HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190506 Ver 1_USFWS Letter_20190418�, { r� I.. �y. '� , � � M „ � � k� � t44 I � i �Y ��i`; � , 'i� '... f i 0 f Il , U �A��� ��� ��������.Y�1�✓ ������� �.a1�t�17 F'lelt{ (Jf�C� P�ast �bf�c°e �iax aai?� ��l�i<tiyl7; i�r��-tla Carcrli��a �7� i�3-�72� :ia�u�r� �, 2Q�1� �re,��r� M. �3laken�y �1���th C"�t•d�in� D��a¢`lt�ent c�f"T`t��n���i�t�tican �'�-c�jeet C�eve:lo�,rr����t �n� L������ytner�tal t'�n�l�°sas 15�8 I�'fa.al :�e��vice �;�;nte�° I�.alci�h, I�t�rth Ca�alirua �7G���-1548 I�ear T�'��. E3lak�n�y: 'Ghis flettc�� is �aa �es��rzs� t�a ycaur �ec�u�s� fi�r cc��Y�:n�s irc��s� th� �i.�`. �"is�i �7�d',�ildli% Servicc �S�:rv�ce� c��� the �c�t��r�:ial eravir�n�rr,cntal e�'L�cts �f'tl�e �r�a�as��i replacerrm�nt c�f �hc f'all�wii�� 1��id�e�. "�"��aese cam�nents �rc�v�de rr��a���n�tic�� tin �ccars�ance �ritEa �r�visi��:ns c��`tihe ]"�atiaz��l �;tnvirc�r�m�.:t�tal k'alacy f'�ct �(42 �5.�.�:. 4332{2}4�)j an� 5�e�,�ia:n 7 �aftk�e �rbdan��r�d S�ecies �c� of 1.�7?a, a� a�-,ent��s� (1� ��.S,C:'. 1531-154�). �-534�, �.��lac� T�r���;� �c�. � o��r ��� ur�na�r,�d c;rc��k �� �:1� �52�, .�laman�� C�;�r�ant� ��-�347, R.������ �.rid,�e i��. 1'?U �ve�- a�'rc�r�,� �F A�amar�c� �'rc�k. c+n SI� 12 � 2, ��a���ancc C;�ur�ty ������� ��p] �ce. I�rici�e I'�a�. 1�3 �v� r�,i��]� A�a���anc� Cree➢� c�n �� 114�, C�la���nc� C:'c�ur�ty� �;-S�Sd, .Re�ala�e E3�-i�3�;� T�Ca. 44 �ve�' J�rd�an's �r��k �n ��i � 7��, �,,Ianl�nc:e C",c,ur�ty "1"Fj�: �`��vicc r�oes ��t�� 11av� �ny sp�ci�c canc�,rns f'or these pra�j�:�ts. 4�'� �ccorrrz�a;n� th�: fc�llc��,�it�g; �etl�ral cc�ns�:;rvatrr�n ��e�s�rx-�� to av�id r�r mir�ir�ai�e �rnpa�ts f:�� fish anc� �zldli�e resa�arces: l. W�t9�n�iA Co�-�st aanr� c�esi;�n��er� ri��aria� b�a("%r ir�7�acts sl7c�ul�3 �� avai��;� �a��l rrt�car�t�izcai Qra t��� rt�axilt�r:im ��te;nt }�ractic�.�, 2. 3�rus�a�ac�idabl�: �v�t��nd c7r s�r���s'i ii�rnp�cts are prr��.�ns�d, ���l�n far c����p�r�.sait�ry n�it��;�t�r�p� t� r�ff"sei rana�,�c���a�ile irl��7��ts shauld be: g:7ra�v�r��d ear�� ir� t���, g�lanz�ing� pt`���ess� �. Uf�=sitc det��aa'� shs��l�i lae u�ed ��Qlj�,r ihar� c�anstxu�;�y�ar� ai` �em�arar}r, �an-�it� l�ric��;e�. F��z �arc�j��,t� rec�t�iri�7� �z�� c�n-s�t� �etc�nzr rn vvetl��cls cr �ap�n r,�,-al�r„ saac]�. �iete�ur� �h�aLild be �Di�,*�a�;ci alcsn� t�i� �id� c�f t��� extsti�i,� �tr��ct�ire r��C�ch ➢��aMS th� ➢��st ���dr���� V'east c�u�lity c�1� fis�i anci v���idlif� ]�a�ita�. A�: ihc �a�i7���ii���a �>�ce�r�str-s.�cti�r�, th� �c;l�ur are� sh�ruld h� �r�ti�-ely r�:m�av�ci aii� t:h�� i��a�acte�i a�-ea� �� replar,ied �v�tl1 ���r<�priat� ��-�� spe:�;ies; 4. �ru stir��m�s eadrlize� by �a�l�r�rc������s f�sh, �h� �C;���T ���alicy �.��tillc��3 "5��-�aar� �;r�ssin�; �a�i��;1i��es k�,r �^a.�qad�-�mc�u� Fis�� �as�a�;�'" sl�ac��r� bc i����a�e�-��nt��; T�P�.vJ l�r�r���s sk���a�c1 l�� lc�n� et�r�u�l� kc� al�c�w� ����- s�aff�uic;n� �ilell�f� �������� al���r� ��r�an� �ea�•r��a�t•�, �i. ��z� e��I�m si��; �a�'thG �;t�-��nz b�7ik u��dea�-��atka ih�i��e:�, at leasti lf� fe�t �f`t,he bank s11�au1�l r�a�aai:a� �;1ca� af'ri�r�p; "r ."�3e�t t1:ar�a�er�aer�t 1'ractic�s (�3�1:�'� fc�r Cc�ns�ructian at�� �aint�nance Activiti��" shr���lcl b� �ayn�lement�d, �. I3rid�;� tlesi�r�s �h�u1d inc.�udc, pr�visicrns �'ar rt�a�t�ec� a�ad deck �raina�� t�, flc��av thz�t�u��� a ve�eta�ed bu�"f�s- pr�r�r to ��:�c}�in� �h� af�'ected streazn. 'Ti�iS b�f1'er ��c�ul� be 3�r„�e �n�u��� tc� a1��via�c any pra���ti�l ef%cts fr,��r� naiz-�ff ��` st��-m w�t�r and }�a�llutants; �. Bri�,�c desi�xy� sh�ule3 n�t ��t�r tl�� ra�tural s�r�;an� ar�d stre�m-baii9c ���az�l�c����;y �z° impec�e #:�5� p�ssa�e. 'Tc� �he exte�at perssit�le, pie:rs ar�d l�ent� shoul� l�re pla�ed c�utside t1�� k�aailc-�"uIl wi�3th ca�' th� stre�m; �nd G CM. �rid�es �nd a�p�-t��claes .Shc�uld bc �iesi�ned t�a av�aad aray fi[l that �;riil result in r�arnr�in� c�� �;�nstrict��� c���the chann�l c�r Flaaoci �lain. If spar�ni�a�; tl�e �'l�c�� �la�� is nc�t fe�s�b�e, c�a�verts s�asauld be instal➢��1 izi t�ic fl�ad �r�aiza �r�r1��a� of"t17e approach tc� r�stt�re sa�rr�e c��t��e hydre�lc��ical f'unctic�ns ai" �hc; fla�d a�lain as�d rec�u��: hi�h velac�di�s taf fl�ca�l vwaters widh�n th.c affected area. �e�tiian ?(a)(2) �f`th� �,nd�.n�ered �a�ecies Act r�quires that �l� fedei•al actic��a �a�encies (or �l�e�:r t��csfl�;nated rsi�i7-f�der�� repr�sentativ�es��� in co�suliaiir�ar� �vit� the ��ervicc, insur� t��t any action f�der•alCy �utll�araz�d, fundc,d, �z° �;arr�e�i ��at l�y su�h a�;�ncies is nc�t l�kely t�, jeo�ar�ir� the cc�nt�nued �xi�t�nc� e�f aaly tc:c�er�liy threat��ecl �r �ndasa�;ct•ec9 s�ec�es. Te� assist yca�, a co�anty-by-G�����tiy 1is� �a�'f�derally p�rt��ected s�eci�� Jks�cawr, t� occ�.ur in �^T�ai-kta �Caralin� az�ci a���i�n�tio�i c�c� iheir life �i�tc+ries and ha6i�a�s c�a� l�� fa�und r�n o�rr wei� ��a�� at hi�:i'Iwr�w.,�"v�rs.�tavlr�c-es/es✓coura��"r.h��ril . �lt&acti���1� i�e ��ri� �"arcrlis�a I'�atur�l �3�ru:ta�� Fr��rarrm �(l�T�"�*IH�') datataas� do�s ��t inciicaic �n� known +�c.�.L��-re�u�e;� c�f 1ist�d sp��ies n��r �ht; parajeci v�ci�ity, ��� pf tl�e ��"D`�1�I' data sh�uld r�c�fi ��. ��ab��itut�� fc�r a�tual fi�ld surve�rs if ��it�ble ��Kxl�itat ac�;urs ne�r t�c ��rc�je�t ���c;. Th� �C;I'tifH�' r�a�al���e c�ri�y 'r�7di�,at�s the g�res�rtc� caf k.n�rwa�a c�ccureences c�f listed ��ec�es anr� cic�c� �a� necessarily inean titlai such �pcci�s are ��t pres�rrt. :Ct m�y �impl;y �n�an t�iai t%� ar�a �as n�t @�eet� surveyer3. �f s�ai�a�al� llabita� �cc�lrs �^ith�n tl�e �arojec� vi�i�ity �or ar�y Igsticc� sp��i�s, suz-veys s17c�uld b� c�rar�uct�d �o d�t�:rr�in�; �ar�se�xc� �r a1asen�e �a�t}�� spec�es. Gi yd7u d�termine that t11�; �rc��o�er� ��:t�a�n may a�C�c� (i.�. l�i�e]y t�a ar.�verse�y a�f.'�;ct c�r n�t ii�ely tr� ac�ver�ely af�`ect) a 1ist�d spe�:ies, yar� ���rulr� izotify thi� c�ff�ce with y�a�r �icti�rmin��i�a�a, t1a� rc:�uli:s �a� ye��r ;;�wz�vt,y��, surv�y �n�thodc�l��ies an.d an anaflysis a�� the ef'�ects af t�-r� actic�n �aa l��tec3 ��7c�zes, incluali��� ctat�s�r�eratian �t'�iirect, in�ir��.t and cutnul�tive �ffec.t�, befar� cra�r�uciin�„ any activitics fihat nlig;t�t a�"f�;ct �17� s�a�cie�. I£y�� detet-tx�ine tl�at i1'a� �rc�p�se�i a�ti�art ��ri11 I��ve i1e� �ffect (i.�. r�a b�;a-�E,facial or a�3verse, �i�reui crr inc�ir�e�t eff�ct) �n list�� �}rc�ies, t��;�� y�u �r� �iot z-e�uired tc� �:�ntact �ur �ri(ice for �+�ncu�r-c:nce. '.C"�a�: ��crvic�; �pprec;ia�cs t�7e cz��ac�c-t�znity tc� c�a�r�m�z�t r�za thes� ��rcr�ec�s. If yc�u hav� �ny c�ucs�ic�ns r���rdin� cy�r resg�c����c, pl�as� c��r�k�ct �r. �ary :f�r�-dar� at ('� � 9) �56-4�2�1, �xt. �2. �irac��-el`✓a �� �,. �` �cte 13�njarnin. �`i�l�d �u�ervisor