HomeMy WebLinkAbout310386_WA 2018_20190320 NCDAB:CS Agronomic Division Phone: (919)733-2665 Website: www.ncagr.gov/agronoml/ Report No.FYI 8-W003639 Predictive Client: Wiliam E(Edward)Brock Advisor: 2369 Pasture Branch Rd. L x Beulaville, NC 28518 i 44c Waste Report Duplin County E�K4ur„rd^" m lo; to_Helpful rm lnfosficn Sampled: 12/05/2017 �'���� Received: 12/20/2017 Farm: Not Provided Completed: 01/05/2018 PALS#:23266 PALS#: Sample Information Nutrient Measurements are given in units of parts per million(ppm), unless utherwise specified. Other Results ID:001 Nitrogen (N) P K Ca Mg S Fe Mn Zn Cu B Mo C Al Na Cl Code:ALS Total N: 30.3 595 78.7 37.2 34.1 0.92 0.23 0.19 0.31 0.62 - 0.21 139 Description: Swine Total Kjeldahl N: 346 Lagoon Liq. Inorganic: Grower Comments: NHaN SS EC pH BD CCE ALE C:N DM Not Provided NO3-N (10 S/om) (MS/cm) (Unitless) (lb/yd') (%) (1000 gal.) (Unitless) N 7.39 Estimate of Nutrients Available for First Year(Ib/1000 gal) FrResuka (lb/1000gal) Application Method: N P205 K20 Ca Mg S Fe Mn Zn Cu B Mo Na CIIrrigation 1.45 0.58 5.96 0.66 0.31 0.28 0.01 T T T 0.01 - 1.16 Sample Information Nutrient Measurements are given in units of parts per million(ppm), unless utherwise specifed. Other Results ID:002 Nitrogen(N) P K Ca Mg S Fe Mn Zn Cu B Mo C AI Na Cl Code:ALS Total N: 38.5 594 82.1 42.3 35.4 2.17 0.35 0.48 0.78 0.64 - 0.63 142 Description:Swine Total Kjeldahl N: 322 Lagoon Liq. Inorganic: Grower Comments: NHaN SS EC pH BD CCE ALE C:N DM Not Provided NOyN (10 S/cm) (MS/cm) (Unitless) )(lb/ d' ° °y (/o) (1000 gal.) (Unitless) (/o) 7.38 Estimate of Nutrients Available for First Year(lb/1000 gal) Other Results (lb/1000 gal) Application Method: N P205 K20 Ca Mg S Fe Mn Zn Cu B Mo Al Na Cl Irrigation 1.34 0.74 5.95 0.68 0.35 0.29 0,02 T T 0.01 0.01 - 0.01 1.18 North Carolina �� Cb Reprogramming of the laboratory-information-management system that makes this report possible is being funded through a grant from the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission. Thank youfor using agronomic services to manage nutrients and safeguard environmental quality. Tobacco Trust[ -�commission - Steve Troxler, Commissioner of Agriculture. NCDABCS Agronomic Division Phone: (919)733-2655 Website: www•ncagr.gov/agronomi/ Report No.FY18-WO05716 Predictive Client: William E i (Edward)Brock Advisor: �.{, 2369 Pasture Branch Rd. A Waste Report` Beulaville, NC 28518 M Duplin County �einka to Helpful Infort'a=_:,.' Sampled: 03/12/2018 Received: 03/29/2018 Farm: Not Provided Completed: 04/04/2018 PALS#:23266 PALS#: Sample Information Nutrlent Measurements are given in units of parts per million(ppm), unless utherwise a ecifed. ID: 001 Nitrogen (N) P K Ca Mg S Fe Mn Zn Cu B Mo C Other d Results Cl Code:ALS Total N: 37.6 459 96.4 36.6 31.3 4.26 0.56 1.34 2.22 0.43 0.86 106 Description: Swine Total Kieldahl N: 342 - Lagoon Liq. Inorganic: Grower Comments: NH4-N SS EC PH BD CCE ALE C:N DM Not Provided NOS N (105 S/cm) (mS/cm) (Unitless) (Ib!Y d3 ° ) (/°) (1000 gal) (Unitless) (%) - 7.26 Estimate of Nutrients Available for First Year(Ib/1000 gal) Other Results(Ib/1000 gal) Application Method: N P205 K20 Ca Mg S Fe Mn Zn Cu B Mo AI Na CI Irrigation 1.43 0.72 4.59 0.80 0.30 0.26 0.04 T 0.01 0.02 T - 0.01 0.88 - Sample Information Nutrient Measurements are given in units of parts per million(ppm), unless utherwise specifed. Other Results ID:002 Nitrogen (N) K Ca Mg S Fe Mn Zn Cu B MoF Al Na Cl Code:ALS Total N: 19.8 456 73.4 24.1 26.0 0.91 0.19 0.17 0.29 0.44 0.22 105 Description: Swine Total Kjeldahl N: 312 - Lagoon Liq. Inorganic: Grower Comments: NH4-N SS EC pH BD CCE ALE C:N DM Not Provided NOa N (105 S/cm) (mS/cm) (Unitless) (lb/yd3) (%) (1000 gal) (Unitless) N 7.59 Estimate of Nutrients Available for First Year(lb/1000 gal) Other Results (Ib/10o0 gal) Application Method: N P205 K20 Ca Mg S Fe Mn Zn Cu B Mo Al Na Cl Irrigation 1.30 0.38 4.56 0.61 0.20 0.22 0.01 T T T T - T 0.88 - �-)amO\e'k 3•t2'4 1 L 1% North Carolina tt,a Reprogramming of the laboratory-information-management system that makes this report possible is being funded 60cc, .}`N through a grant from the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission. L . " Thank you far using agronomic services to manage nutrients and safeguard environmental quality. Tobaccoirusl r�•-•t commission - Steve Troxler, Commissioner ofAgricu/ture. NCDASCS Agronomic Division Phone: (919)733-2656 Website: www.ncagr.gov/agronomi/ Report No.FYI 8-WO07919 Predictive Client: William E (Edward)Brock Advisor: 2369 Pasture Branch Rd. Beulaville, NC 28518 A Waste Report 'a Duplin County I,.g1ts to tLqIll lrfrrmation Sampled: 06/19/2018 Received: 06/25/2018 Farm: Not Provided Completed: 07/04/2018 PALS#:23266 PALS#: Sample Information Nutrient Measurements are given in units of parts per million(ppm),unless uthenvise specifed. Other Results ID:001 Nitrogen IN) P K Ca Mg S Fe Mn Zn Cu B Mo C Al Na Cl Code:ALS Total N: 34.7 449 65.8 42.9 67.9 1.92 0.26 0.25 0.22 0,54 - - 0.46 132 Description: Swine Total Kjeldahl N: 202 Lagoon Liq. Inorganic: Grower Comments: NHa-N .SS EC pH BD CCE ALE C:N DM Not Provided NO3-N (10 S/cm) (MS/cm) (Unidess) (lb/yd') (%) (1000 gal) (Unitless) (%) 7.16 _ Estimate of Nutrients Available for First Year(lb/1000 gal) Other Results (ib/1000 gal) Application Method: N P205 K20 Ca Mg S Fe Mn Zn Cu B Mo Al Na Cl Irrigation 0.84 0,66 4.49 0.72 0.36 0.57 0.02 T T T T - T 1.10 - Sample Information Nutrient Measurements are given in units of parts per million(ppm), unless utherwise specifed. Other Results ID: 002 Nitrogen(N) P K Ca Mg S Fe Mn Zn Cu B Mo C AI Na CI Code:ALS Total N: 27.4 355 73.3 33.9 27.1 0.88 0.21 0.15 0.20 0.44 - - 0.36 106 Description: Swine Total Kjeldahl N: 172 Lagoon Liq. Inorganic Grower Comments: NHaN _SS EC pH BD CCE ALE C:N DM Not Provided NO3 N (10 S/cm) (MS/CM) (Unitless) ) (/°)(lb/ d' °y (1000 gal) (Unitless) (%) 7.76 Estimate of Nutrients Available for First Year(lb/1000 gal) Other Results(Ib/1000 gal) Application Method: N P205 K20 Ca Mg S Fe Mn Zn Cu B Mo Al Na CI Irrigation 0.72 0.52 3.56 0.61 0.28 0.23 0.01 T T T T - T 0.89 - .�Ztn�1eLS � I�i•1 b North Carolina 1t 0 t`Il Reprogramming of the laboratory-information-management g system that Carolina this report Tobacco Trust Fund is being Commission. funded L rc cc' through a grant from then. Thankyou for using agronomic services to manage nutrients and safeguard environmental quality. Tobacco Trust r---1 commission - Sieve Troxler, Commissioner ojAgrieulture. NCDA&CS Agronomic Division Phone: (919)733.2665 Webeite: www.ncagr.gov/agronomi/ Report No.FY19-VV002133 `U Predictive Client: William E (Edward)Brock Advisor: r 2369 Pasture Branch Rd. „t Beulaville, NC 28518 m Waste Report Duplin County N. �c Sampled: 09/24/2018 Received: 10/01/2018 Farm: Not Provided Completed: 10/11/2018 PALS#: 23266 PALS#: Sample Information Nutrient Measurements are given in units of parts per million(ppm), unless utherwise specified. Other Results ID:001 Nitrogen (N) P K Ca Mg S Fe Mn Zn Cu B Mo C Al Na Cl Code:ALS Total N: 33.3 45.3 11.7 25.3 4.57 0.81 0.13 0.18 0.38 0.12 - 0.36 14.5 Description: Swine Total Kieldahl N:49.2 Lagoon Licl. Inorganic Grower Comments: NH4-N Ss EC pH BD CCE ALE C:N DM Not Provided NO3--N 00 S/cm) (mS/cm) (Unitless) (lb/yd') N (1000 gap (Unitless) N 6.56 Estimate of Nutrients Available for First Year(lb/1000 gal) Other Results (Ib/1000 gal) Application Method: N P205 K20 Ca Mg S Fe Mn Zn Cu B Mo Al Na Cl Irrigation 0.21 0.63 0.45 0.10 0.21 0.04 0.01 T T T T - I T 0.12 - Agronomist's Comments:The pH of the lagoon sample is below the range of 7.0-8.0 that is desired for optimum bacterial action and waste processing. Contact a Technical Specialist if you would like additional assistance. Sample Information Nutrient Measurements are given in units of parts per million(ppm), unless utherwise specifed. Other Results ID: 002 Nitrogen IN) P K Ca Mg S Fe Mn Zn Cu B Mo C AI Na Cl Code:ALS Total N: 34.1 45.1 11.5 26.0 4.43 0.79 0.13 0.19 0.64 0.12 - - 0.34 14.2 - Description: Swine Total Kieldahl N:46.0 Lagoon Liq. Inorganic: Grower Comments: NH4-N _SS EC pH BD CCE ALE C:N DM Not Provided NON (10 S/cm) (mS/cm) (Unitless) (lblyd') (%) (1000 gal) (Unitless) (%) - - 7.31 - - _ Estimate of Nutrients Available for First Year(lb/1000 gal) Other Results (lb/1000 gal) Application Method: N P205 K20 Ca Mg S Fe Mn Zn Cu B Mo AI Na Cl Irrigation 0.19 0.65 0.45 0,10 0.22 0.04 0.01 T T 0.01 T - T 0.12 North Carolina Reprogramming of the laboratory-information-management system that makes this report possible is being funded •r. through a grant from the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission. \, Thank you for using agronomic services to manage nutrients and safeguard environmental quality. Tobacco Trust Pond commlwon - Steve Troxler, Commissioner ofAgrieulture.