HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140193 Ver 1_Year 3 Monitoring Report_2018_20181204MONITORING YEAR 3 ANNUAL REPORT Final HENRY FORK MITIGATION SITE Catawba County, NC DEQ Contract No. 005782 DMS Project No. 96306 Catawba River Basin HUC 03050103 Expanded Service Area Data Collection Period: April 2018 - November 2018 Submission Date: December 4, 2018 PREPARED FOR: NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 Mitigation Project Name Henry Fork Stream and Welland Mitigation Project County Catavba USAGE Action ID 2014-00538 DMS ID 96306 Cate Project Instituted 2JIS12014 NCDWR Permit No 2014-0193 River Basin Catawba Data Prepared 512212018 Cataloging Unit 03050102 Crad6 Release Milestone Potential Credits Mki,ndon Masi Potential Crafts As -Built Sunny) Potential Cretlts(RT Approved) Scheduled Releases (Stream) Waml cool 0.807.670 4a--.- 480].667 C014 Anticipated Release Year (Stream) Actual Release Date (Stream) Scheduled Releases (Forested) Ripedan Rlvetlne 4,220 4,217 1Abt4nd:Classes . Rhafan Non Non-dpadan dvedne scheduled Releases (Coastal) Coastal Anticipated Release Year (Welland) Actual Release Date (Wetland) 1 SU Eadablishmando NIA 3.05)000 NIA NIA NIA NIA WA NIA 2 ear 0l As -Built 30% 1,451.499 2016 6242016 30% 1.265 30% 2016 62A2m6 9 earl Monitoring) 10% aO.767 2017 10202017 10% 0.422 10% 2017 10202017 IRTAdju..W -9.200 10202017 1,834200 1,050.400 1.939 0.170 4 ear 2 Monitoring) 10% 460.767 2018 4252018 10% 0.422 15% 2018 4252018 5 ear 3 Monitoring) 10% 2019 10% NCOOT-SR1922-Bddge 119 -Division 13, Burke 2014-00001 County 20% 2018 6 e 14Monitorin 5% 2020 1WA 10% 2020 7 ear S Monkorin 10% 2021 11. 156 2021 8 ear6 Menkedn 5% 1200 1 2023 10% WA 2022 W IMnson Blvd Pork1n9 2000-1195 2009-03080 Decks 9 lyear 7 Monitodn 10% 1.036 1 2023 10% WA 2023 Stream Bankfull Standard 10% 480.767 4252018 WA WA Total Credits Released to Date Ballantyne Countl Club Golf 200530193 Course 2,884.599 0.029 2.109 'NOTE: Adjustment required due to IRT concerns on how the 2s uilt credits avers calculated DEBITS (released crod us only) Rados 1 15 2.5 5 1.0214 IRTAppmvetl As-BUIItAmaums(feetand acres) 9,05].000 2,626.000 3.960 0,680 `ouc zc z I za 3P Au - U W Am A6 () IRTApprovetl As$uRt Amoums(mnuation Credits) 3.05)000 1,750.667 3.877 0.340 Percema9e Released 60% 60% 50% 50% Released Amounts fleet l acres) 1,834300 1,575.600 1.980 0.340 Released Amounts(credits) 1,834200 1,050.400 1.939 0.170 NOOWR PemJI USACE Action l0 Protect Name NCOOT-SR1922-Bddge 119 -Division 13, Burke 2014-00001 County 124,000 2006.1849 200641599390 Bramley 0.040 Jahnsmn Road. 2000-0162 200030479 WdeninglBellentine Road 0.112 1200 W IMnson Blvd Pork1n9 2000-1195 2009-03080 Decks 1.036 2016-01344 NCDOT TIP M398 93.000 Ballantyne Countl Club Golf 200530193 Course 0.029 2009.00940 Skverlantlkl 0.072 WIIMnson BNd Parking 2000.1195 2009-03090 Decks 0.3$2 Mldvmf Phase 11.(NM Ooun 2004-1615 2005-30123 Redevelo men0 0.352 2005-0893 2005-31804US 521 Landfill (Foxhole) 0.059 IMIMnsan Blvd Polking 20001185 2009.03090 Decks 0.068 Remaining Amounts goal l acres) 1,710.2001,482.600 0.000 0.000 m Remaining AOums(credits) 1.710300 988.400 0.000 0.000 Contingencies (If any): None fln 7:;k �IignureWiOfficial Approving Credit Release Date1 -For NCDMS, no cre releasa tluring the first milestone 2 - For NCDMS projesecond credit release milestone occurs automatically when the as -built report (baseline monitoring report) has been made available to the NCIRT by posting it to the NCDMS Portal, provided the following criteda have been met: 1) Approval of the final Mitigation Plan 2) Recortlation of the preservation mechanism, as well as a title opinion acceptable to the USACE covering the property 3) Completion of all physical and biological improvements to the mitigation site pursuant to the mitigation plan 4) Reciept of necessary DA permit authorization or written DA approval for porjects where DA permit issuance is not required 3 -A 10% reserve of credits is to be held back until the bankfull event performance standard has been met PREPARED BY: wk*. WILDLANDS ENGINEERING 1430 South Mint Street, Suite 104 Charlotte, NC 28203 Phone: 704.332.7754 Fax: 704.332.3306 kt� WILDLANDS ENGINEERING December 4, 2018 Mr. Matthew Reid Western Project Manager Division of Mitigation Services 5 Ravenscroft Dr., Suite 102 Asheville, NC 28801 RE: Response to MY3 Draft Report Comments Henry Fork Mitigation Project DMS Project # 96306 Contract Number 005782 RFP Number 16-005298 Catawba River Basin — CU# 03050103 Expanded Service Area Catawba County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Reid: Wildlands Engineering, Inc. (Wildlands) has reviewed the Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) comments from the Draft Monitoring Year 3 report for the Henry Fork Mitigation Project. The following Wildlands responses to DMS's report comments are noted in italics lettering. DMS comment; Please be prepared to discuss proposed remedial actions on the right floodplain of UT1 Reach 2 at the scheduled site meeting on January 16, 2019 with the IRT. Wildlands response; Wildlands will be prepared to discuss the proposed remedial actions on the right floodplain of UT1 Reach 2 during the scheduled meeting on January 16, 2019 with the IRT. DMS comment; 1.2.4 Wetland Assessment: A soil temperature gage was installed in October 2016. Data from this gage is not presented in the report. How is Wildlands planning to use this information? Is temperature data going to be used to better define a growing season since historical growing season data is not available for Catawba County? Wildlands response; At this time, Wildlands has not adjusted the growing season dates for the Henry Fork based on soil temperature data. The soil temperature data collected is being used to verify the dates defined in the WETS table for Burke County are accurate for the Henry Fork Site. Wildlands has updated the report in Section 1.2.4 to clarify. DMS comment; 1.2.4 Wetland Assessment: A reference gage is mentioned when describing trends for GWG 2, 3, and 8, but the hydrology summary data for the reference gage is not presented in the report. Consider adding the reference gage data if comparisons are discussed in the report. Wildlands response; Wildlands has updated Table 14 to include the reference gage data. Wildlands Engineering, Inc. • phone 704-332-7754 • fax 704-332-3306 • 1430 S. Mint Street, # 104 • Charlotte, NC 28203 kt� WILDLANDS ENGINEERING DMS comment; Q2 update included the installation of new trees in May 2018. Please update section 1.2.5 to include this information. Please include number of trees and type (bare root, gallon, etc). Wildlands response; Wildlands has updated Section 1.2.5 to include where the trees were planted, the number and types of trees. DMS comment; Table 2: Please add invasive treatment dates for MY3. Invasive treatments were discussed in both the Q1 and Q2 updates provided from Wildlands. Wildlands response; Table 2 has been updated to note dates of invasive plant control treatments, along with the report Section 1.2.5. DMS comment; Cross-sections: Please turn off marker for all monitoring years except MY3 to make graph more legible to reviewers. Wildlands response; Wildlands has updated the cross-sections to remove markers for monitoring years prior to MY3. DMS comment; Groundwater Gage 5 Plot: The report indicates that Wildlands believes Gage 5 may be malfunctioning. Please add a note to graph acknowledging that the data may be inaccurate, and the gage will be replaced. Wildlands response; Wildlands has updated the groundwater gage 5 plot by adding a notation that the probe may be malfunctioning along with the probability that the data may be inaccurate and will be replaced. DMS comment; Stream Gage Plots: Please add number of consecutive days to each graph or add a table similar to Table 14 to present this information. Wildlands response; The stream gage plots have been updated to include the number of consecutive days of flow. DMS comment; As Wildlands has done in the past, please include a response to the comment letter and how/where the comments were addressed. Please insert this letter directly behind the cover page in the final deliverables. The IRT has requested that we include this letter with the final deliverables. The response letter will need to be included with all future monitoring deliverables. Wildlands response; Wildlands has included this response letter as part of the final report deliverable to DMS and the IRT. Wildlands Engineering, Inc. • phone 704-332-7754 • fax 704-332-3306 • 1430 S. Mint Street, # 104 • Charlotte, NC 28203 kt� WILDLANDS ENGINEERING Enclosed please find three (3) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy on CD of the Final Monitoring Report. Please contact me at 704-332-7754 x110 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Kirsten Y. Gimbert Environmental Scientist kgimbert@w ildlandseng.com Wildlands Engineering, Inc. • phone 704-332-7754 • fax 704-332-3306 • 1430 S. Mint Street, # 104 • Charlotte, NC 28203 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Wildlands Engineering Inc. (Wildlands) implemented a full delivery project at the Henry Fork Mitigation Site (Site) for the North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) to restore 3,057 linear feet (LF) of perennial streams and enhance 2,626 LF of intermittent streams, enhance 0.68 acres of existing wetlands, rehabilitate 0.25 acres of existing wetlands, and re-establish 3.71 acres of wetlands in Catawba County, NC. The Site is expected to generate 4,807 stream mitigation units (SMUs) and 4.22 wetland mitigation units (WMUs) (Table 1). The Site is located near the city of Hickory in Catawba County, NC, in the Catawba River Basin; eight -digit Cataloging Unit (CU) 03050102 and the 14 -digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03050102010030 (Figure 1). The project's compensatory mitigation credits will be used in accordance with the In -Lieu Fee (ILF) Program Instrument dated July 28, 2010, the expanded service area as defined under the September 12, 2006 PACG memorandum, and/or DMS acceptance and regulatory permit conditions associated with DMS ILF requirements. Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03050102010030, Lower Henry Fork, was identified as a Targeted Local Watershed (TLW) in DMS' 2007 Catawba River Basin Restoration Priority (RBRP) Plan. The project streams consist of four unnamed tributaries (UTs) to the Henry Fork River on the site of a former golf course, referred to herein as UT1, UT2, UT1A, and UT113 (Figure 2). The project also consists of several wetland restoration components, as well as buffer planting along Henry Fork. The project watershed consists of agricultural, forested, and residential land uses. The RBRP identifies a restoration goal for all streams within HUC 03050102 of removing conditions which cause sediment impairments, including mitigating stressors from stormwater runoff. The Henry Fork watershed was also identified in the 2005 North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission's Wildlife Action Plan as a priority area, which calls for conservation and restoration of streams and riparian zones. In addition, the 2010 DWQ Catawba River Basin Plan indicated that the section of Henry Fork that drains to the project area is impaired for high turbidity, among other stressors. The intent of this project is to help meet the goals for the watershed outlined in the RBRP and provide numerous ecological benefits within the Catawba River Basin. The project goals established in the mitigation plan (Wildlands, 2015) were completed with careful consideration of goals and objectives that were described in the RBRP and to meet DMS mitigation needs while maximizing the ecological and water quality uplift within the watershed. The project goals established in the mitigation plan focused on permanent protection, reestablishing natural hydrology and vegetation, reducing water quality stressors and enhancing terrestrial and aquatic habitat. The decommissioning of the existing golf course, establishment of a permanent easement, and completion of construction and planting efforts have set a new trajectory that is intended to attain these goals, and monitoring assessments are being completed as proposed to measure established success criteria. The Site construction and as -built surveys were completed between November 2015 and March 2016. Monitoring Year (MY) 3 assessments and site visits were completed between April and November 2018 to assess the conditions of the project. Overall, the Site has met the required stream and vegetation success criteria for MY3. All restored and enhanced streams are stable and functioning as designed. Three of the four restored streams recorded a bankfull event or greater. Vegetation assessment indicates that overall average stem density for the Site is 585 stems per acre and is therefore on track to meet the MY5 requirement of 260 stems per acre. Of the nine groundwater monitoring gages installed within the wetland rehabilitation and re-establishment zones, six met the hydrologic success for MY3. It is anticipated that the hydrology within these wetland areas will continue to recharge and meet hydrologic success criteria in the upcoming monitoring years as precipitation normalizes, especially during the winter months. Easement encroachment issues have been dealt with and have ceased to be an ongoing issue. Invasive species continue to be treated and controlled. Henry Fork Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 3 Annual Report — FINAL HENRY FORK MITIGATION SITE Monitoring Year 3 Annual Report TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1: PROJECT OVERVIEW.........................................................................................................1-1 1.1 Project Goals and Objectives.....................................................................................................1-1 1.2 Monitoring Year 3 Data Assessment..........................................................................................1-2 1.2.1 Stream Assessment............................................................................................................1-2 1.2.2 Stream Hydrology Assessment..........................................................................................1-3 1.2.3 Vegetative Assessment......................................................................................................1-3 1.2.4 Wetland Assessment..........................................................................................................1-3 1.2.5 Areas of Concern/Adaptive Management Plan.................................................................1-4 1.3 Monitoring Year 3 Summary......................................................................................................1-5 Section 2: METHODOLOGY................................................................................................................2-1 Section 3: REFERENCES...................................................................................................................... 3-1 APPENDICES Appendix 1 Figures and Tables Figure 1 Vicinity Map Figure 2 Project Component/Asset Map Table 1 Project Components and Mitigation Credits Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 Project Contact Table Table 4 Project Information and Attributes Appendix 2 Visual Assessment Data Figure 3.0-3.5 Integrated Current Condition Plan View Table 5a -c Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Table 6 Vegetation Condition Assessment Table Stream Photographs Vegetation Photographs Appendix 3 Vegetation Plot Data Table 7 Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Table 8 CVS Vegetation Plot Metadata Table 9 Planted and Total Stems Appendix 4 Morphological Summary Data and Plots Table 10a -b Baseline Stream Data Summary Table 11a -b Morphology and Hydraulic Summary (Dimensional Parameters — Cross Section) Table 12a -b Monitoring Data — Stream Reach Data Summary Cross Section Plots Pebble Count Data Appendix 5 Hydrology Summary Data and Plots Table 13 Verification of Bankfull Events Table 14 Wetland Gage Attainment Summary Groundwater Gage Plots & Stream Gage Plots Monthly Rainfall Data Henry Fork Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 3 Annual Report — FINAL Section 1: PROJECT OVERVIEW The Site is located near the city of Hickory in Catawba County, NC, in the Catawba River Basin; eight -digit Cataloging Unit (CU) 03050102 and the 14 -digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03050102010030 (Figure 1). Access to the Site is via Mountain View Road, approximately one mile southwest of Hickory, North Carolina. Situated in the Inner Piedmont Belt of the Piedmont Physiographic Province (USGS, 1998), the project watershed consists of agricultural, forested, and residential land uses. The drainage area for the Site is 178 acres. (0.28 square miles). The project streams consist of four unnamed tributaries (UTs) to the Henry Fork River on the site of a former golf course, referred to herein as UT1, UT2, UT1A, and UT113. Stream restoration reaches included UT1 (Reach 1 and 2) and UT113, together comprising 3,057 linear feet (LF) of perennial stream channel. Stream enhancement reaches included UT1A and UT2, together totaling 2,626 LF. Stream enhancement activities for UT1A and UT2 were the same as for restoration reaches, however the tributaries are intermittent, and as such were credited as enhancement. The riparian areas of the tributaries, as well as a 100 foot -wide buffer of the Henry Fork, were planted with native vegetation to improve habitat and protect water quality. Wetland components included enhancement of 0.68 acres of existing wetlands, rehabilitation of 0.25 acres of existing wetlands and re-establishment of 3.71 acres of wetlands. Construction activities were completed by Land Mechanic Designs, Inc. in March 2016. Planting and seeding activities were completed by Bruton Natural Systems, Inc. in March 2016. A conservation easement has been recorded and is in place on 48.06 acres (Deed Book 03247, Page Number 0476- 0488) within a tract owned by WEI-Henry Fork, LLC. The project is expected to generate 4,838 stream mitigation units (SMUs) and 4.22 wetland mitigation units (WMUs). Annual monitoring will be conducted for seven years with the close-out anticipated to commence in 2023 given the success criteria are met. Appendix 1 provides more detailed project activity, history, contact information, and watershed/site background information for this project. Directions and a map of the Site are provided in Figure 1 and project components are illustrated for the Site in Figure 2. 1.1 Project Goals and Objectives This Site is intended to provide numerous ecological benefits within the Catawba River Basin. The Site will help meet the goals for the watershed outlined in the RBRP and provide numerous ecological benefits within the Catawba River Basin. While many of these benefits are limited to the Henry Fork project area, others, such as pollutant removal, reduced sediment loading, and improved aquatic and terrestrial habitat, have farther -reaching effects. Expected improvements to water quality and ecological processes are outlined below as project goals and objectives. These project goals established were completed with careful consideration of goals and objectives that were described in the RBRP and to meet the DMS mitigation needs while maximizing the ecological and water quality uplift within the watershed. The following project specific goals established in the mitigation plan (Wildlands, 2015) include: • Permanently protect the project site from harmful uses; and • Correct modifications to streams, wetlands and buffers; • Improving and re-establishing hydrology and function of previously cleared wetlands; • Reducing current erosion and sedimentation; • Reduce nutrient inputs to streams and wetlands, and to downstream water bodies; Henry Fork Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 3 Annual Report — FINAL 1-1 • Improve instream habitat; and • Provide and improve terrestrial habitat, and native floodplain forest. The project goals were addressed through the following project objectives: • Decommissioning the existing golf course and establishing a conservation easement on the Site will eliminate direct chemical fertilizer, pesticide and herbicide inputs; • Resizing and realigning channels to address stream dredging and ditching. Planting native woody species in riparian zones which have been maintained through mowing. By correcting these prior modifications, the channels and floodplains will provide a suite of hydrologic and biological function; • Restoring appropriate stream dimensions and juxtaposition of streams and wetlands on the landscape. Wetlands will be enhanced through more frequent overbank flooding, and also by reducing the drawdown effect that current ditched channels have on wetland hydrology, thereby enhancing wetland connectivity to the local water table. The project will extend existing wetland zones into adjacent areas and support wetland functions; • Removing historic overburden to uncover relic hydric soils. Roughen wetland re-establishment. Restore streams for wetland benefit. Each of these will bring local water table elevations closer to the ground surface. Create overbank flooding, and depressional storage for overland and overbank flow retention. Decrease direct runoff, and increase infiltration; • A native vegetation community will be planted on the Site to revegetate the riparian buffers and wetlands. Conduct soil restoration through topsoil harvesting and reapplication, and leaf litter harvesting and application from adjacent forested areas. This will return functions associated with buffers and forested floodplains, as well as enhance soil productivity and bring native biological activity and seed into the disturbed areas; • Constructing diverse and stable channel form with varied stream bedform and installing habitat features, along with removing culverts. These will allow aquatic habitat quality and connectivity enhancement; and • Placing a portion of the right bank Henry Fork floodplain under a conservation easement, and planting all stream buffers and wetlands with native species. Creating a 100 foot -wide corridor of wooded riparian buffer along that top right bank area and re-establishing native plant communities, connectivity of habitat within Site and to adjoining natural areas along the river corridor. 1.2 Monitoring Year 3 Data Assessment Annual monitoring and quarterly site visits were conducted during MY3 to assess the condition of the project. The stream, vegetation, and hydrologic success criteria for the Site follows the approved success criteria presented in the Henry Fork Mitigation Plan (Wildlands, 2015). 1.2.1 Stream Assessment Morphological surveys for the MY3 were conducted in April 2018. All streams within the site appear to be stable. In general, riffle cross sections show little to no change in the bankfull area, maximum depth ratio, or width -to -depth ratio. Surveyed riffle cross sections fell within the parameters defined for channels of the appropriate Rosgen (Rosgen, 1994 & 1996) stream type. Pebble counts in UT1 Reach 1 and UT113 indicate maintenance of coarser materials in the riffle features and finer particles in the pool features. Refer to Appendix 2 for the visual stability assessment table, Current Conditions Plan View (CCPV) map, and reference photographs. Refer to Appendix 4 for the morphological data and plots. Henry Fork Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 3 Annual Report — FINAL 1-2 1.2.2 Stream Hydrology Assessment At the end of the seven-year monitoring period, two or more bankfull events must have occurred in separate years within the restoration reaches. According to the stream gages, all streams, except UT113, had at least one bankfull events recorded during MY3. During MY2 and MY3, UT1 recorded at least one bankfull event; therefore, the performance criteria has been partially met for this Site. In addition to monitoring bankfull events, intermittent streams must be monitored to demonstrate that stream flow regimes are sufficient to establish an Ordinary High Water Mark, specifically a minimum of 30 consecutive days of flow during periods of normal rainfall. Rainfall was low throughout the winter; specifically, November and December 2017, each resulting in less than two inches of rainfall. The summer also resulted in low rainfall; therefore, caused low flow or the absence of water in streams. The stream gages indicated each stream recorded between 150-300 days of consecutive flow. Presence of baseflow was observed in UT1, UT1A, and UT113 during each site visit, however, UT2 was observed dry from June and thereafter. The game cameras located on UT113 and UT2 confirmed the same observations. Refer to Appendix 5 for hydrology summary data and plots. 1.2.3 Vegetative Assessment A total of 15 vegetation plots were established during the baseline monitoring within the project easement area. All of the plots were installed using a standard 10 meter by 10 meter plot. The final vegetative success criteria will be the survival of 210 planted stems per acre in the planted riparian and wetland corridor at the end of the required monitoring period (MY7). The interim measure of vegetative success for the Site will be the survival of at least 320 planted stems per acre at the end of the third monitoring year (MY3) and at least 260 stems per acre at the end of the fifth monitoring year (MY5). Planted vegetation must average 10 feet in height in each plot at the end of the seventh year of monitoring. If this performance standard is met by MYS, with stem density trending towards success (i.e., no less than 260 five year old stems/acre) and there is no invasive species prevalent, monitoring of vegetation on the Site may be terminated provided written approval is provided by the United States Army Corps of Engineers in consultation with the NC Interagency Review Team (IRT). The MY3 vegetative survey was completed in September 2018. The 2018 vegetation monitoring resulted in an average stem density of 585 stems per acre, which is greater than the interim requirement of 320 stems/acre required at MY3. There is an average of 15 stems per plot with an average stem height of 3.5 feet. All 15 vegetation plots are on track to meet the success criteria required for MY7 (Table 9, Appendix 3). Refer to Appendix 2 for vegetation plot photographs and the vegetation condition assessment table and Appendix 3 for vegetation data tables. 1.2.4 Wetland Assessment Seven groundwater hydrology gages (GWGs) were established during the baseline monitoring within the wetland rehabilitation and re-establishment zones (GWGs 1— 4 and 6 — 8). Gages were distributed so that the data collected would provide a reasonable indication of groundwater levels throughout the wetland components on the Site. A gage was established in an adjacent reference wetland and is being utilized to compare with the hydrologic response within the restored wetland areas at the Site. A barotroll logger (to measure barometric pressure used in the calculations of groundwater levels with gage transducer data) was installed on the Site. The rainfall data is collected from an existing USGS weather station (USGS 02143040 Jacob Fork at Ramsey, NC) . All monitoring gages were downloaded on a quarterly basis and maintained on an as needed basis. Two additional gages (GWG 5 and 9) were installed within the Wetland Re -Establishment areas during 2017 (MY2) in order to further assess wetland performance. In addition, GWG 3 was relocated during 2017. During the initial GWG installation, GWG 3 was installed in a seep where hydrology was much stronger than the surrounding Henry Fork Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 3 Annual Report — FINAL 1-3 area represented by GWG 3. During the MY1 monitoring period, GWG 3 documented groundwater at or just above the ground surface; therefore, GWG 3 was relocated January 2017 to an area that was more representative of the surrounding wetlands. A soil temperature gage was also installed on Site in October 2016. Wildlands is using the soil temperature probe data to confirm the dates defined in the WETS table for Burke County, NC. The WETS growing season is not available for Catawba County; however, a growing season is defined for historic weather data collected at the Hickory Regional Airport in Burke County, which is approximately 3 miles as the crow flies from the Site. The growing season from Burke County, which runs from March 201h to November 11th (236 days), is being used for hydrologic success. The final performance standard establish for wetland hydrology will be a free groundwater surface within 12 inches of the ground surface for 20 consecutive days (8.5%) of the defined 236 -day growing season under typical precipitation conditions. Of the nine GWGs, six met the success criteria for MY3. Of the gages that met, the measured cumulative hydroperiod ranged from 23% to 94% of the growing season. While the hydrology for GWG 2, 3, and 8 do not meet the consecutive inundation criteria, the trends follow the reference gage. The existing GWG 5 recorded a high water level throughout the entire year, which seems questionable; therefore, a new transducer will be substituted. Four additional groundwater gages will be installed adjacent to the areas not meeting criteria during the winter. Refer to the CCPV in Appendix 2 for the groundwater gage locations and Appendix 5 for groundwater hydrology summary data and plots. 1.2.5 Areas of Concern/Adaptive Management Plan Quarterly site visits will continue to be conducted to monitor and address any areas of concern. If necessary, future adaptive management will be implemented to improve herbaceous cover, treat and control invasive plants, and address hydrology issues. During MY2, a portion of UT1 Reach 1 was found to be flowing subsurface and surface repair and plugging of this area was completed in December 2017 in order to address the issue. The repair has remained effective throughout MY3. Wetland hydrology has been weak in the wetland rehabilitation areas upslope of UT1 Reach 2 (GWGs 2 & 3) and at the head of UT2 (GWG 8). Wildlands is planning to implement remedial actions on the right floodplain of UT1 Reach 2 in order to enhance hydrology in this area in December 2018. Remedial options for UT2 are still being considered; gage data suggests that groundwater levels around GWGs 8 & 9 may still be recharging. Additional gage installations are being evaluated here and along UT1 Reach 2 in ensure adequate representation of the hydrology in these areas. Invasive species including Kudzu (Pueraria lobate), Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), Creeping primrose (Ludwigia peploides), and multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora) were present and continue to be treated along the northern edge and southern end of the Site, including at the top of UT2 and UT113. The kudzu along the Henry Fork River was too small to map. Invasive treatments were completed in June and August 2018. These areas were treated in accordance with the herbicide application rates used in cut/spray techniques during MY3 and will continued to be monitored in future years. These species are not impacting survival rates of planted stems. Infestations shown on Figures 3.0 — 3.5 were treated along with lesser areas. Several areas located on the lower portion of the site (lower UT1 floodplain) contained little to no herbaceous ground cover during monitoring visits earlier in the year. Poor soil nutrients and dry soil conditions could have been potential factors affecting herbaceous growth. These areas were addressed during the spring of MY3 with an additional seeding and fertilizing application, and subsequent new Henry Fork Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 3 Annual Report — FINAL 1-4 growth was observed; however, the area between vegetation plot 9 and 11 are still reflecting sparse herbaceous cover. These areas will continue to be monitored and Wildlands will implement further remedial action if necessary. There is an approved narrow footpath through the easement for the purpose of frisbee golf that Wildlands has allowed on a conditional basis and which continued to be monitored to ensure that it does not violate easement terms or threaten stream assets. The minor mowing encroachments along the eastern edge of UTI Reach 1 have been resolved. Wildlands replanted these areas with 3 7 -gallon Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) trees and 101 -gallon Cottonwood (Populus deltoides) trees. While there has been a general cessation in the encroachment issues as MY3 has progressed, the site and prior problem areas will continue to be monitored for easement enforcement. 1.3 Monitoring Year 3 Summary The streams within the Site are stable and functioning as designed. The average stem density for the Site is on track to meet the MY7 success criteria and all individual vegetation plots meet the MY3 success criteria as depicted in the CCPV. Invasive species are being treated as prescribed in the mitigation plan. Of the nine GWGs, six met the success criteria for MY3. It is anticipated that gages will meet hydrologic success criteria in the upcoming monitoring years as precipitation normalizes. Multiple bankfull events were documented on UTI. UT2 and UT1A recorded one bankfull event; however, UT113 did not record any bankfull events during MY3. Therefore, the hydrology success criteria has been partially met for this Site. Summary information and data related to the performance of various project and monitoring elements can be found in the tables and figures in the report appendices. Narrative background and supporting information formerly found in these reports can be found in the Mitigation Plan documents available on DMS's website. All raw data supporting the tables and figures in the appendices are available from DMS upon request. Henry Fork Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 3 Annual Report — FINAL 1-5 Section 2: METHODOLOGY Geomorphic data were collected following the standards outlined in The Stream Channel Reference Site: An Illustrated Guide to Field Techniques (Harrelson et al., 1994) and in the Stream Restoration: A Natural Channel Design Handbook (Doll et al., 2003). All Integrated Current Condition Mapping was recorded using either a Trimble or Topcon handheld GPS with sub -meter accuracy and processed using Pathfinder and ArcGIS. Crest gages were installed in surveyed riffle cross sections and monitored quarterly. Hydrologic monitoring instrument installation and monitoring methods are in accordance with the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE, 2003) standards. Vegetation monitoring protocols followed the Carolina Vegetation Survey-EEP Level 2 Protocol (Lee et al., 2008). Henry Fork Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 3 Annual Report — FINAL 2-1 Section 3: REFERENCES Doll, B.A., Grabow, G.L., Hall, K.A., Halley, J., Harman, W.A., Jennings, G.D., and Wise, D.E. 2003. Stream Restoration A Natural Channel Design Handbook. Harrelson, C.C., Rawlins, C.L., Potyondy, J.P. 1994. Stream Channel Reference Sites: An Illustrated Guide to Field Technique. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM -245. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 61 p. Lee, M.T., Peet, R.K., S.D., Wentworth, T.R. 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4.2. Retrieved from http://cvs.bio.unc.edu/protocol/cvs-eep-protocol-v4.2-lev1-5.pdf. Rosgen, D. L. 1994. A classification of natural rivers. Catena 22:169-199. Rosgen, D.L. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Pagosa Springs, CO: Wildland Hydrology Books. United States Army Corps of Engineers. 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines. USACE, NCDENR-DWQ, USEPA, NCWRC. United States Army Corps of Engineers. Email 2018. Standard Measurement of the BHR Monitoring Parameter. United States Geological Survey. 1998. North Carolina Geology. http://www.geology.enr.state.nc.Us/usgs/carolina.htm Wildlands Engineering, Inc (2015). Henry Fork Mitigation Site Mitigation Plan. NCEEP, Raleigh, NC. Henry Fork Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 3 Annual Report — FINAL 3-1 APPENDIX 1. General Figures and Tables 03050101100 11 Hilton- . civic • - 'ParA .. 0., in GkP 2 Pyr{ �I �eEkf i 0305010090028-1F - J 5 L r x`--Hickory J I Regio.. J' • `� —FZ Lenoir -Rhyne ■ 9 Airport J°t cv • ` College 9th A" NE.♦ 2 _ P a G,' , - Hickar 030501 t�14001 t' xj .•l i �rrrrrLVVView l�•` ♦ 2nd Ave SW ►.r+�1 lvl�ot? Rd I 1207 ft ,03050102030010 Ni lolebrn40 Gao I .valley f • ' • i r I tie.y'131117 `+ Hill 03050 ' 02010030 is it .y f +<+ 03050102010020 ra • +� t tte CherrchJ?d • P. L7 ntaM . ■ .0 a r-.• 0 of WIL.DL.ANDS CNGINEFRING Catawba County, NC t7 Alto - - • s 3 • • � • w ♦ • rti __• • a-. so :loll: Conservation Easement Henry Fork River 0 Planted Buffer ® Wetland Rehabilitation ® Wetland Re-establishment Wetland Enhancement Stream Restoration Stream Enhancement I Reach Breaks A _ L f Iwo -- •. r � , �•••rrr••.r 1 Figure 2 Project Component/Asset Map 0 150 300 Feet Henry fork Mitigation Site WILDLANDS qL I I DMS Project No. 96306 ENGINEERING Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Catawba County, NC Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Henry Fork Mitigation Site DMS Project No.963O6 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 MITIGATION• Stream Riparian Wetland Non -Riparian Wetland Buffer Nitrogen Phosphorous Nutrient Offset Nutrient Offset Type R RE R RER RE Totals 4,807.667 N/A 3.880 0.341 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Restoration Level Proposed Riparian Wetland (acres) Non -Riparian Wetland (acres) Buffer (square feet) Upland (acres) Restoration 3,057 Existing Footage/ Restoration (R) orCredits N/A N/A ReachlD Stationing/ N/A Approach Restoration Footage/Acreage* Mitigation Ratio N/A Wetland Re -Establishment Location* Acreage g Restoration Equivalent RE q ( ) N/A (SMU/WMU)* STREAMS UT1 Reach 1 Upper 100+00 to 103+02 N/A P1 Restoration 302 1:1 302.000 N/A N/A 1,392 Preservation N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A UT1 Reach 1 Lower 103+02 to 114+71 P1 Restoration 1,169 1:1 1,169.000 UTI Reach 2 114+71 to 126+99 1,499 P1/P2 Restoration 1,228 1:1 1,228.000 UT1A 180+00 to 186+57 353 P1 Enhancement 657 1.5:1 438.000 UT1B 150+00 to 153+58 478 P1 Restoration 358 1:1 358.000 UT2 200+00 to 219+69 1,915 P1 Enhancement 1,969 1.5:1 1,312.667 WETLANDS Planting, Wetland 1 Floodplain near UT1 N/A hydrologic Re-establishment 2.48 1:1 2.480 Reach 2 improvement Planting, Wetland 2 Floodplain near UT2 N/A hydrologic Re-establishment 1.23 1:1 1.230 improvement Planting, Wetland A Floodplain between 0.18 hydrologic Rehabilitation 0.18 1.5:1 0.120 UTI Reach 2 and UT1A improvement Planting, Wetland B Floodplain between 0.01 hydrologic Rehabilitation 0.013 1.5:1 0.009 UTI Reach 2 and UT1A improvement Planting, Wetland C Floodplain between 0.003 hydrologic Rehabilitation 0.003 1.5:1 0.002 UTI Reach 2 and UT1A improvement Wetland G Floodplain near UT1A 0.02 Planting Enhancement 0.02 2:1 0.009 Wetland East hillslope near 0.06 Planting Enhancement 0.06 2:1 0.028 UT1A Wetland East hillslope near 0.08 Planting Enhancement 0.08 2:1 0.039 UT1A Wetland East hillslope near UT1 0.04 Planting Enhancement 0.04 2:1 0.018 Reach 2 Wetland East hillslope near UT1 0.06 Planting Enhancement 0.06 2:1 0.028 Reach 2 Wetland East hillslope near UT1 0.13 Planting Enhancement 0.13 2:1 0.065 Reach 2 Wetland N Floodplain towards 0.08 Planting Enhancement 0.08 2:1 0.042 river from UT2 Wetland P Floodplain u2pslope of 0.02 Planting Enhancement 0.02 2:1 0.012 UT Wetland 0Floodplain u2pslope of 0.07 Planting Enhancement 0.07 2:1 0.035 UT Floodplain in footprint Significant Wetland R of Pond 3 near head of 0.06 improvement to Rehabilitation 0.06 1.5:1 0.039 UT1 Reach 2 wetland functions Wetland S UTI Reach 1 Valley 0.16 Planting Enhancement 0.13 2:1 0.066 (Pond 1) EN& COMPONENT SUMMATION Restoration Level Stream (LF) Riparian Wetland (acres) Non -Riparian Wetland (acres) Buffer (square feet) Upland (acres) Restoration 3,057 N/A N/A N/A N/A Enhancement) 2,626 N/A N/A N/A N/A Wetland Re -Establishment N/A 3.71 N/A N/A N/A Wetland Rehabilitation N/A 0.25 N/A N/A N/A Wetland Enhancement N/A 0.68 N/A N/A N/A Preservation N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A * Stream credit calculations were originally calculated along the as -built thalweg and updated to be calculated along stream ceneterlines for Monitoring Year 2 after discussions with NC IRT. Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Henry Fork Mitigation Site DMS Project No.96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Activity or Report Data Delivery Mitigation Plan August 2015 September 2015 Final Design - Construction Plans October 2015 October 2015 Construction November 2015 - March 2016 March 2016 Temporary S&E mix applied to entire project area March 2016 March 2016 Permanent seed mix applied to reach/segments' March 2016 March 2016 Bare root and live stake plantings for reach/segments March 2016 March 2016 Baseline Monitoring Document (Year 0) Stream Survey March 2016 May 2016 Vegetation Survey March 2016 Year 1 Monitoring Stream Survey October 2016 December 2016 Vegetation Survey September 2016 Year 1 Beaver dam removal on UT1 Reach 2 May -September 2016 Year 1 Invasive Species treatment June & July 2016 Year 2 Monitoring Stream Survey April 2017 December 2017 Vegetation Survey July 2017 Year 2 Invasive Species Treatment August 2017 Year 3 Monitoring Stream Survey April 2018 November 2018 Vegetation Survey September 2018 Year 3 Invasive Species Treatment June & August 2018 Year Monitoring Stream Survey 2019 December 2019 Vegetation Survey 2019 Year 5 Monitoring Stream Survey 2020 December 2020 Vegetation Survey 2020 Year 6 Monitoring Stream Survey 2021 December 2021 Vegetation Survey 2021 Year 7 Monitoring Stream Survey 2022 December 2022 Vegetation Survey 2022 'Seed and mulch is added as each section of construction is completed. Table 3. Project Contact Table Henry Fork Stream Mitigation Site DMS Project No.96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Wildlands Engineering, Inc. Designer 167-B Haywood Rd. Jake McLean, PE Asheville, NC 28806 828.774.5547 Land Mechanics Designs, Inc. Construction Contractor 780 Landmark road Willow Spring, NC 27592 Bruton Natural Systems, Inc Planting Contractor P.O. Box 1197 Fremont, NC 27830 Land Mechanics Designs, Inc. Seeding Contractor 780 Landmark road Willow Spring, NC 27592 Seed Mix Sources Green Resource, LLC Nursery Stock Suppliers Bare Roots Dykes and Son Nursery Live Stakes Bruton Natural Systems, Inc Plugs Wetland Plants, Inc. Monitoring Performers Wildlands Engineering, Inc. Kirsten Gimbert Monitoring, POC 704.332.7754, ext. 110 Table 4. Project Information and Attributes Henry Fork Mitigation Site DMS Project No.96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 PROJECT• • Project Name I Henry Fork Mitigation Site CountyCatawba County Project Area (acres) 48.06 Project Coordinates (latitude and longitude) 35°42'12.98"N, 81°21'53.20"W PROJECT•' • Physiographic Province Inner Piedmont River Basin Catawba USGS Hydrologic Unit 8 -digit 03050102 (Expanded Service Area for 03050103) USGS Hydrologic Unit 14 -digit 03050102010030 DWR Sub -basin 03-08-35 Project Drainage Area (acres) 178 Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area 5% CGIA Land Use Classification 39%- Herbaceous/Pasture, 36%- Forested, 25%- Developed, >1%- Watel REACH SUMMARY INFORMATION Parameters UTI Reach 1 UT1 Reach 2 UT1A UT1B UT2 Length of Reach (linear feet) - Post -Restoration 1,497 1,232 658 358 1,969 Drainage Area (acres) 106 129 23 31 49 NCDWR Stream Identification Score 39.5 32.5 27.25 31.25 27 NCDWR Water Quality Classification C Morphological Desription (stream type) P P I P I Evolutionary Trend (Simon's Model) - Pre -Restoration III IV/V IV/V III IV/V Underlying Mapped Soils Codorus loam, Dan River loam, Hatboro Loam, Poplar Forest gravelly sandy loam 2-6% slopes, and Woolwine-Fairview complex Drainage Class --- --- Soil Hydric Status --- --- I --- Slope 0.024-0.056 0.0043-0.017 1 0.0095-0.016 0.015-0.077 0.0032 FEMA Classification N/A* Native Vegetation Community Piedmont Alluvial Forest Percent Composition Exotic Invasive Vegetation -Post-Restoration 0% REGULATORY• • • Regulation Applicable? Resolved? Supporting Documentation Waters of the United States - Section 404 Yes PCN prepared USAGE Nationwide Permit No.27 Waters of the United States - Section 401 Yes PCN prepared and DWQ 401 Water Quality Certification No. 3885. Division of Land Quality (Dam Safety) N/A N/A N/A Endangered Species Act Yes Yes Henry Fork Mitigation Plan; Wildlands determined "no effect" on Catawba County listed endangered species. June 5, 2015 email correspondence from USFWS stated "not likely to adversely affect" northern long- eared bat. Historic Preservation Act Yes Yes No historic resources were found to be impacted (letter from SHPO dated 3/24/2014) Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA)/Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) No N/A N/A FEMA Floodplain Compliance Yes* No impact application was prepared for local review. No post -project activities required. Floodplain development permit issued by Catawba County. Essential Fisheries Habitat No N/A N/A 'The project site reaches do not have regulated Floodplain mapping, but are located within the Henry Fork floodplain. APPENDIX 2. Visual Assessment Data 0 Figure 3.0 Integrated Current Condition Plan View (KEY) 0 250 500 Feet Henry Fork Mitigation Site W1 L D L A N D s ' I DMS Project No. 96306 "`,INI' ` '"' Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Catawba County, NC ������ Conservation Easement'.' F ® AW Wetland Rehabilitation Z� F ;_ ___ Y--:1 PW_ kr - ® Wetland Re-establishment ® Wetland Enhancement Henry Fork River Planted Buffer`'}R. Stream Restoration �� - t' - • . Stream Enhancement Cross -Section (XS) ----- Bankfull Line Reach Break i ♦ Photo Point" �ti `. '3?�r.•. Stream Gage (SG) r •_ + Barotroll Gage - rf' � Groundwater Gage (GWG) - MY3 Criteria Met_ a Criteria Not Met Vegetation Plot - MY3 7 - ! r 21 0 Criteria Met f Areas of Concern - MY3F/71z v Bare ground ' F7--] Invasive Plant Population ' r ' a � �/� r r 3 � �,•Y f.� r 23 - 24 8 3 �1 25 ' ELL W 0 75 WILDLANDS i 6{ Figure 3.1 Integrated Current Condition Plan View (Sheet 1) 150 Feet Henry Fork Mitigation Site J DMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Catawba County, NC WN Conservation Easement Wetland Rehabilitation ® Wetland Re-establishment ® Wetland Enhancement Henry Fork River 0 Planted Buffer Stream Restoration Stream Enhancement Cross -Section (XS) ----- Bankfull Line Reach Break ♦ Photo Point + Stream Gage (SG) ♦ Reference Gage + Barotroll Gages Groundwater Gage (GWG) - MY3 Criteria Met ♦ Criteria Not Met Vegetation Plot - MY3 0 Criteria Met Areas of Concern - MY3 r//a Bare ground ® Invasive Plant Population 21 7 F131 26 Figure 3.2 Integrated Current Condition Plan View (Sheet 2) 0 75 150 Feet Henry Fork Mitigation Site W I L T] L 11 N IJ 5 ' I i I i I DMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Catawba County, NC t i 9 A� P + +s6' ��'�•� � fir; .� �. 4_. 26 7/� 411 a� •� L - 18 X 13 10 a 11 AP, 27 F � -Conservation Easement Stream Restoration Reach Break Groundwater Gage (GWG)-MY3 �. Wetland Rehabilitation Stream Enhancement ♦ Photo Point � Criteria Met Wetland Re-establishment Cross -Section (XS) + Stream Gage (SG) ♦ Criteria Not Met Wetland Enhancement ----- Bankfull Line ♦ Reference Gage Vegetation Plots -MY3 Henry Fork River EL + Figure 3.3 Integrated Current Condition Plan View (Sheet 3) 0 75 150 Feet Henry Fork Mitigation Site wI L n L n N IJ 5 ' I DMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Catawba County, NC Barotroll Gages 0 Criteria Met Planted Buffer Areas of Concern -MY3 Bare ground Invasive Plant Population Figure 3.3 Integrated Current Condition Plan View (Sheet 3) 0 75 150 Feet Henry Fork Mitigation Site wI L n L n N IJ 5 ' I DMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Catawba County, NC 03 ■nnn■nnnn■nnn27 ♦ i[ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ +r 1 ♦ 4- i ♦ - 1 t ♦ I h ♦ tet- __ _ i ♦ ♦ t ♦ ♦ 8 ♦ ♦ ♦ r ♦ ♦ 7 ♦ i ♦ • ♦� 6 "'0 vl� r Conservation Easement ;• s_ Wetland Rehabilitation •• ® Wetland Re-establishment ••••'•••, f •••• ® Wetland Enhancement +5 I •••••.•••• Henry Fork River 2 �••••••••••••••••• • Planted Buffer �♦ " `' ©� • ••••••■••••••••••••• Stream Restoration Stream Enhancement • 2 1` • kt+F — Cross -Section (XS) 1 ----- Bankfull Line - �, {�q '� -• Reach Break % 4 ♦ Photo Point ; �•' •••.••••• , + Stream Gage (SG) ' .`�', •••••••••'•• •:::::::r .:::::::::::: + Barotroll Gages �: • Groundwater Gage (GWG) - MY3 �.• Criteria Met Criteria Not Met ;. 29 Vegetation Plots - MY3 3 0 Criteria Met Areas of Concern -MY3 Bare ground Invasive Plant Population ••••••• ;_ ..a h• • . i_ &..._ .. Y.Y Figure 3.4 Integrated Current Condition Plan View (Sheet 4) 0 75 150 Feet Henry Fork Mitigation Site wI L n L n N IJ 5 ' I i I i I DMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Catawba County, NC K tea. %* St t• u 6 r z.`Ea•: 0 -z - 5 • j + 40 WILDLANI�S ' . •: C. i NI , 1 11., T LnnL Conservation Easement Stream Restoration Reach Break Vegetation Plots-MY3 Wetland Rehabilitation Stream Enhancement ♦ Photo Point 0 Criteria Met Wetland Re-establishment Cross -Section (XS) + Stream Gage (SG) Groundwater Gages (GWG) - MY3 Wetland Enhancement ----- Bankfull Line ♦ Reference Gage Criteria Met Henry Fork River + Barotroll Gages ♦ Criteria Not Met Planted Buffer Areas of Concern - MY3 V/, Bare ground Invasive Plant Population 66 25� 41r__ �• Figure 3.5 Integrated Current Condition Plan View (Sheet 5) 0 100 200 Feet Henry Fork Mitigation Site I z DMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Catawba County, NC Table 5a. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Henry Fork Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2015 UT3 Reach 1 (1.497 LF) Major Channel Category Channel Sub -Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As -Built Number of Amount of Unstable Unstable Segments Footage %Stable, Performing as Intended Number with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footage with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust%for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation 1. Vertical Stability Aggradation 0 0 100% (Riffle and Run units) Degradation 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate 39 39 100% 1. Bed 3. Meander Pool Depth Sufficient 33 33 100% Condition Length Appropriate 33 33 100% 4. Thalweg Position Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend Run 33 33 100% Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend Glide 33 33 100% Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting 1. Scoured/Eroded simplyfrom poor growth and/or scour 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a and erosion. Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears likely. 2. Bank 2. Undercut Does NOT include undercuts that are 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat. 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a Totals 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs. 81 81 100% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 70 70 100% 3. Engineered Structures' 2a. Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms. 81 81 100% 3. Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15%. 81 81 100% Pool forming structures maintaining 4. Habitat —Max Pool Depth : Bankfull Depth 2 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at 46 46 100% baseflow. 'Excludes constructed shallows since they are evaluated in section 1. Table 5b. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Henry Fork Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 UTI Reach 2 (1.232 LFI Major Channel Category Channel Sub -Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As -Built Unstable Unstable Segments Footage Performing as Intended Number'ith Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footagewith Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust%for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation 1. Vertical Stability Aggradation 0 0 100% (Riffle and Run units) Degradation 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate 14 14 100% 1. Bed 3. Meander Pool Depth Sufficient 15 15 100% Condition Length Appropriate 15 15 100% 4. Thalweg Position Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend Run 15 15 100% Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend Glide 15 15 100% Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting 1. scoured/Eroded simply from poor growth and/or scour 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a and erosion. Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears likely. 2. Bank 2. Undercut Does NOT include undercuts that are 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat. 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a Totals 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs. 12 12 100% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 9 9 100% 3. Engineered Structures' 2a. Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms. 0 9 100% 3. Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15%. 12 12 100% Pool forming structures maintaining 4. Habitat —Max Pool Depth : Bankfull Depth >_ 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at 6 6 100% baseflow. 'Excludes constructed shallows since they are evaluated in section 1. Table 5c. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Henry Fork Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 UT1A (658 LF) Major Channel Category Channel Sub -Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As -Built Unstable Unstable Segments Footage Performing as Intended Number'ith Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footagewith Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust%for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation 1. Vertical Stability Aggradation 0 0 100% (Riffle and Run units) Degradation 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate 14 14 100% 1. Bed 3. Meander Pool Depth Sufficient 13 13 100% Condition Length Appropriate 13 13 100% 4. Thalweg Position Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend Run 13 13 100% Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend Glide 13 13 100% Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting 1. scoured/Eroded simply from poor growth and/or scour 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a and erosion. Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears likely. 2. Bank 2. Undercut Does NOT include undercuts that are 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat. 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a Totals 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs. 6 6 100% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 3 3 100% 3. Engineered Structures' 2a. Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms. 3 3 100% 3. Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15%. 6 6 100% Pool forming structures maintaining 4. Habitat —Max Pool Depth : Bank -full Depth >_ 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at 6 6 100% baseflow. 'Excludes constructed shallows since they are evaluated in section 1. Table Sd. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Henry Fork Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 UT1B (358 LF) Major Channel Category Channel Sub -Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As -Built Unstable Unstable Segments Footage Performing as Intended Number'ith Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footagewith Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust%for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation 1. Vertical Stability Aggradation 0 0 100% (Riffle and Run units) Degradation 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate 11 11 100% 1. Bed 3. Meander Pool Depth Sufficient 8 8 100% Condition Length Appropriate 8 8 100% 4. Thalweg Position Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend Run 8 8 100% Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend Glide 8 8 100% Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting 1.Scoured/Eroded simply from poor growth and/or scour 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a and erosion. Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears likely. 2. Bank 2. Undercut Does NOT include undercuts that are 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat. 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a Totals 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs. 27 27 100% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 24 24 100% 3. Engineered Structures' 2a. Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms. 27 27 100% 3. Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15%. 27 27 100% Pool forming structures maintaining 4. Habitat —Max Pool Depth : Bankfull Depth >_ 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at 12 12 100% baseflow. 'Excludes constructed shallows since they are evaluated in section 1. Table Se. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Henry Fork Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 UT2 (1.969 LF) Major Channel Category Channel Sub -Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As -Built Unstable Unstable Segments Footage Performing as Intended Number'ith Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footagewith Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust%for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation 1. Vertical Stability Aggradation 0 0 100% (Riffle and Run units) Degradation 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate 35 3S 100% 1. Bed 3. Meander Pool Depth Sufficient 32 32 100% Condition Length Appropriate 32 32 100% 4. Thalweg Position Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend Run 32 32 100% Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend Glide 32 32 100% Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting 1. scoured/Eroded simply from poor growth and/or scour 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a and erosion. Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears likely. 2. Bank 2. Undercut Does NOT include undercuts that are 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat. 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a Totals 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs. 3 3 100% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 0 0 100% 3. Engineered Structures' 2a. Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms. 0 0 100% 3. Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15%. 3 3 100% Pool forming structures maintaining 4. Habitat —Max Pool Depth : Bank -full Depth >_ 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at 3 3 100% baseflow. 'Excludes constructed riffles since they are evaluated in section 1. Table 6. Vegetation Condition Assessment Table Henry Fork Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Planted Acreage 15 Easement Acreage 48 Vegetation Category Definitions Mapping Number of Polygons Combined Acreage % of Easement Acreage Invasive Areas of Concern Areas of points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale). 1,000 Number of Combined % of Planted Vegetation Category Definitions Threshold none 0 0 0.0% Polygons Acreage Acreage (Ac) Bare Areas Very limited cover of both woody and herbaceous material 0.1 2 1.9 12.9% Woody stem densities clearly below target levels based on MY3, 4, or 5 stem count Low Stem Density Areas 0.1 0 0.0 0.0% criteria. Total 2 1.9 12.9% Areas with woody stems of a size class that are obviously small given the monitoring Areas of Poor Growth Rates or Vigor 0.25 Ac 0 0.0 0.0% year. Cumulative Total 1 2 1 1.9 1 12.9% Easement Acreage 48 Vegetation Category Definitions Mapping Threshold (SF) Number of Polygons Combined Acreage % of Easement Acreage Invasive Areas of Concern Areas of points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale). 1,000 4 1.2 2.5% Easement Encroachment Areas Areas of points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale). none 0 0 0.0% Stream Photographs ss � 1 kt t 5 a( - ✓ b - # 1c a � � ��I,� v �a � r x r� i TV�F � „, q �f t � �lkU3s ■ 4�,- � ' � Y. _ 1 � �b� a,��' S _ a , • • • • • / • • ' •11 11 MEMO • yy ty RR `y�r!'l`•vk J�v'r w j 1F g3tV �'YuR 1Rr� a f j Ai ¢� y 71 Photo • • • I • • ' • downstream UT1B (91412018) a lvt v � ww �.� '�;,�ar' Photo Point 6 — view upstream UTI R1 Lower (9/4/2018) 1 Photo Point 6 — view downstream UTI R1 Lower (9/4/2018) 1 Photo Point 7 — view upstream UTI R1 Lower (9/4/2018) 1 Photo Point 7 — view downstream UT1 R1 Lower (9/4/2018) Photo Point 8 — view upstream UT1 R1 Lower (9/4/2018) 1 Photo Point 8 — view downstream UTI R1 Lower (9/4/2018) Photo Point 9 — view upstream UTI R1 Lower (9/4/2018) 1 Photo Point 9 — view downstream UTI R1 Lower (9/4/2018) 1 Photo Point 10 — view upstream UT1 R1 Lower (9/4/2018) 1 Photo Point 10 —view downstream UTI R1 Lower (9/4/2018) Photo Point 11— view upstream UT1 R1 Lower (9/4/2018) 1 Photo Point 11—view downstream UT1 R1 Lower (9/4/2018) Photo Point 12 — view upstream UT1 R1 Lower (9/4/2018) 1 Photo Point 12 —view downstream UTI R1 Lower (9/4/2018) Photo Point 13 — view upstream UT1 R1 Lower (9/4/2018) 1 Photo Point 13 —view downstream UTI R1 Lower (9/4/2018) Photo Point 14 —view upstream UT1 R2 (9/4/2018) 1 Photo Point 14 — view downstream UT1 R2 (9/4/2018) J Photo Point 15 — view upstream UT1 R2 (9/4/2018) 1 Photo Point 15 — view downstream UT1 R2 (9/4/2018) 1 Photo Point 16 — view upstream UT1 R2 (9/4/2018) 1 Photo Point 16 — view downstream UTI R2 (9/4/2018) Photo Point 17 —view upstream UT1 R2 (9/6/2018) 1 Photo Point 17 — view downstream UT1 R2 (9/6/2018) Photo Point 18 — view upstream UT1A (9/4/2018) 1 Photo Point 18 — view downstream UT1A (9/4/2018) 1 Photo Point 19 — view upstream UT1A (9/4/2018) 1 Photo Point 19 — view downstream UT1A (9/4/2018) Photo Point 20 — view upstream UT2 (9/4/2018) 1Photo Point 20 — view downstream UT2 (9/4/2018) Photo Point 21— view upstream UT2 (9/4/2018) 1 Photo Point 21— view downstream UT2 (9/4/2018) 1 Photo Point 22 — view upstream UT2 (9/4/2018) 1 Photo Point 22 — view downstream UT2 (9/4/2018) Photo Point 23 — view upstream UT2 (9/4/2018) 1Photo Point 23 — view downstream UT2 (9/4/2018) Photo Point 24 — view upstream UT2 (9/4/2018) 1 Photo Point 24 — view downstream UT2 (9/4/2018) 1 Photo Point 25 — view upstream UT2 (9/4/2018) 1 Photo Point 25 — view downstream UT2 (9/4/2018) Photo Point 26 — view upstream UT1 R2 (9/4/2018) 1 Photo Point 26 — view downstream UT1 R2 (9/4/2018) Photo Point 29 — UT1 R1 Upper floodplain overview (9/4/2018) Vegetation Photographs F� r�Y �' �i �.e�• kViv f Ft y�ry err S, f T � e � y�ry err S, f T � e � S, f 4k 'T R& ` i , s ° r l � t 3 . y y( Y j Vegetation Plot 13 - (9/6/2018) 1 Vegetation Plot 14 - (9/5/2018) 1 Vegetation Plot 15 - (9/5/2018) APPENDIX 3. Vegetation Plot Data Table 7. Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Henry Fork Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Plot MYS Success Tract Mean 1 Y 100% 2 Y 3 Y 4 Y 5 Y 6 Y 7 Y 8 Y 9 Y 10 Y 11 Y 12 Y 13 Y 14 Y 15 Y Table 8. CVS Vegetation Plot Metadata Henry Fork Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Report Prepared By Ruby Davis Date Prepared 11/1/2018 Database Name cvs-eep-entrytool-v2.5.0 HENRY FORK MY3.mdb Database Location Q:\ActiveProjects\005-02143 Henry Fork\Monitoring\Monitoring Year 3-2018\Vegetation Assessment DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT------------ Metadata Description of database file, the report worksheets, and a summary of project(s) and project data. Project Planted Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems per acre, for each year. This excludes live stakes. Project Total Stems Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre, for each year. This includes live stakes, all planted stems, and all natural/volunteer stems. Plots List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live stems, dead stems, missing, etc.). Vigor Frequency distribution of vigor classes for stems for all plots. Vigor by Spp Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species. Damage List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total stems impacted by each. Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by type for each species. Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by type for each plot. Planted Stems by Plot and Spp A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded. ALL Stems by Plot and Spp A matrix of the count of total living stems of each species (planted and natural volunteers combined) for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded. PROJ ECT SU M MARY ------------------------------------- Project Code 96306 project Name Henry Fork Mitigation Site Description Stream and Wetland Mitigation Required Plots (calculated) 15 Sampled Plots 15 Table 9a. Planted and Total Stem Counts Henry Fork Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS: Number of planted stems excluding live stakes P -all: Number of planted stems including live stakes T: Total stems Current Plot Data (MY3 2018) Scientific Name Common Name Species Type 96306-WEI-0001 PnoLS P -all T 96306-WEI-0002 Pnol-S P -all T 96306-WEI-0003 Pnol-S P -all T 96306-WEI-0004 Pnol-S P -all T 96306-WEI-0005 Pnol-S P -all T 96306-WEI-0006 Pnol-S P -all T Acer negundo Box Elder Tree Acer rubrum Red Maple Tree 5 3 3 3 Alnusserrulata Tag Alder Shrub Tree Betula nigra River Birch Tree 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 Celtis laevigata Sugarberry Shrub Tree Diospyros virginiana American Persimmon Tree 6 6 6 4 4 4 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash Tree 1 1 1 7 7 7 3 3 3 6 6 6 1 1 1 3 3 3 Juglans nigra Black Walnut Tree Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet Gum Tree Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar Tree Nyssa sylvatica Black Gum Tree Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 4 3 3 21 3 3 13 Populus deltoides Cottonwood Tree Quercus lyrata Overcup Oak Tree 1 Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak Tree 4 4 4 Quercus phellos Willow Oak ITree 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 1 1 1 Rhus aromatica Sumac IShrub 2 5 1 Salix nigra Black Willow ITree Salix sericea Silky Willow IShrub Tree Stem count 14 14 16 16 16 21 15 15 17 16 16 16 12 12 35 14 14 24 size (ares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 size (ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 5 5 6 4 4 5 5 5 7 4 4 4 5 5 6 5 5 5 Stems per ACRE 567 567 647 647 647 850 607 607 688 647 647 647 1 486 1 486 1 14161 567 1 567 1 971 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS: Number of planted stems excluding live stakes P -all: Number of planted stems including live stakes T: Total stems Table 9b. Planted and Total Stem Counts Henry Fork Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS: Number of planted stems excluding live stakes P -all: Number of planted stems including live stakes T: Total stems Current Plot Data (MY3 2018) Scientific Name Common Name Species Type 96306-WEI-0007 PnoLS P -all T 96306-WEI-0008 Pnol-S P -all T 96306-WEI-0009 Pnol-S P -all T 96306-WEI-0010 Pnol-S P -all T 96306-WEI-0011 Pnol-S P -all T 96306-WEI-0012 Pnol-S P -all T Acer negundo Box Elder Tree 1 Acer rubrum Red Maple Tree 4 4 4 4 4 4 Alnusserrulata Tag Alder Shrub Tree 4 1 2 Betula nigra River Birch Tree 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 4 4 5 3 3 3 1 1 8 Celtis laevigata Sugarberry Shrub Tree Diospyros virginiana American Persimmon Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash Tree 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 Juglans nigra Black Walnut Tree Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet Gum Tree 1 Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar Tree Nyssa sylvatica Black Gum Tree Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree 2 2 5 2 2 82 3 3 103 2 2 13 2 2 2 5 5 5 Populus deltoides Cottonwood Tree 10 Quercus lyrata Overcup Oak Tree Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak Tree 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 Quercus phellos Willow Oak Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 Rhus aromatica Isumac IShrub Salix nigra JBlackWillow ITree Salixsericea ISilky Willow IShrub Tree Stem count 14 14 17 14 1 14 1 96 15 15 131 16 16 28 16 16 17 15 15 25 size (ares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 size (ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 5 5 5 6 1 6 1 7 5 1 5 7 6 6 6 6 6 7 5 5 7 Stems per ACRE 1 567 567 688 1 567 1 567 13885 607 1 607 1 5301 647 1 647 11133 1 647 1 647 1 688 1 607 1 607 1012 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS: Number of planted stems excluding live stakes P -all: Number of planted stems including live stakes T: Total stems Table 9c. Planted and Total Stem Counts Henry Fork Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Current Plot Data (MY3 2018) 1 Annual Means Scientific Name Common Name Species Type 96306-WEI-0013 PnoLS P -all T 96306-WEI-0014 Pnol-S P -all T 96306-WEI-0015 Pnol-S P -all T M (9/2018) PnoLS P -all T M (7/2017) PnoLS P -all T MY1 (9/2016) PnoLS P -all T MYO (3/2016) Pnol-S P -all T Acer negundo Box Elder Tree 15 16 19 20 12 Acerrubrum Red Maple Tree 1 1 1 12 12 17 12 12 100 12 12 22 13 13 13 Alnus serrulata Tag Alder Shrub Tree 7 8 1 Betula nigra River Birch Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 34 34 45 34 34 52 35 35 35 37 37 37 Celtis laevigata Sugarberry Shrub Tree 1 Diospyros virginiana American Persimmon Tree 5 5 5 1 1 1 4 4 4 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash Tree 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 49 49 49 51 51 51 52 52 52 57 57 57 Juglans nigra Black Walnut Tree 3 3 1 Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet Gum Tree 30 31 10 17 5 Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar Tree 30 30 2 7 2 Nyssa sylvatica Black Gum Tree 2 Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree 1 1 2 5 5 10 7 7 7 43 43 271 44 44 460 44 44 108 57 57 57 Populus deltoides Cottonwood Tree 10 19 7 Quercus lyrata Overcup Oak Tree 1 Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 20 20 20 20 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 Quercus phellos Willow Oak Tree 4 4 4 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 Rhus aromatics Isumac IShrub 8 Salix nigra IBlack Willow ITree 1 Salix sericea ISilky Willow IShrub Tree 1 Stem count 13 13 14 13 13 18 14 14 92 217 217 567 220 220 803 222 222 350 243 243264 size (ares) 1 1 1 15 15 15 15 size (ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 Species count 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 8 7 7 1 15 7 7 14 7 7 14 7 7 11 Stems per ACRE 526 526 567 526 526 728 567 1 567 13723 585 1 585 11530 594 1 594 12166 599 1 599 944 656 656 1 712 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS: Number of planted stems excluding live stakes P -all: Number of planted stems including live stakes T: Total stems APPENDIX 4. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Table 10a. Baseline Stream Data Summary Henry Fork Mitigation Site DMS Project No.96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 (---): Data was not provided N/A: Nat Applicable Min and max values may appear backwards for ratios. When this is the case, ratio values have been left in the column associated with a particular cross section. 2 Due to the highly manipulated condition of the streams resulting in ditched streams with little profile diversity, no profile or pattern data was assessed on UT1A, UT2, UT1 Reach 2, and UT1B. 'The Rosgen classification system is for natural streams and project streams have been heavily manipulated. These classifications are for illustrative purposes only. °The 25 -year event was the largest event modeled; it does not fill the channel 'Sinuosity on UTI Reach 2 is calculated by drawing a valley length line that follows the proposed valley; the existing valley is poorly defined 'Does at include last 150'to tie-in to Henry Fork. Table 10b. Baseline Stream Data Summary Henry Fork Mitigation Site DMS Project No.96306 Monitoring year 3 - 2018 F6: Fine Sand 0.125-0.250mm diameter particles (--): Data was not provided N/A: Not Applicable ' Min and max values may appear backwards for ratios. When this is the case, ratio values have been left in the column associated with a particular cross section. 'Due to the highly manipulated condition of the streams resulting in ditched streams with little profile diversity, no profile or pattern data was assessed on UT1A, UT2, UTI Reach 2, and UT1B. a UTI Reach I (Lower) is a hybrid reach that goes through what is presently a pond and then drops rapidly down what is presently a dam embankment and drop to master stream Floodplain. Through the pond, slopes and floodprone width Is more typical of a C. °The Rosgen classification system is for natural streams and project streams have been heavily manipulated. These classifications are for illustrative purposes only. 5UT1 Reach 1(Lower) is a hybrid reach that goes through what is presently a pond and then drops rapidly down what is presently a dam embankment and drop to master stream Floodplain. Through the pond, slopes and floodprone width is more typical of a C. °UT3B is classified in existing conditions as a and bed stream. This is thought to be reflective of manipulation (impoundment and channelizatlon resulting in a less steep stream). The restored stream, with slopes exceeding 2% grade throughout the reach, will be a gravel dominated stream, and is classified as such. Reference Cros, Section Number Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Bankfull Mean Depth Max Depth ,; 6-nkfuill Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Riffle Length (ft) Pool Max Depth (ft) Pool Spacing (ft) Pool Volume (W) ®� omo®mmom Radius of Curvature (ft) ®mm®m®®mom�� mmmmo®v® Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft) Meander Length fft) ��®mmmmmmm®m ®�mmm�mm Meander Width Ratio Substrate, Red and Transport Parameters Reach Shear Stress (Competency) b/fi2 Max part si,e (mm) mobill,ed at hankfull Watershed Impervious Cover Estimate N m9■ Bankfull Vel city (fps) Q-NFF reg ession (2 -yr) extrapolation - ..Q-USGS = ®;Channel Thalweg Length fft) Water Surface Slope (ft/ft)2 F6: Fine Sand 0.125-0.250mm diameter particles (--): Data was not provided N/A: Not Applicable ' Min and max values may appear backwards for ratios. When this is the case, ratio values have been left in the column associated with a particular cross section. 'Due to the highly manipulated condition of the streams resulting in ditched streams with little profile diversity, no profile or pattern data was assessed on UT1A, UT2, UTI Reach 2, and UT1B. a UTI Reach I (Lower) is a hybrid reach that goes through what is presently a pond and then drops rapidly down what is presently a dam embankment and drop to master stream Floodplain. Through the pond, slopes and floodprone width Is more typical of a C. °The Rosgen classification system is for natural streams and project streams have been heavily manipulated. These classifications are for illustrative purposes only. 5UT1 Reach 1(Lower) is a hybrid reach that goes through what is presently a pond and then drops rapidly down what is presently a dam embankment and drop to master stream Floodplain. Through the pond, slopes and floodprone width is more typical of a C. °UT3B is classified in existing conditions as a and bed stream. This is thought to be reflective of manipulation (impoundment and channelizatlon resulting in a less steep stream). The restored stream, with slopes exceeding 2% grade throughout the reach, will be a gravel dominated stream, and is classified as such. Table 11a. Morphology and Hydraulic Summary (Dimensional Parameters - Cross -Section) Henry Fork Mitigation Site DMS Project No.96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Dimension and Substrate' Base MY3 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MY3 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Bankfull Elevation (ft)' 906.1 906.1 906.1 906.1 901.9 901.9 901.9 902.0 878.3 878.3 878.3 878.2 Low Bank Elevation 906.1 906.1 906.1 906.2 901.9 901.9 901.9 901.9 878.3 878.3 878.3 878.3 Bankfull Width (ft) 7.3 6.8 7.1 7.2 8.8 9.6 10.9 17.2 7.8 7.7 9.6 11.4 Floodprone Width (ft) 51.3 50.5 51.8 52.2 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.5 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.6 1.2 1.0 0.9 1 0.8 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.7 0.7 0.8 1.0 2.2 1.7 1.8 1.7 2.2 1.8 1.8 2.0 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area (ft) 3.5 2.9 3.3 3.5 10.7 9.5 10.0 10.7 9.1 8.1 8.8 9.1 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 15.4 15.7 15.0 14.7 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 7.0 7.5 7.3 7.3 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 Cross-Section 1.0 1.1 4, UT1 Reach --- 1 --- Cross --- --- 5, UTI Reach --- 2 --- Cross --- --- 6, LIT1 Reach 2 Dimension and Substrate' Base MY3 MY2 MY3 MY4 (Riffle) MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MYl -Section MY2 MY3 MY4 (Riffle) MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MY1 -Section MY2 (Pool) MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Bankfull Elevation (ft)' 877.6 877.6 877.6 877.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.4 872.7 872.7 872.7 872.8 Low Bank Elevation 877.6 877.6 877.6 877.6 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 872.7 872.7 872.7 873.5 Bankfull Width (ft) 6.9 7.4 7.6 7.2 10.5 11.1 10.9 10.9 8.8 8.8 9.2 10.9 Floodprone Width (ft) 118.3+ 118.3+ 118+ 63.7+ 96.7+ 96.7+ 96.7+ 76+ --- --- --- --- Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.8 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.4 1 1.3 1 1.6 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area (ft) 2.9 3.2 3.1 2.9 9.7 10.1 9.3 9.7 8.8 7.2 6.8 8.8 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 16.2 17.1 18.7 17.9 11.4 12.1 12.7 12.2 --- --- --- --- Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 17.1+ 16.0+ 15.5+ 8.9+ 9.2+ 8.7+ 8.9+ 7.0 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 --- --- --- --- 'Prior to MY3, bankfull dimensions were calculated using a fixed bankfull elevation. For MY3 through MY7 bankfull elevation and channel cross-section dimensions are calculated using a fixed Abkf as described in the Standard Measurement of the BHR Monitoring Parameter provided by NCIRT and NCDMS (9/2018). Table 11b. Morphology and Hydraulic Summary (Dimensional Parameters - Cross -Section) Henry Fork Mitigation Site DMS Project No.96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Dimension and Substrate' Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS MY6 MY7 Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MY3 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Bankfull Elevation (ftj' 874.9 874.9 874.9 874.9 875.0 875.0 875.0 874.9 922.9 922.9 922.9 923.1 922.1 922.1 922.1 922.2 Low Bank Elevation 874.9 874.9 874.9 875.3 875.0 875.0 875.0 874.9 922.9 922.9 922.9 923.2 922.1 922.1 922.1 922.2 Bankfull Width (ft) 5.6 5.8 4.5 7.4 6.6 6.3 7.7 7.8 5.5 5.9 6.9 7.5 5.4 5.9 4.3 6.1 Floodprone Width (ft) --- --- --- --- 31.4+ 80.6+ 79.1+ 89.2+ --- --- --- --- 37.7 55.6 54.1 56.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.4 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.7 1.0 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.8 1.4 1.2 1.0 1.3 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.6 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area (ftp) 2.0 2.3 1.5 2.0 2.5 2.3 2.4 2.5 5.0 4.2 4.0 5.0 2.2 2.0 1.0 2.2 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio --- --- --- --- 17.0 17.3 24.9 23.9 --- --- --- --- 13.2 17.3 19.6 17.1 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratic --- --- --- --- 4.8 12.8+ 10.3+ 11.5+ --- --- --- --- 6.9 9.4 12.5 9.1 Bankfull Bank Height Ratic --- --- --- --- 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 --- --- --- --- 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Dimension and Substrate' Base Cross -Section MY3 MY2 11, UT2 (P..Q_M=J& MY3 MY4 Cross -Section 12, UT2 (Riffle) MYS MY6 MY7 Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base Cross -Section MYl MY2 13, LIT2 (Pool)IMMMhMpiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii� MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Base MYl cross-section MY2 14, UT2 (Riffle) MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Bankfull Elevation (ft)' 876.0 876.0 876.0 876.0 876.0 876.0 876.0 876.0 875.1 875.1 875.1 875.1 875.2 875.2 875.2 875.2 Low Bank Elevation 876.0 876.0 876.0 876.2 876.0 876.0 876.0 876.1 875.1 875.1 875.1 875.1 875.2 875.2 875.2 875.3 Bankfull Width (ft) 10.2 11.5 11.1 11.0 8.1 9.1 8.6 8.2 7.8 8.2 10.0 12.0 7.4 6.9 7.5 8.8 Floodprone Width (ft) --- --- --- --- 81.3+ 50.8+ 50.8+ 50.5+ --- --- --- --- 150+ 150+ 150+ 58.9+ Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.7 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.5 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.9 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.9 1.6 1.7 1.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area (fe) 8.6 9.5 9.7 8.6 5.7 5.5 6.0 5.7 8.8 8.1 9.4 8.8 4.2 3.8 4.4 4.2 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratic --- --- --- --- 11.5 15.0 12.3 11.8 --- -- -- -- 12.9 12.7 12.6 18.6 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio --- --- --- --- 10.1+ 5.6+ 5.9+ 6.1+ --- -- --- -- 20.3+ 21.8+ 20.1+ 6.7+ Bankfull Bank Height Ratio --- --- --- --- 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.1 --- --- --- --- 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.1 'Prior to MY3, bankfull dimensions were calculated using a fixed bankfull elevation. For MY3 through MY7 bankfull elevation and channel cross-section dimensions are calculated using a fixed Abkf as described in the Standard Measurement of the BHR Monitoring Parameter provided by NCIR7 and NCDMS (9/2018). Table 12a. Monitoring - Stream Reach Data Summary Henry Fork Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Henry Fork-UT1 Reach 2, UT1A and UT2 UT1 Reach 2 UT1A UT2 UT1 Reach 2 UT1A UT2 UT1 Reach 2 UT1A UT2 UT1 Reach 2 UT1A UT2 Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min I Max Min I Max Min Max Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Bankfull Width (ft) 10.5 6.6 7.4 8.1 11.1 6.3 6.9 9.1 10.9 737.0 7.5 8.6 10.9 7.8 8.2 8.8 Floodprone Width (ft) 96.7+ 31.4+ 81.3 150+ 96.7+ 80.6+ 50.8+ 150+ 96.7+ 79.1+ 50.8+ 150+ 76+ 89.2+ 50.5+ 58.9+ Bankfull Mean Depth 0.9 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.9 0.3 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.3 0.5 0.7 Bankfull Max Depth 1.5 0.8 1.0 1.4 1.5 0.6 1.0 1.4 1.5 0.6 1.1 1.5 1.5 0.8 1.1 1.4 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft) 9.7 2.5 4.2 5.7 10.1 2.3 3.8 5.5 9.3 2.4 4.4 6.0 9.7 2.5 4.2 5.7 Width/Depth Ratio 11.4 17.0 11.5 12.9 12.1 17.3 12.7 15.0 12.7 24.9 12.3 12.6 12.2 23.9 11.8 18.6 Entrenchment Ratio 9.2+ 4.8 10.1 29.0+ 8.7+ 31.9+ 5.6+ 1 21.8+ 8.9+ 10.3+ 5.9+ 20.1+ 7.0+ 11.5+ 6.1+ 6.7+ Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 D50 (mm) Silt/Clay Profile Riffle Length (ft) 23.3 51.9 10.8 32.9 3.45 52.29 _ Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.0000 0.0230 0.0010 0.0395 0.0000 0.0144 -_ Pool Length (ft) 15.4 83.1 10.2 47.5 10.28 60.9 Pool Max Depth (ft) 2.2 3.5 0.9 2.6 1.6 2.6 Pool Spacing (ft) 49 136 29 53 28 87 Pool Volume (ft) Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) 7 84 7 36 8 59 Radius of Curvature (ft) 25 58 9 25 13 24 Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft) 2.4 5.5 1.4 3.8 2.3 4.2 Meander Wave Length (ft) 123 210 61 100 63 158 Meander Width Ratio 11.7 20.0 9.2 15.2 11.2 28.0 Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classification C6 C6 C6 Channel Thalweg Length (ft) 1,232 658 1,969 Sinuosity (ft) 1.3 1.6 1.7 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) 0.0023 0.0063 0.0018 Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) 0.0037 0.0060 0.0015 Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% SC%/Sa%/G %/C%/B°/a/Be% d16/d35/d50/d84/d95/d100 %of Reach with Fro, I "I Banks 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Table 12b. Monitoring - Stream Reach Data Summary Henry Fork Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Parameter UT1 Reach 1 UT113 UT1 Reach 1 UT113 UT1 Reach 1 UT113 UT1 Reach 1 UT1B UT1 Reach 1 UT1B UT1 Reach 1 UT113 Min Max Min I Max Min I Max Min I Max Min I Max Min I Max Min I Max Min I Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Bankfull Width (ft) 6.9 7.3 5.4 6.8 7.4 5.9 7.1 7.6 4.3 7.2 6.1 Floodprone Width (ft) 51.3 118.3+ 37.7 50.5 118.3+ 55.6 51.8 118.0+ 54.1 52.2 63.7 56.0 Bankfull Mean Depth 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.4 Bankfull Max Depth 0.75 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.3 0.7 1.0 0.6 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft) 2.9 3.5 2.2 2.9 3.2 2.0 3.1 3.3 1.0 2.0 3.5 2.2 Width/Depth Ratio 15.8 13.2 15.7 17.1 17.3 15.0 18.7 19.6 14.7 17.9 17.1 Entrenchment Ratio 7.0 1 17.1+ 6.9 7.5+ 16.0+ 9.4 7.3+ 15.5+ 12.5 7.3 8.9 9.1 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.1 0.8 D50 (mm) 17.1 11.0 33.6 40.2 20.7 69 19 68.5 Profile Shallow Length (ft) 8.0 47.3 11.3 41.2 Shallow Slope (ft/ft) 0.0142 0.0987 0.0259 0.0978 Pool Length (ft) 4.3 33.4 5.6 20.0 Pool Max Depth (ft) 0.9 2.8 0.5 2.2 Pool Spacing (ft) 10 60 7 43 Pool Volume (ft') Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) 10 26 4 19 Radius of Curvature (ft) 8 31 8 32 Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft) 1.2 4.5 1.5 5.9An JAMM Meander Wave Length (ft) 56 104 48 90 _ Meander Width Ratio 8 15 9 17 Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classification B4a B4a Channel Thalweg Length (ft) 1,497 358 Sinuosity (ft) 1.2 1.1 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) 0.0369 0.0598 1111110- Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) 0.0241 0.0612 0.0602 Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% d16/d35/d50/d84/d95/d100 %of Reach with Eroding Banks 0% 0% 0% 0% Cross -Section Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site NCDMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Cross -Section 1-UT3 R1 104+28 Riffle 912 x -section area (ft.sq.) 7.2 width (ft) 0.5 mean depth (ft) 1.0 max depth (ft) 7.5 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.5 hydraulic radius (ft) 14.7 width -depth ratio 52.2 W flood prone area (ft) 7.3 entrenchment ratio 1.1 low bank height ratio 910 Z' r_ 908 0 v w 906 904 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Width (ft) -MYO (3/2016) MYl (10/2016) -MY2 (04/2017) +MY3 (04/2018) -Bankfull -Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 3.5 x -section area (ft.sq.) 7.2 width (ft) 0.5 mean depth (ft) 1.0 max depth (ft) 7.5 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.5 hydraulic radius (ft) 14.7 width -depth ratio 52.2 W flood prone area (ft) 7.3 entrenchment ratio 1.1 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 04/2018 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site NCDMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Cross -Section 2-UT3 R1 105+36 Pool 905 17.2 width (ft) 0.6 mean depth (ft) 1.7 max depth (ft) 17.7 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.6 hydraulic radius (ft) 903 x c 0 'w w 901 899 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Width (ft) —MYO (3/2016) —MYI (10/2016) —MY2 (04/2017) tMY3 (04/2018) —Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 10.7 x -section area (ft.sq.) 17.2 width (ft) 0.6 mean depth (ft) 1.7 max depth (ft) 17.7 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.6 hydraulic radius (ft) Survey Date: 04/2018 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site NCDMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Cross -Section 3-UT3 R1 113+46 Pool 880 x 11.4 width (ft) 0.8 mean depth (ft) 2.0 max depth (ft) 12.5 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.7 hydraulic radius (ft) 878 0 v w 876 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Width (ft) —MYO (3/2016) —MYI (10/2016) —MY2 (04/2017) tMY3 (04/2018) —Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 9.1 x -section area (ft.sq.) 11.4 width (ft) 0.8 mean depth (ft) 2.0 max depth (ft) 12.5 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.7 hydraulic radius (ft) Survey Date: 04/2018 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site NCDMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Cross -Section 4-UT3 R1 113+64 Riffle 880 2.9 x -section area (ft.sq.) 7.2 width (ft) 0.4 mean depth (ft) 0.7 max depth (ft) 7.5 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.4 x 17.9 width -depth ratio 63.7 W flood prone area (ft) 8.9 entrenchment ratio 1.1 low bank height ratio 878 0 v w 876 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Width (ft) —MYO (3/2016) MYl (10/2016) —MY2 (04/2017) tMY3 (04/2018) —Bankfull —Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 2.9 x -section area (ft.sq.) 7.2 width (ft) 0.4 mean depth (ft) 0.7 max depth (ft) 7.5 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.4 hydraulic radius (ft) 17.9 width -depth ratio 63.7 W flood prone area (ft) 8.9 entrenchment ratio 1.1 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 04/2018 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site NCDMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Cross -Section 5-UT3 R2 121+63 Riffle 877 x -section area (ft.sq.) 10.9 width (ft) 0.9 mean depth (ft) 1.5 max depth (ft) 11.4 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.8 hydraulic radius (ft) 12.2 width -depth ratio 875 W flood prone area (ft) 7.0 entrenchment ratio 1.1 low bank height ratio x c 0 'w 873 w 871 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Width (ft) —MYO (3/2016) MYl (10/2016) —MY2 (04/2017) +MY3 (04/2018) —Bankfull —Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 9.7 x -section area (ft.sq.) 10.9 width (ft) 0.9 mean depth (ft) 1.5 max depth (ft) 11.4 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.8 hydraulic radius (ft) 12.2 width -depth ratio 76.0 W flood prone area (ft) 7.0 entrenchment ratio 1.1 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 04/2018 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site NCDMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Cross -Section 6-UT3 R2 122+09 Pool 876 10.9 width (ft) 0.8 mean depth (ft) 1.6 max depth (ft) 11.6 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.8 hydraulic radius (ft) 874 x c 0 w w 872 870 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Width (ft) —MYO (3/2016) —MYI (10/2016) —MY2 (04/2017) tMY3 (04/2018) —Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 8.8 x -section area (ft.sq.) 10.9 width (ft) 0.8 mean depth (ft) 1.6 max depth (ft) 11.6 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.8 hydraulic radius (ft) Survey Date: 04/2018 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site NCDMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Cross -Section 7-UT1A 182+00 Pool x -section area (ft.sq.) 7.4 width (ft) 0.3 mean depth (ft) 0.8 max depth (ft) 7.8 wetted perimeter (ft) 000000, hydraulic radius (ft) 876 x c 0 v w 874 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Width (ft) -MYO (3/2016) -MYI (10/2016) -MY2 (04/2017) tMY3 (04/2018) -Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 2.0 x -section area (ft.sq.) 7.4 width (ft) 0.3 mean depth (ft) 0.8 max depth (ft) 7.8 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.3 hydraulic radius (ft) Survey Date: 04/2018 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site NCDMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Cross -Section 8-UT1A 182+16 Riffle 876 x -section area (ft.sq.) 7.8 width (ft) 0.3 mean depth (ft) 0.8 max depth (ft) 8.1 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.3 hydraulic radius (ft) c 0 v w width -depth ratio 89.2 W flood prone area (ft) 11.5 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio 874 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Width (ft) —MYO(3/2016)—MY1(10/2016)— MY2 (04/2017) tMY3(04/2018) —Bankfull—FloodproneArea Bankfull Dimensions 2.5 x -section area (ft.sq.) 7.8 width (ft) 0.3 mean depth (ft) 0.8 max depth (ft) 8.1 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.3 hydraulic radius (ft) 23.9 width -depth ratio 89.2 W flood prone area (ft) 11.5 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 04/2018 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site NCDMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Cross -Section 9-UT1B 151+92 Pool x -section area (ft.sq.) 7.5 width (ft) 0.7 mean depth (ft) 1.3 max depth (ft) 8.1 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.6 hydraulic radius (ft) 929 927 x c ° 925 v w000t w 923 921 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Width (ft) —MYO (3/2016) —MYI (10/2016) —MY2 (04/2017) tMY3 (04/2018) —Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 5.0 x -section area (ft.sq.) 7.5 width (ft) 0.7 mean depth (ft) 1.3 max depth (ft) 8.1 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.6 hydraulic radius (ft) Survey Date: 04/2018 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site NCDMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Cross -Section 10-UT1B 152+05 Riffle 929 927 x -section area (ft.sq.) 6.1 width (ft) 0.4 mean depth (ft) 0.6 max depth (ft) 6.3 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.3 hydraulic radius (ft) 17.1 width -depth ratio 56.0 W flood prone area (ft) 9.1 925 0 v w 923 1.0 low bank height ratio 921 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Width (ft) -MYO (3/2016) -MYI (10/2016) -MY2 (04/2017) tMY3 (04/2018) -Bankfull-FloodproneArea Bankfull Dimensions 2.2 x -section area (ft.sq.) 6.1 width (ft) 0.4 mean depth (ft) 0.6 max depth (ft) 6.3 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.3 hydraulic radius (ft) 17.1 width -depth ratio 56.0 W flood prone area (ft) 9.1 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 04/2018 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site NCDMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Cross -Section 11-UT2 206+86 Pool 877 11.0 width (ft) 0.8 mean depth (ft) 1.7 max depth (ft) 11.7 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.7 hydraulic radius (ft) x 0 m 875 v w 873 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Width (ft) —MYO (3/2016) —MYI (10/2016) —MY2 (04/2017) tMY3 (04/2018) —Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 8.6 x -section area (ft.sq.) 11.0 width (ft) 0.8 mean depth (ft) 1.7 max depth (ft) 11.7 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.7 hydraulic radius (ft) Survey Date: 04/2018 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site NCDMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Cross -Section 12-UT2 207+26 Riffle 878 877 876 0 v w 875 874 0 10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 Width (ft) -MYO(3/2016)-MY1(10/2016) - MY2(04/2017) tMY3(04/2018) -Bankfull-FloodproneArea Bankfull Dimensions 5.7 x -section area (ft.sq.) 8.2 width (ft) 0.7 mean depth (ft) 1.4 max depth (ft) 9.0 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.6 hydraulic radius (ft) 11.8 width -depth ratio 50.5 W flood prone area (ft) 6.1 entrenchment ratio 1.1 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 04/2018 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site NCDMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Cross -Section 13-UT2 212+15 Pool x -section area (ft.sq.) 12.0 width (ft) 0.7 mean depth (ft) 1.9 max depth (ft) 13.2 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.7 877 x 0 m 875 v w 873 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width (ft) —MYO (3/2016) —MYI (10/2016) —MY2 (04/2017) tMY3 (04/2018) —Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 8.8 x -section area (ft.sq.) 12.0 width (ft) 0.7 mean depth (ft) 1.9 max depth (ft) 13.2 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.7 hydraulic radius (ft) Survey Date: 04/2018 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site NCDMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Cross -Section 14-UT2 212+58 Riffle 4.2 x -section area (ft.sq.) 8.8 width (ft) 0.5 mean depth (ft) 1.1 max depth (ft) 9.2 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.5 hydraulic radius (ft) 18.6 width -depth ratio 58.9 W flood prone area (ft) 6.7 entrenchment ratio 876 x c 0 low bank height ratio w w I 874 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Width (ft) -MYO (3/2016) MYl (10/2016) -MY2 (04/2017) MY3 (04/2018) -Bankfull -Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 4.2 x -section area (ft.sq.) 8.8 width (ft) 0.5 mean depth (ft) 1.1 max depth (ft) 9.2 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.5 hydraulic radius (ft) 18.6 width -depth ratio 58.9 W flood prone area (ft) 6.7 entrenchment ratio 1.1 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 04/2018 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Reachwide and Cross -Section Pebble Count Plots Henry Fork Stream Mitigation DMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 UT1R1, Reachwide UT1R1, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 90 Diameter (mm) Particle Count each Summary Particle Class D35 = 1.32 D50 = 19.0 D84 = Class Percent 317.9 min max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 3 22 25 25 25 Very fine 0.062 0.125 1 4 5 5 30 Fine 0.125 0.250 30 Medium 0.25 0.50 60 30 30 Coarse 0.5 1.0 1 v 5 1 1 31 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 3 7 10 10 41 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 1 1 1 42 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 'L 0 b 6 W ,y'y ,yp p ,y'L Ay pb �O ,L0 y20 h6 h1' 11' ,yb X92 'CO ti• h• �ti. ti ti ti 3 h y0 ,lp b Particle Class Size (mm) 42 ••o�s;'•s'a�a`w`%•'•o•'•o•'•o; Fine 4.0 5.6 42 Fine 5.6 8.0 42 ®®®®®®®® ®®®®®® ®®®oa s ®® Medium 8.0 11.0 1 2 3 3 45 Medium 11.0 16.0 1 2 3 1 3 48 Coarse 1 16.0 22.6 2 2 4 4 52 Coarse 22.6 32 3 6 9 9 61 Very Coarse 32 45 3 1 4 4 65 Very Coarse 45 64 1 1 2 2 67 Small 64 90 6 2 8 8 75 Small 90 128 7 7 7 82 Large 128 180 3 3 3 85 Large 180 256 5 5 5 90 .................................... Small 256 362 8 8 8 98 Small 362 512 98 Medium 512 1024 1 1 1 99 ;;;; Large/Very Large ..........'............•...........• 1024 2048 1 1 1 100 Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 Totall 50 1 50 1 100 1 100 1 100 UT1R1, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 90 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) D16 = Silt/Clay D35 = 1.32 D50 = 19.0 D84 = 160.7 D95 = 317.9 D100 =1 2048.0 UT1R1, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 90 Silt/ClaySandravel UT1R1, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100 obb er 80 90 a ro 80 70 70 v u 60 a 50 40 60 30 Iwo III v 5 v i 50 10 0 40 �'L .y5 by 5 1 p0 p'?' O• O• 'L 0 b 6 W ,y'y ,yp p ,y'L Ay pb �O ,L0 y20 h6 h1' 11' ,yb X92 'CO ti• h• �ti. ti ti ti 3 h y0 ,lp b Particle Class Size (mm) •MYO-05/2016 -MVS-10/2016 MY2-04/2017 0MY3-04/2018 i 30 20 10 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) MV0.05/2016 MVI -10/2016 --0-- MV2-06/2017 MV3-W/2018 UT1R1, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 70 v u 60 a 50 40 30 v 5 v 20 10 0 �'L .y5 by 5 1 p0 p'?' O• O• 'L 0 b 6 W ,y'y ,yp p ,y'L Ay pb �O ,L0 y20 h6 h1' 11' ,yb X92 'CO ti• h• �ti. ti ti ti 3 h y0 ,lp b Particle Class Size (mm) •MYO-05/2016 -MVS-10/2016 MY2-04/2017 0MY3-04/2018 Reachwide and Cross -Section Pebble Count Plots Henry Fork Stream Mitigation DMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 UT1111, Cross -Section 1 100 90 80 70 > 60 M E 50 u 40 c 30 as a 20 10 UT1R1. Cross -Section 1 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0 ,1 1 I i i i i I I I I I I l i i I I I I I I l i i I I I I I I l i i I I I I I I iI 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO-05/2016 MY3-10/2016 �MY2-04/2017 tMY3-04/2018 Diameter (mm) Channel materials (mm) Summary Particle Class Di5 = 56.44 Riffle 100- ClassL Percent 145.5 D95 = 196.6 Count 362.0 min max Percentageumulative Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 1 2 2 Very fine 0.062 0.125 2 Fine 0.125 0.250 2 Medium 0.25 0.50 d 2 Coarse 0.5 1.0 y 60 2 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 1 2 4 .... •.•.•p,•p,•p,:..... a s a s •J•°•J•°•J;°Q �:a a Very Fine 2.0 2.8 4 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 4 p•..p,.p,..J: 9:.g..g..y Fine 4.0 5.6 v 4 gg..g..J. ..g..g:'o%p•.o,.,J:.o:.g..g..g.. a$s�s°•o'•�0•°6•'-o•°o�s$s�'s� Fine 5.6 8.0 1 2 6 Medium 8.0 11.0 1 2 8 's%imi?s?s?si?e Medium g..g..J. "J 3..g..g..,y 11.0 16.0 1 2 10 g..g..y.•p�.popop:':o:.$..g..g.. 16.0 22.6 2 4 14 Coarse 22.6 32 4 8 22 3:apGB%02�®93989Aop3%� Very Coarse 32 45 2 4 26 <a`s33;<3`><•°•<':>;':>;':>;t<3;`, Very Coarse 45 64 7 14 40 Small 64 90 13 26 66 Small 90 128 6 12 78 Large 128 180 8 16 94 Large 180 2S6 2 4 98 Small 256 362 1 2 100 Small 362 512 100 Medium 512 1024 100 Large/Very Large 1024 2048 100 Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 Total s0 100 100 100 90 80 70 > 60 M E 50 u 40 c 30 as a 20 10 UT1R1. Cross -Section 1 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0 ,1 1 I i i i i I I I I I I l i i I I I I I I l i i I I I I I I l i i I I I I I I iI 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO-05/2016 MY3-10/2016 �MY2-04/2017 tMY3-04/2018 Cross -Section 1 Channel materials (mm) D16 = 24.65 Di5 = 56.44 D50 = 73.0 D84 = 145.5 D95 = 196.6 D100 = 362.0 100 90 80 70 > 60 M E 50 u 40 c 30 as a 20 10 UT1R1. Cross -Section 1 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0 ,1 1 I i i i i I I I I I I l i i I I I I I I l i i I I I I I I l i i I I I I I I iI 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO-05/2016 MY3-10/2016 �MY2-04/2017 tMY3-04/2018 UT1111, Cross -Section 1 Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 70 d y 60 d N 50 u A 40 v 30 v c 20 10 L , LA0 L , by Oy 1 'L ,tib lz� b h6 4 ,y1 y6o ,L� ,6'L 'o .A �p ,y0 �O o 'p Co. 0 0 Particle Class Size (mm) •MYO-05/2016 nrivl-10/2016 0MY2-04/2017 0MY3-04/2018 Reachwide and Cross -Section Pebble Count Plots Henry Fork Stream Mitigation DMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 UT1111, Cross -Section 4 100 90 80 ^e 70 > 60 50 u 40 30 a 20 10 UT1R1. Cross -Section 4 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0 ,I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I III I I I I I I III I I I I I I III I I I 1111111 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) --6-MYO-05/2016 MY3-10/2016 tMY2-04/201] MY3-04/2018 Diameter (mm) Channel materials (mm) Summary Particle Class Di5 = 74.29 Riffle 100- ClassL Percent 221.1 D95 = 271.2 Count 362.0 min max Percentageumulative Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 1 2 2 Very fine 0.062 0.125 2 Fine 0.125 0.250 2 Medium 0.25 0.50 m 2 Coarse 0.5 1.0 m 2 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 3 6 8 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 8 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 8 Fine 4.0 5.6 8 Fine 5.6 8.0 1 2 10 Medium 8.0 11.0 20 10 aeegcg®®® ®ea�eg®® =es Medium g..g..J. J .g..g..,y 11.0 16.0 1 2 12 ;;a�a�s°'o,"•�.� a°����a�s Coarse 16.0 22.6 1 2 14 Coarse 22.6 32 3 6 20 A,:p4 B 003;8 8pB:0� Very Coarse 32 45 1 2 22 Very Coarse 45 64 3 6 28 Small 64 90 8 16 44 Small 90 128 7 14 58 Large 128 180 6 12 70 Large 180 256 12 24 94 Small 256 362 3 6 100 MUMMUMMM: 1111111111 Small 362 512 100 IIIII''III€€€€€€ Medium 512 1024 100 Large/Very Large 1024 2048 100 Bedrock 2048 1 >2048 100 Total 50 100 100 100 90 80 ^e 70 > 60 50 u 40 30 a 20 10 UT1R1. Cross -Section 4 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0 ,I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I III I I I I I I III I I I I I I III I I I 1111111 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) --6-MYO-05/2016 MY3-10/2016 tMY2-04/201] MY3-04/2018 Cross -Section 4 Channel materials (mm) D16 = 25.38 Di5 = 74.29 D50 = 104.7 D84 = 221.1 D95 = 271.2 D100 = 362.0 100 90 80 ^e 70 > 60 50 u 40 30 a 20 10 UT1R1. Cross -Section 4 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0 ,I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I III I I I I I I III I I I I I I III I I I 1111111 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) --6-MYO-05/2016 MY3-10/2016 tMY2-04/201] MY3-04/2018 UT1111, Cross -Section 4 Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 70 C m 60 m a N 50 u 40 30 M '> 20 =es 5 10 0 ra'L .lh .ye Oh 1 'L ,y0 b 56 4 ,y1 y� 70 ,5'L p5 bb �O ,10 �O y0 r�'L y'L .yoa0 A6 Particle Class Size (mm) 0MYO-05/2016 •MY3-10/2016 •MY2-04/2017 0MY3-04/2018 Reachwide and Cross -Section Pebble Count Plots Henry Fork Stream Mitigation DMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 UT1B, Reachwide UT1B. Reachwide Diameter (mm) Particle Count each Summary Particle Class Di5 = 17.44 D50 = 39.3 D84 = Class Percent 157.1 min max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 2 10 12 12 12 Very fine 0.062 0.125 m 12 Fine 0.125 0.250 ble a 12 Medium 0.25 0.50 80 12 Coarse 0.5 1.0 1 1 1 13 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 70 Particle Class Size (mm) •MYO-05/2016 13 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 8 8 8 21 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 1 1 1 22 Fine 4.0 5.6 22 „o„o„oos s sa •o;•oo; Fine •. °ma.a.aaa.9.e.a ne 5.6 8.0 3 3 3 25 ®®®®®®®® ®®®®® Medium 8.0 11.0 2 6 8 8 33 ®®®a ®®®® `yw •o••o;•o; Medium 11.0 16.0 1 1 1 34 ..o..o..o... g..g:..o•..o..o..o., ;;°:;;':;;";'i B s s oo;•oo; Coarse 16.0 22.6 1 3 4 4 38 s®�sasa'°`sexes®�s Coarse 22.6 32 2 4 6 6 44 >,>'•'s°�``-`%,>%•>% Very Coarse ry 32 45 2 8 10 10 54 Very Coarse 45 64 11 3 14 14 68 Small 64 90 9 1 10 10 78 Small 90 128 10 1 11 11 89 Large 128 180 10 10 10 99 Large 180 256 1 1 1 100 Small 256 362 10 100 Small 362 512 100 11111 Medium 512 1024 0 100 Large/Very Large 1024 2048 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) --0-- MYO-05/2016 MYS-10/2016 t MY2-04/2011 --0-- MY3-04/2018 100 Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 Total 50 50 100 100 100 UT1B. Reachwide Reachwide Channel materials (mm) D16 = 2.27 Di5 = 17.44 D50 = 39.3 D84 = 109.1 D95 = 157.1 D100 = 256.0 UT1B. Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 100 100 90 90 Silticlay 80 Sand ravel 70 m 60 v ble a er 50 80 40 30 v 'S 20 v 10 , a r o�'Lo1,1h oyh O� 1 'L ,tib 70 Particle Class Size (mm) •MYO-05/2016 MYl-1Oj2016 •MY2-04/2012 •MY3-04/2018 60 3 50 E 40 30 (L 20 10 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) --0-- MYO-05/2016 MYS-10/2016 t MY2-04/2011 --0-- MY3-04/2018 UT16, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 70 m 60 v a 50 40 30 v 'S 20 v 10 , 0 o�'Lo1,1h oyh O� 1 'L ,tib b h� 0 1'Y 1�0 �,L�o ,5'L Ay 0b 00 1,1,0 100 �y0 ,�yti yy'L 1O,1b �O� �00 Particle Class Size (mm) •MYO-05/2016 MYl-1Oj2016 •MY2-04/2012 •MY3-04/2018 Reachwide and Cross -Section Pebble Count Plots Henry Fork Stream Mitigation DMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 UT1B, Cross -Section 10 100 90 80 ^e 70 60 50 U' 40 30 a 20 10 UT1B, Cross -Section 10 Pebble Count Particle Distribution ­-Juump I 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) tMYO-05/2016 MV1-10/2016 ---&- MW -04/2017 tMY3-04/2018 Diameter (mm) Channel materials (mm) Summary Particle Class D35 = 50.24 Riffle 100- Class Percent 120.1 D95 = 196.6 Count 362.0 min max Percentage Cumulative Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 0 Very fine 0.062 0.125 0 Fine 0.125 0.250 0 Medium 0.25 0.50 d � 0 Coarse 0.5 1.0 0 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 1 2 2 $.s:ass•°• ®®®® Very Fine 2.0 2.8 2 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 2 Fine 4.0 5.6 2 Fine 5.6 8.0 1 2 4 Medium 8.0 11.0 2 4 8 ss me Medium scc s.ssce g..g..J. J .3.g..,J 11.0 16.0 5 8 aa�a�saa �� ame���a�s Coarse 16.0 22.6 1 2 10 ®Coarse 22.6 32 4 8 18 9;838®�,®®®®®®®®®'•8®A$®® seec�a"a3` scce.J; osssee Very Coarse s.3aw;;,J•.,J•.,J•.9;s..�.w, rY sac.o •o •o •o; ssao 32 45 6 12 30 Very Coarse 45 64 8 16 46 Small 64 90 10 20 66 Small 90 128 11 22 88 Large 128 180 3 6 94 Large 180 256 2 4 98 Small 256 362 1 2 100 HE i`. Small 362 512 100 HUMMUN MHUMN Medium 512 1024 100 HUNNUMUN ' Large/Very Large 1024 2048 100 Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 Total 50 100 100 100 90 80 ^e 70 60 50 U' 40 30 a 20 10 UT1B, Cross -Section 10 Pebble Count Particle Distribution ­-Juump I 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) tMYO-05/2016 MV1-10/2016 ---&- MW -04/2017 tMY3-04/2018 Cross -Section Channel materials (mm) D16 = 29.34 D35 = 50.24 D50 = 68.5 D84 = 120.1 D95 = 196.6 D100 =1 362.0 100 90 80 ^e 70 60 50 U' 40 30 a 20 10 UT1B, Cross -Section 10 Pebble Count Particle Distribution ­-Juump I 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) tMYO-05/2016 MV1-10/2016 ---&- MW -04/2017 tMY3-04/2018 UT1B, Cross -Section 10 Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 70 d � 60 a 50 u 40 30 a 5 v 20 5 10 0 Lm La I ro'L .tih by 5 1 ti 0 O• O• ti• b 6 0 ,�1 ti6 0 .1�'ti p5 0Q �O ,ti0 �O 56 6ti titi a0 A6 h• �ti. y0,tib .ti0 OA Particle Class Size (mm) 0MYO-05/2016 •MYI-10/2016 •MY2-04/2017 0MY3-04/2018 APPENDIX 5. Hydrology Summary Data and Plots Table 13. Verification of Bankfull Events Henry Fork Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Reach MY Date of Occurrence Method UT1 Reach 2 MY1 N/A Crest Gage MY2 4/24/2017 Crest & Stream Gage 10/8/2017 Crest & Stream Gage MY3 2/7/2018 Stream Gage 4/25/2018 5/29/2018 9/16/2018 10/11/2018 10/26/2018 UT1A MY1 U Crest Gage MY2 4/24/2017 Crest & Stream Gage 10/8/2017 Crest & Stream Gage MY3 10/11/2018 Stream Gage UT1B MY1 N/A Crest Gage MY2 10/8/2017 Crest & Stream Gage UT2 MY1 N/A Crest Gage MY2 4/24/2017 Crest & Stream Gage MY3 2/7/2018 Stream Gage 5/29/2018 * N/A, no bankfull events recorded. ** U, Unknown Table 14. Wetland Gage Attainment Summary Henry Fork Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 N/A, not applicable Growing season dates March 20 - November 11 Success criteria is 20 consecutive days GWGs 5 and 9 were installed April 7, 2017. GWG 3 was relocated January 2017. Success Criteria Achieved/Max Consecutive Days During Growing Season (Percentage) Gage Year 1 (2016) Year 2 (2017) Year 3 (2018) Year 4 (2019) Year 5 (2020) Year 6 (2021) Year 7 (2022) No/18 Days Yes/S9 Days Yes/79 Days Reference (8%) (25%) (34%) No/0 Days Yes/23 Days Yes/48 Days 1 (0%) (10%) (20%) Yes/ 29 Days No/7 Days No/12 Days 2 (12.3%) (3%) (5%) Yes/236 Days No/3 Days No/5 Days 3 (100%) (1%) (2%) No/3 Days Yes/25 Days Yes/46 Days 4 (1.3%) (11%) (20%) 5 N/A Yes/189 Days Yes/102 Days (80%) (43%) Yes/79 Days Yes/89 Days Yes/96 Days 6 (33.5%) (38%) (41%) No/7 Days Yes/21 Days Yes/44 Days 7 (3.0%) (9%) (19%) No/1 Days No/14 Days No/11 Days 8 (0.4%) (6%) (5%) 9 N/A No/13 Days Yes/20 Days (6%) (9%) N/A, not applicable Growing season dates March 20 - November 11 Success criteria is 20 consecutive days GWGs 5 and 9 were installed April 7, 2017. GWG 3 was relocated January 2017. Groundwater Gage Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 96306) Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 20 10 0 -10 v -20 L it 3 -30 -40 -50 -60 bz Q +-' > U —° LL 2:a a V) o z° o Rainfall Reference Gage Depth Gage #1 — — Criteria Level 6.0 5.0 4.0 c 3.0 c 2.0 1.0 0.0 Groundwater Gage Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 96306) Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 20 10 0 -10 d -20 L Y 3 -30 -40 -50 -60 UO Q +-' > U i Q > Q n O Z D Rainfall Reference Gage Depth Gage #2 — — Criteria Level 6.0 5.0 4.0 c 3.0 c 2.0 1.0 0.0 Groundwater Gage Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 96306) Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 20 10 0 -10 d -20 L d Y 3 -30 -40 -50 -60 CT C -5UO Q +-' > U i Q > Q n O Z D Rainfall Reference Gage Depth Gage #3 — — Criteria Level 6.0 5.0 4.0 c 3.0 c 2.0 1.0 0.0 Groundwater Gage Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 96306) Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 20 10 0 -10 d -20 L Y 3 -30 -40 -50 -60 UO Q +-' > U �i Q > Q n O Z Rainfall Reference Gage Depth Gage #4 — — Criteria Level 6.0 5.0 4.0 c 3.0 c 2.0 1.0 0.0 Groundwater Gage Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 96306) Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 6.0 all 4.0 r- 3.0 3.0 w c 1.0 0.0 C 0 Henry Fork Groundwater Gage #5 _ 0 N Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 v "' °�° ao ,i o 20 0 o Gage may be malfunctioning and data may not be accurate. 0 M A new probe to be replaced. — 10 ° ° m v U W 0 J.+ N -10 A �n�A&A Ar --ANA A >> -20 v Y 3 -30 -40 -50 II -60 - C i > C75 leoQ +-' QN 0 g a > u z p Rainfall Reference Gage Depth Gage #5 — — Criteria Level 6.0 all 4.0 r- 3.0 3.0 w c 1.0 0.0 Groundwater Gage Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 96306) Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 20 10 0 -10 d -20 L Y 3 -30 -40 -50 -60 UO Q +-' > U �i Q > Q o O Z Rainfall Reference Gage Depth Gage #6 — — Criteria Level 6.0 5.0 4.0 c 3.0 c 2.0 1.0 0.0 Groundwater Gage Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 96306) Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 20 10 0 -10 d -20 L d Y 3 -30 -40 -50 -60 UO Q +-' > U �i Q > Q n O Z Rainfall Reference Gage Depth Gage #7 — — Criteria Level 6.0 5.0 4.0 c 3.0 c 2.0 1.0 0.0 Groundwater Gage Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 96306) Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 20 10 0 -10 d -20 L d Y 3 -30 -40 -50 -60 00 Q +-' > U i Q Q Ln O Z Rainfall Reference Gage Depth Gage #8 — — Criteria Level 6.0 5.0 4.0 c 3.0 c 2.0 1.0 0.0 Groundwater Gage Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 96306) Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 20 10 0 -10 a 3 -20 w m �o 3 -30 -40 -50 -60 C TCC > V �i � Q 7 Q to O z Rainfall Reference Gage Depth Gage #9 — — Criteria Level 6.0 5.0 4.0 c 3.0 c oc 2.0 1.0 0.0 Groundwater Gage Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 96306) Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Wetland Number 20 10 0 -10 v -20 v m 3 -30 -40 -50 -60 C > C75 W aa > u L.L G Q C Q N 0 Z 0 Rainfall Reference Gage Depth — — Criteria Level 6.0 5.0 4.0 c 3.0 m c M 2.0 1.0 0.0 Recorded Stream Gage Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 96306) Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Henry Fork Mitigation Site: Stream Gage for UT1B - #1 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 925 4.0 238 consecutive days 3.5 924 3.0 923 2.5 c >—- �922 2.Ow c w a 3 m OC 1.5 921 1.0 920 0.5 919 0.0 C - T C 75 OD O_ >QJ Z3 V LL Q S Q in O Z O Rainfall UT1B - #1 Water Depth — — Thalweg Elevation • Bankfull Recorded Stream Gage Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 96306) Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 877 876 875 a 874 v J 873 3 872 871 870 Henry Fork Mitigation Site: Stream Gage for UT1- #2 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 C - T C 75 bb CL > V QJ LL Q S Q in O Z O Rainfall UT1- #2 Water Depth — — Thalweg Elevation — • • Bankfull 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 c 2.0 w t 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Recorded Stream Gage Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 96306) Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Henry Fork Mitigation Site: Stream Gage for UT1A - #3 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 878 4.0 302 consecutive days 3.5 877 3.0 876 2.5 v c — �875 — —— 2.Ow w m 3 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 'm oe 1.5 874 1.0 873 0.5 872 0.0 C T C75hp O_ LL Q S Q in O > V Z O Rainfall UT1A-#3 Water Depth — — Thalweg Elevation — •Bankfull Recorded Stream Gage Plots Henry Fork Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 96306) Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Henry Fork Mitigation Site: Stream Gage for UT2 - #4 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 879 4.0 151 consecutive days 3.5 878 3.0 877 2.5 " 876 a — 2.0 w c 3875 --- --------— ---- — -- — — — 1.5 874 1.0 873 0.5 872 0.0 C > C bb O_ LL Q S Q in O > V Z O Rainfall UT2 - #4 Water Depth — — Thalweg Elevation — • • Bankfull Monthly Rainfall Data Henry Fork Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 96306 Monitoring Year 3 - 2018 Henry Fork 30-70 Percentile Graph for Rainfall in 2018 10 9 8 7 c 6 c 0 m 5 'a V G7 a` 4 3 2 1 0 Nov -17 Dec -17 Jan -18 Feb -18 Mar -18 Apr -18 May -18 Jun -18 Jul -18 Aug -18 Sep -18 Oct -18 Date USGS 02143040 Jack Fork at Ramsey, NC -30th Percentile -70th Percentile ' 2018 rainfall collected by USGS 02143040 Jacob Fork at Ramsey, NC 2 30th and 70th percentile rainfall data collected from WETS station Conover Oxford Shoal, NC