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20190527 Ver 1_Shoreline Stabilization_20190423
State of Carolina R Department of Environment and N to altR sources . AM 14M 7" Division of Water Resources Division of Water Resources ISA NCAC 02H .0500 — Water Quality Certification, Shoreline Stabilization FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Shoreline Stabilization Application Form Three copies of the application Should be (including attachments) and the application fee sh to: sent Division of Water Resources 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center$.PPA1V ( Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 0 PC I• Applicant Information 15A NCAC 02H .0502a 1• Owner Information ()1 Name:_ OL Mailing Address: t - L Telephone Number:�L_ l� , Fax Number: E-mail Address: CI LL 2. Agent/ Contact Person Information CC ✓� / r A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter (a form can be downloaded here: htt www.saw.usace.arm .mil Portals 59 docs re ulato re docs Permits SAMPLE AGENT AUTH ORIZATION FORM. df) must be attached if the Agent has signed this application form. Name: i LL Company Affiliation L Iv 7 A2, C&/l< Mailing Address: s LANE - Telephone Numb r:77S - �,� -� �•---- Fax Number: •--'� E-mail Address: Person to receive the Certification Approval: �`C�Mcflc'. II• Project Information [15A NCAC 02H 0502(a) & (b)] 1. Attach a vicinity map (i.e. street map) clearly showing the location of the property wi respect to local landmarks surh nc +�,._ -!. p y th � Vers, and roads. 2. Provide a detailed site plan showing prorty vegetation clearing, structures (buildingspretaining owallssdo kproposed locations of impervious surfaces, FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Page 1 of 3 etc.), rip rap, excavation or dredging below Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevations, and construction access corridors. You may use the diagram provided at the end of this application form. 3. Attach a photograph of the shoreline/ buffer proposed to be stabilized. (Include a scale of some sort- a yard stick, shovel handle, etc.) 4. Location of the property (where work is to be conducted) County: C A-rA Lv;�;4 Nearest Town: S HtL-2 E21 LL S � (� Subdivision name or site address (include phas /lot number): L CTIL Z 3 ! c � L-17 ✓: Directions to site - please include road names and numbers, landmarks, etc.: S� i-ti-`�,� Latitude (in decimal degrees)_15. L.-,) LL i)' f Longitude (decimal degrees) —y L) , ! 5. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application (residential, undeveloped, etc.):12Si ar—t17�'1 6. Property size (acres): A" i2•C 7. Lake/ river/ ocean adjacent to property: W L-)f-bl A AL\1 Z CA:_ J3 A 8. Describe proposed work (include discussion as to how hardening of shoreline has been avoided, or why it is necessary):? i n Z,4n kx✓rC P1' ,, C2rnt S 9. Will work be conducted from land? From water? 10. Total amount of disturbance (including all excavation, backfill, rip rap, retaining walls, etc. below the normal pool lake level/ Normal Water Level in square feet or acres: bAi 11. Total amount of disturbance (including all clearing, back fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) above the normal pool lake level/ Normal Water Level and 50 feet land -ward in square feet or acres: upaj, — *n i� kjLc, c 12. Please describe the vegetation above the normal pool lake level/ Normal Water Level and 50 feet landward to be impacted (number of trees, for instance): Owner/Ag�nt's Signature' [15A NCAC 02H .0502(f)] Date "Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the owner is provided. FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Page 2 of 3 Full Pond/ Normal Water Lev � .. el Shoreline Lake (At Full Pond/Normal Water Level) i TEW "'f Ij IQ �vD -ELS 2�;nitcv� N\.T'N i �-'!y L D 671uP Lint �S i Zj LON (-? IZ Erb E - Please approximately sketch the following information on this plan (Provide dimensions for each item, such as 10 ft x 100 ft) *: 1. All proposed vegetation clearing 2. Location of rip rap or fill to be placed above the Full Pond/Normal Water Level elevation 3. Location of rip rap or fill to be placed below the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation 4. Location of any proposed structures such as buildings, retaining walls, docks, etc. 5. Location of any excavation or dredging below the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation 6. Location of construction access corridors FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Page 3 of 3 Project Name/address: e, Z -e Owner: lJL �t'✓ L-eN Pournty: Na Print Contractor/agent: ( — Si atur Print Signature The approval is for the purpose and design described in your application. Impacts not indicated in the application is a violation of the Buffer Rule. Site specific work should be provided in the application. [15A NCAC 02H .0506 and 15A NCAC 02B .0243(8)] Trees are not allowed to be removed from Zone 1 of the Buffer (within 30 ft of the full pond elevation), unless approved. Exception, those trees that are severely undermined along the immediate shoreline can be removed. Minimal shaping and sloping along the immediate shoreline is allowed. [15A NCAC 02B .0243(6)] Benching, grading in the buffer is not allowed. Excessive disturbance of ground cover. [15A NCAC 02B .0243 (6 )] Beaches, impervious patios, impervious walkways, etc. are not allowed in the buffer unless specifically approved by the Division. There are limitation on size for decks. [15A NCAC 02B .0243(4) and (6)] Work to be conducted from land must indicate an access and indicate any trees that are to be removed. The work corridor should be described. The approved access corridor shall be restored. Staging, spoil, construction material must be outside the buffer. [15A NCAC 02H .0502 and 15A NCAC 026.0243 (4), (6), (8)] Stormwater cannot be piped or channeled for direct discharge to the lake. All constructed stormwater discharges must be at the natural elevation and discharged prior to entering the buffer directed as diffuse or sheet flow at non-erosive velocities to the lake. [15A NCAC 02B .0243(5), (6)] Acknowledgement of Notification hereby Riparian Buffer Rule. Any work conducted in thebuffer, not specifi ally s ated'in the application Catawba na pproved by the Division of Water Resources (DWR), is a violation and subject to enforcement. Due diligence will be taken such that the construction will be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Rules, the approved plan (s) and specification (s), and other supporting materials. Signature (owne l Date: GIVE LAKE NORMAN DREDGING INC. AUTHORIZATION TO OBTAIN THE NECESSARY INFORMATION FOR STABILIZATION AND DREDGED PERMITS. AGREE: ) DATE: 3 I �� I I Cl From: TAMARA HAGER *lager lakepermit.com Subject.- Neill pics Date Mar 29, 2019 at 8=32=51 AM Tc7 TAMARA HAGER agei'4_ idkepermit.com .............. _ .... ............. ƒ ` §� . . � � .. � � ©� ° ° : » . . < �� z � z � � .��.� <f�.` !�>�. \ < y� � ...�%�: > �. ,.. § �<: �� . . � � .( \ . -kw.. ��� � � �� . • �. � �- . .. . �_�a�;/� ^ zyw�� .:..z ./\�� �. . . / 7 � � � «>< �2 |: # . . � ; 22� . . y� :� � » �� ^ � : � » e :,/�»&��` -«�! � {� y . : � � . . ���.&.�.�,��£»�I�z��. .�2/ Thank You LaKe PeRmiT LLC hag-e—r@lakepermit.com Tamara Hager 704-575-2227 ., GFAI Yr�1Je4 COUNT "�,,iW 68B.ODQ N.Ir T! `.fhzanER u Ih u•A„A •-%v. xlwy {,;,..,� gLBBR7 M, LYFRLy '-a.11r1„W IS•d p�prOBCR ':IC •ALL JILT! 11 • Thr, . L — r-,rA�a•: �- 23- 60 FR N'682q 950140 E.1, 687.000 ,��1 �, i•'e �CJci « t C 4 0 F*isr /IO/E7H �N/2��iAlR SH q /'1'c 0 cJ64LAIrV q0 R� •, e--A,Eja zu �L�996 CRESCENT LAND a TIMBER CORP, (F, C. SHERRILL) U. M. I. -38 N9830'W —40.00'- 6 86, 7424,288 80 oa D/ R/W LIMIT S6sgq•w_30.0 ' !6'E-475. 17w L!M!1 LSB3s16 E_9 LTHE RM NCtSLANDRILL, ET AL. DWG. NO, 735 y;3• S85446'E-11.05' S34211'E-11.18` ELEV.,`y0 SEA LEVEL )ATU , Sppy S 9 2`aY S� 3P3i�`�'.3S 2S9S. a XPi , S3SP3B' 24,0090, \_ -3a00' N75046'E-13.42' 78,16' ��/ S79421'E-30.61' 26.4y, P. 572808 E-43.05' 4.3 ?i' �0�' ASO°43'W-68.31' �• P / 90'�G• 2 Po- �Op, 49S Fss a'0 ? X06 PG 0. , pi�9 Sia °• S33827'W-65.03' a. 4.303 P33F•3�3 ,ky,gS;i? 6'F O �'�• S53929'W-75.39' Nry6a� 4�s�OB, f •�1 PGi1F'• 2' %-i 35 3�fi W-845.17' 4,3 00 3.-go, 9 , + 0• N, S8336'E-19.85' so IY B b ,W 'y2 3eP 9'�B NMN 0.yq S48825'W-46,84' 4 4.2j Y,o3PP2p.4`V, 3" p70f2e8 y�'• SI9e32'W-76.90' Sroy32aF4�'222Fy•9/v9vSy, y'i• IV.PIN pI8.• ,.,, : I„ I N.687, 291.8034SO3•Es•°pE. I, 425,373.79 530352'W-60.53' �\a S70e&W-66.71' ':'---S64809'W-115.84' QvPF F BAg35��1BB1 Vrtr, t •'�� 941835 E•.639 v C� Is �Ji CP 0� 111 _ Op ./ /G�`�0 J�,•(� + 607,00 MOTE: ALL STREET CORNER RADII ARE 20 FEET, ° /• ti � PROPERTY LINE DISTANCES ARE COMPUTED 70 POINT OF INTERSECTION AT STREET CORNERS. LUTHER COWANS SHERRILL,ETAL. SUBDIVISION DUKE POWER COMPANY TO CRESCENT LAND 8 TIMBER CORP. DEED BOOK 947, PAGE 632, MAY 1, 1969. BK. N0, 12, PAGE 102 BUILDING SETBACK LINES ARE 30 FT. FROM ROAD 0 RIGHT OF WAY LIMIT, 50 FT, FROM CONTOUR ELEV. x°i 760 U,S.G.S, SEA LEVEL DATUM AND IS FT. FROM v ...-, -., SIDE LOT LINE. V 25 Z°2'y' s�Ne�°23{B E�20.226.93 F,hr���i - 562NB7223E'E- 19 5 alae aDti �� S2 11119 1 E 9185 58801 W- 37.10 CO S31 ll5\3 18 NON. \ 57•I9E•2023, S6 LOT CRE e12 W' 0.67 A ) 37.70 98,45 15 •Ih, pIN N $77¢10 0_226• rll' o CONC. N.686,702.7I E.1. 1 .92 CRESCENT LAND 8 TIMBER CORP. LAKE NORMAN MAP OF RECREATION LOTS SECTION 27 LOTS 18, 24, 2 5, 28 a 29 MOUNTAIN CREEK TOWNSHIP CATAW13A COUNTY, N. C. SCALE: I"=100' AUGUST 20, 1975 MISC. BOOK NO. 298 Owe. NO. C. F 27-A 0 100 200 300 qOp M�- C Catawba county Geospatial Real Estate Search MAKING. LIVING. BITTER. Information Services N W+E S Parcel: 462802567806, 2637 SOUTHERN BREEZE SHERRILLS FORD, 28673 Owners: NEILL ROLFE, Owner Address: 641 LLEWELLYN PL Values - Building(s): $211,600, Land: $302,900, Total: $514,500 1 in=80ft This map/report product was prepared from the Catawba County, NC Geospatial Information Services. Catawba County has made substantial efforts to ensure the accuracy of location and labeling information contained on this map or data on this report. Catawba County promotes and recommends the independent verification of any data contained on this map/report product by the user. The County of Catawba, its employees, agents, and personnel, disclaim, and shall not be held liable for any and all damages, loss or liability, whether direct, indirect or consequential which arises or may arise from this map/report product or the use thereof by any person or entity. Copyright 2014 Catawba County NC 03/27/2019 Parcel Report - Catawba County NC Parcel Information: Parcel ID: 462802667866 Parcel Address: 2637 SOUTHERN BREEZE City: SHERRILLS FORD, 28673 LRK(REID): 8056 Deed Book/Page: 1377/0423 Subdivision: CRESCENT LAND AND TIMBER CORP Lots/Block: 18/ Last Sale: Plat Book/Page: 16/9 Legal: LOT 18 SECT 27 LT18 PL 16-9 PL 16-9 Calculated Acreage: .680 Tax Map: 008 X 27018 Township: MOUNTAIN CREEK State Road #: Tax/Value Information: Tax Rates(pdo City Tax District: All in County County Fire District: SHERRILLS FORD Building(s) Value: $211,600 Land Value: $302,900 Assessed Total Value: $514,500 Year Built/Remodeled: 1978/2001 Current Tax Bill Miscellaneous: Building Permits for this parcel. Building Details WaterShed: WS -IV Critical Area Voter Precinct: P31 Parcel Report Data Descriptions List all Owners Deed History Report Owner Information: Owner: NEILL ROLFE Owner2: Address:, 641 LLEWELLYN PL Address2: City: CHARLOTTE State/Zip: NC 28207-2327 School Information: School District: COUNTY Elementary School: SHERRILLS FORD Middle School: MILL CREEK High School: BANDYS School Map Zoning Information: Zoning District: COUNTY Zoningl: R-30 Zoning2: Zoning3: Zoning Overlay: CRC-O,WP-O,FPM-O Small Area: SHERRILLS FORD Split Zoning Districts: / Zoning Agency Phone Numbers Firm Panel Date: 2008-03-18 Firm Panel #: 3710462800K 2010 Census Block: 2998 2010 Census Tract: 011503 Agricultural District: Assessment Report This map/report'product was prepared from the Catawba County, NC Geospatial Information Services. Catawba County has made. substantial efforts to ensure the accuracy of location and labeling information contained on this map or data on this report. Catawba County promotes and recommends the independent verification or any data contained on this map/report product by the user. The County of Catawba, its employees, agents, and personnel, disclaim, and shall not be held liable for any and all damages, loss or liability, whether direct, indirect or consequential which arises or may arise from this map/report product or the use thereof by any person or entity. 0 2019, Catawba County Government, North Carolina. All rights reserved. Go gie Maps Marshall Steam Station to 2637 Southern Drive 6.9 miles, 11 min Breeze f ' - ' iij 11 min 6.9 Q 2637 Southern Breeze Sherri Ford t `t w lia ONlarshall Steam Station ,9,5 Goo e i u Lake Noir,.- of cata"b' Map data ©2019 Google 2000 ft ;— - Marshall Steam Station 8320 NC-150, Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 t 1. Head south toward NC-150 E 0.2 mi r . 2. Turn right onto NC-150 W 3. Turn 0.8 mi C-f-(- He, �j r+ right onto Sherrills Ford Rd I�le1 r► 4. Turn right onto Island Point Rd 2.4 mi 3.3 mi 41 5. Turn left onto Riviera Dr 0.2 mi #1 6. Turn left onto Southern Breeze 299 ft 2637 Southern Breeze Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 These directions are for planning purposes only. You may find that construction projects, traffic, weather, or other events may cause conditions to M�topo A TRIMBLE COMPANY W= 0 ,i 'I 2637 Southem Breeze, Sherrills Ford, NC, USA i, A O US O Canada Search for more maps Go:gle.f'1 Ck€PIt 'undefined :... GPS Coordinate of Mouse: 35.6218615, -80.923384 1 Chance mar Print from your computer: Landscape I portrait Link to this map' Browse and view FREE US Geological Survey, US Forest Service, and NRCan topo maps for the US and Canada. MyTopo One South Broadway Billings, MT 59101 2019 MyTopo A Trimble Company About Q Partner Prooram Contact Us Privacy Policy Retum Policy support@mytopo.com 877.587.9004 406.294.9411 Q 0 LL tit$ i i Go:gle.f'1 Ck€PIt 'undefined :... GPS Coordinate of Mouse: 35.6218615, -80.923384 1 Chance mar Print from your computer: Landscape I portrait Link to this map' Browse and view FREE US Geological Survey, US Forest Service, and NRCan topo maps for the US and Canada. MyTopo One South Broadway Billings, MT 59101 2019 MyTopo A Trimble Company About Q Partner Prooram Contact Us Privacy Policy Retum Policy support@mytopo.com 877.587.9004 406.294.9411 Q 0 LL getLatLong.net Home » Latitude and Longitude of a Point CO chrome To find the latitude and longitude of a point you can do any of the following... 1. Press and Hold the Shift Key then Click on the point on the map. 2. Drag the red marker. 3. Enter the Address 12637 SOUTHERN BREEZE, SHERRI LLS Il GO Latitude and Longitude of a Point 0 05 t 1.5M s� J lk k". 0 Terrell Clear/ Reset Remove Last Blue Marker Center Red Marker Get the Latitude and Longitude of a Point i When you click on the map, move the marker or enter an address the latitude and longitude coordinates of the point are inserted in the boxes below. Latitude: 35.621884 ._I Longitude: X0.932559 I i Degrees Minutes Seconds Latitude: 35 37 18.7824 Longitude: ® 55 57.2116 Drag me Ad FAQ I iTouchmap.com Standard Show Point from Latitude and Longitude Use this if you know the latitude and longitude coordinates of a point and want to see where on the map the point is. Use: + for N Lat or E Long - for S Lat or W Long. Example: +40.689060 -74.044636 Note: Your entry should not have any embedded spaces. Decimal Deg. Latitude: Decimal Deg. Longitude: Show Point Example: +34 40 50.12 for 34N 40'50.12" Degrees Minutes Latitude: Longitude: Com' Show Point 0 getLatLong.net 2018 1 Credits and Disclaimers I Pnvacy Policy Seconds 0 Shels;�. Show Point from Latitude and Longitude Use this if you know the latitude and longitude coordinates of a point and want to see where on the map the point is. Use: + for N Lat or E Long - for S Lat or W Long. Example: +40.689060 -74.044636 Note: Your entry should not have any embedded spaces. Decimal Deg. Latitude: Decimal Deg. Longitude: Show Point Example: +34 40 50.12 for 34N 40'50.12" Degrees Minutes Latitude: Longitude: Com' Show Point 0 getLatLong.net 2018 1 Credits and Disclaimers I Pnvacy Policy Seconds 0