HomeMy WebLinkAbout090115_CORRESPONDENCE_20171231North Carciina Beverly i=aves Perdue Governor Douglas A. Bordeaux Douglas Bordeaux #1 98 Sweet Home Church Rd Elizabethtown, NC 28337 Dear Douglas A. Bordeaux: NCDENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Coleen H- Sullins Director October 1, 2009 Dee ; reeman Secretary RECEDED SEP 14 2010 DENR-FAYMEV LLE REGIONAL OFRCE Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. AWS090115 Douglas Bordeaux #1 Swine Waste Collection, Treatment, Storage and Application System Bladen County In accordance with your renewal request, we are hereby forwarding to you this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Douglas A. Bordeaux, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste management system in accordance with General'Permit AWG100000. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the management and land application of animal waste as specified in the facility's Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) for the Douglas Bordeaux #1, located in Bladen County, with a swine animal capacity of no greater than the following annual averages: Wean to Finish: Feeder to Finish: 458 Boar/Stud: Wean to Feeder: Farrow to Wean: Gilts: Farrow to Finish: Farrow to Feeder: Other: If this is a Farrow to Wean or Farrow to Feeder operation, there may be one boar for each 15 sows. Where boars are unnecessary, they may be replaced by an equivalent number of sows. Any of the sows may be replaced by gilts at a rate of 4 gilts for every 3 sows. The COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until September 30, 2014, and shall hereby void Certificate of Coverage Number AW S090115 that was previously issued to this facility. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP, and this COC. An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this facility. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of animals authorized by this COC (as provided above) will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and must be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. Please carefully read this COC and the enclosed State General Permit. Please pav careful attention to the record keeping and monitoring conditions in this permit. Record keeping forms are unchanged with this General Permit. Please continue to use the same record keeping forms. 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1£3:. Location: 272e Capital Blvd- Raleioh, Nohn Caroina 27604 1;1hun2:91u-733-3221 , FAX: 919-715-05881iuromerSewi: ,-877-6Z 674F Internet: wwmn.n,-vatemualitv.Grq r`?n' 1N o► r1 Carot ifla '.n Lqual C:pnortuniry % Aiiirmative AzUsn --mploye If vour Waste Utilization Plan (WUP) has been developed based on site -specific information, careful evaluation of future samples is necessary. Should your records show that the current WUP is inaccurate you will need to have a new WUP developed. The issuance of this COC does not excuse the Permittee from the obligation to comply with all applicable laws, rules, standards, and ordinances (local, state, and federal), nor does issuance of a COC to operate under this permit convey. any property rights in either real or personal property. Per 15A NCAC 2T .0105(h) a compliance boundary is provided for the facility and no new water supply wells shall be constructed within the compliance boundary. Per NRCS standards a 100-foot separation shall be maintained between water supply wells and any lagoon, storage pond, or any wetted area of a spray.field. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143- 215.6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. If you wish to continue the activity permitted under the General Permit after the expiration date of the General Permit, then an application for renewal must be filed at least 180 days prior to expiration. This COC is not automatically transferable. A name/ownership change application must be submitted to the Division prior to a name change or change in ownership. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual permit by contacting the Animal Feeding Operations Unit for information on this process. •Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding. In accordance with Condition 11.22 of the General Permit, waste application shall cease within four (4) hours of the time that the National Weather Service issues a Hurricane Warning, Tropical Storm Warning, or a Flood Watch associated with a tropical system for the county in which the facility is located. You may find detailed watch/waming information for your county by calling the Wilmington, NC National Weather Service office at (910) 762-4289, or by visiting their website at: www.erh.noaa.gov/er/ilm/ This facility is located in a county covered by our Fayetteville Regional Office. The Regional Office Aquifer Protection Staff may be reached at 910433-3300. If you need additional information concerning this COC or the General Permit, please contact the Animal Feeding Operations Unit staff at (919) 733- 3221. Sincerely, for Coleen H. Sullins Enclosure (General Permit AWG100000) cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all ccs) Fayetteville Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section Bladen County Health Department Bladen County Soil and Water Conservation District APS Central Files (Permit No. AW S090115) AFO Notebooks Murphy -Brown, LLC Michael F. Easley. Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coleen H. Sullins Director Division of Water Quality August 11, 2008 Douglas Bordeaux Doug Bordeaux Farm #1 98 Sweet Home Church Rd Elizabethtown, NC 28337 Subject: Sludge Compliance Requirement Change Dear Permittee: In accordance with Condition 1II.19 of State General Permit AWG100000, your facility is required to maintain compliance regarding sludge accumulation in your animal waste treatment lagoon(s). As you know, the previous compliance limit was to have a minimum of four (4) feet of treatment depth between the designed stop pump and the average elevation of the top of the sludge blanket. This requirement was based on NRCS Standard No. 359, which was recently modified. As of July 2008, Standard No. 359 does not use the 4-foot requirement. Sludge compliance is now to be based on the sludge volume as a percentage of the total treatment volume. The revised Standard states that sludge accumulation in the permanent treatment zone must be less than 50% of the planned treatment volume. Also, there must be a minimum of 2.5 feet of liquid above the sludge at the pump intake location. If either of these conditions is not met then sludge must be removed or managed in accordance with an approved Plan of Action for Lagoon Sludge Reduction (POA). A new sludge survey worksheet has been developer) to calculate sludge and treatment volumes to determine compliance. Our records indicate that you have filed a Sludge POA for one or more of the lagoons at your facility. Based on the changes to the sludge requirements in Standard No. 359, your lagoon(s) may already be in compliance without any sludge removal. Using your lagoon design (or as - built information) and current sludge survey measurements, complete the NEW sludge survey worksheet. If you have any difficulty in locating or understanding your lagoon design information, please contact your technical specialist or county Soil & Water office. N"a �`` hnCarolina Naturally Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone: (919) 733-3221 Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax 1: (919) 715-0588 Fax 2: (919) 715-6048 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recydedl10% Post Consumer Paper Send both sludge survey worksheets, OLD and NEW, to the address below if you feel that your lagoon(s) is in compliance and wish to withdraw your POA. Our staff will review the information and notify you of our decision. NCDENR — DWQ Animal Feeding Operations Unit 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Telephone number: (919) 733-3221 If you have any questions about the new sludge requirement, sludge survey worksheet, or any related matter please feel free to contact the Animal Feeding Operations Unit staff at 919-733- 3221. Sincerely, Keith Larick, Supervisor Animal Feeding Operations Unit Enclosures cc (w/o enclosures): Bladen County Soil and Water Conservation District Fayetteville Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section AFO Unit Central Files - AWS090115 WArFR 0 --I Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P. E., Director Division of Water Quality October 1, 2004 RF-CF-IVFD Douglas Bordeaux OCT 15 2004 Doug Bordeaux Farm #1 98 Sweet Home Church Rd DENR-FAYEil1;VILLEREGION&OFECE Elizabethtown NC 28337 Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. AWS090115 Doug Bordeaux Farm #1 Swine Waste Collection, Treatment, Storage and Application System Bladen County Dear Douglas Bordeaux: On June 11, 2004, the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (Division) issued a revised State General Permit for swine facilities. The General Permit was issued in accordance with the directive of Senate Bill 733 (Session Law 2003-28). In accordance with your application received on February 11, 2003 and in accordance with the directive of Senate Bill 733, we are hereby forwarding to you this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Douglas Bordeaux, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste collection, treatment, storage and land application system in accordance with General Permit AWG 100000. The issuance of this COC supercedes and terminates your previous COC Number AWS090115 which expires October 1, 2004. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the management of animal waste from the Doug Bordeaux Farm #I, located in Bladen County, with an animal capacity of no greater than an annual average of 458 Feeder to Finish swine and the application to land as specified in the facility's Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP). If this is a Farrow to Wean or Farrow to Feeder operation, there may also be one boar for each 15 sows. Where boars are unneccessary, they may be replaced by an equivalent number of sows. Any of the sows may be replaced by gilts at a rate of 4 gilts for every 3 sows The COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until September 30, 2009. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP, and this COC. An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this facility. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of animals authorized by this COC (as provided above) will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and must be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. Please carefully read this COC and the enclosed State General Permit. Since this is a revised State General Permit, it contains new requirements in addition to most of the conditions contained in the previous State General Permit. Enclosed for your convenience is a package containing the new and revised forms used for record keeping and reporting. Please pay careful attention to the record keeping and monitorin_g conditions in this permit. Aquifer Protection Section - Animal Feeding Operations Unit 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-11638 Phone: 919-733-3221 1 FAX: 919-715-05881 Internet: h2o.enr.state.nc.us An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper NorthCarolina Natilartilly If your Waste Utilization Plan has been developed based on site specific information, careful evaluation of future samples is necessary. Should your records show that the current Waste Utilization Plan is inaccurate you will need to have a new Waste Utilization Plan developed. The issuance of this COC does not excuse the Permittee from the obligation to comply with all applicable laws, rules, standards, and ordinances (local, state, and federal), nor does issuance of a COC to operate under this permit convey any property rights in either real or personal property. Upon abandonment or depopulation for a period of four years or more, the Permittee must submit documentation to the Division demonstrating that all current NRCS standards are met prior to restocking of the facility. Per 15A NCAC 2H .0225(c) a compliance boundary is provided for the facility and no new water supply wells shall be constructed within the compliance boundary. Per NRCS standards a 100 foot separation shall be maintained between water supply wells and any lagoon, storage pond, or any wetted area of a spray field. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143- 215.6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. If you wish to continue the activity permitted under the General Permit after the expiration date of the General Permit, an application for renewal must be filed at least 180 days prior to expiration. This COC is not automatically transferable. A name/ownership change application must be submitted to the Division prior to a name change or change in ownership. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual permit by contacting the staff member listed below for information on this process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding. This facility is located in a county covered by our Fayetteville Regional Office. The Regional Office Water Quality Staff may be reached at (910) 486-1541. if you need additional information concerning this COC or the General Permit, please contact Duane Leith at (919) 715-6186. Sincerely, v for Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Enclosures (General Permit AWG 100000) cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all cc's) Fayetteville Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section Bladen County Health Department Bladen County Soil and Water Conservation District Permit File AWS090115 APS Central Files Producer: Location: Telephone: Type Operation: Number of Animals: (Design Capacity) STORAGE STRUCTURE: APPLICATION METHOD: ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN DOUGLAS BORDEAUX 98 SWEET HOME CHURCH ROAD ELIZABETHTOWN NC 28337 (910)852-2040 Existing Feeder to Finish Swine 458.00 hogs Anaerobic Waste Treatment Lagoon Irrigation The waste from your animal facility must be land applied at a specified rate to prevent pollution of surface water and/or groundwater. The plant nutrients in the animal waste should be used to reduce the amount of commercial fertilizer required for the crops in the fields where the waste is to be applied. This waste utilization plan uses nitrogen as the limiting nutrient. Waste should be analyzed before each application cycle. Annual soil tests are strongly encouraged so that all plant nutrients can be balanced for realistic yields of the crop to be grown. Several factors are important in implementing your waste utilization plan in order to maximize the fertilizer value of the waste and to ensure that it is applied in an environmentally safe manner: 1. Always apply waste based on the needs of the crop to be grown and the nutrient content of the waste. Do not apply more nitrogen than the crop can utilize. 2. Soil types are important as they have different infiltration rates, leaching potentials, cation exchange capacities, and available water holding capacities. 3. Normally waste shall be applied to land eroding at less than 5 tons per acre per year. Waste may be applied to land eroding at 5 or more tons per acre annually, but less than to tons per acre per year providing that adequate filter strips are established. 4. Do not apply waste on saturated soils, when it is raining, or when the surface is frozen. Either of these conditions may result in runoff to surface waters which is not allowed under DWQ regulations. RECEIVED 1 DENR I DWQ Aquifer Protption section APR 0 2 2009 r u • ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN 5. Wind conditions should also be considered to avoid drift and downwind odor problems. 6. To maximize the value of the nutrients for crop production and to reduce the potential for pollution, the waste should be applied to a growing crop or applied not more than 30 days prior to planting a crop or forages breaking dormancy. Injecting the waste or disking will conserve nutrients and reduce odor problems. This plan is based on the waste application method shown above. If you choose to change methods in the future, you need to revise this plan. Nutrient levels for different application methods are not the same_ The estimated acres needed to apply the animal waste is based on typical nutrient content for this type of facility. Acreage requirements should be based on the waste analysis report from your waste management facility. In some cases you may want to have plant analysis made, which could allow additional waste to be applied. Provisions shall be made for the area receiving waste to be flexible so as to accommodate changing waste analysis content and crop type. Lime must be applied to maintain pH in the optimum range for specific crop production. This waste utilization plan, if carried out, meets the requirements for compliance with 15A NCAC 2H .0217 adopted by the Environmental Management Commission. AMOUNT OF WASTE PRODUCED PER YEAR (gallons, £t3, tons, etc.) 458 hogs x 1.9 tons waste/hogs/year = 870.2 tons AMOUNT OF PLANT AVAILABLE NITROGEN (PAN) PRODUCED PER YEAR 458 hogs x 2.3 lbs PAN/hogs/year = 1053.4 lbs. PAN/year Applying the above amount of waste is a big job. You should plan time and have appropriate equipment to apply the waste in a timely manner. The following acreage will be needed for waste application based on the crop to be grown, soil type and surface application. r ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN TABLE I: ACRES OWNED BY PRODUCER TRACT FIELD SOIL TYPE & CLASS- CROP YIELD LBS N__ *_* *_ LBS - DETERMINING- PHASE -" -" - CODE _ AW N _COMM PER _ ACRES AW N PER AC AC USED ----- or ------- APPLY RESID. APPLIC METH N TIME 515 1653 2 CE BP 4.1 205 3.0 I MAR-OCT 1653 4BP 13 �WGB 13.8 1 1190 1 12.0. 1380 MAR-OCT 1653 ALL SG 1 1-2 1 I 1-50 1 13.0 1-1-50 OCT-MAR 1653 ALL SG 1 150 1 12.0 1-3 1 I 11.00 OCT-MAR END I TOTAL11245 - Indicates that this field is being overseeded (i_e. interplanted) or winter annuals follow summer annuals. )TE: The applicator is cautioned that P and K may be over applied while meeting the N requirements. In the future, regulations may require farmers in some parts of North Carolina to have a nutrient management plan that addresses all nutrients. This plan only addresses nitrogen. ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN TABLE 2: ACRES WITH NOTARIZED AGREEMENT OR LONG TERM LEASE (Agreement with adjacent landowners must be attached.) (Required only if operator does not own adequate land. See required specification 2.) TRACT FIELD SOIL TYPE & CLASS-- CROP YIELD LBS COMM N ** * LBS DETERMINING PHASE CODE AW N PER ACRES AW N PER AC AC USED --- or ------- APPLY RESID. APPLIC METH N TIME END TOTAL10 Indicates that this field is being overseeded (i.e. interplanted) or winter annuals follow summer annuals. In interplanted fields (i.e. small grain, etc, interseeded in bermudagrass), forage must be removed through grazing, hay and/or silage. Where grazing, plants should be grazed when they reach a height of six to nine inches. Cattle should be removed when plants are grazed to a height of four inches. In fields where small grain, etc, is to be removed for hay or silage, care should be exercised not to let small grain to reach maturity, especially late in the season (i.e. April or May). Shading may result if small grain gets too high and this will definitely interfere with stand of bermudagrass. This loss of stand will result in reduced yields and less nitrogen being utilized. Rather than cutting small grain for hay or silage just before heading as is -the normal situation, you are encouraged to cut the small grain earlier. You may want to consider harvesting hay or silage two to three times during the season, depending on time small grain is planted in the fall. The ideal time to interplant small grain, etc, is late September or early October. Drilling is recommended over broadcasting. Bermudagrass should be grazed or mowed to a height of about two inches before drilling for best results. ANIXAL WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN ** Acreage figures may exceed total acreage in fields due to overseeding. * lbs AW N (animal waste nitrogen) equals total required nitrogen less any commercial nitrogen (COMM N) supplied. The following legend explains the crop codes used in tables 1 and 2 above: CROP CODE CROP UNITS PER UNIT BP SG HYBRID BERMUDAGRASS-PASTURE SMALL GRAIN OVERSEEDED TONS AC 50 50 TABLE 1 TABLE 2 TOTAL TOTALS FROM TABLES 1 AND 2 ACRES LBS AW N USED 5 1245 0 0 5 1245 * BALANCE -191.6 *** This number must be less than or equal to 0 in order to fully utilize the animal waste N produced. ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN *** This number must be less than or equal to 0 in order to fully utilize the animal waste N produced. Acres shown in each of the preceding tables are considered to be the usable acres excluding required buffers, filter strips along ditches, odd areas unable to be irrigated, and perimeter areas not receiving full application rates due to equipment limitations. Actual total acres in the fields listed may, and most likely will be, more than the acres shown in the tables. See attached map showing the fields to be used for the utilization of animal waste. SLUDGE APPLICATION: The waste utilization plan must contain provisions for periodic land application of sludge at agronomic rates. The sludge will be nutrient rich and will require precautionary measures to prevent over application of nutrients or other elements. Your production facility will produce approximately 169.46 pounds of plant available nitrogen per year in the sludge. If you remove the sludge every 5 years, you will have approximately 847.3 pounds of PAN to utilize. Assuming you apply this PAN to hybrid bermudagrass hayland at the rate of 300 pounds of nitrogen per acre, you will need 2.82433333333 acres of land. If you apply the sludge to corn at the rate of 125 pounds of nitrogen per acre, you will need 6.7784 acres of land. Please be aware that these are only estimates of the PAN and land needed. Actual requirements could vary by 25% depending on your sludge waste analysis, soil types, realistic yields, and application methods. APPLICATION OF WASTE BY IRRIGATION The irrigation application rate should not exceed the intake rate of the soil at the time of irrigation such that runoff or ponding occurs. This rate is limited by initial soil moisture content, soil structure, soil texture, water droplet size, and organic solids. The application amount should not exceed the available water holding capacity of the soil at the time of irrigation nor should the plant available nitrogen applied exceed the nitrogen needs of the crop. If surface irrigation is the method of land application for this plan, it is the responsibility of the producer and irrigation designer to ensure that an irrigation system is installed to properly irrigate the acres shown in Tables 1 and 2. Failure to apply the recommended rates and ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN amounts of nitrogen shown in the tables may make this .plan invalid. The following table is provided as a guide for establishing application rates and amounts. Tract Field Soil Type Crop Application Rate (in/hr) Applic. Amount (inches) 1653 2 CE BP 0.75 *0.75 1653 3 WGB BP 0.75 *0.75 1653 ALL SG 0.75 *0.75 1653 ALL SG 0.75 *0.75 * This is the maximum application amount allowed for the soil assuming the amount of nitrogen allowed for the crop is not over applied. In many situations, the application.amount shown cannot be applied because of the nitrogen limitation_ The maximum application amount shown can be applied under optimum soil conditions. Your facility is designed for 90.00 days of temporary storage and the temporary storage must be removed on the average of once every 3.00 months_ In no instance should the volume of the waste be stored in your structure be within the 25 year 24 hour storm storage or one foot of freeboard except in the event of the 25 year 24 hour storm. It is the responsibility of the producer and waste applicator to ensure that the spreader equipment is operated properly to apply the correct rates to the acres shown in Tables 1 and 2. Failure to apply the recommended rates and amounts of nitrogen shown in the tables may make this plan invalid. Call your technical specialist after you receive the waste analysis report for assistance in determining the amount of waste per acre and the proper application rate prior to applying the waste. NARRATIVE OF OPERATION WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS 1. Animal waste shall not reach surface waters of the state by runoff, drift, manmade conveyances, direct application, or direct discharge during operation or land application. Any discharge of waste which reaches surface water is prohibited. 2. There must be documentation in the design folder that the producer either owns or has an agreement for use of adequate land on which to properly apply the waste. If the producer does not own adequate land to properly dispose of waste, he/she shall provide a copy of an agreement with a landowner who is within a reasonable proximity, allowing him/her the use of the land for waste application. It is the responsibility of the owner of the facility to secure an update of the Waste Utilization Plan when there is a change in the operation, increase in the number of animals, method of utilization, or available land. 3. Animal waste shall be applied to meet, but not exceed, the nitrogen needs for realistic crop yields based on soil type, available moisture, historical data, climatic conditions, and level of management, unless there are regulations that restrict the rate of application for other nutrients. 4. Animal waste shall be applied to land eroding less than 5 tons per acre per year. Waste may be applied to land that is eroding at 5 or more tons, but less than 10 tons per acre per year providing grass filter strips are installed where runoff leaves the field. (See FOTG Standard 393 -Filter Strip) S. Odors can be reduced by injecting the waste or disking after waste application. Waste should not be applied when there is danger of drift from the irrigation field. 6. When animal waste is to be applied on acres subject to flooding, it will be soil incorporated on conventionally tilled cropland. When applied to conservation tilled crops or grassland, the waste may be broadcast provided the application does not occur during a season prone to flooding. (See "Weather and Climate in North Carolina" for guidance.) 7. Liquid waste shall be applied at rates not to exceed the soil infiltration rate such that runoff does not occur offsite or to surface waters and in a method which does not cause drift from the site during application. No ponding should occur in order to control odor or flies. 8. Animal waste shall not be applied to saturated soils, during rainfall events, or when the surface is frozen. 9. Animal waste shall be applied on actively growing crops in such a manner that the crop is not covered with waste to a depth that would inhibit growth. The potential for salt damage from animal waste should also be considered. V=r.o . Q WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS 10. Waste nutrients shall not be applied in fall or winter for spring planted crops on soils with a high potential for leaching. Waste nutrient loading rates on these soils should be held to a minimum and a suitable winter cover crop planted to take up released nutrients. Waste shall not be applied more than 30 days prior to planting of the crop or forages breakirig dormancy. 11. Any new swine facility sited on or after October 1, 1995 shall comply with the following: The outer perimeter of the land area onto which waste is applied from a lagoon that is a component of a swine farm shall be at least 50 feet from any residential property boundary and from any perennial stream or river (other than an irrigation ditch or canal. Animal waste other than swine waste from facilities sited on or after October 1, 1995), shall not be applied closer than 25 feet to perennial waters. (See Standard 393 - Filter Strips)_ 12. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 100 feet to wells_ 13. Animal .waste shall not be applied closer than 200 feet of dwellings other than those owned by the landowner. 14. Waste shall be applied in a manner not to reach other property and public right-of-ways. 15. Animal waste shall not be discharged into surface waters, drainageways, or wetlands by a discharge or by over -spraying - Animal waste may be applied to prior converted cropland provided they have been approved as a land application site by a "technical specialist". Animal waste shall not be applied on grassed waterways that discharges directly into water courses, and on other grassed waterways, waste shall be applied at agronomic rates in a manner that causes no runoff or drift from the site. 16. Domestic and industrial waste from washdown facilities, showers, toilets, sinks, etc., shall not be discharged into the animal waste management system. 17. A protective cover of appropriate vegetation will be established on all disturbed areas (lagoon embankments, berms, pipe runs, etc.). Areas shall be fenced, as necessary, to protect the vegetation. Vegetation such as trees, shrubs, and other woody species, etc., are limited to areas where considered appropriate. Lagoon areas should be kept mowed and accessible. Berms and structures should be inspected regularly- for evidence of erosion, leakage or discharge. nn-. - 0 WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS 18. If animal production at the facility is to be suspended or terminated, the owner is responsible for obtaining and implementing a "closure plan" which will eliminate the possibility of an illegal discharge, pollution and erosion. 19. Waste handling structures, piping, pumps, reels, etc., should be inspected on a regular basis to prevent breakdowns, leaks, and spills. A regular maintenance checklist should be kept on site. 20. Animal waste can be used in a rotation that includes vegetables and other crops for direct human consumption. However, if animal waste is used on crops for direct human consumption it should only be applied preplant with no further applications of animal waste during the crop season. 21. Highly visible markers shall be installed to mark the top and bottom elevations of the temporary storage (pumping volume) of all waste treatment lagoons_ Pumping shall be managed to maintain the liquid level between the markers. A marker will be required to mark the maximum storage volume for waste storage ponds. 22. Waste shall be tested within 60 days of utilization and soil shall be tested at least annually at crop sites where waste products are applied. Nitrogen shall be the rate - determining element. Zinc and copper levels in the soils shall be monitored and alternative crop sites shall be used when these metals approach excessive levels. pH shall be adjusted for optimum crop production and maintained. Soil and waste analysis records shall be kept for five years. Poultry dry waste application records shall be maintained for three (3) years. Waste application records for all other waste shall be maintained for five (5) years. 23. Dead animals will be disposed of in a manner that meets North Carolina regulations. r ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN AGREEMENT Name of Farm:DOUGLAS BORDEAUX #2 Owner/Manager Agreement I (we) understand and will follow and implement the specifications and the operation and maintenance procedures established in the approved animal waste utilization plan for the farm named above. I (we) know that any expansion to the existing design capacity of the waste treatment and storage system or construction of new facilities will require a new certification to be submitted to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) before the new animals are stocked. I (we) also understand that there must be no discharge of animal waste from this system to surface waters of the state from a storm event less severe than the 25-year. 24-hour storm. The approved plan will be filed on -site at the farm office and at the office of the local Soil and Water Conservation District and will be available for review by NCDWQ upon request. Name of Facility Owner: DOUGLAS BORDEAUX (Please print) Signature: Date: Name of Manager(If different from owner): Signature: Date: Name of Person Preparing Plan: (Please print)R. Dean Morris Affiliation:IISDA- NRCS Phone No. 910-862-6936 Address (Agency): 122 Ag. Service Ctr. Elizabethtown NC 28337 Signature: Date: Uarra . l 9 4�f,TA� SY• :,�i'. %D 4 ..Y• �'k yxM. ,. 7 = +� ` Y/ � Y _ #�} ',�.'�. p' x �t Y:' �e�3 yv. �(, � 1 �F-� X. r9 ^`s,�,�`nd f E4, ' ' 3. 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Canservati�n District r.�> � Plan identification j!Y� �?�u X } r Photo number ' g } a - -- r } • ;: rz #C°r COY; Assisted by _ 5\ r� _ .,_ ,,._ _ USDA Soil Conservation Service�j3 tf -- ,Fyrtfi .... .... ............. .. '�'r �X}'} �F.-y r�'"� '•� i7S' . f i i x...,, '•. .ih.� X ^'t::. <: ^k.F;F x':.. #;:- x ..#�. `>c,;,.,.a, �,:r}+:,ar. •r , :. r..•: ,., .+ - .. ......... _ art ��// `. 1 �r.r�� � ,r "t �' S 4 tt '�• t � �� ,.� �1 \ � y �r' � r f� .r''f„° r^ µ_r; S.r, i y'�.��a t } Jfr �: �• �ry,,, � �t e- A.,r f Clt r '. ��, i ;; f�: •ji �;.� .'� •� r.. / ,� .. 1 u In I � 1 r+i '� M Y7� , "ry,. Z'.�jrD_ � • . � �'� � � " f 7,Y \\d / iA pi I IL W. �r -: /i Esc:'; • � ail '%FAX 07/21/97 MON 09:20 FAX 910 289 6405 XFF CONS RUMON 1@003 FARM NAME: Doug Bordeaux DATE: # OF ANIMALS FINISHER NURSERY SOWS STORAGE VOL TREATMENT = 4 STORM 07/21/97 DONE BY: WGS .a REQUIRED -ACTUAL' REQUIREDr- DEPTH %CTEMPORARY = 27536 137991 50.11%1 1.19 TOTAL USEABLE VOL = -- 102591 88954 86.62% _ 9.8D - -- --- — DAYS OF TEMPORARY STORAGE: 90 DEPTH OF SLUDGE is %+ 4t'ic�lt`i -44m-w VA wSS A r.ceU-- r f;cw 9-rau fl4zk- -P 8+.P4. FOR 90 DAY STORAGE: • �' i HAVE 1.00 CU FT TREATMENT PER ALW 11 ►�+�`Kr�►s � T�t,.u-,-- �� �L+` �� s�•yv��. � � r't� 1 r G� r r d. ��,�, �� 1 • fii.�.¢ �ie.o�.,, off.. 6 c.. i /e�i �►.y� -7 _o+.� le-4 8+ra.�o•. G.f�` �a s.e-� ��xi.s � e- �.1ow*+-+.�i K Cam'• 3 n To AoS'e" 76 psi'_ L.O. duo .g Q /sd 105.r� �.+-� - �yo� NOTE: THE ZTUAL VOLUMES DISPLAYED ON THIS SHEET ARE CALCULATED USING THE AREAS OF THE CONTOURS CREATED ON ONE FOOT INTERVALS. THE TOTAL VOLUME CALCULATED USING DCA = 889i 1 L r... CAA -tb{tip CQo�• ¢--ti °'mod' oy ,oAs-� t'-tq-*t JUL 21 197 10:04 910 209 6405 PAGE.003 EMERGENCY ACTION -PLAN PHONE NLUBERS DWQ 910-486-1541 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 911 SWCD 910-862-6936 NRCS 9 0-862-6936 This plan will be implemented in the event that wastes from your operation are leaking, overflowing, or running off site.- You should not wait until wastes reach surface waters or leave your property to consider that you have a problem.• You should make every effort to.ensure that this does not happen. This plan should be posted in an accessible location for_a11 employees at the facility. The following are some action items you should take. I. Stop the release of wastes. Depending on the situation, this may or may not be possible. Suggested responses to some possible problems are listed below. A. Lagoon overflow -possible solutions are: a. Add soil to berm to increase elevation of dam. b. Pump wastes to fields at an acceptable rate. C. Stop all flows to the lagoon immediately. d. Call a pumping contractor. e. Make sure no surface water is entering lagoon. B: Runoff from waste application field -actions include: - a. Immediately stop waste application. b. Create a temporary diversion to contain waste. C. Incorporate waste to reduce runoff. d. Evaluate and eliminate the reason(s) that caused the runoff. e. Evaluate the application rates for the fields where runoff occurred. C: Leakage from the waste pipes and sprinklers -action include: a. Stop recycle pump. b. Stop irrigation pump. C. Close valves to eliminate further discharge. d. Repair all leaks prior to restarting pumps. D: Leakage from flush systems, houses, solid separators -action include: a. Stop recycle pump. b. stop irrigation pump. C. Make sure no siphon occurs. -_ d. Stop all flows in the house, flush systems, or solid separators. e. Repair all leaks prior to restarting pumps. E: Leakage from base or sidewall of lagoon. often this is seepage as opposed to flowing leaks - possible action: a. Dig a small well or ditch to catch all seepage, ,Put in a submersible pump, and pump back to lagoon. b. If holes are caused by burrowing animals, trap or remove animals and fill holes and compact with a clay type soil. C. Have a professional evaluate the condition of the side walls and lagoon bottom as soon as ' possible. - 2. Assess the extent of the spill and note any obvious damages. a. Did the waste reach any surface waters? b. Approximately how much was released and for what duration? C. Any damage noted, such as employee injury, fish kills, or property damage? d. Did the spill leave the property? e. Does the spill have the potential to reach surface waters? f. Could a future rain event cause the spill to reach surface waters? g. Are potable water wells in danger (either on or off of the property) ? h. How much reached surface waters? 3: Contact appropriate agencies. a. During normal business hours, call your DWQ (Division of Water Quality) regional office; Phone 910--485-1541• After hours, emergency number: 919- 733-3942. Your phone call should include: your name, facility, telephone number, the details of the incident fron iten 2 :above, the exact locat? on of the facility, the location or direction of movement of the spill, weather .and wind conditions. The corrective measures that have been under taken, and the seriousness of the situation. b. If spill leaves property or enters surface waters, call local EMS Phone number :911-. . c. Instruct EMS to contact local. Health Department. d. Contact CES, phone number 910--862-4591 , local SWCD office phone number 910-862-6936, and local NRCS office for advice/technical assistance phone number .910-862--6936_ 4 If none of the above works call 911 or the Sheriff's Department and explain your problem to them and ask that person to contact the proper agencies for you. 5: Contact the contractor of your choice to begin repair of problem to minimize off -site damage. a. Contractors Name: b. Contractors Address: C. Contractors Phone: 6: Contact the technical specialist who certified the lagoon (NRCS, Consulting Engineer, etc.) a. Name: b. Phone. 7: Implement procedures as advised by DkQ and technical assistance agencies to rectify the damage, repair -the system, and reassess the waste nanagernent plan to keep problems with release of wastes from, happening again. dsvd.ln A dl ordl.m 3acs�lan-Cc• s.;c 11 9s -iortality Management Methods (check which method(s) are being implemented) J Burial three fcct beneath the surface of the around within 24 hours after know1cdac of the death. The burial must be a[ least 300 fzect from anv flowing stream or public body of water. / Rendering at a rendering plant licensed undc: G.S. 106-16S.7 Q Complete incineration C In the case of dead poultry only, placing in a disposal pit of a size and'desian approved by the Departmen[ of Agnculture Anv method which in the professional opinion of the State Veterinarian would make possible the salvage of part of a dead animal's value without endangering human or animal health. (Written approval of the State Veterinarian must be attached) Insect Control Checklist for Animal Operations. Suurce Cause 11M1's to control luseels Site Specific Practices uld S blush (,utturs Accumulation of solids tk hlush system is designcd and olicrated surdicienoy to remove accunndaletl solws rrom gulters as designed. E, itemove bridging of aeconwhiled solids pt disghttrgc l.;ignuus anal l'i[s • Cruste�l Snlicls Mainu►iti lagnnns, settling basins un;] hits where best brucding is aliparcnl to minimize the crusting ofsolids to a depth of no more than G - 8 inches over more Ihuu 30% ofsurface. �l:Xeussivc Velictalivu Decuyiny vetct;;tion Maintain vegetative control along hanks of t 1,1t)%Vt11 laLoons and other impoundments to preveal accumulation ol'decayioL vegetative mutter ulong %valees edgc'on impoundnient's perinieler, _7 2 Swine Farm Waste Management Odor Control Checklist sclurce cuelse . BMPs to Minimize Odor Silt Sltecffie 1't•acticcs FaIIIIS call Swine production ❑ Vegetative or wooded bi ffiers; O Recommended best managenieut practices; xGood judgment and ComtuOn sense Animal burly surfaces flirty maiture-covered unimals ❑ Dry floors Flom. Surfaces Wet immure -covered llntlrs `R- Sloticd floors; 40" i Re �� � ��L� s `` 1• Walerers located over slotted floors; Feeders at high end of solid floors; !! �yu,,,,,- C7 Scrape manure buildup from floors; Cl Underfloor ventilation for drying NhIlure cnllccliolt pits • Urine., fJ Frequent manure removal by flush, pit recharge, • Partiahnicrobial decomposition or scrape; Underfloor ventilation VcIllilalion cxll,111]1 files • Volatile gilses; M fiat mailltclualice; Dust 0 Efficient air movement llltlUUf surfaces Dust Washdown between groups of aniniids; f 1''ced additives; 0 Feeder covers; Feed delivery duwnspoul extenders to feeder covers Flush tanks Agitation of recycled fal;oon ❑ Flush tank covers; lieluill while tanks arc filling ❑ Exielld fill lines to near bottom ofulnks with anti -siphon vents f.ltish alleys 6 Agitation during wastewater ❑ Underfloor flush with undc:rlloor ventilation conveyance Pit loch:u'l;e finials Agilation of recycled lagoon ❑ Extend recharge lines In near htnlmit ol'pils litluid while pits are filling With anti -siphon vents Lift sultimt5 • Agitation during sump luok ❑ 8111111) Ilrlik covers filling and drawdown Outside drain collection • Agilation during wastewater ("1 Ilox clovers ur juuciioll hoNes enuveyance ANIOC' - November 11. 1996, 1111ge 3 /J:m -, Source Cause HMI's to Minimize Odor Site Specific 11raclicca Ead of drainpipes at • Agilalion during wastewater Extend discharge point orpipes underllcatll lagoon conveyance lagoon liquid level Lagoon surfaces a Volatile gas emissions; Proper lagoon liquid capacity; • Biological mixing; Correct lagoon startup procedures; Agilalion Minimum surface area-to-vcllume ratio, Minimum agitation wliclt.plinipills; ❑ Mechanical aeration; L7 Proven biological additives Wigaihm sprinkler • I ligh pressure ugitatiotl; Irrigate on dry clays wills little or no wind; 11U'L'Lles , • Wind drift i Minimum recommended oper4 ing pressure; P` Pump imake near lagoon liquid surface; ❑ PIIMP from second -stage lagoon 11<<rat;e Iuak or basin 0 1'arlial microbiul decomposition; M lsnuou ur Midlevel loading; sur!'u�e + Mixing while. filling; Cl 'funk covers; Al + Agilalion when emptying ❑ Rosin surface mats of solids; Cl Proven biological additives or oxidants Sellling basin surface • PaI'tial microbial dccomposiliun; Cl I:xlclld drainpipe outlets underuculll liquid A • Mixing wll"e filling; level; (�[ + Agitalion when emptying M Remove scllled solids regularly t metre, slurry or sludge Agitation when spreading; ❑ Soil illjCC1i011 Ahshlrry/sludges; spreader owlels Volatile gas cloissions ❑ Wasll'residual manure frnni spreader after use; r_7 Proven wniogiecd additives or oxidmmts thicoverell 111,111111'e, • Volmile gas emissions while ❑ Soil injection 0l'slurry/sludges starry or sludge on field drying Cl Soil incorporation within 48 hrs.; sin laces NJIR ❑ Spread in lhin uniform laycrs fur rapid drying; ❑ Proven biological additives or olillfams Iliad i111nnaIS Carcass decomposition Proper disposilion of carcasses t)cad ullinrll disposai • Carcass decomposition Complete covering of carcasses in burial pies; pits ❑ Proper location/construction ofdispusnl pits b1cineraim-y • 111cumplcic combustion. C7 Sccnuclary slack burners Atv OC; - Nuvcmbcr 11, 1996, Page 4 0 Source . Cut►se BMPs to Minimize Odor Site Specific Pracliees Standing water around • Improper drainage; Grade and landscape such that water drains futilities . Microbial decomposition or away front futilities organic rttatter hl;uture tracked ottin Poorly maintained access roads Farm access road maintcnaucu pubik: Cnad5 iium farm access Additional Information : Available from : Swinc Manure Management ; 02001111je L3MP Packet NCSU, Cimmy E'xwnsioa Center Swine Production Furnt Potential Odor Sources and it.emedics ; FBAU Fact Shect NCSt3 - BAH' Swit►c PrOdu{tinit Fuciiky Manure Managemenu-Pit Reellarge - Lagoon Treatment ; FBAE 128.88 NCSU - BAH, Swine Production Facility Mu6ure Management: Underfloor flush - Lagoon'rreatment ; G13A1: 129-88 NCSI! - BAI: Luguart Design and Management for Livestock Manure Treatment and Storage ; E13AC 103.83 NCSi 1-11A1'' Calibration of Manure and Wastewater Application Equipnttalt ; EBAC Fact Sheet NCSI3 - BAH Controlling Odors from Swine Buildings ; Pil1.33 NCSU - Swine Extension Environmental Assnrunce Program ; NPPC Manual NC Pork IlrUducers Assoc Options for Nlanaging Odor ; a report from tic Swine Odor Task Porcc NCSIJ Agri Cununtmicutions Nuisance Cmiccrus in Animal Malture Management: Odors anti lilies ; PRO107, 199S Conference Proccediugs Florithi (inoperative Extensiau AMOC • 1quvt:m1 c' 11, 1996, Page 5 �„ � 1 1 Animal Waste Management Systems If you are trying to determine appropriate travel speed to deliver a known waste application depth, then use the following formula: Travel Speed (inimin) W 19.26 x Sprinkler Flow Rate (GPM) Lane Spacing (ft) x Application Depth (in) • To ensure the accuracy of the calculation, mea- surement of the actual application amounts should be made occasionally. This can be accom- plished with the use of rain gauges or simply measuring the depth of wastewater caught in pans or buckets placed in the irrigation field. You should take several measurements at various areas . during irrigation and use an average to determine the irrigation depth. NOTE: This table assumes the gun is turning full circle. if the gun is operating at part circle, then the travel speed should be increased accordingly to provide the planned application rate. Describe calibration procedures for traveling guns. System Calibration Information presented in manufacturer's charts are based on average operating conditions with relatively new equipment. Discharge rates and application rates change over time as equipment gets older and components wear. In particular, pump wear tends to reduce operating pressure and flow. With continued use, nozzle wear results in an increase in the nozzle opening which will increase the discharge rate while decreasing the wetted diameter. You should be aware that operating the system differently than assumed in the design will alter the application rate, diameter of coverage, and subsequently the application uniformity. For example, operating the system with excessive pressure results in smaller droplets, greater potential for drift, and accelerates wear of the sprinkler nozzle. Clogging of nozzles can result in pressure increase. Plugged intakes or crystallization of mainlines will reduce operating pressure. Operating below design pressure greatly reduces the coverage diameter and application uniformity. For the above reasons, you should calibrate your equipment on a regular basis to ensure proper application rates and uniformity. Calibration at least once every three years is recommended. Calibration involves collecting and measuring flow at several Chapter 5: Proper Applications or Swine Waste locations in the application area. Any number of containers can be used to collect flow and determine the application rate. Rain gauges work best because they already have a graduated scale from which to read the application amount without having to perform additional calculations_ However, pans, plastic buckets, jars, or --- anything with a uniform opening and cross-section can be used provided the liquid collected can be easily transferred to a scaled container for measuring. For stationary sprinklers, collection containers should be located randomly throughout the application area at several distances from i sprinklers. For traveling guns, sprinklers should be located along a J F transect perpendicular to the direction -of pull. Set out collection x containers 25 feet apart along the transect on both sides of the gun cart. You should compute the average application rate for all collection containers. You should also look for evidence of nonuniformity of the application. On a windless day, variation between containers of more than 30 percent is cause for concern. You should contact your irrigation dealer or technical specialist for assistance. State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Divisiran of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Govemor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director Doug Bordeaux Doug Bordeaux Farah #1 98 Sweet Home Church Rd Elizabethtown NC 28337 Dear Doug Bordeaux: IT - V J1WW ,771 1 0 • NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RE50URCES March 17,2000 RECEIVED FAYETTEVILLE REG. OFFICE Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. AWS090115 Doug Bordeaux Farm #1 Swine Waste Collection, Treatment, Storage and Application System Bladen County In accordance with your application received on February 3, 2000, we are forwarding this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Doug Bordeaux, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste collection, treatment, storage and land application system in accordance with General Permit AWG100000. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the management of animal waste from the Doug Bordeaux Farm #1, located in Bladen County, with an animal capacity of no greater than 458 Feeder to Finish and the application to land as specified in the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP). The COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until April 30, 2003. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP, and this COC, with no discharge of wastes to surface waters- An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this farm. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of stocked animals above the number authorized by this COC will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and shall be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143-215.6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. Upon notification by the Division of this COC's expiration, you shall apply for its renewal. This request shall be made within 30 days of notification by the Division. 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-715-6048 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled110% post -consumer paper Certificate of Coverage AWS090115 Doug Bordeaux Farm #1 Page 2 This COC is not automatically transferable. A name/ownership change application must be submitted to the DWQ prior to a name change or change in ownership. y If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual non -discharge permit by contacting the engineer listed below for information on this. process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding: The;.subject -farm is located in the Fayetteville Regional Office. The Regional Office Water Quality Staff may be reached at (910) 486-1541. If you need additional information concerning this COC 0F&e;,9eneral,Permit, please contact JR Joshi at (919) 733-5083 ext. 363. Sincerely, Kerr T. Stevens cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all cc's) Bladen County Health Department Fayetteville Regional Office, Water Quality Section Bladen County Soil and Water Conservation District Permit File NDPU Files State of North Carolina R Department of Environment and Natural ResouresF % E,D Division of Water Quality FF5 SE�r1ON Non -Discharge Permit Application Form cG�'Q (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGI )0'. General Permit - Existing Animal Waste Operation "Pe/i,* The following questions have been completed utilizing information on file with the Division. Please review the information for completeness and make any corrections that are appropriate. If a question has not been completed by the Division, please complete as best as possible. Do not leave any question unanswered. GENERAL INFORMATION: L l Facility Name: Dog Bordeaux Farm #1 1.2 Print Land Owner's name: Dou Bordeaux 1.3 Mailing address: 98 Sweet Home Church Rd City, State: Elizabethtown NC Zip: 28337 Telephone Number (include area code): 862-2042 1.4 County where facility is located: 1.5 Facility Location (Directions from nearest major highway. Please include SR numbers for state roads. Please include a copy of a county road map with the location of the farm identified): 4 mi, north of Elizabethtown on Hwy.701 to Sweet Home Church Road, turn left and farm on right approx. 1/4 mile. 1.6 Print Farm Manager's name (if different from Land Owner): 1.7 Lessee's / Integrator's name (if applicable; please circle which type is listed): Murphy Family Farms 1.8 Date Facility Originally Began Operation: 01/01/83 1.9 Date(s) of Facility Expansion(s) (if applicable): 2. OPERATION INFORMATION: 2.1 Facility No.: 09 (county number); 115 (facility number). 2.2 Operation Description: Swine operation Feeder to Finish 458- Certified Design Capacity Is the above information correct? Dyes; F_J no. If no, correct below using the design capacity of the facility The "No. of Animals" should be the maximum number for which the waste management structures were designed. Type of Swine No. of Animals Type of Poultry No. of Animals Type of Cattle No. of Animals 0 Wean to Feeder 0 Layer 0 Dairy 0 Feeder to Finish 0 Non -Layer 0 Beef 0 Farrow to Wean (# sow) 0 Turkey 0 Farrow to Feeder (# sow) 0 Farrow to Finish (# sow) Other Type of Livestock on the farm: No. of Animals: FORM: AWO-G-E 5/28/98 Page 1 of 4 09 - 115 3. 2.3 Acreage cleared and available for application (excluding all required buffers and areas not covered by the application system): 8 : Required Acreage (as listed in the AWMP): 5 2.4 Number of lagoons/ storage ponds (circle which is applicable): 1 2.5 Are subsurface drains present within 100' of any of the application fields? YES or O (please circle one) 2.6 Are subsurface drains present in the vicinity or under the lagoon(s)? YES or O (please circle one) 2.7 Does this facility meet all applicable siting requirements? (Swine Farm Siting Act, NRCS Standards, etc.) (Swine Only) I OES - f or NO (please circle one) What was the date that this facility's swine houses and lagoon were sited? u!v Ajowd What was the date that this facility's land application areas were sited? LdALQLot) REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Please indicate that you have included the following required items by signing your initials in the space provided next to each item. 3.1 One completed and signed original and one copy of the application for General Permit - Animal Waste Operations; 3.2 Two copies of a general location map indicating the location of the animal waste facilities and field locations where animal waste is land applied; 3.3 Two copies of the entire Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP). If the facility does not have a CAWMP, it must be completed prior to submittal of a general permit application for animal waste operations. The CAWMP mast include the following components. Some of these components may not have been required at the time the facility was certified but should be added to the CAWMP for permitting purposes: 3.3.1 The Waste Utilization Plan (WUP) must include the amount of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) produced and utilized by the facility. 3.3.2 The method by which waste is applied to the disposal fields (e.g. irrigation, injection, etc.) 3.3.3 A map of every field used for land application. 3.3.4 The soil series present on every land application field. 3.3.5 The crops grown on every land application field. 3.3.6 The Realistic Yield Expectation (RYE) for every crop shown in the WUP. 3.3.7 The PAN applied to every land application field. 3.3.8 The waste application windows for every crop utilized in the WUP. 3.3.9 The required NRCS Standard specifications. 3.3.10 A site schematic. 3.3,11 Emergency Action Plan. 3.3.12 Insect Control Checklist with chosen best management practices noted. 3.3.13 Odor Control Checklist with chosen best management practices noted. 3.3.14 Mortality Control Checklist with the selected method noted. 3.3.15 Lagoon/storage pond capacity documentation (design, calculations, etc.). Please be sure to include any site evaluations, wetland determinations, or hazard classifications that may be applicable to your facility. 3.3.16 Operation and Maintenance Plan. If your CAWMP includes any components not shown on this list, please include the additional components with your submittal. FORM: AWO-G-E 5128/98 Page 2 of 4 09 -115 Facility Number: 09 - I I5 Facility Name: Doug Bordeaux Farm #1 4. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION: I,-L�(_Z1�� CL� rr �(I _ (Land Owner's name listed in question 1.2), attest that this application for l AU �R[�SX Attyl �Iq, A � _ (Facility name listed in question 1.1) has been reviewed by me and ' accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incowdfete. Signature Date % 14 - ? esp coo 5. MANAGLM'S CERTIFICATION: (complete only if different from the Land Owner) (Manager's name listed in question 1.6), attest that this application for (Facility name listed in question 1.1) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete. Signature Date THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY WATER QUALITY SECTION NON -DISCHARGE PERMITTING UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 733-5083 FAX NUMBER: (919) 715-6048 FORM: AWO-G-E 5/28/98 Page 3 of 4 09 -115 .. ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN ` Producer: Location: Telephone: Type Operation: Number of Animals: (Design Capacity) STORAGE STRUCTURE: APPLICATION METHOD: DOUGLAS BORDEAUX 98 SWEET HOME CHURCH ROAD ELIZABETHTOWN NC 28337 (910) 862 -2 04 0 Existing Feeder to Finish Swine 458.00 hogs Anaerobic Waste Treatment Lagoon Irrigation The waste from your animal facility must be land applied at a specified rate to prevent pollution of surface water and/or groundwater. The plant nutrients in the animal waste should be used to reduce the amount of commercial fertilizer required for the crops in the fields where the waste is to be applied. This waste utilization plan uses nitrogen as the limiting nutrient. waste should be analyzed before each application cycle. Annual soil tests are strongly encouraged so that all plant nutrients can be balanced for realistic yields of the crop to be grown. Several factors are important in implementing your waste utilization plan in order to maximize the fertilizer value of the waste and to ensure that it is applied in an environmentally safe manner: 1. Always apply waste based on the needs of the crop to be grown and the nutrient content of the waste. Do not apply more nitrogen than the crop can utilize. 2. Soil types are important as they have different infiltration rates, leaching potentials, cation exchange capacities, and available water holding capacities. 3. Normally waste shall be applied to land eroding at less than 5 tons per acre per year. Waste may be applied to land eroding at 5 or more tons per acre annually, but less than 10 tons per acre per year providing that adequate filter strips are established. 4. Do not apply waste on saturated soils, when it is raining, or when the surface is frozen. Either of these conditions may result in runoff to surface waters which is not allowed under DWQ regulations. Page: 1 ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN 5. Wind conditions should also be considered to avoid drift and downwind odor problems. 6. To maximize the value of the nutrients for crop production and to reduce the potential for pollution, the waste should be applied to a growing crop or applied not more than 30 days prior to planting a crop or forages breaking dormancy. Injecting the waste or disking will conserve nutrients and reduce odor problems. This plan is based on the waste application method shown above. If you choose to change methods in the future, you need to revise this plan. Nutrient levels for different application methods are not the same. The estimated acres needed to apply the animal waste is based on typical nutrient content for this type of facility. Acreage requirements should be based on the waste analysis report from your waste management facility. In some cases you may want to have plant analysis made, which could allow additional waste to be applied. Provisions shall be made for the area receiving waste to be flexible so as to accommodate changing waste analysis content and crop type. Lime must be applied to maintain pH in the optimum range for specific crop production. This waste utilization plan, if carried out, meets the requirements for compliance with 15A NCAC 2H .0217 adopted by the Environmental Management Commission. AMOUNT OF WASTE PRODUCED PER YEAR (gallons, ft3, tons, etc.) 458 hogs x 1.9.tons waste/hogs/year = 870.2 tons AMOUNT OF PLANT AVAILABLE NITROGEN (PAN) PRODUCED PER YEAR 458 hogs x 2.3 lbs PAN/hags/year = 1053.4 lbs. PAN/year Applying the above amount of waste is a big job. You should plan time and have appropriate equipment to apply the waste in a timely manner. The following acreage will be needed for waste application based on the crop to be grown, soil type and surface application. Page: 2 ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN r TABLE 1: ACRES OWNED BY PRODUCER TRACT FIELD SOIL TYPE & CLASS- CROP YIELD LBS COMM N ** * LBS DETERMINING PHASE CODE AW N PER ACRES AW N PER AC AC USED ----- or ------- APPLY RESID. APPLIC METH N TIME 1653 2 CE BP 4.1 205 3.0 615 I MAR-OCT 1653 13 JWGB 1BP I �3.8 1190 1 12.0 1380 MAR-OCT 1653 SG 1 1-2 JALL I 150 1 13.0 1150 OCT-MAR 1653 SG 1 1-3 JALL I 150 1 12.0 1100 OCT-MAR END I TOTAL11245 - Indicates that this field is being overseeded (i.e. interplanted) or winter annuals follow summer annuals. NOTE: The applicator is cautioned that P and K may be over applied while meeting the N requirements. In the future, regulations may require farmers in some parts of North Carolina to have a nutrient management plan that addresses all nutrients. This plan only addresses nitrogen. Page: 3 ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN TABLE 2: ACRES WITH NOTARIZED AGREEMENT OR LONG TERM LEASE (Agreement with adjacent landowners must be attached.) (Required only if operator does not own adequate land. See required specification 2.) TRACT FIELD SOIL TYPE & CLASS- CROP YIELD LBS COMM N ** * LBS DETERMINING PHASE CODE AW N PER ACRES AW N PER AC AC USED ----- or ------- APPLY RESID. APPLIC METH N TIME END TOTAL 10 Indicates that this field is being overseeded (i.e. interplanted) or winter annuals follow summer annuals. In interplanted fields (i.e. small grain, etc, interseeded in bermudagrass), forage must be removed through grazing, hay and/or silage. Where grazing, plants should be grazed when they reach a height of six to nine inches. Cattle should be removed when plants are grazed to a height of four inches. In fields where small grain, etc, is to be removed for hay or silage, care should be exercised not to let small grain to reach maturity, especially late in the season (i.e. April or May). Shading may result if small grain gets too high and this will definitely interfere with stand of bermudagrass. This loss of stand will result in reduced yields and less nitrogen being utilized. Rather than cutting small grain for hay or silage just before heading as is the normal situation, you are encouraged to cut the small grain earlier. You may want to consider harvesting hay or silage two to three times during the season, depending on time small grain is planted in the fall. The ideal time to interplant small grain, etc, is late September or early October. Drilling is recommended over broadcasting. Bermudagrass should be grazed or mowed to a height of about two inches before drilling for best results. Page: 4 ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN ** Acreage figures may exceed total acreage in fields due to overseeding. * lbs AW N (animal waste nitrogen) equals total required nitrogen less any commercial nitrogen (COMM N) supplied. The following legend explains the crop codes used in tables 1 and 2 above: CROP CODE CROP UNITS PER UNIT BP SG HYBRID BERMUDAGRASS-PASTURE SMALL GRAIN OVERSEEDED TONS AC 50 50 TABLE 1 TABLE 2 TOTAL TOTALS FROM TABLES 1 AND 2 ACRES LBS AW N USED 5 1245 0 0 5 1245 * BALANCE -191.6 *** This number must be less than or equal to 0 in order to fully utilize the animal waste N produced. Page: 5 ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN *** This number must be less than or equal to 0 in order to fully utilize the animal waste N produced. Acres shown in each of the preceding tables are considered to be the usable acres excluding required buffers, filter strips along ditches, odd areas unable to be irrigated, and perimeter areas not receiving full application rates due to equipment limitations. Actual total acres in the fields listed may, and most likely will be, more than the acres shown in the tables. See attached map showing the fields to be used for the utilization of animal waste. SLUDGE APPLICATION: The waste utilization plan must contain provisions for periodic land application of sludge at agronomic rates. The sludge will be nutrient rich and will require precautionary measures to prevent over application of nutrients or other elements. Your production facility will produce approximately 169.46 pounds of plant available nitrogen per year in the sludge. If you remove the sludge every 5 years, you will have approximately 847.3 pounds of PAN to utilize. Assuming you apply this PAN to hybrid bermudagrass hayland at the rate of 300 pounds of nitrogen per acre, you will need 2.82433333333 acres of land. If you apply the sludge to corn at the rate of 125 pounds of nitrogen per acre, you will need 6.7784 acres of land. Please be aware that these are only estimates of the PAN and land needed. Actual requirements could vary by 25% depending on your sludge waste analysis, soil types, realistic yields, and application methods. APPLICATION OF WASTE BY IRRIGATION The irrigation application rate should not exceed the intake rate of the soil at the time of irrigation such that runoff or ponding occurs. This rate is limited by initial soil moisture content, soil structure, soil texture, water droplet size, and organic solids. The application amount should not exceed the available water holding capacity of the soil at the time of irrigation nor should the plant available nitrogen applied exceed the nitrogen needs of the crop. If surface irrigation is the method of land application for this plan, it is the responsibility of the producer and irrigation designer to ensure that an irrigation system is installed to properly irrigate the acres shown in Tables 1 and 2. Failure to apply the recommended rates and Page: 6 ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN amounts of nitrogen shown in the tables may make this plan invalid. The following table is provided as a guide for establishing application rates and amounts. Tract Field Soil Type Crop Application Rate (in/hr) Applic. Amount r" (inches) i 1653 2 CE BP 0.75 *0.75 1653 3 WGB BP 0.75 *0.75 1653 ALL SG 0.75 *0.75 1653 ALL SG 0.75 *0.75 * This is the maximum application amount allowed for the soil assuming the amount of nitrogen allowed for the crop is not over applied. In many situations, the application amount shown cannot be applied because of the nitrogen limitation. The maximum application amount shown can be applied under optimum soil conditions. Your facility is designed for 90.00 days of temporary storage and the temporary storage must be removed on the average of once every 3.00 months. In no instance should the volume of the waste be stored in your structure be within the 25 year 24 hour storm storage or one foot of freeboard except in the event of the 25 year 24 hour storm. It is the responsibility of the producer and waste applicator to ensure that the spreader equipment is operated properly to apply the correct rates to the acres shown in Tables 1 and 2. Failure to apply the recommended rates and amounts of nitrogen shown in the tables may make this plan invalid. Call your technical specialist after you receive the waste analysis report for assistance in determining the amount of waste per acre and the proper application rate prior to applying the waste. NARRATIVE OF OPERATION Page: 7 WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS 1. Animal waste shall not reach surface waters of the state by runoff, drift, manmade conveyances, direct application, or direct discharge during operation or land application. Any discharge of waste which reaches surface water is prohibited. 2. There must be documentation in the design folder that the producer either owns or has an agreement for use of adequate land on which to properly apply the waste. If the producer does not own adequate land to properly dispose of waste, he/she shall provide a copy of an agreement with a landowner who is within a reasonable proximity, allowing him/her the use of the land for waste application. It is the responsibility of the owner of the facility to secure an update of the Waste Utilization Plan when there is a change in the operation, increase in the number of animals, method of utilization, or available land. 3. Animal waste shall be applied to meet, but not exceed, the nitrogen needs for realistic crop yields based on soil type, available moisture, historical data, climatic conditions, and level of management, unless there are regulations that restrict the rate of application for other nutrients. 4. Animal waste shall be applied to land eroding less than 5 tons per acre per year. Waste may be applied to land that is eroding at 5 or more tons, but less than 10 tons per acre per year providing grass filter strips are installed where runoff leaves the field. (See FOTG Standard 393 -Filter Strip) 5. Odors can be reduced by injecting the waste or disking after waste application. Waste should not be applied when there is danger of drift from the irrigation field. 6. When animal waste is to be applied on acres subject to flooding, it will be soil incorporated on conventionally tilled cropland. When applied to conservation tilled crops or grassland, the waste may be broadcast provided the application does not occur during a season prone to flooding. (See "Weather and Climate in North Carolina" for guidance.) 7. Liquid waste shall be applied at rates not to exceed the soil infiltration rate such that runoff does not occur offsite or to surface waters and in a method which does not cause drift from the site during application. No ponding should occur in order to control odor or flies. B. Animal waste shall not be applied to saturated soils, during rainfall events, or when the surface is frozen. 9. Animal waste shall be applied on actively growing crops in such a manner that the crop is not covered with waste to a depth that would inhibit growth. The potential for salt damage from animal waste should also be considered. Page: 8 WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS 10_ Waste nutrients shall not be applied in fall or winter for spring planted crops on soils with a high potential for leaching. Waste nutrient loading rates on these soils should be held to a minimum and a suitable winter cover crop planted to take up released nutrients. Waste shall not be applied more than 30 days prior to planting of the crop or forages breaking dormancy. 11. Any new swine facility sited on or after October 1, 1995 shall comply with the following: The outer perimeter of the land area onto which waste is applied from a lagoon that is a component of a swine farm shall be at least 50 feet from any residential property boundary and from any perennial stream or river (other than an irrigation ditch or canal. Animal waste other than swine waste from facilities sited on or after October 1, 1995), shall not be applied closer than 25 feet to perennial waters. (See Standard 393 - Filter Strips). 12. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 100 feet to wells. 13. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 200 feet of dwellings other than those owned by the landowner. 14. Waste shall be applied in a manner not to reach other property and public right--of-ways. 15. Animal waste shall not be discharged into surface waters, drainageways, or wetlands by a discharge or by over -spraying. Animal waste may be applied to prior converted cropland provided they have been approved as a land application site by a "technical specialist". Animal waste shall not be applied on grassed waterways that discharges directly into water courses, -and on other grassed waterways, waste shall be applied at agronomic rates in a manner that causes no runoff or drift from the site. 16. Domestic and industrial waste from washdown facilities, showers, toilets, sinks, etc., shall not be discharged into the animal waste management system. 17. A protective cover of appropriate vegetation will be established on all disturbed areas (lagoon embankments, berms, pipe runs, etc.). Areas shall be fenced, as necessary, to protect the vegetation. vegetation such as trees, shrubs, and other woody species, etc., are limited to areas where considered appropriate. Lagoon areas should be kept mowed and accessible. Berms and structures should be inspected regularly for evidence of erosion, leakage or discharge. Page: 9 WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS 18. 1f animal production at the facility is to be suspended or terminated, the owner is responsible for obtaining and implementing a "closure plan" which will eliminate the possibility of an illegal discharge, pollution and erosion. 19. Waste handling structures, piping, pumps, reels, etc., should be inspected on a regular basis to prevent breakdowns, leaks, and spills. A regular maintenance checklist should be kept on site. 20. Animal waste can be used in a rotation that includes vegetables and other crops for direct human consumption. However, if animal waste is used on crops for direct human consumption it should only be applied preplant with no further applications of animal waste during the crop season. 21. Highly visible markers shall be installed to mark the top and bottom elevations of the temporary storage (pumping volume) of all waste treatment lagoons. Pumping shall be managed to maintain the liquid level between the markers. A marker will be required to mark the maximum storage volume for waste storage ponds. 22. Waste shall be tested within 60 days of utilization and soil shall be tested at least annually at crop sites where waste products are applied. Nitrogen shall be the rate - determining element. Zinc and copper levels in the soils shall be monitored and alternative crop sites shall be used when these metals approach excessive levels. pH shall be adjusted for optimum crop production and maintained. Soil and waste analysis records shall be kept for five years. Poultry dry waste application records shall be maintained for three (3) years. Waste application records for all other waste shall be maintained for five ( 5 ) years. 23. Dead animals will be disposed of in a manner that meets North Carolina regulations. Page: 10 ANIMAL WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN AGREEMENT Name of Farm:DOUGLAS BORDEAUX ##2 owner/Manager Agreement I (we) understand and will follow and implement the specifications and the operation and maintenance procedures established in the approved animal waste utilization plan for the farm named above. I (we) know that any expansion to the existing design capacity of the waste treatment and storage system or construction of new facilities will require a new certification to be submitted to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) before the new animals are stocked. I (we) also understand that there must be no discharge of animal waste from this system to surface waters of the state from a storm event less severe.than the 25-year, 24-hour storm. The approved plan will be filed on -site at the farm office and at the office of the local Soil and Water Conservation District and will be available for review by NCDWQ upon request. Name of Facility Owner: DOUGLAS BORDEAUX (Please print) Signature: Date: Name of Manager(If different from owner): Signature: Date: Name of Person Preparing Plan: (please print)R. Dean Morris Affiliation:USDA- NRCS Phone No. 910-862-6936 Address (Agency): 122 Ag. Service Ctr. Elizabethtown NC 28337 Signature: Date: / 2 J lg97 Page: 11 Technical Specialist Certification - I. As a technical specialist designated by the North Carolina Soil and Water Conservation Commission pursuant to 15A NCAC 6F .0005, I certify that the animal waste management system for the farm named above has an animal R-aste management plan that meets or exceeds standards and specifications of the Division of Environmental Management (DEMO as specified in 15A NCAC 2H.0217 and the USDA -Natural Resources Conservatiog Service (NRCS) and/or the North Carolina Soil and Water Conservation Commission ' pursuant to 15A NCAC '2H.0217 and 15A NCAC 6F .0001- .0005. The following elements are included in the plan as applicable. While each category designates a technical specialist who miy sign each certification (SD, SI, WUP, RC, 1), the technical specialist should only certify parts for which they are technically competent.'', ' II. Cerfifz iztion of Design A) Collection. Storage. Treatment System Check the appropriate box . Ex istinz-facility without retrofit (SD or WUP) _ Storage volume is adequate for operation capacity; storage capability consistent with. waste.. utilization requirements- •K New. expanded or retrofitted facility (SD) Animal waste storage and treatment structures, such as but not limited to collection systems, lagoons and ponds, have been designed to meet or exceed the minimum standards and specifications. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): Samuel G. Warren, DC Affiliation USDA - Natural Resources Conservation ftyiMrk Completed: 4- Address (AgegRy):l22 Ag. Service Center, Elizabethtown, NC 28337 Phone"No.: 91"62-8936 )L Date: _12--r?- B) Land Application Site (�VUP) The plan provides for minimum separations (buffers); adequate amount of land for waste utilization; chosen crop is suitable for waste management; hydraulic and nutrient loading rates. Name of Technical Specialist (PIease Print): Samuel G. W# rren, DC Affiliation USDA - Natural Resources Conservation §$jyi%%rk Completed: /2 -/ f 9 7 Address (Agency).122 Ag. Service Center, Elizabethtown+ NO Mal phone No.: 16-11�.�3�d� _ , Signature: C) Runoff Controls from Exterior Lots Check the appropriate box Facility without exterior lots (SD or WUP or RC) This facility does not contain any exterior lots. Z—lg- 0 Facility with exterior lots (RC) Methods to minimize the run off of pollutants from Ioungina and heavy use areas have been designed in accordance with technical standards developed by MRCS. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): SarniV.! , : -•-- Affiliation _ on...-rjLr ; gin:) cE�ate;Work Completed: Address (Agency). d�. Se'"'cz c ="' C�lZ3�s t-.gin ;�r. ur Phone No. Signature:_ � `� I _ Date: I AWC -- August 1, 1997 2 Animal `Paste Management Plan Certification Please true or print all information that does not reauire a signature General Information: Name of Farm: s _ � a,�� _ '?— _ _Facility No:. tD j -- IS Owner(s) N Mailing Ad Farm Location: County Fans is located in: �Eja_'N� Latitude and Longitude: o 4` I _ 33 c�" Integrator: M _ Please attach a copy of a county road map with location identified and describe below (Be specific: road names, directions, milepost, etc.): _US 1 3> rk, _ W0s 76 Tate rE sc(ad-:_ Operation Description: Type of Swine No. of Animals Type of Poultry No. of Animals Type of Cattle No. of Animals D Wean to Feeder O Layer O Dairy Veeder to Finish _ -!5 19 _ a Pullets G Beef O Farrow to Wean ❑ Farrow to Feeder O Farrow to Finish Other Type of Livesrock: Number of Animals: a Gilts O Boars Acreage Available for Application: S Required Acreage: G Number of Lagoons / Storage Ponds: , I Total Capacity: 85 Cubic Feet (ft3) Are subsurfade drains present on the farm: YES or (E:) (please circle one) If YES: are subsurface drains present in the area of the LAGOON or SPR-kY FIELD (please circle one) Owner / Manager Agreement I (we) verify that all the above information is correct and will be updated upon changing. I (%ve) understand the operation and maintenance procedures established in the approved animal waste management plan for the farm named above and will implement these procedures. I (we) know that any expansion to the existing desi;n capacity of the waste treatment and storage system or construction of new facilities will require a new certification to be submitted to the Division of Environmental Management before the new animals are stocked. I (we) understand that there must be no discharge of animal waste from the storage or application system to surface waters of the state either directly through a man-made conveyance or from a storm event less severe than the 23-year, 24-hour storm and there must not be run-off from the application of animal waste. I (we) understand that run-off of pollutants from lounging and heavy use areas must be minimized usins technical standards developed by the Natural Resources Conservation Service. The approved plan will be filed at the farm and at the office of the local Soil and Water Conservation District. I (we) know that any modification must be approved by a technical specialist and submitted to the Soil and Water Conservation District prior to implementation. A change in land ownership requires written notification to DEM or a new certification (if the approved plan is chanted) within 60 days of a title transfer. Name of Land Otis _aer : Leo 4 , /_G 5 ,�• , ���� u Signature: / t Name of Manag&<ilf different from owner): Date:, / 2 -IF- F 7- Signature: Date: N AWC .- August I, 1997 III. Certification of Installation A) Collection. Storage. Treatment Installation New. expanded or retrofitted facility (SI) Animal waste storage and treatment structures, such as but not limited to lagoons and ponds, have been installed in accordance with the approved plan to meet or exceed the minimum standards and specifications. Aor existing facilities without retrofits, no certification is necessary. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): Affiliation Date Work Completed: Address (Agency): Phone No.: Signature: Date: B) Land Application Site (WUP) Check the appropriate box The cropping system is in place on all land as specified in the animal waste management plan. Cl Conditional Approval: all required land as specified in the planis cleared for planting; the cropping system as specified in the waste utilization plan has not been established and the owner has committed to establish the vegetation as specified in the plan by (month/day/year); the proposed cover crop is appropriate for compliance with the wasteutilization plan. a Also check this box if appropriate if the cropping system as specified in the plan can not be established on newly cleared land within 30 days of this certification, the owner has committed to establish an interim crop for erosion control; Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): Samuel G. W Affiliation USDA - Natural Resources ConservationBarvilftrkCompleted:/2— /9-97 y- Address (Agencv):122 lone No.: ate: This following signature block is only to be used when the box for conditional approval in M. B above has been checked. I (we) certify that I (we) have committed to establish the cropping system as specified in my (our) waste utilization plan, and if appropriate to establish the interim crop for erosion control, and will submit to DEM a verification of completion from a Technical Specialist within 15 calendar days following the date specified in the conditional certification. I (we) realize that failure to submit this verification is a violation of the waste management plan and will subject me (us) to an enforcement action from DEM. Name of Land Owner: Signature: Name of Manager (if different from owner): Date: Signature: Date: AWC -- August 1, 1997 4 D). Application and Handling Equipment Check the appropriate box Exi tint or expanding facili v with existing waste application equipment (WUP or 1) Animal waste application equipment specified in the plan has been either field calibrated or evaluated in accordance with existing design charts and tables and is able to apply waste as necessary to accommodate the waste management plan: (existing application equipment can cover the area required by the plan at rates not to exceed either the specified hydraulic or nutrient loading rates, a schedule for timing of applications has been established; required buffers can be maintained and calibration and adjustment guidance are contained as part of the plan). G nw. expanded.-i f i t without exilting waste avplicn eguipment for ray '' ti n (1) Animal waste application equipment specified in the plan ha; been designed to apply waste as necessary to accommodate the waste management plan; (proposed application equipment can cover the area required by the plan at rates not to exceed either the specified hydraulic or nutrient loading rates; a schedule for tuning of applications has been established; required buffers can be maintained; calibration and adjustment guidance are contained as part of the plan)" Q] New. expanded. !Qr existing facili v without existing waste a1" n equipment for land spreading not using sprav_rri;ation. (WUP or 1) Animal waste application equipment specified in the plan has been selected to apply a-a;te as necessary to accommodate the waste management plan; (proposed application equipment can cover the area required by the plan at rates not to exceed either the specified hydraulic or nutrient loading rates; a schedule for timing of applications has been established; required buffers can be maintained; calibration and adjustment Guidance are contained as part of the plan). Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): ; irnnol [;_ waml 11r+ Affiliation USDA - Natural Resources PNdNW#rk Completed: /L-f?- `� Address ( Signature fro.. E) Odor Control. Insect Control. Mortality Management and Emeraencv Action Plan (SD. SL 'WUP, RC or I) The waste management plan for this facility includes a Waste Management Odor Control Checklist, an Insect Control Checklist, a Mortality Management Checklist and an Emergency Action Plan. Sources of both odors and insects have been evaluated with respect to this site and Best Management Practices to Minimize Odors and Best Management Practices to Control insects have been selected and included in the waste management plan. Both the Mortality Management Plan and the Emergency Action Plan are complete and can be implemented by this facility. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): Samuel G. Warred, DC Affiliation USDA - Natural Resources Conservation &Ark Completed: 2 - 9- Address (Agency): 122 AG. Service Center, Elizabethtown, NC 28337phone No.: 910-862-6936 Signature: Qi•. P es_. tyt C - Date: 1 Z -! f-Q7 F) Written Notice of New or Expanding Smine Farm The following signature block is only to be used for new or expanding swine farms that begin construction after June 21, 1996. If the facility was built before June 21, 1996, when w2s it constructed or fast expanded, Gi r GG 14 6 6 . I (we) certify that I (we) have attempted to contact by certified mail all adjoining property owners and all property owners who own property located across a public road, street, or highway from this new or expanding swine farm. The notice was in compliance with the requirements of NCGS 106-805. A copy of the notice and a Iist of the property owners notified is attached. Name of Land Owner: Signature: Date: Name of Manager (if different from owner): Signature: Date: AWC -- August I, 1997. 3 loe 07 o3�4dza-44X -#/ 14 It ahvtfpm,-? 311 u 19" 43" r Animal Waste Management PIan Certification Please type or print all information that does not reauire a signature General Information: Name of Farm:N.�,� RN r- "a.y_-- *';L _ Facility No: DI_-- IS Owner(s) Name Mailing Addres. Farm Location: County Farm is Iocated in: a-�- Latitude and Longitude: ,� e u 1 V 33 0 Integrator: � � PIease attach a copy of a county road map with location identified and describe below (Be specific: road names, directions, milepost, etc.): 1/5 ] c,1 3�r- 1.�a ki ,7� +E Z"D t,a"02 rnt Operation Description: Type of.Si ine A?o. of Animals Type of Poultry No. of Animals Type of Cattle No. ofAnimals ❑ Wean to Feeder ❑ Laver ❑ Dairy $(Feeder to Finish 45 g ❑ Pullets 0 Beef d Farrow to Wean • Farrow to Feeder O Farrow to Finish Other Type of Litiesrock: Number ofAnifl:als. 7 Gilts 7 Boars Acreage Available for Application: S Required Acreage: C7 G Number of Lagoons I Storage Ponds: I Total Capacity: Cubic Feet (ft3) Are subsurfade drains present on the farm: YES or E) (please circle one) If YES: are subsurface drains present in the area of the LAGOON or SPRAY FIELD (please circle one) M**�cr,'ci.ki.iea'e{[is is si it is is icxai is ie.�i.�.$a'c�i��jc tt�i,. ak�ak ak k sa.M�e �!ct,�sjc ai.i ai ai ae ae�ak �e#ki,�ac �[�!e sk is se ai sc ai �c�, is jc ae,;c i�i�i. ica:e i,��,k of Owner / Manager Agreement I (we) verify that all the above information is correct and will be updated upon changing. I (we) understand the operation and maintenance procedures established in the approved animal waste management plan for the farm named above and will implement these procedures. I (we) know that any expansion to the existing design capacity of the waste treatment and storage system or construction of new facilities will require a new certification to be submitted to the Division of Environmental Manavement before the new animals are stocked. I (we) understand that there must be no discharge of animal waste from the storage or application system to surface waters of the state either directly through a man-made conveyance or from a storm event less severe than the 25-year, 24-hour storm and there must not be run-off from the application of animal waste. I (we) understand that run-off of pollutants from lounging and heavy use areas must be minimized using technical standards developed by the Natural Resources Conservation Service. The approved plan will be filed at the farm and at the office of the local Soil and Water Conservation District. I (we) lmow that any modification must be approved by a technical specialist and submitted to the Soil and Water Conservation District prior to implementation. A change in land ownership requires written notification to DEM or a new certification (if the approved plan is chanced) within 60 days of a title transfer. Name of Land Ovi er : '. e, d u x Signature: Date. Z- - Name of Manag if different from owner): Signature: Date: AWC -- August 1, 1997 1 r 07/21/97 VON 09:20 FAA 910 289 6405 XFF CONSTRUCTION [J 003 FARM NAME: DouRardeaux DATE: 07/21/97 # OF ANIMALS FINISHER (458 DONE BY: WGS NURSERY SOWS 0 % OF STORAGE VOL REQUIRED ACTUAL, REQUIRED" DEPTH TREATMENT = 51850 518301 l mocy 6 1 7.57 It STORM = I =5 13325 1 100.00% ] 1,03 vTEMPORARY — 27536 137891 50.11%J 1;19 TOTAL USEABLE VOL = 102591 68954 86.62% 9.80 DAYS OF TEMPORARY STORAGE; 90 DEPTH OF SLUDGE iF Tc'-% 'm " So" YA wr-S A u-u-rr Fw- q-eu Nzr yak. � scc.3-51 FOR 90 DAY STORAGE; HAVE 1.00 CU FT TREATMENT PER 11 /� A} LW �" • �iR t.CS y2-o v-c cQ -� o �C...� �, f S �wv,.+r. itio {r e-t tit yR.,i r r i2- - s�a�C �— r emu. c_._ w J ' vt" . 1 I n 7 W�l, .F•tAA,ti • f -�1, k..¢ ,�.p�,..1 dl�'•�• 6 k; �d, �t 4� --r.-+�7,-G ll�! , •,•-� d..�.�...• 44 ot ✓4�4.«+il ��5.[-dl ems. e-U-1 I !Mt P�� P ��p/I�a.►•V co-, ,L, 76 psi`_ L.• o • v a,rc, NOTE: THE ZTUAL VOLUMES DISPLAYED ON THiS SHEET ARE CALCULATED USING THE AREAS OF THE CONTOURS CREATED ON ONE FOOT INTERVALS. THE TOTAL VOLUME CALCULATED USING DCA = 8=1 -1; `1 c t U.-c_ COL cc.. 1 ��- 5 a.&JL- S i "-�. 1 CkA. -�& -vt,� --Y-' &0--� 4k"� f "+ 't III-r -- .0-c,- S. 'i— t 'G`" CA.,Z-v , Q Cm b - tq- JUL 21 '9 cry. �10:04 910 289 6405 PRGE.003 EMERGENCY ACTION -PLAN PHONE NUMBERS D?TQ 910-486-1541 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 911 SWCD 910-862-6936 NRCS '9 0-862-6936 This plan will be implemented in the event that wastes from your operation are leaking, overflowing, or running off site. You should not wait until wastes reach surface waters or leave your property to consider that you have a problem. You should make every effort to.ensure that this does not happen. This plan should be posted in an accessible location for all employees at the facility. The following are some action items you should take. 1. Stop the release of wastes. Depending on the situation, this may or may not be possible. Suggested responses to some possible problems are listed below. A. Lagoon overflow -possible solutions are: a. Add soil to berm to increase elevation of dam. b. Pump wastes to fields at an acceptable rate. C. Stop all flows to the lagoon immediately. d. Call a pumping contractor. e. Make sure no surface water is entering lagoon. B: Runoff from waste application field -actions include: a. Immediately stop waste application. b. Create a temporary diversion to contain waste. C. Incorporate waste to reduce runoff.- d. Evaluate and eliminate the reason(s) that caused the runoff. e. Evaluate the application rates for the fields ' where runoff occurred. C: Leakage from the waste pipes and sprinklers -action include: a. Stop recycle pump. b. Stop irrigation pump. C. Close valves to eliminate further discharge. C,?2 ir 2. 3: d. Repair all leaks prior to restarting pumps_ D: Leakage from flush systems, houses, solid separators -action include: a. Stop recycle pump. b. stop irrigation pump. c. Make sure no siphon occurs. d. stop all flows in the house, flush systems, or solid separators. e. Repair all leaks prior to restarting pumps. E: Leakage from base or sidewall of lagoon. often this is seepage as opposed to flowing leaks - possible action: a. Dig a small well or ditch to catch all seepage, put in a submersible pump, and pump back to lagoon. b. If holes are caused by burrowing animals, trap or remove animals and fill holes and compact with a clay type soil. c. Have a professional evaluate the condition of the side walls and lagoon bottom as soon as .possible. . Assess the extent of the spill and note any obvious damages. a. Did the waste reach any surface waters? b. Approximately how much was released and for what duration? C. Any damage noted, such as employee injury, fish kills, or property damage? d. Did the spill leave the property? e. Does the spill have the potential to reach surface waters? f. Could a future rain event cause the spill to reach surface waters? g. Are potable T,rater yells in danger (either on or off of the property) ? h. How nuch reached surface waters? Contact appropriate agencies. a. During normal business hours, call your DWQ (Division of Water Quality) regional office; Phone 910-486-1541• After hours, emergency number: 919- 733-3942. Your phone call should include: your name, facility, telephone number, the details of i the incident from item 2 'above, the exact location of the facility, the location or direction of movement of the spill, weather and wind conditions. The corrective measures that have been under taken, and the seriousness of the situation. b. if spill leaves property or enters surface waters, call local EMS Phone number .911-_ c. Instruct EMS to contact local Health Department. d. Contact CES, phone number 910-862--5591, local SkCD •. office phone number 910-862--6936, and local NRCS office for advice/technical assistance phone number .910-862--6936_ 4: If none of the above works call 911 or the Sheriff's Department and explain your problem to theta and ask that person to contact the proper agencies for you. 5: Contact the contractor of your choice to begin repair of problem to rsinimize off -site damage. a. b. C. Contractors Nave: Contractors Address: Contractors Phone: 6: Contact the technical specialist who certified the lagoon (NRC5, Consulting Engineer, etc.) a. Name: b. Phone: 7: Implement procedures as advised by DHQ and technical assistance agencies to rectify the damage, repair the system, and reassess the waste management plan to keep problems with release of wastes from happening again. Cl.udelnaa�lv.ordl.rn � �egl rn.[t. a.;t 12.99 a2� i1'Iortality Management NNlethods (che-lk which mcthod(s) are being implemented) D Burial three feet beneath the surface of the ?round within 24 hours after knowledac of the death. The burial must be at least 300 feet from any flowM2 stream or public body of water. - 5—Rende;ina at a rendering plant licensed undc: G.S. 106-168.7 Complete incineration ❑ In the case of dead poultry only, piacing in a disposal pit of a size and'design approved by the Department of AzricuIturc 1J Anv method which in the professional opinion of the State Veterinarian would make possible the salvage of part of a dead animal's value without endangering human or animal health. (Written approval of the State Veterinarian must be attached) Insect Control Checklist for Animal Operations wirce (:►►use 11lY11's to Conlr'ol luseets Sitc pecifit: 1'raclices Liquid Systems 1:1n::1► CCiulers AGCLIMUIt16011 orsows Blush system is designed and operated suflicicnlly to remove accnlunlatctl solids Prow gutlers as designed. Remove bridging ofaccunmlaled solids ;►t discharge l.�iguuns nn�l l'ils Crustet! Snlids l� Mainly►in lu�oans, SCIIIII►g h'JSI115 anll hll5 1vhC1'L' pest breeding is apparent to winintice Ilse crusling of solids to a depth of no snore than G - H incites over more lh;ul 30% of surface. �Execssive Vegctalivc • Decaying vegelalion Maintain vegetative control along hanks of i�lt�wtl► lagoons and other impoundments to prevent aceunullation or decaying vegetative matter atom; walces c{lge on impoundment's perinictcr. ,? -,� Swine Farm Waste Management Odor Control Checklist s0111•Ce Causc IINIPS to A1ininlicc Odin Site Specific I'1 acliccs FaIlllstead • Swine production C{ Vegetative or wooded bufli:rs; C7 Recommended best management practices; AGood judgment and common sense Animal body surfaces • Dirty manure -covered animals Cf pry floors Houl. sul ll-wes • Wet manure -covered floors -FF- Slotted floors; a,r L� l Waterers localcd over slotted floors; 5 Feeders at high end of solid floors; I 4 CI Scrape manure buildup from floors; 4 Haaure collection hits a Urine; • I'ardal microbial decomposition O Underfloor ventilation for drying Freelitent manure removal by flush, hit recharge, or scrape; Cl Underfloor ventilation Ventilation csbaust falls Volatile gases; IV to Cl Ian maintenance; Deist CI 13flicient air movement blduur surfaces • Dust Wastldown between groups ol'aninlals; f7 I'm] additives; 0 feeder cover's; Feed delivery downspout extenders to lecder covers I"lush lanky 0 Agilolioo of recycled lagoon Cl Flush tank covers; liquid while tanks are filling Cl Extend [ill lines to near bottom oftanks with anti -siphon vents 111101 allcys a Agitalion during wastewater ❑ Underfloor lInsh wilh underfloor ventilation Conveyance ]'it I,:ch,ut,e points • Agitation of recycled lagoon Cl Fxteod reclmrge lines to near bottom of Ails liquid while pits are filling with anti -siphon vents Lift stutiuna 0 Agitation ebbing sump tank Cl Sump trill: covers tilling and drawdown otlisillc drain collection • Agitation during wastewater Cl Box covers ur jllllction boxes conveyance ANIOC - !•luvenlher 11. 1996, 1'n9e 3 � 3� 4 Source Cause UMPS to Minimize Odor Site Specific Praclices End of drainpipes at Agitation during wastewater Extend discharge point of pipes uadernealli iagooli conveyance lagoon liquid Icvel I-alioun SurfaceS 9 Volatile gas emissions; proper lagoon liquid capacity; • Biological mixing; Correct lagoon startup procedures; • Agitation Minimom surface area-lo-volinne raUU; Minimum agitation when.pumping; ❑ Mechanical aeration; CI Proven biological additives In igatiun sprinkler a Ilil;h pressure agitation; 'ii inigale on r!ry days with little or uo wind; nuczles0 Wind drill Minhumn recommended operating pressure; Pump intake near lagoon liquid surface; Cl Pump from second -stage lagoon Sim -age tank or iEasin • Partial nticrubial decompusiiiu+i; 0 Ilnttncn of midlevel loading; snt("Ive • Mixing while filling; C1 'funk covers; 4 4 - Agitation when cniplying o f3asiii snrracc mats arsoiids; ❑ Proven biological additives or oxidants 5cilling hasiu surface a Partial mictubial decompositiun; CI lixtend drainpipe outlets umlcrnealli liquid 4 Mixing while filling; level; 1a Agitation when emplying ❑ Remove sellled solids regularly Mwmrc, slurry or sludge • Agitatiou wheii spreading; 0 Soil injection of slurry/shidgcs; spreader (utleis� . Volatile gas emissions ❑ Wash residual manure from spreader after use; n Proven biological additives or oxidants Uncovered nuttlure, Volatile gas emissions while ❑ Suil irijectiull ol'slurry/sludges slurry or Sludge on field drying ❑ Soil incorporalion ►vilhin 18 hrs.; sulhices 4P Cl Spread in Iliin unifiu•r►1 layers fur rapid drying; ❑ Proven biological additives or oxidants Dc;ul allinials • Carcass decomposition Proper disposition ol'curcasses Dc:ul animal dit pusul a Carcass decomposition g< Cum plele covering of carcasses in bnrlid pus; Ails ❑ Proper location/construction ol'disposal pits ill Citit; raII)Is • Incomplete cunibusiiun n Secondary slack bnl'nerS AN•ICIC - Plovcmhcr 11, 1996, rage 41 SOUJ'Ce Cause IIMI's to Minimize Odor Site Specific Practices Standing water around 41 Improper drainage; Grade and landscape such that water drains facilities Microbial decomposition of away from facilities organic matter Manure tracked milo • Poorly maintained access roads Farm access road maintenaticc public roads !Pout farm access Additional Informalion : Available from : Swine Manure Management ; 0200 Ruh:/DMP Packet NCSI1, County Extension Center Swine Prothiction Farm Potential Odor Sources and Remedies ; FBAE Fact Sltcet NCSI1 - IIAI? Swine PM(ILICtlUit Facility Maotire Management: Pit Recharge - Lagoon Treatment ; EBAE 128-88 NCSU - I I A E. Swine 1'roductinn Facility Manure Management: Underfloor Flush - Lagoon'rreatment ; EBAE 129-88 NCS0 - BAE Lagoon Design and Management for Livestock Manure Treatment and Storage ; EBAE 103-83 NCSI I - IIA H Calibration of Manure and Wastewater Application Equipmunt ; E13AL• Fad Slice[ NCSU - IIAE Controlling Odors from Swine Buildings ; PI11-33 NCStI - Swine Extension Environmental Assurance Program ; NIIPC Manual NC fork Producers Assoc Onions for Managing Odor ; a repnri from llic Swine Otlor Task Force NCSl1 Agri Con m mications Nuisance C micertis in Animal Mamire Management: Odors and Flies ; PRO107, 1995 Conference Proceedings Florida Cooperative FXICnsioll AAV )r; - November 11, 1996. 11;q;Q 5 237) 5 �'�/�'nf 1 5 `. \; `~� �� V Q r� / � `I-f 5•h�Ir I� �a� `'.\� 1 � ��IJ, jI, `� \ � 41 ,rr low cQ o 0 '• '��' ' i' 3 � r rQ ,_fit Jill is M ORKsmi aki toe '01 7 j! .410 Animal Waste Management Systems If you are trying to determine appropriate travel speed to deliver a known waste application depth, then use the following formula: Travel Speed (in/min) = 19.26 x Sprinkler Flow Rate (GPM) Lane Spacing (ft) x Application Depth (in) • To ensure the accuracy of the calculation, mea- surement of the actual application amounts should be made occasionally. This can be accom- plished with the use of rain gauges or simply measuring the depth of wastewater caught in pans or buckets placed in the irrigation field. You should take several measurements at various areas, during irrigation and use an average to determine the irrigation depth. NOTE: This table assumes the gun is turning full circle. If the gun is operating at part circle, then the travel speed should be increased accordingly to provide the planned application rate. Describe calibration procedures for traveling guns. System Calibration Information presented in manufacturer's charts are based on average operating conditions with relatively new equipment. Discharge rates and application rates change over time as equipment gets older and components wear. In particular, pump wear tends to reduce operating pressure and flow. With continued use, nozzle wear results in an increase in the nozzle opening which will increase the discharge rate while decreasing the wetted diameter. You should be aware that operating the system differently than assumed in the design will alter the application rate, diameter of coverage, and subsequently the application uniformity. For example, operating the system with excessive pressure results in smaller droplets, greater potential for drift, and accelerates wear of the sprinkler nozzle. Clogging of nozzles can result in pressure increase. Plugged intakes or crystallization of mainlines will reduce operating pressure. Operating below design pressure greatly reduces the coverage diameter and application uniformity. For the above reasons, you should calibrate your equipment on a regular basis to ensure proper application rates and uniformity. Calibration at least once every three years is recommended. Calibration involves collecting and measuring flow at several 8% North Carolina State University IL Chapter 5: Proper Applications of Swine Waste locations in the application area. Any number of containers can be used to collect flow and determine the application rate. Rain gauges work best because they already have a graduated scale from which to read the application amount without having to perform additional calculations. However, pans, plastic buckets, jars, or anything with a uniform opening and cross-section can be used provided the liquid collected can be easily transferred to a scaled container for measuring. For stationary sprinklers, collection containers should be located randomly throughout the application area at several distances from sprinklers. For traveling guns, sprinklers should be located along a transect perpendicular to the direction -of pull. Set out collection containers 25 feet apart along the transect on both sides of the gun cart. You should compute the average application rate for all collection containers. You should also look for evidence of nonuniformity of the application. On a windless day, variation between containers of more than 30 percent is cause for concern. You should contact your irrigation dealer or technical specialist for assistance. �1!4" 41 lit. V all 1 ! � � ®: TSLFIIWi Milli,!§3' t?� ., ' Ff G )f ty F.. iDSate44 1, I 11110-O"U,ftii ............. M`E 9E 5� ..........• .. . M It .. . . .. .. ... . ..... t�y WLgu j5� ��-,,01416116 01 iMLV�l 05120/99g.�4 MO 16 M: 'Routine 06/24/99 "Division of Water Quality - a on. T, g6ncy, 05108/98 DiVi6ibn bf, L II Division of Soil and Water Routine N i 1: "iT 111w] c h "U16d "0541419WE 014 1 tiWAtid Ut, J Division of Water Quality Routine Facility Number 9 115 Date of Inspection 5I20/99 Time of Inspection 9:00 24 hr. (hh:mm) © Permitted ®Certified ©Conditionally Certified E3 Registered r[3 Not O erational Date Last Operated: -------------------------- Farm Name: A.o►MB.axcl9AtrX.EX:ton.AX...............................-....---...-------............. County: BlAdr,11 ............................................... F.R.0 ........ OwnerName: D?Qtg........................................ 0.QrdgAU& ........................................ FacilityContact: .............................................................................. Title: ---....-------- Mailing Address: 9B.S7�el��T�SlAt1�.�blU1C��_�c�.................................................. Onsite Representative: I}stagAxdcamx .................... ................. Phone No: $Q,.2:Q4 ................ Phone No: DADgthkown.XC............................................. M3.7.... Integrator: Hmxyby..k al Hy..Faxm .............. Certified Operator: MmWas A. ........................... garde -a y.........._............ ......... Operator Certification Number:17945 ....... ......... Location of Farm: ............................. ............ ........ ........... ...... .......... ................... ........................................ ........................... ................. ..... ....... ............. ............... ........ I ................. ..........� 4.�rn�i..aoxlth.af. lizatb� xsrnut.n�t .7.� _tn S e t.klQnn�..Clauc�Dx.�o�ds. ��n, .amt�.farx#aaa. t.a�R�ox�.1(4.�truifr.................... Latitude ®• ®� ®�� Lon ;itudc 78 • 33 ®" w Design Carrent Design Current_ Design Current Swine a 'aet - aPapulation 'Poultry - Ca acity .-Po' Wation.._.. Cattle ., Caacx .-`Po elation W= ❑ Layer a: ❑ Dairy ❑ Non -Layer ❑ Non -Dairy -. w ❑ Other •: HE 7 -, Total Design CapaCtty 458 - � W: TotaC SSLW - 61,830 ww . ,o _ �...--Nnrnber,of=L_ . ooius 1 ❑ Subsurface Drains Present Lagoon Area ❑ Spray Field Area Holrhng_Ponds I Sohd_Trapsa _ W ❑ No Liquid Waste Management System x — Wean to Feeder ® Feeder to Finish 458 ❑ Farrow to Wean ❑ Farrow to Feeder ❑ Farrow to Finish ❑ Gilts Boars Dischar es & 5tream Impacts 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? Discharge originated at: ❑ Lagoon ❑ Spray Field ❑ Other a. If discharge is observed, was the conveyance man-made? b. If discharge is observed, did it reach Water of the State? (If yes, notify DWQ) c. If discharge is observed, what is the estimated flow in gal/min? d. Does discharge bypass a lagoon system? (If yes, notify DWQ) 2. Is there evidence of past discharge from any part of the operation? 3. Were there any adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to the Waters of the State other than from a discharge? Waste Collection & Treatment 4. Is storage capacity (freeboard plus storm storage) less than adequate? ❑ Spillway Structure 1 Structure 2 Structure 3 Structure 4 Structure 5 ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No Structure 6 Identifier: Freeboard (inches):4,. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed? (ie/ trees, severe erosion, ❑ Yes ® No seepage, etc.) 3/23199 Continued on back Printed on 2/14/2000 Facility Number: 9-115 hate of Inspection 6. Are there structures on -site which are not properly addressed and/or managed thruugh a waste management or closure plan? (If any of questions 4-6 was answered yes, and the situation poses an immediate public health or environmental threat, notify DWQ) 7. Do any of the structures need maintenancelimprovement? • 8. Does any part of the waste management system other than waste structures require maintenance/improvement? 9. Do any stuctures lack adequate, gauged markers with required maximum and minimum liquid level elevation markings? Waste Application 10. Are there any buffers that need maintenance/improvement? 11. Is there evidence of over application? ❑ Excessive Ponding ❑ PAN 12- Crop type Bermuda Pasture Rye �/20/99 ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No 13. Do the receiving crops differ with those designated in the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP)? ❑ Yes ® No 14, a) Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application? ❑ Yes ® No b) Does the facility need a wettable acre determination? ❑ Yes N No c) This facility is pended for a wettable acre determination? N Yes ❑ No 15. Does the receiving crop need improvement? 16. Is there a lack of adequate waste application equipment? Required Records & Documents 17. Fail to have Certificate of Coverage & General Permit readily available? 18. Does the facility fail to have all components of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan readily available? (ie/ WUP, checklists, design, maps, etc.) 19. Does record keeping need improvement? (ie/ irrigation, freeboard, waste analysis & soil sample reports) 20. Is facility not in compliance with any applicable setback criteria in effect at the time of design? 21, Did the facility fail to have a actively certified operator in charge? 22. Fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by General Permit? (iel discharge, freeboard problems, over application) 23. Did Reviewer/Inspector fail to discuss review/inspection with on -site representative? 24. Does facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? 25. Were any additional problems noted which cause noncompliance of the Certified AWMP? NO-viola(igns;or ftrid rtcies were jn9tr l• dung . is:visit;• You will -receive iiti further Corres oncienke. about this visit. 14c. Farm has applied for cost -share on a solid set irrigation system. ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No [-]Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No ❑ Yes N No Reviewer/Inspector Name - P Attdree Oxendenem _— �' Reviewer/Inspector Signature: Date: a on 2/14 )0 Facility Number: 9-11S Date of Inspection 1 5/20/" Odor Issues 26. Does the discharge pipe from the confinement building to the storage pond or lagoon fail to discharge at/or below ❑ Yes ❑ No liquid level of lagoon or storage pond with no agitation? 27. Are there any dead animals not disposed of properly within 24 hours? ❑ Yes ❑ No - 28. Is there any evidence of wind drift during land application? (i.e. residue on neighboring vegetation, asphalt. ❑ Yes ❑ No roads, building structure, and/or public property) 29. Is the land application spray system intake not located near the liquid surface of the lagoon? ❑ Yes ❑ No 30. Were any major maintenance problems with the ventilation fan(s) noted? (i.e. broken fan belts, missing or or broken fan blade(s), inoperable shutters, etc.) ❑ Yes ❑ No 31. Do the animals feed storage bins fail to have appropriate cover? ❑ Yes ❑ No 32. Do the flush tanks lack a submerged fill pipe or a permanent/temporary cover? ❑ Yes ❑ No Additionak'Comments7andto Ss Y Printed on 2/14/2000 Facility Number 09 115 Date of Inspection 6-24-99 Time of Inspection 13:00 24 hr. (hh:mm) E3 Permitted ® Certified E3 Conditionally Certified [3 Registered 0 Not O rational Date Last Operated; ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-.-„- Faun Name: Rou&Barxleaux.Ea[ut.#1......................................................................... County: 81adul ............................................... ER-0 ............. OwnerName: Aaug........................................ Rundeatus................................................... Phone No: 862r2.042.................................................................... FacilityContact: .............................................................................. Title:................................................................ Phone No:................................................... Mailing Address: 9�.Skt'.C�t.�iaA11.0..�6RlxAl.�d........................................................... EUabg.thtQ.wjm..XC ............................................. 283.37-.............. Onsite Representative: D)aAgludcaux......................................................................... Integrator: llatlll'RbIX..�a111A1Y..�a1tAtAS..................................... Certified Operator:ljaAglaS..FA............................ Bordeaux........................................ Operator Certification Number:17,9.4$............................. Location of Farm: Latitude ®• 38 ®« Longitude 78 • 33 0o _ 2 Desrgn Current Desrgn Current - Design Current , wine --- '— -Ca acr _�Po ulation ' Poultry Ca acrty=Po Mahon wCattle y__= ,„Ca acity =Po ulation - ❑ Layer '`'-.' ❑Dairy ❑ Non -Layer N'. ❑ Non -Dairy - - , ❑ Other Total Destgn`Capactty = 458 Gilts Discharges & Stream Impacts 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? Discharge originated at: ❑ Lagoon [I Spray Field ❑ Other a. If discharge is observed, was the conveyance man-made? b. If discharge is observed, did it reach Water of the State? (If yes, notify DWQ) c. If discharge is observed, what is the estimated flow in gal/min? d. Does discharge bypass a lagoon system? (If yes, notify DWQ) 2. Is there evidence of past discharge from any part of the operation? 3. Were there any adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to the Waters of the State other than from a discharge? Waste Collection & Treatment 4. Is storage capacity (freeboard plus storm storage) less than adequate? [I Spillway Structure 1 Structure 2 Structure 3 Structure 4 Structure 5 Identifier: Freeboard(inches)...............24....................................................................................................................................................... 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed? (ie/ trees, severe erosion, seepage, etc.) 3/23/99 ❑ Yes ®No ❑ Yes ®No ❑ Yes ®No n/a ❑ Yes No ❑ Yes No ❑ Yes No ❑ Yes ®No Structure 6 ❑ Yes ®No Continued on back Printed on 2/14/2000 Facilitv.Number: 09-1 U; Date Elf Inspection 6. Are there structures on -site which are not properly addressed and/or managed through a .waste management or closure plan? (If any of questions 4-6 was answered yes, and the situation poses an immediate public health or environmental threat, notify DWQ) 7. Do any of the structures need maintenancelimprovement? 8. Does any part of the waste management system other than waste structures require maintenance/improvement? 9. Do any stuctures lack adequate, gauged markers with required maximum and minimum liquid level elevation markings? Waste Application I0. Are there any buffers that need maintenance/improvement? 11. Is there evidence of over application? ❑ Excessive Ponding ❑ PAN I2. Crop type Coastal Bermuda (Graze) Small Grain Overseed 6-24-99 ❑ Yes IN No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No 13. Do the receiving crops differ with those designated in the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP)? ❑ Yes ®No 14. a) Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application? ❑ Yes ® No b) Does the facility need a wettable acre determination? ❑ Yes ® No c) This facility is pended for a wettable acre determination? ❑ Yes ® No 15. Does the receiving crop need improvement? 16. Is there a lack of adequate waste application equipment? Required Records & Documents 17. Fail to have Certificate of Coverage & General Permit readily available? 18. Does the facility fail to have all components of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan readily available? (ie/ WUP, checklists, design, maps, etc.) 19. Does record keeping need improvement? (ie/ irrigation, freeboard, waste analysis & soil sample reports) 20. Is facility not in compliance with any applicable setback criteria in effect at the time of design? 21. Did the facility fail to have a actively certified operator in charge? 22. Fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by General Permit? (ie/ discharge, freeboard problems, over application) 23. Did Reviewer/Inspector fail to discuss review/inspection with on -site representative? 24. Does facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? 25. Were any additional problems noted which cause noncompliance of the Certified AWMP? Reviewer/Inspector Name John Halt iX' j 5 ^-- y Reviewer/Inspector Signature: Date: ❑ Yes IN No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No on Facility Number: Date of Inspection 5-24-99 Odor Issues 26. Does the discharge pipe from the confinement building to the storage pond or lagoon fail to discharge at/or below ® Yes [] No liquid level of lagoon or storage pond with no agitation? - 27. Are there any dead animals not disposed of properly within 24 hours? ❑ Yes N No • 28. Is there any evidence of wind drift during land application? (i.e. residue on neighboring vegetation, asphalt, ❑ Yes N No roads, building structure, and/or public property) 29. Is the land application spray systent intake not located near the liquid surface of the lagoon? El Yes N No 30. Were any major maintenance problems with the ventilation fan(s) noted? (i.e. broken fan belts, missing or or broken fan blade(s), inoperable shutters, etc.) ❑ Yes N No 31. Do the animals feed storage bins fail to have appropriate cover? ❑ Yes N No 32. Do the flush tanks lack a submerged fill pipe or a permanenUtemporary cover? ® Yes ❑ No Printed on 2/14/2000 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director DOUG BORDEAUX DOUG BORDEAUX FARM #1 98 SWEET HOME CHURCH RD ELIZABETHTOWN NC 28337 Dear Doug Bordeaux: 10F.W 1 0 NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES REFCEI February 18, 2000 W,�� 01J41 y! p si='n01V t4QR 0 6 2000 Subject: Application No_ AWS090115 Additional Information Request Doug Rordeauy Farm 01 Animal Waste Operation Bladen County The Non -Discharge Permitting Unit has completed a preliminary engineering review of the subject application. Additional information is required before we can continue our review. Please address the following by March 19, 2000: Operation and Maintenance Plan for your lagoons is missing and should be submitted with the permit package. 2. Please provide a clearer map that identifies (outlines or highlights) and shows the acreage for each field to be used for waste application. The map provided in this package was for the Farm # 2. Please note that all WUP revisions must be signed and dated by both the owner and the technical specialist. Please reference the subject permit application number when providing the requested information. All information should be signed, sealed, and submitted in duplicate to my attention at the address below. The information requested by this letter must be submitted on or before March 19, 2000 or the Division will return your application as incomplete in accordance with 15A N.C.A.C. 2H .0200 and your facility will be considered to be operating without a permit. Please be advised that operation of the subject animal waste management system without a valid permit is a violation of Norm Carolina General Statute i43-215.1 and will subject you to the enforcer�iceit authority of the Envlronrnentai Management Commission. If you have any questions regarding this request, please call me at (919) 733-5083, extension 363. Sincerely, 7R .Yoshi Soil Scie tist Non -Di charge Permitting Unit cc: Fayetteville Regional Office, Water Quality Permit File 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-715-6048 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper F. N k ►M�3 �fS �, 31 �' f »Jsr • Y J. `11 �3� 9 �'j,iF f _ �� � � � 5 -,� � YrF ,f-0 •"r.'�5� �f. ' R.IM IN f� ¢ f e ir't'..y h. r Sf l'sM nn: #41 f E+ AL r",yrF' »! • 1 �f }jig MIT .1 i � c i�2�y7i�Pf T 4W I f 1 L�f s y } i P i e r � % S"3 ff � �•n' t A W.in QT7t 5 Lfyi',��Sr"z t* s E L it yf -A�S >> �e,s � s������r��,� tq'�$ � i /.h°��„ ��f•�si�`�+'s� {�x�r` f fix. Y , '�'..y...s t �f ` f x R■ n 4 IRS �2 hf.^- e. i° .t,+,r s '"°.' i '°' - .er 0.0 `4,- '� 2''.-.s `_ a�'l' s..•: �, as. fit a s ylE� 1/��« :. fi Z7 R"ry�a f, `'3s .�,�•" � ,►4�s> ri'yvi '� �i .: h�i� ��. �.'.�'�kf=�� �r1 � :e �L F< ° tA{`.?y�` § "'h £4R f1R :.' ..}jar i�ay''s$•Cy'# �W'�/l��,� -01 -7v. a�s +' a � �'•' ,� r';ei� .� �' :•�: r... .. . .. '_�e�.'ft, r.�;; a . ..-, .. �I�i.Sli' '�:t��.y. _ _ ` k U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SCS CPA s SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE Yy rAb��r CONSERVATION PLAN.MAP y Owner Operator County Skate �D'ate '" Approximate acres Approximate scale i �T �� I ` ° ` s' 5} �� Cooperating with ^ QR?,, _ ,, ,.._ Conservation District, ±� y Plan identification 1 rff ep, _' _ Photo number I e—8 1# .34 Y S USDA oli',Coaservation'Setvice' ' , 4 Assisted by , �-I, �. .,. S it7y A.'�y?Z,fi nG t { n i✓ R. •6J it Y^ '��f X. �•yyy� 91{0`9 �i� �1E':'^,''`ee�1LN7K.'� Rx,±^9('r if7K ki, -.:Yf '� R t < d, t .'Y M �,iia•ry'�.:,,.y '�'`sd� :F�"'r¢.' t aS`#yk; ,"Xt'+•t t.v.-.E✓sS �i�r[k46! .t.-iC-i��.�' ,b(7` s:�;,i;k" * Y,_f :�k.,s:,:,G;it u,i, t'y"�•'�FV5. §, r9da:fi .:syad•': J�-.rszsu:fiY irrigated Acreage Determination Procedures for Wastewater Application Equipment Hard Hose Traveling Gun System FIELD DATA WORKSHEET* 1. Make and model number _S_ 2. Hose length 10 0 v [feet] and hose inside diameter (ID) :3.0 [inch] 3. Gun make and model number 1je,fsen jsD 4. Gun nozzle size 1.09 [inch], X ring orifice, taper bore orifice S. Gun arc angle 330 [degrees] 6. Travel lane spacing [feet]_ Indicate whether uniform or ___DSI random. Number of exterior hydrants 3 Number of interior hydrants 7. Gun wetted diameter ao [feet]. measured or _,$ based on gun chart. 8. Gun pressure ]g 0 [psi] observed at working gauge, determined from gun charts, calculated (show calculations) **9. Operating pressure at hose reel I o [psi]. K observed at working gauge or provided by owner. **10. Supply line size 4 [inch] (from pump to last hydrant) **11. Supply fine length 2 0 feet (maximum pumping distance) **12. Supply line type PVC or aluminum **13. Pump make and model number **14. Pump capacity [gpin] **15. Engine make and model number &Ago L�GW\. or **16. Electric motor horsepower and rprn [hp] [rpm] Note; It is strongly recommended that you field determine wetted diameter and operating pressure at the reel and gun. * Locate each hydrant on a copy of the map. Indicate the start and stop of the sprinkler cart for each travel lane and show the distance traveled. Show the location of the supply line. Irrigated acres are determined by the travel lane. ** Optional data, furnish where possible. *** Information furnished by and/or igna of oAmer or facility representative PfintoKame of of-.ner or facility representative Signature of technical specialist Printed name of technical specialist Date, ,Z ,Z ?- 0 0 Date *** Only the person or people collecting the data should sign the Field Data Worksheet. 8 (Multiple worksheets may be needed) IRRIGATION SYSTEM Hard Hose aveling Gun System COMPUTATIONAL WORKSHEET 1. Farm number (identification) _ j4-f Field number (identification) - � �1 3 2. Irrigation system designation Existing irrigation system New/expanded irrigation system 3. Number of travel lanes # Interior lanes I # Exterior lanes feet] Length of pull(Ll) #Interior lanes #Exterior lanes [feet] Length of pull(L2) # Interior lanes # Exterior lanes [feet] Length of pull(B) 4. Wetted diameter '&00 [feet] from Field Data -Worksheet 5. Spacing r o Hydrant spacing [feet] ^ 7v [as a percentage of wetted diameter] 6. Hydrant layout Multiple hydrants Single hydrant _ Excessively spaced hydrants 7. Read the irrigated area per travel pull for the given wetted diameter from the appropriate table and column based on pattern, spacing and travel lane Iocation. Travel lane length ( Interior or __& Exterior (lane/hydrant) o, b 6 (a) Acres start end of pull from Tablefqbi Column j•37_ (b) Acres middle portion of pull (M) (full length �0 [feet] X Wetted width 3 Uo [feet]) / 43,560 1- 3o J X 1-ra t (c) Acres stop end of pull from Table Column _� Total acres for travel lane length (LI) (Sum: a + b + c) ''- Travel lane Iength () Interior or _X Exterior (lane/hydrant) 0-41, (a) Acres start end of pull from Table Column O. 47 (b) Acres middle portion of pull (L2) (Pull length -DO [feet] X Wetted width .300 [feet]) / 43,560 D (c) Acres stop end of pull from Table Column - • 3- Total acres for travel lane length (L2) (Sum: a + b + c) Travel lane length (L) Interior or Exterior (lane/hydrant) (a) Acres start end of pull from Table Column .2. (b) Acres middle portion of pull (L3) (Pull length _70n [feet] X Wetted width :1B0 ffeet)) / 43,560 - 30D K 2,0p � " (c) Acres stop end of pull from Table Column '� 1_ Total acres for travel lane length (13) (Sum: a + b + c) 8. Multiply the tabulated irrigated acreage value per travel pull by the number of pulls of each category in the field. Add all of these, and this is the total irrigated acreage for the field. (a) Acres per travel lane length (Ll) X # Lanes = Acres (b) Acres per travel lane length (L2) X # Lanes . = Acres (c) Acres per travel lane length (L3) X # Lanes = Acres z ;'��' `�i . P Total CAWMP wettable acres for field (Sum: Sa + 8b + 8c} '-'ett le r�erriDutational Worksheet Completed by: 44 Date: Signature of technical specialist OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN This lagoon is designed for waste treatment (permanent storage) with ' minimum odor control. The time required for the planned fluid level to be reached (permanent + temporary storage) may vary due to flushing operations and the amount -of fresh water to be added to the system. The designed 6 months temporary storage is an estimated volume based on : 1) waste from animals; 2) excess rainfall after evaporation; and 3) the largest 24 hour (one day) rainfall that occurs on the average of once every 25 years. The volume of waste generated from a given number of animals will be fairly constant throughout the year and from year to year. This estimate is based on 7 inches of excess rainfall which is equal to or exceeds the highest 6 months excess in a year. The average annual excess rainfall is approximately 8 inches. Therefore, an average of 8 inches of excess rainfall will need to be pumped each year. The 25 year rainfall will not be a factor to consider in an annual pumping cycle, but this storage volume must always be available. A maximum elevation is determined in each design to begin pumping and this is usually the outlet invert of pipe(s) from building(s). If the outlet pipe is not installed on the elevation to begin pumping, a permanent marker must be installed on this elevation to indicate when pumping should begin. An elevation must be established to stop pumping to maintain minimum treatment depth (6 feet). Pumping can be started or stopped any time between these two elevations for operating convenience as site conditions permit (weather, soils, crop, and equipment to apply waste without runoff or leaching). Land application of waste water is recognized as an acceptable method of disposal. Methods of application include solid set, center pivot, guns, and traveling gun irrigation. Care'should be taken when applying waste to prevent runoff from the field or damage to crops. The following items are to be carried out: 1. It is strongly recommended tha the treatment lagoon be pre - charged to 1/2 its capacity to prevent excessive odors during start-up. Pre -charging reduces the concentration of the initial waste entering the lagoon thereby reducing odors. Solids should be covered with effluent at all times. When pre - charging is completed, flush buildings with recycled lagoon liquid. Fresh water should not be used for flushing after initial filling. 2. The attached waste utilization plan shall be followed. This plan recommends sampling -and testing of waste (see Attachment B) before land application. R 3. Begin pump -out of the lagoon when fluid level reaches eleva- tion L41.5 as marked by permanent markers. Stop pump -out when the fluid level reaches elevation LILi. 17 or before fluid depth is less than 6 feet deep (this prevents the loss of favorable bacteria). The design temporary storage, less 25 year storm is 45. 5)5 cubic feet or 3qo, 9 o ! gallons. As. stated before, this volume will vary considerably from year to year. 4. The recommended maximum amount to apply per irrigation is one (1) inch and the recommended maximum application rate is 0.3 inches per hour. 5. Keep vegetation on embankment and areas adjacent to the lagoon mowed annually. Vegetation should be fertilized as needed to maintain a vigorous stand. 6. Repair any eroded areas or areas damaged by rodents and establish in vegetation. 7. All surface runoff is to be diverted from the lagoon to stable outlets. 8. -Keep a minimum of 25 feetof grass vegetated buffer around waste utilization f ields adjacent to perennial streams. Waste will not be applied in open ditches. Do not pump within 200 feet of a residence or within 100 feet of a well. 9. The Clean Water Act of 1977 prohibits the discharge of pollutants into waters of the United States. The Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Environ- mental Management, has the responsibility for enforcing this law. 0 • �` S • - '' - � r G, .- � _ �;� .riril� _ � � � r ii _� � R _ � � x� . .- � 4 'S ��f 1 I V _ M� Ar ! 1 i' °��� f