HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0034380_Monitoring (Report)_20190416Sanderson Farms, Inc, GENERAL OFFICES Post Office Box 988 v Laurel, Mississippi 39441-0988 Telephone (601) 649-4030 s Facsimile (601) 426-1461 Certified Mail #7018 0680 00001882 0230 April 15, 2019 Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Re: Sanderson Farms, Inc. Kinston, Lenoir County Permit No. WQ0034380 Please find attached the original and (1) copy Compliance Monitoring Forms (GW-59) for each well and the GW-59A Compliance Report Form that are required three times a year. If you need further information, please contact me at (601) 426-1572. Sincerely, Stephanie Shoemaker Manager of Environmental Services Regulatory and Permitting CC: David May, Regional Supervisor Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Certified Mail #7018 0680 0000 1882 0247 GW-59A COMPLIANCE REPORT FOR -NI Permit #-Q0034380 (Submit one each monitoring period with GW-59 forms.) I Enter date monitoring results were due. (a/3n/2019 ) Will this monitoring report (GW-59 and GW-59A) YES NO be submitted after the established due date? X 2 Was any required information missing on the GW-59 report forms? YES NO IF the answer to question 1 or 2 is "YES", list in the space provided below the well identification number(s) and explain the problems encountered in obtaining the required information. 3 Are any of the monitor wells in need of repair or maintenance (damaged casing, unlocked or missing cap, missing YES NO identification plate, area overgrown, etc.)? Ifthe answer is "Yes", contact the Regional Ogice for guidatice. X 4 Are any monitored constituents equal to or above the established standards? YES NO if the answer to question 4 is "NO", skip to section 8. If the answer to question 4 is "YES" list the affected wells individually with constituent(s) and concentration(s) exceeding standards in the space provided below. 5 For the constituents identified in question 4 above, have standards been exceeded previously for the same constituent(s) in the same well(s) in the last two years? YES NO X If the answer to question 5 is "NO", skip to section 8. lithe answer to question 5 is "YES", list in the space ,provided below, each well with constituent(s) exceeding standards, concentrations) reported, and sample collection date for each occurrence (for the last two years). 6 Are the monitoring wells listed in section 5 located at or beyond the review boundary? YES NO if the answer is "YES", a groundwater quality problem may be occurring. CONTACT THE REGIONAL OFFICE IMMEDIATELY FOR GUIDANCE. If the answer is "NO", monitoring wells maybe improperly located; contact the Regional Office. 7 Is the permittee implementing previously approved actions required by the Division involving this YES NO groundwater quality problem? if the answer to question 7 is 'YES", describe those actions in the space provided below. if the answer to question 7 is "NO", contact the Regional Office within 90 days: an evaluation may be required to determine the impact the waste disposal system is having at the review and compliance boundaries surrounding this facility, Failure to do so may subiect the permittee to a Notice of Violation, fines, and/or penalties. N/A 8 The person completing this portion (Girl-59A) of the monitoring report should sign below and submit this form with GW-59 forms for required wells to the address provided at the top of the current GW-59 form. I hereby acknowledge that the above Information Was evaluated and the Information submitted in this report _ errtpiianCe Report GW I39A) Is true anci c_ytiiplete to the best of my knowledge, Signature of Permi (or Authorize ge t) Ato GW-59A 12/8/2003 COPY 'ry bt101V1iT Fl)RM l')rl YEE QW 'APLIR CINL Y GROUNDWATER Q114ITY MONITORING: COMPOAN.CE..REPORT FORM FACILITY.INFORMATIU.N r-'rease Pant Gleam or Type Facility flame Sandersun Fames WWI Permit Name (if differentO (same)_ Facility Address, 2081 SOpgi lsun Way - Kinston County ! ttliulr¢ Contact Person, j0II Jonas Telephone# t!r 64 :1 -- -�- Well LocationlS)te Narhe'S�,Ld 5,m Farms WVQtp VY-ol, Water trtlµ,ttrtln No of wells In hR sampled t ultl (B) biV19169 & WAItR dUALI Y+INPC!(iBitAYi0N UNIT 160 MAIL SEAV10E CtWtfEk, RALmaH, We 3-74990617 Phone: (9'I9) 133.3221 PERMIT Number: WQ0i1 +4380 Expiration Date Moy ,11, .rt111 Non -Discharge Yes _ UIC -- NPDf S ()ther _ TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED -- Lagoon [] Rernedlallon Infiltration Gallery Spray I tell Rarnihdiahon J Rolary f7ictn 11.001 - ! -and Application of Sludge Water Sarrrr.e Hevlt I'limp ❑ other �urw.asa n�rvr<trlr+L�t�r If WELL WELL ID NUMBER (from Pgr"t): Mw•1 Dale sample r-.ollectrrcl r;3T1 i__( t`i FIELD ANALYSES. WAS Well Depth 20 It Well LLanrrter P if H rimion h 1H p urnls Temp nritnn ill 7 C DRY at Depth to Water Level e2548 1() ft. below measuring pout/ 61 reened Interval ff to E'r1 Ft Spec C;lrrtri uto[+rid !,Mtn firr,e of Measuring Point is J i ft. above land - surface Relative M P f- levahon nq I' � tt r, Odor uuun, nrgw nq Volume•of water pumped/boiled before-samp)rrt(4 , G 0 gallons -� --- _ Appearance liar check check here Samples for metals,wgre,collected unfiltered _Cj Y(<S L) No and hrld acidlfigd l _] YES ! J_NO LA80FtATORY.INEO MATibN • Date sample'analyzed Laboratory NAma r ior,mnwnl, I Chlnust In, Certification No W!l1/1$3111(1 PARAMETERS NO,TU� Vehues ioquld reflect dissolved and c-olloidal concentrations. C(7D 0tlyt3 _ mglL Nitrate (NO 1 as N nnh I s myrL Pb - L(-:ad o ur, i ii IL Gollform MF Fecal 3lsss 22_ 1100m).. Nitrate (NU ,) As N nnr„gin 0 0 ntyll Ln - Llric o tiviz m JL, Coliforni. MF Total Ai5b4 r100mL Phosphorus 10W as P rut,;h , t1 n�� myrL _ - Nwe --use MPN niaroudjar nlyn,y iufli,d sBrtlp�Si `- `— Orthophosphate 'n',oi -�� - - -_ rnylL- Other ("peCify Compounds and Goncentra ion Units! tssolved Solids Total 7r)300 7Z mg1L At - Aluminum m Tar, — rtty1l PH rt-abl uo46 units f3a f0ntnn otnnl /L - TOC 00680 1 1 mg/L (;it - Colcaum rxratq — -u nig/L---_-- Chloride oa9'4o 12 mg/L CtJ • Carlmwrn n1o. r u uy/L _ Arsenic niatl2 _ ug1L Cttrontrurn IMS1 01034-- Grease and Oils ao552- mg/L Cri - Copper 011i4a ! � rr)ylL ORGANICS. (by C;C G(,/MS- HPI C) Phenol 32130 -` UgiL Fe - Iron 111'141, `y `uglL. (Specify test a0d toethod #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate00945 _' mglL ley - mt'rcury Inoo� e �uglL Lab Report Attached? (J Yes r11 No fo) Specific Conductance t=95 liMhos K - Potassium omao% ruy!I_ A/OC rAry melhorl # Total Ammonia 00bto <0.? mg/L My • Maynl•surm nnU,,; Tagil - method # ~�- aNllrotien Nh,ayN mm�rurnnNaxoVen ihlnn vAminUhlKN —"`�_.. --"" Mn - Manganese nlrtsr, uglL -- - - - - •---�— --_- method # as N0tln b nig/L Ni • Nickel nInc1 .- -- - _._ ug/L _ -- - mrjtluxl #' _ •q {+�..ovn YaY n7wlgw. a). 11111VUllt 1 utdl Vul.,s Bob Bilhngsley, Director of D'evelpinerit Penniuee (or AulhonWdAtgent) Nair@ dod Title - Please, print or type -`-` GW-59 rev. 212010' -� nig/L tmuent iotaivms Siynrilurr r or mg/L VOC Removal% - - 'AMIVi11 1 l IMVI ( IN Yt�LC Vy "Af'kf1 UNL Y (GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM! FAC141TY INFORMATION -fease Pnnt cream- o1 Type ,Facility Name_ SandarsOtt Farms WWTF Permit Name (if different). (saute) Facility Address 2081,Sanderson `Nay Kinston NC 28504 .r Counly LP/11111-'_____.. Contact Person. JtlnJones Telephone# zr,z 93�� 6433 Well Location/Site Name'. $�werovrl Fermi WWTF waste wafer Irnuatloo Sy.Ieem No of wells to be trampled f qhl (81 WWARIWCF4t WrowveRWNIVIC I aowzcelrwHb:RE't1.7URC;�?$ _ DNRft CO WA MA QUALAV4W01iAAr%GN PAik"t"96 Ow . 1817 tmAl6 Laahtvtce c�NY-e,R, PERMIT Number: W000:94J80 Expiration Date IiAay 31 2021 _ Non -Discharge Yew _ UIC NPDES �_._...:� Other-_.-.�_`-- TYPE OF PERMITTEE) OPERAVON HFING MONITORED - L7 Lagoon L1 Remedlatlon Infiltration Gallery 0) Spray Field Pernedlation _ _ FI Rotary Distributor �� Land Appbcahon of ' ILIdge 1-1 Water SOUrce Heat PUMP Other vnmra.rn�a u�runlrwllyir If WELL WELL ll NUMBER (from, Permit): MW-2 Date sample collected 3+14'M 9 FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Well Depth. L L 20 it, Well Olameter 2 It �H noun( !, `.+ DRY at t units Temp aluul It, 7 G Depth. to Water Level 82546 2 9 ft. below measuring point Sr:reened Inlen al 5 ft to 20 ft Spec Cond ouoo4 -�� time of IrMhos Measuring Point Is 3.ti3 R. above land surface Relative M P Elevation + vr 42 -a-' sampling fl Odor 000�!, nnnr Volume of water pumped1bailed before sampling. 11 gallons Appearance (It"ir - here-. r- I Samples for metals were collected unfiltered [] YES [1 N,0 and field acidified [_J YES L 1 NO �J LABORATORY INFORMATION Date #ample analyzed '"3't$ 18-3Ijl(1,9 Laboratory Name Envir-Inwrit I (.hrnl,sts In( Celtificatlon No 1tyI1d37l;'l PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and t olioidal cotncentratlons.� COD 003951 mg/L Ndrite (NO l as N 00615 mg/L Pb - Lead won l t,grL Coliform MF Feral316ie �l 000ml- Nitrate )NO,) as N oute2o 0 n3 - -- - _nig'L Zn - Zinc Ilnlu2 Cohform; MF Total 31504 _-1100mL Phosphorus Total as P noae5 0 24 mgrL Mold . Usw MPN melhod 101 highly tur61U 9amplee, Orthophosphate Soso r � � � -- _.... P _ _ n ! y L Other (;;peaty Compounds and Concentration lhutsl Issotved Solids Total 70300 222 mg/L AI - Aluminum nI ion — —L _ mg/L PH (Lab) 00403 units Ba - Curium ,uuoi T _ _ ____.__ uglL TOC ou6ed 19 7 mgiL Ca - Calcium 00015 Chloride 0694o 72 mgiL Cd - Cadmium q102, - - --'� ug/L ...... Arsenic Arsenic o tow ug[L Chromium Total o 1 j_ia �» ` _y ug/L ` _ --- Grease and Ods 00552 mg/L C:u - Copper 0104; _ ORGANICS: Iby GC GC/MS HFfLCI Phenol,-32i3o ug/L Fe - Iron 01n4a _ Amy1L ug/L (Specify rest and rnethod #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00945 mgrL Hg - Mercury r I'loo _ _ u91L Lah Report Attached? FJ Yes (1) (_J No (0) pectic CondUcl3nce000s5 _ IlMhos K - Puta;snlm owo, _ mgiL VOC, 78112 method # Total Ammonia oo6,io 0.2 mg/L Mg - Magni)slum 00n21 —_ nig1L method # IAmmnrpe NflrAperS W+,esN Annnunre N,uogen iulnli •—- _ --' Mn -Manganese 11.155 li_ -_ ^-� -----�-__.�_ ,_ _,—,—_�_-�_-_ _,_ rnethod # TKN as N oo695 mg1L Ni - Nickel ntof; i `ug/L uglL. method # ^•.�.. —y..w.n.-. v ny I-•w•.,— ncj... all 1. IIIIIuGrll lvlidl Vukls Bob Hdhngstey, Diredtor,of 06velpmeni Permrttee-tor Authorize§d Agent) HArne and Trifle - PIe.8 a print of type Y GvV•59 Rev 21201,10 . rr,gr1- ttlluenl Total VOGs - mg/L VOC Removal% Signature o ( zed Agen 1�\ 6 I�ale1 L'AMMI I FIM11.1 r)N Yt- I i(tVV I'Al If. R ()Ni Y GROUNDWATER QUALITYi MONITORING: COMPLIANCE_ REPORT FORM FACILITY-INFOlkMATION Facility Nalne: Sande-rson f arms W`WTF Pernill Name (if clefetenti (stone) Facility Address 20H 1 Saodurson Way NC zN6n4 (nUnly 1 Pill W--- Contact Person, Jmt J67tie!i Telephone# 'f,7 )k 1" 64 11 Well Location/SiteNonie.Saixdu,00(1 1`ariisWWTF-Wa,,tt, water 1mriaiik-i, No of WeIIS 10 be sampled I 0111 P31 0 bePARTMSNYOrtNvllkONMtt4t&NAIUFtALR"OUPtCt,4 DIVISION OF WATER dUALItY-INFORMATION PAOC8981NO UNIT 167 MAIL SIRRVidt CE-NTLR,."LE �dH, NO2,741119-160 Phone' (919) 733-3221 PERMIT Number: W00031380 Expiration Date May 31 .'()21 Non -Discharge Y- LJIC NPOES Other TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Lagoon Renie(tiatfort Infiltration Gallery Spray f if-ld Remp(hatinn Rotary ftlStrIbUtOf I and Application of Sludge L I Water Source Heat PLIMI) I. 7 Other SAMPLING INFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER (frorb Peritnit):, MW-3 Uate Sample rollecled •1,04,19 FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Well Depth 20 ft- Well Diaweln.r V pHoo,wn 6 V units lemp ollow 1"2 C DRY at Depth to Water Level s2s46,�4.9 ft. below measurnpoint Screened Interval ft to 2ft cri A tme of Measuring Point is I-Q2 ft, above land surface Relative M P I-levatio n It 0dol (Itiom, Volume of water pumped./bailed, before sampling 8 gallons -1 Appearance lo, f I here Samples for metals wembp1lected unfiltered QYES U I NO and field acid,he(j I 1 YES l 1 No LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed- 3j�f1s it li'1,4 Laboratory Name, F ny irk n) rwiiI,,1 "Ah4!,IwAs In, 14" PARAMETERS ,NOTE, -.Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations COO 00315 mgil- Nitrite (NO i as N , im, o, Mg/L Pb - Lead o i o,,! Lig/L Collfo I fynjMF I Pecai 3 i6ifS tut i I 00rnL Nitrate (NO. i as N oofi,,o 0 �yl mg1 Zo - zirlr ii I o9,, ing/L Coliform, MF Total 3 1 sk 1100mL Phosphorus total as P,)otih!, 0 08 rTIg/L Orthuphw;phale F)1,0, __mgit- Other (5j)e(,1fy C0111I)OLIFICIS and Concentration Unit-) )issolved Solids Total 7636o 151 mg1L A[ - Aluminum r, t io,, nry,'L pH (Lab) o04 u3 units Ba - flarition mow uy/L TOC oo(jeo 128 mg/L (,it - UlcItjnl 1,0111,, n ig [ Chloride aumu 21 mg/L Cd - ca(111116111 1110.11 u911- Arsenic mooz ug/L Chlotilluni ugil- Grease and, Oils oosw - mg/L Cu Copper wo4,1 My/L ORGANICS: (by (-;C, GC/MS Hpt'c) Phenol 3z�ao ug/L Fe - Iron wnv' ug/L (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 0094$ mgtL lly-MriCilry jLjo(j uyll- Lab Report Attached? F) Yes il) No Specific Conductance rifjbq-5 IiMhos K - Potassium rxi9 i; n ig,'L VOC, ,A, v method # Total Ammonia 00610 0 4 mg/L My - Magnesium ji0q,,i my/L Method # m Nrt,?qf,v Ntl' d N Mn - Manq.inese - ug/l- Method # TKNiiis N ()00,5- mg/L Ni - Nickel o i cm I ug/L method # .. ..... iftudull 1-iso rwpoiimt; iniwent I oial vuus 4 ri,911 Lffluent Total VOCs mg/L VOC Removal% Bob Billingsley,00P.0ot-of DeVrJorriprit Permdlee ror AathOtiZBd Agerah,tVanie and ry ille please 01frit or type 0 fleffilifleety Gw-591 Rev. -2120 to: LAIfiMI I rOWA i )N YLLLU4N 'A I'( ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM FACILITY INFORMATION P+ease Pant u�•erly a rvue Facility Name 3, 58i.tdtgson Voriiis WWTF Permit Name (if different),' tsrair)et Facility Address z081.8andQfbiri) Way — Kgi9lon - NC dfiSO4 � County l rtvui` 4V f — Contact Person: ;Jun Jones f eiephone# ",y t'I 64 t1 Well LocatiQil/Sjje Name: Sa+,oersurt Earn,,) wwtr- w,,vme ware.lrr,yaiu,u 5,„re_� Nu of well'; to he aarnpled I onl (it I bE'PAAtMENT or, eWIabNMI rvT;a.NATUiiAL ASSbUkbE'8 biYISION dF WA7(x.A QUA'LITY-INF.0AMAttlON WNTf 9817{uIAIL-S8iiV1(� C N�1EFi;fiALFIC,IIrtJG�JB9�i6i5 Phbne^:(91Bt)ia3-3221t PERMIT NurnhBP: VV000 i43r` 0 Exp)ratlon Date fumy it Iw i Non -Discharge 'rr•. (JIG - — NPOE'S — Other — TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING) MONITORED 1_1 Lagnnn 0 Renie.rliahon Infiltration ljalle,y hI Spray Field L-I RtamedlaUon _ Rataty Dlvtitbutor L _1 t and Application (if Sludge —� 1 WatAf Srnuce Neat i'un)p 0 OtfWr ,... v...nn.wr. If WELL WELL ID NUMBER jtrom Permit): MW 4 Ddte arnplw roller.ir�d I" -� FIELD ANALYSES, WAS Well Depth 2() ft _t't4• Well I llanu ter , pt1 onano r+ •1-i urnha temp noitn, tit (; DRY at Depth to Water Level e7646 44 ft. below rrieasuring point S, reened InIcival _ ti to 20 ft Spec. Conti ur)n�;,,t Nliior; t,n,e (it Measuring Point is . 2:J5 ft. above land surface 9 � itelabvo M p I=levillorl �r'll, `- (lclnr tnu)ry^, ri'r"' San,plirir� Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling 4 gallons �— w •- _ft _ _ Appearance r.her.l• 5artiples for metals were coll0cted unfiltered [-) YES [ I NO and held Aruhfie(l L ;• YFS 1 1 NO Date sample analy2ed, A-)5019•311rrirl Laboratory Name I nvunnnirnt d r,lu .ni,h. hu PARAMETERS NOTE:llalues should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations _ COD OUS35` mg/L Nitnle (NO 1 as N nn,i,. y• rr) rl Coliform MF Fecal i161s s 1 1100mL Nitrate (NU i as N nna, u u nz T _ rnyiL Coliform MF Total 91504' f10omL Phosphorus Total as P norv,,!, n ri•s w n,y.l t klle L}�r, MPN rnelh"tt for r,yh,r I'A"A s,lmpici) • ��""_-- OfUIOpIr69r1hAfP. •'"�� isso)ved Solids Total 10,30o 215 mg1L A' - Aluminum oI Iwr niu,'L PH (Lab) OU403 _ units t3a - flarf irn 0'00 7CC OUB86 13 1 mg!L Ca - Calcium ( ae),h.__,_ Chloride 0os40 36 mg/L Cd - Cadimum nru, r uy/L Arsenicotow ugfL Chr(Iniium Totalnul'.a ug/L Grease and Oils ou552 mglL Cu (0PI)Pl n u14, � „y nigd Phenol 3MO ugrL f e - Iron n lna° _ ug/L Sulfate u4s45 mg/L Hy - MPTCnry 110o ug/L pet.;ncr- Conductance 0OW5 IiMhos _ K - Puta-;sitnri ro,o i _ Total Ammonia oobio U 5 mg/L Mg - Mayn?sniltl nrna: / - my/L r anti Nlnk? vii(J,INt, Plli, 05 rA �,Iltritl1,1 MnfOSJC,1 jri!•11, � Mn - Manganese i r, — -�-y-+ .._-- uq/L TKN as N rro625 mglL Ni - Nickel I) n)f,; � uq/L Certification No. Ph - Lead u l i it, i ug/L Zn - Zinc n Io"l, n)g/L Other 1Speclfy Cunipotlncds and Goncentration Unrtsl ORGANICS, (by <.;(; GC/MS 111-11-C) (Specify test and method #, ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Lai) Report Attached? L 1 Yes f 1) [] No (0) Vac, :4r'Tmethod # method # — ----- method # mPthnrl # i4—.----�- ..trIluent • l certify that, la the best of my knowledge and belief, the information Submitted in iH.is report i5 irua a&&u(e, And complete, did that the laboratory analytical data was produced using approved methods of analysis by a DWQ•cerlified Laboratory. i am aware that there are significant penalties for suhmitiini) false nforrnallon; irtrlu ling the possipoltq pr fines end imprlaonment for k lowlife viol?'ions. Hot) Billingsley pirectint .! r I Fran I uv rLLLSIVY "rkYt I', (INL Y UNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: PLIANCE REPORT FORM Cfr� -If -k, r rvr>r -. facility Name Sanderson Farms WWTF Permit Name {)f different) (same, Facility Address 20H1 9andersun Way KntStun NC 2004 (.nunty'rnrlrl..- -- - apt Berson, _Jon Jcmes Telephone# "7 'I 1 i r,4,c i LocationlSite Name: sdrideopn raf—wwII wAatn Water Irnyad n } , aP�n No of wells to be sampled I Wit IN I - - -. QEPAR:TMi=NT OP eNVIAONNiENT & NATURAL RESOURC'LS DNISION C)p WAFER OUALOY-INP60 MATION PROCESSING UNIT 1617 MAIL MRViCE ItENT160, RALI I43K NC $1,690.40 phone. (019) 733-3221 PERMIT Number: 0/0003438u Expiration Gate May {) �I121 Non-Oiseharge Yes Inc - NF'l_)ES_-- TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Lagoon Remedlation Inflllratlon Galleiy lip, spray Fleid Remedintion Rotary L)IsblbLitor Land Application of Sludge Water Source Heat pump cmier WELL ID NUMBER (from Permit): MW•h Date SAIt1pIP. collected 3 14, 19 Well Depth -i t ft V11e11 fliantr ter rI Depth to Water Level 92946 .t 4 ft. below measuring point Scaeennd Intpnral r; fI to ) 1 ft Measuring Point is 3,04 ft above land surface Relativ,, M P Ele.v,rtmn a) 1 r ft Volume of water pumpeftaded before sampling 4 gallons - Samples for metals were.coflocted unfiltered U, YES ill NO and lipid acidified L 1 YF;, I hi0 LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed Laboratory Name F nwn,nnn-nl ,; 1'he mstti bu PARAMETERS - NOTE. Values should reflect dissolved and ,colloidal concentrations - COD ou3'35: ntalL Nitrite (NO i as N onr,ls my;t_ Cotdorrn MF Fecal a trie <i 1100ml. Nitrate (NO.) as N nor; cr 1 c{; � n,yil Coliforin MF Total "3isaii /1001tiL phosIftfus Tr)Ltl as p liner,[, 'If n4 f rr,a;l Rinlr I_',.-rAi R7 rIPlllud i.r hi�H7v lnrhrl ..iniPlF,� _-•..._._..s.__-._ OrihuphutphatenyiL- — .. Issoived Solids 1 otal t0.3o0 92 mglL Al - AILmunun, n r Tm, pH iLabl 00403_ units ba C44n1jrn otru1l ug/L. TOC tromo 1 5 mglL (:a - Cnirium „o,iih 9 Chloride 00940 11 mg/L Cd - Cadmium o 10; Arsenic utoo2 ugfL Chwtittum Total min rn uylL Grease and Oils oubbz mglt Cu !;upper n,an.' --�~niy/L Phenol 32130 ug/L Fe Iron !wrnr. _ uy/L Sulfate i)ur345 mgfL Hg - Mercury rrwn _ uy1L Specific Conductance noogs itMhos _ K - f'ota;sium nrni t/ M rny1L total Ammonia uoeto <L, 2 mglL My - Mayn,!snirn nr> I; , mgT I alnpHpata Nr6ngnn rtli 85 N ,tnnnw n,r Ngr.ga,t fnlgh `-- -"-' _-�" Mn Manganese n 10Y, ug/L TKN as N ri%2a mg1L _ Ni - Nickel n ioi;, i4 ug/L For Remediation Systems only (Attach Lab Reoortst: Influent Tnial vnr.a But) Billingsley Directot of Devclpna(,.nt F e nattee ioT Authorized Agent) Name and tale - Pleasr linnl n1 type GW-59 Rey 2120110 If WELL FIELD ANALYSES: WAS pHoo4o6 ', 71 unit3 -Temp iomo 11i 1 t. DRY at spfic (.:ofid 000tr,r jrMhofi finre of Odor ouo5; 1)"(0. - - sampliflu Appeaiande Ir,u- -- �- here Ll C;ellnc�ahonNo a�11ru�ll;rl Ph - t_ead rna,t ug/L Zn - 11111, it 1Ir512 ITIg/L Other (SpecAy (:0111hOL110S and f;nic,efit ration units) ORGANICS: (by 6C GC/MS Hi -'I (,) (Specify test and Inethod #. ATTACH LAB REPOR T.) Lab Report Attached? �] Yps (I I l_I No ( 0 1 method # method # method # _ nplete, ofiid that the laborniory analytical dat s po33ih)lity,of fines And impirisonrment�for kr nlyrL vvL. rcernovarin )AIVI >l IV NJ I r I J?X1V1 ( ,N 7LLLuyy I./11'kl( k)Ni. Y rvEJ�IV rF�C01 S,- , GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: otvlSlbN�F�tiA��ri.ctuatiirY=iKiFo��inorriowPR����t�uNiT COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM teiiedki��_avt�eiitt?rt,kdrtt�r+,.idie�e i-:� Pnanajeytij-;*3=�'zzi FACILITY INFORMATION Prease wnnr cteariir� tv'ue PERMIT Number: woou,)4.3uo Expiration Date Miry 31. 'mu 1 Facility Name Sanderson Famir WWTF Non-Disehirge Yw4 UIC Permft Name of different) ,Jsc+lrle} NPDE S Other _ Facility Address 2081 Sanderson Way �— -- — TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED — — Kinston INC, F950 t Ctlunt r�n,al non ( l a �,�,• y I - _ _ g (.� Remedrahnn infiltration Gallery (�l Spray Field l_I fternerfition — ContactPerson_ Jon Juries 1eleptione# ',,l a f" hA 11 (..� Rotary DiStnbUtOr ❑ land Application of 5ludye Well Location/Site Name wW lF W[kle water rrrtq-a,vri ,,•, tvf,, No of wells to be sampled (0l Water Soui ce Il'eat t%imp CJ OU,er -- rourii — 11. ID NUMBER (from Permit): MW-7 Date sampe^ roller.tecl l 14 19 II Depth. 1ti ft Well rhAmeter •' n 3th to Water Level 82546- 5-2 ft. below measuring point Sr.reenad Interval fl to It, ft asurulg Point is 2.33 It above land surface Relativt= M P Flevation a6 "A ft time of water pumped/bailed before sampling 7 gallons nples for metals wele_copected. unfiltered EJ YES [l NO and field acirivhed (] YLS I N.io Date sample analyzed ktS{t4-:+tin19 Laboratory Name f ovrnnm-11 Ii Che msls In, PARAMETERS . NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and -:olloidal concentrations, r — COD 00335 mg/L Nitrite (NO, ) as N oocoll rnglL Coliform MF Fecal3i5ie 41 r100mL Nitrate (NO,) as N nnhaa o OA Trng!1_ Coliform MF Total 31564 r100mL Phossrhorus Tulal as P non{,, 1 1`i — mg1 .rhSr � he MrN mrlhud Inr lughl� luq„n •amn,es, — -- Orthophosphate -oral— -�' rnyl issolved Solids Total 7o.3dn 135 mg/L Af - Alununum o1105— — --mg!L pH (Lab) P0403 units Ba - i<Anum oton+_ug/L T OC 00eeo �0_5 mg/L (;a - Cafaum nos o; C11)orlde 00940 <) mglL Cd - C-adrnlun, (110" 1 ug/L flrsenic01002' ug/L Cnrnrnium iotalnime—���— ug/L Grease and Oils 00552 _ mg1L Cu - (topper 11104, —n)g/L P(ienol 34130 _ ug/L V e • Iron rims,, —ug/L Sulfate 069415 _ mg/L fly - Mrrairy 1r100 Specific Cond'uclen1ce ouoss IlMhos _ _ K - PoIAssium one ir— _—ug/L Total Ammomp pgsio Sul 2 mg/L Mg - MagneslU n nori.' l inglL 04,mvnm NArv9jnn Nri,anN ; muaunin t4nmgq r,.lgn Mn - Manganese nir1'�5 — ----uglL TKN as N uo(j25 mg/L Ni • Nickel olor,/ —_ _ ug/L If WELL FIELD ANALYSES. WAS pH ooaun units letup norm, 16 1 DRY at Spec Cond iu)owii IlMhos hole of Odor o oh" check Appearance Certification No u`i-Ii 011i n Pt) - Leacl aiiwo tig/L Zn - linciii,w rng/L Other ISpecrfy CUnyluunds and Concentration Units) ORGANICS: (by GC (;G/MS HPI_CI y (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Lab Report Attached? Ij Yes 1 1) (] No fo) VOC 78 method # method # method # _ method # v .+r ..crnvvrwrvn .ayaae>fna� vary (/'•uacn.l�aD RBpOfL51: Irirluerll total VuGs my/L Effluent 1 otal VOCs mg/L VOC Removal% Bob Billingsley bireclor of Development Perintltee for Auihorized Agents Name brut 7 111e -'Please print or type GW-59 Rev 212010 5iyn.11rn� �, mi e rrr `.,UIiMIT FORM ON �LW1M !'Al'ER pNIY - • . DEPARTMENT OF ENVIkONMENt & NATURAL• RESOURCES - GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: .4 0tVI9ION OF WATER OUALOYANFORMAYION PROCESSING UNIT COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM 1517 MALL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIt31-1, NC 17609 1617 F;ho��'s (S19) 7S3•��P1 FACILITY INFORMATIgN please Pilot cream or Iy,,e PERMIT Number: WOOUs4 180 Expiratlnn Date May t I ?n2 t Facility Nate Sanderson Forms WWTF „ Non -Discharge YJ UIC -- Permit Name (if differentl'- (solnei - NPDES Other Facility Address- 2081 Sanderson Way _ TYPE OF PERNATTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Kinslun NC 28504 Cnunty r'rngr [ I I agoon Ll RPmediation Infiltration Gallery Spray F ipkl [_1 Rernediahon Contact Person Jbn Jane's _ Telephnne# �"i2-4 It' Ira i 1 I -I Rotary Distributor L_1 Land Application of Stange -� Well Location/Site Name- sarntemun F'arms wwra vvxktr� water if-wurr,, :w ae�+ No of wells lobe sampled I 111t Ira Water Source Hew Fumy L .l Other vwnn rvw WELL ID NUMBER from Permit): MW-8 ,; ,r I, ( pate sample rnilectad � Well Depth 12 7 ft Well flitanieLr n�. If l- , Depth to Water'Level e'2546: 5 1 ft. below measuring point screenefl Interval % / fr to 12 % ft Measuring Point Is 9 ft, above'land surface Relahvu M P I levahon 1 'N , ft ------ — Volume of Water p'u''mped(iiailed before sampling ,B gallon': Sara les for metals werecollected unfiltered LJ YES LJ NO and helot arldihed (1 YES ! J NO FIELD ANALYSES' pH Donna units Temp ruur Iri 1 1 t C. Spee Coed ap-rrld )iMhos Odnr onoH, 11r�+i*, Appearance c,te`,Jr It WELL WAS DRY at hnle of sampling frefe LABORATORY INFORMATION -- ----- Date sample analyged 3,1;yr'91-Nihl4 LaboratoryNAme F,ivirnnmriil,ri c.hrulislS Ins Certification No W1,11w t/!)rr _ PARAMETERS NOTE; Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrAtions.- V - - COD 00335 - mg/L Nitrite INU.i as N r+oa is nrgrL Ph - I ead tiwo ug/L Cohtorm_ MF Fecal alss,ts �1 /100mL Nitrate fNO,I as N oritim " y() - mg/L 2n i1fic triuyr --n,gr'L Colilorm MF Total 3is04 /100ml- Pho4,horus Total as P nor,rrs 0 ul mg/t - iNfe Vse MiYJ rnrlho4lgi hiybly Iur h,U SJngrina� Ortl*ophosphate ,n,n/ -�_rng/L Other (Specify Corripuunds and Concentiahon Unitsi tssolved Solids Total 703oo 183 mg!L At -Alun0nnrlrn rl Im, pH (Labs rto403 units 134 Eianum :una! _ uylL - TOC ooeeo 5 J mg/L Ca - Calcrurn ainrl - _- niy l- Chloride onsao 2c, mg/L Cd - Cadmnun 0M21 u /L _ Arsenicoiooz _ ug/L Chromium Totalninin� „v Ug/L Grease and Oils ou552 mg/L CLi - CiippPr nine, _ my/L ORGANICS: (by GC GC/MS, HP( C)� -� Phengl yi3o ug/L I -e Iron n Ines _ _ ug/L (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT:) Sulfate 00945 Trig IL Hg - Mercury : I'oo - ag/L Lab Report Attached? t I Yes (1) (] No (0) Specific Conductance r1oo55 pMhos K - Putasslutn rm�1; _- my'L VOC method # Total Ammonia ooelo cU•1 mg/L My - Magnesium 00%,, iri /L y method # +grnmiimg t^jrrgigHn NH. 38 Mn - Manganese r Inr^r, iiy/L --- rtiethud # 'iKN as { 001525 j mg/L Nt - Nickel nine% Y - uglL _ _ nethocl # For Reniedlatloll Sy terts.Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs _ rrt T/L Effluent Total VOCs mg/L VOC Removal^/o Bob Billingsley. Direcito' of de'velopirJenl - Penruties (ur Authbri2ed Agent) Najntr and Title - Please poril or type ,- ,;tynair��r GW-59 Rey: 2QOI- _y . , , , , - , - , , S L �,V V v , — r r f U N L T GROUNDWAT.4R QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM FACILITY INFORMATION 'lease Ynni cleave 01 ly,le Facility Nance Sandetson Farnis VVWTF Permit Name (d d►.tfetetll): ! tsdme)- `-- Facility Address 2081 Sancisryon Way Kutslon NC 28'31)4 µ _ Caumy 1 Pni, r Contact Person ,lon,tonev _ Telephone# "52-9 Well Locatrob/Site`-N46le,':irndaFsun, I�xw'l WWII` W.15to Water Irritlepcu, tiWsiwi�i No, of well9 to be yanipled —E �,tltl iM • • • - - ncawnWLO- - .. DIVISION OF 1N004 dijA I7Y,4WKONMATI6k 0kWt jftNO UNIT 1617 MAIL 9'0yidt .btkfiffk RALEIdk, $W °2Y499= l�7 P_ HiSh 1 0318t 7J3 7221 PERMIT Niihsber: W(auu.1,08o �Expiiatic)n Date May .3I ,n�i Non -Discharge Ypq UIC _ NPUE 5 - -- _ - - — Ohaef TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Remediatlon Infllt)ation g allery Spray f letd I I kewedlaIloll (_) Rotary 01stnbut0f ( 1 and Application of ;,fudge i Water 501.11'Ce Netat PUMP (1 Other ,.,r.r...rr.v mrvnarrn� rury If WELL WELL ID NUMBER (frogrl Pen>tlt): MW-9 bete sample colloctNd t4 1'' FIELD ANALY$E5: WAS Well Depth 125 ft -- Well OlAmelirt ,t� a pH nn4on ', .3 of temp (I'utto 1"'I DRY al Depth to Water Level 132546 3 1 N below measuring point St-recanad Interval If to 12 `) it Sper. Conti 0010 ,q Mftos hnle �f r Measuring Point is 2'K1 ft, above land surface Pelallve M P Flevabnn '' 1N it Odor n,,•,lh, Nol'i• Vohime of water pumped/bailed before sampling- 7 uallons �.� Appeal anc.e r i_II Check here, f Sam les tot metals werq c5tllected unfiltered ❑ YES [._l NO Rrld field it liked A 1 YES 1 NO U Date sample anafyzed' 3 1 zi1y 3/21,rls Laboratory Nance In, PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 0o334 mg/L Nitrite (No 1 av N r10615 my1L Colrform MF Fecal 31t46 /100ml- Nitrate (NO,) as N oor,�-cr , .1 Cohform MF Total31564` 000mL Phosphorus local at; P isnnr_,5 uii/ r1401@ U17 MFN me'th•d to, q,yhly kubid — Orth3yphosphate ,nso7----- ._ _ rng/L lssolved Solids Total Wino, 261 mg/L At - Aluntnulrrl 01105 �y1nglL .pit (Lab) oo403 units f3a Barium n11307 TOC ooao 1 i mg1L Cu - C,1101'm f0`11A n rL Chlonde'00940 81 mg/L Cd - Cadiviom nutz/ ug1L. Arsenicaio02 ug/L _ Chrr.mRlm T0talnih14__ _' LL _ u91L Grease and Oils oosbl mgiL Cu C.Opper 11fla4 �� �Y1Tay L Phenol 32/,3o ug/L Fe-11nnn1n45�� Sulfate,60945" mg/L fig - Mrrcnay-iirtul __ug1L Specific Conductance (ion9b liMhos K - Potassium �o,-,i7 Total Ammonia ooe to 0,2 rng/L My • Magnesnnll n, t, nlg/L I l'blingen NI f. g N Ammunid'Ndrngen in6111 Mn - Manganese r ur54 ug1L TKN as N 00025, - mg/L _ Nt - Nickel em6i � � _ ug/L I cediry that, tc the best of my knowledge and belief, the information aubniitfed in fliis rep, off it true, acel DM -certified laboratory. 1 cans aware that there are significant penalties for Suboillling fali;$ InfOfrhatioi Ceitification No 09141lii20 Pb - IePxf ilIm) I ug/L Zn Other ('Specify C;onipounds tend i oncontration Units) ORGANICS: (by GC G(;/M5 HPI-Cl (3pocify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Lab Report Attached? 1-1 Yes (1) ( I No (0) VOC r t1 method # method # Method # � 4� method #__--- wq� l- Lffluent I oral VOGs Penaitlee Yoe AulhotiAed Agents Name and idle - Plaa&6 pnM nr type � 'idiurr „i i'errnufee , nr n, knee r Agent � OW-59 Rev 2/20lu mg/L VOC Removal"/.