HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190572 Ver 1_Pre-app Meeting Info Packet_20190429 CrossCreekBankStabilizationProject  Theprojectproposestoutilizegenerallyacceptednaturalchanneldesign methodologiestorepairandstabilizeapproximately450LFoffailing streambankanddegradedstreamchannelalongCrossCreekwhichwas heavilydamagedduringHurricaneMatthewintheFallof2016.  Theproposedrepairsareprimarilyfocusedalongtheleftchannelbank wherelargeportionsofstreambankandadjacentupperslopes (approximately40feetinheightandapproximately200feetinlength)have failed.Highbankfailureshaveunderminedandcollapsedapproximately 100LFofanexistingasphaltgreenwaytrail,underminedanexistingchainͲ linkfence,causeddamagetothefoundationoftheParks&Recreation AdministrativeBuilding(locatedat280LamonStreet)andthreatened numerousgravesiteswithinCrossCreekCemeterylocatedatthetopofthe slope.Initscurrentconditionthesloperemainsunstable,activelyeroding andunsafe.  Theproposedrepairswillincludethereconstructionoftheleftchannel bankbacktoitsapproximatepreͲfailurecondition(basedonavailabledata andfieldindicators)throughtheconstructionofbouldertoestabilization andaoffsetstackedͲboulderrevetment/wallwithageogridslopetieͲback. Portionsofthestreamchannelwillberegradedsuchthatthechannelwill returnedtoitsapproximatepreͲstormlocationanddimension(shiftingthe channeltotheright).  Significantaggradationofnaturalbedmaterialandrubble/debrishas occurredalongportionsoftherightchannelbank.Channelgradingwill relocatesomeportionofthismaterialwithinthechannelhoweverbased onthevolumeofthisdebrisnoattemptwillbemadetoremoveitfromthe channelbed.Ifpossiblelargerconcreteandotherinertdebriswillbe brokenintosmallerpieces.Asappropriatesomerubble/debrismaybe usedasbackfillforinͲchannelstructures(describedbelow).Where practicallargemetaldebriswillberemovedandproperlydisposedof offsite.  Ourintentwouldbetoconstructtheboulderrevetment/wallsuchthatthe topofthewallwouldbeatanelevation5to7feethigherthanthe elevationoftheadjacentrightfloodplainarea.Boulderfooter/toe protectionwillextendapproximately4feetbelowthechannelbedto reducethepotentialforscour.Slopesabovethetopoftheboulder revetment/wallwillberegradedlandwarduntiltheyinterfaceaproposed steelsheetpilewall(withtieͲbacks)nearthetopoftheslope.Theslopes betweenthesheetpileandtheboulderrevetment/wallwillbestabilized witheitheraripraperosioncontrolblanket,vegetationoracombinationof thetwo.Afullgeotechnicalslopestabilityanalyseswillberequiredto confirmtheappropriatenessoftheproposedrepairs.InͲchannelboulder structures(crossͲvanes,JͲhooks,etc.)areproposedandareintendedto redirectstreamflows(andenergy)towardthechannelcentertoprovide furtherprotectionofthebankinadditiontoprovidinggradecontroland promotingnaturalsedimenttransport.  Followingtherepairandstabilizationactivitiesremainingexposedsoil surfaceswillbestabilizedwithcoirmattingandplantedwithnativespecies (herbaceous,shrubandtree).Basedonthesizeofthestreamchanneland theimpracticalityofpumparoundoperationstheproposedstreamand bankrepairswillbeperformedinthewet.Whereappropriatestandard sedimentanderosioncontrolmeasureswillbeinstalled.Accessforstream andbankrepairconstructionwillbealonganexistingcorridoralongthe rightchannelbankwhichwillallowmaterialsandequipmenttoaccessthe repairarea.Weunderstandthatthiscorridorwasusedtoremovestorm debrisfollowingHurricaneMatthew.  Environmental Consultants, 8412 Falls of Nense Road, state 104, Rateigh, NC 27615 • Phone: (919) 840-5900 • Far: (919) 846-9407 sandec.com PROPERTY OWNER CERTIFICATION /AGENT AUTHORIZATION Project Name/Description: CROSS CREEK BANK STABLIZATION S&EC Project #13185 Date: 2018 The Department of the Army U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 Attn: Emily Greer Field Office: USACE Wilmin on Re ug latory Field Office I, the undersigned, a duly authorized owner of record of the property/properties identified herein, do authorize representatives of the Wilmington District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA (S&EC) staff (as my agent) to enter upon the property herein described for the purpose of conducting on-site investigations and issuing a determination associated with Waters of the U.S, subject to Federal jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. This document also authorizes S&EC (as my agent) to act on my behalf and take all actions necessary for the processing, issuance and acceptance of a permit or certification and any and all associated standard and special conditions. This notification supersedes any previous correspondence concerning the agent for this project. NOTICE: This authorization, for liability and professional courtesy reasons, is valid only for government officials to enter the property when accompanied by S&EC staff. You should call S&EC to arrange a site meeting prior to visiting the site. PARCEL IN FORMATION: Parcel Index Numbers) (PIIS: 0437-85-4509 (5.98 acres) & 0437-87-3286 (39.31 acres) Site Address: 325 Grove St. & 602 Ann St., Fayetteville, Cumberland County, NC Deed Book/Page: 4447/0485 Watershed: Cross Creek (Big Cross Creek), 18-27-(3), "C", Cape Fear River 03030004 PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION: Name: City of Fayetteville, NC Address: 433 Hay Street, Fayetteville, NC 28301 Phone No.: ( ) Fax No.: ( ) Mobile No.: ( ) Email: �OiLN L/./2tN Property Owner (please print) Date We hereby certify the above information submitted in this app/ication is true and accurate to the best of our know/edge, ProjectArea  ProjectArea  Project Number: PKS Project Manager: 1" = 1000'Scale: 5/9/2018Date: Map Title: Source: USGS Map City of Fayetteville Cumberland County, NC Fayetteville & Vander USGS Quads ¯0 1,000 2,000 Feet 13185.D1 PROJECT AREA  Esri, HERE, DeLorme, MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user community Project Number: PKS Project Manager: 1" = 1000'Scale: 5/9/2018Date: Map Title: Source: Soil Survey Map City of Fayetteville Cumberland County, NC Soil survey Sheets 11 & 12 ¯0 1,000 2,000 Feet 13185.D1 PROJECT AREA  ProjectAreaProjectArea AerialPhotofrom05/2016AerialPhotofrom07/2017 Project:Client:Location:Project No.:Proj. Mgr.:Drawn:Scale:Sheet Title:Sheet No.:REV.DESCRIPTIONAPPR.DATEREVISIONSCROSS CREEK BANK STABILIZATION13185.D1WAKE CO., NCCITY OF FAYETTEVILLE JWSPKSPRELIMINARY DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION 1"=60'PHOTO POINTSPHOTO POINTS NORTH SCALE 1" = 60' 60 030 60 CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' FIGURE 1 - PHOTO POINTS MAP X 1 2 3 PHOTO POINT NUMBER & DIRECTION 4 5 6 79 8 10 Note: Site photo from visit by S&EC on 04-12-2018. Photo 1 - Generally Stable Stream Reach Well Upstream of Repair Area (Looking Downstream) Approx. Start Point for Proposed Repair & Stabilization Activities Photo 2 - Generally Stable Stream Reach Immediately Upstream of Repair Area (Looking Downstream) Approx. Start Point for Proposed Repair & Stabilization Activities Photo 3 - Large Debris Pile on Right Channel Bank at Upstream End of Upstream of Repair Area (Looking Downstream) Photo 4 - Failing Left Channel Bank at Upstream End of Upstream of Repair Area (Looking Downstream) 42' (Approx.) Photo 5 - Failing Left Channel Bank at Near Mid-point of Repair Area (Looking Downstream) Approx. End Point for Proposed Repair & Stabilization Activities Photo 6 - Failing Left Channel Bank at Near Downstream End of Repair Area (Looking Upstream) 40' (Approx.) Photo 7 - Head-cut Near Downstream End of Repair Area (Looking Downstream) Photo 8 - High Slope Failure Areas as viewed from Right Floodplain Area Upstream High Slope Failure Downstream High Slope Failure Collapsed Asphalt Greenway Trail Photo 9 - Upstream High Slope Failure as viewed from Right Floodplain Area41 ' (Approx.)Threatened City Structure Photo 10 - Downstream High Slope Failure as viewed from Right Floodplain Area42' (Approx.) Cemetary w/ Threatened Graves at Top of Slope Project:Client:Location:Project No.:Proj. Mgr.:Drawn:Scale:Sheet Title:Sheet No.:REV.DESCRIPTIONAPPR.DATEREVISIONSCROSS CREEK BANK STABILIZATION13185.D1WAKE CO., NCCITY OF FAYETTEVILLE JWSPKSPRELIMINARY DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION 1"=30'EXISTING SITE CONDITIONSEXISTING SITE CONDITIONS NORTH SCALE 1" = 30' 30 015 30 CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' NOTES: 1. SITE DATA PROVIDED BY M.A.P.S. SURVEYING INC. OF FAYETTEVILLE, NC FIGURE 2 - EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS Upstream High Slope & Bank Failure Area Downstream High Slope & Bank Failure Area Compromised Graves at Top of Slope Compromised Building Approx. Upstream Limit of Repairs Approx. Downstream Limit of Repairs Collapsed Asphalt Greenway Trail Approx. Extent of Point Bar Developed from Rubble & Debris Note: Site data provided by M.A.P.S Surveying, Inc. of Fayetteville, NC. Notes: 1. Site data provided by M.A.P.S Surveying, Inc. of Fayetteville, NC. 2. The number, location and extent of in-channel structures shown is for representation purposes only and may be modified during final design. 3. The extent and height of boulder toe and bank protection is for representation purposes only and may be modified during final design. Repaired Asphalt Greenway Trail Approx. Upstream Limit of Repairs Approx. Downstream Limit of Repairs Steel Sheet Pile Wall w/ Tie- backs and Engineered Backfill, Location & Extent Approx. Stacked Boulder Revetment/Wall w/ Toe Protection, See Detail In-channel Boulder Structure (Typ.), See Details Existing Channel Thalweg (Approx.) Proposed Channel Thalweg (Approx.) Regrade Upper Slopes to be Stabilized w/ Riprap Blanket or Vegetation BANK REPAIR & STABILIZATION DETAIL (TYP.) (NOT TO SCALE) CONGLOMERATE MIX, CLASS A & B RIPRAP AND NCDOT #57 STONE, ENCASED IN NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, SEE NOTES REGRADE AND STABILIZE WITH RIPRAP BLANKET OR VEGETATION EXISTING ERODED STREAMBANK (TYP.) EXISTING STREAM BED BOULDER FOOTERS TO EXTEND 4' MIN. BELOW CHANNEL INVERT, (TYP.), UNDERLAY WITH NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, SEE NOTES ACCUMULATED RUBBLE & DEBRIS POINT BAR, MATERIAL TO BE REMOVED, IF SUITABLE REUSE DURING CONSTRUCTION REPAIRED STREAM BED CHANNEL RIGHT CHANNEL LEFT STACKED BOULDER TOE AND BANK PROTECTION, SEE NOTES WHERE POSSIBLE EXTEND BOULDER BANK PROTECTION TO ELEVATION 5'-7' ABOVE TOP OF BANK ON RIGHT SIDE OF STREAM Project:Client:Location:Project No.:Proj. Mgr.:Drawn:Scale:Sheet Title:Sheet No.:REV.DESCRIPTIONAPPR.DATEREVISIONSCROSS CREEK BANK STABILIZATION13185.D1WAKE CO., NCCITY OF FAYETTEVILLE JWSPKSPRELIMINARY DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION Project:Client:Location:Project No.:Proj. Mgr.:Drawn:Scale:Sheet Title:Sheet No.:REV.DESCRIPTIONAPPR.DATEREVISIONSCROSS CREEK BANK STABILIZATION13185.D1WAKE CO., NCCITY OF FAYETTEVILLE JWSPKSPRELIMINARY DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTIONBANK REPAIR & STABILIZATION DETAIL NOT TO SCALEBANK REPAIR & STABILIZATION DETAILEXISTING STABLE FLOODPLAINGEOGRID, SEE NOTES W H TYPICAL BOULDER CROSS-SECTION DETAIL (NOT TO SCALE) INTERIOR DIMENSIONS BOULDER EXTERIOR STEEL SHEET PILE WITH TIEBACKS AND BACKFILLED WITH ENGINEERED FILL 1V 0.5H 1V 2H REPAIRED GREENWAY TRAIL FIGURE 4 - BANK REPAIR & STABILIZATION DETAIL Project:Client:Location:Project No.:Proj. Mgr.:Drawn:Scale:Sheet Title:Sheet No.:REV.DESCRIPTIONAPPR.DATEREVISIONSCROSS CREEK BANK STABILIZATION13185.D1WAKE CO., NCCITY OF FAYETTEVILLE JWSPKSPRELIMINARY DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTIONIN-CHANNEL STRUCTURE DETAILS NOT TO SCALEIN-CHANNEL STRUCTURE DETAILSBOULDER J-HOOK WITH STEP DETAIL (NOT TO SCALE) CLASS "A", CLASS "B", AND #57 AGGREGATE STONE MIX BOULDER STEP GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SCOUR POOL FOOTER BOULDERS 20°-30° TYP.RIGHT BANKLEFT BANKPLAN FLOW DIRECTION STREAM CHANNEL BED BANKFULL STAGE FLOW CLASS "A", CLASS "B", AND #57 AGGREGATE STONE MIX GEOTEXTILE FABRIC FOOTER BOULDERS STEP SCOUR POOL RIGHT BANK SCOUR POOL PROFILE BOULDER CROSS VANE WITH STEP DETAIL BOULDERS FOOTER FLOW BANKFULL STAGE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC STREAM BED NOTE: 1. BOULDER CROSS VANE MAY BE CONSTRUCTED WITH OR WITHOUT STEP DEPENDING ON SITE CONDITIONS. 2. BOULDER CROSS VANE MAY BE MODIFIED AND CONSTRUCTED AS BOULDER J-HOOK. AGGREGATE STONECLASS "A" OR "B" (NOT TO SCALE) PROFILE SCOUR POOLSCOUR POOL RIGHT BANKLEFT BANKAGGREGATE STONE CLASS "A" OR "B" GEOTEXTILE FABRIC 20°-30° TYP. 1/3 BKF1/3 BKF 1/3 BKF PLAN FIGURE 5 - IN-CHANNEL STRUCTURE DETAILS Note: Boulder cross vane and J-hook structures may be constructed with or without intermediate step depending on site conditions.