HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190580 Ver 1_USACE & DWR Response Ltr 01-18-2019 w Att_20190501Page 1 of 4 January 18, 2019 S&EC Project No. 13715.D1/W1 Ms. Tasha Alexander Mr. Rick Bolich / Ms. Stephanie Goss U.S. Army Corps of Engineers N.C. Division of Environmental Quality Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Division of Water Resources 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 3800 Barrett Drive Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 RE: Unauthorized Discharge of Fill (Action ID No. SAW-2018-02001) Stream Standard Violations (NOV-2018-PC-0442) 118 River Road South (Parcel No. 4908-09-26-2834) Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 Dear Ms. Alexander and Mr. Bolich: Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA (S&EC) has been engaged by the Owner, Mr. Preston McElheney, to prepare this response letter and assist with the resolution of issues identified in the above referenced unauthorized discharge of fill and stream standards violations letters issued on October 26, 2018 and November 14, 2018 by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer (USACE) and the N.C. Division of Water Resources (DWR) respectively. At the direction of Mr. McElheney we have prepared this written response to summarize the actions and opinions regarding the identified issues and provide an update regarding actions taken on the property to date as well as intended future actions. For convenience. a copy of both of the aforementioned letters are included as Attachments 1 and 2 of this letter. Cited Unauthorized Actions/Violations We understand that during a site visit on October 18, 2018, Mr. David Bailey of the USACE, Mr. Zack Thomas of DWR and Ms. Kelly Lasky of the City of Roanoke Rapids 118 River Road South, Roanoke Rapids, NC Project No. 13715.D1/W1 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA January 18, 2019 Page 2 of 4 visited the subject property to observe and investigate site conditions, specifically those associated with a tributary to the Roanoke River located on the property. During this site visit it was determined that unauthorized fill material had been discharged into the tributary as a result of stream and streambank stabilization efforts performed by the property owner. Based on observations made during this site visit, and a records search for previously issued permits, the aforementioned letters were issued by regulatory agencies citing the following unauthorized actions and violations: Unauthorized Actions Cited by USACE (SAW-2018-02001) As Roanoke River and the associated tributary are subject to the Department of the Army (DA)permitting requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) (33 USC § 1344) and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 USC §403), and no permits were previously issued by USACE for the work, the activities performed are a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC §1311) and Section 17 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 USC §413). Violations Cited by DWR (NOV-2018-PC-0442) As the stream on the property is an unnamed tributary to the Roanoke River, which is classified as Class C Waters in the Roanoke Basin, and as no Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) was received by DWR and no 401 Water Quality Certification was previously used by DWR the following violations were cited: Item I. Stream Standards – Other Waste (In-Stream Sediment) –Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 02B .0211 (12) requires that "Oils; deleterious substances; colored or other wastes: only such amounts as shall not render the waters injurious to public health, secondary recreation or to aquatic life and wildlife or adversely affect the palatability of fish, aesthetic quality or impair the waters for any designated uses;" Item II. Stream Standards – Removal of Use – Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 02B .0211 (2) requires that “The waters shall be suitable for aquatic life propagation and maintenance of biological integrity, wildlife, secondary recreation, and agriculture; sources of water pollution which preclude any of these uses on either a short-tern or long-term basis shall be considered to be violating a water quality standard." Item III. Failure to Secure a 401 Certification – Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2H .0501 requires certifications pursuant to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act whenever construction or operation of facilities will result in a discharge into navigable waters, including wetlands, as described in 33 CFR Part 323. Title 15A NCAC 2H .0502 states any person desiring issuance of the State certification or coverage under a general certification required by Section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act shall file with the Director of the North Carolina Division of Water Resources. 118 River Road South, Roanoke Rapids, NC Project No. 13715.D1/W1 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA January 18, 2019 Page 3 of 4 Further details regarding the cited violations by USACE and DWR are provided in the attached letters. Response Activities/Actions Proposed & Preliminary Schedule On December 20, 2018 Mr. McElheney and representatives of S&EC met with Ms. Tasha Alexander of USACE, Mr. Zachary Thomas and Ms. Stephanie Goss of DWR, and Ms. Kelly Lasky and Mr. Larry Chalker of the City of Roanoke Rapids to review site conditions, evaluate the existing stream and reported violations, and to discuss potential after-the-fact permitting options. Following the site meeting an email summary of the meeting was prepared by S&EC and sent to the meeting attendees on December 20, 2018. Response emails from Mr. Thomas and Ms. Alexander on January 7 and January 8, 2019 respectively provided select clarifications to the email summary. Copies of these emails are provided as Attachment 3. During the site meeting field measurements indicated the instream permanent impacts to the tributary to be approximately 148 linear feet. The group acknowledged that the stream most likely did not have a riffle/pool complex as was not a “special aquatic site”. Ms. Alexander confirmed that the adjacent portion of the Roanoke River was subject to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 USC §403) and that any construction in or over the river would be require authorization from USACE. Based on discussion during the site meeting, and subsequent emails and telephone discussions we propose the following activities/actions on behalf of Mr. McElheney: 1. S&EC to prepare and provide this formal written response to USACE and DWR on or before January 18, 2019. 2. S&EC (or Owner) to engage a Professional Land Surveyor to perform a detailed survey of the existing impacted stream and other pertinent site features. 3. S&EC to prepare a Proposed Site Plan and Impact Map Exhibits showing the proposed modifications to the existing channel stabilization to ensure that the permanent impacted channel length remains under 150 linear feet. Proposed modifications to the existing stabilization include but are not limited to; a. The lowering of concrete/stone impoundment weir (under the pedestrian bridge) to reduce the depth of upstream impoundment, b. The closure/cut-off of the existing PVC bypass pipe under the stream channel, and other recommendations, to allow stream flow through the surface channel, c. The modification and/or removal of a portion of the downstream end of the existing instream stabilization to allow for a more gradual transition 118 River Road South, Roanoke Rapids, NC Project No. 13715.DIfW1 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA January 18, 2019 from the bed of the tributary to the river (not to extend any further downstream that currently exists), d. The replacement of pre-existing ripraplrock armoring of portions of the downstream tributary channel banks and adjacent Roanoke River banks near the downstream end of the structure, and e. The Proposed Site Plan will include any proposed site appurtenances ("river deck", floating dock, water intake/withdrawal structure, etc.) subject to Section 10 regulations and water withdrawal regulations. 4. S&EC will prepare and submit an after -the -fact PCN Application (with supporting Impact Maps) to USACE and DWR for consideration on or before March 1, 2019. The PCN Application will request stream impacts utilizing Nationwide Permit (NWP) 13 and 18 (per Section 404 of the Clean Water Act) and General Certification 4134 (per Section 401 Certification of the Clean Water Act). The PCN Application will address the aforementioned site appurtenances and their compliance with Section 10 waters regulations. The exhibit provided as Attachment 4 provides an example showing how the area and volume of the impacts will be calculated and requested under the NWP 13 and 18. S&EC will continue to keep USACE and DWR informed of our progress and any expected changes to the above described schedule. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments regarding the contents of this letter or the proposed activities/actions and preliminary schedule included herein. We anxiously await your response. Sincerely, SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA C;��arzecki Wetlands Department Manager Attachments: Attachment i — USACE Letter dated October 26, 2018 Attachment 2 — NCDEQ-DWR Letter dated November 14, 2018 Attachment 3 — Meeting Summary Emails dated December 20, 2018, January 7, 2019 and January 8, 2019 Attachment 4 -- Example Impact Area & Volume Calculations Exhibit Cc. Mr. Charles Preston McElheney, III (email) Ms. Stephanie Goss, NCDEQ-DWR (email) Ms. Samantha Dailey, USACE (email) Ms. Kelly Lasky, City of Roanoke Rapids (email) Page 4 of 4 Attachment 1 -2 - You have the option of voluntarily restoring the stream channel in the previous location. We strongly recommend that you hire an environmental professional to aid you in these efforts. Successful restoration of this feature includes the following measures: 1) Using a qualified contractor, reconstruct the stream channel in its original location with the following requirements: a. Using best management practices, dewater the portion of the stream channel subject to the activities listed in the paragraph above (e.g., coffer dam and pump - around); b. Remove all portions of materials that can impound water within the stream channel; c. Remove all retaining walls, re -slope stream banks (3:1 slopes recommended), and stabilize disturbed/bare ground; d. Remove all materials placed in the stream bed, including concrete linings, plastic/rubber linings, cobble, boulder, and grade control materials; e. Remove all drainage pipes and portions of the drainage system buried under the stream channel or extending waterward of the bank of the Roanoke River; f. Restore prior grade and contour of the stream channel using stream bed sediments, which are suitable and appropriate for this landscape position and ecoregion; g. We recommend designing the stream channel using natural channel design pattern and profile; You also have the option to apply for an after -the -fact permit. Please be aware that, through the permitting process you are required to demonstrate purpose and need of the project, avoid and minimize your impacts to waters to the maximum extent practicable, and provide compensatory mitigation for any lost function of the aquatic resources. In addition, when requesting an after -the -fact DA permit, you are required to complete a Tolling Agreement. Please contact Mr. Bailey immediately if you plan to apply for after -the -fact DA authorization to discuss the permitting process. Keep in mind that you will be required to remove all discharged dredged or fill material and provide restoration to the satisfaction of this office for those areas of impacted waters of the U.S. that you do not receive after -the -fact authorization. Finally, you need to provide the Corps a written response within thirty (30) days of the date of this correspondence detailing your plan for resolving the above -referenced unauthorized activities; include your intentions to restore the stream as indicated above, and/or pursue after - the -fact DA authorization, and your proposed timeline for each. Thank you for your time and cooperation. Should you have questions, contact Mr. David E. Bailey, Raleigh Regulatory Field Office at David.E.Bailey2(&usace.army.mil or telephone (919) 554-4884, Extension 30. FOR THE COMMANDER -3 - Digitally signed by GISBYJEAN.B.1229783633 DN: —US, o=U.5. Government, ou=DoD, ou=PKI,ou=U5A, cn=GIB8YJEAN.B.1229783633 Bate: 2018.10.26 11:17:15 -04'00' for Robert J. Clark Colonel. U.S. Army District Commander Copies Furnished: Robert J. Higdon, Jr., U.S. Attorney Eastern District of North Carolina 310 New Bern Avenue Federal Building, Suite 800 Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-1461 Ms. Molly Davis Chief, Wetlands Enforcement Section Water Protection Division, Clean Water Enforcement Branch U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 61 Forsyth Street, SW Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8960 Mr. Shelton Sullivan Division of Water Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Mr. Zach Thomas Division of Water Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1628 Ms. Kelly T. Lasky Director of Planning & Development City of Roanoke Rapids 1040 Roanoke Avenue Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina 27870 Attachment 2 Item II. Stream Standards -Removal of Use Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 02B .0211 (2) requires that "The waters shall be suitable for aquatic life propagation and maintenance of biological integrity, wildlife, secondary recreation, and agriculture; sources of water pollution which preclude any of these uses on either a short-term or long-term basis shall be considered to be violating a water quality standard." Item III. Failure to Secure a 401 Certification Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2H .0501 requires certifications pursuant to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act whenever construction or operation of facilities will result in a discharge into navigable waters, including wetlands, as described in 33 CFR Part 323. Title 15A NCAC 2H .0502 states any person desiring issuance of the State certification or coverage under a general certification required by Section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act shall file with the Director of the North Carolina Division of Water Resources. • Per our file review, a Pre -Construction Notification has not been received by the Division of Water Resources for this project and that a 401 Water Quality Certification has not been issued. Requested Response: You are requested to address the below items in writing within 30 days of receipt of this letter. Please submit a Restoration Plan to this office for review and approval. You are encouraged to secure a consultant to assist you with your pian development necessary to achieve compliance. This plan must address the following locations/areas: Stream A as approximately outlined in red on Attachment 1. Remediation plan should address the following: Stream Restoration Plans (Sediment Impacts) Sediment/fill needs to be removed from the stream down to the native soil. Sedimentifill that has been removed from stream needs to be secured upslope and stabilized with thick vegetative cover. The stream bed and channel must be restored to its natural pattern profile and dimensions. We strongly encouraged securing a consultant to assist with this process. • Removal of Fill All debris located in the channel and along the banks of Stream A located from the impoundment structure to the confluence with the Roanoke River must be removed. This includes: • Any water impounding structures; • Any boulders, stone, cobble, concrete and rubber/plastic linings, and any other grade control structures; • All retaining wall structures, and restore slope and stabilize stream banks; • All drainage and electrical systems buried or extending into the Roanoke River; North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Qiv:sion of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919.707.9000 EL • Erosion control Please address the control measures that will be used for temporary stabilization/sediment control while this work is under way. Please provide a schedule with dates by which this work will be completed. As a part of your restoration plan, it is required that you include a permanent stabilization plan for the disturbed areas. • Plan and Schedule. Please provide a detailed schedule with dates explaining when the restoration will be accomplished. This schedule should include a one-year monitoring plan to ensure that the riparian buffers are restored. Please submit required materials to: Zach Thomas Division of Water Resources 3800 Barrett Drive 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 This office requires that the violations, as detailed above, be abated immediately and properly resolved. Environmental damage and violations of North Carolina Administrative Codes have been documented for the subject site as stated above. Your efforts to undertake activities to bring the subject site back into compliance is not an admission. rather it is an action that must be taken in order to begin to resolve ongoing environmental issues. These violations and any future violations are subject to a civil penalty assessment of up to 525,000,00 per day for each violation. This office will review your response to this letter as a part of any enforcement recommendation. Should you have any questions regarding these matters, please contact Zach Thomas at zachan.thomasi`ci nedenr,gov or (919) 791- 4247. Sinc�pel , Danny Smith Water Quality Regional Operations Raleigh Regional Office cc: DWQ RRO file copy David Bailey via a -mail at David. E.Bailev2'wusace.arm v.miI Kelly Lasky via email at klasky@roanokerapidsnc.com North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh. North Carolina 27699-1617 919.707.9000 Google Aerial Attachment 1 from 11115,2015 Photographs 1 & 2: Impoundment structure in Stream A (10/18/18) North Carol na Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources 512 North Sal;sbury Street 11617 Mad Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919.707.9000 T_� ' lw 01 me ALI—- Photograph 6: Pipes and electrical equipment near shoreline (10/ 18.118) ONFwYI Ml�wrne OrM� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919.707,9000 1 Patrick Smith From:Bob Zarzecki Sent:Monday, January 07, 2019 4:09 PM To:'Thomas, Zachary T'; Alexander, Tasha L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA); Goss, Stephanie; klasky@roanokerapidsnc.com Cc:Patrick Smith Subject:RE: [External] RE: 118 River Road South, Roanoke Rapids, NC (SAW-2018-02001 & NOV-2018-PC-0424) - - SITE MEETING SUMMARY To All: I spoke with Zach today and he said that DWR would be ok with the use of GC4134, so long as the USACE allowed the use of NWP13. So, please consider the revision below.  “DWR & USACE thought the impacts could be permitted under NWP13/GC4134 pending a thorough review of the after-the-fact PCN application.DWR said that if the USACE allows the impacts to be permitted under NWP13, then DWR would allow the use of GC4134.” Tasha: Have you had a chance to review the meeting summary yet? Bob Zarzecki Wetlands Department Manager Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA  From:Thomas,ZacharyT<zachary.thomas@ncdenr.gov> Sent:Monday,January7,201910:18AM To:BobZarzecki<bzarzecki@sandec.com>;Alexander,TashaLCIVUSARMYCESAW(USA) <Tasha.L.Alexander@usace.army.mil>;Goss,Stephanie<stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov>;klasky@roanokerapidsnc.com Cc:PatrickSmith<psmith@sandec.com> Subject:RE:[External]RE:118RiverRoadSouth,RoanokeRapids,NC(SAWͲ2018Ͳ02001&NOVͲ2018ͲPCͲ0424)ͲͲSITE MEETINGSUMMARY  HiBob,  TheonlythingthatneedstobechangedisomittingDWRfromthebelowstatement:  “DWR & USACE thought the impacts could be permitted under NWP13/GC4134 pending a thorough review of the after-the-fact PCN application.”  Otherthanthat,everythinglooksaccuratetome.  Thanks!  ZachThomas EnvironmentalSpecialistI NCDEQ–DivisionofWaterResources RaleighRegionalOffice Attachment 3 2 Office:919Ͳ791Ͳ4247 WorkMobile:919Ͳ817Ͳ5468   EmailcorrespondencetoandfromthisaddressissubjecttotheNorthCarolinaPublicRecordsLaw andmaybedisclosedtothirdparties.  From:BobZarzecki[mailto:bzarzecki@sandec.com] Sent:Friday,January4,20195:12PM To:Alexander,TashaLCIVUSARMYCESAW(USA)<Tasha.L.Alexander@usace.army.mil>;Goss,Stephanie <stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov>;Thomas,ZacharyT<zachary.thomas@ncdenr.gov>;klasky@roanokerapidsnc.com Cc:PatrickSmith<psmith@sandec.com> Subject:[External]RE:118RiverRoadSouth,RoanokeRapids,NC(SAWͲ2018Ͳ02001&NOVͲ2018ͲPCͲ0424)ͲͲSITE MEETINGSUMMARY  CAUTION:Externalemail.Donotclicklinksoropenattachmentsunlessyouverified.Sendallsuspiciousemailasanattachmentto report.spam@nc.gov Tasha, Stephanie & Zachary: Are you able to confirm that my meeting summary below is correct? \ Just don’t want to lose sight of it. Thanks! Bob Zarzecki Wetlands Department Manager Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA  From:BobZarzecki Sent:Thursday,December20,20184:49PM To:Alexander,TashaLCIVUSARMYCESAW(USA)<Tasha.L.Alexander@usace.army.mil>;Goss,Stephanie <stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov>;Thomas,ZacharyT<zachary.thomas@ncdenr.gov>;klasky@roanokerapidsnc.com Cc:PatrickSmith<psmith@sandec.com> Subject:118RiverRoadSouth,RoanokeRapids,NC(SAWͲ2018Ͳ02001&NOVͲ2018ͲPCͲ0424)ͲͲSITEMEETING SUMMARY Importance:High  To All: Here is a brief summary of our site meeting today. Please feel free to chime into the group with any corrections or additions. Attendees – Preston McElheney (owner; attended the first half of the meeting), Tasha Alexander (USACE), Stephanie Goss (DWR), Zachary Thomas (DWR), Kelly Lasky (Roanoke Rapids), Larry Chalker (Roanoke Rapids), Patrick Smith (S&EC), & Bob Zarzecki (S&EC) 3 Date – December 20, 2018 Topics Discussed in Meeting – x DWR handed a copy of the NOV-2018-PC-0424 notice directly to the owner as he had not yet received the original in the mail. DWR said that they will consider today (12/20/18) to be the “received date” of the notice and that the written response will be due in 30 days from today being January 19, 2019. USACE said that this date would also be acceptable to them as the due date of the written response to their notice. As the 19th is a Saturday, S&EC will plan to submit the response on or before January 18, 2019. x S&EC measured the length of the instream permanent impact to “stream A” to be approximately 148 linear feet (lf) long. The group agreed that this is the impacted length and not the “approximately 200 linear feet” as listed in the DWR and USACE notices. This length will be accurately surveyed and listed in the proposed after-the-fact PCN application. x The owner and S&EC showed photos of the channel prior to the instream work. The photos validated comments made by the owner that the channel was unstable, with vertical failing banks, and that previous attempts to stabilize it over the years have failed. x The group acknowledged that the stream most likely did not have a riffle/pool complex and was not a “special aquatic site”. x The owner proposed to remove the concrete and stone impoundment structure under the bridge to the bed height of the downstream, constructed channel so as not to cause any significant impounding of water upstream. x The owner proposed to plug (with grout) the bypass pipe that flows under the channel to allow the stream to flow above ground and through the channel. x The owner requested that the remainder of the existing channel work/stabilization could remain and S&EC proposed to use NWP13/GC4134 to permit it after-the-fact. x DWR & USACE thought the impacts could be permitted under NWP13/GC4134 pending a thorough review of the after-the-fact PCN application. x DWR & USACE brought up concerns over the potential for the stream undermining the upstream end of the channel work (concrete/rubber liner) and not flowing above ground. DWR & USACE requested that any additional stabilization work on the downstream end, where it meets the river, would occur within the already impacted channel section and not extend any further down towards the river. S&EC will work with the owner to address these concerns in the proposed after-the-fact PCN application. x The group discussed the proposed “river deck”, floating dock and water intake/withdrawal. S&EC said that they would address these and their compliance with Section 10 regulations and water withdrawal regulations within the PCN application. x The group acknowledged that the owner also plans to replace the pre-existing riprap/rock armoring along the river bank. S&EC said that this would be shown in the plans provided in the PCN application. Schedule – x USACE & DWR to confirm this meeting summary by 12/21/18. x S&EC will submit a formal written response to the USACE & DWR on the owner’s behalf on or before 1/18/19. x S&EC will submit an after-the-fact PCN application to the USACE & DWR on the owner’s behalf on or before 3/1/19. This submittal date will be further defined in the written response once we have confirmation of schedules by the surveyors. Please confirm this meeting summary is correct. Sincerely, 4 Bob Zarzecki Wetlands Department Manager Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA North Quarter Office Park 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104 Raleigh, NC 27615 (919) 846-5900 Office Phone (919) 256-4517 Direct Line (919) 846-9467 Fax (919) 270-2068 Mobile bzarzecki@sandec.com Visit us at SandEC.com! This electronic communication, including all attachments, is intended only for the named addressee (s) and may contain confidential information. This electronic communication may not have passed through our standard review/quality control process. Design data and recommendations included herein are provided as a matter of convenience and should not be used for final design. Rely only on final, hardcopy materials bearing the consultant's original signature and seal. If you are not the named addressee (s), any use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited. If you have received this electronic communication in error, please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete the original communication from your system. Thank you.  1 Patrick Smith From:Alexander, Tasha L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Tasha.L.Alexander@usace.army.mil> Sent:Tuesday, January 08, 2019 10:34 AM To:Bob Zarzecki; Goss, Stephanie; Thomas, Zachary T; klasky@roanokerapidsnc.com Cc:Patrick Smith Subject:RE: 118 River Road South, Roanoke Rapids, NC (SAW-2018-02001 & NOV-2018- PC-0424) - - SITE MEETING SUMMARY (UNCLASSIFIED) CLASSIFICATION:UNCLASSIFIED  Bob,  IbelieveyouaccuratelycapturedourdiscussionsonsitehoweverIwouldliketoaddafew things.  *Wediscussedremovingaportionoftheconcreteinthechannelneartheconfluencewith theriver. *Thetotallengthofpermanentimpactshouldremainlessthan150lfofstreamchannel *Inrelationtoourconcernsoverthepotentialforthestreamunderminingtheupstreamend ofthechannelwork(concrete/rubberliner)andnotflowingaboveground,wemayadd specialconditionstothepermitverification. *WediscussedtheuseNWP13/GC4134topermittheworkafterͲtheͲfact.Perourphone discussiontodayUSACEbelievestheuseofNWP13andNWP18aremoreappropriate.The concretefillplacedinthebottomofthechannelwasnotappropriateforbankstabilization. ThisfillmaterialcouldbeauthorizedafterͲtheͲfactunderminordischarges,assumingitfitsthe termsandconditionsoftheNWP18.PleasequantifytheamountoffillbelowtheOHWMfor eachactivity.  Finally,IwouldtoreiteratethissectionofriverisaSection10wateroftheU.S.thereforeany excavation,structure,orfillover,under,orintheriverwillrequireauthorization.  Thankyou,  TashaAlexander RegulatorySpecialist RaleighRegulatoryFieldOffice 3331HeritageTradeDrive WakeForest,NorthCarolina27587 919Ͳ554Ͳ4884,ext.35  2  ͲͲͲͲͲOriginalMessageͲͲͲͲͲ From:BobZarzecki[mailto:bzarzecki@sandec.com] Sent:Thursday,December20,20184:49PM To:Alexander,TashaLCIVUSARMYCESAW(USA)<Tasha.L.Alexander@usace.army.mil>;Goss, Stephanie<stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov>;Thomas,ZacharyT<zachary.thomas@ncdenr.gov>; klasky@roanokerapidsnc.com Cc:PatrickSmith<psmith@sandec.com> Subject:[NonͲDoDSource]118RiverRoadSouth,RoanokeRapids,NC(SAWͲ2018Ͳ02001& NOVͲ2018ͲPCͲ0424)ͲͲSITEMEETINGSUMMARY Importance:High  ToAll:  Hereisabriefsummaryofoursitemeetingtoday.Pleasefeelfreetochimeintothegroup withanycorrectionsoradditions.    AttendeesͲPrestonMcElheney(owner;attendedthefirsthalfofthemeeting),Tasha Alexander(USACE),StephanieGoss(DWR),ZacharyThomas(DWR),KellyLasky(Roanoke Rapids),LarryChalker(RoanokeRapids),PatrickSmith(S&EC),&BobZarzecki(S&EC)    DateͲDecember20,2018    TopicsDiscussedinMeetingͲ  *DWRhandedacopyoftheNOVͲ2018ͲPCͲ0424noticedirectlytotheownerashehad notyetreceivedtheoriginalinthemail.DWRsaidthattheywillconsidertoday(12/20/18)to bethe"receiveddate"ofthenoticeandthatthewrittenresponsewillbeduein30daysfrom todaybeingJanuary19,2019.USACEsaidthatthisdatewouldalsobeacceptabletothemas theduedateofthewrittenresponsetotheirnotice.Asthe19thisaSaturday,S&ECwillplan tosubmittheresponseonorbeforeJanuary18,2019. *S&ECmeasuredthelengthoftheinstreampermanentimpactto"streamA"tobe approximately148linearfeet(lf)long.Thegroupagreedthatthisistheimpactedlengthand notthe"approximately200linearfeet"aslistedintheDWRandUSACEnotices.Thislength willbeaccuratelysurveyedandlistedintheproposedafterͲtheͲfactPCNapplication. 3 *TheownerandS&ECshowedphotosofthechannelpriortotheinstreamwork.The photosvalidatedcommentsmadebytheownerthatthechannelwasunstable,withvertical failingbanks,andthatpreviousattemptstostabilizeitovertheyearshavefailed. *Thegroupacknowledgedthatthestreammostlikelydidnothaveariffle/poolcomplex andwasnota"specialaquaticsite". *Theownerproposedtoremovetheconcreteandstoneimpoundmentstructureunder thebridgetothebedheightofthedownstream,constructedchannelsoasnottocauseany significantimpoundingofwaterupstream. *Theownerproposedtoplug(withgrout)thebypasspipethatflowsunderthechannel toallowthestreamtoflowabovegroundandthroughthechannel. *Theownerrequestedthattheremainderoftheexistingchannelwork/stabilization couldremainandS&ECproposedtouseNWP13/GC4134topermititafterͲtheͲfact. *DWR&USACEthoughttheimpactscouldbepermittedunderNWP13/GC4134pending athoroughreviewoftheafterͲtheͲfactPCNapplication. *DWR&USACEbroughtupconcernsoverthepotentialforthestreamunderminingthe upstreamendofthechannelwork(concrete/rubberliner)andnotflowingaboveground. DWR&USACErequestedthatanyadditionalstabilizationworkonthedownstreamend, whereitmeetstheriver,wouldoccurwithinthealreadyimpactedchannelsectionandnot extendanyfurtherdowntowardstheriver.S&ECwillworkwiththeownertoaddressthese concernsintheproposedafterͲtheͲfactPCNapplication. *Thegroupdiscussedtheproposed"riverdeck",floatingdockandwater intake/withdrawal.S&ECsaidthattheywouldaddresstheseandtheircompliancewith Section10regulationsandwaterwithdrawalregulationswithinthePCNapplication. *ThegroupacknowledgedthattheowneralsoplanstoreplacethepreͲexisting riprap/rockarmoringalongtheriverbank.S&ECsaidthatthiswouldbeshownintheplans providedinthePCNapplication.    ScheduleͲ  *USACE&DWRtoconfirmthismeetingsummaryby12/21/18. *S&ECwillsubmitaformalwrittenresponsetotheUSACE&DWRontheowner'sbehalf onorbefore1/18/19. *S&ECwillsubmitanafterͲtheͲfactPCNapplicationtotheUSACE&DWRontheowner's behalfonorbefore3/1/19.Thissubmittaldatewillbefurtherdefinedinthewrittenresponse oncewehaveconfirmationofschedulesbythesurveyors.    Pleaseconfirmthismeetingsummaryiscorrect. 4    Sincerely,    BobZarzecki  WetlandsDepartmentManager  Soil&EnvironmentalConsultants,PA  NorthQuarterOfficePark  8412FallsofNeuseRoad,Suite104  Raleigh,NC27615  (919)846Ͳ5900OfficePhone  (919)256Ͳ4517DirectLine  (919)846Ͳ9467Fax  (919)270Ͳ2068Mobile  bzarzecki@sandec.com<mailto:bzarzecki@sandec.com>  VisitusatSandEC.com<Blockedhttp://www.SandEC.com>!  Thiselectroniccommunication,includingallattachments,isintendedonlyforthenamed addressee(s)andmaycontainconfidentialinformation.Thiselectroniccommunicationmay nothavepassedthroughourstandardreview/qualitycontrolprocess.Designdataand recommendationsincludedhereinareprovidedasamatterofconvenienceandshouldnotbe usedforfinaldesign.Relyonlyonfinal,hardcopymaterialsbearingtheconsultant'soriginal signatureandseal.Ifyouarenotthenamedaddressee(s),anyuse,dissemination, distributionorcopyingofthiscommunicationisprohibited.Ifyouhavereceivedthis electroniccommunicationinerror,pleasenotifythesenderbyreturneͲmailanddeletethe originalcommunicationfromyoursystem.Thankyou.  5   CLASSIFICATION:UNCLASSIFIED Attachment 4 Channel Fill Below OHWM Bank Fill Below OHWM (Typ.) Approx. Original Channel Bank Approx. Original Channel Bank Existing Channel Stabilization Structure (Typ.) OHWM Estimated Bank Fill below OHWM: Area = 1/2 x Width x Depth = 0.5 x (2.0 ft. x 0.5 ft.) = 0.5 sq.ft. Volume = 0.5 sq.ft. x 1 linear ft. of channel = 0.5 cu.ft. per linear ft. = 0.019 cu.yds. per linear ft. Less than 1.0 cu.yds. per linear ft. O.K. 0.5 feet 2.0 feet Estimated Channel Fill below OHWM: Area = Width x Depth = 6.0 ft. x 0.5 ft. = 3.0 sq.ft. Volume = 3.0 sq.ft. x 150 linear ft. of channel = 450 cu.ft. = 16.7 cu.yds. Less than 25 cu.yds. O.K. Estimated Depth 0.50 feet Average Width = 6 feet 6.0 feet 0.5 feet Estimated Proposed Channel Cross-section (Not to Scale) EXAMPLE IMPACT AREA & VOLUME CALCULATIONS EXHIBIT