HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060447 Ver 2_Mitigation Plans_20090805IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIhIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII) VAN ? 19068 - FAST LANE TOLL FREE 866-727- , RALEIGH, NC 919-828-0303 '§AME DA 4 r"? may NEXT DAY PICKUP DATE PICKUP TIME 4'r. 4 DRIVER # OF PIECES WEIGHT ABCEXPRESSCOURIERS.CO 0 a 0! MILEAGE_._ QECLARED VALUE IF OVER $50.00 . En @ BILL TO : ` S.HIPPERRECEIVER 3RD PART AUG 5 2009 FROM COMPANY NAME STREET ADDRESS CITY ax e E ..1 ST ' ZIP l7c 11 (1 f PROJECT # OR NAM'' ?? 3<r{4 y A?{r'T??XJ41? L` ?\ f 'r Lt / l PHONE# DELIVERY DATE DELIVERY TIME "?Ia {r DENR. WATER QIIALITV WETLANDS AND STORIAWATER BRANCH TO COMPANY }R lr PRICE STREET ADDRESS _ CITY R ST `F4r, ZIP 27CfI4 CONTACT NAMEL i' PHONE # ' - F V SIGNATURE X - w RECEIVED IN GOOD ORDER Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Road • Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 • Phone: (919) 846-5900 • Fax: (919) 846-9467 www.SandEC.com August 5, 2009 S&EC Project No. 4865.D2 Mr. S. Daniel Smith DWQ Raleigh Regional Office 3800 Barrett Drive, Suite 101 Raleigh, NC 27609 Reference: Olde Towne Subdivision Stream & Buffer Restoration Plan Wake County, NC Dear Mr. Smith: AUG 5 2009 DENR - WATER QUALITY WETLANDS AND STORMWATER BRANCH Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA (S&EC), has been engaged by National City Bank and Capstone Realty, Inc. to prepare this Stream & Buffer Restoration Plan in response to the Settlement Agreement (Agreement) signed on June 10, 2009 by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ). The purpose of this letter is to describe in detail our plan for the stream and adjacent buffer restoration, and the restoration of a small wetland area impacted by previous site clearing and grading activities. Site Description The project site, a proposed subdivision and golf course of approximately 547 acres, is located east of Highway 440, along New Hope Road, between Poole Road and Rock Quarry Road in the City of Raleigh in Wake County, North Carolina. A vicinity map is provided on Sheet 1 of the attached Construction Drawings. Project History On June 10, 2009 Capstone Realty, Inc. entered into an Agreement with the State of North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) to resolve issues indentified in two previous Notices of Violation letters dated March 7, 2008 and April 16, 2008. These violations were further described in the Findings and Decision and Assessment of Civil Penalties document issued on January 8, 2009. It should be noted that Olde Towne, LLC was specifically cited in the above referenced violations. National City Bank and Capstone Realty, Inc. have since assumed responsibility for the property and project. Olde Towne Stream & Buffer Restoration Plan August 5, 2009 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Project No. 4865.D2 On August 26, 2008 S&EC prepared a letter to DWQ in which was outlined our concept for the restoration of the impacted stream and wetland area. This concept was subsequently approved by DWQ. Since the time of the Agreement S&EC was engaged to prepare a plan to restore and relocate the impacted stream (686.8 square feet) and wetland (1,733 square feet) area inadvertently impacted, and described in the above listed letters. DWQ also required the restoration of a minimum 30-foot wide riparian buffer along the restored stream reach. Proposed Stream Restoration Plan From our previous analyses of the site, topographic data provided by Priest, Craven & Associates, Inc. of Raleigh, NC, as well as data from the Stream Restoration Institute (SRI) Piedmont Regional Curve, we determined the typical repaired stream bankfull dimensions for the restored stream reach. The restoration design for the stream was based on recognized natural channel design principles and techniques utilizing the appropriate reference data and the existing channel conditions survey data. Reference data utilized in the design included the original (pre-impact) stream pattern and approximate dimension, data from North Carolina Piedmont Regional Curve (SRI), and other available sources. This approach was used to develop the appropriate dimension, pattern, and profile for a natural stable channel for approximately 343 linear feet of stream (686 square feet) parallel to the existing wooded wetland area. See the attached Construction Drawings for additional details. The implementation of our restoration design will result in an appropriately dimensioned riffle-pool system. Meanders of varying radii (as captured from the original stream alignment) were integrated along the length of the restored reaches to mimic the variability of a natural channel and utilize the available project area to the maximum extent possible based on existing site conditions. The integration of meanders into the proposed restoration serves to reduce overall channel slope by increasing channel length. The incorporation of riffles, runs, pools, and glides into the longitudinal profile will provide the necessary bedform characteristics and be similar to those observed in nature. Riffles will be located along straight segments of the channel, runs connect the riffles to the pools that are located along the outside meander bends, and glides connect the pool to the next successive riffle. Based on concerns raised by DWQ the restored stream will be separated from the existing wetland area (immediately to the east) through the construction of small earthen levee running the length of the stream to the east. This levee will serve to reduce the potential for a "draining" effect on the wetland area, an issue that was raised by DWQ. The levee will however be constructed low in height to allow for flooding from overbank events to discharge into the wetland area thereby providing supporting hydrology to the wetland area. Restoration of a suitable riparian buffer will enhance the recovery and protection of the restored stream as well as the adjacent existing wetland system. A protected buffer (minimum of 30 feet) will be restored on both sides of the restored stream reach as shown Page 2 of 7 Olde Towne Stream & Buffer Restoration Plan Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA August 5, 2009 Project No. 4865.D2 in the plans. The buffer on the east side of the stream will tie to the existing wooded wetland area and as such the planting width will be less than 30 feet. No buffer will be restored in the immediate vicinity of the existing detention pond embankment however stream bank planting will occur in this area. The wooded corridors that will be established as part of this restoration will also increase the vertical and horizontal structure perpendicular to the channel along the reach helping to increase species composition and abundance. Additionally, the presence of a wooded buffer parallel to the channel not only increases in-stream habitat quality by cooling water and increasing oxygen content, it also provides cover, travel corridors, and access to adjacent natural areas for upland and avian species. In-channel Structures In order to provide grade control for the restored reach, rock and log cross-vanes and j-hooks (with or without steps), will be constructed to reinforce and stabilize the proposed channel. The structures will protect the outside meanders from lateral erosion, improve channel facets, and improve sediment transport. All structures will be constructed of natural materials typically consisting of quarried boulders (likely available on site) or logs. The upstream side of these structures will be lined with a non-woven fabric where necessary and backfilled with excavated channel material (and in some cases imported stone aggregate) to improve stability and reduce the potential for piping. These in-stream structures concentrate stream energy toward the center of the channel and away from the near-bank areas. This reduces shear stress along the banks and prevents bank erosion. In-stream structures also facilitate grade control within the bed of the channel, reduce the potential of head cutting, create a stable width/depth ratio (Wbkf /dbkf), and promote sediment transport capacity. If deemed necessary at the time of construction NCDOT #57 stone or similar (on- site natural) material will be added to the restored riffles in order to "seed" the riffles and protect them from headcuts due to stream adjustments occurring after construction completion. Pump-around Operations & Erosion Control Measures As DWQ has required that stream restoration efforts be phased in such a manner that work is performed "in the dry" S&EC proposes the use of a pump-around operation for the duration of the stream restoration construction. As described on the Construction Drawings we propose the installation of a small, low-head cofferdam at the upstream end of the restoration reach. This cofferdam will serve to intercept natural flow from the contributing channel allowing for this flow to by pumped into the existing stormwater pond to the immediate east of the restoration reach. Page 3 of 7 Olde Towne Stream & Buffer Restoration Plan Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA August 5, 2009 Project No. 4865.D2 One or more small low-head gravel check dams will also be installed (as shown on the plans) to allow for the filtering of excess seepage leaving the construction area. These check dams will be tied to the proposed perimeter temporary silt fence serving to protect the adjacent wetland area from inadvertent damage during construction. Dewatering pumps with Special Stilling Basins (DirtbagTM) will be utilized as necessary during construction. The exact location and configuration of the various components of the pump-around operation may vary depending on conditions encountered during construction and as such may be modified from those shown on the Construction Drawings. As deemed necessary by the Engineer or the Contractor supplemental erosion and sediment control measures (ie. silt fence, check dams, erosion control matting, etc.) will be utilized. It is our understanding that works associated with the described restoration will be performed under the existing City of Raleigh Land Disturbance Permit and as such no new application will be made. Bank Stabilization Erosion control matting (CF-7 / C 125 coir matting) and temporary seeding will be utilized to reduce bank erosion immediately following completion of the channel and to provide bank stabilization. The restored channel banks will be planted with native vegetation in the form of live stakes (of woody shrub species). Erosion control matting (coir matting), temporary seeding, and live stakes will reduce the potential for bank erosion immediately following completion of the channel and provide bank stabilization. Live stakes will be installed in two rows along both channel banks on 3-foot centers. Species selection was based on a survey of the vegetation from the upstream channel segment and from reference literature that details native species. Planting details along with live stake species lists are provided on the Construction Drawings. Buffer Restoration As previously described buffers adjacent to the restored stream reaches will be planted with a mix of tree and shrub species. Buffer areas within the 30-feet of the stream bank will be planted with randomly intermixed bare root seedlings from a variety of woody tree and shrub species. We proposed planting to be performed on 10-foot centers (approximately 435 stems per acre). Transplants will be utilized where available and where deemed appropriate by S&EC. Species selection was based on a survey of the vegetation from adjacent undisturbed buffer areas and reference literature that details native species. Species may require substitutions (with Engineer approval) depending on availability of plant material. In order to achieve the highest survivability, bare Page 4 of 7 Olde Towne Stream & Buffer Restoration Plan Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA August 5, 2009 Project No. 4865.D2 root seedlings will be planted between mid-January and mid-April. Planting details along with tree and shrub species lists are provided on the Construction Drawings. Temporary and Permanent Seeding Operations Temporary and/or permanent seeding measures (brown top millet, rye grass, or the most appropriate erosion control grass as dictated by the season) will be applied to areas disturbed during grading operations to allow for localized stabilization while riparian species establish themselves. Switchgrass (Panicum vergatum) will be planted in the restored buffer outside restored wetland areas, and areas within restored wetland areas will be permanently seeded with a wetland seed mix approved by the Engineer. A wetland seed mix will be applied within the wetland restoration area. See the Construction Drawings for further details. Proposed Wetland Restoration At the downstream end of the stream restoration a small wetland area will be restored. This area will consist of approximately 0.04 acres and is similarly intended to offset previous inadvertent impacts to a small wetland spur which previously existing at the downstream end of the original channel alignment. Excess fill and other debris placed in this area will be removed and the area described on the plans will be graded to its approximate original grade based on observed site conditions. We anticipate that final grading will closely match the adjacent wetland elevation. The restored wetland will then be seeded with native wetland seed mix and over-planted with native vegetation with tree and shrub species at densities similar to those describe above for the restored buffer area. Further details are provided in the Construction Drawings. Implementation Schedule The attached Construction Drawings will be finalized (including any necessary review comments) and "Issued for Construction" once Agency reviews have been completed and the plan is approved. As required by the Agreement, restoration work will be completed within 120 days of the review and written approval of this plan by both USACE and DWQ. Based on experience with similar projects, we anticipate the construction work (with the exception of proposed planting operations which will be delayed until the appropriate season) can be completed (barring any inclement weather) within 60 to 90 days of the approval of this plan. Project Completion Reporting S&EC will perform a walk-through inspection of the completed project work to ensure that the restoration was completed in accordance with our design intent. We will notify DWQ and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) of the completion of project construction within 60 days of completion as required by the Agreement. Page 5 of 7 Olde Towne Stream & Buffer Restoration Plan August 5, 2009 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Project No. 4865.D2 Future Monitoring & Maintenance Once stream and wetland restoration has been completed, the following monitoring actions will be performed based on the items described in the Agreement: 1. Monitoring shall consist of a traversing the length of the restored stream/buffer and wetland for the purpose of observing the condition of the channel bed and banks, installed structures, and general vegetative success. 2. Monitoring stations (including photo points and vegetation monitoring plots) will be established at select locations within the restoration area. A total of three (3) buffer/wetland monitoring plots (1 Om x IOm) to evaluate bare root seedling success. Two (2) buffer plots and one (1) wetland plot are proposed. Two (2) bank vegetation monitoring plots (50 feet in length including left and right channel banks) will also be installed to monitor live stake success. Monitoring plots will be installed upon completion of construction and be located to represent general conditions within the restoration area. 3. Monitoring of the existing adjacent wetland (to the immediate east of the restoration reach) will be performed to determine if the wetland is being negatively affected by the stream restoration (ie. draining, excess sedimentation, etc.). This evaluation will be qualitative and consists of visual evaluation of the wetland surface and vegetation. Shallow hand auger borings will also be performed along the wetland boundary to evaluate existing soil conditions and hydrology indicators. 4. Monitoring will be performed for a period of five (5) years following the completion of restoration construction. Visits will be conducted on a quarterly basis for the first year and on an annual basis for the remaining four years of the monitoring period. 5. An annual report summarizing each quarterly visit (for the first year) and overall success for the monitoring year will be submitted to DWQ by December 1St of each monitoring year. This report shall include the date of each inspection, a qualitative description of the condition of the restoration reaches, digital photographs of each monitoring station, the results of vegetation monitoring, and describe any repairs or corrections, including dates of completion. Limitations Our evaluations, conclusions, and restoration recommendations are based on project and site information available to us at the time of this report and may require modification if there are any changes in the project or site conditions, or if additional data about the project or site becomes available in the future. This report is intended for use by National City Bank, Capstone Realty, Inc., DWQ and USACE on this project. These findings are not intended or recommended to be suitable for reuse on extensions of the project or on any other project. Page 6 of 7 Olde Towne Stream & Buffer Restoration Plan Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA August 5, 2009 Project No. 4865.D2 Reuse on extensions of this project or on any other project shall be done only after written verification or adaptation by SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA, for the specific purpose intended. Please contact us if you have any questions or comments regarding this plan. We thank you for your assistance and project input to date and look forward to the successful completion of this project. Sincerely, TANTS, PA Patrick . S ith, N.C. License No. Attachments: Construction Drawings (Preliminary), Sheets 1 through 13 Cc: Ms. Cyndi Karoly, NCDENR-DWQ 401 Oversight/Express Permitting Unit, 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Suite 250, Raleigh, NC 27604 Ms. Lauren Witherspoon, NCDENR-DWQ Raleigh Regional Office, 3800 Barrett Drive, Suite 101, Raleigh, NC 27609 Mr. John Hennessy, NCDENR-DWQ Wetlands and Stormwater Branch, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699 Mr. Monte Matthews, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Raleigh Regulatory Field Office, 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105, Wake Forest, NC 27587 Mr. Chuck Buttle, National City Bank, 2000 Auburn Drive, Suite 400, Beachwood, OH, 44122 Page 7 of 7 - JUN 1 20 June 15, 2009 John R. Gassie Vice President 20 N. Orange Avenue Suite 1108 Orlando, FL 32801 RE: Restoration Agreement Olde Towne, Raleigh, NC Dear Mr. Gassie: Poyner Spruill LLP H. Glenn T Dunn Partner D: 919.783.2842 F: 919.783.1075 gdunn@poynerspruill.com I am sending you the executed original Agreement regarding restoration of the stream at the Olde Town development in Raleigh, NC. Please note there are certain deadlines for completion of the measures required by the Agreement, beginning with submission of the restoration plan to the Division of Water Quality within 60 days of the date of execution, which is June 6, 2009. It is my understanding that the Consultants preparing the plan, S&EC, are already working on it and I will ensure they know the deadline by sending a copy of this Agreement to Patrick Smith. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Regards, H. Glenn T Dunn Partner cc: Charles Buttle Patrick Smith WWW.POYNERSPRUILL.COM RALEIGH / CHARLOTTE / ROCKY MOUNT / SOUTHERN PINES 301 Fayetteville Street, Suite 1900, Raleigh, NC 27601 P.O. Box 1801. Raleigh, NC 27602-1801 P: 919.783.6400 RALEIGH 5945570 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF WAKE IN THE MATTER OF PROPERTY KNOWN AS OLDE TOWNS NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES, DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY AGREEMENT The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality ("DWQ") and Capstone Realty, Inc. ("Capstone") (collectively referred to as "the Parties"), hereby enter into this Agreement in order to amicably resolve matters relating to the restoration of Class C NSW and Class WL waters at the site known as Olde Towne, previously owned by Olde Towne Company, LLC, and located east of New Hope Rqad, north of Rock Quarry Road and west of Barwell Road in Wake County, North Carolina. Olde Towne Company, LLC, caused unauthorized impacts to surface waters and wetlands on the Olde Towne property. These unauthorized impacts resulted in violations of State water quality standards, specifically 15A NCAC 2B .0211(2) and (3)(f), 15A NCAC 2B .0231 (a) and (b) (1) and (b)(5), and 15A NCAC 2B .0233(5), as well as violations of conditions of the 401 Water Quality Certification ("WQC"), DWQ Project # 06-0447-Revised-2. The unauthorized impacts and violations are specifically set forth in DWQ letters, dated March 7, 2008 and April 16, 2008, as well as in the Findings and Decision and Assessment of Civil Penalties on January 8, 2009, to Olde Towne Company, LLC, attached as Exhibits A, B, and E and incorporated herein by reference. Capstone, which intends to acquire the Olde Towne property, without admitting liability for Olde Towne's violations, hereby enters into this Agreement with DWQ to correct the unauthorized impacts caused by Olde Towne Company, LLC by restoring the stream and wetlands affected by the unauthorized impacts. IT IS THEREFORE AGREED BY THE PARTIES THAT: Capstone shall work in consultation with an environmental consultant to submit a restoration plan ("Plan") and to secure approval for it and the required 401 Water Quality Certification ("401 Certification") from DWQ for restoration of the impacted stream and wetlands. Capstone will restore the stream and wetlands in accordance with the approved Plan and the 401 Certification according to the schedule set out below. The schedule and conditions of this Agreement are as follows: A. Restoration. Within 60 days of the date of execution of this Agreement, Capstone shall submit the Plan. Within 120 days from DWQ's and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' written approval of the Plan and issuance of the 401 Certification and from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' approval of the required §404 permit, Capstone shall complete the required restoration. Within 60 days from the completion of restoration Capstone shall submit written notification of the completion of the restoration to DWQ's Raleigh Regional Office and its Wetlands and Stormwater Branch at the addresses set forth in subsections (A)(1)(b) and (c) below. Minimum requirements of restoration activities include the following: 1. Stream and Wetland Restoration All unauthorized impacts, which include stream reaches that were excavated, grubbed, graded, and filled and wetlands that were grubbed, graded, and filled at the subject Olde Towne site must be fully restored so that the stream pattern, profile and dimension, and wetland hydrology and vegetation are restored to the original configurations and functions or, in the 2 alternative, to acceptable configurations and functions subject to the approval of DWQ. Alternative concepts presented by Soil and Environmental Consultants, PA, in its letter to DWQ on August 26, 2008 and in a meeting on September 19, 2008, included a concept for a proposed restored stream (686.8 ftz) and proposed restored wetland (1,733.2 ft2) alternative. DWQ has approved this concept and has requested detailed designs for this alternative, which shall include a minimum 30-foot wooded riparian buffer along the length of the relocated stream, as part of the required Plan. Capstone shall submit the requested detailed designs to the following offices as part of the application package for the 401 Water Quality Certification: a. 401 Oversight/Express Permitting Unit, attention Cyndi Karoly, Mail Service Center 1650, Raleigh, NC 27699 b. Raleigh Regional Office, Division of Water Quality, attention Danny Smith, 3800 Barrett Drive, Suite 101, Raleigh, NC 27609 c. Wetlands and Stormwater Branch, Division of Water Quality, attention John Hennessy, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699 If the property is sold by Capstone, Capstone shall provide to the new owner a copy of the DWQ 401 Certification and a copy of this Agreement. The new owner, or any successor in interest, is responsible for Capstone's obligations in complying with all conditions in the approved Plan and the 401 Certification approval letter and in this Agreement. 2. Restoration Sequencing. Capstone shall commence stream restoration efforts in a phased/sequenced manner such that stream contour restoration is performed in the 3 dry. Sequencing design shall be submitted for approval by DWQ prior to the initiation of restoration. 3. Written Notification of Completion of Restoration. Within 60 days of restoration completion, Capstone shall submit a written report (including photographs) to DWQ that includes the following: a. A statement by Capstone and its consultant that restoration was completed in compliance with the Plan and 401 Certification. b. How Capstone determined that impacts were minimized in its restoration efforts. c. How the stream, riparian area, and wetlands were fully restored or constructed, as applicable. d. The above-mentioned report of restoration shall also include a description of how the original stream channel pattern, profile, and dimension were restored or the alternative was constructed, as applicable, and how riparian areas and wetlands were returned to approved grade, stabilized, and appropriately planted or seeded to re-establish the proper vegetation, as applicable. B. Post-Restoration Monitoring. To ensure that stability of the restoration is achieved, Capstone shall monitor restoration at the site for a minimum of five (5) years at a frequency of at least once every three (3) months for the first year and then annually for the remainder of the monitoring period. Monitoring shall begin after restoration is completed. A post-monitoring plan (stream, wetland, riparian area) shall be submitted as part of the application package for the 401 Water Quality Certification to the 401 Oversight/Express Permitting Unit and the Raleigh Regional Office (please reference addresses above in paragraph A(1)(a-b). Capstone shall monitor wetlands restoration in 4 order to determine whether wetlands have been drained by the relocated stream. If it is determined that wetland drainage is occurring, the respective 401 conditions will require the stream to be returned to its original location. Capstone shall submit written documentation of monitoring results to DWQ's Raleigh Regional Office, attention Danny Smith by December 1" of each consecutive year for the five-year monitoring period. C. Monitoring-Triggered Repairs or Corrections. Following the completion of restoration, in addition to any Division of Land Resources (or delegated local program) erosion and sedimentation control compliance requirements and NCGO 10000 construction stormwater permit condition requirements, if post-restoration monitoring reveals or DWQ provides notification of degradation of the stream; unstable, eroding or rilled areas; or dead plantings, Capstone must undertake repairs or corrections within 20 days of observation or notification. D. Erosion and Sedimentation Control. Capstone agrees that, during restoration and site development activities, Capstone shall take the following actions: 1. Capstone shall comply with the requirements of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act (SPCA), including designing, installing, operating, and maintaining erosion and sediment control measures in accordance with the most recent version of the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Manual (please refer to a recent Notice of Violation from City of Raleigh - EXHIBIT Q. 2. Capstone shall comply with the requirements set forth in the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater permit (NCGO 10000) for construction sites (see EXHIBIT D). E. Capstone expressly agrees that, during restoration efforts and during any additional site development activities it shall make every reasonable effort to ensure that: 1. No unauthorized waste, spoil, solids, or fill of any kind occurs in wetlands, waters, streams or riparian areas. 2. All restoration and construction activities, including the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of sediment and erosion control best management practices, are conducted so as to avoid violations of state water quality standards, statutes, or rules. G. DWQ agrees that it will not bring any enforcement action for violations identified in letters dated March 7, 2008, April 16, 2008, and January 8, 2009 (see EXHIBITS A, B, & E) unless Capstone fails to comply with any of the terms of this Agreement or fails to take other reasonable measures to prevent further water quality standard violations at the Olde Towne property. Any future water quality standard violations will subject Capstone, or its successors in interest to possible enforcement action by DWQ, including the assessment of a civil penalty of up to $25,000.00 per day for each violation for as long as the violation continues. H. Nothing in this Agreement restricts the right of DWQ to inspect or take enforcement action against Capstone for any new or subsequent violations of water quality statutes and the rules promulgated thereunder arising outside of the actions addressed within this Agreement. Similarly, nothing in this Agreement shall restrict the right of Capstone to contest an enforcement action for any such new or subsequent violation. 1. The deadlines in this Agreement may be extended if Capstone is unable to meet them due to circumstances beyond its control. As soon as Capstone determines that it cannot 6 comply with a deadline due to such circumstances, it shall submit to DWQ a written request for an extension describing the circumstances and the additional time needed. Upon confirming the circumstances and need for additional time, DWQ shall revise the deadline(s) in question as reasonably necessary. J. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Parties, their successors and assigns, upon execution by the undersigned, who represent and warrant that they are authorized to enter into this Agreement on behalf of the Parties hereto. F" C Division o ater Quality C o e al ,Inc. ;Oha Ropaessy b rt ?vY &R. Gassie, Vice-President Division of Water Quality Date: U4 0/6!) Capstone Re ty, c. Date: :Q?'n'q 7 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS: EXHIBIT A: NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND RECOMMENDATION FOR ENFORCEMENT - MARCH 7, 2008 EXHIBIT B: NOTICE OF CONTINUING VIOLATION AND INTENT TO ENFORCE INJUNCTIVE RELIEF - Aril 16, 2008 EXHIBIT C: NOTICE OF VIOLATION from City of Raleigh - FEBRUARY 10, 2009 EXHIBIT D: NCG010000 FACT SHEET EXHIBIT E: FINDINGS AND DECISION AND ASSESSMENT OF CIVIL PENALTIES 8 RALEIGH 020597/006 588890.3 05/14/2009 ENVIRONMENTAL Fax:919-716-6767 May 13 '09 1031 P.03 xhtb;+ A WAr? Q Michel P. Easley, C,a vew North Cae+olina williatt, G.'1ta55 h„ ?txlrct?ty p Colum IL Sint m, Direnor Div!. of w4UF Qwlity • . March 7, 2008 r' .MA,IL, #7006 0810 0002 6048 8015 MA-MED: 12ETCTRN 1ttECEIPT REOUE LUD 01de Towne, LLC Attn: Mr. Rocky Keim 387 Medina Road, Suite 600 Mediae, Ohio 44256 Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION smd RECONEMENDATION FOR ENFORCEMENT NOV-2008-P"158 Wetland Project ## 06-0447 REVISED-2 Olde Towne, LLC 35.7445% -78.5561°W 401 Water Quality Certi .fication Condition Removal of Best Usage Wetlands Standards Other Waste (in pond sediment) Neale Buffer- DDii use Flow srormwater 00MMI Permit (NC6010000) Condition. Wake County Dear W. Keim: On February 29, 2008, Lauren Cobb and Natalie Landry from the Raleigh Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) conducted a site inspection for the tract/pmoject ]mown as 01de Towne 'an South New Hope Road, Wake County, North Carolina. The streams on the site are an unnamed tn't ubW (1T7) to Walnut Creek and unnamed UT to Big Branch, both Class C NSW waters in the Neuse River.Basin. ,Accordingly, the following observations were noted during the DWQ inspection and fHe review; Mr. Seam Clark of Soil and Environmental Consultants, P.A. submitted a Pre.Constr'ucucn Notifieation (P04) and supplant ntal information on or about 0311712006 on behalf of the property owner, Olde Towne, LLC. • The impacts w= requested under U.S. Army Corps of Engineem Nationwide Permits 12 and 39 and the corresponding Genera] Water Quality Certifications, DWQ issued an approval for the iuxpacts on or trbout 01/08/2007, DWQ Project# 06.0447, REV[SED-2. The 401 Water Quality Cttrtifreation DWQ Prgjeci# 06-W7 authorizes a temporary utility crossing for . 42 linear foot of mum impacts to the UT to Walnut Creek. This is identified as stream impact number T-4. The Certification also authorizes a temporary utility crossing for 76 linear feet of stream impacts to the YJT to Walnut Creek This is identified as stream impact number T -S, DWQ observations dining the 02/29/2008 site inspection show that approximately 330 linear feet of the UT to Walnut Creek located in the northwest corner of the property and east of South New Hope Road is Nw1h C mUna Divisiom of water Q wily Raleigh Regional office Surbwe Water Protection Phone (919) 791.4200 custottler St. *e Intanet; b2mearstucmus 1628 Mail Smviae Cmw limtei311. INC 27699-1622 FAX (919) 571.4918 1.877.623•x748 M > qual Opporb-!ty/tittirmntive Ac8an Employer- 50% riecycied/10% Post Consww Papa ENVIRONMENTAL Fax:919-716-6767 May 13 '09 .10:32 P.04 Page 2 Otde Tbvma, LLC walm Cowaty relocated without prior DWQ approval. This segment of the UT is located below stregm impacts T-4 and T-5 as depicted on the map' provided in tite PCN. ` Observations also include approximately 7,480 square feet of sediment deposition in wetlands, depths ranging from approximately S-30 inches, located immediately downstream of the relocated UT to Walnut Creek. located•in the northwest comer of the property laid east of South New Hope Road. Observations also include approximately 5,815 square feet of sediment deposition in the the soutlictrl pbition of the property just north of Rock lid mated in 27-36 inches. Quarry Road, depths ranging from approximately Observations also include concentrated flow through the buffer of the UT to Big Branch for approximately 54 feet, located in the southwest portion of the property, northeast of Rock Quarry. Road and below a sediment basin. The site inspection and file review revealed that the subject project has an approved Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan and is covered by a stormwater general petit (NCG010000). A copy of the approved Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan was not found in the inspection box on 'tile subject site. A min gauge was found on the.subject situ. Erosion and sedimentation control facility monitoring records were found on site and reviewed by DWQ personnel at the time of the inspection. As a result of the site inspection and file review, the following violations, described below, are noted; L 401 WaUr QuHty C catioll Condition Violation IL Removal of Best Usage lie. wetlands Stsstdards IV. Other Waste (=-pond saftment) V. NeuseBuffer -DlffnseFlaw VL Stormwater Grenersi Permit (NCGOloooo) Condition-violation 'rite I I water Quality Certification DWQ Project# Od-t)4R7 ED -2 approval letter specifies that ,the activities mmet follow the conditions listed in the (;eneral Water Quality Certifications, as we]I as additional conditions listed in the letter. Based on site observations and the file review, violations of conditions 1, 2, $ and •12 occurred on the Olde Towne property. These also represent violations of Ytenls IT - VI below. tem oval Best Us e Relocation of the nhvm •_.Hannal id0LftI°- Dn=0-.a,, rT•,__a rr. .. which requires that 6 The waters shall be suitable foraquatic lift PmpapCagatir?n sCa tign 2, ad I DA iv =& ? .021 Z (2) biological integrity, wildlife, secondary recreation, and agriculture; sources of water pollution which preclude any of these uses on either a short-term or IOU $4== bas . ' Please see the section for details concerning how to achieve compliance at the site. ?d Response Item III. Xetlamds Standanu The observed sediment deposition in wetlands is in violation of I SANCAC 02B .0231 (b) which reads as follows: (1) liquids, fill or other solids or dissolved gasi may not be present in amounts which may CAW-, adverse *4cts on exdstatg wetland uses; ENVIRONMENTAL Fax:919-716-6767 May 13 '09 1033 P.05 Page 3 Olde Towne, LLC Wake County (5) Hydrological conditions necessary to support the biological and physical chsracteristicS laaturally present in wetlands shall be protected to prevent adverse impacts on: (C) The chemical, nutrient and dissolved oxygen regime of the wetland; (D) The movement of aquatic fauna; (F) Water levels or elevations. Item M. Other Waste (in-pond sedi ent The documented in-pond sediment deposition is in violation Of 15A NCAC 02B .0211(3)f Which reads as follows: Oils; deleterious substances; colored or other wastes: only such amounts as shall not render the waters injurious to public health, secondaryrecreation or to aquatic life and wildlife or adversely affect the palatability of fish, aesthetic quality or impair the waters for any designated uses. Items, Nepse Buffer - Diifise Flow Diffuse flow was not maintained it the Neuse buffer in violation of I5A NCAC 02B .0233 (5) 'Which reeds as follows: Diffuse flow ofranoff shall be maintained in the riparian, buffer by dispersing concentrated flow and reestablishing vegetation. During the inspection, a copy of the approved Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan was not on site and available for review. This is a violation of General Permit NCooloooo, part I, Section A: No. 2, which reads, in past, "During active construction, a copy of the appmved plan shall be maintained on the site." Requested Response You arc directed to respond to this letter in writing to D WQ at the address provided below within 30 days ofreoeipt. YOU are also encouraged to secure a consultant who specializes in buffer, stream and wetland restoration to assist you with the development and submittal of the following: 1. Documentation depicting all jurisdie6mal features (e,g. streams, wetlands, and buffers), .A description and quantification of the impacts to those jurisdictional features and your plans to avoid furthor stream, wetland, and buffer impacts on the site. 2. Stream Restoration Plan - Please explain how you plan to restore the pattern, profile and dimension of the impaot+ed stream ohaanel to include the removal of card= $11 and restooraadm of the riparian area. The strearnbed must be restored to the original profile and the stream banks must be stabilized, The riparian zone must be restored to the original vegetation. Please see tho Craidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration (October 2004) for assistance in developing your plan (available on the web at: http; /www nceepmet/newalreports/buffers.pdfl. Be suro to include the types of native woody vegetation selected, methodology of planting and a site map indicating the location of the replanting efforts. 3. Pond and Wetland Restoration Plan (sediment impacts) - Sediment impacts to the pond and wedfind must be removed. As a part of this plan, you should provide the amount (depth) of material that has been deposited in the pond and wetland. This iid'orniation should be depicted on a map you provide. It is recommended that you use hand labor (buckets, shovels and wheelbarrows) to remove deposited sediment from the wetland and the pond, The sediment should be rcrnovvd from the pond and taco wetland, taken to high ground and stabilized, Also, the plan must address the measures that will be lased for temporary stabilizatioWsediment control WMIc this work is under way. ENVIRONMENTAL Page 4 Oide Tavmc' LLC W.ke County Fax :919-716-6767 May 13 '09 1033 P.06 4. A Riparian Buffor Restoration plan to this office for review and approval. Please clearly indicate the site conditions as they currently exist and how you propose to restore diffuse flow in.the riparian buffer, 5. Pmrmit Application - if you wish for any impacts to remaim in place, you ram contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the DWQ to modify your cut=t 404 and 401 permits. Please note that sediment impacts to streams, ponds and wetlands are not persnittable, 6. Provided a statermt that the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan is on-site and note where ousite the plan is kept. Include a detailed implementation schedule with dates explafniug when the stream, wetland, pond and buffer restoration will be accomplished. This schedule Should include a three-year monitoring plan to ensure that the stream and wetland are restored. It is important that you adhere to t new plan once approved by AWQ. If you make any modifications to the approved plan, DWQ must approve them prior to implementation. Finally, Please explain how you propose to prevent these problems from reoccurring on future projects. Sabmit Reanested Items T,,. Natalie Landry DWQ Raleigh Regional Office 3800 Barrett Wve Raleigh, NC 27609 Thank you for your attention to this matter.. This office requires that the violations, as described above, be property resolved. These violations and any future violations are subject to a Civil Penalty assessment of up to $25,000.00 per day for each violation. Should you have any questions regarding theso matters, please contact Natalie Lmndry at (919) 791-420 tnc iy, W't2"7 V. Surface' S'V'ater Protection Section or,. Raleigh Ro - Water Quality Raleigh RO - Land Quality TOM Hennessy, NPS Assistance and Compliance Oversight Unit Water Quality Central Files Monte Mathew T TOArr%t7 33 31Tmmse Trade Dnve, Ste105, Wake Forest, NC 27587 Cyndi Karoly. 401 OversightlExpress Review Permitting Unit Patrick Paine, City of Raleigh, 222 West Hargett Street, POB 590, Raleigh, NC 27602 Nicole Thomson, SPEC, 11010 Raven Ridge, Road, Raleigh, NC 27614 ENVIRONMENTAL Fax :919-716-6767 May 13 '09 10:33 P.07 wAp ?0 9Q h idml P. F"ley, Govamor Q William C ROSS h., t3eo vwy No& Carolina Dcpa umt of Fmirat=4 turd NshW Resouzvis O ,? ?a Coleen A Sullins, Dbecw Divisiovt of Water Quality April 16, 2008 ,CE1tt1' 7MD MAM #7006 0810 0002 6048 8060 R1E?TURN R ,C E PT REOUEt Olde Towne, LLC Attn: Mx. Rocky Keim 387 I&dina Road, Suite 600 Medina, Ohio 44236 Subject. NOnCE OF CONTINONG WOLATION and l47E1V''r TO ENFORCE INJWCT.IW.Rj LIEF NOV.2008-pC-0272 Olde Towne, LLC 35.74450N, -78.5561°W Wetlands k4ndards Removal oftiest Usage Stormwater General ,Perrot (NCG010000) Condition Wakc County t ' Dear 1Vlr. Kelm: On April 10, 2008, Lauren Cobb and Natalie Leary from the Raleigh Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) conducted a site inspections for the but/project renown as Olde Towne as South New Hope Road, Wake County, Ntxth Carolina. The sbumg on the site are an unnamed tnbutary (UT) to Walnut Creek mrd a VF to Big Branch, both Class C NSW waters in the Neuse River Basin. Accordingly, the following observations were noted during the DWQ inspection and f11e revim X)WQ observations ding the April 10, 2008 site inspection show spproxbztely 850 square feet of sediment deposition in'wtdmuh,.depths ranging firm approximately 2.18 inches, resulting from construction activity, located north of sedi:alent basin #7 and P-1 Public Street "A" Crossing storm sewer, This sediment deposition is in addition to what was noted in the first N'oticc of Violation (Nov) at other loCIltiorts On the tract DW'Q staff also observed and noted that the bank of the relocated stream continues to erode. The erosion is reducing the distance between the stream and a stormwater pond placing the integrity of the pond wa11 in jeopardy of failure. DWQ received a copy of a NOV issued by the City of Raleigh on Ap it 16, 2008. The NOV stated that the subject site is in violation of failure to oWntain temporary and/or poimanent measures, faunae to. provide protective erosion and sediment control measures and failure to provide adequate ground cover. As a result of the site inspection and file review, the following violations, described below, are noted: L Wetlands Standards 1[1. Removal of Beet Usage North Carol(nn Division of Water Quality ital66 It40021 office 84d ke water Pmtection flow (919 791-420p Cali w Service lntemet. h2o.ealt:s=-nc.ua 1628 Mail Savicc Cefltcr RAWAk NC 27699-1629 TAX (919) 571-+1718 1.877.b8 dUt ? ?9?1 dApOtaeniU?/A?Srmative AaGoa Enrpteyar- S119ti ttaeyelea/l Ot6 float Cooaumer Paper . ENVIRONMENTAL Fax:919-716-6767 May 13 '09 1034 P.08 Page 2 Wake T/oum, LLC YY ?+ County a . ill Stor mwater General Permit (NCGO10000)•Condidota Vul do' n It m, L Wetlands S4pftds The observed sediment deposition in wetlands is in violation of 15A NCAC 02B .0231(b) which reads as follows; (l) Liquids, fill or other solids or'dissolved gases may not be present in amounts which may cause adverse impacts on existing wetland uses; (S) Hydrological conditions necessary to support the biological and physical•chatacteristics naturally present in wetlands shall be protected to prevent adverse impacts on: (C) The chemical, nutrient and dissolved oxygen regimt of the wetland; (D) The movement of aquatic &Ulm; M Water levels or elevations. . Item II. Removal of Best Usage Relocation of the stream channel and degradation of the relocated stream charnel violates Removal of Best Usage, specifically, ISA IXCAC 2B .0211(2) which requires that 'Mm waters shall be suitable for aquatic life propagation and maintenance of biological integrity, wildlifo, saoondary recreation, and agxiculture; sources of water pollution which precludo any of these uses on either a short-term or long- tr.= basis." Item M. Sformwater General Permit MG010000) Condition Violatlop The City of Raleigh issued an NOV for failure to maintain temporary and/or permanent measures, failure to provide protective erosion and sediment control measures and failure to provide adequate ground cover. This is in violation of the Stormwater General Permit (NC(3010000) Part 1;1, Section C. No. 1. Proper Operation and Maintenance. Requested Response You are directed to respond to this letter in writing to DWQ at the address provided below within 1a days of receipt, You see also encouraged to secure a consultant who specializes in stream and wetland restoration to assist you with the devglopmeut and submittal of the following: 1. Doeu tation depicting all jurisdictional features (e.g. streams and wetlands). A description and quantification of the impacts to ALL jurisdictional features and your plans to avoid further stream, wetland, and buffer impacts on•tho sit*. 2. Wetland Restoration Plan (aedinwut impacts) - sedim=t impacts to tha weds on the site must be removed. As a part of this plan, you should provide the 4moumt (depth) of material that has been deposited in all the wetlands. This information should be depicted on a map you provide. It is recommended that you use hand labor (buckets, shovels and wbeelbarmws) to remove deposited sediment from the wetland. The sediment should be removed from, the wetland; tin to lush ground and stabilized. Also, the plan must address the measures that will be used for, temporwy stabilization/sediment control while this work is under way. If additional jmIsdictional areas are identified as impacted in the process of completing Item #1, include thcse iA the restoration plan. 3. Provide a solution to the eroding bank of the relocated stream in the vicinity of the stormwater pond. Stabilize the stream"bw* to protect the stormwater pond 4. Bxplam in your response when you anticipate being in full compliance with the approved Erosion and Sedimentation Contftl Plan. ENVIRONMENTAL Fax:919-716-6767 May 13 '09 1034 P.09 Page 3 Olde Towne, LLC Wake Conroy Include a detailed implementation schedule with dates explaining wlten the wetland restoration will be accomplished. It is important that you adhere to this new plan once approved by DWQ. If you mske any modii'ications to the approved plan, DWQ must approve them prior to impleMelltatlon. 1?1=11y, please explain how you propose to prevent these problems from reoccurring on future projects. Sub t nested Items To: Natalie Landry DWQ Raleigh Regional Office 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 Thank you for your attention to this matter. This office requires that the violations, as described above, be proporly resolved. These violations and any future violations are subject to a civil penalty assessment of up to $25,000.00 per day for each violation. This office is considering forwarding a civil penalty recommendation for awessmmt consideration and proceedings with injunctive relief procedures through the Attorneys Generals Office. Your response to this matter will be considered in this process. Please respond within 15 days of receipt of this notice. Should you have any questions regarding these math, please contact Natalie Landry at (919) 791.4200. Danny gl upervisor Surface Water Protection Section cc: Raleigh RO - Water Quality Raleigh RO - Land Quality Joim Her?uessy,14PS Assistance and Compliance Oversight Unit w9a Quality Central Files Monte Mathews, USACOE, 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Ste105, Wake Forest, NC 27587 Clmdi Karoly, 401 Oversisbt(Exprew Review pernut6ng Unit Patrick Paine, City of Raleigh, 222 West Hargett Street, POB 590, Raleigh, NC 27642 Nicole Thomson, S&P-C. 11010 Ravers Ridge R,4 Raleigh, NC 27614 Mark Bertoncino, Olde Towne LLC, 5810 Cameo Glass Way, Raleigh, WC 27612 s' C r ly, ? 'o S ENVIRONMENTAL Fax:919-716-6767 May. 13 '09 10:39 P.10 ExN V%+ C February 10, 2009 "&1?? (/ U'lr?Yl CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Olde Towne Company, LLC Bradley Harrold, Agent Property Owner Olde Towne Company, LLC 5810 Cameo Glass way 3323 Alamunee Drive Raleigh, NC 27612 Raleigh, NC 27609 Rocky Xeim, Financially Responsible Party Olde Towne Company, LLC 5810 Cameo aim Way Raleigh, NC 27612 Reference: Notice of Violathm Project Name: Olde Towne Permit No.: LD-35033 & 23140 Transaction No.: 2]4550& 146389 ln'spection Date: 01/30/09 Dear Property Owner and I=inanelally Responsible Party: Per the attached Compliance Inspection Report, an inspection of the above referenced site revtalcd violations to Section 10-5007(x) of the Raleigh City Code! Chapter 5 which states 1hei: "DUPin& the develaptnernt of a site, tiny person undertaking the land-disturbing activity shall insmll and maintain all ?emporary and permanent erosion and sedimentation control measures as required by the approved plan, any provision of this chnpmr, the *t, or any order advpred p:jrsuanr to his chapter or the Ornags • 222 WEST MIAPGETr STREET • POST OFFICE BOX 580 RALCIIIN. r toFTH GARCKJNA VG02 RtrVCLCO PAPER ENVIRONMENTAL Fax:919-716-6767 May 13 '09 1039 P.11 Notice of Violation Permit No.: LD-35033 & 23140 1~ebmary 10, 2009 Page 2 of 3 The person responsible for the violation is defined endear Section 10-5003 as: "(a) One developer or any other person who has or holds h 6se)f our as hav;'rig financial ar operattonul control over the land disiurbing oclZily. or (b) The landowner or person In possession or control of the land when lie has dfrt'clly or this chapter, benefited from it or he b. failed to comply with any of- provision the act, or orry order adopted pursuctnt ro this chapter or the act that ithis chapter, hmpales rr duty upon him.- " 7110 attached Compliance Inspection Report details the specific violations, the required remedies and the time period in which remedies must be completed. 1 a"= to comply with this Notice of Violabon and the indieatedremedies will r civil esell yn civil penalties. The violator is subject to penalties per day of continuing noncorppliance, - If the required Immediate Corrective Actioas are not completed witixla the specified time, the specific civil penalties and daily fines 'Will be assessed for each day of eontinning violation [Raleigh City Code, Section I 0-- 5014(a)(1 1)). Nola-compliance could also result in One or more of the following enforeenient actions., 1. Denial_ofPerrmits anchor Ins miens -No permits shall be issued to airy person who has failed, afRer notice, to rernedy any violation or to otherwise coin-ply with the Raleigh City Code. 2. Criminal PMal ies - The violator could to guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment not to exceed 90 days or by a fine not to exceed $5,000, or both, in the discretion of the court [Raleigh City Code, Section 10-5013(c)), 3. latlunctive Relief - Whenever the Raleigh City Council has reasonable cause to believe that any person is violating any provision of the City Code or approved erosion and sediment control plan, the City may institute a civil action for injunctive relief to restrain the violation. The institution of the action for injunctive relief would not relieve any party from any civil or criminal penalty described above (Raleigh City Code, Section 10-5033(d)). d ECI 11 -_5ubdivider's Forfeiture - Failure by the subdivider to correct any violation shall result in forfeiture of any and all reimbursements stated in Section 10- 3022 of the Raleigh City Code. ENVIRONMENTAL Fax:919-716-6767 May 13 '09 10:40 P.12 Notice of Violation Permit No.: LA-35033 & 23140 February 10, 2009 Page 3 of 3 , If you have questions concerning this Notice of Violation and associated Compliance Inspection Report, or you prefer to propose alternatives m the required Immediate Corrective Ammons listed on the attached Compliance lnspcotion Report', pleasc cotttaet me immediately. I can be reached at (919) 516-2637. Sincerely, Jeanette Powell, CPESC, CPSWQ Stormwater Compliance & Inspections Program Supervisor enclosure cc: Natalie Landry, DWQ David Olenik, davidm1mik ct naponalcitv.com Charles Buttle, char1e .butt! bnslci .coin Nathan CWe, tdae.nsthan tai veriwn.net Carl Dawson Danny Bowden Zayda Esquivel Mark Senior Ben Brown Project File ENVIRONMENTAL Fax:919-716-6767 May 13 '09 1040 P.13 PROJECT 01de Towne 5205 Rock Query Rd • PERMIT 4 LD- 35033 & 23140 TRANSACTION T# 214550 & 146389 ' COlVV>G.IANCE xi?rsr»c?ox Chris Bridgers, CESSWI _T ..,.?.,» yW,•,~ INSPECTOR rai cs? ??o_n x s (919) 996-3940 01130/09 11:00 AM NOTICE OF V101LA'ION The City of Raleigh, Stormwater Management Division has performed a stormwater permit compliance inspection of this project and found the following violation(s) of the land disturbing permit,.associated approved plans & specifications, and/or the Raleigh City Code. See Immediate Corrective Actions listed below for required remedics. 12 FAILURE TO MAINTAIN TEMPORARY ANDIOR I'lR Y1ANL+'NT WABURES [SECTION 10-5007(8)]. Civil penalty: $2,500.00 [Section 10-3014(a)(6)) ? FAILURE TO PROVIDE PROTECTIVE EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURE ISE' CrrON 1&5006(a)('? & SECTION 10.5009(a)]. AecrJerated erosion and/or oil site sedimentation has resulted from leek of adequate protective measures. Civil Penalty: $5,000.00 [Section 10-5014(s,)(3)] FAILURE TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE, GROUND COVER [SECTION 10-SO'06(s,)(7) & SECTION 10-5009(a)1. Accclerated erosion and/or off-site sedimentation has re$Wted fmm lack of adequate ground cover. Civil Penalty: $2,500.00 for sites over I acre [Section 10-5014(a)(9)] ? Civil Penalty: 51,200.00 for sites I acre or less iSectioia 10-5014(a)(9)] ID FAILURE TO FOLLOW APPROVED EROSION AND 8RDIMIENTATION CONTROL PLAN [SECTION 10-50111. Civil Penalty: $3,000.00 [Section 10-5014(a)(4)] MOMIAMP In Orliaaa F" 1020 Rev 3; .Ian 7008 Page 14f l.. ENVIRONMENTAL Fax:919-716-6767 May 13 '09 10:40 P.14 ?DMTE COPIREGT'IV ACTIONS I - • h%lutain temporary ezd/or permanent measures: i. Maintain silt fence per approved plans and/or City of Meigh standards (Standard Detail Drawing #0.02). At a minf cum, removal of sediment is required When sediment has accumulated to a mwdmum depth of one Wf the height of the silt fence. Silt fence repairs arc ueeded. at multiple locations around the perimeter and buffered areas throughout the site, H. Maintain Wet protection per approved plans and/or City of Raleigh standards (Standard Detail Drawing #4033); Maisttenance should include removal of. accumulated sediment. Sedi m=t needs to be removed from around the inlet protection at multiple catch basins throughout Abase 13-25.. Additional #57 stone is needed around the hardware cloth at multiple inlets, Sec Photograph 1 below, in. Maintain sediment basins per the approved erosion and sediment control plan. Ptestore skimmer at DP #6. See pbotograph 2 below, 2. Vegetative growth sufficient to restroin erasion has not been aohioved at mul4ple ureas throughout the site. Under Section 10-5006(a)(3), any portion ofa site upon which further land disturbing activity is not being undertaken within twenty-one (21) calendar days must be stabilized with ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion 3. Install all temporary and/or permanent measures per the approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. 4. See comments section below. REITSPEM ON WML :OCCUR IN TEN (10) DAYS ' '=.PR4WE1 CT-'V? L SPLC'#` > -0 ,. ,, :.. ,. , Ql !'1C ly[•CORECTIbN OF e1 . V.1 -TIONS I Ill IlVJ?I?7, xlo; 001 C : AC ONS LISTED ABO'V ? Failure to remedy the listed IkAedin Corr`ectiiv'e Aci oils '/,violgf on(4) pricy to rew9aofian will result in penalties for a continuing violtitiom -.These 0;mWfies shop include an initial penalty as ;yell as retroactive and cumulative difly eta peilal es assessed from the date of this inspection until the violation(s) are remedied and fonnd'to -he in to=?Onace [Raleigb City Code, Section 10- CONVWXNTS: 1. If the site is to remah4 inactive for twelve mostias or longer, the temporary measures must.be removed, the site stabill ud and the permit closed out. 4 WF'TEM?'- 45 °F Sunny 'PR03ECT STATUS; Site remains inactive, temporary and permanent measures are in need of maintenance. OTHER ACTIONS: S?»rmtcivlorlRSp?eiley,sFe,a;, ld3 • J?ri+r ?AtJB PaYr:?I3 ENVIRONMENTAL Fax:919-716-6767 May 13 '09 1040 P.15 1. do-site review of this report was X wes not performed. 2. Photo-documentation X was was not performed. GENERAL ]N>?ORMATION: Standard Detail Drawings pre available at www, ralsikh-m nrst under Publications, Public Works • City of Rakish Municipal Code is available at h?•! www unicade comlltesourceslC ieatCodo,?,' t Asp7c»?Jtttleigh&sid@33&+cid?4003 stcrie"rwtr fRSprcnwrs !•on? t p3 Jaw ?01W Nest 100 PHDTOCRApu it Restore inlet protection at multiple cateb basins throughout phase 13-M (photo typical of general site randidans). 1PHOTOGRAPH 1: Skimmer is not able to fuactloh properly stuck in the mud At DP K ENVIRONMENTAL Exh?) bitD Fax:919-716-6767 May 13 '09 10:41 P.16 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 0! "n'F9Pt? NP-DES Stormwater Discharge t for Construction Activities Cover Sheet for NCG010000 Last K"ed 10/20/2008 What is it? Did you know? In North Carolina, excess stormwater volumes and, Wax- kets of sediment covering aquatic habitat cause more streams in the state to lose their ability to support aquatic life than any other pollution problem]. rti„ t .$i` r (r,.•?tk?zj This is your Stormwater Permit. It is separate from your Erosion and Sedi• mentation Control (E&SC) Plan. Your project is subject to this permit in addition to tLe approved E&SC Plan because all construction activities dis- turbing 1 or more acree of land are sub- iect to stormwater permitting reguire., meats under the National Pollutant Dis• charge Elimination System (NPDES). You have been given a copy of General Permit No. NCGO10000 (attached) and granted coverage under this General Stormwater Permit, Why is this permit required, and why is it important? Federal regulations adopted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) require an NPDES permit for your project. The EPA has delegated DWQ authority to administer the NPDES program in North Carolina. You must comply with the applicable terms and conditions of this'Stormwater Permit, and you are subject to enforce- ment by the Division of Water Quality for any violations. In just one rain event, poor erosion & sedi- ment control practices can contribute nearly a ton of sediment per Saftwabfihedceehdwm- aofv to a 6"M of a eauavetlen alm streams. That can cause long term devastation to receiving waters! So remember, compliance with this per. mit helps protect our lakes, 'streams, riv- ers, and coastal waters, 'From,f'vl/xlaWA%7vn• from rarlokt;Iana UM is me tlpOrNtmeBivaausm (Line, D=W E. et a1.) a a DWQ staff COmommication whh iiathm Aow tfie study. What does this permit require me to do? You should read and become familiar es with the provisions and cogditions of this permit, Here are highlights: You umuet implement the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan approved for your project by the N.C. Division of Land Resources MR) or by an ap- proved local program. Adherence to tit E&SC Plan is an enforceable component of the Stormwater Permit, 'From the PmAJ*oh C'm»fisa wo&r Quarity Augp-w and hwaimd W imnI.iaYmu 7nte. gated 30s(b) and 303(4) Report). • You must inspect all erosion and sedimentation control facilities at least once a week. If you dia. charge to certain impaired waters, you must inspect these facilities twioe a week (see permit). Im- paired waters on the latest EPA approved 303(d) list as a result of construction•related parameters can be found here: httri:11h2o enr.statejLqnnlcnf mnstxuflion.303d You must inspect all E&SC fadh- ties within 24 hourA sft*r 4kuy storm 4vemt greater than a half inch (during a 24-hr period). • You must observe runoff at your stormwater oudalls just as often as above for characteri$tica listed in the permit (clarity, solids, etc.). You must keen. records of these You must provide the operation aid maintenance (O&M) necessary to maintain optimal perfoAnancs of Stormwater oonirde• This means tale oorrcctivo action if E&SC facilit d, &M not opoxat3ng ps`4pP;lyi ENVI RONMENTRL Fax:919-716-6767 May 13 '09 10:43 P.17 PAGE 2 NPDES STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT COVER SHEET FOR NCGOI0000 What does this permit require me to do? (cont.) O&M includes things like: herbicides, pesticides, and ferdliz. ? Regularly cleaning out sedi- erg. mentation basins You must properly dispose of ? Stabilizing eroded banks or demolition debris and other build- spillway structures ing material ? Repairing/clearing out inlets • You must properly manage dia- and outlets ? pose, of litter and sanitary waste. Repairing piping, seepage, me- chanical damage ? Repairing silt fence damage Sift Iwke maintenance Take compliance seriously? Projects Regular inspections are a chance to OEM= that violate Stormwater l?errmit con. ditions and/or have unauthorized check impacts to nearby waters. If you observe eienificant Amounts of You must prevent stormwater con- water quality impacts are subject to :limes. Civil penalties•of up to sediment in the stream, notify tamination from equipment used $25,000.00 per day for each viola. the DWQ regional office within during construction. This includes tion may be assessed. 24 hours and provide written no. preventing spill$ of oil, fuels, 0001- tice within 5 days (See Part II, Sec- anw, hydraulic fluids, W. tion E of the Permit). Please copy You must follow fadaral guidelines correspondence to DLR. and label restrictions when using What do 1 need to Who inspects me form inspection as well.. These keep on site? for what? inspections may be routine in na- ture, or t'he result ofpviblic com- plaints or problems reported by Copy ofthe approved E&SC DWQ coordinates with the Division DLR. Plan, including any revisions of Land Resources' Land Quality ?NC DLR (or a delegated local pro- A rain gauge Section to ensure compliance with gram) will inspect the site for Records of rainfall amounts NC Rules and Regulations regard. compliance with your approved and dates ing construction activities and their E&SC Plan. ? Records of E&SC facility/Best impact on water quality. That ? NC DWQ investigates complaints Management Practice (BMP) means your operation is subject to and inspects for adverse impacts inspections enforcement by both Divisions. to water quality and stream stan- ? Records of stormwater dis. dard violations (suc. as sediment charge out£all and stream in. In general, DLR staff will be in. in the stream). spections/observations. (See spectiug your site on a regular ba- ? NC DWQ may inspect the site for attached example log sheet). sis. However, DWQ staff may per. compliance with this Stormwater Permit. Do I need to file a Who can help me with questions? Notice of Inten t (Nt'?1)? Questions about Stormwater Permit re quirements can be ad. ii No. Once your dressed to the Division of Water Quality Regional Offices: gV roved. you are automatically covered under NCO010000, and you ville a (gam) 296-4500 Washin gton Office........ do not need to file an NOI for a Cer. Fayrtwv& Office...... (910) 433-3300 •Wgwhoon Office........ (910) 796-7215 tificate of Coverage (000) from DWQ. However, if you do not wish MoorcriMe Office...... (704) 669-1699 Winston-Salem Office.... (336) 7714000 to be covered by this General Rakish Off= ...••.••.. (919) 7914200 Central Office (919) 807.6300 Permit, you must apply to DWQ for an individual NPDES Storsuwater Permit. or more kfamation about tbz Progame of the Division of Wata (2uality?s Sta mwater FamIMS Unit, see ow home page at ?? ??1LZO.CIrY.3TOtC.7?C.W Jsr<Jrromlwatchaxi ENVIRONMENTAL Fax : 919-716-6767 May 13 '09 10:44 P.18 STATE OF NORTfi CAROLINA, COUNTY OF.WAKE IN. THE MATTER OF ) . OLDE TOWNS COMPANY', LLC ) FOR VIOLATIONS OF ' 15A NCAC 2B 0211(2) NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTNT OF' ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL' RESOURCES CASE NO. PC-2008-0048 - • • . P'MINGS AND DECISION AND ASSESSIVlENT OF CIVIL PENALTIES .Water Quality Certification, Condition of DWQ # 06-0447 Revised-2 I SA, NCAC 2B.0231 (a) and (b)(1) and (5) ) 15A NCAC 2B.0211 (3) (f) ) Actitg pursuant to Nortb Carolina General statues (hereby known as G.S.)143-215.fA, I, Joan Hennessy, of the Division of Water Quality (hereby 1a10wn as DWQ), make the following, I. • FINDING OF FACT ' A: 01de-Towt o Company, LLC is the owner of record-of the following parcels in • what is known as O1de Towne, .1732064655, 1732062346, 1722849976, .1722845383,1722937105,1722939573,1732032738,1732133268,1732150043,, 473225$970,1732253288t 1732344507,1732346981,1732355214,.1732451391, 1732358928,173237203 1, and 1732372599, tilde Towne is located east of New Hope Road, north of Rock Qu=y,Road and west of Baswell Roan Wake County, North Carolina. 13.. Old. Towne Company, LLC is a company QrPnized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina, C. A Pre-Construction Notification .4pplicatioa (Hereby known as PM was submitted to Division of Water Quality (hereby known, as D WQ) on Marcia 17, . 2006. The, respcctivc 401 water Quality CerrUlImtion DWQ # 06-0447 Revised-2 . (00374 and 00402) with,A,dditional. Conditions was issued to Olde Torre Canapany, LLC on January 8, 2007. Amount A roved nits Plan on o? 4041Wetland 0,7901 acres of wetland (0.4752 acres I'CN page 4 of 1 permanent impacts, 0.3149 acres temporary cts . Stream 592 linear feet stream (3o01inear feet PCN page 5 of 1 errnaaent, 292 Ii near feet t=Dorarv' imnnnrc) 1 2 ENVIRONMENTAL Fax:919-716-6767 May 13 '09 10:44 P.19 Oldo Towne C=pmWy, Ub Wikc Cowky Page Z D. On February 29, 2008, DWQ staff observed impacts to an unnamed tributary to Walnut Crock in Olde Towne from the unauthorized excavation, mechanized grading and placement of earthen fill. The stream impacts were quantified to be 340 linear feet (680 square feet) by Soil and Environmental Consultants, PA in an after-the-fact PCN application submitted to DWQ on June 6, 2008. E. Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code (hereby ]mown as NCAC)'2B .0211(2) requires that " The waters shall be suitable for aquatic life propagation and maintenance of biological integrity, wildlife, secondary recreation, and agriculture; sources of water pollution which preclude any of these uses on either a short-term or long-term basis shall be considered 6 be violating a water quality standard." . F_ On February 29, 2009 and April 10, 2008, DWQ staff observed sediment deposition impacts in wetlands ranging from 2 30 inches. Additioually, on February 29, 2008 DWQ observed sediment deposition impact to a pond located in the watershed of an unnamed tributary to Big Branch. The wetland impacts were quantified to be 0.92 awes (39,876 square feet)'and the pond impacts were quantified to be 0.11 acres (4,780 square feet) by Soil and Environmental Consultants, PA in a report submitted to DWQ, on April 15, 2008, titled "Revised Sediment Impact Delineation Report, Clean-up, and Stabilization Plan": G_ Additional Condition No. 2 of 401 'W'ater Quality Certification DWQ # 06-0447- Revised-2 states that "No Waste, Spoil, Solids, or Fill of Any Kind. No waste, spoil, solids, or fill of any kind shall occur in wetlands,. waters, or riparian areas beyond the footprint of the impacts depicted in the Pre-Construction Notification. All construction activities, including the design, installation, operation, and .maintenance of sediment and erosion control Best Management Practices, shall be performed so that no violations of state water quality standards, statutes, or rules occur." H. 'The water quality standards for wetlands, as found in Title 15A NCAC 213 .0231(a). are designed to protect, preserve, restore and enhauco the quality and .uses of wetlands and other waters of the state influenced by wetlands. 1. Title 15A NCAC 2B..0231(b) (1) requires "Liquids, till or other solids or dissolver) gases may not be present in amounts which may cause adverse impacts. on existing wetland uses;" ?. Title 15A NCAC 2B .0231(b) (5) requires "Hydrological conditions necessary to support the biological and physical characteristics naturally present in wetlands shall be protected to prevent adverse impacts on. C. The chemical, nutrient and dissolved oxygen regime of the wetland; D. The movement of aquatic fauma;. and F..Watex levels or elevations. ENVIRONMENTAL Fax:919-716-6767 May 13 '09 1044 P.20 Olde Towne CDm my, U.C ..?'. cooumlyy K. Title 15A NCAC 2B .0211.(3)f requires that "Oils; deleterious substances; colored or other wastes: only such amounts as shall not render the waters injurious to public health, secondary recreation or to aquatic life and wildlife or 'adversely affect the palatability of fish, aesthetic quality or impair the waters for :t any designated uses;". L. The impacts occurred to wetlands, Class WL waters, an unnamed tributary that drains to Walnut Creek, Class C Nutrient Sensitive Waters within.the Neuse River Basin, and a pond located within, an unnamed tributary to Big Branch, class c Nutrient Sensitive Waters within the Neuse River Basin. Ni. The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures in this matter totaled 56.4.84. Based upon the above.Finding of Fact, I make the following: II. CONCLUSION OF LAW A. Olde Towne Company, LLC is a "person" within the meaning of G.S. 143-- . 215.6A pursuant to G.S. 143-212 (4). B. The wetlands, unnamed tributary that drains to Walnut Creek, and the pond located within are unnamed tributary to Big Branch located at the site, constitute waters of the' State within the meaning of G.S. 143-212 (6). C. OIde Towne Company, LLC violated Title' 15A NCAC 2B .0211(2) by impacts to 340 linear feet of an unnamed tributary from excavation, mechanized grading and placement of earthen fill. D. The 401 Wafer Qi ahty Certification, DWQ,N 06-0447-Revised-2 was issued in accordance with Title 15A•NCAC 2H.0500. B. Olde Towne Company, LLC violated Additional Condition No. 2 of Water. Quality Certification DWQ # 06-0447-R0ised-2 General Certification by impacts to wetlauds and a pond from sediment deposition, and a stream from fill beyond the footprint of the Olde Towne Company, LLC impacts depicted in the Pre- Construction Notification F. Olde Towne ComPSAY, LLC violated Title ISA NCAC 219.0231 (a) and (b)(1) 9md (5) by impacts to 0.92 acres (39,876 square feet) of wetlands from sediment deposition. G. Olde Towne Company, LLC violated Title 15A NCAC 2B.0211 (3)(f) by impacts to 0.11 acres (4,780 square feet) of pond from sediment deposition. ENVIRONMENTAL Fax:919-716-6767 May 13 '09 10:45 P.21 olde Towne C.o"y, LLC Wake county Pare 4 14, 01de Towne, LLC may be assessed civil penalties is this matter pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A (a)(1), which provides that a civil penalty of not more than twenty- five thousand dollars ($25,000) per violation per day may be assessed against a person who violates any classification, standard, limitation, or management practice established pursuant to G.S.143-214.1, 143-214.2, or 143-215. 1. Olde Towne Company, LLC may be assessed civil penalties in this matter pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A (a)(2), which provides that a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) per violation per day maybe assessed against a person who is required but fails to apply for or to secure a permit required by G.S.143.215.1, or who violates or fails to act in a=rdauee • with the terms, conditions, or requirements of such permit or any other permit or certification issued pursuant to authority conferred by this part 3. Olde Towne Company, LLC may be'assessed civil penalties pursuant to Gr.S.143- 215.6A (a)(6) which provides that a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) per violation may be assessed against a person who v'iolates a rule of the Commission implementing this Part, Fart 2A of this Article, . or G.S. 143-35?(lr) X. The State's enforcement cost in this matter may be assessed against 01de Towne Company, LLC pursuant to G.S. 143.215.3 (a)(9) and G.S. 143B-282.1(b)(8). L. Sohn Hennessy of the Division of Water Quality, pursuant to delegation provided 'by the Secretary of the Department of Envvironment and Natural Resources and the Dim aor of the Division of Water Quality, has the authority to assess civil penalties in this matter. Based upon the above Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, i make the following: Ill, DECISION Accordingly, Olde Towne Company, LLC is hereby assessed a civil penalty of for one (1) violation of Title 15A NCAC 2B.0211 (2) by impacts to 340 linear feet of an unnamed tributary from excavation, mechanized grading and placement of earthen fill S WO O ? for one (1) violation} of Additional Condition No. 2 of Water Quality CerdfieatioA DWQ # 06-0447-Revised-2 General Certification by impacts to wetlands and a pond from sediment ENVIRONMENTAL Fax:919-716-6767 May 13 '09 1046 P.22 olda Towne Com? Y ' ' Yasc 3 deposition, and a stream from fill beyond the footprint of the impacts depicted in the pre-Construction Notification $ ?0 for one (1) violation of Title 15A N'CAC 2B .0231(a) and (b)(1) and (5) by impacts to 0.92 acres (39,876 square feet) of wetlands from sediment deposition ? , o vo for ozie (1) violation of Title 15A NCAC 2B .0211(3)(1) by impacts to 0,11 acres (4,780 square feet) of pond from sediment deposition $ a o o TOTAL CrVTL PENALTY, authorized by G.S. 143-215,6A '. 564.84 Enforcement -Cost $ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE As required by G.S.143-215.6A(c), in detamdning the amount of penalty, I considered the factors set out in Gr.S.1.43B-2'82.1(b), which arc; (1) The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State, to the public health, or to private property resulting from the violations; (2) . The duration and gravity of the violations; (3) The effect on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air quality; (4) The cost of rectifying the damage; (5) The amount of money saved by noncompliance; (6) Whether the violations were cominitted willfully or intentionally; (7) The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental Management Cossion has regulatory authority; and (8) The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures J Dag fir. J Hennessy 'vision of Water Quality I -40 I JVN .ILINIDIA ? S1N91NOD `NgAOD :'ON 3aayc, :21111 1994S woo'DaptMB•MMM NMONS S`d ON '.U Nn?.D 3)IVM L996.998 (6T6) :-d • 0065-998 (6I6) :ouogd • 9I9LZ VTj-3 gpoty `g8lalrg . prog a8prg oanag 0101 1 SnH S?doS OINO'JIN\+9.lLOlVNOIlVN,?uail? oi?eao? Vd `slurllnsu0? TvjuaiuuOdTAU$ v Hos , :IIMZJQ :'J61nI'roJd N ld NOllt>'NMGI?J • addv alvo NOIldRIDS3a h3? 30'99etl ?iD w 19 * Mg l1S 3NM01 ?a10 :,ON soafoa-I avafoua SNOISI/Q4 l ??J 7 p f U ;9 ell z N Q Q cn ?? z z r u n i O • • ? ? W3 v J ?/ L? r O 0 a- O 0 z WJ o (t-) U z ?--? 0 Q+ + CL/ U < pNQ ) z r + + < ° z N m U Q oon 0 O + (S) wppCu o J pOOt1JQm z++(t)?-Q -ON0(S) W LL???? Z (n (n (1) -?- ° ° W (V zzzLu J 0000-?-? 0 W Uz-F:F: zQQ O I) Q Q W Z Z W W W -1 I- QZZZ??? CLC) E?Q u-- W ?z000LLJ JJ -JCLI w U ODUU(S) 000 0 D w U U Lu LU z z z ?? U E-LU 000-zzz?V-- 0(ooouoclUUVU?i -1 - - Ucntncn?ct)n 1 00Jz a/z000?-oO?00Q- W ?- W F= CL ? CL ? L > n (s) (s) z z ?oooz000 oo0E w o-a/ /IL/C-}- z U?UD--?n Q) n CLUujujuj -? U-i _ . . . . . . .-_-- U U cv m d- ?n U [? cJ m p cv m 0 Q z U W r z U LL- O 0 o O0 C D Q O ( cn i- r EL-1 z U r-) LL_I `p 0 z LU OZ N m R/ >z z > O Q w > U o o Z Z C L 2 C(3 s o W Q w O ° 6' " 0 o- J (S) z (? _ LU Q W D- O d- U N z ? d- N N N ?a 0 G) Q C) Z Q ? ? O O ? ? 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