HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090164 Ver 1_Finding of No Significant Impact_20090807 REPLY TO ATTZNTXON Ol, p(nunq AUG 7 2009 DENR - WATER QUALITY WETLANDS AND STORMIINATER BRANCH DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 596TH U.S. ARMY TRANSPORTATION TERMINAL GROUP (AMMUNITION) (PROVISIONAL) 6280 SUNNY POINT ROAD SE MILITARY OCEAN TERMINAL, SUNNY POINT SOUTHPORT, NORTH CAROLINA 28461-5000 Public Works Division July 28, 2009 NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT (FONSI) RAILROAD RECONFIGURATION AND RAIL SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS MILITARY OCEAN TERMINAL SUNNYPOINT (MOTSU) BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, July 2009 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) has been prepared which discusses and responds to comments received during the 30-day review of the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Railroad Reconfiguration and Rail System Improvements. This project involves the repair and refurbishment of MOTSU's Main Terminal rail infrastructure within the North and South Rail Holding Yards and the rail ingress and egress on the South and Center Wharves. The project would occur entirely on government owned property. The EA was prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 (Title 42 of the United States Code (USC) 4321-4347) guidelines; the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations codified in Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 1500-1508; and Army Regulation (AR) 200- 2 Environmental Effects of Army Actions, March 2002. These criteria establish the process by which MOTSU considered the potential environmental effects of the proposed rail reconfiguration project. The proposed project is consistent with MOTSU's mission and operational requirements set forth by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the U.S. Army's Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC). The rail reconfiguration is a phased project in as much as the South Rail Holding Yard will realize reconfigurations and refurbishments first because of the South Wharf's primary berth use and container crane locations. The North Rail Holding Yard 2 will follow as funds are made available. All permits and approvals obtained for this project include the full extent of the project, North and South Rail Holding Yards and the South and Center Wharves rail ingress and egress routes. A No Action Alternative was evaluated and two additional alternatives considered but not fully evaluated as options to the proposed rail repair and refurbishment project. The No Action and the two alternatives considered but eliminated are addressed below: No Action: Under the No Action Alternative, the Main Terminal's rail infrastructure would not be reconfigured or refurbished. MOTSU would continue using 1950's standard No. 8 rail turnouts designed and constructed for 40-foot to 60-foot flatbed railcars as opposed to today's standard No. 10 rail turnouts designed for 90-foot to 110-foot flatbed railcars. Under the No Action Alternative, MOTSU's ability to maximize operational staging capability in the North and South Rail Holding Yards would not be realized. The improper sized rail infrastructure would continue to compromise safety and increase a derailment potential. Holding Yard Segregation by Railcar Lengths: The railcar segregation alternative would upgrade the No. 8 turnouts in only one of the two holding yards or in reduced numbers in each yard. In this scenario, the 90-foot to 110-foot flatbed railcars would be segregated by available No. 10 turnout locations. MOTSU can receive complete unit trains (100 railcars), and the railcars are segregated by munitions type as required by military safety protocol. During intensive operations, the terminal could physically deplete available holding areas through inefficient and ineffective rail spur accessibility. The railcar segregation alternative would be labor intensive, time inefficient, and operationally ineffective. Construct New Ammunition Hardstands, Disposal Area No. 2: The new ammunition hardstands alternative would convert a former 425-acre upland dredged material disposal site, Disposal Area No.2 (DA2), into new munitions staging hardstands. Such acreage would significantly increase temporary staging capability while complying with munition staging regulations. Operationally, the DA2 staging yard would be truck serviced and containers would be off loaded onto additional chassis, yard trailers, or grounded to pads. During vessel operations, the containers would be reloaded on chassis or trailers and berth staged. This option increases the number of moves or touches per container thereby, 3 increasing operational costs and the potential of a handling mishap. The new hardstand at DA2 option was rejected for operational inefficiency and cost. The proposed railroad repair and refurbishment project's construction would result in a 0.4 percent loss of potential timber production area and potential red-cockaded woodpecker (RCW) foraging habitat in those areas where No. 8 rail turnouts are replaced with No. 10s, and the required 50-foot rail easement is re-established. There would be an effect on the RCW's potential foraging habitat; however, the remaining pine basal area (BA) calculated from pine trees with Z8" dbh (diameter breast height) within each cluster's foraging habitat would retain sufficient basal area as stipulated by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's (USFWS) RCW Recovery Plan. There are no critical habitats (cavity trees, ecotones) found within the re- established easement areas that would affect the federal and state listed RCW or rough-leaved loosestrife (RLL). MOTSU maintains a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Permit Number NCS000208 with an expiration date of 28 February 2013. As required by permit stipulation, MOTSU has in place a stormwater pollution prevention plan with implemented best management practices and employee training to prevent contaminated stormwater discharges. The rail reconfiguration areas would continue to be covered by the current NPDES stormwater permit and any project NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ) authorization stipulations would be followed. Based on MOTSU's 2002 Integrated Cultural Resource Management Plan (ICRMP) there are no Nationally Registered or eligible sites within the project footprint. Project coordination with the Regulatory Division of the US Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District regarding Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and the NC DWQ regarding 401 Water Quality Certification has been completed. The project's unavoidable jurisdictional wetland impacts (0.352 acres) have been mitigated through participation in the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) by providing 0.5 acres with an in-lieu fee. The action has been coordinated with the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management and concurrence that the project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program has been received. 4 This Notice of Availability is being distributed to known interested persons of the availability of the further information or to request a hard copy, CD o copy of the FONSI, contact Ms. Jenny Owens at the a US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District ATTN: Ms. Jenny Owens 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone (910) 251- 4757 Fax (910) 251-4653 Jennifer.L.Owens@usace.army.mil Sincerely, notify all FONSI. For electronic dress below. Richard P. Lockwood, Environmental Engineer Attachments