TTT ,`, ? Wetlands f 0 50 100 150 Feet Figure 5b Existing Conditions February 2005 Ana Brentwood Today Lake XI Joins Figure 6a i L X l \ J? ? y ?e? Legend N Building Footprint A Road ROW Topography I Adjacent Property Boundary ® Stream, Lake ® Dredged Lake Area 0 Sediment Pool Spillway Wetlands Neuse Buffers impacted 0 Zone 1 Constructed Zone 2 _ Preserved 0 50 100 150 Feet Figure 6b Proposed Conditions February 2005 ONE COMPANY IA4any So(utio Northshore Lake till ;O�f Joins Figure 7a i V x yJq) / % Legend Building Footprint Road ROW Topography / 11 1_ -1 Adjacent Property Boundary I ®Stream, Lake Dredged Lake Area 67 Sediment Pool I ' - \ Spillway Wetlands Neuse Buffers \ ( [1= Impacted zone 1 r 1 4-1 Constructed ®zone 2 - Preserved 0 50 100 150 Feet Figure 7b Proposed Conditions February 2005 Brentwood Today Lake 25 1 I? I'?' '?I ?1 I ''? N I II 6JO0 • I de I ° • '` 17 m C-13 III a 9, II ° I o .d• \ ?', l II a II, WEIR 2 WEIR 1 ,? .....??. ll 11 i, ,1 WIDTH 16b' WIDTH ,5'...• N 1 ed 1eEC-2E5.9ep \.EL-263.00 '11 ° • X34 a. ?.\ A C-03 C-03 y I lyA a ? ?? ??- ``? °• e PROPOSED NORMAL JI ?' • ?? POOL-EL-253,00 ,-? d,j. ° e - - y . 1 Q 1 ... a . d . '? \4 a A. 4 v -ti .4 .d.--=:-+_i_ .yea • • II 1 I e. ? ? ° „ram ? d+???1Y ?` ?. • ° ? = - VARIABLE HEIGHT "CL i, `Dj -` WALL TO MATC)4'? .II d ryp.1. 84 PROPOSED GrDC BOTH SIDES 0 ,1 l °. .e'` • ° .00, .•:ll',,. ` SCOPE CHANNEL) \t? (7J'1:?, j - % ` i l L 4 5` l l .` , . 11 ` ' r? r ' 1 s- •tt? -'-rte f, ,155II' l l5 ,• w I. d \% IVR r,oR cnc?n..ry,.,m /oli ,4591 ' /; i ;!r /. ! / 135 264 } %SCALE: 1 ' 20' /`\ I\\,., ; ?® NORTHSHORE LAKE DATE PRELIMINARY SPILLWAY IMPROVEMENTS 02/2005 FINAL REPORT FIGURE FIGURE 3.1 r I t ' I C-C3 C-03 WEIR 1 2 B 238.Q0. WIDTH - 201 ?? •, i I ti? , ELEVATION - 242.00' A 10 II N `? 4 r. e d 238.00 ;;I r a q e. ?. WEIR 2 w, d A. ° • WIDTH 100' PROPOSED 'd `. 4ELEVATICi}? !"'245 POOL EL-242.00 d. PROPOSED LAKE EDGE 239,00 • d s4 I f ?T c f VARIABLE HEIGHT - "1EJ WALL TO MATCH± PROPOSED GRADE f 246 rr + d. f / f/.1~'a / (BOTH-SIDES OF + EX 1 f ` I' J. ' CHANNEL) -, R, rrr i ?p°• i I r 7 dd i•a .r 'f. l a I 1 ,? ?`'? I rl f I I f '?;rr 'I ,1lrr r? f ! _? ?; , •1 a- ,x- + f, der •: • , lr i ?'? I - .dr RC SED SPILLWAY 1G • is f 1 F 5 i \ \` ? /}' it il4r ??'! o?r?,?. /alai `• ,,.\ l r ? • J If Y' , ? I??"rl ! I PROPOSED CONTOUR Z3 ?O. f '?!,'• r ?`` ;?• ENy DGSI ATOR/ DROP TRUCT RE TO CBE LOCATED AT END + _ of SPILLWAY CHANNEL SCALE: 1 - 20 BRENTWOOD TODAY LAKE DATE PRELIMINARY SPILLWAY IMPROVEMENTS 02/2005 i FIGURE ,ron ?,ee..aa ea. FINAL REPORT FIGURE 3.2 f a ? r? ?a-t rr i.a I a.a?.c a+o LO o M N ? o ppp I I YI 12 12 ' d!? ? I i II I I I W LU Q ? L6 I ( R i I I I [ Ir I I 13 ? ' I I I I? J , Q 1 - LU w z a 06 J Q "' R I a W x r - ° a Q?-J h e J 0 E1. y t W 0 wow ? u Z o? ' I Ft ! A } fA O l . , y 2 W a II t I f h- Z -J ftf ? I 8 I e ? I E: w J Q ° r I Zm z I I I Z's Z ? Y d ? I O R ' I W N R R i d S 8 s i a L ,0'Z ,9'L F9 ? I %? I A A n Z:. A :3 a e R H A : io o oueys'? ryy LO lS 0L SOOZGLIZ'al'Joid '0M0'O1JE0-O00 VSLb?HO13lba JO KLIMMINIMV0 Jamison, John R. From: Fox.Rebecca@epamail.epa.gov Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 3:00 PM To: May, Philip Cc: jennifer.a.burdette@usace.army.mil Subject: RE: Forebay Issues Phil, Just wanted to send you a quick reply to your forebay question before I head out on work travel. It is my opinion that the forebays will not be an issue if the permit decision is made to convert these ponds to stormwater treatment systems and appropriate mitigation is provided for this loss of "waters" since they will no longer be jurisdictional waters of the US. I also spoke to EPA's regional stormwater expert and she concurred with this. We would caution that the forebays should not be constructed to a depth as to allow them to become anoxic and/or to thermally stratify. It appears this is not the case with your design which indicates forebays will be constructed 2 to 4 feet in depth. Most literature recommends an average depth of wet ponds to be in the range of 3 to 9 feet. If you are wanting to go deeper than that we would like to further discuss this with you. We would recommend that you might want to make your forebays a little deeper than you are proposing to allow for some accumulation of coarse material between scheduled maintenance. This would help prevent resuspension of particulates during larger events. One concern I did have when I reviewed your website is that it appears you are proposing wetlands between the forebay and the larger pond to be used as mitigation for project impacts. This is something we would want to discuss with you and Jennifer since it is our position that mitigation credit can not be given for an area that is not jurisdictional which would apply to these ponds if they are converted to storm water treatment systems. Shallow wetland shelves are an important component of a good pond treatment system so we would encourage their construction but can not recommend they be used to provide mitigation credit. Let me know if I can be of any more assistance getting back to you on the forebay issue. Once again, sorry for the delay in Becky Fox Wetland Regulatory Section USEPA Phone: 828-497-3531 Email: fox.rebecca@epa.gov "May, Philip" <Phil.May@hdrinc.com> wrote on 01/24/2005 03:08:59 PM: > Thanks Becky - I understand how your schedule must be - especially around the > holidays. > -----Original Message----- > From: Fox.Rebecca@epamail.epa.gov [mailto:Fox.Rebecca@epamail.epa.gov] > Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 3:00 PM > To: May, Philip > Subject: RE: Forebay Issues > Thanks for the reminder Phil. Things have been crazy since we communicated > in Nov and I have not been to Raleigh since then but this project has been > floating about in the back recesses of my mind and I knew that I owed you > some comments. I will try to get back with you sometime either this week or > early next week. 1 > Becky Fox > Wetland Regulatory Section > USEPA > Phone: 828-497-3531 > Email: fox.rebecca@epa.gov > "May, Philip" > <Phil.May@hdrinc. To: Rebecca > Fox/R4/USEPA/US@EPA > com> cc: > Subject: RE: Forebay Issues > 01/24/2005 02:33 > PM > Becky > I just wanted to let you know that the City is asking us to prepare and > submit our permit prior to our last meeting with the public. If you have any > comments on the forebay issue in the next couple of weeks, please let me > know. Otherwise, we should be submitting the IP in mid-February and will > respond to any comments during the review of the permit. > Thanks > Phil > -----Original Message----- > From: May, Philip > Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 11:32 AM > To: 'Fox.Rebecca@epamail.epa.gov' > Subject: RE: Forebay Issues > Becky, > The forebays are planned for the upstream portions of the ponds, which have > filled in over the last couple of decades. There are existing wetlands in > these areas, however the planned change in water level (to alleviate flooding > below the dam by increasing flood storage) would likely drain these areas. > We have a web site for the project - www.raleighlakes.com - this has a > summary of the information provided in a couple of public meetings. The web > site is probably the easiest way to get you information - it has a couple of 2 > powerpoint presentations used in the first community meetings (click on "more > information" at each of the community meetings). If you need any more > information please let me know. > At this point we have come up with three alternative plans for each of the > two lakes and proposed one of each as the recommended plan, but we would like > to incorporate all the regulatory input we can get prior to a last public > meeting on the final recommended plan. I would like to know the feasibility > of using forebays on the project prior to that. I doubt this meeting will > happen before January. > Please call me at your convenience if you have any questions or need me to > send you more information. > Thanks > Phil > -----original Message----- > From: Fox.Rebecca@epamail.epa.gov [mailto:Fox.Rebecca@epamail.epa.gov] > Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 10:05 AM > To: May, Philip > Subject: Re: Forebay Issues > Phil, > Will the forebays be constructed in the upstream portion of the ponds to be > rehabilitated or will the forebays be constructed upstream of the current > dams? If you could send me some info that would be great. You could send > smaller files (without pictures and maps electronically) or mail larger files > to: > 1349 Firefly Road > Whittier, NC 28789 > After reviewing the info I will contact you about either meeting or phone > conference to further discuss the projects. What is your time frame? > Thanks, > Becky Fox > Wetland Regulatory Section > USEPA > Phone: 828-497-3531 > Email: fox.rebecca@epa.gov > "May, Philip" > <Phil.May@hdrinc. To: Rebecca > Fox/R4/USEPA/US@EPA > com> cc: > Subject: Forebay 3 Issues > 11/29/2004 09:49 > AM > Becky, > On John Dorney's advice, I am contacting you in regard to the use of forebays > on a project involving the rehabilitation of a couple of dams on small ponds > in the City of Raleigh. The City is studying these lakes with the intention > of repairing the dams or spillways, and adjusting the water levels (with some > dredging) to provide additional flood storage and water quality improvements. > As a part of the plan we are developing, we have included the use of deep > pools or forebays at the upper end of these lakes. I was hesitant to include > this and warned our engineers and the City that in-line forebays could be an > issues, but the Corps (Jennifer Burdette) said that in conversations with you > the forebay issue was not really a problem since the entire lake would serve > a stormwater function. John Dorney's take on this is different and he > therefore recommended we discuss this directly with you. > I would be happy to send you some information to review. We would also like > to meet with you when it is convenient to discuss the project. Do you have > any time on upcoming trips to Raleigh to meet? > Thanks > Phil > Philip May > HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas > 3733 National Drive, Suite 207 > Raleigh, NC 27612 > (919) 232-6610 > phil.may@hdrinc.com 4 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM NO. 4 Water Quality Evaluation of Conceptual Plans NORTHSHORE LAKE AND BRENTWOOD TODAY LAKE DAM REHABILITATION PROJECTS CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA February 22, 2005 Prepared By: a HDREnglneerrng, Inc. of the Carolinas HDR Project No. 10913-9154 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................1 1.1 Overall Project Description ..................................................................................................1 1.2 Water Quality Component ...................................................................................................1 1.3 Preliminary Water Quality Assessment Methodology ........................................................2 2.0 WATER QUALITY EVALUATION AND MODELING ...........................................................3 2.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................................3 2.2 Model Selection ...................................................................................................................3 3.0 MODEL DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................................ 5 3.1 Future Land Use Analysis .................................................................................................... 5 3.2 Watershed Delineation ......................................................................................................... 5 3.3 Hydrologic Parameters ......................................................................................................... 6 3.4 Water Quality Parameters .................................................................................................... 7 3.5 Device Parameters ............................................................................................................... 8 3.6 Meteorological Data ............................................................................................................. 8 3.7 Calibration ............................................................................................................................ 9 4.0 MODEL EXECUTION ....................................................................................................................9 4.1 Alternatives Development ...................................................................................................9 4.2 Results and Findings ..........................................................................................................13 5.0 MODEL EVALUATION ...............................................................................................................18 5.1 Continuity Errors ................................................................................................................18 5.2 Sensitivity Analysis ............................................................................................................18 6.0 CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION ...........................................................................................19 7.0 REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................................21 LIST OF TABLES 3-1 Event Mean Concentrations (EMC) for Selected Pollutants ..............................................................8 4-1 Comparison of Pollutant Loadings from the Preliminary Assessment and the Model .................... 13 4-2 Overall TSS Removal Efficiency (%) .............................................................................................. 14 4-3 Overall TPP Removal Efficiency (%) .............................................................................................. 15 4-4 Overall TKN Removal Efficiency (%) ............................................................................................. 16 4-5 TSS Loading (lbs) Discharge out of Brentwood Today Lake .......................................................... 17 4-6 TP Loading (lbs) Discharged out of Brentwood Today Lake .......................................................... 17 4-7 TKN Loading (lbs) Discharged out of Brentwood Today Lake ....................................................... 17 LIST OF FIGURES 1-1 Project Site Location ...........................................................................................................................2 4-1 Graphical Depictions of the Modeled Networks for the Alternatives ..............................................12 4-2 Removal Efficiency (%) for Discrete Particles .................................................................................15 Water Quality Evaluation i February 2005 of Conceptual Plans SECTION 1.0 - INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overall Project Description There are a series of four lakes along the New Hope tributary to Marsh and Crabtree Creeks: an unnamed lake, Northshore, Brentwood Today, and Beaman. The unnamed lake and Beaman are presently not included within the scope of this Project. The dam at Beaman Lake was breached several years ago and is currently under reconstruction, restoring the dam embankment and installing features to improve water quality. This Project includes Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes, which are located in the City of Raleigh (City) near New Hope Church Road and west of U.S. 1 as shown in Figure 1-1. The dams at both Lakes were identified as small, high hazard dams in the Titan Atlantic Report dated July 20, 2004. Furthermore, the spillways at both Lakes have been a concern for over 20 years. The dams have been overtopped several times in recent years, causing flooding in the surrounding residential area. There is a concern that New Hope Church Road, located just downstream of Northshore Dam, may wash out during an overtopping event. The purpose of this project is to evaluate both Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes for dam safety concerns and water quality improvements. Three different aspects will be evaluated: .e Dam safety and flood attenuation, .e Water quality improvements, and A composite plan integrating dam safety and water quality. The purpose of this Technical Memorandum (TM) is to provide an evaluation of water quality for these three alternatives. Additionally, a discussion of the results of this evaluation along with baseline conditions derived in previous assessments and the differing aspects of the two approaches will be presented. 1.2 Water Quality Component Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes are classified as C Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW) by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ). Both Lakes have not yet been rated for their level of support for this designated use. NSW are less likely to assimilate additional loadings of nutrients, primarily nitrogen and phosphorus, without detrimental effects on the water quality. The lake's inclusion as NSW is likely due to their watershed being part of the Lower Neuse River Basin. Water Quality Evaluation February 2005 of Conceptual Plats I I _. 1 Mini City (Development) ?I Northshore L -s New 190 .00 Brentwood Today h4?ch'lo - a -- 7 - L T 1 ?I I N Legend Figure 1.1 -Water Bodies -- -- Road Project Site Locatio A Wake County CITY OF RALEIGH Hydrology City of Raleigh 0 1,000 2,000 January 2005 ]? H?+en9inE Feet Sub-watershed Boundaries ultheCato Inc. Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes have been significantly impacted in the last 20 years. During this time, the watershed has seen significant commercial and high density residential development. The most notable commercial development was the construction of "Mini City" off Capital Boulevard. With this development has come the disturbance of land and an increase in impervious area throughout the watershed. The increase in impervious surface increases peak flows during storm events may have resulted in erosion of unstable stream banks. In addition, stormwater has transported sediment to these Lakes. This is evident by the unconsolidated soil deposition found in the mouths of the contributing streams to Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes. It is also likely that sediment is carrying a host of urban pollutants to these Lakes, such as nutrients, metals, organic matter, and fecal coliform. Eutrophication is also apparent in both Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes. The abundance of sediments and solids in stormwater, likely transporting nutrients, as well as dissolved nutrients found in fertilizers typically used in residential areas have also been conveyed to these Lakes. Their presence in excess quantity has lead to the excessive growth of phytoplankton or floating algae that is currently seen in the two Lakes. As the excessive algal biomass dies, it consumes the bulk of dissolved oxygen that supports life Other contributing sources to the eutrophication include the waterfowl nesting at the Lakes, domestic pet waste, and possible failing sanitary sewer lines or sewer overflows. Bacterial contamination of the Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes is a prominent concern as these Lakes are sources of recreation for the adjacent property owners. The Lakes are Class C and therefore should support the designated uses of secondary contact recreation such as boating and wading. Visual inspection of the area indicates that some sources of bacterial contamination (i.e., waterfowl excreta) have direct contact with the Lakes. These Lakes are typical of the urban setting, in that they likely exhibit fecal coliform levels that do not support the C waters classification. 1.3 Preliminary Water Quality Assessment Methodology A preliminary water quality assessment was performed early in the project and documented in Technical Memorandum #2 Water Quality Assessment (TM #2). The objective of that water quality assessment was to evaluate the level and location of pollutant stress being delivered to these Lakes. That assessment assisted in determining suitable design elements and their location as well as providing a preliminary baseline for design efficiency. The methodology employed for the analysis utilized literature values of pollutant export coefficients and geographic land use data to generate loadings for specific sub-watersheds. That cursory view of watershed conditions was beneficial in determining a more detailed approach to be used in the final water quality evaluation of the Project alternatives. Water Quality Evaluation L February 2005 of Conceptual Plans SECTION 2.0 - WATER QUALITY EVALUATION AND MODELING 2.1 Purpose The purpose of this effort and TM are to provide an evaluation of several alternatives with respect to the improvement of water quality downstream and within the Lakes' system. It is difficult to translate water quality goals (i.e., concentration and removal efficiency) into tangible water quality benefits due to the high variability of natural processes and the existence of unaccountable interactions. However, assuming that this variability is inherent and global, a relative evaluation of alternatives with similar base conditions and processes will yield a similar relative response in water quality benefit. An evaluation performed through modeling and sound interpretation of results will provide this relative assessment. Water quality models can be used for the prediction of loading, transport, and control of pollutants. The application of a water quality model will expand upon the empirical effort accomplished in the TM #2 by incorporating representative data with the simulation of the existing physical processes. The use of a water quality model will further the assessment in the following ways: ¦ Provide pollutant loading based on studied pollutant development and hydrologic interaction. ¦ Routing and transport of flow and pollutants through continuous water and mass balance. ¦ Simulation of physical pollutant removal processes and their efficiency over varied flow/volume regimes. 2.2 Model Selection The type of water quality model required to fulfill the aforementioned objectives lies within the range of mid-level models. These models compromise the empiricism of the simple methods and the complexity of detailed models driven by parameter intensive, mechanistic processes (EPA, 1999). When fully calibrated and inputed with site-specific parameters they can provide an appropriate means of prediction. Despite limitations on data availability, these models still provide decision makers the ability to select watershed-level planning solutions based on relative comparisons. P8-Urban Catchment Model (P8-UCM), developed for IEP, Inc and the Narragansett Bay Project by William W. Walker, Jr., Ph.D, was selected for this application based on these needs. The relative ease of parameter estimation and input and HDR's familiarity Water Quality Evaluation 3 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans of the model were factors in its selection. Additional strengths of the model for use in this Project are listed below (EPA, 1992): ¦ Developed and calibrated for use within small, urban watersheds. ¦ Distributed with particle and water quality pollutant distribution data calibrated against Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (NURP) data. ¦ Simulation of particle accumulation, decay, and wash-off dynamics. ¦ Sources can be characterized as single, continuous, or diffuse release. ¦ Continuous and storm event simulation. ¦ Provides for the inclusion of several structural Best Management Practices (BMPs): wetland, detention ponds (dry, wet, and extended), infiltration basins, and swales/buffers. ¦ Hydrologic and water quality output can be evaluated at discrete model components. ¦ Relative evaluation of pollutant loadings, outflow concentrations, and BMP removal efficiencies. P8-UCM like many other urban runoff models has some limitations. The following is a brief listing of limitations of this model (EPA, 1992): ¦ Lack of site specific calibration data limits the model in absolute prediction of pollutants loads and concentrations. ¦ Primary pollutant removal process is sedimentation and filtration. ¦ Does not simulate in-stream transport and transformation processes for pollutants. ¦ Watershed lag is not simulated. However, P8-UCM can be a scalable model, in the sense that many of these limitations can be overcome with site-specific water quality data and representation of physical, chemical, and biological processes through alternative parameterization. Water Quality Evaluation 4 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans SECTION 3.0 - MODEL DEVELOPMENT 3.1 Future Land Use Analysis A future build-out analysis was performed by Watershed Concepts for the entire Marsh Creek Basin as part of a hydrologic model. Field inspections of the Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes watersheds suggest that current land use conditions are near, if not at, future build-out conditions. Performing another future build-out analysis with the same base data would yield similar results. Better value of this analysis would be to evaluate the base data against orthophotography and field inspections performed while collecting storm sewer inventory. It is likely that due to the breadth of that previous future build-out analysis and the intent of its end product, the data was not site checked entirely. With the limited focus of this project the existing land use and future land use conditions can be individually verified. This is important in determining hydrologic and water quality parameters for the water quality modeling. The findings of this evaluation show that the current open space was under estimated by 50 acres. Much of the land was either characterized as medium residential or industrial. Future build-out analysis of the open space portion would likely result in some additional commercial land use but remain mostly open space, as the identified parcels are small and isolated. Due to the small percentage of mischaracterized land (approximately 6 percent of total watershed area) and its distribution across the watershed, it is likely this difference will have little effect on parameterization for this evaluation. 3.2 Watershed Delineation Watershed delineations were first performed in TM #2 for the purposing of identifying magnitude and source location of pollutant loads into the Lakes. These same delineations proved to be sufficient for application in the water quality model and this evaluation. The delineations were generated using a variety of data detailed below: ¦ City of Raleigh topographic and planimetric CAD data (2000) ¦ NCGIA/DWQ Hydrography (1998) ¦ HDR Storm Sewer Inventory (2004) P8-UCM emphasizes the location of incoming flows for the proper mixing of flows and concentrations. Watershed delineations were created to accurately represent the appropriate routing of flows through existing and proposed water quality controls (sediment pools, wetlands, Water Quality Evaluation 5 February 2005 of Conceptual Plaits and ponds). The Northshore Lake drainage was delineated into three sub-watersheds called Upper, Middle, and Lower. The Upper sub-watershed includes the area where the generated runoff would pass through the smaller unnamed pond south of Calvary Road. The Middle sub- watershed includes the area where the generated runoff would enter Northshore Lake as a stream at the mouth of the lake. The final sub-watershed called Lower includes areas draining directly to the body of Northshore Lake. The Brentwood Today Lake follows the same logic. It is delineated into two sub-watersheds called Main and Tributary. They represent the areas where generated stormwater enter the head and body laterally of Brentwood Today Lake and as a side tributary, respectively. 3.3 Hydrologic Parameters P8-UCM estimates runoff from precipitation data and hydrologic parameters. The model evaluates runoff from pervious and impervious areas separately. Runoff for the pervious areas is computed using the SCS curve number method. These values are adjusted internally based on antecedent moisture conditions (Haith and Shoemaker, 1987). Since, P8-UCM is mainly applied in urban settings; this method proves to be a sufficient approach due to its simple parameterization of pervious conditions that account for only a minor component of the total urban runoff. The required parameters for pervious runoff generation are SCS curve numbers representing "open space" land use and respective hydrologic soil groups (SCS, 1986). Impervious runoff is computed from the difference of cumulative rainfall and depression storage. Runoff initiates as cumulative rainfall depth exceeds a user-specified depression storage depth. After this point, runoff equals rainfall intensity for the impervious fraction of the watershed. The required parameters for impervious runoff generation include depression storage values and impervious fractions. Depression storage values were obtained from literature values categorized by land uses (Wright-McLaughin Engineers, 1969) and impervious fractions were obtained from SCS curve number descriptions (SCS, 1986). The runoff from pervious and impervious areas is combined and routed to the downstream device with no lag. The future build-out land use data, described in more detail in Section 3.1 Future Land Use Analysis, and NRCS digital soil surveys were used to create areas for parameterization. This hydrologic data was input into P8-UCM for individual land uses within the watershed delineations. This was done so that future application of the model could be calibrated for pollutant event mean concentrations if desired. Depression storage and impervious fractions were input wholly for their respective land use. Only curve numbers for pervious areas were computed on a composite area average for their hydrologic soil group. Water Quality Evaluation 6 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans 3.4 Water Quality Parameters The generation of water quality pollutant loads and runoff concentrations for P8-UCM is based on the dynamics of particle accumulation and wash-off principles as well as pollutant mass distribution within those particles. The first component of the quality representation is the parameterization of particle classes. P8-UCM allows for the distribution of five particle classes. For each particle class, particle generation parameters are input for both impervious and pervious segments of a watershed. Impervious input parameters include accumulation rates, decay rates, wash-off exponents and coefficients, and street sweeping efficiency (when applicable). Additionally, runoff concentrations can be provided in favor of accumulation and wash-off dynamics. On the pervious portion of the watershed, particle generation is based on input parameters of pollutant concentration for the individual particle classes. Particle removal dynamics are quantified within this component of the P8-UCM model as well. Removal dynamics are characterized for individual particle classes by settling velocity and filtration efficiency through pervious mediums. The second component of the water quality representation within P8-UCM provides for the distribution of pollutants among the particle classes. Pollutant mass per particle class is the input parameter. Since multiple pollutants can be modeled with a single particle distribution, scale factors exist for calibration if desired. P8-UCM includes several particle distribution data files that can be used for default parameters when particle and pollutant mass data is not available. The majority of this default data was calibrated to represent the results obtained in the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (NURP). The particle distribution file titled nurp50.par was used in this evaluation. The file contains five particles classes that are based on calibration of runoff concentration and settling velocity distributions representative of median sites (i.e., particle class P10 = Ioth percentile). Distribution of the pollutant mass among particle classes is based upon results of direct runoff concentration, settling column tests, and typical removal efficiencies of treatment devices (Walker, 1990). This particle distribution file contains accumulation/wash-off parameters and settling velocities for four non-dissolved particle classes. The fifth particle class was developed to simulate the non- settling, dissolved particles. The file also contains mass distributions for a variety of urban pollutants such as particulates, nutrients, heavy metals, and hydrocarbons. Attention will be primarily focused on total suspended solids (TSS), total phosphorus (TP), and total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN). Table 3-1 displays the calibrated event mean concentrations per median data sites of NURP. Water Quality Evaluation 7 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans Table 3-1 Event Mean Concentrations (EMC) for Selected Pollutants Total suspended solids 100.0 Total phosphorus 0.33 Total Kjeldahl nitrogen 1.5 3.5 Device Parameters Devices provide for the hydraulic routing of runoff and areas for pollutant removal. P8-UCM utilizes a variety of devices such as an infiltration basin, swale/buffer, flow splitter, and aquifer; however, this assessment will only require the use of a detention pond, a general device, and a pipe/manhole. The detention pond can be used as a device with a permanent pool and a normal outlet that can be quantified by a single weir and/or collection of orifices. The required input data for detention pond devices include surface area and volume quantities for permanent and flood pool levels. The normal outlet that drains only the flood pool requires weir and orifice dimensions and coefficients. Devices with more complex outlet configurations can be modeled with the general device which requires a stage-surface area-discharge relationship for its volume and outlet data. Both these devices also possess a particle removal scale factor. This value is typically z 1 but can be adjusted higher or lower for the response of the device due to decreases or increases in hydraulic residence time. The pipe/manhole device is useful for mixing two or more incoming flows before being routed onto a removal device. Its only input parameter is a time of concentration and the device provides for no pollutant removal. Pipe/manhole devices can be used for delaying the hydrologic response of watersheds through the time of concentration parameter. This approach is beneficial for the modeling of larger watersheds since the watershed components route runoff with no lag. 3.6 Meteorological Data Several meteorological parameters are required to balance hydrology for the watershed in P8- UCM (i.e. precipitation, evapotranspiration, and percolation). Only precipitation and evapotranspiration require meteorological data. Hydrologic events are driven by hourly precipitation. Hourly rainfall data monitored at the Raleigh-Durham International Airport was obtained from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) and used with the model. A SCS Type II distribution (1-inch design storm precipitation file) is distributed with the model package and also used in this effort. P8-UCM also calculates evapotranspiration using Hamon's Method from monthly averages of vegetative cover, air temperatures, and hours of daylight (Hamon, 1961). Daylight hours and air temperatures were collected for the area from Summary of the Day Water Quality Evaluation 8 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans data also obtained from NCDC. Average monthly values for daylight and temperature were calculated and inputted. Default data was used for vegetative cover. The total evapotranspiration calculated by this approach resulted in 29.1 inches/year. 3.7 Calibration P8-UCM provides for hydrologic and water quality calibration through the use of many calibration factors and a calibration utility. However, the project watershed and the New Hope Creek tributary do not have any United States Geological Survey (USGS) gauging stations or any other confident streamflow monitoring data. A hydrologic and water quality calibration may not be warranted at this time since the focus of this effort is a relative comparison of alternatives. However, if the direction of the model is to be a tool for detailed design assessment, collection of calibration data would be beneficial. SECTION 4.0 - MODEL EXECUTION 4.1 Alternatives Development As previously mentioned in Section 1.1 Overall Project Description, this TM will focus on the water quality benefit gain or loss of the three alternatives: dam safety and flood attenuation, water quality improvements, and a composite plan integrating the two. Several factors were considered in the development of these alternatives. Technical Memorandum #3 Conceptual Plans delivers full detail of the alternatives for each respective lake and the factors for the use of particular design elements. A summary follows providing representation of each alternative as it was modeled in P8-UCM. A fourth scenario was developed to represent a situation where Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes were breached and return to natural streams. Dann Safety and Flood Attenuation The major enhancement to the Lakes for this alternative include dredging, water surface elevation change (Northshore only), and improved outlet design. These enhancements provide minor water quality improvement. The new discharge outlets suppress lower design flows thus increasing hydraulic residence time for particle settling. The dredging of unconsolidated sediment in the Lake will provide for a net removal of sediment, nutrients, and metals that have been historically trapped. A net removal of these pollutants will prevent any re-introduction into the system due to the mixing of high velocity flows with shallow, unconsolidated sediment layers. The two lake systems were modeled as general devices as opposed to detention ponds due to their complex weir configuration. The particle removal scale factor was reduced from 1.0 to Water Quality Evaluation 9 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans 0.75 to incorporate the poor distribution of incoming flow at the headwater of the Northshore Lake and the existence of channelized flow through the Northshore Lake (i.e., short-circuiting). Removal scale factors less than 1.0 can be assumed to account for poor hydraulic design (Walker, 1990). Figure 4-1 (on page 12) depicts the model's representation of the system for this alternative. IVater Quality Enhancements The water quality improvement alternative utilizes a variety of design elements to ensure the removal of a variety of pollutants as well as provide additional habitat that would promote the well being of aquatic life. The improvements for water quality include dredging, water surface elevation change, improved outlet design, sediment pools, variety of concentrated wetlands, wetland shelving (Northshore only), and plunge pools for point source runoff discharges. These improvements attempt to concentrate the settling of the largest particles at the headwaters of the Lakes where removal of accumulated matter is more manageable. The wetlands are expected to provide filtration of smaller particles but also promote the biological uptake and trapping of nutrients. Both Lakes were modeled as a series of detention ponds for the sediment pool and wetlands. Wetlands were differentiated from the sediment pools primarily by increasing the particle removal scale factor to 3 to accommodate for additional removal of TSS and TP. Studies performed using P8-UCM relating detention ponds vegetated with macrophytes to particle removal factors exhibited scale factors of 2 to 3 for TSS and 3 to 6 for TP to account for z5 to 30 percent removal (Phillips & Goyen, 1987; Lawrence, 1986). The remaining open water area of the Lakes was modeled as a separate general device. The wetland shelves and plunge pools were not included as model elements because they are minor in size and lack definable continuity with the rest of the system. Figure 4-1 depicts the model's representation of the system for this alternative. Recommended The Recommended alternative combines many of the aspects of the Dam Safety alternative with some water quality enhancements. Whereas the first two alternatives have specific design objectives, this alternative considers those objectives in addition to factors such as public acceptance, constructability, maintainability, and economic value. The design elements for Northshore are similar to the Water Quality Alternative. However, headwater wetlands exists in a lower quantity and wetland shelving is limited to plunge pool areas. The volume of dredging for this alternative is more in line to the Dam Safety alternative. For the Brentwood Today Lake, the recommended alternative resembles the Dam Safety alternative with the addition of sediment Water Quality Evaluation 10 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans pools located at the headwaters of the lake and plunge pools at point source runoff discharges. Both lake systems were modeled similarly to the Water Quality alternative except with a reduction in the area of the wetlands at Northshore and exclusion of wetlands at Brentwood Today Lake. Figure 4-1 depicts the model's representation of the system for this alternative. No Lakes The final scenario is a theoretical simulation of the natural drainage system under the future land use. In this scenario, Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes are replaced by streams. The No Lakes scenario provides a baseline of current loadings, concentrations, removal efficiencies as if the Lakes were never constructed. Global Model Assumptions In all alternatives, some general assumptions were made to simplify the assessment. These assumptions are as follows: ¦ The unnamed lake south of Calvary Drive was conservatively modeled the same in all alternatives. It was included since its efficiency is important in terms of overall efficiency of the system. ¦ Stream reaches were modeled as pipe segments with time of concentrations estimated as the travel time at a bank full event. Pipe segments do not account for any pollutant removal, which P8-UCM does not have the capacity to model. ¦ Base flow was not simulated since calibration data was not available and land use did not change from alternative to alternative (i.e., volume of base flow would not change). Base flow simulation would have yielded minor differences in loadings and removal efficiency since the particle data file used accounts for 100 percent filtration through the ground in four of five particle classes and 90 percent for the fifth particle class. ¦ Each alternative was run for a statistically dry, average, and wet year and for the 1-inch Type II SCS distribution design storm. The statistical years were developed from a 55-year record of total precipitation values. The statistical wet and dry years were plus or minus one standard deviation about the average, respectively. Water Quality Evaluation » February 2005 of Conceptual Plans DAM SAFETY AND FLOOD ATTENUATION UPPER MIDDLE TRIBUTARY NORTHSHORE UNNAMED BRENTWOOD TODAY LOWER MAIN WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENTS TRIBUTARY UPPER MIDDLE NORTHSHORE UNNAMED BRENTWOOD TODAY LOWER MAIN RECOMMENDED TRIBUTARY UPPER MIDDLE NORTHSHORE UNNAMED BRENTWOOD LOWER TODAY MAIN a a a WATERSHED DETENTION SEDIMENT WETLAND POND POOL Figure 4-1. Graphical depictions of the modeled networks in P8-UCM for the alternatives Water Quality Evaluation 12 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans 4.2 Results and Findings Several primary sets of data were retrieved from the model runs for analysis and discussion in this section. The first set of data summarizes loadings to Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes from their respective watersheds. Table 4-1 displays these results and provides a comparison of previously determined loadings from TM #2. The loadings from P8-UCM model were developed from accumulation/wash-off dynamics of particle distributions based on NURP data. Their export mass is a direct result of the interaction with continuous hydrologic events. The loadings for the preliminary assessment are empirically based on studies relating land use to storm event concentrations. The P8-UCM-based set of TSS loadings exceeds our previously determined loadings primarily due to differences in EMCs. EMCs used in the preliminary assessment ranged from 40-80 mg/L for TSS, while the NURP data supporting P8-UCM had a TSS EMC of 100 mg/L. EMC's for both assessments were similar for TP and the results reiterated that similarity. TKN, the predominant particulate form of nitrogen, is modeled in P8- UCM since the primary removal mechanism of the model is settling. A direct comparison of TN versus TKN loadings is not valid. However, the values have been provided below as a reference. Table d-1 Comparison of Pollutant Loadings from the PreliminaryAssessvtent and the Model TSS 168,840 260,691 116,210 207,971 TP 840 833 560 667 TN/TKN 7,300(TN) 3,748(TKN) 6,020(TN) 3,002(TKN) NOTES: Loadings are presented in Ibs/year. Preliminary loadings for TN only. Final loadings for TKN only. Tables 4-2, 4-3, and 4-4 summarize the removal efficiency of pollutants for the overall system. The data included within these tables reflects the relative comparison of the alternatives and a theoretical simulation of the system with no Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes. Median values of pollutant removal efficiency have been referenced from the National Pollutant Removal Database for Stornnvater Treatment Practices, 2"d Edition developed by the Center for Watershed Protection and authored by Rebecca Winer. These values provide a baseline for evaluation; however it must be understood that those median values represent a multitude of sites under varied design conditions (new construction, retrofit, etc). Watcr Quality Evaluation 13 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans Table 4-2 Overall TSS Retiioval Efficiency (17c) Hydrologic ?. Average 71 81 76 10 1- Inch Design 62 73 67 9 NOTE: Removal efficiency measured in %. TSS removal efficiencies ranged from 71 to 81 percent for the average year and 62 to 73 percent for the 1-inch design storm. Median baseline levels of TSS removal for regional wet detention ponds and stormwater wetlands are 70 and 80 percent, respectively (Winer, 2000). The Dam Safety alternative, which contains only wet detention ponds as the main design element, is inline with this median baseline level. The other alternatives, which include sediment pools and wetlands, provide only minor increases (z5 percent) on this efficiency and are also in line with the median baseline level (80 percent). The Recommended and Water Quality alternatives show improvement in the removal efficiency of the middle two particle classes (P30, P50) as shown in Figure 4-2. The removal of these particles is directly attributable to the filtering capacity of wetlands. Dissolved particles (PO) are not significantly removed in any alternative. Figure 4-2 Removal Efficiency (%) for Discrete Particles 100 90 80 a 70 U d 60 U 50 w 40 E 30 cc 20 10 0 PO P10 P30 P50 P80 Particle Distribution - -Dam Safety --o Recommended Water Quality The preliminary assessment of TM #2 expressed removal efficiency of 80 percent for the overall system in its current state. The efficiencies selected for Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes that culminated in that overall efficiency were likely over estimated; also, that assessment does Water Quality Evaluation 14 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans not consider the conservative modeling of the unnamed lake upstream of Northshore Lake, which reduced overall efficiency in this analysis. Removal efficiencies for the wet and dry year were within two percent of the efficiency expressed for the average year. The No Lakes scenario provides minor TSS removal (=10 percent), which is solely attributable to the efficiency of the unnamed lake. Table 4-3 displays overall TP removal efficiencies for the alternatives and the No Lakes scenario. TP removal efficiencies ranged from 38 to 50 percent for the average year and 28 to 40 percent for the 1-inch design storm. Median baseline levels of TP removal for regional wet detention ponds and stormwater wetlands are 48 and 43 percent, respectively (Winer, 2000). The Dam Safety alternative, which contains only wet detention ponds as the main design element, performs below the median level. The other alternatives, which include sediment pools and wetlands, provide only minor increases (z6 percent) on this efficiency, as expected and are also in line with the median baseline level (48 percent). The values in Table 4-3 only report TP removed by settling. It would be expected that as TP breaks down into a non-particulate, bio- available form (orthophosphorus), nutrient uptake would occur. The nutrient uptake would improve upon the removal efficiencies displayed in this table for alternatives that include a wetland. It is difficult to pinpoint the expected removal efficiency attributed to nutrient uptake as water chemistry and vegetation selection would be major factors in the performance of the wetland. It could also be expected that during winter months or poor wetland maintenance, that the wetland would decrease removal efficiency or even be a source of TP. Table 4-3 Overall TP Removal Efficiency (cle) Average 38 50 44 4 1- Inch Design 28 40 33 3 NOTE: Removal efficiency measured in %. The preliminary assessment of TM #2 expressed removal efficiency of 56 percent for the overall system in its current state. The efficiencies selected for Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes that culminated in that overall efficiency were likely over estimated; also, that assessment does not consider the conservative modeling of the unnamed lake upstream of Northshore Lake. Removal efficiencies for the wet and dry year were within 1 percent of the efficiency expressed for the average year. The No Lakes scenario provides minor TP removal (z4 percent), which is primarily attributable to the efficiency of the unnamed lake. Water Quality Evaluation 15 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans Table 4-4 displays overall TKN removal efficiencies for the alternatives and the No Lakes scenario. TKN removal efficiencies ranged from 33 to 44 percent for the average year and 24 to 36 percent for the 1-inch design storm. Median baseline levels of TN removal for regional wet detention ponds and stormwater wetlands are 37 and 35 percent, respectively (Winer, 2000). TKN represents the primarily settleable component of TN. Therefore, it can be roughly assumed that design elements involving only removal by settling would equate TN and TKN removal efficiency. The Dam Safety alternative, which contains only wet detention ponds and, therefore, emphasizes particulate settlement as its primary removal mechanism, performs in line with the median baseline level for TN. The other alternatives, which include sediment pools and wetlands, provide only minor increases (z6 percent) on this efficiency. The values in Table 4-4 only report TKN removed by settling. It would be expected that as TKN breaks down and transforms into non-particulate, bio-available forms, such as ammonium (N1-14+) and nitrite- nitrate (NOZ -NO3-) nutrient uptake would occur. The nutrient uptake would improve upon the removal efficiencies displayed in this Table for alternatives that include a wetland. The median level of NO,, removal in a stormwater wetland versus as wet pond is triple (68 versus 23 percent). It is difficult to pinpoint the expected removal efficiency attributed to nutrient uptake as water chemistry and vegetation selection would be major factors in the performance of the wetland. It could also be expected that during winter months or poor wetland maintenance, that the wetland would decrease removal efficiency or even be a source of TN/TKN. Table 4-4 Overall TKN Removal Efficiency (%) Hydrologic ?. . . Average 33 44 38 4 1- Inch Design 24 36 29 2 NOTE: Removal efficiency measured in %. The preliminary assessment of TM #2 expressed removal efficiency for TN of 31 percent for the overall system in its current state. That estimation was fairly accurate as the TKN removal for the Dam Safety alternative is within range. Removal efficiencies for the wet and dry year were within 1 percent of the efficiency expressed for the average year. The No Lakes scenario provides minor TKN removal (z4 percent), which is primarily attributable to the efficiency of the unnamed lake. Tables 4-5, 4-6, and 4-7 summarize the cumulative load entering the stream downstream of Brentwood Today Lake. Once again, the strength of P8-UCM is not in absolute prediction of loadings and concentrations; therefore, the alternatives were executed and reported for a Water Quality Evaluation 16 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans statistically dry, average, and wet year off rainfall volume. These results demonstrate the range of loading that could occur under different hydrologic conditions and during a typical design storm (1-inch SCS Type II distribution). These values may provide reference in determining downstream impacts. Table 4-5 TSS Loading (Ibs ) discharged out of Brentwood Today Lake Hydrologic Even t 111111111110 Dry 126,500 86,100 106,500 379,500 Average 137,000 91,200 113,700 421,300 Wet 168,500 113,400 141,100 503,600 1- Inch Design 4,300 3,000 3,700 10,300 NOTE: Loadings measured in Ibs. Table 4-G TP Loading (lbs) discharged out of Brentwood Today Lake Dry 840 680 760 1,390 Average 930 750 840 1,440 Wet 1,120 900 1,020 1,700 1- Inch Design 20 20 20 40 NOTE: Loadings measured in Ibs. Table 4-7 TKN Loading (Ibs) discharged out of Brentwood Today Lake Dry 4,060 3,390 3,750 5,800 Average 4,530 3,780 4,170 6,500 Wet 5,410 4,530 5,000 7,700 1- Inch Design 130 110 120 160 NOTE: Loadings measured in Ibs. Water Quality Evahtatiorn 17 February 2005 of Conccptrtal Platis SECTION 5.0 - MODEL EVALUATION 5.1 Continuity Errors P8-UCM performs continuous water-balance and mass-balance checks for single devices and the entire network. Differences in these checks are identified as continuity errors, which can be highlighted to the user through the setting of a maximum continuity difference. These continuity errors are typical of devices with large, rapid fluctuations in volume (e.g., swales/buffers, smaller detention ponds) (Walker, 1990). Continuity errors can be controlled through a reduced time step. It was necessary in this modeling effort to run all scenarios with a time step = 8, in order to reduce continuity errors within the smaller detention ponds representing sediment pools. A comparison analysis of a particular model run at a time step = 1 and = 8 demonstrated minor differences in removal efficiency results (less than 1.5 percent). Concentrations and loads demonstrated slightly higher differences (2 to 6 percent) with the higher end of these differences occurring in the TSS concentrations. 5.2 Sensitivity Analysis As previously discussed, P8-UCM and other water quality models exhibit a high level of variability. Many of the parameters used within this model are based upon estimation and generalized calibrations; therefore, it is beneficial to understand which of these parameters may significantly impact the results when not properly quantified. P8-UCM includes a utility that automates sensitivity analysis for a desired scenario. The sensitivity analysis utility groups input parameters into four categories: watershed, device, storm, and particle. The parameters for the first three of these groups are typically user defined and the final group, particle, include default parameters. A sensitivity analysis was performed for the water quality scenario since it included the full range of devices and their parameters. This analysis was run for the average precipitation year and the variables were increased 25 percent individually. There were two primary observations from the results of this analysis. Removal efficiencies were less affected than outflow concentrations by the change in parameters. This reinforces the value of the model as a relative predictor among scenarios. The second observation showed that the most variable parameters were in the particle group; a default group of data based on field and laboratory data collected from a multitude of sites for the NURP program. The parameters demonstrating the highest variability were the accumulation rate, accumulation decay rate, and wash-off exponent. Their sensitivity measured as percent change for removal efficiencies and concentrations ranged from near 0 to 21.6 percent and 3.6 to 24.8 percent, respectively. The high variability in wash-off Watcr Quality Evaluation 18 February 2005 of Conceptual Plaits exponent is due to the exponential response it yields in comparison to linear coefficients (Walker, 1990). Watershed areas and storm volumes also produced a significant sensitivity as expected, however they are parameters that can be calculated with confidence. SECTION 6.0 - CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION The purpose of this TM and water quality evaluation was to develop sound input for the relative evaluation of several proposed alternatives. These alternatives were developed to reestablish or improve lost functions of Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes. It was determined that a modeling effort would provide an objective means of evaluation of these alternatives with respect to water quality. P8-UCM, an urban runoff model, was selected as a tool that could objectively evaluate a range of scenarios with limited data. The P8-UCM modeling effort allowed for the creation of baseline input data, definition of several design elements or BMPs, and simulation of physical pollutant removal processes. The modeling effort yielded several sets of data that could be conservatively interpreted into water quality benefits of the varying alternatives. The water quality benefits are an essential determining factor, but not the only factor, for the selection and implementation of an alternative for rehabilitation of Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes. Based on this evaluation of pollutant loadings and BMP removal efficiency with results from the Preliminary Assessment and nationally/regionally expected performance levels the following conclusions are made: ¦ The use of NURP calibrated particle distribution data allows for the discrete mass accumulation and removal of particles and their bound pollutants. Regional EMC values would produce more representative loading but do not provide for accurate removal efficiency development. Removal efficiency development was a goal of this effort. ¦ Overall pollutant removal efficiencies for TSS did not improve significantly. As expected the existing lake systems function well with regards to settling out of TSS. However, the existing system does not provide an accessible, cost effective means of permanently removing sediment that can be achieved with a sediment pool. ¦ Overall pollutant removal efficiencies for the middle ranged particles (P30 and P50) are higher in alternatives that include a wetland. There is no significant change in removal for large particles (P80) and dissolved particles (PO) in any alternative. Water Quality Evaluation 19 February 2005 of Conceptual Plats ¦ Pollutant removal efficiencies for TP are expected to be higher in the Water Quality and Recommended alternative than reported. P8-UCM does not account for orthophosphorus uptake in wetlands, which could significantly increase TP removal. ¦ Pollutant removal efficiencies for TN would be expected to be lower than reported TKN removal values as TKN is a single component of TN. However, these efficiencies should bounce back for the Water Quality and Recommended alternative. P8-UCM does not account for ammonium or nitrite/nitrate uptake in wetlands, which could significantly increase overall TN removal. ¦ The TN removal efficiency for the Water Quality and Recommended alternative should fulfill a TN reduction of at least 30 percent per Neuse River Nutrient Management Strategy, although that requirement is for singular, new development. ¦ Furthermore, pollutant removal efficiencies may be negatively impacted without proper maintenance and harvesting of BMPs that present the opportunity to permanently remove pollutants from the Lakes system. ¦ The addition of wetlands and sediment pools would provide for more laminar flow regions near the headwaters of the lake and increase hydraulic residence time. These changes could increase the potential for fecal coliform die off and lessen downstream impact through ultraviolet radiation and longer travel time. This water quality evaluation provides evidence that the Recommended and Water Quality alternative demonstrate improvement in pollutant removal efficiency over the Dam Safety alternative, which provides better function of flood control over existing lake conditions by reconfiguration and construction of new spillways. The relative water quality results of the alternatives and other benefits of the inclusive design elements should be taken from this TM and used in the global evaluation of alternatives to be discussed further in an Alternative Design Summary and Final Report. Their level of value must be weighed against results of other analyses to determine the best alternative for Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes. Water Quality Evaluation 20 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans SECTION 7.0 - REFERENCES Haith, D.A. and L.L. Shoemaker, 1987. "Generalized Watershed Loading Functions for Stream Flow Nutrients", Water Resources Bulletin, American Water Resources Association, Vol. 23 No. 3. Hamon, W.R., 1961. "Estimating Potential Evapotranspiration", Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of Hydraulics Division, Vol. 87, No. HY3. US Environmental Protection Agency, 1992. Compendium of Watershed-Scale Models for TMDL Development, Washington D.C., 841R94002. US Environmental Protection Agency, 1999. Protocol for Developing Nutrient TMDLs, Washington D.C., 841B99007. Wright-McLaughlin Engineers, 1969. Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual, Denver, Colorado. Soil Conservation Service, 1986. Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, Technical Release No. 55, US Department of Agriculture, Washington D.C. Walker, William W, Jr. Ph.D., 1990. P8 Urban Catchment Model: Program Documentation, Concord, Massachusetts. Winer, Rebecca, 2000. National Pollutant Removal Performance Results for Stormwater Treatment Devices, 2°`' Edition. Center for Watershed Protection, Elliot City, Maryland. Water Quality Evaluation 21 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans Northshore/Brentwood Today Lakes - Adjacent Property Owners PIN # OWNER Mailin Address Mailing Address 2 Mailin Address 3 Lot Description Street # Street Name Street T e 1725.0519 7143 SIMMONS, VINCENT L & SHELIA B - 4016 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604-3406 LT 52 BLK 25 BRENTWOOD ESTS SECT 10 PT C 4016 INGRAM DR 1725.0519 9140 DICKSON, HOWARD KENNETH JR K KAREN 3900 BEAUMONT CT RALEIGH NC 27604.3452 LT 10 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH III BM 1978.670 3900 BEAUMONT CT 1725.05 29 0026 BRANCH, STEVE & VALERIE C 3904 BEAUMONT CT RALEIGH NC 27604.3452 LOT 11 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH III 3904 BEAUMONT CT 1725.0519 7034 BURRELL, JOSEPHINE H 4012 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604-3406 LT 51 BLK 25 BRNTWD ESTS SEC 10 PT C 4012 INGRAM DR 1725.0518 7935 BAILLIE, JAMES C 4008 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3406 LT 50 BLK 25 BRENTWOOD EST SEC 10 PT C 4008 INGRAM DR 1725.0518 9982 SHACKLEFORD, ROGER J & JILMA C 3901 PEPPERTREE PL RALEIGH NC 27604.3442 L 18 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH III BM 1978.670 3901 PEPPERTREE PL 1725.0518 7807 BRIDGER, ROBERT CAMERON &SANDRA GAIL MERA 4004 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3406 LT 49 BRENTWOOD EST SEC 10 PT C 1967.180 4004 INGRAM DR 1725.0518 9883 NGUYEN, XUAN VAN & XAM THI DO 3900 PEPPERTREE PL RALEIGH NC 27604-3443 L 19 REV BRENTWOOD TODAY PH 31981.26 3900 PEPPERTREE PL 1725.05 28 0768 MIRCHANDANI, SHARON L 3904 PEPPERTREE PL RALEIGH NC 27604-3443 LOT 20 BRENTWOOD TODAY PHASE III 3904 PEPPERTREE PL 1725.0518 6860 KRIEGSMAN, JEFF 0 4000 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3406 L48 BL 25 BRENTWD EST SC10 PT C BM67-180 4000 INGRAM DR 1725.0518 6723 VOCKEROTH, ALFRED F JR &KATHLEEN J 3920 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3404 LT 47 BLK 25 BRENTWOOD ESTS SEC 10 PT C 3920 INGRAM DR 1725.05 28 0636 BROWN, WILL S III & DEBORAH M 3901 OLD CREEK CT RALEIGH NC 27604.3455 LOT 25 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH III 3901 OLD CREEK CT 1725.0518 5686 LIGGINS, DAVID RICKY & DEBORAH C 3916 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604-3404 LT 46 BL 25 BRENTWD EST SEC 10 PT C 3916 INGRAM DR 1725.05 28 0537 1725.0518 5549 MUNK, DON E & CHILI CHU LIN PARKER, JOHN RANDOLPH JR &DORIS B 3900 OLD CREEK CT 3912 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604-3454 RALEIGH NC 27604.3404 LT 26 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH 3 BM 1978-670 L 45 BL 25 BRENTWD EST SEC 10 PT C 3900 3912 OLD CREEK INGRAM CT DR 1725.05 28 0479 BARRESI, PATRICIA EILEEN BOURS 3904 OLD CREEK CT RALEIGH NC 27604.3454 LT 27 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH III BM78-670 3904 OLD CREEK CT 1725.0518 5522 FERRARO, MICHAEL VINCENT 4300 BLAND RD RALEIGH NC 27609-6125 LT 44 BLK 25 BRENTWOOD ESTS SECT 10 PT C 3908 INGRAM DR 1725.0518 5405 PILKINGTON, ALBERT JR & CARLINE 3904 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3404 LT 43 BL 25 BRENTWD EST SEC 10 PT C 3904 INGRAM DR 1725.0518 4387 ROSE, LARRY B & OPE F 3900 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3404 L 42 BL 25 BRENTWD EST SC 10 PT C 67.180 3900 INGRAM DR 1725.0518 9391 KOONS, DARREN J & HEATHER HUGHES 3633 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3462 LT 33 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH 4 BM 1980-678 3633 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0518 4269 BAILEY, LORILYN & STEPHEN E 3828 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3316 LT 41 BLK 25 BRENTWD ESTS SEC 10 PT C 3828 INGRAM DR 1725.0518 9236 MACENTEE, JASON D & ERIN E DOUGH 3629 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3462 LOT 34 BRENTWOOD TODAY PHASE 4 3629 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0518 4241 BAILEY, STEPHEN E & LORILYN 3824 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3316 L 40 BL 25 BRENTWD EST SEC 10 PT C 3824 INGRAM DR 1725.05 18 8270 JOHNSON, TYRONE B & AGNES C 3625 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3462 LT 35 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH 4 BM 1980-642 3625 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0518 4114 WILLIAMS, ALVIN & ANNIE S 3820 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3316 LT 39 BLK 25 BRENTWOOD ESTS SECT 10 PT C 3820 INGRAM DR 1725.0518 8123 1725.0518 4006 ELLIOTT, PAUL WAYNE & TERESA L ARCHER, KEIRA T 3621 GREYWOOD DR 3816 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3462 RALEIGH NC 27604.3316 LT 36 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH 4 (BM1980.678) L38 & SM ADJ ST BL 25 BRENTWD EST S10 P 3621 3816 GREYWOOD INGRAM DR DR 1725.0518 7097 LAHOUD, MICHAEL A 3617 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604-3462 LT 37 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH 4 BM1980.678 3617 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0518 7002 1125.0517 4908 FRANZEL, RONALD A & ANN Z ADESUYI, ISRAEL 0 & JACQUELINE MUS DEPARTMENT OF HUD, HOFPA 3613 GREYWOOD DR ATTN: SEC-HELD SF NOTES, RM 6240 RALEIGH NC 27604.3462 PO BOX 44813 WASHINGTON DC 20026.4813 LT 38 BRENTWOOD TODAY PHASE 4 (BM80-678 L37 BL 25 BRENTWD ESTS SC 10 P C SM ST 3613 3812 GREYWOOD INGRAM DR DR 1725.0517 6936 FREEZE, DAVID A 3609 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604-3462 LT 39 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH 4 BM 1979.224 3609 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0517 4819 FLOWERS, AYDREN D & JEANNETTE P 3808 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3316 LT 36 BLK 25 BRENTWOOD ESTS SEC 10 PT C 3808 INGRAM DR 1725.0517 6837 RIVERA, MANUAL C & DORALICIA D M 3605 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3462 LT 40 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH 4 BM 1979-224 3605 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0517 4800 HOULE, RICKY D 3804 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3316 LT 35 BLK 25 BRENTWD ESTS SEC 10 PT C 3804 INGRAM DR 1725.0517 6727 1725.0517 2782 THORPE, BRIAN R HIGGINS, REGINALD R 3601 GREYWOOD DR 3800 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3462 RALEIGH NC 27604.3316 LT 41 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH 4 IBM 1979-224) LT 34 BILK 25 BRENTWD ESTS SEC 10 PT C 3601 3800 GREYWOOD INGRAM DR DR 1725.05 17 6609 BRITTON, RHONDA K 3533 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604-3347 LT 42 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH 4 BM 1979-224 3533 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0517 4606 SMITSHON, ELLA W 3804 CAMARO CT RALEIGH NC 27604.3306 LT 33 BLK 25 BRENTWD EST SEC 10 PT C 3804 CAMARO CT 1725.05 17 5680 PITTMAN, OLIVER L & ANITA M 3529 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604-3347 LT 43 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH 4 BM 1979.224 3529 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0517 3586 VIKLUND, VICTOR L & KATHLEEN G 3808 CAMARO CT RALEIGH NC 27604.3306 LT 32 BLK 25 BRENTWOOD ESTS SECT 10 PT C 3808 CAMARO CT 1725.09 17 3423 DANIEL, WILLIAM L JR & CLAUDIA C 3809 CAMARO CT RALEIGH NC 27604.3305 LT 31 BLK 25 BRENTWD ESTS SEC 10 PT C 3809 CAMARO CT 1725.0517 5544 TURNER, JAMES HENRY 3527 GREYWOOD OR RALEIGH NC 27604.3347 LT 90 ADDT TO BRENTWOOD TODAY BM1980.921 3527 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0917 5435 DUNN, DWIGHT & ANNA M 3525 GREYWOOD OR RALEIGH NC 27604.3347 LT 91 ADDT TO BRENTWOOD TODAY BM1980-921 3525 GREYWOOD DR 1725.09171395 WOOMER, CLARK FULTON 3717 MARLIN CT RALEIGH NC 27604.3319 LT 19 BLK 25 BRENTWD EST SEC 10 PT B 3717 MARLIN CT 1725.09 17 4399 JOHNSON, TRACEY A &DONNA R JOHNSON 3523 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3347 LT 92 ADDT TO BRENTWOOD TODAY BM1980.921 3523 GREYWOOD DR 1725.09 17 4341 PRESSLEY, CHRISTINA J & MATTHEW S 3521 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3347 LT 93 ADDT TO BRENTWOOD TODAY BM 1980-921 3521 GREYWOOD DR 1725.09 17 3271 BARBOUR, DANIEL M & LINDA T 3517 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 276043347 LT 94 ADDT TO BRENTWOOD TODAY BM90.1210 3517 GREYWOOD DR 1725.09 17 2214 RYAN, DANIEL J 3720 MARLIN CT RALEIGH NC 27604-3320 LT 18 ELK 25 BRENTWD ESTS SEC 10 PT B 3720 MARLIN CT 1725.09 17 1164 MARR, CLYDE M III & ELLEN R 3716 MARLIN CT RALEIGH NC 27604-3320 L17 BL25 BRENTWD ESTS SC10 PT B BM66.241 3716 MARLIN CT 1725.09 17 3121 BAKER, JEANNETTE 3513 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 276043347 LT 95 ADDT TO BRENTWOOD TODAY BM1980.921 3213 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0916 2955 ADAMS GILT COMPANY THE PO BOX 18108 RALEIGH NC 27619-8108 LT 96 ADDT TO BRENTWOOD TODAY BM1980.921 3509 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0916 0997 BINGHAM, WILLIAM D & PEGGY H 3713 LANCELOT CT RALEIGH NC 27604-3317 LT 8 ELK 25 BRENTWOOD EST SEC 10 PT B 3713 LANCELOT CT 1725.09 16 1813 HUNTER, LEWIS JR & JACQUELINE B 3716 LANCELOT CT RALEIGH NC 27604.3318 LT 7 BLK 25 BRENTWD ESTS SEC 10 PT B 3716 LANCELOT CT 1725.0916 0744 MOORE, SCOTT E 3712 LANCELOT CT RALEIGH NC 27604-3318 LT 6 BLK 25 BRENTWOOD ESTS SC 10 PT B 3712 LANCELOT CT 1725.0916 2607 BILGER, GEORGE JR 3409 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604-3349 LT 101 ADD TO BRENTWOOD TODAY BM90.1210 3409 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0916 0508 ROBERTS, DON LEE & PAULA M 3312 HUNTLEIGH DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3312 LT 1-A BLK 25 BRENTWOOD EST SEC 9 PT C 3312 HUNTLEIGH DR 1725.0916 2500 GALLANT, DANIEL R & VIVIENNE M 3405 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3349 LT 102 ADD TO BRENTWOOD TODAY BM1980.921 3405 GREYWOOD DR 1725.09 16 1415 EDUCARE COMMUNITY LIVING CORP 10140 LINN STATION RD LOUISVILLE KY 40223.3813 L 1 BL 25A BRENTWD EST SC 11 BM70.288 3300 HUNTLEIGH DR 1726.18 20 6533 NORTHSHORE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCC/0 JAMES F & MARTHA B WILLIAMS 4313 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3546 NORTHSHORE LAKE 0 COMSTOCK RD 1726.17 201018 SOUTHERLAND, JIMMIE H &RALEIGH DOUGLAS SOUTHERLAND JR 4308 RYEGATE OR RALEIGH NC 27604.3501 LT 10 ELK A NORTHSHORE SECT 1 4308 RYEGATE DR 1726.17 20 0015 LISOWE, DAVID G 4304 RYEGATE DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3501 LT 9 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 1 BM 1968-184 4304 RYEGATE DR 1726.17 10 9013 BROWN, LINDA W 4120 PITTSFORD RD RALEIGH NC 27604-3459 LT 8 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 1 BM 1968-184 4120 PITTSFORD RD 1725.06 29 7933 LAWTON, CAROLYN DIANE 3113 DEANA LN RALEIGH NC 27604-3478 LT 40 ELK A NORTHSHORE SEC 1 BM1968.184 3111 DEANA LA 1725.06 29 8924 GRADUS, PAUL A & BECKWITH S 816 MOUNT VERNON CHURCH RD RALEIGH NC 27614-9283 LT 39 ELK A NORTHSHORE SECT 1 3117 DEANA LA 1725.06 29 6817 CHATHAM, BOBBY CLARKC/O POLLY CHATHAM 8121 LAKISTA POINT LN GARNER NC 27529-9096 LT 41 BL A NORTH SHORE SEC 1 3101 NEW HOPE CHURCH RD 1725.0519 9932 SMITH, ANDRE C & SANDRA WALLACE 4116 PITTSFORD RD RALEIGH NC 27604-3459 LT 7 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 1 4116 PITTSFORD RD 1725.0519 9864 WEAVER, HUEY P & DOROTHY A 4112 PITTSFORD RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3459 LT 6 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 1 4112 PITTSFORD RD Northshore/Brentwood Today Lakes - Adjacent Property Owners PIN # OWNER Mailin Address Mailin Address 2 Mailin Address 3 Lot Description Street # Street Name Street T e 1725.0519 9786 KODACK, JONATHAN A & JULIE G 4108 PITTSFORD RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3459 LT 5 BL A NORTHSHORE SC 1 BM1968.184 4108 PITTSFORD RD 1725.05 291730 CHATHAM, B CLARK & POLLY 1 8121 LAKISTA POINT LN GARNER NC 27529-9096 LT 2 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 1 3005 NEW HOPE CHURCH RD 1725.05 29 2761 CHATHAM, B CLARK & POLLY 1 8121 LAKISTA POINT LN GARNER NC 27529-9096 LT 1 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 1 3019 NEW HOPE CHURCH RD 1725.0519 8700 TOMLINSON, JANET M 4109 PITTSFORD RD RALEIGH NC 27604-3458 LT 7 BLK B NORTHSHORE SECT 1 4109 PITTSFORD RD 1725.0519 6679 BRADY, WILLIE G & JANET S 329 MOSS RD ZEBULON NC 27597.8805 LT 45 SHAMROCK MEADOW SECT 1 2920 DUNSINANE CT 1725.05 29 0618 WOODALL, WILLIAM A & MARY B 4104 PITTSFORD RD RALEIGH NC 27604-3459 LT 4 BLK A NORTHSHORE SECT 1 4104 PITTSFORD RD 1725.0519 8631 FERGUSON, ARTHUR E JR & SUSAN H 4105 PITTSFORD RD RALEIGH NC 27604-3458 LT 6 BL B NORTHSHORE SC 1 BN11968.184 4105 PITTSFORD RD 1725.0519 6670 BERGMAN, WILLIAM C & ELLEN M 2916 DUNSINANE CT RALEIGH NC 27604.3417 LT 44 SHAMROCK MEADOW SEC 1 2916 DUNSINANE CT 1725.05 29 0549 KALU, NENA 3001 NEW HOPE CHURCH RD RALEIGH NC 27604-3427 LT 3 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 1 4100 PITTSFORD RD 1725.0519 8571 PIOTROWSKI, STEPHEN & NANCY S 4101 PITTSFORD RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3458 LT 5 BLK B NORTHSHORE SEC 1 4101 PITTSFORD RD 1725.0519 7478 LATKOWSKI, PATRICIA B 2919 NEW HOPE CHURCH RD # R RALEIGH NC 27604.3425 LT 4 BLK B N SHORE SEC 1 2919 NEW HOPE CHURCH RD 1725.05 291303 BEATTY, ROSEMARY 3909 BEAUMONT CT RALEIGH NC 27604.3453 LT 7 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH 1 3909 BEAUMONT CT 1725.05 29 0300 KUO, LIU KUIE HELEN 3905 BEAUMONT CT RALEIGH NC 27604.3453 LOT 8 BRENTWOOD TODAY PHASE ONE 3905 BEAUMONT CT 1725.0518 7587 ADAMS BILT COMPANY THE PO BOX 18108 RALEIGH NC 27619-8108 ARNOLD LD 0 SARATOGA DR 1725.0519 9251 PEARSON, SCOTT C TRUSTEE 222 MONTIBELLO DR CARY NC 27513.2466 LOT 9 BRENTWOOD TODAY PHASE ONE 3901 BEAUMONT CT 1725.0519 7212 FRYE, HARLAN E 2908 NEW HOPE CHURCH RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3426 LT 53 BL 25 BRENTWD EST S10 PT C (ADD) 2908 NEW HOPE CHURCH RD 1726.18 32 4278 GRIT NC LLCC/0 MARVIN F POER & CO ATTN: RAV 4 EXECUTIVE PARK W STE 100 ATLANTA GA 30329-2212 PROP NORTH BOULEVARD PLAZA BM 1984-212 4702 BAYRIDGE CRSG 1726.18 321016 MASSENGALE, SUSAN L 4616 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3553 L224 PT L223 SHAMROCK MDWS SC 5 84.930 4616 WATERBURY RD 1726.18 31 2936 DIDKIVSKA, GANNA &VOLODYMYR DIDKIVSKYY 4600 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3553 L7 BL G NTHSHORE SC5 PT 223 SHAMROCK MDW 4600 WATERBURY RD 1726.18 310838 LANGLEY, BOBBIE LEWIS HARWARD 4613 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3552 LT 222 SHAMROCK MEADOW SEC 5 BM1973.391 O WATERBURY RD 1726.18 21 9850 SHARPE, JUDITH P 4608 PAISLEY PL RALEIGH NC 27604-3532 LT 220 SHAMROCK MEADOW SEC 5 BM1971.200 4608 PAISLEY PL 1726.18 31 0766 LE, LANH THI MELVIN 307 WINDEL DR RALEIGH NC 27609.4443 LT 10 BLK F N SHORES SEC 5 4517 WATERBURY RD 1726.18 21 8792 FORE, CLAYTON LEWIS 4604 PAISLEY PL RALEIGH NC 27604-3532 LT 219 SHAMROCK MEADOW SEC 5 4604 PAISLEY PL 1726.18 31 0615 REED, WILLIAM S & ELIZABETH B 4513 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3550 LT 9 BLK F NORTHSHORE SEC 5 4513 WATERBURY RD 1726.18 217663 MESSENGER, JUN GILLS 3109 SELKIRK DR RALEIGH NC 27604-3541 LT 206 SHAMROCK MEADOW SEC 5 3109 SELKIRK PL 1726.18 31 0516 BARWICK, ALLEN J & CAROL B 4509 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3550 LT 8 BLK F NORTHSHORE SEC 5 4509 WATERBURY RD 1726.18 218443 ROSSI, LAWRENCE 0 SR & MOZELL H 3113 COMSTOCK RD RALEIGH NC 27604-3506 LT 4 BLK F NORTHSHORE SEC 5 3113 COMSTOCK RD 1726.18 21 7543 NIPPER, JOHN BLOISE JR & LINDA JEAN 3112 SELKIRK DR RALEIGH NC 27604-3542 LT 205 SHAMROCK MDW SEC 5 3112 SELKIRK PL 1726.18 217327 BIRGER, BORIS L 3109 COMSTOCK RD RALEIGH NC 27604-3506 LT 3 BLK F NORTHSHORE SEC 3 3109 COMSTOCK RD 1726.18 219211 LUBBERS, JEFFREY A & CAROL A 3116 COMSTOCK RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3507 LT 25 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 5 3116 COMSTOCK RD 1726.18 218135 PEREZ, POLICARPIO CARRASCO &BLANCA ESTELA REYES 3112 COMSTOCK RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3507 LT 24 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 5 BM73.461 3112 COMSTOCK RD 1726.18 21 7128 NORTHSHORE NEIGHBORHOODASSOCIATION INC 4108 PITTSFORD RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3459 3108 COMSTOCK RD 1726.18 31 0220 TRUONG, DIEN NGOC &LOAN THI TRAN 4417 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3548 LT 26 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 5 4417 WATERBURY RD 1726.18 21 9171 REHM, HUBERT H & CHRISTINE M 4413 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3548 LT 27 BLK A NORTHSHORE SECT 5 4413 WATERBURY RD 1726.18 21 6106 HOLDEN, CHARLES RUDOLPH 4508 RYEGATE DR RALEIGH NC 27604-3538 LOT #23 BLK A NORTHSHORE SECT 3 4508 RYEGATE DR 1726.18 21 5094 KNIGHT, WILLIAM C & ADELINA G 4504 RYEGATE DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3538 LT 22 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 3 4504 RYEGATE DR 1726.18 21 9012 THOMPSON, GEORGE E & SHELIA M 4409 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3548 LT 28 BL A NORTHSHORE SEC 5 BM 1972.2 4409 WATERBURY RD 1726.18 20 6905 TOMLINSON, PAULA V &JOHN D TOMILSON 4500 RYEGATE DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3538 LT 21 BLK A NORTHSHORE SECT 3 4500 RYEGATE DR 1726.18 20 9913 SARGINGER, FRANCIS E JR & PHYLLIS G 4405 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3548 LT 29 BLK A NORTHSHORE SECT 5 4405 WATERBURY RD 1726.18 20 9813 SCOTT, EDWIN W & SUSAN K 6900 VALLEY RIDGE CT RALEIGH NC 27615.7130 LT 30 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 5 4401 WATERBURY RD 1726.18 20 5885 SASNETT, K HAINES & NANCY C 4424 RYEGATE DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3536 LT 20 BLK A NORTHSHORE SECT 1 4424 RYEGATE DR 1726.18 20 5757 TOMLINSON, JOSH W & IDA R 4420 RYEGATE DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3536 LT 19 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 1 4420 RYEGATE DR 1726.18 20 9714 WILLIAMS, JAMES FULLER & MARTHA B 4313 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3546 LT 31 BLK A NORTHSHORE SECT 5 4313 WATERBURY RD 1726.18 20 5647 SHUMATE, MARLENE 4416 RYEGATE DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3536 LT 18 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 1 4416 RYEGATE DR 1726.18 20 9615 FINCH, GEORGE C & SYLVIA JEAN 4309 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3546 LT 32 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 5 4309 WATERBURY RD 1726.17 20 4651 RICHARDSON, CHANDLER 0 & CYNTHIA P 4412 RYEGATE DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3536 LT 17 BLK A NORTH SHORE SECT 1 4412 RYEGATE DR 1726.18 20 8574 SIMS, WELFORD M & CAROL C 4305 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3546 LT 33 BLK A NORTH SHORE SECT 4 4305 WATERBURY RD 1726.17 20 4523 HUTAFF, THOMAS G & KRISTIE R 4408 RYEGATE DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3536 LT 16 BLK A NORHTSHORE SEC 1 4408 RYEGATE DR 1726.18 20 8435 MCCONNELL, GARY D & LISA S 4301 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3546 LT 34 BLK A NORTHSHORE SC 4 4301 WATERBURY RD 1726.17 20 3485 FINNERTY, WILLIAM EDWARD & NORMA J 4404 RYEGATE DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3536 LT 15 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 1 BM 1968-184 4404 RYEGATE DR 1726.17 20 3347 WHAREY, SHERYL SWITZER & PAUL 4400 RYEGATE DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3536 LT 14 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 1 4400 RYEGATE DR 1726.18 20 8317 HAYES, YVONNE S &ELIZABETH BUNCH 4217 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604-3448 LT 35 BLK A NO SHORE SECT 4 4217 WATERBURY RD 1726.17 20 3228 WHITE, LIDIA A 4320 RYEGATE DR RALEIGH NC 27604-3501 LT 13 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 1 BM 1968-184 4320 RYEGATE DR 1726.18 20 8217 MILLER, PATRICIA B 4213 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3448 LT 36 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 4 4213 WATERBURY RD 1726.17 20 2270 BIGGERS, JACK L 4316 RYEGATE DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3501 LT 12 BLK A NORTH SHORE SEC 1 4316 RYEGATE DR 1726.18 20 8108 JONES, DOROTHY F 4209 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3448 LT 37 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 4 4209 WATERBURY RD 1726.17 201193 PURSER, HAUGHTON CHUNN & FUSAKO M 4312 RYEGATE DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3501 LT 11 BLK A NORTHSHORE SECT 1 4312 RYEGATE DR 1726.18 20 7077 SPRISSLER, DANIEL L & CRYSTAL D 109 SOUTH BND KNIGHTDALE NC 27545.9795 LT 38 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 4 BM670-323 4205 WATERBURY RD [fir",`\/file R.M r ,y r. ?r June 29, 2005 Ms. Cyndi Karoly NCDENR Division of Water Quality 401/Wetlands Certification Unit 2005 1 206 ?. F_- J f...µ r JUN 39 ?005 DFNR - WAfr'-R QL)Ak.JTf 1650 Mail Service Center WETLANDS ANDS-i0R-MVV'ATF-RBRANCH Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 RE: Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes Rehabilitation Project Raleigh, North Carolina Dear Ms. Karoly: Enclosed are two (2) copies of an individual permit application, under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA), for the Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes Rehabilitation Project. The City of Raleigh contracted HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas (HDR) to perform a study of these lakes, prepare alternative recommendations, and coordinate public input on the rehabilitation of these facilities. This permit application includes this cover letter, ENG Form 4345, associated attachments, permit impact sheets, and a list of property owners as specified in the application requirements. The application is being submitted for CWA Section 404 permit approval, CWA Section 401 certification, and Neuse Buffer certification under the Neuse River Riparian Buffer Rules. Although this plan and design are conceptual in nature, the impacts are primarily related to the repair and rehabilitation of the spillways and dams, and the reduction of water level in Northshore Lake. The design of the spillway structures and the reduction of water levels have reached the point where an impact estimate can be made. Therefore, the City is submitting this permit application for your review and feedback in order to gain input and comments that will be incorporated into the final design and, if needed, permit re-application. Additional design will be occurring as the project continues, but should not significantly change the impacts discussed below. Ms. Cyndi Karoly June 29, 2005 Page Two Please contact me at telephone number 890-3931 if I may answer any questions concerning this application or be of further assistance. Sincerely, James K. Leumas, P. E. Senior Project Engineer JKL/ Enclosures cc: Mr. Carl R. Dawson, Jr., P. E. Mr. H. Daniel Bowden, P. E. Ms. Veronica L. High, E. I. Mr. Todd Tugwell Mr. Ronald A. Geiger, P. E. June 29, 2005 Mr. Todd Tugwell, Project Manager U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Office 6508 balls ofNeuse Road - Suite 120 Raleigh, NC 27615 RE: Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes Rehabilitation Project Raleigh, North Carolina Dear Mr. Tugwell: Enclosed is an individual permit application, under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA), for the Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes Rehabilitation Project. The City of Raleigh contracted HDR f;ngineering, Inc. of the Carolinas (H DR) to perform a study of these lakes, prepare alternative recommendations, and coordinate public input on the rehabilitation of these facilities. This permit application includes this cover letter, ENG Form 4345, associated attachments, permit impact sheets, and a list of property owners as specified in the application requirements. The application is being submitted for CWA Section 404 permit approval, CWA Section 401 certification, and Neuse Buffer certification under the Neuse River Riparian Buffer Rules. Although this plan and design are conceptual in nature, the impacts are primarily related to the repair and rehabilitation of the spillways and dams, and the reduction of water level in Northshore Lake. The design of the spillway structures and the reduction of water levels have reached the point where an impact estimate can be made. Therefore, the City is submitting this permit application for your review and feedback in order to gain input and comments that will be incorporated into the final design and, if needed, permit re-application. Additional design will be occurring as the project continues, but should not significantly change the impacts discussed below. Mr. Todd Tugwell June 29, 2005 Page Two Please contact me at telephone number 890-3931 if I may answer any questions concerning this application or be of further assistance. Sincerely, James K. L cumas, 11. E. Senior Project Engineer JKL/ Enclosures cc: Mr. Carl R. Dawson, Jr., P. E. Mr. H. Daniel Bowden, P. E. Ms. Veronica L. High, E. I. Ms. Cyndi Karoly Mr. Ronald A. Geiger, P. E. APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT- I OMB APPROVAL NO. 0710-0003 /33 CFR 325/ Expires December 31, 2004 The Public burden for this collection of information is sestimated to average 10 hours per response, although the majority of applications should require 5 hours or less. This includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Service Directorate of Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710-0003), Washington, DC 20503. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of those addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authorities: Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10, 33 USC 403; Clean Water Act, Section 404, 33 USC 1344; Marine Protection , Research and Sanctuaries Act, 33 USC 1413, Section 103. Principal Purpose: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Routine Uses: This information may be shared with the Department of Justice and other federal, state, and local government agencies. Submission of requested information is voluntary, however, if information is not provided the permit application cannot be evaluated nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is not completed in full will be returned. 1. APPLICATION NO. 12. FIELD OFFICE CODE 13. DATE RECEIVED 14. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETED (ITEMS BELOW TO RE FILLEO BY APPLICANT) 5. APPLICANT'S NAME 8. AUTHORIZED AGENT'S NAME AND TITLE (an agent is not required) Carl R. Dawson Jr., PE, Public Works Director City of Raleigh, Public Works Department 6. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS 9. AGENT'S ADDRESS City of Raleigh, Public Works Department PO Box 590 Raleigh, NC 27602-0590 7. APPLICANT'S PHONE NOS. W/AREA CODE 10. AGENT'S PHONE NOS. W/AREA CODE a. Residence a. Residence b. Business 919-890-3030 I b. Business r 1 1 . STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION I hereby authorize, to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to urnish, upon request, supplemental information in support of this permit application. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE NAME, LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE tsceinstrucrions: Northshore and Brentwood Today Dam and Lake Rehabilitation 13. NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN G1apiJicableJ 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS ritapp+,c,9bicJ Northshore Lake and Brentwood Today Lake, both on the New Hope tributary to Marsh Creek 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT Wake County COUNTY North Carolina STATE 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN, i5ecinstructionsl Northshore Lake Dam coordinates: Latitude 35 deg. 50 min. 13 sec. / Longitude 78 deg. 35 min. 16 sec.; Brentwood Today Lake Dam coordinates: Latitude 35 deg. 49 min. 56 sec. / Longitude 78 deg. 35 min. 24 sec. 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE Take 1-440 Beltline to Capital Boulevard, proceed north on Capital approximately 2 miles to New Hope Church Road, turn left on New Hope Church, after -1/4-mile you will pass Deana Lane on the right, Northshore Lake is then immediately to your north (right) and Brentwood Today Lake is to your south (left) NG FORM 4345, Jul 97 EDITION OF FEB 94 IS OBSOLETE. 18. Nature of Activity Wcc cripnngorpro;%? r,inci„neen;r?ruresi This activity includes repair and rehabilitation of Northshore and Brentwood Today dams and spillways, dredging of both lakes, and lowering of the water level in Northshore Lake for flood control. [See attachment] 19. Project Purpose (Describe the reason or purpose or the project, sce mstrudronsi These two lakes are privately-owned earthen dams with a recent history of overtopping during high flood events. Both dams and spillways are in need of repair. The lakes are surrounded by residential homes and apartments that are subject to flooding. New Hope Church Road, just downstream of Northshore Lake, could wash out due to an overtopping event. Both lakes have filled in with sediment over the past several decades, thereby decreasing water quality. [See attachment] USE BLOCKS 20-22 IF DREDGED AND/OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s) for Discharge Discharges are mainly related to the repair and rehabilitation of the dams and spillways. Some additional discharges will be associated with the sediment pool construction and establishment of fringe wetlands around the lakes. [See attachment] 21. Type(s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards [See attachment] 22. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled (seemstruchons) [See attachment] 23. Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? Yes No X IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK 24. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody (If more than can be entered here, please attach a supplemental list). See attached list 25. List of Other Certifications or Approvals/Denials Received from other Federal, State or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL' IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED 'Would include but is not restricted to zoning, building and flood plain permits 26. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that the information in this application is complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duty authorized e o the applicant. d-i (e Z9 6? SIGNATURE OF APPL ANT DATE SIGNATURE OF AGENT DATE The application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $ 10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. Northshore and Brentwood Today Dam and Lake Rehabilitation List of Permit Application Attachments Permit Narrative (with Photographs) Figures 1-7 (includes Project Vicinity Map) Preliminary Spillway Drawings (3 figures) Email Communication with Becky Fox of the USEPA Technical Memorandum No. 4 (Water Quality Evaluation of Conceptual Plans) List of Adjacent Property Owners Northshore and Brentwood Today Dam and Lake Rehabilitation Project Section 404 Permit and Section 401/Neuse Buffer Certification Narrative The narrative below is a thorough description of the project. Under each heading, the corresponding item from ENG Form 4345 is listed in parentheses if applicable. For continuity and readability reasons, the items are not necessarily in the order they occur in the permit, and additional items are included for justification of the project. Project Background and Purpose (Item 19) There are a series of four lakes along the New Hope tributary to Marsh Creek and Crabtree Creek: an unnamed lake, Northshore Lake, Brentwood Today Lake, and Beaman Lake. The dam at Beaman Lake was breached several years ago and reconstruction was recently completed to restore the dam embankment and install features to improve water quality, including constructed wetlands. This Project includes Northshore Lake and Brentwood Today Lake, which are located in the City of Raleigh (City) near New Hope Church Road and west of U.S. Highway 1 (Capital Blvd.) as shown in Figure 1. The dams at both Lakes were identified as small, high hazard dams in a report by Titan Atlantic dated July 20, 2004. Furthermore, the spillways at both Lakes have been a safety concern for over 20 years. The dams have been overtopped several times in recent years, causing flooding in the surrounding residential area. There is also concern that New Hope Church Road, located just downstream of Northshore Dam, has the potential to wash out during an overtopping event. In addition to safety concerns, development in the drainage basin over the last several decades has created a significant amount of runoff and sedimentation entering these lakes. Both Northshore and Brentwood Today have an estimated 3-5 feet of sediment in their lower, deeper areas, and are very shallow in the upper ends with less than a foot of water in some areas. Peninsula wetlands have been created in the headwater regions of both lakes through accumulation of sediment. Algae and other noxious plants are present throughout the lakes, but are concentrated in these shallow upper-headwater areas. In 2004, the City of Raleigh (City) made a commitment to evaluate the potential of rehabilitating the Northshore Lake and the Brentwood Today Lake dams and spillways to minimize and/or prevent flooding to the neighboring property owners as well as improve public safety downstream. The analysis of these two lakes was driven by three primary objectives: 1) Address NC Dam Safety concerns for long-term stability and downstream protection 2) Identify opportunities for water quality enhancement of the watershed supplemental to ongoing City efforts 3) Preserve property value for the neighborhoods surrounding these lakes. Northshore & Brentwood Today Lakes page 2 of 15 4041401 permit Application Narrative The underlying goal for this effort is to provide a project that addresses these objectives while achieving public support and meeting the goals of the City of Raleigh's Storm Water Program. The planning process provided the basis for conceptual layouts for rehabilitating the dam structures while also increasing water storage capacities and water quality benefits. The conceptual layouts, discussed in the alternatives analysis section, were produced with City input and presented for public comment. This planning process provided a recommended plan comprising dam safety and water quality benefits. Both lakes are located within the Marsh Creek watershed, which exhibits serious nutrient- loading problems. This concept would help to reduce some of this nutrient loading as discussed below. Project Description (Item 18) Although two separate lakes, the recommended improvements to these facilities are being proposed in conjunction due to the overall purpose of this project. The analysis of alternatives and development of a recommended plan were performed using a watershed approach to the water quality issues, while looking individually at the project components such as each dam and spillway. This plan development included incorporation of the available flood control capacity of Northshore Lake, and the water quality improvements of Beaman Lake to yield an overall approach for the New Hope tributary watershed. Northshore Lake (Figure 2) The Northshore Lake recommended plan is focused on long-term aquatic habitat and nutrient-removal improvements, in addition to the required dam safety improvements. An approximate 0.8-acre sediment pool is proposed to be located just south of Comstock Road within the old Northshore Marina lot and an adjacent parcel that currently contains a residential structure. The house is located within the 100-year floodplain and is considered a hazard for flooding. The sediment pool would require periodic maintenance in order to remove the sediment build-up. Upland areas around the sediment pool would be set aside for maintenance access and storage. The pool will serve the same function that the lake has been providing by trapping sediment, but this will limit the area requiring maintenance and increase accessibility. Normal pool elevation would be dropped 2.5 feet to a normal pool elevation of 262 feet in order to provide additional flood storage without raising the dam and impacting adjacent landowners. The proposed spillway structure is a notched drop-chute spillway that would incorporate a 25-foot-wide weir at an elevation of 263'. In order to pass high flows, a 150-foot weir length would be constructed at an elevation of 265.9'. To minimize impacts to the dam, the structure will protrude into the lake. The hardened channel below the weir would slope from an invert elevation of 261' down to 256', where it would then tie into the existing channel below the dam. In addition, several 2" water-quality drawdown holes using orifice plates at an elevation of 262' will be included in the spillway. These holes will reduce clogging and will pass the daily flow in addition to any floodwaters stored between 262' and 263'. Flood storage capacity would be Northsliore do Brentwood Today Lakes 4041301 Permit Application Narrative Page 3 of 15 increased by 1.5 vertical feet with an additional 1-foot drawdown for water quality improvement purposes. Approximately 1.5 acres of the lake would be dredged to remove much of the depositional sediment that has accumulated over the 50+-year life of the lake. Using existing bathymetry as a guide, the dredging would occur in the upper portions of the lake and around parts of the lake perimeter. The dredging would also be performed in order to keep the lake surface area approximately equal to current conditions. Since some of the existing wetlands may be drained due to the drop in water elevation, planting of created headwater wetland areas may occur to enhance their development. An approximate 0.7-acre headwater wetland would be created below the sediment pool to help filter out nutrients and contaminants prior to reaching the lake. This headwater wetland will be planted with trees and constructed such that shallow channels braid through the system. Small plunge pools are proposed where existing point-source pipes and channels discharge directly into the lake. These would provide some treatment for sediment and contaminant runoff from the stormwater outfalls. Brentwood Today Lake (Figure 3) The Brentwood plan would provide primarily for spillway replacement and lake bathymetry restoration. The existing spillway structure has been progressively failing over a period of years and needs to be addressed relatively soon in order to prevent a complete failure of the spillway (a failure of this magnitude may result in an outflow that could adversely impact downstream lives and property in addition to the aforementioned Beaman Lake reconstruction project). The proposed structure would have a 100-foot weir length at an elevation of 245.2' with a 20-foot notch cut down to 242'. The channel invert below the weir would be 238', sloping down on a 1-percent grade to an energy-dissipating structure at the confluence with the existing stream channel. No change in water level is proposed for this lake since it would add only a minor amount of additional flood storage. Approximately 3 acres of lakebed would be dredged. A 0.4-acre sediment pool would be created where an eastern tributary enters the lake. A plunge pool along the western shoreline and a sediment pool below New Hope Church Road are also proposed in this plan. Other than the minor wetland impact from the eastern sediment pool, the wetlands on-site are to be preserved in order to provide water quality and habitat benefits. Alternatives Analysis The attached technical memoranda describe the Concept Plans shown in Figures 2 through 3, along with the analysis used in the evaluation of these alternatives. In general, three alternatives were evaluated for each lake: ¦ Dam safety and flood attenuation, Nonhslmre & Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Appliration Narrative ¦ Water quality improvements, and Page 4 of 1s ¦ A composite plan integrating dam safety and water quality (Recommended Plan). The dam safety recommendations were integrated into all three alternative scenarios, since exclusion of these recommendations was not practical due to public safety concerns. Therefore, a "no action alternative" was not considered for permitting purposes for this project. The analysis, fully documented in the attached technical memoranda, resulted in the recommendation of the plan described above. This plan included the required elements for dam safety and flood attenuation, and incorporated both water quality elements and public interests. The resulting project yields an increase in water quality efficiency of the facilities, while satisfying to the greatest practical extent the needs and interests of the adjacent landowners. Project Impacts, Minimization, and Avoidance (Items 20, 21, 22) The impacts of the proposed project on each type of jurisdictional area are presented in Table 1 and discussed by site below. Along with each impact description is a discussion of the minimization and avoidance performed at each site. Overall, impacts are mostly limited to the original footprint of the lakes and spillways prior to the sedimentation and infilling that has occurred over their 50+-year existence. Stream and wetland delineation was performed in April-May 2004, and field-verified by Ms. Jennifer Burdette on July 13, 2004 (existing conditions are shown in Figures 4a, 4b, 5a, and 5b; proposed conditions with impacts in Figures 6a, 6b, 7a, and 7b). Table 1: Impact Summarv Site Number Lake Open Water ac Forested Wetland Impact ac Fringe Wetlands ac Stream Channel U. 1 Northshore 0.51 0.46 - 260 2 Northshore - - 0.03 - 3 Northshore 0.08 - - - 4 Brenrivood Today - 0.07 - 80 5 Brenrivood Today 0.04 - - 50 Totals 0.63 0.53 0.03 390 Site 1 - Northshore Headwaters: 0.46 acres of riparian forested wetlands will be impacted in this area due to the drop in the normal pool elevation of the lake (Figure 6a). This will eliminate the hydrologic conditions necessary for the survival and propagation of the wetland species currently present. In addition, over time the hydric soil characteristics of this area will be eliminated and the area will likely revert to an upland riparian system. 0.51 acres of pond will be converted to wetland due to the reduction in water levels. This area will be planted with riparian wetland vegetation in order to enhance the water quality benefits of the project and replace the habitat lost in the draining of the current wetland areas. Approximately 0.18 acres of the 0.46 Northshore & BrenAvood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Page S of 15 acres of wetlands will also be excavated to allow for the construction of a 0.8 acre sediment pool or forebay within the original footprint of the lake. This forebay will be used to minimize the amount of maintenance required in the future and limit this activity to an easily accessible area. The forebay construction will impact an additional 260 linear feet of perennial stream channel that is currently inundated by the lake. Avoidance of this impact was not practical due to the heavy historical and current sediment load that has led to the conditions described above. An off-line sediment pool or forebay was considered for this location in order to avoid impacting the current stream channel and wetlands. This would have divided the forebay into two sections on either side of the stream and greatly reduced the volume of water controlled. In addition, normal base flows would have been passed by the stream without contact with the sediment pools. Since the entire lake is currently acting as a sediment pool for the upstream drainage, it was determined that an in-line forebay was the most practical option. Draining of the current wetland areas was examined to determine if there were options to avoid this impact. However, since flood control is a primary concern below the dam, the water level has been decreased in the Recommended Plan to provide additional flood storage and spillway capacity, which brings the dam's spillway capacity into compliance with the NC Dam Safety Act. Since the flood control storage drop of 1.5 feet is necessary and would drain the wetlands at the site, it was determined that an additional 1 foot of water drop would be beneficial for water quality purposes and would not cause additional impacts to the wetlands. Alternative flood control strategies, such as raising the existing dam elevation, were considered but found to not be practical due to the potential impacts on adjacent landowners. Site 2 - Northshore Fringe Wetlands 0.03 acres of current fringe wetlands are located around Northshore Lake as shown in Figures 4a and 4b. These wetlands have formed in the flatter portions of the lake margin where water is shallow enough to allow colonization by hydrophytic plants. Lowering the water level will impact all of these wetlands. The dredging of the lake will maintain the current lake margins by creating a shallow shelf along the edge of the lake. Fringe wetlands are likely to reform in areas that supply suitable depth. As stated above, avoidance of the water level decrease was examined but deemed not practical due to flood control and spillway capacity issues necessary to comply with the NC Dam Safety Act. Therefore, the impacts to the fringe wetlands are necessary. Minimization of these impacts is being achieved through the dredging of adjacent shallow waters to maintain the current lake banks and create shelves along the shore. This will allow for the natural reestablishment of fringe wetlands in suitable locations around the perimeter of the lake. Northshore do Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Site 3 - Northshore Dam and Spillway Page 6of15 The construction of the Northshore spillway device, shown in Figure 6b, will impact approximately 0.08 acres of open waters. No additional stream channel will be impacted by the rehabilitation of the existing spillway downstream of the dam. This stream channel is currently concrete and rock lined. This material will be removed and replaced with proper materials. During construction, the stream will be diverted around the current channel through pipes, preferably via gravity flow. Avoidance of this impact was deemed impractical due to the high flood hazard conditions, the current state of the spillway, and lack of compliance with the NC Dam Safety Act. The enlarged weir will remove some open water, but is necessary to control the flows entering the spillway and reduce downstream velocities and flooding potential. The current spillway is cracked and a portion of the base flow is bypassing the spillway through voids underneath. This would eventually lead to the failure of the spillway and degradation of the downstream channel. The spillway length has been limited to not cause additional impacts to the stream channel. The leveling of the dam will not impact the stream or open water. Site 4 - Brentwood Today Eastern Tributary Although sediment is being controlled along the main stem lakes and stream through the sediment pool on Northshore Lake, there is a significant amount of the overall watershed (31%) that enters Brentwood Today Lake through an eastern tributary that is piped under the Mini-City area along Capital Boulevard. The sediment load in this tributary has created headwater wetlands similar to those at the upper end of both lakes. In order to reduce this sediment load and minimize further filling of the Brentwood Today Lake, a sediment pool is proposed on this tributary. Construction of this pool will impact 0.07 acres of this wetland area. The remaining wetland and the wetlands at the upper end of the lake will not be impacted. In addition, 80 feet of perennial stream channel of the eastern tributary will be impacted by construction of the sediment pool (Figure 7b). Avoidance of this impact was considered, but it was not deemed practical due to the sediment load currently produced from the watershed to the east of Brentwood Today. As discussed above, an offline forebay would not control base flow sediment load and would be greatly reduced in size. In addition, it would likely involve additional taking of properties. Site 5 - Brentwood Today Dam and Spillway The 50 feet of remaining spillway at the Brentwood Today Lake is progressively collapsing and the banks of the stream channel are sloughing in. The original spillway length below the dam was approximately 200 feet. The proposed spillway length is 100 feet, which yields an additional impact of 50 linear feet of Northshore & Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Page 7 of 15 perennial stream channel when compared to current conditions, but is within the original footprint of the 200' spillway. The current conditions of this stream channel, and the impending failure of the remaining 50 feet of the spillway, prevent any other alternative solution besides draining the lake. The inlet structure will impact an additional 0.04 acres of open waters. Avoidance of the spillway improvements was unavoidable due to the state of the current structure. Of the original 200 foot spillway, only 50 feet remain (and sections are continuing to collapse). The proposed length of the spillway is enough to pass the required flows (based on Dam Safety Act requirements) and tie into the existing stream channel while reducing velocities of the outflow so as to minimize potential for downstream degradation. Mitigation The original concept for compensatory mitigation for this project was to use the enhanced wetlands associated with the Northshore Lake (Figures 6a and 6b) to offset the unavoidable wetland losses. In an October 5, 2004 pre-application meeting with the USACE, it was determined that these wetlands could not be used as compensatory mitigation since they are a component of a stormwater facility. This was concurred by the EPA in email correspondence on February 7, 2005. It was agreed in the pre- application meeting with the USACE that a proposal would be considered to not require mitigation for impacts if functional replacement could be proven for the project. DWQ 401 Certification Unit staff tentatively agreed to a similar approach in an October 22, 2004 pre-application meeting. Therefore, the following mitigation section is designed to justify the waving of compensatory mitigation for the proposed impacts due to the functional replacement of the project components. Wetland Functions The impacted wetlands are discussed below by category of wetland functions as described in the "Guidance for Rating the Values of Wetlands in North Carolina" published by NCDENR. Dater Storaze The current wetland areas consist of bars of sediment transported downstream and deposited at the inlet of the lakes. Little microtopographic relief is present in these wetlands and therefore their water storage capacity during flood events is low. As these wetlands have formed above the normal pool elevation of the lakes, they have actually decreased the amount of flood storage provided by the freeboard of the lakes. The increase in flood storage capacity created by the drop in water level of Northshore Lake will greatly increase flood storage capacity of the entire system and therefore offset any loss of flood storage retention in the wetland areas. Northshore & Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Bank/Shoreline Stabilization Page 8 qF 15 The current wetlands consist of fine silts and sands deposited in the upper end of the lakes. These areas are constantly shifting and provide little stabilization of the stream banks. Vegetation in much of these areas is limited to herbaceous species such as Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) that provide little stabilization. Reduction of the water level in Northshore, along with the dredging of sediments in both lakes, will remove most of these sediments. The creation of the sediment pools prior to these wetland areas will help to reduce the erosive velocities and scour potential of the streams and therefore will not decrease the bank stabilization of the system. Currently, the stream channels immediately upstream of the open water are pooled, channelized, and relatively incised. The channel below the Brentwood Today dam is currently caving in and causing additional water quality problems. Overall, the project will reduce downstream erosion potential by controlling flooding and reducing velocities downstream of the spillways. This reduction in erosion and stabilization of the currently eroding banks adjacent to the spillway will help mitigate the minor stream impacts associated with the project. The current conditions of the streams, specifically the stream below Brentwood Today, would more than mitigate for the loss of this function. Pollutant Removal The current wetlands do provide some pollutant removal for the incoming flows. However, as described in the following text and supported in the attached technical memoranda, pollutant removal efficiencies will be increased throughout the watershed as a result of this project. This was one of the primary purposes of this project. Examination of the New Hope Tributary (including Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes) as the system of treatment facilities for the entire watershed provides a comprehensive assessment of water quality. Table 2 integrates the combined loadings from all five sub-watersheds studied (attached as Technical Memorandum No. 4) and the trapping capacity of both lakes to yield a composite load and overall removal efficiency from the system. These results are presented in the last three columns of Table 2. The system is operating in the mid-range of the removal efficiency for wet ponds, based on the initial assumptions of poor removal capacity for the individual lakes. However, the main function of this system simply operates to detain pollutants and does not facilitate the expedition of these pollutants entirely out of the system. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and TSS would be available for reintroduction into the system's downstream conveyance. Northshore do Qrcnttirood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Tahle 2: Comnarative Loading Analvsis Page 9 of 15 Loadings to Total Loadings to Trapped Load from Loadings out of Overall Constituent Beaman Brentwood & the System Brentwood Removal Lake * Northshore Efficiency Total Nitrogen 3,872 13,320 4,124 9,196 31% Total Phosphorus 1,215 1,400 787 613 56% TSS 284,712 285,050 226,648 58,402 80% Fecal Coliform N/A 4,540 850 3,690 19% NOTES: Loadings are presented in Ibs/year except for fecal coliform, ti,ihich are presented in colony forming units x 10''/year; '- Data from Beaman Lake Embankment Rehabilitation report. The initial assessment of total nitrogen removed by Northshore and Brentwood appears to meet the 30 percent reduction requirement in nitrogen specified in the Neuse River Rules. However, the City of Raleigh's Stormwater Management Design Manual requires that the nitrogen load from new development not exceed 3.6 Ibs/acre/year. This equates to approximately 2,700 lbs/year, which would theoretically be the target loading out of Brentwood Lake if the two watersheds were not already mostly built-out. This is a much smaller loading as compared to the present loading of approximately 9,200 lbs/year out of Brentwood Today. While the 2,700 lbs/year may not be a reasonable goal, it still emphasizes the need for maximizing nitrogen control where possible. Wildlife Habitat The current wetlands are relatively small and provide little wildlife habitat. The vegetation primarily consists of herbaceous species, with some younger saplings, shrubs, and trees. The surrounding land use is almost completely built out and provides little refuge for populations of wildlife. Potential cover is adequate only in spotty areas, and is periodically cleared out by adjacent landowners. Mast producing trees and other food sources are limited by this disturbance. The project will remove some of the thin riparian buffer along the streams and lakes in the area of the sediment pools. This will be mitigated by the replacement of similar vegetation types and cover in the enhanced wetlands created by the exposure of additional land surface when the Northshore Lake level is dropped. Additional open water created by the dredging operations, along with the establishment of littoral shelves and benches around the perimeter of Northshore Lake will increase waterfowl habitat. Aquatic Life Currently, the aquatic habitat of the two lakes and connecting streams is in poor condition. As described above, the lakes have gradually filled in with sediment and therefore removed most of the deepwater habitat in these systems. Approximately 30% of Northshore Lake and 50% of Brentwood Today are less than 1 foot deep. This has created conditions that promote the growth of algae and invasive aquatic plants that are currently choking the system. The dredging of the lakes and control of the sediment load coming downstream will greatly enhance the aquatic habitat of the lakes. The lowering of the Northshore water level will allow the stream below Comstock Road to flow rather than be Nortluhore & Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Page 10 of 15 inundated most of the time. Based on interviews with local residents, fish populations in both lakes have seriously declined in the last several decades. The aquatic benches created by the dredging operations will add aquatic habitat by providing shallow water refuge adjacent to deeper water habitat. The construction of the spillways will not change the current impediments to fish passage. The overall project will improve the quality of the aquatic habitat in both the lakes. Recreation and Education Recreation opportunities, which were originally quite high for these lakes, have drastically decreased over the last several decades. Fishing has declined due to the decrease in fish populations associated with the poor water quality and sedimentation. Boating opportunities have also declined as significant portions of these lakes have become inaccessible by watercraft. Several docks are currently surrounded by wetlands or water less than 1 foot deep. The project will increase both these functions to a great extent. Fish habitat will be increased, and over time fishing opportunities should likewise increase. Boat access will be enhanced through the dredging of the lakes. While some areas without current open water access will not change (such as the upper portion of Brentwood Today), landowners with access to open water will have that access enhanced through the dredging of channels and deepening of the lakes. Stream Mitigation Stream impacts associated with this project are limited to 390 linear feet of perennial stream. Current stream channel degradation along the old spillway of Brentwood Today Lake will be repaired during the construction of the spillway, and downstream impacts from sedimentation and erosive velocities will be reduced by the proposed enhancements and rehabilitation. Since the stream channels along the spillways of these lakes have already been impacted, only additional stream channel impacts have been included in these calculations. Any channel impacts occurring at the upper reaches of each lake are impacting open water that falls within the streambanks - these channels are not functioning as streams but as open water conveyances. Some grade control points may be established in the exposed stream channels to prevent head cutting as needed. Therefore, no stream mitigation is being proposed for this project. The overall watershed and water quality improvements associated with this project provide sufficient mitigation for the minor amounts of stream impacts. Based on the overall assessment of the functions described above, each wetland function is at minimum replaced and, more frequently, enhanced by the project. Stream impacts and enhancements are largely offset by the primary goal of water quality improvements and the rehabilitation of the dams. The overall goals of flood control and water quality, along with the current severely degraded state of these lakes, provides mitigation for these functions through an alternative delivery process rather than traditional compensatory mitigation. It is therefore proposed that no formal compensatory mitigation be required for the impacts associated with this project. Northshore do Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Neuse Buffer Impacts and Mitigation Requirements Page 11 of 15 Figures 6a, 6b, 7a, and 7b present the current riparian buffers within the project area under jurisdiction of the Neuse River Riparian Buffer Rules. The proposed plan will impact 1.95 acres of the total 12 acres of buffers currently surrounding the lakes. These impacts stem primarily from spillway improvements and sediment pool construction. The impacts related to the rehabilitation of the dams and spillways are exempt under the current rules. Since the dredging operation will retain the current lake limits by creating benches along the shores, no permanent loss of riparian buffers are associated with this activity. The construction of the sediment pools will require impacts to 0.84 acres of riparian buffers. These impacts do not create new impervious surfaces. Protected Species Plants and animals classified as Endangered or Threatened by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) are protected under provisions of Section 7 and Section 9 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. Table 9 presents USFWS list of federally protected species for Wake County, North Carolina as of February 25, 2003. Table 3: Federal Listed Protected Species for Wake County. NC Scientific Name Common Name Federal Status Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald eagle Threatened-Proposed for Delistin Picoides borealis Red-cockaded woodpecker (RCW) Endangered Alasmidonta heterodon Dwarf wed emussel Endangered Rhus mlchatoci Michaux's sumac Endangered Limited potential habitat exists on-site for each species (Bald eagle - open water; RCW - mature pines; Dwarf wedgemussel - perennial streams; Michaux's sumac - regularly maintained edge habitat). Prior to construction, surveys will be performed for each species as requested by the permitting agencies. Northshore & Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Photographs k. Page 12 of 15 t Upper end of Northshore Lake Upstream end of Northshore Lake, looking upstream near Comstock Road Northshore & Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Page 13 of 15 Northshore Lake, looking upstream from the dam Northshore & Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative ?? Page 14 of 15 ?I I Brentwood Today dam spillway, looking downstream from the top of the spillway (as of September 2004) Brentwood Today Lake, looking upstream from the dam Northshore & Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Page /5 of /5 Post-storm destruction below Brentwood Today spillway due to bank erosion and sloughing (April 2004, along the eastern streambank and -20' downstream of existing spillway) Approximate former location of Brentwood Today spillway, now -150 feet downstream of the progressively collapsing end of the spillway seen above M100ok s d 4. spring Forest N A 1t9 10, ch New Hope Ch c m? Today Lake old 6\1"o 50,10e 0 S 3 m Z Ga ? 0 1,00 2,000 Feet Figure 1 Project Vicinity Map February 2005 W Z Y J p LLJ W W p = W ?0 OW Z w N L LL L O t9 O C 3 C O C O c _m 0 O Y O O 0 '-' m O m O O av : C w N c ?? c m S vi CB .300 E o a? 0 c N vyi in ° in a 2 y0 oc O 8 R t m =0 NC 3? $, ??° =m ? v i w 04 0 cc C <n E w o O 0 cc .? c 0 .? .. N L a m w. O L C V m C o'0 N°° 3 OL vai N -00 rn 3 c0 m0c cv 6E r- 30 LCcc vE C ON d m30 ct X30 G C) 1- wm rn (D be cc N N E V L m O y o •0 0- O ?? M E m> N,2 m O m v, E o O L O o 4) 0 a0 UU U m UL U 3 U N N m 3 3 O ? .n " N N 0.9 3 C L C A CL V N v Tm ? 3 ? C .Q N V N M O U w 3 0 119 9FEER- NN Z 11 D 0 10 W 0 00 0u w Q m J M OJI LL c 0 O N 3 C c? L V 0 Z O:s E N £ Cl. c E ov 4) ca E 1° 02 to >' M Cho m .o q ;T t ° N O tp LL N a a Z 0 E w° aX .. oo.. m_$ 4) L °) Er >Y °r7 m N,C W E O C o v m O e N c `- O C :. cm 0 N O 3 3C.C DOE rpc trnprn.ats con -E- -0 2 V N H O M fl O Z m 0 C 82M II N L S O = ? m m 3 a z C o ? E C n C C °M C m o C .. i E c n L o? - M m C t0 r ?- 7 . N ? NL U? U 3 UU c (9 E cg= m c 3 ? .a ? H •3 ? C 3 U m O 0 ?M y 2 N ? c CL O U ? aCi c O W m ° ? Q c a °- U C ?L- N o c ? U f _ ad i i j i / 7 - 1 i / / - - - - - - - - - Legend N J ( / 1 _ Q Building Footprint A _ Road ROW Topography Adjacent Property Boundary stream, Lake Wetlands 0 50 100 150 (?- 40' mmmi:==mmmmmm=== Feet Joins Figure 4b Figure 4a Existing Conditions February 2005- Northshore Lake e Joins Figure 4a i i i i ?i > X Legend N Building Footprint Road ROW Topography Adjacent Property Boundary ® stream, Lake - Wetlands 0 50 100 150 Feet _y i Figure 4b Existing Conditions February 2005 Northshore Lake N Legend Building Footprint A Road ROW / y iX f - - Topography cer?oa,?' Adjacent Property Boundary j / 6 GrU / \ I ® Stream, Lake Q - Wetlands i 0 50 100 150 \ F-I Feet I 1 I 1 I /: ? X I X Peopertree Pic- J I i , OF" Joins Figure 5b Figure 5a Existing Conditions February 2005 x Brentwood Today Lake i / / 1 iih? ? 17- Joins Figure 5a X 1 I ('(7 i I ll \ Legend N Building Footprint A Road ROW Topography Adjacent Property Boundary stream, Lake Wetlands I 0 50 100 15Feet Figure 5b Existing Conditions February 2005 Brentwood Today Lake fu.'? V.-I ......................................:.:. w / / I Legend i / ® Building Footprint Road ROW Topography I Adjacent Property Boundary / - ® Stream, Lake Dredged Lake Area / 0 Sediment Pool Spillway Wetlands Neuse Buffers % Impacted Zone 1 • Constructed ® Zone 2 / \ - Preserved , \ 0 50 100 150 Feet Joins Figure 6b Figure 6a Proposed Conditions February 2005 1ZJ Northshore Lake Joins Figure 6a ? x ~ I OSY / Y X \ i , t r V f. i Legend N Building Footprint /L\V Road ROW 1 \1 ? Topography I Adjacent Property Boundary ® Stream, Lake Dredged Lake Area ??Grr F W- Sediment Pool CJr Spillway oQ I ?e? l Wetlands Neuse Buffers 0 Impacted = Zone 1 Constructed j Zone 2 -Preserved 0 50 100 15 Feet ' x Figure 6b Proposed Conditions February 2005 Northshore Lake t i X Legend ® Building Footprint A? Road ROW Topography - - , ? , ' GruCG ? I Adjacent Property Boundary e ® Stream, Lake ® Dredged Lake Area / = \ Sediment Pool -2 r D spillway ?? \ \ Wetlands Neuse Buffers Impacted ® Zone 1 Constructed - Zone2 / - Preserved 0 50 100 15Feet y I / / C3 I 0-^ X r' Joins Figure 7b Figure 7a Proposed Conditions February 2005 Brentwood Today Lake , 's, Joins Figure 7a 2zM l y ? , Legend N x / Building Footprint Road ROW Topography ------ / ?_ _ I Adjacent Property Boundary stream Lake Dredged Lake Area Sediment Pool I Spillway I? Wetlands Neuse Buffers Impacted Zone 1 Constructed Zone 2 K \ - Preserved 0 50 100 150 Feet X Figure 7b Proposed Conditions February 2005 Brentwood Today Lake - - I '?c+ 125• I I ^6??0 ? 261.OD I ?? l I II ?' 1.. ? c-63 i d (` ° :y o II I? d .4- ' i I e li EIR W N 1y ' I it " il. '?? I WIDTH 10v' WEIR 1 \ WIDTH ^5• e r i . • b?EL?265.9Q'\ EL?263.00 ` l? ° { ° • n ~ \?? PROPOSED NORMAL A \ \ POOL EL-261_00 ? ` ?° 1l14 ° 260.` / • ° ?- °\ .240 I ?. y \. ° ? 2b0.Q0 r. ?1 {{ , FP ° tee, 4f 4. VARIABLE HEICFif I I ?} 7n7 J^' ° 2?61,p ?_ ?` WALL TO MATCIft, - 'L PROPOSED CRADt- a1 d • < y ,? t1. 6.Op• (BOTH SIDES 10F SLOPE I ?- g CHANNEL , y 1 , 'I? 7 ., ? • i _? , ?.'), `? ?4 f4=? T i?^ - ,. 68 4 ;4 •t1\ !; 1tt • 1111 •? q `` `/i I - 163 f. •' o. 1 I / .5 ? ? try PP ,r `r Itlr y C). !1t ,r?•` It's !. I+ t I/ ?' / j I' , d k, cl% Dkir Tr INV.259 77 - TOP 764 fa°T7.. w.a wr+.alcrar, MC axe 20' NORTHSHORE LAKE DATE PRELIMINARY SPILLWAY IMPROVEMENTS 02/2005 FINAL REPORT FIGURE FIGURE 3.1 I I ? I .til i .I C-03 C-03 WEIR i y? I ?,236.Q0. { WIDTH - 20`- `? 1? l ? `ELEVATION - 242.00' f t d ?, ° tl . .1' d 238.00 d \ a ?. I \\ d• d' d• ° 1? •J'``Y d +IWEIR 2 \a - ?"--2,.n- - LLy ' d.,9. ° a WIDTH 100' PROPOSED NORMAL },• d ??ELEVATI?1 ?:245?y20'_ `,, POOL EL-242.00 d PROPOSED LAKE EDGE 24 ZZ: + le 16 5, it` II r i J d` d h 1' f ?• J 4? _ 45 q. VARIABLE HEIGHT 24-3- ' 'r r+ I? ?r!!! % \-WALL TO MATCH ;r- ? r rr' r e I 1?• 'r : 7 _ PROPOSED GRADE j 246- C R•'+ 1 G pG s + III i ??•d r'? r d frr li' / DHANNEL) ES OF f f• d i ( ?` J ?..?c? wI f J!?'I d J i +ae d . J RdPOSED SPILLWAY ?Ell? ?Q tell, `, I PROPOSED CONTOUR d, 4-1 •ir'i.d /ii If ? I1 I i 1 -.4 A ` e 7 liJl J ;".1yl. fl , . ? I ;' j II I; is ?, +• fr `sr , i i:g \ ? '1'? T, _!y ' 236.56'• ?", % I `? EtJER DISSI A70R/ ,• .i1,''?'rr .?`?ir ?B DRP RE TO E_ OCAT DC AT END y _ i N.ti'y ;'7 ±.tlr OF SPILLWAY CHANNEL J, SCALE: 1' - 20 BRENTWOOD TODAY LAKE DATE PRELIMINARY SPILLWAY IMPROVEMENTS 02/2005 FIGURE FINAL REPORT FIGURE 3.2 -511 R.4 r?. ua 1 «br.r LO o ? 4 I 1 I W ? I 1 I I ? ? I I 1 J I I ? ? w I 1 ? uj I ? Y ' I I 06 ? Q W>- CD x YQ LU '? } F I ... O I.L W I- O ? IL L? 777 e ? I l o I f w 2 I g g I E: O W. a z 8 I I , z m U) g I I g _ ? ' I = t N ? r E I 2 ? a R 8 ? ? ? E K I ' 6? ,e2 .sz ,ca . J A A Z. ?? tis 'Y rVCONS:OISOOZGLIZ'alBoid'E)MO'OIJEO'O00\VSLME)131VHJO AIIO\WONIMGO Jamison, John R. From: Fox.Rebecca@epamail.epa.gov Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 3:00 PM To: May, Philip Cc: jennifer.a.burdette@usace.army.mil Subject: RE: Forebay Issues Phil, Just wanted to send you a quick reply to your forebay question before I head out on work travel. It is my opinion that the forebays will not be an issue if the permit decision is made to convert these ponds to stormwater treatment systems and appropriate mitigation is provided for this loss of "waters" since they will no longer be jurisdictional waters of the US. I also spoke to EPA's regional stormwater expert and she concurred with this. We would caution that the forebays should not be constructed to a depth as to allow them to become anoxic and/or to thermally stratify. It appears this is not the case with your design which indicates forebays will be constructed 2 to 4 feet in depth. Most literature recommends an average depth of wet ponds to be in the range of 3 to 9 feet. If you are wanting to go deeper than that we would like to further discuss this with you. We would recommend that you might want to make your forebays a little deeper than you are proposing to allow for some accumulation of coarse material between scheduled maintenance. This would help prevent resuspension of particulates during larger events. One concern I did have when I reviewed your website is that it appears you are proposing wetlands between the forebay and the larger pond to be used as mitigation for project impacts. This is something we would want to discuss with you and Jennifer since it is our position that mitigation credit can not be given for an area that is not jurisdictional which would apply to these ponds if they are converted to storm water treatment systems. Shallow wetland shelves are an important component of a good pond treatment system so we would encourage their construction but can not recommend they be used to provide mitigation credit. Let me know if I can be of any more assistance. getting back to you on the forebay issue. Once again, sorry for the delay in Becky Fox Wetland Regulatory Section USEPA Phone: 828-497-3531 Email: fox.rebecca@epa.gov "May, Philip" <Phil.May@hdrinc.com> wrote on 01/24/2005 03:08:59 PM: > Thanks Becky - I understand how your schedule must be - especially around the > holidays. > -----Original Message----- > From: Fox.Rebecca@epamail.epa.gov [mailto:Fox.Rebecca@epamail.epa.gov] > Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 3:00 PM > To: May, Philip > Subject: RE: Forebay Issues > Thanks for the reminder Phil. Things have been crazy since we communicated > in Nov and I have not been to Raleigh since then but this project has been > floating about in the back recesses of my mind and I knew that I owed you > some comments. I will try to get back with you sometime either this week or > early next week. 1 > Becky Fox > Wetland Regulatory Section > USEPA > Phone: 828-497-3531 > Email: fox.rebecca@epa.gov > "May, Philip" > <Phil.May@hdrinc. To: Rebecca > Fox/R4/USEPA/US@EPA > com> cc: > Subject: RE: Forebay Issues > 01/24/2005 02:33 > PM > Becky > I just wanted to let you know that the City is asking us to prepare and > submit our permit prior to our last meeting with the public. If you have any > comments on the forebay issue in the next couple of weeks, please let me > know. Otherwise, we should be submitting the IP in mid-February and will > respond to any comments during the review of the permit. > Thanks > Phil > -----Original Message----- > From: May, Philip > Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 11:32 AM > To: 'Fox.Rebecca@epamail.epa.gov' > Subject: RE: Forebay Issues > Becky, > The forebays are planned for the upstream portions of the ponds, which have > filled in over the last couple of decades. There are existing wetlands in > these areas, however the planned change in water level (to alleviate flooding > below the dam by increasing flood storage) would likely drain these areas. > We have a web site for the project - www.raleighlakes.com - this has a > summary of the information provided in a couple of public meetings. The web > site is probably the easiest way to get you information - it has a couple of 2 > powerpoint presentations used in the first community meetings (click on "more > information" at each of the community meetings). If you need any more > information please let me know. > At this point we have come up with three alternative plans for each of the > two lakes and proposed one of each as the recommended plan, but we would like > to incorporate all the regulatory input we can get prior to a last public > meeting on the final recommended plan. I would like to know the feasibility > of using forebays on the project prior to that. I doubt this meeting will > happen before January. > Please call me at your convenience if you have any questions or need me to > send you more information. > Thanks > Phil > -----Original Message----- > From: Fox.Rebecca@epamail.epa.gov (mailto:Fox.Rebecca@epamail.epa.gov] > Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 10:05 AM > To: May, Philip > Subject: Re: Forebay Issues > Phil, > Will the forebays be constructed in the upstream portion of the ponds to be > rehabilitated or will the forebays be constructed upstream of the current > dams? If you could send me some info that would be great. You could send > smaller files (without pictures and maps electronically) or mail larger files > to: > 1349 Firefly Road > Whittier, NC 28789 > After reviewing the info I will contact you about either meeting or phone > conference to further discuss the projects. What is your time frame? > Thanks, > Becky Fox > Wetland Regulatory Section > USEPA > Phone: 828-497-3531 > Email: fox.rebecca@epa.gov > "May, Philip" > <Phil.May@hdrinc. To: Rebecca > Fox/R4/USEPA/US@EPA > com> cc: > Subject: Forebay 3 Issues > 11/29/2004 09:49 > AM > Becky, > On John Dorney's advice, I am contacting you in regard to the use of forebays > on a project involving the rehabilitation of a couple of dams on small ponds > in the City of Raleigh. The City is studying these lakes with the intention > of repairing the dams or spillways, and adjusting the water levels (with some > dredging) to provide additional flood storage and water quality improvements. > As a part of the plan we are developing, we have included the use of deep > pools or forebays at the upper end of these lakes. I was hesitant to include > this and warned our engineers and the City that in-line forebays could be an > issues, but the Corps (Jennifer Burdette) said that in conversations with you > the forebay issue was not really a problem since the entire lake would serve > a stormwater function. John Dorney's take on this is different and he > therefore recommended we discuss this directly with you. > I would be happy to send you some information to review. We would also like > to meet with you when it is convenient to discuss the project. Do you have > any time on upcoming trips to Raleigh to meet? > Thanks > Phil > Philip May > HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas > 3733 National Drive, Suite 207 > Raleigh, NC 27612 > (919) 232-6610 > phil.may@hdrinc.com 4 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM NO. 4 Water Quality Evaluation of Conceptual Plans NORTHSHORE LAKE AND BRENTWOOD TODAY LAKE DAM REHABILITATION PROJECTS CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA February 22, 2005 Prepared By: HDR Engineering, Inc. ofthe Carolinas HDR Project No. 10913-9154 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE. 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................1 1.1 Overall Project Description ..................................................................................................1 1.2 Water Quality Component ...................................................................................................1 1.3 Preliminary Water Quality Assessment Methodology ........................................................2 2.0 WATER QUALITY EVALUATION AND MODELING ...........................................................3 2.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................................3 2.2 Model Selection ...................................................................................................................3 3.0 MODEL DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................................ 5 3.1 Future Land Use Analysis .................................................................................................... 5 3.2 Watershed Delineation ......................................................................................................... 5 3.3 Hydrologic Parameters ......................................................................................................... 6 3.4 Water Quality Parameters .................................................................................................... 7 3.5 Device Parameters ............................................................................................................... 8 3.6 Meteorological Data ............................................................................................................. 8 3.7 Calibration ............................................................................................................................ 9 4.0 MODEL EXECUTION ....................................................................................................................9 4.1 Alternatives Development ...................................................................................................9 4.2 Results and Findings ..........................................................................................................13 5.0 MODEL EVALUATION ...............................................................................................................18 5.1 Continuity Errors ................................................................................................................18 5.2 Sensitivity Analysis ............................................................................................................18 6.0 CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION ...........................................................................................19 7.0 REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................................21 LIST OF TABLES 3-1 Event Mean Concentrations (EMC) for Selected Pollutants ..............................................................8 4-1 Comparison of Pollutant Loadings from the Preliminary Assessment and the Model .................... 13 4-2 Overall TSS Removal Efficiency ("/o) .............................................................................................. 14 4-3 Overall TPP Removal Efficiency (?o) .............................................................................................. 15 4-4 Overall TKN Removal Efficiency (%) ............................................................................................. 16 4-5 TSS Loading (lbs) Discharge out of Brentwood Today Lake .......................................................... 17 4-6 TP Loading (lbs) Discharged out of Brentwood Today Lake .......................................................... 17 4-7 TKN Loading (lbs) Discharged out of Brentwood Today Lake ....................................................... 17 LIST OF FIGURES 1-1 Project Site Location ...........................................................................................................................2 4-1 Graphical Depictions of the Modeled Networks for the Alternatives ..............................................12 4-2 Removal Efficiency (%) for Discrete Particles .................................................................................15 Water Quality Evaluation i February 2005 of Conceptual Plans SECTION 1.0 - INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overall Project Description There are a series of four lakes along the New Hope tributary to Marsh and Crabtree Creeks: an unnamed lake, Northshore, Brentwood Today, and Beaman. The unnamed lake and Beaman are presently not included within the scope of this Project. The dam at Beaman Lake was breached several years ago and is currently under reconstruction, restoring the dam embankment and installing features to improve water quality. This Project includes Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes, which are located in the City of Raleigh (City) near New Hope Church Road and west of U.S. 1 as shown in Figure 1-1. The dams at both Lakes were identified as small, high hazard dams in the Titan Atlantic Report dated July 20, 2004. Furthermore, the spillways at both Lakes have been a concern for over 20 years. The dams have been overtopped several times in recent years, causing flooding in the surrounding residential area. There is a concern that New Hope Church Road, located just downstream of Northshore Dam, may wash out during an overtopping event. The purpose of this project is to evaluate both Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes for dam safety concerns and water quality improvements. Three different aspects will be evaluated: > Dam safety and flood attenuation, ? Water quality improvements, and ? A composite plan integrating dam safety and water quality. The purpose of this Technical Memorandum (TM) is to provide an evaluation of water quality for these three alternatives. Additionally, a discussion of the results of this evaluation along with baseline conditions derived in previous assessments and the differing aspects of the two approaches will be presented. 1.2 Water Quality Component Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes are classified as C Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW) by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ). Both Lakes have not yet been rated for their level of support for this designated use. NSW are less likely to assimilate additional loadings of nutrients, primarily nitrogen and phosphorus, without detrimental effects on the water quality. The lake's inclusion as NSW is likely due to their watershed being part of the Lower Neuse River Basin. Water Quality Evaluation ? February 2005 of Conceptual Plans I j? Mini City ? i (Development) I Northshore i l y ° C ' ? Ae ch4r Brentwood Today ch,?q IV Legend Water Bodies Figure 1.1 --- Road Project Site Location A Wake County CITY OF RALEIGH Hydrology City of Raleigh 1 0 1,000 2,000 January 2005 Tl'? HDk E?rghiecriny.lnc. Feet Sub-watershed Boundaries ` ?? ottheCnrollni6 Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes have been significantly impacted in the last 20 years. During this time, the watershed has seen significant commercial and high density residential development. The most notable commercial development was the construction of "Mini City" off Capital Boulevard. With this development has come the disturbance of land and an increase in impervious area throughout the watershed. The increase in impervious surface increases peak flows during storm events may have resulted in erosion of unstable stream banks. In addition, stormwater has transported sediment to these Lakes. This is evident by the unconsolidated soil deposition found in the mouths of the contributing streams to Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes. It is also likely that sediment is carrying a host of urban pollutants to these Lakes, such as nutrients, metals, organic matter, and fecal coliform. Eutrophication is also apparent in both Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes. The abundance of sediments and solids in stormwater, likely transporting nutrients, as well as dissolved nutrients found in fertilizers typically used in residential areas have also been conveyed to these Lakes. Their presence in excess quantity has lead to the excessive growth of phytoplankton or floating algae that is currently seen in the two Lakes. As the excessive algal biomass dies, it consumes the bulk of dissolved oxygen that supports life Other contributing sources to the eutrophication include the waterfowl nesting at the Lakes, domestic pet waste, and possible failing sanitary sewer lines or sewer overflows. Bacterial contamination of the Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes is a prominent concern as these Lakes are sources of recreation for the adjacent property owners. The Lakes are Class C and therefore should support the designated uses of secondary contact recreation such as boating and wading. Visual inspection of the area indicates that some sources of bacterial contamination (i.e., waterfowl excreta) have direct contact with the Lakes. These Lakes are typical of the urban setting, in that they likely exhibit fecal coliform levels that do not support the C waters classification. 1.3 Preliminary Water Quality Assessment Methodology A preliminary water quality assessment was performed early in the project and documented in Technical Memorandum #2 TVater Quality Assessment (TM #2). The objective of that water quality assessment was to evaluate the level and location of pollutant stress being delivered to these Lakes. That assessment assisted in determining suitable design elements and their location as well as providing a preliminary baseline for design efficiency. The methodology employed for the analysis utilized literature values of pollutant export coefficients and geographic land use data to generate loadings for specific sub-watersheds. That cursory view of watershed conditions was beneficial in determining a more detailed approach to be used in the final water quality evaluation of the Project alternatives. Water Quality Evaluation 2 February 2005 of Conceptual Plaits SECTION 2.0 - WATER QUALITY EVALUATION AND MODELING 2.1 Purpose The purpose of this effort and TM are to provide an evaluation of several alternatives with respect to the improvement of water quality downstream and within the Lakes' system. It is difficult to translate water quality goals (i.e., concentration and removal efficiency) into tangible water quality benefits due to the high variability of natural processes and the existence of unaccountable interactions. However, assuming that this variability is inherent and global, a relative evaluation of alternatives with similar base conditions and processes will yield a similar relative response in water quality benefit. An evaluation performed through modeling and sound interpretation of results will provide this relative assessment. Water quality models can be used for the prediction of loading, transport, and control of pollutants. The application of a water quality model will expand upon the empirical effort accomplished in the TM #2 by incorporating representative data with the simulation of the existing physical processes. The use of a water quality model will further the assessment in the following ways: ¦ Provide pollutant loading based on studied pollutant development and hydrologic interaction. ¦ Routing and transport of flow and pollutants through continuous water and mass balance. ¦ Simulation of physical pollutant removal processes and their efficiency over varied flow/volume regimes. 2.2 Model Selection The type of water quality model required to fulfill the aforementioned objectives lies within the range of mid-level models. These models compromise the empiricism of the simple methods and the complexity of detailed models driven by parameter intensive, mechanistic processes (EPA, 1999). When fully calibrated and inputed with site-specific parameters they can provide an appropriate means of prediction. Despite limitations on data availability, these models still provide decision makers the ability to select watershed-level planning solutions based on relative comparisons. P8-Urban Catchment Model (P8-UCM), developed for IEP, Inc and the Narragansett Bay Project by William W. Walker, Jr., Ph.D, was selected for this application based on these needs. The relative ease of parameter estimation and input and HDR's familiarity hater Quality Evaluation 3 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans of the model were factors in its selection. Additional strengths of the model for use in this Project are listed below (EPA, 1992): ¦ Developed and calibrated for use within small, urban watersheds. ¦ Distributed with particle and water quality pollutant distribution data calibrated against Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (NURP) data. ¦ Simulation of particle accumulation, decay, and wash-off dynamics. ¦ Sources can be characterized as single, continuous, or diffuse release. ¦ Continuous and storm event simulation. ¦ Provides for the inclusion of several structural Best Management Practices (BMPs): wetland, detention ponds (dry, wet, and extended), infiltration basins, and swales/buffers. ¦ Hydrologic and water quality output can be evaluated at discrete model components. ¦ Relative evaluation of pollutant loadings, outflow concentrations, and BMP removal efficiencies. P8-UCM like many other urban runoff models has some limitations. The following is a brief listing of limitations of this model (EPA, 1992): ¦ Lack of site specific calibration data limits the model in absolute prediction of pollutants loads and concentrations. ¦ Primary pollutant removal process is sedimentation and filtration. ¦ Does not simulate in-stream transport and transformation processes for pollutants. ¦ Watershed lag is not simulated. However, P8-UCM can be a scalable model, in the sense that many of these limitations can be overcome with site-specific water quality data and representation of physical, chemical, and biological processes through alternative parameterization. Water Quality Evaluation 4 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans SECTION 3.0 - MODEL DEVELOPMENT 3.1 Future Land Use Analysis A future build-out analysis was performed by Watershed Concepts for the entire Marsh Creek Basin as part of a hydrologic model. Field inspections of the Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes watersheds suggest that current land use conditions are near, if not at, future build-out conditions. Performing another future build-out analysis with the same base data would yield similar results. Better value of this analysis would be to evaluate the base data against orthophotography and field inspections performed while collecting storm sewer inventory. It is likely that due to the breadth of that previous future build-out analysis and the intent of its end product, the data was not site checked entirely. With the limited focus of this project the existing land use and future land use conditions can be individually verified. This is important in determining hydrologic and water quality parameters for the water quality modeling. The findings of this evaluation show that the current open space was under estimated by 50 acres. Much of the land was either characterized as medium residential or industrial. Future build-out analysis of the open space portion would likely result in some additional commercial land use but remain mostly open space, as the identified parcels are small and isolated. Due to the small percentage of mischaracterized land (approximately 6 percent of total watershed area) and its distribution across the watershed, it is likely this difference will have little effect on parameterization for this evaluation. 3.2 Watershed Delineation Watershed delineations were first performed in TM #2 for the purposing of identifying magnitude and source location of pollutant loads into the Lakes. These same delineations proved to be sufficient for application in the water quality model and this evaluation. The delineations were generated using a variety of data detailed below: ¦ City of Raleigh topographic and planimetric CAD data (2000) ¦ NCGIA/DWQ Hydrography (1998) ¦ HDR Storm Sewer Inventory (2004) P8-UCM emphasizes the location of incoming flows for the proper mixing of flows and concentrations. Watershed delineations were created to accurately represent the appropriate routing of flows through existing and proposed water quality controls (sediment pools, wetlands, Water Quality Evaluation 5 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans and ponds). The Northshore Lake drainage was delineated into three sub-watersheds called Upper, Middle, and Lower. The Upper sub-watershed includes the area where the generated runoff would pass through the smaller unnamed pond south of Calvary Road. The Middle sub- watershed includes the area where the generated runoff would enter Northshore Lake as a stream at the mouth of the lake. The final sub-watershed called Lower includes areas draining directly to the body of Northshore Lake. The Brentwood Today Lake follows the same logic. It is delineated into two sub-watersheds called Main and Tributary. They represent the areas where generated stormwater enter the head and body laterally of Brentwood Today Lake and as a side tributary, respectively. 3.3 Hydrologic Parameters P8-UCM estimates runoff from precipitation data and hydrologic parameters. The model evaluates runoff from pervious and impervious areas separately. Runoff for the pervious areas is computed using the SCS curve number method. These values are adjusted internally based on antecedent moisture conditions (Haith and Shoemaker, 1987). Since, P8-UCM is mainly applied in urban settings; this method proves to be a sufficient approach due to its simple parameterization of pervious conditions that account for only a minor component of the total urban runoff. The required parameters for pervious runoff generation are SCS curve numbers representing "open space" land use and respective hydrologic soil groups (SCS, 1986). Impervious runoff is computed from the difference of cumulative rainfall and depression storage. Runoff initiates as cumulative rainfall depth exceeds a user-specified depression storage depth. After this point, runoff equals rainfall intensity for the impervious fraction of the watershed. The required parameters for impervious runoff generation include depression storage values and impervious fractions. Depression storage values were obtained from literature values categorized by land uses (Wright-McLaughin Engineers, 1969) and impervious fractions were obtained from SCS curve number descriptions (SCS, 1986). The runoff from pervious and impervious areas is combined and routed to the downstream device with no lag. The future build-out land use data, described in more detail in Section 3.1 Future Land Use Analysis, and NRCS digital soil surveys were used to create areas for parameterization. This hydrologic data was input into P8-UCM for individual land uses within the watershed delineations. This was done so that future application of the model could be calibrated for pollutant event mean concentrations if desired. Depression storage and impervious fractions were input wholly for their respective land use. Only curve numbers for pervious areas were computed on a composite area average for their hydrologic soil group. Water Quality Evaluation 6 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans 3.4 Water Quality Parameters The generation of water quality pollutant loads and runoff concentrations for P8-UCM is based on the dynamics of particle accumulation and wash-off principles as well as pollutant mass distribution within those particles. The first component of the quality representation is the parameterization of particle classes. P8-UCM allows for the distribution of five particle classes. For each particle class, particle generation parameters are input for both impervious and pervious segments of a watershed. Impervious input parameters include accumulation rates, decay rates, wash-off exponents and coefficients, and street sweeping efficiency (when applicable). Additionally, runoff concentrations can be provided in favor of accumulation and wash-off dynamics. On the pervious portion of the watershed, particle generation is based on input parameters of pollutant concentration for the individual particle classes. Particle removal dynamics are quantified within this component of the P8-UCM model as well. Removal dynamics are characterized for individual particle classes by settling velocity and filtration efficiency through pervious mediums. The second component of the water quality representation within P8-UCM provides for the distribution of pollutants among the particle classes. Pollutant mass per particle class is the input parameter. Since multiple pollutants can be modeled with a single particle distribution, scale factors exist for calibration if desired. P8-UCM includes several particle distribution data files that can be used for default parameters when particle and pollutant mass data is not available. The majority of this default data was calibrated to represent the results obtained in the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (NURP). The particle distribution file titled ntttp50.par was used in this evaluation. The file contains five particles classes that are based on calibration of runoff concentration and settling velocity distributions representative of median sites (i.e., particle class P10 = 10th percentile). Distribution of the pollutant mass among particle classes is based upon results of direct runoff concentration, settling column tests, and typical removal efficiencies of treatment devices (Walker, 1990). This particle distribution file contains accumulation/wash-off parameters and settling velocities for four non-dissolved particle classes. The fifth particle class was developed to simulate the non- settling, dissolved particles. The file also contains mass distributions for a variety of urban pollutants such as particulates, nutrients, heavy metals, and hydrocarbons. Attention will be primarily focused on total suspended solids (TSS), total phosphorus (TP), and total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN). Table 3-1 displays the calibrated event mean concentrations per median data sites of NURP. Water Quality Evaluation 7 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans Table 3-1 Event Mead Concentrations (EMC) for Selected Pollutants Total suspended solids 100.0 Total phosphorus 0.33 Total Kjeldahl nitrogen 1.5 3.5 Device Parameters Devices provide for the hydraulic routing of runoff and areas for pollutant removal. P8-UCM utilizes a variety of devices such as an infiltration basin, Swale/buffer, flow splitter, and aquifer; however, this assessment will only require the use of a detention pond, a general device, and a pipe/manhole. The detention pond can be used as a device with a permanent pool and a normal outlet that can be quantified by a single weir and/or collection of orifices. The required input data for detention pond devices include surface area and volume quantities for permanent and flood pool levels. The normal outlet that drains only the flood pool requires weir and orifice dimensions and coefficients. Devices with more complex outlet configurations can be modeled with the general device which requires a stage-surface area-discharge relationship for its volume and outlet data. Both these devices also possess a particle removal scale factor. This value is typically z 1 but can be adjusted higher or lower for the response of the device due to decreases or increases in hydraulic residence time. The pipe/manhole device is useful for mixing two or more incoming flows before being routed onto a removal device. Its only input parameter is a time of concentration and the device provides for no pollutant removal. Pipe/manhole devices can be used for delaying the hydrologic response of watersheds through the time of concentration parameter. This approach is beneficial for the modeling of larger watersheds since the watershed components route runoff with no lag. 3.6 Meteorological Data Several meteorological parameters are required to balance hydrology for the watershed in P8- UCM (i.e. precipitation, evapotranspiration, and percolation). Only precipitation and evapotranspiration require meteorological data. Hydrologic events are driven by hourly precipitation. Hourly rainfall data monitored at the Raleigh-Durham International Airport was obtained from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) and used with the model. A SCS Type II distribution (1-inch design storm precipitation file) is distributed with the model package and also used in this effort. P8-UCM also calculates evapotranspiration using Hamon's Method from monthly averages of vegetative cover, air temperatures, and hours of daylight (Hamon, 1961). Daylight hours and air temperatures were collected for the area from Summary of the Day Water Quality Evaluation 8 Febmary 2005 of Conceptual Plans data also obtained from NCDC. Average monthly values for daylight and temperature were calculated and inputted. Default data was used for vegetative cover. The total evapotranspiration calculated by this approach resulted in 29.1 inches/year. 3.7 Calibration P8-UCM provides for hydrologic and water quality calibration through the use of many calibration factors and a calibration utility. However, the project watershed and the New Hope Creek tributary do not have any United States Geological Survey (USGS) gauging stations or any other confident streamflow monitoring data. A hydrologic and water quality calibration may not be warranted at this time since the focus of this effort is a relative comparison of alternatives. However, if the direction of the model is to be a tool for detailed design assessment, collection of calibration data would be beneficial. SECTION 4.0 - MODEL EXECUTION 4.1 Alternatives Development As previously mentioned in Section 1.1 Overall Project Description, this TM will focus on the water quality benefit gain or loss of the three alternatives: dam safety and flood attenuation, water quality improvements, and a composite plan integrating the two. Several factors were considered in the development of these alternatives. Technical Memorandum #3 Conceptual Plans delivers full detail of the alternatives for each respective lake and the factors for the use of particular design elements. A summary follows providing representation of each alternative as it was modeled in P8-UCM. A fourth scenario was developed to represent a situation where Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes were breached and return to natural streams. Dam Safety and Flood Attenuation The major enhancement to the Lakes for this alternative include dredging, water surface elevation change (Northshore only), and improved outlet design. These enhancements provide minor water quality improvement. The new discharge outlets suppress lower design flows thus increasing hydraulic residence time for particle settling. The dredging of unconsolidated sediment in the Lake will provide for a net removal of sediment, nutrients, and metals that have been historically trapped. A net removal of these pollutants will prevent any re-introduction into the system due to the mixing of high velocity flows with shallow, unconsolidated sediment layers. The two lake systems were modeled as general devices as opposed to detention ponds due to their complex weir configuration. The particle removal scale factor was reduced from 1.0 to Watcr Quality Evaluation 9 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans 0.75 to incorporate the poor distribution of incoming flow at the headwater of the Northshore Lake and the existence of channelized flow through the Northshore Lake (i.e., short-circuiting). Removal scale factors less than 1.0 can be assumed to account for poor hydraulic design (Walker, 1990). Figure 4-1 (on page 12) depicts the model's representation of the system for this alternative. Water Quality Enhancements The water quality improvement alternative utilizes a variety of design elements to ensure the removal of a variety of pollutants as well as provide additional habitat that would promote the well being of aquatic life. The improvements for water quality include dredging, water surface elevation change, improved outlet design, sediment pools, variety of concentrated wetlands, wetland shelving (Northshore only), and plunge pools for point source runoff discharges. These improvements attempt to concentrate the settling of the largest particles at the headwaters of the Lakes where removal of accumulated matter is more manageable. The wetlands are expected to provide filtration of smaller particles but also promote the biological uptake and trapping of nutrients. Both Lakes were modeled as a series of detention ponds for the sediment pool and wetlands. Wetlands were differentiated from the sediment pools primarily by increasing the particle removal scale factor to 3 to accommodate for additional removal of TSS and TP. Studies performed using P8-UCM relating detention ponds vegetated with macrophytes to particle removal factors exhibited scale factors of 2 to 3 for TSS and 3 to 6 for TP to account for =5 to 30 percent removal (Phillips & Goyen, 1987; Lawrence, 1986). The remaining open water area of the Lakes was modeled as a separate general device. The wetland shelves and plunge pools were not included as model elements because they are minor in size and lack definable continuity with the rest of the system. Figure 4-1 depicts the model's representation of the system for this alternative. Recommended The Recommended alternative combines many of the aspects of the Dam Safety alternative with some water quality enhancements. Whereas the first two alternatives have specific design objectives, this alternative considers those objectives in addition to factors such as public acceptance, constructability, maintainability, and economic value. The design elements for Northshore are similar to the Water Quality Alternative. However, headwater wetlands exists in a lower quantity and wetland shelving is limited to plunge pool areas. The volume of dredging for this alternative is more in line to the Dam Safety alternative. For the Brentwood Today Lake, the recommended alternative resembles the Dam Safety alternative with the addition of sediment Water Quality Evaluation 10 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans pools located at the headwaters of the lake and plunge pools at point source runoff discharges. Both lake systems were modeled similarly to the Water Quality alternative except with a reduction in the area of the wetlands at Northshore and exclusion of wetlands at Brentwood Today Lake. Figure 4-1 depicts the model's representation of the system for this alternative. No Lakes The final scenario is a theoretical simulation of the natural drainage system under the future land use. In this scenario, Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes are replaced by streams. The No Lakes scenario provides a baseline of current loadings, concentrations, removal efficiencies as if the Lakes were never constructed. Global Model Assumptions In all alternatives, some general assumptions were made to simplify the assessment. These assumptions are as follows: ¦ The unnamed lake south of Calvary Drive was conservatively modeled the same in all alternatives. It was included since its efficiency is important in terms of overall efficiency of the system. ¦ Stream reaches were modeled as pipe segments with time of concentrations estimated as the travel time at a bank full event. Pipe segments do not account for any pollutant removal, which P8-UCM does not have the capacity to model. ¦ Base flow was not simulated since calibration data was not available and land use did not change from alternative to alternative (i.e., volume of base flow would not change). Base flow simulation would have yielded minor differences in loadings and removal efficiency since the particle data file used accounts for 100 percent filtration through the ground in four of five particle classes and 90 percent for the fifth particle class. ¦ Each alternative was run for a statistically dry, average, and wet year and for the 1-inch Type II SCS distribution design storm. The statistical years were developed from a 55-year record of total precipitation values. The statistical wet and dry years were plus or minus one standard deviation about the average, respectively. Water Quality Evaluation » February 2005 of Conceptual Plans DAM SAFETY AND FLOOD ATTENUATION UPPER MIDDLE TRIBUTARY NORTHSHORE UNNAMED BRENTWOOD TODAY LOWER MAIN WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENTS TRIBUTARY ( MIDDLE UPPER 1 NORTHSHORE UNNAMED BRENTWOOD TODAY LOWER MAIN RECOMMENDED TRIBUTARY UPPER MIDDLE NORTHSHORE UNNAMED BRENTWOOD TODAY LOWER MAIN ct) 0 o a WATERSHED DETENTION SEDIMENT WETLAND POND POOL Figure 4-1. Graphical depictions of the modeled networks in P8-UCM for the alternatives Water Quality Evaluation 12 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans 4.2 Results and Findings Several primary sets of data were retrieved from the model runs for analysis and discussion in this section. The first set of data summarizes loadings to Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes from their respective watersheds. Table 4-1 displays these results and provides a comparison of previously determined loadings from TM #2. The loadings from P8-UCM model were developed from accumulation/wash-off dynamics of particle distributions based on NURP data. Their export mass is a direct result of the interaction with continuous hydrologic events. The loadings for the preliminary assessment are empirically based on studies relating land use to storm event concentrations. The P8-UCM-based set of TSS loadings exceeds our previously determined loadings primarily due to differences in EMCs. EMCs used in the preliminary assessment ranged from 40-80 mg/L for TSS, while the NURP data supporting P8-UCM had a TSS EMC of 100 mg/L. EMC's for both assessments were similar for TP and the results reiterated that similarity. TKN, the predominant particulate form of nitrogen, is modeled in P8- UCM since the primary removal mechanism of the model is settling. A direct comparison of TN versus TKN loadings is not valid. However, the values have been provided below as a reference. Table 4-1 Comparison of Pollutant Loadings from the PreliminaryAssessment and the Model TSS 168,840 260,691 116,210 207,971 TP 840 833 560 667 TN/TKN 7,300(TN) 3,748(TKN) 6,020(TN) 3,002(TKN) NOTES: Loadings are presented in Ibs/year. Preliminary loadings for TN only. Final loadings for TKN only. Tables 4-2, 4-3, and 4-4 summarize the removal efficiency of pollutants for the overall system. The data included within these tables reflects the relative comparison of the alternatives and a theoretical simulation of the system with no Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes. Median values of pollutant removal efficiency have been referenced from the National Pollutant Removal Database for Stonnwater Treatment Practices, 2"d Edition developed by the Center for Watershed Protection and authored by Rebecca Winer. These values provide a baseline for evaluation; however it must be understood that those median values represent a multitude of sites under varied design conditions (new construction, retrofit, etc). Water Quality Evaluation 13 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans Table 4-2 Overall TSS Removal Efficiency (%) Average 71 81 76 10 1- Inch Design 62 73 67 9 NOTE: Removal efficiency measured in %. TSS removal efficiencies ranged from 71 to 81 percent for the average year and 62 to 73 percent for the 1-inch design storm. Median baseline levels of TSS removal for regional wet detention ponds and stormwater wetlands are 70 and 80 percent, respectively (Winer, 2000). The Dam Safety alternative, which contains only wet detention ponds as the main design element, is inline with this median baseline level. The other alternatives, which include sediment pools and wetlands, provide only minor increases (z5 percent) on this efficiency and are also in line with the median baseline level (80 percent). The Recommended and Water Quality alternatives show improvement in the removal efficiency of the middle two particle classes (P30, P50) as shown in Figure 4-2. The removal of these particles is directly attributable to the filtering capacity of wetlands. Dissolved particles (PO) are not significantly removed in any alternative. Figure 4-2 Removal Efficiency (%) for Discrete Particles 100 90 80 0 >. 70 L) 60 U 50 W 40 E 30 ccc 20 10 0 PO P10 P30 P50 P80 Particle Distribution - s Dam Safety - * Recommended Water Duality The preliminary assessment of TM #2 expressed removal efficiency of 80 percent for the overall system in its current state. The efficiencies selected for Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes that culminated in that overall efficiency were likely over estimated; also, that assessment does Water Quality Evaluation 14 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans not consider the conservative modeling of the unnamed lake upstream of Northshore Lake, which reduced overall efficiency in this analysis. Removal efficiencies for the wet and dry year were within two percent of the efficiency expressed for the average year. The No Lakes scenario provides minor TSS removal (z10 percent), which is solely attributable to the efficiency of the unnamed lake. Table 4-3 displays overall TP removal efficiencies for the alternatives and the No Lakes scenario. TP removal efficiencies ranged from 38 to 50 percent for the average year and 28 to 40 percent for the 1-inch design storm. Median baseline levels of TP removal for regional wet detention ponds and stormwater wetlands are 48 and 43 percent, respectively (Winer, 2000). The Dam Safety alternative, which contains only wet detention ponds as the main design element, performs below the median level. The other alternatives, which include sediment pools and wetlands, provide only minor increases (z6 percent) on this efficiency, as expected and are also in line with the median baseline level (48 percent). The values in Table 4-3 only report TP removed by settling. It would be expected that as TP breaks down into a non-particulate, bio- available form (orthophosphorus), nutrient uptake would occur. The nutrient uptake would improve upon the removal efficiencies displayed in this table for alternatives that include a wetland. It is difficult to pinpoint the expected removal efficiency attributed to nutrient uptake as water chemistry and vegetation selection would be major factors in the performance of the wetland. It could also be expected that during winter months or poor wetland maintenance, that the wetland would decrease removal efficiency or even be a source of TP. Table 4-3 Overall TP Removal Efficiency (51c) Average 38 50 44 4 1- Inch Design 28 40 33 3 NOTE: Removal efficiency measured in °b. The preliminary assessment of TM #2 expressed removal efficiency of 56 percent for the overall system in its current state. The efficiencies selected for Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes that culminated in that overall efficiency were likely over estimated; also, that assessment does not consider the conservative modeling of the unnamed lake upstream of Northshore Lake. Removal efficiencies for the wet and dry year were within 1 percent of the efficiency expressed for the average year. The No Lakes scenario provides minor TP removal (z4 percent), which is primarily attributable to the efficiency of the unnamed lake. Water Quality Evakration 15 February 2005 of Conccptural Plans Table 4-4 displays overall TKN removal efficiencies for the alternatives and the No Lakes scenario. TKN removal efficiencies ranged from 33 to 44 percent for the average year and 24 to 36 percent for the 1-inch design storm. Median baseline levels of TN removal for regional wet detention ponds and stormwater wetlands are 37 and 35 percent, respectively (Winer, 2000). TKN represents the primarily settleable component of TN. Therefore, it can be roughly assumed that design elements involving only removal by settling would equate TN and TKN removal efficiency. The Dam Safety alternative, which contains only wet detention ponds and, therefore, emphasizes particulate settlement as its primary removal mechanism, performs in line with the median baseline level for TN. The other alternatives, which include sediment pools and wetlands, provide only minor increases (z6 percent) on this efficiency. The values in Table 4-4 only report TKN removed by settling. It would be expected that as TKN breaks down and transforms into non-particulate, bio-available forms, such as ammonium (NH4') and nitrite- nitrate (NOZ -NO3-) nutrient uptake would occur. The nutrient uptake would improve upon the removal efficiencies displayed in this Table for alternatives that include a wetland. The median level of NO, removal in a stormwater wetland versus as wet pond is triple (68 versus 23 percent). It is difficult to pinpoint the expected removal efficiency attributed to nutrient uptake as water chemistry and vegetation selection would be major factors in the performance of the wetland. It could also be expected that during winter months or poor wetland maintenance, that the wetland would decrease removal efficiency or even be a source of TN/TKN. Table 4-4 Overall TKN Removal Efficiency (%) Average 33 44 38 4 1- Inch Design 24 36 29 2 NOTE: Removal efficiency measured in %. The preliminary assessment of TM #2 expressed removal efficiency for TN of 31 percent for the overall system in its current state. That estimation was fairly accurate as the TKN removal for the Dam Safety alternative is within range. Removal efficiencies for the wet and dry year were within 1 percent of the efficiency expressed for the average year. The No Lakes scenario provides minor TKN removal (z4 percent), which is primarily attributable to the efficiency of the unnamed lake. Tables 4-5, 4-6, and 4-7 summarize the cumulative load entering the stream downstream of Brentwood Today Lake. Once again, the strength of P8-UCM is not in absolute prediction of loadings and concentrations; therefore, the alternatives were executed and reported for a Water Quality Evaluation 16 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans statistically dry, average, and wet year off rainfall volume. These results demonstrate the range of loading that could occur under different hydrologic conditions and during a typical design storm (1-inch SCS Type II distribution). These values may provide reference in determining downstream impacts. Table 4-5 TSS Loading (Ibs) discharged out of Brentwood Today Lake Dry 126,500 86,100 106,500 379,500 Average 137,000 91,200 113,700 421,300 Wet 168,500 113,400 141,100 503,600 1- Inch Design 4,300 3,000 3,700 10,300 NOTE: Loadings measured in lbs. Table 4-G TP Loading (Ibs) discharged out of Brentwood Today Lake Dry 840 680 760 1,390 Average 930 750 840 1,440 Wet 1,120 900 1,020 1,700 1- Inch Design 20 20 20 40 NOTE: Loadings measured in Ibs. Table 4-7 TICN Loading (lbs) discharged out of Brentwood Today Lake Dry 4,060 3,390 3,750 5,800 Average 4,530 3,780 4,170 6,500 Wet 5,410 4,530 5,000 7,700 1- Inch Design 130 110 120 160 NOTE: Loadings measured in Ibs. Water Quality Evaluation 17 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans SECTION 5.0 - MODEL EVALUATION 5.1 Continuity Errors P8-UCM performs continuous water-balance and mass-balance checks for single devices and the entire network. Differences in these checks are identified as continuity errors, which can be highlighted to the user through the setting of a maximum continuity difference. These continuity errors are typical of devices with large, rapid fluctuations in volume (e.g., swales/buffers, smaller detention ponds) (Walker, 1990). Continuity errors can be controlled through a reduced time step. It was necessary in this modeling effort to run all scenarios with a time step = 8, in order to reduce continuity errors within the smaller detention ponds representing sediment pools. A comparison analysis of a particular model run at a time step = 1 and = 8 demonstrated minor differences in removal efficiency results (less than 1.5 percent). Concentrations and loads demonstrated slightly higher differences (2 to 6 percent) with the higher end of these differences occurring in the TSS concentrations. 5.2 Sensitivity Analysis As previously discussed, P8-UCM and other water quality models exhibit a high level of variability. Many of the parameters used within this model are based upon estimation and generalized calibrations; therefore, it is beneficial to understand which of these parameters may significantly impact the results when not properly quantified. P8-UCM includes a utility that automates sensitivity analysis for a desired scenario. The sensitivity analysis utility groups input parameters into four categories: watershed, device, storm, and particle. The parameters for the first three of these groups are typically user defined and the final group, particle, include default parameters. A sensitivity analysis was performed for the water quality scenario since it included the full range of devices and their parameters. This analysis was run for the average precipitation year and the variables were increased 25 percent individually. There were two primary observations from the results of this analysis. Removal efficiencies were less affected than outflow concentrations by the change in parameters. This reinforces the value of the model as a relative predictor among scenarios. The second observation showed that the most variable parameters were in the particle group; a default group of data based on field and laboratory data collected from a multitude of sites for the NURP program. The parameters demonstrating the highest variability were the accumulation rate, accumulation decay rate, and wash-off exponent. Their sensitivity measured as percent change for removal efficiencies and concentrations ranged from near 0 to 21.6 percent and 3.6 to 24.8 percent, respectively. The high variability in wash-off Dater Quality Evaluation 18 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans exponent is due to the exponential response it yields in comparison to linear coefficients (Walker, 1990). Watershed areas and storm volumes also produced a significant sensitivity as expected, however they are parameters that can be calculated with confidence. SECTION 6.0 - CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION The purpose of this TM and water quality evaluation was to develop sound input for the relative evaluation of several proposed alternatives. These alternatives were developed to reestablish or improve lost functions of Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes. It was determined that a modeling effort would provide an objective means of evaluation of these alternatives with respect to water quality. P8-UCM, an urban runoff model, was selected as a tool that could objectively evaluate a range of scenarios with limited data. The P8-UCM modeling effort allowed for the creation of baseline input data, definition of several design elements or BMPs, and simulation of physical pollutant removal processes. The modeling effort yielded several sets of data that could be conservatively interpreted into water quality benefits of the varying alternatives. The water quality benefits are an essential determining factor, but not the only factor, for the selection and implementation of an alternative for rehabilitation of Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes. Based on this evaluation of pollutant loadings and BMP removal efficiency with results from the Preliminary Assessment and nationally/regionally expected performance levels the following conclusions are made: ¦ The use of NURP calibrated particle distribution data allows for the discrete mass accumulation and removal of particles and their bound pollutants. Regional EMC values would produce more representative loading but do not provide for accurate removal efficiency development. Removal efficiency development was a goal of this effort. ¦ Overall pollutant removal efficiencies for TSS did not improve significantly. As expected the existing lake systems function well with regards to settling out of TSS. However, the existing system does not provide an accessible, cost effective means of permanently removing sediment that can be achieved with a sediment pool. ¦ Overall pollutant removal efficiencies for the middle ranged particles (P30 and P50) are higher in alternatives that include a wetland. There is no significant change in removal for large particles (P80) and dissolved particles (PO) in any alternative. Water Quality Evaluation 19 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans ¦ Pollutant removal efficiencies for TP are expected to be higher in the Water Quality and Recommended alternative than reported. P8-UCM does not account for orthophosphorus uptake in wetlands, which could significantly increase TP removal. ¦ Pollutant removal efficiencies for TN would be expected to be lower than reported TKN removal values as TKN is a single component of TN. However, these efficiencies should bounce back for the Water Quality and Recommended alternative. P8-UCM does not account for ammonium or nitrite/nitrate uptake in wetlands, which could significantly increase overall TN removal. ¦ The TN removal efficiency for the Water Quality and Recommended alternative should fulfill a TN reduction of at least 30 percent per Neuse River Nutrient Management Strategy, although that requirement is for singular, new development. ¦ Furthermore, pollutant removal efficiencies may be negatively impacted without proper maintenance and harvesting of BMPs that present the opportunity to permanently remove pollutants from the Lakes system. ¦ The addition of wetlands and sediment pools would provide for more laminar flow regions near the headwaters of the lake and increase hydraulic residence time. These changes could increase the potential for fecal coliform die off and lessen downstream impact through ultraviolet radiation and longer travel time. This water quality evaluation provides evidence that the Recommended and Water Quality alternative demonstrate improvement in pollutant removal efficiency over the Dam Safety alternative, which provides better function of flood control over existing lake conditions by reconfiguration and construction of new spillways. The relative water quality results of the alternatives and other benefits of the inclusive design elements should be taken from this TM and used in the global evaluation of alternatives to be discussed further in an Alternative Design Summary and Final Report. Their level of value must be weighed against results of other analyses to determine the best alternative for Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes. Water Quality Evaluation 20 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans SECTION 7.0 - REFERENCES Haith, D.A. and L.L. Shoemaker, 1987. "Generalized Watershed Loading Functions for Stream Flow Nutrients", Water Resources Bulletin, American Water Resources Association, Vol. 23 No. 3. Hamon, W.R., 1961. "Estimating Potential Evapotranspiration", Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers , Journal of Hydraulics Division, Vol. 87, No. HY3. US Environmental Protection Agency, 1992. Compendium of Watershed-Scale Models for TMDL Development, Washington D.C., 841R94002. US Environmental Protection Agency, 1999. Protocol for Developing Nutrient TMDLs, Washington D.C., 8411399007. Wright-McLaughlin Engineers, 1969. Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual, Denver, Colorado. Soil Conservation Service, 1986. Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, Technical Release No. 55, US Department of Agriculture, Washington D.C. Walker, William W, Jr. Ph.D., 1990. P8 Urban Catchment Model: Program Documentation Concord, Massachusetts. Winer, Rebecca, 2000. National Pollutant Removal Performance Results for Stormwater Treatment Devices, 2nd Edition. Center for Watershed Protection, Elliot City, Maryland. Water Quality Evaluation 21 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans Northshore/Brentwood Today Lakes - Adjacent Property Owners PIN # OWNER Mailing Address Mailing Address 2 Mailing Address 3 Lot Description Street # Street Name Street T e 1725.0519 7143 SIMMONS, VINCENT L & SHELIA B 4016 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604-3406 LT 52 BLK 25 BRENTWOOD ESTS SECT 10 PT C 4016 INGRAM DR 1725.0519 9140 DICKSON, HOWARD KENNETH JR & KAREN 3900 BEAUMONT CT RALEIGH NC 27604.3452 LT 10 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH III BM 1978.670 3900 BEAUMONT CT 1725.05 29 0026 BRANCH, STEVE & VALERIE C 3904 BEAUMONT CT RALEIGH NC 27604-3452 LOT 11 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH III 3904 BEAUMONT CT 1725.0519 7034 BURRELL, JOSEPHINE H 4012 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604-3406 LT 51 BLK 25 BRNTWD ESTS SEC 10 PT C 4012 INGRAM DR 1725.0518 7935 BAILLIE, JAMES C 4008 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604-3406 LT 50 BLK 25 BRENTWOOD EST SEC 10 PT C 4008 INGRAM DR 1725.0518 9982 SHACKLEFORD, ROGER J & JILMA C 3901 PEPPERTREE PL RALEIGH NC 27604.3442 L 18 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH III BM 1978.670 3901 PEPPERTREE PL 1725.0518 7807 BRIDGER, ROBERT CAMERON &SANDRA GAIL MERA 4004 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3406 LT 49 BRENTWOOD EST SEC 10 PT C 1967.180 4004 ING RAM DR 1725.0518 9883 NGUYEN, XUAN VAN & XAM THI DO 3900 PEPPERTREE PL RALEIGH NC 27604.3443 L 19 REV BRENTWOOD TODAY PH 31981.26 3900 PEPPERTREE PL 1725.05 28 0768 MIRCHANDANI, SHARON L 3904 PEPPERTREE PL RALEIGH NC 27604.3443 LOT 20 BRENTWOOD TODAY PHASE III 3904 PEPPERTREE PL 1725.0518 6860 KRIEGSMAN, JEFF 0 4000 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3406 L48 BL 25 BRENTWD EST SC10 PT C BM67.180 4000 INGRAM DR 1725.0518 6723 VOCKEROTH, ALFRED F JR &KATHLEEN J 3920 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3404 LT 47 BLK 25 BRENTWOOD ESTS SEC 10 PT C 3920 INGRAM DR 1725.05 28 0636 BROWN, WILL S III & DEBORAH M 3901 OLD CREEK CT RALEIGH NC 27604.3455 LOT 25 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH III 3901 OLD CREEK CT 1725.0518 5686 LIGGINS, DAVID RICKY & DEBORAH C 3916 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3404 LT 46 BL 25 BRENTWD EST SEC 10 PT C 3916 INGRAM DR 1725.05 28 0537 MUNK, DON E & CHILI CHU LIN 3900 OLD CREEK CT RALEIGH NC 27604.3454 LT 26 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH 3 BM1978-670 3900 OLD CREEK CT 1725.0518 5549 PARKER, JOHN RANDOLPH JR &DORIS B 3912 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3404 L 45 BL 25 BRENTWD EST SEC 10 PT C 3912 INGRAM DR 1725.05 28 0479 BARRESI, PATRICIA EILEEN BOURS 3904 OLD CREEK CT RALEIGH NC 27604.3454 LT 27 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH III BM78-670 3904 OLD CREEK CT 1725.0518 5522 FERRARO, MICHAEL VINCENT 4300 BLAND RD RALEIGH NC 27609-6125 LT 44 BLK 25 BRENTWOOD ESTS SECT 10 PT C 3908 INGRAM DR 1725.0518 5405 PILKINGTON, ALBERT JR & CARLINE 3904 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3404 LT 43 BL 25 BRENTWD EST SEC 10 PT C 3904 INGRAM DR 1725.0518 4387 ROSE, LARRY B & OPE F 3900 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604-3404 L 42 BL 25 BRENTWD EST SC 10 PT C 67.180 3900 INGRAM DR 1725.0518 9391 KOONS, DARREN J & HEATHER HUGHES 3633 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3462 LT 33 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH ,1 BM 1980-678 3633 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0518 4269 BAILEY, LORILYN & STEPHEN E 3828 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3316 LT 41 BLK 25 BRENTWD ESTS SEC 10 PT C 3828 INGRAM DR 1725.0518 9236 MACENTEE, JASON D & ERIN E DOUGH 3629 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3462 LOT 34 BRENTWOOD TODAY PHASE 4 3629 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0518 4241 BAILEY, STEPHEN E & LORILYN 3824 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3316 L 40 BL 25 BRENTWD EST SEC .0 PT C 3824 INGRAM DR 1725.0518 8270 JOHNSON, TYRONE B & AGNES C 3625 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3462 LT 35 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH 4 BM1980-642 3625 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0518 4114 WILLIAMS, ALVIN & ANNIE S 3820 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3316 LT 39 BLK 25 BRENTWOOD ESTS SECT 10 PT C 3820 INGRAM DR 1725.0518 8123 ELLIOTT, PAUL WAYNE & TERESA L 3621 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3462 LT 36 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH 4 (BM1980-678) 3621 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0518 4006 ARCHER, KEIRA T 3816 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3316 L38 & SM ADJ ST BL 25 BRENTWD EST S10 P 3816 INGRAM DR 1725.0518 7097 LAHOUD, MICHAEL A 3617 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3462 LT 37 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH 4 BM 1980-678 3617 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0518 7002 FRANZEL, RONALD A & ANN Z 3613 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3462 LT 38 BRENTWOOD TODAY PHASE 4 (BM80.678 3613 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0517 4908 ADESUYI, ISRAEL 0 & JACQUELINE MUS DEPARTMENT OF HUD, HOFPA ATTN: SEC-HELD SF NOTES, RM 6240 PO BOX 44813 WASHINGTON DC 20026.4813 L37 BL 25 BRENTWD ESTS SC 10 P C SM ST 3812 INGRAM DR 1725.0517 6936 FREEZE, DAVID A 3609 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3462 LT 39 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH 4 BM 1979-224 3609 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0517 4819 FLOWERS, AYDREN D & JEANNETTE P 3808 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604-3316 LT 36 BILK 25 BRENTWOOD ESTS SEC 10 PT C 3808 INGRAM DR 1725.0517 6837 RIVERA, MANUAL C & DORALICIA D M 3605 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3462 LT 40 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH 4 BM 1979-224 3605 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0517 4800 HOULE, RICKY D 3804 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3316 LT 35 BLK 25 BRENTWD ESTS SEC 10 PT C 3804 INGRAM DR 1725.0517 6727 THORPE, BRIAN R 3601 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3462 LT 41 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH 4 (BM 1979.224) 3601 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0517 2782 HIGGINS, REGINALD R 3800 INGRAM DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3316 LT 34 BLK 25 BRENTWD ESTS SEC 10 PT C 3800 INGRAM DR 1725.0517 6609 BRITTON, RHONDA K 3533 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3347 LT 42 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH 4 BM1979-224 3533 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0517 4606 SMITSHON, ELLA W 3804 CAMARO CT RALEIGH NC 27604.3306 LT 33 BLK 25 BRENTWD EST SEC 10 PT C 3804 CAMARO CT 1725.05 17 5680 PITTMAN, OLIVER L & ANITA M 3529 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3347 LT 43 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH 4 BM 1979-224 3529 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0517 3586 VIKLUND, VICTOR L & KATHLEEN G 3808 CAMARO CT RALEIGH NC 27604.3306 LT 32 BLK 25 BRENTWOOD ESTS SECT 10 PT C 3808 CAMARO CT 1725.0917 3423 DANIEL, WILLIAM L JR & CLAUDIA C 3809 CAMARO CT RALEIGH NC 27604.3305 LT 31 BLK 25 BRENTWD ESTS SEC 10 PT C 3809 CAMARO CT 1725.05 17 5544 TURNER, JAMES HENRY 3527 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3347 LT 90 ADDT TO BRENTWOOD TODAY BM1980.921 3527 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0917 5435 DUNN, DWIGHT & ANNA M 3525 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3347 LT 91 ADDT TO BRENTWOOD TODAY BM 1980-921 3525 GREYWOOD DR 1725.09 17 1395 WOOMER, CLARK FULTON 3717 MARLIN CT RALEIGH NC 27604.3319 LT 19 BLK 25 BRENTWD EST SEC 10 PT B 3717 MARLIN CT 1725.09 17 4399 JOHNSON, TRACEY A &DONNA R JOHNSON 3523 GREYWOOD OR RALEIGH NC 27604.3347 LT 92 ADDT TO BRENTWOOD TODAY BM1980.921 3523 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0917 4341 PRESSLEY, CHRISTINA J & MATTHEW S 3521 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3347 LT 93 ADDT TO BRENTWOOD TODAY BM1980.921 3521 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0917 3271 BARBOUR, DANIEL M & LINDA T 3517 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3347 LT 94 ADDT TO BRENTWOOD TODAY BM90-1210 3517 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0917 2214 RYAN, DANIEL J 3720 MARLIN CT RALEIGH NC 27604.3320 LT 18 ELK 25 BRENTWD ESTS SEC 10 PT B 3720 MARLIN CT 1725.09 17 1164 MARK, CLYDE M III & ELLEN R 3716 MARLIN CT RALEIGH NC 27604.3320 L17 BL25 BRENTWD ESTS SC10 PT B BM66.241 3716 MARLIN CT 1725.09 17 3121 BAKER, JEANNETTE 3513 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3347 LT 95 ADDT TO BRENTWOOD TODAY BM1980.921 3213 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0916 2955 ADAMS BILT COMPANY THE PO BOX 18108 RALEIGH NC 27619.8108 LT 96 ADDT TO BRENTWOOD TODAY BM 1980-921 3509 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0916 0997 BINGHAM, WILLIAM D & PEGGY H 3713 LANCELOT CT RALEIGH NC 276043317 LT 8 BLK 25 BRENTWOOD EST SEC 10 PT B 3713 LANCELOT CT 1725.0916 1813 HUNTER, LEWIS JR & JACQUELINE B 3716 LANCELOT CT RALEIGH NC 27604.3318 LT 7 BLK 25 BRENTWD ESTS SEC 10 PT B 3716 LANCELOT CT 1725.0916 0744 MOORE, SCOTT E 3712 LANCELOT CT RALEIGH NC 27604.3318 LT 6 BLK 25 BRENTWOOD ESTS SC 10 PT B 3712 LANCELOT CT 1725.0916 2607 BILGER, GEORGE JR 3409 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3349 LT 101 ADD TO BRENTWOOD TODAY BM90.1210 3409 GREYWOOD DR 1725.0916 0508 ROBERTS, DON LEE & PAULA M 3312 HUNTLEIGH DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3312 LT 1-A BLK 25 BRENTWOOD EST SEC 9 PT C 3312 HUNTLEIGH DR 1725.0916 2500 GALLANT, DANIEL R & VIVIENNE M 3405 GREYWOOD DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3349 LT 102 ADD TO BRENTWOOD TODAY BM1980.921 3405 GREYWOOD DR 1725.09 16 1415 EDUCARE COMMUNITY LIVING CORP 10140 LINN STATION RD LOUISVILLE KY 40223-3813 L 1 BL 25A BRENTWD EST SC 11 BM70.288 3300 HUNTLEIGH DR 1726.18 20 6533 NORTHSHORE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCC/0 JAMES F & MARTHA B WILLIAMS 4313 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3546 NORTHSHORE LAKE 0 COMSTOCK RD 1726.17 201018 SOUTHERLAND, JIMMIE H &RALEIGH DOUGLAS SOUTHERLAND JR 4308 RYEGATE DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3501 LT 10 BLK A NORTHSHORE SECT 1 4308 RYEGATE DR 1726.17 20 0015 LISOWE, DAVID G 4304 RYEGATE DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3501 LT 9 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 1 BM1968.184 4304 RYE ATE DR 1726.1710 9013 BROWN, LINDA W 4120 PITTSFORD RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3459 LT 8 ELK A NORTHSHORE SEC 1 BM1968.184 4120 PITTSFORD RD 1725.06 29 7933 LAWTON, CAROLYN DIANE 3113 DEANA LN RALEIGH NC 27604.3478 LT 40 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 1 BM 1968-184 3111 DEANA LA 1725.06 29 8924 GRADUS, PAUL A & BECKWITH S 816 MOUNT VERNON CHURCH RD RALEIGH NC 27614.9283 LT 39 BLK A NORTHSHORE SECT 1 3117 DEANA LA 1725.06 29 6817 CHATHAM, BOBBY CLARKC/O POLLY CHATHAM 8121 LAKISTA POINT LN GARNER NC 27529.9096 LT 41 BL A NORTH SHORE SEC 1 3101 NEW HOPE CHURCH RD 1725.0519 9932 SMITH, ANDRE C & SANDRA WALLACE 4116 PITTSFORD RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3459 LT 7 BILK A NORTHSHORE SEC 1 4116 PITTSFORD RD 1725.0519 9864 WEAVER, HUEY P & DOROTHY A 4112 PITTSFORD RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3459 LT 6 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 1' 4112 PITTSFORD RD Northshore/Brentwood Today Lakes - Adjacent Property Owners PIN # OWNER Mailing Address Mailing Address 2 Mailing Address 3 Lot Description Street # Street Name Street T e 1725.0519 9786 KODACK, JONATHAN A & JULIE G 4108 PITTSFORD RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3459 LT 5 BL A NORTHSHORE SC 1 BM 1968-184 4108 PITTSFORD RD 1725.05 291730 CHATHAM, B CLARK & POLLY 1 8121 LAKISTA POINT LN GARNER NC 27529.9096 LT 2 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 1 3005 NEW HOPE CHURCH RD 1725.05 29 2761 CHATHAM, B CLARK & POLLY 1 8121 LAKISTA POINT LN GARNER NC 27529-9096 LT 1 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 1 3019 NEW HOPE CHURCH RD 1725.0519 8700 TOMLINSON, JANET M 4109 PITTSFORD RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3458 LT 7 BLK B NORTHSHORE SECT 1 4109 PITTSFORD RD 1725.0519 6679 BRADY, WILLIE G & JANET S 329 MOSS RD ZEBULON NC 27597-8805 LT 45 SHAMROCK MEADOW SECT 1 2920 DUNSINANE CT 1725.05 29 0618 WOODALL, WILLIAM A & MARY B 4104 PITTSFORD RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3459 LT 4 BLK A NORTHSHORE SECT 1 4104 PITTSFORD RD 1725.0519 8631 FERGUSON, ARTHUR E JR & SUSAN H 4105 PITTSFORD RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3458 LT 6 BL B NORTHSHORE SC 1 BM1968.184 4105 PITTSFORD RD 1725.0519 6670 BERGMAN, WILLIAM C & ELLEN M 2916 DUNSINANE CT RALEIGH NC 27604.3417 LT 44 SHAMROCK MEADOW SEC 1 2916 DUNSINANE CT 1725.05 29 0549 KALU, NENA 3001 NEW HOPE CHURCH RD RALEIGH NC 27604-3427 LT 3 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 1 4100 PITTSFORD RD 1725.0519 8571 PIOTROWSKI, STEPHEN & NANCY S 4101 PITTSFORD RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3458 LT 5 BLK B NORTHSHORE SEC 1 4101 PITTSFORD RD 1725.0519 7478 LATKOWSKI, PATRICIA B 2919 NEW HOPE CHURCH RD # R RALEIGH NO 27604.3425 LT 4 BLK B N SHORE SEC 1 2919 NEW HOPE CHURCH RD 1725.05 291303 BEATTY, ROSEMARY 3909 BEAUMONT CT RALEIGH NC 27604-3453 LT 7 BRENTWOOD TODAY PH 1 3909 BEAUMONT CT 1725.05 29 0300 KUO, LIU KUIE HELEN 3905 BEAUMONT CT RALEIGH NC 27604.3453 LOT 8 BRENTWOOD TODAY PHASE ONE 3905 BEAUMONT CT 1725.0518 7587 ADAMS BILT COMPANY THE PO BOX 18108 RALEIGH NO 27619.8108 ARNOLD LD 0 SARATOGA DR 1725.0519 9251 PEARSON, SCOTT C TRUSTEE 222 MONTIBELLO DR CARY NC 27513.2466 LOT 9 BRENTWOOD TODAY PHASE ONE 3901 BEAUMONT CT 1725.0519 7212 FRYE, HARLAN E 2908 NEW HOPE CHURCH RD RALEIGH NO 27604.3426 LT 53 BL 25 BRENTWD EST SIC PT C (ADD) 2908 NEW HOPE CHURCH RD 1726.18 32 4278 CRIT NC LLCCIO MARVIN F POER & CO ATTN: RAV 4 EXECUTIVE PARK W STE 100 ATLANTA GA 30329.2212 PROP NORTH BOULEVARD PLAZA BM 1984.212 4702 BAYRIDGE CRSG 1726.18 321016 MASSENGALE, SUSAN L 4616 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NO 27604-3553 L224 PT L223 SHAMROCK MDWS SC 5 84.930 4616 WATERBURY RD 1726.18 31 2936 DIDKIVSKA, GANNA &VOLODYMYR DIDKIVSKYY 4600 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3553 L7 BL G NTHSHORE SC5 PT 223 SHAMROCK MDW 4600 WATERBURY RD 1726.18 31 0838 LANGLEY, BOBBIE LEWIS HARWARD 4613 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604-3552 LT 222 SHAMROCK MEADOW SEC 5 BM1973.391 0 WATERBURY RD 1726.18 21 9850 SHARPE, JUDITH P 4608 PAISLEY PL RALEIGH NC 27604.3532 LT 220 SHAMROCK MEADOW SEC 5 BM 1971-200 4608 PAISLEY PL 1726.18 31 0766 LE, LANH THI MELVIN 307 WINDEL DR RALEIGH NC 27609-4443 LT 10 BLK F N SHORES SEC 5 4517 WATERBURY RD 1726.18 21 8792 FORE, CLAYTON LEWIS 4604 PAISLEY PL RALEIGH NC 27604.3532 LT 219 SHAMROCK MEADOW SEC 5 4604 PAISLEY PL 1726.18 310615 REED, WILLIAM S & ELIZABETH B 4513 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604-3550 LT 9 BLK F NORTHSHORE SEC 5 4513 WATERBURY RD 1726.18 21 7663 MESSENGER, JUN GILLS 3109 SELKIRK DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3541 LT 206 SHAMROCK MEADOW SEC 5 3109 SELKIRK PL 1726.18 31 0516 BARWICK, ALLEN J & CAROL B 4509 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3550 LT 8 BLK F NORTHSHORE SEC 5 4509 WATERBURY RD 1726.18 21 8443 ROSSI, LAWRENCE 0 SR & MOZELL H 3113 COMSTOCK RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3506 LT 4 BLK F NORTHSHORE SEC 5 3113 COMSTOCK RD 1726.18 21 7543 NIPPER, JOHN BLOISE JR & LINDA JEAN 3112 SELKIRK DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3542 LT 205 SHAMROCK MDW SEC 5 3112 SELKIRK PL 1726.18 21 7327 BIRGER, BORIS L 3109 COMSTOCK RD RALEIGH NC 276043506 LT 3 BLK F NORTHSHORE SEC 3 3109 COMSTOCK RD 1726.18 21 9211 LUBBERS, JEFFREY A & CAROL A 3116 COMSTOCK RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3507 LT 25 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 5 3116 COMSTOCK RD 1726.18 21 8135 PEREZ, POLICARPIO CARRASCO &BLANCA ESTELA REYES 3112 COMSTOCK RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3507 LT 24 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 5 BM73.461 3112 COMSTOCK RD 1726.18 21 7128 NORTHSHORE NEIGHBORHOODASSOCIATION INC 4108 PITTSFORD RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3459 3108 COMSTOCK RD 1726.18 31 0220 TRUONG, DIEN NGOC &LOAN THI TRAN 4417 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3548 LT 26 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 5 4417 WATERBURY RD 1726.18 21 9171 REHM, HUBERT H & CHRISTINE M 4413 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604-3548 LT 27 BLK A NORTHSHORE SECT 5 4413 WATERBURY RD 1726.18 21 6106 HOLDEN, CHARLES RUDOLPH 4508 RYEGATE DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3538 LOT #23 BLK A NORTHSHORE SECT 3 4508 RYEGATE DR 1726.18 21 5094 KNIGHT, WILLIAM C & ADELINA G 4504 RYEGATE DR RALEIGH NO 27604.3538 LT 22 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 3 4504 RYEGATE DR 1726.18 21 9012 THOMPSON, GEORGE E & SHELIA M 4409 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NO 27604.3548 LT 28 BL A NORTHSHORE SEC 5 BM 1972.2 4409 WATERBURY RD 1726.18 20 6905 TOMLINSON, PAULA V &JOHN D TOMILSON 4500 RYEGATE DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3538 LT 21 BLK A NORTHSHORE SECT 3 4500 RYEGATE DR 1726.18 20 9913 SARGINGER, FRANCIS E JR & PHYLLIS G 4405 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3548 LT 29 BLK A NORTHSHORE SECT 5 4405 WATERBURY RD 1726.18 20 9813 SCOTT, EDWIN W & SUSAN K 6900 VALLEY RIDGE CT RALEIGH NC 27615.7130 LT 30 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 5 4401 WATERBURY RD 1726.18 20 5885 SASNETT, K HAINES & NANCY C 4424 RYEGATE DR RALEIGH NC 27604-3536 LT 20 BLK A NORTHSHORE SECT 1 4424 RYEGATE DR 1726.18 20 5757 TOMLINSON, JOSH W & IDA R 4420 RYEGATE DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3536 LT 19 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 1 4420 RYEGATE DR 1726.18 20 9714 WILLIAMS, JAMES FULLER & MARTHA B 4313 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3546 LT 31 BLK A NORTHSHORE SECT 5 4313 WATERBURY RD 1726.18 20 5647 SHUMATE, MARLENE 4416 RYEGATE DR RALEIGH NC 27604-3536 LT 18 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 1 4416 RYEGATE DR 1726.18 20 9615 FINCH, GEORGE C & SYLVIA JEAN 4309 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604-3546 LT 32 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 5 4309 WATERBURY RD 1726.17 20 4651 RICHARDSON, CHANDLER 0 & CYNTHIA P 4412 RYEGATE DR RALEIGH NC 27604.3536 LT 17 BLK A NORTH SHORE SECT 1 4412 RYEGATE DR 1726.18 20 8574 SIMS, WELFORD M & CAROL C 4305 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NO 27604.3546 LT 33 BLK A NORTH SHORE SECT 4 4305 WATERBURY RD 1726.17 20 4523 HUTAFF, THOMAS G & KRISTIE R 4408 RYEGATE DR RALEIGH NO 27604.3536 LT 16 BLK A NORHTSHORE SEC 1 4408 RYEGATE DR 1726.18 20 8435 MCCONNELL, GARY D & LISA S 4301 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3546 LT 34 BLK A NORTHSHORE SC 4 4301 WATERBURY RD 1726.17 20 3485 FINNERTY, WILLIAM EDWARD & NORMA J 4404 RYEGATE DR RALEIGH NO 27604.3536 LT 15 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 1 BM 1968-184 4404 RYEGATE DR 1726.17 20 3347 - WHAREY, SHERYL SWITZER & PAUL 4400 RYEGATE OR RALEIGH NC 27604.3536 LT 14 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 1 4400 RYEGATE DR 1726.18 20 8317 HAYES, YVONNE S &ELIZABETH BUNCH 4217 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3448 LT 35 BLK A NO SHORE SECT 4 4217 WATERBURY RD 1726.17 20 3228 WHITE, LIDIA A 4320 RYEGATE DR RALEIGH NO 27604.3501 LT 13 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 1 BM1968.184 4320 RYEGATE DR 1726.18 20 8217 MILLER, PATRICIA B 4213 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NC 27604.3448 LT 36 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 4 4213 WATERBURY RD 1726.17 20 2270 BIGGERS, JACK L 4316 RYEGATE OR RALEIGH NO 27604.3501 LT 12 BLK A NORTH SHORE SEC 1 4316 RYEGATE DR 1726.18 20 8108 JONES, DOROTHY F 4209 WATERBURY RD RALEIGH NO 27604.3448 LT 37 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 4 4209 WATERBURY RD 1726.17 201193 PURSER, HAUGHTON CHUNN & FUSAKO M 4312 RYEGATE DR RALEIGH NO 27604-3501 LT 11 BLK A NORTHSHORE SECT 1 4312 RYEGATE DR 1726.18 20 7077 SPRISSLER, DANIEL L & CRYSTAL D 109 SOUTH BND KNIGHTDALE NC 27545-9795 LT 38 BLK A NORTHSHORE SEC 4 BM670.323 4205 WATERBURY RD 1 1 J1 US Army Corps PUBLIC NOTICE Of Engineers Wilmington District Issue Date: July 15, 2005 Comment Deadline: August 15, 2005 Corps Action ID #: 200421569 All interested parties are hereby advised that the Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers (Corps) has received an application for work within jurisdictional waters of the United States. Specific plans and location information are described below and shown on the attached plans. This Public Notice and all attached plans are also available on the Wilmington District Web Site at www.saw.usace.army.miI/wetlands r7on /--N Applicant: City of Raleigh L?l U[99 t/ IS D Attn: Mr. Carl R. Dawson Jr. R Public Works Department JUL 2 0 2005 Post Office Box 590 City of Raleigh, NC 27602-0590 %-EMMSA14DSTT ORMATERIBUX-1-1 Authority The Corps will evaluate this application and decide whether to issue, conditionally issue, or deny the proposed work pursuant to the applicable procedures of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Location The project, Northshore and Brentwood Today Dam and Lake Rehabilitation, is located on the north and south of New Hope Church Road, approximately 0.5 miles west of Capital Boulevard (U.S. Highway 1), in Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina. Coordinates (in decimal degrees) for the site are 35.8370°North, 78.5875 ° West. The project site contains an unnamed tributary to Marsh Creek, and adjacent wetlands, in the Neuse River Basin (8-Digit Cataloging Unit 03020201). Existing Site Conditions Northshore and Brentwood Today are the second and third lakes in a series of four lakes that occurs along a 2-mile stretch of an unnamed tributary to Marsh Creek. Northshore Lake is approximately 7.68 acres in size and Brentwood Today Lake is approximately 4.4 acres in size. Both lakes were originally constructed more than 50 years ago as amenities to the surrounding residential developments. Below the lowest lake in the series, the tributary flows into Marsh Creek, which in turnflows into Crabtree Creek about two miles downstream. The land use in the area immediately adjacent to the lakes is primarily medium to high-density residential subdivisions. A substantial portion of the watershed that drains into the lakes also consists of commercial and industrial areas located along the Capital Boulevard corridor. Both Northshore Lake and Brentwood Today Lake have been experiencing significant sediment deposition over the last several decades, due in large part to development activities that have occurred in the drainage basin. The deepest portions of both lakes have an estimated 3-5 feet of sediment buildup, and the upper ends of the lakes have become very shallow. The accumulation of sediment has also led to the development of wetland areas in the headwater regions of both lakes. Additionally, both lakes have received increasing amounts of stormwater runoff as the extent of impervious surface has increased in their watershed. Spillways for both lakes have also significantly eroded and are in poor condition. The City has stated that both dams have been a safety concern for more than 20 years. Applicant's Stated Purpose As stated by the applicant, the project has three primary objectives: 1) to address NC Dam Safety concerns for long-term stability and downstream protection; 2) to identify opportunities for water quality enhancement of the watershed supplemental to ongoing City efforts; and 3) to preserve property value for the neighborhoods surrounding the lakes. Project Description The project involves the reconstruction of the dam and spillway structures for Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes, as well as excavation and reshaping activities within both lakebeds. For Northshore Lake, the dam is proposed to be improved to meet dam safety requirements. The primary spillway structure would be enlarged and protrude into the lakebed. A 150-foot weir at elevation 265.9 would be constructed along the front edge of the spillway in order to pass expected high flows. The spillway would be notched for 25 feet down to an elevation of 263 feet, and 2-inch water-quality drawdown holes would be placed at elevation 262. The drawdown holes would pass the normal daily flows and establish the new normal pool of the lake at 262 feet, a drop of 2.5 feet from the existing normal pool of the lake. The work would result in a 1.5-foot increase in the flood storage capacity of the structure. Approximately 1.5 acres of the lakebed would be dredged to remove accumulated sediment. Most of the dredging would occur in upper portions of the lakebed and around the perimeter of the lake. The dredging would allow the overall surface area of the lake to remain approximately equal to current conditions. Plans also call for the construction of a 0.8-acre sediment pool at the upper end of the lake just south of Comstock Road. The pool would be constructed in a spot that currently contains a house that would have to be removed. The sediment pool would be constructed to allow periodic maintenance dredging to remove sediment build-up. Additionally, a 0.7-acre headwater wetland 2 would be constructed just downstream of the sediment pool to help filter nutrients and contaminants. Small plunge pool structures are also proposed at the outlets of existing outfalls and channels to provide treatment for sediment and contaminant runoff. Impacts to Waters of the U.S. associated with the rehabilitation to Northshore Lake include the temporary disturbance of 1.5 acres of lakebed for dredging, and the permanent loss of 0.08 acre of open water for construction of the spillway device. The reduction of the normal pool of the lake and construction of the sediment pool would also lead to the loss of 0.46 acre of riparian forested wetland, 0.03 acre of fringe wetland, 0.51 acre of open water, and 260 linear feet of perennial stream channel that is currently inundated by the lake. For Brentwood Today Lake the dam would be upgraded with a new spillway. The spillway would have a 100-foot weir at elevation 245.2, with a 20-foot notch cut down to 242 feet. No change in water level is proposed to the lake. Approximately 3 acres of lakebed would be dredged to remove accumulated sediment, and a 0.4-acre sediment pool would be created where a primary tributary enters the lake along the eastern side. A smaller sediment pool is also proposed just downstream of New Hope Church Road, and a plunge pool would be constructed on the western side of the lake. The majority of existing wetlands within the lake would be preserved. Impacts to Waters of the U.S. associated with the rehabilitation to Brentwood Today Lake include the temporary disturbance of 3 acres of lakebed for dredging, and the permanent loss of 0.04 acre of open water for construction of the spillway. Spillway construction will also impact 50 linear feet of unstable perennial stream channel that has developed in the location of the eroded spillway. The construction of the sediment pool at the tributary draining into the eastern side of the lake would also lead to the loss of 0.07 acre of forested wetlands and 80 linear feet of perennial stream channel. The impact to jurisdictional areas resulting from the rehabilitation of both lakes totals 4.5 acres of temporary disturbance due to dredging, the loss of 0.63 acre of open waters, 0.53 acre of forested wetlands, 0.03 acre of fringe wetlands, and 390 linear feet of stream channel. Plans included with this notice that show the project details as well as the details for impacted streams and wetlands. The applicant does not propose specific mitigation for impacts resulting from the project because one of the primary purposes of the project is to improve water quality. Additionally, as part of the project, a 0.7-acre forested wetland is proposed to be created at the upper end of Northshore Lake, and it is expected that more than 0.5 acres of wetlands will develop in portions of the exposed lakebed once the water level is lowered. Other Required Authorizations This notice and all applicable application materials are being forwarded to the appropriate State agencies for review. The Corps will generally not make a final permit decision until the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) issues, denies, or waives State certification required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (PL 92-500). The receipt of the application and this public notice in the NCDWQ Central Office in Raleigh serves as application to the NCDWQ for certification. A waiver will be deemed to occur if the NCDWQ fails to act on this request for certification within sixty days of the date of the receipt of this notice in the NCDWQ Central Office. Additional information regarding the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the NCDWQ Central Office, 401 Oversight and Express Permits Unit, 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-2260. All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ), 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina, 27699-1650 Attention: Ms Cyndi Karoly by August 8, 2005. Essential Fish Habitat This notice initiates the Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) consultation requirements of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. The Corps' initial determination is that the proposed project will not adversely impact EFH or associated fisheries managed by the South Atlantic or Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Councils or the National Marine Fisheries Service. Cultural Resources The Corps has consulted the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places and is not aware that any registered properties, or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein are located along the project corridor or will be affected by the proposed work. Presently, unknown archeological, scientific, prehistoric, or historical data may be located within the project area and/or could be affected by the proposed work. Endangered Species The Corps has reviewed the project area, examined all information provided by the applicant and consulted the latest North Carolina Natural Heritage Database. Based on available information, the Corps has determined pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973, that the proposed project will have no effect on federally listed endangered or threatened species or their formally designated critical habitat. Evaluation The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be considered including the cumulative effects 4 thereof; among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, historic properties, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, flood plain values (in accordance with Executive Order 11988), land use, navigation, shoreline erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the discharge of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States, the evaluation of the impact of the activity on the public interest will include application of the Environmental Protection Agency's 404(b)(1) guidelines. Commenting Information The Corps is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials, including any consolidate State Viewpoint or written position of the Governor; Indian Tribes and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and/or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. Any person may request, in writing, within the comment period specified in this notice, that a public hearing be held to consider the application. Requests for public hearings shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. Requests for a public hearing shall be granted, unless the District Engineer determines that the issues raised are insubstantial or there is otherwise no valid interest to be served by a hearing. Written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received by the Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, until 5pm, August 15, 2005. Comments should be submitted to Todd Tugwell, Raleigh Regulatory Field Office, 6508 Falls of the Neuse Road, Suite 120, Raleigh, NC 27615. -;E C ? a?aY No hshore Lake t °n - NeWH°Prh Brc rhvood Today Lake (( { t ! ( .. ... t 1 1 ? ? I I 1308106 10 { r ? V , . 1 / , 0 1,00 2,000 Feet. Figure 1 O E MPA Y hf l i Project Vicinity Map ? N CO N February 2005 I. any So ut ons- I., Y J a °- J p W LU W p OZ = W NI 0 Z N On .r. Li 0 c O U (V CC) N 0 Un N C O m a) M C1. O O 0 ca a) N Y C Co (Do L L U 16 c cB g C a O ' m E OvO (D C a) s o. cl) 4- O a U C O In Ct U N N o (1) a) rn t:y)-Oc .O . j .-. p X O a (1) 0 E C 0 v U O O 0- C a) aai co U Co. p O c cu C_ cj? .O Y E O ? U UU (? C O O (U co CL C O U a) 6 ? C (0 a) E U 4-- a) ° o U O C5 c O 1 O c ca -0 3 cn > 0 (a° cn c CO L 4) a) 3 cm _ C a co E a) c O Q) ca w a) U C (U a) O a) a) (> Co Ua) >O CU O Ucu U?c C O (III a c C 0 T r? ? U T ? r ?o L .V.? a ,a). (ri ? ? N a ? m.. ? (n 40---q) (a O L U 3 N C O cu a) O W a) _n. o U r U N 2 E- E CL ? - O cC U .a- O ? O U Q _ CD > C ? O a o. c Q) co ca v0) U ? a) ca `i a) U c? 3 3 a) a) Q ca U O. c. =3 L C >, O. 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WEIR 1 / \ \ ` ° k y• WIDTH 166' WIDTH 25' •:bEL-265.9 \ \EL-263.00 d . Tj ? 4 1 e? ' A ° ° PROZOSED NORMAL • f d d 260. ` \ POOL EL-Z6120 41. + . d • 4 / '_ 41 \ 'd?: +,°•' •d. dp. d •a' 1 .211.0 ?•-? FP 4 '2 00" 1??LI I . Al (:. - . VARMLE H Gtr ' WALL TO IM CFF.ii ryo. B4 PROPOSED G d. d 0 d • a (DOTH SIDES 10, CHANNEL) i- \1? 44 d PP d a ?? f d'-A z vA / 'd . } ? 11 F!`` tmRE.w-N^7.6ie. f"C? a?. ElP Jlliti X63 ? •;'i?? ?? 10 f Eelt?'Lr 135 y??$?9? //ffJJJ f "SCALIL: l"/--%2o' NORTHSHORE LAKE DAB PRELIMINARY SPILLWAY IMPROVEMENTS 02/2005 I FINAL REPORT ?. taiime>?.r,n.unl a-.eey nc amp 1 ? 40 ? N !r•' 1 j f I 4 2 9 ?7 i( f y C-o3 C-o3 rWEIR 1 \ d ° ! I l ' \ 238.Q0.. { WIDTH 26', %•? ` ;? 1 1 ° `ELEVATIo ON ? 24 OD' \ t 1 d 1 \ d° d x_23% } \ \ 4 233.00 A. d d'e <'? • ?e WEIR 2 g 235 d ° 4 \ d\y ° •\ dWIDTH 100' PROPOSED NORMAL ?• d °ELEYATIQ)J ?'240POOL EL-242.00 d, ? ° " - -- "?? .. d' 'd d r ? _40_ ? •O °' \? PROPOSED LAKE EDGE -; 41--x. 2 A.. lr? ryo \ 165xa' r ? ? / •• • I ' y_ a ? ? VARl48LE HEIGHT '` a I?WALL TO MATCH L J a .' ?•, PROPOSED GRADE r 246 F.; (DOT4-SIDES OF a PZ? ° CHANNEL)- v !f \ 8 ty 1 I..` e s \ d• ijL?O 47 d e ° .d N RapOSED SPILLWAY 1 Ffy`?\ O d N qq l J PROPOSED CONTOUR N l 7tli / ?y C3 23 O \ f ? ?(0 d is ? O ,a• 'fir/ S 1 C9 / \ tell , `k,' \ Op S UCT RTE T D O © CATED A END > 1,n4r rJ(f ?OFSW WAY CHANNEL SCALE: 1 = 20 0 BRENTWOOD TODAY LAKE DATE PRELIMINARY SPILLWAY IMPROVEMENTS 02/2005 0 Z FIGURE U xoR ?c?a be FIGURE 3.2 FINAL REPORT - ?a R7. /rK a.r ?.alcru?.c aaa _ _ _ .. s 9 E E. s n WIN R Lc) O M \ N M O W Q L6 O li J H W Y Z C,s a uj W a o -j LL. W 1-- ° a 00 Owa Q Z M U) Z_ RECEIVED JUN '3 0 2000 RALEIGH REGULATORY FIELD OFFICE 3pmueys WV Lo:LS:oL Soon [1z `al9ad 'JMO'J13£0-Q0M17SL61H0131vu 30 A1101WONIMM A a 3 a 2-00L/Z/ EGCl Olci1/ e'(cio(I/JCI June 29, 2005 JR. av- JUN 3 0 2005 RALEIGHREGULATORyFIELD OFFICE R19@R9WRP JUL 2 0 2005 Mr. Todd Tugwell, Project Manager U. S. Army Corps of Engineers DENR - WATER QUALITY Raleigh Regulatory Office 1ti'EWDS AND STORIMATER 6UXI-I 6508 Falls of Neuse Road - Suite 120 Raleigh, NC 27615 RE: Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes Rehabilitation Project Raleigh, North Carolina Dear Mr. Tugwell: Enclosed is an individual permit application, under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA), for the Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes Rehabilitation Project. The City of Raleigh contracted HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas (HDR) to perform a study of these lakes, prepare alternative recommendations, and coordinate public input on the rehabilitation of these facilities. This permit application includes this cover letter, ENG Form 4345, associated attachments, permit impact sheets, and a list of property owners as specified in the application requirements. The application is being submitted for CWA Section 404 permit approval, CWA Section 401 certification, and Neuse Buffer certification under the Neuse River Riparian Buffer Rules. Although this plan and design are conceptual in nature, the impacts are primarily related to the repair and rehabilitation of the spillways and dams, and the reduction of water level in Northshore Lake. The design of the spillway structures and the reduction of water levels have reached the point where an impact estimate can be made. Therefore, the City is submitting this pennit application for your review and feedback in order to gain input and comments that will be incorporated into the final design and, if needed, pen-nit re-application. Additional design will be occurring as the project continues, but should not significantly change the impacts discussed below. OFFICES • 222 WEST HARGETT STREET • POST OFFICE BOX 590 • RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA 27602 RECYCLED PAFER Mr. Todd Tugwell June 29, 2005 Page Two Please contact me at telephone number 890-3931 if I may answer any questions concerning this application or be of further assistance. Sincerely, 17Q? Lt. James K. Leumas, P. E. Senior Project Engineer JKL/ Enclosures cc: Mr. Carl R. Dawson, Jr., P. E. Mr. H. Daniel Bowden, P. E. Ms. Veronica L. High, E. I. Ms. Cyndi Karoly Mr. Ronald A. Geiger, P. E. Ms. Cyndi Karoly June 29, 2005 Page Two Please contact me at telephone number 890-3931 if I may answer any questions concerning this application or be of further assistance. Sincerely, James K. Leumas, P. E. Senior Project Engineer JKL/ Enclosures cc: Mr. Carl R. Dawson, Jr., P. E. Mr. H. Daniel Bowden, P. E. Ms. Veronica L. High, E. I. Mr. Todd Tugwell Mr. Ronald A. Geiger, P. E. APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT /33 CFR 3251 31, 2004 The Public burden for this collection of information is sestimated to average 10 hours per response, although the majority of applications should require 5 hours or less. This includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Service Directorate of Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710-0003), Washington, DC 20503. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of those addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authorities: Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10, 33 USC 403; Clean Water Act, Section 404, 33 USC 1344; Marine Protection , Research and Sanctuaries Act, 33 USC 1413, Section 103. Principal Purpose: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application.for a permit. Routine Uses: This information may be shared with the Department of Justice and other federal, state, and local government agencies. Submission of requested information is voluntary, however, if information is not provided the permit application cannot be evaluated nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is not completed in full will be returned. 1. APPLICATION NO. O(' ? I C / C1 I 2 CICDS?ICODj & ? F, I 3. DATE RECEIVED I4. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETED 2 '1 5. APPLICANT'S NAME 8. AUTHORIZED AGENT'S NAME AND TITLE tan agent is not required) Carl R. Dawson Jr., PE, Public Works Director City of Raleigh, Public Works Department 6. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS 9. AGENT'S ADDRESS City of Raleigh, Public Works Department PO Box 590 Raleigh, NC 27602-0590 a. Residence I a. Residence b. Business 919-890-3030 1 b. Business 11. STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION I hereby authorize, to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to iurnish, upon request, supplemental information in support of this permit application. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE NAME, LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE (see instructions! Northshore and Brentwood Today Dam and Lake Rehabilitation '13. NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN or.pplicabiel 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS ffapplicab/e) Northshore Lake and Brentwood Today Lake, both on the New Hope to Marsh Creek 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT Wake County COUNTY North Carolina STATE 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN, (see instructions) Northshore Lake Dam coordinates: Latitude 35 deg. 50 min. 13 sec. / Longitude 78 deg. 35 min. 16 sec.; Brentwood Today Lake Dam coordinates: Latitude 35 deg. 49 min. 56 sec. / Longitude 78 deg. 35 min. 24 sec. 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE Take 1-440 Beltline to Capital Boulevard, proceed north on Capital approximately 2 miles to New Hope Church Road, turn left on New Hope Church, after -1/4-mile you will pass Deana Lane on the right, Northshore Lake is then immediately to your north (right) and Brentwood Today Lake is to your south (left) G FORM 4345, u 97 EDITION OF FEB 94 IS OBSOLETE. (Proponent: CECW-OR) 18. Nature of Activity (Descriprion of project, indudeall feeturesJ This activity includes repair and rehabilitation of Northshore and Brentwood Today dams and spillways, dry ?"of b'othT2syntgv?te+F?n9 of the water level in Northshore Lake for flood control. [See attachment] it •`et ?? ,jam t1 JUN 3 0 2005 U 19. Project Purpose (Describe the reason or purpose of the project, see instructions) ititti u xL UL A'1 UR, 1•' ELD OFFICE These two lakes are privately-owned earthen dams with a recent history of overtopping during high flood events. Both dams and spillways are in need of repair. The lakes are surrounded by residential homes and apartments that are subject to flooding. New Hope Church Road, just downstream of Northshore Lake, could wash out due to an overtopping event. Both lakes have filled in with sediment over the past several decades, thereby decreasing water quality. [See attachment] USE BLOCKS 20-22 IF DREDGED AND/OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s) for Discharge Discharges are mainly related to the repair and rehabilitation of the dams and spillways. Some additional discharges will be associated with the sediment pool construction and establishment of fringe wetlands around the lakes. [See attachment] 21. Type(s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards [See attachment] 22. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled /seeinsrructions) [See attachment] 23. Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? Yes No X IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK 24. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody (If more than can be entered here, please attach a supplemental list). See attached list 25. List of Other Certifications or Approvals/Denials Received from other Federal, State or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL' IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED Would include but is not restricted to zoning, buildina and flood plain permits 26. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that the information in this application is complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly authorized e o th applicant. ? 2,916S SIGNATURE OF APPL ANT DATE SIGNATURE OF AGENT DATE The application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. Northshore and Brentwood Today Dam and Lake Rehabilitation List of Permit Application Attachments Permit Narrative (with Photographs) Figures 1-7 (includes Project Vicinity Map) Preliminary Spillway Drawings (3 figures) Email Communication with Becky Fox of the USEPA Technical Memorandum No. 4 (Water Quality Evaluation of Conceptual Plans) List of Adjacent Property Owners Nortlishore and Brentwood Today Dam and Lake Rehabilitation Project Section 404 Permit and Section 401/Netcse Buffer Certification Narrative The narrative below is a thorough description of the project. Under each heading, the corresponding item from ENG Form 4345 is listed in parentheses if applicable. For continuity and readability reasons, the items are not necessarily in the order they occur in the permit, and additional items are included for justification of the project. Project Background and Purpose (Item 19) There are a series of four lakes along the New Hope tributary to Marsh Creek and Crabtree Creek: an unnamed lake, Northshore Lake, Brentwood Today Lake, and Beaman Lake. The dam at Beaman Lake was breached several years ago and reconstruction was recently completed to restore the dam embankment and install features to improve water quality, including constructed wetlands. This Project includes Northshore Lake and Brentwood Today Lake, which are located in the City of Raleigh (City) near New Hope Church Road and west of U.S. Highway 1 (Capital Blvd.) as shown in Figure 1. The dams at both Lakes were identified as small, high hazard dams in a report by Titan Atlantic dated July 20, 2004. Furthermore, the spillways at both Lakes have been a safety concern for over 20 years. The dams have been overtopped several times in recent years, causing flooding in the surrounding residential area. There is also concern that New Hope Church Road, located just downstream of Northshore Dam, has the potential to wash out during an overtopping event. In addition to safety concerns, development in the drainage basin over the last several decades has created a significant amount of runoff and sedimentation entering these lakes. Both Northshore and Brentwood Today have an estimated 3-5 feet of sediment in their lower, deeper areas, and are very shallow in the upper ends with less than a foot of water in some areas. Peninsula wetlands have been created in the headwater regions of both lakes through accumulation of sediment. Algae and other noxious plants are present throughout the lakes, but are concentrated in these shallow upper-headwater areas. In 2004, the City of Raleigh (City) made a commitment to evaluate the potential of rehabilitating the Northshore Lake and the Brentwood Today Lake dams and spillways to minimize and/or prevent flooding to the neighboring property owners as well as improve public safety downstream. The analysis of these two lakes was driven by three primary objectives: 1) Address NC Dam Safety concerns for long-term stability and downstream protection 2) Identify opportunities for water quality enhancement of the watershed supplemental to ongoing City efforts 3) Preserve property value for the neighborhoods surrounding these lakes. Northshore & Brentwood Today lakes Page 2 of 15 4041401 Permit Application Narrative The underlying goal for this effort is to provide a project that addresses these objectives while achieving public support and meeting the goals of the City of Raleigh's Storm Water Program. The planning process provided the basis for conceptual layouts for rehabilitating the dam structures while also increasing water storage capacities and water quality benefits. The conceptual layouts, discussed in the alternatives analysis section, were produced with City input and presented for public comment. This planning process provided a recommended plan comprising dam safety and water quality benefits. Both lakes are located within the Marsh Creek watershed, which exhibits serious nutrient- loading problems. This concept would help to reduce some of this nutrient loading as discussed below. Project Description (Item 18) Although two separate lakes, the recommended improvements to these facilities are being proposed in conjunction due to the overall purpose of this project. The analysis of alternatives and development of a recommended plan were performed using a watershed approach to the water quality issues, while looking individually at the project components such as each dam and spillway. This plan development included incorporation of the available flood control capacity of Northshore Lake, and the water quality improvements of Beaman Lake to yield an overall approach for the New Hope tributary watershed. Northshore Lake (Figure 2) The Northshore Lake recommended plan is focused on long-term aquatic habitat and nutrient-removal improvements, in addition to the required dam safety improvements. An approximate 0.8-acre sediment pool is proposed to be located just south of Comstock Road within the old Northshore Marina lot and an adjacent parcel that currently contains a residential structure. The house is located within the 100-year floodplain and is considered a hazard for flooding. The sediment pool would require periodic maintenance in order to remove the sediment build-up. Upland areas around the sediment pool would be set aside for maintenance access and storage. The pool will serve the same function that the lake has been providing by trapping sediment, but this will limit the area requiring maintenance and increase accessibility. Normal pool elevation would be dropped 2.5 feet to a normal pool elevation of 262 feet in order to provide additional flood storage without raising the dam and impacting adjacent landowners. The proposed spillway structure is a notched drop-chute spillway that would incorporate a 25-foot-wide weir at an elevation of 263'. In order to pass high flows, a 150-foot weir length would be constructed at an elevation of 265.9'. To minimize impacts to the dam, the structure will protrude into the lake. The hardened channel below the weir would slope from an invert elevation of 261' down to 256', where it would then tie into the existing channel below the dam. In addition, several 2" water-quality drawdown holes using orifice plates at an elevation of 262' will be included in the spillway. These holes will reduce clogging and will pass the daily flow in addition to any floodwaters stored between 262' and 263'. Flood storage capacity would be Northshore & Brentwood Today Ides 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Page 3 of 15 increased by 1.5 vertical feet with an additional 1-foot drawdown for water quality improvement purposes. Approximately 1.5 acres of the lake would be dredged to remove much of the depositional sediment that has accumulated over the 50+-year life of the lake. Using existing bathymetry as a guide, the dredging would occur in the upper portions of the lake and around parts of the lake perimeter. The dredging would also be performed in order to keep the lake surface area approximately equal to current conditions. Since some of the existing wetlands may be drained due to the drop in water elevation, planting of created headwater wetland areas may occur to enhance their development. An approximate 0.7-acre headwater wetland would be created below the sediment pool to help filter out nutrients and contaminants prior to reaching the lake. This headwater wetland will be planted with trees and constructed such that shallow channels braid through the system. Small plunge pools are proposed where existing point-source pipes and channels discharge directly into the lake. These would provide some treatment for sediment and contaminant runoff from the stormwater outfalls. Brentwood Today Lake (Fillure 3) The Brentwood plan would provide primarily for spillway replacement and lake bathymetry restoration. The existing spillway structure has been progressively failing over a period of years and needs to be addressed relatively soon in order to prevent a complete failure of the spillway (a failure of this magnitude may result in an outflow that could adversely impact downstream lives and property in addition to the aforementioned Beaman Lake reconstruction project). The proposed structure would have a 100-foot weir length at an elevation of 245.2' with a 20-foot notch cut down to 242'. The channel invert below the weir would be 238', sloping down on a 1-percent grade to an energy-dissipating structure at the confluence with the existing stream channel. No change in water level is proposed for this lake since it would add only a minor amount of additional flood storage. Approximately 3 acres of lakebed would be dredged. A 0.4-acre sediment pool would be created where an eastern tributary enters the lake. A plunge pool along the western shoreline and a sediment pool below New Hope Church Road are also proposed in this plan. Other than the minor wetland impact from the eastern sediment pool, the wetlands on-site are to be preserved in order to provide water quality and habitat benefits. Alternatives Analysis The attached technical memoranda describe the Concept Plans shown in Figures 2 through 3, along with the analysis used in the evaluation of these alternatives. In general, three alternatives were evaluated for each lake: ¦ Dam safety and flood attenuation, Northshore & Brennvood Today Lakes Page 4 of 15 4041401 Permit Application Narrative ¦ Water quality improvements, and ¦ A composite plan integrating dam safety and water quality (Recommended Plan). The dam safety recommendations were integrated into all three alternative scenarios, since exclusion of these recommendations was not practical due to public safety concerns. Therefore, a "no action alternative" was not considered for permitting purposes for this project. The analysis, fully documented in the attached technical memoranda, resulted in the recommendation of the plan described above. This plan included the required elements for dam safety and flood attenuation, and incorporated both water quality elements and public interests. The resulting project yields an increase in water quality efficiency of the facilities, while satisfying to the greatest practical extent the needs and interests of the adjacent landowners. Project Impacts, Minimization, and Avoidance (Items 20, 21, 22) The impacts of the proposed project on each type of jurisdictional area are presented in Table 1 and discussed by site below. Along with each impact description is a discussion of the minimization and avoidance performed at each site. Overall, impacts are mostly limited to the original footprint of the lakes and spillways prior to the sedimentation and infilling that has occurred over their 50+-year existence. Stream and wetland delineation was performed in April-May 2004, and field-verified by Ms. Jennifer Burdette on July 13, 2004 (existing conditions are shown in Figures 4a, 4b, 5a, and 5b; proposed conditions with impacts in Figures 6a, 6b, 7a, and 7b). Table 1: Imnact Summarv Site Number Lake open Water ac Forested Wetland Impact ac Fringe Wetlands ac Stream Channel U. 1 Northshore 0.51 0.46 - 260 2 Northshore - - 0.03 - 3 Northshore 0.08 - - - 4 Brentwood Today - 0.07 - 80 L 5 Brentwood Today 0.04 - - 50 Totals 0.63 0.53 0.03 390 Site 1 - Northshore Headwaters: 0.46 acres of riparian forested wetlands will be impacted in this area due to the drop in the normal pool elevation of the lake (Figure 6a). This will eliminate the hydrologic conditions necessary for the survival and propagation of the wetland species currently present. In addition, over time the hydric soil characteristics of this area will be eliminated and the area will likely revert to an upland riparian system. 0.51 acres of pond will be converted to wetland due to the reduction in water levels. This area will be planted with riparian wetland vegetation in order to enhance the water quality benefits of the project and replace the habitat lost in the draining of the current wetland areas. Approximately 0.18 acres of the 0.46 Northshore & Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Page 5 of I5 acres of wetlands will also be excavated to allow for the construction of a 0.8 acre sediment pool or forebay within the original footprint of the lake. This forebay will be used to minimize the amount of maintenance required in the future and limit this activity to an easily accessible area. The forebay construction will impact an additional 260 linear feet of perennial stream channel that is currently inundated by the lake. Avoidance of this impact was not practical due to the heavy historical and current sediment load that has led to the conditions described above. An off-line sediment pool or forebay was considered for this location in order to avoid impacting the current stream channel and wetlands. This would have divided the forebay into two sections on either side of the stream and greatly reduced the volume of water controlled. In addition, normal base flows would have been passed by the stream without contact with the sediment pools. Since the entire lake is currently acting as a sediment pool for the upstream drainage, it was determined that an in-line forebay was the most practical option. Draining of the current wetland areas was examined to determine if there were options to avoid this impact. However, since flood control is a primary concern below the dam, the water level has been decreased in the Recommended Plan to provide additional flood storage and spillway capacity, which brings the dam's spillway capacity into compliance with the NC Dam Safety Act. Since the flood control storage drop of 1.5 feet is necessary and would drain the wetlands at the site, it was determined that an additional 1 foot of water drop would be beneficial for water quality purposes and would not cause additional impacts to the wetlands. Alternative flood control strategies, such as raising the existing dam elevation, were considered but found to not be practical due to the potential impacts on adjacent landowners. Site 2 - Northshore FrinVe Wetlands 0.03 acres of current fringe wetlands are . located around Northshore Lake as shown in Figures 4a and 4b. These wetlands have formed in the flatter portions of the lake margin where water is shallow enough to allow colonization by hydrophytic plants. Lowering the water level will impact all of these wetlands. The dredging of the lake will maintain the current lake margins by creating a shallow shelf along the edge of the lake. Fringe wetlands are likely to reform in areas that supply suitable depth. As stated above, avoidance of the water level decrease was examined but deemed not practical due to flood control and spillway capacity issues necessary to comply with the NC Dam Safety Act. Therefore, the impacts to the fringe wetlands are necessary. Minimization of these impacts is being achieved through the dredging of adjacent shallow waters to maintain the current lake banks and create shelves along the shore. This will allow for the natural reestablishment of fringe wetlands in suitable locations around the perimeter of the lake. Northshore & Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Site 3 - Northshore Dam and Spillway Page 6 of 15 The construction of the Northshore spillway device, shown in Figure 6b, will impact approximately 0.08 acres of open waters. No additional stream channel will be impacted by the rehabilitation of the existing spillway downstream of the dam. This stream channel is currently concrete and rock lined. This material will be removed and replaced with proper materials. During construction, the stream will be diverted around the current channel through pipes, preferably via gravity flow. Avoidance of this impact was deemed impractical due to the high flood hazard conditions, the current state of the spillway, and lack of compliance with the NC Dam Safety Act. The enlarged weir will remove some open water, but is necessary to control the flows entering the spillway and reduce downstream velocities and flooding potential. The current spillway is cracked and a portion of the base flow is bypassing the spillway through voids underneath. This would eventually lead to the failure of the spillway and degradation of the downstream channel. The spillway length has been limited to not cause additional impacts to the stream channel. The leveling of the dam will not impact the stream or open water. Site 4 - Brentwood Today Eastern Tributary Although sediment is being controlled along the main stem lakes and stream through the sediment pool on Northshore Lake, there is a significant amount of the overall watershed (31%) that enters Brentwood Today Lake through an eastern tributary that is piped under the Mini-City area along Capital Boulevard. The sediment load in this tributary has created headwater wetlands similar to those at the upper end of both lakes. In order to reduce this sediment load and minimize further filling of the Brentwood Today Lake, a sediment pool is proposed on this tributary. Construction of this pool will impact 0.07 acres of this wetland area. The remaining wetland and the wetlands at the upper end of the lake will not be impacted. In addition, 80 feet of perennial stream channel of the eastern tributary will be impacted by construction of the sediment pool (Figure 7b). Avoidance of this impact was considered, but it was not deemed practical due to the sediment load currently produced from the watershed to the east of Brentwood Today. As discussed above, an offline forebay would not control base flow sediment load and would be greatly reduced in size. In addition, it would likely involve additional taking of properties. Site 5 - Brentwood Today Dam and Spillway The 50 feet of remaining spillway at the Brentwood Today Lake is progressively collapsing and the banks of the stream channel are sloughing in. The original spillway length below the dam was approximately 200 feet. The proposed spillway length is 100 feet, which yields an additional impact of 50 linear feet of Northshore & Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Pennit Application Narrative Page 7of15 perennial stream channel when compared to current conditions, but is within the original footprint of the 200' spillway. The current conditions of this stream channel, and the impending failure of the remaining 50 feet of the spillway, prevent any other alternative solution besides draining the lake. The inlet structure will impact an additional 0.04 acres of open waters. Avoidance of the spillway improvements was unavoidable due to the state of the current structure. Of the original 200 foot spillway, only 50 feet remain (and sections are continuing to collapse). The proposed length of the spillway is enough to pass the required flows (based on Dam Safety Act requirements) and tie into the existing stream channel while reducing velocities of the outflow so as to minimize potential for downstream degradation. Mitigation The original concept for compensatory mitigation for this project was to use the enhanced wetlands associated with the Northshore Lake (Figures 6a and 6b) to offset the unavoidable wetland losses. In an October 5, 2004 pre-application meeting with the USACE, it was determined that these wetlands could not be used as compensatory mitigation since they are a component of a stormwater facility. This was concurred by the EPA in email correspondence on February 7, 2005. It was agreed in the pre- application meeting with the USACE that a proposal would be considered to not require mitigation for impacts if functional replacement could be proven for the project. DWQ 401 Certification Unit staff tentatively agreed to a similar approach in an October 22, 2004 pre-application meeting. Therefore, the following mitigation section is designed to justify the waving of compensatory mitigation for the proposed impacts due to the functional replacement of the project components. Wetland Functions The impacted wetlands are discussed below by category of wetland functions as described in the "Guidance for Rating the Values of Wetlands in North Carolina" published by NCDENR. Water Storage The current wetland areas consist of bars of sediment transported downstream and deposited at the inlet of the lakes. Little micro topographic relief is present in these wetlands and therefore their water storage capacity during flood events is low. As these wetlands have formed above the normal pool elevation of the lakes, they have actually decreased the amount of flood storage provided by the freeboard of the lakes. The increase in flood storage capacity created by the drop in water level of Northshore Lake will greatly increase flood storage capacity of the entire system and therefore offset any loss of flood storage retention in the wetland areas. Northshore & Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Bank/Shoreline Stabilization Page 8 of 15 The current wetlands consist of fine silts and sands deposited in the upper end of the lakes. These areas are constantly shifting and provide little stabilization of the stream banks. Vegetation in much of these areas is limited to herbaceous species such as Jewelweed (linpatiens capensis) that provide little stabilization. Reduction of the water level in Northshore, along with the dredging of sediments in both lakes, will remove most of these sediments. The creation of the sediment pools prior to these wetland areas will help to reduce the erosive velocities and scour potential of the streams and therefore will not decrease the bank stabilization of the system. Currently, the stream channels immediately upstream of the open water are pooled, channelized, and relatively incised. The channel below the Brentwood Today dam is currently caving in and causing additional water quality problems. Overall, the project will reduce downstream erosion potential by controlling flooding and reducing velocities downstream of the spillways. This reduction in erosion and stabilization of the currently eroding banks adjacent to the spillway will help mitigate the minor stream impacts associated with the project. The current conditions of the streams, specifically the stream below Brentwood Today, would more than mitigate for the loss of this function. Pollutant Removal The current wetlands do provide some pollutant removal for the incoming flows. However, as described in the following text and supported in the attached technical memoranda, pollutant removal efficiencies will be increased throughout the watershed as a result of this project. This was one of the primary purposes of this project. Examination of the New Hope Tributary (including Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes) as the system of treatment facilities for the entire watershed provides a comprehensive assessment of water quality. Table 2 integrates the combined loadings from all five sub-watersheds studied (attached as Technical Memorandum No. 4) and the trapping capacity of both lakes to yield a composite load and overall removal efficiency from the system. These results are presented in the last three columns of Table 2. The system is operating in the mid-range of the removal efficiency for wet ponds, based on the initial assumptions of poor removal capacity for the individual lakes. However, the main function of this system simply operates to detain pollutants and does not facilitate the expedition of these pollutants entirely out of the system. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and TSS would be available for reintroduction into the system's downstream conveyance. Northshore & Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Pertnit Application Narrative Tahle 2: Comnarative Loading Analvsis Page 9 of 15 Loadings to Total Loadings to Trapped Load from Loadings out of Overall Constituent Beaman Brentwood & the System Brentwood Removal Lake ' Northshore Efficiency Total Nitrogen 3,872 13,320 4,124 9,196 31% Total Phosphorus 1,215 1,400 787 613 56% TSS 284,712 285,050 226,648 58,402 80% Fecal Coliform N/A 4,540 850 3,690 19% NOTES: Loadings are presented in Ibs/year except for fecal coliform, which are presented in colony forming units x 109/year; '- Data from Beaman Lake Embankment Rehabilitation report. The initial assessment of total nitrogen removed by Northshore and Brentwood appears to meet the 30 percent reduction requirement in nitrogen specified in the Neuse River Rules. However, the City of Raleigh's Stormwater Management Design Manual requires that the nitrogen load from new development not exceed 3.6 lbs/acre/year. This equates to approximately 2,700 lbs/year, which would theoretically be the target loading out of Brentwood Lake if the two watersheds were not already mostly built-out. This is a much smaller loading as compared to the present loading of approximately 9,200 lbs/year out of Brentwood Today. While the 2,700 lbs/year may not be a reasonable goal, it still emphasizes the need for maximizing nitrogen control where possible. Wildlife Habitat The current wetlands are relatively small and provide little wildlife habitat. The vegetation primarily consists of herbaceous species, with some younger saplings, shrubs, and trees. The surrounding land use is almost completely built out and provides little refuge for populations of wildlife. Potential cover is adequate only in spotty areas, and is periodically cleared out by adjacent landowners. Mast producing trees and other food sources are limited by this disturbance. The project will remove some of the thin riparian buffer along the streams and lakes in the area of the sediment pools. This will be mitigated by the replacement of similar vegetation types and cover in the enhanced wetlands created by the exposure of additional land surface when the Northshore Lake level is dropped. Additional open water created by the dredging operations, along with the establishment of littoral shelves and benches around the perimeter of Northshore Lake will increase waterfowl habitat. Aquatic Life Currently, the aquatic habitat of the two lakes and connecting streams is in poor condition. As described above, the lakes have gradually filled in with sediment and therefore removed most of the deepwater habitat in these systems. Approximately 30% of Northshore Lake and 50% of Brentwood Today are less than 1 foot deep. This has created conditions that promote the growth of algae and invasive aquatic plants that are currently choking the system. The dredging of the lakes and control of the sediment load coming downstream will greatly enhance the aquatic habitat of the lakes. The lowering of the Northshore water level will allow the stream below Comstock Road to flow rather than be Northshore & Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Page 10 of 15 inundated most of the time. Based on interviews with local residents, fish populations in both lakes have seriously declined in the last several decades. The aquatic benches created by the dredging operations will add aquatic habitat by providing shallow water refuge adjacent to deeper water habitat. The construction of the spillways will not change the current impediments to fish passage. The overall project will improve the quality of the aquatic habitat in both the lakes. Recreation and Education Recreation opportunities, which were originally quite high for these lakes, have drastically decreased over the last several decades. Fishing has declined due to the decrease in fish populations associated with the poor water quality and sedimentation. Boating opportunities have also declined as significant portions of these lakes have become inaccessible by watercraft. Several docks are currently surrounded by wetlands or water less than 1 foot deep. The project will increase both these functions to a great extent. Fish habitat will be increased, and over time fishing opportunities should likewise increase. Boat access will be enhanced through the dredging of the lakes. While some areas without current open water access will not change (such as the upper portion of Brentwood Today), landowners with access to open water will have that access enhanced through the dredging of channels and deepening of the lakes. Stream Mitigation Stream impacts associated with this project are limited to 390 linear feet of perennial stream. Current stream channel degradation along the old spillway of Brentwood Today Lake will be repaired during the construction of the spillway, and downstream impacts from sedimentation and erosive velocities will be reduced by the proposed enhancements and rehabilitation. Since the stream channels along the spillways of these lakes have already been impacted, only additional stream channel impacts have been included in these calculations. Any channel impacts occurring at the upper reaches of each lake are impacting open water that falls within the streambanks - these channels are not functioning as streams but as open water conveyances. Some grade control points may be established in the exposed stream channels to prevent head cutting as needed. Therefore, no stream mitigation is being proposed for this project. The overall watershed and water quality improvements associated with this project provide sufficient mitigation for the minor amounts of stream impacts. Based on the overall assessment of the functions described above, each wetland function is at minimum replaced and, more frequently, enhanced by the project. Stream impacts and enhancements are largely offset by the primary goal of water quality improvements and the rehabilitation of the dams. The overall goals of flood control and water quality, along with the current severely degraded state of these lakes, provides mitigation for these functions through an alternative delivery process rather than traditional compensatory mitigation. It is therefore proposed that no formal compensatory mitigation be required for the impacts associated with this project. NonAshore & Brennvood Today Ickes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Neuse Buffer Impacts and Mitigation Requirements Page 11 of 15 Figures 6a, 6b, 7a, and 7b present the current riparian buffers within the project area under jurisdiction of the Neuse River Riparian Buffer Rules. The proposed plan will impact 1.95 acres of the total 12 acres of buffers currently surrounding the lakes. These impacts stem primarily from spillway improvements and sediment pool construction. The impacts related to the rehabilitation of the dams and spillways are exempt under the current rules. Since the dredging operation will retain the current lake limits by creating benches along the shores, no permanent loss of riparian buffers are associated with this activity. The construction of the sediment pools will require impacts to 0.84 acres of riparian buffers. These impacts do not create new impervious surfaces. Protected Species Plants and animals classified as Endangered or Threatened by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) are protected under provisions of Section 7 and Section 9 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. Table 9 presents USFWS list of federally protected species for Wake County, North Carolina as of February 25, 2003. Table 3: Federal Listed Protected Species for Wake County, NC Scientific Name Common Name Federal Status Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald eagle Threatened-Proposed for Delistin Picoides borealis Red-cockaded woodpecker (RCW) Endangered Alasmidonta heterodon Dwarf wedgemussel Endangered Rhus nzichalixii Michaux's sumac Endangered Limited potential habitat exists on-site for each species (Bald eagle - open water; RCW - mature pines; Dwarf wedgemussel - perennial streams; Michaux's sumac - regularly maintained edge habitat). Prior to construction, surveys will be performed for each species as requested by the permitting agencies. Northshore & Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Photographs 4 f' . /t Page 12 of 15 Upper end of Northshore Lake Northshore & Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative [ '1 If r' Page 13 of 15 Top of Northshore Lake spillway Northshore & Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Brentwood Today Lake, looking upstream Brentwood Today dam spillway, looking dowt September i .; Page 14 of 15 spillway (as of Northshore & Brentwood Today Lakes 4041401 Permit Application Narrative Post-storm destruction below Brentwood Today spillway due to (April 2004, along the eastern streambank and -20' downstri Approximate former location of Brentwood Today spillway, no the progressively collapsing end of the spillway erosion and Fexisting sp above Page 15 of 15 of 0 cu a) (1) c ZZ Z co a, (3) 0 Y -j L Q CL o .c ° c W W c V-o •- L1C 0 E = W m 0 -0 ro •VI o c cn cn L 0 V a a O LW/ o o Z w ; C a) ?j O a) ca 3 cu .. `n o N O N N 3 a) a) rn L a. 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Joins Figure 6a x x - c -- -_\\ ?/ - Legend N ?01\\ ? - Building Footprint Road ROW r ` Topography \ , - ?- - I Adjacent Property Boundary Stream, Lake 1 - pa ® Dredged Lake Area - v? r 0 Sediment Pool Spillway \ - 0 Wetlands Neuse Buffers i -? A`e? 0 Impacted Zone 1 constructed zone 2 `` - Preserved ?. 0 50 100 150 Feet - - - x Figure 6b Proposed Conditions February 2005 ONE COMPANYI Many Salutions• Northshore Lake a Joins Figure 7a ? tl ?l I i y x x XI v Legend N Building Footprint Road ROW gyp: _ _ Topography cD I Adjacent Property Boundary f Stream, Lake Dredged Lake Area Sediment Pool j Spillway Wetlands Neuse Buffers / Impacted zone 1 / X Constructed Zone 2 Preserved 0 50 100 15Feet -77 7 Figure 7b Proposed Conditions February 2005 ONE COMPANYIManySolutions-rl Brentwood Today Lake a {i?= :: ?It{!?i ', ? f 1 I '°? i ,i. X25• ? I 1, , ? I N ' 16,0 x61.00 y ly5 1? }` •1 = - N? ? . I. ,4111 • f d a t l d ? y yyy ly 1 'If I ?1 m C-eJ ` y Ir % G l t I N ' ?I a III WEIR 2 ' til WEIR 1 \ f \ o (c. ?. WIDTH 1bbb• WIDTH 2s• ` N ''? • . e . • ELa26 V \ EL?263.00 ?.` i \\ S CI. 03 C tt PROPOSED NORMAL POOL EL-263^00 r 'IO. 4 .30 ylll \ s VARIABLE H C I • l ' ?• e. IOJ.O?' ° 2A60 \` ?'' ??` WALL TO IAA1 • '4 ti? ti' 84 + PROPOSED G °. (BOTH SIDES 10 4y ey e ° I46.00' ?l,,- LOPE pp 10 g rU 7` ?? ? n??p ? 1?i ..? DS ? ° d :ut f j i r 1 1 :?/ I ,/ F r A SCALD: 1 20' N?,t Enpliw?rLy, 41C 1b ? irn•IlwL FAY 1? I q? MC I?Q] NORTHSHORE LAKE DATE PRELIMINARY SPILLWAY IMPROVEMENTS 02/2005 I FINAL REPORT FIGURE FIGURE 3.1 f I I 40, , N I J I If II / 2 © '\ j 4 C-03 C-03 VWEIR 7 \ WIDTH - 2a? 7 f•.. 1 1 ti. °ELEVATION - 242.00' ??'' r ' 'tis \ . ' ?• ?- 11 I t 1 } • d ..'i! Il rt, p \ a° \. 4`' a 238.00 4 4 m 1 l a °` ' ynY ..?a ' !WEIR 2 a a WIDTH,'- 100' tiPROPOSED NORMAL A' vELEVATId1I !-:24 "p), `\ POOL EL-242,00 d PROPOSED LAKE EDGE 1 , -' \?? ? I ,a / . ??., ;tT_ ;1 `• ....f•.+7?,1?..` ` .ff .a.?+l f ti/ ?V ?.g4? \..`,. r qt1 a• ! Id• • F' f ; \ f : '?„•r'r_ 'ro;,?", ` 245-? ti +? I •.. I • a' rf WALL TO MATCH Jam` f 7 I °, l• ',µ f PROPOSED GRADE r 246 I ??i 17 da. I F? e f - (BOTF?`SIDES OF FJ / I EtOG ?` ,f r ?.f + a •d? rf / CHANNEL)\ ( t 74 U ?%wt .e 1 ?`? Alv N r 1A A -A ;f 47 111 ? J I J a I R6 OSED SPILLWAY t rCy\\ ° J / f' :;I?c 111 C'r l J 10 +/?" I 1 y1:r,' rJ i.yr . +, PROPOSED CONTOUR m r I 'rj,/i 1, d/d • 4 i,4, %,, f I t ly 1 I d ry / f rp ? a// N h ? ?Irr ?d+. a 1. .0 k1?'lll ? i f1 ? j) 1 L1 ((( tI 1f cli C3 ' 236x50. .a. r / ti f ?!"?? ?rrli f} 121 6v EN 'bISSI ATOR/ J /1 nv7r t;+jyf a DROP SIRUCT RE TO LL BE_Lqq CATED A END + 20+ { = tt ?OF STUWAY CHANNEL a. SCALE: 1 BRENTWOOD TODAY LAKE DATE Z PRELIMINARY SPILLWAY IMPROVEMENTS 02/2005 O Z y FIGURE U XDR Enpl?lrp, Ine FINAL REPORT FIGURE 3.2 +a ? •?n erK eur uou I crtny Xc amt 2 2 E FQ n A N R Q'I I o ? N 0 7 LL U) J a w w p Y w IleQ apJ ? w 0 O O o. U) 0 ° _ - W t- z J tL' w ! O W a -? Q . Z ao (n LL. b? 2 11111111 y zol.-I JUN' 3 0 ZGG35 RALEIGH REGULATORY FIELD OFFICE *'=ueys 'VWV LD:lS:OI SDDZlSIfL 3i9??d `JMO'`JI?£D-ODD1YSl6lH`JI3lV2! -AO ),LIOIV4ONIMV0 a Jamison, John R. From: Fox.Rebecca@epamail.epa.gov Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 3:00 PM To: May, Philip Cc: jennifer.a.burdette@usace.army.mil Subject: RE: Forebay Issues Phil, Just wanted to send you a quick reply to your forebay question before I head out on work travel. It is my opinion that the forebays will not be an issue if the permit decision is made to convert these ponds to stormwater treatment systems and appropriate mitigation is provided for this loss of "waters" since they will no longer be jurisdictional waters of the US. I also spoke to EPA's regional stormwater expert and she concurred with this. We would caution that the forebays should not be constructed to a depth as to allow them to become anoxic and/or to thermally stratify. It appears this is not the case with your design which indicates forebays will be constructed 2 to 4 feet in depth. Most literature recommends an average depth of wet ponds to be in the range of 3 to 9 feet. If you are wanting to go deeper than that we would like to further discuss this with you. We would recommend that you might want to make your forebays a little deeper than you are proposing to allow for some accumulation of coarse material between scheduled maintenance. This would help prevent resuspension of particulates during larger events. One concern I did have when I reviewed your website is that it appears you are proposing wetlands between the forebay and the larger pond to be used as mitigation for project impacts. This is something we would want to discuss with you and Jennifer since it is our position that mitigation credit can not be given for an area that is not jurisdictional which would apply to these ponds if they are converted to storm water treatment systems. Shallow wetland shelves are an important component of a good pond treatment system so we would encourage their construction but can not recommend they be used to provide mitigation credit. Let me know if I can be of any more assistance. getting back to you on the forebay issue. Once again, sorry for the delay in Becky Fox Wetland Regulatory Section USEPA Phone: 828-497-3531 Email: fox.rebecca@epa.gov "May, Philip" <Phil.May@hdrinc.com> wrote on 01/24/2005 03:08:59 PM: > Thanks Becky - I understand how your schedule must be - especially around the > holidays. > -----Original Message----- > From: Fox.Rebecca@epamail.epa.gov [mailto:Fox.Rebecca@epamail.epa.gov] > Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 3:00 PM > To: May, Philip > Subject: RE: Forebay Issues > Thanks for the reminder Phil. Things have been crazy since we communicated > in Nov and I have not been to Raleigh since then but this project has been > floating about in the back recesses of my mind and I knew that I owed you > some comments. I will try to get back with you sometime either this week or > early next week. i > Becky Fox > Wetland Regulatory Section > USEPA > Phone: 828-497-3531 > Email: fox.rebecca@epa.gov > "May, Philip" > <Phil.May@hdrinc. To: Rebecca > Fox/R4/USEPA/US@EPA > com> cc: > Subject: RE: Forebay Issues > 01/24/2005 02:33 > PM > Becky > I just wanted to let you know that the City is asking us to prepare and > submit our permit prior to our last meeting with the public. If you have any > comments on the forebay issue in the next couple of weeks, please let me > know. Otherwise, we should be submitting the IP in mid-February and will > respond to any comments during the review of the permit. > Thanks > Phil > -----Original Message----- > From: May, Philip > Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 11:32 AM > To: 'Fox.Rebecca@epamail.epa.gov' > Subject: RE: Forebay Issues > Becky, > The forebays are planned for the upstream portions of the ponds, which have > filled in over the last couple of decades. There are existing wetlands in > these areas, however the planned change in water level (to alleviate flooding > below the dam by increasing flood storage) would likely drain these areas. > We have a web site for the project - www.raleighlakes.com - this has a > summary of the information provided in a couple of public meetings. The web > site is probably the easiest way to get you information - it has a couple of 2 > powerpoint presentations used in the first community meetings (click on "more > information" at each of the community meetings). If you need any more > information please let me know. > At this point we have come up with three alternative plans for each of the > two lakes and proposed one of each as the recommended plan, but we would like > to incorporate all the regulatory input we can get prior to a last public > meeting on the final recommended plan. I would like to know the feasibility > of using forebays on the project prior to that. I doubt this meeting will > happen before January. > Please call me at your convenience if you have any questions or need me to > send you more information. > Thanks > Phil > -----Original Message----- > From: Fox.Rebecca@epamail.epa.gov [mailto:Fox.Rebecca@epamail.epa.gov] > Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 10:05 AM > To: May, Philip > Subject: Re: Forebay Issues > Phil, > Will the forebays be constructed in the upstream portion of the ponds to be > rehabilitated or will the forebays be constructed upstream of the current > dams? If you could send me some info that would be great. You could send > smaller files (without pictures and maps electronically) or mail larger files > to: > 1349 Firefly Road > Whittier, NC 28789 > After reviewing the info I will contact you about either meeting or phone > conference to further discuss the projects. What is your time frame? > Thanks, > Becky Fox > Wetland Regulatory Section > USEPA > Phone: 828-497-3531 > Email: fox.rebecca@epa.gov > "May, Philip" > <Phil.May@hdrinc. To: Rebecca > Fox/R4/USEPA/US@EPA > com> cc: > Subject: Forebay 3 Issues > 11/29/2004 09:49 > AM > Becky, > On John Dorney's advice, I am contacting you in regard to the use of forebays > on a project involving the rehabilitation of a couple of dams on small ponds > in the City of Raleigh. The City is studying these lakes with the intention > of repairing the dams or spillways, and adjusting the water levels (with some > dredging) to provide additional flood storage and water quality improvements. > As a part of the plan we are developing, we have included the use of deep > pools or forebays at the upper end of these lakes. I was hesitant to include > this and warned our engineers and the City that in-line forebays could be an > issues, but the Corps (Jennifer Burdette) said that in conversations with you > the forebay issue was not really a problem since the entire lake would serve > a stormwater function. John Dorney's take on this is different and he > therefore recommended we discuss this directly with you. > I would be happy to send you some information to review. We would also like > to meet with you when it is convenient to discuss the project. Do you have > any time on upcoming trips to Raleigh to meet? > Thanks > Phil > Philip May > HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas > 3733 National Drive, Suite 207 > Raleigh, NC 27612 > (919) 232-6610 > phil.may@hdrinc.com 4 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM NO. 4 Water Quality Evaluation of Conceptual Plans NORTHSHORE LAKE AND BRENTWOOD TODAY LACE DAM REHABILITATION PROJECTS CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA February 22, 2005 Prepared By: fua--l HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas HDR Project No. 10913-9154 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................1 1.1 Overall Project Description ..................................................................................................1 1.2 Water Quality Component ...................................................................................................1 1.3 Preliminary Water Quality Assessment Methodology ........................................................2 2.0 WATER QUALITY EVALUATION AND MODELING ...........................................................3 2.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................................3 2.2 Model Selection ...................................................................................................................3 3.0 MODEL DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................................5 3.1 Future Land Use Analysis ....................................................................................................5 3.2 Watershed Delineation ..... ....................................................................................................5 3.3 Hydrologic Parameters .........................................................................................................6 3.4 Water Quality Parameters ....................................................................................................7 3.5 Device Parameters ............ ...................................................................................................8 3.6 Meteorological Data .............................................................................................................8 3.7 Calibration ............................................................................................................................9 4.0 MODEL EXECUTION ....................................................................................................................9 4.1 Alternatives Development ...................................................................................................9 4.2 Results and Findings ..........................................................................................................13 5.0 MODEL EVALUATION ...............................................................................................................18 5.1 Continuity Errors ................................................................................................................18 5.2 Sensitivity Analysis ............................................................................................................18 6.0 CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION ...........................................................................................19 7.0 REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................................21 LIST OF TABLES 3-1 Event Mean Concentrations (EMC) for Selected Pollutants ..............................................................8 4-1 Comparison of Pollutant Loadings from the Preliminary Assessment and the Model .................... 13 4-2 Overall TSS Removal Efficiency (%) .............................................................................................. 14 4-3 Overall TPP Removal Efficiency (%) .............................................................................................. 15 4-4 Overall TKN Removal Efficiency (Vo) ............................................................................................. 16 4-5 TSS Loading (lbs) Discharge out of Brentwood Today Lake .......................................................... 17 4-6 TP Loading (lbs) Discharged out of Brentwood Today Lake .......................................................... 17 4-7 TKN Loading (lbs) Discharged out of Brentwood Today Lake ....................................................... 17 LIST OF FIGURES 1-1 Project Site Location ...........................................................................................................................2 4-1 Graphical Depictions of the Modeled Networks for the Alternatives ..............................................12 4-2 Removal Efficiency (%) for Discrete Particles .................................................................................15 1Vater Quality Evaluation i February 2005 of Conceptual Plans SECTION 1.0 - INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overall Project Description There are a series of four lakes along the New Hope tributary to Marsh and Crabtree Creeks: an unnamed lake, Northshore, Brentwood Today, and Beaman. The unnamed lake and Beaman are presently not included within the scope of this Project. The dam at Beaman Lake was breached several years ago and is currently under reconstruction, restoring the dam embankment and installing features to improve water quality. This Project includes Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes, which are located in the City of Raleigh (City) near New Hope Church Road and west of U.S. 1 as shown in Figure 1-1. The dams at both Lakes were identified as small, high hazard dams in the Titan Atlantic Report dated July 20, 2004. Furthermore, the spillways at both Lakes have been a concern for over 20 years. The dams have been overtopped several times in recent years, causing flooding in the surrounding residential area. There is a concern that New Hope Church Road, located just downstream of Northshore Dam, may wash out during an overtopping event. The purpose of this project is to evaluate both Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes for dam safety concerns and water quality improvements. Three different aspects will be evaluated: ? Dam safety and flood attenuation, ? Water quality improvements, and ? A composite plan integrating dam safety and water quality. The purpose of this Technical Memorandum (TM) is to provide an evaluation of water quality for these three alternatives. Additionally, a discussion of the results of this evaluation along with baseline conditions derived in previous assessments and the differing aspects of the two approaches will be presented. 1.2 Water Quality Component Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes are classified as C Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW) by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ). Both Lakes have not yet been rated for their level of support for this designated use. NSW are less likely to assimilate additional loadings of nutrients, primarily nitrogen and phosphorus, without detrimental effects on the water quality. The lake's inclusion as NSW is likely due to their watershed being part of the Lower Neuse River Basin. Water Quality Evaluation February 2005 of Conceptual Plans Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes have been significantly impacted in the last 20 years. During this time, the watershed has seen significant commercial.and high density residential development. The most notable commercial development was the construction of "Mini City" off Capital Boulevard. With this development has come the disturbance of land and an increase in impervious area throughout the watershed. The increase in impervious surface increases peak flows during storm events may have resulted in erosion of unstable stream banks. In addition, stormwater has transported sediment to these Lakes. This is evident by the unconsolidated soil deposition found in the mouths of the contributing streams to Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes. It is also likely that sediment is carrying a host of urban pollutants to these Lakes, such as nutrients, metals, organic matter, and fecal coliform. Eutrophication is also apparent in both Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes. The abundance of sediments and solids in stormwater, likely transporting nutrients, as well as dissolved nutrients found in fertilizers typically used in residential areas have also been conveyed to these Lakes. Their presence in excess quantity has lead to the excessive growth of phytoplankton or floating algae that is currently seen in the two Lakes. As the excessive algal biomass dies, it consumes the bulk of dissolved oxygen that supports life Other contributing sources to the eutrophication include the waterfowl nesting at the Lakes, domestic pet waste, and possible failing sanitary sewer lines or sewer overflows. Bacterial contamination of the Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes is a prominent concern as these Lakes are sources of recreation for the adjacent property owners. The Lakes are Class C and therefore should support the designated uses of secondary contact recreation such as boating and wading. Visual inspection of the area indicates that some sources of bacterial contamination (i.e., waterfowl excreta) have direct contact with the Lakes. These Lakes are typical of the urban setting, in that they likely exhibit fecal coliform levels that do not support the C waters classification. 1.3 Preliminary Water Quality Assessment Methodology A preliminary water quality assessment was performed early in the project and documented in Technical Memorandum #2 Water Quality Assessment (TM #2). The objective of that water quality assessment was to evaluate the level and location of pollutant stress being delivered to these Lakes. That assessment assisted in determining suitable design elements and their location as well as providing a preliminary baseline for design efficiency. The methodology employed for the analysis utilized literature values of pollutant export coefficients and geographic land use data to generate loadings for specific sub-watersheds. That cursory view of watershed conditions was beneficial in determining a more detailed approach to be used in the final water quality evaluation of the Project alternatives. Water Quality Evaluation 2 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans SECTION 2.0 - WATER QUALITY EVALUATION AND MODELING 2.1 Purpose The purpose of this effort and TM are to provide an evaluation of several alternatives with respect to the improvement of water quality downstream and within the Lakes' system. It is difficult to translate water quality goals (i.e., concentration and removal efficiency) into tangible water quality benefits due to the high variability of natural processes and the existence of unaccountable interactions. However, assuming that this variability is inherent and global, a relative evaluation of alternatives with similar base conditions and processes will yield a similar relative response in water quality benefit. An evaluation performed through modeling and sound interpretation of results will provide this relative assessment. Water quality models can be used for the prediction of loading, transport, and control of pollutants. The application of a water quality model will expand upon the empirical effort accomplished in the TM #2 by incorporating representative data with the simulation of the existing physical processes. The use of a water quality model will further the assessment in the following ways: ¦ Provide pollutant loading based on studied pollutant development and hydrologic interaction. ¦ Routing and transport of flow and pollutants through continuous water and mass balance. ¦ Simulation of physical pollutant removal processes and their efficiency over varied flow/volume regimes. 2.2 Model Selection The type of water quality model required to fulfill the aforementioned objectives lies within the range of mid-level models. These models compromise the empiricism of the simple methods and the complexity of detailed models driven by parameter intensive, mechanistic processes (EPA, 1999). When fully calibrated and inputed with site-specific parameters they can provide an appropriate means of prediction. Despite limitations on data availability, these models still provide decision makers the ability to select watershed-level planning solutions based on relative comparisons. PS-Urban Catchment Model (PS-UCM), developed for IEP, Inc and the Narragansett Bay Project by William W. Walker, Jr., Ph.D, was selected for this application based on these needs. The relative ease of parameter estimation and input and HDR's familiarity Water Quality Evaluation: 3 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans of the model were factors in its selection. Additional strengths of the model for use in this Project are listed below (EPA, 1992): ¦ Developed and calibrated for use within small, urban watersheds. ¦ Distributed with particle and water quality pollutant distribution data calibrated against Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (NURP) data. ¦ Simulation of particle accumulation, decay, and wash-off dynamics. ¦ Sources can be characterized as single, continuous, or diffuse release. ¦ Continuous and storm event simulation. ¦ Provides for the inclusion of several structural Best Management Practices (BMPs): wetland, detention ponds (dry, wet, and extended), infiltration basins, and swales/buffers. ¦ Hydrologic and water quality output can be evaluated at discrete model components. ¦ Relative evaluation of pollutant loadings, outflow concentrations, and BMP removal efficiencies. P8-UCM like many other urban runoff models has some limitations. The following is a brief listing of limitations of this model (EPA, 1992): ¦ Lack of site specific calibration data limits the model in absolute prediction of pollutants loads and concentrations. ¦ Primary pollutant removal process is sedimentation and filtration. ¦ Does not simulate in-stream transport and transformation processes for pollutants. ¦ Watershed lag is not simulated. However, P8-UCM can be a scalable model, in the sense that many of these limitations can be overcome with site-specific water quality data and representation of physical, chemical, and biological processes through alternative parameterization. Water Quality Evaluation 4 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans SECTION 3.0 - MODEL DEVELOPMENT 3.1 Future Land Use Analysis A future build-out analysis was performed by Watershed Concepts for the entire Marsh Creek Basin as part of a hydrologic model. Field inspections of the Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes watersheds suggest that current land use conditions are near, if not at, future build-out conditions. Performing another future build-out analysis with the same base data would yield similar results. Better value of this analysis would be to evaluate the base data against orthophotography and field inspections performed while collecting storm sewer inventory. It is likely that due to the breadth of that previous future build-out analysis and the intent of its end product, the data was not site checked entirely. With the limited focus of this project the existing land use and future land use conditions can be individually verified. This is important in determining hydrologic and water quality parameters for the water quality modeling. The findings of this evaluation show that the current open space was under estimated by 50 acres. Much of the land was either characterized as medium residential or industrial. Future build-out analysis of the open space portion would likely result in some additional commercial land use but remain mostly open space, as the identified parcels are small and isolated. Due to the small percentage of mischaracterized land (approximately 6 percent of total watershed area) and its distribution across the watershed, it is likely this difference will have little effect on parameterization for this evaluation. 3.2 Watershed Delineation Watershed delineations were first performed in TM #2 for the purposing of identifying magnitude and source location of pollutant loads into the Lakes. These same delineations proved to be sufficient for application in the water quality model and this evaluation. The delineations were generated using a variety of data detailed below: ¦ City of Raleigh topographic and planimetric CAD data (2000) ¦ NCGIA/DWQ Hydrography (1998) ¦ HDR Storm Sewer Inventory (2004) P8-UCM emphasizes the location of incoming flows for the proper mixing of flows and concentrations. Watershed delineations were created to accurately represent the appropriate routing of flows through existing and proposed water quality controls (sediment pools, wetlands, Water Quality Evaluation 5 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans and ponds). The Northshore Lake drainage was delineated into three sub-watersheds called Upper, Middle, and Lower. The Upper sub-watershed includes the area where the generated runoff would pass through the smaller unnamed pond south of Calvary Road. The Middle sub- watershed includes the area where the generated runoff would enter Northshore Lake as a stream at the mouth of the lake. The final sub-watershed called Lower includes areas draining directly to the body of Northshore Lake. The Brentwood Today Lake follows the same logic. It is delineated into two sub-watersheds called Main and Tributary. They represent the areas where generated stormwater enter the head and body laterally of Brentwood Today Lake and as a side tributary, respectively. 3.3 Hydrologic Parameters P8-UCM estimates runoff from precipitation data and hydrologic parameters. The model evaluates runoff from pervious and impervious areas separately. Runoff for the pervious areas is computed using the SCS curve number method. These values are adjusted internally based on antecedent moisture conditions (Haith and Shoemaker, 1987). Since, P8-UCM is mainly applied in urban settings; this method proves to be a sufficient approach due to its simple parameterization of pervious conditions that account for only a minor component of the total urban runoff. The required parameters for pervious runoff generation are SCS curve numbers representing "open space" land use and respective hydrologic soil groups (SCS, 1986). Impervious runoff is computed from the difference of cumulative rainfall and depression storage. Runoff initiates as cumulative rainfall depth exceeds a user-specified depression storage depth. After this point, runoff equals rainfall intensity for the impervious fraction of the watershed. The required parameters for impervious runoff generation include depression storage values and impervious fractions. Depression storage values were obtained from literature values categorized by land uses (Wright-McLaughin Engineers, 1969) and impervious fractions were obtained from SCS curve number descriptions (SCS, 1986). The runoff from pervious and impervious areas is combined and routed to the downstream device with no lag. The future build-out land use data, described in more detail in Section 3.1 Future Land Use Analysis, and NRCS digital soil surveys were used to create areas for parameterization. This hydrologic data was input into P8-UCM for individual land uses within the watershed delineations. This was done so that future application of the model could be calibrated for pollutant event mean concentrations if desired. Depression storage and impervious fractions were input wholly for their respective land use. Only curve numbers for pervious areas were computed on a composite area average for their hydrologic soil group. Water Quality Evaluation 6 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans 3.4 Water Quality Parameters The generation of water quality pollutant loads and runoff concentrations for P8-UCM is based on the dynamics of particle accumulation and wash-off principles as well as pollutant mass distribution within those particles. The first component of the quality representation is the parameterization of particle classes. P8-UCM allows for the distribution of five particle classes. For each particle class, particle generation parameters are input for both impervious and pervious segments of a watershed. Impervious input parameters include accumulation rates, decay rates, wash-off exponents and coefficients, and street sweeping efficiency (when applicable). Additionally, runoff concentrations can be provided in favor of accumulation and wash-off dynamics. On the pervious portion of the watershed, particle generation is based on input parameters of pollutant concentration for the individual particle classes. Particle removal dynamics are quantified within this component of the P8-UCM model as well. Removal dynamics are characterized for individual particle classes by settling velocity and filtration efficiency through pervious mediums. The second component of the water quality representation within P8-UCM provides for the distribution of pollutants among the particle classes. Pollutant mass per particle class is the input parameter. Since multiple pollutants can be modeled with a single particle distribution, scale factors exist for calibration if desired. P8-UCM includes several particle distribution data files that can be used for default parameters when particle and pollutant mass data is not available. The majority of this default data was calibrated to represent the results obtained in the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (NURP). The particle distribution file titled nurp50.par was used in this evaluation. The file contains five particles classes that are based on calibration of runoff concentration and settling velocity distributions representative of median sites (i.e., particle class P10 = 10th percentile). Distribution of the pollutant mass among particle classes is based upon results of direct runoff concentration, settling column tests, and typical removal efficiencies of treatment devices (Walker, 1990). This particle distribution file contains accumulation/wash-off parameters and settling velocities for four non-dissolved particle classes. The fifth particle class was developed to simulate the non- settling, dissolved particles. The file also contains mass distributions for a variety of urban pollutants such as particulates, nutrients, heavy metals, and hydrocarbons. Attention will be primarily focused on total suspended solids (TSS), total phosphorus (TP), and total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN). Table 3-1 displays the calibrated event mean concentrations per median data sites of NURP. Water Quality Evaluation 7 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans Table 3-1 Event Mean Concentrations (EMC) for Selected Pollutants Total suspended solids 100.0 Total phosphorus 0.33 Total Kjeldahl nitrogen 1.5 3.5 Device Parameters Devices provide for the hydraulic routing of runoff and areas for pollutant removal. P8-UCM utilizes a variety of devices such as an infiltration basin, swale/buffer, flow splitter, and aquifer; however, this assessment will only require the use of a detention pond, a general device, and a pipe/manhole. The detention pond can be used as a device with a permanent pool and a normal outlet that can be quantified by a single weir and/or collection of orifices. The required input data for detention pond devices include surface area and volume quantities for permanent and flood pool levels. The normal outlet that drains only the flood pool requires weir and orifice dimensions and coefficients. Devices with more complex outlet configurations can be modeled with the general device which requires a stage-surface area-discharge relationship for its volume and outlet data. Both these devices also possess a particle removal scale factor. This value is typically z 1 but can be adjusted higher or lower for the response of the device due to decreases or increases in hydraulic residence time. The pipe/manhole device is useful for mixing two or more incoming flows before being routed onto a removal device. Its only input parameter is a time of concentration and the device provides for no pollutant removal. Pipe/manhole devices can be used for delaying the hydrologic response of watersheds through the time of concentration parameter. This approach is beneficial for the modeling of larger watersheds since the watershed components route runoff with no lag. 3.6 Meteorological Data Several meteorological parameters are required to balance hydrology for the watershed in P8- UCM (i.e. precipitation, evapotranspiration, and percolation). Only precipitation and evapotranspiration require meteorological data. Hydrologic events are driven by hourly precipitation. Hourly rainfall data monitored at the Raleigh-Durham International Airport was obtained from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) and used with the model. A SCS Type II distribution (1-inch design storm precipitation file) is distributed with the model package and also used in this effort. P8-UCM also calculates evapotranspiration using Hamon's Method from monthly averages of vegetative cover, air temperatures, and hours of daylight (Hamon, 1961). Daylight hours and air temperatures were collected for the area from Summary of the Day Water Quality Evaluation 8 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans data also obtained from NCDC. Average monthly values for daylight and temperature were calculated and inputted. Default data was used for vegetative cover. The total evapotranspiration calculated by this approach resulted in 29.1 inches/year. 3.7 Calibration P8-UCM provides for hydrologic and water quality calibration through the use of many calibration factors and a calibration utility. However, the project watershed and the New Hope Creek tributary do not have any United States Geological Survey (USGS) gauging stations or any other confident streamflow monitoring data. A hydrologic and water quality calibration may not be warranted at this time since the focus of this effort is a relative comparison of alternatives. However, if the direction of the model is to be a tool for detailed design assessment, collection of calibration data would be beneficial. SECTION 4.0 - MODEL EXECUTION 4.1 Alternatives Development As previously mentioned in Section 1.1 Overall Project Description, this TM will focus on the water quality benefit gain or loss of the three alternatives: dam safety and flood attenuation, water quality improvements, and a composite plan integrating the two. Several factors were considered in the development of these alternatives. Technical Memorandum #3 Conceptual Plans delivers full detail of the alternatives for each respective lake and the factors for the use of particular design elements. A summary follows providing representation of each alternative as it was modeled in P8-UCM. A fourth scenario was developed to represent a situation where Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes were breached and return to natural streams. Dana Safety and Flood Attenuation The major enhancement to the Lakes for this alternative include dredging, water surface elevation change (Northshore only), and improved outlet design. These enhancements provide minor water quality improvement. The new discharge outlets suppress lower design flows thus increasing hydraulic residence time for particle settling. The dredging of unconsolidated sediment in the Lake will provide for a net removal of sediment, nutrients, and metals that have been historically trapped. A net removal of these pollutants will prevent any re-introduction into the system due to the mixing of high velocity flows with shallow, unconsolidated sediment layers. The two lake systems were modeled as general devices as opposed to detention ponds due to their complex weir configuration. The particle removal scale factor was reduced from 1.0 to Water Quality Evaluation 9 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans 0.75 to incorporate the poor distribution of incoming flow at the headwater of the Northshore Lake and the existence of channelized flow through the Northshore Lake (i.e., short-circuiting). Removal scale factors less than 1.0 can be assumed to account for poor hydraulic design (Walker, 1990). Figure 4-1 (on page 12) depicts the model's representation of the system for this alternative. Dater Quality Enhancements The water quality improvement alternative utilizes a variety of design elements to ensure the removal of a variety of pollutants as well as provide additional habitat that would promote the well being of aquatic life. The improvements for water quality include dredging, water surface elevation change, improved outlet design, sediment pools, variety of concentrated wetlands, wetland shelving (Northshore only), and plunge pools for point source runoff discharges. These improvements attempt to concentrate the settling of the largest particles at the headwaters of the Lakes where removal of accumulated matter is more manageable. The wetlands are expected to provide filtration of smaller particles but also promote the biological uptake and trapping of nutrients. Both Lakes were modeled as a series of detention ponds for the sediment pool and wetlands. Wetlands were differentiated from the sediment pools primarily by increasing the particle removal scale factor to 3 to accommodate for additional removal of TSS and TP. Studies performed using P8-UCM relating detention ponds vegetated with macrophytes to particle removal factors exhibited scale factors of 2 to 3 for TSS and 3 to 6 for TP to account for z5 to 30 percent removal (Phillips & Goyen, 1987; Lawrence, 1986). The remaining open water area of the Lakes was modeled as a separate general device. The wetland shelves and plunge pools were not included as model elements because they are minor in size and lack definable continuity with the rest of the system. Figure 4-1 depicts the model's representation of the system for this alternative. Recommended The Recommended alternative combines many of the aspects of the Dam Safety alternative with some water quality enhancements. Whereas the first two alternatives have specific design objectives, this alternative considers those objectives in addition to factors such as public acceptance, constructability, maintainability, and economic value. The design elements for Northshore are similar to the Water Quality Alternative. However, headwater wetlands exists in a lower quantity and wetland shelving is limited to plunge pool areas. The volume of dredging for this alternative is more in line to the Dam Safety alternative. For the Brentwood Today Lake, the recommended alternative resembles the Dam Safety alternative with the addition of sediment Water Quality Evaluation 10 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans pools located at the headwaters of the lake and plunge pools at point source runoff discharges. Both lake systems were modeled similarly to the Water Quality alternative except with a reduction in the area of the wetlands at Northshore and exclusion of wetlands at Brentwood Today Lake. Figure 4-1 depicts the model's representation of the system for this alternative. No Lakes The final scenario is a theoretical simulation of the natural drainage system under the future land use. In this scenario, Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes are replaced by streams. The No Lakes scenario provides a baseline of current loadings, concentrations, removal efficiencies as if the Lakes were never constructed. Global Model Assumptions In all alternatives, some general assumptions were made to simplify the assessment. These assumptions are as follows: ¦ The unnamed lake south of Calvary Drive was conservatively modeled the same in all alternatives. It was included since its efficiency is important in terms of overall efficiency of the system. ¦ Stream reaches were modeled as pipe segments with time of concentrations estimated as the travel time at a bank full event. Pipe segments do not account for any pollutant removal, which P8-UCM does not have the capacity to model. ¦ Base flow was not simulated since calibration data was not available and land use did not change from alternative to alternative (i.e., volume of base flow would not change). Base flow simulation would have yielded minor differences in loadings and removal efficiency since the particle data file used accounts for 100 percent filtration through the ground in four of five particle classes and 90 percent for the fifth particle class. ¦ Each alternative was run for a statistically dry, average, and wet year and for the 1-inch Type II SCS distribution design storm. The statistical years were developed from a 55-year record of total precipitation values. The statistical wet and dry years were plus or minus one standard deviation about the average, respectively. Water Quality Evaluation 11 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans DAM SAFETY AND FLOOD ATTENUATION UPPER MIDDLE TRIBUTARY LOWER l MAIN UNNAMED NORTHSHORE BRENTWOOD TODAY WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENTS TRIBUTARY TINORTHS,HCORE L UNNAMED BRENTWOOD TODAY LOWER MAIN UPPER MIDDLE RECOMMENDED JBRENTWOOD LOWER MAIN 0 0 0 DETENTION SEDIMENT WETLAND WATERSHED POND POOL Figure 4-1. Graphical depictions of the modeled networks in P8-UCM for the alternatives Water Quality Evaluation 12 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans UNNAMED NORTHSHORE 4.2 Results and Findings Several primary sets of data were retrieved from the model runs for analysis and discussion in this section. The first set of data summarizes loadings to Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes from their respective watersheds. Table 4-1 displays these results and provides a comparison of previously determined loadings from TM #2. The loadings from P8-UCM model were developed from accumulation/wash-off dynamics of particle distributions based on NURP data. Their export mass is a direct result of the interaction with continuous hydrologic events. The loadings for the preliminary assessment are empirically based on studies relating land use to storm event concentrations. The P8-UCM-based set of TSS loadings exceeds our previously determined loadings primarily due to differences in EMCs. EMCs used in the preliminary assessment ranged from 40-80 mg/L for TSS, while the NURP data supporting P8-UCM had a TSS EMC of 100 mg/L. EMC's for both assessments were similar for TP and the results reiterated that similarity. TKN, the predominant particulate form of nitrogen, is modeled in P8- UCM since the primary removal mechanism of the model is settling. A direct comparison of TN versus TKN loadings is not valid. However, the values have been provided below as a reference. Table 4-1 Comparison of Pollutant Loadings front the Preliminaq Assessment and the Model TSS 168,840 260,691 116,210 207,971 TP 840 833 560 667 TN/TKN 7,300(TN) 3,748(TKN) 6,020(TN) 3,002(TKN) NOTES: Loadings are presented in Ibs/year. Preliminary loadings for TN only. Final loadings for TKN only. Tables 4-2, 4-3, and 4-4 summarize the removal efficiency of pollutants for the overall system. The data included within these tables reflects the relative comparison of the alternatives and a theoretical simulation of the system with no Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes. Median values of pollutant removal efficiency have been referenced from the National Pollutant Removal Database for Stonnivater Treatment Practices, 2"d Edition developed by the Center for Watershed Protection and authored by Rebecca Winer. These values provide a baseline for evaluation; however it must be understood that those median values represent a multitude of sites under varied design conditions (new construction, retrofit, etc). Water Quality Evaluation 13 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans Table 4-2 Overall TSS Removal Efficiency (%) f' 1 GITR•7 • , C? ?1t ?l?FTiit•"f1i?i ? ;_'il'?15 ?{..L ]! '? jI I:Ud•]hI JUIllut 11 t?[•a ?;c t Average 71 81 76` 10 1-Inch Design 62 73 67 9 NOTE; Removal efficiency measured in %. TSS removal efficiencies ranged from 71 to 81 percent for the average year and 62 to 73 percent for the 1-inch design storm. Median baseline levels of TSS removal for regional wet detention ponds and stormwater wetlands are 70 and 80 percent, respectively (Winer, 2000). The Dam Safety alternative, which contains only wet detention ponds as the main design element, is inline with this median baseline level. The other alternatives, which include sediment pools and wetlands, provide only minor increases (=5 percent) on this efficiency and are also in line with the median baseline level (80 percent). The Recommended and Water Quality alternatives show improvement in the removal efficiency of the middle two particle classes (P30, P50) as shown in Figure 4-2. The removal of these particles is directly attributable to the filtering capacity of wetlands. Dissolved particles (PO) are not significantly removed in any alternative. Figure 4-2 Removal Efficiency (oIo) for Discrete Particles 100 90 --- - - --- - --- -- -- 80 ----- -- ------- a 70 _.- - '-------- - - - - --- - - .- c 60 .U 50 40 _._. ---- ------------ - - --. - - -. 0 30 - --- --- - -- -- --- - a) 20 - - -- - -- ---- - -- ------- ---- --- O PO P10 P30 P50 P80 Particle Distribution -s Dam Safety - s Recommended < - Water Quality The preliminary assessment of TM #2 expressed removal efficiency of 80 percent for the overall system in its current state. The efficiencies selected for Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes that culminated in that overall efficiency were likely over estimated; also, that assessment does Water Quality Evaluation 14 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans not consider the conservative modeling of the unnamed lake upstream of Northshore Lake, which reduced overall efficiency in this analysis. Removal efficiencies for the wet and dry year were within two percent of the efficiency expressed for the average year. The No Lakes scenario provides minor TSS removal (z10 percent), which is solely attributable to the efficiency of the unnamed lake. Table 4-3 displays overall TP removal efficiencies for the alternatives and the No Lakes scenario. TP removal efficiencies ranged from 38 to 50 percent for the average year and 28 to 40 percent for the 1-inch design storm. Median baseline levels of TP removal for regional wet detention ponds and stormwater wetlands are 48 and 43 percent, respectively (Winer, 2000). The Dam Safety alternative, which contains only wet detention ponds as the main design element, performs below the median level. The other alternatives, which include sediment pools and wetlands, provide only minor increases (z6 percent) on this efficiency, as expected and are also in line with the median baseline level (48 percent). The values in Table 4-3 only report TP removed by settling. It would be expected that as TP breaks down into a non-particulate, bio- available form (orthophosphorus), nutrient uptake would occur. The nutrient uptake would improve upon the removal efficiencies displayed in this table for alternatives that include a wetland. It is difficult to pinpoint the expected removal efficiency attributed to nutrient uptake as water chemistry and vegetation selection would be major factors in the performance of the wetland. It could also be expected that during winter months or poor wetland maintenance, that the wetland would decrease removal efficiency or even be a source of TP. Table 4-3 Ovefall TP Removal Efficiency (%) .g ?. Average 38 50 44 4 1- Inch Design 28 40 33 3 NOTE: Removal efficiency measured in °o. The preliminary assessment of TM #2 expressed removal efficiency of 56 percent for the overall system in its current state. The efficiencies selected for Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes that culminated in that overall efficiency were likely over estimated; also, that assessment does not consider the conservative modeling of the unnamed lake upstream of Northshore Lake. Removal efficiencies for the wet and dry year were within 1 percent of the efficiency expressed for the average year. The No Lakes scenario provides minor TP removal (--4 percent), which is primarily attributable to the efficiency of the unnamed lake. Dater Quality Evaluation 15 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans Table 4-4 displays overall TKN removal efficiencies for the alternatives and the No Lakes scenario. TKN removal efficiencies ranged from 33 to 44 percent for the average year and 24 to 36 percent for the 1-inch design storm. Median baseline levels of TN removal for regional wet detention ponds and stormwater wetlands are 37 and 35 percent, respectively (Winer, 2000). TKN represents the primarily settleable component of TN. Therefore, it can be roughly assumed that design elements involving only removal by settling would equate TN and TKN removal efficiency. The Dam Safety alternative, which contains only wet detention ponds and, therefore, emphasizes particulate settlement as its primary removal mechanism, performs in line with the median baseline level for TN. The other alternatives, which include sediment pools and wetlands, provide only minor increases (z6 percent) on this efficiency. The values in Table 4-4 only report TKN removed by settling. It would be expected that as TKN breaks down and transforms into non-particulate, bio-available forms, such as ammonium (NHL+) and nitrite- nitrate (NOZ -NO3-) nutrient uptake would occur. The nutrient uptake would improve upon the removal efficiencies displayed in this Table for alternatives that include a wetland. The median level of NO, removal in a stormwater wetland versus as wet pond is triple (68 versus 23 percent). It is difficult to pinpoint the expected removal efficiency attributed to nutrient uptake as water chemistry and vegetation selection would be major factors in the performance of the wetland. It could also be expected that during winter months or poor wetland maintenance, that the wetland would decrease removal efficiency or even be a source of TN/TKN. Table 4-4 Overall TICN Removal Efficiency (°Io) 92-M J Average 33 44 38 4 1- Inch Design 24 36 29 2 NOTE: Removal efficiency measured in %. The preliminary assessment of TM #2 expressed removal efficiency for TN of 31 percent for the overall system in its current state. That estimation was fairly accurate as the TKN removal for the Dam Safety alternative is within range. Removal efficiencies for the wet and dry year were within 1 percent of the efficiency expressed for the average year. The No Lakes scenario provides minor TKN removal (=4 percent), which is primarily attributable to the efficiency of the unnamed lake. Tables 4-5, 4-6, and 4-7 summarize the cumulative load entering the stream downstream of Brentwood Today Lake. Once again, the strength of P8-UCM is not in absolute prediction of loadings and concentrations; therefore, the alternatives were executed and reported for a Water Quality Evaluation 16 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans 01 statistically dry, average, and wet year off rainfall volume. These results demonstrate the range of loading that could occur under different hydrologic conditions and during a typical design storm (1-inch SCS Type lI distribution). These values may provide reference in determining downstream impacts. Table 4-5 TSS Loading (Ibs) discharged out of Breuhvood Today Lake Hydrologi e I t M. Dry 126,500 86,100 106,500 379,500 Average 137,000 91,200 113,700 421,300 Wet 168,500 113,400 141,100 503,600 1- Inch Design 4,300 3,000 3,700 10,300 NOTE: Loadings measured in Ibs. Table 4-G r) discharged out c 680 750 900 20 rf Breutfvood Today Lake 760 1,390 840 1,440 1,020 1,700 20 40 NOTE: Loadings measured in Ibs. TP Loading (lb, ..ra TM, M Dry 840 Average 930 Wet 1,120 1- Inch Design 20 Table 4-7 TKN Loading (lbs) discharged out of Brentwood Today Lake Dry 4,060 3,390 3,750 5,800 Average 4,530 3,780 4,170 6,500 Wet 5,410 4,530 5,000 7,700 1- Inch Design 130 110 120 160 NOTE: Loadings measured in Ibs. Water Quality Evaluation 17 Febnsary 2005 of Conceptual Plans SECTION 5.0 - MODEL EVALUATION 5.1 Continuity Errors P8-UCM performs continuous water-balance and mass-balance checks for single devices and the entire network. Differences in these checks are identified as continuity errors, which can be highlighted to the user through the setting of a maximum continuity difference. These continuity errors are typical of devices with large, rapid fluctuations in volume (e.g., swales/buffers, smaller detention ponds) (Walker, 1990). Continuity errors can be controlled through a reduced time step. It was necessary in this modeling effort to run all scenarios with a time step = 8, in order to reduce continuity errors within the smaller detention ponds representing sediment pools. A comparison analysis of a particular model run at a time step = 1 and = 8 demonstrated minor differences in removal efficiency results (less than 1.5 percent). Concentrations and loads demonstrated slightly higher differences (2 to 6 percent) with the higher end of these differences occurring in the TSS concentrations. 5.2 Sensitivity Analysis As previously discussed, P8-UCM and other water quality models exhibit a high level of variability. Many of the parameters used within this model are based upon estimation and generalized calibrations; therefore, it is beneficial to understand which of these parameters may significantly impact the results when not properly quantified. P8-UCM includes a utility that automates sensitivity analysis for a desired scenario. The sensitivity analysis utility groups input parameters into four categories: watershed, device, storm, and particle. The parameters for the first three of these groups are typically user defined and the final group, particle, include default parameters. A sensitivity analysis was performed for the water quality scenario since it included the full range of devices and their parameters. This analysis was run for the average precipitation year and the variables were increased 25 percent individually. There were two primary observations from the results of this analysis. Removal efficiencies were less affected than outflow concentrations by the change in parameters. This reinforces the value of the model as a relative predictor among scenarios. The second observation showed that the most variable parameters were in the particle group; a default group of data based on field and laboratory data collected from a multitude of sites for the NURP program. The parameters demonstrating the highest variability were the accumulation rate, accumulation decay rate, and wash-off exponent. Their sensitivity measured as percent change for removal efficiencies and concentrations ranged from near 0 to 21.6 percent and 3.6 to 24.8 percent, respectively. The high variability in wash-off hater Quality Evaluation 18 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans exponent is due to the exponential response it yields in comparison to linear coefficients (Walker, 1990). Watershed areas and storm volumes also produced a significant sensitivity as expected, however they are parameters that can be calculated with confidence. SECTION 6.0 - CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION The purpose of this TM and water quality evaluation was to develop sound input for the relative evaluation of several proposed alternatives. These alternatives were developed to reestablish or improve lost functions of Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes. It was determined that a modeling effort would provide an objective means of evaluation of these alternatives with respect to water quality. P8-UCM, an urban runoff model, was selected as a tool that could objectively evaluate a range of scenarios with limited data. The P8-UCM modeling effort allowed for the creation of baseline input data, definition of several design elements or BMPs, and simulation of physical pollutant removal processes. The modeling effort yielded several sets of data that could be conservatively interpreted into water quality benefits of the varying alternatives. The water quality benefits are an essential determining factor, but not the only factor, for the selection and implementation of an alternative for rehabilitation of Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes. Based on this evaluation of pollutant loadings and BMP removal efficiency with results from the Preliminary Assessment and nationally/regionally expected performance levels the following conclusions are made: ¦ The use of NURP calibrated particle distribution data allows for the discrete mass accumulation and removal of particles and their bound pollutants. Regional EMC values would produce more representative loading but do not provide for accurate removal efficiency development. Removal efficiency development was a goal of this effort. ¦ Overall pollutant removal efficiencies for TSS did not improve significantly. As expected the existing lake systems function well with regards to settling out of TSS. However, the existing system does not provide an accessible, cost effective means of permanently removing sediment that can be achieved with a sediment pool. ¦ Overall pollutant removal efficiencies for the middle ranged particles (P30 and P50) are higher in alternatives that include a wetland. There is no significant change in removal for large particles (P80) and dissolved particles (PO) in any alternative. Water Quality Evaluation 19 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans I ¦ Pollutant removal efficiencies for TP are expected to be higher in the Water Quality and Recommended alternative than reported. P8-UCM does not account for orthophosphorus uptake in wetlands, which could significantly increase TP removal. ¦ Pollutant removal efficiencies for TN would be expected to be lower than reported TKN removal values as TKN is a single component of TN. However, these efficiencies should bounce back for the Water Quality and Recommended alternative. P8-UCM does not account for ammonium or nitrite/nitrate uptake in wetlands, which could significantly increase overall TN removal. ¦ The TN removal efficiency for the Water Quality and Recommended alternative should fulfill a TN reduction of at least 30 percent per Neuse River Nutrient Management Strategy, although that requirement is for singular, new development. ¦ Furthermore, pollutant removal efficiencies may be negatively impacted without proper maintenance and harvesting of BMPs that present the opportunity to permanently remove pollutants from the Lakes system. ¦ The addition of wetlands and sediment pools would provide for more laminar flow regions near the headwaters of the lake and increase hydraulic residence time. These changes could increase the potential for fecal coliform die off and lessen downstream impact through ultraviolet radiation and longer travel time. This water quality evaluation provides evidence that the Recommended and Water Quality alternative demonstrate improvement in pollutant removal efficiency over the Dam Safety alternative, which provides better function of flood control over existing lake conditions by reconfiguration and construction of new spillways. The relative water quality results of the alternatives and other benefits of the inclusive design elements should be taken from this TM and used in the global evaluation of alternatives to be discussed further in an Alternative Design Summary and Final Report. Their level of value must be weighed against results of other analyses to determine the best alternative for Northshore and Brentwood Today Lakes. l Water Quality Evaluation 20 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans • SECTION 7.0 - RE, FERENCES Haith, D.A. and L.L. Shoemaker, 1987. "Generalized Watershed Loading Functions for Stream Flow Nutrients", Water Resources Bulletin, American Water Resources Association, Vol. 23 No. 3. Hamon, W.R., 1961. "Estimating Potential Evapotranspiration", Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers , Journal of Hydraulics Division, Vol. 87, No. HY3. US Environmental Protection Agency, 1992. Compendium of Watershed-Scale Models for TMDL Development, Washington D.C., 841R94002. US Environmental Protection Agency, 1999. Protocol for Developing Nutrient TMDLs, Washington D.C., 841B99007. Wright-McLaughlin Engineers, 1969. Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual, Denver, Colorado. Soil Conservation Service, 1986. Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, Technical Release No. 55, US Department of Agriculture, Washington D.C. Walker, William W, Jr. Ph.D., 1990. P8 Urban Catchment Model: Program Documentation, Concord, Massachusetts. Winer, Rebecca, 2000. National Pollutant Removal Performance Results for Stormwater Treatment Devices, 2°a Edition. Center for Watershed Protection, Elliot City, Maryland. Water Quality Evaluation 21 February 2005 of Conceptual Plans 00567205 200` 206 ?IrcG;?7???ITc .JUN 3 0 2005 DE:NR - WA)'FR UIJALITY WETLANDS AND S i0RNS4'J1 TE R BRANCH NC DEPT OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURC NC DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY 401 WETLANDS UNIT 1650 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1650 NUMBER DATE ..' MOUNT t DISCOUNT• TAX„ ADD: cHRO, , NET'AMOUNT LAKEREHABPROJCT 06/16/05 475.00 .00 .00 .00 475.00