HomeMy WebLinkAbout250008_INSPECTIONS_20171231NORTH CAROLINA .� Department of Envlmnmental Qual INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS 4 ' Division of Water Resources ❑ Division of Soil and Water Conservation ❑ Other Agency Facility Number: 250008 Facility Status: Active Permit: AWS250008 ❑ Denied Access Inppection Type: Compliance Inspection Inactive Or Closed Date: Reason for Visit: Routine County: Craven Region Washington Date of Visit: 02/0312016 Entry Time: 09:0a am Exit Time: 12:00 pm Incident # Farm Name: Rivers Edge Farms Owner Email: carsonjones4l @yahoo.i Owner: Carson Jones Phone: 252-244-1052 Mailing Address: 6305 River Rd Vanoeboro NC 285868575 Physical Address: 7011 River Rd Vanceboro NC 28586 Facility Status: ❑ Compliant Not Compliant Integrator. Murphy -Brown LLC Location of Farm: Latitude: 35' 16' 10" Longitude: 77° 13' 41" Farm is located off NCSR 1400 in Craven County. Farm entrance is located on the southern side of NCSR 1400 approximately 2.5 miles west of the intersection between NCSR 1400 and NCSR 1443. Question Areas: Dischrge & Stream impacts Waste Col, Stor, & Treat Waste Application Records and Documents Other Issues Certified Operator: Jeffery C Jones Operator Certification Number: 997066 Secondary OIC(s): On -Site Rep rosentative(s): Name Title Phone 24 hour contact name Carson Jones Phone On -site representative Carson Jones Phone Primary Inspector: Megan H Stilley Phone: Inspector Signature: Date' Secondary Inspector(s): Inspection Summary: page: 1 Permit: AWS250008 Owner -Facility : Carson Jones Facility Number: 250008 Inspection Date: 02 O3116 Inpsection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Sludge Survey 12-10-15 Thick-3.8' LTZ-3.5' Pump intakeA.9' ) need to do additional calculations to get Sludge Ratio Crop yield complete Soil Test due 2017 Waste Analysis 12-9-15 1.29 10-5-15 .86 7-10-15 1.27 3-29-15 1.8 Freeboard & Rainfall complete - 21) need to initial 1" rain events and check lagoon -Jan rainfall approx 2.5 inches - 5 events December approx 3.75" ) should be more 24) No 2015 Calibration in records Continue efforts maintaining lagoon bank page: 2 Permit: AVVS250008 Owner - Facility : Carson Jones Facility Number: 250008 Inspection Date: 02103/16 Inpsection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit Routine Regulated Operations Design Capacity Current promotions Swine Swine - Feeder to Finish 3,672 3,500 Total Design Capacity: 3.672 Total SSLW: 495,720 Waste Structures Disignated Observed Type Identifier Closed Date Start Date Freeboard Freeboard Lagoon RIVER EDGE 10/14/94 20,00 28.00 page' 3 Permit: AWS250008 Owner - Facility : Carson Jones Facility Number: 250008 Inspection Date: 02/03/16 Inpsection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Discharges & Stream Impacts Yes No Na Ne 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? ❑ M ❑ ❑ Discharge originated at: Structure ❑ Application Field ❑ Other ❑ a. Was conveyance man-made? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ b. Did discharge reach Waters of the State? (if yes, notify DWQ) ❑ M ❑ ❑ c. What is the estimated volume that reached waters of the State {gallons}? d. Does discharge bypass the waste management system? {if yes, notify DWQ} ❑ ❑ ❑ 2. Is there evidence of a past discharge from any part of the operation? ❑ ❑ ❑ 3. Were there any observable adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to Waters of the ❑ ❑ ❑ State other than from a discharge? Waste Collection. Storage & Treatment Yes No Na Me 4. Is storage capacity less than adequate? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ If yes, is waste level into structural freeboard? ❑ 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed (I.e./ large ❑ ❑ ❑ trees, severe erosion, seepage, etc.)? 6. Are there structures on -site that are not properly addressed and/or managed through a ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ waste management or closure plan? 7. Do any of the structures need maintenance or improvement? ❑ M ❑ ❑ 8. Do any of the structures lack adequate markers as required by the permit? (Not applicable ❑ M ❑ ❑ to roofed pits, dry stacks and/or wet stacks) 9. Does any part of the waste management system other than the waste structures require ❑ El ❑ maintenance or improvement? Waste Application Yes No Na No 10. Are there any required buffers, setbacks, or compliance alternatives that need ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ maintenance or improvement? 11. Is there evidence of incorrect application? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Excessive Ponding? ❑ Hydraulic Overload? ❑ Frozen Ground? ❑ Heavy metals (Cu, Zn, etc)? ❑ PAN? ❑ Is PAN a 10%110 lbs.? ❑ Total Phosphorus? ❑ Failure to incorporate manure/sludge into bare soil? ❑ Outside of acceptable crop window? ❑ Evidence of wind drift? ❑ Application outside of application area? ❑ page: 4 Permit: AWS250008 Owner - Facility : Carson Jones Facility Number: 250008 Inspection Cate: 02/03/16 Inpsection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit Routine Waste Application Yes Na He Crop Type 1 Coastal Bermuda Grass [Hay] Crop Type 2 Small Grain Overseed Crop Type 3 Crop Type 4 Crop Type 5 Crap Type 6 Soil Type 1 Soil Type 2 Soil Type 3 Soil Type 4 Soil Type 5 Soil Type 6 14. Do the receiving craps differ from those designated in the Certified Animal Waste ❑ ❑ ❑ Management Plan(CAWMP)? 15. Does the receiving crop and/or land application site need improvement? ❑ M ❑ ❑ 16. Did the facility fail to secure and/or operate per the irrigation design or wettable acre ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ determination? 17. Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application? ❑ E IT ❑ 18. Is there a lack of properly operating waste application equipment? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ Records and Documents Yes No Na He 19. Did the facility fail to have Certificate of Coverage and Permit readily available? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 20. Does the facility fail to have all components of the CAWMP readily available? ❑ E ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. WUP? ❑ Checklists? ❑ Design? ❑ Maps? ❑ Lease Agreements? ❑ Other? ❑ If Other, please specify 21. Does record keeping need improvement? a Cl ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Waste Application? ❑ Weekly Freeboard? ❑ Waste Analysis? ❑ Soil analysis? ❑ Waste Transfers? ❑ Weather code? ❑ Rainfall? ❑ Stocking? ❑ page: 5 Permit: AWS250008 Owner - Facility : Carson Jones Facility Number: 250008 Inspection Date: 02/03/16 Inpsection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Records and documents Yes No Na He Crop yields? ❑ 120 Minute inspections? ❑ Monthly and 1" Rainfall Inspections Sludge Survey ❑ 22. Did the facility fail to install and maintain a rain gauge? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 23. If selected, did the facility fail to install and maintain a rainbreaker on irrigation equipment ❑ 1:10 ❑ (NPDES only)? 24. Did the facility fail to calibrate waste application equipment as required by the permit? ❑ ❑ ❑ 25. Is the facility out of compliance with permit conditions related to sludge? If yes, check the ❑ E ❑ ❑ appropriate box(es) below: Failure to complete annual sludge survey ❑ Failure to develop a POA for sludge levels ❑ Non -compliant sludge levels in any lagoon ❑ List structure(s) and date of first survey indicating non-compliance 26. Did the facility fail to provide documentation of an actively certified operator in charge? ❑ E ❑ ❑ 27, Did the facility fail to secure a phosphorous loss assessment (PLAT) certification? ❑ ❑ ❑ Other Issues Yes No Na Me 28. Did the facility fail to properly dispose of dead animals within 24 hours and/or document ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ and report mortality rates that exceed normal rates? 29, At the time of the inspection did the facility pose an odor or air quality concern? If yes, ❑ ❑ ❑ contact a regional Air Quality representative immediately. 30. Did the facility fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by Permit? ❑ E ❑ ❑ (i.e., discharge, freeboard problems, over -application) 31. Do subsurface tile drains exist at the facility? ❑ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Application Field ❑ Lagoon / Storage Pond ❑ Other ❑ If Other, please specify 32. Were any additional problems noted which cause non-compliance of the Permit or ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ CAWM P? 33. Did the Reviewerllnspector fail to discuss review/inspection with on -site representative? ❑ E ❑ ❑ 34. Does the facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ page: 5 • M Division of Water Resources ❑ Division of Soil and Water Conservation El Other Agency Facility Number: 250008 Facility Status: Active Permit: AWS250008 Inpsect ion Type: Compliance Inspection Inactive Or Closed Date: Reason for Visit: Routine County: Craven Region: Date of Visit: 0112912015 Entry Time: 11:00 am Exit Time: 12:00 pm Incident ## Farm Name: Rivers Edge Farms Owner Email: Owner: Carson Jones Phone: Mailing Address: 6305 River Rd Vanceboro NC 285868575 Physical Address: 7011 River Rd Vanceboro NC 28586 ❑ Denied Access Washington carsonjones41 @yahco, t 252-244-1052 Facility status: Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Integrator: Murphy -Brown LLC Location of Farm: Latitude: 35' 16' 10" Longitude: 77' 13' 41" Farm is located off NCSR 1400 in Craven County. Farm entrance is located on the southern side of NCSR 1400 approximately 2.5 miles west of the intersection between NCSR 1400 and NCSR 1443. Question Areas: Dischrge & Stream Impacts Waste Col, Stor, & Treat Waste Application Records and Documents Other Issues Certified Operator: Jeffery C Jones Secondary OIC(s): Operator Certification Number: 997066 On -Site Representative(s): Name Title Phone 24 hour contact name Carson Jones Phone On -site representative Carson Jones Phone Primary Inspector: Inspector Signature: Secondary Inspector{s}: Megan H Stilley Inspection Summary: Crop yield complete - facility faxed yields to DWR 25}No 2014 Sludge Survey Waste Analysis 9-26-14 1,07 7-24-14 1.35 4-30-14 1.83 Freeboard & Rainfall complete & correspond wl irrigation Calibration complete 9-11-13 Soil Test 1-10-14 wl highest lime 0 tons Cu 8 2n values wlin range 'Continue to maintain bare spots on lagoon Phone: Date: page: 1 Permit: AWS25000B Owner - Facility : Carson Jones Facility Number: 250008 Inspection Date: 01/29/15 Inpsection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Regulated Operations Design Capacity Current promotions Swi no Swine - Feeder to Finish 3.872 3,700 . Total Design Capacity: 3,672 Total SSLW: 495,720 Waste Structures Disignated Observed Type Identifier Closed Date Start Date Freeboard Freeboard Lagoon RIVER EDGE 10/14/94 20,00 25.00 page: 2 Permit: AWS250008 Owner- Facility Carson Jones Facility Number 250008 Inspection Date. 01/29/15 Inssection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Discharges & Stream Impacts Yes No Na Ne 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ Discharge originated at Structure ❑ Application Field ❑ Other ❑ a. Was conveyance man-made? ❑ M ❑ ❑ b. Did discharge reach Waters of the State? (if yes, notify DWO) ❑ M ❑ �] c. What is the estimated volume that reached waters of the State (gallons)? d. Does discharge bypass the waste management system? (if yes, notify DWQ) ❑ ❑ ❑ 2. Is there evidence of a past discharge from any part of the operation? ❑ ❑ ❑ 3. Were there any observable adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to Waters of the ❑ ❑ ❑ State other than from a discharge? Waste Collection, Storage & Treatment Yes No Na Ne d. Is storage capacity less than adequate? ❑ ❑ ❑ If yes, is waste level into structural freeboard? ❑ 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed (I.e./ large ❑ ❑ ❑ trees, severe erosion, seepage, etc.)? 6. Are there structures on -site that are not properly addressed and/or managed through a ❑ M ❑ ❑ waste management or closure plan? T. Do any of the structures need maintenance or improvement? [] ❑ ❑ 8. Do any of the structures lack adequate markers as required by the permit? (Not applicable ❑ M ❑ ❑ to roofed pits, dry stacks and/or wet stacks) 9. Does any part of the waste management system other than the waste structures require ❑ M ❑ ❑ maintenance or improvement? Waste Application Yes No Na No 10. Are there any required buffers, setbacks, or compliance alternatives that need ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ maintenance or improvement? 11. Is there evidence of incorrect application? ❑ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Excessive Ponding? ❑ Hydraulic Overload? ❑ Frozen Ground? ❑ Heavy metals (Cu, Zn, etc)? ❑ PAN? ❑ Is PAN a 10%/10 lbs.? ❑ Total Phosphorus? ❑ Failure to incorporate manurelsludge into bare soil? ❑ Outside of acceptable crop window? ❑ Evidence of wind drift? ❑ Application outside of application area? ❑ page. 3 Permit: AWS250008 Owner -Facility: Carson Janes Facility Number. 250008 Inspection Date: 01/29/15 Inpsection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Waste Application Yes No Na No Crop Type 1 Coastal Bermuda Grass (Hay) Crop Type 2 Small Gram bverseed Crop Type 3 Crop Type 4 Crop Type 5 Crop Type 6 Sail Type 1 Soil Type 2 Soil Type 3 Soil Type 4 Soil Type 5 Soil Type 6 14. Do the receiving crops differ from those designated in the Certified Animal Waste ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ Management Plan(CAWMP)? 15. Does the receiving crop andlor land application site need improvement? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 16. Did the facility fail to secure andlor operate per the irrigation design or wettable acre ❑ E ❑ ❑ determination? 17. Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 18. Is there a lack of properly operating waste application equipment? ❑ NEI ❑ Records and documents Yea No Na Ne 19. Did the facility fail to have Certificate of Coverage and Permit readily available? ❑ E ❑ ❑ 20. Does the facility fail to have all components of the CAWMP readily available? ❑ E ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. WUP? ❑ Checklists? ❑ Design? ❑ Maps? ❑ Lease Agreements? ❑ Other? ❑ If Other, please specify 21. Does record keeping need improvement? ❑ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Waste Application? ❑ Weekly Freeboard? ❑ Waste Analysis? ❑ Soil analysis? ❑ Waste Transfers? ❑ Weather code? ❑ Rainfall? ❑ Stocking? ❑ page: 4 Permit: AWS250008 Owner - Facility : Carson ,tones Facility Number- 250008 Inspection pate. 01/29/15 Inssection Type Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Records and Documents Yes No Na Ne Crop yields? ❑ 120 Minute inspections? ❑ Monthly and 1" Rainfall Inspections ❑ Sludge Survey ❑ 22. Did the facility fail to install and maintain a rain gauge? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 23. tf selected, did the facility fail to install and maintain a rainbreaker on irrigation equipment ❑ ❑ ❑ (NPDES only)? 24. Did the facility fail to calibrate waste application equipment as required by the permit? ❑ M ❑ ❑ 25. Is the facility out of compliance with permit conditions related to sludge? If yes, check the ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ appropriate box(es) below: Failure to complete annual sludge survey Failure to develop a PDA for sludge levels ❑ Non -compliant sludge levels in any lagoon [l List structure(s) and date of first survey indicating non-compliance: t 26. Did the facility fail to provide documentation of an actively certified operator in charge? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 27. Did the facility fail to secure a phosphorous loss assessment (PLAT) certification? E] ❑ 0 ❑ Other Issues Yes No Na Ne 28. Did the facility fail to properly dispose of dead animals within 24 hours and/or document ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ and report mortality rates that exceed normal rates? 29, At the time of the inspection did the facility pose an odor or air quality concern? If yes, ❑ ❑ ❑ contact a regional Air Quality representative immediately. 30. Did the facility fail to notify regional DWO of emergency situations as required by Permit? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ (i.e., discharge, freeboard problems, over -application) 31. Do subsurface tile drains exist at the facility? ❑ M ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Application Field ❑ Lagoon / Storage Pond ❑ Other ❑ If Other, please specify 32. Were any additional problems noted which cause non-compliance of the Permit or ❑M ❑ ❑ CAWMP? 33. Did the Reviewer/Inspector fail to discuss review/inspection with on -site representative? ❑ ❑ ❑ 34. Does the facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ page: 5 t c Division of Water Resources Division of Soil and Water Conservation ❑ Other Agency Facility Number: 250008 Facility Status: Active Inssection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Permit: AWS250008 Inactive Or Closed Date' County: Craven Region: Date of Visit: 05/22/2014 Entry Time: 12:00 pm Exit Time: 1:00 pm Incident # Farm Name: Rivers Edge Farms Owner Email - Owner: Carson Jones Phone: Mailing Address: 6305 River Rd Vanceboro INC 285868575 Physical Address: 7011 River Rd Vanceboro NC 28586 Facility Status: 0Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Integrator: Murphy -Brown LLC ❑ Denied Access Washington 252-244-1052 Location of Farm: Latitude: 35` 16' 10" Longitude: 77' 13' 41" Farm is located off NCSR 1400 in Craven County. Farm entrance is located on the southern side of NCSR 1400 approximately 2.5 miles west of the intersection between NCSR 1400 and NCSR 1441 Question Areas: Dischrge & Stream impacts Waste Col. Stor, & Treat Waste Application Records and Documents Other Issues Certtfied Operator: Jeffery C Jones Operator Certification Number: 997066 Secondary OIC(s): Dn 5ite Representative(s): Name Title Phone 24 hour contact name Carson Jones Phone On -site representative Carson Jones Phone Primary Inspector: Megan H Stilley Inspector Signature: Secondary Inspector(s): Inspection Summary: Phone: Date: page: 1 Permit: AW5250008 Owner - Facility : Carson Jones Facility Number: 250008 Inspection Date: 05/22/14 Inpsection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Sludge Survey 12-9-13 Thick-1.8' LTZ-5.0' Pump intake-6.4' Update crop yield for small grain Soil Test 1-10-14 w/ highest lime 0 tons ) next one due 2017 Cu & Zn values whn range Waste Analysis 4-30-14 1.83 12-27-13 1.85 9-30-13 1.23 8-8-13 1.41 Calibration complete 9-11-13 ) next one due 2015 Freeboard & Rainfall complete & correspond wl irrigation Update crop yield for small grain "added topsoil to lagoon bank to try and get vegetation to grow. Continue maintenance. page: 2 r Permit: AWS250008 Owner - Facility : Carson Jones Facility Number: 25O008 Inspection Date: 05/22/14 Inpsection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Regulated Operations Design Capacity Current promotions Swine Swine -Feeder to Finish 3,672 3,6D0 Total Design Capacity: 3.672 Total SSLW: 495,720 Waste Structures Disignated Observed Type Identifier Closed Date Start Date Freeboard Freeboard Lagoon RIVER EDGE 10/14/94 20,00 32M page: 3 Permit: AWS250008 Owner- Facility : Carson Jones Facility Number: 250008 Inspection Date: 05/22/14 Inpsection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Discharges & Stream Impacts Yes No Na Ne 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ Discharge originated at: Structure ❑ Application Field ❑ Other ❑ a. Was conveyance man-made? ❑ M ❑ ❑ b. Did discharge reach Waters of the State? (if yes, notify DWQ) ❑ M ❑ ❑ c. What is the estimated volume that reached waters of the State (gallons)? d. Does discharge bypass the waste management system? (if yes, notify DWQ) [] ■ ❑ ❑ 2. Is there evidence of a past discharge from any part of the operation? ❑ M ❑ ❑ 3. Were there any observable adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to Waters of the ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ State other than from a discharge? Waste Collection. Storage & Treatment Yes No Na Ne 4. Is storage capacity less than adequate? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, is waste level into structural freeboard? ❑ 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed (I.e./ large ❑ M ❑ ❑ trees, severe erosion, seepage, etc.)? 6. Are there structures on -site that are not properly addressed and/or managed through a ❑ ❑ ❑ waste management or closure plan? 7. Do any of the structures need maintenance or improvement? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ 8. Do any of the structures lack adequate markers as required by the permit? (Not applicable ❑ M ❑ ❑ to roofed pits, dry stacks and/or wet stacks) 9. Does any part of the waste management system other than the waste structures require ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ maintenance or improvement? Waste Application Yes No Na Ne 10. Are there any required buffers, setbacks, or compliance afternatives that need ❑ M ❑ ❑ maintenance or improvement? 11. Is there evidence of incorrect application? ❑ M ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Excessive Ponding? ❑ Hydraulic Overload? ❑ Frozen Ground? ❑ Heavy metals (Cu. Zn, etc)? ❑ PAN? ❑ Is PAN a 10%110 lbs.? ❑ Total Phosphorus? ❑ Failure to incorporate manure/sludge into bare soil? 0 Outside of acceptable crop window? ❑ Evidence of wind drift? ❑ Application outside of application area? ❑ page: 4 U Permit: AWS250008 Owner - Facility : Carson Jones Facility Number. 250008 Inspection Date: 05/22/14 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit. Routine Waste Application Yes No Na He Crop Type 1 Coastal Bermuda Grass (Hay) Crop Type 2 Small Grain Overseed Crop Type 3 Crop Type 4 Crop Type 5 Crop Type 6 Soil Type 1 Soil Type 2 Soil Type 3 Soil Type 4 Soil Type 5 Soil Type 6 14. Do the receiving crops differ from those designated in the Certified Animal Waste ❑ E ❑ ❑ Management Plan(CAWMP)? 15. Does the receiving crop and/or land application site need improvement? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 16. Did the facility fail to secure and/or operate per the irrigation design or wettable acre ❑ M ❑ ❑ determination? 17. Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application? ❑ C] [] 18. Is there a lack of properly operating waste application equipment? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ Records and Documents x2a No Na Ne 19. Did the facility fail to have Certificate of Coverage and Permit readily available? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 20. Does the facility fail to have all components of the CAWMP readily available? ❑ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. WUP? ❑ Checklists? ❑ Design? ❑ Maps? ❑ Lease Agreements? ❑ Other? ❑ If Other, please specify 21. Does record keeping need improvement? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Waste Application? ❑ Weekly Freeboard? ❑ Waste Analysis? ❑ Soil analysis? ❑ Waste Transfers? [] Weather code? ❑ Rainfall? ❑ Stocking? ❑ page: 5 0 Pen -nit: AWS250008 Owner - Facility : Carson Jones Facility Number: 250008 Inspection Date: 05122r'14 Inpsection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Records and Documents Yea No Na No Crop yields? ❑ 120 Minute inspections? ❑ Monthly and 1" Rainfall Inspections ❑ Sludge Survey ❑ 22. Did the facility fail to install and maintain a rain gauge? ❑ M ❑ ❑ 23. If selected, did the facility fail to install and maintain a rainbreaker on irrigation equipment ❑ ❑ ❑ (NPDES only)? 24. Did the facility fail to calibrate waste application equipment as required by the permit? ❑ M ❑ ❑ 25. Is the facility out of compliance with permit conditions related to sludge? If yes, check the ❑ M ❑ ❑ appropriate box(es) below: Failure to complete annual sludge survey ❑ Failure to develop a POA for sludge levels ❑ Non -compliant sludge levels in any lagoon ❑ List structure(s) and date of first survey indicating non-compliance: 2h. Did the facility fail to provide documentation of an actively certified operator in charge? ❑ M ❑ ❑ 27. Did the facility fail to secure a phosphorous loss assessment {PLAT} certification? ❑ ❑ M ❑ Other Issues Yes No Na He 28. Did the facility fail to properly dispose of dead animals within 24 hours and/or document ❑ ❑ ❑ and report mortality rates that exceed normal rates? 29. At the time of the inspection did the facility pose an odor or air quality concern? If yes, ❑ ❑ ❑ contact a regional Air Quality representative immediately. 30. Did the facility fail to notify regional DWO of emergency situations as required by Permit? ❑ M ❑ ❑ (i.e., discharge, freeboard problems, over -application) 31. Do subsurfaoe tile drains exist at the facility? ❑ E ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Application Field ❑ Lagoon 1 Storage Pond [] Other ❑ If Other, please specify 32. Were any additional problems noted which cause non-compliance of the Permit or ❑ ❑ ❑ CAWM P7 33. Did the Reviewer/Inspector fail to discuss reviewlinspection with on -site representative? ❑ M ❑ ❑ 34. Does the facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ page: 6 L 5 Division of Water Quality ❑ Division of Soil and Water Conservation ❑ Other Agency Facility Number: 250008 Facility Status: Active_ Permit: AWS250008 ❑ Denied Access Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection _ _ _ Inactive or Closed Date: Reason for Visit: Routine _ County: Craven _— Region: Washington Date of Visit: 03/08/2013 Entry Time: 09:30 AM Exit Time: 11:30 AM _ Incident #: Farm Name: Rivers Edge FarFarm§ Owner Email: Owner: Cslrsgo Jones Phone: 252-244-1052 _ Mailing Address: §ag5 River Rd _ ypnceboro NC 285868575 Physical Address: 7011 River Rd _ Vonceboro NC 28566 Facility Status: E Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Integrator: Murohv-Brown LLC _ Location of Farm: Latitude: 35°16'10" _ Longitude: j7'13'41" Farm is located off NCSR 1400 in Craven County. Farm entrance is located on the southern side of NCSR 1400 approximately 2.5 miles west of the intersection between NCSR 1400 and NCSR 1443, Question Areas: Dischrge & Stream Impacts Waste Col, Stor, & Treat Waste Application Records and Documents Other Issues Certified Operator: Jeffery C Jones Operator Certification Number: 16329 Secondary OIC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Name Title Phone 24 hour contact name Carson Jones Phone: On -site representative Carson Jones Phone: Primary Inspector: Megan H Stilley Phone: Inspector Signature: Secondary Inspector(s): Date: Page: 1 Permit: AWS250008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number: 250008 Inspection Date: 03/08/2013 Inspection type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: Sludge Survey 12-10-12 Thick-2.1' LTZ-4.5' Pump intake-5.9' Crop yield complete Waste Analysis 2-13-13 1.73 11-29-12 .81 8-22-12 .87 6-14-12 1.32 'Need to update waste plan - no application windows' Freeboard & Rainfall complete & correspond wl irrigation Calibration complete 2011 - wetted diameter off more than 10% need to contact tech specialist Soil Test 2-22-13 (2012 Sample) wl highest lime 0 tons Cu & Zn values wlin range 7)Need to maintain bare eroded spots on lagoon + mow woody vegetation Page: 2 Permit: AWS250008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number. 250008 Inspection Date: 0310812013 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Waste Structures Designed Observed Type Identifier Closed Date Start Date Freeboard Freeboard _agoon RIVER EDGE 10/14/94 20,00 30.00 Page: 3 Permit: AW5250008 Owner -Facility. Carson Jones Facility Number: 250008 Inspection Date: 03/08/2013 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Discharges & Stream Impacts Yes No NA NE 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Discharge originated at: Structure ❑ Application Field ❑ Other ❑ a. Was conveyance man-made? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ b. Did discharge reach Waters of the State? (if yes, notify DWQ) ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ c. What is the estimated volume that reached waters of the State (gallons)? d. Does discharge bypass the waste management system? (if yes, notify DWQ) ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 2. Is there evidence of a past discharge from any part of the operation? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 3. Were there any observable adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to Waters of the State other than ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ from a discharge? Waste Collection, Storage & Treatment Yes No NA NE 4. Is storage capacity less than adequate? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, is waste level into structural freeboard? ❑ 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed (I.e.l large trees, severe ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ erosion, seepage, etc.)? 6. Are there structures on -site that are not properly addressed and/or managed through a waste management ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ or closure plan? 7. Do any of the structures need maintenance or improvement? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ B. Do any of the structures lack adequate markers as required by the permit? (Not applicable to roofed pits, ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ dry stacks and/or wet stacks) 9. Does any part of the waste management system other than the waste structures require maintenance or Cl ■ ❑ ❑ Improvement? Waste Application Yes No NA NE 14. Are there any required buffers, setbacks, or compliance alternatives that need maintenance or Cl ■ ❑ ❑ improvement? 11. Is there evidence of incorrect application? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Excessive Ponding? ❑ Hydraulic Overload? ❑ Frozen Ground? ❑ Heavy metals (Cu, Zn, etc)? ❑ Page: 4 Permit: AWS250008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Inspection Date: 0310812013 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Facility Number : 250008 Reason for Visit: Routine Waste Application Yes No NA NE PAN? ❑ Is PAN n 10%110 lbs.? ❑ Total Phosphorus? ❑ Failure to incorporate manure/sludge into bare soil? ❑ Outside of acceptable crop window? ❑ Evidence of wind drift? ❑ Application outside of application area? ❑ Crop Type 1 Coastal Bermuda Grass (Hay) Crop Type 2 Small Grain Overseed Crop Type 3 Crop Type 4 Crop Type 5 Crop Type 6 Soil Type 1 Soil Type 2 Soil Type 3 Soil Type 4 Soil Type 5 Soil Type 6 14. Do the receiving crops differ from arose designated in the Certified Animal Waste Management ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Plan(CAWMP)? 15. Does the receiving crop andlor land application site need improvement? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 16. Did the facility fail to secure and/or operate per the irrigation design or wettable acre determination? ❑ ■ Cl ❑ 17. Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 18. Is there a lack of properly operating waste application equipment? Cl ■ ❑ ❑ Records and Documents Yes No NA NE 19. Did the facility fail to have Certificate of Coverage and Permit readily available? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 20. Does the facility fail to have all components of the CAWMP readily available? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. WUP? ❑ Page: 5 Permit: AWS250008 Owner • Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number : 250008 Inspection Date: 031OW2013 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Records and Documents Yes No NA NE Checklists? ❑ Design? ❑ Maps? ❑ Lease Agreements? ❑ Other? ❑ If Other, please specify 21. Does record keeping need improvement? If yes, check the appropriate box below. Waste Application? ❑ Weekly Freeboard? ❑ Waste Analysis? ❑ Soil analysis? Cl Waste Transfers? ❑ Weather code? ❑ Rainfall? ❑ Stocking? ❑ Crop yields? ❑ 120 Minute inspections? ❑ Monthly and 1" Rainfall Inspections ❑ Sludge Survey ❑ 22. Did the facility fail to install and maintain a rain gauge? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 23. If selected, did the facility fail to install and maintain a rainbreaker on irrigation equipment (NPDES only)? Cl ❑ ■ ❑ 24. Did the facility fail to calibrate waste application equipment as required by the permit? ❑ ■ ❑ Cl 25. Is the facility out of compliance with permit conditions related to sludge? If yes, check the appropriate Cl ■ Cl ❑ box(es) below: Failure to complete annual sludge survey ❑ Failure to develop a POA for sludge levels ❑ Non -compliant sludge levels in any lagoon ❑ List structure(s) and date of first survey indicating non-compliance: 26. Did the facility fail to provide documentation of an actively certified operator in charge? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Page: 6 Permit: AWS250008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Inspection Date: 03/0812013 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Records and Documents 27. Did the facility fail to secure a phosphorous loss assessment (PLAT) certification? Facility Number: 250008 Reason for Visit: Routine Yes No NA NE Cl ❑ ■ ❑ 28. Did the facility fail to properly dispose of dead animals within 24 hours andlor document and report ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ mortality rates that exceed normal rates? 29. At the time of the inspection did the facility pose an odor or air quality concern? If yes, contact a regional ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Air Quality representative immediately. 30. Did the facility fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by Permit? ti.e., discharge, ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ freeboard problems, over -application) 31. Do subsurface tile drains exist at the facility? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Application Field Lagoon I Storage Pond Other If Other, please specify 32. Were any additional problems noted which cause non-compliance of the Permit or CAWMP? 33. Did the Reviewer/Inspector fail to discuss reviewlinspection with on -site representative? 34. Does the facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? IN Cl ■ Cl ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Page: 7 Division of Water Quality ❑ Division of Soil and Water Conservation ❑ Other Agency Facility Number : 250008 Facility Status: Active Permit: AWS250QO ❑ Denied Access Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Inactive or Closed Date: Reason for Visit: Routine County. Craven Region: Washington Date of Visit: 06/21/2012 Entry Time: 09:00 AM Exit Time: 11:00 AM Incident #: Farm Name: Rivers Edge Farms _ „ Owner Email: rL��-T��.Ti1� • � _ Phone: 252-244-1052 Mailing Address: 6305 River Rd Vanceboro NC 28 8� 68575 Physical Address: 7011 River Rd n Facility Status: E Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Integrator:Murphy-grown LLC Location of Farm: Latitude: 35'16'10" Longitude: 77°1341" Farm is located off NCSR 1400 in Craven County. Farm entrance is located on the southern side of NCSR 1400 approximately 2.5 miles west of the intersection between NCSR 1400 and NCSR 1443. Question Areas: Dischrge & stream Impacts Waste Col, Stor, & Treat Waste Application Records and Documents Other Issues Certified Operator: Jeffery C Jones Secondary OIC(s): Operator Certification Number: 16329 On -Site Representative(s): Name Title Phone 24 hour Contact name Carson Jones Phone: On -site representative Carson Jones Phone: Primary Inspector: Megan H Stilley Phone: Inspector Signature: Date: Secondary Inspector(s): Page: 1 Permit: AWS250008 Owner -Facility. Carson Jones Facility Number; 250005 Inspection Date: 06121/2012 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: Soil Test 12-29-11 wl highest lime 0 tons Cu & Zn values whn range Waste Analysis 3-13-12 2.8 12-28.11 1.5 9-28-11 1.1 } just sent off new sample Freeboard & Rainfall complete & correspond wI irrigation -make sure to initial after 1 grain event Sludge Survey 12-26-11 Thick-1.8' LTZ-5.0' Pump intake-6' Crop yield complete Calibration complete 7-30-11 } variance off more than 10% for wetted diameter - contact technical specialist . Remove hay bales on sprayfield 6}Maintain lagoon banks - no woody vegetation Page: 2 Permit: AWS250008 Owner • Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number. 250D08 Inspection Date: 06/21/2012 Inspection Type: Compliance inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Regulated Operations Design Capacity Current Population Swine Swine - Feeder to Finish 3,872 3,800 Total Design Capacity: 3,672 Total SSLW: 495,720 Waste Structures Designed Observed Type Identifier Closed Date Start Date Freeboard Freeboard kgoon RIVER EDGE 10/14/94 20.00 34.04 Page: 3 Permit: AW5250008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number. 250008 Inspection Date: 06/21/2012 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Discharges & Stream Impacts Yes No NA NE 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Discharge originated at Structure ❑ Application Field ❑ Other ❑ a. Was conveyance man-made? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ b. Did discharge reach Waters of the State? (if yes, notify DWQ) ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ c. What is the estimated volume that reached waters of the State (gallons)? d. Does discharge bypass the waste management system? (if yes, notify ❑WQ) ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 2. Is there evidence of a past discharge from any part of the operation? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 3. Were there any observable adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to Waters of the State other than Cl ■ ❑ ❑ from a discharge? Waste Collection, Storage & Treatment Yes No NA NE 4. Is storage capacity less than adequate? Cl ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, is waste level into structural freeboard? ❑ 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed (Led large trees, severe ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ erosion, seepage, etc.)? 6. Are there structures on -site that are not properly addressed and/or managed through a waste management ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ or closure plan? 7. Do any of the structures need maintenance or improvement? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 8. Do any of the structures lack adequate markers as required by the permit? (Not applicable to roofed pits, ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ dry stacks and/or wet stacks) 9. Does any part of the waste management system other than the waste structures require maintenance or ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ improvement? Waste Application Yes No NA NE 10. Are there any required buffers, setbacks, or compliance alternatives that need maintenance or ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ improvement? 11. Is there evidence of incorrect application? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Excessive Panding? ❑ Hydraulic Overload? ❑ Frozen Ground? ❑ Heavy metals (Cu, Zn, etc)? ❑ Page: 4 Permit: AWS250008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number: 250008 Inspection Date: 06/21/2012 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Waste Application Yes No NA NE PAN? ❑ Is PAN a 10%/10 lbs.? ❑ Total Phosphorus? ❑ Failure to incorporate: manureisludge into tare soil? ❑ Outside of acceptable crop window? ❑ Evidence of wind drift? ❑ Application outside of application area? ❑ Crop Type 1 Coastal Bermuda Grass (Hay) Crop Type 2 Small Grain Overseed Crop Type 3 Crop Type 4 Crop Type 5 Crop Type 6 Soil Type 1 Soil Type 2 Soil Type 3 Soil Type 4 Soil Type 5 Soil Type 6 14. Do the receiving crops differ from those designated in the Certified Animal Waste Management ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Plan(CAWMP)? 15. Does the receiving crop and/or land application site need improvement? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 16. Did the facility fail to secure and/or operate per the irrigation design or wettable acre determination? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 17. Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 18. is there a lack of property operating waste application equipment? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Records and Documents Yes No NA NE 19. Did the facility fail to have Certificate of Coverage and Permit readily available? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 20. Does the facility fait to have all components of the CAWMP readily available? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box betow. WUP? ❑ Page: 5 Permit: AWS250008 Owner • Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number : 250008 Inspection Date: 06/21/2012 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Records and Documents Yes No NA NE Checklists? ❑ Design? ❑ Maps? ❑ Lease Agreements? ❑ Other? ❑ If Other, please specify 21. Does record keeping need improvement? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Waste Application? ❑ Weekly Freeboard? ❑ Waste Analysis? ❑ $oil analysis? ❑ Waste Transfers? ❑ Weather code? ❑ Rainfall? ❑ Stocking? ❑ Crop yields? ❑ 120 Minute inspections? ❑ Monthly and V Rainfall Inspections ❑ Sludge Survey ❑ 22. Did the facility fail to install and maintain a rain gauge? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 23. If selected, did the facility fail to install and maintain a rainbreaker on irrigation equipment (NPDES only)? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ 24. Did the facility fail to calibrate waste application equipment as required by the permit? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 25. Is the facility out of compliance with permit conditions related to sludge? If yes, check the appropriate ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ box(es) Below: Failure to complete annual sludge survey ❑ Failure to develop a POA for sludge levels ❑ Non -compliant sludge levels in any lagoon Q List structure(s) and date of first survey indicating non-compliance: 26. Did the facility fail to provide documentation of an actively certified operator in charge? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Page: 6 Permit: AW5250008 Owner -Facility. Carson Jones Inspection Date: 06/21/2012 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Records and Documents 27. Did the facility fail to secure a phosphorous loss assessment (PLAT) certification? Facility Number; 250008 Reason for Visit: Routine 28. Did the facility fail to properly dispose -of dead animals within 24 hours and/or document and report ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ mortality rates that exceed normal rates? 29. At the time of the inspection did the facility pose an odor or air quality concern? If yes, contact a regional ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Air Quality representative immediately, 30. Did the facility fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by Permit? (i.e., discharge, ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ freeboard problems, over -application) 31. Do subsurface tile drains exist at the facility? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Application Field Lagoon I Storage Pond Other If Other, please specify 32. Were any additional problems noted which cause non-compliance of the Permit or CAWMP? 33. Did the Revi ewe d I n s pecto r fail to discuss reviewlinspect[on with on -site representative? 34. Does the facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? In Page: 7 s Division of Water Quality ❑ Division of Soil and Water Conservation ❑ Other Agency Facility Number, 250008 __ Facility Status: Active _ Permit: AWS2500% ❑ Denied Access Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Inactive or Closed Date: Reason for Visit: RoulaaC_ _ County: Craven Region: Washington _ Date of Visit: QZ/12_/ZQI I Entry Time:0&00 AM Exit Time: 10:30 AM Incident #: Farm Name: Rivers Edae Farms Owner Email: Owner: Carson Jones - Phone: 252-244-1052 _ Mailing Address: 6305 River Rd _ Y1 ncebcro NC 285868575 Physical Address: 7011 River Rd Vancebcro NC 28586 Facility Status: ■ Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Integrator: Murphy -Brown LLC Location of Farm: Latitude: 35'16'10" �— Longitude: 77°13'41" Farm is located off NCSR 1400 in Craven County. Farm entrance is located on the southern side of NCSR 1400 approximately 2.5 miles west of the intersection between NCSR 1400 and NCSR 1443, Question Areas: Discharges & Stream Impacts Waste Collection & Treatment Waste Application Records and Documents © Other Issues Certified Operator: Jeffery C Jones Secondary OIC(s): Operator Certification Number: 16328 On -Site Representativetsy: Name Title Phone 24 hour contact name Carson Jones Phone: On -site representative Carson Jones Phone: Primary Inspector: Megan H Stilley Phone: Inspector Signature: Date: Secondary Inspector(s): Page: 1 Permit: AWS250008 Owner- Facility: Carson Jones Inspection Date: 07/19/2011 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Inspection Summary: Sludge Survey 12-22-10 Thick-1.8' LTZ-5-0' Pump intake-6) next one due 2011 Soil Test 1-3-11 wl highest lime 0 tans Cu and Zn vaiues w/in range Waste Analysis 4-7-11 1.4 1-7-11 1.2 11-2-10 1.4 ) Sample taken and waiting for results Calibration due 2012 "Need to update crop yield for Sm Grain & 1st Bermuda cutting Freeboard & Rainfall complete & correspond wl irrigation No subsurface drains in sprayfield 'Mow woody vegetation off lagoon & maintain bare areas Facility Number : 25000 Reason for Visit: Routine Page. 2 Permit: AWS250008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Inspection Date: 07/1912011 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Regulated Operations Design Capacity Facility Number. 250008 Reason for Visit: Routine Current Population Swine Q Swine - Feeder to Finish 3,672 2,800 Total Design Capacity: 3,672 Total SS!_W: 495.720 Waste Structures Type Identifier Closed Date Start Date Designed Freeboard Observed Freeboard agoon I RIVER EDGE 10/14/94 1 1 20.00 33.00 Page: 3 Permit: AWS250008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number : 250008 Inspection Date: 07/1912011 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Discharges & Stream Impacts Yes No NA NE 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Discharge originated at Structure ❑ Application Field ❑ Other ❑ a. Was conveyance man-made? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ b. Did discharge reach Waters of the State? (if yes, notify DWQ) ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ c. What is the estimated volume that reached waters of the State (gallons)? d. Does discharge bypass the waste management system? (if yes, notify DWQ) ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 2. Is there evidence of a past discharge from any part of the operation? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 3. Were there any observable adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to Waters of the State other than ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ from a discharge? Waste Collection, Storage & Treatment Yes No NA NE 4. Is storage capacity less than adequate? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, is waste level into structural freeboard? ❑ 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed (I.e.) large trees, severe U ■ U U erosion, seepage, etc.]? S. Are there structures on -site that are not property addressed and/or managed through a waste management ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ or closure plan? 7. Do any of the structures need maintenance or improvement? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 8. Do any of the structures lack adequate markers as required by the permit? (Not applicable to roofed pits, ❑ ■ ❑ Cl dry stacks and/or wet stacks) 9. Does any part of the waste management system other than the waste structures require maintenance or ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ improvement? Waste Ap lip cation Yes No NA NE 10. Are there any required buffers, setbacks, or compliance alternatives that need maintenance or ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ improvement? 11. Is there evidence of incorrect application? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below Excessive Ponding? ❑ Hydraulic Overload? ❑ Frozen Ground? Q Heavy metals (Cu, Zn, etc)? ❑ Page: 4 Permit: AWS250008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number: 250005 Inspection Date: 0711912011 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Waste Application Yes No NA NE PAN? ❑ Is PAN > 100/61101bs.? ❑ Total Phosphorus? ❑ Failure to incorporate manure/sludge into bare soil? ❑ Outside of acceptable crop window? ❑ Evidence of wind drift? ❑ Application outside of application area? ❑ Crop Type 1 Coastal Bermuda Grass (Hay) Crop Type 2 Small Grain Overseed Crop Type 3 Crop Type 4 Crop Type 5 Crop Type 6 Soil Type 1 Seabrook loamy sand Soil Type 2 Tarboro sand, 0 to 6% slopes Soil Type 3 Soil Type 4 Soil Type 5 Soil Type 6 14. Do the receiving crops differ from those designated in the Certified Animal Waste Management ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Plan(CAWM P)? 15. Does the receiving crop and/or land application site need improvement? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 16, Did the facility fail to secure and/or operate per the irrigation design or wettable acre determination? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 17. Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 18. Is there a lack of properly operating waste application equipment? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Records and Documents Yes No NA NE 19. Did the facility fail to have Certificate of Coverage and Permit readily available? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 20. Does the facility fail to have all components of the CAWMP readily available? Cl ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Page 5 Permit: AWS250008 Owner- Facility: Carson Jones Inspection Date: 0711912011 inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Facility Number: 250008 Reason for Visit: Routine Records and Documents Yes No NA NE WIJ P? ❑ Checklists? ❑ Design? ❑ Maps? ❑ Lease Agreements? ❑ Other? ❑ If Other, please specify 21. Does record keeping need improvement? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Waste Application? ❑ Weekly Freeboard? ❑ Waste Analysis? ❑ Soil analysis? ❑ Waste Transfers? ❑ Weather code? ❑ Rainfall? ❑ Stocking? ❑ Crop yields? ❑ 120 Minute inspections? ❑ Monthly and 1" Rainfall Inspections ❑ Sludge Survey ❑ 22. Did the facility fail to install and maintain a rain gauge? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 23. If selected, did the facility fail to install and maintain a rainbreaker on irrigation equipment (NPDES only)? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ 24. Did the facility fail to calibrate waste application equipment as required by the permit? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 25. Is the facility out of complianoe with permit conditions related to sludge? If yes, check the appropriate ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ box(es) below: Failure to complete annual sludge survey ❑ Failure to develop a POA for sludge levels ❑ Non -compliant sludge levels in any lagoon ❑ List structure(s) and date of first survey indicating non-compliance: Page: 6 Permit: AWS250008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number : 250008 Inspection Date: 07/19/2011 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Records and Documents Yes No NA NE 26. Did the facility fail to provide documentation of an actively certified operator in charge? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 27. Did the facility fail to secure a phosphorous loss assessment (PLAT) certification? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Other Issues Yes No NA NE 2$. Did the facility fail to properly dispose of dead animals within 24 hours andlor document and report ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ mortality rates that exceed normal rates? 29. At the time of the inspection did the facility pose an odor or air quality concern? If yes, contact a regional ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Air Quality representative immediately. 30. Did the facility fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by Permit? (i.e., discharge, ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ freeboard problems, over -application) 31. Do subsurface tile drains exist at the facility? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Application Field Lagoon I Storage Pond Other If Other, please specify 32. Were any additional problems noted which cause non-compliance of the Permit or CAWMP? 33. Did the Reviewer/inspector fail to discuss reviewlinspection with on -site representative? 34. Does the facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? IS ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Page: 7 t Division of Water Quality ❑ Division of Soil and Water Conservation ❑ Other Agency Facility Number: 250008 Facility Status: Aoiyg _ _ Permit: AWS250008 _ ❑ Denied Access Inspection Type: Complignce In i n Inactive or Closed Date: Reason for Visit: Routine County: Craven Region: Washington Date of Visit: 1110312010 Entry Time:10:00 AM Exit Time: Incident #: Farm Name: Rivers Edge Farms „ , R_ Owner Email: Owner: Carson Jones Phone: 252-244-1052 Mailing Address: 6305 Ei=r R Vanceboro NC 285868575 Physical Address: 7011 River Rd _ _ Vanceboro NC 28586 Facility Status: 0 Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Integrator: Mur2hv-Brown LLC Location of Farm: Latitude: 35'16'10" Longitude: 77°13'41" Farm is located off NCSR 1400 in Craven County. Farm entrance is located on the southern side of NCSR 1400 approximately 2.5 miles west of the intersection between NCSR 1400 and NCSR 1443. Question Areas: Discharges & stream Impacts Waste Collection & Treatment Waste Application Records and Documents Other Issues Certified Operator: Warren Carson Jones Operator Certification Number: 16330 Secondary OIC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Name Title Phone 24 hour contact name Carson Jones Phone: On -site representative Carson Jones Phone: Primary Inspector: Megan H Stilley Phone: Inspector Signature: Date: Secondary Inspector(s]: Page: 1 Permit: AWS250008 owner - Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number : 250008 Inspection Date: 11/03/2010 Inspection Typo: Compliance Inspection Rea$0n for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: 'Recommend updating waste plan* Waste Anaylsis:lagoon #2287 8116/10:.99 5/20110: 1.5 3/16110: 1.3 soil test 12/30/09 no lime, Cu & Zn values low irrigation & freeboard & rainfall correspond crop yields: 3 cuttings of 61-1. wheat good Sludge survey 12108109: Thick - 1.8' LTZ - 5,0' pump intake - 6,4' New Coc & permit in records. 'Calibrations due in 2011 ** '*'sludge survey needs to be done 2010**` Page 2 Permit: AWS250008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number : 250008 Inspection Date: 11/03/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Regulated Operations Design Capacity Current Population Swine Swine - Feeder to Finish 3,672 3,200 Total Design Capacity: 3,672 Total SSLW: 495,720 Type Identifier Closed Date Start Date Designed Freeboard Observed Freeboard agoon RIVER EDGE 10/14/94 20,00 122.01 Page: 3 Permit: AWS250008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number : 250008 Inspection Date: 1110312010 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Discharges & Stream Impacts Yes No NA NE 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Discharge originated at: Structure ❑ Application Field ❑ Other ❑ a. Was conveyance man-made? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ b. Did discharge reach Waters of the State? (if yes, notify DWQ) ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ c. Estimated volume reaching surface waters? d. Does discharge bypass the waste management system? (if yes, notify DWQ) ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 2. Is there evidence of a past discharge from any part of the operation? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 3. Were there any adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to Waters of the State other than from a ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ discharge? Waste Collection, Storage & Treatment Yes No NA NE 4. Is storage capacity less than adequate? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, is waste level into structural freeboard? Cl 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed (I.e./ large trees, severe ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ erosion, seepage, etc-)? fi. Are there structures on -site that are not properly addressed and/or managed through a waste management ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ or closure plan? 7. Do any of the structures need maintenance or improvement? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 8. Do any of the structures lack adequate markers as required by the permit? (Not applicable to roofed pits, ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ dry stacks and/or wet stacks) 9. Does any part of the waste management system other than the waste structures require maintenance or ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ improvement? Waste Application Yes No NA NE 10. Are there any required buffers, setbacks, or compliance altematives that need maintenance or ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ improvement? 11. Is there evidence of incorrect application? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below Excessive Ponding? ❑ Hydraulic Overload? ❑ Frozen Ground? ❑ Heavy metals (Cu, Zn, etc)? ❑ Page: 4 Permit: AWS250008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Inspection date: 11/0312010 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Facility Number: 250008 Reason for Visit: Routine Waste Application Yes No NA NE PAN? ❑ Is PAN a 10%110 lbs.? ❑ Total P2057 ❑ Failure to incorporate manure/sludge into flare soil? Q Outside of acceptable crop window? ❑ Evidence of wind drift? ❑ Application outside of application area? ❑ Crop Type 1 Coastal Bermuda Grass (Hay) Crop Type 2 Small Grain Overseed Crop Type 3 Crop Type 4 Crop Type 5 Crop Type 6 Soil Type 1 Tarboro Soil Type 2 Soil Type 3 Soil Type 4 Soil Type 5 Soil Type S 14. Do the receiving crops differ from those designated in the Certified Animal Waste Management ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Plan(CAWMP)? 15. Does the receiving crop and/or land application site need improvement? ❑ ■ Cl ❑ 16. Did the facility fail to secure and/or operate per the irrigation design or wettable acre determination? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 17. Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 16. Is there a lack of properly operating waste application equipment? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Records and Documents Yes No NA NE 19. Did the facility fail to have Certificate of Coverage and Permit readily available? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 20. Does the facility fail to have all components of the CAWMP readily available? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. WUP? ❑ Page: 5 Permit: AWS250008 Owner • Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number: 250008 Inspection Date: 1110312010 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Records and Documents Yes No NA NE Checklists? ❑ Design? Q Maps? Q Other? ❑ 21. Does record keeping need improvement? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Waste Application? ❑ 120 Minute inspections? Q Weather code? ❑ Weekly Freeboard? ❑ Transfers? ❑ Rainfall? ❑ Inspections after n 1 inch rainfall & monthly? ❑ Waste Analysis? ❑ Annual soil analysis? ❑ Crop yields? ❑ Stocking? ❑ Annual Certification Form (NPDES only)? ❑ 22, Did the facility fail to install and maintain a rain gauge? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 23. If selected, did the facility fail to install and maintain a rainbreaker on irrigation equipment [NPDES only]? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ 24. Did the facility fail to calibrate waste application equipment as required by the permit? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 25. Did the facility fail to conduct a sludge survey as required by the permit? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 26, Did the facility fail to have an actively certified operator in charge? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 27. Did the facility fail to secure a phosphorous loss assessment (PLAT) Certification? ❑ ❑ ■ Q Ywx Nn NA WIM 28. Were any additional problems noted which cause non-compliance of the Permit or CAWMP? ❑ ■ Cl ❑ 29. Did the facility fail to properly dispose of dead animals within 24 hours andlor document and report those ❑ ■ Cl ❑ mortality rates that exceed normal rates? 30. At the time of the inspection did the facility pose an air quality concern? if yes, contact a regional Air ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Quality representative immediately. Page: 6 Permit: AWS250008 Owner- Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number : 250008 Inspection Date: 11/03/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine n+ka 1-11a¢ Yes No NA NE 31, Did the fadlity fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by Permit? 32, Did Reviewerllnspector fail to discuss review/inspection with on -site representative? 33. Does facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Page: 7 r Division of Water quality ❑ Division of Soil and Water Conservation ❑ Other Agency Facility Number: 250008 Facility Status: Active Permit: AWS250008 - ❑ Denied Access Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Inactive or Closed date: Reason for Visit: Routine County: Craven Region: Washing on ^-T Date of Visit: 12/1712009 Entry Time: I QQ0 AM Exit Time: Incident 0: Farm Name: Rivers Edoe Farms Owner Email: N:Z3aLNTeTMr@W-,io n es Phone: Mailing Address: 6305 River Rd Vanceboro NC 285868575 Physical Address: 7011 River Rd Vanr�oro NC 28586 _ Facility Status: 0 Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Integrator: Murphy -grown. LLC Location of Farm: Latitude: 35°16'10" _ — Longitude: 77°13'41" Farm is located off NCSR 1400 in Craven County. Farm entrance is located on the southem side of NCSR 1400 approximately 2.5 miles west of the intersection between NCSR 1400 and NCSR 1443. Question Areas: © Discharges & Stream impacts Records and Documents Waste Collection & Treatment Waste Application Other Issues Certified Operator: Jeffery C Jones Operator Certification Number: 16329 Secondary OIC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Name Title Phone 24 hour contact name Carson Jones Phone: On -site representative Carson Jones Phone: Primary Inspector: Megan H Stilley Phone: Inspector Signature: Date: Secondary Inspector(s): Page: 1 is Permit: AWS25000a Owner - Facility: Carson ,tones Facility Number : 250008 Inspection Rate: 12/17/2009 Inspection Type: Compliance inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: New CDC and Permit in records Waste Analysis 11-18-09 1.2 8-20-09 1.2 6-11-09 1.2 3-6-09 1.5 Sludge Survey 12-8-09 Thick-1.8' I-TZ-5.0' Pump intake-6.4' Calibration 2-15-09 - Wetted diameter off more than 15% need to contact tachnical specialist or Rainman dealership to correct. Crop yield complete - need month of cutting (2 cuttings) Need to get 2009 Soil test Soil test 4-7-08 with highest lime 1.3 tons ) need to applyy lime Cu and Zn values within range Freeboard and Rainfall complete and correspond with irrigation Work on lagoon - eroded bare areas Page: 2 Permit: AWS250008 Owner . Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number: 250008 Inspection Date: 12/17/2009 Regulated Operations Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Design Capacity Reason for Visit: Routine Current Population Swine 1i Swine - Feeder to Finish 3,672 3,200 Total Design Capacity: 3,672 Total SSLW: 495,720 Waste Structures Type Identifier Closed Date Start Date Designed Freeboard Observed Freeboard lagoon RIVER EDGE 10/14/94 20.00 28.00 Page. 3 ■ Permit: AWS250008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number: 250008 Inspection Date: 12/17/2009 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Discharges & Stream Impacts Yes No NA NE 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Discharge originated at Structure ❑ Application Field ❑ Other ❑ a. Was conveyance man-made? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ b. Did discharge reach Waters of the State? (if yes, notify DWQ) ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ c. Estimated volume reaching surface waters? d. Does discharge bypass the waste management system? (if yes, notify DWQ) ❑ ■ Cl ❑ 2. Is there evidence of a past discharge from any part of the operation? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 3. Were there any adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to Waters of the State other than from a ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ discharge? Waste Collection, Storage & Treatment Yea No NA NE 4. Is storage capacity less than adequate? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, is waste level into structural freeboard? ❑ 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed (Led large trees, severe ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ erosion, seepage, etc.)? 6. Are there structures on -site that are not properly addressed and/or managed through a waste management ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ or closure plan? 7. Do any of the structures need maintenance or improvement? Cl ■ ❑ ❑ 8. Do any of the structures lack adequate markers as required by the permit? (Not applicable to roofed pits, ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ dry stacks and/or wet stacks) 9. hoes any part of the waste management system other than the waste structures require maintenance or ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ improvement? Waste Ap Ilcp a#ion Yes No NA ' NE 10. Are there any required buffers, setbacks, or compliance alternatives that need maintenance or ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ improvement? 11. Is there evidence of incorrect application? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below Excessive Ponding? ❑ Hydraulic Overtoad? ❑ Frozen Ground? ❑ Heavy metals (Cu, Zn, etc)? ❑ Page. 4 Permit: AVVS250008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number: 250008 Inspection Date: 12/17I2009 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Waste Application Yes No NA NE PAN? ❑ Is PAN a 10°%110 lbs.? ❑ Total P205? ❑ Failure to incorporate manure/sludge into bare soil? ❑ Outside of acceptable crop window? ❑ Evidence of wind drift? ❑ Application outside of application area? ❑ Crop Type 1 Coastal Bermuda Grass (Hay) Crop Type 2 Small Grain Overseed Crop Type 3 Crop Type 4 Crop Type 5 Crop Type 6 Soil Type 1 Tarboro sand, 0 to 6°% slopes Soil Type 2 Seabrook loamy sand Soil Type 3 Soil Type 4 Soil Type 5 Soil Type 6 14. Do the receiving crops differ from those designated in the Certified Animal Waste Management ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Plan(CAWM P)? 15. Does the receiving crop and/or land application site need improvement? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 16. Did the facility fail to secure and/or operate per the irrigation design or wettable acre determination? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 17. Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 18. Is there a Jack of properly operating waste application equipment? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Records and Documents Yes No NA NE 19. Did the facility fail to have Certificate of Coverage and Permit readily available? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 20. Does the facility fail to have all components of the CAWMP readily available? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Page: 5 r Permit: AVVS250008 owner - Facllity: Carson Jones Facility Number: 250008 Inspection Date: 12117/2009 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Records and Documents Yes No NA NE WU P? ❑ Checklists? ❑ Design? ❑ Maps? ❑ Other? ❑ 21. Does record keeping need improvement? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Waste Application? ❑ 120 Minute inspections? ❑ Weather code? ❑ Weekly Freeboard? ❑ Transfers? ❑ Rainfall? ❑ Inspections after > 1 inch rainfall & monthly? ❑ Waste Analysis? ❑ Annual soil analysis? ❑ Crop yields? ❑ Stocking? ❑ Annual Certification Form (NPDES only)? ❑ 22. Did the facility fail to install and maintain a rain gauge? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 23. If selected, did the facility fail to install and maintain a rainbreaker on irrigation equipment (NPDES only)? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ 24. Did the facility fail to calibrate waste application equipment as required by the permit? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 25. Did the facility fail to conduct a sludge survey as required by the permit? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 26. Did the facility fail to have an actively certified operator in charge? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 27. Did the facility fail to secure a phosphorous loss assessment (PLAT) certification? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Other Issues Yes No NA NE 28. Were any additional problems noted which cause non-compliance of the Permit or CAWMP? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 29. Did the facility fail to property dispose of dead animals within 24 hours and/or document and report those ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ mortality rates that exceed normal rates? Page: 6 7 Permit: AWS250008 owner - Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number: 250008 Inspection Date: 1211712D09 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Otherlssues Yes No NA NE 30. At the time of the inspection did the facility pose an air quality concern? If yes, contact a regional Air Cl ❑ ❑ ■ Quality representative immediately. 31. Did the facility fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by Permit? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 32. Did Reviewe rllnspector fail to discuss reviewlinspection with on -site representative? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 33. floes facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Page: 7 0 Division of Water Quality Division of Soil and Water Conservation ❑ Other Agency Facility Number: 250008 Facility Status: Active Permit: AWS25DO08 ✓ ❑ Denied Access Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Inactive or Closed Date: Reason for Visit: Routine _ County: Region: Washinoton Date of Visit: 09/11/2008 Entry Time: g$_Q0 AM Exit Time: Incident #: Farm Name: ahtQrs Edge F mms Owner Email: Owner: Carson Jones Phone: 252-244-1052 Mailing Address: 6345 River Rd _ n NC 05065575 Physical Address: 7011 River Rd Vprtofrgro NC 25566 Facility Stratus: ❑ Compliant ❑ Not Compliant integrator: Murohy Family Farmg. Location of Farm: Latitude: 35°16'10" Longitude: 77°1341" Farm is located off NCSR 1400 in Craven County. Farm entrance is located on the southern side of NCSR 1400 approximately 2.5 mlles west of the intersection between NCSR 1400 and NCSR 1443. Question Areas: Discharges & Stream Impacts Waste Collection & Treatment jj Waste Application Records and Documents Other Issues Certified Operator: Jeffery C Jones Operator Certiflcatlon Number: 16329 Secondary OIC(s): On -Site Representativelsj: Name Title Phone 24 hour contact name Carson Jones Phone: On -site representative Carson Jones Phone: Primary Inspector: Megan H Stilley Phone: Inspector Signature: Daze: Secondary Inspectorlsj: Page: 1 Permit: AWS250008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number: 250008 Inspection Date: 09/11/2008 Inspection Type: Compllance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: COC and Permit 2009 Update waste utilization plan Waste Ana"is 5-28-08 1.4 5-15-08 3.5 2-8-08 1.9 Soil test 4-7-08 with highest lime 1.3 tons } need to apply lime Cu and Zn values within range Bermuda crop yields need to be updated Freeboard and Rainfall complete and correspond with irrigation Facility given copy of new sludge reporting forms Sludge survey 2-1 B-07 Thirk-1.8' LTZ-47) Sludge survey due every year Next calibration 2009 Continue efforts maintaining lagoon hanks State agronomist Diane Farrier #252-830-1713 'Send copy of sludge extension letter Page 2 Permit: AWS250008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number: 250008 Inspection Date: 09111/2008 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Regulated Operations Design Capacity Current Population $wine Swine -Feeder to Finish 3,672 3,8p0 Total Design Capacity: 3,672 Total SSLW: 495,720 Waste Structures Type Identifier Closed Date Start Date Designed Freeboard Observed Freeboard agoon RIVER EDGE 10l141ML, 1 20.00 28.00 Page: 3 Permit: AW5250008 Owner- Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number: 25DO08 Inspection JNte: 091111200E Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Discharges & Stream Impacts Yes No NA NE 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Discharge originated at: Structure ❑ Application Field ❑ Other ❑ a. Was conveyance man-made? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ b. Did discharge reach Waters of the State? (if yes. notify DWQ) 0 ! ❑ ❑ c. Estimated volume reaching surface waters? d. Does discharge bypass the waste management system? (if yes, notify DWCQ) ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 2. Is there evidence of a past discharge from any part of the operation? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 3. Were there any adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to Waters of the State other than from a ❑ ! ❑ ❑ discharge? Waste Collection, Storage & Treatment Yes No NA NE 4. Is storage capacity less than adequate? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, is waste level into structural freeboard? ❑ 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed (Led large trees, severe ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ erosion, seepage, etc.)? B. Are there structures on -site that are not properly addressed andlor managed through a waste management ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ or closure plan? 7. Do any of the structures need maintenance or improvement? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 8. Do any of the structures lack adequate markers as required by the permit? (Not applicable to roofed pits, ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ dry stacks andfor wet stacks) 9. Does any part of the waste management system other than the waste structures require maintenance or ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ improvement? Waste Application Yes No NA NE 10. Are there any required buffers, setbacks, or compliance altematives that need maintenance or ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ improvement? 11. Is there evidence of incorrect application? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Excessive Ponding? ❑ Hydraulic Overload? ❑ Frozen Ground? ❑ Heavy metals (Cu, Zn, etc)? ❑ Page- 4 Permit: AWS250008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number: 250D08 Inspection Date: 0911112008 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Waste A Yes NA NA NE PAN? Cl Is PAN > 10%/10 lbs.7 ❑ Total P2057 ❑ Failure to incorporate manurelsludge into bare soil? ❑ Dutside of acceptable crop window? ❑ Evidence of wind drift? ❑ Application outside of application area? 0 Crop Type 1 Coastal Bermuda Grass (Hay) Crop Type 2 Small Grain Overseed Crop Type 3 Crop Type 4 Crop Type 5 Crop Type 6 Soil Type 1 Seabrook loamy sand Soil Type 2 Tarboro sand. 0 to 6% slopes Sal Type 3 Soil Type 4 Soil Type 5 Soil Type 6 14. Do the receiving crops differ from those designated in the Certified Animal Waste Management ❑ ■ Cl ❑ Plan(CAWMP)? 15. Does the receiving crop andlor land application site need improvement? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 16. Did the facility fail to secure andlor operate per the irrigation design or wettable acre determinaton? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 17. Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 18. Is there a lack of properly operating waste application equipment? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Records and Documents Yes No NA NE 19. Did the facility fail to have Certificate of Coverage and Permit readily available? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 20. Does the facility fail to have all components of the CAWMP readily available? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Page 5 Permit: AW525DDW Owner - Facility: Carson Jones FacII4 Number: 250008 Inspection !late: 08/11/2008 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason far Visit: Routine Records and Documents Yes No NA NE WUP? ❑ Checklists? ❑ Design? ❑ Maps? ❑ Other? ❑ 21. Does record keeping need improvement? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate tax below. Waste Application? ❑ 120 Minute inspections? ❑ Weather code? ❑ Weekly Freeboard? ❑ Transfers? ❑ Rainfall? ❑ Inspections after n 1 inch rainfall & monthly? ❑ Waste Analysis? ❑ Annual soil analysis? ❑ Crop yields? ■ Stocking? ❑ Annual Certification Form (NPDES only)? ❑ 22. Did the facility fail to install and maintain a rain gauge? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 23, If selected, did the facility fail to install and maintain a raintreaker on irrigation equipment (NPDES only)? ❑ ❑ ■ 24. Did the facility fail to calibrate waste application equipment as required by the permit? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 25. Did the facility fail to conduct a sludge survey as required by the permit? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 26. Did the facility fail to have an actively certified operator in charge? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 27. Did the facility fail to secure a phosphorous loss assessment {PLAT} certification? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ 28. Were any additional problems noted which cause non-compliance of the Permit or CAWMP? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 29. Did the facility fail to properly dispose of dead animals within 24 hours and/or document and report those ❑ ■ 0 mortality rates that exceed normal rates? Page: 5 Permit: AW5250008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Inspection Date: 09111MOB Inspection Type- Compliance Inspection Facility Number : 250008 Reason for Visit: Routine 30. At the time of the inspection did the fad lity pose an air quality coneem? If yes, contact a regional Air Quality representative immediately. 31. Did the fad lity fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by Permit? 32. Did Reviewer? Inspector fail to discuss review/inspection with on -site representative? 33. Does facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? Yes No NA NE ❑❑❑■ Page. 7 0 Division of Water quality n Division of Soil and Water Conservation ❑ Other Agency Facility Number: 250009 Facility Status: Wive Permit: AWS250008 U Denied Access Inspection Type: Com li nce Inspection _ _ Inactive or Closed Date: Reason for Visit: Routine County: v n Region: Washington Date of Visit: 07111 /2007 Entry Time:01:00 PM Exit Time: Farm Name: Rivers Edge Farms Owner: ggrson Jones Incident #: Owner Email: Phone: 252-244-1 52 Mailing Address: 6305 River Rd _ Vanceoro, NC 285868575 _ Physical Address: 7011 River Rd I Vanceboro INC 28 QQ Facility Status: ❑ Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Integrator: Location of Farm: Latitude: 35°16'09" Longitude: 77°13'44" Farm is located off NCSR 1400 in Craven County. Farm entrance is located on the southern side of NCSR 1400 approximately 2.5 miles west of the intersection between NCSR 1400 and NCSR 1443. Question Areas: Discharges & stream Impacts Records and Documents Certified Operator: Jeffery C Jones Secondary OIC(s): Waste Collection & Treatment Other issues On -Site Representative(s): Name On -site representative Carson Jones 24 hour contact name Carson Jones Primary Inspector: Megan Hartwell Inspector Signature: Secondary Inspector(s): W Waste Application Operator Certification Number: 16329 Title Phone: Phone: Phone: Date: Phone Page: 1 Permit: AW5250008 Owner - Facility: Carson Janes Facility Number : 250008 Inspection Date: 07/11/2007 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: COC and Permit 2009 - use to be under NPDES WUP needs to be updated Waste analysis 5-29-07 2.0 3-9-07 1.7 12-22-06 1.2 Soil test 3-21-07 with highest lime .8 tons Cu and Zn values within range Crop yield complete Rainfall and freeboard complete Irrigation complete and corresponds with freeboard Sludge survey 2-15-06 thick-1.8' LTZ-4.2' Calibrations 2-1-07 with 131 GPM } Use on IRR-2 `MOW outside of lagoon bank ASAP -Continue efforts to establish vegetation on lagoon Page: 2 Permit: AWS250008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number: 250008 Inspection Date: 07/11/2007 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Regulated Operations Design Capacity Current Population Swine O Swine - Feeder to Finish 3,672 3,381 Total Design Capacity: 3,672 Total SSLW: 495,720 Waste Structures Type Identifier Closed Date Start Date Designed Freeboard Observed Freeboard agoon RIVER EDGE 10/14/94 20,00 29.00 Page: 3 Permit: AWS250008 Owner • Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number : 250008 Inspection Date: 07111/2007 inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for VIsIt: Routine Discharges & Stream Impacts Yes No NA NE 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Discharge originated at Structure ❑ Application Field ❑ Other ❑ a. Was conveyance man-made? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ b. Did discharge reach Waters of the State? (if yes, notify DWQ) ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ c. Estimated volume reaching surface waters? d. Does discharge bypass the waste management system? [if yes, notify DWQ] ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 2. Is there evidence of a past discharge from any part of the operation? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 3. Were there any adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to Waters of the State other than from a ❑ ■ 01 01 discharge? Waste Collection, Storage & Treatment Yes No NA NE 4. Is storage capacity less than adequate? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, is waste level into structural freeboard? ❑ 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed (I.e.l large trees, severe ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ erosion, seepage, etc.)? 6. Are there structures on -site that are not properly addressed and/or managed through a waste management ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ or closure plan? 7. Do any of the structures need maintenance or improvement? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ S. Do any of the structures lack adequate markers as required by the permit? {Not applicable to roofed pits, ❑ 0110 dry stacks and/or wet stacks) 9. Does any part of the waste management system other than the waste structures require maintenance or ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ improvement? Waste A plication Yes No NA NE 10, Are there any required buffers, setbacks, or compliance alternatives that need maintenance or ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ improvement? 11. Is there evidence of incorrect application? ❑ ■ ❑ D If yes, check the appropriate box below. Excessive Ponding? ❑ Hydraulic Overload? ❑ Frozen Ground? ❑ Heavy metals (Cu, Zn, etc)? ❑ Page: 4 Permit: AWS250008 Owner • Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number. 250008 Inspection Date: 07/11/2007 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Waste Application Yes No NA NE PAN? D Is PAN a 10%/10 lbs.? D Total P2O5? Failure to incorporate manure/sludge into bare soil? ❑ Outside of acceptable crop window? D Evidence of wind drift? n Application outside of application area? El Crop Type 1 Coastal Bermuda Grass (Hay) Crop Type 2 Small Grain Overseed Crop Type 3 Crop Type 4 Crop Type 5 Crop Type 6 Soil Type 1 Seabrook loamy sand Soil Type 2 Tarboro sand, 0 to 6% slopes Soil Type 3 Soil Type 4 Soil Type 5 Soil Type 6 14. Do the receiving crops differ from those designated in the Certified Animal Waste Management D ■ D D Plan(CAWMP)? 15. Does the receiving crop and/or land application site need improvement? D ■ D D 16. Did the facility fail to secure and/or operate per the irrigation design or wettable acre determination? ❑ ■ 17. Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application? n ■ ❑ n 18. Is there a lack of properly operating waste application equipment? ❑ ■ D ❑ Records and Documents Yes No NA NE 19. Did the facility fail to have Certificate of Coverage and Permit readily available? D ■ ❑ D 20. Does the facility fail to have all components of the CAWMP readily available? ❑ ■ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Page: 5 Permit: AWS250008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number: 250008 Inspection bate: 07/11/2007 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Records and documents Yes No NA NE WUP? ❑ Checklists? ❑ Design? 0 Maps? ❑ Other? D 21. Does record keeping need improvement? ❑ ■ n n If yes, check the appropriate box below. Waste Application? n 120 Minute inspections? n Weather code? n Weekly Freeboard? n Transfers? ❑ Rainfall? ❑ Inspections after > 1 inch rainfall & monthly? ❑ Waste Analysis? ❑ Annual soil analysis? n Crop yields? n Stocking? ❑ Annual Certification Form (NPDES only)? ❑ 22. Did the facility fail to install and maintain a rain gauge? n ■ n ❑ 23. If selected, did the Facility fail to install and maintain a rainbreaker on irrigation equipment (AIPDES only)? ❑ ■ D ❑ 24. Did the facility fail to calibrate waste application equipment as required by the permit? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 25. Did the facility fail to conduct a sludge survey as required by the permit? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 26. Did the facility fail to have an actively certified operator in charge? ❑ ■ 11 ❑ 27. Did the facility fail to secure a phosphorous loss assessment (PLAT) certification? D Q ■ I! Other issues Yes No NA NE 28. Were any additional problems noted which cause non-compliance of the Permit or CAWMP? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 29. Did the facility fail to properly dispose of dead animals within 24 hours and/or document and report those ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ mortality rates that exceed normal rates? Page: 6 Permit:AWS250008 Owner -Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number:250008 Inspection Date: 07/1112007 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Vac Mn HA NF 30. At the time of the inspection did the facility pose an air quality concern? If yes, contact a regional Air ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Quality representative immediately. 31. Did the facility fail to notify regional QWQ of emergency situations as required by Permit? ❑ ■ Cl ❑ 32. Did Reviewerllnspector fail to discuss review/inspection with on -site representative? 0 ■ ❑ ❑ 33. Does facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? Page: 7 S Division of Water Quality n Division of Soil and Water Conservation ❑ Other Agency ____— ------------- T Facility Number: 250008 Facility Status: Active Permit: NCA226008 Denied Access Inspection Type: ,structure Evaluation Inactive or Closed Date: Reason for Visit: Follow-u County: Craven _ Region: Washington Date of Visit: 12/01/2006 Entry Time: I Q721 AM Exit Time: Incident #: Farm Name: Rivers Ed a Farms Owner Email: Owner: Carson Jones Phone: 252-244-1402 Mailing Address: 6305 River Rd Vanceboro NC 285865575 Physical Address: 7011 River Rd Vanceboro NC 28586 Facility Status: ❑ Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Integrator: Location of Farm: Latitude: 35° (O ;' _ Longitude: 77°13'44" Farm is located off NCSR 1400 in Craven County. Farm entrance is located on the southern side of NCSR 1400 approximately 2.5 miles west of the intersection between NCSR 1400 and NCSR 1443. Question Areas: jj Waste Collection & Treatment Certified Operator: Jeffery C Jones Operator Certification Number: 16329 Secondary OIC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Name Title Phone 24 hour contact name Carson Jones Phone: Primary Inspector: Megan Hartwell Phone: Inspector Signature: Date: Secondary Inspector(s): Inspection Summary: Follow-up inspection because on the last site visit the lagoon was high_ Lagoon not compliant and Mr. Jones failed to notify DWQ. Facility will get DWQ a plan of action. Rag e: 1 41 H Permit: NCA225008 Owner • Facility: Carson Jones Inspection Date: 12JO112006 Inspection Type: Structure Evaluation Waste Structures Facility Number : 250008 Reason far Visit: Follow-up Type Identifier Closed pate Start Date Designed Freeboard Observed Freeboard agoon RIVER EDGE 10/14/94 20.00 15.00 Waste Collection, Storage !� Treatrnent Yes No NA NE 4. Is storage capacity less than adequate? ■ n n n If yes, is waste level into structural freeboard? n 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed (Le./ large trees, severe n ■ n n erosion, seepage, etc.)? 5. Are there structures on -site that are not properly addressed and/or managed through a waste management 0 [1 ❑ ■ or closure plan? 7. Do any of the structures need maintenance or improvement? ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ 8. Do any of the structures lack adequate markers as required by the permit? (Not applicable to roofed pits, fl ■ dry stacks and/or wet stacks) 9. Does any part of the waste management system other than the waste structures require maintenance or ❑ n it ■ improvement? Page: 2 Division of Water Quality j� Division of Soil and Water Conservation ❑ Other Agency Facility Number: 250008 Facility Status: Active Permit: NCA225008 0 Denied Access Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection _ _ Inactive or Closed Date: Reason for Visit: Emergency _ County: Craven Region: Washington Date of Visit: 09/0212006 Entry Time:09:30 AM Exit Time: Incident #: Farm Name: Rivers Edge Farms Owner Email: Owner: Carson Jones Phone: 252- 44-1402 Mailing Address: 6305 River Rd Vanceboro NC 285868575 Physical Address: 7011 Rivec Rd Vanceboro NG_22 5_86 _ Facility Status: ❑ Compliant n Not Compliant Integrator: Location of Farm: Latitude: 35'16'09" Longitude: 77°13'44" Farm is located off NCSR 1400 in Craven County. Farm entrance is located on the southern side of NCSR 1400 approximately 2.5 miles west of the intersection between NCSR 1400 and NCSR 1443. Question Areas: W Waste Collection & Treatment Certified Operator: Jeffery C Jones Operator Certification Number: 16329 Secondary OIC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Name Title Phone 24 hour contact name Carson Jones Phone: Primary Inspector: Megan Hartwell Phone: Inspector Signature: Date: Secondary Inspector(s): Inspection Summary: Checking lagoon levels after Tropical Storm Ernesto. Facility lagoon level at 18 inches. Mr. Jones failed to notify DWQ of high freeboard level. Also, there was severe erosion occuring on lagoon banks and large vegation that needs to be cut down. Page: 1 Permit: NCA225008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number: 250008 Inspection Date: 09/02/2006 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Emergency Waste Structures Type Identifier Closed Date Start Date Designed Freeboard Observed Freeboard �agmn RIVER EDGE 10/14/94 20.00 18.00 Waste Collection, Storage & Treatment 4. Is storage capacity less than adequate? If yes, is waste level into structural freeboard? Yes No NA NE ■non n 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed (Led large trees, severe ■ n n n erosion, seepage, etc.)? 6. Are there structures on -site that are not properly addressed and/or managed through a waste management ■ n ❑ n or closure plan? 7. Do any of the structures need maintenance or improvement? ■ n ❑ n 8. Do any of the structures lack adequate markers as required by the permit? (Not applicable to roofed pits, n ■ n n dry stacks and/or wet stacks) 9. Does any part of the waste management system other than the waste structures require maintenance or n ■ n n improvement? Page: 2 Division of Water Quality ❑ Division of Soil and Water Conservation ❑ Other Agency Facility Number: 250008 Facility Status: Active Permit: NCA225008 _ ❑ Denied Access Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection _ Inactive or Closed Date: Reason for Visit: RRputine County: Cr v Region: Washington _ Date of Visit: 03/27/2006 Entry Time:09:00AM- Exit Time:12:00 PM Incident #: Farm Name: Rivers Edge Farms Owner Email: Owner: Carson Jones Phone: 2 - -1 2 Mailing Address: §305 River Rd Vanceboro NC 265666575 Physical Address: 7011 River Rd _ Vanceboro NC 28586 Facility Status: ❑ Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Integrator: Location of Farm: Latitude: 35016' 9" Longitude: 77013'44" Farm is located off NCSR 1400 in Craven County. Farm entrance is located on the southern side of NCSR 1400 approximately 2.5 miles west of the intersection between NCSR 1400 and NCSR 1443. Question Areas: Discharges & Stream Impacts © Records and Documents Certified Operator; Jeffery C Jones Secondary OIC(s): On -Site Representative(s): On -site representative 24 hour contact name Waste Collection & Treatment Other Issues Name Carson Jones Carson Jones W Waste Application Operator Certification Number: 16329 Title Phone: Phone: Primary Inspector: Megan Hartwell Phone: Inspector Signature: Date: Secondary Inspector(s): Phone Page: 1 Permit: NCA225008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number: 250008 Inspection hate: 03/2712006 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: WUP 8-25-97 - NEED TO UPDATE PLAN COC and Permit covered through 2007 Waste Analysis 2-1-06 1.3 9-9-05 2.1 6-3-05 1.6 "Make sure to get waste sample to cover 60 days before or after irrigation event. Make sure to use correct waste analyis on IRR-2 forms. PEAT complete 64-04 Crop yield complete calibrations complete Sludge survey complete 2-15-06, appears to be in compliance. Mail sheets that are needed to complete sludge survey. Some pages missing from records. 7) address barespots on lagoon rainfall records complete Page: 2 Permit: NCA225008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number : 250008 Inspection Date: 03127/2006 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Regulated Operations Design Capacity Current Population Swine Swine - Feeder to Finish 3,672 3,672 Total Design Capacity: 3,672 Total SSLW: 495,720 Waste Structures Type Identifier Closed bate Start Date Designed Freeboard Observed Freeboard agoon RIVER EDGE 28.00 Page: 3 Permit: NCA225008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Facility Numbar : 250008 Inspection Date. 03/2712006 Inspection Type: Compliance inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Dischercles 8 stream Impacts Yes No NA NE 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Discharge originated at: Structure n Application Field ❑ Other ❑ a. Was conveyance man-made? 0 ■ ❑ ❑ b. Did discharge reach Waters of the State? (if yes, notify DWQ) ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ c. Estimated volume reaching surface waters? d. Does discharge bypass the waste management system? (if yes, notify DWQ) Q ■ ❑ n 2. Is there evidence of a past discharge from any part of the operation? D ■ 0 0 3. Were there any adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to Waters of the State other than from a it ■ ❑ Cl discharge? Waste Collection, Storage & Treatment Yes No NA NE 4. Is storage capacity less than adequate? ❑ 0110 If yes, is waste level into structural freeboard? n 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed (Le./ large trees, severe ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ erosion, seepage, etc.)? 6. Are there structures on -site that are not properly addressed and/or managed through a waste management ❑ ■ ❑ 0 or closure plan? 7. Do any of the structures need maintenance or improvement? ■ 1100 8. Do any of the structures lack adequate markers as required by the permit? (Not applicable to roofed pits, ❑ ■ 0 0 dry stacks and/or wet stacks) 9. Does any part of the waste management system other than the waste structures require maintenance or ❑ ■ [I ❑ improvement? Waste Aptcation Yes No NA NE 10. Are there any required buffers, setbacks, or compliance altematives that need maintenance or ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ improvement? 11. is there evidence of incorrect application? 11 ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. Excessive Ponding? ❑ Hydraulic Overload? ❑ Frozen Ground? ❑ Heavy metals (Cu, Zn, etc)? Q Page: 4 ... Permit: NCA225008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number : 250008 Inspection Date: 03127/2006 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Waste Application Yes No NA NE PAN? ❑ Is PAN a 10%110 lbs.? ❑ + Total P205? ❑ Failure to incorporate manure/sludge into bare soil? ❑ Outside of acceptable crop window? ❑ Evidence of wind drift? ❑ Application outside of application area? ❑ Crop Type 1 Coastal Bermuda Grass (Hay) Crop Type 2 small Grain Overseed Crop Type 3 Crop Type 4 Crop Type 5 Crop Type 6 Soil Type 1 Seabrook Soil Type 2 Tarboro Soil Type 3 Soil Type 4 Soil Type 5 Soil Type 6 14. Do the receiving crops differ from those designated in the Certified Animal Waste Management ❑ ■ ❑ 0 Plan(CAWMP)? 15. Does the receiving crop and/or land application site need improvement? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 16. Did the facility fail to secure and/or operate per the irrigation design or wettable acre determination? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 17. Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 18. Is there a lack of properly operating waste application equipment? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Records and Documents Yes No NA NE 19. Did the facility fail to have Certificate of Coverage and Permit readily available? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 20. Does the facility fail to have all components of the CAWMP readily available? ❑ ■ n ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below. WUP? ❑ Page: 5 ■ Permit: NCA225008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Inspection Date: 03/2712006 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Records and Documents Checklists? Design? Maps? Other? 21. Does record keeping need improvement? If yes, check the appropriate box below. Facility Number : 250008 Reason for Visit: Routine Yes No NA NE Q Q n n ■ Q Q Q Waste Application? ❑ 120 Minute inspections? ❑ Weather code? ❑ Weekly Freeboard? ❑ Transfers? ❑ Rainfall? ❑ Inspections after a 1 inch rainfall & monthly? ❑ Waste Analysis? ■ Annual soil analysis? ❑ Crop yields? ❑ Stocking? n Annual Certification Form (NPDES only)? ❑ 22. Did the facility fail to install and maintain a rain gauge? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 23. If selected, did the facility fail to install and maintain a rainbreaker on irrigation equipment (NPDES only)? Q ■ Q Q 24. Did the facility fail to calibrate waste application equipment as required by the permit? ❑ ■ ❑ Q 25. Did the facility fail to conduct a sludge survey as required by the permit? Q ■ Q Q 26. Did the facility fail to have an actively certified operator in charge? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 27. Did the facility fail to secure a phosphorous loss assessment (PLAT) certification? n ■ ❑ ❑ Other Issues Yes No NA NE 28. Were any additional problems noted which cause non-compliance of the Permit or CAWMP? ❑ ■ 0 ❑ 29. Did the facility fail to properly dispose of dead animals within 24 hours and/or document and report those ❑ ■ ❑ Q mortality rates that exceed normal rates? 30. At the time of the inspection did the facility pose an air quality concern? If yes, contact a regional Air Q Q Q ■ Quality representative immediately. Page: 6 Permit: NCA225008 owner - Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number : 250008 Inspection Date: 03127/2006 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Other Issues Yes No NA NE 31. Did the facility fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by Permit? ❑ m D ❑ 32. Did Rev iewerllnspector fail to discuss reviewlinspectian with on -site representative? Q ■ Q it 33. Does facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? Page: 7 It Division of Water Quality ❑ Division of Soil and Water Conservation ❑ Other Agency Facility Number : 250008 Facility Status: Active Permit. NCA225008 ❑ Denied Access Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection inactive or Closed Date: Reason for Visit: Routine _ County: r v n Region: Washin=r- Date of Visit: 08/13/2Q05 Entry Time: 03:00 PM Exit Time: Incident M. Farm Name: Rivers Edge Farms _ Owner Email: Owner: Carson Jones Phone: 252-244-1402 Mailing Address: 6305 River Rd _ Vanceboro NC 28586a575 Physical Address: 7 Facility Status: 0 Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Integrator: Murphy Family Farms Location of Farm: Latitude: 35°16'09" Longitude: 77'13'44" Farm is located off NCSR 1400 in Craven County. Farm entrance is located on the southern} side of NCSR 1400 approximately 2.5 miles west of the intersection between NCSR 1400 and NCSR 1443. Question Areas: ® Discharges & stream Impacts Waste Collection & Treatment Waste Application Records and Documents ® Other Issues Certified Operator: Jeffery C Janes Operator Certification Number: 16329 Secondary OIC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Name Title Phone On -site representative Carson Jones Phone: 24 hour contact name Carson Jones Phone: Primary Inspector: Marlene Salyer Phone: Inspector Signature: Date: Secondary Inspector(s)- Phone: Phone: Inspection Summary: Waste analysis: Ibs N per 1000 gal. 6-3-05 = 1.6 3-10-05 = 2.1 12-3-04 = 1.2 Current soil test. Page: 1 i Permit: NCA225008 Owner -Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number. 250008 Inspection Date: 08/13i2fl05 inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Regulated Operations Design Capacity Current Population Swine Swine - Feeder to Finish 3,672 3,625 Total Design Capacity: 3,672 Total SSLW: 495,720 Waste Structures Identifier Closed Date Start Date Designed Freeboard Observed Freeboard ;WTA4MIDICial 30.00 Pag e: 2 Permit: NCA225008 Owner - Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number: 250008 Inspection Date: 08/13/2005 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine Discharges & SLeair Imparts Yes No NA NE 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Discharge originated at: Structure ❑ Application Field ❑ Other ❑ a. Was conveyance man-made? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ b. Did discharge reach Waters of the State? (if yes, notify DWQ) ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ c. Estimated votume reaching surface waters? d. Does discharge bypass the waste management system? (if yes, notify DWQ) ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 2. Is there evidence of a past discharge from any part of the operation? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 3. Were there any adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to Waters of the State other than from a discharge? ❑ yes ■ ❑ No NA ❑ NE 4. Is storage capacity less than adequate? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes, is waste level into structural freeboard? ❑ 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed (I.e.1 large trees, severe erosion• ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ seepage, etc.)? B. Are there structures on -site that are not property addressed and/or managed through a waste management or ❑ ■ El 71 closure plan? 7. Do any of the structures need maintenance or improvement? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ S. Do any of the structures lack adequate markers as required by the permit? (Not applicable to roofed pits, dry stacks ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ and/or wet stacks) 9. Does any part of the waste management system other than the waste structures require maintenance or ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ improvement? 0 Yes No NA NE Waste Annficat on 10. Are there any required buffers• setbacks, or compliance alternatives that need maintenance or improvement? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 11. Is there evidence of incorrect application? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If yes check the appropriate box below. Excessive Ponding? ❑ Hydraulic Overload? ❑ Frozen Ground? ❑ Heavy metals (Cu, Zn, etc)? ❑ PAN? ❑ Is PAN a 10°1oN0 Ibs.? ❑ Total P205? ❑ Failure to incorporate manure/sludge into bare soil? ❑ outside of acceptable crop window? ❑ Evidence of wind drift? ❑ Application outside of application area? ❑ Crop Type 1 Coastal Bermuda Grass (Hay) Crop Type 2 Small Grain (Wheat, Barley, Oats) Crop Type 3 Crop Type 4 Page: 3 Permit: NCA225008 Owner -Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number: 250008 Inspection Date: 08/13/2005 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine WaVe Annfira}ion Yes No NA NE Crop Type 5 Crop Type 6 Soil Type 1 Seabrook Soil Type 2 Tarboro Soil Type 3 Soil Type 4 Soil Type 5 Soil Type 6 14. Do the receiving crops differ from those designated in the Certified Animal Waste Management PIan (CAWMP)? ❑ 0 ❑ 11 15. Does the receiving crop and/or land application site need improvement? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 1$. Did the facility fail to secure and/or operate per the irrigation design or wettable acre determination? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 17. Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 18. Is there a lack of properly operating waste application equipment? ❑ Yes N ❑ No NA_J ❑ P Records and Documents 19. Did the facility fail to have Certificate of Coverage and Permit readily available? ❑ E ❑ ❑ 20. Does the facility fail to have all components of the CAWMP readily available? ❑ M ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below WUP? ❑ Checklists? ❑ Design? ❑ Maps? ❑ Other? ❑ 21. Does record keeping need improvement? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ If yes, check the appropriate box below Waste Application? ❑ 120 Minute inspections? ❑ Weather code? ❑ Weekly Freeboard? ❑ Transfers? ❑ Rainfall? ❑ Inspections after > 1 inch rainfall & monthly? Cl Waste Analysis? ❑ Annual soil analysis? ❑ Crop yields? ❑ Stocking? ❑ Annual Certification Form (NPDES only)? ❑ 22. Did the facility fail to install and maintain a rain gauge? ❑ 0110 23. If selected, did the facility fail to install and maintain a rainbreaker on irrigation equipment (NPDES only)? ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ 24. Did the facility fail to calibrate waste application equipment as required by the permit? ❑ N ❑ ❑ 25. Did the facility fail to conduct a sludge survey as required by the permit? ❑ N ❑ Cl 26- Did the facility fail to have an actively certified operator in charge? ❑ 0 ❑ El Page: 4 Permit: NOA225008 Owner -Facility: Carson Jones Facility Number: 250008 Inspection Date: 08/13/2005 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine RecoLds and Documents 27. Did the facility fail to secure a phosphorous loss assessment (PLAT) certification? lssues Yes ❑ yes No NA 0 No NA NF ❑ NF Other 28. Were any additional problems noted which cause non-compliance of the Permit or CAWMP? 00 ❑ ❑ 29. aid the facility fail to properly dispose of dead animals within 24 hours and/or document and report those mortality ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ rates that exceed normal rates? 30. At the time of the inspection did the facility pose an air quality ooncem? If yes, contact a regional Air Quality ❑ M ❑ ❑ representative immediately- 3 1. Did the facility fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by Permit? on ❑ ❑ 32. Did Reviewer/Inspector fail to discuss review/inspection with on -site representative? ❑ 0 ❑ 33. Does facility require a fallow -up visit by same agency? ❑ 0 13 ❑ Page: 5 Type of Visit Q Compliance Inspection 0 Operation Review Q Lagoon Evaluation 11 Reason far visit *Routine D Complaint C1 Follow up D Emergency Notification d Other ❑ Denied Access Facility Number 25 8 Date of Visit: 8-2-2004 Time: 933 O Not Operational 0 Below Threshold ® Permitted 0 Certified N Conditionally Certified 0 Registered Date Last Operated or Above Threshold: ................. Farm Name: UWxjK.Edze,.FaxaU ....................... County: CX'AYj l...............................................1' ARO........ Owner Name: U1som....................................him............................................................ Phone No: 252-2-44.-1402 ........................................................... Mailing Address: fi3.l15..11.1E:Cr.Rd............................................................ _................ ........ YRaCCb.4]CR.NC........ __........................................ vism ............. Facility Contact: Title: Phone No: Onsite Rep resentative:.QjjqEL.J.Qxxcs........................................................................•-•-•• Integrator: r&ur9hy..Famj]y.F#.r.= ..................................... Certified Operator.j.c[fe.1x.0 ............................... , ARCE........................................_........ Operator Certification Number- 16329............................. Location of Farm: Farm is located off NCSR 1400 in Craven County. Farm entrance Is located on the southern side of NCSR 1400 A, approximately 2.5 miles west of the intersection between NCSR 1400 and NCSR 1443. ® Swine ❑ Poultry ❑ Cattle ❑ Horse Latitude 35 • 15 0966 Longitude Design Current Design Current Design Current Swine Capacity population Poultry Capacity Population Cattle Capacity Population ❑ Wean to Feeder ❑ Layer I 1 ❑ Dairy ® Feeder to Finish 3672 ❑ Non -Layer HE ❑ Non -Dairy I Farrow to Wean El Farrow to Feeder ❑ ether ❑ Farrow to Finish Total Design Capacity 3,672 ❑ Gilts Total SSLW 495,720 ❑ Boars Number of Lagoons 1 Subsurface Drains Present JLSpray Field Area Trans - Disc harses & Stream Ympacts 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? ❑ Yes N No Discharge originated at: ❑ Lagoon ❑ Spray Field ❑ 0ther a. If discharge is observed, was the conveyance man-made? ❑ Yes ❑ No b. If discharge is observed, did it reach Water of the State? (If yes, notify DWQ) ❑ Yes ❑ No c. If discharge is observed, what is the estimated flow in gal/min? d. Does discharge bypass a lagoon system? (If yes, notify DWQ) ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. Is there evidence of past discharge from any part of the operation? ❑ Yes N No 3. Were there any adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to the Waters of the State other than from a discharge? ❑ Yes N No �'Vaste Collection & Treatment 4. Is storage capacity (freeboard plus storm storage) less than adequate? ❑ Spillway ❑ Yes ® No Structure 1 Structure 2 Structure 3 Structure 4 Structure S Structure 5 identifier: ........................................................................................ Freeboard (inches): 22" 12/12103 Continued Facility Number: 25-8 Date of Inspection 8-2-201i4 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed? (iel trees, severe erosion, seepage, etc.) 6. Are there structures on -site which are not properly addressed and/or managed through a waste management or closure plan? (If any of questions 4-6 was answered yes, and the situation poses an immediate public health or environmental threat, notify DWQ) 7. Do any of the structures need maintenance/improvement? 8. Does any part of the waste management system other than waste structures require maintenancelimprovement? 9. Do any stuctures lack adequate, gauged markers with required maximum and minimum liquid level elevation markings? Waste Application 10. Are there any buffers that need maintenancetimprovement? 11. Is there evidence of over application? If yes, check the appropriate box below. ❑ Excessive Ponding ❑ PAN ❑ Hydraulic Overload ❑ Frozen Ground ❑ Copper and/or Zinc 12. Crop type Coastal Bermuda (Hay) Small Grain Overseed ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No I3. Do the receiving crops differ with those designated in the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP)? ❑ Yes N No 14. a) Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application? ❑ Yes ❑ No b) Does the facility need a wettable acre determination? ❑ Yes ❑ No c) This facility is pended for a wettable acre determination? ❑ Yes ❑ No 15. Does the receiving crop need improvement? ❑ Yes N No 16. Is there a lack of adequate waste application equipment? ❑ Yes N No Odor Issues IT Does the discharge pipe from the confinement building to the storage pond or lagoon fail to discharge atior below ❑ Yes ❑ No liquid level of lagoon or storage pond with no agitation? 18. Are there any dead animals not disposed of properly within 24 hours? ❑ Yes N No 19. Is there any evidence of wind drift during land application? (i.e. residue on neighboring vegetation, asphalt, ❑ Yes N No roads, building structure, and/or public property) 20. At the time of the inspection did the facility pose an odor or air quality concern? If yes, contact a regional ❑ Yes ® No Air Quality representative immediately. Coiriinepts'refer d' question`# : ` Ex 'lain an:YES'answers and/or an ':recommendations or an other comments. I& drawings of fad -tobetter"eaplaio_situatiaiis::{use additiniial.pages as necessary):,. ❑ Field Copy ❑ Final Notes Records available A6 Awaiting most current results - mailed samples to NCDA Lab on July 27, 2004 Waste analysis: 4-8-04 = 1.8 lbs 1-22-04 = 1.5 lbs 11-6-03 1.2 lbs 7-22-03 =1.2 lbs 3-26-03 = 2.2 lbs 12-17-02 =1.5 lbs " Soil test for 2003 - samples collected in Dec. 2003 - results came back with high phosphorus (few fields) - deep soil samples came back OK. Irrigation records are complete and balanced out. Spray fields are in good shape - Practice weed control upon need. reeboard, rainfall, crop yields, stocking/mortality records are kept. Reviewer/Inspector Name Lyn B. Hardison Reviewer/Inspector Signature: Date: 12112103 Continued Facility Number: 25-8 Date of Inspection 8-2-2DD4 Required Records & Documents 21. Fail to have Certificate of Coverage & General Permit or other Permit readily available? ❑ Yes N No 22. Does the facility fail to have all components of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan readily available? (ie/ WUP, checklists, design, maps, etc.) ❑ Yes N No 23. Does record keeping need improvement? If yes, check the appropriate box below. ❑ Yes N No ❑ Waste Application ❑ Freeboard ❑ Waste Analysis ❑ Soil Sampling 24. Is facility not in compliance with any applicable setback criteria in effect at the time of design? ❑ Yes N No 25. Did the facility fail to have a actively certified operator in charge? ❑ Yes N No 26. Fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by General Permit? (ie/ discharge, freeboard problems, over application) ❑ Yes N No 27. Did Reviewer/Inspector fail to discuss review/inspection with on -site representative? ❑ Yes N No 28. Does facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? ❑ Yes N No 29. Were any additional problems noted which cause noncompliance of the Certified AWMP? ❑ Yes N No NPDES Permitted Facilities 34. Is the facility covered under a NPDES Permit? (If no, skip questions 31-35) N Yes ❑ No 31. If selected, did the facility fail to install and maintain rainbreakers on irrigation equipment? ❑ Yes N No 32. Did the facility fail to install and maintain a rain gauge? ❑ Yes N No 33. Did the facility fail to conduct an annual sludge survey? ❑ Yes N No 34. Did the facility fail to calibrate waste application equipment? ❑ Yes N No 35. Does record keeping for NPDES required forms need improvement? If yes, check the appropriate box below. ❑ Yes N No ❑ Stocking Form [:]Crop Yield Form ❑ Rainfall ❑ Inspection After 1" Rain ❑ 120 Minute Inspections ❑ Annual Certification Form No violations or deficiencies were noted during this visit. You will receive no further correspondence about this visit. Additional Comments and/or Drawings: _ Sludge survey, irrigation calibration are complete. A. Continue your efforts to improve the bare spots on dike wall. If you. have any questions, contact your T. Specialist or me @ 252-946-6481. 12112103 Facility Number - ® Date: /1?J04 Time: 1 900 1 Time On Farm: 6l3 WaRO Farm Name Rivers Edge Farms County Craven Phone: 252-244-1402 Mailing Address 6305 River Rd Vanceboro NC 28586 Onsite Representative Carson Jones Integrator ILL murphrey Farms Type Of Visit Purpose Of Visit Compliance Inspection (pilot only) Technical Assistance Confirmation for Removal ❑ Operating below threshold ® Swine ❑ Poultry ❑ Cattle ❑ Horse Design Current Capacity Population ❑ Wean to Feeder ® Feeder to Finish ❑ Farrow to Wean ❑ Farrow to Feeder ❑ Farrow to Finish ❑ Gilts ❑ Boars 3672 3672 Q Routine 0 Response to DWQIDENR referral Q Response to DSWC/SWCD referral Q Response to complaintflocal referral 0 Requested by producer/integrator Q Follow-up Q Emergency Q Other... Design Current Caoacitv Pooulation ❑ Layer ❑ Non -Layer ❑ Dairy ❑ Non -Dairy ❑ Other GENERAL QUESTIONS: 1. Is waste discharging from any part of the operation and reaching surface waters or wetlands? ❑ yes ® no 2. Is there evidence of a past waste discharge from any part of the operation that waste reached ❑ yes ® no surface waters or wetlands? 3. Does any problem pose an immediate threat to the integrity of the waste structure (large trees, ❑ yes ® no seepage, severe erosion, etc.)? 4. Is there evidence of nitrogen over application, hydraulic overloading or excessive ponding ❑ yes ® no requiring DWQ notification? $- Is there evidence of improper dead animal disposal that poses a threat to the environment ❑ yes ® no and/or public health? 6. Is the waste level within the structural freeboard elevation range for any waste structure? ❑ yes ® no Structurel Structure 2 Structure 3 Structure 4 Structure 5 Identifier Level [inches] 127 CROP TYPES lCoastal Bermuda -hay I ISmall grain overseed SPRAYFIELD SOIL TYPES Sc TaB 7. What type of technical assistance does the ❑nsite representative feel is needed? (list in comment section) I Facility Number 25 - 8 Date: 2112/04 I PARAMETER 171 F1 Wastp- cnill Ipnvinn site Q No assistance provided/requested ❑ Dairy ❑ Non -Dairy ❑ Other GENERAL QUESTIONS: 1. Is waste discharging from any part of the operation and reaching surface waters or wetlands? ❑ yes ® no 2. Is there evidence of a past waste discharge from any part of the operation that waste reached ❑ yes ® no surface waters or wetlands? 3. Does any problem pose an immediate threat to the integrity of the waste structure (large trees, ❑ yes ® no seepage, severe erosion, etc.)? 4. Is there evidence of nitrogen over application, hydraulic overloading or excessive ponding ❑ yes ® no requiring DWQ notification? $- Is there evidence of improper dead animal disposal that poses a threat to the environment ❑ yes ® no and/or public health? 6. Is the waste level within the structural freeboard elevation range for any waste structure? ❑ yes ® no Structurel Structure 2 Structure 3 Structure 4 Structure 5 Identifier Level [inches] 127 CROP TYPES lCoastal Bermuda -hay I ISmall grain overseed SPRAYFIELD SOIL TYPES Sc TaB 7. What type of technical assistance does the ❑nsite representative feel is needed? (list in comment section) I Facility Number 25 - 8 Date: 2112/04 I PARAMETER 171 F1 Wastp- cnill Ipnvinn site Q No assistance provided/requested ❑ 90 Waste spill contained on site I tL:HNIL'AL A5515 I ANL:t Needea NroyicieO 25. Waste Plan Revision or Amendment El ❑ [110. Level in structural freeboard 26. Waste Plan Conditional Amendment ❑ ❑ ❑ 11. Level in storm storage 27. Review or Evaluate Waste Plan wlproducer ❑ ❑ ❑ 12. Waste structure integrity compromised 28. Forms Need {list In comment section) ❑ ❑ El 13. Waste structure needs maintenance 29. Missing Components (fist in comments) ❑ ❑ [114. Over application >= 10% & 10 lbs. 30. 21-1.0200 ❑ ❑ ❑ 15. Over application < 10% or < 10 lbs. re -certification [116. Hydraulic overloading 31. Five & Thirty day Plans of Action (PoA) ❑ ❑ 32. Irrigation record keeping assistance ❑ ❑ ❑ 17. Deficient irrigation records ❑ 18. Latelmissing waste analysis 33. Organizelcomputerization of records ❑ ❑ [119. Latelmissing lagoon level records 34. Sludge Evaluation ® ❑ [120. Latelmissing soils analysis ❑ 21. Crop needs improvement 35. Sludge or Closure Plan ❑ ❑ ❑ 22. Crop inconsistent with waste plan 36. sludge removallclosure procedures ❑ ❑ 37. Waste Structure Evaluation ❑ ❑ ❑ 23. Irrigation maintenance deficiency ❑ 24. Deficient sprayfield conditions 38. structure Needs Improvement ❑ ❑ 39. Operation & Maintenance Improvements ❑ ❑ 40. Marker checklcalibration ❑ ❑ Regulatory Referrals 41. Site evaluation ❑ ❑ ] Referred to DWQ Date: 42. Irrigation Calibration ® ❑ ] Referred to NCDA Date- - 43. Irrigation designlinstallation El El ] Other... system Date: 44. secure Irrigation information((maps, etc.) ❑ ❑ LIST IMPROVEMENTS 45. Operating improvements (pull signs, etc.) ❑ ❑ MADE BY OPERATION 46. Wettable Acre Determination ❑ ❑ 1 47. Evaluate WAD certification/rechecks ❑ ❑ 48. Crop evaluationlrecommendations ❑ ❑ 2 49. Drainage work/evaluation ❑ ❑ 50. Land shaping, subsoiling, aeration, etc.3. 51. Runoff control, stormwater diversion, etc. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 52. Buffer improvements ❑ ❑ 53. Field measurements(GPS, surveying, etc.) ❑ ❑ 4. 54. Mortality BMPs ❑ ❑ 55. Waste operator education (NPDES) ❑ ❑ 5' 56. Operation & maintenance education ❑ ❑ 67. Record keeping education ❑ ❑ 6 58. Croplforage management education ❑ ❑ 59. soil andlor waste sampling education ❑ ❑ Facility Number 25 - ® Date: 2112104 COMMENTS: 6 03/10/03 Haste analysis dated 1116/03 nitrogen is 1.2 Ibs 1/22104 nitrogen is 1.5 Ibs 1. Need to calibrate irrigation reel 4. Need to secure sludge survey. Remember to complete annual certification by March 1. Soil test taken Dec 03 Waiting for lab results. Follow lime requirements. Veed to contact tech spec. to include crop windows in waste plan. RR1 remember to record inspection of irrigation every 120 min during irrigation. RR1 and IRR2 records are complete and balanced. ;rop yield records available for review. _agoon level and rainfall recorded weekly with drops in lagoon consistent with irrigation events. knimal stocking records on site. =arm is well maintained. Receiving crop in good condition. _ift station working properly. _agoon dike walls have been sprayed with 2-4-D for weed control. TECHNICAL SPECIALIST Martin McLawhorn SIGNATURE Date Entered: 16104 Entered By: IMartin McLawhorn 7 03/10/03 (Type of Visit a Compliance Inspection p Operation Review p Lagoon Evaluation I Reason for Visit a Routine p Complaint p Follow up p Emergency Notification p Other ; p Denied Access Facility Number Date or Visit: 9/5/2002 Time: 10:55 am p Not Operationalp Below Threshold Permitted 0 Certified E Conditionally Certified p Registered Date Last Operated or Above Threshold: Farm Name: Rivers Edge Farms Owner Name: Carson Jones Mailing Address: 6305 River Rd Facility Contact: Onsite Representative: No one onsite Certified Operator: Jeffery C. Jones Location of Farm: County: Craven Phone No: 252-244-1402 Vanceboro NC Title: Phone No: Integrator: Murphy Family Farms Operator Certification Number:16329 Harm is located off NUSK 1400 in Craven County. Farm entrance is located on the southern side o approximately 2.5 miles west of the intersection between NCSR 1400 and NCSR 1443. WaRO 28586 a Swine p Poultry p Cattle p Horse Latitude ©. ®� ®K Longitude Design Current. _ . _.-Design—.Current .° . W Design, Current Swine' = µ y = Capacity. -` population. Poultry - - Capaeity .:PopuIation'. h $t e ' - ;, Capacity.. Population . p Wean to Feeder ® Feeder to Finish p Farrow to Wean [3 Farrow to Feeder p Farrow to Finish p Gilts p Boars - El Layer d[3 Dairy p Non -Layer F' E? on- airy = 13 Other '; r - = " Tk - 1 Design Capaeity 3,672 - _ Tvtal'SSLW 495,72a Numfier.orLagoons " _ ® u sur ace rams resen 13 agoon rea ® pray ie rea Holding.Ponds./:.Solid.Tra,...ps p o Liquid a Management System -- y . Discharges & Stream Impacts 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? 0 Yes NNo Discharge originated at: p Lagoon p Spray Field p Other a. If discharge is observed, was the conveyance man-made? p Yes No b. If discharge is observed, did it reach Water of the State? (if yes, notify DWQ) [3 Yes p No c- If discharge is obsmed, what is the estimated flow in gal/min? d. Does discharge bypass a lagoon system? (If yes, notify DWQ) p Yes p No 1 Is there evidence of past discharge from any part of the operation? p Yes ®No 3- Were there any adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to the Waters of the State other than from a discharge? [3 Yes ® No Waste Collection & Treatment 4. Is storage capacity (freeboard plus storm storage) less than adequate? p Spillway p Yes ®No Structure I Structure 2 Structure 3 Structure 4 Structure 5 Structure 6 Identifier: Freeboard (inches): 38 Facility Number; 2g_08 Date of Inspection . 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed? (ie/ trees, severe erosion, ❑ Yes R No seepage, etc.) 6. Are there structures on -site which are not properly addressed and/or managed through a waste management or closure plan? {If any of questions 4-6 was answered yes, and the situation poses an p Yes ® No immediate public health or environmental threat, notify DWQ) 7. Do any of the structures need maintenance/improvement? ® Yes p No S. Does any part of the waste management system other than waste structures require maintenance/improvement? ❑ Yes ® No 9. Do any stuctures lack adequate, gauged markers with required maximum and minimum liquid level elevation markings? ❑ Yes N No Waste Application 10. Are there any buffers that need maintenance/improvement? p Yes ® No 11. Is there evidence of over application? ❑ Excessive Ponding ❑ PAN ❑ Hydraulic Overload ❑ Yes N No 12. Crop type Coastal Bermuda 13. Do the receiving crops differ with those designated in the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CA WMP)? ❑ Yes B No 14. a) Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application? ❑ Yes ❑ No b) Does the facility need a wettable acre determination? ❑ Yes ❑ No c) This facility is pended for a wettable acre determination? p Yes ❑ No 15. Does the receiving crop need improvement? ❑ Yes ®No 16. Is there a lack of adequate waste application equipment? p Yes N No Required Records & Documents 17. Fail to have Certificate of Coverage & General Permit or other Permit readily available? ❑ Yes ® No 18. Does the facility fail to have all components of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan readily available? (ie/ WUP, checklists, design, maps, etc.) ❑ Yes ®No 19. Does record keeping need improvement? (ie/ irrigation, freeboard, waste analysis & soil sample reports) p Yes ®No 20. Is facility not in compliance with any applicable setback criteria in effect at the time of design? ❑ Yes N No 21. Did the facility fail to have a actively certified operator in charge? ❑ Yes ®No 22. Fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by General Permit? (ie/ discharge, freeboard problems, over application) ❑Yes ®No 23. Did Reviewer/Inspector fail to discuss review/inspection with on -site representative? ❑ Yes N No 24. Does facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? ❑ Yes ®No 25. Were any additional problems noted which cause noncompliance of the Certified AWMP? ❑ Yes ® No In No violations or deficiencies were noted during this visit. Vou will receive no further correspon ence about this visit. itCommens efer-to fiotoanExanYrsaadlrc iieisf'iiidation`s-or;aoyotlierlainyESanswe: = _ .:.....,.::.: . W. - - - - Use'drawvin s of facili tohetter�ex 1atn;situatians.:{use:addttiona3ipages�asnecessa "° ' � w `�' �-� �' -- ' 7. Inside and outside of dike wall should be mowed and shrubbed to remove heavy vegetative growth. Tree saplings noted along outside dike walls and tall weeds shading out grass. Top of dike has been mowed and maintained. * Irrigating in front field at time of inspection. S. Check on Hydrant I in back field - small leak and spray coming from hydrant, should be repaired to prevent further problems. No discharge observed. Irrigation records complete with nitrogen balance. (SEE PAGE 3) ` Reviewer/Ins ector Name rDa hne'BfCnll....._.� ':_::::--''::"m.'' .:' entered b .:Ann. ndali ` i;'; ; m,::::..'.. F p otn........ Reviewer/Inspector Signature: Date: 05103101 Continued Date of inspection aci y um er; 25_,08 Odor Issues 26. Does the discharge pipe from the confinement building to the storage pond or lagoon fail to discharge at/or below 17 Yes p No liquid level of lagoon or storage pond with no agitation? 27. Are there any dead animals not disposed of properly within 24 hours? p Yes ® No 28. is there any evidence of wind drift during land application? (i.e. residue on neighboring vegetation, asphalt, p Yes ® No roads, building structure, and/or public property) ` 29. Is the land application spray system intake not located near the liquid surface of the lagoon". 0 Yes ® No 30. Were any major maintenance problems with the ventilation fan(s) noted? (i.e. broken fan belts, missing or or broken fan blade(s), inoperable shutters, etc.) p Yes ® No 31. Do the animals feed storage bins fail to have appropriate cover? p Yes ® No 32, Do the flush tanks lack a submerged fill pipe or a permanent/temporary cover? p Yes p No Waste analysis 7/17102 - 1.81bs/1000 gals. ;: Soil analysis 1/2002 It F 6i h ' A 1 - 4 14, •1 � . � 1 � y • :i ,1 a: a. Ir+ k �r r } f: 3• r` if .I 5 ,: r. 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Y.;� 'tyi iY 4j V. •�� 41 1. � wy. i� � .M •1. • • . , 1 a _ � • , r • ,Y� ��••� ••�.�/ ►F�++'-MMMfII ,�� �� li (,l' r � �',. i+5� J,�,Y+'.� �-.+� _��i� 4 .�G �• ��'� � r •� ' .• ' r . .� r�l'r....• 4 +. i a � ��` • r}a 'r• ' 3 tIL 1 Scx�► �rrrrx :►" L4I. i r,r��• •Y,�jR7L'•r; L'•t `, r of Visit O Compliance Inspection 0 Operation Review a Lagoon Evaluation for Visit d Routine a Complaint O Follow up 0 Emergency Notification Q Other ❑ Denied Access Date of Visit: 4119I2002 Time: 1p00 I Facility Number 2.5 08 l O Not O erational Q Below Threshold ® Permitted 0 Certified 9 Conditkmally Certified 13Registered Date Last Operated or Above Threshold: ..••...•.•..•• Farm Name: Rim=1 W.FAnas.................. County: Cj. &y.ea........................... ............ W? aRQ........ OwnerName: C2tlCsm...... .....-_.................... Ames ............. ............. .... ........ ................. Phone No: 751-244 402....----------..------...........---•.................... Mailing; Address: 6M.Riser.Rd.......................... FacilityContact: ........................................ Title:................................................................ Phone No: ...... ............. ............................... Onsite Representative: CaresInAunm................... . Integrator: MnMhy.„Famid}.Faairx ... .................................. Certified Operator: Jel%xx.v............. - ..... _.•_- Jam .............. _...... -- Operator Certification Number:.) Q29 .... Location of Farm: Farm is located off NCSR 1400 in Craven County. Farm entrance is located on the southern side of NCSR 1400 approximately + d.S miles west of the intersection between NCSR 1400 and NCSR 1443 ® Swine ❑ Poultry ❑ Cattle ❑ Horse Latitude 35 ' 16 ®�� IG)ngitude F44 Design Current Deiign- Current Design, Current Swine - Cniacity Population Ponitry Capacity- Population Cattle Capacity Population ❑ Wean to Feeder ❑ Layer 1E] ❑ Dairy N Feeder to Finish 3672 3672 Non -Layer ❑ Non -Dairy ❑ Farrow to Wean ... ❑ Farrow to Feeder ❑� ❑ Farrow to Finish ............... Design Capacity 3,672 ❑ GiltsTotal Total S5 LW 495,720 ❑ oars R Number of Lagoons 10 Subsurface Drains Present U0 Lagoon Area Sprat/ Field Area Holding Pon& l Solid Traps ❑ No Liquid Waste Management System Discharges & Stream Impacts 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? ❑ Yes N No Discharge ori&aled at: ❑ Lagoon ❑ Spray Field ❑ Other a. If discharge is obwr-ed- was the conveyance man-made? ❑ YLs ❑ No b. If discharge is observed, did it reach Water of the State'? (If yeti_ notify DWQ) ❑ Yes ❑ No c. If discharge is obscr%,4 what is the estimatcxi flow in gal/min? d. I)o s discharge bypass a lagoon system? (If yes, uolifv DWQ) ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. Is there evidence ofpa_st discharge fi-orn any part of the operation? El Yes ®No 3. Were there any adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to the Waters of the State other than from a discharge? ❑ Yes N No Waste Collection & Treatment 4. is storage capacity (fi-ceboard plus storm storage) less than adequate? ❑ Spillway ❑Yes ®No 5truclure I 5tructrue L Structure 3 Structure 4 Structure 5 Structure 6 Identifier.......................... .................................... Fr ebowd (inches): ...............32.. 0510.3101 Continued Facility Number: 25—ti8 Date of Inspection 4/19/2002 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed? (iel trees, severe erosion, [I Yes N No seepage, e(c.) 6. Are there structures on -site which arc not properly addressed and/or managed through a waste management or closure plea? ❑Yes ®No (If any of questions 4-6 was answered yes, and the situation poses an immediate public health or environmental threat, notify DWQ) 7. Do any of the stt ucturcs need maintenancelimprovement? ❑ Yes N No 8. Does any part of the waste management system other than waste structures require maintenance/improvement? ❑ Yes N No 9. Do any stuctures lack adequate, gauged marker~ with required maximum and minimum liquid level elevation markings? ❑ Yes N No Waste Application I0. Are there any buffers that need maintenance/improvement? ❑ Yes N No 11. Is there evidence of over application? ❑ Excessive Pouding ❑ PAN ❑ Hydraulic Dverload ❑ Yes ® No 12. Crop type Coastal Bermuda {1 fay) Small Grain Overseed 13. Do the receiving crops differ with those designated in the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP)? ❑ Yes N No 14. a) Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application? ❑ Yes ❑ No b) Does the facility nerd a wettable acre determination? ❑ Yes ❑ No c) This facility is pended for a wettable acre determination? ❑ Yes ❑ No 15. Doe's the receiving crop need improvemcnt? ❑ Yes N No I& Is there a lack of adequate waste application equipment? ❑ Yes N No Required Records & Documents 17. Fail to have Certificate of Coverage & General Permit or other Permit readily available? ❑ Yes ® No I & Does the facility fail to have all components of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan readily available? (ie/ WCIP, checklists, design, maps, etc.) ❑ Yes ® No 19. Does record keeping need improvement? (ie! irrigation, freeboard, waste analysis & soil sample reports) ❑ Yes N No 20. Is facility not in compliance with my applicable setback criteria in effect at the time of design? ❑ Yes N No 21. Did the facility fail to have a actively certified operator in charge? ❑ Yes N No 22. Fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by General Permit? (ie/ discharge, freeboard problems, over application) ❑ Yes N No 23. Did Reviewerl[nspector fail to discuss review/inspection with on -site representative? ❑ Yes N No 24. Does facility require; a follow-up visit by same agency? ❑ Yes N No 25, Were any additional problems noted which cause noncompliance of the Certified AWMP? ❑ Yes N No IO No violations or deficiencies were noted during this visit, You w111 receive no further correspondence about this visit. �vtnments,{re#er;ty. tivn #):�Explam:any YES: answers'andtor..any, reeoutmendatwns'or.any vtlter oomi�aents: ':'. ', r.....- ........e_. 5.-..}...,..-..:=..-mom—. - __ ..............,..,------ - - ...x...a.x....,a......,F..� - ......—...... - ..-..-xr .... Uae'drawengs of:facilrty. „batter:egplaut'situa#ions.. qse additional pages'as necessary)yW' _ y Fie1 d C Final Notes .....,......^-- *Soil test dated 119102 this soil testis for 2001 crop year - no lime required. Cu and Zn within guidelines. Remember to take soil test for 2002 and follow lime requirements. *Mr. Jones in process of installing new lilt pump as primary pump. According to Mr. Jones, Jimmy Fields with Craven SWCD advised Mr. Jones not to install pipe in lagoon wall more than 19". Be sure to back fill and power tamp. Reseed area to establish veg. *New waste analysis taken on 4/10/02 no result,,. *Waste analysis dated 2126/02 nitrogen is 2.3 lbs/1000 gallons 10/10/01 nitrogen is 1.5 lbs/1000 gallons Reviewer/Inspector Name Martin INcl:awhorn'.-.- : -. _ -- -__-- .. --- — Ravinw•orRnr�*nr C:.r..�f..m. ila*n. 05103101 Continued lraciiitr Number. 25-08 Date of Inspection 4119/2002 Odor issues 26. Does the discharge pipe from the confinement building to the storage pond or lagoon fail to discharge attor below liquid level of lagoon or storage pond with no agitation? 2T Are there any dead animals not disposed of properly within 24 hours? 28. Is there any evidence of wind drift during land application? (i.e. residue on neighboring vegetation, asphalt, roads, building structure, and/or public property) 29. is the land application spray system intake not located near the liquid surface of the lagoon? 30. Were any major maintenance problems with the ventilation fan(s) noted? (i.e. broken fan belts, missing or or broken fan blade(s), inoperable shutters. etc.) 31. Do the animals feud storage bins fail to have appropriate cover? 32. Do the flush tanks lack a submerged fill pipe or a permanent/temporary cover? level is recorded weekly. are complete and balancad. ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes H No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ❑ No WAr�R Q� To: Producer From: Daphne B_ Cullom Environmental Specialist Washington Regional Office Subject: Animal Compliance Inspection Year 2001 wRRL--�' Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Kerr T. Stevens Division of Water Quality Enclosed please find a copy of the Compliance Site Inspection (as viewed in the DWQ database) conducted at the referenced facility by the Division of Water Quality from the Washington Regional Office. Please read this inspection and keep it with all other documents pertaining to your animal operation for future inspections. In general, these inspections included verifying that_ (1) the farm has a Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP); (2) the farm is complying with requirements of the State Rules 15 NCAC 2H.0217, Senate Bill 1217, and the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan; (3) the farm operation's waste management system is being operated properly under the direction of a Certified Operator; (4) the required records are being kept; and (5) there are no signs of seepage, erosion, and/or runoff. As a reminder, please note the following comments, which are conditions of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan and the General Permit; therefore, these items must be implemented: q) The maximum waste level in lagoons/starage ponds shall not exceed that specified in the CAWMP. At a minimum, maximum waste level for waste for lagoons/storage ponds must not exceed the level that provides adequate storage to contain 25 year, 24 hour storm event plus an additional foot of structural freeboard. cp An analysis of the liquid animal waste from the lagoon shall be conducted as close to the time of application as practical and at least within 60 days (before or after) of the date of application. This analysis shall include the following parameters: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Zinc and Copper. (p Soil analysis is required annually. Lime is to be applied to each receiving crop as recaxntnended by the soil analysis of The following records are required: off -site solids removal, maintenance, repair, wastelsoil analysis and land irrigation records. These records should be maintained by the facility ownerimanager in chronological and iegible form for a minimum of three years. cp Land application rates shall be in accordance with the CAWMP. In no rase shall land Mpli cation rates exceed the Plant Available Nitrogen (PANT rate for the receiving crop or result in runoff during anV riven application. (p All grassed waterways shall have a stable outlet with adequate rapacity to prevent pouding or flooding damages. The outlet can be another vegetated channel, an earth ditch, stabilization structure, or other suitable outlets. cp It is suggested not a repuirement, to keep crop yield information for fitture use to update your waste management plan. You will need three years of crop yield data before your plan can be updated. For your information, any swine.faeiiity that has a disdwge to surface waters of the State will have to apply for a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit with the Division of Water Quality, effective January 1, 2001. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation during the inspection. If you have any questions, please contact me at 252-946- 6481, ext 321 or your Technical Specialist. Cc: win<[] DBC Niles 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC Z7889 252-946-6481 (Telephone) 252-946-9215 (Fax) i Type of Visit d Compliance Inspection Q Operation Review Q Lagoon Evaluation Reason for Visit O Routine O Complaint O Follow up a Emergency Notification 0 Other ❑ Denied Access Date of Visit: fi-5-2tilil Time: lI:3U am Printed on: 7/2/2003 Facility Number 25 08 FORNot O erational O Below Threshold ® Permitted E3 Certified ® Conditionally Certified E3 Registered Date Last Operated or Above Threshold: FarmName: WYAM.EtwE.arm .................. ........................................................... I....... County: Cm..eii........... ................................... WORN. ........ OwnerFlame: CA rsoa.••• ...........•••........,funcs............................................................ Phone No:=.244.-10Z............ .............. .............................. Mailing Address: 6305.RiyAr.Rd.••...... ......... ............................. ........ •••-...... Yiamceb..91MAC........ -••••..................... ................ 28586 ............ Facility Contact:.............................................................................. Title: Phone No: Onsite Representative. CamolA, toa.............................................................................. Integrator: MuMhy..Ya[piE,Y..kartns........................ Certified Operator: jeffen .................................... JAM........... ...................................... Operator Certification plumber:JQ29............................. Location of Farm: Farm is located off NCSR 1400 in Craven County. Farm entrance is located on the southern side of NCSR 1400 approximately 2.5 mules west of the intersection between NCSR 1400 and NCSR 1443. v ® Swine ❑ Poultry ❑ Cattle ❑ Horse Latitude 35 • 16 ' 09 u Longitude 77 • 13 6 44 . ......... ..... --- -- - e u nt ----- Design::::Current.€:` u nt ': ::'':':!;; .D si C rye :..:................ .: ...... ..�:.....,,::,,,:- ::: °:Ca ac ...Pv ulatian Poultry;; ;;:''::.'::::Capacity:' Population::::: Cattle. ::--:: - ;'.Capacity:: Population' '. ❑ Wean to Feeder ® Feeder to Finish 3672 3672 ❑ Farrow to Wean ❑ Farrow to Feeder ❑ Farrow to Finish ❑ Gilts ❑ Boars Di%eharyes & Stream Impacts 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? ❑ Yes ® No Discharge originated at: ❑ Lagoon ❑ Spray Field ❑ Other a. If discharge is observed, K as the conveyance reset -made? b. If discharge is observed, did it reach Water of the Stare'? (If yes, notiA- DWQ) c. If discharge is observed, what is the estirnated flow in gallruisr? d- Does discharge bypass a lagoon swstetn`-! (If yes, notify DWQ) 2. Is there evidence of past discharge from an part of the operation? 3. Were there any adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to the Waters of the State other than from a discharge? Waste Collection & Treatment 4. Is storage capacity (freeboard plus storm storage) less than adequate? ❑ Spillway Structure I Structuue ? Structure 3 Stricture 4 Structure 5 Identifier: .................................... Freeboard (inches) :...............37............... i\ - ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No Stricture 6 j 031u-vul Facility Number: 25 — 08 Date of Inspection (>-5-2001 Printed on- 7/M00I 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed? (ie/ trees, severe erosion, seepage, etc.) 6. Are there structures on -site which are not properly addressed and/or managed through a waste management or closure plan? (If any of questions 4-6 was answered yes, and the situation poses an immediate public health or environmental threat, notify DWQ) 7. Do any of the structures need maintenancerunprovement? 8. Does any part of the waste management system other than waste structures require maintenancelimprovement? 9. Do any stuctums lack adequate, ganged markers with required maximum and minimum liquid level elevation markings? Waste AppUcation 10. Are there any buffers that need maintenance/improvement? l I . Is there evidence of over application? ❑ Excessive Ponding ❑ PAN ❑ Hydraulic Overload 12, Crap type Coastal Bermuda (Hay) Small Grain Overseed ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No 13. Do the receiving crops differ with those designated in the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP)? ❑ Yes N No 14. a) Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application? ❑ Yes ❑ No b) Does the facility need a wettable acre determination? ❑ Yes ❑ No c) This facility is pended for a wettable acre determination? 0 Yes ❑ No 15. Does the receiving crop need improvement? 16. Is there a lack of adequate waste application equipment? Reuuired Records & Documents 17. Fail to have Certificate of Coverage & General Permit or other Permit readily available? 18. Does the facility fail to have all components of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan readily available? (ie/ WUP, checklists, design, maps, etc.) 19. Does record keeping need improvement? (ie/ irrigation, freeboard, waste analysis & soil sample reports) 20. Is facility not in compliance with any applicable setback criteria in effect at the time of design? 21. Did the facility fail to have a actively certified operator in charge? 22. Fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by General Permit? (ie/ discharge, freeboard problems, over application) 23. Did Reviewer/Inspector fail to discuss review/inspection with ou-site representative? 24. Does facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No 25. Were any additional problems noted which cause noncompliance of the Certified AWMP? ❑ Yes N No 0 No violations or deficiencies were noted during this visit. You will receive no further correspondence about this visit. 1 ❑ Field Copy ❑ Final Notes oil analysis 5/2000, lime ticket in files. Baste analysis 4/16/2001, 2.4 lbs./1000 gals.; 1/12/2001, 2.0 lbs./1000 gals. reeboard levels maintained per General Permit. rigation records complete with nitrogen balance. r: Rer ewe ns ector r1I Name Dap 1 Reviewer/Insnector Signature: Date: O5103101 Continued Facility Number: 25—OB pate of inspection (r5-200i Printed on. 7C O01 j Odor Issues 26. Does the discharge pipe from the coufinement building to the storage pond or lagoon fail to discharge atlor below liquid level of lagoon or storage pond with no agitation? 27. Are there any dead animals not disposed of properly within 24 hours? 28. Is there any evidence of wind drift during land application? (i.e. residue on neighboring vegetation, asphalt, roads, building structure, and/or public property) 24. Is the land application spray system intake not located near the liquid surface of the lagoon? 30. Were any major maintenance problems with the ventilation fan(s) noted? (i.e. broken fan belts, missing or or broken fan blade(s), inoperable shutters, etc.) 31. Do the animals feed storage bins fail to have appropriate cover? 32. Do the flush tanks lack a submerged fill pipe or a permanent/temporary cover? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ■ ►-Wi ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ❑ No !Type of Visit 0 Compliance Inspection 0 Operation Review 0 Lagoon Evaluation Reason for Visit 0 Routine 0 Complaint 0 Follow up 0 Emergency Notification ❑ Other ❑ Denied Access Facility Number Date of Visit: 2I20�4fOt T1me: 9:30 Printed on: 615r2001 25 08 Q Nut D erational Q Belo►►- Th resbold ®Permitted © Certified ® Conditionally Certified 0 Registered Date Last Operated or Above Threshold: ......................... FarmName: Mkra..Eftc..Fa1Ctll.9............................................. .................................. ....... County-: ................................................. .......... OwnerName: Cstrson............................••----..jones.................................................... ........ Phone No: =244-I4R2................----...........-.................----..... Mailing Address: 63.G5.Hier.Rd................................................ ............................... vmcclzox:a.NC............................ .......................... awfi ............. FacilityContact: ......................................... Title:................................................................ Phone No:................................................... p ........... .., .... Integrator; M r'.pity..F.Mlil,F..Farnn................... ©nsite Representative. Rn�..lAmc.�.......................... ............. ................... ................ Certified Operator:jc9ca............................... ..... JI)m ................................................. Operator Certification Number- .1k329 ...... ....................... Location of Farm: arm is located off NCSR 1400 in Craven County. Farm entrance is located on the southern side of NCSR 140 approximately � 2.5 miles Rest of the intersection between NCSR 1400 and NCSR 1443. T ® Swine ❑ Poultry ❑ Cattle ❑ Horse Latitude 35 • 16 09 w Longitude 77 ' 13 44 Design' Current .- . Design Cu-rrent ".. Current Swine Capacity Po ulation Poultry - .. . Cattle -•Design Ca acitrPoe Capacity Population ❑ Wean to Feeder ❑ haver ❑Dairy ® Fectler to Finish 3672 360-0 ❑ Non -Laver ❑ Non -Dairy El Farrow to Wean ❑ Farrow to Feeder 10 Offier ❑Farrow to Finish Total Design- Capacity 3,672 ❑ Gilts Total SSLW 495,720 ❑ $oar. Number of Lagoons 109 Subsurface Drains Present 110 Lagoon Area Spray Field Area HoldingPonds l Soliid Traps ❑ No Liquid Waste Management S►'stem Discharges & Stream Impacts 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? ❑ Yes ® No Discharge originated at: ❑ Lagoon ❑ Spray Field ❑ Other a- ❑ Yes ❑ No b. if discharge is obsLi-ved, did it reach Water of the State? (if c:s. no lifv DWQ) ❑ Yes ❑ No c. if discharge is observed, -Meat is the estimated floe in ealltnna? d- Docs discharge hypass a lagoon s►•stcm`? (If yes, uotiN DWQ) ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. Is there evidence of past discharge from any part of the operation? ❑Yes ®No 3. Were there any adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to the Waters of the Statc other than from a discharge? ❑ Yes ® No Waste Collection & Treatment 4. Is storage capacity (freeboard plus storm storage) less than adequate? ❑ Spillway ❑ Yes ®No Structure I Structure 2 Structure: 3 Structm-; 4 Structure 5 Sinicturc 6 Identifier: ..._..........................................................................................................................................•......................... Frecboard (inches) : ............... 33............... ............ I ........... 0 05103101 Facility Number: 25--36 Date of Inspection 1 2/20/2DD1 printed on: 6/512001 Confinued 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed? (iel trees, severe erosion, seepage, etc.) 6- Are there structures on -site which are not properly addressed and/or managed through a waste management or closure plan? (If any of questions"was answered yes, and the situation poses an immediate public health or environmental threat, notify DWQ) 7. Do any of the structures need. maintenance/improvement? 8. Does any part of the waste management system other- than waste structures require maintenancelimprovcument? 9. Do any stuctures lack adequate. gauged markers with required maximum and minimum liquid level elevation markings? Waste Application 10. Are there any buffers that need maintenance/improvement? 11. Is there evidence of over application? ❑ Excessive Ponding ❑ PAN ❑ Hydraulic Overload 12. Crop type Coastal Bermuda (Hay) Small Grain Oversecd i 3'. Do the receiving crops differ with those designated in the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP)? 14, a) I3oes the facility lack adequate acreage for land application'? b) Does the facility need a wettable acre determination? c) This facility is pended for a ►gettable acre determination? 15. I)oes the receiving crop need improvement? 16. Is there a lack of adequate waste application equipment? Required Records & Documents 17. Fail to have Certificate of Coverage & General Permit or other Permit readily available? 18, Does the facility fail to have all components of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan readily available? (iel WUP, checklists, design, maps, etc.) 19, llocs record keeping need improvement? (iel irrigation. freeboard. waste analysis & soil sample reports) 20. Is facility not in compliance with any applicable setback criteria in effect at the time of design? 2 L Did the facility fail to have a actively certified operator in charge? 22, Fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by General Permit? (iel discharge. freeboard problems, over application) 23. Did Reviewerd"pector fail to discuss review/inspection with on -site representative? 24. Does facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No 25, Were any additional problems noted which cause noncompliance of the Certified AWMP? ❑ Yes N No © No violations or deficiencies were noted during this visit You will receive no further correspondence about this visit- .....:.... a..,..:.:.........................:s..,�:..._.........,..�:,, :.....e...............-..�;•F• _ _ . ..: ..... ... �........ ,.::.,.. �...: '...::� ::�: ...::�..,.,� emu, .•.'a;;;�;:,::c•�....::.' Comrnetuts (refer ta-.g�testton. : ;.Egplstist'any YES' answers..andfor.sut'recon"neudations.or.any,atlier;comments:°> = -: dUsedi?s:of to;staationa{is- wneceasx _:::::::::- Field Co �Final Note .......,,::s * Waste analysis dated 9/14/00. Nitrogen is 0.93 lbs11000 gallons on #2285 and 0.89 lbs11000 gallons on #2286. On 5/24/00 nitrogen was 1.4 lbs11000 gallons on 42285 and 1.3 lbs/1000 gallons on #2286. * New waste analysis taken on 2/15/01. No results. When results are received. use to balance PAN for smallgrain over -iced. * Soil test dated 5126100. Lime applied at recommended rates. Lune receipts on site. Remember to take soil test for 2001. * Lagoon level being recorded weekly as required by Permit. * WM records are complete and balanced. * Discussed IRR2lwaste analysis scheduling. Y� _-__ .._...—.: .:.....:: — - - --..-- Reviewerltnspector Name Martin Mct:avwlioe tt :.= - entered by Della' Robbins ' _.. Reviewer/Inspector Sieniture: Date: r Type of Visit 0 Compliance Inspection O Operation Review O Lagoon Evaluation Reason for Visit @ Routine O Complaint O Fallow up O Emergency Notification O Other © Denied Access Facility Number 2$ 8 Date of Visit: 1113Q12000 Time: $:OQ Printed on: 11/3012000 Q Not Operational Q Below Threshold ® Permitted ■ Certified ❑ Conditionally Certified Q Registered Date Last Operated or Above Threshold: ................. Farm Name: lialYM.Edge.FaEMS....................... .. County: Cr;ayjrA......................................... ..... W.aRQ........ Owner Name: C;ofrSo:n....................................J.0jacs .................................................... .. Phone No: 252.-Z&4.-J,40j ............................................ FacilityContact:.............................................................................. Title:................................................................ Phone No:................................................... Mailing Address: 6305.Rimcr.Rd...................................................................................... Y.A11CCjaQx.Q.NC................ ........... ................. ......... zaslaf1.............. Onsite Representative: QXSQ10.jRIRCS.............................................................................. Integrator: iY].u]Cphy.F.Q1Rllily.. F4r.m s......................... Certified Operator: J.C[k l..C................................1.ItxC&................................................. Operator Certification Number:l63.29... .......................... Location of Farm: _ Farm is located off NCSR 1400 in Craven County. Farm entrance is located on the southern side of NCSR 1400 approximately 2.5 miles west of the intersection between NCSR 1400 and NCSR 1443. ® Swine ❑ Poultry ❑ Cattle [I Horse Latitude 35 • l6 09 Longitude 77 •F 13 ' ®" Discharges & Stream Impacts 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? ❑ Yes N No Discharge originated at: ❑ Lagoon ❑ Spray Field ❑ Other a. If discharge is observed, was the conveyance man-made? ❑ Yes ❑ No b. If discharge is observed, did it reach Water of the State? (If yes, notify DWQ) ❑ Yes ❑ No c. If discharge is observed, what is the estimated flow in gal/min? d. Does discharge bypass a lagoon system? (If yes, notify DWQ) ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. is there evidence of past discharge from any part of the operation? ❑ Yes N No 3. Were there any adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to the Waters of the State other than from a discharge? ❑ Yes N No Waste Collection & Treatment 4. Is storage capacity (freebaard plus storm storage) less than adequate? ❑ Spillway ❑ Yes N No Structure I Structure 2 Structure 3 Structure 4 Structure 5 Structure 5 Identifier: ......................................................................•................................... ........ Freeboard (inches): 48 5/00 Continued on back Facility Number: 25-8 Date of Inspection 11/30/2000 1 Printed on: 11/30/2000 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed? (ie/ trees, severe erosion, ❑ Yes ® No seepage, etc.) 5. Are there structures on -site which are not properly addressed and/or managed through a waste management or closure plan? ❑ Yes ® No (If any of questions 4-6 was answered yes, and the situation poses an immediate public health or environmental threat, notify DWQ) 7. Do any of the structures need maintenance/improvement? 8. Does any part of the waste management system other than waste structures require maintenance/improvement? 9. Do any stuctures lack adequate, gauged markers with required maximum and minimum liquid level elevation markings? Waste Application 10. Are there any buffers that need maintenance/improvement? 11. Is there evidence of over application? ❑ Excessive Ponding ❑ PAN ❑ Hydraulic Overload 12. Crop type Bermuda Small Grain ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No 13. Do the receiving crops differ with those designated in the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP)? ❑ Yes ® No 14. a) Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application? ❑ Yes ❑ No b) Does the facility need a wettable acre determination? ❑ Yes ❑ No c) This facility is pended for a wettable acre determination? ❑ Yes ❑ No 15. Does the receiving crop need improvement? 16, Is there a lack of adequate waste application equipment? Required Records & Documents 17. Fail to have Certificate of Coverage & General Permit readily available? 18. Does the facility fail to have all components of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan readily available? (ie/ WUP, checklists, design, maps, etc.) 19. Does record keeping need improvement? (ie/ irrigation, freeboard, waste analysis & soil sample reports) 20. Is facility not in compliance with any applicable setback criteria in effect at the time of design? 21. Did the facility fail to have a actively certified operator in charge? 22. Fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by General Permit? (ie/ discharge, freeboard problems, over application) 23. Did Reviewer/Inspector fail to discuss review/inspection with on -site representative? 24. Does facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? 25. Were any additional problems noted which cause noncompliance of the Certified A WMP? i1Ta viaTations:ar deficiencies wer e;nnted -during this visit t You will receive no further : correspondeinee about this -visit.. ..: :. :: ::: _ _ :: :::.:: ... . II need to get a waste sample to cover late November waste applications. ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No Reviewer/Inspector Name Carl Dunn Entered by Ann Tyndall f IV: --- a...._. r�.� Reviewer/Inspector Signature: Date: 5/001 I IPI����I ■ li 11� 1� A��I - �Y - � � Facility Number: 25-8 Date of Inspection 11/30/2400 Printed on: 11/30/2000 Odor Issues 26. Does the discharge pipe from the confinement building to the storage pond or lagoon fail to discharge at/or below ❑ Yes ❑ No liquid level of lagoon or storage pond with no agitation? 27. Are there any dead animals not disposed of properly within 24 hours? ❑ Yes ® No 28. Is there any evidence of wind drift during land application? (i.e. residue on neighboring vegetation, asphalt, ❑ Yes ® No roads, building structure, and/or public property) 29. Is the land application spray system intake not located near the liquid surface of the lagoon? ❑ Yes ® No 34. Were any major maintenance problems with the ventilation fan(s) noted? (i.e. broken fan belts, missing or or broken fan blade(s), inoperable shutters, etc.) ❑ Yes ® No 31. Do the animals feed storage bins fail to have appropriate cover? ❑ Yes ® No 32. Do the flush tanks lack a submerged fill pipe or a permanent/temporary cover? ❑ Yes ❑ No n VOO -. • _ r.. - �- - . _ 0 Division of -Water Quality - -., -.- •. Q Division of Sail and Water Conservation - P _- Q ()user Agency Type of Visit ® Compliance Inspection Q Operation Review Q Lagoon Evaluation Reason for Visit 0 Routine 0 Complaint ❑ Follow up Q Emergency Notification Q Other 0 Denied Access Facility Number Date of Visit: jI-3�- Ot7 Tim�-ave. Piinted on: 7/21/2000 S Q Not O erational Q Below Threshold El Permitted ® Certified 0 Conditionally Certified 0 Registered Date Last Operated or Above Threshold: .............. ' FarmName:......................k. %................>...-........ .................................. - County. ........... .......C.,< A .....................-............. Owner Name:..... .................. C4:r.k?.^.......... .Y[.?.!!GCS.............................................................. Phone No: ... -.................. Facility Contact: :Nailing Address: Onsite Representative: Certified Operator:.. ..... - .� e rf Location -of Farm: ❑ Swine ❑ Poultry ❑ Cattte ❑ Horse Title: Phone No: Integrator: --- ........ FF Operator Certification Number: Latitude ! t • 4 [f Longitude �' �< " Design Current ;_::. Ca Po ulada1 x. Wean to Feeder Feeder to Finish G7 2 d J Z x` Farrow to Wean Farrow to Feeder r; _ Farrow to Finish 44' : Gilts Soars Design Current Design Current Poultry Ca act Pa ulation Cattle Ca - a Pa"tiara ❑ Layer Dairy ❑ Non -Layer I0 Non -Dairy ❑ Other Total Design Capacity Total SSLW .Ntaibt r of LagSubsurface Drains Present Lag on Area ILI Spray Field Area Traps - Iaofltting Ponds 1 Sand - .. ❑ Na Liquid Waste Management System Discharees & Stream Impacts 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? ❑ Yes Mo Discharge originated at: ❑ Lagoon ❑ Spray Field ❑ Other a. If discharge is observed, was the conveyance man-madc? ❑ Yes ❑ No b. If discharge is observed, did it reach Water of the State' (If yes, notify DW Q) ❑ Yes ❑ No c- If discharge is observed. what is the estimated flow in gathnin? d. Does discharge bypass a lagoon systent? (If yes, notify DWQ) ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. Is there evidence of past discharge from any part of the operation? ❑ Yes allo 3. Were there any adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to the Waters of the State other than from a discharge? ❑ Yes J4 No Waste Collection & Treatment 4. Is storage capacity (freeboard plus storm storage) less than adequate? ❑ Spillway ❑ Yes RNo Structure I Structure 2 Structure 3 Structure 4 Structure 5 Structure 6 Identifier: .......... �................................................... ............................ --....-....... -....-.................... ............................. Freeboard (inches): f {� 5100 Continued on ba-. Facility Number: 2-5 — $ Date of Inspection - 3 aJ Printed an; 712112004 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed? (iel trees, severe erosion, ❑ Yes No seepage, etc.) 6. Are there structures on -site which are not properly addressed and/or managed through a waste management or closure plan? ❑ Yes ® No (If any of questions 4-6 was answered yes, and the situation poses an immediate public health or environmental threat, notify DWQ) 7. Do any of the structures need maintenance/improvement? ❑ Yes ® No 8. Does any part of the waste management system other than waste structures require main ten ance/improvement? ❑ Yes No 9. Do any stuctures lack adequate, gauged markers with required maximum and minimum liquid level elevation markings? ❑ Yes No Waste Application 10. Are there any buffers that need maintenance/improvement? ❑ Yes ® No 11. Is there evidence of over application? ❑ Excessive Ponding ❑ PAN ❑ Hydraulic Overload ❑ Yes ® No 12. Crop type Lel-_'� 13. Do the receiving crops differ with those designated in the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP)? ❑ Yes R No 14. a) Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application? ❑ Yes ❑ No b) Does the facility need a wettable acre determination? ❑ Yes ❑ No c) This facility is pended for a wettable acre determination? ❑ Yes ❑ No 15. Does the receiving crop need improvement? ❑ Yes 14 No 16. Is there a lack of adequate waste application equipment? ❑ Yes ®No Required Records & Documents 17. Fail to have Certificate of Coverage & General Permit readily available? ❑ Yes 15No 18. Does the facility fail to have all components of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan readily available? (ic/ WUP, checklists, design, maps, etc.) ❑ Yes IS No 19. Does record keeping need improvement? (ie/ irrigation, freeboard, waste analysis & soil sample reports) ❑ Yes ® No 20. Is facility not in compliance with any applicable setback criteria in effect at the time of design? ❑ Yes (5 No 21. Did the facility fail to have a actively certified operator in charge'? ❑ Yes No 22. Fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by General Permit? {ie/ discharge, freeboard problems, over application) ❑ Yes No 23. Did Reviewer/Inspector fail to discuss reviewlinspection with on -site representative? ❑ Yes F3No 24. Does facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? ❑ Yes E5No 25. Were any additional problems noted which cause noncompliance of the Certified AWMP? ❑ Yes VN❑ El.�Vo yi�l ticiris:or deficiencies -were noted• d>Wkig Oils -visit • X60 will teeeiye pia /Further -co rrespondence. a)b' ' f this visit_ Comments (refer to question #): Explain any YES answers and/or any recommendations or any. other coitnments, M ': Use drawings of facility to better explain situations. (use additioAal.pages as necessary'): V; I i nax� -i-a Sr4 V1.c„4'0.-5 r, vim, le 5-a•yali e- 4, ir,,ref 1.4a lv w, wwsle A Reviewer/Inspector Name Reviewer/Inspector Signature: &k *,U-. j. Z� Date: 5100 a Facility Number: �s — Date of I11spection Il- ao J Printed on: 7/21/2000 Odor Issues 26. Does the discharge pipe from the confinement building to the storage pond or lagoon fail to discharge at/or below ❑ Yes ❑ No liquid level of lagoon or storage pond with no agitation? 27. Are there any dead animals not disposed of properly within 24 hours? ❑ Yes No 29. Is there any evidence oI wind drift during land application? (i.e. residue on neighboring vegetation, asphalt, ❑ Yes No roads, building structure, and/or public property) 29. Is the land application spray system intake not located near the liquid surface of the lagoon? ❑ Yes E9 No 30. Were any major maintenance problems with the ventilation fan(s) noted? (i.e. broken fan belts, missing or or broken fan blade(s), inoperable shutters, etc.) ❑ Yes J� No 31. Do the animals feed storage bins fail to have appropriate cover? ❑ Yes 9No 32. Do the flush tanks lack a submerged fill pipe or a permanent/temporary cover? ❑ Yes [:]No Additional omments and/or rawings: A. 5100 IType of Visit O Compliance Inspection 0 Operation Review Q Lagoon Evaluation I Reason for Visit *Routine Q Complaint ❑ Follow up D Emergency Notification ❑ Other ❑ Denied Access Date of Visit: 7-12-211DD Time: Facility Numher 25 13 Q Not ❑ erational 0 Below Threshold N Permitted © Certified ® Conditionally Certified 13Registered Date Last Operated or Above Threshold: ....................... Farm Name: Riyrn._Ed=.Ealr w........----••....................................................... Count.: Cxa►:en........................ ►?YaHi........ OwnerName: C,tenon................................... jows ............................................................ Phone No: 2.,51724.4-3QZ........... ........................ .._.................... FacilityContact: ...................... Title: ...... ............. ........................... .................. Phone No: ................ ......... ....... ............... .... Mailing Address.6305.1iiver-Rd ............................... Onsite Representative: CainitltAonea.............................................................................. Integrator. Mtwpb}„Fami1y.Fan'mts........... .............. ............ Certified Operator. 3effleiT..C.............................. dDAft-•-.............................................. Operator Certification Number: .16.329...... ................ ....... ! Aacation of Farm: Farm is located off NCSR 1400 in Craven County. Farm entrance is located on the southern side of NCSR 1400 approximately 2.5 miles west of the intersection between NCSR 1400 and NCSR 1443. qr N Swine ❑ Poultry ❑ Cattle ❑ Horse Latitude 1 35 09 Longitude F 77 ` 44 � wtne ❑ Wean to Feeder ® Feeder to Finish ❑ Farrow to Wean ❑ Farrow to Feeder ❑ Farrrnr to Finish ❑ Gilts ❑ Boars Design. ` :.Current:. -....:.: Design :::Current Design..:... Current. Poultry Ca self Po ulation Cattle Capaefty Po elation. - ❑ Laver ❑ Dairy ❑ Non -Laver I❑ Non -Dairy ❑ Other Total Design Capacity 3,572 Total SSLW 495,724 Number of Lagoons 1 ® Subsurface Drains Present ❑ Lagoon Area ® Spray Field Area HoldingTonds i. Salid Traps ❑ No Liquid Waste Management System Discharges & Stream Impacts 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? []Yes N No Discharge origiutatcd at: ❑ Lagoon ❑ Spray Field ❑ Other a. II'discharge is ohwsr►'iA n'as the con►re►'attce man-made? ❑ Yes ❑ No b. If discharge is observed_ did it reach Water of the State? (If res. uotifv DWQ) ❑yes ❑ No c- If -discharge is obsen•ed. what is the estimated flow in gal/min'? d. Does discharge bypass a lagoon system!? (If yes. notify ❑WQ) ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. Is there evidence of past discharge from any part of the operation'? ❑ Yes N No 3. Were there any adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to the Waters of the State other than from a discharge? ❑ Yeti N No Waste Collection & Treatment 4. Is storage capacity (freeboard plus storm storage) less than adequate'' ❑ Spillway ❑ Yes N No SU-ucture i Sintcture 2 Structure 3 Structure 4 Sinrcturc: 5 Structure f Identifier........... rimaM........................................... .................................... ......................... ................................................................................ Freeboard (inches): ...............4f]............... 5/00 Continued on hack Facility Number: 25-8 Date of InspLetion 7-12-2U04 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed? (ie/ trees_ severe erosion_ (-]Yes No seepage, etc.) 6. Are there structures on -site which are not property addressed and/or managed through a waste management or closure plan? ❑ Yes ® No (If any of questions 4-6 was answered yes, and the situation poses an immediate public health or environmental threat, notify DWQ) 7. Do any of the structures need maintenance/improvement? ❑ Yes ® No 8. Does any part of the waste management system other than waste structures require maintenance/improve-ment? ❑ Yes ® No 9, Do any stuctures lack adequate, gauged markers with required maximum and minimum liquid level elevation markings? ❑ Yes N No Waste Anliraution 10. Are there ant• buffers that need maintenance/improvement? ❑ Yes ® No 11. Is there evidence of over application? ❑ Excessive Pending ❑ PAN ❑ Hydraulic Overload ❑ Yes ® No 12. Crop type Coastal Bermuda (Hay) Small Grain Ckvrseed 13, Do the receiving crops differ with those designated in the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP)? ❑ Yes N No 14. a) Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application" ❑ Yes ❑ No b) Does the facility need a wettable acre determination? ❑ Yes ❑ No c) rl-his facility is pended for a wettable acre determination? ❑ Yes ❑ No 15. Does the receiving crop need improvurnent? ❑ Yes ® No 16. Is there a lack of adequate Waste application equipment? ❑ Yes ® No Required Records & Deecument 17. Fail to have Certificate of Coverage & General Permit readily available? ❑ Yes ® No 18- Does the facility fail to have all components of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan readily available? (ie/ WUP, checklists, design_ maps. etc.) ❑ Yes N No 19. Does record keeping need improvement? (ie/ irrigation, freeboard. waste analysis & sail sample reports) ❑ Yes N No 20. is facility not in compliance with any applicable setback criteria in effect at the time of design? ❑ Yes N No 21. Did the facility fail to have a actively certified operator in charge? ❑ Yes ® No 22. Fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by General Permit? (ic/ discharge- freeboard problems_ over application) [] Yes ® No 23. Did Reviewer/Inspector fail to discuss review/inspection with on -site representative? ❑ Yes N No 24, Does facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? ❑ Yes N No 25. Were any additional problems noted which cause noncompliance of the Certified AWMP? ❑ Yes N No No violations or"deficiencies were, noted during this visit. You r01—receive no further :�- corres ondence about this visit. .... ......... ...... _.. �.....::................. ...._ � ...,.... .,,,- 'answers anwl r.:,Anv:.recommendations ar--auv:ol .................. �� ...... .::.. to 6etf et#ua#roti d al Use dru of faetl:ts . er.e lain. s- use ad utter es as n sears = * Last waste analysis dated 5-24-00 at 1 L lbs/1000 gad. Previous report dated 3-6-00 at 1 A Ibs/1000 gall * bast soils report dated 5-26-00 with up to 1.6T/acre time needed - appplied 1.5 T/acre on 6-20-00. Receipt in records. * Lagoon level records complete * Waste plan dated 8-25-97 with an overall PAN defiieit of 181bs. Irrigation records are complete. Have technical specialist rxheck acreage for field 3. Plan shows field at 18,87 acres but in iRR2 using 18.2 acres. No back-up information available for irrigation system * Continue efforts to re-establish grass on dike walls (grass is filling in) * Can remove tarps from all flush tanks - no longer required Re►lewer/Inspector Name - - Reviewer/Inspector Signature: Date: $100 l Facility Number: 25-8 Date of Inspection 74250-00- Odor issues 26. Does the discharge pipe from the confinement building to the storage pond or lagoon fail to discharge at/or below ❑ Yes ❑ No liquid level of lagoon or storage pond with no agitation? 27. Are there any dead animals not disposed of properly within 24 hours? ❑ Yes ® No 28. Is there any evidence of Hind drift during Iand application? (i.e. residue on neighboring vegetation, asphalt, ❑ Yes ® No roads, building structure, and/or public property) 24. Is the land application spray system intake not located near the liquid surface of the lagoon? ❑ Yes ® No 30, Were any major maintenance problems with the ventilation fan(s) noted? (i.e. broken fan belts. missing or or broken fan blade(s), inoperable shutters, etc.) ❑ Yes ® No 31. Do the animals feed storage bins fail to have appropriate weer? ❑ Yes ® No 32. Do the flush tanks lack a submerged fill pipe or a permanent/teinporary- cover? ❑ Yes ❑ No - _.._.......... �r :r::r:.::...::....... _..:::......... m... A rtron anrmen#s and/or. s:-..;_...;�'�:w:-.�_::::.::::.r,.:.::......,----•- ••-----............ -- * Following Hurricane Floyd, Carl Dunn with DWQ requested Mr. Carson keep pumping volumes for inundated structure. Information is contained in lagoon level records. Facility' Number Date of Inspcction :.. Titne of ln�'pectioII :•,. � 24 hr. (hh:mm) Permitted p Certified ■ Conditionally Certified p Registered 0 of perattotta Date Last Operated: 48 Farm Name: RWetrs.Edge.Farms .................................................................. County: Craven WaRO th�ner Naine: Carson...................................jj)nes ........................................................... Phone No: ?52.24.4-1402....................... ...... ........... ....---..... ...... FacilityContact: ..................................... ....... ........................ ......... _Title:........... ................... .............. ................... Phone No: Nlailing Address. £i 0.River...Rd........................ ........... ................. .................................. .Y.ancebnra.NC..... ............... ....... ............ ............... 2858fa....... ....... Onsite Representative: alr-ff outs ............... .. ..... .. .......... ... Integrator: Murphy .Fwroilly.Earrns...................................... Certified Operator: effery...C_......................... .tones.................................................. Operator Certification NuIII heI-:1029............................. Location of Farm: Latitude ©•� ®�° Longitude ©• © a _.: estgn' . .. Current.: -. Swine:.. Capacity ' Population . Poultry 13YFan to keeder-- ® ee er to k tnts [3 Farrow to can [3 Farrow to Fee er p Farrow to Finish Gilts F• E,. Boars p Layer r. 0 N on- Layer .,Design —Current Design Current Capacity Population Cattle Capacity Population p airy p on- airy p ter Total Design Capacity,3,672 Total.SSLW9S,72D �' u sur ace. rains resent oon Area ra ie rea k Number of Lagoons n ® A 3: -:.Holdin Ponds'1•Solid Traps iqui -.. aste anagement ys em I]ischaK4s& Sty? Impact 1. Is'any discharge observed from any part of the operation? •E3 Yes p No so_ - Discharge originated at: p Lagoon ZI SpralkField p Other a. Ifdischarge is observed, was the conveyance man=made? p Yes p Na b. If discl�arge* observed, did it reach Water of the State? (If yes, notiA, DWQ) Yes p No c. if discharge is observed. what is the estimated flow.in galfntin? a, d. Does discharge bypass a lagoon svMetn? (If yes, notify DWQ) :� p Yes p No 2. Is there evidence of past dis(;karge from any part of the operation? Yes p No 3. Were there any adverse impacfs or potential adverse imp acts to the Waters of the State other than from a discharge? f7 Yes p No Waste Collection & Treatment 4. Is storage capacity (freeboard 'pius.storm storage) less than adequate? p *illway p Yes p No Structure 1 Stntcntre 2 Structure 3 Structure 4 Structure 5 Structure G Identifier: Freeboard (inches): 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures obseryed? (iel trees, severe erosion, Arta. seepage, etc,) p Yes p No 3/23/99 x'. Continued on hack Facility Number: 25-8 I):ite of 1asIwo ir�6 9129/99 b. Are there structures on -site which;are not properly addressed and/or managed through a waste management or closure plan? ❑ Yes p No (If any of questions 4-5 was answered yes, and the situation poses an immediate public health or environmental threat, notify DWQ) 7. Do any of the structures need maintenance/improvement? p Yes p No 8. Does any part of the waste management system other than waste structures require maintenance/improvement? ❑ Yes ❑ Na 9. Do any stuctures lack adequate, gauged markers with required maximum and minimum liquid level elevation markings? []Yes ❑ No Waste Application 10. Are there any buffers that need maintenance/improvement? ❑ Yes p No t 1. Is there evidence of over application? p Excessive Ponding ❑ PAN.. ❑ Yes ❑ No 12, Crop type 13. Do the receiving crops differ wimbose designated in the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP)? E3 Yes []No 14. a) Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application? ❑ Yes ❑ No b) Does the facility need a wettable acre determination? p Yes p No c) This facility is pended for a wettable acre determination? []Yes ❑ No 15. Does the receiving crop need improvement? p Yes p No 16. Is there a lack of adequate waste application equipment? ❑ Yes ❑ No Required Records & Documents 17. Fail to have Certificate of Coverage & General Permit readily available? y.. p Yes p No 18. Does the facility fail to have all components of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan readily available? (ie/ WUP, checklists, design, maps, etc.) ❑ Yes ❑ No 19. Does record keeping need improvement? (ie/ irrigation, freeboard, waste analysis & soil sample reports) ❑ Yes ❑ No 20. Is facility not in compliance with any applicable setback criteria in'"i�ct at the -time of design? p Yes p No 21. Did the facility fail to have a actively certified operator in charge?'; ' ❑Yes p No 22. Fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by General'Permit? (ie/ discharge, freeboard problems, over application) '' '^''.6' : ❑Yes ❑ No 23, Did Reviewer/Inspector fail to discuss review/inspection with on. representative. : ❑ Yes p No 24, Does facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? ❑ Yes ❑ No 25. Were any additional problems noted which cayse noncompli r of the Certified AWMP? _}gyp Yes p No . Cr : Io:Vinhatioix �r. nficiencres:here naotcd :during: this visi vu ivil receiV.. . . .further nor're {' idence bnutahis:�isxt::: ± :.:.::::" ..• :..:..:.:.. - ..:.:.:....:. .• � Commen fer- _n<gaestioif #j �ExpIa " _ny YES`answers'and/or any ommendations:or. any other comme777�_ :.. _ �.- _•. Use draw afRfllit to;better ex lain:sttuatiuns. use.additionaT' a es�s'necessa _ - dequaOstructure integrity. *.:._ Ilowable maximum lagoon level: 25 inches Maximum operating level: potential Storm impact=to lagoon: flood waters saturated outside wall; approximately 98 inches from top; duration approximately one week. Flood water originated from Meuse Bash/lower lagoon to 25 inches and operate at that level until further notice. Astation submerged but now operable.':?l:. =' S1E PAGE 3 Revi'ewerAmpector Name Sgd-Dunn ' Entered.by Ann Tyndall _ .:.. Reviewer/inspector Signature: t r Date: [Facility N um er: 25_8 Ihale of Inspection Oder lsstiq 26, Does the discharge pipe from the confinement building to the storage pond or lagoon fail to discharge at/or below p Yes p No liquid level of lagoon or storage pond with no agitation? 27. Are there any dead animals not disposed of properly within 24 hours? []Yes p No 28. is there any evidence of wind drift during land application? (i.e. residue on neighboring vegetation, asphalt, p Yes p No roads, building structure, and/or public property) 29. Is the land application spray system intake not located near the liquid surface of the lagoon? p Yes p No 30. Were any major maintenance problems with the ventilation fan(s) noted? (Le. broken fan belts, missing or or broken fan blade(s), inoperable shutters, etc.) p Yes p No 3 1, Do the animals feed storage b• s fail to have appropriate- cover? p Yes p No 32. Do the flush tanks lack a subyerged fill pipe or a permanent/temporary cover? p Yes p No - - - - - Irrigation/application system operable. AL Field currently flooded; percentage unknown. Records available and complete. Current lagoon level: 18 1000 animals lost. Operate at 25,inches until further notice. Did have some -slumping ❑n,wall and some sites where anigials rooted. Repair when possible. ell y' rug i[ L• s r a • r • (] Division of Soil and Water Conservation - Operation Review 0 Division of Soil and Water Conservation - Compliance Inspection ® Division of Water Quality - Compliance Inspection 0 Other Agency - Operation Review Routine O Complaint 0 Fullom-up of DWQ inspection 0 F(►lio,,►-up of DSAN'C rcyich- 0 Other Facility Number 25 g Il:!te of fn,l!ecrirn i-4-99 Time ref Inspection 1515 24 hr. (hh:mm) M. Permitted ' Certified K, Conditional)% Certified Registered JE3 Not O erationaE Date Last Operated: Farm Dame: its,iym.Esiur-F.ums.................. .._.........................._................................ Counts-: ............................... O►rnerNamc:: C,i;ISAxL.... ...._................... ,3Qnc5.......................... Phone No. .24.4-1 Qz-...._............. Facility Contact.----••........................................................................Title: . Maiiing Address: GHQ_;jUi:>'S.Sd.................... Onsite Representative: C#I, QIt.,.RIRrs .................................. ................................................ Phone No: .......... --•..... I N.."Ancehox aAc................ -•••••...... ........... .............. WaHQ........ ........... 285.6............. ................. Integrator: Murlilt�:.Fa R11:. ��7g0.�--...---•--....... Certified Operator:Je$en,-...0......... ..................... JD.i1._..............................._-........._... Operator Certification Number.16329........_.._....._........... Location of Farm: Fay.is.lacat�dstff.I�C�A.I��Q.iuu..�x'exert.�uunt,�:....karm.entr�ce.is..located.s►n.tlxc.xQttthern.xirle.sti:�EIGSS.l.�D11'_�aplraasima�tel�:.' 2.i 3auile�.xvesx.Qf ib!e.iutteirsectian.bct►keen. CSS.I Ii[!.a!naf Ni[ SB.14�3_.................... ............................. ............................ ................................. � Latitude 35 '• ' 16 09 L incitude ! 77 1 ` 13 44 ?� Design Current Design Current Design Current SHine Capacity Population Poultr Capacity Population Cattle Capacity Population ❑ Wean to Feeder ❑ Laver ❑ Dain' ® Feeder to Finish 3672 1600 JEJ Non-I.aver ID Non -Dairy ❑ Farrow to Wean j ❑ FarrorA• to Feeder ❑ Other In Farrow to Finish Total Design Capacity 3,572 ❑ Gilts Total SSLW 495,720 ❑ Boars Number of Lagoons 0 ®_Subsurface Drains Present 7 Lagoon Area ® Spra,, Field Area Holding Ponds 1 Solid Traps JE1 No Liquid Waste Management Svstem & Srreani Jn3nacrs l - Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? 17i i❑ IAgoon i 1 Spray Field i 1 Dther :!- li di�cllar �c i, niuc,� �[!. ���, tli:: oil�-c; aiic� rttar!-ittnn_'' h. 1f di:::iiarg: i� orti.n:d. did i[ r:a.:h u atcr of the Stau" (1_•; c - iiotiA 1)IVQ1 c. L''di�.h.Er2e i, ob,-_n-cd.;�ual i the c�:iiillalcd fk)v, iri ,al-iiin" d. =7cr , discharge h..l}a.:: 1:12001! S-1 tn" {if e _ n:uif%- 1.)%V`] 2. Is there evidence of past discharge from any pail of the operation? 3. Were there any adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to the Waters of the State other than from a discharge? Wactf Collection & TmatmenI 4. Is storage capacity (freeboard plus storm storage) less than adequate? LI Spillway Structure 1 Structure'_ Structur; Structure 4 Structure 1 d:'nufier:.................................... .............. ..................... ........... -•--•-----•---.............................. Ire;:tuoard (iricbLcs).. .............. a ........................... .......... ............. ...................... .............. ................................... ..... 5_ Are there a v immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed? (iel trees, severe erosion. seepage.. etc.) J Yes 2 No []Yes Z-i No ❑ Yes Z No nla Yes No Cj Yes No Ej Yes 9- No E] Yes Z No Strli::tlir-e 4 ❑ Yes fKi No ;17 1199 Continued an hack 4 FacilitAeumber: 25-8 I)air 4it' Inspection 5+99 6. Are there structures on -site which are not properly addressed and/or managed through a ►►'aste management or closure plan? ❑ Yes N No (If any of questions 4-6 was answered yes, and the situation poses an immediate public health or environmental threat, notify DWQ) 7. Do any of the structures need maintenance/improvemcnt? ❑ Yes N No 8. Does any pan of the waste management system other than waste structures require maintenauce/improvement? ❑ Yes N No 9. Do any stuctures lack adequate, gauged markers with required maximum and minimum liquid level elevation markings? ❑ Yes N No NVaslee AtiltlichtHoot 10. Are there any buffers that need maintenance/improvement? ❑ Yes ® No 11. Is there evidence of over application? ❑ Excessive Ponding ❑ PAN ❑ Yes N No 12. Crop type Coastal Bermuda (Hav) Small Grain Dyerseed 13. Do the receiving crops differ with those designated in the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP)? ❑ Yes N No 14. a) Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application? ❑ Yes N No b) Does the facility need a wettable acre determination? ❑ Yes N No c) This facility is pended for a wettable acre determination? ❑ Yes N No 15. Does the receiving crop need improvement? ❑ Yes ® No 16, Is there a lack of adequate waste application equipment? ❑ Yes N No Reauireei Rrcords & J)wcuments 17. Fail to have Certificate of Coverage & General Permit readily available? ❑ Yes ® No I & Does the facility fail to have all components of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan readily available? (ie/ WUP_ checklists, design, maps, etc.) ❑ Yes N No 19. Does record keeping need improvement? (ie/ irrigation, freeboard, waste analysis & soil sample reports) ❑ Yes N No 20. Is facility not in compliance with any applicable setback criteria in effect at the time of design? ❑ Yes N No 2 L Did the facility fail to have a actively certified operator in charge? ❑ Yes N No 22. Fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by General Permit? (ie/ discharge, freeboard problems. over application) ❑ Yes N No 23. Did Reviewer/Inspector fail to discuss reviewlinspection with on -site representative? ❑ Yes N No 24. Does facility require a follow-up visit by same agenct°? ❑ Yes N No 25- Were any additional problems noted which cause noncompliance of the Certified AWMP? ❑ Yes N No 13. -Nti violations or deficien-des'were noted.during this visit: You will receive no further - "- corres ondence about this visit. - Comments (refer to question #), Explain any -YES answers andfor any recommendations or and• other comments. Use drawings"of facility to better explain situation. (use additional pages as'necessary): Records available available for review. Irrigation. waste, soil and freeboard records are up to dale. Plan to cut and bale the oats as soon as it dries out. Mayo & Associates designed the waste management system and the WUP was written in accordance to this design. Extenders have been installed and flush tanks have been covered. The waste goes thru a lift station and waste enters the lagoon at the surface (splash has been eliminated) instead of below- because the risk of back -flow from lagoon into the lift station and/or houses which could result in a discharge. Practice weed control in sprayfields and on dd,-e wall upon need - Continue your efforts to establish vegetation on dike wall. If you alive any questions. please contact me at 252-946-6481. ext. 318. Y Reviewer/ins or Name - 1� L►•n B. Hardison -- ReviewerlinsaectorSianature:�J Date: Di-;isioii of Soil and. Water Conservation -' Dperution Review. _ - 0 [3Division of Soil and Water Conservation - Compliance Inspection, _ f _... ® Division of. Water Quality - Compliance Inspection; . F f 0 Other Agency - Operation Review Je Routine Q Com laint Q Follo►s--up of l)WQ inspection O Folloa-up of DSMIC review• d Other Facility Number Zs B Dale of InspectiOil l,inae of Inspection J St S 24 hr. (hh:mm) 12 Permitted a Certified [3 Conditionally Certified [3 Registered JEJ Not O erational Date last Operated: Farm Name: t:iartnty: .....� r?:�".:'......................................�i:E� ..... �......%................................................................ OwnerNanse: Y�....................... .............................. Phone No:....................... .. � � �.r...�.� ............... FacilityContact : ................................................. • .__._..............Title: _ ...................................................... Phone No: 4lailiasl Address: .......�i..i1-t �".......�...................................................... ... 1���� r��............... N.G................ . ' g. Onsite Hepresenttitire:..... �.la'` T&., .s. Integrator: ik ......4=.............................................................. Certified Operator: el—kex.-.y.. j ...... Operator Certification Number: ... f4�.,,,r�,7?q.............. Location of Farm: Latitude 0 • 4 Longitude 0 • ` " Design Current Swine Capacity Population ❑ Wean to Feeder ® Feeder to Finish 36 72 /�v4 ❑ Farrow to Wean ❑ Farrow to Feeder ❑ Farrow to Finish ❑ Gilts ❑ Boars Design Current Design Current Poultry Capacity Population Cattle Capacity Population ❑ Layer I EEI Dairy ❑ Non -Layer Non -Dairy ❑ Other Total Design Capacity Total SSLW Number of Lagoons ❑ Subsurface Drains Present ❑ Lagoon Area ❑ spray Field Area Holding Ponds 1 Solid Traps ❑ No Liquid Waste Nlanagement System Discharges & Stream Impacts 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation (If yes, notify DWQ)? Discharge originaicd at: ❑ Lagoon ❑ Spray Field ❑ Other a. If discharge is observed, was the conveyance nian-made'' h. I1- discharge is observed. did it reach: ❑ Surface Waters ❑ Waters of the State c. It dlschar�so is observed. what is the estimated Ilwx in gal/min`? d. Does discharge bypass a lagoon system? 2. Is there evidence of past discharge from any part of the operation? 3. Were there any adverse impacts to the waters of the State other than from a discharge? waste Collection & Treatment 4. Is storage capacity (freeboard plus storm storage) less than adequate`? Su-ucture l Structure 2 structure 3 Structure 4 Structure 5 Identi Fier: Freeboard (inches): ........... 3011 , ❑ Yes ® No [--]Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No 4-tA-/ ❑ Yes allo ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes 9No Structure 6 1 J6199 Continued on back Facility Number: 2 S — g Date of Inspection 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed`? (iel trees, severe erosion, seepage, etc.) 6. Are there structures on -site which are not properly addressed anchor managed through a waste management or closure plan? (If any of questions 4-6 was answered yes, and the situation poses an immediate public health or environmental threat, notify DWQ) 7. Do any of the structures need maintenancelirnprovement? 8. Does any pact of the waste management system other than waste structures require maintenancelimproveinent? 9. Do any stuctures lack adequate, Gauged markers with required top of dike, maximum and minimum liquid level elevation markings? Waste Application 10. Are there any buffers that need maintenancelirnproventent'? 11. 1s there evidence of over application? ❑ Ponding ❑ Nitrogen 12. Crop type LE Kiil ❑ Yes EfNo 13, Do the receiving crops differ with those designated in the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP)? 14. Does the facility lack wettable acreage for land application`? (footprint) 15. Does the receiving; crop need improvement? 16. Is there a lack of adequate waste application equipment? Rcctuired Records & I.locuments 17. Fail to have Certificate of Coverage & General Permit readily available? 18. Does the facility fail to have all components of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan readily available? (icl WUP, checklists, design, maps, etc.) 19. Does record keeping need improvement? (iel irrigation, freeboard, waste analysis & soil sample reports) 20. Is facility not in compliance with any applicable setback criteria in effect at the time of design? 21. Did the facility fail to have a certified operator in responsible charge? 22. Fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by General Permit? (iel discharge, freeboard problems, over application) 23. Did ReviewerAnspector fail to discuss reviewtinspection with on -site representative? 24. Does facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? 0 1Vo.�iolations tir. deficiericit�s .were nc>fed during Hits i isit:. You wil..rec . i .env further.-.- .............. - ; • ecjrrespattidei�ce; about; ttsErs i�isit.:. ; : �.:.:...:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ❑ Yes Eg�No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes Ox-No ❑ Yes XNo ❑ Yes ET No ❑ Yes 0 No ❑ Yes KNo ❑ Yes RNo ❑ Yes 14No ❑ Yes 19No ❑ Yes 9 No ❑ Yes 0 No ❑ Yes ETNo ❑ Yes allo ❑ Yes allo ❑ Yes allo ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes [R-Na Comments (refer.to question #): Explain any YES answers and/or any recommendations or any other comments, t Use drawings of facility to better explain situations. (use additional pages as necessary):;, ^ ��.C�r � -�.� •�*�..-- .���P�� . ��. .�a- �c7�--ter-r rx . �iUg-�-- `" �- emu. .ram ,s� cam-. Reviewer/Inspector Name Ly► t 1�. %-+�'iy��s�. �5� - �!�-6 . �a �i � r* .c r� �►8 Reviewerllnspector Signature: &44� Date: 1116199 Facility Number Date of Inspection® Time of Inspection 24 hr. (hh:mm} 0 Registered Ci Certified 93 Applied for Permit [1 K' mitted 113 Not Operational Date Last Operated: .......................... Farm Naame:., ` .i P A-6 '� +�"� County: ..............................'.............. �--................................. ............................... Owner Name: ......��<�'° 1 ........................�oA—e.......................................... Phone No:......a,.`�7.��..�. ...::......�. ..... pr ......... FacilityContact: ............................................................................. Title:..---- ...... ................ Phone No: ........ ................................................................... Mailing Address:.......�G?� �- ... -'.Y .......................... ... ........ �... ........... .�..�....,�' gib............ _ {.. Onsite Representative: ...Q,... .................. .G..t!................................... lntcgratttr:...VVy,7,.►rfL•V..0 Certified Operator..........:I.0 ' . . . `3.... 1 ............... P,��. ......---...... ......................... Operator Certification Number:...---.--........ �� Location of Farm: Latitude '�• ®' ®" Longitude ' 4 " Des' Current: ign: Current 5►�iip�e::: Capacity: Population Poultry Capacity .Population ❑ an to Feeder ❑ Layer eeder to Finish `Izz, ❑ Non -Layer ❑ Farrow to Wean ............. ❑ Other Farrow to Feeder Total Desi ❑ Farrow to Finish Gilts Boars Design Current Cattle Cappeity Population ❑ Dairy ❑ Non-Dairy n Capalaty. 'otal.5SM Nuinheir of,Lagoan 1 If lding'Ponds,. ❑ Subsurface Drains Present' ❑ Lagoon Area ID Spray Field Area .......::.: -• : ❑ No Liquid Waste Management System General 1. Are there any buffers that need maintenance/improvement? ❑ Yes 940 2. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? ❑ Yes UN/0 Discharge originated at: ❑ Lagoon ❑ Spray Field ❑ Other a. If discharge is observed, was the conveyance man-made? ❑ Yes ❑ No b. If discharge is observed, diet it reach Surface Water? (if yes, notify DWQ) ❑ Yes ❑ No c. If discharge is observed, what is the estimated flow in -al/min? d. Does discharge bypass a lagoon system? (If yes, notify DWQ) ❑ Yes ❑ No 3. Is there evidence of past discharge from any part of the operation? ❑ Yes �a 4. Were there any adverse impacts to the waters of the State other than from a discharge? ❑ Yes R<o 5. Does any part of the waste management system (other than lagoons/holding ponds) require ❑ Yes EKo rnai ntenanceli mprove me n t? 6. Is facility not in compliance with any applicable setback criteria in effect at the time (if design? ❑ Yes 04( 7. Did the facility fail to have a certified operator in responsible charge? ❑ Yes No 7125/97 Facility -Number., Jr- — 8. Are there lagoons or storage ponds on site: which need to be properly closed? Structures [Lagotihs.11oldine fonds. Flush Pits. etc.} 9. Is storage capacity (freeboard plus storm storage) less than adequate? Structure I Structure 2 Structure 3 Structure 4 Identifier: Freeboard(ft): .............l..Y]...... .................................... ........................ ........... ............. ...................... 10. Is seepage observed from any of the structures? 11. Is erosion, or any other threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed? Structure. 5 ❑ Yes 1'o ❑ Yes Structure 6 ❑ Yes 9� \r} [7 ❑ Yes tio 12. Do any of the structures need maintenance/improvement? ❑ Yes L2N"o (If any of questions 9-12 was answered yes, and the situation poses an immediate public health or environmental threat, notify ❑WQ) 13. Do any of the structures lack adequate minimum or maximum liquid level markers'? ❑ Yes o Waste :application 14. Is there physical evidence of over application? ❑ Yes lid No (If in excess of WMP, or runoff entering waters of the State, notify DWQ) 15. Crop type �l D - {..... 4? !'�`S u` `!- ..................... .................. .. �D.l F�l 4 dL ............................................. lb. Do the receiving crops differ with those designated in the Animal Waste Management Plan (AWMP)? ❑ Yes 9 o 17. Does the facility have a lack of adequate acreage for land application? ❑ Yes �Gy<o 18. Does the receiving crop need improvement? ElYes Lid'No 19. Is there a lack of available waste application equipment? ❑ Yes UNo 24. Does facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? ❑ Yes r'No 21. Did Reviewer/inspector fail to discuss review/inspection with on -site representative" ❑ Yes [� i!!`o 22. Does record keeping need improvement? ❑ Yes t;,o For Certified or Permitted Facilities Only 23. Does the facility fail to have a copy of the Animal Waste Management Plan readily available? ❑ Yes (1ia 24. Were any additional problems noted which cause noncompliance of the Certified AWMP? ❑ Yes E N_ao 25, Were any additional problems noted which cause noncompliance of the Permit? ' ❑ Yes o [j No. viola tions or deficiencies were noted during this visit.- You will receive no further correspondence about this. visit., ' . . CO.(refer to quesiioriE #) A Expiaimany.;YES:answers andlurally recummen tions or any other commentsw;;,::,.,.F. 'u a -:. U e'draivings a1 facility io betteeexplai situations (use additional pages'as necessstrr]: q ka l�] of t` ��c5 ► Acts - 5u— ov%-� 4%_ p"—CA tZt 1rickS 7/25/97 �. :. ... .... ,. .'s i �• s . �, -::: -:. p" :RA ., S` .,,5, ...3:r;` .,2`"�..a.,:,..,:.. hk,. -: � ;,..,eaa,aa,,. r: Reviewerfluspector Name �... `` Reviewerllnspector Signature: C:-2> , Date: )A— Facility Number Date of Inspection Time of Inspection ® 24 hr. (hh:mm) p Registered ■ Certified p Applied for Permit ■ Permitted 0 of 0peratEona Date Last Operated: Farm Name: Myers.Edge.Farms.••••••...........••••••••-••••...................................... ................ County: Craven WaRO Owner Name: C wioL...----•-------------••---------... jam ..................................... ....... Phone No: 24.4-3.4Q2..................... Facility Contact: CarsUnJones........................ .....Title: owner .......... ............................. ........... Phone No: ZS=44-.1.401... -................... Mailing Address: 005.Rixer.Rd............................ ..... Y.amcebnznNC ........................... ... 2858fi .............. ...................................................... ........................ Onsite Representative: CarsojLJnugs..,l f door,.Twn.mir-sta iggS.............. Integrator: Murphy.)Family.fArms................. Certified Operator: .Jeffery...0............................. Jmacs.................................................. Operator Certification Number: 1029 ............................ Location of Farm: srmt.as. ca m.. raxeat.. flatn ....hirm.eq raha,rx.ts a .an. srhu n st e.>Q ........................... . �? rnximafelx; ;A.%i!cg..►;yest�f.theJoicrsectioxi.bghvxen.XCSR.1400.and. C.SK1443_......................••--------.--•......................................---.-.---� Latitude ©� ®� 9 Longitude ©0 ..... ..,..:........... .._ _ n urren _._,_-�,.— esi n=- urren w,==; _-:.:;;_:__::.;;;; es� n =::-_..urren :..<;;;:: ..._..gym.... w.•:-----•= :. �--�--:-• �_-_-.. _ - - .....-.:._:. - Sw>ne:� __.Capacity PopulatinnJ Poultry ;: TCapac�ty Papuiatton Cattle u Capeelty Populatiflu -. .-�.. p can to ee er - p Layer p w airy ® ee er to mr [3 Non -Layer 7.113 on- auy _..._ anew to er Farrow�,....,..... _ - - to a er =_ 0 - me,.µ _......._.._............._._._ .--..... -� _ 13 Farrow to Finish __. _. _- .: xTatalDesi. Ea-aci3,677 _. V. _- _max--�:;;;;_;:=_u -_ :_ P tY Gilts -x--- Boars _...... _- _ Y_ General 1. Are there any buffers that need maintenance/improvement? p Yes N No 2. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? p Yes ® No Discharge originated at: p Lagoon p Spray Field p Other a. If discharge is observed, was the conveyance man-made? p Yes p No b. If discharge is observed, did it reach Surface Water? (If yes, notify DWQ) p Yes p No c. If discharge is observed, what is the estimated flow in gallmin? d. Does discharge bypass a lagoon system? (If yes, notify DWQ) p Yes p No 3. Is there evidence of past discharge from any part of the operation? p Yes N No 4. Were there any adverse impacts to the waters of the State other than from a discharge? p Yes ® No 5. Does any part of the waste management system (other than lagoons/holding ponds) require p Yes ® No maintenance/improvement? 6. Is facility not in compliance with any applicable setback criteria in effect at the time of design? p Yes ® No 7. Did the facility fail to have a certified operator in responsible charge? p Yes ® No 7/25/97 actfiy Number: 25_8 Date of Inspection 5/12/98 S. Are there lagoons or storage ponds on site which need to be properly closed? Structures (Laoons,Holdina Ponds, Flush Pits, etc.) 9. Is storage capacity (freeboard plus storm storage) less than adequate? Structure 1 Identifier: #fl............. Freeboard (ft): 2.1 Structure 2 Structure 3 Structure 4 Structure 5 10. Is seepage observed from any of the structures? 11. Is erosion, or any other threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed? 12. Do any of the structures need maintenance/improvement? (If any of questions 9-12 was answered yes, and the situation poses an immediate public health or environmental threat, notify DWQ) 13. Do any of the structures lack adequate minimum or maximum liquid level markers? Waste Application 14. Is there physical evidence of over application? (If in excess of WMP, or runoff entering waters of the State, notify DWQ) 15. Crop type......UastaMamda.(xtay.]............... mal.Lgmia.nuerseed........ ........................................................... 16. Do the receiving crops differ with those designated in the Animal Waste Management Plan (AWMP)? 17. Does the facility have a lack of adequate acreage for land application? 18. Does the receiving crop need improvement? 19. Is there a lack of available waste application equipment? 20- Does facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? 21. Did Reviewer/Inspector fail to discuss review/inspection with on -site representative? 22. Does record keeping need improvement? For Certified or Permitted Facilities Only 23. Does the facility fail to have a copy of the Animal Waste Management Plan readily available? 24. Were any additional problems noted which cause noncompliance of the Certified AWMP? 25. Were any additional problems noted which cause noncompliance of the Permit? Q . o-vio ons.or ckncies'were-mo a wring Is visit. • on. will.receive nu U er . .:'Cei�> 606nil<i+�eir > Nu[t x i$:visi :.... . - .. • :.....:................ . p Yes N No p Yes N No Structure 6 p Yes N No p Yes N No p Yes N No p Yes ® No N Yes p No la Yes g No p Yes ®No ® Yes p No p Yes ®No p Yes ®No p Yes ® No p Yes ®No p Yes ® No p Yes N No p Yes ® No Reviewer/Inspector blame at Hooeer;s Reviewer/Inspector Signature: Date: j9 rsoutme p t-ompiaint p rouow-up of uwV inspeciion 0 ronow-up or uawt-: review p utner Facility Number p Registered 0 Certified p Applied for Permit p Permitted [late of Time of Inspection 12:00 24 hr. (hh:mm) [Wm[Wmt 0perationa Date fast Operated: Farm Name: Rkvers.Edge.Farms...................................................................................... County: Craven WaRO OwnerName: Carson ................................... dnncs... ....................................................... Phone No: 244:1.4.Q2......................................... ........... ..•--- Facility Contact: ----•----•---• ...................................... ..Title:................ ... Phone No: MailingAddress: fiUkS..Riier.Rd....................................................................................... Y.ancebalra.l c......................................---•............ 28MA .............. Onsite Representative: Cars[u1..Jancs............................................................................. Integrator:Mn.rpty-Family.Earms..................... -............... Certified Operator: Jeffery ...C............................. Jones .................................................. Operator Certification Number:1029............................ Location of Farm: Latitude ©� ®� ®41 Longitude ©■ ©� ®u General 1. Are there any buffers that need maintenance/improvement? 0 Yes N No 2. is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? I] Yes W No Discharge originated at: p Lagoon p Spray Field p Other a. If discharge is observed, was the conveyance man-made? p Yes p No b. If discharge is observed, did it reach Surface Water? (If yes, notify DWQ) 0 Yes p No c. If discharge is observed, what is the estimated flow in gal/min? d. Does discharge bypass a lagoon system? (If yes, notify DWQ) 0 Yes p No 3. Is there evidence of past discharge from any part of the operation? p Yes ® No 4. Were there any adverse impacts to the waters of the State other than from a discharge? p Yes ® No 5. Does any part of the waste management system (other than lagoons/holding ponds) require p Yes ® No m aintenancelimprovem ent? 6. Is facility not in compliance with any applicable setback criteria in effect at the time of design? p Yes ® No 7. Did the facility fail to have a certified operator in responsible charge? p Yes ® No 7/25/97 acr um er: 25_8 8. Are there lagoons or storage ponds on site which need to be properly closed? Structures (Lagoons Holding Ponds, Flush Pits, etch 9. Is storage capacity (freeboard plus storm storage) less than adequate? Structure 1 Structure 2 Structure 3 Identifier: Freeboard (ft): 3 10. Is seepage observed from any of the structures? Structure 4 11. Is erosion, or any other threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed? 12. Do any of the structures need maintenance/improvement? (If any of questions 9-12 was answered yes, and the situation poses an immediate public health or environmental threat, notify DWQ) 13. Do any of the structures lack adequate minimum or maximum liquid level markers? Waste Application 14. Is there physical evidence of over application? (If in excess of WMP, or runoff entering waters of the State, notify DWQ) p Yes ® No p Yes N No Structure 5 Structure 6 15. Crop type ......Cozstal.Barmada.Grass.......................................................................................................................... 16. Do the receiving crops differ with those designated in the Animal Waste Management Plan (AWMP)? 17, Does the facility have a lack of adequate acreage for land application? 18. Does the receiving crop need improvement? 19. Is there a lack of available waste application equipment? 20. Does facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? 21. Did Reviewer/Inspector fail to discuss review/inspection with on -site representative? 22. Does record keeping need improvement? For Certified or Permitted Facilities Only 23. Does the facility fail to have a copy of the Animal Waste Management Plan readily available? 24. Were any additional problems noted which cause noncompliance of the Certified AWMP? 25. Were any additional problems noted which cause noncompliance of the Permit? . oviu ions -or rreneies.were.note ring is visit:. om -receive no er. . - . �eirXestio��ene� ab�t>ia� xis •v�5i�:: • . � . � . • .................. � :. _ .........: • : � . . p Yes ® No p Yes ® No ® Yes p No p Yes ® No El Yes ® No p Yes ® No p Yes ® No ® Yes p No p Yes N No p Yes N No p Yes ® No ® Yes p No p Yes ® No 13 Yes ® No p Yes p No Reviewer/Inspector Name nn R_z.:..,..rN r _... M M ReviewerfInspector Signature: Date: . ❑ DSWC Animal Feedlot Operation Review P -'��- �•M- DWQ Animal Feedlot Operation Site Inspection ' ». IfoRoutine OComplaint Q Follow-up ofD%N-Q inspection D Follo-*r-u of DS%VC: revfew Q ()ther Date i&Inspection LFaci.1ity 'ti'umbcr 2y� Time of Inspection 24 hr. (hh:mm) rotal Titrte fin fraction of hours. Farm Status: ❑ Registered []Applied for Permit (ex:1.25 for I hr 15 min►) Spent on Review UCertified ❑ Permitted or Inspection (includes travel and processing) Not Operational Date Last Operated:....,.. Farm Name ........................: °.^..... .................a _..--..4 !�e ......... ..--._.._ Owner Name: CToAe5 Facility Contact: ............ C.'If--n............ }°' ...................... Title:...... ;Mailing Address..... ...... .......... — ........... ............................. ............. Onsite Representative:,......... Ctt ? ............ ane� CertifiedOperator:...... ....... C s9 ............. ...... i�....... Location of Farm: Countv:..................................................................................... Phone'No: ................................... ........................ - ........................ ............................................ Phone No:......................... .......................... ................................. Integrator:..,...---......---............................................ .. .......... I .................... Operator Certification Number:......................................... A ........................................................................... ........................................................................................................................ ............................. Latitude • • 94 Longitude. ` i :: f Type of Operation Swine Design Current Design Current Design Current Capacity Population Poultry Capacity Population Cattle "Capacity Population.. - ❑ Layer ❑ Dairy (� �0 ❑ Non -Layer ❑ Non -Dairy ❑ Wean to Feeder Feeder to Finish El Farrow to Wean El Farrow to Feeder ❑ Farrow to Finish ❑ Other I - Total Design Capacity Total SSL W Number g:.of Lagoons l Holdin Ponds ❑ Subsurface Drains Present ❑ Lagoon Area 0 Spray Field Area 1. Are there any buffers that need maintenance/improvement? ?. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation! Diwbanae originated at: ❑ Lagoon ❑ Spray Field El Other a. If discharge is observed, was the conveyance than -made? b. It -discharge is observed, did it reach Surface Wattr:' (1f yes, notify DWQ c. If discharge is observed. what is the estimated flow in galln in:' J. I)nes discltargr bypatis a lagnc�n system'! {If ve,. notify f:3WQ) 3. Is there evidence of past discharge from any part of the operation? 4, Wcre there any adverse impacts to the waters of the State other than front a discharge'? 5. Does any part of -the waste management system (other than lagoonslholding ponds) require •i134197 ntai ntenanceli ntpro%•ement'' ❑ Yes $No ❑ Yes X No ❑ Yes ❑ No [I Yes El No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes XNo ❑ Yes )(No ❑ Yes ONO Continued on back L Facility Number: 6. Is facility not in compliance with any applicable setback criteria in effect at the time of design`! 7. Did the facility fail to have a certified operator in responsible charge? 8. Are there lagoons or storage ponds on site which need to be properly closed? Structures [laagoonc and/or l.loldin}; Pondsl 9. Is storage capacity (freeboard plus storm storage) less than adequate? Freeboard (ft): Structure 1 Structure 2 Stnucture 3 ...... Z.................................... I .............................................................. 10. Is seepage observed from any of the structures? Structure 4 11. Is erosion, or any other threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed? 12, Do any of the structures need maintenance/improvement? (If any of questions 9-12 was answered yes, and the situation poses an immediate public health or environmental threat, notify DWQ) 13. Do any of the structures lack adequate minimum or maximum liquid level markers? Waste Application 14. Is there physical evidence of over application" (If in excess of WMP, or runoff entering waters of the State, notify DWQ) 15. Crop type ......2�r!�R��°! ❑ Yes >fNo ❑ Yes XNo ❑ Yes VNo ❑ Yes XNo Structure 5 Structure 6 lb. Do the receiving crops differ with those designated in the Animal Waste Management Plan (AWMP)? 17. Does the facility have a lack of adequate acreage for land application? 18. Does the receiving crop need improvement? 19. Is there a lack of available waste application equipment? 20- Does facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? 21. Did Reviewer/Inspector fail to discuss reviewlinspection with on -site representative? For Certified Facilities On1�' 22. Does the facility fail to have a copy of the Animal Waste Management Plan readily available? 23. Were any additional problems noted which cause noncompliance of the Certified AWMP? 24. Does record keeping need improvement? ❑ Yes $ No ❑ Yes No $Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes KNo ❑ Yes XNo ❑ Yes Dd No ❑ Yes XNo XYes ❑ No ❑ Yes No ❑ Yes U No ❑ Yes NfNo ❑ Yes gNo ❑ Yes b4No Yes ❑ No Cammen#s (re#er:ta queshan #}:: Eplatn anyY�S answersandJgr,aoy i<ecorameridatiris oir:any:ofiter.`ccnirricnfs._ a e.ex - edr3wnof faLt.o. better ez la.t..n..:.s...rt..u.a.t..�nn..s .-. analUsa e.sas necessar.:� Y. 5r V--y 6..11 rrv�hw, , NA A rep. l r�5M VOL.-. • R3� I e,.- w/o 'fin -%what jc "4 If; 2N, Va, 4,1_5 o,- ram �o 1. G,;,_5 4o Merck Cr&t.>v PNI6. _d........_............ w..d Reviewer/Inspector Name ' '�. Reviewer/Inspector Signature: �� ft.v..-- � Date: cc. Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section, Facility Assessment Unit 4/30/97