HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171597 Ver 2_Chatham-Lee 19 over Deep River_20190326e969 e�z� FILED LEE C�UNTY MOLLIE A. MCINNIS REGI$TER pF DEEpS FILED Apr29,20D5 AT 12:02:38 pm BOOK 00969 START PAGE 0727 BK009G9 PG:0727 END PAGE 0733 INSTRUMENT # 04006 SfATE OF NOR'f8 CAROLINA CHATHAM AND LEE COUNT[ES Prepared by and return W: William.P. Aycock, [l, Esqoire P. O. Box 21847, Grcenaboro, NC 27420 CONSERVATION EASEMENT THIS CONSERVA'I70N EASEMLPIT DEED, made �is � day of r.' � 2005, 6y and betwcen MICHAEL R ALLEN aad spouse, PATRICIA R ALL�Grentor, and RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LI.C, a Nar16 Carolias limitcd li�bqity comp�ny, Grantec, whose mailing address is 1101 Haynes Strcet, Suite 107, Raleigh, NoNh Cerolim, 27604, The desig�ations C.rentor and Grantee as uaed hw�ein shel] include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assig�s, and ahall include singuler, plurel, mesculine, feminine, or neuter as required by wntext. VI'�'['NESSETIi: WHEREAS, putsuant to the provisions af N.C. Gen. Stat § 143-214.8 et �„ the State of North Carolina has established the Ecosystem Enhancement Program within the Depaztmert of Environment snd Natural Resources for the purposes of funding, acquiring, maintaining, restoring, enhancing, and creating riparian resources that contribute to the protection and improvemant of wnter quality, flood prevendon, fisheries, aquatic habitat, wildlife hebitat, and recreatiooal opportunities; and WHEREAS, the Deparm►ent of Envaonment and Natural Resourees, the North Carolina DepertmeM of Transportation end tbe United States Army Corps of Engincers, Wilmiagton Disaict have entered into a Memorandum of Agreemmt, (MOA) duly executed by all parties on July 22, 2003. T'his MOA recognizes ihat the Ecosystem Enhencement Program is W provide for compensatory mitigation 6y effective protection of t6e lend and natural resources of the State by resDoring, enhancing end preserving ecosystem functions; and WHEItEAS, Grantor owes in fee simple certain real property situeted, lying, and being in Gulf Tpwnship, Chatham County, and Pocket Township, Lee Comty, North Carolina (the "Gnntor'a Property"), and being more particularly descri6ed 'm Deed Book t005 rt F'aQe 72T ofthe Chatham County Registry, and Deed Book 839 at P�ge 036 of ihe Lee County Ttegistry, Nwtl� Carolina; and WHEREAS, tho rostotation, enhancement, creation, and preservation of Grantor's Property is a condition of the funding provided by the N.C. Ecosystem Enhancement Program. Granmr and Grentee agee that third-party rights of access, monitoring, enforcemm�t and completion of any project encumbered by this conservation easement shall be held by t6e N.C. Etosystem Enhanceenent Program (ro include any 152$43_i .DOC{Rev.4J27r2005) e969 e�za SK:0�969 FG:0728 successor State egencies), and thet t6ese righb are in addition to, and do not limit, the rights of enforoement under this conservation easement; and WHEREAS, upon receipt of the sppropriate permits, Crrantor intends W remove the Carbomm� Dam which is located ecross the portion of the Dcep River on the Grentor's Properiy; and WHEREAS, Grantor ia wiqing to gam a Conservation Easement over the herein described areas of ihe GrantoPs Properry, thereby restrictiog a�d limiting the use of the included and described areaa ofthe Grantor's Property to Ihe temis and wnditions and purposes herieinafter set forth, and Grantee Is willing m accept such easement This Conservation Sesement shali be for the prokction, resmration and ben�t of the watera of the Dcep River and certain of its tn'butazies. NOR', THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenet►ts, terma, wnditio�ts, and restrictions hereinaRer set fotth, GianWr uncoaditionally and irrevocably hereby grents and wnveys �mW Grantee, its successors and assigns, forever and in perpetuity, a Conservation Easement oFthe oature aad cliazacter and to fhe extent herainaRer set forth, over a described area of the Grantor's Property, refe�red to hereafter as the "Eaument Area," fot ihe perpeWel protection of the Saument Area, and being moro particulariy described as follows: SEE EXHIBTT °A' ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED AEREIN BY REFEltENCL. Granwr and Grantee acknowledge the tesloration, enhancem�nt, creaGon, and preservstion ofthe Essement Area is a condkion of any funding as provided by the Ecosystem Enhancement Progam. Grantor and Grantee further agree that thitd-pe�ty rights of eccess, monitoring, enforcement and crnnpletion of any Easement Area encumbered by this Conservation Easement shall be held by the Ecosystem Enfiancement Program (to include any suooessor State agencies), and that these rights are in addetion to, aM do not timit, the rights of enforcement under this Conservation Easement. The purposes of this Conservation Easement are to maintain, restore, enhance, creete and preserve riperian resources in the Easement Area that contribute w the protection and improvement of watet quality, flood preverrtion, fisharies, aquatic habitat, wildlife habitat, and rocresdonal opporlunitiea; W maintain perman�nfly the Easement Area a condition, consiste�rt wid� these purposes; snd ro provent any use ofthe Eesement Area that will s9gniticantly impair or interfere with theu purposes. To achieve these purposes, the following condidons and re.sd�ictions are set forttr. I, DURATiON OF SASEMENT This Conservation Easement shall be perpeh�el. It is en easemtnt iu goss, runs with t6e land, and is enforoeable by Grantee against C�ranWr, the'v personal representatives, heirs, suc�essors, snd assigns, lessees, agents, and IicEnseea. II. RESTRICTED ACTIViTIES The Easement Area shall be restricted from any development or usage thet would impair or interfere with the purposes of this Conservation Easement. Unless expressly reserVed as a compaNble use herein, any activky in, or vse of, �e �asement Area by the Grantor is prohibited es inwnsistent witti the purposes ofthis Conservation Easement. Aay rights not expressly reserved hereundu by the Grantor have been acquired by ihe Grantee. TNe following specific uses are prohihited or restricted, as indicatad: No dam or similar suucture of any type shall be constructed over, on or across the portion of the DeEp River located within the Eesement Area nor shall there be any alteration, modification or removal of any in-stream strucWrps or other improvemants that may be placad or Iocated in, on or adjecent W the portian of the Deep River within the Easement Area in connection with tEw restoration, anhancemenk creation and/or preservation of stream end riparian mitigalion within the Easement �lrea. A969 9729 BK 00969 PG:0729 The Grentee, and suthorized ropresentatives of the Grantee, shell have the right W enter the $asement Area and stiall have the right of reasonable ingress and egress to the Easement Area over the Grantor's Property, at all roasonable timea to undartake any activities to restor�, manege, maintain, enhance, and monitor the riparian resources of tha Easement Are� Theu aetivides inctude utiliaetion of heavy equipment to remove any dam or in-stream structures installal in violation of the above-dGuribed rastriction and to direct in-stream, ebovc gouad, and subterraneous water flow. In addition, the Grantce, and suthorized representatives of the Grantee, shall have the right to enter the Ea9emont Area end shatl have the right of nasonable ingress and e�eas tc the Easement Area over d�e Grantor's Properry, et all roasonable times for the parpose of inspecting said property to determine if the GranWr is complying with the terms, conditions, reslrictiorts, and purposes of this Conservallon Eaument. QI. ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIFS A. Entorcement. To accomplish the purposes of this Conservation Fsaement, Grantee is altowed to prevent any activity+ within the Easement Area that is inconsistent with the purposes of this Easamem and to requ've the reswration of such areas or feamres of the Easement Area that may have been dameged by such ectivity or use. Upon any brea�h of the terms of this ConservaGon Easement by Grantor, lheir suocessors or assigne, thet wmes to the attention of the Grantee, the Grantee shall, except as provided below, notify the Granwr, their sueoessors or essigns in writing of such �reach. The Cr►antor shall have ninery (90) days attar receipt of such �otice to correct the conditions consNtuting such breach. tf the breach remains uncured after ni�ty (90) days, the Grantoe may enforce this ConservaYion Easemrnt by appEopriate legal proceedings including demages, injunctive and other relicf. The Grantee shall also have the power and authoriry, consistent with its stetutory euthoriry: (a) to prevent any impairment of the Easement Area by acts which may be wlawful or in violation of this Conservstion Essement; (b) to otherwise preserve or protect its inurest in the Eesement Area; or (c) W seek datnages fram any appropriata person or e�rtiry. Notwhhstaadiag d�e foregoing, the Granlee re,serves the Lnmediate right, wichout notice, W obtain a temporsry restreining order, iajunctive or other appropriete re6ef if the breach of t6e term of this Conservation Easement is or would irrevarsibly or otherwise materially impair the benefits to be derived 6om this Conservation fiasement The Grenwr and Grantee aclmowledge that under such circumstaaces damage to the Grantce wouW be irteperable and remedies et law will be inadequate. T'he rights and remedies of the Grantee provided hereunder shaD bo in addilion to, �►d nos in lieu of, a!l other rights snd remedies availe6le to Grantee in connection with this Conservation Easement. B, lnspectlon. The Grantee, its employees and agents, successors and assigns, have the right, with reasonable notice, to enter the Easement Area over the Granwr's Praperry ac roasonablo times for the purpose of inspection tv determine whether the Grantor, their successors or assigns ere comptying with the terms, conditions and restrictions of this Conservation Easement, C, Acts Beyond Graetor's Cootrol. Nothing contained in this Conservat�on Eesement shafl be construed to entide Grentce w bring any action against GranWr, the'v successors or assigns, for aey injury or change in the Easement Area caused by third paeties, resulting from causes beyond the GranWr's control, including, withaut limitatioa, fire, flood, storm, and earth moveme�, or from a�ry prudent aeNon taken in good faith by the Grantor under emergency conditions to preven; abate, or metigate significant injury to life, damage to property or harm to the EssemeM Area resulting from such causes. D. Costa of Enforcement. Beyond rogular and iypical monitoring, any costs incwred by Grantce in enforcing fhe terms of this Conservation Eesement ageinst Csrantor, the'v successara or assigns, including, without limitation, eny costs of restoretion necessitated by GraatoYs acts or omisaions in violation ofthe terms ofthis Conservation Easement, shatl ba bome by GranWr. E, No Waiver. Enforcement of this Easemtat shall be at the discrotion of the Granta and any forbeerance by Grantee to exercise its rights hereunder in the event of any breach of any urm set forth herein shall not be damed or wnsWed to be s waiver by GraMce. No delay or omissian by Grantee in exercise of any right or remedy shall impai� such right or mnedy or be construed as a waiver. e969 e�3B BK:OD969 PG:0730 IV. MISCELLANEOUS A. This Conservation Eascment si�all be construed to promote the purposes ofN.C. Gen Stat. § 143-214.8 et seq., the Ecosystem Enhancement Program. B. This instrument sets forth fhe entire agreement of the partits with roapect to Ihe Consavatian Easement and supersedes a!1 prior discussions, negotiarions, understandings or egroemente relating to the Conaervstion Easement. If eny provision is found to be invalid, the remainder ofthe provisions of the Conservation Easement, and tlue applicetion of such provision W petaons or circumstal►oes other then those as to which it is found to be invalid, shell not be etfected thereby. C. My notices ahall be sent by registerad or cetti6ed mail, retum rcceipt roques0ed to the parties at their addresses shown above or w other �dress(es) as either perty eshbliehea in writing upon notification w the other. D. GranW r shall notiCy Grentee in writing of the name and addreas and etry pariy w whom the Grantor's Proparty or eny part theroof is W be transfrRed at or ptior to !he tima seid trenafer is mede. Grtanwr further agroes to make any subsequent lease, dead, or other legal inatrumenS by which airy iour�est in the Grantor's Property is coaveyed subject to fhe Conservatfon Eesetnont heroin created. E. The C,rantor end Granfee e�ce That the tarma ofthis Conservetion Eacemem shall be binding upon the GraMa, its suCcesaors snd a�signs and shall survive eny merger of the fee and eaxment interests in the Ensemeirt Area or e�ry po�tion thereof. F. Thia Conservation Bseemorn may be emended, but only in a wridng aigaed 6y aU parties feereto, and provided such amendment does not affoct th6 qwdiflCaliDn of this Cooservation Easement or the status of the Grantee under mry applicsble Iaws, and ia wnsistent witti the purposes ofthe Conservallon F.asement G. The parties recogniu and agree that Ufe bonefita of this Conaervation Essement are in Boss and assigneble provided, however, thst the drmtee hereby covenants and agrees, that in the eveat it transfas or assigns this Conservstion Eeaement, tlro otgani2oti0n teceiving the interest will be a qualified holder under N.C. Gcn. Stat. § 121-34 et seq. and $170(h) ofihe Intana! Revenue Code, and the Grantee furtlier wvenents and agrees that the terms of the trenafer or assignment will be such that the transferee or nssignce will be required w contlnue in perpemity the conservstion purposea deacribed in this document. V. Qi11ET ENJOYMENT Except as expressiy set forth herein, G�rantOt teservos all remeining rigiNs accruiog from ownership of tl�e Grantor's Propatty, including t6o Nght to engaga in or pe�mit or invite od►els to engage in only tlwae uaes of the F.asement Aroa Shat aro expreasly reserved herein, not pmhibited or restricted herein, and ere not intonsistent with the pw�poses of ihis Conservation Easament. Without limiting the generality oithe foregoing, the Ciranwr ewpreasly reserves to the Grentor, and the GrantaPs invitees end licensees, the right of access to the Esaemdtt Area, end the right of quiet enjoyment of the Essement Arca. TO HAVL+ AND TO HOLD the said rights and easements perpewatly urno Grantee for Hie aforeseid purposas. AND Granror covena�ns that GrenWr is seized of said premises in fce and has the right W convey tl►e permenent Conservatioa F.a9ement herein grented; that the same are free from encumbrances end t6at GraMor will wartent and defead title to the same against the claims of a4 persons xfiomsoever. TO HAVE AND TO HOI.D tha said rights and easamenta perpetually uMo Granue for the aforesaid purposes. e969 e�3i BK 00969 PG:0731 IN TESTA�IONY WI�RE�R, the Granmr 6as causad this Dxd of Conservation Easement to be duly cxxuted, fhe day snd year firsf abave written. (SEAL) ich 1 R Allen . L) Patric R. Allen A969 A732 BK:00969 PG:0732 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA WUNTYOF LG(Q�'1'ldJX.LQ.J I�.�� ��'(��-¢' , a Notary Public, do hereby certify lhat Mic6ael R. Allen personaUy appeared before me this day and acknowiedged the due exec�ction of the foregoing instrument. '� WtfNESS my hand and official seal ifiis the � day of ' , 20f�1S � �� l Notery Public M commission exp'ves: , aaa9 `�., STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUN7'Y OF �,�� I, �l��r �.�0�", a Notery Public, do hemby certify that Patricia R AIlen personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution ofd�e faregoing instrument. p� � WITNESS my hand attd officiai seal this the 0 day of t�,�. � 20 �S . orary Public My commission expires; � aoa9 C�k "` NORTH CAROLINA - LEE COUNTY The fare9��9 �fg) � BRENDA H COBB Nofary wa�cx (are� ee�un.a to ee eorra�.t. puly npFderotl Mhi dion md ho�s thown an U�a Iksl pige heraol. M011JE A MCINNIS ReglsEx of Deeds g„ �,r.�iwr.+.. ,� . i�.6inc: u? _ roecwr e969 A733 g1(;pp969 PG:0733 EXHIBIT °°A" All that property located itt Pocket Township, Lee County, and Gulf Township, Chatham County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINMNG at an existing uon pin in the northeast right-of-way of N.C. Hwy. 42, a comer with Kelly (see Deed Book 459, Page 538, Lee County Regishy), which iron pin is located the following th�e calls from NCGS Marker "J�mk" (N=645,169.7923'; E=1,910,651.07U4'): South 85° 26' 49" West 13884.12 feet to a pump pipe set (NC Grid Coordinate N=644,067.6403'; E=1,896,810.7G52'); South 33° 30' 04" VJest 42.26 feet to a pump pipe set; South 33° 30' 04" West 1�0.73 feet to the POIN'I' AND PLACE OF BEGIlVNINGr; thence from said Beginning Point across N.C. Hwy. 42 to an iron stake set inside the southwestern right-of-way of N.C. Hwy. 42, South 33° 30' Q4" West 61.03 feet; thence parallel, but inside the right-of-way ofN.C. Hwy. 42, North 36° 19' S6" West 381.00 feet to a mag nail set in a concrete bridge abutment, a comer with Blankley (see Deed Book 745, Page 501, Lee County Registry); thence with Blankley's line, South 72° 30' 04" West 51.01 feet to a non monumented comer; tlience continuing with Blankley's iine, North 62° 49' SG" West 40.88 feet to a pump pipe set; thence North 62° 49' S6" West 12.53 feet to a non monumented comer on the southeastem bank of the Deep River; thence crossing the Deep River, North 62° 49' S6" VJest 184.59 feei to a non monumented corner on the northwest bank of the Deep River; thence North 32° 19' S6" West 10.66 feet to an iron stake set; thence North 32° 19' S6" West 46.34 feet to a non monumented comer which lies 2.13 feetf within the Norfolk Southem Railroad Right-Of-Way; thence North 49° 40' 04" East 28.71 feet to an iron stake set; thence North 49° 40' 04" East 78.29 feet to a non monumented corner; thence North 73° 51' S2" East 37.17 feet to an iron stake set; thence North 73° 51' S2" East 32.29 feet to an existing uon pin bent located under the N.C. Hwy. 42 bridge approximately in the centcr line of N.C. Hwy. 42; thence North 74° 40' S7" East 354.79 feet to an exisUing iron pipe in Kel}y's line (see Deed book 393, Page 610, Chatham County Registry); thence North Sd° 41' 42" East 131.55 feet to aa iron stake set; thence South 68° Z9' S4" East 107.13 feet to an existing concrete monument in the line of Caroliaa Power & Light Company (see Deed $ook 519, Page 199, Chatham County Registry); thence South 20° 44' OQ" West 131.87 feet to a 3/8" bolt set in a rock outcrop adjacent to an existing concrete dam; thence crossing the Deep River, South 03° 54' S8" East 323.75 feet to a pump pipe set; thence South 33° 30' 04" West 42.26 feet to a pwnp pipe set; thence continuing South 33° 3U' 04" West 170.73 feet to an existing iron pipe in the northeastern right-of-way of N.C. Hwy. 42, the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 5.50 acres, including the right-of-way of N.C. Hwy. 42 and as shown on a survey for Restoration Systems, LLC, "Carbonton Hydroelectric Dam," recorded in P. C. 2005, Siide 3, Lee County Registry, and P.C. 2005, SHde 10, Chatham Counry Registry. �2 �i � � r rxo r �revsa-n. � MARSNBFUM�' — ry , ���� CHATN�/d COIINTY _ • i„ __ _ :��i;�:� '•;yia+ _�.]f_• � •-'�l'Al'A- — i3 36 SJF]Y12 Jl.ii. � M AT . L� � f�l lIJ £. I Y —').3'. _L:�'!S.L_ .. :: �J'. ��.i:'LM.^�. i f } WX �]l.:= 1 ��F`L t � u� , -,1�-.,_ ��'�� ��. '� _ 'LiL1` r& �• �._�SSV'at [ — . u� e � � M- yeF SHEET 1 OF 2 s�rvr�v ov �am FW RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC Be�lentiw Y CamanUoo (BEmG A PnR/1fAv �F inE o5T'A!t WAYNC KE1CY tr NetuN Rmowaa w,r[ p[eEcer s. �rceir raan, N.0 FN J 869.-1J-1a66-00) =O=KEf lDYMSNIP LEF CWNTY NCPiH CPROLINp GRAPHIC SY.rICE 1' � 100' w��. 1"f.N E. 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