HomeMy WebLinkAbout310261_HISTORICAL_20171231NORTH CAROLIN AM Department of Environmental Qual Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CERTIFIED MAIL Next Generation Family Ventures LLC Next Generation 1 290 Willard Edwards Rd Beulaville, NC28518-8518 Dear Peimittee, PAT MCCRORY Goveraor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART semrey S. JAY ZIMMERMAN July 8, 2016 RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR � JUL 14 2016 Water Quality Re fo Wilr lOperations Snaf eeglo gton Regional Otrice Subject: Notice of Deficiency Next Generation 1 Permit Number AWS310261 Duplin County As of this date, our records indicate that the above -referenced permit issued to your facility has overdue fees. It is both a condition of your permit and required by Rule 15A NCAC 2T .0105(e) (2) to pay the annual administering and compliance fee within thirty (30) days of being billed by this Division. The following invoices are outstanding: Invoice Number Due Date Outstandin Fee ($ 2015PR008475 10/9/2015 .180 Failure to pay the fee accordingly may result in the Division initiating enforcement actions, to include the assessment of civil penalties. Failure to comply with conditions in a permit may result in a recommendation of enforcement action, to the Director of the Division of Water Resources who may issue a civil penalty assessment of not more that twenty-five thousand ($25,000) dollars against any "person" who violates or fails to act in accordance with the temps, conditions, or requirements of a permit under authority of G.S. 143-215.6A. Therefore, it is imperative that you submit the appropriate fee as requested within thirty (30) days of this Notice of Deficiency. Please remit the payment, made payable to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), in the above amount. Please include Permit Number on your check and mail this payment to: Division of Water Resources — Budget Office Attn: Teresa Bevis 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone: (919) 807-6316 -contd.- State of North Carolina I Enviroo I=1 QualityI Water Resources/Water Quality Reponal Opmtioos 1636 h1ail service Ccuw I RaI604 North Caoliue 27699-1636 919 807 6464 If you have any questions concerning this Notice, please contact Animal Feeding Operations Program staff at (919) 807-6464. Sincerely, a"- �IWA Debra J. Watts, Supervisor Animal Feeding Operation, and Ground Water Protection Branch cc: Wilmington Regional Office, Water Quality Regional Operations Section WQROS Central File (Permit No AWS310261) r NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Charles Wakild, P.E. Governor Director Next Generation Family Ventures, LLC Next Generation 1 314 Willard Edwards Rd Beulaville, NC 28518_ July 9, 2012 Subj ect: Dear Next Generation Family Ventures, LLC: 111NN 6 JUL 12 2012 Certificate of Coverage No. AWS310261 Next Generation 1 Swine Waste Collection, Treatment, Storage and Application System Duplin County Secretary In accordance with your July 3, 2012 Notification of Change of Ownership, we are hereby forwarding to you this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Next Generation Family Ventures, LLC, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste management system in accordance with General Permit AWG100000. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the management and land application of animal waste as specified in the facility's Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) for the Next Generation 1, located in Duplin County, with a swine animal capacity of no greater than the following annual averages: Wean to Finish: Feeder to Finish: 2860 Boar/Stud: Wean to Feeder: Farrow to Wean: Gilts: Farrow to Finish: Farrow to Feeder: Other: . If this is a Farrow to Wean or Farrow to Feeder operation, there may be one boar for each 15 sows. Where boars are unnecessary, they may be replaced by an equivalent number of sows. Any of the sows may be replaced by gilts at a rate of 4 gilts for every 3 sows. The COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until September 30, 2014, and shall hereby void Certificate of Coverage Number AWS310261 dated October 1, 2009. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP, and this COC. An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this facility. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of animals authorized by this COC (as provided above) will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and must be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. Please carefully read this COC and the enclosed State General Permit. Please pay careful attention to the record keeping and monitoring conditions in this permit. Record keening forms are unchanged with this General Permit Please continue to use the same record keepin forms. orms. 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 ' Location: 512 N. Salisbury St Ralegh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 91M07-64641 FAX: 919-807-6492 Internet www.nmateruafitv.ero TNPorthCarolina An Equal Opportunity I Affirmative Action Employer If your Waste Utilization Plan (WUP) has been developed based on site -specific information, careful evaluation of future samples is necessary. Should your records show that the current WUP is inaccurate you will need to have a new WUP developed. The issuance of this COC does not excuse the Permittee from the obligation to comply with all applicable laws, rules, standards, and ordinances (local, state, and federal), nor does issuance of a COC to operate under this permit convey any property rights in either real or personal property. Per 15A NCAC 2T .0105(h) a compliance boundary is provided for the facility and no new water supply wells shall be constructed within the compliance boundary. Per NRCS standards a 100-foot separation shall be maintained between water supply wells and any lagoon, storage pond, or any wetted area of a spray field. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143- 215.6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. If you wish to continue the activity permitted under the General Pemvt after the expiration date of the General Permit, then an application for renewal must be filed at least 180 days prior to expiration. This COC is not automatically transferable. A name/ownership change application must be submitted to the Division prior to a name change or change in ownership. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual permit by contacting the Animal Feeding Operations Unit for information on this process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding. In accordance with Condition II.22 of the General Permit, waste application shall cease within four (4) hours of the time that the National Weather Service issues a Hurricane Waring, Tropical Storm Warning, or a Flood Watch associated with a tropical system for the county in which the facility is located. You may find detailed watch/warning information for your county by calling the Newport/Morehead City, NC National Weather Service office at (252) 223-5737, or by visiting their website at: www.erh.noaa.gov/er/mhx/ This facility is located in a county covered by our Wilmington Regional Office. The Regional Office Aquifer Protection Staff may be reached at (910) 796-7215. If you need additional information concerning this COC or the General Permit, please contact the Animal Feeding Operations Unit staff at (919)807-6464. Sincerely, for Charles Wakild, P.E. Enclosure (General Permit AWG100000) cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all ccs) LWilmington.Regional.OfficeAquife�otection ec. Duplin County Health Department Duplin County Soil and Water Conservation District APS Central Files (Permit No. AWS310261) AFO Notebooks Murphy -Brown, LLC r�L • 0 PLAN OF ACTION(Poa) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES Facility Number: 31-261 County: Du Facility Name: Dexter Edwards Farm Certified Operator Name: Dexter Edwards Operator Number: AWA 16364 1. Current liquid level(s) in inches as measured from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the lowest point on the top of the dam for lagoons without spillways; and from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the bottom of the spillway for lagoons with spillways. Lagoon 1 Lagoon 2 Lagoon 3 Lagoon 4 Lagoon 5 Lagoon Name/ID: DE Spillway(Y or N): N N Level(inches): 16 0 2. Check all applicable items SEP 0 6 2D11 Liquid level is within the designed structural freeboard elevations of one or more structures. Five and 30 day Plans of Action are attached. Hydraulic and agronomic balances are within acceptable ranges. X Liquid level is within the 25 year 24 hour storm elevations for one or more structures. A 30 day Plan of Action is attached. Agronomic balance is within acceptable range. Waste is to be pumped and hauled to off site locations. Volume and PAN content of waste to be pumped and hauled is reflected in section III tables. Included within this plan is a list of the proposed sites with related facility numbers, number of acres and receiving crop information. Contact and secure approval from the DWQ prior to transfer of waste to a site not covered in the facility's CAWMP. Operation will be partially or fully depopulated. 'Attach a complete schedule with corresponding animal units and dates for depopulation `if animals are to be moved to another permitted facility, provide facility number, lagoon freeboard levels and herd population for the receiving facility 3. Earliest possible date to begin land application of waste: 8/31/2011 I hereby certify that I have reviewed the information listed above and included within the attached Plan of Action, and to the best of my knowledge and ability, the information is accurate and correct. Dexter Edwards Phone: 910-298-3012 Facility.Owner/Manage t) Date: 8/31/2011 Facility Owner/Manager (signature) PLAN OF ACTION (PoA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD I. TOTAL PAN TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure Name/Identifier (ID): IDE 2. Current liquid volume in 25 yr./24 hr. storm storage & structural freeboard a. current liquid level according to marker 16.0 inches b. designed 25 yr./24 hr. storm & structural freeboard 19.0 inches c. line b - line a (inches in red zone) = 3.0 inches d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below structural freeboard elevation) 74750 ft2 e. line c/12 x line d x 7.48 gallons/ft' 139783 gallons 3. Projected volume of waste liquid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design 180 days g. volume of waste produced according to structural design 94288 ft3 • h. current herd # 2620 certified herd # 2860 actual waste produced = current herd # x line g = 86376 ft' certified herd # i. volume of wash water according to structural design j. excess rainfall over evaporation according to design k. (lines h + i.+ j) x 7.48 x 30 days/line f= 4. Total PAN to be land applied during draw down period I. current waste analysis dated 8/18/2011 m. ((lines e + k)/1000) x line I = REPEAT SECTION I FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SITE. (Click on the next Structure tab shown below) Oft3 43604 ft3 162041 gallons 1.50 Ibs/1000 gal. 452.7 lbs. PAN PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 II. TOTAL POUNDS OF PAN STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD AND/OR 25 YRn4 • HR. STORM STORAGE ELEVATIONS IN ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1. Structure ID: DE line m = 452.7 lb PAN 2. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 3. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 4. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 5. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 6. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN • n.lines 1+2+3+4+5+6= 452.7lbPAN III. TOTAL PAN BALANCE REMAINING FOR AVAILABLE CROPS DURING 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PFRlnn nn NnT I IST FIFI DR Tn WHICH PAN CANNOT BE APPLIED DURING THIS 30 DAY PERIOD. o. tract # p. field # q. crop r. acres s. remaining IRR 2 PAN balance (Ib/acre) t. TOTAL PAN BALANCE FOR FIELD (lbs.) column r x s u. application window' 6607 1a Bermuda 4.48 183.40 821.6 3/1-10/31 6607 1b Bermuda 2.54 183.85 467.0 3/1-10131 6607 3a Bermuda 1.76 216.73 381.4 311-10/31 6607 3b Bermuda 3.25 231.88 753.6 3/1-10/31 'State current crop ending application date or next crop application beginning Date Tor availaDle receiving crops during 30 day draw down period. v. Total PAN available for all fields (sum of column t) = 2423.7 lb. PAN IV. FACILITY'S PDA OVERALL PAN BALANCE • w. Total PAN to be land applied (line n from section II) = 452.7 lb. PAN PDA (30 Day) 2/21/00 • • • x. Crop's remaining PAN balance (line v from section III) = 2423.7 Ib. PAN y. Overall PAN balance (w - x) _ -1971 lb. PAN Line y must show as a deficit. If line y does not show as a deficit, list course of action here including pump and haul, depopulation, herd reduction, etc. For pump & haul and herd reduction options, recalculate new PAN based on new information. If new fields are to be included as an option for lowering lagoon level, add these fields to the PAN balance table and recalculate the overall PAN balance. If animal waste is to be hauled to another permitted facility, provide information regarding the herd population and lagoon freeboard levels at the Irrigation to begin as conditions permit. Additional acres available on this site if needed for waste application. PoA (30 Day) 2121100 PLAN OF ACTION(Poa) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES Facility Number. I31-741 % County: Duplin Facility Name: Ditzhe c dwaa!' Farm Certified Operator Name: Deider Edwards Operator Number. 1. Current liquid level(s) in inches as measured from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the lowest point on the top of the dam for lagoons without spillways; and from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the bottom of the spillway for lagoons with spillways.. Lagoon 1 Lagoon 2 Lagoon 3 Lagoon 4 Lagoon 5 Lagoon Name/ID: dl; Spillway(Y or N): N N Level(nches): IPS 2. Check all applicable items Liquid level is within the designed structural freeboard elevations of one or more strictures. Five and 30 day Plans of Action are attached. Hydraulic and agronomic balances are within acceptable ranges. Liquid level is within the 25 year 24 hour storm elevations for one or more structures. A 30 day Plan of Action is attached. Agronomic balance is within acceptable range. Waste is to be pumped and hauled to off site locations. Volume and PAN content of waste to be pumped and hauled is reflected in section III tables. included within this plan is a list of the proposed sites with related facility numbers, number of acres and receiving crop information. Contact and secure approval from the DWO prior to transfer of waste to a site not covered in the facility's CAWMP. Operation will be partially or fully depopulated. 'Attach a complete schedule with corresponding animal units and dates for depopulation If animals are to be moved to another permitted facility, provide facility number, lagoon freeboard levels and herd population for the receiving facility 3. Earliest possible date to begin land application of waste: 1141.1010 I hereby certify that I have reviewed the information listed above and included within the attached Plan of Action, and to the best of my knowledge and ability, the information is accurate and correct. Deder Edwards Phone: ^ Facility Owner/Man tint) { a Date: Facility Owner/Manager (signature) 910-298-3012 12./29/2009 If. TOTAL POUNDS OF PAN STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD AND/OR 25 YR./24 HR. STORM STORAGE ELEVATIONS IN ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1, Structure ID: DE line m = 296.4 lb PAN 2. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 3. Structure ID: line in = lb PAN 4. Structure ID: line in = lb PAN 5. Structure ID:, line in = lb PAN 6. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN n.lines 1+2+3+4+6+6= 296.4lbPAN III. TOTAL PAN BALANCE REMAINING FOR AVAILABLE CROPS DURING 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PFRIOn_ nn NOT l IST FIFI DS TO WHICH PAN CANNOT BE APPLIED DURING THIS 30 DAY PERIOD. o. tract # p. field # q. crop r. acres s. remaining IRR- 2 PAN balance (lb/acre) L TOTAL PAN BALANCE FOR FIELD (lbs.) column r x s u. application window' 5341 3A SG 1.76 50.00 88.0 9/1-3/31 5341 3B SG 3.25 50.00 162.5 9/1-3/31 5341 3C SG 3.38 50.00 169.0 9/1-3/31 53411 3D SG 5.29 50.001 264.5 9/1-3/31 'State current crop ending application date or next crop application beginning date for available receiving crops during 30 day draw down period. v. Total PAN available for all fields (sum of column t) = 684.0 lb. PAN IV. FACILITY'S PDA OVERALL PAN BALANCE w. Total PAN to be land applied (line n from section 11) = PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 296.4 lb. PAN M x. Crop's remaining PAN balance (line v from section III) = 684.0 lb. PAN y. Overall PAN balance (w - x) _ -388 ib. PAN y must show as a deficit. If line y does not show as a deficit, list course of action here including pump and depopulation, herd reduction, etc. For pump & haul and herd reduction options, recalculate new PAN d on new information. If new fields are to be included as an option for lowering lagoon level, add these to the PAN balance table and recalculate the overall PAN balance. If animal waste is to be hauled to ier permitted facility, provide information regarding the herd population and lagoon freeboard levels at the NARRATIVE: Irrigation to begin as field conditions and weather permit. PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 PLAN OF ACTION (POA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD I. TOTAL PAN TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure Name/Identifier (ID): IDE 2. Current liquid volume in 25 yr./24 hr. storm storage & structural freeboard a. current liquid level according to marker b. designed 25 yr./24 hr. storm & structural freeboard c. line b - line a (inches in red zone) = d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below structural freeboard elevation) e. line cf12 x fine d x 7.48 galfonsW 3. Projected volume of waste liquid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design 18.5 inches 19.0 inches 0.5 inches 71760 ftZ 22365 gallons 180 days g. volume of waste produced according to structural design 94288.2 ft3 h. current herd # 2640 certified herd # 2860 actual waste produced = current herd # x line g = certified herd # i. volume of wash water according to structural design j. excess rainfall over evaporation according to design k. (lines h + i + j) x 7.48 x 30 days/line f= 4. Total PAN to be land applied during draw down period I. current waste analysis dated 1 12/7/2009 m. ((lines e + k)/1000) x line I = REPEAT SECTION I FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SITE. (Click on the next Structure tab shown below) PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 87035 ft' -J ft3 43604.2 ft3 162864 gallons 1.60 Ibs/1000 gal. 296.4 lbs. PAN II. TOTAL POUNDS OF PAN STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD AND/OR 25 YR./24 HR. STORM STORAGE ELEVATIONS IN ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1. Structure ID: D&P line m = 334.3 lb PAN 2. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 3. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 4. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 5. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 6. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN In. lines 1+2+3+4+5+6= 334.3lbPAN III. TOTAL PAN BALANCE REMAINING FOR AVAILABLE CROPS DURING 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD. DO NOT LIST FIELDS TO WHICH PAN CANNOT BE APPLIED DURING THIS 30 DAY PERIOD. o. tract # p. field # q. crop r. acres s. remaining IRR 2 PAN balance (Ib/acre) t. TOTAL PAN BALANCE FOR FIELD (Ibs.) column r x s u. application window' LL L1 SG 2.27 50.00 113.5 9/1--3/31 LL L2 SG 2.50 50.00 125.0 9/1--3/31 LL L3 SG 3.64 50.00 182.0 9/1--3/31 LL L4 SG 2.89 50.00 144.5 9/1--3/31 LL L5 SG 3.58 50.00 179.0 9/1--3/31 LL L6 SG 4.15 50.00 207.5 9/1--3/31 LL L7 SG 1.96 50.00 98.0 9/1--3/31 LL L8 SG 2.25 50.00 112.5 9/1--3/31 'State current crop ending application date or next crop application beginning date for available receiving crops during 30 day draw down period. v. Total PAN available for all fields (sum of column t) = 1162.0 lb. PAN IV. FACILITY'S PoA OVERALL PAN BALANCE w. Total PAN to be land applied (line n from section II) = 334.3 lb. PAN PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 x. Crop's remaining PAN balance (line v from section III) = 1162.0 lb. PAN y. Overall PAN balance (w - x) _ -828 lb. PAN Line y must show as a deficit. If line y does not show as a deficit, list course of action here including pump and haul, depopulation, herd reduction, etc. For pump & haul and herd reduction options, recalculate new PAN based on new information. If new fields are to be included as an option for lowering lagoon level, add these fields to the PAN balance table and recalculate the overall PAN balance. If animal waste is to be hauled to another permitted facility, provide information regarding the herd population and lagoon freeboard levels at the receiving facility. to begin as field conditions and weather permit. PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 PLAN OF ACTION (PoA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD I. TOTAL PAN TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure Name/Identifier (ID): IDE 2. Current liquid volume in 25 yr./24 hr. storm storage & structural freeboard a. current liquid level according to marker b. designed 25 yr./24 hr. storm & structural freeboard c. line b - line a (inches in red zone) _ d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below structural freeboard elevation) e. line c/12 x line d x 7.48 gallons/ft3 3. Projected volume of waste liquid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design 18.5 inches 19.0 inches 0.5 inches 71760 ftZ 22365 gallons 180 days g. volume of waste produced according to structural design 94288.2 ft3 h. current herd # 2640 certified herd # 2860 actual waste produced = current herd # x line g = certified herd # i. volume of wash water according to structural design j. excess rainfall over evaporation according to design k. (lines h + i + j) x 7.48 x 30 days/line f= 4. Total PAN to be land applied during draw down period I. current waste analysis dated 1217/2009 m. ((lines e + k)/1000) x line I = REPEAT SECTION I FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SITE. (Click on the next Structure tab shown below) 87035 ft' Oft3 43604.2 ft3 162864 gallons 1.60 Ibs/1000 gal. 296.4 Ibs. PAN PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 w1goo Rws COPY ofne-F- WETTABLE ACRE PLAN CEIVED IAN 0 4 2007 FARM #--------- DEXTER EDWARDS FARM TYPE FARM---- 2860 FEED -FINISH COUNTY----=_---- DUPL- IN DATE-------------- 8/30/99 C00101150652 (n Ln I 00 DEXTER EDWARDS FARM DUPLIN COUNTY FIELD ACRES la 4.48 lb 2.54 3 a T. 76 3b 3.25 3c 3.38 3d 5.29 4a 1.72 4b 3.48 4c 3.85 Co0101150654 PREPARED BY:Carrcll's Foods, Inc. DATE708/30/99 TIME:09:39:22 AM PAGE CERTIFIED ANIMAL WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN WETTABLE ACRES WORKSHEET Farm Name: //EXTE2 �nwrlet) s Fidaw Facility Number: Manager or Producer /Dxzxrs,e FDwAPz>s Phone # (9io 1 .29B —3oiz Technical Specialist: 1Y ira Y �.� Phone # (91c, z93-3g3¢ Facility Contact: L7h- P- Ebwslew Phone # ( ) Mailing Address: Rr- 3, Roy, / z� Was farm sited for animals prior to 10/l/95: fiesa No If No, date farm sited for animals: Irrigation System Type (Check all that apply) Stationary sprinkler with permanent pipe Stationary sprinkler with portable pipe Stationary gun with permanent pipe Stationary gun with portable pipe Center -pivot system Linear -move system Hose drag traveler Acres calculated should correspond to that shown in the Waste Utilization Plan and Form IRR-2. To the best of my knowledge, this worksheets) and map(s) provides an accurate representation of the system used to irrigate the animal waste generated by this operation. Q rare j nager or Producer) Date COo101150655 CAWMI, Wearable hire Tmwlin5 Gun Field Du sheet 110.199 Hard Hose Traveling Gun System FIELD DATA SHEET * D�K� qu�ns FArzM 1. Make and model number 40 6 b s m n cl a l m30 2. Hose length fL r feet] and hose inside diameter (ED)_ 3 inch] 3. Gun make and model number /So VL 4. Gun nozzle size [inch], ✓ ring orifice, taper bore orifice. 5. Gun arc angid .-' o [degrees] 6. Travel lane spacing x-x� [feet]. Indicate whether ✓uniform random. Number of exterior hydrants 7 Number of interior hydrants 3 ' 7. Gun wetted diameter 3cb [feet]. measured, ✓based on gun chart. C,'�9o ) 8. Gun pressure SO [Psi]. observed at working gauge, determined from gun charts, calculated (show calculations) **9. Operating pressure at hose reel SE) (psi]. observed at working gauge, / provided by owner. ** 10. Supply line size (o [inch] (from pump to last hydrant). ** 11. Supply line length ?S3o feet (maximum pumping distance). * * 12. Supply line type ✓ PVC, aluminum. ** 13. Pump make and model number ><-r l 8 3148 M **14. Pump capacity, = Igpm]. **15. Engine make and model number T b. "39tl or * * 16. Electric motor horsepower and rpm bhp] _[rpm] Note: It is strongly recommended that operating pressure at the reel and gun wetted diameter be field determined. * Locate each hydrant on a copy of the map. Indicate the start and stop of the sprinkler cart for each travel lane and show distance traveled. Show the location of the supply line. Irrigated acres will be determined by travel lane * * Optional data, furnish where possible. furnished by or Date h0 Signature of Technical Specialist f40lc/.e.2D ,L . Printed name of Technical Specialist Date g/j 049 *** Only the person or persons collecting the data should sign the data sheet. 00010115065E CAWMP WETTABLE ACRE COMPUTATIONAL WORKSHEET } 1. iFarm •Number-_r�0w-%-eV_ E�bwAC_pS 2. Irrigation System Designation Existing 3-. Irrigation System Hard -Hose. Traveler _. 4..#_Exterior Lanes -7 1 Interior Lanes 3 5. Wetted Diameter __76�0 (am Total Length of Pull -6. Spacing 220 - 70 (As % of wetted diameter) 7. Hydrant Layout: Single Hydrant �_ Multiple Hydrant? LD # INT. EXT. AC.START AC. MIDDLE AC. STOP TOTAL AC. TABLE COL /A ✓ o.7f-, 26a K 3— /,7.9 0.4;;o .3./3 A- ✓ 0.37 - 0-�3 /S 0.74/z o.37 //o x �� �.0�- --4, - p,/5� - 2.5� �- - EE7o -- ffED 11 ✓ A7s�/z 0.37 //o x 490 /.24- 0115 , 7(o E'€ 7 - ,6 € j� 3B ✓ 0. GF 2zc x 4/O a,67 �0. 3c- 22o x 43.5 0. SL 3.38 Ez-7o 45Y.9 3D ✓ 474 zro K aa/ GO S-Z5 EE7o Bd6 4A .- ✓ o-7+F/z 37 fio x 47s /.Zo 48 ✓ o.CG ?ze x 4SG 2.3� ®•sz 3.48 >�7� d�� ¢L ✓ 9. 74- o x gzo .Z..S/ C. Go TOTAL WETTABLE ACRES 25. 75 Wettable Acre Computational Worksheet Completed by: U�o�ia�Q- Date: 8/z7/93 C00101150657 im nnn• i m IRRIGATION SYSTEM DESIGN PARAMETERS Landowner/OperntorNnmc: DSXT-ER Icl7WARDg 1—pQ County: 1>a , ( Address: (^�-- 3 oX t ZmuLFALh LE N.C. 15518 Dnre: _ S/Z7�-93 Telephmlc: 9/0 .299- 0/2. TABLE 1 - rie)tl Spec;rIclltiorls Appmflmlat Minimum (lrrnhlr My.,' Marlmum alarLuum Application plrldl NmWrer 3c orplc1d (n�� S /•7� 3.38 SaII'ry t US No 4 o g Slope (•h) c—E. —L o-z p_Z Crap(a) CbA CB 011 Ag V .5 N, Application Itnle y (Inarr d•6o o.so per lrrlpnllnn Cytle� (Inrhr. �QY �m� �enb ' 6Go7 4e-7 6Gc7 534-n Z 5 41 Z 5341 3 D A 4R S. 29 I.-7z 3.48 Ne A A( A) nA a - Z- o-Z �-Z S•2 S34/ 4C �5R.A S.Z (53*1) i 'See attached map. , 2'1 idul field acreol:e minus required bulTcr areas. Ikclla In N. C. h tigntion Guide, Field 011ice Teclmicni Guide, Section If U. Annual npplicalitnl nnlsl not exceed the agronomic roles for the sail and crap used. W NRCS, NC JUNE, 17711 C00101150658 FXII[IHTI)-2 TABLE 2 - Travc)ir:^ frrig:Ilion Gun Scllings — �(AW75 �rQ2o< 8�30199 I 5 -- --- Piold Nol nnJ _I IVJrml Not_ /�3/ Fr1iI _ 'I'nrvd %IweA (II/min) 3b63, ,0•oD0� Applienlinn INC 'TRAVEL LANE Ellective E(l2ctive WWII,( ) o .' io �r W Welled'Noule Dimmer 3le0m) 0 EQUIPMENTSI;'1'I'INIIS Operating Operating Diameter Pressure Pressure Arc " (So 1Be(s//I/a/ltem3 o ^Comments �) 1r "4d:Ae2EGnofoAMACLa _-_. 3C _ 3n 3.0 2 73S 961 — --- T2P �A 3.0 20 %4 / _.-41(f O 7Zo WEE See uIL•Ichcd mnp. . Shmv sepnrde culries I'or crc!1 Irydaud Incnlinn in cnch field. I Ise the Inllowing nl+hrevinii,ms I'm vorions we pnitetns: f (full circle), TQ Ihrce rlunders), W (hvo thirds 11 ullf eircle),'I• (one Ihinl), Q (one gander). ALry plsr use Ileglees of fire. .I W ,I c00101150659 Nkf S, Nr' JUNE. IooG Page 1 WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN ----------------------- Producer ----- :DEXTER EDWARDS County: DUPLIN Name of Farm -:DEXTER EDWARDS FARM Location- ---- :RT.3 BOX 126 BEAULAVILLE, NC Phone -------- :910 298-3012 Type Operation-------------: FEED -FIN Number of Animal-----------: 2860 Storage structure --- =------ : Anaerobic Lagoon Method of application------: Irrigation Amount of waste produced per year---------------: 5434 tons/year Amount of plant available N (PAN) produced/year-: 6578 lbs./year The waste from your animal facility must be land applied at a specified rate to prevent pollution of surface water and/or groundwater. The plant nutrients in the animal waste should be used to reduce the amount of commercial fertilizer required for the crops in the fields where the waste is to be applied. This waste utilization plan uses nitrogen as the limiting nutrient -.-Waste should be analyzed beforeeachapplication cycle. Annual soil tests are strongly encouraged so that all plant nutrients.can be balanced for realistic yields of the crop to be grown. Several factors are important in implementing your waste utilization plan in order to maximize the fertilizer value of the waste and to ensure that it is applied in an environmentally safe manner: 1. Always apply waste based on the needs of the crop to be grown and the nutrient content of the waste. Do not apply more nitrogen than the crop can utilize. 2. Soil types are important as they have different infiltration rates, leaching potentials, cation exchange capacities, and available water holding capacities. 3. Normally waste shall not be applied to land eroding at more than 5 tons per acre per year. Waste may be applied to land eroding at 5 or more tons per acre annually, but less than 10 tons per acre per year providing that adequate filter strips are established. 4. Do not apply waste on saturated soils, when it is raining, or. when the surface is frozen. Either of these conditions may in runoff to the surface waters which is not allowed under DWQ regulations. 5. Wind conditions should also be considered to avoild drift and downwind odor problems. 6. To maximize the value of the nutrients for crop production and to reduce the potential for pollution, the waste should be applied to a growing crop or applied not more than 30 days prior to planting a crop or forages breaking dormancy. Injecting the waste or disking will conserve nutrients and reduce odor problems. C00101150660 'Page 2 This plan is based on the waste application method shown above. If you choose to change methods in the future, you need to revise 'this plan. Nutrient levels for different application methods are not the same. The estimated acres needed to apply the animal waste is based on -typical nutrient content for this type of facility. Acreage requirements should be based on the waste analysis report from your waste management facility. In some cases you may want to have plant analysis made, which could allow additional waste to be applied. Provisions shall be made for the area receiving waste to be flexible so as to accommodate changing waste analysis content and the crop type. Lime must be applied to maintain pH in the `optimum range for specific crop production. This waste utilization plan, if carried out, meets the requirements for compliance with 15A NCAC 2H .0217 adopted by the Environmental Management Commission. COO101150661 Page 3 YOUR WASTE, UTILIZATION PLAN IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING: Tract Field Soil Crop Yield Lbs. N Lbs. N Month to No. No. Type Code /Acre Unit Acres Used Apply 6607 1 A AUTRYVILL K N/A 50.00 224 S-APRIL 6607 1 A AUTRYVILL B 4.7 50.00 4.5 1052. MAR-OCT 6607 1 B AUTRYVILL K N/A 50.00 127 S-APRIL 6607 1 B AUTRYVILL B 4.7 50.00 2.5 596.9 MAR-OCT 5341 3 A NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 88 S-APRIL 5341 3 A NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00 1.8 457.6 MAR-OCT 5341 3 B NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 162.5 S-APRIL 5341 3 B NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00 3.3 845 MAR-OCT 5341 3 C NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 169 S-APRID 5341 3 C NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00 3.4 878.8 MAR-OCT 5341 3 D NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 264.5 S-APRIL 5341 3 D NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00 5.3 1375. MAR-OCT 5341 4 A -NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 86 S-APRIL 5341 4 A NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00 1.7 447.2 MAR-OCT 5341 - 4-B NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 1 174 S-APRIL 5341 4 B NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00 3.5 904.8 MAR-OCT _ 5341 4 C NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 192.5 S-APRIL 5341 4 C NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00- 3.9 -1001 MAR=OCT ----- ------------------- ------ ----- ----- ----- ------ Total 29.8 9047 ------- Available Nitrogen (includes commercial) 6578 Surplus Or Deficit -2469 Crop codes: Crop=unit A=Barley-bu. K=Small grain(graze)-acre B=Bermudagrass(graze)-tons I- -Small grain(hay)-acre C=Bermudagrass(hay)-tons M=Sorghum(grain)-cwt. D=Corn(grain)-bu. W=Wheat-bu. E=Corn(silage)-tons •Y=Fescue(pasture)-tons F=Cotton-lbs. lint Z=Bermudagrass(pasture)-tons G=Fescue(graze)-tons O=Soybeans-bu. H=Fescue(hay)-tons R=Matua(graze)-tons I=Oats-bu. U=Millet(graze)-tons J=Rye=bu. Applying the above amount of waste is a big job. You should plan time and have appropriate equipment to apply the waste in a timely manner. The applicator is cautioned that P and K may be over applied while meeting the N requirements. In the future, regulations may require farmers in some parts of North Carolina to have a nutrient management plan that addresses all nutrients. This plan only addresses nitrogen. In interplanted fields (i.e. small grain, etc, interseeded in bermudagrass), forage must be removed through grazing, hay and/or silage. Where grazing, plants should be grazed when they reach a height of six to nine inches. Cattle should be removed when plants are grazed to a height of four inches. In fields where small grain etc, is to be removed for hay or silage, care should be exercised not to to let small grain to reach maturity, especially late in C00101150662 Page 4 the season (i.e. April or May). Shading may result if small grain gets too high and this will definitely interfere with stand of bermudagrass. This loss of stand will result in reduced yields and less nitrogen being utilized. Rather than cutting small grain for hay or silage just before heading as is the normal situation, you are encouraged to cut the small grain earlier. You may want to consider harvesting hay or silage two to three times during the season, depending -on time small grain is planted in the fall. The ideal ,time to Anterpiant small grain, etc, is late September or early October. Drilling is recommended over broadcasting. Bermudagrass should be grazed or mowed to a height of about two inches before drilling for best results. Caution must be exercised in grazing or haying summer annuals under stressed conditions. Nitrate poisoning may occur in livestock. Sampling forage or hay for nitrate levels is recommended. Acres shown in the tables are considered to be the usable acres excluding required buffers , filter strips along ditches; odd areas unable to be irrigated, and perimeter areas not receiving full application rates due to equipment limitations. Actual total acres in the field listed may, and most likely will be, more than the -acres shown -in -the -tables -- — See attached map showing the fields to be used for the utilization of animal waste. SLUDGE APPLICATION: The waste utilization plan must contain provision for periodic land application of sludge at agronomic rates. The sludge will be nutrient rich and will require precautionary measures to prevent over application of nutrients or other elements. Your production facility will produce approximately 1030 lbs. of plant available nitrogen per year in the sludge. If you remove sludge every 5 years, you will have approximately 5148 lbs. of PAN to utilize. assuming you apply this PAN to hybrid bermudagrass hayland at the rate of 300 lbs. of nitrogen per acre, you will need 17 acres of land. If you apply the sludge to corn at the rate of 125 lbs. of nitrogen per acre, you will need 41 acres of land. Please be aware that these are only estimates of the PAN and land needed. Actual requirements could vary by 25% depending on your sludge waste analysis, soil types, realistic yields, and application methods. C00lollS0663 Page 5 APPLICATION OF WASTE BY IRRIGATION The irrigation application rate should not exceed the intake rate of the soil at the time of irrigation such that runoff or ponding occurs. This rate is limited by initial soil moisture content, soil structure, soil texture, water droplet size, and organic solids. The application amount should not exceed the available water holding capacity of the soil at the time of irrigation nor should the plant available nitrogen applied exceed the nitrogen needs of the crop. If surface irrigation is the method of land application for this plan, it is the responsibility of the producer and irrigation designer to ensure that an irrigation system is installed to properly irrigate the acres shown in tables. Failure to apply the recommended rates and amounts of nitrogen shown in the table may C'• make this plan invalid. The following table is provided as a guide for establishing application rates and amounts. Applic Applic Tract Field Soil Rate Amount No. No. Type Crop (in/hr) (inches) This is the maximum application amount allowed for the soil assuming the amount of nitrogen allowed for the crop is not over applied. In many situations the application amount shown cannot be applied because of the nitrogen limitation. The maximum application amount shown can be applied under optimum soil conditions. Your facility is designed for 180 days of temporary storage and the temporary storage must be removed on the average of once every 6 months. In no instances should the volume of the waste be stored in your structure be within the 25 year 24 hour storm storage or C00101150664 Page 6 one, foot of freeboard except in the event of the 25 year 24 hour storm. It is the responsibility of the producer and waste applicator to ensure that'the spreader equipment is operated properly to apply the'coriect rates. to the acres shown in the tables. Failure to Apply" the recommended rates and amounts of nitrogen shown in the tables may make this plan ,invalid. Call your technical specialist after you receive the waste analysis report for assistance in determining the amount of waste per acre and the proper application rate prior to applying the waste. - NARRATIVE OF OPERATION Irrigation parameters are listed on table D-1. This WUP was amended o show wettable acres. C00101150665 Page 7 WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN AGREEMENT Name of Farm: .DEXTER EDWARDS FARM Owner/Manager Agreement I (we) understand and will follow and implement the specifications and the operation and maintenance procedures established in the approved animal waste utilization plan for the farm named above. I (we) know that any expansion to the existing design capacity of the waste treatment and storage system or construction of new facilities will recjuire.a new certification to be submitted to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) before the new animals are stocked. I (we) also understand that there must be no discharge of animal waste from this system to the surface waters of the state from a storm event less severe than the 25-year, 24- hour storm. The approved plan will be filed on -site at the farm office and at the office of the local Soil and Water Conservation District and will be available for review by NCDWQ upon request. Name of Facili wne DEXTER EDWARDS (Please prin Signature: Date: 7 Name of Manager(If different from owner): Signature: Date: Name of Person Preparing Plan: Howard Hobson (Please print:) Affiliation: Carroll's Foods, Inc. Phone: 910-293-3434 Address: P O Drawer 856 Warsaw, NC 28398 Signature: c00101150666 Paqe 8 WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS EXHIBIT A-6 NRCS, NC JUNE, 1996 1. Animal waste shall not reach surface waters of the state by runoff,.drift, manmade conveyances, direct application, or direct discharge during operation of land application. Any discharge of waste which reaches surface water is prohibited. 2. There must be documentation in the design folder that the producer either owns or has a notarized agreement for use of adequate land on which to properly.apply the.waste. If the producer does not own adequate land to properly dispose of waste, he/she shall provide a copy of a notarized agreement with a landowner who is within a reasonable proximity, allowing him/her the use of the land for ' waste application. It is the responsibility of the owner of the facility to secure an update of the Waste Utilization Plan when there is a change in the operation, increase in the number of animals, method of utilization, or available land. 3. Animal waste shall be applied to meet, but not exceed, the Nitrogen needs for realistic crop yields based on soil type, available moisture, historical data, climate conditions, and level of management, unless there are regulations that restrict the rate of application for other nutrients. Actual yields may be used in lieu of realistic yield tables at the discretation of the planner. 4. Animal waste shall be applied on land eroding less than 5 tons per acre per year. Waste may be applied to land that is eroding at more than 5 tons but less than 10 tons per acre per year providing grass filter strips are installed where runoff leaves the field. (See FOTG Standard 393-Filter Strips) 5. Odors can be reduced by injecting the waste of disking after waste application. Waste should not be applied when there is danger of drift from the irrigation field. 6. When animal waste is to be applied on acres subject to. -flooding, it will be soil incorporated on conventionally tilled cropland. When applied to conservation tilled crops or grassland, the waste may be broadcast provided the application does not occur during a season prone to flooding. (See "Weather and Climate in North Carolina" for guidance.) 7. Liquid waste shall be applied at rates not to exceed the soil infiltration rate such that runoff does not occur offsite or to surface waters and in a method which does not cause drift from the site during application. No ponding should occur in order to control odor and flies. 8. Animal waste shall not be applied to saturated soils, during rainfall events, or when the surface is frozen. 9. Animal waste should applied to saturated soils, during rainfall events, or when the surface is frozen. 10. Waste nutrients shall not be applied in fall or winter for spring planted crops on soils with a high potential for leaching. Waste nutrient loading rates on these soils should be held to a minimum and a suitable winter cover crop planted to take up released nutrients. Waste shall not be applied more than 30 days prior to planting of a crop or forages breaking dormancy. C00101150667 Page 9 11. Any new swine facility sited on or after October 1, 1995 shall comply with the.followinq: The outer perimeter of the land area 'onto which waste is applied from a lagoon that is a component of a swine farm shall be at least 50 feet from any residential property boundary and. from any perennial stream or river other than an irrigation ditch or canal. Animal waste other than swine waste from facilities sited on or after 10/1/95, shall not be applied closer than 25 feet to surface water. This distance may be reduced for waters that are not perennial pro- vided adequate vegetative filter strips are present (See Standard 393 - Filter Strips). 12. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 100 feet from wells. 13. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 200 feet of dwellings other than those owned by landowner. 14. Waste shall be applied in a manner not to reach other property and public right-of-ways. 15..Animals waste shall not be discharged into surface waters, drainageways or wetlands by a discharge or by over spraying. Animal waste may be applied to prior converted cropland provided it has been approved as a land applications site by a "technical specialist". Animal waste applied on grassed waterways shall be at agronomic rates and in a manner that causes no runoff or drift from the site. 16. Domestic and industrial waste from washdown facilities, showers, toilets, sinks, etc., shall not be discharged into the animal waste management system. 17. A protective cover of appropriate vegetation will be -.established on all disturbed areas (lagoon embankments, berms, -pipe runs, etc.). Areas shll be fenced,=as necessary, to protect the vegetation. Vegetation such as trees, shrubs, and other woody species, etc. are limited to areas where considered appropriate. Lagoon areas should be kept mowed and accessible. Lagoon berms and structures should be inspected regularly for evidence of erosion, leakage, or discharge. 18. If animal production at the facility is terminated, the owner is responsible for obtaining -and implementing a "closure plan" which will eliminate the possibility of an illegal discharge, pollution and erosion. 19. Waste handling structures, piping, pumps, reels, etc., should be inspected on a regular basis to prevent breakdowns, leaks, and spills. A regular maintenance checklist should be kept on site. 20. Animal waste can be used in a rotation that includes vegetables and other crops for direct human consumption. However, if animal waste is used on crops for direct human consumption it should only be applied preplant with no further applications of animal waste during the crop season. 21. Highly visible permanent markers shall be installed to mark the top and bottom elevations of the temporary storage (pumping volume) of all waste treatment lagoons. Pumping shall be managed to maintain the liquid level between the markers. A marker will be required to mark the maximum storage volume for waste storage ponds. 22. Soil tests shall be made every two years and a liquid waste analysis be taken at least twice each year consistent with waste utilization plan. Poultry litter shall be tested prior to application. Soil and waste analysis records shall be kept for five years. 23. Dead animals will be disposed of in a manner that meets North Carolina regulations. C00101150668 Dexter Edwards Dexter Edwards 323 Willard Edwards Rd Beirlaville, NC 28518 Dear Dexter Edwards: Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality July 1, 2007 »=CEIVED JUN 2 6 2007 EY: Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. AWS310261 Dexter Edwards Animal Waste Management System Duplin County In accordance with your application received on 1-Mar-07, we are hereby forwarding to you this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Dexter Edwards, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste management system in accordance with General Permit AWG100000. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the management and land application of animal waste as specified in the facility's Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) for the Dexter Edwards, located in Duplin County, with an animal capacity of no greater thanthe following swine annual averages: Wean to Finish: 0 Feeder to Finish: 2860 Boar/Stud: 0 Wean to Feeder: 0 Farrow to Wean: 0 Gilts: 0 Farrow to Finish: 0 Farrow to Feeder: 0 If this is a Farrow to Wean or Farrow to Feeder operation, there may also be one boar for each 15 sows. Where boars are unneccessary, they may be replaced by an equivalent number of sows. Any of the sows may be replaced by gilts at a rate of 4 gilts for every 3 sows The COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until September 30, 2009 and replaces the NPDES COC issued to this facility with an expiration date of July 1, 2007. You are required to continue conducting annual surveys of sludge accumulation in all lagoons at your facility; the one-year extension in Condition III.19 does not apply. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP, and this COC. An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this facility. Any.increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of animals authorized by this COC (as provided above) will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and must be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. Please carefully read this COC and the enclosed State General Permit. Enclosed for your convenience is a package containing the new and revised forms used for record keeping and reporting. Please Day careful attention to the record keeping and monitoring conditions in this permit. Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Internet: www.ncwaterqualitv.org Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper ?ICarolina Natura!!y Telephone: (919)733-3221 Fax 1: (919) 715-0588 Fax 2: (919) 715-6048 Customer Service: (877) 623-6748 If your Waste Utilization Plan has been developed based on site -specific information, careful evaluation of future samples is necessary. Should your records show that the current Waste Utilization Plan is inaccurate you will need to have a new Waste Utilization Plan developed. The issuance of this COC does not excuse the Permittee from the obligation to comply with all applicable laws, rules;' standards, and ordinances (local, state, and federal), nor does issuance of a COC to operate under this permit convey any property rights in either real or personal property. Upon abandonment or depopulation for a period of four years or more, the Permittee must submit documentation to the Division demonstrating that all current NRCS standards are met prior to restocking of the facility. Per 15A NCAC 02T .0111(c)-a compliance -boundary -is provided for the facility and no new water supply wells shall be constructed within the compliance boundary. Per NRCS standards a 100-foot separation shall be maintained between water supply wells and any lagoon, storage pond, or any wetted area of a spray field. Per 15A NCAC 02T .1306, any containment basin, such as a lagoon or waste storage structure, shall continue to be subject to the conditions and requirements of the facility's permit until closed to NRCS standards and the permit is rescinded by the Division. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143- 215.6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. If you wish to continue the activity permitted under the General Permit after the expiration date of the General Permit, an application for renewal must be filed at least 180 days prior to expiration. This COC is not automatically transferable. A name/ownership change application must be submitted to the Division prior to a name change or change in ownership. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual permit by contacting the staff member listed below for information on this process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding. This facility is located in a county covered by our Wilmington Regional Office. The Regional Office Aquifer Protection staff may be reached at 910-395-3900. If you need additional information concerning this COC or the General Permit, please contact the Animal Feeding Operations Unit staff at (919) 733- 3221. Sincerely, — /7�rozr_ for Coleen H.Sullins Enclosures (General Permit AWG100000, Record Keeping and Reporting Package) cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all cc's) Duplin County Health Department Duplin County Soil and Water Conservation District Wilmington Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section AFO Unit Central Files Permit File AWS310261 11/24/2006 FRI 14:32 ENE%E1 12001 *** T% REPORT *** 1 JOB NO. 0267 # x4 ST. TIME 11/24 14: 25� PGS. 13 SEND DOCUMENT NAME TX/RR INCOMPLETE ----- TRANSACTION OE ----- ERROR 19103502004 Murphy Brown >on j}* GA�if<- 6-14 DOM Zz o F". Rio- Ira Number of pages, including cover sheet: p 0/f Is (� el 4 (' /- /-�7 -7/- 2yy PLAN OF ACTION(Poa) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES Facility Number. 31-261 County: Duplin Facility Name: Dexter Edwards Farm Certified Operator Name: Dexter Edwards Operator Number. 16364 1. Current liquid level(s) in inches as measured from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the lowest point on the top of the dam for lagoons without spillways; and from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the bottom of the spillway for lagoons with spillways. Lagoon 1 Lagoon 2 Lagoon 3 Lagoon 4 Lagoon 5 Lagoon Name/ID: 1 Spillway(Y or N): N Level(inches): 16 2. Check all applicable items Liquid level is within the designed structural freeboard elevations of one or more structures. Five and 30 day Plans of Action are attached. Hydraulic and agronomic balances are within acceptable ranges. X Liquid level is within the 25 year 24 hour storm elevations for one or more structures. A 30 day Plan of Action is attached. Agronomic balance is within acceptable range. Waste is to be pumped and hauled to off site locations. Bolume and PAN content of waste to be pumped and hauled is reflected in section III tables. Included within this plan is a list of the proposed sites with related facility numbers, number of acres and receiving crop information. Contact and secure approval from the DWQ prior to transfer of waste to a site not covered in the facility's CAWMP. Operation will be partially or fully depopulated. 'Attach a complete schedule with corresponding animal units and dates fro depopulation 'if animals are to be moved to another permitted facility, provide facility number, lagoon freeboard levels and herd population for the receiving facility 3. Earliest possible date to begin land application of waste: 11/26/2006 I hereby certify that 1 have reviewed the information listed above and included within the attached Plan of Action, and to the best of my knowledge and ability, the information Is accurate and correct Dexter Edwards Phone: 910-298-3012 zrality O ner/Manager (print) w Date: 11/24/2006 Facili Owner/Manager (signature) 1 1 ,. �� � _.. 1 1 3 ' ! �N i e. p, _ �� PLAN OF ACTION (PoA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD I. TOTAL PAN TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure Name/ldentifier (ID): 1 Dexter Edwards 2. Current liquid volume in 25 yr./24 hr. storm storage & structural freeboard a. current liquid level according to marker 16.0 inches b. designed 25 yr./24 hr. storm & structural freeboard 19.0 inches c. line b - line a (inches in red zone) = 3.0 inches d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below structural freeboard elevation) 71706 fe e. line ell x line d x 7.48 gallons/ft' 134090 gallons 3. Projected volume of waste liquid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design 180 days g. volume of waste produced according to structural design 94288.2 ft3 h. current herd # F---2-86-01 certified herd # 2860 actual waste produced = current herd # x line g = certified herd # i. volume of wash water according to structural design j. excess rainfall over evaporation according to design k. (lines h + i + j) x 7.48 x 30 daysAine f= 4. Total PAN to be land applied during draw down period I. current waste analysis dated 1 11/4/2006 m. ((lines e + k)/1000) x line I = REPEAT SECTION I FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SITE. (Click on the next Structure tab shown below) 94288 it' 0113 43604.2 ft3 171906 gallons 1.50 Ibs11000 gal. 459.0 lbs. PAN PoA (30 Day) 2/21100 I 11. TOTAL POUNDS OF PAN STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD AND/OR 25 YRJ24 HR. STORM STORAGE ELEVATIONS IN ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1. Structure ID: Dexter Edwards line m = 459.0 lb PAN 2. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 3. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 4. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 5. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 6. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN n.lines I+2+3+4+5+5= 459.OlbPAN III. TOTAL PAN BALANCE REMAINING FOR AVAILABLE CROPS DURING 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD. DO NOT LIST FIELDS TO WHICH PAN CANNOT BE APPLIED DURING THIS 30 DAY PERIOD. o. tract # p. field # q. crop r. acres a. remaining IRR t TOTAL PAN u. application window' - 2 PAN balance BALANCE FOR (lWacre) FIELD (lbs.) 1column rxa ALL I ALL Small Grain 29.801 45.001 1341.0 State current crop ending aoDlication date or next croD awlication beoinnino date for available receiving crops during 30 day draw down period. v. Total PAN available for all flelds (sum of column t) = 1341.0 lb. PAN IV. FACILIT)rS PoA OVERALL PAN BALANCE w. Total PAN to be land applied (line n from section 11) = 459.0 lb. PAN PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 x. Crop's remaining PAN balance (line v from section 111) = 1341.0 lb. PAN y. Overall PAN balance (w - x) _ -982 lb. PAN Line y must show as a deficit If line y does not show as a deficit, list course of action here including pump and haul, depopulation, herd reduction, etc. For pump 8 haul and herd reduction options, recalculate new PAN based on new information. If new fields are to be included as an option for lowering lagoon level, add these fields to the PAN balance table and recalculate the overall PAN balance. If animal waste is to be hauled to another permitted facility, provide information regarding the herd population and lagoon freeboard levels at the NARRATIVE: Irrigation onto existing spray fields will continue as weather and field conditions permit Additional land is available for pumping if needed. PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 S�o9W ANIMAL FACILPTY ANNUAL CERTIFICATION FORM Certificate of Coverage or Permit Number A CA .2114 6 / County A 01 aN Year 200 9 Facility Name (as shown on Certificate of Coverage or Operator in Charge for this Facility no xT tr G�ww Certification Land lication of animal waste as allowed by the above permit occurred during the past calendar year Land NO. If NO, skip Part I and Part Hand proceed to the certification. Also, if animal waste was generated but not land applied, please attach an explanation on how the animal waste was handled. Part I : Facility Information: 1. Total number of application Fields 0 or Pulls ❑ (please check the appropriate box) in the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan. (CAWMP): Total Useable Acres approved in the CAWMP 2. Total number of Fields ❑ or Pulls Pe(please check the appropriate box) on which land application occurred during the year: 9 Total Acres on which waste was applied Z % #' 3. Total pounds of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) applied during the year for all.application sites: gryz, JP-0 4. Total pounds of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) allowed to be land applied annually by the CAWMP and the permit: 5. Estimated amount of total manure, litter and process wastewater sold or given to other persons and taken off site during the year tons ❑ or gallons ❑ (please check the appropriate box) 6. Annual average number of animals by type at this facility during the previous year. 1 rin o 7. Largest and smallest number of animals by type at this facility at any one time during the previous year: Largest , 49 (These numbers are for informational purposes only since the only permit limit on the number of animals at the facility is the annual average numbers) _ 8. Facility's Integrator if applicable: /✓Iu! Q& X - fir•# Part II: Facility Status: IF THE ANSWER TO ANY STATEMENT BELOW IS "NO", PLEASE PROVIDE A VJRITI'EN DESCRIPTION AS TO WHY THE FACILITY WAS NOT COMPLIANT, THE DATES OF ANY NON COMPLIANCE, AND EXPLAIN CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN OR PROPOSED TO BE TAKEN TO BRING THIS FACILITY BACK INTO COMPLIANCE. 1. Only animal waste generated L'3 Applied to the permitted sites during "Yes ❑ No the past calendar year. MAR 0 2 2007 AFACF 3-14-03 $v — 2. The facility was operated in such a way that there was no direct runoff of waste from L Yes ❑ No the facility (including the houses, lagoons/storage ponds and the application sites) during the past calendar year. 3. There was no discharge of waste to surface water from this facility during the past eYes [ calendar year. // 4. There was no freeboard violation in any lagoons or storage ponds at this facility during El Yes L�'No the past calendar year. ,Z j-y.. , 2 y A,% S940 rM PPA- f /.,/ w, A6 0 WiT 5. There was no PAN application to any fields or crops at this facility greater than the ❑ Yes ❑ No levels specified in this facility's CAWW during the past calendar year. 6. All land application equipment was calibrated at least once during the past calendar year. R Yes ❑ No 7. Sludge accumulation in all lagoons did not exceed the volume for which the lagoon 17"Yes ❑ No was designed or reduce the lagoon's minimum treatment volume to less than the volume for which the lagoon was designed. 8. A copy of the Annual Sludge Survey Form for this facility is attached to this Certification. [Yes ❑ No 9. Annual soils analysis were performed on each field receiving animal waste during the past calendar year. 10. Soil pH was maintained as specified in the permit during the past calendar Year? I I . All,required monitoring and reporting was performed in accordance with the facility's permit during the past calendar year. 12. All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with'during the past calendar year or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality. 13. Crops as specified in the CAWW were maintained during the past calendar year on all sites receiving animal waste and the crops grown were removed in accordance with the facility's permit. 14. All buffer requirements as specified on the permit and the CAWW for this facility were maintained during each application of animal waste during the past calendar year. D'Yes []No KYes ❑ No C? Yes ❑ No Cl"Yes ❑ No Yes ❑ No KYes ❑ No "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Permittee -- (%wH -e r— a nd Title (type or print) ;I�e- V L ,7c o ignature of Permittee ate Signature of Operator in Charge (if different from Pennittee) • e AFACF 3-14-03 2 Date 09Y,06/2006 WED 15:46 FAX 9102933138 WRLNNI DWQ Wilmington PLAN OF ACTION(Poa1,11 HIGH FREEBOARU-AT ANIMAL FACILITIES Facility Number: 31-261 ' , County: Duplin Facility Name: Dexter Edwards Farm Certified Operator Name: Dexter Edwards Operator Number: 16364 1. Current liquid level(s) in inches as measured from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the lowest point on the top of the dam for lagoons without spillways; and from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the bottom of the spillway for lagoons with spillways. Lagoon 1 Lagoon 2 Lagoon 3 Lagoon 4 Lagoon 5 Lagoon Name/ID: 1 Spillway(Y or N): N Level(inches): 16 2. Check all applicable items Liquid level is within the designed structural freeboard elevations of one or more structures. Five and 30 day Plans of Action are attached. Hydraulic and agronomic balances are within acceptable ranges. X Liquid level is within the 25 year 24 hour storm elevations for one or more structures. A 30 day Plan of Action is attached. Agronomic balance is within acceptable range. Waste is to be pumped and hauled to off site locations. Bolume and PAN content of waste to be pumped and hauled is reflected in section III tables. Included within this plan is a list of the proposed sites with related facility numbers, number of acres and receiving crop information. Contact and secure approval from the DWQ prior to transfer of waste to a site not covered in the facility's CAWMP. Operation will be partially or fully depopulated. 'Attach a complete schedule with corresponding animal units and dates fro depopulation 'if animals are to be moved to another permitted facility, provide facility number, lagoon freeboard levels and herd population for the receiving facility 3. Earliest possible date to begin land application of waste: 9f7/2006 I hereby certify that I have reviewed the information listed above and included within the attached Plan of Action, and to the best of my knowledge and ability, the information is accurate and correct. Dexter Edwards Phone: 910-296-3768 Facility Owner/Manager (print) ��� .,�F,������ �r ��c16� Date: 9/6/2006 Facility Owner anager (signature) Q 002/013 1� C 09i46/2006 WED 15:46 FAX 9102933138 WRLNM1 ... DWQ Wilmington Q 003/013 11. TOTAL POUNDS OF PAN STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD AND/OR 25 YR./24 HR. STORM STORAGE ELEVATIONS IN ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1. Structure ID: Dexter Edwards line m = 581.4 lb PAN 2, Structure ID: line m = Ib PAN 3. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 4. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 5. Structure ID: line In = lb PAN 6. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN n.lines 1+2+3+4+5+6= 581.4lbPAN III. TOTAL PAN BALANCE REMAINING FOR AVAILABLE CROPS DURING 30 DAY DRAW DOWN 1 eeu rAKIA1nT RP APPI IFn nI 1RINr. THIS 30 DAY PERIOD. 'State current crop ending application date or next crop application Deginnuig Deis wI receiving crops during 30 day draw down period. v. Total PAN available for all fields (sum of column t) = 1490.0 lb. PAN IV. FACILITY'S PoA OVERALL PAN BALANCE w. Total PAN to be land applied (line n from section II) = 581.4 lb. PAN PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 09/06/2006 WED 15:46 FAX 9102933138 WRLNM1 --» DWQ Wilmington 9 004/013 x. Crop's remaining PAN balance (line v from section III) _ y. Overall PAN balance (w - x) _ 1490.0 lb. PAN -909 lb. PAN y must show as a deficit. If line y does not show as a deficit, list course of action here including pump and depopulation, herd reduction, etc. For pump & haul and herd reduction options, recalculate new PAN d on new information. If new fields are to be included as an option for lowering lagoon level, add these to the PAN balance table and recalculate the overall PAN balance. If animal waste is to be hauled to ier permitted facility, provide information regarding the herd population and lagoon freeboard levels at the onto existing spray fields will continue as weather and field conditions permit. Additional for pumping if needed. PoA (30 Day) 2/21100 09/06/2006 WED 15:46 FAX 9102933138 WRINM1 ... DWp Wilmington 16005/013 PLAN OF ACTION (PoA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD I. TOTAL PAN TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure Name/Identifier (ID): I Dexter Edwards 2. Current liquid volume in 25 yr./24 hr. storm storage & structural freeboard a. current liquid level according to marker b. designed 25 yr./24 hr. storm & structural freeboard c. line b - line a (inches in red zone) = d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below structural freeboard elevation) e. line c/12 x line d x 7.48 gallons/ft3 3. Projected volume of waste liquid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design 16.0 inches 19.0 inches 3.0 inches 71706 It2 134090 gallons 180 days g. volume of waste produced according to structural design 94288.2 it, h. current herd # F--2-8-6-01 certified herd # 2860 actual waste produced = current herd # x line g = certified herd # i. volume of wash water according to structural design j. excess rainfall over evaporation according to design k. (lines h + i + j) x 7.48 x 30 days/line f= 4. Total PAN to be land applied during draw down period I. current waste analysis dated 1 8/7/2006 m. ((lines e + k)/1000) x line I = REPEAT SECTION I FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SITE. (Click on the next Structure tab shown below) PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 94288 fl3 ft3 43604.2 ft3 171906 gallons 1.90 I Ibs/1000 gal. 581.4 tbs. PAN tz PLAN OF ACTION(Poa) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES DECEIVE Facility Number: 31=261" County: Duplin ( OCT i 3 ZOOS (Lilt: ---- Facility Name: Dexter Edwards Farm Certified Operator Name: Dexter Edwards Operator Number: 16364 1. Current liquid level(s) in inches as measured from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the lowest point on the top of the dam for lagoons without spillways; and from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the bottom of the spillway for lagoons with spillways. Lagoon Name/ID: Spillway(Y or N): Level(inches): Lagoon 1 Lagoon 2 Lagoon 3 Lagoon 4 Lagoon 5 18 2. Check all applicable items Liquid level is within the designed structural freeboard elevations of one or more structures. Five and 30 day Plans of Action are attached. Hydraulic and agronomic balances are within acceptable ranges. X Liquid level is within the 25 year 24 hour storm elevations for one or more structures. A 30 day Plan of Action is attached. Agronomic balance is within acceptable range. Waste is to be pumped and hauled to off site locations. Bolume and PAN content of waste to be pumped and hauled is reflected in section III tables. Included within this plan is a list of the proposed sites with related facility numbers, number of acres and receiving crop information. Contact and secure approval from the DWQ prior to transfer of waste to a site not covered in the facility's CAWMP. Operation will be partially or fully depopulated. `Attach a complete schedule with corresponding animal units and dates fro depopulation 'if animals are to be moved to another permitted facility, provide facility number, lagoon freeboard levels and herd population for the receiving facility 3. Earliest possible date to begin land application of waste: 10/13/2005 I hereby certify that I have reviewed the information listed above and included within the attached Plan of Action, and to the best of my knowledge and ability, the information is accurate and correct. Dexter Edwards Phone: 910-296-3768 Facility Owner/ ger (print) Date: 10/11/2005 Facility Owner/Manager (signature) u II. TOTAL POUNDS OF PAN STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD AND/OR 25 YR./24 HR. STORM STORAGE ELEVATIONS IN ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1. Structure ID: Dexter Edwards line m = 346.6 lb PAN 2. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 3. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 4. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 5. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 6. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN n.lines 1+2+3+4+5+6= 346.6lbPAN III. TOTAL PAN BALANCE REMAINING FOR AVAILABLE CROPS DURING 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PFRIOn n0 NOT I IST FIELDS TO WHICH PAN CANNOT BE APPLIED DURING THIS 30 DAY PERIOD. �� • :1 1 11 ••1 1 •. •. 'State current crop ending application date or next crop application beginning date for available receiving crops during 30 day draw down period. v. Total PAN available for all fields (sum of column t) = 1490.0 lb. PAN IV. FACILITY'S PoA OVERALL PAN BALANCE w. Total PAN to be land applied (line n from section II) = 346.6 lb. PAN PoA (30 Day) 2/21 /00 x. Crop's remaining PAN balance (line v from section III) = 1490.0 lb. PAN y. Overall PAN balance (w - x) _ -1143 lb. PAN y must show as a deficit. If line y does not show as a deficit, list course of action here including pump and depopulation, herd reduction, etc. For pump & haul and herd reduction options, recalculate new PAN d on new information. If new fields are to be included as an option for lowering lagoon level, add these to the PAN balance table and recalculate the overall PAN balance. If animal waste is to be hauled to ier permitted facility, provide information regarding the herd population and lagoon freeboard levels at the onto existing spray fields will continue as weather and field conditions permit. available for pumping if needed. PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 G PLAN OF ACTION (PoA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD I. TOTAL PAN TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure Name/Identifier (ID): IDexter Edwards 2. Current liquid volume in 25 yr./24 hr. storm storage & structural freeboard a. current liquid level according to marker b. designed 25 yr./24 hr. storm & structural freeboard c. line b - line a (inches in red zone) _ d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below structural freeboard elevation) e. line c/12 x line d x 7.48 gallons/ft3 3. Projected volume of waste liquid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design 18.0 inches 19.0 inches 1.0 inches 71706 ftZ 44697 gallons 180 days g. volume of waste produced according to structural design 94288.2 ft3 h. current herd # 2860 certified herd # 2860 actual waste produced = current herd # x line g = certified herd # i. volume of wash water according to structural design j. excess rainfall over evaporation according to design k. (lines h + i +j) x 7.48 x 30 days/line f= 4. Total PAN to be land applied during draw down period I. current waste analysis dated 1 08/09/2005 m. ((lines e + k)/1000) x line I = REPEAT. SECTION I FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SITE. (Click on the next Structure tab shown below) 94288 ft' Oft, 43604.2 ft3 171906 gallons 1.60 Ibs/1000 gal. 346.6 Ibs. PAN PoA (30 Day) 2/21 /00 0/12/2005 WED 5:11 FAX 1ih001/002 Cq-uf0 From To Chester Cobb 19103502004 Comment M',ssPI-CIZ 10/t2/2005 IVED 5:11 FAX Q002/002 PLAN OF ACTION(Poa) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES Facility Number: 31-261 County: Duplin Facility Name Dexter Edwards Farm Certified Operator Name: Dexter Edwards Operator Number: 16364 1. Current liquid level(s) in inches as measured from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the lowest point on the top of the dam for lagoons without spillways, and from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the bottom of the spillway for lagoons with spillways. Lagoon Name/ID: Spillway(Y or N): Level(inches): Lagoon 1 Lagoon 2 Lagoon 3 Lagoon 4 Lagoon 5 N 2. Check all applicable items Liquid level is within the designed structural freeboard elevations of one or more structures. Five and 30 day Plans of Action are attached. Hydraulic and agronomic balances are within acceptable ranges. X Liquid level is within the 25 year 24 hour storm elevations for one or more structures. A 30 day Plan of Action is attached. Agronomic balance is within acceptable range. Waste is to be pumped and hauled to off site locations. Bolume and PAN content of waste to be pumped and hauled is reflected in section III tables. Included within this plan is a list of the proposed sites with related facility numbers, number of acres and receiving crop information. Contact and secure approval from the DWQ prior to transfer of waste to a site not covered in the facility s CAW MP. Operation will be partially or fully depopulated. 'Attach a complete schedule with corresponding animal units and dates fro depopulation `if animals are to be moved to another permitted facility, provide facility number, lagoon freeboard levels and herd population for the receiving facility 3. Earliest possible date to begin land application of waste: 10/1312006 I hereby certify that I have reviewed the information listed above and included within the attached Plan of Action, and to the best of my knowledge and ability, the information is accurate and correct. Dexter Edwards Facility Owner/Manager (print) Phone: 910-296-3768 Date: 10/11 /2005 Facility Owner/Manager (signature) ANIMAL FACILITY ANNUAL CERTIFICATION FORM Certificate of Coverage or Permit Number &(A a 3116 I County p k� I ;n Year 200_q Facility Name (as shown on Certificate of Coverage or Permit) Dxi-c r Ed �.lur& Operator in Charge for this Facilityayxkkr jFc(vJurds Certification n Land a ication of animal waste as allowed by the above permit occurred during the past calendar year �generated but not lland appliIf ed, please attach aI and n explana exp11 and lanation how the animal certification.eed to the Also Awas'handled. wit` Part I : Facility Information: 1. Total number of application Fields ❑ or Pulls G} 6ease check the appropriate box) in the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP): q Total Useable Acres approved in the CAWMP A.9 2. Total number of Fields ❑ or Pulls Lk (please check the appropriate box) . on which land application occurred during the year: 9 Total Acres on which waste was applied _ a 9. 75 3. Total pounds of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) applied during the year for all application sites: I R 85� 4. Total pounds of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) allowed to be land applied annually by the CAWMP and the permit % S 7 P 5. Estimated amount of total manure, litter and process wastewater sold or given to other persons and taken off site during the year. /VonC tons ❑ or gallons -El (please check the appropriate box) 6. Annual average number of animals by type at this facility during the previous year: 7. Largest and smallest number of animals by type at this facility at anyone time during the previous year. Largest 078do Smallest ('These numbers are for informational purposes only since the only permit limit on the number of animals at the facility is the annual average numbers) 8. Facility's Integrator if applicable: /liurehj( rows L.L(r Part IT: Facility Status: IF THE ANSWER TO ANY STATE-Ml NN BELOW IS "NC", PLEASE PROVIDE A WRITTEN DESCRIPTION AS TO WHY THE FACILITY WAS NOT COMPLIANT, THE DATES OF ANY NON COMPLIANCE, AND EXPL AJN CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN OR PROPOSED TO BE TAKEN TO BRING THIS FACILITY BACK INTO CONIPLIANCE. Only animal waste generated at his facility was applied to the pe gDi1jeang Ly�'es ❑ No the past calendar year. P+ µAR 0 1 2004 . A 2. The facility was operated in such a way that there was no direct runoff of waste from the facility (including the houses, lagoons/storage R Yes O No t' ponds and the application sites) during the past calendar year. IThere was no discharge of waste to surface water from this facility during the past / L'7 Yes ❑ No calendar year. 4. There was no freeboard violation in any lagoons or storage ponds at this facility during fYes ❑ No the past calendar year. 5. There was no PAN application to any fields or crops at this facility greater than the L`IYes ❑ No levels specified in this facility's CAVMP during the past calendar year. 6. All land application equipment was calibrated at least once during the past calendar year. Fqqw V�C,4 ul:b« w;11 be cont71�let by 4-74b4 O Yes 7. Sludge accumulation in all lagoons did not exceed the volume for which the lagoon designed ❑ Yes ❑ No� was or reduce the lagoon's minimum treatment volume to less than the volume for which the lagoon was designed.4 S1Nd� 5 , a,� w:11 be c•Mpickd 6y 4-2'f-Ot 8. A copy of the Annual Sludge Survey Form for this facility is attached to this Certification. O Yes 9. Annual soils analysis were performed on each field receiving animal waste during the past calendar year. 10. Soil pH was maintained as specified in the permit during the past calendar Year? 11. All required monitoring and reporting was performed in accordance with the facility's permit during the past calendar year. Cr Yes O No /i- O No - C'Yes O No 91-es ❑ No 12. All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with during L7 Yes ❑ No the past calendar year or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality. 13. Crops as specified in the CAWMP were maintained during thq past calendar year on all L7 Yes ❑ No sites receiving animal waste and the crops grown were removed in accordance with the facility's permit. 14. All buffer requirements as specified on the permit and the CAWMP for this facility were lid Yes ❑ No maintained during each application of animal waste during the past calendar year. `.`I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage.the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibilityof fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." or print different from Pernuttee) Date ANIMAL FACILITY ANNUAL CERTIFICATION FORM Certificate of coverage or Permit Number I k A,231 �. 6 / County Year 200 Facility Name (as shown on Certificate of Coverage or Permit) L�•xd cr Ed �J4rds Operator in Charge for this Facility. 1�Ciler FAviards Certification 1 le 3 Land a ication of animal waste as allowed by the above permit occurred during the past calendar year _ YES NO. If NO, skip Part I and Part H and proceed to the certification AIa] if animal waste was generated but not land applied, please attach an explanation on how the animal waste was handled. PartI : Facility Information• 1. Total number of application Fields ❑ or Pulls Q/lease check the appropriate box) in the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP)- Total Useable Acres approved in the CAWMp 2. Total number of Fields ❑ or Pulls D'(please check the appropriate box) . on which land application occurred during the year. 9 Total Acres on which waste was applied _ a 9. 7S 3- Total unds fPlan po o t Avaziable Nitrogen (PAN) applied during the year for all application sites: L� I R 85a. 4_ Total pounds of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAIN) allowed to be land applied annually by the CAWI� and the permit: (9S 7 8 5. Estimated amount of total manure, litter and process wastewater sold or given to other persons and taken off site during the year A font tons ❑ or gallons ❑ (please check the appropriate box) 6. AnnuaI average number of animals by type at this facility during the previous year. .,_- 7. Largest and smallest number of animals by type at this facility at anyone time during the previous year. Largest_ ;330 Smallest 2 p 1 n . (These numbers are for informational purposes only since the only permit limit on the number of animals at the facility is the annual average numbers) S. Facility's Integrator if applicable: _ iV urg), grown LLG Part IT: Facility Status: IF THE ANSWER TO ANY STATEMENT BELOW IS ?i0", PLEASE PROVIDE A WRITTEN DESCRIPTION AS TO WHY THE FACILITY WAS NOT CONiPLLUNT, THE DATES OF ANY NON CONIPLIANCE, AND E)TLA-Rq CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN OR PROPOSED TO BE TAKEN TO BRING THIS FACILITY BACK INTO CONIPLLarNCE. Only animal waste generated at -his facility •.vas applied to the permrttee site thine I the past calendar year. _ A 4a , < g s Ne 2. The facility was operated in such a way that there was no direct runoff of waste from the facility (including the houses, lagoons/storage ponds and the application sites) during 2/yes ❑ No t the past calendar year. 3. There was no discharge of waste to surface water from this facility during the past � / Yes ❑ No Y L5 calendar year. 4. There was no freeboard violation in any lagoons or storage ponds at this facility during (Yes ❑ No the past calendar year. 5. There was no PAN application to any fields or crops at this facility greater than the C`I Yes ❑ No levels specified in this facility's CAWMP during the past calendar year. . 6. All land application equipment was calibrated at least once during the past calendar year. E%q yve.,Ar c..t:bc,.hvn will be c.,...pi<kd b `t-zy"b4 0 Yes 7. Sludge accumulatiod ' all lagoons did not exceed the volume fVwhich the lagoon was designed 0 Yes ❑ No I/1 or reduce the lagoon's -minimum treatment volume to less than the volume for which the lagoon was designed.4 5j .etZL s u,,j ,' -j:it be- c-jotted 61 q- zYvy 8. A copy of the Annual Sludge Survey Form for this facility is attached to this Certification. ❑ Yes ❑ No 9. Annual soils analysis were performed on each field receiving animal waste during the -A C3 Yes ❑ No - past calendar year. . 10. Soil pH was maintained as specified in the permit during the past calendar Year? BlYes ❑ No 11. All required monitoring and reporting was performed in accordance with the facility's permit during the past calendar year. 21-es ❑ No 12. All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with during the past calendar year or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received � � L7 Yes ❑ No from the Division of Water Quality. 13. Crops as specified in the CAWlviP were maintained during the past calendar year on all R Yes ❑ No sites receiving animal waste and the crops grown were removed in accordance with the facility's permit 14. All buffer requirements as specified on the permit and the CAWMP for this facility were U'Yes ❑ No maintained during each application of animal waste during the past calendar year. "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my4nquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." or �Z it , different from Permittee; 2- Date If your Waste Utilization Plan has been developed based on site specific information, careful evaluation of future samples is necessary. Should your records show that the current Waste Utilization Plan is inaccurate you will need to have a new Waste Utilization Plan developed. The issuance of this COC does not excuse the Permittee from the obligation to comply with all applicable laws, rules, standards, and ordinances (local, state, and federal), nor does issuance of a COC to operate under this permit convey any property rights in either real or personal property. Upon abandonment or depopulation for a period of four years or more, the Permittee must submit documentation to the Division demonstrating that all current NRCS standards are met prior to restocking of the facility. Per 15A NCAC 2H .0225(c) a compliance boundary is provided for the facility and no new water supply wells shall be constructed within the compliance boundary. Per NRCS standards a 100 foot separation shall be maintained between water supply wells and any lagoon or any wetted area of a spray field. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143- 215.6A through 143-215.6C, the Clean Water Act and 40 CFR 122.41 including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. If you wish to continue the activity permitted under the General Permit after- expiration date_ of the General Permit, an application for renewal must be filed at least 180 days prior to expiration. This COC is not automatically transferable. A name/ownership change application must be submitted to the Division prior to a name change or change in ownership. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual NPDES Permit by contacting the staff member listed below for information on this process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding. This facility is located in a county covered by our Wilmington Regional Office. The Regional Office Water Quality Staff may be reached at (910) 395-3900. If you need additional information concerning this COC or the General Permit, please contact Sue Homewood at (919) 733-5083 ext. 502. Sincerely, for Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Enclosures (General Permit NCA200000, Record Keeping and Reporting Package) cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all cc's) Duplin County Health Department Wilmington Regional Office, Water Quality Section Duplin County Soil and Water Conservation District Permit File NCA231261 Permit File AW S310261 NDPU Files OF VdATE9 + �. Michael F. Easley, Governor 0 William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and NaturalResources j r Alan W. Klimek, P. E., Director ~ Division of Water Quality April 9, 2003 Dexter Edwards Dexter Edwards 323 Willard Edwards Road Beulaville NC 28518 Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. NCA231261 Dexter Edwards Swine Waste Collection, Treatment, Storage and Application System Duplin County Dear Dexter Edwards: On March 14, 2003, the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (Division) issued an NPDES General -.Permit for swine facilities. The General Permit was issued to enable swine facilities in North Carolina to obtain coverage under a single permit that addresses both State and Federal requirements. In accordance with your application received on February 20, 2003, we are hereby forwarding to you this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Dexter Edwards, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste collection, treatment, storage and land application system in accordance with NPDES General Permit NCA200000. The issuance of this COC supercedes and terminates your COC Number AWS310261 to operate under State Non -Discharge Permit AWG100000. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the management of animal waste from the Dexter Edwards, located in DuplinCounty, with an animal capacity of no greater than an annual average of 2860 Feeder to Finish swine and the application to land as specified in the facility's Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP). If this is a Farrow to Wean or Farrow to Feeder operation, there may also be one boar for each 15 sows. Where boars are unneccessary, they may be replaced by an equivalent number of sows. Any of the sows may be replaced by gilts at a rate of 4 gilts for every 3 sows The COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until July 1, 2007. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as --- specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP, and this COC. An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this facility. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of animals authorized by this COC (as provided above) will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and must be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. Please carefully read this COC and the enclosed General Permit. Since this is a new joint State and Federal general permit it contains many new requirements in addition to most of the conditions contained in the current State general permit Enclosed for your convenience is a package containing the new and revised forms used for record keeping and reporting. Please pay careful attention to the record keening and monitoring conditions in this permit. The Devices to Automaticallv Stop Irrigation Events Form must be returned to the Division of Water Quality no later than 120 days following receipt of the Certificate of Coverage. The Animal Facility Annual Certification Form must be completed and returned to the Division of Water Quality by no later than March 1st of each year. Non -Discharge Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Customer Service Center An Equal opportunity Action Employer Internet httpJ/h2o.enr.state.nc.ustndpu Telephone (919) 733-5083 Fax (919)715-6048 Telephone 1 800 623-7748 50 % recycled/10% post -consumer paper COPY OfFic,F— WETTABLE ACRE PLAN DEXTER EDWARDS FARM TYPE FARM---- 2860 FEED -FINISH COUNTY--------- DUPLIN DATE -------------- 8/30/99 C00101150652 i ! CAUTION -A ! THE ATTACHED WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN IS TO BE FOLLOWED. IF CHANGES ARE TO BE MADE IN CROPS, FIELDS, ACRES, IRRIGATION, TRACTS, ETC., THIS WUP IS TO BE REVISED OR AMENDED BEFORE ANY CHANGE IS MADE. ANY DEVIATION IN THE PLAN AND WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE FIELD MAY RESULT IN NON-COMPLIANCE. coolollso653 = No m1mim?mm :1 .I DEXTER EDWARDS FARM DUPLIN COUNTY FIELD ACRES la 4.48 lb 2.54 3a 1.76 3b 3.25 3c 3.38 3d 5.29 4a 1.72 4b 3.48 4c 3.85 C00IO1150654 PREPARED BY:Carrcll's Foods, Inc. DATE:O8/30199 TIME:09:39:22 AM PAGER CERTIFIED ANIMAL WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN WETTABLE ACRES WORKSHEET Farm Name: Facility Number: Manager or Producer D/max rse F�wARAs Phone # (2io) Technical Specialist: lZvl ,,_ Phone # (916 1 z93-3�34- Facility Contact: Eb1A14eD5 Phone # (__ 2 Mailing Address: )> - 3, l3cm 1 z6 .BEAuLA✓/LLE. N. C. Was farm sited for animals prior to 1011195: es No If No, date farm sited for animals: Irrigation System Type (Check all that apply) Stationary sprinkler with permanent pipe Stationary sprinkler with portable pipe Stationary gun with permanent pipe Stationary gun with portable pipe Center -pivot system Linear -move system Hose drag traveler Acres calculated should correspond to that shown in the Waste Utilization Plan and Form IRR-2. To the best of my knowledge, this worksheet(s) and map(s) provides an accurate representation of the system used to irrigate the animal waste generated by this operation. f3 / 30 /y9 elilure (Manager or Producer) Date Co0101150655 CAWMP Wm ble A=e Traveling Gun Field Du shot 220/99 Hard Hose Traveling Gun System FIELD DATA SHEET * 1. Make and model number 4� bs M cl' / /D30 2. Hose length %L o [feet] and hose inside diameter (ID)_3_[inch) 3. Gun make and model number /So /J� (s- . 9 w�� 4. Gun nozzle size [inch], ✓ ring orifice, taper bore orifice. 5. Gun arc angle -!3!2 0— [degrees] 6. Travel lane spacing 7zo [feet]. Indicate whether ✓uniform random. Number of exterior hydrants 7 Number of interior hydrants 3 7. Gun wetted diameter -cn [feet]. measured, ✓ based on gun chart. (90 0 ) 8. Gun pressure [psi]. observed at working gauge, ✓ determined from gun charts, calculated (show calculations) * *9. Operating pressure at hose reel 8 (psil observed at working gauge, ,/ provided by owner. * * 10. Supply line size (o [inch] (from pump to last hydrant). **11. Supply line length jS3m feet (maximum pumping distance). ** 12. Supply line type ✓ PVC, aluminum. ** 13. Pump make and model number Tt-klw B3748M * * 14. Pum�ty, [gpm]. * * 15. Engine make and model number T L Y-o3cW or ** 16. Electric motor horsepower and rpm [hp] — [rpm] Note: It is strongly recommended that operating pressure at the reel and gun wetted diameter be field determined. * Locate each hydrant on a copy of the map. Indicate the start and stop of the sprinkler cart for each travel lane and show distance traveled. Show the location of the supply line. Irrigated acres will be determined by travel lane * * Optional data, furnish where possible. ** ormation furnished by and/or Si Ela a of Owner or Facility Representative Signature of Technical Specialist Gr �J) � [✓h.r/r.�-s f' !t/�92/� L. �oBSON _ Print^V ame of Owner or Facility Representative Printed name of Technical Specialist Date Date 8130:99 *** Only the person or persons collecting the data should sign the data sheet. c00101150656 CAWMP WETTABLE ACRE COMPUTATIONAL WORKSHEET 1. Farm Number�=x,-Ev_ EErowAeDS 2. Irrigation System Designation Existing 3. Irrigation System Hard -Hose Traveler 4. # Exterior Lanes 7 1 Interior Lanes 3 5. Wetted Diameter �o (cam Total Length of Pull i/po'GaAk� 6. Spacing .2 20 7O (As % of wetted diameter) 7. Hydrant Layout: Single Hydrant / Multiple Hydrant LD # INT. EXT. AC.START AC. MIDDLE AC. STOP TOTAL AC. TABLE COL. /A ✓ a.7f 26a K 3m l,7 9 0. 60 A ✓ D.7,;,/ Z 0.37 wo X 330 0- 3 . /.T,- / .35 5976 D 46 ✓ 0.37 2. o z- p, / s— 5� EE 70 8i D A ✓ D. 74-12- o.37 //b K 9-90 /,24- P�./5 %�7(o E'r"7 /5}0 3B ✓ p, �G 2zo X 410 ,o7 o.sa 3.2s O�F7- 944; ac- ✓ ©.cc 2zo x 43S 3D ✓ 0.74- 3.9 O.�o s.25 EE7o i 6 Q,A ✓ E74/4 /.Zo �./S 1.7Z Q� Bv(D �G ✓ Q. 7¢ 1G o K 4� 2 . s / C. G o 3. 3s r ;b dt'� TOTAL WETTABLE ACRES 2 9.`75 Wettable Acre Computational Worksheet Completed — Date: S Z-7 / 99 C00101150657 IRRIGATION SYSTEM DESIGN PARAMETERS lemdosvner/ope ntorNume: •j�g�--E� ��W�DS >rQQM Address: __(G�- 3 `.(fox 10 E l-A✓ILL 'roeploom q10 .z98 — 0 ,rAGLE 1 - field Specifications A11111'II;IIt1111C Mminuun I ler,� Llr ,Ghee 1:10,11 urI em', NunJmr _ (nr rrr) Sall 8 21 &.A •4-g 1 N. A 95 1 NoA c>__Z D —Z rx1 unn• f )-i County: I:>UPL4 t4 Date: _ 8/Z7/9,9 ai0�111111111 Mollmum Arrurlluon Appllcallon per Irrlgnllon IL11c� (__ ele3 (IuAlr) (LIcLn) Z z IScc ullached nug). 21 npd field acreage minus required huffier nrcos. 'Hclia lu N. C. h 1 iltalinn Guidc, picld Office Technical Guide, Section 11 G. Annual application mnsl nol exceed flee agronomic rnles for the soil nod crop used. NRCS, NC JUNE, 1'Plo COOIO1150658 VXI 11HI ' I)-2 I'AfO Y 2 - Tniveli;:^ fl'I'ig;lfion Gun Seffiligs cam- 2 DWA�S �ty2M 8�3o�`J9 '\I,II/c, Mndcl nnJ '1'vnr ,..lbudonnnr• // �r "_— Pi.ld Nnl m'd -_I ly.hnnl Nn1_ -— _r1 4A _ 4 15 'I'r:wcl S1,eed (II/n,in) 3 0 6'0 G.o 40 3.0 o Al Rnlc (in/Iu) 5 'rRAVRI.I.ANC F11'"live lirrcdivc \ViAlh (11) 1<n_ III 11... F () 2 0 p o 22a �o zzo 73s zroo / bTosr Wcllc. Diameter (kcl) li(JlJll'AII(N'I'.l'I: I"1'IN(I.l' Noule Operating Oporaline Diamlcler Pressnro Pressure Arc (inches) (t!) (am (psi) a Reel (psi I'ellen , .SD Ps T Cnnunenla A d; III gfzEl- n fCkCL Ir 11I �- -- See l laclied nwp. Show sepmate catries I'or a t. i hydranl location in each field. I Ise Iha Inllmvimg uhhreviati,vts tin various Inc p;dtems: I-' (full circle), TQ Ihree glmrters), 77 (Iwo thirds II udfcircle),'I' (one third), Q (one glnnler). May also Ilse degrees mf arc. NUCS, NC JIJNI; 1911l C00101150659 Page 1 WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN Producer ----- :DEXTER EDWARDS County: DUPLIN Name of Farm -:DEXTER EDWARDS FARM Location ----- :RT.3 BOX 126 BEAULAVILLE, NC Phone -------- :910 298-3012 Type Operation-------------: FEED -FIN Number of Animal-----------: 2860 Storage Structure----------: Anaerobic Lagoon Method of application------: Irrigation Amount of waste produced per year---------------: 5434 tons/year Amount of plant available N (PAN) produced/year-: 6578 lbs./year The waste from your animal facility must be land applied at a specified rate to prevent pollution of surface water and/or groundwater. The plant nutrients in the animal waste should be used to reduce the amount of commercial fertilizer required for the crops in the fields where the waste is to be applied. This waste utilization plan uses nitrogen as the limiting nutrient. Waste should be analyzed before each application cycle. Annual soil tests are strongly encouraged so that all plant nutrients can be balanced for realistic yields of the crop to be grown. Several factors are important in implementing your waste utilization plan in order to maximize the fertilizer value of the waste and to ensure that it is applied in an environmentally safe manner: 1. Always apply waste based on the needs of the crop to be grown and the nutrient content of the waste. Do not apply more nitrogen than the crop can utilize. 2. Soil types are important as they have different infiltration rates, leaching potentials, cation exchange capacities, and available water holding capacities. 3. Normally waste shall not be applied to land eroding at more than 5 tons per acre per year. Waste may be applied to land eroding at 5 or more tons per acre annually, but less than 10 tons per acre per year providing that adequate filter strips are established. 4. Do not apply waste on saturated soils, when it is raining, or when the surface is frozen. Either of these conditions may in runoff to the surface waters which is not allowed under DWQ regulations. 5. Wind conditions should also be considered to avoild drift and downwind odor problems. 6. To maximize the value of the nutrients for crop production and to reduce the potential for pollution, the waste should be applied to a growing crop or applied not more than 30 days prior to planting a crop or forages breaking dormancy. Injecting the waste or disking will conserve nutrients and reduce odor problems. C00101150660 'Page 2 This plan is based on the waste application method shown above. If you choose to change methods in the future, you need to revise this plan. Nutrient levels for different application methods are not the same. The estimated acres needed to apply the animal waste is based on typical nutrient content for this type of facility. Acreage requirements should be based on the waste analysis report from your waste management facility. In some cases you may want to have plant analysis made, which could allow additional waste to be applied. Provisions shall be made for the area receiving waste to be flexible so as to accommodate changing waste analysis content and the crop type. Lime must be applied to maintain pH in the optimum range for specific crop production. This waste utilization plan, if carried out, meets the requirements for compliance with 15A NCAC 2H .0217 adopted by the Environmental Management Commission. C00101150661 Page 3 YOUR WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING: Tract Field Soil Crop Yield Lbs. N Lbs. N Month to No. No. Type Code /Acre Unit Acres Used Apply 6607 1 A AUTRYVILL K N/A 50.00 224 S-APRIL 6607 1 A AUTRYVILL B 4.7 50.00 4.5 1052. MAR-OCT 6607 1 B AUTRYVILL K N/A 50.00 127 S-APRIL 6607 1 B AUTRYVILL B 4.7 50.00 2.5 596.9 MAR-OCT 5341 3 A NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 88 S-APRIL 5341 3 A NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00 1.8 457.6 MAR-OCT 5341 3 B NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 162.5 S-APRIL 5341 3 B NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00 3.3 845 MAR-OCT 5341 3 C NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 169 S-APRIL 5341 3 C NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00 3.4 878.8 MAR-OCT 5341 3 D NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 264.5 S-APRIL 5341 3 D NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00 5.3 1375. MAR-OCT 5341 4 A NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 86 S-APRIL 5341 4 A NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00 1.7 447.2 MAR-OCT 5341 4 B NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 174 S-APRIL 5341 4 B NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00 3.5 904.8 MAR-OCT 5341 4 C NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 192.5 S-APRIL 5341 4 C NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00 3.9 1001 MAR-OCT -- ------------------- ------ ----- ----- ----- ------ ------- Total 29.8 9047 Available Nitrogen (includes commercial) 6578 Surplus Or Deficit -2469 Crop codes: Crop -unit A=Barley-bu. B=Bermudagrass(graze)-tons C=Bermudagrass(hay)-tons D=Corn(grain)-bu. E=Corn(silage)-tons F=Cotton-lbs. lint G=Fescue(graze)-tons H=Fescue(hay)-tons I=Oats-bu. J=Rye-bu. K=Small grain(graze)-acre L=Small grain(hay)-acre M=Sorghum(grain)-cwt. W=Wheat-bu. Y=Fescue(pasture)-tons Z=Bermudagrass(pasture)-tons O=Soybeans-bu. R=Matua(graze)-tons U=Millet(graze)-tons Applying the above amount of waste is a big job. You should plan time and have appropriate equipment to apply the waste in a timely manner. The applicator is cautioned that P and K may be over applied while meeting the N requirements. In the future, regulations may require farmers in some parts of North Carolina to have a nutrient management plan that addresses all nutrients. This plan only addresses nitrogen. In interplanted fields (i.e. small grain, etc, interseeded in bermudagrass), forage must be removed through grazing, hay and/or silage. Where grazing, plants should be grazed when they reach a height of six to nine inches. Cattle should be removed when plants are grazed to a height of four inches. In fields where small cjrain etc, is to be removed for hay or silage, care should be exercised not to to let small grain to reach maturity, especially late in C00101150662 Page 4 the season (i.e. April or May). Shading may result if small grain gets too high and this will definitely interfere with stand of bermudagrass. This loss of stand will result in reduced yields and less nitrogen being utilized. Rather than cutting small grain for hay or silage just before heading as is the normal situation, you are encouraged to cut the small grain earlier. You may want to consider harvesting hay or silage two to three times during the season, depending on time small grain is planted in the fall. The ideal time to interplant small grain, etc, is late September or early October. Drilling is recommended over broadcasting. Bermudagrass should be grazed or mowed to a height of about two inches before drilling for best results. Caution must be exercised in grazing or haying summer annuals under stressed conditions. Nitrate poisoning may occur in livestock. Sampling forage or hay for nitrate levels is recommended. Acres shown in the tables are considered to be the usable acres excluding required buffers , filter strips along ditches, odd areas unable to be irrigated, and perimeter areas not receiving full application rates due to equipment limitations. Actual total acres in the field listed may, and most likely will be, more than the acres shown in the tables. See attached map showing the fields to be used for the utilization of animal waste. SLUDGE APPLICATION: The waste utilization plan must contain provision for periodic land application of sludge at agronomic rates. The sludge will be nutrient rich and will require precautionary measures to prevent over application of nutrients or other elements. Your production facility will produce approximately 1030 lbs. of plant available nitrogen per year in the sludge. If you remove sludge every 5 years, you will have approximately 5148 lbs. of PAN to utilize. assuming you apply this PAN to hybrid bermudagrass hayland at the rate of 300 lbs. of nitrogen per acre, you will need 17 acres of land. If you apply the sludge to corn at the rate of 125 lbs. of nitrogen per acre, you will need 41 acres of land. Please be aware that these are only estimates of the PAN and land needed. Actual requirements could vary by 25%.depending on your sludge waste analysis, soil types, realistic yields, and application methods. C00101150663 Page 5 APPLICATION OF WASTE BY IRRIGATION The irrigation application rate should not exceed the intake rate of the soil at the time of irrigation such.that runoff or ponding occurs. This rate is limited by initial soil moisture content, soil structure, soil texture, water droplet size, and organic solids. The application amount should not exceed the available water holding capacity of the soil at the time of irrigation nor should the plant available nitrogen applied exceed the nitrogen needs of the crop. If surface irrigation is the method of land application for this plan, it is the responsibility of the producer and irrigation designer to ensure that an irrigation system is installed to properly irrigate the acres shown in tables. Failure to apply the recommended rates and amounts of nitrogen shown in the table may make this plan invalid. The following table is provided as a guide for establishing application rates and amounts. Alic Tract Field Soil ARatec Amount No. No. Type Crop (in/hr) (inches) This is the maximum application amount allowed for the soil assuming the amount of nitrogen allowed for the crop is not over applied. In many situations the application amount shown cannot be applied because of the nitrogen limitation. The maximum application amount shown can be applied under optimum soil conditions. Your facility is designed for 180 days of temporary storage and the temporary storage must be removed on the average of once every 6 months. In no instances should the volume of the waste be stored in your structure be within the 25 year 24 hour storm storage or C00101150664 Page 6 one foot of freeboard except in the event of the 25 year 24 hour storm. It is the responsibility of the producer and waste applicator to ensure that the spreader equipment is operated properly to apply the correct rates to the acres shown in the tables. Failure to apply the recommended rates and amounts of nitrogen shown in the tables may make this plan invalid. Call your technical specialist after you receive the waste analysis report for assistance in determining the amount of waste per acre and the proper application rate prior to applying the waste. - NARRATIVE OF OPERATION Irrigation parame ers are is a on table D-1. This WUP was amended o show wettable acres. C00101150665 Page 7 WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN AGREEMENT Name of Farm: DEXTER EDWARDS FARM Owner/Manager Agreement I (we) understand and will follow and implement the specifications and the operation and maintenance procedures established in the approved animal waste utilization plan for the farm named above. I (we) know that any expansion to the existing design capacity of the waste treatment and storage system or construction of new facilities will require a new certification to be submitted to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) before the new animals are stocked. I (we) also understand that there must be no discharge of animal waste from this system to the surface waters of the state from a storm event less severe than the 25-year, 24- hour storm. The approved plan will be filed on -site at the farm office and at the office of the local Soil and Water Conservation District and will be available for review by NCDWQ upon request. Name of Facili wne DEXTER EDWARDS (Please prin Signature ea�x Name of Manager(If different from owner): Signature: Date • Date: Name of Person Preparing Plan: Howard Hobson (Please print:) Affiliation: Carroll's Foods, Inc. Phone: 910-293-3434 Address: P O Drawer 856 Warsaw, NC 28398 Signature: 0zs j. C a CL- Date: S(3a(QQ C00101150666 Page 8 EXHIBIT A-6 NRCS, NC WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN JUNE, 1996 REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS 1. Animal waste shall not reach surface waters of the state by runoff, drift, manmade conveyances, direct application, or direct discharge during operation of land application. Any discharge of waste which reaches surface water is prohibited. 2. There must be documentation in the design folder that the producer either owns or has a notarized agreement for use of adequate land on which to properly apply the waste. If the producer does not own adequate land to properly dispose of waste, he/she shall provide a copy of a notarized agreement with a landowner who is within a reasonable proximity, allowing him/her the use of the land for waste application. It is the responsibility of the owner of the facility to secure an update of the Waste Utilization Plan when there is a change in the operation, increase in the number of animals, method of utilization, or available land. 3. Animal waste shall be applied to meet, but not exceed, the Nitrogen needs for realistic crop yields based on soil type, available moisture, historical data, climate conditions, and level of management, unless there are regulations that restrict the rate of application for other nutrients. Actual yields may be used in lieu of realistic yield tables at the discretation of the planner. 4. Animal waste shall be applied on land eroding less than 5 tons per acre per year. Waste may be applied to land that is eroding at more than 5 tons but less than 10 tons per acre per year providing grass filter strips are installed where runoff leaves the field. (See FOTG Standard 393-Filter Strips) 5. Odors can be reduced by injecting the waste of disking after waste application. Waste should not be applied when there is danger of drift from the irrigation field. 6. When animal waste is to be applied on acres subject to. -flooding, it will be soil incorporated on conventionally tilled cropland. When applied to conservation tilled crops or grassland, the waste may be broadcast provided the application does not occur during a season prone to flooding. (See "Weather and Climate in North Carolina" for guidance.) 7. Liquid waste shall be applied at rates not to exceed the soil infiltration rate such that runoff does not occur offsite or to surface waters and in a method which does not cause drift from the site during application. No ponding should occur in order to control odor and flies. 8. Animal waste shall not be applied to saturated soils, during rainfall events, or when the surface is frozen. 9. Animal waste should applied to saturated soils, during rainfall events, or when the surface is frozen. 10. Waste nutrients shall not be applied in fall or winter for spring planted crops on soils with a high potential for leaching. Waste nutrient loading rates on these soils should be held to a minimum and a suitable winter cover crop planted to take up released nutrients. Waste shall not be applied more than 30 days prior to planting of a crop or forages breaking dormancy. C00101150667 Page 9 11. Any new swine facility sited on or after October 1, 1995 shall comply with the following: The outer perimeter of the land area onto which waste is applied from a lagoon that is a component of a swine farm shall be at least 50 feet from any residential property boundary and from any perennial stream or river other than an irrigation ditch or canal. Animal waste other than swine waste from facilities sited on or after 10/1/95, shall not be applied closer than 25 feet to surface water. This distance may be reduced for waters that are not perennial pro- vided adequate vegetative filter strips are present (See Standard 393 - Filter Strips). 12. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 100 feet from wells. 13. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 200 feet of dwellings other than those owned by landowner. 14. Waste shall be applied in a manner not to reach other property and public right-of-ways. 15. Animals waste shall not be discharged into surface waters, drainageways or wetlands by a discharge or by over spraying. Animal waste may be applied to prior converted cropland provided it has been approved as a land applications site by a "technical specialist". Animal waste applied on grassed waterways shall be at agronomic rates and in a manner that causes no runoff or drift from the site. 16. Domestic and industrial waste from washdown facilities, showers, toilets, sinks, etc., shall not be discharged into the animal waste management system. 17. A protective cover of appropriate vegetation will be -established on all disturbed areas (lagoon embankments, berms, pipe runs, etc.). Areas shll be fenced, as necessary, to protect the vegetation. Vegetation such as trees, shrubs, and other woody species, etc. are limited to areas where considered appropriate. Lagoon areas should be kept mowed and accessible. Lagoon berms and structures should be inspected regularly for evidence of erosion, leakage, or discharge. 18. If animal production at the facility is terminated, the owner is responsible for obtaining and implementing a "closure plan" which will eliminate the possibility of an illegal discharge, pollution and erosion. 19. Waste handling structures, piping, pumps, reels, etc., should be inspected on a regular basis to prevent breakdowns, leaks, and spills. A regular maintenance checklist should be kept on site. 20. Animal waste can be used in a rotation that includes vegetables and other crops for direct human consumption. However, if animal waste is used on crops for direct human consumption it should only be applied preplant with no further applications of animal waste during the crop season. 21. Highly visible permanent markers shall be installed to mark the top and bottom elevations of the temporary storage (pumping volume) of all waste treatment lagoons. Pumping shall be managed to maintain the liquid level between the markers. A marker will be required to mark the maximum storage volume for waste storage ponds. 22. Soil tests shall be made every two years and a liquid waste analysis be taken at least twice each year consistent with waste utilization plan. Poultry litter shall be tested prior to application. Soil and waste analysis records shall be kept for five years. 23. Dead animals will be disposed of in a manner that meets North Carolina regulations. C00101150668 t/ 1 26:21 1 PLAN OF ACTION(Poa) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES AUG 2 2 —� — Lj Facility Number: /�i mar IJ County: oat �1 '1 Facility Name: ��7/ 2-6 / 1 �/r ,1�1 Certified Operator Name: . j2& r� .r Operator Number: �'�( J J 10Z7 7 1. Current liquid level(s) in inches as measured from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the lowest point on the top of the dam for lagoons without spillways; and from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the bottom of the spillway for lagoons with spillways. g Lagoon 1� Lagoon Lag ° 3 Lagoon 4 Lagoon 5 Lagoon Name/ID: Spillway(Y Level(inches): 2. Check all applicable items Liquid level is within the designed structural freeboard elevations of one or more structures. Five and 30 day Plans of Action are attached. Hydraulic and agronomic balances are within acceptable ranges. _K Liquid level is within the 25 year 24 hour storm elevations for one or more structures. A 30 day Plan of Action is attached. Agronomic balance is within acceptable range. Waste is to be pumped and hauled to off site locations. Bolume and PAN content of waste to be pumped and hauled is reflected in section III tables. Included within this plan is a list of the proposed sites with related facility numbers, number of acres and receiving crop information. Contact and secure approval from the DWQ prior to transfer of waste to a site not covered in the facility's CAWMP. Operation will be partially or fully depopulated. *Attach a complete schedule with corresponding animal units and dates fro depopulation *if animals are to be moved to another permitted facility, provide facility number, lagoon freeboard levels and herd population for the receiving facility 3. Earliest possible date to begin land application of waste: I hereby certify that I have reviewed the information listed above and included within the attached Plan of Action, and to the best of my knowledge and ability, the information is accurate and correct. iJ eJ, wa, g Phony/a ���— J ) 1, 0- Date: 6o vJ PLAN OF ACTION (PoA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD 1. TOTAL PAN TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure Name/Identifier (ID): 2. Current liquid volume in 25 yr./24 hr. storm storage & structural freeboard a. current liquid level according to marker b. designed 25 yr./24 hr. storm & structural freeboard c. line b - line a (inches in red zone) _ d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below structural freeboard elevation) e. line c/12 x line d x 7.48 gallons/ft3 3. Projected volume of waste liquid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design inches ®inches )' inches Lq,acift,nallons days g. volume of waste produced according to structural. design Z p" ft3 h. current herd # L o certified herd #© actual waste produced = current herd # x line g = certified herd # i. volume of wash water according to structural design j. excess rainfall over evaporation according to design k. (lines h + i +j) x 7.48 x 30 days/line f= 4. Total PAN to be land applied during draw down period I. current waste analysis dated�— m. ((lines e + k)/1000) x line I = REPEAT SECTION I FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SITE. (Click on the next Structure tab shown below) gN;z,2' ft3 Oft3 y3�oy. a ft3 gallons lbs/1000 gal. y 11, U,0 lbs. PAN PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 0 11. TOTAL POUNDS OF PAN STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD AND/OR 25 YR./24 HR. STORM STORAGE ELEVATIONS IN ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1. Structure ID: � k ��ar%S Fa{r line m = t{aq , to lb PAN 2. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 3. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 4. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 5. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 6. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN n.lines 1+2+3+4+5+6= LIdC),(Q IbPAN Ill. TOTAL PAN BALANCE REMAINING FOR AVAILABLE CROPS DURING 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD. DO NOT LIST FIELDS TO WHICH PAN CANNOT BE APPLIED DURING THIS 30 DAY PERIOD. MMOO'2*�MWIO—�lu.application—window—' 'State current crop ending application date or next crop application beginning date for available receiving crops during 30 day draw down period. v. Total PAN available for all fields (sum of column t) _ , 17 lb. PAN IV. FACILITY'S PoA OVERALL PAN BALANCE w. Total PAN to be land applied (line n from section 11) _ L1 C[ . (e lb. PAN PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 x. Crop's remaining PAN balance (line v from section Itl) = 3%nA17 lb. PAN y. Overall PAN balance (w - x) _ ,.lC13a,577 lb. PAN Line y must show as a deficit. If line y does not show as a deficit, list course of action here including pump and haul, depopulation, herd reduction, etc. For pump & haul and herd reduction options, recalculate new PAN based on new information. If new fields are to be included as an option for lowering lagoon level, add these fields to the PAN balance table and recalculate the overall PAN balance. If animal waste is to be hauled to another permitted facility, provide information regarding the herd population and lagoon freeboard levels at the onto existing spray fields will continue as weather and field for pumping if needed. Additional land is PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 O�OF_W A��TF�,OG February 25, 2002 Mary Jane Osbome PO Box 918 Clinton, NC 28329 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director Division of Water Quality Subject: Certificates of Coverage and General Permits for Dexter Edwards' Farms DP Farm, Dexter Edwards Farm, Bri-Nick Facility Numbers: 31-244, 31-261, 31-713 Duplin County Dear Ms. Osbome: You were recently in contact with me and indicated that Mr. Edwards had lost his records for all of his farms, and you requested the referenced information as part of rebuilding his records. Please find enclosed the Certificates of Coverage and General Permits for Mr. Edwards' Farms. If you have any questions or require further information in these matters, please do not hesitate to contact me at 910-395- 3900 ext. 203. Sincerely, /�—j2L-7 Stonewall Mathis Environmental Engineer I enclosures cc: DWQ Non -Discharge Compliance/Enforcement Unit Wilmington Files 31-244, 3gi-26.1; 31-713 Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Phone: (910) 395-3900 Wilmington, NC 25405-3945 Fax: (910)350-2004 Plan Amendment to Include S&WCC Chronic Rainfall Practices and Standards. through March 31, 2000 I. If this facility can comply with its existing permit and CAWMP it must do so. - - 2. Temporary Addition of New Sprayfields (1) (Che­cc appropriate boxes.) - - 0 A. acres of cropland_ List crop types used: 0 B. acres of hardwood woodland (Qq 100 lbs PAN / acre added. 0 C. acres of pine woodland added Q 60 lbs PAN / acre added. 3. Summer Perennial Grass (Check appropriate box.) 0 A. Application window extended for acres of perennial grass until fast killing frost- 0 B. An additional 50 lbs of PAN applied to acres of perennial grass prior to killing frost 4. PAN Application Increased for Small Grains & Winter Grasses to be harvested. (Check appropriate box_) B,A. PAN application increased up to 200 lbs per acre for74 FS acres of small grains or winter grasses to be harvested-0 B. PAN application increased up to 150 lbs. per acre for— acres of overseeded summer perennial included in 3. B. 5. Waste Analysis (Check appropriate box.) 0 A. Prior to December la, 1999 the calculation of PAN will be based on a 35% reduction of the last analysis taken prior to the fast 25 year 24 hour storm event (Current waste analysis must be used after Dec.]'.) 0 B. Use current waste analysis to determine PAN. 6. Required -Maximum Nitrogen Utilization Measures for Small Grains and Winter Grasses. A. Use of higher seeding rates, B. Timely harvest of forage to increase yield, and C. Irrigating during periods of warmer weather. 7. Required - Irrigation Management Techniques to Reduce Runoff and Ponding Potential. A. Making frequent, light irrigation applications, and B. Not irrigating immediately before predicted rainfall. 8- The owner / manager is required to manage the movement of animals to and from the facility to minimize environmental impacts, ensure compliance with the facility's permit and amended CAWMP, and avoid discharge to surface waters. 9. Authorization to use the additional practices included in this amendment expires if a facility discharges to surface waters. Any discharge is a violation and may result in an enforcement action. 10. The Owner/ operator is required to keep records of all waste applications. 11. This revision must include a map or sketch of new land application areas. FaciliryNumber .3 1 - Z -D'SS Q­ EDWAAD5 racr ry Owner /Manager Name (PRINT) gs- racinry Owner/Manager Signature Date Q �E csscz Et1 W A2D � Facility Name ftnw crew L . Hpggi 6 rc Technical Specialist "Name (PRINT) Technical Specialist Signature Date I Z f i q l% 4' This document must be filed at the SWCD office and be attached to the facilities CAWMP and be available for inspection at the facility. (*)New tempo' --a` sprayfields in= meet applicable buffer and setback requirements: Waste must not be applied to wetlands. 11/10/1999 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr.,Governor NCDENR Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Division of Water Quality April 13, 2000 CERTIFIED MAIL # P 328 829 387 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Dexter Edwards Dexter Edwards Farm 323 Willard Edwards Road Beulaville, NC 28518 Subject: Notice of Deficiency Dexter Edwards Farm Facility Number: 31-261 Duplin County Dear Mr. Edwards: This is to notify Mr. Dexter Edwards, who holds a non -discharge permit for an animal waste disposal system pursuant to 15A NCAC 21-1.0200 and North Carolina G.S. 143.215.1, of a deficiency of Animal Waste Permit AWS 310261. On February 1, 2000, it was reported by your facility that the freeboard level in your lagoon was not in compliance with a level of 17 inches. Therefore, this notice is being sent in accordance with the Division of Water Quality's (DWQ) high freeboard policy. You should have submitted a Plan of Action to obtain compliance within a stipulated time frame depending on your lagoon level. The following procedure is to be implemented whenever the freeboard level in any lagoon is not in compliance: 1. Notify DWQ Wilmington Regional Office within 24 hours 2. Submit appropriate Plan of Action documents obtained from DWQ, Soil & Water district office, or Service Company 3. Provide DWQ Regional Office with weekly updates 4. Notify DWQ Regional Office when compliance is attained. It is highly recommended that this facility: 1) explores and initiates measures to conserve fresh water usage and 2) make any necessary changes to the waste management system and/or waste utilization plan to help maintain appropriate lagoon levels. 127 North Cardinal Dr., Wilmin--ton, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10 % post -consumer paper .: 'P 328 829 387 Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided Mr. Dexter Edwards 323 Willard Edwards Rd Beulaville, NC 28518 Postage F 9 Ce,uhrel Fee �D Special Delivery Fee 1 n_ 1�J Restricted Delivery For: Return Receiot Showing / M to Whom & Date Dclivor.d Return Recaior Showin r Date, end Atldresse tlai TOTAL Postage C& Fees _ �/ �� Postmark or le l4i 4 0 cM E LL a Mr. Dexter Edwards April 13, 2000 Page 2 The Division of Water Quality will take no further action for this reported incident at this time. DWQ may pursue additional actions including civil penalties, injunctive relief, or revocation of your Animal Waste Permit AWS 310261 for future occurrences.. If you have any questions concerning this matter please do not hesitate to contact either Mr. Stonewall Mathis or myself at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Dean Hunkele Environmental Specialist cc: Harold Jones, Duplin County Soil and Water Conservation DWQ Non -Discharge Operations Branch File DWQ Wilmington Animal Files 31-261 S:\WQS\ANIMALS\DUPLIN\2000\31-261 Dexter Edwards Farm NOD.wpd Revised April 20, 1999 JUSTIFICATION & DOCUMENTATION FOR MANDATORY WA DETERMINATION Facility Number 31 -Z6 I Farm Name �pyct�y (�g,h.urk On -Site Representative:X)L]aA Inspector/Reviewer's Name: Rr�c, , [kitVK Date of site visit: SIT Operation is flagged for a wettable acre determination due to failure of Part 11 eligibility item(s) F1 F2 F3 F4 ✓Operation not required to secure WA determination at-Mis based on exemption E1 (E3 E4 Date of most recent WUP: Z. j7-./ Operation pended for wettable acre determination based on P1 P2 P3 Annual farm PAN deficit: GZ?"I,5­ pounds Irrigation System(s) -circle : 1. hard -hose traveler, . enter -pivot system; 3. linear -move system; 4. stationary sprinkler system w . s ationary sprinkler system w/portable pipe; 6. stationary gun system w/permanent pipe; 7. stationary gun system w/portable pipe PART I. WA Determination Exemptions (Eligibility failure, Part II, overrides Part I exemption.) E1 Adequate irrigation design, including map depicting wettable acres, is complete and signed by an I or PE. �E2 Adequate D, and Dz D3 irrigation operating parameter sheets, including map depicting wettable acres, is complete and signed by an I or PE. E3 Adequate D, irrigation operating parameter sheet, including map depicting wettable acres, is complete and signed by a WUP. E4 75% rule exemption as verified in Part Ill. (NOTE:75 % exemption cannot be applied to farms that fail the eligibility checklist in Part II. Complete eligibility checklist, Part II - F1 F2 F3, before completing computational table in Part 111). PART II. 75% Rule. Eligibility Checklist and Documentation of WA Determination Requirements. WA Determination required because operation fails one of the eligibility requirements listed below: F1 Lackofacreage -which -resultedinDverapplicationafwastewater(PAN)onspray- field(s) accordingtofarm'siasttwoyears :ofimgation-xecords.-. F2 Unclear, -illegible, -or lack of information/map- F3 Obvious --field limitations -(numerous flitches;:failure-io:deduct7equired.... buffer/setbackacreaae;-or25%:of3otal--acreageidentifiedin-CAWMP:-includes small, irregularly-shaped.fields=fieldslessthan-5acres-for travelers-or.less than 2 acres -for stationary sprinklers). F4 WA determination required because CAWMP credits field(s)'s acreage in excess of 75% of the respective field's total acreage as nntari in tnr,io i , o-,.+ Ill Revised April20, 1999 Facility Number 31 - 2_( cart Ill. Field by Field Determination of 75% Exemption Rule for WA Determination TRACT NUMBER FIELD NUMBER' TYPE OF IRRIGATION SYSTEM TOTAL ACRES CAWMP ACRES FIELD COMMENTS' 1e 1207 h •�. kvay. 10. 3 3.p '� I I ll•o FIEtLD NUMBER' 1-d - y rant, pull, zone, cr.point numbers may be used in place of field numbers deoendino on CAWMP and type of irrication system. If pulls, etc. cross more than one field, inspector/reviewer will have to combine fields to calculate 75% field by field determination for exemption; otherwise operation will be subject to WA determination. FIELD NUMBER'- must be clearly delineated on map. COMMENTS' -back-up fields with CAWMP acreage-exceeding75% of its total acres and havinc received less than 50% of its annual PAN as documented in the farm'sprevious -two years' (1997 & 199B) of irrigation Tecords,-cannot serve as the sole basis -for requiring a WA Determination. Back-upfieldsmust-be noted in the commentsection and must be accessible by irrigation system. Part IV. Pending WA Determinations P1 Plan. lacks.following-information: P2 Plan revision may:satisfy75% rule based on adequate overall PAN deficitand by adjusting all field acreageto below 75% use rate P3 Other (ie/in process of installing new irrigation system): Information -contained in this database is from non agency sources and is considered unconfirmed Farm Emergency Call Form Farm Number 1.+ 1 ® Date Farm Name Time IDexter War s Owner Frist Name Pexter Call Number Owner Last Name lEdwards JoReporting p omp aln Source Pexter Edwards Breached Q Yes Q = Freeboard Level 1 117 Depopulated Q Yes Q O Freeboard Level 2 Overflowed Q Yes Q O Freeboard Level 3 LO Issue Q Yes Q O Freeboard Level 4 PermissionToPump Q Yes Q O Inudated 10 Yes Q O Freeboard Level 5 Flooded Q Yes Q O Freeboard Level 6 Pumping Equipment Q Yes Q O Comments r.. war. S..sal e.,u ans.. .app y.was e..once.. e. an .. aes.iau_........................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... S..to.new.all.M.athl$..re..ceiyed.th.e.X.QIce..mall..meSsage..f..am.Mr....F-d.w..ar.dS..on.21.1120.0.0.......... nd..entered..intD..the..d.atahase..on..2121200.0.......................................................................................................:......... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................0............. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................0. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... _............... State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director Dexter Edwards Dexter Edwards 323 Willard Edwards Road Beulaville NC 28518 Dear Dexter Edwards: 1 Ag � NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL REsou RGEs December 30, 1999 Subject: Fertilizer Application Recordkeeping Animal Waste Management System Facility Number 31-261 Duplin County This letter is being sent to clarify the recordkeeping requirement for Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) application on fields that are part of your Certified Animal Waste Management Plan. In order to show that the agronomic loading rates for the crops being grown are not being exceeded, you must keep records of all sources of nitrogen that are being added to these sites. This would include nitrogen from all types of animal waste as well as municipal and industrial sludges/residuals, and commercial fertilizers. Beginning January 1, 2000, all nitrogen sources applied to land receiving animal waste are required to be kept on the appropriate recordkeeping forms (i.e. IRRI, IRR2, DRYI, DRY2, DRYS, SLURI, SLUR2, SLDl, and SLD2) and maintained in the facility records for review. The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) compliance inspectors and Division of Soil and Water operation reviewers will review all recordkeeping during routine inspections. Facilities not documenting all sources of nitrogen application will be subject to an appropriate enforcement action. Please be advised that nothing in this letter should be taken as removing from you the responsibility or liability for failure to comply with any State Rule, State Statute, Local County Ordinance, or permitting requirement. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Sonya Avant of the DWQ staff at (919) 733-5083 ext. 571. Sincerely, L�� O � Kerr T. Stevens, Director Division of Water Quality cc: Wilmington Regional Office Duplin County Soil and Water Conservation District Facility File 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone 919-733-5083 Fax 919-715-6048 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper WETTABLE ACRE PLAN FARM ,#-------- DEXTER EDWARDS FARM TYPE FARM---- 2860 FEED -FINISH COUNTY--------- DUPLIN DATE------------ 8/30/99 JUN 0 4 ZOOS BY: ! ! CAUTION -All. THE ATTACHED WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN IS TO BE FOLLOWED. IF CHANGES ARE TO BE MADE IN CROPS, FIELDS, ACRES, IRRIGATION, ,TRACTS, ETC., THIS WUP IS TO BE REVISED OR AMENDED BEFORE ANY CHANGE IS MADE. ANY DEVIATION IN THE PLAN AND WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE FIELD MAY RESULT IN NON-COMPLIANCE. DEXTER EDWARDS FARM DUPLIN COUNTY FIELD la lb 3a 3b 3c 3d 4a 4b 4c ACRES 4.48 2.54 1.76 3.25 3.38 5.29 1.72 3.48 3.85 PREPARED BY:Carroll's Foods, Inc. DATE:08/30/99 TIME:09:39:22 AM PAGE:11 ANIMAL WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN WETTABLE ACRES WORKSHEET Farm Name: DfxrE2 4�o wi D s F,aRM Facility Number: - Manager or Producer 0Ax7s2 FL)WARas Phone # (91o) .z9B -94712- Technical Specialist: z_ Phone # (9/6 ) z93-39f3¢ Facility Contact: �R EDwAew Phone # ( ) Mailing Address: VT- 3, Box i z6 BEAulA✓iL-L.E ,{ C. Was farm sited for animals prior to 10/1/95: dijk No If No, date farm sited for animals: Irrigation System Type (Check all that apply) Stationary sprinkler with permanent pipe Stationary sprinkler with portable pipe Stationary gun with permanent pipe Stationary gun with portable pipe Center -pivot system Linear -move system Hose drag traveler Acres calculated should correspond to that shown in the Waste Utilization Plan and Form IRR-2. To the best of my knowledge, this worksheets) and map(s) provides an accurate representation of the system used to irrigate the animal waste generated by this operation. /99 Si (Manager or Producer) :. Date CAWW Wv -hle Asa . Tmw1ing Gun Rdd Da dxeL 22099 Hard Hose Traveling Gun System FIELD DATA SHEET * .D9�7;-Tv z qx"ARDs F;W" 1. Make and model number /44, bs /Lt c(j /030 2. 'Hose length iLo feet] and hose inside diameter (ID)�fmch] 3. Gun make and model number /So *Ve Isam q ww 4. Gun nozzle size I ., [inch], ✓ ring orifice, taper bore orifice. 5. Gun arc angld 3ZO [degrees] 6. Travel lane spacing z.2a [feet]. Indicate whether ✓uniform random. Number of exterior hydrants 7 Number of interior hydrants 3 7. Gun wetted diameter 3r:7o [feet]. measured, ✓ based on gun chart. &;'0o ) 8. Gun pressure SO [PMI. observed at working gauge, ✓ . determined from gun charts, calculated (show calculations) **9. Operating pressure at hose reel 8 4D [psi]. observed at worldng gauge, ✓ provided by owner. * * 10. Supply line size & [inch] (from pump to last hydrant). ** 11. Supply line length jr3o feet (maximum pumping distance). ** 12. Supply line type ✓ PVC, aluminum **li. Pump make and model number I 3 M **14. Pump caps , ** 15. Engine make and model number. T b AA039 D or ** 16. Electric motor horsepower and rpm bhp] — frpm] Note: It is strongly recommended that operating pressure at the reel and gun wetted diameter be field determined. — * Locate each hydrant on a copy of the map. Indicate the start and stop of the sprinller cart for each travel lane and show distance traveled. Show the location of the supply line. Irrigated acres will be determined by travel lane ** Optional data, furnish where possible. ** ormation furnished by ). and/or Z��Z&z4 Es( !%! — :r or FacililyAlepresentative Signanrre of Technical Specialist mar or Facility It_-prsenrative Printed name of Technical Specialist 0/ Date_ CAWMP WETTABLE ACRE COMPUTATIONAL WORRSHEET 1. Farm Number�E--rez E7wAeDS 2. Irrigation System Designation Existing 3. Irrigation System Hard -Hose 4. # Exterior Lanes 7 # Interior Lanes 3 5. Wetted Diameter _300 (N0T Total Length of Pull 6. Spacing .220 7p (As % of wetted diameter) 7. Hydrant Layout: Single Hydrant ,✓ Multiple Hydrant LD # INT. EXT. AC.START AC. MIDDLE AC. STOP TOTAL AC. TABLE COL. /q ✓ o.7f 26m K 30 /:79 0.60 A ✓ 0.37 //0 K ff3O c-93 0.74L/z //0 X Oo0 -3/1 ✓ 0 ]¢lZ p, 7 //b K ¢90 /,24- D./5 f.7(o E•F7 /3�4D ^' 3B ✓ p, GC. 1zo x 4/0 ,07 dV.Sz 5.25 A_r7b B G .3C- ✓ ©.CG 2Zo Y. 43S 2,�0 0..5z 3.38 Er7o .- a 74- 3.9 0.40 5.•Z5 E'E70 B46 tld y/ 0-7<-/z 37 f/o x 47s /,Zp O./S l•7Z E-I,� �[� ¢B ✓ o.6G �x oG ®.Sz 3.48 �"7� ¢L ✓ p. 7¢ jfi0 K 4G 3• SS EE2� G TOTAL WETTABLE ACRES 29. 75 Wettable Acre Computational Worksheet Completed by:1 Date: S.Jz7 �99 1 A IRRICATION'SVSTTM DESIGN PARAMETERS Landowner/Operntor Nnmc: _,]� Eyn--EyZ t�'� W A2D,� FqQ Address: (CtT' 3 Jj ox 121-- "' s L ✓ILL .G. l$$1$ Telephone: ARLI;' I - mel(1 Specifications ,c,: , County: 1:>t.)f(-lN Date: Rxi Rnn• 1 ),I ` ,r,.'g Arpinclnnde .,..� . Mncimm�l Alodnnua :-.,. IlaenLlr Clxo Maelmuro Application -- "!..�.FYAAI . °31e :. ofFlNd� Slope Application per lrrlpllnn s's,�;:''Nund'rr (nrrc•) xnI1T a (•q) Hold Cjxles U8 0 1•rnfn) (hJltr (hul'es QY �o�lrnte _ CbA 86Gar,0A // SGA40 O, O /.Oo (aGo7 ti•?-. 0.60 �7 Eio7 /•76 NoA 5341 $t 7 'A Z5 0_z 5 wnl C. 3.5s n, No A S Z S34i a 3 A-9 NA A o -2 Inched Illnl/. field ucrulge minus required buffer areas. In N. C. litigation Guide, Field Gllice'I'eclolical Guide, Seclion 11 G. Animal Application must not exceed Ilte agronomic rates far the soil and crop used. NRCS, NC JUNE, 1996 EXIIIIII.1 1)-2 - Trivf•lir:" (rl'ig:llinn Gun Sc(lings y tiR E2 EbWAW75 "Rem 8130199 nnd'I'ypi r:i Rlplipnutnl: � Ij As sti rily? �aal•wl ` e, i�' I � Nnl �• ..r..,QA 'frovel ''"` Applicatino TRAVEL LANE? tT welletr ;�.., liOUII'MIiN'1'Sli'I'I'INIIR ` nnA Slw:ctl hale Iilledive IiReeive Ilperadng nIM Q 311rihunt Nn2 (II/ndn (itNu) 1ViAlh (II) Len Ib II O Ilinnuler (16eq bismeler Pressure Are I'reamre 3 S � (Incher ) (el Oun ( d) A heel ( d) panem� Cnmmenli . O b Sao " !O 4- /oo // Ill r3A boo o /0 7 O / 1 I , tics 1111nchedinap. haw.ac)iii6le cldrics for each hydrant Incatitnl in Inch field. ! 11 l.v Ilic Inllowin , nhhreviati•mc lift varinns are palterns: F (fill circle), TQ Ihree riunrlers), TT (Iwo thirds talleircle),'f (one Ihird), C) (nne gaarter). ( Mi "y'i ISO utiC (IC It of are. I I NwS, Nf �t •It :'fn ��z Page 1 WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN Producer ----- :DEXTER EDWARDS County: DUPLIN Name of Farm -:DEXTER EDWARDS FARM Location ----- :RT.3 BOX 126 BEAULAVILLE, NC Phone -------- :910 298-3012 Type Operation-------------: FEED -FIN Number of Animal-----------: 2860 Storage Structure----------: Anaerobic Lagoon Method of application------: Irrigation Amount of waste produced per year---------------: 5434 tons/year Amount of plant available N (PAN) produced/year-: 6578 lbs./year The waste from your animal facility must be land applied at a specified rate to prevent pollution of surface water and/or groundwater. The plant nutrients in the animal waste should be used to reduce the amount of commercial fertilizer required for the crops in the fields where the waste is to be applied. This waste utilization plan uses nitrogen as the limiting nutrient. Waste should be analyzed before each application cycle. Annual soil tests are strongly encouraged so that all plant nutrients can,be balanced for realistic yields of the crop to be M1 grown. ' Several factors are important in implementing your waste utilization plan in order to maximize the fertilizer value of the 'caste and to ensure that it is applied in an environmentally safe manner: €- 1. Always apply waste based on the needs of the crop to be grown and the nutrient content of the waste. Do not apply more nitrogen than the crop can utilize. 2. Soil types are important as they have different infiltration rates, leaching potentials, cation exchange capacities, and available water holding capacities. 3. Normally waste shall not be applied to land eroding at more than 5 tons per acre per year. Waste may be applied to land eroding at 5 or more tons per acre annually, but less than 10 tons per acre per year providing that adequate filter strips are established. .4. Do not apply waste on saturated soils, when it is raining, or when the surface is frozen. Either of these conditions may in runoff to the surface waters which is not allowed under DWQ regulations., 5. Wind conditions should also be considered to avoild drift and downwind odor problems. 6. To maximize the value of the nutrients for crop production and to reduce the potential for pollution, the waste should be . applied to a growing crop or applied not more than 30 days prior to planting a crop or forages breaking dormancy. Injecting the waste or disking will conserve nutrients and reduce odor problems. Page 2 This plan is based on the waste application method shown above. If you choose to change methods in the future, you need to revise this plan. Nutrient levels for different application methods are not the same. The estimated acres needed to apply the animal waste is based on typical nutrient content for this type of facility. Acreage requirements should be based on the waste analysis report from your waste management facility. In some cases you may want to have plant analysis made, which could allow additional waste to be applied. Provisions shall be made for the area receiving waste to be flexible so as to accommodate changing waste analysis content and the crop type. Lime must be applied to maintain pH in the optimum range for specific crop production. This waste utilization plan, if carried out, meets the requirements for compliance with 15A NCAC 2H .0217 adopted by the Environmental Management Commission. Page 3 ,YOUR WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING: Tract Field Soil Crop Yield Lbs. N Lbs. N Month to No. No. Type Code /Acre Unit Acres Used Apply 6607 1 A AUTRYVILL K N/A 50.00 224 S-APRIL 6607 1 A AUTRYVILL B 4.7 50.00 4.5 1052. MAR-OCT 6607 1 B AUTRYVILL K N/A 50.00 127 S-APRIL 6607 1 B AUTRYVILL B 4.7 50.00 2.5 596.9 MAR-OCT 5341 3 A NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 88 S-APRIL 5341 3 A NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00 1.8 457.6 MAR-OCT 5341 3 B NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 162.5 S-APRIL 5341 3 B NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00 3.3 845 MAR-OCT 5341 3 C NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 169 S-APRIL 5341 3 C NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00 3.4 878.8 MAR-OCT 5341 3 D NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 264.5 S-APRIL 5341 3 D NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00 5.3 1375. MAR-OCT 5341 4 A NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 86 S-APRIL 5341 4 A NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00 1.7 447.2 MAR-OCT 5341 4 B NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 174 S-APRIL 5341 4 B NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00 3.5 904.8 MAR-OCT 5341 4 C NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 192.5 S-APRIL 5341 4 C NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00 3.9 1001 MAR-OCT ----- ---------- --------- ------ ----- ----- ----- ------ --------\ Total 29.8 9047 Available Nitrogen (includes commercial) 6578 Surplus Or Deficit -2469 ..Crop codes; Crop -unit A=Barley-bu. B=Bermudagrass(graze)-tons C=Bermudagrass(hay)-tons D=Corn(grain)-bu. E=Corn(silage)-tons F=Cotton-lbs. lint G=Fescue(graze)-tons H=Fescue(hay)-tons I-Oats-bu. J=Rye-bu. K=Small grain(graze)-acre -... L=Small grain(hay)-acre M=Sorghum(grain)-cwt. W=Wheat-bu. Y=Fescue(pasture)-tons Z=Bermudagrass(pasture)-tons O=Soybeans-bu. R=Matua(graze)-tons U=Millet(graze)-tons Applying the above amount of waste is a big job. You should plan time and have appropriate equipment to apply the waste in a timely manner. The applicator is cautioned that,P and K may be over applied while meeting the N requirements. In the future, regulations may require farmers in some parts of North Carolina to have a nutrient management plan that addresses all nutrients. This plan only addresses nitrogen. In interplanted fields (i.e. small grain, etc, interseeded in bermudagrass), forage must be removed through grazing, hay and/or silage. Where grazing, plants should be grazed when they reach a height of six to nine inches. Cattle should be removed when plants ,are grazed to a height of four inches. In fields where small drain atc, is to be removed for hay or silage, care should be exercised not to to let small grain to reach maturity, especially late in Page 4 the season (i.e. April or May). Shading may result if small grain gets too high and this will definitely interfere with stand of bermudagrass. This loss of stand will result in reduced yields and less nitrogen being utilized. Rather than cutting small grain for hay or silage just before heading as is the normal situation, you are encouraged to cut the small grain earlier. You may want to consider harvesting hay or silage two to three times during the season, depending on time small grain is planted in the fall. The ideal time to interplant small grain, etc, is late September or early October. Drilling is recommended over broadcasting. Bermudagrass should be grazed or mowed to a height of about two inches before drilling for best results. Caution must be exercised in grazing or haying summer annuals under stressed conditions. Nitrate poisoning may occur in livestock. Sampling forage or hay for nitrate levels is recommended. Acres shown in the tables are considered to be the usable acres excluding required buffers , filter strips along ditches, odd areas unable to be irrigated, and perimeter areas not receiving full application rates due to equipment limitations. Actual total acres in the field listed may, and most likely will be, more than the acres shown in the tables. See attached map showing the fields to be used for the utilization of animal. .waste. `SLUDGE APPLICATION: The waste utilization plan must contain provision for periodic land application of sludge at agronomic rates.:The:sludge will be nutrient rich and will require precautionary measures to prevent over application of nutrients or other elements. Your production facility will produce approximately 1030 lbs. of plant available nitrogen per year in the sludge. If you remove sludge every 5 years, you will have approximately 5148 lbs. of PAN to utilize. assuming you apply this PAN to hybrid bermudagrass hayland at the rate of 300 lbs. of nitrogen per acre, you will need 17 acres of land. If you apply the sludge to corn at the rate of 125 lbs. of nitrogen per acre, you will need 41 acres of land. Please be aware that these are only estimates of the PAN and land needed. Actual requirements could vary by 25% depending on your sludge waste analysis, soil types, realistic yields, and application methods. S Y4: Page 5 APPLICATION OF WASTE BY IRRIGATION The irrigation application rate should not exceed the intake rate of the soil at the time of irrigation such that runoff or ponding occurs. This rate is limited by initial soil moisture content, soil structure, soil texture, water droplet size, and organic solids. The application amount should not exceed the available water holding capacity of the soil at the time of irrigation nor should the plant available nitrogen applied exceed the nitrogen needs of the crop. if surface irrigation is the method of land application for this plan, it is the responsibility of the producer and irrigation designer to ensure that an irrigation system is installed to properly irrigate the acres shown in tables. Failure to apply the recommended rates and amounts of nitrogen shown in the table may make this plan invalid. The following table is provided as a guide for establishing application rates and amounts. Applic Applic Tract Field soil Rate Amount No. No. Type Crop (in/hr) (inches) This is the maximum application assuming the amount of nitrogen applied. In many situations the applied because of the nitrogen application amount shown can be conditions. amount allowed for the soil allowed for the crop is not over application amount shown cannot be limitation. The maximum applied under optimum soil -Your facility is designed for 180 days of temporary storage and 'he temporary storage must be removed on the average of once every 6 months. In no instances should the volume of the waste be stored >in'your structure be within the 25_;year 24 hour storm storage or '- " _ 3 Page 6 one foot of freeboard except in the event of the 25 year 24 hour storm. It is the responsibility of the producer and waste applicator to ensure that the spreader equipment is operated properly to apply the correct rates to the acres shown in the tables. Failure to apply the recommended rates and amounts of nitrogen shown in the tables may make this plan invalid. Call your technical specialist after -you receive the waste analysis report for assistance in determining the amount of waste per acre and the proper application rate prior to applying the waste. NARRATIVE OF OPERATION Irrigation parameters are listed on table D-1. This WUP was amended o s ow wettable acres. Page 7 WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN AGREEMENT Name of Farm: DEXTER EDWARDS FARM Owner/Manager Agreement I (we) understand and will follow and implement the specifications and the operation and maintenance procedures established in the approved animal waste utilization plan for the farm named above. I (we) know that any expansion to the existing design capacity of the waste treatment and storage system or construction of new facilities will require a new certification to be submitted to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) before the new animals are stocked. I (we) also understand that there must be no discharge of animal waste from this system to the surface waters of the state from a storm event less severe than the 25-year, 24- hour storm. The approved plan will be filed on -site at the farm office and at the office of the local Soil and Water Conservation District and will be available for review by NCDWQ upon request. Name of Facili a DEXTER EDWARDS (Please prim aX Signature: Name of Manager (If different from owner): Signature: Name of Person Preparing Plan: (Please print:) Affiliation: Address: Signature: Carroll's Foods, Inc. P O Drawer 856 Warsaw, NC 28398 Date:eeu7a9 Date: Howard Hobson Phone: 910-293-3434 • Page 8 WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS EXHIBIT A-6 NRCS, NC JUNE, 1996 1. Animal waste shall not reach surface waters of the state by runoff, drift, manmade conveyances, direct application, or direct discharge during operation of land application. Any discharge of waste which reaches surface water is prohibited. 2. There must be documentation in the design folder that the producer either owns or has a notarized agreement for use of adequate land on which to properly apply the waste. If the producer does not own adequate land to properly dispose of waste, he/she shall provide a copy of a notarized agreement with a landowner who is within a reasonable proximity, allowing him/her the use of the land for waste application. It is the responsibility of the owner of the facility to secure an update of the Waste Utilization Plan when there is a change in the operation, increase in the number of animals, method of utilization, or available land. 3. Animal waste shall be applied to meet, but not exceed, the Nitrogen needs for realistic crop yields based on soil type, available moisture, historical data, climate conditions, and level of management, unless there are regulations that restrict the rate of application for other nutrients. Actual yields may be used in lieu of realistic yield tables at the discretation of the planner. `c 4. Animal waste shall be applied on land eroding less than 5 tons per acre per year. .Waste maybe applied to land that is eroding at more than 5_tons but..less than 10 tons per acre per year providing grass filter strips are installed where runoff leaves the field. (See"FOTG Standard 393-Filter Strips) 5. Odors can be reduced by injecting the waste ofdiskingafter waste application. Waste should not be applied when there is -danger of drift from the irrigation field. 6. When animal waste is to be applied on acres subject.to flooding, it will be soil incorporated on conventionally tilled cropland. When applied to conservation tilled crops or grassland, the waste may be broadcast provided the application does not occur during a season prone to flooding. (See "Weather and Climate in North Carolina" for guidance.) 7. Liquid waste shall be applied at rates not to exceed the soil infiltration rate such that runoff does not occur offsite or to surface waters and in a method which does not cause drift from the site during application. No ponding should occur in order to control odor and flies. 8. Animal waste shall not be applied to saturated soils, during rainfall events, or when the surface is frozen. 9. Animal waste should applied to saturated soils, during rainfall events, or when the surface is frozen. 10. Waste nutrients shall not be applied in fall or winter for spring planted crops on soils with a high potential for leaching. Waste nutrient loading rates on these soils should be held to a minimum and a suitable winter cover crop planted to take up released nutrients. Waste shall not be applied more than 30 days prior to planting of a crop or forages breaking dormancy. '3l-z6f August 30, 1999 Dexter Edwards 323 Willard Edwards Road Beulaville, NC 28518 Mr. Brian Wrenn 127 Cardinal Drive Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Dear Mr. Wrenn: Enclosed please find the copy of the irrigation design for Dexter Edwards Farm Facility Number 31-261 If you have additional questions or concerns please give me a call. Yours truly, P� 1 WETTABLE ACRE PLAN FARM #--------- DEXTER EDWARDS FARM TYPE FARM---- 2860 FEED -FINISH COUNTY--------- DUPLIN DATE -------------- 8/30/99 a ! ! CAUTION -A ! THE ATTACHED WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN IS TO BE FOLLOWED. IF CHANGES ARE TO BE MADE IN CROPS, FIELDS, ACRES, IRRIGATION, TRACTS, ETC., THIS WUP IS TO BE REVISED OR AMENDED BEFORE ANY CHANGE IS MADE. ANY DEVIATION IN THE PLAN AND WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE FIELD MAY RESULT IN NON-COMPLIANCE. DEXTER EDWARDS FARM DUPLIN COUNTY FIELD ACRES la 4.48 lb 2.54 3a 1.76 3b 3.25 3c 3.38 3d 5.29 4a 1.72 4b 3.48 4c 3.85 0 380 760 PREPARED BY:Carrcll's Foods, Inc. DATE:08/30/99 TIME:09:39:22 AM PAGE:1: CERTIFIED ANIMAL WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN WETTABLE ACRES WORKSHEET Farm Name: DEX7E2 ADwAebs FPR,+f Facility Number: - Manager or, Producer 00,k7 se FDwARas Phone # (9io ) .75'8 —.3vlz Technical Specialist: �z Phone # (2/6 ) z93-3434- Facility Contact: k rs R EDwAeDs Phone # ( 1 Mailing Address: — R7- 3, Box i zG EAuLA✓IL.L.E . W. C Was farm sited for animals prior to 10/1/95: No If No, date farm sited for animals: Irrigation System Type (Check all that apply) Stationary sprinkler with permanent pipe Center -pivot system Stationary sprinkler with portable pipe Linear -move system Stationary gun with permanent pipe ✓ Hose drag traveler Stationary gun with portable pipe Acres calculated should correspond to that shown in the Waste Utilization Plan and Form IRR-2. To the best of my knowledge, this worksheet(s) and map(s) provides an accurate representation of the system used to irrigate the animal waste generated by this operation. 6 / 36 /5'9 Si (Manager or Producer)'.. Date YS � Yt - wt CAWM? Wedble A= . Tnvdin5 Gun Fidd Dm dicel, 220.99 . Hard Hose Traveling Gun System FIELD DATA SHEET * D�x1 ER gxt�+z�s F�azNc 1. Make and model number 4b 6s /V�JJ /23D 2. Hose Iength %Lo [feet) and hose inside diameter (ID) j_jinch] 3. Gun make and model number /So Nv Irbw u tti 4. Gun nozzle size / [inch], ✓ ring orifice, taper bore orifice. 5. Gun arc angle .3'LO [degrees] 6. Travel lane spacing zzv [feet]. Indicate whether ✓uniforrn, random. Number of exterior hydrants 7 Number of interior hydrants 3 7. Gun wetted diameter -:5z:;v [feet]. measured, ✓ based on gun chart. 8. Gun pressure SO [psil observed at worldng gauge, determined from gun charts, calculated (show calculations) **9. Operating pressure at hose reel 80 [psi]. observed at working gauge, ,/ provided by owner. * * 10. Supply line size & [inch] (from pump to last hydrant). ** 11. Supply line length Irgo feet (maximum pumping distance). ** 12. Supply line type ✓ PVC, aluminum. **I, . Puap make and model number . r /443�R **14. Pump caps ty, [gpm]• ** 15. En_eine make and model number S Q #o3940 or **16. Electric motor horsepower and rpm _bhp] __[rpm] Note: It is strongly recommended that operating pressure at the reel and gun wetted diameter be field determined. - * Locate each hydrant on a copy of the map. Indicate the start and stop of the sprinkler cart for each travel lane and show distance traveled. Show the location of the supply line. Irrigated acres will be determined by travel lane * * Optional data, fiunish where possible. ** 06ormation furnished by ✓J and/or _ 22�Lad �� Signarga of Owner or Facility presentative ,Sig/nature of Technical Specialist tGr- r✓.�.v�-r h�Wt2D L F/nBSO,c! Printe ' ame of Owner or Facility Representative Printed name of Technical Specialist Date Date�v�Q9 the :. CAWMP WETTABLE ACRE COMPUTATIONAL WORKSHEET 1. Farm Number- Est %ey_ EE-%*) W AKDS 2. Irrigation System Designation Existing 3. Irrigation System Hard -Hose Traveler 4. 1 Exterior Lanes 7 # Interior Lanes 3 5. Wetted Diameter 3jo (Nt Total Length of Pull �qk\ 6. Spacing 220 7O (As % of wetted diameter) 7. Hydrant Layout: Single Hydrant / Multiple Hydrant OLD # INT. EXT. AC.START AC. MIDDLE AC. STOP TOTAL AC. TABLE COL. �6o K 3 A ✓ c. / 2-/i0 0.37 W 33 0 ./.T,- /-35 7e D 0.37 ;2_ O 2 S¢ EE 70 8� D A ✓ O. 71'/z O_ 7 //o x 4-90 /, 24- ©, / 5 / , 76 EW 7 i /31 D 3B ✓ 0,66a, $z6 K 4/0 67 o.Sa 3.25 Or 7= B G 3c ✓ ©.LG 2zo x 43S :2,2,o 0.52. 3.38 FS7o 0a 3D ✓ 474 �x9 6/ p_�o S•�`j EE70 84G QA ✓ o.. a/z 3� /io x 475 /.Zo �./s I . 7Z QD 4B o.6G 2-30 O.Sz 3.48 EE7o 6G ¢L ✓ p.74 ZGc K 4�-0 TOTAL WETTABLE ACRES 29. 7S Wettable Acre Computational Worksheet Completed by:6.-- Date • 8, ZQ / 93 . Landowner/Operator Name: Address: c�1:.;" Telephone: MIA? I - Field speciricnfions IRRIGATION SYSTEM DESIGN PARAMETERS _.�iEXT-ER 1_�tulaRDs �p2 County: �UIPC.1K BMULAJtLLg. nl.c. 2�slg note _ *3/z7/93 9/0 298— o�Z RXImm, im ApprnxlonJe Ainxlnuun �;' f.''•�a: Ilrrnhlr Size Mexlmum Appllenllon- �d . t',•.> PIdAI of 110,12 Appllenllon per Irrlenllon -. -" ;'ah�iNumher (nrrr.) � xnll'P p° slope e (n') Crn a Rule 7 Gjrle) . %ACur .48 _ (h.�A�Or) hovaon) RY rnlrUB k •" : 54A O - L o -7— s C>.6o /(. i C'+G o7 4-7 6 O f — 38 3. • 5.19 Ne A 3.48' KeA d-Z S•Z S34i •` ISce iillfichcd uugs. �Z'1'iullil lield acreage minas required huller areas. 1keler to N. C. litigation Guide, Rield 011ice Technical Guide, Seclimt II O. Annual applicalion must non exceed Iltc agronomic rates for the soil and crop used. NRCS, NC JUNG, 1996 FX1 1111111' D-2 Ilydratill,ld Travel Nlwc,l OthIli. Applieelim Hate (infilf) 'IRAVELLANP. FMcliva Effective IAOIRIII (11) QA Wells Diameles, (kcf)(inches) XHNON Noula Operalloil; 01mraling Diamcle , r Prossiorc Pressure Arc Olk Oull it) (A Keel (psi) Pallerd Canunnlli '1A 3,0 3CO 44? 7ZO 3, A b.o 3, ozza -7/0 7-0 220 -79 ;2_2 p 754 3. D .240 72o ?ulhichcd limp. I(I%vo thirds %V Ne ' l patille entrie.4 for t�,!ch hydrow focalinn in crich field, Nic,hollowilig abbre viations flor various me pallems: F (nill circle), qils-terri), T7 ,�o ; - - S threeu Guorcircievr (one Ibird), Q (one quarter), y"id'sIlse degices of fire. NIMS, Nr JUNF. 1996 Page 1 WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN Producer ----- :DEXTER EDWARDS County: DUPLIN Name of Farm -:DEXTER EDWARDS FARM Location ----- :RT.3 BOX 126 BEAULAVILLE, NC Phone -------- :910 298-3012 Type Operation-------------: FEED -FIN Number of Animal-----------: 2860 Storage Structure----------: Anaerobic Lagoon Method of application------: Irrigation Amount of waste produced per year---------------: 5434 tons/year Amount of plant available N (PAN) produced/year-: 6578 lbs./year The waste from your animal facility must be land applied at a specified rate to prevent pollution of surface water and/or groundwater. The plant nutrients in the animal waste should be used to reduce the amount of commercial fertilizer required for the crops in the fields where the waste is to be applied. This waste utilization plan uses nitrogen as the limiting nutrient. Waste should be analyzed before each application cycle. Annual soil tests are strongly encouraged so that all plant nutrients can -be balanced for realistic yields of the crop to be grown. Several,'factors are important in implementing your waste utilization plan in -order to maximize -the fertilizer value of the waste and to ensure that it is applied,in an environmentally safe manner: k 1. Always apply waste based on the needs of the crop to be grown and the nutrient content of the waste. Do not -apply more nitrogen than the crop can utilize. 2. Soil typesareimportant as they have different infiltration rates, leaching potentials, cation exchange capacities, and available water holding capacities. 3. Normally waste shall not be applied to land eroding at more than 5 tons per acre per year. Waste may be applied to land eroding at 5 or more tons per acre annually, but less than 10 tons per acre per year providing that adequate filter strips are established. 4. Do not apply waste on saturated soils, when it is raining, or when the surface is frozen. Either of these conditions may in runoff to the surface waters which is not allowed under DWQ regulations. 5. Wind conditions should also be considered to avoild drift and downwind odor problems. 6. To maximize the value of the nutrients for crop production and to reduce the potential for pollution, the waste should be . applied to a growing crop or applied not more than 30 days prior to planting a crop or forages breaking dormancy. Injecting the waste or disking will conserve nutrients and reduce odor problems. fi# Paqe 2 This plan is based on the waste application method shown above. If you choose to change methods in the future, you need to revise this plan. Nutrient levels for different application methods are not the same. The estimated acres needed to apply the animal waste is based on typical nutrient content for this type of facility. Acreage requirements should be based on the waste analysis report from your waste management facility. In some cases you may want to have plant analysis made, which could allow additional waste to be applied. Provisions shall be made for the area receiving waste to be flexible so as to accommodate changing waste analysis content and the crop type. Lime must be applied to maintain pH in the optimum range for specific crop production. This waste utilization plan, if carried out, meets the requirements for compliance with 15A NCAC 2H .0217 adopted by the Environmental Management Commission. Page 3 YOUR WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING: Tract Field Soil Crop Yield Lbs. N Lbs. N Month to No. No. Type Code /Acre Unit Acres Used Apply 6607 1 A AUTRYVILL K N/A 50.00 224 S-APRIL 6607 1 A AUTRYVILL B 4.7 50.00 4.5 1052. MAR-OCT 6607 1 B AUTRYVILL K N/A 50.00 127 S-APRIL 6607 1 B AUTRYVILL B 4.7 50.00 2.5 596.9 MAR-OCT 5341 3 A NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 88 S-APRIL 5341 3 A NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00 1.8 457.6 MAR-OCT 5341 3 B NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 162.5 S-APRIL 5341 3 B NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00 3.3 845 MAR-OCT 5341 3 C NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 169 S-APRIL 5341 3 C NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00 3.4 878.8 MAR-OCT 5341 3 D NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 264.5 S-APRIL 5341 3 D NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00 5.3 1375. MAR-OCT 5341 4 A NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 86 S-APRIL 5341 4 A NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00 1.7 447.2 MAR-OCT 5341 4 B NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 174 S-APRIL 5341 4 B NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00 3.5 904.8, MAR-OCT 5341 4 C NORFOLK K N/A 50.00 192.5 S-APRIL 5341 4 C NORFOLK B 5.2 50.00 3.9 1001 MAR-OCT Total 29.8 9047 _. Available Nitrogen (includes commercial) 6578 Surplus Or Deficit -2469 ...Crop codes: -Crop -unit A=Barley-bu. K=Small grain(graze)-acre B=Bermudagrass(graze)-tons L=Small grain(hay)-acre C=Bermudagrass(hay)-tons M=Sorghum(grain)-cwt. D=Corn(grain)-bu. W=Wheat-bu. E=Corn(silage)-tons Y=Fescue(pasture)-tons F=Cotton-lbs. lint Z=Bermudagrass(pasture)-tons G=Fescue(graze)-tons O=Soybeans-bu. H=Fescue(hay)-tons R=Matua(graze)-tons I=Oats-bu. U=Millet(graze)-tons J=Rye-bu. Applying the above amount of waste is a big job. You should plan time and have appropriate equipment to apply the waste in a timely manner. The applicator is cautioned that.P and K may be over applied while meeting the N requirements. In the future, regulations may require farmers in some parts of North Carolina to have a nutrient management plan that addresses all nutrients. This plan only addresses nitrogen. In interplanted fields (i.e. small grain, etc, interseeded in bermudagrass), forage must be removed through grazing, hay and/or silage. Where grazing, plants should be grazed when they reach a height of six to nine inches. Cattle should be removed when plants are grazed to a height of four inches. In fields where small drain etc, is to be removed for hay or silage, care should be exercised not to to let small grain to reach maturity, especially late in Page 4 the season (i.e. April or May). Shading may result if small grain gets too high and this will definitely interfere with stand of bermudagrass. This loss of stand will result in reduced yields and less nitrogen being utilized. Rather than cutting small grain for hay or silage just before heading as is the normal situation, you are encouraged to cut the small grain earlier. You may want to consider harvesting hay or silage two to three times during the season, depending on time small grain is planted in the fall.. The ideal time to interplant small grain, etc, is late September or early October. Drilling is recommended over broadcasting. Bermudagrass should be grazed or mowed to a height of about two inches before drilling for best results. Caution must be exercised in grazing or haying summer annuals under stressed conditions. Nitrate poisoning may occur in livestock. Sampling forage or hay for nitrate levels is recommended. Acres shown in the tables are considered to be the usable acres excluding required buffers , filter strips along ditches, odd areas unable to be irrigated, and perimeter areas not receiving full application rates due to equipment limitations. Actual total acres in the field listed may, and most likely will be, more than the acres shown in the tables. See attached map showing the fields to be used for the utilization of animal..waste. SLUDGE APPLICATION: ,The waste utilization plan -must contain provision for periodic land application of sludge at agronomic rates.:The.sludge will be nutrient rich and will require precautionary measures to prevent over application of nutrients or other elements. Your production facility will produce approximately 1030 lbs. of plant available nitrogen per year in the sludge. If you remove sludge every 5 years, you will have approximately 5148 lbs. of PAN to utilize. assuming you apply this PAN to hybrid bermudagrass hayland at the rate of 300 lbs. of nitrogen per acre, you will need 17 acres of land. If you apply the sludge to corn at the rate of 125 lbs. of nitrogen per acre, you will need 41 acres of land. Please be aware that these are only estimates of the PAN and land needed. Actual requirements could vary by 25% depending on your sludge waste analysis, soil types, realistic yields, and application methods. Page 5 APPLICATION OF WASTE BY IRRIGATION The irrigation application rate should not exceed the intake rate of the soil at the time of irrigation such that runoff or ponding occurs. This rate is limited by initial soil moisture content, soil structure, soil texture, water droplet size, and organic solids. The application amount should not exceed the available water holding capacity of the soil at the time of irrigation nor should the plant available nitrogen applied exceed the nitrogen needs of the crop. If surface irrigation is the method of land application for this plan, it is the responsibility of the producer and irrigation designer to ensure that an irrigation system is installed to properly irrigate the acres shown in tables. Failure to apply the recommended rates and amounts of nitrogen shown in the table may make this plan invalid. The following table is provided as a guide for establishing application rates and amounts. Applic Applic Tract Field Soil Rate Amount No. No. Type Crop (in/hr) (inches) -� This is the maximum application amount allowed for the soil assuming the amount of nitrogen allowed for the crop is not over applied. In many situations the application amount shown cannot be applied because of the nitrogen limitation. The maximum application amount shown can be applied under optimum soil conditions. Your facility is designed for 180 days of temporary storage and the temporary storage must be removed on the average of once every 6 months. In no instances should the volume of the waste be stored in'your structure be within the 25.year 24 hour storm storage.or F "kY.S,yy, Page 6 one foot of freeboard except in the event of the 25 year 24 hour storm. It is the responsibility of the producer and waste applicator to ensure that the spreader equipment is operated properly to apply the correct rates to the acres shown in the tables. Failure to apply the recommended rates and amounts of nitrogen shown in the tables may make this plan invalid. Call your technical specialist after you receive the waste analysis report for assistance in determining the amount of waste per acre and the proper application rate prior to applying the waste. NARRATIVE OF OPERATION Irrigation parameters are listed on table D-1. This WUP was amended o show wettable acres. Page 7 WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN AGREEMENT Name of Farm: DEXTER EDWARDS FARM Owner/Manager Agreement I (we) understand and will follow and implement the specifications and the operation and maintenance procedures established in the approved animal waste utilization plan for the farm named above. I (we) know that any expansion to the existing design capacity of the waste treatment and storage system or construction of new facilities will require a new certification to be submitted to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) before the new animals are stocked. I (we) also understand that .there must be no discharge of animal waste from this system to the surface waters of the state from a storm event less severe than the 25-year, 24- hour storm. The approved plan will be filed on -site at the farm office and at the office of the local Soil and Water Conservation District and will be available for review by NCDWQ upon request. Name of Facili wne DEXTER EDWARDS (Please prin Signature: Date: cJ(/ Name of Manager(If different from owner): Signature: Date: Name of Person Preparing Plan: Howard Hobson (Please print:) Affiliation: Carroll's Foods, Inc. Phone: 910-293-3434 Address: P O Drawer 856 Warsaw, NC 28398 Page 8 WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS EXHIBIT A-6 NRCS, NC JUNE, 1996 1. Animal waste shall not reach surface waters of the state by runoff, drift, manmade conveyances, direct application, or direct discharge during operation of land application. Any discharge of waste which reaches surface water is prohibited. 2. There must be documentation in the design folder that the producer either owns or has a notarized agreement for use of adequate land on which to properly apply the waste. If the producer does not own adequate land to properly dispose of waste, he/she shall provide a copy of a notarized agreement with a landowner who is within a reasonable proximity, allowing him/her the use of the land for waste application. It is the responsibility of the owner of the facility to secure an update of the Waste Utilization Plan when there is a change in the operation, increase in the number of animals, method of utilization, or available land. 3. Animal waste shall be applied to meet, but not exceed, the Nitrogen needs for realistic crop yields based on soil type, available moisture, historical data, climate conditions, and level of management, unless there are regulations that restrict the rate of application for other nutrients. Actual yields may be used in lieu of realistic yield tables at the discretation of the planner.`.. 4. Animal waste shall be applied on land eroding less than 5 tons per "' acre per year. .:Waste may -be applied to.land that is eroding at more -than 5_-tons but -Jess than 10 tons per acre per year providing grass filter strips.are installed where runoff leaves the field. (See`FOTG Standard'393-Filter Strips) 5. Odors can be reduced by injecting the waste of disking after waste ,application. Waste should not be applied when there is -danger of drift from the irrigation field. 6. when animal waste is to be applied on acres subject-tozfleoding, it will be soil incorporated on conventionally tilled cropland. when applied to conservation tilled crops or grassland, the waste may be broadcast provided the application does not occur during a season prone to flooding. (See "Weather and Climate in North Carolina" for guidance.) 7. Liquid waste shall be applied at rates not to exceed the soil infiltration rate such that runoff does not occur offsite or to surface waters and in a method which does not cause drift from the site during application. No ponding should occur in order to control odor and flies. S. Animal waste shall not be applied to saturated soils, during rainfall events, or when the surface is frozen. 9. Animal waste should applied to saturated soils, during rainfall events, or when the surface is frozen. 10. Waste nutrients shall not be applied in fall or winter for spring planted crops on soils with a high potential for leaching. Waste nutrient loading rates on these soils should be held to a minimum and a suitable winter cover crop planted to take up released nutrients. Waste shall not be applied more than 30 days prior to planting of a crop or forages breaking dormancy. Page 9 11. Any new swine facility sited on or after October 1, 1995 shall comply with the following: The outer perimeter of the land area onto which waste is applied from a lagoon that is a component of a swine farm shall be at least 50 feet from any residential property boundary and from any perennial stream or river other than an irrigation ditch or canal. Animal waste other than swine waste from facilities sited on or after 10/1/95, shall not be applied closer than 25 feet to surface water. This distance may be reduced for waters that are not perennial pro- vided adequate vegetative filter strips are present (See Standard 393 - Filter Strips). 12. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 100 feet from wells. 13. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 200 feet of dwellings other than those owned by landowner. 14. Waste shall be applied in a manner not to reach other property and public right-of-ways. 15. Animals waste shall not be discharged into surface waters, drainageways or wetlands by a discharge or by over spraying. Animal waste may be applied to prior converted cropland provided it has been approved as a land applications site by a "technical specialist". Animal waste applied on grassed waterways shall be at agronomic rates and in a manner that causes no runoff or drift from the site. 16. Domestic and industrial waste from washdown facilities, showers, toilets, sinks, etc., shall not be discharged into the animal waste management system. 17. A protective. -cover -of appropriate vegetation will._be:_,esteblished on all disturbed areas (lagoon embankments, berms, pipe-zvns, -etc.)...Areas.-shll be fenced,-as.necessary, to protect the -vegetation..:.-.Vegetationsuch as trees, shrubs, and 'other: -woody -species, etc. are limited to areas where considered appropriate. .Lagoon areas,.should be kept mowed and accessible. Lagoon berms and structures should be inspected regularly for evidence of erosion, leakage, or discharge. 18. If animal production at the facility is terminated, the owner is responsible for obtaining and implementing a "closure plan" which will eliminate the possibility of an illegal discharge, pollution and erosion. 19. Waste handling structures, piping, pumps, reels, etc., should be inspected on a regular basis to prevent breakdowns, leaks, and spills. A regular maintenance checklist should be kept on site. 20. Animal waste can be used in a rotation that includes vegetables and other crops for direct human consumption. However, if animal waste is used on crops for direct human consumption it should only be applied preplant with no further applications of animal waste during the crop season. 21. Highly visible permanent markers shall be installed to mark the top and bottom elevations of the temporary storage (pumping volume) of all waste treatment lagoons. Pumping shall be managed to maintain the liquid level between the markers. A marker will be required to mark the maximum storage volume for waste storage ponds. 22. Soil tests shall be made every two years and a liquid waste analysis be taken at least twice each year consistent with waste utilization plan. Poultry litter shall be tested prior to application. Soil and waste analysis records shall be kept for five years. 23. Dead animals will be disposed of in a manner that meets North Carolina regulations. State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural ResourCaECEiV_11) Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Dexter Edwards Dexter Edwards Farm 323 Willard Edwards Rd Beulaville NC 28518 Dear Dexter Edwards: OCT 0 7 Ion Afflk� NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES October 5, 1998 Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. AWS310261 Dexter Edwards Farm Swine Waste Collection, Treatment, Storage and Application System Duplin County In accordance with your application received on September 8, 1998, we are forwarding this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Dexter Edwards, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste collection, treatment, storage and land application system in accordance with General Permit AWG100000. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the management of animal waste from the Dexter Edwards Farm, located in Duplin County, with an animal capacity of no greater than 2860 Feeder to Finish and the application to land as specified in the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP). The COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until April 30, 2003. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP, and this COC, with no discharge of wastes to surface waters. An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this farm. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of stocked animals above the number authorized by this COC will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and shall be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143-215.6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. Upon notification by the Division of this COC's expiration, you shall apply for its renewal. This request shall be made within 30 days of notification by the Division. This COC is not automatically transferable. A name/ownership change application must be submitted to the DWQ prior to a name change or change in ownership. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual non -discharge permit by contacting the engineer listed below for P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative,Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Certificate of Coverage AWS310261 Dexter Edwards Page 2 information on this process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding. The subject farm is located in the Wilmington Regional Office. The Regional Office Water Quality Staff may be reached at (910) 395-3900. If you need additional information concerning this COC or the General Permit, please contact J R Joshi at (919) 733-5083 ext. 363. V� -/-A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all cc's) Duplin County Health Department Wilmington Regional Office, Water Quality Section Duplin County Soil and Water Conservation District Permit File -Central Files Permit File-NDPU I� State of North Carolina / Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Non -Discharge Permit Application Form (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) General Permit - Existing Liquid Animal Waste 0&j 3/-ZG/ 4//90 The following questions have been completed utilizing information on file wftithe D vi review the information for completeness and make any corrections which are t$,gr/9 question has not been completed by the Division, please complete as be9'f k ,possiBKq any question unanswered. �rSaFe GENERAL INFORMATION: ntin9 1.1 Facility Name: Dexter Edwards 1.2 Print Land Owner's name: Dexter Edwards 1.3 Mailing address: 323 Willard Edwards Rd City, State: Beulaville NC Zip: 28518 Telephone Number (include area code): 298-3012 1.4 County where facility is located: Duplin in. Please i't'� If a not leave 1.5 Facility Location (Directions from nearest major highway. Please include SR numbers for state roads. Please include a copy of a county road map with the location of the farm identified): Take Hwy 24 east from Beulaville Turn right onto SR 1835. Farm is approx 0.7 miles on West side (right) 1.6 Print Farm Manager's name (if different from Land Owner): 1.7 Lessee's / Integrator's name (if applicable; please circle which type is listed): Carroll's Inc 1.8 Date Facility Originally Began Operation: 01/01/79 , 1.9 Date(s) of Facility Expansion(s) (if applicable): 1 g�-3 2. OPERATION INFORMATION: 2.1 Facility No.: _31_ (county number); _261_ (facility number). 2.2 Operation Description: Swine operation Fee er to Finish 2860- Certified Design Capacity Is the above information correct? yes; no. If no, correct below using the design capacity of the facility The "No. of Animals" should be the maximum num er or which the waste management structures -were designed. Type of Swine No. of Animals Type of Poultry No. of Animals Type of Cattle No. of Animals 0 Wean to Feeder 0 Layer 0 Dairy 0 Feeder to Finish 0 Non -Layer 0 Beef 0 Farrow to Wean (# sow) 0 Turkey 0 Farrow to Feeder (# sow) 0 Farrow to Finish (# sow) Other Type of Livestock on the farm: No. of Animals: FORM: AWO-G-E 5/28/98 Page 1 of 4 31 - 261 2.3 Acreage cleared and available for application (excluding all required buffers and areas not covered by the application system): 25.00 ; Required Acreage (as listed in the AWMP): 43.3 2.4 Number of lagoons/ storage ponds (circle which is applicable): 2.5 Are subsurface drains present within 100' of any of the application fields? YES r NO (please circle one) 2.6 Are subsurface drains present in the vicinity or under the lagoon(s)? YES or (please circle one) 2.7 Does this facility meet all applicable siting requirements? (Swine Farm Siting Act, NRCS Standlard�s, etc.) (Swine Only) YES or NO (please circle one) What was the date that this facility's swine houses and lagoon were sited? )""hJ-17 ' What was the date that this facility's land application areas were sited? / IY? 3. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Please indicate that you have included the following required items by signing your initials in the space provided next to each item. 3.1 One completed and signed original and one copy of the application for General Permit - Animal Waste Operations; 3.2 Two copies of a general location map indicating the location of the animal waste facilities and field locations where animal waste is land applied; 3.3 Two copies of the entire Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP). If the facility does not have a CAWMP, it must be completed prior to submittal of a general permit application for animal waste operations. The CAWMP must include the following components: 3.3.1 The Waste Utilization Plan (WUP) must include the amount of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) produced and utilized by the facility. 3.3.2 The method by which waste is applied to the disposal fields (e.g. irrigation, injection, etc.) 3.3.3 A map of every field used for land application. 3.3.4 The soil series present on every land application field. 3.3.5 The crops grown on every land application field. 3.3.6 The Realistic Yield Expectation (RYE) for every crop shown in the WUP. 3.3.7 The PAN applied to every land application field. 3.3.8 The waste application windows for every crop utilized in the WUP. 3.3.9 The required NRCS Standard specifications. 3.3.I0 A site schematic. 3.3.1 I Emergency Action Plan. 3.3.12 Insect Control Checklist with chosen best management practices noted. 3.3.13 Odor Control Checklist with chosen best management practices noted. 3.3.14 Mortality Control Checklist with the selected method noted. 3.3.15 Lagoon/storage pond capacity documentation (design, calculations, etc.). Please be sure to include any site evaluations, wetland determinations, or hazard classifications that may be applicable to your facility. 3.3.16 Operation and Maintenance Plan. If your CAWMP includes any components not shown on this list, please include the additional components with your submittal. FORM: AWO-G-E 5/28/98 Page 2 of 4 31- 261 Applicants Initials ng Facility Number: 31 - 261 Facility Name: Dexter Edwards 4. this application for has been reviewed application are not package will j"rZ� P, FC A 7,cRQU,gt/YS C�dN 3EP 0 81998 (Land Owner's namE9isfed.in question 1.2), attest that (Facility name hsted7tpi�ppppestion 1.1) ete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required partYof this and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application as TION Signature W 5. MANAGER'S CERTIFICATION: ^k'� Date (complete only if different from the Land Owner) (Manager's name listed in question 1.6), attest that this application for - (Facility name listed in question 1.1) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete. Signature Date THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY WATER QUALITY SECTION NON -DISCHARGE PERMITTING UNIT POST OFFICE BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27626-0535 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 733-5083 FAX NUMBER: (919) 733-0719 FORM: AWO-G-E 5/28/98 Page 3 of 4 31- 261 I MMMME "1 1, Y 1", 1.W-* .' L) IV, . W.-V ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN 0 • is Vy� ECtz WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN AGREEMENT C�JAC1Jy`FO Sip � J998'o�v Name of Farm: DEXTER EDWARDS FARM lvomoB3����sFeryhiry�n9 Owner/Manager Agreement I (we) understand and will follow and implement the specifications and the operation and maintenance procedures established in the approved animal waste utilization plan for the farm named above. I (we) know -that any expansion to the existing design capacity of the waste treatment and storage system or construction of new facilities will require a new certification to be submitted to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) before the new animals are stocked. I (we) also understand that there must be no discharge of animal waste from this system to surface waters of the state from a storm event less severe than the 25-year, 24-hour storm. The approved plan will be filed on -site at the farm office and at the office of the local Soil and Water Conservation District and will be available for review by NCDWQ upon request. Name of Facility Owner: DEXTER B EDWARDS (Please print Signature: Date: -C[,F- Name of Manager(If different from owner): Signature: Date: Name of Person Preparing Plan: (Please print)BILLY W. HOUSTON Affiliation:DUPLIN SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT Phone No. 910-296-2120 Address (Agency): PO BOX 277 KENANSVILLE NC 28349 Signature: `�1~� V / Date: 11- CLE Page: 13 WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS -• 18. If animal production at the facility is to be suspended or terminated, the owner is responsible for obtaining and implementing a "closure plan" which will eliminate the possibility of an illegal discharge, pollution and erosion. 19. Waste handling structures, piping, pumps, reels, etc., should be inspected on a regular basis to prevent breakdowns, leaks,_ and spills. A regular maintenance checklist should be kept on site. 20. Animal waste can be used in a rotation that includes vegetables and other crops for direct human consumption. However, if animal waste is used on crops for direct human consumption it should only be applied preplant with no further applications of animal waste during the crop season. 21. Highly visible markers shall be installed to mark the top and bottom elevations of the temporary storage (pumping volume) of all waste treatment lagoons. Pumping shall be managed to maintain the liquid level between the markers. A marker will be required to mark the maximum storage volume for waste storage ponds. jft 22. Waste shall be tested within 60 days of utilization and soil shall be tested at least annually at crop sites where waste products are applied. Nitrogen shall -be the rate - determining element. Zinc and copper levels in the soils shall be monitored and alternative crop sites shall be used when these metals approach excessive levels. pH shall be adjusted for optimum crop production and maintained. Soil and waste analysis records shall be kept for five years. Poultry dry waste application records shall be maintained for three (3) years. Waste application records for all other waste shall be maintained for five (5) years. 23. Dead animals will be disposed of in a manner that meets North Carolina regulations. • Page: 12 WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN • • REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS 10. Waste nutrients shall not be applied in fall or winter for spring planted crops on soils with a high potential for leaching. Waste nutrient loading rates on these soils should be held to a minimum and a suitable winter cover crop planted to take up released nutrients. Waste shall not be applied more than 30 days prior to planting of the crop or forages breaking dormancy. 11. Any new swine facility sited on or after October 1, 1995 shall comply with the following: The outer perimeter of the land area onto which waste is applied from a lagoon that is a component of a swine farm shall be at least 50 feet from any residential .property boundary and from any perennial stream or river (other than an irrigation ditch or canal. Animal waste other than swine'"waste from facilities sited on or after October 1, 1995), shall not be applied closer than 25 feet to perennial waters. (See Standard 393 - Filter Strips). 12. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 100 feet to wells. 13. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 200 feet of dwellings other than those owned by the landowner. 14. Waste shall be applied in a manner not to reach other property and public right-of-ways. 15. Animal waste shall not be discharged into surface waters, drainageways, or wetlands by a discharge or by over -spraying. Animal waste may be applied to prior converted cropland provided they have been approved as a land application site by a "technical specialist". Animal waste shall not be applied on grassed waterways that discharges directly into water courses, and on other grassed waterways, waste shall be applied at agronomic rates in a manner that causes no runoff or drift from the site. 16. Domestic and industrial waste from washdown facilities, showers, toilets, sinks, etc., shall not be discharged into the animal waste management system. 17. A protective cover of appropriate vegetation will be established on all disturbed areas (lagoon embankments, berms, pipe runs, etc.). Areas shall be fenced, as necessary, to protect the vegetation. Vegetation such as trees, shrubs, and other woody species, etc., are limited to areas where considered appropriate. Lagoon areas should be kept mowed and accessible. Berms and structures should be inspected regularly for evidence of erosion, leakage or discharge. Page: 11 WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS • 1. Animal waste shall not reach surface waters of the state by runoff, drift, manmade conveyances, direct application, or direct discharge during operation or land application. Any discharge of waste which reaches surface water is prohibited. 2. There must be documentation in the design folder that the producer either owns or has an agreement for use of adequate land on which to properly apply the waste. If the producer does not own adequate land to properly dispose of waste, he/she shall provide a copy of an agreement with at landowner who is within a reasonable proximity, allowing him/her the use of the land for waste application. It is the responsibility of the owner of the facility to secure an update of the Waste Utilization Plan when there is a change in the operation, increase in the number of animals, method of utilization, or available land. 3. Animal waste shall be applied to meet, but not exceed, the nitrogen needs for realistic crop yields based on soil type, available moisture, historical data, climatic conditions, and level of management, unless there are regulations that restrict the rate of application for other nutrients. 4. Animal waste shall be applied to land eroding less than 5 tons • per acre per year. Waste may be applied to land that is eroding at 5 or more tons, but less than 10 tons per acre per year. providing grass filter strips are installed where runoff leaves the field. (See FOTG Standard 393 -Filter Strip) 5. Odors can be reduced by injecting the waste or disking after waste application. Waste should not be applied when there is danger of drift from the irrigation field. 6. When animal waste is to be applied on acres subject to flooding, it will be soil incorporated on conventionally tilled cropland. When applied to conservation tilled crops or grassland, the waste may be broadcast provided the application does not occur during a season prone to flooding. (See "Weather and Climate in North Carolina" for guidance.) 7. Liquid waste shall be applied at rates not to exceed the soil infiltration rate such that runoff does not occur offsite or to surface waters and in a method which does not cause drift from the site during application. No ponding should occur in order to control odor or flies. 8. Animal waste shall not be applied to saturated soils, during rainfall events, or when the surface is frozen. 9. Animal waste shall be applied on actively growing crops in such • a manner that the crop is not covered with waste to a depth that would inhibit growth. The potential for salt damage from animal waste should also be considered. Page: 10 ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN r1 LJ 6607 I -.1 1 1 SG 1 .5 1 *1 6607 1 -2 1 I SG 1 .5 1 *1 * This is the maximum application amount allowed for the soil assuming the amount of nitrogen allowed for the crop is not over applied In many situations, the application amount shown cannot be applied because of the nitrogen limitation. The maximum application amount shown can be applied under optimum soil conditions. Your facility is designed for 180.00 days of temporary storage and the temporary storage must be removed on the average of once every • 6.00 months. In.no instance should the volume of the waste be stored in your structure be within the 25 year 24 hour storm storage or one foot of freeboard except in the event of the 25 year 24 hour storm. It is the responsibility of the producer and waste applicator to ensure that the spreader equipment is operated properly to apply the correct rates to the acres shown in Tables 1 and 2. Failure to apply the recommended rates and amounts of nitrogen shown in the tables may make this plan invalid. Call your technical specialist after you receive the waste analysis report for assistance in determining the amount of waste per acre and the proper application rate prior to applying the waste. NARRATIVE OF OPERATION THIS PLAN IS AN UPDATE OF THE PLAN SUBMITTED BY HOWARD HOBSON OF CARROLLS FOODS. MR. EDWARDS HAS PURCHASED TRACT 5341 FIELDS 3&4. THE YIELDS AND ACRES WERE NOT CHANGED FROM THE ORIGINAL PLAN AS SUBMITTED BY MR. HOBSON • Page: 9 ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN 0 amounts of nitrogen shown in the tables may make this plan invalid. The following table is provided as a guide for establishing application rates and amounts. r I Tract I Field Soil Type I Crop jApplication (in/hr) RatelApplic. Amount (inches) 5341 13 I AUB I BC I .5 I *1 5341 14 NOB BC I .50 *1.0 5341 --3 I SG I .5 *1 5341 I 6607 --4 I 1 MCC SG BC I .5 .50 *1 I *1.0 6607 I 1 AUB I BC I .5 *1 6607 11 6607 12 6607. I I I -1 I NOA NOB I BC BC I SG .50 I .50 .5 I *1.0 *1.0 I *1 �07 I _1 I I SG .5 I *1 Page: 8 ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN .• *** This number must be less than or equal to 0 in order to fully utilize the animal waste N produced. Acres shown in each of the preceding tables are considered to be the usable acres excluding required buffers, filter strips along ditches, odd areas unable to be irrigated, and perimeter areas not receiving full application rates due to equipment limitations. Actual total acres in the fields listed may, and most likely will be, more than the acres shown in the tables. See attached map showing the fields to be used for the utilization of animal waste. SLUDGE APPLICATION: The waste utilization plan must contain provisions for periodic land application of sludge at agronomic rates. The sludge will be nutrient rich and will require precautionary measures to prevent over application of nutrients or other elements. Your production facility will produce approximately 1058.2 pounds of plant available nitrogen per year in the sludge. • If you remove the sludge every 5 years, you will have approximately 5291 pounds of PAN to utilize. Assuming you apply this PAN to hybrid bermudagrass hayland at the rate of 300 pounds of nitrogen per acre, you will need 17.6366666667 acres of land. If you apply the sludge to corn at the rate of 125 pounds of nitrogen per acre, you will need 42.328 acres of land. Please be aware that these are only estimates of the PAN and land needed. Actual requirements could vary by 251 depending on your sludge waste analysis, soil types, realistic yields, and application methods. APPLICATION OF WASTE BY IRRIGATION The irrigation application rate should not exceed the intake rate of the soil at the time of irrigation such that runoff or ponding occurs. This rate is limited by initial soil moisture content, soil structure, soil texture, water droplet size, and organic solids. The application amount should not exceed the available water holding capacity of the soil at the time of irrigation nor should the plant available nitrogen applied exceed the nitrogen needs of the crop. If surface irrigation is the method of land application for this plan, it is the responsibility of the producer and irrigation designer to ensure • that an irrigation system is installed to properly.irrigate the acres shown in Tables 1 and 2. Failure to apply the recommended rates and Page: 7 ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN ** Acreage figures may exceed total acreage in fields due to overseeding. * lbs AW N (animal waste nitrogen) equals total required nitrogen less any commercial nitrogen (COMM N) supplied. The following legend explains the crop codes used in tables 1 and 2 above: CROP CODE CROP UNITS PER UNIT BC SG HYBRID BERMUDAGRASS-CONTROLLED GRAZED SMALL GRAIN OVERSEEDED TONS AC 50 50 TABLE 1 • TABLE 2 tKiyw\t ** TOTALS FROM TABLES 1 AND 2 WETTABLE _ACRES LBS AW N USED 43.3 12855.5 0 0 43.3 12855.5 * BALANCE -6277.5 *** This number must be less than or equal to 0 in order to fully utilize the animal waste N produced. • Page: 6 ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN • TABLE 2: ACRES WITH NOTARIZED AGREEMENT OR LONG TERM LEASE (Agreement with adjacent landowners must be attached.) (Required only if operator does not own adequate land. See required specification 2.) TRACT FIELD SOIL TYPE & CLASS- CROP YIELD LBS CORM N ** * LBS DETERMINING PHASE CODE AW N PER ACRES AW N PER AC AC USED ----- or ------- APPLY RESID. APPLIC METH N TIME END - Indicates that this field is being overseeded (i.e. interplanted) or winter annuals follow summer annuals. • In interplanted fields (i.e. small grain, etc, interseeded in bermudagrass), forage must be removed through grazing, hay and/or silage. Where grazing, plants should be grazed when they reach a height of six to nine inches. Cattle should be removed when plants are grazed to a height of four inches. In fields where small grain, etc, is to be removed for hay or silage, care should be exercised not to let small grain to reach maturity, especially late in the season (i.e. April or May). Shading may result if small grain gets too high and this will definitely interfere with stand of bermudagrass. This loss of stand will result in reduced yields and less nitrogen being utilized. Rather than cutting small grain for hay or silage just before heading as is the normal situation, you are encouraged to cut the small grain earlier. You may want to consider harvesting hay or silage two to three times during the season, depending on time small grain is planted in the fall. The ideal time to interplant small grain, etc, is late September or early October. Drilling is recommended over broadcasting. Bermudagrass should be grazed or mowed to a height of about two inches before drilling for best results. • Page: 5 ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN TOTAL112855.5 - - Indicates that this field is being overseeded (i.e. interplanted) or winter annuals follow summer annuals. NOTE: The applicator is cautioned that P and K may be over applied while meeting the N requirements. In the future, regulations may require farmers in some parts of North Carolina to have a nutrient management plan that addresses all nutrients. This plan only addresses nitrogen. • • Page: 4 ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN rqj TABLE 1: ACRES OWNED BY PRODUCER TRACT FIELD SOIL TYPE & CLASS- CROP YIELD LBS COMM N ** * LBS DETERMINING PHASE CODE AW N PER ACRES AW N PER AC AC USED ----- or ------- APPLY RESID. APPLIC METH N TIME 6607 1 MCC BC 5.1 255 2.0 510 I APR-SEP 6607 SG 1 50 I-1 I._ I 1 6607 1 NOA BC 5.2 260 1 1 I 6607 -1 SG 1 50 I 1 AUB BC 4.7 235 �07 1 I 6607 -1 SG 1 50 I 6607 2 NOB BC 5.2 260 I 6607 -2 SG 1 50 1 I 5341 3 1 AUB BC 4.7 235 I 5341 SG 1 50 1-3 1 I 5341 4 NOB BC 5.2 260 I 5341 --4 SG 1 50 1 I END I SEP-APR 5.0 1300 APR-SEP 5.0 250 SEP-APR 3.3 775.5 APR-SEP 3.3 165 SEP-APR 3.0 780 APR -SEE 3.0 150 SEP-APR 19.0 4465 APR -SEE 19.0 950 SEP-APE 11.0 2860 APR -SEE 11.0 550 SEP-APE Page: 3 ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN • 5. Wind conditions should also be considered to avoid drift and downwind odor problems. G. To maximize the value of the nutrients for crop production and to reduce the potential for pollution, the waste should be applied to a growing crop or applied not more than 30 days prior to planting a crop or forages breaking dormancy. Injecting the waste or disking will conserve nutrients and reduce odor problems. This plan is based on the waste application, method shown above. If you choose to change methods in the future, yod need to revise this plan. Nutrient levels for different application methods are not the same. The estimated acres needed to apply the animal waste is based on typical nutrient content for this type of facility. Acreage requirements should be based on the waste analysis report from your waste management facility. In some cases you may want to have plant analysis made, which could allow additional waste to be applied. Provisions shall be made for the area receiving waste to be flexible so as to accommodate changing waste analysis content and crop type. Lime must be -applied to maintain pH in the optimum range for specific crop production. This waste utilization plan, if carried out, meets the requirements • for compliance with 15A NCAC 2H .0217 adopted by the Environmental Management Commission. • AMOUNT OF WASTE PRODUCED PER YEAR (gallons, ft3, tons, etc.) 2860 hogs x 1.9 tons waste/hogs/year = 5434 tons AMOUNT OF PLANT AVAILABLE NITROGEN (PAN) PRODUCED PER YEAR 2860 hogs x 2.3 lbs PAN/hogs/year = 6578 lbs. PAN/year Applying the above amount of waste is a big job. You should plan time and have appropriate equipment to apply the waste in a timely manner. The following acreage will be needed for waste application based on the crop to be grown, soil type and surface application. Page: 2 ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN Producer: Location: Telephone: Type Operation: Number of Animals: (Design capacity) STORAGE STRUCTURE: APPLICATION METHOD: DEXTER B EDWARDS 323 WILLARD EDWARDS RD BEULAVILLE NC 28518 910-298-3012 Existing Feeder to Finish Swine 2860.00 hogs Anaerobic Waste Treatment Lagoon Irrigation The waste from your animal facility must be land applied at a specified rate to prevent pollution of surface water and/or groundwater. The plant nutrients in the animal waste should be used to reduce the amount of commercial fertilizer required for the crops in the fields where the waste is to be applied. •This waste utilization plan uses nitrogen as the limiting nutrient. Waste should be analyzed before each application cycle. Annual soil tests are strongly encouraged so that all plant nutrients can be balanced for realistic yields of the crop to be grown. Several factors are important in implementing your waste utilization plan in order to maximize the fertilizer value of the waste and to ensure that it is applied in an environmentally safe manner: 1. Always apply waste based on the needs of the crop to be grown and the nutrient content of the waste. Do not apply more nitrogen than the crop can utilize. 2. Soil types are important as they have different infiltration rates, leaching potentials, cation exchange capacities, and available water holding capacities. 3. Normally waste shall be applied to land eroding at less than 5 tons per acre per year. Waste may be applied to land eroding at 5 or more tons per acre annually, but less than 10 tons per acre per year providing that adequate filter strips are established. 4. Do not apply waste on saturated soils, when it is raining, or when the surface is frozen. Either of these conditions may result in runoff to surface waters which is not allowed • under DWQ regulations. Page: 1 Dexter Edwards Farm October 2, 1995 Duplin Soil and Water Conservation District 302 N. Main Street PO Box 277 Kenansville, NC 28349-0277 Dear Sir: Please find attached copies of DEM Certifications for the Dexter Edwards Farm and D & P Farm. The originals have been mailed to DEM. If additional information is needed please let me know. Sincerely, Dexter Edwards • • ANIMAL WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN CERTInCAIJO FOR NEW OR EXPANDED FEEDLOTS glEflease return the completed form to the Division of Environmental Management at the address on the reverse sic f this form. Name of farm (Please print):,DR<m0- pWcos Address:_Rr� ._ BoK i2.6 8evtn✓�u s ti .C. est8 Phone No: z98 - 3o12- 130ftiN County: ZoPCIr4 Farm location: Latitude and Longitude: �C4.2C el Z a' ze (required). Also, please attach a copy of county roa map with location identified. Type of operation (swine, layer, dairy, etc.) <: .514 1 aE Design capacity (number of animals): 28 roo F<NIStij A 6 Average size of operation (12 month population avg.): 2-860 - Average acreage needed for land application of waste (acres)4-33 musk tIr-6Uj> Technical Specialist Certification As a technical specialist designated by the North Carolina Soil and Water Conservation Commission pursuant t the 15A NCAC 6F .0005, I certify that the new or expanded animal waste management system as installed for th farm named above has an animal waste management plan that meets the design, construction, operation an maintenance standards and specifications of the Division of Environmental Management and the USDA -So Conservation Service and/or the North Carolina Soil and Water Conservation Commission pursuant to 15A NCA, 2H.0217 and 15A NCAC 6F .0001-.0005. The following elements and their corresponding minimum criteria hav been verified by me or other designated technical specialists and are included in the plan as applicable: minim in (buffur (buffers); liners or equivalent for lagoons or waste storage ponds; waste storage capacity; access c wnership or proper waste application equipment; schedule for timing of applications; application rates; loadin ltes; and the control of the discharge of pollutants from stormwater runoff events less severe than the 25-yea 24-hour storm. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): 4Waro L. 1J-&5oK Affiliation: &F Pv ecE C_OArSFaUdy7DUISr' CA4 LL!$ F�oDs =it - Address (Agency): P o . -D a aW FR ®5 ►rlA4z5w%,a N C 2g 3 q g Phone No.!9 i o - 7-9 3 Owner/Manager Agreement I (we) understand the operation and maintenance procedures established in the approved animal waste managemer plan for the farm named above and will implement these procedures. I (we) know that any additional expansio to the existing design capacity of the waste treatment and storage system or construction of new facilities wi require a new certification to be submitted to the Division of Environmental Management before the new anima] are stocked. I (we) also understand that there must be no discharge of animal waste from this system to surfac waters of the state either through a man-made conveyance or through runoff from a storm event less severe tha the 25-year, 24-hour storm. The approved plan will be filed at the farm and at the office of the local Soil an Water Conservation District. Name of of Manager,& different from owner (Please Note: A change in ownership requires notification or a new certification (if the approved plan is changed to be submitted to the Division of Environmental Management within 60 days of a title transfer. DEM USE ONLY:ACNEW# 4 1) 1 A CL Ej - 00 r -5>..a 0 c r n vr E E -rr 0) m X Q) 0 c VI I I I C� FACILITY DESIGN AND WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN Farm Name or Number Farm Description Location Company Farm DEXTER EDWARDS FARM 2860 HEAD FINISHING FARM "AS BUILT" DUPLIN COUNTY Contract Grower X �: M! l/tf n .�,1 1 ,I v.9 1 ' , i. h., a re + ,.. i + • ` � '� b w✓v FL .' {{ c r : '' .s'{ Y I I [ 1 •Y � { � y. i lad 7:y ?-3,i'%' .,. �r ':� i � 7 { a. � a (j,.,T � !�. »d/l''(k11 ,1♦♦�.% /4' y!) ' �+ 1 r � `9aL . ` ey'�: .'. T ..a.A ".� ' rv7 �{,�]:Jm�i��•• ,.�qi � �•tc . C y.��r��(,y IYArX � • •: I � � ✓Al 1 . ''�-0 '�`('y(��t1� 41' 'y11 �, l�YYY, +r'f� .'(I 1� '„ �I�7Y��r.✓�- 1, �': n , n syl �. � t '1 I. ^+r�^`"f�r� y �(.1� tpyR'I A.�rI ����t � ��'c��fl�� '1 v�! ��I-,f✓ �i n YY`�! `/YY.atr l`•. 1./Ml.�i,P!��v"�.i�yt�[Ijr >` +-1•��.u4 tl ]►il 1 �;1 J r- YaY 7 // 1(e �. ) f� I �1 JJ 'R'rw-i J loa �! t i r, u 1^'Ph 'Ja:ar X P• r Ij u�19a1.a I {?h.� .. S,�i P{yti �.w.��! I"� u,l%ra '.' �/l..i (1�.�9 s�� Fir plp•� � � .'�'/j' + �i 'M Cl�'�, f � { )YVA1�` i , a ✓ ,i 4 I 11 ' f r h1 rfllr TiFl t+.l"r , el, 1 arl� A r �iy N.6.r R• rl .• ♦ M i r'.,wa. i iVlit^ FF.ay'�yw :., /"r6' 'Ai4'"' n i•SI � iif } { v1+ / Yw"A 1 "C %i x S IY7yAV Y° �. ,• �5�r, + \ ��; rt �ti..l,'` Qba ..� �3 �f//� �. , �� "11 r ih.'• l u tfn' \il}+. I tiF� •. iA�.:� t111 '1� ' a�•r l�'. IT ��;yn 1•A{ :/Jj'�,� ��� '.j'�('�i� .0 A ;�SP �✓un..i. '.8 ����111���. fa �/ ;, ..:+ .Lit .Z�K �,,v t `i�yi cx ni y rl�-„'. M".��I''it'v,Y '.•r �;2tffl �. Y n , a': /rn vIm t IT k yid +L" rkfA L 1 4{.w,:�r v (1'a. 1• t '• j Wily1 ' ` } t.,lt�l _ I:,' F :.. '++ fl _"r7.J6 iGy.' ^ f�' � l�+aJ'�%� �''^� �vit 7�' '+ / •!..•j4'1ay���a i�"�"r '. PAA `P�Itf 1 'k .. ..+ .+rtv +r „i L �•i�°I.ATL a� J/ al,,. � /in✓%r"GA^q��Y it yf jq l� '' � 11 `'�.:r ��7 �'p ��s/��` i 1� `RJ?) �/" ^•� .a +1�ir+Il4`'\ �M��»�t`���,� 1�4}I�' t 'CrJuJICait AR i. Tel„ a (�'c�wi,i, 1 '::. 1, Vol qi t #,✓ � 1l, A ` a,y( ..:il `U �, ..a ;4y�i �`�r� �c.'� -... a'�—�`• ` ry e. J in+rAlr "`�l.J +a y. f+ t l I _ ! , + •v /! i-' � k+ �� r a) �„+N { 1 1 1+ � '+rh�i"c i � � F%�. < 1r�-'.. F c + to ✓ a t' �.�'' . `✓ (/ .!. '' 3"Y. 1 Ili rr1°'"a'i°r {+: �/t Q,'3, +�•.rn, ayl6 --G; M r a` .'-a �/ "I� i ). r ! i J J �kr/ a Yh'/v,t �a �I1..., •^t,•Id I� 4 `'.. 1 1 L 7 p Y F Mvf9 Ld � � aaKi{ax�T 1 r : • 1 i`(PSA"� �jpl I+:' b,•5,�yh�. I / ) • . t �+ !fir �.'�, % � k� �1' ,�:. �{ijr - '.�', ' !„ . C+ �' <: `,�i•ilR .• 1 i �,,�. .•,� ; .i vy .' , `,"-J� Yi 1. 1�+ / r� +'I a� � ���v� rY.�i'��'( f jr, 'flY%s0ri�li .. .. , ._.. ... ...;u a.,j,,,,w:,.,tt,'.,.•,a.. sl:' t �,,,r: a.:":d?x.r'` - .,,,. •w ,.r • "A5 601Lr" Operator:DEXTER EDWARDS County: DUPLIN Distance to nearest residence (other than owner): 1. AVERAGE LIVE WEIGHT (ALW) 0 sows (farrow to finish) 0 sows (farrow to feeder) 2860 head (finishing only) 0 sows (farrow to wean) 0 head (wean to feeder) Describe other : Date: 10/02/95 0.0 feet x 1417 lbs. = 0 lbs x 522 lbs. = 0 lbs x 135 lbs. = 386100 lbs x 433 lbs. = 0 lbs x .30 ,lbs. = 0 lbs 0 To a Average Live Weight = 386100 lbs 2. MINIMUM REQUIRED TREATMENT VOLUME OF LAGOON Volume = 386100 lbs. ALW x Treatment Volume(CF)/lb. ALW Treatment Volume(CF)/lb. ALW = 1 CF/lb. ALW Volume = 386100 cubic feet 3. STORAGE VOLUME FOR SLUDGE ACCUMULATION Volume = 0.0 cubic feet TOTAL DESIGNED VOLUME Inside top length (feet)--------------------- 650.0 A0�G05 Inside top width (feet)---------------------- 115.0 Top of dike elevation (feet)----------------- 500 Bottom of lagoon elevation (feet)------------ 39:0J8ASE0 Oft-k Freeboard (feet)----------------------- 1.0 AJCAAaL DFPr%4s Side slopes (inside lagoon)------------------ 2.0 1 Total design volume using prismoidal formula SS/END1 SS/END2 SS/SIDE1 SS/SIDE2 LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 646.0 111.0 10.0 AREA OF TOP LENGTH * WIDTH = 646.0 111.0 71706 (AREA OF TOP) AREA OF BOTTOM LENGTH * WIDTH = 606.0 71.0 43026 (AREA OF BOTTOM) AREA OF MIDSECTION LENGTH * WIDTH * 4 626.0 91.0 227864 (AREA OF MIDSECTION * 4) CU. FT. = AAREA TOP + (4*AREA MIDSECTION) + AREA BOTTOMU * DEPTH 71706.0 227864.0 43026.0 • Total Designed Volume Available = 570993 CU. F 5. TEMPORARY STORAGE REQUIRED DRAINAGE AREA: Lagoon (top of dike) Length * Width = 650.0 115.0 74750.0 square feet Buildings (roof and lot water) 0.0 square feet Describe this area. TOTAL DA 74750.0 square feet Design temporary storage period to be 180 days. .5A. Volume of waste produced Feces & urine production in gal./day per 135 lb. ALW 1.37 Volume = 386100 lbs. ALW/135 lbs. ALW * 1.37 gal/day 180 days • Volume = 705276 gals. or 94288.2 cubic feet . Volume of wash water This is the amount of fresh water used for washing floors or volume of freshwater used for a flush system. Flush systems that recircul the lagoon water are accounted for in 5A. Volume = 0.0 gallons/day * 180 days storage/7.48 gallo Volume = 0.0 cubic feet per C 5C. Volume of rainfall in excess of evaporation Use period of time when rainfall exceeds evaporation by largest amou 180 days excess rainfall = 7.0 inches Volume = 7.0 in * DA / 12 inches per foot Volume = 43604.2 cubic feet U 5D. M • 0 Volume of 25 year - 24 hour storm Volume = 7.5 inches / 12 inches per foot * DA Volume = 46718.8 cubic feet TOTAL REQUIRED TEMPORARY STORAGE 5A. 94288 cubic feet• 5B• 0 cubic feet 5C. 43604 cubic feet 5D. 46719 cubic feet .-.TOTAL 184611 cubic feet SUMMARY Temporary storage period____________ ________> 180 days Rainfall in excess of evaporation=====______> 25 7.0 inches year - 24 hour rainfall__________________> 7.5 inches Freeboard___________________________________> Side slopes_________________________________> 1.0 feet Inside top length___________________________> 2.0 : 1 Inside top width_____________________ 650.0 feet Top of dike elevation_______________________> 115.0 feet Bottom of lagoon elevation__________________> 50.0 39.0 feet feet Total required volume_______________________> 570711 cu. ft. Actual design volume________________________> 570993 cu. ft. Seasonal high watertable elevation (SHWT)===> 0.0 feet Stop pumping elev._____________________ Must be 0.0 feet > or = to the SHWT elev.====______> Must be > or = to 0.0 feet min. req. treatment el.=> Required minimum treatment volume=====______> 45.0 386100 feet Volume at stop pumping elevation=====_______> 65052 cu. ft. cu. ft. Start pumping elev.________________ 0.0 feet Must be at bottom of freeboard & 25 yr. rainfall Actual volume less 25 yr.- 24 hr. rainfall==> Volume at start 524275 cu. ft. pumping elevation=====______> Required volume to be pumped________________> 65052 cu. ft. Actual volume planned to be pumped=====_____> 137892 0 cu. ft. Min. thickness of soil liner when required==> 1.6 cu. ft. feet "As Boi►r" DESIGNED BY:� APPROVED BY: DATE: 10 1ZI1?5 DATE: NOTE: SEE ATTACHED WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN COMMENTS: Melwacc,���. Baste upoK A FiEc-D iXJEsm6ai�o,� SHEET 1 OF 2 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN This lagoon is designed for waste treatment (permanent storage) and 180 days of temporary storage. The time required for the planned fluid level (permanent and temporary storage) to be reached may vary due to site conditions, weather, flushing operations, and the amount of fresh water added to the system. The designed temporary storage consists of 180 days storage for: (1) waste from animals and (2) excess rainfall after evaporation. Also included is storage for the 25 year = 24 hour storm for the location. The volume of waste generated from a given number of animals will be fairly constant throughout the year and from year to year, but excess rainfall will vary from year to year. The 25 year rainfall will not be a factor to consider in an annual pumping cycle, but this storage volume must always be available. A maximum elevation is determined in each design to begin pumping and this is usually the outlet invert of pipe(s) from building(s). If the outlet pipe is not installed at the elevation to begin pumping, a permanent marker must be installed at this elevation to indicate when pumping should begin. An elevation must be established to stop pumping to maintain lagoon treatment depth. Pumping can be started or stopped at any time between these two elevations for operating convenience as site conditions permit, such as weather, soils, crop, and equipment in order to apply waste without runoff or leaching. Land application of waste water is recognized as an acceptable method of disposal. Methods of application include solid set, center pivot, guns, and traveling gun irrigation. Care should be taken when applying waste to prevent damage to crops. The following items are to be carried out: 1. It is strongly recommended that the treatment lagoon be pre - charged to 1/2 its capacity to prevent excessive odors during start-up. Pre -charging reduces the concentration of the initial waste entering the lagoon thereby reducing odors. Solids should be covered with effluent at all times. When precharging is complete, flush buildings with recycled lagoon liquid. Fresh water should not be used for flushing after initial filling. 2. The attached waste utilization plan shall be followed. This plan recommends sampling and testing of waste (see attachment) before land application. 3. Begin temporary storage pump -out of the lagoon when fluid level reaches the elevation 48.3 as marked by permanent marker. Stop pump - out when the fluid level reaches elevation 46.3 . This temporary storage, less 25 yr- 24 hr storm, contains 137892 cubic feet or 1031435 gallons. SHEET 2 OF 2 4. The recommended maximum amount to apply per irrigation is one (1) inch and the recommended maximum application rate is 0.3 inch per hour. Refer to the waste utilization plan for further details. 5. Keep vegetation on the embankment and areas adjacent to the lagoon mowed annually. Vegetation should be fertilized as needed to maintain a vigorous stand. 6. Repair any eroded areas or areas damaged by rodents and establish in vegetation. 7. All surface runoff is to be diverted from the lagoon to stable outlets. 8. Keep a minimum of 25 feet of grass vegetated buffer around waste utilization fields adjacent to perennial streams. Waste will not be applied in open ditches. Do not pump within 200 feet of a residence or within 100 feet of a well. Waste shall be applied in a manner not to reach other property and public right-of-ways. 9. The Clean Water Act of 1977 prohibits the discharge of pollutants into waters of the United States. The Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Environ- mental Management, has the responsibility for enforcing this law. KEEP THIS WITH YOUR CERTIFICATION AND OTHER WASTE MANAGEMENT RECORDS Before the end of 1996, all Carroll's company farms and grower farms will have a new addition in their waste treatment lagoons a LIQUID LEVEL INDICATOR. Though simple in design, this tool will go a long way in assisting all of us to better manage the liquid level in our lagoons. In order to complete the project -this summer,-Bruce-Jones.has - been contracted by Carroll's Foods to install indicators on --- - — -grower-farms. Usingsurvey -: y'equipment-and a boat,--Bruce-WYTT - determine the lowest point on each dike and set the indicators at the correct elevation. The indicators will be located in the most visible area of the lagoon and close to the irrigation pump if possible. Each indicator will serve the following purposes: 1. SHOW.THE MAXIMUM LIQ located below the 1 The newer indicators liquid level. If th j compliance. IIID LEVEL (this is the top pipe and is foot freeboard and 25 year 24 hour storm). are painted red down to the maximum e liquid is in the RED, the farm is out of 2. SHOW THE HALFWAY POINT (this is the middle pipe and is 1 foot below the maximum level and 1 foot above the minimum or stop pumping level). Waste management operators are encouraged to utilize this level for pumping during the spring and summer months. This will allow extra storage for periods of wet weather or extremely heavy rains. 3. SHOW THE MINIMUM LEVEL (stop pumping). This pipe will be 2 feet below the start pumping elevation for most lagoons. Irrigating below this level will reduce waste treatment and can result in odors and less breakdown of solids. It is strongly recommended that all farms be at this level when going into the winter months. Like many other management tools, the liquid level indicator is no better than the person who uses it. If even one spill can be prevented, this effort will be worthwhile for the industry. _MAXIMUM LIQUID LEVEL START PUMPING HALFWAY LIQUID LEVEL USE THIS LEVEL FOR BEST MANAGER MINIMUM LIQUID LEVEL STOP PUMPING Plot of all data for the surface: Project: Drawing: DEXTER EDWARDS CAPACITY Number: Location: Bid Date: Engineer: Owner: Estimator: Prepared by: using Sitswark (Orientation: -46.0 Lower Left Z Magnification: 16.8 3D Mesh Surface Proposed Project: Drawing: DEXTER EDWARDS CAPACITY Number: Location: Bid Date: Engineer: Owner: Estimator: Inclination: 20.0 30 Mesh Surface Prepared by: using Sitework Surfaces,0 Propo. • : ' Existing Tight Volumes Expansion (%) Expanded Volumes Cut: Fill: 12897.17 0.00 0.00 12897.17 0.00 0.00 Difference: 12897.17 Net Export: 12897.17 C2l) = 34g > �9• All volumes are in cubic yards. ----------------------------- Grid cell size: 6.02 by 6.04 Original scale: 100.00ft/in ------------------------------- Project: Drawing: DEXTER EDWARDS CAPACITY Number: Location: Bid Date: Engineer: Owner: Estimator: Prepared by: using Sitework EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN PHONE NUMBERS DWO EMERGENCY MANAGEME—NT SYSTEM 9/0-�93— SWCD VP-e29c-Fiz0 - NRCS 910-29c-ziza 'This plan will be implemented in the event that wastes from your operation are leaking, overflowing, or running off site. You should not wait until wastes reach surface waters or leave your property to consider that you have a problem. You should make every effort to ensure that this does not happen. This plan should be posted in an accessible location for all employees at the facility. The following are some action items you should take. 1. Stop the release of wastes. Depending on the situation, this may or may not be possible. Suggested responses to some possible problems are listed below. A. Lagoon overflow -possible solutions are: a, Add soil to berm to increase elevation of dam. b. Pump wastes to fields at an acceptable rate. c. Stop all flows to the lagoon immediately. d. Call a pumping contractor. e. Make sure no surface water is entering lagoon. B: Runoff from waste application field -actions include: a. Immediately. stop waste application. b. Create a temporary diversion to contain waste. C. Incorporate waste to reduce runoff. d. Evaluate and eliminate the reason(s) that caused the runoff. e. Evaluate the application rates for the fields where runoff occurred. C: Leakage from the waste pipes and sprinklers -action include: a. Stop recycle pump. b. Stop irrigation pump. c. Close valves to eliminate further discharge. d. Repair all leaks prior to restarting pumps. D: Leakage from flush systems, houses, solid separators -action include: a. Stop recycle pump. b. Stop irrigation pump. C. Make sure no siphon occurs. d. Stop all flows in the house, flush systems, or solid separators. December 18, 1996 e. Repair all leaks prior to restarting pumps. E: Leakage from base or sidewall of lagoon. Often this is seepage as opposed to flowing leaks- possible action: a. Dig a small sump or ditch away from the embankment to catch all seepage, put in a submersible pump, and pump back to lagoon. b. If holes are caused by burrowing animals, trap or remove animals and fill holes and compact with a clay type soil. , c. Have a professional evaluate the condition of the side walls and lagoon bottom as soon as possible. 2. Assess. the extent of the spill and note any obvious damages. a. Did the waste reach any surface waters? b. Approximately how much was released and for. what duration? c. Any damage noted, such as employee injury, fish kills, or property damage? d. Did the spill leave the property? e. Does the spill have the potential to reach surface waters? f. Could a future rain event cause the spill to reach surface waters? g. Are potable water wells in danger (either on or off of the property)? h. How much reached surface waters? 3: Contact appropriate agencies. a. During normal business hours, call your DWQ (Division of Water Quality) regional office; Phoneq/F Jyf17yQoAfter hours, emergency number: 919-733-3942, Your phone call should include: your name, facility, telephone number, the details of the incident from item 2 above, the exact location of the facility, the location or direction of movement of the spill, weather and wind conditions. The corrective measures that have been under taken, and the seriousness of the situation. b. If spill leaves property or enters surface waters, call local EMS Phone number9/a- ,793 -.7rf.��4 c. Instruct EMS to contact local Health Department. d. Contact CES, phone numbef/o,!-,7/X ocal SWCD office phone number9/a-X z/2 o and local NRCS office for advice/technical assistance phone number�/v ;%�,z/,t o 4: If none of the above works call 911 or the Sheriffs Department and explain your problem to them and ask that person to contact the proper agencies for you. 5: Contact the contractor of your choice to begin repair of problem to minimize off -site damage. a. Contractors Name: R.D. b. Contractors Address: /6.23N" c. Contractors Phone: y/O_ 9k- 7L 2 December 18, 1996 6: Contact the technical specialist who certified the lagoon (NRCS, Consulting Engineer, etc.) a. Name:./�g—,V b. Phone:_ 91a-z91-.7y,7n Zji6 7: Implement procedures as advised by DWQ and technical assistance agencies to rectify the damase, repair the system, and reassess the waste management plan to keep problems with release of wastes from happening again. December 18, 1996 Source G Swine Farm Waste Management Odor Control Checklist Cause QMPs to Minimize Odor :productionITVegetative or wooded buffers; ❑ jZecommended best management practices; Good judgment and common sense manure -covered animalstnanure-eovered animals ❑ Dry floorsfloom tanure-covered floors r7 6tnn.d Manure collection pits • Urine; • Partial microbial decomposition Ventilation exhaust fans • Volatile gases; Dust Indoor surfaces a 131st Agitation of recycled lagoon liquid while tanks are filling Flush alleys Agitation during wastewater conveyance I'it recharge points • Agitation of recycled lagoon liquid while pits are filling ons • Agitation during sump tank filling and drawdown drain collection Agitation during wastewater on boxes conveyanceIL -November 11, 1996, Page 3 FX Waterers located over slotted floors;. ❑ Feeders at high end of solid floors; V❑ SScrfloape manure buildup from floors; C1 Underor ventilation for drying IRF Frequent manure removal by flush, pit recha /or scrape; 0 Underfloor ventilation Fan maintenance; IT Efficient air movement Washdown between groups of animals; ❑ Feed additives; ❑ Feeder covers; Cl Feed delivery downspout extenders to feeder covers ❑ Flush tank covers; ❑ Extend fill lines to near bottom of tanks with /anti -siphon vents B Underfloor Gush with underfloor ventilation ❑ Extend recharge lines to near bottom of pits Willi anti -siphon vents ❑ Sump tank covers ❑ oux covers Source rahtoiues at lagoon nozzles wastewater conveyance Volatile gas etnissi • Biological mixing; • Agitation • High pressure • Wind drift Storage tank or basin • raLL1LL. A........... I...- -surface • Mixing while tilling; • Agitation when emptying Settling basin surface • ranter urrc.vu.•, r• • Mixing while filling; • Agitation when emptying Manure, slurry or sludge Agitation when spreading spreader outlets • Volatile gas emissions Uncovered manure, • Volatile gas emissions wl slurry or sludge on field drying surfaces Dead animals • Carcass e Dead animal disposal • Carcass c pits Incinerators • lncomph . AMOC - November 11, 1996, Page 4 LIMPS to 1 Extend discharge p lagoon liquid level of pipes underneath ❑ Proper lagoon liquid capacity; ❑ Correct lagoon startup procedures; ❑ Minimum surface area-to-volumc ratio; Er"iviinhnum agitation when.paniping; (3 Mechanical aeration; Ck/ Proven biological additives /irrigate on dry days with little or no wind; Q Minimum recommended operating pressure; G)�'Pump intake near lagoon liquid surface; ❑ Pump from second -stage lagoon ❑ Bottom or midlevel loading; ❑ Tank covers; ❑ Basin surface mats of solids; ❑ Proven biological additives or oxidants ❑ Extend drainpipe outlets underneaut liquid level; ❑ Remove settled solids regularly ❑ Soil injection of slurry/sludges; ❑ Wash residual manure from spreader alter use; ❑ Proven biological additives or oxidants ❑ Soil injection of slurry/sludges ❑ Soil incorporation within 48 lus.; ❑ Spread in thin uniform layers for rapid drying; ❑ Proven biological additives or oxidants Proper disposition of carcasses ❑ Complete covering of carcasses in burial pits; ❑ Proper location/construction of disposal pits ❑ Secondary stack btimers Source Standing water around facilities Manure Tacked onlo public roads from farm access Additional Information • Improper drainage; • Microbial decomposition of organic matter to Grade and landscape suci fiat water away from facilities • Poorly maintained access road—s—B Fann access road ........ , ..- ..w.V wrar rauKe{ Swine Production Farm Potential Odor Sources and Remedies ; EBAE Fact Sheet Swine Production Facility Manure Management: Pit Recllarge - Lagoon Treatment ; EBAE 128-88 Swine Production Facility Manure Management: Underfloor Flush - Lagoon Treatment; EBAE 129-88 Lagoon Design and Management for Livestock Manure Treatment and Storage EBAE 103-83 Calibration of Manure and Wastewater Application Equipment; EBAE Fact Sheet Controlling Odors from Swine Buildings; PIH-33 Environmental Assurance Program ;'NPPC Manual Options for Managing Odor; a report from the Swine Odor Task Force Nuisance Concerns in Animal Manure Management: Odors and Flies; PRO107, 1995 Conference Proceedings AMOC - November 11, 1996, Page 5 Available From : NCSU-BAE NCSU-BAE NCSU-BAE NCSU-BAE NCSU-BAE NCSU - Swine Extension NC Pork Producers Assoc NCSU Agri Communications Florida Cooperative Extension Insect Control Checklist for Animal Operations suurcrentty to remove accumulated solids from gutters as designed. 0 Remove bridging of accumulated solids at —'d"""' W� r r� • crusted Solids "- Maintain lagoons, settling basins acid pits where pest breeding is apparent to minimize the crusting of solids to a depth of no more than 6 - Vegetative • Decaying inches over more than 30% of surface. Excessive vegetation Growth 0 Maintain vegetative control along banks of lagoons and other impoundments to prevent accumulation of decaying vegetative matter along waters edge on impoundment's perimeter. atorage • O Design, operate and maintain feed systems (e.g., bunkers and troughs) to minimize die accumulation of decaying wastage. 0 Clean up spillage on a routine basis (e.g., 7 - 10 day interval during summer; 15-30 day interval ur rceu restaues Cl Reduce moisture accumulation within and around immediate perimeter of feed storage areas by insuring drainage away from site and/or providing adequate containment (e.g., covered bin for brewer's grain and similar high moisture grain products). O Inspect for and remove or break up accumulated solids in filter strips around feed storage as needed. to n6. Wi1U1a IUtQ UI w1u11Jl wdbtub u t:mnutaie low areas unit trap moisture along and feed wastage fences and other locations where waste accumulates and disturbance by animals is nnhunial. O Maintain fence rows and filter strips around animal holding areas to minimize accumulations of wastes (i.e., inspect for and remove or break up accumulated solids as Ury Manure Handling Accumulations of animal wastes 0 Remove spillage on a routine basis (e.g., 7 - 10 Systems day interval during summer; 15-30 day interval during winter) where manure is loaded for land application or disposal. 0 Provide for adequate drainage around manure stockpiles. 0 Inspect for and remove or break up accumulated wastes in filter strips around stockpiles and manure handling areas as needed. For more information contact the Cooperative Extension Service, Department of Entomology, Box 7613, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, 27695-7613. Mortality Management Methods (check which method(s) are being implemented) ❑ Burial three feet beneath the surface of the ground within 24 hours after knowledge of the death. The burial must be at least 300 feet from any flowing stream or public body of water. Rendering at a rendering plant licensed under G.S. 106-168.7 ❑ Complete incineration ❑ In the case of dead poultry only, placing in a disposal pit of a size and design approved by the Department of Agriculture ❑ Any method which in the professional opinion of the State Veterinarian would make possible the salvage of part of a dead animal's value without endangering human or animal health. (Written approval of the State Veterinarian must be attached) December 18, 1996 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary Division of Water Quality November 13, 1998 Certified Mail # Z 153 115 131 Return Receipt Requested Mr. Dexter Edwards Dexter Edwards Farm 323 Willard Edwards Road Beulaville, NC 28518 A 0 0 VA NCDENR NORTH GROUNA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NRII RESOURCES Subject: NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY Dexter Edwards Farm Facility Number: 31-261 Duplin County Dear Mr. Edwards: On November 10, 1998, staff from the Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality inspected your animal operation and the lagoon(s) serving this operation. It was observed that an excess of nitrogen was applied to spray field #3, pull D beyond the recommended Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) loading rate listed in the Waste Utilization Plan (WUP) for a small grain overseed. NRCS requirements specify that animal waste shall be applied at agronomic rates. Nitrogen application should not exceed the PAN loading rates listed in the WUP for each field and each crop. The excess nitrogen applied to the small grain should be subtracted from the nitrogen balance of the 1998 bermuda crop. We suggest that you, contact your service company, local NRCS or Soil and Water District office for any assistance they may be able to provide to correct the situation. To remain a deemed permitted facility, you must notify this office in' writing within fourteen (14) days of the receipt of this notice, what actions will be taken to comply with your waste management plan. Failure to do so may result in the facility losing it's deemed permitted status, requiring it to obtain an individual non discharge permit. 127 North Cardinal Dr., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper Z 153 115 131 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. Do not use for International Mail (See reverse) 4 Postage Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee N m returnreceipt Showing to Ulnmm x nnM OeGverad 5 TOTAL Postage 6'F'e`d's' A 0 a Wilmington, KC 28411 Mr. Dexter Edwards November 13, 1998 Page 2. Please be aware it is a violation of North Carolina General Statutes to discharge wastewater to the surface waters of the State without a permit. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources has the authority to levy a civil penalty of not more than $10,000 per day per violation. When the required corrective actions are complete, you must notify this office in writing at the address below. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please call David Holsinger, Dean Hunkele or Brian Wrenn at 910-395-3900. Sincerely, &-/-' A Brian L. Wrenn Environmental Specialist cc: Harold Jones, Duplin County Soil and Water Conservation Don Butler, Carroll's Foods Operations Branch Wilmington Files S. I WQS I BRIANW I DEF981 D UPL IN I31-261. DEF 127 North Cardinal Dr., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper November 27, 1998 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 127 North Cardinal Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 Dear Mr. Wrenn This letter is in response to the Notice of Deficiency for Facility N er: 31-261, er Edwards Farm. We wish to assure you that the matter is being correcte n for the over application was due to the excess amount of rainfall experienced during the winter of 1997- 98. An small excess of nitrogen was applied to only one of 10 spray fields, which was #3, pull D. Three strategies have and will be applied to correct this deficiency. First the expected amount of rainfall, according to statistics should not be in excess of normal. Secondly a lowering of water pressure in the facility has been incorporated. The less water pressure will cut down on the amount of affluent entering into the anaerobic lagoon, as well as, limiting the amount of fluid intact also decreasing the amount of affluent. Finally, a closer monitoring of the records on each spray field will be checked weekly to insure a more equal application on all pulls. Should you have any additional questions or concerns please contact us immediately. Sincerely, Q 0-SA Dexter Edwards Owner State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director July 31, 1998 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURNC PT REQUESTED ex� ter EJwar s Dexter Edwards 323 Willard Edwards Rd Beulaville NC 28518 Farm Number: 31- 261 Dear Dexter Edwards: RCDENR NORTH CARouNA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES You are hereby notified that Dexter Edwards, in accordance with G.S. 143-215.1 OC, must apply for coverage under an Animal Waste Operation General Permit. Upon receipt of this letter, your farm has six 60 days to submit the attached application and all supporting documentation. In accordance with Chapter 626 of 1995 Session Laws (Regular Session 1996), Section 19(c)(2), any owner or operator who fails to submit an application by the date specified by the Department SHALL NOT OPERATE the animal waste system after the specified date. Your application must be returned within sixty (60) days of receipt of this letter. Failure to submit the application as required may also subject your facility to a civil penalty and other enforcement actions for each day the facility is operated following the due date of the application. The attached application has been partially completed using information listed in your Animal Waste Management Plan Certification Form. If any of the general or operation information listed is incorrect please make corrections as noted on the application before returning the application package. The signed original application, one copy of the signed application, two copies of a general location map, and two copies of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan must be returned to complete the application package. The completed package should be sent to the following address: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Non -Discharge Permitting Unit Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 If you have any questions concerning this letter, please call Sue Homewood at (919)733-5083 extension 502 or Dave Holsinger with the Wilmington Regional Office at (910) 395-3900. incerely, for A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. cc: Permit File (w/o encl.) Wilmington Regional Office (w/o encl.) P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733.7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary November 13, 1996 Dexter Edwards Dexter Edwards 323 Willard Edwards Rd Beulaville NC 28518 SUBJECT: Operator In Charge Designation Facility: Dexter Edwards Facility ID#: 31-261 Duplin County Dear Mr. Edwards: Senate Bill 1217, An Act to Implement Recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Study Commission on Agricultural Waste, enacted by the 1996 North Carolina General Assembly, requires a certified operator for each animal waste management system that serves 250 or more swine by January 1, 1997. The owner of each animal waste management system must submit a designation form to the Technical Assistance and Certification Group which designates an Operator in Charge and is countersigned by the certified operator. The enclosed form must be submitted by January 1, 1997 for all facilities in operation as of that date. Failure to designate a certified operator for your animal waste management system is a violation of 15A NCAC 2H .0224 and may result in the assessment of a civil penalty. If you have questions concerning operator training or examinations for certification, please contact your local North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service agent or our office. Examinations have been offered on an on -going basis in many counties throughout the state for the past several months and will continue to be offered through December 31, 1996. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions concerning this requirement please call Beth Buffington or Barry Huneycutt of our staff at 919/733-0026. Sincerely, � A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Division of Water Quality Enclosure cc: Wilmington Regional Office Water Quality Files P.O. Box 27687, ��y. Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Nf�C An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Voice 919-715-4100 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director February 17, 1994 Dexter Edwards 323 Willard Edwards Road Beulaville NC 28518 Dear Mr. Edwards: This is to inform you that your completed registration form required by the recently modified nondischarge rule has been received by the Division of Environmental Management (DEM), Water Quality Section. On December 10, 1992 the Environmental Management Commission adopted a water quality rule which governs animal waste management systems. The goal of the rule is for animal operations to be managed such that animal waste is not discharged to surface waters of the state. The rule allows animal waste systems to be "deemed permitted" if certain minimum criteria are met (15A NCAC 2H .0217). By submitting this registration you have met one of the criteria for being deemed permitted. We would like to remind you that existing feedlots which meet the size thresholds listed in the rule, and any new or expanded feedlots constructed between February 1, 1993 and December 31, 1993 must submit a signed certification form (copy enclosed) to DEM by December 31, 1997. New or expanded feedlots constructed after December 31, 1993 must obtain signed certification before animals are stocked on the farm. Certification of an approved animal waste management plan can be obtained after the Soil and Water Conservation Commission adopts rules later this year. We appreciate you providing us with this information. If you have any question about the new nondischarge rule, please contact David Harding at (919) 733-5083. Sincerely, Steve Tedder, Chief enc: ' Water Quality Section P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0635 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50%recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper REGISTRATION FORM FOR ANIMAL FEEDLOT OPERATIO1 z= Department of Environment, Health and Natural Res _ ces :Jn3 Division of Environmental Management o Water Quality Section If the animal waste management system for your feedlot oper ian.,is; designed to serve more than or equal to 100 head of cattle, horses, 250 swine, 1,000 sheep, or 30,000 birds that are served by a liquid waste system, then this form must be filled out and mailed by December 31, 1993 pursuant to'15A NCAC 2H.0217(c) in order to be deemed.permitted by DEM. Please print clearly. Farm Name Mailing Address: County: Owner(s) Name: e ,-' Manager(s) Name: Lessee Name: Farm Location (Be as specific as possible: road names, direction, milepost, etc.) :.2 •/<s 417L of 12e 1� 114 o� Ems.,-/ ��✓��� /ems Latitude/Longitude if known:oV-/`f Design capacity of animal waste management system (Number and type of confined animal (s)) : `T o .zf60 Average anima?. population on the farm (Number and type of animals) raised) : 1,P6o TTV4 ,9 Year Production'Began: ASCS Tract No.: 9 CY 1 Type of Waste Management System Used: TIN, all Acres -Available for Land Applicat�ion/ of.Waste:-,2 C� � 2�G Owners)^Signature(s): DATE: DATE: