HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050005 Ver 1_Complete File_20050103Or r . ` Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretarv North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality January 10, 2005 DWQ Project # 05-0005 McDowell County William K. Swayne 2315 Treymore Lane Charlotte, NC 28262 Subject Property: The Arbor / Phase IV / Lot 77A Pier Drive, Nebo 28761 Approval of 401 Water Quality Certification with Additional Conditions Dear Mr. Swayne: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions and those listed below, to place fill within or otherwise impact 497 linear feet of shoreline for the purpose of stabilization at the subject property, as described within your application received by the N.C. Division of Water Quality (DWQ) on January 3, 2005. After reviewing your application, we have decided that the impacts are covered by General Water Quality Certification Number(s) 3373 (GC3373). The Certification(s) allows you to use Regional Permit(s) 198200030 when issued by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). In addition, you should obtain or otherwise comply with any other required federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Erosion and Sediment Control, Non-discharge, and buffer regulations. Also, this approval to proceed with your proposed impacts or to conduct impacts to waters as depicted in your application shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA Permit. This approval is for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre of wetland or 150 linear feet of stream, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h). This approval requires you to follow the conditions listed in the attached certification and any additional conditions listed below. The Additional Conditions of the Certification are: 401 Wetlands Certification Unit 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733-1786/ FAX 919-733-6893 /Internet http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands NorihCarolina ?Vatarally An Equal Cppcrtunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper William K. Swayne: Page 2 of 5 January 10, 2005: 1. Impacts Approved The following impacts are hereby approved as long as all of the other specific and general conditions of this Certification (or Isolated Wetland Permit) are met. No other impacts are approved including incidental impacts: Amount Approved (Units) Plan Location or Reference Stream 497 feet Buffers 0 (square ft.) 2. Erosion & Sediment Control Practices Erosion and sediment control practices must be in full compliance with all specifications governing the proper design, installation and operation and maintenance of such Best Management Practices in order to protect surface waters standards: a. The erosion and sediment control measures for the project must be designed, installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the most recent version of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual. b. The design, installation, operation, and maintenance of the sediment and erosion control measures must be such that they equal, or exceed, the requirements specified in the most recent version of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Manual. The devices shall be maintained on all construction sites, borrow sites, and waste pile (spoil) projects, including contractor-owned or leased borrow pits associated with the project. c. For borrow pit sites, the erosion and sediment control measures must be designed, installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the most recent version of the North Carolina Surface Mining Manual. d. The reclamation measures and implementation must comply with the reclamation in accordance with the requirements of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act. 3. No Waste, Spoil, Solids, or Fill of Any Kind No waste, spoil, solids, or fill of any kind shall occur in wetlands, waters, or riparian areas beyond the footprint of the impacts depicted in the Pre-Construction Notification. All construction activities, including the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of sediment and erosion control Best Management Practices, shall be performed so that no violations of state water quality standards, statutes, or rules occur. 4. No Sediment & Erosion Control Measures w/n Wetlands or Waters William K. Swayne: Page 3 of January 10, 2005: Sediment and erosion control measures shall not be placed in wetlands or waters to the maximum extent practicable. If placement of sediment and erosion control devices in wetlands and waters is unavoidable, they shall be removed and the natural grade restored within six months of the date that the Division of Land Resources has released the project. 5. Certificate of Completion Upon completion of all work approved within the 401 Water Quality Certification or applicable Buffer Rules, and any subsequent modifications, the applicant is required to return the attached certificate of completion to the 401/Wetlands Unit, North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1650. 6. Buffer Mitigation (Preservation) You are required to protect riparian buffers on this site. You must complete the following: Deed Notifications - Deed notifications or similar mechanisms shall be placed on the lot to assure compliance with the conditions of this variance approval. These mechanisms shall be put in place prior to impacting any buffers approved for impact under this Minor Variance. The Deed Notifications shall include the following paragraph. The areas shown on the recorded plat as Riparian Buffer Protection Areas shall be maintained in perpetuity in their natural or mitigated condition. No person or entity shall fill, grade, excavate, or perform any other land disturbing activities; nor cut, remove, or harm any vegetation; nor construct any structures or add any additional impervious surfaces, on such protected areas without written authorization from the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) or compliance with the Riparian Buffer Protection Rule (15A NCAC 2B .0243). This covenant is intended to ensure continued compliance with authorizations issued by the State of North Carolina, Division of Water Quality, DWQ Project Number 03-1030, and therefore may be enforced by the State of North Carolina. This covenant is to run with the land, and shall be binding on the Owner, and all parties claiming under it." William K. Swayne: Pale -4 of 5 January 10, 2005: 7. Diffuse Flow All constructed stormwater conveyance outlets shall be directed and maintained as diffuse flow at non-erosive velocities through the protected stream buffers such that it will not re-concentrate before discharging into a surface waters. If this is not possible, it may be necessary to provide stormwater facilities that are considered to remove nitrogen. This may require additional approval from this Office. 8. Catawba Buffer Tree Protection No trees shall be removed from Zone 1 of the Catawba Buffer unless they are directly within the construction access corridor. If trees are removed, forested vegetation shall be re-established within the construction access or other temporary impact area occurring in the protected buffer zone within the next growing season following construction of the project. 9. Turbidity Standard The turbidity standard of 10 NTUs (Nephelometric Turbidity Units) shall not be exceeded as described in 15 A NCAC 2B. .0200. Appropriate sediment and erosion control practices must be used to meet this standard. 10. No Impacts Beyond those in Application No waste, spoil, solids, or fill of any kind shall occur in wetlands, waters, or riparian areas beyond the footprint of the impacts depicted in the Pre- construction Notification. All construction activities, including the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of sediment and erosion control Best Management Practices, shall be performed so that no violations of state water quality standards, statutes, or rules occur. Violations of any condition herein set forth may result in revocation of this Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. The authorization to proceed with your proposed impacts or to conduct impacts to waters as depicted in your application and as authorized by this Certification, shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA Permit. w uuam N. Dwayne: Page 5 of 5 January 10, 2005: 1 If you do not accept any of the conditions of this Certification (associated with the approved wetland or stream impacts), you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition, which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-6714. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone Cyndi Karoly in the Central Office in Raleigh at 919-733-9721 or Mr. Kevin Barnett in the DWQ Asheville Regional Office at 828-296-4657. Sincere[y, r-o,z- Ian W. Klimek, P.E. AW Klkhb Enclosures: GC 3373 Certificate of Completion cc: McDowell County Planning Mrs. Sue Harmon, Permits, Etc. Post Office Box 234 Boiling Springs, NC 28017-0234 USACE Asheville Regulatory Field Office DWQ Asheville Regional Office DLR Asheville Regional Office File Copy Central Files Filename: 05-0005.Swayne.GC3373.Approval. McDowell MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney Regional Contact: Barnett. Kevin Non-Discharge Branch WQ Supervisor: Fnrrps WPstall Date: SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Facility Name William K. Swayne Project Number 05 0005 Recvd From APP Received Date 113105 Recvd By Region Project Type shoreline stabilization County McDowell County2 Region Asheville Certificates Stream Permit Wetland Wetland Wetland Stream Class Acres Feet Type Type Impact Score Index Prim. Supp. Basin Req. Req. GP30 Waters PT -@N F_- 11-(23) wSV I 30,830. 0.02 497.00 PT O N r F- F__F__ F__ F_- Mitigation Wetland MitigationType Type Acres Feet Is Wetland Rating Sheet Attached? 0 Y (* N Did you request more info? 0 Y N Have Project Changes/Conditions Been Discussed With Applicant? 0 Y Q N Is Mitigation required? 0 Y (* N Recommendation: 0 Issue 0 Issue/Coed 0 Deny Provided by Region: Latitude (ddmmss) Longitude (ddmmss) Comments: Issued from ARO - 01/10/2005 - KHB cc: Regional Office Central Office Page Number 1 Facility Name William K. Swayne Project Number 05 0005 Comments (continued from page 1): County McDowell Regional Contact: Barnett, Kevin Date: cc: Regional Office Page Number 2 Central Office Triage Check List Date: 1/4/05 To: Kevin Barnett, Asheville Regional Office Project Name: William K. Swayne DWQ#: 05-0005 County: McDowell 60-day Processing Time: 1/3/05 to 3/1/05 From: Cyndi Karoly Telephone : (919) 733-9721 The file attached is being forwarded to your for your evaluation. Please call if you need assistance. ? Stream length impacted ? Stream determination Wetland determination and distance to blue-line surface waters on USFW topo maps ? Minimization/avoidance issues ? Buffer Rules (Neuse, Tar-Pamlico, Catawba, Randleman) ? Pond fill Mitigation Ratios ? Ditching ? Are the stream and or wetland mitigation sites available and viable? ? Check drawings for accuracy Is the application consistent with pre-application meetings? ? Cumulative impact concern Comments: As per our discussion regarding revision of the triage and delegation processes, please review the attached file. Note that you are the first reviewer, so this file will need to be reviewed for administrative as well as technical details. If you elect to place this project on hold, please ask the applicant to provide your requested information to both the Central Office in Raleigh as well as the Asheville Regional Office. As we discussed, this is an experimental, interim procedure as we slowly transition to electronic applications. Please apprise me of any complications you encounter, whether related to workload, processing times, or lack of a "second reviewer" as the triage process in Central had previously provided. Also, if you think of ways to improve this process, especially so that we can plan for the electronic applications, let me know. Thanks! Du?Q Cpi The following is an abbreviated application form for those applying for a 401 Water Quality Certification to impact FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) regulated lake shore or bottom under the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permit GP30. This Application cannot be used for wetland or stream impacts. Please provide seven (7) copies of this application and supporting information as well as a non-refundable application fee to the Division of Water Quality of $200.00 for impacts of to lake bottom of less than 1 acre and $475.00 for impacts to lake bottom of greater or equal to 1 acre. Applications should be sent to: Division of Water Quality Wetlands Uni> Ole s U V D 1650 Mail Service Center D D Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 JAN 0 3 2005 DEC 0 3 2005 L Applicant Information DENR - WATER QUALITY DENR - WATER QUALITY IVEWMS AND STORh1'WATER ERAPlCH VO ANDS AND STORMMATER bWXH 1. Owner/Applicant Information Name: WILLIAM K. SWAYNE Mailing Address: 2315 TREYMORE LANE CHARLOTTE, NC 28262 Telephone Number: _704409-3970 Fax Number: E-mail Address: 2. Agent Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: SUE HARMON Company Affiliation: PERMITS, ETC. Mailing Address: POST OFFICE BOX 234 BOILING SPRINGS, NC 28017, Telephone Number: _704-434-0706 E-mail Address: IL Project Information _permitsetc@carolina.rr.com Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. You may use the diagram below to make a hand sketch of your project. Also, see the example below for guidance. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. Fax Number: 704-434-7100 . W111-lorn K. 1?tlru10 1. Location County: MCDOWELL Nearest Town: NEBO Subdivision name or site address (include phase/lot number): THE ARBOR / PHASE IV / LOT 77A (PIER DRIVE, NEBO, NC 28761) Directions to site please include road numbers, landmarks, etc. (This is not necessary if an adequate vicinity map is included): FROM MARION TAKE HWY 70 EAST / LEFT ON CEMETERY RD. / LEFT ON HIGHT TRAIL DR. / RIGHT ON BEACON RIDGE DR. / RIGHT ON SYCAMORE DR. / LEFT ON HARBORSIDE DR. / RIGHT ON PIER DRIVE TO END 2. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application: THIS IS A LARGE, VACANT, WOODED LAKE LOT. 3. Property size (acres): _1.836 ACRES 4. Nearest body of water (stream/river/sound/ocean/lake): LAKE JAMES 5. Describe the purpose of the proposed work: TO STABILIZE THE SHORELINE AND HELP PREVENT EROSION BY APPLYING RIVER ROCK (LARGE BOULDERS) TO 497 LINEAR FEET OF SHORELINE OF THIS LOT. THE RIVER ROCK WILL BE 6-8 FEET IN HEIGHT. 6. List the type of equipment to be used to construct the project: A BARGE, A BACKHOE AND HAND TOOLS 7. Amount of impact (including all excavation, backfill, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) below the normal pool lake level in square feet or acres: 2 FT. X 497 FT. = 994 SQUARE FEET 8.a. Amount of impact (including all clearing, back fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) above the normal pool lake level and 50 feet land-ward in square feet or acres: NONE. 8.b. Please describe vegetation above the normal pool lake level and 50 feet landward to be impacted (number of trees for instance): NO TREES WILL BE REMOVED. NO EQUIPMENT WILL BE USED IN THE BUFFER AREA. Applicant/Agent's Signature' J ' Date ' (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) V?iil?nm k. ?w'r1?Ine The Arbor I Ph : /Ld Ne hog N C _ Lake (Full Pond) w'tit b6 uSed Full Pond Shoreline River rock ? .5 D o16C:V. Lakeward I (Large. ( V 4`17 RI per ro'The Arbor Please approximately sketch the following information on this plan (please provide dimensions for each item, such as 10 ft. x 100 ft.): 1) All proposed vegetation clearing (provide dimensions) 2) Location of rip rap or fill to be placed above the "Normal Pool" elevation 3) Location of rip rap or fill to be placed below the "Normal Pool" elevation 4) The location of any proposed structures such as buildings, retaining walls, docks, etc. 5) The location of any excavation or dredging below the "Normal Pool" elevation 6) Location of construction access corridors Wi ll?ain KI 5Lcagnv Thy Arbor / Ph;T / Hof `]7A Scale,: I inch = IG,?B F?f TA?3nElonca 31 5.3 ¦ I1.05 C 4:.31• C 37.34' w 4 64 T C 11.42• C 57.00' 1• C 3.83. i" r 49. E0' 1 C 2.85 3 c 45.59' r w 10 01 2' C 24-34. 6" C 30.11' C ab 96' s w 16.77' s w 88.83' 3" E 5.00' 7" , 4s. 00' Jaynes .?N 0 • 1 O 1 t ?• J 1 640 "1• f?rM 1, 104 t.Vtw.tod g4 . oad by ,n( lt.14 n.P c0*4 rq 1..+v a k cued ¦ 7'.w -4 1.•0 Mf all•'??'Y H''! 4 wa•Q . v!?17h rCn ('tver rcck- tja.(-tj•= boulders K S- 5?1o uJ l o gi n ' ee?' (?'? ? qq7 11-near feet) a > S V . y O ?, he i 4 J b T ¦ b , ?1 n _u ° ?tural Rcck ?tinf ?Nc ?,?(cl?f'icnal N o ??o , w «a E ° . t_ a ? \ •?o o s= o • b J c z .? 197 1 11 w! 1 t 196 ?) 1.836 oc. ?'` ?? 193 /? ® ?, a•P `J u `? ,?\ le4 r \ i `?`}' ?' n• >s -'= - ? ms`s ' \ : -,uS3 ?? ? 77 \ \ \ ld • ' 1•w 1. o , .` ? \ o . \\`\ 0.783 oc.\ ?- v?? -vo6ss ILI NC. \ O. \ .L.?? i , - \so ocs \ ?? M ^ ` 9 ` \ \?? \ I7' 0.6'13 oc. \\ v 76 S TIE. ? 1 lOC ?1 \ •p l?T ?/Zf tb?C 1 r' ? p ? ? /\ 0.688 5) oc. u. V l11 ?f V(Vlc Vi'/C?Vvlfl Cllr v.\> I MreO/ dcs° bat /` ti CW fist hr4t • ?k'9 1•v l• s lz? THE, A R BOA Nebo area, NC William K. Swayne / The Arbor / Lot 77-A N Ion or at 166 1 1 P sD WIN= K. Swayne t The Arbor / Lot 77-A Nebo, NC 23761 Labtu i 35.73;55 \ v Longlh.lde -81.595012 16631 ? ?? X1662 ?? .. t? ?l Idns \ ?'JW81? 1648 'j J," :7 p 126 1601, 1660 1111 , n ` 1 1.636, ??S iflh et '?? ,•? ` ??? 1???5 ? Field,, ? !f '15pp; . „ r ? ? ? ) ? • 126! Ji 1646_ l 1576:; Ji 0 rni 05 1 1 5 2 2 Copyright O 1883-2001 Microsoft Corp. andfor its suppliers. All rights reserved. http:1t ww.microsoftcom/streets O Copynght'Z= by Geographic Data Technology. Inc. All rights reserved. O 2000 Navigation Technologies. All rights reserved. This data includes information taken with permission from Canadian authorities 0 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada. O Copyright 2000 by Compusearch Micromarketing Data and Systems Ltd. To: North Carolina Division of Water Quality I give Sue Harmon, of Permits, Etc., permission to sign as my agent on my application for shoreline stabilization. Signature s ?) . Date I z?41 7 /'z? The Arbor- Lca+ 91 A William Swayne q - _ r ' ? r ? t< t+ e i Duke Power© December 16, 2004 Ms. Cyndi Karoly NCDENR Division of Water Quality 2321 Crabtree Boulevard Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Dear Ms. Karoly: DUKE POWER P.O. Box 1006 Charlotte, NC 28201-1006 Mr. William Swayne, owner of lot 77A, The Arbor subdivision, located on Pier Drive near Nebo, on Lake James in McDowell County, would like to apply for shoreline stabilization of his lake lot. I have made a site visit to this lot. I will be happy to review his application for shoreline stabilization. His application must include approval from your agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Please call me if you have any questions at 704-382-8577. Sincerely, 1- . k-),k , J. Wade Harmon Lake Management Representative www.dukepower.com