March 17, 2000
Mrs. Anne Smith
4029 Iona Church Road
Fairmont, NC 28340
Sugar HUI Farm
Facility No. 78 -17
Permit No. AWS780017
Robeson County
Dear Mrs. Smith:
On February 3, 2000, you or staff from your farm notified the Fayetteville Regional Office
of the Division of Water Quality, as required by General Permit condition I11.6.e, that the freeboard
level of the lagoon was less than the minimum required by the General Permit The liquid level of
the lagoon was reported as 16 inches. General Permit condition V.3 states that The maximum
waste levet in lagoonslsb age ponds 04 not exceed that specified in the CAWMP. At a minimum,
maximum waste level for lagoonslstorage ponds must not exceed the level that provides adequate
storage to contain the 25 -year, 24-hour storm event plus as additional 1 foot of structural freeboard.".
The Division of Water Quality will take no further action for this reported incident at this
time. However, you are asked to please notify this office in writing within 15 days of receipt of this
letter as to what date the lagoon was lowered to the required freeboard level. This information is
essential in determining if the lagoon was lowered within the sped time frame in which the Plan
of Action (POA) allotted. It will also dose this event out within your file. If you have any questions
corrceming this matter, please do not hesitate to contact myself at (910) 48&l 541.
Robert F. Heath
Environmental Specialist
cc: Sonya Avant - Compliance Group
Central Files
Trent Allen - DSWC FayeUeville Office
Ed Holland . Robeson County NRCS
Howard Hobson - Carroll's Foods, Inc.
PRONE 910-486-1 S41 FAX 910-486-0707
Page 2
Mr. Smith
If you have any questions concerning this matter, please call John Hasty at (910) 486-1541.
ohn C. Hasty, Jr.
Environmental Specialist
cc: Operations Branch
Central Files
Audrey Oxendine-FRO DSW
Ed Holland -Robeson Co. NRCS
Carroll's Foods-Laurinburg Office
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment,
Health and Natural Resources
Fayetteville Regional Office
James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor
Jonathan B, Howes, Secretary
Mr. Robert Smith
Rt. 3, Box 734
Fairmont, NC 28340
Dear Mr. Smith:
July 3, 1997
Sugar Hill, Hedge Farm,
Savannah Pond & Aaron Swamp
Facility Nos. 78-17, 78-18, 78-19,
& 78-76
Robeson County
On July 2, 1997, staff from the Fayetteville Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality
conducted an inspection of the Hoke Smith Complex. At the time of the inspections, no one from the
farms was present. These inspections were conducted with the help of Mr. David Ray, service person
for said farms. The waste management plans for these farms were not available to the inspector,
therefore a complete inspection could not be perfomed. These waste management plans should be
kept on site and made available for future inspections.
In regard to the deficiency noted during the inspection, the following actions are requested:
Please provide this office with a copy of the waste management plans, including waste and
soil analyses and irrigation records for the above mentioned farms so that a review of the
plans may be conducted and the inspections completed.
Please provide a written response to this office on or before ,may 11 IM as to the actions
taken or proposed to be taken to resolve this deficiency. Nothing in this letter should be taken as
absolving this facility of the responsibility and liability of any violations that have resulted or may
result from these deficiencies.
Wachovia Building, Suite 714, Fayetteville % ;& FAX 910-486-0707
North Carolina 28301-5043 CNAn Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer
Voice 910-486-1541 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper
Page 2
Mr. Smith
If you have any questions concerning this matter, please call John Hasty at (910) 486-1541.
John C. Hasty, Jr.
Environmental Specialist
cc: Operations Branch
Central Files
Audrey Oxendine-FRO DSW
Ed Holland -Robeson Co. MRCS
Carroll's Foods-Laurinburg Office
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment,
Health and Natural Resources
Fayetteville Regional Office
James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor
Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary
Mr. Robert Smith
Rt. 3, Box 734
Fairmont, NC 28340
Dear Mr. Smith:
July 3, 1997
Sugar Hill, Hedge Farm,
Savannah Pond & Aaron Swamp
Facility Nos. 78-17, 78-18, 78-19,
& 78-76
Robeson County
On July 2, 1997, staff from the Fayetteville Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality
conducted an inspection of the Hoke Smith Complex. At the time of the inspections, no one from the
farms was present. These inspections were conducted with the help of Mr. David Ray, service person
for said farms. The waste management plans for these farms were not available to the inspector,
therefore a complete inspection could not be perfomed. These waste management plans should be
kept on site and made available for future inspections.
In regard to the deficiency noted during the inspection, the following actions are requested:
Please provide this office with a copy of the waste management pians, including waste and
soil analyses and irrigation records for the above mentioned farms so that a review of the
plans may be conducted and the inspections completed.
Please provide a written response to this office on or before duly 18,.4,99-7 as to the actions
taken or proposed to be taken to resolve this deficiency. Nothing in this letter should be taken as
absolving this facility of the responsibility and liability of any violations that have resulted or may
result from these deficiencies.
Wachovia Building, Suite 714, Fayetteville�� FAX 910-486-0707
North Carolina 28301-5043
� C An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer
Voice 910-486-1541 50% recycled/ 10% past -consumer paper
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment,
Health and Natural Resources
Fayetteville Regional Office
James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor
Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary
Mr. Robert Smith
Rt. 3, Box 734
Fairmont, NC 28340
Dear Mr. Smith:
July 8, 1997
SUBJECT: Annual Compliance Inspection
Hoke Smith Jr. Farms
Registration Nos. 78-17, 78-18, 78-19,
& 78-76.
Robeson County
On July 2, 1997, staff from the Fayetteville Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality
inspected the subject swine facilities. Please find enclosed a copy of our Compliance Inspection
Report for your information. It is the opinion of this office based on the information provided and
observations made during the inspection that the facility was in compliance with 15A NCAC 2H,
Part.0217 at the time of the inspection. Please refer to the comments section on the rear of the
inspection form for information regarding your facility.
You informed me in your letter that Mr. David Hedgepeth was working with you in getting
your waste management plans revised for the above mentioned fauns. Please be advised that since
these farms are permitted, there are many more items that have to be addressed in the waste
management plans. Please read the permits carefully and make sure all components are with each
plan at each site.
If you need any of the copies of the information which you forwarded to me please let me
know and I will return it to you.
If you have any questions concerning this matter, please call John Hasty at (910) 486-1541.
7Sin , %1
ohn C. Hasty, Jr.
Environmental Specialist
cc: Operations Branch
Central Files
Audry Oxendine - FRO DSW
Ed Holland - Robeson Co. NRCS
Wachovia Building, Suite 714, Fayettevilleyam FAX 910-486-0707
North Carolina 28301-5043 N%0 C An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer
Voice 910-486-1541 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment,
Health and Natural Resources
Fayetteville Regional Office
James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor
Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary
Mr. Robert Smith
Rt. 3, Box 734
Fairmont, NC 28340
Dear Mr. Smith:
July 8, 1997
SUBJECT: Annual Compliance Inspection
Hoke Smith Jr. Farms
Registration Nos. 78-17, 78-18, 78-19,
& 78-76.
Robeson County
On July 2, 1997, staff from the Fayetteville Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality
inspected the subject swine facilities. Please find enclosed a copy of our Compliance Inspection
Report for your information. It is the opinion of this office based on the information provided and
observations made during the inspection that the facility was in compliance with 15A NCAC 2H,
Part.0217 at the time of the inspection. Please refer to the comments section on the rear of the
inspection form for information regarding your facility.
You informed me in your letter that Mr. David Hedgepeth was working with you in getting
your waste management plans revised for the above mentioned fauns. Please be advised that since
these farms are permitted, there are many more items that have to be addressed in the waste
management plans. Please read the permits carefully and make sure all components are with each
plan at each site.
If you need any of the copies of the information which you forwarded to me please let me
know and I will return it to you.
If you have any questions concerning this matter, please call John Hasty at (910) 486-1541.
7Sin , %1
ohn C. Hasty, Jr.
Environmental Specialist
cc: Operations Branch
Central Files
Audry Oxendine - FRO DSW
Ed Holland - Robeson Co. NRCS
Wachovia Building, Suite 714, Fayettevilleyam FAX 910-486-0707
North Carolina 28301-5043 N%0 C An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer
Voice 910-486-1541 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper