HomeMy WebLinkAbout390008_PERMIT FILE_20171231State of North Carolina
Department of Environment,
Health and Natural Resources
Division of Water Quality
James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor
Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary
A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director
July 11, 1997
Eugene Blackwell
Hillcrest Dairy .
8140 Dick Blackwell Rd
Oxford NC 27565
Subject: Removal of Registrati
Facility Number 39-8
Granville County
Dear Eugene Blackwell:
This is to acknowledge receipt of your request that your facility no Ionger be registered as an animal waste
management system per the terms of 15A NCAC 2H .0217. The information you provided us indicated that your
operation's animal population does not exceed the number set forth by 15A NCAC 2H.0217, and therefore does not
require registration for a certified animal waste management plan.
Under 15A NCAC 2H .0217, your facility is deemed permitted if waste is properly managed and does not
reach the surface waters of the state. Any system determined to have an adverse impact on water quality maybe
required to obtain a waste management plan or an individual permit. You are reminded that a discharge of wastes to the
surface waters of the state will subject you to a civil penalty up to $ 10,000 per day.
Should you decide to increase the number of animals housed at your facility beyond the threshold limits listed
below, you will be required to obtain a certified animal waste management plan prior to stocking animals to that level.
Threshold numbers of animals which require certified animal waste management plans are as follows:
Swine 250
Confined Cattle 100
Horses 75
Sheep 1,000
Poultry with a liquid wastes tem 30,000
If you have questions regarding this letter or the status of your operation please call Sue Homewood of our staff
at (919) 733-5083 ext 502. '
cc: Raleigh Water. Quality_ Regional, Office
Granville Soil and Water Conservation District
Facility File
A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E.
-P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919.733-5083 Fax 919-715-6048
An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment,
Health and Natural Resources
Raleigh Regional Office
James B, Hunt, Jr„ Governor
Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary
Mr. Eugene Blackwell
8140 Dick Blackwell Rd.
Oxford, NC 27565
Division of Soil and Water Conservation
June 11, 1997
SUBJECT: Operation Review Summary
Hillcrest Dairy Facility No. 39-8
Granville County
Dear Mr. Blackwell,
On June 3, an Operation Review was conducted of Hillcrest Dairy, facility no. 39-8. This Review, undertaken in
accordance with G.S, 143-215.10D, was one of two visits scheduled for all registered livestock operations during the 1997
calendar year. The Division of Water Quality will conduct a second site inspection.
It was determined that no corrective actions are necessary as the result of this Review, since waste was not being
discharged to the waters of the State, and the animal waste collection, treatment, storage and disposal systems were
maintained and operated under the responsible charge of a certified operator. A copy of the completed review form is
enclosed for your information.
The review determined that the farm was operating in accordance with the approved animal waste management
plan. Please remember that you are required to obtain either an amendment to your existing plan or a new waste utilization
plan before any changes are made in crop type or harvest method on land included in your plan. For additional assistance
with the plan, please contact your local Soil and Water Conservation District Office or local Cooperative Extension Service
As we discussed. I have enclosed a removal request form. Be aware that if you remove the farm flem the
registered farm list and wish to increase above threshold numbers you will fall under the guidelines for a new operation. If
you chose to stay on the registered farm list ensure that ,you have a startlstop pumping level markers in your lagoon/pond
prior to .January ,I9a8: I have verified your removal request with Sue Homewood of the Division of Water Quality. When
you send in your form it will be processed and a letter informing you of the removal will be sent. Please keep a copy of the
filled out removal request form for your records.
The Division of Soil and Water Conservation appreciates your cooperation with this Operation Review. Please do
not hesitate to call me at 919/571-4700 ext. 208 if you have any questions, concerns or need additional information.
Sincerely -
Margaret )O'Keefe
Environmental Engineer I
cc: Granville Soil and Water Conservation District
CJudy_Garrett: Water_Quality Regional`$upe vi on
DSWC Regional Files
3800 Barrett Drive, Suite 101, FAX 919-571-4718
Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 N01 C An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer
Voice 919-571-4700 500/6 recycled/10% post -consumer paper
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment,
Health and Natural Resources •
James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor IDEF.HNF;Z
Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary
Steve W. Tedder, Chairman December 5,1996
Eugene BIackwell
Hillcrest Dairy
8140 Dick Blackwell Rd
Oxford NC 27565
Subject: Operator In Charge Designation
Facility: Hillcrest Dairy
Facility ID #: 39-8
Granville County
Dear Mr. Blackwell:
Senate Bill 1217, An Act to Implement Recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Study Commission on
Agricultural Waste, was enacted by the North Carolina General Assembly on June 21, 1996. This bill
requires that a certified operator be designated as the Operator in Charge by January 1, 1997, for each animal
waste management system that serves 250 or more swine, 100 or more confined cattle, 75 or more horses,
1,000 or more sheep, or 30,000 or more confined poultry with a liquid animal waste management system. Our
records indicate that your facility is registered with the Division of Water Quality and meets the requirements
for designating an OIC.
A training and certification program is not yet available for animal waste management systems involving
cattle, horses, sheep, or poultry. Owners and operators of these systems will be issued temporary animal waste
management certificates by the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission
(WPCSOCC). The temporary certificates will expire December 31, 1997, and will not be renewed. To obtain
a permanent certification, you will be required to complete ten hours of training and pass an examination by
December 31, 1997. A training and certification program for operators of animal waste management systems
involving cattle, sheep, horses, and poultry is now being developed and should be available by the spring of
1997. The type of training and certification required for the operator of each system will be based on the nature
of the wastes to -be treated and the treatment process(es) primarily used to treat the animal waste.
As the owner of an animal operation with an animal waste management system, you must designate an
Operator in Charge and must submit the enclosed designation form to the WPCSOCC. If you do not intend to
operate your animal waste management system yourself, you must designate an employee or engage a contract
operator to be the Operator in Charge. The person designated as the Operator in Charge, whether yourself or
another person, must complete the enclosed application form for temporary certification as an animal waste
management system operator. Both the designation form and the application form must be completed and
returned by December 31, 1996.
If you have questions about the new requirements for animal waste management system operators, please call
Beth Buffington or Barry Huneycutt at 919/733-0026.
Steve W. Tedder
cc: Raleigh Regional Office
Water Quality Files
Water Pollution Control System �0 Voice 919-733-0026 FAX 919-733-1338
Operators Certlt[eation CommissionV� An Equal OpportuNty/Atfirmathre Action Employer
P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 �50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper
. ,-��- Facility Nurriber:�- �`7
Division of Environmental Management
Animal Feedlot Operations Site Visitatlon Record
Date: f��b19Cn
Time: : '}-o A&
General Information:
Farm Name: h6!Z � 17ac4et1 ' County:, 6ndne.,,1�
Owner Name:
VgL1Ka.3t!/ _ vuJ_P_he Phone No: /93-
One Site Representative: t KW*Gu- Integrator:
Mailing Address: 1!
/j'r "d At.C.
Physical Address/Location
Latitude: 1 1 Longitude: ! /
Operation Description: (based on design characteristics)
Type of Swine No. of Animals Type of Poultry= No. of Animals Type o Cattle No. of Animals
❑sow ❑Layer Pairy
❑Nursery ❑Non -Layer ,eef
Other Type of Livestock: Number of Animals:
Number of Lagoons:--J—(include in the Drawings and Observations the freeboard of each lagoon)
Facility Inspection: '; ' ,R , /�; �Qble —dd
Is lagoon(s) freeboard less than 1 foot + 25 year 24 hour storm storage?: Yes ❑ No W -
Is seepage observed from the lagoon?: Yes ❑ No
Is erosion observed?: Yes ❑ No
Is any discharge observed?: Yes ❑ No
❑ Man-made ❑ Not Man-made
Cover Crop. Nrs /
Does the facility need more acreage for spraying?: GALA �, Yes ❑ No D/'
Does the cover crop need improvement?: Yes ❑ No LD/
(list thp cropsrr�yhick need improvement)
Crop type: [-?,,' Acreage: !�o
Loi - bra '
` Setback. Criteria
Is a dwelling located within 200 feet of waste application?: Yes ❑ No
Is a well located within 100 feet of waste application?: Yes ❑ No
Is animal waste stockpiled within 100 feet of USGS Blue Line Stream?: Yes ❑ No
Is animal waste land applied or spray irrigated. within 25 feet
of Blue Line Stream?: Yes ❑ No
Does the facility maintenance need improvement?; Yes ❑ N,
Is there evidence of past discharge from any part of the operation?:' Yes ❑*No
Does-record keeping need improvement?: - Yes ❑
Did the facility fail to have a copy of the Animal Waste Management
Plan on site?: rr Yes GKO ❑
Explain any Yes answers: P46'171�W /l c
Signature: .. ._. -• 1AW14jDate:
cc: Facility Assessment Unit Use Attachments if Needed
Drawings or Observations -
AOI -January 17; 1996
• FcRfl F. 02/02
Farm Na
Site Requires Immediate A ttcnnon
Facility No. ��
DATE: , 1995
On Site Representative:
Physical Address/Location:
Type of Operation: Swine Poultry Cattle
%Design Capacity: 2Y) - - Number of Animals on Site:
DEM Certification Number: ACE DEM Certification Number: ACNEW
Latitude:" 2 -7- Longitude' �� ' Elevation:Feet
Circle Yes or No
Does rhe .animal Waste Lagoon have sufficient freeboard of 1 Foot + 25 year 24 hour storm event
(approximately 1 Foot + 7 .inches) es r No Actual Freeboard: Ft. Inches
Was any seepage observed from the lagoon(s)? Yes o�9 Was any erosion observed? Yes or No
Is adequate land available for spray? es r No is the cover crop adequate? (Or No
Crop(s) being utilized:
Does the facility meet SCS minimum setback criteria'! 200 Feet from DwelliVN6 s or No
100 Feet from Wells?
.,c anlrnal wasre stockpiled within 100 Feet of USGS Blue Lime Strram? Yes orb
a:rimal waste land applied or spray irrigated within 25 Feet or a USGS ilr Ap Blue Line'? Yes or No
animal waste discharged into waters of the state by rnan-made ditch, flushing system, or other
,i7ri;a_r man -matte devices? -",res 66 if Y -.s, Please Explain_
)r,cs thu facility maintain adegta:ite waste matiagerncezt records (volumes of manure, land applied.
spray lrzigaLed on specific acreage with cover crop)'? Yes or3i
Additional Comments:
cc: Facihry Assessment Unit Use Attachments if Needed.
l7FERRT2IJS BRMI'dCH - Wu Faz y19 715-6u�lU Jul 20 195 11:4 P. 11,'Ju
S:te rp4dres imme0ate 3 wdm
Facl71y number _
7— 1'/- IT� .1935
Owner: ru Cy e, Facn agame:
County-,-b,-an i
Agent Visiting Site: 2 v,_l
-.9, J ►rLF-5
On -Site ;Representative: �1
Fhysicel A.dcress: cS'1 �� I 4L. ,I) Lf 1
r -2-)5Ir
Type of Qpe:-ation: Swine � Poultry w Cafie
r I,
ign aG2..�y:.. iNur<rLer oCAr.imels on Siie:
� �27 r 30 a� � �ryli'.iCc: �� G 7 V
Tyre or Inapec:ian; �Grcurd Aeli�l
Circle Yes or No
Does the %nimai `Nasse r sgcvir have s&i,o6ent free card of 1 Foct - 25 veyF2= ;cur s:crm event
(appmXimaley 1 Fzct 7ir;c,__) Yes or NO
A�.. al Free�card:�_ Inches
=^r facilities .Mfi monP Jhan one egecn, ~tease address the athv laaccr s' freewcard under the
ccm!r:enu s_c.icr.
-Nz3 an f saGr,age cbs=_r;ed from tr`:_= Yea cr I J�
:Vas there erosicn cf ine darn? Y65 or (W
Is at'eruate lard availabla for lard appkaticn? a Cr IVo
Is':he ccver crop ade: jsie? ES CC NO
�iy,lcT.IM Ir ;r-c^:E
r=�:•.. 15 BI 713.3Sn9
"Tfnn •Ata I,I`)a ACC(rT)l,IR1007nT;__ r,1 -1 CH 'n1lNV1) rr--7,,r,,., .. n InI)In