HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-5802 - 4-17-19 CP1 Merger Meeting Summary (5-7-19)N V 5 CALYX ENGINEERS+ CONSULTANTS MEMO To: Kim Gillespie, NCDOT Project Management Unit cc: Meeting Attendees 6750 Tryon Road Cary, NC 27518 P: 919.836.4800 F: 919.836.4801 CALYXengineers.com I NV5.com From: Bobby Norburn, CALYX Engineers and Consultants, an NV5 Company Date: May 7, 2019 Re: NEPA/Section 404 Merger Concurrence Point 1 Meeting for Proposed Spring Lake Bypass from NC 210 (Murchison Road) to NC 24-87 (Bragg Boulevard) in Spring Lake, Cumberland County; NCDOT STIP Project U-5802. The U-5802 (Proposed Spring Lake Bypass) Concurrence Point 1 (CP1) Merger Team Meeting was held on April 17, 2019 in the Structure Design Conference Room at NCDOT Century Center. The purpose of the meeting was for the Merger Team to reach concurrence on CP1 for the proposed Spring Lake Bypass. CP1 Merger Meeting attendees are listed below. A summary of the meeting follows. MEETING ATTENDEES Resource Aaencies Liz Hair US Army Corps of Engineers (by phone) Gary Jordan US Fish and Wildlife Service Amanetta Somerville US Environmental Protection Agency (by phone) Joanne Steenhuis NC Division of Water Resources Travis Wilson NC Wildlife Resources Commission NCDOT Gordon Cashin Environmental Analysis Unit Hardee Cox STIP Unit Jim Dunlop Congestion Management Kim Gillespie Project Management Unit Nicole Hackler Project Management Unit Steve Kendall Division 6 Douglas Kretchman Roadway Design Harrison Marshall Environmental Analysis Unit Colin Mellor Environmental Policy Unit Jim Rerko Division 6 Mark Staley Roadside Environmental Unit (by phone) Tatia White Roadway Design Consultants Kiersten Bass WSP Steve Browde CALYX Liz Kovasckitz CALYX Bobby Norburn CALYX Emily Robinson WSP Peter Trencansky Patriot Transportation Engineering Proposed Spring Lake Bypass (U-5802) CP1 Merger Team Meeting April 17, 2019 MEETING NOTES Nicole Hackler welcomed attendees and asked for introductions. She then turned the meeting over to Bobby Norburn to conduct the U-5802 CP1 presentation. The following items were discussed during the meeting. Study Area Travis Wilson asked if consideration had been given to expanding the study area to the west to include possible roadway improvements west of existing Bragg Boulevard. Jim Dunlop responded improvements to the west are not being evaluated as part of this project because they would not serve the intended purpose, would impact Fort Bragg, and are not what the Town of Spring Lake wants. He added that Fort Bragg was evaluating other improvements to the west to serve the base. Mr. Norburn noted improvements to the west of Bragg Boulevard also would not serve future traffic needs on NC 210. It was mentioned the Town's municipal limits are served by using some existing roads in the STIP alignment for the Bypass. Ms. Hackler noted the project has historically been referred to as the Spring Lake "Loop," but it was programmed as a "bypass" with internal connections to the Town's roadway network. Mr. Wilson said based on the work of the process improvement team, study area identification reasoning should be well documented by this point in the project development process. Purpose and Need Amanetta Somerville asked what the intended future intersection level of service (LOS) is for the proposed project. Mr. Norburn responded that although it is not included in the purpose and need, the goal for the future Build analysis is LOS D or better. Liz Hair said a quantifiable measure of improvement is needed as part of the purpose and need, such as a targeted intersection LOS or a specific reduction in overall delay (e.g., reducing intersection delay time by 50 percent), otherwise all alternatives would be valid. Mr. Wilson said he has concerns with establishing a targeted LOS because this can lead to making more extensive improvements than are needed for a given project, thereby increasing human and natural environment impacts. Ms. Hackler said NCDOT has been trying to move away from establishing a targeted LOS because of the issues mentioned by Mr. Wilson. Ms. Somerville responded a targeted LOS or percentage improvement needs to be included in the purpose and need. Mr. Dunlop added the future Build analysis goal is typically LOS D, but that can be too optimistic for some projects. He indicated he does not typically like to include specifics with respect to LOS improvement in the purpose and need. Joanne Steenhuis said if all of the Build alternatives meet the purpose and need, then the LEDPA would be selected based on the alternative with the least impacts. There was agreement the Build alternatives should be evaluated regarding the level of improvements provided, and the LEDPA selected based on which alternative meets the purpose and need while causing the least impacts. Mr. Dunlop noted the impacts of the Build alternatives will be able to be discussed in more detail at Concurrence Point 2 (CP2). Ms. Somerville said she would not be able to sign the CP1 signature form without including a quantitative performance measure for improving traffic operations in the purpose and need. Gary Jordan asked if improving existing Bragg Boulevard would be a realistic outcome of the future Build traffic operations analysis. Ms. Somerville noted minor improvements to the existing facility are preferable to building a roadway on new location. Mr. Jordan added improving the existing facility might only lead to improved LOS F's at the intersections along the corridor. Mr. Dunlop responded NCDOT is considering all potential options for meeting the purpose and need. After further discussion, the following text was added to the draft purpose and need statement to address agency concerns: "A potential measure of performance for improving traffic operations is level of service (LOS). NCDOT has established a target LOS D for system level planning analysis. The results of further analysis will be reviewed at or prior to Concurrence Point 2 to determine if this is a reasonable target for this project." Mr. Jordan and Mr. Wilson suggested that the Corps, USEPA and NCDOT need to meet separately to discuss the issue of including quantitative performance measures in purpose and need statements for future projects. Proposed Spring Lake Bypass (U-5802) CP1 Merger Team Meeting April 17, 2019 Ms. Hackler asked if the Merger Team had any additional feedback on the updated purpose and need statement. Ms. Hair and Ms. Somerville indicated they agreed with the updated purpose and need. Ms. Somerville added she would also like the meeting summary to indicate we will re-evaluate the purpose and need statement at CP2 once the results of the Build traffic operations analysis have been completed. Ms. Hackler asked if the Merger Team approved of the revised purpose and need statement, as well as the proposed study area, as shown on the updated CP1 signature form (attached). The Merger Team indicated concurrence on the updated signature form. There were no further comments. General Discussion • It was noted that the although NCDOT's Draft 2020-2029 STIP indicates construction is scheduled to begin in Fiscal Year (FY) 2028, the Final STIP will show construction beginning in FY 2029. • Mr. Dunlop noted the improved LOS at the Bragg Boulevard/Manchester Road intersection in future year 2040 as shown in the "Signalized Intersection LOS Analysis" table is due to the expected completion of the Manchester Road interchange. • Mr. Jordan said he will be curious to see the how the new location alternative will perform, particularly considering it would be in proximity to a well -managed RCW population. Mr. Dunlop responded the future Build analysis will look at whether improving existing Bragg Boulevard meets the purpose and need. • Mr. Norburn reviewed the next steps in the project development process. In particular, the Build traffic analysis is scheduled to be completed in August 2019, and the CP2 Merger Team meeting is expected to be conducted in early 2020. Action Items • CALYX will send the CP1 signature form to the Merger Team for signature via Docusign. CALYX will also send an email to the Merger Team to provide advance notice of the Docusign document transmission. CORRECTIONS & OMISSIONS: This summary is the writer's interpretation of the events, discussions, and transactions that took place during the meeting. If there are any additions and/or corrections, please inform Kim Gillespie at klaillespie@ncdot.gov or the author in writing within 10 days. cc: Meeting attendees File 2014062.09 DocuSign Envelope ID: 45923DFF-DF79-4CE2-980C-550BB19A2527 4-17-19 Section 404/NEPA Interagency Agreement Concurrence Point No. 1 Project Purpose and Need and Study Area Defined Project Title: Proposed Spring Lake Bypass from NC 210 (Murchison Road) to NC 24-87 (Bragg Boulevard in Spring Lake, Cumberland County STIP Project No.: U-5802 WBS No.: 44374.1.1 Protect Study Area: The project study area is shown on Figure 1 of the meeting handout. The study area was identified to include the proposed 2018-2027 STIP alignment for the Spring Lake Bypass, as well as potential alternative corridors for the Bypass. It also includes the section of NC 24-87 (N. Bragg Boulevard) that would likely need to be improved under the Improve Existing Roads alternative. Protect Purpose: The purposes of the proposed project are to: improve traffic flow and level of service on existing roadway facilities within the Town of Spring Lake; improve roadway system connectivity in the project study area as called for in local and regional planning documents; and improve traffic operations on NC 87 through the project study area so it can better serve its functions as part of North Carolina's Strategic Transportation Corridor (STC) System (Corridor K) and the U.S. Department of Defense's STRAHNET system. A potential measure of performance for improving traffic operations is level of service (LOS). NCDOT has established a target LOS D for system level planning analysis. The results of further analysis will be reviewed at or prior to Concurrence Point 2 to determine if this is a reasonable target for this project. The Project Team has concurred on the above -mentioned Project Study Area and Project Purpose for U-5802. Signature/ Agency Date ZYr USACE 4/30/19 UaWAX S61%t,vwL USEPA 4/30/2019 1b16��PaoB... 4/18/2019 USFWS ,595 $id52... 4/22/2019 _,u�� �F_ NCDOT Tf0.V15 WilsoA, NCWWC 4/30/19 DocuSianed by: 31585DOB682E436... 4/18/2019 aV%~ 9r."w4101 NCDWR E50526659 D340F... 5 DocuSigned by: EAAA, 4/29/2019 NCSHPO =a... NP 4/18/2019 FAMPO 3845B729697A412... Spring Lake Bypass (U-5802) CP 1 Merger Meeting Handout