HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181486 Ver 1_USACE More Info Received_20190329Strickland, Bev From: Greer, Emily C CIV USARMY CESAW (US) < Emily.C.Greer@usace.army.mil > Sent: Friday, March 29, 2019 4:54 PM To: M a i rs, Robb L Subject: [External] FW: [Non -Do❑ Source] RE: SAW-2018-00195 Saratoga Subdivision NWP - Request for additional information (UNCLASSIFIED) Attachments: Saratogo (BrittonTract) Response to USAGE RFAI 3-5-19.pdf; o RM_U pload_Sheet_Consol idated_Ra pa nos_2o 18o522.xlsm CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report. spa m@nc.gov<mailto:report. spa m@nc.gov> CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED I'm pretty much done with my second round of comments. Below are my original comments and my current ones and attached is SEGi's response to my first round. Dana - Please accept this as official correspondence for the above referenced project. The following information is needed to complete the application and/or to finalize the application review. Please provide an electronic submittal of the entire application package within 30 days of this request. If a response has not been received by this time or a request has not been made for an extension, the application will automatically be withdrawn. 1. The application was still incomplete because the applicant's contact information had not been provided, as requested; however, SEGi provided the Corps with this information yesterday (3/27/19). 2. The applicant is required to electronically submit a new application package reflecting the required changes and/or additional information. It is not impracticable to make changes to an application and resubmit electronically as there have been multiple instances of an applicant resubmitting through the ePCN process in response to comments. It is incumbent upon the applicant to keep a record of their submittal, not for the agencies to have to toggle back and forth between different versions of their submittal. Please submit the entire package either through the ePCN process or by direct email to the agencies. 3. The Corps provided comment regarding the proposal to construct Secretariat Run to the eastern project boundary and referenced a statement in the application that this is not a phased project (See comment 4 below). Furthermore, the Corps stated that due to the location of jurisdictional resources at the project boundary, the applicant will only be allowed to construct a 12-foot wide access road beginning at the lot boundary for Lots 20/21, and that the access road will not be allowed to continue beyond the driveway. The applicant provided a response stating that "...Pender County will require the adjacent tract to connect to Secretariat Run when and if it is developed..." and that the impact is "reasonably anticipated to take place and is unavoidable" and made no changes at this location, as directed. The Corps agrees that the impact is reasonably anticipated and unavoidable; however, there are key facts that the applicant's agents fails to understand about their own point. First, county requirements do not trump federal regulations. Second, it is the entire impact that is reasonably anticipated to take place, not just the portion of the impact that the applicant is proposing. Third, the applicant owns the adjacent property. Fourth, by regulation, the Corps cannot approve road construction beyond Lots 20/21 due to the location of jurisdictional resources at this location. Regulation 33 CFR 325.1(d)(2) states that all activities the applicant plans to undertake which are reasonably related to the same project and for which a DA permit would be required should be included in the same permit application. Furthermore, the regulation states that the District Engineer should reject, as incomplete, any permit application which fails to comply with this requirement. Because the applicant owns the adjacent property, there are jurisdictional resources at this location that extend beyond the project boundary, a discharge of fill is currently needed at this location, and a DA permit will be required to complete the crossing beyond the project boundary, which is reasonably related to the currently proposed project, the applicant must either follow the Corps' direction as previously stated or they must complete the crossing, terminating the road in high ground on the adjacent property, and show a reasonable development at the road's terminus. To choose the latter of these two options would mean that the project would no longer qualify for a NWP 29 because impacts would exceed 0.5-acre and the FEMA floodline is mapped at this location (Regional Conditions 4.1.3 and 4.1.4). As such, this application is still incomplete because the project does not comply with the regulations. Please either eliminate the impact or apply for an individual permit. 4. The applicant did not adequately address item 7 of the Corps' comments (See below). Does the applicant still intend to provide information to homeowner's regarding how to access available uplands in a manner that would not require a permit? If so, please provide the language that will be used for review. 5. The Corps disagrees with the applicant's proposal to provide 1:1 mitigation. NCWAM guidance states that for a site to be considered intensively managed, the activity should have occurred approximately within the last 10 years. This site was last cut in or about 19931, over 25 years ago. Very few manmade drainageways exist onsite, and those that are present have not been maintained in probably over 25 years, leaving the hydrology of the site intact. Furthermore, the Corps disagrees with the applicant's assessment that the site contains limited vegetative diversity and does not promote habitat for wildlife. While the site may support a predominance of pine due to its historical use for a silviculture operation, and thus may have areas with a dense understory as a result of this past disturbance, there are more vegetative species present than what the applicant listed and an abundance of uses that wildlife can benefit from throughout various stages of their life cycle and for various reasons, such as foraging and nesting. Additionally, the habitat of this site is comparable to a plethora of other sites for which the Corps has recently required 2:1 mitigation. Please provide a mitigation credit reservation letter reflecting a 2:1 ratio for the restoration of the proposed impacts. 6. A temporary impact at H is now being proposed; however, listed impact amounts vary and the impact is not shown on the inset. Upon further review, it is actually quite difficult in some instances to see the project and project impacts on the insets. Additionally, the applicant's agents are well aware that it has been a long-standing requirement that project drawings be submitted to the Corps in 11x17" format. Please insure impact amounts are consistent throughout the submittal, show the temporary impact at H on the inset, provide the correctly sized drawings, adjust the overall map so that the drawing and the legend match, and either turn off data layers that aren't useful to the review and that also make the inset drawings too busy or darken the limits of the project at each crossing so that they are clearly discernible from other data layers. 7. A perennial stream exists at Impact 1, not an open water (ditch). Please correct in all appropriate locations within the submittal. S. In response to item 5 of the Corps' comments (See below) concerning the depth at which culverts were planned to be buried, the applicant stated that the culverts would be set at existing grade and that these changes were reflected in the newly provided cross-section drawings; however, the drawings lack the detail needed for the Corps' review. Please update the DOT drawings originally submitted with the application to reflect the needed changes, as they are adequate for review. 9. Tributary 3 is not accurately depicted on the overall impact map. See the approved delineation map created by SEGi. Additionally, the entire length of the tributary from the point of impact located south of Saratoga Way on Lot 24 north to its terminus at the existing culvert at the soil road on Lot 37 needs to be included in the total impact amount. -----Original Message ----- From: dlutheran@segi.us [mailto:dlutheran@segi.us] Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 6:10 PM To: Greer, Emily C CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Emily.C.Greer@usace.army.mil> Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] RE: SAW-2018-00195 Saratoga Subdivision NWP -Request for additional information (UNCLASSIFIED) I'm sorry. I thought I sent that as part of my response. Robert H Jackson American Homesmith, LLC 919-291-5721, mobile Po Box 97365 Raleigh, NC 27624 rjackson.nc@gmail.com Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 5315 South College Road, Suite E Wilmington, NC 25412 Office: 910.452.2711 Mobile: 910.228.1841 (preferred) Blockedwww.segi.us -----Original Message ----- From: Greer, Emily C CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Emily.C.Greer@usace.army.mil> Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 5:51 PM To: dlutheran@segi.us Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] RE: SAW-2018-00195 Saratoga Subdivision NWP -Request for additional information (UNCLASSIFIED) CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED Dana - I'm working on additional comments, but we need the applicant's information first. Currently, the application is still incomplete. Please provide this information at your earliest convenience. Thank you - Emily -----Original Message ----- From: dlutheran@segi.us [mailto:dlutheran@segi.us] Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2019 6:04 PM To: Greer, Emily C CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Emily.C.Greer@usace.army.mil> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] RE: SAW-2018-00195 Saratoga Subdivision NWP -Request for additional information (UNCLASSIFIED) Hello, Emily. Well, here ya go. I hope it is sufficient to address all of your concerns. I did the best I could on the oRM Sheet. Please call me if you have any questions. Thanks a bunch. Dana Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 5315 South College Road, Suite E Wilmington, NC 25412 Office: 910.452.2711 Mobile: 910.228.1841 (preferred) Blocked B I ockedwww. segi . us -----Original Message ----- From: Greer, Emily C CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Emily.C.Greer@usace.army.mil> Sent: Monday, December 3, 2018 6:04 PM To: Dana Lutheran <dlutheran@segi.us> Subject: SAW-2018-00195 Saratoga Subdivision NWP -Request for additional information (UNCLASSIFIED) CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED Dana - Please accept this as official correspondence for the above referenced property. The following information is needed to complete the application and/or to finalize the application review. The applicant is required to electronically submit a new application package reflecting the required changes and/or additional information. 1. Please either show all isolated wetlands as non -jurisdictional and filled or remove them entirely from the impact map. Please note that the feature at Impact B is an isolated wetland. Please add the four stream features to the impact map and account for impacts at Impact A and for Tributary 3 located in the vicinity of Keeneland Court/Lot 37. 2. The site has been delineated and verbal approval of the delineation has been provided. Please reference the delineation and provide answers to questions 4(f) and 4(g) on the PCN. 3. A road crossing is proposed at Impact I; however, there is no indication that a culvert is being installed at this location, which is required. Please update drawings to reflect this change. 4. The applicant has proposed to construct Secretariat Run to the eastern project boundary and has stated in the application that this is not a phased project. Due to the location of jurisdictional resources immediately beyond the project boundary, the applicant will only be allowed to construct a 12-foot wide access road beginning at the lot boundary for Lots 20/21. The access road will not be allowed to continue beyond the driveway. Impacts should be revised to show no wetland impacts on the north side of the road from the Lot 20/21 boundary. 5. At each road crossing, the applicant has proposed to bury culverts either four or six inches. Per the Wilmington District's Regional General Condition, culverts must be designed and installed so that destabilization and headcutting are minimized. Additionally, culverts in wetlands do not have to be buried. Given the elevation changes from north to south at each crossing, the Corps is concerned that the proposal to bury the culverts will result in secondary drainage effects and headcutting upslope of the crossing. Please either provide a written explanation as to why the culverts must be buried that also addresses the Corps' concerns or redesign the crossings with an adequate size and number of unburied culverts to equalize surface waters. 6. The applicant is proposing to install culverts at Impact H that will discharge into what appears to be a piped ditch before ultimately discharging south to wetlands abutting Harrison Creek. Drainage for this wetland already exists just offsite from Impact H. Construction of an additional drain will have secondary drainage effects. Burying the culvert and piping the ditch increases the likelihood of a drainage effect occurring and could also create headcutting. Please either provide a written explanation of the purpose and need for this drain that also addresses the Corps' concerns or remove it from the plans entirely. 7. In a pre -application meeting with the Corps, the applicant stated that language regarding how to access upland areas on lots with wetlands without a permit will be provided in the HOA restrictive covenants. To ensure the correct information is being disseminated to future buyers, please provide the language that will be used for the Corps' review. S. Please revise impact labels and impact amounts, and update drawings accordingly. Also, please fill out the attached spreadsheet for project impacts and attach it as a separate document when resubmitting. 9. Please provide a compensatory mitigation credit release letter. Without justification, mitigation for wetland and perennial stream impacts should be provided at a 2:1 ratio and intermittent stream and conversion impacts should be provided at a 1:1 ratio. Please note that tree cutting on lots with wetlands with the intent to allow the buyer to maintain those areas in an herbaceous state is considered a permanent impact and should be accounted for in impact totals and mitigation provided. Please provide a new application package reflecting the required changes within 30 days of this correspondence. Feel free to contact me with any questions regarding this project. Thank you, Emily Greer, Regulatory Specialist Wilmington District - Wilmington Regulatory Field office 69 Darlington Avenue, Wilmington, NC 28403 910.251.4567 (o) Original Message ----- From: Greer, Emily C CIV USARMY CESAW (US) Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2018 6:15 PM To: 'Dana Lutheran' <dlutheran@segi.us> Subject: SAW-2018-00195 Saratoga Subdivision NWP -Incomplete application notification (UNCLASSIFIED) CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED Dana - Please accept this as official correspondence for the above referenced property. The following information is needed to complete the application and/or to finalize the application review. The applicant is required to electronically submit a new application package reflecting the required changes and/or additional information. 1. The application is incomplete because the applicant's contact information has not been provided. The prospective permittee's first and last name, address (both physical and electronic are required), and telephone number are required. Because the consultant is not the applicant, providing the consultant's information in lieu of the applicant's is not correct. Please reference NWP General Condition 32(b)(1) for the required applicant information. Please provide this information at your earliest convenience to begin the 45 day permit review process. Emily Greer, Regulatory Specialist Wilmington District - Wilmington Regulatory Field office 69 Darlington Avenue, Wilmington, NC 25403 910.251.4567 (o) -----Original Message ----- From: dlutheran@segi.us [mailto:dlutheran@segi.us] Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2019 6:04 PM To: Greer, Emily C CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Emily.C.Greer@usace.army.mil> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] RE: SAW-2018-00195 Saratoga Subdivision NWP -Request for additional information (UNCLASSIFIED) Hello, Emily. Well, here ya go. I hope it is sufficient to address all of your concerns. I did the best I could on the ORM Sheet. Please call me if you have any questions. Thanks a bunch. Dana Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 5315 South College Road, Suite E Wilmington, NC 25412 Office: 910.452.2711 Mobile: 910.228.1841 (preferred) Blockedwww.segi.us -----original Message ----- From: Greer, Emily C CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Emily.C.Greer@usace.army.mil> Sent: Monday, December 3, 2015 6:04 PM To: Dana Lutheran <dlutheran@segi.us> Subject: SAW-2018-00195 Saratoga Subdivision NWP -Request for additional information (UNCLASSIFIED) CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED Dana - Please accept this as official correspondence for the above referenced property. The following information is needed to complete the application and/or to finalize the application review. The applicant is required to electronically submit a new application package reflecting the required changes and/or additional information. 1. Please either show all isolated wetlands as non -jurisdictional and filled or remove them entirely from the impact map. Please note that the feature at Impact B is an isolated wetland. Please add the four stream features to the impact map and account for impacts at Impact A and for Tributary 3 located in the vicinity of Keeneland Court/Lot 37. 2. The site has been delineated and verbal approval of the delineation has been provided. Please reference the delineation and provide answers to questions 4(f) and 4(g) on the PCN. 6 3. A road crossing is proposed at Impact I; however, there is no indication that a culvert is being installed at this location, which is required. Please update drawings to reflect this change. 4. The applicant has proposed to construct Secretariat Run to the eastern project boundary and has stated in the application that this is not a phased project. Due to the location of jurisdictional resources immediately beyond the project boundary, the applicant will only be allowed to construct a 12-foot wide access road beginning at the lot boundary for Lots 20/21. The access road will not be allowed to continue beyond the driveway. Impacts should be revised to show no wetland impacts on the north side of the road from the Lot 20/21 boundary. 5. At each road crossing, the applicant has proposed to bury culverts either four or six inches. Per the Wilmington District's Regional General Condition, culverts must be designed and installed so that destabilization and headcutting are minimized. Additionally, culverts in wetlands do not have to be buried. Given the elevation changes from north to south at each crossing, the Corps is concerned that the proposal to bury the culverts will result in secondary drainage effects and headcutting upslope of the crossing. Please either provide a written explanation as to why the culverts must be buried that also addresses the Corps' concerns or redesign the crossings with an adequate size and number of unburied culverts to equalize surface waters. 6. The applicant is proposing to install culverts at Impact H that will discharge into what appears to be a piped ditch before ultimately discharging south to wetlands abutting Harrison Creek. Drainage for this wetland already exists just offsite from Impact H. Construction of an additional drain will have secondary drainage effects. Burying the culvert and piping the ditch increases the likelihood of a drainage effect occurring and could also create headcutting. Please either provide a written explanation of the purpose and need for this drain that also addresses the Corps' concerns or remove it from the plans entirely. 7. In a pre -application meeting with the Corps, the applicant stated that language regarding how to access upland areas on lots with wetlands without a permit will be provided in the HOA restrictive covenants. To ensure the correct information is being disseminated to future buyers, please provide the language that will be used for the Corps' review. S. Please revise impact labels and impact amounts, and update drawings accordingly. Also, please fill out the attached spreadsheet for project impacts and attach it as a separate document when resubmitting. 9. Please provide a compensatory mitigation credit release letter. Without justification, mitigation for wetland and perennial stream impacts should be provided at a 2:1 ratio and intermittent stream and conversion impacts should be provided at a 1:1 ratio. Please note that tree cutting on lots with wetlands with the intent to allow the buyer to maintain those areas in an herbaceous state is considered a permanent impact and should be accounted for in impact totals and mitigation provided. Please provide a new application package reflecting the required changes within 30 days of this correspondence. Feel free to contact me with any questions regarding this project. Thank you, Emily Greer, Regulatory Specialist Wilmington District - Wilmington Regulatory Field office 69 Darlington Avenue, Wilmington, NC 28403 910.251.4567 (o) -----Original Message ----- From: Greer, Emily C CIV USARMY CESAW (US) Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2018 6:15 PM To: 'Dana Lutheran' <dlutheran@segi.us> Subject: SAW-2018-00195 Saratoga Subdivision NWP - Incomplete application notification (UNCLASSIFIED) CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED Dana - Please accept this as official correspondence for the above referenced property. The following information is needed to complete the application and/or to finalize the application review. The applicant is required to electronically submit a new application package reflecting the required changes and/or additional information. 1. The application is incomplete because the applicant's contact information has not been provided. The prospective permittee's first and last name, address (both physical and electronic are required), and telephone number are required. Because the consultant is not the applicant, providing the consultant's information in lieu of the applicant's is not correct. Please reference NWP General Condition 32(b)(1) for the required applicant information. Please provide this information at your earliest convenience to begin the 45 day permit review process. Emily Greer, Regulatory Specialist Wilmington District - Wilmington Regulatory Field office 69 Darlington Avenue, Wilmington, NC 28403 910.251.4567 (o) CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED Proposed Required_Amountl Amount —Units WETLAND 1 & 6 Impact Area A Mitigation Bank NE FUME Acre Based 0.012 WETLAND 5 Impact Area C Mitigation Bank NE FUME Acre Based 0.059 WETLAND 2 Impact Area ID Mitigation Bank NE FUME Acre Based 0.034 WETLAND 2 Impact Area E Mitigation Bank NE FUME Acre Based 0.055 WETLAND 3 Impact Area F Mitigation Bank NE FUME Acre Based 0.181 WETLAND 4 Impact Area G Mitigation Bank NE FUME Acre Based 0.088 WETLAND 2 & 6 Impact Area H Mitigation Bank NE FUME Acre Based 0.027 WETLAND 1 Impact Area I Mitigation Bank NE FUME Acre Based 0.018 / I i f / I?roeat.Desari ian. Aftar They. Fast Pemtlt Ah W4rkCam lek�'.. �abael Flablt�t Irn aCtab F�k IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�ih4�K�i�//////////////////////////�II�I�/�#�Iri��§i�,�,1!IIII�Ir�7���X�'/��III11,���VV/J��fi�Y�1�#I�'�i�//�hu�llll rl��fiI1111;��'r��€�7��Y�rllll'��fiI1((���n�Vpi,�r�r�llllli�u1611�J9��/�Ni�f��IIIII��fi��UYiIll,�'�Illl�ti�i11�U1k��fi��'��i€III1i�u1611��111��ll�Sll�IIIII��fif1J111��1IVfilllllll��Wii�l��i>s�iGlhY//�II7����1J��IIIIIII1�lldi%�i � _ ... � ,..IIIIIIr��AfIY��l�l��r9�r _ ..._ _ I x_ .._ a ...Illll�i m�;�//�1J�t��1�,11,��1U�IIIIICr�i�r�ll��XikY'��rti:�r �. _ a,... I ... II 28-Nov-2017 G D E F G H OMBIL Regulatory Module (ORM) Project Upload Template Version Date: 22-May-2018 Please be aware: if older versions of Microsoft Office or Excel are utilized with this template, the user may experience issues with the functionality and features of this template. Reminder: when using copy/paste to transfer data from one template to another, you must not use the regular paste functionality. This will cause formatting issues. Instead, use the "paste values" functionality. Change Log Current Version • NWP worksheet -Added 'CD —Date App_First_Received' • PGP/RGP worksheet -Added 'CD_Date_App_First_Received' 11-Jan-2018 Version • NWP worksheet - Updated Closure —Method column values • RGP_PGP worksheet - Updated Closure —Method column values and removed cascading dependency upon the Permit Type column • Format worksheet - Consolidated the Closure—Method—NWP, Closure_Method_RGP, and Closure_Method_PGP columns into a single Closure —Method —GP column and updated the list of values • Format worksheet - Updated the Closure —Method —JD column values • VBA - Updated VerifyValues calls in ValidateNWP() and ValidateRGP_PGP() to reference the new Closure —Method —GP list of values 30-OCT-2017 Version • Mitigation worksheet - Added check to allow "0"s in Proposed_ Amount and Required —Amount 20-APR-2017 Version • AgResources worksheet - Limited list of Cowardin Code options to second and third tiers only • Impacts worksheet -Added Length and Width columns for Initially Proposed, Proposed and Authorized • Impacts worksheet - Removed Linear columns • Impacts worksheet - Changed "Area" labels to "Amount" • Impacts worksheet - Updated Amount -Type to include Fill Volume and Removal Volume • Impacts worksheet - Updated Amount —Units to include Cubic Yards (volume) • Impacts worksheet - Added check to ensure Amount —Units is specified if Amount is provided • Impacts worksheet -Added check to ensure either Length/Width are provided OR Amount is provided but not both • Impacts worksheet -Added check to ensure that if Length is provided, Width must also be provided (and vice versa) • Impacts worksheet -Added check to ensure that ifAmount_Type is Volume, then Amount must be entered, not Length and Width • Impacts worksheet - Added check to ensure that if a value is provided for any Stage (IP/P/A), then a value must be provided for all Stages • Mit-PermitteeResp worksheet - Added Length and Width columns for Proposed and Required • Mit-PermitteeResp worksheet - Removed linear columns • Mit-PermitteeResp worksheet - Changed "Area" labels to "Amount" • Mit-PermitteeResp worksheet - Added check to ensure Amount —Units is specified if Amount is provided • Mit-PermitteeResp worksheet - Added check to ensure either Length/Width are provided OR Amount is provided but not both • Mit-PermitteeResp worksheet - Added check to ensure that if Length is provided, Width must also be provided (and vice versa) • Mit-PermitteeResp worksheet - Added check to ensure that if a value is provided for either Proposed or Required, then a value must be provided for both Stages • NWP worksheet - Updated NWP_ID list and associated Permit_Authority list with the 2017 data • NWP worksheet - Moved the Permit —Authority column to the left of the NWP_ID column • NWP worksheet - The NWP_ID values displayed are now dependent upon the selected Permit_Authority value 02-JUN-2016 Version • Mit-PermitteeResp worksheet - waters that exist on the Mit-PermitteeResp worksheet must also appear on either the NWP worksheet or on the PGP/RGP worksheet • MitBank_ILF worksheet - waters that exist on the MitBank ILF worksheet must also appear on either the NWP worksheet or on the PGP/RGP worksheet • added a validation to check for garbage characters in the Waters Name column values of all worksheets 21-APR-2016 Version • removed 100K blank rows of data from the Aquatic Resources worksheet of the Consolidated Rapanos template, reducing its size from 9M to 180K. 31-MAR-2016 Version • added a Version worksheet • General - removed the dropdowns from the header cells on all user input worksheets • General - standardized user functionality across all user input worksheets • AgResources worksheet - changed the format of columns I (Latitude) and J (Longitude) to be decimal formatted numers with 8 significant digits of precision • AgResources worksheet - added a Validation check to ensure Amount > zero • AgResources worksheet - add validation check requiring Water Type of Upland (Rapanos)/Dry Land (CWR) when Cowardin Code = U • NWP worksheet - the Validation process will now verify whether Mitigations are present in the Mit-PermitteeResp or MitBank_ILF worksheets if cells in column S (Compensatory_Mitigation_Regd) of the NWP worksheet are set to a value of YES • RGP_PGP worksheet - the Validation process will now verify whether Mitigations are present in the Mit-PermitteeResp or MitBank_ILF worksheets if cells in columns U (Compensatory_Mitigation_Regd) of the RGP_PGP worksheet are set to a value of YES FINALIZE Please denote any sheets to be finalized Yes/No Aquatic Resources Impacts Mitigation-Permittee Responsible Mitigation Bank / ILF NWP Rapanos_J D RGP/PGP WETLAND 1 NORTH CAROLINA PEM Area 16.66 ACRE DELINEATE WETLAND 2 NORTH CAROLINA PEM Area 3.3 ACRE DELINEATE WETLAND 3 NORTH CAROLINA PEM Area 0.85 ACRE DELINEATE WETLAND 4 NORTH CAROLINA PEM Area 0.87 ACRE DELINEATE WETLAND 5 NORTH CAROLINA PEM Area 0.84 ACRE DELINEATE WETLAND 6 NORTH CAROLINA PEM Area 48.95 ACRE DELINEATE WETLAND 7 NORTH CAROLINA PEM Area 0.11 ACRE DELINEATE WETLAND 8 NORTH CAROLINA PEM Area 0.04 ACRE DELINEATE WETLAND 9 NORTH CAROLINA PFO Area 5.02 ACRE DELINEATE RPW 1 (DITCH) NORTH CAROLINA Linear 645 FOOT DELINEATE RPW2 (DITCH) NORTH CAROLINA Linear 761 FOOT DELINEATE RPW 3 (DITCH) NORTH CAROLINA Linear 711 FOOT DELINEATE RPW 4 (STREAM) NORTH CAROLINA Linear 2100 FOOT DELINEATE HARRISON CREEK NORTH CAROLINA Linear 3168 FOOT DELINEATE Amount Units Initially_Proposed_L ength WETLAND 1 A Discharge of fill material Non -Tidal Wetland YES Permanent Fill Area Acres WETLAND 5 C Discharge of fill material Non -Tidal Wetland YES Permanent Fill Area Acres WETLAND 9 D Discharge of fill material Non -Tidal Wetland YES Permanent Fill Area Acres WETLAND 3 E Discharge of fill material Non -Tidal Wetland YES Permanent Fill Area Acres WETLAND 4 F Discharge of fill material Non -Tidal Wetland YES Permanent Fill Area Acres RPW 1 G Discharge of fill material Non -Tidal Wetland YES Permanent Fill Area Acres RPW 3 H Discharge of fill material Non -Tidal Wetland YES Permanent Fill Area Acres I Discharge of fill material Non -Tidal Wetland YES Permanent Fill Area Acres RPW 1 Discharge of fill material Other Permanent Fill Area Acres RPW 2 Discharge of fill material Other Permanent Fill Area Acres H (temp) Initially_Proposed_ Initially_Proposed_ Proposed_L Width Amount ength 0.012 0.059 0.034 0.055 0.181 0.088 0.027 0.0009 0.0006 0.02 / �/� 1/ p sO �� (y / r / (ff / (y MWO o w°/w y� (� ((� ( / y ry o �����/��I��r"�lA/11�i/Yf`� �������A��'�rNJJI�i����r�r I�i���711r� ��NW��7i111��ii�l�il11'l�!}!'}!P�'�l�lA1J���rr �i��d����'�/� I�i ��fir r�/i �ir}kH�Iu��i?9���'1�19h���J�11lJJJJJJA �� I��� r( �1ll�1H}vAlJJlallaf���l�il�lfi��i1J�111111� �� I��� r( �1k�1�11JAA�,��������Nt�lrl�'�� I�i ��fir r�/i ���}!}�1�1 ,,, ' , �:, � J /% / / i / // / / � „1 , „ �, , , � % lily r... l i �,:, / / 1 / / / I i After The Fac .Permit An We�rk Cvm fete Critical Habitat Imp' acted Permi Past Use' l .Date...... Decision Mailed Ca t t / / Worksheet Column Cell Warning AQUATIC RESOURCES VALIDATION "Waters —Name" is required. "Waters —Name" must contain unique values. "State" is required. "Cowardin Code" is required. "Meas_Type" is required. "Amount" is required. "Amount" must be greater than zero "Units" is required "Waters Type" is required "Latitude" is required. "Longitude" is required (negative value in western hemisphere). "Waters _Name" must correspond to "Waters _Name" provided within the NWP, Impact and Mitigation fields when also uploaded. "Cowardin Code" of U (Uplands) must have associated "Waters Type" of Upland IMPACT VALIDATION VALID MEASUREMENT SETS Amount Type Conversion of waters type (forested wetland to emergent wetland, stream to lake) Fill Area Discharge of dredged material Fill Area Discharge of fill material Fill Area Dredging (Section 10) Removal Area\Removal Volume Ecological restoration Fill Area Other (Aquaculture, Work, Aerial or Submarine cable crossings) Fill Area\Removal Area\Structure Area Removal (Sec 10 structures) Removal Area Structure (Sec 10 only) Structure Area Transport of dredged material (Sec 103) Fill Volume OTHER VALIDATIONS "Waters —Name" is required. "Waters —Name" must correspond to "Waters —Name" provided within the aquatic resource shapefiles. "Waters —Name" must correspond to "nwp.xls"."Upload"."Waters_Name" when permits are also uploaded "Name" is required "Activity Type" is required "Resource Type" is required "Permanent Loss" is required "Impact Duration" is required Area or Linear "Amounts" (initialy proposed, proposed, authorized) are required "Area Type" is required when Area Amounts are entered "Area Type" can only be structure when Activity = Structure. "Units of Measure" is required MITIGATION - PERMITTEE RESPONSIBLE VALIDATION "Waters —Name" is required. "Waters _Name" must correspond to "Waters _Name" provided within the aquatic resource shapefiles. "Waters _Name" must correspond to "nwp.xls"."Upload"."Waters_Name" when a permit is also uploaded "Name" is required "Mitigation Type" is required "Permittee Responsible Type" is required "Resource Type" is required Area or Linear "Proposed Amounts" are required Area or Linear "Required Amounts" are required "Area Units" is requried when "Area Amounts" are entered "Linear Units" is requried when "Linear Amounts" are entered MITIGATION - MITIGATION BANK/IN-LIEU FEE PROGRAM VALIDATION "Waters —Name" is required. "Waters _Name" must correspond to "Waters _Name" provided within the aquatic resource shapefiles. "Waters _Name" must correspond to "nwp.xls"."Upload"."Waters_Name" when a permit is also uploaded "Name" is required "Mitigation Type" is required "Bank Name or Program Name" is required "Credit Unit" is required "Proposed Credits" is required "Required Credits" is required NWP VALIDATION VALIDATIONS "Waters _Name" is required. "Waters _Name" must contain unique values. "Waters _Name" must correspond to "Waters _Name" provided within the aquatic resource shapefiles. "Waters _Name" must correspond to "impact.xls"."Upload". "Waters _Name" if impacts will also be uploaded. "Waters _Name" must correspond to "mitigation.xls"."Upload"."Waters_Name" if mitigation will also be uploaded. CD —Date _App_First_Received is required. CD —Date _App_First_Received <= Begin Date CD Receipt of Fed Complete Application is required. CD Determined Complete by PM is required. EVALCKLST ESA Coordination is required. EVALCKLST EFH Coordination is required. EVALCKLST Historic Properties is required. EVALCKLST Tribal Consulation is required. EVALCKLST Wild & Scenic River is required. EVALCKLST WQC is required. EVALCKLST CZM is required. EVALCKLST Recapture is required NWP ID is required. Begin Date is required. Is this a Pre -Construction Notification? is required. Permit_Authority is required. Is Compensatory Mitigation Required? is required. Is the Mitigation Permittee Responsible? is required. Date Permit Expires is required. End Date is required. Closure Method is required. WRDA 214, Regulator Funded (Corps) is required. WorkType 1 is required. Old —JD VALIDATION VALIDATION Only a single JD is expected for all aquatic resources - However if 1 JD is used per permit, enter a unique waters —name per row If "Does Corps Have Jurisdictional Authority" is "YES", "Authority" cannot be "NO" If "Does Corps Have Jurisdictional Authority" is "NO, "Authority" must be "None" "Begin Date" is required. "Does Corps Have Jurisdictional Authority" is required. "Authority" is required. "Closure Method" is required. "End Date" is required. "WRDA 214, Regulator Funded (Corps)" is required. RGP_PGP VALIDATION VALIDATIONS "Waters —Name" is required. "Waters —Name" must contain unique values. "Waters —Name" must correspond to "Waters —Name" provided within the aquatic resource shapefiles. "Waters _Name" must correspond to "impact.xls"."Upload". "Waters _Name" if impacts will also be uploaded. "Waters —Name" must correspond to "mitigation.xls"."Upload"."Waters_Name" if mitigation will also be uploaded. CD —Date _App_First_Received is required. CD —Date _App_First_Received <= Begin Date CD Receipt of Fed Complete Application is required. CD Determined Complete by PM is required. EVALCKLST ESA Coordination is required. EVALCKLST EFH Coordination is required. EVALCKLST Historic Properties is required. EVALCKLST Tribal Consulation is required. EVALCKLST Wild & Scenic River is required. EVALCKLST WQC is required. EVALCKLST CZM is required. EVALCKLST Recapture is required PERMIT —TYPE is required. PERMIT_NAME_NUMBER is required. Issued By is required. Begin Date is required. Is this a Pre -Construction Notification? is required. Permit_Authority is required. Is Compensatory Mitigation Required? is required. Is the Mitigation Permittee Responsible? is required. Date Permit Expires is required (but is based on the Permit Name Number selected). Date Verification Expires is required. End Date is required. Closure Method is required. WRDA 214, Regulator Funded (Corps) is required. WorkType 1 is required. Waters_Type DELINEATE IMPNDMNT ISOLATE N RPW N RPWW RPW RPWWD RPWWN TNW TNWRPW TNWW UPLAND HGM_Code Name DEPRESS Depressional ESTUARINEF Estuarine Fringed LACUSTRINF Lacustrine Fringe MINSOILFLT Mineral Soil Flats ORGSOILFLT Organic Soil Flats RIVERINE Riverine SLOPE Slope Cowardin_Code Category E1 Estuarine E1AB Estuarine ElOW Estuarine E1 RIB Estuarine E1 RF Estuarine E1 UB Estuarine E2 Estuarine E2AB Estuarine E2EM Estuarine E2FO Estuarine E2RF Estuarine E2RS Estuarine E2SB Estuarine E2SS Estuarine E2US Estuarine L1 Lacustrine L1 AB Lacustrine L1 OW Lacustrine L1 RIB Lacustrine L1 UB Lacustrine L2 Lacustrine L2AB Lacustrine L2EM Lacustrine L20W Lacustrine L2RB Lacustrine L2RS Lacustrine L2UB Lacustrine 1-2US Lacustrine M 1 Marine M 1 AB Marine M 1 OW Marine M 1 RB Marine M 1 RF Marine M1UB Marine M2 Marine M2AB Marine M2RF Marine M2RS Marine M2US Marine PAB Palustrine PAB1 Palustrine PAB2 Palustrine PAB3 Palustrine PAB4 Palustrine PAB5 Palustrine PAB6 Palustrine PEM Palustrine PFO Palustrine PML Palustrine POW Palustrine PRB Palustrine PSS Palustrine PUB Palustrine R1 Riverine R1 AB Riverine R1EM Riverine R1 RB Riverine R1 RS Riverine R1SB Riverine R1 UB Riverine R1US Riverine R2 Riverine R2AB Riverine R2EM Riverine R2RB Riverine R2RS Riverine R2UB Riverine R2US Riverine R3 Riverine R3AB Riverine R3RB Riverine R3RS Riverine R3UB Riverine R3US Riverine R4 Riverine R4SB Riverine R5 Riverine R5AB Riverine R5RB Riverine R5RS Riverine R5UB Riverine R5US Riverine R6 Riverine RP Riparian RP1 Riparian RP1 EM Riparian RP1 FO Riparian RP1 SS Riparian RP2 Riparian RP2EM Riparian RP2FO Riparian RP2SS Riparian U Uplands Description Delineation Only - PJD or No JD Required Impoundments Isolated (interstate or intrastate) waters, including isolated wetlands Non-RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs Wetlands adjacent to non-RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs Relatively Permanent Waters (RPWs) that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs Wetlands directly abutting RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs Wetlands adjacent to but not directly abutting RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs TNWs, including territorial seas Tributary consisting of both RPWs and non-RPWs Wetlands adjacent to TNWs Uplands Description Depressional is characterized by a water source consisting of return flow from groundwater and interflow with prim(, The water source of the estuarine fringe consists of overbank flow from estuaries, with bidirectional and horizontal A Lacustrine fringe has a dominant water source of lake overbank flow, and the dominant hydrodynamics are bidirE Mineral soil flats have a water source of precipitation, and vertical hydrodynamics are dominant. Organic soil flats have precipitation as the water source, and its dominant hydrodynamic is vertical. Riverine is characterized by a water source of overbank flow from a channel, and hydrodynamics which are predor The Slope wetland class is characterized by a water source of return flow from groundwater, with principally unidirE Description Subtidal, Estuarine Aquatic Bed, Estuarine Open Water, Subtidal, Estuarine (used on older maps) Rock Bottom, Subtidal, Estuarine Reef, Subtidal, Estuarine Unconsolidated Bottom, Subtidal, Estuarine Intertidal, Estuarine Aquatic Bed, Intertidal, Estuarine Emergent, Intertidal, Estuarine Forested, Intertidal, Estuarine Reef, Intertidal, Estuarine Rocky Shore, Intertidal, Estuarine Stream Bed, Intertidal, Estuarine Scrub -Shrub, Intertidal, Estuarine Unconsolidated Shore, Intertidal, Estuarine Aquatic Bed, Limnetic, Lacustrine Open Water/Unknown Bottom, Limnetic, Lacustrine (used on older maps) Rock Bottom, Limnetic, Lacustrine Unconsolidated Bottom, Limnetic, Lacustrine Littoral, Lacustrine Aquatic Bed, Littoral, Lacustrine Emergent, Littoral, Lacustrine Open Water/Unknown Bottom, Littoral, Lacustrine Rock Bottom, Littoral, Lacustrine Rocky Shore, Littoral, Lacustrine Unconsolidated Bottom, Littoral, Lacustrine Unconsolidated Shore, Littoral, Lacustrine Subtidal Marine Aquatic Bed, Subtidal, Marine Open Water, Subtidal, Marine (Used on older maps) Rock Bottom Subtidal Marine Reef, Subtidal, Marine Unconsolidated Bottom, Subtidal, Marine Intertidal, Marine Aquatic Bed, Intertidal, Marine Reef, Intertidal, Marine Rocky Shore, Intertidal, Marine Unconsolidated Shore, Intertidal, Marine Aquatic Bed, Palustrine Algal, Aquatic Bed, Palustrine Aquatic Moss, Aquatic Bed, Palustrine Rooted Vascular, Aquatic Bed, Palustrine Floating Vascular, Aquatic Bed, Palustrine Unknown Submergent, Aquatic Bed, Palustrine Unknown Surface, Aquatic Bed, Palustrine Emergent, Palustrine Forested, Palustrine Moss -Lichens, Palustrine POW-PALUSTRINE, OPEN WATER Rock Bottom, Palustrine Scrub -Shrub, Palustrine Unconsolidated Bottom, Palustrine Tidal, Riverine Aquatic Bed, Tidal, Riverine Emergent, Tidal, Riverine Rock Bottom, Tidal, Riverine Rocky Shore, Tidal, Riverine Streambed, Tidal, Riverine Unconsolidated Bottom, Tidal, Riverine Unconsolidated Shore, Tidal, Riverine Lower Perennial, Riverine Aquatic Bed, Lower Tidal, Riverine Emergent, Lower Tidal, Riverine Rock Bottom, Lower Perennial, Riverine Rocky Shore, Lower Tidal, Riverine Unconcolidated Bottom, Lower Perennial, Riverine Unconsolidated Shore, Lower Tidal, Riverine Upper Perennial, Riverine Aquatic Bed, Upper Perennial, Riverine Rock Bottom, Upper Perennial, Riverine Rocky Shore, Upper Perennial, Riverine Unconsolidated Bottom, Upper Perennial, Riverine Unconsolidated Shore, Upper Perennial, Riverine Intermittent, Riverine Streambed, Intermittent, Riverine Unknown Perennial, Riverine Aquatic Bed, Unknown Perennial, Riverine Rock Bottom, Unknown Perennial, Riverine Rocky Shore, Unknown Perennial, Riverine Unconsolidated Bottom, Unknown Perennial, Riverine Unconsolidated Shore, Unknown Perennial, Riverine A wetland, spring, stream, river, pond or lake that only exists for a short period Lotic, Riparian Emergent, Lotic, Riparian Forested, Lotic, Riparian Scrub -Shrub, Lotic, Riparian Lentic, Riparian Emergent, Lentic, Riparian Forested, Lentic. Riparian Scrub -Shrub, Lentic, Riparian Upland - Not a wetland or deepwater habitat of the United States as described by Cowardin. arily vertical hydrodynamics. hydrodynamics being dominant. ;ctional and horizontal. ninantly unidirectional and horizontal. �ctional and horizontal hydrodynamics. Name El -ESTUARINE, SUBTIDAL E1AB-ESTUARINE, SUBTIDAL, AQUATIC BED E10W-ESTUARINE, SUBTIDAL, OPEN WATER E 1 RB-ESTUARINE, SUBTIDAL, ROCK BOTTOM E1 RF-ESTUARINE, SUBTIDAL, REEF E1 UB-ESTUARINE, SUBTIDAL UNCONSOLIDATED BOTTM E2-ESTUARINE, INTERTIDAL E2AB-ESTUARINE, INTERTIDAL, AQUATIC BED E2EM-ESTUARINE, INTERTIDAL, EMERGENT E2FO-ESTUARINE, INTERTIDAL, FORESTED E2RF-ESTUARINE, INTERTIDAL, REEF E2RS-ESTUARINE, INTERTIDAL, ROCKY SHORE E2SB-ESTUARINE, INTERTIDAL, STREAM BED E2SS-ESTUARINE, INTERTIDAL, SCRUB -SHRUB E2US-ESTUARINE, INTERTIDAL, UNCONSOL SHORE L1-LACUSTRINE, LIMNETIC L1AB-LACUSTRINE, LIMNETIC, AQUA BED L10W-LACUSTRINE, LIMNETIC, OPEN WATER/UNK BOT L1 RB-LACUSTRINE, LIMNETIC, ROCK BOTTOM L1 UB-LACUSTRINE, LIMNETIC, UNCONSOL BOTTOM L2-LACUSTRINE, LITTORAL L2AB-LACUSTRINE, LITTORAL, AQUA BED L2EM-LACUSTRINE, LITTORAL, EMERGENT L20W-LACUSTRINE, LITTORAL, OPEN WATER L2RB-LACUSTRINE, LITTORAL, ROCK BOTTOM L2RS-LACUSTRINE, LITTORAL, ROCKY SHORE L2UB-LACUSTRINE, LITTORAL, UNCONSOL BOT L2US-LACUSTRINE, LITTORAL, UNCONSOL SHORE M 1-MARINE, SUBTIDAL M1AB-MARINE, SUBTIDAL, AQUATIC BED M10W-MARINE, SUBTIDAL, OPEN WATER M 1 RB-MARINE, SUBTIDAL, ROCK BOTTOM M1 RF-MARINE, SUBTIDAL, REEF M1 UB-MARINE, SUBTIDAL, UNCONSOLIDATED BOTTOM M2-MARINE, INTERTIDAL M2AB-MARINE, INTERTIDAL, AQUATIC BED M2RF-MARINE, INTERTIDAL, REEF M2RS-MARINE, INTERTIDAL, ROCKY SHORE M2US-MARINE, INTERTIDAL, UNCONSOLIDATED SHORE PAB-PALUSTRINE, AQUA BED PAB1-PALUSTRINE, AQUA BED, ALGAL PAB2-PALUSTRINE, AQUA BED, AQUATIC MOSS PAB3-PALUSTRINE, AQUA BED, ROOTED VASC PAB4-PALUSTRINE, AQUA BED, FLOAT VASC PAB5-PALUSTRINE, AQUA BED, UNK SUB PAB6-PALUSTRINE, AQUA BED, UNK SURF PEM-PALUSTRINE, EMERGENT PFO-PALUSTRINE, FORESTED PML-PALUSTRINE, MOSS -LICHENS POW-PALUSTRINE, OPEN WATER PRB-PALUSTRINE, ROCK BOTTOM PSS-PALUSTRINE, SCRUB -SHRUB PUB-PALUSTRINE, UNCONSOL BOT R1-RIVERINE, TIDAL R1AB-RIVERINE, TIDAL, AQUATIC BED R1 EM-RIVERINE, TIDAL, EMERGENT R1 RB-RIVERINE, TIDAL, ROCK BOTTOM R1 RS-RIVERINE, TIDAL, ROCKY SHORE R1 SB-RIVERINE, TIDAL, STREAMBED R1 UB-RIVERINE, TIDAL, UNCONSOLIDATED BOTTOM R1 US-RIVERINE, TIDAL, UNCONSOL SHORE R2-RIVERINE, LOWER PERENNIAL R2AB-RIVERINE, LOWER PEREN, AQUA BED R2EM-RIVERINE, LOWER PEREN, EMERGENT R2RB-RIVERINE, LOWER PEREN, ROCK BOTTOM R2RS-RIVERINE, LOWER PEREN, ROCKY SHORE R2UB-RIVERINE, LOWER PEREN, UNCONSOL BOT R2US-RIVERINE, LOWER PEREN, UNCONSOL SHORE R3-RIVERINE, UPPER PERENNIAL R3AB-RIVERINE, UPPER PEREN, AQUA BED R3RB-RIVERINE, UPPER PEREN, ROCK BOTTOM R3RS-RIVERINE, UPPER PEREN, ROCKY SHORE R3UB-RIVERINE, UPPER PEREN, UNCONSOL BOT R3US-RIVERINE, UPPER PEREN, UNCONSOL SHR R4-RIVERINE, INTERMIT R4SB-RIVERINE, INTERMIT, STREAMBED R5-RIVERINE, UNKNOWN PERENNIAL R5AB-RIVERINE, UNK PEREN, AQUA BED R5RB-RIVERINE, UNK PEREN, ROCK BOTTOM R5RS-RIVERINE, UNK PEREN, ROCKY SHORE R5UB-RIVERINE, UNK PEREN, UNCONSOLIDATED BOTTOM R5US-RIVERINE, UNK PEREN, UNCONCOL SHORE R6 - RIVERINE, EPHEMERAL RP -RIPARIAN RP 1-RIPARIAN, LOTIC RP1 EM-RIPARIAN, LOTIC, EMERGENT RP1 FO-RIPARIAN, LOTIC, FORESTED RP1 SS -RIPARIAN, LOTIC, SCRUB -SHRUB RP2-RIPARIAN, LENTIC RP2EM-RIPARIAN, LENTIC, EMERGENT RP2FO-RIPARIAN, LENTIC, FORESTED RP2SS-RIPARIAN, LENTIC, SCRUB -SHRUB U-U PLAN DS lCowardin Code jHGM Code IMeas_Type jUnits Area jUnits Linear Waters_Type E1 DEPRESS Area ACRE FOOT DELINEATE E1AB ESTUARINEF Linear SQ FT IMPNDMNT E10W LACUSTRINF ISOLATE E1RB MINSOILFLT NRPW E1 RF ORGSOILFLT NRPWW E1 UB RIVERINE RPW E2 SLOPE RPWWD E2AB RPWWN E2EM TNW E2F0 TNWRPW E2RF TNWW E2RS UPLAND E2SB E2SS E2US L1 L1AB L10W L1 RB L1 UB L2 L2AB L2EM L20W L2RB L2RS L2UB L2US M1 M1AB M10W M1RB M1RF M1UB M2 M2AB M2RF M2RS M2US PAB PAB1 PAB2 PAB3 PAB4 PABS PAB6 PEM PFO PML POW PRB PSS PUB R1 R1 AB R1EM R1 RB R1 RS R1SB R1 UB R1US R2 R2AB R2EM R2RB R2 RS R2UB R2US R3 R3AB R3RB R3 RS R3UB R3US R4 R4SB R5 R5AB R5RB R5 RS R5UB R5US R6 RP RP1 RP1 EM RP1 FO RP1 SS RP2 RP2EM RP2 FO RP2SS U Activity I Resource Type Conversion of waters type (forested wetland to emergent wetland, stream to lake) Harbor/Ocean Discharge of dredged material Lake Discharge of fill material Non -Tidal Wetland Dredging (Section 10) Pond Ecological restoration River/Stream Removal (Sec 10 structures) Tidal Wetland Structure (Sec 10 only) Other Transport of dredged material (Sec 103) Other (Aquaculture, Work, Aerial or Submarine cable crossings) IYES_NO JImpact _Duration jAmount Type IFill Area IRemoval Are Structure Are Fill Volume YES Permanent Fill Area Acres Acres Acres Cubic Yards NO Temporary Removal Area Square Feet Square Feet Square Feet Structure Area Fill Volume Removal Volume Removal Volumd Mitigation_Type_P IMitigation_Type_M I Permittee Responsible_Type Cubic Yards Permittee Responsible (off -site) In -Lieu Fee Establishment Permittee Responsible (on -site) Mitigation Bank Re-establishment Enhancement Rehabilitation Preservation IMitigation Kind lCoordination lConsultation JNWP ID JNWP Permit Authori In Kind No Resources Present Required NWP 1 Section 10 Out of Kind Resources Present/No Effect Not Required NWP 2 Section 10/404 Resources Present/Consultation Required NWP 3 Section 404 NWP4 NWP5 NWP6 NWP7 NWP8 NWP9 NWP 10 NWP 11 NWP 12 NWP 13 NWP 14 NWP 15 NWP 16 NWP 17 NWP 18 NWP 19 NWP 20 NWP 21 NWP 22 NWP 23 NWP 24 NWP 25 NWP 27 NWP 28 NWP 29 NWP 30 NWP 31 NWP 32 NWP 33 NWP 34 NWP 35 NWP 36 NWP 37 NWP 38 NWP 39 NWP 40 NWP 41 NWP 42 NWP 43 NWP 44 NWP 45 NWP 46 NWP 48 NWP 49 NWP 50 NWP 51 NWP 52 NWP 53 NWP 54 Permit Authority IClosure Method GP Section 10 Denied Without Prejudice Section 10/103 Discretionary Authority Section 10/404 Exceeded Corps Review Time Limit, Verified By Default Section 10/404/103 Provisional Verification Section 103 Verified With Special Conditions Section 404 Verified Without Special Conditions Section 404/103 Withdrawn Section 9 Withdrawn By Applicant Withdrawn Due To No Permit Required (NPR) Withdrawn For Enforcement Action Withdrawn For Lack Of Applicant Response Withdrawn To Become A General Permit Withdrawn To Become A Letter of Permission (LOP) Withdrawn To Become A Standard Permit lWorkType lAuthority AGRICULTURE \CONVERSION None AGRICULTURE \NON-EXEMPT Section 10/404 AQUACULTURE \ FINFISH Section 404 AQUACULTURE \PLANTS AQUACULTURE \SHELLFISH DEVELOPMENT\ASSOCIATED INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT \COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT \INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT \RECREATIONAL DEVELOPMENT \RESIDENTIAL \MULTI- FAMILY DEVELOPMENT \RESIDENTIAL \SINGLE FAMILY DREDGING \BOAT SLIP DREDGING \ CHANNELIZATION DREDGING \DISPOSAL DREDGING \GENERAL DREDGING \MAINTENANCE DREDGING \NAVIGATION \FEDERAL SPONSOR DREDGING \NAVIGATION \PRIVATE ENERGY GENERATION \COAL ENERGY GENERATION \ COGEN ENERGY GENERATION \GEOTHERMAL ENERGY GENERATION \HYDROPOWER ENERGY GENERATION \KINETIC ENERGY GENERATION \NATURAL GAS ENERGY GENERATION \NUCLEAR ENERGY GENERATION \OIL ENERGY GENERATION \SOLAR ENERGY GENERATION \WIND MINING AND DRILLING \DRILLING \ACCESS MINING AND DRILLING \DRILLING \FACILITIES MINING AND DRILLING \DRILLING \GAS MINING AND DRILLING \DRILLING \OIL MINING AND DRILLING \DRILLING \SHALE GAS MINING AND DRILLING \MINING \ACCESS MINING AND DRILLING \MINING \COAL \MINE THROUGH MINING AND DRILLING \MINING \COAL \REFUSE FILL MINING AND DRILLING \MINING \COAL \ REMINING MINING AND DRILLING \MINING \COAL \UNDERGROUND MINING AND DRILLING \MINING \COAL \VALLEY FILL MINING AND DRILLING \MINING \ FACILITES MINING AND DRILLING \MINING \GRAVEL MINING AND DRILLING \MINING \OTHER MINERAL MINING AND DRILLING \MINING \PEAT MINING AND DRILLING \MINING \PHOSPHATE MINING AND DRILLING \MINING \ROCK MINING AND DRILLING \MINING \SAND MITIGATION \CREATION MITIGATION \ENHANCEMENT MITIGATION \ FISH/WILDLIFE \CREATION MITIGATION \ FISH/WILDLIFE \ENHANCEMENT MITIGATION \ FISH/WILDLIFE \PLANTING MITIGATION \ FISH/WILDLIFE \PRESERVATION MITIGATION \ FISH/WILDLIFE \RESTORATION MITIGATION \ FISH/WILDLIFE \ SEEDING MITIGATION \ MITIGATION BANK MITIGATION \ PRESERVATION MITIGATION \ RESTORATION \ STREAM MITIGATION \ RESTORATION \ WETLAND MITIGATION \ WETLAND RECLAMATION OTHER \ BANK STABILIZATION OTHER \ CLEANUP HAZARDOUS OR TOXIC WASTES OTHER \ DAMS \ COFFER OTHER \ DAMS \ GENERAL OTHER \ DAMS \ LOW WATER OTHER \ DAMS \ MAINTENANCE OTHER \ DAMS \ REMOVAL OTHER \ DAMS \ RESERVOIR OTHER \ DAMS \ WEIR OTHER \ INDIAN TRIBE OR STATE 404 PROGRAM OTHER \ MOSQUITO DITCHING OTHER \ OCEAN DISPOSAL OTHER \ RESTRICTED AREAS OTHER \ SURVEY ACTIVITIES OTHER \ TREASURE HUNTING STRUCTURE \ AIDS TO NAVIGATION STRUCTURE \ BOAT HOUSE STRUCTURE \ BOAT LIFT STRUCTURE \ BOAT RAMP STRUCTURE \ BREAKWATER STRUCTURE \ BRIDGE/RELATED WORK STRUCTURE \ BULKHEAD STRUCTURE \ CRIB STRUCTURE \ DOCK \ FIXED STRUCTURE \ DOCK \ FLOATING STRUCTURE \ DOLPHINS STRUCTURE \ ELEV REC DECK STRUCTURE \ GABION STRUCTURE \ GROIN STRUCTURE \ INTAKE/OUTFALL STRUCTURE \ MAINTENANCE STRUCTURE \ MARINA STRUCTURE \ MARINE RAIL STRUCTURE \ MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURE \ MOORED BARGE STRUCTURE \ MOORED VESSELS STRUCTURE \ MOORING BODY STRUCTURE \ MOORING PILING STRUCTURE \ NAVIGATION BUOY STRUCTURE \ PIER \ NON-RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE \ PIER \ RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE \ PILE/DOLPHIN STRUCTURE \ RAM P STRUCTURE \ RECREATIONAL STRUCTURE \ REMOVAL STRUCTURE \ SCIENTIFIC DEVICE STRUCTURE \ UNSPECIFIED STRUCTURE \ UTILITY LINE OR STRUCTURE STRUCTURE \ WATER CONTROL STRUCTURE \ WEIR TRANSPORTATION \ AIRPORT \ FACILITY TRANSPORTATION \ AIRPORT \ MAINTENANCE TRANSPORTATION \ AIRPORT \ RUNWAY TRANSPORTATION \ BRIDGE \ CONSTRUCTION (NEW) TRANSPORTATION \ BRIDGE \ MAINTENANCE TRANSPORTATION \ BRIDGE \ PIER TRANSPORTATION \ BRIDGE \ PROTECTION TRANSPORTATION \ BRIDGE \ REMOVAL TRANSPORTATION \ BRIDGE \ REPLACEMENT TRANSPORTATION \ PIPELINE \ ACCESS ROAD TRANSPORTATION \ PIPELINE \ AERIAL TRANSPORTATION \ PIPELINE \ BURIED TRANSPORTATION \ PIPELINE \ MAINTENANCE TRANSPORTATION \ PIPELINE \ STRUCTURE TRANSPORTATION \ PIPELINE \ SUBMERGED TRANSPORTATION \ RAIL \ BRIDGE TRANSPORTATION \ RAIL \ FACILITY TRANSPORTATION \ RAIL \ MAINTENANCE TRANSPORTATION \ RAIL \ REMOVAL TRANSPORTATION \ RAIL \ TRACK TRANSPORTATION \ ROADS \ AGRICULTURE TRANSPORTATION \ ROADS \ CROSSING (NON BRIDGE) TRANSPORTATION \ ROADS \ CULVERT TRANSPORTATION \ ROADS \ IMPROVEMENTS TRANSPORTATION \ ROADS \ LOGGING TRANSPORTATION \ ROADS \ MAINTENANCE TRANSPORTATION \ UTILITY \ ACCESS ROAD TRANSPORTATION \ UTILITY \ AERIAL TRANSPORTATION \ UTILITY \ BURIED TRANSPORTATION \ UTILITY \ MAINTENANCE TRANSPORTATION \ UTILITY \ STRUCTURE TRANSPORTATION \ UTILITY \ SUBMERGED Closure Method JD Permit Type Issued_By jUnitsArea2 jUnits Linear2 Approved JD That Did Not Require AField/Site Visit RGP CORPS Acres Feet Approved JD That Did Require AField/Site Visit PGP LOCAL Square Feet Delineation Concurrence OTHER No JD Required STATE Preliminary JD That Did Not Require AField/Site Visit Preliminary JD That Did Require AField/Site Visit Withdrawn Withdrawn By Applicant Recapture ICredit Unit ILF ICredit Unit MB Applies Acre Based Acre Based Does Not Apply Linear Feet Based Linear Feet Based Advanced Credit Assessment Based Assessment Based State IAT Fill IAT Removal IAT Structure ALABAMA Fill Area Removal Area Structure Area ALASKA AMERICAN SAMOA ARIZONA ARKANSAS CALIFORNIA COLORADO COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS CONNECTICUT DELAWARE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA FLORIDA GEORGIA GUAM HAWAI IDAHO ILLINOIS INDIANA IOWA KANSAS KENTUCKY LOUISIANA MAINE MARYLAND MASSACHUSETTS MICHIGAN MINNESOTA MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI MONTANA NEBRASKA NEVADA NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW JERSEY NEW MEXICO NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA NORTH DAKOTA OHIO OKLAHOMA OREGON PENNSYLVANIA PUERTO RICO RHODE ISLAND SOUTH CAROLINA SOUTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE TEXAS UNITED STATES VIRGIN ISLANDS UTAH VERMONT VIRGINIA WASHINGTON WEST VIRGINIA WISCONSIN WYOMING IAT Fill Volume I IAT Dredging IAT Other Fill Volume Removal Area Structure Area Removal Volume Fill Area Removal Area Conversion of waters type (forested wetland to emergent wetland, stream to lake) Fill Area Discharge of dredged material Discharge of fill material Dredging (Section 10) 1 Ecological restoration Fill Area Fill Area Removal Area Fill Area Removal Volume Removal (Sec 10 structures) Structure (Sec 10 only) Transport of dredged material (Sec 103) Removal Area Structure Area Fill Volume Other (Aquaculture, Work, Aerial or Submarine cable crossings) Section 10 Section 10ss404 Fill Area NWP 1 NWP 3 Removal Area NWP 2 NWP 4 Structure Area NWP 3 NWP 5 NWP4 NWP6 NWP5 NWP7 NWP6 NWP12 NWP7 NWP13 NWP8 NWP14 NWP9 NWP15 NWP 10 NWP 16 NWP 11 NWP 17 NWP 12 NWP 18 NWP 13 NWP 19 NWP 14 NWP 20 NWP 15 NWP 21 NWP 18 NWP 22 NWP 19 NWP 23 NWP 20 NWP 25 NWP 21 NWP 27 NWP 22 NWP 29 NWP 23 NWP 30 NWP 24 NWP 31 NWP 27 NWP 32 NWP 28 NWP 33 NWP 29 NWP 34 NWP 31 NWP 36 NWP 32 NWP 37 NWP 33 NWP 38 NWP 35 NWP 39 NWP 36 NWP 40 NWP 37 NWP 41 NWP 38 NWP 42 NWP 39 NWP 43 NWP 44 NWP 44 NWP 45 NWP 45 NWP 48 NWP 46 NWP 49 NWP 48 NWP 50 NWP 49 NWP 51 NWP 50 NWP 52 NWP 51 NWP 53 NWP 52 NWP 54 NWP 53 NWP 54 Section 404 NWP3 NWP4 NWP5 NWP6 NWP7 NWP 12 NWP 13 NWP 14 NWP 15 NWP 16 NWP 17 NWP 18 NWP 19 NWP 20 NWP 21 NWP 22 NWP 23 NWP 25 NWP 27 NWP 29 NWP 30 NWP 31 NWP 32 NWP 33 NWP 34 NWP 36 NWP 37 NWP 38 NWP 39 NWP 40 NWP 41 NWP 42 NWP 43 NWP 44 NWP 45 NWP 46 NWP 48 NWP 49 NWP 50 NWP 51 NWP 52 NWP 53 NWP 54 5outkern Environmental Group, Inc. 5315 Soutk College Koad, Suite r, • WiImington • Nosth Carolina 28+1 2 Fk. 9 10-452.271 1 • rax. 9 1 0.452.28gJ • www.segLu5 :f 6 March 2019 Electronic Mail Ms. Emily Greer US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Wilmington Regulatory Field Office 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 Emily. C.Greer(j usace.army.mi1 RE: Saratoga S.D. (Britton Tract) Response to USAGE Request for Additional Information (BEAT) Pender County, North Carolina (SAW-2018-00195) Dear Emily, Please accept this correspondence and accompanying attachments, as Southern Environmental Group, Inc.'s (SEGi) response to your emailed request for additional information dated 3 December 2018, which has been outlined below and followed by SEGi's response: 1. a) Please either show all isolated wetlands as non jurisdictional and filled or remove them entirely from the impact map. Please note that the feature at Impact B is an isolated wetland, b) Please add the four stream features to the impact map and account for impacts at Impact A and for Tributary 3 located in the vicinity of Keeneland Court/Lot 37. a) The isolated wetlands have been added and denoted as such, on the attached site plan (see Attachment 1). There is only one isolated wetland being filled, as there is no justifiable purpose and need to fill the others. Due to the PCN being a joint application for both USACE and NC DWR authorizations, SEGi felt it necessary to include the isolated wetland information, on the site plan and within the PCN. b) The four tributaries have been added to the plan. Based on the type of wetland being impacted changing, Section D, of the PCN, needs to be revised to reflect the changes. However, due to the fact that PCN was submitted electronically, revising it is not practicable. Therefore, the following table is intended to complete Section D and includes both tributaries and wetland proposed impacts : 2a. Site Name 2a1 Reason 2b. Impact type 2c. Type of W. 2d. W. Name 2e. Forested 2f. Type of jurisdiction 2g. Impact Area (AC} 1 Road Crossing Perm RPW Ditch Existing Tributary 1 No Corps 0.0006 AC 2 Road Crossing Perm RPW Ditch Existing Tributary 3 No Corps 0.02 AC A Road Crossing Perm Pocosin 1 & 6 No Corps 0.012 C Road Crossing Perm Pocosin 5 Yes Corps 0.059 D Road Crossing Perm Pocosin 2 Yes Corps 0.034 E Road Crossing Perm Pocosin 2 Yes Corps 0.055 F Road Crossing Perm Pocosin 3 Yes Corps 0.181 Saratoiza (Britton Tract) Response to USAGE RFAI G Road Crossing Perm Pocosin 4 Yes Corps 0.088 H Road Crossing Perm Pocosin 2 & 6 Yes Corps 0.027 H Utility Temp Pocosin 6 No Corps 0.0009 I Road Crossing Perm Pocosin 1 Yes Corps 0.018 JD3 Road Crossing Perm Basin JD3 Yes 401 0.024 Total 404 (P) 0.494 Total 404 (T) 0.0006 Total 401 (P) 0.024 2. The site has been delineated and verbal approval of the delineation has been provided. Please reference the delineation and provide answers to questions 4(l) and 4(g) on the PCN. Page 4, of the PCN, which contains questions 4(fl and 4(g), as well as Section 5, has been updated to include the requested information (see Attachment 2). 3. A road crossing is proposed at Impact I; however, there is no indication that a culvert is being installed at this location, which is required. Please update drawings to reflect this change. An 8" pipe has been added to the plan (see Attachment 1). 4. The applicant has proposed to construct Secretariat Run to the eastern project boundary and has stated in the application that this is not a phased project. Due to the location of jurisdictional resources immediately beyond the project boundary, the applicant will only be allowed to construct a IZ foot wide access road beginning at the lot boundaryfor Lots 20/21. The access road will not be allowed to continue beyond the driveway. Impacts should be revised to show no wetland impacts on the north side of the road from the Lot 20/21 boundary. There is an existing soil road, where Secretariat Run is to be located, extends over/into the adjacent property (see Attachment 3). A 60' long culvert exists, at that stream crossing, on the adjacent property. According to Paramount Engineering, Pender County will require the adjacent tract connect to Secretariat Run, when and if it is developed, as the County has the road mapped as part of their Collector Street Plan'. With this knowledge, the impact is reasonably anticipated to take place and is unavoidable. 5. At each road crossing, the applicant has proposed to bury culverts either four or six inches. Per the Wilmington District's Regional General Condition, culverts must be designed and installed so that destabilization and head -cutting are minimized. Additionally, culverts in wetlands do not have to be buried. Given the elevation changes from north to south at each crossing, the Corps is concerned that the proposal to bury the culverts will result in secondary drainage effects and head -cutting upslope of the crossing. Please either provide a written explanation as to why the culverts must be buried that also addresses the Corps' concerns or redesign the crossings with an adequate size and number of unburied culverts to equalize surface waters. The plans have been revised to reflect the culverts at existing grade, rather than being buried (see Attachment 1) . 6. The applicant is proposing to install culverts at Impact H that will discharge into what appears to be a piped ditch before ultimately discharging south to wetlands abutting Harrison Creek. Drainage for this wetland already exists just offsite from Impact H. Construction of an additional drain will have secondary drainage effects. Burying the culvert and piping the ditch increases the likelihood of a drainage effect occurring and could also create head -cutting. Please either provide a written explanation of the purpose and need for this drain that also addresses the Corps' concerns or remove it from the plans entirely. 1 http://www.pendercountync.gov/pcd/v -content/uploads/sites/15/2017/07/3-1-16-Pender-County-Final.pdf 2 Sarato ag SD. (Britton Tract) Response to USACE RFAI ,�jr �i After evaluation of the drainage in this area, the proposed culverts, at Impact H, are not necessary and have been removed from the plan (see Attachment 1). 7. In apre-application meeting with the Corps, the applicant stated that language regarding how to access upland areas on lots with wetlands without a permit will be provided in the HOA restrictive covenants. To ensure the correct information is being disseminated to future buyers, please provide the language that will be used for the Corps review. The attached deed notification will be recorded at the Pender County ROD, prior to conveying to conveying any of the lots that contain wetlands (see Attachment 4). 8. Please revise impact labels and impact amounts, and update drawings accordingly. Also, please fill out the attached spreadsheet for project impacts and attach it as a separate document when resubmitting. The impacts labels and amounts have been updated on the drawings (see Attachment 1), and the spreadsheet completed (see Attachment 5). 9. a) Pleaseprovide a compensatory mitigation credit release letter. b) Without justification, mitigation for wetland and perennial stream impacts should be provided at a 2:1 ratio and intermittent stream and conversion impacts should be provided at a 1:1 ratio. c) Please note that tree cutting on lots with wetlands with the intent to allow the buyer to maintain those areas in an herbaceous state is considered a permanent impact and should be accounted for in impact totals and mitigation provided. a) A credit reservation letter will be requested from the NECFUMB, once the mitigation proposal has been approved. b) The proposed wetland impact areas (i.e. "assessment areas") are classified, by the NC Wetland Assessment Method Dichotomous Key, as Pocosin', and Low Pocosin, by the NC Natural Heritage Program. These wetland complexes are seasonally saturated or inundated, due to a high or perched water table. Hydrology is maintained by precipitation and slow drainage and are rarely found adjacent to rivers or streams. Vegetation is typically composed of dense, waxy shrubs, such as gallberries (Ilex ssp. ), fetterbushes (Leucothoe ssp.), honey -cups (Zenobia pulverulenta) and greenbriers (Smilax laurifolia). The diversity of plant species and sizes promotes diverse wildlife, which is not the case with this site. Historically, the majority of the area, not classified as swamp forest, has been utilized for silviculture activities (see Attachment 6). Currently, the site is row planted, with Loblolly Pine. The rows create depressional areas, overwhelming the Pocosin ecosystem and limiting the diversity of the vegetation that would typically be found within the wetland complex. Evaluation of the wetland complexes, utilizing the North Carolina Wetland Assessment Method (WAM), revealed the wetlands are low in functional value (see Attachment 7). Therefore, a 1:1 mitigation to impact ratio is sufficient to offset the loss of function anticipated to take place, as a result of permanently filling 0.47-acre of non -riparian wetlands. Once approved by the USACE, a credit reservation letter will be furnished to your office. c) It is not anticipated that trees, within wetlands, will need to be cut, to build any of the dwellings. Furthermore, the Applicant is unable to foresee what, if any, wetlands will be cut and maintained "in an herbaceous state", by future property owners. As stated in the response to #7, deed notifications will be recorded, to notify future buyers of the existence of wetlands within the property boundaries and directed them to contact the USACE, prior to undertaking any work within wetlands. Should future buyers wish to maintain wetlands in an herbaceous state, the USACE has the ability to assess mitigation for the conversion, at that time and with the responsible party. It is SEGi's hope that the information submitted within and attached to this letter is sufficient to satisfy the USACE's RFAI. However, should you still have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly, at 910.228.1841. 2 https:Hfiles.nc.gov/ncdeq/Water°/n20Quality/Environmental°/fl2OSciences/ECO/Wetlands/NC°/a20WAM°/a2OWetland%2OKey%2Ov5.pdf Saratoga (Britton Tract Response to USACE RFAI 5r Sincerely, Dana A. Lutheran SEGi Regulatory Specialist Enclosures (7) cc: Mr. Robb Mairs — NC DWR WiRO (robb.mairs(&,ncdenr.gov) Ms. Sheri Montalvo — NC DWR Raleigh (sheri.montalvo@ncdenr.gQv) Saratoga S.D. (Britton Tract) Response to USACE RFAI 5F Cil Attachment 1 Revised wetland Impact Drawings i (3/5/19) et al 8/049 0048 I E \ O I ISOLATED NON -JD 1 3263-98-9174-0000 I NANOUS CHRISTOPHER JUSTIN Deed Book/Page 4629/0115 I Plat Book/Page 0145/0047 \ \ 52 I 51 I 00 Zoning: RA RPW(DITCH) #1 -IMPACT 10 LF (30 SF)- 3273-07-2677-0000 BROWN LYLE M et al Deed Book/Page 4625/0751 Plat Book/Page 0145/0047 Zoning: RA !lV L -r VL.JlIL-L L.JLV LL_lJr IV L1V r L -L -I! Deed Book/Page 2994/157 Plat Book/Page 0078/0059 Zoning: PD REMAINING LAND OF 3273-49-3199-0000 BRITTON WOODLANDS LLC Deed Book/Page 3561/240 Plat Book/Page 0022/0060 Zoning: RA EXCEEDS 10 ACRES Septic I r Tedands (Tvp•) \ \ U\ 37 _` 36 — EXISTING - R_o�TRIBUTARY 3 RPW ITCH RPW(DITCH) #2� IMPACT 300 LF 9(900 SF) F /7/� 33 ZA 26 \ \\ EXISTING TRIBUTARY 4 STREAM PORARY 404 IMPACT EXISTING 6011 CULVERT STREAM 3273-49-3199-0000 BRITTON WOODLANDS LLC Deed Book/Page 3561/240 Plat Book/Page 0022/0060 Zoning: RA EXCEEDS 10 ACRE5' Wetland Impact Map - EX -1 rat Pender County, North Carolina Date: 01.28.2019 SITE DATA: SITE ACREAGE TOTAL RPW/DITCH IMPACTS IMPACT 1 IMPACT 2 = 150.5 AC. +/- _ (0.02 AC.) 400 LF (1200 SF) 10 LF (30 SF) 300 LF (900 SF) TOTAL WETLAND IMPACTS = 0.474 AC IMPACT A = 0.012 AC IMPACT C = 0.059 AC. IMPACT D = 0.034 AC. IMPACT E = 0.055 AC. IMPACT F = 0.181 AC. IMPACT G = 0.088 AC. IMPACT H = 0.027 AC. IMPACT 1 = 0.018 AC. TOTAL ISOLATED WETLAND IMPACTS = 0.024 AC IMPACT J D-3 = 0.024 AC TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT (WATERMAIN) = 0.0009 AC LEGEND: Jurisdictional Wetland Impacts ■----------------- RPW STREAM RPW/Ditch Impacts ISOLATED WETLANDS PARAMOUNTE F r1i G I N E E F2 I N G. I 122 Cinema Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 (910) 791-6707 (0) (910) 791-6760 (F) NC License #: C-2846 Project #: 17180.PE Scale: 1" = 150' at 22" x 34" ro FAA LIN 4 North 0' 75' 150' 300' Road A A66) EXISTING TRIBUTARY 2 9 �- EXISTING CULVERT PIPE 32 TRIBUTARY 1 T 4 IMPACT A SCALE 111=40'(22"X34") T I IMPACT F SCALE 111=40'(22"X34") �I \ Future Forcemain to \ Stic kL,'—'Community Septic �\ Drain Field (Typ.) 20/ / WEA E T ET �t�E13 till and Access/ /� I \I Easement (Typ.) 48 � �47 1,1.1\ � � ► ,I� i , \ IMPACT I SCALE 111=40'(22"X34") JL \_" au I � 9 I I 10 11 / � J IMPACT B -NO IMPACT (ISOLATED WETLAND) SCALE 111=40'(22"X34") ---/WET 1�,y1 I � IAskI 1 31 r I / F2- � I / 1 G / / I IMPACT G SCALE 111=40'(22"X34") N�� n42 n� IMPACT C SCALE 111=40'(22"X34") WE / )V /r\ y II (/�3 105 EXISTING ,TRIBUTARY 3 34 / I / I � I _ I I j i 1 1 IMPACT H \ SCALE 111=40'(22"X34") Wetland Impact Map - EX -2 Saratoga -' 27 IMPACT D & E SCALE 111=40'(22"X34") Pender County, North Carolina Date: 01.28.2019 EXISTING 60" CULVERT — _40 —_--4 \�- - — — — 4a: — — _ EXISTING — — .TRIBUTARY 414-- '01 1 o M ,app' �p0,`lR app INV=6.77 o !� 100 o '---100—YR 4f J�7 41f 411� PARAMOUNTE F N G I N k= E R I " G, 1 N G_ 122 Cinema Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 (910) 791-6707 (0) (910) 791-6760 (F) NC License #: C-2846 Project #: 17180.PE Scale: 1" = 40' at 22" x 34" North 0' 20' 40' 80' ww w w z_ z_ z_ z_ J J J J 3: ROAD 'A' 3: 3: ROAD 'A' 3: 50' PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY 50' PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY 1 1/4" PER FT 1 1/4" PER FT Q WATER PROPOSED CULVERTS 8.5' I 0.5'-5.2'+/- PROPOSED —/ TYPICAL COLLECTOR STREET ROAD A ENDWALL W/ IMPACT A WINGWALLS CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE w z U � a W Q � J 0 < J W U) 0 -0.5'-13.8' /- UJ 7.0' 6.0' CL 3, SWALE SLOPES 3:1 ROAD 'A' 50' PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY � Q W w J — H JJ Cf) W �9.4'-11.8'+/- Q -90 12' ASPHAL 1�' ASPHALT 6.0' 7.0' on CL SWALE 1/4"/PER FT 1/411�RFT 1' -3'+/ - PROPOSED HEADWALL W/ WINGWALLS Q WATER \ PROPOSED SWALE TYPICAL COLLECTOR STREET ROAD A IMPACT B CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE 3' SLOPES 3:1 PROPOSED SWALE U W W co J W 0 2 2 JJ w (D -4.3'-13.2'+/-� � 06 U) �Q (D U (D SLOPES 3:1 PROPOSED SWALE LU z J 6.0' 12' ASPHALT 12' ASPHALT 2.5'2' 1/4" PER FT 1 1/4" PER FT Q WATER TYPICAL COLLECTOR STREET IMPACT C CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE PROPOSED RIP RAP PROPOSED ENDWALL W/ WINGWALLS 7.0' 00 ROAD 'A' 50' PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY M 13-1 �O WF N ROAD A U � � W D� W J O = co J (n �/ O 0 J C/) Lu J �O D 0'-3.8'+/ Cn Lu 06 U (D 12' ASP HALT 2.5'2' C QM U) M Q Q (D U 8.5' 1 2'2.5' 12' ASP HALT I 0'-4.6'+/- 1 1/4" PER FT 1 1/4" PER FT Q WATER PROPOSED CULVERTS 8.5' I 0.5'-5.2'+/- PROPOSED —/ TYPICAL COLLECTOR STREET ROAD A ENDWALL W/ IMPACT A WINGWALLS CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE w z U � a W Q � J 0 < J W U) 0 -0.5'-13.8' /- UJ 7.0' 6.0' CL 3, SWALE SLOPES 3:1 ROAD 'A' 50' PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY � Q W w J — H JJ Cf) W �9.4'-11.8'+/- Q -90 12' ASPHAL 1�' ASPHALT 6.0' 7.0' on CL SWALE 1/4"/PER FT 1/411�RFT 1' -3'+/ - PROPOSED HEADWALL W/ WINGWALLS Q WATER \ PROPOSED SWALE TYPICAL COLLECTOR STREET ROAD A IMPACT B CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE 3' SLOPES 3:1 PROPOSED SWALE U W W co J W 0 2 2 JJ w (D -4.3'-13.2'+/-� � 06 U) �Q (D U (D SLOPES 3:1 PROPOSED SWALE LU z J 6.0' 12' ASPHALT 12' ASPHALT 2.5'2' 1/4" PER FT 1 1/4" PER FT Q WATER TYPICAL COLLECTOR STREET IMPACT C CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE PROPOSED RIP RAP PROPOSED ENDWALL W/ WINGWALLS 7.0' 00 ROAD 'A' 50' PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY M 13-1 �O WF N ROAD A W � W D� W J O = (n Q J O 0 w Lu �O Cn Cn U (D 12' ASP HALT 2.5'2' 1 1/4" PER FT 1 1/4" PER FT Q WATER PROPOSED CULVERTS 8.5' I 0.5'-5.2'+/- PROPOSED —/ TYPICAL COLLECTOR STREET ROAD A ENDWALL W/ IMPACT A WINGWALLS CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE w z U � a W Q � J 0 < J W U) 0 -0.5'-13.8' /- UJ 7.0' 6.0' CL 3, SWALE SLOPES 3:1 ROAD 'A' 50' PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY � Q W w J — H JJ Cf) W �9.4'-11.8'+/- Q -90 12' ASPHAL 1�' ASPHALT 6.0' 7.0' on CL SWALE 1/4"/PER FT 1/411�RFT 1' -3'+/ - PROPOSED HEADWALL W/ WINGWALLS Q WATER \ PROPOSED SWALE TYPICAL COLLECTOR STREET ROAD A IMPACT B CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE 3' SLOPES 3:1 PROPOSED SWALE U W W co J W 0 2 2 JJ w (D -4.3'-13.2'+/-� � 06 U) �Q (D U (D SLOPES 3:1 PROPOSED SWALE LU z J 6.0' 12' ASPHALT 12' ASPHALT 2.5'2' 1/4" PER FT 1 1/4" PER FT Q WATER TYPICAL COLLECTOR STREET IMPACT C CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE PROPOSED RIP RAP PROPOSED ENDWALL W/ WINGWALLS 7.0' 00 ROAD 'A' 50' PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY M 13-1 �O WF N ROAD A 6.0' 12' ASPHALT 12' ASPHALT 2.5'2' 1/4" PER FT 1 1/4" PER FT Q WATER PROPOSED CULVERTS TYPICAL COLLECTOR STREET ROAD A IMPACT D CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE Lu z J PARAMOUNrIlE E N G 1 N E E R 1 N C�' 1 N C-- 122 122 Cinema Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 (910) 791-6707 (0) (910) 791-6760 (F) NC License #: C-2846 3.1' -8.0'+/ - PROPOSED HEADWALL W/ WINGWALLS Wetland Impact Cross Sections Saratoga Pender, North Carolina Date: 01.28.2019 W W O W �O Cn Cn D C U) M Q Q 6.0' 12' ASPHALT 12' ASPHALT 2.5'2' 1/4" PER FT 1 1/4" PER FT Q WATER PROPOSED CULVERTS TYPICAL COLLECTOR STREET ROAD A IMPACT D CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE Lu z J PARAMOUNrIlE E N G 1 N E E R 1 N C�' 1 N C-- 122 122 Cinema Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 (910) 791-6707 (0) (910) 791-6760 (F) NC License #: C-2846 3.1' -8.0'+/ - PROPOSED HEADWALL W/ WINGWALLS Wetland Impact Cross Sections Saratoga Pender, North Carolina Date: 01.28.2019 H U Q W� Z_ C Z Q J � J z J w ROAD 'A' 50' PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY W W D Q �w w� n O � � O z p p � C � QM00Q CD U U CD 8.5' 2'2.5' 12' ASP HALT 12' ASP HALT 2.5'2' 8.5' -4.6'-3.4'+/- pARAMouNTE E N G 1 N E E R 1 N �, 1 N C. 122 Cinema Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 NC License #: C-2846 Wetland Impact Cross Sections Saratoga Pender, North Carolina 1 1/4" PER FT 1 1/4" PER FT I I 1,34 Date: 01.28.2019 OO�N 00�� PROPOSED HEADWALL W/ 0 WATER WINGWALLS PROPOSED CULVERT PROPOSED JTYPICAL COLLECTOR STREET ROAD A ENDWALL W/ IMPACT E WINGWALLS CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE O W W �--i z_ z W W J J ROAD 'A' 50' PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY ROAD'A' 50 PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY U ui ui U H � 0 U W W U p~ p ui w p p~ eco 2 c U 2 2 z0 ui ui 0 p� p� ../ aJ U) � c QJ z- _ = z - w o(D cD o w JJ JJ O -0.5'-3.4'+/- 3: ui 06 06 -0'-4.5'+/- w o CD CD o w co co Q -4.5'-4.8'+/- � xs xs Cf) 0.2'-3.9'+/- U) Q < < � 8.5' 2'2.5' 12' ASP HALT 12' ASP HALT 2.5'2' 8.5' U U U (3 8.51 2.5'2' 12' ASP HALT 12' ASP HALT 2.5'2' 8.5' W 1/4" PER FT 1/4" PER FT 34 T " 3. �N DO /`c 1��� 1/4 PER FT 1/4 PER FT 3. / T/ O 00 �/V 3 0 DOS F O N PROPOSED HEADWALL W/ 0 WATER WINGWALLS PROPOSED 0 WATER HEADWALL � PROPOSED CULVERTS PROPOSED W RIP RAP PROPOSED CULVERT Q PROPOSED TYPICAL COLLECTOR STREET ROAD A TYPICAL COLLECTOR STREET ROAD A ENDWALL W/ PROPOSED P� WINGWALLS IMPACT F ENDWALL IMPACT G CROSS SECTION CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE W G� LU z_ J 50' PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY 2'2.5' 10' ASPHALT -I- 1/4" PER FT op�N Q WATER U � w W J U) a a � U) o~ �co 0~ 0 u O w 2_ Q J 20' UTILITY EASEMENT 6.2'-8.8'+/- U) 06 W 06 U) coQ Q Of �ry ofZ) CD U 2'2.5' 10' ASPHALT -I- 1/4" PER FT op�N Q WATER U CD 10' ASP HALT 2.5'2' 1/4" PER FT 12.1' TYPICAL COLLECTOR STREET IMPACT H CROSS SECTION EXISTING GRADE NOT TO SCALE U U W J U) 0 �U U) o~ � W O w a� 20' UTILITY EASEMENT Z (D W 06 U) coQ �ry U CD 10' ASP HALT 2.5'2' 1/4" PER FT 12.1' TYPICAL COLLECTOR STREET IMPACT H CROSS SECTION EXISTING GRADE NOT TO SCALE U U J U) �U U) o~ o~ W ~ LU -2.1'-3.4'+/- a� a� 20' UTILITY EASEMENT w z_ J a U � U J U) 0 0 - z z2 Q Q J J W ~ LU -2.1'-3.4'+/- 10.5' I- 4.5'-14.0'+/- WETLAND LIMITS ROAD A PROPOSED HEADWALL W/ WINGWALLS PROPOSED 8" CROSS PIPE =MAIN FIELD TYPICAL COLLECTOR STREET ROAD A IMPACT I CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE PARA]"OUNrIlE E N G I 1V E E R I N G I N C_ 122 Cinema Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 (910) 791-6707 (0) (910) 791-6760 (F) NC License #: C-2846 Wetland Impact Cross Sections Saratoga Pender, North Carolina Date: 01.28.2019 Saratoga S.D. (Britton Tract) Response to USACE RFAI Sr Cli Attachment 2 Revised Pre -Construction Notification ii (3/5/19) 4b. Have Corps permits or DWR certifications been obtained for this project (including all prior phases) in the past?* r Yes r No r Unknown 4d. Attach an 8 1/2 X11 excerpt from the most recent version of the USGS topographic map indicating the location of the project site. (for DWR) Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach document Britton Tract LiDAR Map 112017.pdf 2.21 MB Britton Tract Topo Map 112017.pdf 3.07MB File type crust be pdf 4e. Attach an 8 1/2 X 11 excerpt from the most recent version of the published County NRCS Soil Survey map depicting the project site. (for DWR) Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach document Britton Tract Soils Map 112017.pdf 2.26MB File type rrust be pdr 4f. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: Approx. 70.0 AC. 4g. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams on the property: (intermttent and perenriial) Approx. 5200 LF 4h. Explain the purpose of the proposed project:* The purpose of the project is to develop a 150 -acre property into a 52 -lot, low density, single family subdivision, within a fast growing area of Fender County, NC. 41. Describe the overall project in detail, including indirect impacts and the type of equipment to be used:* The project will consist of installing access roads and utilities, such as community septic system, which will service those lots that either do not perk or do not contain enough buildable upland to have a private septic system. Eight (8) wetland impacts (Impact Areas A -H) are necessary to facilitate the construction of Roads A and B. Five (5) of the road crossings require culverts (Impact Areas A, D -G) to maintain a hydrologic connection. One septic line wit be installed between lots 47 and 48. The utility line vdll be covered with rock and will serve as the access road to the community septic system. Large machinery, such as backhoes, dump trucks, bulldozers and graders, will be used to complete the work. In total, 0.489 -acre of wetland impact is necessary to facilitate the construction. 4j. Please upload project drawings for the proposed project. Click the upload button a drag and drop files here to attach docurrent Saratoga Wetland Impact and Utility Plans.pdf 4.01 MB File type rrust be pdf 5. Jurisdictional Determinations 5a. Have the wetlands or streams been delineated on the property or proposed impact areas?* r Yes r No C Unknown Comments: 51aIf the Corps made a jurisdictional determination, what type of determination was made?* r Preliminary r Approved r Not Verified r Unknown r N/A Corps AID Number: 6carrple: SAW -2017-99999 Not assigned 5c. If 5a is yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Name (if known): David Scibetta Agency/Consultant Company: SEGi Other: 5d. List the dates of the Corp jurisdiction determination or State determination if a determination was made by the Corps or DWR. D. Scibetta met with Ms. Emily Greer (USACE) on 2/8/2018 to verify SEGi's wetland delineation. 5dl. Jurisdictional determination upload Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach document File type mut be FDF 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project?* r Yes r No Are any other NWP(s), regional general permit(s), or individual permits(s) used, or intended to be used, to authorize any part of the proposed projector related activity? This includes other separate and distant crossing for linear projects that require Department of the Army authorization but don't require pre -construction notification. LD. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary la. Where are the impacts associated with your project? (check all that apply): Saratoga S•D• (Britton Tract) Response to USACE RFAI SF Cli Attachment 3 Aerial Photo of Secretariat Run Near Impact Area H iii (3/5/19) �I-mk Saratoga S•D• (Britton Tract) Response to USACE RFAI SF Cli Attachment 4 Saratoga Deed Notification iv (3/5/19) COMPLIANCE WITH WETLAND & BUFFER REGULATIONS The following DEED NOTIFICATION shall be recorded in the Pender County Registry, prior to the conveyance of the property, referred to as Lots 1-52, on the attached plan entitled "Wetland Impact Map — EX -1, Saratoza" , prepared by Paramount Enzineeriniz and dated 1/28/19 "A portion of this lot, as determined by the Wilmington District US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) under Action ID# SAW -2018-00195 , contains waters of the U.S., including wetlands, which are subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). Any placement of dredged or fill material within these waters without Department of Army authorization may constitute a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1311). Prior to undertaking any work within the jurisdictional areas, contact the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District Regulatory Division, Wilmington, North Carolina. This covenant is to run with the land and shall be binding on all Parties and all persons claiming under them." Signature Owner's N Address: City, State, Zip Code: Phone Number: STATE of North Carolina County I, , a Notary Public of the State of North Carolina, Pender County, hereby certify that owner personally appeared before me this day and executed by above certification. Witness my hand notorial seal, this day of Notary Public My commission expires: 120 Saratoga S•D• (Britton Tract) Response to USACE RFAI 5F Cli Attachment 5 USACE ORM Spreadsheets v (3/5/19) Saratoga S.D. (Britton Tract) Response to USACE RFAI 5F Cli Attachment 6 Historical Aerial Photo Showing Silviculture Use vi (3/5/19) Saratoga S.D. (Britton Tract) Response to USACE RFAI 5F Cil Attachment 7 NC SAM and WAM Worksheets and Results vii (3/5/19) NC WAM Wetland Rating Sheet Accompanies User Manual Version 4.1 Rating Calculator Version 4.1 Wetland Site Name Wetland 3 Date 2/13/19 Wetland Type Pocosin Assessor Name/Organization Dana Lutheran Notes on Field Assessment Form (YIN) NO Presence of regulatory considerations (YIN) NO Wetland is intensively managed (YIN) YES Assessment area is located within 50 feet of a natural tributary or other open water (YIN) NO Assessment area is substantially altered by beaver (YIN) NO Assessment area experiences overbank flooding during normal rainfall conditions (YIN) NO Assessment area is on a coastal island (YIN) NO Sub -function Rating Summary Function Sub -function Metrics Rating Hydrology Surface Storage and Retention Condition LOW Sub -Surface Storage and Retention Condition HIGH Water Quality Pathogen Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence? (YIN) NA Particulate Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence? (YIN) NA Soluble Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence? (YIN) NA Physical Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence? (YIN) NA Pollution Change Condition LOW Condition/Opportunity LOW Opportunity Presence? (YIN) NO Habitat Physical Structure Condition LOW Landscape Patch Structure Condition LOW Vegetation Composition Condition LOW Function Rating Summary Function Metrics/Notes Rating Hydrology Condition MEDIUM Water Quality Condition LOW Condition/Opportunity LOW Opportunity Presence? (YIN) NO Habitat Conditon LOW Overall Wetland Rating LOW NC WAM WETLAND ASSESSMENT FORM Accompanies User Manual Version 4.1 !� ■ • A ■ ■ ■ s ■ 1 ►ClgIIPNOT;[Lel!IUP11MMILat-7Lei 1LM Wetland Site Name Wetland 3 Wetland Type Racosin IV Level III Ecoregionj Mddle Atlantic Coastal Plain River Basin ICape Fear r Yes r' No Precipitation within 48 hrs? Date 2/13/19 Assessor Name/Organization Dana Lutheran Nearest Named Water Body Harrison Creek USGS 8-Digit Catalogue Unit 03030007 Latitude/Longitude (deci-degrees) 34.401219,-77.761913 Evidence of stressors affecting the assessment area (may not be within the assessment area) Please circle and/or make note on last page if evidence of stressors is apparent. Consider departure from reference, if appropriate, in recent past (for instance, approximately within 10 years). Noteworthy stressors include, but are not limited to the following. Hydrological modifications (examples: ditches, dams, beaver dams, dikes, berms, ponds, etc.) Surface and sub -surface discharges into the wetland (examples: discharges containing obvious pollutants, presence of nearby septic tanks, underground storage tanks (USTs), hog lagoons, etc.) Signs of vegetation stress (examples: vegetation mortality, insect damage, disease, storm damage, salt intrusion, etc.) Habitat/plant community alteration (examples: mowing, clear -cutting, exotics, etc.) Is the assessment area intensively managed? r' Yes (' No Regulatory Considerations (select all that apply to the assessment area) F Anadromous fish F Federally protected species or State endangered or threatened species F NCDWQ riparian buffer rule in effect F Abuts a Primary Nursery Area (PNA) F Publicly owned property F N.C. Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) (including buffer) F Abuts a stream with a NCDWQ classification of SA or supplemental classifications of HQW, ORW, or Trout F Designated NCNHP reference community F Abuts a 303(d)-listed stream or a tributary to a 303(d)-listed stream What type of natural stream is associated with the wetland, if any? (check all that apply) Blackwater Brownwater F Tidal (if tidal, check one of the following boxes) Lunar C' Wind r Both Is the assessment area on a coastal island? (' Yes r' No Is the assessment area's surface water storage capacity or duration substantially altered by beaver? Does the assessment area experience overbank flooding during normal rainfall conditions? (' Yes r' No (' Yes r■ No 1. Ground Surface Condition/Vegetation Condition — assessment area condition metric Check a box in each column. Consider alteration to the ground surface (GS) in the assessment area and vegetation structure (VS) in the assessment area. Compare to reference wetland if applicable (see User Manual). If a reference is not applicable, then rate the assessment area based on evidence of an effect. GS VS C' A (' A Not severely altered r' B r' B Severely altered over a majority of the assessment area (ground surface alteration examples: vehicle tracks, excessive sedimentation, fire -plow lanes, skidder tracks, bedding, fill, soil compaction, obvious pollutants) (vegetation structure alteration examples: mechanical disturbance, herbicides, salt intrusion [where appropriate], exotic species, grazing, less diversity [if appropriate], hydrologic alteration) 2. Surface and Sub -Surface Storage Capacity and Duration — assessment area condition metric Check a box in each column. Consider surface storage capacity and duration (Surf) and sub -surface storage capacity and duration (Sub). Consider both increase and decrease in hydrology. Refer to the current NRCS lateral effect of ditching guidance for North Carolina hydric soils (see USACE Wilmington District website) for the zone of influence of ditches in hydric soils. A ditch :5 1 foot deep is considered to affect surface water only, while a ditch > 1 foot deep is expected to affect both surface and ditch sub -surface water. Consider tidal flooding regime, if applicable. Surf Sub C' A r' A Water storage capacity and duration are not altered. r B ' B Water storage capacity or duration are altered, but not substantially (typically, not sufficient to change vegetation). r' CC Water storage capacity or duration are substantially altered (typically, alteration sufficient to result in vegetation change) (examples: draining, flooding, soil compaction, filling, excessive sedimentation, underground utility lines). 3. Water Storage/Surface Relief — assessment area/wetland type condition metric (answer for non -marsh wetlands only) Check a box in each column for each group below. Select the appropriate storage for the assessment area (AA) and the wetland type (WT). AA WT 3a. r A r A Majority of wetland with depressions able to pond water > 1 foot deep (' B' B Majority of wetland with depressions able to pond water 6 inches to 1 foot deep C' C' C Majority of wetland with depressions able to pond water 3 to 6 inches deep r' D' D Depressions able to pond water < 3 inches deep 3b. r A Evidence that maximum depth of inundation is greater than 2 feet r B Evidence that maximum depth of inundation is between 1 and 2 feet r' C Evidence that maximum depth of inundation is less than 1 foot 4. Soil Texture/Structure — assessment area condition metric Check a box from each of the three soil property groups below. Dig soil profile in the dominant assessment area landscape feature. Make soil observations within the 12 inches. Use most recent National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils guidance for regional indicators. 4a.A Sandy soil B Loamy or clayey soils exhibiting redoximorphic features (concentrations, depletions, or rhizospheres) C Loamy or clayey soils not exhibiting redoximorphic features ❑ Loamy or clayey gleyed soil E Histosol or histic epipedon 4b.' A Soil ribbon < 1 inch r B Soil ribbon z 1 inch 4c. r A No peat or muck presence r' B A peat or muck presence 5. Discharge into Wetland — opportunity metric Check a box in each column. Consider surface pollutants or discharges (Surf) and sub -surface pollutants or discharges (Sub). Examples of sub -surface discharges include presence of nearby septic tank, underground storage tank (UST), etc. Surf Sub A' A Little or no evidence of pollutants or discharges entering the assessment area B' B Noticeable evidence of pollutants or discharges entering the wetland and stressing, but not overwhelming the treatment capacity of the assessment area C ' C Noticeable evidence of pollutants or discharges (pathogen, particulate, or soluble) entering the assessment area and potentially overwhelming the treatment capacity of the wetland (water discoloration, dead vegetation, excessive sedimentation, odor) 6. Land Use — opportunity metric Check all that apply (at least one box in each column). Evaluation involves a GIS effort with field adjustment. Consider sources draining to assessment area within entire upstream watershed (WS), within 5 miles and within the watershed draining to the assessment area (5M), and within 2 miles and within the watershed draining to the assessment area (2M). Effective riparian buffers are considered to be 50 feet wide in the Coastal Plain and Piedmont ecoregions and 30 feet wide in the Blue Ridge Mountains ecoregion. WS 5M 2M F A F A F A ? 10% impervious surfaces r7 B r7 B r7 B < 10% impervious surfaces F C F C F C Confined animal operations (or other local, concentrated source of pollutants) F D F D F D ? 20% coverage of pasture F E F E F E ? 20% coverage of agricultural land (regularly plowed land) F F F F F F ? 20% coverage of maintained grass/herb F G F G F G ? 20% coverage of clear-cut land F H F H F H Little or no opportunity to improve water quality. Lack of opportunity may result from hydrologic alterations that prevent drainage or overbank flow from affecting the assessment area. 7. Wetland Acting as Vegetated Buffer — assessment area/wetland complex condition metric 7a. Is assessment area within 50 feet of a tributary or other open water? (' Yes r No If Yes, continue to 7b. If No, skip to Metric 8. Wetland buffer need only be present on one side of the water body. Make buffer judgment based on the average width of the wetland. Record a note if a portion of the buffer has been removed or disturbed. 7b. How much of the first 50 feet from the bank is weltand? Descriptor E should be selected if ditches effectively bypass the buffer. r A ? 50 feet r B From 30 to < 50 feet r C From 15 to < 30 feet r D From 5 to < 15 feet r E < 5 feet or buffer bypassed by ditches 7c. Tributary width. If the tributary is anastomosed, combine widths of channels/braids for a total width. r :5 15-feet wide r > 15-feet wide r Other open water (no tributary present) 7d. Do roots of assessment area vegetation extend into the bank of the tributary/open water? (' Yes (' No 7e. Is tributary or other open water sheltered or exposed? Sheltered — adjacent open water with width < 2500 feet and no regular boat traffic. Exposed — adjacent open water with width ? 2500 feet or regular boat traffic. 8. Wetland Width at the Assessment Area — wetland type/wetland complex metric (evaluate for riparian wetlands only) Check a box in each column. Select the average width for the wetland type at the assessment area (WT) and the wetland complex at the assessment areas (WC). See User Manual for WILT and WC boundaries. WT WC r A r A ? 100 feet r' B r B From 80 to < 100 feet r C r C From 50 to < 80 feet r D r D From 40 to < 50 feet r E r' E From 30 to < 40 feet r F r F From 15 to < 30 feet r G r G From 5 to < 15 feet r H r H < 5 feet 9. Inundation Duration — assessment area condition metric Answer for assessment area dominant landform. (' A Evidence of short -duration inundation (< 7 consecutive days) r' B Evidence of saturation, without evidence of inundation C' C Evidence of long -duration inundation or very long -duration inundation (7 to 30 consecutive days or more) 10. Indicators of Deposition — assessment area condition metric Consider recent deposition only (no plant growth since deposition). r' A Sediment deposition is not excessive, but at approximately natural levels. C' B Sediment deposition is excessive, but not overwhelming the wetland. C' C Sediment deposition is excessive and is overwhelming the wetland. 11. Wetland Size — wetland type/wetland complex condition metric Check a box in each column. Involves a GIS effort with field adjustment. This metric evaluates three aspects of the wetland area: the size of the wetland type (WT), the size of the wetland complex (WC), and the size of the forested wetland (FW) (if applicable, see User Manual). See the User Manual for boundaries of these evaluation areas. If assessment area is clear-cut, select "K" for the FW column. WT WC FW (if applicable) r A ' A r A ? 500 acres r B ' B r B From 100 to < 500 acres (' CC (' C From 50 to < 100 acres r ❑ r ❑ r ❑ From 25 to < 50 acres E' E' E From 10 to < 25 acres F' F' F From 5 to < 10 acres 'G 'G 'G From 1to<5acres 'H'H'H From 0.5 to < 1 acre rI rI rI From 0.1 to < 0.5 acre r J r' J r J From 0.01 to < 0.1 acre r K r K r K < 0.01 acre or assessment area is clear-cut 12. Wetland Intactness — wetland type condition metric (evaluate for Pocosins only) r' A Pocosin is the full extent (�: 90%) of its natural landscape size. r' B Pocosin is < 90% of the full extent of its natural landscape size. 13. Connectivity to Other Natural Areas — landscape condition metric 13a. Check appropriate box(es) (a box may be checked in each column). Involves a GIS effort with field adjustment. This evaluates whether the wetland is well connected (Well) and/or loosely connected (Loosely) to the landscape patch, the contiguous metric naturally vegetated area and open water (if appropriate). Boundaries are formed by four -lane roads, regularly maintained utility line corridors the width of a four -lane road or wider, urban landscapes, fields (pasture open and agriculture), or water > 300 feet wide. Well Loosely r A r A ? 500 acres r B r B From 100 to < 500 acres r C r C From 50 to < 100 acres r' D r D From 10 to < 50 acres r E r' E < 10 acres r F r F Wetland type has a poor or no connection to other natural habitats 13b. Evaluate for marshes only. r Yes r No Wetland type has a surface hydrology connection to open waters/stream or tidal wetlands. 14. Edge Effect — wetland type condition metric (skip for all marshes) May involve a GIS effort with field adjustment. Estimate distance from wetland type boundary to artificial edges. Artificial edges include non -forested areas ? 40 feet wide such as fields, development, roads, regularly maintained utility line corridors and clear -cuts. Consider the eight main points of the compass. r' A No artificial edge within 150 feet in all directions r B No artificial edge within 150 feet in four (4) to seven (7) directions r C An artificial edge occurs within 150 feet in more than four (4) directions or assessment area is clear-cut 15. Vegetative Composition — assessment area condition metric (skip for all marshes and Pine Flat) r A Vegetation is close to reference condition in species present and their proportions. Lower strata composed of appropriate species, with exotic plants absent or sparse within the assessment area. C' B Vegetation is different from reference condition in species diversity or proportions, but still largely composed of native species characteristic of the wetland type. This may include communities of weedy native species that develop after clearcutting or clearing. It also includes communities with exotics present, but not dominant, over a large portion of the expected strata. r' C Vegetation severely altered from reference in composition. Expected species are unnaturally absent (planted stands of non - characteristic species or at least one stratum inappropriately composed of a single species). Exotic species are dominant in at least one stratum. 16. Vegetative Diversity — assessment area condition metric (evaluate for Non -tidal Freshwater Marsh only) C' A Vegetation diversity is high and is composed primarily of native species (c10% cover of exotics). C' B Vegetation diversity is low or has > 10% to 50% cover of exotics. (' C Vegetation is dominated by exotic species (>50% cover of exotics). 17. Vegetative Structure — assessment area/wetland type condition metric 17a. Is vegetation present? r' Yes (' No If Yes, continue to 17b. If No, skip to Metric 18. 17b. Evaluate percent coverage of assessment area vegetation for all marshes only. Skip to 17c for non -marsh wetlands. A ? 25% coverage of vegetation B < 25% coverage of vegetation 17c. Check a box in each column for each stratum. Evaluate this portion of the metric for non -marsh wetlands. Consider structure in airspace above the assessment area (AA) and the wetland type (WT) separately. AA W T orA r A Canopy closed, or nearly closed, with natural gaps associated with natural processes c co r B r B Canopy present, but opened more than natural gaps v r C r C Canopy sparse or absent o (' A A Dense mid-story/sapling layer U?' B' B Moderate density mid-story/sapling layer r' C' C Mid-story/sapling layer sparse or absent r' A r A Dense shrub layer r B r' B Moderate density shrub layer W r C r C Shrub layer sparse or absent C' A' A Dense herb layer B' B Moderate density herb layer r C r C Herb layer sparse or absent 18. Snags — wetland type condition metric C' A Large snags (more than one) are visible (' 12-inches DBH, or large relative to species present and landscape stability). r' B Not A 19. Diameter Class Distribution — wetland type condition metric C' A Majority of canopy trees have stems > 6 inches in diameter at breast height (DBH); many large trees (' 12 inches DBH) are present. C' B Majority of canopy trees have stems between 6 and 12 inches DBH, few are > 12-inch DBH. r C Majority of canopy trees are < 6 inches DBH or no trees. 20. Large Woody Debris — wetland type condition metric Include both natural debris and man -placed natural debris. r A Large logs (more than one) are visible (' 12 inches in diameter, or large relative to species present and landscape stability). r' B Not A 21. Vegetation/Open Water Dispersion — wetland type/open water condition metric (evaluate for Non -Tidal Freshwater Marsh only) Select the figure that best describes the amount of interspersion between vegetation and open water in the growing season. Patterned areas indicate vegetated areas, while solid white areas indicate open water. rA rB rC rD 22. Hydrologic Connectivity — assessment area condition metric (evaluate for riparian wetlands only) Examples of activities that may severely alter hydrologic connectivity include intensive ditching, fill, sedimentation, channelization, diversion, man-made berms, beaver dams, and stream incision. r A Overbank and overland flow are not severely altered in the assessment area. r B Overbank flow is severely altered in the assessment area. (' C Overland flow is severely altered in the assessment area. r D Both overbank and overland flow are severely altered in the assessment area. Notes