HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170938 Ver 2_REDUC Environmental Report Figures_20190424Edgecombe and Nash Counties, North Carolina Project No. 643009004 FIGURES Figures CSX CCX Intermodal Rail Terminal and Line of Road Improvements Sources: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, USGS, Intermap, increment P Corp., NRCAN, Esri Japan,METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri (Thailand), TomTom, MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMapcontributors, and the GIS User Community 0 10.5 Miles I 720 Gracern Road, Suite 132Columbia, SC 29210 USA(803)-798-1200 Figure 1. Project Location Map Job No. 643009004 Drawn By: BWS Reviewed By: RH Date: 12/7/2018 The map shown here has beencreated with all due and reasonablecare and is strictly for use with WoodEnvironment & InfrastructureSolutions, Inc (Wood) project number643009004. Wood assumes no liability,direct or indirect, whatsoever for anysuch third party or unintended use.Document Path: P:\Environmental\2012 + Projects\64300-9004 - CSXIT Carolina Connector\Environmental Assessment\GIS\Figure 1. Project Site Location.mxdLegend CSX Project Area CSX Carolina Connector Intermodal Rail Terminaland Line of Road ImprovementsEdgecombe County, North Carolina 0 200100MilesI UV4 £¤301 UV4 Sources: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, USGS, Intermap, increment P Corp., NRCAN, Esri Japan,METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri (Thailand), TomTom, MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMapcontributors, and the GIS User Community 0 10.5 Miles I Figure 2. CCX Project Component Map Document Path: P:\Environmental\2012 + Projects\64300-9004 - CSXIT Carolina Connector\Environmental Assessment\GIS\Figure 2. CCX Project Component.mxdLegend CSX Project Area Proposed Limits of Disturbance CSX Carolina ConnectorIntermodal Rail Terminal Line of Road Improvements 0 4020MilesI Job No. 643009004 Drawn By: BWS Reviewed By: RH Date: 12/7/2018 The map shown here has beencreated with all due and reasonablecare and is strictly for use with WoodEnvironment & InfrastructureSolutions, Inc (Wood) project number643009004. Wood assumes no liability,direct or indirect, whatsoever for anysuch third party or unintended use. CSX Carolina Connector Intermodal Rail Terminaland Line of Road ImprovementsEdgecombe County, North Carolina 720 Gracern Road, Suite 132Columbia, SC 29210 USA(803)-798-1200 BB BB BB DpB DpBDpB DpB DpB ExA ExA GoA GoAGoA GyC LyA NoB NoB NoB NoB NoB NoB NoB RaA WaB WaB Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA,USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community 0 0.50.25 Miles I Figure 3a. NRCS Soils Map Document Path: P:\Environmental\2012 + Projects\64300-9004 - CSXIT Carolina Connector\Environmental Assessment\GIS\Figure 3a. NRCS Soils Map.mxdLegend CSX Project Area NRCS Hydric Rating Nonhydric Predominantly Nonhydric Partially Hydric Predominantly Hydric Hydric a b 0 3.51.75 Miles I Symbol Name DrainageAaA Altavista fine sandy loam Moderately well drainedAuB Autryville loamy sand Well drainedAyA Aycock very fine sandy loam Well drainedAyB Aycock very fine sandy loam Well drainedBBBibb soils Poorly drainedDgA Dogue fine sandy loam Moderately well drainedDpB Duplin sandy loam Moderately well drainedExA Exum very fine sandy loam Moderately well drainedGoA Goldsboro fine sandy loam Moderately well drainedGr Grantham very fine sandy loam Poorly drainedGt Grantham-Urban land complex Poorly drainedGyC Gritney fine sandy loam Moderately well drainedLu Lumbee fine sandy loam Poorly drainedLyA Lynchburg fine sandy loam Somewhat poorly drainedMeMeggett loam Poorly drainedNoA Norfolk loamy sand Well drainedNoB Norfolk loamy sand Well drainedPtPits RaA Rains fine sandy loam Poorly drainedRoRoanoke loam Poorly drainedStB State loamy sand Well drainedWWater WaB Wagram loamy sand Well drainedWh Wehadkee silt loam Poorly drainedWkB Wickham sandy loam Well drained Job No. 643009004 Drawn By: BWS Reviewed By: RH Date: 12/7/2018 The map shown here has beencreated with all due and reasonablecare and is strictly for use with WoodEnvironment & InfrastructureSolutions, Inc (Wood) project number643009004. Wood assumes no liability,direct or indirect, whatsoever for anysuch third party or unintended use. CSX Carolina Connector Intermodal Rail Terminaland Line of Road ImprovementsEdgecombe County, North Carolina 720 Gracern Road, Suite 132Columbia, SC 29210 USA(803)-798-1200 AuB AyA AyB AyB BB BB DpB DpB DpB DpBDpB DpB ExA ExA ExA ExA ExA GoA GoA GoA GoA GoA GoA GoA GoA GoA GoA GoA GoA Gr LyA LyA LyA NoA NoA NoA NoA NoA NoA NoA NoB NoB NoB NoB NoB NoB NoBNoB RaA RaA RaA RaA Ro WaB WaB WaB Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA,USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community 0 0.50.25 Miles I Figure 3b. NRCS Soils Map Document Path: P:\Environmental\2012 + Projects\64300-9004 - CSXIT Carolina Connector\Environmental Assessment\GIS\Figure 3b. NRCS Soils Map.mxdLegend CSX Project Area NRCS Hydric Rating Nonhydric Predominantly Nonhydric Partially Hydric Predominantly Hydric Hydric a b 0 3.51.75 Miles I Symbol Name DrainageAaA Altavista fine sandy loam Moderately well drainedAuB Autryville loamy sand Well drainedAyA Aycock very fine sandy loam Well drainedAyB Aycock very fine sandy loam Well drainedBBBibb soils Poorly drainedDgA Dogue fine sandy loam Moderately well drainedDpB Duplin sandy loam Moderately well drainedExA Exum very fine sandy loam Moderately well drainedGoA Goldsboro fine sandy loam Moderately well drainedGr Grantham very fine sandy loam Poorly drainedGt Grantham-Urban land complex Poorly drainedGyC Gritney fine sandy loam Moderately well drainedLu Lumbee fine sandy loam Poorly drainedLyA Lynchburg fine sandy loam Somewhat poorly drainedMeMeggett loam Poorly drainedNoA Norfolk loamy sand Well drainedNoB Norfolk loamy sand Well drainedPtPits RaA Rains fine sandy loam Poorly drainedRoRoanoke loam Poorly drainedStB State loamy sand Well drainedWWater WaB Wagram loamy sand Well drainedWh Wehadkee silt loam Poorly drainedWkB Wickham sandy loam Well drained Job No. 643009004 Drawn By: BWS Reviewed By: RH Date: 12/7/2018 The map shown here has beencreated with all due and reasonablecare and is strictly for use with WoodEnvironment & InfrastructureSolutions, Inc (Wood) project number643009004. Wood assumes no liability,direct or indirect, whatsoever for anysuch third party or unintended use. CSX Carolina Connector Intermodal Rail Terminaland Line of Road ImprovementsEdgecombe County, North Carolina 720 Gracern Road, Suite 132Columbia, SC 29210 USA(803)-798-1200 Drake Whitakers Rocky Mount Hartsease Esri, DeLorme, GEBCO, NOAA NGDC, and other contributorsCopyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed 0 10.5 Miles I Figure 4. USGS Topographic Map Document Path: P:\Environmental\2012 + Projects\64300-9004 - CSXIT Carolina Connector\Environmental Assessment\GIS\Figure 4. USGS Topographic Map.mxdLegend CSX Project Area USGS 24k Topo MapBoundaries 0 63Miles I 720 Gracern Road, Suite 132Columbia, SC 29210 USA(803)-798-1200 CSX Carolina Connector Intermodal Rail Terminaland Line of Road ImprovementsEdgecombe County, North Carolina The map shown here has beencreated with all due and reasonablecare and is strictly for use with WoodEnvironment & InfrastructureSolutions, Inc (Wood) project number643009004. Wood assumes no liability,direct or indirect, whatsoever for anysuch third party or unintended use.Date: 12/7/2018 Job No. 643009004 Drawn By: BWS Reviewed By: RH Sources: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, USGS, Intermap, increment P Corp., NRCAN, Esri Japan,METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri (Thailand), TomTom, MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMapcontributors, and the GIS User Community 0 10.5 Miles I Figure 5. National Wetlands InventoryMap Document Path: P:\Environmental\2012 + Projects\64300-9004 - CSXIT Carolina Connector\Environmental Assessment\GIS\Figure 5. NWI Map.mxdLegend CSX Project NWI Wetland Type Freshwater Emergent Freshwater Forested/Shrub Pond, Lake, Riverine Job No. 643009004 Drawn By: BWS Reviewed By: RH Date: 12/7/2018 The map shown here has beencreated with all due and reasonablecare and is strictly for use with WoodEnvironment & InfrastructureSolutions, Inc (Wood) project number643009004. Wood assumes no liability,direct or indirect, whatsoever for anysuch third party or unintended use. CSX Carolina Connector Intermodal Rail Terminaland Line of Road ImprovementsEdgecombe County, North Carolina 720 Gracern Road, Suite 132Columbia, SC 29210 USA(803)-798-1200 CCDD AA BB S13A S14 GAINOR AVE MACKTOWN STVIVERETTE AVEMARRIOTT RD E BATTLEBORO AVEUS 301 NO R T H N A S H DAN I E L S A V E PRATT PL O W E N S CI R JB L N MILBOUR N E ST CEMETE R Y D R E BRIDGES STCONYER LNW BRIDGES STW BATTLEBORO AVEDENZEL LNDANIELS AVEPEARSALL ST c a e d b I0 1,400700Feet Legend Stream Riparian Buffer (50-ft) Wetland Pond Map Index Roads Imagery Source: NC OneMap I 0 10.5 Miles P:\Environmental\2012 + Projects\64300-9004 - CSXIT Carolina Connector\Environmental Assessment\GIS\Figure 6. Jurisdictional Waters Map.mxdCSX Carolina ConnectorIntermodal Rail Terminaland Second Mainline ImprovementsEdgecombe County, North Carolina The map shown here has beencreated with all due andreasonable care and is strictly foruse with Wood Environment &Infrastructure Solutions, Inc(Wood) project number643009004. Wood assumes noliability, direct or indirect,whatsoever for any such thirdparty or unintended use. Job No. 64300-9004 Drawn By: BWS Reviewed By: RH Date: 12/7/2018 Waters of the U.S. Disclaimer: This drawingrepresents the jurisdictional waters boundarycollected in the field by Wood Environment &Infrastructure Solutions, Inc using sub-meterGPS equipment. All jurisdictional boundariesare subject to verification by the U.S. ArmyCorps of Engineers (USACE). This map shouldbe used for preliminary planning purposes only. Figure 6.aJurisdictional Waters Map 720 Gracern Road, Suite 132Columbia, SC 29210 USA(803)-798-1200 W-LT M-LT J K L IMN AA XYZ S13A S13 S12SI S14 BATTLEBORO-LEGGETTRDVIVERETTE AVEUS 301NORTH NASH MORNING S TAR CH RD DAN I E L S AVE MAR I L Y N S T CEMETERY DR OLD BATTLEBORO RDE BATTLEBORO AVEREDOAK-BAT TLEBORORD NASH c a e d b I0 1,400700Feet Legend Stream Riparian Buffer (50-ft) Wetland Pond Map Index Roads Imagery Source: NC OneMap I 0 10.5 Miles P:\Environmental\2012 + Projects\64300-9004 - CSXIT Carolina Connector\Environmental Assessment\GIS\Figure 6. Jurisdictional Waters Map.mxdCSX Carolina ConnectorIntermodal Rail Terminaland Second Mainline ImprovementsEdgecombe County, North Carolina The map shown here has beencreated with all due andreasonable care and is strictly foruse with Wood Environment &Infrastructure Solutions, Inc(Wood) project number643009004. Wood assumes noliability, direct or indirect,whatsoever for any such thirdparty or unintended use. Job No. 64300-9004 Drawn By: BWS Reviewed By: RH Date: 12/7/2018 Waters of the U.S. Disclaimer: This drawingrepresents the jurisdictional waters boundarycollected in the field by Wood Environment &Infrastructure Solutions, Inc using sub-meterGPS equipment. All jurisdictional boundariesare subject to verification by the U.S. ArmyCorps of Engineers (USACE). This map shouldbe used for preliminary planning purposes only. Figure 6.bJurisdictional Waters Map 720 Gracern Road, Suite 132Columbia, SC 29210 USA(803)-798-1200 P F E GH Q J K L I NNS10S12SI SD SESGA SG SEE ES SEC SED S11A S23 1 3 2 4 OLD BATT L E B O R O R DCOLB ER T PA TH F L Y E P A T H c a e d b I0 1,400700Feet Legend Stream Riparian Buffer (50-ft) Wetland Pond Map Index Roads Imagery Source: NC OneMap I 0 10.5 Miles P:\Environmental\2012 + Projects\64300-9004 - CSXIT Carolina Connector\Environmental Assessment\GIS\Figure 6. Jurisdictional Waters Map.mxdCSX Carolina ConnectorIntermodal Rail Terminaland Second Mainline ImprovementsEdgecombe County, North Carolina The map shown here has beencreated with all due andreasonable care and is strictly foruse with Wood Environment &Infrastructure Solutions, Inc(Wood) project number643009004. Wood assumes noliability, direct or indirect,whatsoever for any such thirdparty or unintended use. Job No. 64300-9004 Drawn By: BWS Reviewed By: RH Date: 12/7/2018 Waters of the U.S. Disclaimer: This drawingrepresents the jurisdictional waters boundarycollected in the field by Wood Environment &Infrastructure Solutions, Inc using sub-meterGPS equipment. All jurisdictional boundariesare subject to verification by the U.S. ArmyCorps of Engineers (USACE). This map shouldbe used for preliminary planning purposes only. Figure 6.cJurisdictional Waters Map 720 Gracern Road, Suite 132Columbia, SC 29210 USA(803)-798-1200 S-LTT-LTO AB C P E R U NN S7 SC SB SD S23 S9 S8COLLEGE RDCOLLEGERD NASHN WESLEYAN BLVD NASH TECHNOLOGY PKWY WINDYWOOD LN c a e d b I0 1,400700Feet Legend Stream Riparian Buffer (50-ft) Wetland Pond Map Index Roads Imagery Source: NC OneMap I 0 10.5 Miles P:\Environmental\2012 + Projects\64300-9004 - CSXIT Carolina Connector\Environmental Assessment\GIS\Figure 6. Jurisdictional Waters Map.mxdCSX Carolina ConnectorIntermodal Rail Terminaland Second Mainline ImprovementsEdgecombe County, North Carolina The map shown here has beencreated with all due andreasonable care and is strictly foruse with Wood Environment &Infrastructure Solutions, Inc(Wood) project number643009004. Wood assumes noliability, direct or indirect,whatsoever for any such thirdparty or unintended use. Job No. 64300-9004 Drawn By: BWS Reviewed By: RH Date: 12/7/2018 Waters of the U.S. Disclaimer: This drawingrepresents the jurisdictional waters boundarycollected in the field by Wood Environment &Infrastructure Solutions, Inc using sub-meterGPS equipment. All jurisdictional boundariesare subject to verification by the U.S. ArmyCorps of Engineers (USACE). This map shouldbe used for preliminary planning purposes only. Figure 6.dJurisdictional Waters Map 720 Gracern Road, Suite 132Columbia, SC 29210 USA(803)-798-1200 O-LTP-LT S-LTT-LT O A RU S7 SC S6S9 S8 INSTRUMENT DR NASHCLIFF LNN CHURCH S T N A S HKASEY LNTANNER RDFOUNTAIN SCH RDN WESLE Y A N B L V D N A S HFOUNTAIN PARK DRN CHURCH ST NASH N WESLEYAN B L V D N A S H c a e d b I0 1,400700Feet Legend Stream Riparian Buffer (50-ft) Wetland Pond Map Index Roads Imagery Source: NC OneMap I 0 10.5 Miles P:\Environmental\2012 + Projects\64300-9004 - CSXIT Carolina Connector\Environmental Assessment\GIS\Figure 6. Jurisdictional Waters Map.mxdCSX Carolina ConnectorIntermodal Rail Terminaland Second Mainline ImprovementsEdgecombe County, North Carolina The map shown here has beencreated with all due andreasonable care and is strictly foruse with Wood Environment &Infrastructure Solutions, Inc(Wood) project number643009004. Wood assumes noliability, direct or indirect,whatsoever for any such thirdparty or unintended use. Job No. 64300-9004 Drawn By: BWS Reviewed By: RH Date: 12/7/2018 Waters of the U.S. Disclaimer: This drawingrepresents the jurisdictional waters boundarycollected in the field by Wood Environment &Infrastructure Solutions, Inc using sub-meterGPS equipment. All jurisdictional boundariesare subject to verification by the U.S. ArmyCorps of Engineers (USACE). This map shouldbe used for preliminary planning purposes only. Figure 6.eJurisdictional Waters Map 720 Gracern Road, Suite 132Columbia, SC 29210 USA(803)-798-1200 Mo c c a s i n C r e e k Compass Creek B e e c h Br a n c h Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA,USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community 0 10.5 Miles I Figure 7. FEMA 100-Year Floodplain Map Document Path: P:\Environmental\2012 + Projects\64300-9004 - CSXIT Carolina Connector\Environmental Assessment\GIS\Figure 7. FEMA Floodplain Map.mxdLegend CSX Project Area USGS Named Stream FEMA Zone Type FEMA Floodplain FEMA Floodway Job No. 643009004 Drawn By: BWS Reviewed By: RH Date: 12/7/2018 The map shown here has beencreated with all due and reasonablecare and is strictly for use with WoodEnvironment & InfrastructureSolutions, Inc (Wood) project number643009004. Wood assumes no liability,direct or indirect, whatsoever for anysuch third party or unintended use. CSX Carolina Connector Intermodal Rail Terminaland Line of Road ImprovementsEdgecombe County, North Carolina 720 Gracern Road, Suite 132Columbia, SC 29210 USA(803)-798-1200 S w iftC re ek Tar River B e e c hB ra n c h C o m passCreek Hornb e a m Branch Mocca sin Creek Stony C r e e k L a neSwamp Goos e Branch WhiteOak Swamp M a pleC r e ekGayBr a n chBlackSwamp PineLogBran c h C o wli c k Bran chBuckSwam p Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS,USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS UserCommunity 0 31.5 Miles I Figure 8. Proximity to Conserved Lands, andSection 6(f) Resources Map Document Path: P:\Environmental\2012 + Projects\64300-9004 - CSXIT Carolina Connector\Environmental Assessment\GIS\Figure 8. Proximity_to_Conserved_Lands.mxdLegend CSX Project Area Section 6(f) Resources Named USGS Stream Natural Areas (NHNA) Exceptional Very High High Moderate General Unranked Managed Areas (MAREA) Conservation Easement Dedicated Nature Preserve Registered Heritage Area Other Protection Federal Ownership State Ownership Local Government Ownership Private DMS Targeted Local Watershed Job No. 643009004 Drawn By: BWS Reviewed By: RH Date: 12/7/2018 The map shown here has beencreated with all due and reasonablecare and is strictly for use with WoodEnvironment & InfrastructureSolutions, Inc (Wood) project number643009004. Wood assumes no liability,direct or indirect, whatsoever for anysuch third party or unintended use. CSX Carolina Connector Intermodal Rail Terminaland Line of Road ImprovementsEdgecombe County, North Carolina 720 Gracern Road, Suite 132Columbia, SC 29210 USA(803)-798-1200 ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ")") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ")") ") ") ") ") ")")") ") ")") ") ") ") kj kj kj ED253 ED259 ED256 ED260 ED255 NS108 NS104 NS105 NS39 NS40 31ED384 31ED386 0 0.50.25 Miles I Imagery Source: NC OneMap Figure 9a. Cultural Resources Map Document Path: P:\Environmental\2012 + Projects\64300-9004 - CSXIT Carolina Connector\Environmental Assessment\GIS\Figure 9. Cultural Resources.mxdLegend CSX Project Area Previously Recorded Archaeological Site(Point Feature) Previously Recorded Archaeological NCHPO Boundary ")NCHPO Point kj Isolated Find (IF) Archaeological Site a b 0 3.51.75 Miles I 720 Gracern Road, Suite 132Columbia, SC 29210 USA(803)-798-1200 Job No. 643009004 Drawn By: BWS Reviewed By: RH Date: 12/7/2018 The map shown here has beencreated with all due and reasonablecare and is strictly for use with WoodEnvironment & InfrastructureSolutions, Inc (Wood) project number643009004. Wood assumes no liability,direct or indirect, whatsoever for anysuch third party or unintended use. CSX Carolina Connector Intermodal Rail Terminaland Line of Road ImprovementsEdgecombe County, North Carolina ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ")") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ")") ")") ") ") ") ")")") ")")") ") ") ") kj kj 31ED38531ED386 31ED387 31ED388 31ED389 0 0.50.25 Miles I Imagery Source: NC OneMap Figure 9b. Cultural Resources Map Document Path: P:\Environmental\2012 + Projects\64300-9004 - CSXIT Carolina Connector\Environmental Assessment\GIS\Figure 9. Cultural Resources.mxdLegend CSX Project Area Previously Recorded Archaeological Site(Point Feature) Previously Recorded Archaeological NCHPO Boundary ")NCHPO Point kj Isolated Find (IF) Archaeological Site a b 0 3.51.75 Miles I 720 Gracern Road, Suite 132Columbia, SC 29210 USA(803)-798-1200 Job No. 643009004 Drawn By: BWS Reviewed By: RH Date: 12/7/2018 The map shown here has beencreated with all due and reasonablecare and is strictly for use with WoodEnvironment & InfrastructureSolutions, Inc (Wood) project number643009004. Wood assumes no liability,direct or indirect, whatsoever for anysuch third party or unintended use. CSX Carolina Connector Intermodal Rail Terminaland Line of Road ImprovementsEdgecombe County, North Carolina