HomeMy WebLinkAbout820370_CORRESPONDENCE_20171231NUH I H UAHULINA Department of Environmental Qual Environmental Quality Wayne Spell Wiley D's Farm 5565 N. Salemburg Hwy Salemburg, NC 28385 Dear Wayne Spell: RECEIVED DEQIDWR JAN 2 3 2017 WQROS FAYETTEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE January 13, 2017 ROY COOPER Governor WILLIAM G. ROSS, JR. Acting Secretary Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. AWS820370 Wiley D's Farm Swine Waste Collection, Treatment, Storage and Application System Sampson County In accordance with your Notification of Change of Ownership received January 3, 2017, we are hereby forwarding to you this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Wayne Spell, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste management system in accordance with General Permit AWG100000. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the management and land application of animal waste as specified in the facility's Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) for Wiley D's Farm, located in Sampson County, with a swine animal capacity of no greater than the following annual averages: Wean to Finish: Feeder to Finish: Boar/Stud- Wean to Feeder: 3552 Farrow to Wean: Gilts: Farrow to Finish: Farrow to Feeder: Other: If this is a Farrow to Wean or Farrow to Feeder operation, there may be one boar for each 15 sows. Where boars are unnecessary, they may be replaced by an equivalent number of sows. Any of the sows may be replaced by gilts at a rate of 4 gilts for every 3 sows. This COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until September 30, 2019, and shall hereby void Certificate of Coverage Number AWS820370 dated October 1, 2014. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP, and this COC. An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this facility. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of animals authorized by this COC (as provided above) will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and must be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. Please read this COC and the enclosed State General Permit carefully. Please pay careful attention to the record kegping and monitoring conditions in this permit. Record kepping forms are unchanged with this General Permit. Please continue to use the same record keeping forms. 'Nothing Compares ------ State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources Water Quailty Regroaal operations Section 1636 Mail Service Carter I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 919-707-9129 If your Waste Utilization Plan (WUP) has been developed based on site -specific information, careful evaluation of future samples is necessary. Should your records show that the current WUP is inaccurate you will need to have a new WUP developed. The issuance of this COC does not excuse the Permittee from the obligation to comply with all applicable laws, rules, standards, and ordinances (local, state, and federal), nor does issuance of a COC to operate under this permit convey any property rights in either real or personal property. Per NRCS standards a 100-foot separation shall be maintained between water supply wells and any lagoon, storage pond, or any wetted area of a spray field. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143- 215.6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual permit by contacting the Animal Feeding Operations Program for information on this process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding. In accordance with Condition II.22 of the General Permit, waste application shall cease within four (4) hours of the time that the National Weather Service issues a Hurricane Warning, Tropical Storm Warning, or a Flood Watch associated with a tropical system for the county in which the facility is located. You may find detailed watch/warning information for your county by calling the Raleigh, NC National Weather Service office at (919) 515-8209, or by visiting their website at: hqp://www.weather.gov/rah/ This facility is located in a county covered by our Fayetteville Regional Office. The Regional Office staff may be reached at 910-433-3300. If you need additional information concerning this COC or the General Permit, please contact the Animal Feeding Operations Program staff at (919) 707-9129. Sincerely, 3 c�z or S. kkerman, P.G. Director, Division of Water Resources Enclosure (General Permit AWG 100000) cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all ccs) Fayetteville Regional Office, Water Quality Regional Operations Section Sampson County Health Department Sampson County Soil and Water Conservation District WQROS Central Files (Permit No. AWS820370) Smithfield Hog Production 43-�-370 Nutrient Management Plan For Animal Waste This plan has been prepared for: Piney Green Nursery Ken Spell 484 Horse Pasture Rd Salemburg, NC 28385 11-15-2006 This plan has been Greer Moore APR 08 10 Clear Run Forms Consulting Services PO Box 338 Harrells, NC 28444 (910) 564-6441 (910) 53 -4493 AM Developer Signature Type of Plan: Nitrogen Only with Manure Only Owner/Manager/Producer Agreement I (we) understand and agree to the specifications and the operation and maintenance procedures established in this nutrient management plan which includes an animal waste utilization plan for the farm named above. I have read and understand the Required Specifications concerning animal waste management that are included with this plan. 'AA4 - S ature (owner) Signature (manager or producer) bate Date This plan meets the minimum standards and specifications of the U.S. Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service or the standard of practices adopted by the Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Plan Approved By: Technical Specialist Signature ate f 134411 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed- 11-15-2006 Cover Page 1 RECEIVED 1 DENR I DWQ AQ►jIFF.R'PROTFUION SFCMN APR 0 6 70na Nutrients applied in accordance with this plan will be supplied from the following source(s): Commercial Fertilizer is not included in this plan. S5 Swine Nursery Lagoon Liquid waste generated 678,432 gals/year by a 3,552 animal Swine Nursery Lagoon Liquid operation. This production facility has waste storage capacities of roximately 180 days. Estimated Pounds of Plant Available Nitrogen Generated per Year Broadcast 1563 Incorporated 2694 Injected 2955 Irrigated 1698 Actual PAN Applied (Pounds) Actual Volume Applied (Gallons) Volume Surplus/Defcit (Gallons) Year 1 2,633.76 1,052,032 -373,600 Note: In source ID, S means standard source. U means user defined source. 134411 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 11-15-2006 Source Page I of I The table shown below provides a summary ofthe crops or rotations included in this plan for each field Realistic Yield estimates are also provided for each chap in the plan. In addition, the leaching Index for each field is drown, where available. Planned Crops Summary Tract Field Total Acres Useable Acres leaching Index (LI) Soil Series Crop Sequence RYE 10732 Z 1 212 2.12 WA Norfolk Small Grain Ovarswd 1.0 Tons Hybrid Bamudagaas Pasnar 6.5 Tons 10732 Z.2 112 2,12 NIA NorUk Small Grain Ovetswd 1.0 Tons Hybrid Be rmudapm Pasnue 6.5 Tons 10732 Z3 2.12 2.12 NIA NorUk Small Grain Ove rseed 1.0 Touts Hybrid Bentmdagass Pastrue 6.5 Toms 10732 Z4 2.1 2Ar NIA 1406olk Small Grain Ovaseed 1.0 Tons Hybrid Bawfudagrass Pastwe 6.5 Tons PLAN TOTALS: 8.50 8.50 Ll Potential Leachin Technical Guidance 2 w potential to contribute to soluble None vent leach ing below the root zone. a= 2 & oderate potential to contribute to Nutrient Management (590) should be planned. <= 10 iuble nutrient leaching below the root zone. High potential to contribute to soluble Nutrient Management (590) should be planned. Other conservation practices that utrient leaching below the root zom improve the soils available water holding capacity and improve nutrient use efficiency > 10 should be considered. Examples are Cover Crops (340) to scavenge nutrients, Sod -Based Rotations (328), Lang -Terre No -Trill (778), and edge -of --field practices such as Filter Strips (393) and Riparian Forest Buffers (391). 1'7 A A Y 1 nl .i ace V—;— 7 i r w, rN4m.l l e!1 rrpnfm The Waste Utilization table shown below summarizes the waste utilization plan for this operation. This plan provides an estimate of the number of acres of cropland needed to use the nutrients being produced. The plan requires consideration of the realistic yields of the crops to be grown, their nutrient requirements, and proper timing of applications to maximize nutrient uptake. This table provides an estimate of the amount of nitrogen required by the crop being grown and an estimate of the nitrogen amount being supplied by manure other by-products, commercial fertilizer and residual from previous craps. An estimate of the quantity of solid.and liquid waste that will be applied on each field order to supply the indicated quantity of nitrogen from each source is also included. A balance of the total manure produced and the total manure applied is included in the table to ensure that the plan adequately provides for the utilization of the manure generated by the operation. ■TaJ1J.-.-1J.... T�L �' a5ty {JLlll(mblull l it l]IC I Crtf 1 Tract Field Source ID Soil Series Total Acres Use. Acres Crop RYE Applic, Period Nitrogen PA Nutrient Ret)d (lbs/A) Co nm. Feat. Nutrient Applied (lbs/A) Res. (lbs/A) Apppc. Mahod Manure PA Nutrient Applied (lbs/A) Liquid ManurcA pplied (ace) Solid Mature Applied (acre) Liquid Manure Appfed (Field) Solid Manure Applied (Field) N N N N 1000 gaUA Torts 1000 gals tons 10732 ZI SS Norfolk 2.12 2.12 Small Grain Overseed LO Tons *10/1-3/31 50 0 0 Irrig. 50 19.97 0. 42.42 0.01 10732 ZI SS Norfolk 2.12 2.12 Hybrid Bermudegrass Pasture 6.5 Tons *3/1-950 *260 0 0 Irrig. 260 103.86 O.00 220.59 0.01 10732 Z2 SS orfolk 2.12 2.12 Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons *10/1-3/31 5o 0 0 Itrig, 50 19.97 0.0 42.42 0.01 10732 Z2 SS orfolk 2.12 2,12 Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 6.5 Tons *3/1-9/30 *260 0 0 Irrig. 260 103.86 0.0 220.59 0.04 10732 Z3 SS Norfolk 2.12 2.I2 Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons *10/1-3/31 50 0 0 Irrig. 50 19,97 O.A 42.42 0.01 10732 Z3 SS Norfolk 2.12 2.12 Hybrid Bertnudapw Pasture 6.5 Tans 03/1-9/30 *260 0 0 Irrig. 260 103.86 0. 220.59 0.01 10732 Z4 SS orfolk 2.12 2.12 Sma11 Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons *10/1-3/31 50 0 0 Irrig. 50 19.97 O.V 42.42 0.04 10732 Z4 SS cryN c 2.12 2.12 Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 6.5 Tons *311-9/30 *260 0 0 Irrig. 2 103.86 0. 220.59 0.04 Total Applied, 1000 gallons 1,052.03 Total Produced, 1000 gallons 678.43 Balance, 1000 gallons .373,E Total Applied, tons 0.01 Total Produ=L tons 55 Balance, tons 0.01 Notes: 1. In the tract column, - symbol means ]eased, otherwise, owned. 2. Symbol * means user entered data. 1344" ) Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: I I/15/2f -') WUT Page 1 '�1 The Irrigation Application Factors for each field in this plan are shown in the following table. Infiltration rate varies with soils. If applying waste nutrients through an irrigation system, you must apply at a rate that will not result in ""' runoff. This table provides the maximum application rate per hour that may be applied to each field selected to receive wastewater. It also lists the maximum application amount that each field may receive in any one application event. Irrigation Application Factors Tract Field Soil Series Application Rate (inches/hour) Application Amount (inches) 10732 Z i Norfolk 0.50 1.0 10732 Z2 Norfolk 0.50 1.0 10732 Z3 INorfolk 0.50 1.0 10732 Z4 orfolk 0.50 1.0 19..41, 1 1 n...- 1111SY1M[ TAG Tlk--. 1 .s 1 The following Lagoon Sludge Nitrogen Utilization table provides an estimate of the number of acres needed for sludge utilization for the indicated accumulation period. These estimates are based on average nitrogen concentrations for each source, the number of animals in the facility and the plant available nitrogen application rates shown in the second column. Lagoon sludge contains nutrients and organic matter remaining after treatment and application ofthe effluent. At clean out, this material must be utilized for crop production and applied at agronomic rates. In most cases, the priority nutrient is nitrogen but other nutrients including phosphorous, copper and zinc can also be I imiting. Since nutrient levels are generally very high, application of sludge must be carefully applied Sites must first be evaluated for their suitability for sludge application. Ideally, effluent spray fields should not be used for sludge application. If this is not possible, care should be taken not to load effluent application fields with high amounts of copper and zinc so that additional effluent cannot be applied. On sites vulnerable to surface water moving to streams and lances, phosphorous is a concern. Soils containing very high phosphorous levels may also be a concern. Lagoon Sludge Nitrogen Utilization Table Crop Maximum PA-N Rate lblac Maximum Sludge Application Rate 1000 gal/ac Minimum Acres 5 Years Accumulation Minimum Acres 10 Years Accumulation Minimum Acres 15 Years Accumulation Swine Nursery Lagoon Sludge - Standard Com 120 bu i 50 13.16 9.04 18.08 27.12 Hay 6 ton R_Y.E_ 300 26.32 4.52 9.04 13.56 Soybean 40 bu 160 14.04 8.48 16.95 25.43 134411 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed I 1-15-2006 Sludge Page 1 of 1 The Available Waste Storage Capacity table provides an estimate of the number of days of storage capacity available at the end of each month of the plan. Available storage capacity is calculated as the design storage capacity in days minus the number of days of net storage volume accumulated. The start date is a value entered by the user and is defined as the date prior to applying nutrients to the first crop in the plan at which storm volume in the lagoon or holding pond is equal to zero. Available storage capacity should be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to the design storage capacity of the facility. Ifthe available storage capacity is greater than the design storage capacity, this indicates that the plan calls for the application of nutrients that have not yet accumulated. lfavailable storage capacity is negative, the estimated volume of accumulated waste exceeds the design storage volume of the structure. Either of these situations indicates that the planned application interval in the wash utilization plan is inconsistent with the structure's temporary storage capacity. Available Waste Storage Canacitv Source Nance I Swine Nurse Lagoon Liquid Des!p Sto a Capacity (Days) Start Date 4/ 1 180 Plan Year Month Available Storage Capacity (Days) I 1 42 1 2 73 1 3 108 1 4 125 1 5 180 1 6 180 1 7 180 1 8 180 1 4 180 1 10 176 1 11 164 1 12 142 ' Available Storage Capacity is calculated as of the end of each month_ 134411 Database Version 3.1 - Date Printed: 11-15-2006 Capacity Page 1 of 1 O� WATf9 Michael F. Easley, Governor pG William G. Ross Jr., Secretary � North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources p Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality �" r = August 8, 2006 Ken Spell Piney Green Farm OENA-FAYETfEViLLEREGIONALOiiiCrE 484 Horse Pasture Road Salemburg, North Carolina 283 85 Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. AWS820370 Piney Green Farm Animal Waste Management System Sampson County Dear Mr. Spell: In accordance with your request to change the farm name received on July 11, 2006, we are hereby forwarding to you this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Ken spel 1, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste management system in accordance with General Permit AWG100000. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the management of animal waste from the Piney Green Farm facility, located in Sampson County, with an animal capacity of no greater than an annual average of 3552 Wean to Feeder swine and the application to land as specified in the facility's Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP). If this is a Farrow to Wean or Farrow to Feeder operation, there may also be one boar for each 15 sows. Where boars are unneccessary, they may be replaced by an equivalent number of sows. Any of the sows may be replaced by gilts at a rate of 4 gilts for every 3 sows The COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until September 30, 2009, and shall hereby void Certificate of Coverage Number AWS820370 dated June 20, 2006. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP, and this COC. An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this facility. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of animals authorized by this COC (as provided above) will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and must be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. Please carefully read this COC and the enclosed State General Permit. Since this is a revised State General Permit, it contains new requirements in addition to most of the conditions contained in the previous State General Permit. Enclosed for your convenience is a package containing the new and revised forms used for record keeping and reporting. Please pay careful attention to the record keeping and monitoring conditions in this permit. If your Waste Utilization Plan has been developed based on site specific information, careful evaluation of future samples is necessary. Should your records show that the current Waste Utilization Plan is inaccurate you will need to have a new Waste Utilization Plan developed. NCarolina atura!!y Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone: (919) 733-3221 Internet: www.ncwatergualitv.org Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax 1: (919) 715-0588 Fax 2: (919) 715-6046 An Equal OpportunitylAffirmaWe Action Employer— 500% Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper Customer Service: (677) 623-6748 The issuance of this COC does not excuse the Permittee from the obligation to comply with all applicable laws, rules, standards, and ordinances (local, state, and federal), nor does issuance of a COC to operate under this permit convey any property rights in either real or personal property. Upon abandonment or depopulation for a period of four years or more, the Permittee must submit documentation to the Division demonstrating that all current NRCS standards are met prior to restocking of the facility. Per 15A NCAC 211 .0225(c) a compliance boundary is provided for the facility and no new water supply wells shall be constructed within the compliance boundary. Per NRCS standards a 100 foot separation shall be maintained between water supply wells and any lagoon, storage pond, or any wetted area of a spray field. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143- 215.6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. If you wish to continue the activity permitted under the General Permit after the expiration date of the General Permit, an application for renewal must be filed at least 180 days prior to expiration. This COC is not automatically transferable. A name/ownership change application must be submitted to the Division prior to a name change or change in ownership. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual permit by contacting the staff member listed below for information on this process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding. This facility is located in a county covered by our Fayetteville Regional Office. The Regional Office Aquifer Protection Staff may be reached at (910) 433-3300. If you need additional information concerning this COC or the General Permit, please contact J R Joshi at (919) 715-6698. Sincer jar A n W. Klimek, P.E. Enclosures (General Permit AWG100000) cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all cc's) Fayetteville Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section Sampson County Health Department Sampson County Soil and Water Conservation District APS Central Files AFO Files RECEIVED J U L. G 0 2ZA3 DENR - FAYEMLLE REGIOML OWE June 20, 2006 Ken Spell PATTOM 484 Horse Pasture Road Salemburg, North Carolina 28385 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. AWS820370 PATTOM Animal Waste Management System Sampson County Dear Mr. Spell: In accordance with your notification of change in facility ownership received on June 14, 2006, we are hereby forwarding to you this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Ken spell, ,authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste management system in accordance with General Permit AWG100000. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the management of animal waste from the PATTOM facility, located in Sampson County, with an animal capacity of no greater than an annual average of 3552 Wean to Feeder swine and the application to land as specified in the facility's Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP). If this is a Farrow to Wean or Farrow to Feeder operation, there may also be one boar for each 15 sows. Where boars are unneccessary, they may be replaced by an equivalent number of sows. Any of the sows may be replaced by gilts at a rate of 4 gilts for every 3 sows The COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until September 30, 2009, and shall hereby void Certificate of Coverage Number AWS820370 dated October 1, 2004. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP, and this COC. An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this facility. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of animals authorized by this COC (as provided above) will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and must be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. Please carefully read this COC and the enclosed State General Permit. Since this is a revised State General Permit, it contains new requirements in addition to most of the conditions contained in the previous State General Permit. Enclosed for your convenience is a package containing the new and revised forms used for record keeping and reporting. Please pAy careful attention to the record kee in and monitoring conditions in this permit. If your Waste Utilization Plan has been developed based on site specific information, careful evaluation of future samples is necessary. Should your records show that the current Waste Utilization Plan is inaccurate you will need to have a new Waste Utilization Plan developed. ?4 Carolina Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone: (919) 733-3221 lntemet: www.ncwatercruasy.org Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax 1: (919) 715-0588 Fax 2: (919) 715-6048 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer- 50% Recydedl10% Post Consumer Paper Customer Service: (877) 623-6748 The issuance of this COC does not excuse the Permittee from the obligation to comply with all applicable laws, rules, standards, and ordinances (local, state, and federal), nor does issuance of a COC to operate under this permit convey any property rights in either real or personal property. Upon abandonment or depopulation for a period . of four years or more, the Permittee must submit documentation to the Division demonstrating that all current MRCS standards are met prior to restocking of the facility. Per 15A NCAC 2H .0225(c) a compliance boundary is provided for the facility and no new water supply wells shall be constructed within the compliance boundary. Per NRCS standards a 100 foot separation shall be maintained between water supply wells and any lagoon, storage pond, or any wetted area of a spray field. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143- 215.6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. If you wish to continue the activity permitted under the General Permit after the expiration date of the General Permit, an application for renewal must be filed at least 180 days prior to expiration. This COC is not automatically transferable. A name/ownership change application must be submitted to the Division prior to a name change or change in ownership. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual permit by contacting the staff member listed below for information on this process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding. This facility is located in a county covered by our Fayetteville Regional Office. The Regional Office Aquifer Protection Staff may be reached at (910) 433-3300. If you need additional information concerning this COC or the General Permit, please contact Todd A. Bennett at (919) 715-6627. Sincergly, fo E. Enclosures (General Permit AWG 100000) cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all cc's) Fayetteville Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section Sampson County Health Department Sampson County Soil and Water Conservation District APS Central Files AFO Files Michael F. Easley, Governor William G_ Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources October 1, 2004 Tommy Vann PATTOM 2286 Parker Memorial Rd Clinton NC 28328 Alan W. Klimek, P. E_, Director Division of Water Guality OCT 15 2094 OBR - FAYETUiiLLE REGIONAL OFFICE Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. AWS820370 PATTOM Swine Waste Collection, Treatment, Storage and Application System Sampson County Dear Tommy Vann: On June 11, 2004, the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (Division) issued a revised State General Permit for swine facilities. The General Permit was issued in accordance with the directive of Senate Bill 733 (Session Law 2003-28). In accordance with your application received on January 28, 2003 and in accordance with the directive of Senate Bill 733, we are hereby forwarding to you this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Tommy Vann, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste collection, treatment, storage and land application system in accordance with General Permit AWG100000. The issuance of this COC supercedes and terminates your previous COC Number AWS820370 which expires October 1, 2004. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the management of animal waste from the PATTOM, located in Sampson County, with an animal capacity of no greater than an annual average of 3552 Wean to Feeder swine and the application to land as specified in the facility's Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP). If this is a Farrow to Wean or Farrow to Feeder operation, there may also be one boar for each 15 sows. Where boars are unneccessary, they may be replaced by an equivalent number of sows. Any of the sows may be replaced by gilts at a rate of 4 gilts for every 3 sows The COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until September 30, 2009. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP, and this COC. An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this facility. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of animals authorized by this COC (as provided above) will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and must be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. Please carefully read this COC and the enclosed State General Permit. Since this is a revised State General Permit, it contains new requirements in addition to most of the conditions contained in the previous State General Permit. Enclosed for your convenience is a package containing the new and revised forms used for record keeping and reporting. Please pay careful attention to the record kee in and monitoring conditions in this permit. Aquifer Protection Section - Animal Feeding Operations Unit 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1638 Phone: 919-733-3221 1 FAX: 919-715-0588 / Internet h2o.enr.state.nc.us An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycledll0% Post Consumer Paper Nne orthCarolina Nahmaliff If your Waste Utilization Plan has been developed based on site specific information, careful evaluation of future samples is necessary. Should your records show that the current Waste Utilization Plan is inaccurate you will need to have a new Waste Utilization Plan developed. The issuance of this COC does not excuse the Permittee from the obligation to comply with all applicable laws, rules, standards, and ordinances (local, state, and federal), nor does issuance of a COC to operate under this permit convey any property rights in either real or personal property. Upon abandonment or depopulation for a period of four years or more, the Permittee must submit documentation to the Division demonstrating that all current NRCS standards are met prior to restocking of the facility... . Per 15A NCAC 2H .0225(c) a compliance boundary is provided for the facility and no new water supply wells shall be constructed within the compliance boundary. Per NRCS standards a 100 foot separation shall be maintained between water supply wells and any lagoon, storage pond, or any wetted area of a spray field. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143- 215.6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. If you wish to continue the activity permitted under the General Permit after the expiration date of the General Permit, an application for renewal must be fled at least 180 days prior to expiration. This COC is not automatically transferable. A name/ownership change application must be submitted to the Division prior to a name change or change in ownership. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual permit by contacting the staff member listed below for information on this process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding. This facility is located in a county covered by our Fayetteville Regional Office. The Regional Office Water Quality Staff may be reached at (910) 486-1541. If you need additional information concerning this COC or the General permit, please contact Duane Leith at (919) 715-6186. Sincerely, for Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Enclosures (General Permit AWG 100000) cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all cc's) Fayetteville Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section Sampson County Health Department Sampson County Soil and Water Conservation District Permit File AWS820370 APS Central Files Michael F. Easley, Governor ' o�0� NNA oiii� -­;� Tommy Vann PATTOM 2286 Parker Memorial Rd Clinton NC 28328 Dear Tommy Vann: William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P. E., Director Division of Water Quality May 1, 2003 Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. AWS820370 PATTOM Swine Waste Collection, Treatment, Storage and Application System Sampson County On April 28, 2003, the North Carolina General Assembly ratified Senate Bill 733 which directs the Division of -Water Quality (Division) to extend the expiration date of the Swine Waste Operation General Permit AWG100000. Therefore, the General Permit has been re -issued by the Division to extend the expiration date to October 1, 2004. During the period of this extension the Division will be working with all interested parties on the development of a new version of the Non -Discharge General Permit. In accordance with your application received on January 28, 2003 and in accordance with the directive of Senate Bill 733, we are hereby forwarding to you this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Tommy Vann, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste collection, treatment, storage and land application system in accordance with General Permit AWG100000. The issuance of this COC supercedes and terminates your previous COC Number AWS820370 which expired on April 30, 2003. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the management of animal waste from the PATTOM, located in Sampson County, with an animal capacity of no greater than an annual average of 3552 Wean to Feeder swine and the application to land as specified in the facility's Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP). If this is a Farrow to Wean or Farrow to Feeder operation, there may also be one boar for each 15 sows. Where boars are unneccessary, they may be replaced by an equivalent number of sows. Any of the sows may be replaced by gilts at a rate of 4 gilts for every 3 sows The COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until October 1, 2004. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP, and this COC. An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this facility. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of animals authorized by this COC (as provided above) will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and must be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. If your Waste Utilization Plan has been developed based on site specific information, careful evaluation of future samples is necessary. Should your records show that the current Waste Utilization Plan is inaccurate you will need to have a new Waste Utilization Plan developed. The issuance of this COC does not excuse the Pertnittee from the obligation to comply with all applicable laws, rules, standards, and ordinances (local, state, and federal), nor does issuance of a COC to operate under this permit convey any property rights in either real or personal property. NWGDENR Non -Discharge Permitting Unit Internet httpJ/h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ndpu 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Telephone (919) 733-5083 Fax (919)715-6048 Customer Service Center Telephone 1-877-623-6748 An Equal opportunity Action Employer 50% recycledll0% post -consumer paper Upon abandonment or depopulation for a period of four years or more, the Permittee must submit documentation to the Division demonstrating that all current NRCS standards are met prior to restocking of the facility. Per MRCS standards a 100 foot separation shall be maintained between water supply wells and any lagoon or any wetted area of a spray field. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143- 215.6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. If you wish to continue the activity permitted under the General Permit after the expiration date of the General Permit, an application for renewal must be filed at least 180 days prior to expiration - This COC is not automatically transferable. A name/ownership change application must be submitted to the Division prior to a name change or change in ownership. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual permit by contacting the staff member listed below for information on this process. Unless such. a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding. This facility is located in a county covered by our Fayetteville Regional Office. The -Regional Office Water Quality Staff may be reached at (910) 486-1541. If you need additional information concerning this COC or the General Permit, please contact J R Joshi at (919) 733-5083 ext. 363. Sincerely, . ide /_ for Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Enclosures (General Permit AWG 100000) _ cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all cc's) Fayetteville Regional Office, Water Quality Section Sampson County Health Department Sampson County Soil and Water Conservation District Permit File AWS820370 NDPU Files WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN ---------------------- Owners name --:Tommy Vann County:Sampson Mail Address -:Clinton Type of production unit ---- :Wean to Feeder Number of animal units -----: 3552 Type of waste facility -----:Anaerobic Lagoon Temporary storage period---: 180 days Method of application ------ :Irrigation Amount of animal waste produced-----------------.: 1500 tons/year Amount of plant available N produced by animals-: 1705 lbs./year Commercial N to apply on planned acreage -------- : 0 lbs./year Your animal waste utilization plan has been specifically developed for your swine operation. The plan is based on the soil types, crops to be grown, and method of application for your particular operation. The waste must be land applied at a specified rate to prevent pollution of surface and/or ground water. The plant nutrients in the animal waste should be used to reduce the amount of commercial fertilizer required for the crops where the waste is to be applied. This waste utilization plan uses nitrogen as the limiting nutrient. Waste should be analyzed before each application cycle and annual soil tests are encouraged so that all plant nutrients can be balanced for realistic yields of the crop to be grown. Several factors are important in implementing your waste utilization plan in order to maximize the fertilizer value of the waste and to ensure that it is applied in an environmentally safe manner. Always apply waste based on the needs of the crop to be grown and the nutrient content of the waste. Do not apply more nitrogen than the crop cart utilize. Soil types are important as they have different infiltration rates and leaching potential. Waste shall not be applied to land eroding at greater than 5 tons per acre per year. Do not apply waste on saturated soils or on land when the surface is frozen. Either of these conditions may result in runoff to surface waters. Wind conditions should also be considered to avoid drift and downwind odor problems. To maximize the value of nutrients for crop production and to reduce the potential for pollution, the waste should be applied to a growing crop or not more than 30 days prior to planting. Soil incorporation of waste will conserve nutrients and reduce odor problems. I Page, 2 .-he acres needed to apply the animal waste is based on typical nutrient content for this type of facility. Annual acreage requirements may be more or less based on the waste analysis report for your waste management facility. YOUR WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING: Tract Field Soil Crop Yield Lbs. N Acres Lbs. N Month to Acres No. No. Type Code /Acre /Unit Used Apply Overs 10732 3 NoA K 0 100.00 930 S-APRIL 10732 3 NoA B 5.2 5 0. 0 0--3-:-3- 2 418 MAR - OCT ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------ Total�q -9-.-T -4-34 9`3 05_4' Available Nitrogen (includes commercial) 1705 / ?� Surplus Or Deficit -1� / 3rl Crop codes: Crop -unit ---------------------- --------------------- A=Barley-bu. I=Oats-bu. B=Bermudagrass(graze)-tans J=Rye-bu. C=Bermudagrass(hay)-tons K=Small grain(graze)-acre D=Corn(grain)-bu. L=Small grain(hay)-acre E=Corn(silage)-tons M=Sorghum(grain)-cwt. F=Cotton-lbs. lint W=Wheat-bu. G=Fescue(graze)-tans Y=Fescue(pasture)-tons H=Fescue(hay)-tons Z=Bermudagrass(pasture)-tons Page 3 If more commercial fertilizer is used than shown in this plan, then additional acres of land may be needed. A three to fifteen feet wide permanent grass filter strip should be seeded along all ditches in fields that receive animal waste. Additional comments: -------------------- Prepared by: _t17AfL " LC,C\r Title: _S.Gr Date: — Concurred in by: e � A--r Date: Producer I understand that I must own or have access to equipment, primarily irrigation equipment, to land apply the animal waste described in this waste utilization plan. This equipment must be available at the appropriate pumping time such that no discharge occurs from the lagoon in a 25-year 1-day storm event. I also certify that the waste will be applied on the land according to this plan at the appropriate times and at rates that no runoff occurs. 0/ Date: qJC Producer Technical Specialist: vY-'Y�� Date: cy (Copy to producer and copy to case file) WA3re frrIL.ILAT[ON PLAN C J°if i — %oA--- TAUbL' 1: ACRUS OWNED BY I'ItUDUCUlt JV x ��EaseD � ;'lt11C'1' i'IL'LU SOIL 'I'YE: & CLASS-- C:I1Ul' Y1L'LU i,U5 CUN{14 I 1}i;lt LUo ACIl1J5 R41 UCTEI MINING PHASE C:UUC A1d 14 AC LU PUR AC r �A r�14E V, OMC A1.0 X WdF .. q jw sS2- ''� /, �zo�r zf^0'AF I Zervdr" 3 ZovE St 'Ile � I I � . .-L ,2./zY r-< F/-F-F q 0 . 12 ail .2 / .7-- -2/2 ---- Ar;ico ct.� G�-.y�.�•�rr •J /'toS J�/4 ?tr : A/r d , a W- d 1 erator:TOMMY VANN County: SAMPSON Date: 05/11/94 _stance'to nearest residence (other than owner): 1500.0 feet AVERAGE LIVE WEIGHT (ALW) O sows (farrow to finish) x 1417 lbs. = 0 lbs 0 sows (farrow to feeder) x 522 lbs. = 0 lbs 0 head (finishing only) x 135 lbs. - 0 lbs 0 sows (farrow to wean) x 433 lbs. = 0 lbs 3552 head (wean to feeder) x 30 lbs. = 106560 lbs Describe other : 0 Total Average Live Weig t = 106560 lbs MINIMUM REQUIRED TREATMENT VOLUME OF LAGOON Volume = 106560 lbs. ALW x Treatment Volume (CF)/lb. ALW Treatment Volume (CF)/lb. ALW = 1 CF/lb. ALW Volume = 106560 cubic feet STORAGE VOLUME FOR SLUDGE ACCUMULATION n1pT =etCGODE D 47— O WiVig,eS Volume = 0.0 cubic feet . TOTAL DESIGNED VOLUME Inside top length (feet) --------------------- 230.0 Inside top width (feet)---------------------- 120.0 Top of dike elevation (feet) ----------------- 52.2 Bottom of lagoon elevation (feet)------------- 41.2 Freeboard (feet)----------------------------- 1.0 Side slopes (inside lagoon)------------------- 3.0 1 Total design volume using prismoidal formula SS/END1 SS/END2 SS/SIDE1 SS/SIDE2 LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 224.0 114.0 10.0 AREA OF TOP LENGTH * WIDTH = 224.0 114.0 25536 (AREA OF TOP) AREA OF BOTTOM LENGTH * WIDTH = ,- 164.0 54.0 8856 (AREA OF BOTTOM) AREA OF MIDSECTION - LENGTH * WIDTH * 4 194.0 84.0 65184 (AREA OF MIDSECTION * 4) CU. FT. = AAREA TOP + (4*AREA MIDSECTION) + AREA BOTTOMO * DEPTH/6 25536.0 65184.0 8856.0 1• Total Designed Volume Available = 165960 CU. FT. TP-APORARY STORAGE REQUIRED 11 DRAINAGE AREA: Lagoon (top of dike) Length * Width = 230.0 120.0 27600.0 square feet Buildings (roof and lot water) 0.0 square feet Describe this area. TOTAL DA 27600.0 square= feet Design temporary storage period to be 180 days. Volume of waste produced Feces & urine production in gal./day per 135 lb. ALW 1.37 Volume = 106560 lbs. ALW/135 lbs. ALW * 1.37 gal/day 180 days Volume = 194650 gals. or 26022.7 cubic feet Volume of wash water This is the amount of fresh water used for washing floors or volume of fresh water used for a flush system. Flush systems that recirculate the lagoon water are accounted for in 5A. Volume = 0.0 gallons/day * Volume = 0.0 cubic feet 180 days storage/7.48 gallons per CF Volume of rainfall in excess of evaporation Use period of time when rainfall exceeds evaporation by largest amount 180 days excess rainfall - 7.0 inches Volume = 7.0 in * DA / 12 inches per foot • Volume = 16100.0 cubic feet aI i D. Volume of 25 year - 24 hour storm Volume = 7.0 inches / 12 inches per foot * DA Volume = 16100.0 cubic feet TOTAL REQUIRED TEMPORARY STORAGE 5A. 26023 cubic feet 5B. 0 cubic feet 5C. 16100 cubic feet 5D. 16100 cubic feet TOTAL 58223 cubic feet S. SUMMARY Temporary storage period====================> 180 days Rainfall in excess of evaporation===========> 7.0 inches 25 year - 24 hour rainfall==================> 7.0 inches Freeboard===================================> 1.0 feet Side slopes______________________ _=====T==> 3.0 : 1 Inside top length===========================> 230.0 feet Inside top width======= ====================> 120.0 feet Top of dike elevation=======================> 52.2 feet Bottom of lagoon elevation==================> 41.2 feet Total required volume=======================> 164783 cu. ft. Actual design volume========================> 165960 cu. ft. Seasonal high watertable elevation (SHWT)===> 46.0 feet Stop pumping elev.__________________________> 48.6 feet Must be > or = to the SHWT elev.==========> 46.0 feet Must be > or = to min.-req. treatment el.=> 47.2 feet Required minimum treatment volume===========> 106560 cu. ft. Volume at stop pumping elevation============> 106621 cu. ft. Start pumping elev.====_____________________> 50.5 feet Must be at bottom of freeboard & 25 yr. rainfall Actual volume less 25 yr.- 24 hr. rainfall==> 149860 cu. ft. Volume at start pumping elevation===========> 149544 cu. ft. Required volume to be pumped================> 42123 cu. ft. Actual, volume planned to be pumped==========> 42924 cu: ft. Min. thickness of soil liner when required==> 1.6 feet f 7. DESIGNED BY:a-)-,z -C/-iAPPROVED BY: DATE: S! aj' — DATE: _ NOTE: SEE ATTACHED WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN COMMENTS: ---�__._- . . J:. _�F Mr-. CERTIFIED ANIMAL WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN WETTABLE ACRES WORKSHEET , Farm Name: -;rzzbi - Facility Number: _ Z _ 3 7v Manager or Producer h.4 r/.t vim/ Phone # (firs ),56 V - t.,.Tv 9 Technical Specialist:. ?,f &:�E" let' Phone # CLe ) 4 fz - `7!6 / Facility Contact: -"_ ---f ✓4�' _ Phone # (Lia -) 54 V ,) o 7 Mailing Address: c2 2&�-G P44.r cc Of %(& . - - ca._j . C. 2r3 2,S--" Was farm sited for animals prior to 10/1/95: a No If No, date farm sited for animals: I I Irrigation System Type (Check all that apply) Stationary sprinkler with permanent pipe Stationary sprinkler with portable pipe ^� Stationary gun with permanent pipe Stationary gun with portable pipe Center -pivot system T Linear -move system Hose drag traveler Acres calculated should correspond to that shown in the Waste Utilization Plan and Form IRR-2. - To the best of my knowledge, this worksheets) and map(s) provides an accurate representation of the system used to irrigate the animal waste generated by this operation. Sjpngure (Manager or Producer) 0 1 // /-22- Date CAWMP STATIONARY GUN SYSTEM WURPERMANL4 NT PIP DATA -SHEET* 1. Gunmake and model number 2. Gun nozzle size - V / inch. _ ,l ring orifice, taper orifice. (May need to measure gun nozzle diameter.) 3. Gun spacing Z k�o feet by _ /_ gv feet 4. Operating pressure at the gun _J�Cpsi, or 5. Gun wetted diameter ;?,2 3 feet. measured 'determined from gun chart b. Number of guns operating at one time Z____ 7. Total number of guns or gun locations in the system Exterior Sprinklers: �art circle / 3 -full circle Interior Sprinklers: _part circle _full circle ** 8. Lateral line size inch. If more than one size, indicate size and approximate length of each. Can be done on the map. * * 9. Lateral line length feet. Longest lateral * * l 0. Supply line size inch. If more than one size, indicate size and approximate length of each. Can be done on the map. * * 11. Supply line length feet. Maximum pumping distance. * * 12. Pump make and model number * * 13. Pump capacity gpm ** 14. Engine make and model number , or * * 15. Electric motor horsepower and rpm hp rpm Note: It is strongly recommended that sprinkler wetted diameter be field measured. It should be done at the end of the longest lateral. * Locate each gun or gun location on the map. Indicate whether full -circle or part -circle. Show the location of the supply line. Irrigated acres will be determined by lateral line or by field. * * Optional data, furnish where possible. * * * Information fumished by � _ ! and/ � L::� Signature of er or Facility Representative Sigma of Technical 5peeial' h, Y L t C Yr f/ "J 3. t C� - Printed Name of Owner or Facility Representative Printed Name ofTedmicW Specialist Date_ j UC // ._ Date c-7e• *** Only the person or persons collecting the -data should sign the data sheet. r4 & -5 Z4" 4F-Frf c-,c � Y 114 zowe- 00, 17 FA CAWMP WETTABLE ACRE COMPUTATIONAL WORKSHEET l . Farm Number (Identification) 7L — 3 r%y Field Number (Identification) Z ,:7A/E SP�i/viC/Cr2 7 �-� 31 2. Irrigation System Designation Existing Irrigation System New / Expanded Irrigation System 3. Type of Irrigation System Stationary Sprinkler/j .,-r Hard -Hose Traveler Center Pivot Linear -move System 4. Number of Stationary Sprinklers # Interior sprinklers^ # Exterior sprinklers Number of Travel Lanes # Interior Lanes # Exterior Lanes 5. Wetted Diameter r2.2 3 [feet] From field data sheet Length of pull [feet] 6. Spacing / j'o Lateral / Hydrant Spacing [feet] [as percentage of wetted diameter] 8b Sprinkler spacing along lateral [feet] J10 _ [as percentage of wetted diameter] 7. Sprinkler or Hydrant Layout Multiple Laterals/Hydrants Single Lateral/Hydrant Excessively spaced Sprinklers/Hydrants 8. Read the irrigated area per sprinkler/travel pull for the given wetted diameter from the appropriate tabale and column based on pattern, spacing, and sprinkler/travel lane location. Stationary Sprinklers Acres per Interior sprinkler from Table Column 53 / Acres per Exterior sprinkler from Table _� Column Traveler: Interior Hydrant (travel lane) (a) Acres start end of pull from Table Column (b) Acres middle portion of pull (Pull Length [feet] X Wetted Width [feet]} / 43,560 (c) Acres stop end of pull from Table Column Total acres for Interior pull (Sum: a + b + c) Traveler: Exterior Hydrant (travel lane) (a) Acres start end of pull from Table Column (b) Acres middle portion of pull {Pull Length [feet] X Wetted Width [feet]}/ 43,560 (c) Acres stop end of pull from Table Column Total acres for Exterior pull (Sum: a + b + c) 9. Multiply the tabulated irrigated acreage value per sprinkler or travel pull by the number of sprinklers or pulls of each category in the field. Sum all of these and this is the total irrigated acreage for the field. (a) Acres per Interior Sprinkler or Pull X # Sprinklers or Pulls = Acres —531 (b) Acres per Exterior Sprinkler or Pull X # Sprinklers or Pulls = . i Acres a. 11 Total Wettable Acre for field (Sum: 9a + 9b) Wettable Acre Computational Worksheet Completed by: z,y.✓ �7�� _ _ Date: CAWMP WETTABLE ACRE COMPUTATIONAL WORKSIIEET 1. Farm Number (Identification) if Z - 3 (7 Field Number (Identification) Z o-yt. 4 . - S-I°.cl,V'0+rce z -At -5— 6 7 2. Irrigation System Designation Existing Irrigation System New / Expanded Irrigation System 3. Type of Irrigation System Stationary Sprinkler/Gkw Hard -hose Traveler Center Pivot _ � Linear -move System 4. Number of Stationary Sprinklers / # Interior sprinklers .3 # Exterior sprinklers Number of Travel Lanes # Interior Lanes # Exterior Lanes 5. Wetted Diameter 3 [feet] From field data sheet Length of pull [feet] 6. Spacing / eo Lateral / Hydrant Spacing [feet] [as percentage of wetted diameter] /610,rp Sprinkler spacing along lateral [feet] rO [as percentage of wetted diameter] 7. Sprinkler or Hydrant Layout ` Multiple Laterals/Hydrants Single Lateral/Hydrant Excessively spaced Sprinklers/Hydrants B. Read the irrigated area per sprinkler/travel pull for the given wetted diameter from the appropriate tabale and column based on pattern, spacing, and sprinkler/travel lane location. Stationary Sprinklers . 53 I Acres per Interior sprinkler from Table _ Column , _3 / Acres per Exterior sprinkler from Table Column C_ Traveler: Interior Hydrant (travel lane) (a) Acres start end of pull from Table Column (b) Acres middle portion of pull (Pull Length [feet] X Wetted Width [feet]) / 43,560 (c) Acres stop end of pull from Table Column Total acres for Interior pull (Sum: a + b + c) Traveler: Exterior Hydrant (travel lane) (a) Acres start end of pull from Table Column (b) Acres middle portion of pull (Pull Length [feet] X Wetted Width [feet])/ 43,560 (c) Acres stop end of pull from Table Column Total acres for Exterior pull (Sum: a + b + c) 9. Multiply the tabulated irrigated acreage value per sprinkler or travel pull by the number of sprinklers or pulls of each category in the field. Sum all of these and this is the total irrigated acreage for the field. 53 / (a) Acres per Interior Sprinkler or Pull X / # Sprinklers or Pulls = Acres 53 / (b) Acres per Exterior Sprinkler or Pull X 3 # Sprinklers or Pulls = _/. Sys Acres a . i -2- Total Wettable Acre for field (Sum: 9a + 9b) Wettable Acre Computational Worksheet Completed by: Date: . CAWMP WETTABLE ACRE COMPUTATIONAL WORKSUEET 1. Farm Number (Identification) — ,3 70 _ Field Number (Identification) o03 ^ 2, Irrigation System Designation Existing Irrigation System r=" New / Expanded Irrigation System 3. Type of Irrigation System Stationary Sprinkler/Ctw _ Hard -Hose Traveler Center Pivot Linear -move System 4. Number of Stationary Sprinklers 2— # Interior sprinklers �2 - # Exterior sprinklers Number of Travel Lanes # Interior Lanes # Exterior Lanes 5. Wetted Diameter_ [feet] From field data sheet Length of pull [feet] 6. Spacing /,Vy Lateral / Hydrant Spacing [feet] [as percentage of wetted diameter] /to Sprinkler spacing along lateral [feet] 4E p [as percentage of wetted diameter] 7. Sprinkler or Hydrant Layout / Multiple Laterals/Hydrants Single Lateral/Hydrant Excessively spaced Sprinklers/Hydrants 8. Read the irrigated area per sprinkler/travel pull for the given wetted diameter from the appropriate tabale and column based on pattern, spacing, and sprinkler/travel lane location. Stationary Sprinklers 1,53/ Acres per Interior sprinkler. from Table �� Column 5J / Acres per Exterior sprinkler from Table rn Column Traveler: Interior Hydrant (travel lane) (a) Acres start end of pull from Table Column (b) Acres middle portion of pull {Pull Length [feet] X Wetted Width [feet]) / 43,560 (c) Acres stop end of pull from Table Column Total acres for Lnterior pull (Sum: a + b + c) Traveler: Exterior Hydrant (travel lane) (a) Acres start end of pull from Table Column (b) Acres middle portion of pull {Pull Length [feet] X Wetted Width [feet])/ 43,560 (c) Acres stop end of pull from Table Column Total acres for Exterior pull (Sum: a + b + c) - 9. Multiply the tabulated irrigated acreage value per sprinkler or travel pull by the number of sprinklers or pulls of each category in the field. Sum all of these and this is the total irrigated acreage for the field. . 53 / (a) Acres per Interior Sprinkler or Pull X ;?— # Sprinklers or Pulls = /. 0 6 Z Acres . S31 (b) Acres per Exterior Sprinkler or Pull X �— # Sprinklers or Pulls = /. p G Z Acres . / z Y- Total Wettable Acre for field (Sum: 9a + 9b) Wettable Acre Computational Worksheet Completed by: /-2�tf--j /3-r-;1 Date: CAWMP WETTABLE ACRE COMPUTATIONAL WORKSIIEET a' 1. Farm Number (Identification) ?Z - 3 70 Field Number (Identification) zow 5� 131 2.. Irrigation System Designation Existing Irrigation System New / Expanded Irrigation System 3. Type of Irrigation System Stationary Sprinkler/&. Hard-flose Traveler Center Pivot _ _ Linear -move System 4. Number of Stationary Sprinklers # Interior sprinklers _ # Exterior sprinklers Number of Travel Lanes # Interior Lanes # Exterior Lanes 5. Wetted Diameter .22-[feet] From field data sheet Length of pull [feet] 6. Spacing /,�y Lateral / Hydrant Spacing [feet] [as percentage of wetted diameter] / k c.) Sprinkler spacing along lateral [feet] ec:) — [as percentage of wetted diameterl 7. Sprinkler or Hydrant Layout --- Multiple Laterals/Hydrants Single Lateral/Hydrant Excessively spaced Sprinklers/Hydrants 8. Read the irrigated area per sprinkler/travel pull for the given wetted diameter from the appropriate tabale and column based on pattern, spacing, and sprinkler/travel lane location. Stationary Sprinklers Acres per Interior sprinkler from Table Column . S� Acres per Exterior sprinkler from Table `� Column C� Traveler: Interior Hydrant (travel lane) (a) Acres start end of pull from Table Column (b) Acres middle portion of pull (Pull Length [feet] X Wetted Width [feet)) / 43,560 (c) Acres stop end of pull from Table Column Total acres for Interior pull (Sum: a + b + c) Traveler: Exterior Hydrant (travel lane) (a) Acres start end of pull from Table Column (b) Acres middle portion of pull (Pull Length [feet] X Wetted Width [feet])/ 43,560 (c) Acres stop end of pull from Table _ Column Total acres for Exterior pull (Sum: a + b + c) 9. Multiply the tabulated irrigated acreage value per sprinkler or travel pull by the number of sprinklers or pulls of each category in the field. Sum all of these and this is the total irrigated acreage for the field. (a) Acres per Interior Sprinkler or Pull X # Sprinklers or Pulls = Acres S-7/ (b) Acres per Exterior Sprinkler or Pull X � # Sprinklers or Pulls = /2- >f- Acres .12- Total Wettable Acre for field (Sum: 9a + 9b) Wettable Acre Computational Worksheet Completed by: Dater State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT RE UESTED Tommy Vann PATTOM 2286 Parker Memorial Rd Clinton NC 28328 Dear Tommy Vann: ffl?W'A IT 00 NCDENR NORTH , AROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES July 2, 2001 , JUL 13 2001 DWQ Subject: Notification for Wettable Acre Determination Animal Waste Management System PATTOM Facility Number 82-370 Sampson County A letter dated January 15, 1999 was sent to advise you about concerns associated with Certified Animal Waste Management Plans and the method by which the irrigated acres within the plans were calculated. Only the acres that are wetted can be credited in the waste management plan as receiving waste application. Any acreage within the plan that can not be reached by waste application equipment can not be used as part of your plan. An evaluation by Scott Faircloth on 3/3/99 was made to review the actual number of acres at your facility that receive animal waste during land application. The evaluation of your facility has yielded one of the following two results as indicated by the box marked with an "X". Category 1: ❑ The evaluation of your facility could not be completed due to a lack of information. Please contact your Technical Specialist to assist in providing Scott Faircloth the necessary information to potentially exempt your facility from undergoing a complete wettable acre determination. Please submit this information to Scott Faircloth, at 225 Green Street, Suite 714, Fayetteville, NC 28301, within in 90 days of the receipt of this letter. If you have any questions please contact Scott Faircloth at (910) 486-1541. If within 90 days you are unable to provide Scott Faircloth with the information you are automatically required to complete a Wettable Acre Determination as described by Category 2 below, within 180 days of receipt of this letter. 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina Z7699-1617 Telephone 919-733-5083 Fax 919-715-6048 An Equal Opportunity AMrmative Action Employer 50% recycle&10% post -consumer paper Notification for Wettable Acre Determination Animal Waste Management System Page 2 Category 2: J, Your facility has been identified by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources as a facility that may have overestimated the number of acres actually receiving animal waste. Therefore, some or all of your fields may be exceeding the allowable loading rates set in your Certified Animal Waste Management Plan. In order to resolve this issue, please contact a designated Technical Specialist to have him or her conduct a Wettable Acre Determination for your facility. The Technical Specialist must be one that has been approved by the Soil and Water Conservation Commission to conduct Wettable Acre Determinations. Many Technical Specialist with the N.C. Cooperative Extension Service, the Soil and Water Conservation Districts, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Division of Soil and Water Conservation have received this special designation. You may also contact a private Technical Specialist who has received this designation, or a Professional Engineer. All needed modifications to your Animal Waste Management System must be made and the Wettable Acres Determination Certification must be returned to DWQ within the next 180 days. If the needed modifications are not made and if the form is not returned within the required time, DWQ will be forced to take appropriate enforcement actions to bring this facility into compliance. These actions may include civil penalty assessments, permit revocation, and/or injunctive relief. Once a Wettable Acre Determination has been completed, a copy of the attached Wettable Acre Determination Certification must be submitted to the address listed on the form. Please note that both the owner and the Technical Specialist must sign the certification. A copy of all the Wettable Acre Determination documentation that applies to your Waste Utilization Plan must be kept at your facility. DWQ and the Division of Soil & Water Conservation Staff will review all documentation during their annual visit of your facility. An additional copy must by kept on file at the local Soil & Water Conservation District Office. Please note that if you install or modify your irrigation system, a designated Irrigation Specialist or a Professional Engineer must also sign the Wettable Acre Determination Certification. Please be advised that nothing in this letter should be taken as removing from you the responsibility or liability for failure to comply with any State Rule, State Statute, Local County Ordinance, or permitting requirement. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to contact Sonya Avant of our Central Office staff at (919) 733-5083 ext. 571. Sincerely, \ Z!�! -*t� Kerr T. Stevens cc: Fayetteville Regional Office Sampson County Soil and Water Conservation District Facility File Carroll's Foods, Inc. State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary February 2, 2001 TOMMY VANN PATTOM 2286 PARKER MEMORIAL RD CLINTON NC 28328 NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL REsouRGE5 Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. AWS820370 PATTOM Swine Waste Collection, Treatment, Storage and Application System Sampson County Dear Mr. Vann: In accordance with your application received on December 7, 2000, and response to additional information request, received January 26, 2001; we are forwarding this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Tommy Vann, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste collection, treatment, storage and land application system in accordance with General Permit AWG 100000. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the management of animal waste from the PATTOM, located in Sampson County, with an animal capacity of no greater than 3552 Wean to Feeder swine and the application to land as specified in the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP). The COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until April 30, 2003. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP, and this COC, with no discharge of wastes to surface waters. An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this farm. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of stocked animals above the number authorized by this COC will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and shall be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. The facility's CAWMP meets all requirements in place at the time of certification. However, it appears that the irrigation system on site may not adequately cover all acreage listed in the Waste Utilization Plan. The owner should address this inconsistency as soon as possible. 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-715-6048 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Certificate of Coverage AWS820370 ' PATTOM Page 2 Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143-215.6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. Upon notification by the Division of this COC's expiration, you shall apply for its renewal. This request shall be made within 30 days of notification by the Division. This COC is not automatically transferable. A name/ownership change application must be submitted to the DWQ prior to a name change or change in ownership. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual non -discharge permit by contacting the engineer listed- below for information on this process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding. The subject farm is located in the Fayetteville Regional Office. The Regional Office Water Quality Staff may be reached at (910) 486-1541. 1f you need additional information concerning this COC or the General Permit, please contact Theresa Nartea at (919) 733-5083 ext. 375. Si cerely, err T. Stevens cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all cc's) Sampson County Health Department FEB 13 2001 Faye' deville Regional Office, Water Quality Section Sampson County Soil and Water Conservation District PA Cam! EVILLE Permit File NDPU Files State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Non -Discharge Permit Application Form (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) General Permit - Existing Animal Waste Operations The following questions have been completed utilizing information on file with the Division. Please review the information for completeness and make any corrections that are appropriate. If a question has not been completed by the Division, please complete as best as possible. Do not leave any question unanswered. 1. GENERAL INFOPUNUTION: RECEIVED I Facility Name: PATTOM ntr 7 411l1€I 1.2 Print Land Owner's name: Tommy Vann 1.3 Mailing address: -2286 Parker Memorial Rd WATER QU nrna 1?ea i ng City, State: Clinton NC Zip: Telephone Number (include area (;ode): 564-4509 1.4 County where facility is located: Sampson 1.5 Facility Location (Directions from nearest major highway. Please include SR numbers for state roads. Please include a copy of a county road map with the location of the farm identified): RR 1006 2 miles SW_ of Piney Green. From Clinton take 421S. to Kittv Fork turn left on RR 1006 gopast Piney Green 2 miles on left. 1.6 Print Farm Manager's name (if different from Land Owner): 1.7 Lessee's 1 Integrator's name (if applicable; please circle which type is listed): Carroll's Foods. Inc. - 1.8 Date Facility Originally Began Operation: 1I1/1 1.9 Date(s) of Facility Expansion(s) (if applicable): 2. OPERATION INFORMATION: 2.1 Facility No.: 82_ (county number); 370 (facility number). 2-2 Operation Description: Swine operation Wean to Feeder 3552- Certified Design Capacity Is the above information correct? yes: �no. If no, correct below using the design capacity of the facility The "No. of Animals" should be the maximum number for which the waste management structures were designed. Type of Swine 0 Wean to Feeder 0 Feeder to Finish 0 Farrow to Wean (# sow) 0 Farrow to Feeder (# sow) 0 Farrow to Finish (# sow) No. of Animals Tv e of Poultry No. of Animals Other Type of Livestock on the farm -- 0 Laver 0 Non -Laver 0 Turkey Type of Cattle No. of Animals 0 Dairy 0 Beef No. of Animals: FORM: AWO-G-E 717199 Page 1 of 4 82 - 370 V, 3. 2.3 Acreage cleared and available for application (excluding all required buffers and areas not covered by the application system): _ _ _ 37.00 ; Required Acreage (as listed in the AWMP): ' 5 2.4 Number of lagoons/ storage ponds (circle which is applicable): 1� 2.5 Are subsurface drains present within 100' of any of the application fields? YES or N (please circle one) 2.6 Are subsurface drains present in the vicinity or under the lagoon(s)? YES or NO (please circle one) 2.7 Does this facility meet all applicable siting requirements? (Swine Farm Siting Act, NRCS Standards, etc.) (Swine Only) YES or NO (please circle one) What was the date that this facility's swine houses and lagoon were sited? ql(a What was the date that this facility's land application areas were sited? REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Please indicate that you have included the following required items by signing your initials in the space provided next to each item_ 4 Applicants Initials 3.1 One completed and signed original and one copy of the application for General Permit - Animal Waste Operations; 3.2 Two copies of a general location map indicating the location of the animal waste facilities and field locations where animal waste is land applied: 3.3 Two copies of the entire Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWNIP). If the facility does not have a CAWMP, it must be completed prior to submittal of a general permit application for animal waste operations. The CAW -MP must include the following components. Some of these components nza.y nor have been required at the time the facilin- was certified but should be added to the CAWNIP for permitting purposes: 3.3.1 The Waste Utilization Plan (WUP) must include the amount of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) produced and utilized by the facility. 3.3 2 The method by which waste is applied to the disposal fields (e.g. irrigation, injection, etc.) 3.3.3 A map of every field used for land application. 3.3.4 The soil series present on every land application field. 3.3.5 The crops brown on every land application field. 3.3.6 The Realistic Yield Expectation (RYE) for every crop shown in the WUP. 3.3.7 Tire PAN applied to every land application field. 3.3.8 The waste application windows for every crop utilized in the WUP. 3.3.9 The required NRCS Standard specifications. 3.3.10 A site schematic. 3.3.11 Emergency Action Plan. 3.3.12 Insect Control Checklist with chosen best management practices noted. 3.3.13 Odor Control Checklist with chosen best management practices noted. 3.3.14 Mortality Control Checklist with the selected method noted. 3.3.15 Lagoon storage pond capacity documentation (design, calculations, etc.). Please be sure to include any site evaluations, wetland determinations, or hazard classifications that may be applicable to your facility_ 3.3.16 Operation and Maintenance Plan. If your CAWNiP includes any components not shown on this list, please include the additional components with your submittal- { FORNI: AWO-G-E 7/7199 Page 2 of 4 82 - 370 Facility Number: 82 - 370 Facility Name: PATTOM 4. -APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION: I, f b M tit t_ f V ALL 0 (Land Owner's name listed in question 1.2), attest that this application for 1 i7D (Facility name listed in question I.1) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to as incompl e. Signature lo Date 5. MANAGER'S CERTIFICATION: (complete only if different from the Land Owner) I, (Manager's name listed in question 1.6), attest that this application for (Facility name listed in question 1.1) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included. this application package will be returned as incomplete. Signature Date THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY WATER QUALITY SECTION NON -DISCHARGE PERT IITTING UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 TELFAYO UMBE NE NUM]BER: : (919)(919) 733-0 1950S3R5CEIVED DEC 7 ?R'l WATER QUALITY P���9N Nan-0ischX FORM: AWO-G-E 7/7/99 Page 3 of 4 82 - 370 A .T_i L WASTE K NACEZaNT PLAN CMRTI2ICA:IOt7 FOR ZZISTING PEEJLOTS I Pleas• return the completed form to the Division of En'Tiro=ental Mana,emer_t at the address on the reverse side of this form. Naine of farm (Please print),.- Mal z .-; tiddress : •Z�'�_�P ati' i Phone No. 3 6T3U 2! - C_�(�5nn Count-, (of farm) � arm _.,^r._azio: Latitude and Longi,[ude:_U M 10 /,Z 76 creaseatzach a copy of a county road map with locazio; wde z-�zPc- ':`fpe of operation (swine, layer, dp iry, etc.) -5a A., o Lesicn capacity (number of animals: oZ Average -size of operation (12 month population avg.): Average acreage needed for land application of waste (acres):_ �azaazaaslzaa=3sa!!as!!z!!!!!!zelslav!!!!!#!!slaslzas�a�aaaaaa3s=a=�======'=_== 8ah=ical specialist Certification As a technical specialist designated by the Ncrth Carolina Soil and Water Conservation. Commission pursuant to 15A NCAC 6P .0005, _ certi _ that the existing a:.irial waste management system for the fare: named a:oove has an a^_* na_ -4ste plan, that 'aet : the cpL t_- cn an'2 _- te.Ia.._n r� �y-mac M-^ .- s'e::ificazicns of the Division of Env4ronmental Mara;,e_ment a_Zd the S_i� �cnsezvatio- Service and/or the No_th Carolina Soil ar.d Water Conse"vaz�_.. pursua:t to 15A NCAC 2H.0217 and ISA NCAC 67 -slowing elements and ~heir corresponding minimum criteria have been verified -v:ne or other designated technical specialists and are included in the pia.. as app?-cable: minimum separations (buffers) , adequate q-aant:ty and amount of lar.= fcr '.taste utilization for use of third party) ; access or owners :p of propez :taste application equipment; schedule for timing of applications; applicaticn rates; loading rates; and the control of the discharge of pollutants _ro-- stor-mwater runoff events less severe than the 25-year, 24-hour storm. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): A A`;iliation (Agency) ;,_dress: 84 County Complex Rd nton. NC 28328 Phone No.910 592 7963 Signature: Date: U` asszz!!!!!!!!z!!!!sa!!s!!!!!#!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!a#'J!A!!==]!a#ia�aGa owner/xaAager Agreemmut (we) understand the operation and maintenance procedures eszalishec in the acp,oved ar.i:nal waste management rlar, for the far:: name= above a-.d wilt _, ~lemert these procedures. 1 (we) know that any expansion to the existing design capa_it.: o: the waste treatment and storage system or const=-action of new facilities requite a new certification to be submitted to the Division of r—nviro^:aen_a_ Ma.na;ement before the new animals are stocked. I (we) also understand tzar there must be no discharge of animal waste from this system to surface waters cf the snare ei_..__ d_recziy through a man -:Wade conveyance cr z..zoug _k::�:.__ -= st_^7 event --ess severe than the 25-year, 24-h3ur sto=_ The acYzc:rec be =_led at the far-.,, and at the office of the local Seil and water Corse_vaticn tia=e of La:;! mar (Please ?:i^ ) 5 ,-nat-re Vase of Ha�ayaa. _f c:ffere: _ f_on owner (Please ;,z_....) ✓ate. :;t A. c:an__e Ina - oWne;ship rey re czifr_az__. _ z ne+ ._ fi-._:i .-_ays a+ N ` WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN ---------------------- Owners name --:Tommy Vann Mail Address -:Clinton Type of production unit---- :Wean to Feeder Number of animal units -----: 3552 County:Sampson Type of waste facility ----- :Anaerobic Lagoon Temporary storage period ---: 180 days Method of application ------ :Irrigation Amount of animal waste produced-----------------: Amount of plant available N produced by animals-: Commercial N to apply on planned acreage -------- : 1500 tons/year 1705 lbs./year 0 lbs./year Your animal waste utilization plan has been specifically developed for your swine operation. The plan is based on the soil types, crops to be grown, and method of application for your particular operation. The waste must be land applied at a specified rate to prevent pollution of surface and/or ground water. The plant nutrients in the animal waste should be used to reduce the amount of commercial fertilizer required for the crops where the waste is to be applied. This waste utilization plan uses nitrogen as.the limiting nutrient. Waste should be analyzed before each application cycle and annual soil tests are encouraged so that all plant nutrients can be balanced for realistic yields of the crop to be grown. Several factors are important in implementing your waste utilization plan in order to maximize the fertilizer value of the waste and to ensure that it is applied in an environmentally safe manner. Always apply waste based on the needs of the crop to be grown and the nutrient content of the waste. Do not apply more nitrogen than the crop can utilize. Soil types are important as they have different infiltration rates and leaching potential. Waste shall not be applied to land eroding at greater than 5 tons per acre per year. Do not apply waste on saturated soils or on land when the surface is frozen. Either of these conditions may result in runoff to surface waters. Wind conditions should also be considered to avoid drift and downwind odor problems. To maximize the value of nutrients for crop production and to reduce the potential for pollution, the waste should be applied to a growing crop or not more than 30 days prior to planting. Soil incorporation of waste will conserve nutrients and reduce odor problems. l Page 2 The acres needed to apply the animal waste is based on typical nutrient content for this type of facility. Annual acreage requirements may be more or less based on the waste analysis t report for your waste management facility. YOUR WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING: Tract Field Soil Crop Yield Lbs. N Acres Lbs. N Month to Acres to No. No. Type Code /Acre /Unit Used Apply Overseed 10732 3 NoA K 0 100.00 930 S-APRIL 9.3 10732 3 NoA B 5.2 50.00 9.3 2418 MAR-OCT Total 9.3 3348 9.3 Available Nitrogen (includes commercial) 1705 Surplus Or Deficit -1643 Crop codes: Crop -unit A=Barley-bu Y I=Oats-bu. B=Bermudagrass(graze)-tons J=Rye-bu. C--Bermudagrass (hay) -tons --K=Small grain (graze) -acre D=Corn(grain)-bu. L=Small grain(hay)-acre E=Corn(silage)-tons M=Sorghum(grain)-cwt. F=Cotton-lbs. lint W=Wheat-bu. G=Fescue(graze)-tons Y=Fescue(pasture)-tons H=Fescue(hay)-tons Z=Bermudagrass(pasture)-tons Page 3 If more commercial fertilizer is used than shown in this plan, then additional acres of land may be eeded. A three to fifteen feet wide permanent grass filter strip should be seeded along all ditches in fields that receive animal waste. Additional comments: -------------------- Prepared by: r 75!�'j4S Title: S r Date: Concurred in by: ��"""� �[ 4 ---� Date : Producer I understand that I must own or have access to equipment, primarily irrigation equipment, to land apply the animal waste described in this waste utilization plan. This equipment must be available at the appropriate pumping time such that no discharge occurs from the lagoon in a 25-year 1-day storm event. I also certify that the waste will be applied on the la d according to this plan at the appropriate times and at rates that no runoff occurs. Date: Dd.Jz Producer Technical Specialist: 1 k- - Date-. �y (Copy to producer and copy to case file) 4%, 6- i Required Specifications For Animal Waste Management 1. Animal waste shall not reach surface waters of the state by runoff, drift, manmade conveyances, direct application, or direct discharge during operation or land application. Any discharge of waste that reaches surface water is prohibited. 2. There must be documentation in the design fold that the producer either owns or has an agreement for use of adequate land on which to properly apply the waste. If the producer does not own adequate land to properly dispose of the waste, he/she shall provide evidence of an agreement with a landowner, who is within a reasonable proximity, allowing him/her the use of the land for waste application. It is the responsibility of the owner of the waste production facility to secure an update of the Nutrient Management Plan when there is a change in the operation, increase in the number of animals, method of application, receiving crop type, or available land. 3. Animal waste shall be applied to meet, but not exceed, the nitrogen needs for realistic crop yields based upon soil type, available moisture, historical data, climatic conditions, and level of management, unless there are regulations that restrict the rate of applications for other nutrients. 4. Animal waste shall be applied to land eroding less than 5 tons per acre per year. Waste may be applied to land eroding at more than 5 tons per acre per year but less than 10 tons per acre per year provided grass filter strips are installed where runoff leaves the field (see USDA, NRCS Field Office Technical Guide Standard 393 - Filter Strips). 5. Odors can be reduced by injecting the waste or by disking after waste application. Waste should not be applied when there is danger of drift from the land application field. 6. When animal waste is to be applied on acres subject to flooding, waste will be soil incorporated on conventionally tilled cropland. When waste is applied to conservation tilled crops or grassland, the waste may be broadcast provided the application does not occur during a season prone to flooding (see "Weather and Climate in North Carolina" for guidance). 7. Liquid waste shall be applied at rates not to exceed the soil infiltration rate such that runoff does not occur offsite or to surface waters and in a _ ................................. .............................. . . ......... . . ........................................--.---------...........................-..-..-..-------- ---- ----..---------.....---- Preview Database Version 1.05 Date Printed: 01-24-2001 Specification Page 1 method which does not cause drift from the site during application. No ponding should occur in order to control odor and flies. 8. Animal waste shall not be applied to saturated soils, during rainfall events, or when the soil surface is frozen. 9. Animal waste shall be applied on actively growing crops in such a manner that the crop is not covered with waste to a depth that would inhibit growth. The potential for salt damage from animal waste should also be considered. 10. Nutrients from waste shall not be applied in fall or winter for spring planted crops on soils with a high potential for leaching. Waste/nutrient loading rates on these soils should be held to a minimum and a suitable winter cover crop planted to take up released nutrients. Waste shall not be applied more than 30 days prior to planting of the crop or forages breaking dormancy. 11. Any new swine facility sited on or after October 1, 1995 shall comply with the following: The outer perimeter of the land area onto which waste is applied from a lagoon that is a component of a swine farm shall be at least 50 feet from any residential property boundary and canal. Animal waste, other than swine waste from facilities sited on or after October 1, 1995, shall not be applied closer that 25 feet to perennial waters. 12. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 100 feet to wells. 13. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 200 feet of dwellings other than those owned by the landowner. 14. Waste shall be applied in a manner not to reach other property and public right-of-ways. 15. Animal waste shall not be discharged into surface waters, drainageways, or wetlands by a discharge or by over -spraying. Animal waste may be applied to prior converted cropland provided the fields have been approved as a land application site by a "technical specialist". Animal waste shall not be applied on grassed waterways that discharge directly into water courses, and on other grassed waterways, waste shall be applied ar agronomic rates in a manner that causes not runoff or drift from site. .......... ......... .... ... I ... I ... I................... .............. ---- ............ .................................. ... ........................................ .. . ....... ...... ----- .............. Preview Database Version 1.05 Date Printed-. 01-24-2001 Specification Page 2 16. Domestic and industrial waste from washdown facilities, showers, toilets, sinks, etc., shall not be discharged into the animal waste management system. 17. A protective cover of appropriate vegetation will be established on all disturbed areas (lagoon embankments, berms, pipe runs, etc.). Areas shall be fenced, as necessary, to protect the vegetation. Vegetation such as trees, shrubs, and other woody species, etc., are limited to areas where considered appropriate. Lagoon areas should be kept mowed and accessible. Berms and structures should be inspected regularly for evidence of erosion, leakage, or discharge. 18. If animal production at the facility is to be suspended or terminated, the owner is responsible for obtaining and implementing a "closure plan" which will eliminate the possibility of an illegal discharge, pollution, and erosion. 19. Waste handling structures, piping, pumps, reels, etc., should be inspected on a regular basis to prevent breakdowns, leaks, and spills. A regular maintenance checklist should be kept on site. 20. Animal waste can be used in a rotation that includes vegetables and other crops for direct human consumption. However, if animal waste is used on crops for direct human consumption, it should only be applied pre -plant with no further applications of animal waste during the crop season. 21. Highly visible markers shall be installed to mark the top and bottom elevations of the temporary storage (pumping volume) of all waste treatment lagoons. Pumping shall be managed to maintain the liquid level between the markers. A marker will be required to mark the maximum storage volume for waste storage ponds. 22. Waste shall be tested within 60 days of utilization and soil shall be tested at least annually at crop sites where waste products are applied. Nitrogen shall be the rate -determining nutrient, unless other restrictions require waste to be applied based on other nutrients, resulting in a lower application rate than a nitrogen based rate. Zinc and copper levels in the soils shall be monitored and alternative crop sites shall be used when these Preview Database Version 1.05 Date Printed: 01-24-2001 Specification Page 3 metals approach excessive levels. pH shall be adjusted and maintained for optimum crop production. Soil and waste analysis records shall be kept for a minimum of five years. Poultry dry waste application records shall be maintained for a minimum of three years. Waste application records for all other waste shall be maintained for a minimum of five years. 23. Dead animals will be disposed of in a manner that meets North Carolina regulations. .......................... . . . ......... -- ... -....----------- --------- ........... ..... --.. --.................. --...................-- .--..................... Preview Database Version 1.05 Date Printed: 01-24-2001 Specification Page 4 4k l4kT.- 4L '4 41 F5 VIM . ti . Ir vn 6 P., T1 Z 'iA Operator:TOMMY VANN County: SAMPSON Date: 05/11/94 Distance to nearest residence (other than owner): 1500.0 feet 1. AVERAGE LIVE WEIGHT (ALW) 0 sows (farrow to finish) x 1417 lbs. = 0 lbs 0 sows (farrow to feeder) x 522 lbs. = 0 lbs 0 head (finishing only) x 135 lbs. = 0 lbs 0 sows (farrow to wean) x 433 lbs. = 0 lbs 3552 head (wean to 'feeder) x 30 lbs. - 106560 lbs Describe other : 0 Total Average Live Weight = 106560 lbs 2. MINIMUM REQUIRED TREATMENT VOLUME OF LAGOON Volume = 106560 lbs. ALW x Treatment Volume(CF)/lb. ALW Treatment Volume(CF)/lb. ALW = 1 CF/lb. ALW Volume = 106560 cubic feet 3. STORAGE VOLUME FOR SLUDGE ACCUMULATION /VoT 7�'mc vDE D Wovr-es Volume = 0.0 cubic feet �E40ESr. 4. TOTAL DESIGNED VOLUME Inside top length ( feet) ----------------------- 230.0 Inside top width (feet)---------------------- 120.0 Top of dike elevation feet -------- 52.2 Bottom of lagoon elevation (feet)------------- 41.2 Freeboard (feet)----------------------------- 1.0 Side slopes (inside lagoon)------------------ 3.0 : 1 Total design volume using prismoidal formula SS/END1 SS/END2 SS/SIDE1 SS/SIDE2 LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 224.0 114.0 10.0 AREA OF TOP LENGTH * WIDTH = 224.0 114.0 AREA OF BOTTOM LENGTH * WIDTH = 164.0 54.0 25536 (AREA OF TOP) 8856 (AREA OF BOTTOM) AREA OF MIDSECTION LENGTH * WIDTH * 4 194.0 84.0 65184 (AREA OF MIDSECTION * 4) CU. FT. = AAREA TOP + (4*AREA MIDSECTION) + AREA BOTTOMtJ * DEPTH/6 25536.0 65184.0 8856.0 1• Total Designed Volume Available = 165960 CU. FT. 5. TEMPORARY STORAGE REQUIRED DRAINAGE AREA: Lagoon (top of dike) Length * Width = 230.0 120.0 27600.0 square feet Buildings (roof and lot water) 0.0 square feet Describe this area. TOTAL DA 27600.0 square feet Design temporary storage period to be 180 days. 5A. Volume of waste produced Feces & urine production in gal./day per 135 lb. ALW 1.37 Volume = 106560 lbs. ALW/135 lbs. ALW * 1.37 gal/day 180 days Volume = 194650 gals. or 26022.7 cubic feet 5B. Volume of wash water This is the amount of fresh water used for washing floors or volume of fresh water used for a flush system. Flush systems that recirculat( the lagoon water are accounted for in 5A. Volume = 0.0 gallons/day * 180 days storage/7.48 gallons per CF Volume = 0.0 cubic feet 5C. Volume of rainfall in excess of evaporation Use period of time when rainfall exceeds evaporation by largest amount 180 days excess rainfall - 7.0 inches Volume = 7.0 in * DA / 12 inches per foot Volume = 16100.0 cubic feet 5D. Volume of 25 year - 24 hour storm Volume = 7.0 inches / 12 inches per foot * DA Volume = 16100.0 cubic feet TOTAL REQUIRED TEMPORARY STORAGE 6. SUMMARY 7. 5A. 26023 cubic feet 5B. 0 cubic feet 5C. 16100 cubic feet 5D. 16100 cubic feet TOTAL 58223 cubic feet Temporary storage period==============- ====> 180 days Rainfall in excess of evaporation=== =======> 7.0 inches 25 year - 24 hour rainfall========_ ========> 7.0 inches Freeboard=========== =====================_=> 1.0 feet Side slopes========= =====================_=> 3.0 : 1 Inside top length===========================> 230.0 feet Inside top width============================> 120.0 feet Top of dike elevation=======================> 52.2 feet Bottom of lagoon elevation==================> 41.2 feet Total required volume=======================> 164783 cu. ft. Actual design volume =======================> 165960 cu. ft. Seasonal high watertable elevation (SHWT)===> 46.0 feet Stop pumping elev.====_______________—__=__> 48.6 feet Must be > or = to the SHWT elev.==========> 46.0 feet Must be > or = to min. req. treatment el.=> 47.2 feet Required minimum treatment volume===========> 106560 cu. ft. Volume at stop pumping elevation============> 106621 cu. ft. Start pumping elev.==_______________________> 50.5 feet Must be at bottom of freeboard & 25 yr. rainfall Actual volume less 25 yr.- 24 hr. rainfall==> 149860 cu. ft. Volume at start pumping elevation===========> 149544 cu. ft. Required volume to be pumped================> 42123 cu. ft. Actual volume planned to be pumped==========> 42924 cu. ft. Min. thickness of so�jil� liner when required==> 1.6 feet DESIGNED APPROVED BY: DATE: SIIZ�� DATE: NOTE: SEE ATTACHED WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN COMMENTS: * . U. S. Daparta t of Asricultnn Wi 1 Gone mt4ae sa r4a , K4n-34 ii so HAZARD CLTSIFICATION DATA SW FOR VMS Landowner I,--) rn f,., county p.s o Community or Group No. Conservation Plan No. Estimated Depth of Water to Top of Dam I Z Ft. Length of Flood Pool z 3 o Ft. Date of Field Hazard Investigation S /1 Z j 9 L} Evaluation by reach of flood plain downstream to the point of estimated minor effect from sudden dam failure. Est. ETev. :Est. Elevafifo--n Kind of :Improvements: of Breach Reach: Length: Width: Slope: Land Use Improvements : Above :Floodtirater Above Flood Plain: Flood Plain t. Ft. Ft. t. 1 2 Zoo: Wo04�5 3 . Describe potential for loss of life and damage to existing or probable future downstream improvements from a sudden breach A SUDDEN FAT, fipEnE up'jrjji2E wji z Ignl ENDANGER _ LIFE OR DAMAGE PUBLIC TRANSPORTAIDN. Hazard Classification of Dam (a, b, c) (see NEM-Part 520.21) Dam Classification C", By name Ii, III, IV, V) e Concurred 1t! name tit NOTE: 1. Instructions on reverse side. 2. Attach additional sheets as needed. Date 5/ I ZIP r , Date 116TRUCT IONS All daps built with technical assistarce front M Soil Conservation Service must have a hazard classification assigned by the person responsible for approving the design. Most farm ponds, except in borderline cases, can be classified after a complete field investigation without assuming failure and making breach studies. This data sheet is to be used for recording the information obtained through field studies and for documenting the hazard classification. Where there is a possibility for loss of life or major property damage from a dam failure, an approved breach routing procedure is to be used. (Consult with the area engineer.) Hazard classifications of dams are made by evaluating the possibility for loss of life and the extent of damage that would result if the dam should suddenly breach --that is --a section of the dam be suddenly and completely washed out. It is to be assumed that a wall of water will be released equal to the height of the dam. This flood wave will be reduced in height as it moves down the flood plain. The wave height (depth of flooding) should be evaluated for a sufficient distance downstream until the estimated flood level will not cause significant damage to improvements, such as homes, buildings, roads, utilities, reservoirs, etc. The breach flood level will be reduced depending on the val-ley storage, slope, and openess of the flood plain; however, in a narrow steep valley slopes steeper than IOt should be given special consideration. One method of evaagation is to compare available valley storage (under flood conditions) to impoundment storage (figured to the top of the dam) for each reach evaluated with a judgment estimate made of the flood wave height at all critical points downstream. Should there be any questions about the hazard classification for a dam, the area engineer should be consulted before making design commitments. PAID e" of Room MOW 4Mkb M-Vou 9069d PWOW ■wpel. need on 4! • Mar1r p1sd psis s -mod r - swr ■owsh: ps"asis OC-C1srry /awls; /�rr4ss -air! wl�t in - Bril areded gawk-. send -gel six wh - vw An ari of - s wy ins fsl -fins sea* Ift s SP - Poorly Stalled tasda i - Woo zu-Si* sand Si -gravelly loan SC - Clayey sands: send-cia7 nixt res si - silt tit. -Silts. silty, v. fbw a dm; smelly or claryey silt oil -silt loom CL -Clays of low to sedlass plasticity cl -clay lasts CH-Inorpoic CLS" of highs plasticity sicl-silty c!ay lam WH -Elastic silts scl -sandy clay loam OL-Organic silts and silty clays, low plasticity sic -silty clay, OH - orSanic clays. medium to hith plasticity c - clay 1. Suitable meterW .or embankment is iysiiable C Ya o No !lne:w�. rrAm ..caina w. �. i4Uek « ,wsr err REMARKS. 2 373lma barsr:ia raring ayewa atteatum is dosiza rs wam s"s_.sat a'_J NOT: THE SOIL WRINGS BROOM ON TRIB IHVIS4IAATION RNPRESZNT ONLY THAT PARTICULAR CONFIV= hJ= . IF Dt7RnM CONSTRUCTION DIFFSR-=T MATERIALS ARE XNCOUNTMM, XZCESSARY XODIFICATIONS WILL BE MADE IN THE DESIGN. AT TRH TD O OF CERTIFICATION, TH3 MASTS TABATNINT LAQOCW =ST )MIT ALL SCS SPECIFICATIONS IMCLUDIM CLAY LIMB, SAD= SLOP23, CAPACITY AND OTMM -UIJ X 27 ! 8 X U tti 3i 34 S 37 ]a = 0 41 tl 4i 44 ,, r 47 40 81 m 51 T_Io�:�t SC S- EKG• S311 /... 541 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION UMCE SOIL INVESTIGATION TO DETERMINE SUITABILITY OF PROPOSED POND SITE ■ • f • 1640XIIII 410,• • WATIERSKED AREA MIASURINERn O, i -ACRYS PASTURE -ACRES WOODLAND -ACRES TOTAL_,__A ka SKETCH OF •'• f POND SHOWING WHERE BORINGSs ucarm Werwroce "owl m center time of darn and &mft an skafth. ■■rre■err■■■ ■■ee■■r■■e■e■, ■■■r■■■■r■■e� ■■■e■rre■r■r■ rr■■er■■e■r■ NM■■■■■rr■I� ■E■r■IMENNUMEN110■■rrrrre■■■r■■ee■e ■■■ -no ■r■■■■rr ■■ ■r it •w ■�. ew e ■■■p.�i �iiffl�■r di ■■ E ■■ M0=02N■EN■N■e■ee■ ■■■r MASSr NEENEENEEMENE IN%== ■NNEW ■■NS64, rere■r■er vrr. rERWA■eeer■■■ee ■■er■►.r■ rr - ■e�r■eer■■n ■■er■■K�er■■■i■■■■e ■e■e■ ■■■w■■■�:�■■eEr■■■■■■ ■r■e■ e■■r■■■■r■►�re■■■■■r ■■■rr •BORINGi PROFILE C. onftnued art back where secaswn� Skew water table alrovoloons an dam -Joe* borings. �®m�■�■,e;■■�■ ■�■efrar�■j■■�r�er�■�e�efe Vim:®i�l�e�■ ■I■ ■�e:e!�I■i■'■:rlrir�■I■'■!■fr ®m�m�e� r■�eri■i ■��er�r�i�irr�■r.■�r!■ ■i■r�e�r MID �J'■.efii=�ie�■ ■`■'■�■�■e''■:el;rr■ ■�■ ■?��■ cagy® �■■� �■��r ■���■ a �r■ r�■ �wiw ■i�e��e �■�r ■�■►■ �m�■■■■w�■■erw■■■INEEMDORINGS �®■ i -. M pop 1p II i 1•F, , J�1 t}' i�.5' of co cnI 1 i� i ,T— I-- 'j- OC Al `��.• � � �� � � i / I• � f J ?i fl1. , • � �x � _l. ,\ '° 'It icy} �� 'rirpp .�M1yr ;•'I' ' 1 ..'r� �y�/' I .L r i - Oa, cal' _ � •, r: J`.tnar -a ..-I. •';t'1i�r ��r;�"' ,`��'�,e i, - .. .'T�w �,:., , �.r.' 'S; -' +i'� S , , r i..., �• �� .iC j • t+ n i -r ■♦�3 //��ry � a r i. ii�L,. ' r• I. /rM�',.' �- • _ .4 �; a'1 , :.. t.r►!nr!t'. V�'r�+'TA.� 4 , � .wr Y. f • ' • i F.' hr `. 'I,r, a al:'..�ji ,; .,.j`�.• ,.v.fki�.�' 7r" ` °' ' �,^'.. ';a••' (jjfJJJ����'yyy I • � . ly'`� .��s r•y1'•R. 1' 4 � • vr'1 i � ,r ' , -• 1, .T�� i •' � ' �{�,' I] L M „r�jyr�.,.•., � y�, �•.'. ��. •4 1t1�,"_y �' 1 +. •1. I "t�r���.. 'L_ ,''.' a,'T"a','�•.y� _ .. � .��3 ? :�, t ,'•� fir.=' e { "' ��'�.. �„ � `' - i-• r{` �I' ...{•' ^,�, ��}�"�= � .,1,�� �:i3-' e� I .•'-emu � �' .`3'Y. � 'R .i`I s r� �,� �'/ dam', �Ii�C•�' �:L. r ,� �.v , i •�. ' �e,' A �+�' •���� I .'yyri� .4�•�'�"�Y;�x lR r. 1'4 rr. rr ! • is C.•. .•l, ;:m�' �� fit, .,.; , � C+1���'@f'.1;� i �, .. M •��'•K 1 .s' fin. ..f� :r� .. lilt . . . . . . . . . . . Am IVA Pat' SHEET 1 OF 2 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN Tve------------------------------ This lagoon is designed for waste treatment (permanent storage) and 180 days of temporary storage. The time required for the planned fluid level (permanent and temporary storage) to be reached may vary due to site conditions, weather, flushing operations, and the amount of fresh water added to the system. The designed temporary storage consists of 180 days storage for: (1) waste from animals and (2) excess rainfall after evaporation. Also included is storage for the 25 year - 24 hour storm for the location. The volume of waste generated from a given number of animals will be fairly constant throughout the year and from year to year, but excess rainfall will vary from year to year. The 25 year rainfall will not be a factor to consider in an annual pumping cycle, but this storage volume must always be available. A maximum elevation is determined in each design to begin pumping and this is usually the outlet invert of pipe(s) from building(s). If the outlet pipe is not installed at the'elevation to begin pumping, a permanent marker must be installed at this elevation to indicate when pumping should begin. An elevation must be established to stop pumping to maintain lagoon treatment depth. Pumping can be started or stopped at any time between these two elevations for operating convenience as site conditions permit, such as weather, soils, crop, and equipment in order to apply waste without runoff or leaching. Land application of waste water is recognized as an acceptable method of disposal. Methods of application include solid set, center pivot, guns, and traveling gun irrigation. Care should be taken when applying waste to prevent damage to crops. The following items are to be carried out: 1. It is strongly recommended that the treatment lagoon be pre - charged to 1/2 its capacity to prevent excessive odors during start-up. Pre -charging reduces the concentration of the initial waste entering the lagoon thereby reducing odors. Solids should be covered with effluent at all times. When precharging is complete, flush buildings with recycled lagoon liquid. Fresh water should not be used for flushing after initial filling. 2. The attached waste utilization plan shall be followed. This plan recommends sampling and testing of waste (see attachment) before land application. 3. Begin temporary storage pump -out of the lagoon when fluid level reaches the elevation 50.5 as marked by permanent marker. Stop pump - out when the fluid level reaches elevation 48.6 . This temporary storage, less 25 yr- 24 hr storm, contains 42123 cubic feet or 315078 gallons. 9ECEIVED0;y r Rbn-Disch.��?e Fa�t�ng C00101240514 is ' SHEET 2 OF 2 The recommended maximum amount to apply per irrigation is ine (1) inch and the recommended maximum application rate is 0.3 nch per hour. Refer to the waste utilization plan for further details. 5. Keep vegetation on the embankment and areas adjacent to the lagoon mowed annually. Vegetation should be fertilized as needed to maintain a vigorous stand. 5. Repair any eroded areas or areas damaged by rodents and establish in vegetation. 7. All surface runoff is to be diverted from the lagoon to stable outlets. 8. Keep a minimum of 25 feet of grass vegetated buffer around waste utilization fields adjacent to perennial streams. Waste will not be applied in open ditches. Do not pump within 200 feet of a residence or within 100 feet of a well. Waste shall be applied in a manner not to reach other property and public right-of-ways. 9. The Clean Water Act of 1977 prohibits the discharge of pollutants into waters of the United States. The Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Environ- mental Management, has the responsibility for enforcing this law. C00101240515 Insect Control Checklist for Animal Operations ~ .Still1-ce C.1use � 116 1to C (hill-ol 111SCCI5 Site sIICCiIic VIacticc5 J Flush 0 Accumulalion ul'solids C) l IISII sySIC11I Is dUSigr1Cd 1111(1 (1gIL'rHed suflicienlly to Icmove accunli laded Solids II(llll gultcis ;as designed. 0 ltenl0ve blidging of accunlul;ilc(l solids ;it discllalge vLagoons aml NIS • t'lltiskd Solids !-1` Ivl;lin(aill lagoons, sett —ling, -basins ;111d -ails wllele �--- -- llcst brccding is allparcld it) nliuimize Ills crusting of Sol ids to a depill 01'110 luolc fluid 6 - 8 iucllcs over more Ilum 3U"/o ur sill face. Excessive vegetalive • Decaying vegelalion z5f hl;linlaill vcgclalivc conllul stung banks of Gluwlll lagoons and 0111c1. impotilldrllcols Io plevent ucculnulatioll of decaying, vegclalivc Inallelr along watcl's edge on itilpollll(hllcnl's llcl imcicr. _ Dry syslcnls Fecdels 11ccd 5lliil;lge —Design, uperalc nod In;ainlain Iced systcnls (C.f;., hookas baud Imighs) lu minimize Illc accunlulalioll ol'dccaying wasl;lgc. �elcan op spillage on n roulioc basis (c.g., 7 - 10 (lay ilalerval during sunitncr; 15-39 day illtclval (Iul ing, wilder). Deed storage • llccunmlalions of Iced Icsidues r `f-T Rcclllce moislulc accumulalion wilbin ,old a1uund immediate perimcler or reed stoinge areas by insurillg drainage away 1i0111 site and/ur providing adelluale conlaimucnl covered bill fur brclvcr's grain ;and similar high mot hire grain producls). nspccl for and rcinove or break up accumuialed solids -in liller drills around Iccd storage as llecded. AMIC - November 11, 1990, Page I llltl'Ui II15CtI5-_ --�' -- Silt tillCl'iI1C I'1111'IICIS _-- Animal I lullling Ai ens Actunnll:tliuns ul'aninlal w;tslcs 1 131iltlitaura lalc luw s Illal tlalr nwishuc along untl Ict�l +vaslal;c lend, mid ulllcr lucrlliulls where waste accllnull:llcs and disturbance by animals is nlinilnai. ,. C1 M;lilHaul (l.'11CC lUlVS a111I {IIICI' $lI i115 oruuutl animal Iluldiltl; auras to minimize accumulaliuns of wastes (i.e., iii-vecl fur mo Icnlovc tor bleak III) accurtltllated svlitls;Is needed), DI MallmC I laildling Acunnulaiiuns ul':ulinlal wllslcs Cl Itcmnve sllilla fc on;l jull(jile basis IC.6,, .1 10 tiystcros d;ly illicl val dm ini; sunnier 15-30 day rote, val (1111ing wII11el') who Illalnlll Is Iontle l IM land .111plicotioll or disllus;tl. Cl IIIUVitIC fur adctpll;llC Blain;Igc MUMItl manulc stucklldes. Cl Inslrecl lin' and remove ul' bleak ell acommialctl w;lsles in Iilter shills nluund slockltiles Inul nl;inure ImIldling ale s as ncedtd. For mule ild'ollnatiun cuulact 111t: C:uuilclative IlxlCIISit111 Service, Uclmlimellt ufl ntunlului;y. Bux 7613, Nullit Carolina Stale Univclsily, Italeigll, NC, 77695-7613, AN-IIC - Nuvembo 11, 1996, Page 2 EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN PLONE NUMBuRS DWQ 110-4U-IS41 E'NIERGEvCY -NIAVAGE-VENT SYSTEM 911 S`VCD 9ro- s?Z-79G3 N-RC S sq z - -7 9 & This pi: n will be ir1_iernented in the everit that wastes from your Oneration a_-e leatiina, ove:rlowing. or running oil site. You should not wait until wastes reach surracY waters or leave vour Drooe.ty to Consider that you nave a vroblern. You should make tve:v e_Ior, to e:isure ti^at+tilis does not hanoe:i. This plan should be posted in an accessibie locwtion for all ertlplovees at [she.facilhn.-.The following are some action ite.z:s you should tare. 1. Stoo the release of wastes. Depending on the situation. this -1av or may not be possible. Suggested responses to some possible problems ary listed be;ow. A. Lagoon overglow-possible solutions are: a. Add soil to been to increase e'.evatlon or darn. b. Pu,mnp .wastes to rlelds at an acceotable rate. C. Slop all '10%1. to the lae on m1,,C1uCe:v. d. Call a uumoin_g contractor. e. vYake sure no surface water is antenna lagoon. B: Runoff iron waste application field -actions include: a. Irin'iediately stop waste application. b. Create a ternoo=- ,, diversion to contain waste. c. Incot-,:ornte waste�io reduce runofr. d. Evaluate and eliminate the reason(s) chat caused the runoff. e. Evaluate the aoolication rates for the Lieids where runoff occurred. C: Le:l,,ase from the waste pipes and surinkle;s-action inciud_-: a. Stop rec:rcle pump. b. Stop ir:=Qaiion pimp. c. Close valves to eliminate rurmt: discharge. d_ Repair all leaks prior to restarting pumps. D: Leakage horn flush systems. houS-cs, soiid separators-ac:ion include: a_ Stoo recvcie pump. b. Stop irrigation pump. L. N[ake sore ;lo siphon cc_srs. s. Stop ail t1ows in the house_ fiush syste. 1s. or solid se_arators. e. Repair all leaks prior to restarting pumps. E: L�akaze from base or sidewall of la+=oon. Often this is seepage as opposed to flowine leas;;- possible ac:ion: a Die a small sump or ditch away from the embankment to catch all seeaaz--. put in a subme-sibie pump. and pump back- to Iagoon. b. If holes are caused by burrowing animals. trao or remove aninnais and till holes and compacc with a clay n-Te soil. c. Have a professional evaluate the condition of the side walls and laeoon bottom as soon as possible. ?. Assess the extent of the spill and note anv obvious damages. a. Did the waste reach anv surface waters' b. Approximately how much was released and for what duration'' c_ Anv damage noted. such as ernvlovee injury, fish kiils. or property d--maL-2? d. Did the spill leave the properry? r e. Does the spill have the potential to reach surface waters? f. Could a future rain ever►c cause the spill to reach surface wate,—,'' e Are potable ware: wells in danger (either on or oL of Me procer:v)' h. How much ruched surface waters? - 3: Contact appropriate agencies. a. During nor.naL business hours, call your DWQ (Division of Water Qua€itv) regional office, Phone - - After hours, ernergency number: 91943--39z''.?. Your phone call should include: ,your name. facility, telephone number, the details of the incident from item ? above, the exact Iocation of :the fac€iicy, the location or direction of movement of the spill, weather and wind conditions. The corrective measures than have been under taken, and the seriousness of the situation. b. If spill leaves property or enters surface waters, call local EMS Phone number - c. Instruct EMS to contact local Health Department. d. Contact CES. phone number - - , local SWCD office phone nut —nice. - and local V-RCS office for advicaltechnicai assistance phone number - - If none of the above works call 911 or the Sheriffs Department and explain ,your problem to there and ask that pe:-scn to contact the proper agencies for you. : Contact the cont`-ac:or of your choice to begin repair of problem to minimize off -site damaeP. a. Ccncmccors Name: b. Contractors Address: r C. Contrac:ors ?!acre: t�to-Z-S o`5 6: Cpncact :he te-chnical sozcialisc who ce,[iiied the lagoon {,RCS. Consultin_T Engineer.etc.) . a. -Name: 5 b. Phone: �c-S4iZ-79� 7: Implement procedures as advised by DWQ and technical assistanc, apric:es to r4c,i t the damage. repair the system. and reassess the waste rranaf_-ncac plan to keep prooie:ns with re'.. -as-- of wastes iron happening again. Dz. _ 7n�- Z,. 1 S. 196 Swine Farm Waste Management Oclor Control Checklist -Source _ Cause 116.1115 lu Aliohulze Odor Silt SllCeilic Nrocliccs 11;IrllIsle M Swine plodilc(ioll l!-1- Vegelative or wooded bi fleis; , Itccollimended best nlana6cnlcnl praclices; rPf (;ullci jildg ellt -olld coruluon scllsc Aninrll bully sulfates Dilly mallulc-covelcd auinlals .._O—I)I-y floors 7,111411 su1 Lives -- llrct nrinul4-cuvc1 c11 floors C]rSlullcll floors; --- A'liuuuc culleclluu 11i1s • 1111ne; .-- - - • f'allial ntictubi:+l dcconlpu.tiilil�ll c4---r Milems located river shifted 1Ioms; -0—Fecders lit Vigil CIO ul•solid floors; `P_'I—Scrape nlamlre bilildlip 1i0111 floors; 1-1 Underfloor vellliblion for drying 0-• I'IC1plunt 111illilliC Iclllovill by 11tish, pit lecharge. ar scrape; Q - UIldel11our venliLllion Vl'Jilllalloll CX11,111st fans • Volatile pscs; Fall 1111111Itclial1Ce; — I)IISI `-1 FHiclenl ;Or nlovemetil IIIIIIIIIr slit 1',ICcs I usl C71-- wJIS11110%vn betweell grnllps of alliulals; ICY Deed additives; ❑ Fecdcl' Clovers; ❑ Deed delivery downspout exlelnders to feeder covers __ I'111s11 larks Agilmiun 11f rCCyCICII 1ag11011 C] Hush lank covers; liquid wflilc Bulks are filling ❑ EN Cnd fill 1iltcs to near 11o11on1 of tanks with • aJill-siphon vents 1.111s11 i111CyS • Aglladmi /II1Iing %vaslewillur 4- Underfloor Hush lvith IIIIdulloor venlihilk)n } CIIIivCj':IIiCL' I'll tCLII;III;C lWill1S Agi(atltm l,f Iecyclud higullll ❑ lixlcnd rCCbingC 1;ncs to near btluuln ofpns l'ulnitl while I)i1S'Ice filling with allll-Sipholl Vents -Lill SIiIIlUI1S- - • Agllatlf111 I Milig Stilllp 1111& ❑ SIIIIIII lank Covers fillillg 111111 drawdown Uulsidu dulin collection • Agilalion dill hog waslewalt.'r 0 llux Covers l)r junclioo boxes cunvep'lnce AnlM - Hovemlici 11, 1996, I'ill;c .1 Source -- --- Cause IIINIPS 10 Mirliulir.c 011ur 811c Specific I'ruclices find orill airrllilles at • Agilalimi during wastewater GPI;,xicnd dlschalgC point of pipes llndelalcalli lagkion cnnvcy;ual'c llgoull licplid level I.akgooll Sill'1:Iccs • VOIalilc gas cllllssiolls; 'rupcl- lagaon likluill csll,acily; • Biological Iliking; 4--�"Correct lagoon starlllp procedmcs; •CLAlininlnm surGlcc:krcll-lo-vollunc ratio; `1'I-'TliniluIIIII agilalion when puloping; IvlecbauicnI neralion; CI Proven biological addilives Illit'aliun SplillIder �• �I ligll I,Icssulc t-t—Trrigalc on dry clays with lilllc or no wind; _ nuzzles Wind (Hint Cif—Minirmrin recommended operating pressure; Pump intake near lagoon liquid sklrface, 11 Pklnll, front second -singe lagoon SimnLe lank in basin Paklial ulicrubial decuulpositiun; 11 llollom or Illidlevel loading; sill face Mixing while filling; Cl 'funk covers; . • Agilalion wlrcrk emplyiug 0 Ilasin surrace 111,115 orsolids, ❑ Proven biological addilives or oxidants Scltlint; basin sill race I';uli,ll Inicrubial decompusitiull; n Gxlend drainpipe oullcls underncalh liquid • Mixing +voile lilling., level; • Agilalion wln:n emplying ❑ Remove settled solids regularly tvlanme, slimy ur sludge + Agitation when spicading; ❑ Soil injection orslulry/sludges; splcatlel. oul lets • Voliltlle gas cllllssions Cl Wash I'esidmkl manure rl'om Spreader aller Ilse; Cl Proven biological additives or oxidants Uncoveled Innnlnc, 0 Volatile gas emissions while n Soil injection orslurry/sludges ^ Sim I)' or Sl1I(lLc all field 111')'illg C_) Soil illcorpolatioll withill'18 111's.; sill faces ❑ Spread ill thin uniform layers cur rapid drying; 173 Proven biologicat additives or oxidants Dead aniluals 0 C,ucass decomposiliull A I'rover Ilisposilion of carcasses Dead allilllal displlsal • Cal'cass dtcumposilioll 0 Complete cove)hig of carcasses ill bnrilkl Ails; Ails 1=1 proper iocmioniconsfrliciion orllisposai pits Illclll('ri,tol5 • blcomplete coir buslioll In- Secondiny Slack hurnels AMOC - Mm,cinber 11. 1996. Pnew, 4 Source C imse 11MI's to Rliulmize Odor Slle S1►edlic Praciices Shading %valer.uoaml a In1111a11er dlainage; Glade arld I,ul{lscal►e such 111111 water Ilraills T facilities . hlicluilial decomposilioll of wvay floor filcililies organic lu,dicr Nlaimic (lacked milo •, Pool'ly Inallllahied access Ionds CJ Falln access fond 111,0111C11,111ce �— Iulblic roads liom I;un1 ,ICCCSS Addilinnal Inlinnrilioll : _ _ __ Availullle Drum swille &I,unlle Mmiagollit•nl ; 02II0 I(uIc/IINII' Packcl NCSO, County Exlcr►sion Ccmlcr Swine 1'rudnclioll f,u III Polcnti;ll Udor SUMCC5 find IUMCdiCS ; FBAF I'acl Shed NCSU - IIAE Swine 1110llildion facility Manure Management: Pit Rechurgc - Lagoon •I'leallllciil ; Iil1Als 128-83 NCSU - IIAI? Swine I'lodliclioll facility Mlnmlc Mnoagcmcal: Undelllnor (Most+ - L,+goon'I'lc,ilment ; IiIIA13 129.83 NCSU - BA LuEuon Design will Management for Livestock Munmc •I'rualmenl and Storage ; EMAti 103-83 NCSU - IIAF C111i1nadon ol•Malmic and Wastewaler Alryilicalion Iiflnilililcnl ; EBAF fact SIIce( NCSU - IIAI, Colilluiling odols. Imill SIv.IIIC 1111illllligs ; 11111-33 NCSU - Swine lixlension i:nvirowlimital Assurance I'rugranl ; NI'I'C Matimil NC fork I'MILICeis Assoc Ulllions for N-1,111aging Udor ; ,I Iclimt lion Ilic Swiuc Oilm' •Tusk I'm cc NCSU Agri Cnrmnimications Nuisalice Concerns in Aniinal M.1111lrc M,uragemetil: Odors mid Flies ; 11IZ0I07, 1995 Confcrcnce Proceedings 1-101kla Coolicrative Extension ANIOC- Movember 11, 11116, I'oy 5 UG Mortality Management 'Methods (check which method(s) are bein_, implemented) J Burial three feet beneath the surface of the around within 2.1. hours after knowledge of the death. The burial must be at It ast 300 f.-_t from anv flowing stream or public body of water. Rendering at arendering piant licensed under G.S. 106-168.; Complete incineration ;.1 In the case of dead poultry only. placing in a disposal pit of a size and design aovroved by the Department of agriculture `1 Any method which in the professional opinion of the State Vetenriaxian would make possible the salvage of part of a dead animaI's value without endangering human or animal health. (Written approval of the Scat.- Veterinarian must be attached) i��• �-ni rr 1 S. 1996 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor Sherri Evans -Stanton, Acting Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director January 19, 2001 TOMMY VANN PATTOM 2286 PARKER MEMORIAL RD CLINTON NC 28378 IT V i • • NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES `JAN 2 4 wi Subject: Application No. AWS820370 Additional Information Request PATTOM Animal Waste Operation Sampson County Dear Mr. Vann: The Non -Discharge Permitting Unit has completed a preliminary engineering review of the subject application. Additional information is required before we can continue our review. Please address the following by February 18, 2001: Provide a copy of your Operation and Maintenance PIan (OMP) for your facility. Perhaps you have one on the farm and did not enclose it in the application package. I have provided an example for you to review. Please either send a copy of your original farm OMP, or have your technical specialist provide you with one. You may also bring the copy I provided to your technical specialist and go over it with him/her. Then, you will both need to sign and date the copy provided and send 2 copies to me, and keep I copy on the farm. 2. Provide the required specifications that should be included in your Waste Utilization Plans (WUP) for your facility. I have provided an example for you to review. Please have your technical specialist provide you with these specifications. You may also bring the enclosed example to your technical specialist and go over it with him/her. Then, you 1.5 will both need to sign and date the copy provided and send 2 copies to me, and keep 1 copy on the farm. Again, please note that all WUP revisions must be signed and dated by both the owner and the technical specialist. 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone 919-733-5063 FAX 919-715-6048 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 500% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Application No. 82-0370 Page 2 Please reference the subject permit application number when providing the requested information. All information should be signed, sealed, and submitted in duplicate to my attention at the address below. NCDENR-Non Discharge Permitting Unit (attn: Theresa Nartea) 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 The information requested by this letter must be submitted on or before February 18, 2001 or the Division will return your application as INCOMPLETE in accordance with 15A N.C.A.C. 2H .0200 and your facility will be considered to be operating without a permit. Please be advised that operation of the subject animal waste management system without a valid permit is a violation of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and will subject you to the enforcement authority of the Environmental Management Commission. -If you have any questions regarding this request, please call me at (919) 733-5083, ext. 375. Sincerely, Theresa Nartea Soil Scientist Non -Discharge Permitting Unit cc:QF,ayetteyille.Reaional-Office, Water. Quality-= Permit File State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director CERTIFIED MAEL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Tommy Vann PATTOM 2286 Parker Memorial Rd Clinton NC 28378 Farm Number: 82 - 370 Dear Tommy Vann: RCIM�DENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RE50URCES October 23, 2WO k6 ED OCT 2 S 2000 r1 %� � EVILLE REG. OFFICE You are hereby notified that PATTOM, in accordance with G.S. 143-215.1 OC, must apply for coverage under an Animal Waste Operation General Permit. Upon receipt of this letter, your farm has sixty (60) days to submit the attached application and all supporting documentation. In accordance with Chapter 626 of 1995 Session Laws (Regular Session 1996), Section 19(c)(2), any owner or operator who fails to submit an application by the date specified by the Department SHALL NOT OPERATE the animal waste system after the specified date. Your application must be returned within sixty (60) days of receipt of this letter. Failure to submit the application as required may also subject your facility to a civil penalty and other enforcement actions for each day the facility is operated following the due date of the application. The attached application has been partially completed using information listed in your Animal Waste Management Plan Certification Form. If any of the general or operation information listed is incorrect please make corrections as noted on the application before returning the application package. The signed original application, one copy of the signed application, two copies of a general location map, and two copies of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan must be returned to complete the application package. The completed package should be sent to the following address: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Non -Discharge Permitting Unit 1617Mail Ser%nce Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 If you have any questions concerning this letter, please call Theresa Nartea at (919)733-5083 extension 375 or Jeffery Brown with the Fayetteville Regional Office at (910) 486-1541. Singly, f for Kerr T. Stevens cc: Permit File (w/o encl.) Fayetteville Regional Office (w/o encl.) 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-6048 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCEs DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY FAYETTEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE March 17, 2000 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Tommy Vann 2286 Parker Memorial Road Clinton, NC 28378 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY PATTOM Facility No. 82- 370 Sampson County Dear Mr. Vann: On January 27, 2000, you or staff from your farm notified the Fayetteville Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality that the freeboard level of the lagoon was less than the minimum required by the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP). The liquid level of the lagoon was reported as 17 inches. Condition #21 of the required specifications (NRCS Standard 633), which is a component of the CAWMP, states "Highly visible markers shall be installed to marts the top and bottom elevations of the temporary storage (pumping volume) of all waste treatment lagoons. Pumping shall be managed to maintain the liquid level between the markers.`. The Division of Water Quality will take no further action for this reported incident at this time. However, you are asked to please notify this office in writing within 15 days of receipt of this letter as to what date the lagoon was lowered to the required freeboard level. This information is essential in determining if the lagoon was lowered within the specified time frame in which the Plan of Action (POA) allotted. It will also close this event out within your file. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact myself at (910) 486-1541. Sincerely, Jeffery Brown Environmental Engineer cc: Sonya Avant - Compliance Group Central Files Trent Allen - DSWC Fayetteville Office Wilson Spencer - Sampson County NRCS Howard Hobson - Carroll's Foods, Inc. `-, st. AHdsrtA� 0 1 0 225 GREEN STREET, SUITE 714 / SYSTEL HLD• FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28301-5043 PHONE OI0-486-1541 FAX 910-486.0707 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED/10% POST -CONSUMER PAPER State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director Tommy Vann PATTOM 2286 Parker Memorial Rd Clinton NC 28378 Dear Tommy Vann: M9 0�.,A A94 0 2 NCDENR NpRTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES December 30, 1999 RECEIVED j a!N 1 12000 FAYETTEVILLE FZEG. OFFICE Subject: Fertilizer Application Recordkeeping Animal Waste Management System Facility Number 82-370 Sampson County This letter is being sent to clarify the recordkeeping requirement for Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) application on fields that are part of your Certified Animal Waste Management Plan. In order to show that the agronomic loading rates for the crops being grown are not being exceeded, you must keep records of all sources of nitrogen that are being added to these sites. This would include nitrogen from all types of animal waste as well as municipal and industrial sludgestresiduals, and commercial fertilizers. Beginning January 1, 2000, all nitrogen sources applied to land receiving animal waste are required to be kept on the appropriate recordkeeping forms (i.e. IRR1, IRR2, DRY 1, DRY2, DRY3, SLUR 1, SLUR2, SLD1, and SLD2) and maintained in the facility records for review. The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) compliance inspectors and Division of Soil and Water operation reviewers will review all recordkeeping during routine inspections. Facilities not documenting all sources of nitrogen application will be subject to an appropriate enforcement action. Please be advised that nothing in this letter should be taken as removing from you the responsibility or liability for failure to comply with any State Rule; State Statute, Local County Ordinance, or permitting requirement. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Sonya Avant of the DWQ staff at (919) 733-5083 ext. 571. Sincerely, r Kerr T. Stevens, Director Division of Water Quality cc: Fayetteville Regional Office Sampson County Soil and Water Conservation District Facility File 1617 Mail Senice Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone 919-733-5083 Fax 919-715-6M An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recyded110% post -consumer paper 1%'`DENR.. z. ', .lwME:s B, iiuNTJle 4r�= NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES FAME, I EVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY March 10, 1999 Tommy Vann 2286 Parker Memorial Road Clinton, NC 28328, SUBJECT: Residence to be Located on Farm PATTOM Registration No. 82 - 370 Sampson County Dear Mr. Vann: On March 9, 1999, Pat Vann contacted me regarding the setbacks for locating a residence on the farm. I informed Mrs. Vann that there were no required setbacks for siting a residence owned by the producer. However, there are setbacks that will have to be met when applying animal waste. Animal waste cannot be applied closer than 100 feet to any well, and animal waste should not be applied within 200 feet of dwellings other than those awned by the producer. Although you as the owner do not have to maintain the 200 feet buffer distance when applying waste, I would encourage you to site the residence where you could maintain this distance. These are listed in the Natural Resource Conservation Practice Standard 633. I have attached a portion of this document which list the setbacks mentioned above concerning waste application. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me at (910) 486-1541. Sincerely, 1;0��07 Aen� Jeffery Brown Environmental Engineer Enclosure 22E GREEN STREET, SUITE 714, FAYETTCVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28301-$049 PHONE 910-485-1541 FAX D10-4H4.0707 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 509E RECYCLEOl10% POST-COH6UMER PAPER State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources James S. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary November 13, 1996 Tommy Vann PATTOM Rt 1 Box 54-B Clinton NC 28378 SUBJECT: Operator In Charge Designation Facility: PATTOM Facility ID#: 82-370 Sampson County Dear Mr. Vann: 5F—=HNF;Z R E C 9"VED NOV 19 1996 FAYETTEVILLE REG. OFFICE Senate Bill 1217, An Act to Implement Recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Study Commission on Agricultural Waste, enacted by the 1996 North Carolina General Assembly, requires a certified operator for each animal waste management system that serves 250 or more swine by January 1, 1997. The owner of each animal waste management system must submit a designation form to the Technical Assistance and Certification Group which designates an Operator in Charge and is countersigned by the certified operator. The enclosed form must be submitted by January 1, 1997 for all facilities in operation as of that date. Failure to designate a certified operator for your animal waste management system is a violation of 15A NCAC 2H .0224 and may result in the assessment of a civil penalty. If you have questions concerning operator training or examinations for certification, please contact your local North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service agent or our office. Examinations have been offered on an on -going basis in many counties throughout the state for the past several months and will continue to be offered through December 31, 1996. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions concerning this requirement please call Beth Buffington or Barry Huneycutt of our staff at 919n33-W26. Sincerely, A. Preston Howard, Jr., P. or Division of Water Quality Enclosure cc: Fayetteville Regional Office Wager Quality Files P.O. Box 27687, � Raleigh, [North Carolina 27611-7687 �C An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Voice 919-715-4100 M 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper