HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050551 Ver 1_Complete File_20050330 o~ \NAr~1y &:~. .~ O~ ()jODUJ<]~ ~ --"'---;",?")i ~ o'~~ .. '" ':c--. (. ~-Y' ~ ~........ ~ Michael F. Eastey, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality April 8, 2005 Mr. Michael Smith 100 Amanda Court New Bern, NC 28560 ~~@~O\Y7[g ~ APR 1 8 Z001 DWQ Project # 05-0551 Craven County Subject Property: Chelsea Subdivision 4605T R. D' DENR-WATERQUALlTY rent lver nve V:ETlANDSANOSTORMiVATERIlI\ANCH New Bern, NC 28562 I Craven County Approval ofNeuse River Riparian Buffer Protection Rules Minor Variance [15A NCAC 2B .0233 (9)(b)) Dcar Mr. Smith: You have our approval, in accordancc with the conditions listed bclow, to impact approximatcly 51 squarc fcet (ft2 ) of Zone 2 of the protectcd buffcrs to construct rcsidence at the subject propcrty as described within your variancc request dated 28 March 2005 and rcceivcd by thc Division of Water Quality (DWQ) on 29 March 2005. This letter shall act as your Minor Variance approval as described within 15A NCAC 2B .0233(9)(b). In addition to this approval, you should obtain or otherwise comply with any other rcquired federal, statc or local permits before you go ahcad with your projcct including (but not limited to) Erosion and Sediment Control and Division of Coastal Management regulations. This approval is for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your projcct, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner(s) must be given a copy of this variance approval and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. This approval requircs you to follow any conditions listed below. The Additional Conditions of the Certification are: 1. No Zone 1 Impacts . No impacts (cxcept for proposcd and "excmpt" uses as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233) shall occur to Zonc 1 ofthc protected riparian buffcrs unlcss otherwisc approved by thc DWQ. No impcrvious surfaccs shall bc added to Zonc 1, unless othcrwisc approvcd by thc DWQ. 2. Buffer Mitigation (EEP) You are required to mitigate for impacts to the protected riparian buffers. The requircd area of mitigation to compensate for impacts to the protccted riparian buffers is 75 squarc feet as required under this variancc approval and 15A NCAC 2B .0233. You have the option to make a payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund administercd by the NC Ecological Enhancement Program (EEP) to meet this mitigation requirement. This has been determined by the DWQ to be a suitable method to meet the mitigation requiremcnt. In accordance with l5A NCAC 2B .0233, this contribution will satisfy our compensatory mitigation requircmcnts undcr 15A NCAC 2B .0233(9)(C). Until the EEP receivcs and clears your chcck (made payable to: DENR -Ecological Enhancement Program Office), no impacts specified in this variance approval shall occur. The EEP should be contacted at (919) 715-0476 if you have any qucstions concerning payment into the EEP. For accounting purposes, this variance approval authorizes payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund to compensate for 75 ff of required riparian buffer mitigation for impacts to 51 ft2 of protected riparian buffers; 30-04-10, 27-129-(1) river and subbasin." NWhCarolina /vntJlrally 401 Wetlands Certification Unit 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733-1786/ FAX 91g..73~893/lntemet: htto:/1h2o.enr.statenc.us/ncwetlands Applicant Page 2 of2 Date The DWQ will also accept an alternative method ofmitigation (including but not limited to Buffer Restoration or Enhancement) pursuant to the Buffer Mitigation Rule (15A NCAC 02B .0233) to satisfy this mitigation requirement. If you choose to pursue this option, then you are required to submit in writing a mitigation plan to the DWQ Wetlands/401 Unit! Washington Regional Office for review and approval. This plan should include a proposal to plant approximately 1 native species of trees with in the riparian buffer area. For more information, please contact this office. No impacts shall occur to the protectcd buffers until the mitigation plan is approved by the DWQ. 3. Diffuse Flow An additional condition is that all storm water shall be directed as diffuse flow at non-erosive velocities through the protected stream buffers and will not re-concentrate before discharging into the stream as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233(5). 4. Certificate of Completion Upon completion of all work approved within the 401 Water Quality Certification or applicable Buffer Rules, and any subsequent modifications, the applicant is rcquired to return the attached certificate of completion to the 401/Wetlands Unit, North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1650. Requests for appeals of this decision shall be made to the Office of Administrative Hearings. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this approval, you may ask for and adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60'days ofthc date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714. This approval and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This Minor Variance Approval shall expire five (5) years from the date ofthis letter. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under the Neuse River Riparian Buffer Protection Rules [15A NCAC 2B .0233(9)(b)]. Please call Tom Steffens at 252-948-3920 or Kyle Barnes at 252. 948-3917if you have any questions or require copies of our rules or procedural materials. Sincerely, ,x L I A~Odge ~ Division of r uality Surface Water Protection Washington Regional Office Enclosures: Minor Variance Approval Certificate of Completion cc: I}WQ WaRO Regional Office vDWQ Central Office, Cyndi Karoly Central Files Craven Co; Dept. of Building Inspections MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney Non-Discharge Branch Regional Contact: WQ Supervisor: Date: tom steffens/Barnes 81 hongp. SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Facility Name Michael Co Smith c/o Zaytoun Raines Construction Project Number 05 0551 Recvd From APP County Craven County2 Region \Vashington Recvd By Region Received Date 3/30/05 Project Type Residential dwelling Certificates Permit Wetland Wetland Wetland Stream Type Type Impact Score Index Stream Class Prim, Supp. Acres Basin Req. Feet Req. 1 NBR I IOY (!)N I 127-101-(39 ~Isw NSW 130,410.1 1 1 1 IOY ON I I r-I 1 I I MitiQation MitigationType Wetland Type Acres Feet r Is Wetland Rating Sheet Attached? 0 YON Did you request more info? 0 YON Have Project Changes/Conditions Been Discussed With Applicant? 0 YON Is Mitigation required? 0 YON Recommendation: 0 Issue 0 lssue/Cond 0 Deny Provided by Region: Latitude (ddmmss) 350418 Longitude (ddmmss) 770659 Comments: issued from waro 8apr cc: Regional Office Central Office Page Number 1 .... Zaytoun-Raines Construction Company, Inc. 1II[:t'mt~~qM1€(~;~~r:11~~1~ 050551 March 28, 2005 Ms. Cyndi Karoly NCDWQ Mail Service Center 1650 Ralcigh, NC 27699-1650 Dear Cydi: Enclosed you will find an application for a Variance Rcquest for Michacl Smith. Zaytoun Raines Construction Company proposes to build a home for the Smith's on the mentioned lot. On February 2 of this year; 1 faxed to Kyle Barnes the referenced application. This application has apparently bcen lost via the courier (Pleasc sce copy of cmail from Kyle, dated March 28). Any assistance in expediting this requcst will be greatly appreciated, as we expected to receive approval the week of April 2. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Kindest Regards, (t~c!~utA Zaytoun Raines Construction Co. Cc: Kyle Barnes ~@@@[\\~'7~~ ~ l~ Iv1Ak :-5 0 ?005 DU,,', -,;;,:;.:.: C:';:Lii'( V.'ETVJ~CS F:.-~'0 SiCI .i<\\-;'_ILH t:rJJ;CH 312 South Front Street_ New Bern, NC 28560- 252-633-0106- Fax: 252-636-1629 e-mail: zaytounrainesconst@cconnect.net Member North Carolina Home Builders Association ... Read Mail - Re: Variancc Erev I Next I Reply I Reply All I forward I Qelete I Prin! I Move to folder.., From: Kyle Barnes <Kvle,Barnes0lncmail.net> ~ave Address I tleaders To: Cathy McCormack <zaytounrainesconst@cconnect,net> CC: Date: Mon, 28 Mar 200507:14:33 -0500 Subject: Re: Variance Page 1 of 1 Cathy McCormack wrote: > Hi Kyle, > > > > I wanted to follow up with you regarding our conversation earlier this > week. > > It was a bit alarming. > > Have you found anything? > > Please let me know. > > > > Cathy McCormack > > Zaytoun Raines Construction Company > Cathy, Please resubmit your variance along with three copies to the Raleigh address give at the end of the variance form. I have called everyone in raleigh that should have received the copies I sent and they never arrived. It is very rare that the courier looses an item (this is my first) but there is no record of this one. Let me know when you resubmit so I can track it this time and I will do what I can do to speed things along. Sorry for your inconvenience. Kyle Barnes Erev I Next I Reply I Reply All I forward I Qelete I Prin! I Move to folder.., http://wmi.cconnect.net!X838b98cf9a989cc8c99befcf7334/rn1ail.61206.cgi? &mbx= Main... ! 3/28/2005 I fD} IS ~ '3 n t;\17 f72 rm 1M L5 ~ [=-.5 U \,j L~ iPJ MAK 3 0 2005 O [~O r.. r-. v. t> b 1 DENR - WATER QUALITY WETlANDS AND STORMIVATER BRANCH I OFFICE USE ONLY: Date Received Request # State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Variance Request Form - for Minor Variances Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rules NOTE: This form may be photocopied for use as an original. -~----. ---~'---- .----- -~,._-------_.~.----- ........_....~~...~-..._-~--------~_._._.__._~-,~,--......--~_....-..-. Please identify which Riparian Area (Buffer) Protection Rule applies. ')./ Neuse River Basin: Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy f\ Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rule (15A NCAC 02B .0233) o Tar-Pamlico River Basin: Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rule (15A NCAC 02B .0259) o Catawba River Basin: Protection and Maintenance of Exi~ting Riparian Buffers (15A NCAC 02B .0243) ~-_._.~--.._-~ --- --."- _u___~.~~___ ____n_'____ ~_~_~._______~__ __ _ _..~ ..~r~___._____~___ __~......... __ _.~ __...~. __.~____.___.__.... Part 1: General Information (Please include attachments if the room provided is insufficient.) 1. Applicant's name (the corp ration, individual, etc. who owns the property): c. a. ~rr 2. Print Owner/Signing fficial (person legally res onsibfe for the property and its compliance) Name: C. Title: OIUNC(2:. Street address: Iff ~ COt.t~ City, State, Zip: ekl /Je, ~e~O Telephone: ~) ~b..OO Fax: L-) 3. Contact person who can answer i...;;tions about the proposed project: Name: gI\YrnU& f:I&e'S C01JSlEJA.moiJ Telephone: (2!ibtl,!J3 ~ 't;( O(p Fax: 0'1).. )~ -1~:J,..Cf Email: 4. Project Name (Subdivision, facility, or establishment name - consistent with project name on ~;.~, ~eCifjCations, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): 4- .Jt J fiJJI\f.. ~ at: tHa~ -5u.f3f)IVl~/(J...l, ~JI 17.CG.?UC€ l~ g.-~. Version 2: November 2002 .. 5. 6. 'S'Jli n: OJJ 7. Stream to be impacted by the proposed activity: St am name (for unnamed streams I bel as "UT" to the nearest named stream): ~b r 'V~ /I C N/l.-" Stream classification [as identified within thp Schedule of Classifications 15A NCAC 28 .0315 (Neuse) or .0316 (Tar-Pamlico)]: blffffJSG 8. Which of the following permits/approvals will be required or have been received already for this project? Required: Received: -77 Date received: Permit Type: CAMA Major CAMA Minor 401 Certification/404 Permit On-site Wastewater Permit NPDES Permit (including''Stormwater) Non-discharge Permit Water Supply Watershed Variance Others (specify) Part 2: Proposed Activity (Please include attachments if the room provided is insufficient.) 1. Description of proposed activity [Also, please attach a map of sufficient detail (such as a plat map or site plan) to accurately delineate the boundaries of the land to be utilized in carrying out the activity, the location and dimension of any disturbance in the riparian buffers associated with the activity, and the extent of riparian buffers on the land. Include the area oj.9uffer impact in tf.]: ~ '{7OSEV tAu EU.-I #./G>1O BE COM ~\Lat=D I (, 150 I. J?4 ~ .-11:: 2. Variance Request Form, page 2 Version 2: November 2000 .' . . . 4. Please provide an explanation of the following: (1) The practical difficulties or hardships that would result from the strict application of this Rule. :I?r !Jcu.~O Mf\lLe Ilk: LoT uNSurn\-BLE [0 BU.(LD v..fbf,j "$El: f7U), 17L.IW. (2) How these difficulties or hardships result from conditions ttiat are unique to the property involved. seE' fUr" VL.J\1oJ. (3) If economic hardship is the major consideration, then include a specific explanation of the economic hardships and the proportion of the hardship to the entire value of the project. Mr. SMcr\t lU~'TH1S LbT ltJln/ THe ~S DF BcINb Ar;LE' If) SU.ILO A ~~~~ -$I!C \-{ou.se- Part 3: Deed Restrictions By your signature in Part 5 of this application, you certify thatall structural stormwater best management practices required by this variance shall be located in recorded stormwater easements, that the easements will run with the land, that the easements cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that the easements will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. Part 4: Agent Authorization If you wish to designate submittal authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf, please complete this section: Designated agent (individual or firm): ~~f.J Mailing address: ? \ 1- 'ION City, State, Zip: ~6J BaN I NC. *'Z6'5('O Telephone: ~2. D~3-0(ou Fax: 2~'2, ~3(,- IvZ.C:::; Email: en ON. Part 5: Applicant's Certification Variance Request Form, page 3 Version 2: November 2000 2: ~ci 0<') 0<\1 >-""w -,01.) ~o'" 1:: '0..: ",,<.:l o ~ "-.t'i:h 0.(2:... o~~ ;::-1-8 g:iCJ \J)fJ ~w :oo:Q -; LlNf L10 L11 L12 L13 L25 LlNf T A!JLf LfNGTH G8.00 47.G1 55,'1:3 74.15 54,'12 BfARING N45'38'25'f N35'18'1q'f N3111"28'f N27'58'2G'f S20'45'2G'W ) ~ -R/W-- _ ' --- ~~~ ,"-", <' 1"-"---.1 ". \ ~.~., 50 1 160 1 '~ I +--1 I \ I \ I I ( m FEET ) 1 inch - 40 ft. CAD:2b78 N 1b"1'i'47" e _ _ - - - ..--!::... _ -wt:- - - - -izr.44'(tOtt:f) _ R-AI - ---------- - \ \\\\1111111111 ,,'" CAP'O I" "'~""'IU""" <. ~ I.... ~2"<: $'" \SIO~ ~~ ~f EAL~~= ~ =t'" E 3767 ~ :: \~. ~.; ~~~ ,,'<.> ~$' F., ~41 SU1t:~\........", ~...... I ~""lUlU"'" <:>.... ......~ 11111~lJ~;\\~\~ I NOW OR rORMfR}.Y CONNIf V. RUSSeLL Off!) BOO/( 1757, PAGf 2'18. I PREL.f1v1INARY PLOT PL.AN FOR. ' ZAYTOUN - RAINES CONS1"RJ.JC71ON 1 TRENT WOODS. NUMBER EIGHT TOWNSHIP. CRAVEN COUNTY. N.C. - j RfffRfNCf: LOT 4. fINAL PLAN Of CHfLSA SUBDMSION. PHASf TWO. RfCORDfD IN PLAT CABINfT G, SLlDf 154-8 . CRA VfN COUNTY RfG/S TRY. ! BRAD L. SUIIT .; ASSOC.. P. A. DATE: 12/23/2004. GRAPHIC SCALE - . L.ANO SlJRVEr7NG - SITE PL.AN DESIGN ENV1R.ONMENTAL PLANNIN6 - ~ - ~ .~ BERN. Ne. :28561 :30:2 SOUTH ':.JIMMIES CREEl< ROAD (. P.OE. 12142 ':252J635-SSSS FAX 635-1346 ~ - - NOTES: - - - - - 01. AREA BY COORDINATES. T 02. SURVEY PRECISION = 1: 10000, 03. THIS SURVEY IS OF AN EXiSTING PARCWS) OF LAND, & DOES NOT CREA T A NEW smEET OR CHANGE AN EXISTING STREET. 04, PROPOSED UNDERGROUND ELECmIC. TELEPHONE, CABLE T. V. UTILITIES. 05. FLOOD REPORT: ' THIS PROPERTY SCALED IN ZONE AE & X PER FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NUMBER 3720546800 J. fFFICTI'rf DA Tf: J.JL Y 02. 2004, PORTIONS OF THIS PROPERTY DID SCAlI 81 THE 100- YfAR FLOOD lti-lERf BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS AND FLOOD HAZARD FACTORS HAVE BEEN DETERMINED. eMlI ,\. /r::; THIS REPORT IN NO WAY SUPERSEDES THE ABOVE REFERENCED FIRM. yV1 H' I I S Of<. V j;.- 06. PUBIC WATER SERVICE. I r::;Ot::' r::;t:::. i 1-1..- 07. INDIVIDUAL SEPTIC SYSTEM. r r---~ (PtJ131-IC) ~~: ~~g~~~~ ~~~~S~;~~O~ FOREST ~/LLS DRIVE, SO' ~ _ _ - - -RIW- 10. MINIMUM BUILDING LINES PER ZONING, - - - - --L -- --- --- -- ~tA - - - - - - - - - - - - 18"PAVfMrNT - ----ij\~ N .:2S.0~~ E :2SS.OS'ftotal} / .' _"~ H' N '5.':Z~ e '= ::2:2e>,OS' ZO' DRAn4 ) . , . , . , _ <7 + UTU1Y CAS~~ eo.(tOttl1 -'" U\ x-8.2'" -.. -Oo -Oo -.. -Oo . .. -:'"1 -" dt ~f5ED X-~8:~"- ..:\ _ ING D' ..;~ - -" - - - ..,.,.........\ :i . LEGEND 01. 0 = EXiSTING IRON PIPE 02. 0 = NEW IRON PIPE OJ. R/W = RIGHT OF WA Y 04. ElP = EXISTING IRON PIPE II I 05. SQ.FT. = SQUARE FEET >~ T06,..Ohe = OVER HEAD ELECTRIC 07. A = P. K. NAIL 08."OJ= UTILITY POLE -- I 09. MBL = MINIMUM BUILDING LINE nJ 10, CIL = CENTERLINE OF EXISTING PAVEMENT ~ 11. PIL = PROPERTY LINE ~ ':\ I 12. ohu = OVER HEAD UTILITIES ~I ~ ~I >~I fi ~ II c--- rz.~ ~ rOo I- · I~ ~: 01 B!1~ ~, ~I[\I 1~1~~ir----- fY I :l; I ~ I~ ~F--r so~ J.:: b~'OO" e I :l;&: ~ ! '" t- - _ 0.77 +/- Dcres r;b..Ai'~!l..O ~ ," -1--., ~ z~ 2 I'1J>ACT::--_ Q: 50' ~~~r" -" -JSO~ SQ.rr. I b D/STI.I?IUW"Z; ,/ - . . _ ' l') 011o " NOW : I z~ 1 -\,,6' - , , -- , . I ~rft't=r L13 .'ft. ;.,-' I DrrD DOO/f 1834, f"ACf; '1<1" ~ : (\. .., I ^ "" L12 ~ " ~__------a-~----~ ' ~~:f b-4 ~ I I ~ ~, - \II ~, ~ '= VICIN/7Y SKETCH 1 -\\ t~ \ - -\ \ ~~ % ~U\ U1 ,~ ~1t1 ~ ,.. ", ~~@[gDW@ @ MAH 3 0 2005 O 'A t) O;~ ,~- - rJbf . DENR - WATER QUt,UTY ll'ETlAIJDSAlID STOR'l\\'ATER BR/'J~CH I OFFICE USE ONLY: Date Received Request # State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Variance Request Form - for Minor Variances Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rules NOTE: This form may be photocopied for use as an original. Please identify which Riparian Area (Buffer) Protection Rule applies. 11 Neuse River Basin: Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy f\ Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rule (15A NCAC 02B .0233) o Tar-Pamlico River Basin: Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rule (15A NCAC 028 .0259) o Catawba River Basin: Protection and Maintenance of Existing Riparian . . Buffers (15A NCAC 028 .0243) T-'---~- .,-,.--.--.---.....------~----.---....--...... .-.-~,---"-...........,-~..--.---.-----~-----.-.-.-...--.----~--.........-...---..~-.--.~--..... Part 1: General Information (Please include attachments if the room provided is insufficient.) 1. Applicant's name (the corp~ration, individual, etc. who owns the property): -.M~\ t:. ~rr~ . 2. Print Owner/Signing Qfficial (person legally responsible for the property and its compliance) Name: ~\c.kPte( c. ~M\nt Title: -D.Ltl~~ Street address: iff ~ COt.\g[ City, State, Zip: l;trJ. tJ,C, -;z..66~O Telephone: l)6.'b.)? ~OO Fax: L-) 3. Contact person who can answ.er qy~s,tions about the proposed project: Name: Z3t\"f()CA~I#![NeS tOM51EJA..C/lOiJ Telephone: (;2.'11..) v1;3~~(f)(P Fax: 0'1). LJi?(, -[wz..'t Email: 4. Project Name (Subdivision, facility, or establishment name - consistent with project name on ~;.s, ~eCifjCations, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): . .-:!'4- :if Fi IJI\(. ~ 0/= t~~ ~6PM~/(Jkl, fl/1f5e 11: 17.( ~. ~C€ .l? 6. -~. Version 2: November 2002 , '. 5. 6. t2,~G\Z. V~/\JE 7. Stream to be impacted by the proposed activity: S~):am name (for unnamed stream~ Ifbel as "UT" to the nearest named stream): _/1{JlJb oFr 1~r /2IV~{ M-D-1/4tv1€' /I CI,..tJl~L.'1 Stream classification [as identified within \hp Schedule of Classifications 15A NCAC 28 .0315 (Neuse) or .0316 (Tar-Pamlico)]: bjgll5G 8. Which of the following permits/approvals will be required or have bee~ received already for this project? Required: Received: -77 Date received: Permit Type: CAMA Major CAMA Minor 401 Certification/404 Permit On-site Wastewater Permit NPDES Permit (including/stormwater) Non-discharge Permit Water Supply Watershed Variance Others (specify) Part 2: Proposed Activity (Please include attachments if the room provided is insufficient.) 1. Description of proposed activity [Also, please attach a map of sufficient detail (such as a plat map or site plan) to accurately delineate the boundaries of the land to be utilized in carrying out the activity, the location and dimension of any disturbance in the riparian buffers associated with the activity, and the extent of riparian buffers on the land. Include the area ojJJuffer impact in tf.]: -1t..ofOSEV t;luEU-It.(~TD BE COM1Te\LaL'V I [,JSOI.i?4 ~,~. 2. Variance Request Form. page 2 Version 2: November 2000 ." . ", 4. Please provide an explanation of the following: (1) The practical difficulties or hardships that would result from the strict application of this Rule. ~ M~l'-e: Tit: LoT UNSUITMRE '[0 {3(A(LO lAfUiJ -$ee ftOi '{7(...~. (2) How these difficulties or hardships result from conditions that are unique to the property involved. SeE" ftar 17utN. (3) If economic hardship is the major consideration, then include a specific explanation of the economic hardships and the proportion of the hardship to the entire value of the project. Mt. SMlr\t f(.(~ff\Y.=P'TU1S /..hT {din/ THe 1NTl-Wf7.~S Of' 8EINb Af3Lt= '10 Bu.ILt? A Rc1\~t-.(1\6t.G -$1t5 \-{OLlSe- , Part 3: Deed Restrictions By your signature in Part 5 of this application, you certify thatall structural stormwater best management practices required by this variance shall be located in recorded stormwater easements, that the easements will run with the land, that the easements cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that the easements will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. Part 4: Agent Authorization If you wish to designate submittal authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf, please complete this section: . Designated agent (individual or firm): ~A'(1DUfJ Mailing address: ? \ 1..- 'ION _''-Ie City, State, Zip: \J6J (?aN I NC. 'Z617~O Telephone: :2!Z2- U?~-~~(; Fax: Zi? '2 , (,3 . - zq Email: enON. Part 5: Applicant's Certification Variance Request Form, page 3 Version 2: November 2000 _ ~~~~~_~~,c~~.. :., .,~~_~~,.__-~c,,~--:;---,...,..~"~. -. NOTEs;----- ---- 01. AREA BY COORDINATES. -r 02. SURVEY PRECISION = 1: 10000. I OJ. THIS SURVEY IS OF AN EXiSTING PARCELfS) OF LAND. &: DOES NOT CREAT A NEW STREET OR CHANGE AN EXISTING STREET. 04. PROPOSED UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC, TELfPHONE. CABLE T. V. UTILITIES. 05. FLOOD REPORT: IHIS PROPERTY SCALED IN ZONE AE &: X PER FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NUMBER 3720546800 ..( ffiCTIVE DATE: JJLY 02. 2004. PORTIONS OF m/s PROPERTY OlD SCALf IN mf lOa- YfAR nOOD Il!{fRf BASE nOOD ~:AR~~~~!f: N~O~f/tJ::Rs[tgo~~ HfB~vt~~~rJti1t~M. fV1 C~l~ HU.J...S Of<.IVC: g~: ft}fji~D~~TE:E~~~~fisTEM. \ fOr<.C:S'- g:: ::g::m~ ~g;g'S~-2;;'O~ FOREST ~fllS DR"<. :;0' f4'l"I ~I..~ - - --R/1""- 10. MINIMUM BUILDING LINES PER ZONING. - - - I -- --~------1.------- . ;- ~_.>_.~. k._~ '. LlNf T AflLf LlNf LfNGTH flfARING LlO G8DO N45'38'25'f L11 47.G1 N3518'1'1'f L12 55.'l3 N3111"28'f L13 74.15 N27'58'2G"f L25 54.cr2 520'45'2G'W t- --R/W- _ -- z: ~. og 0<\1 >-~lu .....0<.:1 eJO<l: :<:: .0..: ~<.:I . O....!il "-lul!) ~z:.... os;~ ;::+2 g~Cl <l\B ~lu <l:Cl ., ~ ..-=-=..---~-~~-- ~-::--;--, ----- -- ; '""-: -_....,-.~... .::-::-. :.~. "r t \ \ \ .J _ R-,!-W - ---------- - \\\\\11/1111 ,,'" .... CARo""""" ...~.",,"m""l<;./''''''' ~ \.... SI(;'...... ~":.. ~2~/ E~L W~t7' ~ "S "t"':c 3767 ~ = '~7' 0" ~- ~ \ ~~ ~Y...-\J ~,,~w~j,"~<'-.....~, ' ""1 D L ? ~~ I 1111111;\ \ \ \\ 'r\ NOW OR f"ORMfR'\Y CONN':f V. RU55fLL [)ffD BOOK 1757. PAGf 2'18, LEGnID",n ,.' 0' 01. 0 = EXiSTING IRON PIPE 02.0 = NEW IRON PIPE 03. R/W = RIGHT OF WAY 04. EIP = EXISTING IRON PIPE II I 05, SQ.FT. = SQUARE FEET !-4 06...ohe = OVER HEAD ELECTRIC '" ~ T 07. A = P. K. NAIL ,;>e 08.<th= UTILITY POLE -... I '09. MBL = MINIMUM BUILDING LINE f\I 10. CIL = CENTERLINE OF [X/STING PAVEMENT ~ 11. P/L = PROPERTY LINE ~ ~ I 12. ohu = OVER HEAD UTILITIES . ~ I ~.oo N :25008'0<{" E ::2!5S.0S'(tot.s1) / -' "~ ~ :.0 1;'<:; "_,,_ N 1501~~ e -= ~ ! r . . _ . . _ , . :2:2eJ.os' 10' I _ I b I ~; _'._.,_.._.._:..,_~c.r:,~~a.5atBfT .eo'(tOtt:') ~,\,\\ r- _ ~ ~ ~ '" I X 8.2 - . . -. . - .. -. . ....:.. . . - ' . - . . \ ~ \A ~ ~ I~ I~ .~ Gi;- _ ~~ X-'1.8' ~ .\ ~ ... - ~.5 ~ - - .-, ING ",'" lU I i ~ I~ ~L - - - - ;;.:,. - " ~~r - ~ ~ I z I ~ ~~. + -.- t..OT' 4 m Ill" l'j: ~ -~"'hEi: --,- . 33.501 .../- 5Q.ft N 1~'OO"ll zb= ~! " - - 0.77 .../- !Jeres -1 %l.O'!' ~ "'-"Tn.""""..,) Q -.. I 0 Z~'- ltP.'c -- . .~-o \,\\ ;7'0'~ ~ 0/ -"50.-..-..<') ~"'2 M r~.l'_ _ 0 o. ...: I B/.ffq ~r" -" """-'lSt sQ.,.. .. q . . ~~ ~ I 13 ONDl51l.iR!JAlj-"-" T. ~i .!; · . 'l C!; ZON..? _" _ S ~ . I Z= 1 -1"_",' , - , ./ ' ~ ~ I HOW f!..rOPJ1t:R!.Y L13 ~ . N I = DO ~~, UC ' I . . ::J - . . -- , \ ~-< ..:\ I Cir 1834. rAC~ '1M '3' L12 ~ " ' ~ '" I ^ 'ii' . '4.\'"~ ~__-----~-----~ CANAL ~Q~ft lQ.~fi'$R b---& I I N 16"1<147" e _ _ _ _ - ---A _ ~ - - - -izr.44.(tOtt:l) --------- ,,-..S"-'" f " ~ ..... '" ~:-". :~ ..... I'" \ll . ~, ~ C T \ -4 \ \ \ . .. .:!:l!: 3: --, ~l \ - -\ \ ~~ ~. ~ ~~ Ul t:~ ~JU ~ VICINITY :SKETCH o tff ~~ :;~/ I: J::Lf1w1/NARY PLOT 'R ~ '(TCUN - RAlNE2 CONST'/<.l.JCT1ON rF' NT WOODS. NUMBER CiGHT TOWNSHIP. CRA vm COUNTY. N.C. ~t fRfNCE: LOT 4. fINAL PLAN. Of CHfLSA SUBDIVISION. PHASE TWO. RfCOR1J[D IN PLAT CABfNfT G. SLIDE 154-8 . eRA VEN COUNTY REGIS TRY. ~ !RAO L. 5U11T 4 ASSOC,. P. A. DATE: 12/23/2004. GRAPHIC SCALE r.ANO SURveYING - SITE PLANI/ES1GN.w 0 20.w 80 /1R..CN~A1-_.f~~~.-~..",r..4 -~ h c:l d Jl ~~".t ~:2 [, - -1.'. '. I ~AO en n I - '","",...( (" , :i ( IN FEE ) = 4 ~ ~ '" g ~. , . 1 ~~@~ow~~ MAK 3 0 Z005 050551 OFFICE USE ONLY: Date Received State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Variance Request Form - for Minor Variances Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rules NOTE: This form may be photocopied for use as an original. ~_. "r-, Please identify which Riparian Area (Buffer) Protection Rule applies. '-J Neuse River Basin: Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy f\ Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rule (15A NCAC 02B .0233) o Tar-Pamlico River Basin: Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rule (15A NCAC 02B .0259) o Catawba River Basin: Protection and Maintenance of Existing Riparian . . Buffers (15A NCAC 028 .0243) ..-._--~_..-..-.----.- -~-....---------..--_'-'--"-' --~_._._.---.--.-...-_.__..--~~--~--_.--------...-~....----_...------.- Part 1: General Information (Please include attachments if the room provided is insufficient.) 1. Applicant's name (the corpl'ration, individual, etc. who owns the property): M\~(..\ a. ~lT~ 2. Print Owner/Signing fficial (person legally res onsible for the property and its compliance) Name: e C. Title: OIdNE'\Z: Street address: iff ~ CO~~ City, State, Zip: e!r..l /'JC. ?-e,~(pO Telephone: ~) ') ~AOO Fax: L-) 3. Contact person who can answ~~ q~~sYons about the proposed project: Name: Z!:^"l1JfA~{NeS e01J5TeJA.CllOiJ Telephone: fMb) v?3-'[)(Olp Fax: 0'1). LJ6_~ - {~J...'f Email: 4. Project Name (Subdivision, facility, or establishment name - consistent with project name on ~;.s, ieCifiCatiOnS' letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): c1- 1f I HIJl\t. ~ 0(= tiJa.~ 1<<BDM~J~'~1I 17c.(,.~~ l? g.-~. Version 2: November 2002 5. 6. 7. 8. Which of the following permits/approvals will be required or have been received already for this project? Required: Received: -7-7' Date received: Permit Type: CAMA Major CAMA Minor 401 Certification/404 Permit On-site Wastewater Permit NPDES Permit (including"stormwater) Non-discharge Permit Water Supply Watershed Variance Others (specify) Part 2: Proposed Activity (Please include attachments if the room provided is insufficient.) 1. Description of proposed activity [Also, please attach a map of sufficient detail (such as a plat map or site plan) to accurately delineate the boundaries of the land to be utilized in carrying out the activity, the location and dimension of any disturbance in the riparian buffers associated with the activity, and the extent of riparian buffers on the land. Include the area oJ.9. uffer impact in tf.]: ~ ~..oVOSEV lAuEU-llolG,lO .~ COM~\Lc.tW I (,1S01.i?4 ~,+1:.' 2. Variance Request Form, page 2 Version 2: November 2000 4. Please provide an explanation of the following: (1) The practical difficulties or hardships that would result from the strict application of this Rule. .:1?r tJou.~D M~~ TH:: loT UNSurr1\8LE (0 13(A(LD vSblJ -see f'l,O; 17t.!\1J. (2) How these difficulties or hardships result from conditions ttiat are unique to the property involved. seE' ft.oI 17t...tW. (3) If economic hardship is the major consideration, then include a specific explanation of the economic hardships and the proportion of the hardship to the entire value of the project. Mt. SMITH f(.(va~'TH1S lhT {!Ifni Tlfe J:N1l..wf1:nJS of 8e/Nt:, At3LE" "To (3U.tLO A Rs\~t-.(I\6f,.G" ".SItS. \-\OLlSC: Part 3: Deed Restrictions By your signature in Part 5 of this application, you certify thatall structural stormwater best management practices required by this variance shall be located in recorded stormwater easements, that the easements will run with the land, that the easements cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that the easements will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. Part 4: Agent Authorization If you wish to designate submittal authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf, please complete this section: . Designated agent (individual or firm): ~A'(1llUfJ Mailing address: ? \ 1.- 'ION _,~E City, State, Zip: \JaJ t?el!.Nf NC. "Z/6r?&O Telephone: ~~3~O(O(; Fax: '2.'7 "Z. (,3(, - I v z.q Email: c:norJ . Part 5: Applicant's Certification Variance Request Form, page 3 Version 2: November 2000 \ .1 j J 1 i 1 L'-"S"-"'. f 1. PRJ :Lf1vIlNARY Pl-01' PLAN I~(~ ~ . ;~~"'7OUN - ~ CONS71<LJC.71ON rrii'iT WOODS. NUMBER fiGHT TOWNSHIP. CRAVEN COUNTY. N.C. ~ ,'''":RfNCE: LOT 4.fINAL PLAN. Of CHfLSA SUBDIVISION. PHASE TWO, RECORDED IN PLAT CABINET G, SLIDE 154-8 . CRAVEN COUNTY REGISTRY. !~ L. SUI1T .; ASSOC.. P. A. DATE:j2/23/2004. GRAPHIC SCALE L.AN.D 5URVEr7N6 ~ SIre PLANDESJ6N 40 0 7RCNMENTAt,..P~~~.-~-~ h. D...d ....2\: i er: EX):2.1 ., I, ROAD t:O 0 I d I ( I (, z: <(, OLe 0<') Ut\I }-OLIu -lO<.> ~U<t :l:: ,Q; ""<.> e....l;J "-lull) lll.Z.., e~~ ;::+8 ~<:::CJ I!l~ ~Iu ",'4 ..., ~LE:GEND ~.:;~. .~ --.:..' - - - - - ;.:- NOTES: - - - 01.0= EXISTING IRON PIPE LINt: TABLf 01, AREA BY COORDINATES. -r 02.0 = NEW IRON PIPE LINt: LfNGTH BfARING 02. SURVEY PRECISION = 1: 10000,\ 03. R/W = RIGHT OF WAY LlD GaDO N45'38'Z5'f 03. THIS SURVEY IS OF AN ExiSTING PARCfL{S) OF LAND, 04 EIP EXISTING IRON PIPE L11 47.'"1 N35'18'lQ'" & DOES NOT CREA T A NEW STREET OR CHANGE AN EXISTING STREET. . = 00" 04, PROPOSED UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE, CABLE T. V. UTILITIES. II I 05. SQ.FT. = SQUARE FEET LlZ 55,<D N3111'Z8of 05. FLOOD REPORT: - ~> 06.--ohe = OVER HEAD ELECTRIC L13 74.15 NZT58'ZGof -THIS PROPERTY SCALED IN ZONE AE & X PER FLOOD INSURANCE RATE T 07. A = P. K. NAlL LZ5 54,QZ 5Z0'45'ZG'W AlAP /lUMBER J720545800 J. EffiCTIvr DATE: JJLY 02. 2004. 08.~= UTILITY POLE PORTIONS OF 7HIS PROPERTY DID SCALf IN THE 100- YEAR FLOOD l!liERf BASE FLOOD G ___ I D9. MBL = MINIMUM BUIWING LINE ELEVATIONS AND FLOOD HAZARD FACTORS HAVE BEEN DE7ERMINED. ~I~ . e n/ 10. elL = CENTERLINE OF EXISTING PA'vfMENT THIS REPORT IN NO WAY SUPERSEDES THE ABOVE REFERENCED FIRM, fl>~ H,!-L-~ .....,~I\. / Il.. 11. P/L = PROPERTY LINE ~ V r- v ~ """ /12. ,", " OlfR /~AD UTILITIES ~: frYdI'~D!l:ZE:dfc"i~IEU I fO~E:S" (.~ ~L.lc.) \J J 08, PROPERTY ZONED R-20-5, I ~/]. .....III'\J ,1.0..... - -R/W- ~ 09. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 4605 FOREST HILLS DRI'vf, ;7w' J'c;.,f,. - - - - --R/W- _ _ _ 10. MINIMUM BUILDING LINES PER ZONING, _ - - - - . 1K ~ ! . - - - - - - -L - -~~ !-I-I n- ~ N N 'b"""'" E _ _ - - - -A ~~ ~~III ~ --------- --- IB;.rA;a;;;;r-~G ___---:iz,......{to"'lJ j..; N25.0e~ / ,~ - - - - - - -~\ E ::2Ss.0S'ftotaJ) ,..I} n "= :15.00 r .. N ,;;012'"'" E t - """ - ,'"'''''''' - \ I ~ ~ .. ~~. .:o~DI1..A/'/A. _Cl:,,+_UTUTr lAS~~~ .~,,,,,'''fo'''I) "" U\ ,," CARorrrr ~ I-- a.fJ z; 8 ~~'" ~ I.......,.. '" ..~" """mil.'" .t,/r, ~ -\ '7 () I : ~ ~ .~ _ ~~ "---ii:q8''Ii~j~\ ," .., ,SIO.:j;. +;, \ ~m mil ~!~ I~ ~L-.- - - - - - .~: tor;" . ~r . ~ ~~~. i;~"*J7~~~~t i~ It) tJ: (\ ~7iei: T- 33.501 +/- sq.ft ," ,~., . \ "'{" SU1t~\",,. t:.,.. ~\ C) . N 1~'OO. e I z&: ~!, '" . - - 0.77 +/- tlcres ... 1" UD" ",;.~"~.... ",'" ,""', ~ '" 5O.6"~!Lo "_.~ 2 z~ #'AC __ . ~o U\ rrrlD L. <;'''0~' vI ~ U\ ~ Q I _" _ . 2 T ~ _ Q 0, ~ lllllt1\\\\~ tTI "'. ~'BI.ir~~r" .1~~SQ. 0 .'~"'i (:) \,lJ . A ON as;:;;; . _ . . _ rr, '::: 0 NOW OR fORMfR Y r t-\ ~Cl!ZONo"- l ~ " , , _ , , ~ .... CONNlf V. RU55fLL C\ -n Ii ZONe 1 -\"'G" _ . , . + m Off 0 BOOK 1757, FAGf ZQ8. - C!. I ow ~rORNERt.y, L13 .if- . -'. ~ <. lDl!fDfJoor;'uc " ... -...... \~ I I 1~, PAG/!'188 '" L12; .. " E m m I ^ .. I Y4.e:-< ~__-----~------ 1A A::-~C~ ..... 0>' . ~ ~ CANAL ~/:) ,.......~ ~ ~. , IQ ~mrp~ R . '~ - A _ ^ LOw ~ \~' - '\.., \II ' ~ ~ ft O,.1l -....... ' ';$, L "", \ '.' () ~ "_':'_"_00_..::::1 R \ LZ5 '= \ ~ \ ~+--1 I \ I \ I \ 160 \ (INFE -:A ~, .',c....,'ccc=... "\ t \ \ \ ~ ( .. " VICINITY 51<t::--rCH J c. n, 28, 2005 11: 16 A 'y~ ZAYTOUN & RAINES CONSTRUCTIO~ CO r"o, t 3 31 ~, ~ Zaytoun-Raines ~ Construction Company, Inc. ~. JU:Sllw;-:n.\L &. C()\ltllH~(J'\L nyn.DlNG .. o S DSS l January 28, 2005 Attention: Kyle Barnes From: Cathy - Zaytoun Raines Construction Co. Pages Sent: 7 (Including Cover) Re: Variance Request * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Please see the following information regarding a request for a variance on Lot 4 Chelsea Sib division. If you have any questions, please give me a call @ 252-633-0106 or email @zaytounrainesconst@cconnect.net 312 South Front Street- New Bern, NC 28560. 252-633-0106- Fax: 252-636.1629 e-mail: zaytounrainesconst@cconnect.net Member Nortb Carolina Home Builders Association * b. 23. 2OJ~3,11: 15AV 913.ZAV-CL\ ~ ;~I';:S CO\SFJCT!C\ C~TT & ':'550;:;. IlL c.:;:;' 2;E 01 I OFFICE USE ONLY: Date Received Requ861 11 Slate 01 Nortn Carglina Department of Environment and Natural Resources OIvillon 01 Water Quality Variance Request Form. for Minor Variances Protection and MaIntonanco of Riparian Aroas Rulos NOTE: Thi, form may be photocopied for USQ as an anginal, PloalO Idontify which Riparian Area (Buffor) Protoctlon Rulo appllos. '\l Nouse River Basain: Nutrient Sensitive Watoro M.llnagomont Stratogy f\ Protoction and Malntonanco of Riparian Aroas Rulo (15A NCAC 028 .0233) a Tar.Paml/co River BasIn: NutrIont Sonsitivo Waters Management Stratogy Protection and Malntonanco of Riparian Aroaa Rule (15A NCAC 02B .0259) Q Catawba River Basin: Protoction and Maintenanco of Exl~t1ng Riparian Buffons (16A NCAC 02B .0243) Pan 1: Gonorallnfonnation (Pleaso includo attachm(mts if tho room provided is insufficient.) 1, App~cant'a name (the co/'P9l'iluon, Individual, ctc. who owns tho property): MI~\ t;:. ~~ 2. Print Ownor/Slgning Qrnclal (person le~al/y responsible for the property and its compliance) Nnmo: l.A\C."".~l C. ~,..Un:L-. . Titlo: its ~~~~~~~; . ~~~o Telephone: (J.5]..1 -=-..:~o Fax: L-) 3. Contact pe~ who can answer q~08liOn3 i1bou! th~ proposed project: Namo: l!AVflXJ.$;J ~Jfe'J e~aToi.l Tulepholl"; ~) fI . Fox: ~) ~~-I"z,.'t Emoll; 4. VOl'8lOn 2; November 2002 j;:, 23, 2(:(:~a,; 1: i 7AV 313,ZAV7CL\ & ;A:m CO\SE~CT;C\ "" cqr & ':'5::;OC. tic. c;;' ;,E ,2 5. Projoct Location: ~ (') Strenl address: l"t.ahlf ~I\!G;:. 'tkJ~ City. State, Zip: _ ~ N/:. ~'l. County: c..SP:;6N, , II Latitudellongltude: "O~' I ~t)" 04 ?iO r B. Directions to lite from nearest major Intersection (Also. attach an 8 'h x 11 copy of tl1e USGS ~to graphic map indicating thlllocation of the Sitl):~ tl - ij~~~ LIS w~ ~~ L- _d'ST - ~~ 7, 8. Which of the following permi1slapprcvals will be requlrod or have I)cen received already for thla project? Required: Received: =Z -;/ Date received: Permit Type; CAMA Mlljor CAMA Minor 401 Cortiflcation/404 Permit On-slto Wastewator Permit NPDES Permit (including'stormwatClr) Non-dlscharge Permit Water Supply Watershed Variance Others (specify) 1p1i/o>- Part 2: Propo15od Activity (Please include attachments if the room provided is insufficient) 1, De&criplion of prcpoaed activity [Also, please al13ch a map of &ufficient datail (suell as a plat map or aitlt plan) to accurately delineate the boundarios ofthllland In hA utilized in carrying out the adlvity. tho location and dimension of any disturbanco in the riparian buffers associated With tho activity. and the extent of riparian buffers on the land, Includo the arca oJ.9urftr imp&c1!n cr.]: lfD~ lMlR.U"G,'fO ~ CO~~~" l,iSOl. J;4 ~.-Ft. -~ 'Of) Sc.\ f- 0 ~ "Z.c'3 t. ^ ,'f"I\ p4c...t., . 2. Variance Rlquut Form, page 2 V8f1ion 2: November 2000 1..,.:.,"~2.3. 2(:(:~3J 1: 17AVc;Hg_ZAYTCV~ & ~..~I\~S CO~ST;UCTIO~ CCrT & ASSOC. Ik ';;: f' 'iE e3 3. Dewlplion of any best management proctlces to be used to controllmp'act3 associatod with tho proposed activity ~,e.. control of runoff from impervious surfaces to provldo diffuse now, ra-planting vegetation or enhancement of existing 'Ie etation, atc,}: S wi /oJ ~I 11 ~ 4. Pleasi provlde an explanation of the following: (1) Th& practical difficulties or hardships that would result from lha strict application of thl:o Rule. ~. I ~~ ~.m. (.DT UN~rrA8(.E 1"0 I3lJ.U...p IA~J..I (2) How thoso diffICUlties or hardships result from conditions that arc unique to the property Involved. ~~ R.a1'" R.b.I. (3) If economic hardr.hip Is the major consideration, then include a specific explanation of the economic hardships and tha proportion of the hardShip to the ontire value of 0 proJoct, S ~ L Part 3: Dud Rostrlctlons By your signature in Part 5 of this app~catiOn, you certify that all structural stormwater bist mllnagonwnt praeticaa required by this V3rlanCG ,hall bB IOC03lod In rc~rded 31ormw4ler easements, thai the eaaemen!$ will run with lhe land.lhatlh~ casements cannot be dlanged or dol~ted without coneurmnca from tho State. and that the easemenls will b~ recorded prior to lhi talo of any lot. Part 4: Agent Authorization If you wiSh 10 d83i~nala submittal authority to another individual or firm so that they may prOVide Informotlon on your behlilt, ploosa t;Omplela lhl3 acetion: . Doaignated ag~nt (Individull or fi~rm : u.l~ ~H~a1crJ. Melling liddr~ss: J'~1-~ _ _ ~ "e City, State, Zip: _ _ ~ Te~phone: '2t;2. ~Jl"l!)fO~ Fax. ~'l. .. -..Ie" .- email: Port 5: Appllcant'B Cortlficatlon Variance Rcquut Form, pa~e 3 Veralon 2: NO~6mber 2000 L:.:,~.:.,2,3.:.J~)(;~3' 1.1.: 13AV S19-ZFI"TCL\ ~ ;A:~[S CO\SEvC,lC\ cen & t.ssoc. Nc. ,== ~ r', ~iE 04 I, ~~ IY1 ctf,Jrrf'i) (' J< (print or type namQ of person lI11tad In Part I. Ito 2). certify that thelnrormation Included on this pllrmll application form is correct thot tho project will be constructed In conformance with the approved plans al1d thaI the ,dead rostrlc:tlons in accordance with Part 5 or this form will be recorded with all required permit cOllditions. , Signature: Data: TiUo: C~W~~::~Pr' ;(Ciywun Jf~I'n~5 C:'o,rlSf, L:D , Vorlloce Requel! Form. pegl 4 V.raiQll 2: November 2000 I 28 2"'"'.. 1Q^" " an, , I) I)) I I: v ,-,Vi . Cr~vt'" Local Government ZAYTOU~ & ~AI~ES CONSTRUCTIO~ CO rk 4331 CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT r, 6 o SO/I'd.. J Permit NumoEr < - ~ " . ~. as autha~ized by the State of North Carciir.a, Departmer.t :)f Environment and Na:uraJ Rasvurcas and the Ccastai Resources COl71missior. :or devalopme;Jt (au.J~/I~) ZAyl-o","", If Rq:I')~5 in ar. area cf ar.vironmental concerr. pursuant 10 Se~jon 1 'i3A-1 ~8 cf the U J I . I Ger.era! Statu!es, "Coastal Area Management. Issuedto I""ch~.... J L,''SfA SM,!fl, ,authcrizirgcevelopment:n r.rA"~ Cc-,..f-v 751 A.r-:.(. at 4to~ rr~....f flll~er D,.. I Mew' 'Sa'" AI C as requested in the permittee's application, d~ed I /1 :;l / 0 ~ T~is permit, issued on .' / ;;l t./{) ~S , is subject ~o compliance with the appllcation and site drawing (where ::onsislent With t~tte permit,): all ~pph~abie regula~ons and special conditions and notessGtforth bofow. Any violation a/these terms m2.Y subject perml ee to a Ina, Impnscnment cr ci'.il action. or may C2l1Sa the permit to be null and void. * "'*This permit authorizes construction oca single family dwelling, the removal oHrees and brush, and any land disturbing activity associated witb proposed project. Any otber denlopment will require additional permits or a modification of this permit. The following conditions shall apply: 1. All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance ~ith the application dated 01l12/OS and work drawings submitted on 01112/05. 2. All construction must conform to the NC Building Code requirements and all Local, Stare, and Federal regulations. 3. Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. 4. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 07J.0406(b), this permit may not be assigned, transferred, sold, or othcnvise disposed oCto 11 third party by the applicant, agcnt, or any entity other tban the NC Division or Coastal Management. 5. No excavation or filling of any wetlands or waters is authorized under this permit. 6. This project is located in the Neusc Rh-cr Basin and is subject to the EMC's Newe Rh'er Riparian ButTer Regulations. Contact Kyle Barns witb NC Division ofWlJter Quality at (252) 946-6481 for approval prior to project initiation. This permit action may be apr:;ealed by the permitlee or other C1ua[iTied persons within twenty (20) days 0/ the issuing date. From the date of an appeal, any werk conducted urJder this per- mit must cease untiltha appeal is rescived. This permit must t:e on the project sne and access;ble to the permit cfficer when the prcject is ii1sp~ed for comf:liance. Any maintenance wcrk or prejsct mcdi:icatons ~at covered ur.Cler !his permit req:.Jires further wrf:!en Ferrr.il approval, All work must cease when this permit expirGs on Oecsmber 31, ~OO ~ r ell''''' .c. S A, ;t1a/~ ,1(.$ 01'\ name ZfJ;1.. $/ A.i~~ (j /1/01. Gdc'r13ss In issuing tr.is pe,r..it it is agreed that this project is CQ,1sistent wi~r. the local Land Use Plan and a:i apolicabla c~c'inances, This perm~ :T1ay nct be ~rZlnsfe:reC to another party wi:hcut the writer: approval of t:-:e Civls;on oi Coas~aJ 'k;lnagament. ~'U IJerro, J If/ C ' ;;2 ~S ~ ~ t oMS lY/~(}2tW1 OC k P"md" (signature rsql.ired if special condi:icns at:love apcly t.:;) perrr.;:) c~ '" '" ,t c::' '-' 2: ~g <J" >-:'\~ ~iS~ 1S~<'l ",~<T ~,~ ,,"~g ~~'" "'2 ~'" ~Q ~ o f- '-..> = I)"'": f-- ,n C; <-> <Z> ,., c.-- ooC ,><'< ~ --.J c. t- >- .o::C r-.J 'liQrrs: - - - - - - - 01. ARfA BY COORDINAlfS. --r- 02, SURIH PRfClSlON ; I: 10000. I OJ. THIS SUR\H is OF AN [XI$rnG PARCa'S] OF lAND .Ii: [)()[S NOT CREA T A /J[W 5TRffT OR CfiANef AN EXISTiNG STREET. 04, PROPOSED UNDERGROUND ftECTRIG. Tf1EPHONf. CAB/.L T, V. UTiI.J1JfS. 05. nooo REPORT: 111/$ FROPfRTY SCALID IN ZG//[ Af. ok X PER nooo INSURANCE RAlf II!/' IlJlI!J[Jl J77<wIUIJO ~ mrcr.<,f DAlE: J.1Y D2. am PORncws If 1m PIICffRTY DID SCAlf L1 WE 1O'J-lVJ1 FlOOO 1fI[I1f EA::F. Floo.7 fifVA110NS AND FLOOD HAZARD FACTORS flAIE BITN Dn[R/I!/I[D. r:: \ TIllS REPORT IN 110 WAY SUPERSWES mE A80I!: RHD/UlCEO FlR/J, rv' HI' J t'::. Of<.I"~ 08. PUBIC WA 1fR somer, I . -~ r:::<:;"" 1-1-:;1 07. INDII1DUAl. SEPnc srsrru f'~' I .-- n::r.UCo) ~ ~: ~~g;~~~ ~~~S~-2~~ raREST ~1L1.S DRllf, SO' ~ (r::: _ - - ~/w- la lIINIIJlJ/J BU1WIIIG LUIES pm lOI/IN<;. - - - - --------L------ /.Letl'/I) 01. a ; EX1SrnG IRON PIPf 02. 0 ~ NEIl' IRON PIPf OJ. R/W; RIGHT or WAY 04. EIP ~ EXISTING IRON PIFE 05. son, ~ SQUARf ([fT 06. o,~" ~ OVER HEAD flrC1T1IC T07, b. = P. K. NAIL OB.<u'~ UTILITY PCll: 09. IIBL ~ IIIMWII SlJlLDiNG UNE 10. c;'1. = C[N1fRUNE or EXiSTING PAIEMENT II. P!l- = FROPfRTY UNf 12. ohu ~ OI'[R "fAD ummr$ lNf TA/3Lr LrNGTH ..8.00 47..1 55'U 74.15 54."12 ~!tJ<NC. N45'.:l6'2~n N.35161Q', N.:lnr26'~ N2T58'2..'~ 520'4,'Z..'W ~ Ii I C\ \51 ::! J )~_ fti ~ I ): "=-1 ~~I ~ ocl ~. ~ ~IJ~ si m ~f Ifl~ ~ ir- ~ I :t I p I- ~ · ~ ;tr: ~ ' N 16~~1l :t~ ~ ~ ~~~~ - ~I I ttJl': L10 t11 112 L1.:l L25 --R/~ N ,6.'4'4"7" e: _ _ - - - ---'>. _~---~.44'~ CAN'AL ~ N.:;:s.OA~ ~....... l! ~~.ttct.J) .:!2ao!r "_00 .-8:2"'''-''- '_ ---~ X-7.Cf' 11l ~~ - -'&<<nn.....",,,,,,,,,,, as"",,___ ZC>cJ 13 -t'-u:..,. HOWOff"'~r .... I t"aD tlOQ{ ~G "AU ~ . ~ I ^ ~, ~----~--~-----~ A--& I I .b J L2S oo_ooJOO_OO, ( ~~ ,.LOT PT.Nl l- ~ : I .v.YTOl-N - fV<INES GC'foelRlJCTION ~ 1- TRENT WOODS. NUMBER EJGHT TOWNSHIP. CRAVEN COUNn, N.C. RffDi:tJCf' LOT 4, nlAL PLAN Of CHt.lSA Sl.J{JDI\1SION. PHASE TWO. RfCCi:Dfl) IN PLAT CAIJ,'NfT Go sum: "4-8 . CRAVfN cowrr RfG:srer. BRAD L. SUI1T 4 A5SOC.. P. A. DAn' 12/23/2004. GRAPHIC SCALE I LAND 5lJR,vr:Y1N/SI - SITE P1JAoN Of3I6N I ~,A.t.~-~-~ eo '" 002 ~~ RCh<t> h;.~-_J. l, m "',} .~ I ..... ~_. ... _ 1 ineh - 40 r1 CoAO:Jh7!!J I -+ I I I ? <C <".~ "'0 ~:-> n> <--.. .. n:1 -~- -- --~-- \U1UII'f, , .. CARo It,,. ~ ,.,nm,", -!./-_ ::' t,SSJ o.t? 010';_ ~ EAL~i ~ L-3767 ~ ~ ,,<) .. ~o :: -, 8U1\ ,",,-,<, , -:- Qb':-".....""~,., "~.;-<<. ,.~,I~V{D L. $ ~\U "!IJIIl\\'lli/ NOW OR fORHrRLT CONNC V. KlJ55ITL Ofrv /lOOt( 1757, PAcr 2'l8. -, ~j \ _-\ \ ~~ ~~ m- r'J '{\~ '-~ nO"r' \I> ~ t \lI ~\ ~ I VIClNI7Y 5I<ETCH 1- ')1 2')'1;; '),~[~'..' .. c:. n. J. \ '. .J J. J ,I I' ZAVTCU~ & ~AI\ES CO\STRUCTIO~ CO he, 4[09 " , , -. ~ ~ Zaytoun-Raines ~ Construction Company, Inc. <".,.,. :9\ ~';:"lr.. .' < '''., - ..-'1. ,..', d ~, '-"' q .'",.. 'o~ RLSIDENJI.\I. & C0:\l1\II',HCIAL lH.JU.lJIl':C; J .... ~ --' ~t~, 4--"", ~"~ ~ OS DS S \ January 31, 2005 Attention: Kyle Barnes Fax # 946-9215 From: Cathy - Zaytoun Raines Construction Co. Pages Sent: 3 (Including Cover) Re: Variance Request * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * On Friday, January 28 - I faxed a variance application request to your office. Please see the following additional information that may be of assistance. If you have any questions, please give me a call @ 252-633-0106 or email @zaytounrainesconst@cconnect.net 312 South Front Streeu ~ew Bern, NC 28560. 252-633-0106- Fax: 252-636-1629 e-mail: zaytounrainesconst@cconnect.net - Member North Caro/in.l Home Builders Association .- '-> C~ t- > <<: I'-Jr S"-'" f ;:;~ ~/!'W'l:Y PLOT PUooN ;-:!:.JE'~ ,; ~ Z4YrCUol - /VJN5 CONSTFWCTlON TRrNT WOOD5, Nl..JnBrR t:fGHT TOIVNSHIJ>. CRAVfN COUNTY. N,C. ,,~RfffR[NC[' L01 4. mAL f'LAN or CI1!1.SA SWJ)fVlSlON. f'NASt: TWO, RfCORO[[) IN PLAT CAllrNrT G. SLID[ 154-/3 . CRA\'W COUNTY RfGlSTRY, :~ BRAO L. SUITT 4 ASSOC.. P. A. VA1e, 12/23/2004. GRAPHIC SCALE LAND SURVE"t7NG - SITE PLAN OESIGN .'~N..~-~-~ NEN~. He;. ~1 !'O2 SOUTH' ~JI!'5 ~ ~N/ (. ..~. 1~14~ ~Ax~~ .'~ J " " C;l <--, z ~g "'" >-"',,-, nO" !;l"" tQci~ o....~ "''Z!:Q ~'I,< ~-+g ~~CI "'El ~"-' '1<:0 .;.-- o t- c> - ~.:l t- <.I) """ o <-> .:/:> '"' ~ ":C ,... 1107[5: - - - - - - Of. AREA BY COORDlNA7[S. T 01. SUl/lfY PI/WS!ON - I: 10 000, OJ. THIS SUR\lfY IS OF AN Exi$TJfIG PARCf[rS) OF LAND c!: DOES NOT CP.fA T A NfW STREET OR CHANCf AH fXlSnNG STREET. 04, PROPOSED UNDERGROUND ilfCTRIC, Tr!IPIION[, CABlE T. V. UmlTIfs. D5, flOOO RfPORT; TH!S PROPfRTY SCAlED N lOtIE AI '" X PER FLOOD IIISURANCf RATE MAP IlJlI9fR J72054t.m ~ rmeR\[ DAlf: J1Y 02. 2004, PC111IONS [I' 1I'lS PRIJ'f/1rr D~ SCJJl l'I me lOQ-lfAR nOOJ I/![f'[ BAS[ 1l00l! nEVATIONS ANI) flOOD H~NIf) fACTORS HAVf I3fEH Of1ERlIrNED. ,..', /' n:; TIfIS RfPORT IN NO WAY SUPERS[VES ]HE ABOI! I?ElTRfNCEP np.l.I. .....~ HIL-'-S ~ V'- 06, PUBIC I\'A ITR SER\.!Cf, 1 0"" c:c. ,.. 07, INDIIlDUAL SEPTIC SYSTEI/, F ~ (pvst../C) ~~ ~~~~ =J~~1~o~ FOREST I~LLS ORlI-r, SO' ~ _ _ _ - - -R/W- 10, l!~NII.IUI.I OUW:,'IC LINES PfR lor/!rlG, _ - - - -------1----- Lf GEND 01. . - EXlST1NG IRON PIP[ 01,0 - NEW IRON PIPE OJ. R/W - RIGHT or WAY 04, [IP ~ EXISTING IRON PIPE II . 05. son, ~ S(}J).!iE ffET >~ TOO' ohe ~ OVfI1I1[).[) ilfCTRlC 07, A - P. /(, NAn. l1'l.'n.>~ UTr..fTY POII - I 09, /JBL ~ WIIIJ./UI.I BUfUJlNG LINE rv 10, elL ~ CENTERLINE or EX/STING PA IWENT ~ 1/, P/l. ~ PROPfRTY U/lf Q ~ I 12, o~u ~ OVER HEAD UTILITIES ~I ~~I >-.;;:1 fi ~f 1-. I m fr?/ ~I L'1f TABLe: UNG TH G8,OO ~7,GI ~'.'t3 7',J!) 5','12 we LID Lll LIZ Ll3 LZ5 UMNG N4!>'38'Z!>'C 1135'J8'J'I'C 1<311/'28 'C NZT58'ZG'C S20'45'2G'W ---R/W- --- ~ =- f2s,oo 1; ,.-.. B I"' t ~; ~:! / J R! ~ ir - - - : g ~ ~- ~ 1 f11~ ;~-.r -",~ H16~'OO"=1 ~G: I'. .. ! !5OJ~ ll'-' ---1-_" _" II z~ Z 1?4C, ~.. _ : r -'o-~~ _ "_" "o~ r $I "''''''''''''"C~~'_ ~"'''=''' _ ~~_. !O' ~CE + ~1TY a~ '-82'''-''-''- ~OSED "- --..!:!.. 1(-7.cr I hOW 0If f'CVJ'r".I!L r : Da:D e()~!..3'1c f'A~ ~8 .: I ^ ~I ~-------~----~ b-~ I () U [2' I ~ I If- -1 I \ I 1 I I ~ ~ ~ i-.,...... . m IL:I .... -."..~.~ .,.,. '," .......~ . !o" '1 .,.....~.....~.""'; ( IN FEET ) I Inch - 40 rL CAO:267t} -~- --- --- ~fi _-\ \ ~~ l~ ~~ ~ t\\ \~\ltlr '111/ ... ... CARO III~~ ,~","nn'.. ~ ~ " ~$'<: , . ,Sld~.;;~:._ - f EAL"'-~-= , c;. 3767 ~ ~ , ;& ",,<i;~~' " stf1l. ",., ~,' , ~'''-"'''''' ~... ,~~ 'rr D L. S ~~~V.\ llllUl1\\\'\r\ NOW 0" romlJ:\Y CONNf' V. 'W,;,,;,nL OITO ~00l( 1757, PAGe Z'l8. VICINITY SKETCH o s ~ E \~ , : ~ ,) an, 31. 2 (ll) S 3: 3 5 P\~ ZAYTO~~ & \A[~ES C01ST~vCTI01 CO 'I:. a::~9 ~'e 1 01 I J' -5:t:lF: r1?etlT (tf(j)/)5 http://gismaps2.cravencounty,com/output/cra yen GISMAPS23303 726246. onl2 lnlmOO, ,F"hoJ, L 2')IF: ~'1"L^\" _ ", '...1 I' r" Z\VTOU'~ Q ;^!\:~ CO\I~TQU. rTln~ ro 111. . '). .,"....... 'J '~.J r. v I V. \., rk 45Gi ,J "'Z' Zaytoun-Raines wt, Construction Company, Inc. .. h. J.tESIf)r~) 1,1J.. ~ !;.O"'Il\!~Rqi1; !IY!!:Ul~~__. OSOSSI February 2, 2005 Attention: Kyle Barnes From: Cathy - Zaytoun Raines Construction Co. Pages Sent: 2 (Including Cover) Re: Lot 4 Chelsea Subdivision * * * * * * * * *' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The foot print of the house - 3857sf I have attached the following that will give you all dimensions. Thank you again for all of your help. ---\ IfooSl-'- 312 South Front Street. New Bern, NC 28560. 252-633-0106- Fax: 252-636-1629 e-mail: zaytounrainesconst@cconnect.net Member North Carolina Home Builders Association ZAYTCU~ & ~AI\ES CO\STRUCTIOl CC ,F:~, 2, 2005 9:12AV , , ~ , I : , :t ~QUA~e ;=001 A~E FIRST FLOOR 2,l15 SQ. FT. SECOND FLOOR 1,302 SQ. FT. TOT AL 4,01l sa. FT. BONUS ROOM 541 SQ. FT. '. - GARAGE 866. SQ.. pT. FRP.NT PQRCH 86 'SQ. FT.~, 1/(' /1 REAR PATIO 1'30 SQ. FT. 't)eVi52d Orn(l{L0pl( . '. J. '. .... . . '. iPJj-01... '. ".,' " . . ".'.: . ", .~~:):":'-: ~ . . ",,:.: - _' . . ' -'-, _~_'~~'.~i~,r._~..t~,._,7,'.'",,~~' ~ :! '~~'_',: ".',11:~'.:,>..~~'l :' I;~".~ ., _.. 4 ... ~ ,- .. : ;.~r: . ,,-." ...... ' -~~.'L':.": '. ...~ lit t . .' '.." ,;' . ~. Q r oX ~ ~ -' \S) Q :.:. r\ c, ~ 3 0 r ~ .- l- lU L> . U>(l{ 'W J- IZ {-ill '" oc '" {- p, 2J , I -1'1. , U:.: , .' . ".- . ~ r-:'~~;~ '':'~''\ _i.~.I.- '-d"':'~-;' .",' 'r. \J J .;'';\ {)t',,' ,.'" '" " f..... lL" , .. ~.o(,'~1 .:.;, . .' '", . .'. - )1 .,~ ':c"-". ,- .;. ..-' ; . . ~. .:~:;::~ ':. ':~t:';:~ @ COF)j~rG~T ,}:,~~,p~ CCS1~1~~':,..:~ . CENTER, .'-'- ,~. . ZCZ;g. '.': 5CALE~ .AS NOTED DATE: MAY 20@4 FILE NAME: - . lte?4@!:?<Z:l3. DRAWN,6'1: SKREWSON . :.; . . 4:~, ~'l J,' ~ .. ;,r ".~ . ~ S~EET- 1#",:,..1, . ::.:," '- > 2 OF ::,