HomeMy WebLinkAbout100004_INSPECTIONS_20171231NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental Quai Division of Soil and Water Conservation ❑ Other Agency Division of Water Quality Routine O Cant faint O Follom--u of D%V ins eetion O Follow-u of [ SWC review O Other Date oflnspection el -dl Facility \utnher Time of Inspection ` 0 24 hr. (hli:mm) © Registered 0 Certified 13 Applied for Permit Wermitted 10 Not O =rational Date Last Operated:........... Farm Name:...... s c� rS �' L .............. County:.... ..�rill.�-.ar�!.`. .................................... .. `...J ......../........................................ Owner Name:..W..��/.� '''!..... eL d".'. h'"!P?�...................... ... Phone No:........ 11 .............................. Facility Contact:...Lr .�G 11".1w.............................. Title: Phone No: ZS . G3.!�. .--...................................... .................... .......... .......... Mailing Address:........Ll.v... A ...................... Onsite Representative ...... JV. �i s�-+r..................................................................... Integrator:....... Certified Operator:....... ..Ll............ ......................... ............................... _.. Operator Certification Number,......b.. . Location of Farm: ...................................... ...' ........................................................................................................................................... 11 .................................. ..... ...... ...... .... I ................ Latitude =• 6 � 46 Longitude �' �6 � 46 gtt.- Cnt'rent'SE �. ;Dent = Design ' •x °Current ` Destgn ,Curremt Somme ,Capacity Population: , Poultry Capacity £Populafiori CattleCapactty PopWahon ❑ Layer _ ❑Dairy ❑ Non Layer ❑ Non Dairy S: . z ❑ Other P : YTotal Design Capacllty ° 2 `fft 8 k r i F 'l�, - �� Total S Number of Lag�ooits I Holding Pondsl / Ju ❑ Subsurface Drains Present ❑ Lagoon Area ❑ Spray Field Area ❑ No Liquid Waste Management SystemF, ❑ Wean to Feeder - eeder to Finish {� � Lu ❑ Farrow to Wean ❑ Farrow to Feeder ❑ Farrow to Finish ❑ Gilts ❑ Boars General 1. Are there any buffers that need maintenance/improvement? 2. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? Discharge originated at: ❑Lagoon ❑ Spray Field ❑Other a. If discharge is observed, was the conveyance man-made^ b. If discharge is observed, did it reach Surface Water? ([F yes, notify DWQ ) c. If discharge is observed, what is the estimated flow in gaUmin? d. Does discharge bypass a lagoon system? (lf yes, notify DWQ) 3. Is there evidence of past discharge from any part of the operation? 4. Were there any adverse impacts to the waters of the State other than from a discharge? S. Does any part of the waste management system (other than lagoons/holding ponds) require maintenance/improvement? b. Is facility not in compliance with any applicable setback criteria in effect at the time of design? 7. Did the facility fail to have a certified operator in responsible charge? 7125197 ❑ Yes M.ND ❑ Yes 0 No ❑ Yes & No ❑ Yes G4No • ❑ Yes U-No ❑ Yes ONa ❑ Yes fiO No 9 Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes P No ❑ Yes O'No Continued on back V tGty Number: — 8..Are there lagoons or storage ponds on site which need to be properly closed? Structures (Lagoons.Holding Ponds. Flush Pits, etc.) 9. Is storage capacity (freeboard plus storm storage) less than adequate? ❑ Yes 0 No ❑ Yes W No Structure 1 Structure ? Structure 3 Structure 4 Structure 5 Structure 6 Identifier: Freeboard (ft): .................... ...... 10. Is seepage observed from any of the structures? 11. Is erosion, or any other threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed? ........................................................................ ❑ Yes aNO 12. Do any of the structures need maintenance/improvement? (If any of questions 9-12 was answered yes, and the situation poses an immediate public health or environmental threat, notify DWQ) 13. Do any of the structures lack adequate minimum or maximum liquid level markers? Waste Application 14. Is there physical evidence of over application? (If in excess of WMP, or runoff entering waters of the State, notify DWQ) 15. Crop type '. ..................�. ...-................................................-.................. .-............................................................................. 16. Do the receiving crops differ with those designated in the Animal Waste Management Plan (AWMP)? 17. Does the facility have a lack of adequate acreage for land application? 18. Does the receiving crop need improvement? 19. Is there a lack of available waste application equipment? 20. Does facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? 21. Did Reviewerllnspector fail to discuss review/inspection with on -site representative? 22. Does record keeping need improvement? For Certified or Permitted Facilities Only 23. Does the facility fail to have a copy of the Animal Waste Management Plan readily available? 24. Were any additional problems noted which cause noncompliance of the Certified AWMP? 25. Were any additional problems noted which cause noncompliance of the Permit? ❑ Yes (I No J,Yes R117m ❑ Yes I No ❑ Yes B[No ❑ Yes Q No ❑ Yes JO No ❑ Yes F1 No ❑ Yes Z No ❑ Yes [2 No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No 3.No violations•or. defieieiicie-s-we-renotedduring this.visit:-You�will reeeivenoIurther:- correspondence about-this.visit.-: c;`7 Crh 17. r`� w�115 Reviewer/Inspector Name ❑ Yes ® No 0 Yes ❑ No 9 Yes ❑ No 7125/97 Reviewer/Inspector Signature: Date: - r ❑ DSWC Animal Feedlot Operation Re n3 s k w s ®DWQ Animal Feedlot Operation Site Zi pecti n k . ' 0 Routine O Comulaint O Follotit-u of DWQ inspection O Fo1low-un of DSWC reviesv O Other Date of Inspection 3 q Facility Number Time of Inspection Use 24 hr. time Farm Status: _ -A.._ ---- Total Time (in hours) Spent onReNiesy or Inspection (includes travel and processing) Farm Name: C- � ,ys.n, Owner Name:. W t l 4 , o .,.n A I C l e County:. �zar Sty:..Z.�..!.�:..X.�................... .�..t_.� Q Phone No. `2 C Z. 3---- Alailing Address: 1 i Onsite Representative: Ix l l . C [ 4.n., r �.. - Inteorator:.t.;1wxth�i.... � 06 �. x1 aG�ry SJ. Certified Operator. , c � sE _ �^,_SKi�.,r� L .1---_ Operator Certification Number: Location of Farm: S Latitude L.sw 6 I �u Lou;itude 0 Not Operational Date Last Operated: rype of Operation and Design Capacity 'Number ofLagoaps ! HaldtngPonds D Subsurface Drains Present Y ❑ Lagoon sre❑ Spray Field Area `4'y.•::. .. E€.'�s.....� 7.:. E� ins— :,k, a."`�.:iirl.Mi< .: `'� � � ,w*F. — _ �`c � General I. Are there anv buffers that need mainteameelimprovement? 2. Is any discharge obse:-ti-ed from any part of the operation? a_ If discha:4e is observed, was the conveyance rran-made? b. Ifcis:harec is observed, did it reach Surface Water? (If yes, aoti-:�' DWQ) c. U discharge is observed, what is the estimated flow in gai.�t,^.ia? d. Does discharge bypass a lagoon systea? (If yes, notify DWQ) Is there evidence o: past discharge from any part of the operation? 4. Was there anv adve:se impacts to the waters of the State other than from a disc7arg_? 5. Does any pan of G:e waste management system (other than lagoons/holding ponds'? require T i to sx1C� improvement? [! Yes Latitude L.sw 6 I �u Lou;itude 0 Not Operational Date Last Operated: rype of Operation and Design Capacity 'Number ofLagoaps ! HaldtngPonds D Subsurface Drains Present Y ❑ Lagoon sre❑ Spray Field Area `4'y.•::. .. E€.'�s.....� 7.:. E� ins— :,k, a."`�.:iirl.Mi< .: `'� � � ,w*F. — _ �`c � General I. Are there anv buffers that need mainteameelimprovement? 2. Is any discharge obse:-ti-ed from any part of the operation? a_ If discha:4e is observed, was the conveyance rran-made? b. Ifcis:harec is observed, did it reach Surface Water? (If yes, aoti-:�' DWQ) c. U discharge is observed, what is the estimated flow in gai.�t,^.ia? d. Does discharge bypass a lagoon systea? (If yes, notify DWQ) Is there evidence o: past discharge from any part of the operation? 4. Was there anv adve:se impacts to the waters of the State other than from a disc7arg_? 5. Does any pan of G:e waste management system (other than lagoons/holding ponds'? require T i to sx1C� improvement? [! Yes ® No 0 Yes ZI No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No tJ.j A [l Yes M No ❑ Yes 19 No [I Yes CS No f&Yes — ❑ No I , -I- 6. Is facilitynot in compliance with any applicable setback criteria? 7. Did the facility fail to have a certified operator in responsible charge (if inspection after 1/1/97)? 8. Are there lagoons or storage ponds on site which need to be properly closed? Structures_fL,aizoons and/or Iioldin? Ponds/ 9. Is structural freeboard less than adequate? Freeboard (ft): Lagoon 1 Lagoon 2 Z•5 10. Is seepage observed from any of the structures? 11. Is erosion, or any other threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed? 12. Do any of the structures need maintenancelimprovement? (If any of questions 9-12 was answered yes, and the situation poses an immediate public health or environmental threat, notify DWQ) I,agaoa 3 13. Do any -of the structures lack adquate markers to identify start and stop pumping levels? Waste A❑ iicntion 14. Is there physical evidence of over application? (If in excess of WMP, or runoff entering waters of the State, notify DWQ) 15. Crop type 31. � --- 16. Do the active crops differ with those designated in the Animal Waste Management Plan? 17. Does the facility have a lack of adequate acreage for land application?. 18. Does the cover crop need improverrient? 19. Is there a lack of available irrigation equipment? For Certified Facilities Only 20. Does the facility fail to have a copy of the Animal Waste Management Plan reaeily available? 21. Does the facility fail to comply with the Animal Waste Management Plan in any way? 22. Does record keeping need improvement? 23. Does facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? 24. Did Reviewerllaspector fail to discuss review/inspection with owner or operator in c arg.? ❑ Yes ®No ❑ Yes [21 No ❑ Yes 19 No ❑ Yes 12 No Lagoon 4 ❑ Yes B No ❑ Yes ® No ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes Q,No ❑ Yes ®No ❑ Yes &No ❑ Yes CRtio ❑ Yes ® tiro ❑ Yes Z1 No ❑ Yes O No RYes ❑ No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes SNo .s- y«....-,.._....:.,, ,. - �. ,d..... - e"`c..mom-! .. •✓A:' Cotnttients (refer to question � Ezplaut any YES arlsR err ancilorany recommendations or anv athe� comments i7se drawtngs =of facility to' better;eaplam sttuattons :rise additibna�. a es as.neces - � H - - r aaw ..<x+.ww r S. gare C.:f•e,as..., 5 I I�a►JLs v,,ee-4L 6 bo- re seeded . 4 Q U L' W�.� h V� Q -Q� S b lti� p `.-J f.�,'j . u t.naLL s tk.t veto i�. CL L o ,r e S p C •� ei �-a �t L ci K v w1 b v ►ti r V,. a i o ,., r �e o +r- tt S. Ove'rSV- r�£ S�Cvtd br-rcra- e_ti +r 0. Revdewer/Inspector Name Reviwer/Inspector Signature: t�. _ 1 .: _ f - �... ,,. ,.-».zr i Date: t ^- • • I - — . rr•____ n.._!'_. C......,.. L'....a:'.. Jcr—e--O r­r 1111-196 JUL-14-1995, 15:22 FROM DEM WATER QUALITY SECTION TO W I RO P . O2/02 Site Requires Immediate Attention: Facility No. �j bNiSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT . ANIMAL FEEDLOT OPERATIONS SITE VISITATION RECORD DATE: , 1995 Time: ---� I o u Farm Name/Owner: �- I -- fj Sun- S MailingAddress: 11LAL7 , _ ` -A-'vl- AI a �v County: ' "*-- Integrator: M-c, R f ti-Y� _ r T� _ _ _ Phone: . On Site Representative: Lt _ C.i�,.,,.�.�-opt _ _ Phone: __ 2-5- *3 r-► Physical Address/Location. f - c 17 K (V V r Awl"k 1�nV_ t.Ve s 1 4 �tiC S c,/v �L Type of Operation: Swine f Poultry Cattle Design Capacity: 'a-- Number of Animals on Site: DEM Certification Number: ACE_ DEM Certification Number: ACNEW Latitude: Longitude: ° _' Elevation:.Feet Circle Yes or r& Does the Animal Waste Lagoon have sufficient freeboard of 1 Foot + 25 year 24 hour storm event (approximately 1 Foot + 7 inches) es or No Actual Freeboard: —5-- Ft. r_ Inches Was any seepage observed from the lagoon(s)? Yes ory Was any erosion obsei ? Yes or Is adequate land available for spray? e r No Is the cover crop adequate? a No Crop(s) being utilized: I 4 J c.&-04 •,� Does the facility meet SCS minimum setback criteria? 200 Feet from Dwellings? Vor No 100 Feet from Wells? S_a' or No Is the animal waste stockpiled within 100 Feet of USGS Blue Line Stream? Yes or No Is animal waste land applied or spray irrigated within 25 Feet of a USGS Map Blue Line? Yes or4Q Is animal waste discharged into waters of the state by man-made ditch, flushing system, or other similar man-made devices? Yes or& If Yes, Please Explain. Does the facility maintain adequate waste management records (volumes of manure. land applied, spray irrigated on Specific acreage with cover crop)? 91or No Additional Comments: -i ( nu v eci "v— } r, 0nl<a *'T'v y )'W-5 'f-p t- ," Pc +h �; -� t I has c !, _ �.,_ fu g A --,A Inspector Name �' 0 IH�" Signatur cc: Facility Assessment Unit Use Attachments if Needed_