HomeMy WebLinkAbout630012_CORRESPONDENCE_20171231NUH I H UAHULINA Department of Environmental Qual Animal FVasteIanaement Plan Certifi atio,E(;Ei���� wlease tvbe or print all inturm:ltion dial does not reuijire a nziZur�! ...:..,•:;,r::.; .......... ..::.. :,.: . or,:.:.ExPanderl :(please ctrclt1.one) Genera! Information: �p _A,q,q t1 Name of Farm: i A - L1J E ► rJ F <z Facility o: FR Owners) Iatne:, l� . G Pu KVI S �f12rn5 3 N C _ Fhane rtio. Mailine address: DSO " SPI ES 'ROAD E-036�r 1S_I Ng_fi 7H CARGLINA F-7.3 Z.S� Farm Locarion: County Farm is located iry o0 Latitude and Longitude: / Inte2raior: Pleas4 attach a copy of a county road map with location identified and describe below (Be specific: road names, directions, milepost, etc.): Z nj L AST of viw y, 2 4- ?-1 ON CooL S R rj&S C 1-1Q R ctA R D - — - - -- Operation Description: Type of Swine No, o Aythnals Ti•ae of Poulrn• No. of Animals X can to Feeder _ ��� Z) Laver Tj. Feeder to Finish _ ;I Pullets PFarrow to Wean r Farrow to Feeder BECEIVED / DENR 1 DWQ Cr Farrow to Finish 6g0far r_ntPr:tinn `0(hkmTvpe of I.ivesrock: u Boars 06 2009 Type of C:utle ,Vo. of.Anunals :1 Dairy Beef Xtinther of Animals: Acreage available for AppIication:_ /7.2 _ Required Acreage: 'I I , 5 Number of Lagoons 1 Storage Ponds : 2 Total Capacity: Cubic Feet (ft3) Are subsurface drains present on the farm: ITS or y (please circle one) If YES: are subsurface drains present in'the dreg of the LAGOON or SPRaY FIELD (please circle one} ��*i,, is ia�aiwM��k �k �k is X+�it �kxF �M �k$skia�iaahM;e�j+ai aKFe �M��i+aki!cr..x�!c as �%akks.[fia4.ii}Ms,.+FMi..si,.i,,h.�.a,. ii as ae �:a'ai,<ie ap �4xa. ai a'c ae �e�fi,;>e >i ie ai Owner / l•lana4er-=,s.greernent I (we), veriiv that all the above information is cutrect rind will be ugdat�d upon changing. I Oxe) understand the operatiUn anti maintenance procedures established in the approved animal waste management plan for the farm named above and v611 implement these procedures. I (we) know that any expansion to the existing dt:sion capacity of the waste treatment and storage 51"stern or construction of new facilities will require a neiv certification to be submitted to the Division of Environmental ivlanaaement before the new animals are stocked. I (we) understand that there must be no discharge of animal waste from the storage or application system to surface %vaters of the state either directly through a mall -trade concevance or from a storm event less severe than the 2-5-year, 24-!lour storm and there must not be run-off from the application of animal waste. I (we) understand that tun -off of pollutants from lounging and heavy use areas must be minimized using technical standards developed by the Natural Resources Consen-ation Szrice. The approved plan will be filed at the farm and at the office of the local Soil and Water Consen•adon District. I (we) 1,-flow that any modification must be approved by a technical specialist and submitted to the Soil and Water Conservation District prior to implementation. A change in land ownership requires- written-notificarson taDEyf or a ne%v, cer>:i icadon (if.the.approved plan is changed) within 60 days of a fide transfer. :Name of Land 07ne -- i% �� /IF, Signarure:, /`�C';s. ,CcaL Dater — :dame of 1lana 7):_ %��� -0 c �.:c �2,C{[� i�i�t�r,� nr-rt�0'.t'[le. _�- ✓�r r u. _ Signature: Date: AWC r { rAall I ` WASTEREdM�NT' .AGOD:' 'ELEVATI 'CUBIC. X,Ak _cua V �GAU ?NS " 93.31(D OW+ EQ 16452,02 CY , = 444s 4 .3322880.72 91.81 12957.96 CY' 349 ,92 24611171.35 90.19(OUT1 LOW INV. EL) 9515.13 CY 2565�'51 1921809.11 89.81 -8693.33 CY 234; .91 1755826.06 88.31 5972-71 CY 16124.17 1206332,28 a 1�I � co co 4' �o Csi� 0D A 8" PVC OUTFLOW PIPE INV. EL. = 90,19' 4.AGOON P.. 1 SURFACE AREA = ,462 SO. FT. (AT OVERFLOW Ei4o= 93.31 ') x BENCHMARK: SURFA(( OF SW CORNIER OF C0t4i. BETE 4 PAD UNDER FEED BIB. i}. 12 EL. = 100,00•(Assum #l4AA.5miTs .s4is 7-0 f aw oAAl Wfo JAJ AfAiL IS .S l +u cJ A,4 ci f V' WASTE TREAMENT LAGOON NO. 2 ELEVATION CUBIC YARDS CUBIC -FEET GALLONS 82.62(OVERFLOW. EL.) 26654.36- CY 719667.72 5383488.40 81.12 2-2259.64 CY 601010,28 4495869.11 79.12 16815.85 CY 454027.95 .3396364.92 77.62 12666.43 CY 341993.61 2553289.86 LAGOON NO. 2 SURFACE AREA = 81,473 SO. FT. (AT OVERFLOW EL. = 82.62) -SPA-0 .,A%1 _ NC 24- 27 NOTES; *THIS SURVEY IS TO DETERMINE :THE VOLUME OF THE WASTE. TKAMENT LAGOON(S) SHOWN HER_ EON, THIS ' IS NOT A' BOUND BOUNDARY SURVEY. *THE FIELD WORK WAS DONE USING THE RADIAL TOPOGRAPHY. METHOD USING..SMI SOFTWARE. *THE VOLUME$:, WERE.. CALCULATED USING THE. PRISMODIAL METHOD_ USING. EAGLEPOINT SOFTWARE. 1640 *PORTIONS OF LAGOON NO. 2...WERE INACCESSIBLE DUE TO SLUDGE BUILDUP. THE VOLUME' WAS CALCULATED FROM A SURFACE DESIGNED TO APPROXIMATE THE BASIN OF THE LAGOON. WASTE TREATMENT LAGOON .)UMVEY FOR: N. G. PURVIS FARMS', INC. .,.BLUE RIBBON FARM BENSALEM, TOWNSHIP, MOORE COUNTY NORTH GAROLI,.NA NbVE.MBER 01, .-199.6 50 0 50 150 ,. . MARK A. SMITH, RLS L-3346 = a P. Q. BOX 1443 = sf r 228 SU�LIVAN LANE % ROBBINS, N.C. 27325,c.�_ 10" PVC OUTFLOW PIPE INV. EL. = 97.50' WASTE TREAMENT LAGOON, NO. 2 ELEVATION CUBIC YARDS CUBIC FEET GALLONS 91.00 OVERFLOW EL 89.50 9480.84 CY 7798.40 CY 25 98 :68 210556.80 1914883.42 1575074.24 87.50 ' 5688.54 CY 153590.58 1148937.32 86.00 4258.21 CY 149 71.67 860 4.7.82 1 I. --1.a. ..— .... WASTE TREAMENT f AGOON .NO. 1 ELEVATION CUBIC "YARDS .CUB;C FEET GALLONS 98.4 OV RF OW EL. 8994.16 CY 4 •97.50 INV. EL. 7634.51 CY 29§1 � 1 .77 j,4541.97.2...Z2 96.90 6770.87 CY 18 81 3.49 1367539.87 94. O' 4163.20 CY 112.405.40 ' 840858.26 1193.40 2502.88 CY 67577.76 605916.79— BENCHMARK, TOP OF BLOCK FOUNDATION EL. = 100.00'(ASSUMED) i " r / r / 2--1 rr l / F IELD #2 r \ JI r 2--2 LAGOON !r LAGOONr I � CREEK �l LL ' � r ZZ FIELD #3 FIELD #1 ,1 1-2 3-2 f \ 3-3 1 + + l rl l 1-3 rye ```♦ \ 3-4 ♦ 1 '1 1-4 3--5 �N � I�goRE SLALC f "= is0' Technical Specialist Certification ,as a technical specialist designated, by the North Carolina Soil and Wate, Conser,Vation Commission pursuant to If a lCAC 6F .0005. I certify that the animal waste management System For the farm named above has sn animal �vasr- management plan that me -,Ls or exceeds standards and speciiscations of the Division of Environmental M,-waaernt (DENO as speciiled in 15A NCAC 2H.0217 and the USDA -Natural Resources Conservation Str.,ice (VRCS) arsd!or rho North Carolina Soil and Water Conservation Commission pursuant to 16A NICAC 2H.0317 and 15A NC.�C 6F .0001- .0005. The following elements are included in the plan as applicable. While each category designates a technical specialist who may sien each certification (SD, SI, WTIP, RC, i). the technical specialist should only cenify parts for .vhich the.: are technically competent, 11 Certification of Design A) Collection. Storage, Treatment Svstem Check the appropriare box A Existing facility without retrotit (SD or WUP) Storage volume is adequate for operation capacity: storage capabili(y consistent -xith waste. utilization requirements. Z) New, expanded ter retrofitted facility (SD) Animal waste storage and treatment,tructtrres. such as but not limited to collection systems. lagoons and ponds. have been designed to meet or exceed the minimum standards and speciftcadons. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print):S 'PATC.aR • _ - _- Affiliation N R�.S _ Date Work Completed: Address (, Signature: Phone No.:-704-G3-1-Z4o0 Date: )Z Z - —1 B) Land Application Site (WUP) The plan provides for minimum separations (buffers); adequate amount of land for waste udlization; chosen crop is suitable for waste management; hydraulic and nutrient loading rates. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): LiaE3.T S I�A�• �1R_ _ _ Affiliation CS Date Work Completed: Address (Agency): 600 wEST I fl NEs ST. SALISUKYA-L � _Phone `o.:104 -G37- 7-400 Si�lnature: C) Runoff Controls from Exterior Lots Check Me approptiare box l Facility without exterior hits (SD or WUP or RC) Thi; facility does not contain any exterior lots. Date: :D Facility with exterior lots (RC) ,tiferhods to minimize the run off of pollutants from lounging and heavy use areas have been designed in accordance with technical standards developed by N-RCS. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): o `l U' PATF- Jp. . AftilialionC 4 - Dale %Vora CompleLt d: _Address (AeencV): o(3 VJ- ION U 5r , SALfSQt1RY, �, C_ . _Phone No.: 4- 3 - Z400 Signature: . - UCt L .A - - - Date: IZ- 2 3 2- L. p), 221ication and Handling Equinment Clrec.l' the appropriate lox ^ Existing or ecrnndino fncility with existing kv-isie npQlicaiintt e�nt (%VUP or 1) ,animal waste application equipment spccltted in the plan has been zither ti�!d calibrated or e,aluated in accordance with existing design chars and tables and is able to apply wage as necessar; to accaulrtodatz the waste management plan: (existing application equipment can cover the area required by the plan at rates not to exceed eit#trr the specified hydraulic or nutrient loading rates. scledifotiirnne of aoeiicarions has been established; required buffers can be maintained and calibration and adjustment auicjance are contained as part of the plan). ..1 Vew. exoinded. nr existing facility without eYisftg waste app1iCQ11'nn equipment fnr -,prm- irrientinn (I) ,animal waste application equipment soecitsed in the plan has been desivned to aaplV ,Vaste as necessary to accommodate the waste management plan: {proposed application equipment can co%er the area required by the plan at rates not to exceed either the specified hvdraulic or nutrient loading rates: a schedule for timing of applications has bean established: required buffers can be maintained: caiibr:Lion and adiusanent guidance"are contained as pan of the plan). s.d `exy. expanded. nr existing fnciHiv without cxittina waste nrrp.lic;atinn eouirsntenr I'or !and spreading not usinv 5T+ra%- irriamirtn. (%VUP or 1) Aninini waste application equipment specified in the plan has been selected to apply waste as necessary to accommodate the waste management plait: (proposed application equipment can cover the area required by the plan at rates not to exceed either the specified hvdraulic or nutrient loadint, rates: a schedule for timing of applications has been established; required buffers can be maintained: ca-iibradon and adjustment guidance are 'contained as pan of the plan). Name•of Technical Specialist (Please Print): HQRVR7 T PATE, P, Affiliation N RCS Date Wonk Completed: Address ( Signature hone No.: 704 -13-7 -- 2 40o )ate: 1 Z- Z3 -- - E) Odor Control. Insect Control. '[Wortality ltana!4ement and _Emer4encv_Action Plan (SD St. WUP. RC or I) The waste management plan for this facility includes a Waste Management Odor Control ChecUist. an Insect Control Checklist, a ylortaiity Management Checklist and an Emergency Action Plan. Sources of bodt odors and insects have been evaluated with respect to this site and Best Nlanagemem Pmcdces to Minimize Odors and Best tilanaeement Practices to Control Insects have been selected and included in the waste management plan. Both the Mortality Nlanagemem Plan and the Emergency .action Plan are complete and can be implemented by thi facility. iyarne of Technical Specialist (Please Print): ltdeER.1 T PA'TE,TP-. Affiliation N•_RC5 Date Work Completed: Address ( S iL, nature Phone `o,:7a 4-bS7- 2 4-00 Date: !Z- Z3-- F) Written Notice of ,few or Expanding Swine Farm The follotiving signature block is ora[v to be used for new or expanding swine farms that begin construction after June 21, 1996. If the facility was built before June'_1. 1996, when was it constructed or last expanded I (we) certify that I (we) have attempted to contact by certified mail all adjoining property owners grid all property owners who own property located across a public road. street or lu;hwav from this new or expanding swine farm. The notice «as in compliance with the requirements of -CGS M-805. A copy of the notice and a list of the property owners notified is attached. Name of Land Owner; Signature: Dater �i:'me of ,Nlanager (if different from Signature: Date: WC -- Auguz;t ]. 1J97 3 III. Certification of Installation A) Collection. Storn! e. Treatment Ins_talla_ti_on New. expanded or retroFiued_faciliiv (ST) Animal waste storage and trentment structures. sucp as but not limited to iasooris and ponds. have been instalie, in accordance with the approved plan to meet or e:cceed the minimum standards and specifications. For e.ristin facilities without retroflfrs, no certif-rcation is neressan% Name ofTechnical Specialist (Ple:fse Print): rtffiliati Address (,agency): Sisnaiure: B) Land Aul)licodon Site Mop) Check: rite approprime box Date Work Completed: Phone No.: Date: , Y-� The cropping system is in place on ali land as specified in the animal waste manaRemenr plan. 1 . Conditional Approval: all required land as specified in the plan is cleared for planting: the cropping system as specified in the waste utilization plan has not been established and the owner has committed to establish the vegetation as specified in the plan by (monthldavIyear); the proposed cover crop is appropriate for compliance with the wastetitilization plan. Q Also check this box if appropriate if the cropping system as specified in the plan can not be established on newly cleared land within 30 d of this certification, the owner has committed to establish an interim crop for erosion control: Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): Y T. EA`f J� . Affiliation lj RCS Date Work Completed: Address i1 S iQnature: Phone tio.:_744_-b3-7- 2_4M Date:. lZ Z 3— 9 `7 This folloYving signature block is only to be used when the box for conditional approval in M. B above has been checked. I (we) certify that I (we) have committed to establish the cropping system as specified in my (our) waste utilization plan. Ind if appropriate to establish the interim crop for erosion control. and will submit to DELI a verification of completion from a Technical SpecUist within 15 calendar days folio-ing the date specified in the conditional cenification_ I (vve) realize that failure to submit this verification is a violation of the waste management plan and will subject me (us) to an enforcement action from DELI. Na-Me of Land Owner: Sionattrre: Date: Name of Manager (if different Cram owner): Signnture: Date: C) U off Controls from Etter or Lots (RC) Facility «i€h e.,K[erior to Ntt-uiud-i to ntininlize die run off of pollutants t'rorn lounging and lien+•y ci'se areas hay-: been ip.sLilled as SpeLiFcd in the plan. Forfaciliries without e.rterior lots. no certificarion is necessan,, Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): Affiliacion Date WoTk Comlleted: Address (Agency): Phone No.: Signature: Date: D) Application and Handling Eguipment Installation (M-,'P or I) Check the aDpropriare bloc.( . .animal waste application and handling equipment specified in the plan is o:: site and read.: for use: calibration and adjustment materials have been provided to the owners and are contained as part of the plan,. .d Aninial waste application and handling equipment specified in tttt phut has not been inst:ilicd but tilt u«-ner has proposed leasing or third party application and has provided a sianed contract: equipment specified in the contract agrees widi the requirements of the plan: required buffers can be maintained; calibration and adjustment guidance have been provided to the owners and are contained as part of the pftui. .D Conditional approval: Anialal waste application and handling equipment specified in the plan has been purchased and will be on site and installed by (month/day/near), there is adequate storage to huld the waste until the equipment is installed and until the waste can be land applied in accordance with the cropping system contained in the plan; and calibration and adjustment guidance have been provided to the owners and are contained as part of the plan. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): 00_-T T. -PA T Affiliation N RCS _ ,Date Work Completed: Address ( Signature Phone -,No.: 7a 4 -(n3-7 - 00 Date: 12 -23�-1 — The following signature block is only to be used when the box for conditional approval in 111 D above has been checked. I (we) terrify that I (we) have committed to purchase the animal waste application and handling zt�uinment as specified in my (our) wasic management plan and will submit to DENT a verification of delivery and installation from a Technical Specialist within 15 calendar days following the date specified in [lie conditional certification. I (wet realize that Failure to submit ttus verification is a violation of the waste management plan and trill subject me (us) to an entorcemenc action tram DEM.' Fame of Land Owner: Signature: Name of Nfanager (if different tram owner): Signature: Date: Date: E) Odor Control_ Trisect Control and Nrortality'Ylana!�ement (SD. ST. WUR RC or 1) Methods to control odors and insects as Specified in the Plan have be2n installed and are oozr_ationai. The moaalicv management system as specified in the Plan has'alsd-bean installed and is operational. Narne of Technical Specialist (Please Print): N T FATE-TILL Affiiiatiori N CS Dace 1Vor Completed: Address (Agcricy):60(0 WEST INr czs ET. SA1.1S(31JRY, .C. Phone No.,�Oq -4 7- 24Q Si11rnattzre.:� - q _ _ Date:_ :�lvi� Au,4ust 1, 199 Nutrient Management Plan For Animal Waste Utilization This plan has been prepared for: Blue Ribbon NG Purvis Farms 2504 Spies Rd. Robbins, NC 27325 (910) 948-2297 08-16-2006 This plan has been developed by: Kevin Williams Moore SWCD/NRC'S PO Box 908 Carthage, NC 28327 (910) 947-5183 ext. Developer Signature Type of Plan: Nitrogen Only with Manure Only Owner/Manager/Producer Agreement I (we) understand and agree to the specifications and the operation and maintenance procedures established in this nutrient management plan which includes an animal waste utilization plan for the farm named above. I have read and understand the Required Specifications concerning animal waste management that are included with this plan. Signature (owner) Date i _�2 ure (manager or producer) Date This plan meets the minimum standards and specifications of the U.S. Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service or the standard of practices adopted by the Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Plan Approved By: Technical Specialist Signature Date 456662 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 08-16-2006 Cover Page 1 Nutrients applied in accordance with this plan will be supplied from the following source(s): Commercial Fertilizer is not included in this plan. S5 Swine Nursery Lagoon Liquid waste generated 459,400 gals/year by a 2,400 animal Swine Nursery Lagoon Liquid operation. This production facility has waste storage capacities of approximately 180 days. Estimated Pounds of Plant Available Nitrogen Generated per Year Broadcast 1056 Incorporated 1813 Injected 1997 Irrigated 1 148 Max. Avail, PAN (lbs) * Actual PAN Applied (lbs) PAN Surplus/ Deficit (Ibs) Actual Volume Applied (Gallons) Volume Surplus/ Deficit (Gallons) Year 1 1,148 1691 -543 675,255 -216,855 Note: In source ID. S means standard source, U means user defined source. * Max. Available PAN is calculated on the basis of the actual application method(s) identified in the plan for this source. 456662 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 08-16-2006 Source Page Paige 1 of l Narrative There are 17.2 acres established in fescue for this operation. Because of field shape, buffers, and irrigation system layout, there are approximately 1 l .5 acres of effective coverage under irrigation. This operation has a primary and secondary lagoon system with 180 days of temporary storage. Since the operation has a maximum capacity for 2,400 animals (wean to feeder) the current fescue crop will handle all effluent generated. Effluent from the lower lagoon will be applied to the fescue by irrigation using a traveling gun system. Sludge will need to be removed from the system every 5 to 10 years. A waste analysis will need to be taken on this material prior to application and a waste utilization plan prepared for the sludge. Additional fields may be needed for proper utilization. 456662 Database Version 3.1 bate Printed: 08-16-2006 Narrative Page Page l of I The table shown below provides a summary of the crops or rotations included in this plan for each field. Realistic Yield estimates are also provided for each crop in the plan. In addition, the Leaching Index for each field is shown, where available. Planned Crops Summary Tract Field Total Acres Useable Acres Leaching Index (LI) Soil Series Crop Sequence RYE 595 1 11.50 11.50 NIA Mooshaunee Fescue Hay 3.4 Tons PLAN TOTALS: 11.50 11.50 LI Aolenlial Leaching Technical Guidance Low potential to contribute to soluble None < 2 nutrient leaching below the root zone. >= 2 & Moderate potential to contribute to soluble Nutrient Management (590) should be planned. nutrient leaching below the root zone. <— 10 High potential to contribute to soluble Nutrient Management (590) should be planned. Other conservation practices that improve the soils nutrient leaching below the root zone, available water holding capacity and improve nutrient use efficiency should be considered. > 14 Examples are Cover Crops (340) to scavenge nutrients, Sod -Based Rotations (328), tong -Term No -Till (778), and edge -of -field practices such as Filter Strips (393) and Riparian Forest Buffers (391). 456662 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed 8/16/2006 NOTE Symbol * means user entered data. PCs Page Page I of I 117 v The Waste Utilization table shown below summarizes the waste utilization plan for this operation. This plan provides an estimate of the number of acres of cropland needed to use - the nutrients being produced. The plan requires consideration of the realistic yields of the crops to be grown, their nutrient requirements, and proper timing of applications to maximize nutrient uptake. This table provides an estimate of the amount of nitrogen required by the crop being grown and an estimate of the nitrogen amount being supplied by manure or other by-products, commercial fertilizer and residual from previous crops. An estimate of the quantity of solid and liquid waste that will be applied on each field in order to supply the indicated quantity of nitrogen from each source is also included. A balance of the total manure produced and the total manure applied is included in the table to ensure that the plan adequately provides for the utilization of the manure generated by the operation. Waste Utilization Table Year I Nitrogen Comm. Res. Manure Liquid Solid Liquid Solid PA Fert. (lbs/A) PA ManureA Manure Manure Manure Nutrient Nutrient NutrienLA pplied Applied Applied Applied Req'd Applied pplied (acre) (acre) (Field) (Field) (lbs/A) (lbs/A) (lbs/A) Source Total Use. APpltc, Applic. 1000 Tract Field ID Soil Series Acres Acres Crop RYE Period N N N Method N gal/A Tons 1000 gals tons 595 1 S5 IMooshaunce 11.501 1 1.50 Fescue Hay 3.4 Tons *9/1-5131 147 0 0 [Trig. 147 58.72 OM 675.26 0.00 Total Applied, 1000 gallons 675.26 Total Produced, 1000 gallons 458.4 F Balance, 1000 gallons 216.8 iO Total Applied, tons � 0.0 Total Produced, tons �r ram.:,« 0.00 Balance, tons _ 0.00 Dotes: I. In the tract column, — symbol means leased, otherwise, owned. 2. Symbol * means user entered data. 456662 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 8/16/2006 WUT Page Page 1 of I The following Lagoon Sludge Nitrogen Utilization table provides an estimate of the number of acres needed for sludge utilization for the indicated accumulation period. These estimates are based on average nitrogen concentrations for each source, the number of animals in the facility and the plant available nitrogen application rates shown in the second column. Lagoon sludge contains nutrients and organic matter remaining after treatment and application of the effluent. At clean out, this material must be utilized for crop production and applied at agronomic rates. In most cases, the priority nutrient is nitrogen but other nutrients including phosphorous, copper and zinc can also be limiting. Since nutrient levels are generally very high, application of sludge must be carefully applied. Sites must first be evaluated for their suitability for sludge application. Ideally, effluent spray fields should not be used for sludge application. If this is not possible, care should be taken not to load effluent application fields with high amounts of copper and zinc so that additional effluent cannot be applied. On sites vulnerable to surface water moving to streams and lakes, phosphorous is a concern. Soils containing very high phosphorous levels may also be a concern. Lagoon Sludge Nitrogen Utilization Table Crop Maximum PA-N hate lblac Maximum Sludge Application Kale 1000 gal/ac Minimum Acres 5 Years Accumulation Minimum Acres 10 Years Accumulation Minimum Acres 15 Years Accumulation Swine Nursery Lagoon Sludge - Standard Corn 120 bu 150 13.16 6.11 12.22 18.33 Hay 6 ton R.Y.E. 300 26.32 3.05 6.11 9.16 Soybean 40 bu 160 14.04 5.73 11.45 17.18 456662 Database Version 3.1 Date Prinlcd: 09-16-2006 Sludge Page Page 1 of' The Available Waste Storage Capacity table provides an estimate of the number of days of storage capacity available at the end of each month of the plan. Available storage capacity is calculated as the design storage capacity in days minus the number of days of net storage volume accumulated. The start date is a value entered by the user and is defined as the date prior to applying nutrients to the first crop in the plan at which storage volume in the lagoon or holding pond is equal to zero. Available storage capacity should be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to the design storage capacity of the facility. If the available storage capacity is greater than the design storage capacity, this indicates that the plan calls for the application of nutrients that have not yet accumulated. If available storage capacity is negative, the estimated volume of accumulated waste exceeds the design storage volume of the structure. Either of these situations indicates that the planned application interval in the waste utilization plan is inconsistent with the structure's temporary storage capacity. Available Waste Storage Capacity Source Name Swine Nursery Lagoon Liquid Design Storage Capacity (Days) Start hate 11/30 180 Plan Year Month Available Storage Capacity (Days) 1 1 149 2 175 1 3 180 1 4 180 ] 5 180 1 6 150 1 7 119 l 8 88 1 9 112 1 10 180 1 11 180 1 12 149 * Available Storage Capacity is calculated as of the end of each month. 456662 Database Version M Date Printed: 08-16-2006 Capacity Page Page l of l Required Specifications For Animal Waste Management 1. Animal waste shall not reach surface waters of the state by runoff, drift, manmade conveyances, direct application, or direct discharge during operation or land application. Any discharge of waste that reaches surface water is prohibited. 2. There must be documentation in the design folder that the producer either owns or has an agreement for use of adequate land on which to properly apply the waste. If the producer does not own adequate land to properly dispose of the waste, he/she shall provide evidence of an agreement with a landowner, who is within a reasonable proximity, allowing him/her the use of the land for waste application. It is the responsibility of the owner of the waste production facility to secure an update of the Nutrient Management Plan when there is a change in the operation, increase in the number of animals, method of application, receiving crop type, or available land. 3. Animal waste shall be applied to meet, but not exceed, the nitrogen needs for realistic crop yields based upon soil type, available moisture, historical data, climatic conditions, and level of management, unless there are regulations that restrict the rate of applications for other nutrients. 4. Animal waste shall be applied to land eroding less than 5 tons per acre per year. Waste may be applied to land eroding at more than 5 tons per acre per year but less than 10 tons per acre per year provided grass filter strips are installed where runoff leaves the field (see USDA, NRCS Field Office Technical Guide Standard 393 - Filter Strips). 5. Odors can be reduced by injecting the waste or by disking after waste application. Waste should not be applied when there is danger of drift from the land application field. 6. When animal waste is to be applied on acres subject to flooding, waste will be soil incorporated on conventionally tilled cropland. When waste is applied to conservation tilled crops or grassland, the waste may be broadcast provided the application does not occur during a season prone to flooding (see "Weather and Climate in North Carolina" for guidance). 7. Liquid waste shall be applied at rates not to exceed the soil infiltration rate such that runoff does not occur offsite or to surface waters and in a method which does not cause drift from the site during application. No ponding should occur in order to control odor and flies. 456662 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 9/16/2006 Specification Pap-e I September 8, 2006 Anthony Moore N.G. Purvis Farms 2504 Spies Road Robbins NC 27325 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P,E. Director Division of Water Quality RECEIVED OCT 12 2006 DENR - fAYf TiFVILLE REGIONAL OFRGE Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. AWS630012 Blue Ribbon Swine Animal Waste Management System Moore County Dear Mr. Moore: In accordance with your application received on January 31, 2006, we are hereby forwarding to you this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to N.G. Purvis Farms, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste collection, treatment, storage and land application system in accordance with General Permit No. AWG100000. The issuance of this COC supercedes and terminates your previous COC No. AWS630012 dated October 1, 2004. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the management of animal waste from the Blue Ribbon Swine, located in Moore County, with an animal capacity of no greater than an anhual average of 2,400 Swine Wean to Feeder and the application to land as specified in the facility's Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP). If this is a Farrow to Wean or Farrow to Feeder operation, there may also be one boar for each 15 sows. Where boars are unneccessary, they may be replaced by an equivalent number of sows. Any of the sows may be replaced by gilts at a rate of 4 gilts for every 3 sows The COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until September 30, 2009. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP, and this COC. An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this facility. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of animals authorized by this COC (as provided above) will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and must be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. Please carefully read this COC and the enclosed State General Permit. Enclosed for your convenience is a package containing the forms used for record keeping and reporting. Please pav careful attention to the record keeping and monitoring conditions in this permit. If your Waste Utilization Plan has been developed based on site specific information, careful evaluation of future samples is necessary. Should your records show that the current Waste Utilization Plan is inaccurate you will need to have a new Waste Utilization Plan developed. The issuance of this COC does not excuse the Permittee from the obligation to comply with all applicable laws, rules, standards, and ordinances (local, state, and federal), nor does issuance of a COC to operate under this permit convey any property rights in either real or personal property. Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Internet: www.ncwateraualitv.ora Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard An Equal opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer-50% Recydedl10% Post Consumer Paper iv ` Carolina turully Raleigh, TIC 27699-1636 Telephone: (919) 733-3221 Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax 1: (919) 715-0589 Fax 2: (919) 715-6048 Customer Service: (877) 623-6748 Upon abandonment or depopulation for a period of four years or more, the Permittee must submit documentation to the Division demonstrating that all current NRCS standards are met prior to restocking of the facility. Per 15A NCAC 2H ,0225(c) a compliance boundary is provided for the facility and no new water supply wells shall be constructed within the compliance boundary. Per NRCS standards a 100 foot separation shall be maintained ,between water supply wells and any lagoon, storage pond, or any wetted area of a spray field. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143- 215.6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. If you wish to continue the activity permitted under the General Permit after the expiration date of the General Permit, an application for renewal must be filed at least 180 days prior to expiration. This COC is not automatically transferable. A name/ownership change application must be submitted to the Division prior to a name change or change in ownership. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual permit by contacting the staff member listed below for information on this process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding. This facility is located in a county covered by our Fayetteville Regional Office. The Regional Office Water Quality Staff may be reached at (910) 433-3300. If you need additional information concerning this COC or the General Permit, please contact Todd A. Bennett at (919) 715-6627. Sincerel for Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Enclosures: General Permit AWG100000 Record -Keeping Forms cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all cc's) I- gget.eville.Regional_ ffice,_Agvifer Protection_Section] Moore County Health Department Moore County Soil and Water Conservation District APS Central Files AFO Files 0� W A 74QG 0 -C N.G. Purvis Farms Blue Ribbon Swine 2504 Spies Road Robbins NC 27325 Dear N.G. Purvis Farms: Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr.. Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources October 1, 2004 Alan W. Klimek, P. E., Director Division of Water Quality OCT 15 2B�4 4 ENR - F pffMLLE REGl6NAl OFF4CE Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. AWS630012 Blue Ribbon Swine Swine Waste Collection, Treatment, Storage and Application System Moore County On June 11, 2004, the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (Division) issued a revised State General Permit for swine facilities. The General Permit was issued in accordance with the directive of Senate Bill 733 (Session Law 2003-28). In accordance with your application received on March 6, 2003 and in accordance with the directive of Senate Bill 733, we are hereby forwarding to you this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to N.G. Purvis Farms, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste collection, treatment, storage and land application system in accordance with General Permit AWG i 00000. The issuance of this COC supersedes and terminates your previous COC Number AWS630012 which expires October I, 2004. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the management of animal waste from the Blue Ribbon Swine, located in Moore County, with an animal capacity of no greater than an annual average of 510 Farrow to Wean swine and the application to land as specified in the facility's Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP). if this is a Farrow to Wean or Farrow to Feeder operation, there may also be one boar for each 15 sows. Where boars are unneccessary, they may be replaced by an equivalent number of sows. Any of the sows may be replaced by gilts at a rate of 4 gilts for every 3 sows The COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until September 30, 2009. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP, and this COC. An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this facility. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of animals authorized by this COC (as provided above) will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and must be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. Please carefully read this COC and the enclosed State General Permit. Since this is a revised State General Permit, it contains new requirements in addition to most of the conditions contained in the previous State General Permit. Enclosed for your convenience is a package containing the new and revised forms used for record keeping and reporting. Please pay careful attention to the record keeping and monitoring conditions in this permit. Aquifer Protection Section -Animal Feeding Operations Unit 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1638 Phone: 919-733-32211 FAX: 919-715-0588I Internet: h2o.enr,state.nc.us An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper Nne orthCarolina ,Naturally If your Waste Utilization Plan has been developed based on site specific information, careful evaluation of future samples is necessary. Should your records show that the current Waste Utilization Plan is inaccurate you will.need to have a new Waste Utilization Plan developed. The issuance of this COC does not excuse the Permittee from the obligation to comply with all applicable laws, rules, standards, and ordinances (local, state, and federal), nor does issuance of a COC to operate under this permit convey any property rights in either real or personal property. Upon abandonment or depopulation for a period of four years or more, the Permittee must submit documentation to the Division demonstrating that all current NRCS standards are met prior to restocking of the facility. Per 15A NCAC 2H .0225(c) a compliance boundary is provided for the facility and no new water supply wells shall be constructed within the compliance boundary. Per NRCS standards a 100 foot separation shall be maintained between water supply wells and any lagoon, storage pond, or any wetted area of a spray field. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143- 215.6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. If you wish to continue the activity permitted under the General Permit after the expiration date of the General Permit, an application for renewal must be filed at least 180 days prior to expiration. This COC is not automatically transferable. A name/ownership change application must be submitted to the Division prior to a name change or change in ownership. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual permit by contacting the staff member listed below for information on this process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding. This facility is located in a county covered by our Fayetteville Regional Office. The Regional Office Water Quality Staff may be reached at (910) 486-1541. If you need additional information concerning this COC or the General Permit, please contact Duane Leith at (919) 715-6186. Sincerely, for Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Enclosures (General Permit AWG 100000) cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all ec's) Fayetteville Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section Moore County Health Department Moore County Soil and Water Conservation District Permit File AWS630012 APS Central Files . 1 t Animal Waste 'Management Plan Certification !Please Evoe or print all information that does not require a sicnaturt t' XM1 Q • ti} or' : E.Y ::ended : Ie3se ci rcle. of to :•.:: General Information: Name of Farm: t - LO E K i Facility No: (.3 --�; Owner(s) Name: N • G FU 2v 1 s_ FARMS 10C. ;_Phone No: 410 - 9 V8- ZZ 47 Mailing .address: Z 50 + SPIES ROAD L 0881 tg i� N42TH CAR'QUNA Z73 Z5 Farm Location: County Farm is located in:_Mang-E ._ Latitude and Longitude: 1 Inte`rator: Please attach a copy of a county road map with Iocation identified and describe belo«v (Be Specific: road names, directions, milepost, etc.): 2 ni a u F.asT OF r JW Y. 2 4- 27 oN_ coat._ SpRt+Jr•5 _C'HUlzc.0 Ei . Onerntion Descriodon: Type of Swine No, of.Animals D Wean to Feeder �1 Feeder to Finish _ KFarrow to Wean o Farrow to Feeder --j Farrow to Finish ❑ Gilts Boars Type of Pottltn' D Layer 2 Pullets No. of Animals T_► pe of Cattle ,fro. of Animals _.! Dairy M Beef Other 7:tipe of Livestock: Number ofdninzaIs: �:s:•r:rk, o>..r 7. c,,;kY,Y{k-w '.'3."." c: •c�. ,).. .;se.y.. 4S,x;y . a.. .. a.:: ;,k:'.-'�' ?;5?;f ': v<<�•',x::Jy„' :p-.;a+' r.., +ii;:r . K.. -,: v.•y -,y. S. .::y. .- I. � � .,�•r..:c�::^ t+:�'• . ,� �c •� ��.P' L' rc .;5.��^C <C -� : J{n'#i.' l,.:Y�„+t}.:n $• . �.c . :.:':?�??• :::. fi ,v+•..'.' ' �' '',�±�: •:) ::t-:,..'.t. SC•.kY'.f' : .uaa;f�'.; .. .:'�a ,.Y;. }.bM: r,.. v: ..'.Y-s;YY... �.. .44. %.:x,..+.>2' ° ..4tRJ .: Y3i... ;: :.Jy...o�'+.`.:'+3wk'' :e,St==n r �...�• .� .wt�y'k?� ���:6$ '•��' ti.�r .y :•.�. �.A :..3-.:$,YYS*Y'. .: t .:: -. +. .v : k..^rn., $.':?c:::": i...ur.i?:.iix,,`:htxY .: 4,,.f r`e.r::'' �} ` , d<..ac .- t: •: .3,;: :;' ;,�x}4}nto .YG°' .�$;y+-..;♦ � e-3i•,ti`"N<,i.'w�k.,�� SA �:3k � $ ...o;. ;Y ♦ � .�ei .�.,.l�6�7I.Pi:':YF[1a11D /}ff4 ,�n:qr. t .2--��t'yk, e%� ♦ \`w,t ��, �' t,�-i� � ,k�C2 t3. xa` its-�'P,w�}"K,'�Y {. .e.� a;.-`4.. .::f... � r�, �: �. .�,.::5.:����:,��. x.L-��.,3,3„ %��:: �6 :` :•k..�:...w ,d-:. .. ,k,.,. .i..,.. -;Y } ♦ -x �3 r.. �, z1 ,.."w.:.�ti+,._.�}...+i.h f ;:.{.�J Nv;..,. {..�\:•',:+yb:jY jy:t"^. .2.t,S:t�kt:.v...ih .r ..F �iJ..'Y* }.. �'�.yN•:,,,'1k L.. ...L. k.....K:;�a �'. {`•v �:.,,.: At�,'',°x:r�fi�: Pk,,t .... � - .,.¢ y - - *ss.> �'',`.k:.�::,,. �.,, Priit�:ii,.a:.v,3. .: J-0 ��}, ;iFs�s.-{<.: .:...;y; �w. �Mn��i4k?�'-�?;�'`kai�•`, .. :>v. - } - .•:.b$_ ,.c.i,` r . -�a�hti .3�......:: •t' .�..:. s:.t�uS. £w'fi`.ttt k S - x ei�rarrs}�Destzn..Caaacin�• �fwy.:�n�'•• 7•'rlrlditior`iaf:•LYesr2>1:Car?aerr��.<kr �;�:. dJ...:'-T�irrrlDest�m.C�7Aacrlt::�-:. 'F.: �Sa�.hs.-. Acreage Available for Application: IT Required Acreage: i • 5 Number of Lagoons / Storage Ponds : 2 Total Capacity; Cubic Feet Are subsurface drains present on the farm: YES or N (please circle onej If YES: are subsurface drains present in'the area of the LAGOON or SPR-kY FIELD (please circle one) �hM>*��WMse,k>Iia�i�t�h�k7�71r�h��k#�k+N��kiF>Ik�Rf,4�Mrljea'+ae�+,NKeM��*3��k�FsrrN+kfi�:N�>�iakas�MKap�il�i.+lea:a.saM�irY.Ma��Y+i�,kM�>�riria.fia,YSYs�;. Owner / ti•Ianager Agreement ' I (we) verify that all the above information is correct �ndwill be uodatad'upon changing. I (we) understand the operation and maintenance procedures established in the -approved animal waste management plan for the farm named above and %%ill implement these procedures. I (we) !mow that any expansion to the existing design capacity of ale waste treatment and storage system or construction of new facilities will require a new certification to be submitted to the Division of Environmental ylanagement before the new animals are stocked. I (we) understand that there must be no discharge of animal waste from the storage or applicadon system to surface waters of the state zither directly through a man-made conve—ance or from a storm event less severe than the ?s-year, 24-hour storm and there must not be run-off from the application of animal waste. I (we) understand that run-off of pollutants from lounging and heavy use areas must be minimized using technical standards developed by the Natural Resources Conservation Service. The approved plan'wiil be filed at the farm and at the office of the local Soil and Water Conservation District. I (we) know that any modification MUSE be approved by a technical specialist and submitted to the Soil and Water Conservation District prior to implementation. A change in land ownership requires•,written-notification to.DEM or a new, certification (if.the.approved .. plan is changed) within 60 days of a •tle trsrtsfer. Name of Land Owner : e +1' 5 Signature: e�: Dater Z ~�: Name of Manager(if different from Owner): SinaEure:r1% a JL Date:— AWC Au7usi 1.1997 Technical Specialist Certification I, As a technical specialist designated by the Nor[h Carolina Soil and Water Conservation Commission pursuant to 1;A NCAC 6F .0005. I Certify that the animal waste management system for the farm named above has an animal feast, management plan that meets or exceeds standards and specifications of the Division of ,Environmental Manaoeme (DE'vi) as specified in 15A NCAC 2H.0317 and the USDA -Natural Resources Conservation Ser,ice (BRCS) andlor rho North Carolina Soil and Water Conservation Commission pursuant to 15A NCAC 3H.0217 and 15A NCAC 6f .0001- .0005. The following elements are included.in the plan as applicable. While each category designates a technical specialist who may sign each cerdncation (SD, SI, WU-?, RC. I), the technical specialist should only certify parts for which they are tewhnically competent. II. Certification of Desi,; n A) Collection. Storage. Treatment Svstern Check Me appropriate box Existing facility without retrofit (SD or WUP) Storage volume is adequate for operation capacity: storage cttpahili[V rnnsistent With WIe. utilization requirements. ZI New. expanded or retrofitted facility (SD) Animal waste -sturage and treatment structures. such as but not limited to collection systenis. lagoons and ponds. have been designed to meet or exceed the minimum srandarcLs and specifications. Name of Technical Specialist..(Please Print): �iut�F_1�.T' .�ATC�a2 Affiliation N RCS - _ Date Work Completed: Address (Agent y):(pM WEST i tMES Q. Sa s . C. Phone No.: -704 - G 37 - ZAO Signature: IQ, Date: 1 Z - Z -g 1 B) Land Application Site (WUP) The plan provides for minimum separations (buffers): adequate amount of land for waste utilization; chosen crop is suitable for waste management; hydraulic and nutrient loading rates. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): 9 0 FAR - Zg- Affiliation N RCS _ _Date Work Completed: Address (Agency):600 WEzT lNN SJ, ,SAI-Ma LY. C. Phone No.:70 -�37- i'4o4 Signature: Date: C) Runoff Controls from Exterior Lots Check the appropriare box 1 Facility without exterior lots (SD or WUP or RC) This facility does not contain any exterior lots. J Facility With exterior lots (RC) `lethods to minimize the run off of pollutants from lounging and heavy use areas have been designed in accordance with; technical standards developed by vrZCs. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): 1-Nt1aKM U- FPATS , R • _ ,kfliation_ NEC 5_ � Date Work Completed: Address (Adencv): A00 W Sr. SAt_I SCU f�, C . Phone No.: 4 - 3 - z400 Si�nalure: Date: IZ- 2 3 -- 4. 10 �F M AD lication and Handling* E ui meat Clieck the appropriare box Ecistina or expanding f icility with exi-SO R wn.St2 (WUp or 1) Animal waste application equipment spec:i6t:d in the plan has been e:dicr field calibrated or evaluated in accordance with existing design charts and tables and is able to apply waste as necessarf to accommodate the waste management plan: (existing application equipment can toyer the area required by le plan at races not to exceed either the specified hvdraulic or nutrient loading rates. a schedule for tuning of applications has been established; required buffers can be maintained and calibradon and adjustment guidance are contained as part of the plan). rlNew, expanded. rireYistinQ facility without existing �c tste atc+lic�tinn epuinmznt for ��r �_impatinn. (I) Animal waste application equipment specified in the plan has been desi2ried to, apply waste as necessary to accommodate the waste management plan: (proposed application equipment can cover the area required by the plan ac rates not to exceed either the specified hydraulic or nutrient loading rates: a schedule for tuning of applications has been established: required buffers can be maintained: cziibr:ition and adiustmem guidance are contained as part of die plan). ;,l New. eY an z nr existing acility wi ut eYis ina w;i, to n licatinn eous menc Cor !end ; r -ending not using srriv irrigatii7n� (WUP or I) Animal waste application equipment specified in the plan has been selected to ,apply waste as necessary to accommodate the waste management plait: (proposed application equipment can cover the area required by the plan at rates not to exceed either the specified hydraulic or nutrient loading rates; a schedule for timing of applications has been established; required buffers can be maintained; calibratiun and adjustment guidance are "contained as part of the plan), Name,of Technical Specialist (Please Print): T J . PAT , TR Affiliation N RC S Date Work Completed: Address (Agency). 1t�i nlS t, S l Phone No.: 704 -�( 3-7 - 2 4oQ Signature: Date: 1 Z-23- 1 E) Odor Control. Tnsect Control, Nlortality'Management and Emergency ,action Plan (SD. S 1. W UP. RC or 1) The waste management plan for this facility includes a Waste ;Management Odor Control Chetdiist. an Insect Control Checklist. a iMorcality Zianaaement Checklist and an Emergency Action Plan. Sources of both odors and insects have been evaluated with respect to this site and Best ivlanaaemenc Practices to 1,linirnize Odors and Best tilanaeement Practices to Control Insects have been selected and included in the waste management plan. Both the Mortality `-lanagement Plan and the Emergency .action Plan are complete and can be implemented by chi . facility. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print):_AL) d_lv _ T PA`M , T tz . Affiliation— _N RC5 _„ _ Date Work Completed: Address ( S i�Tnature Phone No.: -to 4-43-7• Z4-00 Date:_ tz- Z3'n :1 F) Written Notice of New or Expanding Swine Farm The follo►rin- signature block is ordy to be used for new or expanding swine farms that begin construction after June 21. 1996. if the facility was built before June 21. 1996, when was it constructed or last expanded I (we) certify that I (we) have attempted to contact by certified trail all adjoining propercy owners and all property owners who own property located across a public road. street. or Highway from Ibis new or expanding swine farm. The notice was in compliance with the requirements of NCGS 106-805. A copy of the notice and a list of the property owners notified is attached. . . Name of Land Owner: Si -nature: Date: Name of "Manager (if ditt'erem from owner): Signature: Date: .20VC -- .-s.Ugust 1, 1997 3 i i� III. CertzfiCatiO71 Of IHStallatiO71 A) Collection. Storn7_e. Treatment Installation New. expanded or retrofitted facility (SI) Animal waste storage and treatment structures. such as but not limited to lagoons and ponds. have been installer in accordance with the approved plan to meet or exceed the minimum standards and specifications. For esistin c facilities without retrofits, 110 certification is necessary. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): AttTliation Date Work Completed: Address (Agencv): Phone No.: Signature: - Date: B) Land AUlication Site (WUP) Check the appropriare box . The cropping system is in place on all land as specified in the animal waste management plan. Conditional Approval: all required land as specitsed in the plan is cleared for planting: the cropping system as specified in the waste utilization plat: has not been established and the o%%mer has committed to establish the vegetation as specified in the plan by (monthldayh•ear); the proposed cover crop is appropriate for compliance with the wasteutilizauon plan. Q Also check this box if appropriate if the cropping system as specified in the plan can not be established on newly cleared land within 30 d of this certification, the owner has committed to establish an interim crop for erosion control: Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print):Ht?a -r .J pA" r-_7 Affiliation N RCS- _ Date. Work Completed: Address (Agency):. S i anature:. Phone No.: 7a4 -b37- 24W This following signature block is only to be used when the box for conditional approval in M. B above has been checked. I (we) certify that I (we) have committed to establish the cropping system as specified in my (our) waste utilization plan. and if appropriate to establish the interim crop for erosion control. and will submit to DELI a verification of completion from aTectinical Specialist within 15 calendar days following the date Specified in the conditional certification. I (%ve) realize that failure to submit this vetificadon is a violation of the waste management plan and will subject me (us) to an enforcement action from DEM. Name of Land Owner: Signature: Date: Name of Manager (if different [ram owner): Signature: Date: C) Runoff Centrals from Exterior Lots (RC) ` Futility with exterior ft�ti5 L�vletliods to niinintize the run off of pollutants from lounging and lielvy use areas have been inst+zEled as iprcirie l in thr plan. For faciliries without exterior lots. no certification is necessary. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): Affiliation Date 'Work Completed: Address (Agency): Phone NO.: Signature: Date: D) Aoulica.tion and Handling Equipment installation (WUP or I) Check the approprfare bloc.(. - Animal waste application and handling equipment specified in the plan is on site and reads for uie: calibration and adjustment materials have been provided to the 0-ners and are contained'as part of the plan. J ,animal waste application and handling equipment specifier! in (tie plan ltas not been installed but the owner has proposed leasing or third party application and has provided a signrd contract: equipment specified in the contract agrees with the requirements of the plan: required buffers can be maintained; calibration and adjustment guidance have been provided to the owners and are contained as part of the plan. J Conditional approval: Animal waste application and handling equipment specified in the plan has been purchased and will be on site and installed by (monthldavlvear); there is adequate storage to hold the waste until, the equipment is installed and undi the waste can be land applied in accordance with the cropping system contained in the plan; and calibration and adjustment guidance have been provided to the owners and are contained as pan of the plan, iliame of Technical Specialist (Please Print): -r N J Affiliation N RCS Date Work Completed: N , Address ( Signature 'gone -No.: 7o 4 -(n3-7 - 4400 ate: 1 Z - 23 The following si;nature block is only to be used when the box for conditional approval in III D above has been checked. I (we) certify that I (we) have committed to purchase the animal waste application and handling equipment as specified in my (our) waste management plan and will submit to DENT a verification of delivery and installation from a Technical Specialist within 15 calendar days following the date specified in die conditional certification. I (we) realize that failure to submit this verification is a violation of the waste management plan and will subject me (us) to an erztorcement action from DE:M.' Name of Land Owner: Signature: Date: Name of -Manager (if different from owner): Signature: Date: E) Odor Control. Insect Control and Mortality .l•fananefnent (SD. Si. ti IUR RC or I) Methods to control odors and insects as specified in the Plan have been installed and are coerational. The mortality management system as specified in the Plan has'alsd-bte4n installed and is operational. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): PLjaEpT -PATF- P Affiliation N f3,C5_ Date Work Completed: Address (: Signature: Phone `+o.:-IO - 7- 240 Date: I Z - Z3 — AWC -- August 1. 1997 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN PROJECT/FARM: N•G- PURVIS FARMS - 73LUE 1Z129 tJ FAPM DATE: 10 - 4-7 • Contact the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Fayetteville Regional Office at (910 486- 1541 if the problem occurs Monday through Friday between 8:00am and 5:00pm. If the problem occurs outside of those hours contact the State of North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety - Division of Emergency Management - Raleigh at 1-800-662-7956 or (919) 733-3942. Provide the following information: - FACILITY NAME: E R_I C R v r�- FA R M LOCATION: 2 m2LES EAST OF RWY. Z4-27 orb_CGOLSPP.;n1 -. CHURM-1 P�. REGISTRATION/PERMIT # G 3 - 12 • If there is danger to human life, downstream residences, roads, etc. call 911 of the M aar� C County Sheriffs Department at _CA R�TH A C • Begin lowering the liquid level in the pond by applying waste water to nearby irrigation fields if possible. • Contact a contractor to begin repair of the problem to minimize off -site damage (list the names and phone numbers of three below). NAME PHONE NUMBER I C LEc MAJO.T,0 910- 90 - 247I 2 Tgoo COrylrriG-5 90 - - 3018 3 KEVIM EED Arn 10- 4 T - 61 • Contact the �A o o R Z- Soil and Water Conservation District at ?10-947-S1SS. - - - • Contact the technical specialist who certified the waste storage pond . If this specialist is no longer working or is not available, contact another technical specialist who has design approval such as the Area Engineer. NAME PHONE NUMBER 0 - 947- .5r g1-D This plan will be implemented in the event chat wastes from ,your operation are leaking. overflowing. or running off site. You should not wait until wastes reach surface wacers or leave your property to consider that you have a problem. You should make every effort to ensure that this does not happen. This plan should be posted in an accessible location for all employees at the facility. The following are some action items you should take. 1. Scoo the release of wastes. Depending on the situation, this may or may' not be possible. Suggested responses'co some possible problems are listed below. A. Lagoon overflow -possible solutions are: a. ?add soil to berm to increase elevation of dam. b. Pump wastes to fields at an acceptable race. c. Stop all flows to the lagoon immediately. d. Call a pumping contractor. e. Mak-e sure no surface water is entering lagoon. B: Runoff from waste application field -actions include: a. Immediately stop waste application. b. Create a temporary diversion to contain waste. C. Incorporate waste to reduce runoff. d. Evaluate and eliminate the reason(s) that caused the runoff. e. Evaluate the application races for the fields where runoff occurred. C: Leakage from the waste pipes and sprinklers -action include: . a. Stop recycle pump. b. Stop irrigation pump. c. Close valves to eliminate further discharve. d. Repair all [oaks prior to restarting pumps. D: Leakage from bush syscerns. houses. solid seoarators-action include: a. Stoo recycle oumo. b. Scoo =r scion Punic. C. sure no siphon cc:urs. d. `E00 all rlot-'s In [he h0t1Se. riLtsh sysiems. or solid >d_::rators. e. Repair all leaks prior co restartin_, pumps. E. Leakage From base or sidewall of lagoon. Often this is seepa_e as oppos.—d to tlowing leaks- possible action: a. Dis a small sump or ditch away from the embankment to catch al[ seepa�*e. put in a submersible pump. and puma back to lagoon. - b. If holes are caused by bui-rowinz animals. trap or remove a;airna[s and rill holes and compact with a clay type soil. c. Have a professional evaluate the condition of [he side walls and [agoon boctorn as soon as possible. - ip I Assess the extent of the spill and note any obvious damages. a. Did the waste reach any surface waters? b. Approximately how much was released and for what duration? c. Any damage noted, such as employee injury, fish hills, or propery damage? d. Did the spill leave the property'? e. Does the spill have the potential to reach surface waters? f. Could a future rain event cause the spill to reach surface waters? g. Are potable water wells in danger (either on or off of the property)? h. How much reached surface waters? I' i rf State of North Carolina ,� • Department of D E snvironment on of Water d Na�'ural Resource�ygTcEI VE ty Non -Discharge Permit Application Form �,� 8E6 oN (THIS FORM MA Y BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL General Permit - ExistingAnimal Waste G er�' ns 2 1999 P �,� �afs8 P, The following questions have been completed utilizing information on file with the DiisiWil, Please review the information for completeness and make any corrections that are appropriate. If a question has not been completed by the Division, please complete as best as possible. Do not leave any question unanswered. I. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1.1 Facility Name: Blue Ribbon Swine 1.2 Print Land Owner's name: N.G. Purvis Farms 1.3 Mailing address: 2504 Spies Rd City, State: Robbins NC Zip: 2731.5 Telephone Number (include area code): 910-948-2297 1.4 County where facility is located: Moore 1.5 Facility Location (Directions from nearest major highway. Please include SR numbers for state roads. Please include a copy of a county road map with the location of the farm identified): 2 miles east of Hwy. 24-27 on Cool Springs Church Rd. 1.6 Print Farm Manager's name (if different from Land Owner): Laura Dunlap 1.7 Lessee's I Integrator's name (if applicable; please circle which type is listed): 1.8 Date Facility Originally Began Operation: 01/01/79 19 Date(s) of Facility Expansion(s) (if applicable): 2. OPERATION INFORMATION: 2.1 Facility No.: 63 (county number); 12 (facility number). 2.2 Operation Description-.. Swine operation a ow to Wean 510- Certified Design Capacity Is the above information correct? Xyes; no. If no, correct below using the design capacity of the facility The "No. of Animals" should be the maximum num er or which the waste management structures were designed. Type of Swine No. of Animals Type of Poultry No. of Animals Type of Cattle No. of Animals 0 Wean to Feeder 0 Layer 0 Dairy 0 Feeder to Finish 0 Non -Layer 0 Beef 0 Farrow to Wean (# sow) 0 Turkey 0 Farrow to Feeder (# sow) 0 Farrow to Finish (# sow) Other Type of Livestock on the farm: No. of Animals: FORM: AWO-G-E 5/28/98 Page 1 of 4 63 - 12 1, J 1 2.3 Acreage cleared and available for application (excluding all required buffers and areas not covered by the application system): 17.2 ; Required Acreage (as listed in the AWMP): 11.5 2.4 Number o agoon storage ponds (circle which is applicable): 2.5 Are subsurface drains present within 100' of any of the application fields? YES or (please circle one) 2.6 Are subsurface drains present in the vicinity or under the lagoon(s)? YES or (please circle one) 2.7 Does this facility meet all applicable siting requirements? (Swine Farm Siting Act, NRCS Standards, etc.) (Swine Only) ES or NO (please circle one) What was the date that this facility's swine houses and lagoon were sited? /` 7,9 What was the date that this facility's land application areas were sited? 1 /-7 3. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Please indicate that you have included the following required items by signing your initials in the space provided next to each item. Applicants Initials 3.1 One completed and signed original and one copy of the application for General Permit - Animal Waste Operations; ,4 3.2 Two copies of a general location map indicating the location of the animal waste facilities and field locations where animal waste is land applied; 3.3 Two copies of the entire Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP). If the facility does not have a CAWMP, it must be completed prior to submittal of a general permit application for animal waste operations. �T The CAWMP must include the following components. Some of these components may not have been required at the time the facility was certified but should be added to the CAWMA for permitting purposes: 3.3.1 The Waste Utilization Plan (WUP) must include the amount of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) produced and utilized by the facility. 3.3.2 The method by which waste is applied to the disposal fields (e.g. irrigation, injection, etc.) 3.3.3 A map of every field used for land application. 3.3.4 The soil series present on every land application field. 3.3.5 The crops grown on every land application field. 3.3.6 The Realistic Yield Expectation (RYE) for every crop shown in the WUP. 3.3.7 The PAN applied to every land application field. 3.3.8 The waste application windows for every crop utilized in the WUP. 3.3.9 The required NRCS Standard specifications. 3.3.10 A site schematic. 3.3.1 1 Emergency Action Plan. 3.3.12 Insect Control Checklist with chosen best management practices noted. 3.3.13 Odor Control Checklist with chosen best management practices noted. 3.3.14 Mortality Control Checklist with the selected method noted. 33.15 Lagoon/storage pond capacity documentation (design, calculations, etc.). Please be sure to include any site evaluations, wetland determinations, or hazard classifications that may be applicable to your facility. 3.3.16 Operation and Maintenance Plan. If your CAWMP includes any components not shown on this list, please include the additional components with your submittal. FORM: AWO-G-E 5/28/98 Page 2 of 4 63 - 12 N ' -. Facility Number: 63 - 12 Facility Name: Blue Ribbon Swine 4. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION: Cr- PcrYs %arras (Land Owner's name listed in question 1.2), attest that this application for / (Facility name listed in question 1.1) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. 1 understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. Signature% �,.�_ �pry � y,�� rind Date O / 5. MANAGER'S CERTIFICATION: (complete only if different from the Land Owner) 1, (Manager's name listed in question 1.6), attest that this application for S?,/i1C (Facility name listed in question 1.1) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. 1 understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete. Signature Date f7"/ THE COMPLETEI'IAPPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY WATER QUALITY SECTION NON -DISCHARGE PERMITTING UNIT POST OFFICE BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27626-0535 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 733-5083 FAX NUMBER: (919) 733-0719 FORM: AWO-G-E 5/28/98 Page 3 of 4 63 - 12 minimal Waste -Management Plan Certiiicarion (Pte=st Lvt`t Or print -1l inforrarilin that drv; -IM reu--llr2 a si .na;u F- 11=risen eNF .. or Exnarided (oiz�se circle anel: t General information: t,Farzm S - $ t cl G t C3aotJ FAf�m �cilily No: 6 3 -- 1 Z Owners) Nan e: NJ G Pu R_J i -C FARm S ti e - Phone No: 110 - 94-& ZZ 9i MaiI'L-le ddi5s: ZSO 4- 5Pl e5 ROAD Ro , NOPM4 AP- L1NA ?-73 Z5 ,arm Locatxorr: CoLinn- F-= is located in:. NlaoRE Latite'de and Longiiude: r 1 €n1eQ:a:er Ple^se auach a copy or a counry road map with location ide:ltitied and descrii_.e below (3e sceriric: road riarnes.Nile,:uOils..-ildepoST-e:c-): 2 OF !-IW.Y- 4N Coot_ 5PRIn1G5 CM0Zr-14• Ra •- - - _ Operation Description: Fvpe of Swine ,vo. of.knirnals J Wean to Fe=der D Feeder to F<nish lEFa=w to Wean _ !� G� D Farrow to Feeder Farrow to Finish J Gilts D Boars Fine of Posiltrr Na. of Animals Ti pe of Carle N-0. of.,nbnnls D Lacer D Dairy D Pullets D Beef Other Tipe of Ure7roCn`" Nfunher ofAnirrtals. Acreage .available for Application: 17. ?. Required At=eaee: 11. Number of Lagoons I Storase Ponds : Z Total Capacity: Cubic Feet (0) Are subsue—ice drains present on the farm: YES or :l (please circle one) If YES: are subsurface drains present in the area of the LAGOON or SPRAY FIELD (phase circle one) ..,........... .........,..:. Owner / Nfanager A-reement I (we) verinr that all the abate information ii correct and,will be updated upon changing. I (wt) understand the operation and maiiirrnance procedures established in the arproced animal waste mana^_ement plan for the farm named above and hilt implement these procedures. I (we) know that any expansion to the tcistinx design ca?aary of'the waste treatment and storage nstem or construction of new facilities will require a new ceraticarion to be submitted to the Di,,Uon of Environmental Management before the new animals are stocked. I (we) understand that there must be no discaare-e of animal w115te From the storage or applicadon Mtem w- to surface amrs of the state either directly through a man-made conve«nc or from a storm dvent less severe than the 2*-ycar. '_t hour storm and there must not berun-off from the application of animal waste. I (we) understand that run-off of pollutants from lounging and heavy use areas must be minimized wing technical standards developed by the Natural Resources Cortsen-ation yenice. Ibe approvedf plan will be filed at die farm and at the office of the local 5uii and Waver Cone.-.acion District I (we) know that any modification must be approved by a technical specialist and submitted to the Soil and Water Conservation District prior to nol_mentadon. A change in land owne ship requires written -notification to. DENT or a new. certification (if.the approved . . plan is changed) within 66 days of a Otte transfer. r--1 - Name of Land Owner: &a=L6' S i -Signature- Date- J - Name of Nl:anager(if diifemm from 1s Signature: L cam , . . -r 'S�N,s+.Lo5p - ' Date: A' -VC -- August L' 1997 Technical Specialist Certification L .As a technical specialist d=sit!natcd by for North Carolina Soil and •1tratt: Carser:atioa Co n nj:i sion pursuant to 1= `CAC 5F .0005. 1 certify that the an4rtal +-aste tna:.age:nent sys1L n for the f=rt n; med above has an anima) management plan that Meets or =xrtds standards and spec- ficatiuns of the Division of E-.1vironntenisl Manage -z (DENO as specified in 13A vCAC 21?,021 i and 'he USDA -Natural Resourc:s Cone.-•-ation Service (NZCS) and'cr th.- North Carolina Soil and Water Conservation Commission puSuant to 15A NCAC---H.0217 and IfA tiCaC 6F .0001- .0005. The followine ekments are included in :he pLn as appiicable. While each cafe iory desisnaues a t_c: n;:al sue_ aijwt -ho tnav sien each ce-wfication (SD. SL WL?. RC. f), the sec nical ape^:1st should only ctr.ify pars for wLnica t5 1-e technic:a1V cotrtre:eat. H. Cerfif catioix of Design A) Collection. Storage. Treatment Svctem Check die gDpropriate bor 1 Existing Facilir_v_ydthput retrofit (SD or WLP) Storage volume is adequate for opcmtion capacity- storage caoahility consistent :vidt waste. utilization rcquiremrnts. :1 New. exnanded nr retrofitted facility (SD) Animal waste Storage and treatment structures. such as but not limited to collection sVs1,:nLc_ laetwns and ponds. have been designed to meet or exceed the minimum standards and specitaations. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): 140 R&RT T p�► 13R.. Affiliation NRC . Date Wort: Completed: Address (Agency): &M W Sr SA USBO FY hone No. a4r-63`r-z40Q -11 0- 1 4 OL, r%-.-. t 7_ 7 7� B) Land Anolication Site (WUP) The plan provides for minimum separations (buffers): adequate amount of land for tvzste 13dliza[lon-. chosen Cup is suitable for waste management: hydraulic and nutrient loading rates. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print). gol3ER:T_J•FA-M t7 • _ Affiliation -NRC S _ _ _ - Date Work Completed. Address (Agency):400 w wroas Sr. -5-aussom W.C. Phone `o.:70 -631-zoo Si C) Runoff Controls from Exterior Lots Check Me appropriate box 2- Faculty without everior In (SD or WC:P or RC) This facidiry does not contain any exterior lots. J Faciliry with exterior io (RC) Methods to minimize the run off of pDUutants from toungin_a and hea.v use areas have bean designed in accordance with technical standards developed by hitCS. - Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): 1pEEeg T _P/T-rIrZR • - — Arilitailpn N PDate Work Completed- _ zddress (Agency): (.oa 1n) Sr. SA r s IJ. Phone v a-: -740 - r4,37 - 2494 Signature: ,D}. Auoiicalinn and Handling Eouinment Eire=k die rppropric:E i:o-r or e- andin- F��ciliry wi�•i•Chn t-:s.ing w-tc;e inn_ lie3tion eouinn-nt (Vyt ? or 1) A Zimal •Waste zvpiica-Ciun ecuipme:u sp in the plan has been e _._. :i--!d calibrat_,1 or e•::icatt3 ac_ordwnce with e7stina design c rs aa'-,d rabies and is able to aopiv ws.e as a_ce to ac_am7oi;;e waste ataraetment plats- (existing application tquipment can corer r: e z.--a r_pui:ed bw the plan at sites not to cxceed ei!her the speC; wed hyc^uiic or auL-ient loading ;aces. a scheduit for E-mine of apciicadors hzs been esablisbed+ rtat; r d buftes can be msint:iaed and calibration and adjus= =L 2u; ance arc c-:nt_i_ d as =�� of •'�e plan). 1 sew -x ande . nr,2-isting f, ° rt• ni t.n.rt . ?aino waste a—i n •nn tCcir-tlt fur —=. v iTsntion. (i) AiiLmal waste app9lcnon egt,,;pme3t ire'==teed in u e plan has been d=sisned to :..-:piv •s-asie S 3... _<_53_'v to accorarnodate the :ti-aste rna:nzgetmeiit plan_ (proposed appiic.aion equipment can care:.he area TquLtd by ate plat at rates not to esce_d ei fier the sp_ :lied hyd._uiic or attuirnt leading sites: a ;cheduie for timine of applications has been esablished::tquired butlers can be mantaincd: caEibmtiun wid -diusu eat gui�,nce na cent:; fined as pat of the flan). e.onnded nr ezisine Facility :vitlhrM evicting wnsre ;pplicatinn ecu:rrtenr for !,Ind sp-r:!r1in? not c,riy iri°atinn. (NVUP or I) Animal waste application equipment specified in the plan has been sc!ected to apply waste as necessar: to accommodate the waste manaa-meat plan_ (proposed application equipment can cover tie area requir_d by the plan at rates not to exceed either the specified hydraulic or nutrient loading -=; a schedule for timing of applications has been established; required buffers can be maintained. cz-Hbratiun and adjustment guidance are "contained as part of the plan). Name,of Technical Specialist (Please Print): Rd81`rt-r _ T. PATE, ZIz Affiliation WIZCS Date Nora. Comolesed: Address (Asency):6o60 wriF--s Si_R SAUSA(?RY_,11 . Phone Ri0_:704•-CR7- 244f1 E) Odor Control. insect Control. tMortality Management and ErnerZencv Acdon Plan (SD SL WUP. RC or 1) The waste management plan for this faclicy includes a Waste Management Odor Control Che;:UiSL an Lisect Control Checklist, a Mortality Management Checklist and an Emergencti action Plan. Sou.tes of both odors and insects have beta evaluated with respezz to this site and Brsc Managzment P.ac ices to Minimize Odors and Best ittanaaement Practices to Control Insects have been selected and included in the waste madaatement plats- Both the Monalitp iiianagemcnt Plan and the i<mergeney .3xtion Plan are'complece and can be imolemented by d : facility. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): 1l UAr-R.T S. PATE;_,_TP-- Affiliadon NRCS Date Work Completed: Address (Agency): to.:704-437 -z4D0 F) Written Motive of tiew or Exnandin, Swine Farm The rollovving signature block is only to be used for new or expanding swine farms that begin const -action after June 21. 1995. If the racitity was built before June ?1. I"6, when tiw= it constructed or last expanded I (we) certify that I (we) have uEempted to contact by certified [nail all adjoining property owners and all property Owners _ who own prope y IOcitrd acpss a public road. St ea or highway prom this new or expanding swine farm. The notice wxs 41 compliance with die requirtments of XCGS 106-805. A copy of the notice and z list_of Ili` property ou-ners nbdfiied is attached. Name of Land Owner: i Signature: Date: Name of Manager (if ditterem :rom owner): Signature: Dare: .�kwG — Auqust 1. 1993 3 III. Cert'iflcarion of Installation A) Collecrion. Storage. Treatment Installation e:v. exnaneed or retrt)ittled :nac:ltty (SI) :animal waste storage and treatment suitctures such as but not!i-mit-d to logoars'nd ponds. h_•:r in -accordance nitb the approved plan to meet or exc__d ih= minimum standards and spcc. ftcatiors. For ezistin; faciliries without retrofs, no cergl7cadon is necessam, Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): Affiliation Date 'Work- Completed: Address (Agency): Phone No.: S i onatttre: Date: B) Land .anolication Site (WUP) Check the oppropriere bur' A The cropping system is in place on all land as specified in the animal waste management plan. D Conditional. Approval: all required land as specified in the plan is cleared for planting: the cropping system as specified in the waste utilization plan has not been established and the owner has committed to establish the vegetation as specified in the plan by (month/day/year); the proposed cover cop is appropriate for compliance with the wasieutiiization'plan. Also check this box if appropriate if the croppinit system as specined in the plan can not be established on newly cleared land within 30 d of this ccrdfication. the owner has committed to establish an interim crop for erosion control: Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): U R t - T- Pr SR . filiadon MRCS _ Date Work Completed: Address (Agency): f)n rnlM I N NES 5r. , SA �ISI3URY N.C. _Phone ivo.:704 -637• Z400 This following signature block is only to be used when the box for conditional approval in M. B abovi has been checked. I (eve) ce:tifv that I (we) have commited to establish the cropping system as specified in my (our) waste utilization plan. and ii anpropriat- to establish the interim crop for erosion control- and w M submit to DE -NI a verification of completion from a Technical Specialist within 15 calendar days following the date specified in the conditional certification. I (we) r-wlize that failure to submit this verification is a violation of the waste manaHemeat plan and will subjca sate (us) to an _ uorct^ient action from DEEM. Name of Land Owner: Signature: Date: dame of Manager (if different from owner): Signature: Date: ,, �• F:icilicv with 'eyan'or Inl_; �TethtxL; to minimize the run off of poiiutanu from taurging and h_ati -• use _-_s hst'e Vera installtd as so — if -in the plan- . Forlaeli-res Kithour exterior lot. no cemfscarforr :s necessary. Name of Technical Specialist (Pie asp R-int): AfftliaU;on Dare `4'crti Comple.ed: Address (.aelzacy): 'yore No.: Si??iature: Da:--: D) Apolicnrion and Handling Ean:ornent Installarion (WUP or I) Check the appropriate block X Animal w'mste application and ha.:dli- equipment specified in the plan is o: sit_ and r_ad; for use: calibration and adjustment ma=e ais have beta provided to the owners and art conmined as part of the pl..n. _l Animal waste application aid handlinz equipment specified in the plan has not beta install,-1 out the aw ner has prop---zd I~easeae.or third =Icv application and has provided a signed contend: equipment specified ire the contract agrees with -the recuir-menu of the plan: required buntn can be Clain[atllCd: taliormion and adjustment guidance have been provided to the owners and are contained as part of the pl: rL :-1 Conditional approval: Animal waste appliction and handling equipment specified in the ptan has been puir3ased and will be on site and installed by (monihhlav/year): there is adequate storage to hold the waste until the equipment is installed and until the waste can be [and applied in accordance with the cropping system contained in the plate; and calibration and adjustment guidance have been provided to the owners and are contained as part of the place. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): _ NU aERT T PATE Ta - Affiliation N RCS Date Work Compleled: S draz�Asellnffcy): 00 s I LANES ST SAUSB RY N.C. Phone \0.:7oA-437- 2400 ' Date: 1 Z- 2 3 -Q 7 The following signature block is only to be used when the box for conditional approval in III D above has been checked. I (we) certify that I (we) have committed to purchase the animal waste application and handling equipment as specified in my (our) waste managemenr plan and will submit to DE -I a verification of delivery and installation from a Technical Specialist within 15 calendar clays foilowing the date spe<ified in the conditional certification. I (we) realize that failure to submit this verification is a violation of the waste mmagernent plan and will subject me (us) to an e:iforcement action from DELI. Name of Land Owner: Signature: Date: - Name of -Manager (if different from owner): Signature: Date: E) Odor Control. Insect Control and Mortality - Lana-ement (SD. ST. WIIP. RC or I) Nlc:hods to control odors and insects as specified in the Plan have be --a irst:,1led and are operation d. The mot-Laliry mapageute.^.t Svsidrn as specified in the Plan hzs'alsd be`z installed and is operational. L time o€ Technical Specialist (Ple•�se Print): J . Pfi d R . Af tiiationA RCS Date Work Cor,ple:ed:, Address (Agency): 0 5r SA t) Y N • C . ?`ione `o.: 4 -b37- $iV ,aCure: Dal— /Z- Z AWC -- Au�,,,tat 1. 1997 ��; - r%- - ,T�>�.�- i �: 6.1: A VXK 1Z, %4 WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN Producer: N.G. -P(i ' _ -r- �. - -: Je ~`--Dr,i Fr -ern Location: Kd. Telephone. Type Operation: Number of Animals: o s 9'rl The Waste from your animal facility must be land applied at a specified rate to prevent pollution of surface and/or groundwater. The plant nutrients in the animal waste should be used to reduce the amount of commercial fertilizer required for the crops in the fields where the waste is to be applied. This waste utilization plan uses nitrogen as the limiting nutrient. Waste should be analyzed before each application cycle. Annual soil tests are strongly encouraged so that all plant nutrients can be balanced for realistic yields of the crop to be grown. Several factors are important in implementing your waste utilization plan in order to maximize the fertilizer value of the waste and to ensure that it is applied in an environmentally safe manner. Always apply waste based on the needs of the crop to be grown and the nutrient content of the waste. Do not apply more nitrogen than the crop can utilize. Soil types are important as they have different infiltration rates, leaching potentials, cation exchange capacities, and available water holding capacities. Normally waste shall not be applied to land eroding at greater than 5 tons per acre per year. With special precautions, waste may be applied to land eroding at up to 10 tons per acre per year. Do not apply waste on saturated soils, when it is raining, or when the surface is frozen. Either of these conditions may result in runoff to surface waters which is not allowed under DEM regulations_ Wind conditions should also be considered to avoid drift and downwind odor problems. To maximize the value of nutrients for crop production and to reduce the potential for pollution, the waste should be applied to a growing crop or applied to bare ground not more than 30 days prior to planting. Injecting the waste or disking will conserve nutrients and reduce odor problems. The estimated acres needed to apply the animal waste is based'on typical nutrient content for this type of facility. Acreage requirements should be based on the waste analysis report from your waste management facility. Attached you will find information on proper sampling techniques, preparation, and transfer of waste samples to the lab for analysis. This waste utilization plan, if carried out, meets the requirements for compliance with 15A NCAC 2H_0217 adopted by the Environmental Management Commission. WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN Amount of waste produced per year (gallons, cu_fL, tons, etc.) 510 aninals x O. !'-rL-1K wa5ie/animal/year = Co l . ? Ac-!nd Jvear_ TOTAL AMOUNT OF WASTE: gallons of WASTBYEAR. Amount of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN-) Produced Per Year O. $R lbs. PAST/1000 gals x L 6(n1, 825 gals/year = 146 a lbs. PAIN/year. .-AVZ9AG.` OF WaS-FE A►JALVSrs (PANT from NCDA Test Report) or (PAST from N.C. Tech. Guide Std. 633) Applying the above amount of waste is a big job. You should plan time and have appropriate equipment to apply the waste in a timely manner. The following acreage will be needed for waste application based on the crop to be grown and surface application: Table 1: ACRES OWYED BYPRODUCER Tract # Field 0 $ail Type CroQ l;hs. N� Per Ac. Acres I Us. N Utilized Month of Application Z MOB JfEscos (RYE) 3.S�5071751 11.5 I ZOI? 5Er"r. - Mo+l. F£a.- APrttr LOv sic 1 WITH FOXIAIL. M I La W Mdr I4 MoB IFoxsatt- LL--r z.oxso=1001 11,5 I I150 MAY- AUG. I I I I I I I ! I ! I I This N is from animal waste only. if nuci=3 from nthcr so==s such as comr..e :ial fe-al4tr as applit4 they mast be accounted tor_ N must be based an realistic vicld eiaectation. NOTE: The applicamr is cmioned that P and K may be over applied while me-_ang '-he N rquirements_ Beairain.' in 1996 the Coast;[ Zonc Management Ac: will mquilc farmers in somt eastern tauntim of Nash Carolina to have a nu_ Cr.t m nagvnen: plan &,at :.r!r.'r�scs al nutricam This plan only add=cs Niirnge-4 , FP I WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN Table 2: ACRES NNTTH AGREEMENT OR LONG TERM LASE (Agreement with adjacent landowner must be attached) (Required only ifoperator does not own adequate land) (See Required Spectficarion 21) Tract K Field Soil Type Crop Lbs. h" Per Ac. Acres Lbs. ti utilized Month of Application I I jf I I i I ! 1 TOTAL • See Footnote for Table 1, TOTALS FROM ABOVE TABLES ACRES Lbs. N Utilized Table 1 11.5 3163 Table 2 TOTAL 11.5 31 b 3 Amount of Produced 14 � 2 Surplus - eE — 1701 NOTE. The Waste Utilization Plan must contain provisions for periodic land application of sludge at agronomic rates. The sludge will be nutrient rich and will require precautionary measures to prevent over application of nutrients or other 3 If ► t1J 1 1, lU l 11L11 1\ll'N 1 LL-1;,'S See attached map showing the f elds to be used for the utilization of waste rater. APPLICATION OF ti ASTE BY IRRIGATION Field No. Acres Soil Tye p Crop P Maximum Application Rate (In. Hr.) Maximum application amount per irrigation ( Inches ) 1I.5 I MoB Fescue I 0.45 ` 0-75 4 4� 1I. 5 Nl o B i- ox7A I L M I LJ 0.45 0. 7 5 I I� i j I TMS TABLE LS NOT NEEDED 4 WASTE IS NOT 9EL`jG APPLEEO eY tRju0AT1oN. Hawri R A Saar m TABLE wDl 8E NEEDED FOR DRY U L I OR SLVRRY. Your facility is designed for ) 8 0 days of temporary storage and the temporary storage must be removed on the average of once every____(_MONTHS. In no instance should the volume of waste being stored in your structure -exceed the level of the start pump marker_ ELEV. 98, 5 Call the local Natural Resources Conservation Service (formerly Soil Conservation Service) or Soil and Water Conservation District office after you receive the waste analysis report for assistance in determining the amount per acre to apply and the proper application rate prior to applying the waste. NARRATIVE OF OPERATION. There are 17.2 acres established in fescue in for this operation_ Because of field shape, buffers, and irrigation system layout there is approximately 11.5 acres of effective coverage under irrigation_ This operation has a primary and secondary lagoon system with 180 days of temporary storage_ Effluent from the lower lagoon will be applied to the fescue by irrigation using a traveling gun system Foxtail Millet may be planted in Mav to give another window of opportunity for application of effluent . Sludge will need to be removed from the system every 5-10 years. A waste analysis will need to be tun on this , material prior to application and a waste utilization plan prepared for the sludge. Additional fields will probably be needed for proper utilization. WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS Animal waste shalt not reach surface waters of the state by runoff, drift, manmade conveyances, direct application, or direct discharge during operation or land application. Any discharge of waste which reaches surface water is prohibited. Illegal discharges are subject to the assessment of civil penalties of S10.000 per day by the Division of Environmental Management for every day the discharge continues. 2. The Field Office must have documentation in the design folder that the producer either owns or has long term access to adequate land on which to properly apply the waste. If the producer does not own adequate land to properly dispose of waste, he shall provide NRCS with a copy of a written agreement (sample enclosed) with a landowner who is within a reasonable proximity, allowing him/her the use of the land for waste application for the life expectancy of the production facility. It is the responsibility of the owner of the facility to secure an update of the Waste Utilization Plan when there is a change in the operation, increase in the number of animals, method of utilization, or available land. 3. Animal waste shall be applied to meet, but not exceed, the Nitroeen needs for realistic crop yields based on soil type, available moisture, historical data, climate conditions, and level of management, unless there are regulations that restrict the rate of application for other nutrients. 4. Animal waste may be applied to land that has a Resource Management System (RS) or an Alternative Conservation System (ACS). If an ACS is used the soil loss shall be no greater than 10 tons per acre per year and appropriate filter strips will be used where runoff leaves the field. These filter strips will be in addition to "Buffers' required by DEM. [See FOTG Standard 393 - Filter Strips and Standard 390 (Interim) - Riparian Forest Buffers.] 5. Odors can be reduced by injecting the waste or disking after waste application. Waste should not be applied when the wind is blowing. 6. When animal waste is to be applied on acres subject to flooding, it will be soil incorporated on conventionally tilled cropland. When applied to conservation tilled crops or grassland, the waste may be broadcast provided the application does not occur during a season prone to flooding. [See "Weather and Climate in North Carolina" in the Technical Reference - Environment file for guidance.] WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN REQUIRED SPECIFICATION (Continued) 7. Liquid waste shall be applied at rates not to exceed the soil infiltration rate such that runoff does not occur offsite or to surface waters and in a method which does not cause drift from the site during application. No ponding should occur in order to control conditions conducive to odor or flies and provide uniformity of application. 8. Animal waste shall not be applied to saturated soils, during rainfall events, or when the surface is frozen. 9. Animal waste shall not be applied on actively growing crops in such a manner that no more than 20 to 25 percent of the leaf area is covered. 10. Waste nutrients shall not be applied in fall or winter for spring planted crops on soils with a high potential for leaching. Waste nutrient loading rates on these soils should be held to a minimum and a suitable winter cover crop planted to take up released nutrients. Waste shall not be applied more than 30 days prior to planting of the crop on bare soil. 1I.Animal waste shaII not be applied closer than 25 feet to surface water. This distance may be reduced for waters that are not perennial provided adequate vegetative filter strips are present. [See Standard 393 - Filter Strips] 12. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 100 feet to wells. 13.Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 200 feet of dwellings other than those owned by the landowner. 14. Waste shall be applied in a manner not to reach other property and public right-of- ways. 1 5. Animal waste shall not be discharged into surface waters, drainageways or wetlands by a discharge or by over -spraying. Animal waste may be applied to prior converted wetlands provided they have been approved as a land application site by a "technical specialist." Animal waste should not be applied on grassed waterways that discharge directly into water courses, and on other grassed waterways, waste shall be applied at agronomic rates in a manner that causes no runoff or drift from the site. WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS (Continued) lb. Domestic and industrial waste from washdow-n facilities, showers, toilets, sinks, etc., shall not be dischareed into the animal waste management system. 17. Lagoons and other uncovered waste containment structures must maintain a maximum operating Ievel to provide adequate storage for a 25-year, 24-hour storm event in addition to the one (1) foot mandatory freeboard. 18.A protective cover of appropriate vegetation will be established on all disturbed areas (lagoon embankments, berms, pipe runs, etc.). If needed, special vegetation shall be provided for these areas and shall be fenced, as necessary, to protect the vegetation. Vegetation such as trees, shrubs, and other woody species, etc. are limited to areas where considered appropriate. Lagoon areas should be kept mowed and accessible. Lagoon berms and structures should be inspected regularly for evidence of erosion, leakage, or discharge. 19.If animal, production at the facility is to be suspended or terminated, the owner is responsible for obtaining and implementing a "closure plan" which will eliminate the possibility of an illegal discharge, pollution and erosion. 20. Waste handling structures, piping, pumps, reels, etc., should be inspected on a regular basis to prevent breakdowns, leaks, and spills. A regular maintenance checklist should be kept on site. WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN AGREEMENT NAME OF FARM: BLUE R r G B o O OWNER/MANAGER AGREEMENT I (we) understand and will follow and implement the specification and the operation and maintenance procedures established in the approved animal waste utilization plan for the farm named above. I (we) know that any expansion to the existing design capacity of the waste treatment and storage system or construction of new facilities will require a new certification to be submitted to the Division of Environment Management (DEM) before the new animals are stocked. I (we) also understand that there must be no discharge of animal waste from this system to surface wasters of the state from a storm event less severe than the 25-year, 24 hour storm. The approved plan will be filled on -site at the farm office and at the office of the local Soil and Water Conservation District and will be available for review by DEM upon request. NAME OF FACILITY OWNER: . G. � R (Please print) Signature: Date: /1- -2 3 - S' Name of Manager (If different from owner):, Signature: \ C1 A i _� �t ,_ Date: Name of Technical Specialist: (Pieasrprins) 00RERT .i • -PATE,Qk . Affiliation: NR.CS Address (Agency): LOO 1N EST l N N �_5 ST. SAUSBt)jP,Y., Pj, C Signature: Date: UNITED STATES DEPART.MEVT OF AGRICULTURE NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE OPERATION AND NLAINTEN ICE PL �ti PROIECTIFARNI: N•G- -PurzV IS FARit',- DATE: f °I c -7 • A 4" X 4" treated post, painted white or a 4" diameter schedule 40 PVC pipe with cap shall be placed at the maximum liquid level at elevation 33. _ At no time should the effluent level rise above the maximum liquid level marker. A visual inspection of the waste storage pond or lagoon will be performed at least twice a year. The inspector should check the condition of the dam and the emergency spillway. The inspector will need to look for signs of slope failure and seepage on the back slope and at the toe of the dam. Also, a very close look will need to be made to check for signs of damage due to varmint (ground hogs, muskrats, etc.) burrows. A visual inspection should also be made after heavy rainfall events to ensure that the structure is not experiencing erosion rills or gullies. Any problems found should be brought to the attention of the technical specialist for repair recommendations. • The waste storage pond or lagoon will need to be mowed twice a year. All eroded areas shall be repaired and stabilized. Areas that do not have an adequate ground cover shall be reseeded to provide a vegetative cover sufficient restrain erosion. The dam and all constructed slopes will need to be fertilized annually with 500 pounds of 10-10-I0 per acre or its equivalent. • Maintain all waste handling equipment —pumping, loading, hauling, spreading, etc -- in accordance with the manufacturers specifications. • All waste application shall be completed in accordance with the waste utilization plan_ The waste storage pond or lagoon will be pumped at the end of each design storage period If 3 O days or Co months) or as needed due to excess rainfall_ See the attached NC Agricultural Extension Service Agri -Waste Management Publication by Dr. James C. Barker for information on sampling and testing of the effluent. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGR]CULTt:RE NATLRAL RESOURCES CONSERvAT1OV SERVICE EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN PROJECT/FAR I: N.G. ?UPyIS -'-Apz r.S - u i J� 7,KIeBo�1 cf,RM DATE: 1 a - 97 Contact the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Fayetteville Regional Office at (910 486- 1541 if the problem occurs Monday through Friday between 8:00am and 5:00pm. If the problem occurs outside of those hours contact the State of North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety - Division of Emergency Management - Raleigh at 1-800-662-7956 or (919) 733-3942. Provide the following information: FACILITY NAME: 3 s-U c 1Z I- P-4 N rA R M LOCATION: ? mTt Ga =.SST � 14WY. ?G-7. ON CcnL SPf••i:_ CHL)Rt.4 Q2, REGISTRATION/PERMIT # G 3 - 12 • if there is danger to human life, downstream residences, roads, etc. call 911 of the f`1 00r rZ _ _ County Sheriff's Department at CAR : A 71 • Begin lowering the Iiguid level in the pond by applying waste water to nearby irrigation fields if possible. • Contact a contractor to begin repair of the problem to minimize off -site damage (list the names and phone numbers of three below). NAME PHONE NUMBER 1 C ".,Fp.Y:r1 ')- ��°0 - 2171 ?sr 2 ToDD COrv,mG5 0- 94. - 3a[ 3 KEvIN NE-Sf114AP& I , 14- ai c _ Sl - • Contact the PA oc R :5� Soil and Water Conservation District at 210 '447-3/83 • Contact the technical specialist who certified the waste storage pond . If this specialist is no longer working or is not available, contact another technical specialist who has design approval such as the Area Engineer. NAME PHONE NUl41BER A u- ,.J= -10L-(13r - �� 33 icls 7i=n' :_Iit im _.....n^ ed m tt _ _.._ ...= wzs-,es Lot-, VCur oC =-'-Cn __ __zL S. leave Vial::- q_ ^_I -0 you . Zvt, a ppr Citm- You should :.L{-m _ t 4' . f53r-- :C :su:-z I'a es :ZCE. CC_1. i pi --I should cc oos:c = in an, Ccccss:Cf_ locCf:cC ail e• picy?ts __ d MOO. the ICilcmdag some aCCiGn .t_.:s you. incu'i_.���. 1_ op C.._ :eI_= of ,Vastes. Diecendinv on r e s:C_c Pion- thEs :. Cv ai -aV ifet 4e pcshbie. ,uIgmed zesponsm to s orr'-e 'vossibie Frabiems arm- 1-si"1 ':e:cw- 1- Laaaon ave..�a�v-�ossib[e SeILC?ans �'e: a. Add soil to berm to inc:r .sa elevaden of dz= t?- wastes Co fields at an acC_pt_Cle mce- c. Sccp all tlo%.4-s to the lageon in=cdiately- d- Call a pumping coamc:ar. Ma—ke sure no sur act water is entering lagoon. B. Runoff from waste application rield-actions include_ a- li `.. ediately stop waste aCplicarim b. Cre :CZ a Ce :1pot"i-t diversion ra comiain waste- C. L-ICCgCr E-Z waste to tadece SInoff. d. Evaluate and elindnam the reason(s) than caused the runoff. e. Evrliiam :he aoolic_iion races for c e fleids where runoff occi:t~d. C: Lzak2-f-e tom the ;v�te pipes and sprinklers -action include: a_ Stop recycle pump. b. Stop irgaticn pump. C. Clase Valves :G eiir.dnat, 5ur%er iisc�= ge, d. Repair all leaks pricr to resraring pumps. D" T akac_ Isom E?us1 3Vsiemns. houses. solid sepa.^._tars-ac-acn include: 1- SEC? 1'C'.'Cle pump. - o. SCCp Ii::Y^_t'.Gn piirnp. SuL d. SEC: all CIC%vs in C%o t:GL_�. C:.;ii i'• ^5. 7C Soi.4. sG__...._..�_. Repair all Iea.:s prior to restaraagr pumps_ Lt,,�ag-: trom zz-ie or 3IGewall oi` Iz900n_ Ott_n -tis is setpagt S op^csit" to fm%viC- Itaks- passible acEfon: . . 0 iaa a s- it sump or di,ch away tram i.ie .u..antn:enE Ci] G_.=n aii -,. agt- 1 C , subm.tn ible pump and purnp pack Eo lamcon. - b. •IL ..oks are cz sed by burrowiag animais. uma A renmve _.__mak and E.-I . C?e.t --nd CzmTi_ac- Wi-h a �IaV tY;t Soil. c. ;✓av,: a 7rcrt_5ional .a alu=t El:e CoiiCiCIcn of ine side walls azd iLgGGr: bc=m as sCCn a5 posa GIz. Asscss ..._ or Me said and .Ccc azy obvicus d;T'g_s. Did u T w_sie t ^_C:t V 5[_::1Ce w ar--.:s �iSa•Lill.-�e:V -.Ctv i_,uch was .,,.e:sea:nd iCi wh=%I aE;cn? .ary dlmaz= acted. such s e-nolave, iniuv, HSildfls. or c cc=^v Did the sp it�alteave did prose-ry ? DCes the spill have '1e �:acendal is sur act tV,am-s? Ccu'ld a rt':^..[ e —=-i ,!v nC :^.!'se the spill co a_:C 1 st:r, Ce occable wa[er wells L--t dattser (e-ch:r on or Cfi of Eht prCes-v)? Ho% mmcz ."c ed s,,=ac_ waters? Agri -Waste Management swLog c:! and AgncuLtlrr1 Eng:nem—ng Nor+.h C alirza St�.r UmEvfy Llffe_S OCS VAS= SA.."OLMG, ANALYSIS AIM CAT..=ATIOS OF LAM A2PLICATI014 BATES .Tames C. Barker* I. SA..' n COLLECTION A. Semi -Solid Lot Manure L. Scraped directly from lot into spreader a. From loaded spreader, collect about 2 lbs of manure from difEarent locations using nonmetallic collectors. ii. From storage a. Collect about 2 lbs of mar re from under the surface cruse avoiding bedding materials and using nonmetallic collectors. B. Liquid Manure Slurry L. Under -slotted -floor pit a. Ex_end a 1/2" nonmetallic conduit open on both ends into manure to pit floor. b. Seal upper end of conduit (e.g., by placing a thumb over and of conduit) trapping manure that b.as entered lower end, remove and empty slum into plastic bucket or nonmetallic container. c. Take suhsamples from 5 or more locations or at least 1 quart. d. Ilix and add about 3/4 pint to nonmetallic sample container. ii. Exterior storage basin or tank a. Yorke sure manure has been well mixed with a liquid manure chopper -agitator pt=:p or propeller agitator. b. Take subsa_= les from about 5 pit locations, from agitator pump or from manure spreader and place in a plastic bucket. * Professor a-d Ex,ensier. Specialist, Biological and Agr_culcural ..ngiree,ing Depar=ent, Ncr_h Carolira State University, Bale;gh, NC. c_ P°Y and add 3/4 pint to a nonmetallic sa--ple container. C, Lagoon Liquid i. Collect about 3/4 pint of recycled lagoon liquid from i:--`-low pipe to Bush tanks i-i a nonmetallic sample container, ii. From lagoon a. Place a small battle (1/2 pint or less) on and of 10-15, pole. b. =xzerd battle 10-15' away from bank edge - a. Brush away floating scum or debris, d. Submerge bot_Ie within I' of liquid surface. e. E=pty into a plastic bucket, repeat about 5 times around Lagoon, mix, and add 3/4 pint to nonmetallic sample container. D. Broiler or Turkey Litter L. House Litter a. Visually inspect litter for areas of varying quality, e.g_, areas around feeders and waterers, and estimate percent of floor surface in each area. b. 'lake about 5 litter subsamples at locations proportionate to item a. E.g., if 20% of litter of similar visual quality is around feeders and wazarers, take I subsa=ple there and the other 4 subsampLes from remainder of floor surface. c. At each location, collect litter from a a" by 5" area down to earth floor and place in a plastic bucket, d. After 5 suhsamples have been added to the bucket, mix, and add about 2-3 Lbs litter to a nonmetallic sample container such as a I -gallon freezer bag and seal. ii. From stockpile a. Take subsamples from about 5 locations at least 13" into pile. b. w.;x, add 2-3 lbs to nonmetallic sample container and seal. A. ?lace sa--ple into an expandable coata;aer t'-.a= can be sealed_ Ri:ue residues from coa:.ai:ar wic-h clean water but do not use disiafac=mats, soaps, or treat in any other way. B. Pack sa=:ple in ice, refrigetata, freeze, or transfer to lab quickly. C. Natal -delivery is =ast reliable say of sample trans_`er. D. If mailed, protect sa_•-ple container with packing material such as newspaper, box or package with wrapping paper, and tape. E. Commercial sample containers and sailers are also available. Contacts: i. AFL Easters Agricmltnral Lab, Inc. iii. Polyfoaz Packars Corp. 76ZL Vhitepine load 2320 S. Foster Avenue Rich.;.vad, VA 23237. Siheel!�g, FL. 60090 Ph: (a04)743-9401 Ph: (312)398-0110 ii_ Fisher Scientific Co. 33LS Vinton load Raleigh. NC 27604 Ph: (919)876-2351 iv. NASCO 901 Janesville Avenue Fort Atkinson, W1 53538 Ph: (414)563-2446 F. Private analytical labs are available, but sample a-alyses ate costly. G. The NCDA provides t.'iis service for North Carolina residents. L. Address: North Carolina Depa--=eat of Agriculrare Agronamic Division P1ant/Vasta/SoLution Advisory Sec=ion Blue Ridge load Center P.O. Box 27647 Raleigh, NC 27611 Ph: (919)733-2535 Attn: Dr. Say Campbell ii. Forward $4 along with the sa-^ple. iii. Include t'he following identification information with sample: a. Livestock species (dairy, s'.rine, turkey, etc.) b. Livestock usage (Swine -nursery, finishing; zsrkey-breeders. brooderhouse, grower, number flocks grown on litter; etc.) c. Vasce type (dairy -lot scraped manure, liquid slurry; swine -pit slu_:t, lagoon liquid, sludge; broiler -house liter, stockpile iv. Routine analyses perfo ^ed an all samples: N. ?, K, Ca, Mg. Na, S, Fe, Mn, Za, Cu. B V. Additional analyses perfo =ed upon request: D'!, Mo. Cd, Ni. ?b Swine Farrel Waste Management Odor Control Chaddist 5uln cC ' CausC IINIPS lu fllhliwltC Odor slie SlIveillc l'I,nlice, --- _ Fuunslend _ Su irlc III uduclioo vegewlive or modud blikis; —_ ��IICCUlIIIIICIEIICd bCSI HIM13gCIIICIII III11CIiCO-1 1N f.inad jlnlglliellf nlld CUlllll1oll SC115C AI11111;11 bu11y 5111 I:I1'C5 'T III{}' Ellinllll c•eu VCI L'1I;111111 M-S Dly floulF �I low sarl',Iccs 11'cliniunuc•cuve+ullluuls -Mulled lluuls; ---_ ....__ ..... 111 1Vnlcicls luadcd uvo-slullcd (lulls; ❑FCcdcls nt high end ul'suiid lluuls; ffT�SulupC nlnaure buildup liuul Iluuls; ❑ UadellluorvclllihtliurlI'm thying h l',111I+IC CUI LO1.III IIIIS • UIIIIC� 12iollICIII HIMMIC ICl11UVill by 1111511. 11111L'CII:IIgi',—•T_---•---_--. • I'm IUII IIIIclullial decoloposilnpt UI-SCMI+C; . ❑ Undollullr YClllfhllioll VC I,IIIUIIIIII 0111I1,051 1:III$ Vul:lllle gancs; !'hell I1whilC'11ance; •......_•.. I�nsl �' I;IIIL'IL'lII illf I110YC111C111 Iuduursml'aces Uusl Wushdulnlbulwecngluupsurimillmis;---•---_...__ [�ced alldilivcs; ❑ Fcvder coo S; ❑ Fccd delimy dulvrtspuii, cxlcudc+s lU Iccdci CUYL'I5 I lush ImIks 0 Agilauun ul'Iccycicd Inguou ❑ Fhlsh I;mk cuvcls; lipoid while hanks nee lilli ig 0 lixlulld liil lines lu teem bulluul OFImilis wilh - I1110-5illhull YCIIIS ! iush Illuys •- Agilaliuu (dining w1i'Muwaler ❑ Ulldedlow' Ilush wily uudallow Milihdiun conve)4111CC k'il WLIM i;C puinlS Agiloliuo ul +ccycled luguun ❑ 13-xlClld I MIU1ga lines (u near bullual ur)145 Iail1++I MIOC IlilS nIC filling will nild-Siphun vcn(s LIII SI i111U11.5 Uulsidu dulip cullrclilal ul' jmlcliun bclxcs • Agil;diuu du+hlg Sinop Innl; ❑ Sump hulk covers 10MIL! and Ihawdown • Agllullcln dmIllg ivi1S(c%vItIL•1Cl 1.1ox covers cunvcymlce Ah1UC - I4uvcuthcr 11, 1996, 1'Ilgc 3 tINYI'e 1_;NiSe IMII.� 1r1Ii IIll I111lLL''Ullilt'-- N1111 hlrt't'Ilit VIAL a+. fill+l ul dlainpipes ;it- AgiIalkill dm iag WAVOY;IICr ,-stem] dischalge 1101111 of 11illcs III IOC lucath - - I;rguun cuuveyalice lapoll liquid level ' Lnguua sm lilcc.s 0 V[llltlile gas cnlissiuns; I'tuper luguou liquid capacily• • Iliulugicai tilixing; ty-/Collect Inguun sla;lup prucedmcs; • AgiliLlilln [i IVIj inluul Slh faCC 1u Ca-lu-vuhuuc l�tliu; A-liniulual aglLtliun Yvhcu puarlliug; ❑ NICE bl111cal newliull; ❑ I'QLXCa biUlugicill JILILM vcs Iti igalina spi iaklci I ligb lncssure agitaliuil; V-heigalc oildly days %V1111 Milk:ut au wind; aui.eles Wind III ill Miuiatuul tucumnlCudcd ulclatiog pressure; > hlutkC ucur Ingot❑ Iitruid sot lilec; Pnlllll Itullt scCund-slage l:lguull 5lulagC lack ur basin • I'mlial lnicwbial dcculnpusiliuu; ❑ iSulluul ur ulidlcvcl luadiug silll;lce Mixilig 11•110C iilliub; Cl 'Yank covets; • Agilatim when cmplyhig ❑ llasin sill facc orals of solids; O I'ruvr:u biological nddilivcs or uxidauls Scllliug basic sill ktcC I':uliul uliclubi;d decumliusiliun', Cl L'Aicnd dlainplle uullels uadclucalh li(Ill'sd • h'1kilig tvirilc lining; luvcl; . Agilaliun Wlicn emptying ❑ RCUIUVC SCnlcll sulids mgulmly Mamsic, shiny ui sludge . Agitntlull 4Ylkcn splcadtug;- - ❑ SUII iujcCliva urslulrylsludgCS. —�_-- alacadel uallels . Vulatile gas emissions ❑ Wash lesidoal aa111u1c ftum splendor allcr use; ❑ P4uma biolugical addllives or oxidallls lJucuvcled mallulc, • Volatile gas caliSsiulls Ividle ❑ Suil injecliull ul'shary/sludges stud). [it sludge un liel+l drying I't c..;t h...,., i..0 n1:... —11IL ., d4 1... . sul I"ICCs ❑ Slicad ill thin urtifurla hlyca I'ur r:lllid dlyirlb, ❑ Piovco biulugical additivcs ur oxideals Dcad ;milnals Cnivass t1ccurnpuslllllll I'luper dispuaitiuu of carcasses lkad aaiunil disllusai • CRIUMS dCcu1111PUS iurl Cl (,.Ua1111CtC CUvul lllg of CMUBSCS ill bill nll Ills; ' pits f� 1'ropey[uCaliull/consllucticillofdisposMpil's hlciuclaluls • lucuuylicic culublimiull ❑ Sucundnly slack burncis AAIOC • Mus,curbcs 11, 1916, Page d H SUnrCc� T� � Cause IIRII's iu Rlinlmizc ildur 4ilc 5I,cllic I'1 urllccs Sl:uldiul; lvsucl aliaa d Implupel d11111mgc; ffrowde mull IAUdscape such Ihm ivnlcr dlllins flvililics Mlicsubllll dcculupusili1111 ul' nlvay fsuul Iilcllilics 1 ulganic maller AlmulllC hacked milu I'uul ly maiulailled access Iuads [] balm Access lua[I mainleaance Iluhlic loads lium Guru aCCC55 Addilivaal In fill AnlliLill : Avaiklhle I'mm _ _ _ _ $l1'IIIL' Mlannll.' f1I:IIRII;CIIII'l ll I11UU IIIdc11IMIF I';Icltiel Nl;SIJ, CI11611y I'.x IL'IIS IUII l f IIICI ..-._^ Swine I'loducliou full I'lllullial Udul Smucus and Remedies ; GIIAU Fncl Sheet NCSU - IIAI. S+viuc I'luduclioll I'llcilily hlamoc hhawgenlclll: I'il ilcchalgc- Laguuu'flcnhalcul ; VDAE 128.3a NCSU - IIAl: Swine I'lullimiuu Facility Mh1lllne MauagCmclll: 1111 tICIII01W 1:111511 - lAguull'flalhIICul ; I-AM1; 129.83 NCSIJ - IMii Lnguuu I)cslgll mill Ivionagemem liu I,ivesluck Mlanmc'IYUul icul and Slooge ; IiWAC I1113-8J NCSIJ - IIAF. Calilnaliun of Maumc mud WoMeu'sucr Applicaliuu V(p6pUlcul ; EBAI: Fod Shccl NCSIJ - IIAI: colillu1h11g UIIms holll tiWnle Illllldings ; I'll I-JJ NCS11 - Siviue 11mols'oln 11110ioIIlnealld AsilI1m111.'c 1'111hlam ; NJ'FC Mashlal NC folk I'ludaccls Assllc Upliuns 1111 M allogimg Udur; :1 Ivilkni films [Ile S+viue Odor 7•msk Furcu NCSIJ AgO Comisol oicalilms NIIiSi111CC (:U11000IS in A1lilual AIamIIC NINIM8e1rcnl: DLIWS rand I'lics ; i'RU1I17, 1995 Cuafcicace Plucecdi 1gs Flulida Cuupclalivc 1:31CIlSillll AMIUC • " ,cmhrl 11. 1996, hire.5 Insect Control Checklist for Animal Oharetluns 511111 yr cllllse BRIPS lu Cunlrul 111sCrh Site SpccillC l'l ncIlrcc T� Lll uhl Syslems _- 1'111511 01slltls • ACclmlld allun ul solids 1.111511 S)'SICIrI 15 dC$IgIICd IINII uI1CI1IlCd — — sullieicully lu Icnluvc 11CcuuIIIIalcd solids I'IUIII leis as designed, eItc4move Llidgillg ui nccuull 111MI suliJS nl Logilulls and NIs • LIIIs{l'll SUIIIIs lvhllnllml IIIgUU11S, sClllhlg basins 111 nI pits 1YIIeIC --. ----. 11CS1 bl Ceding k a1111111C11i IU mIIIUIIILC IIIC cnlsliug ul'sulids to a deplli of IIu mule Own 6 - 8 inches ovcl Inmc tlmn 3U% of sm Bice, I:xC—miYC iicgcli1Iive Decny'Illg vcgcllltlUll hlaimluia vcgclSllivc cuIltiol n1UIIg blinks of Ululvtb Inguuns nud ulhcr lulpuuudnlcllls lu plevclll uccumulnliull of decaying vegetative Ilmticl, clung walel's CdgC all inlpumldnlclll's painlcicl. _ Ury Syslcars - — fccJCls herd tipllhlge Dusigu, uperule nud umillluill Iced systems bonkels nud houghs) lu tnlninliM IIIC I mulnliuu urdealylug wusinge, Ud Clain Irp spillut"C uu it ruuline basis (e.g., 7 - fU day lnlClval dulingsommcr, IS-JUdslylnlclvul dining wintcl). Fred Slulage Accmnnkltiuns ul'iecll lcsiducs I(cdncc muishlle OCCIIIIIlllailull wilhin Ilnd muuud hamcdialc perinlelcr of feed stuinge alas by Illslllll%d"i"I1gC llway 110111 silt 11111I1U1' 1N UYidillg adcclllalc cul]lainmcnl cUYCled hill Im bIC}vei's pant alld silllilllr high /1rluisU11C glaill Inuducls), luspeo fur mid Icnluvc ur bleak up accululllalCd sulids in filler ships aruund feed stwnge as needed. AhnC - rinvcmbcl 11, 199fi, Ilage I -Iorraiicy llanagemeat yle:'hGds 3°_,%a' •...^ C-cneCE'- the sur:.• t cr C h.. s- ur.d tV'•-'- :CCc� "'. ci de....._ 1-Z bu.-ial mus: be at lt:aiC -KO C CU.. ^V �.,ea.:� Cr ❑L'bC:C DfldV CC :VaCer. 9� Render az at a n_dena oi; ..q[ licensed uade: G.S. 106-? 63.7 Comciete incineration In the case or dead poui,_y only. aiacinQ tl a d:sposz-1 pic of a SiZ'_ and desi'`it acorovcd by to Deoarunem of Aa icalrure J ?Lnv me:hcd which in the orofessiorial ooiniea of the Scat_ Vere:i: -�­'--s uouid make ::essibie the salva.-e or wart of a dead animal's value c : .out _ndz�trc:ina human or acir^al he_Irz. (Written approval of uhe Sc=t Ve:erinzzrian rnusc be attached) De --- e...,_. iS. 19co Revised January 22, 1999 JUSTIFICATION & DOCUMENTATION FOR MANDATORY WA DETERMINATION Facility Number 43 - /,2 Operation is flagged for a wettable Farm Name: 13k<_ A vr. 5w�p.e_- acre determination due to failure of On -Site Representative: 'IZ ,m4 Moor­P Pa 1l eligibility item(s) F1 F2 F3 F4 Inspector/Reviewer's Name: --T_e izz•111 Operation not required to secure WA determination at this t* based on Date of site visit: 3 �.��-- �}% exemption E1 E2 3E4 Date of most recent WUP: /v�-�3-- Annual farm PAN deficit: pounds Irrigation System(s) - circle #:,�hard-hose traveler; 2. center -pivot system; 3. linear -move system; 4. stationary sprinkler system w]""permanent pipe; 5. stationary sprinkler system w/portable pipe; 6. stationary gun system w/permanent pipe; 7. stationary gun system w/portable pipe PART I. WA Determination Exemptions (Eligibility failure, Part II, overrides Part I exemption.) E1 Adequate irrigation design, including map depicting wettable acres, is complete and signed by an I or PE. E2 Adequate D, and D2/D3 irrigation operating parameter sheets, including map depicting wettable acres, is complete and signed by an I or PE. E3 Adequate D, irrigation operating parameter sheet including map depicting g wettable acres, is complete and signed by a WUP. E4 75% rule exemption as verified in Part III. (NOTE: 75 % exemption cannot be applied to farms that fail the eligibility checklist in Part II. Complete eligibility checklist, Part II - F1 F2 F3, before completing computational table in Part 111). PART II. 75% Rule Eligibility Checklist and Documentation of WA Determination Requirements. WA Determination required because operation fails one of the eligibility requirements listed below: F1 Lack of acreage which resulted in over application of wastewater (PAN) on spray field(s) according to farm's last two years of irrigation records. F2 Unclear, illegible, or lack of information/map. F3 Obvious field limitations (numerous ditches; failure to deduct required buffer/setback acreage; or 25% of total acreage identified in CAWMP includes small, irregularly shaped fields - fields less than 5 acres for travelers or less than 2 acres for stationary sprinklers). F4 WA determination required because CAWMP credits field(s)'s acreage in excess of 75% of the respective field's total acreage as noted in table in Part 111. Facility Number ---I Revised January 22, 1999 Part III. Field by Field Determination of 75% Exemption Rule for WA Determination TRACT NUMBER FIELD NUMBER' z TYPE OF IRRIGATION SYSTEM TOTAL ACRES CAWMP ACRES FIELD % COMMENTS3 FIELD NUMBER'- hvdrant. cull. zone. or ooinl numbers may be used in place of field numbers deoendino on CAWMP and type of irrigation system. If pulls, etc. cross more than one field, inspector/reviewer will have to combine fields to calculate 75% field by field determination for exemption if possible; otherwise operation will be subject to WA determination. FIELD NUMBER' - must be clearly delineated on map. COMMENTS' - back-up fields with CAWMP acreage exceeding 75% of its total acres and having received less than 50% of its annual PAN as documented in the farm's previous two years' (1997 & 1998) of irrigation records, cannot serve as the sole basis for requiring a WA Determination. Back-up fields must be noted in the comment section and must be accessible by irrigation system. 7 «`'4W"P ��5 5' arced . 7n_�`De-111 —, 'r � � o Gov• �� �')'�'� fie- i'r�,�c��.-� REOEIVED WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN FEB 2 6 1999 ---------------------- FAYETTEV I LLE REG. F CE Owners name--:ED JOHNSON County:MONTGOMERY Mail Address -:WEST END, NC Type of production unit ---- :WEAN -FEED Number of animal units-----: 7104 Type of - waste facility ----- ;Anaerobic Lagoon Temporary storage period---; 180 days Method of application ------ :IRRIGATION Amount of animal waste produced ------------------- 2999 tons/year Amount of plant available N produced by animals-: 3410 lbs./year Commercial N to apply on planned acreage--------: 0 lbs./year Your animal waste utilization plan has been specifically developed for your swine operation. The plan is based on the soil types, crops to be grown, and method of application for your particular operation. The waste must be land applied at a specified rate to prevent pollution of surface and/or ground water. The plant nutrients in the animal waste should be used to reduce the amount of commercial fertilizer required for the crops where the waste is to be applied. This waste utilization plan uses nitrogen as.the limiting nutrient. Waste should be analyzed before each application cycle and annual'soil tests are encouraged so that all plant nutrients can be balanced for realistic yields of the crop to be grown. Several factors are important in implementing your waste utilization plan in order to maximize the fertilizer value of the waste and to ensure that it is applied in an environmentally safe manner. Always apply waste based on the needs of the crop to be grown and 'the nutrient content of the waste. Do not apply more nitrogen than the crop can utilize. Soil types are important as they have different infiltration rates and leaching potential. Waste shall not be applied to land eroding at greater than 5 tons per acre per year. Do not apply waste on saturated soils or on land when the surface is frozen. Either'of these conditions may result in runoff to surface waters. Wind conditions should also be considered to avoid drift and downwind odor problems. To maximize the value of nutrients for crop production and to reduce the potential for pollution, the waste should be applied to a growing crop or not more than 30 days prior to planting. Soil incorporation of waste will conserve nutrients and reduce odor problems. Page 2 The acres needed to apply the animal waste is based on typical nutrient content for this type of facility. Annual acreage requirements may be more or less based on the waste analysis report for your waste management facility. YOUR WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING: Tract Field Soil Crop Yield Lbs. N Acres Lbs. N Month to No. No. Type Code /Acre /Unit Used Apply 0 B4 AILEY L N/A 50.00 1.5 74 S-APRIL B4 AILEY C 4.8 50.00 1.5 355.2 MAR-OCT 0 A4 WAKULLAL N/A 50.00 1.5 74 S-APRIL 0 A4 WAKULLAC 5 50.00 1.5 370 MAR-OCT 0 B3 AILEY L N/A 50.00 4.3 213.5 S-APRIL 0 B3 AILEY C 4.8 50.00 4.3 1024.8 MAR-OCT 0 A3 WAKULLAL N/A 50.00 2.5 126.5 S-APRIL 0 A3 WAKULLAC 5 50.00 2.5 632.5 MAR-OCT 0 2 WAKULLAL N/A 50.00 2.1 103.5 S-APRIL 0 2 WAKULLAC 5 50.00 2.1 517.5 MAR-OCT 0 1 WAKULLAL N/A 50.00 2.3 115 S-APRIL 0 1 WAKULLAC 5 50.00 2.3 575 MAR-OCT Total 28'.3 4182 Available Nitrogen (includes commercial) 3410 Surplus Or Deficit -772 Crop codes: Crop -unit A=Barley-bu. B=Bermudagrass(graze)-tons C=Bermudagrass(hay)-tans D=Corn(grain)-bu. E=Corn(silage)-tons F=Cotton-lbs. lint G=Fescue(graze)-tons H=Fescue(hay)-tons I=Oats-bu. J=Rye-bu. K=Small grain(graze)-acre L=Small grain(hay)-acre M=Sorghum(grain)-cwt. W=Wheat-bu. Y=Fescue(pasture)-tans Z=Bermudagrass(pasture)-tons If more commercial fertilizer is used than shown in this plan, then additional acres of land may be needed. A three to fifteen feet wide permanent grass filter strip should be seeded along all ditches in fields that receive animal waste. Additional comments: -------------------- `ML3 uPi)+,-rMn Pc.AN % -ro 54-oul WeTrE-l-,> AcaJE;S. Prepared by: 40 AR L. 4A-asQN Title: £ QO, aaBate: tz. �� Q7 Concurred in by: Date: z is Q1 Pro uc r I understand that I must own or have access to equipment, primarily irrigation equipment, to land apply the animal waste described in this waste utilization plan. This equipment must be available at the appropriate pumping time such that no discharge occurs from the lagoon in a 25--year 1-day storm event. I also certify that the waste will be applied on the land according to this plan at the appropriate times and at rates that no runoff. occurs. =� U,—a 'Date: ro er Technical Specialist:?- -1� Date: t LI7 (Copy to producer and copy to case file) I-W.41,111:3 WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN REQUIlUD SPECIFICATIONS 1. Animal waste shall not reach surface waters of the state by runoff, drift, manmade conveyances, direct application, or direct discharge during operation or land application. Any discharge of waste which reaches surface water is prohibited. 2. There must be documentation in the design folder that the producer either owns or has a notarized agreement for use of adequate land on which to properly apply the waste. If the producer does not own adequate land to properly dispose of waste, he/she shall provide a copy of a notarized agreement with a landowner who is within a reasonable proximity, allowing him/her the use of the land for waste application. it is the responsibility of the owner of the facility to secure an update of the Waste Utilization Plan when there is a change in the operation, increase in the number of animals, method of utilization, or available land. 3. Animal waste shall be applied to meet, but not exceed, the Nitrogen needs for realistic crop yields based on soil type, available moisture, historical data, climate conditions, and level of management, unless there are regulations that restrict the rate of application for other nutrients. Actual yields may be used in lieu of realistic yield tables at the discretion of the planner. 4. Animal waste shall be applied on land eroding less than 5 tons per acre per year. Waste may be applied to land that is eroding at more than 5 tons but Iess than 10 tons per acre per year providing grass filter strips are installed where runoff leaves the field. (See FOTG Standard 3 93-Filter Strips) 5. Odors can be reduced by injecting the waste or disking after waste application. Waste should not be applied when there is danger of drift from the irrigation field. 6. When animal waste is to be applied on acres subject to flooding, it will be soil incorporated on conventionally tilled cropland. When applied to conservation tilled crops or grassland, the waste may be broadcast provided the application does not occur during a season prone to flooding. (See "Weather and Climate in North Carolina" for guidance.) 7. Liquid waste shall be applied at rates not to exceed the soil infiltration rate such that runoff does not occur offsite or to surface waters and in a method which does not cause drift from the site during application. No ponding should occur in order to control odor and flies. 8. Animal waste shall not be applied to saturated soils, during rainfall events, or when the surface is frozen. 9. Animal waste should be applied on actively growing crops in such a manner that the crop is not covered with waste to depth that would prohibit growth The potential for salt damage from animal waste should also be considered_ 10. Waste nutrients shall not be applied in fall or winter for spring planted crops on soils with a high potential for leaching. Waste nutrient loading rates on these soils should be held to a minimum and a suitable winter cover crop planted to take up released nutrients. Waste shall not be applied more than 30 days prior to planting of a crop or forages breaking dormancy.. 11. Any new swine facility sited on or after October 1, 1995 shall comply with the following: The outer perimeter of the land area onto which waste is applied from a lagoon that is a component of a swine farm shall be at least 50 feet from any residential property boundary and from any perennial stream or river other than an irrigation ditch or canal. NRCS, NC RUNE, 1996 WASTE UTMIZATION PLAN REQU ED SPECIFICATIONS (continued) Animal waste outer than swine waste from facilities sited on or after October 1, 1995, shall not be applied closer than 25 feet to surface water. This distance may be reduced for waters that are not perennial provided adequate vegetative filter strips are present (See Standard 393 - Filter Strips). 12. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 100 feet from wells. 1.3. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 200 feet of dwellings other than those owned by landowner. 14. Waste shall be applied in a manner not to reach other property and public right-of-ways. 15. Animals waste shall not be discharged into surface waters, drainageways or wetlands by a discharge or by over - spraying. Animal waste may be applied to prior converted cropland provided it has been approved as a land applications site by a "technical specialist". Animal waste applied on grassed waterways shall be at agronomic rates and in a manner that causes no runoff or drift from the site. lb. Domestic and industrial waste from washdown facilities, showers, toilets, sinks, etc., shall not be discharged into the animal waste management system. 17. A protective cover of appropriate vegetation will be established on all disturbed areas (lagoon embankments, berms, pipe runs, etc.). Areas shall be fenced, as necessary, to protect the vegetation. Vegetation such as trees, shrubs, and other woody species, etc. are limited to areas where considered appropriate. Lagoon areas should be kept mowed and accessible. Lagoon berms and structures should be inspected regularly for evidence of erosion, leakage, or discharge. 18. If animal production at the facility is terminated, the owner is responsible for obtaining and implementing a "closure plan" which will eliminate the possibility of an illegal discharge, pollution and erosion. 19. Waste handling structures, piping, pumps, reels, etc., should be inspected on a regular basis to prevent breakdowns, leaks, and spills. A regular maintenance checklist should be kept on site. 20. Animal waste can be used in a rotation that includes vegetables and other crops for direct human consumption. However, if animal waste is used on crops for direct human consumption it should only be applied preplant with no further applications of animal waste during the crop season. 21. Highly visible permanent markers shall be installed to mark the top and bottom elevations of the temporary storage (pumping volume) of all waste treatment lagoons. Pumping shall be managed to maintain the liquid level between the markers. A marker will be required to mark the maximum storage volume for waste storage ponds. 22. Soil tests shall be trade every two years and a liquid waste analysis be taken at least twice each year consistent with waste utilization plan. Poultry litter shall be tested prior to application. Soil and waste analysis records shall be kept for five years. 23. Dead animals will be disposed of in a manner that meets NC regulations. MRCS, NC JUNE, 1996 North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service Agri -Waste Management Biological andAgricultural Engineering North Carolina State University LIVESTOCK WASTE SAMPLING, ANALYSIS AND CALCULATION OF LAND APPLICATION RATES James C. Barker* I. SAMPLE COLLECTION A. Semi -Solid Lot Manure i. Scraped directly from lot into spreader a) From loaded spreader, collect about 2 lbs of manure from different locations using nonmetallic collectors. ii. From Storage a) Collect about 2 lbs of manure from under the surface crust avoiding bedding materials and using nonmetallic collectors B. Liquid Manure Slurry i. Under -slotted -floor pit a) Extend a %:" nonmetallic conduit open on both ends into manure to pit floor. b) Seal upper end of conduit (e.g., by placing a thumb over end of conduit) trapping manure that has entered lower end, remove and empty slurry into plastic bucket or nonmetallic container. c) Take subsamples from 5 or more locations or at least I quart. d) Mix and add about '/, pint to nonmetallic sample container. ii. Exterior storage basin or tank a) Make sure manure has been well mixed with a liquid manure chopper -agitator pump or propeller agititor. b) Take subsamples from about 5 pit locations, from agitator pump or from manure spreader and place in a plastic bucket. * Professor and Extension Specialist, Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC II. SAMPLE PREPARATION AND TRANSFER A. Place sample into an expandable container that can be sealed. Rinse residues from container with clean water but do not use disinfectants, soaps, or treat in any other way. B. Pack sample in ice, refrigerate, freeze, or transfer to lab quickly. C. Hand -delivery is most reliable way of sample transfer. D. If mailed, protect sample container with packing material such as newspaper, box or package with wrapping paper, and tape- E. Commercial sample containers and mailers are also available, Contacts: 1. A& L Eastern Agricultural Lab, Inc. 7621 Whitepine Road Richmond, VA 23237 Ph: (804) 743-9401 2. Fisher Scientific Co. 3315 Winton Road Raleigh, NC 27604 Ph: (919) 876-2351 3. Polyfoam Packers Corp. 2320 S. Foster Avenue Wheeling, IL 60090 Ph: (312) 398-01 l0 4. NASCO 901 Janesville Avenue Fort Atkinson, WI 53538 Ph: (414) 563-2446 F. Private analytical labs are available, but sample analyses are costly. G. The NCDA provides this service for North Carolina residents. i. Address: North Carolina Department of Agriculture ii. Agronomic Division PlantfWaste/Solution Advisory Section Blue Ridge Road Center P. O. Box 27647 Raleigh, NC 27611 Ph: (919) 733-2655 Attn: Dr. Ray Campbell iii. Forward $4 along with the sample iv. Include the following identification information with sample: a) Livestock species (dairy, swine, turkey, etc.) b) Livestock usage (swine -nursery, finishing, turkcy-breeders, brooderhouse, grower, number flocks grown on litter, etc.) c) Waste type (dairy -lot scraped manure, liquid slurry; swine -pit slurry, lagoon liquid, sludge; broiler -house litter, stockpile) v. Routine analyses performed on all samples: N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Ma, S, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, B vi. Additional analyses performed upon request: DM, Mo, Cd, Ni, Pb r { rAall I ` WASTEREdM�NT' .AGOD:' 'ELEVATI 'CUBIC. X,Ak _cua V �GAU ?NS " 93.31(D OW+ EQ 16452,02 CY , = 444s 4 .3322880.72 91.81 12957.96 CY' 349 ,92 24611171.35 90.19(OUT1 LOW INV. EL) 9515.13 CY 2565�'51 1921809.11 89.81 -8693.33 CY 234; .91 1755826.06 88.31 5972-71 CY 16124.17 1206332,28 a 1�I � co co 4' �o Csi� 0D A 8" PVC OUTFLOW PIPE INV. EL. = 90,19' 4.AGOON P.. 1 SURFACE AREA = ,462 SO. FT. (AT OVERFLOW Ei4o= 93.31 ') x BENCHMARK: SURFA(( OF SW CORNIER OF C0t4i. BETE 4 PAD UNDER FEED BIB. i}. 12 EL. = 100,00•(Assum #l4AA.5miTs .s4is 7-0 f aw oAAl Wfo JAJ AfAiL IS .S l +u cJ A,4 ci f V' WASTE TREAMENT LAGOON NO. 2 ELEVATION CUBIC YARDS CUBIC -FEET GALLONS 82.62(OVERFLOW. EL.) 26654.36- CY 719667.72 5383488.40 81.12 2-2259.64 CY 601010,28 4495869.11 79.12 16815.85 CY 454027.95 .3396364.92 77.62 12666.43 CY 341993.61 2553289.86 LAGOON NO. 2 SURFACE AREA = 81,473 SO. FT. (AT OVERFLOW EL. = 82.62) -SPA-0 .,A%1 _ NC 24- 27 NOTES; *THIS SURVEY IS TO DETERMINE :THE VOLUME OF THE WASTE. TKAMENT LAGOON(S) SHOWN HER_ EON, THIS ' IS NOT A' BOUND BOUNDARY SURVEY. *THE FIELD WORK WAS DONE USING THE RADIAL TOPOGRAPHY. METHOD USING..SMI SOFTWARE. *THE VOLUME$:, WERE.. CALCULATED USING THE. PRISMODIAL METHOD_ USING. EAGLEPOINT SOFTWARE. 1640 *PORTIONS OF LAGOON NO. 2...WERE INACCESSIBLE DUE TO SLUDGE BUILDUP. THE VOLUME' WAS CALCULATED FROM A SURFACE DESIGNED TO APPROXIMATE THE BASIN OF THE LAGOON. WASTE TREATMENT LAGOON .)UMVEY FOR: N. G. PURVIS FARMS', INC. .,.BLUE RIBBON FARM BENSALEM, TOWNSHIP, MOORE COUNTY NORTH GAROLI,.NA NbVE.MBER 01, .-199.6 50 0 50 150 ,. . MARK A. SMITH, RLS L-3346 = a P. Q. BOX 1443 = sf r 228 SU�LIVAN LANE % ROBBINS, N.C. 27325,c.�_ 10" PVC OUTFLOW PIPE INV. EL. = 97.50' WASTE TREAMENT LAGOON, NO. 2 ELEVATION CUBIC YARDS CUBIC FEET GALLONS 91.00 OVERFLOW EL 89.50 9480.84 CY 7798.40 CY 25 98 :68 210556.80 1914883.42 1575074.24 87.50 ' 5688.54 CY 153590.58 1148937.32 86.00 4258.21 CY 149 71.67 860 4.7.82 1 I. --1.a. ..— .... WASTE TREAMENT f AGOON .NO. 1 ELEVATION CUBIC "YARDS .CUB;C FEET GALLONS 98.4 OV RF OW EL. 8994.16 CY 4 •97.50 INV. EL. 7634.51 CY 29§1 � 1 .77 j,4541.97.2...Z2 96.90 6770.87 CY 18 81 3.49 1367539.87 94. O' 4163.20 CY 112.405.40 ' 840858.26 1193.40 2502.88 CY 67577.76 605916.79— BENCHMARK, TOP OF BLOCK FOUNDATION EL. = 100.00'(ASSUMED) i " r / r / 2--1 rr l / F IELD #2 r \ JI r 2--2 LAGOON !r LAGOONr I � CREEK �l LL ' � r ZZ FIELD #3 FIELD #1 ,1 1-2 3-2 f \ 3-3 1 + + l rl l 1-3 rye ```♦ \ 3-4 ♦ 1 '1 1-4 3--5 �N � I�goRE SLALC f "= is0'