HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160404 Ver 2_Year 0 Monitoring Report_2018_FINAL_20190502ID#* 20160404 Select Reviewer:* Mac Haupt Initial Review Completed Date 05/07/2019 Mitigation Project Submittal - 5/2/2019 Version* 2 Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site? * r Yes G No Type of Mitigation Project:* V Stream r Wetlands r Buffer r Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name:* Email Address:* Catherine Manner catheirne@waterlandsolutions.com Project Information Existing 20160404 Existing 2 (DWR) (nunbersonly ...nodash) Version: (nunbersonly) ID#:* Project Type: F DMS r Mitigation Bank Project Name: Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project County: Johnston Document Information Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation Monitoring Report File Upload: Edwards -Johnson _MYO_ 2018_FINAL.pdf 20.28MB Rease upload only one RDF of the conplete file that needs to be subnitted... Signature Print Name:* Catherine Manner Signature: As -Built Baseline Monitoring Report FINAL VERSION Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project Monitoring Year 0 Calendar Year of Data Collection: 2018 NCDEQ DMS Project Identification # 97080 NCDEQ DMS Contract # 6825 Neuse River Basin (Cataloging Unit 03020201) USACE Action ID Number: SAW -2016-00883 NCDEQ DWR Project # 2016-0404 Johnston County, NC Contracted Under RFP # 16-006477 Data Collection Period: April -June 2018, Submission Date: March 2019 a Prepared for: kz". Environmental Quality North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 Prepared by: WATER & LAND SOLUTIONS 7721 SIX FORKS ROAD, SUITE 130, RALEIGH, NC 27615 (919) 614 - 5111 1 waterlandsolutions.com Table of Contents 1 Project Summary...................................................................................................................................1 2 Project Background...............................................................................................................................1 2.1 Project Location, Setting, and Existing Conditions.......................................................................1 2.2 Mitigation Project Goals and Objectives.......................................................................................2 2.3 Project History, Contacts, and Timeframe....................................................................................3 3 Project Mitigation Components............................................................................................................3 3.1 Stream Mitigation Types and Approaches....................................................................................3 3.1.1 R1 Preservation.....................................................................................................................3 3.1.2 R2 Restoration.......................................................................................................................3 3.1.3 R3 (Upper Reach) Restoration..............................................................................................4 3.1.4 R3 (Lower Reach) Preservation.............................................................................................4 3.1.5 R4 Restoration.......................................................................................................................4 3.2 Wetlands Mitigation Types and Approaches................................................................................4 4 Performance Standards........................................................................................................................5 4.1 Streams......................................................................................................................................... 6 4.1.1 Stream Hydrology.................................................................................................................6 4.1.2 Stream Profiles, Vertical Stability, and Floodplain Access....................................................6 4.1.3 Stream Horizontal Stability...................................................................................................6 4.1.4 Streambed Material Condition and Stability........................................................................6 4.1.5 Jurisdictional Stream Flow....................................................................................................6 4.2 Vegetation.....................................................................................................................................6 4.3 Wetlands.......................................................................................................................................7 5 Monitoring Plan.................................................................................................................................... 7 5.1 Monitoring Schedule and Reporting.............................................................................................7 5.2 Visual Assessment Monitoring......................................................................................................7 5.3 Stream Assessment Monitoring....................................................................................................8 5.3.1 Stream Hydrologic Monitoring..............................................................................................8 5.3.2 Stream Geomorphic Monitoring...........................................................................................8 5.3.3 Stream Flow Duration Monitoring......................................................................................10 5.4 Vegetation...................................................................................................................................10 5.5 Wetlands.....................................................................................................................................11 6 As -Built (Baseline) Condition..............................................................................................................11 6.1 As -built (Baseline) Survey...........................................................................................................11 6.2 As -Built (Baseline) Plans/ Record Drawings................................................................................11 6.3 As -Built/ Baseline Assessment....................................................................................................12 6.3.1 Morphological Assessment.................................................................................................12 7 References..........................................................................................................................................14 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Background Tables and Figures Table 1 Project Mitigation Components Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 Project Contacts Table 4 Project Information and Attributes Appendix B Visual Assessment Data Figure 1 Current Condition Plan View (CCPV) Table 5 Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table 5a Vegetation Condition Assessment Photos Stream Station Photographs Photos Vegetation Plot Photographs Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Table 6 Baseline Vegetation — As -Built Stem Counts Appendix D Stream Measurement and Geomorphology Data Figure 2 Baseline Cross -Sections Figure 3 Baseline Longitudinal Profiles Table 7a Baseline Stream Data Summary Table 7b Cross-section Morphology Data Table 7c Stream Reach Morphology Data Appendix E As -Built Plans/ Record Drawings Water & Land Solutions 1 Project Summary 9 Water and Land Solutions, LLC (WLS) completed the construction and planting of the Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project (Project) full -delivery project for the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) in March 2018. The Project is located in Johnston County, North Carolina between the Community of Archer Lodge and the Town of Wendell at 35° 43' 30.36" North and 78° 21' 22.90" West. The Project site is located in the NCDEQ Sub -basin 03-04-06, in the Lower Buffalo Creek Priority Sub -watershed 030202011504 study area for the Neuse 01 Regional Watershed Plan (RWP), and in the Targeted Local Watershed 03020201180050, all of the Neuse River Basin. The Project involved the restoration, preservation and permanent protection of four stream reaches (111, R2, R3, and 114) and their riparian buffers, totaling approximately 3,729 linear feet of existing streams. The Project construction and planting were completed in May 2018 and as -built survey was completed in June 2018. Planting and baseline monitoring activities occurred in May 2018 (Table 2). This report documents the completion of the construction activities and presents as -built baseline monitoring data (MYO) for the post -construction monitoring period. Field adjustments were made to the final design during construction and the MYO longitudinal profiles and cross-section dimensions illustrate that the proposed design parameters and are within a normal range of variability for these natural stream systems. The Project is expected to meet the Year 1 Monitoring Year success criteria. 2 Project Background 2.1 Project Location, Setting, and Existing Conditions The Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project (Project) site is located in the Lower Buffalo Creek Priority Sub - watershed 030202011504 study area for the Neuse 01 Regional Watershed Plan (RWP), in the Wake - Johnston Collaborative Local Watershed Plan, and in the Targeted Local Watershed 03020201180050, all of the Neuse River Basin. The Project site is situated in the lower piedmont where potential for future development associated with the 1-540 corridor and rapidly growing Johnston County area is imminent, as described in the Regional Watershed Plan (RWP) for the Upper Neuse River Basin within Hydrologic Unit (HU) 03020201. The RWP identified and prioritized potential mitigation strategies to offset aquatic resource impacts from development and provided mitigation project implementation recommendations to improve ecological uplift within the Neuse 01 subbasin, which included traditional stream and wetland mitigation, buffer restoration, nutrient offsets, non-traditional mitigation projects such as stormwater and agricultural BMPs, and rare, threatened, or endangered (RTE) species habitat preservation or enhancement. The project included four stream reaches (111, R2, R3, and 114) which involved the restoration, preservation and permanent protection of approximately 3,729 linear feet of streams permanently protected by a recorded conservation easement. The catchment area is 223 acres and has an impervious cover less than one percent. The dominant land uses are agriculture and mixed forest. Prior to Project construction, some of the riparian buffers were less than 50 feet wide. Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project FINAL As -Built Baseline Monitoring Report Page 1 Water & Land Solutions 4 2.2 Mitigation Project Goals and Objectives WLS established project mitigation goals and objectives based on the resource condition and functional capacity of the watershed to improve and protect diverse aquatic resources comparable to stable headwater stream systems within the Piedmont Physiographic Province. The proposed mitigation types and design approaches described in the final approved mitigation plan considered the general restoration and resource protection goals and strategies outlined in the 2010 Neuse River Basin Restoration Priority Plan (RBRP). The functional goals and objectives were further defined in the 2013 Wake -Johnston Collaborative Local Watershed Plan (LWP) and 2015 Neuse 01 Regional Watershed Plan (RWP) and include: • Reducing sediment and nutrient inputs to the upper Buffalo Creek Watershed, • Restoring, preserving and protecting wetlands, streams, riparian buffers and aquatic habitat, • Implementing agricultural BMPs and stream restoration in rural catchments together as "project clusters". The following site specific goals were developed to address the primary concerns outlined in the LWP and RWP and include: • Restore stream and floodplain interaction and geomorphically stable conditions by reconnecting historic flow paths and promoting more natural flood processes, • Improve and protect water quality by reducing streambank erosion, nutrient and sediment inputs, • Restore and protect riparian buffer functions and habitat connectivity in perpetuity by recording a permanent conservation easement, • Implement agricultural BMPs to reduce nonpoint source inputs to receiving waters. To accomplish these site-specific goals, the following function -based objectives will be measured and included with the performance standards to document overall project success as described in the table below: Improve Base Flow Reconnect Floodplain / Increase Floodprone Area Widths Improve Bedform Diversity Increase Lateral Stability Enhance Riparian Buffer Vegetation Improve Water Quality Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project FINAL As -Built Baseline Monitoring Report Remove man-made pond dam and restore a more natural flow regime and aquatic passage. Lower BHRs from >2.0 to 1.0-1.2 and maintain ERs at 2.2 or greater. Increase riffle/pool percentage to 70/30 and pool -to -pool spacing ratio 4-7X bankfull width. Reduce BEHI/NBS streambank erosion rates comparable to downstream reference condition and stable cross-section values. Plant or protect native species vegetation a minimum 50' wide from the top of the streambanks with a composition/density comparable to reference condition. Install water quality treatment basins along the riparian corridor and reduce sediment and nutrient levels. Page 2 Water & Land Solutions 4 Improve Macroinvertebrate Incorporate native woody debris and bedform Community and Aquatic Species diversity into channel and change DWR Health bioclassification rating from 'Poor' to a minimum 'Fair' by Monitoring Year 7. 2.3 Project History, Contacts, and Timeframe The chronology of the project history and activity is presented in Table 2. Relevant project contact information is presented in Table 3. Relevant project background information is presented in Table 4. The final mitigation plan and PCN were submitted to DMS September 29, 2017 for submission to the NCIRT. The Section 404 General (Regional and Nationwide) Permit Verification was issued January 12, 2018. Project construction started on March 23, 2018 and mitigation site earthwork and mitigation site planting were completed on May 5, 2018, both by RiverWorks Construction. Trueline Surveying, PC completed the as -built survey in June 2018. WLS completed the installation of baseline monitoring devices on May 14, 2018 and the installation of survey monumentation and conservation easement boundary marking on August 13, 2018. Refer to Figure 1 and Table 1 for the project components/asset information. A recorded conservation easement consisting of 10.96 acres protects and preserves all stream reaches, existing wetland areas, and riparian buffers in perpetuity. 3 Project Mitigation Components 3.1 Stream Mitigation Types and Approaches Stream restoration practices involved raising the existing streambed and reconnecting the stream to the relic floodplain. Some portions of the existing degraded channels that were abandoned within the restoration areas were filled to decrease surface and subsurface drainage and raise the local water table. The project also included restoring, enhancing and protecting riparian buffers and riparian wetlands within the conservation easement. The vegetative components of this project included stream bank, floodplain, and transitional upland zones planting. The Site was planted with native species riparian buffer vegetation and now protected through a permanent conservation easement. Table 1 and Figure 1 (Appendix A) provide a summary of the project components. 3.1.1 R1 Preservation Preservation was implemented along this reach since the existing stream and wetland system is stable with a mature riparian buffer due to minimal historic impacts. The preservation area is being protected in perpetuity through a permanent conservation easement. This approach will extend the wildlife corridor from the Buffalo Creek floodplain boundary throughout a majority of the riparian valley, while providing a hydrologic connection and critical habitat linkage within the catchment area. 3.1.2 R2 Restoration Work along R2 involved a Priority Level I Restoration approach by raising the bed elevation and reconnecting the stream with its abandoned floodplain. This approach will promote more frequent over bank flooding in areas with hydric soils, thereby creating favorable conditions for wetland re- establishment. The reach was restored using appropriate riffle -pool morphology with a conservative meander planform geometry that accommodates the valley slope and width. This approach allowed Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project FINAL As -Built Baseline Monitoring Report Page 3 Water & Land Solutions 4 restoration of a stable channel form with appropriate bedform diversity, as well as, improved biological functions through increased aquatic and terrestrial habitats. In -stream structures included constructed wood riffles for grade control and habitat, log j -hook vanes, and log weirs/jams for encouraging step -pool formation energy dissipation, bank stability, and bedform diversity. Riparian buffers greater than 50 feet were planted in disturbed areas and will be protected along the entire length of R2. Mature trees and significant native vegetation were protected and incorporated into the design. Bioengineering techniques such as vegetated geolifts and live stakes were also used to protect streambanks and promote woody vegetation growth along the streambanks. During construction, the existing unstable channel was filled to an elevation sufficient to connect the new bankfull channel to its active floodplain using suitable fill material excavated from the newly restored channels and remnant spoil piles. Additionally, water quality treatment features were installed to reduce direct sediment and nutrient inputs. 3.1.3 R3 (Upper Reach) Restoration A Priority Level I Restoration approach was implemented for the upstream portion to improve stream functions and water quality. Prior to restoration activities, the reach exhibited both lateral and vertical instability, as shown by active headcuts and moderate bank erosion. A new single -thread meandering channel was constructed offline in this area before reconnecting with multiple relic channel features and the existing steam and wetland complex further downstream. In -stream structures, including log riffles, log weirs and log vanes were used to dissipate flow energy, protect streambanks, and eliminate potential for future incision. Shallow floodplain depressions were created or preserved to provide habitat diversity, nutrient cycling, and improved treatment of overland flows. Restored streambanks were graded to stable side slopes and the floodplain was reconnected to further promote stability and hydrological function. 3.1.4 R3 (Lower Reach) Preservation Preservation was implemented along this reach since the existing stream and wetland system is stable with a mature riparian buffer due to minimal historic impacts. The reach is being protected in perpetuity through a permanent conservation easement. This approach will extend the wildlife corridor from the Buffalo Creek floodplain boundary throughout a majority of the riparian valley, while providing a hydrologic connection and critical habitat linkage within the catchment area. 3.1.5 R4 Restoration The restoration of R4 involved raising the existing bed elevation gradually to reconnect the stream with its active floodplain. Prior to restoration activities, the existing channel began experiencing backwater conditions and sediment aggradation from a man-made pond. The failing dam and remnant spoil piles were removed and the pond was drained to reconnect the new stream channel with its geomorphic floodplain. Channel and floodplain excavation in this reach segment included the removal of shallow legacy sediments (approx. 12" depth) to accommodate a new bankfull channel and in -stream structures, as well as a more natural step -pool morphology using grade control structures in the steeper transitional areas. Shallow floodplain depressions were created to provide habitat diversity, nutrient cycling, and improved treatment of overland flows. Riparian buffers greater than 50 feet were restored and protected along all R4. 3.2 Wetlands Mitigation Types and Approaches Wetland mitigation credits are not contracted or proposed for this project. Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project FINAL As -Built Baseline Monitoring Report Page 4 Water & Land Solutions 4 Performance Standards 7 The applied success criteria for the Project will follow necessary performance standards and monitoring protocols presented in final approved mitigation plan. Annual monitoring and semi-annual site visits will be conducted to assess the condition of the project throughout the monitoring period. Monitoring activities will be conducted for a period of seven (7) years with the final duration dependent upon performance trends toward achieving project goals and objectives. The following Proposed Monitoring Plan Summary from the approved final mitigation plan summarizes the measurement methods and performance standards. Specific success criteria components and evaluation methods follow. Improve Base Flow Duration and Overbank Flows (Le channel forming discharge) Reconnect Floodplain / Increase Floodprone Area Widths Remove man-made pond, well device (pressure transducer), regional curve, regression equations, catchment assessment Bank Height Ratio, Entrenchment Ratio, crest gauge Maintain seasonal flow for a minimum of 30 consecutive days during normal annual rainfall. Maintain average BHRs at 1.2 and increase ERs at 2.2 or greater and document bankfull/geomorphically significant flow events. Create a more natural and higher functioning headwater flow regime and provide aquatic passage. Provide temporary water storage and reduce erosive forces (shear stress) in channel during larger flow events. Pool to Pool spacing, Increase riffle/pool Provide a more natural Improve Bedform riffle -pool sequence, percentage and pool -to -pool stream morphology, Diversity pool max depth ratio, spacing ratios compared to energy dissipation and Longitudinal Profile reference reach conditions. aquatic habitat/refugia. Increase Vertical and Lateral Stability Establish Riparian Buffer Vegetation Improve Water Quality Improve Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities and Aquatic Health BEHI / NBS, Cross- sections and Longitudinal Profile Surveys, visual assessment CVS Level I & II Protocol Tree Veg Plots (Strata Composition and Density), visual assessment N/A DWR Small Stream/ Qual v4 sampling, IBI Decrease streambank erosion rates comparable to reference condition cross- section, pattern and vertical profile values. Within planted portions of the site, a minimum of 320 stems per acre must be present at year three; a minimum of 260 stems per acre must be present at year five; and a minimum of 210 stems per acre must be present at year seven. N/A N/A Reduce sedimentation, excessive aggradation, and embeddedness to allow for interstitial flow habitat. Increase woody and herbaceous vegetation will provide channel stability and reduce streambank erosion, runoff rates and exotic species vegetation. Reduction of excess nutrients and organic pollutants will increase the hyporheic exchange and dissolved oxygen (DO) levels. Increase leaf litter and organic matter critical to provide in -stream cover/shade, wood recruitment, and carbon sourcing. Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project FINAL As -Built Baseline Monitoring Report Page 5 Water & Land Solutions 4 Note: Level 4 and 5 project parameters and monitoring activities will not be tied to performance standards nor required to demonstrate success for credit release. 4.1 Streams 4.1.1 Stream Hydrology Two separate bankfull events must be documented within the seven-year monitoring period. These two bankfull events must occur in separate years. Otherwise, the stream monitoring will continue until two bankfull events have been documented in separate years. In addition to the two bankfull flow events, two "geomorphically significant" flow events (Qg5=0.66Cl2) must also be documented during the monitoring period. There are no temporal requirements regarding the distribution of the geomorphically significant flows. 4.1.2 Stream Profiles, Vertical Stability, and Floodplain Access Stream profiles, as a measure of vertical stability will be evaluated by looking at Bank Height Ratios (BHR). The BHR shall not exceed 1.2 along the restored project reaches. This standard only applies to the restored project reaches where BHRs were corrected through design and construction. In addition, observed bedforms should be consistent with stream reference data. Vertical stability and floodplain access will both be evaluated using Entrenchment Ratios (ER). The ER shall be no less than 2.2 (>1.5 for "B" stream types) along the restored project stream reaches. This standard only applies to restored reaches of the channel where ERs were corrected through design and construction. 4.1.3 Stream Horizontal Stability Cross-sections will be used to evaluate horizontal stream stability. There should be little change expected in as -built restoration cross-sections. If measurable changes do occur, they should be evaluated to determine if the changes represent a movement toward a more unstable condition (e.g., downcutting, erosion) or a movement towards increased stability (e.g., settling, vegetation establishment, deposition along the streambanks, decrease in width/depth ratio). Cross-sections shall be classified using the Rosgen Stream Classification method and all monitored cross-sections should fall within the quantitative parameters defined for channels of the design stream type. 4.1.4 Streambed Material Condition and Stability After construction, there should be minimal change in the particle size distribution of the streambed materials, over time, given the current watershed conditions and future sediment supply regime. Since the streams are predominantly sand -bed systems with minimal fine/coarse gravel, some coarsening is anticipated after restoration activities, however significant changes in particle size distribution are not expected. 4.1.5 Jurisdictional Stream Flow The restored stream systems must be classified as at least intermittent, and therefore must exhibit base flow for some portion of the year during a year with normal rainfall conditions as described in the approved mitigation plan. 4.2 Vegetation Vegetative restoration success for the project during the intermediate monitoring years will be based on the survival of at least 320, three-year-old planted trees per acre at the end of Year 3 of the monitoring Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project FINAL As -Built Baseline Monitoring Report Page 6 Water & Land Solutions 4 period and at least 260, five-year-old, planted trees per acre at the end of Year 5 of the monitoring period. The final vegetative restoration success criteria will be achieving a density of not less than 210, seven- year-old planted stems per acre in Year 7 of monitoring. Planted vegetation (for projects in coastal plain and piedmont counties) must average seven (7) feet in height at Year 5 of monitoring and ten (10) feet in height at Year 7 of monitoring. For all of the monitoring years (Year 1 through Year 7), the number of Red maple (Acer rubrum) stems cannot exceed 20% of the total stems in any of the vegetation monitoring plots. 4.3 Wetlands Wetland mitigation credits are not contracted or proposed for this project. Wetland mitigation performance standards are therefore not included in this section. 5 Monitoring Plan The monitoring plan is described in the approved mitigation plan and is intended to document the site improvements based on restoration potential, catchment health, ecological stressors and overall constraints. The measurement methods described below provide a connection between project goals and objectives, performance standards, and monitoring requirements to evaluate functional improvement. 5.1 Monitoring Schedule and Reporting A period of at least six months will separate the as -built baseline measurements and the first-year monitoring measurements. The baseline monitoring document and as -built monitoring report will include all information required by the current DMS templates (June 2017) and applicable guidance referenced in the approved mitigation plan, including planimetric (plan view) and elevation (profile view) information, photographs, sampling plot locations, a description of initial vegetation species composition by community type, and location of monitoring stations. The report will include a list of the vegetation species planted, along with the associated planting densities. WLS will conduct mitigation performance monitoring based on these methods and will submit annual monitoring reports to DMS by December 15t of each monitoring year during which required monitoring is conducted. The annual monitoring reports will organize and present the information resulting from the methods described in detail below. 5.2 Visual Assessment Monitoring WLS will conduct visual assessments in support of mitigation performance monitoring. Visual assessments of all stream reaches will be conducted twice per monitoring year with at least five months in between each site visit for each of the seven years of monitoring. Photographs will be used to visually document system performance and any areas of concern related to streambank and bed stability, condition of in - stream structures, channel migration, active headcuts, live stake mortality, impacts from invasive plant species or animal browsing, easement boundary encroachments, cattle exclusion fence damage, and the general condition of pools and riffles. The monitoring activities will be summarized in DMS's Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table and the Vegetation Conditions Assessment Table, which are used to document and quantify the visual assessment throughout the monitoring period. A series of photographs over time will be also be compared to evaluate channel aggradation (bar formations) or degradation, streambank erosion, successful maturation of riparian vegetation, and effectiveness of sedimentation and erosion control measures. More specifically, the longitudinal profile Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project FINAL As -Built Baseline Monitoring Report Page 7 Water & Land Solutions 4 photos should indicate the absence of developing bars within the channel or excessive increase in channel depth, while lateral photos should not indicate excessive erosion or continuing degradation of the banks. The photographs will be taken from a height of approximately five feet to ensure that similar locations (and view directions) at the site are documented in each monitoring period and will be shown on the current conditions plan view map (CCPV). The results of the visual monitoring assessments will be used to support the development of the annual monitoring document that provides the visual assessment metrics. 5.3 Stream Assessment Monitoring Based on the stream design approaches, different stream monitoring methods are proposed for the various project reaches. Hydrologic monitoring will be conducted for all project stream reaches. For reaches that involve a traditional Restoration (Rosgen Priority Level I and II) approach, geomorphic monitoring methods that follow those recommended by the USACE Stream Mitigation Guidelines, issued in April 2003 and October 2005, and NCEEP's Stream and Wetland Mitigation Monitoring Guidelines, which are described below, will be employed to evaluate the effectiveness of the restoration practices. Visual monitoring will also be conducted along these reaches as described herein. Each of the proposed stream monitoring methods are described in detail below. 5.3.1 Stream Hydrologic Monitoring The occurrence of the two required bankfull events (overbank flows) and the two required "geomorphically significant" flow events (Qgs=0.66Q2) within the monitoring period, along with floodplain access by flood flows, will be documented using a crest gage and photography. The crest gage was installed on December 12, 2018 on the floodplain of the restored channel at the left top of bank of Reach R2, immediately upstream of the confluence of Reach R2 and R4 (Figure 1). The crest gage will record the watermark associated with the highest flood stage between monitoring site visits. The gage will be checked each time WLS staff conduct a site visit to determine if a bankfull and/or geomorphically significant flow event has occurred since the previous check. Corresponding photographs will be used to document the occurrence of debris lines and sediment deposition on the floodplain during monitoring site visits. This monitoring will help establish that the restoration objectives of restoring floodplain functions and promoting more natural flood processes are being met. Because the crest gage was installed after the submission of the Draft As -built Baseline Monitoring Reports and Draft Monitoring Reports Year 1, only the described photographic measures will be used for Year 1 stream hydrologic monitoring. 5.3.2 Stream Geomorphic Monitoring Stream Horizontal Pattern A planimetric survey has been conducted for the entire length of restored channel to document as -built baseline conditions (MYO). The survey was tied to a permanent benchmark and measurements include thalweg, bankfull, and top of banks. The plan view measurements such as sinuosity, radius of curvature, meander width ratio were taken on newly constructed meanders during baseline documentation (MYO) only. The described visual monitoring will also document any changes or excessive lateral movement in the plan view of the restored channel. The results of the planimetric survey should show that the restored horizontal geometry is consistent with intended design stream type. These measurements will demonstrate that the restored stream channel pattern provides more stable planform and associated features than the old channel, which provide improved aquatic habitat and geomorphic function, as per the restoration objectives. Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project FINAL As -Built Baseline Monitoring Report Page 8 Water & Land Solutions 4 Stream Longitudinal Profile A longitudinal profile has been surveyed for the entire length of restored channel to document as -built baseline conditions for the first year of monitoring only. The survey was tied to a permanent benchmark and measurements include thalweg, water surface, bankfull, and top of low bank. Measurements were taken at the head of each feature (e.g., riffle, pool) and at the maximum pool depth. The longitudinal profile shows that the bedform features installed are consistent with intended design stream type. The longitudinal profiles will not be taken during subsequent monitoring years unless vertical channel instability has been documented or remedial actions/repairs are deemed necessary. These measurements will demonstrate that the restored stream profile provides more bedform diversity than the old channel with multiple facet features (such as scour pools and riffles) that provide improved aquatic habitat, as per the restoration objectives. BHRs will be measured along each of the restored reaches using the results of the longitudinal profile to demonstrate that the BHRs shall not exceed 1.2 along the restored project reaches. Stream Horizontal Dimension Permanent cross-sections have been installed and surveyed at an approximate rate of one cross-section per twenty (20) bankfull widths or an average distance interval (not to exceed 500 LF) of restored stream, for a total of four (4) cross-sections located at riffles, and three (3) located at pools. Each cross-section has been monumented on both streambanks to establish the exact transect used and to facilitate repetition each year and easy comparison of year-to-year data. The cross-section surveys will occur in years zero (as - built), one, two, three, five, and seven, and must include measurements of Bank Height Ratio (BHR) and Entrenchment Ratio (ER). The monitoring survey will include points measured at all breaks in slope, including top of streambanks, bankfull, inner berm, edge of water, and thalweg, if the features are present. There should be minimal change in as -built cross-sections. Stable cross-sections will establish that the restoration goal of creating geomorphically stable stream conditions has been met. If changes do take place, they will be documented in the survey data and evaluated to determine if they represent a movement toward a more unstable condition (e.g., down -cutting or erosion) or a movement toward increased stability (e.g., settling, vegetative changes, deposition along the streambanks, or decrease in width -to -depth ratio). Using the Rosgen Stream Classification System, all monitored cross-sections should fall within the quantitative parameters as defined for the design channels of the design stream type. Reference photo transects will be taken at each permanent cross-section. Photos should not indicate excessive erosion or continuing degradation of the streambanks. Photographs will be taken of both streambanks at each cross-section. A survey tape stretched between the permanent cross-section monuments/pins will be centered in each of the streambank photographs. The water elevation will be shown in the lower edge of the frame, and as much of the streambank as possible will be included in each photo. Photographers should attempt to consistently maintain the same area in each photo over time. Streambed Material Representative streambed material samples will be collected in locations where riffles are installed as part of the project. The dominant substrate is coarse sand and the post -construction riffle substrate samples will be compared to the existing riffle substrate data collected during the design phase. Any significant changes (e.g., aggradation, degradation, embeddedness) will be noted after streambank vegetation becomes established and a minimum of two bankfull flows or greater have been documented. If significant changes (i.e. excess deposition) are observed within stable riffles and pools, additional sediment transport analyses and calculations may be required. Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project FINAL As -Built Baseline Monitoring Report Page 9 Water & Land Solutions 4 5.3.3 Stream Flow Duration Monitoring Jurisdictional Stream Flow Documentation Monitoring of stream flow will be conducted to demonstrate that the restored stream systems classified as intermittent exhibit surface flow for a minimum of 30 consecutive days throughout some portion of the year during a year with normal rainfall conditions. To determine if rainfall amounts are normal for the given year, precipitation amounts using tallied data obtained from the Johnston County weather station weather station (COOP 317994), approximately twenty miles south of the site. Data from the weather station can be obtained from the CRONOS Database located on the State Climate Office of North Carolina's website. If a normal year of precipitation does not occur during the first seven years of monitoring, monitoring of flow conditions on the site will continue until it documents that the intermittent streams have been flowing during the appropriate times of the year. The proposed monitoring of the restored intermittent reach will include the installation of a monitoring gage (flow gage) within the thalweg (bottom) of the channel towards the middle portions of the reach. A total of 1 monitoring flow gage (continuous -read pressure transducers) has been installed towards the middle portion of restored intermittent Reach R4 (See Figure 1). The gage device will be inspected on a quarterly/semi-annual basis to document surface hydrology and provide a basis for evaluating flow response to rainfall events and surface runoff during various water tables levels throughout the monitoring period (KCI, DMS, 2010). 5.4 Vegetation Successful restoration of the vegetation at the project site is dependent upon successful hydrologic restoration, active establishment and survival of the planted preferred canopy vegetation species, and volunteer regeneration of the native plant community. To determine if these criteria are successfully achieved, vegetation -monitoring quadrants or plots have been installed and will be monitored across the restoration site in accordance with the CVS-EEP Level I & II Monitoring Protocol (CVS, 2008) and DMS Stream and Wetland Monitoring Guidelines (DMS, 2017). The vegetation monitoring plots are approximately 2% of the planted portion of the site with a total of four (4) plots established randomly within the planted riparian buffer areas. The sampling may employ quasi -random plot locations which may vary upon approval from DMS, DWR and IRT. Any random plots should comprise more than 50% of the total required plots and the location (GPS coordinates and orientation) will identified in the monitoring reports. No monitoring quadrants were established within undisturbed wooded areas, such as those along Reach R1 and lower R3, however visual observations will be documented in the annual monitoring reports to describe any changes to the existing vegetation community. The size and location of individual quadrants is 100 square meters (10m X 10m) for woody tree species. The vegetation plot corners have been marked and surveyed with a GPS unit. See Figure 1 in Appendix B for the vegetation monitoring plot locations. Vegetation monitoring will occur in the fall each required monitoring year, prior to the loss of leaves. Mortality will be determined from the difference between the previous year's living, planted seedlings and the current year's living, planted seedlings. Data will be collected at each individual quadrant and will include specific data for monitored stems on diameter, height, species, date planted, and grid location, as well as a collective determination of the survival density within that quadrant. Relative values will be calculated and importance values will be determined. Individual planted seedlings were marked at planting or monitoring baseline setup so that those stems can be found and identified consistently each Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project FINAL As -Built Baseline Monitoring Report Page 10 Water & Land Solutions 4 successive monitoring year. Volunteer species will be noted and their inclusion in quadrant data will be evaluated with DMS on a case-by-case basis. The presence of invasive species vegetation within the monitoring quadrants will also be noted, as will any wildlife effects. At the end of the first full growing season (from baseline/MYO) or after 180 days between March I" and November 301h, species composition, stem density, and survival will be evaluated. For each subsequent year, vegetation plots shall be monitored for seven years in years 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7, and visual monitoring in years 4 and 6, or until the final success criteria are achieved. WLS will provide required remedial action on a case-by-case basis, such as replanting more wet/drought tolerant species vegetation, conducting beaver and beaver dam management/removal, and removing undesirable/invasive species vegetation, and will continue to monitor vegetation performance until the corrective actions demonstrate that the site is trending towards or meeting the standard requirement. Existing mature woody vegetation will be visually monitored during annual site visits to document any mortality, due to construction activities or changes to the water table, that negatively impact existing forest cover or favorable buffer vegetation. 5.5 Wetlands Wetland mitigation credits are not contracted or proposed for this project. One groundwater monitoring well was installed during the baseline monitoring within an existing wetland area along Reach R3. The well data was unrecoverable and therefore an additional groundwater monitoring well was installed along Reach R3 (preservation) after the first year of monitoring, in early January 2019. The wells were installed to document groundwater levels within the stream and wetland restoration for reference and comparison to the preservation areas, at the request of the NCIRT (DWR). No performance standards for wetland hydrology success was proposed in the Mitigation Plan and therefore wetland mitigation monitoring is not included for this project. 6 As -Built (Baseline) Condition 6.1 As -built (Baseline) Survey An as -built survey, conducted under the responsible charge of a North Carolina Professional Land Surveyor (PLS), was utilized to document the as -built or baseline condition of the Project post -construction. The Project construction and planting were completed in May 2018 and as -built survey was completed in June 2018. Planting and baseline monitoring activities occurred in May 2018. The as -built survey included a locating the constructed stream channels, in -stream structures, monitoring device locations, a longitudinal profile survey, and cross-section surveys. For comparison purposes, the site reaches were divided into the same reaches that were established for the project assessment and design (111, R2, R3 (upper and lower), and 114). 6.2 As -Built (Baseline) Plans/ Record Drawings The results of the as -built survey are used to establish and document post -construction or baseline conditions and will be used for comparing post -construction monitoring data each monitoring year. The as -built survey plan set includes these same plan sheets (cover, legend/construction sequence/general notes, typical sections, details, plans and profile, and revegetation plan) as the final construction plans. The as -built survey plan set was developed utilizing the final construction plan set as the "background", and then overlaying the as -built survey information on the plan and profile sheets. Any significant adjustments or deviations made to the final construction plans during construction are shown as redline Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project FINAL As -Built Baseline Monitoring Report Page 11 Water & Land Solutions 4 mark-ups or callouts on the as -built survey plan sheets, as appropriate, to serve as record drawings. The as -built survey plan set is located in Appendix E. 6.3 As -Built/ Baseline Assessment No deviations of significance were documented between the final construction plans and the as -built condition that may affect channel performance or changes in vegetation species planted. Additionally, no major issues or mitigating factors were observed immediately after construction which require consideration or remedial action. 6.3.1 Morphological Assessment Morphological data for the as -built profile was collected between May and June 2018. Refer to Appendix B for summary data tables, morphological plots, and stream photographs. Stream Horizontal Pattern & Longitudinal Profile The MYO stream channel pattern and longitudinal profiles closely match the profile design parameters, with the exception of middle R3. In the upper portion of R3, a single -thread meandering channel was constructed offline per the design plan alignment before connecting with multiple relic channel features farther downstream. During project construction, the alignment of the lower end of R3 and the corresponding conservation easement boundaries were adjusted slightly from what was proposed to in the approved final mitigation plan. This section of R3 was restored by re -diverting the reach flow to the historic abandoned multi -thread channel (approximate stations 33+07.35 to 37+43.92), rather than constructing the new single thread alignment proposed in the approved final mitigation plan. This field adjustment restored a more natural diffuse flow pattern within the topographic low -point of the valley while minimizing disturbance to existing jurisdictional wetlands and native species vegetation in this area. The described field adjustment was discussed by phone with and approve by Andrea Hughes (USACE, NCIRT) in May 2018 immediately prior to implementation. See appendices for as -built plans. For design profiles, riffles were depicted as straight lines with consistent slopes. Various locations the riffle profiles shown on the as -built survey illustrate multiple slope breaks due to the installation of log and rock structures and woody debris within the streambed. The constructed riffle slopes and pool depths vary slightly from design parameters due to field adjustments and fine sediment migration during construction. The MYO plan form geometry or pattern fell within acceptable ranges of the design parameters for all restored reaches, except the middle portion of R3. These minor channel adjustments in riffle slopes, pool depths and pattern do not present a stability concern or indicate a need for remedial action and will be assessed visually during the annual assessments. Stream Horizontal Dimension The MYO channel dimensions generally match the design parameters and are within acceptable a stable range of tolerance. It is expected that over time that some pools may accumulate fine sediment and organic matter, however, this is not an indicator of channel instability. Maximum riffle depths are expected to fluctuate slightly throughout the monitoring period as the channels adjust to restored flow regime. Vegetation The MYO average planted density is 700 stems per acre, which exceeds the interim measure of vegetative success of at least 320 planted stems per acre at the end of the third monitoring year. Summary data and photographs of each plot can be found in Appendix 3. Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project FINAL As -Built Baseline Monitoring Report Page 12 Water & Land Solutions 9 Wetlands Groundwater gage data will be included in the annual monitoring report to document existing wetland hydrology. Bankfull Events Bankfull events that occurred after construction will be documented in the MY1 report. Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project FINAL As -Built Baseline Monitoring Report Page 13 Water & Land Solutions 4 7 References Doll, B.A., Grabow, G.L., Hall, K.A., Halley, J., Harman, W.A., Jennings, G.D., and Wise, D.E. 2003. Stream Restoration A Natural Channel Design Handbook. Harrelson, Cheryl C; Rawlins, C.L.; Potyondy, John P. 1994. Stream Channel Reference Sites: An Illustrated Guide to Field Technique. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM -245. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 61 p. KCI Associates of NC, DMS. 2010. Using Pressure Transducers for Stream Restoration Design and Monitoring. Lee, M., Peet R., Roberts, S., Wentworth, T. CVS-NCEEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.1, 2007. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Mitigation Services, Wildlands Engineering, Inc. 2015. Neuse 01 Regional Watershed Plan Phase II. Raleigh, NC. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Mitigation Services, 2017. As -built Baseline Monitoring Report Format, Data and Content Requirement. Raleigh, NC. Rosgen, D. L., 1994. A Classification of Natural Rivers. Catena 22: 169-199. Rosgen, D.L., 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology Books, Pagosa Springs, CO. Schafale, M. P., and A. S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the natural communities of North Carolina, third approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. NCDENR Division of Parks and Recreation. Raleigh, NC. United States Army Corps of Engineers. 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual. Technical Report Y-87-1. Environmental Laboratory. US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. Vicksburg, MS. 1997. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Research Program. Technical Note VN -RS -4.1. Environmental Laboratory. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. Vicksburg, MS. 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines, April 2003, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Wilmington District. Water and Land Solutions, LLC (2017). Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project Final Mitigation Plan. NCDMS, Raleigh, NC. Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project FINAL As -Built Baseline Monitoring Report Page 14 Appendices 9 Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project Appendix A — Background Tables and Figures 9 Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project Table 1. Mitigation Assets and Components Stream (linear feet) Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project (NCDEQ DMS Project ID# 97080) Stream 3,023 Existing Mitigation As -Built Enhancement Project Wetland Footage Plan Footage or Approach Creation Component Position and or 741 Footage or Acreage Restoration Priority Mitigation Mitigation (reach ID, etc.)' HydroType2 Acreage Stationing Acreage Level Level Ratio (X:1) Credits* Notes/Comments R1 611 10+00-16+11 611 611 P - 10 61 Invasive Control, Permanent Conservation Easement. R2 1007 16+11 - 27+94 1183 1180 R PI 1 1183 Full Channel Restoration, Invasive Control, Permanent Conservation Easement. R3 (upper) 629 27+94 - 36+09 815 853 R PI 1 815 Full Channel Restoration, Invasive Control, Permanent Conservation Easement. R3 (lower) 240 36+09 - 37+39 130 149 P - 10 13 Invasive Control, Permanent Conservation Easement. Full Channel Restoration, Pond Removal, Invasive Control, Permanent R4 815 10+00 - 19+36 951 936 R PI/PII 1 951 Conservation Easement. Length and Area Summations by Mitigation Category Restoration Level Stream (linear feet) Riparian Wetland (acres) Non -riparian Wetland (acres) Stream 3,023 Riverine Non-Riverine Restoration 2949 Enhancement Enhancement I Enhancement II Creation Preservation 741 High Quality Pres Overall Assets Summary * Mitigation Credits are from the final approved mitigation plan, as verified by the as -built survey. Overall Asset Category Credits* Stream 3,023 RP Wetland NR Wetland * Mitigation Credits are from the final approved mitigation plan, as verified by the as -built survey. Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project (NCDEQ DMS Project ID# 97080) Elapsed Time Since grading complete: 0 yrs 8 months Elapsed Time Since planting complete: 0 yrs 8 months Number of reporting Years°: 0 Activity or Deliverable Data Collection Complete Completion or Delivery Project Contract xecu ion N/A 3/18/2016 Final Mitigation Plan Submittal 9/29/2017 Section 404 General (Regional and Nationwide) Permit Verfication 1/12/2017 Begin Construction 3/23/2018 Mitigation Site Earthwork Completed 5/5/2018 Mitigation Site Planting Completed N/A 5/5/2018 Installation of Monitoring Devices Completed N/A 5/14/2018 Installation of Survey Monumentation and Boundary Marking N/A 8/13/2018 As-built/Baseline Year 0 Monitoring Report Submittal 6/23/2018 12/3/2018 Year 1 Monitoring Report Submittal Year 2 Monitoring Report Submittal Year 3 Monitoring Report Submittal Year 4 Monitoring Report Submittal Year 5 Monitoring Report Submittal Year 6 Monitoring Report Submittal Year 7 Monitoring Report Submittal Table 3. Project Contacts Edwards-Johnson Mitigation Project (NCDEQ DMS Project ID# 97080) Mitigation Provider Water & Land Solutions, LLC 11030 Raven Ridge Road, Suite 200, Raleigh, NC 27614 Primary Prosect POC William Scott Hunt III PE Phone: 919-270-4646 Construction Contractor RiverWorks Construction 114 W. Main Street, Suite 106, Clayton, NC 27520 Primary Prosect POC Bill Wri ht Phone: 919-590-5193 Survey Contractor (Existing WithersRavenel Condition Surveys) 115 MacKenan Drive, Cary, NC 27511 Primary Prosect POC Marshall Wi ht PLS Phone: 919-469-3340 Survey Contractor (Conservation True Line Surveying, PC Easement, Construction and As- Builts Survevs) 205 West Main Street, Clayton, NC 27520 Primary Prosect POC Curk T. Lane PLS 919-359-0427 Planting Contractor RiverWorks Construction 114 W. Main Street, Suite 106, Clayton, NC 27520 Primary Project POC Bill Wright Phone: 919-590-5193 Seeding Contractor RiverWorks Construction 114 W. Main Street, Suite 106, Clayton, NC 27520 Primary Prosect POC Bill Wri ht Phone: 919-590-5193 Seed Mix Sources Green Resource 5204 Highgreen Ct., Colfax, NC 27235 Rodnev Mont omer Phone: 336-215-3458 Nursery Stock Suppliers Foggy Mountain Nursery (Live Stakes) 797 Helton Creek Rd, Lansing, NC 28643 Glenn Sullivan Phone: 336-977-2958 Dykes & Son Nursery (Bare Root Stock) 825 Maude Etter Rd, Mcminnville, Tn 37110 Jeff Dykes Phone: 931-668-8833 Monitoring Performers Water & Land Solutions, LLC 11030 Raven Ridge Road, Suite 200, Raleigh, NC 27614 William Scott Hunt, III, PE Phone: 919-270-4646 Stream Monitoring POC Vegetation Monitoring POC lWilliam Scott Hunt, III, PE Phone: 919-270-4646 Wetland Monitoring POC IWilliam Scott Hunt, III, PE Phone: 919-270-4646 Parameters Reach 1 Reach 2 Reach 3 (upper) Reach 3 (lower) Reach 4 Length of reach (linear feet) 611 1173 770 130 1176 Valley confinement (Confined, moderately confined, unconfined) unconfined unconfined unconfined unconfined unconfined Drainage area (Acres and Square Miles) 96 acres, 0.15 sq mi 120 acres, 0.19 sq 211 acres, 0.33 sq 223 acres, 0.35 sq 55 acres, 0.09 sq mi mi mi mi Perennial, Intermittent, Ephemeral Intermittent Perennial Perennial Perennial Intermittent NCDWR Water Quality Classification C; NSW C; NSW C;NSW C; NSW C; NSW Stream Classification (existing) C5 G5c E5(incised) E5(incised) G5c/Pond Stream Classification (proposed) C5 C5 C5 C5, D5 C5 Evolutionary trend (Simon) I III/IV IV V III/IV FEMA classification N/A N/A N/A Zone AE N/A Wetland Summary Information Parameters Wetland 1 Wetland 2 Wetland 3 Size of Wetland (acres) N/A N/A N/A Wetland Type (non -riparian, riparian riverine or riparian non-riverine) Mapped Soil Series Drainage class Soil Hydric Status Source of Hydrology Restoration or enhancement method (hydrologic, vegetative etc.) Regulatory Considerations Parameters Applicable? Resolved? Supporting Docs? Water of the United States - Section 404 Yes Yes Categorical Exclusion Water of the United States - Section 401 Yes Yes Categorical Exclusion Endangered Species Act No Yes Categorical Exclusion Historic Preservation Act No N/A Categorical Exclusion Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA or CAMA) No N/A N/A FEMA Floodplain Compliance Yes Yes Categorical Exclusion Essential Fisheries Habitat No N/A Categorical Exclusion Appendix B — Visual Assessment Data 9 Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project Table 5. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Project Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project (NCDEQ DMS Project ID# 97080) Reach ID R1, R2, R3 (upper) and R3 (lower) Assessed Length 3781 * Please make Note that the calculation for bank footage uses the total bank footage in the reach not the linear footage of channel. Therefore the denominator is 2 times the channel length in the calculation. For the above example this would be 430 divided by 5000 feet of bank = 91 Formulas exist in the cells above Number Number with Footage with Adjusted % for Stable, Number of Amount of % Stable, Stabilizing Stabilizing Stabilizing Major Channel Channel Sub Performing as Total Number Unstable Unstable Performing as Woody Woody Woody Cate o Category Metric Intended in As -built Segments Footage Intended Vegetation Vegetation Veelation 1. Bank 1. Scoured/Eroding Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosion 0 0 100% 0 0 100 Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting 2. Undercut appears likely. Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, 0 0 100% 0 0 100% appear sustainable and are providing habitat. 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100% 0 0 100% Totals 0 0 100% 0 0 100 2. Engineered Structures 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intactwith no dislodged boulders or logs. 47 47 100% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 24 24 100 11 11 100% 2a. Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms. Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not 3. Bank Protection exceed 15%. (See guidance for this table in EEP monitoring 14 14 100% guidance document) Pool forming structures maintaining - Max Pool Depth : Mean 4. Habitat Bankfull Depth ratio > 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at 12 12 100 base -flow. * Please make Note that the calculation for bank footage uses the total bank footage in the reach not the linear footage of channel. Therefore the denominator is 2 times the channel length in the calculation. For the above example this would be 430 divided by 5000 feet of bank = 91 Formulas exist in the cells above Table 5a. Vegetation Condition Assessment Mapping CCPV Number of Combined % of Easement Project Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project (NCDEQ DMS Project ID# 97080) Threshold De fiction Pol onsAcrea a Acrea e Planted Acreage 3.6 1000 SF Pattern and Color 0 0.00 0.0% Mapping CCPV Number of Combined % of Planted Vegetation Category Definitions ThresholdDe fiction Pol ons Acrea a Acreage Pattern and 1. Bare Areas Very limited cover of both woody and herbaceous material. 1 acre Color 0 0.00 0.0% 2. Low Stem Density Areas Woody stem densities clearly below target levels based on MY3, 4, or 5 stem count criteria. 0.1 acres Pattern and 0 0.00 0.0% Color 0 0.0 3. Areas of Poor Growth Rates or Vig"Areas stems of a size class that are obviously small given the monitoring year. 0.25 acres Pattern and 0 0.00 0.0% Color Easement Acreage 10.97 Mapping CCPV Number of Combined % of Easement Vegetation Cateaory Definitions Threshold De fiction Pol onsAcrea a Acrea e 4. Invasive Areas of Concern Areas or points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale). 1000 SF Pattern and Color 0 0.00 0.0% 5. Easement Encroachment Areas Areas or points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale). none Pattern and Color 0 0.00 0.0% 2 x y � t° ' yt y..� z•r h p Reach R2, facing upstream, Sta 26+00, April 23, 2018 (MY-00) all R r 5y IN i L - FMt t .y�A• k 91 ��i i (.. f ¢� �. _y x- res k � At Reach R3, facing downstream, Sta 32+00, April 19, 2018 (MY -00) Reach R4, facing upstream, Sta 13+00, June 11, 2018 (MY -00) r. y1 ' r Reach R4, facing downstream, Sta 13+00, June 11, 2018 (MY -00) �. 3 Reach R4, facing upstream, Sta 15+00, June 11, 2018 (MY -00) r sit � °r' ,. • x.. ai�r` i ,da azo Reach R4, facing upstream, Sta 17+00, June 11, 2018 (MY -00) Appendix C — Vegetation Plot Data 9 Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project Table 6. Baseline Vegetation Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Proiect (NCDEQ DMS Proiect IDN 97080) Current Plot Data (MYO-2018) Scientific Name Common Name Species Type 003-01-0001 Pnol-S P -all T 003-01-0002 Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-S 003-01-0003 P -all T 003-01-0004 Pnol-S P -all T MYO(2018) Pnol-S P -all T Acer rubrum Red Maple Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Alnus serrulata Tag Alder, Smooth Alder, Hazel Alder Shrub Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 Betula nigra River Birch, Red Birch Tree 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 Cornus amomum Silky Dogwood Shrub Tree 4 4 4 1 1 1 3 3 3 8 8 8 Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash, Red Ash Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 4 Ilex verticillata Winterberry Shrub Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lindera benzoin Northern Spicebush Shrub Tree 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 11 11 11 Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Tree Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 7 7 7 Platanus occidentalis Sycamore, Plane -tree Tree 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 4 4 10 10 10 Quercus michauxii Basket Oak, Swamp Chestnut Oak Tree 4 4 4 4 4 4 Quercus nigra Water Oak, Paddle Oak Tree 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 Quercus phellos Willow Oak Tree 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 7 7 7 Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species count Stems per ACRE 21 7 850 21 1 0.02 7 850 21 7 850 19 9 769 19 1 0.02 9 769 19 9 769 13 5 13 1 0.02 5 526 131 5 526 17 17 1 0.02 8 8 688 688 17 8 688 70 70 70 4 0.10 12 12 12 700 700 700 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% FJ Appendix D — Stream Measurement and Geomorphology Data Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project 18+77 Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project - As -Built (MYO), Riffle 246 245.5 245 0 244.5 — 244 LU 243.5 243 242.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Width Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 5.0 x -section area (ft.sq.) 32.0 W flood prone area (ft) --- D50 (mm) 8.9 width (ft) 3.6 entrenchment ratio --- D84 (mm) 0.6 mean depth (ft) 1.2 low bank height (ft) 0 threshold grain size (mm): 1.2 max depth (ft) 1.0 low bank height ratio 9.2 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.5 hyd radi (ft) 16.0 width -depth ratio Bankfull Flow Flow Resistance Forces & Power 0.4 velocity (ft/s) 0.035 Manning's roughness 0.016 channel slope (%) 1.8 discharge rate (cfs) 0.17 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. 0.01 shear stress (Ib/sq.ft.) 0.09 Froude number --- resistance factor u/u* 0.05 shear velocity (ft/s) --- relative roughness 0.002 unit strm power (Ib/ft/s) 242.5 242 241.5 0 241 ca 240.5 LU 240 239.5 239 0 5 Bankfull Dimensions 6.7 x -section area (ft.sq.) 8.4 width (ft) 0.8 mean depth (ft) 1.7 max depth (ft) 9.1 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.7 hyd radi (ft) 10.6 width -depth ratio Bankfull Flow 0.4 velocity (ft/s) 2.7 discharge rate (cfs) 0.08 Froude number 21 +14 Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project - As -Built (MYO), Pool 10 15 20 25 30 Width Flood Dimensions Materials 31.0 W flood prone area (ft) --- D50 (mm) 3.7 entrenchment ratio --- D84 (mm) 1.6 low bank height (ft) 0 threshold grain size (mm): 0.9 low bank height ratio Flow Resistance 0.040 Manning's roughness 0.21 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric --- resistance factor u/u* --- relative roughness Forces & Power 0.017 channel slope (%) 0.01 shear stress (Ib/sq.ft.) 0.06 shear velocity (ft/s) 0.0034 unit strm power (Ib/ft/s) 35 241 240.5 240 239.5 -------------- 0 239 0 Lu 238.5 238 237.5 237 0 5 Bankfull Dimensions 16+43 Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project - As -Built (MYO), Pool 10 15 20 25 30 Width Flood Dimensions 10.4 x -section area (ft.sq.) 9.2 width (ft) 1.1 mean depth (ft) 2.0 max depth (ft) 10.2 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.0 hyd radi (ft) 8.2 width -depth ratio Bankfull Flow 0.6 velocity (ft/s) 6.3 discharge rate (cfs) 0.11 Froude number 4.3 entrenchment ratio 2.0 low bank height (ft) 1.0 low bank height ratio Flow Resistance 0.033 Manning's roughness 0.13 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric --- resistance factor u/u* --- relative roughness 35 40 45 Materials --- D50 (mm) --- D84 (mm) 1 threshold grain size (mm): Forces & Power 0.018 channel slope (%) 0.01 shear stress (Ib/sq.ft.) 0.08 shear velocity (ft/s) 0.0077 unit strm power (Ib/ft/s) 240 239.5 0 239 :r-------------------- c� w 238.5 238 237.5 0 5 Bankfull Dimensions 16+97 Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project - As -Built (MYO), Riffle 10 15 20 25 30 Width Flood Dimensions 5.5 x -section area (ft.sq.) 8.8 width (ft) 0.6 mean depth (ft) 1.0 max depth (ft) 9.1 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.6 hyd radi (ft) 14.3 width -depth ratio Bankfull Flow 0.4 velocity (ft/s) 2.0 discharge rate (cfs) 0.08 Froude number 4.3 entrenchment ratio 1.1 low bank height (ft) 1.0 low bank height ratio Flow Resistance 0.035 Manning's roughness 0.17 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric --- resistance factor u/u* --- relative roughness 35 40 45 Materials --- D50 (mm) --- D84 (mm) 0 threshold grain size (mm): Forces & Power 0.015 channel slope (%) 0.01 shear stress (Ib/sq.ft.) 0.05 shear velocity (ft/s) 0.0021 unit strm power (Ib/ft/s) Cross Section X-5. 28+24 Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project - As -Built (MYO), Riffle 236 235.5 235 0 234.5 234 LU 233.5 233 232.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Width Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 4.1 x -section area (ft.sq.) 44.0 W flood prone area (ft) --- D50 (mm) 7.2 width (ft) 6.2 entrenchment ratio --- D84 (mm) 0.6 mean depth (ft) 1.2 low bank height (ft) 0 threshold grain size (mm): 1.2 max depth (ft) 1.0 low bank height ratio 7.6 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.5 hyd radi (ft) 12.5 width -depth ratio Bankfull Flow Flow Resistance Forces & Power 0.3 velocity (ft/s) 0.035 Manning's roughness 0.012 channel slope (%) 1.3 discharge rate (cfs) 0.17 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. 0.00 shear stress (Ib/sq.ft.) 0.07 Froude number --- resistance factor u/u* 0.05 shear velocity (ft/s) --- relative roughness 0.0013 unit strm power (Ib/ft/s) 234.5 234 233.5 0 CO 233 0 LU 232.5 232 231.5 0 5 10 Bankfull Dimensions 7.7 x -section area (ft.sq.) 10.4 width (ft) 0.7 mean depth (ft) 1.4 max depth (ft) 10.8 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.7 hyd radi (ft) 14.0 width -depth ratio Bankfull Flow 0.4 velocity (ft/s) 2.9 discharge rate (cfs) 0.08 Froude number 29+56 Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project - As -Built (MYO), Pool 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Width Flood Dimensions Materials 44.0 W flood prone area (ft) --- D50 (mm) 4.2 entrenchment ratio --- D84 (mm) 1.4 low bank height (ft) 0 threshold grain size (mm): 1.0 low bank height ratio Flow Resistance 0.035 Manning's roughness 0.16 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric --- resistance factor u/u* --- relative roughness Forces & Power 0.012 channel slope (%) 0.01 shear stress (Ib/sq.ft.) 0.05 shear velocity (ft/s) 0.0021 unit strm power (Ib/ft/s) 50 231.4 231.2 231 0 230.8 c� 230.6 LU 230.4 230.2 230 0 5 Bankfull Dimensions 4.7 x -section area (ft.sq.) 18.4 width (ft) 0.3 mean depth (ft) 0.4 max depth (ft) 18.5 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.3 hyd radi (ft) 71.8 width -depth ratio Bankfull Flow 0.1 velocity (ft/s) 0.7 discharge rate (cfs) 0.05 Froude number 33+ 18 Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project - As -Built (MYO), Riffle 10 15 20 25 30 Width Flood Dimensions Materials 27.0 W flood prone area (ft) --- D50 (mm) 1.5 entrenchment ratio --- D84 (mm) 0.4 low bank height (ft) 0 threshold grain size (mm): 1.0 low bank height ratio Flow Resistance 0.045 Manning's roughness 0.37 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric --- resistance factor u/u* --- relative roughness Forces & Power 0.011 channel slope (%) 0.00 shear stress (Ib/sq.ft.) 0.03 shear velocity (ft/s) 0.00025 unit strm power (Ib/ft/s) 35 Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project Longitudinal Profile - R2 As -Built (MYO 2018) 250 —Thalweg 8 246 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Left TO B -------- •..• v 244 ------------------ -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- — Right TOB 242 O ca 240 � O — w 238 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ----- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 236 234 -------------------------- --------------------------- --- --------------------------------- 232 230 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 Station (ft) Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project Longitudinal Profile - R3 As -Built (MYO 2018) 234 233 ---------------------- Th a l weg 232 Left TOB Right TOB 231------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ------------------ O ------------------------------------------------------------------------ a� W229 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- -------------------- 228 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ 227 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 226 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 Station (ft) Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project Longitudinal Profile - R4 As -Built (MYO 2108) 250 248 —Thalweg ------ 246 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Right TO B •+-,., 244 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Left TOB 242 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - ----- ------ --- -- ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ O ++ ca 240 _a 238 W 236 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ---------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- 234 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- ------ ---- - ----- ----------------- 23 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- 230 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 Station (ft) Table 7a. Baseline Stream Data Summary Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project (NCDEQ DMS Project ID# 97080) Parameter Pre - Restoration Condition Reference Reach Data Design As -Built/ Baseline Reach ID: R1 (Preservation) Dimension (Riffle) Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Bankfull Width (ft) 5.5 7.2 4.5 8.3 - - - - Floodprone Width (ft) 30.0 80.0 10.0 20.0 - - - - Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.4 0.8 0.8 1.6 - - - - Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.5 0.9 0.9 1.3 - - - - Bankfull Cross Sectional Area ftZ 4.1 5.0 3.0 5.0 - - - - Width/Depth Ratio 8.2 15.2 6.2 14.2 - - - - Entrenchment Ratio 4.2 12.0 7.1 8.4 - - - - Bank Height Ratiol 1.1 1 1.1 0.9 1.1 - - - - Profile Riffle Length (ft) 7.5 38.2 9.5 22.7 - - - - Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.011 0.014 0.009 0.015 - - - - Pool Length (ft) 4.1 7.9 6.1 8.7 - - - - Pool Max Depth (ft) 1.2 1.4 1.8 2.4 - - - - Pool Spacing (ft)l 22.0 1 50.0 1 14.4 1 22.3 1 - - - - Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) 22.0 28.0 23.4 29.0 - - - - Radius of Curvature (ft) 11.3 19.1 11.2 17.5 - - - - Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft) 1.6 2.9 1.6 2.5 - - - - Meander Wavelength (ft) 27.0 60.0 43.4 65.1 - - - - Meander Width Ratiol 2.2 6.4 3.9 4.5 - - - - Transport Parameters Boundary Shear Stress Ib/ftz' - - - - Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankful - - - - Stream Power(W/m2) - - - - Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classification C5 E5/C5 E5/C5 E5/C5 Bankfull Velocity (fps) 4.1 4.5 - - Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 20.0 --- - - Sinuosity 1.21 1.1 -1.3 - - Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft)l 0.010 0.015 - - Bankfull Slope (ft/ft)l 0.012 1 0.015 1- - Parameter Pre-Restoration Condition Reference Reach Data Design As-Built/ Baseline Reach ID: R2 Dimension (Riffle) Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Bankfull Width (ft) 4.4 7.2 4.5 8.3 7.7 8.9 Floodprone Width (ft) 30.0 70.0 10.0 20.0 20.0 50.0 32.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.4 0.8 0.8 1.6 0.6 0.6 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.3 1.5 0.9 1.3 0.9 1.2 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ff) 3.3 5.1 3.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Width/Depth Ratio 8.2 15.2 6.2 14.2 12.0 16.0 Entrenchment Ratio 4.3 10.0 7.1 8.4 2.2 3.6 Bank Height Ratio 1.1 1.6 0.9 1.1 1.0 1.0 Profile Riffle Length (ft) 17.0 44.0 9.5 22.7 10.0 30.0 12.0 34.0 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.011 0.013 0.009 0.015 0.010 0.022 0.017 0.029 Pool Length (ft) 3.9 6.0 6.1 8.7 6.0 9.0 6.2 9.9 Pool Max Depth (ft) 1.2 1.3 1.8 2.4 1.1 1.5 1.1 1.6 Pool Spacing (ft)l 22.0 1 39.0 1 14.4 1 22.3 1 30.0 1 55.0 1 11.8 36.1 Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) 28.0 23.4 29.0 28.0 51.0 27.0 46.0 Radius of Curvature (ft) 11.3 19.1 11.2 17.5 15.0 25.0 13.0 29.0 Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft) 1.6 2.9 1.6 2.5 2.0 3.0 2.1 3.5 Meander Wavelength (ft) 31.0 45.0 43.4 65.1 55.0 100.0 35.0 88.0 Meander Width Ratiol 2.3 1 6.4 1 3.9 1 4.5 1 3.0 1 8.0 1 4.4 1 7.6 Transport Parameters Boundary Shear Stress Ib1fe" - - 0.49 - Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankful - - 2.00 - Stream Power(W/M2 - - 31.00 - Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classification G5 E5/C5 C5 C5 Bankfull Velocity (fps) 4.1 4.5 4.7 4.7 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 26.0 - 26.0 26.0 Sinuosity 1.16 1.1 -1.3 1.17 1.17 Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft)l 0.011 0.015 0.011 0.012 Bankfull Slope (ft/ft)l 0.012 1 0.015 1 0.012 1 0.013 Parameter Pre-Restoration Condition Reference Reach Data Design As-Built/ Baseline Reach ID: R3 (lower) Preservation Dimension (Riffle) Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Bank-full Width (ft) 4.4 7.2 4.5 8.3 - - - - Floodprone Width (ft) 30.0 70.0 10.0 35.0 - - - - Bank-full Mean Depth (ft) 0.4 0.8 0.8 1.6 - - - - Bank-full Max Depth (ft) 0.5 0.9 0.9 1.3 - - - - Bank-full Cross Sectional Area ft2) 3.3 5.3 3.0 5.0 - - - - Width/Depth Ratio 8.0 20.0 6.2 14.2 - - - - Entrenchment Ratio 3.0 8.0 7.1 8.4 - - - - Bank Height Ratiol 1.0 1 - 1 0.9 1.1 1 - - - - Profile Riffle Length (ft) 11.0 22.0 9.5 22.7 - - - - Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.008 0.009 0.009 0.015 - - - - Pool Length (ft) 5.0 8.0 6.1 8.7 - - - - Pool Max Depth (ft) 1.3 1.7 1.8 2.4 - - - - Pool Spacing (ft)l 22.0 1 39.0 1 14.4 1 22.3 1 - I - -I - Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) 28.0 40.0 23.4 29.0 - - - - Radius of Curvature (ft) 11.0 19.0 11.2 17.5 - - - - Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft) 1.6 2.9 1.6 2.5 - - - - Meander Wavelength (ft) 27.0 50.0 43.4 65.1 - - - - Meander Width Ratiol 6.4 1 8.5 1 3.9 1 4.5 1 - I - - - Transport Parameters Boundary Shear Stress Ib/ft2) - - 0.49 - Max part size (mm) mobilized at bank-full - - 2.00 - Stream Power W/m2) - 1 29.00 - Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classification E5 E5/C5 - - Bank-full Velocity (fps) 4.1 4.0 - - Bank-full Discharge (cfs) 37.0 - - - Sinuosity 1.21 1.1 -1.3 - - Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft)l 0.008 1 0.015 1 - I- Bank-full Slope (ft/ft)l 0.009 1 0.015 1 - I - Parameter Pre-Restoration Condition Reference Reach Data Design As-Built/ Baseline Reach ID: R3 (upper) Dimension (Riffle) Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Bankfull Width (ft) 4.4 7.2 4.5 8.3 8.2 8.8 18.4 Floodprone Width (ft) 30.0 70.0 10.0 35.0 30.0 80.0 38.0 27.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.0 1.8 0.8 1.6 0.7 0.6 0.3 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.5 2.3 0.9 1.3 1.0 1.0 0.4 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area ftp 3.3 3.0 5.0 5.6 5.5 4.7 Width/Depth Ratio 8.2 15.2 6.2 14.2 12.0 14.3 71.8 Entrenchment Ratio 4.3 10.0 7.1 8.4 3.7 8.0 4.3 1.5 Bank Height Ratiol 1.1 1 1.7 1 0.9 1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 Profile Riffle Length (ft) 33.0 55.0 9.5 22.7 12.0 33.0 10.0 30.0 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.007 0.009 0.009 0.015 0.011 0.014 0.020 0.035 Pool Length (ft) 8.0 13.0 6.1 8.7 8.0 11.0 7.0 10.0 Pool Max Depth (ft) 1.4 2.0 1.8 2.4 1.4 2.0 1.1 1.6 Pool Spacing (ft)l 22.0 1 39.0 1 14.4 1 22.3 1 25.0 1 51.0 1 11.8 35.5 Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) 28.0 23.4 29.0 25.0 45.0 30.0 45.0 Radius of Curvature (ft) 10.0 11.2 17.5 12.0 22.0 15.0 25.0 Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft) 1.6 1.6 2.5 2.0 3.0 2.5 4.2 Meander Wavelength (ft) 27.0 43.4 65.1 30.0 42.0 30.0 44.8 Meander Width Ratiol 6.4 3.9 4.5 3.3 1 5.1 5.1 7.6 Transport Parameters Boundary Shear Stress Ib/ftp" - - 0.51 - Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankful - - 2.00 - Stream Power(W/M2 - - 28.90 - Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classification E5 incised E5/C5 C5 C5 Bankfull Velocity (fps) 4.1 4.5 5.7 4.5 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 34.0 - 34.0 34.0 Sinuosity 1.20 1.1 -1.3 1.20 1.16 Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft)l 0.007 0.015 0.009 0.009 Bankfull Slope (ft/ft)l 0.009 1 0.015 1 0.011 1 0.011 Parameter Pre-Restoration Condition Reference Reach Data Design As-Built/ Baseline Reach ID: R4 Dimension (Riffle) Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Bankfull Width (ft) 6.9 - 4.5 8.3 6.6 8.8 Floodprone Width (ft) 6.1 - 10.0 35.0 25.0 70.0 38.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 2.4 - 0.8 1.6 0.5 0.6 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 3.1 - 0.9 1.3 0.7 1.0 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area(ft) 15.8 - 3.0 5.0 3.6 5.5 Width/Depth Ratio 5.6 - 10.3 14.2 12.0 14.3 Entrenchment Ratio 1.0 - 2.0 5.0 3.8 10.0 4.3 Bank Height RatiA 1.7 1 - 0.9 1.1 1 1.0 1.0 Profile Riffle Length (ft) 17.0 44.0 5.1 13.9 13.0 31.0 12.0 27.0 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.019 0.027 0.017 0.026 0.016 0.027 0.015 0.027 Pool Length (ft) 4.0 6.6 4.5 7.0 6.8 9.4 6.0 8.7 Pool Max Depth (ft) 1.9 2.2 1.1 1.7 1.1 1.6 1.1 1.6 Pool Spacing (ft)l 38.0 1 87.0 1 10.0 1 30.0 1 22.0 1 50.0 1 19.0 41.0 Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) - - 23.4 29.0 22.0 35.0 19.0 31.0 Radius of Curvature (ft) - - 11.2 17.5 12.0 20.0 10.0 19.0 Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft) - - 1.6 2.5 1.8 3.0 2.1 3.4 Meander Wavelength (ft) - - 43.4 65.1 40.0 60.0 34.0 77.0 Meander Width Ratio - I - 1 3.9 1 4.5 1 3.3 1 5.3 3.0 6.0 Transport Parameters Boundary Shear Stress Ib/ftz 0.48 - Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankful - - 2.00 - Stream Power(W/M2 - - 24.50 - Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classificatio G5c C5 C5 C5 Bankfull Velocity (fps 7.0 4.0 4.5 4.5 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 16.0 - 16.0 16.0 Sinuosit 1.06 1.1 - 1.2 1.15 1.14 Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft)l 0.019 0.015 0.017 0.017 Bankfull Slope (ft/ft)l 0.018 1 0.015 1 0.017 1 0.017 Table 7c. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Summary Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project (NCDEQ DMS Project ID# 97080) Parameter Baseline MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Reach ID: R1 (Preservation) Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Profile Riffle Length (ft) - - Riffle Slope (ft/ft) - - Pool Length (ft) - - Pool Max depth (ft) - - Pattern and Profile data will not typically be collected unless visual data, dimensional data or profile data indicate significant deviations from baseline conditions Pool Spacing (ft] - - Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) - Radius of Curvature (ft) - Rc:Bankfull width (ft/ft) - Meander Wavelength (ft) - 6omMeander Wdth Ratio Additional Reach Parameters - I- Rosgen Classification C5 Sinuosity (ft) 1.21 Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) 0.01 BF slope (ft/ft) 0.012 Ri% / Ru% / P% / G% / S°/ 'SC% / Sa% / G% / C% / B% / Be- d16/d35/d50/d84/d95 2% of Reach with Eroding Bank Channel Stability or Habitat Metri Biological or Othe Parameter Baseline MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Reach ID: R2 Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Profile Riffle Length (ft 12 34 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.017 0.029 Pool Length (ft 6.2 9.9 Pool Max depth (ft 1.1 1.6 Pool Spacing (ft) 11.8 36.1 Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) 27 46 Radius of Curvature (ft) 13 29 Rc:Bankfull width (ft/ft) 2.1 3.5 Meander Wavelength (ft) 35 88 Meander Width Ratio 4.4 7.6 Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classification C5 Sinuosity (ft) 1.17 Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) 0.012 BF slope (ft/ft) 0.013 Ri% / Ru% / P% / G% / S% 3SC% / Sa% / G% / C% / B% / Be% d16/d35/d50/d84/d95 2% of Reach with Eroding Bank Channel Stability or Habitat Metri Biological or Othe Parameter Baseline MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Reach ID: R3 (upper) Min I Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Profile Riffle Length (ft) 10 30 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.02 0.035 Pool Length (ft) 7 10 Pool Max depth (ft) 1.1 1.6 Pool Spacing (ft) 11.8 35.5 Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) 30 45 Radius of Curvature (ft) 15 25 Rc:Bankfull width (ft/ft) 2.5 4.2 Meander Wavelength (ft) 30 44.8 6mmMeander Width Ratio 5.1 7.6 Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classification C5 Sinuosity (ft) 1.16 Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) 0.009 BF slope (ft/ft) 0.011 3Ri%/ Ru%/ P%/ G%/S°/ 'SC% / Sa% / G% / C% / B% / Be°/ d16/d35/d50/d84/d95 Z% of Reach with Eroding Banks Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Other Parameter Baseline MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Reach ID: R4 Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Profile Riffle Length (ft) 12 27 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.015 0.027 Pool Length (ft) 6 8.7 Pool Max depth (ft) 1.1 1.6 Pool Spacing (ft) 19 41 Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) 19 31 Radius of Curvature (ft) 10 19 Rc:Bankfull width (ft/ft) 2.1 3.4 Meander Wavelength (ft) 34 77 6 Meander Width Ratio 3 6 =E Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classification C5 Sinuosity (ft) 1.14 Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) 0.017 BF slope (ft/ft) 0.017 3Ri%/ Ru%/ P%/ G%/ S% 'SC% / Sa% / G% / C% / B%/ Be°/ d16/d35/d50/d84/d95 Z% of Reach with Eroding Banks Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Other Appendix E — As -Built Plans / Record Drawings 9 Edwards -Johnson Mitigation Project NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY - DIVISION OF MITIGATION SERVICES EDWARDS-JOHNSON MITIGATION PROJECT VICINITY MAP N.T.S. } a —4ENDELL PROJECT`LAKE -/ , LOCATION ' ti f IC LAKE WENDELL ROAD —1_� j� O G ' J a � NCDEQ-DMS CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR KRISTIE CORSON 1652 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NC 27699-1652 PH: 919-707-8935 / SHEET 16 SHEET 11 END CONSTRUCTION R3 STATION 37+59.99 JOHNSTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NCDEQ - DMS PROJECT ID # 97080 NCDEQ - DMS CONTRACT #6825 UNDER RFP 16-006477 NEUSE RIVER BASIN (CU 03020201) USACE ACTION ID # SAW -2016-00883 TYPE OF WORK: AS -BUILT PLANS FOR STREAM MITIGATION * a 0Yi► JVkA ' :Y Project Reach Proposed Stream I Proposed Stream Mitigation Designation Type of Mitigation Length (LF) Mitigation Ratio X:7 Credits SMCs R1 Stream Preservation 611 10 61 R2 Stream Restoration 1,183 1 1,183 R3 (upper) Stream Restoration 815 1 815 R3 (lower Stream Preservation 130 10 13 R4 Stream Restoration 951 1 1 1 951 Total 3,690 3,023 Note: No mitigation credits were calculated outside the conservation easement boundaries. END CONSTRUCTION R2 - BEGIN CONSTRUCTION R3 STATION 27+94.38 END CONSTRUCTION R4 STATION 19+51.30 SHEET 10 l ti 3D LL r CE--- END CONSTRUCTION R1 - BEGIN CONSTRUCTION R2 STATION 16+11.34 SHEET 14 r' SHEET 15 Y SHEET 9 1 1 33 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION R1 STATION 10+00.00 LAkE I SHEET 8 I 30 -_.---__..^--'`v WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS THE 29th NOVEMBER, 2018 el OFFICIAL SEAL CE _ - ��\111111//Jf �7�ii CAIS 2'\ 1Uunrl,, �� SHEET INDEX 1 COVER SHEET 2 LEGEND/CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE /GENERAL NOTES 3 TYPICAL SECTIONS 4-7 DETAILS 8-13 PLAN AND PROFILE 14-16 REVEGETATION PLAN 'rel ROgO ISR 1320) CERTIFICATE OF AS -BUILT SURVEY AND ACCURACY I, CURK T. LANE, CERTIFY THAT THE AS -BUILT GROUND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY INFORMATION DEPICTED ON THESE PLANS WAS PROVIDED FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION; THAT THESE AS -BUILT PLANS/RECORD DRAWINGS WERE PREPARED BY WLS ENGINEERING, PLLC, FOR WATER & LAND SOLUTIONS, LLC, AND WERE CREATED FROM THE AS -BUILT SURVEY DIGITAL FILES PROVIDED BY TRUE LINE SURVEYING, P.C.; THAT THE REFERENCED SURVEY WAS PERFORMED AT THE 95% CONFIDENCE LEVEL TO MEET THE FEDERAL GEOGRAPHIC DATA COMMITTEE STANDARDS; THATTHE REFERENCED SURVEY WAS PERFORMED TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS FOR A TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY TO THE ACCURACY OF CLASS A HORIZONTAL AND CLASS C VERTICAL, WHERE APPLICABLE; THAT THE CONTOURS SHOWN AS BROKEN LINES MAY NOT MEET THE STATED STANDARD AND ALL COORDINATES ARE BASED ON NAD 83 (NSRS 2011) AND ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON NAVD 88; THAT THE AS -BUILT GROUND TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING MEETS THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR O TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYS AS STATED IN TITLE 21, CHAPTER 56, SECTION 1606; THAT THE AS -BUILT GROUND TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING WAS NOT PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH G.S. 47-30, AS AMENDED, AND DOES NOT REPRESENT AN OFFICIAL BOUNDARY SURVEY. SHEET 13 SHEET 12 APPROXIMATE PROJECT CENTER 35.72492220 N -78.35525830 W BEGIN CONSTRUCTION R4 STATION 10+00.00 .,- SEAL = -_ L-3990 = -- e /VIII\ CURK T. LANE, PLS L-3990 DAY OF 1iWATER & LAND SOLUTIONS 10940 Raven Ridge Rd., Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27614 (919)614-5111 waterla ndsolutions.com PROJECT ENGINEER `111111111111!!! \�N • cAR04 �,,, 2 oFcss 22967 IV 3 , l' ''tl/111111111,` ENGINEERING SERVICES BY WLS ENGINEERING, PLLC FIRM LICENSE NO. P-1480 REVISIONS A DRAFT MIT PLAN 7-21-17 B FINAL DRAFT MIT PLAN 8-21-17 C FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-17 D ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1-29-18 E AS -BUILT 11-30-18 PROJECT NAME EDWARDS- JOHNSON MITIGATION PROJECT JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC DRAWING INFORMATION PROJECT NO.: 97080 FILENAME: 01_EDWARDS JOHNSON_COVER.DWG DESIGNED BY: KMVANSH DRAWN BY; APL DATE: 11-30-18 HORIZ. SCALE: I"= 150' VERT.SCALE: NIA (9 NORTH 150 75 0 150 3Q0 GRAPHIC SCALE SHEET NAME COVER SHEET SHEET NUMBER 1 LEGEND I��III CONSTRUCTED LOG RIFFLE GRADE CONTROL LOGJ-HOOKVANE mot GEOLIFT W TOEWOOD = PROPOSED OUTLET CHANNEL - FP FP ----- ROOTWAD OHPL LOG VANE DCHANNEL LOG WEIR \A LOG STEP -POOL STONE AND LOG STEP -POOL o• a oo•o CONSTRUCTED STONE RIFFLE p. EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR I��III CONSTRUCTED LOG RIFFLE GRADE CONTROL LOGJ-HOOKVANE mot GEOLIFT W TOEWOOD = PROPOSED OUTLET CHANNEL - FP FP ----- 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN OHPL EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC DCHANNEL TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING 0-X -f PROPOSED GATE PERMANENT STREAM CROSSING - CE CE PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR 100 PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR 101 PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR - LD LD LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE - CIF CIF - CUTIFILL LIMITS EXISTING WETLAND BOUNDARY EXISTING WOODLINE PROPOSED TOP OF STREAM BANK EXISTING PROPERTY BOUNDARY EXISTING FENCE 15+00 t - PROPOSED CENTERLINE (THALWEG) X x PROPOSED FIELD FENCE TP - TP PROPOSED TREE PROTECTION FENCE r EXISTING FARM PATH PROPOSED FARM PATH EXISTING TREE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE THE ENGINEER WILL PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASE OF THIS PROJECT. THE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE SHALL BE USED DURING IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO THE APPROVED PERMITS FOR SPECIFIC CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE ITEMS AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FOLLOWING THE APPROVED PLANS AND PERMIT CONDITIONS. 1- THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY 'NC 81 V (1-800.632-4949) BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION BEGINS. ANY UTILITIES AND RESPECTIVE EASEMENTS S O TISHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING ALL UTILITIES AND ADJOINING EASEMENTS AND SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY DAMAGED UTILITIES AT HISMER OWN EXPENSE. 2, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MOBILIZE EQUIPMENT. MATERIALS AND PREPARE STAGING AREA(S) AND STOCKPILE AREA(S) AND HAUL ROADS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS, 3. CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE PROJECT AREA BOUNDARIES OR AS DENOTED'UMITS OF DISTURBANCE' OR "HAUL ROADS"ON THE PLANS. 4, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL APPROVED TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AT LOCATIONS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. S. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL TEMPORARY SILT FENCE AROUND ALL STAGING AREA(S). TEMPORARY SILT FENCING WILL ALSO BE PLACED AROUND THE TEMPORARY STOCKPILE AREAS AS MATERIAL IS STOCKPILED THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT STREAM CROSSINGS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL PERMIT. THE EXISTING CHANNEL AND DITCHES ON SITE WILL REMAIN OPEN DURING THE INITIAL STAGES OF CONSTRUCTION TO ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE AND TO MAINTAIN SITE ACCESSIBILITY. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT ONLY THE PORTION OF THE PROPOSED CHANNEL THAT CAN BE COMPLETED AND STABILIZED WITHIN THE SAME DAY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEEDING, MATTING AND MULCHING TO ALL DISTURBED AREAS AT THE END OF EACH WORK DAY. a. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAR AND GRUB AN AREA ADEQUATE TO CONSTRUCT THE STREAM CHANNEL AND GRADING OPERATIONS AFTER ALL SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES HAVE BEEN INSTALLED AND APPROVED. IN GENERAL, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL WORK FROM UPSTREAM TO DOWNSTREAM AND IN -STREAM STRUCTURES AND CHANNEL FILL MATERIAL SHALL BE INSTALLED USING A PUMP -AROUND OR FLOW DIVERSION MEASURE AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 9. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BEGIN CONSTRUCTION BY EXCAVATING CHANNEL FILL MATERIAL IN AREAS ALONG THE EXISTING CHANNEL. THE CONTRACTOR MAY FILL DITCHES WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN ANY WATER DURING THE GRADING OPERATIONS. ALONG DITCHES WITH WATER OR STREAM REACHES, EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHOULD BE STOCKPILED IN DESIGNATED AREAS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. IN ANY AREAS WHERE EXCAVATION DEPTHS WILL EXCEED TEN INCHES, TOPSOIL SHALL BE SEPARATED, STOCKPILED AND PLACED BACK OVER THESE AREAS TO A DEPTH OF EIGHT INCHES TO ACHIEVE DESIGN GRADES AND CREATE A SOIL BASE FOR VEGETATION PLANTING ACCORDING TO THE DESIGN PLANS AND CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL BEGIN DESIGN CHANNEL CONSTRUCTION AT STATION 10+00 AND PROCEED IN A DOWNSTREAM DIRECTION. THE DESIGN CHANNEL SHOULD BE CONSTRUCTED OFFLINE AND/OR IN THE DRY WHENEVER POSSIBLE. 11. AFTER EXCAVATING THE CHANNEL TO DESIGN GRADES, INSTALL IN -STREAM STRUCTURES, GRASSING, MATTING, AND TEMPORARY VEGETATION IN THIS SECTION, AND READY THE CHANNEL TO ACCEPT FLOW PER APPROVAL BY THE ENGINEER. 12. FLOWING WATER MAY BE TURNED INTO THE CONSTRUCTED CHANNEL ONCE THE AREA IN AND AROUND THE NEW CHANNEL HAS BEEN STABILIZED. IMMEDIATELY BEGIN PLUGGING, FILLING. AND GRADING THE ABANDONED CHANNEL, AS INDICATED ON PLANS, MOVING IN A DOWNSTREAM DIRECTION TO ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE OF THE OLD CHANNELS. NO FLOWING WATER SHALL BE TURNED INTO ANY SECTION OF RESTORED CHANNEL PRIOR TO THE CHANNEL BEING COMPLETELY STABILIZED WITH ALL IN -STREAM STRUCTURES INSTALLED, 13. THE NEW CHANNEL SECTIONS AND FARM POND AREA SHALL REMAIN OPEN ON THE DOWNSTREAM END TO ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE DURING RAIN EVENTS. 14. ANY GRADING ACTIVITIES ADJACENT TO THE EXISTING OR LIVE STREAM CHANNEL SHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO TURNING WATER INTO THE NEW STREAM CHANNEL SEGMENTS. GRADING ACTIVITIES SHALL NOT BE PERFORMED WITHIN 10 FEET OF THE NEW STREAM CHANNEL BANKS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT GRADE OR ROUGHEN ANY AREAS WHERE EXCAVATION ACTIVITIES HAVE NOT BEEN COMPLETED. 15. ONCE A STREAM WORK PHASE IS COMPLETE. APPLY TEMPORARY SEEDING TO ANY AREAS DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION WITHIN HOURS AND ALL SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3.1 SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH GROUND COVER AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE WITHIN 7 CALENDAR DAYS. ALL OTHER DISTURBED AREAS AND SLOPES FLATTER THAN 3.1 SHALL BE STABILIZED WITHIN 14 CALENDAR DAYS FRO THE LAST LAND -DISTURBING ACTIVITY 16. PERMANENT SEEDING SHALL BE PLACED ON ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN 15 WORKING DAYS OR 90 CALENDAR DAYS (WHICHEVER IS SHORTER) FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHOULD HAVE ESTABLISHED GROUND COVER PRIOR TO DEMOBILIZATION. REMOVE ANY TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSINGS AND TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, 17. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TREAT AREAS OF INVASIVE SPECIES VEGETATION THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT AREA ACCORDING TO THE DESIGN PLANS AND CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS PRIOR TO DEMOBILIZATION. 18. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PLANT WOODY VEGETATION AND LIVE STAKES, ACCORDING TO PLANTING DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE THE REFORESTATION PHASE OF THE PROJECT AND APPLY PERMANENT SEEDING AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME OF THE YEAR. 19, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OFF-SITE REMOVAL OF ALL TRASH. EXCESS BACKFILL, AND ANY OTHER INCIDENTAL MATERIALS PRIOR TO DEMOBILIZATION OF EQUIPMENT FROM THE SITE. THE DISPOSAL AND STOCKPILE LOCATIONS SELECTED MUST BE APPROVED TO THE ENGINEER AND ANY FEES SHALL BE PAID FOR BY THE CONTRACTOR. GENERAL NOTES 1, THE PROJECT SITE IS LOCATED IN JOHNSTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, APPROXIMATELY 3.1 MILES SOUTH OF THE TOWN OF WENDELL AS SHOWN ON THE COVER SHEET VICINITY MAP. TO ACCESS THE SITE FROM RALEIGH, TAKE 1.440 E AND US -264 EAJS-64 E TO MARKS CREEK. TAKE EXIT 427 FROM US -264 EIUS-64 E (14.7 MI) AND CONTINUE ON WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY, TAKE EAGLE ROCK ROAD AND STOTTS MILL ROAD TO WENDELL ROAD. TAKE A RIGHT ONTO THE GRAVEL ENTRANCE AT 2499 WENDELL ROAD. FOLLOW THE FARM ROAD TO THE SITE BOUNDARY. 2. THE PROJECT SITE BOUNDARIES ARE SHOWN ON THE DESIGN PLANS AS THE PROPOSED I P EO CONSERVATION EASEMENT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM ALL RELATED WORK ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE PROJECT SITE BOUNDARIES AND/OR WITHIN THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE (LOD). THE PROJECT SITE SHALL BE ACCESSED THROUGH THE DESIGNATED ACCESS POINTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING PERMITTED ACCESS THROUGHOUT ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS AND MEASURES TO PROTECT ALL PROPERTIES FROM DAMAGE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR ALL DAMAGE CAUSED BY HISMER OPERATIONS TO ALL PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PROPERTY AND LEAVE THE PROPERTY IN GOOD CONDITION AND/OR AT LEAST EQUIVALENT TO THE PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS. UPON COMPLETION OF ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES, THE AREA IS TO BE RESTORED TO A CONDITION EQUAL TO OR BETTER THAN FOUND PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 4. THE TOPOGRAPHIC BASE MAP WAS DEVELOPED USING SURVEY DATA COLLECTED BY WITHERSRAVENEL, INC. (WR) IN THE FALL OF 2016. THE HORIZONTAL DATUM WAS TIED TO NAD83 NC STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, US SURVEY FEET AND NAVD88 VERTICAL DATUM USING VRS NETWORK AND NCGS MONUMENT. IT IS POSSIBLE THAT EXISTING ELEVATIONS AND SITE CONDTIONS MAY HAVE CHANGED SINCE THE ORIGINAL SURVEY WAS COMPLETED DUE TO EROSION. AND/OR SEDIMENT ACCRETION. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO CONFIRM EXISTING GRADES AND ADJUST QUANTITIES, EARTHWORK. AND WORK EFFORTS AS NECESSARY. S. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE AND THOROUGHLY FAMILIARIZE HIMMERSELF WITH ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS. PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE ACCURACY AND COMPLETENESS OF THE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS AND DESIGN PLANS REGARDING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THE WORK DESCRIBED. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BRING ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND/OR FIELD CONDITIONS TO THE ATTENTION OF THE SPONSORS ENGINEER BEFORE CONSTRUCTION BEGINS. 7. THERE SHALL BE NO CLEARING OR REMOVAL OF ANY NATIVE SPECIES VEGETATION OR TREES OF SIGNIFICANCE, OTHER THAN THOSE INDICATED ON THE PLANS OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXERCISE CARE DURING GRADING ACTIVITIES IN THE VICINITY OF NATIVE VEGETATION AND TREES OF SIGNIFICANCE AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. ALL GRADING IN THE VICINITY OF TREES NOT IDENTIFIED FOR REMOVAL SHALL BE MADE IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT DISTURB THE ROOT SYSTEM WITHIN THE DRIP LINE OF THE TREE. 9. WORK ACTIVITIES ARE BEING PERFORMED AS AN ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PLAN NEAR PRIVATE RESIDENCES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE ALL REASONABLE EFFORTS TO REDUCE SEDIMENT LOSS, PROTECT PUBLIC SAFETY, AND MINIMIZE DISTURBANCE OF THE SITE WHILE PERFORMING THE CONSTRUCTION WORK. ALL AREAS SHALL BE KEPT NEAT, CLEAN, AND FREE OF ALL TRASH AND DEBRIS, AND ALL REASONABLE PRECAUTIONS SHALL BE TAKEN TO AVOID DAMAGE TO EXISTING ROADS, VEGETATION, TURF, STRUCTURES. AND PRIVATE PROPERTY. 10. PRIOR TO START OF WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT THE SOURCE OF MATERIALS, INCLUDING AGGREGATES, EROSION CONTROL MATTING, WOOD AND NATIVE PLANTING MATERIAL TO THE ENGINEER FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. NO WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED UNTIL THE SOURCE OF MATERIAL IS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 11. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE HELD SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY NECESSARY COORDINATION BETWEEN THE VARIOUS COUNTY, STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES, UTILITY COMPANIES, HISMER SUB -CONTRACTORS, AND THE ENGINEER FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. 12. PRIOR TO START OF WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT THEIR DETAILED PLANTING SCHEDULE TO THE ENGINEER FOR REVIEW. NO WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED UNTIL THIS SCHEDULE IS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. THE DETAILED PLANTING SCHEDULE SHALL CONFORM TO THE PLANTING REVEGETATION PLAN AND SHALL INCLUDE A SPECIES LIST AND TIMING SEQUENCE. 13. THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO INSTALL IN -STREAM STRUCTURES AND CULVERT PIPES USING A BACKHOE/EXCAVATOR WITH A HYDRAULIC THUMB OF SUFFICIENT SIZE TO PLACE STRUCTURES INCLUDING LOGS, STONE, BOULDERS, ROOT WADS. AND TEMPORARY WOOD MAT STREAM CROSSINGS. GRADING NOTES 1. NO GRADING ACTIVITIES SHALL OCCUR BEYOND THE PROJECT LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE (LOD) AS SHOWN ON THE DESIGN PLANS. 2. ONCE PROPOSED GRADES ARE ACHIEVED ALONG THE CONSTRUCTED STREAM CHANNEL, BANKFULL BENCHES AND FLOODPLAIN AREAS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS, GRADED AREAS SHALL BE ROUGHENED USING TECHNIQUES DESCRIBED IN THE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS. 3. ALL SUITABLE SOIL MATERIAL REQUIRED TO FILL AND/OR PLUG EXISTING DITCHES AND'OR STREAM CHANNEL SHALL BE GENERATED ONSITE AS DESCRIBED IN THE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS. ANY EXCESS SPOIL MATERIAL SHALL BE STOCKPILED IN DESIGNATED AREAS AND OR HAULED OFF-SITE AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 1iWATER & LAND SOLUTIONS 10940 Raven Ridge Rd., Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27614 (919)614-5111 waterlandsolutions.com PROJECT ENGINEER ```W11111111171j i i 2216 _- e +;� � '• •;GINEOf \'```` '�71IIIIIIIIIWIW ENGINEERING SERVICES BY WLS ENGINEERING, PLLC FIRM LICENSE NO. P-1480 REVISIONS ADRAFT MIT PLAN 7-21-17 B ___ FINAL DRAFT MIT PLAN 8-21-17 C FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-17 D ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1-29-18 E AS -BUILT 11.30-18 NO. I DESCRIPTION I DATE PROJECT NAME EDWARDS- JOHNSON MITIGATION PROJECT JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC DRAWING INFORMATION PROJECT NO.: 97080 FILENAME : @ EANMJ%WSON CFNBW.NOTB-SYM BB LW'. DESIGNEDBY: KMVNJSH DRAWN BY : APL DATE : 11-30.18 HORIZ. SCALE: N.T.S. VERT. SCALE: NIA SHEET NAME LEGEND/ CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE/ GENERAL NOTES SHEET NUMBER PROPOSED WATER QUALITY TREATMENT FEATURE ® CHANNELBLOCK DCHANNEL FILL 0-X -f PROPOSED GATE EXISTING STRUCTURE EXISTING WETLAND AREA CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE THE ENGINEER WILL PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASE OF THIS PROJECT. THE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE SHALL BE USED DURING IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO THE APPROVED PERMITS FOR SPECIFIC CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE ITEMS AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FOLLOWING THE APPROVED PLANS AND PERMIT CONDITIONS. 1- THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY 'NC 81 V (1-800.632-4949) BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION BEGINS. ANY UTILITIES AND RESPECTIVE EASEMENTS S O TISHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING ALL UTILITIES AND ADJOINING EASEMENTS AND SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY DAMAGED UTILITIES AT HISMER OWN EXPENSE. 2, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MOBILIZE EQUIPMENT. MATERIALS AND PREPARE STAGING AREA(S) AND STOCKPILE AREA(S) AND HAUL ROADS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS, 3. CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE PROJECT AREA BOUNDARIES OR AS DENOTED'UMITS OF DISTURBANCE' OR "HAUL ROADS"ON THE PLANS. 4, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL APPROVED TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AT LOCATIONS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. S. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL TEMPORARY SILT FENCE AROUND ALL STAGING AREA(S). TEMPORARY SILT FENCING WILL ALSO BE PLACED AROUND THE TEMPORARY STOCKPILE AREAS AS MATERIAL IS STOCKPILED THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT STREAM CROSSINGS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL PERMIT. THE EXISTING CHANNEL AND DITCHES ON SITE WILL REMAIN OPEN DURING THE INITIAL STAGES OF CONSTRUCTION TO ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE AND TO MAINTAIN SITE ACCESSIBILITY. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT ONLY THE PORTION OF THE PROPOSED CHANNEL THAT CAN BE COMPLETED AND STABILIZED WITHIN THE SAME DAY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEEDING, MATTING AND MULCHING TO ALL DISTURBED AREAS AT THE END OF EACH WORK DAY. a. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAR AND GRUB AN AREA ADEQUATE TO CONSTRUCT THE STREAM CHANNEL AND GRADING OPERATIONS AFTER ALL SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES HAVE BEEN INSTALLED AND APPROVED. IN GENERAL, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL WORK FROM UPSTREAM TO DOWNSTREAM AND IN -STREAM STRUCTURES AND CHANNEL FILL MATERIAL SHALL BE INSTALLED USING A PUMP -AROUND OR FLOW DIVERSION MEASURE AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 9. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BEGIN CONSTRUCTION BY EXCAVATING CHANNEL FILL MATERIAL IN AREAS ALONG THE EXISTING CHANNEL. THE CONTRACTOR MAY FILL DITCHES WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN ANY WATER DURING THE GRADING OPERATIONS. ALONG DITCHES WITH WATER OR STREAM REACHES, EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHOULD BE STOCKPILED IN DESIGNATED AREAS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. IN ANY AREAS WHERE EXCAVATION DEPTHS WILL EXCEED TEN INCHES, TOPSOIL SHALL BE SEPARATED, STOCKPILED AND PLACED BACK OVER THESE AREAS TO A DEPTH OF EIGHT INCHES TO ACHIEVE DESIGN GRADES AND CREATE A SOIL BASE FOR VEGETATION PLANTING ACCORDING TO THE DESIGN PLANS AND CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL BEGIN DESIGN CHANNEL CONSTRUCTION AT STATION 10+00 AND PROCEED IN A DOWNSTREAM DIRECTION. THE DESIGN CHANNEL SHOULD BE CONSTRUCTED OFFLINE AND/OR IN THE DRY WHENEVER POSSIBLE. 11. AFTER EXCAVATING THE CHANNEL TO DESIGN GRADES, INSTALL IN -STREAM STRUCTURES, GRASSING, MATTING, AND TEMPORARY VEGETATION IN THIS SECTION, AND READY THE CHANNEL TO ACCEPT FLOW PER APPROVAL BY THE ENGINEER. 12. FLOWING WATER MAY BE TURNED INTO THE CONSTRUCTED CHANNEL ONCE THE AREA IN AND AROUND THE NEW CHANNEL HAS BEEN STABILIZED. IMMEDIATELY BEGIN PLUGGING, FILLING. AND GRADING THE ABANDONED CHANNEL, AS INDICATED ON PLANS, MOVING IN A DOWNSTREAM DIRECTION TO ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE OF THE OLD CHANNELS. NO FLOWING WATER SHALL BE TURNED INTO ANY SECTION OF RESTORED CHANNEL PRIOR TO THE CHANNEL BEING COMPLETELY STABILIZED WITH ALL IN -STREAM STRUCTURES INSTALLED, 13. THE NEW CHANNEL SECTIONS AND FARM POND AREA SHALL REMAIN OPEN ON THE DOWNSTREAM END TO ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE DURING RAIN EVENTS. 14. ANY GRADING ACTIVITIES ADJACENT TO THE EXISTING OR LIVE STREAM CHANNEL SHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO TURNING WATER INTO THE NEW STREAM CHANNEL SEGMENTS. GRADING ACTIVITIES SHALL NOT BE PERFORMED WITHIN 10 FEET OF THE NEW STREAM CHANNEL BANKS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT GRADE OR ROUGHEN ANY AREAS WHERE EXCAVATION ACTIVITIES HAVE NOT BEEN COMPLETED. 15. ONCE A STREAM WORK PHASE IS COMPLETE. APPLY TEMPORARY SEEDING TO ANY AREAS DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION WITHIN HOURS AND ALL SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3.1 SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH GROUND COVER AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE WITHIN 7 CALENDAR DAYS. ALL OTHER DISTURBED AREAS AND SLOPES FLATTER THAN 3.1 SHALL BE STABILIZED WITHIN 14 CALENDAR DAYS FRO THE LAST LAND -DISTURBING ACTIVITY 16. PERMANENT SEEDING SHALL BE PLACED ON ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN 15 WORKING DAYS OR 90 CALENDAR DAYS (WHICHEVER IS SHORTER) FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHOULD HAVE ESTABLISHED GROUND COVER PRIOR TO DEMOBILIZATION. REMOVE ANY TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSINGS AND TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, 17. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TREAT AREAS OF INVASIVE SPECIES VEGETATION THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT AREA ACCORDING TO THE DESIGN PLANS AND CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS PRIOR TO DEMOBILIZATION. 18. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PLANT WOODY VEGETATION AND LIVE STAKES, ACCORDING TO PLANTING DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE THE REFORESTATION PHASE OF THE PROJECT AND APPLY PERMANENT SEEDING AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME OF THE YEAR. 19, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OFF-SITE REMOVAL OF ALL TRASH. EXCESS BACKFILL, AND ANY OTHER INCIDENTAL MATERIALS PRIOR TO DEMOBILIZATION OF EQUIPMENT FROM THE SITE. THE DISPOSAL AND STOCKPILE LOCATIONS SELECTED MUST BE APPROVED TO THE ENGINEER AND ANY FEES SHALL BE PAID FOR BY THE CONTRACTOR. GENERAL NOTES 1, THE PROJECT SITE IS LOCATED IN JOHNSTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, APPROXIMATELY 3.1 MILES SOUTH OF THE TOWN OF WENDELL AS SHOWN ON THE COVER SHEET VICINITY MAP. TO ACCESS THE SITE FROM RALEIGH, TAKE 1.440 E AND US -264 EAJS-64 E TO MARKS CREEK. TAKE EXIT 427 FROM US -264 EIUS-64 E (14.7 MI) AND CONTINUE ON WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY, TAKE EAGLE ROCK ROAD AND STOTTS MILL ROAD TO WENDELL ROAD. TAKE A RIGHT ONTO THE GRAVEL ENTRANCE AT 2499 WENDELL ROAD. FOLLOW THE FARM ROAD TO THE SITE BOUNDARY. 2. THE PROJECT SITE BOUNDARIES ARE SHOWN ON THE DESIGN PLANS AS THE PROPOSED I P EO CONSERVATION EASEMENT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM ALL RELATED WORK ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE PROJECT SITE BOUNDARIES AND/OR WITHIN THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE (LOD). THE PROJECT SITE SHALL BE ACCESSED THROUGH THE DESIGNATED ACCESS POINTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING PERMITTED ACCESS THROUGHOUT ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS AND MEASURES TO PROTECT ALL PROPERTIES FROM DAMAGE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR ALL DAMAGE CAUSED BY HISMER OPERATIONS TO ALL PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PROPERTY AND LEAVE THE PROPERTY IN GOOD CONDITION AND/OR AT LEAST EQUIVALENT TO THE PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS. UPON COMPLETION OF ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES, THE AREA IS TO BE RESTORED TO A CONDITION EQUAL TO OR BETTER THAN FOUND PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 4. THE TOPOGRAPHIC BASE MAP WAS DEVELOPED USING SURVEY DATA COLLECTED BY WITHERSRAVENEL, INC. (WR) IN THE FALL OF 2016. THE HORIZONTAL DATUM WAS TIED TO NAD83 NC STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, US SURVEY FEET AND NAVD88 VERTICAL DATUM USING VRS NETWORK AND NCGS MONUMENT. IT IS POSSIBLE THAT EXISTING ELEVATIONS AND SITE CONDTIONS MAY HAVE CHANGED SINCE THE ORIGINAL SURVEY WAS COMPLETED DUE TO EROSION. AND/OR SEDIMENT ACCRETION. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO CONFIRM EXISTING GRADES AND ADJUST QUANTITIES, EARTHWORK. AND WORK EFFORTS AS NECESSARY. S. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE AND THOROUGHLY FAMILIARIZE HIMMERSELF WITH ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS. PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE ACCURACY AND COMPLETENESS OF THE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS AND DESIGN PLANS REGARDING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THE WORK DESCRIBED. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BRING ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND/OR FIELD CONDITIONS TO THE ATTENTION OF THE SPONSORS ENGINEER BEFORE CONSTRUCTION BEGINS. 7. THERE SHALL BE NO CLEARING OR REMOVAL OF ANY NATIVE SPECIES VEGETATION OR TREES OF SIGNIFICANCE, OTHER THAN THOSE INDICATED ON THE PLANS OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXERCISE CARE DURING GRADING ACTIVITIES IN THE VICINITY OF NATIVE VEGETATION AND TREES OF SIGNIFICANCE AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. ALL GRADING IN THE VICINITY OF TREES NOT IDENTIFIED FOR REMOVAL SHALL BE MADE IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT DISTURB THE ROOT SYSTEM WITHIN THE DRIP LINE OF THE TREE. 9. WORK ACTIVITIES ARE BEING PERFORMED AS AN ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PLAN NEAR PRIVATE RESIDENCES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE ALL REASONABLE EFFORTS TO REDUCE SEDIMENT LOSS, PROTECT PUBLIC SAFETY, AND MINIMIZE DISTURBANCE OF THE SITE WHILE PERFORMING THE CONSTRUCTION WORK. ALL AREAS SHALL BE KEPT NEAT, CLEAN, AND FREE OF ALL TRASH AND DEBRIS, AND ALL REASONABLE PRECAUTIONS SHALL BE TAKEN TO AVOID DAMAGE TO EXISTING ROADS, VEGETATION, TURF, STRUCTURES. AND PRIVATE PROPERTY. 10. PRIOR TO START OF WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT THE SOURCE OF MATERIALS, INCLUDING AGGREGATES, EROSION CONTROL MATTING, WOOD AND NATIVE PLANTING MATERIAL TO THE ENGINEER FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. NO WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED UNTIL THE SOURCE OF MATERIAL IS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 11. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE HELD SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY NECESSARY COORDINATION BETWEEN THE VARIOUS COUNTY, STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES, UTILITY COMPANIES, HISMER SUB -CONTRACTORS, AND THE ENGINEER FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. 12. PRIOR TO START OF WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT THEIR DETAILED PLANTING SCHEDULE TO THE ENGINEER FOR REVIEW. NO WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED UNTIL THIS SCHEDULE IS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. THE DETAILED PLANTING SCHEDULE SHALL CONFORM TO THE PLANTING REVEGETATION PLAN AND SHALL INCLUDE A SPECIES LIST AND TIMING SEQUENCE. 13. THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO INSTALL IN -STREAM STRUCTURES AND CULVERT PIPES USING A BACKHOE/EXCAVATOR WITH A HYDRAULIC THUMB OF SUFFICIENT SIZE TO PLACE STRUCTURES INCLUDING LOGS, STONE, BOULDERS, ROOT WADS. AND TEMPORARY WOOD MAT STREAM CROSSINGS. GRADING NOTES 1. NO GRADING ACTIVITIES SHALL OCCUR BEYOND THE PROJECT LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE (LOD) AS SHOWN ON THE DESIGN PLANS. 2. ONCE PROPOSED GRADES ARE ACHIEVED ALONG THE CONSTRUCTED STREAM CHANNEL, BANKFULL BENCHES AND FLOODPLAIN AREAS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS, GRADED AREAS SHALL BE ROUGHENED USING TECHNIQUES DESCRIBED IN THE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS. 3. ALL SUITABLE SOIL MATERIAL REQUIRED TO FILL AND/OR PLUG EXISTING DITCHES AND'OR STREAM CHANNEL SHALL BE GENERATED ONSITE AS DESCRIBED IN THE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS. ANY EXCESS SPOIL MATERIAL SHALL BE STOCKPILED IN DESIGNATED AREAS AND OR HAULED OFF-SITE AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 1iWATER & LAND SOLUTIONS 10940 Raven Ridge Rd., Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27614 (919)614-5111 waterlandsolutions.com PROJECT ENGINEER ```W11111111171j i i 2216 _- e +;� � '• •;GINEOf \'```` '�71IIIIIIIIIWIW ENGINEERING SERVICES BY WLS ENGINEERING, PLLC FIRM LICENSE NO. P-1480 REVISIONS ADRAFT MIT PLAN 7-21-17 B ___ FINAL DRAFT MIT PLAN 8-21-17 C FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-17 D ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1-29-18 E AS -BUILT 11.30-18 NO. I DESCRIPTION I DATE PROJECT NAME EDWARDS- JOHNSON MITIGATION PROJECT JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC DRAWING INFORMATION PROJECT NO.: 97080 FILENAME : @ EANMJ%WSON CFNBW.NOTB-SYM BB LW'. DESIGNEDBY: KMVNJSH DRAWN BY : APL DATE : 11-30.18 HORIZ. SCALE: N.T.S. VERT. SCALE: NIA SHEET NAME LEGEND/ CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE/ GENERAL NOTES SHEET NUMBER ^ Wbkf GROUND PROPOSED GROUND RIFFLE N.T.S EXISTING TOP OF TERRACE GROUND VARIES Wbkf VARIES PROPOSED D -max h GROUND (V Wb RIFFLE WITH BANKFULL BENCH N.T.S N EXISTING TOP OF TERRACE GROUND EXISTINGVlbkf VARIES Wbkf VARIES ----- - EXISTING- Wbkf GROUND ^" GROUND s D -max PROPOSED D -max D -max tw ` GROUND a' � M• PROPOSED PROPOSED GROUND GROUND "Wb POOL POOL WITH BANKFULL BENCH OUTLET CHANNEL N.T.S N.T.S N.T.S Reach Name R1 R2 R3 (upper) R3 (lower) R4 Feature Riffle Pool Riffle Pool Riffle Pool Riffle Pool Riffle Pool Outlet Channel Width of Bankfull, Wbkf (ft) 7,0 8.7 7.7 9.6 8.2 10.4 8.6 10.6 8.6 10.6 3.0 (MIN.) Average Depth, Dbkf (ft) 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.9 0.7 0.9 0.7 0.9 NIA Maximum Depth, D -Max (ft) 0,8 1.1 0.9 1.3 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.6 1.0 1.6 0.5 Width to Depth Ratio, bkf WID 12.0 12.1 12.0 11.8 12.0 11.5 12.0 11.3 12.0 11.3 NIA Bankfull Area, Abkf (sq ft) 4.1 6.2 5.0 7.8 5.6 9.4 6.1 9.9 1 6.1 9.9 NIA Bottom Width, Wb (ft) 1 2,9 2,6 3.2 2.5 3.3 1 2.2 3.5 1.8 1 3.5 1.8 NIA 4 WATER & LAND SOLUTIONS 10940 Raven Ridge Rd., Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27614 (919)614-5111 waterla ndsolutions.com PROJECT ENGINEER ````tttltlllllttte CAR f -ss 67 e �j'•.,NGINE� .•' ENGINEERING SERVICES BY WLS ENGINEERING, PLLC FIRM LICENSE NO. P-1480 REVISIONS A DRAFT MIT PLAN 7-21-17 B FINAL DRAFT MIT PLAN 8-21-17 C FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-17 D ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1-29.18 E AS -BUILT 11-30.18 NO. DESCRIPTION DATE PROJECT NAME EDWARDS- JOHNSON MITIGATION PROJECT JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC DRAWING INFORMATION PROJECT NO.: 97080 FILENAME:O3 EDWARDSJOHNSON TYPICAL_SECTIONS.OWG DESIGNED BY: KMV1 SH DRAWN BY. APL DATE: 11-30.18 HORIZ. SCALE: N.T.S. VERT.SCALE: N.T.S. SHEET NAME TYPICAL SECTIONS SHEET NUMBER 3 TOP OF STREAMBANK OPTIONAL COVER LOG SCOUR POOL t f - ROOTWAD (TYP.) TRANSPLANTS PLAN VIEW CONTROL MATTING I (0.S' MAX. HT.) BERM(S) TOP OF TO EXTEND BEYOND STREAMBANK FS OF ROOTWADS. ROOTWADROOTWAD ENTIRE BELOW STREAMBED. (OPTIONAL) SECTION A -A ROOTWADS WITHOUT TRANSPLANTS TRANSPLANTS RESTORED-, STREAMBANK \ > 1/2 OF RC IS BELOW BA R001 NOTES: 1. THE TRENCHING METHOD REQUIRES THAT A TRENCH BE EXCAVATED FOR THE LOG PORTION OF THE ROOTWAD. A COVER LOG SHOULD BE INSTALLED UNDERNEATH THE ROOTWAD IN A TRENCH EXCAVATED PERPENDICULAR TO THE BANK AND BELOW THE RESTORED STREAMBED. ONE-THIRD OF THE ROOTWAD SHOULD REMAIN BELOW NORMAL BASE FLOW CONDITIONS. ENTIRE ROOTWAD TRUNK BELOW STREAMBED. ROOTWADS NOT TO SCALE " `COVER LOG (OPTIONAL) SECTION A -A ROOTWADS WITH TRANSPLANTS BOULDER (OPTIONAL) ` INVERT! Dj�5 GRADE POINT\ \� \ ' SCOUR POOL � f fOP OF STREAM BANK BURY BANK, PLAN VIEW NDN -WOVEN ,-NONTEXTILE FABRIC ARM ANGLE 1\ 20 TO 30' TOP OF STREAM BANK p - FLOW ELEVATION PLANTS SCOUR STREAMBED BEGIN STEP INVERT SET INVERT ELEVATION BASED ON DESIGN PROFILE OR LIVE STAKES NON -WOVEN LOG ELEVATION FOOTER LOG S (OPTIONAL) 5 NOTES_ EROSION CONTROL TOP OF STREAM BANK SHOULD STILL BE USED TO SEAL AROUND LOG. LOGS SHOULD EXTEND INTO THE BANKS 5' ON EACH LOG AT A MAXIMUM OF 3 INCHES ABOVE THE INVERT ELEVATION. 1. MATTING _9 BANKFULI STAGE SIDE rsDD>uR� HARDWOOD AND RECENTLY HARVESTED. 3. SOIL SHALL BE WELL COMPACTED AROUND BURIED PORTION OF FOOTER LOGS WITH BUCKET OF POOL 2. � ! _ _ _1Z --BASEFLOW 1 t� TRACK HOE. 13. CUT A NOTCH IN THE HEADER LOG APPROXIMATELY 30% OF THE CHANNEL ADDITIONAL LOG FILTER FABRIC SHOULD STILL BE USED TO SEAL AROUND HEADER STONE I L 0 J LOG, AT THE DIRECTION OF THE ENGINEER. LOG BACKFILL SHALL BE USED TO CENTER FLOW AND NOT EXCEED 31NCHES IN DEPTH. 3. PLACE FOOTER LOGS FIRST AND THEN HEADER (TOP) LOG. SET HEADER __ - _ BACKFILL ALONG SIDE SLOPES. 14. THE NUMBER OF STEPS MAY VARY BETWEEN BEGINNING AND END LOG AT A MAXIMUM OF 31NCHES ABOVE THE INVERT ELEVATION. FOOTER INSTALL EROSION CONTROL MATTING ALONG COMPLETED BANKS SUCH THAT THE EROSION CONTROL STATIONING. SEE LONGITUDINAL PROFILE FOR STATION AND ELEVATION. - CUT A NOTCH IN THE HEADER LOG APPROXIMATELY 30% OF THE CHANNEL LOG MATTING AT THE TOE OF THE BANK EXTENDS DOWN TO THE UNDERCUT ELEVATION. 15. USE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC FOR DRAINAGE TO SEAL GAPS BETWEEN LOGS. BOTTOM WIDTH AND EXTENDING DOWN TO THE INVERT ELEVATION. NOTCH 1%-2%CROSSSLOPE NOTCH (SEE AAT _ 16. PLACE VEGETATION TRANSPLANTS FROM TOE OF STREAMBANK TO TOP OF NOTCH (SEE NOTE 13) `�.,� BUINTO BRY ANK 5' MINIMUM NOTE 13) SECTION A -A FINAL CHANNEL BED SHAPE SHOULD BE ROUNDED, COMPACTED, AND CONCAVE, WITH THE ELEVATION I) "-LARGE STONE (TYP-) POOL tMDTH I BACKFILL ZBANKFULLL STEP 9. (1.3X BANKFULL Y,I ALONG TOE TA, INVERT WIDTH) STONE AND LOG STEP POOL_ 7. ELEVATION NOTCH (SEE POOL TO POOL SPACING OR CASCADE POOLS MAY BE SUBSTITUTED IN AREAS WHERE EXISTING SLOPES EXCEED 10% AS FLOW-- _- �-- NOTE 13) VARIES. SEE NOTE #9 FOR POOL DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER. NOT TO SCALE SCOUR _ _ _ _ SPACING REQUIREMENTS. POOL H=STEP BASEFLOW TOP OF STREAM BANK ( 1 I / / - POOL TOE F MINIMUM �. ( k1 l �� STREAM BANK ` ) I END STEP INVERT NON -WOVEN Y B ELEVATION GEOTEXTILE ` / \ FABRIC PROFILE B -B RESTORED + STREAMBED LAR ONE BACKFILL BOULDER (OPTIONAL) ` INVERT! Dj�5 GRADE POINT\ \� \ ' SCOUR POOL � f fOP OF STREAM BANK BURY BANK, PLAN VIEW NDN -WOVEN ,-NONTEXTILE FABRIC ARM ANGLE 1\ 20 TO 30' TOP OF STREAM BANK INVERT - FLOW ELEVATION i. SCOUR STREAMBED POOL STONE BACKFILL HEADER NON -WOVEN LOG GEOTEXTILE FABRIC FOOTER LOG S (OPTIONAL) MINIMUM SECTION A -A 2/3 BANKFULL STAGE FLOW- .1pj'� q5+ M S�pP RESTORED STREAMSED ELEVATION PR Sim BOULDER (OPTIONAL) 1, B ROOT WAD HEADER LOG FOOTERLOG (OPTIONAL) PROFILE B -B NOTES: 1. LOGS SHOULD BE AT LEAST 1D" IN DIAMETER. RELATIVELY STRAIGHT, HARDWOOD, AND RECENTLY HARVESTED. 2. SOIL SHOULD BE COMPACTED WELL AROUND BURIED PORTIONS OF LOGS. 3. ROOTWADS SHOULD BE PLACED BENEATH THE HEADER LOG AND PLACED SO THAT IT LOCKS THE HEADER LOG INTO THE BANK. SEE ROOTWAD DETAIL 4. BOULDERS OF SUFFICIENT SIZE CAN PLACED ON TOP OF HEADER LOG FOR ANCHORING, PER DIRECTION OF ENGINEER. 5. LOGS SHOULD BE BURIED INTO THE STREAM BED AND BANKS AT LEAST 5 FEET. 6, GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SHOULD BE NAILED TO THE LOG BELOW THE BACKFILL, 7. TRANSPLANTS CAN BE USED INSTEAD OF ROOTWADS, PER DIRECTION OF ENGINEER. LOG VANE NOT TO SCALE INVERT ELEVATION PLAN VIEW NOTES: ry ll VIcVV TOP OF STREAM BANK INVERT �- FLOW ELEVATION i. LOGS SHOULD BE AT LEAST 12 INCHES IN DIAMETER, RELATIVELY STRAIGHT HARDWOOD AND 10, INTERIOR LOGS SHOULD BE AT A SLIGHT ANGLE (-70 DEGREES) FROM THE SCOUR POOL RECENTLY HARVESTED. STREAMBANK AND CROSS SLOPES SHOULD BE 1-2%. NON -WOVEN 2. LOGS >24 INCHES IN DIAMETER MAY BE USED ALONE WITHOUT AN ADDITIONAL LOG FILTER FABRIC 11. PLACE FOOTER LOGS FIRST AND THEN HEADER (TOP) LOG, SET HEADER NOTES_ 5 MINIMUM SHOULD STILL BE USED TO SEAL AROUND LOG. LOGS SHOULD EXTEND INTO THE BANKS 5' ON EACH LOG AT A MAXIMUM OF 3 INCHES ABOVE THE INVERT ELEVATION. 1. LOGS SHOULD BE AT LEAST 12 INCHES IN DIAMETER, RELATIVELY STRAIGHT SIDE 12. AVERAGE STEP HEIGHTS/DROPS SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.5 UNLESS SHOWN HARDWOOD AND RECENTLY HARVESTED. 3. SOIL SHALL BE WELL COMPACTED AROUND BURIED PORTION OF FOOTER LOGS WITH BUCKET OF OTHERWISE. 2. LOGS>24 INCHES IN DIAMETER MAY BE USED ALONE WITHOUT AN TRACK HOE. 13. CUT A NOTCH IN THE HEADER LOG APPROXIMATELY 30% OF THE CHANNEL ADDITIONAL LOG FILTER FABRIC SHOULD STILL BE USED TO SEAL AROUND 4. INSTALL GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC UNDERNEATH LOGS. BOTTOM WIDTH AND EXTENDING DOWN TO THE INVERT ELEVATION. NOTCH LOG, AT THE DIRECTION OF THE ENGINEER. 5. UNDERCUT POOL BED ELEVATION 81NCHES TO ALLOW FOR LAYER OF STONE INSTALL LARGE STONE SHALL BE USED TO CENTER FLOW AND NOT EXCEED 31NCHES IN DEPTH. 3. PLACE FOOTER LOGS FIRST AND THEN HEADER (TOP) LOG. SET HEADER BACKFILL ALONG SIDE SLOPES. 14. THE NUMBER OF STEPS MAY VARY BETWEEN BEGINNING AND END LOG AT A MAXIMUM OF 31NCHES ABOVE THE INVERT ELEVATION. S. INSTALL EROSION CONTROL MATTING ALONG COMPLETED BANKS SUCH THAT THE EROSION CONTROL STATIONING. SEE LONGITUDINAL PROFILE FOR STATION AND ELEVATION. 4, CUT A NOTCH IN THE HEADER LOG APPROXIMATELY 30% OF THE CHANNEL MATTING AT THE TOE OF THE BANK EXTENDS DOWN TO THE UNDERCUT ELEVATION. 15. USE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC FOR DRAINAGE TO SEAL GAPS BETWEEN LOGS. BOTTOM WIDTH AND EXTENDING DOWN TO THE INVERT ELEVATION. NOTCH 7. INSTALL LARGE STONE BACKFILL ALONG SIDE SLOPES. 16. PLACE VEGETATION TRANSPLANTS FROM TOE OF STREAMBANK TO TOP OF SHALL BE USED TO CENTER FLOW AND NOT EXCEED 3 INCHES IN DEPTH. e. FINAL CHANNEL BED SHAPE SHOULD BE ROUNDED, COMPACTED, AND CONCAVE, WITH THE ELEVATION STREAMBANK. 5. USE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC FOR DRAINAGE TO SEAL GAPS BETWEEN LOGS. OF THE BED APPROXIMATELY 1) .5 FT DEEPER IN THE CENTER THAN AT THE EDGES, 17. SEE TYPICAL SECTION FOR CHANNEL DIMENSIONS. 6. INSTALL VEGETATION TRANSPLANTS FROM TOE OF STREAM BANK TO TOP 9. AVERAGE POOL POOL SPACING SHALL BE SHOWN ON THE PROFILE SPECIFIED BY ENGINEER OF STREAM BRNK. BASED ON EXISTING CONDITIONS SUCH AS SLOPE AND SUITABLE FILL MATERIAL. RIFFLE STEP -POOLS STONE AND LOG STEP POOL_ 7. SEE TYPICAL SECTION FOR CHANNEL DIMENSIONS. OR CASCADE POOLS MAY BE SUBSTITUTED IN AREAS WHERE EXISTING SLOPES EXCEED 10% AS DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER. NOT TO SCALE STREAM BANK `; TOP OF STREAM SET INVERT ELEVATION TRANSPLANTS - BASED ON DESIGN PROFILE OR LIVE STAKES EROSION CONTROL MATTING _ _ v BANKFULL STAGE _p9 BASEFLOW BURYINTO BANK V MINIMUM (TYP.) SECTION A -A LOG FOO LOG LOG WEIR NOT TO SCALE PROFILE B -B 4 WATER & LAND SOLUTIONS 10940 Raven Ridge Rd., Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27614 (919) 614-5111 watedandsolutions.com PROJECT ENGINEER CA `TI11111111/1/j' 967 010 - f �I Q`I °t+O(•yeo•Ne•° 1 �� ENGINEERING SERVICES BY WLS ENGINEERING, PLLC FIRM LICENSE NO. P-1480 REVISIONS A DRAFT MIT PLAN 7-21-17 B FINAL DRAFT MIT PLAN 8-21-17 C FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-17 D ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1-29-18 E AS -BUILT 11-30.18 NO. DESCRIPTION DATE PROJECT NAME EDWARDS- JOHNSON MITIGATION PROJECT JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC DRAWING INFORMATION PROJECT NO.: 97080 FILENAME :01-07 EDWAADS JOHNSON OETAJL SHEETS.DWC DESIGNED BY: KMVAASH DRAWN BY: APL r --ATE: 11-30-18 HORIZ. SCALE: N.T.S. VERT. SCALE: N.T.S. SHEET NAME i SHEET NUMBER 4 TOP OF STREAM BANK INVERT �- FLOW ELEVATION STREAMBED SCOUR POOL STONE BACKFILL NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC HEADER LOG FOOTER LOG 5 MINIMUM LOG WEIR NOT TO SCALE PROFILE B -B 4 WATER & LAND SOLUTIONS 10940 Raven Ridge Rd., Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27614 (919) 614-5111 watedandsolutions.com PROJECT ENGINEER CA `TI11111111/1/j' 967 010 - f �I Q`I °t+O(•yeo•Ne•° 1 �� ENGINEERING SERVICES BY WLS ENGINEERING, PLLC FIRM LICENSE NO. P-1480 REVISIONS A DRAFT MIT PLAN 7-21-17 B FINAL DRAFT MIT PLAN 8-21-17 C FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-17 D ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1-29-18 E AS -BUILT 11-30.18 NO. DESCRIPTION DATE PROJECT NAME EDWARDS- JOHNSON MITIGATION PROJECT JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC DRAWING INFORMATION PROJECT NO.: 97080 FILENAME :01-07 EDWAADS JOHNSON OETAJL SHEETS.DWC DESIGNED BY: KMVAASH DRAWN BY: APL r --ATE: 11-30-18 HORIZ. SCALE: N.T.S. VERT. SCALE: N.T.S. SHEET NAME i SHEET NUMBER 4 E - SECONDARY LOGS AND WOODY DEBRIS ;.Y ,�ii� TOE OF STREAM BANKIrl=TOP OF STREAM BANKHEADER >w�LOG � SET INVERT ELEVATION BASED B I _ H s0.3 ON DESIGN PROFILE ENDINVERT ELEVATION TOF BEGIN INVERT TRANSPLANTS ELEVATION OR LIVE STAKES EROSION CONTROL LL HEADER MATTING a LL STAGE LOG I�) \ g BASEFLOW / HEAT J LOG FOO' LOG T� `(A �' J 5 MINIMU 5 MINIMUM '� BURIED INTO BURIED INTO BANK BANK ;.Y ,�ii� TOE OF STREAM BANKIrl=TOP OF STREAM BANKHEADER >w�LOG � r ONSITE ALLUVIUM B I _ H s0.3 b ENDINVERT ELEVATION NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC (TYPICAL) PLAN VIEW S MINIMUM FOOTER LOGS NOTES: LOG "� N?W 9 1 PRIMARY LOGS SHOULD BE AT LEAST 12" OR MORE IN DIAMETER, RELATIVELY STRAIGHT. HARDWOOD BACKFILL WITH AND RECENTLY HARVESTED AND EXTENDING INTO THE BANK VON EACH SIDE SUITABLE ON-SITE 24" MINIMUM DEF 2, SECONDARY LOGS SHOULD BE AT LEAST 4" IN DIAMETER AND NO LARGER THAN 10' AND EXTEND INTO ALLUVIUM THE BANK 3' ON EACH SIDE. WOODY DEBRIS MATERIAL SHALL BE VARYING DIAMETER TO ALLOW PROFILE B -B MATERIAL TO BE COMPACTED. 3. NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SHOULD BE NAILED TO THE HEADER LOG BELOW THE BACKFILL 4. ROOT WADS AND EROSION CONTROL MATTING CAN BE USED INSTEAD OF TRANSPLANTS OR LIVE STAKES PER DIRECTION OF ENGINEER. 5. AFTER TRENCH HAS BEEN EXCAVATED A LAYER OF SECONDARY LOGS AND WOODY DEBRIS SHOULD BE PLACED WITH MINIMAL GAPS. A LAYER OF ON-SITE ALLUVIUM SHOULD BE APPLIED TO FILL VOIDS BETWEEN SECONDARY LOGS BEFORE ADDITIONAL LAYERS ARE PLACED. S. SEE TYPICAL SECTION FOR CHANNEL DIMENSIONS, CONSTRUCTED LOG RIFFLE NOT TO SCALE GRADE SIDE SLOPES NO STEEPER THAN 3H INFLOW`w ` SHALLOW - POOL SHALLOW POOL PLAN VIEW INFLOW 18' POOL DEPTH STORAGE VOLUME ELEVATION Y _ � NISHED GRADE Iy�� --_. —�a../I ia../ OUTLET CHANNEL (WIDTH VARIES) 4' WIDE EMBANKMENT WITH STONE COVER (OPTIONAL AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER) ENGINEER) OUTLET CHANNEL NOTES. EXISTING GRADE— 1. CONSTRUCT EMBANKMENT WITH COMPACTED SOILAND SUITABLE MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH TECHNICAL CONSTRUCT EMBANKMENT WITH SPECIFICATIONS. SECTION A - A COMPACTED SOIL AND SUITABLE 2 BACKFILL MATERIAL (TVPJ WATER OUAUTY TREATMENT FEATURE VARIES IN SIZE AND SHAPE AS SHOWN ON PLANS. 3. PLANT APPROPRIATE WETLAND SPECIES VEGETATION AS SPECIFIED IN THE PLANTING PLAN. WATER QUALITY TREATMENT FEATURE NOT TO SCALE .'��. ,.� OF STREAM BANK SECONDARY LOGS AND WOODY DEBRIS 5' MINIMUM 4 WATER & LAND SOLUTIONS 10940 Raven Ridge Rd., Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27614 (919)614-5111 waterlandsolutions.com PROJECT ENGINEER \111111111//,17! CAR • <iq� •••......°• ttilllllllil\\ ENGINEERING SERVICES BY WIS ENGINEERING, PLLC FIRM UCENSE NO. P-1480 REVISIONS A DRAFT MIT PLAN 7-21-17 B FINAL DRAFT MIT PLAN 8-21-17 C FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-17 D ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1-29.1 B E AS -BUILT 11-30.18 PROJECT NAME EDWARDS- JOHNSON MITIGATION PROJECT JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC DRAWING INFORMATION PROJECT NO.: 97080 FILENAME: 04.O EDWARDS JDHNSONjDEFAIL SHEETS,DWG DESIGNED BY: KMVAIVSH DRAWN BY: APL DATE: 11-30-18 HORIZ. SCALE: N.T.S. VERT. SCALE: N.T.S. SHEET NAME SHEET NUMBER 5 EXTEND WOODY DEBRIS MATERIAL TO 1/4 BANKFULL WIDTH SCOUR TOP OF RESTORED STREAM BANK POOL 14 k STAKE TOP LAYER OF EROSION CONTROL MATTING IN 6" TRENCH (SEE COIR FIBER MATTING DETAIL) BACKFILL 1.5' LIFT OF COMPACTED ON-SITE SOIL (TYP.) ADD BOULDERS OR OTHER APPROVED COUNTERWEIGHT TO PREVENT WOOD j FROM FLOATING gol PLACE THICK LAYER OF 1%6" DIAMETER WOODY DEBRIS COVER LOGS AND/OR ROOT WADS INSTALLED IN LOCATIONS AS SHOWN ON PLANS AND PER RESPECTIVE DETAILS FOB rol PLAN VIEW TOP OF RESTORED STREAM BANK NOTES: 1. DIG A TRENCH BELOW THE RESTORED STREAMBED FOR THE STONE BACKFILL. 2. FILL TRENCH WITH STONE BACKFILL. 1- FOUNDATION LOGS TO BE INSTALLED AT ANGLES SHOWN BETWEEN 15-25" PLAN VIEW BANKFULLSTAGE — HORIZONTAL SETBACK FOR LIFT IS APPROX.1 FT. POINT BAR A LIVE BRANCH CUTTINGS (SEE (SEE TYPICAL SECTIONS) PLANTING PLAN FOR SPECIES) _ EROSION CONTROL MATTING '��� __-� ♦1�� ENCOMPASSES LIFT � J U. BASEFLOW RESTORED STREAMBED -`INSTALL FOUNDATION LOGS SUCH THAT AT LEAST HALF OF THE LOG DIAMETER IS BELOW THE RESTORED STREAMBED SECTION A - A ELEVATION, GEOLIFT WI TOE WOOD NOT TO SCALE OF STREAM BANK TOP OF STREAM BANK BANKFULL STAGE_ NCOMPACTED HEAD OF RIFFLE RIFFLE OmaK1= MAX DEPTH INVERT ELEVATION FIL L 1.5' MINIMUM A T (tF G TOE OF STREAMBANK L(/Q�},� V NEW STREAMBANK EROSION CONTROL J 16" MIN. THICKNESS MATTING SHOULD BE STONE BACKFILL PLACED BENEATH STONE SHALL BE TREATED AS BACKFILL .� TOP OF STREAM BANK SECTION A -A 16" MIN. THICKNESS STONE BACKFILL LIVE STAKE NCOMPACTED TAIL OF RIFFLE STq`C,E RESTORED STREAMBED FIL L 1.5' MINIMUM A T (tF G V PLAN VIEW OF STREAM BANK TOP OF STREAMBANK P OF STREAMBANK PLANT LIVE STAKES FROM TOP OF STREAM BANK TO TOE OF STREAM BANK IN A DIAMOND SHAPED, STAGGERED PATTERN TO SPECIFIED SPACING TRFAMRANK SECTION A -A NO LIVE STAKES ON POINT BAR OF STREAMBANK OFSTREAMBANK IV. --X `��'I.,.' IV --- V TO B' SPACING =2' TO X SPACING = NO LIVE STAKES LIVE STAKE SPACING PLAN VIEW SQUARE CUT TOP BUDS FACING UPWARD 2' TO T LENGTH LIVE CUTTING MINIMUM 12" DIAMETER ANGLE CUT 30 TO 45 DEGREES LIVE STAKE DETAIL NOTES 1. LIVE STAKES SHOULD BE CUT AND INSTALLED ON THE SAME DAY. 2. DO NOT INSTALL LIVE STAKES THAT HAVE BEEN SPLIT. 3. LIVE STAKES MUST BE INSTALLED WITH BUDS POINTING UPWARDS. 4. LIVE STAKES SHOULD BE INSTALLED PERPENDICULAR TO BANK 5. LIVE STAKES SHOULD BE 12 TO 2 INCHES IN DIAMETER AND 2 TO 3 FEET LONG. 6. LIVE STAKES SHOULD BE INSTALLED LEAVING 1/5 OF THE LENGTH OF THE LIVE LIVESTAKING STAKE ABOVE GROUND. NOT TO SCALE CHANNEL TO BE RELOCATED TOP OF STREAMBANK \ NEW FLOW DIRECTION LAS ' CHANNELBLOCK 10�\ PLAN VIEW \ \ F_ 4 WATER & LAND SOLUTIONS 10940 Raven Ridge Rd., Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27614 (919)614-5111 waterlandsolutions.com PROJECT ENGINEER CA `j11111111►i1!!/ i Illllllllllll�`` ENGINEERING SERVICES BY WLS ENGINEERING, PLLC FIRM LICENSE NO. P-1480 REVISIONS A DRAFT MIT PLAN 7-21-17 B FINAL DRAFT MIT PLAN 8-21-17 C FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-17 D ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1-29-18 E AS -BUILT 11-30.18 NO. DESCRIPTION DATE PROJECT NAME EDWARDS- JOHNSON MITIGATION PROJECT JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC DRAWING INFORMATION PROJECT NO.: 97080 FILENAME :044 EDWARDS JOHNSONDETAIL SHEETS OWG DESIGNED BY: KMV/ SH DRAWN BY: APL DATE: 11-30-18 HORIZ. SCALE: N.T.S. VERT. SCALE : N.T.S. �BA_KFU-�L NCOMPACTED TAIL OF RIFFLE STq`C,E FIL L 1.5' MINIMUM INVERT ELEVATION -�- ` NEW STREAMBANK FLOW '�- SHALL BE TREATED AS _ _ TAIL OF RIFFLE SPECIFIED IN PLANS INVERT ELEVATION FINISHED GRADE RIFFLE ".- ^` 1 OPTIONAL ROOT WAD OMPACTED BASEFLOW PLACEMENT AS DIRECTED ♦ BACKFILL — v BY ENGINEER HEAD OF RIFFLE RLti SHEET NAME INVERT ELEVATION CHANNEL INVERT POOL - _ OLD FLOW -- PROFILE B -B 16" MIN. THICKNESS STONE BACKFILL NOTES: 1. COMPACT BACKFILL USING ON-SITE SECTION A -A DETAILS HEAVY EQUIPMENT IN 10 INCH LIFTS. 2. FILL DITCH PLUG TO TOP OF BANKS OR AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER CHANNEL BLOCK NOT TO SCALE CONSTRUCTED STONE RIFFLE SHEET NUMBER NOT TO SCALE 6 2. LOGS SHOULD BE BURIED INTO THE STREAM BED AND BANKS TRANSPLANTED VEGETATION, AT LEAST 5 FEET. 113113 3. SOIL SHOULD BE COMPACTED WELL AROUND BURIED PORTIONS OF LOGS. FOOTER LOG 4. INSTALL GEOTEXTILE FABRIC BEGINNING AT THE TOP OF THE HEADER LOG AND (OPTIONAL) PROFILE B -B EXTEND DOWNWARD TO THE DEPTH OF THE BOTTOM FOOTER LOG AND THEN SOIL MATERIAL BOTTOM BOTTOM _ TOE OF STREAM BANK LOG BELOW THE BACKFILL. RESTORED STREAMBED 5. EXCAVATE ATRENCH BELOW THE BED FOR FOOTER LOG AND PLACE FILL ON PLAN VIEW OF STREAM BANK UPSTREAM SIDE OF VANE ARM, BETWEEN THE ARM AND STREAMBANK. WIDTH OF WIDTH OF S. START AT BANK AND PLACE FOOTER BOULDERS FIRST AND THEN HEADER BOULDERS. INVERTf GRADE POINT 7. CONTINUE WITH STRUCTURE, FOLLOWING ANGLE AND SLOPE SPECIFICATIONS. (-1.3X BANKFULL Y O NNEL CHANNEL BANK 5' AT DIRECTION OF ENGINEER. STONE BACKFILL 9. USE HAND PLACED STONE TO FILL GAPS ON UPSTREAM SIDE OF HEADER AND FOOTER (TYP.) BOULDERS. 10. AFTER ALL STONE BACKFILL HAS BEEN PLACED, FILL IN THE UPSTREAM SIDE OF THE HEADER LOG u¢~ ¢ 11. VEGETATION TRANSPLANTS CAN BE USED INSTEAD OF ROOTWADS, PER DIRECTION OF ENGINEER STONE ww ARM A BACKFILL 0 /in 20'70 / NON -WOVEN HEADER GEOTEXTILE FABRIC GEOTEFABRIC TILE m W BOULDER FOOTER LOG (OPTIONAL) FABRIC 5' MINIMUM q / } SECTION A -A I _ 4 LOGS BURIDIN STREAMBANK / SCOUR\ AT lk`AST 5' / POOL j Z /\/\ ;p 213 BANKFULL STAGE - S FLOW-4PQM Sy p RESTORED STREAMBED ELEVATION ' ROOTWAD (OPTIONAL) ' PLAN VIEW 1 NOTES: _ 1. LOGS SHOULD BE 12- TO 18' IN DIAMETER, RELATIVELY STRAIGHT, HARDWOOD. HEADER HEADER AND RECENTLY HARVESTED. LOG BOULDER 2. LOGS SHOULD BE BURIED INTO THE STREAM BED AND BANKS TRANSPLANTED VEGETATION, AT LEAST 5 FEET. WITH ROOTMASS, AND SOIL 3. SOIL SHOULD BE COMPACTED WELL AROUND BURIED PORTIONS OF LOGS. FOOTER LOG 4. INSTALL GEOTEXTILE FABRIC BEGINNING AT THE TOP OF THE HEADER LOG AND (OPTIONAL) PROFILE B -B EXTEND DOWNWARD TO THE DEPTH OF THE BOTTOM FOOTER LOG AND THEN SOIL MATERIAL UPSTREAM TO A MINIMUM OF FIVE FEET. GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SHOULD BE NAILED TO THE _ TOE OF STREAM BANK LOG BELOW THE BACKFILL. RESTORED STREAMBED 5. EXCAVATE ATRENCH BELOW THE BED FOR FOOTER LOG AND PLACE FILL ON PLAN VIEW OF STREAM BANK UPSTREAM SIDE OF VANE ARM, BETWEEN THE ARM AND STREAMBANK. � I I S. START AT BANK AND PLACE FOOTER BOULDERS FIRST AND THEN HEADER BOULDERS. 7. CONTINUE WITH STRUCTURE, FOLLOWING ANGLE AND SLOPE SPECIFICATIONS. (-1.3X BANKFULL S. AN OPTIONAL COVER LOG CAN BE PLACED IN SCOUR POOL FOR HABITAT IMPROVEMENT BANK 5' AT DIRECTION OF ENGINEER. MINIMUM SECTION A -A 9. USE HAND PLACED STONE TO FILL GAPS ON UPSTREAM SIDE OF HEADER AND FOOTER (TYP.) BOULDERS. 10. AFTER ALL STONE BACKFILL HAS BEEN PLACED, FILL IN THE UPSTREAM SIDE OF THE STRUCTURE WITH ON-SITE ALLUVIUM TO THE ELEVATION OF THE TOP OF THE HEADER BOULDER AND LOG. 11. VEGETATION TRANSPLANTS CAN BE USED INSTEAD OF ROOTWADS, PER DIRECTION OF ENGINEER GRADE CONTROL LOG J -HOOK VANE NOT TO SCALE TRENCH LIMITS j�)j 1-( 24- MAX. TYP (TRENCH ONLY) ® ® ® a ® ® IIn ® 0 36" MAX. TYP .99, I SMALL MATTING STAKES- j �+�.% 1-{1CQY:b)') L LARGE MATTING STAKES PLAN VIEW OF STREAM BANK INSTALL EDGE OF EROSION CONTROL MATTING IN 12 INCH DEEP TRENCH. AND SECURE BY STAKING, BACKFILLING. AND COMPACTING SOIL TO FINISHED GRADE. Y�TOP OF STREAM BANK - s BANKFULL STAGE i SMALL MATTING STAKES (TYPJ /-TOE OF STREAM BANK p BASEFLOW_ RESTORED STREAMBED OF STREAM BANK EROSION CONTROL MATTING TO BE EXTENDED TO TOE OF SLOPE TYPICAL LARGE MATTING STAKE ��[efj;�FZLLII. f[i,RiiA,�djt{_19y:1S�1C 7S 7NY11'. �TiTil7ii:� � ♦ 1-....... TYPICAL SMALL MATTING STAKE [IIX�7[�.CHi:�ifd!111�It37BLifL`il� C?337fiii:Ra.�.f��I�[[IrY>1.�i1� i1f�G5i:��i7N[�'f39ui7YLT:?3R:i�•f:Ii:]L`ii7 (PECi��1GS�]G[flrF>t��i�l f��i]TT71TkTiriAE1� NOTES: 1. RESTORED STREAM BANKS MUST BE SEEDED AND MULCHED PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF EROSION CONTROL MATTING. 2. SEE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATTING STAKE SPACING REQUIREMENTS. SECURE EROSION CONTROL 3. PLACE LARGE STAKES ALONG ALL MATTING SEAMS, IN MATTING AT TOE OF SLOPE THE CENTER OF STREAM BANK, AND TOE OF SLOPE. SECTION A -A WITH LARGE MATTING STAKES. EROSION CONTROL MATTING NOT TO SCALE TRANSPLANTED VEGETATION, WITH ROOTMASS, AND SOL MATERIAL TRANSPLANTED VEGETATION, NOT TO SCALE WITH ROOTMASS, AND SOIL -- -_,_ MATERIAL OR SUITABLE TOP OF STREAM BANK BASED ON DESIGN PROFILE OR LIVE STAKES SOIL MATERIAL TOP OF STREAMBANK _ TOE OF STREAM BANK RESTORED STREAMBED (A� PLAN VIEW OF STREAM BANK TRANSPLANTED VEGETATION, WITH ROOTMASS, AND SOL MATERIAL TOP OF STREAM BANK S BANKFULL STAGE TOE OF STREAM BANK _ BASE FLOW SECTION A -A NOTES: 1. EXCAVATE A HOLE IN THE RESTORED STREAM BANK THAT WILL ACCOMMODATE THE SIZE OF TRANSPLANT TO BE PLANTED. BEGIN EXCAVATION AT TOE OF THE STREAM BANK. 2. EXCAVATE THE ENTIRE TRANSPLANT ROOT MASS AND AS MUCH ADDITIONAL SOIL MATERIAL AS POSSIBLE. IF ENTIRE ROOT MASS CAN NOT BE EXCAVATED AT ONCE, THE TRANSPLANT IS TOO LARGE AND ANOTHER SHOULD BE SELECTED. 3. PLANT TRANSPLANT IN THE RESTORED STREAM BANK SO THAT VEGETATION IS ORIENTATED VERTICALLY. 4. FILL IN ANY HOLES OR VOIDS AROUND THE TRANSPLANT AND COMPACT. 5, ANY LOOSE SOIL LEFT IN THE STREAM SHOULD BE REMOVED. 6. WHEN POSSIBLE, PLACE MULTIPLE TRANSPLANTS CLOSE TOGETHER SUCH THAT THEIR ROOT MASSES CONTACT. VEGETATION TRANSPLANTS POOL TO POOL SPACING NOT TO SCALE STONE BACKFILL - ELEVATION OR SUITABLE BASED ON DESIGN PROFILE OR LIVE STAKES SOIL MATERIAL TOP OF STREAMBANK 9�ANKFULLL TAGE I I � I I POOL WIDTH (-1.3X BANKFULL BANK 5' WIDTH) MINIMUM SECTION A -A TOP OF STREAM BANK S BANKFULL STAGE TOE OF STREAM BANK _ BASE FLOW SECTION A -A NOTES: 1. EXCAVATE A HOLE IN THE RESTORED STREAM BANK THAT WILL ACCOMMODATE THE SIZE OF TRANSPLANT TO BE PLANTED. BEGIN EXCAVATION AT TOE OF THE STREAM BANK. 2. EXCAVATE THE ENTIRE TRANSPLANT ROOT MASS AND AS MUCH ADDITIONAL SOIL MATERIAL AS POSSIBLE. IF ENTIRE ROOT MASS CAN NOT BE EXCAVATED AT ONCE, THE TRANSPLANT IS TOO LARGE AND ANOTHER SHOULD BE SELECTED. 3. PLANT TRANSPLANT IN THE RESTORED STREAM BANK SO THAT VEGETATION IS ORIENTATED VERTICALLY. 4. FILL IN ANY HOLES OR VOIDS AROUND THE TRANSPLANT AND COMPACT. 5, ANY LOOSE SOIL LEFT IN THE STREAM SHOULD BE REMOVED. 6. WHEN POSSIBLE, PLACE MULTIPLE TRANSPLANTS CLOSE TOGETHER SUCH THAT THEIR ROOT MASSES CONTACT. VEGETATION TRANSPLANTS POOL TO POOL SPACING NOT TO SCALE BEGIN STEP INVERT - ELEVATION SET INVERT ELEVATION TRANSPLANTS BASED ON DESIGN PROFILE OR LIVE STAKES LBASEFLOW TOP OF STREAMBANK 9�ANKFULLL TAGE BASEFLOW BURY INTO 1%-2%- CROSS SLOPE BANK 5' MINIMUM SECTION A -A (TYP.) 7 jWKFFULL STEP INVERT STAGE _!T PION SCOUR STONE POOL BACKFILS FLOW nun-vvuvcry GEOTEXTILE TOP OF I I FABRIC STREAMBANK TOE OF STREAMBANK I �� �� I END STEP INVERT 5' MINIMUM L.(R� I ELEVATION PLAN `VIEW NOTES: 1. LOGS SHOULD BE AT LEAST 12 INCHES IN DIAMETER, RELATIVELY STRAIGHT HARDWOOD AND RECENTLY HARVESTED. 2. LOGS 124 INCHES IN DIAMETER MAY BE USED ALONE WITHOUT AN ADDITIONAL LOG FILTER FABRIC SHOULD STILL BE USED TO SEAL AROUND LOG. LOGS SHOULD EXTEND INTO THE BANKS VON EACH SIDE. 3. SOIL SHALL BE WELL COMPACTED AROUND BURIED PORTION OF FOOTER LOGS WITH BUCKET OF TRACK HOE. 4. INSTALL NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC UNDERNEATH LOGS. 5. UNDERCUT POOL BED ELEVATION 8 INCHES TO ALLOW FOR LAYER OF STONE. INSTALL STONE BACKFILL OR SUITABLE ALLUVIUM ALONG SIDE SLOPES. 6. INSTALL EROSION CONTROL MATTING ALONG COMPLETED BANKS SUCH THAT THE EROSION CONTROL MATTING AT THE TOE OF THE BANK EXTENDS DOWN TO THE UNDERCUT ELEVATION. 7, INSTALL STONE BACKFILL OR SUITABLE SOIL MATERIAL ALONG SIDE SLOPES. 8. FINAL CHANNEL BED SHAPE SHOULD BE ROUNDED, COMPACTED, AND CONCAVE, WITH THE ELEVATION OF THE BED APPROXIMATELY 0.5 FT DEEPER IN THE CENTER THAN AT THE EDGES. 9. AVERAGE POOL TO POOL SPACING SHALL BE SHOWN ON THE PROFILE OR SPECIFIED BY ENGINEER BASED ON EXISTING CONDITIONS SUCH AS SLOPE AND SUITABLE FILL MATERIAL. RIFFLE STEP POOLS OR CASCADE POOLS MAY BE SUBSTITUTED IN AREAS WHERE EXISTING SLOPES EXCEED 10% AS DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER. LOG FOO LOG RESTORED POOL TO POOL SPACING FSTREAMBED VARIES. SEE NOTE k9 FOR POOL - SPACING REQUIREMENTS. LBASEFLOW POOL s 9a 10. INTERIOR LOGS SHOULD BE AT A SLIGHT ANGLE (-70 DEGREES) FROM THE STREAMBANK AND CROSS SLOPES SHOULD BE 1-2%. 11. PLACE FOOTER LOGS FIRST AND THEN HEADER (TOP) LOG. SET HEADER LOG AT A MAXIMUM OF 3 INCHES ABOVE THE INVERT ELEVATION. 12. AVERAGE STEP HEIGHTSIDROPS SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.5 UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE. 13. CUT A NOTCH IN THE HEADER LOG APPROXIMATELY 3D'Aa OF THE CHANNEL BOTTOM WIDTH AND EXTENDING DOWN TO THE INVERT ELEVATION. NOTCH SHALL BE USED TO CENTER FLOW AND NOT EXCEED 31NCHES IN DEPTH. 14. THE NUMBER OF STEPS MAY VARY BETWEEN BEGINNING AND END STATIONING. SEE LONGITUDINAL PROFILE FOR STATION AND ELEVATION. 15. USE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC FOR DRAINAGE TO SEAL GAPS BETWEEN LOGS. 16. PLACE VEGETATION TRANSPLANTS FROM TOE OF STREAMBANK TO TOP OF STREAMBANK. 17. SEE TYPICAL SECTION FOR CHANNEL DIMENSIONS. NOT TO SCALE 14 WATER & LAND SOLUTIONS 10940 Raven Ridge Rd., Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27614 (919)614-5111 waterla ndsolutio ns.com PROJECT ENGINEER `TTT1111111 (/ IN • 2 ENGINEERING SERVICES BY WLS ENGINEERING, PLLC FIRM LICENSE NO. P-1480 REVISIONS A DRAFT MR PLAN 7-21-17 8 FINAL DRAFT MIT PLAN 8-21-17 C FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-17 0 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1-29-18 E AS -BUILT 11-30.18 NO. DESCRIPTION DATE PROJECT NAME EDWARDS- JOHNSON MITIGATION PROJECT JOHNSTON COUNTY, INC DRAWING INFORMATION PROJECT NO.: 97080 FILENAME : W7 EDWARDS JDHNSON_DETAIL SHEETS.DWG DESIGNED BY: KMVANSH DRAWN BY: APL DATE: 11-30-18 HORIZ. SCALE: N.T.S. VERT.SCALE: N.T.S. SHEET NAME DETAILS SHEET NUMBER 7 3� 30 WATER & LAND I 30 SOLUTIONS 30 NO CHANNEL CONSTRUCTION IS PROPOSED FROM STA. 10+00 TO 16+11 10940 Raven Ridge Rd., Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27614 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION R1 (919)614-5111 wateda ndsolutions.com STA. 10+00.00 -� PROJECT ENGINEER LL ,.._---____�,. �, � ,•♦;��, CARP ti 1 AS-BUILT TOP OF�•°O�ESS%� BANK (TYP.) e OZ o e � r DO NOT DISTURB EXISTING WETLANDS / AS THALWEG (TYP.} � e - e (� ' �¢I rYr �. °O•, GINE (TYP.) / -\ \ _ e•' ♦`1 �i� °pbee•M°O • ♦� INSTALL CONSTRUCTED LOG RIFFLE (TYP.) = ' VEGPLOT #1 ENGINEERING SERVICES BY LLC WLS ENGINEERING,io ��— FIRM LICENSE NO. 0 REVISIONS % CHANNEL BLOCK (TYP.) _ - A DRAFT MIT PLAN 7-21-17 B FINAL DRAFT MIT PLAN 8-21-17 \ ( C FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-17 I INSTALL TREE EXISTING FARM D ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1-29-18 PROTECTION FENCING NIF WODELL EDWARDS (TYP) W. PATH TO REMAIN �. �C ` E AS-BUILT 11-30.18 REVOCABLE TRUST I I DB 1900 PG 478 PN 16K02040W C �~ X No. DESCRIPTION DATE PROJECT NAME EDWARDS- 265 -=fes JOHNSON MITIGATION PROJECT JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC DRAWING INFORMATION PROJECT NO.: 97080 FILENAME:08-13 EDWARDSJOHNSON PP SHEETS.DWG 255 255 DESIGNED BY: KMV/WSH n DRAWN BY: APL DATE: 11-30.18 ti \ HORIZ. SCALE: 1" = 60' VERT. SCALE : 1" = 6' ISTINGGROUND� - — — + + II 1. " ° I 3 •/a 1.94 7} s 245 DESIGN BANKF1 JLL 245 30 15 0 30 6D DESIGN THALVk� GRAPHIC SCALE SHEET NAME z s z ZO R1&R2 U OU F- c cn OZ �u)ci ooh PLAN AND Z a Z PROFILE W� co 0WF wmm 235 235 SHEET NUMBER 10+OD 11+00 12+OD 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+OD 17+OD N!F ANNIE LAURA G JOHNSON REVOCABLE TRUST yn x#� X -SECT \ \+ p A WATER y` ATER & LAND DB 1900 PG 478 tY1 #3 -- SOLUTIONS PN 16KO2045 r so 30, �F � INSTALL STONE AND 30 30 X -SECT 10940 Raven Ridge Rd., Suite 200 LOG STEP -POOL (TYP.) INSTALL CONSTRUCTED 30 #4 Raleigh, NC 27614 INSTALL LOG WEIR (,PYP) STONE RIFFLE {TYP.) VEG INSTALL TREE PROTECTION FENCE INSTALL ROOT WADS TYP. { ) dan soluti 11 waterlandsolutions.com PLOT INSTALL GRADE AS -BUILT TOP OF BANK (TYP.) (TYP.) PROJECT ENGINEER #1 CONTROL LOG -� �� J -HOOK VANE (TYP.) CHANNEL BLOCKPLOT (TYP.) -�.�- TF #2 --� `O�••°•°•OSS/ e • / 'i y BUILT THALWEG '� X -SECT #2 INSTALL GEOLIFT WITH INSTALL LOG VANE (TYP.) ��•• •,yC'�N��,•"• �^ �, •°Oj•ejO• ��� r i f INET LLL L(TYOG STEP TOE WOOD (TYP.) CONSTRUCTED OG RIFFLE ST POO CE CE CEFIRM ENGINEERING SERVICES BY WLS ENGINEERING, PLLC CE CE LICENSE NO. P-1480 / REVISIONS A DRAFT MIT PLAN 7-21-17 N/F B FINAL DRAFT MIT PLAN 821-17 R p\N W. ODELL EDWARDS \ IN TSTALL ATERQURETM� //moi C FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-17 D ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1-29-18 REVOCABLE TRUST DB 1900 PG 478 WITH OUTLET CHANNEL I \ E As BUILT 11-30-18 PN 16KO204OW `�� �`"� (SEE TYPICAL SECTION AND DETAIL) NO. DESCRIPTION DATE �\ WATER QUA LI FEATURE / �- fes. PROJECT NAME EDWARDS- 255 2�6 JOHNSON • „ „ MITIGATION „ it ° PROJECT II I II II, �I I it ' JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC II 11 II + it + II 11 „ •. II II II II '�' t II II it • II DRAWING INFORMATION PROJECT NO.: 97080 '6 %• .OD 223o ° � n +n+n n n n 1EDWARDSJOHNSNPP SHEETS,DWG DESIGNED BY: KMVWSH245 u „ * u n 245 24 -2.36% " I' ° ° " �� + II + + + + ° n I " u n „ „ DRAWNBY: APL DATE: 17-30.18 ° + " * HORIZ. SCALE: 1"=60' � /I ' °� 2. - ❑ n II ° + +: + VERT. SCALE: 1"=6' EXISTINGGROU \ J 224 -2.3rL 2.. 24 DESIG THALWEG \ 3.79 -7.99 7.99 _ 1.3oj AS-BUILTf�-ALG � DESIGN N /� 7.63% -7.67 \ / � / f J 30 15 0 30 60 2ME 235 GRAPHIC SCALE SHEET NAME R2 PLAN AND PROFILE 235 225 SHEETNUMBER 9 17+00 18+00 19+O19+01)20+00 21+OD 22+0D 23+0D 24+00 X-SECT\CZj 43 \ _ END CONSTRUCTION R2 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION R3(UPPER) \ N/F / ANNIE LAURA G JOHNSON REVOCABLE TRUST DB PN196K 2045 00 PG 4788 30 30 30 r4jWATER & LAND ��\ INSTALLL05WEIR \ (TYP.) X -SECT -- - STATION 27+94.38 END CONSTRUCTION R4 STATION 19+51.30 VEG INSTALL GEO44iF>7 WITH PLOT d SOLUTIONS #4 X -SEC TOE WOOD (TOP) #3 S BUILT THALWE( AS -BUILT TOP OF {I BANK (TYP.) 10940 Raven Ridge Rd., Suite 200 VEG PLOT #5 �—� _ :� P.) kip Raleigh, NC 27614 (919)614-5111 woterlandsolutions.com . FLOW � / 1 I � / `�,� - r � ' •✓ 3 � _ > PROJECT ENGINEER 111 1 1 1 1 i l f 1 6`t \ __ �•� \ `>> INSTALL CONSTRU ED If L \\\\ a INSTALL ROOT --((�. �`�� INSTALL LOG STONE RIFFLE (TYP.) VANE (TYP.) X -SECT � •.• = Q =_ WADS (TYP.) INSTALL LOG CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE (TYP.) CHANNEL BLOCK a � #& Y - -- -_ _� ` �- `�tr -"` --- ° 2 67 - i 0 - : QI-�� •_ �,. °%��QLo.°., �� TIE OUTLET CHANNEL INTO (TYP.) CHANNEL (SEE TYPICAL SECTION) CE CE CE C i <1 •• • \4 ....DESIGN ',' CE VERNAL PQOL `�1T'T 0``\ CE SSC O�N-€ INSTALL TREE PRIOENCE__ 771 ENGINEERING SERVICES BY WLS ENGINEERING, PLLC FIRM LICENSE NO. P-1480 —_ (TYP.) J, REVISIONS A DRAFT MIT PLAN 7-21-17 N/F —� •�. W. ODELL EDWARDS ` , B FINAL DRAFT MIT PLAN 8-21-17 — ' REVOCABLE TRUST DB 1900 PG 478 PN 16K0204OW \ 1""`� �� C FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-17 D ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1-29-18 E AS -BUILT 11-30-18 LIATF E QU B FEATU NO. DESCRIPTION DATE PROJECT NAME _ EDWARDS- 253 250 JOHNSON MITIGATION PROJECT JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC DRAWING INFORMATION PROJECT NO.: 97080 FILENAME:08.13 EOWARDS JOHNSON PP SHEETS.DWG + " 240 + + + + ° ii ° 240 DESIGNED BY: KMVNVSH ° + ° DATE : 11.30.18 •24 .5 'T1D% E/ ° u �� + + ° n ° + + + + n n n n u n n n HORIZ. SCALE. 1" = 60' VERT. SCALE: '1 9% 2,22 n „ + + + ° n ° ° •243 11+ f •2J5y -2.26 J I� '237 2.T3 _ � n + „ ii + + + 6/ J ,J / •2. .10—•- 59 „ 1s6• EXISTING GROUND AS -BUILT THALWEG (SIGN THALWEG -1.45% 1 DESIGN BANKFULL 30 is 0 30 sO 230 230 GRAPHIC SCALE SHEET NAME a R2&R3 N � o° PLAN AND HU U= W�ci PROFILE 220 'Z� Z A U U + 227 U z SHEET NUMBER Z LUco wmm O 2000 25+00 26+00 27+00 28+00 29+00 30+00 31+OD M6biTCHL1' 1� F ASF 31 AS BUILT THALWEG t7 F ~ -' (TYP.) "RESTORED STREA BY RE-DIVERTING FLOW TO HISTORIC <O D S L ND d� / EDWARDS LAND LLC 3> DB 4525 PG 48 c�� WATER &LAN D N1FEADNEL �.,, TIE PROPOSED ANNIE LAURA G JOHNS STATIONS 33+07.35 37+d3-92` ORIGINAL PROPOSED w STATIONS 5 37THR.4392'CHANORIGIN ORIGIAPPRNAL ALIGNMENT INTO RELIC '�+" REVOCABLE TRUST ALIGNMENT NOT CON UCTED BETWEEN THESE STATIONS. \\ CHANNEL FEATURE DB 1900 PG 478 DESIGN CHANGE MAXIM ED REDUCTION OF IMPACTS TO �' PN 16K02046E SOLUTIONS PN 16K02045 EXISTING WETLANDS' AS-BUILT TOP OF ` 10940 Raven Ridge Rd., Suite 200 " BANK (TYP.) CONSTRUCTIO LOWER \ 3� STATION 37+ Raleigh, NC 27614 d� CIS (919)614-5111 INSTALL CONSTRUCTED \ 1 LOG RIFFLE (TYP.) VO waterlandsolutions.com PROJECT ENGINEER VERNAL POOL ` S `1litt1111/ryJJJ INSTALL LOG 4 a e• e \ 3S p VANE (TYP.) �c00 CHANNEL BLOCK `\ r oo - • _ SE \ � (TYP.) 1E BEGIN CONSTR ON R LOWER TIE OUTLET CHANNEL)NT•O DESIGN CHANNEL (S 1 END CONSTRUCTION PER � .. w • f e• y . nl • \ TYPICAL SECTION) �,(� STATION 36+29.86 35+99 o �`<�, .• GIN�F;e \` _ 35+pp NJF W ODELL EDWARDVERNAL REVOCABLE TRUST POOL \ � '� v •4eN••• ♦ ,. ��i ENGINEERING WLS ENGIN ER NG' PLLCY FIRM LICENSE NO. P-1480 DB 1900 PG 478 ATER QU REVISIONS PN 16K02040W FEATU < ;a�;:°.�i,`�. z. � , � M A DRAFT MIT PLAN 7-21-17 j eF~ GE B FINAL DRAFT MIT PLAN 8-21-17 C FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-17 INSTALL WATER QUALITY TREATMENT FEATURE \ Fly WITH OUTLET CHANNEL NSTALL GEOLIFT WITH \ NO CHANNEL CONSTRUCTION IS PROPOSED FROM STA. 36+29.86 TO 39+00.31 D ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1-29-111 E AS-BUILT 11-30-1-8- NO. DESCRIPTION DATE (SEE TYPICAL SECTION TOE WOOD (TYP.) APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF 100 YEAR r AND DETAIL) 4Q DO NOT DISTURB EXISTING rEMkFLO0b-Z-Q_NE'AE' (FIRM PANEL 1780) GF WETLANDS (TYP.) PROJECT NAME EDWARDS— 240 240 JOHNSON J n n az Z MITIGATION p n n n u n2 II n I6 n n n _ 7 tUj m PROJECT II IIm n n II pi n JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC n n • „ I " u n + n * n + + ° II + + + + + * * a ^ w DRAWING INFORMATION PROJECT NO.: 97080 1+68 -0.94 , _ 1 n ° II + + u ° * + n n n+ °i y FILENAME 08-13 EDWARDS JOHNSON PP SHEETS,DWGNr DESIGNEDBY: KMVNSH230 1.19 . 12 O 230 DRAWN BY: APL l �— 2.070 6'70 _ g rr > Z z DATE: 11-3018 AS-BUILT THALWEG) 0.690 " 61' S % w w w HORIZ. SCALE: 1"=6D' VERT. SCALE' EXI TING GROUND DESIGN THALWEG DESIGN BAN FULL -- 220 220 30 Is 0 30 e.o GRAPHIC SCALE SHEET NAME R3 PLAN AND PROFILE 210 210 SHEETNUMBER 1 1 31+00 32+00 33+00 34+00 35+00 35+00 37+00 38+00 m NIF ANNIE LAURA G JOHNSON WATER & LAND REVOCABLE TRUST SOLUTIONS DO NOT DISTURB EXISTING UTILITIES DB 1900 PG 478 PN 16K02045 INSTALL ROOT CHANNEL BLOCK WADS (TYP.) (TYP.) PROPOSED FLOODPLAI 10940 Raven Ridge Rd., Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27614 INSTALL GRADE CONTROL LOG J -HOOK VANE (TYP) BENCH LIMITS 30 INSTALL GEOLIFT WITH (919)614-5111 waterlandsolutions.com TOE WOOD (TYP.) 30 PROJECT ENGINEER AS -BUILT �� - k — — THALWEG `�tij111111ittlt, AS -BUILT TOP OF BANK (TYP.) `� •ooe.°oo�• �i ':�O�o•°FESS"Y INSTALL CONSTRUCTED INSTALL LOG RIFFLE (TYP.) VEG — 22 LOG WEIR (TYP.) \ INSTALL LOG STEP POOL PLOT .� �— �, ` / a . 9 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION R4 STA 10+00.00 CE CE ''•,1 ScpTj t�"' .`•`� CE X -SECT XrtSECT It1111111111`, #3 #4 ENGINEERING SERVICES BY CE INSTALL CONSTRUCTED WLS ENGINEERING, PLLC FIRM LICENSE NO. P-1480 N1F REMOVE EXISTING SPOIL WITHIN STONE RIFFLE TYP. � --:� �Ill�ol REVISIONS ANNIE LAURA G JOHNSON REVOCABLE TRUST CONSERVATION EASEMENT AND REGRADE CONTOUR ELEVATIONS CE /- A� j A GRAFT MIT PLAN 7-21-17 DB 1900 PG 478 PN 16K02045 TO MEET EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY(fYP.) �� ^ / 1 s B FINAL DRAFT MIT PLAN 8-21-17 C FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-17 REMOVE EXISTING POND DAM D ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1-29-18 TO RESTORE NATURAL VALLEY E AS -BUILT 11-30.18 CROSS-SECTION VEG PLOT NO. DESCRIPTION DATE #2 PROJECT NAME I EDWARDS- 255 255 JOHNSON MITIGATION 11 W p I PROJECT JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC1+I- „ + DRAWING INFORMATION PROJECT NO.: 97080 EL + FILENAME:013EOWARDS JOHNSONPP SHEETS.OW -010% OSN-p, ++ un 245 DESIGNED BY: KMVNVSH n + n DRAWN BY: APL 3 3 ° " +„ + DATE: it -3018 AS-BUILTTHALWEG7 EXISTING GR UND DESIGN THALWEG J ` „ + " " + + HORIZ. SCALE i 1"= 60' VERT. SCALE: 1'=6' DESIG BANKFULL % a� s9 + „ +* + + + + 93j p II + 11 II II .86°6 — _AS-BUI Ti IALWEG� 30 15 0 30 60 235 1 235 CAI GRAPHIC SCALE SHEET NAME R4 0 PLAN AND PROFILE o z aU 225 o 225 Z Z5 ¢ SHEET NUMBER LU mm 12 10+Go 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 N/F ANNIE LAURA G JOHNSON END CONSTRUCTION R2 0/F dd d� ED DB 452 PGD 8 LC ,,I9 PN 16KO2046E �, WATER & LAND REVOCABLE TRUST BEGIN CONSTRUCTION R3 INSTALL GEOLIFT WITH DB 1900 PG 478 TOE WOOD (TYP.) STATION 27+gq.38 PN 16K02045 �C �� 5 SOLUTIONS END CONSTRUCTION R4 STATION 19+51.30 i > APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF �� FEMA 0000 ZONE 100 YFIRM 10440 Raven Ridge Rd., Suite 200 INSTALL CONSTRUCTED - STONE RIFFLE (TYP.) AE' PANEL 1EAR ` ��\ Raleigh, (9 9)614 521114 30 waterlandsolutions.com 1 PROJECT ENGINEER X-SE `,111111111///// INSTALL LOGS (P.AS-BUILTTHALWEG WEIR (TYP.) (TYP-) 44 F LT TOP�F INSTALL CONSTRUCTED BANK (TYP.) LOG RIFFLE (TYP.}00 ,9 e¢ _ • e _ 35+99 10, i�j1j1111�� X1 ECT '44� ENGINEERING SERVICES BY DO NOT DISTURB EXISTING WETLAND (TYP.) W LS ENGINEERING, PLLC FIRM LICENSE NO. P-1480 CHANNELBLOCK 5 REVISIONS A DRAFT MIT PLAN 7-21-17 (TYP.) G l.— _' - B FINAL DRAFT MIT PLAN a-21-17 INSTALL TREE N/p INSTALL ROOT PROTECTION W ODELL EDWARDy FENCE (TYP.) NO CHANNEL CONSTRUCTION IS C FINAL MR PLAN 11-22-17 D ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1-29.16 E AS-BUILT 11-30.16 REVOCABLE TRUST WADS (TYP.) O DB 199"G 478/ PROPOSED FROM STA. 36+29.86 TO 39+00.31 NO. DESCRIPTION DATE PN K021W� 1 PROJECT NAME NORTH NORTH E D W A R DS— 250 250 240 240 JOHNSON MITIGATION PROJECT a e JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC DRAWING INFORMATION + w + + n PROJECT NO.: 97060 FILENAME : C&13 E ARDS JOHNSON PP SHEETS3Z + • �� �� 240 n * n + tP n 240 230 230 DESIGNED BY: KMV/WSH * * + DRAWN BY : APL DATE 0-18 111"= HOR Z. SCALE: 60' VERT. 6CALE : 1" =61 a -2.gge� _ n n + n 5 n _ o 3 ' EXISTING GROUND \ .4 EXISTING GROUND DESIGN BANKFULL ti/pESIGN THALWEG AS-BUILT THALWEG 230 230 220 220 30 15 0 30 60 GRAPHIC SCALE SHEET NAME o R3&R4 U Ofc! PLAN AND z+z1 am PROFILE ZF 220 220 210 210 SHEETNUMBER 13 17+00 16+00 19+00 36+00 39+00 40+00 PLANTING NOTES Botanical Name Common Name Application Rate (lbs/acre) \ I 1. THE FOLLOWING TABLES LIST THE PROPOSED VEGETATION SPECIES 130 SELECTION FOR THE PROJECT REVEGETATION. THE TOTAL PLANTING for Planting AREA IS APPROXIMATELY 2.6 ACRES AND WILL VARY BASED ON SITE ' CONDITIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION I I 2. FINAL VEGETATION SPECIES SELECTION MAY CHANGE DUE TO 7% REFINEMENT OR SPECIES AVAILABILITY AT THE TIME OF PLANTING. Permanent Herbaceous Seed Mixture—Streambank, Floodplain, Wetlands and SPECIES SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE COORDINATED BETWEEN ENGINEER AND Riparian PLANTING CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO THE PROCUREMENT OF PLANT/SEED 10%7444, STOCK I 3. IN GENERAL. WOODY SPECIES SHALL BE PLANTED AT A DENSITY OF 680 FAC STEMS PER ACRE AND A MINIMUM OF 50 FEET FROM THE TOP OF Big blue stem RESTORED STREAMBANKS TO THE REVEGETATION LIMITS, EXACT 1.5000 PLACEMENT OF THE SPECIES WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE Dichanthelium CONTRACTORS VEGETATION SPECIALIST PRIOR TO SITE PLANTING AND I BASED ON THE WETNESS CONDITIONS OF PLANTING LOCATIONS. FACW 4. SUPPLEMENTAL PLANTING ACTIVITIES SHALL BE PERFORMED WITHIN THE Diospyros virginiana Persimmon EXISTING BUFFER ENHANCEMENT AREA (BUFFER GROUP 2) USING SPECIES FAC DESCRIBED IN RIPARIAN BUFFER PLANT MIXTURE. _ \ 5. ANY INVASIVE SPECIES VEGETATION, SUCH AS CHINESE PRIVET \\ (LIGUSTRUM SINENSE), MULTIFLORA ROSE (ROSA MULTIFLORA), AND \ MICROSTEGIUM (MICROSTEGIUM VIMINEUM) WILL BE INITIALLY TREATED River oats AS DESCRIBED IN THE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS PRIOR TO 1.5000 PLANTING ACTIVITIES TO ALLOW NATIVE PLANTS TO BECOME ESTABLISHED latifolium WITHIN THE CONSERVATION EASEMENT. \ 6. LARGER NATIVE TREE SPECIES TO BE PRESERVED WILL BE FLAGGED BY \ THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ANY TREES \ HARVESTED FOR WOODY MATERIAL WILL BE UTILIZED TO PROVIDE BED 1 iJ AND BANK STABILIZATION, COVER AND/OR NESTING HABITAT. ` Soft rush 5% 7. ALL DISTURBED AREAS WILL BE STABILIZED USING MULCHING AND / SEEDING AS DEFINED IN THE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS AND THE r APPROVED SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL PLANS . 6 A B ® END CONSTRUCTION R1 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION R2 ie ® STATION 16+11.34 B 0 B B � / r 0 / 0'0000000O0 0MO000000o0 m / . a"'*.i Op 0000°°00000° p000000000Oo000" O 000-000 000°0000 00 00 00 0°Q0°o°o00°oo000°o_oo°o_ooO^. .,y p0ov..o�DOO�..ti000""_0Dp0.._. "Dop O�0p0OOo0 0000rOOr Gam. r r *+*o r r..'00 ° 0: ° ° O 0 / ",000 ra "J000 O tlpOpOO f "JtlOp0000 *"o°pp 00V / *�ppO000OpO / *00 0 1]o0opo0O°0 CT O°0000°° 00 °°o 000000 0 pO /*o0 00000 000000 gOP / **' 00oo0ooOoo°00000: rFP�i bO00000000000000r o /\51�Gf " 0000°00000op°00°o'� OC 'o°o Doo0'000000000000 3000' O o D Oo Doo o O O o Ooo oo o 0,0, 0000 `* ""* "" `*•" `000p0 °000000°0000° 000Op O� �000000°ODO 000000 tl000 rp,q�O OO 00 oC 'o'p*000°000000 000oo°oon°o9 p00 1)40�.evoo00C000 a =,eno00000°OOOOOQOOOO000 _ _.,.h 000�� .0000 0000 - 00000 00000 0000 000" p0 00 OO OO 00 Op°0tl0O 00000000°00000OD00 1. 11 0o0pp000000 O O0000°°°" "* �ooO00000pOooO°poo°� ]OD0000°Ooop000 a Dp000 °000"" G1- 0, 1 �000000oc^ 300.",TEMPORARY SEEDING o O:" SCHEDULE PLANTING ZONES IF4 WATER &LAND SOLUTIONS RIPARIAN BUFFER RESTORATION (BUFFER GROUP 1) / 7721 Six Forks Rd., Suite 130 Raleigh, 4- 27615 111 RIPARIAN BUFFER ENHANCEMENT (BUFFER GROUP 2) � (919)614-51 11 ! watedandsolutions.com o a PROJECTENGINEER 0 0 0 RIPARIAN BUFFER PRESERVATION (BUFFER GROUP 3) 00000 /l BEGIN CONSTRUCTION R1 STATION 10+00,00 °e°oeeeo°° 4��SS/ °O e e° Q` oQ / - a 7 0° - e o - a O� % �" �i `� � N O 0000 .0000 oO ! / 00000000060000 ���000D -DO / 1 i� 00000000oo°°pOo4 �pppO o�pp0­00- 0 oo° 000 °00000000°000° 0000000 °0°000 OO1.-4 +yr0�0o °0000 0 0 0 0 OA 00 00 0°000 0 0 0 0 0°00 0 0 0-0-000 o o 00000°o`8o0Oo °0000, °o'O000 000000000O00o ENGINEERING SERVICES BY 0,, a0,0op000°0800 °p000pppOoo0°°pp .0000 / ! WLSENGINEERING, PLLC Oaoo00o0000DOOOO.O`, 0°O°ppOo00o0-0000DOD000 , / FIRM LICENSE NO. P-1480 00000000000000p0 O -p p00 8.00p0000ppp0000O00 / 00°0°0°0000 0°0o Oa° j,OOOC)OD0000000000000D 00 / REVISIONS oa o°0 000 0°000 0 0 0 p0@p°o 0 0 0 0°0 0 o Oo 00°00 0 0 0°00 o A DRAFT MIT PLAN 7-21-17 Doo° 00000 lop0p°Dood°OOO°ODOOOo0p0pO , / p Ooopp00000aDol °00000 00opo0 pO 00000 000 ! B FINAL DRAFT MIT PIAN 8-21-17 ao°00 odp°00000r` /oaOpJO0000000 00000 Do / C FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-17 r�0000 000000000,�oo0 0°o 0p00000°000 000000o ° /// D ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1-29-18 '0 0 0 0000 0010p00°0°0 0°0,000000'D0000p 0000% ^ ^• \O ! / E AS -BUILT 11-30.18 r00o 00 00000 0 0 000 ,°0 000000000 0860 00 o Oo 0 00 0 fig'. 'DODO° 00000 000 000 00 0 ! ! 0000 ooppp O000 O' 000000°0000 0o00ooao / / NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 000000 0°0000 , 000000000000°0000 ° `/ PROJECT NAME 00000p00( ]�p0OOOo DO 00 0000 0000 Doo o��p 00°00 O Q , / , 000000��°° �- EDWARDS- ,Dpaaaaao°P°oDa°pO O oo��pppppO J / J�0Do o o 0p 00 0 / / 0000��� Q- JOHNSON O0C 5O000ppO 00000 �0p 0O °0 0000000 joaOppp°0 ! 00000000 DQO0000000000pO �� / aoppppO 50a000 000 0�oo° , , MITIGATION °OO80 17 °0000 °c 0 0 0 0 00 000°09000 �O PROJECT DooO`°O 00oo0000000000 p0c �000oo 0 0000�0 0 C ✓ 0000 00 00 00 D0OO '.. PLANTING SCHEDULE r ob80DpO0000000°00 /// J1! JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC Planting Dates Botanical Name Common Name Application Rate (lbs/acre) September to Secale cereate Rye Grain (Cool Season) 130 March for Planting (IWacre) April to August Urochloa ramosa Browntop Millet (Warm Season) 40 PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE Botanical Name Common Name %Proposed ding Rate Wetland Botanical Name ommon Name IC for Planting (IWacre) Tolerance 7%btra FACW by Species 7% FACW Permanent Herbaceous Seed Mixture—Streambank, Floodplain, Wetlands and Riparian Buffer Areas 10%7444, FACW Acer rubrum Red Maple (Proposed Seed Rate @ 15 lbs/acre) FAC Andropogon gerardii Big blue stem 10% 1.5000 FAC Dichanthelium Deer Tongue 15% 1.5000 FACW clandestinum Diospyros virginiana Persimmon 3%K FAC Carpinuscarohniana Ironwood Carex cnnata Fringed sedge 10% 2.2500 FACW+ Chasmanthium River oats 5% 1.5000 FACU latifolium Alnus serrulata Tag Alder 8%bo4 I OBL 'Ctnp(vremeAcaoa Fhazelatd.. Comus amomum Silky Dogwood Elymus virgimcus Virginia wild rye 15% 1.5000 FAC Juncus etfusus Soft rush 5% 2.2500 FACW+ Panicum virgatum Switchgrass 10% 1.5000 FAC+ Eutrochium fistutosum Joe-pye-weed 5% 0.7500 FACW Schizachyrium Little blue stem 10% 0.7500 FACU scopanum Tnpsacum dactyloides Eastern 5% 0.7500 FAC+ gamagrass Sorghastrum nutans Indiangrass 1 10% 1 0.7500 1 FACU Botanical Name Common Name %Proposed for Planting by Species Weiland Tolerance Riparian Buffer Bare Root Plantings — Overstory, (Proposed 8'x 8' Planting Spacing @ 680 Stems/Acre) Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash 6004 FACW Betula nigra River Birch 7%btra FACW Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak 7% FACW Piatanus occidentalis American Sycamore 10%7444, FACW Acer rubrum Red Maple 5% FAC Linodendron tulipifera Tulip -poplar 10%74ta, FACU Quercus nigra Water Oak 8%7,% 1 C Quercus phellos jWiIlDwOa1k 7%75Ya I FACW Riparian Buffer Bare Root Plantings — Understory (Proposed 8' x 8' Planting Spacing 680 Stems/Acre) Diospyros virginiana Persimmon 3%K FAC Carpinuscarohniana Ironwood 8%bwk FAC 77amamel rr rg waaa votch-hazel, Magnolia virgmiana Sweetbay Magnolia bk 8% -FAsu FACW Awmirte-fWsba Hex vertialiata Winterberry lyra 3% '7y& - FACW Lindera benzoin Spicebush 7%bora FACW Alnus serrulata Tag Alder 8%bo4 I OBL 'Ctnp(vremeAcaoa Fhazelatd.. Comus amomum Silky Dogwood t -A 3% 1 -MIS4 FACW Riparian Butter Live Stake Plantings - Streambanks (Proposed 2'-3' Spacing @ Meander Bends and 6'-8' Spacing @l Riffle Sections) Sambucus canadensis Elderberry 20% FACW Salix sericea Silky Willow 30% OBL Salix nigra Black Willow 10% OBL Comus amomum I Silky Dogwood 40% FACW DRAWING INFORMATION PROJECT NO.: 97080 FILENAME :141E_E)VW 05 JOHN50N RVEGETA110N PIANS.D*G DESIGNED BY: KMVM/SH DRAWN BY: APL DATE: 11-30.18 HORIZ, SCALE : 1" = 40' VERT. SCALE : NIA 0 NORTH 40 2D a 40 80 GRAPHIC SCALE [9`[. 33idf_ Trig REVEGETATION PLAN SHEET NUMBER W11 PLANTING ZONES WATER & LAND RIPARIAN BUFFER RESTORATION (BUFFER GROUP 1) SOLUTIONS ■ 10940 Raven Ridge Suite 200 276 RIPARIAN BUFFER ENHANCEMENT (BUFFER GROUP 2) ■ Raleigh, NC 27614 ■ (919)614-5111 watedandsolutions.com ~ ~ r RIPARIAN BUFFER PRESERVATION (BUFFER GROUP 3) / ~ r WATER QUALITY ENGINEER Y �'�- '^� r FEATURE`r r 3� " \\\llllllllt, •o••••e•R• / / _ — EXISTING FAR_ 30 %n/ ti O • ,o �SS p o• / — 3o QUO N " — _-3-�'?■■® -".% -�- —1 _— _—^._—p_—.a—'_"- 0o0i,0oJ oo-0o.,--0o .proooaoo°oOpop on°.iooQooo�pp-pp°°00pou00o0,oOp00Qp0po0o0o°0o 0o°op0o0 � °0000000o0o00° oOgo-OOopop°pOp°oop00000"o o°�0°poo/o—°o�/0Ooj.y0O 0a�oo0o0�30� 00'ao_/ooy.°oo°oao.ooopo°oo°Ooooop0000°c-apoop000p0ao0Ooo0o°o0o0aoo- °oo/000/o/oofo°o'°0°"c-- °'0� Oog0ot620C°P° �OoaJpc'000,0000°oopa�a.oo°a_-°0000oo`o% oo' c °qpp°�/p°p-» •., s O'•'vji/itCn t,0St(I'•�/�\/•,r/Iev1l9•I 6 oo° °°oo0op° oo� °o°pocoo°°o.capOoOop poapac o0000000 go0000000°000 0o0000000°000- V0oBO op♦���N � o000p 39' °oo°°o 00o00010-000-600 oaooopoO000°o -000apo0op0o oo oOp0 ° oopo000ooo0p0pO oOo0--'000---0(0oo0oo00° 0000opOP000ooopOOooo0op000000ENGINEERING lSERVICES ERVICESta1B•\eY ouoo000o WLS ENGINEERING, PLL` 3o°oop0°-0p0°0Q00o0000000Q0 p000ooFIRM LICENSE NO. P-1480 p0Coco. 0 oo000ooo0°0 00000p PON00800 000°00000°oop REVISIONS0�oriop0 oo°o-0;,noop°o0o0-Ori000—000°0pspp pOo00°Ooo0All o 1` "-` � `,• '8`0 8 -0p 0 a -00 o 0 p� pL°0(`�a C'00 p Oo p Oppo 0 0 0 Fc; 0 o� ^'ii °o °000000 O O°D°o OO Opo 0 0 0 .°Opo 0 0 0 0°°000°o o � °0°00 00000 o °% p 00 '8800000. 00°0°00°0°0.." 0 p0° O°0°O°� OO°o C oO 000 o o000000°0 000000) p00000(ii m]OOCO0p0 0000 :000 Opp O0O000000000000000 000000 jOOOOOS"Op 0 p000 O° 0000,00000°00000°°Ocp—°c CE? - 'Eti°_ y ° O q O O 0 O o O -.-_ .✓f' o.,f:^' .0. 0o0"' ' o°0C�0 00000000oo �Q0o�0oop°go°0000;C»���■t` °�0°f0°° COo°Op°000000°° �pp00 Cf 000°0To. C Vcoog00000Oga0°o. 0 g pSu00000°00O0O O 0 O0 0 0 0 0 °0°000°°0o0Op000o!"' a.o 00"°oo00oo00c0°Or 000a 000po000a0°0 'r0000000d°000_ CE'oo '0— 000 00pO0 00( O°Op p^O^qpp 00 00' pc/ °�-Op OOo�"pp 0" '06 00 - °0000°0 o0ppp0o 81" . 000 0 o0op00o0 �.' y,`/000°0000.00° EXISTING POND AND SPOIL PILES TO pop°o op000° �c �n0°0 ooc'_. » BE REMOVED AND PLANTED. �oo000N00ooaoo i�'O 0000 / i- °o`pppO000°°°°off '� oar» 3 ^, 0000000 0 0000000 ° 00 - o °e.o 0 o p 000°0 1 00000000 END CONSTRUCTION R2 pOO0000°000 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION R3 0 0 0 ° °000 G • -*» ' STATION 27+94.38 ° °o 0 0°0 o c' " `' j . ' �, " , w END CONSTRUCTION R4° 000' %. �' �'» p00� STATION 19+51.30 - ",»* ' ', 0 0 ° ° °p .•" +\� �00 000°000°00 »'.*' A", y \ . ✓Kt� p 0Fp°p ° 0000 0°0 o coo '0000-0,0'.. 0 0O O 00000° O . c a000o0.00000 00 0 �• »'`L'Y wr.+'•�J/ _ h�/r/l O�p °OO OOC OOCO c ',,•0 0000° 0 0000� * a0p °00000 Oo06''/ �C 'gyp °0 0 0000 0 0 0 00 °ppv, 'C OOOCO 000 �.. �0000 0000 °000 00ppp0 ooc. i` o° 0000°op o 0 00 pp op000 po �� COOooc°00p.p0000o00o0 0 00 000pOp oC opep'0.- 0. 00oo0 p 00 o0poop0pooo oo ,0000° p° oa o p °0 0 I i BEGIN CONSTRUCTION R4 STATION 10+00.00 A DRAFT MIT PLAN 7-21-17 B FINAL DRAFT MIT PLAN 8-21-17 C FINALMITPLAN 11-22-17 D ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1-29-18 E AS -BUILT 11-30.18 NO. DESCRIPTION DATE PROJECT NAME EDWARDS- JOHNSON MITIGATION PROJECT JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC DRAWING INFORMATION PROJECT NO.: 97080 FILENAME :1416 B)WAADS JOHNSON-REVEGEU710 PtANSDNM' DESIGNED BY: KMVANSH DRANK BY: APL DATE: 11-30.18 HORI2. SCALE: 1"=40' VERT.SCALE: NIA NORTH 40 20 0 40 so GRAPHIC SCALE SHEET NAME REVEGETATION PLAN SHEET NUMBER 15 PLANTING ZONES AWATER & LAND SOLUTIONS RIPARIAN BUFFER RESTORATION (BUFFER GROUP 1) 10940 Raven Ridge Rd., Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27614 RIPARIAN BUFFER ENHANCEMENT (BUFFER GROUP 2) (919)614-5111 waterlandsolutions.com 0 00 0O RIPARIAN BUFFER PRESERVATION (BUFFER GROUP 3) l dj PROJECT ENGINEER 110�ono - `di d� "go 00 0.00 o 0000,3000 o 000 -'-�.0.080-0- %001) 0 0 r o 00% p. 1 -6 01;0' o o 0 11 0 0 �c, o 0�% 0 oc o 0 .00 up w 00008��?oo 6000-0- -000- 22 60. Fp '�;oco jOocao o \ ac'00'0100000 -000 T000- 0008800- .0 0. o I,-oo--.006-60 68' o 08'�'pr ooaO 0 0 ENGINEERING SERVICES BY 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 0 -c; o .0 -0ou - ;o 0 0 -c'�1"3-Vo o'. 0 C o6 0 6 o 0 '�'J WLS ENGINEERING, PLLC Do, 6,clo 6- N 00 �c�' 0�%'�Vo 0 00" 'C�oc c FIRM LICENSE NO. P-1 480 o'.-0 0 �TOo o 0 00000000 0o 11 V '1 0 0,06 o o a 0 0. 0 o o 0 o o 01 30, 80 '00 . 0-c"V�9 1, 0 0 0 0 00'0 0 0 0 00%o 0 0 o.co 0 oi�-�'0.0�'o o 0�o 10 18,6'%cloc, 0 'C�o 0 90 0 ().00') 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 � �00 0c �00 0 0 0 0/ /00000 0 0 0 0 000000000030 REVISIONS .0 00 00 )0000 00 , 0 0'9�- �'0000000000 - CT '00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OX 0 0 00 0 0, 80 0.0 0 0 0000'�!- Do 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 o o 0 0 L 0000 0 '00 coo oocN A DRAFT MIT PLAN 7-21-17 00000 . . o o 0 000 o o o 0008'. 00�80000.0..- - - p) eo. -,>Qoo.00 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .8 O�Fo 0 C, po 00 o - o' I B FINAL DRAFT MIT PLAN 8-21-17 -0�0-0 0-- dy D. -Vc�oocoo� -- -- 00 ­C�oo (�'8 o o "oo X0-cTo 0 oo� c� °CTOoo 0 0 -0 0 00'0-00000"ou 11-22-17 ,0- �o 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0000000 0 0 000■ -cTo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C FINAL MIT PLAN o' 60 dy X '..0-0 o' 80"o. 000' �'o a 0000° '0 o o 0 oo'�'CTO�� C D ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1-29-18 '00 pp E AS -BUILT 11-30-18 %0' 0 0 0 0 000 0 a 0 0 0 0 o' C'')� 0 00000.0000%0'00000 )-o -1z p pp ."P- '8 ' 0 0 opo . 0 0 0 0 00 . 0 0 0 0 co 0 000 Opp0 -"o. o 0 a o 0"o. oc�' �- 0 P 0 06 0 0 0 ?O�8 0 0 0 0.%'� 0 00 0 0 ■ 0 oc�o 0 0 0 0 - 000000 00 DESCRIPTION DATE 0 0 000 0 -000-0 oollc��'C�0'0-6'(;oo c 0 0 00 0 0 PROJECT NAME ■ I - V-0.0.0. - - - 00 0. 0 0. '0000,;0001 C;000'�'3 - o 0 00 ') 0 000c000� 0 0 a 0� ) 0'�% 0 0 0 0"0g0) 0 0 oe 0 0 0 060 0 0 0 0 o' , 0 10 0,0, o.o W., , NONP.o 0.1 0 0 o 000 EDWARDS 0 00000000000 6000 0000000".".0c, 00ooc� 00 00 0 �0000-�60'0-00, 0 C�o 0 0 V �';c 0 0 -c; T 0 0 JOHNSON 00 0000- 00 0 0, 0 0 ogoco 60 0 -00 000 00 0 '00600 0 0� ■ 000. �00000000000� MITIGATION 1950000, 0000000coo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L' - OC00000 0 0 0, 00 u 00 0 ...O��oo 0 0 0 C' 0 00 0 0 0�000coo 0 .0 0000 o'o 0 'o" 00 0 oc 'o 11 PROJECT -'o 00 "o 00 o o... JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC 0':�o o 0 �'b °00°o 00 0 ��o- 00 -.00 o o o 00000C ' 0000 .0 0 oco 0 3- 0 0 0 )00 0000" 0--o-800 0. 0')o 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 . " 0 o'...'; ?Q ' 0000%0�00001',00 DRAWING INFORMATION 0 0, �o 0 00 0 0 0')o� 0 0 0 0 0 o')%oo a 0 o PROJECT NO.: 97080 00 0 ro C) 0 0 � 0 0 0 0,00OFoo 000 1000 00,00 80000�0 ". o.. 0.000-00000000 ' 0 0 FILENAME:+4+1 LEDhARDS J0HNSU4jk%TGETAT10k.RMDK 00000 00 .0000000(D000c '8000000%0000 N00000 )o 0 0000000c 000ao 0000000 o DESIGNED BY: KMVNVSH c oo�ooc'oo �000 000000,00 �o 0°0000° - ,0-o° qo '.000000 0000 0011.0000 o q'000, 00000 '00 0000) 0000 DRAWN BY: APL %-0-"o"oo'o.o �o 0000000c, o 0 0�' 6 o o DATE: 11-30-18 ? 00000000 0 �08 80. o o 0')0808 o o a C, 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0000 .00,OL �0.08-00C'08-0%'.000 HORIZ. SCALE: 1-40' END CONSTRUCTION R3 00000cocoo -c'0000000%oocco 0000000000C o&oco 0%0'o 00' VERT,SCALE: N/A 0 0 STATION 37+59,99 0000c.� 600 0 00 oc 0 0 o 0 0� 9h." '.008. '0'0.80000.%� 0000 - o c �o 0 0"%oo"' . o 92'wo 0 0 0000'p' 0 0 0 oco, "0000 � 00 - Oc 00 o 0 0)�000 0 0 000"o� 08 0.0.0 0 0 0 6 0.0 citp, c� 0 0 a 00%00 0 0� � 0 oc, 00 "' - 0 00 )o 0 oo'-o"60'0.'ooQo.o�' 0 L 10000%coo' P"0800000 ' 000 o 00�8800 - n� 00 00000 C) 01 0 a 00 - 0 0 oj)�%o 0 o .00.0c, 0 00 'o' -0 o' 0'� c' o 0. 000-.-.-. 6 - - - 0 9. � 0 0 C, 6 o . .0 () 39+ 00 00 o C o'% 0 0 NORTH 0 08'. o c' 0 0')1c' . o o �00 40 40 so 0 0 0 0000 000(3000 0 0 0 0000 ? 0 C)o0o 00000 0001 o 0. 0 �- o 0. 00 0000000,)C000 0000000) 0000'° pp 0000%000 o oo� oc 0 -00� GRAPHIC SCALE 0 0000 ?,?.'o 0 0" 'c " 0 'o 0 c "o c'§' 0 0 0 - coo SHEET NAME 0 x. o co -00 000 PLAN Fp SHEET NUMBER 16