HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181281 Ver 1_Certification of Completion_20190329ROY COOPER Gmnna MICHAEL 5. REGAN s.k.na., LINOA CULPEPPER InMnm IArnra NORIH ���a40�INA EnvtronTenrol QuoNry NCDWR Project No.: ZUI$ �Z$� Couniv: .�`'U-� na�Ovf� Applicant: _1.0.�'�l, ��(.�- �17� � �{ �i�MLi4%1 - _ _ --- Mi - ---- - Project Name: �1 i'�$�"V �2�M�- 0 Dale of Issuancc of 101 Water Quality Certification: lo � �2 �Z��B' Certificate of Completion Upon completion of all work approved within the J01 N"ater Qualit}� Cenitica�ion ur applicable Bufter Rules, and am� subsequent modifications. the applicant is required w return this ceniticate to the J01 Transponation Pennittin@ Unit, Nonh Carolina Di�ision of Water Rewurces. 1617 Mail Service Cenier. Raleigh. NC. ?7699-1617. This (onn may be remrned [o NCDWR by the applicant. �he applicani's awhorind agem. or the proiect engineer. It is nm necessan to xnd certifica�es f'rom all o(�hese. .4pplicun�'c Certificaiian I, �o�{�'�Hr4. �CG�C , hereby state tha�, to the besi of my abilities. due care and diligence was used in the observation of the constructiun such that ihe conswction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and incem of the 401 Water Qualitg Certification and Buffer Roles. the approved plans and specifications. oth � r upporting mai •� als. Signaturc: --- -__. ._. _----- —. _. . _ Date .. 3 f �� f �.9 __.......----- :4gen�'s Ceriifrcarion I, ,_. hereb�� stace that. to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence __ was used m the observation of �he construction such tha� the construction was ubserved to t�e built w-ithin subs�amial compliance and intent of the 40I Water Quality Certitication and Buller Rules. the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting ma[erials. Signamre: _. _. __ _ . Date: EnRinetrY fertifrcarinn Panial Final �, _ , as a duly registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, havine been authorized to observe Iperiudically. weekl}�. full time) the consnunion of the prolect for the Pertnittee hereb}� s�ate that, to the best of im abilities, due care and diligence was used in �he ubserva�ion of'Ihe construction such that the construction was observed ro be built within suhstantial compliance and intent of Ihe 401 Warer Quality Certification and BulTer Rules. �he approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature _ _ ______ Registration No_ Date - ----__. __._-----____ D_EQ�% _._ ...... _._. _ .� � I�L�C�I�uVi(�n II� MAR `l 9 20;a lJ Nonh Ca�oi�na Depanment o� Environmentai Uuaiity Dmsion o� Water Resources DENR • WATER RESOURCES 512 North SaliSbury Street �;. 1617 Mad Sernce Ce�Ie� I Raleigh. Nonh CarOima 27699461�RANSPORTATION PERMI7TING UNIT 919707.9000