HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190378 Ver 1_17-05-0042NoEligibleProps_20190327Project Tracking No. (Inteinal Use� 17-OS-0042 ;�,�, ♦'�il� - R J� » � E � .� w " �� HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES NO HISTORIC PROPERTIES PRESENT OR AFFECTED FORM This form only pertains to Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project. It is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: County: Rowan WBS No.: 17BP.9.R.81 Document MCC Ty e: Fed. Aid No: N/A Funding: � State ❑ Federal Federal � Yes ❑ No Permit USACE Permit s : Ty e(s : Proiect Description: Replace Bridge No. 170 on SR 2300 (N. Main Street) over Cain Creek. SUMMARY OF HISTORIC ARCHICTECTURE AND LANDSCAPES REVIEW � There are no National Register-listed or Study Listed properties within the project's area of potential effects. � There are no properties less than fifty years old which are considered to meet Criteria Consideration G within the project's area of potential effects. ❑ There are no properties within the project's area of potential effects. � There are properties over fifty years old within the area of potential effects, but they do not meet the criteria for listing on the National Register. � There are no historic properties present or affected by this project. (Attach any notes or documents as needed.) Date of field visit: June 5, 2017 Description of review activities, results, and conclusions: Review of HPO quad maps, HPO GIS information, historic designations roster, and indexes was undertaken on May 22, 2017. Based on this review, there is a stone house built c. 1950 immediately south of the bridge. A survey was required to assess the structure and the property was visited on June 5, 2017. During the site visit, it was observed that there are two one-story stone-faced houses on the parcel. Although the tax records give a date of construction of 1950, they appear to be one earlier 20th century bungalow that was altered with a partially new stone fa�ade. The house closest to the street displays two different stone courses suggesting this alteration. The second house, set back from the road, appears to be c. 1950. The houses are unremarkable and are not a distinct example of the type; both are not eligible for National Register listing. Bridge No. 170, built 1951, is not eligible for NR listing. There are no National Register listed or eligible properties within the APE. Hlstorlc Architeclure and I,andscapes NO HlSTORIC PROPERTIES PRESENT OR AFFECTF.D form jorMi�ar Transporiation Projec/s as Qualified in lhe 2007 Programmatic Agreemenl. Page 1 of 5 SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION Map(s) ❑Previous Survey Info. ❑Photos ❑Correspondence ❑Design Plans FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN Historic Architecture and Landscapes�— NO HISTORIC PROPERTIES PRESENT OF AFFECTED �/�j���� NCDOT Architectural Historian Date Hismric'Archrlec(ure and Landscapes NO HISTORIC PROPERTIES PRESENT OR AFFECTF.D for�n fa• MinorTransportation Projects as Qualified in !he 200� Programmatic Agreement. Page 2 of 5 , . _. �;'`�� r "f ��� � J� .\��o� 'y��rJ ,�g. ``'�, r,:;+ ._ I.I�< ��� i��`.' 11 ,o '<'.,�i. ";� c':� .. e`�. ::,�`' ,,�,�, s„r,,�� , s��s� ; At Keplcy Parrn Qualily Ct�fe Devel��prncnt�al � '� l;rJ, ,i � tJk� /?d � �:ik�rietv fir 1 (�OfrlCfStO11C� �ilUfCll (.Illi[i .. ,� I ICSh� . l,, I . +__ . /� ' '/t.. �,7G u,� �'�a�„r � Lr �Canaan Baptist ChurCh i5�1 I�n-- �5�} ',' I � Kern; Si Project Location. �� z ��Q� N y °�. c N G�m `� � � O D a ro �G: . ���Fr �fi:�l �II O U � � � t ��� .c � ,i Dollar General0 Safe H Rova[�n Ch�i;tian� ��,:ri .:, ,, Rapti;t Ct ASsembly �ount,�i�i i i,i,;, €i� Slice of Heavc:n ��� Pizza & 4Vmgs ' Hi.rtoric Airhitechu•e und /.andscapes NO H!S"!'OIUC PROPIsR71ES PRIiSL'NT OR A!'FGC�/:l� form jor Minoi• �rnnspa7aiion Projecls ns O��uliJie�! rn d�e 2007 Prograum�alic Agreemenl. Page 3 of 5 � j N���/j . Gr His7a ic Archr(ecl:n e and /.a��dscape.r NO H/STORIC PRONERT/L%S PRL'SGNT OIZ AFFGC"!'liD jo� m Ja• h4fnor Transpoi4ation Y�'ojecis ns O+rnlified i�� !he 2007 P�•ogr�a�nma�ic Agi•eeniei�l. Page 4 of 5 State Historic Yreservation Officc GIS. ���u�e 2. �:. l ����. Ilfs[oi'ic Arclutecliu•e mul Lm�dera��cs NO HlS1Y)lilC' NRON/sKll1;S` PR1iSl;NT 012 A/�1�7iC[Zl� /brm jbrlYlnior TranspaTnlion l'rojecls ns Oua/fJie�l !n Ihe ?007 Pragrmmnnlic Agreemenl. Page 5 of 5 I���a����� 1, LiAff�r�nt stone coursin�s are evident.