HomeMy WebLinkAboutWR0100041_Complete - Historical File_20190326 FIELD MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION DIAGRAM FOR WELL NO. EW-1 MONITORING WELL DATA Flush Mounted Bolt Down �' 1. Water Level Fom Top Steel Manhole Cover of PVC Date: Depth:(ft) Cement \\ \ 1 f t. Bentonite Grout \ Seal and Plug PVC Pipe Diameter= 4 Schedule 40 2. Well Developed by 1.0 �+ Bentonite - Pellet Seal 0.5 1+ Date: Gallons: Total Washed Gravel of Depth Coarse Sand =15 ft. 3. Elevations: 3.2 aft, Ground Surface= ft. PVC Well Screen Top of PVC ft. Diameter= 4 — Schedule 40 _— Slot Size=o.=' — Suggested Warning Label WARNING For Monitoring Only Not To Be Used For Portable:Water Borehole Diameter = 8 Date Installed: 6/98 Drill Rig: Braswell Crew: Proposed Recovery Well �°o WOOD ROAD D BUILDING c ie,e�2 Avery County Oil Company ALPITA a 2WMONMEITTTAL SCIENCES NC SCALE Drawn: Job No. Chec8072.01 NTS Date: : Dwg, No. Date: 4. Type of casing used:., ! PVC (ex: PVC, stainless steel, galvanized steel, etc.) 5, Diameter of casing, 4 inches 6. Thickness of casing: Sch. 40 inches 7. How will the well(s) be secured? flush mounted steel bolt down manhole 8. Estimated pumping rate: unknown GPM As needed to remove product 9. Estimated beginning constniction date: 6/98 10. Estimated completion date: 6/98 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION [REQUIRED INFORMATIONI (APPLICATION CANNOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT THIS INFORMATION) 1. ATTACH A SITE MAP SHOWING THE LOCATIONS OF THE FOLLOWING: 1 - PROPOSED RECOVERY WELL(S) 2 - ALL EXISTING MONITORING AND RECOVERY V1(ELLS OR TEST BORINGS WITH THE PROPERTY BOUNDARY 3 - ALL WATER SUPPLY WELLS WITHIN 500 FEET OF THE WASTE SOURCES 4 - AT LEAST TWO REFERENCE POINTS (NUMBERED ROADS, INTERSECTIONS, STREAMS, ETC.) 2. PROVIDE A WELL CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM OF EACH %/YELL SHOWING DIAMETER, ESTIMATED DEPTH, SCREEN INTERVALS, SAND/GRAVEL PACKS, TYPE OF CASING MATERIAL, CASING WALL THICKNESS, WELL HEAD COMPLE- TION DETAILS, ETC.) The Applicant hereby agrees the proposed well(s) will be constructed in accordance with approved specifications and conditions of the Well Construction Permit as regulated under the Well Construction Standards (Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2C) and accepts full responsibility for compliance with these rules. Signature of Applicant or Age Title (if applicable) If the property is owned by someone other than the applicant, the property owner hereby consents to allow the applicant to construct recovery wells as outlined in this application and that it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that these recovery wells conform to the Well Construction Standards (Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2C). Signature of Property Owner (if different from applicant) NORTH CAROUNA nn a ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSUSSIO U DEPA Z=NT OF ENVIRONMENT. HEALTH, & NATURAL URCES APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A I WEM SYS'= Date: November 9, , 19 98 County AveryLIST sEcnon ASHEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Chapter 87, General Statutes of North Carolina and regulations pursuant thereto, application is hereby made for a permit to monitoring wells. 1. Name of Applicant: Avery County Oil Company (Telephone: (828) 733-4436 Applicants Mailing Address: P. O. Box 553, Newland, NC 28657 2. Name of Property Owner (if different from applicant) Owner's Mailing Address: - Same as applicant 3. Contact Person: Mr. Bob Gragq (Telephone: (828) 733-442P 4. Location of Property: NC 194, South of Newland, NC 5. Reason for Recovery Well(s): Collection of Free Product (ex: groundwater contamination, remedation, etc.) 6. Type of facility or site for which a recovery well is needed: bulk petroleum plant - AST's _ (ex: existing nondischarge facility, waste disposal site, landfill, underground storage tank, etc.) 7. Type of contamination being recovered (if applicable): petroleum hydrocarbon - kerosene 8. Are any existing monitor wells associated with the proposed recovery well(s)? Yes If yes, how many? 7 Monitoriing Well Construction Permit No. NA/pendincf 9. Distance to a known waste or pollution source: 35 feet 10. Are any water supply wells located less than 500 feet from the proposed recovery wells? Yes 11. Well Driller: Braswell Well Drilling If yes, give distance- 230 feet 12. Registration #: 163 13. Driller's Address: P. O. Box 70, Newland, NC 28657 RECOVERY WELL INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 1. Total Number of Wells to be constructed: 1 _ PERMITTED ACTIVITY — U.S.T. LEAK DETECTION No. completed in bedrock? 0 _ GROUNDWATER QUALITY STANDARDS VIOLATIONS SUSPECTED FROM UNPERMITTED No. completed in unconsolidated sediments? 0 ACTIVITIES NOTICE OF NON-COMPLIANCE AT Completed in unconsolidated material? 1 PERMITUPNOMITTED FACILITIES 19 2. Estimated depth of well(s): 15 feet INCIDENT # 2A. Estimated screen interval (Feet below land surface) 2.5 to 15 3. Will gravel or sand packs be used?: Yes If yes, for what interval: 2 _ ft to 15 ft. GW-22R (7,91) P(r;r:h C.v^!ir-i - DeparRnnnt :f E:tvi rtnl, ! ill}t, anti ^I:ttaral fill-ourr_ns F_r CrirC=I :F CHI_? Division c( Envir,3nrnr!n1nl M:1 _ mnnl -Grr;un.c:•,rttnr Soo-!icn CUA0,NO. Sc'IAL'10 P.O. Bi-x 29c 5 Rafeigh, PJ C. 27 n-S9,0575 _ , Fl.nnn (912) -3' t U1t. Lon;. RO — r.lincr WELL CONSTI•;UCTICII RECOF;D 9x:in(-_.tdn_ _.. DRILL!t1G CeNTRACTOR: _ ---- — --- STATE WELL CCPISTRUCTiCtI DRILLE:i REG;S T RATIOt1 HUr418E is PER>LiIT t`tUr,1EE:1: IARAQRt)j411 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearost Town: County: (Ronri. Cornmurury,or Su:;�:ivisrrn an(�i Lo�t,)o�.) — DE'T!-1 _L IL!_!I IQ Lr;G 2. Ct. Z.R —Au Qy r C.�1 r_I �Y_t�� Ftorn To Formation Cnscrirt:rrt ACDF,ES3 -- - - - (Slrngl or nrnne He)) city or T o vrt State — Z;p ONE COPY OF THIS FORM 3. DATE Dr;11-LED _ USE CF tin LL SENT TO DRILLER 4. TOTAL DEPTH 5. CUTTINGS COLLETED YES❑ NO---I 6. DCES WELL REPLACE EXISTING; WELL? YES 0 NO(� --------- 7. STATIC WATE i LEVEL fl2!o'.v Ton rf Clsinq: FT (Usr± if Abovn Ton of Casing) --- 8. TCP OF CASING IS 177, AbovP Land Surface` 'Caning Tarminnled al/or below land surfacn 19 Illegal un!r.nn n vnrinnr_n la 13nur.d In accnrdancn wilh 15A tdCAC 7C .0118 - 9. Y1EL D (gpm): METHOD OF TEST - 10. WATER ZONES (derth): -11. CHLORINATION: Type Amount It additional spat- is nesr'ed us- back of fcun Depth Diarneter or W,?ijhVr(. N1atrrial (Show direc!1on and ri;;anert front at Ir'a,t t':rr, S!till From TO R. Rcads, or other ma_^rnfergnce prints) From To Ft.From To _ Ft. - ---- 13. GROUT: Depth Ni material Nietl;rd From To Ft. From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From To Ft in. in. From To Ft. in. _ in. From —To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. 16. RPMARKS: -- I DO HERE?P CE:ITIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C,WELL CCr1S T RUCTICI`I STANDARDS, AND.THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEErI PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWME"1. sinMATUnE OF rCNTnACTOn OR Ar;ai lr DATE GNI rE,/ 9111 I ^,ulvnir n.v,.n 1 r,m,:.; ,nr t•• ... .,... .,r 1 k._.- __1 ---...- _ .. _. Permit issued this the 27th day of January, 1999. NORTH CAROL/NA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMM/SS/ON ;J Dona Link, Regional Groundwater Supervisor Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission PERMIT NO. WR0100041 This Permit will be effective for the construction of a recovery well from the date of its issuance until the site assessment has been completed, and shall be subject to other specified conditions, limitations, or exceptions as follows: 1. The well driller shall notify the Asheville Regional Office prior to actual construction of the well. 2. The well shall be constructed with well casing that conform to requirements of the "Criteria and Standards Applicable to Water Supply and Certain Other Type Wells" (15A NCAC 2C .0100). 3. The well shall be afforded reasonable protection against damage during construction and use. 4. The well screen shall be set of sufficient depth so there is sufficient water available for efficient recovery during the seasonally low water table. 5. Provisions shall be made on the well cover to prevent surface water with possible contaminants from entering the well pit and contaminating the recovery well. 6. The well shall have permanently affixed an identification plate constructed of durable material and shall contain the following information: drilling contractor's name and registration number; date well completed; total depth of well, a warning that the well is not for water supply and that the groundwater may contain hazardous materials; and depth to screens. 7. Well completion, well abandonment, and water quality reports are to be submitted to the Division of Water Quality's Groundwater Section Central Office in Raleigh. 8. When the well has served its purpose and is of no further use, it shall be permanently abandoned by the applicant according to the requirements of Section .0113 of the "Criteria and Standards Applicable to Water Supply and Certain Other Type Wells" (15A NCAC 2C). NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WELL OR WELL SYSTEM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Chapter 87, North Carolina General Statutes, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations, PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO AVERY COUNTY OIL COMPANY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF a recovery well for Groundwater Incident No. 18321 in the Saprolite System of the Great Smoky Mountain Hydrogeologic Unit located at 2913 Millers Gap Road, N.C. 194, Newland, in Avery County, in accordance with the application dated November 9, 1998, and in conformity with specifications and supporting data, all of which are filed with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and are considered a part of this Permit. This Permit is for well construction only, and does not waive any provisions or requirements of any other applicable laws or regulations. Construction of a well under this Permit shall be in compliance with the North Carolina Well Construction Regulations and Standards, and any other State and local laws and regulations pertaining to well construction. NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY ASHEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE AZ fl - GROUNDWATER SECTION NCDENR January 27, 1999 .IAtnEs R.I IIINTJR. GOVERNOR Mr. Bob Gragg Avery County Oil Company Post Office Box 553 Newland, North Carolina 28657 WAYNE McDEvITT SECRETARY Dear Mr. Gragg: Subject: Well Construction Permit No. WRO100041 Avery County Oil Company 2913 Millers Gap Road, Newland PE.,E.,A. NHOWARD,JR., Groundwater Incident No. 18321 DIRECTOR Avery County, North Carolina In accordance with your application received January 14, 1999, we are forwarding herewith Well Construction Permit No. WRO100041 dated January 27, 1999, issued to Avery County Oil Company for the construction of a recovery well at 2913 Millers Gap Road, Newland, in Avery County. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this Permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing before a hearing officer upon written demand to the Director within 30 days following receipt of this Permit, identifying the specific issues to be contended. Unless such demand is made, this Permit shall be final and binding. This Permit will be effective for the construction of a recovery well from the date of its issuance until the site assessment has been completed, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Attached is a Well Construction Record to be completed and signed by the drilling contractor. This form should be submitted to the Department upon completion of the well. Sincerely, a� Donald R. Link, L. G. Regional Groundwater Supervisor DRL/JB/gc Attachment cc: Arthur Mouberry Roger Moore, Alpha Environmental INTERCHANGE BUILDING,59 WOOOFIN PLACE,AsHEVILLE,NC 2800 1-24 1 4 PHONE 828-251-6208 FAX 028-251.6452 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFrIRMATIVF ACTION EMPLOYER-50%RECYCLED/10%POST-CONSUMER PAPER