HomeMy WebLinkAbout660003_PERMIT FILE_20171231State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Raleigh Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Division of Environmental Management 6 6 _o3 May 23, 1996 Mr. Wayne Black Perdue Farms, Inc. P.O. Box 460 Lewiston, North Carolina 27849 Subject: Waste Management Plan George Pope Broiler Facility SR 1347 Northampton County Dear Wayne: Please find enclosed a copy of the approved animal waste management plan that the Division required of Mr. George Pope for his broiler facility located on SR 1347, in Northampton County. I feel that I can speak for the Division when I say that we appreciate the firm stance that Perdue has taken in dealing with problem operations under your contract. If I can ever be of assistance to you in the future please don't hesitate to call me at (919) 571-4700. Sincerely, Patrick Towell Environmental Technician 3800 Barrett Drive, Suite 101, Raleigh. North Caronno 27609 Telephone 919-571-4700 FAX 919-571-4718 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 60%recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr:, P.E., Director February 24, 1997 Mr. George Pope Pope Broiler Operation Route 1 Box 113 Seaboard NC 27876 SUBJECT: Acknowledgment receipt letter County: Northampton Case No. CD 96-03 Dear Mr. Pope: This is to acknowledge receipt of your check No. 2140 in the amount of $1,376.96 received on February 21, 1997. This satisfies in full the civil assessment levied against Pope Broiler Operation and this case has been closed. Payment of this penalty in no way precludes further action by this Division for additional violations of the State's environmental laws. If you have any questions please call me at (919)733-5083 ext: 223. Sincerely, fr/, 6a Robert L. Sledge, Supervisor Enforcement/Compliance Group RLS/te cc: cRaieigh-Regional_Office = Enforcement/Compliance Files [; U Central Files �2g199� P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper M E M O R A N D U M October 18, 1996 To: Bob Sledge, Supervisor DWQ Compliance Group /- Through: Charles Alvarez, RRO Environmental Engineeik�'' Through: Judy Garrett, RRO Water Quality Supervisor From: Buster Towell, RRO Environmental Technician/ Subject: Remission Request --George Pope Poultry CD 96-03 Northampton County Please accept the following comments regarding the subject request for remission of civil penalties levied against the George Pope Broiler Operation: Mr. Pope states in his first sentence that he does not contest the accuracy of any charges against his operation. Furthermore please remember that this facility was prior Designated as a Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation by the Director on September 18, 1992. The Designation letter states that the discharge must' be permanently eliminated. On February 21, 1996, RRO WQ staff observed runoff from stockpiles of litter discharging into waters of the State. The Animal Waste Non -Discharge Rules gave Poultry Operations with dry litter systems only several requirements regarding the collection, treatment, storage, and utilization of their waste, with the main requirement being that waste could not be stockpiled closer than 100 feet from a blue line stream. In this instance waste was stockpiled 50 feet of the waters of the State. Also no records were being kept regarding the ultimate disposal of this litter by third a party. The additional information submitted by Mr. Pope only deals with the every day cost associated with the operation of a Perdue Broiler Facility and in this writers opinion has absolutely no bearing on the case whatsoever. Furthermore, I applaud Perdue Farms rigid pro -environmental stance that they have shown regarding this facility and another similar facility in Northampton County. If additional information is needed please contact me at the RRO (919) 571-4700. M E M O R A N D U M October 18, 1996 To: Bob Sledge, Supervisor DWQ Compliance Group Through: Charles Alvarez, RRO Environmental Enginee Through: Judy Garrett, RRO Water Quality Supervisor From: Buster Towell, RRO Environmental Technician/5_1�__' Subject: Remission Request —George Pope Poultry CD 96-03 Northampton County Please accept the .following comments regarding the subject request for remission of civil penalties levied against the George Pope Broiler Operation: Mr. Pope states in his first sentence that he does not contest the accuracy of any charges against his operation. Furthermore please remember that this facility was prior Designated as a Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation by the Director on September 18, 1992. The Designation letter states that the discharge must' be permanently eliminated. On February 21, 1996, RRO WQ staff observed runoff from stockpiles of litter discharging into waters of the State. The Animal Waste Non -Discharge Rules gave Poultry Operations with dry litter systems only several requirements regarding the collection, treatment, storage, and utilization of their waste, with the main requirement being that waste could not be stockpiled closer than 100 feet from a blue line stream. In this instance waste was stockpiled 50 feet of the waters of the State. Also no records were being kept regarding the ultimate disposal of this litter by third a party. The additional information submitted by Mr. Pope only deals with the every day cost associated with the operation of a Perdue Broiler Facility and in this writers opinion has absolutely no bearing on the case whatsoever. Furthermore, I applaud Perdue Farms rigid pro -environmental stance that they have shown regarding this facility and another similar facility in Northampton County. If additional information is needed please contact me at the RRO (919) 571-4700. State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary - A. Preston`Hbward, Jr., P.E., Director Attn.: George Pope Route 1 Box 113 Seaboard, NC 27876 October 9, 19 96 «,nNai Off Subject: Remission Request of Civil Penalty Assessment Pope Broiler operation NorthamptonCounty CD 96-03 Dear Mr. Pope: This letter is to acknowledge your request for remission of the civil penalty levied against the subject facility. This request will be reviewed and you will be notified when a decision is made concerning the request. If you have any questions, please call Mr. Shannon Langley at (919) 733-5083, ext. 581. Sincerely, Robert L. Sledge, Supervisor Compliance Group cc: 1' „" tee-aghtegce't►fati�lments Enforcement/Compliance Linda Forehand w/3 attachments P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF Northampton IN THE MATTED OF ASSESSMENT OF CIVIL PENALTIES AGAINST PERMIT NO. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION ') WAIVER OF RIGHT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING AND STIPULATION OF FACTS FILE NO. CD 96-03 Having been assessed civil penalties totalling $3, 376.96 for violation(s) as set forth in the assessment document of the Director of the Division of Environmental Management dated, August 29, 1996 , the undersigned, desiring to seek remission of the civil penalties, does hereby waive the right to an administrative hearing in the above -stated matter and does stipulate that the facts are as alleged in the assessment document. This the 2nd day of October , 19 96 , '1ell BY �r George N. Pope ADDRESS Rt 1 Box 113 Seaboard, NC 27876 -- - - - --- -TELEPHONE - 919-585-1585 Home 919-537-9112 Work t7 October 2, 1996 � 11"6 WATE4 A LI T 'Y Mr. Steve W. Tedder Water Quality Section Chief Division of Environmental Management P. O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 RECEIVED Re: Request for Remission or Mitigation WATER QUALITY SEGTMN George Pope Broiler Operation Assessment of Civil Penalties for Violation O M0 File No. CD 96-03 OPERATION.q RRANrP" Dear Mr. Tedder: In response to the civil penalty assessment I cannot contest the accuracy of any of the statements contained in the letter. However; I would like to offer the following statement with the hope that the penalty may be reduced. From 1979 to 1989 my mother and an aunt raised Perdue chickens with the help of one farm worker. In 1989 I inherited the poultry farm after the death of this aunt. -In late 1991 the hired worker had to quit due to health problems. I work a public job twenty five miles away, know very little about raising chickens, and my mother could not do it alone. In early 1992 I leased the poultry farm to another Perdue grower. Since that time my mother has been employed by the lessee. On February 21,_1996, Buster_Towell from the DWQ's Raleigh Regional Office observed stockpiles of litter on site. The poultry houses had been cleaned out just weeks before. Normally, farmers remove the litter from the site as the houses are being cleaned out. We had such an extremely wet January and February no one had been able to get into the fields and, at the time, had no other place to stockpile the litter. Immediately after Mr. Towell brought the problem to my attention, a berm of straw was placed around the stockpile. Within two weeks, as the weather permitted, a grading contractor was hired to remove all stockpiled litter from the site at a cost of $1,465.00. (See attached invoice). Under normal conditions farmers take the litter at no cost to either party just for removing it from the property. When Perdue was notified that my farm would lose its Deemed Permitted Status and a Waste Management Plan would have to be developed Perdue would not - place anymore chickens on my farm until I had met the State's requirements. The State Office recommended that I meet with Mr. Tony Short with the Northampton County Soil and Water Conservation District Office and have him -help prepare a plan. - - On March 7, 1996► I forwarded a -Waste -Management -Plan prepared by Mr. Short. This plan was not acceptable. After much hard work I submitted a new Waste Management Plan on May 9,1996. It took approximately three weeks for the State Office to respond giving approval for this plan. f E. L. Wade Coristructlon Co. P. O. Box 344 CONWAY, NORTH CAROLINA 27820 Phone 58"755 �7f i cphbkO Rd. E314 601,13td ViA — � , ;, T^�- c Two rr-�� S�. p3m ,- rZbAig iv ,iJfi�t d � R1�fi16N'"' UNft ahk-,I� 0 / 6f 5 TOTAL ,0368990 PERDUE FARMS INCORPORATED CTATFMCIJT nF QCMITTAMCF /4' ,3/9' 5/ 9! DESCRIPTION ACCT. NO. -GROSS AMOUNT DEDUCTIONS NET DUE BROILER CONTRACT PAYMENT 66—RO1-10 5*Zb8:58 i ENTURA JACKSON 8096 0o-104-10 Zi3934-00 EW NIPPLE DRNKRaREC 00-104=10 600.25 CHECK 9 369990 9275.33 40375117 DETACH THIS STATEMENT BEFORE DEPOSITING PERDUE FARMS INCORPORATED STATFMFNT OF RFMITTANCF DATE DESCRIPTION ACCT. NO. GROSS AMOUNT DEDUCTIONS NET DUE 5/95 EROILER CONTRACT PAYMENT 66-801-10 5t466.Z1 5/95 LEW NIPPLE DRNKR.REi 00-104-10 600.Z5 5/95 CENTURA JACKSON 8096 00-104-10 29393.00 C ECK 9 375117 29472.96 40005940 DETACH THIS STATEMENT BEFORE DEPOSITING PERDUE SATFMIFNT nF rtFMIT'TANCF e CL'1. �teq ATE DESCRIPTION ACCT. NO. GROSS AMOUNT DEDU . TIONS NET OUE '.6/96 ROILER CONTRACT PAYMENT 366-801-10 4i755.03 :6/96 ENTURA JACKSON 8096 300-104-10 2#393.0 '6/96 EW NIPPLE DRNKR.REC 300-104-10 1 600.2 WECK 8 5940 1*761.78 An3Ag4n8 rtRuut rAKMS INI-VKrVKAIto CTATFAAFWT AF DFAAITTAmrr. //9 3/1 Vs DESCRIPTION ACCT. NO. GROSS AMOUNT DEDUCTIONS NET DUE 6 RUILER CONTRACT PAYMENT 66-901�10 4i018-65 6 AN NIPPLE DiINKR.REC 00-104-10 600.25 - 6 PERSONAL ACCT: 00-104-10 152-10 C ECK 8 389408 r266.30 ` - 3 . 0-b 73, 3 o 40023650 DETACH THIS STATEMENT BEFORE DEPOSITING PERDUE FARMS INCORPORATED STATEMFNT OF RFMITTANCP ATE DESCRIPTION ACCT. NO. GROSS AMOUNT DEDUCTIONS NETDUE 5/96 JRLIILER CONtR ACT PAYMENT 66-601-10 -3* 606. 79 V96 LEW NIPPLE ORNKR.REC 00-104-10 600.25 V96 UNTURA JACKSCN _80.96 00-1.0zt-10 - Zv 393- CU C IECK It 23650 613-54 DETACH THIS STATEMENT BEFORE DEPOSITING INYpIGE e member of Carolina Division THE GSI GROUP �1��ilPtoauct 3684 Old Mt. Olive Hwy., P.O. Drawer 679, MfwrR�E �$I.T9{���5 TO: '� 800-722-0646 or 800-779-4657 • Fax 9194584]3WOMATED PRODUCT I ON SYSTEMS P.O. DRAWER 679 MT. OLIVE, NC 2e365 SOLD TO SHIP TO GEORGE POPE ROUTE 1, BOX 113 , SEABOARD ATTN-s NC 27B76 GEORGE POPE ROUTE 1, BOX 11-.5 SEABOARD ATTN% NC 27876 DATE r INVOICE NO. 04/16/96 35I426-0Q i ALL ACCOUNTS NOT PAID IN 3D DAYS ARE SUaJECTTO A RKANCE CHARGE OF 1 12'% PER MONTH (ANNUAL PERCEN- TAGE RATE OF 18%) ADDED TOTHE UNPAID BALANCE EACH MONTH. CUSTOMER NO. M6196 i SHIP VIA CUSTOMER PICKUP DATE SHIPPED 04/15/,96- WIH -M4 ORDER NO. SLSM 357-426-00 58 CUSTOMER P.O. TERMS 1 NET 30 DAYS 71t w :AMOUNT al_ 1650,00 ram.,. - . _ -... ..- ., , u. ...� . . - �.�1.+.�iw - sri�W ...� • --.�`Y+.t' ::,fir.^.� '.ti. "� � _ -.,... • -.-%i'.7fi! . .- R,tr .�L: ,s - - - w[Ilie = aol�ev�. � sti - '- �-.[: - «-..._. an]]rv,sti flti ��'/�..'T.'T�e�'.^' - Sir- loz—a- . . - ,.6 - - Yi•i�r11:.L{•`.t-�---_ - b.t. —_ �-w�ti�- - al.�+� f��. _ .. ; . - s: _ M. ��...,r �.r-�a�sa � Dill SfieN 7ei)1 lie t a6� a�Z . ,.. 'fmter4 e� .—...,_-.........�_.::..:..s.�..r..,.ru d . _.._ _ ., . �..� V ex�ncc $iAt +n�i,..r. .;.=�Ii�". K`:... -^ r wiY�:. . Cpa•'�.'.� Isla serOrwG'�k1F 1y[t.•C•-� ::2 .+..^ii .i ��� : V'-�s�l.l SJ. _ .- _ �_ ,. K trt&ioc W" rie%,,sm Y�6Y�•,�ll.`3!7 s" Y..._ �'� - ...it: � �,pY�r ':S'1'�.... ....-..��....r...+..r....ww.,r•w��.:wrwl�.w�• "�"'�' ^_?'r :'fk•"! e"v1!!:r YlM+�f1 V'O PI'IS1n Ileeel 1b ?'18ts3 �.w n» -rtc r .rr..`..w.. -••-w-' r•- i .+.+�,r�.r..w -r.:-. .. �;..:.`y;:. :... WEIGHT TCTAUAMOUN7 7T1AI3EDismlii~IT:' .:, ""', 7'- �1 1NECiUs CHARGES -WES: _. _ CASH DISCOUNT AMOUNT DUE i ^ .00 .00 .00 2718_ 39 MIN S�Ep051 An -.1�AIK1!$'PAYfMENT...-' 'lr)v N � s � � e ti MEMORANDUM March 12, 1996 To: Dianne Williams Wilburn, Supervisor t c Compliance Group Through: Ken Schuster, RRO DEM Supervisor ` Through: Judy Garrett, RRO WQ Supervisor Through: Charles Alvarez, RRO Env. Engineer From: Buster Towell, RRO Env. Tech.,o='' Subject: Enforcement Action CD Case\Loss Deemed Permitted Status George Pope Broiler Operation SR 1347 Northampton County l Please find attached the following information regarding the George Pope Poultry Facility in Northampton: I. CAFO Designation Letter, dated September 8, 1992.4 2. Response to above letter signed by Mr. Pope. <°Fti C 3. Inspection Form, Photos, and Assessment Factors?p X el 4. Notice of Intent to Revoke Deemed Permitted Statu 'r 5. CD Assessment. 6. NOV from RRO dated February 22, 1996. Please note that this operation has no Facility Number attached due to the fact that it was not required to register under .0217 Regs. If additional information is needed please call Buster Towell at (919) 571-4700. 4W State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James G. Martin, Governor A- Preston Howard, Jr., PX, William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Acting Director September 8, 1942 Regional Offices CERTIFIED MAIL _ Asheville RETURN RECEIPT RNUESTED 704/251-6208 Fayetteville Mr. George Pope 3Ff 1 1 1372 919/486-1541 Route 1, BOX 113 Mooresville Seaboard, NC 27876 L- 704/663-1699 Raleigh Subject: Designation of Concentrated Animal 919/571.4700 Feeding Operation Pope Broiler Operation State Road 1347 Washington 919/946-6481 Northampton County Wilmington Dear Mr. Pope: 919/395-3900 Winston-Salem This letter is to notify you that the operation 919/896-7007 referenced above is hereby designated a concentrated animal feeding operation in accordance with Title 15A, North Carolina Administrative Code 2H .0123, and adopted Federal Regulations 40 CFR 122.23. The designation of your hog operation was based on an inspection conducted on July 16, 1992 by Mr. Karl Shaffer and Mr. Danny Smith of the Raleigh Regional Office. This inspection showed that you had established a concentrated animal feeding operation requiring such designation based on the following facts: 1. The operation had a direct discharge from the waste stockpiles. Stormwater containing these waste materials has discharged into a tributary of Corduroy Swamp in the Chowan River Basin. 2. The present waste disposal system for this operation is inadequate as this facility has no equipment for the purpose of ultimate waste disposal without degradation of water quality. In addition, the continual storage of waste on the ground surface may have resulted in localized contamination of groundwater supplies. Pollution Prevention Pays ..... — .. ...,.,., . - Mr. Pope Page -2- ,A National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is required for discharges of waste to the surface waters of the State. However, if you can permanently eliminate the discharge by implementing changes within sixty (60) days of your receipt of this notice, including, but not limited to, modifications to lagoons and the implementation of a final waste disposal plan, a permit application will not be required. If compliance has been achieved, you must notify us in writing within sixty (60) days describing, in detail, the changes or modifications you made. Specifically, a waste handling plan is needed so that solids being stockpiled do not contribute to surface water or groundwater contamination. If the discharge of waste to the surface waters of the State is not permanently eliminated within sixty (60) days of receipt of this notice, an NPDES permit application must be submitted within that time. Permit applications should be submitted, in duplicate, to the Director, Division of Environmental Management, P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535. Assistance, if desired, can be obtained by contacting Mr. Timothy L. Donnelly,,Water-_Quality Sunervisor. 3900 Barrett Drive. Suite 101. Raleigh. NC 27609: ne number 919-571-4700. The applications should be accompanied construction plans for the animal waste management system. For your information, the following items are enclosed: 1. One copy of the Federal Register- Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, 40 CFR 122.23. 2. Three copies of NPDES Discharge Permit Application- Short Form B. If you need financial or technical assistance with regard to managing animal waste, you should contact your county extension chairman, the Soil Conservation Service, or the local Soil and Water Conservation District Office at 534-2591. If you wish to contest this Designation, you must request an administrative hearing within thirty (30) days of your receipt of this Notice. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150E of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, Post Office Drawer 27447, Raleigh, NC 27611-7447. A copy of the Petition should be filed with this office: Mr. Pope Page -3- If you do not request an administrative hearing, this Designation will become final in thirty (30) days. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Mr. Karl Shaffer at 919-571-4700. Sinc ely, A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. Acting Director Enclosures cc: Mr. Mrthur "louberry- Raleigh Regional Office Mr. William Rogister- Northampton County Agricultural Extension Service Mr. Tony Short- Northampton County Soil and Water Conservation District Mr. Jack Moore- Northampton County Health Department Mr. Steve Bennett N.C. Division of Soil and Water Conservation Mr. Jay Zimmerman- DEM, Raleigh Regional Office, Groundwater Section Rt I Box 113 Seaboard, NC 27876 September 18, 1992 V� Ug O C i 1 1992 Et�V�k4�Eo�m CE�P�'�� Di p4RECj pR 5 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Envi.romnental Management p. 0. Box 29535 DEHNR-r?Ai;_ RO Raleigh, NC 27626-0535.-n•�-�°^"";' Attn: A. Preston Howard, Jr. P.E. Subject: Designation of Concentrated AMC EIV ED SEP w3 ly`?c Feeding Operation Pope Broiler Operation 5Ep 2 J 992 _ 4., WATI 7.'t State Road 1347 Northampton County fACIL110 ASSESSMENT UNIT ��1 Dear Mr. Howard: This letter is in response to your letter of September 8, 1992 concerning my broil.er operation. The waste stockpiles as observed during an inspection on July 16, 1992, have been removed from ray farm. The area has been graded and leveled. I have incurred an expense of over $2,000.00 in equipment and trucks to have the litter removed. I believe I am now in compliance with quoted regulations. Sincerely, George' Pope Inspection Form For Animal Operations Page 2 17. Proximity of facility to neighboring houses, wells etc.: ` less than 100 feet from where litter piles are currently being stored. 18. Groundwater depth: 3-4 feet to SHWT 19. Proximity of facility to surface waters: aprx. less than 50 feet. 20. Was an Animal Waste Discharge occurring during the inspection: Yes. 21. Are Pollutants discharged into waters of the State: Yes. 22. Was the subject discharge caused by a 25yr/24 hr storm event: NO. Assessment Factors 1. The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State, to public health, or to private property resulting from the violation. Waste was being discharged into ut to Corduroy Swamp at time of inspection via runoff from stockpiled litter. The same violation was also noted back in September, 1992 when this facility was Designated as a CAFO. There is evidence that this facility has had continuing runoff from litter storage for long periods of time. 2. The duration and gravity of the violation: Waste is discharged via runoff from this facility every time rainfall is great enough to cause waste to move off site. The litter piles have always been piled fairly close to receiving waters. Poultry operations can not legally (NCAC .0217) store their litter closer than 100 feet from perennial waters. 3. The effect on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air quality. Cumulative effects on downstream waters. 4. The cost of rectifying the damage: Unknown, Facility has no land available for land application and is totally dependant on area farmers for litter removal. 5. The amount of money saved by noncompliance: See above 6. Whether the violation was committed willfully of intentionally: The act of litter storage was intentional. This facility is land locked as far as having adequate acreage to stockpile litter in an environmentally sound manner. 7. The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority: Designated as a CAFO 1992 Assessment Factors 8. The costs to the State of the enforcement procedures: staff time: mileage administrative total cost 12 Hrs. 221 miles $ 100.00 $ 4r37� 9. Type and general nature of business: Perdue Broiler Farm 10. What is the violators degree of cooperation (including efforts to prevent or restore) or recalcitrance: Mr. Sidney Allen (operator) was hostile at first. Mr. Pope was somewhat concerned but was mainly concerned with fines. Some efforts have stafted in cleanup but the plan is to still wait until fields are dry enough to accept litter before moving piles off site. 11. Mitigating Circumstances: None 12. Assessment Factors: IWC: unknown Receiving Stream: Corduroy Swamp\ Chowan\ C NSW Damage Y\N If yes, include report from WRC None Conclusion 1-4 1. Include copy of any Designation letter signed by the Director: September 8, 1992 Designated As CAFO 2. Recommendations made to operator: Mr. Allen and Mr. Pope were recommended to contact local Soil and Water Conservation District for help in developing a Animal Waste Management Plan. 3. Recommendations for Further DEM Action: Loss of Deemed Permitted Status and CD Enforcement Case. 4. Other comments: If more information is needed contact Buster Towell, RRO. ` Inspection Form for Animal Operations 1. Inspection Date: February 21, 1996 2. Regional Office: RRO 3. Name of Owner of Property: current address: Mr. George Pope Route 1, Box 113 Seaboard, North Carolina 27876 phone: 919-585-1585 4. Name of Operator: Sidney Allen 919-585-0963 5. Description of Facility Location: Located on SR 1347 1 1/2 miles west of intersection with SR 1344. 6. Date facility began operation: Aprx. 15-20 years old 7. Date of last inspection: December 8, 1993. 8. Has Facility registered with DEM: No. Broiler Operations were not required to register under NCAC .0217. 9. Does facility have an approved animal waste plan: NO 10. Has facility received a CAFO Designation: YES, September 8, 1992. 11. Operation type: Poultry, Broilers 12. Number of animals: 54,000. 13. Length of confinement: year round 14. Are crops or pasture sustained in normal growing season over any portion of the facility. No 15. Types of Waste Management: confinement buildings 16. Description of other animal operation in immediate vicinity: There are several abandoned swine operations within 1 mile of this facility and several more broiler operations within 2-3 miles. GEORGE POPE POULTRY OPERATION NORTHAMPTON COUNTY Photos from February 21, 1996 are unavailable. Poor lighting at the time the pictures were taken caused the prints to be too dark to see clearly. The picture presented is from March 7, 1996, after a small berm has been placed near the piles of litter. The road ditch that leads to Corduroy Swamp is in the foreground . i �� � ' �/ �` .�.. �-'`� ✓ •7k�= ...' .' ;, ` ! j / � \ �_ ,��� (���/ ram, too ._ .1`>." ' � J •`- �, �-/ �'!`�=� / - �r •-wad '. 94 scoSCB i, r 4 eS11 •i •f'ISwij y41. ... �•I wa ../ram• ��% i � V '� � I, '✓ j% ./� '_'1 ��� � y_,^�f ^. � }h_-_'.�ti --• _` / i �- _�oo � �•, r..,,•I.�'.� L-'Y ��,! '_i C IJ i '' �.� y � 1 '• \� `�` - J'� � �J �. � � \ter/�� f' �' I �r d uc n /,a• 'rLd=-__ -� ��: ,�1 .� � �.� YET' tiry �1��•j}��','f�,�/1 Is .,�?�• �•, wad'' �` �•/ ''',g `` 1r �arvl� rl • G� iae 9 Facility' Number:_de!11 Division of Environmental Management 17i { r,95' S4 Animal Feedlot Operations Site Visitation Record Date:z ZL-2(-- Time:151� � e era n ati n: Farm Name: 1 r cz— L" j^�-j fin--- County:.!'�y� Owner Name: Phone No: 5-777 T! L s? On Site Representative: S, ��� F tq /r�-r C��� a t Integrator:_ Mailing Address: 1:W„ n /3 tins►J W, Physical Address/Location:.. s /Z LS-! 7 44r X 2_ Latitude: I I Longitude. I I Operation Description: (based on design characteristics) Type of Swine o. of Animals Type of Poultry No. of Animals Type of Cattle No. of Animals a Sow ❑ Layer ❑ Dairy ❑ Nursery .a-i'dbn-Layer Z,, 0 ❑ Beef 0 Feeder OtherType of Livestock Number of Animals: Number of Lagoons:�L (include in the Drawings and Observations the fireboard of each lagoon) Facilitl InsgeWon; Lagoon Is lagoon(s) freeboard less than 1 foot + 25 year 24 hour storm storage?: Yes ❑ No.CA Is seepage observed from the lagoon?: Yes ❑ No 2 Is erosion observed?: Yes ❑ No ❑ Is any discharge observed? -� Yes C�No ❑ O Man-made O-NN0t Man-made Cover Crop Does the facility need more acreage for spraying?: ri u j [ vi, d Yes ❑ No ❑ Does the cover crop need improvement?: y �� �' l` ; Yes ❑ No ❑ ( list the crops which need improvement) Crop type: � c,,,, Lie•,. Acreage: Setback Criteria -/ Is a dwelling located within 200 feet of waste application? Yes .d No ❑ Is a well located within 100 feet of waste application? Yes ❑ No Ca-` Is animal waste stockpiled within 100 feet of USGS Blue Line Stream? Yes Z No ❑ Is animal waste land applied or spray irrigated within 25 feet of Blue Line Stream? Yes ❑ No ❑ AOI— January17,1996 Maintenance Does the facility maintenance need improvement? Yes C�' No a Is there evidence of past discharge from any part of the operation? Yes 0 "' No ❑ Does record keeping need improvement? Yes Cl' No ❑ Did the facility fail to have a copy of the Animal Waste Management Plan on site? lzi'9 Yes O No U ` Explain any Yes answers:_'n�"t�.c brim. Si ac rp, 10 L . c— L.., -1f3 I e +Y7liJxlr-. 3/�17 rfi•��, r�rn/, Cr%7�C•'��r1/^6� _a�i f ��i% <<. ft �t�srGriTCr� rL,� o j �/, !1 % IL[C-c-+..1J ia•- C ('.--,. ✓,-�/� l/7 i ...�_ Signature: T-zc—� Date: L cc. Facility Assessment Unit Use Attachments if Needed Draw_ Observations: r r'•-L'` /?, �' [; . if t - . f, z �ll 5 AOI » January 17,1996 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, "A Health and Natural Resources 4 • Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor C Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary C H N A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED MR. GEORGE POPE ROUTE 1, BOX 113 SEABOARD, NORTH CAROLINA 27876 Subject: Notice of Violation Notice of Intent to Revoke Deemed Permit George Pope Broiler Operation Northampton County Dear Mr. Pope: You are hereby notified that, having been deemed permitted to have a nondischarge permit fdr the subject animal waste disposal system pursuant to 15A NCAC 2H .0217, you have been found to be in violation of your 2H .0217 Permit. On February 21, 1996, Mr. Buster Towell of the Raleigh Regional Office conducted an inspection at your facility that revealed a discharge of poultry waste via runoff from several piles of litter that were stored within 50-100 feet of an unnamed tributary to Corduroy Swamp which is classified as C NSW waters within the Chowan River Basin. In accordance with the requirements of NCAC 2H .0213, you are hereby given notice that sixty (60) days following your receipt of this letter, the Division of Environmental Management intends to revoke your permit unless the following conditions are completed; 1. Immediately eliminate the discharge of wastewater or correct the violation. 2. Make any modifications needed to ensure there will be no future discharges. 3. Submit an approved animal waste management plan and have the attached certification form completed. One copy of the plan must be sent to your local Soil and Water Conservation District. The certification form and two (2) copies of your plan must be returned to the address below: Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section Operations Branch P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 P.O. Box 29535, Rdelgh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer W% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Failure to comply with the above conditions will result in permit revocation and therefore, the existing animal waste management system serving your animal operation will be in operation without a permit as required by North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1. Your approved animal waste management plan must .explain how you will collect, store, treat and land apply your animal waste in an environmentally acceptable manner. To assist you in the development of this plan and to provide the required certification that the plan is acceptable, you should contact your local agricultural agencies such as the Soil and Water Conservation District, the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service, the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service or a technical specialist designated pursuant to the rules adopted by the Soil and Water Conservation Commission. If we have not received the requested animal waste management plan and certification within 60 days of receipt of this letter or if there are additional discharges to the surface water a civil penalty of up to $10, 000 may be assessed and you may be required to apply for an individual nondischarge permit from the Division. This permit, if issued, will contain monitoring and reporting requirements determined to be necessary by the Division. Although we will make every effort to work with you in correcting the problems found at your facility, please be advised that nothing in this letter should be taken as preventing the Division from taking appropriate enforcement actions for either these violations or other past or future violations. If you have any questions concerning this matter please do not hesitate to contact either Ms. Judy Garrett, Water Quality Regional Supervisor for our Raleigh Regional Office at (919) 571-4700 or Mr. Shannon Langley at (919) 733-5083, ext. 581. Sincerely, A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. ATTACHMENTS cc: Regional Water Quality Supervisor Mr. Tony Short, Northampton County Soil and Water Conservation District Ms. Pat Hooper, Environmental Engineer, DSWC-WARD Dr. Boone Mora, Northampton County Health Department Compliance\Enforcement File STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COMMISSION COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON IN` THE MATTER OF GEORGE POPE BROILER OPERATION ) FOR VIOLATION OF ) G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1) ) MAKING AN OUTLET INTO ) WATERS OF THE STATE ) Acting pursuant to North Carolina 215.6A, I, A. Preston Howard. Jr., Management (DEM), make the following: I. FINDINGS OF FACT: NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT File No. CD FINDINGS AND DECISION AND ASSESSMENT OF CIVIL PENALTIES General Statute (G.S.) 143- Director of Environmental A. Mr. George Pope is the owner of a poultry feeding operation located on SR 1347, in Northampton County, North Carolina. B. On July 16, 1992, DEM staff observed a discharge of wastewater via runoff from stockpiled chicken litter which was flowing into an unnamed tributary to Corduroy Swamp classified as C NSW waters in the Chowan River Basin. C. In a letter dated September 8, 1992, the Director, Division Environmental Management (DEM), notified Mr. George Pope by certified mail that said poultry operation had been designated a "Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation" (CAFO) in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H. 0122 and 40 CFR 122.23. D. The Director's letter stated that as a result of the CAFO designation, all discharges of animal waste to waters of the State must be permanently eliminated within 60 days or an application for a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit must be submitted. E. The Director's letter also stated that the CAFO designation could be contested by filing a petition for an administrative hearing in the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) within 30 days of receipt of the designation letter. F. George Pope neither applied for an NPDES permit nor petitioned for an administrative hearing to contest the CAFO designation. e G. On February 21, 1996, personnel from DEM's Raleigh Regional Office inspected the poultry operation and observed waste from several stockpiles of litter running off into an unnamed tributary to Corduroy Swamp of the Chowan River Basin. H. The waters of Corduroy Swamp are classified as Class C NSW waters of the State. I. The costs to the State of the enforcement procedures in this matter totalled $ 376.96 II. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: A. George Pope is a " person" within the meaning of G.S. 143-2156A and G.S. 143-212(4). B. Corduroy Swamp constitutes waters of the State within the meaning of G.S. 143--215.1(a) (1) and G.S. 143-212(6) . C. George Popes poultry operation, a properly designated CAFO , was required to obtain an NPDES permit prior to discharging animal wastes into the waters of the State. D. George Pope's discharge of animal waste into waters of the State without a permit on or about February 21, 1996, was a violation of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1). E. A civil penalty of up to $10,000.00 per day per violation may be assessed pursuant to G.S. 143- 215.6A(b). Fl. The State's enforcement costs in this matter may be assessed against George Pope pursuant to G.S. 143- 215.3(a)(9) and G.S.143B-282.1(b)(8). G. The Director, Division Environmental Management, pursuant to delegation provided for by G.S.143-215.6A(h), has the authority to assess civil penalties in this matter. Based upon the above Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, I make the following: III. DECISION: Accordingly, George Pope is hereby assessed a civil penalty of: P for r 3 ODD State the waters of the 3. 143-215.1(a)(1). $ TOTAL CIVIL PENALTY, which is percent of the maximum penalty authorized by G.S. 143-215.6A. $ 376.96 Enforcement Costs. $ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE As required by G.S. 143-215.6A(c), in determining the amount of the penalty I have considered the factors listed in G. S . 143B-282, 1(b) , which are: (1) The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State, to public health, or to private property resulting from the violation; (2) The duration and gravity of the violation; (3) The effect on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air quality; (4) The cost of rectifying the damage; (5) The amount of money saved by noncompliance; (6) Whether the violation was committed willfully or intentionally; (7) The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority;and (8) The costs to the State of the enforcement procedures. (Date) A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. Director Division of Environmental Management State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Raleigh Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary e�A DEHNR Division of Environmental Management February 22, 1996 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. George Pope Route 1, Box 113 Seaboard, North Carolina 27876 Subject: Notice of Violation George"Pope Broiler Facility SR 1347 (Bynum Road) Northampton County Dear Mr. Pope: On February 21, 1996, Buster Towell of the Raleigh Regional Office conducted an inspection of the subject animal facility due to a citizens complaint which indicated that poultry waste was being discharged into the waters of the State. A site investigation confirmed that wastewater was running off of several piles of chicken Jitter that were stored on site adjacent to SR 1347 and within 50-100 feet from an unnamed tributary to Corduroy Swamp which is. classified as C NSW waters within the Chowan River Basin. The above referenced discharge is a violation of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 (a) which states: 143-215.1(a) " No person shall do any of the following things or carry out any of the following activities until or unless such person shall have applied for and received from the Commission a permit therefor and shall have complied with such conditions, if any as are prescribed by such permit. 1. Make any outlet into the waters of the State;" This office is issuing you this Notice of Violation regarding this matter, and you are hereby required to immediately eliminate the illegal discharge which is subject to $ 10,000 dollars per day, per violation. 3800 Barrett Drive, suite 101, �! FAX 919-571-4718 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 Np* C An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Voice 919-571-4700 500% recycled/10% post -consumer paper George Pope Farm Page 2 In addition to the Notice of violation, the Raleigh Regional Office will recommend to the Director that the subject animal facility loge Deemed Permitted Status. This will require the immediate development of an approved animal waste management plan. For assistance in this matter you are encouraged to contact your local Soil and Water Conservation District Office or any licensed Professional Engineer. Please respond in writing to this Notice no later than March 6, 1996, outlining your plan to permanently eliminate the discharge from this facility. You should also seek assistance in the development of the above referenced waste management plan and report your achievements thus far. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Notice, please contact either Mr. Buster Towell or Ms. Judy Garrett at (919) 571- 4700. Sincerely, Kenneth Schuster, P.E. Regional Supervisor cc: Dr. Boone Mora, Northampton County Health Department Mr. Tony Short, Northampton County Soil and Water Conservation District Ms. Pat Hooper, Environmental Engineer, DSWC-WARD Mr. Rick Harrell, Perdue Farms Compliance Group RRO Files March 7, 1996 State of North Carolina Department of Environment Health and Natural Resources 3800 Barrett Drive, Suite 101 Raleigh, NC 27609 Attention: Kenneth Schuster Dear Sir: I am responding to your letter of February 22, 1996. I lease the poultry farm and was appalled to find that the Lessee had allowed this situation to occur. However; the.discharge was liminated on February 22 with a berm installed around the stockpile. On March 1st a third party applicator began removing the stockpile from the farm. On March 6 the Lessee and myself met with Tony Short from the Northampton County Soil and Water Conservation District Office. We are implementing a waste management plan proposed by Mr. Short. A copy of the plan is attached. Sincerely, George N. Pope Rt 1 Box 113 Seaboard, NC 27876 Producer:' George Pope Location: Bynum Rd., Northampton County Address: Rt 1 Box 113 Seaboard, NC 27876 Telephone: 5B5-1585 (H) 537-9112 (0) Type Operation: Perdue Broiler Houses Number of Birds: 54,200 The waste from your animal facility must be land applied at a specified rate to prevent pollution of surface and/or ground water. The plant nutrients in the animal waste should be used to reduce the amount of commercial fertilizer required for the crops on the fields where the waste is to be applied. This waste should be analyzed before each application cycle and annual soil tests are encouraged so that .all plant nutrients can be balanced for realistic yields of the crops to be grown. 5everal,factors are important in implementing your waste utilization plan in order to maximize the fertilizer value of the waste and to ensure that it is applied in an environmentally safe manner. Always apply waste based on the needs of the crop to be grown and the nutrient content of the waste. Do not apply more nitrogen than the crop can utilize. Soil types are important as they have different infiltration rates and leaching potential. Waste shall not be applied to land eroding at greater than 5 tons per acre per year. Do not apply waste on saturated soils or on'land when the surface is frozen. Either of these conditions may result in runoff to surface waters. To maximize the value of nutrients for crop production and to reduce the potential for pollution, the waste should be applied to a growing crop or not more than 30 days prior to planting. Injecting the waste or disking will conserve nutrients and reduce odor problems. The acres needed to apply the animal waste is based on typical nutrient content for this type of facility. Acreage requirements may be more or less based on the waste analysis report from your waste management facility. Amount of _waste__pro_ _ duced der_ year 54,200 birds X 5.8 tong/1,000 birds/year = 314 tons/year Ams= Qf Nitrogen pro oer year 54,200 birds X 194 lbs N/1,000 birds/year = 10,569 lbs. N/year Applying the above amount of waste is a big job. You should plan time and have appropriate equipment to apply the waste in a timely manner. page 1 The following acreage will be needed for waste application based on the crop to grown and surface application: WAST$ SPILL_ BE SPREAD BY TRIM PARTY _APPLICATORB Table 1: ACRES OWNED BY PRODUCER Tract Field Soil Crop Realistic Lbs. N Acres Lbs. N ' Month of i# Type Yld./Acre Per Ac Utilized Application jablp 2;. ACRES WITH AGREEMENT OR LONG TERM LEASE Tract Field Soil Crop Realistic Lbs. N Acres Lbs. N Month of # Type Yld./Acre Per Ac Utilized Application Total Table 2 Total Table I Total Needed Amount of N Produced Surplus or Deficit page 2 •{ The producer shall be responsible for covering all dry waste either by roof, tarp, or plastic from the time it leaves the poultry house until it is land applied. Where owners of animal operations do not have adequate amounts of land to apply the waste, the producer must provide a written agreement whereby another landowner has agreed to land apply or allow land application on his or her land. Records will be required by DEM. They should note the time of cleanout, the approximate amount, and the location of the site where the litter was applied. If third party applicators use the litter, records must be maintained of the third party's name, address and phone number. Call the Natural Resources Conservation Service or Soil and Water Conservation District office after you receive the waste analysis report to obtain the amount per acre to apply and the application rate prior to applying the waste. Narrative of Operation: Operator will remove remaining stockpile of litter. In future, litter will be taken away from site. Only cake -out will be left on site. This will be covered immediately. old stockpile area will be disked and reshaped. Waste will be used by third party applicators. WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN AGREEM� r I agree to carry out this waste management plan according to the terms of the agreement. Failure to comply with the waste management plan will automatically require any cost share funds to be refunded to their source. This agreement is valid for 10 years from the date of inception. I understand that Mr./Mrs. does not have ample land to apply the animal waste produced from his/her animal operation. I have agreed to utilize the waste produced from the operation and agree to carry out this waste management plan on land that I own or operate. This agreement is valid for 10 years from the date of inception. Recipient Landowner: Date: System Designer: Date: Design Approval: Date: page 3 I Camp, , iS�or 2 icr :d��tion-; 'ts ■Co . ,.. �. I also wish to receive the is ■Complo4 i­.: s, 4a, and 4b. following services (for an m ■ Print your name and address an the reverse of this form so that we can return this extra too):o card to you. ■ Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the badc it space does not 1, ❑ Addressee's Address fD permit. e Write'Rerum Receipt Requested' on the marlpiece below the article number. 2. ❑ Restrtcted Delivery N « ■ The Retum Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date a delivered. , Consult postmaster for fee. G 3. Article Addressed to: '! 1 q(p 4a. Article Number m ! m ': 281 512 386 C E 14R GEORGE POPE I � � 4b. Service Typfl-. ' ROUIE 1 RC3X 113 ❑ Registered )P Certified SEAWARD NC 27876 ❑ Express Mail-' ❑ Insured CO 5 WQ 2/22/96 N' IMffY C1N CO NOV ❑ Relum Receipt for Merchandise ❑ COD ° BT/JG 7. Date of Delivery r r O OIL T 5. Received By: (Print Name) EL Addressee's Address (Only if requested and fee is paid) t 5 H 6. Sign ure: (Addressee or Agent) T � W PS Fofrn 101. Decemb& 1994 Domestic Return Receipt SECTION TIME/DATE NAME REPRESENTING STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH REGIONAL OFFICE 3800 Barrett Drive, Suite 101 Raleigh, North Carolina- " (919)571-4700 . '' FILE ACCESS RECORD _Dai&Her-aid GUIDELINES FOR ACCESS: The staff of the Raleigh Regional Office is dedicated to makino public records in our custody readily availabie to the public Ior review and copying. We also have the responsibility to the public to safeguard these records and to carry out our day-to-day program oblioations. Please read carefully the following guidelines before signing this form. (1) We prefer that you call at least a day in advance to schedule an appointment to review the files. Appointments will be scheduled between 2:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Viewing time ends at 5:00 p.m. Anyone arriving without an appointment may view the files to the extent that time and_staft supervision is available. (2) You must specify files you want to review by name. The number of files that you may review at one time will be limited to five. (3) You may make copies of a file when the copier is not in use by the staff and if time permits. Cost per copy is 10 cents: paYment_maV be made by check, mon_eY order,or cash at the reception desk. (4) FiLES MUST BE KEPT IN THE ORDER YOU FOUND THEM. Files may not be taken from the office. To remove, alter, deface, . destroy material in one of these files is a misdemeanor for which you can be fined up io $500.00. FACILITY NAME Signature & Name of Firmf6usiness Dat (Please attach a business card) COUNTY Time In Time Out I 4 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director January-6, 1997 Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested ATTN: George Pope Pope Broiler Operation Route 1 Box 113 Seaboard, NC 27876 JAN s 1997 U DFHNR RAI.FIGH REGIONAL 011 ICE Subject: Request for Remission of Civil Penalty Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143-215.6A(f) Pope Broiler Operation Northampton County. CD 96-03 Dear Mr. Pope: I considered the information submitted in support of your request for remission in accordance with G.S. 143-215.6A(f) and my delegation under G.S. 143-215.6A(h) and have not found grounds to modify the assessment of $3,376.96. Should you choose to pay the penalty, you may tender payment to me at the letterhead address within 30 days of your receipt of this letter. Please make checks payable to the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. You also have the option of presenting your request to the Committee on Civil Penalty Remissions, which is comprised of members of the Environmental Management Commission. The committee may consider such requests and render final and binding decisions in these matters. You may argue your request before the committee and Division Staff will argue for full payment of the initial assessment. Should you choose to present your request to the committee, please notify me at the Ietterhead address on or before within 30 days of your receipt of this letter. Your request will be scheduled to be heard on the agenda of the next scheduled committee meeting and you will be notified of the date and time. If a response is not received by the Division regarding this notice then your request will be scheduled on the agenda for an upcoming committee meeting. 13 f P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions about this letter, please feel free to contact Shannon Langley at (919) 733-5083, extension 581. Sincerely, A. Preston Howard, Jr., E. cc: , __ Q_Regional-office Enforcement file P°pe-+.tart hamp�°n County F i -..........a. ...,... ...-.w-... .....ten .. a....a - �..........a.......�.n. �a•a.a.�..a....�w.a .a.w�... �aa.,..�.......•.. � �.. L'w:C� h__ _ ___'1��t2� �w.a�.........�..wawu.. .a a....�ww-...aaw. AMIMAL WASTE A TILTZATION AGREMMT (Needed only It addIdonel lend has to 6 leesad, eta.) hereby give�w�.(. _,_, _---�permissiori to ap ly dnimal waste from his Waste Utiliza on System o � acres of my .and for the duration of time shown below. I understand that this waste contains nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, and other trace elements and when properly applied will not harm my land or crops. I also understand that the use of waste will reduce my need for commercial fertilizer. Landowner: Waste Producer: Dater Technical Representative, Date, SWCD Representative: Date: Term of Agreement: to ' Z ~ J U 20 dG Iminimum of ten yeere on coal shared harnel ISee Required Specification No. 21 This agreement may be withdraws by either party with a thirty (30) day written notice. A-4unoD 113 ; TI ANIMAL_WASTE UTILIZATION AQREFjMTL (Needed only if additional lend has to be leased. sto.1 I, ('L (- hereby give '] permission to app ! animal waste rom his Waste Util zat on System o acres of my lan or the ducat n of time shown below. I understand that this waste contains nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, and other trace elements and when properly applied will not harm my land or crops. I also understand that the use of waste will reduce my need for commercial fertilizer. Landowner: Waste producer: Date : - 3o - 5 Date:-�Z/-9� Technical. Representative: Dates S- 2-71�, aWCD Representative: Date: Term of Agreement! _� - 3(1 , 19 !F. to 20 a G. Iminlmum of ten years on coat shared Ilem+l ISee Required Specillcellon No, 21 This'agreeinent may be withdrawn by either party with a thirty (30) day written notice. �..I I 1 1 3(41 s, I •.��p7y3�-�r�i'+{-"•"lr. C I 07 IA J,. tea+► " f �'�yj}�. '_ 'I'.'. F�`� ��„-A�c�.,�q�°:�tY_:"v'r`"�r{''..x'.".� �` �'tY-i�3" -•, .ems:�s-�-,�.�•. �K�. �'�'- y. .- � �r_� �1 � �u" ['�+gyp+��l.`C1 ��• �7 �n �T�•►q.ih "`.�.. �. `t' � v Y'b ��,d''-���a{1 ►��g�7' 4f? i ' i `. . n�.�M '..�a'p�_� e t .F � 1�' �.a �,. nf�`f , .•tip_- J••y1�� '.."�ry•F .��,2.�; �. VSi'y'.F�L.' •.T'• ..w'` �• '^'�, ram•. s� ���`.t'k- �»-•.,! 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ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATIOU AGRTEMENT (Needed only If additional lend has to be leased. eta.) apply animal waste frmission hereby give �. : / . m his Waste Utilization to Peacres land for the duration ystem on of time shown below. of my I understand other trace that this elements waste 'contains nitrogen, Phosphorous, sharrmtmy and crops. I also understand and when properly appliedwith not that the land commercial fertilizer. use of waste will reduce my need for Adjacent Landowner: i cz� .f n _r C _Date : 4- 2 _ _ y.,r, Taste Producer: *� Date: _ - 'Technical Representative:�- 1 _Date : -3WCD Representative: Date: Term of Agreement: - , I99G to 20 06 Iminfmum of tan years on .at shared Itemy� lSee Required Specification No. 2) This agreement may be withdrawn by either party with a thirty (30) day written notice. �', 4 c7_,d /V. ' / � 6 �•^rr*' �y'.i* r Hl y. �,t, � -y, sr.tt t y'-j�•r••:• w ka•r ;,.�'"1 �r j . + � 1 : .S.- •� 3•r+A. •{''r. rJ.'+1 • �� .r ' , ' , • S .•��tt�,, ,�,'33 - r �Lt t r, ,a �r _� r � ;"ti,�,�'4,< � ei7.F r �� � `.r>•�# 44 � T.�' 3l •t� s�- +E�tyr pi• n _r��1l�v s qFZ' �' ry5+ R.Y� � f 9 �' ax rl � 1.•3'+ 1 t rr>� f�. -: a,."F"'^ ..;r�6 � _ ..� • v Tom'' �i'} ;k � �f. l n s `�i �: � �� s:,� �75ti, 1.• �11 ri^I'P' r '•;rs1• RG�+�F t _ a rr �Si t,', etL „►.., a v. a• s .J6� J As lia P �, Y •.x :i ,ti, `! �'' �t \ `' -; 1- 4'a� l� ' 1 �C+~3� t =- 'lad .�, 1r,rq ��•� ,r• ,.,w,,, -. .i�tna.�'a •� " {� .ti+� .i � k n.r Nr. Y • ''•M1 - 'Fs A<' - :,r r ;1'+< '. '*• I'.. i '3 ri. �'�:`I""r`j ;E'�r�'r 1��. l� .71#c'RS .. �, 3`..��-., _�4, � r' S L� tv_y�: �� Y`• � TA f .iy ` '} ti Y S �,....//yy L �.:',� '::y+ �t7 vrL,. s4`„pt 'w'!" +'•i � '�,� .- •�.•„ �' t,� s ' - ,} w11, 7+ „+1._ t• � S �� �.r f �S O ,/R, A� �' •` I��♦ } •. it+` AT 'y!L-�_ '!, 1 .�7 1 • � •. •; 5}.f I ..�'� •yt.'�;.- ..�,. ..-w•[`"'.J.1 }', ... `.fin f„t } : �"fn �-r• � 7. - ! �. ' r - ; ..... -,>_ foie+ r M �; fi :tea.• r�.�:\��' �y.' \ r5"��`;:s r., - `L��}� ^ ':�;. elf ��,�1-•. r >+. L t �j..# _ �� 1,.��- �.,tii:-�i rFZi+ �'t` 7y'1,"n;yl�,Mti��t� +'t. .+--c - •�, v� 't. ; ^7j,x• 'y ,.:,s.'.�;ti +Y % '+^�•.��1F - i _ _ �, r�"Y~ f'.: �:'�'. `'f�� +tt. �'a i `�, a�, t- aa, ll' c;v�1.;1+ �� 4 L .4 Sr' t ,.: '•, � '�'' 1F- *�...r +s ± l• } _.. 1rp+ l,. k.,. hr, v.``, l "\ : •1 ': _,.lr•r � i:e-•i_ T;; y�' i�i��rJ�'ai i� K, � L • �•�:•� � .� �}';••:S '�-�``{ .. � ;. �r J ,'1 • i� • C L'. ,:iti.)i +s � �`SJ���,,�� 4! �y�R+ r �<�tvt�'\ r���, � .f k:�r e^« �,.TA. _•,l .� �!� '_ - ` t.'. ��'L }�r; '�s. }'•> �_..r �-67 } J �ST1�n�,�1M � � t � � 5 - ,1 + , ti v� 1 h__ '.'�1. ` �c Z �'t ti•t� t ;�';: � • �� ^ � � � � .,` { ' K � i ti. �.i' K.=. I j.» S, a 3 1' k r R .r. 'v T„• •`� h'� i��, l y.` d �F}'' a '" � �-.,y ,.r . �,� A. v ',r.� i`T'�31*i.. �y�� �'�S�j. �,, 3+ '+� •1°ti - .. s��'�..,1". �': -.lr�� i�' +,?r, w1 t '+"•,•n �r - •r ... ��,v...t.�.'Ci- 1 t ti t;�' _ '�"_+�'�w }.T-i b l �!` 1ti�. y + ` :+r�`Y( '.L w�:�2� i', ti 1` _t r` r •t?`'...'1 :f+� � �+: �i:7Cj ;�'�ti.• .1� [��;-r;�,'rL. . : • .r,: " .�, - : \+} l Zl:� '1, � 5,.5'4-+ � v - ei•.:.;:v, ` •- '. it : L� / +:.r 'si'S:..:^;,_,t �. 9r'P +��.1;; �1 - y 4 ,!" `}I.; -, i •a i _'� j.R �"1--'..,i, ..,,' ti_•.•f=ice - 1 `f �M» \ t• _';+,•,;• r�^'..'�'f�tl '�`;` ..r�,,a i` r.+.,.i;r. ,•�-' :�+"-�.*w`�""r5 '�;�•,.•. ,..�, ��� �, � w. ta•�L.�*�. e 5�'A. 'L ♦. -r^i �. i.' K' +yti-f:.•.r++ y.\ �Y,/, e '�y,� .�ji; 'L l - ' Sr i, �+ ri'►� e ��M1''-ti 'RG - �F•. ��.���ryY. `� r� ^�•:1 �-t -}.'y�I•.r•,,.M r f t +1,�•1.sy �:ti'•"��()ti , �- 1 i,}' � _� _ � `a ,...( \ t�• ,A � ���� 1J wf �S _yT�l•L t 4Yr�` 1��[ ^,':f {�.IN '� S,� . 't d �': =� •.y � ./Ii ( 1 Y r` i�� ; S � f t � � -• 1 : ♦_ .,,� r 1 •4. � Z � :�+ e L �:• •e .� F'r: x.'� ''ti ,•rTz.� ° 1y'^ ��.C, yr e. 5 •-�i � i Y �r� v � 'i 1 '+. 1 a Y� a � c -rw J \ ,..{� �]1•. , :... , y -. a. yt 1 r - ' � s,r5 .�. y e h1."•f"f.. ti r 3 t. )., ,r. v 5 %;_' , , i r. �`c' V• r;.r" r��r Y ,,., 1 5, - � w 7 , ;,! A• -/� �V,c � F*e 1-.•• €i� � �r,Q+y�� \'11�'�.., tf +L�! r 4,.-af },• .:Cr, s,�4 't 1 11r ljy -� L �+. '' x�.. � �s i���+y�.'FV iZG. •- s�- f.�'4. �' } -, .�t r �'S� k��t�,.'�^� " ! i k' -p � i'`� ; + -' r t .1 ti"' - r�4 < !� k �"�'+[• '� ` "`Yr-�r r n � n ~� •'� ��? �'wk+'r 1+%,�„ti i - s ;,;,. � ;• ."' �y i• .,fir. °-' :��1 �tr �' s ya�.'�• gf3� i i -> r a, L -S ti , v. .. � 4 Y \ � 7 '� f • v a ti is! ,d.•� ak.� `�"*'.:'Y:.aLt as� -. .. a,ft�s_.5 �,:'L�:i'��..t i_.: �Z.r '"L .• ..... .,. .- \.. :.1:, -r..r .. hFs'. b: s. ..-+7•s. Y'It_.. � , ANIMAL PASTE UTILIZAI ON AORBFMNT lNesded only If addltlonel land het to b! 14ee6d. 61o.1 I,-•�/CQdJ-r�r.�P�ty. hereby give 4,, apply animal waste from his Waste Utilizatiod system 6n land for the duration of time shown below. I understand that this waste contains nitrogent phosphc other trace elements and when properly applied will crops. I also understand that the use of waste will commercial fertilizer. Landowner: //�,� _ Dates - Waste Producer: � Date: Technical Representative: Date-&_ SWCD Representative! Date:_ Term of Agreement:' -el - ,10 , 1976 to (minlmum of ten years on cost shared items) 15ee hequlred 8pedUcetlon No. 21 This agree>nent may be withdrawn by either pa; written notice. a - permission to - acres of my potassium, and harm my land or uce my need for - 2- 20 o C 30) day 1 fr �j�'. r�rti.' --r tr r. 'riyl Y�}•� .►•"►�i• k''1 s2�r.. -:+•�. �,4,-.�Y s+�; ��` t'�y .•� f � _ ; y F�'� rt rl'�nr,�' �,y� Irh r'r • x tw' +y,�'?'! ,y, N' ry.a .� f ''� � + ' u�f�r!��'T�.L ''� i✓�i"'R. ' p ���'„'ZRy �`'� rd1e. } �? j{ ,i ti-+, '� ! i ?`'-`-t"• t '. � ;1�'y�}}•• 7`' �� - .rr .rr„ � T,_ , '� . � i i t. xr {F41 Aft,i`; 'i. '� 11• �rjj.. -L 4p ar,' x t1¢r; .* ,r:; rt l � FRI- T` r4•. =ter, l/f.7k r• ;ti, i>�' � r. lA F, - tr •s '�^ . � ,� ♦ . :� � .,•-�;N ,� "�,'SJ. :t _'a f •',' V�. '�.� �IY vS !', ,lr�,�r'•¢�t1 c `1. '� �•y„y� . S µS +w ^ . � _�C'l w : �� �• Y t f! i f ]'t r 7, `]� �l s r..- M1 >:.� ''`•" ' C z.Ts` �' `�".1 .,y:k -Z� '-J ij s' i�,y � j�s t:,: � � �- �`��1 �:t `, "r �C �� � �• .t � *l i � i t � �( n� r, r � - r p 4Q ,� � •`� +� i ; ' is r �w � 'J 1 r, � I• I, * �' :r.m { r o + :a : ti \.. `: r •--�; , 1,'.. : •: t , _',I :. ��+•• � . /'�,� .�.��. �.0 - i ,- , rt . y ! C , , a F r ...-,. r'`yr's1 .'{ r .ir t•% �'_b�'.�. ['�+, �F ,fr r ,•4•. '?n •,. e, .p.� .5.., '' P ;ii�' r. 'J �,'{•y• +- ��:�! � r �•1'i 5a'�j C � y `� 7.71 }� i. ' � 5 ,f r �� r t � A � y r �r 4•^� h ('` [.,Ct f� f ;5�: �T, 7� - { a � 5; _'' rr r i '- - i r r +r G. �• �!,•f•' v,`, !'r;l; =rta- '��•• l �' r `fr, r .� �' -` ' i, - •Rrrs �a'y {��°-rr+ ra tS•, •7 �. - r , t c, r F' -'a + y.�t -r �} r •-y1g3- ,•��ti y� .'7r 't✓� '. � Ise -r r7 "�r,='r _ � ! ', r t Alt a i ! 1 ,�, t,�a� y at.Y+„ n c l 7- .r�•'F- i• I'7 I'` a , - T'" r F!•.: -..xr�r x ,,,! . �•r.,���� tw: ><�r'v`��•i+�:i•t. `�:r� r i,��.r �S. t, i f:: 1 .:ham' Yr' f r't'i-. •';.f`�• -r r ,�i;%�Y', r ��'�' �r''q! � •7r%R,r� -'r;' t'• a r, .. /' >< Y:'Y� ' .r 7 �• t 'rr'ti::_�r: Fr'I sr r �� '� +;,�J.^`z r 3� - i;-,; .'t.�'rr,Y1 .'� r y•;•,+ �� �..t' - � rr':= t,. � ;y fir. f!i',�5`=r_, '.ra : , �_FJ'��'• �'- 'r''�' �.. •� t{ '' - 1,'... rr.�. �I -,.. - s•. s r< m_ ,� •1 , '{=rf,r F'iF'j��,r 'i _=�i r y�{ r J r r•s,,+..`i �'S�Y; _ !r s if.Q.a��`S y� ^1 S�x r, �y��r�l,�M3'f;-Y ♦ >e��� Sr.�L r4 ? _ r -� s a r. i �E r '��a � 4 '' r �r !'y.� , i�: i •1" 4• r rT 1 �'�{r' ���7.'� ��i �s it7•lyf .I :liM1 ,' '}•' i.'r:;!' 1 .ram f, lr��t'r" l t t � l r r+' , � ,. 'i .r. ':•���d•..J\='; 3 r -1tS r q � i • + o- i, � ,t. �`- ,-,1 r jir + r'iS ,,: .�. R �+ r ..ft,,,._.� IT� r ��l rj', + l r _ [ Krr �! �•, frfY r -+ 1r� 'y ^ t +t. .�' '''w� R. r.,,.! t4ti' k£i=`Ci• fl�xl •r 1 r .f �! f � fTa k�� r?,� i �r''S IrS�. �I� .+]�¢�'�'� .t'I a„�-f�. 1. � ! r,�`�� i • yrr. ! ,yc df F IF ., +hr S i �•' 1 G a� iix (, . _ r �, q JL` SSS"""T.L'y3 .7, -. _� '1` r r' j,,: _ i a 'r t. •j H!:}.� I�li•r+rill f +�if t°.'^fit f, i._, kur 1rr .l tip. r'r t t1v r r.r f 'r> �• ! .ter+_ w}r! 'x � _ j� �'� `• . 1 rt -�' >• 5 r x r -' • - r � r-+• .:e, r-:. lY �i�ft A, 'Xr ,�, 4'�� "d � , y+ ,..{ rti' t• 'r�li r`J• r•^! re ' !, ` rl ''} `;� r �" r: f��'�'1:• 4'"''. �'},?�.l•r. ��•�' ;:. `. Si' , � i�r ` � T:•.'! `T(h a<�;°r`;�!'ni'r�ti r'.. r �! 1 iur. 3-ra i., .{f�" F'�.r ,,' •.� r r � fi'�l��r���! _f `�}•�f"�:� '�:�" ..[' t s'-^,. ,,ti,•','i:y`-~ y�.a �,� ., r > �r tfr �`^!�'� -,•� 1wrF ♦ C ,F r. t i� ,r. T j'%r _ }� r �i' r +y� t ,w. 1 r -r+ , h I Y'a kCrt ` +,*.i rr��l� f�"?-� �'r,•:�t Y'� 1- �sr+p•s •r '., ` f�+ Ya'3`r �•�f+. �� it :r � = ,;' •±.,, • � ��t. tf � ( �� a� 3 } �'{: r ' {.. � } � Y N ! y ,?! . .` �Yr •' yt t i � ?. c c " � '�=��.. - � - ':'t (r,1,r� rt'r+-4 r�,t�i �._t i�t ��� 1 i-ti i t :r�...i�-- r ,��.� :� �_I•,''tr•,�`f�, �.•�-• 'r�. �_ N+•'ti' '�.; i�y'"'+� . }��;y��,=��f�i�i���� �,t •� S���e �A�:i,: . 1?'F.}a� ;-� �,1' � �ti.��lr ��z t'^z_.•e %tr#�� IA � ,+' d r i�; _ fir "''i 3h�� �����rr � y,'^T' r _r�Qr� �..y !f"Y'; �` +.�, -�., y' �• ...'lam r �` •}=mot. " , 'r'ai' . •.aP�' ram. �h f. +r"�1,TS:- ���'rti"1Fti••',�f .:i.'r•r5+� jl..�tf., i ' ;`sy i ��+ t x .,•;'�`'}.r -•r�� � :4f!?''``r��'r •tfr :E'�u�:�c' t•ifj?'�.,�' ,�r. 5�-,•,r '� :r•..Yr!-� r '�' yrr""::�•—:ev?..,7 .. ,S irk 1:. r�S{ r,.,+�P�.�r r i. I iTt l �':: • �r• _ '.}! .;f ��, f'. ,.- s! �. - ram; IT r - .,t•::' ,;' c� - r 1 +s-�, b- I,'�n��j,�,{�j���ti��f�y�le�4.�` ,•j �i;•.�.. �'. L �sxaiV � �' i1��• :�,t)��;'Sr�:. 'e�+�'y':A,•ij'a`8!��1Ce�i��S�.�Yrr 'i. y�,a �T '.- `.W�'.�k� y,t lr1,�„. �•'�!'At-F • r" ''� r '�r � ? 4t47`. �f:� �`C tl� s "tr ,<^ zit( i � r•, �r i;:w 4�r f��''�i', � �` !' r i S{x s f I r¢ L, �,.�, f+ � F=a7 f f � r.,' + j 4 4 _ n �r�� I - f „'r ' � 4!` Y-re� Y �fa 3 �• Al;�„IiS rI'J' „ + ! r+ <,+•'+��, �!"yS3•:'. �r� a,�'4 $;�f'rjfss ,,f •� �; ', - r _ , y j r� �r�3� o-r k .,, !c�_�'�� O-rl! Ir�1 ;�,i'�-•r ,� cr i,I+K 4i'.. �4:ff �5�r,:,•�i•'•y-r a+ 'PP_ �' •`hhT rr r Y r !V V i � , - a r r'_. r ~�'�-4�• t lea r }!• , ' •Yi L C �t ::: - - � r y lIR�< .�;-a `�'1'� � 'S;-':A+iF- '3� r =-.5.rn i Li r,cir{�•-- ar:.,J:y .'.'Y+ ''' w. r '-r1.,6� ���'r %1 � �' • ��� rr f, r - .. ;! 1, a .r,� ! .r �? l Fr '�• � S��- t2 `=.. a fr. a� ri r i h ��in ,rr, it �� 'F�t��t„ • tf J� - •K, � .,:f � _i4'{++fez e �C�. �! t• �.:�' Pt I za- •fir 7 r.- �:�•' : %�� .:: •:? ,!'�::.:.'., y ,t Field Soil ri Type Table 1: ACRES OWNED BY PRODUCER Crop Real. Lbs. N Acres Lbs. N Month of Yield Per Ac Utilized Application yq&14 Aa, d1j ict Field Soil # Type Table ACRESVOWNED BY PRODUCER Crop Real. Lbs. N Acres Lbs. N Month of Yield Per Ac Utilized Application rr .j AA %a d.! 2,o Ir. 9 ell-3rr �e� Cr8 rr o o. if rr 6 D. s / 4r a �t 7 ce6 It Z . 2, 2 ri C,ca A /o ++ a C d r t 64 3. d / �r �Z �,✓1S r� ¢ 7 t, 'Y 2 k Y C 0,6 Total Tables Amount of N Produced Surplus or Deficit 6AP-11, O-r Table k ACRES WNED BY PRODUCER Tract Field Soil Crop Real. Lbs. N Acres # Type Yield Per Ac Lbs. N Month of Utilized Application Zo 1 G C T7✓ (deXa ! a, fe 636 moo- °fir I? Gx3 C77/ 6-aX0• I go S%S oa G i9���• � r0 � � ZS 7 !� Jr L c ✓ 2LY3 y 5", 2 i5, Q 2,v L .273 u G u Agw�o.j 6,0 Y. Y, Z v �r r, ` rr 7040./ 70 .-,7t r 3tr �r r, C A' f� CL 3•Z'K o i�a o .7 / -2� f-'c b-A.02 3,o x 3. S� m4A CP 3 .,& C-W Xo.r o Ar.G I r1r 6 snxn. r 6 r /D a " 6ra xry.r r' ZG /6 90 a / so 3(,7 Y 75' — Total TableeA Amount of N Produced 1 7 Y Surplus or Deficit The,Yprbducer ,-shall•`•i5 responsible by -roof, -tarp, -,,or plastic %from the until'•it•s=land. applied for covering all dry waste either .time it leaves the poultry house Where .owners -:of animal operations.do not have.adequate amounts of Iind"to .app_ly.:,.the waste, -the -producer must'provide-a-written agreemntu-whereby-another;n ,,l,adowner_ . has - agreed to -land -apply , ovo al 3Low...•leand-,-appl<icat i on,°,on-hi:s.�, or�,her.,, land. Records will be required..by-ZDEM.. ,They, should_note the time of. cfeanout-,....the.-approxima�e� amount, and the location ---of the - site where s k' tYie,,.lit-tern waste-app1-red:c alf--t:h rd paxXy,,,,appl-icators-use-->the 1•itter, records must kSe rriairit'a'iiiecl of the third part.y''s name;' address -and. phone.. numbers —`,- Call the Natural Resources Conservation Service or Soil and Water Conservation District office after you receive the waste analysis report to obtain the amount per acre to apply and the application rate prior to applying the waste. Narrative of Operation: Opera or yi. — remove""remain q ckp leza ,®J..i.tLjeX..,, .Ii�;:wf.uture, �1•Cf er—taill be taken away from site . Only cake --out will be left on te—�--Thtis•"WrTI7 6e ccovered immediately:.-..01d-stockpile--area' will be disked""and ~reshaped..., Waste-,will...be-use'd-15y tIi i'd-par�y-app icators. WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN AGREEMENT I agree to carry out this waste management plan according to the terms of the agreement. Failure to comply with the waste management plan will automatically require any cost share funds to be refunded to their source. This agreement is valid for 10 years from the date of inception. Producer: _.T.i�a9-t,(� � � . ��e .�_� s bate : �a I understand that Mr. /Mrs.does not have ample land to apply the animal waste produced from his/her animal operation. I have agreed to utilize the waste produced from the operation and agree to carry out this waste management plan on land that I own or operate. This agreement is valid for 10 years from the date of inception. Recipient Landowner: 11 Date: System Designer: &�I� Design Approval: Date: _ 3 6 0-94 Date. �� Q page 3 The following acreage will be needed for waste application based on the crop to grown and surface application: WASTE WILL BE SPREAD BY THIRD PARTY APPLICATORS Table l: ACRES OWNED BY PRODUCER Tract Field Soil Crop Realistic Lbs, N Acres Lbs. N MOItth of # Type Yld./Acre Per AC Utilized Applicatioti 200-3 . 6X9 CT (ood a.t 6a /497— R X - r '� 1 c CTI✓ 6 So*'� o• 4 '' 7 o f 6 7. S 9 7ao o. 1 76 y Z rla 1+ rr 2--L rr ���-Xa t G7.1 Total Table I.. % ! r Table 2: ACRES WITH AGREEMENT OR LONG TERM,LEASE Tract Field Soil Crop Realistic Lbs. N Acres Lbs. N Motith of # Type Yld./Acre Per Ac Utilized Appl.icatioti oo A a.r o 6p 0A-'� Y 0. Cp S� Gam. �r �J tl rr ,3 06 rl ao a.1 � � 3Sa r, oop(o, Ga 3. L L do d 70 it /fld/2 ,20 O- 1 v GXB Toe Table 2 Total. Table 1 Total Needed Amount of N Produc Surplus or Deficit page 2 '."MJ �Y Producer: George Pope Location: Bynum Rd., Northampton County Address: Rt 1 Box 113 Seaboard, NC 27876 Telephone: 585-1585 (H) 537-9112 (0) Type Operation: Perdue Broiler Houses YP p Number of Birds: 54,200 The waste from your animal facility must be land -applied -at a specified rate to prevent pollution of surface and/or ground"ildt-er. The plant nutrients in the animal waste should be used to reduce the amount of commercial fertilizer required for the crops on the fields where the waste is to be applied. This waste should be analyzed before each application cycle and annual soil tests are encouraged so that all plant nutrients can be balanced for realistic yields of the crops to be grown. Several factors are important in implementing your waste utilization plan in order to maximize the fertilizer value of the waste and to ensure that it is applied in an environmentally safe manner. Always apply waste based on the needs of the crop to be grown and the nutrient content of the waste. Do not apply more nitrogen than the crop can utilize. Soil types are important as they have different infiltration rates and leaching potential. Waste shall not be applied to land eroding at greater than 5 tons per acre per year. Do not apply waste on saturated soils or on land when the surface is frozen. Either of these conditions may result in runoff to surface waters. To maximize the value of nutrients for crop production and to reduce the potential for pollution, the waste should be applied to a growing crop or not more than 30 days prior to planting. Injecting the waste or disking will conserve nutrients and reduce odor problems. The acres needed to apply the animal waste is based on typical nutrient content for this type of facility. Acreage requirements may be more or less based on the waste analysis report from your waste management facility. Amount of waste _produced per year 54,200 birds X 5.8 tons/1,000 birds/year = 314 tons/year Amount of Nitrogen produced Per year 54,200 birds X 194 lbs N11,000 birds/year = 10,569 lbs. N/year Applying the above amount of waste is a big job. You should plan time and have appropriate equipment to apply the waste in a timely manner. page 1 Id fig' j in Id )74 ra c )T4 )Uj id !�4ST� UT_ILI &4IMAL_WASTE UTILIZATIM AGREEMENT 1Needed only it additional lend hots to be leased. ote.l hereby give � � a '1� � ermission to apply ayAfnitl waste from his Waste Utilization Gystem on ► acres of my land four the duration of time shown below. I understand that this waste contains nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, and other trace elements and when properly applied will not harm my land or crops. I also understand that the use of waste will reduce my need for commercial fertilizer. Adjacent Landowner: <Z V t"' rDate: i Waste Producer: '�Date:- Q Technical Representative: 6A Date : .ram 2 SWCD Representative: -- _ - _ -Date : Cerm ref Agreement: _ �,L , 19 9G to _ _ v 20 n G- imlrrlmum of ten years or► coat shared items} l8ae Roquired Specification No, 21 This agreement may be withdrawn by either party with a thirty (30) day written notice. T a,Y55 )WIMAL 11ASTE UTILIZATION—AGREEM$N . i Weeded only If additional land has lobe Named. 610 I, i� t1r' hereby giveA permission to apply animal' waste m his Waste Util zat System on� acres of my lard for the durati n of time shown below. I understand that this waste contains nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, and other trace elements and when properly applied will not harm my land or crops. I also understand that the use of waste will reduce my need for conunercial fertilizer. Landowner: Dates 4aste Producer: Date: T r 7 technical Representative: I {!1�>� �5 Date : ,r- 2- —9 3WCD Representative: Date: Germ of Agreement:. 19?L- to 5/-.2 z-- 200 lminimum of ten years an cost sliared llama) 18es ffaqulred Specification No. 21 This agreement may be withdrawn by either party with a thirty (30) day written notice. m u I- R­ 41 1 ij- 4 r Tr tLz C."', - 4 -INA State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality e • James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston`Howard, Jr., P.E., Director tls�r,� I October 9, 1996 , 't:: ,,. DEHNR RAtEiGH REGION bFFICE Attn.: George Pope Route I Box 113 Seaboard, NC 27876 Subject: Remission Request of Civil Penalty Assessment Pope Broiler operation NorthamptcriCou ty CD 96-03 Dear Mr. Pope: This letter is to acknowledge your request for remission of the civil penalty levied against the subject facility. This request will be reviewed and you will be notified when a decision is made concerning the request. -If you have any questions, please call Mr. Shannon Langley at (919)733-5083, ext. 581. Sincerely, Robert L. Sledge, Supervisor Compliance Group cc: Ken.Schu's a 'Raleigh.Regional'=0ffiee: w/attachmentsnj En forcement/Comp Lance Linda Forehand w/3 attachments P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 PAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer _ 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF Northampton ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION IN THE MATTEI, OF ASSESSMENT ') WAIVER OF RIGHT TO AN OF CIVIL PENALTIES AGAINST } ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING AND PERMIT NO. ) STIPULATION OF FACTS FILE NO. CD 96-03 Having been assessed civil penalties totalling $3, 376.96 T for violation(s) as set forth in the assessment document of the Director of the Division of Environmental Management dated, August 29, 1996 , the undersigned, desiring to seek remission of the civil penalties, does hereby waive the right to an administrative hearing in the above -stated matter and does stipulate that the facts are as alleged in the assessment document. This the 2nd day of October , 1996 �. U BY George N. Pope ADDRESS Rt 1 Box 113 Seaboard, NC 27876 .. TELEPHONE 919-585-1585 Home 919-537-9112 Work UT October 2, 1996 1996 WATER 0,L1 i.1 I w PAj Mr. Steve W. Tedder Water Quality Section Chief Division of Environmental Management P. 0. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 RECEIVED Re: Request for Remission or Mitigation WATER QUALITY SECTION George Pope Broiler Operation Assessment of Civil Penalties for violation OCT - 8 N04 File No. CD 96-03 OPERATION¢ RRANr.u. Dear Mr, Tedder: In response to the civil penalty assessment I cannot contest the accuracy of any of the statements contained in the letter. However; I would like to .offer the following statement with the hope that the penalty may be reduced. From 1979 to 1989 my mother and an aunt raised Perdue chickens with the help of one farm worker. In 1989 1 inherited the poultry farm after the death of this -aunt. -In late-1991 the hired worker had to quit due to health problems. I work a public job twenty five miles away, know very little about raising chickens, and my mother could not do it alone. In early 1992 I leased the poultry farm to another Perdue grower. Since that time my mother has been employed by the lessee. On February.21,.1996, Buster-Towell from the DWQ's Raleigh Regional Office observed stockpiles of litter on site. The poultry houses had been Of out just weeks before. Normally, farmers remove the litter from the site as the houses are being cleaned out. We had such an extremely wet January and February no one had been able to get into the fields and, at the time,. had no other place to stockpile the litter. Immediately after Mr. Towell brought the problem to my attention, a berm of straw was placed around the stockpile. Within two weeks, as the weather permitted, a grading contractor was hired to remove all stockpiled litter from the site at a cost of $1,465.00. (See attached invoice). Under normal conditions farmers take the litter at no cost to either party just for removing it from the property. When Perdue was notified that my farm would lose its Deemed Permitted Status and a Waste Management Plan would have to be developed Perdue would not - place anymore chickens on my farm until I had met the State's requirements. The State Office recommended that I meet with Mr. Tony Short with the Northampton County Soil and Water Conservation District Office and have him --- - -- -hdlp prepare -a plan: -On March 7, 1996, I forwardeda-Waste--Management-Plan prepared by Mr. Short. This plan was not acceptable. After much hard work I submitted a new Waste Management Plan on May 9,1996. It took approximately three weeks for the State Office to respond giving approval for this plan. E. L. Wade Cofistruction Co. P. O. Box 344 CONWAY, NOHTH CAFtOLINA 27820 Phono 985-0755 e-INVOICF DAM '.2- ff_ /Iva ll-�el A-1-04 uri 0HU" Md. bkf� 6wil,131ad VIISFRb %A '",5r- ABA c]UA,wf ItY j3ft§itjjjj3-fl6F4-"' ­7 UNIt Hhlbl= el-e—f'a Do. -Pump. 74—ue�. AAC 0 �"Iyo, TOTAL C3 eo /) 40368990 PERDUE FARMS INCORPORATED STATEMFNT OF REMITTANCE rDATE DESCRIPTION ACCT, NO, GROSS AMOUNT DEDUCTIONS NET DUE 35/95 3FtOtLER CONTRACT PAYMENT 66-130l-10 5#2680-58 35/95 ENTURA JACKSON 6096 00--10ft--1Q 2i393400 D5/95 EW NIPPLE ORNKR4REC 00-104,40 600*25 C IECK 1 369990 9275+33 40375117 DETACH THIS STATEMENT BEFORE DEPOSITING PERDUE FARMS INCORPORATED STATEMFNT OF REMITTANCE DATE DESCRIPTION ACCT. NO. GROSS AMOUNT DEDUCTIONS NET DUE y 6/95 EROILER CONTRACT PAYMENT 66-801-10 5i466.21 6/95 LEW NIPPLE DRNKR.REi 00-104-10 600.Z5 6/95 ENTURA JACKSON 8096 00-104-10 29393.00 C ECK 0 375117 2v472.96 40005940 DETACH THIS STATEMENT BEFORE DEPOSITING PERDUE FARMS INCORPORATED ���? /" j� CTATFMF_F MT ni= rtr:m iktj .�.�i; DATE DESCRIPTION ACCT. NO. GROSS AMOUNT DE -DU .TiONS NET DUE 'Z6/96 JROILER CONTRACT PAYMENT 366-801-10 4i755.03 'Z6/96 C ENTURA JACKSON 8096 300-104-10 Z09 3.0 '26/96 EW NIPPLE DRNKR.REC 300-104-10 600.2 IECK It 5940 1v761.713 4 n A g 4 n A PERDUE FARMS INCORPORATED CTATFMF?JT f'fR DVAAITTAWf F DAT7~ DESCRIPTION ACCT. NO. GROSS AMOUNT DEDUCTIONS NET DUE 10/96 IRDILER CONTRACT PAYMENT 66-801-10 44018-65 10/96 LEW NIPPLE URNKR.REC 00-104-10 600.25 10/96 PERSONAL ACCT. 00-104-10 152+10 C ECK 0 3894C8 39266.30 73, 30 40023650 DETACH THIS STATEMENT BEFORE DEPOSITING PERDUE FAFIMS INCORPORATED STATEMENT OF REMITTANCE DAIS DESCRIPTION ACCT. NO, GROSSAMOUNT DEDUCTIONS NEIDUE 10/96 )RUILER CONTRACT PAYMENT 66-601-10 3#606.79 - )6/`6 EW NIPPLE DRNKR.REC 00-104-10 600.25 )6/96 L-rJTURA JACKSCN_80_96 00-194-10 __ Zs 393. CU C ILCK tt 2365U 643.54 DETACI4 THIS STATEMENT BEFORE DEPOSITING I INVOICE , a nminiber of Carolina DMsion THE GSI GROUP � 0-91� 3684 Old Mt. Olive Hwy., P.O. Drawer 679, Mour1'19Wqz � I.Tg4r (J�'fS TO:�prW=n • 800-772-0646or800-T/9-4657 • Fax919-&%-dWONATED PRODUCTION SYSTEMS P.O. DRAWER 679 MIT. OLIVE, NC 28365 SOLD TO SHIP TO GEORGE POPE ROUTE 1, BOX 113 SEABOARD.• NC 27S76 ATTN-s GEORGE POPE ROUTE 1, BOX 113 SEABOARD ATTN: NC 27676 DATE 04/16/96 INVOICE NO. PAGE 35I426-00 1 ALL ACCOUNTS NOT PAID IN 30 DAYS ARE SUBJECT TO A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1 12% PER MONTH (ANNUAL PERCEN- TAGE RATE OF 18%) ADDED TO -THE UNPAID BALANCE EACH MONTH. CUSTOMER NO. SHIP VIA DATE SHIPPED W1H ORDER NO. SLSM CUSTOMER P.O. TERMS Mi619b CUSTOMER PICKUP 04/.15/,96" "M4 35-)'426-00 58 NET 30 DAYS :AMOUNT .�.....ac - . f'�'�•—sn-.� .� Via. _. . _. .._�i�i•'I� ;iL[�e s0i.1@i. �,2St� Jil)1:1147 Lti 07 --- -'S -_nu :+:. .•y..�•-r;,-^ -�.. - , -•-.�!'•'t"�`"' :� :i _9d1�&�[Z'�..- ait'.:1b2^^e' Ir1ilL iii(}�a7i� - l�.elSFir. YI-�7��' tiB01i-06 Si4Z �Vjl]OG 9i1'II �^. �i-. �S.'��Ii9C �6T+ySS!'t� 3�i1 fF�1{��RrC•'3FS�.l3Yk� - ......�..�.. - - ' �,�.,�s•°..tffiI?'.�?'.. I �'��T 3 �-s+:: rqv �.. �sr •� uS nz :� �' Via• zsa::c^ _ ,. ..rr-.+w�www� s...�r..-. . --_ � we....�...�...+wwe+•++�.�..+r++..s��.�rw�• .'nh- 'X':B G.�'r.'.^.�"-A veohr.-med 6CR�11Y7R!' '-7&^.s� r.�..rw +*`'ev*-nF .�.� _.-.r. -, -L. WEIGHT 747AL'.AMOl1NT TRADEM"=.:. Ye' sv1iARGE5 TAXES-; -.,CASH DISCOUNT AMOUNT DUE i ^ - .00 .00 .00 .2718-39 MIN -us--- LAI►t►�$?PAYrT":_: M E M O R A N D U M To: Dianne Williams Wilburn, Supervisor. Compliance Group Through: Ken Schuster, RRO DEM Supervisor Through: Judy Garrett, RRO WQ Supervisor Through: Charles Alvarez, RRO Env. Engineer From: Buster Towell, RRO Env. Tech.,''-'; March 12, 1996 Subject: Enforcement Action CD Case\Loss Deemed Permitted Status George Pope Broiler Operation SR 1347 Northampton County Please find attached the following information regarding the George Pope Poultry Facility in Northampton: 1. CAFO Designation Letter, dated September 8, 1992. 2. Response to above letter signed by Mr. Pope. 3. Inspection Form, Photos, and Assessment Factors. 4. Notice of Intent to Revoke Deemed Permitted Status. 5. CD Assessment. 6. NOV from RRO dated February 22, 1996. Please note that this operation has no Facility Number attached due to the fact that it was not required to register under .0217 Regs. If additional information is needed please call Buster Towe11 at (919) 571-4700. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COMMISSION COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON• IN THE MATTER OF GEORGE POPE BROILER OPERATION FOR VIOLATION OF G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1) MAKING AN OUTLET INTO WATERS OF THE STATE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT File No. CD FINDINGS AND DECISION AND ASSESSMENT OF CIVIL PENALTIES Acting pursuant to North Carolina General Statute (G.S.) 143- 215.6A, I, A. Preston Howard. Jr., Director of Environmental Management (DEM), make the following: I. FINDINGS OF FACT: A. Mr. George Pope is the owner of a poultry feeding operation located on SR 1347, in Northampton County, North Carolina. B. On July 16, 1992, DEM staff observed a discharge of wastewater via runoff from stockpiled chicken litter which was flowing into an unnamed tributary to Corduroy Swamp classified as C NSW waters in the Chowan River Basin. C. In a letter dated September 8, 1992, the Director, Division Environmental Management (DEM), notified Mr. George Pope by certified mail that said poultry operation had been designated a "Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation" (CAFO) in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H. 0122 and 40 CFR 122.23. D. The Director's letter stated that as a result of the CAFO designation, all discharges of animal waste to waters of the State must be permanently eliminated within 60 days or an application for a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit must be submitted. E. The Director's letter also stated that the CAFO designation could be contested by filing a petition for an administrative hearing in the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) within 30 days of receipt of the designation letter. F. George Pope neither applied for an NPDES permit nor petitioned for an administrative hearing to contest the CAFO designation. G. On February 21, 1996, personnel from DEM's Raleigh Regional Office inspected the poultry operation and observed waste from several stockpiles of litter running off into an unnamed tributary to Corduroy Swamp of the Chowan River Basin. H. The waters of Corduroy Swamp are classified as Class C NSW waters of the State. I. The costs to the State of the enforcement procedures in this matter totalled $ II. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: A. George Pope is a " person" within the meaning of G.S. 143-2156A and G.S. 143-212(4). B. Corduroy Swamp constitutes waters of the State within the meaning of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1) and G.S. 143-212(6). C. George Popes poultry operation, a properly designated CAFO , was required to obtain an NPDES permit prior to discharging animal wastes into the waters of the State. D. George Pope's discharge of animal waste into waters of the State without a permit on or about February 21, 1996, was a violation of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1). E. A civil penalty of up to $10,000.00 per day per violation may be assessed pursuant to G.S. 143- 215.6A(b). F. The State's enforcement costs in this matter may be assessed against George Pope pursuant to G.S. 143- 215.3(a)(9) and G.S.143B-282.1(b)(8). G. The Director, Division Environmental Management, pursuant to delegation provided for by G.S.143-215.6A(h), has the authority to assess civil penalties in this matter. Based upon the above Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, I make the following: III. DECISION: Accordingly, George Pope is hereby assessed a civil penalty of: $ for making an outlet into the waters of the State in violation of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1). $ TOTAL CIVIL PENALTY, which is percent of the maximum penalty authorized by G.S. 143-215.6A. $ Enforcement Costs. $ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE As required by G.S. 143-215.6A(c), in determining the amount of the penalty I have considered the factors listed in G.S. 143B-282,1(b), which are: (1) The degree and extent,of harm to the natural resources of the State, to public health, or to private property resulting from the violation; (2) The duration and gravity of the violation; (3) The effect on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air quality; (4) The cost of rectifying the damage; (5) The amount of money saved by noncompliance; (6) Whether the violation was committed willfully or intentionally; (7) The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority;and (8) The costs to the State of the enforcement procedures. (Date) A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. Director Division of Environmental Management State of North Carolina Department of Environment, F7WA Health and Natural ResourcesAr4te)i Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary ID E"N F 1 A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED MR. GEORGE POPE ROUTE 1, BOX 113 SEABOARD, NORTH CAROLINA 27876 Subject: Notice of Violation Notice of Intent to Revoke Deemed Permit George Pope Broiler Operation Northampton County Dear Mr. Pope: You are hereby notified that, having been deemed permitted to have a nondischarge permit for the subject animal waste disposal system pursuant to 15A NCAC 2H .0217, you have been found to be in violation of your 2H .0217 Permit. On February 21, 1996, Mr. Buster Towell of the Raleigh Regional Office conducted an inspection at your facility that revealed a discharge of poultry waste via runoff from several piles of litter that were stored within 50-100 feet of an unnamed tributary to Corduroy Swamp which is classified as C NSW waters within the Chowan River Basin. In accordance with the requirements of NCAC 2H .0213, you are hereby given notice that sixty (60) days following your receipt of this letter, the Division of Environmental Management intends to revoke your permit unless the following conditions are completed: 1. Immediately eliminate the discharge of wastewater or correct the violation. 2. Make any modifications needed to ensure there will be no future discharges. 3. Submit an approved animal waste management plan and have the attached certification form completed. One copy of the plan must be sent to your local Soil and Water Conservation District. The certification form and two (2) copies of your plan must be returned to the address below: Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section Operations Branch P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 P.O. Box 29535, Roieigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper \Y I Failure to comply with the above conditions will result in permit revocation and therefore, the existing animal waste management system serving your animal operation will be in operation without a permit as required by North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1. Your approved animal waste management plan must .explain how you will collect, store, treat and land apply your animal waste in an environmentally acceptable manner. To assist you in the development of this plan and to provide the required certification that the plan is acceptable, you should contact your local agricultural agencies such as the Soil and Water Conservation District, the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service, the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service or a technical specialist designated pursuant to the rules adopted by the Soil and Water Conservation Commission. If we have not received the requested animal waste management plan and certification within 80 days of receipt of this letter or if there are additional discharges to the surface water a civil penalty of up to $10,000 may be assessed and you may be required to apply for an individual nondischarge permit from the Division. This permit, if issued, will contain monitoring and reporting requirements determined to be necessary by the Division. Although we will make every effort to work with you in correcting the problems found at your facility, please be advised that nothing in this letter should be taken as preventing the Division from taking appropriate enforcement actions for either these violations or other past or future violations . If you have any questions concerning this matter please do not hesitate to contact either Ms. Judy Garrett, Water Quality Regional Supervisor for our Raleigh Regional Office at (919) 571-4700 or Mr. Shannon Langley at (919) 733-5083, ext. 581. Sincerely, A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. ATTACHMENTS cc, Regional Water Quality Supervisor Mr. Tony Short, Northampton County Soil and Water Conservation District Ms. Pat Hooper, Environmental Engineer, DSWC-WARD Dr. Boone Mora, Northampton County Health Department Compliance\Enforcement File Inspection Form for Animal Operations 1. Inspection Date: February 21, 1996 2. Regional Office: RRO 3. Name of Owner of Property: current address: Mr. George Pope Route 1, Box 113 Seaboard, North Carolina 27876 phone: 919-585-1585 4. Name of Operator: Sidney Allen 919-585-0963 5. Description of Facility Location: Located on SR 1347 1 112. miles west of intersection with SR 1344. 6. Date facility began operation: Aprx. 15-20 years old 7. Date of last inspection: December 8, 1993. 8. Has Facility registered with DEM: No. Broiler Operations were not required to register under NCAC .0217. 9. Does facility have an approved animal waste plan: NO 10. Has facility received a CAFO Designation: YES, September 8, 1992. 11. Operation type: Poultry, Broilers 12. Number of animals: 54,000. 13. Length of confinement: year round 14. Are crops or pasture sustained in normal growing season over any portion of the facility. No 15. Types of Waste Management: confinement buildings 16. Description of other animal operation in immediate vicinity: There are several abandoned swine operations within 1 mile of this facility and several more broiler operations within 2-3 miles. Inspection Form For Animal Operations Page 2 17. Proximity of facility to neighboring houses, wells etc.: less than 100 feet from where litter piles are currently being stored. 18. Groundwater depth: 3-4 feet to SHWT 19. Proximity of facility to surface waters: aprx. less than 50 feet. 20. Was an Animal Waste Discharge occurring during the inspection: Yes. 21. Are Pollutants discharged into waters of the State: Yes. 22. Was the subject discharge caused by a 25yr/24 hr storm event: NO. Assessment Factors 1. The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State, to public health, or to private property resulting from the violation. Waste was being discharged into ut to Corduroy Swamp at time of inspection via runoff from stockpiled litter. The same violation was also noted back in September, 1992 when this facility was Designated as a CAFO. There is evidence that this facility has had continuing runoff from litter storage for long periods of time. 2. The duration and gravity of the violation: Waste is discharged via runoff from this facility every time rainfall is great enough to cause waste to move off site. The litter piles have always been piled fairly close to receiving waters. Poultry Operations can not legally (NCAC .0217) store their litter closer than 100 feet from perennial waters. 3. The effect on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air quality. Cumulative effects on downstream waters. 4. The cost of rectifying the damage: Unknown, Facility has no land available for land application and is totally dependant on area farmers for litter removal. 5. The amount of money saved,by noncompliance: See above 6. Whether the violation was committed willfully of intentionally: The act of litter storage was intentional. This facility is land locked as far as having adequate acreage to stockpile litter in an environmentally sound manner. 7. The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority: Designated as a CAFO 1992 Assessment Factors 8. The costs to the State of the enforcement procedures: staff time: mileage administrative total cost 12 Hrs. 221 miles $ 100.00 $ 371.36 9. Type and general nature of business: Perdue Broiler Farm 10. What is the violators degree of cooperation (including efforts to prevent or restore) or recalcitrance: Mr. Sidney Allen (operator) was hostile at first. Mr. Pope was somewhat concerned but was mainly concerned with fines. Some efforts have stated in cleanup but the plan is to still wait until fields are dry enough to accept litter before moving piles off site. 11. Mitigating Circumstances: None 12. Assessment Factors: IWC: unknown Receiving Stream: Corduroy Swamp\ Chowan\ C NSW Damage Y\N If yes, include report from WRC None Conclusion 1-4 1. Include copy of any Designation letter signed by the Director: September 8, 1992 Designated As CAFO 2.; Recommendations made to operator: Mr. Allen and Mr. Pope were recommended to contact local Soil and Water Conservation District for help in developing a Animal Waste Management Plan. 3. Recommendations for Further DEM Action: Loss of Deemed Permitted Status and CD Enforcement Case. 4. Other comments: If more information is needed contact Buster Towell, RRO. GEORGE POPE POULTRY OPERATION NORTHAMPTON COUNTY Photos from February 21, 1996 are unavailable. Poor lighting at the time the pictures were taken caused the prints to be too dark to see clearly. The picture presented is from March 7, 1996, after a small berm has been placed near the piles of litter. The road ditch that leads to Corduroy Swamp is in the foreground . e March 7, 1996 State of North Carolina Department of Environment Health and Natural Resources 3800 Barrett Drive, Suite 101 Raleigh, NC 27609 Attention: Kenneth Schuster Dear Sir: a A[�CQ�1� f� I am responding to your letter of February 22, 1996. I lease the poultry farm and was appalled to find that the Lessee had allowed this situation to occur. However: the discharge was liminated on February 22 with a berm installed around the stockpile. On March 1st a third party applicator began removing the stockpile from the farm. On March 6 the Lessee and myself met with Tony Short from the Northampton County Soil and Water Conservation District Office. We are implementing a waste management plan proposed by Mr. Short. A copy of the plan is attached. Sincerely, pw� George N. Pope Rt 1 Box 113 Seaboard, NC 27876 Producer: George Pope Location: Bynum Rd., Northampton County Address: Rt 1 Box 113 Seaboard, NC 27876 Telephone: 585-1585 (H) 537-9112 (0) Type Operation: Perdue Broiler Houses Number of Birds: 54,200 The waste from your animal facility must be land applied at a specified rate to prevent pollution of surface and/or ground water. The plant' nutrients in the animal waste should be used to reduce the amount of commercial fertilizer required for the crops on the fields where the waste is to be applied. This waste should be analyzed before each application cycle and annual soil tests are encouraged so that all plant nutrients can be balanced for realistic yields of the crops to be grown. Several,factors are important in implementing your waste utilization plan in order to maximize the fertilizer value of the waste and to ensure that it is applied in an environmentally safe manner. Always apply waste based on the needs of the crop to be grown and the nutrient content of the waste. Do not apply more nitrogen than the crop can utilize. Soil types are important as they have different infiltration rates and leaching potential. Waste shall not be applied to land eroding at greater than 5 tons per acre per year. Do not apply waste on saturated soils or on land when the surface is frozen. Either of these conditions may result in runoff to surface waters. To maximize the value of nutrients for crop production and to reduce the potential for pollution, the waste should be applied to a growing crop or not more than.30 days prior to planting. Injecting the waste or disking will conserve nutrients and reduce odor problems. The acres needed to apply the animal waste is based on typical nutrient content for this type of facility. Acreage requirements may be more or less based on the waste analysis report from your waste management facility. Amount of waste produced uer vear 54,200 birds X 5.8 tons/1,000 birds/year = 314 tons/year Amount of Nitro en produced per year 54,200 birds X 194 lbs N/1,000 birds/year = 10,569 lbs. N/year Applying the above amount of waste is a big job. You should plan time and have appropriate equipment to apply the waste in a timely manner. page x IMM The following acreage will be needed for waste application based on the crop to grown and surface application: WASTE WILL BE SPREAD BY THIRD PARTY APPLICATORS Table 1: ACRES OWNED BY PRODUCER Tract Field Soil Crop Realistic Lbs. N Acres Lbs. N Month of # Type Yld./Acre Per AC Utilized Application Table 2. ACRES WITH AGREEMENT OR LONG TERM LEASE Tract Field Soil Crop Realistic Lbs. N Acres Lbs. N Month of # Type Yld./Acre Per Ac Utilized Application Total" Table 2 Total Table 1 Total Needed Amount of N Produced Surplus or Deficit page 2 The producer shall be responsible for covering ali dry waste either by roof, tarp, or plastic from the time it leaves the poultry house until it is land applied. Where owners of animal operations do not have adequate amounts of land to apply the waste, the producer must provide a written agreement whereby another landowner has agreed to land apply or allow land application on his or her land. Records will be required by DEM. They should note -the time of cleanout, the approximate amount, and the location of the site where the litter was applied. If third party applicators use the litter, records must be maintained of the third party's name, address and phone number. Call the Natural Resources Conservation Service or Soil and Water Conservation District office after you receive the waste analysis report to obtain the amount per acre to apply and the application rate prior to applying the waste. Narrative of. Operation: Operator will remove remaining stockpile of litter. In future, litter will be taken away from site. Only cake --out will be left on site. This will be covered immediately. Old stockpile area will be disked and reshaped. Waste will be used by third party applicators. WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN AGREEMENT I agree to carry out this waste management plan according to the terms of the agreement. Failure to comply with the waste management plan will automatically require any cost share funds to be refunded to their source. This agreement is valid for 10 years from the date of inception. .. I understand that Mr./Mrs. does not have ample land to apply the animal waste produced from his/her animal operation. I have agreed to utilize the waste produced from the operation and agree to carry out this waste management plan on land that I own or operate. This agreement is valid for 10 years from the date of inception. Recipient Landowner: Date: rr System Designer: Date: Design Approval: Date: 3 page 3 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Raleigh Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary CERTIFIED MAIL 9_0� E H NR Division of Environmental Management February 22, 1996 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. George Pope Route 1, Box 113 Seaboard, North Carolina 27876 Subject: Notice of Violation George Pope Broiler Facility SR 1347 (Bynum Road) Northampton County Dear Mr. Pope: On February 21, 1996, Buster Towell of the Raleigh Regional Office conducted an inspection of the subject animal facility due to a citizens complaint which indicated that poultry waste was being discharged into the waters of the State. A site investigation confirmed that wastewater was running off of several piles of chicken litter that were stored on site adjacent to SR 1347 and within 50-100 feet from an unnamed tributary to Corduroy Swamp which is classified as' C NSW waters within the Chowan River Basin. - The above referenced discharge is a violation of North caroling General Statute 143-215.1 (a) which states: 143-215.1(a) " No person shall do any of the following things or carry out any of the followingactivities until or unless such person shall have applied for and received from the Commission a permit therefor and shall have complied with such conditions, if any as are prescribed by such permit. 1. Make any outlet into the waters of the State;" This office is issuing you this Notice of Violation regarding this matter, and you are hereby required to immediately eliminate the illegal discharge which is subject to $ 10,000 dollars per day, per violation. 3800 Barrett Drive, Suite 101, FAX 919-571-4718 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 N%0 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Voice 919-571-4700 500/6 recycled/10% post -consumer paper George Pope Farm Page 2 In addition to the Notice of violation, the Raleigh Regional' Office will recommend to the Director that the subject animal facility lose Deemed Permitted Status. This will require the immediate development of an approved animal waste management plan. For assistance in this matter you are encouraged to contact your local Soil and Water Conservation District Office or any licensed Professional Engineer. Please respond in writing to this Notice no later than March 8, 1996, outlining your plan to permanently eliminate the discharge from this facility. You should also seek assistance in the development of the above referenced waste management plan and report your achievements thus far. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Notice, please contact either Mr. Buster Towell or Ms. Judy Garrett at (919) 571- 4700. Sincerely, Kenneth Schuster-, P.E. Regional Supervisor cc: Dr. Boone Mora, Northampton County kealth Department - Mr: Tony Short, Northampton County Soil and Water Conservation District Ms. Pat Hooper, Environmental Engineer, DSWC-WARO Mr. Rick Harrell, Perdue Farms Compliance Group RRO Files State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Raleigh Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr„ Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary CERTIFIED MAIL e�� DEHNR Division of Environmental Management February 22, 1996 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. George Pope Route 1, Box 113 Seaboard, North Carolina 27676 Subject: Notice of Violation George Pope Broiler Facility SR 1347 (Bynum Road) Northampton County Dear Mr. Pope: On February 21, 1996, Buster Towell of the Raleigh Regional Office conducted an inspection of the subject animal facility due to a citizens complaint which indicated that poultry waste was being discharged into the waters of the State. A site investigation confirmed that wastewater was running off of several piles of chicken litter that were stored on site adjacent to SR 1347 and within 50-100 feet from an unnamed tributary to Corduroy Swamp which is classified as C NSW waters within the Chowan River Basin. The above referenced discharge is a violation of North carolina General Statute 143-215.1 (a) which states: 143-215.1(a) " No person shall do any of the following things or carry out any of the following activities until or unless such person shall have applied for and received from the Commission a permit therefor and shall have complied with such conditions, if any as are prescribed by such permit. 1. Make any outlet into the waters of the State;" This office is issuing you this Notice of Violation regarding this matter, and you are hereby required to immediately eliminate the illegal discharge which is subject to $ 10,000 dollars per day, per violation. 38M Barrett Drive, Suite 101, FAX 919.571-4718 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 Ni� 0 C An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Voice 919-571-4700 500k recycled/100k post -consumer paper George Pope Farm Page 2 In addition to the Notice of violation, the Raleigh Regional Office will recommend to the Director that the subject animal facility lose Deemed Permitted Status. This will require the immediate development of an approved animal waste management plan. For assistance in this matter you are encouraged to contact your local Soil and Water Conservation District Office or any licensed Professional Engineer. Please respond in writing to this Notice no later than March B, 1996, outlining your plan to permanently eliminate the discharge from this facility. You should also seek assistance in the development of the above referenced waste management plan and report your achievements thus far. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Notice, please contact either Mr. Buster Towell or Ms. Judy Garrett at (919) 571- 4700. Sincerely, Kenneth Schuster, P.E. Regional Supervisor cc: Dr. Boone Mora, Northampton County Health Department Mr. Tony Short, Northampton County Soil and Water Conservation District Ms. Pat Hooper, Environmental Engineer, DSWC-WARO Mr. Rick Harrell, Perdue Farms Compliance Group RRO Files 0 o -Comp.. = y :.,d/or 2 f,:r adjdion -� I also wish to receive the •Cample.� : r:. e, 4a, and 4b. following services (for an s1 ■Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we Can retum this extra fee); card to you. ■At aaca' this form to the trom of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does notperm 1. ❑Addressee's Address m ■Write Return Reosipf Requested'on the mallpiece below the article number. 2. ❑ Restricted Delivery ■The Return Receipt will show to whom the amide was delivered and the date IrL C delivered. } Consult postmaster for fee. 3. Article Addressed W. "i �' q& 4a. Article Number JX to 281 512 386 E CL E #P MR CEOPGE PCPE 4b. Service TygU- RXM 1 BOX 113 ❑ Registered -, .Certified SEABOARD NC 27876 ❑ Express Mail ❑ Insured of S W WQ 2/22/96 N' HP2 P'I'rI`T CO NOV ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ COD aBT /JG 7. Date of Delivery o 5. Received By: (Print Name) 8. Addressee's Address (Only if requested and too is paid)ca 6. Sign ure,. (Addressee orAgent) 7+ J a r PS Fo 8 . Decem 1994 Domestic Return Receipt M E M O R A N D U M October 18, 1996 To: Bob Sledge, Supervisor DWQ Compliance Group Through: Charles Alvarez, RRO Environmental Engineer Through: Judy Garrett, RRO Water Quality Supervisor From: Buster Towell, RRO Environmental Technician Subject: Remission Request --George Pope Poultry CD 96-03 Northampton County Please accept the following comments regarding the subject request for remission of civil penalties levied against the George Pope Broiler Operation: Mr. Pope states in his first sentence that he does not contest the accuracy of any charges against his operation. Furthermore please remember that this facility was prior Designated as a Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation by the Director on September 18, 1992. The Designation letter states that the discharge must be permanently eliminated. On February 21, 1996, RRO WQ staff observed runoff from stockpiles of litter discharging into waters of the State. The Animal Waste Non -Discharge Rules gave Poultry Operations with dry litter systems only several requirements regarding the collection, treatment, storage, and utilization of their waste, with the main requirement being that waste could not be stockpiled closer than 100 feet from a blue line stream. In this instance waste was stockpiled 50 feet of the waters of the State. Also no records were being kept regarding the ultimate disposal of this litter by third a party. The additional information submitted by Mr. Pope only deals with the every day cost associated with the operation of a Perdue Broiler ,Facility and in this writers opinion has absolutely no bearing on the case whatsoever. Furthermore, I applaud Perdue Farms rigid pro -environmental stance that they have shown regarding this facility and another similar facility in Northampton County. If additional information is needed please contact me at the RRO (919) 571-4700. • -� State of North Carolina Department of Environment, ' Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Q E F1 A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director August; 29, 1996 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. George Pope (GeorePope Broiler O eration, Route 1 Box 113 Seaboard, North Carolina 27876 SUBJECT: Assessment of Civil Penalties for Violation(s) of N.C. General Statute(s) 143-215.1(a)(1) LlVorthamp on County File No. CD 96-03 Dear Mr. Pope: This letter transmits notice of a civil penalty assessed against Mr. George Pope in the amount of $3,376.96 including $376.96 in investigative costs. Attached is a copy of the assessment document explaining this penalty. This action was taken under the authority vested in me by delegation pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143-215.6A(h). Any continuing violation(s) may be the subject of a new enforcement action, including an additional penalty. Within thirty days of receipt of this notice, you must do one of the following: 1. Submit payment of the penalty: Payment should be made directly to the order of the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (do not include waiver form). Payment of the penalty will not foreclose further enforcement action for any continuing or new violation(s). Please submit payment to the attention of: Mr. Steve W. Tedder Water Quality Section Chief Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 •A P.Q. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper 2. Submit a written request for remission or mitigation including a detailed justification for such request: A request for remission or mitigation is limited to consideration of the reasonableness of the amount of the penalty and is not the proper procedure for contesting the accuracy of any of the statements contained in the assessment letter. Because a remission request forecloses the option of an administrative hearing, such a request must be accompanied by a waiver of your right to an administrative hearing and a stipulation that there are no factual or legal issues in dispute. You must execute and return to this office the attached waiver and stipulation form and a detailed statement which you believe establishes whether: (a) one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors in G.S. 143B- 2 82. 1 (b) were wrongfully applied to the detriment of the petitioner; (b) the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation; (c) the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident; (d) the violator had been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations; (e) payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions. Please submit this information to the attention of: Mr. Steve W. Tedder Water Quality Section Chief/DEM P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 W 3. Submit a written request for an administrative hearing: If you wish to contest any portion of the civil penalty assessment, you must request an administrative hearing. This request must be in the form of a written petition to the Office of Administrative Hearings and must conform to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes. You must: File your original petition with the: Office of Administrative Hearings P.O. Drawer 27447 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7447 and Mail or hand -deliver a Copy of the petition to: Mr. Richard Whisnant Office of General Counsel NCDEHNR Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 Failure to exercise one of the options above within thirty days, as evidenced by a date stamp (not a postmark) indicating when we received your response, will result in this matter being referred to the Attorney General's Office with a request to initiate a civil action to collect the penalty. Please be advised that additional assessments may be levied for future violations which occur after the review period of this assessment. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Shannon Langley at (919) 733-5083, extension 581. Sincerely, A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. ATTACHMENTS cc: �R 6gh Regional:Supervisbattac�hmen sue, Compliance/Enforcement File w/ attachments Central Files w/ attachments Public Information Officer w/attachments it ,11 �f AM RtGlDP.�K; STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON IN THE MATTER OF GEORGE POPE FOR A VIOLATION OF G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1) MAKING AN OUTLET INTO WATERS OF THE STATE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION File No. CD 96-03 FINDINGS AND DECISION AND ASSESSMENT OF CIVIL PENALTIES Acting pursuant to North Carolina General Statute (G.S.) 143-215.6A, I, A. Preston Howard, Jr., Director of the Division of Water Quality (DWQ), make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT: A. Mr. George Pope is the owner of a poultry feeding operation located on SR 1347, in Northampton County, North Carolina. B. On July 16, 1992, DEM staff observed a discharge of wastewater via runoff from stockpiled chicken litter. This runoff was flowing into an unnamed tributary to Corduroy Swamp which is classified as "C NSW" waters of the State in the Chowan River Basin. C. In a letter dated September 18, 1992, the Director, Division of Environmental Management (DEM), notified George Pope by certified mail that said poultry operation had been designated a "Concentrated Animal Feedlot Operation" (CAFO) in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H. 0122 and 40 CFR 122.23. D. The Director's letter stated that as a result of the CAFO designation, all discharges of animal waste to waters of the State must be permanently eliminated within 60 days or an application for a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit must be submitted. E. The Director's letter also stated that the CAFO designation could be contested by fling a petition for an administrative hearing in the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) within 30 days of receipt of the designation letter. F. George Pope neither applied for an NPDES permit nor petitioned for an administrative hearing to contest the CAFO designation. G. On February 21, 1996, personnel from DWQ's Raleigh Regional Office inspected the George Pope poultry farm and observed that waste from several stockpiles of litter was running off into an unnamed tributary to Corduroy Swamp within the Chowan River Basin. II H. The waters of Corduroy Swamp are classified as Class C NSW waters of the State. I. The costs to the State of the enforcement procedures in this matter totaled $376.96. Based upon the above Findings of Fact, I make the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: A. George Pope is a "person" within the meaning of G.S.143-215.6A and G.S. 143- 212(4). B. The unnamed tributary to Corduroy Swamp constitutes waters of the State within the meaning of G.S. 143-215,1(a)(1) and G.S. 143-212(6). C. The George Pope poultry operation, a properly designated CAFO, was required to obtain an NPDES permit prior to discharging animal wastes into waters of the State. D. George Pope's discharge of animal waste into waters of the State without a permit on or about Febraar'y 21, 1996 was a violation of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1). E. A civil penalty of up to $10,000.00 per day per violation may be assessed pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A(b). F. The State's enforcement costs in this matter may be assessed against George Pope pursuant to G.S. 143-215.3(a)(9) and G.S. 143B-282.1(b)(8). G. The Director, Division of Water Quality, pursuant to delegation provided for by G.S. 143-215.6A(h), has the authority to assess civil penalties in this matter. Based upon the above Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, I make the following: III. DECISION: Accordingly, George Pope is hereby assessed a civil penalty of: $ .30-" • cro for making an outlet into the waters of the State in violation of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1) on February 21, 1996. $-crrv- TOTAL CIVIL PENALTY, which is 30 percent of the maximum penalty authorized by G.S. 143-215.6A. $ 376.96 Enforcement costs. $_33'7 ( . Q G TOTAL AMOUNT DUE As required by G.S. 143-215.6A(c), in determining the amount of the penalty I have considered the factors listed in G.S.143B-282.I(b), which are: (1) The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State, to the public health, or to private property resulting from the violation; (2) The duration and gravity of the violation; (3) The effect on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air quality; (4) The cost of rectifying the damage; (5) The amount of money saved by noncompliance; (6) Whether the violation was committed willfully or intentionally; (7) The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority; and (8) The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures. (Date) A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director. Division of Water Quality e May 9, 1996 North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 3800 Barrett Drive Suite 101 Raleigh, NC 27609 Dear Mr. Towell: PO��' �$5 SAY � 3 JtLJ 1996 6 �� VA OfFIG� Enclosed please find the completed waste management plan as requested by your office. Tony Short has assured me that this plan is complete. Please notify Rick Burns with Perdue and myself as soon as possible if this plan meets with your approval. We need to place a flock of chickens as soon as possible. Sincerely; 1,- --)-7 74q:�"� George N. Pope Rt 1 Box 113 Seaboard, NC 27876 1 1 G� If�l/yy Producer: George Pope Location: Bynum Rd., Northampton County Address: Rt 1 Box 113 Seaboard, NC 27876 Telephone: 585-1585 (H) 537-9112 (0) Type Operation: Perdue Broiler Houses 1 , t f MAY 1-1l3 1996 �+ Number of Birds: 54,200 L The waste from your animal facility must be land DapplieFd' atG19!4;+L OFFICE specified rate to prevent pollution of surface and/or ground water. The plant nutrients in the animal waste should be used to reduce the amount of commercial fertilizer required for the crops on the fields where the waste is to be applied. This waste should be analyzed before each application cycle and annual soil tests are encouraged so that all plant nutrients can be balanced for realistic yields of the crops to be grown. Several factors are important in implementing your waste utilization plan in order to maximize the fertilizer value of the waste and to ensure that it is applied in an environmentally safe manner. Always apply waste based on the needs of the crop to be grown and the nutrient content of the waste. Do not apply more nitrogen than the crop can utilize. Soil types are important as they have different infiltration rates and leaching potential. Waste shall not be applied to land eroding at greater than 5 tons per acre per year. Do not apply waste on saturated soils or on land when the surface is frozen. Either of these conditions may result in runoff to surface waters. To maximize the value of nutrients for crop production and to reduce the potential for pollution, the waste should be applied to a growing crop or not more than 30 days prior to planting. Injecting the waste or disking will conserve nutrients and reduce odor problems. The acres needed to apply the animal waste is based on typical nutrient content for this type of facility. Acreage requirements may be more or less based on the waste analysis report from your waste management facility. Amount of waste produced per vear 54,200 birds X 5.8 tons/1,000 birds/year = 314 tons/year Amount of Nitro en produced per ear 54,200 birds X 194 lbs N11,000 birds/year = 10,569 lbs. N/year Applying the above amount of waste is a big job. You should plan time and have appropriate equipment to apply the waste in a timely manner. page 1 The following acreage will be needed for waste application based on the crop to grown and surface application: WASTE WILL BE SPREAD BY THIRD PARTY APPLICATORS Table 1: ACRES OWNED BY PRODUCER Tract Field Soil Crop Realistic Lbs. N Acres Lbs. N Molith of # Type Y1d./Acre Per Ac Utilized Application 2oZ3 .. GX CT Go N? x- r 7 N*-X a, 1.G7. S 9 3 A 7m xo. 7 a r rr Z L it 67�-Xd,t G7.3 2 7 r` Total Table 1.. Z117. Table 2:. ACRES WITH AGREEMENT OR LONG TERM LEASE Tract Field Soil Crop Realistic Lbs. N Acres Lbs. N Moilth of # Type Yld./Acre Per Ac Utilized Application Zo "j 14�j C o0 o.r a IA - (9-le O• iC�� G•Sr �� r� 3 -00 o, 1 10 rr rr Gocix 0. G0 J. L 2, I� 0 . 0 .3.1� Z �� If Nd- of do o. r a 6x Tota Table 2 Total Table 1 Total Needed Amount of N Produi Surplus or Deficit page 2 The�producer-sha31-=-15e`-respons-i:bleFfo---coverin4:7a-1]:- dry=waste- either ,by -roof,= .tarp:;_ or -plast-i --from--.thetry=-house �Cu�ntil-it_ is_.kand- applied. w_here_owiiers�of=*animal =bperatiotis�do:_no.t_have:�ad.equate�amountg :of 1-arid -t-o - p ly_=.the---waste, the=producer=must�provi-dd-a.-wr- J..t.ten r�igreeme'nt=.whereby- -another,; iandowrier:_has.-agreed- tb= Yand-apply--or* allow land=appl cat=ion=on==his-or-.-her-Iand. Records will be_r,equired=by DEM..They__sh_ould� note=the=time=- of, cleanout:r� theme -approximate -amount ; anri'the location of=the=-site-=where t eel t=ter-=was-applied ._-_-,z-t----t-hird-pa-rty:�- appl cators- use- t-he =1 Ctter-, records=mube _ sE�maintained of - tha third party' s- name; address: and phone number- --- �. Call the Natural Resources Conservation Service or Soil. and Water Conservation District office after you receive the waste analysis report to obtain the amount per acre to apply and the application rate priorto applying the waste. Narrative of Operation: O�aerator�w;11- remove-remaialin_g-s-tockpileof,�],;t,t er.„Ir�_f,utur_c;_j }te ll be taken away from site. � *"Only- ;cake -out will be left on site. TlYi% 1°l7be cov ae ed immed-iate-ly—Ol:d-so:ackpx-le=area=wi]-l-be ds*sked�and=reshaped,.,W_as,te_w,ill=�be�used�Sy tthi d-party�appli.ca;tdrs. WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN AGREEMENT I agree to carry out this waste management plan according to the terms of the agreement. Failure to comply with the waste management plan will automatically require any cost share funds to be refunded to their source. This agreement is valid for 10 years from the date of inception. �,rQ� Producer: �`�V_f�r3 C1 .���. l� cr.), Date. -3 r I understand that Mr./Mrs. _tea,_. o 4v_ -r- •. does not have ample land to apply the animal waste produced from his/her animal operation. I have agreed to utilize the waste produced from the operation and agree to carry out this waste management plan on land that .I own or operate. This agreement is valid for 10 years from the date of inception. Recipient Landowner: Date: System Designer: Design Approval: Date. Date: _ s-G-9`r, — page 3 br+ Ili'' M&T Table -A: ACRESVOWNED BY PRODUCER Tract Field Soil Crop Real. Lbs. N Acres Lbs. N Month of # Type Yield Per Ac Utilized Application 20 G C rW 400 o.1 o. G 6S6 yytoo- O-� N �;x3 C-77✓ 6-mm. I 60 Jr. 2-- bob G 6 ft, 1,5..Ir I IZ-q7 rr rr G7W 7 S` 5 Ir ten✓ & 7f X.0 Ly•-r Z 729 ( I,%4 GS Z.0 / p A f/ 2- od It S- y L .273 60 S• it L h �, rr 706xo. ( 70 r- 3(s- A d o r rr Fey . sax (o o rs - 2. 8ea rm" - CP 3 .4 STr/ Xo.r b Is* 6sbx0.1 6 lD a + 1w (00 xo.I as- ZG 90 l a my ( 3 v 31,7 J/(0 Total TablevA ItIML Amount of N Produced Surplus or Deficit 4- 1 0 It'S'As Table : ACRES"'OWNED BY PRODUCER Tract Field Soil Crop Real. Lbs. N Acres Lbs. N Month of # Type Yield Per Ac Utilized Application 06 Crjv 70D a,f d 3-/ ZI // rr �� c f �Z •• o. 60 /J. Z 797, rr ' o Cr8 rr a o. « ��• l �, rl S- h 0 e R� C,r h Z 2-- r� 2. ' 1 (2, 7 tl / 3 Cr B rr It « 2. ,� 2 4 / y G r/S it rr 2. l r Total. Tabler Amount of N Produced Surplus or Deficit Table 1: ACRES OWNED BY PRODUCER Tract Field Soil Crop Real. Lbs. N Acres Lbs. N Month of # Type Yield Per Ac Utilized Application �' jam..' •� �<•''.# � ;�h :. �r?r r< ;•'. }fir 'Tic AIN IF + � tom`-r' •'� =t.h` � � I,qu x�. � 7 f • ( {e �,� yr, j'r.:"P'•Nf;_ ti'0� :. ra t r, -c. ,.- r-.s,Jrt �%. �, �w.. �,.� '`'fir` � .k� ` •i� ,t ]+ r a .. r`-N- i"`_�^ ] k � 'ate"," a q • � °r � .tom •a... t r l.xr , �.:. 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I1,iq ..•r.;Fl� 4'"- _ . s� �� 7 t• �.��� ''l��'," t 'r 1.�,�' f� r".�4"i�r.,'.y{4ti1 -�'?^ L, yyf•-r �r,`.•[-;t�,+��>: tr%f '� �L' 4�'�-}`�;'. ; h��'+'`�•� -� + 4 _ �' 1 �y. •�.J'-�,. k � �' r. r. tr e tZ . � T �i^^:rY �l +'Jy�i � �� frtt�• iz. F J T 'r �gl''7,1 ,, rwr'"t ". ;t'• r T ,i t4. [,.ids i y f-, 'r ` y� �' ''�.: �'1�" [•� I '••�`'' ,tl'F'�.• t 3 �t "'�7 ''>�li'�ifr1�':y� ��f�,1� } �' '�l" KlY'I'# r fr ,ic�r �, ���'. y, ��rt?f' 1 �•` . tfdr • r r "L Yr,tti. r , f ir' !� �in .# "I iv + + s? r ill .,•yt t� r ' } �Fl .4 ! 1�ri �_ 71 �.. � � ;N�' .Y s,% )� .. ': � o �' C¢= �►:r� •� j�"'Z'•L+, ', j'S 'nr'1�1'+, r +mot /��,ir�: , ,t•. f/yyy1ri; .�•'w. r'' �`+���"y Kr'R .A.J• _ iirr �lst7y'. F-A] r .'l . � i. � �. a �� �r��' 'ti.'� ��� ��r�-..�, �r r v' '¢' • ��.r- •.'•r :'r•' s+C..�•' •f.�a . ,J.;� €. '� ���,4����4i*t► .� rid+ r!_„rT';yf� *�a'�,,• 't i}'ti,' �y,y ,y.�`�+tr�+ k� +t'+yt- �' F =� ! � y 1.1.•I r„ft�•y -�' ; r J : f 5 �ae'S t ,J�) � _ si. ,++1Rj �S i r�, ; L' t - �-•:, �"!'- -, ' � i � • , - - 1''jt_ :rT Fk'W � a r }�A7: , :� .., ,tr i�p 1i ! i..� r rr •. , > �„r i't C ( t y '"1 }t� r+' 1'' • t� y Y /t ' 'y- t _: }s J f ` r >• ', rtir ;.� Sri'! i i'l�'r:'r:7t +.r�� �a SHIP, � [�.rdS1rA �•: �.., rta<L- e� '•.r'. >•+ ,11 e.r. '\� Y � •(,i"'i •tL ^";f �.t ,� j � Ar•` � J } r.t S' j{f ' t � 3 - ' •1 `1'. [ � r. ' f _ `� r":i`�F 1 P+• � ' t .i ,, r 1 J {, P', t.'r. ,h,. .• i, ee //t t,- r' 1 1 y r;: J 4 F",i~ 91� a � [' STY lJ:t� .�': �`� rT. �° ✓ : ,.�� .a• J'•', .':hy�J+°.':-F.+\l.. •:'� .�iL"t' .rT . i,,,.,t'�sfirn ,i . ,}, t�:r�.�'; rTn 771.: . ., .. .. ... r. e. .1..r .... IMAL WASTE UTILIZAT Weeded only it additlonal lend hoe to b• Wasid, oto.1 I, Lt J hereby give apply �animal waste from his Waste Utilizatiod System 6n land for the duration of time shown below. I understand that this waste contains nitrogen, phosphc other trace elements and when properly applied will crops. I also understand that the use of waste will commercial fertilizer. Landowner: �� Date: Waste Producer; Date: Technical Representative: Date: SWCD Representative: Date: Term of Agreement - 10 , 19 7G to 3 0 lmonimum of ten vests on coot shared 4ams1 Mes hequlred Specification No. 21 This agreement may be withdrawn by either party with a t written notice. JAB 14- •` f �Lo � E •f I� permission to - acres of my t potassium, and harm my land or ,uce my need for ­%51 VLf,T It AA IN It ? N A �V ryp A ANIMAL_ WASTE _UTILIZATIONAGREEMEI1T (Needed only if additional land has to be leased, etc.) hereby give permission to apply animal waste f m his Waste Utilizat on ystem on acres of my land for the duration of time shown below. I understand that this waste contains nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, and other trace elements and when properly applied will not harm my land or crops. I also understand that the use of waste will reduce my need for commercial fertilizer., i!y'3 Adjacent Landowner:__ Date: A Waste Producer: ) z Date: Technical Representative- { Date: 3 "� SWCD Representative: _ _. __Date: Term of Agreement: _ �_Z - 2 _ _ , l99�, to 20 06, (minimum of ten yews on coat shared (tern 7 (See Required Specification No. 21 This agreement may be withdrawn by either party with a thirty (30) day written notice. TA Zl IV 4`-- ,yja+'^C .Y i ��v 5 �` , I.' it •; .4. �' W [' �l L Tom' •+ 4rt�rs`�`,i.:-Sr�.!a `Si�y �,-�L +• M(_, wi+�r j�*�,,}..-,f..•R,�,r �L �•. s-�``�, � '1;7. : n'„pF�4,,,{;'?�131k�y;T�+ w'- ?' � F,� : •Y e�+�rt,�� � !,' �ya% r�•r'�.� +�� • •�7^�f ` �l �r°_ �' r.y,�?'�� tr .i:.F .t {ram. ✓".'. JJ y w� �f � • s4�„ �y , + 'G'ti M''}=~�i+�'.'s 7 f:i, •. {-*l .1 ��y2.f►.1f e���•"•'`�j IK•r" �s { af� J� j ♦.�r F► fr+•th. 3Jr. �.. l '�; �1. �„�'�� L �„�, A.,aJ•ti'��I �.v`� 'r'�. a`��i1 .��'�5:3��1''k: �.� .r��. "; r..•• pay, ,�;+.=i.A 7 a;fr��7�-`.e�•,i�r T� ��":C4r �pl��d",��,+,..�-.?x�x? r=�+-.� L• ' . S�-pry'�'.jjyt'.��.•a�Ct?s�.� ,s �'F'� f.•{^ �t t�:�'�"��' �^ ^. ,ops ./r ��•y 11- _C]l r�� .. �-..c� :� ii-Y�r''� ,}"'�/ r '�':'�fC+J'�i"[ j-�y����"f$'4�. - �'• ``iie, � �•�■a'C_,y'�t�i=:%`y���wS"��"a_• �.�+-rt i.;'� {'•? eM'r'•�"�. _i.�.�`.�:',^3'[J'r �'i}.i�•.: C7 s.. Yyf wY3'4'.. ,:,r�,�tiN f r-d. �_[Uxy•• >,-...p-� :•i:� CYid p YY ,,; i /� �•a K" - t �� �.�,;,,.� rt.� .fr Y�'ti`�.�-St'r�T J�+t. ;i. t• •�(���� �..`ll,,,• 'r1'r ,�rl+� �'Y` �-� sy ter. �' "•' �",•+� �r ' d'ti f .ram,. r • •�ti. , �a � I �.,.�L`Yr,�;k!y, r+� �-�='�F• ��;;.?•f��,�•'S'as•.�':•.::.j t'� ,�',}�tY.7L.�:�p�� Y _ r i��• .�' �-; ,; y " ,,:,>; `�S �`.� `�'.-J,. X'i=-•L�- r r`� �"'*�,�,trful'�{{��rr ',,,r'a'F't fie ?��r �F,+.�1tf�' - ' i .� ��� s��r �✓��.y ��f r •ta �-,�"� 'era r 1 i^�K' 4 � ' -%�:__ y 'W � ✓. � ? }t M'z -re r F� ��Fa'•�'l.•l�"'4 M_'R;Y . ,�I`�_L~ : rr �a f s•� � � 4" ,. t,d�y { �5a : f•. •� �cr �rJ� r 'f .. ' �r i,1 � ✓-%L' -s- y �'t �"f¢s:. 3-S z . � d'�:•�'r"�t` ,�•... 1�-,r. •�• • .r;.:', � � .," �• r z:'!'. .] p �4�1�',Tti�;•,,�'y1�,'�,F.i,{�� +,.1YM �'^y j,�n,p��• �t �,.i—�� � �{k�� �r �'� �� ;.Tr�S w!y, �r�y Y f ,�"i�,�vr��r F,+r ;. r?3 h • r ,� �:,� Chi." F rr' - • r p"�, r 'j(N `� `���1.�" +�wj^~ I • • +Y} r"; s T yti+4:w +�•�+•sir .'lam �� nJ"_ I( 1�,��� tY ((.i,.+��+�� � .�` � "r •i,�14/F ,�t� �� ty!'�. i ��a�"~��� 1��ti.�J�iJ �¢. /w'd 'S'� �}'3. I��J±• M 1 •Ir xis y, +'Fi ��I�F�fJl�x"t `b" �l f• l � �•�r ��: � 3.�'i�.�.t eeihs!�G"'�. %c11���'�. �•... i�: �� �E�:'�!�. '"r.�����...i 'r.. .�...��-�.-tea.:.•. �'e�r�w!.t ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION AURNENNUT (Needed only If addhional lend has to be leased. eto.l I , (Z L hereby give v ` 1 1- permission to app y an mal waste rom his Waste Uti1 zat on System o acres of my lari or the dust n of time shown below. t I understand that this waste contains nitrogen, phosphorous, potassiLIM, and i other trace elements and when properly applied will not' harm my .land or crops. -t also understand that the use of waste will reduce my need for ;. commercial fertilizer. Landowner: Date:_ 1� 3� - �/ n _ I Waste Producer: Date: - - Technical Representative: Date:.— 5--2- 6 SWCD Representative: Date: Term of Agreement: - 30 , 19 IC+ to _�_ - .7_C) , 20 06 Imfnlmum of ten years an coot shared hemst ISee hequired Specifleatlott No. 21 This agreement may be withdrawn by either party with a thirty (30) day written notice. I 4; S r 7.9 10. 44'( V V1 z u a f, t 7 io. 77 j 't � A V , v " 'v w-, all. roam 41 *CO 40 zo V, 'A ANIMAL -WASTE UTILIZATION AGREEMT (Needed only It additional land has to b4 leased, eta -I hereby give AeoAa&, Permission to apply 6nimal waste Aram his Waste Util izationg System o�Z, E acres of my land for the duration of time shown below. I understand that this waste contains nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, and other trace elements and when properly applied will not harm my land or crops. I also understand that the use of waste will reduce my heed for commercial fertilizer. Landowner:' /tv -t,-/ L Date: Waste producer: Date.- Technical Representative: _ � _bates SWCO Representative: Date: Term of Agreement.- -- % - -- - , 1.9 `16 to _ _. - .? v^ -- 20 66, Iminimum of ten Veer@ on cost @hsred Itemel {gee nequIted Specification No. 2) This agreement may be withdrawn by either party with a thirty (30) day written notice. 4- # i .•''/i.r� •� �+.I�.. .:V:•.-YiM1'irr"e �K x"' y@�f�.,`y •t:' 'rJ-':J�rr!'• ''r.^..'�! 'r. .- �y :J', r;.jr r.��`i''�r: r.`�'�1! �'•�rr j +r r � i F9 �. „�U•y yf . - !' tJ - r f rs f�' • ,� •4ti "6iid - / c�, rr 1 r ��^ � r''J F j � r it "r � r .. r�l r r� f r� i. •�t.. Y.�f,, '.�, .tF �;R•xyti � r."• ,�. X � r 1 r r 1 ti ` : ; i ��Y F.:•r b�i+�'♦.� + � ti ��•��- rr _+ ,�� jw. �� o r st J KS sS�J�I �+ } -� y 1 tr f �r +j.. ♦ L ;, -�� y; �'�.r?`'� � �•:l{t �j,{��''F•r�f� R'• �- y 1 r .1�.r. Si i ! }I = ..r. .. �f t e s' - ' � q I L� `�k} h,•�+,rYT �+iJ �1�f. r �. Y•r*����- r �F�-, @ �Y S�tI N !�. ( e+-. r`.r-r�'-h_ ».• r i4 �r� yr�� *? �1l r�@� ' r rn �; -,r_ 1'q �i,.�,� .:"r���r��Yr �r :r r+?' rfr tYyj !. r _ r rta 5� n. ,�e "e •., .r � 4, ��h$: 1 A •r r d,t r� '� �'r' ' I. T t 7 } a� �, ' '' 1 r � " COY' ? �prL� '�tr„ ! .. s� + r" 1 t . •� '�4yY�riC :)-.1', ,,n . ."+rya i.iSf �;rr+'A @�t r :.T s.t' :.:n•`,'ti '� Y„• �tYrr•��' ] -' i I�G' 'r , � i � 4 ' �' ✓� .1- r• , it-�yr ef 04. :� '`•'' '"r'r�'�=t''=REF -",' �:�r'. :ar. ,+y` )' , f r3 S y .�' �f.' gq;+1•+r�T� zP%°r71i (� •• . �• .�,y��-: �5• �•r!t ]• 4 Y ..fr `r5,r' ,C.T-�y "��� f-' yr•jJ.4� 7JI�J[""( 1 }� 'r• r -.i. y, -t lyµe�� (� /i`=-t'•'�f M.? f ,aar,� r 'r r � a ::4•.:t 1rs ,v ,,tY'+1 tr°ry ��3 i `,�r •r r if`� � iLT��'f7 � + ri f f � �'' i r• �.. ;'} Y• r'I�• {•'V1 rl �A.� :�-�: .•r;,',(i �."'Irr.i' it'. ;K' - '� : •'.l' • ^' i[Y Ij. •i 'L.�. �r�.!-: !, r:rYr r•.'c J r�%��;r It r y�.rJ .+' '� �.Jr ��r'', �r��e• frJJi kir�fi � nf,. .y"'' Fr' �r A,,J^F��r'" •'�� �rf f=•,I �J i:lJ-./{'t't'• wf i}(' r ttiY �ry,7'r r! r I f }Jirl r!•'.4.j a� ,b r:' :� ,.. r' 7' lti V T t •A r+ �+ P � 1 - 5fj'! '�Y�'� FI'1 f• + • 1!� •� ,1,,�.�.Jr �,J ?f _TJe-. i��' ksY.1t�y 1,'�,�' r��ai�;'� C}��• (... -,;,Cd'� t � J .� � r. r� w r - ;,{ � i .i. �`:'' *r� '�ht�,•'�',, r 1 ,i i. �Y: � �: J ���/• �1jr Y �t���S��Ni'� ,v� r '�' r� rx` +�� -- 21'. ;. y. �q�•�'y yr� �1�-s I!y`+t'. �.�', i '� - J'ysy f'�k�yr J•' �+F±`sift � ���� �-� 1� f�"'�_'�r: J' •i�6, ��..r L q�rr>. r }s @ i+ ® r. v '�?� f;'Ti..�'- ;'=. f + �!'��f fY1 1!j{�� s�,',r !•'yr`ni+` .1. fir •i `-'�.#�F `. r' ,i, Wj 3 _ _ �° �.5if, Yet `�r: •i� .7';}.- a tti� �• r''� , ' yi;; �i •jr-'i�r SS''• ^, K'r 1. � Ir �J �'. e`,• `YJf L. Ii,'I I'.~�� ' �''�. r3'rf . a1 i. r'•���'�rl �y• 'iiE Hr 3N• � y tr r ! ;_ C � a+. �Cf r.,�!(,'*i,.; :i' d111;r�'�,,,(`�''� r''"'�JiJ~ +•■ M s ANIMAL WASTE_LITILIZATLON_AORUM T (Needed only 11 additional lend has to he leasad, Ma.l �, U4,& �&pnof hereby give permission to a 1 an mal wastem Ms' Waste Util zat S stem on . acres of m PP Y Y �,_.._. Y land for the durati time shown below. r� I understand that this waste 'contains nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, and other trace elements and when properly applied will not harm my land or crops. I also understand that the use of waste will reduce my need for commercial fertilizer. Landowner: , Dates�z Waste Producer: Date i Technical Representative: � Date t ..5-- 2-9 6 SWCD Representative: Date: TerTII of Agreement: l9z?6 to zz-- , 20OC (minimum of ten years on cost shared Items) ISee Required Speclllcetion No. 21 This agreement may be withdrawn by either party with a thirty (30) day written notice. Z ire joc- 1 77 %Nkn NIL. I -t 'E UTIL'l ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION AGREEMENT (Needed only it additional land has to be [eased, ate.1 � '0: ►N V To /_>>'%, ! hereby give permission to apply an' 1 waste from his Waste Utilization ystem on acres of my land for" the duration of time shown below. 1 :inderstand that this waste contains nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, and other trace elements and when properly applied will not harm my land or crops. I also understand that the use of waste will reduce my need for commercial fertilizer. �? 96Adjacent Landowner:=' r:J� Date:. ! 1 -- i Waste Producer:- ��1,., �, p 7`fi j�c�:� c Date : y Technical Representative:_Date: SWCD Representative: Date: Terns of Agreement: � Y— e2/ _ , 1.9IG to � � ' �_� -- 20 oG1 Iminlmum of ten years on cost shared itemel ISee Required Specification No. 21 This agreement may be withdrawn by either party with a thirty (30) day written notice. T �2 Y 5 r ,[ A Facility Number:_&!f-_ Division of Environmental Management 17a 54OV-&-40 Animal Feedlot Operations Site Visitation Record Date: Timer '� D General Information: Farm Name: r County: i'L7Jr llf9nle Owner Name: Phone No: S' 5 SAS On Site Representative: S�' d hp y /9 /(���) Integrator: r&o�� < Mailing Address: Sb o A r,.l W, C Physical Address/Location: S' 3 V L 4S'� P -f 5s1Z 13g tf - Latitude: I I Longitude: I 1 Operation Description: (based on design characteristics) Type of Swine o. of Animals Type of Poultry No. of Animals Type of Cattle No. of Animals ❑ Sow ❑ Layer a Dairy M ❑ Nursery .Ia-Mon-n-Layer Tro ❑ Beef ❑ Feeder OtherType of Livestock: Number of Animals: Number of Lagoons:, (include in the Drawings and Observations the Creeb6ard of each lagoon} Facility Inspection: Lagoon Is lagoon(s) freeboard less than 1 foot + 25 year 24 hour storm storage?: Yes ❑ No� Is seepage observed from the, lagoon?: Yes ❑ No Is erosion observed?: Yes ❑ No Q" Is any discharge observed? / Yes R' o ❑ ❑ Man-made Not Man-made Cover Crop Does the facility need more acreage for spraying?: n ea k G,a,, el Ar " 4 Yes ❑ No ❑ 5t.+L�,lt r.�r/ SIrICCCri-l�t-�' Does the cover crop P need im rovement?: Yes ❑ No ❑ i� cl Y� .- r+r�/�. r �f. o ( list the crops which need improvement) Crop type: �;,, �! •i �,�Cr,- r Acreage: Setback Criteria Is a dwelling located within 200 feet of waste application? Yes.i No ❑ Is a well located within 100 feet of waste application? Yes ❑ No ❑� Is animal waste stockpiled within 100 feet of USGS Blue Line Stream? Yes Rr No ❑ Is animal waste land applied or spray irrigated within 25 feet of Blue Line Stream? Yes ❑ No ❑ AOI -- January 17,1996 .. Maintenance Does the facility maintenance need improvement? Yes d No ❑ Is there evidence of past discharge from any part of the operation? Yes U No ❑ Does record keeping need improvement? Yes t3 No ❑ Did the facility fail to have a copy of the Animal Waste Management Plan on site? A,"'1 Yes ❑ No ❑ Explain any Yes answers:�ay'r bru f ! 1c , ! 1 y l ,:., f ef sC 1. ; , i ' _ , r < 5'�U�k��<oL� L•-i'�P-� Lrf�!� r:..n5 ,� 5�'-ce.,-,/�r1�3 !•.y-,�,y -� ,- � - ,.I h � ''.�. 4'LA-4?mnc e c� .if <a• c CC'"A Signature: !�! �i _ /� --t._ Date: j cc. Facility Assessment Unit Use Attachments if Needed Drawings or Observations: 2c- ej s J• r. , I;y,/ r el +1 V I ! ., ir• � c •�7 ,1 �1 AOi -- January 17,1996