HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081285 Ver 2_More Info Received_20090810PARKER & ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Engineers - Land Surveyors - Land Planners 306 New Bridge Street + P.O. Box 976 Jacksonville, NC 28541-0976 (910) 455-2414 + Fax: (910) 455-3441 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: Mr. David Timpy, Project Manager U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington Regulatory Field Office 69 Darlington Ave Wilmington, NC 28403 WE ARE SENDING YOU: One (1) copy of the Recorded Wetlands Conservation Map and One (1) copy of the Recorded Declaration of Wetlands Conservation Delineation. DELIVERY VIA: ® Regular Mail ? UPS Overnight ? Hand ? UPS Ground THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: ? For Approval ? For Your Use ® As Requested ? For Bids Due ? Federal Express ? Other ? For Review and Comment ? Other COMMENTS: ??? " ohn W. Arker, President Copies To: Joanne Steenhuis (w/enclosures) ? Steve Wangerin (L.O.T. only) L(=9@ JWP/avk CF (P), LAM (if enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once) AUG 10 2009 c 1.J W P. LOT. Ti mpy.CharlesCreekLanding.7.27.09 DENR • WATER QUALITY EMAIL ADDRESS: TEXT MESSAGES TO: paitextnu bizec.rr.com MAPS AND PLANS TO: aidr ATERBRANCII + ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING + STORMWATER, WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS + FEASIBILITY AND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING + GLOBAL POSITIONING SURVEYS + SUBDIVISION AND CONSTRUCTION PLANS o PS DATE: July 28, 2009 REF: Charles Creek Landing Onslow County, NC Action ID: 2005-00560 &$-6S(? Ild20 q (z) '?q'1' i PM NORTH CAROLINA ONSLOW COUNTY PREPARED BY TISDALE, McCONNELL & BARDILL, LLP, ATTORNEYS AT LAW DECLARATION OF WETLANDS CONSERVATION DELINEATION THIS DECLARATION OF WETLANDS CONSERVATION DELINEATION is made this 23rd day of July, 2009, by BRYNN MARR HOMES, INC, a North Carolina corporation, having a place of business in Onslow County, North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "Declarant". WITNESSETH: THAT WHEREAS Declarant is the owner of the real property described in Paragraph I of this Declaration; and -,ArHEREAS Declarant intends to develop said tract of real property; and WHEREAS Declarant, as a part of its intention to develop said tract of real property, is desirous of designating by this instrument areas on said tract of real property that are generally described as wetlands. NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant, for itself and its successors and assigns hereby subjects the aforedescribed tract of real property to the following restrictive and protective covenants and with respect to such defined wetlands hereby declares as follows: 1 1. DESCRIPTION OF REAL PROPERTY: The real property which is, and shall be held, transferred, sold and conveyed subject to the protective covenants set forth in the articles of this Declaration is located in the County of Onslow, State of North Carolina, and is more particularly described as follows: Being all of that property as set forth and as shown on that "WETLANDS CONSERVATION MAP for CHARLES CREEK LANDING" recorded in Map Book 58, page 95, Slide M-1169, Onslow County Registry, prepared by Parker & Associates, Inc. 2. WETLANDS AND CONSERVATION SPECIAL PROVISIONS: A. Compliance with Wetlands Regulations: It shall be the responsibility of each owner, prior to alteration of any lot, to determine if any portion of the Lot shall have been determined to meet the requirements for designation as a regulatory wetland. Any subsequent fill or alteration of this wetland area shall conform to the requirements of state wetland rules adopted by the State of North Carolina in force at the time of the proposed alteration. The intent of this deed restriction is to prevent additional wetland fill, so the property Owner should not assume that a future application for fill will be approved. The property Owner shall report the name of the subdivision in any application pertaining to wetland rules. This covenant is intended to insure the continued compliance with wetland rules adopted by the State of North Carolina, therefore benefits may be enforced by the State of North Carolina. This covenant is to run with the land and shall be binding on all parties and all persons claiming under them. B. Conservation Areas: The areas shown on that plat recorded in Map Book 58, page 95, as wetlands are also to be declared by this instrument as conservation areas and shall be maintained in perpetuity in their natural or mitigated condition. No person or entity shall perform any of the following activities on such conservation area: (1) fill, grade, excavate or perform any other land disturbing activities, 2 (2) construct any structures, (3) graze or water animals, or use for any agricultural purpose, (4) Any portion of the permitted access piers built over Coastal Wetlands shall not exceed six feet in width and shall be elevated a minimum of three feet over the wetland substrate as measured from the bottom of the decking. This covenant is intended to ensure continued compliance with the mitigation condition of a Clean Water Act authorization issued by the United States of America, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, Action ID 2005-00560, and therefore may be enforced by the United States of America. This covenant is to run with the land and shall be binding on the Developer and the Owner of any lot in the subdivision, and all parties claiming under it. 3. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the owner of any of the aforesaid lots may, subject to proper permit, construct a single slatted and elevated pier which shall cross conservation areas, as shown on the recorded Wetlands Map. The pier shall be no wider than six feet and the decking shall be elevated at least three feet above the coastal wetland substrate as measured from the bottom of the decking. Declarant shall also cause to be constructed a roadway designated as Paradise Court and pursuant to applicable permits a portion of said roadway shall be allowed to cross wetlands as depicted on the recorded plat and further that utilities located within the right of way of Paradise Court shall also be allowed to cross wetlands. 4. Any conveyance of all or any portion of the real property described in Paragraph 1 hereof shall be made subject to the terms and conditions of this Declaration. 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grant has caused this instrument to be signed by its duly appointed Manager as of the day and year first above written. BRYNN MA.RR HOMES, INC. Steven W. Wangerihief Executive Officer NORTH CAROLINA ONSLOW COUNTY a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that Steven W. Wangerin. personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he is Chief Executive Officer of Brynn Marr Homes, Inc., a North Carolina corporation, and that by authority duly given and as the act of such entity, he signed the foregoing instrument in its name on its behalf as its act and deed. Witness my hand and official seal, this the 23rd day of July, 2009. My commission expires: - _g aoi q Notary Public i? O ?O" ?4 r 2; °?.QLiG C) 0I 111! ???\\``\\ 4 I, Edwin N. Foley, Professional Land Surveyor No. 2884, Wetlands Line Table Le end: certify to one ar more of the following as indicated: Roos Peru Road Ncsm on g II II II 11 t0 ? A. That the survey creates a subdivision of land R/W -Right-of-way within the araa of a county or municipality that ~ SEARING LENGrTI-{ '053 W 1.4 ' ~ - Centerline has an ordincr>ce that regulates parcels of land; Z 2 22'il E 015E -Iron Stake Found ? B. That the survey is located in a portion of a county 25'11 W 28. IPF -Iron Pi Found or municipality that is unregulated as to an ordinance 1 0 ~ that regulates parcels of land; i W '3 OISS -Iron Stake Set 51 ~ C. Any one of the following: 1 ®CMF -Concrete Monumar~t Found i. That the survey is of an existing parcel or '22 E 1 . - • ~ - • • - - Wetlonds Line parcels of land axJ does rrot create a new street 1,q or change an existing street. m m m m 2. That the survey ie Of at existing building Or m m m . - Wetlaxis Area W ds Line Table other structure, or natural feature, slxh ~ a '16,~ etlan EOP - Povemalt ~f ~ Edge of watercourse; or 1 n n n n R - Radius e 3. That the survey is a control survey. CtaD v' L - Arc h ~ ? D. That the survey is of onotha- category, such as the BEARING LENGTH Ler>gt , _ recombination of exist' tale acourt-ordered survey, M.B. - Book \ ~1 m9 par , 77' E . b ~ ~ 14 i ~ 0 or other exception to the definition of subdivision; ~ Pg. - Paga \ _ ~ A.IA or is such 0 ? E. That the nformatlan avc»lable to the survey 7 '5 E i 56 E .b ' ' \ ~ ~ that the surveyor is unable to make a determination to ~ 1 ~ -Recorded Lot Nurnb~ ~ ~ e the best of the curve ors ofessional ability as to 58 ii E \ ~ Y ~ .~b e ' ~ provisions contained in (A) through (D) dove. 20 E ~ ~ b ~ V1C1I11 S~ 569' 1 .9 ° Z ~ Vicinity Sketch 536 E b. 4 3 Not ~ ~ 57 ' W I .18 m N e Not to Scale o' ~ \ 81 7 ~ W ~ - t W .52 a ` _ , ~ cnnf (7'ie 6 Edwin N. Foley, P.L.S., L-2884 W .65 ~r ~ i W 3.30 1i isf a~lli S 6'26 W 8.5 ®eeNo Ile,o~ s® 1615 W 3 . 5 ~ ~b\ op. S9 - FESSIp 2 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ r PO ti .9 r 55w 1. S A + 9 + .Q : , ~ W 23.73 ` - ~ ~ Ste. I, Edwin N. foley, certify 1 =oley, certify that this map 522' 153 W 24.55 isf ~ ~ was drawn under my super L-2884 ; sources as rated; that the 21' 47 E 22.5 ti ~ xder my supervision from Aed; that the boundaries 2'4614 E 26.50 `0'~. ® ? Addition to Block G '~9 ~ curve ed are shown as ,ZO ~ . ? ? ~ ? ~0 Jul not y are shown as broken lines 10 E 56.86 ~ . ~ m ? ? m Twisted Oaks Subdivision ®,tr SUR ° drawn from sources noted, sources noted, that this map m ? . M.B. 21, PG. 168 ~ 0 ee was prepared in accordance 09 E 35.15 ? ® m ~ °®e N N. F ee° m was ~ , t~llilll~l~ ~ amended, this ap f in accordance with G.S. 47-30 this map was prepared for 76'02 55 E 28.93 m ? ,s R =50.00 ? ? isf recording purposes. poses. 20013E 27. ? ~ L = 42.77' ? ? 523'14 4b W 36.02 ~ ? /Wetlands ? 534'17 W Twisted Oaks -'s m= `gp' m ? ? 0.121 AG/ m Witness my original signatul original signature, license S 4'2134 W 16.6 Section I I t ~ a ? ? m / m ? ? W 24.13' Ravlslon of Twisted Oaks m m . ~ ' ~ O, /.s ? ? ? ? ? s m ° number and Seal this d' seal this d day of 7 5 0. 7 Lots 1 through 7, Block A ? m ? ? m m ~ J ? y ? ° . ~ 1 ~ I 8.11 M.B. 21, Pg. 232 ? ? ? m ? ? m ? • ~ m ? / .~Ul~ ' a 37.30' ~Fi ? a ? ? ? ? m m ~ / 11 ~ ? o - - .~uLy AD 2009. • T1 ° 23. I' , ~ ~ ` oo ? ? ? ? ? ? m / Mara 7 m ~ 19 I \ 18 ! ? m m m m ? ? ? m / ~ph. dl$ 1 t ®V _ , e m m ? ? ? n,..+r. pl~jt ~ F \ $ J Edwin N. Foley, P.L.S., L= N I 37.05 ? m ? / / Dr; - sy, P.L.S., L- I n 1 / ~~e O 48.44 m m ~ / / ~ ? m®-' / / N77'5 ' " 35. 8' S° 585°33'3 " 34.85' i ? ? m.• ' \ 555° ' 1" 31.84' ss m ? m / \ 1 ~ ~ / / 563°05'51" 29.50' m m m / ' \ / S% I n s ? ? m ? \ 2 ' - '3 i l 54.64 ~ / / - ' ~ 1 " ~ 31 . m m m m / - 7 ° 58n 2 .4 ? m m m m - / / III ~~~II ~~~I~ ~II~I III{ ~II~~ Ilil~ ~~III ~II~I ~~I~I IIII IIII 5O6 Ob 33 W 21.02 m m m m m' / S6 ' 8"W 45.90' ? ? m m m m • / / / ~ ' ~ Doc ID: 007457030001 Tye i07467030001 Type: CRP 585' '3 "W 66.05' ~ ~ / > / - / + ] , Recorded: 07/2i/2oo9 at !1 m m m ? m m /~iC~. S`°m /m~ / I/3 / / i I N I ? ? V ? m m m° ~ • m m m \ / V21/20o9 at 11:14:41 AM X1.40 Page 1 of i 07 - / Fee Amt: $21.00 Page 1 0 5611716 W 40. / / / / _ ~ Onslow County: NC N85' ' "W 46.38' ? ? ? ? m •,,1.•~m/ ? m " m s m m ° y.. m % /m/m m ? / ' Rebecca L. Pollard Reg. 01 1ty, NC Pollard Reg. of Deeds N83° 7'05"W 43.94' ? ? ? m ~'/?/m ? ? m m m ? ? //m m/m,/~ V m m ? / I " 1 m m m m ~ m m m m m m m_ J ~@• m°~/t/ ? m m m Jr ~ 1 / gK PG PG9 5 N67°3 00 W 49.43 / / / / m m e ? ? m- ~ -v F'- v a m m I a? m m m m N70°Il'3 "W 39.69 m m m ? s/~' w m e m m m m m m m m~ ~ v m m m e~ o. ~ / cCQ I~j II / / / / ~ / d... .7`.7~~' 3111W 25.10 Ir' m m m ~ V ? ? V m V ? V V m/ V V ? V i / j ~ V / \ / / ffi M N83° 1 7 W 39.81 o m m ? ? m m ? i" m ? m m i? ,.gym ..r m m m~ / / 51 °10'01"W 9.77' ~ / s ? ? m i ` ? ? e e ~ >r a m ? m : / / \ / / / / 575'18' 3"W 43.49' iss ? ? ? ? ? ~ ?''l~letlarlds ? y./J,/~. m ? m m ® / \ / / N 7°50' "W 76.36' / ? ? ? ? m .mi s~ m ? 1.931 AG~r/~ , /m ? m v ? m / / ~ / i 6 I i ' ° 3x.45' / / ~$0, V m V m y ~ ~ m ? m m j?/ j ? ? m m m raj ~ \ \ 533'05 W ° \ ~ 1 ' _ ~ / 3 • ' i" 25.06' / 3 /y3 ISS? ur.. j m m m ? s? i? m ? m ? m m I ii I / ~ ? m m m/~jm ,~?/m m m ? ? m~~- ' //5 1 53 °4 1 1.64 / . ~ W ? ? V/?/M J1'°V m ? ? m m A. / N50 2146 W/ / ? m m m ? w t Register o s Onslow Ws Onslow County / / 51.96' / / ~ m/~°~~ ? / ~ / / / 1 II / T W m V V ? V ? ? ? ~ m VN'V 'e\ / N43°3922 W m .s m • ? ,e~' / ? m ? m m r 79.261 ? m m m ? / / J. ~ Mme. / / 'G ? V V /V m m ? J°' V ® ° V ? ? m V ? ? V V V ! . / ~C~ / Isg V 9 V V ? V V •6 ~ V ? V ? V P V ~ V m V ®°V V m V V V . ~J ~~rr g ~ : ~ ~..~x.,.°v!'? / ? y" ~ / isf ~.ti It , ~.~w.-.^, m. / / Tir v / /0 l / Q~ ? ? m s ? m ? m ? °m v,•-...®..o°? ? m ? m ? ? ?t m m ? m m m m m m ? f Ipf /[~l ( / ~ ~ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? m ? m ? ? m ? ? m m ? ? m ? m m l? m ? m ? m ? m ? ? rya p~ 7G t y. p~~ ~~'-d~ 7~.T:~~~ - , / / ? i I N .l~ ~ ~+'A ~'./~t~c~ ryls C~ ~,~'ii..~£~~~^..~ ~d.~ 4 ~Y~,3 P,. ~ / \ / ~ ~0 m m i? ? m ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? m ? m ? m ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?r m ? ? m m m m m 589°11 21 W x f`~,-.~ t ~ ~a~° , q s@r'3:°=1)h~ ~:~:1~'~~~.~~~' v a., ~ / / ~ / ~ /I./V? V V ? V ? ? ? ? V V ? ? V m m m W V V V ? V m ~J V m m V V m m m ~ `0 17.A A' ~~~,~g)~,~~~li4l t.1~4+'A~~a^~d~`~R i.) Ui. ~ ? V V ? ? V ? ? ? ? ? ? V ? ? V m ,IC -.M1~T = V ? V V V V V ? ? I _IY m 1 " ~ • t3, kEfb~ ~T~ ~t~f'~~:a~t~!'~1L1,~: ~!C ~JS~I;-i~! (fit o, / NI3°3125 W / ? ? m ? ? ? m ? ? ~ - • s ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? m ? Jr ? 68.21' / ? ? ~ ~ -s ~ m ? ? ~ ° ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Si Baker N / / Z ~ ? ? ? ? p....-.°®?° ~ ? m ? ? . ? ? ? isf D.B. i773 Pg. 617 / / / ~ 12.56 ~ ? 545'41'24"W / ~ b.ol' WETLANDS CONSERVATION MAP ~ / . "W - 453.A2' 28.50' ~ / / N88 07 46 I~.lffi: N26'08'04"W D Charles Gibbs > / I D.B. 1564 P .756 i to g I 38. LN EE R LES A H v NoTES: i9 ANDING ° Boundary data and lot iines per h1.B. 52, Pg. 228. " Stump Sound Twp., Onsiow Go., North Carolina forth Carolina G Wetland line per Charles Creek Wetlands I'1ap improved by U.S. Army y fir: B nn Marr Homes, Inc. Inc. 3 ker 4 Associates Inc. ~ Corp of Engineering on 11/17/05 proposed by Par , 2423 N. Marine 81v . d. Proposed pier locations furnished by Coastal Planing Services Inc. Jacksonville North Carolina 28546 is 2854(0 x tan titled "Cones Pier Charles Greek Lcndi "dated 1/14/04. r`- p Pt ng (q1O) 353-5800 ~ All wetlaxi areas, with the exception of permitted crossings ~e; RApI-EIC SCALE: III=~ 5GALE: 1"=60' '0 (Paradise Court, utilities located adjacent to Paradise Court, n, DATE: 10/27/08 0 30 60 (0 120 180 ~ axi a si le elevated aui slatted ier for each of lots c`., m ~ p x 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) as shown on this map, are to be conserved - II I y see "Declaration of Wetlands Conservation Delineation". SCA~E~ ~ °~OD >r FEET U y Paradise Court par field Location. gC ASS®ClaeS C® Parker 9 C. 9inB Horis V Planners Alt acr calculated b coordinates. Consulting Engineers -Land Surveyors - ers ~ Y y Fatd eook: WA P.O. 1902 978 - 28541_ 0978 r~na= rood io3~ 306 New Bridre Street 28540 F+~: .,,~I~,.a„~ ~ JacksonvIlle, North Carolina rt4.: sonlos-4a+a Phone (910) 455-2414 - Faa (910 455-3441